Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, May 12, 1870, Image 2
MM=== THE I.AKV OF HIS TRIBE. Ile crouches and buries his face on : his And hides in the dark of his hairy) For he cannot look, up to the storM•smitten, trees, Or think of the lonodinegs7tlMt6 „ ?' Of the less and the forielinds there. The Wallaroos grope through the tufts of t h e grass, And-turn-10 their covers`for'feitr.l But he si is in the usli6 and liits them pass v • Whvre the boontrangs sleep with the spear— ' With the nullab, the sling, and spear. • , Uloola, behold.hinif The thunder that breaks Onjhe tops; of: the,reeks, with the; rain,: And the wind Which drives up with the salt -of the lakes; Have made him a bunter again ' • A bunter and fisher again.. . „ For his eyes have been full w a smoulder iog tho a n ught ; 13othe dreams of the bunta of yore, And of foes that he sought, and of 'fights that he fought; With those who will battle no more— V ho will go to the battle no more. • It is that the water Which tumbles and fills Goes moaning and _moaning along; For an ocho rolls out from the sides of the • bills, And lie starts at a Wonderful song= At the sounds of a wonderful song. And he sees, through the rents of the scatter ing lugs, The corrobboree, warlike and grim, , And the lubra, who sat by the fire on the logs, —To-watcb, like a Mourner, for him— Like a mother and mourner for him. • "VirilThe go, in his-sleepy-from these-:desolate lauds Like a chief to the rest of his race, 'With the honey-voiced woman who -beckons, . and stands, And gleams like a dream in his face Like a inarvellons dream in his face —leaves from Australian Forests, by Henry }'EOU worrrii .cnuoLINA. f Oeireepondence at the Philadellshiallvetithe'Bnllerin: l ELI 7 A BETH . CITY, Pasquotank county, N. C., May 5, IS'lo.—ln the old "North State"= (the homes of Helper and'Rayner)—the " Sunny South"—where but a Ilitle ' ' While since man _„was hartere.d like merchandise in the mai Let, but who to-day is a "man and a brother," in its fullest sense, do 1 find myself and family, and calling this our home. We left the land of Penn last fall, to try a SOuthern clime, &c., and found the win- i ter exceedingly mild and pleasant beyond ex- 1 tralli,l) i Constßutioh de 1793 (Reetblique) I,Ell r illB - -pectation;-could not be_alled Winter: 1 cr u ti e untee et ian M. :( Ripn 1 0. ~,4, • -feaa—ttea'bloor4l42a-veryr , early-in- February.__l 4 ,,, u l , t i, ) ,, t i on . ,„l.allfVlll. Wonenlat,3,9ll,ollo Si i llit it ue i ensulte de rue A.(Cenll 3 - ,565185 It is said thattbis is a very late spring—a little e 9,074 -colder tban„usual, and.much rain. To-morrow so , i i e r. iiilioeesuie de Pan XIII. ( Eui. 1.iii,67 , 5 .. 2,555 one of our enterprising "truckers" will begin Act° dgiroVe7s:l7lls. . 1,300.600 — 4;201 Constitution oe 1652 7,473,431 611,351 the-pea trade ;•will send theM North. I find Senatue Consult° de Deeerubre,l6s2. (Bilipiee) . 7,823,189 that North Carolina furnishes a . large propor- TIIE TICKET USED ON SUNDAY.. : . • fieri - Of the early vegetables .and fish that find 1 The form-of the French .4, ticket"..pa:Per has your Northern markets, being quite a Settees ' been discussed at the Tuileries with, the Minis of revenue. Corn planted and growing nicely. ters; and the committee of the Senate took -Cotton-planting about to begin. Roses at full part in the deliberation. Two drafts of an bloom the past two weeks, of which there is election 'ticket" Were exarninedne - general, the greatest . variety. Trees as green as mid- and runningnearly as follows: sunnier. _ irdtf in abundance, and oh! hov ~ Does die French people consent to' accept sweetly they s sing ; and, strange to -., saYi 'tiler I the liberal modifications made in the Constitu carol at, niE,ht. I hear them now at 9 &etc.& i tion of 1852 for the purpose of establishing a P.ll. 1 parliamentary system with the Imperial The climate is lovely, and so, far the- health i Governrtient,"as welt asall the consequences of of all Northerners has been good. Had it not I that regime." been for slavery, to-day Eastern N. C. migh,\ This wording not being accepted, another --„and..nsa .doubkwould b_ave been the garden of was prepared in more explicit language. The the world. Its "foot-prints"re'Visible' - evezy - I Leif IS as Teillews - : - where. Both in nature and art the "let-alone I "Will the French people accept the liberal disposition" was very prominent here—no im-, Modifications of' the Constitution of 18.52 on provement, art was despised, and nature not 1 the following basis : I. Responsibility of improved. ' Miniiters in presence of the - chambers; 2. In- But now she is lifting herself out of the old , stitution of two Legislative Chambers; 3. Re and, worn-out tracks. She is taking another storation of the constituent power to the and better course; is inviting Northern men i nation." • and capital. About twenty-eight families frJal , This formula is preceded by a proclamation Pennsylvania and New York have accepted the ' from the Emperor, which was posted in all the invitation, and have settled in and about this communes. [This proclamation has appeared city,.." and still they crime;" so I we look for a , hi Thc . An:ericcn.] better state of affairs. , TIIE OPPOSITION AND TIII "ITV." . This place is pleasantly situated on the • Napoleon's Plebiscite was ,opposed in the banks of the Prisquotank river, forty-five miles most decided manlier by many of the leading from Norfolk, Virginia, and forty miles from minds of France. An " Anti-Plebiscitary Ad- Albemarle Sound, and but a little further from dress" was issued by the Democratic Com ae ocean. Large steamers, vessels and name in Paris, in e Mei' they said to the schooners can come up ; one just arrived people : . with a full cargo. Of merchandise from your city Will you, limier the semblance of a pallia tor the noted Land and Lumber Co. of North mentary system, consolidate personal govern- Carolina (all Northern men and capital). I went? if you wish to do so, vote "Yes."' might mention that we are but forty miles But if you bear in mind the teaching of from "Old Nag's Head," a famous watering- events—if you have riot forgotten the eighteen place for this section, and equal to Cape May, years of oppression, of outrage to liberty, nor leaving out the hotels and heavy bills. Hope Mexico, nor Sadowii, nor the debt increased by a large delegation from Philadelphia will come five milliards, nut the budgets exceeding two „ and see, and find pleasure, pastime and milliards, nor the conscription, nor the heavy health. , taxes, nor the enormous contingents,then you The principal productions a re corn, cotton, cannot vote "Yes." For all these evils—the sweet potatoes, pea -nuts„ all kinds of peas and traces of which France will be unable for a beans, fish, oysters, &c. ; no hay—substitute long time to educe—are the result of two eorn-blades. The forests abound in great va- Plebiscites taken eighteen years ago, similar to rieties of wood, much of which is sent North that which is now submitted to'-you. For it is to bemade into useful articles and sent back a signature in blank that is required from you, for use here. the • alienation of your sovereigtity,the infeuda •. I note in the account of * the Fifteenth tion of the popular right in the hands of one Amendment Jubilee in , Hollidaysburg that man' and one family—the confiscation of the she was honored with the last fugitive slave case inipiescriptible right of future generations. In in America,' which was published in the Bur,- the name of the sovereignty of the people, and 1 ETIN as reported by your humble servant, o f the national dignity—in the name of order v4ho, by the way; incurred the displeasure of a and social peace, which can only be obtained few ordinary politicians, who hived liberty for 'through the conciliation of interests and classes themselves only. It occurred in April, 1892. ID a system of free democracy, reject by your Very respectfully yours, ' vote the new Constithtion. Protest by a nega- C. C. PRICE. ' tive vote, by blank votes, or even by absten --es • .....----- __________ ' tion, all„forntS.etprotest will contribute to the JUSTOBY OF THE PLEBISCITE AND advantage of liberty. For ourselves we shall VOICES. resolutely vote "No," and we counsel'you also _._. The French Plebtucitnin—ltm.Origin and . te-vole "No.'.' - . Intent. ..- . . . This document was signed by seventeen Article thirty-two of the French Constitution Deputies—M dl. Emanuel 'Arago, &meet, of the 14th ofJanuary,lS.',2, which, with the Ciemieux, Desseaux, Dorian,..Esquiros, Jules modifications' of various &slates-Corm/Id, is 'Ferry, Gagneur, Gambetta, •Garnier-Pages, the present Constitution of France, reads :13 I 0i101:11, Glais Bizon, Grevy, Magnin, Ordi follows : "All modifications in the fundamental :' naire, E. Pelletan and Simon. It is also signed bases of the-Constitution, such -as- they-were i by eight representative;s of the Paris and Pro laid down •in the proclamation of the 2d of vincial press. . • December, 1851, and • adopted by the French A Paris journal, the organ of one section of people, shall he - submitted to universal suffrage. the Mmistry,quotes a portion of the remarkable This appeal, to • universal sulfra.p3 sped] delivered on the Ist of September last is known in yranee as a Plebiscite, in the Senate by• Prince Napoleon, which sitm froin the, " Latin couipound word up very forcibly all that is to he said against Piebis-scitnin or Plebiscituria—a law made by that measure. His lin [wild Highness said : the common consent of the people, without the 1 don't approve 'of Plebiscites. A Plebiscite interventiob of the Senate or legislative power. is a Mere democratic sham. It implies that The article referred to Occurs in - chapter four the legislative -power is in the..hands of. the, of the Constiuttioojiiniting and detiuine the people. Well, it seems to Toe that, save iii very powers of the Senate, by which the 'few - instances, - that - power is --utterly- dela-- especial guardia.uship. - of, the Con- sive. If the Emperor has the right of resort stitution is committed :to that body. ing to a direct appeal to the people be must use Article twenty-severe.for instance, says that the., that right very sparingly, and had better not Senate regulates by a Senates Cousultum "all use it at idl. TWP efliiscite is a kihd of sheet that has not been provided by the Constitu- • anchor—the last device to stave off a revolution. thin, and which is necessary for its march," , To resort to a Plebiscite to died a change in 'and "the 'sense of the articles of the Constitu- ! the Constitution were sheer insanity, (une thiii - WhiCh give lice - to - different - interpreta-n i utoTration.) If _people__answer " aye," it k37:1 lions." - This is the Plebium of France. '• sham ; if the people answer " no," it is a revo - It, is Universal sulinige tinder the control of ' lution. -This direct appeal to the people is a monarchism. . , I kind of coup d'ctat, and implies that the Ern • . . ...;......„.erienee with the representatives. .111S101 :Y AK') - Since tll --- eXecittion of Louis XVL‘there 'lf he acts in harmony with the chambers-he have been several appeals to the Plebiscite in has no reason for resorting to, a Plebiscite. France. Thu first was on the Constitution of ' The members of the ••Right Centre pro -I'o3, when the. Mountain party, having con- claimed •a' manifesto, in which they say : quered the .Girondists_ in the Convention ; set Liberty and Revolution, are in presence; about the completion of the Conslittition which both are deployed hi. line of battle and un .theVirnrahits bad - begim, said to he the handl- .firried their flags. .