Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, April 30, 1870, Image 7

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Silorday, April 30. 1870.
A newspaper is megntto give news, but
Ifcjsre art widely differing ideas concerning
wiiat constitutes news that should be printed
and published. The worst, most dangerous
and most wrong of these ideas is that which
mahosinto news remarks concerning' the per
sonal cbaracte)-, the movements, the dress, the
sayings and doings of private individuals,
women as well as men. And yet this idea pre
vails and seems to be spreadiug in the United
States. It has been cultivated and encouraged
in New York to a greater degree than any
where else. One paper there-makes a speciality
of mousing about for society gossip and print
ing a regular list of engagements of marriage.
To people of any sort of delicacy, this practice
is Simply disgusting. But the.present degrada
tion OHbe popular taste is-shown by " the 1 fact
that the practice is encouraged and many peo
ple even take pains to have their engagements,
or those of their friends,, furnished for publica
tion. •
A still more general-custom; is that of
publishing accounts of wedding's, parties, re
ceptions, dinners j with -the names of the
gnegts, descriptions of the-dresses, and some,
times the bill of fare. “ A’ wedding-in high life’
js a caption that the reporter or i this sort of
stuff delights to pen; and if he can ;put in his
leport, and his list of the company, the name of
—somfe high government functionar-y^oiimtiistin
guished general, or a “ genial and gentlemanly’
(these are pet words) member of Council, or
a member of’Congress," or of that .honorable
body, the State Legislature, he is made very
happy. If, at a wedding, he can get'a list of the
presents to the bride, with the names of the
'donors and the cost of each, and if lie can find
out in the kitchen, or from the caterer, or the
wine- merchant, the cost of the entertainment,
sons to print it, his happiness becomes su
preme. And this kind of stuff is honored with
the name of news, and is printed and read-as
Another kind of personality is indulged in
hy Borne newspapers that cater to the vulgar
' appetite. They make allusions hy name to
ladies and gentlemen who detest newspaper
notoriety and shrink from it as they would
from an exhibition of themselves in the nasty
burlesques that are admired by the same kind
»f papers. For instance, they will give us
news, though wholly without authority, some
thing of this kind“ It is said that the beauti
ful Miss (giving the name in full),
■whose fine dramatic talents ' have long been,
appreciated in private society, is about to ap
pear on the stage.” Or they will tell their
readers that “ Mrs. (again giving the
name) is-said to write ” articles concerning so
and so in such and such a paper; and then, by
way of- covering up the insolence of such an
unwarrantable personal allusion and gross
lie, they praise . the articles and
their style, they themselves having neither style
,©f their own nor brains to judge of the style
of others. There are many women, and most
excellent women, too, whose professions, as a
writer, an actress, a lecturer, a reader, or an
artist, make newspaper notoriety not only de-
and—allusions to them in
the public journals, when they are made In .a
respectful.way, are perfectly proper. But no
well-conducted and decent newspaper will ever
print the name of a lady, who is not in this
category, without her consent being first ob
tained; and even when the consent is obtained,
or when the publication is requested, there are
many cases in which an editor of proper judg
ment would feel bound to refrain from the
publication. There are silly women who like
to read of themselves in print, and a sensible
man ought to teach them better.
Here in Philadelphia a license has lately
been indulged in by some papers, in printing
whatever their Washington correspondents
may'choose to write concerning Philadelphians
visiting the national capital. It is perfectly
fair to tell the public of the movements of
public men. and of the object of those move
ments, if it is really known. Bat now-a-days
a private citizen of FhQadeiphia cannot go,
w ich bis wife or famfiv, to Washington, on a
mere trip of pleasure, or to visit friends, with
out having it announced in some of the news
papers. In some cases gross comments, or
allusions to a supposed object of the visit, are
made. In one recent instance, a highly re-
spectecLgentleman^whoJrad, no object but that
of personal recreation, was/hiade the subject of
- most insolent comment, and, worst of all, the
name ot the wife of the President of the
' United States was also introduced in some
paragraphs referring to him that were meant
to be witty, but were simply vulgar. This and
" similar stuff are given as the “ ne>ws” of the
r national capital. .
