Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, March 07, 1870, Image 5

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the pieman as a 'gentletnan cWhefselike Paul, ilton, who Was' titeipPitigatthislititaid Home, . • , • '•• . : •-; ~ ;. - • ,e , ' • e , -.,0 , W -.'
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-eite,• the Walnut Street' Theatre, to-night, was " all thitneleto all Mere" ' 'far the Cathie,- ' gtit'", t i idebte• yesterday. tiettll'abeeda tow. e Spa '
F o dder will appear aa Hamlet." ;lie during .Lent he • provides 'codfish cakes, cial .0 cer .Kendig e retuOnstrated • with him, , , ,
, , •• • .- . „ e, ,
- - At the Cheetnut, the company will appear
t eh b. ' val -dbe d
\eh eo t e ere, t 'Werl . .
Lipenses a and then he Inidetteok be :mop Itendig. In •r,
, 11l ••e t it
in Fictorine, and in the comedy, He's not such a : 4 3 110 td . tartthat partakes of helltaVerett ", ties • theihafailede Itegdfletb etnae lid, jet II
~ e .••, , e ; 'lot tleeer,
leeted Cheater county ieal." Hie business, ton•to the Central tation; , There he was in-
Fool. ' ' . , , .
- alter the , 'sale of Saturday • Jaet; . was trodticed to Mr. Juetice KM, and, ' being utme
--At the Arch, this eventeg, Lotta in the t
-o brisk that wiehin fifteen. Minutes blo to,produce Itlie security demanded, was
Protean drama, The Little Detective. after the opening of his box ita con- sent to prison. i ••. '
,• • • • , • e 1 1 ' ' 6 ' . .i . '
-To-morrow night, the Farepaeßosa Eng- tents h a d w i m p y aheippeated.• While
' 'ASSAULT worn BREII elreeSsEs.--Charles . .
lish Opera Company will produce Afaelea, at eome thirty people were each mullobln% Munch andelciseph Riotte, went to Echo Park , -
the Aeadeiny. On Wednesday, Weber 's Obe- a savory pie, a diminutive Bush-biller climb° yeeterda, and quarreled"' Witeesome youn i g 3 _
you, for the nest time ill this country., upon a harness box. His hat was nearly ae men, 'who were there. .Durlitg the melee, t r .
-The American Theatre offers fez this ;big as himself. " Mithter Herknethe r be is alleged, they threw some beer glasses and , .
evening a first-rate variety entertainment, I squeaked, "the latht time I watts here I ob- ~
tvvo of the young men reeelyederevere cuts on „
with skew artists. . aherved a gweat many caths. There evath the head. Munch anditiotte were- arrested. • ' OF I " , I .. 1 , 1 ,: 11
Aid. Heins held them in $1,200 bail to answer •
-Signor Blitz and Theodore Blitz will give 'Tem caths, and lighting oaths and bob-tailed _ , . ,
exhibitionsof magic and legerdemain at As- ,caths.. Thinth I came bete thith m_orninge the charges of riot and assault and battery. , ,
eembly Buildings this evening, and 'Wednes- haven't eheen any kind of caths. Ith there
day and Saturday afternoons. tha.er kind of connecthion, Mithter Cterreette CasE.-Henry Dubosq and a man .
