Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, February 23, 1870, Image 5
MEDICAL. B. T. H ELM BOLD'S Concentrated Fluid Extract Bacha. GREAT DIURETIC. t. 'Or preirietor trusts that hie ietnedlei, from the feet at the r being advertised, may not be classed Si patent us7noinee 111111LMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUUHU sokaranacintiral preparation. The proper name is wives, and it is the moat active which can he made, It le endorsed as a cure by all medical vrorkelor such die • swami recommended by the proprietor. It is pleasant Ha taste and odor, free from all Injurious properties, and le taken by adults anal children. It is touicoll acetic, bloodpurifying and invigorating. Enfeebled anti deli cats constitutions of both sexes will foil it farm ore strengthening than any of the preparations of bark or Seemedical properties contained in Dispensatory of theilnited States, of which the following is a correct BUCHIL—Its odor is strong, diffusive and somewhat aromatic, its taste is bitterish, and analogous to that of mint. It is given chiefly in complaints of the urinary organs ? such as gravel, chronic catarrh of the bladder, morbid irritation of the bladder and urethra, diseases of the prostate gland, and retention or the incontinence of urine, from a toes of tone in the parte honeerned In Its evacuation. It has also 'boon recommended in dyepep. ais, chronic rheumatism, cutsucons affections and TESTIMONY CURE OF GRAVEL OF FIVE yzmis,STANDINIi-- STONE PASSED AND TO BE SEEN SAVANNAU, Tenn., May 14,1899 Dr. H. T. Helmbold— DEAR BIB: We introduced your " Fluid Extract Buchn " in this country about eight months ago, and are happy to state that it is mooting with universal favor. We wish to inform you of one instance (among many) where your " Buchn " has worked wonders. A man in our county, named .1. B. Eaten, has been suffer ing about live years with gravel. About six weeks ago be bought of us one bottle of your "Buchu," and before, be was through with one bottle he passed a gravel that, weighs eight grains, which we now have on exhibition in our drug store. He says that he will never be without the " Buchu " in his house again. Your preparations are gaining favor every day. Very respectfully, yours, Arc.. ECCLES dc HINKLE, Drawriets, Ctßs`OF MADDED. AND KIDNEY AFFECTION Or LONG STANDING--STONE PASSED AND TO SF: SEER WESTPORT COtill., Sept, f, 136 P T. ifehnbord, Esq.— Baku Biu : I commenced taking your " Extract of Bach° " about two weeks since for an Unction of the bladder and kidney s.' I have suffered by spells very much for a few days past. But yesterday relief came tbrough the , effect of your " A atone passed from my bladder abant the size' of a large pea ,and I. now fi.el perfectly well and entirely free from the pain that I hive suffered with" so hard." I attribute my cure to your medicine entirely, and would recommend all per sons similarly affected to try it. I have groat faith In its curative powers. Yours, truly, 12213:1113 Rev. WILLIAM 0008 WELL, Westport, Conn. J. L. G. , OANNON, Druggist, Westport, Conn. . H. B. WHEELIM,Em., Westport, Conn. BRADLEY HULL, Esq., Westport, Conn. Dr.-WAKEMAN,MottiUng,Clinn. R. y. R. ROBINSON, Wholesale Druggist,New York City. And mans• others, if necessary. CURE OF KIDNEY AND BLADDER AFFECTION OF A PATIENT REVENTY-EIGIIT YEARS OF THANKS TO NB. HELMBOLD GIRARD, Penna.., March 31, 15,9 MOTOR COSMOPOLITE : I 'detail). as an unsolicited tribute to the Mei i tient lielmbold's Buchu, and for the benefit of those' similarly afflicted as myself, to say that after consulting many eminent physicians, and trying. nearly all the best advertised remedies, in the vain hope of finding relief froth aggravated kidney and bladder liseasea,lrom which I. have suffered excessively for Many years, good fortune finally suggested to Me Helm• bold's Buchu, which I commenced using with UWE faith, and no apparent beneficial results for about a month. At the expiration of that time, however, I thought, I commenced to experience slight relief, which encouraged me to persevere in its use,, and now, at the expiration of four months, although I am an infirm old man, nearly 78 years of age, and consequently medicines cannot be expected to favorably affect me as they other: wise weal, I have found such unspeakable relief end permanent benefit from Mr. llelinbold's valuable dis covery r that I feel I ought to publicly record the fact as an acknowledgment to him and a valuable suggestion to the public. Tours, respectfully, D. M. LAREN. Mr.