Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, April 28, 1870, Image 4
the TJEBniWiK DISASTER IX BICII- , viftr Persons Killed mill Upwards of One * Hundred Wounded. - IUcHMO-Nij, April 27.—A. ; terrible calamity occurred here this morning..; The. floor of: the. Court of Appeals in the State Capitol gave' way nndpredpltatedth6huridr6ds therein assem bled to hear the decision in the Mayoralty case; of Ellison and Gaboon, l#bn'. tlie COhseryativO caucus then sitting in the; Hall of, the House,of . Delegates -below. _ It is.iiupossible. to ascertalii' theextent ofthe injuries at'present.- : i - j Among the killed are P. H. Aylett; a. distin-j gulshed lawyer; Dr. J. B. Brock, reporter ' for - tlie Enquirer and Examiner ; Samuel Eaton; ' clerk of. Mayor Calioori;. Captain William'A; Charters, Chief of tlie Eire Department ;;N. P. , Howard, a lawyer; Ash. Levy, a Richmond merchant; Charles Watson, of: the .Danville!. Railroad; Hugh Hutcheson; Lewis N. Webb,; of this city;■——s— Schofield,! bi other of Gen. - . Schofield; B; H. Maury, dr.; Senator Bland; . (colored), and Pdwhattan Roberts.■ 1 . It is supposed that twenty /members of the " State Legislature are killed and. wounded.. The Judges of the Court of: Appeals all .escaped un hurt. Ex-Governor Wells was badly injured. •;t L.- H.-Chandler,' counsel for Gaboon .in the ■ Mayoralty’ case, was -injured. ' Janies Mason - and Judge Meredith; counsel; for Ellison, Were : also badly hurt. ' : : , ' s ' About 200 persons were hurt .by.tbe.accij dent.; The greatest excitement; preyails, and ! hundreds of persons in the Capitol Square are weeping- aud: wailing as the! dead and dying ! are brought out of the building. 'Governor ; Walker escaped unhurt, though on the floor of i the court-room at the time. ;.,\.' ; ‘ RicniioSi), April r to the . particulars before sent tlie_fo]lo^ing ; are given :. About li o'clock the' Supremo Court of peals of Virginia was crowded with eminent j citizens and many local politicians and age'at < there by curiosityto hear the’ result,.'of the late r hearing of the question as. to the Mayoralty'of Richmond. The friends of Messrs. Ellison amTCabooh; whb coihprise the promiuent Re - publicans and Conservatives of the city, hadas sembled to hear the decision which it was Ox, • pected would be given to-day. Among the f my prominent persons were ex-Governor ells, ex-Hongressman Millson, Judge John Meredith, Patrick H. Aylett, ex-United States district-attorney for this district; ex- United States District-Attorney L. H. Cliandler r • and others. ———- ~ At eleveUd’clbck^tbe~ganery' : or'tb'e court room, which was crowded, fell In, the floor fol lowed, and then descended thirty feet! to the floor below, which was the hall of the House of Delegates of Virginia, ■. on which some few of the members of a caucus were walking around. There was a general crash of all the timhein and iheTallihg of the”inside wall, in which were killed tbprfollowing: Patrick H. Aylett; Captain Charters, Chief of the Fire ’ Brigade M. Schofield, City Assessor, and brother of General-Schofieldrlate-Secretary of ; War; Dr. J. B. Brock, editor of the Richmond Enquirer ; Julius A. Houson, City Collector; S. Dugger, member of the House of Delegates; - T. A. Brenis, commission merchant of Alexan — dria ; Samuel Eaton,,of Boston, Massachusetts, v and formerly manager of theEostdn Theatre; ' Powhattan Roberts, Commissioner in Chan • eery isi the. Court of Common Pleas; James : A. Blamiere, Of Berlin, Prussia; S. E. Burn . -ham, of- Syracuse,- N. Y.; !N.. Howard, lawyeriAsh Levy, merchant; J. W. D, Bland, -colored' Senator from prince Edward; J. 1 Watsoii, merchant, of Danville; Thomas H. ' Wilcox, ex-rebel general; Samuel H. Hairston, a wealthy land-owner of Henry' county > Chas. J. Grinnan, of Washington, D. C!; Robert-H. Maury, Jr., land agent; 'Edward Ward, of ' ““England"; "Mm^DaViS, 7 coaUiwercUam; - John“ Robertson, colored . Baptist minister; Colonel —■ Pettigrew ; Woolfolk-T-Toley,-deputy-United-, States marshal; W. E. Randolph,of New York; I .. .. It. _E. Bradshaw,! grocer, ...and. .thirty-three others—amengst whom were one captain, one - sergeant, and nine privates of the police, who _ W.ere on duty in the building. r Among the wounded were ex-Governor Wells, ribs broken and otherwise internally in jured; Mayor H. K. Ellison, Slightly; Mayor Cahoon, slightly; L, H. Chandler, Judge John A. Meredith, . James Neeson, John Howard; Rush Burgess, collector of the district;. Wm. C. Dunham,.agent of the. Virginia.and -New York Steamship Line; Hon. Thomas S. Bo cock, ex-Speakcr of the Confederate! House of Representatives, leg amputated; General M. D. Corse, ex-major-general of the rebel, army; ~ Gob-George W. Brent, of Alexandria; Captain George W. Allen, port warden ; W. C. Elam, newspaper correspondent and broker; Thos. S. Baldwin, merchant, from Newark, N. J.; W. J. Chesterman, of'the Petersburg Index ; Wm. ■ H. Loper, merchant, of Baltimore, and about one hundred others. ■ • i Directly after the disaster occurred the fire alarm was used to. give notice, and the -hook and ladder companies of the city repaired' at once to the scene. A cordon of police was drawn around the building, and the ladders were thrown up to the windows. For three hours 'the scene was full of horror. Minute after minute there appeared, ssvuug out by a rope tied around the middle of the body, some • popular favorite, who, aftdc,,being swung on the shoulders of one of the fire brigade, was brought dowm.the.Jadder into-the-green;p.ft):i!jJ public park, where it: was instantly surrounded 1 by two or three thousand of those who ,bad J gathered to recognize the slain. The park was filled with agonized, weeping women and ; anxious men until two o’clock, when the last victim was drawn from the building. After tliis the police closed the park, refu sing admittance to any one. The bodies of the dead having been sent out, all the stores in the city were closed, and placards put up, read ing, “ Closed in conseqnenc; of the disaster at the Capitol.” No more business was' done during the day. To-night meetings of the Tress Association,-members of the late military associations, members of the bar, and citizens generally .nre_heing held.. To-morrow will be observed as a day of general mourning. . Washington, April 27.—A gentleman of i Richmond nowhere-gives., the following par ■ ticulars of some of the persons -who were killed in the calamity: Patrick Henry Aylett was for merly the Confederate States District Attorney, and since the war has been one of the'editors of the Examiner, and Inquirer. lie was a great grandson of v Patriclf Henry, of Revolu tionary fame. Edtfin M- Schofield is the youngest brother of Major-General Schofield ; was a United States army 'officer during the war, and was appointed by the military com mander assessor for the city of Richmeud. J ulius A. Hobson was an old citizen of Rich mond, and for the past ten years was city, col lector. Samuel A. Eaton, formerly @f Boston, was an old member of the Boston press; was Borne time attached to the Herald of that city; was once a theatrical manager, and has been Mayor’s clerk since the war. Powhattan Ro berts, a native of Virginia, was one of the leading members of the bar. 'J. W. D. Bland, colored, Senator from Prince Edward county, was a man of much ability and a leading man among his race. Among the wounded are: H. H. Wells, cx o Governor. He was formerly in the United ' _«tates in my ; was TiT edmmdhd of the defences of WasbjngUm south of the Potomac; was ap ■ pointed by General Schofield military governor of Virginia, and was defeated at the. late elec „ lion by the present Governor Walker. Henry K. Ellison, one of the proprietors of , l ' the Kichmond IHupatch, was elected 'by the Bony Found.—Last night Coroner Robert City Council under the enabling act to succeed S. Bender, Of Camden, held an inquest on the Cahoon as Mayor of Riejnnond. George body of a man who was found drowned in the Cahoon, formerly of Pennsylvania, was up- dock at Kaighn’s Point. There was nothing pointed by General Schofield Mayor-of Rich- discovered about him which would lead to his niond. The contest for the MayoraUy-bctween > identification. - , these two-gentleuieu.was the. occasion of the dense crowd ihthOcburt-room. ; - '' > X,. 11. Clinndler, of Norfolk, formerly from Blaine,: was.Unitejl States district attorney forj : Virginia until July last, and since the war .was . lected a member, qf. the: United States Con-; L gress from tbb Norfolk district, but was not,* admitted to a seat. He is now a practicing lawyer, rind'js well; known’ ittthe worth as a; 'eading jjiijhlic ppeaker in,-.behalf of. the Re-; ■* publican party during, the “Presidential canvass.,’ John A. Meredith was formerly judge of the ; • Circuit tjotirt-for Richmond; • was removed .by General Schofieldwas leading counsel .for, ... Ellison. . James Ngeson, formerly of . yVest; Virginia, was a member of the Confederate; Legislature, and lately assistant United States ; district, attorney; tps associate counsel for; Ellison. iTi. wi ■ ; John Howard is one of the leading lawyers of Richmond. William C. L)unham is agent, of the .Old Dominion Steamship Company at Richmond, arid a member of/the City Council. Thomas S; Bocock was formerly a member of the United States an opponent, of Sherman for the Speakership; was Spohkori of the Confedeirite CongrQS3| is uow practleirig ]r •'.tLy.richbir "' ' " ‘ ! ,awai .fciu -.irg.; ■ " Col. U. W. Brent, of Alexandria, wits adju tant-general to Gen. Jos. L, Johnston (luring, the war. Rush Bargess is Collector of internal Revenue-for Richmond.' W. D; Chestermau is connected with the Richmond Enquirer, as re-; porter. ' * ! ' ■ ': v ' A private telegram from'Richihohdi says that the. Court was about to deliver ah opinion in favor of Ellison, ope of the judges-dfeseutiug, us the floor fell. , . ( '■ \ CITY BULLETIN. _ James A. Freeman sold yesterday,: at the Exchange, the following: Share Mercantile Li brary, $6; 2 peWs Central Presbyterian Church, $10; building-lot, Fifteenth street, below Ve nangor2sxlo»feet;-$350r2-tbree*tcny-.brir!c dwellings, 1230’‘Riehm6nd street; and 123 T Fisher street, lfixlOO feet,subject to $2B ground ieht, ! $4;025: .ground rent 6f $lBO per annum, $2,500; three-story brick dw ; ellmg, Nor l : 124 Oxford street, lot . 15x60 feet, $2,515; three story brick dwelling, No.-400 South Twenty third street, subject to $6O ground rent, $1,000; building lot, McKean' street, west of Fifth, 16x66 feet, $310; tliree-story brick dwelling, No. 506 North Third street, lot 16x101 feet, .$5,800; two-story brick building, known'aS the Monroe Public School, Button wood streets east of' Eleventhj-lot Soxlt>o feet, . subject to 5160 gi mind rent per annum, sif),soo;- .interest in-two lots, Girard and Montgomery avenues, $3O; interest in two lotSfUirard ave nue afid Hanover street, $35; interest in lot, Marriott street, below Ninth, $l5. Sold at private sale since last report, lot of ground at the southwest corner of Eighth and Vine streets, 19x100 feet, $30,000.- —Charles Wade, aged about 20 years, re siding'at No. 611 South Front street, was way laid in Fifth street, above Catharine, last even iug, abotirBo‘dbclr/by two men,-one of whom struck him several limes in the face, and then cut him twice in the head.. His assailants then lan d' Wade fell to. the sidewalk, but was soon removed to a. neighboring drug store, 1 where -bis wounds were dressed. He alleged that' on Sunday last a dispute, took place' be tween-himself and a nian named Edward Mul . len, aged about 21 years, residing la Catharine . street, below-Fililwand tbat last evening Miil leji; iu-cempany withanotber.mftn,.methim at the place stated, when the stranger inflicted the blows and cut him in the bead. After haviug 'lns^wounds-dressed, Wade was accompanied to his home by a policemau. ; , ’ , - . The frame wheelwright shop and a'frame stable; belonging to Justice-enlin, in Paschal ville, Twenty-seventh Ward. were destroyed by lire about four o’clock yesterday morning. The loss is estimated at $1,000; no insurance'.; The “names exteiuled to a frame - dwelling-occupied by J. Yam Horn, and which was" also—burned-! down. -A part of the furniture was removed in safety. The loss on the building is - esti mated at $2,500, upon which there is an Insur ance of-s’?so. Loss on furniture about -$400; no insurance. - —The billiard tournament for the champion ship of Pennsylvania was continued yesterday afternoon and evening, at the Assembly Build ing, Tenth and Chestnut streets. Four three ball French carom games of one hundred points were played during the day and evening, and appended will be found the names of the players, and the result of the games': . First Game—Rocklull, 100; McAleer, 32. Second Game —Plunkett, 100; Palmer, 32. Third Game—McAleer, 100; Doyle, 92. Fourth Game—Palmer, 100; Hunter, 45. —TheSchoolDirectors of the Twenty-second- Section have passeda resolution approving of the course af Miss Bessie Archer, the music teacher of: said section, and continuing her in her position. The Board also passed a resolu tion to the effect that they consider mhsic “ well calculated to elevate and rehue, anil at the same time afford a pleasing and healtlnul re creation to the pupils.” —ln response to the appeal in the Evbnino Bulletin, the following contributions to the fund for the orphan children of Capt. Williams; of the Oneida, have been received Robert S. Sturges, Esq., - J. Rhea Barton, M. D., r Iff Qodey, h.