from the Overland Month falliboro.) OIROVrall OF CALAVA4tAIk -- • , BY F. 11RET A subdued tone of cotiVe*tion*and the absence of cigar -smoke, add' Wet-4as%, atAhe windows of the Wingdam'stage-coach, made it evident that one of the inside passengers was a woman. A disposition on the part of loun geS: atthe - stations, to congregate before the window ; and some . concern in regard to ~the' aPPWAITO 000.;f )lakt,abC.oQiiars fu;rtber Indicated that she was lovely. All o ' f which Mi. Jack Hamlin, on the box-seat, noted with the smile of cynical philosophy.. Not that be depreciated the' sex, but that. he recognized therein: a deceitful element, the pursuit of which, sometimes drew mankind away from the equally tMeertain blandishinenta of poker —of which it may be remarked that Mr. Ham lin was a prefessional exponent. So that, when he placed his • narrow boot on , the wheel and leaped down, he did not even glance at the .windoir from which a green ,veil was fluttering,. but lounged up and, down with that listless and grave indifference of his class, which was, perhaps, the next. thing to good breeding. His closely-buttoned figure. and self-constrained. air, were in marked contras' t to the other passengers, . and . their feverish rest 7 lessnees, and boisterous emotion and even Bill Masters,.a graduate of Harvard, with his slovenly dress, his overflowing vitality, his in tense appreciation of lawlessness and barba rism, and his mouth filled with crackers and cheese, I fear, cut but, an unromantic figure beside this lonely calculator of chances, with his pale Greek face, and Homeric gravity. The driver called "all aboard," and Mr. Hamlin returned to the coach. His foot was upon the • wheel,. and his face raised to the level of the open window, when 9 at the same•moment, what appeared to him to be the finest eyes in the world suddenly met his. He quietly dropped down again, addressed a few words to one of the inside passengers, ef fected an exchange of seats, and as quietly took his place inside. Mr. Hamlin never allowed his philosophy. to interfere .with decisive and prompt action. 4. fear that this irruption of Jack cast some restraint upon the other passengersparticu larly those who were making themselves most agreeable to the lady. One of' thoinleaned for ward and apparently conveyed to her infertile thin regarding. Mr. Hamlin's profession, in a single epithet. Whether Mr.'Hamlin heard it or ' Whether he , recognized •in the in-' formant a distinguished jttrist, from whom, but a Tew eveningi before, he" had won several thousand dollars, I Can . not sa His colorless face betrayed no sign; • his black Cyps; quietly ouservauL, gianceu mantel ently -past the legal gentleman, and rested on the much more pleasing features of his neigh ' bor. An Indian. stoicism—said to be an In heritance from his maternal ancestor;—stood hirn in good service, until the rolling wheels rattled upon the river-gravel at Scott's Ferry, and the stage drew np at the International hotel, for dinner. The legal gentleman and aniember of Congress leaped out, and stood ready to assist the descending - goddess, while • Colonel Starbottle, of Siskiyou, took charge of parasol and shawl. In this multiplicity of attention ) there was a.rnomeutary confusion and delay; Jack Hamlin quietly opened the opposite door of the coach, took the lady's hand—with that decision and positiveness which a hesitating and undecided sex know how ~ to ad mireand in an instant had dexterously and gracefully swung her to the ground, and again lifted her to the , platform. An audible chuekle on the box, I fear, came from that other cynic, "Yuba Bill," the driver. "Look keerfully aster that baggage, Kernel," said the expressman, with affected concorn,as he looked after Colonel Starbottle, gloomily bringing up tiv rear of the triumphant procession to the waiting-room. • • Mr. Hamlin did not stay for dinner. His horse was already saddled and awaiting him. He dashed over the ford, up the gravelly hill, and out into the dusty perspective of the Wing -darn road, like one leaving an unpleasant fancy behind hiin. The inmates of dusty cabins by . thp . roadside shaded . their eyes with Ikands, . and. looked 'after him, recog nizing the man by his horse, and specu lating what was up with Comanche Jack." Yet • mach of this interest cen tered in the horse, in a community where the • time made by " French - Pete's" mare, in his ranlrom the Sheriff of Calaveras, eclipsed all concern in the ultimate fate of that worthy. The sweating flanks of his gray at length re called him to himself. He checked his speed, and, turning into a by-road—sometimes used as a cut-off—trotted leisurely along the reins hanging listlessly front his fingers. As he rode :on the character of the land icape changed, and became more pas toral. Openings in groves of pine and syca more disclosed some rude attempts at eultiva tion—a flowering vine trailed over the porch of one cabin, and a woman rocked her cradled babe under the roses of another. A little farther on, Mr. Hamlin came upon some bare-legged children, wading in the willowy creek, and so wrought upon them with a badinage peculiar - hfritself that -- - they- were- - emboldened to - up his horse's legs and over his saddle, Until he •WaS fain " to • develop an exaggerated ferocity of demeanor, and' to escape, leaving behind some kisses and coin. And then, advancing deeper into the , woods where all sign of habitation failed, he' began to.sine—uplifting a tenor so singularly sweet-,.and aaded by a pathos so subduing and tender, that I wot the robins and linnets stopped to listen. Mr. Hamlin's voice was not '.cultivated; the subject of his song was some sentimental lunacy, borrowed from the . negro minstrels, but there was some occult quality of tone and expression that thrilled through all to spirit ' tinexpresi3ibly touching. Indeed, it was a won derful-sight-to. see this--sentimental-blackleg, with a pack of cards in his pocket and a re volver at bis back, sending his voice before Jim: through the dim woods with a plaint about hie " Welly's grave," .in a way that overflowed the ,eyes.of the listener. .A sparrow-hawk, fresh from bis sixth victim, possibly' recognizing in Mr: Efamlin.a kindred spirit, stared at him in surprise, and was fain to confess the superiority . . With a superior predatory capacity, he 'couldn't sing. 2114 Mr. 44:yeilin presently found himself aicalikon the high-road,and at his former pace. Pltobeti atsul , batilte of gavel,denuded hill-sides, stusopS Mid decayed trunks of trees took the plate of woodland and ravine, and indicated his' aPiproach 'to civilization. • Then a church steeple tame in sight., and he knew that he had reached' home: /a a few moments - he was clattering ' down ' the single narrow street, that lost itself in a chaotic ruin of races, ditches, and tailings at the foot a the hill, and dismounted before the gilded viindovifi of the "Magnolia" saloon. Passing . trough the long bar-rootu, he pushed open a peen-baize . door, entered a dark. passage, opened another door with a pass-key, and found himself in a dimly lighted room, 'whose furni ture, though elegant and costly for the locality, fsliowcd signs of abuse. The inlaid i t_ atre-table was overlaid with stained disks 1 were not conteMplated in the original ign.. , The embroidered arm-chairs were dis colored, and the green-velvet lounge on which '34r.1 Hamlin threw himself, was wiled at the 109twith the red soil of Witigdam. • ' • !liff'., Ilarrilin did not sing in his cage. He lay stili lopltMg at a highly-colored painting above 1 4u 1 ) '. representing .a young creature of o p u j e w,.. l dams.. . It occurred .to him then, , for . the : first time, that he tad AleVter . seen exactly that kind of a 1 11-IEAMILY #O. BIJLLETIN-T HILADELPHIA, 'MON, I A*-31ARCI - 1 7;1876. roMan l and, that, if 'he shortld,'lw;Weuld net, prlbablyi - fen in -love - `withher: Per'ha'ps be was-tbinking •of another style of beauty. But justl,ben some one knocked at the:door. ,With .out rising he pulbiota cordibat apparently 'shot back'a bolt for tbe'doer"iwung , open, and a nrim entered. The new-Comer was broad-shouldered and robust—a vigor not borne out in the face, which, then& handsome, was singularly weak, and disfigured by dissipation. He appeared to be also under the influence of liquor, for he started on seeing Mr. Hamlin,. and said, "I thought Kate was here ;" stammered, and seemed con fused and embarrassed. ' Mr. Hamlin smiled the smile which he had before worn on the Wingdam coach, and sat up, quite refreshed,and ready for busi ness.. i ' "'Yen 'didn't come up - on the stage," con :tinned the new-comer, "did you ?" • ; iaPlied Hamlin ; "I left it at Scott's Veiry. It isn't due for half an hour yet. But how's luck, Brown ?" " bad," said Brown, his face suddenly kissliminean expression of weak despair: I'm Cleaned out again. Jack," he continued, in a whining tone, that for Med a pitiable contrast to • his bulky figure, "can't you help me with a hundred.till to-morrow's' clean-up?: You see I've got to send money home to the old woman, and—you've won twenty times that amount from me." : • • The conclusion was, perhaps, not entirely logical, but Jack overlooked it; and handed the sum to his visitor. '4 4 The'. old-Woman 'busi ness is about played out, Brown," he added,by way of commentary ; why don't you say you want to buck agiu faro ? You know you ain't married !" • • • " ,said Brown, with a _sud den gravity, -as'lf the mere - contact of. the gold with, the . palm. of the _hand had imparted some dignity to. his. frame. " I've got a wife—a d—d good one; too, if I 'do say the States. It's three 'year since I've seen her, and a year ail:lee 'l've • 'writ to her. When things is about straight, and, we • get down to the lead, I'm going to send'for her." "And Kate?" queried Mr. Hamlia, with his previous smile. Mr. Brown, of Calaveras,' essayed an arch:: ness of glanee, to cover his confusion, which his weak face.and whisky-muddled intellect but poorly,carried out, and said : • "D---it; Jack, a mail must have a little liberty, you know. But come, what do you say to a little game?.Give us a show to dou be this hundred." Jack Hamlin looked curiously at his fatuous friend. 