Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, February 07, 1870, Image 4
FEHIMART MitIAZINES. • We receive copies of , the February numbers is f the :Sundae .11frigaams-Nood Words, and (beet Words for the Young, edited respec .titely by Rev. Drs: Thomas Guthrie and ,Nor man McLeod,. and Mr/ George MacDonald, and baited in this country; by'3,, B. 'Lippincott & °Co, The ! Sunday Magazine is a store of blatnetds recreation "and rittractive, study. We obserie in the present, 'number a capital ac count Of the Italians in . London; it is prepared by Leone Leon', who hails himself from "that fair land where' Si is spoken." ' This and other contributions are embellished with engravings, of, high character. Good IVordsand Good Words for the Toting maintain their several ex,cellen eesibeing filled with brilliant articles in pure Eng lish; apy One of which wilLset thought a-ilow ing and memory at work ;" the .graphic forde, ease and originality of the designs are ,a lessen to our artists, many of whom are too apt to cover their weakness and inexpressiveness with a sort of sniooth polish which only dis. gusfs the ' connoisseur. Messrs. Lippincott. & Co. have laid all lovers of elegant serial litera ture under an obligat,lon by as.sisthig to spread these tnodel Magazines. • ~_, _ CITY BULLETIN. —John Bell Robinson delivered the usual weekly address before the Democratic Associa tion of Pennsylvania on Saturday evening, —Barney Riley, aged ,40 years, was found drowned hi Cobb's Creek yesterday. - =Mayor Fox addreased the Sunday-school of the Second Referteed Church, Seventh street, above Brown, yesterday afternoon. — . Johanna Sullivan . was committed on Saturday, by Aid. Kerr, for stealing iu the Franklin Market. `•—The Penrose Ferry Bridge to be rebuilt. The draw and the approaches are still standing,, but the lorig span and the outer pier will have to be rebuilt. --Pat. Weenan, aged 73 years, was found insensible, at Fourth and Arch streets, on Saturday night. He was taken to the Fourth District Police Station, and died. Ins death, is' attributed to heart disease. —Thomas Green, colored, aged 15 yearS, re siding on'Little Pine street, was'struck in"the face with a black-jack, yesterday afternoon, by another boy, while,on their way to Sunday School. His jawbone was fratured. Lieutenant Gercke, of the. Sixth District Police, was attacked by two men while passing Twenty-first and Market streets, about ope o'clock yesterday morning; and was cut over the eye-with a knife. With the assistance .of some of his men, he succeeded in capturing his assailants, who gave the names of James Tag gart and Daniel Gill. '=-The Select Council' contested election committee to try the Coxe-Hodgdon case met on Saturday. The counsel for contestant pro posed to submit in evidence the hourly returns of the Seventh , division of the Eighth Ward, and also to open the ballot boxes and count the vote, both of Which were objected to, and the committee adjourned till this afternoon. —Patrick -McEvoy, recently deceased, at• tnea.§170,1. 7 d., - loft a. will, appciititing" Right: Bev. Bishop Wood'one of the executors of his will, which contains among others the follow ing bequests : $2,000 in trust for the use of St. John's Catholic Orphan Asylum of Phila delphia: $5OO for the poor and indigent of Philadelphia, and $4,000 to Bishop Wood for the new college near Philadelphia. —Col. A. H. Tipper died at his residence in this city.yesterday. lie was well known in this community, and had an excellent record as a soldier. lle served all through the late rebellion as colonel of the Sixty-eighth Penn sylvania (Scott Legion) Regiment, and his command was for some time connected with the Headquarters Brigade of the Army of the Potomac. He served as lieutenant during the Mexican war. The deceased was personally very popular. —The dedicatory services 'of the Trinity Reformed Church of Philadelphia, situated at the corner of Seventh and Oxford streets, took place yesterday. The morning, services were Conducted by Rev. S. R. Fisher, D. D., ltev. George R. Russell and Rev. D. E. Kioff, the pastor of the Church. In the afternoon ad dresses Were made by Rev. James Y. Mitchell, Rev. J. B. Reimensnyder and Rev. H. S. Hoff. man. In the evening a sermon was preached by Rev. Dr. Bomberger. The building is of bfown-stone, and cost $40,000. . . —The body of a, German, supposed to be named R. Roll, was found by the Park police lying in Snyder's Woods, near the Spring Gar den Water Works, yesterday, and on ex- amination it was found that be came' to his death from suicide by shooting himself through the head with a pistol. On his person was found a bill of exchange drawn by Drexel (1, Co. to the order of JosepliEinstien, on the banking house of Stall & Federer, Stuttgard, Germany, dated January 20, 1870, and for the amount of guilders. _ - —The SiXth District Legislative contested election case,Graham (Republican) vs. Mooney (Democrat), was heard before the Legislative Committee, in Sansom Street, below lath, on Saturday—Mr. J. A: Simpson for contestant and J. E. Faunce for respondent. Mr. Simp son Offered the tally llst Of the Fit diViSiOn; Sixth :Ward, showing that 2:33 rotes were polled, while the registry contains but 229. It was then proven that the original tally list was stolen from the Prothonotary's office, and that three persons voted in the Eighth division who were not registered. The Committee then ad journed. —On Saturday afternoon,. Special Officer Wood, aided by a posse of •the Mayor's police; and accompanied by several:furniture Wagons, made a descent on certain gambling houses for which warrants had been issued: The places searched were No. 1207 Chestnut street, up stairs ; No. 920 Chestnut street, up stairs; No. 003 Chestnut street, up stairs ; No. 120 South Ninth street, up stairs ; the upper part of the Malta, in Fourth street, opposite Har mony, and in Ramstead place, above Fourth. At this last place, the only arrest was made, that of Theodore Lawrence, said to belle keeper. At No. 120 South Ninth street, the police were resisted, pistols being presented, and the officers hustled out. Seven card ta bles, a few faro boxes, and a roulette table were secured and taken to the Central Police station. • Some time during Saturday night, the roulette table was taken from the station-house by some persons unknown. NEW JERSEY NATTERS. Cnuneu MATTEns.— Yesterday nineteen persons were received intomembership in the North Camden Baptist Church, and in the evening ten were baptized. The ordinance of baptism was also administered in the Taber nacle Baptist Church during the morning ser vice. The interest manifested in the different churches is increasing quite rapidly, and each has received a good increase of membership. FALSE PIRETENCIN.—On Saturday a small boy, named 'Japes, was arrested by Officer Elder, of Camden, on . a warrant issued by justice Cox, for obtaining money under false pretences from a Mr. ll.ollinshead, residing in the county. Several other parties have also been duped by him, and on examination he was committed to answer. 13A.1712En.—Ten persons Vere baptized :in the North Camden Baptist Church last evening, and in the morning nineteen were received into meMbership. A deep religious interest is also manifested in the Tabernacle Baptist Church, in which several have also been baptized. TitM CITY CtiArrEn.—The atnenaed new! city charter whieh teased through the City, Council ofCeinderi, has been Sent Co tile iLe.: -gislature tor the iianetion'of that body. _Hitt it Is said by theseTko profess. to know, that it will not pails et the . iresent session. Reason the Democrats have a majority In both Houses. i'IGEON-STEALING.-A boy named'Fisher, who has once before been arrested and pun ished fel. ii,„lsitieliat , ,offbriee, was, on, sii.turdilY committed...briitarto. Co*,. charged: with the larceny of 4 'lot of pigeons from Parties' In Newton township. This should serve as a ,;lesson to him. . , 6)6.—very tgi the Camden station louse is filled with miserable specimens of humanity, who seek that shelter from the in- Clemency 'of the Weather: , LiSt‘ night every available space was occupied. IN TIIE LUMBER TICADE.—Tivo men, harped Shear and Drew, were held; to ,answer ion Saturday, by Mayor Cox, on the charge of Stealing lumber from John Ambruster. . • . . FACTS FA.III€IIES., —Semmes is dropping- out-of favor- in the South.Waddellis now called the "eagle bird of the seas." —Odd that a clergyman who draws such congregations us the Rev. Mr. • Nasby does should attempt to accommodate them alliwith one Pugh. —Balfe has given the leader of the orchestra who superintended the production of "The .13oheniian Girr in Paris, a'costly - gold . ehrOL , .hometer, watch.' —The medical examiner for an insurance. company has found a maicin Michigan whose heart is on the right siduoitild-he cans ipanextra ordinary case. —The author of "St. Elmo" mid "Vashti" is engaged upon a. secthel ,to the latter which, it is said, will render Worcester's Unabridged Dictionary entirely useless. • —A deg lately jumped through a plate-glass window in Geneva,- New York,;and the owner of the dog oftered to settle by ,giving the store keeper the animal. . .„ • ; —The Cincinnati Ulav7iicla displays its faniii iarity with the Bible by coming to • the de fence of a suspected mercantile firm of that city with the statement that ~ ‘ it is far above reproach 119Fotiphar's wife. i There• . • remarkable ." .—s a b spring in Dallas county, Mo., thirty miles from Buffalo. called "Sweet Spring." The Reflex says it is noted for its depth:anti for the countless myriads of ••fishthat•collect In it from the river during the severe Winter weather. When net rendered impure by freshets, fish can be dis-: tinctly seen in it to a depth of forty feet. , —Evaporation of ammonia is the best method of producing artificial ice, and a German machine las been constructed , capa ble of turning out by this means, with the aid of three men and three-horsepower en gine, a thousand pounds of ice an hour. —EI Ye years ago a man in Fort Wayrte;lnd., Made his own coffin; of wood cut for the pur pose fifteen years ago. He keeps it in the garretof his house, and wants it to be well seasoned,. although all seasons for its own has death. • —A couple of unique medals, connected by a gold chain, were picked up by a farmer while building a fence at Lawenee, Kansas, the' other day: One was- - Stamped , with the British coat of arms and a bust of George while- the other has the inscription ;• Sec ond PresidenCy of George Wasbiogton, 11IDCC.XCV.T." Five hundred dollars has been offered for the medal. —Somebody in Keokuk accusing Mrs. Stanton of blundering in her grammar, that indomitable woman replied thusly: "That is nothing; we women have no hand in making these grammars. Ten to one they are all wrong. When Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Blair, Mrs. Hedge endorse what their husbands have told us in regard to grammar, rhetoric and logic ; when we have the joint intelligence and counsels of both sexes, it will be time enough for woman to bother her head with these arbitrary rules." • • SPECIAL NOTICES CITIZENS' ASSOCIATION FOR TIIE IMPROVEMENT OF STREETS AND ROADS OF 'PHILADELPHIA. • At the meeting for the organization of the Board of Directors, held on FRIDAY, January 21, 1870, the fol lowing officers %vex.° elected. SAMUEL B. THOMAS, President. • WILLIAM V. STEVENSON, Treasurer. EDWARD BillPPEN,Secrotarypro tem. Those desiring to become members of the Association ore invited to call at the offico, No. 431 WALNUT STREET, or give their names to the collectors, who hays been appointed, and who are furnished with authority signed by the officers to receive subBcriptions and to give receipts for the same. SUBSCRIPTIONS FIVE DOLLARS.\ ja23w,fan6t§ SAMUEL B. THOAIAS, President. OFFICE. OF THE, LOCUST MOUNTAIN COALAND IRON COMPANY. NIILATiELPII I A January 7, 1870. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Locust Mountain Coal and ,Iron Company will be held at the office of the Company, No. 2.30 Sonth Third street, on MONDAY, the 7th day of February viola, at 12 M., when an election will be held for seven Directors, to servo for the ensuing yemr. The transfer books will be closed for fifteen days prior to the day of said election. EDWARD SWAIN, ja7tfeBt Secretary.... UmTHE • FIDELITY INSURANCE, TRUST AND SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, January 27, 1870. The 'state& Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held ut Its Office ' Noe. 929 and 931 Checijiut street, on TUESDAY, the Bth day , of Feb `ruary next.at 12 o'clock M., for the election of a Board of Directors for the ensuing year and for the trans action of such further business ae may come before them. R. PATTERSON. jn27 t feS Secretary. OFFICE OF THE MAGNETIC IRON MINING COMPANY OF MICHIGAN, N 0,272 SOUTH THIRD STRICE'y PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 17, 1870. Notice is hereby given that an instalment of twelve and One.halt cents WO on each and every, ehare of the capital stock of the Magnetic Iron Mining Company of Michigan is hereby called, and will be due and payable at the office of the company, No. 272 South Third street, Philadelphia, on or before TUESDAY, February 8,1870. By order of the Board of Direetors. ja24tfeB§ WM - .. F. WEAVER, Secretary. U'OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH COAL AND NAVIGATION COMPANY, TREASURY DEPARTMENT. PHILADELPHIA, January 31, 1870. Certificates of the Mortgage Loan of this Company, due March 1, 1870, will be paid to holders thereof, or their legal representatives, on presentation at this office on and after that date, from which time intereat will cease. • S. SHEPHERD, th film • - Treasurer. n - i , BRANCH OFFICE REPUBLIC FIRE INSURANCFI COMPANY, OF CHICAGO, N. E. Corner Fifth and Walnut. A semi-annual dividend of Vivo Per Cent. line been declared by Cho Directors. and to how payable at Me' office. . . . SABINE, ALLEN DULLES, Managers. Branch Office Republic Fire Ins. Co., Fob. 3, 1670 fc3ths m 3t, PHILADELPHIA. AND READINu 11,AILIIPADC0.11PANY, °Moo, No. 227 Booth FOURTH Street . . rIIILADELPHIA. Dec. 22, 1869. ' DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The Transfer Books of thu . Company will be closed CM FRIDAY, the 31st inst., and reopened on TUESDAY, January 11,1870. A dividend of FIVE PER. CENT. has. been declared on the Preferred and Common Stock, clear of National and State taxes, payable in CASII,on and after January 17,1870, to the holders thereof ns they shall stand regis tered on the books of the Company on the 31st instant. All payable at this Oleo. AR orders for dividend must be witnessed and stamped. 