_. ~~ CITY BULLETIN. Witt is•tmEs—NO. I.—As a metal, nip Rid is tannin into use so extensively as to variant it in taking on special airs. The key „„ f ,.-t o there continents was partly given to us , v the steam apparatus of the Resolution lose Company. Its running-gear has been dated with nickel, and au express wagon is icing similarly served 'by' the same process. letnllurgists and chemists, the world over, tave^becii trying to attain the point of render lig soluble this eccentric metal. Until a short hue ago. all such efforts proved as abortive is an attempt to drive 'a pig up a blind alley, or to silence a shrew by ",jawing back.' Nickel, unlike men and iron, never rusts.. Its >rightness, unlike the character of a man. 7annot be tarnished. It resists the action of . c al g as, boiled eggs, and the action of malic and citric acid. The reason why so many pee ihrhave been trying to render it Manageable 'or plating purposes is that it pos sesses all the beauty n of• silver •, las some - material advantages over that octal, and is producible at a very considerably °wet . price. The metallurgical nut, as we - lave ered, was cracked but a few months ago. t. is now hying - applied to everything, literally, rem a needle to an anchor. In the chemical vet Its of Messrs. Powers 8,7 Weight man is a tort of some eighty gallons capacity. It is somposed of platina. Its cost Was a small for mic. The manufacturer here leis undertaken oso corer with a coat of nickel a retort of , orresponding dimensions made of east iron, nd at a comparatively trifling cost, as to Tnder it fully the equal of the , apparatus Jade of platina. Table-ware of every kind ifh which it is covered has a lustre like that f a July Moon. What i 8 true of table-ware is , rue also of harness mountings and all the smaller articles of use and ornament o the, surface of which the precioat ietals have been heretofore applied. In floating stereotype plates its utility is wonder- We saw one whose coating,alter striking off au almost incredible number of impressions, was yet perfect, although the matrix 'be math it had been worn away. The musket of a member of the Grey Reserves, who treated bat weapon to a coat of it, will probably set 111 bawls to follow his example. The, barrels are,plated both inside and . out. To orrode either is something that is' impossible. . We qiw a set of stair rods that had. been for two reeks suspended over reeking coal gas. Titer Were as bright as in the day that they received their clothing of nickel. For coating gas bUrn ers, this : invention comes into capital play. he exteut to which these things oxi•iize is Mown to everybody. To cut along story into short one, this latest wrinkle is tinning the' iost important of the present day. It occa -ties an intermediate position between the cur 'emending use of silver mid of zinc. Upon he held of the latter, it will but to a small ex etitpricreach. That it will ever be used for • •• *eat se ettles_aml Metal lic roofing is an idea not to be entertained. That it will yet come into use in lining the in terior of culinary and ehemicatpreparing utensils, and in covering telegraph wire, looks very possible. Until it wasiutroduced as material for coin age at the United States Mint, by many people little was known of it, as is known concern ing the color and - personal appearAnee of Old sick. Governor Pollock probably got his idea from Bavaria, the only other country im the world that ever introduced it into coin. -Of our own pennies the material is 19 parts of nickel and 88 of copper. The source of supply is from - Mines in Lancaster county. As these are said to be inexhaustible, the mines of • Europe have lost us As customers. As now being developed in this city. the art of nickel plat i eg will soon Mattel . ° our already immense and varied industrial interest an interesting and impertant addition, and give employment „ to an inert/it:sal number of Our people: Loans CnownEit,..,--Sueli Sundays as yester 'day,. in the Middle -of March, are almest as rare as nests.of the cuckoo. Furs and over coats were alike burdensome. The streets were literally thronged. The picture in Broad street was that of a living kaleidoscope,ex tending from curbstone to wall, while the rive was tilled with equally continuous streams of ping vehicles. The good order pervading this multitude was withiont exception. Pints of the oty were flooded on Saturday 'afternoon and night with gratuitous copies of an afternoon contemporary. The distributors well performed theif duty. We yesterday saw the papers, with the name folded to the out side. still sticking to the