Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, April 30, 1870, Image 1

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Tl sravodintho newest and ht st manner. LOUIS
DBEKA, Stationer and Rngraver, No. 1033 Ohestnat
gtreet. ap2l-th«tu-tf
Earth closet dry kakth
-cbirimodeaahdapparatus for* fixed closet* nt\V 51.
.—<^BUOAl4ft.a Jr L22LNftrX^tl4lrci;li^.Jlw , /HlaDu v f.r.*m
to health andTrom offence i economy of « valuam*hr*
tilixer secured by nsenfthe dry earth system. aogJtrji
McBRinE—FAITNEBTOUK, —ln Pittsburgh. April
28th,br the Hot. John Scarborough, Goo. P. Mcßride
joMiMHanuabD-iFahneettcte. :
FOTTKR—VAN HOOK.-On the 26th instant, at the
residence of the bride’s parents, by the Bov. K. K.
Arf&mi, assisted by the Rot Peter Stryker. D.D.. Oeo.
Potier* Ksq., of Oncstnot Bill, to M*ry R., youngest
daughter of Win. P. Van nook. E»q.«of this clry.
WALTER—DURHAM.-Id Baltimore, April 20th, by
Pey.Wllford I>owns. William 11. Wnlur, of Pennuyl*
Vania, to MUa Eliza Durham, of Baltimore.
ADDIS.—On Wednesday evening, 27th Inst.. Rotnana
Louise, only child of John C. and Mary Anua Addis,
ng»d 17 mouth*.
. .The friends and; relatives are respectfully invited to
attend the fuaeral, from the residence of her perorits,
No. 2027 Franklord avenue, this (Saturday) afternoon,
at 3 o'clock. To proceed to Franklin Oraetery It
tbs 28th Inst., Mrs. Margaret Boland,
-In the«7tb-yeaxof-bar-age .
The' relatives and friends of the family are invited to
attend tbe funeral, from tber-sidcnce gf her sou-ln law,
'MrrPanlpl-McDevitt, No;-1834-Arch street, onMouday
morning, at BJ4 o'clock. -- *
FRAZIBB.—On the morning of the 29th of April,
Jionlaa 8., wife of Wm. W. Frasier. *
JONBS.—At Germantown, on Friday, 23th instant, M.
Xixsie, wife of John E. Jones.
Dun pntw of the funersl will bn given.
XONGSTBBTH.-rOn Tbnrs-lay. 28th Instant, Charles
C. Longstreth, In tbe 41st year of his age.
Fonera 1 from hU l*»« resilence, Ritteohous* street,
Gennaatowo, on Monday morning next, at 10 o 'clock. *
TAILOR.—On the morning of tb' 29th Inst., of scarlet
fever, Marian, eldest daughter of eorge K.aud Luoy
JB. Taylor, In the 4th year of her age. „ ~
-• The relatives and friend* of the family are respectfully
Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her
pij’SOts, No. North Eighteenth elieet, uu Monday
rSecood’dsy) morning* at 10 o’clock. Interment at
South Laurel Bill. ••• ‘ • • ••
TBAVBKB.—In Baltimore,cn the27th Inst.v aifs. So*
mu Travers, widow, of Captaiu Charles A. Travers, Sr.,
in tbe 81st year of her age.
1870. PLAIf ? 1870
T / Lot of ;
Heal “Nobby"
Clothing for Young Q-ents.
Finest Ready-Made Suits,
Superior in
jppj; pHiLADfiLFHIA,IAimiOd, 1870.
EutertaiDliis a high opinion of your l?gal ability tied
character, ana belifiTing yoo to be eminently qualified
for the position, we request your conaeut to present
your name as a candidate for .the office of AatoclaieJaa*
lieeof ibeGvarlof Common Pleas for the City and
Oouaty of Philadelphia.
Yoare truly,
Bor. Binney, jJameg H. Orne,
EH K. Price, (J&me«L Claghorn,
W..Al.Meredith* JJ.G. Kell,
Henry J. Will luma, Henry C. Lea,
Daniel Dougherty, G. 8. Benson,
Jaa. Bayard, Edward Browwiag,
Henry Wharton, • Strickland Kneam,
Aubrey ILSmith, A.E.Bori*,
A. J. Kuh, Cbaa. 8. Ogden,
;JI. 0- Thompson, Oeo.-D. Roejngarten, :
Alex. Henry, " J. E. Caldwell A Co.,
E. L. A»hhun)t, Samuel Hart,
Edw. Shippen, Jas. 8. Earle & Sons,
J.G.Boeeugarteu, Henry Stroup,
Horatio Galea Jouee, B.Thackara,
"William Dnane, V , 0. Tliackara,
"W. K. Whitman, Stoker, Caldwell A Co.,
John A. Burton, J. B. Krrineor,
H. Hampton Todd, James T. Young,
Deuj. Harris Brewster, F. L. Hotline,
_ JohnClayton,--~r Jolm-VV&naniaker,- - - -
Constant Guilion, E. I.afourcado,
•Toe. B. Townsend, B. H. Moore,
SliaeW. Petit, J. B. Lipplnc >U A Co.,
Samuel L. Taylor, Ctias. o'jfeill,
H. Howard Furneae,. William Ruahton, Jr.,
<3.0. Purrie, Edwin M Eowig,
W. Gner iiibler, Thornes Bobint,
Thomas E. McElroy, Edw. B. Wood, \
J. D. Meredith, Charles Wheeler, \
W. W. Welglry, N. il. Browne, \
Charles D. Freeman, George F. Tylor, \
BobertH. Will.-on, C. IJ. Clark,
Clement B. Penrose, Edward Bonington, Jr.,
*Wm4fii>U'li Wistar, W. It u a soli West,
Hmnr Phillips, Jr., John Moss,
Bichard P; White, Richard S. Smith,
Yf : J . McElroy. JayCooko,
H. C. Towneenu, Joseph F. Marcer,
William W. Fell, Chimea M. Prevoiti
J, -Sergeant Price,. Charles P. Herring, v _.
