Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, March 24, 1870, Image 1
'GIBSON PEACOCK: Editor. VOLUME. 205. WDDING INVITATIONS EN graved in the newest and beat wanner. LOUIS 1 1 REKA, Stationer and Engraver. No. 1033 Chestnut atreet, fii2o tf ~ Thee Richest Lode Diseovered • by 'China. meti...l he Claim of the Chinnuieu ! Junived . sand` 'Three of the A/wooer! ' Billed.-. 1 he Rush , for the New Gold , [Special Whpatch to ttoo San Francisco Ohroniclaj Les ANGELES ' March .14, 8.50 P. 11,1:—The latest reports frein the new gold district aeon/ on the whole confirmatory of the statements before of flit:richness atilt: mines: The • ' Richest Lode Vet Struck, was found by a band of Chinamen, and :wail jumped in the night. In the morning a despe rate fight ensued,when the Chinese were driven away, andethree of their number killed. This was reported on Saturday, and the story of the pf the occurrence is confirmed by paities re turned from the mines this afternoon. Parties are fitting out, and comprise many of our most influential citizeus. The rumors,. sensational and otherwise, are eagerly dis cussed, and old White Fitters and followers of the notable mining excitements of the pasture all getting ready to go. Two stage lines are preparing to run, and will make the distance in two days easily. Banning &- Co.'s fine Con cord stages are to,be run, commencing' on the 16th. Goods and mining tools are being got ready, and tomorrow a larger number, will leave than any day before. Stories of marvel ous riches are told, but as yet lack corrobora tion. The excitement has not more than begun here, and there are hundreds waiting further returns. , • Further Accounts.. • A despatch from Los Angeles, dated March ,! 12. gives the following: 1 Low estimateagive the number ofmen in the mining district at 800, of whom about 600 are front ban Diego: Placer minors find pay ' !dirt , but with no big results ; they are work ing with rockers. The gold seems to be I washed froni the quartz leads, which are rich i and extensive. With the present large force 1 on the ground, it is believed that the placers 1 will - soon be worked out. Prospectors in the I vicinity are abundant, and leads are said to be traceable for miles, with decomposed rock at the surface, from which gold is easily ex: , tracted. The wide range of the diptriet, rend etiti it 101pOtTsIble Fo — give the reSults obtained. Many rich discoveries are said to have been made which are kept secret. I A despatch dated Los Angeles, March 13, assortment : 7 P. M.,says : nr, • . The George Washington Lode. ; This afternoon men in charge of a drove of Styles ' Texas cattle came in direct froth the mines, I and brought some rock from the George Yon , i . ' ,i Washington, taken at random. It confirms ( beyond doubt the richness of the quartz as far ! as sunk (six feet), and similar rock is found in i the San Diego and Melchor claims, all as yet • 1 undeveloped. As high as 52 to - the pan has been taken out near the Washington lode. A JOHN WANAMAKER, I large party of Chinamen, working rockers, make from $2 to .$ - .0 per day in the foot-hilbi FINEST CLOTHING' ESTABLISHMENT, ! and at the headwaters of the San Diego. . - Wagons and stages are running to the mines 1 irom San Diego, a distance of sixty-live miles, and make very slow time—two to three days, aunt charge ' , ...-6. The prospecting for lodes by parties 'spreads for forty miles or more. The nature of the country indicates a rich mineral , ! region. But little work is being done at the Wash.,. l ingten alit' otherlotles other than preparatory. The morniugstage brought the first party from ran Francisco. A I.•orrespoedeut writes from San Diego, tinder date of March 8, as follows : Before this reaches you the quartz rocks of. Messrs. Gower and others will have arrived l 1 in San Francisco, and produced a sensation. I was present when the wagon with the half ton or more of gold-bearing quartz reached its I destination in New San Diego, and it was a 1 igln worth looking at to see the people rush ( ing for a look at the precious stall IA ithin an i hour after the arrival of the " rocks" every ! vehicle which was obtainable had been en gaged by parties eager to locate in the New El Dorado. The discoverers said - there was 1 any quantity of the same kind of country to prospect in. 1, i Plenty of ledges, and plenty of grass, wood, 1 and water in the vicinity. From present pros . , reds, there seems to be no doubt of the ex ' istenee of rich quartz mines and plenty of paying diggings in this county, which should no longer be classed among the " cow counties' Since the arrival of the quartz of Messrs. (lower and.others the two San Diegos al .^ being depopulated at a rapid rate, goods of every description are being seat for ward, and business looks up wonderfully. On Mooday . a. rich specimen was brought to New San Diego, about a foot square, the value of which was variously estimated at from 5.150 to 5660. This, of course, did not less the enthusiasm of the people, who are really gold mine mad. National City is left without population, and if Horton is able to finish his 'huge hotel in Newtown without importing a fresh lot of workmen, he will be lucky. It is reported that Chinamen are being driven from the mines, and also that a tight had already takenplace in consequence, several Chinamen `Ana iitlieni being ki lied. • MARRIED. TAXIAS-1111:7.---01) the 234 itaitaat, by Day. Dr. Ritd dards', ?fir. Wm. ft. Lueaa to Mina Mary Ella, Fry, all of DI D. ' CADIHJEF.