4E12- Get§ S. BRADFORD, Treasurer. U. OFFICE OF THTELOGUST MOUN TAIN COAL •AND•III , OIC3OO.IIIPANY, No. 230 SOUTH THIRD STREET. . Pumsnutenti, Jan. 27th, 1870. At a meeting of the Board of Directors held this day a semi-annual dividend of Four Per Cent, on the Capital Stock, clam; of State taxes{ was declared, payable to the . Stockholders or their legal reprotiontatireS on and after February Bth. The transfer hooks willbe closed until the 9th proximo. EDWARD SWAIN, ja27 tfell§ • Treasurer. OTICE.—APPLICATION HAS OZ?.. been made to the Philadelphia and Gray's Ferry, Passenger Railway Company for a Certificate for Nine Shares of the stock of said Company. in lien of a certificate for Nine Shares of the stock of said Comnany,dated Jan. 23, 1860,and numbered 442, Serlea,B, issued to ALFRED W. ADOLPH. and now standing in his IMMO on the books of the Company, which certificate haft beim lot or destroyed. ja3lm,tu,4Wi PHILADELPHIA ANITiTERIE tkrY RAILROAD COMPANY, OFFICE 1.30 NUT STREET. • , • Pitnatiumenut, Jan. Q. The annual meeting of the Stockhoidera will be held at the office of the Company, on ISIONDAY, the 14th of Febrtiary nextott o'clock A, M. At this meeting an election will be hold for ten managers of the. Company, to . serve for one year. The pells to close at 12•o'olock. alb-s wet • GEO. T. LITTLE, Secretary. WANTS. • ~jACHT-WANTED 1 I TO SIXTY 1 footkool-srlioouoror vloooc'lluet beafuet eniter Atidresa,otatiog price, a 1 11%, rixow IN UIUgo fofi3t` Tab DAILY EVENIII (4 BULLETIN --Hi JIJA DELPHIA, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1870. LAST WEEK OF, JOHN BROUGHAM. , MONDAY AND TILL FURTHER NOTICE, proughant'Ef 001404.1hirfactiiiiiT OR THE SIGNAL OF DANGER: , • MR. BROW:410 d) thor itt itc NED 111A0DERMOT FRIDAY—RENEPtirOP,MILISO n &IHAM. " • MONDAyNEXT-- ITTLE EAV.142(,. 4 . W A.L t i flfftq EAT 4 THIS IAIL_vPfTP 11 : • !b • First eti t rT" MR.IfIN A A 55. First time in this Thentrt of the colebriteil in five nets, of NARCISSE, TIIF. VAGRANT. • MR. EDWIN -ADAMS In tile original.character of NABOISifE ItAbfEAU As - played by hint at. Booth's Thentra, N. Y. LAURA . KEENE'S • ' Begins at S. • CHESTNUT-STREET' THEATRE. LAST NIGHTS OF THE FAVORITE, MISS SUSAN GALTON ° (AND COMIC ENGLISH OPERA COMPANY) • • FANCHON. THE CRICKET; MISS SUSAN GALTON es • FANTION With Sol() "Sweet Spirit Hear lity Prayer,' ' • And Cricket Shadow Dance. Farewell Benefit of Company FRIDAY. LAST GALTON "MATINEE." SATURDAY. MONDAY, NEXT. MR. FRANK. MAYO. I WE, GREAT CHAMPION Clitt;US, J. TENTH AND CALLOWHILL STREETS. EVERY EVENING at 8 o'clock. WEDNESDAY AND ' SATURDAY AFTERNOONS nt o'clock: ldra. CHAS. WARNER Directress. Re-engagement, THIS WEER ONLY, 'most posi tively of ALI BE ABDALLAR'S REAL BEDOUIN ARABS, In Protean Pyrainids and Wild Scenes incident to. the DeserL au and see the desrendauta of - Also, WILL FRANKLIN, the great pad-rider, end the whole Star Troupe. Admission 25 cents ; Children under 10 years, (Scents ; Reserved chairs, 50 cents each, . Respectable parties can engage the Circus for Benefits by iipplvintr at the Circus Ticket Office.:' fe7, fit r' UYItEZ & BEN .E T'S OrkH.A HOUSE, SEVENTH Street, below Arch. • An Entire Change of Programme This Week. THIS EVENING. DUPREZ k BENEDICT'S Gigantic Minstrels introduce First Time—Great Burlesque Carnival Coterie. Notice.—Societies, Schools, Fire Co.'s, Clubs, &c., can Make favorable arrangements for.l3enefits. F OX'S AMERICAN THEATRE, WALNUT Street; above EIGHTH. Immense success of the great artistes; HERIDAN and MACK. Last week of ROLLIN HOWARD, who will'appear in his original Burlesque of HAMLET IN BLACK. fe7 Gt TEMPLE OF WONDERS-ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. SIGNOR BLITZ, ASSISTED BY HIS SON THEODORE. Every , evening at 7%. Matinees on Wednesday and Saturday at 3. All the Modern and Ancient Mysteries. NEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE IHE FAMILY RESORT. CARNCROSS DIXEY'S MINSTRELS, EVERY EVENING. J. L. OARNOROSS, Manager. QENTZ AND HASSLER'S Tineical a 1 Fund llall 1889-70. Every SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at o'clock. • , 0c1.9-tf AC.A_DEM Y OF FINE ARTS, CHEBTNUT street, above Tenth. Open from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Benjamin West's Great Picture of CHRIST REJECTED Is still on exhibition. Je22-tf H. Y. LAUDERBACH'S OLAEASICAL, SCIENTIFIC AND COMMERCIAL ACADEMY, ASSEMBLY' BUILDINGS, No. 108 S. TENTH Street Thorough preparation for Business or College. Special attention given to Praotical Mathematics, Stir Toying, Civil Engineerieg, Sc. ' A Bret class Primary Department. Circular. at Mr. Warburton's, No. 430 Chestnut street jalo - BISM mtaucAN AcADEu x ,KUBlO— 111 ntrecedentedSuceess add,friamtiltent retard tzt Plgledelffibia of the celebrated - PAREPA.ItOSA BROWNIE - OPERA. CARL ROSA, roPr D.ll/iitiki" 42 CO ..... P lelors and Directors Bustles's Manager D 1)EYIY0 IStn ire Manager J If. . JACKSON A BRIEF SEASON OF GRAND ENGLISH OPERA ill be gi yeti this untiValled'COM y pan, :commetw , ing FRIDAY EVENING, FEB. 11, FW lien the groat musical event of the season will be the ,production, for the lisat i llme, in English, , in this city, and eighteenth, time 14 1 aporlca, Inastor ;work, the 1, , f 211,1RM/sat ,OF FIGAit6 , Figaro's Ochzettl,_ , An opera sekb,m performed either in Europe or America, from the fact that its production muires an entire' dou ble coMpany, but which The.'lltrectlers care.:prond to be tilde to present With a most complete and effective cast, embracing nearly every principal artiste of this annul anbinatiol, including • , MIME .PAREPA . ROSA . irl 7 hot unapproachable role or Susanna, with Miss ROSE lIERSEE, Mrs. E. SEGUIN A .Miss F. STOCK TON, Messrs, NORDBLOM, A. LAURANCE, C. CAMPBELL, G. F. BALL. E. SECIDIN, KINROSE, 11101.18AADSON, and others; Conductor, Mr. CARL ROSA. • on SATURDAY, February 12,0 2 o'clock. GRAND BOHEMIAN GIBE* MATINEE, MlitE TAREPA Roug, (for the that time in. Philadelphia), in her great charabter of Arline, with a star cast. Admisbion, 01. Reserved Seats, 60 cents extra. Family Circle, CO cents. Amphitheatre, 25 cents. • The sale of seats for the tirat,night and .Matinoe cum- Mencett on Tuesday, at 9A. M., let the Academy, sell ct Trumnler's. 926 Chestnut street fe7 tf§, . Am.KRICAN .4.cADEIVUY OF' gusio.— HANDER AND!HATDN , SOCIETY. Thrfiii'a Grand Oratorio ,i OBEB I l 'F.OYPTP. I, TUESDAY. EVENING, FEBRHARY;StIi, • ' With tho following ,Caet : MISS MARIA 'BRAINER_H . 118 . ' ' 'i.:l....Nteanle RS. JOSE PHEN E SCHpiri..as. .....Estnor R. GEORGE SIMPSON ' • 'as • ' (Wig illi. JAC08,CRAY.,......... .; . ....,.......aai...... Aaron Ht. A. It. TAYLOR. , Fes Moson R. EMIL OASTEL• ' ' '' ' ' 'as ' , ....... ~.Pharoah 'IRE FULLCHORUS OF THE SQUINT Y. AND GRAM) ORCHESTRA. OF FORTY ARTISTS, Cugor. Op Direction of Ma. L. EN4.E./aXE. REgERVI.IT, SEATS 81 50 Emily Cjrcloq '5O centa'; Arophitheatra,2s cents. Al, Trim Orr's. Cooll.'a and Bonor!a., „ , : in3l.-it ftlikp. JOHN : DREW ' B ,AHOH STREET 111 T HEATRE. BeginieN !,110pSESp1101VDED TO;THE 800F..' EDUCATION. TEE MISSES MANSFIELD'S SCHOOL for young ladles. No. 478.3 Main street, Gorman, town. References: Rev. A, P. Peabody; 1). D., liar• yard University ; Ralph Waldo Emerson, Concord. Mass.: Oliver Wendell Holmes, M. D., Boston, Mass.; Samuel Bowles, Springfield, Mass. R. R. Roar, Attor uey-General,Washington,Th C. ; William Dorsey, (ISt , ' mantuwn ; Rev. Silas Farrington, Gonnon• ja22s,wift§ . . HD. GREGO - EY, A. CLASSICAL . and - English ,Sehool, No HOS Market et. jal7-1m! rrui.E. LEHIGH UNIVERSITY; ' ..i. 6OuTII IIIi,TfILEIIEM, Pennsylvania. Second Term opens ''eliyuary 3, 1870. To entei half advanced. or In the preparatory class, apply to IMINRY COPPEE, LL. I). jal3 lmi, , President: THE COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, S. W: corner of 13110 AD and WALNUT streets, has peculiar facilities for fitting pupils for the Freshman or Sophomore claSs at Ilarvard, Yale, Princeton, and the University of Pennsylvania. A flott-elass gymnasium affords ample opportunity for physical exercise, tinder competent instructors. =11:1 Preside ntEhot, Harvard': President Woolsey, Yale; Provost Billie, University of,Pennsylvania ; Professor Cameron. Princeton ; Hon, William Strong,_Hon. Hor ton McMichael, Hon. Theodore OnYler, Rev. Z. M. Humphrey D. D.,' Hon. William A. Porter, and the patrons of the School generallY • Nor circulars, addresa fle29in.th CHASE and H. W. SCOTT, / Principals MITSICAL. BALLAD SINGING. ' T. BISHOP, I jelo-Ite . - • •83 Bonth Nineteenth street. HENRY. N THIIDER, 230 S. FOURTH LI street. • Piano, Organ and Singing, in class or pri.. vite lessons. noB-tn th s -3m" QIG. P. RONDINELLA t TEACHER OP Sintrinci. Prliate lessons and daises, , Reeldenee 308 B. Thirteenth street. • isn2ll-tlii WINES AND LIQUORS. MThe steady and hicrchkainl demand for these Wines, th e. g;: i t1 8- 1 8- o 6 ; dapt:e v c! t i h u m sol o l 6c el; is i t a n i . c., has induced the stlheor ber to g tentiqa. •It is well ascertained that' the rich and, wet ripened grapes of that particular section impart to the, wine flavor, bouquet and body equal to the beet foreign wines, and of a character peculiarly its own—the unani mous opinion of experienced connoisseurs of this and neighboring, cities. The undersigned has accepted the Agency of the cele brated " OAE RILL, VINEYARDS,' of the township of St. Louts ; and being in direct and constant conneunication, is prepared to furnish to con- Ruiners the product of these Vineyards, which can be relied upon for strict purity. Alu addition to enter qualitio already mentioned. • • ' P,„, J. JORDAN, . . . .1(122 3m 220 Pear street PERSONW NOTICE' IS HEREBY G.IVEN the widerFagned hat; alai° Application for the re:.• iiewriV of Certificate No. 4; . .flated July 23,1858,10 r 205 et area in the Capital i3to4it - of I the Bloomsburg tem' Company of Philadelph4,„ blued , to the , tinder , Rignil . d. • • . , ' • • 41:4111 . L. . ' Guardian.' Care WM. IC . S. Ilairor,l22 Ikaco atraot:' PuILtibELPHIA, Jan.Sl', 1870, tel to Mgt*. o,lup: 100 0A - sics - crAmours ---- nA Tot -I:l,,,iiirci-Z°tAlltdmiiiel'i,4.l°. ( m , " Rl°, 17,11881'1434 ": ,1117" A g 'ARCII, STIIEEtgESIDENCE *AOC 14 Wit Ole* •.7 Elegant BrowwoEimer, - /teehlence, threes dogleg and panaard goof ; veer Ao7arecdiinte. fatalaW With ever, Modem convenience, and:, built in a very euyerfar and:':' pabotant,hxl manner. • kit 26 foot front by 73o,feet.deog. to Euthbort street, on which lo erected a tu.ndaotaa brfoir • Stable an 4 Geecti li°il,(l. is;l' 733 1 1 73.1ihill'r Street: s e m oho • , • • .1 (/0 U.NTIty RE • .• p NUL_ MANSION Limo; AND. POB-' COACHEVERY' CON VENIENOE ; STAB , COACH HOUSE. AND OVER AN AORE OF PROU HANDSOMELY LOCATED IN ONE OF TUE Dss' PORTIONS OF GERMAN'TOWN. • , . D. T, PRAT T, ; fey-2t " NO: 708 SOETH FOURTH STREET.' elf 'FOR BALE—A' DESIRABLE PRO: ALM porty on Market street,--Nos. 926 and 023. Apply toA LEXANDER mosn6E, fel-It' 428 Market street. pr HANDSOME HANDSOME COUNTRY SEAT FUR sale—Gontainina seven aCres ,ofland, heautlfullY matted on • the Ilesharciav . creek, .200 yards from Schenck's Station, tin the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad. , Modern atone house, with every city COLM tience, stabling, hot-houses, conservatory, ice-house, epringlietisp, &e -= .7; M. ORKNEY d: SON, - z . . 733yalnut erect.' dal .GE4 AN'XOWN.I474JR 8. LE—THE Alt handeomOStone Cottege. — 'situated , Northwest cor ner East walnut lane and Morton 'etreet. Every city cortvernieneo and in perfect order, Clientele 'well aheded p i g fall grown trees. OUILHEY dr SONS, 133 alnut street. G MANTOW N.4—F 0 R SALE—TWO • new pointed Stone Cottagee, with every; city con- . ven Once. Built in beet manner, and convenient to Church Lane Station, on Germantown Railroad. Price 85,0011.. each. J. .IC , OOMMEY Ott SOTS, 733 Walnut Street. ILWEST SPRUCE STREET-FOR SALE —Two doeirable Building Lots on the sOuthwest corner of Spruce and Twenty-first streets. each 22 feet front by, LEO feet deep. , QBMILEy aliol . lß, 733 Walnut street , FOR SALE =DWELLING 1424 AEU North Thirteenth street ; every 'convergence, and in good order. • dwelling. 1421 North Twelfth street, on easy terms. 65,1300. Three-story. brick, 235 North Twelfth street, hating a good two-story' dwelling in the rear ' . $B,OOO. Three-story brick; 526 Powell street,. in good order, Store and dwelling, No. 340 i3onth Sixth street. $5,900. Frame' house, 909 Third 'street, Smith hattden, near Spruce, clear, , e6OO. ' 610 Queen street, two story brick,Etdod yard i • BuildingLotam".Paseyunk road,And a good Lot of Rising brut. ' • ' • ' EDIDIRT ORAiirleN }ION, .;• • . • . 4 537 Fine stivet.' OR SALE—THE HANDSOME SU four-story itOddoaco, with threelitory dotiblo back buildingo,and having ertrraiodetn convoniende and fin provfmonto situate No. 90: !brute street. Lot 25 feot front Ly. 165 foot - deep to a 20 foot wide street. J. .14. GUAIMEY & 80N5,733 'Walnut stroet. dia FOB ; BALK—MOAOERN :THILIDEL Allidtory Brick Dwelling,6l9 B. Ninth et. Every ego. venience. Inquire on the premieee. ruy6-tb,e,tu,tl) pPrinFOR SALE.-THE • HANDSOME, Double Brown., Stone Residence. situate No. 1806'" g Garden, street. Very substantially built. First floor finished in black walnut. Lot 36 feet front by Irt feet deep t0,.8, street. J. GUM.IREY & 50N8,733 Walnut street. . • WEST PHILADELPHIA__ PROPER- Xlitit. TIES For Sale. 1V3116 . ch iL i N n V n E t eot. I s E tr , fe3 24t* 39 TO KENT. CREESE & McCOLLIIM; ERA L ESTATE AGENTB. • OMee,Jackson street, opposite Mansion street, (lap [eland, N. J. Beal Estate bought and sotd. Person, desirous of renting cottages during the season will sin); or address ne above. - Respectfully refer to Chew A. Rtibtosin,Reury Rumm Francis Mcllvaln, Augustus Merino, John Davie an? W. W. Juvenal. fob-tfl CI HOTEL PROPERTY FOR RENT.— The Ashland Honer—Noe. MT and 7G Arch street— will he to lease after April ), h7O. Apply to A. W. RAND, 124 North Sixth etrect. le7 f 9 , TO RENT, STORE, No. 518 COMMERCE street, 18 by RO FEET. ppto W. A. KNIGHT, detBs to th-tf " 511 Commerce street frl TO RENT—WEST PHILADELPHIA killiCottagee-5 tols rooras; . convenient and in good order; 816 to ea). W. L. tROWELL, 131 S. Thirty• sixth btreet. ja22 lne FOR RENT-A HANDSOME F UR 'Fa niehed House on Manheim street, Germantown, opposite Judge Brewster's, within three minutes' walk of 'll , a)no Station. All Improvements in house, -stable, coach-house, garden withal kind of fruit; a line lawn in front of house. A first-rinse country place. Apply to COPPUt)E b JORDAN, 433 Walnut street. FOR , RENT—MARKET SIRE ET— la Elegant double btore property, 40 feet front, south weet corner of Sixth. • , Fonr-etory store. No. 61.7 Market street. FOUR-STORY STORE, No. 21 North Third street, above Market. . . CRESiNRI' STREET—Valnable property, northeast corner Eleventh street, will he improved. LARGE DWELLlNG—editable for boarding-house, Northeast corner of Eighteenth and Vine streets. WALNUT STREET—Large four-story store, No. No. 1017. J. M. °EMMET A SONS, 733 Walnut street. I TO RENT ON A LEASE FOR ONE ILL or two years.