-Laren refers to the following !Millman: - Colonol DAN RICE, Girard, Penna. "CHARLES STOW, Esq., Girard, Penna., editor Cos mcpottft. GEORGE H. CUTLER, Girard, Penna., attorney. C. I. HINDS, Girard, Penna., attorney. Captain D. W. HUTCHINSON, Girard., Penna., at torney. DAVID OLIN. Girard, Penna., merchant. DAVID E. DAY, Girard, Penua., nerchant. C. F. ROCKWELL, Girard, Pewits., merchant. B. C. ELY, Girard, Penna., druggist. CERTIFICATE OF A DISTINGUISHED MIDWIFE Mr. Helmbold— Slit: i :have used your Extract Buehu with many or 10 patients, and can speak of it in the highest terms in every case, and consider it a valuable remedy, and nue I Milt Should be in the hands of every midwife. Very truly yours, REBECCA STANTON ,li. D. 4:1;liE OF NERVOUS PROSTRATION AND DI. CLINE OF A YOUNG LADY. • . UELMUOLD: I have been :giving your ,}Extract B tabu to my daughter, who has been unable to . sleep, very nervous, to of appetite, general debility and rapidly failing into decline--in fact cconatitnption was talked of. I wen recommended to LBO your "flurhu . '" by a highly respectable holy of this place, who had Oren it tO her son with ctimplide success. My daughter had heel, troubled for a long tune. I purchased `otie bottle romp 6 vv, eke Once, which hinted one week, and from which olio received great benefit, mod induced toe to purchase dozen bottles, an I bad tried many her reutottice, nod my, family pli)siciati. to no avail. It is riikw more than two weeks since she has taken the last bottle. and I an, Illipp) to iutorui you ut its coniplete mac , . ey, truly. GEO. ilt. M Gortivhut,rifli. Erb. 12, 1369 TBOIBAS J. BENNETT I'IRLAUELt'II tA , August 18,1869 THE DAILY EVENING 1144.4LET1N-PUILADhLYBIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, ISIO. DR. KICYSK IC A phyoiciem of over thirty:years' osperlen6e,. end iv g r reduete of the Jefferson Medical College, end of the llnlyerility of kledleino and Surgery of Philadelphia- Mr. H. T. Helmeold— DEAR SIR: In regard to the question asked me as to my opinion about Beam,' would say that I have used and sold the article in various forms for the past thirty years. Ido not think there is any form or preparation of it I hair' not used, or known to be used, in the various diseases where such Medicate agent would be Indicated. Ton are aware,is well , Is myself, that it has boon ex tensive)y employed in the various disetutos of the blad der and kidney's, and the reputation it has acquired, in, my judgment, Is warranted by the facts, I have seen and used, as before stated, every form of Bucli—the powdered leaves, tincture, fluid extracts— and I em not cognizant of any preparation of that plant at all equal to yours. Twelve years' experience ought, I think, to give me the right to judge of its merits; and,, without prejudice or partiality, I gi v o yours precedence , over all others. I value your Bimini for its effect on patients. I have cured with It, and seen cured with it, more diseases of the bladder and kidneys. than I have ever seen cured with any other Buchu or any other proprietary com pound of whatever name. • n ' Respectfully yours, &c ., GEO. H. ICZYSNR, M. D., No. 140 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Penult Avo vs's 11, 1866 A WISE OF TWENTY YEARS STANDING PHILADELPHIA, Penn., June 25, 1867 ii. T. Heinibold, Druggist— DEAU. Sift : I have been a sufferer for upwards of twenty years with gravel, bladder and kidney affections, during which time I have used various medicinal pre parations, and been under the treatment of the most eminent physicians, experiencing but little relief. Having seen your preparations extensively advertised, I consulted my family physician an regard to your Ex tract of Duchu. I did this because I had used all kinds of advertised remedies and had found them worthless, and some Quite injurious; in fact, I despaired of ever getting wall, and determined to use