. 'Herknoth, between the dithappearance of named States, both colored, got into awraagle .1 0
. -At the Eleventh Street Opera House to- • _
night a number of novelties are offered iu an Ithethe caths and the perfecthion of thith about a WOinfill, about two (Meek yesterday
manth's pieth?" The remark brought so mad- morning, at Seventh and Pine streets. Dubosq . ,• , ,
den avisitation of nausea thattherebysettions is alleged to have drawn a knife and cut , o If
excellent bill. , ' , ,
-A. first-class minstrel perform , . ,
ance will be of meat pie were cast into the gutter, the States in the thigh. He was arrested. Aid. ,
given by Duprez er, Benedices troupe, at the pienaan left in a hurry, and Mr. Herknese, is Carpenter sent him to Moyamensing. • We have received per late steamers, and have now open for inspection, our first importatiomi of
Seventh Street Opera House this evening. his colored hostler informs us, "came nigh on , ArrornEn.-Hugh Taggart, who is alleged
-Carl Wolfsohn's " Schumann Matinee " to bustine" to have been in company with a man named
will be given in the Foyer of the Academy on Silks and Dress G oods, embracing many entirely new, scarce and desirable fabrics,
CORONER'S lasouther.-Coroner Taylor held Dairy, a few days ago, when he stole-
~ • ,
Friday next. an inquest to-days upon the body of Edward a lot of corsets from the window of a store at , ,
-A first-rate performance is offered at the Kammerer, a married man, aged 45 years, who Thirteenth and Kates streets, was arrested on .
Circus at Tenth and Callowhill streets, to- died suddenly yesterday morning at the house Saturday, and, after a hearing before Alder- . •
night. ' The "man monkey," who is declared of Edward Joebges, .No. 336 .North Sixth man Bonsall, was sent to prison. -
' '
in the bills to be "an idiosyncratic creature," street. The deceased had been living in the R
FATAL Esume-Charles McDaniel, aged New Steel 0-ray Poplins, for Suits.
will appear. e house and acting as bar-keeper in Mr- 70.years,who was admitted to the Pennsylvania .
-On Thursday night next, at the Academy Joebges's saloon. On Saturday he wasealoring Itospital on the 28th ult., suffering from con- ,
of Music, Chas. W. Brooke, Esq., will lecture under a severe cold, and Befit out and got some cussion of the brain, died this morning. He ' , •
upon " IriehDiamonds." He will be assisted medicine. He took some of the drug and is supposed to have been injured by a fthl, but
by Madame Josephine Schimpf, who will retired to bed about half-pat eleven. At has not been conscious since his admission. New Designs in Crepe Poplins, lin 00. ,
sing several songs, and by the Christian seven o'clock yesterday morning he was found The Coroner was notified to hold an inquest. '
Brothers Orchestral Association. The pro- to be very ill. A physician was sent for, but e e „„ Third ,
ceeds of the entertainment will be given to said that he could render no assistance. POLICE CITATION .L.o.nonlig.-The ear
the District Pollee Station in Union street . , bids , .
the new church of St. Joseph. Hammerer died about 'ten o'clock in • . . , , ,
-The French Dramatic Company, at the morning. The suddenness of the fair to rival some of our first-class hotels in the New Japanese Silks, in Plain Shades. , . '
seventeenth Street Theatre, played three death led to the supposition that the medicine number of persons accommodated with lodg
ings. On Saturday night there were 110 • , ,
one-act pieces on Saturday afternoon. For taken was
, poison which had been sent by
lodgers, and on Sunday night 115, in that '
this evening Dumanoir's comedy of Les Fernmes mistake. Coroner Taylor was notified, anii
Terribles is announced, with Ofl'enbach's to-day Dr. B. B. Shapleigh made apost mortem New . Japanese Silks, in Plaids and [Stripes. , , ,
funny trifle, Les Delte "'muffles. The comedy examination. No traces of poison were found, AseAmoine WIPE BEATEE.-Joseph Mc
to-morrow evening will be Datila, by Octave but it was discovered that the deceased had Keever, residing at Hancock and Master
been suffering from several diseases, any one streets, was arrested yesterday on the charge .
Feuillet. We wish we could induce Philadel- • •
phians to crowd the little theatre •during the of which was sufficient to cause death. The of beating his wife. He was taken before Ai. - '
short stay of this excellent company. Every . verdict of the jury was "death from dropsy Eggleton and was held in $4OO bail for trial.
one who has attended the performances here- on the brain." SEntons Fatee.-Joseph Mills fell through New Silk and Linen Poplins.
