Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, May 06, 1870, Image 1
VOLUME XXI.V.-NO. 21. 'IVEDDING CARDS, - INVITATIONS for Pardee , &c. New New "Ilea; )lASQN & CC. 91 do3Ormw • VARTLI CLOSET CO.'S DRY EA.RTII .I.A ebrdrnodeS and apparatus - for lilted closets at WM. ILHOAMS'' 4221 Market street.. Irreadom from risk to health and from ofnmeo ; economy of a. valuable for tlllser seeurod.by ,11110 Of the dry. Otlrni ay litetrti. r II p2)L6- BALL.-On _the_ 311 InetentOlenjemln, eldept. ems Pt 'Wilfred and Catherine J ;MGM' the , ninth year 6f `lain Wedneeslar, May Oh, 1870, Elizabeth Crabbo, whlow onlerirS SYWAM , Ps interment at Hashinburg. JOllt(B7'oltl'.=-On the 6th ' Inst.; Catherine wife of William ti, - Jobuston, and daughter of the late :John Clawgrtt .- The Intaglos - and friends'. oft the-forpils.are invited to attend her funeral, from tier hunband a revideuce. verford street, above Flitieth,, on Monday, morning, at gU o'clock. PEA LEG —On the 6111 inst., Franklin Peale, In the 75th year elide age: ' • --- 1114 - SointiVesrahl - fslonsicore - revnectfully invited to attend the funeral, from lan into renidenc s, 1131 Gleara 'street, on Monday, the Ott, frost.' Service at 9 o'clock A. 311. Interment at ;morel Bill: • If • RIDGWA Y.—On the 6th Itwit.s,ilichard Campton, son of It Jenard :0: and Susan 8,1/bigway, aged two years and Ave Menthe. Pue notice.willbe Wen otthe-ranwid. fr 'I7,6IFLNTSIN.—In 'Pittsburgh, on Wednesday, M,t . y 4th, thiptain George 11,jtmapleten, late of the Twenty eymtk Engin - lent G. 8. Infantry. g7?-AT A. ItIEBTITHI tir.: Ti3E BtrAltD - OF MAN agent of the Pennsylvania Institution for the Instruction of the Blind;• held on Thursday, May sth, 1870. Vico .President John 0. Oressau, Esq.' au the cittir, on mo tion of Dr. (Teensy thlorrie. the following reeolutione were unanimously adopted Resolved, That It is with the, deepest, real ine of affec tionate regard for the otemorYof our late 'highly e - teemed President, SItANKI IN PEALS, Esq., that the Board bee received irtformation of tile demmse. During thirty-four yearn he had, by his 'indefatigable devotion to this Institution and its pupils, manifested hie in terest in the welfare of the Blind, atuf his desire to pro mote the objects for which we aro associated. and as Presidem of the idnardAlschargeffthe duties of that post not only to theentire satisfaction of his collo tgues , but in a neanuor which sedured their grateful reeve dorovesl the depth of 'his - interest In the co ucation'of the *Blind and protruded In an eminent degree the tincomPitehment Re.olretl,Viixethet flecretAt7',of ,theßoard he directed to rot/teen irate to Ito: family of 'Mr. Peale the expres sion of our nyttipathy In tfrir sorrow, and of our high eStectu for the memorrof our Lae. respectod Prneid - - - - ,- Xesolred;Tb.t - thitßoarstv. in mhotlytwlll Attend ten'tba: occasion of 'the funeral serricerlof our decessed friend. 'Published by order of the Board. . lti . E it° ti Abi P BIC SecretarY. . 18T ino .I" , i4 c l o tE c tS.; jj N . 1870 • BROW:N IRON BAREGE. • DIODE IRON BAREOE. PEARL IRON ILIA MOE. - - .NIOLET - I,IIO.I.ST.BAILEOR. " • SPRING MOUNTAIN LERIGHOOAL, 1.) always an hand at CLARKSONS Yard. 2109 Market street .tnys 3t3 at yl2 etj . . , . SPECIAL IVOTICES. -' Carefully Cut, Tastefully Trimmed, STeourely Sewed; Readv-Made Pilot Superior Styles, kashionable Fits, • Graceful Garments., Jobn Wanamaker's Establishment. Children's Clothes, Spring Suits, Superfine L-chirts. 818 and 820 Chestnut Street. Sailor Suits Sailor Suits Sailor. Suits no's Da. At a Meeting of the Stockholders PEOPLE'S BANK .OF PHILADELPHIA, hold this day, the following person were duly elected Preeldent and piractora : President. W. H. KIMBLE. ••• Directors, • WM. H. BERN,. CHARLES A. MILLER. GEORGE J. RICHARDSON. GI/SORGE J. 61 RO WILLIAM ELLIOTT, 3111.1.1A5E REHM, ---- , /cod at a meeting of the Board of Director., Wm. H 'TABER was elected Cashier. W. H. TABER, Cashier, en for imeineaven MC1 0 4114.' uy ntnt 411 9IEBTIi UT Street. nly6 Std.. Thu Bank will be o 'CANCER, PLANT IS A BLOOD PURIFIEB. my6 2trp.§ übACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. LAST DAYS OF THE EXHIBITION SHERIDAN'S RIDE, Great Life-812e Painting by the Poet-Artist, T., BUCHANAN READ. TENTH WEEK AND UNEXAMPLED SUCCESS.' • The Poem recited at 12 H., 4 and 9,P. M. daily by , MR. J. B. ROBERTS, The distinguished Tragedian and Elocutionist. -Admission 25 cents, Including the entire valuable collect the Academy. Men Item 9 A. AL to 0 P. AL, and from 'a: CO /0 P. M. ruy2Cdrp ÜbNATATORIUM- AND PHYSICAL INIAPTUTE, BROAD STREET, BELOW WALNUT. SWIMMING SOILOOL FOR BOTH' SEXES AND ALL AGES ,OPEN 1 , 11011.1 0 A. V. TILL 10 I'. 111. WATEE.WIANGING CONSTANTLY. An even and comfortaule temperature maintained by use of steam boilers. Polito and competent Instructors always in attend ance. • .. .Persons taught to swim in front six to ten lessons. NOTlCE.—Pertmns who have their names on Club Llete should procure their tickets on or before Sitter day, 1 , 14 Y 7, as no Club Tickets will be issued after that Send or address for n Circular, • • myti-Strp • J. A. PAYNE & BRO. . . _ OFFICE OF THE COMMISSION ERs OF FAIRMOUNT PARK, No. 221 SOUTH' 1 0 11 0 T11. STREET. • PHILADELPHIA, April 30, 1010. At a meeting of the Board of dark Commissioners, held this day the following ordinance was, adopted: The Commissioners of Fairmount Park .do ordain, That no Imrson Shall, be permitted to bring /at horses within the limits of Fairmount Park, and any person bringing any ' horse into theTark grounds that , is' net' harnessed and attached to a vehicle or mounted by an equestrian, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and liable to a tine not exceeding five . dollars, recoverable as similar fines for violations of the rules and regulations for the govern -, anent-of - Faimonnt-Park- air t - under existing- laws-,--notr .toOoVerable. Attest , DAVID F. POLBY, my 4 ,30 eecrotitry of ParkllommiNsionors. _ - .W2cMII.