Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, February 07, 1870, Image 1

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    ~ : .t:, ! ..,•(.1.,..) .i:;:-:-:.,,,,:,-'..i,i..i.;::_,
v r for Parties, &c. New ptylen. .1 11 140 N 00 . , 90/. NOTIOE—AT A MEETING OH' THE
Chestnut street: - de3ofrow
Stockholders of MeI:HICK MOUNT 4,1 N 00AL
"ty Ifibbasi IN VITATIONB EN-1 0031 PA NY, held at their otkir, No. DO 'iNatnut ^street,
cstspred in tho newest and best manner. LOUIS on Fobrtn l . 7 .Y.
D Stationer and Engraver. fiD2 Ohostnat , - rt.& ff sittotorm.
Streit. tf i WILLIAM P. JENKS, • .
AVILLIAM MOSBY 2 . 130110:.
BOCS B. I§lc.FA RCA Nll.
BENJAMIti• T. T•11,110(11t, .
Ware ' duty ClottedDfrectore to 'Serve eanninit
At a meeting or thoroard hid mi . ' thi.Sth inntant,
NATHAN HILLIL A was eleeted Prreident, and THOS.
H. TLIOTTELI appointed Secretary and Treasurer.
PulLinal44lia, February 7. 070. ; lt"
- • PHILAIMPIirk, reb divid e ndlST).
The Direetore havo this day declared a:0(81x
Per Cent., or twelve dollars per mlotre, clear of United
'tales and State Taxes, payablo to Stockholders or their
legal repfebentatives on &nom&
fe7-ling J. H . 11OLLINETHICAD.
MAUI Out., James Canley. lu the 211
yen r of his
Friend* of the family aro respectfully invited to at
tend the funeral, from his late residence, No. 812 South
Ninth etreeti - thls (Monday,/ aftProoon. at 2 o'clock. it
111A01-00 Itirst•day morning, the Stb luatant ;Ann
pony, in the P,St rear of her two,
The relatives and friends of tho family are invited to
attend the funeral, from her late residence, No. 5160
Main street, Germantown, on Sixth-day afternoon, the
llth law., at 2 o'clock. es-•
this rooming of the edh inst„ Bailie 0.,
wife of John M. klevipquat dAuFhtqr of the late Dr.
Isaac It. Munn....:.• -
The relatives and friends oldie family are respectfully
invited In attend the funeral, from the residence of her
husband. No, 610 Marshall street. eu Tuesday morning,
at, 10 o'4o.'lamlo4 at Laurel [;dewYork
_Wane cepv•)
MONTOOMERY.—The male relatives and friends o f
the latoollardnian Philips Mentt omerv. and those of the
fattikly s 'ere , particularly in vlted.i without .further no
VW , . to attend his funeral. at _St. rot er'ealtai tclt, corner
of Pine and Third streets, b.-morrow t Tuesdayl. at half-
I v 0., titre. o'clock I'. M.. penrieuitm.
31VBILA Ir.-011 the 6th iq . ry. J.ouisa IZuhiit, daughter
ni t tirtßlV.ll hartea. L 'and LOW L. timut r Ay, aired
The relative. , and frlenik of the family are renmetfol I y
Itiritrd to attend the funeral, from the residence of the
pareeln, No 2 , , Nlyieenth street, Qll Tuesday, the
rith t., at 2 o'clork P. M. * •
Nl)jjtjltfrfq , .-11/ Crorsvoicks, N. J., on the stla Inst.,
Isabel Burnt, Norcross, in the stb year of her age.
The relattycs entl,triende of the family are respectfully
invited ttetittrosithe funeral, tient tko rreltlrner of her
grandfather. J. P. Bunt ins, Clrotswicks. N.J., onilTues
day nest, the Bth inst., at tl o'clock A. M. Interment at
Trenton. N. J.
ut Elf'lnfante,. Ps..i on
Thfirsday. Yob. 3, Evan Hugh and Jennie Kenney, Only
children of Howl and Hattie Vallentins. it
_ M itt LANDEL AND FiA/0311
OUT Weed,patade Clotitlingis as ,fise
ordinary erotism Work.
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"Jolene you /save inspected lilyosi wHI
hardly believe oar Readyarade Cloth.
Ira eau bean line as It IM.
up ACADEMY OF 311.151 C.
bial,Ject—tiocial Life u America.
U4•T E CLIA D- D.. it - bruArs
Subject—The Doll a Honor.
' ORO. WM. CUILTIS.'. ll'brunts , 24.
utqett—Our National
Prof- .1101a0N, February 20.
Subject—Solt Nellyne, ,
IIAY A RD TATl.:kielltreit 3.
Subject—Reform and Art.
Jolll`i G. :... 4 AX1.7.. March 21.
Subject—l - rebel' Folio. at Home.
Prot. 11013k:ItT E. ROGE,RS, March 21.
Subject--Clictuicat Vorera In Nature and the Arta.
. .
19?" Athittrisfen to each Lecture, .50 cent e. 'Reeervett
Seats. 7.5 Gent,.
