Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, April 09, 1870, Image 1

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. married.
w™ l n <, 7/? WKB -7? 1 i fhnnfday. April 7th, hjr Bar.
y.“j ?,„i , 1 fo i r ? Bsl “ t 2 d *'7 Ker.M. A. D* Woffe, D.D.,
I"2K . c , k „^A Klng ’S f froTldsncß. K. 1., to r.or»nla 0„
f;S^i£T5 f . C l cor * < ’ F - J , ont ’’ of «><• Cltr. [l’roridrnco
and Hew York papers please copy J . §
; ‘ ' DIED.
T9ftri«^ , "“9 ll xF r^, y r,t * l *®*h Inst.,at Treuton, N. J.,
J Chow, In the 62a y oai ofhlsaee.
ty» n services will be hold at his late residence,
2*p wroth Warren street, Trenton,on Monday afternoon,
at 4 o clock. Interment at Pblladelpblat'oa Tuesday
idorimig. )2th inet. Carriages will bom walling on tho
train flt Kensington Pepct. *,
OOLLINB,—On the 6tb inst., T, K. OoHmi, in the 68th
year of hfs age.
His relatives and the friends of the family aro respect*
fully invited to attend his funeral, from nip late resi
dence, 1916 Oroen streot, on Monday next, the 11th inst.,
at2o’clorkP. M.
KLftlEft.— On the Bth inst., Mary P. Elmer* relict of
the late Jndgo Daniel Elmer,of Bridgeton, N. J,
The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully
invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her
lister, In Montgomery county, on Monday, the 11th
miifc., Ht 3 ci'rjo-k P. M. Carriages will leave No. 606
Arch street, at 11 o'clock. *
LOXLKY.—At her residence, in Mnntua, West Phila
delphia, on the7tb Inst., Mis* Mary PryorLoxiey, in tbo
7 Hist year of ber ago. ' ■
Tbo relative* and friends of the family are respectfully
invited to attehd the funeral, from her late-residence,
No. .*ti(J7jlJri<lge street. West Philauelpbia, on Monday,
iiielltbiiiHt.,at2o’clock P.M.
Suddenly, on the 9tli Inst., Elizabeth C.,
wife of M illlam E. ltboads, and dnngbter of the late
William and Malinda Coutstou, in the 68th year of
her egf**. ... .. .»
The relatii e» atod friends of the family ars respactfnlly
intiteU to attend the funeral, from her late residence,
Hq. 1252 North Tw«lf»hstrect,on Tnesday morning, 12th
ihet . at « dVPwk . Serrires at the bouse on Monday
avcDinir. l]thintft M at 8 o clock. ■» '
: At Cermanlown, April Bth, Lldyd.ln
fant aop of 11; Prank and Annie J. Robinson . *
3>l (; oo d jr hoi;t;h .fok d isesses. tjil
Tbcpft are the nnmo as the
Lft*t Two Lota.
EIRE A LA NiJKLL. Fourth amt Arpb
Su birth pate far additional Notion
POOH will Held at Na. 7U Catbarlne »trwt, oa BK
COND'D.VT (SlaDday), thollth ln*t.,at 4 P. il.
H r V. L. NICHOLSON* Secretary.
Sutidny bchool Association of tb« P.E, Church.iu
Pbihd'lnbh.. win ho hold on MONDAY KYKNINO,
April 11th. 1370,in8t. Lnke‘*Cbarcb> Thirteenth §trr<t,
hs-iow Spruce, commencing >it ft o'clock.
.Thesubject for dittcm*slon,”How tu prereat the low
of Children between the School and Onarch.’* will be
ntH’t’CMUijr the lUt. Kamuel ClmroM, Principal of the
Mlt-ion House.
_*AU interested In Banda:
:; K ELI’G I Opis Ni)‘Jf I C ESi ~ ~~
will preach in Trinity M. E. Church to-murrow
at JO.S and , ‘ 3 . Straujari are invited, It'
rrs*Alexander Presbyterian
tK£r Church, Nineteenth and sr«n itreeta.—l’raacb
loir to morrow, at 1(»I o’clock A. M. and at 7,‘i P. M.,
by Be*. tlan.-K. Cain, Factor elect. If
Joe/ Hcvantli «tra«>. abore Brown.—Bar. laaac 8.
JlaHh-y. P»«iojr. will preach to-morrow (Sunday), at lO'i
A. M. and •>* P. M. Subject—'* Korivaia.’ 1 If
.1 City and County of Philadelphia—lit the matter of
earn nt>;, dre-eaecd.
To H i Uiam C*i< an<f his eldest snn. his htir* and at
»«#/<*. ike keeper 0/ the Cvhtitnrn Cemetery , or persona in
o*QTtt thereof; tb* SUthodlst Conference of the city of
Philadelphia ;th<* niece* and nephews, crand-niece* sod
ffraud-nt'phrwii of th* said decedent, or their guardians
ytinlni-r*; tha Btahnp of Ste Mufhodist Episcopar
Church Id thfcity of PJjJl*d?lphi:t,a&d&U orheruevjaees.
lecrxteeeand <>rtier person* interested in the eetata of
*aid decedent; TaJusootkal Tb*IMAUY ANN LIP- .
PlM. , osT*thewidow ofsaidrferedfrnkon tba twroty
sixth dfljf of March, A.ZL.ISTO,' Jo tbo said
Ceurt berjpctin«*tt tutting forth.that tbo part!** Inter
«>atea ia tbesald estateratnotagree, for the. appoint*'
seVen pm<ms to wukepanitJoo oftbo shm*.
and prayip« U^‘Court tn H«ani ac iuctnft'‘t tomake said
partitioii.WnongttM- partie* fntcrfabxi fo 1 Aid.
ucccrlu>£ tb Taw that, therefore. : th* said
awarded a citation to the parties interested tarsaid
estate, commending them to appear before a
Court to beholden £atardayy<be twenty-third day of
April. A. D. 1370, at lOrfVloek of fha forvnoou, to show
t-aa*e why the Court thouhl cot award an leanest to
make said partition, and further abide U)e order of the
Court in the premise#; and did thereupon also order that
adrertiseuieat as to partita whose names or residence*#
are unknown to be made twice a week; for two vaeki. in
two daily newapaperii lo the city of'Philadelphia and
twice in the
v said last mentioned day-application will be made to the
Court to grant the praverol the said petition.
——»p9»tH"4is ' " UeputyClwdc Orphans* Court.'; 1
~I~2 ceased—Letter* testamentary'uiwin the aCuTai-s
tale Baring be*B granted to tlio undersigned, all perrons
haring clauna or ilemamls against the estate of the said
decedent:««reounted to make known the same, and
those indebted thereto to. made paymeat to CHARLES
P- BTVBIIB, Executor, No 40* Aon street,Philadelphia,
or to his Attorney, LEWIS D. TAIL, No. 703 Sansnm
street. Philadelphia. ap9*gt*
. nJ* Dwarf > aod Standard, in b*M ring. Ornamental
free«- .Large Evergreens Tor lawns"an<T Tiedges, J.
Blower has rapidly grown Into faror at Chvitnnt
at Germantown, aod wherever need. Its nse
makes Ike car* of a L*wnea*y,ajid beautifies it much
more than cutting with a ecylbo.
Sold by the patentees and manufacturer!.
It*. , . No, 681 Market Street. Philadelphia.
Z lime to sow. Twenty-hve beautiful Free-bloom -
mg varieties, with direcUons how to cultivate, for Ono
S rletif la particularly .adapted f»»r Family Kitchen
Hardens, being riwarf(rt<iuiriu£ no sticks!, early, und
of most delirious Mlgury Haver.
7ll Chestnut street.
m USAGE orange re ants'.for
«CHEI»OE. CL -IJy the hundred or thous&ud Also,
American AbotvJta, Hemlock, Spruce, and Norway
Spruce, suitable for Hedges, at
11. A. DBEER’SNursery,
Rlvertou, New Jorsey.
WAREHOUSE, 714 CHESTNUT street, ap9-g tu th Mt§
AND GARDEN TOOLS, Ploughs, Harrows, Culti
vators. Seed-Sowers, Churns, Garden and Field Rollers,
Lawn Mowers, Railroad and Garden Wheelbarrows,
Hay, Straw and Fodder Cutters, all at reduced prices, v
Call and exawiuo our stock. 0
„ ... ROBERT BUIST, Jk.,
Beed \\ arebonse, 922 and 924 Market street.