(TISES I the Alexander Presbyterian Church Nineteenth end Green streets.' Tho.installation orate Rev. 'Goo. F. .Cain as Pastor or this•church will take place on next SABBATH NVENING,• May. gth. 1870, at 8 o'elock. Bev. A. M. Jcliv,Moderator of 1110 Central Presbytery, will preside: Sermon by • Rev. • A., A. D. D. • Charge to • the Congregation by 'Rev. Dr. Musgrave. Charge to the Pastor by Rey. J. Addison Denrv- Sermon in the morning at 10;6 o'clock by the paetor . elect. myB,2t* CANCER PLANT IS.SOLD WV' AT EIIYENTEENTII AND 0111±,'STNUr. Aril} , , -,- • . . • .. . . . . . . . , . - ...... ... . , ..` .7 - , " • • . - . „ ... ~,:. . ....- . " t . ; ... n .. . • ....:. ... : I i, .. '.''. . • '- ' -''' '. '..- -.••".''. • ' ' ' - . ' •"'.... 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SFECIA.L NOTICES. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSION ERB OF FAIRMOUNT PARK. PUILADELPIIIA., May 4,1870. PARE CARRIAGE SERVICE. ' • • TARIFF OF YAREA: • I. For a single trip to George's Hill, and re turn.i2. For around trip to George's Hill, and - re- - turn 50 cents. 8. Fora single trip to-Belmont Mangion,hY war - of George's Hill (when road is comp:dal-40 cents. 4. For a round trip to Belmont Mansion,and ro• turn 00 cents. Passengers have the privilege to pay for the round trio and take tickets for their return trip from George's Hill or Belmont Mansion; which may be used on any day. 5, Tickets, good fur any day or trip, can be obtained et the following prices: _ _ For five bound tripa to George's Hill $2 00 Fi* Live round trip; toMelmont Mansion._ 2 00 6, Carriages are prowl, ell, in ad.iition to those makiii the regular trip.which can be engaged by the hour, at the following rates : When used by one person, Per hour, or • less time.. ,50 When used by two persons, per - hour or less time 1 7,, and 25 centsfor each additional person, who in.,y origin ally engage, the carriage. No vacant seat in a carriage thus engaged shall be used by any one not of the original party, excapt by their expreoi consent. - - Published for the information of the public, by order Of the Committee on Superintendence ef.Poliee. DAVID F. FILE V, Eile'S r fit_ Becratary_Parg—Caminiasion_—_ IIaBALL O F ACADEMY OF .IiATIJILSL SCIENCES. ' 1 APRti. n. ino The Academy, with the view of in piring and encour aging a taste for Natural Histor. for the last half et flinty, has admitted the , public, to its Id neenni, on two i rhys of the weak, without cost. The A c stemy would i wish to pursue the same course, but now find it neees- Miry . for the preservation of Its collections . to limit the multitude of visitors. The excessive crowds not only interfere with the progress and comfort of the visitors, but cause much destruction ofproperty. in the breaking of glass and wood-work ; and the production of dust is so great as seriously to damage the collect ions. ‘' heb'" r esna g re g le rr er l rvisi li t eleiiemyasan„;azgratcr Onaceast: charge fur admission. The Museum will be open on TUEbDATS and FRWAYS, from 10 A, 31. until sunset. cosanclaing after the first of May.. Tickets 10 cents, ad mitting a single person of any-age -may be had of the 1 following ' 1 Krause. Druggbd 1201 Chestnut street ; Queen. Opti cia n,17.4 Chestnut strict; ifenszey. Druggist. 731 Market strict : Hard Ji Mel{ eat er, Paper-Hstigers, lite chest -- not street ; - McAllister, Optician. 228 Chestnut street; Shinn. Drugeict, IWO Spruce at.: Fry. Eighth and But tonwood ; Bakes, Druggist.lloo Arch_ et. ap2s mwf6trp• 0. .I‘ , l OTIC E.—A PP LICATION WILL I be !natio by the undersigned, to the Departmcnt nt ifigliWaSS(No 101 South Fifth street), on THOUS I DAT, the 12th instant. as 12 o'clock M., for a contract for Paving America street. from Jefferson street to iblentgotnery au. nue. All rsons interested in said Lai, fog may he -- , -etiont at the time and ',lout, if they thitl. proper. The following named persons have signet f — a rrmtracr forth, pa % Inictif SAiiitWeet - ;ifitTio,TßitchleT, John btlYhott. Matthew Erwtn, Samuel P. Smith, Janie. Wood, Jacob BeggoD, Lavinia 8 Seiner . Ribert Beaver, .1 ic•ob Emig, John Sharp, John .Tacos Knoll , Threetira l't ters, Joshua Twining, Amos Twining. Henry Thomas, 1 Frank Thomas. Peter Brady. Schofield .t Branson, I, TM mus Bratison, Eliza A-Fox, Cherie 4 Mt Coil, Robert I Er w in. John li St. bedew ald. William Ilinueinann, ( lienr) Bruer, Henry Gerlit,, John Morris, E R Apple, K- S:Nridig, James Hickey, Jacob Beffartru, William Eeley • John Griffin. Matthew Niemen, B. Sickle , * r, la toh N, mire'. George Blood, David Spangler, Isaac Mur phy, George Buchanan. , Is - 04w f mit rpi JOSEPH JOHNSON, Contractor. ___ n- CANCER PN T S MID .CMII3TNUT. :trip§ APPLICATION WILL ew be made by the nudersign.l to the Department of Highways t No. 304 South Fifth street), on THURSDAY, th.:l2tli.inst.. at 12 o'clock, M., for a contract for paving Odeon* street,from Norris street to-Dauphin street. All rersonsinterestM to eak! paving may attend :it the time owl place. if they think proper. The following named persons bare s Weir a contract for said' parleat.._• Isaac Norris, Joseph Gray,'lt. .1 . - . Casper apper. to Itrenoer, Henry Parker, 1 m. Wild, Geo. Geinting, Scltul.4r, James ki ight. John W. Firth, John Ha gan, Ant,- Snbach, Samuel 'Leister, E. Felm,len. Hollow ell A liellegass. John S. Serrill, Andrew Gray, Lewis Walter, Joseph Janes. John _Stehrack.