- • - • • woi kof _Condcrcet: This cm mit ution, tihich On ibo flag of. Liberty Is Written "Yes." was ~ilha. pp with - a rapidity thit contrasted .On 1416'1104 of Revolution - is written '‘No." 11 - i; ' k ,010 -,i;lnewtiPss. of the Girondists in It is impor,tant for the principle of durable elaborating constitutiolbs,-rei4uialed the-number ihetly in France that the Plebille:te 'of 113 - 1 Q of reprcEentativea in itre National Convention, hould obtain the greatest possil\ile number of ordeuiid annual. elections and established trial votes. It is with this view that we have I=a== by jury. It was submitted to a Plebiscite, and , appioved „by, 1,801918 against 11,010.,yotes. 'l'wo yearS tifter*tis, subsequent to the-tipatii of Robespithe and! the downfall ofithii aeik-',., 1 3 bits, the liationa ;Con•steption f dpplied: , 4ts4lf to Ctitistitutionfmak iik.. Irglititilpyed_tiPoti the' work 'Abbifl Sie 6, wttlti .otilnba6 . reti - turd otherif ; atid . .lon lie 23a.!:'bf IJI;lbe, pO5, there' wai - ,isubriiiitted i BuissY d' Anglaiii a ineiV. 'Oll . Oll-iftlian , 'NW Constitution created. two chatilW - 6 , 4,fie 'Council-cif . the .Ancients ;- (25 0 ) and the Council of the Five Hundred, who in their turn elected five persons; called the Roca tive,Directory, known as the French Directory. This" Constitution' - was' — Siditnitted -' 16 ° `a Pl(bisciie, and approved by ,1,057,380 votes against 49,957; .It -- endured - four-- - .years—till ....the..-..:eighteenth. -:,-;-.llrumalre,- , which brought on tile', scene Napoleon, plena-, parte,, who made a ' very short work, Of :the Ancients, the Five Hundred and the Constitu tion: - Napoleon, in-bisturn, , went to. Constitit7.. tion building; and on the 10th November, 1109, produced his Constitution, which . provided' for the' election of 'it' Chief Consul and . two As- Sistant, Consuls. -' This was'suhtnitted to a Pie= biseite,.and approved by . 3,011,000 against :1,569 Votes. In 1102 Napoleon was . appointed Con sul for the term of ten years, and a; few months - subsequently a Plebiscite niade him Consul for life, by 3,508,185 votes against 0,074. Quickly upon the heels of the life Consulate came the hereditary empire in . 1804, when again there was an appeal to a Plebiscite, not tin the ppint - Wliether - Nalioleon - should - be - Emperor, - as_haS_ , often been asserted, but with regard to the heieditarY' succession. The "yeas" -to this question were 3,321,075 to 2,599 " nays." In 1815, on the acts additional as to the succession, there was a Plebiscite.. But the star of the. Emperor had set ; ' only-1,300,000 votes Mere east :in in' the - affirmative -and- but 4,-206--agai nst.-. There. is here a long gap in the history of Ple biscites in France, Until the cousin of the : Great Emperor cause upon the scene the Ple biscite was allowed to rust. In 1848 a Plebis cite . gave the Presidency of the Republic to Louis Napoleon, by 6,048,872 against the mil lion and odd'votes cast for Camignac. The 'present is the fifth Plebiscite taken by Louis Napoleon. In December, 1848, a Plebis cite declared him President for ten years; by_ . 7,481,231 against 640,731 negative votes. .In 1852 the present Cobstitution was ratified by 7,473,431 votes to 641,351. In December of the same year a Plebiscite ratified , the .80itittis- Cort.sultum, establishing the Empire, by 7,828,-' 189._votesagaillSt t-.5:;,145. __ P LEBISeI Tg- voTEK- The following statistical details of the ques tions submitted to the French people on eight similar occasions, with the totals of the votes cast in response, possess very great interest. The exhibit, reads thus =iMM 111==:=1 PHILADELPHIA EVENTI9-0 igj;I4I,4E,TIN.,THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1870. Sol med.tbis gatbering4tile',.tdital for the Plebiscite of .1870. Instituted .xchisive spirit, and, absolutely. independent,' ,the,einninittee appeals to the co-opeNition. . 'all,who'think that of all the savings rii , eatintry,! eau effect tbe greatest is to be able ti:lll,Soeitse with a revolution. --Presided.,,over.byAtle•Etne- I A'Albufera, its first measure:his,.been'l6 - elect . mi executive commission of fly,e'.".Members i i• tO 'wit: Admiral Bonet-Willaurne, Senator count de la Guerroniere, 'Senator.- Donut F. de Grange,Deputy - r - Clenient --- Pavtirnolii; Deputy, and Emile de Girardin. . • I Premier 011ivier is very modest. lle says EnirieFoi arid' the endeaVor insure respect for authority and . security to -country, and the Plebiseife,'Was, t a work of bility and pacification,'" - The American people have • thus the corn— I plete case of France before them. They. will no "doubt aspirate the . national 'praYer of the great Ilepublie, ‘ Ila.Y - God d9fend the right!" For some aime past.the little faction of admirers, friends and partisans of the ; Edward Moran has been attacking the rDirec . tors of the Academy of Fine Arts through the . col urns of the Evening ,Telegraph and Mfr.- LETIN for not having a regular spring ekhibi tion of paintings and sculpture.' —Con Ger-, mantoton Telegraph, ..M•ay 11th. The BULLETIN has made no such attack. It has frequeptlY combated the pretensions of --MirMoram-and-has-stated-several-±itrieSi_witlr out criticism ; the postponeuient of the annual exhibition. -The Concluding sale of the Haseltine col 'wtion took place last Friday. Having pub lished the principal figures:obtained on' the first evening, we cOmplete tbe.reportbkgislug some of the remaining prices, which we receive to day through the courtesy of one of the bidders who marked his catalogue. The,salo was. in teresting as showing what priees can: be legi timately obtained for certain masters at an un bolstered and peremptory sale: No. 1:31, "The Court Jester;" by Zamacoia, brought $290; No. 133, " Choosing the Sword," by Herbst hotter, $240; 130, "Lazy Bones," by Arnottx, _slos ; 137, SwiSs Scene, by Millner, $750; 138, Narragansett, by. W. S. Haseltine, $105; 141, "Holy Family." by Rtenbach, $350, (to Mr. Gibson); 142 More Ready to Play than Dress; $550, (to Mil. Mason); 143; ToiletTby - Becrus, 5240 ; 144, the Violincello, by Fauvelet, $l7O ; 145,L0ve vs. Duty, by LeraY, $lO5 ; - 148, -- "Morning - Morning ---- Prayer," - $4OO , 149; " Children and Kittens;" by Sondermanu,s22o , 350, Procession, by Candi(); $150; 153, Forest, by Van Wyngaert, $l2O ; 154, Boudoir, by . Boutibonne, $1,500 (to Mr. Gibson); 155, New Novel, by Dansaert, $550 '(to same); 156, New Magazine, $250 (to same); 157, Three I -Friends, by Brillouin, $350; _"1.5_8„, The Toilet, by De Block,' $162 50; 159; The - - 'COttage Hone, - by -Meyer-von-Bremen,Tssoo;---161, - Objects of Art and Nature, by Blaise Desgoffe, - $600; 161, Fruit, by Emilie Preyer, $420; 125, Scotch Sheep, by A;rt: - trance of the Harbor of Ostentle, by 'LL Her zog, $950 ; 108, Summer Landscape, by George Hetzell, $lOO ; 169,.Preparipg fo . r ajourney, by E. Beranger; - $5OO .1-71,-71,; Elbe,. - by Meyerheim, $480; 174;FOrbidden Fruit, by Timoleon Lobrichon (C. H. W01ff),150;177, Cattle-in the Fields, by J.Aale Hatt - i,5300; 179, Cattle and Snake, by Fr. Voltz, $l5O •; 180, Dignity and Impudence, by Jos. Stevens, $220; 182, Landscape from Nature, by George Het zel, $135 ; 185, from by J. Troyer, $245 ;. 180, Baby's Meal, by J. TraYer,--:5243; 'lB7, The Sleigh Ride; by Louis Lassalle, $lBO ; 191, The Hermit-Bunter, by C. Spitzweg,.slso; 192, David Returning_Victorious; by C. Selo pin, $230 ; 193, Christ, the Good Shepherd, by P..yebren . „.sl'io ; 104, 'Maternal Affection, by ErnestHild6lAndf,-5-20.5"' 1.95i-StilP-Llferbir David de Notre, $157 ; 190, Flowers, by Louis Darin, $ll5. Litleirs Living Age, No. 1354, May 14, 1870, contains : 1. Allibone's Dictionary of Authors, B. Shelton Mackenzie, D. C. L.; L. The Cost of a Napoleon, Fraser's Magazme ; ' 3. Two Ladies, Two Hours, Miss Thackeray ; 4. Moslem and Coptic Antiquities in Cairo, Golden Hours ; ' s:Cmint Charles de Minim lembert; BlaCkwdods Magazine; 6. Earl's Dene. -Part VI„ Black Wood's Magazine_;,.7, Dick Mitchel, Argosy ; S. The Jackdlw Author, St. Paul's, Poetry and Short Articles. QUARTI7ER M ASTER'S OFFICE UN ITED STATES ARMY. PHILADELPHIA, May 7, 1870. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 o'clock M. on TUESDAY, the 4 7th day of June, 1870, for furnishing the Quartermaster's Department with five thou sand (5,060) gross tons (or such hiss quantity as may be required) best quality of White Ash Anthracite Coal, of such size and in such quantities as may be ordered for a period of one year from the Ist day of May, 1870, with the privilege of increasing the amount to ten thousand (10,000) tons should it be required. So much of the coal as may be required for use in this city, including the United States Arsenals at Bridesburg and Gray's Ferry Road,to an amount not exceeding twelve bun dred (1,200) tons, must be delivered without additional expense to the United States. The balance to be delivered on board of vessels at this port, in good order and condition, free from slate, bone, dust and other impurities. Proposals must be made out in duplicate on blank forms, which can be obtained at this office, and envelopes endorsed. " Proposals for delivery, of coal." Each proposal must be accompanied by a sufficient guarantee that in the event of :the acceptance of the proposal, the bidder or bidders will enter into a contract for the de livery of the coal. No propiisal will be considered unless made in strict cOnformity to the above. Bidders are invited to attend at the opening of-proposals. The Quartermaster's Department reserves : the right to reject any and all bids. Any additional informatio.o desired by par ties wishing to-bid will be furnished upon ap plication to this ()thee. HENRY C. HODGES, Brevet Lieut.-Colonel and Quartermaster LLS, Army, , QEALED PROPOSALS, " ENDORSED PropoEitlH for Loan," will bo roweiy”fl at CIO City Treasurer's (Alice, Catodeo, until eight o'clock - , P. 51., on tho , FOURTEENTH . DAY ON MAY, 157 j. For a LOAN OF t 32.5,000, 'BONItS oF V,OO EACH, To he Wined under ordinances of he City Council of the oily of' Camden Jerney. said b ond s will bear in terest at the rate of SEVEN PE ft CENT. PER ANNUM, • ' 'pay nide semi-annually, on the . FIRST LAYS OF JULY AND JANUARY, - whole orally part of e/11,1 loan may be registered or not, at the option of the lender, on the books of:the 'treasurer of Hold city, anti will have con tams attached for the Road•anunalintereet.. Said bonds will badito payable 011 Ibe • ratflT DAY OF J AN U A HY. 1577. : Proponds will be received for snit or more of said b o nds, but any proposal nitnit elate whether to bo registered or not. SAMUEL UFTY, City Treasurer. GEORGE W WATSON, nuitl OtiliElt, CAIiIIOIN. Finance Committee. 4t," R. EE ARON AIN/18. 70)IN FAH rriki 1 4 3 J NDBESIGN,ED INVITE AT TEN TION to their kook. of Ouring Mountain, Lehigh and Locuot Ill'oUntoln Cool. w)ikb. with the preparation given by 1111, we think can not be excelled by any other until. Office. krunklin Institite Building, N 0.15.11. Seventh -rtreet. DINES /tc ffiU3AI b' jalOtf. Arch Street Wharf, linßuylkill. • kiMM ART. ITEMS. LITEMA RV PROPOSALS. CA - 3u4EI: , A ril 23,1470 JCUTIEH 1 - . R 0 DG ER S" AND wosTENFIOLISI'S 0 POCKET KNIVES, TEAM, and STAG HA N hnuni.iful 'ROW', 11_9 OG ERN' antI'AVADIC nijicejrnt.'S, and do v, is ILA 'CD .bhi.oti - trEve; RAZOR. HOlB6OllB 1N CASES of the finest quality. lttivhrs, Knives, Scissors and Table (lottery ground and polhilied. BAB INSTRUMENTS of the most anproved construction. to ttltfilfn t he M. ADF I ILA'S, ler, 010 SurAleal instrument atior,ll6 Touth street, Lowy ' . • niVl tt. COAL ANDWOOD. iBiEM Congress Hail, tiAl l l+; MAY, N. J., Opens , June ISt. Closes, October Ist. 1 • - ~: , • TrILMS-413 ISO porday Juno and September. $4 00 .. spot day July and. Angrier; : 4 1 The now sting is'now completed. / • Mark find SimOdifaSslor's full 'Military Band and Or;:' ~ luistia-Of2d-pleoes 'Applications for Rooms, address , F. C.AILE,Er,9PrIetor• 0456 19'222529 Stood thuls§ • PiCORP TERRACE, • Fr2elOnel,3lrispfsnmalryComatycjrp , ?. „ This delightful SUIII3IEICUESIDEI4OE will be open for the reception of -guests'on and aftur Jnne 1. For Circulars, Terms, &c., apply to JAMBS PULIII.ICR dr, CO., 439 IdAllKET.l3lrect,Phila., or to the proprlotor, Jtamew Palmer, COlllytc,Aville PA.' - mylo tu th s 2tuk - ' • ' ATkialiWA 7 .loET*c;, -., - BUILDING AND HOUSEIiErMING BARDWARE. • . Machinists, Carpenters and other • . chanies' . Toole, u Hinges, Screw, Locks, I{l4volt and Troika, Spoons, Coffee Mills, dac.,Stocka and Pica. Plug and Taper Tape, Universal and Scroll ()bucks, Planta great,variety. All to bo bad at the Lowest Posaible Prices ' At the. CUEAP-FOR.