Tickets to any of the Lect nreii r r sate at i'S'a aid . 4 Piano
Roman. 923 Chestnut street . from Si A. 11. to 5
Doom open all. Lecture at E. fel- tf
• Dy the Pupils Of Lewitt's Gymnasium,
9ri_WEPONSPAYZVE,NING, February_9•lso
' A choioo-Programmo of Exerciso4 by Pupils of both
sexost ootistoting of Heavy wall bightGymAwilles, Spar.
sing, Acrottittic }`'ointt and Ortilteh. mat Mhsfo.
Iteeerved Beats; tAI c.ints. Can be secured :it Ninth and
Arch streetag W. U. Bawl' & 1102 Cheat/int street,
and at the Academy. 1.11-mid alit LOClltit etreet , :, on the'
/lay and evening of Exhibition.
re/ :Itrfi •
COAL COMPANY, Boom No. 12, Pomp Building,
C.l) Walnut street.
. PKrL.A.I4ILPIIIA . Feb. 5,183.
At the nue ual meeting of the stockholders of the above
Onapauy, held on the :nth day el' Jeuuary, ISW the fol
lawillg unwed stockholders were duly elected Dlreetore
to Nerve. the Ira lug year:
W. W. NEE . 4.1 t. C. E. SPANGLER,
Atui at a meeting of the Directors, held January 24th,
11.50,DAFIT KNIGHT was unanimously re-olected
Prositieut, and J. FRANK KNIGHT, Secrotary anti
Treasurer. • it'
PHILADELPHIA, Jan, 0,1370.
The holders of the new scrip in the above Compan lee
aro hereby notilled that the time for paying the last in
stallment will expire February 10, 18/0. At, any time
before that date it may be paid by those holding the re
celpta of RICHARD S. TROWBRIDGE, Cashier, or F.
: "CONOVER, Transfer Agent,to Mr. TROWBRIDGE;
at his of ice. who is authorized t. receipt for the name
on the back rf the receipt for first installment.
Oplo-tfe9rp RICHARD STOCKTON. Treasurer.
Ritrtairon,Ploa, January 25. 1870.
ing of Ow Stockholders of this 'Company will bts field on
TUESDAY, the 15th - day of xr etulary,lB7o at 'lo'o'clork
A. M.‘..atithei. Hall of thee Assembly Bui ldings, -S. W.
corner of Tenth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia.
The annual election for Directors will be held. on
MONDAY, the 7th clay of 'March, 1870, at the iORIC-03' of
the Compapri No. 238 South Third street.
• a JOSEPH Ixii4 - r i
jliptter arns. Simrotary..
110%, UNIVERSITY OF P - - R . ' ---- NR ,SY L:
—Prefesaor J. H. li T cILVAINE, D. 1) , will delive C r a
tit the llaf of thollniversity, Ninth a treot,near Market.
The introductory Lecture will he given on WEDNES
DAY Evioutia, February 8,187 Q, at 8 o'clobk, and the
remaining leetores qn the NVednasduy eVeniug of each
week thereafter. ' fes Ora§
- -
The Philadelphia Diiipensary have opened au " Eye
und .Ear Department " No. 315. Saulli Seventh
id rent (between Spruce and Pine), whet() digoases a the
yo and Ear are treated daily at 12 o'clock. '
ati (NN
Dr, diciiiidditirlikifiiiilDGE, >
' 7 N 1' WEIGHT
• , Dr, Jon N. AIA.N.
' • ' ' WM. P. GRINFITTS, Prekiient.
fal 6trp'' ' THOMAS WISTAR, M.D., Si-a'r , .
Stated annual meeting of Philadelphia Board of
Trade for choice of officers and member,' 'of I. Coun
cil and for other Waimea, THIS EVENING, Monday,
Feb. 7th, at a o'clock.
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Ovum Hies In Schuylkill Couuty.
Mi.. official report of the numb e r of persons
!:illed in the collieries in Schuylkill county,
troth May ixt to December 31st, 1b69, was 57,
which is one for about 67;800 tons of coal
ruined ~. and 91 persons were injured, which
is ono iflr about every 42,400 tons mined during
period,. Taking the whole year in the
that ,
same proportion, it would give 72 persons
. killed during the year, and 115 Injured. No
official report has been.kept of the number of
t iia injured that afterwards died, but as far as
we received answers to fineries which we ad
dressed to Opi:rators, about one-sixth of the
injured penults have died, which would give
the number ofdeaths caused by. casualties in
mines in SchuYildll county, in 1869, at 91,
learitig tiii injured that survived, in the . pro :
duct of alsiut 4,883;000 tons . . The causa of
deaths and Castitdties were'assfollews:
Persons killed ' 57iMainied and ' "in-
Falls of coal 22 jured
Falls of rock ' 2jFallsiecOal. • .
Falls in slopes and Falls of rocks
shafts.. ... ..... ..,.. 10Falling in fells
Caught in screens. Falling in slopes, and
and belts 3 shafts.