-George -Strytt e.r..ehrirtop htirlitiftttl;lbh - ifSit) ith, Joseph Distter, Charles BicQuillen, George B Henry. Fell, R. Henry, A LEX ANDER -sfolltiEN,• JOSEPH EARNEST, nyy4-w f ea3trps Contractors. - - OTiCE.—APPL ICATIO WILL - I U- 7 be made - by - the tirtilaraitliiiiificrtbiiDepart ent of II ig hu a ys. No. 104 South Fifth street, on THURSDAY. the )2th inst., at 12 o'clock M., for a contract for paving Braddock strf et from Huntingdon street to Lehigh avenue, All persons interested in said paving may attend at the time and place, If they think proper. The following named persons have signed a contract for the paving of 'Mid street : George E. Wills. %lien S. Dunaway, John Morris, Solomon Cribler, Peter Lynch, If. Preede, Isaac Norris, Alexander Kenn:. George W, irk, Patrick Garner, John Illcelosky,Charles Schaffer. James Duffy, I'eter Grim. • In) f in-3irP§ JOSEPH JOHNSON, Contractor. n- CANCER PLANT IS A BLOOD PURIFIER. :rod 2trpia 03 AT THE AIN.TS tha Stockholder, of t held WEDNESDAY. May 4. turn were elected to serve as I ins year. viz: Benjamin C Wehater, George Ziegler. Charles, W. Trotter, OordoeMongos, And * t a imbseouent meeting of the Director* the fol lowing of were unanimously elected to eerreduring the gueuing year : BENJAMIN C. WEBSTER. President. CHAS. W. TROTTER. Vice President GORDON mom; ES. Treasurer. HENRY A. WILTBERGER, Secretary. By order of the Board, GORDON MONGES, Treasurer. HOWARD HOSPITAL, NOS. 1518 and IG2O Lombard street, DispensarfDepartment. :Tredical treatment and medicine furnished gratuitously o the poor. DIVIDEND NOTICES. NSYLVANTA - R - Arlyß 0 AD COM PANY. TREASURER'S DEPA 'UM E NT. PIM STOCKHOLDERS P 11y 3, MO. NOTICE TO TLe Board of Directors have this day declared a semi lnnttal dt - 41d=u - T 2 F-1 v s Per - C - entrutr - the - eapitat - Statt of the Company, cleat of National and State tuxes, payable in cash on and after May 30, Is7o. Blank Powers of Attorney for collecting Dividends can be had at the Office of the Company, No. 238 South THIRD street. • . , The Office will be opened at 8 A. M. and closed at 3 P. from May 30th to June 3d, for the:payment 'of Divb donde, and after that date from 9A. M. to 3 P. M. • my 4 &Kra THOMAS T. T FIRTH, reasurer • _POLITICAL NOTICES. 10' 1870. 1870. SHERIFF, WILLIAM B. LEEDS. Subject to Republican Rulee, rptif T --------- REGO'S TEABERRY TOOTHWASEL— It M the most pleasant. cheapest and beet dentifrice extant, Warranted free from injurious ingredients. It Preserves and Whitens the Teeth Invigorates and Soothes the Gums! Purifies and Perfumes the Breath ! Prevents Accumulation of Tartar I Cleanses and Purifies Artificial Teeth Is a Superior Article for Children! - Sold by - all Druggsto. A. M. WILSON, Proprietor Mbl ]y rp§ Ninth and Filbert streets, Philadelphia. HEADQUARTERS FOR EXTRACTING TEETH WITH FRESH NITROUS OXIDE G. "ABSOLUTE AS Y NO PAIN." Dr. F. R. THOMAS, formerly opsrator at the Colton Dental ROOVIII, devotee hie entire practice to the painlose extraction et teeth. Office, 911 Walnut et . mit,s,lyrpf : BUY THE ‘.'llAitTLEl7" KID GLOVE. $1 85. We also offer the celebrated"-La Belle" kid glove at 81 25 per pair. Beet el 25 glove in America. " Josep h." 81 00 par pair. - 311stteel kid glo - vee, Paper pair. Every pair warranted same as the " Bartley." A. & J. B. BA RTHOLOSI.EW, apahfrpgi Importers, 23 N. Eighth street. PORTABLE ENGINE WANTED, FROM 5 to 7 inch Lora of cylinder. Apply at W. H. HARRISON'S; 1708 Barker street. A i ry IRE DISH COVERS OF THE ROUND,_ o ral — a fat - nroTilnitnir' tiles or innects, at TRUMAN Jr, SR AM'S, No. 835 Ni.ht Thirty .11v o 1 Market street, below Ninth. --- fr -11 43-11-T—QUOITB BU.T2- EILE7 -- G - S L ladies' or children's recraution, find several sizes h'avier for geotlernen's use. Tor sale by TItI.IIIIAN ‘.lc FLIA IV, No. 836 (Eight Thirty-11SO) Market street, Wow, Moth. • . ril O r CATO TILL-TAPPERS • AND • sneak.Thievee, um the Patent Alarm; *Money Drawers. Wo have three etyloo. ;TRUMAN & SHAW. No. has (Eight Thirty-Ave) Market. streetTltOßPOr Ninth. ~- • • T" BARTLEY" KID GLOVE 16 THE BEST. A. ,s.c. B. BARTIIOLCEITHW, np3Otfrp§ _Bole Agents, 23 N. Eighth. grad. UAL M EETIS 7 GMF he Lehigh Zinc Company, inst., the ollnwirg I irectors during the ensti- Adolph E. Boric, Charles L. Boric, James C. Ileladr, It Was In Delintrare County. The Oxford (Chester county) Press says Leiper and Lewis are relaying . their railroad track and adapting it to the use of steam in stead of horse-power as heretofore. _ This road connects the renowned and superb gran ite quarries of .Avondale (in this county), with 'a tidewater landing in Ridley creek near Lei perville. These quarries, 'together with the road were r'ecently purcha.sedxThy Messrs. Leiper and Lewis. Dr. George Smith, in his history of Delaware county, tells us that" the first railroad in the United States was indlt in Ridley township, in 1806, by, the late Thomas Leiper, for the transportation of stone from . , Ridley creek, a distance of about one tulle. The ascents were - graded inclined, planes, and he tm.peattrnatirz-wa-uirfado oi-wiittie-cfaYwitir crossties and string-pieces. The cars and trucks were Very similar to those now used, the wheels