—The desirable , country place in Qermantown, furnished or unfurnished,-"ten minutes' walk of Dny's Lnno station; 2% acres of ground ; all improvements ; • stable, ice-house . kc. floe _garden and a variety of fruit. Apply to 00PN:elk ac JOADAN,433 Walnut street. PTO LET-HOUSE 706 SOUTH SEVEN. ,TBENTit street. Portable heater, range, bath, t water, gas—all the modern conveniences: Blg_ht room!. Apply on the premises. • . ne2.ltr cOPARTNERSHIP. I\l °TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ~LN the limited partnership ' hereto:lore existing be tween Richard D. 'Wood. Josiah Bacon, Beujamin V. lilarsh, Lewle.W. Hayward, Henry Henderson, Richard Wood and Samuel P. Godwin under the Arm of Wood, Marsh Hayward & Co., terminates this day by its own limitation. The business will be settled at .309 Market street, PHILADELPHIA, DeCelliber 31tt, 184))9, r IMITED' PARTNERSHIP.—THE' SUB scribers hereby Rive notice that they have entered into a limited partnership, • agreeably to the laws of Pennsylvania relating tp 'united partnership. That the name or firm under which said partnership Is to be conducted is -WOOD, MARSH, IIAYWARO & CO. That,tho general nature of the business intended to be transacted Is the Dry Goods and Notion Jobbing! bushi ness, -That the 114111 PE- or all -the,generaland special part - Derail nterested.therein are Benjamin V. Marsh; Tee idiog on West Walnut Lane, Germantown, General Partner ; Lewis W. Pfeyward, residing at No. 243 South Eighth. street, General Partner ; Henry Hendereon, residing on Chew etreeti Germantown, General Partner . ; Richard Wood, residing at N 0.1121 Arch street, General nimbler Samuel. P. Godwin, residing at No. 9.13 Pine street, General Partner, and Josiah' Bacon, residing,at No. 461 Marshall street. Special Partner • • , .. • - That the amount of capital contributed by the special partner. Josiah . Bacon, to the common ,stocky lie fifty thousand dollars. That the period at which said partnership is to cram mance is the 31st day of Iteceniber„ A. D. 180.-and the period at which it will terminate is the 31st day of De cember, A. D.,1870. • JOSIAH BACON. ' Special Partner. ' BENJAMIN V. hlAltrill, . . • LEWIS W. HAY WARD, HENRY HENDERSON, . . . -RICHARD WOOD t • SAMUEL, P. GODWIN, . , jal Mg • . , • General Partners. P-"YLILA . -. nELPHIA , JANI7ARY ' 22; 1870. .1. Having Sold HENRY ,B. , PANCOAST,and FRANCIS I. MAPLE (gentlemen in onr employ for enteral years past 1, the stock, goodwill and fixtures of our_` Retail Establishment "located Corner Third and • Pear streets', ir this city, branch of the business ./iI4IAVG::t on .tand, !;:11 Tr t glLLlZi v it2 v, the trade and businees Dunne' . . . . . PANCOAST &14.A.CL also propose to carry on the, buidneedof Warming and Ventilating Public and PH *ate Buildings, both 'by Steam and Hot • Water, in all its various eystenni, being entirely competent to perform al; work of that character" • • • • , , • • . ' 1401t1t1S, TASkEII, 4 CO. • . HE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY . qfortneci a co.partnership, under the style of PAN o4aT & MAULE, for the continuance, at, the stand, of the . 'Wrought ' , lron Tube• and Tld ;rittii.,tlhniindss, an. connection . with 'the heating of All ' : ClapCB of Buildings, by. Steam,_ and rind Hot Water. It 'sour luteutlou to keep on nand, at all thhes. d full line of Morris, Task(); & CO.'s manufac turtiii, to which we invite'attcutiod. •. , . ~ .7 •,• , l' I / ' ' HENRY B. PANOCAST,' ja2.5-12t?? . . , ERANOIS I. HAJAR. ~ . TNIS - SOL UTION, OF COPARTNERSHIP: la t-• The late firm . of. WILLIAM:. W.. TA.Xr & .11R 1 4 TA 88, Wbarf-bnilders, le diseolved by,. the oath of. JohriTax is. The 'mime/ (lithe firm will' bo ' a Hied by the surviving Poctaor• -' ' " '' '• • •• r 1,•., • - • , •. , ' . WILLIAM w,,TAA.Ps, febratu2t - ' 1016- North Delaware avenue. r• • r i • r r NEW — PITIMICATrONS ~1 r , C0., -- rmt),A•ir 'SCHOOLS DEEIIR LOG e 1 1 7413 best ,Publicationa, fiend to` J'. Q. GARIVI(IUiId di at the S. 18:l3ton + orinn], N 0.60 8 Arch St., Phila.' • Iflvosopuy",or'MAßELN.GE.—A ' ew conic° of y.,ectarea, an. delivered M ' the Now (irk Museum of Anatomr; embracing the edhjeotti i F o w 40 1,117 and whm to L veXor; Youth , Maturity tug , d Age; anhood general y roviewtd; that:lance ov lgostidn i lattlefice and ivervouc ,_lllBoadea abooupted for,' ' Marriage ' PhilosorphicallY Oonaiderod, *O., &o: Flo Ybiumee cont a ining : these Lootarew will bo for e, ed J.poet 011,joirregelpt, of* cents , by, addresalng .• . A:Leary, Jr.t 180Mbeatit corner ; of ri ft t and Wal •us .• . • ti. . Phitadeltadm r ~ % , , ' fa)! lv " O'AD ITHE HANDSOME ”RESIDENOE, E. corner of Ejgt?th tont SPltico divots, is open to Folvo bottfdet,o. balloon; rooms, witty pritato tablo,if ja22 lm" MEAL ESTATE SALEL9,-, iffg ORPIJAIif3'.cQIIIST 8A,L10,;-,gBTA-T1 MIL. OnlPcxoei degessedelthgnitts,- tiOnsi ) A t welbeecuren redeemable orourdittintaii o fell, 411E0, OW, 1124, SON $6l 544124 a year. Pursuant, anAirdee.of, the Orphans' Court for the city and countrof Philadelphia, will be sold at public on frtimiday, March 1. WO, at 12 d'eloCk, noon, nettle 'Philadelphia r Exchengot }ho ,following •thsperibed pro. E . " i li a ll e te °l Ord e e t r% A tialt k A l a that g ro_t_t d iL' 17 Zh't 91 ° 4 LT, issuing out of a lot of ground and /remises, situate on the Bouthetutterlreldoof Riohnpari a street, 46_4 foot from dianoter HoraptAhow called comb licaventlegtglirbteontli !Ward • ronjelnlpg in front on to monde OO .21 feet, and in'depth Street:, - 440 It Is secured bye three-story brick dwelling. I No: 2.-No. 6 in the order of nale.--All that ground , rent of 4180, issuing out of a lot of ground and premises. eitnete On the southeasterly side of ilichmolid ntiont. corner of Hanover street, now called Columbia avenue. {Eighteenth Ward ; oontaining In front on Richmond 'street 41 feet and in depth 6L foot. It lseecured by a three•story brick dwelling No. 2:7-Nii.7 in the order ofbelb.-All that Irriisisona able ground rent of $27, lawful sliver money of the United States, issuing out of a lot of Found and promi see, situate on the southwest ski) of Cherry street, now called Idontgomerravenue below Girard 11,1911 tie, Nigh , to)nth 'Ward containing in 'front 18 fest- and In,depth 90 feet.% It is,secu red by a two-story dwelling. • No. 8 in the- order of , mode.- - All that ~Irred ceiruible ground rent of 821, lawful silver motley Of the United States, issuing out of a lot lA' ground and premises, situate on the southwesterly aide of Vienna street, below Girard avenue Eighteenth Ward; con taining in front Itt feet, ert it:depth Wfeet. It IS secured by a two-s ery dwelling. , N0."8. ,,4 1 , 10. 91n the order of bale. All that ground rent of efle, issuing .”ont.of a lot pf ground and premises, situate oti the southeasterly' tildo of 'Girard *rends,' 18 feet south of Vienne street, Eighteenth Ward; contain ing in front hi feet , la depth 91 feet 6.inch%, more or It is secured by ,a thwe story brick dwelling. ' No. 10 i the order .of sale.—All that ground 'vat of BSI out of 10t'of 'ground; situate on the northeasterly able of Eyri street, 144 feet east of Girard avenue, Eighteenth Ward ; containing in front' Al feet, and. in depth 70feet.; No. 7.—No 11 in the order of sale. . All that ground rent of 824, issuing out of a lot of ground; situate on the northeasterly aide of Ityrs street, 128 feet east of Gi rard avenue, Eighteenth W ard.; containing in front 18 feet, and depth 70 feet'. flf."The interest On the -above Ispunctually Paid. By the Court, JOSEPH MEGARY, 'Jerk 0. O. EYRE, K EY.4ER, t DR. PETER D . KEYSER.' Admin i" trath "- THOMAS * HONS. Aeers.. Iftd, 130 and 141 Booth Fourth'Street. oe abet property belonging , to same estate to he !old at the same time and place, see other handbill. lors bILL'HANEP COURT SALE,"—P3TATE . air of Peter A. keyser; dereseed:=Theinsa Sons," Anctioneeri.- , ,llodern • three-story brick' residence, Oortilweat corner of Fourth and Buttonwood streets. Pursuant term ordtr of the Orphans' Court far the City and County of Philadelphia, will he sold at POMO sale, on Tuesday, 3latehl, 1870, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Philadelphia - Ehichange, ;the following described pre• perty, late of Peter A. Keyser, deceased, viz.: N0..1.—. No: tin the'order of sale. All that three , storY brick Inesemige and lot of ground, situate. go the northwest corner of Fourth and ,Buttonwood streets. Trvelfth Ward • containing In front on Fourth street 20 feet,'aud extending in (tenth westward oo the north line at right, tingles with Fourth*Street 86 feet bo' inches, and on the south line along the north line of Buttonwood street 70' feet 10 inches to a 3 feet wide Mier. nud on the west line et right angles with Buttonwood street 30feet in inches, (Being the name conveyed to said .Peter •A. Keyser by indenture from William T. Barks, made October 2'7. 1864, and recorded in Deed Book-L. . 11., No. 65, Pig(' 1123. Ac.) N. D.—The improvements' area mOdern three story brick reeldeuce, with back building: has the modern con eniencee., Terme—SUMO may remain oo mortanne. Ity the Court, JOSEPH IIIEGABY, Clerk C. C. EYRE It EYSEIt,, Autu th inistrard. PETER D. RE YSEII, THOMAS it HUNS, kuctioneera, fell 19 26' 139 and 141 B. Fourth street. , For other property, belonging to same estate, to be Pohl nt name time and place, see other .V.l MASTER'S PEREMPTORY SA,LE.— UniThommt Bons, Auctioneers.—Three-story Brick .Duelling, No. 148 blargaretta. street. —ln the Court of Corisnion Pleas for the City and County of Philadelphia. Isaac Rosenbaum, Trustee of Isabella Coleman and lief children, es. Bones Nathans r: at., of December Term, 3869, No..n. Partition in klquity.—ln pursuance of an order and decree made by the said Court in the above cause will be cold at public sale, without march, on Tuesday, March Ist, mo, at 12 o'clock. noon. at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that thre4l-story brick men silage and lot of ground, eituate on the south side of Bargarettn street, between New. Market and Second streets ; thence extending east along the south side of. Margarotta street 211 feet ; thence south 571,..et, more or lees ; thence went le feet ; thence north 17 feet ) Inches ; thence west 7 feet 4 inchei! ; thence north 8 feet 1.1 inches; thence west 2 feet 8 inches. and thence north 30 feet 6 inches to the place of beginning. Bounded, east by ground formerly of Lyon Van Arminge,eouth by ground tormerhy of Georgoliurtz.and west by thermesusge and lot next hereinafter mentioned, being the same menthe's which Charles McAlester, of the city of Philadelphia, and the Dank of North America, by indenture dated the nth day of ?fay, A. 1). 1829. recorded May 29, A. D. PZ). In Desert Hook G. W. 11,, N 0.34). page ItOoke. granted tind conveyed unto the said Isaiah Nathan,. in fee. Dy the Court, RICHARD 8. - HUNTER, Master. M. THOMAS st 80N8 . , Auctioneers. f e 5 19 26 IV and 141 h. Fourth street. REAL ESTATE.---THOSIAS & .SONS', Sale.—Elegant Four-story Brown Stowe Beni Mince, N0..1913 Walnut street, near Rittenhouse Square. On Tuesday, March 15t,1870, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale.at the Philadelphia all that modern four , story brown-stone messuage, with three.story double back buildings and lot of ground, sltuate on the north side of Walnut street, east of Twen tieth street. No. 1913; the lot containing in fronton Walnut street 20 feet. and extending in depth 110 fe d to Porcelain street. The hcose Is well and substantially built. and finished in the best manner, with all the modern conveniences ; large hall and marble vestibule ; French-plate glass in windows nn first and second stories (front); contains 2 parlors, dining-room and 2 kitchens on the first floor ; 2 chambers, sitting-room and library and bath-room on the second floor ; 4 chambers and bath. room on the third floor ; billiard room and 2 chambers on the foerth floor ; has gas, bath, hot and cold water, water cleats, numerous closets, stationary washstands, walnut doors and window wash, 2 cooking rsnsiot, sta tionary wash took, 2 ~.11111aced, 4C. ; 'private stairway, cellar cemented, undergromad drainage, flag pave ment, ' Innnkliate possession. Nay be examined any day previous to sale. • Terms-4140 0 0 may remain on mortgage. THOMAS k tkOliii,Anctic,neers, . . fob 1926 139 and 14! South Fourth street: . SALE BY ORDER OF HEIRS— JaiaLEslate of Hood Simpson ,decossed—Thomats it Sons, Auctioneere.—Very Valuable Easiness Stands-2 Four. Story Brick Stores. Nos. 1613 and 1615 Market street. bo• tween Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets, On Tar:allay. March 8. 1870, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold atpublic sale, at the Pliiladelphia. Exchange, the following de scribed properito. viz.: No. that lot of ground, with the improvements thereon erected, situate en the north Mile of Market street, west of Sixteenth etre ; the lot containing In front on Market street '..l.lfe••t, and extending iu depth 170 feat, more or less,. t 0 Jones ittrt.t The Improvements are a large and substantially built four-etory brick store arid dwollltig.Witli extensive back buildings, fronting on Marktit street, No. 1413, and 3 three-story brick -dwellings iictlipsear. • : Clear of all Incumbrance. Immediate possession. ' No. 2.—A1l that very valuable four-story brick build ing; with extensive three-story back buildings arid lot Of ground, adjoining the above. being No. 16L5; con• tabling in front 20 feet, and extending' In depth 170 feet, more or less, to Joncs street. ; (Meer of all inctimbranee. burri , .(liale possession. The above ore well and substantially built, and In one of the most valuable business squares west of. Broad street. THOMAS A.SONS, Auctioneers,. •- • - feh1926m113 139 and 141 S. Fourth street. 1 , SALE BY oitDER .OF Estate of ford ' Simpson, daCeaSed.;—Thiminiiii one, Auctioneere.Genteel Threo-story Brltk Dwell ing. N 0.327 South Thirteenth etreet,.with a three.at fry. brick dwelling in the rear en Iseminger street.