Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, February 16, 1870, Image 5
liOl3llOON fIRLSOICS . . Present Condition or Joan Fernandes. Juan Fernandez, it is said. has Le in Fur chased lw an enterprising- German, wh0.h..0 exported thither a considerable colony of ids countrymen and supplied theta' with suitable implements of agriculture. The popular no tion of the island,, derived from Robinson Crusoe; is a very Incorrect one. and Itir.ll. Kingsley: the most recent editor of Defoe's story, W , 8111'04 us that the two islands have nothing in common except caves and goats, Juan Fernandez is a long, rocky island,some what larger than New-Jersey, and lying fin the South Pacific, about 400 miles off Valpa raiso, on the coast of Chile. If things have pot deteriorated since Selkirk's time, the German colonists will have pleasant quarters—a cli mate so good that the trees and grass are verdant all the year round, and a soil so fer tile that everything thrives luxuriantly. AMIISEMENTS. At the Academy of Music, this evening, the l'artTa-Rosa Opera Company will repeat The Marriage of Figaro . . To-morroW night 11 Tro roforewil) producel, .on which occasion ; - .lStr. Cagtie_ will have .a benefit. .0n Friday • Der Fi . e's - butz. will be given with a tine cast. • We are informed that Mr. Campbell has en tirely recovered from his indisposition, and will certainly appear to-night. —At the Walnut Street Theatre, this even ing, Mr. Edwin Adams will appear in a dra inatizatiou of .Enoch Arden. —At the Arch, this evening, Little Em'ly will hi. presented. —Mr. Frank Mayo will appear at the °hest mit this evening as" Badger," in the drama, The blreets of New York.' —A miscellaneous entertainment will be given at the American Theatre this evening. • —.Messrs. Carncross & Dixey offer a flist, rate bill at the Eleventh Street Opera House to-night. The Lire " The ANTonders of Electricity, - and The 'Coopers are•among the attractions. Series of pictures, representing scones from the " Progress," will bo ex hibited and explained at Concert Hall on Thursday evening next. ' —Signor Blitz 'will give an' exhibition of magic and legerdemain at Assembly Build ing,s this evening and on Wednesday and Sat ia.day afternoons. • —Mr. J ohn Henry Cooke and Mll'e t•tta,. two of the ,greatest equestrians in the World, will appear with •the regular company 'at the. Circus, Tenth and Callowhill streets,. !MS evening. • —A stereepticon exhibition will be given by Mr. 'William 111 eAllister in the Town Hall, Ciermantown. to-night. Het. William W. Newton will deliver a lecture. The pro ceeds Will he devoted to St. Michael's Library Association. first-class Minstrel entertainment will be given by Messrs.' IMprez & Benedict, at the Seventh Street Opera House,this evening. CITY BULLETIN. UFO. H. BECHTEL'S sale of AilverTlated ware .takes place' to-morrow at 10 A. M., at SoOtt's Art Callery,lll7 Chestnut street,Givard Row. THE LETTER SHEET PRICES CURRENT, which are invaluable for correspondence, are publmbed weekly, semi-weekly and daily, by N. N. Winslow St eon, 241 Dock streot. CITY NOTICES. r ttowtENDENCE SQUARE,— liefieerate that hallowed ground Forhear, Itegetuirato 80116 of worthy sirtis ; have yi. no honor Loft P In patriotism dead r the spirits of those Noble men Who dedieated that spot. to , . Liberty and the people, will rise and— • Scornfully drive ye, as the Holy thie drOve From tne sacred temple the wordiippers of Manorifon Prices for Fine Fashionable Clothing the same is be fore the war at CHAR I.7in STOK N.;,521 Chestnut street. ALuttnrsoN L'S.7 Co., ‘ No. 1435 Chestnut street, make. promptness in filling all orders intrtiqed to them cliental!) feature of their business. Patronize them and be convinced. jusT :RECT.:WED— A verphandsourte assort ment of Luce and Nottinghnm Curtains, which we are Offering below any ono In the city. Call and examine at 1'11114414.11.111a Upholstery, No. 1435 Chestnut street: ALBERTSON St Co. l'urut,An nonms use Burnett's Flavoring t: "tract*. Let hottkiektepers demand thew. • RE JAI BOLD'S EXTRACT BITC FITT and IM PROVED. It 000; WAsucuren Heeret awl delicate disorders in all their stages, at little ex ewe, little or no charge in diet, no inconvenience and no exposure. 