CarroH Broweter, Frederick Chase, \
George J unkin, It. P. McCullagh, '
John G. Johnson, Lloyd P. Smith,
Ghas, floury Hart, James A. Freeman,
Edwin T. Chose, Win. Q. Crowell,
Joseph A. Clay, Charles 8. Wood,
Wm. Ilenry Itawle, John L. Thompson,
K. Runule Smith, Fred. Fraley, ■
T. Pi Morris., Henry 0. Carey
Cadwaladcr Biddle, Win Purvis,
John 0. Knox, Jr., Charles Dulilli,
Wm. U. Tilghman, John Wiegand,
JameaW. Paul, A. Biddle,
Cliarlefi Gilpin, . Win. B, Rogers, Jr.,
Benj. H.Haines, Onorgo Vaux,
Joshua T.Owou, . „ ■ Henry il.Lttndla,
Claxtou, Rrmson.A HaffelflnKor.
Philadelphia, April M, 1870.
Hon. Horace Binney, Hon. Eli K. Brice, Hon. Wm. Al.
Meredith, and others:
.. GjrttTLKM.BN.:. Your.coi«muiijcationof tho_l7th iji3taut,
requesting my consent to your presenting my imm>i
us a candidate for Associate Judge ot the Court or
Common Pleas of this city and county, is received.
1 have no desire for the office, and feel that, with
the present salary, it cannot bat bo a sacrific e pe
cuniarily, for rao to accept a seat upon the Bench.
I hare ever held in theory that public office should
.-.not be. sought, but that, the onleu should soek the
' man; and, when properly tendored, should not be de
clined, oxcept for very imperative reasons. In cousht
eneywith that theory,-1 cannot.therefore, withhold the '
consent thus requested by not only the most distinguished
of the profession, but by so many having a substantial
and personal interest in the business aud welfare of this
• city and county.
.with great respect, and thanking you for this oxproa-
Pion'of confidence, I remain,vt«rv truly, yours,
it No. 627 Walnut streut.
nieeUng pf tho Board of Directors of the Mo>
cautilo Library Company, held on the 27th inst., tho
following resolution was adopted:
- ,7* - i-That in conformity with tho advisory voto*
•which has been'invited by tbo> Directors on thy
onlho ftrnt day of tho wool;
T {buuday-V th<f~buildiiig-BhaU r bo- opened Mbr-member* -
sind subscribers, as a; reading roo?n on'y, on the
proximo, and so continued horeafter on that day of tho
week from tho houruf 10 A. M; to sundown.
.. _ Kooording Socrotary.
irs» okflck of bha.moMs~a.nr
a9AL opMPANYV »“• 211
and Iln.ir Valley Onnl Oom
tb“ Ollico of the Oomoanv on MO.V
Sii V. Rt twelve o clock M-, ,V dividend nf
( ?d! l fteoof , tax! r “ , ‘ arU httß b “en deck’ll, puyahlo Muy
Ktl, ™ tn H “l"' 1 ". 1 " C “ lw 80 ° DKXTISK’B, 213
-poutli Fifteenth atreet, apii2i2lrp*
drey In the Pirht BeformM Church, corner of Sorenth
and Spring Carden atreeta, at 10H A. M., and 7?i P. M.
Krening—Nature’e Kmblenw, '■ The Loareri.’’„-_ __Jt* _
“ray KNTH Street, above Girard-arenne. Rov. Char.
11. Ilarding will preach to-morrovr at Io}i A; M. and 7K
P.M. All are Invited. It*
preach irr the West Arch Street Presbyterian
x’hnrch, corner of Eighteenth and Arch streets, to*mor*
/row at 10>£ A. M, > Ghildrenr’a Church nt 3 P. M. Sermon
to the children by tho Pastor. No service in the even*
lvg : . ' - It*
Tenth street, below Sprnce. Bevr'Sttffltf<rMiller
Hogemau, of Princeton, to-morrow, at 10>S A. M.,aad
R ?. v a T^J^Ph^Phor . d * B F. 'Mr Evfcuirig sitbjtMjr
Our Lord tho Morning Star. n All peraotiß cordially
invited. n*
“v£y Church, Ninot.enth and Groon streota.—ltov.
