Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, February 04, 1870, Image 4
the . Iftindiallr Mr. Sberrnan'a bill, reported to • the Senate Sreatefdity, auttilnizingtbe , refunding atid eon• so ildati o n of cbe uationat,debt,.to extend bank ilkfiellities, add to eetabitsh i s i Me p,aytoenta, ig as folknis : lit it enacted, That, for the purpose of funding the' debt of the United States and re ducing the interest thereon, tbee Secrettuy of tile Tkeasuly be and he is, hereby authorized to issue; oil the credit of the United Stated, cou pon or registered'ibends of such denominations, not less than fifty dollars, as he may think proper, to an amount not exceeding $400,000,•: , 000, redeemable is coin, at the pleasure of the Government, at any' time after ten years, and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum, payable send-annually in coin; and the bends thus authorized may be disposed of the diseretion of the Secretary, under such regulations as he shall prescribe, either in the United States or elsewhere, at, not less than their par value for coin, or -they may be ex.- changed for any of • the outstanding bonds or an , eqUal aggregate par value, heretofore, issued, and known as the live-twenty bonds, 'and for no other ,purPose ; and . the proceeds of so much thereof as may be disposed of for coin shalthe placed in the Treasury, to be used for the redemption of such six per cent. bonds at par as may not, be offered in exchange, or to replace such amount of coin as may have been used for that purpose. , Sne.2, That the Secretary of the Treasury be and he is authorized to issue, on the credit of the United States, coupon or reg,istered bonds to the amount of $400,000,000, of such denominations, not less than_ i $5O, its he may think plover, redeemable ncoin at the plea- Sure of the Government at any time after fifteen years, and payable in coin at, thirty years from date, and bearing; interest not ex ceeding •1 per cent. per annum,' payable semi annually,in coin; and the' bends authodied by this section may be disposed'of; under. such regulations or security as , the. Secretary shall Prescribe, in the United States or elsewhere, at net less than par for coin, or they may be ex-' changed at par for any of the outstanding Obli gations of the Government bearing a ' higber rate of interest in coin, and 'the proceeds;of such bonds as 'maybe sold for Coin shall be deposited in, the Treasury, to be used for the redemption of such obligations bearing interest in coin as by the terms of issue,are or may be redeemable or payable. or to replace such coin as, may have been used for such 'purpose. SEO. 3. That the Secretary ofthe Treasury be and lie is hereby authorized to issue,on the credit of the United States, f2om time to tithe, coupon of registered bonds, of such deneminations, not less than $5O, as he may think proper, to the amount of $400,000,000, redeemable in coin at the, pleastire of the Government, at any time after twenty years, and payable in coin at forty years from date, and bearing interest at the rate of four Per cent. per annum, payable semi annually in coin ; and such bonds may be dis posed of either in the United States or else where at not less than tbeir par value for coin, or, at the discretion of the Secretary, for United *States note.% may be exchanged, af . not, less than par, for any of the obligations Of the United States outstanding at the date of the issue of such bonds; and if, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Treasury, it, is thought ad visable to issue a larger amount of four per cent. bonds, for any of the purposes herein or hereinafter recited, than would be otherwise authorized by this section of this aet, such fur ther issues are hereby authorized; provided, that there.shall be no increase in the aggregate debt of the United States in consequence of any issues authorized by this act. S> c. 4. That the bonds authorized by this act shall be exempt front all taxation, by or under national, State, municipal, or local authority. SEt. 5. That the coupons of said bonds may be made payable at, the Treasury of the United States, or at, the offices of the agents of the United States within the cities of Loudon, Paris, Amsterdam or Frankfort, in dollars, or the equivalent thereof in sterling ruoney, in francs or in dialers. SEc. 6. That the Secretary of the Treasury he and he is hereby authorized to appoint such agents in the United States and in Europe as he may deem necessary to aid ha the negotiation of said bondi, and he may advertise . the loan herein authoriied, and the eonditions thereof, in such newspapers and journals is this coun try and in Europe as he may select for that purpose r and a sum not exceeding one per centum. of _the bonds .herein authorized is hereby apprOpriated to pay the . ekpenses of preparing, issuing and disposing of the same. Sic. 7. That in order to carry . into execu tion the provisions of the fifth section of the act entitled "An act to authorize the issue of United States notes, and for the redemption or funding thereof, and for funding the flOatiog debt of the UniteJStates," approved February 25, 1862, relating to the sinking fund, there is hereby appropriated out of the duties derived from imported goods the sum of One hundred and fifty millions of dollars annually, which sum, during each fiscal, year, shall be applied to the payment Of the interest and to the re duction of the principal of the public debt; and the United States bonds now filed in the . sinking fund „and the Unite.d Statesiiands now held in the Treasury, shall be . cancelled .and destroyed, a detailed record thereof being first made in the books of the Treasury Depart ment ; and the bonds hereafter purchased under - this section shall in like manner be can celled and destroyed, and a. full. and detailed account of the application of the money herein appropriated shall be made by the secretary of the Treasury to Congress with his'Anntfal re pod, and the aggregate amount of the bondi cancelled and destroyed shall be stated in the monthly statements of the public debt. SEC. S. That on and after the first day of October, 1870, registered bonds of any denom ination.not less than $l,OOO, issued under the provisions of this act, and no others, shall be deposited with the. Treasurer of the 'United States as security for the notes issued to na tional banking associations for circulation, un der an act entitled "An act to provide a na tional currency secured by a pledge of United Stlites bonds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof," approved June 3, 1864; and all national banking associations organized under said act, or any amendment thereof, are hereby required to deposit bonds under this act of security for their circulating notes, ,within one year Boni date of the pas sage •Or this act, in default of which their right to fishe notes fpfeirculation shall' be for feited,-and the Treasurer and the Comptroller of .Currency shall be anthorizeu and required: to! lake such ' .measures as may be peep /guy: , • call . and destroy their outstanding, circulation ; and to return the bonds held as security therefor to the associa tion by which they,were deposited, in sums of not less than one thousand dollars; provided, that any such association.: now in existence may,upon giving 30 days' notice to the Comptrol ler of the. Currency, by resolution of its Board of Directors, deposit legal-tender notes with the Treasurer of the United States to the amount of its outstanding circulation, and take Up the bonds pledged for its redeMptiOn ; and provided further, that not more 'than'tnie-third of the bonds deposited by any bank on such se- Curity shall be of either of the classes of bonds hereby authorized ou which the maximum rate of interest is fixed at 41 or t", per cent= per annum.•!. Sec. '9: That the amount of circulating notes which any bank may receive from the Comp troller of the Currency, under the prov siot t s of section 21 of said act, may equal but not ex ceed eighty par centum or the par value of the bonds •depositod,, but ! shall not extend in the ag- gregate the amount to which such bank may' be• entitled undersold section. Sgo. 10. AU be it further endeted: That any Uniting association organized, or. to be or pinizetrunder the national , ' , currency ,act, and (110 IFlellOtctrY.? ,thereel;; Ptah . APPe the depoSiting - with the Treasurer of the United States notes to an,,amount not less than one hundred thousand dollars,'" receive \ah equal amount of registered bonds of the Unifed States of the kind and' deseription provided 'for by section three of this act, and' mardePosit the' stung as the security for circulating notes, and thereupon such banking association ,shall be entitled and shall , receive circulating notes upon terms and conditions to the extent. pro vided in• the said national currency , acts, and without respect to the limitation ,of the aggre gahi'cireplation of the national• currenpy pre stribed by said acts;' provided, •bowe,v,ev, Ltip eh circulatingnotes are issued under,this„ sec, tion, an equal amount of United States 'notes shall be cancelled and destroyed. atant' irtutrar erAr TS-A VINDICA. Illsiekwood's - Bleltephte tshee' the eidgels. We have not been disappointed in our , pectation that some' of the Scotch 'literary or gans, .would come -forward- to the reScue of Queen Mary Stuart from , the' hands of her last . . historical enemy, or at least•would deal.to him some wounds to be remembered. • Old Black wood's does thia, • and with' a 'great deal of chivalry: ,lt , thns assails Mr. Fronde for his . . story of •Qtteert, Mary's execution, which !we quoted at.leneth a few days ago : ' ' . • , • , • . This narrative speaks for itself; and we, be- - lieve it IS thefirat time it has been told without some raising thrill of humanity. Mary Stuart was no Martyr.. Once more , we repeat that we have no confidence whatever In the' tale of liar innocence: !And we Suppose' she had Jechni; dilly fcirfetted her life by 'her complicity with Babington But the grand reproach and mys- • t,ery liWy's existence lay at, the distance of halt . a lifetime from herpunishment ; •and dur ing that interval what tortures had she not suf fered 2 A woman' of action, a- lover' -cif-pleas ure; hot-blooded; overflowing with 'energy„ she had been a captive for seventeen years; proud, 'she had been a dependant; vehement and elo quent, slie luau been silenced. The only legiti 'mate affection that belonged to her had beau alienated. - She was impotent,, she who 'felt such powers within her, and now the toils had gathered round her feet. She was caught like alwild beast, and treated ; like one, in defiance • of . all the formal charities of English law, as well as of human consideration. When she . was told all suddenly •and .without warning that she was to die next day, she was " dread fully agitated." Mr. Fronde tells us, Justifying the expression by a French report, that "la Heyne d'Escosse fit faschee rot deplaisante,de ces nouvelles.""Deplaisante! Did Kent and Shrewsbury, we wonder, expect her to enter tain them with 'agreeable talk in return for their news? As she comes forth, stately and Calm, to the seatleid, is it possible that any man can look on' and jeer at . her ?' 0 - the pity of it Nile pity of it!" cries Othello, not when lie thinks his wife innocent, but when he believes' her guilty. And the knowledge of all that woman has gone through—of her terri ble tragic passions, her crime, her long torture, the awful page of life she is about to close— does it not penetrate with a yet profounder• throb the heart of the bystander? But not Mr. Froude's 14rt.. No disgust seizes him when' the two loNs, in their brutal curiosity,- silently consult eac other Omit the scars on her bared shoulders. NT-heveice 'of that Dean, whom we would fain throttle in his hideous profane impertinence, sounds dignified and seemly in the historian's ears, and it is only the woman about to die whose prayers are an im pertinence to him. A certain rage that she should escape him, and stand once more su preme on the edge of her grave, seems to seize upon hint: No doubt he would, in point of fact, grant to any ruffian at the gallows-foot the priest he chooses to aid him, so far as any priest'ean aid; yet he can actually, find words to tell us that Mary's confessor was denied to her " for fear of some religions melodrama." And when the last act is over, and the crimson gown which she has put on with, pitiful wo manishness is dyed double crimsen, and the false hair falls off the dead head along with its other coverings, is it,possible that even then a Christian gentleman can utter a snarl of con: 6emptuous triumph over that horror of blood and death? It would seem - a, positive pleasure to him that now at the last even her: boasted • charms have yielded. She knelt down at the block.." in The maturity of grace and loveli ness ;" but the head held up before the crowd " exposed the withered features of a grizzled, wrinkled old woman." This ghastly sneer haunts the imagination like a blasphemy. One feels one 'must have dreampt it, and that no man could have written such words in the calm of his study awl in cold blood. The ex ecutioner's formula, " So die all enemies of the Queen," rises to the_ height of historical dignity after such a comment: She was 'the Queen's enemy ; she was a standing danger to the, pub lic peace. She was (we believe) a woman who had been deeply criminal, and . was . not . mu. deeplyrepentant. 