->q., Cash, Total, - —While the family of Mr- J. R. C. Ward, residing at 1328 Arch street, were looking at 'the parade, on Tuesday, thieves entered, tbe dining-room iu the roar, by scaling a fence,and carried'off about $l5O worth of silverware. The plated-ware was carefully selected from ■ the silver and left behind in the yard. ' —The will of the-late-Bridget Fagan was admitted to probate yesterday. It contains two bequests of a public nature —one of $lOO to tbe St. John’s Orphan Asylum and the other of $lOO to St. Vincent’s Church, of German town; fortheusexPtbApoor. . —-- : —Daniel McNeill, aged 14 years, fell forty feet through the hatchway at Simpson’s print v works, at Manayunk, yesterday afternoon, and was seriously hurt. He lives at the Falls of Schuylkill. —Edward Tully, charggdwitb having picked a pocket at Walnut S\reet-wharf, was up be fore Alderman Kerr yesterday afternoon, hut the prosecutor failed to appear aud the accused was discharged. —Patrick Burke was at the Central Station yesterday, charged with having stabbed James U’Kape at Sixth and Fitzwater streets, and was held in $l,OOO-bail.to.answer at Court, —A dilapidated and unoccupied frame slianty in Dougherty’s court, in the vicinity of Seventh aud Alaska streets, fell down yester day afternoon. Nobody hurt. —Samuel L. Hill, charged with having stabbed his wife, was yesterday held in $l,OOO bail for, trial. NEW JEBSEY HATTERS. Public School Pbopkuty.—in’ Camden county the valuation ol publjp school property* is as-followsCaniden -cityrsloT,foo; .UiuOff township, $20,000;' Centre, $2,200; Gloucester, $3,850; Delaware, $1,150; Haddon; $20,400; Monroe, $4,050; Newton, $8,500-; Stockton, $1,500; Washington, $2,100; 'Waterford, $4,700. Total, $170,200. ’ ■ PHILADELPHIA EVENING BULLETO THHBaD&Y,’ABRILm; 1870. . Tub CKr.KßitAiioN.T—Tha programme ofj the celebration' commenced .at sunrise j -by the firing-of a salute in Camden. Flags! were displayed in honor of the, occasion frora.j various buildings. Divine services were bold! in tbb dlflerent' -Africati;'fcbnrcbes.' At one! o’clock tbe procession .was formed at Broadway! and Kaighn’s. Point, .ayenue,'in„good order,- uiKler tlie cotniuand bf ' Clilet; 'Marshal, Bean,, and, 'accompanied Vby ieiSellehti.-.nAislc, with- banners bearing suitable in-* scrip! ions, and flt&s v wavlng, passed over several; •of-the-.principalstreets.- The'dispSaywas iui-t posing, andther participants .conducted them- i selves in ( a,.becoiuing v ,and ;lnghly creditable 1 ’ manner. No disturbance *■ worth noting oc- ■ curred during the progress of tbe parade, a cir-j , cumstanca .which speaks well for Camden.- ; It j ’ ls’to fee hoped tlint tte’ proceedings' 'this ’ open ing will be characterized'by tbe isame quiet: and orderly behavior of all, both participants! aud spectators. • v-.iV ,-v.y : ;r I We catalogue some of tbe stranger facts of Japanese life mentioned by M. Humbert in Uisj new' work, by Hacnette,’ “ Lei Japan Illustre.’* Every matfr carries About j writing materials,.a;,-bpuisb,ea::jStick of Indian' ink, an J a roll of mulberry paper, side by sides with tobacco.. Men anj women: employ different styles of .writing, but the men* can read 'the - women’s (/iwakona), whilef the: women cannot read the men’s (katakana)J- M. ■ Humbert- gives the alphabetsof -both.: The ‘‘ callisthenics ” of the ladies lake the, form of . fencing! with,bent iron lances, bu.t-tbey do not: know what needlework is., M. Humbert d wells on the music, musical instruments,, operas,and: . literature of , Japan. ; .Books:, are respected equally with the" monuments of ancestors. They, are fond of periodically applying inoxas, which” parallels the ’ • former ’use cjf bleeding in this country. For this and* for acupuncture,' which- ■is also a uopulai- iiabit, them Ssaspecial’CUtss of'snr geons.’ Tile bath, lipt or wld, is universal, and the' sbanipooers; wbo are in great request, are ! all blind.! The ragmen in tbe streets i pick ;up the waifs with loug chopsticks. Tha wrestlers —some of whom are a kind of tribe apart, who improve in strength from generation to generation, and there are; sopie .leurious illustrations of the jugglers’tricks, es pecially of those done with false noses. M. Humbert also gives a mass of information on the religious establishments, the tea-houses, and tbe gankiros, or . centres, of prostitution, which axeaninstitution.inJapan. “The trade, and recent comniereTaThistofy of the counti V, and of its relat’oris with Western natious, are -also fully treated with all tbe advantages of a diplomatist's knowledge; but we regret it is impossible within our limits to do full justice to this book. A Baris correspondent says: ; ; Tbe fine weather is beginning to tell upon the trees; whicb-ai last seem inclined to come -forth-and slielter (ls from the rays of-thesun.- Tbougb foliage *is backward; -the Champs -Elysees and. Bois de Boulogno are . daily crowded witli very-indefatigable people pf.va rious reputations—from - the stately duchess of the Faubourg to the last insolent, beauty, who has made a name and is busy r discountiug it. Some of ,the literary papers have chroniclers who look -through the fashionable kaleidoscope, and report in. strange international lan guage. ..on -,tlie manner, .in'. Which the upper ten , thousand turn out. , One gentleman, in tight unmentionables, tells us tHat Madame la Baronne.de Botliscbild is to be seen daily in the Bois ui a ravishingbay brown cab, while the Countess- Waleska (who-was pensioned just .in time) dashes along with a pair of “ poneys pie” . {sic).' The charming : Madauie tlie lake with two famous black “stoppers,” while:lsahe!!a-the-Catholic,-iu-mourning—foi poor Henri de BourboD,-and .sepamted_Jxom_ herhusband, passes, with “solemn antique livery.” One day Pierre Bonaparte, the slayer of Victor Koiivwas. seen in a Victoria and a white hat, his faithful companion. The Prin cess de Saigon, evidently much admired by our chronicler,' who probably saw her a few weeks ago -on ; the ice, wrapped' in sable and cutting - tbe most delicious figures, is represented as the occupant of a coupe igoixte. The Duke of Hamilton was,as usual, in a marvellous dog-cart, and Mr. . Wil kinson in a “ stage a quatre,” With all this, the French are not so happy as might be ex pected. They enjoy their Bois and their Elysian Felds, hut complain of tbe great in fluence exercised by.the foreigner on their des tinies—from the Princess of Metternich to Mr. Worth in modes —from Mr. Mackenzie. Grieves to the smallest jockey in matters of horseflesh. Albert Wolff writes their most Parisian chroni cles, Offenbach their most sparkling music, while the hanking world teems with German and Spanish Jews, good old English houses aqjl a very rising crop of Americans. What with all these Americans, English, Egyptians, Russians, and the small-pox, the French think they had better retire, at all events for the present. How tbe »uU« "wits Received In India.. The natives ,of Bombay have been singing (lie, praises of the Duke ,of Edinburgh in a truly Oriental fashion, On his. visit to Elphin istone—Coilege:iriumber:_ofj:poetical-addresses- were presented to him, some in English and others iu Sanskrit, Arabic, and Persian. Iu a Sanskrit ode Mr. Ramorushna Gopal ■ Bhandarkar thus celebrates the Prince’s visit: Verily the young prince left his mother country and came here, not out-of curiosity to see a foreign country, but to bestow upon the huinble inhabitants of the land of Bharata the reward of their virtuous deeds in the shape of a sight of his person. The good luck of men, which was dormant, begins, when the radiant glances of your eyes are east toward them; to shine forth, like lo tuses in a pond,, when touched by the rays of the sun. - —ln Jhi s abode - of- knowledge,by the gracerof the Queen, we churn the good words of Sans krit and English sages, and drink the nectar of ‘knowledge, the essence of both. An Arabic poem, composed by. Syed ;Ab dool Fattah Moolvee,addressed the Prince as— ■ The most learned and greatest of princes, (His Royal Highness) Prince Alfred, whose equal on earth there is noiye; ’ -Whom (her Majesty) tfee Most Gracious •Queen has nourished u ” The Duke-of Edinburgh",is bis most distin guishing title. - ■' Highly honored is he who writes' in his praise. ..... ' ... ! - $lOO - 50 = 20 e WANTED TO PURCHASE—A-COT tngo of shout 9 rooms, In Germantown, within half-a-milo of Main and Queen Btreots. Possession not required for sover&lmonths. Address “A. B,” Bui.ni- TiHOflico- ap2f3t* Tug WANTED—WANTED A SMALL 1 Steam Tug, suitablo for Southern itirur Naviga tion. of light draught. Apply to UOGUEAN, ItUSSKLL &Co..llloiiestmif etroet. . ' WANTED—A VESSEL TO BRING A V V cargo of timber from Georgia— full cargo out. Apply to COGHEAN, BUBBELL & GO., 11l .Ohoatnul Ptroot' ’• ' C SAUNDERS COLLEGE, WEBT . Philadelphia. A lecture eery MONDAY EYE WING. ap26-lm* QIG.-P. RONDINELLA, TEACHER OF O Bfnglng. Prlvato lessons and olassos. Boaldenoe anaß.Tplrleenthßtreet nuM-tfl THKEE BOOMS MAY BE OBTAINED, tniuitr. or sinKly, with Hoard, with or without a private table, at'Jw, U2X.:Uhea(nu(street. ' apMOt* Japanese Oddities. Sprlngr in Paris. WANTS, MUSICAL. BOARDING. "“SECOND FLOOR AND THIRD floor roomitvithhoard, at22B Bouth BItOAP. ap2SGt* ampskmkhtb. MR. THUNDER’S CONCERT; l ■ H k: ! PEIDAY KYKNING, April 49, ! * : i U. MUSIOXT. FUND TIA.LL, : I Tl»e i'roarMuiuft will coi»»Ut«r - -■• • • ' ; J- _ lUJKTII<>VKN'S Olt.\Nn OIJr NTKTTE j| - V FOB lUANOANB WIND INSTIUIMKMTH, _ ! By Ilcssn.. TITUNPKRrBT<O.L, r; _I>LAOISMANN, KKUVNKKnna MUKilli'Rß. ROSSINI’S SIKSSB SOIiKNNKTjLB • i In which fnch!|un» S heat roal- | Polo |Oirlß Wltlh2 ll fii(am| l oAl^l)y"tho t foll6wliig Radio* j nm! Gentlemen: ‘_ j Ponrano—Mra; Blackburno Hardlnc. Mias Ij. MoUart* ? M Uh ti^O.tThomMr: •Ttiior—l)r.¥vK\ Yhorima, Mr.M A. Ilnifiteiid, Mr. Knvunnffh. linta—Mr. O. W, Miller, Mr. * 11.0. t-nchnui, Mr. SVnu F. Iloner. A ORGANIST „ MBS AMY WAttO.ll , .......Mr, W. O.DIETIUOU • TICKKTBONK DOLLAR. a a | With Reserved Seats. secured at Banor’s. 1102 flheatmtt. . American Academy—Patti in Opera., Mr,JUAX,STBAKOSCH respectfully annonuous .Hint ' ho bos'induced tho World-renowned cawtatnco,' MISS OARLOTTA PATTI.- ' AfterherbrUHanttriunipliflin New. York Academy of* Music, to appeurin Mozart’s Gram! Opera, “THE MAGIC FLUTE,” aesutniug the roleof ■ - •' -f for the first (line in Philadelphia, on * ' , MONDAY nntl TUESDAY EVENINGS. May 2d niuj^d. And ONE GRAND PATTI MAGIC FLUTE MATINEE On WEDNESDA Y, Mav 4, at 2 o’clock, with JOSRFiIKIIMANNS .... .in hl§greal role‘of^*’Sa^as♦^o.! , Tainino.aii Egyptian Prince....* i.JTcrr Hnbelnnnn Papngeno, ft Bird Catcher. Horr tonnes i The Quoen of Night * _ . Pftiuina, her Daughter....;.. ....iMlle* Paulino.Canißfla (her first ftppoarancs In Philadelphia hvthie role.) Papagenn, at ursl disguised as an old woman. _ • Milo. Dziuba Monoslatns. a Mo(W,*.«r.-i.5..t....w». Herr Wiejrand , GRAND CHORUS OF-FIFTY FROM THE NEW ' YORK ACADEMY OF MUSIC i . AND ...... , POWERFUL ORCHESTRA. • * ; Musical Director. TIIEO. RITTER ; Admission, One Dollar,•:Roaerrod,B©i-UifsOn«. Dollar ; •-extrftrFnmtly Circle, Fifty Cents;, Amphitubatnv2s eta, Ono Dollar: Redortod Soata, s Fifty Cents extra..... ..... ; ~ • . Hafe'of Seats at 'Academy of Musfc, commenced this -morning* slid coatinutf daily from a A; fil. to A P. M., / . Libretto 35c., at~tho Acudpmy. ap2S-tf .- jl/YRS.jpHR DREWS ARCH STREET T-v~V~-^-Begina-7ffo , ch)ck:- - THIS, THURSDAY;EVENING, April 23, ; T . SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL. MBS. JNO. DKKW... .I;..TEAZLE AhU-d by the Folk Company. - After which TUK ROPE LADDER.. Meiers. Craig, Mackay atm Catheart. " "Friday—Benefit Of Air. A. KYBRLY, , Saturday—Benefit of Mr. R. CRAIG. Monday—JOS. K.EMMETT aJ FRITZ. WAJ.N UT STREET THEATRE. THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, April 23, The Great and WorUl-Kcnowned Comedians MR.and MRS. BARNEY WILLIAMS, . Will appoar in Gaylor’e Trish Drama of . THE CONNIE SOOGAff, OrV WEARING OF THE GREEN. Connie McGrath, assuming tho dinguiee of Connie Soogub, with BARNISY AYJLLIAM& Nt'llyJNolanv-With. thoj.popnlar .noneft of “ Abingdon -rGreexf; ,f nod w now d im.BARN E YWILLI AMS WILLIAMS. . T AURA KEENE’S BeiriSsatB. _J CHESTNUT-STREET THEATRE. \ THIRD WEEK. OF MRS. JAMES A. OATES’S BURLESQUE COMPANY IN THE FfF.LDJOF TBE OLOTIJ OF GOLD. MATINEE ON .SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at 2. MRS. JOHN DREW’S ARGH-STREET THEATRE. ADA M EVKBLY Respectfully announces that his .-BENEFIT will take placo-nn * FRIDAY EVENING, April 29,1570, When will be presented,forthe occaaiouoiily,Victorien “Sardou’ii remarkßiilt* ptßvfontltied - THE FAST FAMILY. With a cast embracing every number of tho Cumpsiuy, and - '-■> • ' MBS. JOHN DKEW-aa....;.. ADAM EVEKLY.as„ Ills first nppenvftneV* this gea^on. TDK fcPJTALSKIKLDS WEAVER. 'Tlr6wo7rnetlrea--mWdr-^^:.^.AI)A^T:EVKR:t , r Simitiune, hie fri^J....... ;T.. :fiOEERT C-KA-IG Seats can be secured flt the Box Oftico/ ap23»m vr th3t& rjIWELFTH WEEK.'. Wednesday—Mat!nee 2.30 P. M. • —“Evenings: Frederick Citcla»-Ko..C. li^4-S-oCJL— T Tlnirfouy e-rening—First Presbyterian Church. : -Friday evening—Purity Council* No/ 209.0. U. A. M. , Saturday—Matinfcc 2..30P. M. and 8 Evening. , CONCERT HALL. ,TU%pl h O R I M . Choice Scatfl, 76c.; Admission, 50c., Children, 25c. 'UPK EZ & BENEDICT’S OPERA .HOUSE. SEVENTH Street,below Arch. ExtraordinaryNew-Knarirre-in Minstrelsy.. , TUTS EVENING, DUPUEZ <fc BENEDICT'S GltfANTltr"sll?j ST KELS—INTitfVD UCS— Engagement Ba-lladist,. Mr. F. B. Naylor - . Joint OotnpTimentßry Benefit, \pril 28, to F. CILLY, -—T-rouBU-r^r-^-aml-C.jdE —- MONDAY EVENING, April 25th, and "during weelcToverlOO ARTISTS-AFPE Alt’ NIGHTLY. - Grand Ballet with Two Pfinclpal Danf'ense. . A Corps Do Ballet of Thirty. Young Ladies. •; With Negro Acts, Dutch and Irish Eccentricities, Ac. New eleventh street house: ‘THE FAMILY RESORT. CARNCKOSS t- MXEWSMTNRTRELS, every evening. ■ , J.L.CARNUROBS, Manager SEJS'TZ AND HASSLEK’S MATINEES.