-CAtio Hard. ware-Store of J. .B:--SHANNON No. 1009 Market; Street. B U Sll4 ES6 CARDS. DVirlN_ H.. FITLE.B. ht CO., •. Cordage Manutactareiiiindbealers Ali Hemp, 23 N. Water Street and 22 N. Delaware Avenue PHILADELPHIA. EDWIN n. HITLER. CONRAD B. CLOTHIER lIICRAEL WEAVER. GEO. H. 9. MILER. WEAVER & CO., Pope and Twine Manufacturers and Dealers in Hemp and Ship Chandierff. 29 North WATER. 23 North WHARVES. PHILADELPHIA. 011 tIS - H. P. et' C. R. TAYLOR, Perfumery and:Toilet Soaps. 641 and 6i North• Ninth street. Estabtished--1521. • WM. G. FLANAGAN & SON, HOUSE AND SHIP PLUMBERS, No. 129. Walnut Street. iy7 /A • :JOSEPH WALTON & -- CABINET - MAP-ER.B4 NO. 413 WALNUT STREET. Ilianufacturers of fine furniture and of medium priced furniture of superior quality. - OODS .ON - HAN D-A-ND --MADE•TO-ORDER.. . Counters, Desk-work, Eic., for Bunke, Winces and Stores, made to order. JOSEPH WA LTON, ,JOS. W. LIPPINCOTT. JOSEPH L. SCOTT. JAMES L.-AVILSON, • 518 SOUTH - NINTH - STREET, Residence-522 South-Ninth-street. ap3o ly I:NRY PH Mid PPI, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, NO. 1024 SANSOM. STREET; -PIIILADELPRIA. E B. W, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, iJouL WIGHT; of Donde for the State. of Pennsylvania In •• 96 Madison street, No. 11, Chicago. lllinois. anigiii 0 T.T ON SAIL DUCK OF EVERY Stwirnberi Tent and Awning Duck, Poper-mnker's Felting, Sail Twine, .Im. JOHN W. EVERMAI, • Sara N 0.103 Church stren*, Oitv Rtnrnio. - sIifPPETUP - LI OR BOST EJ N.—STEAMSHIP LINE 1: DIRECT. SAILING FROM EACH PORT Evani Wednesday ampat - arday. - FROM PINE STREET WHARF, PHILADELPHIA. AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON. FROM PHILADELPHIA. I FROM BOSTON. le A. M. • 3 P. al. ARIES, Wednesday, May 4 SAXON,Wednesclay,Mav 4 N ROMA, Saturday, " 71NORM AN, Saturday," 7 SAXON, Wednesday " 111ARIES,1Veduesday,fit:'.11. NORMAN, Saturday," 14IROMAN ,fiaturday, " 14 ARIES. Vi edneeday, " 181BAXON,Wednesday, " 18 ROMAN; Saturday, " 211 NORM AN, Saturday " 21 SAXON, Wednesday " 2Y ARIES, RIES, Wednesday,-" NORMAN,Saturday, " 24 ROMAN, Saturday, " 28 These Steamshipa sail punctually. Freight received every day. Freight forwarded to all points in New England. For Freight or Passage (superior accommodations) apply to HENRY WINSOII. & CO., 338 South Delaware avenue. DHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S REGULAR LINES FROM QUEEN STREET WHARF. Tho ACHILLES will sail for NEW ORLEANS, via Havana. on --, May —,at 8 A. 11. The YAZOO will sail from NEW ORLEANS, via via ono, May, —. Tho WYOMING will sail for SAVANNAH On Saturday, May lith, at 8 o'clock A. M. The CENTIPEDE will sail from SAVANNAH on Saturday, Mayl4lll. The PIONEER will sail for WILMINGTON, N.0.,0n Friday, May 20, at G A. M. Through bills of lading signed, and passage tickets sold to all points South and West. BILLS of LADING SIGNED at QUEEN ST. WHARF. For freight or passage, apply to WILLIAM L. JA.MES, General Agent, 130 South Third street. PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND AND NORFOLK STEAMSHIP LINE. THROUGH FREIGHT AIR LINE TO THE SOUTH AND WEST. INCREASED FACILITIES AND REDUCED- RATES FOB 1870. STEKMERS'LEAVE EVERY !WEDNESDAY and I:3ATLIILDAY,at 12 &elk, Noon, from ifIRST WHARF, abovk MARKET direst. . RETURNING, LEAVE RICHMOND MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, and NORFOLK TUESDAYS and SATURDAYS. fErNo Bills of Lading signed after 12 o'clock on Sailing Day. THROUGH RATES to all points In North and South Carolina via Seaboard Air-Lino Railroad, connecting at Portomenth, and to Lynchburg, Va., Tennessee and the Weet via Virginia and Tennessee Air-Line and Rich mond and Danville Railroad. Freight HANDLED BUT ONCEAnd taken at LOWER BATES THAN ANY OTHER LINE. No charge for commission, drayage, or any expeatie for transfer. Steamships insure at lemma, rates. Freight r oce . iv ArLY State-rooM accendadations forpaseengera.-- WILLIAIII Y. (WIDE & CO. . L.. N 0.12 South Wharves and — Pier No. 1 North Wharves, W. P. PORTER, Agent atßiehmond and City Point. T. P. CROWELL & CO., Agents at Norfolk _ TIOR NEW YORK. VIA DELAWARE ANT) RARITAN ()ANAL. EXPRESS STICA nIIIO T COMPANY. The CHEAPEST and QUICKEST water communica• don between Philadelphia and Now York. Steamers leave - ifaily"from — Pirst' - WhArf - bolow - MA .R. ET street, Philadelphia, and foot of WALL etre°, New York. JiNENTY-IrOHR HOURS: . Gooc1" out Now i forwarded by ail the Lill(11 num gou York s North, 'Elia or vy ext, froo.of c.untulasiou. Freighto received Daily anu forwarded on accommoda ting termii. WM. P. CLYDE dc CO.; Agouti', 4 12 South Delaware) Avenue, JAS. HAND, A gent, 110 Wall Stroet, Now Y ?It. . Ve.-EW EXPRESS LINE TO __ 'X.AN. dria, Georgetown and Washington, D. (V; via Ches. ahe and Delaware Canal, with connections at Alex. Andriti from the moatilirectrouto for Lynchburg,. Brie tol, Knoxville, 24(113111 , 111o, 'Dalton and the Southwest. .. Steamers leave regularly from the flrut wharf ahoy fdarket street, every Saturday - at - noon - . .__. Freight rocoivod daily. WM.. P. CLYDE & CO., N 0.12 South Wharves and Pier 1 North Wharves. RYDE & TYLER, Agents at Georgetown. ' M. ELDIUDGN & CO., Agents at Alexandria. Va _---,-,--_....-,.. TIM:AWARE AND CH ES PEA KE, L STEAM TO COMPANY.—Barget towed between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Havre do Grace, Bei• aware City and intermediate pandii: WM. P. CLYDE At. CO. Aionite; Capt. JOHN LAUGHLIN, Supt Office, I 2 6pPlh Witarvee,!Phila ' ti§ FCAI,7iIEW YORK, V.I.A.:I 7 )R , L,KWA.RI AND RARITAN CANAL.' - SWIFTSURFI TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, DISPATO4IAND swurTs,trlil LINES, The etetun rir4elreraeio7l47(fintLit y.will cominTiriEF loading on the fith of Mareh'. • . Through in twenty four hours, .. • /.. • ,• Goods forwarded to any point free of noramitolions. Freights taken on necominodating.tormil.. . Apply to . AVM. M.: 13A-11tD & Cu., Agents, • 'mlit•tt . ,: . .132 gonth 'Delaware a venue'. • 10111101tESSUA JUH.N ,BU(7II.ANA.Nr II . D. can be consulted per tonally, or by letter inoll dlp ratlentit curl roly..upou a flak, opeedy,, end per, !fitment cure, ae the. Piofeesor preparee 'and ..furnishee neur,.sdentitic end positive l•rernedies specially •'adapted to thdoente of the patient, 'Private otlicos• Vollege limilding,.No.sl4 PINE street. Oflico houro from 9 A. Yd. to 9 SOO 1 y • HOUSE PAINTER. ERSONAL C 0 -PA RTN ERA IP N OTI.CI E. The partnrrnble et present exlntlng under the style of .2101{ filiA Rot 00.,-WiJI he dte.v . lyai,by x,hotpal consent oxidic, 30th ,de °fir ib i EV i" itPAr•ApO,,/ t ., " 1 ' C-4 • , t": 1 , - 1;7,1 rye 4 • • 11 , 43 "Au s 'W on _r emir° 010ot of acioris, ntif:ay9lot.! eseorksoerrt -...•,, ••••:, - ,1, • StLiKS; and =z•:- FRENC H CONTINENTAL DRESS Goons, . , fn themoßt trpprovett titurleff; of very reCantimportatlon, at very low rutpti,in otdor to close out prior to, July lot 0870. Strictly onciprlee and , no deviation. • ItIOREY : ;:'StfAI3, - E"..*', QO.. -727 Chestut-Street . iniAADv.LpHie , ap23tf AND PATTERNIs. rft/IBS. M. A. BINDER'S ,TRIMMING, ill LACES AND PAPER PATTERNS. 1101. N. W. COR. 'ELEVEN Tll and 011110TNUT. NO V 1 IN-TUcKED AND dPitIG MUSLINti. Piques, from 25c. to $l, • . - • French ninelliie. 2 ynrits nide, . &M 00c.. . Elegant satins, el 75 eri Yard. . - Tom Thumb fringes, '1 per dozen. - . . „ P ith 601,E1. MADE-UP LACE POOLS. - . .131ficlt Thread, Guipure,. Pointe Applique, Valeffel. ounce Laces, Lace Collars. . . , . • —Mali:lig 11.tim styles in use.. - . , - -- • - Cotton gimps said fringes, - . .7o , epli kid gloves, $l, every pair warranted• • Bridal voile and wreaths, PreuchfewelrY, ()oracle and Minn shirts. Coffering machines, 8,10, , If you want a handsomely-fitting, well-made suit, at short notice, go to AIDS. lIISDEE'S. _ . . She never disappoints . It is truly a wonderful entab lEbnient. The above goods cannot be equalled in quality or rtee-.- myl.6 tf rp - - FINANCIAL,. LEHIGH CONVERTIELE 6 Per Cent. First 'Mortgage Gold Loan, Free from all Taxes. We offer for sale $1.750,000 of the Lehigh (Mal and Narigation Company's new First Mortgage Six.. Per Cent. Gold Bonds, free from all taxes.interest duo March and September, at NINETY (90) and interest in cur rency added to date of purchase. Th'ese'bends are of is mortgageboari of 52,000,000, (tato,' 'October 6 166.5.. They have twenty-five (ZS )' years t o i run. and are convertible into stock at par until 1979. Pyipeipal and interest payable in gold. They are seamed by a first mortgage on - 6;600 - ac e, of coal lands In the Wyoming Valley, near Wilkesbarre, at present producing at the rate of 100,000 tour of coal per annum, with norke in progress Nrhich contemplate a large increase at an early pericid, and also upon valuable Beal Estate in this city. A sinking fund of ten cents per ton upon all coal taken from these mines forAlre years, and of fifteen cents per toiritiereafterils - estabiishedi - and - r, --Yidelity,:lngur , . ance; Trust and Safe DOposit Company. the Trusters under the mortgage, 6 - died these - Mims and liiVelittlieni in these Bonds, agreeably to the provisions of the Trust. For full particulars, copieti of the mortgage, ,kc., _ applyto _ W. 11. NEW BOLD, SON d AERTSEN, C. d 11. BOBIE, E. W. CLAILIVI 4: CO., JAY COOKE de. CO., -DREXEL! itr..€o. mYII Im§ - D. Co WHARTON SMITH & CO., BANNERS Al'D BROKERS, No. 121 S: THIRD STREET. - SUCCESSORS TO SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO. — EVOirdepattrnentof Unnking—bnitness ,ohalkreeetve trOgrittknaltearioenriirohrgetc2Tert-Ltir Q r uk tre l ti l o frO 3 rr c Oqr'' Ma k & D v;r 1I B IN . DOLio. & CO., New York, 1:::1; JAY COOKE & CO. , Philadelphia, New York and Washington, 1BA:IN" V. - JaSi; AND . . Deutors in Government Securities. Special attention given to the Purchase and Sale of Bonds and Stocks on Commission, at the Board of Bro kers in this and other cities. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL POINTS. GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AND SOLD KELIABLE RAILROAD BONDS FOR INVEST MENT. Paniphlets and full information given at our oeice. No. 114 S. Third Street, rnh29-tf rp • 5-20'S AND 1881'S Bought, Sold and Exchanged on most liberal terms.. GOLD Nought and Sold at Market Rates. COUPONS CASHED. PACIFIC RAILROAD BONDS Bought' and Sold. STOCKS Be ught and Sold on Commission Only. Accounts received and Interest allowed on daily balances subject to check at slght. 1/FIVI .1 ° ) RA J w mire • 40 S'outh Third St., rmwmaniTa. pBUGGISTB WILL .FIND A LABGJ o,,ekrof idedlole_al Extracts and .. 0,11 Almonds, Bad. hot. Optittfelvonwilosrar , . - L r.- g -Goli4tle• genuine Wedgwood Norlare t &c. Ist andod rom ark Bedinung, from London. 801119 T SHONSIARBII & CO., Wholesale Druggists, N. E. corner Fourth and Race street') nftl:10 GUSTS' SIINDRI_ES. - 0 RAD 13- I_l, Meg, Alortax, pin Tilos, Oolobs, Brnphott Hirrorgi Twgezere, ' Ruff Rozen,Horri SCOOIOII, Surgical In6tru mental Trusties, hard. and. Soft Butphoir Goode, Vial Hasel,pagn-and-Metal-By_tirSaoi, pp, .an .at " Mot Bonus price*. • SHOvr BEN a BROTHER, --- I aitz.r , ~ , ;, ; ,20 south Eighth etroet. CaleS ii.l',44olp'l — BAND ,V.BRY' OUOrior-200boxoyltrOwitni from bar Imp o r t i n g n or s by IMRE= suOgNARISY. g- Druggists. corner fourth arid Saco streets. RRUGe. PATENfT4ObLO ,_ SEAM . SHIRT (L• ALA:NUYS° TOR Y s e}i k 'j lor theaadr la ' l n itr of Promptly I FirniShing Goods, G ! /14 1r i l ei lsteptiles.fufull variety. INC i ASTER & CO. 6_lo lIESTNILT fel-tu the tt POCKET - BOOKS, &C. C. F. RUM P,. pa /kr 114 M. 4th BL, MILADA. :: Mannfantnror _ and Importer of POCKET-BOOKS r e f e F 4.0 Ladles' .t 'Gents' Satchels and Travelling Bags, ' in all styles. r runty and ll!Allegany L Writing. 