CITY BULLETIN. —The Select Council Contested ~ E lection Committees met yesterday lifterrieMi.'- fit the case of Thos. C. Evans vs. Saint. L. Snyder (Twenty-fifth Ward)),., the allegations are : That where in the ninth division of the Ward, 9 11 'totes were, returned for Snyder, there were actuallY:but 04 eaat for him; IhttV in the same division, John B. Gallagher was given by thei election officers but 133 votes, whereas upwards of 250 , votes: , were receivedi by. then]. for htm , . , and that upwards of 51 votes were cast for the , contestant In the same division, but that he was; returned, as- receiving put 143;, that the returns, from the third division of the said Ward, as filed in the office of the Prothonotary of the, Court of Common Pleas, do not bear the num ber of-votes ,Castfor. each candidate written mitt in words, as required by Bic Act of Assembly, Ina are pieced' in figures only, and therefore should not be counted i►t making up the total.: number of votes cast foi each ,candidate; that; . in this division the. Msnoildent was returned as having received 210 votes, when the true; number, was less than an d the contestant; was returned' as . having received .17t) votes,' when 189 and upwards was the true number ;i that in each of - the fourth and . sixth divisions! lavotes were received and 'counted for re-' spondent, the said votes being fraudulent ; that in the first, second, fifth, sixth, seventh and _leiglith divisions respectively, the - re spcindent, was credited with two votes . and up-; wards more than he received. Evidence will be taken in the case on Monday next. The! case of It. B. Coke vs. AIL illodgdon (Eighth Ward) was next taken up. The returns for; the respondent and contestant were respect ively 1,385 and 1,362, showing ,a majority for the fotnier of 23 votes. The latter dairies that the tine return would haVe shown at least' 1,428 votes cast for him, and alleges that in the second division of the Eighth Ward three qualified electors were:denied the right to vote who would have voted for him ; that in each of tbe fourth. fifth and sixth divisions of the said iWard„.quidified . voters to the , number, .of 'three were denied - the 'tight to vote "who Would' 'tate voted for him ; that in each of the second,' third, fourth, fifth and sixth diiisiona, at least five vote's cast for' him were4:ounted for 'respondent; that in the seventh' , division '.resi)ondent is returned as having received 249 and contestant 201 votes, .whereas 217 votes only were cast for 'the re spondent and 232 votes for contestant; that in this division the election Officers wilfully, disre garded allthe requirements of the law . ; neg lecting count the votes, hourly; neglecting to mark the letter V opposite the name of the 'voter on the list; neglecting to count the whole number of votes cast after the closing of the polls, and fraudulently sealing the box containing the ballots, and leaving the place without determining the number of votes cast for each candidate; .and further, that they refused' to. prepare ;the proper returns. and. certificates of election, which were prepared. by , some person or `per sons unknown, without theknowledge or con sent of one Inspector one Return Inspector and their clerks; and were' signed by the Judge and_other Inspeetors and elerk,and were received and counted in the general return; and that shortly before six o'clock an attack was made upon the polls by a riotous crowd, and -:. all . the official papers were stolen and carried away or de stroyed, and the ballots that had been cast in the previous hour were seized and in . the possession of 'the riotous persons for some time; that the Return Inspectors were forced to leave the room, and that the said bal lots,were for some time in the exclusive posses sion of one' Inspector, and that all these acts were done with the intention of holding an undue election. Mr. Simpson, counsel for Mr. Hodgdon, moved to quash the petition for du plicity and insufficient specification to entitle contestant to a hearing. After some discussion the committee resolved to hear both sides on this question on Monday next; at 4 o'clock P. M. Patrick Devinney,,of No. 1314 South Sixth street, went to the City. National Bank. yesterday to make a deposit. While counting his money at a desk, an individual called his attention to a twenty-five-cent note lying on the floor, and then snatched $3OO and made off. Mr. Devinney 'started in pursuit, and upon reaching the sidewalk, collared the thief. Fire Marshal Blackburn came along at this time and escorted the prisoner to the Central Sta tion. On his person were found $3BO and a gold watch numbered .50,154, and marked IL F. Pratt. Three: hundred dollars of money were identified at the hearing by Mr. Devinney. Lieut. Thomas and 3.11'. Blackburn, in search ing the prisoner, came across' a letter, and were about taking it out of his pocket,.Wthen he seized, it, tore half, and threw a por tion into the stove. There was enough left re maining to show,, as Mr. Blackburn said at the hearing, " that it was a letter from oue cracks man to another." The prisoner was commit ted in default of $2,000 bail for a further-hear ing on the 26th inst. He - gave - his name' as George Welsh; but turned - out to be 'an indi vidual who was arrested about a .year, ago', in coinpany with a woman, for the theft of a piece of satin valued at $lO2, from the store of Thomas Morgan, No. 72 North Fourth street. At the time be gave his name as Chas. Wil liams; but his real name is said to be Charles Everhart... ~ . 'Jfinfor 'Order of United' American Mechanics commenced their annual - session yesterday. The State Councillor _reported thirty-two now Councils in Pennsylvania, four in New Jersey, and the-formation of the Na tional Council of the United States. The to tal membership was reported .to be over ten thonsand, and the CouncilS were all represented to be in a flourishing condition. The follow- Mg officers were then elected : S; C. John D. Goff: S. V. C., Charles H. Huta ; S. C. Sec retary, Edw. S. Deemer; S. C. Cond., Chas. TySen; S. C. Warden, Clarence Danby; S. C. Sentinels, Milton Gold and Philip McCracken; to National Council, J. D. Goff, C. If. Rentz, S. D. Clous, Jas. P. P. Brown, J. S. Reiff. —The second anniversary of the Temper ance Society belonging to Rev. Dr. Shepherd's Church was held last evening, Hiram Ward presiding. After the opening exercises an address was made by Mr. Ward, in which he stated that since the inauguration of the Society over 1,200 signatures had been ob tained to the total abstinence pledge. Ad dresses were also made by Rev. Dr. Shepherd, Thomas M. Coleman, H. G. Lincoln and Messrs. Castle, Fenton, Irwin, Peters and others. —The iron steamship Fire Fly, 400 tons, which has been lying at Cooper's Point, N. j., for some time past, has been sold by Mr. J. W. Middleton to Mr. John . Mullen, on private terms. She-has-been chartered by the United States and West India Fresh Meat and Fruit Company to carry beef from Texas to this port and New York, and will be fitted up as an immense refrigerator, under Bray's patent, by which meat can be kept and carried to or from any desirable point without deterioration. —Robert B. Walker, who for many years has been engaged in the carpet business in this city, died ou Thursday night, of pneumonia, in his 07th nar. Ilis loss will be regretted by a large circle of business and social friends. Wm. Jamison, charge'a with assault and battery on his wife, was admitted to bail by Alderman Kerr yesterday, the physician having testified that Mrs. Jamison is rapidly improving and is out of danger. —A meeting of the Board of Delegates of the Fire Association was held, last evening, at the hall, Fifth and North streets ' when a di .yidend of $1,034 lb was declared in favor of each Company belonging to the Association. CA#IDIEM • —At the meeting in Camden a night or two since, called' for the purpose of considering the matter of gas,' [a committee was appointed to wait on the City toinicil Poi - the . purpose of inducing that body to pass an ordinance pro ilding for the .nPpointirnent of a Gas Inspector, whose duty it shall Lbe to Toole after the interests , . of ' the city lisqltteie +of consumers of gaS; " ',The Oorninittee Wiw i also ins t ructed , ' to Visit . and inspect the Gas Works 'and the manufactUring establishnieut where the metres are „made. Time , meeting passed some stringent.` resoluticms, declaring that the quality,., price and quantity of the gas furnished the citizens constituted a just cause 'of complaint, and had a tendency to drive capi tal - away from. Camden, to seek investment elSewhere. The meeting seemed fotirthe`Out a pretty strong case; andd a showed a determina tion to move vigorously in the matter. , , • —The now city charter (the saddle-horse which the city Connell have been riding for - the last three or four years) is again in the hands of the 'Solicitor—this time, it Is;said, to ' be pruned, boiled down, rendered grammatical, 'clipped of its superfluouS matter, aarl - ;i4i l P intelligible-=that is, so far - .As the` usual 'phraseology can, ,regder. anyffilag in the shape of law. , ',intel ligible, The efforts to, Obtain anew city'eliar ter have been huge, and have thus far niet'with failure. Since they Were COrrepenced 'the last submarine cable across the Atlantic has been laid, the Pacific, Railroad: and the, Suez Canal have been built; and still Camden has no new ' charter! It is A gigalitiejob 7 -much greater than its warmest patrons. anticipated. • —A deep feeling. appears to :be expressed among those gentlemen who own manufac turing establishinents 'situated on 'Cooper's ' Creek, with•having a draw,.pladed in the railroad bridge.: It is claimed that y such a draw the navigation of that stream winild be materially improved,. ~ and thus enable masted vessels to ascend to the manufactories located, on its banks. ;.I',tiearly a iltar ago the ,Board of,Chosenlreehplders appointed a coin= mittee to wait on the company with a view to induce them to place such a draw, but nothing has been done. All the other bridges have • draws. , —Parties who have not paid their taxes on properties irt the diiterent -Wards of Camden for 18(18,` - iiitCW1indo licit pay; Within a specified time, will have their real estate sold, according to instructions of City Council to the Solicitor. —A centenarian named Ann Nowland, residing in South Camden;died a day •°, of :two since. It is represented that she was one hun dred years of age, and retained her faculties remarkably well. Pennsylvania Legislature. The Pennsylvania Senate yesterday unani mously rejected the House bill appropriating to each ineinbeirsloo 'forpostage. , Mr: llonszey called np the Senate bill regulating the com pensation of Auditors. It, was amended by Mr. Henszey, and passed as follows : "That whenever Auditors are appointed by the Or phans' Court or - Coinmon Pleas or District Court of - Philadelphia, they shall each be en titled to receive the sum of $lO for each day they shall necessarily attend to, the duties of their appointmeilt, not to exceed five days, and the additional.surn.of $25 • for mating the re port; that in important cases the Court may, on cause SluiWn,'Make a 'decree' of order allow ing such additional, oompensti,tion as they may deem proper."' 