Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, May 06, 1870, Image 5
BUSINESS NOTICES. he ,New Chick eel ea Grand Square, sag thenew 4111e1c13111N ',RAND UPII.IO tit PIANen &mese; all °than. Great reduotiun in Pialios. DUTTON ' S, Noe. 3126 and 1123.011aatonotatreet. T Chnt - trlets 110sonion. - • Solo Agent for the sale of STIIINwey a BONS world renottntd PIANOS. - • (A.ent for Stelnwav & Sons sine ISM.) npltfi• Wareroonnt No: 1006 Olteetnut Street, Phila. Geo. Meek .11- Co. Grand, Square and 'Upright Pianos. Pianos to rent. 2_ 7. E. GOULD, No. 923 Chestnut street. AMENEMM. Ird. —At the Arch Street Theatre; this Wieniii,g, Mr. Tunnet will kayo a benefit in Frifz. Matinee performance to-morrow. --At the Walnut 'Street Theatre, this eve ning; Airs. Barney Williams will have a bene fit in the diamas.S74andy Maguire, 'An Hour in Seville, and Barney the Baron. Matinee to . .—At_the Chestnut Street Theatre t this eve ning, llie pantomime., Fair One With. a 'Blonde Tl'if), :will be repeated by Mrs. Oates' Bar lestine company. IT. M. W. Fiske will appear. Id atinoe to-morrow. •• • " —At Fox's American !Theatre, this evening, a gotarmiseellaneous performance will be iven by a large -company, Including a num ber of new artists. Matini3e to-morrow. . --At the Eleventh street Opera House, Messrs. Carncross &. Dixey offer a splendid bill for this evening. A new and laughable burlesque, eptitled,, Fifteenth Amendment - 8011, will be produced. , • —At the SeVenth Street 03:perm • House a fir St-class minstrel performance will be given this evening. • Messrs. Dirprez' '& Benedict announce that they will eltise the Season in this city to-morrow evening for atour to the North and West. They will retw?n about September first. On Monday next, the flibernicon, a patio ' lama, r e presentmg-a-tottr—in—lrolawlovilt- be, exhibited. The engagement of the . Peak i'amily of Swiss Bell ,Ringers has been post poned. —The Pilgrim Paintings will be exhibited every evening during this week, 'a,ud on Saturday afternoon. Concert Hall is filled nearly every evening with people desiring to see these line paintings. .11,xcellent • given at every exhibition. CITY BULLETIN. State of Thermometer This Day at the * Bulletin 10 A. deh. 12 21. 70 Seg. 2P. Id 04 d Weather raining.- W ind NORTHERN HOME FOR FRIENDLESS CHILDREN AND SOLDIERS' ORPHANS' INSTI. TOTE...Jibe eighteenth anniversary of these joint popular institutions -was celebrated at the Academy of Music, last evening, in the preienee of an audience thattilled the _house to rePletion in every part. The appearance of the children was in every respect admirable. The number present was about four hundred; the girls dressed in white, with red and blue sashes, and the boys in blue. Everything about them betokened neatness,• cleanliness, healthfulness - and discipline. At eight, precisely, the curtain rose, reveal ----ing--a-sight-suctras-isrrarely--seen:—To- wcompa ' - nies of soldiers' orphans were then marched on the stage. • A prayet was offered by Rev. E: W. Flutter, during Which the. soldiers ..rested on their guns. A drill was then gone through with by the two companies, under the command of Captain Frank Skia,M - , - - At its close theYwere reviewed-by-Major Dean,wbo appeared in full regimentals. • The boys were - trained by Dr. A. Harshbarger. A beautiful song; ." Motlitr's waiting for her children,", was. sung, which was folletved by the report of the Treasurer, J. L. Claghorn, Esq. The annual report was read by the Secretary, M. J. Mitchesati, Rain From -these two reports we glean the following statistics: Children in:the Home May 1, 1869, 338; ad mitted from Miy - 1;1869, - to May 1,1870, 121 469. Of whom there were 14 soldiers 'orphans. Returned tp_parents and furnished homes, 109_; enticed - a - Way:Air:absconded, 4 ; Vied, 2-116: Now in the Home, 344. Of these there are ""friendless children; 104; soldiers' orphans, 240 —344. The receipts amounted to *54,222 83: and the expenditures to $.54,..T22 83. At the close of. Mr. Mitcheson's report he ._made an appropriate allusion to the death of Mr. J. W. Clagliorn, to whom the Northern lionie is so largely indebted for its present efficiency. A favorite hymn of Mr. Clag horn's was then sung by the children, wlim several little girls attired in white and moffTh ing, offered a tender andtouching memorial to the...memory of their deceased friend and patron. It was in the form of - a. - chair draped in mourning, containing a beautiful floral cross. The little girls recited in concert a pretty address commemorating the virtues of _the...dead—This wa...s written by Miss_ Walk. Rarely has a more iniPressive scene ever bead presented on the boards of the Academy. The subsequent e.Xereises consisted of songs, dialogueS, recitations, &c., in all of which the children acquitted themselves admirably. A striking and pleasant featiire was a concert recitation by thirty little girls, entitled " Angling." One of the most prominent of the exercises Was the! piece," What May Be," written for the occasion yA. M. 