-00 Fourth-day morning, the 23d inst., Joel Cadbury, in th friendsar able ago. 11 le radices and are Invited to attend the to- Meral. from ble late residence, Chelten avenue, German town, on Seventh- day afternoon, the 26th instant, at 4 opot: 'clock. Carriages will , meat the 3.16 train at the De • • • FIONSTMANN —On the 231 instant. in ROMO. Eallte. second daughter of Sig nand and Elizabeth W_. Iferatmann. LUKENS.--On the 224 instant, at his residence; ply. Muth, Pa.. Reuben Lukens, formerly of Philadelphia, in the 71st year of We ago. : • The relatives andfriende of the family ere Invited to attend his funeral, on Sixth-day. 29th inetant, at 1e5.4 o clock A. hl. Conveyancee will be at Conshohocken to meet the 9 o'clock A. M. train from Philadelphia, Ninth and Green Interment at Laurel Hill: PENNINGTON .—on the 23d lust.. Ann I. Kennedy, 'widow of the late Alex. C. M. Pennington, end daughter of the late Robert Kennedy, Esq. Funeral service at 912 Spruce atreet,to-morrow (Fri day) morning, at 8 o'clock A. M. Interment at Newark, New Jersey." SPKINGER.—On the 23-I lost., Theresa L., daughter of Emanuel end the late Theresa Springer, in the Itth year of her ago. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral. from the residence of her Sather, 1935 Wallace street, on Friday morning, 2`411 inst.. at 12 o'clock. • THOMPSON.—At Wheeling, West Virginia, March 1)1" tyoludd pneumonia. Edwatd Thompson. D.D.. J.L.D., Bishop of the Mothodist Episcopal Church, aged gilt ears. pRABODY BLACK MOHAIR. • . , EYRE & LANDELL. FOURTH and ARCH 'street', HNEP ALL TRH BEST BRANDS. BLACK ALPACA MOHAIRS, DOUBLE CHAIN ALPACA. SPECIAL NOTICES. S 11 I N OVERCOATS. s very tame and very beautiful e w Spring. 818 and 820 Chestnut Street. IU. THE AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF rHILA.DELPIIIA. OrquOzed 18W BOARD OF THUSTEEt; llon. James Pollock. Ex Go% ernor of l'eutsylvania, Pirecter of J. P.Agsr Thutnson, Prtsideut Pennsylvania Ilsilroad, Vat; S. 'Third stre.-t Georga ?ingest, Gentleman. residence. flertuantovrtr. A hurt G. !Lobel ts. Presokut Fourth N u t_ B ati k . T'hilip 11. 31i ogle, Seed Alerchant, 103 Market street. HOD. Ate v.. enttell. U. S Senator. . . lease stielhuret. Attorney at Law.6os Walnut fire. t. L. M. Whilhltn. blerchan L.% and 2: Sonth Front ti tree t Henry B. Bennett. 31erchtint,7t5 South Fourth R reel. George W. Bill. Ex•Pretident SON enth Nat. Bunk. James L. Olaghorn. Pre.ddent Comnvnial Nat. Bank. John Wanarnaker, Oak Hall Clotting 'house, ald and F-72 1111!)ZUMI TUE AIIERIA7AN i11F12...$ policies on all desirable plane at low rates, and f,r Fecnrlty and promptness in writing losses Is unsurpassed by any Company iu the 'United States S. E. corner Fourth and Walnut Streets. ALEX. WHILLDIN, Pre intent. JOHN S. WILSON, Secretary. Iteliable men wanted am A ptentm. 10* ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, 1025 OHESTNUT'Street. • SHERIDAN'S RIDE, TILE GREATEST BATTLE PAINTING OF THE AGE, BY • T. BUCHANAN READ. (Author of the Poem.) FOURTH WEEK OF THE EXHIBITION. GALLERIES THRONGED DAY AND EVENING. • OVER 304300 VISITORS. The point chosen by the Artist for the illustration or the subject ie where _ •'With foam and with duet the black charter w as gray; By the Sash of his es:e and the red nostril's play, He seemed to the whole great army to say . 'I bare hrotoebt yon Sheridan all the war From 'Winchester down to sato the day ! Chromoot in size 90z.25 inches) now ready. Price, P, ADMISSION 25 CENTS. Including the entire valuable collection of the Academy. Open from 9A. M. to . ti P. M., and from to /0 P. M. mh2l tf ' THE THIRD ANNIVERSARY OF tbel:nung People's Asoelation of the Spring Garden FrOshyterian (Mural. Eleventh street, :Spring Garden, will be held THIS t Thursday) EVEN IN(I o'clock, Addreatie,t• v, be delivered by Ites - f3lorrbi G. Sutphen. of New York, and Rev. B. L. _Agnew, of this city. All are Invited. IV:COLFAX:-WILSON-ROW ARD GEARY. ACADEMY OP MUSIC, TO-MOR EVENING. Doors open at 6}s o'clock. - Musical (trek-tura by McClurg's Liberty Silver Cornet Band. Speaking begins at,73,, o'clock. Admission Cards, Arch street. iu• 1109 GIRAIID STREET. 1109 ITRICISH. RUSSIAN AND PERFUMED BATE'S Deportnr , nts for Ladled Baths open from 6 A. M. to 9 P. M. lon HOWARD HOSPITAL, NOS. 151il and Ib2o Lombard Weer, Dioensary Department. —Medical treatment and medicine furntehed gratuitouidy to the poor. [up pilgribi THE crowDed in niGhtly. EarlY GO or stand YOU mu6T.: mlt223t tp§ GO TO THE PILGRIM TO-NIGHT. AMUSEMENTS. See page for additional Notices RECONSTRUCTION EXTRAORDI NARY. Tilt GREAT ORA WION CIRCUS 'laving been reconstructed for the great Spring and • SusamerSOUTIIERN and WESTERN TOUR of • 1870, WILL REOPEN at TENTH and ' CALLWIL Steets iu A GRAND SERIES O OF H GORGEOUS SCENIC DIS• PLAYS, 4.)11 SATURDAY AFTERNOON, 2iith inst., at 2 o'clock, And continue EVERY EVENING until THURSDAY EVENING, 31st inst. SECOND AND LAST M ATINEE 2 o'clock on WED-EDA. AFTERNOON,3OtIi inst. Don't fail to visit the great Migrating Show. Admission, 25 elk.; Children, under 10 year 6, 15 cis.; Reserved (Maim 50 eta. each. 3t9 TILE COUR.TS. SUPREME COURT—Chief Jiutice Thompson, and Justices Agnew,Sbarswood and Williams. —Judgments were entered in the following cases this morning: Church vs „ Ridand.Errorto' C R 'of .Luzern e county. 'Judgment affirmed,: ' - • • Commonwealth vs. Dillen. Rule to show cause why amendment should: not be allowed. Rule discharged , , . I . • , " • ' . . it ..,•.. ~ . • ~,..... .