'lt is .pleas. ant In taste and odor, immediate in itsaction, and free front all injurious properties. 3UNETT'f.; FL AVORINO EXTRACTA.—The "R AuFrrioritli tf thrxec.arnris rciwsts in Ih. ir• po;Gct purity rind gnat .strenittli They urn \ varrautvd fret) from the poisonous oils nod acids widelronter into the composi tion of ruanv of the factitious fruit flavors now in the market. They are not only true t o their names, but 211 . 4. prepared from fruits of the br,t. quality, .and are so highly concentrated that a curuparativaly small quan tity only nerst be used. Josiah BURNETT cti: 80, Boston, Manufacturers and ProprietOrs. For sale by all Grocers and Druggists. Fon FINE FRENCH AND AMERICAN CON YECTIONd. dflifeil)llB Roasted A11)107(1b, Bon•bonstind rare fruits, go to VANS?. NI'S. Ninth and Chestnut. • .FnEr. • PRO' DIRT.—.I.B there any hair coloring _preparation, either , hero or in Europe, that re *tinbles PHALOn'ti VITALIA, On SALVATION VOR lIAtRY Not ono. It tan clear fluid that tiow,, front tit bottle; doettnot stain the ekitt and I,roducc.., none btu natural blinder; of color. it has no Nedintent. Sold by all ilrit4..gi%ti , and fancy goodii dens n+. `()..KFORD'S titoCk of fine Hats and C;ups are eelting lower Men tiny in the city. (to and get a bargain. Stereo, nnd•.r the Continental. • • W. H. CARRYL (formerly of 719 Chestnut, street) roomed tho Curtain bIIAIII , MY with hid Sollei, and iwv,iteg attention to their new iit , .ek of Curtain Mat-- Hag and Railroad Supplies, at IZ3 Chestnut iihret, two .iloos obOve our old stand. - Vox NoN-RETENTION 08 INC'ONTINENrE —it {(rime, irritation, i ollannottt ion, or ulceration of the roladder or. kidocye, dimea4es of the pro , date aloud— tot 1 blatill•T• Cillculu.. gravel or brlek , dust de pohitg, and all dieeaset of the bladder, kidneys and •drotmeal gwollinds, Uett lIELMBOLD'.. FLUID EXTRACT Beetle. WHITMAN's SUPER CREAM CfforOI,ATEN, and oilier e'xollent ehoo , ,dat- confections, manufactured freph diij ,at 116 titcata Works, Soutlmoit corner of Twelfth fold Market ntro-ts. WHITMAN'S 81 1 1t1:11101C Ev•ELLENT 11111) Almonds, ninnura , ,tur,.l fr.• 811 tlaW at his Steam Itt , ,Twefftlt awl Market et reent. , HP.LJIrALIES nxTrtAcr mid vigor to the frame iot bloom, .to tho pallid . chef k. Debility :weompuii INI by umor Alarming symptoms, and if no trrotroont is gamma to, coo,mopti o o, Irt entity , or epileptic fits ensue. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS .AND CATARRH treated with the utmost sueeeiiii• by J. ' , A krr , IC D.. and krotet.t..r of Dixeco.es at' the :1::yf god Ear I Nyere the Malian( loitci:e of Poo wtyloon ire, 12 y , -trs ~.r-perirnrt, perirnrt, No. tina Arch Str.2et, Te,tho ni ouls.citu ae,•ll at his office. Thu merlical faculty are invited to nc company their patienta,ll.4 ho ham no iv - Troia in his aril c• fire. Artificial eyes Inserted without pain. .Ny charan for examination. • LADIEs' H .vrs. M Bsr.N" HA•rs.—The most 117%11111 , 4t0 Selling at prieeh Imr r thin r'.newher•. lIA K FO It leti, Under the Continental. HI?If.I%IROLD'S FLL'HI EXTRACT BUCRP pleastint. in taste um! odor. fret, from hijuriol.• properties, and immediate in its action. Uoniss, Bunions, Inverted Nails, akiliftlib irtated by Dr. J. Davidson, No. 915 Cliieglitut etre*. Charges moderate. ENFEEBLE," AND. PELICATE CoNsT IHMA• or both i.exeb, Imo ittitmn.Wa EXTUACT 1S r, 111:. It 141110 r t• brick awl cuergatic aul uu tl/le you to hteop • TAISE NO MORE I,;NPLE.ISANT ANO TIN - SAFI rwoodi , .s for otipi , .l4:kiit and glaiWerollx 17 .' li:LairooLo's I:2•CT HACT II LCflr AND %IPR4 Whim H . Juniciors I%loTnnas and urines 11.61 i for chtillmo a Gale nod vlbawant nuAleind In Botar`• Arrant Grfidial Slinvnurr.i) ('UNsturirrioNs REsToitED /iv ESTBACC ill:,1111. TOE G Lon v or MIS STltrNit'l•ll.