—On Tuesday, March Bth, 1870, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be Sold at public male, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all those brick mesimages and the lot of uremia thereunto eitnate on the east side of Thirteenth street, between Spruce and Pine streets, No. 327 ; containing in front on Thirteenth street N feet 6 incl, ai and extend rig in depth 88 feet ; bounded east by a 20 feet wide alley, vith the privilege thereof. Tbe.improverequts are bree-story brick dwelling , fronting on Thirteenth street, Pgas; bath, hot and cold water, furnace, cooking +ange, stationary wash tubs, underground drainage, &c. Also, athreo-story brick dwalling In the roar ea ;Bollinger street. Mir Clear et all ineumbrance. • lanmeillata possession. Kora next door, at No. 325. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, fob 1924 rnhs 139 and 141 8. Fourth street. ,--- - - ,r . 10 , ISUILIDER6 AND OTHERS._ arF. Thomas & Sone, Auctioneers.—Valuable Lot,_Bop- Street, Vineyard and Geary streets, Fliteenth,Ward. rhOn Tuesday, March let, 1070. at 12 O'clock . , !mob, trill °sold at public solo, at the Philadelphia. Exchange all at valuable Jot of s round, fronting on Poplar, Vino ard and Geary ptreets, betwe.,.n Ridge avenue and Nine eenth street, Fifteenth Ward •, containing ( according to tt plan thereof by E. D. Roberts, Esq., City Surveyor ./ n front on mouth Bide of Poplar street 107 feet IN inches, n front on northwest side of Vineyard street (CO feet idel 76 feet 7.4 inchee, and on the northeast aide of eary street 76 feet/Slashes. 'fbe above lot is portico arlr.worthla of attention, being in the midst of numer ous handsome improvements, and in a neighborhood Where building lota are in' demon I. TCII.IIB-600 cash ; balance may remain on mortgage,. if desired. ' Plans can be seen at the office of Dickson Brothers, No. 820 Walnnt street. I fa, 1, 24 M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, r---- 139 and.. 14 1 South Fourth street. rii •'ll - EAI, ESTATE.—TROMAS & 'SONS' lainii sale.. . Modern four-story. Brick Realdeneo, No. v 26 Mount Vernon street, below Twentieth street. Ou Tuesday, February 15, 1870, at 12 o'clock, noon, ill he sold at put Resale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, l that, medern four-story bridk raessuage. with Iwo stoi y back building and lot of ground,. Altman qn the ouch aide of Mount Vernon street, below Twentieth treet, No. 1026 ;' the lot containing . id front on Mount 'ernon street :I9 feet °Moho% and extending in depth 03. feet 11 inches, Wielding half of an alloy 6 feet wide run ning into Twentieth street, rip) tho free use of ' said Alley. The liOnse has the gas introduced, bath, hot and told water, (Woking tango, heater, Sic'; verandah back, Ac. Terme :-6 , 3,900 cony remain (in Mortgage. immediate peiemesion, May be examined any day pro , _ viollii.and on the morning of sale at 8 O'clock. IC THOMAS & SONS,, . Auctioneers, f e 5)2 . 139 and 141 South Fourth et. • - , — -i-- di n REAL ESTATE.—THOMAS & SONS' Ifai,Sale.—Valuable lot, Broad street, north of Master.' Street, 25 feet front, On Tuesday, February 15thi,' 1810, si t 12 o'cl'oek, noon, will•bo • sold at, publid, eale,, at the hillniolnlit a Exchange, all that large and , raluabla - aot • f ground, situate onto east side or Broad etrent, 2.50 , t eet north of Tdastpr street.: containing in front ou Broad street 25 feet,and extenditig' in deA t tb, 'l6O 'feet to l'ntario street . Subject to the restriction hat no more ouses, livery stable; or, any bpilding follnif4fllve• 2 0- ' upation, shAll over be erected on said lot,aud /1451 bill mg to be. erected on:Broad street of a loss front than l e Trans—Cash. . . •.. :. •,: , , ;,,.; : .:.: i lit. 111.0111.6. S & BOtTS‘ . 41.1 16 t19 110 r5 , • • _ vi~p ~f ~ ]s9 anA ,141 Huu~h T i our~li~Ci~eat,, ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 folr3 5 12 , REAL EtiTATE SALM,. PRPII4..Nkr. ()OM= tiAL)I.--O.3TATES . torflitniy 0. Mingle and Jo n,P4.llllngle4, 4 Thonlae rt rPliltru,' oourt-TOr the city and county of Philadelphia, . P a n t rio d u l t o tn r ill be sold at public sale, on Tuesday, February IS, 870 o a n t e' l i 2 4 : 9 cl i oc k : e° loo ‘" n li ' i° llad: l l:h ° la rd : r acita a ng th e EP , krie followhyrdasiyhedittroFltiF 41'1,r/10n11..",''galite. nd John ' Aktin oil tf.i . 0,1..7 fedora 1 w tory Brick Ihrellingi sy the Mt ardiNo.tiBtl,llarshalletroot, South of BtittOnwOOd'a roe - , -All that . ftielistlage and lot of ground, eltuato on the west side of Marshall street. 1 I feet 4 inches south 6/ Button wood street, N 0.458; con 010101[4,11,1tOnt on blaraliall street 27_,feet; quid Ostend- nit it atm 11 - 8/1 feet I;'‘ 'lnc 'TlO'henee had twowttory ~ mck building. gas, bath, /kn. iN0.2.--irredeenniblo Groundllent--027 a year.—All lhatyearr round rent of 897 a year, lawful =lnc,/ 01 bo Unite titates or A merles', Varga& Ora mem rlia - "' sally,-ble I re and assigns, Without' dedthition-for to Se, , on the first of May and November, in equal half-yearly payments, issuing out of a lot of ground, north aide of Jleck's nit o Y , ls B fret. 8 inches tact of Front street, 18 feet front, and abl e IV feet. . ' • r ' ' 1 No. 8.--IrredeemablO Ground Bent-827a yoar.-411 that yearly rent of IIIIV a year, lawful iaoney of the I.initeii litotes of America, payable by.lienry lftetlui.. 1012101,111 a heirs ;dolt astagnsi, 1 without dednetioa for taxes, in equal payments, on the first of bfaf and No. ' Member, issuing out of a lot of ground, situate on the north side of Beck's a110y,113 feet 8 inches east of Front street; 4. eontatningiti front 18 feet , and in 4441180.f00t, No. Irtedeettisble Ground itent—e3o tr year, , -All that yearly rent of eait, lawful money of the United iitatem of America, payable by Tames Ball, his heirs and assigns, without deduction for faxes, - Magma' half yearly paymente, on the first' of May and Norember, Issuing out of a lot of ground, situate on the east ,dde . of Front street, 315 foot 2 . inehre north of Beck's alloy IT !HA 0 inches front, and )ndeptlf 93 feet to a 10 feet wide One-fifth will be veld. for the .estate of Henry - B. Mingle,. qt a'unpile: qno-11fth for the estate *of,,falin.P.,' blind 0, lunatic.; the , three remaining' firth, by the other owners -thereof; the purr:hailers obtaining a title to the whole. JAM)Cid W. 'PAUL, , . . ' ' . . • —Committee of Henry 113fingle, JofitCPai. T. .01t0IVIL, . Committee of John P Mingle: .. i M. TlWittAb a 80N8, Auctioneers, ja23 j 22 fob 12 139 and 1418outh Fourth street. EXECUTOR'S ANtl — TR - UST4lrii Bale--Estate of Caspar W: Sharpless, deceased. P 40mm tit i3one. A kictioneetoki- Very valuable Tartu n sad lilannion, 176 acren,Concor4 towpaltiPt Delaware count,* Pennnylvania, fronting ou the Baltimore Central Ita, - rnailiat.Wbodland Station, wit hitt 20 Kilos or Philadol phia,lo of Chester Radii of Weal Cheater. ,On Tutsedffs Feb. 15; PM, ut 12 o'clock noon, will be sold at pati ne isle. at the Philadelphia Exchange, all tbst vela able form ,( Of the late Caspar W. Sharpies', decimsetid, situated in Concord township, Delaware sonny, boUad- Ing on Abe Baltimore Central Eel I rood i: at Weed;sPd Station, within ?Amite' of Philadelphia, 10 of Chenwr and 8 of West Chester ; contain* about .116 acres, 30 of. which are of the fluent timber, and ban upon it a modern built substantial three'story Stone mention . horise. 40 feet eauare r wltis large back buildings and wide pleat* extending Acton, the whole front, surrounded by S 4 lawn of about 4 acres, shaded by well-grown trees of selected varieties, in an elevated position, with aosouthern ex. posure, within about 400 yard, of the glatton ~.• a largo double -} loured ` stone barn,' with extensive eboaanur at each end, large carriage -house with 'tabling under, 3 stone' tenant bonnie. one over a strong, never-failing spying neer , the:tarn. , end tdher ont-buillingg. All in good or der. and furnished with unusual conveniences. dk branch of Chester creek passes through and several tither sprtngs rise noon the premises, from one of whirls the buildings nre shundatitly supplied with excellent water by means of& hydraulic ram and rentirsoir of 100 OM gphone capacity. - Tim natural quality of the land in ittienrmsesed bytoty in the county, and the facility 4,1 communicating with markets. &0... and the high iltiCilli character of the neigh hood make it alike Madrable for farming put position,' private residence. • A large proportion of the parr fia'm money may mania on the premises, at t he , imr tut interest, e, , cured by bond and mortgage in the usual form. Yor further particulars. apply to Elisabeth O. Sharp less, on the premiss's, and nionies , Williamson, south west COrllfT 01 Seventh and Arch etrorts. Executors and Trmat en, or Ellie Blarrliall, Guardian, near the pr,"- misen. . . bI,THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers, ja12222?f5 12 139 and 141 South Fourth street. e- - HEAL ESTATE—TH . O3IAB & SONW Hale.—Elegant Fone-story Brick Residents., with stable und coach house,. No. NM North Broad atreet„ above Oxford street, 25 feet front. 200 feat deep to Carlisle Street, two fronts. OnTuekday, February 15,, 1170, at 12 o'clock . noon, will be sold ittpuldic eale.at the phis Exet: atigt;., all that elegantn r it tory brick (brown $t one front In second story mess nage. with three-story double back buildinge and lot of ground, situate on the west side of Broad street, north of Oxford street No. 1tOd; the lut containing in front on Broad street =; fret. and extending in depth :XV feet to Carlisle street, having two fronts. The house is well , built , and in 4.xcalleat ; has parlor, ihning•robin, wit' pantry, and two kitchens on the first tiger ; two chambers, eittiug-room,library and two bath-roczna on the second ; 4 chambers and store-tonna on the third floor. and 3 chambers on the fourth fleet ; back stake. as .cent nted crhayF. under-' ground drainage, gas introduced, 1 with' handsome gas xturfm, which are included in tau vale), speaking tubes. Lathe, hot and cold water. 3 water ,closets, 2 furnaces. 2 cooking ranges.; stationary washtubs, 6:e. Also. a two. atory brick atahle and coach house. with• coachman's room, In the rear on Carlisle street, st,ith actorrunoda tiona fort. homes and S carriages. Tente—lfalf cosh. Immediate pc..reardon. Will be open for f.XtiallndllM any day preview. to. ..tie, front 9to . end 2to 3 4i'clot k. It. THOMAS SONS—Auctioneers, . ja22 29fe312 139 an 141 South Fourth street. REAL ESTATE—THOMAS St. SONS' sai.._Eioput Four-story Brick Itw,idence, with table and COACIII.OII4Vi NO. FZJ.; North Broad etrwit, above Oxford st re d front, Z.lO f•et deep to Car lisle street ; 2 fronts. On .T11 , 1.4/11T, February IS; isia, at 12 o'clock, wow, Will be ,t ht at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that elegant four-story brick brown-stone front to second story) .tnessuage. with three-story double bark buildings and lot of ;ground, situate on the west side of Broad street, north of Oxford Street. No. 16451 ; the lot containing in front on Itroad street 2.t fret, and ext ending in depth 290 feet to Carlisle street, having two fronts. The house is well built and in excellent repair • has parlor; fning,- room. with butler's pantry, and two kitchens on the first floor ; tics; chambers. sitting-rootn, library and two tiatier6oins on the second floor ; four chambers and store•room on the third floor, and three chambers oh Oa fourth floor : hack stairway, cemented cellar, under ground drainage. tots int t with handsome gas, fixtures, which are includeil in the sales, speaking tubes, baths, hot and cold water. three water-closets, two furnaces, two cooking-ranges, swimmer, wash tilbsotc.. Also, a two-story' brick stable and coach house. with coachman's room, In the rear on earlier* Stroet. with accommodations for five horses and four carriages. Tennis—Half cash. Immediate meow/whin. Will be open for oxamitta tion any day previous to sale, front 9 to 12, awl 2 to 3 o'clock. 347 re.; 12 el PEREMPTORY SALII. THOMAS i. Sone, Auctionsars.—Vainable Business Stand. Three story Brick Store and Dwelling. Northwest cor ner of Eighth and Jefferson streets. tin Tuesday, leb• nary 15, 11570, at =o'clock, noon, will be 841 at public sales without rn ef rt, :it the Philadidpbta Exchange ! all that thretostory Leh:km(l.sllitre Eine 'kit of ground, situ ate at the northwest earner of Eighth and Jefforsen streets, Twentieth Ward ; the lot containing in front 19 feet, and extending in depth 99 feet to Bartell street. The house is built in the best manner, and contains 10 rooms ; btOre, dining room and 2 kitchens on first floor : parlor, sitting-room and bath-room on second floor, and 1 chambers rind store-roan) on third floor; has the mod ern improvementsoindarground drainage, &e. rarelear of ail Ancerubrance. Torres-84,W may remain on in, rt,gage. Immediate possession, air3lay be examined any day prot ions to Hale. Sate absolute. 10 - The above is a good business stand ; is suitable for a first class bakery or gro.;ery, 31. Tllo3lAS"&l3llNB,AtretimitWif, ' 159 and 141 South Fourth street." CVA ItEAL ESTATE—THOMAS & SONS -'.W.l.Saie —Very valuablii Business Stand. rive story iron trait Store, bouthwent corner of Third and Cherry striiets. On Tuesday; February 15th, 1810, at 12 'clock „noon, will be sold at tallith., sale, at the Phila delphia Exchange. 011 that very valuable five story brick iron front store and Tin of ground, situate at the tiouth west corner of Third and Cbetryistreets ; containing in front on Third street 20 feet inches, and extending in depth 118 feet 1 inch to an 8 feetwide alley, on which the front is 20 feet. Together with the common use and pri vilege of said alloy. The building is well and. substan tially built, and recently put in good repair; has iron pillars, 2 hatchways, gas, water and water closets, flag pavement, tin roof, &e. Wirt:leer, of all iticumbranee. • Terms-825,000 may remain ou nmrtgage. Now rents for 464/0. 11. THOMAS dr SONS Auctioneere,' 139 and 141 S. Fourth street. JiSfesl2 REAL, ESTATE—THOMAS & SONS' Threiestory Brick Residence, S. E. corner of Twenty-second and Mount Vernon streets.' On Tuesday, Februa lfith, 1870, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sal v e, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern three-story brick messuage, with three story back buildings and lot of ground_, situate at the S. E. corner of Twenty-second and Mt. Vernon streeau containingfront on Mt. Vernon , street 18 Pot, and extending in depth '9O feet to a street. It has, pirlor, dining-room and kitchen on the first floor; gas, bath, hot and cold water, furnace, cooking range, &o. Terms—Cash. immediate possession. our Clear of all incurnbrance. May be examined any day previous to sale: , M. MONA* & SONS, Auctioneers,. 13 9 and 141 South Fourth street. 1.1 BLIC. SALE.—THOMAS & SONS, ROLA uctioneers..