„.. .. .._.... , ~. . . ~... ~ ~ r. ~ ~... • ", ' ' + ,' ' ' ' ' . . , ... , . . . , ~ . p . , . . I.' . ... . .. , .. . . 4 t . , ..., • ,-• . . , . . , ... .. - . • , .; • . . . . Itwolite 1869, 51.157,1,K'; 14 wh24 tli N tulZtry Inh lb Gtrp THE NEW GOLD . DISCOS , EDAM BRIGIIMVS LAST DAYS. Affairs in Mornionclunt--Tbe New Ele• rent In the Church. , A Salt Lake City.correspondent of the Tri built-, writing of the . supposed intentions of the Mormons to leave Utah, says: Brigham secs that from the attrition of the world - his people: are growing and bursting the shackles on their limbs. As for himself, lie is not the man to change. He may die, but he will die Brigham. Now he has sworn by all the gods Le Worships that he never will submit to dictation from the outside in the matter °of polygamy or anything else he deems religion. He has psychologized a part Ofhis people, so that they think his thoughts and o his will. What proportion of them ?, About one-eighth of the men are polygamists, and lrl,ooo would be a large estimate of the number of their able-bodied men.. Some of these have been careful not to violate the anti-polygamy law of I&; 2, and as it' is not presumable that any possibly action of the Government can trouble those who vio lated no existing law in entering on the prac tice of polygamy, they will not Joe forced to tlee. So that 2.000 would 'be a liberal estimate of those straightest of their sect who would be likely, in any event, to follow Brigham to, the new and ..More . iso lated " Zion." And that about that num ber should do it, does seem probable, in case the law should be enforced. It is understood that the School of the Prophets, whore public policy is most and most secretly discussed among them, has concluded that if the Cullom bill passes and is enforced, it will be best for such as cannot stand the pressure to quietly withdraw southward, and " woe," they say, "to any who shall dare to follow them." Elder •ViToodrier, one p oi' the Apostles, said, in a sermon pot .long since, that 4e : woeld, not have to flee to tscape the la*, even lithe Cul loin bill should pass, because he had taken no additional wives since the passage of the anti-polygamy law 0f1562. It stands to reason, if reason may , be applied' to a people who would seem to have taken leave of it, that few who are not amenable to the law will join in " vamosing thp ranch.'! , The number who are amenable to the law cannot exceed With them would go the iron reign of terror Brig ham has maintained in the' mountains for 20 'years; and the trehlY'oath ,, boinad priestbood,:. which embraces every manand woman in the Church, and . accontits for:Yheiv Unity,: would soon crumble from the sturdy blows, of men who have for a score of years felt US liron in their souls. The Blood Atonement. The Mormons are fanatics. Their Mind:Tare darkened' by the terribledoctrine of blood atonement. The enli4litened world' rout not PHILADELPHIA, ,THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1870. 1;e able to believe it, but their' published tits; courses are full of it. How far it has been practictd it would be difficult to determine. here lave been schisms in the Church before, one started by Gladden Bishop in 1853, and one by Morris, ten years or so later. Each, drew some followers,' Morris as tria,ny as t.)€o, but they were all driven from the country . ors exterminated. • The ' thunders of the. Clinrch, the proscription of society, the timehinery of the law. and the rancor of a fanatical, militia were all invoked' fo crush them. Brigham said, on the first oc; easiest, "Rather than that apostates should flow ish -Imre, I will Onsheath my bowle4rnife and conquer ordie,".at which there was great commotion in the congregation and a simul taneous burst of feeling assenting to the de clarations.'" Now, you nasty apostates," con tineud he," clear out, or judgment will be laid VD the lino and righteousness to the plummet. ('Voices generally, 'Go it! • Go it !'J If you say it 18 right, raise . ..your hands. [Ail hands 1114. Let us callnon the Lord to assist Inc in this and every good work." As to the doctrine of blood atone ment, Ilrigbani said on one occasions "Do you think it would be any sin to kill me if I were to break my covenants? Do you believe you would kill Itte if I broke the covenants Of Cod and you had the spirit of God? Yes, and the more spirit of God I had the more I should strive to save.yOur soul 'by spilling your blood when you had committed sins that could not he remitted by baptism." 'lhese quotations are from Brighani's dis- COUTBeB, as reported and published by the Church Paper, the Deseret Neu,-s. They pre cisely illustrate the spirit of the man and the people rrom year to year continually. I 'quote them to show what the present schismatics, Go:Abe & Co., have to fear. They live, now, only by Brigham's sufferance. The sword of Damocles is impending over them, but if it does not fall while Brigham is absent ; if it' is not dropped in a spirit of revenge or "saintly lave ;" if by the I'rovidence of God, and possibly of the Government, they shall live through the contemplated passage of the Cullombill, and the hegira of the polygamists n V _then - -will t..h-e- smsale..L"-.