no remedies hereafter unless I knew of the ingredients. It was this that prompted me to use your remedy. As you pdvertised that it was com posed of bnchu, cubobs and juniper berries, it occurred to me and my physician as an excellent combination, and with his advice, after en examination of the article and consulting again with the druggist, I concluded to try it. I commenced to use it about eight months ago, at which time I was confined to my room. • From the first bottle I was astonished and gratified at the beneficial effect, and after using it three weeks was able to walk out. I felt much like writing to you a full statement of my case at the time, but thought my im rovement might only be temporary, and therefore con cluded to deter, and see if it would effect a perfect cure, knowing that it would be of greater value to you and more satisfactory to me. lam now able to report that a cure is effected* after using the remedy for five months. I have not used any now for three months, and feel as. well Jn all respects as I everdid. Your Bnchu being devoid of any unpleasant taste and odor, a nice tonic anti invigorator of the system, I do net mean to be withdipt it whenever occasion May re quire its use on such affections. Should tiny one doubt 3lr. McCormick's statement, he refers to the following gentlemen.: Hon. Wm. BIGLEB, ex-Governor of Pennsylvanla. lion. THOMAS B. FLORENCE, Philadelphia. Hon. J. C. KNOX, Philadelphia. lion. J. S. BLACK, Philadelphia. . lion. D. R. PORTER, ex-Governor of Pennsylvania. rion. ELLIS LEWIS, Philadelphia. Bon. R. C. GRIER, Philadelphia, Bon G. W.WOODWARD, Philadelphia. Hon. W. A. PORTER, Philadelphia. • , lion. JOHN BIGLER, ex-Governor of California. lion. E. BANKS. Washiwton, D. C.. • And many others, if necessary. A CASE OF INFLAMMATION OF KIDNEYS AND GRAVEL FROM MORGAN, FRAZEL . CO., GLesq OW MiBf4ollrl, February 5,1888 Mr. If. T. Hambrild— DEAR SIR : About two years ago I was troubled with both inflammation of the Kidneys and Gravel, when I resorted to several remedies, without deriving any bene fit whatever ; and, seeing your EXTRACT Bocan adver tised, I procured a few bottles and used them: The re sult was a complete cure in a short time. I regard your Ex TRACT Becno to be decidedly*the best remedy extant for any and all diseaties of the Kidneys. and I am quite confident that it will do all you claim for it, :You may publish this if you desire to do so. Yours respectfully, UNITS]) STATES B.O.4PITAL, SALISBURY, N. C., March 10,180. I. 7'. Ifelinhald, Esq., Phila., Pa.— Man SIR: I wish you to send me one dozen of your Baroparilla Extract and half a dozen of your' Rose wash. Allow me to say that your preparations are very math; factory, not only to the.practitioner, but also to the pa• tient, and I shall endeavor to bring them to universe use in this part of the country. Please forward these medicines again as before, C. 0 D., per express. I am, sir, Very respectfully, yours, Ac., Siirgoon in charge of Hompital ONE IiUNDRED DOLLARS WOULD BE GIVEN FOE'A BOTTLE, IF NECESSARY H. T. II elnibold Esy.—: DEAR SIR : Itake pleasure in sending you a certifi cate, in addition to the many you have received from suffering humanity. I can scarcely find language suffi ciently strong to express my heartfelt gratification at the wonderful cure your " Buchu" hits effected. For four years I have suffered beyond description. AU my friends ( with myseirl came to the conclusion that my case was incurable. Accident placed your adver• tlsement in my bands. I commenced taking your Bilchn." I followed the directions, and to nty utter astonishment before I had taken seven bottles of Your valuable medicine, ( I would give 8100 a bottle, if I could not got it at any other price,) lam entirely cnred I most earnestly recommend it to all those suffering trim disease. I have told many persons to take' your valuable medicine, and they are doing so with great suc cess. Any information my fellow-citizens may rennin. will be freely given by the subscriber at his residence No. 78 Milton avenue, Rahway, N. J . Councilman 'Third Word , yof Itohyruy .We. the undersigned, are well acquainted with LI . M. Freeman, of Rahway, and know' that he Ifas . lieen tong