'Adjourned until Monday even ing next. In the House of Representatives messages were received from . the Governor announcing his appointment of Secretary of State, Frank Jordan ; - Depnty Secretary, J. M. Wheatley; Attorney-General, F. Carroll Brewster, and Adjutant-General, A. L. Russell. The subject of printing a 'Legislative Record waldiscussed and was finally referred back to i!he Special Committee,. Adjourned until Monday even ing. Candidates for State Officers. • The following is a list of persons who have filed applications at Harrisburg for office under Governor, Geary :. • Sealer of Weights and Mectsuresichael Huber, Henry. T.. Benner, .Marsh E. Herr. Flour Inspector—John G. Rittenhouse, Da vid A. Shiftier; F. S. Albright, Henry F. Ry rnen, Christian Henry, Charles Mitchell, Henry B. Grey bill, Wm. P. Wilson,D. G. Dresbock; Jeremiah Cooper, John Boine. 117,i8ky Inspectors—Jas. B. Henderson, John Stauffer, ,Jno.• .M.,Stonebeck, David •S, D. Franks, Robert Dixon, George B. Albright, John Flynn. Leather Inspectors Geo.. Elton, Jno. D. Jones, Wm. Ledford, M. C. Tate, Martin D. Barndollar, David Seely, J. C. A. .Ilcitfdertz, Jacob Van Ryriskirk, H. C. Reill. Grain .11Leasurers—Wm. Liugard, Joseph C. Albright, Bark Inspectors—John K.eller, E. Ward, J. Kleckner Germon, Alonzo Vance, M. C. Reid, T. S. Reed, M. D., W. 11. Mathews, Jacob Bigler. Lazaretto OfficersL—C. C. V. Crawford, Wm. S. Thompson; J. Howard • Taylor, I. S. Van Vorhees, WM. L.. Lambert; Jas. Steward son. • , , .i. Harbor MusterB—Geo. J. Weaver, Charles C. Vanhorn, Daniel W. Stockham, Daniel J. Coeltram'Wmi C.% Roark, .I,no. W. Barry, Jas. Killingham. Poteder-Nagazine—Parkhurst Wm. IL Porter. Quarantine .J/ ter—Thomas 0. Stephenson, Robert Garbride. Fur any Apppintmeig—E. ltadchiffe, Wesley Stevenson; 0. 13. (4riflitlas, J. C. Con nell, Joseph Grover, Haskell. • Oabriel B. Eldred appends to his application the fact that the Prothonotary of his county is sick. He expects him to die, and would like to have the promise of the office in advance. Coal Statement. The following in the amount of coal transported over the Philadelphia and RoadinKßailroad during the week ending Thursday, Jan. 01, 1870: ols.Cmi. From St. Clair T 17.372 15 Port Carbon ' ' - - 2,918 09 Pottsville 859 07 " Schuylkill Haven 4,437 09 Auburn 46107 " Port Clinton 1.29/ in ‘• Harrisburg and Dauphin 833 17 " Allentown and Alburten 87 02 Total Anthracite Coal for week 7+,132 14 Bituminous Coal from Harrisburg and Dau pliin for week 1,663 07 Total for week paying freight Coal t'or the Company's use Totnl of all kinds for the week Previously this year Total To Thursday...lan. 21, 1669. THE FINE ARTS Established 1795. ' A. S. ROBINSON' FRENCH PLATE LOOKING GLASSES, Beautiful Chronios, ENGRAVINGS AND PAINTINGS, Manufacturer of all kinds of Looking-Glass,Portrait &Picture Frames. 1310 CHESTNUT STREET. Fifth Door above the Continental, PHILADELPHIA. 111bItTGAGES. SOSO fifiaTO IN VEST ON 1110fil'OkGE efijljtyv on city property. Can divided. AVAK EL IN (I BROS.. Ira 15 Mout street. 1: eyed sweet Fish Oil low-priced, for solo by EDW It,ROWLEY, 16 South rout street, . , TUE .1)A.TLY,..0T0N..1.N0.. BV.Li. - 4 .kiTIN.,-.4olt.Aii..Y?,i',.th.lJ,i,A....S'Aiiiii. :7 1.&i.'J'Aisili.l 'i 4h..i.. - ,. * V:::ifiii,,..::, . . . _ . SATUROA.V AFTERNOONS. THREE MORE STARS this week. Madame OAR LOT TA Ds. BERG, the groat eeneatinn, rider.; .1 AS. E. 000K1 0 3,prineipal meanie ithd fouri horse rider;' FRANK W HITT A KER. - great eloWn and Philadelphia favorite, will ?p O. ear with thaOHAMPI.OH STABS of the GI HAN, 1 COMPANY ',Deg tie at 23' afternoon and 8 O'clock, evening. I Admiasion 25 cents ;‘Ohildren under 10 years, 15 centa ; Reeerved,ehaire , so Conte each. jal9lt - 11U•PREZ. 86 BENEDICT'S OPERA A, • HOUSE,' SEVENTH Street, Itelew Arch. THIS EVENIN G; D ['PREZ it; BENEDIOT'S .Gigantic Minstrels and Burlesque Opera Troupe. introducing.. Eirst.Tinte.—Mati jiifs Rohl. First Time—Medea; or jt istori Restored. 'First Time-L-Sports of the At'eng: • Admission:Kt etc , Paronette, ?Sots. Gallery, 25 cts..._ F " 'B AMERICAN TifEATRE, EVERY EVENING, SHEBIPAN,and MAGIC; Mr. ROMAN HOWARD; Mr. F. A: GIBBONS, the Great Gymnlst: Mr. LARRY TOOLEY, Mlle. LUPO. Mlle. DE ROSA, Mt. Sam. Deter°, Air, litotn.Whittettatc:. , ,Matinee . on. Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. TIEMPLE WONDERS-ASSEMBLY BUILPINGS SIGN64 BLITZ ASSISTED BY 818 SON uIIEODOBE. _ Every atoning at 7 , 14.., Matinees on Wednesday and Saturday at 3.,..A11 ate Modern and Ancient Mysteries. NEW ELEVENTH , STREET OPERA , 1 ILE FAMILY EFFORT. CetftlYCßClU ß D y likgr i ai r ifiNSTßELS, 1 • • • J. L. VAIINOROBS, Manager. Q.ENTZ AND HASSLER'S MATINEES.-- Mueical Fund Hall, 18.6-70. -Every SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at Sh'. o'clock. _ ocl9-tt a ARCH STREET RESIDENCE II FOR SALE; ' No. 1922 ARCH STREET. Elegant Brown-Stone Residence, three dories and. Mansard roof ; very commodious, furnished with every modern Convenience, and built in a very superior and substantial manner. - Lot 26 feet front by MO feat - deep to Cuthbert street, on which is erected a handsome brio' Stable and Coach Nouse. • J. AI, GURNEY & SONS, ee1733 WALNUT Street. inFOR SALE—TWO MODERN ,THlE teen-roomod Dwellings. Nos. 1718 and 1720 North Seventh street. All the modern conrenlences. Price low and terms easy. Also dwelling, on Hain strget. Frank ford. H. H. HOFFMAN ' > ja22 s w I 1 321 Walnut street. fa FOE. SALE-VERY HANDSOME Ka Brown Stone• Residence. No. 1813 Walnut street, opposite Rittenhouse Square. House replete with modern conveniences. Lot 26 feet front by 235 feat deep to Stinson' street. Apply to LEWIS H. REDNER, jal9 3t§ • 731 Walnut street. f , V.I WEST PH 'LAD ELPH IA PROPERTY WiLfor sole. WILLIAM B. WEIR, jalB 6t" No. 3936 Chestnut street. W 1:.5"1'61"R U iSTit Cl :SAL E 1211—Twu desirable Buildinit Lots on the southwest corner of Spruce owl Twenty-first streets, each fe,t front by 110 feet deep.- J. M. GUMMEY d SONS,7i3 Walnut street. FUR SALE—THE MODERNTFIREE a..I story brick dwelling, with two-story double back. buildings. every convenience, and in perfect order, No. .513 South Thirteenth street. J. M. GUM• MI I( & SONS, 733 Walnut street. in FOR SALE—THE HANDSOME Rafour-story Residence, with Aimee-story double back huildings,and having every modern converileme and im. provement, situate No. 908 Spruce street. Lut 25 feet front by 165 feet deep to a 20 feet wide street. J. X. G [JAME Y. & S ONS, 734 Walnut street. ----- el FOR SALE-THE THREE-STORY rL brick dwellingOvith three-story back buillinge, every , convenience and in good order, No. 65a North Thirteenth street, above .Wallace. J. M. GUMMY & SONS, 733 Walnut street. FOR SAL 8.--MODERN THREE- Ma. Story Eriek Dwelling,sl9 S. Ninth et. Every esn. venlenee. 'lnquire on tho promisee. tuy64ll,B,turtn riGERMANTOWN -FOR SALE.- The handsome Stone Residence, having event city conveniences, in perfect order and well shaded. Situate northwest corner East Walnut Lane and Mor ton street. J M. GUMMY & SONS, 733 Waluut at. iFf - g FOR. SALE.-THE . HANDSOME 'Double Brown Stone Residence, situate No. 1805 Spring 'Garden street. Very substantially built, -.First floor finished in black walnut. Lot 36 feet front by 160 feet deep to a street. J. M. GUMMEY & SONS, 733 Walnut street. NI FOR BALE- DWELLING 1421 Ma North Thirteenth street; every convenience, and in geed order. • Superior dwelling, 1422 North Twelfth street, on easy toms.. 80,590. Three-story brick, MIS NOrth Twelfth street, having a good two-story dwelling in the rear. $B,OOO. Three-story brick, MO Powell street, in good order, $2,750. Store and dwelling, No. 340 South Sixth street. $5,000. ''Frame house, 009 Third street, South Camden, near Spruce, clear. 8600, MO Queen street, two-story brick, good yard. - • Building Lots on Passyunk road, and a good Lot at Rising Sun.. ROBERT OBAFFEN do SON, 537 Pine street, volt OF THE. MUST. DE, nimble building lots iu the city ~ 6 0 by WO Teot, N. W. corner Broad and Master streets. Will be sold be low cost. Apply to P. SALOM. jalB-60, • Continental Hotel. C REE REAL ESTATII ES 85 0C0T.L1732, AGENTS. Office, Jackson street, opposite Mansion street, (lapt island, N. J. Real Estate bought and sold. Persons desirous of renting cottages during the season will apPli or address as above. Ileapectfully refer to Ohne. A. Bribioam,RonrY Bun= Frannie Mcl!vain, Auguritus Morino, John Dnyie . Juvenal. -1084 fel FOR RENT-A HANDSOME FUR tia niched lionso on Manheim, street, Germantown, oppotote :Judge 'Brewster's, within three minutes' walk., el \Vella, Station. An improvements in ilOtINO; gtable, coacichouse, garden with all kind of fruit; a tine lawn in front of holm. A first-class country place. Apply to CIOPPUCK 8 J0UD4.1 , 1,433 Walnut street. 29,516 01 .. 2,145 15 41 P 411.; 343,034 10 376.786 06 2a8,23-0 , Alllo4.giViErills4 Rif RS, J0H.14 • CREW'S ARCH STREET /XL ' , THEATRE , . •^ Regina 734 o'clock. SECONE WEEK—I.ITTLE EM'LY. THE SUCEn° HEASON ;" r IIIVERY Nlatta WITH NEW ht . :BEERY, FINE EFFECTS and GREAT OAST. Ilalltday's Dickens's Urania, LITTLE EM'LY. • • MARTHA. .... .. . JNO: DREW , 4, • , Aided bk. the Ftill clompany. • ' ; 'IdONPAY NEAT, iIOHNEtti4AIGIIAEG, , , WALNUT STREgT THEATRE. • • N. E. cot. Ninth and Walnut' streets. THIS, SATURDAY. EVENING. Jan. 22, Eighteenth nightsit. the.. bighlyoucceasful • ROMAN T 10 f PdIL LTA 13. Y. In 4 Acts, by Watts Phillips, Esq.,author of "The Dead Heart,' , "Lost in London,"_ Arc., entitled NOT GUILTY, THE YOUNGYOLUNTEEIt cones and isk,OKS lIDIDADRIIPIIIA BAND No.l ARE SPEOIALLICENGAGE D. NOT GUILTY M ATINEE ON SATURDAY. lAURA KRENE'B -7 - I . CHESTNUT STREET THEATRE. MISS SUSA.N . !IALTHE AND COMIC ENGLISH PE RA lICO M PA NY. THIS, SAT RDAY. NIGHT, LAST TIME, THE PRIMA DONNA OF A N NIGHT, • And TNRRIB SUSANLE HYME. o MISS °ALTON', •• AND COMIC ENGLISH' OP E RA COMPANY IN BOTH OPERETTAS. MONDAY—"THE LITTLE DUCHESS." IMF; CHAMPION,' CIRCUS, 'TENTH AND'OALLOWITUL STREETS. Mrs. CHAS'. WARNER Directress, EXTRAORDINARY ANIWIJNOEMEN T. EVERY EVENING AND wEDNEsDAY AND A CADEMY O'F r IINE 'ARTS, UTIESTNIIT street, above Tenth. Open from 9A, M. to 6 PAC 1' re; of Benjamin ViellVß Great r ' • '•efiltf6T REJ °TED Id still onnabibiUon.. je92-tf I+l3ll. SALE. TO RENT. frt TO LET—HOUSE 1340 PINE STREET Apply at 1:128 Fpruco etroet• jalBl2o fp FOR RENT—MARKET STREET— &A Elegant double store property, 40 feet front, south %% est corner of Sixth. Four-story store, No. 617 111arket street. CHESTNUT STREET—Valuable property, northeast corner Eleventh street, wilt be improved. WALNUT STREET—Store and dwelling, No. 810. LARGE DWELLlNG—suitable for boarding-house, Northeast earner of Eighteenth and Vine streets. WALNUT STREET—Largo four-story store, No. No. 1017. 3: 31: GUMMY At SONS, 733 Walnut street. c:7l FOR RENT—THE. LARGE ROOM., Lta 127 feet by 44 fret, on the first floor of the late Post mino building, on Dock street, with or without steam power; well Hg Med and 'convenient for a manufactory Or large salesroom. • Indult(' at the office of Hie Executors and Trustees of the Estate of Dr. David Jayne, N0..613 CH ESTNUT !street, second titory.• jnlibdt f.P TO RENT, leL it STORE, No. SE) COMMERCE street, 18 by 100 FEET. Possession, January 1,1870. Apply to W. A. E.-NIGHT, dole N tilthAf 511 Commerce street. ,TO RENT ON A LEASE FOR LEL or two ye:int.—The desirable country placo in Germantown, furnished or unfurnished, ten minutes' walk of Day ; 211 acres of ground ; all 1111prOV,111111iti ' • stable,, &c.; tine garden and a variety of frnit.• 'Apply to COPPUCK St JORDAN, 433 Walnut street, 419 TO LET—HOUSE 706'SOUTH SEVEN. M. TEENTII street. Portable heater, range, bath" hot iyater, gae—all the modern conveniences. Eight rooms. Ap b• on ,remises., notitf __--- QREATELING FELT:- - --TEN FRAM B'S ),J Englißh Sheathing bolt, for &do bi . PSTEU WRIGHT it 130W3, 116 Walnut stroot. , VCWARTNtnSI - ttrei , OTICEI 18 HERWIr; GIVEN THAT lei " litnitklfplfrtirorebip beiletiiftdro existing; hd twenn. Richard . rso wood. aloon,.j Detijainin; V, • Marsh, 1.,e w ~kletyward. He Henden ' ,Richard Wood and Sandal P. GodWir tin e, der the Bent of 'Wood, Marsh, Hayward & Co . r torminatei thisidaftirits mina , . The businefisi will be Settled at 309 Market stiootr IL A DEI,PnIA ~Doceviiber 31st, 1869. LIMITED PAIITNERSHIP.