'Perhaps ho knew that 'the'citan - Was Predestined to lose the money, nd preferred that it should flow back into his own coffers rather than in any other. .He nodded his head, and drew his chair toward the' table. At the same moment there came a rap upon the door. . "It's Rate," said Mr. Brown. ,Mr. Hamlin shot back the bolt, and the door opened. But for the fast time in 'his life, he staggered to his feet, utterly, unnerved and abashed, and for the first time in his life, the hot blood crimsoned his colorless cheeks to his forehead." For before him stood . the;• lady he had lifted from the Wingdam edoach, whoM Brown—dropping his cards with a hysteriCal laugh—greeted as "My old woman, by thunder !" They say that Mrs. Brown burst into tears, and reproactes'of her husband. I saw ber, in 185'7, at Marysville, and disbelieve the story. And the Wingclani Chronicle, ,of the next Week, under the head of " Toucing Reunion," said :—" One of those beautiful and touching incidents, peCuliar to California life,' oc curred, last week, in ,our, city.. The wife of one of Wingdam's eminent • pioneers, tired of the effete civilization Of :.the East, and its inhospitable climate, resolved to join her noble husband, upon these golden shoreS. Without informing him of her intention, she undertook the long journey, Mut arrived last week. The joy of the husband may be easier imagined than described. The meeting is said to have been indescribably affecting. We trust her example may be followed:" Whether owning,to Mrs. Brown's influence, or to sane more successful speculations, Mr. Brown's financial fortune, front that day, steadily improved. lie bought out his partners in the "Nip and Tuck" lead, with money said tolave been won at poker,' a week or two after his Wife's arrival, but which rmnor,adopt- Mg Mrs. Brown's theory that Brown had for sworn the gaining table, alleged to have been furnished by • ° Mr. ,Jack Hamlin. He built and furnished the "Wingdam House," which • pretty Mrs. Brown's great ,popularity kept overflowing with guests. He was elected to the- Assembly, and gave largess to churches. A street in Wiugdam was named in his honor. Yet, it was noted that in proportion as,he waxed wealthy and fortunate, he grew pale, thin and anxious. As his wife's poptilarity. in creased, lie became fretful and impatient. The most uxorious of husbands—he was absurdly, jealous. If he did not interfere with his wife's social liberty, it was because—it was Mali ciously whispered—that his first and only at tempt was Met - by an outburst from "Mrs. Brown.that terrified him into silence. Much of this kind - of gossip came frorrillkise Of her oWn .sex whom she had supplanted in the chivalrous attentions of Wingdam : which, like'most pop ular chivalry, was "ife - voted to an admiration' of- power, whether of inasculine fOrce or feminine beauty. It should be remem bered, too, in her extenuation, that, since her arrival, she bad been the unconscious priestess of a mythological worship, perhaps. not more ennobling to her womanhood than that which distinguished an ' older Greek democracy. 1 think that Brown was dimly conscious of this. But his only confidant was Jack Hamlin, whose infelix reputation natu rally precluded any open nitimacy with the family, and whose visits were infrequent.. It was midsummer, 'and a moonlit night; -and Mrs: - Brown,- very rosy,- large-eyed-and pretty, sat upon the piazza, enjoying the fresh incense of the mountain breeze, and; It is to - be feared, another incense, which was not so "fresh, nor quite as innocent. Besidtzi..bec sat. Colonel Starbottle and Judge Boomoointer, and a later addition to her court, - in the shape of a foreign tourist: She was in good spirits. "What do you see down the road?" in quired the gallant. Colonel,, who had been.con7 scions, for the last few minutes, that Mrs. Brawn's attention was diverted. "Dust," said Mrs.: Brown, with a sigh. " Only sister Anne's.k.flock of sheep.' " The Colonel, whose literary recollections did not extend farther back hist:week's paper, took a more practical view. "It ain't sheep," he continued; "it's 'a horseman. Judge, ain't that Jack Hamlin's gray ?" But the Judge didn't know; and, as Mrs. Brown suggested, the air was growing too cold for further investigations, they retired to the parlor. Mr. Brown was hi the stable, where he generally retired after dinner. Perhaps it was to show his contempt for his wife's compan ions; perhaps, like other weak natures he found pleasure in the exercise of absolute power over inferior animals. He had a certain gratification in the training of a chestnut more, whom he could beat or - earess as pleased him, whleit he couldn't do with Mrs. Brown. I 4 way_ here that he recognized a certain gray horse hich had just C 01111). in, and, looking a little farther on, found,-his, rider. Brown's greeting waS Cordial and lina*:/;ldr. Hamlin's somewhat raftdined. — ;Brown's urgent regoest, he followed him up the back-stairs, to a narrow corridor; and thence to a small room looking out uport, the stable-yard. It was plainly furnished with, a bed, a table, a few chairs, and a rack for guns and whips. I..‘'llds-yer's in hoe;;. J said-Brown, with a!sigb, as he threw 'upon the' bed; andanotioned his companion r rckan't4 Vother end of tho)M11111"4 e `six mdriths since we've livhd t+gethery or juet, 'exalt at meals. It's inightyrtmgh papers:lm the head of the house—art it?" he said, with a forced laugh. "But I'm • glad to see ye, Jack, el— glad," and - he reached from the bed, and again shook the unresponsive hand of Jack Ilamlin. "I brought ye up here, for ,I didn't , i want I to talk in the stable ; though,., 'for' the 'matter' of round that, it's all town. Don't strike a . light. We can talk here in the, moonshine. ,Put up Your feet on that winder, add asit here. beside , me., Thar's whisky in that jug." , Mr. Hamlin did not , vail himself of the 'ha -1 fortnation: 'Brewn, of 'CalaVertiS,' turned his face to the Wall; and centinned;'' ' I "If 1 'didn't ye,' the Wonian, Jack, T wouldn't VIIML But it's lOiing ier, ,aMt 'see mg her, day arter day, goire,owat this rate, and no one to put down; the brake ; that'S what Bits 'mei But glad to see •ye, Jack, d— •ln the darkfiess„ he groped about until' be had found and wrung this coMpabion'S hand again. He w,ouhl have' detained, it, but Jack slipped it into the buttoned breast of his coat, and asked, listlessly, "How long has this been going on 1" . " Ever since she came'' here; ever since the day she walked into . the Magnolia. 1 Was a fool then'; Jack, "I'm a fool now'; but I didn't know hoWintich I loved her till then., And she hasn't been, the same woman Bence. . . " But that ain't all, Jack; and it's what I wanted, to see you about, and 'l'm , glad you've come. It ain't that she dOetn't lOve me any more,;, it ain't that she fools' with every chap that comes along, for, perhaps, I staked her love and 'lost it, as. I did everything else at the Magnolia; and, perhaps, foolin' is nateral to some women, and thar ain't no great harm done, 'cept to the fools. But, Jack, I think— I think she loves somebody else,. Don't move, Jack ;.don't move; if your pistol htirta ye, take it, oil'. ' ' "It's been more'n six months now, that she's seemed unhappy and lonesome, and kinder nervous and scared like,, And, sometimes, I've ketched her lookin,' at me sort of timid and pitying. And she writes to somebody. And, for the last Week, she's heen gathering her own things—trinkets, and furbelows, and jewlry—and, Jack, I think she's goin' off. I could,stand all, . but that. To have her steal away ike a thief—)" He put his face down ward ,to the •pillow,(and, for a few moments, there was no sound but the ticking of a clock on the mantel., Mr. Hamlin lit •a• cigar, and to tot Open windoW. • The gluon no longer shone liP the room, and the bed and its occupant were in shadow. "What-shall I do, Jack ?" said the voice from the darkness. The answer came promptly and clearly from the window-side: "Spot the man, and kill him on sight." • " But, Jack ?" "He's took the risk!" "But will that bring her back?" Jack did not reply, but moved from the win dow toward the door. ' i 4 Don't go yet, Jack; light the candle, and sit by the table. it's a comfort to see ye, if nothin' else."' 'Jack hesitated, and then coraplied. lie drew a pack of cards from his pocket and shuffled them, the bed. But Brown's face was turned to the wall. When Mr. Hamlin had shuffled the cards, he cut them, and dealt one card on the opposite side of the table and toward the bed, and another on his side of the table, for himself. The first was a deuce; his own card, a king. He then shuffled and cut again. This time " dummy " had a queen and himself a four spot. Jack brightened up for the third deal. It brought his adversary a deuce and himself a king again. "Two out of three," said Jack, audibly. " What's that, Jack ?" said Brown. "Nothing." Then Jack tried his hand with dice; but he always threiv sixes, and his imaginary oppo nent aces. The torte of habit is sometimes confusing. Meanwhile, some magnetic influence in Mr._ Hamlin's presence, or the anodyne of liquor, ;or 'both, brought surcease of sorrow, and Brown slept. Mr. Hatalin moved his chair to the window, 'and looked out on the town of Wing dam, now sleeping peacefully—its harsh out lines softened andsubdued, its glaring - colors mellowed and sobered in the moonlight that flowed over an. In the hush he could hear the gurgling of. water in the ditches, and the sighing of the pines beyond the hill. Then he looked np at the firmament, .anti, at the did so, a star shot 'across the twinkling field. Presently another, and then .another. The phenomenon suggested to Mr. Ham lin a flesh augury. If, in another fifteen minutes,: another star should fall—. He sat there, watch in band, for twice that time, but the phenomenon was not repeated. The clock struck two, and Brown still slept. Mr. Hamlin approached the table and took from his pocket a letter, which he read by' the ,flickering candle-light. It contained only a .single line, written in pencil, in a woman's band: 64 Be at the corral, with the buggy, at three.'? The sleeper moved uneasily, and then awoke. • 4, Are you there, Jack 2" " Yes." "Don't go yet. L dreamed, just now, Jack —dreamed of old times. I thought that Sue and rue was being married again, and that the parson, Jack, was—who do you think?— you! The gambler laughed, and seated himself on the bed—the paper still in his hand. " It's a good sign, ain't it?" queried Brown. "I reckon. Say, obi man, hadn't you better get ?" The " old man," thus aflectionately appealed to, rose, with' the assistance of Hamlin ' s out stretched hand. . ."Smoke ?" Brown mechanically took the profera•ed ci gar. " Light?" ' • ' Jack had twisted the letter into a spiral, lit it, and held it for his'compartion. He continued to hold it until it was consumed, and drOpped‘ .the fragment—a' fiery star—from the open window. He watched it as it fell, and then returned to h 1 friend. "Old nitan," be said, placing his hands ttpon. Brown's shoulders, in ten minutes 1.11, be on ; the road, and gone like that spark. We won't see each other agiu ; but, before I go, take a fool's advice: sell out all you've got; take your wife with you, and quit the country.' It ain't no place for you, nor her. Tell her she ;must go; make her go, if she won't. Don't whine because you can't be a saint, and She ain't an angel. Be a man, and treat her like'a woman. Don't be ad— fool. Good, by." He tore himself' from Brown's grasp, and leaped down the stairs like a deer. the stable-doer .he collared the half-sleeping.hostler, and backed him against the wall. "Saddle my' horse in two minutes, or I'll—" The ellipsis, was frightfully suggestive. " The missis said you was to have• the huggy,", stammered the man. " theiMa b gy I" • . . The horse watisaddled as fast as the nervous' :hands of the , aStotioded hostler could manipd--. late huckle end any thing op, Mr. Hamlin Said; the .n3all7,',who• ~like all his ela4s,,,adeatred the ilan.of his; fiery patron, and . was-really. , concerned in his welfare. "Stand aside!" Alie, Man iell,baelk: With s ' , a ~04 n - f 4 ;; 1;.) Tod"clattpi;Vack , wit into * ad. 10'•iart.. other mitiment, to the;lma d ,ip `o,lf-awakebed; oyes, hp;i i vas but a moiling Oud4 dust in itke diStAndeiitoNiliril Which' ii, stail juirtloosed +nag , itii'biethien'Ayas trailing ikstreinif,ol%liro, .f.'