Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, May 06, 1870, Image 4
CITY' BULLETIN. —City Councils held a stated meeting yester day afternoon. • • ' • Select Branch_ passed an ordinane author izing the laying of water pipe eia-, Philip street, from_Susquehanna avenue to York street; Bodine street., from Diainond to Susquehanna avenue; Germantown avenue, • from Lehigh 'avenue to Old Yorkroad, thence on Old York - road to Tioga street,' and on Tioga street, , frorm,, Old York road to Tenth!street:'''.Also an, ordi nance authorizing the • Chief Engineer, when- - ever It is necessary to determine •• the quantity of water used in large establishments, to use. a water meter ' to which -; access at all times be had by the ~ officers of the-department. The Committee, to verify the Cash Accounts of the City Treasurer re-. ported the balance on hind May 1, $1,480,- 627 51. The Committee on Schools reported adversely to the use of the City Arsenal for the Girls' Normal School. The ordinance from Common Council creating a loan of $1,000,000 ibe exterigon.J2ll,- the •••Pltliadelzhia - Gas Works was concurred in. `L , Cotiiiuon Council with reference to the Mantua and•ilestonville Railroad pompany was con mined in ; also, the resolution dispensing with the services of the Moyamensing Steam -Forc ing Hose Company; also, locating- the, Phila 7 : deiphia Hose Company at the site of the Moya .mensing,Hose Company. Also, the resolution 'authorizing the Mayor to act in conjunction witb the Female Branch of the Society for the PreVention of Cruelty to Animals in disposing' of dogs; also, ; the ordinance _rearranging the boundaries of the first and seventh divisions of the Twenty-third Ward and crea ting two additional divisions; also; the ordi nance creating a new division in the Nineteenth 'Ward; also, the ordinances' re-arranging the boundaries of the third division of the TWenty siOi Wird changing the place of voting in the seventh division; lqist*War - d; elianginthe place of votint , in the tenth division of the Fifteenth Ward. The resolution to • appoint a Special Committee for the purpose of enforcing :the observance of the Sabbath was indefinitely postponed. The resolution inviting the Seventh Regiment, New York, • to - Visit Philadelphia, was concurred in ; also, the ordinance providing for 'public baths ; also t the resolution granting the Use of Independence Square to the Temperance Blessing on the Fourth of July. A resolution requesting the Board of School Controllers to report to Councils a lot on which to. erect a building for 'the Girls' Normal School was agreed to. The • ordinances=from Common Council authorizing the construction of certain sewers and opening certain streets were con- curred in: Common Branch received a communication from Hon. Morton ,McMichael, President of the Park Commission, urging an appropriation for Fairinount Park, and. inclosing this follow *ng--resoltition,_pasiecLby the CommissiOners : QThat. the President of this Commission be authorized and-requested:to send a . -communi -cation to Councils,- stating. that the.. appropria- • tion:Made:l4 the_city for the purchase of .lands within the Park this day unexpended is ' $2'7,; 005-131-andlthat,:the-amounts-dni_for_agrded__ purchase moneys is $102,841 03 ; and the awards of made, or about to be made, amonnt., _to- $.523,000:-Ltogether. 5685,841 03. - And that the appropriation :for Construction of the -Park._Willot.the presont rite of _eXpen, diturg, be exhausted by July, when, without further appropriation; all work-of-construction . must cease. Referred to the Finance Com mittee, • Mr, :John: Welsh tendered his resig nation as a Comriaissioner of the Sinking Fuud...., A .resolution Aspepsing . with the services of-the Moyamensing Hose Company was adopted. Also, an-ordinance-locating the Philadelphia Hose Company on --- tile-premises previously occupied by the isloyamensing Rose Company. The ordinance for the construction :.of a.hridg;e_, over_the..Schuylkill,,at Fairmount, - passed - Yeas, 42- , nays, A- resolution changing the place of_ voting in seventh division, .First Ward & was adopted. Also, an ordinance creating a loan . of $500,000 for school purposes. Also, resolutions 'fex paving various streets. Also, an ordinance . ' creating two additioUal divisions in the Twenty-third and Nineteenth Wards and an additional division in the Twenty-sixth Ward. Also, a resolution creat mg a joint special committee to secure the ob servance of the sanctity of the Sabbath. The ordinance creating a loan of $1,500,000 for the erection of a bridge over- the Schuylkill at South street-. was amended by making the anfountsl,ooo.ooo, and was then passed. A resolution from - Select- - Branch relative to water meters was concurred in. —The Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society held its final meetings, yesterday afternoon and last evening, in the Assembly Building. Mr. Robert Purvis, President, was in the chair. lie made au address, saying that the object of the Society having been at last ac complished, it ought not to be considered so painful to separate. Letters were read from Congressmen Julian and Kelley, Senator Sum mer, Colonel John W. Forney, John G. Whit tier, Hon. Robert Collyer, Major-General J. C. Fremont and Benjamin C. Bacon. During the afternoon addresses were made by Edwin H. Davis,-Mary_Grew lap, J. Paxson, , ;11r. Bussier. The following resolutions were adopted: - Whereas, By the amendments of the Con stitution of the United States_ of_Ainerica_sia, very has been abolished, the colored man dt dared a citizen and endowed with the ballol and all the rights of American citizens; there fore, Resolred, - That the purpose for which this society was organized in the year 1837 is ac complished. Remlvcd, That in this glorious culmination of the labor of thirty-three yearS'dn behalf of that purpose, the members of 'lbis society heartily rejoice, with grateful aelmoidedgments to the Almighty hand which led uS step by step from the hour of our first consecration to this enterprise unto this day of its sublime vic— tory. Resolved, That we are folly aware of the difficulties and perils which for sonic time to come will beset the colored men of the nation, especially in the Southern States, fir their at -tiemPLS- to. exercise their political rights; that 'we assure them of our continued sympathy and aid in their efforts to maintain those rights so ,dearly won ; and that we also commend these newly-enfranchised citizens to the vigi- laid protection of 'the Republican journals of this city_ and State, a large number of whom Lave, durni„ , r the last few years, manifested their lideliry'to the cause of negro suffrage. I:N4olred, That with one accord we welcome our colored citizens to .all the immunities of their enfranchisemeot, so long unjustly with held from them, and that we charge them by their own love bf liberty, by-the solemn claims of justice, by all their memories of the stern warfare which the Abolitionists of this nation - waged for .nearly forty years against slave bolding tyranny, that they be everfoundloyal to every enterprise-for human enfranchisement and human - rights. Resol•Ltd, That with the joy of this great . 'victory is rniugled profound sorrow that the nation so far resisted the metal forces applied --.„--.,-A-k:cience-by the Abolitionists-thatrzthe horrors pf war were needed to complete the peacefully accomplished: by true repentance snit practical righteouSness. Resulted, That grateful for the AOlege of active participation in the grandest moral rev,. elution of our age and country, cheeffully ac knowledging that the joy iii our work yielded abundant recompense for its toil, and unutter ably thankful for its consummation,. this so ciety does now and hereby disband. " PIIII.ADELPhIA, Aug. 9; lK3:l.—,Jus. At the evening session addresses were 'de- Beumtly Esu.—DEA.E. ;Stu : J. have had the - livered by Dr. Robert B. Purvis, Wm. Still, who related instances of slaves escaping from their masters; John Needles; of. Baltimore, who gave a brief history of the doings of the Abolitionists in Maryland; Dr. Edward Fus sell, Mrs.' F. E. W. Harper who also read an original poem Charles C. Burleigh, Mrs. Lu cretia Mott and Aaron M. POWell. —An interesting and' well-contested trot cant, off at Point Breeze Park, in the presence of quite a large g?.therlue, yesterday afternoon. The track was rather heavy, but the time made was good. The horses were the brown stal lion "Victor Patclien" and the sorrel stallion "Henry D." The race was best three in five, and the latter horse won. Time : 2.39; 2.341; 2.351, ; 2.381; 2.37. ' -The fines and penalties thus far paid by the-Aldermen of the city to the City Treasurer, for the month of April last, are as follows : Andrew Morrow, $44; Lewis Godbou,.ss2 ; Thomas Dallas, $34; J. R. Ma.ssey, $36; Neill, $36 ; John P. Thompson, $45 ; W. R. Heins, $30,; Charles E. Pancoast, $4B ; S. P. Jones, Jr., $27..59; . 0. Ramsdell, $25. • —The 1;60 oriffe ililfirffilifdrffthe'SChrtyl kill, near Fairmount Park, has been recognized as that of Wm. J. Beanie, who was drowned in the late freshet. NEW JERSEY nArrEas. THE' Pi BLIC &mooLs.—The public schools of Camden are - -gradually increasing •in influ ence and popularity, and are receivinr , that at tention which their importance should elicit from all lovers of education. The Board of Controllers lake a deep interest in their ad vancement, and have accomplished in the past few years, in proportion to the, - attiount of means at their command, a wonderful achieve ment. Three splendid and commodious school buildings - have - been erected, with - sutrizient conveniences and room to accommodate from twelve---to---iifteen -hundred—pupila---AuxiVary schools have also been established, which are well Arranged, and supplied with competent teachers. The citizens of Camden feel a just Kidd in the progress.of their public schools,and extend to them a liberal support and encour agement. The Board of Education are now making preparations tbr the holding of a State Convention of public schools in Camden dur ing the presat summer, which will be quite an event,.and tend to excite additional interest in their future prosperity. FINE lAIPItOVENIENT.—The wharves on both sides of the West Jersey Ferry, at the foot of Market street, Camden, are being filled up and -stiWtruatially-improved;n7ordeecomela - . date various public interests and business.' On . the south-side wharf a hay and straw market is to be established, an institution which the farmers residing in the adjacent .country have long .felt the need of. Since 1849, the West Jersey Ferry Company have filled in and re coverect•aboui; six or eight acres - of the river shore,and_their spacions_hotel_s_taridS upon ground thus made. - DREADFUL. AcciDENT.--7Some time during last night - two men were -walking - on the. Cam den and Amboy Railroad track between „the Deep Cut and the Fish house, and observing a — traitilapproaching — stepped - ; - aside -on-- tee second track. Unfortunately for them, two trains happened -to' meet at that particular place, and not -noticing - the other, both were instantly killed. They were entire strangers to all=wlio saw the in - Coroner- Robert S.-Ben, der took charge of the bodies this morning. They -appear to have been wanderers, • htint iiig Tor employment from place to place., AnnFATE -. n.—There is nor confined in the Camdem City leek-up a man giving his name as James - Olden, who was arrested, last night, -by virtue of a telegraphic despatch, charging him with highway robbery in Salem county. He had a confederate. - itiVENILE -- DEPiLVVITY. - A : small lad was arrested, this morning, and . committed for a hearings - on-the charge , of havirig stolen a num ber_of articles. from the office of the Camden and Amboy depot, in Camden. PAVING.