—Valuable , Business. Stand. Four story , Bank Hotel known as the " Columbia Rouse," Nos. 11T and 113 North Broad street above Arch street, 3ii feet , front. On, tThei.day, February VS, 1870, at 12 o'elockt. noon,. will be sold at public . sale, at; the Fbiladelphia Exchange, all that valuable four story brick. building, with three -Story backbnilding and let pf ground; known us the" CoLuMBIA HOlJea,'' situate on the east side of Brnad street, north of Arch.. street; Nos,lll and 113 ; the lot containing in front on , Broad street, 3e feet, and ettending in depth 100 feet, 'Bounded °tithe east by fin 8 feet Wide alley with the . • privilege thereof. It is an old and well •established stand. • con tain s aboatIATOOMB ; has nee, bath, hoteutd cold water, range, large bar-room, upOrgroup4. drainalgo, 4 c . Subjeg. t 9 op irrod own able groupd,rent 4WO, M. THOMAS d SONS; .6.,uctiopeorhi. 1n29 tea 12 130 and 141 South Fourth etre et. ,A6-s - F.WtrEgs. - - la Kior, 'mama& ,s, Tit A N i i. Aga ; N 4. 718 Oliontnut stfoot ji lOntirsO. 1 taro's d. o§l3 Ix ros,Loplph&o.,,¢cp. r wout a rl thti ottontirprt or t o publlo to ttioir largo and: ologon apart- ommt Of t ier handelipre Ponttta, Brockoto ~ ' Thor obo Jar iliad 0 1 1 ,01, i nto dwellings and prb11410) lia, ' I ng o, an 4tt nto ostoridlng,Mtoring NW Few% pi ' i t • _ 11 work wftrimutedi ' ' , , . .. , , wgigorl ME, . ' 10FIN.Illatzuvr. SpREt CrICIVERSiGITED INVITE ATTZN. non Ettqck of , Erb* i.ebtfh and LoOuet 000 4 w oh, V prepare on "given by ug, thick g„h,, pe bee ell by Oozy her Cost, - 7- "" . 1 °MOOS 414,P,ItttiVcite Buildln:g, N 0.15 13. &Wends-, street.' ' BINEEI & 81IE4Pr iulo•ti i , f I otroet Wbertiliehnliti* . :ti it I 1. TIIOIIAS S SONS'. Auctioneers. 119 and 141 South Fourth street GACFIXTURES• tfAITATiID 7 WOOD. t.:4l , 4o4o4:ol,HprtSuititi Qc y ,• Tbere,44Sofnetidlig Out Iny notiO itif t these attitelosOfAiglitniiig.orfibc:hdriihn know in a sort of rough, general way that metals and other substances differ greatly in their power of conducting electricity; but science muiit, advance beyond its•presentstage ; before it cam lay down infallible ruiel fdx gu:o, dance. Sonic persons have supposed' that' lightning does not penetrate far beneath the sin face, of the ground; but in 1843 three men were struck with a flash the bettorn,of , mine" brK'li ftICS' deep—'tire fighirithe Laving passed down a chain in the shaft: Others, again, believe that safety is to he found in, bed. It certainly is so generally, but by. no means' universally. In 1826, lightning attacked a cottage near Chiches ter, destroyed with a crash tlth wooden parlor a bedstead, threw the bell-clothes 'on the ground, and with it the mattress and a per-, son who was sleeping on it—fortunately•with out doing further mischief. Atfall, in the same year, near J)oncaster, dash of lightning tore the covet let from a bed, but without doing any juju!) , to its occupants. Again, in 1772 Mr. ilearthley; of Ilarrowgate, was killed-by light-- ning while iisteeli hiS bed; his wife; lying by his side, was not even awakened by the shock. A Roman Catholic church was once struck by lightning during the celebration of mass; two of the three oiliciating priests were struck dead, while the third remained untouched. Sometimes trees are sought, sometimes shunned, for shelter duririg " thunder storms, according to the prevalence of certain opinions. Some years ago a theory was broached to the (tilled that lightning often strikes the elm, chestnut, oak, pine, and sometimes the ash, but not the beech, birch or maple ; then there, : was au ass-, am se that when the oak and Plni•! grow near together, the latter escapes while the former is attacked. Generally speaking, howeve,r,, the opinion prevails pretty strongly that the further distant we are from trees during a thunder storm the better. The supposed protective power of glass, too, is not always reliable.' In nso two persons were killed at Eastbourne while standing inside a window didtifig thunder ,storm ; the glass was reduced to powder; but the wood-work of the window remained uninjured. Any aritelei! of metal worn about the person are petty tertain to increase the danger from light ning. In 1819, lightning attacked the prison at Iliberach, and out of twenty prisoners in one apartment, attacked , only a brigand who was chained round the waist, leaving the others unscathed. in 1749, durin ,, a thunder-Storm; a lady raised her arm to shut a window; the lightning flashed, and "a golden bracelet so completely disappeared that riot a vestige of it' could be found," without the lady herself being hurt. The eon/piste disappearance of the bracelet is probably a bit *of exaggeration. The melting, without the actual disappearance,. s credible; for in 1844,, a lightning dash struck a fishing-boat off the Shetland ' Islands, shivered the mast, and melted the Watch• in the pocket of a than sitting near the mast, without scorching his Clothes or' injuring him. In 1&i8, when a peasant woman was killed by lightning near Auxerre, h) France, not a wound was found on her body, but a silver comb was melted in her hair—probably defining the spot where the death- strok wase given. Brydone relates an incident of a lady whose bonnet wag reduced to ashes while she was looking out of a window at a thunder storm ; it is supposed that the wire in the bonnet attracted the electricity. It is not, however, very likely that ladies will adopt the highly scientific precaution suggested by him for such occasions : "Every lady should wear a small chain or thread of brass wire, which should hang, during the thin of a thunder storm, to the wires of her bonnet, by which the fulminating matter might pass to the earth, instead of traversing the head and ether members." Not the least embarrassing of the questions which arise in reference to lightning flashes is to guess in what way the action will show itself when two or more persons are near each other in a line or hi a curve. Will it act most at the extremities of the line, or in the middle? In 008, a lightning flash struck a house in a Swiss village; five cildren were sitting on a bench; it. killed the first and last in the row, but gave only a violent shock to the others. In 18.58, at Drome, in France, a lightning flash killed a young girl in a farm house, but left untouched a child in her arms. It is not yet known whether horses and other quadrupeds resist the effects of lightning le s safely or more safely than hurnanbeiripi . ; for some recorded facts tell on the one side, some on the other. In 1785, lightning attacked a stable at Ilambouillet : thirty-two horsee-were in a row,; thirty were overturned, of which two at the extreme ends of the line were t killed: In 1801, a' miller 'near Chartres was Walking between a horse and . a mule ; the two, animals were struck dead by lightning, while the man escaped with slight injury. In 1781, three French gentlemen were out riding:. a lightning flash killed all three of the horses, but only one of the riders. In 1826, a boy was leading a mare on a - road near Worcester: a thunder storm came on, which killed the mate, het lift the boy unliurt. In 1310, a gentleman' was sitting with his do: by his side: a lightning flash- Itilled..the alog,".lnit...ouly.. gave .a. shock to the gentleman. In 18.58,- while a clergyman near Leatherhead was riding in a fly with two members of his family, a lightning: flash -struck the driver , front his seat, without hurting the other persons or the horses. There is almost' as much doubt whether the .popular view is car rect,,fhat water is toss attacked by lightning than land. Kaewpfer stated, Olathe Emperors of Japan were went .to take, refuge in a grotto; containing .a reservoir of , Water dtpug a thunder storin. Do the Tyeomi and the kado, of whom we hear so much practice the same eireffing,lleirlee 'That fish are stunned; .in" , the , Water there 'is , *suflicient proof:. In 1771, lightning ..attacked: the river Doubs, near Besancon, and stunned the fish, which were floated along by the stream. In 1870, a lightning flash. fell on the lake of Zirk nitz, in •Austrirt ; and'. sack a quantity of fish almost heniedlately floated Upon the surface, that the' „neighboring inhabitant's collected twentyeight wagon loads for manure."— Journal, of TeleyrOlt. THE JEWS IN RORIE. How These are Treatea• A Roman correspondent of the New York Post says:''',' " .So much falsehood has been written about the condition of the Jews in Rome,that it may Perreltt'ed trisak a feW weal about thit; the oldest Hebrew colony on the European con tinent. Eighteen centuries ago the Roman Empercits hitt transplanted from Judea the ancestors of those who now inhabit the banks of the Tiber ; and there, in the 'Ghetto, 'con tinue to live' all, the, Israelites, of. the working classes who have either emigrated here or have been born within its' walls: Deubtlei.l, under the Ca Bars and, under the Popes their condi tion was mostennenViableond they time been persecuted and oppressed most .ehatnefully; but this tyranny was not peculiar to Rutile, and it is not many years since in England the children of Israel have been relieved from the disabilities lvluch had weighed upon them for centuries. • Mr, story has given. a most interesting ac equAt the'ettfierings 'of the;denizens of the Ghetto,,bUt, he has forgotten to state , that, when 'the edict of .Philip U. drove the Jews from Sixth), thonsands of them sought refuge and protection under the Roman popes. lie draws attention to the walls which shut oil' the Israelites from the rest of humanity as though they were unclean things, but he does not say 114 the Widls—feM4ed`by'the'order Of Pruis , IX'—were'oritginalij raised attya'arrier to the 'rapacity - of =the -noble& aci d their lieentious re tainers in search of Jewish treasure, and as a protection against the excesses of the rabble, who, during the dark ages; connected revery natianal or popular calamity with sorcery and witchcrafti and''Wreaked votigAnce.,tApon those' who weretho looked upon as adepts in the Black Art. - The' present .Pope has placed the Jewish „ r eolony the. Cilletto i ntiider great obligations, to hint,ctifid l 4o 'do 'Mehl' jtistioe l 4bey - do not hesitate to exprctia•Aleir.grptitatgo.p. They hava their synagogub - inirtheir uniVeraity ; they are not obliged•to attend mass once a year; they are taxed precisely as the other citizens; their forced attencituicef In a court pr j*ioo . ort their. Sabbath isforbidden; they can travel when and where they piease, with the same papars, „Obtalied it the sarne;:cost; -- Incelartstians; they can open shops hi any part of the city, and are so far protected in their tenant-rightn, • that. those Christians who stilthOld•-•PropertOvithiii the limits 'Of the Ghetto are obliged by Jws •Gozzago , ,-Jaw made, three centurion ago—to make perpetual louses ortheir , hottses'_to flip Jews at small annual rents, which,it is eK-' pressly stated, Gan. never • be increased. short, the titlO remains Nyitvtbo unless he chooses to dit.pose of it to his tenant, who can make soch'alteratioris andrtnixiin3.in the proPerty as, May bet suit his own conve nience, and can even sell or devise hid in terest without in '!.-toy gar cOnOniting hitt land+ lord. So here ' in the filthy Ghetto, the spot which, after Cologne, reeks!most! with fbul odors.in. all Christendom, do five thousand Hebrews liv,o and grow fat and rich, preferring dirt 'alsd, isolation to -e6thparative. cleanliness .111 other parts of the city, simply because they can better practice the c ,preemptolif their rep llgion SS banded do*ri frOin 'Moses: The riitz , nicipal government does not interfere with the intertral-economy of the quarteri and the occasional 'inundations Of 'the Tiber are the only scavengers of this Augean stable. Yet, strange to, taxi the Inort . ality, dt(ttitig - )11 Has: epidemics has always been less in the Ghetto than elsewhere. It may not be irrele 4ant".,to."itate that Ytheiv..the , distribtition of gold medals was made to 'those who, during the cholera of If.4if), most distinguished them, selves- by attention to -the 'sick, .the Jewish medical men and nurses were placed upon the same footing as their Christian colle,azues. Under the Ct`e-sars. it was the tat' . that the Jews should perform certain sacrifices for each ernperor,the first upon, his coronation, the, others vvbeneter be fell fluor engage any war. When Christianity became the religion of the empire, the form of the homage was modified': A 'deputation or the principal rabbis used to present to the 'newly-elected pope a copy of the Pentateuch written on parchment, Item whit+ he could read'a chapter arid' then add : We concede .to you the, but we condemn, your juterpretatien of it.; for, he of whom yea say 'lee will bottle.' haS already come in the person of Jesus Christ,, who, we pray, may open your eyes to the truth." This is entirely different from , the version given by an iniagl.native writer, who has, put into the mouth of the popes the words : "We curse the Hebrew people and their exposition of the Law, but we affirm it." LI) MBEIft. MAULE, ,BROTHER & CO., 2600 Smith Street. 1.870. PAPTZTEirgN 1870• 'CHOICE SELECTION . ELI F OE PA IGAN TTERNS. CORK PINE F QP•ifi SPRUCE AND HEMLOCK-1 9tryil .ILV 4V. SPRUCE AND ILEHLOCK. XVI U. LARDS STOCK. 1870 V . FLORIDA FLOORING. 1870 FLORIDA FLOORING. U. CAROLINA FLOORING. - VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELAWARZ FLO RING.ORING' • ASH FLOO WALNUT FLOORING. ORMA STEP BO 9nyi iB7O. FL nORIDA STICP BADAILDS.ARDB.I I.v.e RAM PLANK. rttrisztql 1.870. "N"Zie" 'lB7O WALBVS,RDARDS AM) PLANS, TV I IVRT bPAANH ASSORTED SOB CABINET MAHERB, -BUILDERS, &C. ' UNDERTAREB.B' 1870 8ND 1 . 870 . ERT..ERPLITAIDER. RED CEDAR. WALNUT AND PINE. 1870. s'AeLll)7il) curie' I_B7o. WHIT 04X PLA aa fi AND BOMIDS. 11101{011 1870. CAR CAROLINA H. T. SILLS. '1870• • NORWAY SCANTLING. •-, - - --, 1870 CE EDAR. SH DAR R 4 TOLES. ' ' 1.870 C 811 I NG LES. U. - ' CYPRESS SHDIGLES. - - LARDE - AssouTmEavr. 7011 SALE LOW. ~ . 1870. PL PLATTERINeL I A ' N. • 1870. LATH. 4.11.1E1LE BROTHER & 00 - - - - • - - • 2500 fiOTYTH ' Lumber Under Cover, ALWAYS DRY. Walnut, White Pine, Yellow Pine, Spruce, Hemlock fikinglee, ko., alweyson buid at low rates. WATSON & GILLINGTIAM, 924 Richmond Street, Eighteenth Ward, YELLOW P E " I K - 9 7- 7. 