.V- , ’ . v u at° r alnct Syrvicea to-morrow, at I0)£-
oVlr.ck A. M. nnd at Bo’clork P. M. Sabbath School
Anuiveraary at 3 o’clock P.M. Addroaaca by Rev. Pr.
llcndlr, llev. J. L. Withrow and Rov.Qeo. F. Cain. It*
IKrX Seventeenth and Spruce atrootp.—Rev. W. P
Breed, D. D., will preach to morrow, at I<B£ A. M., the
fourth aermon on the Book of Job. Bnbject— ik The
opening of the Controveray,” The anniversary of tho
bunday-Fohool will bp celebrated at 3J* P. M. It*
Mr. Washington Barr,art old citizen ofHar
rislmrp, has been censured fpr riding-in tho
Fifteenth Amendment procession, with col
ored men, last Tuesday. He defends himself
in an able article, which concludes as follows:
yptf. f il.ttPQsitc.d. .I.JW.ent to.
tiie polls with that honest Democrat, Francis
11. Sliunk. He had two colored men by the
arms, Jerry aria-Geo; Kelley, anil'l had a- col
ored man by the namo of Zeigler; weboth de
posited onr vote for a Democrat, Gen. An
drew 1 Jacltson. " T hopo'to See the day when
a hundred thousand-colored men shall march
updo t.lie : polls and yote against the! manufac
ture and sale"of intoxicating liquors. 1 1 pray
Cod to hasten the day, that onr children anil'
friends may bo saved from tho fell destroyer/
V “W/BAltit.”i
—A Richmond man has wrilton to one of
tli'n city papers to inquire whether Artemus
Wiird, Lord John Russell, or Win. H. Seward
coined the phrase “so-called.”
academy of jhinb akts
~<ireut iiie'Slzo Paiutiß* b> ttieToot Artist, ~ " ' '
, Tim I’uim recited at 12 M., t and 9P.M. dailj by
m. Th» Eminont Traewllan nn<l Klocationlat.
- The Exhibition thin week will be Tor tbO'BKNEFIT of
Anmifßion....... ...» 25 coots
Jliclotf Jd# i bp entire valuable collection o? tbe AcailernTT
M. to 0 P.M., and from 7* to 10 P. at.
ajito tt , _
> EVENING, Mar I*. 1870.
_ Jfc* ?.QX£ H OlBS,assisted Vj M n. OUBAN GALTON
Director, JAMES PEABGB»Mai. Bac.« Organist St
Ma*V* Church. •'
Ticket*, CO cents. For sale at
W. H. IiONEB A CO.’S, 1102 Chestnut street
J. L. BIBPIIAM.7IO South Second street.
JOS. PARKER, Gemiotown
_A Dcipattf torea
Thia will be tbe.hmt garao for the Chajopionahip of
P« iiDßvlraoia.
; Reserved Seat*. SI.
CommenciDfir at 2 o’clock in the AFTERNOON* and’B
in Hit EVENING. «’ • ltfr
1 —W-M—Lr-DE-N NlB ,--153%,
Will hl" popular Lecture. entitled
For the Benefit of Kehderton Presbyterian Church,
_ ' On TUESDAY EVkSYnQ Next, May S.
-Ticketscau now be had at office Aeaembly Buildings!'
Ticket*, U> cents. :LectureatB. ap2S-strp?
The Annua! Meeting of the Mnnieal Fond Society will
W held, ut their Hall, on TUESDAY, the 3d of May, at
_Bfj;clock, P. M;
The Annual Report will be read, and an election for
Directors held.
ap393ts WILLIAM I/. DCKGLIBON, Sei’y.
US' S.'MJIBTY. Thirty-eighth AnnWervary, on
TUESDAY- EVENING. May 3i, io the Fifth Street
Metliouist Church, Fifth atreet. below Green, at 6
nV]irf*k. AddroMee by,Hot. J. Todd, Re?* Naah M.
Price.. R«*r; J; S. Hartley. FriemU of tho Bible will
plv&ne attend. it*
of Meat eepures great economy and convenience
in lionaejceening and excellence in cooking. .None
gerjoiocjcjtJuont the' signature of Baron Liebig, the
lnr<ntorp ana of Dr. Max Von Pettenkofer, delegate.
. j»sd.w »tf J.MILH&U’S SONS, 183 Broadway, If.Y.
oi Ninth Wnrd.will be held at Merrick and Market
on MONDAY EVENING-, May 24. 1870. at 8
i/clock. • „ _ —. W. S.BTOKLEY,
h F" i> - t n j ~ . . President
rf-reity Hospital la now open for the reception of
Ahplr Ninth street, beloa* Locnst. from-Il to 3, to
aplJMu elm-rp PROF. W. PAINE.
irs* ‘IiEMOVAL.-DR.
lK£r removed ,l»is Office from. 123 Botith Thirteenth
•trect to 223 South Seventeenth street, beiew Walnut. *
and tP2O Lombard street. Dispensary Department.
—Medical treatment and medicine famished gratuitoosly
-tr (he poor.— ; ~ :• —- —
pastor, will preach at lOK A. MV and Bo*cloek P. M. It*
' .tciwn.—B.r.Dr.Rtimney will officiate to-mor
row._Ber»icei, 10}», morales, and erenlng. It*
Church, Thirteenth street, above Wallace.—Bev.
L. P Uornberirer, Pastor. Preaching to-morrow at 10K
A. M. aud7KP.-M. Bund ay School «ta P.M. it*
“er Church. Locust street, abore fifteenth, iter. Dr.
Humphrey, Paator. Serrlcee at U>H A. hi. and 6
P-W. . • ... It*
“e£r Trinity, Walnut antf Nineteenth etrecte.—Ser-
Mceeto jn. rrowereningatao'clock. Sermon by Ber.