—The sidewalks around the E. A. .teti=ens' School;hoUse, in Middle Ward, Cam den, have been ordered to be paved by a re-so lution of the Board of Education. JEFFERSON AND JACKSON. Old Brit Interestlna" Correspondence. The following letters •are taken from the Pennsylvanian of August the —, 1333. Jas. G. Bennett, whose name appears in the cor respondence, is the editor of the New York 'Arida. T. J. Grotjan, to whom Mr. Jeller son's letter was addressed, has long been a citi zen of Louisville : JEFFKIISON AND JACKSON AS MORALISTS. In the annexed correspondence will be found an original letter Written by Thomas Jefferson, accompanied also with 'the opinions of Andrew Jackson on it, now first published to the world, and both containing advice for y,outh, and rules for the regulation of moral conduct, which, for beauty, force, brevity and comprehensiveness, deserve to be hung side by side with the Decla ration of Independence, in letters of gold, in every house, in every habitation of the re- ___Theletter_of_ Jefferson is_ peculiarly_charac— teristic of that eminent man. The purity in culcated—the affection displayed—and, above all, the sublimity of the close, in which tie says he-will,_if-permitted, look d043,11---I-rheavet upon his godson, are particularly .forcible and marked. Every child throughtbut the nation' ought to be taught this short " title of life" by heart, at the same moment he learns his creed and his first prayer. The just and exquisite blending of religious feeling, patriotic fervor, filial piety and moral truth in this immortal production •is without a parallel out of the limits of Christianity itself. The warm.tributo of approbation which the venerable Andrew Jackson accords to, this legacy of Jeflerson—a legacy not to young Mr. Grotjan alone, but to posterity in all time to come, will be responded to by every religious, patriotic f -moral heart from Maine to Louisiana. Jefferson and Jackson will go down to the next and all future ages as the greatest and wisest of American patriots and statesmen : [c-outtEroNnENcE.] nEt.ri LIS; Aug. 8, 1833.—Petc'r A. Grotjan, Esq.—DEAR Stu: You remember the letter of advice, written by the immortal !limas Jefferson to your young son, and which you showed me, together with the ac companying sentiments of the present Chief I\:agistrate of the Union, Andrew Jackson, the nisemle and successor of the former. if it be compatible with your views of propriety, I -.lionld be pleased to get a copy of Mr..Jeffer !-ou's letter, together with General Jackson's, fin• publication, The character. of Jefferson as a patriot and statesman will remain equal to ally, and above time ands of his contemporaries, as long as the Declaration of independence exists on the Figes of history. lint as a sublime moralist, as a mm whose sentiments on religious truths are-pure, I have never yet seen anything ema nate from his mind so beautiful, so.compre hensive, as the shat letter of advice which your boy received from that great patriot.. " (hit of the sacred volumes of Christianity, not believe there exists-a.poduction equal to it in .the . world. The letter also places in a e e iaracter of Jegereon for piety and religion, far beyond the assaults of his political enclitics or of politi cal prejudice.. I trust, therefore, you will favor me with a copy o Pennsylvanian. " ram, clear sir, yours most respectfully, IiENNErr." PHILADELPHIA EVENING , pleasure to receive your letter of yesterday. The preelous relics to.which you allude. were designed by me,to remain. private family docu ments, for the'benefitoftim to whom they are addressed; and hence the letter of Thomas , JelTerson has so remained these nine years. "But Ivhen.l reflect that', the sentiments of such patriots and sages Theihas" Jefferson and Andrew Jackson must be justly claimed as . national property, I - , 'deem - it - my - duty.not to. deny yoterequest. , "I, therefore, freely send you a copj , of the correspondence, hoping, with. : our revered . President, that the' sublime Sentiments con tained in the letter of advice will proVe of bane- •: fit to many more persons besides the ol4e,ct of his solicitude. ' . " With great regard, I have the honor to re main yours, &c., , g PETER A. GROTJAN." " MorincELLO, January 10, 1824.—Your. letter, - Madam, - of -the lat - Insti, has been re ceived, informing me that I. have a namesake in your family, to whom you wish me to ad- . _dress a line of - exhortation to o vi> trigns and patriotic life. I have done ,it in the inclose ` letter. lam duly sensible' of *the indulgence with which you have kindly viewed the part I have acted, in life. • The times in which my lot was cast called on every citizen for every effort 'of his body and mind ; and if in the parts assigned me I have been able to render any. service I am thankful for having been made the instrument of it: '-I learn with pleasunrthaLyou have the blessings of a .promising family, and sincerely pray and trust that it may continue a blessing through life and_ I tender to yourself and ihmily, my best wishes and respects, 4-TrromAs JEFFERSON. . "11RS. SAMA.II GJiOTJAN, Philadelphia." THOMAS JEFFERSON TO THOMAS JEFFERSON " Your affectionate mother requests-that I would - iddiess you`, as a nitlnesOM, some thing which might have a, favorable influence on the course of life you have to rttn. Few words are necessary with good dispoSitions On your part—adore God—reverence and cherish your parents—love your neighbor as yourself, and your country more than life. Be' just— be true—murmur not at the ways of Provi• dence, and the life - into which you have en teredwill be the passage to one of eternal and ineffable bliss. And if to the dead it is per mitted to care for the , things of this world every action of your life will be under-my re gard. Farewell. "3.lo.ziTicrino, - January 10, 1824." a dr 1,11 legion in Lis GROTJA_,N "Although requested by Mr. Grotjan, yet I can add nothing to the admirable advice given to his son .by that virtuous patriot ,and en lightened statesman, Thomas Jefferson. The precious relic which he sent to the young child contains the purest morality and inculcates the noblest sentiments. can only recommend rigid-adlierence-to-thena.--The-y-will_carry_him_ through life safely and respectably; and, what is far better, they will carry him through death triumphantly; and we may.humhly trust they will secure.to all who May in principle, and practice adopt them that crown of immortality descrihed - in-the-I.lolY,Scriptures. " ANDIMW JA.CIiSON. "TIIILADELEMA., June 9th.,-.18,33: " ikAIUSEMEDIIIS. WALNUT STREET - TREATUE, THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING. May 6. -'BENEFIT - OP - MRSBARNEY -- WILLIAMS. THREE GLORIOUS-PIEOES, MR. and MRS. BARNEY. WILLIAMS IN 14 CHARACTER SONGS AND DANCES. SHANDY MAGUIRE, - • AN HOUR IN SEVILLE. -- BARNEY THE BARON MATINEE SATURDAY AFTERNOON-at 2 o'clock THE FAIRY CIRCLE. THE CUSTOM OF THE COUNTRY. LAURA KEENE'S Begins at 8. CHESTNUT-STREET THEATRE,. THE GREAT HIT OF TILE SEASON. TT oases crowded nightly; Last Week btttOne. MITS. JAMES A. OATES'S BERL ESQUECOMPANY Third - time Fairy-Pantomime :Extravaganza, -- , FAIR ON)WITH THE BLONDE WIG. - Or the HARLEQUIN AND HIS MAGIC TRUMPET. Third appearance•oflhe n p_coples favorite Comedian, W. FISKE. :MATINEE ON - 13.ATURDAY AFTERNOON, at '2. fi/FRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET LVI THEATRE. Begins 8 o'clock TO-NIGHT, FRIDAY. May 6, 1870, FIRST 'BENEFIT OF MR. JOSEPH K. EMMETT. Who will appear for the Bth time in Chu'. Gaylor's Drama of FRITZ. OUR COUSIN GERMAN. JOSEPH K. EMMETT • AS FRITZ With Songs. Dances and Instrumental Solos: • FIRST FRITZ EMMETT MATINEE TO-MORROW, SATURDAY, at 2 o'cloOk. DIT PR: E Z & BEN EDICT'S OPERA Holm, Seventh street, below Arch. DUPBEZ & BENEDICT Lessees. Mr. CHAS. McEVOY Manager and Proprietor. Engagement for a short season o g n h ly, commencing MONDAY. May t, of _ _ . .. . . . 3IcEYOY'S GREAT PICTORIAL. MUSICAL AND • NATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT, THE H I BE lINICON Representing A TOUR IN IRELAND, Accompanied by Vocal and Instrumental Music, selecte4„, from the works of celebrated Irish Porte and Composers; and. rendered by the following. distinguished rti.ts • The great JERRY COHA N at Barney the Guide: MARIE D. ItIcEYOY as Norahi Miss KATE HAL PINE as Mrs: (MARl:than and the IA blow. MR. CHAS. McEVOY, Musical Director and Lecturer. SPECIAL. NOTICE..-This in the Only Original " II1BERNICON," and for the last ten years lute re ceived the sanction of the Clergy. the Pre,, , , and tbo Public wherever it has been exhibited. The entire Panorama has been recently repainted, and, as a %York of Art. stands unrivalled on this Continent. Prices as usual. For full particulars see Programme and other notices. Grand.MBERNICON MATINEES on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AP TERNOONS;at re duped prices, commencing at 2 I'. M. Evening—Doors open at 7„ commence at A. ...- C. 11. HALL, General Agent. NOTICE.—PeaIt Emil , / Swiss Bell . Illng,ega24o, stponcrilmtil further tiotiV7 105 EXHIIBITIONSO'F Ti".I7HE PI 1M HIM TIT AT CONCERT BALL • SHOULD BE CROWDED IS AMAZING, BUT I TRUE. BE'NEETS. Mono Joy Evening. sth.—Church of Iterb , mption. Friday Evening—ChllrCh of St. John Saturday-2.3d P. M. nod 8 Evenine, - MR. and MRS. J. B. HAYES. NEW TRANSITION SCENE mys.3t§ AND NEW M DYREZ &r.,. BENEDICT'S OPERA HOUSE, SEVENTH Street, below Arch. LAST . SIX NIGHT` OF THE SEASON. DUPREE do BENEDICT'S GIGANTIC MINSTRELS will clone their Brilliant Season on SATURDAY, to go out on a Summer Tour, returning Lome again li to Philndelphin,to open their regular season,about Septem ber let. F " 'Fi AMERICAN THEATRE, MONDAY EVENING. May 2d, and nll the week. FOUR NEW S VARS. Mom and Mlle. Leopold; Signor Capolo, Mice Polly Daly; New Spanish Ballet; Series of Living Pictures. Thltinee on Saturday at 2 o'clock. - REDFORD STREET_MISSION CON-, CERT. 7 RESERVED SETS ( ACADEMY OF MUSIC) A S RE NOW READY AT BONER'S MUSIC STORE, 1102 CneAnut st; niyti•tf QENTZ AND HASSLER'S MATINEES:— ratusico Fund Hall, 18040. Every SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at 8K o'clock. ocl9-rf The Last Matinee of the beacon will be given on SA• TUMMY , May 14th. AOADEM Y OF FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT street, aboTe Tenth. . Open from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M.. Benjamin West's Grout Plctnre of CHRIST REJECTED - Is still on exhibition. je2.2-tf NTEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA LI HOUSE; ITTE FAMILY RESORT. CARNCROSS eDIXEY'S MINSTRELS,' ' EVERY EVENINH. J. L. (JARNOROSS, Manager. BOARDING. -- - A li AND SOM Er. S ECOND-STOjt ;BOO' ?A IA mi thint•story room, with board; at 223 South Broad street: - my& tit* I)OAILDING MAY BE ILA D AT A Libll-comsiTreent leitr-os live miles frs.m--the-eity-- , title stable attached.. Inquire suutlnvent.t:ernor QTJM M Ell OR PERMANENT BOARD, ; shady situation, near the Station. Addrems ' C. SWIFT. 'nog:l. - Station, Gen:letdown It. IL Y 110A.T.DTNG-" I =M - ItSM,Vial`f. STltY,litte of 908 and 010 Spruce atreet, having removed to the COUNTRY SEAT, formerlY the real 'F• A :Niqmer, deceased , 0 Itvre,i of grooidi, situate on Green street, above Waahington ,4Wentlet Germantown, ready to receive Mordent. my 4 QHEATI - 11 NG FELT.:—TEN PRAM ES A_ En OM Sheathing Felt for toklo by PETRIE W RIO= &.13PN§,116 Walnut ptroot, MINIM srmotALmwrit;ES f•taOFFICE OF THE MONT• ALTO' *lrOn Company, Philedelphitt,'; A pril, 27, 1810.;—• The 'Annual Moiling of th Stockholder, will bo held at the office of the Company: N0., , M7 Library etreot; on MUTDAY, tho Mb day of May next, at 2 o'oblek* I'. M., when 'on election will beheld for Director'', to Florin for the 'emoting year; WILLIAM J knit, ap22 m Nr 60 ..;,:aoprotary. U -- OFFICE Ole THE SMIUYLKILL . .RIVER. PASSENGER ILA.TE I WAX uOMPANY, Twentfiepond strcet, lielowSpruc PIIILL2OIII.PIIIIC. - May 24,1870, .- A meeting of the Stockholders of the Schuylkill River Passenger Railway Company will be held on' THUBS-, DAY, 12llt inst.. nt 'l2 o'clock, hi.: to take notion upon' the acce ptence' of a *supplement to' that, Ohtirthr, proved A pril 7th, 1870, • S. GROSS FRY, '. nIY2III NY 1144'125 • Secretly. . THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE . urD - • Stoeltholdere of the Groan Mountain 'Coal •Cotn• Moy 10th, 1870 nt 13 o"c l aclT l" n h o o or id at n tl T tfli t c l O Y of EDMUND . BdflTlt, Item No, 7, ienneylvanla Railroad Building s - Phila delpLia. WILLIAM S. GRBEN, - Secretary. 2me f m 4t" C (rot lIIITIN.OIL-COMPANY, OFFICE NO. 219% WALNUT STREET, Room 17. PHILADELPHIA, May 21870. The annual meeting of the Stockholders ofthis Com pany will be held at the Ofiiee on THURSDAY, the 12th Inst., at 12 o'clock, noon, to determinethe number of Directors that shall• thereafter govern the affairs of -the Company; -to elect a BoarAnt.Directore _for the on• cuing year; and to transnot-such•othor business as the. come before the mooting. M. B. KKIL Y, my 2 9t§ • Secretary. . OFFICE OF THE. METALLINE LAND COMPANY. No. 021 Walnut street. - PHILADELPHIA, May gth'il67o. - • The Stated Annual Mooting of the Stockholders of the Metalline Land Mumma , : will be bold at the Office of the Company on. MONDAY, Juno gth proximo, at 12 o'clock, M. ' - - • • M. D. HOPPMAN, • myti t jeg§ • • Clerk. I.