'Dunks TThl SOFA BED WM. PARSON'S 1-IMPROVED-PATENT-SOPA-BED makew a handsome Sofa and comfortable economize Spring 'Mattress attached. Those wishing to room sliduld call and examine them at the (ixtensbre . first-class Furniture Wareroome of Fawn & Son No 228 S. Second Street. - - Also, WM. F A !MON'S PATENT EXTENSION TABLE IiAbTENING. Every table should have them on, They hold-the loavas firmly together-when about the reran. , • rolll73rni KID GLOVES, &C A. & B. BARTHOLOMEW, 23 IVORTWEIGHTII STREET, IFoportero of end Solo /Wools for 61 &, per pair. 'Every pair warranted. they rip or tear another pair given in exchange,. aO3O-8 to lb tf MANTIMS.-ISIC RVWX 3 elstiAlkt-ttt:l Of the' !Meat and most beauturnl desfgns, and all othor Slate work on hand or made to order Alp). PEACH BOTTOM itoo IN° ELATES. Factory-and Salesroom, SIXTEENVII and OALLOW-- !I'LL Strata.- WILSON AL MILLER. apS•Ern) 1870. KNICKERBOCKER ICE COMPANY. Establtaibed 1532. Incorporated 1564. Office, 435 Walnut Street, North renn'a 11.11.. Offices ll'ine Street 'Wharf, and Master it ' . Schuylkill. Ridge ros-i and Wil- awn No. 41,33 Main street, low street, Germantown. Willow- St. Wharf. i No. 21 N. second id., Delaware avenue. Branch Camden. N. J., 22d A: Hamilton sm. end Cape Ninth et. and Wash -`-trrltteu-avenue: May , liew_isr ---ingteu-avenue:--'-- Depots. , -4 , elvl‘- - ------ - --- ' Wholesale and Retail Dealers in and Shippers of EASTERN ICE. Send your orders to any of the abate otUcea For prices, see canta. BEATERS AND STOVES . MANUFACTURERS ANI / DEALERS IN Tilt: MOST APPLLOVED Brick-Set and Portable Heaters. A largo aimortment of FLAT TOP, SIDE AND TOP OVEN RANGES, furlieating additional room!. Bath Boilers, Registers, Ventilators, &C• Send for Circular PANCOAST & DIATILE THIRD AND PEAR STREETS, Plain and Galvanized WROUGHT AND CAST IRON PIPE For Gas, Steam and Water. FITTINGS, BRASS WORK, TOOLS, BOILER ,TUBES. Heating by Steanit and Hot Water, Pipe of all Sizes Cut and Fitted to Order. CARD.. Having sold )3 ENRY B. PANCOAST and FRANCIS I. MAULE (gentlemen in our employ for Boveral years pa et) theStock,Good_Will antrixtnres of our RETAIL ESTABLISHMENT, located at the corner of THUM and PEAR streets, in this city, that branch of our basi n-. es, together with that of HEATING and: VENTILA TING PUBLIC and PRIVATE BUILDINGS, both by STEAM and ROT WATER, in all its . various systeins, will be carried on under the firm name of ..IPANCOAST k MATTLE, at the old stand, and wo re ,coirmend them to the trade and business public BR being entirely competent to norforni all work of that character., MORRIS v TASKER & CO. rnii.A.Dx.truin, Jan.= mlll2-tt - • THOMAS B. rai.xoN BONb, L t llriz T l 2t No.l3i4tlAe' Strottlula. oppoounstapai k ai afactureal ai 'LOW DOWN. Etektglen., • ' • And ° o F t P hrr G EI hATES, For Anthracite, Rituminoue and Wood Fir ALSO. WARM;AIR FERNACEES, -- For Warming. Public - and Prirate Ruildinse REGISTERS, VENTILATORS,. ODINI WH OAT Y AT% 000NING-RA NOES, BH , RUMEIRS - • WIIOLESALE and RETAIL IPV^~TRUCTIONS. Ott SEM AIsTSHIP. —THE Part A „ Dip I,l'lllA RIDING sonooL,No: 3338 Mar— ket etroet, is open daily' for Ladies and Gentlemen, It t tle h rl. - aest, best lip Med and heated establishinent in the eat. The horses are ,thnionghly broken for the , _Thopt_tinibl, An At temoon Class for Young Ladles at hate ing\sehool , Atond ay, ,Wednesdayland leridays, and. an, Evening. Close for Gentlemen. Horses thoroughly tralned for the saddle. Horses taken to llveryfT 'lan 001ile eatilagee to hire. Stomp for wagons and sleighs. SETH (M AM, • Proprletot. 1. 4 i. T~ r . i V4.-A 1 0 d .\ , v. viu VC bsdloe u,d den IA Drool talt• Ccuitik ttv4 Ml' RAND, PER4CINS 12-1-North Sixth St., myl2 th o to ly§ TimkeiLsrloc. eevesuitilagw... Quitux Vturonin. opened the new building , of;:tise 4 7l2ondeon University yesterday,.rl ' Tint:. latest advices Irma Arizona repto, 'numerous murders and depredations by ftie Indians c A ('‘j - i" - .MteDdiriAttie the 'Canadian, Preidel., was so ill yesterday that it, was fea,re t i, he would live but a few hours. 3 . J14 keCretArr, of ; ' .1sf:a§417;1448.,180111,-to; 'enligresis fettCr from ''' Superintendent of; the Coast Survey, asking $50,000 for the survey! of Al fur 'Ajdx sailed San Fran-1 else° yesterday, with passengers for New: Zeajans.l,andAnstralia.: She will traillfort them , to, gAiistinitiftWsteariler at Tiotioliiht. 'lf:, AT_ Morrisania, sew, York, .a .riot _occurred:, on Monday, during an election of . conignittWitrid a .iittniber persons stabbed, one fatally. Tip!: r clock.stor,e44.l.,Whislow.&=Cor ,i 9 S. %.; 1 0 , i 2, bi):1110 Y'estenray'... ._Il boss is fiver; $30,000. The Metropolitan square of buildings, at White Water, WiscOriSln, was destroyed by tire yesterday., = Ix the Sontherit Baptist Convention at Louis ville; on Tuesday, a report against co-operation' with the Northein Baptiste-Wais'!ylOpted nously. The Convention has adjourned to meet at rst. Louis next year. , NO . rth , Carolina Bepublichit'Ocinvention met at Raleigh yestex:day, ',he _colored element being strongly repreSehted. After Much excite several lightS having occurred Senator: teMiS'OeZttil - Chaiintan..' IN the Baltitnore Methodist Protestant Con ference, ehterd ay, mem tiers, of the Book Corn- , mittee were elected. The 'nest of the day was occupied With the discussion of the ipiestion of tehaptiSm. IN.New York, Last_. a meetin' of the Cathelie clergy was held; at winch, IL is'stated, the leading. of the . Pible in the ethools Was condemned; also, the course of the Hes. Drs. Glynn and Farrell, who have expressed liberal views on the subject. Trit.Customs Colleaor of Corpus Christi, Ti!:(1.16. reponse° the easu ry Department that while encamped:sixty miles. from' Ititi Grande lie 'watt - , robbed, by a-portion of his military (6e011.-01 . $1::,s1U in specie, customs funds. IN THE tiontlirrn Methodist Episcopal Con ference, the memorial of the Committee of the Northern Church; . appoineed, to propose a nblen; Was' presented arid - referred to eorre‘. mittee of nine. it: is: benevauld4aNsition not be iecepted. : — A - Timuoqumr7. - ciinaray meeting was held - at - Dover, ilich; pn .Tuesday; In; 16uppcilt of the "White Stan's Movement." Eli Sainsbury, brother of the GOvernor ' was one of the speakers, and pronounced the Fifteenth Amend ment a " fraud," but advised present submis sion to it. :Taut' Encampment of tbe Grand Army. or tbif, beglu Its fourth Unnual`session in Washington, yesterday. Thirty-nine States and,. Territuries-were-represented,--Gen.- Logan; connuander-iti-Chief, delivered:an otation. the Canadian House of Commons, on Tuesday night, the bill creating the Province of lanitoba . was passed. in the Senate' , Mr. CagiPbell stated.,that,..ll.le Goxieriiment was of opinion that In ordinary times Canada was -xs able to bear the expense of defence as --the- mother couutry, and 4 - that it proposedto garrison flalifak and sithilar fortifications, leaving the inland forts to be garrisoned by Canadians.- - - -• THE Secretary of War, in a communication to congrei,s,aays that, under a . .ipent decision of the 84r - cue Court, every VOlnnteer who 'entered the service under Mr—Lincohn's pro elatnation.of May 3d, 1861, is.entitled to $lOO bountY., provided only that he has been honor ubly-disebarged.- - The S . 6"e'retary is unable to designate the forty regiments entered under the proclamation, but suggests to Congress the justice of giving the same bounty to all volun teers enlisted for three years, and discharged beftife they had served out - the last two, if they have not already received the allowance. Victi-komuiti Porrnnt has addressed a let ter to Cynis W.Field, concluding as follows: "I am of opinionfaud telegraphic communication between 'California and China is a necessity, and that the sooner. Congress takes a substan tial interest in the muter the better it will,. be for the eountry. (Jar statesmen areJnow in devising means of resuscitating t 'Arnerican commerce and snatching from the English the supremacy they have gained by permitting rebel cruisers to tit out in British netts against our mercantile marine. I ant sat isfied that , . we shall sucetsal in, this Object, so dear to every American heart,aud so necessary to our welfare as a, nation. In : connection with this commerce your telegraph cable will be indispensable, and even if Congress gives no aid it must eventually be established, In the Meantime the country is deprived, of certain advantages, and we are consequently losers, and those who do not now feel like taking an interest in the matter will liVeln regret: Affair* in France. PAms, May 11th, :Noon.—The. troubles throughout the city, last evening, were much more serious than anticipated; The authorities ere forced to Make a large display of the mili tary power to restore order. The barricades . which bad been erected in - the --Belleville-dis trieCwere stubbornly defended by the rioters. - • though' they were subsequently carried by the soldiers at thepoint of the bayoner. Several \were killed and wounded on both sides. Dar ing the night other engagements, occurred, in which a number of • 'soldiers,' policemen and • citizens were killed. .Belleville district was oc cupied during the night by, the military in great force, aud. no persOns permitted to pass. The • • police made several charges upon the crowds of people which bad eiiniCtokFout of curiosity. In some cases they used their swOrds and slung ; shots,. whereby' many were seriously wounded, nntinly these who-had' nothing to do: with the' disorder. , • The police and rioters used firearms but ' the, • troops made no general use of them. Once . , during the night a company of cavalry were as -1 sailed with a shower -of stones, and, becoming ~ exasperated, they fired on their assailants.; but _this is_theLLonly_instance_lmown_where'llie troops have .departed . from their determination to use firearms only ..as ,a last resort. The workingmen were out in greater force than on any previous occasion.. 'Perfect' order was re stored before daylight,and there are nesigns of trouble now. The government bas not re laxed its precautions to ~guard agaiuSt future disorder. , Pains, playMidnight.L-TroopS have oc cupied the . Plac e. de la. Chatetau ArEau, where the casino of Prince Eugene is situated. Many groups of-anxious-spectators throng-the-bottle . . vards,lnt a heavy rain is.falling, and prevents .any dangerous, increase ,of their - numbers. Belleville and the Faubourg du Temple are held by the military, and no one .is allowed, to pass -the guards in those quarters. Up . to this 'hour 'perfect tranquillity has not been disturbed. PAnis, yfay 11.—The French opposition and clerical organs question the result of the election, .and maintain that while the vote may have numerical vlMie it is without social, political; or religious significance. . . sons last night, and searched many houses in the disturbed districts. Arrests continue to , be made to,day. Fresh troubles are fearful to-night. Crowds of people are in thy Faubourg du. Teniple,and a large crowd collected- in front of the :barracks, but were dispersed by the police, and - the . ,guards around the-Soldieri' quarters have 'been • .A desperate attempt at . r6'olt-was made.ibv" the inmates of the , prison of,. La Itatitlette yea - t terday. The-prisoners, While at-work-in tht3i attaekedr,t4er erpera dt'ruttld/follii'wdd..". l rhe - rfirdM f- '*a.s -- finally quelled. One keeper was killed,and two others i wounded; r L f„..t. forty }Trot Cotoyreas—.