. ■,***, its Biirroundiugdj; on a the Pone a«d Cjtfdinals in Pivrldc St Peter’s. Then the gorgeous dref ? P rect by SO me pilaster, Memsto grow tall, and fit. the place and com- bust now the many delegates to the Council * thn Vatican give, we are assured, unwonted city b Pn^cesoffheChurch. r d'nTeS of’the Bervants, who wear red nr y trinjm ings to the coaches, cocfecd hats , re horses* heads, though enhdued to stiit, tl g Wch otber dues ljrightucss to yhe ste of the ]a dies. denve only worn i , leatulo . Superb, But the horses are whirl «n5®^KS4« Ser’ehow in horseflesh than in any c.ty we seem to receive attention. Not the noodles and ladies’ dogs, but large, siroplj >ue pouujca w iin seem never IS co n Z «P £ look you in thence, as and come tack again to Bom . ted between tlie Veare c °Ke Borne of the past and the rival claims of th _ the Home of ruins Some of the P re ® ’ -Rome Pagan and and the Borne of c ’ >tliere is tOO much Borne Papal. t 0 keepmeinter sameneesm th ... onthe same plan, «®tehe fleas here of them for are a pest. Yo yo u from the long at a ft om \ba carriage ground -when > from the furniture when you •when yon nde, ever ye t invented are sit down, and no were the celebrated Irish member, fair v J' ■ , - botk hands that we are now set g They are the * nd most persistent pes .scenting the ever i„g the be^”^ iD g bis everlasting tin-box lasting monk sh ng purgatory, for the souls that oan ■ «* advort ise over , though. perpetual plenary In do«Cr C and dead.” Send the diligence for the E who has eve? fleas to P ur gf° ry ’ a “ hem her e on earth will been tormented unfortunate de defrie°nds from their presence-pot even Kook coppers enough to fill the box. ™ Xibotofthe. of cross m the Col seum excavations in the wfTcS. Coming hack, we spell baths of Ca K‘ on the Arch of OTtonCem r v erus and look at the golden Septimus Arch of Titus till one ot the candlestick in outeWe of °may C not walk in the shadow of the ® ’ i reared to commemorate the de- or n> Mtioo. flfts ite faultless porch, and entering within, ‘Sr once more in vain for some spot where fhe open centre of ite dome shall not Sok upon us, as the Great Eye m the centre ot the Heavens sees every son of man beneath the azure dome, and we wonder at the ( -which could thus speak to mcl * r ° ag -Excavations anil niscoverlo many ages of the Omnipresence of God. , E* snlem. On -we CO out towards the Appl*a Way,ana i [From tlie London Atlicmcuih,] and look downinto the Columbrrintn, 1 a friend in Jerusalem writes: ‘lt may in " **uArA the urns containing the ashes of the ! terest your readers to bo informed tliat_ the *»nstrueted to shield them from. Whence,under tte Moslems, hw the Arcbi of Drusus and through thepity s gate, y > Qf ’ Prussia) g i Te n to him by the Saltan; through miles of tombs of the mighty dead, on . a ” d that it is said to be the intention of the the broad Campagna. How heautilul and , prußsian aut herities to restore the building in desolate it is, with the sweet green grass ot ; it 9 original style. The outer entrance gate and early spring, with sombre aqueducts striding j much ° 0 f the 'basement of the inclosed edifice across the plain from the blue hills towards the I itgelf roma in, and are superior examples Eternal City, and arches and columns and , of lhe ar chitecture as practiced by the stones that were plaeed when Borne was '■ ■ Crusaders. It is to he hoped that these relies How beautiful and desolate and treacherous, will he treated reverentially. 1 bave ' f ” where no habitation can bo seen, because the ! books on the subject at hand here, but tb nk men of old are rising up in judgment against j Dean Stanley gives the history of the deffle- Z D gSuonmaoUmrlit! | pagna we can restand look and dream, obli- | ®°® e a b d ® a r()j x lancy , in his ‘ History of Ar vious of toe, which is here at fault, until the • > , Mf> ker gfc ao n must be puzzled sinking sun leaves tlie.chill air to creep around the discoveries which have been recently ns and cause us to shudder ere we are aware; * de . ex pi orers -here; his theory is, that and we return with a sigh, and say to ourself, t b e Mosque, called the Mosque of Omar, was ‘‘What men those old Bounins were!” bui | t by Constantine as the Church of the Or we go into.the dark Catacombs, and the j lo]y Sepulchre. I agree that it was ©ld monk goes ahead .r;j th his feeble torch and j (jbristian work of about that time, and said so eropes about as if he were looking for the OB seeing it, before I was informed of Mr. crave from which he had come forth, and was j Fergusson’s opinion; I would not, however, ' afraid he would never riind it more. And we : pretend'that it is not a copy of a later time, after him through,pniles and miles of ' yet this seems most unlikely; still less would I C and uar-v subteiareau lanes, opening ! Say tliat it was .originally t he Church of the ri..d«,,».i k .an-,i. Tf *. i the compass are lost, all trodden hard by the • ifi occurred there, and that the spot innumerable feet .whiah have carried here | would, under any cir millions of their .fellow Chnstains when Chris- , cumstanoe! . be Impossible to me. The ancient tianity was young and Paganism was strong to , wallg of the city were, lie contends, turned in - prevent but not to accomplish. Here is the : war( j B surround the Temple area to the nymhol of martyrdom. Into this niche, hewn j Bou tb\vard .of this. Tlie last excavations, from the friable rock or hard earth, was homo however, show the wall continuing in the remains of some victim of savage beasts or i a straight line from, the southeastern Rtili more savaee men, way yonder in the j angle on tlie solid rock, and, what was jitern gray walls of the Colosseum where not anticipated by students and observers, it 2S*KZZ?*Zm assembled to ... .be ; j^a’Kr^fSS'JStaKS hated Christian die. This Hmall subterranean , g f “ m(lationg th P e waU y be i„g chapel was then crowded with ee f'J*. g ■; e ie h t y-two feet below the surface, and thatthis listeners, as some one who had hazarded ms : ja b , a teagt) of tlie tesl fl oman WO rk, if not of . life for the Gospel’s sake led the sad service j g 0 ] ojnon > s time. It will not do to pronounce for the dead, and plaeed BKOPOSALS, BUDUItBitD S “ Proposals for supplying rurniture. will he received by the undersigned, at the Office, S C E cornerlxth and Adelphi .streets, until THURSDAY, April 7th, at 3 ? clock P.M., for supplving the furniture required for new School-houses. A list of the kind required can be obtained at the oilice ot the Board. By order of the Pro^. Secretary. np2-4t's „i, 1,1 ( r i< ui r tTTkc;omMission kkbof O fAIKMOUKXPAKK, N 0.22-1 SOUTH FIFTH BTI^f ADEM>nIA , March 30,1870, Atmlicatious in -writing from parties o,mn? renting Belmont (Judge Peters 8) Man- Kion l us the same is put in proper rc sion (asHouu . , vil j received for pair], tor a K offi ’ (jnily, between the one week, ■ , ,p Theapplicatious nnistVtate residence arfd occupation Tthe appheantr and the price or rent offered for the remainder of the present year. Par ticulars can be learned at this office. Each mn Nation must be addressed to the Commis sToners ofFairmount Park, and marked on »= “AppttgtUo^or.Bu^i. inh 31 r>t.