\THE GIRARD LIFE INSURA CE, ANNUITY . AND TWIST. COMPANY - OF PHILADELPHIA,—A tan election lucid. on the.2l inst.. the following gentlemen wore elected Managers fur the ensuing year: ... .Thetnas Ridgway, ' John A. Drown. . Thomas P. James, 11. N. Burroughe, George Taber:- • • ~ Themes H. Powers, ._ Seth I. Comly, .. - .. Edward IL Trotter, . - Isaac Starr, Charles Wheeler,. Henry G. Freeman,. Addison May, - '.... William P. Jenks; '.' Edward C. Knight. At a meeting of the Managers field on the .31 inst. TIIOIIIAS RIDGWAY, RsQ., wan unanimously , elected President, and SETH I. COMLY. Esq., Vice-President. .INCit - . - F. JA-MES f Actuary, tnyt .Ir- 4t1i,1870 . IUCAMDEN AND. AMBOY RAIL sROAD AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. TRENTM N.J., April 11th, WO: The annual mooting of the Stockholders of the Cam den and Amboy Railroad and Transportation Company will be held at the Company's office, in Trenton, N. J., on TUESDAY, the 10th of May, MO, at. 12 o'clock M, for thoelection of seven Directors, to serve for the en suing year, SAMUEL J. BAYARD, Secretary O. 3: A. R. It. & T. Co.__ al till myilg, n-? , PHILADELPHIA, APRIL 2.5T11, 1870.—The Annual Meeting ofilie Stockholders of the VULCAN MINING COMPANY (of Lake Superior) will be held at their office, No. 32.1 Wain nt street, on T ft URSPAY,the 12th of May,1470, at 12 o'clock, for the election of Airectore, and the.trausaction of other bud _ ny„.26 tmyl2§ RIT - A - 13- 4.=7 CANAL COMPANY. OFFICE, TRENTON. N. J., April 11,1870. The annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Dela ware and Sarno') Canal Company *ill be held.ftt the Coturtily, • o Office, Trenton, N. .1., on TUE 31/A Y, the loth of May, 1870, at LI o'clock, Tit, for the election of nine Directors to serve for the.eroming year. ' . JOHN P. STOCKTON, 'Delaware and Raritan Canal Co. === OFFICE . OF tHE PENNSYLV-ANLA. AND GRANTING 'ANNUITIES:IN WALNUT Street. A 'Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at Ilo'clock on liIONDAY, nth May next,to act upon the supplement to their Charter, passed at the last session of the Legis lature.. . 1. • „ WILLIAM B. 'GILL, ap2l7l6t* Actuary. • DIVIDEND - NOTICES. TITETIIII:JA13ELPIIII-VNATIONATIT BANK . , - • The Pireetera love — this day declared a dividend of Seven Per Cenr.'Tor the last six mouths, cleat. of taxes, payable on demand. B. B. COM EGY , Cashier. G t, UNION NATIONAfrBANK. -- *" c ,,, PtireADELPH.TA, Mk!' &I - , WO. The Directors of this Bank have this day declared a dividend of Five Per Cent, clear of all taxes, Payable - P:ATBELLMB, , - my‘i•nt§ . - , -- ___Cashier, ________,...___ ..__ [L - ' , PENN NATIONAL BANK. __ ._ PH ILAT)ELPHIA , May 3,1R0. The - Directorq have this .day ileelarPti . divitternl of Five Per Cent., payable on demand. el ear of all taxes. inyi 30. liti;olWE P..LOUGILKAD,:Cashier. ---- Wb-THE CONSOLIDATION NATII BAN li PIT ILA DT;LPHJA , May &I, 1870. ThiA)ifFeßirs Ifave — fliti — day - ileclimi a Difiifeibl - Six Per Cent,, payable (maw:nand. clear of all nixes. Wlll «'& 1111. Cashier. u• FARMERS AND MECHANICS' NATIONAL BANE. ' • PHILADELPHIA. May 3.1870. The Board of Directors hove this dal' declared a Divi dend of Fi%o Per Cent., payable on demand. clear of tax. W. lIIJSHTON. J It., Cachier. u. THE CONIMERCIAL" NATIONAL BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA. P VILA DELPIIIA. May 3, MAL The Board of Directors . ha . ve THIS DAY declared a Dividend of Fire Per Cent., payable on demand, clear of taxes. my 3 60; S. C PALMER, Cashier. . • U. CORN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK PHILADELPHIA, May 3, 1870. The Board of Directors have this day declared a divi dend of Six Per Cont., for the last six months, payable on demand, clear of tax. my 3 11. P. SCIIETE EY , Cashier, E?OFFICE (iP " THE JEFFERSON 'FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILA DELPHIA," May 2,187 U. At a meeting of the Board of Directors hold this day, a Semi-normal Div idend of Three Per Cent., was de clared, clear of all taxes, payable on demand. PhIILIP E i COLEMAN, ,Sectetury. -MECHANICS' NATIONAL BANK. PHIL% DELPIIIA. May 3, NW The Board of Directors have thin day declared a Divi dend of Six Per Cent., payable on demand, clear of tax. my;:--6tWIEU AND, JR., Cashier. - Ez?. NATIONAL BANK OF THE N ORT ERN LIBERTIES. PHILADELPHIA, May 3, P:7O, The reefers have this oay ileelarol - a Dividend - - cif Ten Per Cent., payable on demand, clear of tax. W. GUMMERE, Cashier. u. • 3=FFIGE - 0 - 1 7---- s - frx - ,vro N AND BEAR VALLEY COAL COMPANY, NO. 214 CHESTNUT STREET. PIT I LA DEL PM A. April 3 , Rlt, 1070. A divid..nd of Thirty Cents; per share, freo of taxes. Lax Leon declared by the Inrectora of the Shamokin awl Rear Valley Coal Company, payable at the office of the Company on demand. W. I'. ATKIN SON , ro y 3 tot Secretary. CiSAUNDERS COLLEGE, WEST ; Philadelphia. A lecture every MONDAY EVE NING. ftp2s.lto ciu. P. RONDINELLA, TEACHER OF Singing. Private lessons and classes. Residence 808 R. thirteenth street an 25411 NEW PUBLICATIONS. QIINDAY SCHOOL SUPERINTEN dents,get Prof. Hart's admirable. address, "How to lect a Library," at the. Sahpath School Emporium, f. 438 Arch streot, , Philndelphia.. mut BEST WORK-ON MUSIC—AND JL the only one of its kind, to Piano and Musical Mat ter." Pronounced by competent judges the moat perfect instruction hook ever written for tiny - piano, and a com pendium of musical information. Hold by all music and book dealers School edition, 82: Library edition, Sent post free. - Liberal discount on quantittea. WHITE, SMITH & PERRY, Publishers, 208 and 300 wgskinglen street, Boston. ap3o-Im* FltOlf F,SSOR JOHN BUCHANAN, M. D. can be consulted per tonally or by letter in all dis• eases. Patients can rely upon 0 safe, speedy, and par• nument cure. as the Professor prepares rind f urnlshes tww, scientific and positive vanedies sp!ucially adapted to t h e waniti on du. patient. Private offices in College No. tl4 PiNE street. Office boars Jrou,.D A. M. tog P; 711. • • • ap3o ly MASON JOlO7 F.FlllEArtt. r"IRE UNDERSIGNED' INVITE ATTEN JI Tun , / to their Flock of spring Mountain, Lehigh and Locnet Mountain Coal. whteh, with the preparation given by 11H, wothink can not be excelled by any other Comm!. Oillee. Franklin Institute Building, No, Bi S. Seventh greet, boatf " Arch Streat 'Wharf, CI AS 71 XTUitES.—M ISKE Y, DI ERR ILI & TB ACKAItA, No.. 713 Chestnut sitroet,- mann fay4.ur_ettLypfGlis Ifixturen_Langw, 3v e.;onhl the attention of the folhetrifirgo aiiTu Mirada iti? ~.„,,,.tm on tor Gas Chandpliers, Pendante, lirtickoto, Tbey . a sum ro. c • : • . bullowgm. attend to oxtending, altering - aud rupair mane. All work 'warranted. D 0 E S' AND WOSTEN ROLM'S JITIti P001(ET 'KNIVES, -PE - nod -STAG DLE!Aof loesiotiful ,RODGERS' :nod AVA tti k myroDER'S, nod tho CELEBRATED LEDO ByrRE RAZOR SCISSORS IN OASES of the finest'lluglitr; - nltZtlfB; Hid Vert, SCIHNOrti owl Table Cutlery ground and Idholond. EAR I NST RC M ENTS of tho Inoid no roved construction to assist the henflon. it P.MADEIRA'S, Collet. nod Surgical Inßtrument Molcur,ls Tooth otrout, below Chestnut. toyl tt B. A . 1100IPES, Secretary. M3DIME FJERSONAL COAL AND WOOD. 4AS FIXTURES. - CtiTLEitY. TO. RENT. TO LET The New.Flve-Story Store, No 18 NoOtti Slattli Street and NO. 9 Deers. • . tar Street. 20 by /73 foot. Apply to THEODORE ifEGAROIIII,' . 1i0.20 South Sixth Street, •FOIL RENT : = — THE FOUR-STORY suLitomidenoe •E. corner Brood, and ', Wharton: Wharton fittbetki. Apply to SHIIGIEANT, ZS South Fourth stroot.. ,mYBd to w3t* 113 FO R RENT. -STORES NO. 237, • 239 . North Water atreot. Also largo Nig-loft (War the storm , . Apply to JON. 8. IrolliErt, my(ll2t* Gel Commerce street. 1 \r{7 MA.NSION HOUSE " * la and grounds, 'northeast cornier' of Thirty ninth and Lemur streets, on favernble torms'.. On the grounds are n large assortment of fruit trees and an ex , 101)biVe hot-home, filled with a choice collection of grape-vines: Apply to • ' • • . •• • JOS. IL FIStIER, 41[1)612V • OR Commerce street.. TO RENT—THE LARGE AND , HANDSOME, • COUNTRY RESIDENCE. FORMERLY JOS. 11 ..PAGE'S SITUATED ON TR OLD YORK ROAD, ABOVE CITI LINE. R.J. DOB BINS, LEDGER BUILDING. mys-3t* v t7 n TO. LET.=—A DESIRABLE RESl dPiice ralitersic On VOnfeimett, On'toe.ttet menu°. near Willow .avenne. Germantown ; Shine min utes' walk from Church Lano Station. • Inuned fate Dos ' semelon. Apply to SCOTT & DAY, No. 38 North Third street. neye-frnw6t* TO RENT-A FURNISHED HOUSE kilriLFOR YOHR MONTHS. APPLY AT 252 SOUTH SEVENTEENTH STREET. RENT, s6s' PER AIONTH. . mpi-4t* GER MANTOWN.—SE VERA.L COT •.W.tages to rent and for sato. • • orns. IL STOKES, No. 4..n9 'Main street; Germantort._ my3-I6tss GERMANTOWN.—A FURNISHED JE/gil. Cottage to rent for.sis. months, within live inin utes of depot., ' CHAS. U . t3TOKI.IB, toy 3 16t.* No.. 829 Main street, 06rinantoWn. dTO LET. —FIRST-CLASS I) WE L -2101 West SP 0 GARDEN - street. tnY3.3t * f? - 1 7'71, TO RENT—THE STORE 'NO. 811 Arch street. Apply et zny2-12t* ' 7081Vnletit street... TO RENT—AN ELEGANT COUN :_I4I,-dry_itesidence,_with_tibeattackeeofland,ortwbich there aro - besides a comfortable -farm Ammo ' - tenset house, - stable, cow and chicken bonsai. It is situated at the junction of Grey's lane and Marshall road, and about on a lino *lib Clieideut street, from - which bridge it is only three miles. Very easy of access. Terms roe , seeable. Keys and infonnation at HARPER k CHEP PC- 'S Insurance Agency, No. 337 Walnut at, ap29-60 ell TO RENT—A HANDSOME .FUR- Lia NISUED Country Residence, with 4 acres of ground, Alanheim street, Germantown. throe minutes' walk froin Wayne Station. All kinds fruit. line lawn, stable for horses and Cows, with all and every Improve ment. Apply . to COPPUCK A-JORDAN, 433 Walnut street. FOR RENT.— HANDSOME COHN- Ida try place. with several acres of land. on Old York road. five minutes' walk from Oak Lime station, on tho North Pennsylvania Railroad. ' FURNISHED COUNTRY:SEAT, within two min utes' walk from Hay - effort, station. on , the Penn4vlvania Contrail tlydlroa4l.. J. 111. GUMBLEY_ k 50N5,.733 el CAPE MAY AND ATLANTIC CITY. nda—Numerous cottitgeB to Rent. Some very de sirable, opportunities offered. Parties desiring to rent can have description and information and other facili ties Lurnished. and !MVO themselves a run bv.the shore by npplying to DANIEL hi. FOX-- Ac- SON, Principal Agency, No. M 0 North Fifth street. apll ltni al TO „RINE _TiIIATEE- N-101.roorned faunalon. near -Frankford, 41th lawn. garden,_statding,_eurriage•houee,Aks, Inunire 132 1 Girard avenue. abio.:ll:g era TO RENT—ROOMS OEALL SIZES, IlLa well lighted,euitabl e for light manufacturing:tin el neee in building o . 712 Chestnut !greet. tint- MEY do 50N5,133 WAlnut iqieot: • -- • • • TO RENT-A !SHED DWELL: nit fog, No. 410 Smith Ninth etreet, with all intprove meats ; dedrable lottitloryl-wlll:hErrented—reamonable— to a good tenant ; possession from the_liTA of May. Alto, a stable, on Niter, alley, below:Walnut et fe - Fand above - Vntb street. for throe horata and carriages. Apply to COPPUCK A JORDAN. 433 Walnut street. E 2 FOR RENT—THE HANDSOME four-Story property, No.. 23 South . gighth street, -corner of Jayne, nod first above Chestnut. street. ;I: 141"h1111EY 50N8,73.3 Wahl tit street. er-1 F'UP, .RENT—FURNISLIED—A handsome fonr-story brick• dwelling, with 'back buildings and every modern convenience, situate—on Broad street, below Pine. J. M. GUMMY J.; §0748, No. 733 Walnut street. erl FOR RENT—FURNISHED oR—tTN furnlihed, the three-story brick dwelling situate NO. 1308 North Twelfth street. J, M. GUBINIEY & SONS, 753 Walnut street. • .TO F_RONT R00m.324 Chestnut street, about 20 I 23 feet./ Suitable foran office or light business. Jals tf rp ' FAUIt & BROTEIEW esFOR SALE--WEST LOGAN Square.-:No. 246--Font-story broWii Stone resi dence, with three story double beck buildings. Lot 2 1 fret front by 144 feet deep N.. le2l CLINTON STREET—Three-story rlmifing, with t tree-story double back built - hugs. Lot 20.115 feet to a street. CHESTNUT STREET—handsome four-story resi dence, with large three-story back buildings. Lot 25 feet front by 235 feet deep, to Hansom street. Situate west of Eighteenth street. ARCH STREET—Handsome four-story brick resi dence, 22 feet front, With every-convenience. N. W. corner Twentieth street. ARCH. STREET—Handsome modern four-story brick resid enre.with three-story double back buildings. Extra conveniences and in perfect order. Wert of Eighteenth street, south side. J. M. GUAIMEY Ei ghteenth .733 Walnut street. 