1. for esxgoes of everydeecription Sawed Lumber exe cuted at short notice—quality subject to inspection Imply to EDW . H. BOWLEY.I6 South Wharves. BUStNS CARDS. lEstabllshe4 1821. WM. 13. rtiNAGAN & SON, ROUSE AND SIIIP.PLUMBERS, No. 129 IValnut,Streilt. herb § JOSEPH WALTON & CO., • CABINET MAN.ERS, NO. 113 WALNUT STREET. anufaCturers fine furniture and of ine M a diiirri priced furniture of O superior quality GOODS MADE TO ORDER. Counters, Desk-work, itc. - ,• for Batiks, (Aces and Stored, wade to order., JOSEPTIWALTOH. ' • '3OS. PPINOOTT, folly JOSEPH L. SCOTT,. /AMIto A. wRIGII . I . , 11101111 TOR PIKE. CLEDIENT A. ORM COM, THEODORE wRioIIT. FRAME 1.. NEALL. PETER Vi RIGHT & 80N8, • Importers of earthenware and 13hipping. N _and Commission Merclusnts, • • o. lie - Walnut street, Philadelphia. p i B. WXGHT 4 % LAW .Tict • miesioner of A lTa t f il ai r. a . e .A BTrite of l'ennsylvanta iL 96 Madison street, No. Irtri l i a ciigo, Iliinofs, atil9til COTTON ; SAIL DUCK OF EVERY width, from hi inches Ee 76 tubes wide a 1 numbers Tent I'm& Awning Duck, Paper-maker's Felting, Sail Twine, &o, • JOHN W. EVERHAN, in 243 No. 103 Church street, Oity Stores. n~to~s. DRUGGISTS' WILL FIND A. LARGE stock of Allen's Medicinal Extracts and Oil Almonds Rhei. Opt., Citric Acid, Ooxe'e Sparkling Gelatin: genuine Wedgwood Mortars: d 0.,: ust landed from bark Moffnungi from London. ROBERT 5110ZMARIalt & CO., Wboleeale Druggigte, lc, corner Fourth and Baca drools. • JyG GISTS' BUNDR.LES. RAO Cf. sits, Mortar Pill Tiles, 000 abs, ilrusties: 3firreril, Twsoaors, Puff hoxesalorn Saocipsi Sursisat 11}stra. manta, Trusses, third wad' Soft idubber. . Goode Vial - Oases, Glass and Metal Syringes, &a., all at " First 'lauds" prices. SNQWDIi BROTHER, ova-tt 23 South 'Eighth street. e.A. - K i TILE SOAP-GENUINE AND VERY superior-2.00 boxeft kvit landod from bark Idea, and for sale by ROBERT SHOEMAKER A 00.. Importfrig Ihnifgrets. N . kl. earner 'fourth and Race streets. THB DAILY EVENING BULLETIN7-I:IIILAI)ELP4IA i MONI).0 7 ; rEBILIJAIIY 7;'2870. UI B bß , aro 8.-BTSIA Hki B rtiriarot .11; DIRROT".BkILING 'PROM RAUH PORT 111VIART . . , Wednesday and Saturdays FROM PINE STREET WHARF,PHILAREMPHIA. AND LONG WHARF BOSTON. ~ i v -•- FgoauFtriLanstruts - ' Faust Bowrott: . ~,_'.' PIO A. itt:. 3P. M. , XON;Wedneeday,Feb. 2 ARlES,_.Wednaliday.Feb.2 ORMAN_ , Saturday," , 5 ROMAN, Saturday, •• a AMES, Wednesday " %SAXON, Wednesday," 9 ROMAN,Stitinday" 12INORMAN, Satnrdar," 31 SAXON, Wednesdn'y " 16 A ItlES,_ Wednesday, 44 ^1G NORM AN Saturday ," 4 191 ROMA N, Saturda2. " 19 111 ES. iiledneaday, , .‘ 23 FAX9Y,WesittftlaF , " 23 `ROMAN; Saturday, ". 26 Notim AN, Saturday 'e 26 These Steamships , sail Punctually. Freight %Waived everyday. Freight forwarded to all points in New England. For 'Freight or Passage (superior aocommOdattent) apply to HENRY WINSOR dt CO., 338 South Delaware avenue. nIpLA.PELPHIA AND 'SOUTHERN NAIL 'serEmnsnir oompAilY'S REG MAI! LINES /MOM QUEEN STREET WHARF, The JIip,A,TA will Ball for NEW ORLEANS, via patinae, Feb. —, at 8 A. M. 'r ho` ZOO will sail from NEW ORLEANS, via HAVANA. on --. ' The WYOMING will sail for SAVANNAH on Saturdar,lre w at o nek ThOTON/tWANDA will salt from SAVANNAH on Sahirdny, Feb. 6. :The PIONEER will sail for WILMINGTON, N. o.,tu Set order , . Yoh. 5, at 6 A. M. • Throw:llMM of lading signed, and 'mileage tickets sold to all points South and" West. HILLS of LADING SIGNED at QUEEN ST. WHARF, For freight or passago, apply to , .11 WILLIAM 1,. JAMES, General Agent, 130 South Third stroet. PaiLADELPHIA, ICHMOND AND " - ' NORPOLIC STEAMSHIP LTNE. THROUGH FREIGHT AIR LINE TO THE SOUTH AND WEST. EVERY SATURDAY, at Noon from FIRST WHARF _above MARKET Street. THROUGH RATES to all point s in North and South Carolina via Seaboard Air-Line ilroad, connecting at Portsmouth, and to Lynchburg, Va., Tennessee and the West via Virgil: and Tennessee Air-Line and Mc/1- =ond and,Pan ille Railroad. Fretght HA LED HOT ONCEAnd taken at LOWER RATES THAN ANY OTHER LINE. The reznlarity, safety and cheapness of this rout* cominend't to the public as the most desirable medium for carrying every description of freight. No charge for commission, drayage, or any expense for transfer. Steamship' !pure at lowest rates. Freightreedired DAILY. WILLIAM P. CLYDE & 00. No. IX South Wharves and Pier No. 1 North Wharves. .T. W, 4 P. PORTER, Agent atllichmond and City Point. "T.P.CROWII,L & CO., Agents at Norfolk r.F ki W EXPRESS LINE TO ALEXA.N dria Anil Delaware and Washington, D. 0., via Ches. Delaware Canal, with connections at Alex lin eOA from the most direct route for Lynchburg, Brb• tol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Southwest. Steamers leave regularly from the first wharf &boa "14arliet stre6t, every Saturday at noon. Freight rebelved daily. WK. P. CLYDE 8 00., No. I 2 South Wharves and Pier I North Wharves, HYDE Ai TYLER, Agents at Georgetown. LDDIDGE GO., A gen t s at Alexandria. Va - - - - - NOTICE -FOB NEW VATIC.7I7II.DEL aware and Raritan Canal—Swiftsure Transporta tion , Compauy.-Despatch and Swiftsure Lines. -- The AA:wines, by these Lines will be reenmod on and 'after the Bth of March. For Freight, which will be taken on accommodating terms, apply to WM. M. BAIBD & C0..132 South Wharves. -I\TOTICK,-SoR NEW YORK, VIA DEL. AWARE AND RARITAN CANAL. SWIFTSITRE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. DESPATCH AND SWIFTSURE LINES. Tlie buslnna of these line., will be reeumed on and after the 19fh - of Match. For freight, which will be taken o accommodating term a, apply to WM. BAIRD A CO., No. 132 South Wharret. VOTICE--THE BRIG "ANNIE BATGH .4.I' ELDER " from Portland, 31e., is now discharging atMead Alley Wharf. Consignees will please attend to the reception of their goods. WOBAAL&N a CO., Con signees. 123 Walnut or..t. de24.tf AIITIO N.--ALL PERSONS ARE AJ hereby cautioned against hartioring or trusting any of the crew,..of the British brig" Estelle," Delap Master, Mini Rotterdam. as no debts of their contract ing will be paid by Captain or Consignees. WORK h.lAbi ,t CO.. Consignees. deli tf I 4 THE SUPREME COURT FOR THE + STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, EASIERS DIS TRICT. ARD LYON et al. va. GEORGE W. ROBERTS. January Term,l67o, No. 9. Pluries Lee. Fa. The auditor appointed by the Cowl to distribute the fund arising by the Sheriff's sale tinder the above writ of all that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three story brick messuage or tenement thereon erected, situ ate on the southeast corner of Broad street and Oxford street, in the Twentieth Ward (say 20th Ward), of the Olty of Philadelphia ; containing in front or breadth on gold Brood street forty-eight feet. and extending in length or depth along the south side of Oxford street, keeping the same breadth, one hundred and forty-three feet, will attend to the duties of his appointment on WEDNESDAY, February 16111,160. at 4 o'clock. P. M., at hie office. N 0.717 Walnut street. in the City of Phila delphia, when and where all parties interested are re quired. to present their claims, or be debarred front coming tpt on said fund. fe4 lutti • ROBERT N. WILLSON, Auditor. ITHE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Eastern District of Pennsyl vania. in Bankruptcy. In the matter of JOHN B. A. A ALLEN and BALM W. P. ALLEN, late trading as JOHN B. A. ALLEN & SON, Bankrupts. At Phila delphia, in the'State of Pennsylvania.. February 7th, 1870, in obedience to an order made by said Court. January 20th, 1870, the undersigned hereby gives notice that a genei-al second meeting of the Creditors of the above named Bankrupts will be held on MONDAY. February 215t,1870, at 3 o'clock P. AI., at the office of WILLIAM McMICHAEL, Esq., Register in Bank ruptcy, No. OP Walnut street, in the City of Phila delphia. and State of Pennsylvania, for the purposes named In the 27th section of the Act of Congress, en titled." An Act to establish a uniform system of 'tank ruptcy throughput the Unita& States,'". apprnvod Viten 2, 1E67. VOGDES. Assignee, 12t South sixth Street. To the Creditors of the Bankrupts. fe7m2r TNTHE ORPHANS'S' COURT FOR the City and Cbunty of Philitilelphia.--Estate of PATRIC K. DEVIEf deed.--ThecAnditioriappointeil by the Court to audit: settle, and adjust the first account of P. BEASLEN. Executor of the last will and testa• meat of PAIEICK-DEVIR, deceased., and to-report the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purpose of his appointment, on TUESDAY, the 6th of February, 1870. at 4 o'clock P. M., at his office, r. 5 South Sixth street, in the city of Philadelphia. W. W. MONTGOMERY, ja2fit m wit Auditor. IN THE 'ORPHANS' COURT f'OR - THE City and County' of 'Philadelphia —Estate of JADES McANALL, deceased.—The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of ANNA IfoANALL, Admilnletratrix of the Estate of JAMES McANALL,deceased, and to report distribution .of the balance in the hands of the accountant will meet the parties interested, for the purpose of his appoint ment, oti TUESDAY ;February 15,1e70,M.1 o'clock - P. D., at his office, N 0.726 Walnut street, In the city of Philadelphia. ; le2 w f math JAS. DUVAL RODNEY, Auditor. STATE OF JOHN TAXIS, DECEASED. —Lettere Testamentary upon the above Estate hay 'ing been granted to the undersigned , all persons indebted ito said estate ore requested to make payment, and those having claims to present them to WILLIAM W. TA XIS. Itxtor, Self tn2t ' 1016 North Delaware avenue. T THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS I FOR THE CITY AND. COUNTY OF PIMA DELPHIA. ! Notice is hereby given that application has 'been made to the said Court for an Order on the Recorder of Deeds to enter satisfaction of record on an Indenture of Mortgage given by . JOHN HALL and ISABELLA his wife, to JOSEPH SWIFT MERCHANT, to secure the payment of the slim of one hundred and fifty pounds, lawful money of Pennsylvania, dated September 21, ;1776, and recorded at Philadelphia in Mortgage hook X, ' No. 20, page 96. &e., onprem toes situate in the late Die ; trict or Southwark, city of Philadelphia, containing in ;breadth on South (late Cedar) street sixty-six feet, and in length or depth-forty tour feet or thereabouts, be the came more or less. bounded on the east by other ground of the said John Hall. on the west by Third street, on ; the north by South street, aforesaid, and on the south . by ground of Alexander Alexander, which is averred to-have Imen long since paid off and discharged, and t said Indenture of 'Mortgage to have been lost mislaid, or destroyed, and that sahl mortgagor died without en tering satisfaction thereof of record, and praying fur a decree for entering such tatishittiofi • by the Recorder of Deeds. Whereupon the legal representatives of the ; deceased tnortgagor l Or any or 011 persons claiming on , der them.' are requcretb to appear in said Court the first ; MONDAY of March, A. D It7o, and answer said peti tion, otherwise the prayer thereof will be granted. PETRO. LYLE. Sheriff._ . G. C. PURVES. for Petitioner. fel to B§ TIPSTATE OF - .11.11114-GIVEN; DECEASED. JUJ Letters Testamentary upon the estate of JOHN GIVEN, deceased having been granted to the iodised , ber, all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those baying claims to present i them, without delay, to • , WILLIAM RUTHERFORD, Executor, , - ; faß'outh Seventh street, or to his Attorney, CLIFFORD P. MACCALLA, intr. e 6t§ , 103 &monk strettt, STATE QM" SANITF.4., 'JACKSON, M.D., dereased,—Letters Testamentary' upon the will of SAMUEL JACKSON. late of the (At) , . o f. Philo&Whim , formerly of Northumberland, 51.1)., deceased, haring been granted to the undersigned; hit persons indebted to hie estate are requested to make pannent, and those I having claims against the.sarne to present them to PRA NOIS A Side Executor. fey a 6t6 No. 1316 Pine street, Philadelphia. ' ESTATE,' OF I;ENVIS' WALTON, DE ceased.—Lettenktestamentary- having been granted to the undersigned,ull - Ipersons baying Claims against t the estate, are requested to present them, ' and those owing to make payment to JOHN WUNDERLICH - I. Executor. 1145 Minton street. or his' Attorney, , 714.0/11111 , 7 14191tAn, ,Ml 5 eat*, 41, 61Nalnut street. - - T_ETTERS OP - ADmrNISTRATION JLJ having been.granted folbe etibeeribet upon the Ea tateef HIRAI! J. PATTNRSON, decease:Lail persona indebted to the same will tnake Payment; and thoue having claims present them •tn •NIASTIIA PATTERSON. - - jal2-w6t* N. E. cor. Fifteenth and Market stro+o W 0 0 F OI3 NDt3 E. TE N Wool, worts!" va_ deed p, store and for sale by WOMAN. 8.11887, 3 CO., N 0.131 Chestnut etre* CONSIGNEES' NOTICES. CAATTION LEGAL NOTICES. rI , .1 i ' : PENN: YIN . : li , WAD. the, Lehigh ___THZ SHORT MILIF/LE 8.017wx ' to the, Lehigh w ' . rOming Valley, Northern Pennsylvania, Setithern bpd Interior New 'Fork. RegheateruLhiffalqi Niagara Tolls, the Great Liam and the Dominion of Padada.. eI “ WINTER_AttRitI6OEMENYB. , ' , :,' L TAR itB 13 If rideT November 228v1880,. ~, 'id DAILY TRAINS leave ' Paisikagell Dep ot,, = et ''' Berko and Americas - street( (13tindityp, (me h all follows: . - ^ • - - • ' V I 7.80,_,A. M. Accommodation for Fort Washi P. , Principal 'A. 'M.—Morning Expreas for Thlthle add Principal illations on main line . erf North Penns/ 61316 Railroad( eorinecting at Bethlehem with , Lehigh ley Railroad for Allontown, Mauch Chnnifrltatiadori Oil, Wilkesbarre, Pittn ton, Towanda and Waverly; conneo, Ong atWaverly with ERIE 'RAILWAY for Niggard Fella, Buffalo, Rochester, Cleveland, Chicago, UP Francisco, and all points in the Great Wout. ,„. I ~ . tle A, M.—Accommodation for Dayleedistrtii'm/3" 9 j; all intermediate Eitatione. Passeggers, fey W , I Grove, Ilitberp , and Liartaville, by this : 4%1E4146 e at Old York ROW.' • .. eida A. M. (Express) for • • Bethlehem, s Allentown, Mich Chunk, < White Raven, Wilkeebarref Pittetod, rAtrzi and Carbondale via Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad, and Allentown, Easton Bachatuto9ol, and rireitil o at g f a &IV; Vlir:liattri g _tidgliAliTiganf. At 10 . 45 A. Mr-Accommodation ' for wort Washington, stopping at intermediate Stations. ' 1.35; 6.29 and 8 P.M.--Accommodation VS Abington.. At) .46 P. M.—Lehigh Valley Exprean for Bethlehem, _ Ilairttln,' Allentown, Mauch Chunk, ni9Z182911, White Haven ,W ilkesbarre, Pittston, Bcranton,al26 wren:ling goal Regions. , , < ; ' _, , At 2.46 P . M. — Accommodotion for, Vorlestalwil. st O P" plug at al IlltATlll4.6fide fltatldllff: At 4.16 P. M.--Accemtnefictlon for)DorTesto . 79ls3:er. g at ail intermediate stations. ../ 'At ti.oor. M.—Through for Bethlehem, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Evening Train rot Easton. Allentown, Mauch Chimk. At 6.20 P. 31.-rAccotrudodation for Lansdale, stopping at all intermediate stations. . . . At 11.30 P. M.—Accommodation for Fort Woshingten. L . • TRAINS ARRIVE IN PRILADELP,I3IA. From )3_ethlehem at 9A. 31. 5 _ 0.14 4.40 and ;8.26 P.M.M OfOP. M., 4.40 P. M. and aa P.M. Trains make direct nection with Lehigh 'Valley or Lehigh and Swoon.- sane trains from Easton, ficranton,Wilkesbarre, Ma bikini, City and Ilazleton. from Doylestown at • 8.33A.M..,;4.30 P.lll.alni TX P.M From 'Lansdale at 7.30 A. M. plea Fort Washington 5t9.33 Siad 10.33 A. M; and 3.10 Pidiadelphfafor Eethlehein at 9.30 ' • • p hiladelphis for Doylestown at 2.00 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.001 k. la'. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4.00 P. 31. • • Fifth and Sixth Streets and Second and bird Streets Linea of City Passenger cars ran drectly to and limn the Depot .' Onion Line run within a short distance of the Depot. , Tickets must be procured at the Ticket Office, in order to secure the lowest rates of fare. ELL'S CLARK, Agent. Tickets sold and Baggage checked through to_princi pal points, at Mann's North Penn. Baggage Express office, No. 106 South Fifth street , • , - PENNSYLVA.NIA CENTRAL. RAIL ROAD.—After 8 P. M., SUNDAY, Novel:6l3er 14th., 1869. The trains of the Pennsylvania Central Railr oad leave the Depot,at Thirty-first and Market streets,whlch Is reached directly by the cars of the Market Street Pas senger Railway, the last car connecting with each train leaving Front and Market street thirty minutes before its departure. Those of the, Chestnut and Walnut Streets Railway rim within one equare of the Depot. • ElinepiDg Car Tickets can be had on application at the Ticket Office, Northwest corner of Sinth and Chestnut streets. and at the Depot. Agents of the Union Transfer Company will call for and deliverßaggage at the Depot. Orders lett at N 0.901 Cheidnut street,lro. 1111 Market street. Will receive at. tention TRAINS LEAVE DEPOT, VIZ.: Mail Train.— .at 8.00 A. M. • • • .... • .• • - . . Paoli AcCom. ...at /040 A.M., 1.10, and 'am P. M. Fast Line. ....... ....... .. .. .... ..... at 11.450 A. M. at 11.50 A. M. Harrisburg 2.39 P. M. Lancaster .Accom... ..... ... 4.10 P. M. Parkeburg ..... at 5.30 P. M. /Cincinnati Express. at 8.00 P.M. Erie Mail and Pittsburgh 9.45 P. M. 12.11 A M. Pacific' .--.--.. at 1280 night. Erie Mail leaves daily, except Sunday, running on 'Saturday night to Williamsport only. On Sunday ibiht Ipassengers will leav e Philadelphia. at 8 o'clock. ' Pacific Express leaves daily. Cincinnati Ex press daily, except Sattuday, All other train ! daily, except Sunday. , The Western AccommOdation Train runs daily, except ,Sunday. For this train tickets must be protured and baggage delivered by at 116 Marktreet TRAINS ARRIVE AT'DEPOT, V IE: Cincinnati ... . .... ..... 3.10 A. M. _Philadelphia Express--..........- ...... . ............ -at 620 A. M. 'Brie Mailat 6.30 A. M. +Paoli Accommodation at 835 - 1,.. M. and 3.40 & 6.25 P. M Parkeburg Train ..... ... ....st 930 A. Id . Fast at 930 A. M ;Lancaster Train. at 1285 P. M. tErie -------at 12.55 P.M. outhern Express at 7.00 P. M Lock Haven and Elmira .. . ... .at 7.00 P. M. i,Pacitic Express • - at 4.25 P.M. ...Harrisburg Accommodation.- ....at 9.50 P. M. For farther information, ap.li---- to . - • JOHN F. VANLEER,Ja., Ticket Agent,9olChestnnt guest. • FRANCIS FUNK, T icket Agent, 116 Market street. 13A31VEL 11. WALLACE, Ticket Agent at the Depot. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing apparel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Sollars in 'value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will he at the risk of the owner, unless taken b_y !whit con tract EDWARD H. WILLUMS, General Superintendent. Altoona. la. PPHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE NAILBOAD—TIMETABLE. Com mencing MONDAY, May Ifith, 1869. Trains will leave Depot. corner Broad and Washington avenue, as fol. lows: WAY MAIL TRAIN at 8.30 A. M. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore, stopping at all Regular Stations. Cdh netting with Delaware. Railroad at Wilmington for Crisfield and Intermediate Stations. EXPRESS TRAIN at 12.00 M. (Sundays exceptedl, for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilmington, Perryville and Havre de Grace. Connects at Wilming ton with train for New Castle. EXPRESS TRAIN at 4.00 P. M. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington stoppin t t o at Chester, Thurlow, Linwood Claymont, iilmus n, Newport, Stanton,. Newark, ' Elkton , NorthEas , Charlestown. Perryville Havre de Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman's; Edgewood; Magnolia, Chase's and Stemmer'a Bun. NIGHT EXPRESS at 11.30 P. M. (daily) for Baltimore and Washington,__stopping at Chester, Thurlow Lin wood, Claymont, Wilmington, Newark, Elkton, North H East, Perryville, avre de Grace, Perryman's and Nag. none. Passengers for Fortress Monroe and Norfolk will take the 12.00 M Train. WILMINGTON TRAINS.—Stopng at all Station between Philadelphia and Wilmington: Leave PHILADELPHIA at 11 A. M. 2.X1,11.00 and 7.00 P. M. The 0.00 P. M. train connects with Delaware Railroad for Herring. ton and intermediate stations. Leave WILMINGTON 6.30 and 8.10 A. 31.0.30,4.13 and roo P. M. The 8.10 A. M. train will not stop between Chester and Philadelhia. The 7.00 P. M. train from Wilmington runs daily ; allotherAccommodation Traltia Sunder; excepted. Trains leaving WILMINGTON at 6.30 A. M. and 4.13 P. M. will connect at Lamokin Junction with the 7.00 A.M. and 4.30 P. M. trains for Baltimore Central R. R. From BALTIMORE to PHILADELPIII,A._—Leares Baltimore 7.25 A . M., Way Mail. 9.35 A.ll.,Express, gae P. M. Express. 7.25 P. M.,_Ex_press. SUNDAY TRAIN FROM BALTIMORE.—Leaves BALTIMORE at 1.25 P. M. Stopping at Magnolia, Per rvman's, Aberdeern,_ll avre-de-Grace,Perryville,Charles town, North-East, Elkton Newark, Stanton, Newport, Wilmington Claymont, Linwood and Chester. Through tickets to all point West,South, and South west may be procured at the ticket office, aee Chestnut street, tinder Continental Hotel, where also - State Booms and „Berths in Sleeping Cara can lie secured during the day. Persons purchasing tickets at this office can have baggage checked at their residence by the Union Trans fer Colo:stir. I. F. KENNEY. Supt. PH ILA DE L PHIA L GEIIMANTOW24 AND 140111tISTOWN RAILROAD TIME TA. BLE.--.lrin and after Monday, Nov.l2d, 1159, and until farther notice: FOB GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6,7, 8, 9.05, 10, 11,11 A. M. 1, 5.15,1%41.05 . , 4`..Sa fai, 6,6,48,9.20, 10, 11, 12 P. M. Leave Germantown-6,6. 55 , 714 , 8, 8.20, 9,10, 10.50,12 A 351.1.2, 3, 3.30, 4%05 IN, 6,636, 7, ,8 9, 10, 11, P. M. The 8.20 down - train , and the 33,4 and ISM up trains, will not atop on the Germantown_Brauch.. ON SUNDAYS. 'Leave Philadelphia-9.15 A. M., 2, 1.05 minutes,7 and F 1( ,P. M. Leave Germantown-8.15 A. M.; 10, 6 and 9,6 P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RALROAD. Leave Philadelphia-6, 8,10, 12 A.M.; 2, 336, ax, 7, 920 and 11P.M. • - - - Leave Chestnut MUI- 7.lo lliirintes4, 9 au,, and 11. NA M.; 140,3.10, 9.40, 6.40, 8.40 and 10.40 P. M. UN SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9.15 minutes A.M.; _ and 7P. M. Leave eheStErnt liill-7.60 minutes A. M.;19.40,1.40 and 9.26 minutes P. M. • FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6.756, 9,11,05, A. M.; 136, 3,4, 434, 04,6.15,8.01 i, 10.05 and 11% P. Leave Norristovrn--5. 40 ,6. 25 , 7,7 M, 8.60,11 A. M.; 134, 8, 414,6.15,8 and 9% P. M. • Mir The 7% A.M. Trains from Norristown will not stop at Mogoe's , Potts' Landing, Domino or Schur's Lane. SchoolheTrain from Philadelphia will atop onl y at Lane,Maray unk and Cone hohockeu. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9 A. M.; 25;, 4 and 7.13 P. M. Leav_e Norristown -7 A: 31.; 1,5 X and 9P M. FOR ILIANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia-6, 7%, 9, 1110 A. M.; 134, 3,4, I% 6%,6.15,8.06,10. 06 and 1135 • Leave Idariaynnk,-.1.11,6..,7,,%,830,9.20,11.5i A.M.; Leave Philadelphia-9 A. M.; 234, 4 and 716 P. M. 3"l'6%'"and 10 StrNDAYS. Leave Mu/am:A-7X _A A. .;_lsi, 6 and 934 P. M. PLYMOUTH R. R. Leave Philadelphia, 734 A M., 4 34 P. M. Leave Plymoutli.A. A. M., 41,( P. M. 'W. S. WU...SON , General Superintendent, . Depot; Ninth and Green streets. PHILADELPHIA, AND ERIE RAIL. BOAD—WINTEB TIME TABLE. On , and after MONDAY, Nov. 16, 1869, the Trains on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad will run as follows from Pennsylvania itt u rottd Depot, Worst philedelphia : BTWATID. 11 . 111 Tf , ain laves Ph iladelphia 9 . 1 - t g o ,P A ' . l . Williamsport “ , t. arrives at Erie 8.20 P. N. . A . Erie Express leaves Philadelphia 11.40 A. M. ".• S. :_ SI , ' ' Wa1194:04Pr% .......o,', OA P. E. " " arrives at Erre. 10.00 A. U. Elmira Malt leaves Philadelphia. 7.68'A. M. " '.., 6, leaves, .1.. COO P. M, ~ 41 atTlyop at Lock Haven. 7.2 1 0 P. If, iiiIVIAT 8.40 A. M. LD. Mail Train leaves E r b'A " •t , Williort 9.25 P.M. " " arrives at Phi1addiPhia..,..'..i......... ... ...OM A. M. Exp r essi ?fl Y ea VATIZIIIiikar ."' 48 r 0 I . : 1' .. 1 salves at hiledelPhis 13 . 416 P. 1. lihnirs Idisil leaves Lock Mayon. 8.00 A. . " " " Williamsport....,- —... 9.46 A„,. . ... . '' s. artivfe id pbusdelphla:. ........,..:. 12 , 60 VI ( BOW Expreesleaves Willimossoork....... .. .. . l2 id A. . '' 1- Harr i l u shurt ...t r .,.... .. oso A. m _,•• 'l• arrives at 1 1 ade_pb '' - Wink. ni: Siamese east connects at Oorry mail east at Oorry and Irrineton. Nzprese wart at I:vitiator, with trains on' on °reek and Allegheny River Railroad. ALERED L. TYLLB, General Buyerintando ' O.-, ' .4 5 , f:'7A , 21;141 -- .IDIDE : L" TOAD:IN 0 / 14.5ito:Ax•::44.ititaT Onk 'LEM frotti l ,.Phil alphia to ihti,ititirior of Ise iti•ylvania, am' Set nylldll,' ismanaliminiwthitaber brW2onihnirVitlieTal the Northl NorthWeat,and he ittatidaa,WlETArrangl u tnt ofPassehger Trains, Dec,2oo - 39_,:lea glhelOom ,ns RePot,lhillettnth 'add 9,110,11111 • retiliphil alphitii 'at tba following Air/ bier& " it' - • • • . . 0 N • COM ODATION,-A1.7.31ii: lif fax Reading lib Wall internilediata , dtatintis, and Allentown. I....Bettinittt tort iterna: at 11.30 P. M., arriving in 21 r iftrE4 s, lrt *_B * .--iiBlO. l A '' M. for 'lleliding b kut'llarrlsbutiriPotteville, Ping Eir'ove,Tamantia; Hattlaiol tWilllainsport, Eittdra,..Rochester,l Niagara tvargip vi ok - k ar yi , PiltePotis • YOrk., Carlisle, W e A k n V e Yfr s jk,c 'lttad el .• ~ tr . n necta at Mg with thsgact Pearca Vanistllallro trains forAllentowneko.,and the 2.10- • • PPM, ()connects with the Lebanon yalioy train for ,orr nm; Ac.t at Port Clinton with Catawksa H. It. train* leer Win i amm oil, Lock Haien 1 EMI Ira, Ac.; at Ilarrisbnrvi t h Northern Central, Cumberland Val ley. and* ilk and duagnehaantr trains for North 'cllo"3/184,4?.- 1 41 4 9 n Ar t : t. , Xiat4: 041091Tballa,Pine. i Al. ERNOOR /O.XPIME.C.9.Leavea Philadelphia at 3.301. rill, forßett ing,Potteville, Harrisburg, Ae,, con nectitig With Bea hag, mid tiOlumbiaNailroad.traltt for Cotninbitri &a.% '"A ', '' i '- `. ' • ' •, ' • ' POTTSTOVaI .AOOOMMODATION.--Leaves Potte town n16.45A ,61. i .stopping at the intermediate stations; arrives in Plelladrlphla at9.10.11:.11. Returning loaves Philadelphia tit 4 P.ktiarriers in PottetOwn at 6.1 e P.M, , READING . AND. i POTTI3VILLE • A.OOO l / 1 610DA.- RION .-Leavea Potts:10118st 6,40 4.41., and Reading at 7,30 A. M. Stopping tit all way etationt; arrivie in Nitta delnhia ne10.20 A. kV, , • _ _. : '.• ~ ',,, '..... - Retanning, leates Philsdeltinia at- - 4.45 P:M4 , arrives In Reading at 7.40 P. M., and at Pottsville at. 9.30 P, Mt Trains for 'Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 3.10 A, 111 .41' and 'Pottsville at 9.00 A . ill :, arty itig in Philadelphia at 1.00 P. M. Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg at 2.05 s. hyvh ld rousviii9 . 4 .2.46 Pi , M.: arrkr,llaw 4 Phila. alp i a .45 P. , _ • Bartisbitrg AccommodatiOnlearvi 13,dralitig at 7.10 A. ..,6, ll intrubt,rg ht. 4.10,P, fd; Connecting at ,Read s.B wit Afternoon Accommodatkm_sonth at 11.35 P. IL, arriving In Philadelphia 49.25 P:21: ' • Market train', With a , Paerenger bat ittidhed_Jeaves Philadelphia at 12.30 noon for Pottsville ' and all , Way Eltatione; leaves Poll/wiliest 6.40 A, 21,,,, unnziocting at Reeding with accotirmodatfon train for Philadelphia and all Way . dtatiotts • • ' 1 • ' ...',ll t• , , - ~ A Ittizo abora_traina run dal7,l3nsdaya excepted.. . outday.tritups &calm Podi a ; at 8 4.M., Ina Phila. dell ia at 3.16 P. M.; leave h litdelp afor Reading at 8.00 A .'bf., returning from ng at 4.25. P. X. '', • CHESTER YILuEY RAILROAD.- Passengers for Downingtown an intortnedlatepolnts take the 7.33 A. M., M. 30 and 4.00 .M. trains from Philadelphia,return ingfirom Hoyt :Motown at 5.30 A. M., 12.45 And 5.15 P.M PE , REIOMEN RAILROAD.-Passengerslor Schwenk*, villa take 7.30 A.M., 12.30 and 4.00 P. 61. trains for Phila delphia, ' returnin from - dchwetikrville at 8.05 A. 31 , 1245 noon. O tage lines for various points iii Parilotnett Valle/ Connect with trains at Collegeville And Eichwenknville. COLEBBOOKDALE RAILROAD.--Paasengers for Mt. Pleasant and intermediate points take the 7.30 A. M. and 4.00 P. M. trains from Philadelphia; returning from Mt. Pleasant all 00 and 11.25 A.M. NEW YORK EXPRESS WOE PITTSBURGH AND THE WEST.-Leavos New York at 9.00 A. M. and-. 5.00 til „pasoing Beading at .1.43 . and 10.06 P. 2/.,41d connects at Illarrlabg with Pennsylvania and Northern Central Railroad m ExpreiaiTraina for Pole. burgh, Chicago, Willianisport, Elmira, Baltimore, &a. Returning, Exprees Train leaves flarnsburg on arrival of Penrutylvania.Express from ,Elitsburgh, at 5.35 A. M. and 12.20 noon, paasing_lleadirig at 7.20 A. M. and 200 , P. M., arriving at New York at 12.05n00n and 6.35 P. M. ' Sieeritia Care accompany these trains through between . Jersey City and Pittsburgh, without change. Mall train for New York leaves Harrisburg at 8.10 A. M. and 2.06 P. M. Mail train ftir llarrisburg leaves New York at 12 Noon. _ ' ' _ ,_ _SCILUYLKILL VALLEY BAIL d ROAD-Trains leave rottsvillo at63o and 11.20 A.M. an 650 P.M.. returning from Tamaqua at 0.55 A'. Id.. and 2.15 and 4.50 P. M. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQIIIIIIANNA RAILROAD -Trains leave Auburn at 8.65 A, M. and 3.20 P. M. for. Pinegrove and Harrisburg, abd at 12.10 noon for Pine , groVeTremont and Brookside; returning from liar : risbur'l. at 7.30 A. M., and 3.40 P II; from Brookside at 4 Se P. M. and from Tremont at 7.15 A.M.-and 5.05 P.M. • TICKETti.-Through first-class tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points in the North and West and Canada: _ Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to Beading and ;Intermediate Stations good for day only, are sold by Morning Accommodation, Market Train, Reading and 'Pottstown Ascammodation Trains at reduced rates. • . . . . Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia, good for day only are sold at Beading and Intermediate Stations by Read ing and Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced ; rs The folio - wing tickets are obtainable only_ at the Office of S. Bradford, Treasurer,lio..= ,Soutli Fourth street .Philadelphia, or of 0. A.