— Ma&ical Fund Hall. 1&59-70; Every SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at 3« o'clock.- - - ' - ocls-tf- AOADEMYOF FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT street, abore Tenth. Open from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. ; Benjamin West’s Great Picture of CHBIBT REJECTED Is still on exhibition. JeM-tf GAS FIXTURES. Gas fixtures.—miskey, merrile Sc THACKARA, No. 718 Chestnut Rtreet, manu faqtnrern of Gas Fixtures,"Lamps, &c., Ac., would call the attention of the public to their large ami elegant as porlmentof Gns.Chandoliorfl, Pendants, Brackets, Ac. They also iiitroduco gas.pipes iuto dwellings and public builcings, and attend to extending, altering and repair ing gas pipes.. AH work warranted. FOR SALE. ®GERMANTOWN n — FOR SALE— One of the most deßlrublspropertiea on West. Tul nohocken street (No. G3h HO feet front—also a front on kVasbingtnn Lnno of 80 feet—large, well finished,Double Mawdonl^flne_Hh>lde, fruit, shubbery, &c. If dosired will be divided. Torms.Veiy easy, "' Apply on“tbepropcrty, or of i. & T. 11. WII.T.IAMBON, np27 2t* • 700 Arch street. CHESTNUT HILL.-FOR: B A LeToR •Exchange- 1 -A' inodnrn-bTrilt-Btnne~H.pnsgrwlth~hH couYeniences, near station. J.C. SIDNEY, 204 South .Fifth at., or W. C. MACKIE, Grarer’a lauo,. ap2s-6t* 'am CHESTNUT HILL—FOB SALE.— M\vi A poirtted-stohe Jlouße. well btiilt, with all modern improvements and two acres.of .ground, wlth| vggotublos and fruit. Apply to or addrosH • WILLIAM n. BACON, 317 Walnut street. gm * GERMANTOWN—CORNER HIGH SB. A2*D MORTON STREETS. FOB SALE. TWft NEW POINTED-STONE ENGLISH-ROOP HOUSES, furnished with oyery modern convenience and built in.the best manner. Apply to up 22 Bt§ THOB, A. GUMMBY> 711 Walnut irtroot. ■dp FOR BABE—HANDSOME NEW IM Dwelling, 1537 Spruce street. , Apply. 504 South Delaware avenueor . ap22 6t’ T mFOR SALE.—A MODERN AHD DE* sizable Residence, Do. 1703 Spruce street, Also, a horse, carriage and harness, choap. Apply to CHAB. H. HART, «)2 Walnut street. aplßtfj , BUSINESS ‘opportunity; —WE mim have for sale, on easy terms, fifteen minutes from the city; on the Gormautown Railroad, an Elegant Resi dence, beuutifully and completely : fitted out with, all modern conveniences. It hasbeen oecupiedfortwo years asaboarding-house, and hae a good winter and summer patronage. J. M. GUMMEY & SOUS, 733 Walnut street " ARCH STREET—FOR SALE-THE liiliLhandsomo brick residence, 24 feet 6 inches’ front, with threo-story back buildingSievery convenience, and lot 142 feet deep. No. 1723 Arcli street. J.GUMMEl r & SONS, Ko, 733 Walnut street. WEST P HI LAD E'fj P HIA.—FOR HiiL SaJeor to Bent—4llG Spruce street. Vory hand* floine-Brown Btone Krontltosidencc, Mansard roof, side yard, all modern conveniences, in porfoct order. Imme diate possession. ' „ . 4119 Pino street—Roublo Mansion, built _of dressed Gray Stono, side yard, every convenience,in perfect or der. Poßflesßi.n May lrt.‘ Q . F ELt •* BKO.. ap2s tu thlm§ * 120 Bouth Front street. 1 BAIIK.—THE EIJEGAMT MAR filliil Ms-Front Mansion. No. 200 G Chestnut stroet, re plete with every modern convenience; A small proporty yrould be taken in purt pay.. p-QX'& BIJRKA3VT, , t* 221 South Fifthptreet. : ®a’ FOB SALE—AT GERMANTOWN [}[ ft Residence, with every modem con venience. A fow minutep walk to the Washington Lane 290 470r~ Stabler CarriagO'houscr flow-house, and an Ico-houBC now filled; largo Garden, 1 Hot-bed and Shrubbery in perfoctorder. Terms easy. Will trade for dcslrablo city prooen^. 4il Walnut street. SALE-COUNTRY SEAT .AT lllliLGcminntowu. A very superior mansion, with ovory mtyconvonicnco,-handsome’grounds, conservatory, sta ble, coachhouse., Location -unsurpassed, p. T. J’RATT, 108 Bouth I’ourth stroot. - ap23s w that* , M~OAPE MAY AND ATLANTIC CITY. <—Only Agency in rhilhdolphialfor tho saloof Cot taEOß and Building Lots at tho above places. Boveral doßirahlo opportunities n^offo^h^ wx & BON , . npll-lip§ . . No. MO North Fifth street. W I - V ; ffi BROWN STONERESIDMOE fl FOR! SACE, modern convenience) -and built lit Arorriuijiertor'nnd ! aubatantlal manner. Lot 28 feet front by 1W feet deep to i Cut hbert atreot, on wUlctt U ttkafodnib BrlCk ; Stable and Coach Uqubo. Sr~i i; S , OII';SAIiE,ipAT:XJEBMAIf!rO'W'3S}'n >n plosantno Ko6idcaoo{ onW.Tulpo* 1 rmstreot, with oycry modorn cpnvmilenco. Stable, \ o(ttiCh;b6ußa,. qowliQUßO.flne yogctnbk garden .*na ,a , ‘Vh>b^vt i r^c^«rder.^n|««^,lpg £ h»,,: t : Vp23tßan,ttiotS; , !v ~ rj y 0 .4n W*lautatroot/ J '■ ffl -,. FOR S AIVEt-BARGE AND > I>T£ f lksidoiko,; m Pjno Btroot. . Lol; ,8i foot) una2Bl,dpop ' . x >, / DICKSON BROS., ~ ’ , f ßtutirft •. < • /,, ,r ~020 Walnutstreet; I fjf- Foil SALE, ■•• «3j|! The very elegant emm try p on{ known as “ Bneflotou, rtblrd. AVardiJlTp minutes walk ! ' ' ■ . MAMBION nOt’SE" , i targe nncfcommodiousi wltVdvery conVo/lnnce, garden- \ or b cottage, ko uousojßtftbloninl curriago Jioosoalarue ‘ grnprry (under glass), stocked kith thqbest jvarielks of : foreign urap«« in full beating: lawnw.afcrsn; .laid out n EnglfHh style; flue ol<l shade 1 treea, beautiful .©v«r-; pre< us and hedges; .plenty of shrubbory; abu’iiiUnce of! fruit, largo and smalG nud excellent water, >\ ,- - • An niijoininglotoffivoacroßcan bo littd'if desired. . Terms .easy. • v ; T i Applyat 1 ' ■ »v£- : , ", A * ap2-s tu th lin§ 1 yo« 322 ! m~ EXECUTORS*: SALE,..~ f .W&lf B 13! sold qt public oU' MotidayV IS/O.i ut 2 o'clock, on the premises; that, ikitt littlo. place of between two and Tlireo 'acres, the .late realnenco ,of, BIOHAItp TS: HHOBMAKER. debased. Situated bn tbo weptsldb of the York road, at the corner of Chellen avfnuo (WQbtßotQ7ry crtnnij'),BOvenml!can6rth of the cityvkithlntiveinihubys’ WaUtor the York Boad Bta- • tim>; North Penftu. Kallroad. ; •. ; . ; < ’ The improvement* .consist of a good otdna dwelUiie-; house; 23* storks high, twelve - roon»» with bet and.coTd Water; range in’* kitchen, fur*; nan? in cellar. Comhlodibuv’Pldzzas on .Circe Sides ofi the house: grounds nicely laid out,and dMbpllielitdwUh 5 iahatlo.fli:u.frfiHJrjeeg>-jt>rttflibejitfll' Hhrnid»ery.'«lc J . ‘ Tlia. gafdeiv is large and well stocked;; with small fruits, and j crops in season*. Stone coach-honss, with .stabling at-< tuaked fur five horse* and throe Ojws, j ’ FOr furthor particulars apply to 4 . . . . JtOBERT dftORHAICER, 01IA8. B. SUOEMAKKR, ' , : --- - r r — i-N.-Etaoruor Fourth Mid JUca, i ' R.C. SHOEMAKER. Upper Dublin, apl2 tu th s Executors. : fjm ' *Ri'VER/ioS, S JEiiS Desirable Hotwo, beautifully located. Apply jSm 3W Market street. ‘ . _ \JJP?~tt> ) *tulOt* lm “■ iOR BAi7iS^&MMANTO^^A ; i EaLModern Villa llesWenco; fourteen rooms: hot attdr cold water, uns, bath, Ac.; large lot, and within live minutes of Depot. Terms easy. • j CHAB. H.BTOKESi : ap26-tu th s3t* - ,4320 Main street, Germantown.' i ifjUil Kfinm modern cottage, with every courenlence, and largo lot of. cronud, aouthwostr-oorner of Pine, and Korty*first streets. J.GU3IMEY A SONS, K 0.733 Walnut street. ' SFUR SALE—KO. 1114 PINE STREET, handsomo with three-; stcry doublo bnck bnildings; every modem conro- : nience and in good order. linmediatopotm'snion given. J.M .GUMMEY k BONB, 753 Walnut street. NEW BROWN STONE HOUSES, 1 EI3.NOS. 1920,2004 AND 2010 SPRIJGE BTKEKT FOR; SALE. FINISHED IN WALNUT IN THE MOST SCPERIOB BIANNKR. AND WITH EVERY* MODERN CONVENIENCE. E. B. WARREN, 2013 SPRUCE BTKEET. APPLY BETWEEN 2 AND 4 .O’CLOCK P. 81. mliTUf & EOR SALE.— : -1331 North Twelfth streets Three-story-modem -1422 North Twelfth stVeot.-Threo-story modorn dwell* ing. . SSSNqrth Twelfth streot. Three*story dwelliug with, IhrFe-flTory Tenement orireftif'oflot. ' - 1829 South-Tenth fetrttet.“-Tr»ree-stbrjrd welling*- - lOOfl South Third street. Three-fetory dwelling. 3212 Marlborough street, Richmond. brlck<lwell!u|. pgraEBg PROPERTIES, 605 South Second street.- Three-story, brick, 228/113. —North F.levonth street. Fonr-story brkk, 13 by &3,j i 23 Retd street. Corner store and dwelling. ‘ ' • CO6 South Sixth etr«d. Tavern and dwelling. i 1455 Poseyunk Road. • i. ROBERT CRAFFEN & SON. / : r r U?n.'s37 Pine s'-foet: '• '■'km : SPRING I,AKK—CHESTKUT sjk SaHILE, PHILADEI-PIIIA-POR SARK-3C, Tm minutes’ walk from Depot. ELEGANT COffNTfli SEAT. LAWN OF NEARLY NINE ACRES.adorned with choice shrnbbery, abundance of evergreen, fruit ~wnd-ghttd<rtrt%Bf tniks-over arich c<Aintry. Modern pointed-stone bouse, gas, water, Ac.; couch, ice and bpring house# ; neror -4»ilmg-Bru4ng»-of-purost-trater,—-< 5 : LAKE FOR BOATING, all atockcd.witb Mountain -TrimtrGarn. &c— aiHycessioii of rupids through the meadow. ,■ ; ■ • L to. ! J. R. TRTCE, _ 'ap27 w Tm6j§ On the rreraUei. ; : FOR ON EASY TERMS, OR _J|iHiL.dtypr_operJrJakenin 4 part jaymentyati.elegant^re hidence, 20 minutes from Ninth and Green streets, on Germantown Railroad, in an buproving neighborhood: Tlie bouse is well built* and .very, conveniently ari ranged ; contains in nil 16 rooms : Is supplied with city . water and every modern convenience; painted watluj plate-glass front, two kitcbeuß, with range lo each, large piazza, large Reynolds furnace In cellar. Dot, I«X| feet by 230 feet, well laid-out, including tt very superior vegetable KOrdf-u. J. 51. GTJJIMEV & SONS, ' ap2o*.w.f m.lmS , . 733 Walnut Htrset. —OPERA - ®FOR SALE, AT GERMANTOWN' Elegant Stone Mansion, situated on high ground, commanding an extensive view % of the surrounding country. Tb« house is new and complete in every respect, and accessible by steam.and horse-cars. Stone stable for four horses; Cow-house, auq all the .appurtenances |Of a first-class establishment. Apply toOHAS. E.ELMES, No, HI Walnut atrwt, Philadelphia. ; ftpMw f m 6fs 4/B FOR SALE—ARCH STREET PRO* Sala). porty—Three-story Houao with and double back buildings, northwest corner of Nineteenth ami Arch, complele.repair.witb iumcdlatc^oßs»sion^Ag^ly to jip 2fi in w f 3t* C23*Market street) : <rn FOR SALE, OR WILL BE RENTED, jSilai furnished'for the season.—A very elegant country residence, near Germantown., The dwelling provided with uvery convenience ; large, AHo, coachihouse, Ac.,and several acres of land tastefully laid ctat, “• * D.T. PRATT, ap2titufm3t* Fourth street, , T~O DYEKS—FOR SALE OR TO RET ON GROUND BENT.—A large lot of ground; containing 42,897 square feet, extending from Seventh to Eighth, between Tioga and Venango streets, with a never-failing stream of pure soft water running through It; Price $2,C00. Apply to JOHN TURNER, near Sixth street and Reading Railroad. _ ap!4 lm - * _| For large and rapidly-improving LOT, NORTH BROAD STREET, between Norris and Dia* tnond ;628 feet deep to THIRTEENTH STREET, inter* steted by PARK AVENUE, FOUR FRONTS. a ' - mbfMrg - ... Apply No. 322 Chestnut Btrcot. . erchantvilxTe n. j.—building sites for sale, five minutest walk from Wolwood THJBrY MINUTES FROM FRONT AND MARKET STBEETK) Philadelphia. Faro bj tho Annual Ticket, 8 cts. per trip' Address J. WiTOBUKY, ■ mb2d-lm§ - NOkJ27 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. SUPERIO R STO RE, \ K. w. corner Eighth and Jayne Streets. .First Store above Chestnut Street. The owner, now occupying the upper Rooms, will Loose tho whole building from first of July next. The property is 22 feet front, on the most active business elreot', five' stories, with the liisunl conveniences and thoroughly lighted. On the route from the principal Hotels, lo tho Market street jobbing houses, and djesir nlde for any retail or jobbing trade, or for a publi institution. J. M.. GUMMEY 3s SONS, 733 WAINIII STBEET. >lB in w f 6t FOR RENT,— HANDSOME GOTJX t-1111l try place, with sovoratftcres of land, t>n Old York rend, five minutes’ walk from Oak Lauo station, on the North Pennsylvania Railroad. _ . ; ’ .‘FURNISHED COUNTRY SHAT, wrthln two min uted Haverford station, on tho Pennsylvania Central Railroad. ~ . ’ _ ELEGANT COUNTRY SBATrWlth soveral acres of land and outbuildings.completc, on tho now turnpike, Germantown. J. M. GtJMMEY & SONS, 733 Walnut street. , ... .. - ■ f s . • : ifilff^TO-LET.—THE STORE CONNECT inIiiI Ing with the Colpnnade Hotel, 1602. 1504 arid 1600 Ghestnut strebtistiitaoTo-fot J 8 -furnishing-goods; Rent moderate. Apply on the promises from 10 toll A.M.; : .ii lo i ■: mhia tfi > CAPJE MA3f. AND ATLANTIC CITY. ftt—Nuiqerbns OottttgeH to "Rout. Somo very do- Birablo opportunities ofiored. Parties desiring, to rent can bhve doscription and information "find ottyor faciiir tleß furbished »and save themselves a run th tlie shore by applying to DANIEL M. FOX & SON, 1 Prlndipjil Agency, No. £4O North. street. f~ B rTQRENT—A .FXJKNISHBD DWELL lifting, No. 400 South Ninth etreot, with allimprovo taunts ; ndoalrablo locatiou : will bo rented’Toasonablo to a good tenant j poesoesion from the Jirst orMpy. A}*o» a stable, on Miles Walnut struct ond aboyO Tenth streot, for tbreo horses and oarnageß. Apply to i, JOBDAN I 433 Walnut Btxeot. TO RENT. To Let. „ fehf' X'-. i. ■ -k . >* i i jj- ' A ' k - *■ yTO lilfiT 1 ' The New Store, No. 18 Bontli SI *th Rtre«t atid' lifo, O lloea. "' X Mjv v “ *n - 20wy l 71! feot; Apply to '■ ' ■ ’ *' • ■ ■■ ■' ■ * THKODOBE MEaAttOEE. ftpil tf} .No.2QHouth rilxtli Street. M'AINTOVSTir—®Wo iaLmodern-bolUcottages,near depot.