- J msuiii cal order of priesthood be destroyed by their sturdy blows. The English and Scotch Elders, men who began to preach Mormonism a quarter of a century ago, when they Were young and en thusiastic, and before liolygamy had been en grafted nn it, who converted and baptized tour-fifths of the people of Utah, - who have traveled with them, slept with them, eaten and drunk and prayed With theta who h ave . italliSheti the human material of the King dom.. of Brigham, yet who have been sup-' pres.sed by that potentate,and his. Yankee as sedates, broken on the wheel,shelved,cru.shed, the fruits of their labors perverted to their own enslavement—these are the men, l' who, faOnsi by circumstances, have attempted to be heard in their own cause. They are in the prime of life, while Brigham and his set are tottering on the Drink of the grave: They are the bone 'and sinew and nerve and brain of 3formondorn Among them are ?i,OOO missionaries.. Let the Godbe leaders be relieved of the constant fear of assassination which haunts them. and let them get the willing ear of their brethren by blood, by common associations, by age. sYnt patliv, intereia, hope and ambition, and Utah would be advanced a• years in as many months. Sonie of them openly denounce poly gains-now, and all of, there say they are willing it sh - ould stand ortitiS OWA merits, admitting, iff• pressed, that it has none to stand on. Four fifths of those who follow them are pronounced earnest anti-polygamists IRE; MINERSVIItaiXPLOSION. The Particulars by Nail. • The Pottsville Miners' Journal of yesterday upplies the following details of a sad disaster already mentioned by telegraph: Yesterday morning a temble disaster oc curred at the colliery of the Wolf Creek Dia mond Coal Company, near Minersville, by which three boys were hurried into eternity, and eleven other persons, men and boys, were • injured, the majority of them dangerously. The following are the particulars . of the mel ancholy occurrence as furnished to us by our M nersvi Ile correspondent: Yesterday morning, at a quarter to seven o'clock,one of the boilers at the breaker-of the Wolf Creek Diamond Coal Company,on Wolf creek, , about a mile above Minersville, ex ploded with terrible force. The who/o build ing in which the boilers were was completely demolished, the mason work in and around it torn down and scattered in every direction, wbi.e two of the boilers were thrown over, and the third, the one causing the disaster, was carried a distance of fully one hundred yards and landed on the railroad near the switch leading to what is generally known as Seviel's Breaker. Large stones composing the mason work of the boiler-house - were hurled.around on all sides. • One stone.weigh-. ing.probably one hundred and fifty bound.s, 'was found on the railroad about 'MS; yards be low where the boiler lay. The heavy wood work composing the frame of the bnilding was scattered around, tore and splintered into mere shreds. Three bolts Were insta.tiSly„, killed. by being either Fcalded or crusheil by the stones or tim ber, while live men and six boys beside were more or less injured, and others escaped with slight scratches, some of them escaping so narrowly that it appears almost miraeulotw. The cause of the explosion is not yet known, but will probably be discovered in the course of the Coroner's investigation. It is truly surprising that so few were killed when the fact is taken into consider,ation that it pceurred a few minutes_ before the regular hour for commencing work and when the inert and boys bad Collected around the boiler house as is customary before starting to work. The list of killed and wounded, as far as learned, is as follows: Cook, Richard flennesy, Jobu Kelley. Wounded—Jacob Molle, man. badly bruised; Michael Given, man, leg broken and otherwise badly injured; John Sheatfer, man, bruised about the breast; John Sheaffer, son, hands badly scalded. and revere scalp wound, besides other bruises; John Coombs, man, slightly scalded and bruised : JacOb'Preller, engineer, very badly scalded and otherwise, injured ; Christian We .aver, boy, hand crushed and head cut in different places ; Alexander Leybach, boy, leg broken, body badly bruised and head and face cut; Thomas Campbell, boy, badly injured; Bernard no ban, boy, severely scalded; John Racal°, boy, arm broken and leg • severely bridSed. The dead were immediately removed and the wounded promptly attended.. by Grs. Ileiwig and Beach. • The boilers were three in number, and had been 'carefully examined on ! Sunday, when they were pronounced in first-rate 'order. The outside one, which exploded, as it now lies on the railroad, leeks as though it had been recently repaired, and the iron, at the end blown oft; appears to be of the best kind, though the end was torn oft almost as evenly as if out off. • ' • One boy sitting ontsidel the boiler-house was thrown some ten feet and landed on the dirt bank; another was tbrOwn about twenty feet and fell in the snow, both fortunately being more frightened than hdrt. .