«SE* MOW KR.—This is tbo most improved hand-ma
chine made, and is just the article needed by all who
have grass to cut. It cau be operated by a lady without
fatigue. Prlco32S, and every mower warranted, bold
by c - , ROBERT BUIST, Jr.,
m!7 lm rps Seed Warehouse, 922 and 924 Market ek
,31 SEEDS.
The seedd we offer are exclusively those of our own
growth, and will be found far superior to those generally
Bold bv dealers.
Market gardeners and priest© families, to whom re
liable seeds are of the utmost importance, should obtain
their BUppliej* front
BUIBT'B seed warehouse;
* ' 922 and 924 Market street, aboYe Ninth.
Call or send for Buist’a Garden Manual and Price List
for 1870, which contains pAgcftof useful information
to country residents; • ' - mhl7lmrp§
fill! sale or barter his convenient and comfortable resi*
doueo i*u the tine of the Kofth 'Pennsylvania ItnNroad,
near Fisher’s Lane statiou, about fivo miles uorth of
Market street. ,• •; • • ‘
A substantial atono bouse with modern conveniences,
uud over six uocea of choice land* with handsome! lawn
and tine fruit and ornamental trees and«shrubbery; a
large and very’ productive garden* well stocked with
grapes, strawberries,
\&c.; ji commodious barn, and. carriage
. Jious*, with stabling for livo horses and three cows: a
good green-hou6e nnd grapery,' with choice foreign
grapes; ico house, chicken-house, 4cc. "
An ndditiounl house, nearly new, with good garden,
well stocked with fruit.with i<?e-houBo,heunory, Ac.,and
over throe acfrdbf laud, With fine trees, can also be hud
ifde&irabl?,. Tim whole being admirably adapted, for
two families desirous of being near ouch other. *
_np9 a ttt th 6t§ . . No. 15 South Seventh street, .
old, established business stand No. *29 Cboat-loiiiL
lUttopanaunottlTnll. Apply to B. BHAK-
D, V,OJ9 N\almit street, or to Kerry Chins Hull, 1218
Chestnut street, ap9otS
KiiA For Solo—ro or liXhieres—Bristol Pike, übovoUC
7 milo-Mone. ......
Blansian'ilouscnnd Dwelling to Lot. Apply on pro
Julies, or to 0 «; WHITAKER.
" No - . 810 Locust street.
]B ailjj (fttc ni n a Itelktm
School work * rein rited. 2trp
714 Chestnut street
Annual Reunion of the Society
Brilliant Scenes at the Academy of Mnsje
Distinguished Generals Present
Oration of General J. H. Martindale
Poem by George H. Boker, Esq,
j -
The second annual reunion of the Society of
the Axmy of the Potomac is being held in this
city'to-day. Great preparations hayb been
made for the event, and many geuerals and
other distinguished officers of the army during
the war arrived in this oily duringlast evening
and this morning, to take part in the proceed
ings. , President Grant, Secjetary Cox, Gene
rals Dent and Porter reached the city at five
o’clock tbisj morning.
' Tho'ACademy of Music, which bad been se
lected for the occasion, was very handsomely
deoorated. The entire front of the audito
rium was neatly festooned with the flags of
Oie Union, while m front of the balcony was
suspended a splendid State flag of Pennsyl
vania. The fronts of the private boxes were'
also handsomely deoorated with the national
and State flags. The stage wasset with asplon
did tented scene. The cbalrefor the officers and
distinguished guests were arranged in semi
circular form, and in the rear were a large
number- of benches. On each side of' the"
stage at the front was a small brass field
piece, with all the paraphernalia, and decora
ted with artillery guidons. The orchestra woe
occupied by the celebrated military band from
Governor’s Island, which discoursed delight
tul music during the proceedings. •
Previous to the ■ opening of the" doors, a
large crowd had assembled in front of the
Academy. The doors were opened at noon,
and the house was soon filled. The parquctte
circle and balcony had been reserved for la
dies. Kvery seat in the house was occupied
before half-past twelve o’clock, and the house,
as viewed from the stage, presented a very
brilliant scene. The parquette was occupied
l*y the members of the Society of the Army of
the Potomac.
About quarter-past one o’clock ;the hand
struck up “Hail to the Chief,” and President
Grant marched upon the, stage, escorted by
Lieut.-Gqneral Philip H. Sheridan, President
«>i the Society. He was followed by other dis
tinguished Generals. . .. J
The entrance of the President was the signal
tor a wild scene of enthusiasm* The entire,'
audience arose, the men cheered, and the.
ladies wavedtbeir hankerchiefs. The cheer
ing continued for several minutes. TbeWash
mgton party then took the seats which had
been assigned to them V -Presidenty Qrgnt -and
Lieut.-General Sherifhtn' occupied" the chairs
in the-centrsof tbestage; . T r- rr - r-* <
Among the other weH-ttno\Vn l militiry geti- q
demen who were upon the stage were t lon end
w.W. Belknap, Secretary of War; General
.J. D. Cox, Secretary of the Interior: General
>Vm.T. Sherman, Generals Irvin. McDowell,
A. E. Burnside. - Geoige G. Meade, < S. P.
Heintzelmair, Silas Casey, .John Newton,
Win. B, Franklin. It. B. Potter. A. W. Den
nison, Mott, K. C.Dfuro, I). W. O. Baxter !
Giles Smith, Markland, Hein- E. Davies, Jr ’
A*. A.Humphries, H. G. Wii«ijt,,J,Yll.Mar-‘
tindale, Bobert Patterson, : George Cad-
CadwaJader, H, J. Hunt. Chas. M. Prevost, :
Shaler, C. F. Buft, H. Houpt,. Stewart ’ Van
V bet, Horace Porter, Dent, Jtufus Ingalls, H.
H. Bingham, Wm. B. Thomas, William Me-
Gandlees, JoshuaT; Owen; Louis Waurief
Sharpe. Wiliiam B. Hazed. ' -^
TheVo were also present Hon. A. B. Borte :
ex-Secretary of. the Navy, and Commodore"
Gardiner, and a large number of the most
prominent citizens of Philadelphia.
After the distinguished party had taken
their seats, loud cheers weregi ven-respeetively
for President Grant. General Sherman, Gen
eral Sheridan, General Burnside, Genera)
Meade and others. , .
The Opening: Proceedings.
Lieutenant-General PbiJ. H. Sheridan, Presi
dent of UieSociety, then advanced td tlfcfroht
of the .stage and said : j
*■ C oniradex —This Meetingwill jileiisfl oonde
to order. The proceedings will be opened
with prayeT by Bev. Jlr. Pomeroy; ,rV
Rev. Mr. Pomeroy then delivered a fervent
prayer. - r .... ... - .... . .
Oration of General Harllndalc.
General J. H.Martindale"was" then intro
uuced,. aim addressed the assemblage as fol
lows:. . ....
ob my theme. You nave looked fqrwardi to this occasion
m one of loyoni roaiuun Bat ihero linger jet in oar
.Hre and lieurte the recodingSotindH Of th.-jniillUddrum,
the measured tread of tho fiea.l Muwhi with anas “•
'ytoch lnrtywtatrfay.by the sheres of the Hild
(.111, lUteuded the funeral hearse of t.eorge H. Thomas
\\ e seem to stand by the open grate of one of the truest,
“M^iWpttjlbluigttfthsabf yb,ir comrades.
Earth to earth. HU mortal remains jhsf begin to
mingle with the dust ; but his deeds and fame surtive
To day we bear a hation a wail of sorrow : it is the ore-
Imi* to History a voibe of praise.' ■ ■ i. ' l p
Gf/itltMtn-ylfthe importance of each particular dav
tn the retelling year could be estimated Ly the conse
uuencea tuid the magnitude of i lie events which it dom
immoratee, then thieSth day of Aprilfin our country,'
snould bo placed conspicaous, perhaps prominent, in
the calendar.
Only live y> are ago the. morning dawped riipun the
Aimy oj the Potemuc, oxteudeii far bovund Petersburg
“bore the Falls of the Appomattox, fuR panoplied .
pressing forward excited w ith victory and • expretation
of.the surrender of the Confederate army of Virginia
with that surrender the closing scene in the tragic,
bloody drama of civil war.
