Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, May 13, 1870, Image 2
==2I2IESE SfiGIJNII OPERA. Into Zokllsh COau pulses,. audarlheir Works. in ,the mime; of an interesting article on English opera, a writer in the Cincenati !parer of tbe lirot instant gives this liSt of the, most popular lyric works, stage : '• ' - Forty year's ago Sir. "He.nti Biondi!, the di'. rector of Covent ' Garden rand Dfatry Lane wrote no opera, properlylso-ealled. !;,In his (itty, the nearest approahlted to trti.tipera werV , _Knight of Snowdoton, and The .3filler and his Men, interspersed with songs, glees and a chorus. It nli was „., , not until, five years, later ,that Engieomposers studied the peculiarities of foreign intusi4,:and founded a national :sytiteen" npon'the' tonal and iliktirtnical - exerellticeS' of native.:: melody.- , A•-.-fresh- --.colorinv new , diri3ction and : a . applica tion ' of scientific ;.were: sociated with natural impulses, and - :pro- -duced-English-opera.---:-The - -Very-ifirstseasoii - the Lyceurri;huilt in 1885,• expressly to: exhibit and foster this new IMnsical energy, was dis- , tinguiabed by the production two • workS of sthking merit, the A'atititiltad qf Mr." Edward Loder, and the, Mountain Sylph of Mi. John Barnett. ' The'; next -successful , piece was .13alie's Siege of Rochelle, produced at,Drury , Lane. This was quickly followed by the .Maid of -Artois, 'illustrated bythe . genius_ of lilalibran, then in the hentht of her: powers, and in quick 'succession, by the same , master,' of - Arc,. - Catharine _Mark, The •Bondinan, and last and greatest, The••'.-.Rohemian . Girl,, w immediately seized the public ear, and ran' for more ' than a . hundred , nights at Drury Lane. Then came - Vibeent Wallace, whose Maritana was, hailed witli•bat . lit tie less etdimOlasiii . than the - Bohe- - -mian,Girt,- • • "The, nest successes were won by Mr. Bur nett's .armelli Macfarlane's Don Quixote Rooke's Amine, or flee Lore Test and lien • rigue' }hire's ' Diadeste and Kaolanthe.' The - list 'front 1835 to-the present..daY, utay, we believe','be completed liy the following operas in chronological order: Night Dances• by Loder; , Macfarren's Charles. I, Baire's --, Maid of -:Honor and Sicilian Bride Howard -Glover's- Aminta- Henry. Salad's_ Bertha, Balfe's Rose of Castile Howard Glover's Buy Bias Alfred Mellon's, Victorine, Wal lace's Lurline and Lovers Triumph, 'Haire's .I"nritan's Daughter, , Stanella.. and - Armorer of Nantes,'Howard Glover's :Once Too Often, liacfaiTen's Robin Hood • Wallace's• Amber Witch and Desert -Flomers,-andLa---few,-others opei cliffs, by Mori, George Macfarren, Henry and Arthur Sullivan, "Surely this long list of operas, all composed in thirty-five years, and many of them favorites in• England, the Continent of Europe anti America, should be sufficient to inspire us with the-most - confident expectations for -the future. Thaftne - Englislriatigna - gelields - to . m usicadi n tonations, with 11 facility equal ,to the German anti 'ltalian his been abundantly proved.by - • the- English .rendition of masterpieces litZe Troratore, by. Verdi;' Somnambulci, by Het lint; Mozart's Figaro, and Carl Maria Von Weber's Oberon'. - We --- da not hazard - much when we predict that ere many years rot by the - varied genius - Of ' -- Atierita will - build upon-. the solid foundation of England .a . school of„ opera which-inprocess ,of--time may compete, - and-not,- perhaps, without success, for.* the laurels now yielded only to the great masters of ' The Metropolitan *rtilinseam, N.Y. The Metropolitan Art Museum has effected its - organization • in a manner that gives promise Of the entire success of the praise- AvOrthy enterprise. The following is the list of officers_;. PreS dent-46bn Taylor Johnston. Trice Presidents—Win. Cullen Bryant, Andrew H. Green, Wm. 11. Riggs, Wm. 11. Aspinwall, Cle.n_ lain A. fix. Tfon. Edwin D. ltorzan.. Marshall 0. Roberts. Trustees—Governor of the State of New York, ez-ogicio ; Mayor of the city of New York, n quiet° ; President of the Department of Public Parks of the City of New York, ex officio ; Commissioner of Pub lic Works of the city of New York, ex of President of the National Academy of Design, of New York, ex officio; Presi dent of the . New. York Chapter-of Amerk can Institute of Architects; ex officio; George Wm. Curtis, Joseph H. Choate, Frederick -E.. Church, Richard M. Ilunt, Win. T. Blodgett, Rutherford Stuyvesant, Frederick Rhinelander, Eastman Johnson, Lucius Tucker:Man; George P. Putman, Christian E; Detmold, William S. Hopphi, John F. Rensett, 'Howard Potter, Henry Chauncey, Theodore Roosevelt, George F. Comfort, S. L. M. Barlow, J. Q. A. Ward, Robert Gordon, Robert Hoe, .Jr.; Treasurer, Samuel G. Ward; Recording Secretary, Theo dore Weston ; Corresponding Secretary, Rus sell Sturges, Jr. The reports of the ,several committees ap pointed to mature a plan for prompt action are eminently practical, and are based upon a com petent knowledge of the workings of .similar institutions in European capitals. The Finance Committee look for the neces sary funds to the payments of sums of two hundied, five hundred and one tbotAand dol lars by three classes of associate members re spectively: An indestructible building for the collections of the Museum is a matter of the first impor tance, and this is distinctly recognized by the committee to whom was referred the question of a loan exhibition. This secured, there can be little doubt that a loan exhibition could be managed so as to make the Museum abundantly successful in a pecuniary point of view. Many of the most valuable and Interesting objects in the South Kensington Museum are loans, which the liberal owners have permitted to remain in the building for years, uuder,a conviction of their entire safety, and of the benefit in the education of the public taste thus accomplished. The natureand - sullordlnation•of - :the works to be acquired by the w Musetiin herf the build ing shall have ; been made ready for the recep tion, will be determined by the executive com mittee. Their preliminary report is full of - gaid - sense, as Might have, beeu expected of gentlemen so competent. This committee is ,composed_of_alessrs_ sainted (iray -Ward, William. T. Blodgett, Frederick 1 4 :. Church, Joseph Ifi. Choate, Samuel L. M. Barlow and Fred. Law (Amsted. They w isely look to rather than quantity in their earliest acquisitions. Übder such excellent auspices it cannot be doubted that the Metropolitan Art, Museum will prove an ornament to New Torl; city, and an Instrumentality of the highest usefulness to the whole country. Maklug Islands. An English paper says: It appears that we are in a fair \ way to lose about :i,OOO square miles British territory. The :Indian Pally .Neics calls attention to a re port recently issued on the vegetation of the Andaman hilauds, in which Mr. Kurz, the Cu rator of the 'Herbarium of the Calcutta Botani ves - it as - his _opinion that - these islands are in a shiliitirr state, and must event ually disappear. Mr._Eurzlas_arrived at this cor!clusionfrunt having observed at various . • • I I : I• s 11 — II: 8, a vast exten o ecaymg no whole or no y part of maid loan may . I.;e roicistered vegetation, stumps d liws, &c., covered by or or not, et the option of of tlio , l v on!ler. on the books of tii, open to the action of the sea. There are up- 4 . 7 . r„ r eVeVont " tter ri'aVreet. i ii l ei t n li getirMLe 4 t t i t e a e. "l = waids of 0,000 convicts on these islands; but . /atraule9nlbe . VIRST DAY OF JANUARY, 1577. there* po occasion for immediate -anxiety on PropoFald will be rec - of ed!for one eranore of maid their be.ball; for, according 'tAti.:3lr. fc_tyz, the lvels. but 111/Y PrOP OB O/ V Anlgt I/Lto Whether to be orlot. - snbinersion is proCeeding,„souly at the rate_of. ' regi"t"‘mi ' SA3I UHL .111IXTY', '' • one'footign' hundred yearA, and - it - witl take a (APRON, W. WATHONi theusarpr years Were all the stores and houses ' ,1131Itr ost IFCR, alonigth6•l:+eagfipt Boas island disappear under • . • • . • ' .. Finawe Committee water, , • • W:NILDEN, Apr 1123 0 0.10." mylo it* - LI AVER& 11t.Y.- In deference to, the great poinflar detriand for the errant English monthly inStidrnees, which is indicategiby the marked successrapid_ sales ot all the. , .Thfibtlily editions Vcif they,Trint)ut/iziitic„' the • 'publishers 41 heOltfler issue lit!exchiSlVelY' montbly ThiS 4 chauge. parU by tho reasbn alre44.indicated,butinere espeelallx A) , ,1 the ficilitieS . gained Underi the. new arrrangelnent, for furnishinir b readers five ..- - daysafter-the arrival-IAI the.--British-Aeamer.S4l*-- three weeks in advance of the weekly American reprints of current foreign literature, the choice articles of all the•popular English journals , , and magazines. Each number of the Monthly Transatlantic will be handsomely . illustrated. and contain one hundred and twenty!..eight im 'fierial'pageSora.oiilli`Xelected Matter. iished by. D. IL llamersly &Co.' • '.. On the 18th instant. Messrs. Leypoldt & - Bolt will publish the , latest and, as reported, greatest-workcrif Life •Gerimur anther .Spielha-- - , gen, entitled ".Hammer ,and,, Anvil. The literary is agreed as to' the extraordinary intellectual merit .of the author , of " Problem atic Characters;" metaphysical insight into character, and hisMinUte tracing of psychol ogical problems, hive neen surpassed by no writer of the ace. In "Hammer and . Anvil " a treat awaits All readers who • can do a good book the jtistice to - give it;gooditUdy. The Illystrated London News, for April 30, received-from A. Winch, -for the Central News . —Co.,—NO."-505—Cheinnat street;_bas_a beautiful supplement printed in 'colors, containing two brilliant pictures; -one is . "The Woodcock's Nest," after a painting by J. Wolf; the other, of, higher, order of subject but scarcely better • in art treatment,. is froth painting by 11. Le Jenne, A. It. A., called "'Cottage Life." It is a graceful •study of a rustle' Mother • and child: • T. B. Peterson & Brothers, 300 Chestnut, -street, send us an advance copy of " The Christ ma'S Guest," a collections of stories by Mrs. Emma D. E. N. Southworth, and her sister, Mrs. Frances Henshaw Baden, consisting of one longish story in chapters and twenty-three fictitious sketches, all of a highly romantic and attiactive. order. Price, $1 in cloth; or, $1 60 in paper cover. Pun:ebb - tell°, fa May 21; - bas a fair hit at the .decitY of the American ocean carrying trade. It is entitled " Barnacles on our Qom merce,". .and represents an intelligent foreigner wondering at our ships, which rot iu dock un der a crust of barnacles, in the shape of tax on materials: LAtienormous Fish:flops about-in the foreground, oll=forewater. Carleton the Publisher had oyer a million sheets of printed books destroyed and dam aged at the great fire last week in Centre street, N. Y 1; and Teas already eleven presses running day and night, to replace his losses. The. Printer's eirctilar, a perfectly neat-bit of typography. / :is , ;out for , May. - 5 - 15 - Mina street. •• Royal Easing. According to Ctesias, says Oliver Optic's ilagptne, tl?e kings . of Persia supported fifteen thousand peisMis in their palace at an expense for each meal _of..inore than,. _four hundred thousand .dollars, at. the tate of•nearly thirty _dollars for earl, -person. When we take into account the high:value .tif money in tbosadays, this statement appears incredible. But there is another story that seems to support this. When Xerxes entered Greece, -- a citizen- of Thasos gave him a Supper which cost precisely the suntof four hundred talents. There were eaten at this supper one hundred"oxen, four hundred ,sheep, thirty roebucks, four hundred fat geese, three inindred wild pigeons, three hundred lambs, three hundred gazelles, and an indefinite number of ostriches. Alexander the Great was more moderate in his style of living. He usually took hI4 meals with sixty or sevent.v_Of the ntlicers.o.f.bia.armY.. AA Mit George M. of Englami knew how to improve upon this ; . and oar gem khan, who had par taken of the Ebgiisli king's dinner, com plained that it consisted of ruutton-chops and pudding. Donation, Parties. The Pall Mall Gazttte says The ludicrous difficulties which the English cmintry"parSon sonietinieS expE;rieticed under the old tithe system must be as nothing con- Pared 'with what his brother in the States has noW to endure from w hat are called "donation partieS." 