I ,
tofore given, has been delighted with the Pesaro FROM A UAR.-On Saturday eyeu- the trestle work at Pier No. 1 Port ,
pieces and the acting. ,
Ling, about 7 O'clock,a neatly dressed man got Richmond yesterday afternoon, and had his . • • ,
-On Thursday night next Mr. Augustus on a Second and Third streets passenger car, at ankle sprained and his head badly injured.
Hazzard, a young colored musician of very Third and Callowhill streets. He was some- He was conveyed to his home by Policeman New Combin.ationslin Plaid Poplins, tor Misses and Childiren.
remarkable pewees, will give his first concert what intoxicated, but was very quiet. The Nugent.
in Horticultural Hall. The following pro- conductor, upon discovering his condition.
Cara, ACCEPTED.-The Rev. Edward Pay
gramme will be offered : pushed him from the platform, without stop- .
Solo, Piano, "Au herd du Ruisseau,"... ping the per. The man fell headlong into the sop Cowan, pastor of the South Mission, in
St. Louis, Mo., who 'received a unanimous . ' ,
Gutmann street, and for a few seconds remained mo- .
One Case New Shades SilkrEpinglines.
,• call from the Market Square Church, Ger-
Mr. Augustus Hazzard. tionless; it was supposed that he had been mantown, has accepted and will enter upon , , '
Song-" Happy Muleteer," (from the killed, but he was picked up by some gentle- his duties about the first of April. _
, , .
Crown Diamonds) Auber men, and then it was found that he had •
Mr. Ira D. Cliff. only been stunned by the fall. If drunken FELT, ore THE PAvEetErer.-Susannah Hor-
Song-" Judith,". Gollmiek men are not allowed to ride on the Secondand ner. aged 56 years, fell on the pavement on One Case Lyons Silk Poplins, New Shades. ,
Miss Greenfield. Third streets road,the rule of prohibition must Clairborne street, below Ball, last evening,
Ballad-" Pleasant Memories,". Simons have been established very recently. There is and had a leg fractured. She was taken to . ,
Mr. James Teale. no excuse, however, for a conductor pushing her borne No. 952 Clairborne street. '
Canzoae-" La Capricciosa," Tito Mattel a person from the platform while a car is In STORE RORRERY.-A shoe store on Eleventh e
One Case E mp ress Popli_ns, ;553 eta.
Miss Kate Lather. motion.
Solo, Violoncello, "Le Reve,"....Goltermann SUPPOSED BURGLAR. CAUGHT.-Yesterday robbed on Saturday night. • .
Mr. Augustus Hazzard. morning, about three o'clock, Policeman
_... e • •
Duet-" Lurline," Wallace Ellis, of the Sixth District, observed three COTTAGE Forteroronte-The attention of our
Misses Lather and Greenfield. readers is called to the large sale of Walnut,
men standing at Eighth and Maple streets. One C ase Empress Cloth P oplins, 05 ctn. ,
Solo,Piano, " Redowa de Concert,".. Chestnut and Painted Cottage furnftnre, to
He walked towards them, and before he
Carl Wolfsohn reached Maple street a whistle wasblown, 1
be held at Messrs. Telßirch So Sons, 110 , ,
Mr. Augustus Hazzard. and the men started away. , When Ellis got to Chestnnt street, at 10 o'clock on Tuesday
One Case Empress Cloth Poplins,. 75 cts.
Aria-" Lucretia Borgia," Donizetti Maple Street h t • f
e saw two men jump from an morning.