J. H. Eccleetou. it*
u-ear Church. Washington Sen arc.—Her. J. Uaaoa
Knox, D.D., will preach to-morrow at NWA. hl.,and
Her. Alex. Bced, D. D., atB P. M. . it*
h-efy tleth and t'h.rry etreets. Perrice to morrow
erening at 7M o’clock. Choral eorrlce. Seats
free. . It*
«r£y will prtacb in Trinity M . E. Church to-morrow
morning, fit 10H,and in the evening, at7?i. Strangers
are invited to attend. u w
IKsX Broad streel, below Arcb.—Preaching by the
Pah-tor, Rev. O.H. Payne, Sunday morning at lOJfi and
evempg at 7H » clock. Strangers invited. It*
dr?- Paator, will preach to-morrow in the Third Eo
foinied Church. Tenth and Filbert streets. Service at
mi oclock A. M. and 8 o’clock-P. M. it*
Church will take tdaco at. 3 P. M.% To-morrow,
m Waet Arch, corner of Eighteenth and Arch etreots
S»*nuon by Rov. Dr. Wlllits. Seats all froo except for
tliuchildren. Every person welcome. it*
above Sixteenth street.—ln addition to the regu
lar services,a choral service every Suuday evening, at
7h o'clock. At this service all tho seats will be free.
Strangers especially invited. . It*
they Street, übove Spruce.—Bight Bev. 0. T. Bedell,
J>; D.. liL. P„ will preach in this Church to-morrow
(Sunday)nmrning, at o'elock. The Bcctor will
preach in evening at 7)6 o’clock. It*
Colored' Voters in Old Times,
. - ......
- f Common Ic.tfld for th» Phils. Erenins Bnllotln.)
Tlie Flams of Jericho—Oricntn I . Plioto
Knpbj~(he Wilderness or Jude»>~Be.
tarn to Jerusalem.
Wednesday Evening, March 16.—We have
-pitched our tents this evening on the plains of
Jericho. We left Jerusalem at nine this morn
ing. Oar road lay across the southerly slope
of the Mount of Olives. It was intensely in
tereAtingto me, as going over the groiind"of
onr Saviour’s daily walk during the last week
of bis life, as he went on the evening ef each
bnsy day to seek rest and comfort in the house
of Lazarus. We stopped to see what is pointed
out as the spot where that house stood.. The n
•nr course lay-for six hears through the wil
derness of Judea. A wilder,! more barren and
desolate Tegion I never saw. This was the
scene of the temptation. The incidents of the
parable of the good Samaritan took place here
And the country is essentially, the same now
that it was then. We diil.not see a single
human habitation in the whole journey. The
traveler vfho goes alone or unprotected will be
as likely to “fall among thieves” now as
then. The wild Arabs roam over the desolate
regionrand-fall on the unprotected as their
legitimate prey. We stopped at noon to rest
and lunch under the shadow of a great rook.
amidst the ruins of an old Kahn, or inn—the
actual inn of the parable, if it was a real his
tory—the ideal of it, if it was a fiction. In the
afternoon we passed one of the wildest gorges
in Palestine. At the bottom of it was the bed
of a little stream, with a margin of green aloiig
its course. This is “ the brook Cherith, over
against Jordan,” where Elijah found a refuge
.from the: cruel designs of Ahab. The wild
.sublimity •of the scene must have been in
harmony with the stern grandeur of the pro
phet’s nature- At the close of the ..after-'
noon we came eat on the plains of Jericho.
The fertility here prevailing contrasts
strikingly with the desolation of the mouD.
tain region through which we have jnst passed.
Onr camp is pitched by the ruins of old'Jeri
cho, and near what iskno wh as the ( Prophet’B
Spring. .lit is said to be the r one whoso waiter
Elisha sweetened. It issues from the footof a
hill, and flovre ’away jn quite a considerable,
volume to the Jordan. Here, for the first time
in Palestine, onr.ear? were greeted with the
sound of flowing water. After ireashing onr
tents, we hastened away to tho stream, and in
4higed in the luxury df a- hath. It was perl
feetty delightful. As we “sat at the door of'
our teat at the cool of the day,” this evening,
ihethercnotneter stood at eighty degrees. The
scene before us is very inspiring. Yonder, in
fullyiew, are the “ Mountains of Moab,” from
one of .whose summits ‘‘ Moses stood and
viewed the landscape o’er!” Directly in front
• of- us-is-the : place where Israel-crossed over
Jordan. On this plain they encamped to re
new the national covenant, and keep the first
■Passover after leaving Egypt. It was here
they marched, in solemn silence round the
walls of Jericho—and here, when "the final
shout was given, “the walls fell down flat;”
It was here that Elijah divided the river with
bis mantle, and just on the£other side of Jor
dan from here, it was that he' ascended to
heaven in the fiery chariot. How solemnly
the recollection of such events stirs one’s soul
to its'loweet depths! ■ ■
ap3ollt rp|
the Pools of Solomon, Friday Evening March
18.—' Yesterday and to-day have been very in
teresting days, though I have neither time nor
space to do more .than gave a very brief out
line sketch of them.' But before doing this, it
just occurs to me that I have not told you the
result of our photograph experiment. The
agreement made with the operator was that
we were not to take the pictures unless they
proved satisfactory. They failed to do this,
and so we did not take them. He took three
impressions. In the best of these, two or
three of the figures were very well done, but
mine had a white spot over the right eye and
all down the cheek. and Dumas had
their eyes put out in the Bame way. So we de
clined to take them, as .there was no time to
try again. '
We left Jericho yesterday morning for the
Jordan, striking it at the ford known as the
“ Pilgrim’s Bathing Place.” It is about the
place where Israel crosped, and where Jesus
was baptized by Jobn. It is not as wide as the
Schuylkill—tho water muddy, and' the stream
rapid. It is very pleasant, water to drink. We
all look a hath, and after filling some canteens
with water from the sacred river, to bring
home,we visited the Dead Sea. And then,af ter
a long ride across the mountains of that Wil
derness of Jndah into which Jesus was led up,
alter his baptism in Jordan, “to- 1 be-tempted
of the devil,” and among whose,scenes of utior
desolation,with the wild beasts around him, ho
“fasted forty days for. our sakes,” we pitched
our tents for the night outside the walls of the
Greek Convent of Mt. Tabor. Leaving there,
this morning, we continued our ride through
the wilderness till wo reached Bethlehem- At,
ter examining its points of interest, we caine
on here in a drenching rain, and arrived at our
tents wet through.* Having left our baggage
at Jerusalem, wo had nothing to change with,
and no fire at which to dry ourselves; so, wi'.eu
the-rain ceased, we turned out to examine
:tbose interesting reiic.s of Holomon’.s grandeur,
and so keep in motion till the clothes should
dry from internal heat.