§ CqinniigHion^ medicinal. =TvmT ,ADKLT j H IA SUItU ISONS’ BAND- T* ir*F TNBTITPTTC. T4North Ninth street. above * v9 E li c EY'ERETT’9 Tltl'Sß positively cures Msrket. JJ. . E i na ,i c Belts, Stockings, ltnpturiß- itnu-es, Crutches. Siwponsorlcs. nt.cnOea tobyMrs. £ jyl lyrp Rubber Truss never rusts, breaks or bouJi S . LEIGH, l»Ohj.tng«, *- 5 WON JDKKS ACCOMPLISHED T 1 ®? oh tho agency of the genuine Cod-Liver nil in h Scrofula, h ßroMhltifl, Chronic Cough, As*} 1 ™ 11 ' tecsi of the higheHt orucr- » t 0 the Bc j C ntifio world. TOII N IiAK EB & CO., N 0.718 Market Btroet.Phila- '.. WtfS_ REAL estate agents. FRED. SYLVESTER, REAL ESTATE BROKER, 30S SOUTH FOURTH STREET, • FOR SALE.. YARNS FOR SALE. „ n „a Worsted Yams, all numbers. Cotton milts 3m> ————— MISCEIiLANEO C ». TjtDWIN H. JFITLEB & CO., Manufacturers and Dealers In Hemp, . 23 N. Water Street and 22 N. Delaware Avenue PHIXi&BKIiPHIA. ■ EDWIN H.IITMW*. CONRAD g.OLOTHIBB TUT FDD IN G AND ENGAGEMENT W Hines of boIW ISkarut fine Gold—a specialty: a foil t of"V/.OK. and no choree for ensraWng 1! if FAUR * BROTHER. Makers, ■’ niy2l rp if 321 Oheatnm street, below 1 ourth. TIJST~EECEIV ED AND IN STORE 1,000 ,1 Of chonipnene, sparklmgCatawlmaudUan- Wines, l’ort,Tda.lclra, Sherry, Jnmatoa and Santa ‘ Xtmri fuie olVl Brandies and Whiskies. Wholesale »IS TlVtin P.. 1. JOIU) AN, 25J Pear street. Below Third and Walnut streets, and nbevo Dwk 'street. „ RAVAGE’S GUBINA, JUST RECEIVED GENUINE EABINA.COLOGNE.at reduced prlcoß. Beat puttornß of English Tooth Brushes. For sale by JA WEb T SHINN. Apothecary, Brand and Spruce Bts. foll-ttrp l''(Nls musical r Mox iib a companion for tlio Hick chainbor; the nueat (iKßorttncnt iii tbe city, and a « eat variety of alru to no h'ct from. Imported direct Bj j othEßj xnhlfltrrp] f 824 Ch«mtnut utract, below Fourth JJENItV i’HILLIPI'I, CAKPKNTEII AND DUILDEK, NO. 1024 SANBOM STREET, jeKMyrp PHILADtM’IIIA. lORDAN'S CELEBRATKI) pure tonic • I Alo for Invalids, family nun, etc. , „ . T'hn subscriber is now furnished with hH full Winter supply of lii# highly nutritious ami well-known barer ngo Its wido-aprcml and moreasitiK imo.by order or rtivsiclanH.for Invalids, use of families, Sc., commend It tVT/lin attention of nil coneuniere who want a strictly noro arlicin : prepared from the best materials, and put nn the most careful manner for home use or transpor tation. Orderßby mall or otherwise promptly suppliod. I*, J . JOKD AN i * H 0.220 Poar BtrcM't, .i fi 7 below Third and Walnut streets. TSAAC7NATH ANB, AUCTIONEER, N. E. I corner Third and Spruce streets, only ono square hnlow the Exchange. SiBO UK) to loan, in largo or small amouuts oil*diamonds, silv.r plato, watched, jowedry, “E? 11 goods of value. Offlco hours from BA. M. to 1 p n M 11 W" Established for the last forty years. Ad vances maileJjlu largo amount# at the lowest warkot rates. for sale. F CRN ITU Kih, arA.. furniture. Reduction In Rriees TO SUIT THE TIMES. $lOO,OOO WORTH OF ALL KINDS. GEO J. HENKELS, 1301 and 1303 Chestnut St. mliM Imrpji ' ... ===== FURNITURE. JOHN W. GARDNER, 1316 CHESTNUT STREET, Hasunnucstlonahly some of the newest and prettiest etjlesof - - FINE FURNITURE over before produced. In regard to quality and finish SiHSsjaMSsas w»l beeolcf at prices that mustprovc tempting. mli3o-rptf CIGA B. C. WORTHINGTON & SON, ■\Vholeßalo and Retail Dealer* in IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS, AHD ADD ABTICLES OF TUB TRADE, 433 Chestnut St., opposite the Post Office. ~ Branch of 106 South SIXTH Street, PHItADEIiPHIA. AOENTS FOR KEY WEST CIGARS. Wo invito an inspection of onr stock; every Balo boing guaranteed. mh23 lmrp* nATS. HATS AND CAPS. JUST OPENED SPRING STYLES AT TUB SOUTHEAST CORNER FOURTH AND CHESTNUT, AT WHOLESALE PRICES. mh!9 lmrp ' a « f^g?t ß B f 4° ,oaBon - BOOTS ARP SHOES. BARTLETT, No. 33 South. Sixth Street, Erer thankful for the patronage ex tended him heretofore, and desirous or farther favors, begs to announce Ms Spring Styles of Boots and Shoes for Gents’ and Boys’ wear. A large assortment of Custom-made Goods, made on his improved Lasl s, whleh are nnrivaUed for comfort aud beauty, enables him to furnish a ready lit at all times. ~ dai.a-m w f lyrp *—~— CROTBKIES. LIQUORS. CORN EXCHANGE FLOUR MILLS, <2136 Market Street. Superior Family and Bakers Flour, * manufactured bt E. V. MAOHETTE, Jr. Every Bkg or Barrel warranted. mh3o nfmllj '■ : MEBB SHAD AND BPIOED Hofllßßonth Second streotJbelow^Ohostnut street.—_ -iSttr^HPIC EB, GROUND AND WHOLE 118.Swuth Beeond street, below Chestnut street. GREEN GINGER. — 400 PO UNTJB f\ cholco Green Ginger In «toro and for salent CODSTY’S East End Grocery,-No. 118 Booth Second Btroct, below Chestnut street —n tTpB—T OMA T O, PEA, MOOK Turtle and JulUen Bonp« of Boston Club Manufao- Tnrueanurfu»ucii m v «i O -nicB and Bailing Mrtle» ne For h a»lo Bt (JOUBTr ’8 Ka»t End Grocery, No Jw Bonth B°cond street, bolow Chestnut street. GOtJBTY’B East End Grocery, No. 118 Booth Socona Btroot* below Obeatnotatroet. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT . MANUFACTORY. Orders for those celebrated Shirts supplied promptly Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, Of late styles In full variety. WINCHESTER & CO. 706 CHESTNUT. fel-tu th s tf ■■ copartnerships. TTO-'P ARTS EKSH IP.—THE UNDER §SSS3M!tf£fIiffi2KH at No. 3 Dock Btreot. kmuj nd'a. SOUDER, JR. SAMUEL D. ADAMS. FuiIADELPHiA, March 29, 1870. a P 2 - /-v o-P AK TN M SHI P—T H E u NI) ER PIfoHAEL^ ao.'l ißhipChandlery, «t No. 29 North Water utroet, and GKO. 11. S. UHIiEli. .Philadelphia, April Ist, 1870. apiots T - PEEDY’WARE AND ALEXANDER _ l -g OATTiELD, Jn.. have been admitted to au lute 0 CATTEIA APJIIL li 1870, H/r AKKINtr WITH l NDEI.IBBE INK, TIOLISHTNG POWBEIi. THE BE Tfor cloanainf; Silver and Plated Ware, Jmvulry V4T manufuotirod, mhl tfrp iSOFFERING MAOH-.iKS, j (t With 4 mul O-iri'-li rollk, Foe Imo or eoiirun 1 la At very low prlcon. GIUFFITri * FAGK, JUOI Arch Btivft. _ xHVipkuin FIUJ i-£rO.—-M-l&K* F^So-andi I— Ujgj, in eaaka and fancy a SdGuavn Paula: Naplea and 5.’ n SS“ r i^-iwi Shall Almonila, tor aale ty J 1 b?i?uh B^*oo- 1^3 8o "“* Dolaw “ re a ' roau,,> j/ W. ftiißOUftH CO„ BANKERS. 42 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Negotiate Loans, Buy and Sel Government and other re* liable Securities. . ja3lm w f lyi : ' . FAItE & BUOTfIER, a24Qbßsln«t **tr»gtij)«l»w » >onr . JAY COOKE & CO., Philadelphia, New York and Washington, bankers, AMD Dealers in Government Securities. Special attention given to tl.« Purchase and Balo of Bonds and Stocks on Commission, at tlio Board of Bro kers in this and othor cities. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. COLLECTIONS HADE ON ALL POINTS. OOLDAND SILVER BOUGHT AND SOLD .RELIABLE RAJLn< lf^ N T ONDS FOR INVEST ' Pamphlets and full information giren at oar office. No. 114 S. Third Street, phiiaveupbu. mbM-tfrp JAS. 8. NEWBOLD & SON, BIEL BROKERS AND General financial agents, 126 South Second Street. ’ mbl tf6P ~ COUPONS or tiik land grant bonds or THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD 00. Due Ar>ril Ist, PAID BY tfBION PAOIFIO E. R. 00., MORTON, BLISS & CO., PIIIEADEEPHIA. DREXEL & CO., No. 34 South Third Street, , American and Foreign Bankers. Issue Drafts and Circular Lettere of Credit, available on presentation in any part o E Travelers can make all their langements through us, and we will coflect their interest and dividends without charge. DBEXEL, TVINTHBOP & CO., New York, DBEXEL, HABJES & CO.,Paris. COLEBROOKDALE RAILROAD First Mortgage Bonds, Due 1898. principal and Interest Guaranteed by Philadelphia and Reading Railroad 00. per Cent., free from all tax. We are ®»‘ hor l i ‘* t < { l^ > b °aSnce t BbSit'sJw'oW "otthe of Iht C° <*',°f h i ° e to principal awl interest,b V the Phila- C.&U.BOBIG, No. 3 Merchants’ Exchange. tv w KEWBOEP,SON*AEBBrEN. * » cor. Boch and WalantSts. D, C. WHARTON SMITH & CO., bankebs and bbokebs, No. 121 S. THIRD STREET. .bugoessoeb to SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO. "Every department of Banking knsineeejka.l receive prompt attention, as beret * reCO i V ed from our ffiaSrl. WSpH tßo!.Mew York, br our PRIVATE WIRE. - iMTWmGg ANn PATTEK-WS. Grand Opening of Spring Fa«mons „ IMPOBTEe PAPBB VATXEBNS, 1 tiesdoy* MoMit Ist, 1870* _ g^ESsssassas “a DeJtccTßySu™ of Drflß» Cutting taught. wdI#, MBS. M- A. BINDMB’S, t IlOf, N. W. cor. Eleventh and ph avo . Carefully noto the name and urnnnor roy2fit frp_ deceived to? ooo£ m Chestnut street. THE SECOND BBBAT *IBB IK 8Al« TESTOIB. ONE 'MILLION DOLLARS OF PROPERTY DK ( STBOi Eli 1 ! HERRING'S BAPEB PRESERVE TnEIR CONTENTS JW EVERY IN STANOI, WHILE SOME OF OTHER MAKERS fail. , , Gaivxsiro*, Toxaa, ra5.28.M70, Meters. Herrint, Parrel *■ Sherman, New York: Dear Sir: Wo be* to inform, you that night of the 234 tnat. another Tory dostrnctivoconflagfa tion took place in this city, destroying property Talnod at not Ims than one mill ion dollar*. a— . There were (►number of your safes in the fire, .ana . overyonotltus far opined; has proved: entirely, satisfac tory .while the contents of othor maUcrß less injured. ’ Tours, A.W.4E.P. CLEGG. SPECIAL DESPATCH BY TELEGRAPH. A further ACCOUNT. Wr-STEBNCmoN TRLKORAftI COMPANt,t Galvkbtos.Toxiib, March 8.1570. < Mrurs. IltrrinSiXmß't Sherman ,26l Broadway, New v'onVcimmnion Safes havo stood'this second largo flro splen "l tfl Egtablbbed 1821. WM. G. FLANAGAN & SON, house and ship plusibeus, No. 129 "Walnut Street. It 7 Its ■ ■-•= JOSEPH "WALTON St CO-., foraltnre of superior aualitjr. DE T 0 O BDEB. W offlC ° 9 Stores, u.»Ao to order. joM^HWALTO^ 'jobkph l. bcott. St MadWonßtrcot l No.^Ohlp^s2j}l!?^^_^~^ csss|Ss« Tout and Awning Dock, rnarmn kvKUMAN, Twine, Ac. Ko ,xmCbnFch street City Stores. HARDWARE, &C. building and housekeeping HARDWARE. ‘BttW? °“” r t n bd Knives And FoikB> Spoons, HingOß* Scrowo. X-ooka, »-® ioB plajzan( | Taper Taps, OoireeMms.&Cj'O 1 . 0 ! Chucks, Planks in great rarlotjr. Srilobe'hud'a-me'i.owe't? Possible Fric™ At the CBUEAP-FOR-CASS Hard- At Die ware store of j. B. SH ANNON, No. 1000 ffiarket Street. ow Slntb, Philadelphia. Vkhy angry feeling- has'been evoked in Madrid iby the new COnscriptlda bill. : U Tuk Petersburg iron Works, at Petersburg, Virginia, were burned on Saturday morning. Loss, $lOO/OQQ. ’ i;: ' : Senob MobxE, thenew Colonial Minister in Spain, announces bis policy to be the same as that of bis predecessor. • A simple majority in the (Ecumenical Council, it is stated, is-sufficient to establish the infallibility dogma. The’ Btrike at Creuzot continues, and on, Friday tire strikers were very riotous, attacking the troops. A motion to .postpone consideration of the new constitution of Porto Rico has been de-, -feated in the Spanish Cortes. The bill to secure orderin Ireland ban. passed both Houses of Parliament, but -lias not .yet re ceived the Queen’s assent. Govkknob Downs, of Maryland, has vetoed a bill incorporating Chestertown, In that State, because it restricts votingto.white citizens. Dabu having failed to get Austria, Spain -and Italy to act in concert with him, hits given up His idea of sending a special Ambassador to Home. Thu Inman steamer City of Brussels, which recently left New York for Liverpool, was spoken at sea on the Ist inst., under sail, hav ing lost her propeller. She needed no assist ance. Infokmation has been received at San Francisco of the organization in Loudon of a company to 4arry out the proposed mail steam ship service between the former city and Aus tralia. Onk Phillips, otherwise Forbes, has been ar rested at Queenstown, charged with embezzle ment from the New York Treasury, ne is known in connection with the proposal for the sale of Cuba to the United States. A Sx. Louis despatch says that some party East lias been selling forged drafts, purport ing to bo drawn by Samuel A. Gaylord & Co., of St. LoUis. Two of these have been dis covered, and others are supposed to bo in circu lation. ■ The Wood Distilling Works at Black Rock, Connecticut, were yesterday destroyed by fire, causing a loss of $lOO,OOO. Six buildings,' in cluding, the post-office, at Portsmouth, Vir ginia, were destroyed yesterday morning by an incendiary, fire. The Woman Suffrage Association of Mis souri elected officers bn Saturday, Mrs. Francis Miner being chosen President. Dele, gates were appointed to the National and American Sutirage Conventions, soon to meet in New York. A shajbf shock of an earthquake, lasting six occurred at Sau .Francisco at 11.50 A. M. on Saturday. No damage was caused, but there was a general panic for some moments, both men and animals being frightened. David Westdbook and John Hoffman were drowned in the. Juniata river, at Hunt ingdon, Pa., on Saturday morning, the skiff they were in having been broken in two by collison with the trestle bridge. The river was swollen, with a rapid current, at the time. Pabliamentaby matters jn France have an ugly appearance. Napoleon wants to submit certain reforms to a popular vote. This does not suit some or the members of the Corps Legislate, and this opposition is so einbar; rassing to Ollivier that he purposes taking a vote on a confidence resolution, and in the event of its being defeated resigning. Official information has been received in Washington of the termination of the French cable monopoly, and our Government, or any American citizen,ean now lahd cables from the United • States on French soil, in reciprocation of a similar privilege to the French to land cables is the United States. A LETTKii from Port-au-Prince says that Wiener, the American Consul, recently arrested by the insurgent leader Jacquet, is still held as a hostage at Des Abrecots. The English, French, and American Consuls at Port au- Prinqe have taken up the matter, and three war vessels, one English ami two Haytien, have been sent to release Wiener. At ltichmond, Va., on Saturday, the United -States Marshal served a writ upon Ellison for the surrender of the City Hall, but Ellison paid no attention to it. Saturday and yester day aflalrs were quiet, the police of both Mayors being in the streets. It