'But Mary Stuart herself, with all her sins on her head,_is more compre,, liensible than is the man who, three hundred years after her troublings have come to an end, is able to insult her dying, and throw an air of farce over the conclusion of such a tragedy as has seldom been witnessed by man. The Weather East and at the Northwest. [Frani the !Menem:lolls( Minn.) Tribune, Jan. 29..1 Cn Monday last, they had not had a. "single day' sskating" on the rinks of N. York city,and at taverns.out on the avenues where the 2.40 Men stop . to "blow" their horses and get a "nip" themselves, the proprietors were all but iii despair as they looked wistfully to the north- Ward foriigns of snow, with their hands thrust deep into empty pockets. The Hudson, too, was open ,nearly to Albany, a general scare was on hand on account of no me crop, all this having a damaging effect on business, when we should think the reverse would be the case. To know how much more consistent and proper we are up here in our way of doing things, let it be noted that we have seen pass ing along Washington avenue all day, sleigh loads of solid square blocks of crystal ice about two feet in thickness, which as the light took it at some angles seemed to approximate ,opal, while the sleighs dashing about merrily with' eighteen inches or so of snow on a level, the merry sound of sleigh bells meanwhile filling the air,reminded us how needful is just exactly such a Season as this to, give life its zest and entertaining variety. And if occasionally there does come an extra cold snap, as of late, when the mercury dropped down to thirty two degrees below zero, that didn't hurt a bit, for the smoke rose straightly into the cloud-, less sky and the still air, so that unless the' cold was measured by the thermometer, the ,nose and ears bravely refused testimony to the extreme cold. —A new remedy is announced for the cure of chronic lung disease. The patient is to place the shin of a cat upon his chest' every night. This remedy induces easier respira tion, and finally cleanses the lungs.' As these patients require a fresh cat every day, it fol lows that these anima s will be an great de mand, and there will be a chance for some ex. pert Yankee to make his fortune by. raisinfr 0 cats. ~ .--li'rancois Dealt, lire great Hungarian state; man, has recently lost no much money by the forgeries of a faithless steward .that ho is now believed to lie bankrupt; • • THE DAILY pREPAY,',,rEBRuARY, , , AOADIGM.Y. OF ittpl:3lo.-r• Ahtltitid '"IiANDEL AND HAYDN SOCiIRTY. ROssini's Grand Oratorio, , MOSESOIN EGYPT," TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY Bth, With the following Oast; 'HISS MARIA BRAINERD as Nicaule MRS. JOSEPHENE SCHIAIPP—as 'Esthor MR. GEORGE SIHPIWN4,. • M. ' Osiris MR. JACOB GRAF It Aston AIR. A. R. TAYLOR ad Hoses MR. BIM GASTEL as Pharoah UDE FULL CHORUS ON THE SOOIETY ANDGRAND ORCHESTRA or, FORTY ARTISTS, Under the Direction of Alit."L: 'ENGELKE. RESItRVIM 804 TIN. ' 81 50 Family Cir Ole, 50 cents ; A triphilmatro, 245 con ts. At Trumpler's, Gould's and Boner's. ja3l-7t AA CADEMY OF MUSIC. • §A . YrItHAY EVE_PINCIO, Feb': OIS, at o GRAND ENTERTAINMEFT, Under the direction of O. H. Willard Esq., STERILOPTIOON DISSOLVING VIEWS, ' YOSEMITE VALLEY, NIAGARA VALLS, TEBLEA.IIX VIVANTS, . BR A . ii rourins. Music by Hassler's Select Perlis.' Orchestra. - Admission 60 cents. Itcaervad Seats, 76 cents, can now be secured at Honor's, 1102 Ohestuut ntreet,and Ruffles, Ninth and Vine strdets. fe2-30 ' 4 NE'S •Bsgins at 8 CHESTNUT-STREET THEATRE. THIS (FRIDAY) NIGHT, February 4. Do, BENEFIT ofr MISS SUSAN QALTON.. • THREE OPERETTAS; it66,0P66," , LISCHICNAND luarzsiou.EN, and PRIMA DONNA OF A NIGHT, MISS SUSAN OALTON IN ALL. Supported by Comic Engileh Opera Company. SUSAN CALTON MATINEE. SATURDAY at 2. Three Operettas-MISS SUSAN GALTON in two. WALN EFT STREET' THEATRE, THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, Feb. 4, LAST NIGHT BUT ONE of the now Domestic, Romantic and. Sensational Drama, by Henry Leslie and John S. Clarke, in 3 Acts and Pro logue, entitled LONDON, the finest Scanietraina eter offered id" Plilladelphia—a thrilling Dramatic Picture of 4 •Life in London. , Every 'scene new and expressly • IMPORTED FROM LONDON., SATERD A r—"LONDON" MATINEE. • MONDAY EVENING.' FEBRUARY 7, 1870, MIL EDWIN .AD A.lllB, DREW'S AROH STREET ill THEATRE. • ' ' Begins 7% o'clock. C,ROWDED AND FASHIONABLE HOUSES. ' 'BENEFIT OF JOHN 'BROUGHAM. TO-NIGHT, FRIDAY: Feb. 4th, 1870, FIFTH NIGHT—FIFTH, NIGHT OF Mr. Brougham's New Comedy Drama, THE RED LIGHT ; OR, THE SIGNAL OF DANGER. JNO. BROUGHAM..., as NED, M A.ODERMOT Aided by the Full Company. REVIVAL SOON OF LITTLE EIKyLV. • A CADMIC OF MIISTC.. " • ti The Twelfth Grand Annual Gynanastle Exhibition by pupils of Prof. LEWIS'S Gymnasium, will take place on WEDNESDAY EVENING-, , • . Felxruary 0,1870. ReserVed Seats, 50 cents: Secure them in timeTtie the, GYmnasium, Ninth and 'Arch streets.. • , -• ja2s.tu th set N.B.—Gymnasium is open all &viand evening. Pri• vete lessons in Sparring and Fencing also. ripHE GREAT CHAMPION CIRCUS, 1 TENTH ANICCIAI.LOWRILL STREETS.- • _ _ EVERY EVENING at 8 o'clock. WEDNESDAY AND ' SATURDAY .AFTERNOONS at 2X, o'clock. Mis:ol - IAB. WARNER ' Directress. • Will appear for. THIS WEEK ONLY. first time in Awls riea,ALl BEN AB DAL bAlliS REAL BEDOUIN ARABS, in tnrubling exercises and PBOTEUS P YEA.- MIDS, fir iithiclithey distance all competitors. Also, JOHN FOSTER, the GREAT 'AMERICAN CLOWN, with the AUGMENTED CHAMPION STALL TROUPE. . . Admission 25 cents ;•011ildren under-10 years, 15 cents ; Reserved chairs 50 coats. • • Respectable Societies, Companies, Associations. Am., can engage the Circus for Benefits. Apply at thd Circus Office. ja3i-6t DIIPREZ & BENEDICT'S OPERA ROUSE, SEVENTH Street below Arch. Enthusiastic Applause and Unlimited Satisfaction, THIS EVENING, DUPREE &BENEDICT'S Great Gigantic tdinstrels introduce First Time—Black Statue. Eirst Thse—Five Laughing Vocalists, &c. on,Bo rat q uette, cta,.,Gallery,2s etc, FOX'S AMERICAN THEATRE, EVERY EVENING, Madame SENYEAH, Female Gymnast: BROWN and SANDFORD, Gyninasts ; Mr. ROMAN HOWARD, Miss JENNIE BENSON, Mlle. LUPO,MIIe. DE ROSA, Mr. Chas. 'Amanda, Mr. Thos. Winnett, &c. Matinee on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. TEMPLE OF WONDERS-ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. SIGNOR BLITZ, ASSISTED BY HIS SON THEODORE, Every evening at in. Matinees on. Wednesday and Saturday at 3. All the Modern and Ancient Mysteries. NEW ELEVENTH, STREET OPERA 1101388 IEE FAMILY Rusowr. . CARNCROSS DIXErb MINSTRELS, EVERY EVENING. J. L. OA RNOROSE3. Manager. QENTZ AND ILASSLER'S MATINEES.: krivinalcal Fund Hall, 1869-70. Every SATURDAYAFTERNOON, at 3% o'clock. ocl9•tf A CADEM. Y,OF FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT greet, above Tenth. Open from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Benjamin West's Great Pletnre of CHRIST REJECTED Is still on exhibition. Je22•tf . H. Y. LAUDERBACH'S CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC AND COMMERCIAL ACADEMY, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, No. 108 S. TESTI! Street Thorough preparation for Business or College. Special attention given to Practical Mathematics, Sur vexing, Civil Engineering; /cc. A first-class Primary. Ilepartment. Circulars at Mr. Warburton's No. 430 Chestnut street jal9 Dui THE MISSES MANSFIELD'S SOW — COL for young ladles. - NO. 4783 Main street, German town.. References : Rev. A. P . . Peabody, D. D., Har vard University ; Ralph Waldo Emerson, Concord, Mass. ; Oliver Wendell Holmes, M. D. Boston, Mll9B. ; Samuel Bowles ; Springfield, Mass.. 11. ,Attor ney-General,l% ashington, D. C. ; William Dorsey, Ger mantown t Rev. Silas Farrington, Garman town. jaV.a,wit§ HD. GREGORY, A: M., CLASSICAL . and English School, No.lloB Market et. .lal7-lm" MHE LEHIGH UNIVERSITY, SOUTH BUTHLICHEM, Pennsylvania, Second Term opens February 3, 3870. To enter half advanced, or in the preparatory cities, apply to BENDY COFFEE, LL. D. jal3 Up§ • President. THE COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, S. W. cornor of BROAD and WALNUT etreete, has peculiar facilities for fitting pupils for The Frealimin or itiophornoie chum at Harvard, 'Yale, Princeton, and' the Univereity of Pennsylvania, A firet-ciaaa gymmtaium aiforfle ampto opportuulty.for physical .exerciee, -under competent instruetore. • .... EV.FERENCEEI: .President • itarvard President Woolsey, Yale.; Provost !RCM, ti niversity of Pennsylvania ; Professor Cameron. Princeton; Eon. William Strong, Hon. Mor ton McMichael. Hon., Theodore Ouyier, Rev. Z. M: Ilmilphrey, D. D,, Hon. William A. Porter, and the patrons of the School generally. Nor circulars, address R.H. ()RASE and H. W. SCOTT, de2Bto Pried ,als. AM ERICAN CONSERVATORY OF MU SIC. 1024 WALNUT, and B,ssNorth BROAD street. half-Winter.Torm.will begin Feb. 7. Mirth may begin at any tone, without itrtnrfering with their progress's:3 mtuileuto. jols-o wit BALLAD SINGING. T. BISTIOP, jalo . -lin* 33 South Nineteenth etreet - ITENRY G. THUNDER, 230 S. F OURTH LI street. Piano, Organ and Singing, in class or pri rate lessons. • • nnB•tn th 8-3nl", QI.G. P. RONDINELIA.A., TEAOHER OF IJ Singing. Private, lessons and aliteeee. Bolder*, 308 S. Thirteenth tared. an26-tn Cog PUBLIC SALt.--41AblES A. FREE- L! I,lnan, Auctioneer. !Rorie Dwelling, Fleming and Martin streets, Manayunk. On Wednesday, Fob, 16, 1670, :it 12 o'clock, noon, will, be sold •at public sale, at: the PhilatlelnlilaExChange, the following described' 1,81 estate, viz : All toot certain lot of ground; with the stone inessnage thereon elected, bounded by &dal,' Fleming, Grape nod Martin streets, in the Twenty-tirst, Ward of the city, containing in front on each of the aforesaid streets n 4 feet. . . - On the above lot is erected a large three-story stone awe:: ling, with hall in centre; has ilinete,n rooms, including attics ; range in kitchen ; 'Rood well of salt water in yard ; frame .stable; new pale fence arou n d the w h o l e . l ot. . Would make a stand for a lager garden. Occupancy' with the deed. Terms cash. Subjett ex - gainrid rent, payable in silVer. filed to 'JO paid at the, tinie of sale. Phin at the More. JAMES A. FREEIMAN, Auctioneer,' t - e 3 10 • Store, 422 tValnut street. _ f r i REAL E S OMA & SONS' al, Sale.,--On Tuesday, February 15,1870, at 12 o'clock, TlOOll, Will he Sold itt public sale at the Philadelphia Ex change, the following described' properties, vlz :—No. 1. Three-story Brick Dwelling, No. 805 Locust street; -- All that three-story brick messnuge and lot of ground, situate on the porthidde of Locust street, Zr, feet west of Eighth street,' No. 805 ; containing in front on. Locust street lb feet, fund oxtendhig in depth of that width 51 feet 6 inches, then narrowing by an offset of 3 feet on the east side thereof plong theend of a 3-feet wide alley to. the width of 16 feet, and continuing that reduced width the further depth of 17 feet 6 'inches, the entire dirpth, being 69 foot, 'Bounded eastwardly by a 3-feet wide alley leading tram the first-mentioned alloy i n t o jth te k. berry alley; together with the Common use and privilego offladli said alleys.. Subject to an irredeemable yearly ground rent ef $100; , silver.. $lOO to be paid at the time of mile. No. 2.—Three-story Brick Dwelling,. Ne. 807 Locust street'. All that threti-story brick ramose:me and lot' of •grolml, situate on the north side of Locust street, 85 feet east of Blackberry alloy, NO', $O7 ; containing in front on logust. street 18 foot, and exteinflog depth 69 feet to t forosaid 3-feot wide alloy; wit h the tri v lege thereof.' sit int to an irradijejtiable yearly ground rent of $73, $101) to be paid at the time ,ground sale. ' • 7d. TIIOIII.AS de SONS,' Auctioneera, jii29fes 12 • • 139 nuil 141 South Fourth area. • AM IJSEMENIVAn- - ED UCATIOI,4 MUSICAL. REAL ESTATE SALES. REAL e ESTATE SALES. de r .r1j131.16f8ALE..,--JAMES - A. • PABLO _IIIPa man Auctioneer ' , Wednesularrirobrntry 19, WM, at Wo'olock, noon, will be sold at public sato, at tho Philadelphia Exchange, the following described real estate : Three throe-story brick Stores and Dwell- Inge, Nos. 608, 610,612 South Eighth street., No. I.—All that let of ground with the three-story, WA , store and dwelling thereon erected,: on ;the' mutt eitW of Eighth street, helow'South street 016. 603 h /?.feet ',front and 60 feet deep, with the use of the 2 feet 6lnch alley leading into Emoline street. There is a stable on the lot. IffirlBl,6oo may remelt? 'if desired: OccupancY, with the deed. No. 2.--M1 that lot of ground with the three-860i brick store uAd dwelling thereon erected, arboining the above on the south (No. 6IU), 16 foot front and 43 feet deep to the aforesaid 11.14 feet alley !mulling into EMeline street, of which it hatithe privilege.-1,W51,'200 'may re main if desired. No. 3.—A1l that certain lot of ground with the three; story brick store, Mid dwelling thereon erected. Mita-. ing No. 2oh the South (No. 6121, 16 feet front, and In depth on the south line about 31 feet ; thence northwest about 10 feet to the corner of the privy wall ; thence southward along the east side of bald wall 4 feet 3 inches more or lees ; thence , westward through the middle of NM privy about 4 feet to thcsald alley ; thence along the Same 11 feet 9 inches to No. 2, and along No. 2 43 fent to ' Eighth str6ot, with the use '„of said alley. tkrsl,2oo may remain if desired. Three story brick Dwelling, No. 803 Emelime street : All that lot of ground and the three-story brick dwelling and three-story brick back buildings, situate on the , north side of Emeltne stroot,4s feet 6 inches west of Eighth street (No. 803), 17 feet front. including an alley 25i feet wide o bounding east and the deep. Reserving to the properties on alley (and numbered 6N, 610, 612 and 61413outh,Eighth street)the free nee and liberty of said alloy, and to the property No. 614 South Eighth street tho right to build over the same, as the same now enjoyed. 07781000 may remain if de sired.. air Plan at the store. Clear of allincumbrance. 1) , "' $lOO to be paid on each at the time of sale. JAMES A. FItEEMAN, Auctioneer. ja27fe3 10 .• • 5t0re..422 Walnut Street. IaORPHANS! COURT SALE.-RSTATH of William Beach, deceased.—James A. Freemen, Auctionecr.—Under authority of the Orphans' Court for the • city and cennty of Philadelphia, on Wednesday, February 16, 1870, at 12 o'clock, noon, will bo sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described: real estate, late the property of William Beach, Accessed: ,No. I.—Three•story Brick Dwelling, 2328 Thouron street: All that certain lot of groped with the three-story brick dwelling, containing 8 rooms, thereon erected, situate on the wept side of, Thouron, lute Fair 11111 street, at the distance of 247 feet 'north ward from Dauphin street, lu the Nineteenth Ward of the city, containing in fronton Fair Hill street 16 feet, Including on the north side thereof a oertain 2 feet 'wide alley, and in depth 46 feet 2 inches. ; , • D. 47 Clear of incumbranco. • ' No. 2.-rGeuteel.Dwelling and Lot, 4000 feet, No. 2:135 North Sixth street, abet o .and street. All that cer tain lot of ground, with the three-story brick dwelling house thereon erected, situate on the east side of Sixth. street, at the distance of 267 feet northward 'of Dauphin Fitreet, in the Nineteenth ,Wanl of the city, containing in front on' Sixth street 40 feet, and extending in depth of that width 80 feet a inches. ' The above i s'a genteel three-story brief: tottaee with trao sleryfrathe kitchen and bath-remit attached, Has front and side 'yard, one-story frame trash-house, *ape Dines, grape arbor 4, ,'": Clear of incnrobrainee. _ . . . . . IF," Immediate poimesaion. . , SO' ~,100 to be paid on each at the time of sale. - fly the Coral. JOSEPH MEGARY, Clerk 0.0 ANNA MARIA BEACH. Atiminiatratrix JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer,' ja27fe3 10 • Store, 422 Walnut street PUBLIC SALE-JAMES A. FREE itaman Auctioneer.