door-knobs of tne empty houses around which they were placed. Cow stables were similarly honored. The graduates of the College of Pharmacy who receive their diplomas to-morrow event rig liiild ' anti nal Ton nion supper t big e ni tig; • at the eollege; ball The conviction of the cock-fighters on Satur day has produced a sensation in ehickendom. The price of game roosters has seriously de dined, while for gladiatorial bull dogs the de mand has entirely failen off. That these brutal sports shall be environed with all the horrors' of the penitentiary, if notabsolutely abolished, is the resolve of the benevolent Sdciety that seeks to prevent cruelly to animals of every kind. The idea of,givit ' , to the Association for the Belief of Disabled Firemen the amount of tines and penalties collected by the Citizens' Association, it is suggested, would directly in. terest every fireman in reporting infractions of municipal ordinances. Perhaps it would. The mugginess of to-day comes in striking contrast to the blue and gold of yesterday. To the prospects of early gardening it is a decided damper. The biggest slaws for women made in this market gu to Utah; the smallest are ordered from Davana. A shipment for the latter city. shown to us this morning, we supposed to be intended for girls of about twelve years oil!. C%la•stnut street passenger ears now nut Blitt Bell and Darby. Tliey purchased that road. 7Ley, this morning, Tan upon it for the tirst . Fairmount Park is in a condition inucit bet ter than usual at this season of the year. On Satniday'its hundreds of vehicles and DUL4S('S Of pedestrian strollers presented au anunate ( t pieturts l What was true of Saturday was true of yesterday, except that the character of the Sunday visitors is widely different front that .of those-who seek it 'only on secular days. _Rev..Dr. Die Coot: .pruaches itt the Penn . ;"..;(4tiarti Presbyterian Chun lt.Fle is one of Um live ilghting MeCooh's who (listing:Milled the family intim . Miring the late war for the UlllOll. ill addressing children he i alik, ori;:tival and effective. lie held children', church' - yesterday afternoon. 'l • lteauditoritua was wi ii tined. The subjeci of WS addres, was " Pitr , t." To illiNtrate it he produced a, eI . IIIV-104. a saw and a pair of shears, wine-:0 inightui ss was lefaced hy Upon the' op posite was writh. it a large leiter '1 . 1,• initial of te.4littes,.lll de•Thaming npon ;heltll nt the sold Doctor 2q ef;oov... gave ;et ; :ti ilheArat ions a:, WPII a 111 P tlet!lllar 01W pli,P10(11 ill the ssttt. 111111,111ir-rllll atilt tier shears. !laving show , : 110 W To r.lllO Vo I his 10 front the :toil, he ti.ked any ‘'lti lit in the a,:ttniiiiige to stip.g:t the IllealtS ul removin rit-t fri ru the , out " I know," cried a little six•yeat old, in t he middle of the 1 . 0ti . ...,r..-gation, " 1.11-Pljalidllll-ptr." ThP 1.311P(.t can be Mut gillVd. 4.}•Clip11011 NVOI.IIO. 1/1`1 4 11pPrIT01111 , ;, DoLtor Allen received Into tie mom, bership ot the Old Pine Street Church. yester day, no les, than person . .. 'lilt an ill• eluded inarrii ; (l couple., 'li s t ' the ark a, its oecupants wo by two. - Folly-eight Of the niuntwr ere reesived prmesion of their faith, :101.1 11,2P.11 . 1.t1, prt.- Violl-10 (I,ll‘lllllllioll.lllPl - at raltlela Ilapri,lll, 111• P of 1111 - 11111' net - whets stretched tivie, nerw..!. the (hutch. A MOW). 111C1111 , 1 - 00(1 p.lO l . - .'n 1111E02:WO, 1,0111 their Tlit• rPI . IIIII ittn Wll5 1111,1. , M.1(.11111 and I:nl,re:sive. As. ilti, pastor ;I n tl elder , extmaleii to the new mem la•rs the light Land of fellowship.' there was a nil ,iens.mit of the 'lachrymal 'The oeea-ion f 116 rd year of the sue cessiel pa.-torlm of I mei or Allen. ro•ii el\ N I; y.--C ilief of the t et yeti e Force, detailed. Special Odi • ceris janies and Ed. Burns, to in• ver , tigatio the cirontocianee, :Mending the irt kiry of H ugh K i ancy , \lllO died Th urA. day night, as wit.., sill - opus' (I, from the etilets of a beating received on the night of the loith. There:alit of t he investigation is contained in a roport made by M r. Etohoorts. lie Mates that on tho night of March 16111, Hugh !It c Kinney &he dery aseth,in compaity with a man known Win..kohn Finley,went tutu the public house Of taalll, vcaiii,:r (.1 :tad. •'. • THE: ..1/4.111A.:141N0qr .10,01...MIN7i'HILAD,ETRITIA,....PrONDAVVARCIL,u:.1.87(Y. South streets,' Both wore druniL They ask fordrinks, and obtained'soda-water. ney aSked Breadv to loan him $2, and the .re quest was refusea, Finley then called Broady a loafer. .Bready then advised. him to go home. McKinney and Finley thou went ,out, hut returned. 