being, of cast-Thou with flanges." In 1806, only sixty-four years ago, the, only railroad in the United States was this one-in Delaware county: —A - - —A good : many"men who supported the Government during the war seem to think that now the Government should support them. ME Rims 1110 ND CALAMIT Y. The following extracts from a private letter, written by a member of the Virginia House of Delegates to a friend in this city, 'give some additional and interesting particulars of the recent catastrophe : • ' 9 he ball of the House of Delegates occu- pied all the north end of •the Capitol, over a bleb were the executive chambers and the room of, the Court of Appeals. The latter, at one time, was in two rooms, and when they were thrown into one the bridge or truss bracing which was inclosed in the; partition was removed. The floors of these , upper rooms were supported by three girders (truss); but the,,one in the _ centre,_which broke,-bad been deprived of all support but its own strength. Over the House ball was a separate ceiling, with its joists, &c., and over the-court room the same. T be middle girder broke in the centre, and all,from the roof to the hall floor, fell, striking three separate blows at short intervals, say a half-minute in all—filling the centre of the hall to about the average depth of twelve feet with a mass of buildin Material in--ruin, in ,, te rtp ersed_with_human figs, -from-which is-- sued continued time an prayers. . Tbe company in the court-room was com posed ' mainly of two opposite classes : the ablest judicial minds; who were auxidna - to test• their own judgment of the law points in volved in the expected decision, and a larger number of the poorer classes, holding or expect-• ing police and other municipal places; and' alto a large number of negroas, who, its usual,. now flock to courts and meetings where they think any question involving their rights will be raised. The number of the latter class is. large, and the families, of a large number of . the poorer classes are left without means of support. We are doing all we can.; but:Virlinia ' iS poor-- - pour, indeed—and I am glad to see that old Pbiladelphia'is awake, and will help to - provide f or-their temporarywantic:=The - deatlfs - - - reach now about 70 and the casualties about 210. Bad as it is, it might have been worse. Our caucus bad just adjourned and the members returned to the committee-rooms- Had it happened - fifteen minutes sooner, every Con servative member of both HouseS, except those necessarily absent, *would have been un der the ruins and had it occurred .a little later, - 1. - h — e — House would have been in session. I, being the presiding officer of the caucus, was in the Speaker's chair, and bad only left it about ten minutes, and .had_only AIMS to reach my committee-room in the basement, directly under the centre of the hall, when the accident occurred. blot knowing what was the matter, I turned oil the gas and went up to the rescue. I hope never to hear again such souridsel and, After_ the _ cloud, ;of dust settled:lsaw such a sight as Ihopc_never ,to see again. All Worked bard, and allworked in that-un certainty so terrible which. results from "the knowledge that you are helping others at the risk of . your own life, for none knew.what would come next and most feared that, the walls-Would follow.— In abOut one .hour, or a alihad been removed and attended to., and then the full horror of the calamity was apparent. Richmond had lost some ot ' her briglitest - mind.s,and all the State wars iximourn lag. A tine-lad-rapagp in-the House) was killed and, some twenty-live members wounded,, and one Senator killed* and abOutlive wounded. - - A word for poor Bland, a negro,'brit one of the few Who have been able to take a man's _place in_mfairs—WelLeducated,-a. nathse_ora, tor, and - of tine manners.. * * * He was respected by us all, and his advice and suggestions carefully weighed by us of the majority with whom he, in many points, coin cided. His loss is a public loss: 4 * * * 'His color gave him a control over both white and black of his party, and he was, in the Senate; its acknowledged leader ; and he was so well fitted for the lead that no °nein that body questioned his right to the title. e now meet in the Elotel, and do not 'know what, to do; the State is too poor to build a new capitol, and the old one is not worth re pairing. JFIEVL7I:VE. REFORM'. General Schenok's 11111. TIL Tribune says The House of Representativeg has for some weeks been mainly engaged in, a. revision of the Cnstoms Tariff; wherein 'every item is brought under consileration, and most,. of them submitted to .a direct scrutiny and vote, A few are increased a much larger number are reduced ; while the Free-List is very con siderably extended. But this is not "revenue reform," according to the' views of those who are masquerading in the cast-off robes of Calhoun and McDuflie, becauseiit does not ignore and destroy Protection to American , Industry. - " IZeduce the Taxes P , —That is just what don't value it on that account ; for we hold that the tir^ fr- reducing the. National In . arrived; an have been funded at a lower rate of interest. Hence, we are indifibrent to the fate of Gen. Schenck's bill ; but the fact that it will, if — enacted, reduce the Reyenue by many is clear. But .this isn't satisfactory to the " Revenue Reformers," simply and solely because it does not subvert Protection. 