—Elegant ReSidence, with ansard Roof, West Logan Square. On Wednesday, 'February 10th, WO,' at 12 o'clock nem, *ill be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange. the fol lowing described real estate, viz.: All that certain lot of ground with the third-story brick Inessuage thereon erected, situate on the west side of Logan Square, be tween Nineteenth and Twentieth streets. and Race and Vine streets, beginning at the distance of 293 'feet south of Vine street ; containing in front on Logan Square, 23 feet and in depth westward 140 feet to a 20 feet street which leads northward and communicates with another 20 feet street which leads westward into Twentieth street. '4O" The above is an elegant three-story 'resit brick resi dence with mansard roof and marble head and sills, has double three-story brick back buildings, has large hall, parkr, dining room with butlers pantry attached, large kitchen, summer kitchen with soapstone waehtubs all on same floor, tiro chambers with ante-room, bath• room and water-closct on second floor, same on third floor, elegant sitting coon, with library adjoining In second-story ba-k perrn nano. washitartsonarbir. -rnanPrig,. t.o4id iraluirt double front and vesttible doors, large trate glass tvi what's with inside shutters all the way up, te. It is in perft et order with all the modern improvements, It7' Immediate possestion. Keys at the Auction Bier .e Terms at sale: Clear of all inctunbrance. VW — $3OO to be paid at the time of sale. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, •• ja27 fe3 10 Store 422 Walnut street. fP ORPHANS' COURT SALE.;---ESTATE of John Little, deceased. James A. Free man. Anctioneer.—frame House and Lot, Garden and Jenks streets. Bridesburg.—tinder authority of the. Or phans' Court for the City and County of Phil:Wel phia,ori Wednesday, Feb. 16, 1870, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange.the rothwing described real estate. late the property of John LitHeoleceased All that certain frame messuage and lot of ground composed of six contiguous lota marked front I to 6 incluhlt,e 011 a certain plan of lots laid out by Herbert Reynolds, situate at the east corner of Garden and Jenks streets (the lirst:mentioned street being 30 ,feetin width and the last 40 feet In width/. in the Twenty fifth Ward of the city. Beginning at the emit corner a. Garden and Jenks sts., thence extending along the east Fide of Garden street northeastward 120 feet to a 'corner of lot No. 7, tbenco along the side of said lot southeast 'ward 100 feet to the side of Carrie street, 30 feet wide ; thence southwestward along-Carrie street 120 feet to Jenks street, and thence along Jenks street northwest. ward 100 ft. to the placeof beginning. Subiect to a ground rent of e 99 per annum, and to' two mortgages, one of el MX). and another of $.950. eae - -$10) to be paid at time of sale. • By the Court, JOSEPH MEGARY, Clerk 0. C. JULIA S. LITTLE, Adininistratrix. JA HES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer, • ja27-fe3-10 Store, 422 Walnut street. PUBLIC SALE.—JAMES A. FREE m . Auctioncer.—Elegant pointed OM - Indwelling, Melton avenue and Vi street, Germantown. On Wednesday, February 36, 1870,at 12 o'clock, Itoon sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Rkohance, the following described real estate, viz.: All that certain lot or piemof ground, with the ele gant pointed stone dwelling thereon erecte,d situate on the northwest corner of East • Chelton avenue and Wayne btteet, Germantown being 100 f.et ou Uhelton deep on Wayne street 2 VA 1" 77 e ld ar s o:e f e C. ls t dt•ery desirable properly,bniti in the best manner" and of the best materials. containing 14 twins, t: kitchens; with range, hot . and cold water gas and all the Modern conveniences; the grounds are han'immely ornamented WWI evergreens and maples, and surran ; pl e d by a seb,ta ntia , cut stone wall, with arbor rftrhedge. Bid 8 minials' walk from R. R. depot. 15'3,ba) may re main on mortgage if desired by the purchaser Immediate poAse.ssion. • 8300 to be paid at the time or Rato. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Anctioneer, ja27 fe3 10 Store,422 Walnut street. PEREMPTORY SAL E.—JA MES A. Freeman, Auctioneer.--Genteel Three-story Brick Dwelling, No. 1309 North Seventh street.—On Wednett dity,Teltrnary 16th, 1870, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public slam without reserve, at the Philadelphia E change,.the followhig-described real estate, viz.: All that certain three-story brick dwelline, with the two• story 'brick back building and frame kitchen attached, and the lot of ground, situate on t 1 e end. side of Bere,nth street, at the distance of 63 feet northward of Thenipson Sheet; - billaiTivimtiatli Ward'df the city . ;, containing in front on Seventh street 15 feet inches, and extending in depth 70 feet 10 inches to a 3 feet wide alley m n- leading into-ThopSostreet, and - with thO 'Ohlleke of said alley. • The above is a gouge! three-story brick dwelling ; ha,s saloon parlor, dining -root and kiirhen on f irst finor, warble mantel, range, bath, good yard with grain vines and arbors, kr. xrzi— s a l, absolute. Immediate possession. P 97,92,000 may remain on mortgage: r 4,100 to be paid at time of sale. Clear of it:lmm -bran" ' AISIES A. FRE &NAN . Auctioneer, .j 3 5 .27 fe3 10 ‘ ' " store, 422 Walnut street. in t . PEREMPTORY .SALE.BY ORDER • of the heirs.—Estate of John Walz, deceased.— H A. Freeman, Auctioneer.--Court house, rear of No. 907 Ogden street, Thirteenth Ward. Oa Wednesday, February Id, 1870, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be cold at 'public sale, without reserve. at the Philstdelphht Ex ejlauge, the following : describtil real estate : All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three-etory frento immune containing 5 rooms. thereon erected, situate on the west side of a 6 feet wide court Or alley rthiniiignorthward at right angles from the north side of Ogden street, at the dintstnee of 95 feet 113 i. itichett ,westward from the west side of Ninth street,cemmencing utithe distance of 49 feet 2 inches northward from the north side of said Ogden street • containing in front or briaadth on said 6 feet wide court or alley 14 feet, and ox tending in length or depth westward parallel with said Ogden street 34 feet. IttEr tittle absolute. Clear of all inctunbrance. Terms cash. $lOO to be paid at the time of ante, 133 , order of heirs. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. fa 27 fe3 0. Store, No. .122 Walnut street REAL' ESTATE.-'-44111ES A. FREE: Man, Auctioneer. N.at Cottaoe and Lot, corner liteinesand Morton streets,Germantown. On Wednesday, Neh.16,1870_, at 12 o'clock. nonli, .will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following do sctified real estate : All that neat stone cottage iIOIINO 'AO lot of ground, make 8.11. aide of llainewstreet. and corner of Morton street, 29. feet 11 Inchon front and 109 feat 10 inches deep, Mouse has 9 rooms, with gas intro diwed, bath, and in Matt in the . 1304 meager._ _Hear am pellet, and in "goodbrilifr. '42,000 may remain if desired. Keys at the office of C. Etiyser E log, Germantown. Immediate possession. $lOO to be paid at tbo' time of sale.. JAMES A. PREEMA N. Auctioneer. ja27-le3 inure, 422 Walnut street. , 4gl ASSIGNEE'S PEREMPTORY SAVE, EBIL-3 tint m A. Fieeman, AuctiOneer.—Genteel • three. story. . Brick Dwelling, No. 14=. Lombard street.—On Wednesday, February 16th, 1870, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be Sold at public sale; without reserve, at the Philadel phia Exchange, the following descrioed real estate, via.: All that certain lot or Mere of ground, with the three story brick dwelling thereon erected, situate on the south side of Lombard street, at the distance of 180 feet' eastward from Fifteenth street. In the Seventh Ward of the 40', bring 18 feet front on Lombard street, and ox-' tending. In .doptli , southward of ,that width :betumen patallel lineS with Fifteenth street 78 feet. • • The above is a genteel three. story brick du , etlrxe,with three-story brick bark buildings; has saloon parlor, d in in roitm , kitch - en, and slimmer kitchen, on first ,floor . , marble matitles, imore heater in dining-room, Jawing back buildings; firrhare in cellar . , healing main F as, 'bath, range, hot and told 'water, private -stairway, tr., with the nee of alley leading/Mit Fiftoenth street. • • tiobject to 810,3 60 ground rent per annum. „ Mole abfgaitag. , KW 4200 to. be paid at time of sale: •' • . order O.ABSIGNEE. PlEEMAN,__Apctioneor, • TO 111' ' ' Btore, 422 Walatit street. SPECIAL NOTIVIN, • Y CITIZENS'` ASS T O CIATION FOIE ROAD TH F iII IL R DE E L M HNA.or — STREETS ,AND • ' ' At the' meeting forthe organization of the Board et Directors, held On'FRIDAY, Attituary 21, 1870, ' the 101.. lowing °Moors were elected, s t ir • • 'I9A NITER D. TUO I fifi, President.' '• WILLIAM , V.• ST ENSON, Treasurer. EDWARD 811IPPEN, &crofter P., 6 140 As • Those dentring Co become members of the 4en ottat ton • Pre Invited to call at' DIAS' oftle, No. 431 WAINILT 'STREET, or glee• their names to the collectors', Vette have boon appointed, and who ate the, with authority signed by the officers to receive aubScriptions I and to givereceipts for the same. ' 4 SUBSCRIPTIONS FIVE DOLLARS', ' • j _4lt2Bw,f,tned§. tiAMUIII4 D. TLION A Proidtlekt.'. THE INSURANCE COMPANY:()F • lit7' THE STATE 121?' PENNSYLVANIA.. 4 gitAstactrutk, January 31, 1870.; The Annual Meeting of the. Stockholders will be. hold ai the Gom Pony 'el ()Mee, Nos. 4 and 5 Exchange MUM• ing, on Nov DAT, Februarr 7 1870 at 12 o'clock' id. • I' ; •• h. AoLtatasumeeb, fel Atli • ; Afiscretary. a FFICIE OF THE LOCUST MOUN TAIN COAT, AND IRON COMPANY, 'No, 230 SOUTfI THIRD STREET. t PIIILADELPOTA, JIM. 27th, MO." At a meeting of the Board of. Directors held this day fitmi-annual dividend of Four Per Cent. on tho Capital Stock, clear of State taxes, wee declared, payable to the Stockholders or their legal representatives on and after February ' The transfer books will be closed until the Oth proximo. EDWARD SWAIN, 1a27 tfell§, : Treasurer. us THE .1111DELITY. ,INSHEA:gI3E, TRUST. AND SAFE .DEPOSIT COMPANY.' PHILADELPHIA, 31111111111 W. 1870. The stated Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held at its ()Sleet , Noe. 323 and 331 Chestnut street, on TUESDAY. the Bth day of Feb ruary next, at 12 o'clock- M., for the election of a Board of Directors for the ensuing year and far the trans action of such further business as may come before them. • • R. PAT'TERSON. ja27 t PEI • • Secretary. OFFICE OF._ THI MAGNETIC Lir"' IRON MINING COMPANY OF MICHIGAN, 149. 272 B°U.lll TIMIDPV&DEigiiri,Jan.I7,IB7I Notice is hereby given that an instalment of twelve and one-half cent s (12.10 on each and livery share of the capital stock of the Magnetic Iron Mining Company of Michigan Is hereby called, and will be due and payable at the office of the comny. N 0.272 South Third street, Philadelphia' on or bolero TUESDAY, February 8,1870. By order of , the Board of Directors. jit24tleB§ W5f . F. WEAVER, SecretarY. PIIILADELPHIA.AIiD READING RAILROAD COMPANY, Office, No. 227 South 47CRTII Street. PHILADELPHIA...Dec. 22, 180. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—Tbe Transfer Books of the . Company will be clotted on_FIU DAY, the 31st Inst., and reopened on TUESDAY, Januaryll,lB7o. A dividend of FIVE PER CENT. has been declared on the Preferred 404 Common Stock, clear of National and State totes, payable in OASII,on and after January 17,1870, to the holders thereof as they , shell stand regis tered on the books of the Company on the 31st instant. pa All payable at this office. All orders for dividend MUM be witnessed and stamped. de22-rioo ' S. BRADFORD, Treasurer. per _THE I3ll+ MOUNTAINIMPROVE urpr MENT COSIPINY, rItILADR4PRIA, Jannary 22, 1870. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of •the Big Mountain Improvement Company will be held at the Office, No. 320 Walnut street, on MONDAY, the 7th day of February nest, at 4 o'clock P. M., when an election will be held for live Directors to servo for the ensuing year. The transfer hooks will be closed on SATUR DAY, Mb inst., and reopened on TIT ESDA Y.Bth prux. SAMUEL WILCOX, ja2.l 7 .ife7 ' Secretary. - PRILADELPHrA AND ERIE urD" RAILROAD COMPANY, OFFICE 230 WAL NUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 15, I'{7o. • The annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the office of the Company, on MONDAY S the I Ith of February next, at 10 o•clotit A. M. At this meeting an election will be held for ten managers of the I.:oinnany, to servo for one year. The polls to close at 12 o clock. jaln.s w9tf: GEO. P. LITTLE, secretary. I'no FPI C E OP THE LOCUST MOUNTAIN COAL AND IRON COMPANY. l'uttauxbenta—lanurtry 7, ISO. The annual rneeting'of the Stockholders of the Locust ydn_u_pt_.a.to -CAW ervi .111 c had at. t.ht , office of the Conit+any. No. MAO South Third street, on ONDAY the 7th da of February next, at 12 M., when an election will held for seven Directors, to servo for the ensuing year. Tim transfer books will be closed for fifteen days prior to the day of said election. ' EDWARD SWAIN, ja7 t feS5 • Secrebtry. FOR SALE. at ARCH STREET RESIDENCE 11 FOR SALE,. . • • No. 1922 ARCH STREET. Elegant Brown-Stone Besidenco, three stories and Hansard roof ; very commcxtions, furnished with every modern convenience, 'and built in a very superior and substantial manner. Lot 23 feet front by IW feet deep tc Cuthbert street, on which la erected a handsome brine Stable and Coach Efouse. J. AL OITA:MET a SONS, 2020 tfre 733 WALNUT Street. ra IiANDSOME COUNTRY SEAT FOR , Mts.solo—Contninltis seven acres of land, beautifully located on the Neshatnity creek, -200 yisrds ,rant Schenck's Station. on the Pliihdelphin and Trenton Railroad. Modern stone house, with every city conve nience, stabling, hot-bouses, conservatov ice -house, spring-house, &c. J. Ird. GRAIN EY' A• SON, 733 Walnut street. VA WEST SPRUCE STREET—FOR SALE L:I—TWO &afraid° Building Lots onthelouthwekd corner of Byrne° and Twenty•lirst streert, each Z.! feet front by )50 feet deep. J. M. GUMMY ct 50243,7311 Walnut street. el" FOR SALE-THE SIOD.ERNTHREE- JaH story brick dwelling : with two-story double back buildings, every convenience, and In perfect order, No, 613 South Thirteenth - ktroot. J. M. GUM. DI EY Ai SONS, 733 Walnut street. FOE SALE -- DWELLING 1421 North Thirteenth street ; every convenience, and tD good order. Superior dwelling, 1422 North Twelfth street, on easy terms. 