'We read that in Illinois a Congrega- I ion lately expressed its satisfaction in the pecu liar form of a present of eighty-nine dozen eggs, an amount whieb even a French cure, well versed in the mysteries of omelettes and frit ureB, might have despaired of consuming in the course of an entire Lent, The position of a minister in Maine, who is reported to have eceived from the same source "thirty-one bushels of potatoes, a beef tongue, seventeen mince pies, and a pair of guinea pigs," must have been embarrassing as that of Sydney Smith's curate, who, after his first sermon, had three offers of marriage—two from the north aisle and one from the gallery. PROPOSA L. QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE UNITEb STATES ARMY. Pun.AnELrntA, May 7, 1870. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at .this office until 12 thlock M. on TUESDAY; 'the' 7th day of June, 1870, forfurnishing the (,Quartermaster's Department with five thou sand 0,000) gross tons (or such less quantity as may be required) best quality of White Ash Anthracite Coal; of such size and in such quantities as may be ordered for a period of one year from theist day of May, 1870, with the privilege of increasing the amount to ton thousand (1040) tons should it be requittd.' - So much of the coal as may be required for use in this „city, including the United States Arsenals at Brideslitug and Gray's Ferry Road,to all moonlit hot exceeding twelve hun dred (1,200) tons; must be delivered witlicatt . additional expense to the United' States. The balance to be delivered oit board of vessels at this port, in good order and condition, free from slaye, bone, dust and other impurities. Proposals 11111 SC be made out in duplicate on blank forms, which can be obtained at this office, and envelopes endorsed. " Proposals for delivery of coal." Eachippiposal must be accompanied by a, millicutnt guarantee Alit in the .event of the acceptance of the proposal. the : bidder or ladders will enter into a contract for the de livery of the coal. proposal will be, considered unless made in strict conformity to the above. Bidders are invited kiatt end at the opening ofproposals. The The Quarterinasfres Department reserves the right to relectnnY and all bids. i Any additional n6irtnation desired by par ties wishing In bid will be furnished upon ap plication to this oft ve. 1H EN RV 11,..H0DG ECS , , Brevet Lieut.-Colonel nut Quartermaster i tnyU-t 11 - 4 ' ' U. S. Army. ___ .......... I cu AIED E 1?P Lzi ItOOSA , " E DN - URSED rl Proty , ,m.i tor Luill ," will hO !welted at tho City r• TreanreCki office Cana ti. eight o'clotk, P. M., on the FOURTEENTH DAY OF MAY,m7o, LOAN Or &Tom), IN BONDS OF 2r.titi Tti be IF filled limier ivlitatn.aq, of t lio city °milieu of llto city of Camden, Nevi °rift Said heeds will bear in terest !dila. rata . • SxyxnTEßcrr T , PFIR ANNUM - , Payable.aemi-annually, op the. PHILADELPHIA EVENING gulkuvw. FRIDAY, MAY 13, 18'70. CITY oant*Alijgg;?.. 11 ORDINANCE/ O AUTHORIZE.T i IELE:' .-ble.-.eonstrUction orcertain Sewers. --So,.trox 1. The Select and Common' Conn- a rils-df the. City of Philadelphia do prtlain; .4 the Department of Highways.lie 'and' is 'heteby authorized to construct thel'ollowing se wers,vi z.: On Tinge, street, fronietist of ;Fifteenth street to __SixteentliStreet,:lif, , the :,'diameter of three . feet; !Thirty-seventh I 'street, from Baring street to Powelton avenue; rend also in Lancaster 'aVenne;ifrom Po'weltou :/'venue to Park or ~T hirty-seVenth Street v et avenue, between Twenty-second street and the north line of Columbia avenue, of the diameter of three feet. - Said sewers to be'built of brick, circular in shape, and. in. accordance with specifications prepared, by, the Chief .113 n. gineer and Surveyor. SEPTioN 2. 'The' Chief Commissioner - of Fligh . w.eys shall advertise, according to law, 'tannounctlig that bids will be received ,for the i3ewerB. above designated, and -ho shall allot them lathe .lowest and :best -hidders, and it hi - Inaba a condition of said, contract that the ho tract or accept - the sums asses S e -d upon -- hp barged to the properties lying on the lines o aid • sewers, in manner and form nuthorizet ,by ordinance entitled ." An • ,Ordi -o.tince regulating the_ assewnPlit upon Pro - ' , perry for the construction of branch culverts or drains," approved May 12..1866, and ,Sup- pion ent thereto, approved February 16 / 1869 ; any excesti•over and, above said assessment to he charged to item (for branch sewers) of an, Pun) appropriations_made.to the Department of HigLways for the year. 1870. . /IrovidEd, said excess shall not, in any, case, be more than - can be charged to-said-item un -der-Ordinance_entitled " An Ordthance t _Aut.b.9_ rizing the Chief Commissioner of Highways to draw warrants for street. intersections, man holes and legal deductions in the construction of branch sewers," approved April 3, 1868. • LOUIS WAGNER, President of Common Council. ArTiczy—JOHN..ECESTEIN,. • . Clerk of Common Council. SAMUEL W:CATTELL, • . President of Select Council. Approved-this eleventh day of , May. Anne Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy (A. D. 1870.) DANIEL-M.-FOX,. _ lt Mayor of Philadelphia. AORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE • the construction of a certain Sewer. SEcTiort 1: The. Select and Common Coun cils of the City'Of Philadelphia do ordain, That the Departraent of Highways be and is hereby authorized to construct the following sewer, viz.: On the line of Ninth street, from South to Chtistiau streets, with an interior diameter of three feet, and such manholes as Via,y be di rected 1w the Chief Engineer and Surveyor. Said:Seiver:-todie built of brielr, circular in shape, and in accordance with the specifica tions prepared by the Chief Engineer and Sur veyor. Shona:: 2. The Chief Commissioner of Highways shall advertise according to law, announcing that bids will be received for the sewez above designated, and he shall allot it ...to_the,lowest_and best bidders, and it shall be ar.condition.of said contract that the contractor shall accept the MIMS assessed upon and charged , to the properties lying on the lines of said sewer, in manner andlorm authorized by -ordinance - entitled." An ordinance regulating the , assessruent upon.property for the construc tion of branch culverts or drains," apprOved May 12, 18,66, and Supplement 'thereto ap proved Febtuary.l6, 1889:.any excess-over and - abov_esaid,ame_s,smentto be_ charged to , item (for branch sewers) of annual approprijaffithi made to the Department of Higbways „ for the. year 1870. Provided, said - excess shall not, in any case, be more - than can be _charged to said-item-nn der ordthance entitled ..i.•Art _ordinance' au-. 'aprizing the Chief Uoimmissioper - of-High ways to draw. warrants for streekinterseetions, manholes, and legal deductions 'in '6(3CA:in struction of branchsewers.," approved April 3, 1868 LOUIS _WAGNER, President of Common 'Council: ATTEST-JOHN ECKSTEIN, Clerk - of Common Council.= SAMUEL W. CATTELL, President of Select council. —.ARPt;Dtri.t. 1.11 - I.glakm ( No)t °l lno - Pdffa and seventy (A. D. 1870). DANIEL M. FOX, It Mayor of Philadelollia- AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE the construction of a certain sewer. SEcTiow 1. The Select and Common Coun cils of the city of Philadelphia do ordain,•That the Department of Highways be and •is here by authorized to construct the following Sewer, Ni z. : On Barks street, from the sewer Viler street, eastward to Eighteenth street, *With an inside diameter of four feet six inches; thence northward along Eighteenth • street to the north line of Norris street, with an inside diameter of five feet. Said sewer to lie built of brick, circular in shape, andln accordance with• specifications prepared by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor. Sec. 2. The Chief Commissioner of High wave bll4ll ,Overtise according to law, art. ,, pouncing that ;bids will be received for the sewer above designated,•and he shall allot .it. to the lowest and best bidder; and it shall be a condition of said contract that the contractor shall accept the sums assessed upon and charged to the properties lying on the lines of said sewer, in manner and form authorized by ordinance entitled "An ordinance regulating the assessment upon property for the .con struction of branch culverts or drains,',' ap pioned May,l2, 1866, and supplement thereto approved February 16, 1869; any excess over. and -above - said . assessment ,to be charged to item(for . branch 'sewers) of annual appropria, lions made to the • Department of Highways for the year 1870. LOUIS WAGNER, President of Common Council. ATT EsT—J.O.FIN ECKSTEIN, Clerk of Common Council. SAMUEL W. CATTELL,. • President of Select Council. .Approved this .twelfth day of May, Anno Domini one thousand :eight hundred and seyeuty,(AS D, 1870). DANIEL- M. F0.V.1 : . 1t Mayor of Philadelphia. RESOLUTION TO 'AUTHORIZE THE opening of Emerald ; Somerset, Aspen and_Fortieth streets. . , • /0801iitd, By the Select and-Common Conn= cils ot the:City of Philadelphia,-That tho. Chief CommissiOner of Highways be and he is here-. by authorized and directed to notify the own ers ofproperty throtigh'and over which Emer ald street, from Hart Bane to Somerset street; Somerset, frofn Franklbsd road to Columbia avenue; Aspen street, from Forty-first street 'to Lancaster .irvenue ; Fortieth street, from - I.4liettEter avenue. to Atory:Atreet; - wiVpass,_ that, at the e:xpirationtl threemonthfromthe date of said notice, the said streets will be re iitprcit for public use. . LOUIS - WAGNER, Preside - lit of Common Council; ArltrisT---ABRAH. NM STE WART, ASsistant Clerk 'of. Common Council. SAMUEL W. CATTELL, 'President of Select Council. Approveit this twelfth clay of May, Anno Domini One. thousand eight 'hundred and seventy (A. D. 1870). DANIEL M. FOX, _ Mayor of Philadelphia. - r) Eh OL TO CHANGE THE IL place of voting in the Fourth Division , of the Fifteenth "Ward. Resolvid, By the Select and Common Conn ells of the City ofPhiladelphia, That the place of voting in the Fourth - Division of. , the Fifteenth Ward;-be -and, the same is -hereby changed' from the corner of Fifteenth and _Brawn streets to the house of Henry Hiltner, northeastrcerner of Brocirn - andl.turns streets; _ }Awing tin Inn ni , r arvnihthlei yhat purpotte, LOUIS •WAGNER', President of Common Council:: ATTEST—JOHN ECKSTEIN, .Clerk. of Common Council. 8A MA:7EL W. CATTELL, • • ~ P resident of ,Select Council. lApproyd this , . ielottentli day of %may, *`nn.a•Dointini ono thousand eight. hundred and savorily (A. Et. 1870). trA.l4l EL If Mayor of Philado)phia. A- L. A . 11).1 , 1 1 - 10.1t1 FA . THE ' It -.paving of Washington avenue, Mc- Claim, hirty-third, Pine, Tilton and Spring - streets: Reserved, By .the Select and Common Conn,. of 'the City of Philadelphia,"lhat the', Chief Cenimirsioner of Highways'be and hel, ;Is hereby ant librized and directed to enter into a contract with a Cori c reient paver or pavers,t ' who ,shall ,be seleete by a majority of the j Owners - of.sp, opertv fronting on Washingtoit,' „avenue;:froni J ranltford avenue to Franklin'; Cemeteryizround, the_paving of intersectiomt -- tint to -excat-thw-cost--of-ono-hundred-and eighty seven dollars and fifty cents; McClel lan street, from Ninthrto Tentirstret.4; - paving . intersections , not to exceed forty-shk dollars and sixty-six cents;; Thirty-third streitt, from Bridge to Haverford street. paving intersec tions not to exceed fivohundred:dellars ; Pine . street, frorn,p i rty-ninth; c Fortieth ;street p Tilfon street, from Lehigh avenue ,tp, , ,the , Reading:Eailroad,;.