—TH,E scribers hereby give notice that they have entered into • a limited, partnership: agreeably to the laws of Pennsylvania relating to limited partnership: _ , That the name or firm ullider which said partnership is to he conducted is WOOD, MARSH, HA ICW ARO 9' GO. That the general nature 'of tho, business Intended to be transacted is the Dry .Goods and Notion Jobbing basin nose. That the names of all the general and epecialPart nem i ntereeted. therein are Benjamin N. Marsh, residing on Went Walnut Dane, permantOwn, General Partner; Lewis W. Hayward, residing. at No. 213 South Eighth Ctreet, General Partner; Henry Henderson, residing on hew street Germantown, ,General Partner ; Itichsrd Wood, residing et No. 1121 Arch street', General Partner.; Samuel Pi—Godwin, -residing at No. 913 'Pine .street, General Partner, and Josiah Bacon, residing at No. 1107 Marshall street, Special Partner J. - That the amount of "Capital contributed by the special partner. , Josiah Bacon, to the common stock, as fifty thousand dollars. That the period. at which.said partnership is to com mence is the 31st day of December, A. D. 1859, and the period at which• it will terminate ,is the 31st day of ;Do camber, A. D.,1870. • " " JOSIAH BACON. • . , Special Partner. k BENJAMIN V MARSII, , • LEWIS W EItOrWARD, . . HENRY lIEN,DERSON,' ItICHA RD WOOD, BAMBINI, P. !GODWIN, ial General Partners. D°ll/torty g l e jl3 n A th ß at i n N lf l in 3 t it ited Bll P l A P r ' rn Partnership has entered tato berweed the nridersigned, utider the laws of the Oommonwealth. of Pennsylvania,' upon the following derma . ... , • . I. The partnership is to be oonducted under the name Addlii'M of MEYER' & DIG KIN SON. The general 'notate of the thsirneed intended to be the,Dry Goode Importintand Commission ,Businees, and the place of businessia the . City of " , 2.. The general partners Ilre OH ARLES 11. METH% residing at.Thirty.second and Hamilton streets, in the city of Philadelphia i and jO I TEPH R. DICKINSON, re siding 'at No. 181.3 Swain street, in said city and 'Om special partner is LUCAS THOMPSON, residing in the city of New :York. , - IV. The amount of capital .the said 'fidit nor, 'Arms THOMPSON ' ', to the common 'thick of said firm,•is fifty thoutiand dollars in cash. V. ,The said partn.reltfp is. to .cortmeticei on the first day of January, A. D. 1870, and is to terminate ori the thirty-first day Of December, A: D. 1872. • CH ARLES 11. METER. JOSEPH It. DICKINSON, • General Partners. LUCAS THOMPSON, jai-s6t§ JILETED. PARTNERS/I'lP ' NOTICE. The undersigned have formed a Limited Partner. ship, In accordance with the laws of the State of Penn. oYlvanie, on the following terms: The name of the firm is FRANK .4 STRETCH: The general nature of the business intended to be transacted le the wholesale Queensware business, to be:carried on In the city of Philadelphia, The General Partners are SOLOMON FRANK; residing et Nu. 580 North Six teenth streetin said city, and CHARLES B. STRETCH, residing at No. 1403 Jefferson street, in said, city; and the Special Partner is ISRAEL 1.1. WALTER, residing at,N0:609 Marshall street, In said city; The tunonnt of capital contributed bi t the said Special Parther, ISRAEL If. WALTE to the common stuck of said tine ,is Twenty Thousemi Dolluts,in goods and merchan dise, duly appraised by WilliamPlews. an appraiser rip pointed by the Court of Common /lilts for the city and county of Philadelphir for that purpose, appraise melt so made, showing the nature and value of said goods and merchandise, has been duly recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds for said city awl county. The Partnership is to emollient° ,on the first day of January, A. D. 1870, and terminate on the thirty-drat day of December A. D. 1872. SOLOMON FRANK. , General Partner. CHARLES B. STRETCH. ' General Partner. ISRAEL H. WALTER, jai a Gt§ . Special Partner. N OTICE OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. --The subscribers have this day formdil a limited portuvri4hip, according,to the pmvisions of the act of Assembly of !Mach 21,1836. entitled . " An act relative to limited partnerships." And its several supplements, the terms of which are as follows : 1. The name of the firm Under which said partnership shalt be conducted iaJA3IES M..VANCE & CO. . 2. The general nature of thebusiness intended to be transacted is the business of buying and selling Ilard• ware. 3. The Only General Partners are JAMES M.YANCE, residing at No. W 29 Girard avenue. In the city of Phila delphia, and WILLIAM C. PETERS, resitting at No. 504 Wend Street. in said city ; and the only Special Part ner is HENRY D. LANDIS, residing at Chestnut Hill, lilottgomery county, State of Pentetylvania. 4. The amount of capital contributed to the common stock by said Special Partner is 85U,000 in cash. 5. The period at which sald partnership is to commence is the first day of January, 12410, :imbibe period at which it will terminate is the 31st day of December, IS7O. • JAMES M. VANCE. WILLIAM C. PETERS, • General Partners. HENRY D. LANDIS, ' Special Partner; PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 31,1869. jal-s6tl COPARTNERSHIP. THE UNDER SIGNED havo thisday forme' Copartnership for sole and shipment of Coal, under the firm of ItEPPLIER, GORDON a; CO., at N0:329 Vralititt street. GEORGE B. It F:PPLIEIL N. P. GORDON. IL P. P.IITPLIEIt. PHILADELPiIIA t January I, 1470. DISSOLUTION.THE COPARTNER, - SHIP heretofore existing under firnis of CALD WELL, GORDON & Philadelphia and New York, and of HALL, CALDWELL 1: CO., at Boston, is this daYdbqiolved by mutual eminent. Either party will sign iu liquidation. S. CALDWELL, JR., F. A. HALII,, N. P. GORDON, H. R. YOUNG. PHILADELPHIA, Dec Amber 31, THE ITI‘ 'DERSIGNED HAVE, FORMED a Copartnership under the style of HALL, BULKS LEY k CO., and will continue the Coal business at No. Hi State street, Boston, and 112 Walnut street. Philadel phia. F. A. HALL, E. H. BULK LEY rIfILADELPITIA, January 1, 15310. al IVOTICE IS ILE'REBY GIVEN THAT AA under the terms of the articles of Copartnership of FITLER, 'WEAVER '& COMPANY, of the city of Philadelphia manufacturers of:Rope and Cordage, the interest of MICHAEL 14E:AYE/I in said firm will tor rnittate, as will also said copartnership, upon add after the first day of January,-160. EDWIN 11. FITLER, T um 'UNDERSIGNED GIVE NOTICE - that they have thin day formed a Copartnership under the firm of EDWIN H. RITMO. it COMPANY,. and will conduct their buelnese as manufacturers of Rope and Cordage at „the old stand, Nos. 23 North Wa ter street, and 22 North Delaware avenue Philadelphia. • EDWIN 11. FITLER. CONRAD F. CLOTHIER, Janurixy.l, 1870. • jaltoG a to that§ rum E UNDERSIGNED HAW: THIS DAY 1. formed a copartnership for the .rraninetion. of thq Jobld MID 4; lig Flour business, under the firm name of LIN GIBBS IL N. LINNARD, A. IIALliE1( GIBBS. PIIILADELPIIIA, Jan. 18, 1370. itt2l tit* is FIRM. OF WILMER, CANNELL & CO. hinds day dissolved by 'nutria! emiaent. Tho of the firm will be dettled by the late partnera, at 232 Cboetnut street. 3. RINGGOLD WILMER, S. W. CANNELL, JOIIN LARDNER. PHITADELPIIIA Dec. 81,1869. - 110 - 0 P - SKIRTS AND CORSETS. 1115 GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE OF HOOP SKIRTS AND CORSETS , Commencing Saturday, December 4, And will be continued until January 1, 1870, with prices marked down to and below the wholesale gold prices, affording an opportunity for unprecedented bargains in first-class 1100 P SKIRTS and CORSRTS for the time above•stated ONLY. 18,000 Hoop Skirts for Ladies. Misses and Children in 400 varieties of styles, size, quality and prices, from lac. to $2, many of them marked down to less than one third price. Over 10,000 Corsets, including 83 kinds and Prices, such as Thomson's Glove fitting Corsets in five grades; Jas. D eckers Snperior French Woven, in all qualities; It. Werly's, in four varieties; Mrs. Moody's Patent Self-ad- Snsting Supporting Corsets; Madams Foy's Corset and kirt Supporters; Superior Hand-made Corsets, in all grades, Misses', Children's, &c. Together with our own make of Corsets, in great variety.. All of which will be • MARKED DOWN TO . PANIC PRICES. Call early, while the stock remains unbrokcn, as there can be no duplicates at the prices. At 1115 CheStriut Street. • WM. T.:l-10PKINS. deo m w f 3m4 WANTS: A YOUNG LADY WHO HAS. HAD A xperienco in teaching, wishes a position as Go verness, for several honrs, daily. Can teach French if desired. Address, "G. W.," Office EVENING Bee's: Tire. ial2w 810 - COAL - AND - WOOD. IS. MASON BINES. InHN F. FITIRA BV, THE UNDERSIGNED INVITE ATTEN tion to their stock of Spring Mountain, Lehigh and Locust Mountain Coal, which, with the preparation given by ue, we think can not ho excelled by any other Coal. Office, Franldin institute Building, No. lb B. Seventh street. BINUS & SIIEAPIP, • Tala-tf Fttrew§t wharf. Schuylkill. V lauding and for Halo by 00011144 N, RUSBELI4.I4 (JO., 11l (ilieutnut Htreet, --•— • . • ir_e!,j)"P'4l , llTAfafir 4- EitliivEyi. wile LOR OY• ORZRP ENOINVBIL7AND SUR. VLYOR. Tr I '.ll)tittlartittlili,', Sanilitii IS, 1870. ,NOTICIC-Mmilicato pratis or the sorvev and grads regulations of Longfialse,frotrtfenicrai to atiMin street, nn+now andieposiled forineoestion at , the firtAbr tor 11"41°„$14311. 5 16 ig t d it 4 g tozon Stallion itiL.'th 41vOirtinant,.. 4Y, .4i t Fifth street. and tho Board of Surveyors have appoints.' -MONDAY, Februarythelthilrl7o; at 1014 o'olock A. M., to consider say objections that tniv Ge urgodtheretO by ery, uktii4n ititere2lo,4l4llllBicificle. jo.lo 22 29 ryi Chief Engineer and Surveyor. frPHILADELPHIA AND, ERIE jrAILIIOAD' CIOAPAtIYf ,OrTICE 230 ,WATT= T 1 T 13TREET; - • • PHILADELPHIA, Jan 15, 1870 The annual meeting of tho Stockholders will be held at the office of the Companyon ,AIONp AN the 14th of NOM ary next, at 10 Orclook At. AI. , At .this meeting ad election will toe held for tengdanagere Comirtny, to serve for e year. The' Coclosent 12 o'clock. j Im alts-e.witt§. OF. P. LITTLE. tiecretarY... O.,WILLS OPHTHALMIC HOSPI.- tel, Race; ahoie tfithteintb street. ' Open daily at 11 A. M. for treatment of ditiOaso9 of the eye. ATTENDING. BURGEON: Dr. Thotriaa ceorgo Morton, N 0.1421 Cheetnut !drool - . . MANAGURS : Albert 11, Smith, Np to Squill Dreatkatreet. obn C. BaVekr; No. 432 Walnut street. 11. B. Lippincott, N. W. earner Twentieth and Cherry streets. , dele,wtf§ 87NOTIOE.--OFFICE BUCK • 810 UN TAIN , C1()&14 COMPANY.--Ruurr.rtne, Jan. 1870,—Ther /tunnel meeting d . the tockholdere of the Buck 'ld ontitifts Coal Conn ny wt.! be held at the Of of the Company, N 0.120 alnut etroot4 o WSID NNSDA Y 4 second dal , of Velernarf next, at 11 &clock K. M. And an election or SEVEN 111.100T011.8, to earre the ensuing pear, wl Ibe hild h dame day; between the home of 11 A. M. and 2P. M. t. • ' jai a] ' T, 11. TROTTEII.; net reterY PHILADBLPH.M. AND TRENTON IhrY RAILROAD COMPANY. OFF.LORMA SOUTH DELAWARE AVENUE: ' . . . gittr.gnimrttra, Jan. 1941 o: The Directors have thle.dav declared a eeml-annual Dividend of Five .1.4• r Gloat: upon the capital stock of the Company, clear of taxes, from the profits of the nix mentle4 ending December 31, 1889, tayable on and niter Fawner"- I proximo, when the tranefer hooka will he i'coDrneja7D tlfelinc J. DAIIKEIi ItaftNlS, ea. OFFICE HL NTINGDON K BIWAD TOP MOUNTAIN 8., CO., 417 Walnut 'street. ' It. knEr.Pittn. January IS, 1870. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Hun tingdon and Broad TOO. filonntain Railroad and Coal C.anuaay 1 , 111 be held at the office of the Oesalsny, en TrESDAI , Fob. let,' 1570,_ at n o'clock A. ~ when en plection *ill bt hilt! for a president an tWelre Directent for the ensuing year. jalsedn Ms 7t J, AEILTSEN, Secretory. up EIGHTH NATIONAL, BANK, 1017 NORTILBECONIr WISE KT. PIIII.AnSI.IWA, January 18.1670. At the ElectiOn held on the 11th Inst., the follorlug Stockholders were elected Directors of this Bank : Jacob Naylor, . henry H. Ziegler, James Irwin, Jame* Long. Jacob O. Neafle, John F. Norcross. 'Charles N. Childs!, W. NV Allard/, Charles B. Craige, Jaeob Grins, • William Ring, A ,Linculn,, I, B. utter. . - And at the meeting of the. Directors. held this day, JACOB NAYLOB, Es was re-e leeted President, CHARLES H. °RAMIE, Esq., Vice Prvsident, THOMAS K. EINLETTER, Esq Solicitor, end Jell/ wf s 3t§ • . H. H. WILLIAMS, etshier. KENSINGTON NATIONAL BANIt. PIIILIMMPIIIA. Jan. 17.•1470. At an election held on Ilth January. IS7O, the follow ing named gentlemen were elected Directors for the ensuing year : CHARLES VERN ES, JOSEPH S. KAAM AonErtv M. COLgMAN, EDWARD MURRAY, CHARLES H. R. TRIEBELS, EDWARD W.GODGAS, • JOHN MARTIN, • BENJAMIN H. BROWN; • J. 11. WAINWRIGHT, GEoRGE A. LANDELL, DAVID It GA MASSON, It. W. EIHL,III. D., THOS. M. MONTGOMERY. - And at a meettng - of the Board of Directors held this day, CHARLES T. YERKES. ESQ., was itnanirnottely re-elected President. WM. McCONNELL; jahi et§ . Cashier. e&i. COIN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANE. PRILADEI.PntA, January l&, InO. At the Annual Election for the ',fracture of this Bank. held on the 11th bst., the following geritlernen were nnanimously elected to eery° t he ensuing year: fun. A. G. Cattell, S. V. Canby, J. W. Torrey., E. C. Knight, 11. Crain. E. A. Sender, A. 'Whilldin, 1). Noblit,Jr., 3, F. (l roes, ' It. Ervleci, P. 13, "dingle, J. W. Bullock, H. W. Can erwood . And at n meeting of the Board, held this day. lino. A. Gi CATTELL was unanimously reelected Preeid , mt, J . W. TORREY, EN., Vice Preeident. and H. P. SOHETRY, Cashler. u• FIRST NATIONAL BANK, PHILADELPHIA, January 14.1710. At the Annual Election for Directors, held on the 11th Instant, the following gentlemen were elected to serve for the ensuing leer : C. ItCARK, B A. CALDWELL, W. B. RC taBELL, E. ``'.CLARK JAbIER A, 'WRIGHT, ' GEORGE F. TYLER, R. B. CA BEEN, GEORGE DRILLER, W. C. KENT. And at a Stated Meeting of the Directors, held this day, Mr. C. It CLARK was re-elected President, and Mr. GEORGE MULLER Pica IF mildent. MORTON McMIOIIAEL,§ • • Cashier. MECHANICS' NATIONAL BANK. PA ILA nELPiI (A, Jan. 17, 1170. At the Annual Election fpr 1/Irectoeit of thle !lank, held the 12th the following gentlemen were duly elected. to serve the ensuln g, year ; • _ . Joseph G. Mitchell Ilea nmtn W. Tingley, George 1. Stuart, G. D. Rosengarten, (instants English, Ileum Baker, Ebenezer Maxwell, John Woodside, Francis 11. Beeves. And ut n meeting of the Directors, held.tcoday, JOS. G. MITCHELL was urtaninionNly re-elected President. R. W Trstax,y, Vice President, and WILLIAM J. DE LLEKER , Notary Public. jal7-et WIEGAND, Cashier. , OFFICE LOC I.ft" LW MOVNTAIN COAL AND IRON COMPANY. PHlLADtLPill'A,Januari 7,1370. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of tho Locust Dfountain Coal and Iron Company. will be, held at the office of the Company, No. 21/ South Third street, on MONDAY, the Tilt day of February nest, at 12 M., when all election' will be held for 'seven Directors, to serve for the ensuingyear. The transfer books willbe closed for fifteen days prior tx, the day of Enid election. EDWARD SWAIN; jn7t f(A' Secretary. INSURANCE COMPANY OF tk,D7 - NORTH AMERICA, NO. 232 WALNUT STREET.!' PIIILADELPHIA, 1113.10,1370. The Beard of Directors have this day declared a: smui:. annual dividend of Ten Per Cent. out of the prntits of the Company for the /Nit six months, payable to the Stock holders or their legal ropredentatives on demand, free of all tax. MATTHIAS jahl.l2t§ Secretary. ea7HORTICULTURAL H ALL.—A SPE eal Meeting of the Stockholders will ho hold at the Hall on THUBSDAY EVENING, January 27th, It7o, at 8 o'clock, for the purpoae of considering tho lo om of preferred stock. jals 17 19 21 24 26-6 q um OFFICE OPT THE EMPIRE COP PER COMPANY, 321 WALNUT STREET . ' PHILADELPHIA, .L 011111177, 1070. Notice is hereby given that an instalment of. ten (10) colds on each and every share of the capital stock of the Empire Copper Company will be Lino and payable at the office of the Company, Ni,. 324 Walnut street. Model. phial. on or before WEDNESDAY. January 26 inst. By order of the Board. M. H. HOFFMAN, ;al It2Bi • Treuurer. DR DVS. nittrOGISTO WILL FIND A LARGE JLJatack of Allen's Medicinal Extracts and Oil Almonds, Dad. Rho,. Opt., Citric Acid, Coxs's Sparkling Gelatin, genuine Wedgwood Mortars. Its., just landed from bark lionnuug, from London. ROBERT 8110EM4KER CO., Wholesale Druggists. N. E. corner "Fourth and Baca streets. • lIGGISTS' SIINDELES. - GRAD Cr ates,, Mortar, Pill Tiles, Combs, Brusher! Mirrors, Tweezers, Puff Boxes,Horn Scoops, Surgical Imam monis Trusses, Hard and Soft Rubber Goods, Vial Oases, and Metal Syringes, &c., all " First Hoods" prices. SNOWDEN & apti-tf • 29 South Eighth street. CASTILE SOAP—GENUINE A.IsIDVOI superior-200 boxes jus t landed from bark ' ldea, and (or sato by ROBERT SHOEMAKER 4, CO., Importing Druggists, N. E. corner Fourth and Race atreeta. INSTRITCTIONN. 11010TEMANSIUP. —THEP,HILA DELVIIIA HIDING SCHOOL i No. 3338 Mar, i=rii et, Moen ditily• for. Litilles.amf tieutlenten— It is OM largest, best lighted and heated establishment in the city. The horses are thoroughly broken for the most timid. Au Afternoon Glass for Young Ladies at tending school, Mendrey, Wednesday and N'ridays, and au Evening Class for • Gentlemen. Horses thoroughly trainedloy the saddlo. Horses taken to livery. Hand borne carriages to hire. Storage fur wagons and sleighs. BETH CRAIGE, Proprietor. CUTLERY. 110 0 D'G S' AND WOSTENECOLM'S it POCKETNIIVES, PEARL ' and STAG HAN DLES of beantlfn Anialue RODGERS' and, WADE% BUTCHER'S, and ttto VELEBRATED LECOU.LTRE RAZOR. austiQES N f../USES of the finest quality. Razors, B.r voo, Scisaora arid Table , Outlery, ground and pollahod. EAR INSTRUMENTS of the moot npprovod oonatruotion assist,the hearing, at P. MADEIRA'S, Cutler and Surgical lastrament Maker, Tooth street re below Oboatinnt; rayl-tf ,(SAS Fl '} ~~rurti~a. (A 8 FlXTURES.—Mlffirlifk, MERRILL Vf & TBACKABA, No. 718 Chestnut street, ruanufao• Wren' of Goa Fixtures,' Lam &o.; duo: would call the attention of the public U, their large and elegant "' m il' Went of Gas Chandeliers Pendants , Brackens, &o. They also introduce gas pipes into dwellings and public build ings, and attend to extending, snaring and repairing gel pipets, All work warranted . (p#l_44l. 4.IZroTioNBIIA, ALL. . Noe. marstat 141 Watt h FOITRTFI street SALES OF STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. • Publio sales at therPhidadelphis Exchange eve! F TUESDAY t at 13 o'clock. F S AA nltt~ra sales at the, Auction Store EVERY 1,11 Olt agesdanceerecetore „ esneclal attention DEAL ESTATE SALE, JAN. 25. • Wil r loci ude--- Orphans' Court Hale—Fatato of Francis Gallagher. dee'd-2 THlllo443:Qui,slatur„,STOßNSand DYf 15 1. LINOS, N. W. termer ot Tenth and Federal ate. Maleilstath—TElNEE. STONY HMI( STORE and PW.D.L. INV., 8 W. crer of Tooth. and Wharton gni, .STO Y Sitloli. SA l l 4 lll 6 Tet t reTreet it , otto %V i tiation: DWILLI4I6II W anBo Estato--THREE.STOBY 111510 K DWELLING. harton street, west of Tenth, , Hants Estate--TIIR.EI4-13TORYDRIOX DWELLING , No. NM W harton St. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of John Farrell, dec'd--- TWO-STORY 11R1014. DWELLING, From la street. Wet of Fifth. 9 LAItOE and VERY DESIRABLE LOTS'ltread. wol,.Siatki.lieventit,. Clinton, -Royden-,- Oranklin- mut phi!. streete,Caindert, N. J , VERY VALUABLE COUNTRY SEAT and' FARM. known as "Woodelde ' " ACRES, junction of Brand who , Springs and Centre rondo, Christiana, New Coat i , county, Delawareat% miles from Wilmington, HANDSOMEMODERN YOUR-STOR 1 BE/GE RESIDENCE, Nu. 2116 Arch atreot. Has the modern conveniences. Immediate possession. 9 THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Nog. it, 7 end North rhirty-euventh street, above Market. no V Pereery SaIe—BUSINESS STAND.--IcOUNDItt, Steam E„ g i n p, machinery Toole and Flituroe, front street and N 0.106 Mechanic street, Kelvin's Point, N. 11.11EE•STORY BRIMS DWELLING, No, 3106 Ilarintatreet. Twenty fourth Ward. 9 NEW THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS. Ellsworth street, west of Twenty-first. _ THREE-STORY BRICK STORE AM DWELLING. No. 907 N,orth Eleventh street, above Poplar , with! Threeettory Brick Dwellings ill VW rear- BUILDING LOT,S. E. corner of Eleventh and Olive Streets BUILDING LOT. Eleventh et rest, south of Olive. 8 BUILDING LOTS, trust 'Arcot, north of Diamond, Nineteenth Ward. THBEE•STOJtY BRICK DWELLINO, Nn. 916 Bonds Nineteenth street. below Christian. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING}, 'Sixth street, noutb of Watkins at. lIIREDREMABLE GROUND ItENT, ISO a year. STOCKS. 10 shares Seventh National Bank. 44 shares Chestnut and Walnut Streets Paso. U. a. 400 shares Philadelphia and.Caarpane Sulphur Mllaa init Co. 100 nharen Northern •L iberties Gas Co. 35 n hares Third National Bank. 110 shareaCentral Transportation Co. iaa shares Abbott Iron Co. of Baltimore, 1000 shares Clinton Coal and Iron Co. 000 shares New Crook Irott and Coal . . 1000 shares Eeyatone Zinc Co. 8 shares Maple Dale Cent Co. a. shares Academy of !tunic with ticket. 12 el area. Reliance Insurance C o 100 shares American Hutton Hole Idschine. ' 60 shares Southern Transportation Co. • MO *hates Pacific and Atlantic Telegraph. 28 shares Camden and Gloucester Turnpike. ISale N 0.1776 Alder street. NEAT HOUSEHOLD Fuu l gurtlitic, ttEY.En PIANO FORTE. CA PETS, An. ON MONDA MORNING. Jan. 21. at 10 o'clock. at N 0.1170 Alder street. (between Tenth and Eleventh Streets, and helot,. Montgomery avenue/. the Nest Household Furniture, comprising— Walnut. Parlor Furniture, Cottage Chamber Furniture, China and Ginssware, tine-toned seren•octave Piano Fort made by Melt r. in rosewood case; tine Ingrain Carpets, Cooking Utensils, de. &tient No: 1501 Spruce street. NEAT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, FINN EMUS SEI S. 1111 PERI:kJ., AND OTHER CARPETS, FINK ENGIIAYINGS. ON FRIDAY WINNING. Jnn. 23, at 10 o'clock, at No. 1666 Spruce tartlet. above Fifteenth street. by c/Inlogne, the Neat Household Fur niture, emit prit,ing—Walnut 'Parlor Furniture. Walnut Etagere. Walnut Octal Centre Table. Mahogany Dining Room Furniture, 3lahnfrany Extenalon Table, Maho gany Sideboard, lien trench (Thins Pinner and Tea Ware, Gla 611% are, Walnut and Cottage Chamber Furni• tore, fine Bruutele, Imperial and Datneek Venetian Carpet x, 6 fine Eugrasinge, in Walnut Jratnea; Cooking Uteneils, Sc. , - • - . • Mar he examined at II o'docir on the mortiltueof sale. Pil A.UT.LN BRUTB Itp-ti_i AIIOTIONEKRB, (Lately Salesmen for M. Thomism k Bons,l - o. 6141, Cfl ESTE UT., &treat- rear -ea:among from Mteowt„ SALE 01 , VALUABLE MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. ON MONDAY AFTERNOON. At 4 o'clock, at the auction room, L29Otn•sthut street, 'Sy catalogue, a valuable collection of Miscellaneous Books. TO STUDENTS AND °VIERS. Also. a nomber of Wax Models, for sum In the study of mtillcine and surgery. Salo No. al North Moth ■treet STOCK OF STATIONERY, BIOROCCO GOODS, PLATE OLASS 5110WOASES, COUNTERS, SHELVING, LEASE OF STORE /cc'. • ON TUESDAY MORNING, Jan. 25.' at ID o'clock. at No. bl North Nfuth street, tbn entire Stock. Including Envelopes. Letter, Cap and Note Papers, Morocco 800, Satchels. t.'aba , Pocket Books. enc., Goods. Writing Illesks. Inks, &c.; Pine Plate Glass tiltowca se, Counters, Shelving, Lease of Store. tec. see $a nut ion Roomy HANDSOME WALNUT 1101:Si:HCLE• yuRNE. TURE. ELEGANT MIIIROmf. FIREPROOF SAFES. CHINA AND GLASSWARE, ELEGANT PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS, BRUsSELS AND INGRAIN CABPETS. DESKS AND OFFICE FURNITURE. ELEGANT SIDEBOARDS, EXTEN SION TABLES. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, January 2G. at 10 O'clock, at the auction rooms, by cata logue. a large and very excellent assortment of new end wendhitad llouseheld Furniture, dc. D AVIS & ELAIIVEY, AUCTIONBRIBA (Late with M. Thomas At Bobs.) Store Noe. 48 and 80 North SIXTH street Attractive Pale at the Auction Rooms SUPERIOR PARLOR. CHAMBER AND DINING ROOM FURNITURE. BOOKCASES.' OFFICE DESKS AND TABLES, COTTAGE SUITS, PIANO, NEW t4"I . OYES, &e. ON TUESDAY MORNING, San. 25, at 10 o'eloct, at the auction rooms. tech:olms Walnut Parlor and Chamber Furniture,superlor Dining Room Furnittiro,Cabinet Buotcases, Lounges, Bouquet and Centre Tables, handsome Cottage Suits, Rosewood Piano. new Matresses, Hods aid Bedding, superior (Moo Furniture. Arc. Also, a large zoimber of tine Chromos, Engravings, Walnut Frame Glasses. Also, 20 new Gas-consumers. e rA.M.IIB A. • FREEMAN, AUCTION - BIM, No, 423 WALNU'r stramt. SALE' OF nomr,s. COWS, PlOtt, WaIgAT,CORN, HAY. POTATOES, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. &c., de. ON TU ESDAY MORNING.; 36auary .25, at 10 o 'clock, will be sold at pttbl a sale, under Direction of the Court of Common Pleas, Ist the Farm of Wm. M. Patton, on the Red Linn ltoast West Wnifeland Township, Chemr county, p e nwa, 6 = A nted walk from Whiteland Station, on the 84 enn'a Central R. IL, and four miles from Meat Chester, the entire farm ing stock, &c.. Including--t horses, Meows, 11 Calves, 1, hull, 27 Pigs, Mower and Reaper, Corn bbellSr. liar rows,—Plows, Carts, harness, 600 bushels Wheat, 500 bushels Corn, .2/0 bnAtels Oats, 25 tons hay, about 1000 bushels Potatoes, household Furniture, &c. Sir SIT , / Perrnopiory and 'remit Cash. TL. AtiIIBELDGE AUCTION. . ZEES. No. 605 MARKET street. above Plftb. SPECIAL SALE or CITY-MADE BOOTS AND. SHOES. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, • Jan.2i, at. 10 o'clock, we will 'fell by catalogue, About Ut packagea of Bout's, Shoes and Balmorala, of city manufacture. .1000,r:sit:ea of Men's Soft Hats. CO. BY BABBITT AUCTIONEERS. 4 % , CASH AUCTION HOUSE, N 0.230 MARKET street. corner of Bank etrawd 300 LOTS 'FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, HOSIERY. GLOVES NOTIONS, tc. ON MONDAY I).ORNING. commencing at 10 o clock, viz.: Alpacay. Do. laincs, Lawnn, Ginglnne, Dross Geode. Linen Goods, COPP itnerell, Wog y•nsade Clothing. Hats, Caps. kc. A. MCCLELLAND, AUCTIONEER, 149 CHESTNUT Street. ter Personal atteetion given to Sales of Household F eratiore at Pwellings. llGir Public Sales of Furniture at the Auction Booms, 1219 Chestnut street every lldonday and Tnursday. lie. For particulars see Public Ledger. 11Eir N. 13.—A superior clues of Furniture at Private Sale. SCOTT'S ART GALLERY AND AUCTION COMMISSION SALES BOOMS, B. SCOTT, Ja.,Auctioncer. Ill? CHESTNUT street, Girard Bow. Particular attention paid to out-door 'aloe at mode rata ?atom. deall tf THOMAS BIRCH & BON L AUCTION• Jaw AND COMMISSION 11IERCIIANTS, No. 1410 CriIESTNIIT etreet. nacho h i rilur en n t i r trre e jPgg S d=l;tlrn " Oceived cs Consignment. Balm of Furniture at dwe llin gs attended to on the mod reasonable terms. D. MoOLEEE3 & V. AUCTIONEERS, No. 800 MARKET street. BOOT AND BHOE SALES EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY. BUNTING, DUB,I3011(.?W 00. , • Nos. 282 8nd:284-MARKET edreet.c l o k a T oTii ll3" " Successor" to JOHN E. MYERS & 0411 1 . k "re"' MBE PRINO.IPAL MONEY ESTABLISH. ment—S. E. corner of SIXTH and RACE streets. Money advanced on Merchandise gonorally—Watches Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and Silver Plato, and on all articles of value, for fcny length 01 time agreed on. WATCHES , AHD JEWELRY AT PRIVATE SALT. KIRN (44A llonilagOafin,llollblortottom and Open Vacs 'English, Amor - lean and Swiss Patent Lover Watches; Vino Gold Hunting Case and Qpon Face Loin° Watches; Flue Gold Duplex and other Watches; Fine Silver Bunt ing Case and Open Face Englieh, American and Swi* Patent Lever and Lepine Watches; Detthle CORO English °nattier and other Watches; Ladies' Fancy Watches; Tiamond Br G eastpins; Finger Rings; Ear Binge; Studs; Fine old Chains; Medallions; Bracelets; Saul Pine; Breastpins; Finger Binge; Pencil Gases and Jew. slit generally. Oh,gALIL—A largo and valuable Fireproof Obeid: suitable for a Jeweller; cost 8650. - Also; several Lots in South Camden, Fifth and °heat. nut • ', Pstg. CATJTION C AU TIC) . PERSONS ARE hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting any of the crew of the British brig" Delay master, from Rotterdam, as no debts of their contract ing will bo paid by Captain or Coneigneea. WORKMAN ,t(.30„ Conslgnoes, dolt tf ( NAl4l3lr. 7 - 77.7 .— . T ':4 ',..:'.•!.) . 1 .' - 4 k s% p 10: - Nzaby relleilli c ittet;fitinriihisitnid friend *venou ram. it e'lliimi,olllo, demoralization tiklbie, oirtmra,:._ I,i/J., lith Wmiti, CITY - I.ry Ni ° YORK, Jan. 10, MO.—Yesterday). received the fullowin letter from that old'saint in trowsers, Deekin Elkana Pogram. It'was delayed a long tinie ez the . Deekin directed . to. "Rey." Petroleum V. Nasby. - The letter eai•HeiiflieilliTariyideelliat" there wuz any man in the 6th ward who lied Any title to that prefix. ' But I finally got it. I , need not say that after readin it I closed my bar and hung-crape onto Min; doM. , $1: 1 1.1 the de morilization us , this migilit 01. '‘.lBit it, siiiiPti comfort to hear from him. 4, Es in water face -anserth to•fitee,so- tlieldiart-uv-marr to.- -man,"- The test shood reed, in . Kentucky at least,. 44 Ez in .whiSkey," i'Ye., but I take no line.; ties with skripture. This is the Deekin's epistle : , COM' EDLIT N ROADS, Ky., Dec.:., 18(10, rx My . Dear erititil':—.l avale myself uy the s prif i ., sence tiv a young man from Neatly, who kin site, to inform ye° ez to the condishuu of things M yoor old home.: Things is I.oy#lpe,an,4 is rapidly growin truss. ' Settee ~y.otil 1eft.!.14 it 1 seems to me es tllO I{lloB bed come agin, and that conMosbert,wl.l7 14D WitS:3. .cottioundid. The first fluiiiiii.l4.'Yloate. , theirkgrip f. higgerS.; I and ablithnists hey come in and hey Lakin COD trole, and Confedrit X Roads is no longer a place in with a gentleman tiv refinement and culture kin decently live. Thatintunous wadi, Joe...Bigler, and....that,_ omitigated pest, Pollock, is in partnership, at least Joe is a Selling goods for Pollock, and his store is the resort 04,4 all nv their class fur miles around. The old settlers hey nothin whatever to do with cm. We wuz disposed to paternize i em, but when Pollock-44M zed-to let, gomis with welled bought to oft i p th4More t t ilitile,' wuz paid for, aturihn fi6t . ' Willi' givre drede to niggers, we indignantly declined to deal with him. That indignity we woodcut Sub mit to. WrilitiltkAtc 04! 1i1t:444A out; Louisville to start Wile/. here, " - but they didn't . stay long. , • They gave credit, and their trade wuz consekently brisk, but they bed difficulty in renooin their stocks. When one us , etapreseoted hi§hill to, ing,J y*.l.higi jn-. . dignantly that ef that, 'Wnz the way lie preposed to do biznis he mike es well close. ," Why," said I, "Imite ez well dccl with Pollock." He remaikt, insolently, that he wished I lied dell, with Pollock, and flung hisseif out of my presence. Merchants are, ez a class, disgustinly ruelsenary. Batcont threatens to close out and leave us lie hez alreddy mortgagis on all our land to its full valyoo, and since thg, otlises are ,all in kho hands of men who . do re tAritticelikkflr s:el there ain't no moneY within his'reaA auil he can't carry us much longer. lie sighs, for the, good old times !antler J01)5214'8 admink trashen, when- all .tlie•friorieY.:reeeve4 by the Postmaster,-the Collector and Assessor poured into his drawer. lie is morose and gloomy, and, waters his likker . fearfully. I allez hev to take five or six drinks before I experience: any sensashen But:these things is not the worst or most gloomy uv the signs uv the times. There's rosin abed uy us. The chivalry tiv the Corners hey lost all spirit. Only last week then wux a temprans letterer advertised to make-a speoeh, in the hail over Pollock's store. "Slielthis be , prentitted r askt Bascom, indignantly, bring ing his fiSts down onto the bar till the glasses rattled. Never!" shouted Issaker Cl4vitt and the others in the bar-rooth, who scentid drinks ahead. Bascom sot out the .bottles;, we all took suthin, and night toomulchtisly to the hall.. 'oo remember with what eagernis we for merly mobbed obnoxytts speekers? We wuznt it all eager that nite. We only run a rod or two: our pace got down to slow walk afore we reached the • spot; and when we got into the ball we meekly sot down and listened to the heretilde cuss, and went away without heavin a stun at him. When. Bascom reproached us for our lack of spirit, Itold hint that wnz no ycose. Men coodent mob anybody: :On sich likker cz he furnisht. It won't do to &loot when von her sich bizzinis on hand. But that wuz not the most alartning 'iv the degeneracy 'w.• our people. Within:6 mouth two Methodist preachers hey held forth` in this village, and neither uv ern were hung or shot! What hope kin - thembe . :kvbere such. things occur And wit is woes, two our" old friends attended their meetings. and im mediately they quit comin to Bascom's and I notist their children yesterday with shoes on. Bascom sighedt4he seed it. „,„ " It's a mystry to me," he sez. What is a Inystry) sez I. "Why, so long ez them men - stayed with me all day, they hedn't no money to spend— now they' don't `come ; no more they "hey money, but they wnste °names and I don't oet it. .Why. didn't Micher make men capable uv workin'all - day and drinkin all Ther ain't no change in me or mine, ceptin 'that my house is somewhat smaller. At. the beginnin 'iv the Winter, we wuz compelled to yoose our kitchen for firewood,a.s me awl Jethro, my oldest son, cudden't, procure the labor to cut the winter's fuel. The niquers won't work for us.. Nest winter I . spose the settin room will go, then the wing . wich we yoose for a spare bed-mom Will and of I ant, not gone hentz by that time, I don't know wat we shell do for.more. , . - The !d i ggers up towards - Garrettstown are akkoonattlaiin Property rapidly, and they pay their taxes p,romptly. but wat good is that to 13aseom? The ollishls is all ablishnists and that money is diverted. nto other than legitimate channels. Theie vandals hey macadamized a mile uv road between the Corners and Gar , trttstown and built a bridge over the Run.' Kin you blame Bascom 'for iva:ntili . to leave here I hey heard of your'sneeeSs and• am glad. try . it. Wood that cood pit into said* uv the sort ! Wood my fate was different. . But we can't all keep grocery. • shel stay here and when all the people' is gone I she! go down; Thank Heaven the time is not far off Yoor friend, ELKANAII Pooß P. S.