Explosions of gns... 4,Explosion ofgas.. -.36
ExploidonS of pow- • I:Explosion' Of rpoiv
der... '!, der. 9
Crushed by cars.... ; 11(ing crll.4bed K
By ands} canseil:.— 11;Sundry causes— i• • 9
Leaving 30' widows and 1:12 ofphans:
TheSe (Alicia statisties shim - that there were
but.fonr deaths, and thirty-six injured by ex
plosions of foul ga4 in the call in Schuyl
kill county from May 1 to December 31, a
period of eight months, while the deaths from
other causes were fifty-three, and the casual
ties fifty-five from other causes. These are
important figures in the framing of a bill for
the in'otection of the lives of the miners in our
collieries.--Yetterille Miner's Journal:
tit im
;4 2
A d
: 1
.2% Z
t 2
1 ' The Chester Republican reportS the follow
ing :—An aggravated ease of bigamy recently
occurred in this city, in which two brothers
—Daniel and Edward Agnew-s-both married
men, with families, living in Philadlphia,
married two girls—Rosanna and . I ritiget
Dougherty—daughters of James and arneY
Dougherty, aged eighteen, residing in - orth
Ward. The Agnews were in the eru
• of a.
picture and looking-glass dealer in h ladel
'phia, and brought their wares to this' Mty for
sale, returning to their homes at night. in
their peregrinations in that locality they
became acquainted with the ' Dough
erty girls, to whom they repreSented
themSetm;., as _ single
and finally
the girls often, and finally _.obtained
permission of their parents to take them out
carriage-riding. Affairs continued in this way
for some time ; when the rascals professed
love to - the girls, and married them/ atiout
Christmas. The Marriage was kept a secret,
and about the middle of last month he girls
left their homes one evening, and have not
open beard of since. Their disappearance led
the parents to investigate the matter,
found the wives of the Agnews n Phila
delphia--ono with two children; the 'youngest
a little over a year old, in destitute circuit"-
stances ' and the other with one child-both
supposing. their husbands were in this place
selling pictures. Nothing has been heard of
the Agnews or their second wives since they
left here.
The New York 17entIcl save:
We publish to-day au article from the/Phil
adelphia Morning Post upon the subject/of the
formation of a new press association: The
ideas expressed are sound. The old Associated
Press organization, as it now stands, is hardly
up to the progress of the age as evinced in
modern journalism. The ideas of a quarter of
a century ago cannot be applied at this day to
enterprises that have made such- wonderful
strides in advance as are to be observed in the
mode of managing and conducting newspapers.
We anticipate much good from the new press
association, even if it does nothing more than
to incite the old association to renewed efforts
in carrying out the objects for which it was
originally instituted. Competition is the life
of trade in the neWspaper as well as in all
other kinds of business, and when the PresS
Association shall discard some of its exchtsive
features, practice more economy and infuse a
little fresher energy into its operations, the
better will it be for newspaper proprietors and
the public generally. We hope the new aSSO
elation will be allowed a fair trial ; for in the
success of the experiment the people at large
have a special interest. •
- .
—A Missouri river captain has gone into the
ice business. He built 'himself a cabin on a
raft of ice ahout half An acre in extent, anti
steered It safely down the Mississippi to St.
—A little reconstructed Southern girl , live
years old, asked a colored servant, in the
course of a theological examination, what the
loth Conunandment was. l'he reply that there
*ere only 10 commandments was' scornfully
recelvcd,and the child gravelximnommed that
the 18th commandment was that the colored
people, should vote. • ,
almt r• Drown ',freer, will he given on THURSDAY
EVEN/NO, February JO, 187 . 0, MP; ,the
ph arch.
. MR. W. DEMON NIB Midst
Proteede for the root.
licketn, AO cents.
. At J . E. M'/NNEII'S MnaLc Store.
fe7.3try Eight h, below Green street.
w r y
U. the capital atock pf the Tulean Oil and Mining
Company a ill be returned to the stockholders on WED
NESDAY, February 2th, ou presentation of thelr certi
flcatea ot Room No. 23, Philadelphia 'Exchange.
fel 31; GEO. H. COLK ET. Secretary.'
for the Ex areas Steamboat Company will be held
at their oMce on TUESDAY, February th, - /320, at io
in . • 1109 GIRAR.D 8111.BEf.
Drpartmeuts for Lsdles. /fathe 01X11 from 6 A. M. to 9 P. M.
- -- -
*l4 1620 Lombard street Dfspensary Department.
Witt-6 treatment and medieine(a rulatiod gratuitous',
Tao 'Aggravated Cases at Chester.
A Step in the Right Direction.