Do you see in that transaction the more success ot
one army over another t As the- cantnfles liavo rolled
away, there have been surrenders of defeated to vic
torious armies again, and a thonsuud times ngain. Bat
this was grander than a great victory iu the Held, The
Nation, the free Pcpplont’tho United States, the heart
and soul and vivifying spirit Of America .Liberty, torn
and rout, and threatened with destruction by ttio nro
tractetl fratricidal struggle, were all represented there.
What a scene ! in the glowing colors of that hfiionc
panorama! *
Our Chief wtw there; in clear, decisive, but generous
terms, inviting aud receiving the important wools which
yielded not an army alope, but ull>tho weighty ißsues
of the war. . . .• ■ j
Our nation is not yet one hundred years old; but in
that brief cycle wo hud developed two deadly and opr
posing civilizations. On that memorable day ouaroDto*
(tentative American confronted another. They stood to
gether, after four years of gigantic war, like Americans*
Sir* ? 8 i a l? of dishonor iu tbo\f<;t;oyy.of. *ho one' or.
tho defeat of thaother»co«snmmatipg a surrender which
affected the destinies of all the uatioqa qf the earth." ‘ “ 1
To-day we are removed but tf short distance frohitto
base of the great transaction.' We seem. still: to Umar,
wi re w «L ne ?» 8 tb® find transports of, a nation's-joy.,
When the lightning flashed along' tho wiroa, and’ with
tongues of electric tire spread the glorio’ni intofligeuW,
whatword. can express tho ecstasy', tho Wild emotional
wnicfa pervaded the Country like a magic inspiration
Thousands of homesteads ; ,w>rq.. .illumined
as thongn fomitates of sunbeams were 'opened - bo
neaththeir roofs.; Could, yon-but;gather tho aspira
tions of the hearts which, all over this northern land*,
expressed thoir joy ! Victory at last! Thank <JodP
inanK itoa! Our boys now may come homo, again!
lhe maternal, tho, friendly, the ardent
embraces in which they were clasped, when, at length'
discnargea, they were welcomed home agalu !.
7 . , ‘ Mttnpropoaes-rGod disposes ! n * 1
™?i : l®* 0 ™ 3 principal‘ tbairactere iri tlio trims-"’
?#V. we c'ommemara to, the ir comprehended
ou ' >t ' "hejher tho intellect of the
.‘r, um PfhSSna«l them. Eat they are
tclt b> popular intuitions; "The conscionco of the na
b“? JffSf ™ s . e * »}‘h » vita! fuith that some way
or othor out of that surrender, Wofild emerge tho Ameri
can idealof Liberty, no lonkWobSured hut huSTon i’
complote as the Fatherellrsf floclared it from Indcpe'
denco Hall, uoarly onelinniireit yehraago. „
Assembled as we are, might tndiilgo. in pleixine
retrospect of the ovents whlcli iorm tiia lilstory of o
Army of tho Potomao. lt would not bo iuaDDrooriate to
“ light its hßttleao’er nCTin;’-tVre q o, , ?i!t th P a P 2S :Wua
incidents which illustrated tlie ropmnca ,of actualwiir
I suppose we might dwell on iUkoUlovomeotain dotail i
to . mllltair science: we miaht axnlt la
which it weald not bo dUßcalt to accuaia
h«olMn amid trial, “id
x n 4 c ;fc^T n b J o o.^^vs& h “* W"*"« h
tlmfreto? ifjf e no,b< !i r 11 7 e ,°( wtro«»ectl<m and preepee-
J!^ n > x ’ bu .‘ boMI F considered,'
of l bUt * deflrßde ' ” r * * r ® * n tba very presence
f i u *i coittownoratod—no longer open to
ttST*" i oll .**,: *? •» ««»PIW W « fact accomplished,
f'nlmJ^ m i , n K f ?J' erer associated with thfl.Artnyof the
i 6 caua f? in , ’"’Well that army had its
resulted the war which It in part
tnuUSSI,. fv a™y» like all the others of tho Union,
. of ' ot«nto« r ß—wprunpr from the people,ani-
C 0 wlE tlo °? ,nd enthnslasm. It makes
B »At' nTl !li. lU ' ,°. la,lI t* to pra eminence in marlt
the held ”*Jw ,be opposing forces in
whom »n ba,l, °' wer ® aaaliist onr countrymen,
IteVrecks we/a 6 /
ofjf ,b u b iS!? ,f "f ot ,ho w«fi-iUrerer»es tho
siost dsmaglacr-dtedltimate fucceesesjbeiuost conclu-
Jtielruothat it was required to work out along
ftofn^nreSlFf n yhlch occurred more negatlre
terse « B!ili I nn*i® D H , I ?, rosfi ont of the first great re
!*£• at i>aJl Ban,—bat it wan preserved for the last
f r Thefl , n < ii c ii l I c^ lusi»o trlomphat Appomattox.
, 11 ,{’; i .onaleuccees, iu its relations to the
iillIno»«!t i J? )r « l ‘ onr if o,wt,T ' enables us to recall,
i n.5hSS t ’! be earlier,reverses. Within a month
KirhiL«!d'uf.Sleaatue «l anlnterview, In the city of
K?™?' l’ nh . » gentleman who held an important
ihssr.nl'V!,^£ Df^wf 4t 2 A , tn> y of Virginia. I revisited
Wrtft^WnJ? b i on . t i M ;* cb *P ic *I ui<! ' where the first move
"®,T | e* of engagements now popu-
t U ,V. , ,l f 'IVi I> ;o h, * tor,ca | f' ti »“ cr ‘bod as the Seven-liars’
t }«*. fought and retired down
to ‘he ■lamesriver, at Haxh,ill's and
Sr hrto£rio ttß sl, nß i i. d ? c . ril,< * l tfa e eacampment of,
ftj&fffru?." the 23tli of Jane, lmtnodfato
w LlHhoi 'ySwamp, and the position
mh.r h Jf4i^* p Hii? llne ° r battle on the 29th, whUe .
SStoeK tl?n -° f s , b Pi>* r ?T deflied behind: us towards ]
vre pticlaioied my friend,snpposa 1
wa bad seized the crossing over the swamp before the
, -f t i W wv bcffnn T belore the battle of Gainesville
elyouthSi* 1 ” have seized ith-what would have become |
_ "Vo-cay the people, Kortb-and South, may well con-
L , i\ t - h ' 1 V lhe oampaigu of that year saw
caved perhaps because the passage over the
?w*mp wss unoccupltd, but returned to its lines be
tween the BappabLnnock and Potomac Biters.
u,7Zt .'t t l ot war was too Immense to bo decided then.