is expected that the military will, to-day, oust Ellison from the City Hall, in which event he will act as Mayor in other quarters Ukn. Shebmas lias issued an order an nouncing that the body of Major-General Geo. H. Thomas will be buried at Troy, -V. Y., on April Bth, and that the military ceremonies will be conducted by Major-General George G. jleade, commanding the Division of the At lantic. All army officers who can be spared from duty, and all civil officers of the Federal and State Governments, volunteers, civic socie ties and citizens are invited to attend. -. A mask meeting of merchants and business men was held in Chicago on Saturday night, which adopted resolutions demanding a reduc tion of at Least $50,000,000' in .the rate of taxa tion ; opposing the present taritl as oppressive, and discriminating unjustly in favor of iron, and against the commercial and marine inter ests ; declaring that it is impossible for the 'Western farmer to compete-with agriculturists m other parts of the world, when his products are conveyed to market over rails which cost 70 per ecnt. more than they cost elsewhere; and that the income tax is unjust, etc. ' A despatch from South Pass City, VYyo .ming Territory, reports tlio killing on March 3lstof six men, five of them belonging to a prospecting party, by the Indians, hear Atlantic City. Four more are missing,and supposed to be murdered. The stage coach due at South Pass City on Saturday afternoon had not arrived yesterday, and was believed to have been captured by Indians, a large party of . savages having been seen going towards ‘the stage route on the Ist. The coach contained Paymaster-General Alvord, Major Russell and four soldiers. The Indians concerned iu the above outrages were supposed to be friendly. • Vincent Coi/yer has written a letter to the President, stating that the recent bombardment • of the Indian .village at VVrange),.in Alaska, by the United States troops stationed there, was the result of a “ wanton and unjustifiable idling of an Indian by. Lieutenant LouckS, the second officer in command of the post.” It appears that Loucks went out at midnight with twenty .armed men to arrest the Indian for a slight offence, entered his -house,. and, after cutting him in the head with a sabre, though little or no resistance was made, ordered him to be shot. Ihis .aroused the whole Indian village, and a white man was killed by a cousin of the dead Indian in retaliation. Next day the village was bom barded from two o’clock in the afternoon un til dark. Ml\ Colyer ,quotes official reports to show the shocking abuses practiced upon these Indians. Despatches received from Havana state that General Puello has arrived, leaving Criga dier;General Seranccs as ids successor iu com mand. A small party of soldiers, who were carelessly foraging on the line of the Nuevitas Railroacjf were recently attacked and killed by the insurgents. General Arroyo .lias issued a manifesto to the Cubans, stating, that the, re . cent manifesto of Quesada was, a' complete ■ falsehood, and referring to the Cubaus now In the lield to corroborate bis statement. A gene ral movement of ,the Spanish troops against; the rebels in the Central Department lias • commenced.' A ' separate 1 column left .Puerto. Principe on April i',:awl iuiother lias 1 marched from Puerto del Padre to- attack .the insurgents in the rear." Count Valraaseda lias advanced to Canto* General Goyenoche Is in the mountains behind Saboncla, and reports 30Q rebels have surrendered there* and;, he dis covered and capfcufed a depot of artillery,which is supposed to be the only one- the- insurgents possessed. His prisoners report that the rebel forces are in a state 7 of! .(dissolution*- Two torpedoes were recently taken from under the rails of the Nuevitas and Puerto Principe Rail road, where they had been placed for the pur pose ofblowing up passing trains. Forty in surgents have been killed In the Jlolquin juris diction. . . : 'Bulletin. LIYEBPOOL—Br. bark JN Churchill, Murphy—3B drums c&iifltia Soda 320 casks soda crystals 200 kega H carl* soda Gjeady & K«of6; 109 caskasodaash Churchman A Co; 13doB F Beeves & Bon; 33 do W Cunningham A Hod; 69 tea bleaching powdfr Ba€Pl?slead John T Lewis & BrojlWcraters earthenware A 8 Tomkinsou; 1 caskdo John Pettit; 28 pkgsdo Anbury A Young: 700 sacks Hig- Rina’s fins salt J3£o do Wor hington s dow Bumfia * Hon; 266 toes pig iron B& W Woleh; t w bxi tin plate* N Trot tor k Co;oJsdo Hull & Carpenter; 724 bdls hoop iron WM Whitaker: 2 cdsis chains Biddlo Hardwaro Co; 3 casks folatine Kellogg k Co; 1 ca mdso Biter, Price A Co; 1 do bnrploes &8on; 2 bales webbing Hon-A Co; 11 nkgs perfumery X Baziti; 13d bxs tin plates 44 casks soaa ash 74 drums cnstiCßoda)2 rolls floorcloth 7 casks Hies 10 frames felt ordor. bAGUA—Brig Alice Startett, Hoopor—4Bo hhds and 49 tes sugar 40 tons old iron John Kaaori & Co. BAG(JA—Brig J B Kirby, Bornard-639 hhds 46 tiercea molnsvfs 8A W Welsh. ... 4 ■ ■ CABDBNAfh-Brig H Houston, French—4B3 hhds 56 tea molasses B II Howell, Jr A 00. OIENEUEGOS— Brig Lima,Hill-386 hhds 38 tea sugar 16 casks molasses Geo C Carson & Co. MATA N Z AB—BrigEtbol Bolton. Haney-604hhds 1 0 t, Haney, 23 days from MaUn zlud. with molassea to Harris, Heyl k Co —vessel to War- An (j* Giecg. Ilrig Pl.-intt (Br), Ar«y, 17 day. from Cardonas, with .tiaar and raolas.es to John Mason A Co. Schr Ja« Ponder.Hud.on, 11 dayo from Cardona., with angsrto Wro Bnabjr. . „ . , ..... fcctir Gold Huntor(Br), Becord, 9 dare from bt John, KB. with laih. to D Trump. Son 40. fichr Tycoon. Cooper, 1 daj Trom Smyrna, Del. with ...iu to J.a L Bewloy A Co. 8,1 CLKAItKD OK BATCBDAT. Steamer Norman. Jilckeraon.Boittou. H Winaor A Co. Steamer Whirlwind. Sherman, Proridanea, D S Stetson A Co. Steamer .1 W Hinckley, Norfolk and Hich mood, W P Clyde & Co. Steam*? Sew Yorki J«nee« Georgetown and Alexandria, Steamer V Biddla. McCne. New York. VT P Clyde Co. Sumir F Frankliu. Pierson. Baltimore. A Grores, Jr. Bark Annie Augusta. Darie. St Jago de Cuba, G W Ber radon 4c Bro. Brig J Welib. Jr, Muuday, Sagua, 8 A W Welsh Brig Home (Br), Phillips, Part Spain. Knight * Sons. Sehr Abide Dumi. Fountain. Matanzas, warrenASregg. behr A W Collins, Tooker, Jackionrille, captain. MEMORANDA Ship Westmoreland, Letonruuu, at Shields 20th ult. ■from Brno tn . Steamer Rattlesnake. Winnett, sailed from Pro?!- dsnee l«t is at. lor this port. . ~ Burlc Untie Vox (Br),Clerk, cleared at Baltimore let ’'Ba'rtcEvertXn? Delius (NG), Herboth, cleared at New York 2d tout, for this port. Bsrk Andaman. Otis, from Cardiff for New Orleans, was ap.ken la Ist 4620, lon 14 10—no date. Berk Borer, Btilpben, from Lisbon, at Malaga 17th ult * w c hr Busan (Br), Medway, 26 days from Pernambuco for this port, was spoken 7th nit. lat 2.2 42 N, lon GO SO W. Scbr E A Ford. Carpenter, Irons St .John* B, tor this port, went ashore 26th nit at Bart Harber, Me; she will probably,Leaot off iu a lew Jaj*. 