Jerusalem, Sunday, I March 20.—We were to
have gone on to Hebron yesterday, and have
spent Sunday there; but in view of the pros
pect of continued rain, wo concluded it was
most prudent to let Hebron go, and get back
lo our trunks, sq as not. to be under the neces
sity of repeating Friday’s method of drying
ourt< ®*T < ‘ fl ;. *^ n( VT ghid wo did; for, after
breakfast, this morning, tho postman came to
our tents, aiul brought us a rtylal lot of letters-
We expect to leave in tlio morning, on our trip
to the North, lor Damascus, Baalbeo and Bey
rout. We can mail no more till wo reach Da
mascus, three weeks ; from this dateuand re
ceive none' till we at 'Beyr6uts-a month
fence. ; Hpw long it seems !■ .1* sltallShe glad
When that point is reached, jam per well,
atid getting on very comfortably. A Mr. and
■ Mrsi H-—-, from Philadelphia, join us to-inor
roiVv They are. Methodists, and Mr. H—— is
a manager of tho Sunday School Union.
ItoMlnl’s “ Messe Stolennelle-’*
The concert given at the MusicaUfiund Hall,
ftttra eled 'alargwaudierice anKeeinCd to gi ve"
a great deal of satisfactlqn.to most of the per
sons ■ present. The programme contained
Beethoven’s Quintette for piano and wind
instruments, and Rossini’s famous posthumous
work the “ Messo Solennelle.” Of the former
beautiful composition we may say that it was
played very cleverly by IMessrs.Thunder.PJage
mann, Stdll; Kellner and Mueller. For the
Mass Mr. Thunder secured the services of
about forty persons, among whom were several
amateur singers ef more or less merit. Some
more judicious selections might have been
made for one or two of. the solos, but the
chorus was in many respects excellent, and if
•did good and valiant service with the splendid
.imisic.allotted to it—There .was a-very-marked
deficiency in the tenors, although the array of
gentlemen affecting that division of the music
was quite formidable. If there had been fewer
bodies and more voice, the result would have
been more satisfactory; [as it was, in some of
the fugues, where the tenor should have been
carried along, with evenness and ‘distinctness,
it could hardly be distinguished. But the
general performance of the ohorus was so
good that wo may easily pardon this defect,
and with greater readiness, because we appre-
date the difficulty of any number
of con petent amateur tenors in this city. *
The first two numbers of the mass, the
Kyrie and Gloria,were sung in a most admira
ble manner by the chorus. The Gratias, a de
licious trio for contralto, tenor and bass, was
about the most satisfactory performance of a
concerted piece given duriDg the evening.
Mr. Cochran and Mr. Briscoe, bass and tenor,
both have good voices, and-with the contralto,
who is also a fine singer, they gave the music
in a fashion that deserves hearty praise. Dr.
F. B. Thomas undertook the Domini Deus, a
tenor aria which requires for its just interpre
: tation not only a pretty good voice hut a very
great deal of warm feeling and passionate-ex
pression. Dr. Thomas’s voice is excellent, buthe
does not possess the other necessary qualities!n
such a degree that he succeeded in touching
the hearts of his hearers. - It is perhaps too
much to expect of any of the ladies and gentle
men who participated in this concert, that
they should display the highest kind of skill,
and it is hardly fair to criticise ■ their
performance too closely, but it is
true that this fine solo lost much of . its
effect by the unsympathetic manner in which
it was sung. The Qui'Tollis, a duett for-con
tralto and soprano, is a magnificent composi
tion, fuilof florid writing and theatrical ef
fects. It might be sung npon the stage, in
a suggestion of its sacred char-'
aeter occurring to the audience. The contralto
singer has a rich, Bweet voice, and sang de
liciously; but the soprano was somewhat hard
and shrill, and the voices did not blend nicely.
Mr.~Millcr,~avery good - baritone “iangrtlie
Quoniain, which is one of the most splendid
arias for a bass voice ever written by anybody,
if Mr. Miller possessed a bass voice, doubt
less he could sing this superb music with
proper effect. He did himself a great deal of
credit as it was, "but it was impassible that he
i should do entire justice to the music, some of
which was beyond his reach. The Crucifix us
is one of the choicest arias in the entire com
position, and it has been sung in this city by
at least one excellent artist, ■ ;
but if we remember rightly, even she failed
to give it with that deep feeling and exqui
site tenderness with which the music. should
inspire a really eloquent and capable singer.
If was sung last night by a lady-whose simple
execution was admirable; bather voice lacked
sympathy and sweetness, and her manner
was mechanical, and withont a particle of
earnestness. The audience was not at all
critical, however, and the aria received an
encore, whereupon it was repeated in a style
even more unsatisfactory than at first. Miss
Petry sang the lovely contralto solo, “ O, Saluw
taris,” with good effect. Appreciating the
sentiment, she infused into the aria some
passion and fervor, and displayed her full,
round, sweet voice to best advantage. She
received a well-deserved encore, and sang the
part again in a most praiseworthy manner.