910 LET— SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH 1 and fifth stories of No. 01:15 'Market street, in com plete order. Each 26 by 65 feet. mys at* Volt RENT--DESK-ROOM, ON WM,- nut street, above Think_suitablo for Lawyer, Con s flamer, :Ice. Address "IL M.," BrLLETtN OF FICE. niy2,tf9 A P. HILDRETH. E. S. TAYLOR. HILIMETIf Sz. - TAYLOR, CAPE MAY REAL ESTATE:BROKERS, °Mee, Perry street, opposite Mansion street, CAPE MAY CITY, N. J. Refer by special permission to: E. C. Knight, William F. Potts, Matthew W. Baird and John C. Bor. Fsog.. of Philadelphia; General William J. Sewell, of Camden, and .1. F. Cake, Esq. of Cape May. N. B.—Particular attention given to the renting of cottages, &c. my 3 tojyl§ (IREESE & M. faCOLLUDI, REAL ESTATH AGENTS. Office,Jackson street, opposite Mansion street, Gaps Island, N. J. Real Estate bought and sold. Persons deoronti of renting cottages during the season will apply ofisildrosi; as above.- Reepectfully refer to (Mae. A. Eubicam ,Hent7 Duntra, Francis Alclivain, Augusta Morino, John Davis and 71V.Ju.romd CAIIPETINGS, &C CARPETS, MADE TO WEAR WELL.— WM. POtIOCIL, 937 , Marker &treat, sells the cheapest Carpets. Just examine thorn. fk1:18 GOOD NEWS FOR THE LADIES. DUSTY CARPETS OF ALL KINDS CAREFULLY CLEANED, by improved machinery', at CENTRAL CARPET • CLEANING ESTNIILISTIMENT, 250 N. ItROAD attest, below VINE.-----atil2-1tho" FRINTIN(:. A. C. BRYSON & CO., A..C. BRYSON & CO., A. C. BRYSON & CO., A. C. BRYSON sc, CO., A. C. BRYSON & Co., C. BRYSON & CO., A. C. BRYSON & CO., A. C. ISItYSON & CO., 607 Chestnut St. & 604 Jayne St. 607 Chestnut St. & 604, Jayne St. 607 Chestnut St. & 604 Jayne St. 607 Chestnut St. & 604 Jayne St. 607 Chestnut St. & 604 Jayne St. 607 Chestnut St. & 604 Jayne St. 607 Chestnut St. & 604 Jayne St. 607 Cbeetout Bt. .1. 604 Jay . tio St. (Batill BIIIMEE PhMe/Phial) Bok d Job Printers, Book and Job Printers. BOOk and Sob Printers, Book and Job Printers, Book and Job Printers, Book and Job. Printers, . Book and Job Printers, Kook and Job Printers, Workmen Skillfid. Prices Low. Workmen Skillful: Prices Low. Workmen Skillful. Prices Low Workmen Skillful. - .Prieei Low._ ---- W - orkmoin - Skillful. — - Prices - Low. WriArrmark Skill tt L,enk- Workmen Skillful Workmen Skillful. OIVE US A TBIAL Glp US : A TRIAL GIVE US. ATRIAL. GIVE US A TRIAL. GIVE US A TRIAL. GIVE US' A TRIAL.: GIVE US A TRIAL. GIVE U$ A TRIAL. a BROWN STONE RESIDENCE - M. FOR SALE. N 0.1922 ARCH STREET. Elegant Brown-Stone Reektoace, three stories an Mansard roof ; very commodious, furnished with ovary modern convenience, and built In a very euperior swat P tilmtan t lel manner. Lot 28 fest front by 180 feet deep to , Cuthbert street, on which fa erected a handsome brick Stable and Coach Bowie . ' nth= if rpil rSPRING LAKE—OFIESTNUT . RILL. PIIILABELPIIIA—FOR ALA. trituutes' walk from Depc4. ELEGANT 00IINT MEAT. LAWN OP NEARLY X INK ACRES, adorned .Arlth choice shrubbery, abundance of evergreen, frail , and Outdo trees ;.most healthy location; views for forty miles over &rich wintry. Modern pointed-stone hens°, gas water, &c.; coach, ice and spring houses ; never failing springs of purest water. • L,AK E FOR BOATING, all Oinked with Mountain Trout, Carp. &c. Beautiful ,cascade with succession of rapids through the meadow. Apply to J. R. PRIOR. ' w n l 6l§ • ' : On the Premlaes. fe; FOR SALE, - ON - EASY .TERS/Si OIL Elia.city property taken in part payment, an elegant rer sidenga,2onunutesfrom Vintlt and Green streets, on Germantown Railroad, inidfn improving neighborhood. The house is well built, • and -very convenient sr --rAnged,;:contningin Id rooms ,• supplied yel . city' water and every modern convenience ; painted Ils plate-glass front, two kitchens, with range in leact x ii large piazza, large Reynolds furnace in cellar. Lot, 10d feet by 'AO feet, well laid-out, including a very superior vegetable garden. • J. M. GUMMEY & SONS, .. 420.w . f m Irn§ • 733 Walnut street: CI GE -- Of ANTO WN R SALT..—A. Ida Modern Villa icout gibing It rooms: near the Depot. Terme eaey. CHAS. H. STOKES, my:3-16t' No. 401 Main greet, Germantown. el FOE SALE.---A DOUBLE TitREE. lE3' story brick louse ,-with With double- three-story back Ifiliklincs,,No.l7s2 North' Tenth street. Alsoonortgages for eil,ooo, BA.OOu. $21,00. 81,400, 81.150, and ground rents for $13,000, 80,000, 82,000, and fire o f eseu e ac h, W. HINOKLE, tW,O 7t" • 731 Walnut street. • tra • FOR' SAIL,E.—:A MODERN AND DE-• B itable Residence, No. 1701 Spruce street. Also, a horse, carriage aid , harness, cheap. Apply to 101.115. .11 AltT, ftd• ti alma street, • aplB t • CAPE AY AND ATLANTIC CITY. • d —Only Agency in Philadelphia:for the sale of Cot lanes anditnibllug.Lota_a4.l.fie_idwere_plitces—fiererat - desirable opportunities now offered by_ • DANIEL 3t. FOX Ir. SON, apt' •Ini§ No. 540 North Fifth street. '— OPPORTUNAY. WE E, Lave for sal , -; on easy terms, fifteen minntes from the cty. on the Germantown Itallromd.an Elegant anal dence,beentifully nod completely Jittott out with all modern conveniences. . _ It has breu occupied for two years as s boarding-house, and WUs a good winter and "manner patronage. .1, M. GUMME'S d 80N8,733 Walnut street piENEW 1520,EROWN • STONE - TH tHlr BEB — ,UN AND 2010 SPRUCE STREET FOll AL-; FINISHED IN WALNUT IN THE MORT SUPERIOR- -MANNER. AND WITH - EVERY• MODERN CONVENIENCE. E. R. WARREN, 2113 SPRUCE STREET. APPLY BETWEEN 2 AND O'CLOSK P. M : tah.y.itf - IL ADEL PHIA— HAND- Fame utedern cottage. with erery convenience, ' anil-Anrge_ltit -01Arrouud,-7-senthwcw. it--ottruttrHor-HPfnw-E- - ---- and Forty-find streets. J. GUILMEY & SONS, N 0.723 Walnut et tett: 8 7 IANDSOM DNyELLI N G. lo .iAll47ErslNePa' l 870 Nu. 402 Routblw.loti , PiSALE. Oul; ,000 . in cash req r - crt. - 9iAULT,, BROTH & CO., ap.9o-141t* No. 2LOO South stmt. TO DYERS—FOR„SALT: - _tiftTh) LET ON GROUND RENT.—A large lot' of ground, - containing 4.1J17 square - feel, extending from Seventh .to Eighth, between Tioga and Venango etreete, with a nerer,falling atm= of punt soft water ru net ng through it. Price S2JOO. Apply to JOHN TURNER, near Sixth garnet and Reading• Railroad. • -spit lm' TO - CAPITALISTS AND BIETELDERS.— por Aale—A large and - 'rupidly-intproving LOT, NORTH BROAD STREET, between Norris • and Dia numdl fa• feet•deepxo-Tfil RTEENTH STRERT,Inters reeved by. PARK AVENUE', FOUR VRONTB. - 17. ImM-tit . A pplPlio. X 22 Chestnut ntreet. _ For Stile-Cheap. A FIRST-CLAN FIRE PROOF SAFE. .- de2oLltrvii - 'Fox SALE. YARNS FOR SALE. Cotton ind Wortiti:+l - Tarm, all mpnber6. Cotton YURS2 one two, three or four ply, di 'on' beams tind in skeins. Also, Chain' and Satinet Warps, Cotton and 'Wool Waste. _ GEO. F. 111AILLOCciltirritaalciii31rOrehring; 67 KILBY Street, Boston, Mass. mli2s3rok FOR SALE--A FINE ROAN 414C2_ - ‘: Mare, five years qld - s fullit.!.; hands high. War anted sound uud kind. Ras bt4fll raises., by present owner. and promise , ' to ao fast Can be arnn at FREE'S Stable, 30/31 Chancellor street, brtscren Locust and Walnut. ray4-2t• _ VOR SALE CHEAP—A LARGE WAL NUT Cclurdivg- house Desk. Address "11. 24,," BULLETIN OFFICE. ily2,tf§ MACHINERY. IRON, &V. IRON The undersigned are prepared to execute orders for of the hen make: The most sightly and the most economical fence that can ho used. t4peci men panels of various styles of this fence may be seen at our office rrill9 3mg MERRICK & SONS, SOUTHWARK FOUNDItir, 430 WASHINGTON Avenue, Philadelphia, BIANIJFACTCRE STEAM ENGINES—High and Low Pressure, Horizon. tal, Vertical, Beam, Oscillating, Blast and Cornish Pumping. BOlLERS—Cylinder; Flue, Tubular, &o. BM AM HAMMEBB—Nasmyth and Davy tittles; and of all sizes. CASTINGS—Loam, Dry and Green Sand, Brass, dco. ROUES—Iron Frame_ ,s for covering with Slate or Iron. TANKS—Of Cast or Wrought Iran,for refineries, water, oil, Ac. `GAB MACIIINEBY—§uch as Retorts, Bench Castings. ---Holdera_arl Frames, Purifiers, Coke and charcoal Barrows,Valii.s, ircii•ernors, --- SUGAR IIACHINERY—Such as Vacuum Pans and Pnm Defecators. Bone Black Filters, Burners. .d - Elovatorerliag - FiltersHßigar - andßo. Black Cars, Ac. Sole manufacturers of the following specialties: ' In Philadelphia and vicinity,of William Wright's Patent Variable Cut-off Steam Engine. In the United States, of Weston's Patent Self-center ins and Selthalancing Centrifugal Sugar-draining Ids , chino. Glass & Barton's Improvement on Aspinwall& Woolsey"' Centrifugal. .. Bartore Patent Wrought-Iron Retort Lid. Straban's Drill Grinding Rest. Cactors for the design, erection and fitting-up of Be. tinriemfor working Sugar or Molasses. ui-TEB, AND YELLOW METAL ‘J Steathing, Brazier's Copper Nails, Bolts and Ingot Conner. constantly_ on hand a Wharvesle by HENRI WINSOB 00.. No. BM South MOLLER'S NORWEGTAII COD LIVER outs leas objectionable to the taste and smell ; it isomore readily taken, by delicate persons and' children ; is more easily mtaimilated, and is productive of inure immediate benefit than other kinds of 01l are. Dr. J. klagtow Ste' s Says; I" For some years I had given up the use of ()Ed - Liver Oil - altogether; but since my atten tion was caned by Dr.flayre to Peter Moller's Cod Liver Oil I hare rreserlbed it almost daily, met have every tOII6OII to be Terfectly setisilea withßold by Drux gistP. apl-f tu24o rim E WONDERS ACCOMPLISHED A. through the agency of the genuine) Cod-Liver OH in Scrofula, Bronchitis, Chronic Cough, Asthma, and oven Consumption, almost surpass belief, In JOHN C. BAKER & Co.'s " Putt) Medicinal Cod-Lbrar Oil" each bottlo of which is accompanied by medical quanta tree of the highest order—the public havo the best brand of the preparation known to the scientific world. .10 . 11 N C. BARER At 00., No. 718 Market street, Phila &titian, Penn, W"'" For aide by all dirnizadate.' fe7 ALnP DENTALLINA. -- A 13 IT PERIOII article for cleaning the Tooth,destroying animalcola which infest them, giving tone to the gnms, and leaving a fooling of fragrance and perfect clemnlinens in the. mouth. It may bo used daily, and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gums, while the aroma and detereiveness will recommend it ttinivery one. Be ing composed with the assistance of Oa - Dentist, Phyna chins and Microneopint, - It is confidently offered as a reliable substitute for the uncertain washes formerly in vogue:. Eminent Dentintn, acquainted with the constituents of the Dentallina, advocate its use; it contains nothibg' to prevent its unrestrained employment. Made only by JAmai blaNN,'Apothecary,n Broad and Spruce streets. For Hale by Dritggists generally, and - Fred. - Browne, ID. L. Steakhouse, -- Basn - ard - !Pavia, C. R. Koons, ' Goo. C. Bower, , Ghee. Shivers, - S. m , T. J. limiband, Anibrosa Smith, Bdward Parriah, • Wra': B. Wobb - James L. Blimbrimi 'Hughes it Combo, Bonn' A. Bower. -. recee tolig Prloco Low. QPIRITS • TURPENTINE AND EOSIN I , J 66 barrels Spirits Turpentine; 292 barrels Palo Soap Rosin ; 189 barrels N 0.2 Rosin, landing per ateaniship "Pioneer." For halo by EDW. IL ROWLEY, 16 South Front htroet: . . , • J. M. OTTAVORY & SONS, ,733 WALNUT Street. FOR SALE. Addressv"L£9ll, l ' this office MZE ENGLISH IRON FENCE, YARNALL & TRIMBLE, 117 South Front street MEDICAL DENTISTRY . l it. O. Bunting, Chas. K. Bborlo, .Tarnoa N. Alarks, . Brlnghtiret & 00.1 pyott At 0 ~ I 11. roth & 80. Blair ro 's Sone, W. ==aa C - H — E - S 4 8 C kJ M— OP TIM PITILADELPIIIA ETIMINGI'MMIXTing .**lt'•l 4 lEtlDAnctdirs G, Ibi u. 7 crimes DrltacrrOWlr. Pm' Cr:um-407 Walnut street. Open daily ATEmmlaurd-81xtb and Adelphi sta. Open daily. ~,, -- aiRBOAISTILE LIBRA It . ,Y-^Tnol streeu, ' near Market. Open 'daily. GERMAN CJA;n—Fourtb and Cherry streets_ cpe II "Wednesday eirenings. o • r _ , , BOitEL l np Sexm---460 .Nortir'Third - Edyiet. Operrdaiy..' . ' 7: • , Comatertur..tr. Boolta 7 Tldrd and "W'odnut. !Upcn'dath. iimmaua—Open ,flutve C ern to orresponidente. notee and 'game - in eeived: The two-move solution is'eorreet: , ' r • A new feature has lately„bpen jtitro - into match-play in this city: A. drvrn game, under the new Mime, counts- I . t. half game for each player, thus obviating the ware of time usually incurred by such games. The PPol W not • especially to be commended at games nf'bdds, where the ,giver of advanine certainly achieves something by even draw ing. Several matches on this plan, are now progressing at the Press Club. - Problem No. 735. This problem. is dedicated to Prof. George Allen, and the beauty of the position is en_ hanced by the pieces being so arranged as to form the, initial letters of= that gentleman's BY MB. JAOOII ELSOB ME! vj V r or/ f A rf ,. fo r / / A / A:0 / 414 , ra 0 )/il ept h„ ), • • A White to pray and lnat e in three moves. _ Problemlifo.736. EY BLII. J. LOWENSTEIN r .