—Th ere fore Hitt 11t.TV1,1111 and 00.11ft:it...1 blumid fled (41 y 11.0 . k. h ACT II LIELISMULD'S. CONCENTIL-111:1) kXTUACT Cfllr the Offal Ileur.tr,. 1104 , 11101.1 , 'S COM:I:7.II.tA/ 2 4 0 1 / I .A'.. A- ItILLA e; • • I. thi: Groat Mow! Thrrifif Both ern vreptirA accordinv to ruhs,, of Pit trio ury um] :ure tit(' /11./n1 11(11%.' thlti tu, Wide. 81 , 1/GTUAL iNHTRVAIENTEI LIDA muu. drive W. fl. CARavr. &Sox, 723 Chestnut street t"VOWDEN k filiontpt, 23 South Kighth •Art.t : . . . /. :i:.. -.•THE '1341.1;Y:...EV.011.14 U 131,114Vl11l . :•-i'li ILA pEf4l3,l,A o :".) , , vpiyMpAy.,.plwitki4...4x *;',.40:',',..'_.,:''...'"..;.‘.:.'.: MEDICAL. B. T. RUA/MOLD'S Concentrated Fluid Extract Bach, THE GREAT DIURETIC. Thn proprietor trusts that his remedies, from the feet of their being advertised, way not be classed as patent modleines. lIELMIIOLD'S FLUID EXTRAOT BUO QU is a pharmaceutical preparation. The proper name. is given, and it is the most active which can be made. It Is endorsed as a cure by all medical works fJr such dis eases at recommended by the proprietor. It. is,pleasant in its taste and oder,,lree from all injurious properties, and is taken by adults and children. It Is tonie,dittretie, blood Purifying and inviiorating. Enfeebled and deli cate constitutions of both sexes will find it far more strengthening than any of the preparations of bark or iron. , Bee 'medical properties contained in Dl‘ponsatory'of the IT nited'Stattesi of which the following is a correct odor is strong, diffusive and somewhat aromatic. Its taste is bitterish, and analogous to that of mint. It is given chiefly in complaints of-the urinary organs, such as gravel, chronic catarrh of the bladder morbid irritation of the bledder and urethra, diseases of the prostate gland, and retention or the 'incantinence of urine, from n loss of tone in the parts concertied .in its CN &cunt ion . It has also boon recommended in dyspep sia, chronic rheumatism, cutaneous affections and dropsy. TESTIDION if CU RE O}' GRAVEL OF FIVE YEARS' STA NDINU- STONE PASSED AND TO BE SEEN. • SAVANNAH, Tenn., May 14,1569 Dr. 11. T. llchnbold DEAR tilt: We introduced your "Fluid Extract Enaltu " in this country about eight months 'ago, and are happy to state that it is meeting with universal favor. Wo wish to inform you of one instance (among many) where your " Enchu " has worked wonders. A. man in our county, named J. B. Estal/ , has b'een Buffer ing about five years with gravel. About six weeks ago he bought of us ono bottle of your "Buohu," and before ho was through with one bottle he' passed's gravel that weighs eight grains, which we now have on exhibition in our, drug store. Ile says that he will never be without the " Bitehu " Mips house again. Your preparations are gaining favor every day. Very respectfully, yours, &c., • ECIC3LILS & HINKLE, Druggists. cvnr, F. BLADDER AND MONEY AFFECTION OF LONG STANDING-STONE PASSED AND TO IA SEEN WEsTronr, Conn., Sept. 5, ISO 11. T. Ilrimbold, DEAR Sin : I commenced taking your " Extract of Machu" about two weeks since foi an affection of the bladder and kidneys. I have suffered by spells very touch fona fea , days past. But yesterday relief came through the effect of your , " Bimini." A stone passed from my bladder about the size of a large pea,and I now feel perfectly wall and entirely free from the pain that I have suffered with" so hard."