Troppmann's Conduct, In his Last Mon
Shocking Seethes at the Guillotine
The Trial •f Prince Pierre elsellverte--
' The Clay heascon...M.olllvier's First OM
liteeeptioli;.-The Minister's Toning
Wife, and her Tellette. •
rVorremouden t cept the Petta.Evening Bulletin .1
YAMS; Friday; Jan. 21;:1870.,—The subjects
iffhieb the publid mind had preSented to it
of late are not, it must be confessed, of the
most agreeable character. On the ono side
we have been awaiting the execution` of the
most daring and wholesale murderer of
modern times; and on the other, the trial for
homipide at least, if not for assaSsinaticm ? of
a Prince; and.. cousin of the Emperor.• - Such
things seem to infect the morality of the very '
air we breathe, and to impregnate, as it were,
the atmosphere itself with crimp. One of these
thrilling; but unwhOlesome ensode.s' arising
out of the dark side of the web of human na
ture has just been consummated. Troppmann
died the slay before. yesterday;-died as he
had lived, furiously, like a wild beast, dream
ing of blood and :destruction to the very last,
I and meditating new murders to emancipate
himself from the laws of death, just as he had
bef?re committed murders to escape from
poverty and give himself the means of in
dulging his vicious propensities. And he ex
hibite.d in his latest machinations the same
stupid unintelligence which marked hiswhole
previous career of crime. Fancy a
man in his position writing to the
apothecary of the prison, the very day before
his execution, offering him a bribe to supply
him with chloroform and prussic acid ! Such
a bribe, too—a thousand ,francs !--as though,
even as regards the amount, he could. expect
to purchase such an act for such a sum. A.nd
then, the very same day, with stupid confi
dence, and a cold-blooded Indifference to
taking yet more human lives , which makes
one shudder, he writes to tell his brother that
he has found the means to evade the disgrace
of a public execution ; and that, not by killing
himself, as one would expect to hear, but
by destroying his two watchers, and then
escaping. disguised in the clothes of one of
them. There is a bloodthirsty insolence
about such a plan which makes one's flesh
creep with indignation at the bare possibility
of its success. I shall not dwell upon the de
tails of the last hours of such a monster.
Those present tell us that he looked the mur
derous hypocrite that he was to the last, and
persisted in his obstinate denial of being the
chief and only perpetrator of the dreadful
deeds for which he was summoned to die.
There is something highly-characteristic in
his manner of thus "-persisting." He did it
as though he felt a sort of diabolical relief and
satisfaetion in being able in some degree to
wound and give pain to his fellow creatures
up to his very latest utterance. He seemed
to know that an avowal is always satisfactory
to those who have been , engaged in the ar
rest and execution of a criminal condemned
to death, and this satisfaction he had a plea
sure in refusing. " Say I persist in my de
lie said to the priest, at the bottom of
the fatal ladder which led to the scaffold.
And then again, as he surmounted the last
step, he turned round and shouted almost de
monically : " Tell them I persist!" And_ all
this was' - done, not with - an air - as though he
wished to carry conviction, but only te
provoke and annoy and give pain. The finale
seems to have been a elisicking scene.
Either from the savage instincts of his nature ;
or more probably because he thought to Check
the death agony by lashing himself into fury
—he gave way to, a paroxysm of rage at' the
last moment. a hen already bound upon the
fatal plank. He struggled fiercely with all the
terrible strength which he had so fearfully
shown himself to possess ; continuing to
draw up his knees, though strapPed down
upon the board, and then dashed both head
and shoulders through the orifice where hi.s
neck was to be pinned down. •He had to •be
thrust back by mutt force ; and in the
struggle, by a . sudden bend - Of - hiss-head
he contrived, to seize and bite severely
with his teeth the thumb of the executioner.
H orrible, horrible, most horrible! is all that
can be said of such a life and such an end;
and perhaps when the scene enacting on the
scatlold is, combined with that which we are
told was going on among the filthy and ribald
rout around, it would scarcely be possible for
imagination to conceive a picture in whiell
buruau nature could be displayed in darker
colors. The only relief to its sombre tints' and
the melancholy reflections it inspires is in the
thought that crime there met its reward, and
that justice reigned supreme and inexorable.
The preliminary examinations in the other
melancholy case above alluded to—the homi
cide at Auteuil—are proceeding slowly and
laboriously, every effort Ming made to solve
what will only too probably remain a mystery
to the end, viz.: from which of the two par.
ties the provocation, if there were such, arose,
which produced the rash and fatal act. The
most trilling facts are minutely inquired into,
with a view to elicit or render probable who
struck the first blow; as, for instance, whether
the victim had his hat on when shot, at what
distance the bail struck him, &c. But I fear
no. human iugenuity will ever establish the
precise truth of the ease; and the most chari
table conjecture, perhaps, after all, is that the
twi) survivors do not quite know it theniselv6
Besides these darker edit ses edebrm, we have
i now.also in prospect the trial of Rochefort,
who is summoned before the Correctional l'o-
lice Cpurt to-Morrow. But it is probable that
the hearing of the ease will be adjourned.
Scenes of a brighter description meet our
eye on the other side of the Seine, among the
'Ministerial Hotels of the Faubouig St. Ger
main. There we see the salons of the new
.ministers crowded with a brilliant assethblage
of functionaries ) all anxious to pay homage to
;power and success. The first reception of M.
011iviei• was quite ." an ovation, so
,unusually large wag the . attendance. At the
most crowded moment entrance into the
'salons was barely possible, so thick was the
jostlo Of foreign , ambassadors, dignitaries,
depiFl es ; s,onators, academicians and men of
!ail ranks and creations, not to mention a host
of ladies. The task of receiving all her guasta
with : duo attention and dourtesy must have
•been A severe one for Madame 011ivier, ,a
young atld very , pretty woman, only some
twenty years of age, who has been married
scarcely three' months, and is thus brought out
at Ghee from , a condition " of private
life' ' .into all this • blaze of
celebrity and officialify. But by universal
AFfiClll; she acquitted herself most clifirmingly
and successfully of her new duties. She was
most chastely attired Ina plain black velvet
dress, *ern high, with a long train, which set
off admirably her delicate blonde complexion
and fair hair, bound with only a single blue
satin,ribbon. She held in her hand a black
and gold fan, without a bouquet 1 and mani
fested a , graceful consciousness, without the
least awkwardness, of the, novelty of her po
sition, which all present allowed to be far
more attractive than the hardened aplomb of
certain domes du • grand mondo. • .1)1. 011ivier
himself was perhaps almost the only man in
his own salons who was "distinguished" by
the . absence of any decoration. For not' even
the bit of red ribbon which dubs a man chew
liar was to be seen in his buttonhole. He is
probably the very first of his countrymen
who has ever reached the rank of first Minis
ter of the crown without having been the re
cipient of a single order, native or foreign.