„ a , •%' /4, ji air, ,/,‘, reff:4l / vAg - / / 2 • ;(:;,, r . v,A . . *HITS. White to play and mate in three =recs._ Tod-flame Hate No. 17. (Er.so}r.) -- (Rszeunmat) 1.1"t0K4 - PtoK4 2. K lit to 13,3 Q Kt to B 3 4. Bto-Q.13,4 G. Kt to Kt 5 0;. Q to R 5 7. Castles P to IC It 3 9. P to B 4 30. B to Kt 3 11. Kt° It sg 12., Q Kt to B 13. Kt to Q 14. P.to B 5 15. Ht to B 4 16. Q It x Kt 17. it x 1' 18. It to K 2 111. It x B 20. Kt to B 3 21. 1' to Kt 4 22 P to Kt 5 5. Q to It 4 24. P to B 6 25. P to K 5 26. It to Q 2 i 4l 44 A, t 4, 1 91 44 N/ 2 , -..., ~,,..D . ..r, • r 7 ', , .I.? ..1.4. / 4 . • ', 4.: :..... '•=- 4 te ep V; r 7 rikv, w• • -11 r;.,,.;.d0 , 6 „...ja '•' / i ' • ' l 4l 7 ,;..• . rij - , . ~..+1 A- • WA.. 'i., - ... -,- -.. 4 .--. 'WHITE. White to play and mate in eight moves. Solution to No. 7 10. WHITE. r#LACIC ' 1. QtoKt 4 . PxQ or (A) 2. Kt to Kt 5 B x B 3. Kt x P mate. (A) 1. B P x 2. Kt to B 6 B to Kt 3 mate Solution to No. 71 , ,0. WHITE. BLACK. 10 412 P moves 2. B to B sq P movea 3.-K to Q 2, mating next move. CHESS IN PHILADELPHIA. 11,1 tune No. 2458. Betiveen Messfs._Klson.ao , l Whitemm. • (Kinrts - Grambie Erndeeta WEI. (MR. ELSON.) Bt. MR. WHITEMAN.) I. Pto 4• • Pto K 4 .2. P to K B 4 P to Q 4 - 3. P x Q P to K 5 4: Q Kt to B 3 K Kt to B-3 5..8 to 848 Ql3 4 6. P to Q 4, 13 to Q Kt 5 7.ltttoK2 Kt x 1' • 8. Cjwtles Kt x ICt - 9'. Px Kt • Bto Q 3 10. Kt to Kt 3 P to IC 13 4 (From this point Black's troubles commence. He is obliged to play thus to save.tue pawn.) . 11. Q to H 5 (ch) P to Kt 3 12. Q to' R 6, B to B sr( Q - 40-B ------B to Kt 2 . ._ :14..13 to.R 3t• .r; x P (chl • lti. K t.o Tt sry ! Kt 3 16,. Qltto Q sci K.t Q 2 • (If Qto 83, the reply is ICt x K P. Black's beft resource, however, is B to Q 2, and will. Kt x B P, Q to 83. ) 17. .Kt .x 13 P 18. Kt to It 6 • 19. Qto K 3! 20; -- B - x - B K-t-x-B— -, 21.QxP Ptoß4 , (22. K. R to.K6q.appearp ; tom ; morn imme - • ~; CR) P • 1 ) 1.21 Ict Ifelke;lo.,), 24. lit to Q, 4, and wi ng i" • S. i6(itimie'Difo;llllll4o:r ;;!') ;.,BetweeliblkEttaK;Buifif and flicken. . 1k • , `; ; ( Dynish Glenbit.l . l:l , ! Wn. (3111.143enxii.)!. (Mae, eiltroH.) . : ,j, 4't.° .., •e, „:: P,toli. 4 • f 1 , 2,1", x -Pa -P ,to Q, 3/ ,; , 4.1. ;.‘I,;KIEtto;B 3 (White loses the game by , following Ms. Zu kertort'iranalyale,) ~„ .6. 8t0gC..,2 • ' ~ 133 r , • (Tide .simple. anddeciaixe move was over looked by:both atialyat anettilayer.) ' • ' 4,140 as coald , not, be avoided.) , ,r, 7. ICt • P to .Q 4 Ktx Kt (ch) . -9.,8 XKt •,(1 to RG. 10: Kto Q 2 ' tofl3l (oh) Kto B 3 , to Q / R1 12. Qto Q 3 . tioAles " 13r - lriPtaQ 2 ' Itt to A T B - .7= - 14: P to R 3 -Kt to Kt 5 t' • ' 35. Q . toK 4 16. P to Q Kt 3 r. Kt to Q 4 '("eh): • 17.;B. to Q ;3, •23 to 'B 41' . • 18, Q x B, whereupon Ntr. }Tuch au nounpid that he could give mate in eight moveB. B.etween Mr. Maurice, giving King's Knight, • . and Mr.-Bode. (Remors , Whiie's King's Knight.) • (Bishop's Opemna.) Wm. Mn. leisuniess.) BL. GODS.) 1. P.14-1C 4 , •Pto K 4 • 2.8t084, 80114 3. Castles P to Q B 3 4.Pt083 PtoQ4 O.PxP _ • PxP.' . ' 6.1.3t0Kt3 KttoK 2 7. P to Q 4 B to Kt (Beitere - .l 3— x - P - .) 8. P P . , Castles BtoK3 • 10.15.t0 Et b PtoQL 11.QtoR6. Bxß 12.P.x8 Qto B 2 • ' " 13. PtoK B 4 Kt to 13 4 14, .13 to B 6 - (The concluding moves are lively and enter taining.) 14:PtoKt3 15.QtoKt5 QtoQ2' 16. R. to B 3 1' x P ' 17. x P P to K R 3 18. R Klt 3! A - to 2 • 19. lit to ,K. 4, and Black resigns; but let as continue the game a few moves farther.) • - _19...E to. Q.tol_or (A.). Me' best plaY. White; it - willbe observed; threatened a mate in live moves.) . 20. B N . 8., Kt to Q 6 and' ;(1 to lit 4 comb into consideration ; but in each "variation he has a difficult game before him. ( A 19. B to Q mg P (ch) ! Kt x 21. Q tolt 4 , Q to B 3 22. ; Kt to‘Kt 5 (ch) . K. to Kt RI 23. Q-x- Kt, mating in two more moves. Between - 31essrs.11 - aurice - and Raborta. - • -- (French Opening.) A WIT. (NIL ROBEUTS.) BI" (Mu. MAIIRICB.) • 1 P oK 4 • -P.2toß ,- - - 3- 2. P to Q 4 .P to Q 4 • a RrP P x P 4. B te Q 3 • 13 to Q 3 5..1it to K B 3. to K 3. -- 6. Castles-'' P to K R 3 7-r-B to K 3 . K-Kt_to B - 13 - 8. P to Q Kt 3 P to 83. 9. Pto B 4 . -Q to B 16: - .KtT4 11 3 ' P to - 3 - 11. R to B sq - Q Kt to Q 2 12. R to K µq (fastles (K R) 13. Qto.Q2 . Kt tp Kt 5 14. Pto R 3 .Kt x B • 15. Px Kt . (lie WaS obliged to retake this way to avoid • losing the exchange.) . 15. .13 to 0, Kt 5 36. P x P __Rx Kt 17. Q x B B x R P! / 18. Px - P - - • Pi.. Q.x P Q to Kt 20. It, to K 2. _ _ _ Ql3,_to Bsq _----- 21. It (White, it is true, gets two Rooks for Lis Queen; but his position is unpromising.) 21. It x Q 22. 11 xß(eh) Kt to B sq 23. B to It 7 (eh) K x B 24.ItxKt Bx Pl. 25. It x B Q x-Kt, 20. It to K 8 P to Kt 4 27. R to K 5 * P to B 3 28. 11 to K 7 (ch) K to Kt 3 29. R to K 82 Q to Q 8 (ch) 30. R to Itsq Q to Kt 5 (ch) 31. IK to B 2 P to K R 4 32.KtoKsq P to R 5 33. P to R 3 (To prevent the subsequent check at Q Kt 4.) 33. P to It 6 34. P to Q 5 P to•R 7 35. It to K 6 Q to Kt 6 (eh) 30. K to K'2 Q to lit 7 (eii) 37. It to 11 2 Q x R (ch) And White resigns. B to 13 4 Kt to It 3 Q to B 3 PtoQ3. Castles (?) Kt to K 4 1' to Q 6 (cl) .P x 1' Kt to Q 6 Q to Q sq 1' to Q B 3 Kt x B B to K 6 Q to B 3 B x Kt 2i to Q 2 ICtoI sq Kt to Kt sq P to K Kt 3 Q to .Q esq P to Q It 4 P to Q 4 13 to K 3 (?) Mr. Franke grid ttvo other amateurs consult against 11r. Hoskins. (Kieseritiky Gambit.) Wn. (Mn. HObKLICS.) BL. (ALLIES.) 1. P to K 4 P to IC 4 2.Pt0K84 P x P 3. K .ICt to B 3 P to IC Kt 4 4. -P-to-IC. R 4 P-to-K-t-5 5. Kt to K's K Kt to B 3 (5. B to Kt 2 is at the present moment esteomiqfllin - b - 6 - t — tiraetital iletence.) jARUGGI6TS WILL FL - 14D A LARGE JLI stock of Allen's Medicinal Extracts and Oil Almonds, Itad. Rlifd. Opt., Citric Acid, Ooxo's Sparkling Gelatin, xenuins Wedgwood Mortars . mat lauded trom bark_.; iloffnung, from London. HOBERT SHOEMAKEIk& CO., Wholesale Druggists, .N, R. corner fourth and , . Baca streets. , TIRUG GISTS' SUNDRIES. GIRA_D lJ ates, Idortar, Pill Tiles, Pomba, Brusher,. Mirrors, Tweezers, Puff Boxes,Horn Scoops, Surgical bistro. month, Trusses, Hard aud Soft Rbc übr Goodek _Vial - Oaces, - Olass and Melia - Eiyiiiiges, &a., all at " - First Hands . prices. SNOWDEN St lIROTHER, ' AP.— e• • • g e • • I ~ 200 boxes met lauded from bark Idea, and or sal , y B . BET SHOEMAKER & 410., Importing r. •k tetra: 'N . corner Fourth and Race streets. G ---- 01TO1i . AN 0 RWE:-37 r.; FA' cot ton ; 119 catirlcs CO. Now; )Mallng , froni 'Mom - MT ; Wvernii , R, from Sava aab, ad., arid rdir rqd.). by COCH- Aix, Imam", a ,Ohestaut otroet, , • . . • - , Q to B 3 Kt to B 4 B. to I, 3 • Game No. 2460: Game No. 2481. Game No. 2462 6. Kt x P - • • (B to B 4 is the more usual course of play.) 6. Kt x,Kt 7. Q x Kt P to Q 4 B.QxP. B to Q, 3 9. P to IC 5 Q to IC 2 10. P to Q. 4 P to Q B 4 11. B to K 2 B to B 2 12. .Kt to B 3 .B to It 4 13. BtoQ2 B x Kt 44, B x B P x P 15. B x P Bto K 3 " • -16. P to B 3 - ,Kt to B 3 17. B to Kt 5 ' Q to 13 2 18. P to K Kt . 4 P to Q R 3 19. 13 x Kt (oh) Q x B 20. P to Kt 5 Castles (Q It) 21. Castles (Q R ' K . to Kt sq 22. K R to Bsq K to It sq _ 23. PtoKt 4 Qto B 5 24. K to Kt 2 K R to Kt sq 25. It to B 2 to Q 4 26. , P x P Q to Kt 4 (eh) 27. IC to B, sq Q x P 28. It to Q ICt 2 It to Q - 2 2). Q It to Q Kt sq It to Q B sq 0. B to Kt 6 Q, to R. 3 31. R to Kt 5! K to Kt sq 32. R to It 5 Q•to B 5 33. Btolt 7 (eh) Ktolt sq 4 34. B to Q 4 (ch) K to Kt sq 35. It to lit 4 ' (All this is welLoxecuted.) 3,5. Q to Q 6 36. Q to.Q B sq R to II 5 37. Q to It '3 • " it x It - White mates in seven moves, Dit 4_l bet. PfIitADELPHIA . EVEN _ENG BtI.A.LETTN. FRTDAY. MAY 6 1870. _RS le AD I IS to citthLROA.D.U-13 T ,••• Ilaratut- • Dine from • -- Plitiattetpribr-ta Mgr 111 torim"' 01 : - ennsylvania, Hi° Schuylkill; Suainobanniv, Cumber • 1 land and Wyoming ValleYd,the North: loorthwe'll .lid the iJanadas ' Spring Arratigemont of Passenger 'Trains April 18,.187 t1q . leaving the Company's Depot, Thirteenth ' . i and Dallowhlll 'attests; Phlladelnbili4 at the following d OR NI G ACLOIRAIOLAtION.-A17..1(i A. SI ' for : Redding and Alt Intermodiate.ilitatiens: and.'Alleirtawil: _Jicturning, leaves .Reading, 0,6.85 .p. 31,.. atvivina ,in rrtindelpida at 1 0.23P. - 13L' - • '-' .^ '.. - • '" - 11.10/INANG EXPIIRSii. -114 LP A# lg.; fOrjlnit4ing- Lebanon, Harrisburg, Panto 110, Pine orovoaarnaena, Stinlitirye‘Willlstrisporti. h Elnalin i ; liochaatir,"Ntstivtri • Falls,,lloflalo ; Wilkestiarre , Pit ton". yepk, Cafliale, Oberebershati, liageritawn; An.'" The 7.80 A. -I I •a4n'txrntiects eit.atading with the Bain Pennsylvania Railroad trains for AllentownAt, and the 8.16 A. DI. train connects with the Lebdmatilralley Baia for Harriebung, iikcil - 161. Port Clinton with Catawissa IL R. trains for Williameport, Loos Haven. Elmira, rto.' at Harrisburg- Withlforthern 'Central, Cumberland Val ley. and Sc.bn_yikill, and .13tisanohanna trains for North umberland; IVillititasPort. York, Ohamb E rsbarg,Plne gr. lA' e' l e 'NO IQ* 13.E.PRISfie-Leaves Philadelphia at 6.30 P, De l , far nodding, Pottsville, Harrisburg; Ac.; con necting with Reading and Columbia Railroad trains for Columbiw..ko. •i . • - • - .. i ,-, -• • , - . • . . ~- POTTSTOWN ACOOHMODA'rION.;!-Leaves :Putts. town at,g2s:A:ll4atoppinit at the intermediate stations; arrivealft`Ptillutelphis at 6.40 rt;111. , Returning leaves Philadelabia 4.l4.P.llAarrfvea in-Pottstown at 6,15' P.11. „_,READINiII AND.,. POTTSVILLE . . ACCOMMOIJA TIOI9Legves.POtteViIIe at 5:40 A, DL.. and 'Reading, at ' it.WL..16.; stopping at all way dancing; arriVes in Nina , delphis itelo.,W A6ll. , Reurning...eaves Plailadelpitiant 5.16 l'.M.; ar ches in Reading at 7.15 P. IK., and at Prittovilla at 9.40 P . TM Trains for ,1".1t1 laticlaht a-'leirrOL'Harrieltprg.-at-n.IOA. H.: and Pottsville at 9.00 a.. M.i trriting 16rPtdindelphiS at 1.00 P. M. Afternoon trains l eave Harrisburg at 2.N. I': M.. and Pottsville at 2.45 P: M.: arriving at Phila delphia at 6.46 P. Id Harrisburg Accommodation leaves Reading at 7.15 A. M. and Harrisburg at 4.10 P. H.- Connecting at Read ing with Afternoon Accommodation south at 6.35 P. M., arriving in Philadelphia at 915 P. M. Market train, with a :Passengor - car attached, leaves Philadelphia at 12.0 noon for Reading and all Way Stations; leaves Pottsville at 5.40 A. 61., connecting at Reading with accommodation train for Philadelphia and all Way Stations. ' - - , Ail the abort) trains run daily, Sundays excepted. _ Sunday trains leave Pottsville at 8 A. M., and Phila . del Oda at 3.15 P. M.; leave Philadelphia for Reading at 8.90 A ld.. returning from Reading at 4-25 P.M. _ 'CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD .--Passengers for Downingtown and lintdruindiate pointa take the 7.30 A 11.,12.30 and 4.00 P. M. trains from Philadolphia,return - tagfrom Downingtown at &VI A. M., 12.46 and 6.15 P.M : PERE 1031 EN RAILROAD.-Passengers for Schwenks villa take 7.30 A.M., 12.30 and 4.00 P.M. trains for Phila delphia, returning from ticliwenksville at 8.06 G.." 161., 12.45 noon, 4.15 P. Di. }Rage lined for various globate in , Petition:len Valley. connect with tr ains at Collegeville : . and Schwenksville. _, _ COLEBROOK DALE 11,AILROAD.-Passengers for --11t,-Pletteitut and -I ntermediate , points.take the7.BoA-.-31, and 4.00 P. M. trains from Philadelphia; returning from Mt. Pleasant at 7 00 and 11.25 A. M. NEW YORK EXPRESS FOR PITTSBURGH AND THE WEST.-Leaves New 'York at 9.00 A. M. and b.OO P. viv.-, passing Reading at 1.45 and 10.05 P. M., and connects_ at Harrisburg with Pennsylvania and .Northern Central Railroad Express Trains for Pitts burgh, Chicago, Willtarnsport„ Elmira, Baltimore. &a. Returning,Expresa Tram leaves Harrisburg on arrival of Pentinlvania 'Express from Pittabnrgh, at 535 A. lit. - and 12.20 noon, painting Beading at 7.23 A. 31. and 205 P. M., arriving at New. York at 12.05 noon and 6.35 P. M. Sieepiria Oars accompany these trains throngh between Jersey City and Pittslinrgh. without change. - Mall train for New York leavos Harrisburg at 8.10 A. N. and 2.05 P. M. Mail train for Harrisburg Wave/ Few York at 12 Noon. - . SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RA ILBOAD-Traine leave Pottsville at 0.30 and 11.30 A.M. and 6 .:A P.M.. returning •trnrn Ta:nag on at 835 A. PI.. and 2.16 and 4.50 P. 61. SCHUYLKILL AND tit' SQUEILANNA RAILROAD --Trains leave Auburn at 8.55 A. M. for Pinegrove and Harrisburg, and at 12.30 - uonn for Pine - grove, - Tretnerit und lircaikside; returning fronr Ilar ,-- risbnrg at .3.40 1' It; from Brookside at 4.06 P. M. and tr.an Tremont at 7:15 A .lil arid 5k5 P.M. . . - TICK ETS.