- I attribute my cure to your medicine eatirely,Und would reComniend all-per sons similarly affected to try it. I have great faith In its curative powers. Yours, truly, THOMAS J. BENNETT. I! /13113 Bey. WILLIA M COGSWELL, Westport, Coun. J. L. G. CANNON, Druggist, Westport .011111. H. D. WHEELER,Esq., Westport, Conn. BRADLEY HULL, Esq., Westport,Comt. Dr. WAREMAN, Iteadini, Conn. R. W. It. ROBINSON, Wholesale Dritzgist,New York City. And many others, if necessary. CURE OF EIDNEY AND BLADDER AF FECTION OF A PATIENT SEVENTY-ElaIT YI;ARS, OF THANKS TO MR. HELMBOLD GIRARD. Penna., March 31, 13;9 EDITOR COSMOPOLITE: I 'desire, as an unsolicited tribute to the merits of Ifelrabold's Bucltu , and for th henefit of those similarly uffliCted aipmyself, to say that after consulting many eminent physicians, and trying. nearly all the best advertised remedies, in the vain hope of finding relief from aggravated kidney and bladder ;iSeases, from which I Lave suffered excesively for many y ears, good fortune finally suggested to me MOM. hold's llucLn, whine commenced using with little Mith, and no apparent Imucficial results for about n month. At the expiration of that time, however, 1 thought, I commenced to experience slight relief, which encouraged file to persevere in its use, and now, at the expiration of four mouths, although I am an infirm al manoiaarly-78 years- of -a ge, and conseqnently medieltielf cannot be expected In favorably affect me us they other wird) would, I have nund such unspeakable relief and permanent benefit from Mr. Heinfflold'a valuable dis covery, that 1 feel I ought to publicly record the fact as an acknowledgment to a valuable suggestion to the public. Yours. respectfully. Mr. Laren refere to the following gentlemen : Colonel DAN BICE, Girard, Penna. CHARLES STOW, Esti., Glrard, Penna., editor CO, 711OVO fife. • , GEORGE II• CUTLER, Girard, Penna., atteruey. • C. 1. HINDS, Girard, Penna., attorney. Captain D. - W. - RUTCIIINSON, Girard., Penna . ., at tormy. DAVJD OLIN. Girard, Penna.. merchant. DAVID E. DAY, Girard, Penna., mereliant. • C. F. ROCKWELL, Girard, Penna., mamba:O. • B.C. ELY. Girard, Penna., drungibt. A PEJIMANENrecItE - OF - GWAVEI, OF TWELVE mTANDING—STONEpAssED AND TO BY. SEEN 11u ft,NBlliKtllll.'l4'C-15,1,RM Lieu k nt : It is with tutt , ll plea‘ure that 1 write you upon facts respecting myself: I du not know hardly how to oxpretti myself. I have been for the last ten or tweh yearn the greateSt sufferer man could be :outlive; lot t morc somethings than others. The complaint wa.. the ‘• kidneys " and " bladder." I have heen sometime:. from twelve to fourteen hours, and wanted to make linter every minute, and mild nut. Bove (gamine! doctors, tenth in Idassaeltusottti and tide litoteatud taken Mils, I may !Mr by the quart, also liquored tuedielnea, but holmd no relief from an y, and got worse the bust nix months. I was so that I could scarcely get about. I ccuid not rest night or day. It would noon have fus el , an up" with Me, if I hod hot noun your advertisement iu the Berkshire euvri. r, headed " idney...” I read u through and thought I w.iold try, it. i:Mt:at a. loon le, but. mind you, had not nineh faith in it. Why should I, when I luoi (wen trying so many things and rust tat, eo much': Well. I began taking it, and beforel had titl,en the first bottle I 101 l lout ; but 1 finished it apJ...01 another, fly the time I took half of tit- second I still . !,a,t worse (apparently )• When I walked it seeno .1 an If rue right kidney way • felling from it.. plae... and I r•it really laid. I- felt so before I had 111$ .1 the second, that I Lout 11111143 141 . 111) . ruin I It out or no Use 'trying atty . more—and WA this tine. the ' ' ATZO:IIOItIg its work. but. I did not know it; mire It up and went to - Hartford on tiaturday to on. of the tr 4,4 doctors iu tho tie id it eats the seek of tin bladder, and I should have. to undergo nh otadat Ileray,' nionaslicine, and I went holm, quilt" cowcticcrt,l (iiSiutilii i I was unable to go to rhurch. 