...t ' Efut,'early 'that Morning, the dwellers by . the' Wingdam turnpike, miles away, heard a voice, pure as a sky-lark's, singing afield. They who were,asleep,.turned over on theirrude concheS to dream of youth, and love, and olden days. ga.rd-faced men and anions gold-seekers, al ready at'work; ceased their labors and leaned, upon their picks, to listen to a romantic vaga bond ambling aAva Against the rosy ,sunri3e. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. . FINE DRESS SHIRTS. J. W. SCOTT & CO., No. 814 CHESTNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA GENTLEMEN'S FANCY GOODS In. Full, Variety. sn7] wfm ttp = ' • NOTICE TO GENTLEMEN. Ae the season of the year is at hand for gentlemen to reple nish their ward robe, the subscriber would particularly invite attention to his IMPROVED PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT, made from the best materials, work done by hand, the cut and finish of which cannot be excelled; warranted to fit and give satisfaction:_ Also, to a large and Wll selected stock of WrOppers, Breakfast Jackets, Collars, Stocks, 'Hosiery, Gloves, Ties, &c., &o. JOHN C. ARRISON, Nos. t and 3 North Sixth Street. ton f rci lv Tgirmmirips ANri PATT.RNtI. Grand Opening of Spring Fashions IN IMPORTED PAPER PATTERNS, Tuesday, Mardi Ist, 1870. The old established and only reliable Paper Pattern, Dress and. Cloak Making Emporium. Dresses made to fit with ease and elegance in 24 hours' notice). Mrs. M. A. BINDER'S recent visit to Paris enables her to receive Fashions, Trimmings and Fancy Goods superior to anything in this country. New in design, moderate in price. A perfect system of Dress Cutting taught. Cutting, Basting, Pinking. Fashion Books and °offering Machines for sale. Sets of Patterns for Merchants and Dress Makers now ready at MRS. M. A. BINDER'S, 1101, N. W. cor. Eleventh and Chestnut Sts'. Carefully note the name and number to avoid being deceived. my 26 tf r PRINTING. The Pocket-Book Calendar and Directory for 1870, in a neat style of PRINTING is now ready and may he had FOR N 0 T 11, I. G. which is as near as possible the rates at which work generally is done BY A. C. BRYSON & CO., Steam-power Printers, No. 607 CHESTNUT STREET, (Bulletin Building.) PROPOSALS. QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, U. S. ARMY. PHILADELPHIA, PA., March 7,1870. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at . this office until 12 o'clock M. on FRIDAY, the Bth day of April, 1870, for furnishing the Quartermaster's Department with five thousand 0,0(10) gross tons (or such less quan tity as may be required) best quality of White Ash Anthracite Coal,of such sizes and in such qualities as may be ordered for a period of one year from the Ist day of May next, with the privilege of increasing the amount to ten thousand (10,000) tons, should it be required. SO much of the coal as may bo required for use in this city, including the United States ,-Arsenals at Bridesburg and Gray's Ferry Road, to' an amount not' exceeding six hun ! dred (600) tons; must be delivereu without additional expense to the UnitettStates. The balance to be delivered on board of vessels at ' this port, in good order and condition free from slate, bone, dust and other' impurities. ProposaLs must be made out in duplicate, on blank forms, which can be Obtained at this office, and envelopes endorsed "Proposals for delivery of coal.' Bidders are invited to attend at the opening of Proposals. The Quartermaster's Department reserve the right to rojett any and all tids. _ Any additional information 'desired by parties wishing to bid will be furnished upon applicationto this office. • HENRY C. HODGES, Brevet and Quartermaster. U.' S. ; , Arrny. • • ' • • inh74lo Al N :3 - 1 —TO Ao - r- - - Am - otrxT "LOANED UPON blAmoNDs, wATOURS, JEWELRY, PriATE, 0119 THING, &a., at • k JONES & 00.1 OLD-ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFIOIO, Oorner of Third and Goan) streets', Below Lombard. N. D.—DIAMOND", WA ii6DIO3,SEWELIIP, GUNS ' a., von FIALB AT (IaDMAII.B.ABLY LOW PRICES. mylitfal IrORDA_N'S CELEBRATED PURE TONTO t 'Ale for Invalids, family &o. The subscriber is now furnished with hie full Winter otlPrly of his highly nutritious and well-known bever age. Its wide-spread and increasing use, by order of physicians, for invalids, rum of families, &0., commend it ' to the attention of all commuters who want a strictly Pure etiolel prepared from the best materials, and put ' tip in t e most careful manner for home nee or transpor• fedora. Orders by mail or otherwise promptly supplied P. J. JORDAN, N o, .220 Pear street. der below riird and Walnut Arse 071JEIT REGEIV.F.4I) , AND IN STORE 1010 . '• oases of, Champro, . sparkling. Catawba and. Cali ' ornia Wines, Port, midi*, Sherry, Jaresica and Santa Brut Rum, fine old addles and Whiskies, Wholesale • and Betail. • P. J. JORDAN, 220 Pear street, Below Third and Wtfput streete, and above Dock Sleet de7.11 t ' • if.' W. GILIOU6i 11 £ Co, BANKERS. 42 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Negotiate Loans, Buy and Bel Government and other re- Securities. m 'of BANKING HOUSE C p ~ • ! YCOOME4IS ' 112 and 114 Sb. 'THIRD gT. PHILAD'A DEALEitS , IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. We will receive applications for. Policies of Life Insurance in the new National Life In surance Company of the Milted States. Fall nformatton given at our office. D. C. WHARTON Sittillf& CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 121 S. THIRD STREET. SUCCESSORS TO • SRDTH RANDOLPH & EVery department of Banking business shall receive prompt, attention, ail heretofore, Quotations of Stocks, Gold and Covert merino constantly received from our friends, E. D. RANDOLPH A CO., New York, br our PRIVATIO WIRE.'' 5-20'S AND 1881'S Bought, Solo and Exchanged on most , liberal terms. _GOLD Mooed and Sold at Market Ratee. COUPONS CASHED. PACIFIC RAILROAD BONDS: Bought and Sold. STOCKS Bought and Sold on Commission Only. Accounts received and Interest allowed on daily balances subject to check at sight. DE. NEN. i s init t atm 40 Sotith Third St., PHILADELPHIA. *Ott L V MBEA. MAULE, BROTHER & CO., 2500 South Street. 1870• ATTE PATT PRN ERN kLiK MARII3IB ERS. CHOICE SELECTION - ow MICHIGA CORKA PINI FOR 1.870.91 , MAM MIAOW. 9870. LARGE BTOOK. 1870. FLO E JDA INA F pIORRING. 187 0 CA R . OLLOOM. VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELASWH F AARE LOO FLRINGOORI.NG' • WALNUT FLOORING. "KA FLORIDA STEP BOARD if..l II V /11 Qtyn STEP BOARD S..- s RAIL PLANK. RAIL PLANK. ..„' wAl7/ ' l7/ 'piNt" B AND IB7 I 0. wALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK, 18 . 70. WALNUT BOARDS, WALNUT PLANK. ASSORTED FOR OADJAET MAERS. BUMDERB,A KO. 1870• UN DiFLTAKERS' 1870. UNDERTA D BIPLUMBER. RE CEDAR. WALNUT AND PINE. 1870 " c rt 1870 • ASH. WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. Qi7A low CA. V ROL VI A 'd BiOtAVTMLIsN. G 10 Qty "f . 18'7 CEDAR SIIIIIGLES7 18A tr. LARGE ABSOIITAI T iVi. FOR BALE LOW. 1870 PLASTERING LATH. U . PLASTERING LATH. 1870. LATH. MAC= 80017110101 & CO., 2600 SOUTH STREET. Lumber Under Cover , • ALWAYS DRY. Walnut, White Pine, Yellow Pine, Spruce, Hemlock Shingles, &0., always on hand at low rates. WATSON Jo GILLINGHAM, eztintehmtnitt street, Natillteenth Ward. YELLOW PINE LUMBER.-=-01113ENE for cargoes of every deocription sawed Lumber axe. opted at short noticonounelity subject to inspection Apply to )110W.11. IIOWLEY.I6 South Wbarves. DRUGI 9. DRUGGISTS W L FIND A LARGE etrick of Allott's fdedicipal Extriketslind 011 Alm,onds, Rad. Ebel. Opt., Citric Acid, (loge's 'Sparkling Gelatin., g.enuiao Wedgwood Mortars. &o.,just landed from bark Hoffnung, from London, 808 B] , SHOEMAKKIL & CO., Wholesale Druggists, N. N. oornbe Fourth and Bane Atreeta. TIEUGGIBTI3'. &tee, . Tilet , * Oonibs, Brusberr , Mirrors, Tweezers, 'Puff Roices,Horn 'ScOoDO, Surgical Instru ments, Trusses, Hard and 'Soft Rubber Goods, Vial Osseo, Glass and Metal Syringes, Aro., ,all at ," First Hands'? prim. 8110 WARN BUOTAgids suiS4 , 23 SOuthßiabib street. CABT.TIMEIIO,AP-GENVINIC, A.NI) VZRY -, boxes just landed from bark Idea, and for stYIbSIO - BIIIIT 81101a1AIIIIIIt 4111:, Ininorting Druggists. .19. corner Fourth and Ilace streets. e FO,ItELGIV, 33 . 111T1T5, ..NITTkb ! 4 , 0 ,— TME 13 1 alma Orangeo anil Lemons, Turkey tFigs r irk kegs, drnuut atul boxea ; Austrian Prunelloo ice s, and, fantY l3 nXe ` Arabldranites, new drop Turket Prunes !wanks and fancy boxes BeasinaTMLaYerfl.' °"di° B a,t Imperial, O. gjg Paste o L ndEluava. paste ; Naples ana Bordeaux Waluute,Parioi Bholl "Al raree , tor sale by J. B. DUSSIBB & 00.008 South Dela avenue. X , •5;1 1 / 4 , ii. l.y HOOP SKIRTS AND CORSETS aommenolng Saturday Dcicember 4 And will be cmitlistred until JaritiarY 1,1870, witliPiteed marked down to and below the wholesale gold prices, affording an opportunity for unprecedented bargains in first-class HOOP SKI ITS and 001181LT8 for the time almveretated ONLY. ; 4 45,000 Hoop Skirts fdr Misied and Ohlidr In 400 varieties of styles, size, quality and prices, from lac. to 82, many of them marked down to lees than one , th Ird price. OvSt hb,obo Corsets`, Including 83 kinds istal as Thomson's Glove fitting Corsets, in Ave grades; Jas. Betkel's Buperior French V oven , in all qualities; it. Werly 'a, in four varieties; Airs,Bloody's Patent a4OO- jiitstltig_ Supporting , Corsets; Madame lroy's tlerset 'and skirt' Supporters; Bnperior Hand-made Coesertsoin al grades, Missed', Children's, &c. -T6gether With our own make of Corsets, in great variety. ' All of which will be MARKED DOWN TO PANIC PRICES. I Call early, while the stock retnalne unbroken, as there can be no duplicaNs at the prom " deft m WM, T. 110 . 