Mr. Ira D. Cliff.• Also, a stock of Walnut Parlor and Chaco-
Kellogg Valse. Arditi v just above the corner, and run. He drew
his revolver and fired at them. One of the ber . furniture, from one of the best Cabinet- • •
. Miss Kate Lanier. men fell and was captured, his fall being makers of our city . .
solo, 'Flute, "Variations," Iklaysader . The furniture will be sold to the high est
caused by a slip on the ice. He was taken to
Mr. J. G. Anderson. the Sixth District Station-house and locked bidder, in order to make room for other con- One Case' Chene flUohair, double width, 50 cts. . I '
Duet-" Maritana,". Wallace up . o n t h e way , signments.
at Thirteenth and Race \
Misses Lanier and Greenfield. • .
streets, he made a desperate attempt to escape, THE EVANGELICAL ,ALLIANCE.-The first ,
One Case Chene Mohair, 31 cts.
CITY BULLETIN. S. Reading. He will have a hearing at the cal Alliance for Philadelphia and parts adja- .
Central Station this afternoon. After the' ar- cent will be held in the First Reformed Pres-
AT LAST.-That the winter of 1e6.9-70 wasn't rest it was ascertained that the side-window of byterian Church (Rev. Dr. Wylie, Pastor), on ,
destined to pass away without at least one the jewelry store at Eighth and Maple streets Broad street, below Spruce, this evening. Ad
snow-fall available to the purposes of sleigh- had been broken open. The burglars, how , dresses will be made by Rev. Dr. Philip - Schaff,
runners and three-minute horses is told in the ever, had not had time to secure any plunder, who has recently returned from a visit to Eu- Dlack.lo - renadines and Herna,ni, in large aissortmen.t.
'whitened ground of this morning and the '
music of the SAW THE ELEPHANT.-Godfrey Killion, a rope made in the interest of the approaching
"Belle, bells.bells," young man who resides in the upper part of geenoral meeting in New York ; Rev. Prof. C. , , -
as their softened runic rhyme tintinuabulates the city, started down town on Saturdaynight m. Butler, D. D., of the Episcopal Divinity
" A S 11 School, and Rev. President James McCosh, ....
cheerile , in the distance. The fall came from as he says, "to see the elephant. t event OnevCase Choice Shades Spring Silks, 01. 87 1.2.
the clouds as light as feathers,whichtlutterep so and Shippen streets he fell in with Thomas Lb. D of Princeton College.
D., , ,
coyly above usgliat whether they were ascend- Craig and John Whalen. The trio soon got
tug or descending was scarcely perceptible. on the most friendly terms,
.and had two or •
At this writing the milk-white blanket that three drinks together. Killion thought that CHARLES iSTOKEs, . New Plaid and Stripe Silks.
covers the ground is about six inches in be was getting along finely, but he wanted to MERCHANT TAILOR,
depth. see a little more of the elephant. Finally
'The fall took everybody by surprise. The Craig quarreled with him about a remark and CONTINENTAL HOTEL. ,
livery-stable keepers had consigned their Punched his head. Before he had quite re- P antaloon Cutting a Specialty. Perfect fit guaranteed. 105 Pieces Black Silks for Suits, from $l. 45 to 04 per yard.
;sleighs to the uppermost lofts of their carriage. t overed from the blow Whalen had managed •
houses. Fur robes were long since consigned to abstract from his pocket a wallet contain- Prices greatly reduced.
, ,
to their summer receptacles, as things to be ing $25. In the language of the victim, he•
thought only as BO much locked-up capital and "had seen the elephant, and thought it best to pleasant in taste and odor, free from all injurious - SPECIALLPATTENTION
superfluous possessions. The livery men get out of that region." He drummed up a properties, and immediate in its action. i
sprang from their slumbers to prepare for the policeman and told his story. Craig and Wha- WALLED IN WITH PATER !-Why are the! ,
rush that was to come. The rush was to Broad Ten were soon arrested. Ald. Bonsall gave hair-coloring preparations kept dark? Simply because ,
street, and thence to the suburban roads. The them a hearing yesterday morning, and held the light decomposes them and exposes their foul sedi• ,
era of sleigh-riding in this city is gone by. It them in $6OO bail for trith. I went. Hence the bottles are jacketed with paste and
is about as practicable as carrying water upon Cauoter IN THE Acm.-Wm. S. Schaeffer Mitt, on the other hand, is as clear and transparent in Is called to the fact that all our settlements Ibave been Imadersnd our:prices based on the nreaen.