1 had not taken any aide modivine, but on toy f the ''ll3llehtl,"Rtia ill the after nom, f had a desire to make writer, but could not. About nnelteur titer thin I tried again, with the 411.1110 result but the next lime 1 took the vessel It was the same us t tinting it t and stepping it 011'0g:dn. It was 60 fur • three tines. and the third time there w 5 something come through pi4h,:age and struck agahod the side of the - it sm.!. I examined it. and It in the ugliest etc tie or el you cc ,•r taw, covered over with little pieces n Web cbilOoted together. It looks the color of a mud t urge, 1.3. , 1 in Its! hard no , flint, Re you see the " Mucha" dou.; its work tonight I was feeling's° badly I oroim red suet h. r bottle, thi Liking there might he some rnnrn behind ; but lint hag passed,which is eight ake ..„Oiset Sunday, I have been As will as ‘'‘ , r,l i , ,ao;u, toy ills, I have the tdont , sucurply wrapped, Mill thn tic whei have 'won it in this place aro surprised. I you , nil. lad nth is a true story , °I toy (,tae, d IP ' . 11'eet 71ii1 make; suite one of my mtmo nn y. u think ironer. I OM pretty . well know 111 I lit Idle ltit , o iu conn,neut. floe haver .. ,;.., „ d wiq tint pubilid. more? The pg/tti.ttn ie a }NH. , spread p a p er IF any ono vi {shell to see this n tinder. ehei du 09. . .could'iNrite all day, but think 1 hero said enough this time, on I remain your errr welt-taisher i , ' • ' EDWARD L HOWARD, . Paper Maker, Durusidejtartford county. tioull. . 11.21 , Eltel TO ' • • ' Dr. MACK, Burnside, Conn, Dr. WR WRIGHT. North Leo, Illats. • Dr. HULK UM.•North La e, - Dr. ADAMS, Stochbrlditc..Maos. Dr. ECOTT, North Manchester, Cony. , Pr. JAQUIIit , Iluckland Corners, Court. Pr. BEARSFORD, Hartford ,Conn. ^ ' All of whom ,treated Inn for the disease • hi a physician of over thirty years' experience, and a graduate of the Jefferson Aledleal College, and of the University of Medicine and Surgery of Philadelphia. Mr. H. T. Helmbold— DEAR Stn: In regard to. the q . uostion naked me as to hey opinion about Buchu,l would say that I have used and sold the article in various forms for tho past thirty years. Ido not think diem is any form or preparation of it I have not used, or known to housed, to the various diseases where such medicate agent would be indicated. You are aware, as well se myself, that it- has been ex tensively employed in the various diseases of the blad der and kidneys, and the reputation it has acquired, in my:judgment, is warranted by the facto. 1 have seen and used, as Wore stated i'every . form of Bacilli—the powdered leaves, tincture, fluid extracts— mid I ant not cognizant of any preparation of that plant at all equal to yoitrs. Twelve years' experience ought, I think, to give me the right to judge of its merits ; and, without prejudice or partiality, I give yours precedence over all others. I value your Iltichn for its effect on - patients. I have cured with it, and seen cured with it, more diseases of the bladder and 'kidneys, than I have over seen oared with any other Buchu or ally other proprietary com pound of whatever name. ' ReSpectfully yours, &c., GEO. H. KEYSER, M. D., No.llo Wood street, Pittsburgh, Penna. Acotar 18f4. A CASE OF. TWENTY YEARS STANDING. DIULADRLPIIIA, Ponn., June 2.5, 186 f. D. T. Heintbold, Druggist— DEAR SIR I have been' a FIRffCEOE fqr upwards of twenty years with gravel, bladder and kidney affections, during which time I have used various medicinal pre parations, and been under the treatment of the most eminent physicians, experiencing but little relief. liaNing seen your preparations extensively advertised I consulted my family physician in.regard to yonr Ex tract of Buchu. • , I did this 'meanie I had need all kinds of advertised remedies and had found them worthless, anti some quite injurionet in fact, I despaired of ever getting well, nal determined to use up remedies hereafter unless I knew of the ingredients. It was this that prompted me to use your remedy. As you aavertised.that it was com posed of buchu, cubebs and juniper berries. It occurred to me and . my physician as an excellent combination, and with hie advice, after an examination of the article and consulting again with the druggist, I concluded to try it. I commenced to use it about right months ago, at which tuna I was confined to in- room. From thefirst bottle I was astonished' and gratified at Vhebenell, lal effect, and after using it throe weeks we.