—Through Stet-class tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points in theNortb and West and Canada. . . EXCIITMOLI Tickets from Philadelphia to Reading and Intormediate Station's; good for day only, are sold by Morning Accommodation, Market Train, Readlitg and Pottittostm Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia, good for day only. are sold at Pottsville and Intermediate Stations by Read ing and Pottsville nud Pottstown • Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. -The'following tickets are obtainable only at the Office of S. Bradford, Treasurer, N 0.227 South Fourth street Philadelphia, or of G. A. Nicolle, General Stperinten dent, Beading. • • ' Oomniutation Tickets,at2s.per cent. diacCinit.between any pomts desired. for families and firms. • Mileage Tickets, good for 2.000 m iles,between all points at $47 50 each for families an. firms. . • • • • -- Season Tickets,•for one,two.three six, nine or twel • rin•Mtbs. for holders only, to all points. of reduced rates. Clergym Fill residing on the lineps the road will be fur- - Dished with cards, entitling themselves and wives to tickets at half fare • • Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to principal sta tions, OW for Saturday, Sunday and -Monday, at rd deiced fare. to be had only at the Ticket. Office, at Thir --tei-Mth and Callntrhlll streets: • - - . FREIGHT.--Goods of all descriptions forwarded to - all - th - e Above paints - from - the - Company's - New - Freight — Depot. Broad and Willow streets, • ' Freight Trains leave Philadelphia daily at 425 A. M., 12.50 noon , 5.00 and 7.15 P. 51.. for Beading, Lebanon, - Harrisburg, arrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all paints be yond. Mails close at the Philadelphia Post , ofllce for all places on the road audits branches at 5 A. M ~ and for the prin.. cipal Stations only at 215 P. M. _ • BAGGAGE. Thiiiiiin's - Eirpreas will collkt Baggage tor all trains leaving Philadelphia Depot. Orders can he left at No. 226 South Fourth street, or at the Depot, Thir teeuth and Callowhill streets. - ------- - 151ORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD --VEIE _BB (MT MIDDLE BOHTE to the Labial sur. Wyoming Valley, Northern Pennsylvania, Southern and Interior New York, Rochester, Buffalo Niagara Falls; the Great - Lakes and - the - Dominton &nada: WINTER ARRAN GE3IEN TS. . TAKES EFFECT, November 22d,1889. 14 DAILY TRAINS leave Passenger Depot, corner of Berke and Americas. streets (Sundays excepted), follower 7.30 A. M. Accommodation for Fort Washington. At 8 A. 31.—Morning * Express for Bethlehem and Principal Matters on main line of North Pennsylvania Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Railroad for Allentown Manch ()hunk. Mahanoy City Wilkesharre, Pittston, Towanda and Waverly; connec ting-at Waverly with ERIE RAILWAY for Niagara Falls, Buffald, Rochester, Cleveland, Chicago, ban Francisco, and all points in the Great West. At 8.45 A. 31 .—Accommodation for - Doylestown, stop ping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Wll. tow Grove,ll,tboro' and Hartsville, by this train, take Stage at Old York Road. 9.45 A. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown Manch Chunk, White Haven, Wilkosbarre, Pittston, Scranton and Carbondale via Lehigh and Suaguelmnna Railroad, and Allentown, Easton, - Hackettstown, and points on New Jersey Central Railroad and Morrisand Essex Railroad to New York via Lehigh Valloyllailroad. At 10.45 A. M.—Accommodation fa. Fort, Washington, stopping at intermediate Stations. 1.15,5.20 and 8 P.M.—Accommodation to Abington. • At 1.45 P. 51.—Lehigh Valley Express for Bethlehem, Eastun ' Allentown, Manch Chunk, __Hazleton, White Haven, Wilkesbarre, Pitteton, and Wyoming Coal 'Le gions. At 2.45 P. M.—Accommodation for Doylestown, stop ping at all intermediate stations. • At 4.15 P. M.—Accommodation for. Doylestown, stop ping at all intermediate stations. At 5.00 P. M.—Through for Bethlehem, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Evening Train for Easton. Allentown, Manch Chunk. At 6.20 P. M.—Accommodation for Lansdale, stopping at all intermediate stations. At 11.30 P. 31.—Accommodation for Fort Washington. TRAINS ARRIVE IN PHILADELPHIA. From Dethlehem.at 9 ..1.15 .4.40. and .8.25 M. _ 3.15 P . N., 4.40 P. M. and 8.252 P. 8!I. Trains make direct connection with Lehigh Valley or Lehigh and SIIEIIIIIO - trains from Easton, Scranton. Wilkesbarre, Ma. trannyeity - undli azleton. From Doylestown at 8.35A.M.,4.30 P;5l And 7.05 P. • From Lansdale at 7.30 A.. AI. • From Fort Washington gt 9.25 and 10.35 A.M. and 3.10 P. 31. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9.30 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.00 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 700 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4 40 P. 31. Fifth and Sixth Streets and Second and Third Streets Lines of City •Passeuger cars run directly to and from the Depot. - Union Line run within a short diatance of the Depot.- Tickets must be procured at the Ticket 001ce, in order to secure the lowest rates of fare. • ELLIS CLARK, Agent. . • Tickets Sold and Baggage i checked through to Drinal pal points, at Mann's orth Penn. Baggage Express office, N 0.105 South Fifth street WEST JERSEY . RAILROADS COMMENCING MONDAY, April 4, 1870. Leave Philadelphia, Foot of Market street ( tippet Ferry ) .8.00 A.M., Mail, for Bridgeton: Salerri,Millville,Vino land, Swedeshoro and all intermediate stations. A 5 A. Id. Woodbury Accommodation. .35 P. Mail, for Cape May, Manville, 'Vineland and way stations below Glassboro. 530 M., Passenger, for Bridgeton, Salem, Swedos• boro, and all intermediate stations. 5.45 P. M., Woodhull', Glassboro and Clayton accom modation XTRA TRAIN FOR CAPE MAY. (Saturdays only./ Leave Philadelphia, SAO A „M. - LeaveCape May, 1.10 P. M. Freight train leaves Camden daily, at 12.00 o'clock, noon. ' - Freight, received in Philadelphia "at second covered below Walnut street. • • Freight delivered at No. B 8 S. Delaware avenue. Commutation tickets, at reduced rates, between Phila delphia and all stations. WILLIAM J. SEWELL. anDertlendent. April 1,1810. pl - LADELPHIA. AND ERIE \RAIL ROAD-WINTER TIME TABLE. -On and-after MONDAY,_.Nov. 15, 1809, tho isains on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroial will run as follows from Pennsylvania Railroad_pepot, West Philadelphia • WESTWARD. • Mail Train loaves Philadelphia. ~ . ~ . ' Williamsport . ..... " ' " arrives at Erie Erio Express St leaves Philadelphia.... 0 6 . • Williamsport ", 6 ' arrives at Edo ..... .... - Elmira:Mail leaves Philadelphia .6 .. " Williamsport...._.... o .. arrives at Lock Haven-. ....... EASTWARD. Mau Tfain loaves Erie ' . 8.40 A. M. ~ 9.25 P.M,. -.. " Sr - race - SC Phirfaa O- - ... 6 - .2OAVirtT.:: .. — , ..__ ____ . E ria Express leaves Erie .... . . 1..... .-. .... 4,00 P. M. F ART .E.E.EIGIiT LINE, VLA. NO &TB _.•o______f , -__.......„....,...__;:x_.,..,._._.&%1A_11_.,11_iazeTa1A11i1t1L1TA WA__ RAILROAD :4o Wilkesbarre, 4, .. arrives at PhllailelliTila7 .1 2. 45 P, . „„,, 51 . iltahanov OJly Mount Carrael,.OentrallaTiiid - alilKilds Elmira lliail.loaves Leak Baron . 8.00 A . M . on Lehigh val l ey: lailroad and its branches. . " Williamsport. • ' 9.45 A. M. 'By new strangements,perfacted , this day, this roadie. . arrives tPhiladelpbta • 8 • 150 P. M. , enabled to gives ncreased despatch to merchandise 0011 , BUffalo liiiprees leaves Williamsport. .12.25 A. M. s i ooo d t o the pb o p e .nprned points._ • - • . . Harrisburg 6.2 0 A . M, 'Goods delivered at the Thr u ouh 'Freight Depot, -- li. - -- ---- " --- grrlveirill - PhThldidlihia. ~.U.2 5- ''' -- .L. "" -- "Erit - o , Front and-bloblasstreets, IhxPreee east coutiocia al ollorU.. elan east at yorri.and ',Before 5 PAIL; will. reach Wiikesbarro, Sloan Diurnal, 'lrvineton,. - Express west 'at; irvineton with trains en . *Alabama , OIV ;sod the. other - stations in lifahanoy an 4, ea Creek and Alleehenv 'River. Railroad. ; Wyoming vweiabefore i t . At .. th.• llncenfid hut day. • eIivERP , 34. 'ram general Superintends SLIM MAAS, Aaeldi: - Etts'Att4l, - ;.,•; W7-74610i. 4.IABIDEIN •••• AND • - AM BOY and .THILADISIiPtiIIA•""AND TRENTON , RAILROAD IJOMPANy'S TAN4OI,, from Philadelphia to - NOW York, and , War . rrbM l nut street wiaprf. , ... r - • Ihr At AEI,, or la Shundert mad Alti • Amami. p 214 USA. 111:, via Camden add ' y, Ex- Mati,.• 800 A C 2.00 P. 11 4v% Camden and Amlioy Extiteas; :8 00 At 6 P.M., fPr Amboy and • intermediate stations • • At 6.30 and BA. M.-and 2P M., for Freeligld: • ••: ••• -At 2.00 P: ' M. • foe 'Long ' Brabble and , ; Priming „ 011 'R. & D.• 13, R. At S and 10 AM..l2filg r l.Bo and. 4.30 11.,f0r TrentOni At 6.3448 and 10 A.M.., 13 (4t.,2,333, 110,6 7 and 11.30 P. M., for Berdentown,Florente,Bnrlitiaton,lleverly and De Al 620 and, M.A.M. ..12 M.,_ 8 40,420,6,7 and 11.511 PAL rOX . 'Edgewater, Riverside, - Riverton, Palmyra and ; Trish 'Hone°, e 3 A..111'. 'and 2P. 7,1:;f0r Ilinetton." • . ' • 116 r• The • 1129 • P.• 11.• • •Line • leaves, from loOt of Market vtrOodh.Y PPENr ferrY. •-?; : , • . From Kensington Depot:, • , ° • . • At 731 A. H 2.3(4'310 and 6 'P.M. ter Trenton . and •Bristol.• An d at 10.46 AIM. and 6P: M. for Bristol. U t0 7.80 A. 21,2.30 and 6 P.M. for Morrisvilla and Tully. „wn. • . . - At 7.304_and•10:46 A. 214,80,16 and 6•p: M. for Schenek's I and Eddingtori.; •••• .• •••, I• . •,• • At 7.30 and 10.43 A. 21,22044, 6 and 6 P. M.• for Oe n . wells, Torresdale,lfolinesburg,Tacony, Wissinomitg, Brideabhrwand Frankfon4 and 14.. U/ P.MI for Holtom. burg and•lntermallate Statiana..•l • • • . „ ,Pron, West P h Iladelpina I/onot• via Connecting Ballwar At 7,0.30 and 11 M. 120, 4, 6.48, and 12 P. M. New ' York Ex preas LII3 A. 6,1110. Jersey City' $3 25• At 1120 P, M. Enticnt •• • •2 00 At 7,9.30 nod 71 A. -I-20,4,6 46,14nd 12 :P.61.f0r Trenton, At ,7 0.30 and 11 A. Ofeind 12 P. - M., for Bristol. • At 12`P.M: (14' ht nor Mort aid II e,Tedlytown , Schenck's', Eddingtoo,Cornwells e , Torreadale,• Rolmesbnrg, Ta ,---zorlY,--W)sst.notning,:'Brldeliburglind:Frankford.- The9.Bo A. M. and and 12 P. M.Lines run daily; All others. Stnidays ex•cepted; " • • - For Lines leaning Kensington .Depot, take the oars on Chird or Fifth streets, at •Clnestnut, at half en hour be fore departure ' The Cars of Market Street Railway run direct to Weed Philad el ph la Depot,Chestnut and Walnut within gine vinare. On Sundays.; the Market Street Oars Mwill run to. connect with the 9.30 Ai M.. 6.45 and 12 P. lines BELVIDERE DELAWARE 'RAILROAD LINES from Kensington Depot. - • . • At 7.804. M., for. Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Elmira, Ithaca, Owego_, Rochester, Binghamptou Oswego, Syractise, Great Bend; Montrose, Wllkosbarre, Schoidev's Mountain. Az. . • . • At• 7.30 A. M. and 3.30 P. M. kir Scranton, Strouds burg, Water Gap, Belvidere, . Easton Lam bertville - Flemington, Ac. The 329 P. N. 'Line con. necte direct with the train leaving Easton for Manch ' (]hunk • A Ilentown, Bethlehem, Ac. At Id-A. M. from V. Philadelphia Depot, and 6P.M. - from Kensington Balmy:or Lainhertvnle and interme • oiate Stations. r•• ",e. CAMDEN AND BURLINGTON CO. AN ) PEMBER TON AND BIGHTSTOWN RAILROADS, from Mar ket street Ferry (Upper Side.) • • At 7 and 10 A. N.J.. a 6,30 P.M.,and on Thrinr• day and Saturday nights at /120 P. 22 for Mere hants -villeMoorestown FH ar dorsi;uville t txspa r r and Mount At 7 A :M., 2.1.5 and 6.30 P. M. for Lataberton and Med. At 7r 10 A'''M., I, 3-30 A 6 P. Id., for Smithville, Rwansville.Vincentowo,Birmiqgham and Pemberton. At 10 A. M. for . Lewistown, • Wrightstown, Oookatown, New Egypt and Ilorneratown. At 7A. 61-'1 and 3.30 P. M. for Lewistown, Wrights town, CookstoWn, New Egypt, Hornerstown, Cream Ridge. Inilaystown. Sharon and Hightstown. Fifty pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passenger: Passengers aro prohibited from taking anything as baF , gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over of pounds to be paid for extra. - The. Company it the r responeibility for baggage to Ono .Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, ex cept by special contract.. - • . • Ticseets sold and Baggage checked-direct thro u gh to Boston, Worcester, Springfield, Hartford, New Haven Proviclenc.e, Newpcirt, Albauy,_Troy i tlaratoga, Utica, ROMP, Syracnoo, RoCheater,l3nliale,kiiaga.ra Falls and. Suspension Bridge: • - • • An additional Ticket Office is located at No. ffaClhest nutstreetwhere tickets - torNew - Yori4 and all itnper. taut points North and East, may be procured. Persons -purchasing Tickets: at this Office, can• have their bag gage checked from residences or hotel to destination,bY Union Transfer "Baggage Express. Linea from New York for Philadelphia will leave frotO foot of Cortland street at 1.60 and 4.00 P.:M., via Jona, City and Camden. At 860 and 10 A tf, 6 9 _ P.M., and - at - 1.2 'N'ight, - ritt - .l6rtey City add . , , , From. Pier No. 1, N. River, at'6.3o A. M. Aocommods• lion and 2 P. M: Express, _via Amboy and Camden. ' A pH! 11,1870, \V2I. 11. GATZMER, Agent. PENNSYLVANIA CIENTRAL BAIL ACAD.—After 8 P. M., SUNDAY, May Ist, 1310. The trains of the -Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave the Depot,at Thirty-first and Market streeta,which is reaehed•derectlY the'care of the Market Street Paeb lenger Railway, the last car connecting with each train leaving Front and-Market street thirty minutes before -:ta, : departure. Those- of- the Chestnut and Walnut _ettreetailailway-rein within onesquare of -the Depot.---- Bleeping Oar Ticketscan be hair- on application at thet -Ticket Office, Northwentborrier of Ninth- and ;Chestnut - : streets. and at tile Depot. - Agents of the Union Transfer Company will call for and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Orders lett at No.ool Chestnut street, No: - 11.6'llafket Street,- will , receive at-- tention :TRAINS LEAVE DEPOT, VIZ:: - • at 8.00 A.ll, Paoli Accom----___at p. 30 A.M.:12J50,- and 6.50 P. 111.- Pest ... . . ... .. at 12.30 P. M.- , ErietExpress-- . . .. ..... at 12,30 P. M. Harrisburg ... .... . . ..... 2,30 P. 31. Lancaster Acc0m........at 510 P. ----- Parksbnrg 530 P. - M, Cincinnati Express.......„ at 8.00 P. M. Erie Y.lailimd Pittsburgh Express: .........:...at 9A5 P..M. Way Passenger....., .... ..„ . .. . 11,20 •Pacific'Express... at 12.00 night Erie Mall - leaves daily, exeunt Sunday,. running on Saturday. S night to Williamsport only. On unday night passangera will leave Philadelphia at 8 o'clock.- • . Pacific --Express loaves -daily, --Cincinnati - Ex- • press daily, except Saturday.' - All - other trains daily, except Sunday,. • - . .T.he.WeetoniAscotargodation Train runs dallYi except., Sunday. For this train tickets must be procured .and baggage - delivered by 5.00 P. 111-at 116 11farkeit street. -AT DEPOT, VIZ ............. .............. ATM, Erie . at 6.30 A. M Paoli Accommodation at 8.20 A. M. and 3.50 k 6.25 P. M Parksbnrg Train....-..... at 9.00 A. M, Buffalo Express-- at 9.35 tie. 31. Fast Line ' at 9.35 A. id Lancaster Train. at 12.55 P. 51. Erie Express. ....- . at 12.55 P. M. Southern Express...---- .............. .... at 7.00 P. M. Lock Haven and ...... .at 7.00 P. M. Pacific Exprves., at 2.55 P. M. Harrisburg Accommodation.... at 9.50 P. H. For further information, apply to JOHN F. VANLEER JR Ticket Agent, 901 Chestnut street. FRANCIS FUNK, Ticket Agent 116 Market street. SAMUEL 11. WALLACE, Ticket Agent at the Depot. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing apparel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars in cal no. All Baggage exceeding that amount In value will be at the risk of - the owner, unless taken by special con. tract. A. J: CASSATT, Higneral Superintendent. Altoona, Pa. PW J. AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD TIME TADLE. On avlnfitiftllDl,DAti t April 21st, 1870. Leave . PITTLADELPHIA- 6,8, 9.05, 10 1 11, 12, A. M. 1.20, 2,3 q, 311", 4, 436, 5.05, 5U., 6, Oa, 7,8, 9,20, 10.0 t, 11. 12, P. M. Leavo GERMANTOWN 6, 6.25. 7%. 8, 8.20, 9,_ 10. 10.t4).. 12. A. M. 1,4 2,3, 3.50, 4n, 5, 514, 6. 63 6 , 7,8, 9.:1, 10, U, P. M. - 14?" The' 8.2 u Dozen Train, and 3Y.; and 57.4 Up Trams will not stop-on the Germantown Branch. . ON SUNDAYS. - - Leave PHILADELPIEfIA. at 94, A. M• 2, 4.05 min., 7, and 1031. P. M. Leave GERMANTOWN at 83.1, A. M. ], 3, °Y." P ' CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave PHILADELPHIA 6, 8,10, and 12, A. M. 2, 394', 511,7,9.20 i and 11, P.M. Leave CHEBI N UT HILL, and 11.40, A. M. — 1T40;3 - 40Ttr4tn - e - a,. 0, 9 0. , , N tn, u io N l-I, i sr.. Leave PA ILADELPHIA at A. M. 2, and 7,P. M. Leave CHESTNUT BILL at 740, A. M. 12.40,5.40. and 9.25, P. M. Passengerstakingts 6.55, 9 and '10.50 A. M. and 3.50 P. M. Trains (rota Gertnantown,vilt make clam con wrtiens with 71 ain &ter New York at Intersertion Station. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN` Leave 'PHILADELPHIA 6,7%, 9, and 1115, A. M. 7%. 611.8.05, 10. and 11%, P. M . Leave NORRISTOWN 5%, 6.25, 7,7%, 8.50, and 11, A. )1. He ,3,435, 8%, 8, and 9%,P. 11. - ON SUNDAYS. Leave PHILADELPHIA at 9,.A. M. 2%, 4,' and 7).4, P . M. Leave NORRISTOWN, at 7, A . St. 1,8%, and 9, P. M. . . • FOR MANAYUNK:•' - Leave Philadelphia : - 6.73 b. 9 and• 11.05 A. 31.: 06,3, 4) 4 ', 5,154. 04.8.05, Wand 1134 P. M. Leave Manayunk • 6, 6.55,734, 8.10,9 20 nd 1131 A. 31 • 2, 33' 2 , 5 , 634, 831 mall° p, 7,1. • ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadvittlija 9A. K., 231,4rnd 34 P. 31: Leave Manityunk : 73; A. 111., 114, 6 4 and 13% P. M. PLY3IOIIS`II RAILR 4A.D. Leave Philtulelphia : 7Y A. 31. anat. P. 31. Leave Plymouth : ti% A. M. and 434 P.M. The 734 4. ,11 , 1. T,ain from Norristown will not stop at .11ore,'s, Potts' Lantlinz, Dol7lillo or Schur's Lane. The b P. M. Trainfrom Philadelphia will stop only at School Lone, Monayunk and Crnshohocken.• Passettgers taking the 7.9.05 and 11 A: M. [OBI 4 P:M. Trains front Ninth and Green titre ets will make close et - inflections with the Trains for Now York at Intersec tion Station. • The 10 A. 31. and 6 P. 7.1. Triti - n8 frotri New York con neet with the 1.15 and 0.20 P. 31. Trains from German WWII to Ninth and Green streets.,- . W. S. WILSON,. (l6neral Superintendent. CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RALRO AD On and after 'Friday, April 1,1870, tntide will leave 1 itte Street Ferry as follows: Mull and Freight 8.00 A. 31. Atlantic Accommodation 9 45 1 , ..111. Atco Accommodation..— 10.15 A. 31. tool 5.30 I'. M. RETURNING LEAVE ATLANTIC: Mail end Freight 1.48 P. M. Atlantic Accontmodution 6.05 A.M. Junction Accommodation front Atco, 6.22 A.M. and 12.10, Noon Haddonfield trains leave Vine Steet Ferry, 10.15, A.M. and 2 00 P.M. Leave Haddonfield. 1.00 and 3.15 P. M. EXTRA TRAIN FOR ATLANTIC CITY. (WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS ONLY.) An Extra Train will run every Wednesday and Satur• day in advance of the 31ail Train— Leaving Plata 101phia at Lepying AtlantinCitv at........ 9.35 P. M. 7.40 A. M. 8.x0.8. M. 11.40 A. M. 9.0::1 P. M. 10.00 A. H. 7.50 A.M. -6.00 P, M. 720 P. M. Allowing nearly FIV IC HOURS on the Beach. Tho Union Tranefor Company. No. 828 Medina greet ( Continental . Hotel); will cull for and• check baggage to destination; _2llchete.P.lmi.d)Pranio ER M A NT() WN Fon GSRMANTOWN P. (Ai 1 -• Plll A RA IbROAD fIoMPANY.. r— • On and after Tilt MD A Y. April 4. ls7o. trainw will leave the Depoli THIETit-riB9T and • CREBTNUT, as .fol. ..11051 PHIL ADM; • • 6 = .46.A.131.'fer B` O. Junction 81.0118 atall etetldnq: 7.115 it. M; for West Chesser, stops at all stations West 'of Mediatesteept•GraenwoOdf connecting at B. 0, Joao- Dan for.Oxford,Kennett, att Deposit,and all stations en thisP;tutd 8.'0.13. It. • • . 9AO A:2ll,feriV2 est Oirestse Molls at all stations. 6 1,1 0, 1 3 :- O ifnactlan stops at all stations. : 2.20 P. 4. for. W s ot tl tester stops atoll stations. 4.10 Pt.' for s /CD. Jnnot fon sUps at all statlone. - 4.46 P. M. for West Chester stops at all stations' west of Medta (except Greenwood), connecting tit B. 0. J one tion forfixford.Kebnett,PortMeposit,and all stations oaths .P. 43 O.R. R. • - • 5,W P:11:for0.• Junction.' train corninsno., . running on , and'after' Jifne Lit; lA, stopping at nll igation., . • *; for wee. Cllestar stops at ell stations; / 1 •3 0 P, M. for 'tVest'Onester stns at all stations. • •• TOR PHILADELHIA. 5.25 At M. from, D. o.'.7nnetion stops at all stations. ' 6.30 A. 2.1:, from Nest.Ohester steps at alt stations. 7.40 from West. Cliestet stone, at' all stations be tween W:l3. and Media(excepc , Ureenvidodl; Connect lug at ILO. Janction for. Oxford; Nennott, ;Port ,Do. • posit,. taw' all stations on the I': .2 1 8. 0, R. D. , 2.15 A: M. from 13. 0: Junction stops at all station's. 10.00 A: . from 'West eheattir stops at all statitins. ' 1.05 P.M. from D. 0. , .1 unction stops at all stations. Im P.M. front Watt Chester stoats at all emis. 4.35 M P. . from West Chester , stops tit Jab stations, con. nesting at B.O.Janet ion for' Oxford, Kennett, Port Deposit, and all stations on thi P.'& B. (3. IL K. - 0.55 P,11: from West Chester stops at,all stations, con neetitig at . B. C. Junction with P . B. R.. 9.00 P, M. from B. O. Junction. This train commenceti running on and after Juno Lst; 1870, stopping at all ON SUNDAYS. 8.05 A. M. for West Chester stops at all statlons,conuoct • . ing st B. O. Junction with P. & B. 0. It It: 2.30 P. . •for West Chester stops at all stations. 720 A. M. from West Chester stops at all stations. 4.50 P: H. from West Chewer stops at all stations, Con necting at 11.0. Junction with P..& IL 0. R. IL . W. O; WHEELER, Superintendent. PHILA_DELPHIA. WILMINGTON AND . BALTIMORE HA ILE-JAD—TIME TABLE. Com menclng MONDAY, A prl . ttlt, 1870. Tpal . wHlllestsre Depot, corner Broad' And Wasltlntrtbn avenue, as'fol- WAY - MAIL TRAIN at 8.121 A. M. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore, stopping at all Regular .- Stations. • Odb necting with ' Delaware Railroad Line at Clayton with Smyrna Branch Railroad and Maryland and Delaware R.R.,at Barrington with Junction and Breakwater R.R., at Senior, with. Dorchester and Delaware Railroad, at Delmar with Eastern Shore Railroad and at Salisbury with Wicinnica and Pocomoke Railroad: • EXPRESS TRAIN at 12.00 M.( SnnUaya Okcielded for Baltimore • and .Washington, stopping at Wilmington, Perryville' and Havre de Grace. Connecta at Wilming tonwith train for New Castle: . ' . . - • . . E3:PRESilTßAlltitt46ll4r.' - exiitinfed for • Baltimore and Washingten, - stopping at Chester Thnrlow, Linwood, Claymont, Wilmington, Newport: Stanton. Newark, Elkton,North 'East, Charlestown, Perryville, Havre de Gr ace, Aberdeen, Perryman's, Edgewood,_Magnolia,Chitee'a and Stemmer's Run. NIGHT EXPRESS at 11.30 P. ll. ( daily) for Baltimere and Washington. stopping at Cheater, we4A. Clayinont, Wilmington, - Newark,E.lkton, North East, Perryville, Havre do Grace, Perryman's and Mag nolia. Passengers for Fortress Monroe and Norfolk will take the 12.00 M. Tram..• • WILMINGTON TEI,INS.—Stop at all StatioYle between Philadelphia and Wilmin gt on.- Leavo PHILADELPHIA at 11.A.31,2.30,5.00 and 7.00 P. M. The a. 01) P. M. train connote with Delaware Railroad for Harrington and intermediate stations. Leave WILMINGTON 6.45 and 8.10 A.31.. and 1.15 P. M. The' 8.10 A: M train will not stop between. Cheater_ and Philadelphia, -The 7.15 P. M. train from, ; Wilmington runs dallyiallOtherAccommodatiOnTrains Sundays .exCepted: • • Trains leaving WILMINGTON at 6:45 A. M. 'and 4.00 • P; N. Will - connect - iitlintnakiri• - . - Junetion •rwith=thii-7, 1 /5 3..111, and 4.30 P. M. trains for Baltimore Central B. B. From BALTIMORE to PHILADELPHIA.—Leaves Baltimore 7.25 A. DI., Way Mail. 9.40 .6..151.; Ex - prase. 2.35 P. M., FROMExpress. 7.25 P. M dB/Tress: SUNDAY TRAIN F 3.1 • BALTIMORE`-Leavee BALTIMORE at 1.25 P. 31. Stopping at Magnolia, Per ryman'a,_Aberdeen, H avre-de-Grace,Perryville.Oharles town, Irorth- - Said, Elkton Niiwark. - Stanton, NeWbort, Wilmington Claymont, Linwood and Chester.. • Through tickets to all pointa - Weit, South. and South. west may be procured at the ticket office; etS Chestnut 'street, uider Continental Hotel, where alio State Rooms and Berths in Sleeping Care can be secured during the day. Persona purchasing tickets at this pface can have baggage checked at their reed 3nee by_ the irdltin Trans fer Company. • ' • H. P. KENNEY, Snp't. r•HILADELPHIA-- AND -- BALTIMORE J_ -CENTRAL RA - TLIIOA.D. • • • • CHANGE OF HOURS. On and' after MONDAY, April 4, le7o, trains will ran as follows : • -• —' ' LEAVE PHILADELPHIA, from depot bf P. W. & B. R. R.; corner Broad street and-Washington-avonuo, ForPORT DEPOSIT, at 7 A..M. and 4.30 P. M. For,OXFORD. at 7.A. M., 4.30 P. M.. and 7 P. 31: For CHADD'S FORD AND CHESTER CREEK R. li" - • at-7 - A - .111 - . - , -- 10 P; 4-30 - P.ld.; and 7-•• , Train - leaving - Philadelphia -- at . l- A3l: toimbets-nt Deposit with train for Baltimore —Trains - leaving Philadelphia at-10 A. M. and-4,30P. 31... leaving Oxford at 6.05 A. M . , and leasing Port. De poa it.at 9 25 A. 31.. connect at Chathni Ford Junction - with the Wihnington and Reading Railroad. TRAINS, FOR PH LOADELPHIA. leave.PortPoposit et 9.2.5 A. M. and 4.25 P. M.. on arrival of trains from Baltimore. OX FORD . at 6.05 A. M., 10:36 A. 31.