85,600. Three-story brick. 235 North Twelfth street, having a good two-story dwelling in the rear. 88.000. • Three-story brick, 616 Powell street, in good order, 82,750. Store and dwelling, N 0.340 South Sixth street. 156,00 D. Frame house,9o9 Third street, South Camden, near Spruce, clear. 8600. _ 610 Queen street, two-story brick, good yard. building Lots on Passyunk road, and a good ttot et ilishig an. ROBERT GIiAPPEN & SON, 537 Pine street, FOR SALE—THE. HANDSOME four•storesidence, with three-story double back ' buildings and Navinlig every modem convenience and Ina, provsenent, situate No. 3i.ki Spruce street. Lot, 23 feet front by 165 ftret.deep-to-e.- at. feet 'wide street.- J.-. 11; GUNI,IEY & SONS, 73.3 Walnut street. /14 FOB AL .E.-31OpERN . _ THREE• Story Brick Dwelling, 619.5, Ninth qt. _Every mo ven etioe.. Inquire onthe riemfees: mytt•th,e,te,tl) OR SALE.— THE HANDSOME Double Brown . Stone Resldence;'situate ti 0.1805 'Spring Garden street. Very substantially built. First floor finished in black walnut. tot 3d feet front by ISO feet deep to a street. J.M.GUDIMEI k 50N5,733 'Walnut street. f WEST PHILADELPFIIA PROPER liLiiL TIES Nur Sale. • 'WU. B. WEIR, fe3 24t' 3936 Chestnut street, TO RENT. CREESE McOOLLUM, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. office,Jaokson street, opposite Mansion street, Oa* Wand, N. J. Real Estate bought and sad. Pereom desirous of renting cottages daring the season will apply or address as above. Respectfully refer to Obits. A. RublcaM,HourY Bun= Francis Mclivain, Angolans Morino, John Davis ant W. W. Juvenal. feg-tfi, rpoLET—A NEW AND COMPLETE Coal Yard and Fixtures:. Apply on the premises, No. 2040 Market street, or 255 South Broad et. fel st' FOR RENT—A FRONT SECOND-STORY Sides -Boom, at 911 Chestnut streot. Apply as above. fe231." }FA TO RENT, MAI. STORE, No. 513 COMMERCE street, 18 by 100 FEET. Possession, January 1 1870. Apply to . 117 i /911 T, deltt ato th-tf Elr i Commorco trod, TQ RENT—AVEbT PHIL AD ELPHIA ilailepttages-5 to 15 room; convenient and in good order; elti to 660. W. L. CROWELL, 131 8. Thirty mixtl4 area. ja22 lin* a FOR RENT L-A HANDSOME FUR ma- !Oohed Honseron -iganheint etroot, - fionnantown; opposito'indge Brewster's, within throe minutes' walk of 'Wayne Station. Allitnprovemants in houee; stable, coach-house, garden witil all kind of fruit; a fine lawn In front of house. A firet-elase country.plaeo. Apply to' (30P)Ptrtli & J08.DAN,.4.33 .Wettnut street. f ilm FOR RENT-MARKET STREET-- MEL donble store property, 40 feet frOut, south. west corner of Sixth. Four-story store, No. 617 Market street. CHESTNUT STREET- , Valuable property, northeast corner Eleventh street, will be improved. WALNUT STREET—Store and dwelling, No. KO. LARGE DWELLlNG—suitable for hoarding-house, Northeast corner of Eighteenth and Vino streets. `WALNUT STREET—Large four-story store, No. N0.'1017. 3. M. GUMMY 'A SONS, 733 Walnut street. - - TO BENT ON 4. TEAS U FOR ONE MU or two Dare.—TheY depirable country place in Oprinantown, furnished or, unfurnished, ten minutes' walk of Dny's Lane station 2% acres of, ground. ; all hoprovernente ;,stat?le, 10041011 km.. etc.; fine /roam and 8 variety of fruit. Apply to ()OVPUOK & J0RDA.1.443.1 Walnut street. , , • , , el TO LET-,HOUSE 706 SOUTH SEVEN; THENTILetroet.. Portable , teater, range, r bath, hot water, gas--all the , mederti oonvenionces. Hight' rooms✓'Apply on the prernieec ,, a • tialltf V r-- 47 5 00 -7- 1 1 0 1 :TVDSrIT E P ' _,I" me . artoil graptds • afore au for Ha 4 11 *W It ° A ° Iii /I,IIBW3LIa'Sc W.; No, in koafagy atroa sCOPARTNERSHIP; wroTtoE It 3 ByagnY GIVEN THAT -LI the limited partnership hereticfore existing be tween Richard H. Mood, Josiah Bacon, 'Benikrau 7. Harsh, Lewis W. Hayward, Henry Henderson, Richard i Wood and tiamuel P. Godwin, under the fir of Wood, Monti, Hayward 1 Re., ter:Oates this day by its owls • • 'rho buelneee will be settled at 309 Market streets PIIILADELPILIA., December Stet 1869 • . • b IMITED ',PARTNEUSHIP.—THE 81713- scribbre hereby gir, notice that they the entered uto limited partnerehin, agreeably to the lawn el Pennsylvania. relating, to limited partnership. That the name or firm under winch said partnership le to be conducted is WOOD, MAIISH,• HAY WARD It 00. That the general nature of the butanes. intended to be transacted is the , ry Goods and hiption Jobbing husla flees. That the marten of alt ho konoral and epeeist aut ocrat ntoretted therein are Benjamin V. Marsh, residing . on West Walnift Lithe, Germantown, General Partner Lewis W. Hayward, residing at No. 213 South Eighth street, General Partner; Henry Ilendereon, residing on Chew street, Germantown,. General Partner ; Richard Wood, residing at N 0.1121 Arch street, General Partner; Samuel P. Godwin, residing at No. 91.3 Pine street, -, ' General Partner, and Josiah Bacon, residing at No. 4611 Marshall street, Special. Partner That the amount of capital contributed by the special ginner. Josiah Bacon, to the common stock, La SRI Tliat u l ‘ a o lt l e a r r i s o'd at 'lntel, said partnership is to com mence is the 31st day of December, A. D. 1869, and the period at which It will terminate Is the 81st day of De cember, A. D.,1870. 3051411 BACON ' Special Partner. BENJAMIN - Y. MAIIBII, LEWIS HAYWARD, • HENRY HENDERSON. RICII A RD WOOD, SAMUEL P. GODWIN, General Partners. Jaimil ..... . e It.D ENWAL AND CONTINUANCE OF' LIMITED PARTNERSHIP-The subscribers hereby give notice that they have renewed and con tinued the Limited Partnership agreed u_pon and entered Into by them on the thirty • firat day of December, A. D,: 18611; and which will expire on the thirty• first day or December, A. D. Pia, recorded in the office for recording . . deeds, do., for the city and county of Philadolehle to Donk P. T. 11., No. 1, page 545, under the provisions of the acts of Assembly of the Commenwealth of Penn ey Ivanin m such cases made and provided; said renewed and continued partnership being made without modifies- Hon or alteration of the tarmh and conditions of said original limited partneraitip, exCept as to the residence of one of the merit' partners{ THOMAS (3. ELSE, who' has removed - to No. North Fifteenth htreet, la the city of Philadelphia—as follows: /eirst—The name of the firm under which said con tinned and renewed partnership shall be conducted i.e & EL811.•• • _ _ . . Sevmd—Themeneral nature of the b netnews Intended to be transacted is that of buying and selling Boots and Slgtett ; said Outline/tato be carried on in :the city or Philadelphia, rh.rd—orlie names of the general partners slat WAL TER F. SIIDI.TZ. who -realties at N 0.2137 Green etre*, in the , city of I'hlladelphia, and TIIO3IAB ELSE. whoieddes at No. 101 North Fifteenth street, in the city of Rhiladeiphia ; .ttnd the name of the ,sp_ecini partner is 11111 A5l BROOKE, who resides; at the Union Betel, No. 31P Arch street, in the city of Plailndelphis. loon h—The amount of capital which said special part ner, 111RA31 BROOKE, originally contributed to the common stock of said partnerribln was ten thousand dolla ts( 810.0u01,' paid In cash. no part whereof Mu been paid to or withdrawn by said special partner,lllltA3li 13ItOOKE, but the same still remains undiminished as part .of the common stock of said partnerahlp, in the Tramesidon of said general partnere. Filth—Paid and Colltillno4/ partnership is to commence on the thirty-first day of Dot:ember, A.D. Pidl, and la to terminate on the thirty-first day of December. A. D. 1272. WALTER P. SHULTZ, TllOl.l A C. ELSE, General 'Partners. • HIRAM BROOKE, de3l f-ea Special Partner. .1.1 1311 TED l'A RTN S I P Not 10E, The undersigned hare formed a Limited Partner. chip, in accordance with the laves of the State of Penn sly Iva u la , en the following terms: The name of the firm hi FRANK. Jr STRETCH. The general nature of the business intended to be transacted is the wholesale Queenawarc business, to be carried on in the city of Philadelphia. The General Partners aro SOLO3IoN FRANK, residing at No. t&) North Six teenth street. in said city. and CHARLES 11. STRETCH, resitting tit No. 1403 Jefferson strece.ln said c ity; and the Sp.•Chlll Parini-x . ls ISRAEL 11. WALTER, residing' at N 0.609 31arshall street, In said city. The amount of capital contributed by the said Special Partner., ISRAEL 41. WALTER, to the conunon stock of said Jimmie Twenty Thousand Dollars.in goods and inerchan diae- pointed by the (Mort of Common Pleas for the city and county of Philadelphlr for that purpose. which apprahti nPlit eo made. showing the nature nod value of said goods anti merchandise, has been duly recorded in the Once of th Y liw nrlrr of Deeds for said city and county. The l'artnership ts to to :whence yra the tint day of January, A. D. 1310, and terminate on-the thirty-first day of December. A. D. 1172: SOLOMON FRANK. 4:enema! Partner. CHARLES D. STRETCH. GOll era! Partner. • ISRAEL U. WALTER. jal ■ 6t3 Special Partner. ir LIM/ITU. if 3 xi hereby giten ClA's' Limited Partnership has been entered into beta 1-.11 the melersimod, under the Lews of tbeConauonwealth of Pennsylvania. upon.the following terms • 1. The said partnerdtip is i4l be r.,n,rrrettrd under the name and firm of ME VER A hit; Si 11. The, general nature of the Lnaiieeiss intended to be tram acted is the Dry Goods Importing and Cuutmission, lingincel, and the place of business in the City of 111. The general partners are CHARLES IL MEYER, residing al Thirty-second end Hamilton ftro.t., in the city ufPhilatlzlphta. and .JOSEPH U. DICK, I NztON, re siding at No. rl3 Swain 4tyt...t. in oak! city, and tft sptclal partner is LUCAS THOBLY:.4OI t residing In the city of New ork. IV. The 1101012 W of rapttal contrilinted hr the said Krell:II partner. LUCAS .THOMPSON, the curl:anon. elm ck of fall firm. is fifty thousand dolLirs in cash.. V. The said partnership Is to corrnieme on the first day of January. A D. le,U, and is to terminate au Um 'WV - first day of December. A. 1), lS II;at. CHARLE MEYER, JoyEpit H. DICKINSON, Cfmf•rnl Partners. LUCAS, THOMPSON, Specitil Partner. jal44t4 UZI CE OF LIMITED PARTNER,' "No —The eule , cribers have this di formed a limited partnership, according to the provistens at the act of A ssendsly et 31nrch 21, 1ii.16. entitled " An act relative to Limited partnerships." and As ,several supplements, the' terms nt which are se fellow*: I. The name of the firm under which said partnership shall be conducted Is JAMES M. VANCE tr. 410. 2. The general nature of the Lcutiness intended to be transacted is the business of buying anti selling Hard ware. 3. The only General Partners 'are JAMES M. VANCE, residing at No. 1429 Girard avenue. in the city of Phila delphia, and WILLIAM C. PETERS, residing at No. 504 Vend street. in said citv ;and the only Special Part ner is HENRY D. LA NAL4.. residing at Chestnut Hill, Montgomery county, Slate of Pennsylrania. 4. The amount of capital contributed to the common stoat by said Special Partner it 85.0,(105 in cash. &. The - period at which said partnership is to Commence is the first Jay of Jimuary, I , qo, and the period at which It will terminate Se the 31st day of December, 1870. JAMES li. YAW/E, WILLIAM C. PE TE 11,8, ' General Partners. BENRY D. LANDIS, Special Partner, nil eta§ P11.11.A TYFLPIIIA Dee. SI, ISM 'PHIL ADM:JUR - 1A ; , JANUARY 22,- . 1870, 1. Having sold' HENBY B. PANCOAST and FRANcis I. itt ATLI.; (gentlemen in our employ for several years paet ), tho stock; good will anti fixtures of our " Itetall Establishment;!located.cornor. Third and Pear streeti,, in this city, that branch of the business will be carried on under the Min name of PANCOAST & MAME, at the old stand, and we recommend them to the trade and business puttfipt PANCOAST & MA ULF also propose to carry im the business of Warming and Ventilatingg . Public and Pri vate Building*, both by. Steam and Hat Water, in all Its various systems, being entirely competent to perform all work of that character. NORRIS TASKEIt' & CO. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY formed a co,p_artnership , under the style' of PAN 'OAST &, MAULB, for: the continuance,, at the, old - stand, of the Wrought iron Tube anti Fitting Buttinesi, in connection with the Heating of t All. Classes of . Buildings by Steam and and Hot Water. It is our Intention to keep nu.hatid, at all times, a full line of l!dorris, Tasker & Co.'snutnufac tures( to which we invite , attcu.EN ß. ion. . '. HT B. PANCOAST, FRANCIS L MAULE. NOTICE OF PARTNERSEUP. TILE r- undersigned hare this day formed a co-partner ship, under the name and style of RUTTER GROVE, for the purpose of carrying on the hardware business, at 6408011th Second 6treot: southwest corner Lornbnr4 etre4, rhiladelphia. I. BAXTER It s Inn It, WM. 11.311.1130R0VE.' fe2.-8t January 26, 1870 BE - UNDERSIGNED ' HAVE - ' THIS T day formed a Copartnership onderithe firnt dente of B, r. % G. D.,wETREBILL, Tr., for the tratentetten of the conuntesion and brokerabwrinees in Palate, 011a k PrugeSe., NigalFrntdraAt l ii ., k i 4 tn GEORGE D. IVETLIERILL,Jr. ritILADELPIITA, February 1.1970. .; feb23t. DR UGS. TARIIGGISTS WILL FIND — A LARGII stock of Allen's. Medicinal Extracts and 1111 Alniondit, Rad. Rhoi. Opt., Citric Acid, Clout's Sparkling Gelatin, genuine Wedgwood Mortars. &c. net landed from hart Wanting, from London. ROBERT 'SHOEMAKER , CO;, ;Wholesale Zniggiata, N; ZIIZ. corner l'Outtb and Race etreete. , , • • TINUGGISTS' SUNDRIES. GRAD G. ates,'MortarJlll Tiles, Combs, Erushetf Mirrors. Tweezers, ruff Bctxes,Horn Scoops, Surgical Anstrn 'ineuts Trusses, Hard and Soft Eubber Goods; Vial Cases; Glass and , Metall Syringes, & c„' all nt ” Flint Hands" prices. . . SNOWDEN'. & _BROTHER, aps4f - 23 South Eighth street, CASTILE 804. 1" , --GENITINEA14 - 1)7VERY superior-200 boxes just landed from bark Idea, and for eale by ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., Importing 'l3ortt gists. N. E. come Four b and Race streets • OrNfit TED.—FAMiLir 81.1 WING TO' DO; v Brum and Boueekeeplog,outilts, Infanta' Ward roboo. ite,.•- neat work; mopratc, to•ieee. 41 North 'ELEVENTH Stroet, , ' ' it3l to of 13t* TNT ANTED— I..N' THE COHN TING- It_pom offiro Goods Commismion men axu r Clerk. .Address 80. 