'Broady again told them they had bettor go home. McKinney went out ist,.and Finley after him. Broady heard nothing more of them until Satre] Dunlap and James _Kincaid entered and said. McKinney was lying on the pavereent. They then went out, and with the assistance of Joseph McKinney was carried to the residence of his brother, No. 1811; Bainbridge street. ' When picked-up lie was insensible, and never spoke afterwards. There was no evidence ob tained of any noise or light in the immediate neighborhood. Corenor Taylor will, this afternoon, resume the inquest in the case. COUNTERFEIT PEER STADlPS.—OLli!coluinins have already recorded the conviction of one Tread, for trying to make beer barrels be lieve themselves to ho fortified againstSeWire, when thestamps upon them wore ridiculously spurious. On a corresponding charge a citi zen named Wm. B. Glover was to-day ar raigned for a priniary hearing befOre IT. S. Commissioner Hibler. The oc casion seemed to . attract considerable attention. The stamps did ditto. They are printed on Sheets, and represent disks iu indi go that in a beer cellar might easily have passed current for lerdtimate issue of the de partment at Washington. The defendant was represented by H. Cy Lippincott and Theo dore Oelibchiager, Esql.., and Ivith a degree of finesse and ingenuity than wonld reflect credit upon veterans of the bar. The prose , mien was conducted by. DiStrict Attorney Valentine. The interest in •the :seaSe centred in the tact that a corresponding case, that of Col. Sherman; had been before Cominissloner Phillips, out of which arises the prevent prosecution. • ' • Joseph N. Wight lives at No. 813 Depot street, near the Germantown depot. He tes tified to acquaintance with defendant. The stamps purchased by Mr. Wight from Glover were produced. Ho purchased teem 3n Satur day night, about 9 P. M., in front of a lager house in Fifth street, below Shippou. The price was to be fifty cents on the dollar. The lot represented : , 3400. I received them from the hands of defeinlant in presenee of Deputy M arshal Beale. • Cross-examined-1 am a bartender by occu pation have been unemployed since the close of the last season, at Atlantic City, at my father's hotel; have been here since, because r.lll*,a»ds was settling up my wife's estate ; 1 heard of this thing 'a week or so ago ; I met . him in lndependeme Equare ; I didn't pay for I he stamps.; I know Col. Sherman—(previonAly arrested on a similar complaint, and held to answer by Uhited States Commissioner Phil lipsj-:-have seen him lately; when I took the • ded_them_immediately to the officer ; Grover saw the movement,: and then ran ; I 'bought the stamps merely to turn de fendant over to the law ; I did it as a law abiding. citizen ; I have no appointment in connection with public justice; am not to get anything for my time. Detective Beale lives in Philadelphia,. Be corroborated the testimony ot Wight. comp:natl . Wight in consequence of informa tion that Wight had furnished him. Wight was already in the beer saloon. Grover en tered, sat down by Wight, talked with him for a few minutes, sotto voce, disappeared and again returned. The witness theard Grover say " nine o'clock." Both went: out. Emerg ing alSo, witness saw neither. He walked up Fifth street, and soon met Wight coining down on the east side of the street. WitneS asked him what was meant by " nine o'clock. - . Witnesk saw Grover' at nine o'clock, and saw , rho bundle transferred front Grover to Wight. He arrested Grover on the sprit, after a short Cottnseilor Oelschlager—l don't want to ask any (luestions. getting posted on " this bundle gaMe." (To the Commissioner)—l can't be imposed upon as easily as you. Examination resurned" What did you ar rest me for?" , he said when '1 arrested hint. " I've sold no stumps to Wight." I didn't know what was in that bundl. I needn't, say that I do. He wanted me to fake him to his wife's house. I declined. lie asked it , his house would be immediately searched. I expressed a conviction that such would be the case. 'We walked as far as Seventh and Federal, when I consented to stop that he might see a friend. The friend's name is dames Kane. They seemed very intimate. He asked for paper in order to telegraph to Colonel Whiteman. It was supplied and the despatch written. Kano said in my presence, "'What shall I do—sail '(ni"ViNew VOW?' This was the only:frag ment of their conversation that I overheard. Cross-examined—l decline to say who " set this job up ;" I was employed by no one ex, cept the Government; I first saw the bundle in Grover's bands; I afterwards saw it in Wight's: I took the bundle out of his hands; I didn't open the bundle at the time; I ar rested defendant because 1 had information that the sale was to have been - made; I saw no looney pass between the parties ; don't think any was passed. The defendaut entered bail to answer. ALLEGED SWINI , LEICS.