The fashionable season is being fully inaugu
rated, and balls are announced at the Tuileries
and the Hotel de Ville. Great numbers of
Americans have arrived in Paris from the -
South and from Home, and form, as usuai,one
of the most conspicuous elements of our-win
ter society.
111. Ilechefort's Case.--Proceedings Before .
the 'Criminal Tribunal—Charges and
b rein Galignaure Megoonger. of Paris, January 25
The Allah. of 31..Rochefort came on Satur
day before the "Correctional Tribunal, fiar an
article signed by him in the-Maraddaise on the
12th inst., and in which ho. was accused of of
fence against the person of the Emperor and
of provocation to civil war. •
. A charge was also made against .11. - Deremre,
gOant, and 31. Grousset, writer on the same
journal, for publishing on the said 12th Janu
ary an article insulting to the Emperor and
inciting to various crimes:
• Although an announcement had been made
that the principal accused would not appear,
a considerable crowd collected in the hope of
obtaining admission into the court. Unusual
measures had been taken - to pre.serie order ;
and the utmost tranquillity prevailed through
Aulois, l'Avoeat Imperial, maintained
With greattnederation the charge against the
persons incriminated, and the Court con;
demned 31. Rochefort to six mouths'
onment and 3,0001. rine (but without any de-
privation of civil rights, no allusion being
made to that possible penalty); M. Grousset
to a like term of confinement and to'pay 2,000
francs, and M.Dereure to six months, and to
two tines of SCOI, each.
No manifestation took place beyond that of
a few young men crying out in the street, out
side, " Vive Rochefort!" '
What the People Said of the Sentence.
Ualignani's Messenger, of Paris, of the 25th
of January, commenting on the sentence
passed on 31. Rochefort, says : The extremely
light sentence passed on M. Rochefort for his
insulting language to the Emperor and his ex=
citation to insurrection forms almost the only
subject of remark to the Paris journals. That
the government desired to have indulgence
shown cannot be doubted, as M. Aulois, the
Advocate Imperial, in his requisitory„ made
use of the subjoined Language :
"Many persons have recommended that the
Most severe penalttea should be pronounced
against the accused. But we, who are charged
to support the prosecution, demand that a
punishment as light as possible shall bo in
dicted and that it shall have for its object only
to cause the law to be respected by all."
31. Rochefort hiinsell, in the 3lae;:eillaiBe,,
expresses great indignation at such leniency,
his expressions running thus
Why six months and not twenty years?
Why 3,000 f. and •not .5,0o011? This is just as if
the Ministry were to say to the people assem
bled : "You must take our position into con
sideration; we cannot withdraw the prosecu
tion, as otherwise it would be impossible to
extricate ,ourselves from the dilemnia— On
the other hand, our courage fails us to brave
pone opinion, which is narrowly watching
us, so that under these circumstances we think
that six months! imprisonment will conciliate
all diflieultiefi: We will add 3,000 f. fine not to
appear to retreat from the ground we have
taken, and, so we will put an end to the
matter." Such is the effect which this decision
has produced upon me after having calmly and
dispassionately weighed it. I was summoned
to answer a charge of inciting to revolt, no
more heinous otleuce than which can exist in
the eyes of the Ministry, especially when the
people are so happy anti contented under their
rule. However much persuaded any Cabinet
may be of its own incapacity, it can but de.
clare that all hopes of happiness are to be
centred in itself alone, for, were it not to ap
pear convinced of that result, it would be
guilty of not making room for another one.
These Principles. being admitted, either I
have nicited to revolt or 'I have not; it'
really guilty of this crime—that is to
say, it, with the aim of overthrow
ing a beloved goverenment, • I have
attempted to steep in blood thestreets of Paris,
to impede commerce, to di.sturb public feeling,
to drive away foreign visitors—l appeal to all
Frenchmen, even the most indulgent, and ask
them whether it be not a complete farce to
pretend to, avenge seciety, outraged and
threatened in its very existence, by a sentence
of six months' imprisonment? That penalty,:.
with the fine of three thotisand franeS, cannot'
belconsidered as - meeting the merits of the'
case, and from the moment I am declared
guilty. I must claim what I consider I am en
titled to, and I do: not think I exaggerate in
fixing the Punishment at twenty years' hard
labor. It - very extraordinary, and
even insulting,' that the 0 4 oVernment for
which I have always shown So little indhlgence
should treat mo with SO much. If proved, how
er er,-- that liaVe -not ineitetrto revolt, why
has not the sentence removed' he accusation
inade against me? What is' the use of six
months? Whence does this conviction arise?