. It may be that the pfailifee.-s of papejg that
commit the improprieties is?, havg been' con
sidering find a jirdfit in it. They would also
find a profit, perhaps, in descending to a lower
grjlde of society and printing the “ personal
news” bftlit gambling bells and the brothels,
and the movements of celebrated? rakes and
prostitutes, of all which they could probably
obtain accurate information. But along with
the profit must come degradation, and the de
cent portion of the community should condemn
the existing evil, as they would the grosser
■evil we bave suggested.
In view p? tue discussion of the “ women
question,” which is evolvingconsiderable heat
amoDgsome classes of the community* just
now, we submit that the old maxim, “ in medio
tutissimus ibis,” should be borne in mind. In .
the present controversy over the question of
.admitting women to the clinical instruction of
the Pennsylvania Hospital, the bulk of the
medical profession has arrayed itself uncom
promisingly against the innovation. Large
numbers of physicians, among whom are
many of the most intelligent, skilful, respecta
ble and .eminent of their profession, regard the
admission of women .to the Hospital
' ae_ j to its very
Many of them have no faith in the honesty
of anybody who advocates the cause/of the
■women ; many of i them openly deny to the
most'well-behaved and pure-minded women
the ordinary attributes of thetr box if they ven
ture upon the study of medicine. They will
listen to ntf'ijomiSomisa.- .Tliey will make no
concessions. . They write over the doors of the
Hospital: “ Who enters here leaves womau-
Jjood behind.” On the other hand is a much
smaller, but equ?dly/violent, class. These are
ihe advanced enthusiasts In the woman move
ment.' They would sink all distinctions of sex
in the pursuit of science. They demand" for
woman absolute equality of privilege and op
portunity; andtliey conquer successive posi
tions, riot for their intrinsic value, but merely
that- they -'may- be made stepping
stones for • new conquests. They would
solve, the present question in one of
two w&ys. They would either sink all distinc
tion and insist upon indiscriminate clinics, or
they would demand the exclusive appropria
tion of the female wards Of the Hospital for
the use of female students. This last expedient
will, as we understand, be urged at the annual
meeting. , , .. .
The true and safe path lies between these
extremes. Women will study medicine, and
it is therefore as highly important that they
should he- well taught, as if they were men.
But women are now, and probably will always
be, greatly iri the riiinOrity as medical Students,
and, upon the admitted principle that the
majority, should rule, we submit that it would
be very unfair that a large class of male
students should be debarred from the study
of the' general- cases presented in the
female wards of the Hospital—quite as.im-,
portantto the doctor as the doctreßS,—on ac
count of the comparatively few cases which
constitute the inseparable objection to mixed
clinics. It would be to give the small class of.
fehiale students a great deal more than their
share of the benefits of the Hospital, and a
great deal more than they ask or desire.
Our suggestion is this: There are two
weekly lectures during the winter, each con
sisting of ap hour of medical and an hour of
surgical instruction. Let the medical staff be
so organized,—arid .there is no practical diffi
culty on this point,—that the women shall at
tend-the whole clinic on one. day, and the.
medical clinic on the other day, reserving
-the -remaining . surgical, .hour for . sucla
cases as - are improper for mixed
classes. The/compromise of last winter, under
which the women were to be warned out when
some special case was to be exposed,
- was well enough as a temporary expedient, .but
the plan involves much-needless embarrassment
both to the.lecturer aud the female students.
An arrangement upon the basis which we have
indicated will give the men all that they have
lever bad, and will 'give—the. women all that
they ask or are entitled to, It may need some
modification of detail, but the " principle is the
true one upon which to effect an adjustment of
. the difficulty. -
The McFarland trial has become utterly dis
graceful to all parties concerned in it. The
■"causes which —ledto tlie trial, the antecedents
of the murder of Richardson, the mock mar
.riage of the woman who was the central figure
of the affair to the man upon whom her hus
band- had avenged his outraged rights, the
complicity of prominent clergymenllke Beecher
and Frotliingbam in sanctioning the fraudulent
divorce, the 7 'indecent violence and indecorum
with which both prosecution and defence have
been conducted, are all in harmony with each
other, making.up a disgraceful picture of New
York morals and New York professional
ethics, of the pulpit, the bar and the bench,
which becomes more atjd more odious as scene
after scene of the wretched drama is developed.