The spirited chorus, “ Cum Sanctu Spjritu,”
with its wonderful and difficult fugue, the
plaintive “ Credo,” the joyous chorus and
tiigue, “Et Eessurexit,” and the “Sanctus,”
were sung splendidly by the full chorus,
which, as we have said, was really very com
petent, and gave entire satisfaction throughout
the performance. / . .
Mr. Dietrich accompanied most of the music
with taste and skill upon the piano, while Miss
Waugh’s management of the reed organ was
extremely creditable,
j The Parlor Concerts.
Oh Thursday evening, the sth of May, a con
cert will he given in the foyer of the Acadoray
of Music by the “ String Quartette Club” for
the benefit of the Club. This Organization is
familiar to the musical public through the ad
mirable series of Parlor Concerts given by it
during the past winter in Natatorium Hall.
The excellence of these entertainments was so
great that the performers are fairly entitled to
a handsome testimonial of the appreciation
with which our musical citizens regard their
efforts. The programme for the occasion*
which we give below, is a capital one, and the
-rcpiitatipn-of the-artists-Messrs, Guhlemanu,
Stoll, Boettger ajid Hennig is a guarantee that
the selections named will be presented in tirst
rate manner. Tickets for this concert, eau bo
obtained at Meyer’s music store, 1412 Chestnut
street; Boner’s, 1102 Chestnut "street, and
Andre’s, 1104 Chestnut street. The pro
gramme is its follow’s:
String Qudrictt. —F Major 1-., Schumann.
Andante oxpresßivo Allegro -Scherzo—intermezzo.
Adagio Presto. .
Moshtb. G. Gnblemanu. win. Stall, Jr., Tlieo. Boottger,
.—and ..E—Heimig— —
li.irv tone.
. ... . . JJr. K, Gamlet.
Trio—Concortnnt for two vlolina and vlolon
ce110... Mnllonhaur,
Megura. G..Guhlt'miiun, Wm. Stoll, Jr., and It. lien nig.
Concerto;—Piano—G Minor..; Mondoiaaohn.
Molto -Allegro' con fuoco, Audantel Prcato. Molto'
Allegro. ...
Orcboatra accompaniment arranged for second ptano-
BlCßsra. G. Giihlemann and Theo. Oecttgnr.
Concerto. —Violoncello, 2il niQ,vomouk. H . Molinue.
. i Mr. It. licnnlg. :
String Qnnrtett.—A Major .. ..lioethoTon.
Andante Cnntnbllo.. AUeorp Finalo.'
IICSBra.G Qubltmann, Wm. Stoll. Jr., Tlieo. Bootlger,
and B. ileimlg. . ■
— Mr.F.verlj’aßenellt. . V
For the bem fit of .Mr. Adam Evorly, last
nighth the Arch Street Theatre Was packed
with Ouq of the largest ntuUoncos it evurshoi-
tered,—an audience such sis we are accus
tomed to see at the Academy on its gala nights;
*it was a marked and; gratifying testimonial of
sympathy from the “eloct” of Philadelphia
sosiety. - The principal play selected was '77k
Past FamUy, and onr readers know the costly
and elegant manner; in which that drama is
set by the Arch. Mr. Everly assumed the rile
of Didler.” He succeeded in expressing the
-depths of jealous passion without ever trans
gressing; the manners of cultivated society—
which we take to be the problem of the part,'
*and in which Mr. Everly’s absolute success is
a warrant of his ability. Wb shall hesitate to .
say that he was even exceeded in the role by the
last actor w« happened to sea in it, Frederic
Fehvre, at the Vaudeville. As tor Mrs
Drew as “ Clotilde,” and Mrs. Thayer as
“Adolphine,” we->consider that, they were
fully equal to Mines. Fargueil and Alexis.
In both parts, it is true, the French comedi
emtes adopt a style of more absolute repose,
1 never quitting for a moment the manners of
the drawing room; hut the acting we saw last
night, especially that of Mrs. Drew as the
intelligent family-friend, had more energy
and real life, and sketched the character in a
way to be better understood hy American au
diences. Atthe conclusion of the piece the
beneficiary, in a few polished words, ex
pressed his satisfaction in returning “ home "
again, to the scene of his first professional
sueh a magnificent reception. , Ihe entertmn
ment conclnded with The Spitalfields Weaver,
with Mr. Everly as “ Brown ” the weaver.
[For tbo Phllada. Byealneßallotia.]
*f be Old Yeocomleo Cburoh.
Mr. Editor :—Will you be kind enough to
give place in the colnmns of the Evening
Bulletin to the following appeal in behalf
of “ Old Yeocomico Ghureh,” Westmoreland
county, Virginia?
A quotation from the pen of Bishop Meade
may. not be an—inappropriate prefatory.