- ■ , OHAS. 11. STOKES. O.PEMtt »ll »3t-...; 'P; <By) ; Mftln gt,i Garmantownr V, N. J., Miik. Handsomo Country Rcstdonco; containing 14 ap23-a.tn,th-3t» , 1.12 Walnut street. «§ Y m JtKKT„AT ,LQNO UKANOH, A l «BL Inrtto'ifnd liundstimoly.' fumlßliOd Uotta'ne,! with twolvo bod rooms. nitnnttd on tho Ocean, lielovr StotoOu •Hoiibo. Kent for tlio-whole Sommor, 81,800-tlll Aujust first, 51,100.. JMdrooa, p ‘‘OOKAN,” lllt.letin fWicis.iii . r h ap23,»m th STC) KEN I—DESIRABLE STOKE' lMN.filntliotroot; 20 by 78 foot. i , ':; V3>WP«Q?f BBOS., 320 Walnut otroct. ap23 b (u til 3t’ IP! TO RENT—A COUNTRY MANSION; I&TdtiiiiiMtly Bilautcd botwoan ,twa .fitntloßn.libout ,0. Quarter’of ti niilo -froni> eftoli, on *tlio. Went Uhaatnr. Media find Plillddelpma Jlailfond.'nlud mllan from-tho city; . Apply at Ko. Otlßprucoetroet. . uplßtu thyst* ■ ' TO ' itiCN'T—HOtjSE, fiililftnp, GonnantdMrri ; ton ftvime; Obitch lfrtu«fc>3£ i*nd RtAblimci Tcm minutea’walk, from ttUtiofi.;Apnly ,+t -v, : / i;; , np27 ; 6?r, 'WfjV'tiO BK JI/ET—THK 92s;FUbert street. -Inquirriat'No,:/1819 ;sfirucostreet. ,>•. ap2/7J| { .jffiSj. TO iiiKNT—A HANDSOME lOTill MlitL NISHED fl (Jountry . acres of around* Alanlieim htreet,. Geipiantovrn. tlfroe minutes,' walk from Wayne Htattun; All Wrtde irntt'/fino Idwu, stable forliorfloaiUid cows; with (ilfabd every improve .jnent,; Appjy jp iQOlM’tfCK 4.>lOHDAKv^33,WaUmt f ~-Jt ;i4 ; , TO ; LET BEOOSfDrSTOR* i FRONT - Cbejtnut atreot, . * ,Z 8 fop*.* fete bnoTfreiy 8 TO RKNTHXFifRNISHJCb/HWSE In Germon'town.-Location. West "Wiilniit‘Line, linoiK frflßi Gri'Hi •ti-osti Will bd rented for • tlio eumuur nionth«,orfor thd your. Apply on the prom! _-«,rt^ar-Uy-k.H>‘r-t t>-oHr ;<o«n - ' -■-•■■■■■ - -"—-■■"3 apKCt r ■ 'gi,, TO ■ifcri,.: FINE TaiftTEEN JHaJ roomed Mansion, noar Frankford,*.. with la»n, garden, stabling, carriago-houso, &c. Inquire mi 'Glnrd&tinnuC-.ji'S-:-i ; ; <:.j ~mt; apzUIS. Ej-ifonr ijtorrproperty, No. 2S South Eighth afreet, . GUM.MEY A 80NS,73d.Walnut slycni, .. .r -fij FOB RE NT—FURNISH ISBLlmntlKOioe four-story: brick dwelling, with back building* and or cry modern conirenlonno. altuate on Itroad Btretit, below Pluo. J.M.OUMMEY A HONS. • No. 733 Walnutatreet. ' ' ;W"BE^ISASS’BTS^T^ r ol'fi,AS;t>. - Ja-3.Ei>tnto dwelling, at reduced rent. Apply'at Tower ■ HalUßlg.MafketatEWt, ._■ . _. a . . mld.tii MTO RENT-ROOMS OF ALE siZEs; well lighted,inltnblefor llgbtronnufacturingbHßl doh.ld buikiingNo. 713 Chestnut street. J.-M. GOM.- JIEY A 60N8.7M Walnut strew. ;,j ; - fm FOR RENT—FUENISIIEIY OR UN fnrnlshed.tbe tbreo-etory brick dwelling situate -Ko. 13(m North-Twelfth street. J. H. GUMHEYA 1 SONS, 73$ Walnut eWtet.: £" ' , REAXi ESTAXB Office,Jackbob street, opposite Mansion street. Gaps Island, N. 4.- Roel Estate bought and sold; Dsrsoa* den irons of renting cottage* during the season will apply ptaddre««»»*aboire.. .. . Beepectfallr refer to Cbaa. A«Bnbicaxn,Henry Bnzmn, Francis Plclivnin, Angustn Merino, John Darla and W.W.Jnrenal. ■ . foMfl X£rsm^lCMSr r 7r7r~ fHk* OFFjCEISK : THB 4 'UCE'NbONyiItbN Ury COMPANYNo: 3 LIBERTY SQUARE _____ hTtm The annual mt-etiag of the Stockholders of t he Glen-ion Iron Comrnay will be •held' at the .Office of the Com pany, on WEDNESDAY, Mur 4th tiexi, at 11 o'clock A . M., when an election for Directors will be held, and such ****** apHagaan«2-A>* ..Triytmri-r ft-3- OFFICE OF THE AifEHIOAN' &Sr FIKE IKSIiIiAKUE COMPANV, SIU WAENIiT STItE.LT • / - •' i ""A r general meeting Stockholders In the-'Ameri ca u Eire Ixwurarico Company’ will be hold,- agreeably to Charter .on MONDAY, the 2d tiny of May next, at 12 o'clock M; The Annan) Election for Directors will take place immediately thereafter. ; Avntb 21st, I&7Q-, • 4*0.-L. CRAWFORD,' ,—apgt,g l gfl t 3B3o l ftls.. ' " , '- : Secretary. • NOTICE—THE ANNUAL MEET- C(mPAN ‘'aP their'o'flJcJ!'No*lS*tWirth tp cl«t officera tofeerT? the epauiDjnrear^ ttrtiTlinyi* ■ —" —- * —BWrct^rV rP^”'Fiiii r A'r>EiiPH iaFapme , IMy v 1870.—-Tin* AnmuitMeetiag of th«» Btockhat.Ws'of <he vtrnrAß ani | will K-held at tbotroflke,No. 314 Walnut. »tr*«t, on TUUKSDAY.Ib* 12tb of Maj, im t at 12 o’clock, for tho •lection uf Directors, and the trannaction of other bu»i ne»o*. ap2£ t myl2§ D; A. HOOPES. Secretary. ITS* OFFICE PHILADELPHIA AND sorTnFKK mail, ft. s. co., kobouth THIRD ■BTKEET'. r , . PMJLAPSLI , IIW> April2s|h, W7O. . The annual meeting \>f the atockhniderff of thin Corn* faoj will '!)*■ he'd it fl»t> rooBM of the Philadelphia (card of Trade, Ko. fiosCb*itnutatreet,oti WEDtTES IM Y, May 4tb, at J 2 o'clock* noon, at which time an election Trill Lu held for seven Director*, to aerre forthe ensuing year. 1 - CHARLES S. TEAL, : ap263tj ■ • Secretary* , OFFICE SHAMOKIN VALLEY Ux£? ANDPOTTSVTLLBRAILBOADCO. . PHn-ADKLvmx, April2s*lB7o. The annual meeting of tha Stockholders of the Sba- Valley end Pottsvillo Railroad Company will be held on MONDAY, May 2d, 187 U, atthoir office, No! 234 South Third street, at 12 o’clock M., at which time an election wilj he held for a President and nix Managers, to serve for the ensuing year. k . .. - ap2s Cl§ GEO. TABEB, Troashrer. PEKKSYLVAKIA HOSPITAL. l>xy Pinr.ADßM*HiA,4tb Mo.,llth. I^7o. The Annual Election of Managers and Treasurer, by the Contributors of this Charity, will be hold pursuant to law, at the Hospital; on South Eighth street, on tye 2d proximo, at 4 o'clock P. M. ' ' . WIST AH MORRIS, Becrotary; .PENNSYLVANIA lIOSBITAL, PIIILADKtpinA. Sd mo., Mtli, 1870.—At a staled Beetlngof the Bpartlpf Managers, held this day, it was f?«softjec/, r Thaf the question whether tickets shall Of shall fioi be issued to J,maU students to attend the general clinical lectures at the Hospital, bo referred to the Contributors at their -UEnnaljneetihg. to bo held in sth month <May> next, for “thelrinßtTuctlondn-thooasoT ,i^— ftpiMn*W;#t23jltlny2}rr: OF THE LEHIGH COAL Ux^AND NAVIGATION COMPANY. ff Philadelphia, April 18, JB7O. The Stated Annual Meeting of the bfocknoldora of tho Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company will be held-at the Rooms of the Board of Trade, chestnut, above Fifth street, horih side, on TUESDAY, the third day of May aex t«‘nt 10>* o'clock A. 31. After which an election will Lo held for Presldentand Board of Managers, to servo tor the ensuing year. • „ The polls wifi close at 1 o’clock P/M. . ap19212325dtmv3 _ E. W. CLARK, President. DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL.COMPANY. K • ■- - .i Office, Tkf.ftos, N. J., April 11.1870. Tho annual meeting Of tho Stockholders of the Data ware and Baritan (Sinai Company will be'held at (he Company'sOfllco, J.-, on:TUE,pAY, the JOtHof May, IIS7O, at 12o’clock, M., for the olection of nine Directors to servo for truing || a j6KTON. ; ap22lst§ ccretary Delaware and Baritan (Junul Co._ Olfi’jCK OF THE PENNSYLVANTA FOB INSURANCES ON LIVES AND GRANTING WA-LNUX Btroet. ‘A Mooting of the Stockholders will bo hold at 12 o’clock on MONDAY, atli May next,to act upon the (Supplement to their Charter, passed At tlie last session of the Legis lature. • WILLIAM B. BILL, np2l-lCt* ' : ' ' Actuary. jFiS’M ONUMENT cbm exery notice. Ur£r —The Annual Meeting of tho Lot Holders In tho Monument Cemetery, of Philadelphia, ilml an Election < for Managers to servo tho ensuing year, will be held at the Hall of tho FIBE ASSOCIATION, south North street,- west of • Fifth .street, on MONDAY tho 2d 0f Secretary. OEETOEOE THE LEHIGH ZINC COMPAN Y, No. 333 WALNUT STREET. , , . ■ ......... PniLADKi.riiiA,rApriU3 v 1870. The annual meeting of tho stockholders of tlio Lohlgh ZincOompany will he held at the WEDNEeSDAYvMaiM'proximo. at .12 o clock M.,- for tho piSpoßO of electing Seven Directors to soryo during the ensuing year, and for tho transaction b;i t l- Troasuror. ipS, CAMDEN AND I AMBOY RAIL. L? ItOAUAND TRANSPORTATION 00 UPA NY. auan am. thenton, N. J., April 11th, 1870. Tlio annual meeting of tho Btookhoidors of the Oam den nnd Amboy Railroad and Transportation Company wiU bohcld N. J., on TUESDAY, tho 10tl»of.MaV, 1870, at 12. o’clock M., ior tho election of seven Directors, to. sorvfi) jo.r, t)vj on tiling year. L il : ‘SAMUEL J. BAYARD; E . aiill tilltnyll§ ‘Secjcatifry O. & A. B. R.;4 Tt Cfoi "UN AND AFTER SUNDAY;' 17TIT ILJ>? lust., the Spruce and Pino greets Passenger Rail way Company will nm their cars through from tho Ex change to Falrmouut Park for ono fare. Besidontß of tho southern-part of thd ditv will find this to ho the Bhortcst>aud most diroot route to- tho park.' - ■■i,.,’.' OFFICE OF SHAHOICINVAND ‘ BEAR VALLEY COAL COMPANY,, No- 214' Chestnut street. • • PiriLAbEtPiiiA, April 10,1870. Tho annual mooting of the' Stockholders; and olootton for officers of tbo bhamokin and Boar Vulloy Goal Com pany will bo hold at tho OfDco of thoOompany oa MON l)AY,May2d,attwelvoQ’clockM. • . - T c . P. ATKINSON*’ apiBm w f tmyl§] ."'“V " Soorotary.a THE GREEK BRIGANDS. An Interesting and Graphic Sketch jpf • '1 heir System of Operations. ■ The following letter appears fntlioXondon -■ - Times: - - ... ■ .. ' “ Having lately bad a, visit from a young ' Greek, just escaped from the (Custody of the brigands in the mountains of Thessaly, f-think it will not lie uninteresting to ;your readers to give a short account of his capture, qaptiyity and escape. Be is one of four brothers, pos sessors or coasting vessels, and inhabitants of ICariza, a village situated at tho foot of Mount Ossa. It appears that two of Ills brothers andl ; ~e . ■ another inhabitant of Kariza wej-o jfeturning? to their.homes from'the sea coast, a walk of about ah hour. They had got about halfway, and bad'reached a spot romantic in its soli tude, and abounding in trees, when they were suddemyAufrditnjled. by eight brEi gands, who appeared as ifby magic from their - hiding-place, armed to the teeth—this ..well known phrase in this case being literally veri fied, as tho brigands earned their A words be tween their teeth, readylfor action in case the guns, which they held in their hands levelled at -their victims, should ihiss fire, or prove insufficient for their deadly work should any resistance be made, fin thjacase, however, it .was impossible, as only one of the brothers had a revolver, which was loaded with shot instead of ball. '/The'bribands forthwith despoiled them .of : one hundred liras, which they had in their ‘ pOSsesalbti, and made prisoners of two of them, viz.: the youngest brother, aged twenty-ofae - years, as they said ho would De able to walk < the best, and the companion of the brother, aged; about thirty ! years. f - There seems to.have.been /some fatality in the family of the elder of thfe captives in thus falling into the hands of brigands, as aboutr ten years ago bis father was in the Church of Kariza, with the greater part ef the villagers, when it was surrounded by brigands. In try ing to effect his escape, as, beiug about the richest person in the village, he feared being taken prisoner, ho fied to the roof of the church, and was there shot by the brigands, ■ — who—neverthelessr gpt"g^goodTfffuna~~Buur~ from the brother oi the victim, un aware at Ithe. time of what had occurred. beVen years after this event the brother *ho had been thus duped and bad been led to pay so much money, and, which had reduced the family very much in circumstances, was taken prisoner by tlie brigands, who, not being satis fied with the £ROO given them as: a ransom, cut off half of each of Ins ears. Tho captors, with their two prisoners, made their escape to the mountains In theneighbor hood, and.for two days continued their filgbt njgbt and'day, and. for -two more davs they ■ did not rest except at night. During this time they managed to reach tho rocky heights of Mount Othrys, whH-h form the frontiers of Greece and,Turkov, whole they remained in comparative security for eighteen davs. I am informed there are other brigands who in fest this chain of mountains in parties of ; twelve and twenty-live, amounting in all to about one hundred. The brigands lived well in their' mountainous retreat, lamb and mutton, which they roasted by .their fifes, figs and other fruit, milk, wine,>&c.', forimid' their : daily fare, and in tho evening they sang their robber songs, and seemed to enjoy themselves very much ig--their .rooky abode. The two pHHonew were kept bound night andJav, but noUdJas to previ-.nttheif'Walking ; Otherwise they were well treated; with the exception of -t -the cruel threats that the. -brigands assured them they would Carry, out if thn. ransom were j not paid. They at first demanded 4,000 liras— -1,000 liras from each of the fonr brothers—,-ls _ ransom fortlie younger of the prisoners, but ' afterwards they reduced -their demand to 2,000 bras, of which’ they Informed the brothers at ICariza by letter, threatening to cut oft" the ears and nose-of their prisoner-if they did .not fu lty com ply -wt th tbe ; demand: - h Before tlio fismer came.and after the prisoners’ had been twenty-two days with'their inexora ble captoro.itappears one night, having,proba bly, drunk more wine than usual, they became ■ very drowsy andslept soundly, those Who were on watch not excepted. The voungor and more vigorous captive, pretending at first to sleep :■ soundly, now seized upon this opportunity, friendly hand euf his bonds, and whence he proceeded to Volo on. horsebaok. Having previously informed hih brrithiir, by letter, of his escape, andofthe.unfortunafe drowsiness. of bis feUbw-prisoner r who stirftemalned with his captors, and for whom they demanded 1,000 liras as rausom, be left. ,Volo. by steamer for Salonfca, where he arrived on Friday, the Ist Inst.,jtnd Tisited his relations there— the family with whom I am al present resid ing. Tho evening was spent in rejoicings, and among those present who were’overjoyed to see the return of the one who was given up for lost none was more than the escaped captive. An East Indian aft TersaUles. The readers of the Alir/urh Institute Gazette have lately been entertained with the, expe rience's of Moulvie Syud Ahmed Khan Balia-' tloor, C. 5.1., during ills visit to Europe. What I seems Ip have ploa.sed.hiiu most was the Palace i oji and the;,description oDhis excur sion from Paris on the'day" after hfi arrival from Marseilles is told with a good -deal of amusing naivete: -N Calling upon God, we entered a large door way where there was a dense crowd of people i going into another doorway** The'crimmissaite ; 1 stopped, went to get tickets, and said, “ Let us | go.” I then, felt r sure. that, the dofff^Wß entered was Versailles.' Then we saw ] a most extensive and beautiful rail | station, with the train ready to ! start, 7 seeing which I became quite troubled, ! having been in a train all night and then walk ing about until I was tired ; but the commis j sane had already taken tickets. The carriages j here are double—the first-class go inside and' ; thesecoud-ctjiss ion the roof; " WeTrad sccond j class ticket3,;ahd wlieri I found 'that we were i to-sit on the roof I became still more troubled j 'at the idea of thirty miles more under these j circumstances; but on wc went, arid when I ; saw the nice houses and pleasant scenery I ; forgo); my troubles, and thought that the com i missaire liad acted: wisely iii placing ufc on the ] roof. My heart gladdened, aud I said it would be well if we'were going a greater'distance. 