- Incas, General uperinten dent,Beadliair.— Commutation'Tickets,at 2 5 per cent , dlscount.betw any points desired,' for families and firms. Mileage Tickets t good for 2,ooomiles, between all et eta 50 each for families and firms. Season Tickets, for three, six, nine or twelve month for holders only, to all points, at reduced rates. Clergymen residing on the line ot the road will be fuy nisheif with cards, entitling themselves and wives - tickets at half fare • Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to principal sta. Ilona' , good for Saturday, Sunday and Monday, at re duced fare, to be had only at the Ticket Office, at Thir teenth and Callowhill streets. ' FREIGHT.--leloods of all descriptions forwarded to all the above points from the Compapy's blew Freight Le pot, Bread and Willow streets. Freight Trains leave Philadelphia daily at 4.55 A. M., 1230 noon, 5.00 and 7.15 P. M.. for Beading, Lebanon, Harr/ahem, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all paints be yond. Mails closest the Philadelphia Post-office for all places on the road and its branches at 6 A. M., and for the prin cipal Stations only at BAGGAGE. Dungan's Express will colleet Eaggage for all trains leaving Philadelphia Depot. Orders can be left at No. 27.5 South Fourth erect, or at the Depot, Thirteenth'and Callow hill atreete. KOE • NEW YORK.—THE . OAMDEN AND AMBOY and PHILADELPHIA. AND ENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S L1N.148, from Philadelphia to Now York, and way places, from Wal• nut street wharf. Fare. At am A. M. via Camden and Amboy. Arcola.. 82 15 At BA. M. via Camden and Jersey City Ex. Mail, 900 At 2.00 P. M., v is. Camden and Amboy Express, pp At 8 P. M. for Amboy and intermediate stations At 6.80 and 9 A. M.,. and 2 P. 31., for Freehold At 2.00 P. 31. for Long Branch, and , Pointe on R. & „D. B. R. R. • At 8 and 10 A.M., 12 1d,2,9.30 and 4.30 P..M.,for Trenton. At 6.30,8 and 10 A.M., 32 31,,,230_,4.80,6, and 1130 P. M., • for Bordentown,Florenceßurlington,Boverly and De- lanco. At 630 and 10 A.M.,12 M. 320,430,67 and 1130 P.M. for Edgewater, Riverside, Riverton, Palmyra and II& Howe, d A.M. and P. M., for Riverton. The 1130 P. M. Lino leaves from foot of Market street by upper ferry. From Kensington Dbpot: At 7.90 A.M., 230, 3.30 and 5 P. M. for Trenton and Bristol. And at 10.45 A. M. and 6 P. M. for Bristol. At 7.90 A. M., 2.30 and 5 P. M. for Morrisville and Tully- towr.. At 7.30 and 10.45 A. M.,2.30, b and 6P. M. for Schenck's • and Eddington. At 7.30 and t 0.46 A. M.,2.30, 4, 5 and 6 P. N. for Corn wel Is, Torreedale,Holmesburg,Tacony,_Wiselnoming, Brideeburg and Frankford, and 8.30 P.M. for Holmes . burg and Intermediate Stations. • From West P hiladelphia Depot vut Connecting At 7. 9.30 . and 11 A. 311.741.4, 6.45; and 12 P. M. New York Express Line,v . ia Jersey City • 'o22s At 11.30 P. M. Emigrant• 2 00 At 7,93) and 11 A. 51 .1.20,4,6.45,and 12 P.M.for Trenton. At 7, 9.30 and 11 A. M. 4, 6.45 and 12 P. M., for Bristol. At 12 P.M :(N iglit/forMorrieville,Tullytown, Schenck's, Eddington,Cornwell,s • Torrealale, Holmestarg, cony t Wiesuloming, Brklesbnrg and Frankford. The9.3o A. 'M. and and 12 P. 21., Lines rim daily. All - --others, Sundays excepted— . For L i nes leaving Kenning. ton Depot, take the care on 'third or Fifth streets, at Chestnut; at half an hour be fore departure. The Cars of Market Street Railway run t.direct to Went PhiladelpldaDepot,Ch e stn ut and Walnut within one square. On Blinder', the Market Street Cart will run to connect with the 9.30. A. H., 6.45 and 12 P. M. lines BNIATIBEHE DELAWARE' BAMBOAD LINES from Kensington Depot. _ • • At 7.30 A. Al., for Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Elmira Ithaca, Owego_, Rochester, Binghampton, Oswego', Byracuse, Great Bend, Montrose, Wilkesharre, Scranton, Bttondeburg, • Water Gap, Schooley's Moun tain. &c. • At 7.30 A. Wand 3.30 3'.M.for Belvidere,Emiton, Lam bertville Flemington, &c, The 3.30 T. M. Line con-. meets direct with the train' leaving Easton for Mauch 'Cirtittlt--Allentown, Bethlehem, &c. :At H A. H. from West 'Philadelphia Depot, and 5 P. M. from Kennington Depot,for Lambertville and interme diate Stations. CANDEN'AND BURLINGTON CO,, AND PEMBER TON. AND HIGH TSTO WN RAILROADS, from Ale r, ket s treet Ferry (Upper Side.) At 7 and 10 A. M 2.15,3.30, 5 & 6.30 P.M.,and on Thurs day and Saturday nights at 11.30 I'. Al for Merchants . ville,Moorestown, Hartford. Alusonville, Hainsport and Mount Holly. At 7 A. Al., 2.15 and 6.30 P. M. for lambeiton and Med- ford. At 7 and 10 A M., 1, 3-30 &b P. M., for Enithville, Nwaneville.Vincentowv,Birmingharn and Pemberton. At 10 A. M. for Lewistown, Wrightstown, Cookstown, New Egypt and Hornerstown. At 7A. M.ll and 3.30 P. M. for Lewistown, . \Frights town, Cdokstown, New Egypt, Honierstown, Cream Ridge, Itnlaystown.Sharon,and ightstown. Fifty pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as b a n; gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit the r •responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pyind, and will not be Sable for any amount beyond e Nigh ex cept by special contract. Tickets sold and Baggage checked direct through to Boston, Worcester, Springfield, Hartford, New Haven Providence, Newport, Albany, Troy, Saratoga, Utica, Rome, Syracuse Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Nana and Suspension Brid g e. An additional Ticket Office is located at No. 828 Chest nut street, where tickets to New York, and all Impor tant points North and East, may be procured. Persons purchasing Tickets et thin Oflice, can bave their b ag gage ch_poked from residences! or hotel to destination,by 'Union Transfer Baggage Ex_press. Lines from New York for Philadelphia will leave from foot of Cortland street at 1,00 and 400 P. M.; via Jersey City and Cadtdeo, At 8.30 and 10 A.)1,1240.3,6 and P.M. and , at 12 Night, vitt Jersey City and West Phila delphia. From Pier No.l, N. River, at 630 A, M. Accomdtoda tion and 2 P. M. Express via Amboy and Camden. Megt22.1860. H. GATEMEN, ,Agent. , IDE'ILADELXI4...ttk , , lan) BM/y.01011.E CENTRAL , RAILBOAD COMPANY. , IN TER • ARRANGE MENT, On and after MONDAY', Movt Ast., 1860,, TrainAslill leave as follows. , stopping at all otatione phia, Baltimore Central and Chester Creek' Railroads: LedveTIIILADELPHIA'for PORT DEPOSIT from Depot of Philadelphia, Wilmington and _Baltimore Railroad and ; W Company, corner , Broad anaahtagton aVenne; at 7.00 A. M. and 4,30-P. m. A Freight •Train, , withPPassen ger oar attached,will • leapn Philadelphia for_Oxford at 2 20 P. M. Leave DJI_LADELrIit6. tor till Stations on =ming ," tun antiEstuldne RrilretultvateMP. , ll.l.' , Leave 'PORT •DIOPOEIIIT foe PIIILADPJAPE II 4% at A./44k and SaturdayOn th e 2.23 trai n will leave at 4.80 Passengers i& alloviati to take wearing apparel only as baggage, and the Company will not he responsible special monnt exceeding ono hundred dollars, nniesa contract hi mule for the owns, %Immo WOOD, General Sitperinteedent. TRAVELERS' 0 MDR N EBT CHESTER- AND , .PHIGADEL. 7/AILBOAD,v-Winter , Aryanent —ths ten after 'MONDAY; Oct. 4 UM' Tllkintwillloete a. follows: I. *t e., ,Leays philadolphlifront New Di t tio_t, Topso_ll4 and 'Mbestant totreetti,, 13 A. IN., IEOO . P . t M,44,40 M ALM Patl.; , llAo m e - , tsi Leave West Chester, from Depot, on 911101k141/14; street, 6.26 A, M„8.00 A. IC, 1.45 4. 8i.,10.411.0g0.,1.00 A 1,440 625 Pat; Trainileaying Wept. Metter at BM A. 416 ,, mi e lAg 11. O. itiuotien, Lentil, Glen Biddle and KW** Philatlelelat at '4.40 ' M. will stop , ' at ; " , P,lthijir,, Mini, and; 11. JUnction. Passer to or from sta one betwpen•West Chaster and B. O. JanotiOn gcring Esitt;*lll takci train leaving Went, Chester 1it1.411 A. it ;, and car7kill be attached tO xtiresa Train S I B. C. Junction .• and going West, Passengere for Lfita above D. C. Jnoction take train leaving ' Phil el riTa at 4.40 r. and will change cars at B. O. Juno n. The Depot in Philtleiphlit reached directly - by the Chestnnt and Waln t street cars. Those of the, Market - street line run within ones ' are. Thecars of With lines connect with each train upon Its arrival. • ON SUNDAYS —Leave Philade l phia , for ; weld Cheater dt 830 A.N.and 2.001 0 . M.; • Leave West Chester tor Philadelphia at 7.0 Ackt. and . 4.QO_P. M. ,XleW Passengers are allowed to take Wearing Apparel only, asllaggage, and the Company will not ih any case be responsible for an amount exceeding one handred4ol - unless a special contract be made for the dame: WILLIAM C. WHEiarNE. .Oenoral Superintendent. ;CAMDEN AND , ATDANTIO VV ROAD.—CHANGH—OP HO 118 , -WINTI6II As JtAIIGYMENT. On and after MONDAY. Hay.ll 1869, trains will _leave Vine street ferry as follows viz Mail and Freight. ' M. -AtlanticAecommodation...' '.... ..1-11:115 P. M. Junction Accommodation to Atco and inter, .niNdate stations ..... 5.3 0 T um; ilia, frANYTlLiiirfro. " Nail and P. M. Atlantic Accommodation: . 6.06 A. M. Junction Accommodation for Atco 6119 A. M. Haddonfield Accommodation trains leave Vine Street Perry r .— 10.16 A. M. and 9.00P.M. Haddonfield.- r,_lV. a CITY P. M. EXTRA'TKAIN FOR ATLANTIC SATURDAYS ONLY). On and after February bth, an extra train will run RYER) , SATURDAY, in advance of the Mail Train: Leaving Philadelphia A. IL Leave Atlanticrar.--. . .. .. P. M. Allowing Orions niarty v . vt laitita . o . n , the beach. , . DAVID B. MD.RDY.Agent. 10VE:ST.TERBEY RAILAVADS y • • PALL AND WINTER ABRANGEMENT. • • COMMENCING TUESDAY,BEPT. 2lst, 1 365. "Aare Philatielphish. Foot of Market Street (Upper Ferri) at • 835 A. Yl'.4 Mall( (es Bridgeton', Salmi; Millville,Yine land, Bwedesboro and all intermediate stations. . M... Mail, for Cape May, 811Uville f Vineland and way stat ions below Glassboro. , 350 P. M., Passenger, for 'Bridgeton, fhilern, Swedes bore. and all intermediate stations. • 6 tsi P. M.. N4odb4 l ltifilamboro and OlaYton accom modation. E?ETBA• TEAM FOE 'CAPE MAY q (Saturdays ortlY.r ' ' Leave Philadelphia, 8.15 A. , . 'Leer e Cape May,.1.10 P. M. Freight train for an. stqtions leaves etillldett , daily, at 12.00 o'clock, noon. t • Freight received in Philadelphia at 'second armored wharf below Walnut street. • Freight delivered at No. WS B:Delaware 1111/4illle. Commutation Doke te, at reduced rates, between Phila. delphla and all stations. WILLIAM J. lIICWNLL. Saierintatiaiitt., rABT . FREIGHT. LINE,_ VIA. NORTH PENNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD, to Wilkesbarre, ahanoY City, Mount Carmel Oentralia, and all point" on Lehigh Valley Ralroad and its branches. By new arrangements, perfected this day, this road enabled to give increased despatch to merchmadise con signed to toe above-named points. Deeds delivered at the Through Freight newt, B. R. cot. Front and Noble streets, Refpf.e.s will reach Wilkesbarre,MounbOarmel, Ilananor thq, and the other stations Mahanoy and Wyoming mulerrabefore Ajti., the succeeding day. MLLIS CLAIM, Anent.' MERACAL ,Ayer's Hair Vigor, For the Renovation of the Raki, The Groat Desideratum of, the Age. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual, for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color and the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is :thick ened, falling hair _checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands 'atrophied and decayed. But BUCh as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedl 7 went, it will keep it clean and vigorous: Its occasional use will - prevent the hair',, from turning gray or falling off", and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances *hi& naake some preparations dangerous and. injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wonted merely for a HAIR. DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil hor dye, it doeti not soil white cambric, and yet lasts longer on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared Eby Dr. J. C. Ayer & Cool PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CECEJLIMI iLOWE.LL, .3LitBS. PRIGS 11/AlOl, • sold bp all Draggiata overylitnere. At wholesale by J. MAILIS & CO., Philadelphia, trilatn tha *ow ty OPA L • DENTAILLINA. = A SIIPERIOB artiele for cleaning the Teeth,destroying animalcrala which infest them, giving tone to the rams, and leaving a feeling of fragrance and , perfect cleanliness In the month. It may be need daily, and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gums, while the aroma and detersivenese will - recommend it to every one. Be ing composed with the tusaletance of the Dentist, Phyla ciane and Microscopist, It is confidently offered Be a reliable enbstitnte for the uncertain washes formerly in T°gue. Emineut Dentistet acqualnted with the constituents of 00 Dentallina, advocate its rale; it contains nothing to prevent its unrestrained employment. Made only by • • JAMBS T MUNN, Apothecary, Bread and Spruce enacts: ally, and D. L. Steakhouse, Bottert O. Davie, Geo. C,Bower, Chas. Slavers, S. M. MoColin. H. O. Bunting Chasi 11, Eberle,' James IT. narks, E. Bringhurst g 00.• Dyott Co., Hansleiciils:lJ•ro''"- for bale by Draggled gene Fred. 'Browne, Baseard I Co., C. R. B.eeny, Isaac Ray, C. It. Needles, T. J..Busband, Ambrose Smith, • Edward Parrish, Wra4 B. Webb, James L. Bispham, llnghes A Combe, , , Barmy A. Bower. mAcillfito.lt. utorr, au. EBRICK &sOHB , , ILL BOUTIINVARE FOUNDRY Wu WABGINGTON Avenne4hiladolphis, MANUFACTURE STEA ENGINES-Hig h and Low PressareiNfir Melt M'; tar, Vertical, Beata, Oscillating,' Mast ant •Golub* ?running. • ' • BOlLERS—Cylinder, Flue, Tubular i dko' • • • STEAM RAMMERS—Naamyth and Thivy strlesr„ and 01 all sizes. OA ST INGS--Lorun, Pry and Green Said, Bri14141; ROUFS—Iron Frames, for covering with Slate or lb:di.. TANKS—Of Oast or Wrought Iron, or reftneries,water, G GSMACIIINERF—Sich Ilettirte,..Sench Outings. Molders and Frames;, Purifiers, Coke and Charocal Barrowe , , Valves., Governorsi *el • • SUGAR MACHlNERY—raticl ie lta Vacuum Paul and Pumps., Defecators: Bang lack Filters, BUMOVIit Waahers and Elortetras Bag liters, Sugar and BOW Sole manutecturtrts of the following apezialtleti; In Philadels_hia autt vicinits,of Wrigbt's Variable Stearn Etigilio. Iu tho United Stated, of Weatta's Pitout fielt-aiirear- Ity and Salt balancing Centrifugal Sugar-drairiang G) 14 tli 'll t 1 Paw Is ass 4an nrovernen on sp nwa op ey'llir Centrifugal, - • ' Dartol'e Patent-Wrouglit , irce /Uteri , i 44 1, Straban'n Drill Grinding Bret. cevqtre.Oore tor the dosign, *3 rA.V . tiOn nes attic," ales Bo itherierifor work ins SOVIAV OV MOIOVa* , Cot,PAIt ' Y ' AND PILL (017 a EfA.fit lintatitine, lin.K.ter'n copper Ntil BoltrAimi I'oB4 Corner, contitamjv mud for rash , . by USN ril WINEI I I/ et 00.. Nu. 3:13 South Vlharrthr.