„Blpoud pession. _ Tliti.linited , Str iteeLffanatet yeetertfayroaf ter noon,' considered, without final action, the Legislative Appyopriation In the louse Of Itepiticeritatives, Mr. Lynch, fiom the Committee on-Decline of American Commerce ,reptaFted his, hill•to revive the navl liniffeilfddrests. whiilicty Vefteallitif the' hereof 1.800, which anthorips Igaryla,nd.. and, Geqrgia,. to . 144 alcinnage tak - oti'vesSeLS? The"" Tariff ;bill was restimet . l in Committee of the .Whole. -Dir;steel-"car -*heels; '.the;-duty -was made:-,3 - cents per pound, and On steel IdoeitiC'fer car and tocomotive tires )yrytight• to. , paltern, 2 - ! J , cents. On 'steel carriage, car,'lneeinothie and uilrcrspriugs, cents'. An additional paragraph was inserted, laying a ditty•-ef-t9,:-.cents -per ppuird.and 10 per cent. ad; valorem , on ,crino line, corset ol• hat steel, , commercially- known as wired; ;Another wait inserted laying , i 35 per cent. on sword'hlatles, and *4' , per cent:. oft swords.. No affiendment.s weee , --tnade;,to7 the-- paragraphs relating to platinum, liniss, etc. To thripatagrapli Imp.osing__4o__cents . a .pottod. on nickel, several amenditients.were Oared, , hut they were rejected, and the House without further action adjourned. , I M 0,13,TAT 1 0 NS. - Reported for the Igo:rade' plan Evening Bulletin. afT): 7 - 7 E- ebr feet yellow pixie timber 90,CAXI do -flooring boards CIENFUEGOS—Brig Mary E Pennell, Eaton—:.BG 111,da 37 tee tanrar S W • 51A TA hi ZA S-13rig Jennie Morton, Damage-3f12 hhtla flu 14,s an fear UNlleit.4 Son. hl A TA h Z A S—Brig Poinsett, Anderson-117 hhda G 3 tea molasses K C kluiglit',k , Co. ' .• • MATAIs Ernmititie,'Enight-483 hlida 4G ice utalß es EC It night k-Co; W JACK SONY 1 LI.. Flu—Schr Jut la A Garrison : Smith —l2a.ttiO j yel Imir Ph , " flooring boar"' 6 / 45 ® feet 3 and 4 inch yello'w nine scantling Norcrosa k bliontx 11l 0V En tav s OW OCEAN STEAMERS. TO AllitlVE. 61t.tka /mom mot Smith - - --Brrnt«n...New York Dorian ..... ... . Glasgow—Now York Hely/Ala Liverpool... New York C. of New York,.Lfverpool...Now York ..... .. .... Lontwo...Now York If tiof•ft • 1-lAvre.:.New York City of Lillleriek..Liverpool...N,,ff York April 3i) Dcrairt. sioutliatupton..;New - Y0rk.............5...May '3 Marathon Liverpool—New York • May 3 TO DiPABT. C of Mexico" New York... Vera Cruz, 13 111oio • %New ..:......May 14 I'russistt" . .. -Qui-bee...Liverpool • May 14 Australia New It C of-New I 0rk.. , ,N0w Tork...l.iverpool May 14 l'sreire New ..... .... _ ....May 13 Calabria -"few York—Liverpool May 14 City of Cork. -saw l'ork...tirer pool via 17 'Dorian Now ..... 17 ‘lintissiita" Nsqr York Liverpoo I.ay 18 Scotia _._..„._....New 14. Tarifa_.. ... .. .......New York... Liverpool _._.....::..,...May 19 Columbia” ..- New York..llavana. May 19 Fah-kee New ...- Mar 19 Ere - The steamers designated by an sateilak ") carry the United titateit --1311011i.ART) - DE; J. PRIC.I. ETULIIILL, IIENIt WiNsolt. MintrtiOr COMMITTEE GEOJIGE fl.'A LLEN,. • ' • . C0N1.14.11 - XLE—CIN AH.BITHATIOS. J. 0. Joineg. • }- E. A. Sunder, Geo. L. Buzby, NVm. IV. Paul, ThonittA GM: pled' - - IVIARINE ItUL,LETIN. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA-31.4.y 11. Sun Rlaii.4 Bum'ql BY:m.7 41 Moir WAUR. 11 26 - "ARRIVED - YESTERDAY. • 1-tearner E N Trout,-2f bouts from „New witt . trAbe to \ 31 Baird ACo„•, • • : • • • niiiinf:r nievp froin - NeWirork; with mdse to NV it Baird Jr Co. - • •' • Bark Hertnanos (Nor), flauff.B dart from Alexandria Va. in'tmlittet to L NVestergaard A, Co. Brig Ernestine. Kriipht, 'dayit from . Matana.s. with htigir and Mulassed ro We eren Grekit; lath lost: at I o'clock AM. oil Cape Henlopen, wasopokeurohooner Henry P-Sizninons, of Philadelphia.bound to New -York, reoiring assistance to re-mue the captain, who was In sane, and had ramped overboard; sent our boat to her oasittance, and succeeded to rescuing him in a very ex hausted condition: the II P b would_proceed to Morris River. April 21, While lying at 3.l.attilaza.STEJaara Iturdlong.'stenard. died of consumption. ftrig Jennie 31orton. Garbage. 9 days from Matanzas, --aittrietrear - toltatiett - •& - Serr=ce•Frei - to - ficiuderl. -- Adarnsf - - Brie, Mary E Pennell, Eaton . 17 days from Cienfuegos. su RS r and molasses to H & Welsh. brig Poinsett, Ander,son, 8 days from Matanza . , ,, with reolivs,es to C Suialit A Co. _ Schr Sarni Costner. Jr. Robinson. 8 days from Darien, - wittrinnitreirtcrhoralorfiltriarm. . . .... .. . . ... . . . Schr ii. G Ely. 31cAllieter. from :James River, leith railroad tied to Albrect .44 Finley. ISE LOl4 . .. . Briza Mattanb and B 11iiinae.- from Trinidad: Fehrs E Sampson and 11 B McCauley. from f'ardenas, and Palos, !tom Caibarieu. CLEARED YESTEIIDA V Steamer Zudise, II Ines. Chariest 01/. 1: A So [tier 6; Co. S'tearner Cason. Sear.Bo.zon, H Whisor dr e o. ~ , a1,1 , • r Parma. Ire-ern:an. New York. John r Ohl. Steamer W C Pierrenont. Shropshire, 'Sew York. W M • Baird A Co, Steamer HMI itAr. Jones, NW* M Baird - 5: 'CO . . , te,rner. B W Mina. Cnuditr. Baltimore. A Groves, Jr. Bark India m NG), Lepect.ineky, Elsinore far orders, L \Vestcrgaard Sc Co. Brie Ocean Belle, Direr. Matanzas. Warren A: Gregg. Brig . Shatnrin. Sawyer. Salton. Perm Cm' foal Co. Schr Stampede, Stratton. Charlestown, Warren &Gn..gg. HAVRE DE GRACE. May 11. • Tfie following boats left this morning iu tow, laden at it cid/tilt:tied ae follows: Francis Craig. with lumber to Craig & Blanchard; J P W•wicertol+. do to ft Wocilvertiin; Delaware and Lind eon No lA, with limber. and Delaware and Undson No Id. b.rk to New York; Col Bolinger. lumber to Henry Cr oskey. MEMORANDA nip Progress, Sinicals - . traded tram Antwerp 30th ult for tins port. - ... Ship 6r❑ Butler, Chaem, at Calino 7th 'ultimo from N FAY York. Ship Dracoo,Yel.celenuan, cleared at Bombay Stb ult. for New Yoric- _ Ship S•minole. flolmes, from New York 23th March for Snn Francisco. was spoken Sth nit. lat. lat 363 N. lon 42 p W. steamer James S Green, Paco, sailed from Richmond fitb inst. for this nom . . . Steamer Roma*. Baker. hence at Boston Nth inst. Steamer Sherman, Crowell; at New Orleans Sth Init. from New York. Steamer Dorian. Small, from Glasgow 20th ultimo, at New York yesterday. Steamer Manhattan (Br), Forsyth. cleared at N York yesterday for Liverpool. Burk Vivid. Bartz, from Lcndon for this port, was off Deal 29th ult. Bark Aladdin, Bremen, sailed from Cardiff 28th ult. for this port. Bark Margaretha ( NG), Rickeles, hence at Hamburg 30th ult. Burk" II P Lord, P inkham , cleared at -Matanzas 3d Amt. for this port. Bark Acadia, for this port, sailed from Gothenburg 2351 ultimo Brig Somerset (Br), Mcßride, hence at Hamburg 30th alt. Brig Eliza 2deLaughl Hibbert. from Hamburg for this port, NN at spoken 27th nit'. t at 61, lon 15. Brig 'lay:ilia Williams, for this port, remained at Mobile 7th inst. Behr P A Gran, Lake, cleared at NietWitork yesterday for this port. - bent Clyde cleared at Richmond, Me. prior to 9th inst. for this bort Schr Chattanooga, Black, cleared at Portland 10th mktlior this vest 7 Sche M D Steel Man, 2 days - fromeienfno. Fos, with sugar. at New York 10th lost No date, oif the Straits of Florida, had a heavy ENE gale. during which sprung mainmast, broke main boom and lost mainsail. Sclir.Anuie May. May, at .New York 10th inst. from Jacksonville., Schr A I/ Beall, &Alb, cleared at Havana 4th inst. for New York. Schr Upon Sea. Coombs, sailed from Cardenas 3d inet. for a port north of Hatteras. lIABINE 11.1.SCEL L Y - - . Behr Jennie A Shepard. from Georgetown, PC. ashore at Sandy Book, was hove, afloat at 3.30 AN lath inatant and towed to New York . . She recelvedrio &lumen. &lir Magellan. from. Virginia, ashore at Sandy Hook, was hauled off at 12 o'clock night of 9th inst. without. damage, by the Coast Wrecking Co's steamer Relief. DEN TlS'lli . QIPAL DE.NTALLINA..— A SUPERIOR artiele for cleaning the Teeth,destroying animalcule w eh infest them, giving tone to the gums and leaving a feeling of fragrance and perfect cleanliness in the mouth. It may be need daily, and will be fdnnd to strengthen weak and bleeding gums ,• while the aroma and detersiveness will recommend it to - every , one. Hes ing composed with the assistance of the Dentist, Physt 'Mine and Microscopist, it is confidently offered as a reliable substitute for the uncertain washes formerly in vogue. F,minent Dentists, acquainted with the constituents of the Dentallina, advocate its use; it contains nothing to prevent Its unrestrained employment.. Made only by JAMBS T. SHINN, ApothecarY...4 , , Dread and Spruce streets. For sale by Drnggiets generally, .. i Fred. Browne, . . - D. L. Steakhouse, Hassard de Co., Robert o.lDavis, H• It • KeenY • • ' : . . Goo. C. - Bower, jseacll4 Kay, _ ' ' Chas. SinVersi ' ii. IL. Needles, . • . ' G. M. MoCelitt, T. J. Husband, . . 'B. O. Bunting, Ambrose Smith; ~ ' 1 Chas. 11,, , F5 Eberle;` 1 'Edward - Parrish 4- -------'--7- James - h - ,'llarker--- -- -- 1, Win. B. Webb, .. -'' R. Dringharst As C 0 . ,. ' , James L . Bisphatn, . • Dyott & Co.,' , flushes & Combs , '' IL C. Br at o, Sons, • Henry A. Bow e r.' , -- ' Wveth itqtro. , - AS FIXTICfIitES rit.AS FIXTURES.—IVIISKEY At Eli, RILL, • kit & fJI ACKARA, N0._1113 iihestrint strobt; mane factorers of Gas Fixtures, Latrine aco.i*lre:*,*orild.•call the attention of .tho pnblic to their largo and elegant as sortraent. oT Gas Chandeliers,. Petalantiq:l3raeltets, They, also introduce gas pipes in d wellingaand,gubl , and ati¢nd to extend lug*: ti,lferins`t!p4:'OPet: tog -411S pipes; Al world warranted; I , ' , *l' -71 1,, i °V?, 4414:414'44PATA: - Y;4 l ,%ijNq iiV.-kati.Nri!.N:;„!,rftu:i.s:l)4:-ix;.•,till'A.Yl - .1.2j-Is7ll. 14829F"IfFrAti 'PEPITTPAL.,IB7I) • FEE INSTIRANCE,OOKBANI OFIP/11141DELIVIIIA. OFFICE--435 and 1437 Chetstitut St. AJ3SEt tie bitlB7o, iiii:el9;t3ii: ", 6i. • Caital Acc p rued Surplus and .Ereinlulu; ' " ' .1115;7111 INCOME. FOB JSIO,, ; ' ; ItOSi;ES.PAID IN 8510,000. ; 8144;90R 421 . • ILOBB.M.PAID MINCE 1829 °yin . , „ „ Perpetual titid Temporary Poticies'on Liberal Tema. The Gonoptilly also bottles ,policies upon the Renate of all mods of Braidings', Grentid Rents and Mortgages. The ' , .7I4ANELIN " hats no DISPUTED ()LAIN. • - ' lILLIEOTOES/' Alfred G. Baker, Alfred Filler Samuel Grant, Thomas Sparks, Geo,Wo Riciutrda ! . WtO. 8. Grim IsascrLea,' , • Thomas Slub, George 1 alei,, Gustavus EL Benson. ALFRE O. BAKER, President. • - GEORGE VALES, Vice President. JAS. W. MCALLISTER, Secretary. THEODORE M. SEGER, Aesistaut Secretary. ft-7 ttleAl FIRE - .ASSOCIATION tovl ov P"' vir : PHILADELPHIA. • Incorporated . March, 27, 1820, Office---NQ. 84 North Fifth S_trest. BUTLDINGS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITIIIII AND AIDUOHANDISE GENERALLY FROM LOSS BY FIRE. • - (In the city of Philadelphi' a only.) I Assets January 1, 1870• *W4 5 .672,732 25. TEIII3TICES: • , t •' ' Wtlllem H. Hamilton, eharies P• n°" - John Carrovv --- , . Poor - won/Linto n ; George I. Young, Jesse Lightfoot, Joseph R. Lynda'', Robert Shoemaker Levi P. Coate, Peter Armbruster. Samuel Sparhowk..., ose H. H. Dickinson, J E. Schell. WM. H. HAMILTON President, SAMUEL SPARHAW k, Vice President. WM: T. - BUTLER, Secretor:. • DATE. April 23 April 26 April 77 April 23 April 29 April 29 --April 30 DELAWARE 1113 7 / 1 41. SAFETY INSII lIANCE COMPANY, tacomorated by the Legiela latnre of Pennsylvania, ili3s , ft3ce, 8. E. ccfrner of THIRD and WALNUT et• eete MARINE. INSURANCES - - On Feast,le, Cargo and Freight to all parte of the world. INLAND INSLTRAI , WES On goods by ricer, canal. lake and land carriag (to all . nary,. of the Tinian. - FIRE INSURA.NOES On Mereliandlee genefally,' on Starssi Dwellings, Houses, c. ASSETS OF TER COMPANY intmer 1,1569: • • 8 200,060 United Stat Vivo PoCent. Loan, ten-fesorties r- 8216,000 00 .115:10900 United States Six Per Cent. Loan (lawful m0ney)........