- able to walk out. I felt much like writing to you a full statement of my case at the time, but thought my tin rovement might only he temporary, and therefore con cluded to deter. and ace if it would effect a perfect cure. knowing that it would be of greater value to you and more satisfactory to me. I am new able to report that a cure is effected after Using the remedy for five months. I Lave not used any now for three months, and feel as well in all respects as I ever did. Your Buchu being devoid of any unpleasant testa and odor. a nice tonic and invigorator of the system, •I do act mean to be without it whenever occasion may re• quire lie use un such affections.' N. McCOUNWK. Should any one &Mid Mr. McCormick's statement, le refers to the following gentlemen lion. WM 11IGLE.R. ex-Governor of Pennsylvania. • Hon. THOM AS 11. FLIIRENCE, Philadelphia. Bon. J. C. KNOX , Philadelphia. lion. J. S. BLACK, Philadelphia. Bon. D. R. PORTER, ex-Governor of Pentisylvini i. lien. ELMS LEWIS. Philadelphia. lion. It. C. , GRIER, Philadelphia. Hon G. W. WOODWARD, Philadelphia. lion. W. A. PORTER, Philadelphia. lion. .1011 N BIGLER. ox-Gower pr of California. lion. E. BANKS, Washington, D. C. And inat.y others, if necessary. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS WOULD BE G 1 EN FOR A BOTTLE, IF NEOE;SARY. BAuwAy, N.J., Dec. 2, 1869. Di'.uFl. T. ,lleln:bold, Esq.— Sia : Itakeppleasurein sending you a certifi cate, in addition to the many you have received from suffering humanity. I can scarcely find language suffi ciently strong to express:my heartfelt grstifieation at the wonderful cure your " has effected. For four 3 earn I have antlered beyond description. AU my friends ( with payee.; conic to the conclusion that my case was incurable. Accident placed your iolver ti,iement iu my handS. 1 commenced milting your '• llnclin." I billowed the directions, and to my utter astonishment, before I had taken seven nettles o. your valuable medicine, (I. would give NlOtt a bottle, if could net get it at any other price,r t am entirely rured. I most earnestly recommend it to all those suffering from disease. I have told many persons to take your valuable medicine, and they are doing so with great suc cess. Any information my fellow-citigens may require will he freely given by the subscriber at his residence No. 78 Milton avenue,' Rahway, N. J. IL M. FREEMAN, Councilman Third Ward , City of Rahway. • lEALIW AY. N.J., Bon. 2 180 We. the underidgned, are well acquainted with 11 Freeman, el Rahway, and knew that he hab been a long time suffering, in the worst posoililo forno, for the past four years. boil that he has been entlreb cured by the nor of " ritubold'a Buchu." J. W. SAYAG E, FRANK LA DAV. FrCiaident of Connell. . W M. RICHARDS. Clerk of Conmil, PETER A..BAN TA, Councilman. \\'..J. BROWN. Conneilmati. • S. S. MELlEK,Councliman. I,Ew Is Hop F. Councilman. .1. B. STRYKER, Merchant. ('in' asiait'o Pec. Thio will certify that 1 out personally ncgua 'and with H. b. Freeman, and am cognizant of the facts as et forth in the aboio statement, and the several per sons whose signatures are hereunto attached are all known 10 me. ° JOHN F. WH ITN E Y , mayor or RlthWay, N, NEW YORK STATE VOL. I S.TI CUTE:,/ C0111 , 1 . 501-;11 . and 701 i Eq., Central Park. 6 IA Nom. and Srbool for th(.