To those who are accustomed to the dig
nified decorum with which the most exciting
criminal cases are conducted in the Philadel
phia courts, it‘is almost impossible to realize
the professional blackguardism which is tole
rated, without interference or remonstrance,
by the judiciary of New York. Mr. Recorder
Hackett sitß in judgment over a grave capital
case, a question of life and death, affecting not
only the highest personal interest but the
broadest and deepest considerations of public
morals, and permits the most flagrant insults
and outrages to be committed upon witnesses
by the opposing counsel, without appearing
to be aware of the existence of the smallest
impropriety. The counsel assail and abuse
each other in open court, like a crowd of tipsy
fish-wives, and the court pockets the affront.
Yesterday, matters nearly reached a crisis.
Immediately after the adjournment, while the
Recorder and the City Judge were still on the
bench, a violent scene was enacted between
Mr. Graham and Judge Davis, the former
rushing at the latter with the following choice
remarks: “ I’ll spank you like a baby, you big
pettifogging thief; you have insulted every
witness Miroaglit on tlie stand,‘-and you’ve
been paid money to hang this man!” By
standers interfered in time to prevent an ex
change of blows, and the crowd gave -(/tree;
cheers for John Graham J” '■
ll is difficult to imagine any lower depth op
degradation to which, the administration of
justice can sink in New Fork, or a more com
plete demoralization than that which can
tolerate such scenes and acts as -have clustered
about this miserable McFarland case from the
beginning. >
The Hon. A. F. Stevens, of New Hampshire,
has given attention to the question about
rank which has been long in controversy be
tween the line and stall-oificers of the Navy.
During more than a year he has listened to
the opposing parties, and after as full an inves
tigation as a landsman can give profitably to a
conflict of technical opinions, he has presented
the result of his studies in a bill, “to regulate
rank in the Navy of the United States and for
other-purposes.” The military service rendered
by General Stevens during the rebellion
helped him to an experience which-necessarily
gives weight .to..his opinions about the details
Of military organization, and they will he re
spected accordingly.
The object of the measure spems to be to re
store to stair officers the degrees of rank con
ferred upon them in “1803, by a general order
issued by Mr. Welles, Secretary of the Navy,
after consultation with the Attorney General,
and the members of Mr. Lincoln’s Cabinet,
whiflt general order was revoked in the very
first days of Mr. Borie’s administration of the
speclable gentlemen a painful sense of unjust,
humiliation, as well as a reduction of the very
moderate pay of those who have been placed
on the retired list on account of ujge.'long. ser
vice or infirmity resulting from a" faithful dis
charge of duly. This bill proposes no change
in the rates of pay at present provided by law
for stall' officers. It gives those on the active
list degrees, of rank from Master to Captain,
and to those who ;are .retiredl -qftcr forty-five
gears’ service—a verylongperiod-r-tbe rank of
Commodore.... The/rank proposed is, compared
With lineal rank, united .in its properties. It
ibas no virtue in, gelecting quarters, as the rank
cf staff officers in the Army has. , And the
line officer duly assigned to oomfoand a ship or
Station has precedence of all placed under his
orders without reference to thelr degree of rank
or seniority. Staff officers eaunot, command
or exercise authority in the line, nor in any
stall'corps other than tbatto which they belong.
The authority of the line is very-properly arid
carefully preserved, so that there can he
no conflict in:tliis respect between the line and
staff, ascribabio to the degrees of rank con
ferred upon the latter. The details of the bill
seem to. have been carefully , and cautiously
Considered. The measure seems to he well
calculated to terminate an unhappy contro
versy, and at the same time render the naval,
service more acceptable arid alluring to gentle
raen-of the several vocations employed in it.
Whether it will be adopted by Congress will
depend, in a great degree, upon the, acquies
cence of certain line officers,' whose warlike re
nown has given to their opinions on all sub- •
jects much weight, and influence, without re
gard,often, to the intrinsic value of their views.
National pets, through assumption and inter-:
ference, often mar-wise legislation; especially
when their minds are prejudiced or possessed
by sentimental rather than logical concisions.