-LThe i'uileries are •in .such a dilapidated condition that upward of one hundred mil lions francs are required to make the neces sary repairs. As the Corps Legislatil, owing to the precarious condition of the French finances at the present juncture, would hardly he found 'willing to appropriate so large a sum fort that purpose, the Imperial family may, perhaps, ;neve, from , the Tuileries to the • ' • ' OUR WHOLE COUIVTRY. THE OINKING OF ST. 30i1M UABBOR. Extraordinary Phenotoelion --.. Dhow. pearance of Mailmen and Ferry Land. ings•-hobterranean Changea. [From the St. John, Telegraph, March 18.) Yesterday morning, just before the commence ment of the snow storm, and as the wind was rising so as to be heard within doors, a strange noise, similar to that accompanVing the earth quake on the morning of the 22d of October last, was beard by .the residents of the lower end 'of Protection street, Carleton. The storms of last fall and those of the winter have made great havoc in that vicinity, and not only has the breakwater been carried away and buildings removed from their foun dations, but the sea has washed away land and encroached so much imon „property as to make the residents of the neighborhood uisplay more than usuMl'interest in each approaching gale. The noise referred to, as its rumbling ceased, roused many from their beds, who, on going down to the harbor , found that • A Startling Change had taken place in the appearance of the land and wharves.' The tide was nearly down, aud, though it was quite darks it could be seen that the old ferry landing, which should be several feet above - water, had vanished. Messrs. Lit tlehale & Coram's wharf—better . known as Coram's Wharr—bad nearly disappeared. It had beeltpiied with deals, which belonged to Messrs. Seammell Brothers, and that part of the wharf on which the deals were did not break down as though the bottom on which it rested had been washed out, as at first sup posed; hnt a piece about . .ariO feet broke off and settled squarely down into the.water, and the whole mass, with the top of the wharf be neath and the deals remaining upon it, floated away into the harbor, where it was picked uji yeSterday by Mr. James Stackhou.se aid his men. A. frontage.several hundred feet in ex tent, running from the line of the demolished wharf towards the breakwater, has gone down, leaving a steep embankment sloping towards the harbor. About midway along this new embankment, and less than one hun- 7.===ourit - , - ioicythei harnor; is rue place where the old ferry landing was. On this spot Soundings were made by Mr. Joseph O'Brien, Mr. Clark and others, last evening, and where the old ballast or reef was the •day before, rising above the water eight feet, they fOund six fathoms of water, showing that even so near the shore as that the bottom had settled just thirty-two feet. :Near where the portion of - the wharf settled away, or where a mode rately sized vessel used to ground at low water, there is now between six and seven fathoms at low tide. One of Messrs.. Adams's• buoys, moored about four or five hundred feet from the shore, had disappeared, and last • evening, when the tide was at its lowest level, the current was just showing a ripple over the top of it. As the tides rise and fall about 30 feet in St. John harbor, and the chain of this buoy. bad several fathoms of scope, it may he inferted that the bottom sank as much as nine. or ten fathoms at this point. . . So Mr as could be ascertained, yesterday • after the blinding snow -storm subsided, it was thOught that at the sUrface of 'the harbor-bed a portion extending over an area of, perhaps, three- acres, had ' been affected. It would not be surprising if, with the swift current or the harbor, the bre.ak - Water on the east side 'Would become affected in time. There will also be a failing away of additional portions, of. Sand Point for sometime tp come. It was thought, before soundings, were made,_ and the falling tide revealed the - extent of the ehanges ma.de. that the "slide" was caused by the shifting of sand which bad washed - over the bar, but that theory is now exploded, and the fact fully established that the phenomenon was caused by some subterranean action beneath the spot aMcted so materially. An Interiiie* David McCrae 'is furnishing the Glasgow ;Scotland) Herald with a series of interesting sketehes.of American men and women. He 'described his first interview with General - Lee as follows.: When I got back to the hotel 1 found that Lee, who was aware of my coming, had al ready (with the.courtesy so conspicuous among a class of Americans) sent his servant to in quire it I had arrived, and to say that he would like to see me at the college. " On going there after breakfast, I was taken up stairs and shown into the room set aside for the use of the College President. " A noble-looking man, dressed in gray mili tary coat, who Lad been writing at a table near the window, son as I entered. He was tall, straight, and soldier-like, with crisp . hair turning white ; short-trimmed - beard, pointed at the chin,anddark imperial-looking eyes,very keen 'and searching. It was Robert E. Lee, the old Confederate commander. . . "As the first words of greeting passed be tween us, there wart a hidden sadness in his look which impressed me painfully. Be was suttering from ill-health at the time; but it was not a look of physical pain. Perhaps it was only my feeling, hut it seemed as if the shadow of thepast was over him-:--as if you could read behind the vigilance of his dark eyes the fate of the:Sonth. and of the niyriad who lay sleep ing on thethattle-fields. " When' I was seated be began to inquire where I bad been in the South, and about my journey Up—smiling - at the somewhat doleful account I had to give him of my experience in the stage from Goshen. n He said there Was another road I might have taken—the one from Stanton. lint they say whichever road you take, you wish by that you had taken the other.' Be had been twice by the Goshen road on horseback. The scenery was very grand. He began to speak about Scotland, and said :—• Yon will meet with many -of your I:ountrymen here. The Valley of Virginia is peopled withScotch-Irish—people who have come from Scotland by way of Ireland. They are a tine race, They have the courage. and