§pringstreet, from.Somer sat to, .Tremont street, paving. interseetious, not to exceed forty-live, dollars .and A . ICYCr I t77. - -ce n ts:for_the _p aVip ereof.2.sl)o__C On tions of which contrail t shall be that the-eon-. ,trector or contractors shall _collect the cost :of, 'said Paid rig from the property-,Owners" resnec- - tively fiontitigon raid streets; and shall outer intoan'objigation with nip ittli.fo' keep, said streets in good condition for three years after the paVing • • • ' • LOUIS WAGNER, - • ' President of ConinicinCouneil. • ArritsT—AltßAHAM STEWART,' • Assistant Clerk 'of 'Common Ceuneil. SAMUEL W. CA TT ELL — , President of Select Connell. Approved this twelfth day of ‘ltray; -- Anno - Donnni'miti'lliousand - cight -- hundred ---- am severity (A, D. 1870). DANIEL M. FOX, It ' .Mayor of Philadelphia.. RESOLUTION TO PLACE CERTAIN . IV streets upon the City. Plan,' Raoived, By. the Select and Common Conn .cils of the _City of • "Philadelphia,,.That_the_ Department of Surveys be and is- hereby di rected to place upon the sectional plans of the city ,the following streets, viz'. :- , --Tatt on street, Iron) Gray's Ferry Road -Reetistreet, at the distance of one hundred and seventeen feet east pf -- Thirty-second -- street, - -- and - parallel thereto with a width of thirty feet; Mount Holly street, from Wharton' street to Reed street, at the distance ()Pone hundred aid six teen feet west of Seventeenth Streef,'and par allel thereto kith a width ,of thirty feet; Bancroft street, from Reed Streetto Dickinson': street, at the distance of, one hundred and live feet west of Sixteenth street, 'and parallel thereto with a width of 'thirty feet; Alter street, from Twenty-second to. Twenty,thiid, street, at 'the distance of one hundred and thirty feet south of Washington street, and ° -parallel-thereto with width=bf-thirty-feet-- A nd that Ashmead street, between Wakefield street and the Philadelphia and Germantown Railroad, as now laid out upon Plan N 0.176, of the files of the Department of-Surveys, shall be made thirty l live feet wide, the increase of one foot to he made upon the northwest side thereof. ' LOTITS:WAG NTT., President_of Common_Council.. ATTEL-T—JOBN ECRSTEIN, Clerk of Common Council. SAMUEL W. CATTELL, • • PreSident of Select • Approved •tbi9- twelfth day of May, .Auno Dcniini one thousand eight 'hundred and seventy (A. D. 1870). , DA.IIEL M. FOX, --l-t-• - -•-- ayor • of.P.ldladldultia..___ AA N ORDINANCE- TO' ALTTFIORIZE the construetionef a certain Sewer. Szcrunt I. The Selectind -Common-Ootna cils of the City of Philadelphia do. ordain, That the Department of-HighWays .be and 18 bereby - authorzed to -construct the-following Sewer, viz.: On the line of Alaska street, in the Fourth Ward, to extend from Sixth to Seventh street,' and be built of brick,,:with an-interior ditupe ter of three feet, and such manholes as may be directed by the Chief - Engineer and Surveyor. Said Sewer to be eircular in shape, and in ac cordance with specifications, prepared by, the Chief Engineer and Surveyor. - - - • SEcTrol: 2. The Chief Commissioner of ;f l Abb , lni s qle-iA.T e Viti e uffcßA l Ng 18r / 1)78 Sewer above designated, and he shall allot it to the lowest and best bidders, and it shall be a condition of said contract that -the contrac tor shall accept the smith assessed upon and charged to the properties lying on the lines of said Sewer, in manner and form authorized by ordinance entitled " An Ordinance regu lating the assessment upon property for the construction of branch' culverts or - drains," apPreved May 72;1868; and - Supplement there to, approved 'February 10, 1800 ~any excess over and above said assessment to be charged to item (for branch sewers) of annual appro priations made to the Department' of High ways for the year 1870. LOUIS WAGNER, • • ,President of Common Council. A 'I TEk•T- . JOHN ECKSTEIN, Clerk of Common Council. SAMUEL W. CATTEL President of Select Conneil. Approved this twelfth day of May, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sevelit (A. D. 1870.) DANIEL M. FOX, It Mayor of Philadelphia. A IN OE AN OE TO AUTHORIZE THE construction of certain Sewers. • ,SEcTiox 1. The Select and Common Coun cils of the C;ity of Philadelphia do ordain, That the Department of Highways be and is hereby authorized to construct the following sewers, viii .On the line of Tenth street, from Ells .worth_to Christian street, and also on the line of ' Chestnut street, three hundred and fifty feet, eastward from Forty-first streetovith eli-ar interior diameter of three, feet; and such manholes as may be directed by the Chief En ..gineer and Surveyor. Said sewers to be built of brick, circular In shape, and in.saccordanee with specifications prepared by the .Cluef En gineer and Surveyor. sit,cl Tort 2. The Chief Comniissioner of H igb ways shall adverti:zeaccording to law,an nouncing that bids will be received for the sewers above designated, and he shall , allot them tot lowest and best bidders, and it shall be a condition . of said contract that the contractor shall accept the sums assessed upon and cha'rged to de :properties lying on the lines of said sewers, in manner and form au-, thorized' by ordinance entitled "An ordinance -regulating-the assessment - upon -- property',for the,construction of branch culverts or drains," approved May 12; 1860, , and supplement thereto approved Vehruary 10,1809. LOUIS WAGNER, Pr(;sident of Common Council. ATTEST-JOHN ECKSTEIN, Clerk of Common Council. SA:lllililLL-W-..-CA.TTELL; President of Select Council. Approved this twelfth day of -May, Anno D °Amid one thousand eight htmdted and sey,Oity (A. D. 1670). DANIEL M' FOX, It Mayor of Philadelplua. ESOI, TION TO AUTHORIZE THE . grading of Somerset; Diamond, Reed and Seneca streets. Besolval. By the Select and Common 'Colin (lls Of the eity, 'of Philadelphia, That the De .partment of Highways be and is hereby authorized and directed to grade Somerset Street, from-Kensington avenue fdßoudinot street; at 'a cost not expeeding foul hundred and:forty dollars and twenty-live cents: Dla men& street, trona' Broad - street to Tivetity second street; at, a costnot exceeding twenty dine hundred and eiglity.s.ven dollars; Reed street, from - Fifteenth street to Twentieth I_ street, at a, cost not exCeeding sixteen hundred and.. sixty-two dollars; Seneca street, from Lan4Ster avenue to Fort-'-eighth street, at a inet-apt , exceeding,J eleven- hundred. -qollars. The said ' streeta to_ be graded 'to the °stab lishettfra! • '' ie y. . . • LOUIS 'WAGNER, President of Common Council.' ' A f -,TTEt 3T--j OEN 'EVICSTEIN, • Clerk'of Common COunCil. SAMUEL CATTELL, ' • '" •'•'" ' SAMUEL Select Council. ' Approved this twelfth day of May, .4.nno Domini ono thousand eight )and seventy ( 11 . D.. 18 70. k ' • F ,P f qx, • .1' t • • Mayor of Philadelphia. , CITY ORDINANCES. D OLOTiONTOAUTHORIZ;ETRE IL paving of Semen, Bodine and Reed btreets .11(soircd, By the Select -'bill of 41.11 P-: City of,..lihilatleitihitt.That . -tlio Tiepartnientiif 'flighwn;ys be . .;and , :tft. hereby < 'autiapriz4d'and directed to enter 4010 a con itrael4 wit 10 . 0 cinnpetent, paver ;or, pavers who sball be seleceed by ttnnuority the owritirs `,•of.prolpt,* trtinting On street„ootio Lazibas't - revenue to Xortveiglitif strecti'in, the , . Twenty-fointh Ward ; paving of inter ,pettions not to exec( d twenty-eight hundred - tei-enty=live---dollars.---13(Idino-street,i l nrn_ NOrrifi to Diamond street; no cost, for inter section:- ltecd - streititroni irictpontb - stroot , to 'Twentieth street, in the Twenty-sixth Ward; paving intersections not, to exceed fourteen hundred and thirty-one dollars and twenty-tine eras - for thApaving thereof. - The eonditionti INg1110.1qM11;rliqt114ball be that the contriletdret; ctititractOrs ijhallcoilect. the post, of .saiti paving - (front the property-oWners respectively front ing on said streets, and shall also entor into an olulig &Ilion with the. city to keep said paving iin good cendition for three years after the , paving-1W LOUIS WAGNER, Pireizidentof Confinuoti COUticil• STEWAR.T; Ai+n~ht:int;'(Arrlc of ComniotiCouncil. SA it UEL W. CATTELL, Prict , nlent of select, Council, .Approved this _twelfth day ,:_of Afay,, Aim°. liorn int 'ono thousand .2 eight, ;hundred atafFeverfiy (A. D. 1870.) _ M. FOX, -.Mayor-of A IV - pIiI)I.N.ii:NCE 'I REVISEFF of Torr avenuo,iriboTwOnty-forrilth', . • SECTION 1: The Select and Common Conn of the city of Philaitelphia do ordain:, That the Department 'of Survey's be and the stome is-hereby directed to revise the lines of Torr avenue, in the Twenty-fourtli• :Ward; from Lancaster avenue westward, sb that the same shall be sixty feet in width, and- the ;centre •of the old —street,-vie..:---Monroe avenue shall be the centre of said Torr. avo-;' -uric. All Ordinances, resolutiens., or parts thereof, not in conformity with this ordinance, notwithstanding, and it Alan hereafter be known as .),louroc avenue. LOUIS WAGNER, • President of Common Connell: ATTEST-3011.N ECESTKIN, Clerk of Common Council. ' SAM (3 EL W. CATTELL, of_Stleet Approved this eleventh (lay of May, Am) Domini one thOusatl'eight htuddred and seventy, tA.D.Ib7O). -, DANIEL M. FOX. It - ASayor ofrPhiradelpltia, • .LbOLUTION 'lO ;1U - THE moral obstructiOnSi Laurel street, east of Penn street or Delaware avenue. Resolved, By the Seleot and Common Coun cils of the City of Philadelphia, That the Chief Commissioner of highways be and is , hereby authorized and directed to notify the .person or persons who have erected certain obstructions oti Laurel street t _ eastward • of -.Delaware avenue, to mmove_thopaine Within ten days frcni bate of notice ; and if the parties fail to cenipbv with Said notice, the Chief Com missioner of Highways -shall cause the said oh structions to he removed at the expense. of the par_ties.ereeting,them. . • LOUIS WAGNER, President of Common Council AvrEsT—ABRAHAM STEWART, Assistant.Cle.rk of CoMinonCouncil:, •• S'A ti EL W. CATTI;LX., - • president of Select Council. Approved MS tenth day •of May, Arino TTomrnr one thousand-'--eight-hundred--and seventy (A.l). 18704 - - DA N I EL -lt - Mayor of _Philadelphia. k.sOL Ul.lols RELATIVE . 7:0 STREET Itlines in the First Ward. • Refoiecd,. • cat and Common Coun cils of the City o Ehiladelphia. That 'the Department of Surve s be aod. is , hereby au thorized and directed to prepavo plans in du plicate of SO much of the First Ward as lies between-Curtain -street--and-AVenue-10,South-. and Broia and Fifth street; provided there shall not be expended thereon more than the de.liars during the year LOUIS WAGNER, President of Commun.( 7 onncil A BEAMAN STEWART,. Assistant Clerk of Common Council.. SAMUEL W. CATTELL Presidept of Select Council. Approved this,.twelfth day of May, Ann° Doinini one thousand eight hun dred and seventy (A. D. MO). . . DANIEL M. FOX. lt ;NI ayo r of Philadelphia. . . D E'SOLIJTIO.I4 OF 'INSTRUCTION TO .1.1, the Chief Commissioner of 'Highways. Resolved, By the Select and Common Coun cils of the City of Philadelphia, That the Chief Commissioner et/ Highways be and is hereby instructed to have warrants issued for the arrest of the persona implicated in' the un authorized and unlawful removal of about e ighty cart-loads of cobble-stones from the city yards during the fail of 1869, wion evi dence adduced before a Committee of these Councils. LOUIS WAGNER, President of Common Council. ATTEST—ABRAHAM STEWART, Assistant Clerk of Common Council. SAMUEL W, CA'f TELL , - President of Select Council. Approved this eleventh day of Iday, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred' and seventy (A. D. le70). • DANIEL M. FOX, It Mayor of Philadelphia. RESOLUTION 'JO CHANGE' . THE place of voting in'the Sevi:nth Election Division of the First Ward. Resolved, By the Select and Common Coun cils of the City of Philadelphia, That here after the place of voting in the SeVenth Elec tion Division of tbe First Ward Bball be held at the house of ,James Green, at the northeast corner of Tenth and Ta.sker streets; theformer place of voting, being no longer available for that imrpose. LOUIS WAGNER President of Common Cottneil. A VIT.BT—AI3.I3 AHA M STEWART, Assl-istant Clerk of ConunonCouncil. SAMUEL W. CATT.ELL, President of Select Council. ApprovepA. this twelfth day o" May,. Ann° Donn! one therisandeighthundred and seventy (A.D. 1810 ) .. DANIEL M. FOX, It Mayor of Philadelphia.. RUTION AUTIIOII.IZE • THE opening ' of Adrian street. • Rcso/vcd, By the Solt et and Common Conn- Chief Commissioner of Highways he and itt hereby authorized and directed to notify the, owners of property at the southeast corner. of s l. Girard avenue -and Adrian street, that at' the 'expiration of three months from date of notice the said Adrian street will he required for public use. • LOUIS WAGNER., President of Corinnon Council. AftEsT—ABRAHAIII STEWART, Asfistant Clerk of Common Council. • SAMUEL'.W. CATTELL, President of Select .Council. Approved- this • twelfth day of -May, Alum , Domini' one thousand eight hundred and seventy (A. D. 1870). ' ' , t DANIEL M. FOX, ' it Mayor • of Philadelphia._ EDIVAL IVI OLLEWS ORViTEGI AN , COD LIVER 131 ' loesiobjactionable to the taste and smolt ; ti is more readily token by delicate persons and ebildrou is more mew , assimilated; and Is prodOetive of .inore hotnedl49 benefit .thun other kinds of nil aril.'