“ Yeocomico Church, so called after a river of
tliTt name, is one of the old churches, being
built in the year HOC., .The architecture is
rough, hut very strong, and the materials must
have been of the best. kind. " Its figure is that
.of a cross, and situated as it is,-in~a” little
recess from the* main" road, -in the midst of
some aged trees, and surrounded by an old
brick wall which is fast mouldering away, it
cannot fail to be an object of in
terest. to, one whose soul has sympathy
for such scenes. . During the - war of 1812
it was shamefully abused Dyjhe soldiers who
were quartered tn it while watching the move
ments of the British on the Potomac. The
communion table was removed into the yard,
where it served as a butcher’s block, add was
entirely defaced- Being of substantial mate
rial,,however, it admitted of a new faoeland
polish, and is now.restored to its former place,
where we trust it will answer for a long time
the holy purposes for which it was originally
designed. Nor was the baptismal font exempt'
from profanation. It was taken some miles
from the church, and used as a vessel in which
to prepare the excitements to nugodly mirth.
The canvasses on which the Ten Command
ments. the Lord’s prayer and the Creed were
impressed, were so torn by the soldiers that
they could no longer be permitted to retain
their place, and are now lying in fragments in
one of the unoccupied pews.” In addition to
this, tradition tells ns that not only in the war
of 181/i was this sacred edifice used-as bar
racks, but also in the early years of onr fore
fathers’ glorious achievement of indepen
dence. During the late civil contest, it was
again profaned; and although the roof and
walls are in good preservation, the interior is
in such a state of dilapidation that uuless some
friendly hand is stretched forth'to save it, it
must e’en become
“ A tottering monument;
A silent, solitary thing.”
It being our earnest desire to restore this
temple of God to-its pristine glory, and feeling
inadequate to meet the necessary expense
attenuing thereto, we prayerfully solicit such
pecuniary aid from those who feel interested
in the extension and promotion of Chris
tianity, and who venerate the memory of such
patriots as 'Washington, Lee and Parker, as
Cod may open their hearts to bestow. L.
Contributions left at the office of the Even
ing Bulletin will be gratefully acknow
ledged. —• •
In 1732, .Thomas Penn contracted with
Tedyuscung and some others for a title to all
-the.land in Pennsylvania to be taken oil' by a
parallel latitude from any point as far as the
best of three men could walk in a day, be
tween funrise aiid sunset, from a certain
chestnut tree, at or near Bristol, in a northwest
diiectiun. Care was taken to select the most
capable for such a walk.' The choice fell on
James Yates, a native of Bucks county, a tall,
slim man of much agility and speed of foot;
Solomon Jennings, a Yankee, remarkably
stout and strong; Edward Marshall, a native
of Bucks county, a noted hunter, chain-carrier,
&c., a large, heavy set anil strong-boned mam.
The day (one of the longest in the year) was
appointed and the champions notified. The
people collected at what they thought the first
twenty miles of the Durham road, to see them
pass. First came Yates stepping as light as a
feather, accompanied by T. Penn and atten
dants on horseback. After him, but out of
sight, came Jenniug’s with a strong, steady
step; and not far behind, Edward Marshall,
apparently careless, swinging a hatchet in his
hand, and eating a dry biscuit. Bets ran in
favor of Yates. \ Marshall took biscuit to sup
port his stomach, and carried a hatchet to
swing in his arms alternately, that the action
in his arms should balance that in his legs, as
lie was-fully determined to beat the others, or
die in the attempt. lie said he first saw Yates
in descending Durham creek, and gained on
him. There he. saw Yates sitting on a
“log, very tired; presently he fell off. and gave
up the walk. 1
Marshall kept on, and before he reached the
Lthigh overtook and passed Jennings— waded
the river at Bethlehem—hurried on faster anil
faster by where Nazareth stands, to the Wind
Gap. That was as far as the path had been
maiked for them to walk on, and there was a
collection of people waiting to see if any of the.
Jhreejyoiild.reach.it hy_sunset..,,.Jle..only.hattc!,l.
for the surveyor to give! him a pocket compass,
and started again., Three Indian runners were
sent after him to seo if he walked it fair, and
how far he went. He then: passed to the, right,
of Pocono ‘Mountain, the Indians finding it
difficult to keep in' sight,'till he reached Still
Water; and he' would have gone a few miles
fijther but'for the water. There he marked a
tree, witnessed by ,tlie three Indians. The dis
tance lie walked between sun and sun, not
being on a straight line, and about thirty miles
of it 'through 1 -the woods, was estimated to ho
from one hundred ti'nd ten to oiui hundred and,
twenty miles. He tints won the grpat prize, ;
Which was live hundred pounds ifi money,
~ _ hf
a Jboner walk.
and five hundred acres of Iviid anywhere in th®
purthase.: ; -
thirty miles or. Bore, was q« te bliriil when
rwhen outrofTJitfkSviii'ereefcjSrad nved buttiirea.
days afaerward. Svilomon- Jennings survived
but a few years. Edward Marshall lived and
died on Marshall’s Island in the Delaware
' river. He arrived at abnnt 90 years of>>e. JJe
was a great hunter,and it is aaid h® discovered a
rich mine of silver; which rendered him ahd his
connections affluent; but he never disclosed
where it was, and it. continues' „unSa»wn -to
this day. . . '
—lllinois bar Mud-Lockfor a, town. v
■ —There were-iwenty-one bridesat tlne Fifth
Avenue Hotel, KewYork, one day this week.
—ls a temperancg lecturer synonymoatswith
a water-spout .±-PilnchineUo~ ,
—Mr. Hackett is- playing “ Palstaffi” to- the
merry wives of Chicago:
—Gilt tassels, as Wsign of noble birth; wiEna
more adorn the caps of Oxonians: '; ■
—Paris govrmela are eating violets -fitted. as;
butter and sugar. >
—England's national debt is-nearly a thnvtt
larger than ours. »
—Madison, Wisconsin, , burns less, tha*t
$3,000 worth of gas in its street-lamps yearly.