• Sony of DCCPBEIed De. If D. M. 1..A1:F.N Two bottles only cl the peck age ,valitable bluetit' presented to the Institute hate Lren used by the children, and With perfect miceesq. In the case of our little Lieutenant A. his pride in no 10/Iger mot- Wien , and he is tree from the daily morning anethej mos of the chambermaid who has charge of his bed ding. :I feel that a knowledge of the result of our IlHe of your Buchu with the children under our charge' may .are many a Superintendent and Matron of Boarding Schools and Asylums a groat Mecum of All n“yanee ; and many a poor child buttering more from weakne.se than from habit may In! spared punishment that know tog it as a w.4ltnens instead of. a hal habit finost unjtottly inflicted upon them. Thanking you un behalf at the children. and hoping others may be alike ben fitted, I anirenpectiully yours. . . Colonel YOUNG, t General up't mid btreetor. - Jute. • g.u.•r.l, %U.: CIT VIA,11; Tan. 23,185.4 —Dlr. /I, T. ii,/mtur.l— . , Dunn SIB: Your eommonteation requesting our tor advertising Anti duly received, but from a pre-. Judie. I had formed against advertising " cares for secret diseases." it was left unanswered. During an ma-Mental conNereatton in a drug store the other ore- Mop my mind was changed on the character of ' , Oar Ituchn •It was thou highly commended for caller d 'scenes by two phrsiciansyresent. Inclosed please find our rateH ofiulvertising. 7 earns. 3+0.. • T. B. 11. IMENHOUSE lhittor and Proprietor of Irally and Nano-Weekly Te.earaph. SPEEDY RELIEF FROM KIDNEY' A FEC TION OCCASIONED BY ACCIDENT. Dt. 11. T. DEAR Sot • On the 2.3 d of !pietist lust I received se vere internal and external injuries, occasioned by an ao , cadent on a Philadelphia Railroad ear. On tar arr i va l iu New York 1 laas attended by Dr. WILSON, of gaat 5t to ,greer, and another physician. whose name I do not" now remember. After lay wounds were dressed, 1 suf ter-il fur three (3)ita>s intense agony from intornal.iii furies, which affected my kidneys. I can Fay that after taking hut threo doses of YOVI.L EXTRACT BMW I felt greatly relieved. tneed the balance of the bottle, and am hippy td state that since that time 1 have expe rienced no Dottier dltileulty. Very truly yours, KEARNEY, . , de, Third avenue. 1 respectfully refer to either c)1 the rono w h, g gent l e Joel, : RI bERT B. ROOSEVELT, Editor of Citin a and Robot,Ok. B. F. CURTIS:, 'Fog, 102 Greenwich ay. MORRIS PHILLIPS, Esq.. EditOr or Hoa r Molt M. LION OL Rogi-der of City. • Melisrs. PETTENGILL BATES, Proprietors of Iharil, and Hume. I.N.BUDSoIi,EI.I., 41 Pork row nuri..NELSoN J. WATERBURY. Eton, JAMES E. COULTER. Ma==E=S GREAT CURE OF DIABETES; 014' A LADV-FIFTY DOELARS A BOTTLE. rffillßMl= Sin For the Tetxt eight months I hove Emit . mifferim: froth Diabe'ex. I have rininlitted seVerd oronr 111 skin RH, hilt receive t h ti elixLt est. benefit from their costly medichieti. Four month e ay.) I saw your udvertisetucut In the. /-I,frr rl. I WILN pernuuded 'by it friend %rho had been benefited by Your W0R1.1,-TtI:KONVNED Deem:, I pur che&ed a bottle, took flan cont“itts, nud WitB nn tolioved thut I cutiltntiod tho ine alt. Tale DIABUITItd IriSAPITA/LED AETEII. USING IT Volt THROB MONTlia, I ‘vort.n (ark $6O A wcrria: if I could not gel it itt :limy Other PriCe• I word earnestly renommend it to all those rinfrerlug In in hi, dimtse; SiliCoroly yourH, ANNA 'E. SIfO II GIITON. 123 West 2lth otrnet. H i:i )F1101.708 EXTRACT evtablislied un• wwdx n 1 eighteell yi' , l , prepared by II: T. 111 4 11 A: D'' .1 •II• Th II!rx-itd, No. r9l Broadway, Now Yorlt,stnil No. 101 1 4 ,..0th entlt street , Philadelphia, Noma, Price et I 110 ill . o'six bottleg for •Sti 80, delivered to, any ador, a. Fold by druggists 3ov-11v:bore. None vOlllllllO littlest , done tip In sthssi.,,, gritve d wi roer , th iit Pe of toy sdieut,cal warehouse, and U. T. 11.11101.130LD. Dr. KEYSER reh. 0,1070: .STRAWJ3':::!:• , ... - 11):0E . .:::.'4.4...:VL0T:1.1-'?'.' - .:.''':' -- :.'i.'! . '.. - •':.•.: A large new stook of Linen Goods just opened, presenting an assortment to be,found in but few houses in this oountry. DOUBLE DAMSH TABLE CLOTHS, from 2 Yards to 6 Yards long. GOOD QUALITY 8-4 BLEACHED TABLINGS, 65, 75, $1 00. ,HALF BLEACHED TABLINGS, 37 1.2, 45, 50, 621.2. 