a gridiron. Where one vehicle upon runners was catight in an attempt to rob the house of r. s i the shade It revives the natural
C t o l ior gn in nß e h v i e n r; a n
time-bleached Bb . re, and doesn ot stain the rate of Gold, which is lo per than for eight years natit. .
is made to order, probably a dozen are John teiener, No. 125 North Front street, skin. Sold by all druggists and fancy goodedealers.
abandoned to the vicissitudes of the auction- early yesterday morning. He had formerly
room. People keeping private carriages now boarded in the home, but was suspected of MANHOOD AND . YOUTHFUL VIGOR. are 113-
trust entirely to wheels. Time was that to having made way with several articles which gained by HELMBOLIYB XTRACT HUM% I
livery-stable men each snowfall brought such were missed, and was notified to leave. Yes- •
a harvest as is brought to undertakers by the terday morning John Metz, a boarder, heard " W E
. consider Burnett's Flav r o c r u i l nLE y x u t e racts
visitation of an epidemic. That those square- a noise and went down stairs. He ob- p; a e- r eart i l i y , sup e rior
,ton to any other for i
toed silvery days are gone forever is as mar- served a light in the bar-room. When These Extricts'ean'now be obtained of reliable grocers
lain as the übiquity of greenbacks and pas- be got near the door, the light everywhere. ST 9
senger railroad tracks, thick-headed Councel- was suddenly extinguished. This didn't look
men and Turk's Island salt. Ten years ago, right, and Mr. Metz instituted a search. He HELMBOLD'B EXTRACT Demo gives health . -.
and the streets, on a morning like was armed with a big stick. In the cellar he and vigor to the frame and bloom to the pallid che ek.
this, would be filled with vehicles, found Schattler with his pockets filled with ittlV %Os accompanied i ll a b iren e ilVd a t l o a , ri c n o i n n e i sym ptoms, pion,
film the dashing equipages of the pretzels and cigars. He called a policeman, Butte, or epileptic tits ensue. N. W. CORNER EIGHTH AND MARKET STREETS.
Millionaire to the crockery crate upon runners anti handed over his prisoner. Aid. Kerr e
extemporized committed the latter. CHOCOLATE CemeterEre-Very fine. • DRY GOODS. DRY GOODS. , DRY GOODS.
for the occasion by the enthusiast
in sport, who bas also a scanty pocket-book. STEPHEN F. WinTmAN,
B. W. corner Twelfth and Market streets. 1 -
All night long we have listened, on the coun- A PUGNACIOUS CONDUCTOII.-W.M. Camp- ,
try roads, to sleigh-bell music • all bight 'Will bell is a conductor on the Lombard and South- • FOR NON-RETENTION Oft, INCONTINENCE A CARD.
used the lights to gleam from the windows o Streets Passenger Railway. On Saturday- . of Urine, irritation, mllammation, or ulceration of the • , •
,$ ) 1 . ) IK 4, I LINEN GOODS.
country hostelries, where the casemeats night John Gallagher got into his car. Atter bladder, or kidneys, disease, of the prostate glands,
stone in the bladder, calculus, gravel or brick-dust de
rattled to he had paid his fare- he called Campbell, and posit. and all diseases of the bladder, kidneys and
charged him with not giving him the right dropsecal swellings, ' '
"The dancers dancing in tune," change. Conductor insisted that he had forked Uss HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT HUMID. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. -, We would ask the attention of buyers to our miter
and the morning's gray saw the revelers,chin. merit of
over the right sum. Gallagher was quarrel
deep in straw and buffalo-robes, blessing the UPHOLSTERTNG.-Careful . workmen sent .