, l ,V. b 2V brce ' n . cce, . <lin ff3 r «« of Woody ceoflict—it has
x4ar s of protracted strife in the civil arena
,f urI ?l2 tl ' r or Appomattox— to reveal the raagnlv
i-e .°h r . t f he . diff ' r ‘’neea j between the North and Soiith:
hoatlle to liberty,and com
mon to both sections, which provoked tho war. It was
not a war for aggrandizement or connnest; It was neces-
W f *o P r . r ® e f*e the nation and assimilate the people,
i i,?. b hheths sun ablaze at noonday, that'
IV f ( . B ?*' on •»«,?“ U W ho free. must recognize (net as
tt&fS* gouerralitles, but as living, vital parts) the po
litical equality of the citizens, and that . the. powers in'
to" o^ b 0“ MDd °“ ly th#,e wtUeh tbo
. Said Chief .Justice Taney, in the. great .case of Sand
tVfiifa* 0 ? 1 ® r * d .® co, .f : “ The words ‘ people of the
1 rated btates and - citizens ’ are Bynonomous terms,
and mean the rams thing. They both describe the pa
l! l,ra ‘ -•oof, who, according to our republican institn
! I“.^:’ a*” s who hobl nhd conduct
Ins government through thetr rcpresentuicts. They sro
we familiarly, call * tho sovereign people, ’and
*7**7 of the people, and a couftitnent
member of the sovereignty.’’ And the Chief Justice
proceeded to demonstrate to,his satisfaclien, that a edr
ijlßclittof penoM, of Afrjc»iie»c«nt, were not in
*W t .*94 * eT * n*y»tj»ded f to U'iactttdeft, dodor tb* :
citizen, in the Conititntien, and coaid tbere
“oo* of'h" rights apd privileges which that
lr,fctunirnt prov ides for and secures to ■ the citizens of
the Initod States: and he declared that, “ on. the. con
tlmecoßiiderai *a asublardi
hateasdinferlerclaasof beings, who had been subju
gated by the dominant race, and whether emancipated
« r "e. l, yet remained aubject to their authority. ”
iPh-d r SS!J“.r7f^ < ! 11 , UlB hWoricnlfagt, which can-,
not be denied, tligt tinapiaae of mtrsons had beeniatro
deced into tho country aa captfvea, hold and' sold as
slaves ; that under Use Oopstitotion it|clf,fdr the period
- «f. Cbugress from allowing the
nnportatism of these captives. In short, they could’ riot
£ f wntler the Oonsututron, because they were >
Jfc* b J? }!} b tfS ,, *'' e 4 »»the pleasure of the States The
conversbofthe argiuncnt, as prasontod’by the Chief
Justicp, Wnalostonlnnd dechdvs. Said tic,— 1 " rf SJr-
J? n * of the African race are clttzenswCa State of, tlid
Puit*d States, tbsy:W.ould be suHtisd to..jdf ,01l these
j r ,w I 8 '!’ f 5 <I?tl Sfate, at»i* too State
Could not reatrict them; for’they. vrquM 'held these
privileges and mm unities .'nsfiori thi* paraiouat au
thority of the FederatOoveramsjttsaudifScourts would
he bound tpmalmaln and enforce them, the C'oustitu
tion and -laws of-the State to'fhe'- contrhry nbtwlth*
„ _ ‘
..It requires'nuargnmiat'now.to demoQtrote that the
differences which, bad arisen .between (be {forthera and
Somberai people by - induiTrial wstetns
g»d initnutlons,as tbeconseuuencaa of slavery and the
exclusive jurisdiction and righto or the States over the
pea to attain to any.participation in political power, No
human invention or law camaeaimilate the people of the
l nit,d States, and unite them iu the bonds of Trnternal
regard, when a ,cj»fsifica}iou of inhabitants into Ü
b°r»rs heneafhaia raters above thill bwipierafed arid
estaWlahidthroiiShonta wide belt of o'nf couafry. Such
a syvteni is not freedom—it is tyranny. 11 would
tiitvitaWy make tyrants ofi.ths rnlers. It is against
the fundamental ideas of the Declaration of In
•lepeadence—against, , all nor, American -ideas , of
liberty junl. ofi naUogalaljty :aa .expressed lu thc
'.oii-lltutioa of the L’mu-,1 States. Thatinetrumlnt de
clares that the citizens ol each State shall hare all the
prm vsee-anfl immunities, of ,oiilzem, in the. several
atafruu..'Fifty,years ago,m.aObnstitUtiou'al Converitioii
of New York, the distinguished Chancellor Kent and
burns King (eneeMinister to England) maintained and
■ire-hired that this clause conferred on emancipated Afri
cans i life tight .to tote on tho name terms as.othor Citi
tcns, irom which right, as Was malntphiedAtltey couhl
not li.fdetoimd m a sfato CoUstltuiloTi BnVthfe prare
deal construction, subsequently rtetine<l and jndhdally
adopted in Hie case «.l Dred Scott, while admitting tho
power of the State to conftrajlfiriifedi stare citizenship
o.u these emancipated men, had fairly established that
they could not thereby be invested with the'
character apd prerogatives of citizens of
the Lulled JBtates. , Within the .limits, of .-one
Mate they aught be niade frfeo; goiffg into a|io6her, tb ey
might be imprisoned, sold for jail,fees and maSo bluves
} h >' n com Lion, iind discordant reiafionsinlvTiicinhese
facts placed the several States and the people thereof
tended to war—made it, indeed, the only avenue to peace,
because,it opened-tho only fprnm In,which these incon
gruities could bp contested,fought out and-reconciled
opintohs S of The roldfere of t&
Army of the Potomacpind of all the armies or the Union,
they were constrained by events mure potenuthanstates
men—supreme, like the voice of, God—to ,lu batt] L -, like
their grandfathers,tor the ideas of the revolution—self
government by the people for thopeoplp.: Wd struggled
tor pescosnd w-o have fraruod at last that the indfspeu-
of peace is the homogeneity of the
.With some hesitation, r have pursued this course of
thought in this presence, at this time, but Ihave been
persuaded by the belief that tne occasion Iras appro
prlat.e the subject germaln to the war—tho object of
practical and natural importance. • ; V M ;
Ido not knoir of bodies of men in tho United States
more potential to influence kindly awb beneficially the
/Vi b J , S Sfb' 101 ’'?? orthe Somh. ana the North also, than
the soldiers of tile Northern armies, still preserving- or
gaulzatton and intsreourse in societies like this, dtsso
h.ated from political parties, assuming only to repre
fient. thfiDßClvcs. *
It ifl pleasant tip meet, ea f y»« aouow—to look info each
dthera reefy© and recalttbe incidents of the war
hi which %ve boi'O onr eeteral parts. But \VB uro citizeua
dnu a deep and absorbing interest in the
welfare of our country«animated, I belieye, with an in
case ana conlial deaire to ece our old flak cheered again,
aapf yore,.by thernenwhotincouaterod nsiu battle ar
ray ' who were infuriated with tho purpose to lowoV It ‘
uirougbout the Bouth and eupplant ft with tho stars and
bars. Hail again.the time whqn,.from St. John to the
Gult, our whole poopleßhall motb forward heartily and
prosperously to tho music of the l/nlon ; when the Con
federate and Union soldier, and all the peonle whom
they represent, shall recur to the war wtthoota nanrof
sorrow ca*ammomous hate*; when the war ehalfbo’un
derstood and accepted as n necessity,absolute us destiay,
ifhich no peaeeiul measures or statesmanship could
UTert-a* the we >ertf Xoroed-ht
staaices and conditions which, in'ISGl, nohdihaa preciui
tion could control ; aa though Qotl himself.,had issued
the.edict for the draft vfihd summoned us in opdosluk
musßea to the field, thepc, and thofe alofiei with tho
with shot and shell, the national dis
putes which were rending In twain onr common country
When this view of tho groafc: contest shall be finally
accepted and apprehended as truthful—at the North we
wiU b? y prepored to dismiss the arrogance,(ifJbero he
auy > of there
bwanyl excited by the sufferingaifd sorrows of the war.
Attn® South , the idea of subjugation will be dispelled,
qud tho nublic mind will bo prepared-^acquiesce in the
results and their lam devoutly
thankful,that within tho last two webkatheie thoughts
liave beon relieved of a partisan aspect (sounsulted to
ihisplacei by great consummation embodied in the
b iftOomh4«iQmimtsnt to the-Constitution of the United
Mateo—an amendment which commands arid guarantees,
with supreme authority,»the political equality of the
citizens, without oiatinction of race or color.
(It sceniB'as;tboTigluh? time is now at hand when; xmi-
apinestrtpay-Mjllojv; Is itnot-true that the «ol-
havtf awaited such a measure of clemency With im -*
Witience, reluctant to delay so long—somo of us, per
hapaaOver-zeaJousj and tU?him|runcos
which h?lve hithcrt6 mado ifc inexpodieat?; All along-, <
from the beginning of the contest, we have been liko'
children at school, gradually-and-with hesitation
brought taunderataud th»vwar.ic which wo-were in
volved. Who cannot recall the amazement with which
>yo looked on oar'Sonthern brethretrwließ began '
to secede, actually to proparq for civil, war I. What
frenzy! What causo! - Whftt^hadTtha'North done to
drivo them to such a fllre proceeding? Con they really
fire on the old fiag,—break away from thri glorious sentx
ujent of Union and Nationality? Aroftuey,^reslly,ln
deadly earnest 1 The Bouth defiantly thundered that we
wero' violatiug Southern rights !. In utter bewilder-''
lUentvwe oxclaimed, what Southern rights have we
rtolated.f, • t • '■> . ■ i", .
Stahdius nowou the eminence thr firiccqei.f (
> A- 1
-\i.A '
' . > K'. ?