But we hope this bill will meetwvith the favor
which, in our judgment, it seems.to deserve, in'
spite of representations of extremists of either
party to the contrary. / - •
The Quaker City has undoubtedly out
grown most of its external Quakerism. The
Society of Friends, whose influence, in the
early history of Philadelphia, eontrolled all the
departments of social life, has fallen into a
minority, as the “great population of modern
limes has grown up~ar-aund. it.-.-Numerically,,
the once all-powerful Quaker element has be
come a very small body, but its leaven still
works out in the various departments of life,
and its impress is clearly seen in almost every
relation-in whicli Bhiladelphia- difi'ers for- the
better from her -sister cities. The Society of
Friends, as a religious body, has not kept pace
with the general expansion of the com
munity; but there are; abundant evi
dences that Quakerism lias not died
out. The substantial bus'mesjs character of old
commercial houses; the unostentatious, but
solid comfort in which the majority of. the
people live ; the practical efficiency, the honest
administration, the neat, quiet, orderly
economy-of - the-older-charitable Institutions,
are among the abiding works of the early fol
nwers of.WiHiam Penn and George Fox.
Quaker blood ramifies in. the veins of thou
sands of Philadelphia families, whose present
members have formed other religious associa
tions, and wherever il runs it influences
character, while it keeps 'up A sympathetic
connection with the solid and worthy Society
which once reigned supreme-in the colony of
William Penn.
Under these circumstances, it was a- most
shortsighted policy on the part of the engineers
of the scurrilous anonymous pamphlets recently
aimed at the management of jhe Pennsylvania
Hospital, to turira tonent of- ahuse npon -thc
alleged “ Quakerism ” of the institution, as a
reason forchangirig the management. -Ereii
if these low tirades had spoken the truth, which
they have, not, or been ordinarily decent in
ilieir tone, which they are not, or had been
written with cleverness or ability, which they
are not, they would have accomplished nothing
for their purpose, by giving Quakerism in the
management of the Pennsylvania Hospital as a
reason why the contributors-should revolu
tionize it.
The distinguished Dr. George B. Wood, in
bis address at the centennial celebration of the
founding of the Hospital, June 10. ISSI,
showed the precise relation which Quakerism
lias borne to the institution, and the following
extract is precisely as true to-day as it was
when delivered, nearly twenty years ago:
“ We not unfrequently hear it referred to as
the Quaker Hospital; and a disposition has
probably existed, in some degree, to leave the
burthen of its support to those who were sup
posed to enjoy the honored advantages of con
trolling it. How, if the fact that members of
the Society of Friends have from its very em
bryo state cherished and sustained it, and have
at all times freely contributed money and per
sonal service toward its maintenance, entitles
it to be considered as the Quaker Hospital, we
must with all humility submit to the seotariau
designation; -butthatiLis_n.ow..ox_ey:er_.wa,s_
governed exclusively by Friends; that the pe
culiar views of this religious sect have ever
been especially consulted; that members of
that Society nave beyond their fair share
reaped any of the honors and emoluments
connected witliit, is nottrue. Inlooking over
the minutes of the Board of Managers for a
century, 1 do not remember once to have met
with a reference to the Society of Friends.
Among the poor admitted tb its charity from
the foundation to the presefit time,unless per
haps a few of the insane, I doubt whether
there has been a single Quaker. Of the Phy
sicians and Surgeons, and air other profes
sional officers, by far the larger proportion
lias belonged to other sects; and, if a consid
erable number of tlio,Managers '.have, always
been chosen from umong4he-Friehdsy tips lias
been ow ing to the coniidetice reposed m them
by the contributors, who are of all sects, and
all shades of religious sentiment. Tho truth is,
that the Institution is quite free from sectarian
bias, it is open indiscriminately to all. Any
one, whatever may be his religious attach
ments. may become a contributor ; tho con
tributors may elect whom they please as
iManagfers ; the Managers are hound, in their
selection of officers, to be guided by qualifica
tion and not by profession of faith; and every
patient in the Hospital may have recourse to
the religions counsel or ministration of the
clergymen of his own choice.”
What Dr. Wood here asserts ‘is strictly true.
The Pennsylvania Hospital has always had a
strong element of Quaker influence in .its_
management, because the contributors knew
that such a management was desirable, on
many accoun{s. But it has always been con
ducted" upon a broad," liberal, non-sectarian
principle, and the slurs cast upon its Quaker
ism are as silly as they are destitute of truth.