some during the remainder of his ride. At the t
. ' . ell' LINEN STORE -(9- ,
Power that fixed their station in a country out to do upholstering of any description. Prices mode- I HOUSEKEEPING LINENS .
end ot the road, Front and Dock streets, he rate at W. PI XNRY PATTEN's new place, 1516 Chestnut . ,
above the line of Messrs. Mason and Dixon,and ,
got out, and then Campbell pitched into, him street.
whe le mosquitoes cease biting after October. and gaee him a pretty sound whinpin g.For SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RESTORED BY Sheppard, Van Harlingen& Arrison, 8,25 Arch Street.
Since the countries to the north of us have Which is now complete.
thin he was taken in charge by a policeman. BELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. ,
been shorn of their vast pineries, our winters _ —...-------
, Alter a hearing before Alderman Carpenter, , AND
have been about as variable as in those days he was held in $6OO bail for assault and battery. ENGLISH Hoe. CROSB Boos-fresh, daily-at 1008 CHESTNUT STREET, PERKINS & CO.,
'was the stability of an Indiana bank, or as an - • Morse'll, 102 Arch and 238 South Eleventh street.
Indiana marriage is at the present day. PiexteseteeeNlA RAILROAD.-The annual ',-, -----1 " -- ,, • - IN
To-morrow, in all probability, instead of a election for Directors of the Pennsylvania l ion,, of both sexes, MO HELMBOLD'A EXTRACT BUCHU. •In consequence of the continued decline in Gold, will 9 SOUTH NINTH ST.
picture •of wbite,our streets will be filled with ltailroad is being held, - to-day, at the office it will give brisk and energetic feelings, and enable you allow a further discount of FIVE PER CENT, on all fella m w ilmrp
'-stuck" dray-horses, profanity and splash. of the Company, on South Third street. to sleep well. _ purchases from their ENTIRE STOCK of IMPORTED
Sie transit gloria 'Avis! The ticket annexed is being voted, with- CHOCOLATE CAIcAMEL.-Particularly nice. GOODS. This will embrace a large Importation of New , SPRING IMPORTATIONS.
out opposition, and will undoubtedly be Manufactured by and VERY DESIRABLE GOODS , received per late FINANCIAL '
Loom, CriownErt.-Snow-balls are in order elected. The polls will close at 6 o'clock this STEPHEN F. WHITMAN', STEAMERS and all opened within lite past TEN DAYS. IMMENSE STOCK •
-- toedaye - So - are codfish balls, dancing balls - ,and evening, :- s. w. eornor Twelfth and Market streets. - Also - , - all el the stock remaining on band from last - - - _ - - _
the bawls that are uttered by the newsboys. Directors-J . Edgar Thomson, Josiah BA- TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND IlersAPE season, which we reduced In price from 10 to 2) per cent. , • OF
The late visit of the "La Norma" Asseocia- eon, Wistar Morris, Geo. Black (Pittsburgh), remedies for unpleasant and dangerous diseases. Use on the Ist of February, ultimo, making altogether to A FIRST CLASS SECURITY.
tion to the "Dukes," of Germantown, was a Samuel T. Bodine, Joseph B. Myers, Edward HELMBOLD'A EXTRACT BUCHU AND IMPROVED Reim onr cuotomets a greater difference than the actual de- , LINEN GOODS
most enjoyable occasion. The ladies antigen- C. Knight, Washington Butcher, John M. . - cline in We IA 11. Gold. P • ... .
tlemen were driven out in big omnibmeses. Kennedy, John Rice. To QUIET, soothe and relieve the pain of Tbefonowinglines of evade will be found 811DOIALLY WE OFFER FOR SALE
They were most handsomely entertained by children teething, Use Bowsn's INFANT CORDIAL. Sold attractive and CHEAP WHITE GOODS and .