_. 107,750 00 - 50,000 United Staves Six Per Cent. • Loan, 1231................ ................. ..... 60,000 00 200/3)0 State of Pennsylvania Six P er Cent. Loan—. . 213.950 00 200,000 City of Philad elph ia Six Per. - Cent Loan (exempt from tax)... -100,000-State; Cent. Loan-.. . /1721106 00 23,000 Pennsylvania Rai l road Fi ret Mortptga itia Per Cent. 80nd5..., 19,430 Oi .25,000_Pezmylvania. _RallroatL,-Sta , --• Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds-. 23,62500' 25,000 Western - Pennsylvania Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cent Bonds (Pennsylvania Railroad guar-, anteel 30,600 State of Tennessee Five Per • Cent, Loan. 15,010 01 7,4300 State of.Tennessea Six. Pe r Cent. , 12,500 Pennsylvariii -,- Railroad -Com! pany, 250 shares stock 14,000 • 5,000 North- Pennsylvania • P.ailroad - Company, 100 shares stock ... r 3,900 0 10,000 Philadelphia , and Snuthern M all . • Steamship Company, 50 shares 5t0ck.............. 7,500 00 .-205,901, Leans on• Bond - and '- Moit - gage, first liens on City Properties..-.. mom 00 _Market-vaitte. 81,255,r0 00 P,1,231;i00 Par Cost. 81,D5,6:4 27 Real Estate Bills -Receirable for Insurance made.. . • ••• • azt,7l:6 Balances due at fleacies—ire minims on Marine Policies. eke ___—edrised_lntereetaid_etbettiehts ue the Company;..--.- . ... . Stock, Scrip, ttc.. of s undry bor poratione, .14,706. Estimated_ Cash in Bank.. ;.x.:..:.:5168,318 88 Cash in Drawer...L._ 972 28 DIEM:MOBS. Thomas C. Band, Samuel E. Stokes, John 0. Davis, I William G. Boul ton, Edmund E. Sonder, -- Edward Darlington, Tbeophilus Paulding, 11. Jones Brooke, James Tmonair, Edward Lafourcade, Henry Sloan, Jacob Riegel, Henry C. Hallett, Jr, Jacob P. Jones, -• James C. 'ltind,„ 7 7 Jamesl3'. M'Farland, C. Ludwig, Joshua P. Eyre., Josepb H. Seal,'Spencer 111 'Hymn Gogh Craig, !J. B. Semple, Pittsburg, John D..Taytor; .B. Berger, - George W: Berbadott, ID T.' Morgan, " William C. Houston, THOMAS C. HAND, President. JOHN o.' DAVIS, Vice President. ; HENRY LYLBIJRN, Secretary. HENRY BALL, Assistant Secretary. doll 3 •;PEE RELIANCE INSITRA_N CE COM I PANT OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated in 1841. Charter Perpetual. Office,No. 308 Walnut street. I , ; CAPITAX :61E0,000. against loss or damage' by FIRM, on Houses. Stores and other Buildings, limited or perpetual, and or Furnittire, Goods, Wares and Merchandise in town w 7,onntry. • LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. Wets, December 1,1849.—........ ..... 41 Invested In the following Securities, First Mortgages on City Property, well se cured... . . . ........ . . .. .....9169,100 Ce United States Government 82.000 Oe Philadelphia City 6 Per Cent. Loans....-.---- 75,000 00 Warrants --.... 6,036 10 Pennsylvanlti',, 3,000,000 6 Per Cent Loan. - __ ' same 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds , First Mortisie 6,000 00 - lamdon and Amboy Railroad Aftm.pany's 6 Per Cent. Loan— . . .... (moo oc Huntingdon and Broad gage 80nd5 : :. .......:.... 4,290 Of • Jounty Fire nsurance Company'g, . 1,050 a Mechanics' _Bank Stock... - .: ..- .. . . - • 4,0(.10 iomtnercial Bank of Pennsylimnla Stock 10, 1 100 00 Union Mntual InernranceCompanyis Stock_ • 19000 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia Stock 3,20) 00 Cash in Bank and on L 5-116 71 Worth at 9401,872 41 Worth at present market Thomas 0. Hill, i'lv3itats H. Moore, William Musser, 4' Samuel Castner, samtiei Dispham, . James T. Young, H. L. Carson,, Isaac F. Baker, Wm. Stevenson, ' Christian J. Hoffman, Benj. W. Tingley, Samuel B. Thomas, Edward Bite r. • THOMAS O:HILL, President. no aZI Secre tary. PHILADELPHIA,December 22 1869 Sal-tn th atf rpHE COUNTY FIRE : INSURANCE Cold, 1 PANY.-081ce, No; 118 South Fourth street, below Chestnut. "The Fire Insurance Company of the County of Phila. delphia," Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylva nia in EM, for indeninitY.against loss or damage by Bre, sxclusively- CHARTER PERPETUAL. _ _ _ - - This old and reliable institution, With ample capital eontingent fund carefully invested, continues to in. o ure - buildingsifurnitureimerchandise, &v., either per. Manently or for a limited time against loss or damage by fire, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute Safety of its customers. , • Losses adjusted and paid with all possible deePatoh. DMEOTORS: I : (Rms. J. Butter, Andrew H. Miller, Henry Budd., • James N. Stone, John Horn, Edwin L. Reakirt, Joseph Moore, Robert V. Massey, Jr. George Alecke, Mark Devine. DEARLY, J SUTTER, President. HENRY 'BUDD. Vico President. BENJAMIN P. HOECRLEY. Secretary and Treasur - - LIAME INSUI AITC4 COMPANY, 'NO. 1.: 809 OBE STNIIT STREET. iNOORPOBATED 1886. OBLBTEB, p.IIIBRETII4L, . 1 '- ' PIBF, IllitrA T N A O L lA 2 rellii IVELY . insures against Lose or Damage by Fire either by Per. 1 petual or' Temporary Policies. notitcronib Charles Richardson, , R o bert Pearce, - ; Wm. H. B.hawn, . John gutsier, Jr., 1 William M. Satiert, : • Edward B. Orne, . 't John F. Snitch, Charles Stokes, f Nathan Elilleik ,•T , , . John W. Everman, ; George A. We o ß t n Amala , Mordecai Buzby, t. ORABDSON, President, 1 - ruilekmoi.ViagrAiiii /I .sag* -Pr r i , . 4e :Ditt j. — - EPPPrESON - Plltlil - INSURANCE COM PANY of Philadelphiatlice,lio: .Sti North .Fifth "treat , near Market Strea. .nra -....-- I jj. nw2 ..r t d, : Iv_ thit ,T.ettlelistare of Pennsylvania, t perpetual haiter perpeal. ciri;litit and Assets: 816d,000. Maks Ellerin:Luce against Lees or damage by 31ro on Public or private Bulldingq, rtirriltarei , tilocka,iikaoda and Mar. ihandioe, on favorable tettoo. ...._. • °Tama. iVin!liflitlithil - ,' ' 4 . ' PP I X. Edward V. Moyer eraiil_P . ,eterson,% , ,` Frederick ~ , n duer - - John' F. Beisteriiri"; Achim J-Gliaos, -Ilielarg-Ttooter! , , . -•-, lieurt.PelanY, Jacob tichandoin, - , John Elliott,. - - frodorick Doll," - -,, !'- ' Ohrietlari D. Frick, amuel Miller, . - Iltoorge I$ :, Fort; - William B. oardner, ..,, - m.llllkb_, President. - .- - LT ‘l-;i x w PATERSON', Vice President, .. Pli,Thrk IF' (70 'ooeretarY and Troosurer. . • .., LNRURANCL. - 4Xtr af 81,352,100 04 8409,0 n 5S DIIIEcTO4B , The Liverpool London land .Globe Ins. Go. .'• Assas Gold 81.18 - 4 ob Opo Daly" Receipts, - 820,000 Premittms in 1869 85 884 000 Losses in 1869, - 83,219 000 No. 6 Merchants! Exchange, Philadelphia. INSURANCE -COMPANY NORTH AMERICA. Fire, Marine and . Inland Insurance. INCORPORATED TM. - CHARTER -PERPETUAL. CAPITAL, - . . . 8300,000 ASSETS January Ist. 1870 $2.783,551 Losses paid since orinnir.a. lion, . . 023,000,000 ReociptS of-PremiaMoolB69, 81,991,837-45 Interest from Investments, 1869, LosseFipald,lB6o, STATEMENT OF THE ASS ETS. Firat Mortgage on City Property ,9766 ASO 00 United states Government and other Loan 1,122,340 00 . -Bonds. . . Railroad Bank and cabal StoCks- A 3,71.3 00 Cash in Bank and office..... ...:—... ........... ... 217.1120 at Loans on Collateral Security 32,538 00 Notes Receivable, mostly Marino Pre miums 321,914 00 Accrued Interest 30.337 00 Frani films in course of transmission 85.198 00 Unsettled Marine Premiums ' - 100;90000 Real Estate, Office of Company, Philadel phia- 30,000 00 Arthur Coffin, Samuel W, Jones, John A: Brown, Charles Taylor,. Ambrose 'White, Wllham tVelst), F.*Mic•rris %Vain, Gee. L. Harriaori, William Brockle. A RTHUR G. COFFIN, President CHARLES' PLATT, Vice Preret. "hIATTHIAS MARIA, Secretary. - C. H . BEET EK, Aea't Secretary. Ceritf,eate, of Marine Insurance, Issued (when de Fired),parable at' the 'Counting Ifouse of Messrs Brown, Shipley & Co., London. UNITED FIREUEN'I3tg EiCTRANOB COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA. This Ovinan7...taltes riskaat the taWaSt dordqstent ificb safety, and nonflues Its business exclusively to . FIRE INEURANOE IN THE .CITY Or PHILADEV. .200,925 A OF,IOr—Ro. 723 Arch streetigenrth -National Beall naiicling. DIRECTORS . Thomas .1. Martin, Henry W. Brenner, . John If irst, Albertns King, win. A. Bolin henry BUMIZI, Jamas M ongan, • Jamea WQ9di William Glenn, Charles J edge, 'James Jenner, - • - nekrY &skint - Alexander T. Dickson, • Hugb - Albert. 0. Roberta,. - Philip Fitapatzion, ams P. Dillon. 20,Cal Ot Wm. A. Rnzir• Treaa; fiIHE PENNSYLVANIA FLEE .RANCE COMPANY. • —lncooratod 1825—Charter Perpetual. - . No. 510 WA_LINT street, opposite Independence Square. This Company, favorably known to.the community for over forty Frars, continueir to insure against- loss m damage by tire on Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time. Also on - Furniture. Stocks of Goods, and Merphandise generally, on Blierai terms. . _ Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, it Invested in the most careful manner, which enables then offer.totiminsurod.an_undoubted.iiocurity.in the case of lose. . DiszoToli. Daniel Smith, Jr., iJohn Devereux Alexander Benson, Thomas Smith, Tsaac Hatlehurst, Henry Lewis Thomas Robins, - • J. Gillingham Fell, Dantel'HaddockvJr. DANIEL SMITH, Ja., President. Yr fa. 0. CROWELL. BeCretarr. apl9-tf ANTHRACITE FNSURA _N rt cum. P ANY .—CHARTER PERPETI'nt. 'Dice, No. 31.1 WALNUT Street, ed, Philada Will insure against Loss or Damage by b ire on Build. tics, either perpetually or for a limited time, Household wurnittire and Merchandise generally. Also, Marine Insurance on Vessels, Cargoes Ant freights._ Inland Insurance to all parts of the-Onion. DIRECTORS. William Esher, Lewis Andonried, Win. M. Baird, John Ketcham, `John R. Blackiston, J. E. Baum, William F. Dean, John B. Beyl, Peter Slogefi lir _ . . Samuel H.--R.othermel. LIAM.SHER, President. WILLIAM P. DEAN, Vice President, Wis..ll. Sistivitliecretary. 1a22 to that! 36,000 00 169,Z1 14 A. 5 1 ERICAN FIRE' INSURANCE COM. PANT , incorporated MO.—Charter perpetual. No. 310 WALNUT street, above Third, Philadelphia ' Having a large yeti-np Capital stock and Surplus in .rested in sound- and available Bechrities; continue tt , nenre on _dwellings, stores, furnittire, merchandise. !resets in port, and their cargoes, cud other personal prpperty. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. DIRECTORS_ rhomas 11. Marls, Edmund . a. Dutilh, John \Valet', - Oharles W. paaltney, Patrick Brady, Israel Morris, William John T. Lewis, John P. Wethorill, THOMAS B. MARIS. President ALEIRRT 0. Onstosonn. Secrstary GROCERIES; LIQUORS.AC. L ,sE KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP For Cleaning Paint. USEtEITCILEN CRYSTAL SOAP For Cleaning all Brands. , USE KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP For Cleaning all Wood Work. USE KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP Fcir all Household Cleaning. PRICE REDUCED. ALL GROCERS SELL IT. Nothing Genuine but KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP L'ASTMAN a BROOKE: Proprintoia, ,13 ltu s, 431 North Third Street, Philadelphia 1)L REOLIVE OIL4---THE SITBSCIff i bers beg leave to announce to the public that they - have made arrangements for receiving, and have now in It , store, the celebrated. Mottet brand of Salad Oil, liich they warrant superior to any Oil imported into 'this country. JOS, IL BUSHER. CO., lid South Dela Ware avenue. . • I-1 ERRY WINEL—A _ VPIRY SUPERIOR. and pure Spanish Sherry Wine at only .SS IV per gallon, at COUSTY'S Enat End Grocery-, No. 11 South and street, below Chestnut. CLARETS.—EXTRA QUALITY TABLE VV Clarets, a$ 4. $5, $6 ttra:l $7 per 4.:3130 of dozen bot tles—of recent dinnortattort—ln store and • for Hale at CtiIISTY'S East kind Grocery, No. 118 South Seoond titre t. below Chestnut. .71A. FORNIA SALMON .—IPRES FT Sannon from California ; very ehoic ; for 141 , COUNTY'S East End' Grocery, No. 118 South Second street, below Chestnut. ct EA MOSS FARINE—A NEW ARTIOLE 1.3 for food, very choice and deliciona, at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. 