determination of the Scotch, with the Irish dash and intrePidity. They make fine soldiers.' " Ile said it was an okl wish of his to visit this country; but it would never be realized now. Stonewall Jackson had been in Scot land before the war. Ile had heard him speak of it. "When some reference was made to the odds against which the South had fought, and the want there was of, accurate statistics, .1 told him it was understood he was preparing a history of the war himself. . . " I have bad that in view,' he said : but the time is not come for an impartial history. If the truth were told just now it would not be ,credited.! '' When the books that had already ap peared were spoken. of, and I mentioned one, the pro Of-sheet of, which, it was asserted, had; be en Subinitted to General Grant and' himself` for revision, he said: is a mistake. I have never read a history of the war, nor the raphrof any Man engaged in it. My own life has been. written, but I have not looked into it.' He added, after a pause, do not wish to, awaken memories of the past' "He spoke highly Of . Sherman's abilities —said Sherman had always been a good sel- "He seemed flinch gratified when .1 , told him of the estiination in which he and Stonewall Jackson bad beenAreld Xrom the first by the British . . people,: irrespective 'altogether, of N orthern and Sonthern sympathies,. He mid i , after a pawie,' arioksonlies in the Presbyterian liurying-gromut, at tic other extrernlty. of Lexington," .!2; ' Area Affected. IL E. LEE. the Ex-Hebei Chieftain. PARAIairAY IN RITINS. , Horrible Fitate of A ff airs a t. Asuncion.— 'Jibe Position of Marshal Lopez. -Nut u brull to be,Voruxl In the^ Towns.-. The . Hormen lutuibilng Down..-Alisery AU • Around. The steamer Merrimac, from, Rio Janeiro by way of Bt. Thomas, arrived at New :Rork Tuesday. . • . . There has been a terrible row in Asuncion, which for a time threatenvl the very existence of the Paraguayan government. It' appears that a Portuguee sailor was arrested for at, tacking a poor Paraguayan woman inthe mid dle of the day at the battery. The Captain , of the Port had the fellow locked up, but soon. after a gang of about fifty Austrians, P.ortu guese and Italians, all armed, marched upon , the Capitania, and t demanded the distant re-. lease of .the Portuguese. Captain Ferreira, the Paraguayan Captain of the Port, refused indignantly, . but this . nearly , cost hilt' his life The sailors swore they, would pull down the Capitania and shoot the Port -Cap tain and all his men if he did not instantly ac ted° to their demand; they shouted out death to Paraguay, and death to the Paraguayan' government, and actually seized upon thellag staff, cut it down, pitched the Rag into the street, and would probably have carried out their threat had not a Brazilian officer, seeing the row, riished out wrtlia picquet of twenty five men and charged upon the mob; the sail ore dre* their revolvers, and some two or three of the Braiilian soldiers were wounded, also - some: of the sailors, but the Brazilian officer soon succeeded in getting the better of the rioters and making prisoners of the leaders; they werdait once taken in irons to the Policia, where they now are. The state of things in the rural districts of Paraguay is something which defies description. Gangs or deseiters and hungry Paraguayans keep prowling about. Poverty Everywhere. .i.aveling through even the suburbs of the city is at present dangerous. The poverty that prevails throughout the country baffles imagi nation. There are thousandsliving upon roots 1.1.1 - y I:411 %1.1L11.7. - ' - AL lta, Itagua, and all the other towns, there is scarcely a soul to be found; the houses of the towns are tumbling, and, in ono word, Para guay is one vast ruin. Not for several genera tions will the country recover itself. StarVillff 'Women. There are some 1 1 .0,000 Paraguayan - women all stopping about Asuncion, in the vain hope of getting down to Buenos Ayres or Monte video. Every vessel leaving here takes its quota. Lopez. The news from the seat of war is as contra- dictory as ever. The prevalent opinion is that Lopez is now inaccessible in the remote Moun tain ranges of Yagatimi,Where he has still sbmo tbousanils of followers, and is provided with supplies by the Caingua Indians. Re is pro bably short of arms and ammunition, but the Brazilians seem to have little chance of bring ing the war to a speedy termination, either by following him up actively or, by. starving him our. In theAltement of Susanna CeSpedes; aged Mars, a widow. who has a son and nephew bolding commands under Lopez, occurs the following : The Caeique Galianollad arranged with Lopez for an interview at the next new moonthe former as well as the other chiefs of theCaingua and Tembiquay tribes are not, allied to Lopez, but rattier disposed towards the •Braziliali", and treat the women very kindly. • 'The southern, tribes of Cainguas, however, have giVeit Stipplies and assistance to Lopez. The unfortunate women at arpadin• had to eke 'out a subsistence from bitter oranges, cocoanuts, and occasional supplies brought them by the Indians in exchange for what little jewelry they had remaining. Most of the women, however, had already parted with their jewels, giving them for safe-keep ing to the l'rench and Italian consuls, MM.' Cuverville and Chapperon. The number of women still detained at Espadin is very large. THE CONNECTICUT ELECTION. The Tickets and Chanees 1 The annual State election in Connecticut I occurs on Monday, April 4. Thus