time sufferiiig, in the worst possible form, for the past four years, and that he has been entirely eared by t bie,nso of" Delrubold i e Buchu." . , J. W. SAVAGE , ox• Mayor. FRANK LA BAU, Proxident of Council. WM. RICHARDS, Clerk of Council. PETER A. BANTA , Councilman. W.. 1. BROWN, Councilman. • J. S. S.' MELICK ,Counollman. ' LEVI IS HOFF, Councilman. J. B. STILYKEIG, Merchant. • Ciry TIALL,MAYOII's OV - Nle%, 1 RAILWAY, N. 3,, DOC. 6,ltiG9, This will certity that' I. am personally acgualoti•d. with H DI. Freeman, and Am cognizant Of the facto as sot forth is tho above statement, and the coverall parr SOW whosi3 signatures are hereunto attached aro all known to tuo. littyor of ltAlivroy McCOR3tICK EDWIN M:FEAZEL DI. F. A. HOFFMAN, RA II %V AY N J Dec. 2, 1869 B. M. FREEMAN, ILA u WAV. N. J., bee 2,186 NNW YORK STATIS VOL. bOLTIT4TI4, ' Corner ath-ay. and 78th ac., Contral Park. Homo and bchool for' the Bona of Docomod Sol Mora.' Dr. IL T.•Hdrnbotd-7 Two bottles only of the package of your saleable Buchu presented to the Institute have been used by the ohildren, and with perfect success. In the oaso our little Lieutenant A. J., his pride is no longer mor tified, and, ho is free from the daily morning anathe make( tho chambermaid who has charge of his bed ding. I feel that a knowledge of the result of our use of your Buchu with the children under our charge may save many a Superintendent and Matron of Boarding Schools and Asylums a great amount of an noyance ; and many a poor child, suffering more from weakness then from habit may bo spared punishment that is (not knowing it as a weakness instead of a bad habit)most unjustly inflicted upon them. Thanking you on behalf of the children, and hoping others may be alike betiefitted, I am respectfully yours, Colonel YOUNG, General Buret and Director Juur 16,1865 GREAI"SALT LAKZ CITY. UTAH, JAB. 28, /864 Mr. H. T. liehilbold-- DEAR Sin: Your communication requesting our terms for advertising was duly received, hut from a pre judice I bad formed against advertising 1 . cures for secret diseases," it was left unanswered. During an accidental conversation in a drug store the other eve ning my mind was changed on the character of your Bucbu. It was then highly commended for other diseases by tWo physicians present. inclosed please fled our rates of advertising. Yours, &0., T. B. 11. STENHOUSE Editor and Proprietor of Daily and Semi-Weakly Teervaah • SPEEDY RELIEF FROM KIDNEY APPEOTION OCCASIONED BY ACCIDENT. Dr. 11. T. lieOnbold— Man SIR : On the 2341 of August last I received as- Yore internal and external injuries, occasioned by an ac cident on a Philadelphia Railroad car. On my arrive in New York I was atfended by Df., WILSON, of East fifth street, and another physician, whose name I do not now remember. After my wounds were dressed, I suf fered for three,(3) days intense agony from Internal in juries, which affected my kidneys. I can say that after taking but three doses of YOUR F.XTR,AOT BUCIIU I felt greatly relieved. I used the balance of the bottle, and am happy to state that since that time I have expe rienced no thither diMculty. . Very truly yours, • P. R. KEARNEY, . , 848 Third avenue. . , T respectfully refer to either of the following gentle men : ROBERT B. ROOSEVELT, Esti., Editor of Citizrn and • Bound Table. B. F. CURTIS, Esq., 102 Greenwich ay. MORRIS PHILLIPS, Eset., Editor of Home Journal Hon. M. CONNOLLY , Register of City. - ' Messrs. PETTENGILL 6: BATES, Proprietors of Hearth and Home. • I. N. HUDSON, Esq., 41 Park row lion. NELSON J. WATERBURY. Ron. JAMES E. COULTER. And many othere, if necoisara. GREAT CURE OF DIABETES OF A LADY-FIFTY DOLLARS A BOTTLE Decir Dr. ID imbold— DRAB Sta.: For the past eight months I have been suffering from DiabeteA. I hare consulted several of our leading phyeiciaus, but bare failed to receive the alight est benefit from their costlymedicines. Four months ago I Saw your advertisement in the Hrrald. I was persuaded by a friend who had been benefited by your WORLD-RENOWNED BEDUIN I pur chased a bottle, took the contents, and was so relieved that I continued the use of it. TEE DIABETES itAs Ey. MILT DISAPPEARED , AFTER USING IT YOR THREE DIONT/18. / WOULD OWE rg tO