4" KINS. w -- tiikEINE ARTS ENGRAVINGS AND PAINTINGS, Manufactures of all kinds of Looking-Glass,Portrait&PicturePrameo• 1410 CHESTNUT STREET. Fifth Poor above thePontinentala • PUILADELPHIA. • Established 18216 WM, O. FLANAGAN & SON, HOUSE AND SHIP PLUMBERS, jOSEPH WA CABINET MAKERS. NO. 41.3 WALNUT STREET. Manufacturers of tine furniture and of medium priced furniture of superior quality. GOODS ON BAND A.NII MADE TO ORDER. Countere. Desk-work, Sc., ,for Dankje, Offictis and Stores, made to order. JOSE PII WALTON. 135. W. LIPPINCOTT. JO O SEPII L. SCOTT. EB. WIG }IT ljo ATTORIMY-AT-LAW.• tloromissionor of Deeds for the State of Permaylvanta in Illinois. 96 Madison street, No. 11, Chicago. lithagis. au.l9tff COTTON BAIL DUCK OF .EVERY width, from 21 iachea to 76 Inches wide all numbers Tent apd*dog Duck, Paper-maker's ratting, Sall JOHN W. EVERMAN, ja26 No. IDS Church etreet.Clty Storms. Machinists, Carpenters, WO - other Me-. chanics' Tools. Ellngee, Screws, Locks, IFErtives and Yorks, Spoons,. Coffee tdtlls, Stocks and Dies, Plug and Taper Taps, Universal and Scroll Chucks, Planes In great variety. All to be had at the Lowest Possible Prices At the CIIEAP••FOR•CASII Hard ware Store of J. B. SHANNON, No. 1009 Market street. G 1 1 4 113 OF E(AIIDWARF4. , Table CutletT, with ivory, iveryldo, rnbber and other handles, and plated blades ; Children's Knives and Forks, Pocket -Knives, f3cissort, -tete, -Razors, tiny Pocket Knives, Scissors, Razorl,liatehete, Pincers, do. for watch charms ; Bozos and Gheets of Tools, from , to Nl5 ; Patent Tool Handle(' ( twentY miniature tools In them) ; Boys% Ladies ' and ciente' Skates; Clothe. Wringers ( save their coat in clothing and time); Fi rp Caet bweepers Furniture Lifters, sag of Parlor and Croduet, miniature Garden, Tools, Carpet Stretoh era; 'Plated Spoons, Forks , and Nut Picks, Spice and B Cake BOZOS, Tea' ells and Spring Call Bells, Nut Crackers, Tea Trays and Waiters Patent Ash Sifter, ((pay for themselves in coal saved);`Carved Walnut Bracket.', Gent! 'it Blacking Stools, Boys' Sleds, Ap ple Perere end •hefty *Wining Machines, Patent Nut meg Graters, and a general variety' of useful Hotteekeep ing Hardware. Cutlery Toole, `.4c,, Att TRUMAN & SHAW'S, No. 835 Eight' TitirtiTflve) 211vtrket street, be- WhAh. Philattel hia. , ' PATENT 'SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT mANpF4tcrro.. Orders for these celebrated Bhirte supplied ' profttly brief notice. . mwsgri BINE& /OEM v. strzavir. CakiDERSIGIrED INVI~'E Ai I:tin to their stock of • •• • • • . :.BringO Mountain, Lehigh end Locust • Mountain Coat, which, with the 'preparation givon , by us, we think can- not be excelled by any other Voail• ; • • •• . Office, Franklin Institute Building,l7o.lsB. Seventh Street. e DINES & SEW_ ,F nlO t ' ' " street wharf. Schuylkill. GAI3 FIX.TUARE3.=—, MISKEYi MititIVIELL ' A TEACHABA, No. 718 Cheetnut street, Inantdao • 1 turere_of Gm Fixtures, laminfotte., Ike., would call the attention of the public to their large and elegant assort toga,erit of Gas Chandeliers, Pendants, Brackets, /co. They I inrOduee gas piyeaf into dwellings and nubile bulicl7 and ilttend td extending, altering and reVallinfi go Dipei, .1111111ork worrantedi ... ,:!,.:‘...• ; : 1 ,'i,.: . ii"0 . : ,•-, :w , ' , i IRTS AND CORSETS. 11/111111MIMEME1111 GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE At 1115 Chestnut _Street Established 1795. A. S. ROBINSON' FRENCH PLATE LOOKING GLASSES. Beautiful Chromes, POCKET BOOKS, &C. C. F. RUMPP, 110 h 110 N. 41h St., ra'll.ll.l)A. Kanufammer and Importer of POCKET-BOOKS r st ,e• n ' A t ol 6‘cl Foxes rocs ire ctur and Maticsi y \ paAks. Ladies' & Gra ' Satchels and Travelling Gags In MI styles. CORSEIS; BARATET. CORSETS. TOUIUUJRES, HAIR CLOTH SKIRTS. , 112 S. Eleventh St. op RS. A. H. GRAHAM'S meet Manufactory and loop Skirt and Variety Store,' r. 231 No. ?AT N. Eighth St. No. 137 N. Eighth M., East Side, above Arch. fell Iva BUSINESS -CARDS. No. - 129 Walnut Street. y 7 ITI _ EMEM 7 -- HARDWARE , SC. BUILDING AND HOUSEKEEPING HARDWARE. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Gentlemen's Furnlt3hing GOods, Of late tityl.3e in full varloty. WINCHESTER ''& CO. id.t. t7° 6143 lISTNUT• COAL AND WOOD. GAS X' 1.1.1 S ..!}O 4 , \ V r 4. 'a \ 9- 0 0 :- . tl Grate Dress' wig. CAW*, PAN _T. E LtS, Itl-_:N10 VA L VitEB, , I 1 TaldrAlitnarlitly winstigAtsw,o ••, T 111:6' ExAii W e mite as snort as Fier de c gation,apd the , necessary papers arrive lAmone, the assaSsin of Gretinewa;l► as beeii convicted and executed in Ilasana. • nitric has denied that any coup d'etat is in tended iu favor of the Duke of Montpensier. BELA iusi has ratified the treaty reducing the postal rates to the United one-half. • . Tier: rear building of the New York State Inebriate Asylppn,", Binghamton, was de stioyed by fire, on Friday night. The loss is estimated at $,75',000. , Romorr AIIEAM, a fireman an the steamer Thomas Hunt; at ,New York,..was instantly killed on Saturday, while oiling the machinery, of the ,Vessel. . • . Tail • Sheri) decline in ”old 'and prospect 'Of specie payments, make some members of the New, yoi . !cGold 'loom disinclined to pay their dues, arid there is talk of expelling several. A PETITION to congress, is receiving signa tures in New YOrk, asking that no more of the public lands be voted away to railroads, but that they be reserved for emigrants and settlers. THEN municipal election in Louisville , ;`vt►' Saturday, remitted mainly in the ohniceof dew, officers. J. G. Baxter was elected Mayor over Bunce, the present incumbent, by over 500 ma jority. . . ; , Tnr, billiard Mita' bet Ween Deery and Ru dolph, for the diamond cue and the champion ship of America, at San Francisco, on Saturday night, was won by Rudolph. The game was close... 4 , i 4; nti-SNOWEI):: at: IVashingioli and Riclitnond, Va., all of yesterday. At Richmond, nine Inches had fallen by night. At Helena, Mon tana, onTriday night, the thermemeteetnarked 20 dem ees below zero. TtiE Governor of Kentucky has refused to receive the resignation 44 Representative *llan day;', "salting that 0611aday's day reqUires hips td submit to" - alull investigation" of the charge against him of selling a cadetship. A NIEFAING of the Cuban League was held in New Nurkon Saturday evening General McMahon presided, and among those present were Generals Duryea, Bartlett, Gordon Granger, Van Allen and Morris, and Cassius Ix Ruston; on Friday night „a large wooden building owned by the Maverick Wharf Com pany, and occupied by Clifton, lumber-dealer; Albert Low, ~rigger, and '4. 11. Dahl, naval architect, was destroyed by fire.' The' loss is $60,000. Tun California Leeislature has ; ordered special elections in San Francisco, llonterey and San Luis Obispo counties, on the question of issuin: bonds in aid of the constradbo of Gilroy. ALEXANDEII, KENO, sentenced to 20 years in the Albany, N. Y., State Prison, for out raging a childwo years old, haa recelied a pardon from Governor Roffman and through the exertions of the Russian Minister, on con dition of leaving the country at once. His father is,it seems, an tater ifi the. Rttssian army and a member.of the personal staff of the THE BLlfia.lo Cononercia/ Adrertf3e.r has been sued for libel, by Hon. D. S. Bennett, member of Congress, who claims $lO,OOO damages. Tim Ackert/x(7, of Saturday, pub lishes BenneWs complaint in the Suit, with its *wit answer tbereto. It had accused. Ben nett:of dishoneStY in certain business - transae lions. A st , Er rAr. despatch to the Toronto Daily Teleyraph ,states that Major Baulton and Dr. Schultz, who had advanced on Fort Garry with a force of loyal Canadians, English and half breeds, had been defeated by the insurgent leader, Itielle, and that Baulton had surren dered with fifty-seven of his men. A later re port states that Baulton had been sentenced to be shot on February 20th. k A SAN FrrANcisco despatch gives a report of the sailing on March :;i1 of a filibustering expedition to Mazatlan, to assist the -Mexican revolutionists tinder Placido Vega, and that others,will follow. There is a report from Santa Fe, New Mexico, that the feeling against Juarez is very strong in the border Mexican States, and that many of the most ; prominent Mexicans' faior aanexatlon to 'the ' United States. •STATISTICAL charts, prepared in the Ton nage Division of the Treasury Department. show • that of the total tonnage entered et "United States ports during the year ending June 80, 1569, New York had fifty-five and five-tenths per cent.; Boston, thirteen and nine-tenths ; Philadelphia, five and two-tenths; New Orleans, six and eight-tenths; San Fratv. ascii, eight per cent.; and Baltimore, four and one-tenth. • • A.-- - JIB. LO AND A YANKEE PRISONER. Romantic Adventure of a DOwn Laster. [)row the Lewistown (Hs.) Journal.) Franklin Maxwell, a man of about 35 years of age, a native of Atinusta, with a wife living with her father in New Sharon, waited upon us on Monday, and presented papers and cer tificates which ''appeared reliable, and gave the following account of his life for the past four — years. 'Ear!yin - the rebellion, Maxwell entered We • regular army, arid served during the war without receiving a wound. Being discharged at the expiration of his term of service, he re turned to Maine, and three years ago he left his wife. and.home for the West, to, seek em ployment. Reaching Detroit, he engaged as a wagoner for We United States,and was ordered to Oolorado, where, for nearly three years, he was engaged in driving supply teams from Dry:- town to various points where the Government had forts or rendezvous for troops. •On the sth . ofildarch last, as he and others were conducting a supply train in the Pawn Tane Valley; about three hundred miles south ofile PaciticjtailroaAl, the train was surprised by LittlaKettle's band of Indiane, several of the whites -killed, and-he-and-five nothers -taken - prisoners. lie himself received two wounds in his leg,one in his side and a blow from a toma hawk on , his bead: The prisonersmerataken to Little 'Kettle's' tamp,' when 'all but himself were at once. taken out, cut down with toma hawks and scalped:` Two of the whites , thuS killed and scalped were William Hanson, of ReadflelC and George TO Wo1"3, Of.. Winthrop: . The scalps were hung upon a pole and the scalp dance performed,arpund them t Maxwell him Self came very near meeting the fate of ''his'aiseciatee.‘ 'TWo Indians the same time seized binirby the shoulders, while a third began to scalp -him. , The' circular wounds made by the knife are plainly, visible. At this point Maxwell had the presence of mind to make knOWn by hit gesticulations and a few Indian words which ire ; pad : picked up, that he had whisky and tobacco for them—an announcement Which acted like Magic on the red men, and led them to desist. l le then led them to' a private , box In the 'wagims," which` they had overlooked, where 'was' a small quam tity these . articles. -SO overjoyed , were the Indiatiaatethe disedvery of these artieles,.that: tkey Spared iSlaxwell's life, and at once .took. hintte,a wigwatn, when - a squaw did up his wound in a raw buffalo bide; • Maiwell . Waanade practically a slave to the baud—did whatever he was commanded to do, and went:with...them on their hunting parties., At,first be was :treated harshly, but as he learned'inore of itheir language and adopted more of their manners, his treatment' became better. 