'Spangler, and rendered by the children in a style that won the hearty .plaielits of the audience. The declamation of Socrates Snooks," by Mark Dean, was exceedingly well done, as were, in fact, all the pieces. A brief, appropriate and pointed address by - Rev..P. Stryker, D.-D., was-well - receive. A more lengthy written discourse was delivered by Rev. O. F. A collection - WaS taken up, the proceeds of Hiielet-rte-to be applied-to-the Ctianel—huil . • lug fund. Taken as a whole,the celebration was a cow ploc success, reflecting credit upon all con vened, and winning, we hope, a large num ber of new friends for these popular in stitutions. Locm. Cum')mt.—Everybody to-day tieetns to be 1)113 ihg bowers. The man or wbtnau who doehn't love flowers is a mau or woman to _ . be regarded as at least deserving of suspicion that their moral graces need thorough' hoeing. We have known people who alike entertained aversion toward music and babies. We never yet knew a person who disliked flowers. In the bosom of every wonian whom we ever • knew was implanted an appreciation for rose buds and johnny jump-ups. When Mrs. Brilliant was in a position of affluence, and lived in Broad street, , her windows gleamed with the japonica and the Japanese lily. Though her husband was ruined by copper atoeks l Ler window in Tasker street is still crowned with n floral decoration. The only ditlerence is that instead of a display of lilies in a jardiniere of porcelain, "she now contents herself with an exposition of yeidounas•blooni jug in an unpainted starch box. - ;e14.--4anna in thy hours of lia•il•;" • , In Fifth street market,- at a ganmstall, this morning, we noticed a wild swan. The bird measured about six feet across its outspread pinions. Its bill was as black and as polished as a piece of ebony. From the goose the species is as entirely distinct as that of the -goose Troia-the duck- ; :therabbitfrotn-the-hartn ur the rat from the mouse, The trouble is, that no one but, an ornithological expert can tell the difference between a swan aged two years and a corresponding bird aged two hundred. The amiable Comuthisnmer of City Property returned' Last. evening from a three days' .ex anti nation_ o f_th u—su bu than -rotit Is. He this moyning aeporis a great improvement over: the state of things existing, two weeks ago. The Tiventyd.hitd and Bridge street entrance to Fairmount- Park has been put in , order. -BOW long-it-will retffain so depends;ThntirelY upon the number of hundreds of °valid:cu.- iis-nagims that contitinot.6 tss,st, - is hero wanted ir, wooden or Belgian • pave ment. To the apology fur paving that here abouts exists the wheels of the itai•carts pay about as much respect as is paid to a near sighted uchool-teaehor_by—aff7unprincipled schoobboy, Beyond this our fusy-eheekeil friend, the Commissioner, CM]) plumes himself that if Matters nod )hi ngs are not any bettiir, they aught he a great deal {Mr/30. - In the drug store of Doctor Jay Vie ha , : just been deposited •ri &MU more -than ,eighteen Inches long,expelled froM the body of a human :== ~ - being. It is a perfect serpent In every respeot. It is akarked wifh alternate rings of black and while, about. an inch and ' a half in length . . she matter 'will probably be elaborated by the medie v al journals. All,pur reporter. bas to say is that of tbkvarious gentlemen who have 'examined the 'reptile, not one can identify it with any species tkat on' the - utside or folks inStead of thelaside. ;',A.s!a oci o tios.ty it is certainly rare:• • Tnn RinArsirtG lenvEn.-:-The endurance of the resident and visiting -physicians at tho Alnincouse, at this moment; is" rather tested. Into the sick ward. 4 of its, 'hospital have lately been received about a hundred and fifty unfortunate:creatures, poisoned by the death-whom* that saturates the atmosphere of Fourth Ward .slumsin the vicinity of Bedford, Baker;..o- Spafford streets. The name given to tilts malady is the relapsing fever. •At intervals the medical is in terested in sets of sythoptoms, coincident is - a sufficient number, of cases to warrant It a. sub ject of especial study,if not of especial noin enclature. This was the case with; Bright's , disease of the kidneyind . with what: for a season- or two- Was_classiffeci . !Spotted. fever." To the list,' is -now to be added the malady originating in the disffict above named, and unpremeditatedly endowed *kb the title of " relapsing fever.,' .That its typo is not especialll, frightful, our reporter yester day learned. Thus far, under the assiduous watchfulnesS of the Alnashouse physicians, no patient was reported to us as having sunk into collapse. Opinions as to the• contagious char acter of the disease are divided. Doctor El- • mer has been seized with it, and with symp toms of such severity', that the physicians ori duty take the same recautions to avert in fection from it as they would do in diseases set down, as contagious beyond all dispute. The only person who setslirthe bedside of the victims is Rev. Father O'lirien,the Catholic Priest assigned by the Bishop to the onerous and self-sacrifloing labors of Chaplain to