2901 fo2-,llt*, , 1111111 7 TUMPANTINE - AND 7- ROStif' 66 barrels Spirits Turpentine; 292 barrels' PZlEleeir • ,Rosin ;199 barrels ,10 2 Eosin, ,lancting , Jper , steamshipl, s,'Pleneer.'" ror halo by EDW. HOWLEY. 19 Nt}all , „ Front street. grg' - '43 o L'u• 1 13 4,1; Evim, olwtivitk. February t,'1870, On/INO, DIIIA9T RIG . '1 RMigtie.4.l7l , 118 ••••64* Airalnnt etreet. ()pond:lily . ), 47tititAnim—filsth and Adslphi , Hie, ~ Op e n ,„. snimniitzt LIBILAILY-p-Tenth street, near Market. ()pen daily. , t .. ~ ' G nit mat( 101.111)= - 4renitli And, Cherry streets Opini Wednesday, evenings; , ~ - t 7- liorksi,lnit k3axo-468 North Third Hereet , . Open daily. .. ~, ., :1 7 1-I. Aisitaiiitiet•toV , Oreciotooiidents.• • havo'ne atlbta . innment,the.moves of ti96 , ,but they wii appear in a week,or , a , (). 13."--Your's receii.e(l. ---- The 141eNt- 'York tourney was concluded on the 25th ult., the tirst•prlze'being slY!aroe4 to - Pt• Vuekenzi,e, who' wqr4 19, to 3'; ilie'eeenild to Di. BArnett, wlniWon 17 td,i's", and the third to Mr. Ware, who Won 16 to 5. Another Tournament is also in progress at 1111, Brookly4.Club;Aki4vhieti. Air. T3renzingor has thus far won 8 to O. Problem No. 7/1. BY,I/11.11. ►SENAIID 1 , 1 1 / / , ' //, - di •,/ 4 ~,,/,' • ').• / ' "'"-- v, / A A . ',/././ 2 , . f ,. / . 7/ 2 . , : „......., e ,„ , I • /„,,,ii /, , , r / / 2 ~r , , r / i : ', '//,. • ',, , tjpii z ' •`t 1, ' ' ' ,//4" r . / ,,,,, ~./ ,i, •r , -, . ./. g v , j //. ~// A , .;,, 4 7.7 ri, - ry 7 - 1,. , ",,,,,„7,, . - 44 /„'",,,•,, '/ wnrrt. s, White to play and mate In three move ' . Etedtganse illtaiteße. 2. . (nzlentm.3f, giving Kt.) (Qtrsi.ovr.) J. I! to K 4 Pt K 4 2. Pio Q 4. P x P . 3. Pto K 114 . II to II 4 4. BtoQ 3 glittoß3 B. Kt to )3 3 13to Kt 6 (ch) 6.Pto II 3 P x P 7. Castles K Kt to K 2 8. P to K 6 Il kill 4 (c'ti) 0. K to R sq Kt to Q 5 10.. Kt to Kt 5 '•P to Q 3 11. P x B P Q Kt to B 4 12. P to Kt 4 Kt to K 8- 13. B x Kt B x B 14. 44 to 11 3. B to Q B 4 Lk B to Kt 6 (el) P to II 3 16.8t0Q3 PtoQ4 • 17. Pto B 5 Pt° 13 3 • lg. PtoK 6! , ,„, _I! x.Kt, ._ - , ' - 10TP to„B 6` - - . ' Castles i WO v • - 7 , X a 0 • ; r ffic ,:".„ r .„,..IF-... - '; , 14_-_lO ley / / 53 i %;:,/, (" ' r ,,,„„,v- , .. 4 , , f',-,,„ / dlik, l ee ' l‘ ' - , , ,,0 ~;/--, /,'.;( /„/„ • ; 3. , i /0 -.‘ -..!, ri,y ; •: vA,5,-; i ?" ' "."/•-p ,41 +4;54/ 4'74y/0 „.„ „ '4,4 '-.4'; 0' 44 A °,7:,,, , V ' '/ '/ ///./ a , 2,/, , / / f/4 / /7 '" ~,,,i , ... , 7 ._ , ~ ;,,,,, ,; ,.,,,,,,', / it (// ,// /' 4 f/' 't..: &%/' /b %././ .// ‘°" 4 .;.'•;3',,' ',U.•• 1g 4 4 -,/7/A " . .p7; ' 4 ~ / ia, ,%' • (7 4 .P„. :/ / ,'; / -- •;"ff- ~..,i,- , - , :. v / ;x 4 ~ ,,7 -,r• /// White to play and mate in eleven mover Solution to No: 43194. WHITE. SLACK 4.1 to Kt 8 (eb) R to Kt mg Qto 13,7 • .ittoKt 3! Qto K 8 (eh) , P., to Kt, sq . QtoQ7 - IttoKt3 Q to B 8 (eh) It to Ks sq QtoKt 7 (ch), _ R. x Q B P x P. (eh) K to Kt sq K to Kt 5 P to B 4. P x P (ert pas) K to B 2! K to B 4 KtoQsq! P Queens (cb) K to K 2 QtoKKtB •Ktoß3! KtoQs • . Ktoll4 Q to K Kt 3 K to 13 3 QtoKt4 Ktoß2 Q to Kt ,6 . Ktoßsq.' K to•K 6, mating in two more moves Solution to No. 6545... WRITE. BLACK. Kt to 4.e 8 • P(CFI) K to B 3 K to K 4 K 4 (ch) K toto B B 5 to l ) 5 P-A-Putate: Solution to No. 654. BLACK. 1. P Rooks K to K .12. Kt to Kt 6 (oh) K to K 3 3. P to Kt 4, and mates next move Solution to No. 087. WHITE. BLACK. R.tO K B 3 Kt (eh) K to B sq Kt to B 4 P Q 3 (eh) ' KX R • B Ic,P mat©: ' CHESS IN PALGADELPHIA.. Game No. 2408. The following not very carefullyplayed game occurred some years ago at -the Philadelphia, Chess - Club. Messrs. 4eichheltn and White man made alternately the moves of the white pieces, while Mr. Warner had sole charge of the black forces. , 14. R. led oft (l'rans Gambit,) (MESSRS. Itl & W.) Br,„•(Mn: W.irciEß.) I.PteK4 P to K 4 2. K Kt to B 3 Q Kt to 13 3 3. B to B 4 13 to „Et 4 4.PtoQKt4 B x .Kt P 11.Pt083 B to B 4 ti.PtoQ4 P x P 7. PxP BtoKt3 8. Castles P to Q 3 9. B to Kt 2 Kt to R 4 10. B to Q 3 Kt to K 2 11. Kt to Kt 5 0 Pto B 3 12. Qto R 5 (eh) - - (Tho whole attack is very ventnrsoMe.) • - • . 12.. R. to Kt 3 13. Q to r: 6 Px Kt 14. P to Q 0 R to B sq , 16.QxRP 13 to Kt 5- 16. I' to K 5, B to K:a4 17. B to Kt 5 (eh) P to B 3 • 11).rxDP - ' • Pk.BP 19. Kt to 133 P to Q 4 (Black preferred this to the hazardous P x B.) 20. B ton 4 _• Kt to B 5 • lt to Q - - • , The Coinmencement.of a fine combination,* which, but for Black's singular 23d move, would have, achieved siiccess.) 21. Kt X•l3' Ktxß 13 to 13 7! . 22. Kt x Q P 23. It x Kt, • . (The savlio'g elanae.), 24: Kt•to B 0 (eh) R x Kt 25. B x P (eh) (It x Q 019 antocote.to mothink.) • . 26; Kt xl3 26. Qto 8 (oh) leto Baq 27. Q to K 6 (eh) Kt to K 2 28. R x Q (eh) R x it BLACK El= WHITE I'o'oll'P/ 0 IC/leg Alt ; it r. Irm (;(7, • 3 ' , 1 80.'"K to R ihV ; IfibOalid l / 4 00. ; •,'t ) , ' Ttpt '• •16111811 lire. 2400. • ' 5 • ' BetWeetr Massie. L.) Wi'D'avia Col= ; ~ ,btuv„, tt; t;,) , • I " 5) r I(Bviztitarmigt) , t WH, (hin:Davitt) Bti. 0114 Cointinit.) ~ 1.1i144 ) tait, 0 41,+ r ) 2.:K . KtIto B 3 • Q ICE to B • 3..8 toil 4 ' • Rtis 1324 • .• 4.P tci QKt'4 '• r' 'l3 xsiCt ,• , s.,Pfto B - • •11 td•11•4„ • 60P to (;tt4 P x PP' )1. PXP' ' • to xt Castles , • • •cl „,r, Pto 43" • -9.3 P to"Y'S • Ktto 10. Itte Kt 2 ' P ttrlC , lf 3 • 11. BtoQ 8• • B toKts 12• Kt to•B 3 • ' • P Q•lt 3 13. QtoQ 2? • • Ra - Kt • • 14. Px • Rto :v 15. Ptolt4. ' 1 4,rto :1 2 16. 13 to K 2 Pto 13 4 17. Kt tix.Q,Sg tQ to b 19..n4 ' - . Q s x P x Q 20. Kt to,Kt 2 P tO Q totIC 2.) - ' 21. Q It to B sq Kt to K 2 22.1t0137 P to B 4 23.Pt0 133 •KttoKt3 •24. Kt to 2 3 Kt to. B 5 25. P x P Kt to R ,5 26. Rx P ' Kt xPat B 4 27. a ittlit . QKtto K 6 28.1ttoQBeg' "Ktoß2 29. R to B 7 Oh) IC to B 3 30.1CttoB 2 KtxQP Mr, Davis announced tame in six moves. Game No.' 2410. Another interestinggame between the same (Uusodo Plano.) Wn. (Mn. DAVIS.) BL. (Mn. COLLURN.) 1.. P to K - • • • Pto K'4 2. K Kfto 13 3 . • QKtto B 3 3. Btoß4 '/Ito/34 4. Castles •Kt to B 3 b. lCyto B P to 'Q 3 6. Pto Q 3 " Cantles 7. ..1") to K B to.K. 3 ' Bto'KtB ' PtoK R 3 9. B to K le4 - P to Klit 4 10. Kt x K Kt P (This sacrifice, though perhaps not strictly sound, leads to a very animated game.) 10, X.lltto Kt 5 (?) 11.13x1t Kt x 13 P 12. B x Kt Q, x Kt 13. II to B 5 Kt to Q 5 14.PtoKR4 Qtolit2 • 15. 'II a Kt B x B (ch) 16. IC to R eq K to R 17. Q to R. 5 K It to K Kt sg 18.1 to K Kt 4 PtoQB3 19. P to Kt 5 13t0.K6 20. B to K 6! (Well, played.) 20. P x 13 21. 11.' to IS 6, and wins. CHESS IN GERMANY, Gagne No, 2411. At the Barmen Chess Congress, betweon Messrs. W. Paulsen and Zukertort. (Centre Counter Gambit.) " W. (Mn. Zi • KERTORT.) 13. (Mn. W. PAIIL131111.) 1. P to K 4 PtoQ4 2.PxP. , QxP • 3. Q Kt to'l3 3 QtoQß'4 4. KKtto B 3 . _ _Q Kt t0.11_3 ~ - - 5. - PI4Q - 4 - ' - 73 tii Kt 5 6. B to K 2 Castles (?) • (Too risky.l 7,13 toK3 ' PtoK 3 B.PtoQR 3 Bto Q 3 9. Castles KKttoK 2 10. P to R 3 13 x ,Kt . 11. B x 13 QtoKll4, 12. Kt to K 4 PtoKR4 13. Kt to Kt 3! 11 x Kt 14. P x 13 Q to ICt 3 15. B toll 2 PtoK4 16. P to B 3 P to K 5 17. 13 to K 2 P toll 4 18. P to Q Kt 4 . Kt to Q 4 19. Qtol3 sq . (4 to B 3 . 20. PtoKt 5 Kttoß4 21. R to Kt sq P to Q Kt 3 V. P toll 4 • Kt. to K. 2 . 13 to K 3 , K to Kt sq 24. It to Q SII Q It to Kt sq (2) 25. BtoKt 5 " QtoK3 26. P to Q 5 , Qtot2 3 27. 13 to 13 4 , - • Q to 13 4 (cli) 28. B to K. 3 Q to Q 3 • 29..Pt0 135 • • Qto Q 2 30. P to Q 6 .. (The attack is well arranged.) 30. Kt to Kt 3 31. P x P (ch) QxP 32. P x P " P x P al. Q x Q (ch) K x Q 34. Qltto B t3q (eh) KtoKt sq 35. 13, to Q 6 P to 135 36. B x Kt P Kt to Kt 6 37. It to B 3 B. to Q B sq :38. R x Kt P x P 39. R x P lt to B 8 (oh) . 40. K to R 2 Kt to 135 41. 13 to Q sg Kt to Q 6 42. 13 to Kt 3 P to R 5 43. R x P R to K sq 44. B to R 7 (eh), and wins. Game No. 2412. Between Messrs. Andersen and Aabeck. (Evans Gambit.) : Wn. (Mn. AsnEcx.) BL. (31. n. ANDawstras I.PtoK4 Pto.K 4 2. KKtto B 3 . ' Qlittoß3 3. Btoß4 Btoll 4 4. P to Q Kt 4 - II x Kt P s.Ptaß3 • Btoß4 6.PtaQ4 Px P • . . - 7. Castles P x P (?) (A deugerous defence.) , 11. Q to.Kt 3.. ... ——Q t 0 ,11- - - - 9. P to K 5 Q to Kt 3 10. Kt x P KKttoK2 11. It to Ksq ' :-p CO 4:Kt 4 12. Kt x P Q, R to Kt sq . 13. Bto Q 3 . Qtoß4 • , - 14. It to K 4 Kt to Kt 3(?) 15. PtoKt 4 Q 6 . . 16. Kt to Kt 5 Qx B II Q x Q Castles 18. Btoß3 RtoKsq 19. P to B 4 PtoKR3 20. Kt to K B 3 Btoß3 21, Q It to Kt sq B toKt 3 (eh) , 22. K to It sq K R to Q sq, 23.PtoKR4 Kttoß4- 24. P to Kt 5 Kt to B sq 25. P to B 5 P to Q B 3 26.PxRP • PxKt 27.RtOKKt4 PtoQ3 26. It x P (oh), and Won the game. ' ' . • Claims No. 2413: Jpitween Mr. Andersson and Mr. Leffinaun (Evans Gambit.) (Mn.Lzrvilcimx.)4 B. (Mn. ANDRUS/IN.) [Moves 1 to 10, as in previous game.] 11. B to R 3 Castles 12. Kt to Q 5 P to Q 3 13.PxP' PxP 14.Q.11,toQsq - Bto Qsq(?) (Both this and the previous game are mere experiments of Anderssen.) 15. Kt . to B 4 Qto K 5 ' 16.11xQP QBtoli 4 17. Kt to Kt 5 Q to B 7 18. B x .P(ch) to It so 19. (,)toßt3' PtoKR3 ' 20. Bto Q ICt 3 QtoKt 7 ' 21. Kt to 117 Oh) .K to R-2 -•-• • 22. Ktfolt 5 BtoICICt3 ' 23. KttoK 5 Bx Kt 24. Kt x Kt P x Kt 25., Bto K ' ' Kt to B 4 ,26.RtoQ 7 BtolCt4 • 27. BxQ. ' 8t0.13 • 28.8x1i • KtxQ • 29. R x P (eh) K to It so 30. It to B 7 (ch),"liinnin easily. olimitircTron. FIOIINEMANSH'IP. HIL A DRLPIIIA RIDING 8 Q 1 I0OLLNo.:448, Mar et street, Is open dolly. for Ladlet) ontt Gentlemen. It is the largest; bOst lighted and hooted' establishment in the city.— The horses aro thoroughly broken fur the most timid. An.A iternoon Class lot Young_ _Lianas nt leadiag, school, Holiday; Wednesday anti .Yridaya, and an Evening Glass for tientlemen. Horses theronghly trained for the saddle. Horses taken to livery. hand some carriages to hire. Btorage for wagtaut and sliiltihe. BETH OHAIGE, ' • • 'Proprietor, BOARDING:. MBE 41AND8OAIF., nS EN011; ' S. comer of Eighth and Spence stroots, is open to receive boarders.' Suites 01 rooms, with private, tablo,tf sired. 1422 Im 415% 14- iiii i- Airilatti.l44:ETlN-1.. Hilt, UNITED STATES' MARSHAL'S OF FR AC EASTERN DisTMOT PENNSY,fr , in Y 20 1 1870, QF .REAL '• y virtne Of mitidriiirritrrnt *Within' exPOilita tom" Hen. , Jelin Oudteitiader;Jtelg -of the plllstrict Court .for United States, in and fog thd Mait ; era Distriel of Penneylvania,,wl.l joe mold at PribllefialS t tits , WEDNESDAY', tbe';fith of Febt Miry.. at' 12 n'elOcE. I aeon, at the ; PH ILADELPIIIA'EXMANGII, I Ia the ,•• ' /ay 1. THAT, (13.14TA1N ,REICH, MEr r, -OR TB EitliN T. AND: L O OT-Olt PIECE. ROIIND a Situate on the mirth *hitter LocUst etreet, n' 't o city' of P,lbllmdfiphia, atthe distance of thirty.six feet , east .of bean Pinta; containing in front b readth paid: Le cinettnreeteighteeir feet t fact uding the whole of au alloy. tivri feat three Ilithige delde, , now Partly opened, but to be' forthwith hereafter Opened, for the use'of this and 'the fremises adjoining on themes% leaving ! at ;least Sight eet heading in the clear for the depth of fortysone Met, Six in/diet, and eXtenditigin length or depth ontffe 'dast line thereof 'seventy-live, feet :six- 'Jetties to ;, the eap,tra or wprlvy partition ; thence weet three feet eleven lathes to the western fade of said,. orlitY - .we11.; thence northward three feet`' thence evestward twelve` feet seven ; incheaTl thence , aunlitvard thirtytdeven ' feet ; thence westward, partly by the head of 'timid; alley, one foot inciter; thence further sentiment. aloog said alloy, feisty-one feet mix inches to theplaeli bt beginning, ;JO aingthci same prettilmes which James 8: HU tier and Wife/Wanted and tionveyed to John Alexander,' subject ito elderly ground retit:of ninety-six dollars. , ,;;; Taken into execution and to pe cold Setae property of Jdhn Alexander; ALL THOSE TWO CONTIGIMUS 'LOW OR I plEcEg OP attovrtp, with the buildings thereat erected; situate en the south sill of Cedar (now called South / tercet. and wee' aide of . a certain twenty.feer wide street. called Carbon street e la the Forattt Ward of , the City of 'Philadelphia, containing together in front or. • breadt bon the avid Cedars new called Sou th /street thirty.' two feet, and extending thence hi length ertlepth son th ward one hundred and tWeintYleet to a twenty-feet wide street or avenue, called Bedford. street.: Bounded met ward by ground'of Jaime Raney, Jr., on the south side by the said Bedford street , on the east hy the said Carbon street, and on the north by the said Cedar (note cats! Seuth I etreet. Beteg the same premises" which , Tlionnis Blackstone enrriviug executor estate of Catharine Yoke, &ceased.' by indenture, dated d pelt 22, Pete, did grant and collect,' ' iota Bernard giiigley in fee, Subject to a yearly ground , ' rent of fifty Six dollars. GROUND,LL THAT CERTAIN LOT OR PIEOE OF with the three-story brick mesenage or tone' men t thereon erected. e Ulnae on the north side or Ss ' pen , street, and west side of Carbon street, in the Fourth Ward of. the City' of Philadelphia, con taining in front or breadth on Shippen street,' six; teen feet, more or lees, and extending of that width In length or depth northward seventy-seven feet, to a. three feet wide alley leading into 'and from the kalif Carbon street, bounded east by the said Carbon street, north by said three feet wide alley, west by ground granted, cr intended to be granted, to William Lem and solidi' by said Shippen street, being the same premises which John Wright, trustee by indenture, dated March 10, 1846, granted and conveyed unto Ber nard Quigley, subject to a yearly ground rent of forty dollars and eighty cents. Taken into execution and to be sold as the property of Bernard /Quigley. ALL THAT CERTAIN TWO-STORY FRAME ME'S , SUAGE AND LOT Olt 'PIECE OF GROUND there ' unto belonging, sitnated on the easterly side of Mose inenelng road. in the city of Philadelphia, at thedbita lice - of one hundred and sixty-two feet southward from the eonth side of Wharton street, containing in breadth, north and sou tit, eighteen feet. and extending in length or depth front itaid Mo)3amensing road, between parallel lines with the said Wharton street ,eastward on tile north ride thereof, about one hundred and twenty feet five inches, and 'on the south side thereof about one hundred id twenty-two feet sie inches. to a twenty feet wide all ey s , running parallel with Second street, at the distance of two hundred and forty feet westward there ' from, leading into Wharton street aforesaid, hounded westward by the Moyamensing road aforesaid, south ward by ground granted to Sherry Dias, euetward by the said twenty feet wide alley. and northward by ground granted to George Frederick Kies, being the canto prendeee which John White and wife, by indenture; dated June 13, granted and conveyed to Thomas Fisher. ALSO.