3 At length we arrived at Versailles. A short dis i tance from the station we came upOti a floor or: ; iron-railed gate, through which we saw - tbit : j there were houses and gardens beyond, and ! then we discovered that these were tire palaces 1 where the former kings of France used to' re-; . side. ; —Aftera-While cameTor ; the doors to be opened, and we all went in. I i thought I had entered Paradise—all was so 1 beautiful within. I was lost in astouislmjo’nt,. | and thought of the great and well-known I canal of the red palace of Delhi which fan froni j the Dewan Khas to the Rung Mahul, and in i _ the waters oLwhiebJ/if ono-lime sported aud played L-also ithejtaiikof the /Matas Baugh, where some'3oo'foufatairis'piayibri; wi& brought : freshly to my mind. * » Without exag gerating-tlie least, the only difference was"such" as there is between hfulsome and the most ugly man. ;■ , '/} '/ Inside tlie brtildlng his wonder increased, j (i j nibbed my eyes, and looked on to see ; whetber.it was all-a picture, or Whether the 5 l "saw were living souls?’ Jfp then, j visited the rooms in succession, from “ the one 's in held his durbars "to the 3 dres^jng-rponji,in which he;died. At the-, far ] end brtn« * chamber was' ‘ the royal bed—the j - bed-still thetfej -showing tha'ftailty' Of all earthly j ,and calling out; ‘‘Louis, .where art ■ • thop that thy heil lies tliiis erijptyV” lie feels s very indignant : atthe- pldtnre -representing ; the ; of Abpei -leader’s .women, and cannot iunirerstand'-how'Frenchbravet-y'andFfeucTr | civillstfprdii Ccdiild allow such' an incident to be j delineated; bit his feelings are somewhat. I soothed by seeing in the companion picture the i;,. release of the brave old chieftain by the present Emperor. Syud Abmed’s language is always most grammatical, arid his stylo has apparently been framed uporiUbat of the eighteenth cen tury. ■>, ‘ ffi The prisoners in a Jersey jail felt such rri- to associating with a newcomer, that they .drowned him: bath-room, ri ; few mornings since. . * SHIPPERS* GUIDE. • ’• ?:Mi'TRAVELERS’OOIDE' '? < :7}. jl^MP.®J jPrilA .?-„ KICHMOfn> AND f cor - jiE-wi ronk~3raß camdSk -t-'TNOBFOLK STKAMBHIP I/linS. J?;.AND. AMBOY >aodi^3iADin,PHlA^tn» THROUGH FREIGHT AIR LINE TO THE BOOTH , fNCHEASEB FACILItPes ANB BEIHJOEirHXTEH Tork v“^ff; *[V» jffi STEAM KESLEAVK EVERY*' WEDNESDAY and Ats"A;MifvlaCuidS!ana n j^wcill/^? n Mjdl 9 loa “&™2, Noon ’ from FIBBT WHAEF, At2M P. k., andT,& Wp^T* l S OO iMTOBNIN^ K nIOHMONB MONDAYS and ^ 011 "' ttlSmtZU: "* :«01W0“-*0*!®AY8 and »d“potat. on r,!m£?tw lUs ® f tftdln * ••*“♦4 1» « O'clock on >AtiandloA;.M.Gß(R,»3i»and4JoP.M.vrorTronton.: -~± THIIOD&BATEB to all point* In North and South -Carolina via Seaboard Air-Lino R«ilroad r connecting-et- Ey*WSSS!HIS? 10 loraeMHtr*,Yo., Tonno«noe ontfHbe i Ateio and li A.llljt M,,3j andIIJO P.M.Tor' No charge for commlsalon.drarago, or any expense for ! , From Keniington Depot: ' "’. .> - ; •',:. 1 ’ > , l^&^^*^.**??*! t *H™^s***F* w „ i,«„„,kirk„„ wi fi, u l P. Ulyd%* 00. ; At73oand Jfl.tS A. M.,230.60nda P. M. for Schmidt’*' w'i 2 r™ No-l 1 NorthWharre*. .- and Eddington. . , ,T* V.T.'^OBOWELf,A g oo^^^aTL^ lty Patofc I Fob bobton.—steamship line I ¥® K fiJ , 2 A * l 'L N o *bom eaoh poet byjcby | Wednesday and Batnr<kr. \ FHOM PnrLADKLPUIA Fbom Boston. a 1 ROMAN,Batontar, Ap'il 2 ntilF&r Wedn esd ay *• G BAXON, Wednesday, •' a HAvnwl 9 NOBM AS? Saturday! “ 9 Nn? ( 2i l i’J V< 2 ,n . c< ’ ll , aJr * M AIiIEST wednSSday, “ IS ?S? l^L A S; Saturday, ‘ IS ROMAN, Saturday, •* la n/iv E A B M U . no^,as '’ ‘ » SAXON.Wedneaday,** 20 KAv^’J a i Drd 5 y ’ . 23 NORMAN, Saturday “ 11 &r.ui N .’J V^ n .? ada / , 27 ABIES, Wednesday, “ 27 NOBMAN,Wednesday," SO BOMAH, Saturday, “ SO These Dteamahipa soil punctually. Freight received everyday. Freight forwarded to all potato In 9ew England. r . Freight er; i^nmioterioni) •ppiy to henry wljjbob & oo.* B3B Booth Delaware avenue. pmi,/ —ADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN —-MAIL STEAMBniP COMPANY'S REGULAR LINKS FROM QUEEN STREET WHARF. The yAZOO wTur«all from- NEW ORLEANS, Tia M »r 10th, B A.M. - Tho ACHILLES will gall for NEW ORLEANS, ‘"ffif'WY&glfcG will aail for SAVANNAH on _Baturr)»T.Arrilai. atao’clock A.M, , The;CENTIPEDE wIU fall from SAVANNAH on Saturday, Aprils). „ The PIONEER will fall tor WILMINGTON, N.0./m Friday, May 6, at BA. M. ■■ Through bills of lading algned, and passage tloketf fold to all point* Sontband Weft. BILLS of LADING SIGNED at QUEEN ST. WHARF. —For freight or passage, apply to WILLIAM L/JAMES, General Agent, ~ 130 South Third street. I?QR NEW- YORK VIA DELAWARE ; AND RARITAN' CANAL. ~ EXPItEBB STEAMBOAT COMPANY. . The CHEAPEST QUICKEST water communica tion between Philudelpbia and New Yorte. .*« Steamers leave daily. from First Wharf below MAR KET street, Philadelphia, and foot of WALL street, New York. « • - - . „ THROUGH IN TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. • Goods forwarded by alj the LLp**r£Of>ning out of New York t North,East Or West;-fre'e of camfiifeßion. , Freights received Daily and forwarded on accommoda ting terms. • " W3I. P. CLYDE A CO., Agents, . 12 South Delaware Avenue, JAfl. HAND, Agent, 119 Wall Street, New York. NEW EXPKEBB LIKE TO ALBXAN drlif, Georgetown and Washington, D. 0., via Ches apeake and Delaware Canal, with connections at Alex andrU from the most direct route for Lynchbnn?,-Bri»- tol. Kccrryillff, Nashville, Dalton and the Southwest, Steaxnfcrsleave regularly from the first wharf abov Market street, every Saturday at noon. Freight received daily. WM. P. CLYDE A 00., ■ No. 12 SoTJtb Wharves and Pier 1 North Wharves HyjDJE XYLEB, Agentaat Georgetown. . M.jgLDBJPQK A CO,, Agentrf at Alexandria. Va Delaware- and Chesapeake STEAM TOW-BOAT OOSIPANY.-ltarge! towr-d between Philadelphia, Grace, Del* aware City and Lm*r*m>dmte paintß, ij.WJI.V KjX’CXTO GO , ; Ciipt. JOHN LAVOI7LIN, SupH Office, 12 South Wharves; Phila delphia. „ apll tf § T?pK "K K\F. XOKJtr TrATrECXWXii E' £ : AND RARITAN CANAL. /SWJFTSiriIKn’fIAKaPtntTATION COMPANY, DISPATOn -AND SWIFTSWHS MNJSS, ..Learingdailr at 12 am! 5 P. SI, The steam propeller** of this Company will commence loading on the &tb of March. iu pwenty-foor l“Tti“'^"T- ~ rT:vr; s,Gob<fe tonvarde&tn Any point free of r r rclehta Utk.eiPbn accommodating tenna. Apply to ' WM. M. BAIRD & OU., Agents, mh4-tf 132 South Delaware avenue. “CONSIGNEES* NOTICES: Notice.— all persons are hereby cautioned rt£aih*t harboring or frosting any of the crew.of thoibark iDunbrody* rKpecicftl, master, from L/Werpooll as no debts of. their coot ractlpg wilt be pniii by Captain or Consignees.. WOKKSIAH'i'CCTT Conßijcm-ss, - -amw MAULE, BROTHER & CO., ... J2J500 South: Street. 1 Q7A - PATTERN MAXESS. 107 A lo I U. PATTERN dttAKERS. 12S ( U. CHOICE SELECTION OF . MICHIGAN CORK PXH* ■/b, FOB PATTERNS. IQ7A SPRUCE AND HEMLOCK.I QTA 10 1 V. BPBUCE AND HEMLOCK. lO 4V. LABOE BTpQg." r~ IQ7A FLORIDA FLOORING. IQ7A 10 lU. FLORIDA FLOORING. 10 I U. CAROLINA FLOORING. V ~ , VIRGINIA FLOORING. — ' DKLAWABE flooring- ABH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOOBING. 1 Q7fi FLORIDA STEP BOARDS.! Q'YA 10 IU. FLORIDA STEP BOARDS. 10 IU. , BAIL PLANK. HAIL PLANK. 1870 r BOAB|)3 AKD IB7O. WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK. WALNUT IiOARBS. . WALNUT PLANK. ASSORTED . ■ -> - .FOB,-,,- cabinet makers; BUILDERS, AO. 1870. 1870. UNDERTAKERS' LUMBER. RED CEDAR. . WALNUT AND. PINE. 1 Q7A SEASONED "POPLAR. 1 Q'YA lO i V. SEASONED CHEERY. 10 i U. ASH... WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. HICKORY. IQ7A CAROLINA SOANTLING.I Q-yn lo iV. CAROLINA H. T. SILLS. 101 U. NORWAY SCANTLING. 7 1 Q7A CEDAR SHINGLES. 1 Qry r\ 101 V. CEDAR SHINGLES. 10l l/. CYPRESS SHINGLES. LARGE ASSORTMENT. FOB SALE LOW. .IQ7A PLASTERING/LATH. IQWA 1011/. . PLASTERING LATH. 101 U, ■ ' -- ' LATH." -• - J -- -i.-i. , t MAPLE BROTHER ft CO., *6oo SOUTH STREET. ATELLOW TINE LUMBER.—ORDERS JL for cargoes of every description Sawed Lumber exe cuted at chbrt notice—onalitv subject to inspection Apply-to BDW. H; ROWLEY. 16 South WharveS. LEGAL NOTICES. pSTATEOF MARY GIBBS,DECEASED. —Lotters of Administration having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the Baid estate are requested to make'-payment tn, and“tlinse "having claims to present them to WIT/LIAM GIBBS, '-8a Smith Eighteenth street- or to hie attorney, K COOPER SHAPLEY, 129 South Fifth st. mb3l-thGf I? STATE OF EDMUND I). WAKELING, M.J dec.'tl.—-Letters of AlJniUiiFtrnllon upon'the above Estate having been granted to the undersigned by tlio Rt-gUterot.Wille tor thojeity niui;Comity of Philadel phia,; nllpersors iudibted to the said Estate will make paynjent, and ilioee haVing claims against the Fame will present them to JOSEPH- BALLj-Administrator, No. M North Sixth street, or to his Attorney, SAMUEL .W-AKELINU. 622 Walnut st.-rPhilndelphln. ap7-tU6t* TN TRE COURT OP COMMON PLEAS A, for the City and Oonntv .of Philadelphia. ~ANGE LTMhMAOKIS, by)iQr noxtfrlfiul, &j.. vs. IJENJA MJNSTORy. MAOXOS--rC.y-/uocfemher Torni, IS7O, No. 29.-In Divorce.-To BENJAMIN STORY MAC KIE, Iteßpondent—Sir; You aro hereby notified tiuit iho haa cruntcnl n rule on you cftusb why » divorce Iruin the bondsof not-be de creed in the above case.' IteturiiabU 1 on BATURuAY, 7th, 1870, at 10 o’clock A. M. t peraoual service having failed on account of your absonco. . vJ. b OOHARt-BS HAHT, ap26»tu th-4t* Attorney for Libellant. SITY AND COUNTV-OpTpHILADEL- THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENN £TANIA;-'ta SUSAN HAINESi SARAH-taNN jvaNLOAdI, , the devisees, legatees,-, heirs' or.„othor reri-eflontatlves^uf-;ISRAEL -.PANUOAST, deceased, „ PANCOAST, DAVID . PANOOABT BIOIIARD PANCDABT, JOSEPH C. XIAINHS, ami SW,^WJ^ N .° t a, AST ' JOSEPH c:. ' , HAINV/“Sd 'y® coramnna you,’aft* before we did, thnt lading aside oil bußiiwsa and excuaoa.whateO’ ever, youutid eaclvof you-bo and-appear vln jotir proper Soreou before the Honorable the Judge* of-our Orphans’ ourt, at a Court to bo held ,6n, SATURKAYiijho soventhday tif May, A. D. 1870,.at 10 o’clock,oLthe fore nbuh,to:ftbow,9auße why.thD Court fthpuldnot award an imioestto make partition of. (be real estate late of said WALLACE LIrPINOOTT, deceased, to and among the parties intcreated therolnriftTid -fartlicr abldo tho order of tho Court in And hereof fail not, under a penalty of OneHuudred Ponnds. Witness Honorable JOSEPH ALLISON. I ILL. D., at Philadelphia, the 25th day o? ’ < saAL> Aprll lii the yoar of our LSrdj <jno-thontaud ( T eight hav'lrcd and seventy. ALFRED J. FORTIN, JOHN HI SLOAN. »eP«ty Clerk 0, 0. Attorney for Petitioner, np2otu’thit§ BRILMBgMHI Ms ISCTNIN jR BLLLM'IQq, THURSDAY, VA PHIL! 2B. ? 1 3701 w'cTiii^ow^SirHoLm^bari.Tiwcmy/wliltaoSing, , AtllJOP,M.Kmltranttlna~™.,.~.„...,„ . aOO .; At7,SJO and 11 A.M J^o,4A.tsVand IJT.M.for Trenton. . At7j9A6 andll A. M,,4,(1 45and 12P.M., for Bristol. ; Atia p"M.(Kfght)fbr korrlsTllie,Tnl}ytown,Sch(mck’B, v .BddlnatoD.Cornwollß, Torresdalo. Holmesbar?, Tft ; cony, Wlsalnoroina, Bridoubarg and Frankford. : Tbe9_Bo A.M.and and 12 P.M, Bine* run daily. All others .Bands?, exempted. i For XdnjMlearing Eonslbgtoh Bepot.take the ears on ■ /bird or-Fifth strqels, at Chestnut, at half an hoar ho* ’ fbra departure. The Oars of Marked Street Hallway ran dlreet to West Phnadelpblaßepot.Ohestnatand Walnut ' “no sqanro. On Bandars, the Market Street dan ; connect with the #JIO A. M., 6.46 and U P. i BBITOIEKE DKI.A.WABB BAXItBOAD ZiIBBB from Keittinirtoa Depot. 1 • j . i _-At74o A.Tm., ipr Niagara\Falls* Buffalo,.l)iiiiklrk» Elmira, .Hhaaa, Owcro, . Epobeeter, Birignamptoa Otwego , BmcußQj Qrcrt Bend* Montrose, Wilkes barre, SehooioT’s Mountain. Ac. ,• At7.so A.M. and 3JOP. M. for Scranton * S fronds-. bWii„ T Water Gap, Belvidere, Boston, Lam bemille. Flemhigton, Ac. The ZA O P.M. Line con-, nects direct with the ; frain leafing Easton for Manch GhunknAlleDtown, Bethlehem, Ac. ■, . ■ AtH A. M. from West Philadelphia Depot, and 5 P. M. .fronaKeDßington Depot,for Lambertvule and interme —diatcStatfens: -3-—-," —— — CAMDEN AND BUBLINGTON PEMBEB* : k T^t«^?u T P B ®? AaSo^B - fr^M - At 7 and 10 A. H.J,,5 AdAOP.U.^ndonThurs ; -day and Saturday Dfgfcts at 11.30 P. M for Merchants viQeMobrestown,.Hartford* MasonvUle. Hainaport and Mount .