What canf do with it? But if it be proved,
'on the contrary, that.l. did not provoke to in
surrection; why hasnot the judgment set that
charge aside? The whole mode of explaining
the Whole business would be to draw up a
:motive of sentence thus :"•Considering that
if the citizen Rochefort , had' really made an
appeal to civil war he would have been con
donned to the bagne; but .as be has net done
so the Court sentences. hint to six months" im
prisonment." - •
The Constitntionnel, explains the case very
differently; and in a, manner which AI. Roche
'fort will Probably , consider most offensive.
Our contemporary says • •
M. Rochefort is strangely mistaken, as to the
motives of the indulgence of the Correctional
Tribunal ;he purposely forgets to tell Ida read
:era that his appeal to revolt- was. thigrant,,
;but that he created for himself ineonteslable
ielattes to the clentettcy Ofjustice, in,arreating,
on the day of ' Victor., Notes futberal, the ex
plosion of the subversive passions to, which he
had appealed on the preceding evening.
The Public is iot by any means pleased at
leniency being manifested. •
The Opinion Nationale impresses itself
these teams: Before the verdict the Marseil-:
&rise prett nded that the Government wished ,
to get rid of a Deputy ;who was obnoxious.
Now that the trial is. coded, :31:. itoaliefort,
' 11 1 1 (IN himself aggrieved at not beingttentencedi
-to twenty yearsrhard labor.'r
I RVlaical Assaults on Cons* Bengt.-,The
Rremlees Reply.
A telegram from Vienna of January 21 re
ports : All the efforts of the centralist§ are, at!
this 'moment directed against Count Betist. l
The speech of M. de Kalserfeld, President cif
the Chamber of Deputies, was a veritable id- I
dietment against the Chancellor.
The latter •-replied to these attacks, He i
boldly avowed his preference for &policy pit
conciliation and his desire to arrive at an un
derstanding with all the nationalities of Aug
tria; but he categorically denied having used
underhand meana to. combat the numbers of
the Chtleithal) Cabinet who do,
,not share his ,
Views lie protested'agabast the pessimiiin of
MM. Kaiserfeld, Skene and _Others of their
`party, who in their speee h&l. have predicted a i
catastrophe—the cbmulete ruin of Atistria,—if
the constitution of DeCember, 1867, was al-'
tered to make any eoncessiolef to' the nation- ;
*New Treaty
The Governmental Gazette of lit: Petersburg
publishes a new commercial treaty between
Chins and Russia. It has been - concluded
for five years, and shinild no objections be
raised to it in the ,last six months of that
period it will continue in force for five years
more. The new treaty is intended to regulate
trade, on the borders of • the two empires, and
its chief stipulation enacts • that in future no
duties 'shall be levied for a distance of seven
miles on each side of the Russo-Chinese
frontiers. On passing this distance merchants
will, of course, have to pay the legal duties.
All the ports of each 'of the contracting
parties are also opentil to the vessels of the
other.. I
'revolutionary Proelanrestion..-Charges
Alaithh, the Czar.
The . Northeastern Correspondence publisheS
a curious proclamation, which has been dis
covemd by the. liusaian police - in its search
for the members - of the late Socialist con
"Brothers," says the document; " our pa
tience is at an end: Existence every day be
comes harder to you. You have been deceived
with vain promises. This earth, which God
has made for all men, has" been seized upon
by our masters. * Justice is no-
Where. Tyranny reigay everywhere. For
merly it was not thus. The fields belonged to
those who cultivated them. Our ancestors
knew, neither nobles, nor priests, nor mer
chants nor usurers ' • and they,,therefore, lived
free and happy. But foreign princes came
from beyond the seas, brifiging
in their train nobility and officials;
they enslaVed the people and seized their
fields, and have ever since lived' on the sweat
of our broWs. * After becoming man,
ters of. our country the conquerors built
towns, whence they still lord it over us. It is
to them that we owe those oppressive laws
and heavy imposts which reduce as to misery.
'They are satisfied. Why should they not be?
. They fatten on our bread. Their towns are so
well fortified that it is impossible for us to at
tack them, unless' by flying the' red cock.'
(This is. the . term used by the peasants
for setting a. town on tire.) " The Czar,"
proceeds the, proclamation, " was drunk.
when he signed the ukase which' was read
on the 39th of February, 1861. What says.
this ukase? Peasants, you are free ; but only
on one condition
.thatyen shall pot possess
an inch of ground. * * There was a
moment in our history when.we were alloweit
to hope—the Czar and all his faMily had
perished? Unfortunately, the nobles got
small prince from a German country, and it
is from this stranger that has arisen the line
of sovereigns who have so long oppressed us.
This German family has multiplied indefi
nitely. * 1 It eats a great deal, and the
expenses of its courtiers are enormous. *
The eonsequence is that we are deeply in
debt, without a hope of clearing ourselves.
Like fools, we allow ourselves to be governed
by Germans, who,do so in order to fill their
pockets. * * . -There is only one course
left to us—to strangle our masters like dogs.