'When this measure shall have been disposed of, the Committee hays an Excise or • Internal Revenue bill ready to follow it: That reduces some taxes and abolishes others, so as to di minish taxation by some twenty millions more. Taken together, these two bills reduce tho revenue by about likty millions per annum. But they don't satisfy the self-styled << Revenue Reformers," because they do not put an end to protection. The income tax expires by limitation with the current year. We think_.t_shottld_nat,h, reimposed. Congress should maintain.; good faith • and it was Congress that decided years ago, that this should be the first tax abolished.. To reimpose a heavy and: odious tax at the same time that we are reducink saveral taxes and abolishing others, would seem a strange policy.' But this is deemed' essential to the overthrow - of - Protection: so :we MiTsl expect to see it commended and insisted on ass measure of " Revenue Reform." THE FIRST RAILROAD. FRIDAY, 31 - A. - y `6; BlubiliiiseLscrs or PIERRE IIOIILE. M. Frederick Gaillardet has written; for a . Frem b,paper, a longs iographical sketch of the la'e Pierre Soule, Farts of which are very. interesting. Sonie 9 .latervlow with Lenin Napoleon. In 184;', itturnine.from a visit to Madrid, Soule 'OprCd while i i Paris; and express- Inc a desire to see Louis Napoleon, then the PrincezPr4sidei t, M. Gaillardet wrote to M. ii cquart,,,describ ng the person he wished to present, as be was anxious that theimprossion made "upon him should be favorable. We translate'theaccount of the ieterykew !‘.Bc.arcely hadl presented, my traVeler to the master of the Elysee, When I felt sure that my letter had not been received,,for the flea question be put to Soule was; "you are an American, sir, are you 7'.' I hastened to'men tiontliebonors and qualities of a man, who, born, in France, had become one of - the glo, ries of the American bar and Senate. Lou is Napoleon, who is affable and good towards everybody, doubtless feared that he had hurt thafeelings_of his distinguished visitor,whose name he ought to have remembered; ' for there was an embarrassing silence for several seconds, which be broke by asking the Sena tor from Louisiana the. ,news • concerning the crevasse in the Mississippi! 'lt is corked . up, Mr. President,' an swered Soule; with a smile of terrible meaning. The prince kindly expressed a desire to see him again, and the conversa tion ended. My cause was lost. I felt thathe was deeply wounded, and tried in-vain to heal the 'wound by alluding to the prince's . arlY.PreocePPP.S.,_ Alt nothipg w.ould. Soule was convinced that the President was an idiot. 'He saw I measured him at a. glance, and that is what' enabarrassedliini. He hated me soon as he sari* bow T had judged him. He will never forgive me for his crevasse and - r - rnrcork - . 1 - - =-This - -lmpression—fastened-urionAlifp mind, was not without influence upon a well- known and hioody incident which occurred afterwards in his diplomatic career." • After the fainous -Ostend Conference, and while Smile was Minister to Madrid, occurred the duels which M. Gaillardet thits'allude.s to: - - "Soule - , who had been the% soid:of - the -Ostend- Conference,--had- just -returned from Madrid, when he was invited, along with other members of. the diplomatic corps, -to a ball given '.by the Marquis de Turgot, Min ister. of -France, on the--occasion -of some national anniversary. He went, with his wife and-his son, who was his Secretary of Lega tion. Madame Soul, on the arniof the latter, was passing a, group of gentlemen - ,when she heard the- Duke of of . say : 'There goes. Margaret of - "llurgundyf'• I do: not know -if the-phrase was meanttor - 3.fadame - Soule. ---- If so, it could only have referred to her personal appearance ; for if she were as handsome and strong as Georges in La Tour de Ye*, she was an honorable lady, whom Blander had never touched. But -she did not:Bo - .under-- stand-it, -and her -son -Went at once-. to- the. Duke of Alba and-demanded an explanation of the'insult to his mother. .A hostile meet ing was decided on. On ICarning. what had passed,.Soule -the elder, on his part, demanded ;reparation frommthe Marquis de Turgot; wheal he held responsible - for — thw - outrage offered te-a-lady in his houe by the 'brother-in-law of his master.. -The Marquis vainly protestedibis in nocence. Nothing could persuade Soule that the scene was a bit designed for him-by or in behalf - of — the---Tiiileries, : --They -meant i -in in— sulting him, to please the Emperor and Em press, who regarded him as an enemy since the unfortunate issue of his presentation at the Elysee. Strange effect of preconceived ideas! The double duel took place without serious result to the Duke of Alba or young bottle, but with a ball in the knee of the Mar quis de Turgot, which lamed him for life. " This unfortunate affair made Pierre S.oule's stay at Madrid; unpleasant and as General Marcy,-Secretary of State, did not give him the spport he bad promised, he requested to be recalled. On his return home, to show the constant firmness of his position in the eyes of young America, he published his .correspondence with the Cabi net of Washington.' Internal Dlsetenatons of the Republic-- " nutra-ett and Crimes Frerynent—Death Decreed the_PnßOhtnent tor Highway Robbery. VERA enuz, April f2Oth.