-Holly. - ——: : At7rA, M., 2.15 and 6.30 P. M. forXamberton and Mod ford. . _ At 7 and 10A M., 1, 3 30 ASP. M., for Bmithville, EwansviUe.VinceDtown,Birmingham and Pemberton. . At K) A.M.for Lewie town, Wrlghtatown, Cookstown, New Egypt and Homenrtown. At7A. Sf-.l and3.So P.M. for Lewlstown, Wrfghta : town, Ctfokstown, New Egypt, Homers town, Cream nidge, Imlayslown, Bharon ana Hlghtstown. - Fifty, poands of Baggage only allowed each Passenger. Passengers are prohibited from: taking anything as bag gage but their wearing appareK „ AU baggage over fifty pounds to be paid,for extra. Tile. Company lim iitheir -reraneibiUfr. for baggie tor Ono Difilar per pound* and will not be liable lor any amonnt beyond SlOO, ex f cent by special contract.' - - - Tickets sold and Baggage checked direct through to • Boston* Worcester,Bpnpgfield, Hartford, ‘New Haven Newport, Saratoga, (Jtica. ; Borne,fiyracußft, Rochester,Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Buspezmion Bridge. An additional Ticket Office is located at ft 0.828 Oheet ;nut street, where tickets to New York, and all impor tant points North and East, maybe procured.! Persons purchasing Tickets at this Omco,cttn have their bag gage checked from residences or hotel to destination.by union Transfer Baggage Express. . :• Lines from New York for Philadelphia will leave from ; foot of Cortland street at 1.00 and 4.00 P. M., via jersey City and. Camden. At 0.50 and 10 A.M., 12.30,5,6 and 9 PM.* and at 13 Night, via Jersey City and West Phila delphia. From Pier No. 1, N. BiTer, at 6,30 A. M. Accommoda tion and 2 P.M. ExpresSsyia Amboy and Camden. ; April 11,1871). , WM. H. QATZMEB,Agent. ... PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAIL- A BOAD.—After 8 P. SI., J3UNRAY, November 14th 1869. The trains of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad ■ leave thaPepot streets *whicb •lB reacßwTa» roctly by the cstb of the Starket Street Paa , sengey Railway, the last car connecting with each tralD leaving Front and Market street thirty minutes before ?ita departure. Those of tho Chestnut and Walnut ; Streets Railway run withfnoue sguare of the Depot. SleenineCar Tickets can be had on application at the Ticket Office,Norlhweai.corner of rfintn and Chestnut and at the .Depotr- - : *■— i Agents of tho Union Transfer Oombany will cadi for ; ana deliver Baggage at tbe Depot. Orders lettat No. 901 ; Chestnut Btreet,No. lid Market street, will receive at* ;tention r TEAMS EE AYE DEPOT, VIZ.: ■ Mail Train— ; 1... at SIX) A.M. ,Pool! Acconi— -at 10.30 A.M., I.lo,and 6AOP. M. , raft Elna...—.... - atUAOA-M.i’ Eric Express .atllJO A. M. ■ Harrisburg Accom. ... _at J ju.p. SI, Lancaster Accom.... _at 4.10 P, M. -Parirstmrg-Traln. —M.....atAAO P. M ! Erie Mail and Pittsburgh Express., ... ...at 9.45 P M AST / Pacific Expreas~~~.~. .at 12.00 night Erie Stall leaves daily, except Sunday, running on rflsturday;ißgbtto'Wi!liainsport'onlyrTOirSundaj r n*gbr ! paaaoruzexs winUaTePhUfufelphia at 8 o’clook. : Pacific Express leaves -dally. Cincinnati Ex* t press dolly, except Satniday. All. other trains daily, except Sunday** .—• _ . _. Thft-WeaXeniA«connaQdatldhTraiJiracfldaiiy, except Sunday. For this train tickets must be procured and Cincinnati Express ; at3JO A. M. Philadelphia Express-—. . _at 6.30 A. M. I Erie Mail : at 6JO A. M. : Pad! Accommodation at 8.20 A. M. and 3.t0 & 625 P. M ‘ Parkaburg Train- at 9:10 A. M. last lino ...... : in ; at 9AO A. M. Lancaster Train.- I— ....at 12.55 P. M. Erie Ex preen . at 12JS5 P. M. Hoot hern Exproea... at 7XO P. M. 1 Lock Haven and Elmira Express. at 7.00 P. HI. ' Pacific Exprees at 425 P. Mi Harrisburg Accommodation .at 950 P. 11. *'or further information, apply to JOHH F. VANLEEB, Je., Ticket Agent, 901 Chestnut FEANCIB FUNK, Ticket Agent, 116 Market Btreet. HAIIUKL H. WALLACE, Ticket Agent at tho Depot. : The Bennsylvania Bailroad Company wiltnot aseame any riak for Baggage, except for wearing apparel, and S limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars in .value. All Baggage exceeding that amount In value will ■ ba at the riak of the owner, unless taken by special con tract. . .._ . . . A. J. CASSATT, General Superintendent.Altoona. Pa. TJHXLADELPHLA, WILMINGTON AND I BALTIMOREBAILBOAD—TIMETABLE. Com ;mencing MONDAY, Apri 4th, 1870. Trains willjleave (Depot, comer Broad and Washington avenue, as fol ilowa: ■ , ' WAY MAIL TRAIN at BJO A. M. (Sundays excepted)* ;forßaltimore, Btoppmgatall Regular Stations. COT tnoctmg with Deiawara, Railroad Line at Clayton with Smyrna Branch Railroad and. Maryland and Delaware Barrington with Junction and Breakwater R R , , at Seuford with Dorchester ar.dDelawareitailrond,at iDelmnr with Eastern Shore Railroad and Salisbury with Wfcomica'and Pocomoko Railroad. EXPBESB TRAIN at 12 J00 M. (Sundays exceptedfor Washington* stopping at.wilmington, Perrjmlle and, Havre do Grade. Cohnecta at Wilming ton with trainjor New Castlo. atl.oO-pr^MTiSundays excepted), for Baltimore' and Washington, stopping at Chester, Thnrlowy Linwood, Claympnt, Wilmington, Newport, jtitanton, Newark, Elk ton, North Charlestown; iPerryville, Havre do Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman’s. Edge wood. Magnolia, Chase’s and Btemmer’s Run. NIGHT EXPRESSat 11 AdP- M.(daHy) for.Baltlmore and -Washington, stopping 'at , Chester,' Lin* wood, Nowark,Elkton,North ;East, PerryviUe, Havre de Grace, Perrymkn’s ana Mag nolia. j • • - Passengers for Fortress Monroe and Norfolk will take tho KjOOM. Train. ... WILMINGTON TBAlNB.—Stopping at .aH StaUon. between Pliiladelphia and Wilmington. " j Leavo PHILADELPHIA at UMO A.M.;JJ»,6.00 and :7.00P.M. Theo.OOP. M. train connects with Delaware Bailmad for Harrington and intermediate stations. leave WLLMmGTON 6.45 and 8.10 A. M„ 2,00,4.00 and 7.16P.M. The SilttA.M.train.will not stop between Chester and Philadelphia. The 7J5. P..M; train from Wilmington .runs daily,oUotherAccommbdationTrain, Sundays excepted. ' . - , Trains leaving WILMINGTON at 6.45 A. M. and 4100 P. M.-wlll,connect at LamokU Junction' witli tho 7.00 A.M. ami 430 P. M: trains for Baltimore Central K. B. From BALTIMORE to PHILADELPHIA.-Loavea Baltimoro 7J«"a. M., Way Mail: 0.40 HA. M., Express 2A5 P. M., Express; ,7.25 P.M.VExnfCss. SUNDAY - TRAIN.: FROM BALTIMORE.—Loaves BALTIMORE at 7.25 P. M. Stopping at Magnolia.Por ryman’B, Ab6rclofen,Havre-(ie-Grace,PorryviTlo,CharlcB. town, North-East, Elktom Newark,.Stanton, Newport, j' Wilmington, Claymont, Linwood and Ohoster. - ' Through tickets to all points Wost, South, and Bonth westmay be proenred at the ticket offlce;:B2B_Ohestnnt' street, nndor Continental Hotel,'wherealso State Booms and Berths m Sleeping Oars can be; secured'during tho day. - Persons purchasing tickets nt this’ office onn have baggage checked at their rosidsnoe by the Union Trans fer Company, ' • . ~ H. F. KENNEY, Supt. PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE -I— r CKNTRAL XtAILROAD. 7 ! „ CHANGE OF HOURS. 1 On anil after StONDAY, ApriL'4,lB7o; trains,will mu as follows l -; / ' LEAVE'pXIILADELrHIA,' from' depot of P. W. A B. R. R., couier liroivd street nml Washington avenue, For PORT DEPOSIT, 4t 7 A. M. And 430 P.; M. For OXFORD, ht. 7 A. M., 4.31) P. 81., and 7 P. M. For CIIADT'’S FORD-AND CHESTER CREEK R. R.vnt 7 A;M.. 10 A. M..2JJ) P.M..4J0 P.M., and-7 Train leaving Philndciphta at 7 A; M. connoc’ts at Port Dcpnsitwlth train,for Baltimore ! Trains leaving;Philadelphia at io A. M. anil 4.30 P. |M„ leaving Oxford at 6,O5‘AiM., ami leaving Port Do- I posit at 9 26A.M.,coripdct nt Clmdd's Fora 'Junction [ with tho Wilmington hnd Reading Railroad. : TRAINS'FOR PH ILADELPIfIA- leave Port Deposit stpJE& A. M,'and 4:2$ P. M. on arrival of trainßfrom [Baltimore.' ; ■ j OXFORD at6.O5AiH.VlO.a5 Mi and 6.30 P. M. Passengers are allowedtp, taki wearing npparol only as baggage, untl thn Company will.not he responsiblo for an amount exceeding’ono.ihundred • dollars, unless a special contract 1b made for' the samo. • HENRY.yropD, XJeperaJ Superintendent. _ TQIABT FREIGHT LINE, VIA NORTH J? . PENNSYLVANIA BAILBOAD, to Wilkeebarro, j Mahanoy Olty, Monnt Camel. Centralto, and all point* ' on Lehigh Valley Railroad anflitsbronchoß. - ! By new arrangiunente, perfected this day; thlß road is ! enabled tb gly eXucreaaea despatch to: merchandise con signed to the above-named points, l. . . Goods delivered at tho Through Freight Depot, ’ ._ I .i, « 8. E. cor. Front and Noble Btreots, Before6P.kr.vWill reachWilkesharre.MonntCarmel. Monanoy Glnr, ana the other .etatloiui in Mahanoy au4 k A1 y jN O' RaTt.ri >a n 1 id mhiliat Philatieinfilii W the'intarloy of * wi 8 ’ ikii^.’^toiiitisnshinsiianua/cainiiar- SEi^ n Tho. 7 30 At Mt train connects at Reading with the Hast f??* By l? ft P* tt 1 lunroa «™ nßfo e All « lt own l Ac..an(lthe 8.15 A. M. train connects with the' LebftnonValleytniirr' RPort Clinton wllh Cate* Wr. : niiS'P" f » r Wiltons port, LocicHavotiTKlmlra, &c.;at uK.’ ’' S Wcrfhern Central, Onmb&rla&d■ Tal ley, and Bchnylkill and Hnsmiphanna trains for North grovo 1 Ah I *’ WUI!BIn *POrtTYork, Ghamb rsburgjPlne . &’ i 'SB'NOON j Philadelphia at for Beading, Pottsvlllo, Harriebnrn, &c.,con : Oolnmtla* Ac’* oB^oB, Columbia Railroad: trains for , POTIfTOWN ACCOMMODATION/—l,earn, Potts town at 6J6 A. M.,at<>pplnsrat the Intormodlatb stations: SEir T /? »*S.«A. M. Betnrnini? loaf's to Potts town nt 8.16 P.M, _JtKAI)ING AND POTTBVILLE . ACOOMMODa' yjONv-Dcayeß Pottayiile at .6,40 A. M., and Beading at sriphi» I li , lo t^st,, St Ot to Pfito . Returning, teayes Philadelphia at 6.15 P. M.: arrives to Beading at 7.56 P. M.,ondat Pottsvlllo at 9.40 P. M. ■Trains for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 8.10 A. JJ-J SeWl' at9 °° A.M., arriving in Philadelphia :®* 1 P. M. Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg at 235 ;&5 WM.I driving if pjff . ifamsburg Accommodation leaves Beading at 7.15 A. Harrisburg at 4.10 P.M. Connecting at Bead ingwith Afternoon Accommodation south at 0,35 P. M. t arriving in Philadelphia at 9.25 P.H. 1 BvSf 5 ? 6 !* £* in i a Passenger car attached, leaves ■ Philadelphia at 1330 noon for Beading and all Way SWS?®** ls*?** Potteyllle at 5.40 A. Mo connecting at lf^Sr accom modatlon (train for FjiHadelphiaand ■an way stations. - All the above trains ran dally, Snndsy, excepted.. Bandar trains leave Pottsville at 8 ' A.M., andPhila. dalpbla tLt 3.16 P. M;; leave Philadelphia for Beading at ®%AiS;ilftnrninKfrom J ßeiidinjiat4J6 ,. T ■ CHKffyEB VALLEY hfATLßpAD.—Passengers for Downlngtowh'and intormediatopbints taketheVAO A- M., 12A0 and 4.00 P. M. trains from Philadelphia,rotnra tagfrom Dovrolngtownat 6 AO A. M., 12.46 and6.l6 P.M . PERKIQinCN RATIiROATI.-Piii>AHg<iM.fftpHAVi«imiri|. jlUe6ske7Ao A.M., 12.30 and i.Md’.Sf. trains for Phila delphia, returning- from Bchwenksville at BDS A. M., 1245 noon, 4.15, P. M. • Stage linos for various points in Perklomen Vapey connect with trains at Collegevill© ana cchwenksville. : - , COLKBROOKDALE BAILBOAD.-Passengera Tor Mt. Pleasant and intermediate points take the73o A. 11. *pd 430 JVMytramsfromPhiladelphia; returning from Mt. Pleasant at 7 00and 1135 A. M. ' ® -ggWTORK BXPBEBB FOB PITTSBURGH AND THE WEST.—Leaves New York at 9.00 A. H. and 530 P® BBlll ®- Reading at 145 and 1035 P. Bt v andconnectsab Harrisbnrg with Pennsylvania and Northern Central Railroad Express Trains for Pitta burgh, Chicago, Williamsport, Elmixa, Baltimore, Ac. Returning, Express Train leaves Harrisburg on arrival of PennsylvanlaExpress from Pittsburgh, at 535 A. M. and r noon, passing Beadina at 733 A. M. and 235 P. Ho arriving at New York at 12.05 noon and 635 P. M Sleeping Cars :accompany these trains through between Jereey city and.P(ttannreh, without chaflgeL --- . -HaU train for New Tork leaves Harriab.nrgatsao A. - M. «»d 235 P. M-, Mail train for New York at 12 Noon. . < SCHUYLKILL TALLEY RAILROAD—Trains leave Pottsville at63oaDd 1130A.M. and 630 P.M.',returning from Tama/inaatB3s A.M/.and 2.15 nnd43oP. M. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSOUEHANNA RAILROAD —Trains leave Auburn at 835 A. M. for Pinegrove and Harrisburg, and st r . 1230 noon for Pino gTove, Tremont and Brooksidej returning from Har risburg at 3.40 P M: from Brookside at 4.00 P. M. and from'TVgnoht at7.J6 A.M.ftnd 535P.M. TICKETS.—Through: first-class tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points in the North and west and Canada. . / , _ - Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to; Reading and Intermediate Stations, good for aay only, aro sold by Morning Accommodation, Market Train, Beading and Pott/rtown Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. Excursion Tickota to Philadelphia, good for day only, are sold at PottAviUe and Intermediate Statfons.byß.eftd ing-and -pottsrille ; and Pottstown' Accommodation Trams at reduced rater. The following tickets are obtainable only at ifio ’Offce or S ; Bradford, Treasurer,No. 227 South Fonrtb street PhiJSdelphia. or.ofG.A. dent, Reading. Commutation Tickets,at 25 per cent, discount, between any points desired, for families and firmn, - . , . a t M B fel^vr^7^^ ll a! B ' bf,twMn aU po,uts . Season Tickets, for one, two .three, twelve month.*; for holders only, to all points, at reduced rates. residing on thailne-oftbo tojsd wni be rdr* - pished with'Cards, entitling themselves and wives to tickets at half fare - • Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to principal sta tions, good for Saturday,Sunday and Monday, at re-' dnced fwre, to be had only at.the.Ticket'Offlce, at Thir teenth and Callowbill streets. FREIGHT.