4 _ . . t „ SchrElla Matthews, McElwee, at Jacksonville 28th Bit. trem Mew Tork. ... ,* gchr A Young, Young,cleared at JackßonvUleSSth ult for Mew Xork. ■ - . ' . Schr Sparkling Sea. Hose, cleared at Charleston 31st qlt. for w'ilJßißgtoniDel. * MARINE MIpCEUIiAWT. Capt Jtobert Walton and hi* crew of four men were Rescued 31st ult. from schr. Elizabeth; ashore at the en trance of Little Egg Harbor Inlet, after bavins been exposed for one day and a night to the fufy of tho break ers. by Capt Thes Iloraer, who bearded her with his surf heat,tasansd hv six men; a heavy sea was rolling and the wind MoWlug a gale from tho MK. Capt Wm Gaa kill/ot the sloop Louih I) Senat. uuder three reefs.ac coxupuUted tlie eurf*boat out to the Inlot to render any assistance if necessary Two much praise cannot be awarded Cnpt Homer; ho found the sea breaking across the schooner, her mainsail add, foresail torn to ahreus and the crew ?»the rigging, but br bis skill iu hand ing bin surf-boat the crew wore picked off one by one. taut ill towed tho eurf-boat against a strong obbtido safely into the harbor. The schooner will be a total loss; parts of her rigging, with her anchors would besavod if the calecea?edk but it was feared she would goto, pieces before she could be stripped.' The E wub owned by J B fc’abp. A K Pharo and others; m Tuckerton—no insurance. Capt Walton says that ondeavoring to beat into (he harbor, his echooner missed stays wtiwou the lee side of the chrnnel, and grounded beforo she could w;esn . ' . . r ' ■ ■ v NEW FUBEICATIONS.. SUNDAY SCHOOL SDPKKINTEN dents.get Prof. Hart's admirable address, “How to Select aLibrary,” at the Sabbath School Emporium, COB Arch street, Philadelphia. • ' • CELL'S POPULAR EJiCYCLOPEDIA, SA ■ L. COT.ANGE, Editor. Tho BEST, LATEST ailll ?' ed. Is not only a OOMPijETfc ENCYCLOPEDIA, written since the wak, hence tho only ono giving any account of tho late battles, atul those who fought thorn, hut is also a thorough anu COMPLETE LEXICON, A GAZETTEER OF THE MOULD, A 2110 GRAPHICAL DICTIONARY, A BIBLICAL DICTIONABY, A LEGAL DICTIONARY, A MEDICAL DICTIONARY, aniltho only book containing all these subjects. Tito moro than 2000 ILLUSTRATIONS, on every variety of subject, alono will cost over *lO,OOO. No other work is bo fully uud so well illustrated. Views op Cities, Public Buildings, Plants, Animals, ■Machinery, Great Men and "Women, Ac., Ac., Ac. Total cost, bound, to Subscribers only, *27.50, a saving of more than $lOO over other similar works. . A 60 cent specimen number, containiog 40 pages and 78 pictures, will bo sent freo for 10 cents. Agents and OanvassgrsJ wanted. Sold only by subscription. Address Tv ELLWOOD ZELL, Philadelphia. DRUGS. DKTJGGISTS WILli FIND A large stock of AUen’sMedicinal Extracts and Oil Almonds, Bad. Bhoi.Opt., Oltric Acid, Ooxe’6 Sparkling Gelatin, gonuino Wedgwood Mortars. tfcc.Jnst landed irom bark Hoffnuug, from London. BOBEBT SHOEMAKLB A 00.,'Wholesalo Druggists, N. E. corner Fourth and Race streets. TY RUG GISTS’ SUNDRIES. GRAD U XXatra,Mortar jPillTiles,Combs,Brnahei.' Mirrors, Tweczdrs, Puff Boxes,Horn Scoops, Surgical Instru monta. Trusses, Hard and Soft Butibor Goods, Vial El -&°. nd MOta ’ W D 9^°A’B^oT ft yE Fi ” ! H £Ss-tf Ptl ■ e *3 South Eighth street. . '/SastSTb soap-genuine and very DrugoM, s:i. corner fourth and Race streets. AUCTION SALES. TAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, REAL KBTATB HAI/lOraiM.-lOTV.; Thfa Ritlo on next WEDNESDAY* »t 1* o'olock noon, at too Exchange, will incln^:. • ■ ' bTOOKS } Ac. '•••; • -• ft'fcliaros fleronth National tttrik; _ / ‘ JQ shares Kensington and Now Jerßcjr Ferry Company 2 shares Mercantile CEMETER? LOTS. „ ,' - Lots Nos. 6 Una 24. Sootlon 48.. Mount Moriah Ooma "ffr, 210 8. 81X1 n ST .-Largo three-story brlckdwell. ing with two frArfie houses in lot by ,100 feet subject to $6}H ground rent. Orphans' Court Sale. Ks* tat&6f Wvu ttolzrniUterJ defeated. . . , . • - 47BOUTH THIRD STREET One-third IntarMt iu the fire-story Brick Business Property ,aboTe Chestnut ntreptj 10t.14 by SO feet. Orphans'Court Sale. Estate of °2m Tno'ußON STURET. Three-storyßrictßwell log anil lot, Mby 48 fact. Orphans’ Court Sate. Estate of wS'S^tfHWWpfr STREET. Genteel three-story Brick Dwelling anil 10t,48 by 90 foot, aboyo Dauphin, street. Orphans' Court SaU. Same Estate. !06 KASt DAOPHIN STREET. Three-story Brick Dwelling, with back buildings: lot, 18 by. 8S fact. Orphans’ Court Sale. Estate af Eliza Bretmtnter, at- BT. Desirable building 10t,39 by 80 feot, below Berks street. Orphans’ Court Sale. Estate of BTKISiTIf^AN D RIDGE AY. Throa-Btory brick hotel and dwelling, lot 60 feet on .Thirteenth street, and K fset on Bulge ayenoo, subject t<>-$BO ground Sale by Order of Heirs. Estate of It. S- SUMMER ST. Neat two-story brick dwell ing and lot, 16 by 65 feet. Sale Peremptory, on account of a former purchaser. , . , 1022 PORTLAND ST. Three-story brick,house awl lot, 19 by 4(1 fret, 34th Ward. Bi Order of Heirs. Estate of J. E. Cart er, dee’d. . I DELAWARE CO. Largotjirao-story brick building, ! containing 30 rooms, suitable for a seminary or summer boarding-house, at Yillago Oraeu, Chester Co., .Ponna. ! Plan at the auttion store 1137 N FItONT BT. Brick and frame houses aboro Otter street, lot 16 by 100 feet. Subjccfcto $32 ground - "ter CATALOGUES NOW READY. SPECIAL 8 ALB OF „ ■FINELY EXECUTED ITALIAN MARBLE GAR DEN AND MONUMENTAL STATUARY, Ac. ON THURSDAY MORNING. . April 7, at 10 o’clock, at tho Srlearoom, 422 Walnut nt., will be iol(J, a collection of Italian marble Garden anil •Monumental «tatiu-8. Marble Garden Vance, Ac., lately Imported bj Mceera. VITI BROTHERS, (late Vito Vft. A Hone.) The collection embrocoe many beautiful aub jcctß, among which are.figures of. Hope, Faith, Bcrnem*; trance, Psyche, Flora Bacchus, the Four Seasons, anti Four Parts of thp World,&c., Thomas birch & son, auotiun- EEBB AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No: 1110 CHESTNUT otreet, . Roar entrance No, 1107 Hansom street. Household Furniture of every description received on Consignment. . .. . . Bales of Furniture at Dwelling, pttendod to oti the moat reasonable terms. GREAT CLOSING BALE OF . . TABLE AND BED LINENB.' MARSEILLES QUILTS, LADIES’ AND GENTS’ HANDKER CHIEFS. TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS, DOYLIES, TOWELS; HOSIERY. At. . ON MONDAY'aid TUESDAY, . April Aand 5, , ‘ At 10 oVl'.'ck. at the aactioa store. No, 1110 Chestnut street, will be soldi In eoantltles to suit the purchaser, the balance of stock of Fine. Linens, comprising—Linen Handkerchiefs. Table Cloths. Napkins, Doylies, Pillow case and Sheeting Linens, Towels In great variety, Qniite.Tnrkoy Bed .Barnsley and Loom Damask, ladles snd cents’ Hose, Ac. " ' BANKBUPT SALE OF LINENS. At same time will be sold an assortment of Linens, being the stock of a Bankrupt. r 1 .