the Almshouse. - The-oneness of this gentleman's pnui_ose_was_ not.at_tirst _undetsto_oti.,_by_the__ sitYgeons• in charge. The columns of the limazTin some time ago -were the medium through which hp complained that from the bedsid'es of dying Catholics he had been driven while administering the sacrament that to the Moribund Catholic is believed to a certain ex tent it be his passport tq Heaven. The gentle man whorthits came into verbal collision with Father O'Brien is the same Doctor El - uer who is now lying so severely sick. Atlthe Almshouse hospital no more of this class caitat present be received. Those sent from Bedford street yesterday were sent, as a matter of necessity, to the pesthouse on- Lamb Tavern - road. The disease .is caused by a peculiar condition-of the atmosphere. '• It isn't l' , closely akin either pa tlie l jungle fever, to the follOirs t - inhalation of the 'PoriiineffiarslresTer - g.at - -Which - Wipes - out the British consuls at Sierra Leone. It arises from the continutus inhalation of an atmo sphere made up of nameless tilth,of an pnvary big diet.of,Soul food, of frightful uncleanliness and of deadly fluids in the shape of stimu lants. The success tif,ith which the re alady'is treated -at the AlmshOuse hospital is something al most worglerful. A change of air, even for a quarter of' a mile distant, has been known to revive a drooping patient almost as effectually as a change from the atmosphere of Canada-to - that of New Orleans. The "recovery of the pooecreatures Blockley may be-tardy:- Of any serious loss of liveathelittending doctors - - express - nnapprelreirsionT - The - enrativii - mis employed are .actively effeetive. With a re moval from the cause of the disease, a com paratively revivifying result is_ the - immediate consequence. The unexpected visitation is causing . a severe strain upon the Steward's, arid - the physicians' supplies. The Guardians of thek s Poor are individually and collectively giving -personal attention to the subject of the sick, and are leaving . no -pains unspared -to assuage the sufferings with which- the vic tims are wrestling. While the dOotors are very chary in expression of opinion as to con-, tagiousness of the disease,our reporter would counsel every one to defer a proposed visit to the "relapsing" ward of its hospital unless im pelled by the most special -business. T.t DISTRICT Qourtm.—The Cello Wr n g cor respondence has passed bet Ween Charles E. Lex, -- Esq - :,:and a number of the prominent lawyers and business men of this city : 'Puir,Ao.E.LiquA, May 3, 1810.—Charles E. Lex, Esq.—Dear Sir : The Legislature having passed an act _authorizing tho,,,eleetiP.P. of 414, additional Judge, for the District Cotzt fox the city and county of Philadelphia,tlwagjoy i r itlg convention of the Republicanty called upon to name a candidate-for that ost- I ion. The undersigned, your brethren of the Bar, from their personal and professional ac-' omintance with you for many years and their • b tef in your legal ability, strict integrity and patriot* devotion to principle, consider you eminently fitted for that office,and would request' permission to present your name as a canditate for the Republican nomination. "Very respectfully, yours, &c." " - PHILADELPHIA, May 5, 1870.—T0 Horace Binin4, Eli K. Price, Carroll Brewster, B. H. Brewster. Alexander Henry, Essirs., and others- Gentlemen : I acknowledge ,the re ceipt of your kind letter asking me 1 pefirrtit my name to be used for the office of a Judge of the District Court, before tie approaching Convention, and reply, thereto that it is at your service 4 44xl that if nominated by the Republican.p. ty I shall be pleaSed to submit myself to the suffrage of my fellow-citizens.- " 'With thanks to you for the interest-mani fested in my behalf, I remain " Yours, sincerely, CHARLES E. LEX." NlCROCOS3L—Lqst " trgeiAng the first fralic"itteture under the' ausnioes 'of the Scientific icrocostn_ was delivered:by-Prof, Houston, iu the High School lecture room Throllgb the ingenuity of_ pile of the mem bers of the M isr4itfgosm,the,lfoltz Electrical ma- titiehieltits to Work inklaitip-wetithev . was by means of allot iron go into line run ning order, when .a'serieli of most.heautiful ex periments were shows. Of these the ingst rare and S riking was the passing of an oleo- , tric curreat - from a It humkorlf eoil through a variety of Geysler tul.Ws. A variety of beauti.. ful tints were produced by the pas Sing current. Another interesting experiment Wi.1.4 ..f.lff he Philosopher's egg—showing the appearance of the electric current passing through a vac cuum. The crowning experiment of the evening was an exhibition of the Gassiot ( as- . eade, in which an emerald-green vase appe• ', overflowing with a pit* and purple au al ~ light. This was truly beautiful. At the close of the lecture the nexl meeting of the Micro- . costu was announced for Wednesday evening, ! Juno Ist, after which the large audience dis persed. AssArEVING A POLICEMAN.