their friends, the "Dukes." A fine band of SLIGHT FIRES.-An alarm of fire last night by all druggists. IN; 1, 000, 0 0 0
music hadbeen provided, The collation that about half-past ten o'clock was caused by the THE GLORY OF MAN IS STRENGTH.-There- Shirting and Fronting Linens. . .
ensued was one of the handsomest affairs of slight burning of Shinn's coal office, at Elev- fore the nervons and debilitated should immediately use ,
the season. The respective associations are enth and Hamilton streets. The flames are ...E it
LMBOLD'S EXTR ACT Berne. Table Cloths, Table Linens, Napkins, ' .
not , leistocratec. They are only particular. supposed to have been started by an incen- . LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE
Comm, Bunions Inverted Nails, skillfu.Uy
Schuylkill navigation opens to-day. This diary. . t Doylies, ,
treated by Dr. J: 'Davidson, No. 915 Chestnut street. ~
willstnalte bustle in the tow line market. It La , st nifflit about 9 o'clock a dwelling house, charges moderate.
Will alio give an upward tendency to the oat No. 2Va ley court. Race street, near Seventh, Of entirely new and elegant patterns. Prlees Down to Present Gold Rate.
market, and enable the commercial reporters was discovered to be on fire. The Columbia BELMROLD'S - EXTRACT BUCID7 and Ist-
Towels and Towelings .
to quote raw hides -as "in actin(' demand." Hose Company extinguished the flames before PROVE Reins WARII cures secret and delicate disorders
in all &Mr stages, at little expense, little or no (Mugge
any serious damage had been done. The oc- in diet,no ioconvonienee and no exposure. It is Riede- Of every descript. 014
lquieli that have spent their winters in other , 1870. 'SPRING GOODS. 1870. FIRS
ways will once more return to the "raging eupants of the house were abeent at the time, ent tit taste and odor, immediate in Reaction, and free
from all injurious properties. - Marseilles Quilts, I
• ; E
, EYRE & LAND LL, And Accrued Interest from Oct. I.
canawl." The life -led ip this pursuit is a sort Act:lop-airs-Rev. Wesley Bishop, of Long OAEFonn'a stock of fine Hats and Caps Length of Road 390 Miles.
of mundane purgatory to all hands. Give us Island, fell at Fifteenth and Chestnut streets, s lti g lower than any in the city . are And all varieties of
the choice, andwe'd much rather be Captain lard evening, and had a leg broken. He was e Go P und get a bargain. '
Crusoe of Fernandezahan our friend Captain conveyed to a house, No. 1807 Shellbark street, Stores, under the Continental. House Furnishing Dry , Goods.
Smith of tile canal-boat Polly Jane. For im- and was properly cared for. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH Furniture Coverings, Cretonnes & Chintzes. . ABE OPENING TO-PAY FOR SPRING SALES, PEP AT AN ACTUAL COST OF OVER .
1043,000,000, ,
Parting familiarity with soiled shirts, rusty Isaac Etchell,74 years of agegesidence No. 2 treated with the utmost success, by J. 'AAA ,M. D.,
bacon,misery, ana creamiest; coffee, canal life Juvenal street, fell and dislocated his left and Professor of Di , eases of the Eye and Ea; i pii.9 WM
has no impeder. arm, in, Jayne street, between Seventh and a too in e tte l , Ker n /
l e i o s e t e r e e r e f if . ' P T ei e tm i liT i nfri, years ex- Table and PI ano Covers. ,
, Splendid
R k o ' b r
eesn.c Three C hi n F t l z o e u s
n . 0 e s .
' Rich Sprint , g Percales. AND HAS PAID FROM. 7 TO 8 PER CENT. -DIV'.