No quarter! They must all perish. Their
towns must be destroyed; the country must be
purified by tire. * What is the use of
these towns? Only to engender servitude.
When the peasant will be master of his house
and his field, when he can work in his village,
he will not feel the want or being ethployetl
as a - serveantin - a towns - As they have rifler;
and cannon, and we are without arms, it is
only by fire that we can attack and conquer
them. When the walls hellind which these
rascals entrench themselves are reduced to
ashes, they will be forced to die of hunger."
An American Suicide
An English, exchange says: The Leeds
Coroner has held an inquest on the body of
Hr. Charles Hermon Thornton, a native of
the United States, and a partner in the firm of
1 Homan,Thornton & Co., general merchants,
• Bradford. The deceased bad been visiting at
Sandford House, the residence of Mr. Homan,
his chief partner. It appears that since No
vember last he has been very depressed in
spiiits. He had, two or three years ago,insured
his life in a New York -office. A. gentleman
representing that office had got his consent to
increase the amount of that insurance. As a
preliminary to that he had to he examined by
a Bradford physician,and that gentleman had
refused to give a certificate that would be
satisfactory to the office. Then Mr. Thornton
became depressed,and at times expressed fears
,that the business of the firm was alt going,.
away, • and that it would take halt
a': Million of money -to • set things
right again. This the Coroner and jury were
assured was all a delusion; and theremere no
private speculations or anything, in the de
ceased's private afiiiirs which would have
originated his distress of mind. He had gone
rqi to London to consult Dr. Gull, and the ad
vice he received was that he should be careful
as to his diet, and_ he would get well again.
'When -he returned - from London be
asked his partner if he had received
a telegram from some of their \ friends
in London, for he said lie was sure hO had
acted so strangely that they would be sending
word that something was • wrong. That; was
also a delusion. He'appeared better on Satur
day night, and he was inn: advised to rise 'ally
next morning. About 11 o'clock his partner .
went to the deceased's room for his key ;of the
letter-bag, when he foitml that • the deceased
had taken his o',v Mt by cutting his 'throat
with a razor. : ... ' ; , .,
=Whatlli die dftrerOnce between a actor
vralking.the " boards" and a sailor 'calking
the ".planks?' One sees the upturned faces
and the other faces the { upturned ‘seas.----ilos
ion Bulletin., .. ' .!
-- on mlying symptoms " was read
at a recent Ft sition . of, the Chicago Acaitemy'of
Medicine, .ku winch the. author niai.ntitined
that; it is wooer to dud out what ails an in
tatit than an though tho former eau
not talk;it'also• eau not Play the hypocrito.
nianyrAaND ninotmiserk.
A Specimen or Iliteigroplkobleii
To the Editor of the Tribune-4km: 'Lluot,
night, between 9 and 10 o'clock, the, fart*
house of W. H. Ely, near Crampton, Md.,,yo.
surrounded by an armed band of dlsgatsect
dellieradoes. The owner was taking a lot
glance at his cattle, &e., before retiring, when,
be was startled by the sound of advanding.
footAeps. Approaching the front fence, hh
was thus accosted: 'Are you Mr. Eiy?7
I gm." . "Is- there a man, board
ing with you minted - Hamilton, teaoher
of thet nigger school` near here?" "Xes."
"•Well, we want Mutt" (Cries from tliewaob,
" Smash his lantern, so he can't see us !")
Ely—" What do you want with him?" hang
leader—ft We want to lynch. any white *Matt
;that comes here to teach. niggers, when , it's
.against the wishes of the white people in this
flart." Ely--" The man is cat anger here r apd
knOW/Vtiothing of Yourprejudices; let ale 411,1
him your wislies, and if - he does not ,cbriipti
with-them it is then time enough to tote'fbree."
Ringleader—" No, we watt , no talk; we Went
Hamilton." Voices—'Bring him onOI" •
After considerable parley AIL Ely entitled
the excitement, in some measnre,, _and. the
promise was i made that if Ur. 11. would come
out he wouldnot be harmed Ote ,was;aopo
jag called. 'A few months Since he left' Sciit--
land for the United State% 'desiring to•see,the
country, and test her far-famed iirdittiL
Lions. Chance led him to 'Baltimore,' auth'as
it was necessary combine, profit •witlo, plea,
sure, he accepted from the Baltimore Assoc's,-
tion for the Instruction of the Colored Rooe,the
situation which he has been filling: for , the
past two weeks. Naturally ho wan 'Sortie
what surprised at his initiatory lassonin free
dom, and remarked something to- that etreet.
The answer was, ' ' We were free a few years
ago, but now we are all put under niggers;
you muBtleave the school and this neighbor
hood, and the sooner the better for yourself,"
(Accompanied by the cocking of guns, Sco.).
Seeing no means of continuing the school
with satety, Mr.
promised to diesel the
next morning, and the mob left; no doubt
highly gratified at the success of their brave
and loyal course. The school was relinquished
this morning, and ~ t he teacher 'waits orders
from headquarters.
Crampton, Md., Feb. 3,1870.
liiovriet' CAROLINA.
• •
Election of a Negro to the, Sunmno
' Bench* •of South Corolisais«...perseona
iihetels of Judge Wright,:,-.Bcene•at'intr
Election. - • • „.