—Cornelius Gib hoes has been behaving badly recently, and, it is alleged, his father directed that he should he arrested. Yesterday, at Fourth and Chest nut streets, Reserve 9 - lieer.' Burns undertook to carry out the i 4 Vifffest of the elder Gibbons. t'ornelitis; pit6litAiritii — tlfe . officer and gave him a pretty severe beating. He was arrested, howeYer, and taken before Aid. Kerr, by whom he was held in ti 1,200 bail for A Boron CusTomEn.—William Bruce, resi-' ding 00 Vine street, near' Thirteenth, who was arrested ,soinetitne ago for heating his: wife, - began to break things in his house last ev'ening-.- -A policeman — who - interfered is ni eged to have been pretty roughly handled. litnee was aysted. After a hearing, before' Aid—Jones, h was conniiitted in default of idiot) bail to ans er atWourt. licztoon: Rs. Ito schooner Hen rieliA-K.l' 11 m iller, which is loaded and ready for departure, was boarded at - Kaighu's Point, sometime during last night, and was robbed ofber_...ilying_jiii. The stolen rproperty- was - subsequently recovered on the lower end of Srui t Ws Island, bY Oflieet...lFitiglish,_-. .1301iwail57farbor Poliee:t - , INCEM4ARIfiII .—All Old 111 M ennied ,:fmn, dr , the southeast Pe .. . ... - try o at the southeast earner uf Fifth and 6fnal: streets, in• the First Ward, was stroyedfire, .about two o'clocls, this morn, ing. The'ioss ii estimated at $l,OOO. The building—beienged-to tfitarles - Orithtlr: - TI tire is supposed to ba,vti been the work of. an incendiary. WirE-11EATiclt.—.Lewis Carrigan, iii iiliu} On • NN'firpock street, above: Girard avenue; was arrested last night upon tini ebarge °Ole:Wag his wife. He had a hearing before,/aderThAil 110,0 d, 'and was. coininitted to answer.. 4 EV _SING BULLETIN' MAY 6, 1870. ..:,TILE It ionstortn Rubins. I.PUND.-Itir. Joseph Patterson .Treasurer of th 3 Richmond Rehet Fund. makes the following renort to.dny David °Minim, for Hon. A. E. Bode, SSO 00 Union , Council, 102, - G. U. A. M., Norristown... .:................. 509 F. Guttekunst . ' 25 On Cobh .. . . ' 51Q0 PiWim;.& Weighttnati, per Saunders Lewis ! .. 300 00 Tatham & Bro., per Saunders Lewis. 100 00 John Hulme • , 50 00 Cash..... . . .... . . . .. . . .. . . 50 00 Penni) ; Literary 'Association 10 00 John Paul,Germantown'lt. R. Depl4, --- 5 00 The Actors' Order of .Friehdship... 100 00 C. W 3.00 13. Gc . 100 00 E. C. Knight & Co., per H. Geiger.._,. 100 (0 Hubbard, McClary & Brown, per H. • Geiger ' lO.OO P. Mcßride & - Co. r per H. Geiger 25 00 Cash, per H.Geiger . 100 OD Cash, 'do 20 00 Cash, 'do 10 00 Cash, d 0...... .... .. .. . . ~,.... 10 00 Cash, • do i 10 00 Casli, --- 10-00 Cash, do 10 00 Cash, do "- -- ag 10 00 Cash, do 5 00 Gans, Wilgus & Co,, per M. Gans. 50 00 Rosenbaeht & Co., d 0... 20.00 -Wolf, Mayer & Co., d 0... Z-00 Frank, Bros. & Co., d 0... 10 00 Kohn, Adler & Co., . d 0... 10 00 Oelberman & Tiedman, do... 500 Gteenewald, Vogel & Co., d 0... 10'00 Moyer, Feldman & Co., d 0... 10 00 Gans, Liebnian & Co., d 0,.. 20 00 Stern &`,Troutman, • d 0... 500 F. Oreenewald & Co., ' • d 0... 2'50 Solomon Gans, Jr., d 0... 25 00 (leo. W. lteed & Co., d 0... 20 00 Shyder, Harris, Bassett & Co., d 0... 25 00 Arnold, Nusbaum & Nirdhnger,do.... 20 00 McC , am, Ullman & Co., d 0... 10 00 TrOuttnan & May, d 0.... 10 00 Lonchheiru -Bres,i d 0.... 6- 00 Kneedler, Patterson & Co., d 0.... 25 00 Chas. Bloomingdale, - 5 00 Isaac Rhine, d 0... 5 00 Montgomery Lodge, N 0.19, Y. M., 50 00 • Total - 1,490.50 Previously acknowledged 3,378 2 MAN SranOK.--Ilirilliam Hopkins, aged 17 years, colored; residing -- at - 1006 -Rodman street, was struck with a slung shot, severely cutting his head, by- another colored man, name unknown to him. He was:, -sent to the Pennsylvania IlOspital. . . ATTEMPTED ROBBERY.—An attempt was made on Wetinesday'morning last to enter the - dvrClling of - Constantine - Myenir mond and Bridge streets, in Britlesburg. The back shutter was forced open, but the nois. aroused the family, and the thief escaped over the back fence. IDENTIFIED.—One of We men who was killed near the Fish House by being run over by a train of cars, ai mentioned under the head of "New Jersey Matters" in to -day's paper - has be — en identified as wiii:Brown, - a stevedore, residing on Lombard street, in this city, __ • HIGHWAY ROBBEHY-e-A :young man named George Colvell-was- arrested- last-night, at Seventh and Race streets, by_Policernan — Miller. It is alleged that he attacked a man at Seventh and Race streets, and stole his gold watch and pocket-book. Alderman Godbou sent the accused to prison. Counnerrox.—ln our notice of the arbitra tion of Messrs. - J. - F. - Tobias -&- Co.; yesterday, Alfred G. Baker Esq., Presidents of the Franklin Fire - Insurance -- Company -was spoken of as. Treasurer of the Company. The error occurred through a misprint. Courma-LouNattus.—Tbe Twelfth District police, last evening, arrested six young men on the charge of corner-lounging. The priso ners were held to bail by Alderman Hood. _ CnEss.—Line ti of tie article on odds in the )4 Chess Column" should read : " The plan is most especially to be commended atzamas of odds, &c." _ _ MR. ELASELTINE'S I NAL SALE.