-Dr; AMOS! 811Kafenyo: Nor Homo 'yourir I had' Oren up 111014P.Leti Literjl II nlicigethor, but : since my Iliten- Was . caniPr od oy . t‘ylwar - oornivor oil . l have priserlbod It almost daily, and bade'. every' reason 'to be perfectly satisfied with it." Sold by'Dritg'' gists. • • • - a Miif tu2itt• T" *"'WONDERS ACCOMPLISHED .through' the , agency of the gennloO lied• Liver Oil in Scrofula; Bronchitis, Chronto Cough, Asthma, and even Commotion, almost aurpass Joitra O. BAKU & Co.'s " Pure each bottle of which is accompanied by medical irnaran• toes ofl be blithest order-4h° pubhohave the , boat brand of tho preparation' known to the, scientific, world., JOVI N Cr,fiZA 111 &thy n ikTo.ne malitet q . l ! - delphia,' .Pc •'• ' 10 7 For Sale:bY an ' 0114=roMraIV ,t, and Common Conn- MSLI uy,rsrro•Nlq PURE - IV:HEAT WHISKY frox4 the Grain Mr; & CO., REYSTDNE: DISTILLERY, E 13T ooxttuut_or._,_ t _±____ Twelfth and Washirigt,imiltioetg; . Nit'OßE, - No 150 North - Front - Street;'' . . , re: To u.hoidtt cortemt All iiirdical 141 - Him..Hiatt i-ocOdniveltilevni of difinidve stimulants. litntrieroue: eminent ,pl)kainiiiiii, and surgeons might ho named w tin pure advocated their; erople>ment - hr.tho - truntuirme of - u - large'claaerof - dll= -- , orders. No Diiiponsary is conalocred complete without They are prescribed in all puhlic.atal Private. Hospitals, and administered by all bedsido practitioners. But the difficulty lake been to obtain Alcoholic Liquors Pucc. • The Mingent aroma of the fusel oft and biting whiff, pre,ent in all of them can be ecentea as , the glais im rafaed to the lipe, The, titnieroui flavor of theme netliu .--POWini le -per etiotible to the palate,;itsd.aburalnii,olii `:--gioloti iift it stoznidi "itt.tdid II thclr, exifiienco - whm the, - noxious draught has gone down. ParaVele, 1010e.r, enuity and - deatil aro the-peitilcionafrnita of-such peta -lion 'lllolcal science treks for a pure stimnient to 'use as a specific, which; while. It dilTuscei Itself through the sys tem More eiddll than stir other known avant, is brought into direct and active contact with the seat of disease.' ft is the property of the stimulant to diffuse, arid by the aid of its peculiar nutritious component parte to Invigorate, regulate, counteract and restore, and It Is VA) Salon/M. l m I o_n_of_t hen rificifilftettief I y_witt h he±. principles of Invigoration and restoration that enables a PURE. WILIIISaY To Cic.complieir beneficial rennin'. Having great experience in thir distilling of Whiskies, and the largest and best equipped establishment of Itn kind its-the country, suppliberwith the latest lropeeve merle In apparatus for cleans( g Whisky 6rtuiel nil and other impnritie , bF strict personal supervision the proprietors of Keystone Wheat Whisky Are , enabled to offer.* • Pure Whisky DiEtllled Iron WHEAT, und, being priB o froin 'ihn grain, Dofreilisei all its • . Nutrkti9us Qt!alltfos.,- _and_cen_die relied upon to be strictly is represented, , hav kg been extunintd thoroughly' by the leadiug analytical chernists of this city. wheve certille.stem of its purity and fitness for medical purposes are appended. . Nye Invite examination. and any who would convince thituselves we ask a rigid anal Ysfs. T. J. MARTIN is CO. N.13.--Notice that the caps and cork pare brooded v. lin our Wane. to prevent counterfeiting. Par Price per b ottle. el. _ • • • ". orders sent to No. ItONT street will reCtive i prompt attantion. - CIII;MICAL LAZONAToKT, Not. Jai and 112 Arch at. PIII4ADKI.PIII/... March 11, Hal, .31 T. J. fartiri tre., Phiimfeephia: PR?' • Gentlemetr--1 here made a careful aNatninatien vf the Keystone Pura Wheat Whisky, and found It to be s psr ly pure aril Icle. and entirely free (rem fmt4l otl and other injurlans substances, its purity, and Its pleasant and apreeable flavor, render it parlleularlt 'Manta* for • ru - editirpal purposes Yours truly, CnSMMJCA4 LABQRATOIELY, No. us Wahl Ot Strtet. - PH31..4 ust.rn lA, March 17,1E70. - .ll.frstmc -- 27. - ..T, - .3fortin - al.:, itudelpAia, Po. ' • •Oetitlesorn :—The wile of KO - T9t0130 Puts , Wheat Whiskr,initinitte , ) to me for- andlrste t find to be pure, and, as such, 1 roc - on:mai/ad ft,for mod !dual .1) nr- Fitipertfuily. - • . . :I I - • - - Analyt atid Consult. Cbem iet CHEM/CAI , LABORPHIL) , DEL.IATAIIY. No. 417 Walnut. eireCt, .111 A % April 5, 15570. T. J. Irartin 4. Ca., Philadij.loa, Pa. Gentlenien,"- base made an analysia of. thn Pample of rirystonn l'urn Whisky, Fent by ynu fs - ir examination„ and find it entiri ly fren from fusel ultor any (Altar !fele terions matters, and 1 . conaillor it applicable to an, Ilea --fosiadr.l4rrurewhiskyittay_be_dtsirleit' ltesnertfMlf. AS.II7ITREggriN hold. Wbnleffrialo by FBENCII. RICH AR ON . d 7 CO.. N. W. corner TENTH and i n A ip sn 111 r mot moo.. Mt_ opIR nvf 17,4 • • PERFUMERY ktizny &,-I.4nrAaays Florida I', afar, The most "celebrated and most delightful. of all per. fumes, for us 4 on the hand kerchief, 'at the toilet; and in the' bath, for sale by all D.ru,ggists and Perfumers. 55214 m w 4m BART) BUILDING AND HOUSEKEEPING HARDWARE. Machinists, Carpenters and other Mo , chanios' Tools. Hinges, Screws, Locks, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Coffee Di ills, &c., Stocks and Dies Plug and Taper 'Tape, Universal and Scroll Mudge, Finites in great variety. All to bo bad at the Lowest Possilylo Prices At the' CHEAP-FOR-CASH Hard - '' warp Store of J. B. SHANNON, No. 1009 Market Street. deS•tf YikKET BOOKS, &C. 1 ? • C.T. RUttieP; 6 1.14 g, iis N. 41th fit, t rnuanA. ' , , litannfacturer i', r 5 .p 1.1" f ° , , e• ~ 1 to "4 , P,.6 4 6 ~.._ and-Importer-of POCKET-BOOKS Ladles' & (lents' Satchels and Travelling! ITage, In all styles. ktnßrn;cud 1 miry rind SOFA BED, WM. FARS ON'Sc — IMPROVED'. PATENT SOFA RED - • makes a hanagotne , Sofa and comfortable Bed. with Spring)fattrass Attached. Those wiolilng to economize room dmi() 'call and examine them ut tho extensive firot-claso Furuiture lyareroonuof, Farson.&.Son,.No. 228 S. Second Street. A leo, WM. trEVIISON'S PATENT EXTENSIoN TAMbE FATTENING , , Every table should have thme, on. They hold the leaves firmly together when pulled abet t the ream. . ro w 3m§ Mn L, :roc itnikij.ml2ll , ,t , 43,x s i A . , NJ:: 111 KAN N 0111,0 lai eat and moat )n4OlOllll doalqns, and all other Slate 'carp on hand'or outdo to order • Also, PEACH BOTTOM ROMPING SLATES. FOCA( ry and BaIosroom,•SIXTEICNTII and 0 ALLOW MILL Hreota.. -WILS.ON -MILLER,— nti•rni§ SA.T.LE,_ 180 T 0.1.1 El OP %.. 8 Chalk, ADO • Apply.to WoIIHMAN & 0 sto., 1/13 Walnut reet .c2GETini t: \ ,;4 9 6 1 , PK 4 .I 1 ._. 'Cartl4.uest 1 tadlee and Genie pec. 1 .15. 1 OASCe. ~; 111(JI.M4liA i',11113 QUI;EN , VroroitiA. haiCsignel Natura' zation' ' Tut; , internal revenue . : .receipts yesterday were $580;830. • TILE Irish Land. , bilhav - been virtually , de , feated in the Raise of Comnions. AN: inquiry into the loss' of the Cliy,,of Boston has been proposed in the House of Commons. • , , • • A DESPATeu from Toronto ettyil the'tMoPs for the Red Rivet. expedition are ',t6 . 1e4V,00n .13tENOTTI vrAIIMALpIi charged, , with-com; plicity in 019 , rn(Vnt, ,i4surt*ctiop. i9„Southern Italy, baslieenliberitted,'" ;43nontin. residence: at College filill t tlitteinniti, was burned'yeMorday.:.-Lossi- M50,000.' ' AN Ottawatilawatch reports that* John A. Mcllonahlhas improved; and his condition is hopeful. ---Itotterreß.-Sw4aN-rwas.:eleCted—Pri3sideitt.of . . the Chamber of Commerce of- San Francisco, at its annual meeting, yesterday,. IN 'the Methodist Protestant' Chnference 'at Baltimore; yesteftlay, me relc* 'of Judi chary' Committee, disapp`rovlitg of re-baptism, was adopted. THE . California 'Ernigrant Union tuts re solved to appoint agents,lit piitieio,A Euro pean cities and a traveling agent in 4:wermany.. l'uk?,board for.revising the artillery Wales of the U. b Army is in session at FOrtrm 3ffm . _ roe. Itkieom,posed of Generals Bamy_aml Seymoul and,Col..Duporit. , Boston, • two burglars were discOvered operating In the -office of the Metropolit Morse Railroad, early yesterday morning. One of thew, giving his mime as John James Ipy,'was captiired. • • • ••.° A ut - rurwto -- rirgo — the -- ratification of The Samaria Bay treaty- was held in CoOper Insti tute, New York% last night. ,speeches •• were made by tidies 11. Grinuell,Flon. L T. Banks, and others. IN the Southern Methodist Episcopal Con ference, yesterday, no business of general inte rest was transacted. Bishops Janes and Harris, of the Northern Church, took leave of the Con ference in speeches of kindly expression.! . A WII.SIIN6TON, Pei. ' despatch says that Faustyn GabrieNitz, a Philadelphia picture broker, was convicted on Wednesday in .the New- Castle County Court of obtaining money under falSe pretences . , by selling its - Ilimilton's a picture not painted by that artist. Tunt:delegates_to. the_ Grand Eneampnient of the Grand Army of the Republic paid their respects to the President, yesterday. After sbakiiiwkainds, one•of them said they would like to hear from the President, whereupon the latter replied that he was rather .at a loss for words to express his feelings, but thanked them for their visit. the: -North - Carolina-Republican-Conven tion yesterday, S. P. Phillips, of Raleigh,- was nominated for. Attorney-General. Resolutions were adopted endorsing, tho administrations of President-Grant'and Governor Holden ; pledg ing support to the public school system, and inviting immigration. The Convention then adjourned sine die. • - 411itr: Grand- Encampment- or the Grand - Army of the _Republic, in session at Washing ton, yesterday elected. General John A. Logan Commander-in-Chief for-the- ensuing -year.. Resolutions were adopted deploring the death of General Thomas, recommending the ob • rvanee-of-Decuratiun DayTthe-establishment of State Homes for soldiers' orphans, and an asyltini for , colored veterans at the South ;•also, the donation of land to volunteers, etc: - A LAUGE meeting of the coal trade was held at the Anthracite Board of Trade Rooms, in Pottsville yesterday, at which resolutions were -adepted-ttechwing—their—purpose-to-adliere-to their, previous offer to the working men of -a basis of $2 50 per ton at Port Cailion, land not to start their. collieries until 'the men accept their terms. The resolutions also commend the almost unanimous suspension of the Shamokin region -on--Weduesday, denounce the Philadelphia Coal Company as having started their collieries in violation of a written pledge. GEN. HAZEN and the Secretary of State of Texas, have written to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs about the Opred ati ons of the Indians in Texas. Gen. Hazen encloses the advertisement of a Texan ►cho announces the carrying away of his wife, and offers a reward of $750, in gold, for her recovery, and he says he fears the GovernMent does not fully ap preciate the extent of the suffering of the poor people from the Indians, who have been con stantly raiding for the last eight mouths. In reply, Commissioner Parker directs the Indian Agents to give special attention to the matter. A Litintn from Duluth to the St. Paul Preis says a large body of armed Fenians has arrived there on their way to the Red river, to aid Riel. They will first capture Fort Fran cis or itamay, and will dispute the passage of the British troops to Red river. Another party is reported at Superior river, which will march directly to Red river. The commander of the Duluth band is said to be a distinguished ex rebel officer, and his men are nearly all ex soldiers. They are accompanied by many French: Canadians, and h,'ve secured the• ser vices of Indians and half-breeds, well ac quainted with the country. The Press, how ever, does not vouch for the intelligence. Tu.E Dominion Parliathent was prorogued by the Governor-General yesterday. In his address he said that the bill creating the new Province of Manitoba. cannot fail •to remove the misapprehensions which haVe existed, and that the troops were going to the Red River Settlement on an errand..of peace,and assur ance the inhabitants that they have a place in the councils of England, and may rely. on her impartial protection. He said the vigor ous preparations for defence had averted the menaced - Fenian ,invasion; mid :he hoped he would not be called upon to exercise the war power entrusted to him. He also hoped that, the preparations matured for the protection of the Canadian fisheries would be effective. TEBBUILE ItAILICOAD ACCIDENT. Eighteen Persons Billed---A Number ST. LOUTS ' May 112.