118 South Second qtrect, below C}R.Stllllt. TTYPION HAMS.—A VERY CHOICE 111 artidehrllrliillquttctn, equal to the hest dried beef, for bale at COUSTY'S East End Urocery, No. 118 South Second etrect. below chestunt. T UST' RECEIVED AND IN . STOnE 1,000 e j eases of Champagne, sparkling Catawba and Cali fornia Wines, Port,Madeira,Sherry , Jamaica and Santa Cruz Runi, fins old Brandies and 'Whiskle.i, Wholesale A nd Betai I. JORDAN, 220 Pear street, Below Third itntl Walnut streets, tiad above Bock street. • I • dal tf JORDAN'S CELEBRATED PQ Rl4 TON [C Ale for.lnvalids. family me, etc...„ The subscriber is now furnished with his full Winter supply of his highly nutritious and well-known boron., tge. Its wide-spread and increasing use, by order of hysicians, for invalids', use of families. drc., cominond it o the attention of all consumers who want a strictly pure article; prepared from the beet materials, and put Opal the moetzcareful manner for horue_inmer_trtfnepor,. tattoo. Orders by mall or otherwbfe promptly supplied' , _ . P. J. JOILLIAN,__ • • No. 220 Pear' 4treot, der • , ' below Third and Walnut streets.'. • - CIV - .11. - X. , 4.1/N - 1 , 311" • • • :13Y BA4RI Ell'TT CO.; AUCTAONAERS, " OAAUCTION E, 1 Nn. 2.90 TT AMI Ml' atrent. earner HOUS of Bank atm& I ftEGULA.E. SALE WO LOW ASERETED DIiY .,; a n% I ON DA. I EN NG, AraY 13,tonrInetiejng at 30 o'clock, Reedy made Clothing, Skirts, ifoalory,atocks from Mores. r lan, at 11 o'clock, :Ip9fots Tat?le,!tpd. goakot Vul tory , L. Abfiliii,fl)GFl & ,, utp.p.A.IJUT . 3E1184 tro eO5 raitiqvinfetrettatbovelfirto: ' INSURANCE. 1 / 4 ,696 74 82,109,1134 19 • 61,035,386 84 &2.783,581 00 DIRECTORS. Francis IL Cope, • 'Edward li. Trotter, Edward S. Clarke, T. Charlton Henry, , Alfred D..les+up, loptlifig, 3:1110.0r1, ChM. W..Crntituan, Cement A. Grincom, ANDEJ4BI3, President. WM. H. Irsiguri. 800, ezzizi Alt LES. rr.kHODI.AS, piainOß (IN,, A trUTION-$ ...L. REIM AND. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ; • It0:11I0 CHESTNUT etruot,' •'' ' ' ' ACV 0.11(17111C0 No. 1107 Saueom stmt., ' "116kiselield Purniturb iof Mir description' recefrod ''' 5 • • Sa . e ) 'rf rurn . tli t) at attended to or. the '•,; :.moat retisonahus tonna. ) . •), • :SAW at :Noy fultOliestout strest) ' • ' • — DANDSOME - PARLOR, LIBRARY' .) 1 011AMBEIfilitr DINING ilyold • rIIDN ITDDE, FtEE VELVET. IiRUSSELu. AND INGRAIN CA Ilitßlt_fp W'ALl44i :Paramt °EGAN FAS ' „.WOOD: ..X4LcIDEQ • 11.013 . NwDou t' PIANO "FORTES,' LARGE D sIIALG MANTEL AND, PIER:' OLAssfi.B, SUITA OF COTTAGE, OR A.M.. ' DER' FTIRNITURE:' BOOKOAa ES, .WARDROBES, —), S I RIN O A AND EL ,— II OF R E- A - - - T L R I E D RBAERY,FTA TIER BEDS. BOLSTERSI AND . PILLOWS OFIAND LIERtI PAINTINGS AND ENGRAVINGS , , ' •'RITCEEN TUBNIrURE.,tc. , '• • ) W ). RIDAY MORNING. ; '9 'At ' °eek.' at the auction ' etere, No Chest nut' street, mill :be scold, tho,ifollowing"nlegant' Suite) for 'Parlor and L in latest styles. covered_ with ma- ?. roon, green and :garnet hluilli. - greevand• crimson reps, ; hair cloth, Ac., wit 11.Tobles to match; Chamber Snits of . newest sties. with .IVardrotres :to 'reatch;'Diuing Ro'om Furniture, in Oak. and W al nut . with Sideboards ,to match. 'Also; Carpet*, stirrers. China 'Ware, Cottage. Suite, Chairs of v,arioue kinds, Silver. Plated Waredin gray Inas. Secondhand Furiiitttro. Stoves, Kitchen Fur- Ac' .., • , • ' BIINTLNQ, DITRAORpW & AUCTIONEERS, Nom. 237 and 231 Market street. corner of Rank. IMPORTANT AND isPECIALtIF GER.II AN: COTTON 110SIERY,.TRAVELING 'sninTs. sus-, PENDEUS, GARTERS,.RID. GLOVES, GENTS' COO •S. ON, FRIDAY DIORN/NCi. May 13; at 10 o clock, nn fonr nwnt lid' credit, including, by order of Now Yorkriinspender and Web Company— moo DOZEN SUSPENDERS; . Embracing all qualities and etylea. ' • • ; IOCGROSS GARTERS, Includinz fnll lines oforw styles.• '' • ' AlmaD 6LOVES. LlRlieb' black, n bite and .culor , 4 Paulo Kid Gloves, for city retail trade. • ird - N - CO - TTCFNATOBTERY7 - • • Fill nine Ladles white; brown and !nixed HMO " GentaJ .• . " "lose. " " ChildreiCs. " " Hose sad half Bose. N. B.—The DbaVp ava bf a:very celebrated and popular make. • AIW, Shirt& 'And - Tiny('ling Shirts, Shirt Frouts.l'ies, Notions, &r. - LARGE' - BALE OF HARPETINGB. MQ ROLLS wrirrr., RED,. CHECK . AND FANCY °IA.:N . I'O.N MATTINGB, &e. ON FRIDAY MORNING, • 'ay 13 at 11 o'clock, on fonr.monthecredlt, attont '2OO pieceslngrain. Yebetian. List Hemp, Cottage add Rag Carpetings, Canton Mattings, &c. LARGE BALE OF 'FRENCH. AND OTHER MIRO PI:jai DRY Ut.)0116, ON MONDAY MORNING. May 16, at l 0 o'clock,on fonr'tnotitha' credit. BALE OF2OOO OASES liooT l.o ti. ON TUIItiDAY AItNINO. Mn' 37.nt 30 o'clock. for (Our rtiontld.' credit. t jANLES A. FILEEMA_N. AUUTIONBEE, , Walnut. street. . REAL ESTATE, SALE, lid AY (.. 18, a°. • This sale, on next WEDNESDAY, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Exchange, will include— , • No. 103 U 111 DOE AV ENVE —Two and a half story brick Lager:Beer Saloon and Lot, 20 hY 01feet. Orphans' Court Sale. Estate of Jos. Gray, deed Nos. 1234 end 12:9i OTIS STREET,;—Two and a half -story -Frame - W7irtl; lot, Hi by 142 feet. Orphans' Court'Sale.- Estate of Heart' Fantle,. dted. FRANEFORD.-13nilding lot Hedge nod Oxford streets, 30. by 100 feet. , Orto.balie Clam Sale. Estate. of Joseph T. ran!, irk, dePd . NINTH. 42W IVATE INS STS.— Two-seory brick dwelling, at N. W. corneri lot In by 70 feet. Orphans' Court Sale. Eente elLat oh A-Wee, ' , dewed. N 0.741 IMIINIMIDGE ST.—Three•story brick _house :and lota 14 by - 60 feet : -- Or phan Conrt Sale . : — ]Estarell . - Ann, Cullen, detld - No. 1226 N., TENTH ST —Genteel three Story brick dwelling with back on ildhags and 10t.,17 by 70 feet, Or pliant' Court Sale,' Estate of i zahe..4 Frain dec'd 1233 ..21 11.T811.1N 4pN-•-ST—GenteoPcthretvstory. brick dwelling, with back lin iliiiiitts - Tevery convenience; lot , 10 bra feet . order af ifeirs. • No. 1239 El UTOII/NSON ST.—Genteel three-story brick dwelling, with bark building's, every convenience; lot, IC by iO feet, to Peru etreet.' Sale by order of Heim GERMAN TOWL—Stone. brick snot frame d*cllingi3, Main and 91anheini streets. lot 61 by 217 feet, Adminis trators' Absolute: Sate: - - - -Esrate Elisaleqh — feeedha - - deed. . No: I=3 P:Ailurn ST —Three story frame dWiling and frarrit'stitbl6_, above Girard avenne,lot 46 by. 190 feet, Sale ..41,soluit , - No. 1728 E. 7110 N TO ERY AY.—Three story frame bmiro. lot 20 by 190 feet. Sal- .4b.solote. VTY•FIBST AND LOCUST STS.-Building lot 32 by 02 feet. Sale Absolute. No: =O3 HOWAIlli: - STIIKET.Throe-story brick store and dwelling, with back , buildings, lot ,16 by tit feet . • NO. - 2249 HOW A Itfi ST llVET.—Ttiree•storyi brick -dwelling, with back builditia..lo - 19 by 6$ No. 1022 PORILAND ItEET.—Threo-4tory Inlek Louse and 10t,19x40 feot,Fourteentli Ward. Sale peremP• tort' , bu order rd'heir.s, , ' . 11.9IANT N .-519dern re:II - lenge, stable and conch-bonne, Fimher . 9 lune, lot 160.2200 feet. klre . ry con- AojcPcg.. far . partrru'ars to ratabwnes. scorrs ART GALLERY AND AUCTION COMMISEION' SALES • R 00,1”, B t"CITT, Jrc.., Auctioneer, 1117 elf ESTI. UT stroot; Girard Row Furniture Sales every Tnesday and Friday morning, at 10 o'clock. Particular attention paid to out-door sales at-mode rate rates. , d 029 tf STTLL AFOTHER GREAT SALE OF BARLOW'S SUPERIoit AND WARRANTED FURNITURE. ON FRIDAY MORNINti. May 13. at 10 o'clock 1 1 in I.a soil at pnblic sale,. an ele.gant_Stock of anperior,,altinet Furniture, tloll.olning in part of—Walnut Parlor and Chamber Sets,Hat Racks, Wardrobes, Extension Tables. Dining Room Furniture, 211 atreAtice, Mirrors. &c maoe in_asaperior manner, and warranted in writing. 1 "• Store open day mido, e ening till sale for examination of goods. Catalogues ready on Thursday afternoon. GEORGE H BECHTEL'S SP'ECIAL SALE OF ' SUPERIOR TRIPLE , PLATED SILVER WARE, On.firet onality of German silver metal, comprising Urns, Tea gets, Salters, lar,:e and small CaStorS, ,ve. A 140, A full line of first-class Triple- ploted Ware. on white metal, embracing come newest styles of finest goods ever made in this branch of art. All to be sold without an, "reservation, at the Art Gallery of .13. SCOTT. Jr • No. 1117 Chestnut Street,: ON MONDAY MORNING. May 16; at 70 o'clock.. The goods! will be on exhibition all day Saturday. the 11th, in the Art Gallery Rooms, second Ilcor. Hale at No. MO Chogtunt trngt ON WEDNE:4IAT Alt/ItNINfL May nt 10 o'rlork, at the NV arproom Rof pL..D.TG:IN- TIIRIt. No 1.309 Chestnut street, will be sold at petal,: rale, the entire stock of 'handsome Furniture, to close the business The sale is peremptory. and ,the stock will positively he sold-without the least reserve, ac Mr. Degiother Is retiring, and takes till. method to , disposo of the balance of bit 1 , 4 rge stuck. • Catalogues retie y Blonday A. M.. and can be had on application at the warerooms. of Mr. Degutther,or at theutliceof-the'Auctioneer, B. 'SCOTT, Jr., No. 1117 Chestnut street riAVIR 1& - . HARVEY -AUCTIONEERS, (Formerly with M Thomes Silty; ) Store Nos. 48 and be North Sixth street; inr Salts at ltosidJneem rec -ice particular fat mtiori . . Mir Salve at the Store every Tuesday. • • Sale No. 427 Lombard. street SUPERIOR FURNITURE, ELEGANT ROSEWOOD PIANO, OVAL MIRROR: COTTAGE SUITS, PIC TURES, FINE VELVET CARPETS, Szc, ON' FRIDAY MORNING. . May 13, at .10 o'clock.. by catalogue ' at No. 427 Lombard street. thetireal superior Walnut Parlor and Chamber 'Furniture, elegant .8.013eW nod seven•netave Over atrium Piano, round corners, by M lyer,nearly new; tloo French Plato Oral Mirror, two Faits Cottoge Furniture, aurae Tea Spring Matresses, Blankets Comfortablem, Plated 4ea Set, Plated Cutlery. French Clibia.'Cliromos, Paint gs, tine Velvet, Tapestry and other Carpets, Scc.: , FiteNo . .'lS.4s North Sevontil. 'greet.' ' • ELEGANT PARLOR, CFI AXIOM AED DINING ROOM. FURNITURE, P1ER..1411111.011, FINE TA PESTRY CARPETS. Ace. • UN SATURDAY,MORNING. May 14, at 10 o'clock, to) catalogue, at No. 1345 North Beventh street, above Montgomery avenue the entire Furniture. including elegont Green Plush Parlor Nutt, tine French Plate Pier Mirror, Curtains, handsome' Walnut Chamber ,Snits, Green. Rep Library Chairs, Lounge Bellideallsomportor ttidehoard, jlxrea r _ *don Table and Claim One Plated " Ware, handsome Tapestry Room sad Stair Carpets. China, and Glass irate, R itchen Uten:tils. superior Upright Iferrigeraters,: Eze. Only in use a Short. time. and equal co new. rp A. McCLELLAND, A IJCTIONEER, 1:139 . 011,ESTI , TUT 4tr•rt. . ace Personal attentfom Riven to Sales of Household Furniture at 1 . ) Nv ell lugs. trtr Public Sales of Furniture at the Auction Itooms. 1219 Chestnut street, every Monday and Thursday. , %stir For articulars pee Public Ledger. $l9" N. I p l.—A superior chi.. or Furniture at Privet. Salo. . . • ' REM , ESTATE AT PT/BLIC SALE. ON SATUEDA ti• 111011.NING. Slay IL at 12 o'mm:lr, noon will bo sold, at the Pllll.i. del phi. EXClittilitl!, !ill I hal . ttIOIIPEn now , 01mo:story brick meeemom, with throo-story back - bliiitiillgd, and lot of ground, situate_oi. the oast shin of Nineteenth streot, eolith of ' Race, No. -137. 19 feet front by lin le r. Kitchens Thu Mime , has parlor, dining room' and two hitchens on,,tirst. flour, two chambers, bath-r own. largo saloon sitting room, with Tory window, on sotond tloor: tivy chambers on thethird fluor; Bartlett's beater and pingo. ; The sale to ha •withontr esetvo, .$O,O 0 may remain on thortgego, holm - Ice cash. Possession ;tiny 1, or sooner. N.'ll. —One hundro. dollars to be paid at time of sale. ..._ _._. _ , ' ' , YEIB,CIP;WM OIiEY:rgSTABLIS Fr: DiENT, , S, Fl,tiornor of SIXTH and RAGE stroots.