—lif yoo coed send me a two-gallon jug nv a nicker with bez life into it I shood alluz remember kgratefulty ; ., 'After BaScom's watered stuff it wood be 'it greetti uv Sunlite after a long and tejus rite. E. P. I laid down the old man's letter affected to tcers. Water in the Whisky! Children with shoes, while the old men lack sustenance! Macadamized roads! Bridges ! . Methodist Preachers 1 Temperance. lecturers! • Ablish nism these is thy work! Thank llevin' I am ankered where none nr,these things .kin shel send the old man his jug.- It will . put him out of his misery quicker,' and strimith hiS pathway to the toorti. Besides, when he's gone wat I owe him is settled. PETttomialtd V. NASBY, (With ivuz Posttrmster). HEATERS AND STOVES. • • THOMAS S. DIXON & SONS, Late Andrews It .Dixon, • N 0.132.1 CHESTNUT Street; Philada., Opposite United States Mint. anufacturara of tOW TOWN, PARLOR, ' CHAMBER, OPTICS', And other GRATES,. For Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood Fire; WABBII-A FURNAOEfi, Par Warming Public aratPriyats Buildings. VHNTILATOI3B, AN 011LIHNBY IIAPB 000H11.10•RANGES, BAT.R-001LER8• WIIOLEHALH and IWETAIL, REAL ESTATE SALES. , ---- tviipHA - 11x,C001a'43ApIC.,-EqrAig i Mk :fit IVaricle Glitlti*her, 4.4 - & , T-- , -- 421 ( { :1 °6 4 2 Altttleneert—Fdrittlittlit to. AWL, Q ler pr.itike!' rkani . 2 aftc iial ` A ii r l 0; . 4 for!A e eily'aiwyd,Vounlv;or;. , hthPfstpu , I tf. "JO. *t PTI lie &lea fleTueedfity.' trittitry,24 ri at ; "('clot - noon at the 'rbiladrirginitt'llsctattitze, ti/3` fii 1- lowing described property, late of Francis Gallagher, de e eased, via.: No. I,—Two Three-story Brielc Stores, N. W . torner Tenth and Federal streets. All that lot of ground, with the three-story krick ltullAings, need itli 2 sterna and dwellings, thereon' erected, situate on the northwest corner of Tenth and Federal streets, city of Philadelphia; commencing at the 'distance of 19 feet 6 .ti oebeirriorttrwardirem tirtruOr ttr gide of •Pri,,ral . street ~ thence extending southward to the north side of Federal tarred aforesaid ; thence oti the line of said Federal Street 64 feet 6 inches to a 3 feet wale alloy ; thence northward alone the east line of said alley lb feet 9 inches ; thence card ward to Tenth street 63 loot S inches to the pl tee of tiepin!' I rig. Bounded on the north by ground now or late .44 ,101f4:0 1 I 'POW, oft, titeP4gAlipyr: . ker , A.4@tottti' , Vn tite 'enot by'..Fentll tt triteCaititl'em Ine west hy gild fillet': To.' Other with the free use; yield, liberty and ,privilege of the said alley, as find fur a pe,elage- way and w4ter-coltrse -therein; ntull. tinfes forever, --• .- -•- .- . No. ;L.—Three-story Brick Store and Dwelling, S. W. corner Tenth and Wharton strpop. All that lot of t , roll MI, With the three-story InitA•titol'o and dwelling ilitli'oll(' recital, situate byi the sonthweet corner of Tenth null 1S harton streets; containing in front on TPittli strtatt ITlet, and extending in depth along Winn-ton street 63 feet to ati feel, wide allev. Ilea ndial northward by M I , r .., toh erred, It 1I W itt'd lry Ottwr groutortof tui.Wrlttuoiii Gitfinght r, ea tWllntley Telith street a forblla id anttworyt.- "I v.-surd-by ;add; feet wide alloy'. . 3—Three-etory Brick Dwelling, South Tenni street, below Wharton atreet.. All that lot of ground, with thetill thre,ntory laid M ; T dwellingtl th if e reo4l;n erected, nit- . nate CM e lit arable ° utb•seenLt o a al t o{ todtlarta lie nonleetdelif . Wilattigratt*et.Clif. of Philadelphia, and extentli no thence Westward on a line at right angles with the raid Tenth et reet G 3 feet to an alley ; thenco along the ea at tido of said alloy on a ill e 141 , 141.it1t , ..41,01efr whit no .Tort oratc - nrtlP -Ithi•lftictiontliettartVitidi4 f.elLtlifelta ; thent*.ilonth. eiti l a line at right angles with nab] Wharton ittreet 10 feet ; hence CafthValli on a line at right angled with Fold Tenth street tat feet to Tenth street; thence along the no et side of Tenth nt met li; feet to the place of beginning. Bounded northward by other ground of the said Franon Gallagher, tout ward by ground of Benjamin Hunter, eantwarcl by Tenth street ; and wcntward by, ground of `it aid Thin nif ;ma owe: TiVenTitiir • Veiraffir common use, tigbt.liberty and privilege of told alley, at a panaago•way and water•courese. at all times here after , I 80. 4Tewstory Brick 'Dwelling, Wharton street I All that lot of ground, with the three-story brick dwell , ing thereon ereeted, situate on the south aide of Wharton street, City of Philadelphia at the distance of Pt feet westytqd.from tbe,wegtgiio of ti gthlevt i anda, tetalholuthenee sividliwit the . oroVrt 6lf tr ir 41044 lestlifig NM line allay 4 feet 3 inches ; thence south ward on a line at right angles wit lisaid 'Wharton street 10 fret ; thence westward on a line parallel with maid Wharton al rem 11,Fw4.-no t titrard ov; resk y nr, Brit litAlialifA r ttk triton trt ' l 4ittriCe along the south 11 0 m carton street I feet o t 143 Wage of beginning. Bounded northward by Wharton street, t , caltb by ground of Benjamin limiter, eastward partly by said alley and partly by ground of Francis Gallagher; westward by other ground of Francis Gallagher. To gether with the free use, right and,priellege of the said alley, as a passage-way anti water-course therein, at all L.-atory brick d tr , et. All that lot of ttrou brick, building thereon created of Wharton street and east of delphla : containing hi front o. feet .nn d n depth along ilia ens 33 feet. lionialed northward ward by grontal of Ilenlanti around of . Francis atriq-1. By the Court, JOSEPH MI• . THOMAS • VD and 1 d '241115 21' •mi t tioi ergi umo iass isto:s d %ay Sixth. ?o• old h. * and Pine krectl, C 3111, 1 ,11, N. J. I ;it Vl'irt r "4;4 s:ftlgtroltitltyrolirl 11;gls tt aIt:11' =2=lE=llll2 that lot of ground, Clinton awl 95 f,TI on Sixt to a 11.) Ant 10. fw hr. 10je all ttg-r..of, and I, Rh thu priyilege of thr IN,bl. I'fir.l:-. l AlrftrdtltrtlST9Vtrttllftwtrftftwveynr llovdets Ktreet-and CC.. , fer von Sixth €.lrrot.- ronnitvd to aIU fe(6l 10 hp:l 1 PP WHO alley AV i 411 tha pris i t the pih'tle'e n£a Jl fe ,, t WWe i 44 r 0..1 —All +fro I,lt ot vr. mid 1,41 Ili itu , 4l-r , front on th.• ektt tr , -et.rnitatitt:r bvek WI liuton 4441 , 1 11.. 444.1) 141111. , 11ifeet to 41 a. 4 feet wide ,tr.-et; with the "privilege thetreof. •,,,„ la, NrieS,--A If that lota iirilltul';24ll4l#ot..llWell'frAont Clinton sive. t, and Ili feet on Seventh str,-1, mining Ivo ktoa Pi fret 10 i he,. wide alley, with pri thereof, and with the pri‘ilege of O.W toet wide street on ;14;0, 6"...-All that 14t of groptal .2% fe., hia:att fronl,dzi floydeastreet. 3.14 s 1 - ,you . ffetetll.4 rttrustng Lack to it 10 fret 10 inc Les fivtde a 110.17: with thn privilege' thereof, and with the privilege of a 'At feet street on the we.,t No. that lot of around. 311 feet front on Pine tr. , t,' 70 Por Wider Ellen enl tlio , :irmt -- )31 - feet R s luclo-i t ht , n, err..444W INA , OA oe north; , -thon , ` 19. feet 9 incleo ; thence. ruet Pin feet to Sixth tdret,t; thence left 1 iucht, to prn, . that lot of ground. 11S feet front on Pine sir , et ; theme 63 feet 3 Inv Ms+ on the of Sixth street ; theme east 116 feet to a Zi feet wide street ; thence ,itith (3 frot to Prim street. with the pril'ilege of said :V ,feet nide street. , No. 0.- , Alf thithitOr;:trnimil ;111 fet , t fMliett frillt on rankllo6l n•et ,to a '2U fret wide stre-..t ; theme south a let g the east side of etaid stmet Swith the priviMze I beret:nll4 feet. noire or lees. to Pim strs, , t :thin ,era^t aim::: Pine Street Mt feet, more or less ; thencn,rtli Met. noire or less. to the south hid•-• of Franklin street, the plat. of beginning, li~'hee , plAtisorhithlnar bo:hag. at, the Auction Itot'ims." • - 51. THOMAS A: SONS. Anctioneora, tio.24ja 1 1522 139 awl 141 South Fourth street .„EXEIVUTOR'S, AND —TB, UfgEh'S, sBle.—EatamC t W Sh leas . asps Sharp leas, d ece e d "flognals.l Snub, Auctioneers.—} ery valuable Fern and Mati.lon, 176 acres, Concord township, Delaware county, Pennsylvania, fronting on the Baltimore Central Rail , road, at IVoodlimnStation, within 3..1 Plitladel phia,llo.tifiChetter and Sof Weet cheater. ' Oh Tuesdar,--• 'Feb. 75; 1470; at T.! o'clock, noon, will 15e 'Sold 'rit. sale. at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that valu able num. the late Caspar W. Sharpies:s, deceased.) situated in C010:0111 township, Delaware county, bound ing on the Baltimore Central Railroad, at Woodland Station. within At miles of Philadelphia, 10 of Chester and is of West Chester ; contains about /76 acres. 30 of 'which 'a relifthe 'fhleAttirnt Mend hagnpowirtrmatlern built. substantial three-story atone mansion house, 40 feet square, with large back buiblinz,s and wide piazza extending across the whole front, surronwied by a lawn ' of about 4 acres, shaded by well-grown tress of selected varieties. in an elevated position, with a southern ex posure, withio about 401 Yards-of-Rut station • a large, double•tioored stonebarn, with isixtehSiveeshie . thilng at each ludo largo varrfage-,hottse *Rh Stabling 'tinder, stone, tenant houses one °set a./ttreng. never•failing spring, near the bath", and Other . ' ont-buildingsoill in' - good - enter. and finniabed with ninntal-convenigncest- A branch Chester creek passes- through and several other apt inns rise upon the premises, front one of which tke buildings, are oliundanily suppl Led It excellent water by means ofa hy4rattllc tam and tsiserifint of 10; Tile natural qua ity of the land is unsurpassed by any AZ the county, and the facility; - of - communicating with markets. Ac., end the ,hlgh social rharacterof the neigh lsood-muke it alike desirable for fanning purposes privateresidence, - A largo proportion of the purchase money may rethaiia 011 the premises, at the lawful interest, secured by bond, nod mortgage in the usual form. Fur further particulars, apply to Elizabeth O. Sharp less, on the premises, nod Thumas Williamson, south- , west corner of Seventh and 'Arch streets, Es:pent:ins and Trthtees, or Ellis Marshall, Guardian, near the pre• mises, M. THOMAS Sc SONS, AUctioneers, ja1322.fe5 12 139 and 141 South Fourth street. ' ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—ESTATE Kit ofJOhn Farrell,deceased.--Themas Sc Sous, Anc tioneers.—Two-etory brick Dwelling, No. 427 Wilder street,, between Reed and Dickerson streets. Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court for the city and county of Philadelphia will be sold at public sale, on Tuesday, January With, 1870 , at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described property, late of John Farrell, deceased, viz.: All that two-story brick niessuage and lot of ground. sit nate on the north side of Wilder, street, in the city of Philadel phia: the distance (4'192 feet 6 inches west of Fifth street ; containing:in front on Wilder street 14 feet, and in depth northward, parallel with Fifth street. 46 feet 3 Inches. Bounded on the south by Frances lifted, on the north by ground now or late of Richard and Sarah Wilder, and on the east and west by, other cacao now or late of Thomas A.. Barlow. (Being the premises which Thomas A. Barlow and wile, by deed dated March 23th, 1655, record , 'd in Bead Book R. D. W., No. 17, page 416, ,tc., grant& and conveyed onto the said John I arrell in fee.) 'Sub.:pet; nevertheless, to yearly ground rent of WO: BY the Court, JOSEPH MEGARY, Clerk 0. C. RANSOM ROGERS; Administrator. M. THOMAS .1; SONS, Auctioneers, de24-jal6 22 ' 139 and 141 S. Fourth street: 'ell PEREMPTORY SALE—THOMAS SOWI, AuctiOncers.