—We receive from all directions confirmatory evidence of the painful dissensions which threaten the Rentib= lic with anarchy. •The difficulties in San Luis Potosi continue.' The whole, section of coun try lying upon the borders of the United States is unquiet, while the troubles with Lo zada threaten never to end. From Qaxaca conies news thatbne of the merabersTif 'Con gress and an Administrator of Ex,c,ise for. the State, D'Francisco Rosas, has been niurdero ur captured-larrob-b-ers. „ The Ahinitor states that Sefior D. Trinidad Garcia, Deputy to Congress, waS lately grossly maltreated by :soldiers, sent to protect his person while.on the way from San Luis Potosi to this city. Ho was compelled by them to walk, leading a stubborn horse; and the Rep resentative of. the people of Fresnillo passed through that city, scotibd at by the Govern , mept soldiers conducting him. A short time ago a schooner was seized near the coast, while in the act of sending goods and effects on shore. A body of troops, nuinbering ten men, who had been stationed at that point by the officers of the customs at Sisal, were sent on board to take charge of the vessel, a Cus tom-house official accompanying them... About midnight the •smuggler slipped his anchors, and making prisoners of the guard, put to sea, doubtless intending to land his cargo at some _other point. What became of his . prisoriers is • not knowif,lffift - datiTia - Sily - be surmised. Innumerable incidents of this' kind, un worthy, however, of detail, reveal the (if): plorablo stale of the' country. They have prompted President Juarez to action against the highway robbers who commit the most of these crimes and ontrages„but i am sorry_ to say the action is not calculated to better the condition of the country. He has issued a de cree defining highway robbery and its punish ment. Highwaymen arrested in' the commis sion of crime are to be punished with death on the mere accusation of tlio w ojlicer -al- • fecting their . capture. NYhen prolif of the °item() is required a summary .exatuination --in fact, a driumhead court-martial, lasting not more than three days—is to decide upon the guilt or innocence of the accused persons. Sentence and execution in case of guilt-are to follow within threeAlays after the close of the trial. This extraordinary judicial and execu tive poweris vested not only in military com manders of the several States and their subor dinate officers, but in the civil authorities of courtie - i - such - extreme - meas= tires defeat theinselves, and practically the d 6. tree is simply encouragement to robbers. —Tbis is the season for snake • stories, and onsidering that the faculties of conntry !lt] nilm Amara winter, we thinic the-Jersey editor, who starts out with agora"' about a black snake seven teen feet long, iti entitled to the grateful con sideration of the ,profession. Later 'in the seaSoa;though,it wouldn't amount to' much. '--Sineo the two Clineinnati editors , have got so near to a duel; undertakers in that 4314 who have not advertised before in tive.years, are inserting whole-column Advertisements in the papons._ The Madrid Duels. MEXICO TLREIFIP RAILER EXPLOSION. . Lioafraetion of the Silver Spring' Paper ! DIM at. Bloomfield,'te New •Jeep.-Eiti-!! mated 1.10411 Over 14150.0e0..Mpenew,lasei l, delits; Accidents and Narrair Eseakiels • The - . Ne w. Y ord herald says , Bloomfield, a delightfully situated, rurality of .N J. New ert-ey, distant about _ fourteen ., miles frem tbis city, on the line of" the Morris'atid EsSex Railroad, -was_ the scene: late_ on .Wed-. nesday -night, of a tire, followed by:a tertitid boiler exploSion, whereby property to' the ex - tent of over $11:0,000 was destroyed in the twinkling-of an eye. Bappily no lives were st, though twenty or thirty were imminently jeopardlied. Just about WILS discovered by' the. workmen 'in the extensive Silver Spring Paper Mill, located about a mile west of the villag,e, that a fire had broken ont along- Side <Me of the stearri generating' -boilers fixed, in a section. OIL from the main ing. Everything was going . on iu full blast at tbetitne, the night gang of men being all . on post. -The alarm was at oncegiven, 'and all bands stopped:work and proceeded to take • Measures for the extinction of..the_fire. _l3-a -lit-fire :apparatus for such a purpose. was on band; and the_ building being constructed of wood, the flumes increased in violence with. rapidity: Within Jtalf an hour from the :9 o u nd [rig of the.alarm, and while the villagers Were crowding to the spot; . Whiz Bane Crash !I! went the entire structure, with a report equal to that caused by a ship of the line's broadside, filling the air with Monster fragments of boil ers, machinery, timber and. thousands of bricks, paralyzingtemporarily every one with in a radius of at least half a mile. An iron re cetvlb tank, liaViing . a 'ZaffaditY of :4,800 gal; lons, used for holding caustic soda, was shot into - the air at least a hundred feet :ft landed on the other side of the water bulk-head•frame building standing in front of the mill. The _two_nnurirdwilers,-measuritigq - eaol.Criieven-by twenty-four. feet, were hurled in different di rections, one of them having , been blown into five or six huge fragments- The large brick smoke-etack•, seventy feet high, was - hurled almost intact into the air in like manner, and fellin myriads of pieces about the place. • - • The 1111du Building was a,two-Story frame, covering an area of, about - 100 'square feet, 'and was solidly con structed on a stone foundation: ..It had been in working order about three years and con tained the finest and. costliest of machinery, one piece alone having recently cost mOOO. It was only last week that the- insnrance in spector visited the mill and remarked that it was one of the finest risks in the country. There was comparatively little stockinored'on the prerniges—not oVerttifteen' tons of inailu-' factured paper. - The mill could turn out .. -two . 