• and 5 30P.M.. , CHAIM'S FORD at 7.20. A. M., 12.00 31., 120 4.46 P. 31. end 6.49 P. 'M. On SUNDAYS jeave Philadelphia for West Grovo acid intermediate sitigions at B.OOA. M. Returning leave West Greve al 3 .53.1'. 31. • •Passengerirardallowed to take wearing apparel duly • as baggage, and the Company will not be responsible for an amount exceeding 'ime ht udred. dollars, mless a -special contract-is marlo.4ot_two FIRNRY_WOOD. General Superintendent .. ' . - CORN EXCHANGE FLOUR MILLS, 2136 Market Street. Superior Family and Bakers' Flour, AIANUFACTIMED BY E. V. MAO RETTE, Jr. Everypara or Barrel warranted. nll4O ct. t tf§ USE KITCII EN CRYSTAL SO Al' For Cleaning Paint. USE KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP For Cleaning all Metals. USE KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP For Cleaning all Wood Work. USE KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP For all Ifoasehold Cloaningi PRICE REDUCED. ALL ORODERS SELL IT. Nothing Genuine bnt KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP. EASTMAN St BROOKE, Proprietors, apl3 lm 431 North Third Street, Philadelphia. tIA !MITT'S SOAP. Printers, Painters, and others using oils, inks, &c., will find Babbitt's Now York City Soap, Union soap and Best Snap Indispensable. All Grocers sell than. 'Wholesale / 4 {Miley, ITENRY - 0: - KELLOGU - 4 - 13th e— , y 3 2t,' S. W. corner Water and Chestnut streets o ..LBBITT'S ;SOAP, For. 'seething clothes, Is • the-moat economical, as it iL entirely pure, and will not injdre the finest rubric. Agency, • HENRY C. KELLOGG CO., nub 21.• S. W. corner Water and Chestnut amts. PURE' OLIVE OIL.—THE SUBSCRI era beg leave to announce to the public that they Lave made arrangements for receiving, and bare now in the store, the celebrated Mottet brand orSalad «hick they warrant superior to any Oil Imported tutu this country.. JOS. 'B. BUSSIER b CO. - . 105 South Delaware RA enue. ct . A sikffkg [OR 1,7 and pure Spanish Sherry Wino at only 613 Oa per t:allon, at COUSTY'S East e.nd Grocuiy,No.llsSouth. t , enoud street, below Chestnut: . rILARETS.—EXTRA. QUALITY TABLE'. Clarets, at $4. en, 86 and 87 ear case of ,lozeri bot tles—of recant import:titan—ln store and for sale lc COUSTY'ELEast End Grocery, No. 118 South. Suomi .treat, belcia , Chestnut. - --- • • CIA R N 'I"A SALMON.—FRESH V Salmon from Callrornia ; n very choice articlo ; for ale at COUSTI"S blast End Grocery, No. 118 South Second street, below Chestnut. . QE.A MOSS FA RINE—A NEW ARTICLE t.. 7) for food, very choir , and 'delirious, at COURTY'S Elist End Grocery, No. US South Second street, below Chestnut. AI, LITTON HA M.- v -A VERY CHOICE . IT I article of Dried Mutton, .eutial to din' beat driot heof, for bale at COUSTY'S East Find Grocery, No. Hs youth Second etreet. below Cbestnut. 'OUST RECEIVED AND IN STORE 1,000 rases of Champagne sparkling Cats wha and Onli iornia Wne is, Port,llladeira, Sherry, Jamaica and Sante I .'ruz Rum, flue old Brandies and Whiskies, Wholesale end Rani). ' P. J. JORDAN, 220 PCl . ar street, - Below Third and Walnut streets, and above Dock street. de7 tf lORDAN'g CEIEBRATED P URE TONIC ft/ Ale for Invalids, family use, etc. The subscriber le now furnished with Lie full Winter Riipply of hie-highly-nutritious and well-known_ tomer. age.- Its wido-spresd and increasing rae, by order of physicians, for invalids, use of families. ,Itc., commend IL to the attention of all consumers who want a strictly purO article ; prepared front the best materials, and put up in the most careful manner for home use or transpor tation. Onloraby mail or otherwise prod:lndy supplied, P. J. Joßtykti, - No; 220 Pear street, delbelowThird OM Walnut .trtnorg. 8.00 A AK. .3.60 P. Id 41— ft HORSEMANSHIP..—THE 'PFI ELIA -414.1gr,i• DICLPIIIA RIDING SCHOOL, N 0.33.19 Mar '.4aopen dally-for-Ladle* ann—Gentlenten. is the largest, hest lighted and heated establishment in Tho horses are._thoroulthlt broken_pr tending the Aim 01, Menlayy,Wednes4eyorn an. devening Class for Gentlemen. Horses thoroughly trained for the saddle. Horses taken-to livery. Hand some carriages to hire. Storage for wa r ns and sleighs. , - 'Proprietor. GIME' OIL .-- 50 BARRELS — LIGITT- 0014 1 for cargoeit iiVerery description riawed Lumber ea& L ored Sleet FM OS, jow.prford; for sale by -ZDW oiled at snort notimmgattlity Asalrject inspectkixt D. ROWLEY, Id Bono Front ewes. Apply to NDIV E BOWLEY.I6 Doutb Wharrmii MVO HAVELERIP G VIII INSTRUCTIONS. ll:l;so;l:rott:3attilei)Di FOR "TEXAS .- POR TS : '7l-1 E'rt YAMS V4Z00 1 : ' WILL SAIL PM NEW 'ORLEA.NS • On Tuesday, May' 10th, at 8 7 A,;8L Through Bills of iading given M conneetion, with Morgan's lines from New 'Orleans to MOBIGE, GAL-, VESTON. INDIANOLA , LAVACOA and IDIAZOII a t . as loop-rates as by any otherroute. Through Bilis - Of Lading also siven.to all points ontbe Idlssiaelppiltivor , between NOW'Orloatielfrod Bt: Louts; In connection with the St. , Louis .and New. Orleans Packet Company: 4 " Y.or ftwther information, apply ,to ' •WM I; JAMBS lfleneral my 4 :St ' No,' 130 South'TlLlß Street' OR. BOSTON ..41TE.A.11 San' -1.1.121 A:. DIRECT. RAILING FGOIVIE A OG.FORT XIVADT Wednekday` and' Sailirdii*. FROM:DINE ET ltg ET witaag rtiiheniram.ni*: AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON. ••' - • 41tobi ;PHILADELPHIA., - FRllM)Bonati, _ 10 A. M., 9P, 'ARIES' 'Wednesday, May 4 BAXON,Wednesday t May 4 11.0111AN'iNatttrday, " • 71NORMAN,' Saturday," 7 BARON, Wednesday 11 A RIES. -Wednesday, " .11 NORMAN, Saturday," ROM AN,Sattlrday, 14 AMES, Wednesday, ." 181HAEON,Wednesday, ", 18 HUMAN, Saturday, " 21INORM AN, Satutder." -21 SAXON „WeduesdaY "251 A lIIES. Wednesday, 2. 'NORMAN,Eaturdayi 281,R061,tN saturday,' "' 2O Theod steamships sail punctually. Freight received Freight forwarded to all points In New England. Pox' Freight or Passage (superior aceommodatkmlD arldr - HENRY WINBOII. & 00., - 338 South Delaware revenue. , 'MPHIL *AND , SOUTEDMIN 1 MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S , __BEGULAH. LINES FROM QTIEEN STREET WHARF. - The YAZOO ' will ' sell from NEW ORLEANS, via HAVANA, on Tuesday May 10th, at • 9. A. M. Tho. ACHILLES will OW for, NE.W. ,qatilLoard, via Havana,— Mar, • The CENTIPEDE • Will sail for SAVANNAH: on Saturday, May 7th. at 8 o'clock A. M.. - The WYONIN Cf. will sail :from sAve,Nii - 4.g on Saturday, Illay 7th. The PIONEER will mall for.WILMINGTON, N.O.An Friday, Nayy 8, at 6 A.. , M. .' - .• Through loillwof lading eiv.ed, and, passage ticket. eold to - allpalnta - Souttrand - Wpat r - - ---- GILLS of LADING SIGNED at QUEEN ST: WEARY. For freight or_pawiage, apply to , - WYT,LIAM L. JAMES, General Agent, " .• 130 South Third street. 11011HILADELPHIA, - :RICD3I9ND AND 1 NORFOLK sTEAmBHIP LINE. THROUGH FREIGHT AIR :LINE , TO THE SMITH . . ANP WEST. INCREASED FACILITIES ANDEDITOED RATES OR F- 1870. _ STEA:I . IIEIIB . LEAVIC ICVItRY WEDNp3D4Y SATIIIIDAY,at 12 o'clk, Noon, from .1/10T WHABY, above BIARKET Street. RETURNING, LEAVE RICHMOND 'MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, and NORFOLK TUESDAYS and .SATURDAYS.. i4~o No Bills of Lading signed after-12 Wolook , on Sailing Pay. .. 3 • THROUGH RATES to all points in North and South Carolina via. Seaboard Air-Line Railroadi connecting at Portsmouth, and to Lynchburg, Va., Tennessee, and the Week via Virginia and - Tonnessoe Air-Line and .Itioh mond and_Danville Railroad. , •Freigght f 1 ANDLND BIIT ONCE And taken et L0Y711113 HATES THAN ANY OTHER LINE. - _ . . . . No charge for commission.draragefor any exPettlefor tranefer.. . • Bettemabipe insure at lowest rates. ' ' ' Freight received DAILY. •• _ - .; - .; state-room accommodations for passengers. WILLIAM P. WADE N 0.12 South Wharves and Pier No. 1 North Wharves. W. P. PoNT,P.R.; Agent stßiohmend, and Oity Point. T. P. (313.0WXLL & Agents nt.N.orfOlk. 1,, "VOR NEW R YOK , VIA 'DELAWARE 1: AND RARITAN .CANAL. • _ EXPRESS STICA al 130 AT CoMp,t).NY.' Tho (11EA PEST and QUICKEST water counnuticar_ lion between Philadelphia and New York: , .• • Steamers leave daily from-Firet- Wharf- below MAR KET etreet,;Philadelphia, And. foot _qf' , SyALL._otreet. ' New York • TII ROUGH IN TWENTY-FATJR HOURS. Goods forwarded by ell the Lines innnicg out of New YorhNerth, Freights received, Daily and forwarded nt on accomoda ling terms. ' • • • • WM. P. CLYDE - A 00. - T,Agente,-*-7 .., • •, 12 tient!), Delaware /Avenue, JAB: HARD, 'Agent, 119 Wall Street', New Yoth - .'_ 1 EW `EXPRESS LLNE.,TO. ALP.!. drla; Georgcrkwrn and Washington, D. 0., it:At:Rtes. apeake and Delaware _Canal; with cdnnections at 'Abtut. - andti frowthe most directroute for , Lynabbtitgi , Blia• osville, Nashville, Daltontuad the Sontlrwest, - Steamers leave regularly.from .the first wharf 097 Market street, every Saturday at noon.. ' • • • - Freight received-aily; -101-111.-P-. °LIM'S ; • No. 12 Sonth Wharves and Pier I North Wharreaw HYDE & TYLER, Agents at, Georgetown. M. ELDRIDG'E CO.: Agen sat Alexandria'. Va DELAWARE —AND OFEESAp AKE STEA.ISI TOW-BOAT COMPANV—Barget t otween Philadelphia, Baltimore, Havre do Grace, Bel aware City and intt•rmedlitte, volute. •-• W3l. P. CLY-DE Auents t. . !Jaya. _JOHN LAUGHLIN, Sup't Office 12 South Wharves Phila dolphin. • - - '—apll, tf _ _r 4 ENV - 01t.W, - DEL - A7WATai L ANT/ RARITAN CANA S.PIititTATION COM PAH.Y...._ DISPATCH AND SIVIPTSCitirtINCS, ' , Leavingdeily-at 12 endts The steam propellers of this Company will, commence loading on the St h of Merril. Through in twenty-four hours. Goods forwarded to any point free of commissions. Freights taken on necommodating terms. . Aptly to WM. DI. 'BAIRD & CC., Agents, , •.• 1 .• • r polswore Avenue. c.CGA.i. NOTICES. ESTATE ROBEWr ZLER,J)E -1..:A ceased.—Letters t est muchtary upon . the .above es tate having been granted by the :Register of Wills for the city land county of Philadelpiba to the undersigned. all persons having claims or demanda against the estate 01 the paid decedent are requested to make 'known- the seine. Ana those indebted thereto t' make_ payment to SUSAN FRAZIER and SUSAN SARGENT, Execu trixes,l3o,l Otis street_ 6004 in* _ IN TB E-ORKEIA-.NSI-COU-RT F 0 T -H-E- City and County of Philadelphia:--The eState of ROBEET NIXoN. deeensed.--Notice ie Iserhy given that A LMIIIA NIXON, widow of the said decedent, has filed her petition and appraiserneut of the. personal e.ttito she elects to pets in - under tint Act of Assernhly of April 14. 1851. and its supplements, and the enmo will be unproved on SATURDAY, filay.3l. inn, sinless excep tions be filed thereto. ROBERT AI. LOGAN , IPI4 w f 4s* Attorney for Petitioner. - N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE 1 City nud County of Philndolphia.‘-Estate of MARY BIIAW, deceased. The auditor appointed by the Court in audit, settle and adjust the account of • MARY • FU LTZ. Administtritrix of .the estate of MARY SU AW, deceased, and to report distrhution or the balancer in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties in terested, for the purpose of his appointnumt,on 011.18- PAY, 151 ay 12, A. D. 1870. at 3.30 WM, ck P.M. at his efilr e 328-Scarth-flixtluitreet r tlro_my , Phila,, delphla.l ' rirrear 18. E. MEGARGER, up2Of m Nvi‘t* , , An liter. 1.11 - 111 HER MAULE, BROTHER & 2500 South Street. 1870 PATTERN MAKERS. 187 ___ . PATTER SELECTION . CHOICE 07 MICHIGAN CORE FOR PATTERNS. upg,_ A.ND HEMLOCK 1870.,"irPRIICIE AND FIEISIDOOK, 1870* LARGE STOOK. FLORIDA FLOORING. 1870 0 , FLORIDA , FLOORING. 4. • '5 CAROLINA" FLOOK4ING. VIRGINIA FLOORING._ D'ELAW ARE FLOORING' ABB FLOORING. • WALNUT. FLOORING. I.B7O.'FTZII - 7:"4'Pir gag ESB lB7O6 RAIL PLANK , RAIL PLANK. AND IB7O . W ALNUT BOTA NS AND PLANE INALN ITT BOARDS. NE WALNUT PLA NE . • • A S S (A I R ' E OABINET MA KERS. BUILDERS, &C. • 1870• UNDERTAKERS'. EINDERTvainumBEK._. • RED (lEDAR. WAI,NIPT AND PINE. 1.810. "g=ll aI:3UP . 1870. ASH. WHITE. OAK INV O K R 4I.I , II) BOARDS. 1870•CAB'OPLILIM 'llB(.giaiNl3l:B7o NORWAY KANTLING. • - • EDAWSH INGLES: 4`I,!PAII , ovpTiv,FlS FATONnT VB. LAMM ASSORTMENT. NOB, BALE LOW. - ' 180: 1870. "pt„UNI,ITISiI.taff.H . 1870. gwijanw____,vrnm& L2AW___AND PLANING DICKERSON STREET wumrp. Follicular nilention gjvon'to Flouring ,. Fencing and 11Crril and a - tirt Acood. - • apal Imo * ' ' WV:FUER & TREGO. a~~n:. 1870.