- Bale at No. 1337 North Broad rtrret. ‘ ; ELEGANT BBSEWOOD AND WALNUT HOUSE HOLB FUBNfTUP.E, VELVET AN B BRUSSELS CARPETS. LARGE MANTEL MIRRORS, LACE’ CURTAINS. LIBRARY FURNITURE, BRONZE MARBL E CLOCKS. FINK CHBOMOS r AND EN GRAVINGS, SILVER PLATED WARE. Ac. Ok W EDNESDAY MORNING. April 6, at 10 o’clock.at Na, 1337 North Broad street, corner of Master street, will be sold, the Elegant Fur-/ nitnre of a family declining housekeeping, comprising— ! Elegant Velvet and BrUßsele Carpets, on parlors, Cham hers, library and halls; suit of Rosewood Parlor Farm-' tare-covered with satin. brocat*Hs; RoiGwood Centre aod Bnnqqst Tables, Biscadilla marble; large French Plato Mantel Glass, gilt frame; fineChromos and En gravings, in carved walnut frames; elegant carved wal nut Sideboard, large Extension Dining Table,Chairs' and Dining Room Furniture. . _ Two splendid suits of Rosewood Chamber Fnnutnm.. opedo do Walnut, first-class Ilatrand Spring Slat retses. Library Bnitn.in green reps, Library Table. Carved Walnut Bookcaa». French Plato Mantel Mirror, walnut frame; Marble Mantel Clock, Bronze Figures and Groups, Mantel Ornaments. Silver Plated Waiters, Tureens. Lluner Stands, Castors, Tea Set, Ac. . Also, tbnKitchen Furniture. . • . . Catalogues are now ready for delivery at the auction 6, The Furniture can be examined early on the morning of sale. Davis & harvey, auctioneers, (Late with M. Thonlna A Sons.) Storo Nos. 48 and 00 North Sixth street. ter Furniture Sales at the Store every Tuesday. VT Salts at Private Residences solicited. Important Sals At tha Auction Rooms, 48 and M North Sixth street, below Arch street. iuo LOTS ELEGANT CABINET FURNITURE,. 25 SUITS SUPERIOR CHAMBER FURNITURE, HANDSOME PARLOR SUITS, ELEGANT BOOK CASES. PIANO, MIRRORS, FINE TAPESTRY AND OTHER CARPETS,A*. j ON TUESDAY MORNING. . At 10 o'clock. Oiled Walnnt Chamber Suite, of the best workmanship; splendid Parlor Suite, in fine Crimson and Green l’lnah, Terry Kept and llair Cloth; fonr Handsome Cottage Suite, very superior Secretary and Cabinet Bookcases, Library Furniture, superior Oak and Walnut Dining Room Furniture French Plato Pier Mirror. Oval and Arch Looking Glasses, fine Tapestry, Brussels. Ingrain and Imperial Carpets. 75 Matresses, Beds. Bedding. 150 Cano and Windsor Chain. 20 Walnnt Bouquet and Centro Tables, Lounges, Secondhand Fur-, niture of two dwellings. Paintings, Engravings;' Sta tionery, £OO lbs. White Lead, and a great variety of Housekeeping Articles. Also, 2 shares Mercantile Library. Also, superior Ladd A Webster Sewing Machine. Also, enperiorOfflce Desks and Tables.- Now rtady for examination with catalogue. Hale on tho premises. No. 723 North Seventeenth street. NEAT MODBBN RESIDENCE AND SUPERIOR FURNITURE,MIKBOBsMELODEON; IMPERIAL CARPKTB,^c^ dne 8I)AY MOKNINa April 6. Particular® hereafter. • Bunting, durrorow & tfo., ’ AUCTIONEERS, Noe. 232 and 234 Market atreet. corner of Bank. SALK OF 2000 CASES BOOTS, SHOES. STRAW • GOODS. HATS. TRAVELING BAGS, Ac., ON TUESDAY MORNING. _ April 5, at 10 o'clock, on fonr moutha’credit. Includ ing- Cages Men’s, boys’and youths’calf, kip and buff leather Beote; tint. Grain . Long Log Dresa Boot*; Con gress Boots; Balmoral,; kip,' buff.and polish ,gram Brogans; wemen’e, misses and children’s calf, kid, goat', morocco nnd enamelled Balmorals; CoDgreai Gab tcrei Lace Boots; Ankle Ties: Lasting Gaiters, Slip pers; Tiaveling Bags; Metallic Overshoes, Ac. LARGE SALE OF BRITISH, FRENCH, GERMAN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, ON THURBDAY MORNING. . April 7 at 10 o’clock, on four months’credit. LARGE SALE OF CARPETINGS. 500 ROLLS WHITE. RED. CHECK AND FANCY. CANTON MATTINGS, Ac-' ‘' , ON FRIDAY MORNING.- - ■ v April S; at 11 o'clock, on fourraonths’credit,about2oo pieces Inprain, Venetian, List, Hemp, Cottage and Rag CarpetingB._Also, Majtings, Ac... ■. SCOTT’S ART GALLERY■ and AUCTION COMMISSION: SALKS BOOMS, . B. KCOTT, Jr., Auctioneer. t 1117 CHESTNUT street, „ Girard Row. Furniture Buies every Tuesday and Friday morning, at 10 o’clock. ■ Particular attention paid to ont-door sales at moafr rate rates. < de29tf a; BARLOWS ■ : ■ TENTH SALE OF ELEGANT AND SUPERIOR FURNITURE. i ' ON TUESDAY MORNING, April 5, at 30 o clock, will bo offered by catalogue, ft Spendid Stock of superior Cabinet Furniture, made by tho best city mnkera, cofioprislng—Magnificent Parlor Suits, Chamber Sets, in irreat variety: ■ Bookcasc|, Lounges, Easy, iuuV Reclining ChairpV'Mlrrorß, Ward* robeb,Hair Matressesi Music Stands, «o. goods sold at this establishment are uccorn* ppiiied by a written guarantee, if dfsired. Goods paeked on the premisesnnd shipped to any part of the Uuited States'. Catalogues ready and goods on exhibition on Monday afternoon'. ; i. By barritt & co., auctioneers. CASH AUCTION HOUSE, No. 230 MARKET street, corner of Bank street. ' LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE SALE-500 LOTS CITY AND EASTERN MADE BOOTS, SHOES AND BROGANS, HATS, Ac., ON THURSDAY MORNING, April7,by catalogue, commencing at 10 o’clock,on <0 days’ credit. • - ■ ' ‘ 1 ‘ T l. ashbridge & CO., AUCTION . EFRS. No. 805 MARKETPtroet.above Fifth _ * LARGE SALE 0F BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND ON WEDNESDAY* MORNING, . i , April C, at 10 o'clock, we will eell by oatftlogue, about lftOO packages of Boots and Shoes, embracing a large assortment of Men’s, Boys’, IVomens, and Children’s wear, of city and Eastern manufacture, to which the attention of city and country buyers ta called. .>;f' - : ■ •' • L rp a. McClelland, auctioneer, X. 1219 CHESTNUT Street. ; SST Personal attention, given to Sales of Household StSes of the Auction lloomß, ‘ 1219 Chestnut street, every Monday and Tnursday. For particulars see Public Ledger. 83" N. If,—A guperiop class of Furniture at Private Sale,' .■ - _I ! A—A-(i-T-—'--A— rpHE PRINCIBAE HONEY ESTABLIPH- I BIENT, S. E. corner of SIXTH and RACE strains. Money advanced on Merchandise generally—W atches. Jewelry, Diamonds.' Gold and Silver Plate, and on all articles of value, for any length of tune agreed on. . WATCHES AND JEWELRY; AT I>RIYATE SALE. Fine Gold Hunting Case, Double Bottom atld Open Face English, American and Swiss Patent Lover Watches ; Fine Gold Hunting Case and Open Vtire l.fi. nine Watches - Fine Golil Duplex and miier WatU es Fine Silver Hooting Case and Open Face EngHsh, Ante riran and Swiss Patent Lover and Lenino Watclu S , Double Case English Quartior and other Wat-.hes Mi tlies’ Fnucy Watches. Diamond Riiiß*rEorßings. Stmls. Amt’EmgiGold . j~ Nos, 119 and,l4l Hontn FOURTHstroei - I6FSTOOKB AWPBBikiiSTATIB. tbe Philadelphia Bxohangaovmy TUFSDAY.at 12 o’clock. . the*Auction Store BVBBY THUBBDAY. IUT Bale* at Evidences receive especial attention BTOOKB, Ac. ; ON TUESDAY, APRIL 5v M 12 o'clock noon#at the Philadelphia Exchange, wilt include- , Administrators’Btlo. 10 sharesPennayl vanla Ballroad Co. For Other Accounted 300 shares Pacific and Atlantfo Telegraph Co. r SCO shares Charleston Mining and Manufacturing Co 34 shares Lochiol Iron Co.of Harrisburg.. 10 shsroe Atnericau Dredging Co. 3000 shares Mount Farm Coal and Oil Co. 200< shares Central Transportation Co. 1 shoj-e Camden and J BurHngton’COttnty.Railroad Company.. 2 shares National Bank of Northern Liberties. 