—Sarah Haines and her daughter,Laura, have been boarding at a house No. 135 Locust street since the '2lith of January last, They seem to have been traveling purely on shape and talent. They threw out the idea that they • wire about to come into a large fortune. This prostmet soft, cried the heart, of the hoarding-house Reeper, and there were no weekly calls for the settle ment of bills. The amount now due for board is about t'!.•.!00. The women also called at the store ()I' 31 rs: ShiVITS, tu. 'l'hirteuuth and Chestnut streets. They tance , l very pleasantly, admired various at. tides, created the impressioll that they NVO'e personages of importance, and finally ordered fancy underclothing of the material to the value of SI,OOO. Uf thi:i order work to the amount of 525 has been com, plemd Upon a complaint made Detective Gordtai and Special 0 (deer .11(0a.rts were de tailed to hunt up the wonten. This niorng they were discovered at-Thirteeutltand Locust streets. Wlienllne others were observed rs. Haines auil her rtanglttei• separated atilt rail i liECorent: (lit...widow; through suveral 'Hwy were eanturiid, however awl will Wive it heating at the. Central Station this afternoon. B.II4OOTING AT A 31 A N.—A young man,whi walking along . Eleventh street; host evening. tell in with a meuly-dressed and emnely-look. fethale,and entered lute l'lmyersation with her. After a pletu , ant talk she invited the young man to go with her to No. 1040 Sergeant street. Ile went. The couple neated them selves on the sola in the parlor. Things went on Finoothly fiir a little time. Voting nian vowed eternal friendship. As he was about getting down on hip knees there was a sudden interruption. The door flew open 111111 it, rushed a young man, flourishing a revolver. and demanding, in the 11110 - 4 i ndignant: man ner, Wind this all meant. First oung man gel frightened and rushed into the street mime. iris hat. After his arrival on the sidewalk, the 01:10] NV:IS 111'011 POlkeinan ,101111,1,n, came tip and arrested the shooter. The latter is named Arthur Campbell, and he is said to Fir the son of the lady of the house. Ile was taken in tore Alderman Jones, and naS helot 1.11 I , foo bail. _ AunEsT•mxii Esi•Am.---1:411 Forrester, alias Frank Harding. alias Frank Campbell, was resicil in the city this morning he soon of the idlicers attached to Detiq:Livo Agency, upon the charge of having been eon , cerned in the robbery of a hank at AN'ilke , '• barge. lucidly he succeeded in esita 'dm" front custody. A reward of 52011 is offered for his re crest. The following is a Ileserim in n of Forrester : He is 28 or :10 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, slim build, but, tough and wiry: rather broad, square shoulders, weighs 140 poupds, rather long, spare face, black eves ; Baring a wild expression; high, squared fore head; unauth,narrow and corners drawn down. upper lip stands out a little; medium-M:4.A straight nose; straight black hair, and short moustache and goatee; about three weeks' growth,' now probably shavel , off; stink,oi cheeks, but high cheek bones; small narrow foot; generally walks. with his hands in coat pocket; troubled with a bad cough; tooth out left upper jaw; bracelet in India. ink ot left wrist. r CANAL BOAT BURNED.-A canal boat, writb out,' a cargo, lying at Arch ,strect ‘vharf, Sclinyihin, was totally destroyod by rtre,about Lwayt: (ichnli• hu , t Piot, • ... 'c:x,:aaaa+i?lK::ar.::rY.u:.a~~-~•r.-.ir:.,:...~q BETIIILHDA 1 .11146ine1'glitAV. .4,OOICCII. — T IIO cl.nrch edifico in •whaeli this oongrogatiort.,aro • orshipping, underitie,phittiaral ,afire ItoV. W. T..Ec a, i situated at the itontlieast ;corner of Franhford road and: Vienna , streeti in the Eighteenth Ward. It!icea . ue4t .itod 13utiutt fat structure, built of Trenton. •bremn-Stone. Mr. Addison Hutton is the arohltebt; Mid Mr. Win. nuncio lathe builder .The trial n'audionne chamber, it, is expected.: will ix, completed and ready for occupancy about the first of Septem ber next. The congregation' ere, at present worshipping /it" tho lochirO-room, and sitioe their oceux)ancy of this ',part of .the church, which was in Altty of last yea.r,r2.9pQrSons have been admitted to the fellowship and coinmu ni on of the church. :Yesterday the Comtnu- Mon of the Lord's Supper yid§ cocumeinorated, and 63' 'tenons stood tIP and wore reeOlVed . rote the church,, 'on :prole,ssion of their faith and 18 upon certifibates from other ehurches. • • • HOUSE ROBB ' ERV.