'When he bad reached the point of eating ia* antelope and buffalo, they were delighted, and began-to think it was . time for him to take a squaw for a wife. All this time Maxwell, while appearing very much attached to - bls'lndlan life; 'was all tiro r 'while - seeking' an 'opportunity ta escape. Finally, on the 10th tilt., wheil knit , ona.buttaln' Infrit ,with:rtheqa-" Mans, he managed In the chase to separate himself frOm his Indian eoinradekWand eters fortnight's wandering; frontier fort. Here' , It& Was'eirelbledi to,thanai • his garb for some soldier's elcithing, and thence, Was forwarded, to Chic:ago by 'lrnited - itates officers. OUR LEGAL WRITERO., The .English Cedie Owls 1 ,Rest,Exprem. *lon au Amealleeir TAW Literattire. The London Atkcizmunippeqks of the " g,reat superiority" of Arneriean legal - wilters , over, those of England : , ; ; ' , " There may be room for improvement so far as the judges Of the VariOttaStatea are con. eerned ; but when we tind that law is, scien. Wically studied in America—that 'the writers and teachers of law undeystand thesubjeet and deal with it as if they wanted others to under-' stand it—that before a mad -iani .pradtied ;he must be examined but that after passing satis factorily he may choose the branch of the pro fession which -best suits Min; we sea that there is an immense advance on our haphazard learning, our, undigested text-books and statutes, our arbitrary rules, our Ontected and respectable monopoly." —E l Is c --Eighty cents a-busheheapfoporauges, i even n South Carolina. .I.MPQRT.AVIDS. Reported tor the ranadelPhla Nvoni N ng Bulletin. CAIBABIRN—Brig Somerset, Mcßride-194 Mole 60 Ice sugar CO tone old froth Johu Maxon t OIL WILMINGTON. NC—Steamship Pioneer, Barrett -105,104 feet yellow pine lumber 204 bble roan) 124 do mpirits turpentine EJI. ROWIPT • 34 halos eotton 51 bbls epirite turpettine 14 do wine Prentice;l4 Filler; tide LO, bag. peanuts Philadelphia and Boston Steamship Co ;'39 Ibis rosin 8 do spirits turpentine 3 bales cotton 2 de rags 2 do wool 2 do seed 90 do Cochran, Rumen &.Go; 24 bales cotton J S Woodward's Song; 27 do A Whlldin &. Sons; I do Clagborn, Herrings& Co; 6 doings M Carroll; 18 do Tossup do Moore;• hbde 14 bble iron do metal 4 bale cotton 3 do rags 1 ilo bides 1 do - booting 1 lot loose Iron W S Ounliffe,• 42 bole, rod J . T Clanton 36 0 .bsnit' peanuts C Cummings; 29 empty hair 1,111. 'IT Maw,- J 4 Co; 20 do Wbitner At Son; 3 do hide 7do bull bble W Gaul; 2 bxe Mrs M Quinn; 1 box Wiltbauk & Scatter. good; 71 bales cotton' 45 bble spirits turpentine 42'do rosin 369 bags, peanute order. . • r. MOIENENTS ON OCEAN Are Amens. • TO ARRIVE. !SHIPS FROM FOR DATE. Emidt ' Bremeo-New York. jail. 20 bileflia.-,..ilavre...NeW York.. ...... ----Feb. 13 India Glasgow-New York ----....--Feb. 18 America - Southampton-New York.-- Feb. 22 Palmyra- ....... .....Liverpool-New York via B -Feb.22 Colorado Liverpool-New York. Feb. 23 city of Loudon-Liverpool-New York ... Feb. 24 Cambria Glasgow... New York... ........ --Neb. 26 tiatuaria Liverpool... New York ' Feb.. Yana Liverpool... New York Irian & B.Feb. 26 Pilesia.—.....- . Ilavre...New York.-........:.—.Feb. 26 Lafayette_ Sreit...New York Feb. 26 Cleopatra-.._-_Vera Cruz...N Y via Havana-March I America - ..... Foutliampton-New York -...... ..... Mart h 1 America gout hatu pton.L.Ne w York March 1 Tripoli_..- Liverpord-New York via 8..-31 arch 1 TO DEPART. Pioneer Philadelvina...Wilmingtou ----March 8 DeWitt& , New 1 ork...liamburg. March 0 Nevada. ..... ? ........ New York... Liverpool March 9 . • CA81LP.,,,, NOW York -Bayous. 7,,_ ... „.„...March le Cityof London... New Tork..:Liverperol March 12 Marti:4ms New York, .New Orleans March 12 India... —..- ..... New. York-Glaegow-....,.....-liarcb 12 Piersgaiy.........New Tork-Loudon...---- .... .liarch 12 France .. . ' 1 -- .New York-Liverrpool...-.'..- ..... March 12 V. peer - ....... .„......New York... Bremen ....... March 12 11 Chauncey ......New York-A soinwail ____ ..... March 21 130ABD,614'tRADE. 308. C. °BUSH EDMUND A. SO . UPEE, ItioNTELT COMMITTEE SAMUEL P. STOKES, • - - - _ COMMITTEE p;t• Aut%lnc% rtes. 3. 0. Jomea. I E. A. Solider Geo. L. Buzby, i Wm. W. Paul Thomas .Gilleople. • MARINE BULLETIN. ?OIT os PIIILADELPIIIA—MARctt 7. fluty Bums, 6 io I sitzt MASSY, 6 07 ARRIIVED'YZsTERI . . . . . Steamer Fanita. Freeman,2l hours front New York. with ads* to Mtn F (Ad. Passed an unknown brig at the Ledge, coming hp in tow, supposed to be the linien• from Id alskaz.o.4l. • . - Steamer Fairbanks. Jtoore,2J haunt from NOw York, with anise to John F Ohl ESMEM3MIW;EMiI Brig Someraet, Mcßride. 7 dare from Caibarien. with e4ugitr is John lidanou & to,B Crawley &CAL • •• ARRIVED ON RATURDA Y. Steamer Pioneer. Barrett. CU hours from Witaissrloa, ][t`. with naval stereo. he. to Ph ilidelnlda. arid Boulliern Atari Co: • , • . . _ Sem , :amlrt. Costal, 3 days. from Now York. In I.ollaAi to Lennox & Burzeo. Salt John Beatty. Price. from Portsmooth, with cy previi railroad tins to Albrecht & Pinley. , hr C Bortiite. Du rborow.,l day from Condom, D.l. with groin to J L Bcwlet & Co. Rciir IC J Connor. Pirdee,l d3l from Alagiolut, Del PI Ith grain to Jae L 'twirler A- Co. (MEI, RED bN SATURDAY. Steamer Norrnan. N ickerson. Boston, II Winsor * Co. Steamer New York, JuacH, Georgetown sad •benandria, P Clyde & re Stecuner Norfolk. Platt. Bichissond and Norfolk, Wm P Clyde & Co. titeximer W P Clyde. Itlargen, w T - rk:_ John FOhl. bteerlicr .1 8 Shrtver. Iler. Baltio.ore. A I :l , , res. Jr. Brig Bermes, Wilkie, Lagnayra and Porto Cabello, Jno Pallet' k Co. Brig Shannon, Sawyer, Cardenas, Warren & Gregg. sehr Pedro A Gran. Lake. Says, D Stetaon'& Co. Schr Ntrearelet.Coetill. NeW ork. Lennox & Burgess. t:chr C Bolton, Voorhees, 'Bailie, MEMORANDA _ . Ship Royal Charlie, Potter, sailed from Liverpool 19th olt. for this Dort. Ship John Tucker, Taylor, cleared at New York sth inst. for Sao Francisco. Ship Samuel Russell, Lucas, cleared at New York sth last. for Hong HOLM. Ship St 24 ic holes. Williams, cleared, ft Hew York sth inst. for San Francisco. Steamer Tonawanda, Jennings. Sailed from Savannah sth inst. for this sort. Steamer Paraguay, Dixon ,from London, at .New York yesterday. Steidaer Borgia ( Br),MoDonald , cleared at New York St h inst. for Glasgow. Steamer Union (NC), Dreyer, cleared at New York sth inst. tor Bremer'. Steamer City of Port au Prince. Jackson, cleared at New York sth inst. for- Port an Prince. Steamer Pioneer. from Havana, at N York yesterday. Steamers. Geo Washington. Gager; Crescent' City. Norton,and Rapidan, W hitehuret.clostred at New York sth inst. for New (Wean. Bark Cecelia • from Shanghai for this port, was spoken 29th Dec. off the Cape of at:tot Hope. • Bark Bessie Harm' Dr), Alen, hence at Dublin 19th nit Br* Lena (or Lima), from Cienfuegos for this port, at Fortress Monroesth inst lirtg-Gaselto, Cole, at Messina fret* Genoa. - - Brig Moses Day, Loud, sailed from Meesina 9th ult for New York Sehr .1 W Yausisman, Reeves.eailed from Bath 34 inst. for Nassau, NP. Sehr Wm Walton (of Philadelphia). Hunter, from Philadelphia fur Boston, with 315 tons of coal, ran on Barnegat Shoals AM 3d inst, and came off Ramo night after throwing overboard 29 tons of coal, without any injury to the teasel. (The abort, is"-the- vessel before reported unknown.) Sew M E t3ritli, Smith, from Caibarieu sth alt. at Boston sth inst. Schr Emma Is Finney, Snow, at Baltimore sth instant from Havana. SourScar"ll, W Godfrey, hears, at Charleston sth inst. from Baltimore. t..:ghys R 11 leverrnan..Corson, front •JackSonville. and A Denike, Jones, from Galvevton, Boston 4th inst. Behr ktriskeo, Mani. at Richmond 4th Instant from NJ San. American Eagle ,Clare, sailed from Newburyport . ' 341 last for this port Schr C B Wood, Bandy, hence at Charleston 3d inst. loading to rotnrii. • &lir Paton, Sliackford, at. Aquadilla, PR. 12th ult. Tor - Delaware Break - teat er for orders.--- ticl:r Gilbert Stancliffc. Trayne, from Fall River for Now Castle, Del. sailed from Newport 34 inst. Fehr Woodruff Sims, Phan), from: James River for I.4sw York, nut into Norfolk 3d mat, to repair sails. ' MARINE MISCELLANY. Steamer Helen Getty (side wheel) has .been purchased of G 8 Stetson & Co. of Philadelphia. by ll'urniaa L Mulford, Esq. Capt E Whitaker, and others, of Cum• berlaud county, NJ. for the sum of Slti", and will he put pm the. line from Afillyillt,NJ, to Philadelphia. ps a freight and passenger boat, under the command of E Whitaker, of Shots now being put In corn p*to order, new guards, and - fitted ,up, for a night boat, eta largo ex asp . at the yand of W, Godfrey .4 Coq Dorchester. She will be called in the future City of and alt from there.. She was taken as a' prite duringthelwar whilertrunlng the-blockade at one of tho southern ports. AU cTioN SALES sctiTTS - ART GALLERY AND'AUCTION COMMISSION SALES ROOMS, v ` j R. SCOTT, ' la., Auctioneer. ITV CHESTNUT street, _, Girard Row, Particular attention paid to mat:door saleft at mode rate rates. • '• ' , . , • i de29 tf , BARLOW'S SECOND SALE OF SUPERIOR FURNITURE.' oN TUES,DAY, - Mardi /3, 'at.'lo); o'clock Al M.. A. BARLOW will his Second Sale of New Furniture, consisting -of:every ,variety of Parlor= !Suits. -(thalnber Sole‘ Sidebdards, 'Wardrobes, Bookcatiee. Chairs, Tables, dm. Also, 10 handsome Pier Mirrors. -,--• • : • • GREAT"ART SALE. On the evenings of THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, • March 10 audit,. will be offored for publPic A sale the ontiro impartation of OIL IN TINOS of Messrs. BAILEY A 00., which will be sold without the least reserve; together with those of Mr. OHA IMES F. 11 A SELTINA, which t also be sold, owing to his leaving at an early day for Europa, ott account of busi ness connected with his home., The Paintings are now on exhibition ' day and aventn_g ' at the'llaseltlue Gal leries, 1120 Chestnut Street . quithe 'catillbgues are the following great names Zamacmis,,Lejoune A. Bonen badly Ferranniz. Horbettiolfer, Sobxeyer,i). Acheubach, Moyer von Bremen, Daimon, Carl kittlior,Oarl Booker, Bakalowicr, Hildebrandt; 'Poorer*, 'amberg, °amid, FPCO4II6O. Flamm, lac. . 114 r Every artiao , is warreated. 7 7 • 7'1M.c:.:.P.M.1.4X livjim.,No.,, .p.u k i t x T o-p.att,,...ADEARJRA,:.moxp.4.