lk BOTTLE if I could not get it at any other price. I most earnestly recommend it to all these suffering from this disease. Sincerely yours, ' ANNA E. STOUGHTON. In West 27th street A PERMANENT CURE OF GRAVEL OF TWELVE YEARS' STANDING-STONE PASSED AND. TO BB SEEN BrENSIDE, 0011 D., Dec.lb:lSe Di. Helmbold— Dvaa SIR : It is with much pleastire that I write you upon facts respecting myself. I do not know hardly how to express myself. I have been for the last ton- or twelve years the greatest sufferer man could be and live; but more sometimes than others. The complaint was the "kidneys " and " bladder." I have been sometimes from twelve to fourteen hours, and wanted to make water every minute, and could not. Have consulted doctors, both in Massachusetts and this State,and taken I may say by the quart, also liquored medicines, but found no relief from any, and got worse the last six months: I wee so that I could scarcely get about. I could not rest night or day. It would soon have been "all up" with me, if I had not seen your advertisement in the Berkshire Courier, headed " kidneys." I read it through and thought I would try it. I purchased a bottle, but, mind you, had net much faith in it. Why should 1, when I had been trying so many things and cost me so much? Well, I began taking it, and before I had taken the first bottle I felt bad ; but I finished it find got another. By the time I took kalf of the second I' still got worse (apparently). When I walked It seemed an it' my right kidney was fulling from its place, and I felt really bad. I felt so before I lied finished the sqcond, that I had ;mule up - my mind it wen of no use trying itny more—and all this time the " Buchu " was doing its work. but I did not knov it ; eo I gli . T4! It up and went to Hartford on Saturday to one of the best doctors in the city. lie nab' it was the neck of the bladder, and I should have to undergo an operation. Be gave inepedicine, and I went horde quite downhearted. Onfiundayi wan unable to go to church. I had not taken any of him medicine, but on my return continuedlieing the'"lluchu," and in the after noon I had a deidre to melee %tater, but could not. About one hour alter tliis I triod' again, with the same result hut the next time I took the vessel it was the same as turning a faucet and stopping it off again. It was so for three Move, and the third time there w something came through the passage and struck against the side of the velo.ol. 1 examined it. and it is the ugliest steno or gravel you ever saw, covered over with little pieces which collected together. It looks the color of a mud turtle, and is as hard as flint. So you sea tho "Buchu" was doing its work, although I was feeling so badly I procured another bottle. thinking there might be some more behind ; but since that has panned, which is eight weeks ago last Sunday, I have been as' well as ever I was in my life. I have tho stone securely wrapped, and those who have seen it in this place are surprised. I cannot tell you all, but this is a true story of my case, 8 0 you are welcome to make such use of my name as you think proper. I urn pretty well•known in Berkshire; also in Connecticut. Thu ndver• tisement saved me. Why not publish more? The Springfield Ro/Wean is a wide-spread paper. If ally one wishes to see this wonder, they can do so. could write all day, but think I hare acid enough this time, tel remain your eve? well wisher, 'EDWARD L. HOWARD, Paper Maker, BaruNide, Hartford county, Oonn Di. MACK , Burnside, Conn, Dr. 'WRIGHT, North Lee, Mem. Dr. HOLN.CIit, North Lee, BIWA: Dr. ADAMS, Stockbridge, Mass. Pr. SCOTT, North Manchester, Conu. Dr. JAQUES, Itakland Corners, COllll Dr. ISEARSFORD, Hartford, Conn. All of whom treated me for the disease. IFIELNBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIC, established up. wards of nineteen years, prepared by 11, T. HELM BOLD, Druggist, No. WM Broadway, New York, and No. 104 South Tenth street, Philadelphia, p onaa , p r ice el 26 per bottle, or six bottlesfor $6 60, delivered to any eddrers. Bold by druggiaterrerywbere. None are genuine •Unlees done up in steel-engraved wrapper, with fee. sitniis of my chemical warehoube, elgned fel9•a w4t N EW YORK. Fob. 1, 1810 Taw 'roux:, Feb. 6, WO U. T. lIKLIAISOLD STRAWIOUD*:.:CLI)TiftEft. A large new stook of Linen Goods just opened, presenting an assortment to be found in but few houses in this country.. DOUBLE MASH TABLE CLOTHS, from 2 Yards to F 'garde long, GOODIQUALITY 8-4 BLEACHED TBLINGS, 65, 75, $lOO, HALF BLEACHED TABLING'S, 37 1-2, 45, 50, 62 1-2. 