far the can- I , vacs has been conducted with moderation on both sides, no exciting issues of a local nature haling arisen. The Republicans, however, are in earnest, and the prospect of their suc cess seems encouraging. So far as the respec tive platforms of the two parties can make it so, the contest is put squarely upon the national issues between RepubliCatitsiil and Democracy, the former championing the policy of Congress, and the latter asserting, with Bourbonic obstinacy, the doctrine of State sovereignty, resistance to reeonstrue tion and the Fifteenth Amendment, and oh struction generally. It would seem to he rather latein the day to be contending for such i accomplished issues ' and we cad only account for it by recalling the past, and assuming that Connecticut Democracy of to-day is the ghost of the Hartford Convention. The following are the tickets which have been put in nomination: . . Reirubllemi. _De mocr al i , ,. • 6'ecernor—Marshal Jewell. .Jas. E. English. Lie tit: Gun.--Morris Tyler. .1. Hotchkiss. ,St3t. of ,Stottli. Appleman. T. H. Waller. 'Fre:esti/Tx—David Y. :Nichols. Chas. M. Point. Controlife—J. W. Manning.. SCth S. Logan. In addition to the all4ive., a new Legislature is to be chosen, to consist of twenty-one Sena tors and 238 members of the lower House. The present Senate. consists of fourteen Re publicans and seven Democrats: and the House of 14 Republicans and 108 Democrats. The State administration is Republican, having been elected last year by majorities ranging from 411 on Governor, to 2,200 on other candidates. The contest for Governor Was between the same candidates last year as now,and was very active and close. It is thought that this year Gov. Jewell's ma jority will be materially increased. If the re, cent result in New Hampshire is to beacceptett as a reliable indication of political sentiment, in New England it may safely be counted upon . that' the sceptre has passed from the Dem ocracy in its ancient stronghold.—N. Y. riinc. • UNIVERSAL AMNESTY. Proclamation to be issued_ The President has prepared, and will, send to Congress, as soon as Georgia and Texas are admitted, a message reef:unmet - Wing that 'Uni versal Amnesty he declared, and restorite , their civil rights to all engaged in the I'f:chef: lion. who come forward and ask them. Jt is a message which the country will gladly hail, anti the results of which will be far-reaching anti beneficent. The Senate should show its disposition to ty Weenie the measure by at once admitting the only two. States which remain unreconstructed. Then, with every State once more represented in the National. Congress, every citizen a voter, and every rebel forgiven, We shall be ready, as a united people, to pay our debt, robuild our waste place:,,and renew our career of magnificent materiprosperity. —Tribl/Wh —A Parisian Countess lateDr lost , two val uable diamonds from her necklace: They NI . ere iound in the Street by awantin,who traded them to one of his fellows for a pocket-knife; the second boy played atniarbles with them, lost one in a gutter, and gave the other to a servant who showed it to her inistress,ajewel er's Wife, Who recognized it as belongtng to the Countess; who was one of her husband's easterners: Afterwards the other diamond was discovered in the conducter leading to the sewer, the boy indicating the spot where Ito had lost it. • All of us are not so Micky. F. I. FEMERsta. PRICE THREE CFI,IsTri SANTO DOMINGO: . Opposition to Annexation--COMrpfir. to Overthrow lluez--.11 ow the' Efeit- , lions were 111 1tuaged--4 Chosree for, Stollfiur. • ' * PORTO, PLATTIC, March freSfir: out break, has just occurred hero between,JhOl government 'mops and 'those of the p ope who 'are' dissatisfied with the andexationl scheme, resulting in the loss of life beforigthet; , rioters could be subdued. A very strongfegl-'' ing against Baez and annexation is show , ing.‘, itself hero i sm" in San Domingo City a n.arty ; lial been formed against the government.. •A, (Wire,•, spiracy to overthrow it was discovered 4)11Frill time to prevent its being fully successfill. . • number of suspected persons have - beiin , 'arr-:-' ; rested and thrown into prison, many of. them.: leaving their faMilies utterly destitute. .Cott- lidenee in the annexation scheme is 'Tel: much shaken, and: it-is feared, shouldit• 1 610. carried out, serious, results will. ensue., The Po , • election returns are not yet complete, but suotv; as-have been . received show a very large rha- . 7 jority in favor of annexation, although -the ‘v manner of voting, which is prescribediby de- eree, - would seem to give a 'capital chance, for.: ballot-box stuffing. The decree orderi that a register be opened in every province, district; and military station of the republic ; for tire., - purpose of inscribing the names and titles of the voters who - will sign therein, expressing • their vote for or against annexation ; but, in case the voter is not capable, of signing Ads .name, it is to be done for him by one of the • government officials. , The voting being done, the original document is to be forwarded to thegovernment under the seals and certificates of the officer') of the district or town Where' • the vote is taken. A commissioner; to 'carry these returns to the United States Govern-, menti will sail in a day or two, in the United States steamer Nantasket, which has been placed at his disposal, for Havana or Key .