~—The Pennsylvania Hospital, like most of, the
charities of Philadelphia, has been greatly in
debted, throughput its entire history, to the
systematic liberality and wise economy of the
can conceive of nothing moro stupid than to
attack any charitable institution in Philadel
phia on the ground of its Quakerism..
We publish upon another page an article
upon the subject of' the proposed public baths
iu this city, together with a-stateineut of the
character and operations of tbe free bathing in
stitutions in Boston, and of the good results
that have flowed from these establishments.
A single fact wJU ffiuqtrate thepopularity of
these baths inßpston.. ; jDuring last, year one
million arid twehtyrfoar tbtfusaud persons,
visited arid used them. , We. venture to say
that not only the physical health hut the
morals of the people were improved by these
washings. Cleanliness is very near to godli
ness, if it is not exactly next to it. If men’s
mortal bodies are well scrubbed, their immortal
souls age apt to become cleaner, A dirty man
cannot very well he cither a good citizen or a
consistent Christian; and the most eloquent
missionary, working in the stains of a large
city, will find that he will succeed better if he
will preach first to the- outside of his heathen
with soapand water,and then to their inside vyith
bread, before he tries to touch their feouls
Gospel truth; 1 Our own. Bedford street
sionary has proved these' facts by his experi
ence, and he has secured the best results by-,
acting upon' them. Because we want to have'
tlio principle applied upon a grand scale we
urge upon Councils the adoption ef the/scliome
for a series of. great.public baths submitted to
them on Thursday last."
■ If England is ever going to tremble because
of the Fenjans, the time apparently has come.
The grand army of Fenia has begun to move.
It is a siriall army, but it is evidently in; deadly
earnest, because' it passed right through Boston,
without heeding the seductive songs of the in
tellectual sirens of that’ Athenian city, without
stopping to see where Warren fell, and without
going to hear the great organ. The despatch
says that these Fenians numbered twenty;
that tliey were clad in Irish frieze and carried
pickaxeß. It would be a heroic achievement to
capture Canada with twenty pickaxes, and ■
these audacious fellows evidently mean to try
it. But we do not feel as sorry for the Cana
dians as for the orderlyrsergeant of this corps.
If each one of the savory warriors has as long
a name as Lieutenant-Colonel.Rudolph Fitz
patrick, . Assistant Adjutant-General of the
Fenian Brotherhood, and .Acting Secretary .of
War, the ingenious organizer of battle and
grand disposer of the fate of Canada, Ireland,
Winnipeg, and other British provinces,-the man
who calls the roll deserves not only extra ra
-i ions and a powerful pair w of lungs, but the
heartfelt sympathy of the American nation.
We hope lie will come through-the frightful
ordeal as safely as the - Canadians who wav
with his troops; for in that event he will con
tinue in a robust condition.
The meanness to which small minds.will de
scend to gratify petty malice is forcibly illus
trated by the following- facts: Yesterday,
Mayor Fox telegraphed to Richmond to the
.Secretary iOi'Btate, that a subscription for the
suficrers in therecentcalamity hail been
opened in this eity, and that Mr. George W.
Childs had-headed-the list _witb_bne thousand
dollars. This information was sent back to
Philadelphia through the Associated Press, and
the morning papers, with one exception, printed
it with the name of Mr. Childs, The Inquirer.
however, struck out the name, and -said that
“ a gentleman had headed the list”, .with the
sum named. This small spite is more pitiful,
because, even if Mr.-Childs wished to retaliate
in kind, .the opportunity assuredly will not be
given him, , even if he should undertake to
publish the Philadelphia subscriptions daily.
—Mr. Charles F. Haseltine advertises the-sak
by auction of his entire collection of paintings,
next Thursday and Friday evenings. They
are ,now arranged for exhibition at his galleries,
No. 1120 Chestnut street, where the peremp
.tory sale will take place, without reserve. Our
crowded space to-day will uot allow an ade
quate notice of the. pictures ; but to the wise a
'word is sufficient, and Mr. Ilaseltine’s reputa
tion as an expert, and especially as the repre
sentative in this city of the very • choicest
French art, obviates the necessity on our part
of any nutice beyond the mere statement of
the sale.