—Business Stand, Foundry, Steen] Engine, Machinery, Tooisand Fiktures,' Front street and No. 106 Mechanic street, Kaighu's Point, New Jersey. On Tuesday, January 25, 1870, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at 'public sale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all those lots of ground and the improvements thereon erected, situate on the south side of II chentt ett eat, 25 feet east of Front street, No. 100 ; containing hl front on Mechanic, street 10(1 feet, and exteleii llg in depth 64 feet. Also, a lot adjoining in the rear( funning an, L,/ i,oisg ou the east aide of Front street.ll4 le,t south of Mechanic- street; 167 feet front, inure or less, and 0.1 feet deep. Tho impromnento'nrc a 1%-story stone itsvoilinkt on Mechanic street, and a frame build'.og 'on Front street ()coupled lut my iron foundry; late 8-iforse• po wc engine and boiler, 8-ton cupola, tools, fixtures, Ilasks„pti Items. 50 tonstinouldine sand, fkc.; Kli,r Sale übsolute. Will be shown by Mr. Penrose A. Stilts fat the pref a iseff. IfW Catalognes now read gr at the auction rooms. M. THMO A & SONS, Auctioneers, 159 and 141 South Fourth fared. fEI REAL ESTATE:—THOMAS & SONS' Sale.--Ilandseme Modern Four-story Brick Roil derum, N 0.2115 Arch atrect, between Twenty-first and Twenty-second streets.—On Tuesday, Jail. 25, 1870, at 12 o'clock, noon, will by sold at public sale. at the Phila delphia Exchange, all that modern four-story brick niessungm with. three-story back building and lot of ground, situate on the north side of Arch street, between Twenty-first and Twenty second streets, N 0.2115 ; con taining in front on Arch street 18 feet, and extending in depth 102 feet to an alloy; with the privilege thereof. The house is well-built, and in extfellent repair; lets parlor, dieing-room and two kitchens nu the first Mier two chambers mid saloon sitting-room on the second fluor; back stairway ;- newly - papered- nod 'Tainted, tin roof, underground drainage, cellar cemented, gas intro duced, bell 61115, bath, hot and cold Water,, water closet inutile°, cooking range. &S. • Torms—Operthird cash.' hunted We. May boextpuitied on Tuc99.19)91 and Thuradars pre cioue to Bulo, bat woun the hours of 19A. M, ant 2 IC THOMAS & SOWS, Auctioueurs, jal.s 23 139 and 141 South S'ourthstroot. . Tivogfiii-AN.PANOY PIihkATWPMEIII44.IIVittYiItA,::SAT.T.J. 4, pAy; jAisj , 7o•A.-,lty, .n, 1 ti 79 No. hilt Wharton uh •nth the three-story situate on the south side ustin street.eity or Phila n said Whartou street 21 aide afraid Austin street y Wharton otreet, south ) Hunter, eastward rid vifeargritrd 4sir GARY, Clerk O.C. SONS, Auctioneers, 1 South Fourth stret. .rtrfoisi 0 AmoNs, , itikit.,iltrt Lifttirktbl6..totg, . won. ltnytn•n, Franklin On Tu , ..glay, January be sold at . public gale, t to is inil , kti. ink; ilr.crill 0:3 14 pngron t iyi,-414 ;en, Iror,gt SitteloN on I rent, with the prh liege. 2 , 11 feet I inch front an :th street, runninz hack ky, ith the pricileg• A' a 2a feet wide street tla Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Dyes gwnf tho Throat and Lungs, su aigOilaighs. Colds, Whooping Proln , tiever...laeforethe whole history of trtedicine„hAs anything won widely and so deeply -'upon the 'confidence of nninklinl, as this excellent remedy for pulmonary complaints. Through a long series of years, and among most of the races ot men it has risen higher and higher in their estima tion, as it has become better known. Its uniform character and power to cure the various affections of the lungs and throat, have made it knoWn as a re liable protector against them. While adapted to milder forms of disease and to young children, it is at the same time the most effectual remedy that can be given for incipient consumption, and the dan gerous.affections of the throat au ,Aoha4a-; vision against sudden attacks of Croup, it should be kept on hand in every family, and indeed as all arc 'sometimes -object to colds and coughs, all should be provided with this antidote for them. Ayer l s Ague Cure, _For Telr e 4anc); - ig e ta tte - Intri F iHtter r it Paper, Perro r aical • ;cr &c.; autt , imieed all the affections *hie& arise 'from . "malous, ' , •marsh, •or • miasmatic poisons. • As.its name implies, it does Cure. and does not fad; I ,.C4nt,aliting neither Arsenic, Quinine, Bismuth, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisonous substance whatever, -it in-nOwise..injures any,patient...—The number and importance of its cures !tithe ague dis tricts,fire literally beyond account; and we believe without a parallel in the history of Ague medicine. Our pride is gratified by the acknowledgments we receive of the radical cures effected in obstinate cases, and where other remedies had wholly failed. Unacclimated persons," either resident in, or travelling through miasmatic localities, will be Pro. tected taking the--AG•B'E CURE .-( 1 40.1% . For Liver Complaints, arising from torpidity of the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, stimulating the Liver into healthy activity.. • For Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints, it is an excellent 'remedy, producing msny truly re markable cures, where other medicines lind haled. Prepared by Dm J. C; A tER & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, LIMA MM. ; Wad sold all round the world. $l.OO .PER BOTTLE. 9kPAL DENT.ALLYNA. —A SUPERIOR article for cleaning the Teeth,destroYing animal: llll a w b infest them, giving tone to the gums and leaving a feeling of fragrance and • perfect cleanliness •in the mouth. It may he used daily, and will be fount to strengthen Weak and bleeding gnats, whilO the larlms and detersideness will recommend it to every. ono. 80. trig composed with the assistance of the Dentist, Physi cians, and Microscopist, it is Confidently offered, al ,a reliable substitute for the uncertain washes formerly in vogue. Dentists, acquainted with the constituents of the Dentallina, advocate its use; it contains nothing to prevent its unrestrained employment. Made only by J4fg S bIIINN, Apothecary, ' ' • , Broitd Ond Spruce streets, For sale by Deuggistit generally, and ' • Fred, Browne, D. L. Stackhow, Hassard dc. Co., Robert 0, Davis, C. R. Keeny, • • Geo.°. Bower, Isaac H. Ray,, • Chas. Slirvers, 0, H. Needles, S. M. McColin, T. J. Husband, r, S. O. Bunting • ' Ambrose Smith, Chas. H. Eberle, Edward Parrish, James H. Marks, Wm. B. Webb E. Bringhurst & 00., James L. Bisp?am, Dyott & Co., • Hughes & Combo, H. U. Blair's Sons, Henry A. Bower. . • Wyeth & Bro. Established !Mi.., WM. G.:I'II.4GAN '46, SON, HOUSE AND SHIP PLUMBERS, No. 129 Walnut Street. lAblEft A. WRIGHT, THORNTON PINE; CLUMENT A. GRHP. COM. THEODORE WRIGTIT. FRANK L. NEALL. PEITEIR WEEGIIT & Importore,of earthopware Shipping _aild Commie - Mon • Mercliante, Walnut NTroOt; E WIGHT, , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW , 0011111111lili01101" of Leeds for the State of , Pennelqvanin in 1111001,3. 16 Madison street, No. 11, Ohicago,lllinois. atil9tf§ C 0 T T OF SAIL DUCK EVES width, from 22 inches ton inches wide a 9 numbers Tent sod Awning Duck, Paper-makor's Felting WI Twine, &c. JOHN W. EVERAIAN, 4a26 No. 103 March street, Oily Stores. REAL"ESTAT-E SALE S . -- . IE—PUB ._ H LiP 0 A . . 40 . , . ,ki i .(,,i,. 4 _....-- i t , :i (~ ( I „ ozpv,,, ...p . , ' - ' - '"'i • ti - '49• 17 ; r 1T- V - VrTr''' 4 l4 „,,,,, 00 .4.... Kr lat td •R hill .i 0 4)1-, on - 01 , 1'.. s e l ....: Tiii• oty • Aft h bent, 123 feet frptit,i on ikutlltis tt It zi +! . COI' ti*o 4111;t4. Shippo,o ittieet;./44 Wee, 11414NSaftMg. Ott • ShiFiten 'Meer, - two frohts..'o4YTtiestlity,"l74brOttly B,^ 3e70, at 32 o'clock, noon, will sold at public sale, for • account of the United States, at, the Philadelphia Ex• . change, all that large end valuable lit of ground,sitintle on the south side of South street, Twenty-sixth Ward, beginning at tine distance of 25t; west of Twenty-fifth. street; thenui extending westward in . front along tho south lido of South . . street 123 feet,• Ossteo extending. ” 'ttOtrt - hvard rine liel—to-- Twenty-tifthsst rest p;,27-1-fees-• to the north side of Shippen - street; thence eastward along the north side of Shippeu. street 140.fiet a inches; thence not th ward ,parallel to Twonty-tifth street 1)3.5 foot 6 inches; t belief. Nt e6t ward, parallel to South' street. 17 reset ii inches; thonce northward, p.tral4it to Twenty-fifth street ,Thr, feet ti Indies to South side of South street, and pla co . 64, boxlnOng.., 7 „.- t! iii , ,ini .4 , • Tot-4(taelwi .1 , 900 te tie' trt at tam. of sale, • . I . • ' M. T11031A.. & SONS, 'Auctioneers, • 13g and 141 South Fourth street, - - -WMII, 20 22-27 29fe-.3-5- ..... • fri: REAL ESTATE—THOM AS & r SONS' bb pole,—llandsmi:e Modern Four-story Brick Resi dence, No. 2115 Arch street,' between Twenty-first. and Twi of y P.ECOlial streets. On Tueislay, Jatioary 23, 1810, 1 et 12 o'clock, noon, will he sold at public sale, at tho • Flolll.lolphia ExChange, ail that Madera four story brick • memo v. ; age .." ilize-story back building and lot. of.. n roupillsit us e ni the north eide of Arch street, be .l4 a etli.rvent t and Twenty-second streets, No. 2115+ CCiffin if/ itiU in front on Arch street 14 feet, and extendimi in depth 102 feet Wen - alley, with the privilege thereof. • The bosun in well built and in excellent repair ; has par- Air; 4itiliu,g-ritutimpul4- kitchens on the lira f100r..:2. -,(AititulterkaniffiAttpithittlito*rom on the second floor; 'Lack .Staliway` newly pallPrel and painted, tin roof,illi derground drainage, cellar cemented,- gas introduced, bell-calls, bath, hot and cold water, wat. , :nciwt, fur nace, cooking-rane,&e, Terms—One•t hied cash. Immediate possession. May be f . .N11/1)1110d on Tuesdays and Thursdays previous 1 to Ralf!. between the hours of JO A.M. and 2 P. M. 11. ThOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, jitB 15 22 . 139 and 141 South Fourth street. . ....... _ . . . . 0 PERE:II.PTOILY SALE. THOMAS .. ,,, /ks , 4lonii ,-, -Anctineserieee•elitueloreeuelitauld.eThreee. stery Brick Store and Dwelling, No. 903 South Eleventh street, below Christian street. On Tuesday, February 1,1870, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, without remrre, at the Pl:iladelphia Exchange, all that three-story brick messunge and lot of ground l situate on the west side of Eleventh street, below Christian Fitted. No. x 0 K; containing in front on Eleventh street 4 ., i feet 27 Inches, and extending in depth on the south 11.1 1.41)71,::6„, to a 4' 1114 a", leading 4 olft rwa I 1 arl in stxee ,w b tlit:p privilege of :id .11ev, li„ iAli 14/1110111 -AMC& ory brick store avid dwelling, with one-story frame kitchen ; ban bulk window, slate root, gas. Sm. Subject to an appurtionato yearly ground rent of e 42 ex. _ .. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, jals 22 29 139 and 141 S Fourth street c-4 REAL ESTATE—THOMAS & SONS' ZVI Sale .---Vslnable Three-story Brick Residence, No. 529 York avenue, south of Green street. On Tuesday, Feb. Jet, 1870. at 12 o'clock.' noon, will be sold at pub lic sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that valua .l,l,s,.wmfru.ibrac-stors. brklunggiumeovjth.slystatpry bark building and lot of ground, situate on the easterly side of York avenue. south of Green street. No. 539 ; containing in front on York avenue 2 6 feet, and extend ing in depth on the north line 156 fret 95:i inches, and on the south line 152 feet 114 inches to China street. The house is well and substantially built, and 'has the. mod ern conveniences; gas, bath, hot and cold water, fur l) Eli:3 k i n 7an , dry. , . , ..„.:moth to siteesioni F j" i ..4 k t :,,ifkr r ya 4O d. id Vert* fit p met; p t lir. Ir 031 AS & SONtt, kuctioneers, jals 22 29 3.39 and 141 8. Fourth street. 11EAL ESTATE.