—The - dwelling of 11fr. Charles Semler, NO. 8411 North Seventh street, was entered, while the family wore tempo :rarily absent, between 8 and 9 o'clock last evening. ,The thieves Unit tried a back shutter, but xvere unsuccessful; niid then forced the back dooropen with a Shmny. The gas in kitchen was lighted, and then , the'robbera pre eeeded to the frOnt bed-Chamber: There bu reau-drawers were pried open; boxes were broken, letters turned :inside Out,,undi in fact, everything was ransacked. The rascals carried off all the jewelry and money which they could lay handS upon. They were evidently disturbed in their operations, as the appear ance of the house indicated that their retreat was hasty. ALLECI!',I) PRIZE-F,IGHTERS :ANItERTED:— Ye:,teidav morning about 'four ,"o'clock Ser geant Whalen anti Policemen .Beeves, Gal lagher and Dennison, of the Second District, while on South. Fifth street, .observed a sus picious gang of men going in a southerly di rection. The officers .followed 'the party to Stone House lane, below SeCond ,street, When it became evident that a prize-tight had been arranged. The'police made a raid and 'Cap tured eight of the men.. Samuel Mcflveny and Francis Tole, alleged to have been the principals, and Isaac IVlcKeeyer and William Corger, alleged, seconds, Were among the ar• rested. Upon a hearing before Alth Lutz these parties ivero committed for Wel. The other four were discharged. 01Mi0ED WITH lloisnEny.joiinthan D. S. Smith NVllti arrested at No. MU South Twelfth street, this morning, by Detectives Levy and Cobb, upon the charge of having stolen a gold watch 811(1 chain ; some medical books, and other articles from the house of Dr. S. W. tiecliwith,.NO. 1220 'Walnut street, last week.. 1.16 acknowledged the theft ; and produced a receipt 'showing that ho had shipped the arti (les to Painesville, Ohio, directed to Delay Willittne4m. The Adams Express .COmpany have taken the necessary measures 11:" 14/13 Smith is locked up to await a hearing. INTERFERING WITH POLICEMEN.-JOll ll Entwisle was arrested, yesterdaY, at Ortho dox street and Trenton avenue, by Lieut. MeLea and °Dicer Drake,for drunkenness autl disorderly conduct. He resisted ;the 011iCers, and a friend, Charles ,Everest, attempted to rosette him. Failing itrthat.he endeavored to get up a riot among the bystanders. He was then arrested. The pair bad a hearing berm . , Alderman Stearne. Entwisle was held in *5Oll hail and Everestin .1,3(10 bail, to'ausWer at Court. TnE o.lk Sraimr Sitoorm.:.-Llt the time of tbe pistol-firing on Oak street, mentioned in the 131 - 1,1.1 0 .T1N of Saturday, several of the Dela Ware 'Harbor Police, were, in the humedi ato neighborhood, and arrested eight .of the sailors who were supposed. to • have done the shooting: Upon being searched At have., Police ;Station, no weapons of any kind were found on them and • rimy - were discharged. The sailors were all drunk, and the - shooting, it is thought, was done by :-unie boyS frighten them. Ito nny.nv or A I/WM:LING.-R. 1). Shirk re• rides at No. :;.52 \omit Thirty4irst street. On Saturday afternoon, between 1 and 2 o'clock, 'while the family was absent, an -attempt Ara: Made to force open' the front door. The back door was then broken open %vitt' a jimmy. The thieves ransacked the house, and selected the best things that they could find. A lot of silver spoons, 'jewelry. silk dresses and other articles were carried off. The value of the property stolen is $6OO. • FATAL AccinENT.—George Lutz, aged s years, fell off of a ltt oudation, in , Dauphin street, above Trenton avenue, yesterday after noon, about, o'clock. tie struck upon the .itle; of his h cal and-was - sunny injured... Be was' taken to the residence Of his uncle, oppo site, where be died at two o'clock this morn ing. WJTIT 1101:1:E1tV.—Patriok Brady was up before Alderman Kerr yesterday morning upon the, charge of having robbed Kelley's store, No. :2125, Market street. He had fat merly been in the employ of Mr. Kel ley, and at that time was suspected of having stolen a coat. lie was held in $2,000 bail for a further hearing. ACCIDENT.—PhiIip Mock. aged '2.5 years. residing at Tenth and CalloWhlll streets, bad his left foot injured by a 14,ishetiit of sugar falling on it, at Market street wharf, this morning. He was taken to the Pennsylvania: Hospital. ST4 - 11,E A POCKET-13001:.