• West. BUTTER FROM MILD. A London letter-writer has the following curious information : Not long ago I wrote that some ingenious man had bee,u concocting various sorts of wine from tea-leaves, and soon 'after I men tioned the prosecution of a grocer for adul terming the tea he sold with the sweepings of his shop. As if this were net enough, we have now what I think is the most reinark aide case on record. A certain analytical chemist has succeeded in extracting what, is described as "a pure, white fat, tasteless and perfectly: inodorous." from no less a sub stance than the mud taken from. the river. Thames: - Of all the horrible compounds in the world, Thames mud IS certainly the most loathsome-and revolting: Mud IS mud, to ' some extent, the world over, but the mud.of . . the riyerTharues is ordinary mud combined with every 'other filthy substance ever created .by:nature er eoncocted by.man. :There .no' doubt abont the chemist's - success, for the re sult of his ingenuity has been seen and tested by numerous competent and-Scientitic persons. But the -worst is not yet toldt This ingenious • chemist exhibits one specimen which, with, the addition of • a little salt and color ing matter, so 'closely resembles Turd first-class ' butter that it Li impqs 7 . Bible for ordinary persons' to detect the dilibr-, cues. There is soniethi lig very dreadful about.' the thought of this, and one of the paperS 'has still further alarmed the public by stating.th4, . a certain Well-known factory building on the 'river bank has been taken b`y a company for ' -the purpose of 'working the new discovery ou a large scale, and that they have already eon tracted with the Board of Works for all the mud raised by the dredging machines in the Thames. The enterprise will no doubt have,_ the patronage of Mr. John Bright, who cati-„ - not fail to.uphold the proposed obliteration of • butter as be has that of other articles. DANISH WEST INDIES. The Question or Annexatton—Benotits of the Action to the United Suites. ST. Citoix, Saturday, March 12, 1870.--As many Americans seem to take a kindlY' in terest in the Danish West India Islands, in a lack of hurtling news you may not object t& bear something of the views of, their inhabit-. ants. They argue that it is now some two or , three years since they were told that they were sold to the United States, and as yet , everything remains in a state of uncertainty.. This deranges all-business, checks operations,. and places them in a most .disagreeable past-. lion. They have the right to complain that. the United States Senate does not say oithetZ yes or 1.10.. The United States need not fear that thy, island would ever he a burden to the Treasury. This small island alone would pay. to the Federal Government a revenue of over a. half a million a year over the expenses of go veer ing it. We would send thorn over 10,000 pun cheons of rum a year,which, itt Sala puu cheon. excise tax, Would be $5()0,000. Other taxes, one cent a pound on sugar, import .dutiOt i , stamp tax, income tax, LS: e., would more than-, pay' the expense of governhient, which woutt he small. There would be required, p a small garrition of one or two cot - imam Les. Fur localmatters, schools, roads, police, thet people would tax themselves and pay. „ _ The ridiculous exaggerations which , get some American papers about volt4encis Ara earthquakes make the people laugh. They 46 ib nothing volcanic in the formation- of the , islands, nor is there a volcano within 7a.any hundred Miles of us., In the past two , or three years earthquakes seem to have beeneuriciuSly traveling about the world, and in pinces. - vithere, apparently they bave.tlo business. : An Nizrwem:- her, 1867, we were visited with taahal r, fob lowed by that curious phenomenon at,,earth quake wave, which threw a Uiitetl4§tates man-of-war 'ashore here (she was afteward. launched). No earthquake was ever ITSIOWn . here before to (Wally damage, and the• island is no more liable- to have such ex*rience again than Boston is. The inhabitants of the island haste now,- • been,we may say, standing on one ovexi,L two years, and they feel that they )iii,rn the, right to ask the United States Se , astto to In3e them out of this state of uucertaintyr,,antt jia4t. say yes or no to that treaty. If they go over to the States Ails isljl ' would be the gem of the West•Aidies anla, • credit to the flag, and the people, I •niay r.af, are unanimous for the change.— Lbw. THE. INDIANS IN CANADA- now They are, Tree.ted It is painfully evident that us k not understood. We may losti,i;or3ething,: on the subject from our Northern. neighbors.. It may be remembered that the tii.oiroz otrqect to talt, up the Winnipeg 4. - iiesv..on otu ttic* , Canadian point of view; and thafr minion authoritie , tavonz.b4 - consi'dered-thii„. appointment of a genuine :rod wr i a,u,ap, g p riera t director of Indian tale Northwest; the individual in n uestio4---Dr. Oanniyatelchai---- • being 11 - 1 Indian Chief and-an 'ed'teated,,gontle,, : man of rare talents amt: finuy,iw . : aece , papustt., ments. Quite recently, in shin, two children were lost, An. a , Snow-drift,. and must have perished bob .t 3 nr. their disco Very and . rescue at the hands lef one of these • " savages," who t0.,•, - k -theta to his wigwath, whore hissquaw gp.ve th4sit the kindest and : • most careful attetnuon; the next mortiing the residoucp of : the Indian had. found' nearly distracted parirntS; and communicated- . to them the happy tidings. There is esti dently a different A statidpoint " for viewing Indian abatis til•-Kineardine from OW '!11 M 0 104110: . : '