• ALL THAT CERTAIN ;THRE-STORY BRICK lie ESSUAGE AND LOT OF GROUND. situate on the east side of Fifth street, from the river Delaware,, between Spruce and Pine streets, in the city of Philadel 'phia ; containing in breadth on the said. Fifth street twenty feet, more or lets, end in length or depth one hundred and eighty feet to a irty-slx feet wide street leading into Pine etreet. Bounded westward by Fifth etreeta northward by ground new or late of heirs of Darby Savage, eastward by said thirty-six feet wide street, mid renihward by -Frialtd-rarmerle gi e,i tai Joseph Pilinan.nheing the same premises which George' Z. Tybout, et al., by indenture dried December 17, Ide - d, granted end Conveyed to Thomas Fisher. Subject to the payment of st yearly ground rent of thirty-two dollars. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Thomas Fisher. ALL TIIAT CERTAIN TWO-STORY BRICK MLSSUAGE OR TEN EMENT,two-story brick kitchen, and two three story brick messuages or tenements and lot or piece of ground, situate on the west side of Second street, between George and Beaver, in the city of Phila delphia. containing in front or breadth on said Second street, seventeen feet. and in length or depth, westward ninety feet. Iketuded southward by ground of Gotleib Heugel, westward by ground late of John Sanders, de ceased ; northward by ground formerly of Peter Heisler, and eastward by Seemid Street aforesaid; being the same premises which Charles W. Warwick et al., by In denture dated March 9, ltO2, granted and conveyed to illisun 31. Middleton in fee. A LSO, A CERTAIN LOT OR PIECE OF GROUND, satiate on the west B i d e of Fourth street, at the distance of eighty-seven feet tine° inches and a half southward Trent the southwest corner of Poplar and Fourth streets; containing, in front or breadth on said Fourth street, eighteen feet, and extending westward one hundred and nineteen feet eight inches, to the east side of School street. intended to be opened twenty feet wide ; ',eluded northward and southward by ground now, or late. of Henry Hollingsworth and of Harry Nor rig, and the raid Henry Hollingswortb, trustee; eastward by said Fourth, street, and westward be Scheel Street aforesaid, being the same premises which Wliam Hoover and wi, by ndenture a Novembe 30 i lee l & granted and con fe veyed i tutu" Wil l i a mlL Middle r ton, subject to the payment of a yearly ground rent of fifty-four donate, with the buildings and appurtenances thermal° belonging, as the property ot William H. Taken into execution and to be sold as the property of Tomas Fisher arid Williani ff. Middleton. ALL THAT CERTAIN TWO-STORY, FRAME IdItShUAGE AND LOT ,OR PIECE OF GND t hereunto belonging. situ,ate on the easterly silo of Mot amenemg road, in the city of Philadelphia, at the distance of ono hundred and sixty-two feet southward breadth mufti side of Wharton street, containing in north and south eighteen feet, and extending in length or depth from said Moyameusing road, between parallel lines with Said Wharton street. eastward on th north side thereof about 133 feet 5 inches. and on the Beath side thereof about ono hundred and enty-twe feet elx inches, to s t mttyfet dista n ce, running parallel with Second at the o f two hundred and forty feet westward therefrom, Mailing into Whaiton street aforesaid. Bounded westward by the 31 oy amensing road aforesaid. aouthwhnl by ground granted to Sherry Ditto, eastward by the said twenty- Met wide alley, and northward by ground granted to George Frederick Klee, being the same premises which John White and wife, bY indenture dated June 13, 1414 granted and conveyed to C E II T AIANha er. , ALSO, ALL THAT THREE-STORY BRICK HMI:WAGE AND LOT OF GROUND situate on the east side of Fifth street, from the river Delaware, bete tin containing Pine streete, in the city of Phila- Aelphits. in breadth,on the said Fifth street, twenty feet, more or iess, and in length or depth one hundred and eighty feet, to a thirty-six feet wide greet leaning into Pine - street, heralded Westward by Fifth Street, northward by ground. now, or late,-of heirs of Derby betake, eastward by said thirty-six feet wide -street, end euuthward by ground fortherly greeted to Joseph Pilmati, being the same premisee 'which George bunt. et al., by indenture. tinted; DCCOMbWIT,IBSB., granted and conveyed to Thomas Fisher, subject to the nay merit of n early ground rent of thirty-two dollars. Taken into execution, and to be sold as the property Of Thomas Fisher. ALL THOSE CERTAIN THREE-STORY FRAME MESS:CAGES OR TENEMENTS, two-story frame tnest nage or tenement, and the building and lot or piece of ground,sitnate:on tae northwest side of Fitter street. sometime called Tilgham street, and southeast 'aide of Elm Street in thatpart of the City of Philadelphia lately called the District of Kensington, being the southweetez must or half part of a lot or ground marked in a certain plan of lots, late of Peter A. Browne, No. 34 ; cot tontine in flout or breadth on the said Fltier Street sixteen feet nitre inches, and on the roar or northwasterly end theredt, fronting on the said Elm street, twenty-one feet, and ;extending in length or depth from the said Fitter street one hundred and nine. feet ono inch to the said Elm street. Bounded southwesterly by ground now or late of Peter A. Browne, northeastwarilly by ground granted or intended to have been granted. to Margaret Meath nis, and southeaetwardly to fitter street aforesaid. , Being the same premises which Themes Cushla and wile, by indenture dated, February 17, 18.59, granted and conveyed to Micheel ' ALSO, ALL THAT CERTA IN LOT AND PIECE OF GROUND. AND THE THREE STORY BRICK 31 Ed- SU AG EOR TENEMENTS thereon erected. situate the Nineteenth Ward of the city of Philadelphia, begin ning ta a point at thin distance of fifty-four feet six inches northwestwardly froth Filler etreet, in a lino which is at the distance of four hundred and thirty three feet loud six inches from the intersection of the said Filler street and Second street, (befell, Secondstreet was widened/ ; thence along said line northweowdzily at right angles with said Fitler street. by ground now or late of William Harbert, fifty-four feet six inches to ground now or Woof Peter A. Browne thence by the sonic Routhenstwarilly parallel with the sold' Filler street twenty feet ;thence by a lot marked on a plan of Peter A. Browne's land Islington Lots, No. 27. eouth westwardly fifty-four feet six inches thence by remain ing ground a Relit. L. Feeney southwestwardly parallel with the said Filler st, twenty feet to the place of begin ning, including on the southwest side of the said lot the northeastern melety or half part of an alloy ten feet Side. Being the same premises Which Robert L. Rooney and Wife, by. Indenture dated Angust Mth, ISCA, granted and convoYed unto Michael - lllOclftion and to be sold as the property of Michael Walsh. • ' ALL THAT • CERTAIN LOT OR PIECE OF GROUND, WITH THE EIGHT SEVERAL •CON TIGVOUS TW(I-STORY BRICK MRSSUAGES OR TENEMENTS thereon ' erected. forming tho, western 'side of a private court, known as Autumn street, situate on the south side of Barker street, between Nineteenth . and Twentieth streets, in the Ninth Ward of the City of Philadelphialdeectibed accordingly it measurement and plait thereof made on the 19th day 'of .1 une.1867, by D, If. Shodaker, Surveyor and Regulator, as follows, to wit;) Beginning at a point on tho south Side of said Barker street at' the distance of one hundred mut ninety-flvo feet one and a quarter inches. westward from the west side Of aboveinefrenth seing a point in the centre of the mentioned private court as bud out seven- . teen fret ten and a half Inches in width. for the solo use' and accommodation of this and the lot of ground adjoin ing the KWIC to the eastward ; thence extending south ward along the middle of tot+il court' or stre,4. on a lino parallel with said Nineteenth street one hundred and live feet: to roar end of the tiliastnut street tots; thence along the same, _westward; on a line p maw with the said Barker street forty-two feet ten and throe-. quarter Welles to - wecirner,thonconorthword ou a lino, pernilelxvith said Nineteenth street along . the line- of land new or .lets of Herbert Springot and others ono hundro endll'afeet to the south side of said Barker, street, and Melted eostWard along the canto Nay-two feet ten andiliree 2 qUarter inches to place of Wein.. Ming o being the SUMO premises which. John Clevonetino and wife;bY indenture:dated August 13, IStS, granted' and conveyed to Joseph Rimes, with the buildings and MARSHAL'S ' FEBRUARYI 1870. 1 anortepances ibereto'belonglng, as the , prOpert, off . Joseph Ft nes: • ,•:-; '.• ,••• • • ,•;',„_,-. ••,_;- A "••• ',.,. , ",.,n2 • v ALbO, ALL — TNAT - OXIITAItt 'Triftlrli•STOßY i mitwm, , MESSII4OI4 Skit %TMM:62M MID LOT ••'OR 'FINC,III •99 . 0.1101fIaD;Mt tti. prnAl ethlthak i di t el: t ToWell ntreet, at the 0 hitanes'o onet : htlAnlairr.Of it 7 ' six feet wentward froth the west nideof Finns tire is 1 .. thetpitit of ;Philltult.4 obis, 4-43entainitagoln,front r, h` 'ow the Said Powell etreet.' fifteen feet six Inettee, a pl; tending of that breadth sonthwArd, I li k tYreen .1 ft' T 47 ) ol ki l ilth.tbeedl+l.ll7llth street slit yzel t •Ffeet, atom :, or , Jess, to ad alley font feet hi will tbi le log A n teattid "Irfftb often t,•let t • _pc' nforeYer ri;e,sti4iacOpoppin4o.l ni# 1 thelfonlyd'heunding thereon. Ihninded eh' the nesth• by s thooolt Powell Intent: on thweest bY'ltreatit! dr ; 01 " ' iLynda)), on the south by the said allay, and sar.tho west Wilton hd of John Warner. beteg the eatoelpremise.; whllm rredoriek Ifehnhold and wife, hi. ihiltatitilre 0 440 0 ' IPcbtooty I; 1866; arantod and c`oh*oyed to Jah'itetert- • rleth, subject to the; paYmenbef n:YearlYtrottild rent of 4410. - • • • . • . • . ' • •Taketh in eieCut ion and ' to be 'fog ail `. tho . piop4iil c ; of Joseph' K !mai and Jacob A otettrietti: ;1. , • • -1 • B. M. 0 REJJORY.ILF,fB; Marsha!, . ;' '; . -.- . ,• ~ ~ . • . .. . Eastern Dlatrict Ponnaylvartia. JAMItlf 4: . IntErnitAN_vAnctioriGer, . i • jot:VA-fed ,• - . '. • - '.'; fitere.42:l Walniit street. l , , ItAIISTIALt ,01 4 TICE,' 'BO). 'OAP • .-`PENNSELVAIIIA. • Pita A P Feb TllBl`.o ltd.' THIS' IS TO GIVE NOTICE That on the ist 'der of,Plibretly,A... D. 1870, 6 Warrant in Bankruptcy •Waa issued against the Estate of WILLIAM (./ _. AVvOOD. late . • trading es ATWOOD, BEADY '& ' CO., of Philadelphia,. in the • , County ' of , Philadelphia, and Steiner, Pennsylvania, who has been atilteiged aDank rott; on his oven Petition ; ' that the payment of. ,any De, ts and delivery of any pitiperty;belonginitto - atieh /leek rept. to him, or for his Use, and the transfer of any property by hint, are forbidden ey law ; that a niceties of thp creditors of the said ftapkrupt, toprove their debt it, and to choose one or more assfirneed of bre Estate, vrillbeheld at a Court of Bankruptcy§ talM held en' at 419 Walnut street. PhiladelPhia,rbefore :WILLIAM Mc- MICIIAY.L, Fro., hesister, on the 2 . 24 day of Vett reary,.A. D. 1670, al3 o'clock, P.M. • E. If. GREGOIIY,- • fe3 th3t U. B. Marshal, as Messenger. 1 3HIPPERSt ,, GUIDE: IWO E. BOSTO 11--BTICAMBHIP LINE -V DIRFO'F. SAILING/ROM MAIM PORT 3192137 . Wednesday' akdOttrlday ! . • , PROM PINE STREET WHARFLPHILADEILIDEIA„ AND LUNG WELMI,F,BOSTON. FROM PHILADELPHIA I •-• " ' PH051,13062011. '-. ! 10 A. M. ! • gp, si,,• . . . SAXON,Wedneeday,Feb. 2 ARIES A Wedneaday*Feb,'2 NORMAN ,N Saturday, " 5 ROMAN, SaturdaY. " a ARIES, Wednesday " 9 SAXON, - Wednesday, " 9 ROMAN, Saturday, " 12iNORMAN__,' Saturday," 'l9 SAXON, Wednesday " ]e ARIES Wednesday, " 16 NORMAN Saturday, 19 ROMAN;Saturdai, ARIES. Viednepday, " 23 SAXON, Wednesday, " 23 ROMAN, Saturday, " 26 NO /MAN. Saturday ". 26 These Steamships sail punctually. Freight received every day. Freight forwarded to all points in New England, ' . " For Freight or Passage (superior accommodation!}' apply to HENRY WINSOR & 00., 338 South ,Delaware avenue. 1111 i HILADELPHIA AND ' SOUTHERN 1. MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S • REGULAR LINES FROM QUEEN STREET WHARF. , Te JUNIATA will sail for NEW ORLEANS. Havana' on —. Feb, —atBA. M. . . , The YAZOO will sail . frourNEW ORLEANS, HAyANA, on ---,Feb.—. • . ~. The ' WYOMING will sail for SAVANNAH one T Z Saturday. Feb. 8. ate o'clock A. M. ' Tbe TONAWANDA. will Dail from SAVANNAH on Saturday. Feb. 5. • The PIONEER. will mall for WILMINGTON, N. o°4 Saturday, Feb. 6, at 6A. M. _ Through bills of lading signed, and passage tickets sold to all points South and West. BILLS of LADING SIGNED at QUEEN ST. warair. For freight or _passage, apply to WThLIABI L. JAMES, General• Agent, • 130 South Third street. PHILADELPHIA , EDDICSIOND AND NORFOLK STEAMSHIP LINE. TipouGn FREIGHT AIR LINK TO THE SOUTH AND WEST. • EVERY SATURDAY, at Noon, from FIRST WHAIIIi above - MARKET Street. THROUGH BATES to all points In North and South Carolina via Seaboard Air-Line Railroad, connecting at Portsmenth, and to Lynchburg, Va., Tennessee and the West via Virginia and Tenneesee Air-Line and Rich mond and Danville Railroad. • • FreightlIANDLED ROTONCE,and taken at LOWER RATRS THAN ANY OTHER LINE. • • The regularity, safety and cheapness 'of this route commend it to the public e v the moat deeirable medium ri for carrying every desc on of freight. No charge for commies on, drayage, or any expense for transfer. , Elteamshiss insure at lowest rates. Freight received DAILY. WILLIAM P. OLYDD dt 00. No. 12 South Wharves and Pier No. 1 North Wharves W. P. PORTER, Agent atßiehmond and Oity . Ppint. T. P. CEO WEL L dt CO., Agents at Norfolk STEW gXPREBB LINE TO ALEXAN dria, Georgetown and Washington, D. 0., via Ohee. ke and Delaware Canal, with connections at Alex andria from the most direct route for Lynchburg, Brig. tol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Southwest. Steamers leave regularly from the find wharf above Market street, every Saturday noon. Freight received daily. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., No. Et Smith Wharves and Pier 1 North WharveS.' HYDE A TYLER, Agents at Georgetown. M. ELDRIDGE CO., Agents at Alexandria, Va NOTICE -FOR NEW YORK, VIA DEL - aware and Raritan Cartal—Swiftaure Transports. tion Company—Despatch and Swiftsure Lines.