10113_per_day and was at its ,busiest when the catastrophe took place. About thirty men were-kept constantly emploYed. , " There ,was, hoWever, a large quantity of raw material,, such as bamboo pulp. The mill was owned by'a company ; of which Amos - Tenney, of 87' . Madison avenue, this city,."" was • Treas:;• E. G. Judson "Seey, and G. W. God dard, SuperintendenLik,ir. WillianfD - . - Judson is.also a stockholder: • , • ~Among the _ _ 4”t_llllrairuipris Eseiwes were nOse. of Mr. E. G. 'Judson, secrefirY - Or the company, and Jolinkin .Walters, -It rbfitcW 'u'yliort distance west of. the mill; and was aroused by the alarm of fire. Throwing on his gartuents he rushed abroad and bad :reached within a stone's throw. of the burning building whan fife explosien took place: Directly towards him came bounding an immense piece of the rotary boiler, some seven feet in diameter. He dropped insensible, and on recovering found the expected messenger of death lying a few feet in front of him. The large steam drum was lying not far off in another direc tion. Mr. Judson was not injured. The man Walters, while hurrying out of danger imme-; diately after the explosion, MS struck by a flying timber and pretty badly hurt in the spine. His clothes were taken clean off his body, and his face and neck painfully burned. 1-lis injuries, though serious, are not con sidered fatal. He ls' the only person known to have btz-n badly injured. GIN AND MILK. The Grent_Case in New York Tlie 7 New York Post has the following: The ease of the clergyman who took his gin and milk has been disposed of.: He has re teived his reprimand, and the affair will now be left, like the offence of Brummell's brother in appearing on Bond street in country clothes, to blow over. The same quiet humor which .marked the indictment characterizes the verdict. Tho clergyman, say the reverend jury, did not, ask the reporters to drink, unless " What will you have may fairly. e, taken to involve such Ile — was'irot - intoxitratell7 - The quantity of gin he imbibed nth the milk was inconsiderable, At the_time:df-the-offence-h, I was in a state of great physical exhaustion. But by resorting to a reSlaurant ho acted in discreetly, and by asking for gin "he was builty," sayithe committee," of tempting the arkeeper to violate the law of the State." This is surely putting it very mildly. The guilt was in actually inducing, not tempting, the barkeeper to violate the ExCiAe law. With regard to the dictum of the committee that in asking the rePorters " What will you have?" he did not invite them to drink, there will be different opinions: A mord:direct and explicit invitation "to take something" could hardly have been made to thirsty reporters. The late ArtenauS Ward s was once asked by telegraph upon what terms he would lecture in San Franctsco;, and in reply to the despatch; " What will you take for a hundrednights?" promptly replied, " Brandy and water." But "What will you have ?" in a bar-room, can not possibly be misunderstood., Any ,one who had profited by a - goand --- system - 01 - cont. - mon schools could not have failed to catch its meaning. The clergynian's defence is, perhaps, the most damaging part of the inquiry to his own reputation. He "stood treat' to the "gentle men of the press " thatku_i_miglit get his sermon into the newspapers! U weak human nature! 0 vanitus vanitaium ! IS IT A HOAX:2 A !Ferrilic Balloon Story. An Indianapolis telegram of the 4th says : Yesterday evening the following note was dropped from a balloon high in the air, mov ing in a southeasterly direction, near Montpe lier, Blackford county, this State. It was fas.. tened to a loose piece 'of wood • and 'lron, weighing about one and alutlf pounds : "Siuled froM Toronto, April 28. for New York; met with adverse.winds, and,•by a sud den movement of the balloon, Mr. Lagrange was thrown out, I suppose, as near us I could determine,-over-the-southern — part—Of Notltnowing bow to.manage the ship,it has been tossed to andTro hi all *directions Ono he..fell_out I am_. alone, -- power, can save me. I drop•,these lines, hop ing some human being will-find them and communicate to mv frafentruttinAirli rm of melancholy, fate. To heaven; to heaven, commit-my soul. Please send them this note.. Ralph Lawrence,. thiper Canada. • '` LAWRISNoE." ° Tug COURTS. 12%T•ityyMt, pzsSroxii—Judgelison.--Prison cased Were resumed this morning, but after disposing of three defendants- for petty of fences, the absence of witnesscs compelled the oourt toAdjourn at au early hour.. p..4.c.p.,,T..H:R.,.N.K..c,xiN•r*:.'.• . . , FIFTH EDITION. 7. -BY TELEGRAPH. WASHINGTON NEW 3. The GeorgiaCase--The Cost of Pub• fishing Speeches;_ • ' Bad Fire in llrooklyn, Loss'. FROM : WASHINEITON. , [gy the Amertoan Press Aissocia b tion of GFbOriei- -- • WASIIINGToN ' May • 6tii.:=D.f. "TornelY,' - Sublisher of the c v /irottiete,`,testitied before ,tbet.7 enate Sub-Judiciary Committee. to-day:that ... that Viper - bad received fifteen hundred'lliol-' tars from Governor Bullock , as Oompimtiatibn for printing speeches and. otherly matter; including advertiseMents, in r , relation to Georgia reconstruction. ' • " FROM NEW VORK.i, [By the Amerler Press Association:l t 31ouldinix nl,ll In Itrooklyn Buirtkeilyr . , ! .I.lenv;y 1055.13 nooxL vic ,May 6.