—Anno Anderson' is alleg6i to have stolen, Martha I lallowelk pocket-book containing *3. She was arrested. Alderman Carpenter heard the ease, and sent Anne to Moyamensing l'rbton. • A. Boor TillEF.—AlderMan Carpenter has committed Thomas Todd to answer the charge of having stolen a pair of bouts belonging to John La , LARCENY or A ItlN“.—Thothas Craig has committed by Aldernuxn Carpenter, for the larceny of a gold .ring, valued at $B, Ow property of Charles ll. : descorp. • cm,f. the particular attention of our readers to the special sale of household fund-, t two and carpets; also. of elegant silver-plated ware and cutlery, to he hell at Messrs. Birch Son's auction store ; No. 1110 Chestut) street, to-morrow (Tuesday) morning, at Jo o'clock. , 'I his sale is held for the purpose oil making room' for a large stock of fine linen.: to be sold Thu following Tuesday moulting:' and in order to make - room, the furniture will' be sold regardless of Cost. All in want of good furniture at low prices had better attend: this sale. 31A1,1..—The second annual bah of the Lite rary :old urn will be given at at Fund Hall on Wednekday evening next Henry Hahn will be Master of lereinotiies and Louis H. Weinberg and Lewis I. Weil; Flour, Managers. CET V NOTICES NOT " 1 - 1111 , lonA (i LASS I).krili IOC, " :I)n', 111)111 tl , Ole light. A Lid's VrfALIA, Olt SnLVATIoN roll till: - 11.. k , through the tioctirtuittod hottlet: tatt eolitaiti it. Tho shitdee or color It cotoomoioated grpy huir bre nu tor , .'4 own. uod it is d..void of my sodi : u,cut. t?-old my tat druggists:toil fancy goods .leallers. F()HEIGN PER V1T311.: Clltlabi I Ill! of ilQiel Ittlytwit'm Florlitiel. `SOMETHING NEW. Frock Walking Coat, mid 'English Spring Bottom rantale, , lN, • to I,lennd only at Cum , . Simms', 821 Civeinut Ftreet OAR i'Ottp's stock Ot tint) Hats and Caps are • aeilipg lower than unk in the city. . (It, and get a bargain. • Storer, under the Continental • MANHOOD ANT/ YOUTHFUL YIGOR are re gained by 11.ELMISOLi) 7 1 4 NI.TITAcT LAMES ' 11 ATS. ' MISSES ' HATS.—The most exquisite styles. SOHN( at prices lowcr than elsewhere. Onaronn's, ' • Under the Continental. WE ALWAYS have e. full force of workmen, io all braurbeti of our business. Our workmanship ie ji,m•chths, and prices below any one else in the city. ALBERTSON & (iO., No. 1435 Chestnut etraot. ENGLIsit Isom Chte,BB Buxs—fresb, daily—at O 2 Arch and 738 South IClnventh street. To Qtirwr, soothe and reliovo the pain 'of. ,bildren bbetblng, WO BOWER'S iIiFA NT ConnIAL. Sold by all druggioto. Suadioan ANSTEUMBIITEI and druggists' sun btkloWDEl R BROTHER, Mdb , SigidU siraid% P . DPAFNEEIBI , , / 111,, uirsztotto ANY?) , . , A.TARBEI trtnted with the ittreost iniatfeC'hy Bt. D.. and Professor of Pisease.;:of {hVgvefinif Cter (his SP.tek aftv) in the Itiedieat Coliege of e nsgtefan 12. yearp ,e - at No. Ban Arch ntrent.' are a Teatttntn pail t o linen at bin office. The medical Moult's!. Inetted to an , company their patients, as he hes ho encretein, him pron. tire. Artificial epee inserted without pain .. No'fittei'gro for examination • Oonrro, Bunions, Inverted Haile * , s,killittilyi treated by Dr. .7: ile.vidsonl No: Oil Oheatint, street. tihrw.non moderato. DRY GOODS. A CARD: Sheppard, Iran Ilarlinge,nBz Mrison 1008 CHESTNUT STREET, Will continue thu hub) of their Largo Stock of Fine Goode st Extraotdinarlly Low ;Prices, making a difference or about :131-S PER CENT. from former prim, being more than equal to the Great Decline in Gold. Oar old stock wo aro selling raphilyt'and NEW GOODS aro iIEING RECEIVED DAILY, so that our Storo shall continue to present to .buyors tho GREAT , trlt3T PoSfpGRLE ATTRACTIONS AND BARGAINS, in all doscrlptlous of Shirting and Fronting Linens. Table Cloths, Table Linens, Napkins, Doylies, , , Of entirely now and elegant: patterns Towels and Towelititis Of .every descriptioß Marseilles Quißev And ail rft;intios of House Furnishing Dry Goods. Eurnituretoverings, Cretonnes k. Chintzes. Table and piano Covers. Real Lace and Nottingham Curtains. Curtain Materials and Upholstery Goods. An unusually largo and attractive. stock of • HdkfB. and Staple Embroideries. 1008' CHESTNUT STREET. mho w m 10tup . . 1870. Goods for Spring of 1810. Exposition of Magnificent GRENADINES. 1870. Poplins for Spring of 1870. Sib Serge Poplins for Spring Snits. 1870. Lace Jackets for Spring. 1870. Mario Antoinette and Maus. EYRE & LANDELLI FOURTH AND ARCH, • MIN st, - s? -8) I -1 4'..4 2 . 