— The business by these Linea will be resumed on and after the Bth of March. For Freight, which will be taken on accommodating terms, apply to WM. N. BAIRD CO., 1.12 South Wharves. VOTICE.--FOR, NEW YORK, VIA DEL vi AWARE AND RARITAN CANAL. BWIFTSURE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. DESPATCH AND SWIFTSURE LINES. The brisinets of these lines will be resumed on and after the 19th of March. For freight, which will be taken o accommodating terms,apply to WM. BAIRD & No, 133 South Wharves. CONSIGNEES' NOTICES. NOTICE—THE BRIG "ANHUI BATCH ELDER," from Portland, ?de., is "now discharging at Mead Alley Wharf. Consignees will please attend to the reception of their goods. WORKMAN & CO., Con signees. 123 Walnut stre..t. • deCti CAUTION CAUTIO N..—.ALL PERSONS ARE hereby 'cautioned alpinist harboring or trnetin,g .any of the crew of the British brig. Batelle," Delay master, from Rotterdam, as no debts of their contract ing will be- paid by Vaptain or ooneignees. WORKMAN & CO.. Consignees. deft tf TRAVELERS' GUIDE 'WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELL. PHIANAILBOAD.—Winter Arrangement —On and after MONDAY, Oct. 4; 18 6 9 1TrainB will leaveall Leave'Philadelphialfrom New Depot Thirty-first and Chestnut streets, 7.40 A. M., 11.00 A. 14 2.80 P. M., 4.15 P. Id., 4.40 P. Id., 6.15 P. Id., UM P. M. Leave Weet Chester, from Depot, on East Market street, 6.25 A. M., 8.00 'A. M., 7.46. A. M. 10.48 A. M.,1.68 F. 31., 4.60 P. M., 6.56 P.M. Train leaving West Chester at 8.00 A. M..will stop at -B. O. Junction. - Letint; Glen Biddle and Medial' leaving Philadelphia at 4.40 P. M. will stop .at Media, Glen Riddle, Lean' and B. C. Junction. Passengers to or from stations between West Cheater and B. C. Junction going East, will take train leaving West Chester at 7.45 A. DI., and car will be attached to Express Train at B. C. Junction; and going West, Passengers for Station. above B. C. Junction will take train leaving Philadel rhia at 4.40 P. M., and will change care at B. C. Juno ion. The Depot in w iladelphiais reached directly by the Chestnut and Vanut street cars. Those of the Market street line run within one square. The cars of both Lines connect with each train upon its arrival. ON SUNDAYS —Leave Philadelphia for West Chester at 8.30 A. 111. and 2.00 P. M. Leave West Chester for Philadelphia at 7.85 A. M. and 4.00 P. M. . lir Passengers are allowed to take Wearing Apparel only, as 'Baggage, and the Company will not in any case be reeponsible for an amount exceeding one hundreddor hre, =leas 8 epocial contract be made far the same. WILLIAM C. WHEELER. General Superintendent. wEST JERSEY RAILROADS FALL AND WINTER ARRANGEMENT. COMMENDING TUESDAY,SEPT. 21At,1889. Leave Philadelphia, Foot of Market street (Upper Ferry/ at gjs A. M., Mail, for Bridgeton, Salem, Millville,Vine land, Swedesboro and all intermediate Madam, 3.15 P. M.,' Mail, for Gape May, Atillville, Vineland and Ray stations below Glassboro. 3.30 P. M.,Passenger for Bridgeton, Salem, Swedes boro, and all intermediate stations... 6.90 15.30 P. M., Woodbury; Glassboro and Clayton accom modation: EXTRA TRAIN FOR CAPE MAY. _ ,(,Saturdays only.) Leave PhiladelpliilC.olsl.lll - . Leave Cape May, 1.10 P. M. Freight train for all stations leaves Camden dally, at 12.00 o'clock, noon. Freight received in Philadelphia at second covered wharf below Walifutetreet. Freight delivered at No. 228 S. Delaware avenue. Commutation tickets, at reduced rates,-between delphia and all stations. WILLIAM .1. IMWEILL. fittpetintmident. CAMDEN :AND ATLANTIC RAEL. 110AD.-011ANGE OF HOIIIIB—AVINTICH RANG/Mb:NT. On and after MONDAY, Nov. 1, 1869, trains will leave Vine street. ferry ae follows, viz : Mail and Freight, .. B.OOA. M. Atlantic Accomtudiation 3.45 P. M. Junction. AccoMmodation to Atco and inter- • .mediate station& ... . . ..... . 5.30 P. M. WiLliffia. • Mail and Freight. lAd Atlantic. ACcommodation 6.06 A.. 11. Junction Accommodation for Atco. 0.21 A. M. 11 addonfield Acre/tin/Dilation trains leave Vine Sheet Ferry,::: 10.15 A. M. and 2.00 P.M. ' 1.00 P. M. and !tad P. 11.1 . EXTRA , Tltitite FOll. ATLANTIC CITY. tSATOP.DA Y 8 ONLY). 'On and' niter February 6th, an extra train will run EVEItY SATIIRDAY,in advance of the Mail Train L aving Philadelphia .at 8.00 A. 111. Leave Atlantic. 3.00.P ; .M Allowing pereone nearl rirx hours on the beach. , • • DAVID B. BIUNDY,Agent: FREIGHT jaNE, ,No th ' r N •ItATLIWAD, to r Nehimor OitY, 0 t °growl, ON trans, and Irpobar 'L on Inhigh Valley.Rallroad and tiibranohs. a - ' in new OrlitrtgamoMorfaeted thin road ii invaded toitivoltioreaa tab to Jonah! ' signed to t e aboya n po B 9 ` j P erf) IPT 3 ' Goode d !voted at the Throe ° h • Freight Depot, 3 11 r o ah roLg o Z y r it . k tv .,ll d it t r b i tr' 14 :t •-' 1 1 v — ° ,, r ok • ta ll ea t ir ti a l"l , M il et i t e e fi arin t" ll.' pr . JO . Ilona in Unhandy and WyOking vi,ll:or before he ericoooal day ZL.LIB OLABKlteenis "It:SAD :Eli ',;itArt.k6Als,'.;:. Asunk Liae from Pnliadetphla to the interior SanparViania, the Scbtrylkilli numnehantis, thunbes- , land an Wyoraing Valleysitte , North, Northwest' iald, the Canadair, Yi l imarrattgemivatof Pair t iger Trains ' , .4 1 416.24180,1 sem frig e babe ' P ie . Thirteenth . ilan2 a ,Philaftlphia, a tha following, 1 4 11 0W il f ,1 1 0010111 OPAtION.---At'i..9o M for' ng ana ail intermediatetallD nit, and Allentown. Mrninitileaves peading it 11.35 P. M.. arriving in , P lMiat t ilk&Eft-At 8. 15 A. M. for Reading 1 Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, pine Groye,TaManna,. Bunbunr, Williamsport, Elmira, R.octiester, _Niagara *Falls, liatiki6; Wilkesbarre, Pittlitori.' York: tlarliale t t Clitimbersbltriaageratown. &C. The7o A. M trait' eonneets at Reading with the East renriayivithia edlroad trains for A IlentoWn..&e., and theB.l6 A 11f. frii i connects with the LeL , tinbti Valley train for Harrieburg: , &c.• at port Clinton with O r ittawissa R. R. trains! for,Williaineport, Lock Haven. Elmira, ito „ - at Harrisburg With Northern Central, Crintherland Val- ler. and &bumf!! and Sabeinehanta trains for North.; timberland. WilliMitspo., York, ohambertillurg, Pine grove. au. rt AFTERNOON' EXPREBI3.4--Deaves Philadelphia al 3.30 Y, for Reading, Pottsville, Harrisburg, &o„ con. ! floM netting with Reading and umbfa Railroad trains for Columbia. &e.- . • POTTSTOWN ACCOMMODATION.--Leaves Potts town at 645 A. .1111,atoPping at the intdrznediate stations; arrives in Philadelphia at9JO A. M. Returning leaves Philadelphia al 4 P..lll,;arrlves in Pott s town at 6.15 P.M. READING AND POTTSVILLE .ACCOMMODA ,TIONt-Leaves Pottevillp at 5.0 A:111:, and. Reading at 7.30.4. M., 'donning at all way stations; aTroos in Phila.- • delPhir, at 10.22 A. „Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4:45 P. andvila In Reading at 7.40 P. M., and at Pottsville at p. 39 P. M. Trains for Philadelphia, leave Ilarrisbtirg at 8.10 A. .M„ and Pottsville at 9.00 A . lit.,Arriv) in Phi_ ladelphia at 1.00 P. Xt. Afternoon trains leave Harrieburg at 2.05 P. M.. and Pottsville at 2.46 P. M.arriying sit Pitils dellihia at 6.45 P. M Harrisburg Accommodation leaves Reading at 713 A. M., and Harrisburg at 4.10 P. M. Connecting at Read ing with Afternoon Accommodation south at 6.95 P.)51., MTh , Ingle Philadelphia at 95P. M. Market train, with a Passenger car attachesi t leaval Philadelphia at 12.30 noon for Pottsville and all Way Stations; leaven Pottsville at 6.40 A. M. connecting at Reading with accommodation train for Philadelphia and all Way Stations . All tne above trains Po tt s vill eailY Sundays excepted. i3undily trains leave at 8 A. M.. andd Villa dolphin at 8.15 P. M.; leave Philadelphia` for Reading at 8.00 A. M., returning from Relulitig at 4.25 P. M. CHEBTER VALLEY RAILROAD.-Passengers for kowningtown and intermediate Mints take the 7.90 A. , 12. M and 4.011 P. M. trains from Philadelphia,return- Ingfrom Downingtown at 6.30 A. M.. 12.45 and 5.15 P.M, PERE 10. MEN RAILROAD.-Passengers tor Schwenk*. villa take 7.30 A.M., 12.30 and 4.00 P.M. trains for Phila. delphia, returning from . Schwenksville at tom A..M , /2,45 noon. Stage lines for various points in Perklomen Valley connect With trains at Collegeville and fichwenksville. COLEBROOKDALE RAILROAD.-Passengers for Aft. Pleasant and intermediate points take the 7.90 A.M. and 4.00 P. 21. trains from Philadelphia; returning from Mt. Pleasant at 7.00 and 1125 A. M. NEW YORK EXPRESS FOR PITTSBURGH ANTI THE 1 37E8T.-Leaves New Mirk at 9,00 A. M. and 5.00 P. M., passing' Reading at 1.45 and 10.05 P. M. and connects et Harrisburg with Pennsylvania and Northern Central Railroad Express. Trains for Pitts burgh, Chicago, Williamsport, Elmira. Baltimore, &c, Returning" Express Train leaves Harrisburg on arrival of Pennsylvania Exprebs front• Pittsburgh, &CLUE, A. M. 41.1112.,„.20 noon , ssing cargitnlg2.tringnAan 4613 24°. Sleeping Oars accompany these trains through between Jersey City and Pittsburgh, without change. Mall train for New York leaves Harrisburg at 8.10 A. M. and 2.06 P. M. Mail train for Harrisburg leavos New York at 12 Noon. _ SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD-Trains leave Pottsville at 6.30 and 11.30 A.M. and 6.50 P.M.. returning from Tamaqua at 8.55 A.M.. and 2.15 and 4.60 P. M. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD -Trains leave Auburn at 8.55 A. M. and 320 P. M. for Pinegrove and Harrisburg, and at 12.10 noon for Pine grove, Tremont and Brookside; returning from Har risburg. at 7.30 A. 11., and 9.40 P 1,1; from Brookside at 4.00 P. M. and from Tremont at 7.15 A.Mand 4.05 P.M. TlCKEThrough first-class tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points in the North and West and Canada. Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to Reading and Intermediate Stations" good for day only, are sold by Morning Accommodation, Market Train, Reading and Pottatown Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia, good for day onlY, are eold at Beading and Intermediate Stations by Read ing andPottstown Accommodation Trains at r_educed The following tickeM are obtainable only at the Office of 8. Bradford, Treasurer, No. =7 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, or of G. A. Nicolls, General Superinten dent, Reading: Commutation Tickets at 25 per cent. discount , between any points desired, for Gunnies and firms. Mileage Tickets, good for 2.000 miles, between all points at &62 50 each for families and firma. Sea Son Tiokets, for three, six, nine or twelve months,. for holders only, to all points, at reduced rates. Clergymen residing on the line ot the road will be far nishaf with cards, entitling themselves and wives to tickets at half fare Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to principal sta tions, good for Saturday. Su ay and Monday, at re duced fare, to be had only at the Ticket Office, at Thir teenth and Callowhill streets. ggI FREIGHT.--Goods of all descriions forwarded to the above points from the Com p any 's New Freight Irroe t egr, 71.'rdarilla d ea W ill ow 'ln t f r aM t l i p . h daily at 4.35 A. M. 12.30 noon, 5.00 and 7.15 P. M., for a ßeading, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all paints be yond. Mails close at the Philadelphia Peat-office for all Dlaceti on the road aud its branches at SA. M., and for the prin cipal Stations only at 2.15 P. M. BAG. Dungan's Express will collect Bggago for all trains leaving Philadelphia Depot. Orders can be left at No. 225 South Fourth street, or at the Depot, Thirteenth and Callovvhill streets. - VCR NEW YORK.—THE CAMDEN _V AND AMBOY and PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILEO4II cOMPANY',I3 LINES, from Philadelphia to New York, and way places, from Wal nut street wharf. - ' • Fars. At 6.80 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Acoom., 82 28 At BA. 111._, via Camden and Jersey City_ Ex. Mail, 300 t 2.00 P. DI., via Camden and Amboy Express, Cop At 6 P. M. for Amboy and intermediate stations, At 6.30 and 8 A. M., and 2 P,. M., for Freehold. At 2.00 P. M, for Long Branch and Points on R. & D. B. It. R. At 8 and 10 A.M., 12 M, 2,3.30 and 4.30 P. M.,for Trenton. At 6.30,8 and 10 A.M., 12 M.,2,330 1 4.30,6, 7 and 11.301'. M.. for Dordentown.Florence,Burlinaton,Beverly and De. lance. At 6.30 and 10 A.M.J2111., 3.30,4.30,6,7 and 11.30 P.M. for Edgewater, Riverside, Ittverton, Palmyra and Sidi House, d A.M. and 2 P. M., for Riverton. The 11.30 P. M. Line leaves from foot of Market street by upper ferry. From X ensington - Depet: At 7.30 A. M. 2.30, 3.&1 and 6 P. M. for Trenton and Bristol. And at 10.45 A. M. and 6 P. M. for Bristol. At 7.30 A. M., 2.30 and P. M. for Morrisville and Tully town. At 7.30 and 10.45 A. M., 2.30, 5 and 6 P. M. for Schenck's and Eddinaton. At 7.30 and 10.45 A. 21.,2.30, 4, 6 and 6 P. M. for Corn wells, Torresdale, Holmeaburg,Tacony, Wissinoming, Brideeburg and Frankford, and 8.30 P.M. for Hohnee _burg and Intermediate Stations. From West Philadelphia Depot via Connecting Railway At 7,9.30 and 11 A. M., 1.28, 4, 6.45, and 12 P. M. NOW York Express Line,via Jersey City At 11.30 P. 31. Emigrant Line. 2 00 At 7,9.30 and 11 A.M ,1.20,4,6.45,and 121 P.lll.for Trenton. At 7, 9.30 and 11 A. M., 4, 6.45 and 12 P. M., for Bristol. At 12 P.M.( Night) for Morrisville,Tullytown, Schenck's, Eddington, Cornivells, Torresdale, Holmesburg, Ta conq Wiesinoming, Bridesburg and .Fraulrford, .. Tti09.31 A. M. and and 12 P. N. Linea run daily. All others, Sunday a excepted.. For Linea leaving Kensington DePot, take the care on Third or Fifth streets, at Chestnut, at half an hour be fore departure. The Care of Market Street Railway run direct to . West Philadelphia Depot, Chestnut and Walnut within one square. On Sundays, t iro Market Street Care will run to connect with the 930 A. M., 6.46 and 12 P. M. lines BELVIDERE DELAWARE RAILROAD LINES from Kensington Depot. At 7.30 A. M., for Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Elmira, Ithaca, Owego, Rochester, Binghamptou, Oswego, Syracuse, Great, Bend, Montrose. Wilkesharre, Scranton, Stroudsburg, Water Gap, Schooley's Moun tain. &C. At 7.30 A. M..and 3.30 P.M.for Belvidero,Easton, Lam bertville Flenrington, &c. The 3.30 P. 31, Lino con nects direct with the train leaving Easton tor Mauch Chunk Allentown Bethlehem, &c. At H A. M. front West Philadelphia Depot., and 5 P. M. , from Ken sington Depot,for Lambertville and Interme diate Stations. CAMDEN AND BURLINGTON CO., AND PRIMER ! TON AND 111GHTS'f OWN RAILROADS, from Mar. ; ket street Ferry (Upper Side.) At 7 and 10 A. !Ca, 2.15,5.30,5 & 6.30 P.M.,and on Thurs . day and Saturday nights at 11.30 P. tor Alerchants , villa Moorestown, Hartford. Masonville, ilainsport and Mount Holly. At 7 A. M., 2.15 and 6.30 P. M. for Lamberton and • Med ford. At 7 and 10 A M., 1, 3.30 &8 P. M., for Smithvillo, Ewnnsville.Vincentown,Birmingharn and Pemberton. At 10 A. M. for Lewistown, Wrightstown; Cookstown, ' New Egypt and HornerstoWP. At 7 A. M.. 1 and 330 P. M. For Lewistown, Wrights ; town, Cdokstown, New Egypt, flonterstown,, Cream Ridge, Imlaystown, Sharon and Hightstown. Fifty pounds of Baggage ord . ) , allowed each Plolsoli,gar. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their r OregTtottigtl;° th lgogrogTr a fglg: rept by Special contract. Tickets sold and Baggage checked direct through to Boston, Worc.eater, Springfield, Hartford, New Haven Providence, _Newport, Albany, Troy,Saratogii, Utica, Rome, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara, Fails and Suspension Bridge. An additional Ticket Office is located at No. 873 Chest. tint street, where tickets •to New York, and au impor tant points North and East, may be procured. Persons purchasing Tickets at this Office, can have their bag gage checked from residences or hotel to destination,by Union Transfer Baggage Express. Lines from New York for Philadelphia will leave from foot of Cortland street at 1.00 ;and COO P. M., via Jersey City and Camden. ; At 8.50 and 10 A .31., 12.30,5, 6 and 9 :,and ut 12 Night, via Jersey . City and Weet delPha. ' • From Pier No. 1, N. River, at 6.30 A. M. Accommoda• lion and 2 P. M. Express viaAmboy and Camden. Dee. =, 1869. . .WILL. 11. GATZMER .Agent. • • . PHILADELPHIA AND 'BALTIMORE OEN TRAL RAILROAD COMPANY. ~ I • , WINTER A RBANotImENT. iOn and after MONDAY; Nov. ,- lst.,. 1263, Trains will cave its, follows_, stopping at all'atatione ott .11:11::.del phia, Baltimore Central and °Beater Creek Itailroade: I Leave PHILADELPHIA. for POUT DR:POSIT from Depot of , 'Philadelphia,' Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Cointa93y i I corner. Broad and ~Vatittingtart Iliv.Lifril t t fii A e . tTlit - IP. ' % '. . car tt. ii.d ill ...0.. fa im . p kintiot OxforSrfai Pl 4 " ' w ' Lewitt pul l ADELPHIA for I_llStailonti on Wilmiar -408 and Bending Eritrea& at 410 I'. 111. IdatVe 1 . 17 6 T XIBPOLGT for PUILADELPIIIA at 0.40'.&.'N., 9 '.&..1 , 14and'4.26 P.M.' Groilairird o' the 2418 train will leave at 4,30 P. 31'. I,. ) atoengerearp allowed . to Mite wearing apparel only as baggage, and the Company will not ho reepofedule for an amount exceeding • one hundred dollare, nulcee ' overfill contract is made for the 8117110. ' 1 /lENItY 15'001/, General Superintendent. ~~{C. `.: r, , 7IT ORTE • .Elk<l,lg • fiV "' 1 • r Hon TNT() 4114 ft urr . ;Ukiah 510'4,1YOMIlig!Valley, Northern Pettneylvalit 010 nterfor New, York, Rochester, ' Wittig; the Greet Liked and the Dominion of • WINTER ARRANGEMENT/Y. 4 TARES. FrEO NovetnheY22d t ''/ 4 • ls• Aillir INdDi leaTePaesenger D _ le er ' inn \ Berksand. Amer eat (Sun d ays streeta (Sund erolinagNAll, pers; cc..unnt ation for Fort Witshintrlw At.' .. 4 .•Mern ng Express for llethle omr U Priripal Stations on mats lino of North: PeimiteYlva l i vr cdn Nal road, comnecting, at Bethlehem ,with.Leldgb Rai road fctrAllonteirnOltatich Chunk. Mahanotil Wilkeabarre, Pittston, Towanda and Waverly; c r one**. _,.ting Waverlylith :BRIE ;RAILWAY for. Niagara; Falls, Buffalo, beholder, Olevelan Chicago. Ws Fraeciseo,'ittd till twilnts' in the Great West. . - A t 8.45 A. M.—Accommodation for Doylestowitiotothi4 Ping a t all, intermediate,Stations., Passengers for 3, ICAV Grovel 1141161.0 'thiregivuie, 4 th - f• train, take • • Stage at Old York' 9.45 A, M. fgrapressEfor ~., 1 411;deheni, Allentown. Mauch bunk, Whiter Haven. Willtesharre l Plttliton. Scornien and Idarilonditio•vjadeibigh end Stmiueltantui Railroad. and Widow - rt.. Eutaw,' , Backettstown, and Eeints 'New Jersey Central Railroad and Merrisang ssex Railroad to New York via Lehigh Va l ley ßaltrom. At 10 . 46 A..M.7 . -Accommodatien;-Orport Washington. atop Ping at intermediate Stations. . • . • 1.16, tuo and . gp.m.--Accommoditiom to AbitiAn,•, At I . 4s, P.l ll ....LehighValley, EalPrinitol Bethlehem Easton', Allentown, Manch Chnng, . Daidetsa. Whlta liaven,Wilkesbarre, Bittston, Scrantton, and Wyoming Deal Reagens., , , -.. At 2 4 5 51.—Acecamnodation,Pir D ol l Mbiarlit ping at all intermediate stations. . A t 435 111.—decommodation for 'DOneniorntjli°ll" ; ping at all intermediate stations. .• iv _ A t 6.00 P. li .— Through for Bethlehem,. connecting. at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Everitt:Or Train fog Easton, Allentown.Manch Ohunfc At 8.20 P. M.--Accortunodation for Xi/imams,' _ at all intentedlatestations. At 11201 P. M,J-Attopranodation for , Fort Willtingtog , TRAINS ARRIVE IN PIIILADELPULI_r From Bethlehem at 9A. M. 2.15,4.40 a1id_11.25,r... 2.11. P. M.; 4.40 P. M. and 8.25 P. M. Tref= =mu tate° , connection with Lehigh. Valley or LOI4A and Bweine henna trains from Easton, Scran ton, WiStlisharre, hanoy City and Ifuleton. From Doylestown at 8.35 A.M.A.ltrAtild 7.06 P.* From % P Lansdale at 7.30 A. M. ' ' ' • • From Fort Washington at 9.25 and 10 .36 A. M . and 3,n3 P. M. . . • L - ONAYSi Philadelphid for Beth S lehe D m at 9.3(r.a. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.00 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.00. A.., M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4.00 P. 31 Fifth and Sixth Street' and Second end * Thirdtreet. 'Lints of City Passenger cars run 'directly to -an d fivers the Depot. Unton Idne run within a ithorttprialleeet the Depot. Tickets must be procured at the 'picket Office, intord* to secure the lots - eat rata of fare.' • - ELLIS OLdElti dgent._, Ticketa solo and Baggage checked through to jprinti pal points, at Manna North Penn: - Baggage mrptesil office. No. 105 Sout h lliftbitreet lENNSYLVANIA. CENTRAL ' RAJT; 80AD..-After it P. M., SUNDA'S°, Nolentber lith.. 1659. The trains of the Pennsylvania Central :liiniltoiW leave the Depot,at Thirty-flret and Mar et etreete,which is reached directly b,y the care of the arket Street Pat senger Railway, the teat ear connecti g With each trent leaving Front and Market street s ill minutes before is departure. Those of the Chestnut and, Wilma TE lt Street*, Railway run within oneequare of the Depot, Sleeping Car Tickets can be had 9n application attlut 'ticket Office, Northwest winter of Ninth an d 'ObtetnitS streets, and at the Depot. • L Agents of the Union Tranefer Company will c e ll nin and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Orders lett at 0.908 Chestnut etreet,N - o. 116 Market etreet, will,recetvear• tendon_ TRAINS LEAVE DEP OT, VIZ... '' ' .' • Mail Train. ...it emo A. Vii Paoli Acc0m.,......,-...at 1040 A.M.,1.10, and . loop ; M. Feat Line ... . ... ....... . ..... .......... ..... ... .. . . .......at 11.60 A. M. Erie Exprosa. -.................at 11.60A..M. Harrisburg Accom , ~...• at 2.30 P. M. Lancaster. itccom.,.... ........... ................. .. .. .at 4.10 P.M Parksburg Train. -.... .............i.,.at Lao. P. 25, , Cincinnati ErLress. ' ' at ' P. M, Erie Mall and Pittebtirgh Express.. .. ... ......:.iit 9.45 P. A ccomm . 0dati0n.................. ...... ............I..at 12.11 A: Pacific Express. ....... ...........-.........at 12.00 night. Erie Mail leaves daily . , except Sunday, running, on Saturday night to Williamsport only. On Sunday n ight paasengers will leave Phlkidelphis at 8 o'clock. - . Pacific Express leaves daily, Cincinnati Ex• press daily, except Satuxqay. All , other trains d aily, except Sundae'. '- ' ' • • The Wentesu Accent-Wedation Train rani dell'', excniit Sunday. For this train tickets must be procured and baggage delivered by 5.00 P. M.. at 116 Market street, . TRAINS ARRIVE AT DEPOT, VIZ: ,-- ' - Cincinnati Express at 8.10 A. ra. Philadelphia Express at 6.30 A. M. Erie Mail ....at 8.30A.M. Paoli Accommodation at 8.20 A. SE. and 8.40 k 8.25 P.M. Parksburg Train...........„ ......... .................at 9.10 A. 51 Fast Line. * at 9.40 A. lit. Lancaster Train .. ... ........... ....... .............. . .. at 18.56 P. M. Erie Exprees-; . ................., ..... '.- at .12.1 M P.M. Southern Express . .........at 7.00 P. 11, Lock HAVOD and Elmira Exprems.... ..... ....at 7.00 P: M. pacific Express--; ......-........at 4.25 P. Ma HarrisbargAcooternotlation..... .. ... .....at 940 P. M. For further information, app l y to JOHN P. VANLE.E.B, JR., Ticket Agent, 901 011eittlitit street. __ , , FRANCIS FUNK, Ticket Agent, 116 Market street. SAMUEL 11. WALLACE, Ticket Agent at the Depot. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any risk for Baggage, except for :wearing apparel, and hmit their responsibility to One linndred .Dollare to value. All Sagg.age exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, unless taken by special con tract. EDWARD H. WILLIAMS, General Superintendent. Altoona, f 'a. DHLLA_PELPHIA., WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD—TIME TABLE. Couto mencing MONDAY, Iday 10th, 1869. Trains will leave Depot. corner Broad and Washington avenue. as fol lows: WAY MAIL TRAIN at 8.30 A. M. (Sundays eioepteD, for Baltimore, stopping at all Regular Stations. Con necting with Delaware Railroad at Wilmington for Crisfield and Intermediate Stations. - • . EXPRESS TRAIN at MOO M. (Sundays ex - ended 1 , for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilmington ; Perryville and '4lavre de Grace. Connecta at Wilming: ton with train for New Castle. ' • • EXPRESS TRAIN at 4.® P. ht.fatindala eXcepted). for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester t Thurlow, Linwood Claymont, Wilmington, Newport. Stanton,' Newark, Elkton, North , East, Oharlestown; Perryville' Havre de Grace, Aberdeen, PorrYman'a. Edgewood, Magnolia, Chase's and Stammer's Run. NIGHT EXPRESS at 11.30 P. Chaster a; for Balitmorti and Washington,. stopping at Tharlow,Lin wood, Claymont, Wilmington, Newark,EiktorkNortti East, Perryville, Havre de Grace, Perryinault and Nag. nolia. Passengers for Fortrees Monroe and Norfolk will take the 1210 M. Train. WILMINGTON TRAINS.--Storng at all Station* . between Philadelphia and Wilmln n. Leave PHILADELPHIA at 11 A. Ds 340_, 8 . 00 and. 7.00 P . M. The 0.00 P. M. train couneota with Delityare. Railroad for Harrington and intermediate stations.' Leave WILMINGTON 8.80 and 8.10 A. M., LSO, 4.18 in& 7.00 P. M. The 8.10 A. M. train will not stop' between Cheater and. Philadelphia. The 7.00 P. M. train from ,. Wilmington rums daily;allotherAccommodayon rafyir Sundays excepted. _, willaving WILMINGTON at &SO A. M. and CIE P. hi. connect at Larnokin Junction with' the 7.00 A.M. and 4.30 P. M. trains for Baltimore Central RI R. From BALTIMORE to PHILA.DELPHIA,LeaveII Baltimore 7.25 A. M., Way Mail. 935 A. M., :Dream. 2,31 S P. M. Expreas. 7.25 P. M. 'Express. SUNDAY TRAIN PROM • BALTLMORE.—.LosiveII. BALTIMORE at 7.25 P. M. Stopping at Magnolie,Per ryinan's, Aberdeen, H avre-de-Grace,PerryvUle,Charles town, North-East, Elkton Newark,' Stanton, Newport. Wilmington, Claymont, Linwood and Cheater. -- Through - tickets to all point' Went, South, and Eolith; west may be procured at the' ticket office, 828 Cheaintit street, under Continental Hotel, where also State Room* and Berths in Sleeping Cars can be 'secured during the day. Peraons purchasing tickets at this office can have baggage checked at their residence by the Union Trans. for Cohipany. . H. P..HENNEY, pop. pH IL A DEL PHIA L GERMANTOWN AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD TIME TA BLE.-On and after Monday, Nov. 224, 1869, and until further notice): • FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia -6,7, 8, 9,06, 10, 11, 11 A. M. am, sm, 4.05,4.35, 6,5%, 6.14, 7.11.9.M,40, 11, 12P. ,1. Leave Germantown-6,666,734,8,8.20, 9,10, 10.50,12 A 31.1, 2,3,3-90, 114,66%, 4034,7111, 9, /0, 11, P. ,11 The 8.20 down-train, and the 3% and 6M, up trains; will not atop on the Germantown Branch.. ON SUNDAYS. ' lONI Lea M. ve Philadelphlw-9,16 AL.4. 4.05 milkutel f 7 and P. • • Leave Germantown-8.16 A. M.: /LS, gaud 9% P. M. • • CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. delle M. lladelplda 10, A.81.;' 2, 31 1 ‘,6%,7,9.20' • Leave Cheettiot,Elll-7.10 Minutes, 8, 9.40, and 11.40 A U.; 1.411,830, 6.40, 6,40, 8.40 and 10.40 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. _ Leave Phlladelphia,-9.16 initiates A. N.; 2 and 7P, M. Leave Cheetnutll4ll l 4.6o minutes A. 51.; 12.40,640814 9.26 minutes P. M. FOR INSHOHOCH-EN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave P 1 ladelphia-6. 7%, 9,11.06, A. 61.; 114,3,4, 4.M9 6%, 6.15,8. ,10.06 and 11,3. i P. M. Leave Nometowir-5.40, 6.26, 7, 731, 8.50, 11 A. hi.; 134, , 435, 0.15, al( P, M. Oar The 731 A. . Trains from Norristown will not atop at Mogee's, Potts Landing, Domino or Schur 's Lane. air The 4 P. M. Trainfrom Philadelphia will atop only at School Lane s lilanayunk and Conehotiocken. .ON , SUNDAYS. I Leave Philadelphia-9 A. M.; 2%, 4 end 7.16 P. M. Leave Norristown-7 A. M.; 1,6 Y, and 9P M. FOR AIANAIiIINK. Leave Philtutelvtda--6,7‘. 9; 11,05 A, M.; .1%, 3, 1,434 3 6 . 1, 5 67 6 :. , :5 .89 ,1 a 0 u .05 d a 10_ n 0 d p., 1 . ;: mi P 11 .6 33 1 A . ys. I Leave Blaney unk-6.1.N0.55,7%, 8.10,9.20,11%A. M.; Leave A. M.; 2%, 4 and 7.16 P. M.. .` Leave Manayunk-714 A. 111.; .1.5 f,, 6 and 9,4 c P.M. V..Y.5 . 111 11 AL,R. Liave'Phiratinin ia, 7.% A. 411 Leave Plymouth. al A. M., 45S P. M. • WB. W1L5.8.14, General superintendent; , ' Depot, Ninth and Green streeto. IeonTLADELPILLA AND ,EItitTRAIL ROAD-AVINTER TIME TABLE. On and, after MONDAY, Nov. 15, 1&s0, the Tialll0 pp the Philadelphia and Erie Railron,d will ran as fel eivi s . from pennsyllYalllS Railroa d Depot, West Philadelphia WESTWAIID. mull , frain loaves m. ~ 4 , Williamsport y,40 A, if. " " strives at Erie Erio Ex rtes 1 11.40 A. 9.0 p:: " • 4 ‘ arrived ts . 10.00 A. M. Elmira Nall 'Tres PhiladelPhaw r 7.410 A.. 13:1; • Willitunspert.,:,..., M 8,00 arrlves'at _EAS T WA RD ' 740.r .r q Mail Train • •• _E. legves ' 840 A.M. f iilitunsport 9.215 M, arrives at ........ ....... S. M. ErleExpress leavea pint, , • - coo I. $4 W 111,18,1114 pint. .... . ... 3.20 A. MI " " arrives at Philadelphia . 12.0 P. M. Elroirp Mail leaves linek 8.00 A. 114. . at. " " arriVe O #.45 K li Philadolphle. 64) Beale Express Itv.ves Wtlliwneport 12.25 A.M. Harrisburg &SO A. M. 1 " , ' airives Philatielphia.....-.... 8:215 . A. M. Express caste-mina:to at Corry. 61 ea *last at Oorty and Irvlneten. Expresa weed at irvinatim with trains 00 011 Creek and Allegheny River Railroad. ALFRED L. TYLER. ailneral Superintend°