---There •was a conflagra.; - tion at 10 o'clock this marning, at the :farrier.. i of Nevins and Baltic streets.. The large rnotild- r of T.'S. - Loomis was destroyed, - a throe= - ' , story brick building covering half a blOck square. The lons is over • $.50.000. The lire.A originated , near the boiler •or furnace. The finales quickly communicated to "'a •large quantity of seasoned lumber, pine; mahog rosewood,. &c., anti spread rapidly. .-It wa.s impossible to save any of the property. The men working barely had time to escape. The' heat heat was intense.' and the firemen were unaoin to get near the building. Seyeral ,adjoininz houses were burned- - - The McFarland Tehtl. [Continued from Fotirtb Edition.] • - After the recess Mr. Graham continued ilfts-n -address with renewed energy, commenting ea the case of a man condemned to'deatli while a new trial was pending. An examination of l ' , . the brain disclosed standout evidence to prove's' insanity. This man had been tried. by. an intelligent jury who,. in spite ' of tithe plea of' insanity, found ifim.guilty. Counsel reverted: to the Cole-Xliscox afiair. ,The question was,., whether'the presence or 'Hiscox rendered able- road; the ruling was - in faVTirof tlie — aeqisci& The constant cohabitation of Richardson with-. , Mrs. McFarland ;.the changing of the name of the prisoner's little:boy, and • other- - stances,- should-b. Ar -the- .saine relation in this-" case. • - A ROYAL RACHEL. .teepten - IVeeping for Her .ICletter - frii7m Rothe, Italy, says queen of Naples - 11as lost her baby: Iris :One -- of the saddest stories. The child Was a healthy,-i -fine .The_ Queenflikeanany_niethers,witkil their first child, wished to, do the most thing - inthe Way of nursing it; She sent foram English tairse, and hoped to have , it strette- - and hardy as English children. are. • This... it appears, mismanaged terribly. In the first place, being unaccustomed' to • _ltalian habits and ways, she found faultwith the baglias, or, wet-nurses; they . were dis- . charged, one after another, to please her, Until - - the poor baby had no less than thirty-seven different ones in the three months of its , short:;; life. But the worst thing she did ,wa.s to give - the poor child ice-cold baths - night and morn- . ing, and instead of wrapping the little creature' up in flannel on taking it out of, the bath, She always extended, the shivering,naked body on. , ' her lap and tried reaction by slapping and rub-. bing. Of course the consequence was croup,and the child died. The mother,almost frantic,serit • in every direction for counsel, although sur-,- rounded with 'physicians. It was very tench ing to hear of some of , these appeals. 'The Queen has quite,an intimacy with... Miss IBIS- , mer, the sculptor. She has stood ;for. luor • statue, and, both being . good horsixwboien, , they have met ;on especial • Occasieins'at'the - Roman Hunt. Thus the Queen knew.ofJohn Biddle, Miss Bosmer's . grocer. This John. Biddle has a wife and family of children.'" To this woman the Queen sent, and, , when Jane Biddle came, the poor Queen Sophia said: "You are a mother. You have raised many children. Tell me what shall Ido Tor my -babyi"- , lt was Very sad. The last scone was the most t ievons-of-arli.--f-ha-ve--hearitTit-frou x i 4 person who was present. • The Queen sat and held the poor - dead baby in her arms,extended r upon her knees ; not a tear fell, but , the es-, presslon of her face showed that her. anguiih was beyond weeping. In . front of her' knelt sobbing and wailing aloud; s he : kissed the child and his wite's hands,aud them rested his face upon the cold body, and 'cried' out his grief. Poor woman ! The loss of kingdom and . crown never gave Sophia de , 13ourbon,suoh sorrow as this death of her baby. Bet 'that • first trial of her young womanh6od made her haughty, sharp and unamiable. Man's injuries are apt to have this sorrowful effect& . But God's griefs bring their balm with them; the .•`, poor young Queen will. hardly return to her former rebellious manner now,that she has a. . little angel in heaVen."Nie think this baby's death, one of the most grieVous of blows to the Queen, - xnayprove her. greatest blessing. =ICI FACIE'S AND FANCIES. —Sieux-ieideis the latest euphemism for Irt than warfare. • —Advice on the funding question—Dent make change for a bad bill. —Galveston - " - gentlenacemarchinto - ch - nrch covered and puffing cigars. • • —To make a Venetian blind—Put out his eye. -it is rumored that W. J. Florence is going to ipiild:c.t theatre in Twenty-third street, .New York. . . . -- —A Brooklyn couple moving,. gave them little girl a revolver to keep her (pilot. Site will never disturb theM any more. —One of tho Cardilf-giants is In limbo•ont West for not paying his •i• 3 Government tax on' ' receipts._ —• • —What it the difference between a chatter- jog lover and a pedestrian excursion? One Is a talking w,oer ; the other a walking tour: —A Western saloon keeper's free leach' er..is - • devoured by a stray colt, which cleared, the , ' ' -': bar of everything but dishes. • A' l2 7 4.l2hckfrare-play ' ing together in It - mg ilintry .; at a ChieagO A ta Indinna h•t. three weeks of couldn't stand —The editor 'of the Muscatine Journd claims to have. the identical pistol with which. •T Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton.. , ' —There are many amusi definitions Ist our; exchanges 'of fhb` wortstpleblocitatik.* We think the?bestwx - plfmatioti comes frerniultL,,L Indiana editor, who thinks it is a now kind. of " - French biscuit, some like A Dolga. cracker:'' , MEE 1 , _ 1. 4:30 o'4oloeit.. IMBENJ