3 shares National Bank of Germantown. REAL ESTATE BALE, APRIL S Will include— MODERN THBEE-BTOBY BBIOK RESIDENCE. No. 734 Pinestreet. Has the modern convenfoncoe—22>» feet front, ISO feet deep to Minster et. Peremptory SaIe—TMBEK-BTORY BRICK DWELL INC, No. 988 North Seventh -street,'below Girard aveiiuo. Assignee's Peremptory BaIe—VALUABLE COAL LANDS, oe Acres, more or lens, Schuylkill and Luseruo counties, Pa. Bole by Order of Heirs—'Estate of Chlstopher Boekhis, dec’d—To Morocco Dressers, Tunners and • Others— VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND- FIVE-STORY -*BRICK FACTORY-occupied as a Morooco-drosslng Establishment, 8* E. corner of St. John and Willow ate. Immediate possession. ' Bnmo Estate—2 FRAME DWELLINGS an emueiGilbert. k . Also.elegant Bosewood7 octaye Plano Eorte, made by E. P.Graham. . „ . A * Also, elegant Bosewood 7 octave Piano- rorte, made by McCamtnon, successor to Bordman and Gray. Also, Mahoganv Piano Forte. a ELEGANT WINDOW CURTAINS. Also, 3 suits crimson brocatelle W'indow Curtains and Als(>,*2 suits green brocatelle Window Curtains and C Alro jl suiis strio*d brocatelle Window Curtains. Also. 0 suits red Window Curtains. ALo.S rtti., fine - _ Also, about 1200 yards ftuu Velvet, Brussels, Ingrain and Venetian Carpets, secondhand. - • ; f Martin brothers, AUCTioNEBRe, fLately Salesmen for M. Thomaa A Sons,l N 0.704 CHESTNUT street, above Seventh. PEREMPTORY SALE OK ■ A CHOICE COLLECTION FINE MODERN°OIL PAINTINGS, RY EMINENT ARTISTS. ON WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, 1 : April 6 and 7. MORNING at 11 clock and EVENING at 7)4 o’clock. At the auction rooms, No. 704 Chestnut street, above Seventh, a'largo ana choice collection of PINE MO; HERN OIL PAINTINGS, by eminont artists, including ppecinumß br Georgo Howard. W. A. C. J rirlck, Brnuat l.oticboua.G; G. Hortwlck, Comers, Lewis, Paul Hitter. KretcUmer, La SAlla,Kruetzur».auu Tho aub? jocts arc varied, embracing LandfC Cattle, iruit, Slariuo Views. Games, View*from Nature, &c. ‘ Will bo on exhibition one day previous to Hale. C; m stoci.cEs K.ee, , No. 506 MARKET street. • BOOT AND SHOE SALES EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY. IN NEW YORK. ALLEN B. MINER, Auctioneer. BY HENRY H. LEEDS & MINER; Salesrooms, Noe. 95 Chambers libd 77 ,Beadc struete. Art Galleries, Nob. 817 and 81i> Broadway, Southwest •ofrner of Twelfth street. ‘ ; THE SALE OF THE SEASON; Messni. LEEDS MINER beg to inform the pnbllc that on MONDAY, APRIL IS, AND THE SUCCEED’- ING DAYe, they will offer for b«1o the Household Furr niture, Curiosities, and ENTIRE PRIVATE COLLEC TION OF PAINTINGS OF : J. P. B EAIJMONT, Constituting the last public sale, that will bootgivnteed by this gentleman, and Jieiug relatively to its extent, the most valuable sale of WORKS OF ART Ever advertised in New York. The create, portion of these painiings havo never been on exhibition since their purchase by Mr. Beaumont during the last forty years, and are ADMIRABLY FINK SPECIMENS of OUIt OWN AMERICAN ARTISTS, tho MODERN EURO PEAN SCHOOLS, with a fetr undoubted GEMS BY TUE 4>1,1> IU ANYEUS. ■ Among tht-Be are tho works of GILBERT STUART, COLE, CHUROH. SULLY, LEUT/.IC, EASTMAN JOHNSON. HUNTINGTON.MOUNT.CfONANI, DO MINICHINO.L, OARRACOI, VELASOUEK. J.CUYP, TINTORETTO.', ZUCHARELLI, VAN DK't. MEU LKN, SNYDERS,NOSA DA TIVOLI, GONZALES, GOYPEL, CAltl. HUBNER, ZIKM, VEKBOECK HOVEN.MADOU.CH A VET. ROBBE. GUILLEMIN, TSCHAGGKNY.’DK HYLAND,T, OTTO ERDMANN, HERRING,CARL BECKER.,GKNTZ, PERUY.HILL. FLOItKNT WILLEMS, VAN HOVE. VAN SCUEN DEL,-DE-BLOCK, ARMFIELD, and others of n similar or greater ccfebrity in the ART CIRCLES OF MODERN EUROPE. Tho superb and very oxtonsivo collection will be soul WITBOUT RESERVE, nmb will be on- exhibition at tbe LEEDS ART GALLERIES on and after TC ESI) A Y. APRIL 6, where Catalogues and additional information can bo obtained. Priceof Catalogue,2s cents. tnb3B ni w t tilt , . CUTIiEH^. ROD GETS’ AND WOSTENHOLM'H POCKET KNIVES,, PE ARL and 3JAg, ' polished, .EAR INSTRUMENTS or constructlon to assist tho hearing, at P. MADEIRA S, Outler and Surgical Instrument Maker, llff Tfeptb street below Chestnut n> Y l fr ©AS FIXTURES. rNAS FIXTUB.BB.—MISKKY, MEBBIWi AJT & THAQKABA, No. 718 Chestnut slrcot.manufao lugs, and attend tOtOx^omUnst^twj l ug?lfnd rejauftok 8® llpes, AJlworkwa rwxlodl , 4. IWSTJRAWCK. 1829 UHit rtlrER j^ RPETUA| -1870 FIBE INSUBAttOE COMPANY «P PHILADELPHIA, OFFICE-435 aid 437 Chestnut St. Assets'on January 1, XS7O, *‘2,8k25,t*l 6Vi , 9408 AM .......... »AB,ni IIOBSEB PAID Ilf 9144,908 43 LoBBE»mft SINCE 1829 OTEB |S,5OOjOOO. Capital...- ...... Aocrael Snrplw and Premium*...., INCOMB FOB lS7O t 0810,000. Perpetual and Temporary Policies oo Liberal Terms. The Company also Issues policies upon the Renta of all kinds of RuMdings. Ground Bents and Mortgages. Tho “ FRANKLIN” has ho DIBPUTBIX CLAIM. DIRECTORS. Alfred G. Baker, Alfred Filler. Samuel Grant, Thom as Spark*, Qco.'W. Richards, Wm- B. Grant, lease I.ea, Thomftn 8. Elite, George I'alce, GnetertfeS. Benson. , ALFRED G. BAKER, Preildeat. . GEORGE FADES, Vice President. JAB W.McADDJHTBR, Secretary. THEODORE M. REGER, Assistant Secretary! fe7 tdc3lS . INSURANCE COMPANY NORTH AMEBICI. JA.NUAE.T .1,1870. INCORPORATED 1794. CHARTER PERPETUAL. - ■ ■ 8000,000 - . . 92.783,081 CAPITAL, ASSETS, - losses paid since organist* llou, . . . . . . 923,000,000 Receipts of PrcmlDDifi, 1000,91,991,837 Interest from Investments, 1809, » ■ * • $2,106,534 19 lOMMpald, 1860, - - - $1,035,380 84 STATEMENT OF THE ASSETS. Firßt Mortgage on City Property $763,450 00 United States Government and other Loan Bonds - ........ 1,122,346 00 Railroad* Bank and Canal Stock*,. 55,7(8 00 Cash in Bank and office 247,620 00 Loans on Collateral Security..—.. 32,653 00 Notes Receivable, mostly Marino Pre miums..... 321,944 00 Accrued Interest 20.357 00 Preniinms in course of transmission- 85,193 00 Unsettled Marine Premiums 100,900 00 Real Estate, Office of Company* Philadel* 30,000 00 92*783 £Bl 00 ITOttS. * Arthur G. Coffin, Francis It. Cops, Pamufl W. Jones, ' Edward H. Trotter, John A. Brown, Edward 8, Clarke, Charles Tarlor, - T. Charlton Henry, Ambrose white, - Alfred D, Jessnp, William Welsh, I Louis 0. Madeira, B. Morris Wain, | Chas. W. Onsliman, John Mason, , Clemout A. Griscom, Geo. L. Harrison, William Brockio. AKTHUBO. COFFIN, President CIIA BLEB PLATT, Vice Presit. Matthias Maris, Secretary. C. H . Berths, Ass’t Secretary. T\ELAWAKE MUTUAL. SAFJETYISSO | / HANOI COMPANY, indbrporated by the Legisla- Uture of Pennsyliania, lb*. Office, S.E. corner of THIRD and WALNUT street* Philadelphia. MARINE INSURANCES On Ve BM l«, Freight- to M gart. of tho world On goods by river, canal. lake and land carriage to ah parte of the Union. TIRE INSURANCES * On llerebaudiie generallyson 8 tores. Dwelling*, Houses, Ac. ASSITB OF THB COMPASY *• Rovemner 1» 18W. - $300,000 United States Hire Per Cent. • Loan, ten-f0rtie5....;...: $215,000.01 100,000 United States Sir Per Cent. . ■ Loan (lawful money) 107,750 0C *O,OOO United Sto.es Six Per Cent. _ Loan, 1831 ”... 50,000 00 300,000 State of I’eunsylyanis Six Per „ Cent. Loan ~ 313,950 Ot 3004)00 City of Philadelphia Blx For . Cent Loan ( exempt .from tax)... 200,925 0* 100,000 State of New Jersey Six Per C«nt. Loau n Hw M «w.«» m Hw. <: ;. IOJJBOW 20406 Pennsylvania Railroad* First ■ Mortgage Six Per Cent. Boud*... 