--;At 6 o'clock this morn " ing the night train on the Missouri-Pa cific Railroad, which left Atchison, Kansas, yesterday evening, collided near Ifatrka, twen ty-eight miles from here, with the extra freight train going West. Sixteen persons were killed outright and twenty wounded, of whom two will die. A special train left here early this morning with physicians and all the 'necessary appliances for the relief of the 'wolitided and care of the dead..- Another train will leave at noon with the coroner, repOrters and another relief party. -Both- ocomotives—were- com- Pletely wrecked and the trains, badly smashed. The colliiiquocctirred through a misapprehen sion of ordergiven to the conductor. son E. Brio-es, President of the road, and 'T'homa's M c CKissock ate 'on the spot, doing everything possible to relieve the sufferers. Mr. George Leighton, the attorney for the rci ado elegraphe d the 11311M.5....fr0ak the scene of:the accident - :'=Tile Wiled are. A. , conductor, of ,st,_ it 0 arid daughter, of Ashlandi r Mereer"CountY, Ohio ; Jacob Heice, of Hickory. ,C9inityalis-, soUri ; 11. Stiekney, Patoka,,lSiaryWnd ;" George ' Washington, 'a colored porter.' and thirteen others, ininies net knoWn.. It alba difficult to get the names, until the coroner's crineltilled v Without 'ex,Cep tlOw t beY ore ',perk - ins returning' irOin ; -Kans.% destined to points - in Ohio,,lffdiana is Tito wounded are : A Studer:in,: of Pekin, 111.; A. Hoff, Simi - City' lowa • It Marcus of i Kansas ; Milan Holt; slightly injured ; Thoupl,9 Perrltt, of Mud,pake,,Chathstp tounty, N. C.; ;•Flt derlek blarigr; YinefOrdfe,Adams county. Ind.; F. S. Briggs' ,„ of lbjeyi.!, , Yorte; Wilson Lit , tle, of Hillsdale, lAlloll4' ,. Stetlil Wehland, of Bt. ,Louts; Jim MoilieccolOred,':of ' Ka.nsas City; li t p.;., Theodore TOerson, of BtiLpuisLl!eter Wil liamson, df as t AiffitnOtig,, pm i Nicks Bran timan;.of 3a .140 'F,tiginetl . Dubois; Con 7 driFtor; sliglitTy ;.' flreman;•'' l slightlii•i'll f beeigh some of the istotinded'ate'seltitillyiinjured, it, is belietod sliNiihrecnver. The_people,-4mid-physiclans,of—the— , neighlio. hood WOW pa., handi, promptly : and labored inFeesantikr, ; 44 that human power could do batirbe6n`tiotie to Made the sufferers comfort able., Augustus A. Flemming, chief engineer of ile..il"cho and Nkislio road; is nipotted killed, but. this needs confirmation. A misunderstand 7 ing`of ''orders' Stems to l hatre been'tnade kpitbe engineer of the height train, and it Is Said lie has not been fiCQII since the.accldent. Another train, with' coffins for the tleadand comforts _for_the wounded, has just ,started 'for the s::ene of the disaster. - sir.Linkra A is - rutiloll.43 PICTURE IN Au Artful Dodge Defeated. The Wihni4tort - ,ComtherciaCthus 'reports the case .against. GabrYlewitz, the German ex pert, for selling a painting falsely alleged to be by Hamilton:: , --Nay Term, - 'New :Castle- ` - bounty ' ednesday ---State-V& "Fauslyn GattryieN;iitz - for obtaining Tr mer - tmtier — false pti..tenets, selling — to Henry T. Tatnall an 'Oil 'painting, undeiqhe repremilation that it was executed by James 11: milton, the marine artist 'of Philadelphia. henry L. 'fantail testified that he attended a sale of paintings at Institute Hall, in this city, in Augusi.'lK7, - .:and expresseg a dealt:o.4o pro, cure a picture O.:Hamilton's; that, the prisoner pointed out a picture as the work of Hamilton; and. upon this representation, the witness bought it; and paid the purchase-money, either .1)(t or $9B. . WitneNS teas ; undeceived as to the genuine ties or the picture about'one year afterward. Cross-examined—Two pictures were pre % iously sold as I.lamilton's; one genuine and one spurious. . The picture bought had the signature "James _jhamlton i ''L without-. the "i noine;'did not know Hamilton, nor his signature at the time , of the purchase. Signature was .a, good imitation of the origi nal. Sarditel McClary testified that he had pur chased an original and genuine piettue by - Hamilton - at the - sale; -- ittid - tire -- prisoner - after - - ward asked him to return It, saying he Wished to make copies, of it., Cross-examined—The prisoner said to Tat nail .In. the presence of witness and son, that the picture in question was a very handsome one, but did not say in the' hearing of witness t lat.•it was Hamilton's.- Sawnosignatuie-uport - picttire. Tatnall - said to witness re cently that the prisoner told_ him it was exe cuted by Hamilton, and - the witness corrected .him.. _ . . „ . . James. Hamilton testified that he had seen the picture sold to Tallish, which was spurious, being only;an - imitation - of one - executed by 1im......11_was signed as testified by Tatnall. =Evidence - for - the — ticifenee - was - given in general denial of the allegations by cross-exami nation of the witnesses ; and to prM . e that the -prisoner-was not. the owner-of the-pictures; wasinerely an exhibitor 'of a single picture; arid did not receive the money- -paid by- Mr. _ Thomas. Ogle wasirdled to prove that he as auctioneer, sold the pictures, which were the property of the firm.. of Fisher . 4: Graves; and that the prisoner was merely an exhibitor of a single painting. Argued by Lore for State, and Whiteley for the_prisouer July out_at "guilty. Forty-First Congress—Seeond Session. In the United States Senate yesterday the Army bill was passed, with various amend ments, among them one making the reduction 7;0;0 - 00 instead of 25,000; one prohibiting any officer, active or retired, from holding civil office, and another, striking out the part rela tive to pay of officers. The House of Representatives resumed the consideration of the Tariff bill in Committee of the Whole. All amendments to the nickel para graph were rejected. In the paragraph on (..;er wan silver, " aluminum and its alloys " were inserted. The paragraph imposing 2 cents per pound on old type was struck out. The impost on live animals was increased from 20 to 30 per cent. Pending consideration of the oat meal and flour paragraph, a recess was taken until evening. At the evening session the bill defining the duties of Pension Agents was passed. IMPORTATIONS. Reported for the Philadelphia I:veiling Bulletin. LIVERPOOL—Bark J B lluffus, ttlauvett-211 tails steel J C Hand & Co; 136 has window glaze B H Shoe maker; 361 de tin plates J to Mason /4 Co; 1 milt hdw J G Boum° & Co; 41 eke 5 chains J H Armbruster; 47 tcs soda ash W Cunningham & Son; 2 cs melee Janentzky & 0o:4 Hale earthenware Tyndale, Mitchell A Co; 6 grindstones Booth; 15 tea soda ash Geo Beeves & Sone;,36 paneling eoda ash 151 crte 7 cks earthenware Peter Wright & Sone; aluti old lion rails 1260 lms tin plates I,t , tierces soda ash ceder; 96 . di tuns caustic soda 114 ca soda ash Churchman & cu, 1310 sacks salt ft le Smith. .ISIATANZAB-Bark - Schamyl, Crosby-430 hhdis mo liwses 68 tcs do 600 cigars Barns, Bey) & C.. 1/1 &TA ZAS.:-Baik Sarah B White-379 Ithds molasses 0 tcs do.) P Stotrebury Co. MOVEMENTS OF OCEAN NTEA.nms. TO ARRIVE. ' [AMPS PROM _,, Holt MATS. Sntidt Bremen... New Y0rk......... Aprll26 C. of New York-Liverpool...New York —.—. April 26 Columbia.. Glasgow—New York April 29 Beliona • Lonuon—NeW York ...._. .. '.. .. A pril N Cityof Lritterick_Liverpool—New York April 3.1 D0nau............ Boutbampton...New York May 3 Marathon Liverpool... New York May 3 Samaria....... Liverpool—New York via B May 3 Britannia ..............Glasgow. —New York May 3 Borussia Ilavre...New York May 3 The Queen Liverpool... New York ........... .......May 4 Idaho Liverpool... New York ... . .... ..........May 4 City of London...Liverpool...New York May 4 TO. DEPART. Rhein' New If ork...Drenien— Prutodon• Quebee,..Liverecail Australia New Tork...alasgow....--. C of New York.. New York...Ltverpool Pereire New York...Havre . . . Cajabria...........Newitork—Liverpool , ...... ........... May 14 Hatcmonite". New York... Hamburg May 17 City of C0rk......N0w York... Liverpool vita H ' May 17 Dorian New York...Glaegow May 17 Mitinebota'.. ..... Now York.aiiverpoo... ....... ..........May IS Scotia New York... Liverpool May IS tarifa. New-York...Liver Columbia.' ... ...... New York...Havpotil May 19 ana May 19 Fahtiee New—York—Bermudn May-19 liP" The steamers dei ignated by an asterisk (*) carry the United States Mails. BOAR n OF TRADE. J. PRICE WETHERILL, • HENRY INSOR,fkiONTELE COMMITTEE GEORGE N. ALLEN, : • COMMITTEE ON EREITRATION. J. 0. James, • ( t , E. A. Bauder, Geo. L. Busby, • • Wm. W. Faid, Thomas illeapie, MARINE BULLETIN. PORT OP PHILADELPIIIA—Mety 13. Bus Bins, 455 I Sus BETE. 7 81 MOS WATEa.I2 10 ARRIVED YESTERDAI. Steamer Idiliville, Renear, from New York, with mdse to NV hitall, Tatum Co& . . . • Steamer NY billdou, more, with =dee to A Groves. Jr. Steamer hl Massey, Smith ; 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W B Baird & Steamer Beverly, Pierce, 24, hours from New York, with rodeo to W P Clyde & Co. Sarah Barkß Bale. White, 9 days from Matanzas. with recilesses. to T P Stotesbury & Co—vessel tosWarren & Gregg. The Sll B has on board Capt Goody and the two mutes of bark Hero (of Yarmouth), whit% was burned ftlar2, 9ff Cape Florida. The' e was bound M Hro Item Cienfuegos for ontreal, with 5110 hbds sugar.• Sho took five at-103.i-o'eloek-bar 2.- from if lamp orr some dunnage wood vw Mph had been stowed under notroleum, aid at 12 Pite offer every'exertion bed-been made to save the_reseeL.sim...w.ea abandonestby4buorowjm-thitir-bma4 the captain of t he _ S B Bale being short of provivions, could not take all on board. and the men, seven In num ber. ro ed another veesel.and were landed at Havana, ae before reported, Perk Sehamyl. Crosby:. from Matanzas, with molasses -to Harrio. lleyl &Co. , isaiv Murtha 4 Nor 1; Morforson 72.dayi from Rio '.la t,eire, fin Bump ton Roads, in ballast to 1, Westergaard Brig 1) Inkiest': Austin. Xl7 ,day 4 frera Trini,dad; with stig r toS R VV Weleh—vessel to Warren 14. Gregg • fl Sem neon, Blake..7.days trete Cardenas, with oletses to Oro wlierpadon & Broe-vesselio ; urea- Credg. — Sold AJFa b RIO Bragg,7 days from Savanuidir; Watt 1 1 .111..LADELVIII:A\ EVENnsil,trp.tut t rfx , PititiAViikAY),l iB_7o) CrorreepoudenO'or the Ela'Wollollo.* Iteening BatTette. • .5.54.1),1NG..111Ar 11.1810. - T - b*-441,qtrhuVboailiohi-the-UnlimAkiietteedinte n!myth Cape!, bound ridhulolphia, laden and. c o me as follewe: ' " • Boannke, whliimeriber rri , ttelyi Tittle were and filed Pon No fl. do to .Behil Diemer; Angina fa , cool to II Ali 8 80.y.fert: c9 , ,s kerb,' Rod tvio,rafte limber.•too Soh Nay Coishbuzy..., ;;.o HAVRE DE CHAOIO.,May 12, The following- ;bottle left. thiii - nderning in tow, laden' and; winsigtted as follows: • ; • , ; Harry Craig andtflotnewood, ; With lumber, to Craig 4c Blanchard; W W 61111L11111);(11:i Patent/I) & Lingua , colt : Rey entlo.no•to biollvain; it Bush; 'l4 Ehler. do ' to Weldon Malone dc Co; Wm M ;Floyd, do. to Bridge. port: NJ; Catharltte, wheat to Holtman& Ift.ennodY; - : - ` , 7 - T - 111811011ANDA — r Ship Tuscarora, Howland, from 'Mobile for Liv - erpool,• went In awn 6th lust,. • • .; • Ship Lyttleten; Taylor; from' Montevideo, at Boston 11th hot Cbip Sarah Nicbolson,Hillerman, from Shangliae 29th Jan, aPtlew, , York yesterday, with tea. , Steamer' ninth, Froentan, ' cleared at . New York yea terciay for thid port. Steamer Aties, , Wileyi cleared at' Bostoti s llth instant for this port - • Steamer dllitdourl. Ed %verde, at Havana 11th Met. from . New York Steamer Dentridrlr (Br), Forbes, from Copenhagen 21th ult. et New York yytiteplay,..- • •• - - - England, Webster, front New York 30th ult. at Queenstown 10th in s t and proceeded for Liverpool. Burk Goddell. Crochet. from Calcutta 19th Jan for. Braiteri, Was apeken'2Bth hfarch,lat 35 5.10n'2.1 H. . • Bath B 1131 C , W - illistonir'ut - San - Francisco - lat'inet - .71 from Peru. Brig Katolultn, Satendert. nailed from Cardenas 4th inst. for s port north of }atteras. Brigs C M Goodrich. Look :and E C flcdt n an :' Bedtrian, belled frnm.Cardenas.rb lust . for-north of- Hatteras. Brig Five Brothers, Thurlow. sailed from Havana 6th inst. for New York. Brig Ortolan, Leeman, 20 days from Cienfuegos, at t - New - York Yvan-May. , r-- Bi - ig - 13 - 11 - lirtkiitore7, - ItiercinoreMll - 6 : 6th'-lust, for New Yorks - • Brig A lice Br). Simpson, cleared at Havana 6th ins for it port north of Hattems. . ' tichr J Frazier, Aladge, at Baracoa-2d 'lnstant for New York. - Sofa Boswell, Copp, sailed from Cienfuegos Ad instant for Schur Hector (Br), liockett,,was loading at HavanaTtli Inst. for Oda port - - - Seim N J Miller, Dunham, hence at St John, NB. 6th nstant. Schr 11 'folly, Coolie, hence it Norfolk lOth inst. Selz Ella F Means, Sholles, hence at Now Haven 10th instant Schr A 11 Gerditier,-at Mayaguez 25th Mt, for Dela- Ware Breakwater for orders. Fehr S 3 E_ Corson, Brower, sailed from Charleston 11th inst. for title port via Bull Itiv, SC CO-PARTNER'S RIP NOTICE. The partnership at present existing under the kyle of b' CO. ,will tie - diaBolfed by mutual consent on the 30th day of Juno. 1570. RICKEY, SHARP & CO. • CARD. We will sell our entire stock of DRY GOODS, embra cing au unrivalled assortment of . SILKS, and • . _ . - .. - FRENCH, • • , • AND OTLIER. • DRESS (GOODS. 