2,500 YARDS GOOD UNDRESSED LINEN, MANUFACTURED EXPRESSLY FOR "OUR OWN SHIRT FRONTS." SHIRT FRONTS RIDE FP OURSELVES AND QUALITY GUARANTEED. 42 INCH BUTCHERS I LINEN, WITHOUT DRESSING. GOOD QUALITY UNDRESSED LINEN FOR LADIES' AND GENTS' UNDERWEAR. A LARGE. STOCK OF TOWELS, 10c. TO $1 50 EACH. A LARGE VARIETY OF FURNITURE COVERINGS. Hea's of families fr3m a dittanoe visiting Philadelphia are respectfully invited to examine the merits of this Department. WHITE GOODS. Corded Piqui es, Striped . Figured riquetg, Swiss Mull, STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, DRY GOODS. Sheppard, Van Harlingen & Arrison ARE OFFERING Extraordinary Bargains Table Cloths, Napkins, Doylies, Table Linens, Towels, Towelings, &e„ French, Belgian, Barnsley, Scotch, and Irish Sheeting' and Pillow-Case Linens. 4-4 French end Richardson's Irish Linens; n Fine, Medium and Heavy Make; of all grades for General Family and Ladles' use, Finbroldered Plano and Table Covers, Blankets, Flannels, (tants and Counterpanes. Very Rioh, New and Elegant Lace and Not tingham Curtalns, , Window Shales, An. New Welts; Piques, White Cisods and' Staple lF,tabrolderies of New nod Bean ' tiful Styles. The largest assortment Ise have ever offered. Printed Percales, new and elegant patterns, , warranted fast colors. AU tho Lest intikoo or DOMESTIC MUSLINS AND SHEETINGS, At Wholesale Prices ---. 1., . . 1 4 pecial attention ie invited to a New Make of 1111/ AVY Ai IV4AIN , which for many nurpooos in' the Validly will be found very valuable. Manufactured expregely 145 r. nor trade. .., . . 3 ocle: FIES T Nur "Irl7l 1614 w f It r MARKING WITH INDRIA 'ILE INK, xnumoiduring, Braiding, Stamping, &c. DI.A. 'WEBBY 180 U Filbert street. LINEN VERY HEAVY LINEN SHEETINGS. ALL WIDTHS IN PILLOW LINENS. BARNSLEY AND IRISH TABLE LINENS, In the Latest Designs of Egyptian, Mosaic, &0., &o. ANOTHER CHEAP LOT OF NAPKINS; 81 28, $1 35, $1 50, $1 ID, $2 00, $2 50, up to $8 50 per dozen. 18, 20, 22 24, 26 INCH NURSERY DIAPER. We are making it a Specialty to supply, the wants of HOTELS, BOARDING HOUSES AND PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS: HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSERTINGS, N. W. CORNER EIGHTH. AND MARKET STREETS. Just Opened a large Invoice of In all the New Patterns. ALSO &C.; &C., &C. DRY GOODS. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH. SPRING GOODS OPENING. Steel-Colored New Spring Poplins. Pearl-Colored Poplinß. Mode-Colored Poplins. New Green Poplins. New Blue Poplins. The New Shade of Blue and Green Silks New Spring Ponit de SOles. New Spring Stripe Silks. NeW - Stoek of Blaek Silks. ~a,;,4=7 % New Stock Paisley Shawls. alf -LINEN STORE, IP. SUS Aorch Street. 1128 CHESTNUT STREET. SPRING lIIIPORTATIONS, IMMENSE, STOCK OF . LINEN GOODS, WHITE GOODS and HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. Prices Down to Present Gold Rate. HP. & Q. R. TAYLOR, • PERFUMERY AND TOILET BOAT'S 611 and Ha North Ninth street. GOODS. WHITE GOODS. Plaid IVaa in siDok, Plain NainMook, Striped.' Muslin, French Muslin, • • ALL THE NEW'BOOKS ' • For Sale at Wholesale Prices by PORTER & COATES, 'PUBLISDEIIS AND BOOkBELLEBS. NO, 822 CHESTNUT STREET. ' . Oar No* and Elegant 'ART GALLIII,i" fl n0W,114011 with the tinoet colleckton of ,PAINTINEIS (31110111014 nue ENOIIAVINGSICI the oily. ' ;•'? mom) m w f raft W1,..---qo BAER rdairveor; ored sweet nob Oil, low-priood, for solo by EDW 11. ROWLEY, la Borah Front stmt. r~ rii DRY GOODS. MOURNING DRY GOODS HOUSE PERKINS & CO., 9 SOUTH NINTH ST., Have Opened'a Fall Line of 1 0 Aity,9 • E HERNANIES. wATOWEIicJEWELR'it, a %" 1124 CHESTNUT , STREET. AMERICAN, SWISS AND ENGLISH' WATCHES AT CLARK & BIDDLE'S Epecial.Agents in Philadelilaafor AMERICAN WATCHg§ s. Blade by E. Howard d; Po., Bouton. NEW - PUBLICATIONS.