19,450 0t 16X00 Pennsylvania Railroad Second .... Mortgage Six Per Gent. Bonds... 23,63530 35X00 'Westeru Pennsylvania Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cent Bond* (Pennsylvania Railroad guar* antee) 80,000 State of Tennessee Five Per Cent. Loan 7JOOQ Bute of Tennessee Six Per Cent. „ - Loan 547000 12X00 Pennsylvania Railroad Com pony, 250 shares stock, 14X00 00 5400 Kortb Pennsylvania Railroad ■ _ Company, 100 shares stock , 5,900 0 104)00 Philadelphia and Southern Mail .. . ■ Steamship Company, SOsharea stock. ........ OO 348,900 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, first liens on City Properties. 248,900 00 Market rolue, 00 Cost, $1,215,623 37. Beal Estate- 554)00 00 Bills Becoirable for Insurance made 823,700 71 Balances due at Agencies—Pre miums on Marine Policies, Ac. crued Interest and other debts due the Company 1 884®7 9# Stock, Scrip, Ac., of sundry Cor porations, 84,705. Eitimiied , „ value.... ..e 2 t tw x Cash in Bank Cash inDrawer....._t. 91A3M00 Pur. DXBJCOTOEB. „ Thomas C. Hand, JobnC.Bavis,, Willmm O. Boultoa, Eduimid E. Souder, • Edward Darlington, Theophilua Paulding, H. Jones Brooke, : James Traquair, Edward Lafottrcude, Henry Sloan. Jacob Rioaol, Henry O. Pallett, Jr., Jacob P. Jonea, * , James C.'Hand, James B.M'Parland, William 0. Ludvig, •! JoshuaP. tyre, Joseph 11. Seal, Spencer Mlban, Hugh Craig, , J. B. Semple, Pittsburg, ; John P. Taylor, . A. B. Berger, Oeorge Vf . Bcrnadou, P; T. Morgan, WilliamC. O,HAND, President. • - , JOHN 0. PAY IS, Tice President. HUNKY PYBBUBN, Secretary. ■ . HENRY BAJLL tj AßßietftQt . delS j A MEBICAN FiBE XNSORAN’CB COM- A_P ANY, incorporated ISIO.-Chartor perpetoalr No' 310; WALNUT street, abovoTtiira, Philadelphia Having a large paiJ-up Capital Stock and Surplus In ‘ verted® sound and available Securities. coutlnue U In.urn on dwellings, stores, furniture, merchandise Tewolsln port, aria tlielr carßoo#. and other persona iwjjerty. adjusted. Thomas B. Marls, Edmund G.Dutilh, John Welsh,' • (HiarlosW. Pcultney, Jo'S'lrlewfr, John'pWh'orlll. . ' THOJUiS B: MABIB, Preside*! ■li umll. Hmwwm. Becratarr. . ipAMK INBUBANOB COMPANY, NO Jj 809 CHESTNUT STREET* pnopnipiriL - petnal or Temporary PoliclM. DULSCTORB. Charles Blchardjon, Wm. H. Bbnwn, William M. Heyrert, John T. Smith, Hathan HU' o .®' t Beorge A. w *g^ ABIIBB WM.H.BI ILLIAMB I. BLAHOH JEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COM PANT of Philadelphia.—Office, No. M North Fifth SSsivsar I wisa are* chandine, on favorable terms- DIB1! Edward P. Moyer ' KV'Skn, I"of^r r F&SS: Ooornel.^'ort, 0 ’ Samuel Miller, W(ll | nm p. Gardner. WITjLIAM McPANIEL. PrMldenl. ISRAEL PKTERBoN,YicePreaident. PHILIP H. Coleman. Beorctarr and Treasurer. The county fire insurance com- PANT.—Office, No, 118 Sooth Fourth street, below * , “ < Tboliro Insurance Company of the County of Phil*- dolphla," Incorporated by thoLeglelatura of P en ?| y itJ' nia m lfel. for indemnity against loss or dpmage by nre, exclusively. oharte e PEEPKTUAt. . an«n*‘M ZneWTor^S fey flre> at the lowest rates consistent with the aoaoinw ’ a & f ? oMlblB “ ll ' r,e I Honry Hudd, •'.■• Edwin h. Iteukirt, , r I Robert V. Masaey, Jr. ‘ JoßophW°orei Mark Devlno. . • ■: Qoorge Mooke, OHA , tLI ); B y. SUTTER, PM«< w County Fire Insurance Company's 8t00k...... {'SKK Mechanics’ Bank 5t0ck......... OB Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock.™- IBflm ea Union MntuaUnsnrance Company’s 5t0ck...... 180 08 Beliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia _ 5t0ck....... ......... •-—* ~“’522 Cash In Bank and on hand......— Jia u Worth at Far.— - Worth »t present market price*..—— DIBBOTOBS. Thotna* 0. HUI, Thoroa* H.Moore, William Mnseer, Samuel Caatner, Bsmnel Blephamr JameeT. Tonnr, Win Stwmwn, Ohrhrtian J. Ho«naa, Benj.W. Tinsler. B. Tho««, . THOMAS O. HlLXi,Pre*li*a*. Wm.Ohdbb, Secretary. - . , Philadelphia* Dflcembof 3?. 19W. TTNITED FIKEMEN’B INStmANOB U COMP AH ¥OP PHILADELPHIA, . fJKB raSBBAHOBIHTHK dTT OP PHIBADBIr Xn»A» . 1 , •*• < OFFIOB—Ho. 7M Archetraot, Fonrth national Bank BulltUn*. diBBQTOSS- . < ’>; ' Alhe7t^js^“"V Jodd - . Henry Bonus. , Junes M ongari, ChoriMjSfga "' WilliamGlonn, SParleMudga, i&aerJ'bick.O..: Albert 0. BoberMj J ,s{“£ Fitapatriek. CONBAD BTANDRESS, PreaideM, W*. A. Bolin. Trees Wm.'H. Fagan. Sec*t. ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COM PANY.-CHARTER PKBPETUAI, . Office' Mo. 311 WALNUT Street, aboveTh rd. Ph lada. Will insure against Loss or Damago by Fire on, BnUd logs, either perpetually or for a limited time, Household Furniture and Merchandise generally. Also, Marine Insurance on Voaao s. OargoM and Freights. Inland ln Kj2jcoTOKB tar ofthe ' Unl<> “'- William Esher, j Levrls Andonrlod, . JohA B. ’ ' i Bamncd Hißothsrmsl. peter Hieg kSHEB, Prosidont. WILLIAM F. DBAiT. VlcoTreildent. Wm. M.BMlTHsSecreUry. unratn■ Tpic pKXNHYXiVANIA FIM . INBU "*■ BANG* OOMPAHY. lB2^-~ ' No. filO WAXiNuT «treeiVopPOßlt« Independence 8oa»j. This Company* favorably Known to tne community w over forty yean, continues to in*ore &£»*&** ‘SSffcZ damage by fire on Public or * Private Buildings* ettjjjt permanently or for a limited time, Also on V Qr ?,y°ff| Stock* of Gooclb, and Merchandise generally* on Ud®** te Their Capital, Wether with a large Burplaa FnnrMJ Invested in the mpß careful manner, which enables th«» to offor to tha insured an undoubted aeouritr in *&• «•» dibfotobs. Daniel Smith, Jr., l^oDevereu* Alexander, Benson, IS«2S?r 52K* 1 * Isaac Heafehurst, HenryLewia Thomas Robins, . DANIEL SMITH. JR., President. WM. Q. OBOWELL, Booretary. apM-P DEJNTIS' ~j=ii THIRTY LEAKS’ ACTIVE PRAC flHffifflr |I I | ' in FINE, No. 219 Vino street, below Third, inserts the handsomest Tenth in the city, nt prices to suit all. Teeth Plugged, roet , ll .,fi" p “ lr Sj; Exchanged, or Remodelled to suit. Gas pain,fa extracting; Office hours, B.to 5. _mli.!ijii,m,tnwnj riPAli DKNTAIiEINA. A SUPERIOR U artiste for cleaning the Teeth, destroying animatcnlw which infcßt them, giving tone to tho & feolinut of fragranco and perfect cleaulinoß# in &n+ mouth. Tit may B bo need daily, and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gum®, and detersivonoss will recoinmend it J”, 0 I“? l i > t n si»J®s" Ing composed with the assistance of dho Bentlat,Bbjsf cl'fns aud Mlcroscoplst, it Is & reliable substitute for the uncertain wasb.es formerly to ‘l, “ ....•'y). , O.H.Needles, ~ B.M» lloColln, T. J. Husband, : 8. G: Bunting! Ambrose Smith, , Chaa. H, Kharis, Edward Parrish, * James N. Mark*. Wm. B. Webb, , E. Bringhurst A Oo.« Jamea li. Blspham, Dyott * Co., Hughoa & Combo, jli. C, Blair'eßonx, Henry A. Bower. ~ . IWvath A Bro. ~ HORSES AND CAIiKIAGKSr __ "STOCE W?*Oim r -, C AK rlagca. including BngKlffii, ffiantSwnd, JMiny Linda. Park amt • **•**“ i( £ bIIkWIv damaged by tbo lata fire at our B« ? osltorj, basaUt Mi ******»%&sfoV&mAii. ! ’l£b43iytoil2tS; v ' /\ ; '“n»**»TO B»Woin#ir»t» Efifl* ' , , CtaarleeP. BoVet, Peter WmiUaeM. v Jowe IliKUtfoOt, Bobert Shoemaker . , Peter Armbrneter,, If .Ha. Dlcktnebn, ; Schell. „ ' k jTON, Preetdent, „ HAWK, Vise: PreeUU**.