We publish elsewhere an official statement
of the Fire Insurance Companies of Messrs.
Evans & Hare, General Insurance Agency, No.
-131 Walnut street. They stand the test of the
most critical examination, and are known at
home and in this State for their good reputa
tion, sound financial condition, and promptness
and liberality in the adjustment of losses.
Messrs. Evans & Hare’s, long experience in fire
underwriting, and assiduous attention to the
interests of then customers, render their
services valuable to insurers, and we cheerfully
commend them to all who may require the aid
of reliable and experienced insurance agents.
Until this year, we have never been obliged
to issue triple sheets at this season.- But the
pressure of advertisements makes it necessary
to-day, as it has several times before, this
spring. The Evenixcj Bui.t.etin is, in fact,
so well known as one of the best advertising
mediums in Philadelphia, that we somietimes
fancy we shall have the triple sheet perma
; For Sales of Real Estate, Stocks, Far.
kitduk.Maciiinebv, Jfcc., seo Thomas & Bonn’ adver
tisements aud catalogues.
Bnntinpr, Bnrborow «Jfc Co., Auctioneers,
Nob 232 and 2 M Market street, will hold during next
week the following important sales, vit.: •
On Monday, May 2, at 10 o’clock,on four months* credit,
300 lots of Foreign and Domestic Dyy Goods, including
full linen imported Dress Goods; black and colored Bilks !
uml Batins; COO Paris Printed Oashnitre Shawls; IPO rich
Bilk Shawls; fnll lines Gropes, Tarlatans, Flowers,Net-*,
White Goods, Trimmings, Handkerchiefs, Tics, Kiu
Gloves,Embroideries, Umbrellas, Parasols, Ac. Also,
hpeciul sale ot'fcUO cartons Itibbuns, by order of Messrs.
liuit'T, T.tickeineyer A Co., the importation of Messrs,
bolellac Frercs, and others. Also, 100 cartons rich Bush
Ribbons, latest styles'. Also, a comploto set of Chests
tor exhibiting Whito Goods. . .. .
On Tuesday, May 3d, at 10 o’clock, on four months 5
credit, 2,000 cases Boots, Shoes, Traveling Bags, Hats,
straw Goods, Ac. ' . ...
On Thursday, May sth, on four months* credit,9oo
packages and lots of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods,
including Cloths, Cassimeres. Meltons, Doeskins, Sati
nets. Italians, Batin Dechines, Yolvets, &c.
Also, Dress Goods, Bilks, Shawls, Linens, Shirts,Hosi
-‘eryi Gloves, IldkfH., Balmoral and Hoop Bkirts, um
brellas, ‘White Gooils, Ac. _ A • , ,_ r .
-Also, 200 packages Domestic Cotton-and Woolen
°o°n Friday, May 6th, at 11 o’clock, on four months’
credit, 200 pieces Ingru n, Venotjun. tjomp,
Cottage,List aud Bag Carpetings, Oil 01otbs;6M rolls
White, Red, Check and Fancy Canton Mattings, Ac.
Vnlonble Cotton Machinery as Public
Sale — The faUable cotton machinery, belonging- to
the estate of Hood Bimpsou, deceased, to be sola by
M Thomas & Sons, Anctionoora. on Monday morning,
■it 10 o’clock, Is now arranged for examination. Oritn
logneseftn be had on the premises, and at the auction
rooms. ————————.
H-,-....-’- ./‘HOTJgEPAIKTER, ' ',
TloHidoiicc— B22 Sonth JUntli Htroct. ■; np3o ly 4pg
x for oleannlng Silver and Plated Ware, Jowolry ,otc
ver manufactured.
mbi tfi
324 Cbeslmit wtroot, below Fourth,
■Vr3C*»rS»§ linportorH, 23 K. KIOHTII atroot.
j■' ;;v > :- '.■;'V; ; v; ; -;;;;.}. ■
; v : ,r . all wool. ';'/
" • ' y ‘ * ' ,
■ :: $lO SEEING SUITS, $10! .r;’. :
■ !&*-■ '
Can Clothe a, “Whole 3*Ecm
603 and 60S Ohesthxit Street,
$lO !
$lO !
$lO !