-y, .MARCH 7, ..187.0. AUCTION-SALES DI:TITAS & OONS, A.IICITLJA - Joitgi , 1 4 15"1,0, 2341iiritioretel vav alir ab x lytiit o l oc t PtilladoPpEtt itelbs:no:'eirn y T gri it ipapi . re aides at the Auction Store 111V11111 , IF Bales at .114ditatineos rialieninitital attention r STOCKI3,:LCANS. dre. • • 'ON TUESDAY, ARCH 3, . At 12 o'clock noon. at the Philadelphia Exchange— ' • yikelininharidpre BAK ." • , 36(00' Udlon Canal 7' pet 'lW , ht: loan. 100 shares ()risen and Coates Straits P. R. W. Co. ' • Yor Other Accountr--• r - 1 Polar Breeze'Park. 40 shares Central Transportation Co. 33 shares U. S. Railroad and Mining Register Co. 439 shares Freedom Iron and Steel Co. e.2o..shares Provident life and , Trust Co. ^ ' 26'isharesEntertdrIselnairtatice Co. 20 shans Phi l'a__and tioutheyn Mail Btesinahlp So. , F...X.&111 , 0ka' Pew NO. 77'north aisle Dr.Waris;srorth's ChurCh, • • Tenth and Filbert streets. • 20 - abates Insurance'Co', of NOM' Atherica. r 0 shares Seventh National Bank. ' 26 attaresilixttflitillOnal Bank.. REAL EtiTATE• SALE, MARCH. • , Wile inelnde-r• Orphans' Court.,„Sale—Es_tate of Benjamin T. Walton. &clef is-rd N ILMEErSTORY 'BRICK DWELL ING and Frame Stable. No. 1122 Slivery rd. Orphans', Court;Sale-‘- , Etteite , of Jacob 11. Gardner, deed-AVIODERN TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 90.1 Wood at., Sale Order of Heirs—Estate of Hood Si" , pson. dee'd—GENTEL'L THREE-STORY BRICK DWELL• IN(, No, 321 South _Thirteenth street. with a Thre story Brick travelling blithe rtsawon Isemlnger sr. Sartib Estate—VEßY VALUABLE BUSINESS STANDS-2' FOUR-STORY BRICK STOREd, Nun, 1613 and 1616 Market at THREE-STORY MUCK TAVERN and DWELLING and STORE dud DWELLING. Nos: P2O and 922. South_ Nlntleedreet. between Christian nri- VALUABLE VALUABLE BUSINESS LOCATION—VALUABLE BUILDING, No 4 244 Walnut street (occupied by the Pliceidx insurance Co.), extending through to Pear street. ou which is a if hree-story.Brick Executors' Sale—Estate 'of Jacob Ridgway. deed-4 TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, NOs. 1134 1136, 1134 and 1140 Otis street. and 4 Two-story. Brick- Dwell ings. Nos. 1136. 1137, 1132 and 1141 Hewqtort street, Eigh teenth Ward. Some Estate-2 TWO, STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Nos 18.0 and '1132 Otfs street. and 2 Two-story Brick Dwellings. Nos, 1131 and 1133 riewston st. fismaEstate-2 TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS. Nos. 1120 and 3103 - Otis etteet. and 2 Two-story Brock Dwellings, N0a.,112' and 1129 Hewston et. Same Estate-2 TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Nos, 1122 and' 1124 Otis street, and 2 Two-story Brick 1123 and 1126 Howston et. Same Estate 4 TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS,' Now 11373139, 1141. and 1143 Berke street, and 4 Two story; Brick Dwellings. Noir.. 1134, 1136, 113 e and 1140 Hewaton Nl.' ^ • ' Same Estate-2 TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Nos. 1111 and 113.5 Berke street, and 2 Two-story Brick' Dwellings. N 05.1130 and 1132 Hewston at. VALU.AIILE BUSINESS LOCATION—THREE STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, No: 226 North Ninth street. between Race and Vine. . BUSINESS STAND—THREE-STORY BRICK TAVERN and DWELLING,. S. E. corner of Eigh teenth and South sta. LARGE and VALUABLE LOT, N. E. corner of Forty-fifth and Huron streets, Twenty-fourth Ward, 130 feet front, 180 feet deep. Sale at the - A.uotion Roams, Nos. 137 and 141 South Fourth street. . - SUPERIOR" HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE PIANO, FIREPROOF CAFES. MIRRORS, OFFICE FUR NITURE. MATRESSES, BEDDING, b3:l, YES. CARPETS, Ae. ON THURSDAY MORNING, March 10, at 9 o'clock, at the Auction Boom; by cat& loges. a large assortment of Superior Household Yarn.- tura, comprising—Walnut Parlor Furniture, covered witn plush. reps and hair cloth; Walnut Chamber Snits, Cottage Chamber Suits, French Plate Mirrors, Rose- Forte, Walnut Bookcases, Walnut Side boards, Wardrobefi. EXttliblolli • Library, Centre and Bouquet Tables, Lounges, Arm Chairs ' Hat Stands, Etageres Bedsteads, Washstands, Chamber and Dining Boom C hairs, fine Hair Matresses, Feather Beds, Molders and Pillows. China and Glassware, large as sortment of Office Desks and Tables, Dirge assortment o f Tin Ware: Cigar Pompey, Gan-consuming and Cooking Etoves, Velvet. Brussels and other Carpets, &c Also. brilliant d imnond Inner Bing. , Also, fihe harp and Violoncello. FIREPIWOF SAFES, Also, 2 larga and &superior Fireproof Safes, made by Evans & Watson. Also, mall Fireproof, made by Farrel & Herring. Also. large Iron Safe. mita. by Minter & Shaw, • MIBBORS.• - _ Al 0.,3 fine French Plata lilantel and Pier BlirrorE, gilt frames. SALE. OF MACIUKERY, At No. 9Z6 Reschstrest.Krnsington ON TUESDAY MORNING. March 1.5, at 10 o'clock. mansisting principally of 'Wood worth Planing Machines, Gray' and Wood's Planers, Daniel's Planers, resawiug 3fills, Veneer Saw Mill, melee Machias, 'limning Lathes, heavy six. feet Don ing Lathe, Drill Press, Punching Machines. Engines, Boilers, Shafting, Pulleys, and a large lot of Patterns, kc., ice. • - May be examined two days lefere the sale. TAMES A, FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, No. 4.22 Walnut street. REAL FSTATE SALE. WEDNESDAY, .31 ARCH iith. This sale, at L" o ' clock noon, at the Exchange, will in . elude 11 shares Jefferson Fire Insurance Company of Phila delphia (Fifth street.abo% e Market.) - . Sale absolute. MORTGAGE OF. 51.1.93--A well-secured Mortgage on protty.To . rty-third and . Aspen streets.-' SEED AND AL STIN STREETS—Desirable building iota. northweot corner; Wi feet on Reed street and 6.33 feet on Austin street. Clear of inctimbrance DWELLING NO. 1422 LORBARD STREET—A genteele three-story brick, with back buildings, 18 by 78 feet. Saleabsolute by order of Assir tut. NOS-X. 47 AND 1249 SA NSOld STREET—Elegant two story brown stone:dwellings. with Mansard roof and three-story brick back buildings, West Philadelphia'; each 16 by 79 feet to Beech street. Have all the 'eon% vent r jaces. $3,000 may remain on each. Sold separably, and without re:WT . (4N eloSe by en:tient. ' DWELLING, NO, 1042 E. NORRIS STRET—Three; story Brick Dwelling, with two-story brick back build ing, above Thompson street. 153 j by 102; feet. $2,000 may remain. Sale absolute to rinse a carver:l. DWELLINGS— AL/tlfiD STREET ! -,Neat three story Brick Houses, 808 an 810. Almond. street, Eigh teenth Ward ; each 14 by 46 feet. Ql,2oomay remain on each. Will be sold separately. Sale absolute, to close a concern, NOS. MI AND 839 ALMOND STREET—Each 14 ty 54 feet. 61,200 may remain on each. Sale absolute, to close a concern. 9 ACRES GROVER'S LANE—A tract, Paschalvillo (27th Ward), containing 91.4' acres. Plan at the Store. Sale by order of Heirs. Estate of Eliza Risden, dec'd NO. 155 N. FOURTH STREET—A , Desirable Store Property, b"Iow Race street, 1734 by 4.9)i feet; iu excel lent order: STNO can remain. Sale absolute. CATALOGUES NOW READY. Salo No .PM, 'Walnut street, uoustnoLD FURNITURE. PIE R MIRRORS, IN GRAIN CARPETS, te. ON TUESDAY MORNING,. At 10 o'clock, will be sold, at the auction store, an assortment of Household Furniture,including—Frencli Plate Pier Mirrors, Bureans, Bedsteads, Carpets,Ward robes, Tables, Matresses. fic, - 'FIREPROOF SAFE. • Also, a large Burglar and Fireproof Safe. MARTIN BROTHERS, AUCTIONEERS, (Lately Salesmen for M. Thomas & Bons.' N 0.701 CHESTNUT street. above Seventh. Sale at the New . Auction_Booms , • N 0.7114 Chestnut street. HANDSOME WALNUT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE; FRENCH PLATE MIRRORS, PIANO FORTES, FINE CHINA, GLASS AND PLATED WARE, FIREPROOF SAFES. BY LILLIE AND FARREL & HERRING; DESKS AND OFFICE .FIIRNI TI'RE. FINE BRUSSELS. - VELVET, INGRAIN AND VENETIAN CARPETS, MATIIESSES AND BEDDING, Sc., WITHOUT RESERVE. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. March 9, at 10 o'clock, at the Auction Rooms, No. 701 Chestnut street by catalogue, an excellent assortment of very superior Household Furniture, includ Mg— Elegant Suit Oiled Walnut Drawing Room Furniture, coyered With tine! eritnsoii plush: Handitomo Walnut Cheiriber belt, Baffled with MI find 'ebony; 7 very sup° , rior Oiled Walnut Chamber Suits of various patterns; fine Fronds Plato T'ier and Oval Mirrors, superior Rose wood PianceFortes, Matreesea.Pledsandlledding, Side boards, superior Extension Tables. Walnut and Oak Cane-seat Dining. Room Chairs, Handsome Walnut Bookcase, Fireproof Safes. made by Farrel & Herring and Lillie; 'Walnut aad Ash Desks and Office Tables, China, Glass and Plated Ware,-Fancy Goods', ,kc; KINK CARPETS- A.l ll o'clock. antixeellent assortment of fine Brussels, first quality Iniztain, Venetian and other Carpets, new and second-hand, • , . Also, 12 dozen superior Oak Cane-seat Dining Room chairs. entirely mew.. Also, Platform Scales and . Sale at N 0.52.0 Spruce street' SURPLUS' ROUSEMOLD FURNITURE, MORSE, - CARRIAGE; ko: • ON' THMSDAY !MORNING, March 10, 010 o'clock, at No. 62d Spruce street, them:m -ph:ls Furniture, Including Chamber. and Dining Room Furniture, 2 Brocatella Sofas,sCurpsts; A:c. • HORSE, CARRIAGE, Joe, 8 . Also, at o'clock, very superior Bay Morse, years old; Carriage, by JElcobs:1101110SEI, &O. •• • DAVIS 86, HARVEY, . AUCIIOI , TEERS, (Late with IC Thomas dt,tions.l Store Nos. 48 and tiO North Sixth street. Sale at the Auction' Store. ELEGANT FURNITURE, PARLOR AND CHAM BER SUITS' , BOORCASES,• 'TAPESTRY CA Ar R PETS', &0., c. • - • , • • ON TUESDAY MORNING. At 10 o'clock, at Nos. 46 and 60 North Sixth street, in cluding elegant crimson terry Parlor Suits, ,made to order; 'Handsome Parlor Snits,fin fine plush.4.erry, reps and hair cloth; Elegant Oiled Walnut Chamber Suits, superior Secretary Bookcase, Oak and Walnut Exten sion Tables, Etagere, Sideboards, Centre and Bouquet Tables. DS new *Matresses, Eeather:Bin*Bolstors and Pillow!, Largo Case 'of Birds Cigar Show Case, Pic ture's, 41Iirrore,:TapitstrY and other Carpets', ,co. no L. LASHIMIDGE . AttCTION- J • 141tR13. No. 605 MARKET stiaett.above Fifth. LARGE SALE OF BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND aArs ON, WEDNESDAY MORNING, Match 9, tit' &clock, We mlll3Oll by- catalogue, about 1209 Packages of Beata and Shoes, embracing a large aasortment et first class city and Eastern made goods, to which the attention.f city and. country buyers is called. Fir Open early on morning of the sale for examina tion.' V. MaCLELLAND, AUCTIONEER, " 1219 CHESTNUT Street. • Personal attention given to Sales of Household Furniture at Dwollium.. . =_. Sr Public Salsa of Furniture at the' ?mottos, eras, 1219 Chestnut street, every Monday and Tnursday. Igir For 'particulars sue Public Lodger. Sr N. N.