JhS ,? r f at * bare rained u». wo on m and almogt explain
rif. bta ,’’wlilcb w« ware In fact nndor
' . "S’ ““i* th ® ra ®* n * which wo were
and , b*»we coaid no more re
tlr»lii ourßelvo# thin vre could tarn back the torroutof
‘ niigßn.
ffe.bad no glavery; we hidunirorul po
iiV, ca i!? i,l^l’ y ' *? r f tl‘° dlgcHnilnatipn which,
r??£?v.fta ll ftiPft od lhe r* T <>lnl‘on, we had learned
,L < i II ArLi° out ' l tw make against the nnall remnant of
f*®®s® on »pe* With wbat immense etrldes
?* MM S*?*enced and were advancing I The wholo
curing, not simply trcaearee of art, bat poo
human beings oil ever oar Mortlien lands,
fhoy leaped over the bnuadaileeof Htatea. Thogtreome
a .A freedom were epreodlng and extend
«dvsr firoooald no more reeiat
J Blayery could withstand the
P«JP>«« «f the earth In increaglng
*e«<|» t and poeaesa the Territorlee of the
United Btotea. The barriers Interpoaed by conetlta-
I dogtnaa to stay thfa progroes were Idle and weak as,
£r„ lt ;. t J rea<,il in ! he bondsof ginate. In fine, the laws
or Nature are not more certain and Inexorable than the
power of population, thus increasing, and multiplying,
and accumulating In immense masses, to ovorcome ana
!iiu!r ! y ! beet from the terrfteries, and orentn
?"? ftP. 1 ?!,I* I *.?M® 1 ® *?“!*Before thi» torrent of people
. 0 f n. °f• ** j* that slavery vf as doomed i
JSsft*v!* d ?“ rib .f d ' a . ndfal !r. doecribod, the aggression
of the >onb bd Soulhcra rights. .It is (ruoi totre vu
Di freedom ; there were vigorous de
•larery; but these Were mere words:
wWeb never feared, and which disunion ccmld
netiiu.»prsse, ; r
t .£ a C tEK>u P h elarery was entrenched in And protected
by tfae Constitution ! 80 it was, Bnt the same Oonstltu-
the govern meat of .the people* the equal
rignts.of the citizens, .invited, immigration, announced
the power to naturalize all the subjects of klugs, dis
regarded the obligations of 1 allegiance* assumed' the ■
national right to take any man,wherever born, and how
ever bounq»and to translate him Into an American citi
zen—tbcequalvbefore the law, of fhd princes whes©
authority he repudiated, and free as the ocean wave
which pore him to our shores.
These were the germs of inevitable war fn the Consti
tution itself.
The tenacity with which the human mind clings to the
possession #f power, of. authority ever men, whether
derived from actual ownership* or in any other equiva
lent torn, is seen the world over—is written in all the
histories of the human race. ~
Oar Southern brethren were born and reared in * the
absolutism .the most intense in'the whole
civilized.earth., They did not create it. It was theirs.
witbeut f wrong qm their part, at least of this generation.
. c^ u a°K tr , ut .V fnU l r ward , ofr "A*® reuiimiors
■tiered In the halls of Congress and re-echoed through
the press, that ths commercial Worth, more than the
agricultural South, had made profit out of the staves
‘ trade carried oh from Africa to this continent. So hid
Portugal and Spain. So had England, and all th© com
mercial nations of Christendom, daring 200 years. And
the traffic, still continuing. In ifa), was actually and ax-"
pressly sanctioned and licensed in the Constitution of
the United States. What wonder that the Sooth sin
cerely believed that their ownership of this species of
property was just, and that all measures and policies
and opinions which impugned their title were unjust!
On their standing grotfnd the Constitutional guarantees
nearest and dearest to them were theso which assured
theirrightstotheirslaves. But they could net silence
the public opinion outside their States, which denounced
the natnial justice, while restrained from assailing the
lawfulness of their title. They had no constitutional
shibboleth to stifle the voices of mankind. Above all.
they could not keep back tho stream of immigration
which eet-athwart ths tfnlf-Stream towards the coasts of
the North.
It is a fact that there was no alternative for the South
but rebellion, independence, separate nationality, if
they would maintain and perpetuate their peculiar so
cial and industrial institutions : and there was no alter
native for> the North bnt resistance amt war, if they
would maintain and porperaate the Union, and the im
migration and naturalization of the people of all nations
who are attracted towards America by our prolific soil
and the magietic desire for liberty and self-governmen t
And so we were launched into the tremendous conflict,
orgt-a on both sides by the most powerful interests which
can ever incite to human effort.
It is curious now to-yecall the .blindness with which
we, at leaat of the North, engaged in the straggle, and
how we utterly failed to comprehend the causes of the
war. Was there a man among you who, in I*6l, believed
that your hand coaid not be stayed until Southern
.slavery, with all its incidents, was uprooted and annihi
lated S' Did Congress believe it, when, on the memorable
dty;iu July succeeding tbe flm.battle of BailNaa.it
solemnly resolved that the war was waged only to
maintain the Union, preserving the existinarightsnfthh
States nnfcjpared/’ Did President Lincoln (canonized
bed) ismemory and name!) really believe it, when in
September, after Xho reverses of the Peninsular
Campaign, he published a. preliminary notice ©Lninety
oays, that be would proclaim emancipation if the
couth did not cease from war ana submit to
the authority., of, the. Constitution tU-.AYhat
was that but' proclaiming ; that; ■if ;‘the
South ■wouMfcSnbtnit.thereshould be , Bo fnrthsc step
towards emancipation? It would be falsp-to aeclare
that, at that- rank and Tdek>f tb© armies
of the North received vdtttunanimoq? satisfaction and
joy theseincipientrerelhtiohsof the providential ten
descies of the war. Bnt we could not recede nor delay
The army and the nationaud'ba&ifta Tb*to, th* /Unseen
presence and pchrerofrlie saihenpiHt m ilo**rty which
mspirtf ttOTreat 1 Declaration of K Td. Th < ui.rld looked
on withtUversesyidpatbies. r f.-u 1 - t-v-‘prion?,-the
princesapd nobles longed.fey ,qur overthrow, f bup the
masses wore on our. side.. Vfbj not? Our cause was
theirs, [Not, tb« piinceSvbnifhejr subjects .had emi
grated hither. Ouraoldiv*had, friqpds*-ibrothers, fa-
Bettered Uurope. Our recruits
camefroxn hondmeawnose governments. Wore plotting •
ourruiq, -Btillyrersefor institutions .
these legiongorrffiends, hntthwr la "
- bbr?pei»|iplatlomhiu!boen.ixaDsfotaLod: Into a most
«l#iigerouaau4 hostile element bfeucath their very roofs,
OnrSimffnra countrymen were bravo—eh the whole
.eirtbntmeweiwferever t bnt ifevtme inovitobtotfaat they
j.bouJ(l succumb belore the myriads still gathering aod
. ppro*chißg;whom no disaster could diminish or appal
When, five yean*"ago. the clash of resounding arms
was etilisdvgpd pnr paijt -as was performed, ths
» oD.-uirmioDr-that there raun be no more slavery. And
-o the U tfip Qonstltbtfcrt; was
. adopted,
Mower to make the prohibition effectual. it
;f^ssixßMfta^^sSsiu^ , a^fe^#sa^.
enough that the word 41 slavery ” fihouM bo obKteruted
from JOT«tftt»muflowan(l lower express
■naan idea or aeuiitout, was luumlea.
■ thhociatea from nil its mdusuuU. social -and political
tucidentu. Theae iweidenrs, and not tho word, embodied
.-cparatenatiOßaUtsr. . .