CoLtimiarA, Feb.3.--The election of JOrittS
than J. Wright, a colored man, to the position,
of Associate Justice upon the . ; bench of , the
Supreme Donrt of South Carolina, which oc
curred on .Tuesday, is an event of no, ordinary
importance. The position is that formerly
held by Hoge,*whoes election ,t 6 Qin=
gress J udg e s—Ch ief " vac ThIS Court donsiSta of
three Jmiticti MeseS (father o f
the Speaker of the Housetifßepresentatives),
a native of the State ; Associate Justice:WU
hard, from New York, arid Associate Justice
Wright (colored), from Pennsylvania,
.luge Jonathan J. Wright ,is said to have
been born in Pennsylvania ,and is about forty
years of age. He, was graduated at the Lan
ca.sterian University of New York; studied
law for nearly two years at Montrose, Sinique
hanna county, Pa., and a year at Wilkesbarree
in the same State; he was, just before the
War, admitted to the practice of law at
'Mont ivae;being the first man of las race ad
mitted to the bar of Pennsylvania. 1111865 he
came to S. Varonia as an attache to the Freed
man's Bureau under Gen.'Howard; 'and 'wag
employed ac an advisei in /aw to the freed=
men about Beaufort. He was a merabei'dfl—
the Constitutional Donvention lBo,,anti.
under the new Constitution was elected to the
General Assembly as a Senator from , Betinfort
county, in which capacity he has'served , npto„
the present time. He has , always been known.
as a man of temperate views and pleasant
countenance, and is very often heard unerf-the •
Senate floor. He enjoys the reputation of
tieing the best educated "negro, in, the South:
standing in this respect infinitely ahead of. his
opponent—William J. Whipper, of :Michigan.
also colored—who is softly deficient. Judge
Wiight is apparently what. is known- as ,a.
black piadroon—one who is' thred-foUrtlni
negro—his features' being ofa more Caudal
-fall cant than his skin t which is (mite dark.
The scene at, the election on Tuesday weir.
remarkable for its intense feeling .ande per
soeal partisanship.. By.cofnnien - consent, thei
General Assembly, white and blank,, had
settled down into the conclusion to e lect,
negro ; and. that question being settieilifthe
only one remaining was whom to • elect: • The
Republicans wore nearly equally divided be
tween Wright and Whipper ; that. the-turn:.
i of the scale was in the hands of thesrualt
Democratic 'minority of . twenty votes.'
Elaborate, speeches, were_ made.. upots---the -
Merits of the two rivals. When. the voting
worse: ver the confasion became - ,far . ,
SO that, in fine,
.the President of, the
,joint Assembly, unable to put a. motion or
control the attention of the House upon any
subject, dissolved the convention of nip two ,
HunsilS with his gravel ; and the Senate retired
to their chamber without formality. Yesterl.
day Judge Wright resigned his seat the;
Senate and qualified as ,fudge; and to-day-lie;
is sittirir , on the Supreme Bench, at the left Of
Chief-f-Justiee Moses. • • -•[
.1 edge Wri,ght is the first one of his race whn
has ever held a like position, among white
The Thislllness In Dacha Cannily.
The Mirror says that the business has never,
been in a more prosperous and nourishing .
condition in Bncks county than it has been
during the last four or live months, and ill at:
this time. The law requires that on each and;
every place where cigars are made, must:lei
conspicuously exposed a sign, with the manu
facturer's name, the letters of which are to lief
at least three inches in length. A stranger
passing through the town of Milford. Reck
hill, Quakertown Borough, or parts of Rich
land, would naturally think that, the inhabi
tants were exclusively devoted to this branch ,
of business. In it are employed those ok;
Loth sexes and of nearly all ages—from the.,
child of six years to the hoary heads of seventy.,
In all, there are (in what is called' the First.
Division, Fifth ;District, embracing the pies-'
viously named townships) some torty different
persons and some twenty-tiv 0 different estab4.... _..
lisliments where elgars are made. During , the
month of December last there, were matonfac , l
tared about 3,00 1 0,000 cigars, and reported sold,,
very nearly 2,700,04)0, bringing thus, at ,4,,1, pe . i
thousand, the nice sum of nearly $14,000 fro'
this alone. These cigars embrace all vimr-,,
ferent grades—from those of $l5 per thoog a w
to those of $lOO per tbonsand—from the strodg; t.
ill scented cigar, made from Ohio aad polin.,.
syl vani a leaf, i 4 the mild and pleassuOirotared
Havana.. -,, •
—The young Grand Duke or Titan)**
spent three years of authorship upon a book
on the Antilles, tbs retail'
_price of which'
is $260 a copy. Fortunately, he is not entirety
dependent on the sale of his works for a liieli
—A Milwaukee luruttie sat nut doorit'otisrs.
cent cold night, trying tatteozeatoap,babbi d p.,,
His ears droppecl os'tAtt next (JOY.,
' _---A gentlemiaa has ran in dobt for.,
7;:o papers of tiliewim Ohacoo duringthe past;
vear, to the viii hope of flodiog'4lllo g4e9ov,
I :wk , with which to, p 4 (or thtw. •
' ' AIA
'f •
-21 i t