7 'V . LINEN STORE, ;P. SP.:S Arch Street. AVID 1128 CHESTNUT STREET. SPRING IMPORTATIONS. IMMENSE STOCK LINEN GOODS, WHITE GOODS and HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. PrICCS Down -to Present gold Rate. MOURNING DRY GOODS. We are prepared-to offer every variety at the lowest prices consistent with the decline In god. PERIVSS-Sz 004, 9 ,SOUTH NINTH IS't fol2•e Slurp — T=ENTS! - FURNisiffN.G - 13 - -oopii7 FINE DRESS SHIRTS. J. .. W. - ..SCQTT, H & .„ c..0.; No. 814 CHESTNUT STREET; PHILAIiBLPIIIA • GENTLEMEN'S FANCY GOODS Ip Full Variety. w . _ . NOTICE TO GENTLEMEN, As the season of the ' year is at hand for gentlemen to replenish their ward robe, the subscriber would particularly invite attention to,his IMPROVED PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT, made from the best materials, 'work done by hand, the out and finish, of which cannot be excelled; warranted to fit and give satisfaction.' Also, to a large and well seleoted stock of Wrappers, Breakfast Jaokizits, Collars, Stocks, Hosiery, Gloves, Ties, &0., &o. JOHN C. ARRISON, Nos. I and 3 North Sixth Street. pall tut' 'up Mit===l=== MIMEI=EI sPttf.tAL . , • J. * ”A • • `G 1012 and< 1014 STELEEIT, A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK .D105a‘1......9.:00,1)5,' :'SILKS., Purchased during the late depression", and will be sold at less than ,FINA.NeI Ai.. THE UNDERSIGNED THAN Tur, OFFER FOR SALE . $2,0'00,000 i FIRST MORTGAGE 7 PER CENT. Peantklivania Central Railroad Co. OF TIM General Mortgage CENTRAL RAILROAD OF lOWA, SIX PER CENT. BONDS, At 92! and Interest Accrued TO DATE. The bonito secured by tide mortgage are i•eued to WI§TAR MONTHS and ,lOSIAH BACON, Tritotee. rhu cannot, under Ito proviniotia, deliver to the Com• piny, at any time, an ;unoutit of bonds exceeding the fall-paid capital stock of the Company—limited to 000400. , Enough of tliesefiolotv are ivithheld to pay of alt ev • isting !kris upon the property of the Company, to toed which at maturity It now holds ample means independ ently of the bonds to be reserved by the Trinques for that purpose, making the builds practically a FIRST MORTGAGE upon all its railways, their equipment, real estate, .17c . • The grotat tti•er+l 11e of tint Pennsylvania Railroad in PC9 was 517=0,111, or nearly twenty-eight Der cont. % , f the capital and debts of the-Company at the end of that /Since .13:,7 the dis Wends to tltq StoCkholders hose av °raged nearly cloven and one-half per cent. per onn after paying interest on itonhonda and raising mutant!) a laree amount to the credit ot construction account. The ISocurity npnn which tie , lionde Are hosed ir, thr fore, of tho must ample etaftrteter,'und pl.tces them on a par w ith ilto very best national 11,11. nrit ror further particulars; aPP I .I - to Jay Cooke & Co., F. W. Clark & Co. ; _ Drexel & Co , C. & H. }brie, W. 11.Newbold, Son & Aertsen. mbl9 7'l rp~ A FrRST 01.1A,SS SECURITY. WE OFFER FOR SALE 0i,000,000 LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE ALII,IRCPA.33 FIRST MORTGAGE SEVENS at $7 14 And Accrued Interest from Oct I. Length of Road 390 Miles. THE BOAT) IS COMPLETED AND FULLY EQUIP PIM AT AN ACTUAL COLiT OF OVER, . *16,000,000. .-- AND 11.04 PAID r FROM 7 TO 8 pn ('V + T. umcni, ON ITS STOCK POD TUE PAST EIGHT YEARS. The Bonds are Coupons of $l,OOO. each, with 'right of Registration. $1,200,0 1 !0 of the Bonds have been sold already (one party_ taking $500,000 as a permanent investment), and we have but $1,000,000 on hand, which we offer telt"- vestors as a first-class security. DREXEL & CO: No. 84 South Third Street R4tfri) , ' COLEBRC OKDALL First Mortgage Bonds, Due 1808. Principal and Interest (Inarantftd by Philadelphia and Reading Railroad be. Six Per Cent., free from all lay. We are eotherhod to offer itt 823', and hitoi•op.t acortoll , fro in December' 1, the brilaude of about $800.(10' of tho hcedo,, secured by a First Mort ate upon all I lir 1 , 1'01, , 0 , the Ca'ebrookdate Railroad Comiiny, and ;ruardnre , a4tottady, both as to principal and intro , it,he //i, Ph ild r /phia and Iltadingh aitroait ()mummy. No. 3 Merchants" Exchange. W. U. NEWEOLD, SON d ALED.NrEN, S. E. cor. Dock and Walnut St% mi1'1745 , DREXEL & .CO.; No. 34 South Third Stre,eli !Kw - . tit T IST'S 'ItAI iD E N MAN UAL , AND :Alittantin for WO contains in Vogui of world in , i fauna Lim \ la, 4:uutv i i ti vi i: i . datp. i ws t i t ntited it up.p l i. American and Foreign Bankers. . , . , ('''''ir fr" '' 922 and 924 3i arket .tri•-i, t ud i r ° o ;hall. . ...,....._. ___ I'ICTIST'S WAltl - I,ANTPD C A.PDFN . ~ Issue Drafts and - Circular Letters of ore/ ,„ 4 W . Soo , -1 d,..1 argot Gardoner,4 ' or . ' Priv:to Annilleu available on presentation in any ,p4rt .( f , who ilt”iire Ow J.taa.t ialprov,..l seiala •81101liti variants', • • . Oki. ir ~upplks .t _ Europe. . ' .. ' ~ I.