—Berlin is soon to have gas in pipesfromthw
Furstenwald coalmines, five miles off.
—Portsmouth, Virginia; complains of mus
r —Mrs,. Ahby-Sage-McEarland-RichardtOßs;
etc., is writing her own life, probably, as. a.
warning to others.
. and Htabbing a wife is con
sidered a misdemeanor at Kew Orlerns. and.
costs a man a dollar. , .... . • •
, irA Georgia paper narrates the suicide oF
Bat Smith, a white woman livmg'on Bog
alley.” &•
—Yerba Buena Cemetery, in California, has.
the property of preserving bodies fifteen year*,
without change.
—Rubinstein has been, fined twenty-five
roubles for scolding a fair pupil; at the Con
servatory of Moscow.
—The Salt Lake saints think they have dis--
_eovered_a Gentile plot ta-assassi nate Brother
(S'—Dresden’snew opera-house. from Ptofes
sor Semper’s plans,: is to have an. invisible or
chestra and cost 100,000 thalers. : .That will
make the treasury sic, Semper. . .......
—A spirited young Michigandress footed.it
11 miles through the awful mud.of- thatsee
tion, to marry the man of her. choice. That
was a wedding a la mud.
—A Michigan agrigultnrist lost his life im
the vain effort to rescue anidolized fanning
null from a fire which consiiraed.lw barn, la it
week. ._. , ,
—The house-cleaning, season-but< West Sis
usbereij in bythe usualscalding to death of
infants in profusion.
—An ■ auctioneer’s clerk being directed "by
his: employer to insert in: an advertisement si.
JryrcoJiy Kalielle, ” wrote_“ A fresh co w by -
raffle!” , *
—San Francisco proposes to tax the Chinese
gambling houses for a fund to pay the expenses
of the female slaves who want to .return to
the Flowery Kingdom....j. .
—The lady whom Bandmann accidently stab
bed while playing Othello, has ' lost her suit
against him, though she modestly estimated
her damages at only $5OO.
—An Illinois man persisted in smoking.in
his stable till a horse kicked hispipe out of his
mouth and the life out of his body together-
The barn and three horses were consumed..
—Missouri has a pupil in the primary, de
partment of a public school one hundred and.
Keven years old. He is a colored youth,and cries
because the other children won’t play tag with
—Three Chinese prisoners in a- Sacramento
court the other day, were “ handcuffed ” by
tying their pigtails together. One fell down,
stairs and lost both his scalp and his chance to>
go where the good Johns go.
—Thu body of atailor, missing.two months,
was found by the authorities of a
French town, in a cellar, packed in salt, when,
they took the advice of ad. anonymous note
aud searched all the cellars in to wn<
—An Illinoisan has become the fifth hus
band of a woman just to see what effect it
would have ou him, as he had heard that-her
first husband ran away, that the seoond-hung.
himself, the third, shot himself and. the fourth
—An ex-nlayorofLouisville, regrets that his
confidence in a fellow-countryman just over
Fadefland induced him to lend him $lOO and
a gold wuth and chain, since his- sudden dis
appearance a day or two after.
—lkeTady teachers of a New Orleans school
recently adjourned to tbo play-ground and
settled a misunderstaudiug alter the rules of
tlm F. It., and in presence of their admiring
scholars. -
—A writer in the Pn/f dfa!! yazette. ’ disap
proves of the pronunciation ofthe letter “ h
at the beginningwords, and doesn’t want
“this aflectationm our country houses and
firesides.”. r •
—A Polish Count Potoski has: just died in.
Connecticut, He was handsome, spoke five
languages and formerly ran insurrections, pat
of late he has been running a machine in a
suspender factory.
—California is afflicted with too-many young
men from the East who have no money ,or
trades to work at. They sit around and, wish
they werb at home. The people of California,
—Mr. C. D. Hess has organized an English
opera troupe for the eowing season, cousist
iug of all the principal members of the Parepa-
Bosa company, except the Itosas themselves,
and Mr. and Mrs.- Bowler, Mr. Draytou, and
Mr. Peakes, who are the best members of the
Bichings-Beruard troupo.
—Chicago audiences at theatres are judged,
in a moral point-, by the number that go out
between the acts to see a man. On Wednes
day night, at the principal theatre, the whole
audience, except two men, went out to- drink.
On investigation it was found that, of these
- twoj onirwas' already drunk,- and the other
had an unsettled account at the bar, ami dare
not go.
—Many of the advertisements which appear
in the “ Agony Column” of the New. York
Herald are as amusing as those which often
appear in Punch. - Haro is one from yester
mty’s paper:
“Peach Bcttkii.” —Personal of Thursday
noticed. Your social should hot
suffer such humiliation. Those who are so in
terested will positively make themselves
known upon your return. 1 Old friohiis are
—The London correspondent of a Clncln- .
nati paper has lieett writing home a vory silly -
letter about, Mr. Dickens’s personal appear
ance, in which, after speaking at length about
his eyes, his nose, his jaws, hts “physiognomy
and- expressioni” he says that the -general
shape of the novelist’s head is oylin-lciual—“a
cylinder resting on nil inclined plane: the
hack end" somewhat thrown up, which gives
the posterior, though proportionately da
veloped, but terminating in a well-defined ...
angloja want of fullness directly behind Bio
cars, particularly, when the- hack hair- is
finished close." Poor- Mr. Dickens! we fear
there is no help for it. He .must carry this
Aviifit of fttßucas the caw to his gwro* -