2,500 YARDS GOOD UNDRESSED LINEN, =NURTURED EXPRESSLY FOR if OUR OWN SHIRT FRONTS." E SHIRT I FRONTS MADE UP OURSELVES AM) QUALM GUARANTEED. 42 INCH BUTCHERS' LINEN, WITHOUT DRESSING. GOOD QUALITY,UNDRESSED LINEN FOR LADIES' AND GENTS' UNDERWEAR. A LARGE STOCK OF TOWELS, 10C, TO $1 69 EACH. A LARGE VARIETY OF FURNITURE COVERINGS. Hea::a cf families from a didance visiting Philadelphia are 'respectfully invited to examine the merits of this Department. WHITE GOODS. rdedt..lP iqu es, Striped Pique 4, Figured Piques, Swiss; Mull, STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTI]CEM, DRY GOODS. MOURNING DRY GOODS HOUSE PERKINS & CO., 9 SOUTH NINTH ST., Have Opened a Fall Line or BREGE HERNANIES. REMOVALS. ALTEMUS & CO., 13 o<3 -3EI IV' 13 ER, AND Photograph Album Manufacturers, Having removed their Storeroom and Office to No. 206 NORTH FOURTH STREET, FLOOR), AND • introduced Improved Steam Machinery Into their Bindery, are prepared to flit all orders in their line at the lowest rates consistent L wlth good work, and et the shortest notice. They will have constantly on hand A Full Stock of Blank Books, Commercial Stationery And Photograph Albums, To which they invite the attention of buyers. Sole Manufacturers of the Patent Minim Bach Albania. fe4-Imr -- LAYiItYAGEi9: D. M. LANE, CARRIAGE BUILDER, 3432, 3434 and 8436 Market St., • WEST PHILADELPHIA. -A. large assortment of Darrlagea of eper, descrlition conetantlr on band. Especial attention Polo to repairing. 6mrpft `. rc LINEN GOODS. VERY HEAVY LINEN SHEETINGS. ALL WIDTHS IN PILLOW LINENS. BARNSLEY AND IRISH TABLE LINENS, In the Latest Designs of Egyptian, Mosaic, &c., &o. ANOTHER CHEAP LOT OF NAPKINS, $1 25, $1 35, $1 50, slkls, $2 00, $2 50, up to WI 50, per dozen. 18, 20, 22 We are making it a Specialty to supply the wants of HOTELS, BOARDING HOUSES AND PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSERTINGS. N. W. CORNER EIGHTH AND MARKET STREETS. =NM 24046 'NCR NIIRSERY DIAPER. Just Opened a large Invoice of In au the New Patterns. ALSO' Bice., Sze. 44 Fourth and Arch, C"' Royal Rib Welting Marseilles. New Stripe Marseilles. Piques, Spring Stook. India Twills and Dimities. Large Plaid Nainsooks. Hamburg Edge and Trimmings. P. S.—White letoods in all Variety for Spring Bales. mp .O EYRE & LANDELL. LINEN STORE, IP f32S Arch Street. AND. 1128 CHESTNUT STREET. SPRING IMPORTATIONS. IMMENSE STOCK OP LINEN GOODS, WHITE GOODS and • 'HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. Prima Down to Present Gold Bate. SA V AUKS : pitSINA, J UST BZOSIVBD. G'WINNE EABINA COLOGNE* reduced Pace& Beat iitittirits of English Tdoth Brushes: For dale by JA LISS . MIN ,A pothecary, Broad and 13PruGo efe. re/14,frIP WHITE GOODS. Plaid Nainsooki, Plain Nainsoo tt Striped Muslin, French Sheppard, Van Harlingen & Arrison ARE OYEERING Extraordinary Hargaino4 Table. Cloths, Napkins, Doylies, Table Linens, Towels, Towelings, &o. French, Belgian, Barnsley, Scotch and Irish Sheeting and Pillow-Case iinens. 4.4 French end Rioherdson's Irish Linens, In Fine, Medium and heavy Makes of all grades for General Family and Ladles' uso. Embroidered Plano and Table Covers, Blankets, Flannels, Quilts . and Counterpanes. ALSO, Very Ricoh, New and Elegant Laoe and Not . tingham Curtains, Window Shades, &o. New Welts • Piques, White Geode and Staple Embroideries of New and Beau tiful Styles. The largest assortment 'we have ever offered. Printed Percales, new nod elegant patterns. warranted Mot colors. AU the beet makes of DOMESTIC IVIUSLINS AND SHEETINGS, At Wholesale Prices. Special attention is invited to a New Make of IR &VT MI/SLIM, which for many purposes In the Family will be found very valuable. Dianufttothred expreeely for our trade. 0081 CHESTNUT STREET. roum w I Mr • Rif ARKING WITH INDELIBLE, INS Embroidering, Braiding,, Stamping, &a. M. A. TORREY. 1100 Yilbert street.