Should frost come to-night-and in this par- Eighth. He was taken to the Pennsylvania l erti e t i rroince e : The medical faeulty ?iio a ti B a:Na be t,:r- , 1 BENDS ON ITS STOCK FOR THE PAST E/GIHE
ticular climate the thing is far from impossible Hospital this morning. company their patients, as he has no secrets in his prao- Real Lace and Nottingham Curtains. , Organdy 1-JELV7II Robes.
' Japanese Figured Silks.
-the uncleared sidewalks will cause an flu-. tice. ' Artificial eyes inserted without pain. No charge , .
limited amount of gyration on the part of LARCENY OF leemen.-Randelph Hone at- fore xernination.
_____ Curtain Materials and Upholstery Goods. g PI • Sill
apanese Pin-i n . co.
pedestrians to-morrow morning. Upon the tempted to roll away a berrel of flour - from II F,LmiloLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT with right of Registration *
ALSO, Neat Stripe and Figured Silks. '
New Stook of plain Silks.
sidewalk of every good citizen no snow will the front of agrocery store, at Thirteenth and Dec on •
this evening remain. • • - L - owbard streets, on Saturday night. He had ri t• Is the Great Diuretic. Best Black Silks Made. _ The Bonds are Coupons of $1,900 r aw ly
Anion g the characters of this city is a yen- E MROLD's C O NCENTRATED EXTRACT SARSAPA- An unusually large and attractive stock et P 3 , -
$1 200 000 of the Bonds have 'been Bead
neglected to make any arrangement about mime
der of "hot meat pies." Ile carries his mar- payingfor the flour. The storekeeper thought • ( e'lhe Great Blood Purifier, I Paisley Long and Square Shawls. a l rea dy ( one party taking $500,00 as a
Llama Points and Jackets.
chandiee in a square contrivance made of Both are prepared according td rules of Pharmacy First-class White Goods, PiqueS, Tidies, permanent investment), and we have hat
block tin. It stands upon tour gouty-looking th aetion of Hope looked very much like rid Chemistry, and are the most active that can be Ilmi t e Antoinettes and Fisohus.
the e fl, and sent a policeman after him, Hope' amade. Hdkfs. and Staple Embroideries. . . 1
9,3 P
legs. Otte of the favorite resorts of this pie- was arraigned before Alderman Morrow yes
man is the horse bazaar of Mr. Alfred Hark- terday morning, and was held for a further ~-, .s. ------ e" -- e --- ..- -see
LADIES' m A..i. 8. eo, 188E8 ..ATS.-The most - voters as a first-class security.
Bess. At the close of the regular horse sales h • exquisite styles. Selling at prices lower than elsewhere. „
corner Third and ltertme streets, only one WIWI
hearing. oAitecian'a, n l ili o tu o w E;i f O m
the dignity of business is relaxed, and timely - , Under the Continental. .
ruht Otto ' stet'.
ow the Exchange. lIMO,OOO te loan, to go ; =lam
levity then steps in. At the close of the sale Fins AT Butracsnuite.--A fire occurred at , 'mount:eon diamonds, aver plate. watches, OWO/FFJ *l. 1 , .
ts' sttn- REAL
on Saturday Mr. Herkness int roduced the Lennig's Chemical Works, at Bridesburg, last EttntoloAL IrtsratriaENTB and druggis -t,., ,„„ ,_-• „...,, . ...,„„ , , , !
GUIPURE LACE SACQUEB• and envie of rly. Office hours Proms A. .to 1
Just received from Paris. eons° very ..,ri_ch„ f_.ent P. M. _Hata Ilt 64 for the last fortYle 4 ". A A: NO. 754t110‘441 11)1TII: bitTeez. -
plenum to the assemblea crow d . night. The loss sustained was about Itfioo, and Mee.
23 South Eighth street. Guipure Lace Samosa, at reduced prime/. tr",-;^ W. , " TIC " Lama in urge elheatitel the it ', "%T M - ke fes tf rp • ,
About- fifty bu.sh-hillers were among was fully covered by insurance. VOGEL, ME Cheetnut street