—Goods of all-descriptions forwarded to all the above points from the Company’s New Freight Broad and Willow streets. ' Freight Trains.leave Philadelphia daily at 435 A.M., 1230 n00n,6.00 ahd 7.15 PrM..?or-.Beading, Xiehanon, yond. ' Hails close at the Philadelphia Post-office for all places cfpal Stations only at 2.15 P.M. ’ aDd or •* - ' BAGGAGE, - i JDnngan’sE:xprefls.wlllcoUectßaggagedor~all'4ralns leaving Philadelphia Depot. Orders can be left at No s ,® cra^.?rourth *treeti okattheDepot, Thirteenth and Callowhili streets. ;»■— XTOBTH PEITNBYIiVAOTA BAILBOAD. J-V —THE BHOBT MIDDLE BOUTE' to the Lehigh end Wyoming Valley, Northern Pennsylvania, Southern and Interior New York, Bochester, Buffalo. Niagara Falls, tho Great Lakes and the Dominion of Canada .WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. TAKES EFFECT, November 22d,1569. • 14 DAILY TRAINB leave Passenger Depot) corner of perks and Americas streets; (Sundays excepted). follows: -• . , , 7.30 A. M. Accommodation for Fort Washington, At 8 A. Express for Bethlehem and Principal Stations on mafnline of North Pennsylvania Railroad) connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Railroad for Allentown ,Mauch Chunk, Mahanoy City Wilkesbarre) Fittston, Towanda and Waverly: connec ting at Waverly with ERIE RAILWAY for Niagara Falls) Buffald, Rochester, Cleveland, Chicago, San Francisco, and all points in the Great West. AtB.45A. M.-rAocomiaodation for Doylestown, stop ping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Wil low Grove, Hat boro ’ and Hartaville, by this train, take Stage at Old York Road. , . - 1 9.i6 a. H t (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown Manch Chunk,' White Haven v Wilkesbarre, Pittston, Scranton and Oarbondal© via Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad, and Allentown,’ Easton, Hackettstowuu and points on New Jersey Central Railroad and .Morns and Essexßailroad toNew York via Lehigh Valley Railroad. At 10.45 A. M.—Accommodation for Fort Washington, stopping at intermediate Stations. •/ _ 1.15) 6.20 and 8 P.M*—Accommodation to Abfngton. At 1.45 P. M.—Lehigh Valley Express for Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown, Manch Chunk, Hazleton, White Haven, Wilkesbarre, Fittaton, and Wyoming Coal Re gions. At 2.45 P. M. —Accommodation for Doylestown, stop ping at all intermediate stations. • At 4.15 P. M.—Accommodation for Doyles to svn, stop ping at all intermediate stations. At 5.00 P. M.—Through for Bethlehem, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Evening Train for Easton, Allentown* Manch Chunk. At 6.20 P. M.—Accommodation for Lansdale, stopping at all Intermediate-Station*. At 11.30 P. M.—AccQmmodatlon.for-7ort-Washi>onr TRAINS ARRIVE IN PHILADELPHIA. From Bethlehem at 9A. M., 2.15, 4.40 and 8.25 P, 2.16 P. M., 4.40 P. M. and 835 P. M. Trains make direot connection with Lehigh Valley or Lehigh and Susque hanna trains from Easton,Scranton, Wilkosbarre, Ma hanoy City hud, , \ From Doylestown at 8.35 A.M.,4.30 P.MAnd 7J05 P. M From Lansdale at A. M. ' FromFortWaahiugtonat9.2sandlO.3s A.M.and 3.10 P * ’ ON SUNDAYS. v Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9*Bo A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.00 P. M, Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.00 A. M, ... Bethlehem for Philadelpma atLOQP. M, Fifth and Sixth Streets and Second and Third Streets Lints of City Passengor cars run directly to and from the Depot.. Union, Line run within a short distance of 'the Depot. ' ‘ - • • ' J • Tickets must be procured at the Ticket Office, in order to secure the lowest rates Of faro* _ . ...■ i , ELLIS CLARE, Agent. ; Ticketssold and Baggage chocked through toprincl pal points, at. North Penn. Baggage Express office. No. 105 South Fifth street r -rrrEST jbrsey railroads ! COMMENCING'MONDAY, April 4,1870. DpaTo Philadelphia, : Foot of Slurkut street (Uppei • F is!o A* M., Mail, for Bridgeton, Salemi’MilWillo,Vino land, gwedoaboro-and all intermediate atationa. ' n.4fi A. woodbdry Accommodations 3.18 P. M., Mail, forCJape May, Millville, Vineland and way stations belbwGlaßsborOi' ! - "SsSOPrMir ®a«B o nger, for-BridgOton, Bdlemi Swedes boro, and all intermediate stations. . '■ 8.45 P. M., Woodbury, Glasaboro and Clayton accom “odotioaißXTßA !rß , Alr r OAPKMAT. ' - only;) , , Leave Philadelphia. 8.00 A. M. * Leave Capo May, 1.J.0 p. M; Freight train leaves Oamdon daily t at 13,00 o’clock, received in iPhUodolphla at second covered wharf Tbelow . Walnut street, : Freight delivered at No. 2388. Delaware avemiOT' : Commutation ticket*, at reduced ratoe, between Phlla* dolpbia and ft/njOAM J. SEWELL, Bupertntandont. ! April l t 1870. .1 . •- ; XPHTT j ADEDPHIA AND ERIE RAID. X_ KOAD—WINTER .TIME TABLE!. . On and nftor MONDAY, Nov. 15, 1869, the Trains on tho Philadelphia and Brio-Railroad will rnn aa follows from Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, West Philadelphia: ; i'si WESTWARD. '• , Mail Train leaves Philadelphia - 9A5 P. M ! “ Williamsport 7.40A.M. * ** arrives at Erie 8.20 P. M. 'Erio Express leaves Philadelphia. 11.40 A. 11. u ■ *v .• {•Williamsport „ 9.00 P.M. 5 l Elmira Mall leaves PhllodolphiaV, .-7.60 A.M. “ 11 “ Williamsport™ ...8.00 P. M “ “arrives at Look Haven 7JWP.M, Mail Train ImVob 8.40 A. M. ~ .. .. Williamsport 9,28 P.M. • “ orrlveß at PhilodOlphio. 6.20 A. M, « •« . , , ft'ii|i W n 8 p0rt...... 3.30 A. M •• arriveoatPhllndelphla 12.45 P.M, i; *> “ arriTeo at pifllaaolphio...-..™.......... ABO P.M., ißnffaloExpress leaves WUliomßport. ....;....12.28 A.M. J i “ | r narriabnrfr....... a,.5.20A.M. , . *• orrivoaat PUiladolphia......„!l 9J28 A. M. i Expross oast connects at Oorry. Mail eastntCorry and Irvlneton. ExpreHß west at Irvtnoton with tralna on OU Oreak and Alleshetfr Rlvar BallroaO. ALJTUBD li, XSXiBBi General Boserlntenda • 'Cheater, fit opg ut&il stations \rnnfc nf i ?/„„iSi^SS® t^® e fl w <Wl)-eopnoctimC'at i n, 0 Junn 1 nf?A' ,t0 >" W «il«m»onii. l l at Ml statlona. Mg-j,* m'Qhartytotifatmrwiinsng. . Mi! «'lff' ! / or 'S- Q-JJbncMon (Mfewat AU»tation».: •• f°T »'f*t Clipstorstop* at all station? west of Mtdtaioiccpe OroetlwciiKiJ, COhppctlngit B. 0. Jnnc- OD ?haßi , «JB r <J I S D B' tt '’| I 'j >i ? l><i^° 8 i i< '’ 4 * ld 0,1 rttltipl ' B oio P. M. for B;, 6: junction:. Ihfs train commences on aftek* 'J ; niio i lBti .l3JOj stopping at all *l;‘ f 2 r atationa. « o ®PH?BA r DE O £p&^!^ Uon ''- s*?S'^ , ?!*£ roi:n ' ® ; -O. Juuction stops atall stations. TaJ? 4* If-'from West Cheater stops at all stations. 7:40 A, Mj from West Chester stops at,all stations be tween w,O. and Media (except Ureenwoocl;,cannect* ing ntB.O. Junction for Oxfordy Kennett, Port De poflit,ttjjdaU«tatidnoontbe;p.&BiO.B.:B. > in o.\ A a « f £ om B-P* function stops atall stations,.: ],ftSVfA J*. • from West Chester etopsat all stations. . j*S5 Mi from B; 0. Junction stops tit all stations. ‘ 3’rf £ • }}> J rom Chester stops atall stations*, v: •’wjf/i? ’ *£°ff e s l Chester stops at ail, stations,* con- SS2isfi at 5*R Junetlon for .Oxford, Kennofct, Port l>epoßU,nnd aUstntions’onth* P. &B.O; B/B. Chester stop? at all stations, con -0 Sfp tJ SP r* B * & J«nction with P.&B. C. B;B. ®%C*jnnction,. This train commences station? on an( * after Juno.lst, 1870, stopping at all aMA w'f ™ • ONSUNDAYSV forWestCheiterßtopßat all stations,connect * IS^iP-J 5 - to nc i!S? * lth p - *O: B. R. 2*ffi f or Chester stops at all stations. i«w»r ; / r i ),n w # ?n ( 3 ,e ! ,ter ' , “l tf ® t all stations. 4 *i?JKi l £' i yT Btc^fB,orßto ll?at,ail stations, con necting atß/O. Junction withl>. &8.0. B. B 7 ; •'•• W.C. WHBjsLEß,6uperintenfleQ|. PHILADELPHIA, GERJIANIOVN NOHEIBTOWN BAIIBOAD TIME Leave PHILADELPHIA 6. 7, sf 905, 10. 11, 12, 0.20, 10.05, 11, 12 p’ M*’ 5 ' 6 > ,8| ni¥n aV i9 ,<3 . Kl 5S ,Ali j°W' Ire > 6.85. IK> 8, 8.30, 9. 10, l ™'° , l0 2 '» A .- 2. 3. 3JO, l?j, g, B X, 6, 6«, ,V, 8: .„^ ,^? l! ?- a, /, ?P A^ Va '". antf 3Kanrf ea Up Trams tciUnot Mopon the jG&manUnon i Eranih*:' ONjiUNDATS, ?, r & a d mviHi!?: E^HiA™t f a£ra. 2) , (M min t fe™ A ™ 5 at W-" J»'3» 6, and "*' 'CHESTNUT HIUI,KAILROAD *•• «• "• and “> a ; and .“•«• A - M * T . ON SUNDAYS. ‘ Leave PHILADELPHIA at 9X, A.M. 2, and 7.P M g M C p !n M HESTi<DI UILIj at 7-W, A. Jl. 12.40,5.40, and T, F ?S se ”J tr ’- f »W«* **« 6215,9 and 10,50 A. Jlf. and &50 1. 51. I rain? from Germantown,will make Clare eon ner.ttom to'to Trains far New Yorkat intersection Station. FORCONBHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Reave PHILADELPHIA 6. 7}$ ,9, and 11.05, A. 51. iXr 3,4X,5, m, ex. a. 05, io,and im:k m. ’ J7i " -Reave NORltlSTOwils&,6.2s,7,7*. 8.50, and 11,A. M. Hi, 3, tin,&i, 8, and 9X, P. a. , ’ , ON SUNDAYS. ( LfaTO-PHILADELPHIA at 9, A. M. 2'A. 4,' and.TX, Reave NORRISTOWN>at7T A._K V I,4J£, and 9, P. Jl. .... ,'T'rOB MANAYIINK : l?£ UM A - M - : i; - 3 ' 2 ,fe aji* SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia”: M. Leave Mnuayunlt : VA A. M., 1>4,4H« and 9)£ P. 11. T PLYMOUTH bAiIIUMD.* ; Leave Philadelphia r 7ii A..JI. and BP. M.. Leave Plvmooth : C« A. M. and Vi P.M.I Ariel,* A. m.-Tratn from Norristown will not stop nt Motter Stotts' Landing* Domino or Schvr’s Lane. The v-* • *L'? rai *hfrorn P/ijla(telphiatviU slop only-at-School LatTe, Mtitiayi.nlc and Cf n&kohoektn. PaßPengers taking the 7,0.05 and: 11 A. M. an a 4 P/M. ‘~> Tain B from >mth and Green streets will makeclußO connection* with the Trains forlfew York at Intcrtioc .Uon-StatiGUv” - : . - The 10 A: M. end 6P. M, Trains from New York con nect with the I.IS end 9.20 P.M. Trains from German town to Ninth and Green streets. » ' W. S. WILSOJf, . . GenerarSuperintendent. /CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC fIALKO AD XJ On aniQifter Friday, Aprttl.m, trains wilt leave vine Street Ferry as follows: .• - ’ Mail and Freight,. ....A.OO A. M. Atlantic Accommodation... l # p Atco Accommodation..:".....:::: 10.15 AI M. hud 5.30 p! m! „ “RETURNING LEAVE ATLANTIC: Mail anil ireight,......;.;..:.../.. .... „...„I,4&P:M. Atlantic Accommodation ........... ....J..6.05 A..M; * Junction Accommodation from Atco, 6.22 A. M. and i2*iu, Noon a Hnddonfield trains leaTe Vino Btect Ferry, 10.16, A.M’. „I<eavelTaddonfleM, 1.00 and 3.15 P. M. ; -EXTKA TRATtTFQft ATLANTIC An Extra Train will run every Wednesday ind Satur day in advance of the Mail Train— Leaving Philadelphia »t - .. .. i.,8.00 A.M. LeavipyAtiantlgOity-atTr.:.-~::....v...T...:.....:......^50PrMT Allowing nearlyFlVKHOCTtSonthe Reach. The Union Transfer Company, No. 828 Chestnut street fCoqtiuental Holeli, will call for and check .baggage to destination. _ Tickets', aleoVousalc .' REAL ESTATE SALES. #J§ . ORPHANS 1 COURT SALE.—ESTATE HiiiLof Alexander Purvia, a Minor.—Janies A. Free man. Auctioneer.—Three-ator* Brick Dwelling No. 613 Worth Boyenth street. ahOTe Green. . Under- authority of the Orphans’ Court Rr tbe.City aud County of Philadel- Wednesday, May 4th, 1870, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Ex change., the following described real estate;—The on© undivided twelfth part of all that certain lot of ground, with the three-story brick iueeahago, and two-story brick end| frame back buildings thereon erected, situ ate on the west aid© of Beventn street, at tho distance of 117 feet inches north of Green street, lathe Thir teenth Ward of the city ; containing In front on Seventh street 10 feet 6 inches; and extending in drapth westward between parallel lines at right angles with Seventh at. 91 leet 9 inches to a lfl-feet wide alley which leads south ward into? Green street, and with the privilege thereof. » The rfitriaitiinr eleven-twelfths will be sold at the same time by direction of the olher heirs t the purchaser o&- | raining a clear title to the whole Clear of incum brance. $2OO to be paid at time of sale. Immediate possession.' By the Court, JOSEPH MEGABY, Clerk 0. C. MARGAKBT FORTKN, Guardian. JAMES A. FBEEMAN, Auctioneer, ap!4 2128 Store 422 Walput street, j ORPHANS’ COURT. SALE.—ESTATE : filial of Amy Wright, deceased.—Jaraos A Freeman', Auctioneer—Genteel 3-Story Brick Dwelling, No. 1213 Marlborough street. Under authority of the Orphans’ Court for the city and county of Philadelphia, on Wed nesday, May 4th, 1870, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public aale, at the Philadelphia tho fol lowwgdescrlbed real estate, late the property of Amy Wright, deceased.:—All that certaiu three story brick messuage, with the two-story brick back building tuni erected; Bitua to. on the easterly aide of Marlborough street, between Girard avenue and Thompson streets, at tho distance of 103 foot 1 inch north of Girard avenue, In tho Eighteenth Ward of the city; containing in fronton Marlb&ough street 38 feet, amlin depth eastward about 84 foot more or less." Befog the earno premises which Ulrich Sbarr deed recorded in Deed Book S. 11. F. No. 28, pafiw342,£°» grunted and conveyed unto the said Amy Wright, in fee. $2OO to bo paid at time of sale By.the Court, JOSEPH MEGARY;OIerk O. C. ' _ _JULIAN P. WRIGHT, Adm’or.• JAMES A; FREEMAN. Auctioneer, rp!42l2S . Store, 42? Walnut street. fS", PUBLIC SALE.—.TAMES A. FREE fiuiiLmnh, Auctioneer—Deal niblo Cottage Lota (adjoin llW*el'ropd Station);'MerchuntviUe, NewJer&Oy.— Will be sold at public Bale, on the.premises,on Tlmrwdar iftcmoon, May oth* 1870, at 4 o’clock, a number.of elfgi ;ble building Bites at Merchuntvilio, Nuvr Jersey,4!<t miles !from Philadelphia, on tho Camden aild Burlington County-Jtailroad.,A station,—'“-Welwood.”. in within three Bquiirba. These lota 'nre fiO' by about 250• feet, hud 'tronfon the Hoorcetotvn turnpike—Myrtle and. Wood bine and Welwoodavenues. The sttuq.tio)iis very.healthful l and agruahle.Tliere are numnous trains fetch rvay, and. the place is reached inside i/ half an hour from the city. Shade trees are■■ planted, ■oad gtavetUd—improvements ar( extending—fine schools ma church tn tht'plac.e. Vare by the Annus) Ticket 8 ■ entspev trip, ferriage included. Plans may Be ox inincd at tUo Auction btore.. Tickets to and the premißCß, good on the day pf tho sale, cau bo obtained of ip Auctioneer t . , ' • O'" $25 to be paid on each lit time of snla. ' JAMES A, FREEMAN , r Auctioneer, s\ Store; 422>Valnut streot~;. apl4'2l-28 £' ORPHANS' - COURT SALE-ESTATE of Edward’ McSfiano, docoAaod.