At first tße3l «raSi.'TOpeople,nqd their rcDrea-ntitUvcA
in Diyjudgmeuf.if it liaa toou,eoiietrue,l acForHinc to
it« import. That stickßOonatractioiiWA rosisteil, anti
nmillj oytirjKWwfaaciunmaUT.o jjroof (If ,tto depth anil'
'irulest! of, dKtiioaaa® ulucfe iuieqted tho.arhoJoconntiT
CMOP of war nxp all I, eajl wmolreg, wa« ,
-necdti I tor 9 tawrll an ourp uth ri brethren Tho
lionce l gAo of til® Tj out \a n meat, and the act
-f o«Bgt<at((ainodiJi«!farvil,JUKntxhuUpasaed ; in:pu"r
-uniico thereof, would |ii*Tti, plnced tho ballot in the
liniid ut the t»uncipnt«i''Atrirnn or New York and
cthto, as V irtrini*, But, despite
tke lOKltntfid M Evoat-wrOnx and uanxer-of'enforcing
, I .! ll Btmg,oßS«gpti“ikit‘a'iVPlVl«toa apniust Georgia and
t irgttia wfile hot eanaily-obeftittve against Ohio
and NBwiotfcjiilesjiUu Utnimno»jibiUtj(,oCasshnUatiug
theselabnmd shohhl
AmoudmeutwaS emsteulatod wnid'w conatrued that it
would not secure the wand -and irtsfgna of
ritizonship—toth© m;i»clp*ied 'iraCe in the Northern
Sjates. • • • '.i-5A -vi
Jt, was a deadly and suicidal construction.* it degraded
rbaname of American citizen ; it infnrfilttl'mto th© Con-
Htitution ndistinctfon between sovereign citizens and
udhjugated oitizeng.: the one clius and their poateritr to
rule, tne-htherblau and- their pwterity to submit and
labor under sush a CVnstitu-
Aip^rkftfi.idea tf } liberty and equal
ity?. systeniß of
Tho words people VAWfe* 1 cUizens,” said Chief Jus
tice Taney *.\ws antj mean the same thiug J}
in tho Pon*tltntion enjuiaed
KepuhHcanicSrtrnment On.thotJtates* and pledged the
iiiiifOti, with wHti ( “poweps, ,3?gWative. executive and
declared theeqdjilfty of citizens in inunu-
eoiiJd vioVtM. Ii wmiM scorn that
the Tinder th© rngia of . that supreme
law, from Mo icwuot© boundary or this country to the
other*thaetjual lu poHlical ppportupUies.at least, of
I every citizen. It declared, in ex
plicit language, thut th© people- ordained: it— 1
; that .■> they.., shall ‘•’choose representatives ”
horcould nil these
powerlul and conclusive provisions and intentions of
the OonsUtutionithfvwptk of Washington and his cotera
Pdra»las;, of men wpu had composed arid proclaimed
the DfPtWwbn.Qf lpdependonce, and therein first enmi
i self-government, who a little
' \?hUebsfqMthntf floJ«aonlypledged their.llves, fortuaed,
a4d ? all in a war of eight years’
durjHiou,to defend and maintain that Declaration. ,
ThoajfgttdiCottoiaecomplicH the suicidal-work was
Fimploand-btief.-. It. was found and evoked tVbm tho
clpHßpwhichovhUo commanding that the people shall
have tho ballot,—that!«, shall choose representatives,—
adopts., novertholess, !as a suitable qualifloution of
voters, such as the States impose on the ulectoM of tho
most numorbnsbranch of the State Legislatures. Thus
a taer© rule of Cdnvihhmce, adopted as >uch>wasper
vertediand trauefonued into a of
apolitical power; Tho word qualifloution was wrenched
trppiits ordinary vmeaningtts defined by lexicographors,
and illustrated practice' in Coustitn
tionalgovernmentp.. It really implied only a process of
preparation/by> maturity' rit years, or Success in the
acquisition of property or education, or length of reai
ddnee; somethingwhich- tho- citizen could'attain to
with reasonablp. effort and time—but all the while con
aridvf^faflft 4^6 rulo ( of li^puldicanuim
Ihe.ccmstrpction placed oft this word •
“ qUalifl<«tion.>» trio'Stntee were auddenly made aeror-
- 6,/ P® deft he pretence of qualiiylng atid
fittihgthe people tq tricorne electors* thpy could utterly 1
aubjtjgatnSftd destroy electors. Tliey coiild Annihilate -|
tlie coafltltuenoy 'br tbo National -QoverrninontV and
of Congress! - Worse still, they conld
imikf a f epubjican rhlq of qualification’ for one .-class'of
Ifiepeoplqrindtbolr'posU'rityi Umb foro+bcroitram and'
debase uiiotherdogs r a*ift. their posterity. Thoy could
sftbjec;bmqf^l^to, f th©^cqug— the rich {
i i £ /? i /j;.k uK / a
{Kk® 1 * *•?' P c T, ha P* °f African, perhaps German or
liq!iiifiiis o E? o lian deaceai, to some oilier favored raoo,
f„.L tr ?, rnr ' iuexorabir and forerar I Did It nerer occur
to tfco Cone ructloniaM that they bad ordained a power
SmiiS./? S! I *.’ In com® Political convulsion, in some
Boutheru State, subject the white race to tbe black ?
nnhsl».ts‘° ». con “, tr V c ,*i on was a counter revolution—
t?-„. ™ ? f ,h ,? of tbe American srstom.
“J u w f* incongruous and destructive. It
thereilSJ.l ®{ oro *>* on theoretically asserted against
<, . p^ oplo .* D ? cl,l ***» of the United States.
l £® status of the African race had formed no
menrif lias 1.1 088 ’ to ‘l» Thirteenth Amend
?ree thnt^,?v b 2™ c,U . bli “i' c<l h f, indlocal do-
HBDDII? t fn!' %!ZZ , ot a ".i c, ,i“L d ,10t ftscome citizens.
diMinatcJt »!5L« C ? un,rJr ’ *?" rif '?™ , h Amendment has
. ,nc .oegrnitiee. It is the cnlmlnatlatr
emith-s loetlc 11 W * r ‘ 11 OUreT Uold?
Swells r’rcm l . 1 1 clifr f h “ l '** awfuTVonn, ,
Thoaih SSinu 9 iJ. a i,“ an l l * a *®« tho storm,
br '?“ t tbs rolling clouds arespread,
E Mr r i?V "“Shute settles on its head.” . ’
■; Keen oar individual,'perhaps our
J" 0111 ttteelevated plain to which .we
h r “ st length Malted, we can now begin to unfold in all
t' l * destiny of our government and-country.
whetier'thebiealir™?,' ' Vo will solve tne problem
1 r iitiSULtZ' sstf-dossranient is blasphemous or
bVSir'f.ii^™® 1 i. d expreßsiou and consecration
uJ ,,■ It ha» boon embraced by ourielrea.
t ii ,^, a "tr J 1 the Wood of oar cunntryraen. The po-’
at jongth Snlsbi-d and prepared, wo
Ire from the experiment if we wonld. Wo
S?i t i,?r do ?l. ® x t>® ,l *h®® whether the equality of
o<!iS bc A?P?i! be rnuicnt and law is or is not a asja-.
sion. God has provided bountifal resources In which
Pl‘„l?u,? orimeut ny k® begun and extended; but,- re
2nl. b ivi. we ar * af tmonlahwl by nil the agonies of civil
Wih.Ca£not. Ca £ n0t *®“ “ with tho highest
I >.PSS-:, sf - the hnmsu . race aloue Wo ■ otart
with admitting the brotherhood of man—that all* 1 are
*!"? • „ W f. lmv , e thrown oar “,rUI« wid “ open;
onVhi »Aroif. z “ tl ‘! n ! l ''' v “ b “ ve hiTitod all to coma
anab6*nr«H«i ks citizeas—aa nlembara of
wsi? f P 0 V at V l Ve “” 8t tak« them »» “h?j ?”rao.
durt??^!sK *s® , * n ' r j l r t ; Incite the slothful to in
*r®c£tk«depraYfdtoward*’nrttt©. Oar preju*
dices wjU confront ua—we must sabdao them. This i» a
thii°Nm™ 0 . r n k - JL f . W ® faiI ’ ,h ® con'oluslou wlli Simply IS
S '‘T?*?,, “ at , nre f“ nnot endure seif-govern-
So2iUj«i ll r t r« e % " t 2P©otloua experiment, now fast
» °T!'® d ' w ® sccognize the cordial co-opera
tlon andaid of all our countrymen of the South, bet
wU? all «£ e £lS£ii ,h ® r ® D K*,°f the people, reinvested
'JLii .privileges and Immunities of citisens, I
}?■iifTs.thesoldieisof the Army of the Potomac,and all
the Union soldiers, will hall thslr return with unanim-
Burr the smouldering animosities of civil
■ *( ar *i B er ®ft «f animosities and regrets, it was a na
tional struggle, replete with glorious memories and rs
■ cjtjf-. X«H V®£ ita incidents with the Southern soldier—
erst our foe in battle array—always our fsllow-countrv
1® w * ba T* demonstrated before the
nations of the earth our united martial power. There
i? cc exaggeration in the statement that on our own con
tmenl—lay, aoross the narrow sea to the neigliboring
isles—in a jnst cause, we can confront and rep,-l every
possible combination of hostile power.