—The second and closing peremptory sale of the entire Haselbne cCillectiopfa,l(e - s - filacebTftha ones to- night, - the best pictures of the gallery being •included. The first half were sold last evening, `by''Mr- - .- - Scott, at a decided sacrifice. One of the most adequate prices obtained wa:rfhat for Boulauger's " Escort to the Bath," which was knocked down to Mr. Henry Gibson, for $1,500. The Tariff Ag.tation—Retaliation—Red Elver Itititters..-ChanitO of Political Sentiment , - the 'Union a Failure•--Die• Integration and Annexation. An Ottawa despatch in the Tribune says : A very uneasy feeling prevails among the larger importers, caused by Sir John A. MacDouakl's vaunt that by a war of tariffs he wifuld impede and punish the - United States fel refusing to grant reciprocity.- Telegrams from New Voilt and Washington hint in most unmistakable terms that such conduct will be sure to lead to the refusal on the part — of Con gress to allow goods bought by Canadians in England to pass through American territory in bond. This would seriously delay all hn portations, and iti fact annihilate Canadian co uhuerce with England during the winter. A clearer case of being hoist with one's own petard it is hard to imagine. The refusal to allow Canadian troops to OS4 through American territory,although not at all unexpected, has caused innediltngry comment, and the moving of the steamer Michigan to Lake Superior has added fuel ..t.p the tire. hear a rumor that a telegram was sent to lir. Thornton to ask if a peace expedition, for pur ores of police and protection against the ians, were .o e sen o 7i l e fairs quietly settled, the napn would be allowed to pars by Pembina. I also hear that the reply was unfavorable. chance of political sentiment is sweeping over the country. It cannot be denied that , confederation has proved a failure. There li has been serious discontent iii Nova Scotia, *here the people look toward the BeAmblic. In New Brunswick there has been less trouble; , but the inhabitants hare fixed their eyes upon the Stars-land Stripes. In Quebec the lawiish minority have been more outspoken and decided in their preferenceS, because they: felt more intolerably than others the deadly weight of commercial stagnation, ecclesiasti cal influence, and general conservatism. On tario alone—prosperous„ liberal, and progres sive—has had aloof. She has been making money and endpying 'freedom, and she has been blind to the advantages and necessities .of American connection. But even Ontario has not been proof bgal,usr-the legislation of thismssion. The money bill first touched then), restricting the rate of interest on all se curities.to six per cent. The ascendancy of - the Catholic - mmority; the obstruction - offered to international trade, the enormous expenses of 6 overnment,the venal actions Of Ministers, has convinced Ontario that under Confedera tion Canada has not become an Arcadia. The disappointment is bitter, and the reaction will be powerful. by not have a Federal Union .gested to a prominent member this morning..' riot_wipe out locaLliecislatures ' and: weld the whole Dominion into ono homo geneous mass?" " They ping is impossible," he replied. "The lines that divide Province - , from Province are not on the map merely—lf Nova Scotia, Now Brunswick, Quebec and Ontario were abolished, Nova s Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec and • Ontario would- ri main. The first has " her commerce, fisheries, mines. The second has her timber. Quebec 'is' Catholic and -- Frerieli. Ontario is Protestant stud Free Trade. How can-you ever-Yr.- - ento.--- one people -of common interests'?" '" That is the truth," I answered- ", fiat will the end be;'" integration, / . 'then?" -*A AO then," ho concluded, " tout cs: qua •tonibe VC au . solciat—the fruit which falls Di the Soldier's 'share." Let the Americans 'wait .patiently. The pear if irripTAirfig77 Sir Stafford Northcote, late .Seeretary - . for India in the Disraeli Cabinet, is bore. 'As President of the Hudson's Bay Company, he is engaged in cohsultations with the Goyern , . • —Clilroanton, , N. N has suoy' drifts twelve feet tletp,..yet the people are uloileAt' and "uu a.;iiiiiing about it. THE NEW DOMINION. ===t= 4.;11TV .MOTLICES. - • Otm. TEN-Dora:AnAil-Wool - Spring, Balla and Fir and /Seven Dollar Vvercoats, that kaYp outset so much excitement this spring, were all disposed of- on BYturdny last that'we bad in store, before Dire° Wan*, and hundreds had to go away disappointed. 