'Lithe mnst approved fabrics, of very recent importation • at very low rates,in order to close out prior to July 1st 1.770. strictly one price, and no deviation. RICKEY,.: SHARP - &' C O.. 727 CheetAut Si reef, ,iip33tf PHILADELPHIA. GRAMS LIPPINCOTT. AND ..A.l WALTER _LIPPINCOTT are this day admitted as mvmbers pf the firm of .1. B. LIPPINCOTT kCO. JANUARY Ist, 1870. 7 - myl2-2t§ EDWIN H. F.171.F1R. & CU., _ Cordage Manufacturers and Dealers iu - Hemp, al N. Water StreolsaSS4d2clatoare .AJIPMso EDWIN H. VITLER. CONRAD F. CLOTHIER . WEAVER CO., Rope and Twine Manufacturers and Dealers in Hemp and Ship Chandlery ? , 2 North WATER. Z 3 North WIIARYI.B. stslbilstie l dtlS2l. M l / 4 fis SON, tIOIIIT. AND SUIP 1 14117MBERS, J o: 129 Walnut' Strut. yy isi JOSEPH WALTON & CO., ,C . ABINET MAKERS NO. 413 WALNUT STREET. Manufacturers of fine furniture and of medium priced furn - a t o tn o re sO of superiorHAND AND pD . MADE TO ORDER. Counters, Desk-work , &c., for Banks, Offices and Stores, made to order. JOSEPH WALTON, ,JOS. W. LIPPINCOTT. JOSEPH L. SCOTT. JAMES L. -WILSON, 615 SOUTH 'NINTH STREET,. Residence-522 South Muth street. ap3o ly 4p; jelo-131p El B. WIG ATiORNEY-AT LAW, lortimistrioner of Deeds for the Sta - te of rennsylranis Illinois. 96 Madison street, No.ll, Chicago, 1114kofe. sand; OTT 0 N BAIL DUCK :OF EV — E - R 1 I.J width, from 22 inches to 76 inches wide, all numbert font and Awning Duck, Pag F er-maker's elting, Sail ['wine, kn. a JOHN* W. EVERMAN, is 26 No. 103 Church street flits Stores. May 14 Hay 14 May 1 1 b 1.%) 14 Hay 14 1870. 1.870. KNICKERBOCKER ICE COMPANY. Established 1832. IvcoirporratelllB64. - —Offiee i -485 Walnut- Street, North Penn 'a R, R. Offices Pine Street Wharf, and Master at. Schuylkill. Ridge roai and Wil- i ND No. 4.833 Main street, low street. Germantown. Willow Bt. Wharf, No. 21 N. Second st., Delaware avenue. Branch Camden, N. J., 22d ,Sr ciatnilton tits.' ' and N int h et. and Wash- Depots. sop. May, New Jer ington avenue. soy. Wholesale and Retail 1)olers in and Shippers of . Send your orders to ally of the above Offices For prices, soo cards: 19 hours from Balti- QUNDAY. SCHOOL UPERINTEN k...3 dents, get Prof. Hart'il admirable address. "How to SF lret a Library," at the Sabbath School Emporium, 608 Arch street. Philadelphia. MBE BEST WORK—ON MUSIC—AND the itakind, te!Pianoand.3Eusical 3tat ter.' Pronounced by 'competeutjudgea the moat porfict .hnitruc,ion-_hook_avor...writton tor-tbe-piano, and com pendium of rnusical information. Fold byp all ,ruusin and book • • dealers "Behciol edition, $2; Library edition, :F3.' Sent .•pf)st free. Liberal discount on onantitle , • rks - 1 300 Wasldngton`etreetJßoatot:;• : • .. -nn3o.din* , • ASI:IBRIDGE Cll;',' 'AUCTION ,smns. No: falaNAßßETareet,abere TKO • [dimly; BALE eV BOOTS'; AND BBOGANS. ON Vb EDNESD AY , M011.1 , 11N0, Misr 18, Id al'elock•,we fPil ant:moans, abort men Packages of Boots. Shoes and Brogans embracing a first-class amortment of etty arm Illastertt made soodst to which t h. a atc4Rtion. of. War and . outintry boyars is Open early otrthOmorning of sale for eaaminatiorb' • Inn her to Gillinghntrit din•iition::;ietiset to Knight Ac John, Npoddnn. Rico. from llaprnibarinoe wfttrWoadtsJpilliou 11 sits'. heirs; ortl. - .llan elaf.freord, gag4bty - railroad Ups to d silltoa: •01. EA RED YIa gy NTERDAY. ' ' ' Stormer W Everman. Hlnekler, Oharleston, Bender ik Ad:Alma. liteenreriVnlnnteeir." .TonistiAfew Tort. John irrtnidi ;learner .1 8 Shrivel.. Ilnr. Baltimore A. Groves. Jr. Brig Wild, mono ( Dutch). Dridet, Amsterdam, L Woe. tPrgitard h Co. Brig Sand Welsh. Darrah, .Barbados, - Warren ik atogg: Briu Haze. Hvllr. -.Knight & Sena. &hr (:bas Moller,:.ltrown..SacD:i r do liebrillorics.llllce. Norfolk. 0 Ilitalarit COPARTNERSHIPS. BUSINESS CARDS. H. P. -do C.- B. TAYLOW Perfumery and Toilet Soaps. 611 and 643 North'Ninth street ROUSE PAINTER, DDIOI:Veti:SI4MICAUg CARPENTER AND BUILDER, N 0.1024 SANSOBI STREET, PRILARLLISIA. ICE COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA EASTERN ICE. NEW rT_IBLICATIONS .‘k SALES; 1 irtju'lttom - Aii'ac'Bollll; AttatiiiirtOtib, f ,LT.i..44.:ii r 'ii i ~p ut tp l i ,:ni s r itit oi l t itrei r k . , ,p a reut . 'POW slow 6riritphitadetihui ilikomo'orif xvp3D434.t /3 o'clock.. .. r, I r • :2-... 4.: iisfrirrrrnftare Yates 'iii 't he AtICI4OII tit* in y.alla THURSDAY ' - - , 4:,- • ri ; ; • .'1,./ .. , i..t'''. . iliritithiflitltesflioniuSe reecho elionoial interim° ' ' 1 t TOCITS,"LOAO. Ac. . ~ r i ) • -,, !ON , TUZSDAY, 11.A.V 'IT' _ ..._- At B o'clock noon , at the Philadelphia xxciunge, will _ r g. ibbArtfi Old !Townpl'ip Lin. Bead .00. . . ~.; - '72 . tiblirill'Wedt: Branch Lnenber Co: ' ' ' ' ' , ; , ',Lotwenti d south. Rouo Idson'a Oothetory. • , Stood Phi l ladOlptio and krie Railroad 7 par, cent., Jan. '' ainielrir 1 . . '..-: k .. . . : - • 14h:1; /t ) oigrailri:ily:frintien oo: ' - - L -, • . .- -' ta. Miami Clerol inland Mationing Railroad. I share. Philadelphia Library Co. - ' - ' SEAL ESTATE SALE AY ,*- etrphitnes Court ' Nato—Estate K f Jimes ff.' De Bean'e dec'd-tTIIREE: STORY Ifl W a DWELLING: tl3 Ecnnbaid et. • THREE-STORY BRICE ItEslDEsom, No. 1.314 Borth Front street, above Thiimpson street, with a Threoloory Brick Dwilling In the rear on Gape Ittreet. - Itriatediate possersten. • • ' :Exeentore ,, l'erent piety Saie—Estate of flharles Lex ' doe'd—TIIREKoTORY BRICK. DWELLING and LOT, N, W. corner of M street end Buokroad. -.Same R.tete—LOT, f:3 - .E. corner of Mifflin-and-Twelfth streete. Setae XetaterLOT, N. W., corner of Mifflin and Ele venth eta. tiontu ,Entati , --LOT, corner of Mifflin and Eleventh eta. and Buck road.. , • • Sank, Estate-2 LOTS; north aide of Malin'. street, east of Eleventh. t 4 atno Estate—LOT E. corner of 'Tenth and Hoff man sta. name Ebtate—LOT, 8. E. corner of Twelfth and Moore Moeda. ; ; , • ; ; ~Eatoo Elitate—LOT, north frilde of .1188 in street, west of Twelfth. (Sumo Eatat c—LOT, west- aide ,of -Th irteenth 'street, eolith cf Full particulate in plans at the Auction Rooms. Same Eatifte--4 'Mint E-WWILY ii ItIOK' DWELL. JE6I3, Is os. 2140, ',IV/. Z 144 ancl2l46 , Jefferaort at. _Same____Eatati—TNl_D-STORY—BitItIW:—DW-ELLINO,-- ,N. E comer of Twenty-second and AVright otreeto, Twentieth Ward. COUNI RY RESIDENCE' 3 ACRES; Alain street, Wo odLury, N.. 3. lionse..ll as the modern conveniences. Immediate pos.ession. _ IS VERY ELEGANT .THREE•STORY. • BROWN- STONE BESILEOW.N6. Zak, Fpring Garden street, 36 feet front, 371 feet deep-3 fronts. Has all the modern ~conveniences:- Immediate possession. ODE - ItN --- ni It RE:STORY - BETCH - 11WE No 1230 Ellsworth st. DESIRABLE COUNTRY' SEAT; 72,4' ACRES— NSIiiN and COTTAGE, with' Stable and Couch House, Chestnut avenue, near Cottage street, Chestnut llfll,4it en iy-seco rid. Ward, It) MID doe' drive to 'the rail road inatlon. . . VERY ELEGANT FOUR-STORY BROWN STONE RESIDENCE. N 0.1813 , Walntit street, Om...JR& RI Gen houserSfitture. 2931 .. feet front, 235 feet deep tr. Semen' street. ,LA RGE and VALUABLE BESIDENOR, B REVERY and WO BE btIOR, No. 16144 North Tenth etreet, south of (Mumble avenue, 4,0 feet front, 144 feet deep tollutch i 'neon MD et-2 fronts.. Executors' Bak—Estate of George N. Wharton, dec'd • —VERY VALUA OLE ,FOURSTOBY BRIGGS RESI• DEN CE. No. 215 South Fourth street. between Walnut and Locuit. 213 feet front, 224 feet deep. See plan. ' DLD•ESTA BUSHED BU,nINESS STAND, N. E. corner of Secotot and Queen eta. 71:1BEE-STORY .BRUCE TA:VENN and DWELL• ING. No. 1331 Paasyunk road, above Reed et. : • VALUABLE Et ILDING LOT, N W. corner of Twenty-fourth end Factory etreete. belowB prone. MODERN THREE STORY . BRICK DWELLING, •.N 8 VAL UABLEiBUILDING LOTS.Evergre•tn avenue, eavt of Germantown avenue, Chestnut Hill, within five ,nnuntas' walk of the railroad tit not at Chestnut mu. ItIODERN TBREE•STORY BRICK RESIDENCE,. No. 216 North i welfth et. MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, Eighth street, south ttf Girard avenue. aNDSUME.TBREE-STORY BRICK RESI. DENII.I, N. 623 Franklin at. MODERN THREE-STORY BROWN STONE RE SIDENCE, N.-W. corner-al' xensy-lint:and-Arcli sta— FIANDSONE COTTAGE—RESIDENCE, with Stable and Coach Aouse and Large. Lot, Willowavenue, above A mat street, Germantown. • Sale by Order of Heirs—Estate of John Burton. dec , e—wElt) ,ELEOANT_ THREE .STOILY_ STONE itsSIDENcE, with Stable and Coach House, t. acres, Norwoodnvezine. Chestnut Hill. ' _ MODERN THREE- STORY • STONE RESIDENCE, Eant Walnut Lane, Germantown. • Executors - Sale--Estate cf Ann Coulter, dec'd—VE RY , I ESIRARLIG LOTS, Chelten arsnue. School, C.Jul tor, Penn Queen. Ilansherry, Laurens and atorrig .strect*, and Pulaski, Wayne and Wissahickon avenues, Ger mantoiin. _ . . . . Peremptory Sale to Close an Account—LOT, Cherry street. near DeeutY.flrst. - . Trustees' Sale.;-3 ...VERY. _VALUABLE '_. STORE HOUSES, Nos. 113. Ilb. and 117 Gothic street. between Frontand Sec and and Weltint and Cho. tom t sts. - - - . Assignees' SaIe—VERY DESIRABLE THREE STORY BRICK ,RESIDENCE, No. 239 Smith Thir teen t h street. below Locust. Immediate Sinn. 43WELL SECURED•GROUND . .RENT - "u year . • May 13. at .3 o'clock, including Pickering Poets, Works on A istory . Science,Ftno Axis, BiOgtaPhY &c., in fine . . hindinrs. • ORPHANS' COURT SALE ON TUE RAE:RISES, MANAYUNK. • - ON ' SATURDAY, Ala, 34, at o'clock noon, Estate of liitcon Lot, N. E. corner Gay and Cresson streets. Lot, ('reason street. Four Lots, Gay street. • Full particulars in handbills. GEO. H. S. VITLER Di ay H. at 10 o'el I , ek, by catalogue. the P • dor. Dining Room and Chamber Furniture. China and Glasswdre, tine Distresses, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Cooking Utensils,&e. Sitio No. 110 North Fifteenth street. TYPERIOR WALNUT. OAR AND COTTAGE BoUSEHOLD FURNITURE, FINE II AIR NIAT. RESsES, BRUSSELS, INGRAIN AND OTHER CARPETS, &c. ON TUESDAY MORNING.. - - - - - - - May ay 17, at le o'clock, at No.llo North Fifteenth street, above . ltArch street, the entire Household Furniture, corn prlsing—huherior Walnut Parlor and Chamber Fur niture. oak 1 ining Bosom and Cottage Chamber Furni ture, fine Hair Matresses, Venetian Blinds, Brussels, lnerain and other Carpets China, Glassware. dx. May be examined on the morning of sale at 8 o'clock. - - - - - - . SUPERIOR WALNUT AND MAHOGANY FURNI TURE, FRENCH PLATE MANTEL AND PIER MIRRORS, VERY FINE ENGRAVINGS, GRAND ACTION PIANO FORTE, ELEGAN r ITALIAN MARBLE STATUARY, REAL BRONZE FIGURE AND CANDLE_ BRANCHES, BRUSSELS AND OTHER CARPETS Sc. May 13. at 10 o'clock, at No. 1309 Walnut street. by older of Executor, the entire superior Furniture, by iitulotrue, comprisi❑g—Walnut and Mahogany Parlor Furniture, covered wieh hair cloth: Mahogany Grand. Action 7-octave Piano. made by Chicreringg• French Plate Mantel and Pier hlirrora, 2 elegant Marble Statu aries, "The Guardian Angel" and "Fidelity;" real Bronze Figure and Candle Branches, 4 very line En gravings, "The Four Seasons;" Handsome Mantel Or a meute. range Mahogany Tables. large Mahogany Sideboard, French Plate Mirror and Italian Marble Top; tine China and Glassware, fine Plated Ware. Ma, liogany. and Walnut Chamber Furniture, tine Curled flair /datressee, flee Bed and Table Linen; .3 Mahogany ardrobee. Mahogany Bookcase, Brussels and other Carpets, Cooking Htewills. superior Refrigerator, Sc. Peremptory Bate at the Atlantic Oil Refinery. Magazine lane, quarter of a mile below Point Breeze Gas Works. 'BRICK AND FRAME BUILDINGS. ENGINE. BOILER, TANKS TOOLS. TUBS, to • ON WEIINESDAY AFTERNOON. Ila yll3, at 4 o'clock on the premises, the brick and frame buildings, &c., belonging to the Atlantic .011 Re finery, at Point Breeze, viz.: 1,100 barrel still, with fire doors and fire bare, braces and stay rods; 1 cdncleuaing tub, equaro( original); about 400 feet of 2-inch pipe; I .10 ',deflator tub, square (new); 800 -feet of pipe; 1 brick receiving house; 2 receiving tanks, capacity 4000 gallons each: 1 crude oil tank, 1 000 barrels; 1 frame engine house, treating house and settling hones, combined; 1 frame warehouse, about 00 by 100 feet, ono-story; 1 frame cooper shop, about 20 by /W feet, one-story; 1 frame stable. Also, 1 treating tank. capacity. 