—James A Fre«* -min, Auctioneer. Threo-story dwelling, No. 1417 -Vprth Tenth street; and ibreo-Btorr brick dwelling on Prospect street. Under authority oft ho Orphans’ Court for tho City QDtl Couhty of Philadelphia,'on Wednesday, tony 4,187(1, at 12 o’clock, uoon, will bo sold at public ‘Ulei. ftt the J’hiludelphiii Exchange, (he following do-: scribed real estate,'lnto tho property of JSV/eoftrrijlft • those two turee-story brick dvvoh !!ingsand lot or piece of ground, situate ou tho eustsldo of Tenth street, at tho distance of 132 feet north pf Mas lerstreet ; containing Ih’front bn Tenth street lfP feot, and in depth eaßtwnrd 74 lo»*t to Prospect fit. ', ttubjoetto aground rent of ®4B per: aunuip. jV. if, Onf of said bnekmessuases fronts.onsa\U,2 , entk streei t and ihc other an+Pf&sptct street. ‘ ‘ ' flOfrto bo tmiil At time of aalo;<. ' r -■ i ■■ : > f ' y'tlu* Court. JOSEPH MEG ATIY,Olork 0.0. , MAIiY McSIl AFF £tHJ Y, Administratrix. r 'JAMES A. 1 FREEMAN* Auctioneer, • Stor.o ,422, W^luut.Btruot. gjjfjf ORPHANS* COURT SAUE.-—ESTATE . Bihlof'■WilUaiJunnlimanorv A. Frey i Ajictibjjefr.-rTliroQ-alory Brick, Dwelling, No, 250 -Hou^j,ftsth^®ti^r i ->hoy|j-Hcruco:-"Uri«uratt“&orltyor‘ the Ofpbanß'-Coiirt for the OftJ* anil.Countv of.Phlladol ph We(lneyday,.May«th, 1870, at 12-o’olock,noon, wM b 6 gold at public-sale, at the Ex change, .the following described, real estate, into the property of William Holaimillor, 1 deceased All that certain largo tiiree-Htory brick meeauago, with tho two* Rtory frumc hopeos On tho re£r, nDd\tno lot of ground, pltuatq'on the West aide of Sixth street, at the dißtanoo of ;137feot 10 Inches northward of Srruco street, in. tho Fifth Ward of tho ; containiug.in fronton Sixth, street, 23,feet,-and |n depth 100 foot to al.Vfoetwldo alloy leading rtorthWnni. 1 into < Locust' street. ; Subject to a groi. nd rent Of fliJs Spanish ihlllbddollarß, payublo half* yearly r plsp BuVMtto a mortgage [debt of $3,000, with interest;, -i , i '.v ,;v, to fed paidat the- timO of sale. ■ l ; i '! i ''JAMlia'A.'l'llKßSlAN l Amitionoer, a»142128 Store 422 walnut struol.; £ ORPHANS’ of WUl^Boal^,deciaafi^i^amßfl.At.®reeulan^^^-- ! Auctioneer .—Ynluabie Curry Comb Manufactory, S. ! w. corn er. Hancock and York Btreets. UmferauthoritT’ i of the Orphans’Com* for the City nnd County of Phila [ delnhhi.ou Wcdneßday. Mayf.Jfiro.at 12 o’clock, ndon,' will be sold at public Bale at the Philadelphia Exchabee.- the following,deacrlbed real attato, lato tha property of j WtUiam Beafh, deceased. , ;All. that certain-let of, Tground with the largo,two and a-hair-atory brick curry- • comb manufactory thereonPrectcd, situate otr tho we«t ; : aldeof-HaneockAtreetcand-south siduef Yorkatrcotv ik - ; the Nineteenth lVard or the cfty ;containing in front on t-BuMOCk-atnetrs foot.andludopth: along Tork'ilreeY 1W fact to Perry street. i ! BZSO to bo paid at the thudof sale. ■ ■, ; ,f , ■ ” ■ By the Court. JOSEPH MEQARY, Clerk O. O. < M ' ANNA MARIA,BIJACH, idrainispatrit. f-STOCK, FIXITORES.EKGIHB, TOOLS.afAcJIIN-' i BBi , Ac. Immediately before (be tale of tha real estate. ! will bo sold in onelot the entire carry i comb manufactory, comprising the Engine, 25 Machine i}J '» fQr “ao'Vf'PturingCombß -LMachincr BlcsramrrooTßToriSamifScfurrng Pana; 2 Wncliea and -4*oU=for-biftcklpg^omba;3:BtoyraTT~fflre-proof; Desk; £calo; ty Patterns for Machino-Pana; Combs and tf eat- Mania; Carpenter's bench; yia.es arid tools i Sheet-Iron. <9* ®COO to be raid at time of sale. ; JAMEB A. FREEMAN .Auctioneer, : >l3B . Store'422 Walnut street.. m>. ADMINISTRATOR'S PE REM P JHUIL tory Sale.—Estateof Klf znbeth J SCO By, deceased. Jsmos A. Freeman. Auctioneer. Dwellings, and large L . lot 61x217 feet. Main and Manboim streets, (Jcruitiu ; Under authority; contained in the will of th» , late Elizabeth Jacoby, deceased, oh Wednesdayj May : : IS. 1870, at.l2 o'clock; noon, will be sold at puoHc sale . without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange,, tho fol lowing described real estatOf late the proporty Of Bllia « beih Jacobyvdeceased: -A certain lot with the-toalld-; : ings and improvemente thereon erected, situate on Qer , nmutuwn Wain street, at tho upper or northward cor ■erof-Manheim street; containing In front on Ger < mantown Main street 61 feet more oriels, and in length* ordepth pn Manheim street 217 feet. Bounded, east Ly- Mein street, north by the property new or late of Mat • U"M Fnsz - vest by dri alley or open space leading Into' Manheim street, and south by Manheim street*; ; ; . There are erected on4he,above t one l}i story stone house, and A two-stoty brtek house fronting on Main \ street, one two-story frame building used as a grocery store and patnt shop at the corner of-. Maw and Manheim streets , aitd two two-story frame dwelling* Welt in front , rontmgen Manheim street. . j PUn at the store, dale absolute. , S&j 82£0 to be paid at time of sale. . B®* Clear of incumbrance.' CHRISTOPHER JAUOBV. Adhjiu’r, d. b; ri. <5. t; a. : t -j •• JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer*- ;- r • apl42) 28 ; . : Store 43i.\Va|mit street. V P. H. MITNPY. Agent. ItßAlj ESTATE—JAMES 1 A. FREE, man. Auctioneer.— u Harmony > House,’* Valuable . Property, N.W; corner Broad and Balnbridge streets. ' iOn Wednesday, May 4tli, 1870,at 12 o’clock, noon, will •besold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange* Ithe following described real estate, < viz.:.; All that j valuable twourtory brick houßo pud the lot of ground thereto belonging, situate on tho northwest Corner of • Broad and Batnbrldgo (late Shlpperi) streets,in tho city :of Philadelphia, 18Yeet front,4l teot doepr ’ > ; ; This rs a well-known Public house,. known as the Harmony House”—with a pood run of custom. Will rent for 9480 a year. Gas rsc. GaaiTVault under the pavement. Large Basement. wiffCVie deed. 05T Clear of all lncumbrunce, • Terms eaeh. LLUL LOIAIL V tCL.U a. i?.'Jtf. EE* iliimanvAuctioneer.~-NsatresidencejiNo.4Bo6 Silver*-. ' ton ayenne. On Wednesday. May 4, 7870, at 12 0 clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, nt the Philadelphia i Exchange, the following described, roal estate, viz. - AH' j that neat two-story brick residence (with French roof). ! and lot of ground on the south side of Sllvertou avenue, rin the Tw*.*hty-tourth Wnrd of tho city, No 14806{ be- ; I ginning 176 lfaet west of Forty-oighth street. - The lot ;is |sofoctfront flnd J/jO. feet deep, to *3o.feet-street. > The . house,is about 20 feot wide (the row being built in twin 'Style, with side yards.; With .alhthe modern improve*' meuts, except the water, which*is. not yet'plong thei avenue.: The[ situation is ,i!ery /*>>Aau'/ saiubriou?. A new Episcopal, church is within 300 feet, arid improve ments nre rapidly extending around -" The Phrk t,wt tery near,and from the^porch there isa finevisw of George’s Hill. .It can be examined.at.any. timo. S3,26omay re-' rauin if desired. . ■;' . he paid atrtho of said; = JAMKB A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, anU 91 ffl j; '. , Storo 422 Walnut atrept. frn- ' : l\ju.alX4 .A* FREE- Juiiiimnn.' Auctioneer:—Hotel ' property, Latona (House,”. Atlantic. City, Now Jersey. Oil ' Wednesday, ’May4,3870, at 12 o’clock, noon,'will be sold at public [sale, nt tho Philadelphia ‘Exchange, the following de scribed real estate: AH that lot of ground with tho two-, story frim o building thereon * reeled, situate at the cor ner of Atlnntlc and Kentucky .avenueH. 70 feet nioroor less on thoformur; nnd & r oTeenh(jrPT>r lesf oii the lat‘or,‘ to Arctic avenue, on which it fronts 49 feet front. The house formerly rented famis half or it is clear.of in cumbrance, and has fne opportunities of improvement. 3, fronts. Tho furniture may be had at n rnluutton. BE?” 9100 to be paid at time of stile. $l,OOO may re main on mortgage. ' JAMES A; FREEMAN, Auctioneer. Bfppl4 21 23 i »forft.422Witlpntstf.ee,t. r\PAIi DENTALIiXNA. A SUPERIOR: \_7 wtielo for cleaning tho Tooth .destroying anlmolcala " which infest them, gtvTng tono to the gnms, and leaving, a, feeling, of fragrance and perfect cleanliness .In .the mouth, it may be nsod dafly, and will be'found to* i strengthen* weak and bleeding gums, whtlo -the / aroma: anddeteraivoneM willrecommond it to every t one,.Be*j ing composed with the assintan.ee.of the Dentist, PfeysL.' clans and Microßcoplst, it is cdnlldently offawK! >fkn>ni l reliable substitute for the uncortain waahes/forme*ry in\ V< SmlnentDentists, acquainted with s tho c^nktituenta 1 ,* of tho Dentalliua, advocate its nsejit pontaimi nothini BroadandSprucastTMti. - ■ HaGsan] A Co„ Robert C; jDa-vis. . O.B.Keeny, QeOr6.)Bovror, ;; ’lsaneß.;K&7' f - - - Ohao.ShLvem, O.H. Noodles, B.M.McOoUn, ; T. J. Unsband, B. 0. Bautins’.' Ambroßofimith, Ohaa;II.Bborlo. t ■■■ ; Edward Parrish, : Jamas N, Marks, Wm. B. Wobbi . E. BruiKlmrst S (Jo., JamesL.Bispliam, ; • Byott.SCo.i l ■ Hnghcs & Combo, ,; ■ H. O. Blair’s Bona, Henry A. Bower. ' Wraih k Bro. i rioßMQN'TrHtri'rsr'NUTar&o.—MEs -1 slna Oriiiigeß and Lemons, Turkey Tigs, In koga i rnma and boxes t. Analrian. Prunellos in kega and I 'ancy boxes ; Arabian Dntoa, now crop; Tn rkey Prunes in cHSka and tancy Boxes: Bniaios—Layers. Boodlaaa Imperial, *o;:Tlg Paste andOnava Paste: Naploa and Bordeaux WalUota.Pupor Bholl Almonds, tor sale by J 1 B. BUUUIEB 4t CO„ 108 Boutl, Bojoworo ayonae. fillii nii k mJfVi lUis 'f*' »Ahn.—tssfATlS Ut’ ! -AiWitoflc»V ! -T l J^ II JP n r l idMeaf,ed,^-donte«i-A;t : vPrefflnan) ’ tnSIPKS&r Highland' avenue, <OhM«lat;*H lit. BLrr l ’ contained in the will of the into o"rn ui < '' URC, ' *>“ Wednesday, Mat 4th. 1870, atf in, l ' ’ T'C sold,at DUbilcsalo.atAho cnrnor'of n'iiv.iil'f °‘ * ro Bituato on tho northeast ur w rL arennn and Thomas Mill road, being 100 tßt.yhomaa Mlllroad ami extond- Itigltjflcpth omtho dorthline 161 feet ItiYin'tH'R, anil on ««Ji « ft Highland avenue, 2fio feet 1134 «ar ePt ~ 6^‘lirchos^trwldtlri Nd.'l onthoyveaff2oi T wenV-rifnth ?t d r?c" nno^111 fcot 6 « inches deep along erpnnd sltnato on the northwest corner sfreetand Highland ayebud, 176 feet 25£ n”nth B trf3t. b3r ' * fe< *' 8 'incTtoß deop along ,Twlmyt o^ i trf^^ ll i tlw, i olnin *'. N<, - 3 - 178fe8t ‘ :! « inches front Thirtieth Stredt V^" U0 ’ by - “.W A fyictaos..tlcop 07? i “te A i ot 2Co*foct front on Highland avenue, 338 feet ee JP t a i°ng p Thirty-fourth street^’to Evergreen *™nuo, on which it fronts 2io foot; my- erf. a ?j° t in feet front on Highland * e } 5/ * inches deop alone Thirty-fifth street which it fronts 260 foot. /» i j.si; l T oa r; JAHIB A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer, apH2I2B , Store, 422 Walnnt street. S. , C °U»T • SALE,—Es tate o( Wm. Baum. deceased —James A. Freeman, story brlcklager Deer saloofifNo, 230 Oallowhlli atteet. 1 Under authority o f the Orphans’ Uototror the City nud County of PhSE, delphia, on Wednesday, Hay 4,1870, at 12 o’cloek noon/ will be sold at publicat the Philadelphia Exchanged the following described real estate, late the property o$ Wtlham Baum ,■deceased j; All , that certain tbree-stOry brick message, and ‘ frame bath-room attached, and the lot of ground on wbfch,it in eroded, situate on tho south side of Callowblll street f'No 220),betweenSecond and Third: streets, >inj tfeo, Jtiayenlh, Ward; containliig in front on Callowbill street 17 feet 7. Inches, and extending In depth on the east side thereof 99 feet TK Inches; and on the west aldo 90 leet 7Jf inches. Bounded eastward!? by ground granted to Mary PUlea by a 9 feet alley extending westward .from Ann street to n court or piece of open grptand Which communicates with a 12 feet wide alley leading : northward Into Callowblll streot: westward by ground new or formerly ; of Henry W Physiol; andOTbers.aud northward by Callowhjllstrcot. Using the same premises which john Klu'mppand Eva Marla, his wtfe.by Indenture, bearing date the 13th day of June. A. I). 18611,. nridrecordedin theiofflcw fori re cording deeds, at. Philadelphia i Seed,Book It. R. 8.N0., 190. p. 131,4 c.; granted and convoyed unto the SaldWm. Danm, his heirs and assigns in fee.'- Together' With -the -> 06 pill.. H „ , UH » lIUC B(slu , By the Court, JOSMEG A ItY, Clerk 0. C. 00 -JAMES A. FREE MAN, A act i opine r, aplt 21-28 Store. No. 422 Walnut street. ® EXECUTORS’ PEREMPTORY SALE: —EBtatoof Henry Deringer,' deceased.—Junes A. Auctioneer.—Yery Desirable Three story Brick Besidesce, N 0.634 North Sixth Street, between Orecn and Coates sheets.—Under authority , contained : in the will ofthelato Henry Dtrxnatr, deceased, and by ?£k er °/ls°9 r ,*’ h ? n 6 Court, M on W.<fnfcsdayrirar-4thr - eft l a \ -12 o clock:,-noop, r wni- be sold atpublicsale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the fol*-- . lowing described real estate, viz.; All that de sirable three-story brick messuage and attics, with : three story back.bulldings nnd lot of ground, situate on ' il 1 ? side of-Sixth south orCoatee street. No 634 : containing lutronton Sixthstreet W feet and ex- T Sfe B miJ e t!i 10() 9* Inches op the north Hue and. - 10T> leut.ip inches on the south line, to a ten-foet wide alley which leads northward into Contes stroet v with the privilege thereof. . * * - -TheJiouse-is in Kobd-repairt-hassd^qpn~pdrl(tf7~d'inTne^ — room and two kitchens on the first floor) Krzs, bath , hot and cola water* booking range, furnace, bell calls, marble . mantetfi permanent washrstands, water-closets, numer ous closets,pnvate stairway tip to third story, ,fc.- It will bt? sold to the highest bidder. By Clear of all nruinbrance. . J3G?" S3OU to be pftM at time of sale. By order of T. T. PEBINGER, > Surviving —, • WM.H.TODD. V T Kxocutor«i - J AMB S' At Fit E E'l AN i ' Au cti oh eer». Bto,ro, 4i2 Walnut street... *£142128 Bsrsioo to bo paid ot timo of sale. JAMEB A. FKEKMAN, Auctioneer, * A'tn Witlntif BEWnSTRItT