'Wei assure :our 'friends that it shall not oacur to-morrow, as our cutters have been cutting day and night to get up a full stork. Bo we say to our friends and patrone—tlouto early, before the rush commences. . BOCKIIILT, di' • Great Drawn Stone , 603 AND 606 OfIEiTNITT STREET, 4 TnE RICE Drvonon tai tfT for fraud in_ago gaoling. great excitement InHeston, It should warn Wong won not to.,,rriarry in haste. Elvis but 2i, bid bride 37. He swears that she made him believe she was but his own age, by using Magnolia Balm noon her face, neck and hands. • Poor 'youth. He probably found her elbows weren't quite siisoft and pretty. Ought Hag m to ho indicted? Vire know of many similar owls: This Balm gives a most-wonderful pearly and netnral corn. plexien,_ 0-.which ..;ye don% object„ We' like tty J women. To finish the picture, they ahead use Lyon's Kathidron upon the hair.. With pearly chin, rosy cheeks, and soft, luxuriant tresses, they become irre sistible. BABI.I BALL and OILICIChT-PANTS Three Dollars," AU Woof, At Itocitumr. Wrtsort's. No. 003 and 00.5 Chestnut streett KENNznr & BROS., 729 Chestnut street, are daily roc - Ming neer shapes in Ladies' Rats, Rich Saab Ribbons, and Fine Laces. • VERANDAH AWNINGS, SHADES AND. BED DING. , Sofa beds. Lounges and iron bedsteads. - Spring Mattresses of a superior make. Reps, TerrysiPlushet;Linens aud Citint.7.. --__, ---- -- Curtain Tassels and , . Loops. • Walnut and Gilt Cornices. Splendid corps of workmen.' Cheap, reliable, and prompt. • • Al.narcrsoN k Co.. 1435 Chestnut street. KENNEDYS' T.RTKIVIED HATS are perfect ittio gems ; their Bonnets are unequaled: EvEnY Itoosn_ should possess one of Gil bert's Patent Crinmodes. For sale by HENRY C. Paorm. & Co., 213 South Fifth s , rent . $4,8138 75 HElinnov 85 Bites., No. 729 Chestnut street, port importers of Fine Millinery Good!t. Wholoattle and retail. • • • ALL THE LATEST STYLES COATINGS PAI!;TALOON ]TUFFS, AND TESTING 8 NOW ARRANGED DOR PUBLIC INSPECTION, AT CHARLES tiTOKES'S, N 0.824 CHEST KENNEDY FL Bnos., No. 729 Chestnut street, are quoted as the highest authority in fashions. Prices very moderate. TEST the delicious flavor of Burnett's Fla voring Extracts. _ KENNEDY '729 - Chestnut street, are the acknowledged leaders of Fashion in Ladies Round rint - s - andßtiffirelif 7- Thele - Finicdh — Fh3Wers nro Vail superior. OAKFORD'S Latest Stylea of Ladies' and Misses' Spring Bats • -(lan.be had at Weir. Store, _ 834 and 838 Claestnntstreet LADIES visiting the city should not leave , 41tireittelithe TICNV Millinery Emporium of — Tuon. KENNEDY & Buon., 729-CliOAnnt. street.' GENTS' HAITI! GENTs'HATS! • - The beautiful Spring Styles • aro now ready at oAapiians', nnder the..Contutental SURUIOAL INSTRUMENTS and drAgglsts sundries DEAFNESS, 'Bf..,INDNEfie AND CATARRH treated with the uhriont - Saccees; by J. IsAAcs, M. D.. --and-Professor of Disenses - of - the -Eye - nnd Ear ( his-speci alty) In the Medical College of Pennsylvania,l2 years cat• perience. N 0.805 Arch street. _Testimonials can be aeon t hie office--The-medical-faculty-are-mvited-to-ac company their patients, as he has ne secrets-ha hitt prac tice. Artificial eyes inserted-witheut paiii, — No charge for examination. CORNS, Bunions, Invorted Nails, skillfully treated by .Dr. J. Davidson, No. 918 Chestnut street. Charges moderate. - - To QUIET, soothe and relieve the pain of children teething, use bowita's LNy.stiT CORDIA.I.. Sold by all druggists. FOIL INVALIDS.—A FINE MUSICAL Box as a companion for the sick chamber; the finest assortment in the city, and agi eat variety of airs to se lect from. Imported direct by FARR & BROTHER 924 Chestnut street, below Fourth. mhl6 frp) POLISHING POWDER. THE BEST for cleansing Sliver and Plated Ware, Jowolry,otc., yer manufactured. FARR 3: BROTHER, 324 Chestnut street. below Fourth. ttihl tfrp el E' WARBURTON'S IMPROVED, VN. AO% tilated and easy-flttin,g Dress Hata( patented ) in all the approved Mullions of the season. Chestnut street next ( oor to th Post-Office. oc6-tfrp ISAAG NATH AN S, AUCTIONEER, N. E. cerner ThirdOnd-Spruce streets, only one square below the Exchange. e 2.50 500 to loan, in large or small amounts, on diAmonds, silv. r plate, watches, Jewelry, and all goods of value. Office hours from BA. M. to 7 P. M. Established for the last forty years. • Ad vances made in lark! amounts ut the lowest market rates. ' JAMES L. WILS, 518 SOUTH. NINTH . STREET, ° Ilcaitlenee-522.fioutli_Ninth strut..___.l4oolY 4P§ Perfnmery and Toilet Soe.Ps, 641 and 643 North Ninth street HENRY PHILLI PEI, , CARPENTER, AND BUILDER, NO. 1024 SANSOM STREET, jelo-Iyrp PHILADIt,LPHIA.. EDWIN H. HITLER & CO., Cordage Manufacturers and Dealers In - _ -- Hemp, 23 N. Water Street and 22 N. Delaware •Avetrue PHILADELPHIA. EDWIN H. HITLER. , CONRAD V. CLOTHIER MICHAEL. WEAVER. , GEO. H. 8. UHLER. WEAVER 8c CO., Rope anti Thine lManu f acturers _ neturers and Dealera In Hemp and Ship Chandlery, ZJ North WATER. 23 North WHARVES. PHILADELPHIA. ttpl mARMING WITH _INDELIBLE INK Embroidering, Braiding', Stamping, &c. -111. A. TORREY.-1800 Filbert_ THE " BARTLE'S , " KID GLOVE IS THE_ LL BEST.. A. dr, J. B. BARTHOLOMEW , ' ap3o rpi Solo Agents, 23 N. EIGHTH. street pRESEL CHARCOAL BISCUIT FOR I - DYSPEPSIA BARD'S FOOD for infants, just imported. Select Rio Tapioca, with directions for niM. tienuine Bermuda Arrowroot, and other Dietetics, for sale by JABIES'T. SHINN, 8. W . cor. Broad and Spruce. - aT3 - 9 tf r p§ - - w EDD G AND ENGAGEMENT_. Vy Rings of solid 18Itarat iline Gold—a specialty; II full assortiprit of sizes, and charge. for engraving musics, dm. FARR & BROTHER, Makers t ' my 24 rp tf ' 324 Chestnut street. ' , slow Fourth. pFAISONS IN WANT Or MONEY, WHO • object visiting the Public PittyphrolcerJ, can obtain 'Wend Mars upon PIAIIONDS, I,VATORES. JEW ELRY, SILVER PLATE, LINE POLICIES, and other YALITABLEti. Private Parlor exellisively for lndL e. No pawnbrokers? siguth Licensed b'y the Mayor. 