4,000 gallons; 1 portable tubular boiler. about - 8 to• 10 horse power, bat little used; 1 portable engine, about 8 horse power; 3 large oil pumps, nearly new; 1 pump blower for agitator; 2 largo settling tanks, about 3,000 gallons each; • 1 large settling tank, about 3,000 gallons; 1 spent acid tank; 2 pitch lined tanks; I copper glue kettle, for steam; sundry tools; about 3,000 feet of iron pipe, horn of an inch to inches diameter; I large lot of stone, bricks, lumber, Au.; globe valves, cocks, Ac ; shafttng,leather 1-bench and-vitas. . The buildings and macbinery all to be removed by the i Ichaser - iVithin ten - days - from sale. NOTWE—Our sale 17th Sing will include the'Valu able Residence N 0.239 South Thirteenth street. MARTIN BROTHERS, AUCTIONEER 2, N 0.704 CHESTNUT street. above Seventh Side at No. 2010 Arch street. VERY SUPERIOR • WALNUT HOUSEHOLD FUR NITURE FINE BRUSSELS AND OTHER CAR PETS. MINE SPRING AND HAIR 2dATRESSES, OIL CLOTHS. &c ON THURSDAY MORNING, Nay 19, at 10 o clock. at No. 2.110 Arch street, by cata logue, the entire Household Furniture, &o. IMPORTANT SALE OF FINE FURNITURE AND upnoLSTNRY, Preparatory to putting up a, now front and otherwise improving his t iara, . Liar. JOHN M—GARDNER, • 1310.0hestnut street, will (in order to make room for these improvements), ' OFF MONDAY Bl,lfl t3ALE,, ON DIORNINU. May LI, at 10 o'clock; at his Warorooms, solection of the , .„ FINEST OADINET FURNITURE At UPHOLSTERY over offered at auction in this city. • • • The styles tire the, uipmest, and choicest. The qualily and Mush cannot be exaelled. . • ----To-xerifi-these-faetait• is onitmecessary for partimii tending to purchase to call and examine the Stock, • . THE ASSORT/11E14T embraces urawing,Rown, and rarlor Suits with CCIVOr• silks, and to es; a variety of the most elabo rate Uhuntbet,t Mate Roetn A ' Lllwary and Hall Sults. • • ' ,-• treents itself in this salo to thoso.thndrous or Run:sliming 111131/tEER S}RDER OF.OAIIINET wtiaK A T • • .AIIOTION I'ItIiZIES4 • , •' • w ion mat Werke* Occur agdlni r: , ••• • C;,l '• ••• he Furniturnwill be ready for examination two dap ' p .aviatis 11*U/donut's IA I . ' ",i• • , tru ImSt P,Oltvft, -AvaricislDElts,, Vo',.szeilltirE/V,AltlAtka atiabi IL; ~ --,, : ~;~, ~:~~-tom :,~;; .^~ 5,...' 1 Y' ~~' • . AITir.YrION 'NATAL.' VALUABLE PRIVATE LIBRARY, ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Executor's Sale No. 1624 Chestnut street. NEAT FURNITURE. CA I:PE - N. Ac ON HIONDAY Ito "IN N;;;. Executor's Bale No. 1309 Walnut street ON VIEDNEDAY MORNING, szked . 06 13 1 :1NTIN oirri . < iaudTlO Noe. 21t2 and 2;14 Market at t, corner of Bank... raitGric Flt EN 011 LAN D, tyrillga' BUBO. • PAN luitY GOODa, 'oll.llnOrt ftit,Y ItIOIINING. TdAl!,lo,at.l9iololockifonioNtrtinottnilisi!' crtalltljneluding Plooes Park; 81 1 k) anr Wool , Popellnes,:notnielsibs,, LA rancy lrnos. :oft on. colortd atria Mohairs a nd, "fginfrVtri /acy thlkains, PLn an rci ! • V. 11114 . Plancen„.., a c v; !•1114 }ekes', • Nelainea,r' etrotitullnos; Fancy .Ero,R, Gonda.' lyilap.offergd44l4 l 3%ll2:4l ° Aldle,thisadaaanystrfullii na of t fin cr,-1 Ikpoil_n make Itizrral, GRAIL/DINE) DE FfEE:' Also, closiog Ma() • !. I '43OLD.XEDAL tiaLICWAVILP toOPSLINIC itt all the colors, ;andsJ. b l i ro n i wor / 4:4 / btu:, greens- and bi ll ac tlP— f Th u la tiu w v ilt r lre r_ 7l Ll; i i e s . ssasoa ' 'o" . ,h'ili”"dir3 l role. -- 100 7EIIECEr in sibfitt) cssiore ?, s K uten:iihia T ortigig . n y , .Piecee•iyOnit 9ros du, and ' Oackemers de do' , Lioxmi l blackDrap,de Franco and.Tatß44,e, • • do Lyons cblored Boat do Sole and Fancy Silks, 11,X 4 , i ll ogs tc aa " :lra r n ' ?lVo s 4ll - irl i glin . at 8 1 1• Paris black Thibet, Spr ng Woolen and Fancy Shawls. Paris rich printod Cachemere Shawls awl Scarfs, Full lines DotteTallt N ot E ,,, R oTierd7 . !L i nliy Matinee, Fiettt, Full lines English 'black - and. - 'metered °repos, IfTowers, ATTRACTIVE pIPE O IAL SALE or • • • • _ CARTONS BONNET AND ItArili RIBBONS, by, order of - Messrs; RT,TTER, LUcli it Of PYER t the impurtatoins of '- Mows rOLELIAO FRERES, And alio by directibn of another 'fouling Importing ----House ,- ulllinea_ofmoundAgoTritidurog-and-Bonnet-Ribbone r - Full lines of black Bonnet, end Trimming Ribbons. Full lines of colored ....min Ribbons. ' frith lines of black Satin Ribbons, Full Hues of Paris limey Trimming Ribbons. Full hues of extra super inanity colored round edge • Trmuning Ribbons. Full lines Mall boiled colored round edge Trimming arid Boui,et Ribbons. .„ Full lines allioeiblaok getaki r r i g lfe _ rivtr m ik A complete, aPiortment of extra flue quality cll belled colored Trimming and Bonnet Ribbons, No 3 to 40 in Owl:Dust delarable shades. A full line of superfine quality black do., in all widths, now in demand. An entire importation of fine black and colored Satin hibbona. Mao, 'FANCY RIBBONS. • Superfine richest sty lea of raye, plaid. troche and baya dere Fancy Ribbons, in groat. variety of qua• lity and.atyle. A large and elegant iteiiortment of plain ant fader SASH RIBBONS. Poult de Selo. qr a Grain. Faille. Satin Stripe, Scotch Plaidßomanticarfa t itayuderaStrip,,, in Nos. fromlto to t.OO. A full line of Bayadeto Plaid and Striped Nock Ribbon.. A complete appor tin i.n t of due black and colored Faille . Sash Ribbons. . • ; • _ Si DOZEN PARIS.RID ,GLOVES, - In blacks. whites and 'colors, of a superior make. Dream Trimmings; White G (Jude, Embroideries, ItAkfc," Lzubrellas, Parasols, dm. SALE OF 2000 CASES BOOTS. 01110E8, ELATES, kr ON TUESDAY aIORNING. Mayl7, at 10 o'clock. on four months' credit. LARGE - SALE OF BRITISH" HERHAN O AND WEIESTH;DRY GuODS, ON THURSDAY 'HORNING. Nay 19, at 10 o'clock. on four months' credit, I A ME§ A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, . - - - _No.422_Walhnt street:, - - - F. 1L EWIrFfSALL,MAY 18,18f0. This sale, on next W Kb N EullA IC, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Exchange, will i • No. 1030 RIDGE• - AVENUE —Two and a half story brick Lager Beer liktionnmnd Lot „,20 by. 60. feet.....0r phans' 'Court Side. 'Estate a Jot. Urn y, der'd. oe. 12.34 and 1236 (yrrs-MIME T.—. Two and a • half story Brick and Frame bwellinga. Eighteenth Ward lot, LO by 142 feet—Orphans' Court Sale. Estate of Henry Fa un et, e'd FRANK FORD.—Building lot Hedge atel• Oxford otreets, 30 4.100 feet..-Orphans'..Court _Salcn.P.lE4tate - i - osepit.- 7'. Van A.-irk. der'd - • - --- NINTH AND WATKINS STS.—Two-story brick dwelling, at N. W. corner; lot It by 70 feet. Orphans' Court bale. Es'ate-rf Fatah IP- der, deceased. - N 0.741 BAINBRIDGE ST.—Three-story- brick house and lot, 14 by 60 feet. Orphans' Court Sale. Estate_ of Ann Cullen . , det'd. - , No. 12:ki Is. TENTH - ST —Genteel three story - brick dwelling with back buildings and lot. 11 by 70 feet -. Or phans' Court Sale. Estate af litczabetb Hain-s, deed. No-. )T33 UT4:IRI NSON three-story brick dwelling, with hack buildings, every convettli3nce; lot 10 by 82 feet. -Ectleby order'e Weirs. No. 1225 H UTCHINbON ht.—Genteel throe-story brick dwelling, with back buildings, every convenlence; lot 16 by 82leet. to Percy street. bale bfl order of Heirs. GERMAN TOWN.—Stone . brick and frame dwellings, ?dein and Manheitn streets. lot 61 by 217 feet. Adminis trators' Absolute Sale. Es.uts of Eitzabetli Jacoby, deed. No. 1223 PALMER. ST —Three story frame dwelling and fretut stable, above Girard avenne,lot 40 by 190 feet, No; trcruust r tt r A Y.-- - t . nreo story Tram° hours. lot 20 hy 190 feet. Sale Absolute. FIFTY-FIRST AND LOOUST STS.—Building lot 32 by 02 feet. 'SW 'e Absolute. No. 2203 HOWARD STrEET.—Three•story brick etore and dwelling, with back buildings, lot 16 by-6/ feet. - . No. 2249 HOWARD nu} ET.—Tbree-etory brick dwelling. with bark buildings, b•• 16 by 61 feet. No. Pr= PORTLAND ST R EET.—Tbree-atory brick house and 10r,19x46 feet,Fourteentti Ward. Sale peremp tory, by oilier of hew. GERMANTOWN .—Modern reBidence, stable and coach-house,Fiebeee I:tne, lot 160x204) feet. Every con vecionce. Immediate poesioesion. 'Full particu.ars en culal,pies. Sale No. 1123 Mount Vernon s treet HANDSOME HOUSEID.LD FIJR4ITURE. MAN TEL MIRROR. WALNUT PARLOR SUIT, HOY EIED WITH GREEN PLUSH; ELEGANT ETA GERE AND WALNUT OHAAIBER SUIT, PINE .RAIR ATRESSIe.S. REDDIN , .. TAPESTRY and INGRAIN CARPETS, W A I.N OT BOOPWASE, SIDEBOARD, KITrFIEN UTENSILS Ac. , &c. ON THURSDAY MORNING. May 19. at 10 o'clock: will h.. anld by catalogue, the en tire handsome lionsehold Furniture: To Wheelwrights and Others. PEREMPTORY SALE OF MAO FRET OF WELL SY ASONED HICKORY, WHITE AND BLACK OAK LUMBER ON MONDAY 111ORNINO. May at 10 o'clock, will be sold, at FIFTH street and COLUMBIA avenue, about 00,000 fiat of wall-seasoned Hickory; White and Black Ouk Lomb, r, from half inch op J Sale peremptory. • Peremptory Sale—No -122 Walnut street. _ . SUPERIOR LATHES AND rnoLs, PEAT . I ; ORn SCALES. GM NLSTON kc. ON TUESDAY IHORNINO. May 24, at 10 o'clock - , at the Auction Store, three No 1 Fox Lathes. with Tools complete: - A Ise, largo Grinds tone, Scales, !cc. Wr - Sale peerni pi orY SCOTT'S ART GALLERY AND AUCTION G0A111.113510P1 SALES ROOMS, B SCOTT, J R., Auctioneer. 1117 CRESTIs UT street, Girard Row. Furniture Sales every Tuesday and Friday morning. at 10 o'clock. Particular attention paid to oat-door sales at mode. rate rates. GEORGE II IiErATEL'S EPEI lAL SALE OF SUPERIOR TRIPLE- PLATED SILVER WARE, On first ()utility. of Gertnen silver metal, comprising Urns. Tea Sets, Solvers, large and small Castors, Ac. Also, A full line of first•class Tr' ple••plated Ware. op watto metal. embracing some newest styles of finest goods ever made In this branch of art. • • . All to be sold " without any reservation, at the Art Gallery of IL SCOTT, JrNo. 1147 Chestnut street, ON MONDAY MORNING. May I§.; atiOo'clock. The goods will he on exhibition. all day Saturday. the 14th, tom. the Art Gallery Rooms, second flcor. Sale at No. 1309 Chestnut street. • 'ON WEDNF;SDA 61OhNING Marla, at 10 o'clock. at -.the wareroums of SI. DEGIN THEN, No 1109 Choltri it etruot, will be mold at promo sale, the entire stuck of handsome Furniture, to close the business. The sale is peremptory, and the stock will positively be mold e, Wien t the least reserve, as 61r. Deginther is retiring, and takes thi method to dispose -oft ho ba an co-o h is-le rge_stock - .Catalogues ready Monday A. M.. and can be had on application at the wareruoms. of Mr. Deginther, or at the ottice of the Auctioneer, 11. SCOTT, Jr., No. 1117 Chestnut street DAVIS ez. HARVEY, AUCTIONEERS, Forpr hi! 51..1 hopm Store Nne. 48 and FO North Sixth street IQ" Sal , s nt Itnsidences rtv.eivn particular attention IKir Sales at ilia Store every Tuesday. Fate NO. 1tt.15 North 80've'rith ntroot . .. . . . .. EI.EGANI -PARLOR, OFT 4711.8 ER AED DINING . 'ROOM FURNITURE, HEIL MIRROR, FINE TA PESTRYTARPETS. &c. . • • ON SATURDAY MORNING' . May 11,at 10 o'clock, or catalogue, at No. 1545 North Seventh street,' above Montgomery avenue the entire lcurnquro. igcludingelegant Green Plush Parlor Suit, ' lino French • Plate Pier Mirror. Curtains, handsome Walnut Cnamber - Snits, - Croon -- Ron - Library Chiiiro; Lounge liedstandseenperlor Wal ut dideboari,Ex tem oinn Table and Chairo,fitto Pirated, Ware, handsome Boom lied Stair Carpets'.China and 'ollklS whro. Hitched Cten3ile. superior Upright Refrigerators, Stc.__Onlyin use a 'short thee, and actual to now. m '..' 7 .9., McULELL'AND, : AVOTIONEER, ' -1-... c.: •• '• 14 0 OH ShITNUT Street, .: Ear Personal, attention given to Sales of Household Furniture at , HiNelllngs. -,,-1.- . , , .0 . . el?' Public Boles of Furniture at the Auction Rooms, 7121teethestnutatreeti - overt hfondac and-Timrsidur.---- , lefgr..For_partlepLareeno Public eager. Nom" If: 'l3.—A stherior clean' of •Furniture at Private Sale. r. 1 1 ' 4 -- ' I , 1 41 7 8 i. 4 1) 41AiNgiaira 4 , , Mai .4: at 2 o c ock, noon, will bo ould, at' trio rh tia 1 •-delphla ;Exchange. all;that , modern , new three story 1 _ hack. meanness°, with ;three-story back , buildings, and , lot of ground, situate on the east side .of .Ninotoontle ,street, soirth' of ..Reee..No: la, JO_ feet front by lie toot ,deep. The house has parlor, dining rpom ; and two' ' ,k I oltenot'onlifist hour Iwo , chambea4 bath-1.00 v. large. 