- 7 ,5, superior class of' Furniture at 'Private AUCTION-&LEs. 131. LISTING, DIIIIROROW SGAJO., AUOTIONESRS. Nos. 232 and 2:31 Market street. cprner ,Bank. SALE °P. 2tW OASES, BOMB. SHOES, BATS, &a. ON TUESDAY. MORN,; f! M arch _ itt 10 cPtidelt..on four nhentlts'&reditatieltiding-' (laves , Illen!ii, , boys , and youths , ' - dalf, kik And buff leather Boots:" fine.Orain Long Logi:freed BOW: .00 n . areas Recta; Balmoralst kip; bittP and lion*. kraal) Brogans; wt awn's, misses , and children's ,Calf. kid. goat,nhorocco ant : enamelled Balmorals; Ckingreas Oat tors: Lace Boots: Ankle Ties: Lasting? Gaiters, BUD' pore: Tiro/cling Bags; Metallic Overshoes, Lc. • LARGE SALE 07 EUROPEAN ,AND DOMASTIO DRY 00 008, ON THURSDAY MORNING. March 10,'at Rio'clock,.o n fonr months' credit. LARGE SALR OF CARPRTINGS; CANTON MAT . TIN,! kc. ' I ON FR IDAY MORNING. March 1i At 11 o'clock on four Months' credit, about 2 0 0 nieces Ingrain, Venetian, List. Hemp, Cottage 'and Rag Carpetbags. Canton .Mat tinge, ILIHOIitAI3:I3.EEtOit. &80 ArfoTli)/1: HlOlB AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No.lllo CHESTNUT street. .Rear entrance No. 1107 Saneom street. Household Nurniture of eivery deetription received on Oenelanment: Bales of Furniture at dwelinats attended to on the meet reasonable terms. ' Large Special Rate nt No, 1110 Chestnut street. SEVENTY-FIVE SUITS OF COTTAGE CHAMBER FURNITURE, SPRING BEDS, EUSTIc SETTEES AND - CHAIRS, STOCK Ole ELEGANT WALNUT PARLOR AND CH A M BER - FURNITURE, MAN U• FACTUBED 1N• THE BEST MANNER, ON TUESDAY MORNING. At 10 o'clock. at the auction store. No. 1110 Chestnut street, will be Cold, 75 suits of Walnut, Chestnut and Painted Cottage Furniture. AO°, Bedsteadit, BureOus, Tables. Tea Poys, Spring Beds, husk Matrons's, Bol sters and Pillows, Band ie Settees and Chairs, &c. • ;STOCK OF A:FIRST-CLASS CABINETMAKER. A Igo. at tame time will be sold, Part' l'01" the Stock of a liret.elakit Cabinetmaker, emnpriging parlor and ()ham. ber Furniture, Tablea, Maim, be. • C. D. 3100LEE8 & CO., • - • • No. 506 MARKET Ett i r cr eT mElßß' TOOT AND SHOE SALES EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY BY BARRITT & CO, AUOTIONEERS, = CASH AUCTION HOLUM, • N 0.230 MARKET street. corner bf Ba nk ellareol. raPRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLISH, t—S. E. corner of SIXTH and RACE streets. • Money advanced on Merchandise generally—Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and Silver Plate, and on all articles of value, for any length of time agreed on. WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE SALE Fine Gold Hunting Case, Double Bottom and Om Face English, American and Swiss Patent Lever Watches; Fine Gold Hunting Case andlben FaceLepineWatcheSi line Gold Duplex and other Watches; Tine Silver Hunt ing Case and Open Pace English, American and Swiss Patent Lever and Lopine liVatches; Double Case English Quartier and other Watche s ; Ladles' Fancy Watches; Diamond Breastpins; F er Rings; Ear Rings; 13 ,tuds" etc.* Fine Gold Chains; edalHons; Bracelets: Scan Ptne;l3resstpine; Finger Rings; Pencil Cases and Jew. airy generally. • FOR SALE—A large ,and valuable Fireproof Chest, suitable for a Jeweller; coat $650. - Also;several Lots in Sontb Camden, Fifth and Chant. ant .trues. . • LNIRTRABOE. ' The Liverpool & Lon ekn Globe Ins. Co. " in the United States 2,000,000 .Daily Receipts over $20,00ci.00 Premiums in 1868, $5,665,075.00 Losses in xB6B, $3,662445.00 M. 6 Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. • INSURANCE COMPANY ! NORTH AMERICA. JANUARY 1,1370. INCORPORATED 1791. CHARTER PERPETUAL CAPITAL; ASSETS, - Losses paid since organiza. I lion, $23,000,000 Receipts Of Premturns, 11409. 81,991,837 45 Interest from Invest in en 1E169, • $2,106,534 19 $1,035,386 84 STATEMENT OF TUE ASSETS,___ Losses Paid, 1569, • - - First Mortgage on City Property $766,450 00 United btates Government and other Loan .. • Bonds. 1,122,316 00 Railroad Bank-and Canal Stocks.. 55,7(9 00 C ash in lank and office, • 247 CIO CO .... ...... ... Loans on Collateral Security 31,553 00 liotri - Receivable', mostly Marine Pre -321,914 00 Accrued Interest 20.35: 00 Preniiiillll§ in comae of transmission 85,19800 Unsettled Marine Premiums 100,900 00 Real Estate, Office of Company, Pkiladel-. . phia......—......... .. ' ' 30,000 00 X - DIRECTORS. Arthur G. Coffin, Francis R. Cope, Samuel W. Jones, EdWard lA. Tratthr, John A. Brown, Edward S. Clarke, Charles Taylor, T. Charlton Henry, Ambrose White, , • Alfred D. Jessup, Witham Welsh, Louis C. Madeira, S. Morris Witln, Chas.'W.Cilahman, John Mason, Clement A. Grisoom, (leo. L. Harrison William Brockie. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, Probident, CHARLES PLATT, Vice Preirt , MATTHIAS MAuls, Secretary. C. li. REEVES. Ass't Secretary MHE COUNTY FIRE INSITRANOB COM 1. PANT.-01Ilce. No. 110 South'Fourth street, below Chestnut. " The Fire Ineurance Company of the County of Phila delphia " Incorporated by tffeLegislature of Penns) , lva- Ma In I • , for indemnity against loss or damage by Sr., exclusively. CHARTER PERPETUAL. • ' This old and•reliable institution, with ample capital and contingent fund carefully invested, continues to in sure buildings, furniture, merchandise, &0., either per manently or for a limited time, against loss or damage by fire, at the lowest rate" consistent with the absoigla safety of its customers. ' Losses adjusted and mdd with allposaible despatch, DIRECTORS: tihas. J. uSdndtter, JAanindreeswNHAtoMnilel,er, John Henry B , , Horn, Edwin L. Reakirt, Joseph Moore, Robert V. Massey, Jr. George Macke,' 11L ar Sly Mk Devine. .""•"- CHARLEBT i siitttialt,Preeident. HENRY BR D. ce President. RENJAMIN F. HOEOHLEy, Secretary and Treasures. TEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY-of -- Philadelnbitt.—Oftlce,Nci. - 24 North - Fifth .treat, near Market street. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. ()barter perpetual.' Capital arid Aasete..lindepuu. Make ibearanee against Less or damage by Fire on Publio or private Buildings . Furniture. , litocits,Good4 and Met% cbandise, on favorable terms. Dmr,oTons. Wm. McDaniel, award PP. Moyer Israel Peterson, FrOcricir Ladner John F. , Adam J. Glass, • • Henry Troemner, tienry_DelanY, Jacob Bchandem, John Elliott, FredericluDoll, Christian D. Peek, gamma i Get:ge F. Fort, wmain D. G nerJ WILLIAM MoDANIEL A President. . /BRAZIL , PETlftlßoll,Ylce President. PHILIP F. CIOLIIMAN. Beeretexy and Treasurer. iItHE PENNSYLVANIA. FIRE ~ ' R.dufox t,COMPANY.• —lnetiorated 1105-4Tharter Perpetual. No. 610 WALNUT street( opposite Independence Square. !This Company favorably known to the community for over forty leari v'edittlutfes toAnsure against loss or damage by lire on Public "o y, Private Buildhige, either permanently Or fox* limited !time:. Also on Furniture, Stocks of cicada ank-Dierasudise generally on liberal t Ta ll eir Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, to teated in the most careful manner, which enables them t offer to the Insured an undoubted security in the case 011055.' ' llaniel Smith, Jr..' John Dave/aux Alexander. Benson..:. Thomas , Thomas Smith, homelisslehurst, , Henry Lewis Thomas Robins , , ' j-GiDingham Fell. • , ,Daniel Haddock Jr. rtewsb sauk , a, JR., President. vaaWitui. aeoretwy. aP/ItY— I ,AXTX:I4 AO 1T.10817R.A140/11 ;com e.'" * — W wi t u ' vE3llF f viti "hht phibiaa ifice x lid.ol* Llt V Street, a oveT , _ . I Will ii4ellr° r Lees or Maxetige by Vire on mild inge,eltuer per 'sally or for a limited tlme k Horeelholif wally:fa and eretanaleogenerall.V. .' Also, Marino Insu rance on Weisel°, - Marv_oee ana ivtiii!, , Inland Insurance to all parte of the union. DIBXCCOIiii , i • • • WiiiiiiniThittoi, .. Lewis endonriod, , 'Win. N. Boiled . _' John Ketcham, i John, i BP4ol,,lptCon, ',I, A . BAum, W. Wan, , John . B. UV ° . Pet"' 8 64° vI r =um isaitYll.7 l ± fi llident h . ermel ' • 1 . , ..._' WILLIAM I. DEArie r vlcePfeeldent W. S,liiiiilialoorotosi. iigi til iito It -CONNte - CUT • LIFE ‘OSEHATICE OF HARTFORD. OONN. ZEPHANIAH PRESTON, vice President. WOODBRIDGE S. OLMSTED, Secritary. EDWIN WeBRYANT, Actuary. Assets, - - $27,566,479 26 Surplus,, - - 9,671,875 26 Income, - 8,978,751 25 THIS COMPANY, ENTERING UPON ITS TWENTY. FIFTH YEAR, OF UNPARALLELED SUCCESS, AND EXERCISING NOW,AS imilF.Toroux, • THE STRICTEsT ECONOMY, MOPING ITS RATIO OF EXPENSES TO TOTAL INCOME BELOW THAT OF ANY OTHER COMPANY, A F roRDs THE INESTIMABLE IsENEFI r 8 OF *. LIFE INSURANCE AT THE LOW- • , • ' EST COST, ANDAT TELE SAME TIME FUENISHESTEIE BEST SECURITY, .IS BE= LIEYED, ;OF ANY LIFE. INSURANCE COMPANY IN THE WORLD. • • Statement of the condition of the Connecticut Mutnal Life InguranceMompany on the thitty-first day of De cetnbcri.lB69. State of Ccnnedieut, COWIN Of Hartford, Be it remembered, that On this 24th day of February, A. D. 1870, before the subscriber, a Commissioner In and for the State of Connecticut, duly commissioned and au thorized by the Governor of the State of. Pennsylvania, to take the acknowledzmont of Deeds and other writings, to be used and recorded in the said State of Pennsyl vania, and to administer oaths and -affirmations, per sonally appeared Z Preston, Vice President of tke Con necticut Mutual Life Insurance Company, and made oath that the following is a true statement of the condi tion ot•sald Life Insurance Company. upon the Met day of December, A.. D. Inc - - And I farther certify, that I have made personal ex naf ion of the condition of said Connecticut Mutual Life lasutance C..mpany on this day.. and am satisfied the • have 285(48 Halal invested to the amoun mutton mum. - TIM t 1 have exiuntned . the seTtirltfei now in the hands of the Company to the amount of. One Million Dollars, and the same are of that value repro spied. .. . 1 farther certify that I am not interested In the affairs of said Company. in witta es whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this 28th day of February, Q. D. 1870. • sEm. 1, [Signed' RAMERSLY, A Commissioner for Pennsylvania. ,t FIRST: Capital Stock (Company being purely mutual) No stock 4.mount of assessments or in;raltnents on • stock paid in casb...-..:.• • ' The 'mine as nearly as may be or the Real - : • . Relate bell by the Company.— ...... ...-- ... . . 5i68,798 f. 12 Cash on hand Cash in banks, specifying the banks—State Rank, Connecticnt River Banking .Cont. - patty, First National Bank. and Banking ' House of Dabney,lllorgt u tt: Co 329,716 82 Cash - in hands of agents in course of trans: • minion 67,683 68 Amount alarms secured by bonds and mort gages, constituting the first lien on real ' estate, on which there is less than one year's interest due and owing ' 9,910,900 31 Amount of loans on which interest hes not ' been paid within one year 75,042 00 Amount of stocks owned by the Company, specifying the number of shares and their t par anti market value: Par Marker Value. table. . 1: 1 . S. Ronde 8107,000 $3,455,800 State of Connecticut 1,000,000 1,024,000 State of Tetine, , see 20,000 11,400 City of ]Evansville '15,000 12,000 ' City of Toledo 20,0%) 20,000 110 shares Hartford and , New Raven Railroad... 11,000 23,870 , tiO shares Connecticut River Railroad.-.......'..._ 5,000 0,710 . 130 shares First National ' Bank-........ /2, 17,910 WO shares City National Bank 10.000 10,500 shares /Etna Irsur : once Con/ any - • 2,500 2,375 16 shares • .Phoenix In surance Company 1;40 2,178 f 0 shares Charter Oak • IMiurance Company 1,000 1,270 10 shares State Insur ance Company 1,000 1,120 200'sbares Fourth Nat • tional, New York wpm 20,800 . $509,000 • $2.783,581. - • ,114,0V6 '74 $4,127,000 84,q20.500 • -- ---4,620,500 00 Amount of stock's held by the Company M collateral security 'for loans, with the amount loaueiron each kind of stock, its par and market value—Amount loaned 185,565 00 • • .Par Narkit value. value.loaned. 13232M0- 433116,461 :5185,565 Interact -0n fnvostments due and unpaid ,250 85 Accrued interact not yet due 514,621 39 fit her available miscellaneous assets, specify ing their char:later and Premiums in the bawls of agents and in course of collecti on, 441.350 65 Premlign' Notea.' ' • ' '11,224,14057 , . Total ASsets, - $27.566,479,26 ' 5'2,783,581 00 „ • AmMint of loitses during' the year, athlisted - . • • but not tine 414,170 00 Antolini of losses reported to the Company but not acted up0n41,2141 00 Amount of losses resisted by the Company 10,000 00 Amount of dividends due and unpaid Anutantotntoptiy borrowed, and the nature • lind the amount of the secnritr given.......... Amount of all other claims aptinet the Ci- i pony, contested or oth“rwise Amount acquired to safely re4lusure all out- . standing risks 17,423,734 00 i ! . Total Liabilities. • $17.894.604 00 Amount of cash prentimus received 5,315,721 65 Amount of premiums not paid in cast, during t he year, lb tating the cbm actor of such pre- Minim', being Notes and Credits 2,203,359 90 Amount of prent hints earned Interest receive:l from investmems- . 1,449,919 70 Incoms from all other sources, specifying (what source—Bent 6,750 00 Total Income, - $8,978,751 .25 Amount of lows paid during the, year 1,627037 00 Amount paid and. owing for re-Insurance premium. Amount of return premium, whether paid or unpaid Amount of dividends declared during year... 1,010,658 94 Amount of dividends paid 1,610,658 94 Amount of expenses paid during the year, in cluding commisaitinaand fees paid to agents 'and officers of the Company s 9,o39 II ffi Amount of tossed dim and un,puld .... ...... . 10,000 00; Amount of taxes paid by the Company 140,084 04. Amount of tall other expenses and expend' , ture5129,515 78 Amount of promissory note , originallv forni 'ing the Capital of tho Company ~ 10,000 00 Amount of sail notes held by the thilllpallY as part of or the'. whole - of the Capital thorebft None. Par and market value of the Company's fitoqk ;per share NO Stock. Many Dlvldende, payable daring the pre. ,sent sear, range from 215 to 210 per et. . „ NOW IS rim TO IMMURE. Dividends immediate, and increase annn oily. WALTEA H. TILDEN, General Agent, Anti Attorney' for Ponnsy4ania, 404, WAitint tOtreet; puiLeatzwalA. th d to INCORPORATED 1846. ERS JAMES GOODWIN, President. SECOND. •-•TIHiZD. FOURTH. VD ru. INSURANCE. 1829utrmitteft PERPETIMI 4I BIO FIZAItitEX:•Or. 11:11E , Iftst4tAscE otiVin OF P IIIII LIDELPInA; ' dFFICE;-436 and 437 Chestnut Ste Assiqa ";' . .: . .:•:sii,iiiiii;iii'67. Capital ' ' 8400,00 e Accrued Elurpluaand 2.416051 Ltis'A'ga tAlto ni' $144,908 4.13 INCOMJ FOR 1870; ; $BlO,OOO. tossEs Alvin) STPfef 11520 11 4 / 3 111 ' 115, 610,,0 Oa, • , ; Perpetual and! entporarTriteles on Liberal Term. The Company also issues pol ales union the Gents of all kinds of Gultdings, Ground Rents and Mortgves, The_ " RAGRLIN haStnIYPIGnitTED QUAL/4i . . . DlitEClTOltitr ir.• Alfred Hitler Thome* parta, Wm. 8 Grant, Thottent 8. Ellin: Gustavusßenson. D G. RAWER; Preddent. S WALSI3, Vilm,Eresidento Secretary. Accident Secretary.* Alfred G. Baker, Hamel Grant, Geo. W. Richards, Pane Lea; George Fates, ; ALVREI _ GEORG) JAB. W. HcALLISTER, R THEODORE 111. SEGE fe7 tde.3l§ ikFIRE ASSOCIATION • op, • 1 : , . PHILADELPHULL; . . , , = I Morob, WA. POW OfE.oe---No. 84 North Fifth Street, INBu B Byll..pim a os t mni Ali il 1 ' .7M . " ' 3 . i. 7 - i 1 n 4 I I ) i BAND lifElttM 10138 BY.lflltit. ‘ , (In the city of Philadelphia only.) , Assets January i. IB7Cj e r . . 11 , 11. )5 a,Frap.v‘,..115.4; ' —.- - # 0 7 TBUSTNEN: . # ,_ - .. -2 ' . ' ' William R. Hamilton, cbaries si i - nowct, John ()snow, Peter illtalptron. 1 George/. YOCUM,' , JeOe Lightf4iot; Joseph R . Lindell, Robert idhoomaker Levi P.l.loata, ,Petikrmbroter i , Saw" ' BParhawk D.Di ?" "° ' ' ' .fosephß. ieiell„f , . WM. H. HAMILTON, Proold t. SAMUEL SPARRAWRi Vice heeidtint, Wit. T. BUTLRA Bacretari. , . • , L x PANT OF PHILADE L PHIA. Incorporated in 1811. •, Mazur ponottua, Office, No MPS Walnut street. CAPITAL' O$3OOPOO, ; • - Insures against loss or damage by FIRE, on Row.. Stores and other Buildings, limited or verPetald. Sad ca /furniture, Goods, Wares Red Merchandise hi town , of oontry. LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. &meta, December 1,1861............... . .. , ....... 4C • , --- Invested in tlie following Securities, triv=" — " First Mortgagee on .City Property, well se. '. cured $189;10000 United States Government Loans. .................., lam) ogi Philadelphia City 6 Per Cent. Loans —........ 78 ,000 00 Warrants 6,035. Pennsylvania 83000,000 8 Per Cent Loan.. 80,0 m Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds First Mortgage . _v., , • Varna= ISM ZUGIOCIY . /34111049 vlJULptinris o s-or , _ • Cont. _ _ _ _ _ 6, 0 00 00 ' HiriniiiiiOn — ind Broad Top T Per Cont. . gage onds. . .. .. • ....., '4,030 00 County Fire InG:iinCe - dGiariyi i,oso oe. Mechanics' Bank fitobk 4,000 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock. • 20,0 0 0 001 'Union Mutual Insurance Company a Stock.-- no oo Beliaooo Ib durance Company of Philadelphia •• • • • 'lock flash in Bank asid on hand. 10.3131 . . ten Ai '42 Worth at Par Worth at present market prices.... 8409`644 E~ • DIRECTORS. Thomas C. 11111, Thomato ILlodre, William Musser, Barone! Castner. Samuel Bispham, Jamea T. Young, H. L. Carson, laaao V. Baker, Wm. Stevenson, Christian J. Hoffman, Benj. W. Tingles!, " • Samuel B. ,Thomast sdward Biter. THOMAS O. HILL, President. 22,1869; Jal-tu th i IS WM. 43111:11111. Secretary. PHILADELPHIA. December TNELAWARF, MUTUAL SAFETY Jur RAE COMPANF.Aricorporated by the Leeds lature of Pennsylvania; 183.6. • Offlee, B. E. corner of THIRD and WALNUT etreotii, Philadelphia. • MARINE INSURANCES on Vessels, Cargo and Freight TRANCESparts of the world. INLAND INSU On 'goods by river, canal, lake and land carriage to all aorta of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES •On Alerehandise aperally ; Stores, Dwellings, JUMBOS. &C. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY • Novemner 1. 1802. , ... 0200,000 United States Five Per Cent. Loan, ten•fortiee. 61216,0011 00 100000 United States Six Per Cent. Loan (lawful money) 107,76000 60,000 United Staos Six Per Cent. Loae, 1881 a 6 );00 0 oe 200,000 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Cent. Loan 213,960 00 200,000 City. of Philadelphia Six Per'_ Cent Loan (exempt from tax)... 200,9 X IEI . 100,000 State of Now Jersey Six Per • Cent. Loan .... .-..,-. .... ............ X 2,000 00 20,00 Pennsylvania Railroa d 'First Mortgage Six Per Cont. 80nd5.... 19,450 ile 25,000 Penneyrranie. Railroad Second '• Mortgage Six Per Cent,: Bonds... 2342500 44000 Westetzi - Pennsylvania Railroad Mortgage Six Pet' Cent. Bonds (Pennsylvania Railroad gnat , 60,000 St ateo . 10 ou e)f Tennessee Five . Per 2042 Cent. Loan.- 15,900 0111' 7,000 State of Tennessee Six Per Cent; Loan 12,500 Pennsylvania Railroad Coma •' • yang, 250 shares stook 14,000 09 6,000 North, Pennsylvania Railroad • Al t Comnauy,-100 shares stock 3,900 (10 10 Philadelphia and Southern . Mail Steamship Company, 80 shares . , stock. t,1500 001 • 246,900 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, first liens on City Properties sicgoo aa $1,231,400 Par. Market value, 0'1,755,25000 Cost, 5 1 , 215 . 622 21 . Reid Estate -.... , 06,000 OP Bills Receivable for Insurance made . ' 623,11 X re Balances due at Agencies-Pre minme on• Mariae - Policies. Ao. crued Interest and other debts ' due the Company 65,097 X Stock, Scrim &0.. of sundry Cor r/orations, R4',708. - - Estimated - value • • Cash in Bank.- - - Cash in Drawer, DIRECTORS. Thomas 0: Hand, Samuel E. Stokes, John, C. Davis, William O. Boulton, Edmund E. Souder, Edward Darlington, Theophilue Paulding, - H. Jones Brooke, James Traquair, • Edward Latourtiadoi Henry Sloan, Jacob Riegel, Henry C. DaHeti, Jr., Jacob P. Jones, James C. viand, James B. „IdUrarland, William O. Ludwig, Joshua P. Eyre, Jbseph 11. Seal, Spencer Bl'llvain, Hugh Craig,J. B. Semple, Pittelimrg, Jobn.D. Taylor , ' A .R. Berger, ' , . George W. Bernadou, D.T. Di T orgar k , i. William O.I3°I36t9 tHOMAS 0. HAND, President. ' JOlll3 0, DAVIS, Vico President. '' HENRY LYLHURN,SecretarY , • , , 'HENRY BALL, Assiatant Secretary.. delil UIITEP . Flit' EltiOt.N i ll ' INSEgaitied' COMPANY OF PHILADFLPHIIt. - . . ~r. O. This CloniPaity takes risks at the lowest Yates consistent wli/4 eafetY, and x confines its boisinees eclusively to . kisz lIIMRANGE IN THE CITY OF PEILADIIr OFEIZIE-16.123 Arch street, Fonith National Bent NWlding; . • DIRECTORS ' • ,Thintnis J, martiu, • Henri , W. Brenner, • John Hirst, Alberths King, • Wm: A. Bolin, ' ' , , itenrylimarn, • . (William vg.apgau, James Wood, [William Glenn; John Shane:oat, Jame s i cu per,_ J. Holl_r_y Aelcin, , 'Alexander T. Dickson, Hush mulligan. • Alberto. BOberite3. • Phi4PJFitspatriek, , amas P. Dillon. • 'II, , '13(./NRAD D, ANDRESS, Prosidtatt., , , WM. A. BoLIN. Tram, Wm. 11. Padart."Bea'T. " 4 4M.ERICAN Pll3lO INBtTRANtIII UOM'. PANT_Lincorporitied 1810.—Ohartarlegtlilual.. ~. ,•,. ' o. 310 WALNUT street, above Tb ~,. „„....., pus, Havingll large pail-rip Capita' Stodif sat Eitirt:" 4 Tiated in sound and available Gaeta! law as AO „ mire on dwellings, stems, 'furniture, h " v Reels in port, and. their. carg o e s , nrid.'cl r , pro,orty. , All losses liberallf and promptly cis . • P l homes B. Marie, Edmund G. lililtilb, ' ' ' '' ' • J bhn Welsh, (Merles W:P ) ultney, • ~ , -.: t Patrick Brady.lsrael Morris, .. jph . T. L ew i s , ' John P. Weiberule . • t . William . Paul. • _ _ 7 THOBIASIL'MANTS.PresiiIonit; innzar O. Osiotfroan, Secretary. . , FAME ENBURAITC.II , I COMPANIrt Q. 809 011EBTNIIT BTI4I _ • 111001tEORATED 1866.' ;. t TATA PIIIAMTITAU Alr I i Ann, irtit iNggaa l la atfilVirarird 'pram igatost ot_t y • z pret eitber bi weir* pe,4 4* T zil' • 'voltam'. r ec,tir T t. 6.,,b4,8ici,....de5iir, ieiii......, w,,u,in..wt,,,,,,,.,.,..i, r Aeader i Jr., William kt. seytort, via( B, Ono), John 1t,11 , 041.14 L , „. 0 . 44 Stoke*. Nathan Mlles. ottn . Irmenuse. Oeorse A. Wet 1111AeLlteitt . 0 . AIIT.IOI boa s rgionanks. WM B. t too , Prostiont. 1 4 4 1 1 . 11 4 11 0444 1 4 0 . 1 04P+ 10 . S $163,313 33 fa 2 26 169,291 14 $1,852,100 O =EWE=