119 South Ninth street, near Spruce street. Private Num my 2 - _ 1)11BIL ADELPHIA SURGEONS' BAND , AgE INST-14 ir-u- North-Ninth -street.-abeva- Market. B. C. EVERETT'S TRUSS positively cures Ruptures. Cheap Trusses. Elastic Belts Stockings,' Shoulder Braces, Crutches,Suspensories._ •__ _ —22 CASKS STRICTLY PRIME • Charleston Bice landing and for sale by . EDW. ROVVVICY.I 6 South Front street. ; TOO LATE FUR CLASS~I + IS ATLOIV (674 TO RENT—AN ELEGANT COUN— 100EMOVAL.—MRS. E. HENRY,,MANII miL try Residence, with about 8 aores of land, on which - facturer of Ladies' Cloaks and Mantillas, filitiLng there . are, -besides a comfortable farm - bonito, tenant her late locath , n, N 0.16 N. Eighth erects, inadequate house, stable, cow-and chicken houses. It is situated at • for her largely inereased - husinin has removed to the the junction of Gray '4 laneand•gfaislitill road,and about__ __ELEC.A.N.T_A,NR-13p.gmo uo- RE ROOM,. at thb:R. on a line with Cliestimt street, from which bridge it is "E. corner of NINTH and ARC troots, where she now only three miles: Very,olist access.• Terms re ismiablu. offers,in addition to her stock of Cloaks and Mantillas, 'Keys end information at HARrER d; tufErpfrzi In• a choice invoice of, Paisley, Shawls, Lace Points anvil surancu Agency, No. IV Walnut stroot. - my6 60 • liacques„ - For - Spriiig - Wear; UT STREET 6ICOVVI)EN 4t. BILOTIURR,— M South Eighth street MISCELLANEOUS. ROUSE PAINTER, CTTY ORDTigANCEIg. N APPROVING •HE SIT • - U iittl of 'Jobn L. Hal, Colleetor ! Of Delin quent Taxes, &o. . R 13) the Select and Common Coun olk• of the City of Philadelphia, That Thomas W. 1•r ice, kanwei Miller and John H. Jones are •I • rei'y approval % as the ureties of John L. Hine Coliector of Delinqu• nt Taxes, and that the City Solicitor is hart by directed to impart) the proper bond, wt.ll vrarraut of at torney, for said :parties to execute; and, to cause a judernerit to 1M entered thereon; and further, to file agreements of record that the ten of the judgment entered in pursuance to said vt enamel strorney ellen only.operate on and against the respective properties submitted to the Committee , on Finance by said sureties; that is to say, the lien of the judgmentagainst '1 homes W. Price 'shall only roperatd on and against a certain lot or piece of around, ou vt 'rich is erected premises Nia.so6 Minor street, in the Sixth Ward ;.'and the lien of the judg ment. against . Samuel Miller shall'only operate on and tgainst the lots of ground, on which nre erect d. premises numbered .911 and 910 North Fifteenth Streetiin the Twentieth Ward, and the loin or pieces ot ground on 'which are erects d the prt rinses nurubered.2ol4. 2022 and 2026 Nicholas street, in the Tweinte:thWard ; and, also, that the lien of the judgment against- John H: Jones shall only operate' on: and against the lots or pieces of ground on which are erected the thirteen seVeral premises num bered 4200, 4202, 4204; 4206,. 4208, 4210, 4212, 4214, 4216, 4218, 4220, 4222 and 4221, Flotilla° street, in the Twenty-fourth Ward; and the several lots of ground _on mhicit. aro erected premises numbered 4201; 4203, 4206, 4207, 4209, 4211, 4213, 4215, 4217,'4219, 4221,41 1 23-and 4220, Eadline street, in the Twearty-fourthWard. •LOUIS WA.ONER, • ' President of Comnron Council. ATTEST—JOB ST ECKSTEIN, Clerk of Common Council. • SAM UEL W. CATTELL, President of Select Council. Approved - this fifth "day 'of 3iay -A lino -Demi ni--one- -thousand—eight -hundred-- and seventy (A. D. 1870). ' DANIEL M. FOX, It Mayor of Philadelphia. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORE IZ A CER tain in the annual appropriation to the Police Department for the year 1870. It(solved, By the Select and Common Coun cils of the City of Philadelphia, That the City Controller be and he is hereby authorized .to transfer the sum of five hundretland fifty dol lars from Item 11,for Salaries of Policemen, to I tt m 17, for Bedding, in the annual appropria tion to the Police Deparment for 1860. LOUIS WAGNER, - . President of Common Council.. ATTEST-JOHN -.ECICSTEIN, Clerk of Common Council. BAMUEL CATTELL, President . of Select - Council. - - Approved this fifth day of May, Anna Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy (A. D. 1870). •-/ DANIEL .11". PDX, -- it - Mayor of PhiladelPhia. CARI'ETINGSr - cfru. CANTON - MATT.INGS. MeCALLULCREASEA SLOAN, 509 Chestnut Street. MATTINGS. WIIITH MATTINGS. RED OEIRCR MATTING& CANTON AIATTINGS, - AM - WIDTHS. - LOWEST PRICES McCALLITM, CREASE & SLOAN, MATTING WAREHOUSE, No. 509 Chestnut Street. mb2 w f as acorp NEW CARPETINGS. WE ARE NOW OPENING A PULL LINE OF FOREIGN and DOMESTIC CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS AND MA TTINGS, OF ALL GRADES, WHICH WE ARE OFFERING AT GREATLY RE DUCED PRICES FROM