- T ' ; money advancdd on -MOrthitridise genorAlly— Watchos, Juvrelry, Diamondei. Gold,sfiti,tlllYer Plato, and on all article* of viilne, for an Jon• tit' .' of tisoh a • rood on. . - r - ' ':- • : , -'• '' , t Fine 'Gold tinntlfiCeinio,"lionblo Bottom aml •Open EacoirEnglish, American , dud •• Swiss Parent. Lover Watches ; Mile Gold gonti nu' Gase and Open' Fnro Lo 7 123•01r,p.their • iliturmtlold-141plez , Anil other Watches ; al° '''' T6r, LA tAiy.: GfiEt. ,Gperi Pace English, Ame• ' r curOtind- Soy .Plttehtnlici OP and Loping Watches; Tioublo.cano r glistMilartler and other Watches : La t dies* , Fitticy , A each**, 'Diamond 'Breastpins, Finger inks. Ear Rings. studs, dic.-;• Fine Gold Chi n tlu e s.ille u d g a a l- , I ei l ird i tirglu et itiS B St r urOl V i474nl i giri t .. . Pi" l. g i "i• ' lt • • VOilisilATAvo-4, Limo uni ivalitalm, .Piro -proof , Ghost, 9 s nal& for a JOweller ; cost 6/150. , _ MstiiiiMirea'al• Bote'in &MIL Olunderi, reittre dad - Uhest ' Illi t'-#.4. ° , 9 4.•:; I.' '' er t•;.ls . -,,,. 1,:,• , -,.?.; . r-,.(1,, • •,• . AveTioN SALES.; THOM '/113 — g - ' . BOI.IES; 1. Nos. 139 and 141 Soma FOURTH street. SADDS OF STOOKS AND RRA.L RSTATR._,_ R" , Public bates at tho Philadeinhis Exchange w ywri TuF,SDAYat 1.2 o'clock. OCT Furniture sales at the Agetien Store AM= THURSDAY. lir /Woe at Romp:ices receive oeixtial attenWok • BEAL ESTATE MALE. Md.l . IT O , -- • rphane 7 Court- Sale—ltetate of Jsmes 8. Do Benne vino, dec'd—TIIREE STORY BRICK DWEILItING. N 0.613 Lornbard et,. •r , I •c• f MODERN TRREE-STORY BRICK RESIDENGN. N 0.18141 Borth Front street, th,eve , Thenlbetne•elAraah with a Three.eldry'Brick Dvictlum In the rear on one street. -- Italuedlate poseceelon. • • EiteentoteL_Pdrernp_torz_Sale,AltateLdetflUted, • - doc'd—TEIREE-OTORY BRICK. DWELLING and LOT .1 , 1 W.••corner•of •.'Mlfairestreet and Ituokroad. Bumf: E.tate—LOT, S.E. corner of Mifflin and.T.welftte Santo Eetate—LOT, N. W. corner of Mifflin and Eli.' venth m 5. - Same . Estate — LOT t.', , 'ociiner' or • Mifflin-% shirt: Eleventh eta. and Buck road. I ,, arnaketava-2 LOTS, north side of 1111111 In street. dist of Sa Eleventh. . me Eetate—LOT; 5. R. coiner 'of Tenth and Hoff man nte. • ISamo E6tn.te—LOT,'S. E. corner of Twolfth and Moore . . .. . ~ . .. Same Estato—LOT, north side Of kiiilin street, neat of Twelfth: • . Some Estate—LOT, west side of . Thirteenth street, Full particulate in plans at the Auction Rooms. _ ' Hamo. Estiste-4 THREE-STORY.' BRICK •DiVELL IZiI; 16 , .1% oh. 2140.2142. 2144 and 2146 Jefferson v r.' 2 .: ,Ls finmo .hoists—TM 0-STORY BRICE D E.t.A.LNO. IC B comer of Twenty -secOnd and Vltlg, t , Fitreotti. •Ttrentiotte Ward. . . courifux ; RESIDENCE;' 3 ACRES, main, , stre e t, Woodbury. N. J. House has the modern coßroniaapen. od la tolicyteegioil • • . VERY. ELEGANT THREE, STORY 1 / 1 1 1 )WN"r SToNE - REBIIIENCE; No, 1805 elprieig (Avian Strode. ..36 feet frost, 1714eet deep -2. fronts. .11as all eh° modern convorifencos. Itrtmedlatel possession. 3107JEhN. TILREE-ETORY DWELLING, N 0 1230 Ellsworth st. SEAT. - 72%- - AORES--• MANS 3 01 , 1 --aud COTTAGE, with Stublu rum' Cna,cli liouno t Choatnut-avonrie r -rioar-Gottago-atrert-Mmit r o t t--- 11111, Twentx•secolid Wurd, lOritinatea' drive to tlio rail- . . VER Y ,ELEGANY .E011.14-STgRY BROWN sTOI.OI RESIDENCE; N 0.1813 Walnut - street, opposite Ritten house Square, 2,1:d6, feet, Trout 2,35 'teat • deep to hansom street. LARGE and VALUABLE RESIDENCE. BE EWERIC and WORES HOP, No. 160 North Tenth street south of Columbia avenue., Sa feet •front, " feet decp.+lo Hutch. , T"; • Executors' Sale-L-Estato of fledrgailf. trtiaAon, deed —VERY VALUABLIC itHst: DEICE. No. 218 South Fourth street, betlvesu Walnut amt Locust, 211 i feet front, 221 feet deep. - See aim . __ • CID-ESTABLISHED BUSINESS i3TAND, N. .E: corner of Secono and Conon stN. r• . ',• ,; ; TIIREE•STORY BRICK TAVERN and DNELIc. IR G. N 0.1321 Passyullk. rood, alMvet Eetat st.•: VALUABLE BUILDING LOT, N W.. corner .of Twenty•fourthand Factory streets, below Spruce. MODER U E N TRE STORY DEICK. DWELLING, No. 11117 Warnock st.' I VALllABl;EBlitilLDlNGLOTS.Eyargroen'tyronwhi east of 61 , rmantown avontto; Eh(Must Hill, within tiro' intunten' walk of tha railroad dtpot nr, Ilhomtnut ti ill .11014ERN THICEB-STORY RESIDENOHi. No. 216 North 't waif; It st.• • r • MODERN TEREE4I'OI3.Y.B.RIOK RESIDENCE., Eighth street, south of Girard Avenue_ - • ANDSOME TEIREE-STORY VENCE, e2B Franklin st. - - 1110DEETT — TUIREtt-IiT9ItY BROWN- STONE RE SILENCE, N. W. corner of Twenty- first and Arch ins -64 feet front. . . , 11ANDS03tE COTTAGE—E.EBIDENCE, with Stable mud Coach Amnia and I,Jargo Lot, Wbdw. m oayeagg r abpv. at et roe GermantOwn. Salo by Order of Ileire—Esfate of John Burton; dec'd—VEßY ELEGANT THREE STONY STUN* RESIDENCE - , with Stablc , and Coach House, 4% acres, NOTIVOO.I Hat, 31ODEitN T It - STORY , STONE - RE SIDE xpr..; En ot.'W alma bane, German town, _ . 'Executors' Sale—Estatc cf Ann Coulter, deed—VERY DESIBABLIC LOTS, Chelten avenue. School, Coulter, Penn Queen.llaneberry, Laurens, and Mottle etroote, and-- Pnlaski, - WAYneatd-Wistiablekow-arendee-,- - Gef , -.--. ut WMOI , III. Peremptory Sale- to Close an Account—LOT, ()herr) , street, near Tweuty.first. Trustees' - VERY VALUABLE STORE -110U SES - , - Nott. - 113;116 - and - 117 - ,Gothio-struett-betwoen- - - --- Yront and Second and Walnut and Chestnut ate. sign ees' tale -,Y-EII,Y DESIRABLE - , _TIIREK-t STORY BRICK' ItESIDENCE, No, 239 'Elot#ll Thir-, teenth street. below Locust. Immediatepoiseeesiotr. - WELL SECURED GROUND lIENT, a 44 %year. Sale at Camden, N. , -Na:-.210 Friends', avenue, hottv.een Sem:mile:ad -Third; and , • HANDSOME FURNITUR• MANTEL MIRROIi.„ BICH (10T GLASSWARE HANDSOME CRANDE- MEER, FINE ENGLISH RUSSRLS and OTHER CARPETS, Ac- ON FRIDAY MORNING, , • May 13, at 10 o'cloiik, by:catalogiie,-tho entire hanilkeite -• Furniture, comprising snit Walnut Parloeffurnituro, _ covered with hair cloth` large large Walnut Etagere, broom (IBM marble top and French -Plate Mirror; Walnut tl, , ritre and Tables, brocadilla" marble tops; . rosewood Piano; line;French Plato Mantel Mirror; . handsome Mantel Ornament - a and Statilettesoak Dining , Room Furniture, oak: - Extension 'Dining Table, oak Sideboard, marble top; fine Plated Ware - , - rich -Cot and Fn gray ed Glassware, tine China.Sult Carved Satimwood Chamber Furniture, six pieces; tine. Curled - flair and , Spring Aintrmaies, Walnut and Cottage Chamber Furni- • tare.,'Welnut-lithrary-Tablecharlsomoly carved, hand some English Brussels and other Carpets; Chandeliers and Gas Fixtures, Cooking Utensils, ,k.c.Also large - and elegant Carved Oiled Walnut Secretary and Book-.. case. VALUABLE PRIVATE LIBRARY", ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON. May' 13. at 3 o'Oook „including Pickering Poets, Works on history, Science, Fine Arts, Biography. &c., in fine ' bindings. ORPHANS' COURTSALE ON THE PREMISES, MANA Y UN K. • ON. SATURDAY, May 11, at 12 o'clock noon, Estato of Nixon minors,will be told on the premises, at blanavituk. Lot, N. E. corner Gay and Cresson streets. hot, Cresson street,— Four Lots, Gay street. Full partleulars in handbills. Executor'R Salo No.-1621Cheetnut , NEAT FURNITURE. •DARTETS 4 • dm. ON MONDAY aonyiNG, May 16. at 10 o'clock. by catalogue the Parlor. Dining Tloom and Chamber Furniture, China and, Glasswaro, tine Idatroseivit, Carpets; Oil Cloth, Cooking Utensileatc. , Sale No. 110 Nerd.) Fittoenth street. • SUPERIOR WALNUT, OAR AND. COTTAGE tIUSEHOLD FunNtTmal, riTTE- HAIR EAT RESt‘ES, BRUSSELS, .I.NOILIIN AND OTHER. CAIIPEIS, &c. ON. TUESDAY MORNING. , ' Bay 17, at 10 o'cledk, at No. 110 North Fifteenth street, saos: ;Arch atteet, tha entire iionseheld Furniture, con:prising—Superior Walnut it arlqr and Chamber irnr 'littera. Pak J intng Room Mill Cottage Chamber Furni ture; tine 'Hair blatresses t VOTlfititM Diinds, Brussels; Inerain and ether Carpets. China, - Glassware, &c. ?day he exaudned An tin ntortlll.lg or solo at 8 seen ter 'a Sale NO. 13071Vahlut street. '9' SUPERIOR ,FURNITURE, 'MIRRORS, PIANO, BRONZES. MARBLE STATUARY, ENGRAVINGS, CHINA,.GLASS. PLATED WARE, ON WEDNESDAY, May 13. at 10 ,o'cloelc. at No. 1300 Walnut street. by rittalnttlif., the entire Boum:bold Furultnre, by order or Bxecutor. peremptory Sale at the Atlantic Oil Retine'ry. Magazine lane, quarter of a mile below Point Breeze Gas r - Works. 13 ENGINE, BOILER. JTANRS, TOOLS. TUBS,_ 3li 44.. • ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON . . . , iy 18, at 4 ocleek. on the premises. the brick and, time buildings, &e„ belonging to, the Atlantic 'Oll RI3- , finely ,at Point Breeze, viz.: ljet) barrel still,.with fire doors and lire bars, braces and stay rode; • I condensing - tub, equaretorignial); about 400 feet of. 2- inch pipe; 1 condensing tub, square Incur); 800 foot of pipe; 1 brick ' recehhtg !louse: 2 receiving tanks, capacity 4000 gallons ; each; crnile oil tank; LOW barrels; 1 frame engine house. treating house and settling •house, conibinesi; 1 ! triune warehouse, about 50-by 100 toot, oue-story; 1 frame Ety cooper shop, ma 30 by 100, fcet,:ene.story; .1 frame stable. Also, I treating tank, capacity 4,000 gallons; 1 portable' ' tubular boiler, about 8 to 10 horse power. but little. used; portable engine. about 8 horse rower; 9' largo oil pumps, nearly new; 1 pump blower for,agitater; 3 largo settling tanks, about 3.000 gallon's each' 1 large settling tank, about .3,000 gallons; I eipent acid , tank ; 2 pitch. • lined-tenks; 1 -copper-gine. kettle,-for-steam; sundry teels; . about 3;000 font of Iron pitp!, Rom 3 of an inch to inellea. diameter; 1 large lot of stone, bricks, lumber, &c.; globe valvss f cocks, am; nbafting,leather belts,dro.; 1 bench and vise. The buildings and machinery tb e removed. b y the . nut chaser. within ton daps from sale,. • • ••• ' ' N 0 TIPE-.OuP sale - 17th !allay !will include! the Vain ablelletlide,rice N 0.299 South Thirteenh Street. pil - AR IS TIN - ROTHE I 3 , BvA 11C TION Ealitito it. • No. 79-f CHESTNUT street. above Seventh RRREMP - TO - 111( TO VIE TRADE. • • BLANR. W 011 K. AND STATIONERY. • ' " • • 'ON FRIDAY ,MORNING. May 13, It t 10 o'clock, at the au,:tion jroomd, NO. 704 qbeetnut 'etieet, extenetve assortment of ,111%nk Work and Stationery, of every dederi ption—Fine ibgand Wrapping Papers, Gold anti St al Pane, flail-. -; (utlery, Fancy Goode. Photograph Albums, fine hotter,. °Orem)). Note and Billet Photograph first-dada Blank: °like lull and half bound; Pencils, ' • Sala at No. 2040 Arch Ntrebt. VERY SUPERIOR. WALNCT Houstmorm FUR.- NITUItE FINE BRUSSELS AND OTHER PETS. FINE SPRING A.X.1.) MAW MATICESSR3, (MOTHS. ke ON THURSDAY' MORNING, `Ma 3 , 79, atIO - cycinck. at -No. ?(lilt—Areli street, ' l3y Cata -r Fugue, the entire lioudehold Furniture, ..te. IMPORTANT SALE OF FINE FURNITURE. UPTIOLST.ERY , Preparatory to putting up a innv front and .otherulee'' , '' i rho rul leg lon h tore, Mr. JOHN 11. GARDX.EN, • ' Did Cbextnut street.. , will tin order to make rootn for tlieFfeitilprot4tnonta) t OFFER AT PUBLIC. BA • , ON IIIONDAY MORNING. May 23, at li) o'clock, ,aVlint Warervanies,,C Webb — off the FINEST, CABINET FIII.S.NITURE. . OLDTtIItY ever offered at auction in 'Vila city.' ' Tlio styloe.are the •neiveet and ihdletet. 'Tlio edalfir viinnOt be excelled__ _ _ • _. iTo verity those too a t a on 3 , rieceaaary fOr pat 7 t;i7; tootling to purehaao to call. auil examine the Stock, • • • Tun ASSORTMENT embraces Prawing%Rocon and Pallor Wtita. with ilov_ ( '" ) Mae of the rieheat'broeatellea, satins, satin 4 itatiniai , ra. ;qui heal hilkS and terries; a, vartetr of tho moat rate C heather, Dining Room, Library and Halt Suits. •'• OPPORTUNITY - ) fi l S , eseuta itself:ln this da10.19 those dositous of purchastuat • HIGHEST' ORDER; OF. CAIIIMPT WOAK, AT AUCTION 'PRICES, • • . which may more r occur again.. s• if; ) The. Furniture will be ready for exeuniugtioa• tlrocta.ra pror/Otis to saloovithootploguoa, . , ~ •