CMstrainod by events .which no human sagacity could
7* have waged an American Oivil War—ended it
without a trace of conquest, without tho infliction of
one.rsvengeful blow, without the imposition of any
!?£? , , eac ,“, , ’. t J ha c°n«ssio» of liberty, with all its bles
sings, to all the people.
may not tbi Men like those in whose presence I now
stand well exult in SBch a war! The pages in whieh ita
wmw««ii£Lii k Lri rit fii n willh , aT "/our namee inscribed,
will he signalized in the records of the ages; not alone
iUustratnur militanr achievements, but for tbe spirit
wliich prevailed and UilTused ever the desolations of tho
andfSte!«llS^|! Dg . T " ,lnr ® ° f Dational llfe - lib9r ‘f
The oration of General Ifartindale was fre
ijuentl.r interrupted by applaase.
At the ; conclusion of the. address the No*
tional fdrs were performed by the hand.
- Boein hjrOeonj* U. Belter, JEoq.
Geo.H.Boker, Esq., was then introduced,
and read the following poem -
Turn as I max in search of worthy themes,
To fill with life the poet’s solemn dreams, —
Some bint from Borne, soma retrospect of Greece,
Bed with their war.orgolden with their peace ;
j Some thought o'f Lancelot and Guinevere,
‘The* 4 Anil in samite 11 and the 44 mystic mere
Or those grand echoes that forever flow
I'rom Belaud’s horn through narrow Roncesvaux ;
Some spark yetiiving of the strange romance
Whose flame illumined tbeCriisader’s lance;
Or that' strong pal-poeS which unclosed the seaa
Bsfore the vision of theGeaee*c;
Alrwben theinvedeck aid the close-cropped crown
a!anfi>, pr?rinmp!}ed with a frown ;
frail 44 jiaytiower : v poured her prayerful flock.
Or *heh'the children of these hardy men
Bearded the throne, they noser loved, again:—,
Those eplendid themes t eo sacred tomy youth, •
Those dreams of fancy with their heart of truth,
FUgd as I viewed them la the fresher rays
That light the scenes of these lieroicdaya ;
Shrank.'an the young Colossus of our age
WitJisf9slfl>lfl»*<r.tit<pedtMhist«Hc paste, -\ ,
To jeer hfssfaturp and pis dreadful scarsj— ,
tidi’smiiet’erran Withdhiusft-pwn, : ’ *'
Then hosed liie retards suliawinfe his otvu : > i;<> -
.MateMpts in grandeur, product of « cause , •
As peep and changeless *s those moral laws
That fcaso themselves upon the throne of God,—
Fair initli Sis'hlessitfg's, aSrful with Uis'rod, : 1 '
But why explore thesouxcesortheiUoU,. . .
. Whence all theJaiul ran otiielVud lire and blood '*
My tetberißditeod’ft, ! '
To yblndlift heroes iu ibSii* noLIe deeds. ’ * •
A nob,* of armjc* gather in my ears, . ' i v
T be.Soutbern jells, the Nortbern.battlechier* ;
The'ebdleVs Volleys, eeaselt-ns as the roar
uf the vexed ecean brawling with its Moire ;
ata breath ;
Mas. : 6Btirod*ftpd fragments through the jaws of-death ;
Thexufth of horses, and the whirring away
OF the keen sabre cleaving .soul from cluy ;
And ovei all, intelligibleand clear
Aaspoken language to ear, ;
tb°>uinultiu»U9,Wrii«,.; , : . /
battlp with itSiVtor^ls.,
’Twarmiuojo and to feel the shame ‘ ‘ ’'
tiWnfeftr'iajtty fame,* 7 v; •' ‘ • 5 :
WhefcUtte’rhtf g'rebfcncssdfour l>oa«tfhlbanii!» *'
Fled'frotn thqftpldbefore a vanquished fo* t
Andlied about it. 'tocomplete the woe.
Sintfe then, through Ull lhe changes of the .war,
3fy o«y<tlh4Vo followed oi»r ascending itar : ‘ .*•
Aecypdinya'erj tbnngh at times the cloud
.About ovir guide, op pressing men withfeur
LWt tW That day of liberty drew near
Through'ail 1 knew,Vud, with my faith upborne,
Turned op tho wejxlc a smile of pitying scoru,
cxiilm atur still filled its desdued place,
Lost to our sight, but shJniog in Got!’a face.
With gmiwinjJconragCj day by day, I bung
Abqve fbo soldier of the q uiet tongue.,
Bheejß.bisaed him, penmen fought his war;
Here be was lacking, there he went too far.
Alan,bow bloody ! But, Slack, how tame !
0 for Lc*'A talent !*-0 ye fools, for shame!
Frojmtb.e first move,, hie foe defensive stood ;
An sJn%s I** al nothing.* It was worth thoblood.
Ojr Chief Supreme, the head of glory’s roll!
OiwiUbf ateel, 0 lofty, generous soul,
Sharing thy laurels, lest a comrade want ,*
Why should I uamo thee? Every mouth cries, Grant!
Fjrm was niv faith jn him whose sturdy skill
• Three dreadful days had held the quaking hill;
Stood Ukp & rock bn which the fiery spray
Biatoutits life, thrnslowly ebbed away ; :
'Sxjvejd our domain from rapine, w&stound wrath,
.And taught tfic foe ah unreturning path,~
Light of ourdurkncflrt,succor ofour need,
Gpd'ofour Country, bless the name of Meade !
I jaw with w onder Sherman’s Titan line
.Pour from tbe mountains to the distant brine,
Sdrecp treason’s cradle bare of all its brood,
And turn its garden to a solitude.
Fear ran before him, Famine groaned behind,
And, following Famine, came the humble mind!
• Who felt a care within his bosom crow,
Of more thau pity for thb hapless’foe, • 7
Or spent a fear on that which Fate’s decree*
Already wrot©om<»4a her'victories, l
When in the tumuH’pfth'e battled van
Shone Fortune’s darling, mounted Sheridan I
Rapid to plan, and pborlesa in tbe fight, :
He plucked Famft’schApleu os by sovereign right,
Emorgedtriumpbant’floma wiidretroat,
Andblazoned v}otory’*,colofs-on defeat. . ’
1 1 watcKisdwith Thdmas whito tils war/gladca
; , Marked Iho raalMoea tiidr heedioaa ltui.'fVadvauee;
$ top af tar eteplie lured ttwlrwlllingfret ; ; '
lutatlietolis:fr<imnbleh wasnoretroat; :
Then witba'awoop,as ffheatUeaagla swing* •
Optofhia ejTry’.with iktvToar of winds,
driaiteteranfelliliijftt hJsVentUrouii pt|9jr;
Aitd.fdlled liisillßesto.maba in wild diiiuajr;', '
B^t ltarkiwhat tiding* front Uio West adnmce, " ■
'«■ itti-tv v l '"'’
’ll { J.?:- Ji. ;iatr. ’■ '
Tocb°k«r»m«’«y o f c O(»Dddl»»h«r«!ilniß* jtfkuce*
."'m “ conimfuid,-
££* .P ro . ,nsf e^9 ' »”d ®»M tija feud '
p„,''"! ,h * “•'X ll ® ««w* r d* the northern sky,
Pointed ono way-the way of vtotaey. ' • .
(luraanala hold acotire the soldlar’o fame :
£ 0 ?!. 0 , r '"‘ ol “ ,er r0,,,,d a( * »»»•;
No deeds of hia renulre tho crsoe of song;
ESf! 7 v" d '»olp .In.pl. grudeuir wroag..
Turn from bio honor*, which Be left tooartb; '
And ponder what he boreto Hraven-hie worth. ;
A single natnro cast in antique mould.
Gentle, serene, child -tender, lion-bold •’ 1 ’ ’, 1
A hear, with aytnpdth'eaao broad and true, If:y v
tr P Bt * nd lov * * rew round bf “ ere tttef fcW.-
Open, sincere rnncoTotona and 1 pure, ,
Strong to achieve and patient to endnre:
Heedless of fame, he looked within himself
aor that reward which neither praise nor pelf ”
tan give the sonl whose naked vlrtnss stand* ■ - :
, Before Ged s eye, beneath God’*lifted head,-
In the long future of title mortal hive,
predict what records will enrTiref ’
A little shudder of earth’s brittle crust, ' "
And man and man’s renown Lore scattered Mats '
But In his ; day to Thomas it was given
\i°.77 h p flc!d ’ and »"» h «rf r a/ts fpr heaven,;
Whlchn.lther worm can gnaw nor care make dim. '
And these are deathless, these he tbdk'wltfe hith.