'BB opn sa m ting:roo. with I 1 tI,I . ethinatorttr, oil the thint ou' tlartiett'olioater and 'j Window, on second floor_;' TiTettle l Co'fte '0 hilt:nit' ieeerveY.' #0,0 , 0 may remaimon 'motell i ngeolttilguactll : PflaltimiliPl4 .17 13 i/tar iit;:g. : ' N. .-- no uu ran °Mtn to be pa t a co INi=7iME , , Xuctio Ml= ''.,' ,... .:'• , :...iii:aii.eri skihi;itil-.;.q..,:i..V ASSIGNEES ; .SA ESTATE lr HEEDDII. - THOM A ID STEEL OD MIFFLIN AND' MINT ODOM - DOTINTIIIifi; TOIOI4DA.e, 24; 14370. • ':-.••; AT 12 o'ctoex, NOOK_ The undersighedSOnSignSereire tend fc tie benefit of i the creditors of the Freedom Iron and steel Comp in. wail tredlet phblieauction.st the °Moo of the elom pilaf. ; in Derr tv y township, Mifflin county, on Tuesday, t • day s tif play, 47... 1800. at, 12 'OMN* The following property of the said Comptini.ooruL itising shoot thirty-oike s thoonsods39,9oo,sesses s ys i s s li_ 'fu Mint si and Huntingdon counties. Pennsylvania, os s hien there:are erected extensiye steel workeltbress(3Y; charcoal blast turn acre intim; and ono 111 diensed.wita; i to merous ' , hope and buildings, to wit:: ; ., .;s s .• i The property knnwn as the Frdeinadlrootind'ilteer IW inks, in Mifflin comity., „Penneslyanio s co,mprioing two bUrieljed,shd ofghty_- ', t a n Audi One ( 1r charcoal blast furnace, Bessemer steel convert } lug house. hammer shop, tail .and.• plate. mill. Meats forgo, tiro , mill, water- power stiloomery, cost-steel - shop, ko s , a f r o p t s in n d tr s ry e a h ed machine 'shops', forgo. smith D. store with warehouses attached.. me ninon house, offleee,64 dwelling house ,,, farm stook.' mill,saw u iit e ki lo,stib lea aud ther i ballting s. w ithstatiosisginesnkshinsrf irople tm,Lte,horsesandmule ,cluding twelve teams of six muted - each), Yragene ; and barmen complete. , •• • • .:. •,. A leo,strout 4es,eoti bushels Or chnrcoal, &bent 1,(101; ton* for frob oroiabout 2 . 000 Lone of cinder, a quantltrof stone. together with a large quantity. , material hose- 'Hone stager, of manufacture. . • • •• ; : Also. the property known-es the Greenwood Oro Dank, • ,in Union tOwnship. Mina eounty, containing V: ores of land, with 20 dwelliog-honsee ander/Ogees' , • Al-o, the property known as the 's Saw 11111. the Same county, containing 2.372 acr e s of lane, with `mill and allibet machinery and appurtenances thereof. ;With two =entracte of land in Derry townellip,feliMia county, containing about one acre mere or. ess, each, '.known as the - Cunningham and Ityan lots, with two !small ire cte of land, containing , shout one acre and ono- . (fourth of an acre. respectively, known an the Ilmtetter lot. and the Sttian s p House Zindlot, in Union toteliship, • Mifflin 6 - minty. •• Also, about 17,400 - acres - of uneeated lankf, ii _ [llllla- - Tetioy . Also, the right totake ore on the Muthershaugh farm, , 'in Decatur towustop,cenuty, at a royalty of 26 cents porton: - -,-, • s o. , • , Also, the properly known an the Stroup Oro Bank, in ;Union township, Mifflin county; containing about 9% This last named proper& is ''snbject to ' Mortgage, .given • to scent() bond ferfi• i,OOO,- bearing Interest at, thess sratect_six_perceutstfor au finals frem July 2 4.i.118/3. la Together with about 907 OCIOB of nd.'in unittiiitton -- • 'countY, knowe nage Greene ood Furnace tract, with! :charcoal b feet furnaces, known - as the tireeneltod' Poe 'traces, with engines and fixtures, with., mansion -house s .17 at 'tiles, carpet ter Shops blacksmith' shop, 82 'dwell ing houses, offices- • and OLOTO, flpai grst' , with stable and buileings of every deserip tion, mit h horees and Mulet4 in MI. 143 twin:MlS; include leg 16 tet ins of 6 mules or horses each , - witl, wagons and r harness complete, farm stock, and implements, tools, mill • stock, railroad and erectus. Also, the property known as the Monroe' Ftirnaoe; in - IS - Jerre township, Huntingdon - county, coutnirung about,.; 179 acres of land, with 9 dwelling' nooses, stables, car penter shop, smith shop, store and office:building.. Also, -about 17,200 acres of land, in Huntingdon - county (elsalch eV acres 'Ore seated. and pertly MI ; proved I Also, the wood, cut for coaling, estimated 'at 31,006 cords. She foregoing properties will be sold In- one parcel or lot s oubject to the payment ofthomortgages. now exists - tag against the property. One at them bearing date, Feb. 1,.1867, given to Wks-. tar [dunk, James T. Young and Enoch Lewis, In trust, • to sectiro bonds of the cotopaisYsnitsisblesoestries_lst__- - Folsruarysml74,ltli - TUU - 4Sat thereon. at Byer cont. per annum, payable semi-annually on the fist days of August and February. 1 he principal of which debt is $500.000, and on above ' - --interest was-paid up totne first day - DS - Februarys - 1109s • The other mortgage is dab d .December 1, 186.4,he1d by henry H hoor,Wtstar Morrie and E.O. Bldrinnin truotto - secure bonds of the companY,payableon the Mot day of December, 1883( th interest thereon at -6 per coat. per ' annum, pa) able gond. annually, on the first days of June iina_December thare_le due for-principal, 41.00,-,..5. VAS with interest froth Dee. 1, 1869. - - s _ --ButthernurchanerieWill _ In their deed. extruding any personal , liability for , the debte thus secured. and' agreeing to no more than a re cognihetion that snob mortgages exude and are liens. 2 . • • - Tpurchesers will be required to - pay:in addition ' to th ecru - omit. of their bid, theCebttue for wood lease • ,' ab0ut,02,090), and the amount due by the assignees or paid by • thign ; for - cutting wood, :now' lying on the property, preparing for coaling ; about 6. 2.060- • Thu AsSighees propose tosell s ot. the same. time -and The propferty knoWn - iiirthe. - Teder - Farni, 7 ln • Browni township, Mifflin county, containing 158 acres 'ln perch ea, tomposed of two tracte,aefollowe:_ . • s - beginning at stone inroad, thence by land of John D. - Darr, north 63 deg. east, 102 5-10 perches to stone;these° • by laud of Joseph IL Zook, north 44% deg.-woot,--202 perehes, to (dont; ; thence by land - of john Hanley, emith 4P', degs, cot 1021-10 perches, to stone s thence eolith 40(7 deg. east. 190 6-10 perches, to the place of beginning— ' containing One hundred and twenty-five acres and twelve.= perches, nett measure _ _ • Also, all that" other certain triter of land ; adjoining' a bovo, beginning at stone In road, thence up (mid road, north 4434 deg. west, 67 5-10 _perches, to stone; thanes by land of John Hooky, swab 4U4 deg. 'west, 79 6-10 perches. to stones ; thence by land of David Ls - Y oder, south 42% (leg. east, 66 640 perches sto: stone in. • road; thence along said road and by land of Gideon Yoder, north 4034 deg. cast, 81 HO perches, to the place of beginning—containing thirty-three acres and one hundred and.twelye perches, nett measure.. ' The some. being subject to mortgage to secure-s -hoe ars.emounitse to is f. 738 nnon_f(3.Boo which. Londe, interest IA due from A pill meet. • Aleo, the property known, as the Williams farm, as follows: Ail het certain tract of land situate in Derry town ship, Mifflin county, Pa., bounded and described as fol lowa : Beginning' nt a chestnut, corner of lands of Philip Martz, thence by lands of Wm. Iletiney and Samuel 111,711nuamy, north 37 degrees west, 93% perch s, to es hickory ; thence by lands of Samuel MoManamy, north 17 degrees west 17 perches ; thence by laud of James M. Martin. south 75 degrees west. 22 perches, to a post ; t hems% hy land of Johnston Bigler, south 57 degrees west, • 169 perches, to a hickory ; thence by lands of- Pe; er heirs, south 37 degrees start, 91, perches, to atones : thence by land of heirs of John 51cDonell, deceased, and Elm; !de lirium north GO deg. east, 03% porches, to a . post; thane. by land of Philip . Martz. north 709 i • deg. east, - - perches, to the place of beginning-containing one' Bred and seven acres and twenty-nine perches of ' I and allowance. This property is charged with a Mortgage. given I cure bonds for $1,250, with interest at 6 per cent. pet sum, from November 8,1868. Also, 427,745 Ilia. steel ingots. . 41 tons warm blast scrap iron. 17,821 lbs. plow plate, trimmed.. • 244,614 lbs. round and squaro iron and steal buggy tire, Sleigh steel, rail webs and bottoms, do. 6190,5-2240 tons eteel rails. • ' 101351.2240 tons steel rail ends. 105 steel ingots at Lochiel Iron Works, Hartle burg. weighing 60.772 tbs., hammered. 597 steel ingots at Johnstown, weighing 33Sjai I bs ~ not hammered. 5 tons castings. 4 tone scrap. . Also, a full assortment of dry goode, boots and shoes, groceries, provisions cud drugs] amiab le for a manufac turing establishment, in store at Forge Wo rice, in Derry township. Mifflin county, and in ,store et Greenwood Furnaces, Huntingdon county. The contents of molt of those stores will ho offered in OM parcel. and if a sufficient price. in the judgment of the seeigneesso not offered, they will be withdrawn and sold by catalogue. TEMIS OF SALE. The purchaser or purchasers of the Iron and Steel Works, Forest and Furnace Properties and Beal Estate, &c.. Hold therewith, wi.l be required to pay one thou sand (1,000) dollars at the time of signing the memoran dum of purchase, when the property is struck down, and the balance of the purchase-money within thirty days thereafter. lion:alters become pureimeero, the amount of the dividends to which they mm probably be en titled may be reserved, less ten per cent., upon their giving approved ;security to pay in on reasonable notice, from time to time, any part or parts of such resi due and reserved amount .as may Uo required by the' assignees in their judgment. The purchasers to pre• pare the deeds for execution and to submit drafts for ap proval within thirty days. - The purchasers of other parcels will be required to pay on acceptance of their 'bids, respectively, 8500, if the principal exceeds that, other %hat the amount of their :bldg, and the balance in thirty drys, on the approval of the sale by the auditor, when possession will he delivered. • . JAMES .S. ODLE, - . CHARLES Me° REA, : • A ssignebn of the Freedom Iron and Steel Ome parry. PHILADELPHIA, April 21,1370. ap2.3-tf THOMAS' BTRCH & SON, AHdTION EKES AND COMMISSION - MERCHANTS, No 1110 CHESTNUT street, Rear entrance No. Ha Stinsom street. onselsold.Furaiture of every, description received • on Consignment. Sales of 'Furniture at Dwelling's attended to, on the • most reasonable terms. rp PRIN CIPAL MONEY ESTABLISEI JI ' MENT, S. E. corner of t3IXTII and RAGE streets. Al aney advanced on Merchandise goner Illy—Watt:hes. Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and Silver Plate, and.mn all articles of value for any length of time agreed on. i_ WATCHES - AND JIMELRY AT PRIVATE SALE. Pine Gold Hunting-Cabe, Double. Bottom and Open Fare Eugliah, American and Swiss Patent Lever Watchoo ; Fine Gold Hunting Gage and Open Face Le pine Watches; Fine Geld Duplex and other Watches; ; Fina'Siltar Bunting Case and Open Face English, 'Ame rican and Swiss Patent Lever and Lupine Watches; Itouble Case English Quartier and other Watches ; La dies' Fancy W etches, Diamond Breastpins, Finger Binge, Ear Ringo, Studs...to.; Fine Gold Chains, Medal lions, Bracelets, Scarf Pins; Breastpins, Finger Binge, Pencil ranee, and Jewelry generally, , • FOR PALE—A large and valuable Fire-proof °had, fit-I'llolo lor a jeweller ; coot Sae. Also. 90Veral Lots In South.tlamilert, Fifth .and-0 tot i.treet.t. NEW YOJM. • SON ERVILLE, A riCTIONE . SALE 06' FINE PAINTINGS, ; 5, • Do MONDA Y and TUESDAY EV.E.NINGS. May iind i 7, at the StitnarVille Art Gallery."' , 12. - .lfifth.mvonne. NOW York. 160 choice works br,Cel ebrate - d s , l A e mofe ' ric t a e n : /U Es,. l _TUDE l opl Cind O vra JC(tE P beTR sIS 3TIIII U o . lon ig to Dlr. WDana,*Lo `auf leaving ' e Also, by ordei 111008 rig. Ocipil'kCo of aria, part con...lmminent* to, thin. niiv *nit taßlifr • Among the worke sald,n 11l the aroll-k no an so Wow . s AC Itctremea Meet.", ”lloart'a roBoo, &C. •" MR Pasta ,r's Birthday," a Lirge and lino • specimen of Prof :Carl Iltibtier; "Kinablames ilm b.sottlsh Outlnwa, , by T. M Joy, of , LOnd 'al and other ' liotnbhi , joitheart, Praserm, 'lf 40105 , Beoker. Antiert. Le;--Ppittemii Olpidet. Settrmon , e:Yerboheklitivent,' . llnnivosn; ' ecr:; • Ac4 ' 'end rarinaNworkg by—time:clean . A hs,notifill, snit recont'worlrby ft:uttTard,"tifout—Upfpar' fiarnt," rIPIA others Vuxand i Ronsott, ripEikter. 1 ,6den, W P. ktfolionisi • fali.'fino6l46:: ij9 'l • , Now pmj\ayandViiitrg,intNiuneo.63ll. •, w 71,1