- ' i...1' , .. ~. :411:1S1"S SEED WAll.11110(78k, • •.. , , !1 . :4 and 92 t. 14 ovir,•t. str4ou, uhove niih. Travelers can make all it their linheialiiti •- :. ,i ... r a ngements througn us, and litts'*lll . 'condo Igo. A i'; RIC MAE) RAU FM PL ENIENTS 1 _.,,„z... A .N.D.GA.ll.l.)lilti TOOLS, Ploughs, harrows, Cult i their interest and dividends wlttiiput:ntarge• , - voror,t. Sood-Howor., Churw, Gordon find Field Rollorri. CO Law!, flow i:4, Aluilrood and Garden IV hoolborrowa Gov, Straa awl F(al,l.q . Cutters, all at rodaeoll prlem: DEgUt ' WINTHROP It Ol r Now Work. , •=, , - Call and emaillw• our -tuck. ' , . 'B UNT . I n - DItExiiiDARJ s CO9riaris. •' , (ei lt !i' ,V" ti " )2lni ricot stree t. ._.., . . -- . ' - .iJir. .TIIE PTITL ADEL PILIA LAW N ID SE'ElifSs : itifAMPET S W li% El' E 11 , El , .=:. moW.ItAC-7T111.6 IH the moat 'improve(' hand•ma .l.l with cushions. Fluting in achlOgll,al - rioluot'd Pr t f"'• ennle made. mid is just. the ' urtich , nvolad by all who Clothes- wrin La.rs, n ith putout rolls that . 1911, not %kr have giqiit.l to, ut. It eau be operated by il huly.without . unlyr mi. ar rmlc,.. .. t;i:tigito, Pri , (` *',2a. and every mower warrante‘l. bold vli. 1301(314 . • -Holm wr lIVIST, In.,' MI At cl 4 ottv:t‘ itAT )41 1 I '4 ' 'fr ( ''-' 1 \votQLviiiio, t 4 MO 024 Market et. IMMI HAVE NOW ON: EXHIBITION EMBROIDERIES. &C., G ()LA) COST. OPENING, FINANCIAL NO SAFER OR BETTER INVESTMENT U. 01,433 130NI)S At 95, Free from Tax This railrciad mum 231 tuilen north and-nontk through the finest and most thickly nettle(' portion of the lliagniticent i3kne of lowa, and TUC Only . azuc t . :waup - 1:93- corromi.- a T alrsTrzy centres at St. Louis and St. Paul by an un broken line, 147 'Wiwi shorter than any exist ing route. This road offers many advantages. The building of the railroad north from St. Paul to Duluth, at the head of Lake Superior, where five railroadawill /30011 centre—the con struction of the Northern Pacific Railroad, already hegnn—and the rapid developtpont of anew and Productive country in '4linne.Soia and the NOrthwest, must furnish a large Solihull traffic. As the - Upper ?tritisissippris Frozen over'ddring the Winter,tual its'naviga lion is often , uncertainAttriug tliv.Sumniur. freM IoW water, this inatl must InWe'at4ll times a large amount of transpertatitt, awl; a monopoly of the at sonto seasons of the year. Its connections with other lines in terested by Mutual ownetship Or. running ar rangements,. twill give it almost the entire north and south travel between its terminal points and their vicinity. ThiS road will have a great advantage over any other Western line in carrying the test quality of coal froM Where It Ls abundant in Southern lowa to Northern lowa and Iginne sota, where none is to he found, and in seeur lug return 'freights of lumber, Or which the demand is very great. . Forty-six miles of the line are just -WM' pleted, and eighty-eight miles wore are graded. An abundant supply of iron, ties, and other materials has been `eoutracted for. The Company have a large and daily increas ing surplus of money on band, and the stock subscriptions, and the salesof bonds, give them ample means to push the work forward, so that, with favorable weather, it is expected that the whole, line will be completed this season. SECURITY OF THE INVESTMENT. So far :18 wo can. 'earn. every coittpleted railroad inthy. Northwest is not only earning tho interest.oti ita bond;, but a dividend on its fr.4tocic, and we believe the CENTRAL OF lOWA must occupy an ft:mu:illy strong finan cial posittou. The 'amount Bond,: to lie iF ued is but per tuile,ur les, than lour millions,in all Of which over One Million have already been ?lola. WE BELIEVE 'EUEBE WILL ItE . MOUE FA VOB4BLE TIME TO SELL (40- EIEN2IIEIIiTSiAID BEY REALLY FIRST CLASS .BAILUOAB SECE ES-SEEM'. AS THESE-THAN THEORESENT. l'amphtet,'l•.itb-map, may lictobtained,.a . mt Will 116 received :it thii Ob:Vic3E, No. 3;! fine Stroot, 'New aml by its auVertiSell tigentF. ' W. S. SHATTUCK, Treasurer. Aft r.r d•e have accepted 4;04, th(l, ,Sale' of the above, First - - gertg:?(;(i i'xotals,,and "th!sire . to rec:ominend tll ; ein to di‘r enstomers, as thoroughly safe, as wall as pro titable; iIIV estmeut. We have ~no itrsitation in saying that, in our, opinion,. the CENTRAL RA ILILOAMOVIOWAIviII be one of the most important and valuable roads in the ;West. , JAY' COOKE & CQ. E. W. CLARK & CO. BOWEN & FOX. B K. JAMISON & CO. I;iFp REMOVAL. MOMOy al: Law llus ronoviql hip Of k to ' No. 113 S. Fourlh Stieet, Philadelphia. • noo9 , AG - afixt,Tt - Tnita. , LACES,