LAST SEASON. LEEDOM, SHAW & STEWART, 635 MARKET STREET. fel93mrp§ -- CARRIAGES; CARRIAGES. WM. D. ROGERS, CARRIAGE • BUILDER, ORIGINAL AND ONLY MANUFACTURER OF THE CELEBRATED • 40 01 W ' • Awa-, A ‘., s t ' 111"-II P A'' V(0:::(4111 ROGERS' CARRIAGES 1009 and 1011 . . CHESTNUT STREET, • PHILADELPHIA. gar NOW and, elegant styles of Carriages constantly produced, mharn w f 3mrp D. AL . LANE CARRIAGE BUILDER 3432 7 3434 and 3436 Market St. VEST PHILADELPHIA. A large assortment of Carriages of overt/ description. constantly on. hand. Especial attention paid to repairing. " jal4 dmrei REAL ESTATE AGENTS 9 SYxr_A-i9/STER • s co r II r'lMlrA"r_tiClirllf 111Gr1111Z - IG,C9 11091,VIMWIlf 208 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, REMOVALS. SZZM SOOTS• Alll b Bflt -. ,. ....8-Ajt...'-.T.:',T,t',.W!x‘z 158 South Si*thEftreet. EYer, tluinktle4 ivr thi) pOronisge.' leaded him beretofore, -- and desirous, of further - -favors,' begs 'to aenounco Spring Sty leo• of fillets and• Shoes Genie and Boys' wear. A urge aintortlient of 00401-au* POWs, made, on kisinaprorid Usti, *Melt are unrivalled for comfort and beauty, enables tinvio tarnish a ready St at an PROPOSALS: NORTHERN PACIFIC , RAILROAD. TO B. B. CONTRACTOIIB: SEALED PROPOSALS ; will be received at the oilice of the Northern Pacille.Railro,ad !,lornpany, No. 120 luto.apv,i4 - , corner of cedar Street', ,N ew York, tintil ,WIDpNES DAy; the first day of June,lt37o, at 12 o'Clock, neon, for the grading, Masonry, bridging and. ballasting of that portion of the. Northern Par cific. Railroad in the State of Minnesota, ex tending.from the Dulles of th( St. Louis River to the Red River, the western boundary of Minnesota, (a distance of about 230 miles,) including everything requisite to complete the road -bed for a single track, and necessary; aide tracks, --- ready --- tivreeelvo - thd - rail - superstrue ture. iProposals may be for the work in detail, or by the mile. The said Company will . 6156 receive, pro posals at the same time and place, for the tim ber cross-ties, and for the iron rails, spikes and fixtures for the road as above. The iron rails to be delivered on the dock at Duluth, Minnesota, or at the crossing of the Minlifi sippi River, and the ties to be received accord ihg to the blank forms which will be ready for distribution - on Wednesday, May 4th, WO, at the office of the Company, as above, where plans of the structures and maps and profileS of the road, With full specifications, can then be seen, and the,tinte..allowed for completion Of the contracts male known. The Company reserve the right to reject any or all bids not deemed to be for the Interest of the Company. Printed eireularakeontaining full informa tion. will be furnished on application, by mall or otherwise, to Edwin F. Jolason, Chief Enneer, or to the Proddent t e ompany at the office, N 0.120 Broadway, as above. J. GREGORY SMITH. President Northern Pseltto It. It. Co; , NEW YORK, April ➢,1870 ap2Blolsp ANOIWL WILMINGTON RAILROAD SEVEN PER CENT. BONDS Free of Taxes. We are offering' 82410.000 or the• Second Benda or thla Company AT 82 1-2 AIID ACCRUED INTEREST. . - For the convenience of Investors, there-Bonds are issued iu denominations of 1,000 , 5, 500 , s and 100 , s. The money is required for the purchase of additional Rolling Stock and the full equipment of the Road. The receipts of the Company on the one-half of the . Road now being - operated from Coatesville to Wilmington are . ,..abont TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS per mouth. which will be more than DOUBLED with the opening of the other half, over which the large Coal Trade of the Road must come. Only SIX MILES arc now reqnired to complete the Road to Birdsboro, which will be finished by the middle of the month. WM. PA INTER & CO., BANKERS, . No. 36 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. my° tf§ 7 PER CENT. GOLD LOAN, FREE OF V. S. TAX, OF TILE Builington, Cedar Aripids and Min- esota---1446-C FIRST MORTG AGE 50-YEAR CONVERTIBLE BONDS. A Limited Quantity For Sale At 90 and Accrued Interest. Interest payable May and November. J. EDGAR THOMSON, i Trustees CHARLES L. 'FROST, ' The greater part of the road is alietuly.completed, and shows largo earnings, and the balance of the work is ra pidly progressing. • We unhesitatingly recommend these Bonds as tho safest and beet investment in the market. United States Flve-twenties at current prices only re turn the per cent. interest,,while these pay eight anti one quarter per cent in Gold; and we regard the security equally good.. — HENRY - CLEWS 8c CO - ., Bariers. No. 32 WALL STREET. BOWEN & FOX, KURTZ & HOWARD, BARKER BROS &CO., TOWNSEND WHELEN & CO., DREXEL & CO., No. 34 South Third Street, American ,and Foreign Bankers; 'HSU° Drafts and Circular Letters of_Crefiit, available on presentation in ' any part of .Europe. , Travelers make' all their financial lAD. rangements through us, and we will collect their interest' and dividends- isrithout`charge. DItEXELOVDTTHROP & CO., Ne•iiirksi DREXELyHARTES & CO,Pstriti. Mai - AIM READING PHILADELPHIA