<■' : ■'■■■ •- .1 , : ■:! . - - •
Tbrongh •nxlona year*, I M w- t he nutrtl&l.fiood- -
Sur&e back andforth in wesoffirtaodblood.
Sometimes ft paused, ai)d sometimes seemed to reaT,-
npent aim exhausted; front the Bobs!steel • ''
Bntetory ihock wns sapping, blow by blow, ‘ -
Thebyi-sthatbwkward heia tbb.hrerfloir ; ; , , ,
TUII suddenly the rifiii crapked and reared, ... .
And o»er all the human torrent poured!‘
Then bloomed the harrestof our patient aims’; • '
Then bowed the World before mirdsodsand names ;
Then oxvthe proudest of TamoVtonipie-gatca ■
Shone novel records and thick-crowded dates..
New wreathe were hung upon her horn rids brines., la'.
New clarions blown before her martlel ifne* •
Fresh incense smoked,and fresh libation, dripped; '.
The vernal laurels from the hills were stripped, ,
And woven In Chaplets. Far and near the hum
Of KladncHi ushered the rotarnlngdriun.
tVit l h 0 c I Si. Btoo^i! Ck0 * In *’ ,00kl »S towards the South, .
W th cheers of transport brimming in the mouth:
Tillcametheraptureof that crowning hour.
When the vast armies poured their awfal power. .
In dense procession, through the marble banks
S 1 ** ""f » Bd 1«l«red with a nation’s thanks- •'
While, i ike a tomplo of the morning sky,—
August,aublime,refulgent, calmaudklgh,- ;
Towered in ita might, aa symbol of the whole,. r\
The dome-crown*d ptosence of the Capitol
I envy those wh tie tatterod standards waved' :
Within tka city which thoir valor saved-l
The Kestam herecs and their Western peers,—
The holy joy that glittered in their tears,
A« thronging npward to the nation's throne.
They Knelt, end'sobbed; and kisHed the very stone.
And thon, brave army, thathaat borne thebrantc
orslern repnlee so often on thy front,—
Thou who hast rallied from eachßtunnfng blow.
With godlike patienaa facing still the fdeW-
Thou moving, pivot of the deadly fight, i
Whoso steadfast centre held all things aright.
Twice saved us from tnc foe’s audaoioaafeot,
Anddrovrhfmhewlingthrouglihisfaslretresti- ' ’
llung on hie etepi until for peace be knelt, '•> •- •
Andsnedformereyiwhjk!hiionerer,folt;—■ 1 ■ '■■■ )
1 thank just Fortune that it was tby fate .
Alone to hurl thd, traitors froin'their state ; 1
Alone til make their rapffal thy prise', 1 ' ; '
And watch the .treason closeits bloody eyed’ - .
U roll, Fotomae, prouder of tby name, .
Touched by the splendor of,thy army’s famed
’ Thrill with the slept of tby returning braves,
: Wall through thy margins of Uncounted graves.
.Laugh St the echo of thy soldiers’ shout,
Whisper tbeir story,to the lands about.
Tea, feej each passion of the human soul,
But ioll, great river, In thy glory roll i,
Forget not hero the nation's martyredG'hisf,
Fallen forthe gospel of yenrown belief,
> Whii, ere he menhted to the people's throne, 1 !
Ask»d for your prayers, and joined in thoiu hleowis,.
1 know the man, I eee hint, as heatanda ’ .. ,
With gifts of mercy in. pis ontetratched hands ■
A kindly light within his gentle eyes, ‘
Bad as the toil in which his heart grew wise; '
.His lips Balfpartcd with the constant emile : V 1 a j.;; .. t
thedeopeat guile-
His head bent forward, aqd.hls wj)l/ngoUE ’
Divinely patient right and wrong, to hear -
(treat In titlmbfiinbia•tl»te ,, ‘
Finn in hi# purpose, yet not passionate, '
Ho )ed bit people with A tender hiidd.M. it,
And tvenby lore a, sway peyoad command.,,
Sonimoned by lot jornltifeate atiina ,
Freh/.led with rage; uttsctupuldds tdllhcHtite,'. •.
He bore hts aiission With BO meek aheart •
;i but Heaven itself tooh'up hie weary part:
And when he faltered,helped him ere |ie fell, .r 1
Skipg hie efforts out by miracle. Y. ‘
"No king tbitinari, by grace of God'd intenti
Mo, something better, froenjen—President!
A nature modelled on a higher plativ .
hold ol himself, an inborn gimt|cmaji.!
Pile* by his Tate. Forget tlie closing strife ' 1
In the vust memories of his noble life.
Forget thescone,the lirgvo stealing nigh,
The pistol-shot, the uew;mado widow’s cry,-, ..
‘ Thepalsled people, and the tears thutran'
fi Vr half a world to in mini a single mail. - ’ "
; But’oh! remetbbor,%hUotheraindcajiiiold
One record sacred tothpdaysof old, ,
The gentle (fiat beat its life away ,
Just as'iduDgpiorning donned bis robe of gray,
stolfe through -the tears beneath his golden tread,
Andtonchediii vain the eyelids of tho dead!
Itemtiabee Wa as one whp diedifor right ■ '
' With victory’* trophles-glittetiug in bis sight;.
' His iiiifj'sion finished, and the settled end
•' A sabred and owned by stranger, too and friend. '.
Nothing was loft hhn.bnt to taste tin* sweet’
Of triumph sitting indhe uation'asoat;
And for that triumph Heaven prepatcd its courts,. ,
And cleared its campaigns for unwonted sports ; '
Summoned the spirits of the noble dekd ’
Who fell in battle for the canse be ted ; ‘
Soldiers and chiefs awakooi'ilfrom the cldy, :■
; And ranged thoir legions lathe oldarray., ... ~
There Lyon led, and Kearney.rodetunain, 11
And skilled McPhersoii drew bis brldle-yelu;
Brat-e Heygolde marikalled his undahnted corps. ’
And Sedgwick pressed to reach tbftfrdnt once morn.
The star o f Mitchell glittered over all.
And Stevens answered Renos buglo-calt.
Bayard looked worthy of bis knightly name, '
And Mansfield’s eyes were bright with battle,flume. ■
Lander’s grand brow was flushed with eager ire,
And Strong arpse from Wagner’s roaring fire,
There gallant Buford in the van wn* seen.
And Corcoran Waved his flag or Irish grten.
Biruey’e clear eyes were rddiant with hie faith.
Winthrop and Greble smiledat baffled death.
Down Shaw’s dark front a solemn purposo-ran—
The slave's resolve to prove himself— merotnau ;
The hero's courage, for that Imhtble hepe,
Wuk nil that winged him np the bloody slope,
theroburly Nelson binstrrori through bbtmen*
Andllichardsoi) deployed bis lines again. f
llaker looked thoughtful; Wadsworth's libera! Ifamcft
Pointed right forward ; and thd sharp command
Of Smith’s wild valor bore hla Hoteliers on, 1
As when it rang o’er fated DoneUou f - ; » \
All these, andmore, before the Martyrs sjaze y „
Passed through the shouts of fceaveirs tun*ulit*ouA
praise, ' J
The sound of clarions, and the choral gouga 1 •
Of rapture bursting from the seraph throng# ; -•
Passed, like a pagcaid from theereuinj£bku^.
Put left ft picture ou cclcstiat eyes iJ u-
WhfiHo tints abaU'deepon asthe days IncreM#, '• • 1
Ajid fhinoamurrel in that Bealm ofPeaco.: u(,i; il,- j.
—Edwin Adams lita found it laureate in
Omaha, who calls him; I‘ithe, onlyßosciua of • •
the.age,” and calmly asserts: ; < , ;• if
“The laurelled motrn is now his own:
Excelled by, none, he,reigns alone:
The living presentseesWa spreading; game.
Another age •will re&dhis'deathless name." '
Perhaps the jptinter is responsible ifor thn
originality ,, . ,
, is ; proje<rting a New Eons ■
somewhoreia, Jtaly, which.shall eolipao Ist .
splendor his creation pf Imperial Paris. !
IK. FoMister,
1 i '.‘.y i
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