—THOMAS Sc SONS' Illo,l2algiTtgrOrlstory Brick Dwelling . Sixth street, nrlnttlidfationestrol. On Tuesday, January 25,1870. ~1 1142k-0+421 IcAAVIA. will be cold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that three-story brick toes- . image and lot aground. s•ituate on the west site of Sixth street . , fourth house south of ‘Vatkins street,First Ward; containing in front on Sixth street 16 feet, and extending in depth 10 feet 2 Nelms ton 3 feet wide alley, with the privilege thereof., The house is new; has 2 rooms on a floor. and bath. gas-pipes, Sc. Subject to a yearly ground rent of $9O. Himusliale possession. Open daily for examination. M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers, 139 and 111 South Fourth street. ja 33 2.0 = MEDICAL' Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Although fettled - Consumption, is thought in curable, great numbers of cases where the dis e,aseeemist, settledi haver been completely cured, and die PatieUt i'estered - to sound health by the Cherry Pectoral. So complete is its mastery over the disorders of the Lungs and Throat, that the MOst 4MM:de of them yield to it. When noth ing else could reach them, under the Cherry Pee torar-thepAibside and disappear. Singers and Public., Speakers find great pro tection from it. Asthma is ailvays relieved and often wholly 'cured by it. Bronchitis is generally cured by taking the Cherry Pectoral in small and frequent doses. So generally are its virtues known that we need not publish the certificates of them here, or do more than assure the public that its qualities are fully rdatatainedr At wholesale HABIB Sc ,O.,Philidel phis. nB-ta th s 4m BUSINESS CARDS. CRA V -_.- ..........44-,4.--.....--i-FIN Nsy L VAN L , 'L.-- 0 .---- , ....---- - .o.liTli P A, RAILROAD. "nip SHORT MIDDLE ROCTE th the_ Lehigh , V A W K 1 16 14 ti T E P IPP i nYttinrihlot T: il e i w ier Vo N rk ° , rth". R4,44l l e P s i t 'll er n , 4l l l l v o a ff n i:l 4 ,,,' Li N nu ilg h a er r i k All the Great Idatee amilhe Dominion of Canada., follu c at o 'R L ti N A , Di m O i t i ll e E t N nat TS .l . B 6 . ,: ,,i _ 14 AiLy TRAINS loare Passenger' Dote*, cornet of Berk and. America* streets I Sundays exceldedh as 7. ;M. Accommodation for. Fort,Waaltrngten; At e. A, .hi ~ - -dlierning /Ex press , for illethlahorn.lanit Prin pal Stations on nodu line of North Petinsjeliaitia' illalir ad tCobtletting at BetillehetniSitieLehtgb Palley hailr an , fdriallenteolvn, 'Blanch Chunk. Xabittlor CU, Milli start*, Pittston, Towanda I,hd Waverly : , • amnion!, tins t Warerlp with ERIE RAILWAY' for Niagara Fells littilhio, Rochester, ~ filevelandoChitagO, 'Sap ' Iran not4 and ell don'ts in the Great West,' - ' • ' . ' At 46 A. IM:-Accommodation for Doylestown, tank' ping t sal Intermediate Stations,: .Passongeri, for Wile" kw ore ; El Itlanto , and Hurray ION( hy this train, take Start at Old York Doad. ~ • , , oi .. . , , . 9.46 .t . Al. !(Ex prises) for, . Bethlehem, Allentown; f .Mau .Ciatak, -White, Raton - N ilkesbarre,. Pittston,' • Sera (Wand Carbondale rift Lehigh add , Sueuttenerma Rails ad,. and Allentown, Easton, II aokettstown, and point .00 R.NeW Jersey Central , Railt,sui and Morris and, ESP' ..liailrbadte Now:Vork.via Lehigh Valleyltallroad. I At .46 A;lidli-Atconninelation, for Fort .WaShington, stopp na at lutortnediate Stations... ._ ...? . 1.76 640 aost 8 P.M .-A peranmode.tion,to_ Abint e lo i n. • ~. 1 Al 40,PA 61......Delligh,yalley Express for Be , t oilcan, East v Aitentown i3l Ruch .ohunk, lienlot9, l )..i ' will to Coal . Have ,Wilkesbarro, Pittston, Scranton, and Wyoming At 41) P. Id .-A:ccOmmodation for Doylestowni 'to p * . ping t alb intermediate slat loos/ , ; f ' 11".* '...! , • fe , At 16,,P, 1.1.--Accommodation for DOYlnstOwn,atort ping ball intermediate stations. , , r 3 i' ~ • i.' • At .00. Pi M.-Through for Bethlehem, connecting at 13,.th teem , with ;Lehigh Valley Evening Train for: Eeetcm,..Allentown„ Maucb Chunk,, ~, At 8.20. P,: 14.--Accorumodation for , LetnedslootoPPlng at all4ntermetillato stations, , , .... , , At 2,111 „..-Accommodation for Port Wlshington. T IN& ADRIVE IN PIIII , ADEIKPIIIAO_, From ethlaltem at 11 A, 61., 2.16_,i ;SAO. and, $,24 JP, M..; 2.16 ' , '.. AO P. 81.. and 8.26 P.M. Tra us make . direct .30t ik cone *ion wit.4t o ehigh Valley or ,De i ANA ,leuegno7 hen Eli train,. from Easton, Scranton, ilkeeharre. Sitar banot Citpand Matietolt. , , ..:- ....,•..., • . . ~,, ,„,Nrcao Poylestown at 8.85,_,A.M.,4.30 P.lll.lned 7 . 05 P• M Frain -,l4psdale at 740 A , AL [ Front Wort 'll , ashington at 946 0n4 . 1045 4:M. owl $.lO • P. N. _• • VII , SCIIDacYSL;i- , • , , •, ; . , Phi adelahla fOr Bethlehem et. 9.46 A. IL; . ; ~ • „ .• .. Phi adriphia for_Doyleetown at. 2.01) Pi.M.,_:-.• . •• • Dotestuwn fur Ph itadtra at 7.1X1 A. ni.. , liet lehem for Philadel iia'at COO P.M . . • , .‘e . Fifth and Sixth Streets and Second and. Third Streets Line 810c;(3ity. Passenger oars run directly .to and from the Dypot, ; Union Lille ran .withln,pstodrfdlip4Pce 01 the D ot, , , . , • r.. Ticket ,_ ~,, ' • Tic eta must he procitred at, tha Ticket Oflico r la order to Si! re Um lowest rates of fpre. .. . . ,,, i ~,,,. , • _,IILLIS.CLA.IIII, Age4t. I, Tic eta said and .ilaggage checked - through to:princi f pal nOintii ; at. Mann'a North Pann. Baiange..,.EXPrann office4No.,los Booth Pifth,etreet, ..,, , ~ , ai _, LE .NBYLVANLI. 'VENTRAL '. °RAIL. 111AD.,After 8 P. M., SURDA,Y, November litk. • . he trains of the Pennsylvania Central Railrdea leave he Repot,at Thirtyitirst and Market- streetg,wilich. 4 , is r hod directly by the care of the, IllarktotStre tPad- ; Avenge Ralitts.y, the last car connecting with 'eac train' leavi . : IFront and Market street .thirtY reinntelf eforti * its d.partare. Those of the Chestnut and Walnut titre Railway ran within one egnate of the Depot. tile : . int Car Tickets can be bad on application at the Tick. Q ea, Northwest corner of Ninth told Chestut' , s i res • .. aat the flePat• - ~. *,, f * r * willcall for Ag . blot the Union V a ster % c ompany and d :liver Baggage at t e Depot.. Orders lett at N 0.901 Ches ni sireet,No. 116 het' ittreet; wilt receive et tention f r TRAINS LEAVE .D.14 3 0T,11r.' • Stall Train. ....' ..,,,, ...' ..,._ at B.OOA. M. PaolitAccom....... ... :.., 10.30 n.31.,(1.10. MI6 6.60 P. M. Fast Line.' ' . „.....eit 11.00 A. M. Erie Rapress.-....... —..—.. ..... . . -.......-........'.at 11AO A. M. c r liarr htirg-Accom . ' .....—.:. .. ... 2.30 P. M. Lan e t. Accom ' :.;.-... at 4.10 P. 31, Park bur Train ' •at 5.30 P. M. Cindr a n4lEßryfta. ' et 6.00 P. 14 . .. . . ... 1 1 ..- .... _..... r.xpress. Erie Vail and Pittsburgh Express , 5:46 k s : Di, Acumen 0dati0n.......„., ..... .... .... .........,... .... " 12.11 A • M., Pacific Expresa...'......- • ...... ~ : „.at 12.00 night, Erie Mall leaves dailY, eXcePtlntild 4 42_Xtlitnl on Saturday tight to Williamsport ' only. On Smulay aught passengers will leage Philadelphia at 8 o'clock.. . Pedalo' Express leaves daily. ._ Cincinnati Ex presa,daily, except Saturday :. All other traina daily, exce Sunday. ' , Th Western ACcommodation Train inns nallY, except it Apnd y. • For this train tickets must be procured and baggage delivered by 5.00'P. 51" at. Ild Market street.... TRAINS ABETVE, AT DEPOT, VIZ' ; Cincinnati Express.- - 3.10 A. M. Philati elphia Express..-..... ............ ...... „. .. , - .. t : . ..... ;.. ...- .4, 1 6 0 30 .30 A A . .11.. Erie Ma 11......- Paolit Accommodation at 8.20 A. 31. - and73.4o* 625 P. M Parklburg Train.. - • • 9.10 A.M.' Fast X.,ine........- ............ -..... .... . ...... . ....... 9.40 A. M Lancaster Train . at 1143 P. M. Erie Express. ..... ........„ - at 12.55 P:M. SQTI tbern Express .. - ..... .-- .. , .... . ... _P. 7.00 P Lock , Haven and Elmira Express.-- ... .... .at 7.00 P. 91, Pacific Express.-- - "-at 4.25 P. M. Fla rriabrieg Accommodation '' at 9.50 P. M. For further information, apply to ' • JOHN E. VANLEEB . .., JR Ticket Agent 91:11Chestnnt i street. FRANCIS FUNK ~ Ticket Agent, 118 Marketetreet. . BA DUEL H. WALLACE, Ticket Agent at the Demit. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not *Mame any risk for Baggage, except for wearing apparel, and limit risk responsibility to One Hundred Dollars In value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, unleas taken by special con. EDWARD H. WILLIAMS, tract / . General Superintendent. Altoona, Pa. PIIILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD—TIMETABLE. Com. menclng MONDAY. May 10th, 1869. Trains will leave Depot, corner Broad and Washington avenue. as fol. loxs • WAY MAIL TRAIN at 8.130 A. M. ( Sundays excepted). for Baltimore, stopping at all Regular Stallone. Odh ceding with Delaware Railroad at Wilmington for Crisneld and Intermediate Citations. _ . . . EXPRESS TRAIN at 12.00 111. ( Sundaye excepted t, for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilmington, Pnry - rilleNand Havre de'Gracec. Connecta at Wilming• the with train for New Castle. • • . _ . EXPRESS TRAIN at 4.00 P. M. (SWAM o.lloelited), for Baltimore and Washington,_erpping at Chester; Thurlow, Linwpod,__Claymont, W•hnington, Newport, Stanton, Newark,. Elkton, North East, Oliarleetown, Perryville Havre de Grac, Aberdeen, Perryman's, Edgewood: Magnolia, Chase's and Stemmer's Run. NIGHT EXPRESS. at 11.30 P. M. (daily) for Baltimore and Washington; stopping at Chester, Thurlow, wood; Claymont, Wilmington, Newark, Elkton, North East, Perryville, Havre de Grace, Perryman'a end Mag. nolia. Possengens for Fortress Monroe and Norfolk will take the 12.0031. Train. "WILMINGTON TRAlNS.—Stopping at all Stations -between Philadelphia and Wilmington. Leave PHILADELPHIA at 11.00 A. M.,5.36,5.00 and 7.00 P. M. The ole P. M. train connects with Delaware Railroad for Herrington and intermediate stations. Leave WILMINGTON 6.30 and 6.10 A.M., 1.30,4.115 and 7.00 P. M. The B.IOA. M. train will not stop between Chester and Philadelphia: 'The 7.00 P. M. tram from Wilniington • runs daily;allotherAccommodaldoh Trains Sundaye excepted. • Trains Ieaving : WILMINGTON at 6.30 A. If.. and 4.15 P. 51. will connect at Lamokin Junction with the 7.00 A. 31. and 4.30 P.M. trains for Baltimore Central R. It. From BA.LTIMORE, to PHILADELPHIA—Leaven . Baltimore 7.26 A.M., Way Mail. 9.35 A.M., Express. 7,35 P. M. L itx.pretin. 7.25 P. kl:`, Exprese. SUNDAY' TRAIN FROM 13ALTIMORE.-!-Leaves BALTIMORE at 1.25 P. M. Stopping at Mgrolia,Per rymen:s, Aberdeen,Havre:tie.Grace,Perrrvi le,Charles town,.North-East, Itlkton, Newark, Stanton, Newport, Wilmington, Claymont, Linwood and Chester. Through tickets to all point West, South, and • South west may be procured at the ticket OffiCe, £O.B Chestnut street, under Continental Hotel, where also State Rooms and Berths in Sleeping Cars can be secured during the day. Persons purchasing tickets at this office can have baggage checked at their residence by the 'Union Trans fer Company. H. Y. KENNEY, Sup't. P HIL A.DELPRIA, OERMANTOWN 'AND NOARISTOWN RAILROAD. TIME TA. BLE.—On and after Monday, Nov.22d, 188 k, and Until further notido: ' FOE OEEMANTOWN. Leave Phlladelnhia--6,1, 8, 9.05, 10, 11, 11 A. M.l, 3.15, BK, 4:05, 4..35, 5,5%, 8, 634", 7', 8, 9.20, 10, 11, 11 P. M.M Leave Germantown-6,6.55, 810, 9,10, 10.50,12. A hi 1. 2. 8, 3.30,4'%,6 , 04, 6,6%, 7,8, 9, 10, 11, P. M. The 8.20 down-train, and the .13( and 5% up trains, will not stop on the Gerrnantovret Branch. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9.16 A. M., 2, 4.05 mlnnte6,7 and 10% P. M. _ Leave Germantown— 3.15 A. M.:l 3 6 and 9si P OHEBT fu HILL iL ki o9b, Leave Philadelphia-4,8, 10, la A.M.; 2, Mb, 9%, 7, 9.29 and 11 P. M. Leave Chestnut Mill-7.10 minutes, 8,9.40, and 11.40 A M.; 1.40,3.30,5.40, 6.40,8.40 and 10.40 P.M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9.16 minutes A. Al.; 2 and 7P. EL Leave Chestnut Hill-7.60 minutes A. M.; 12.40,5.40 and 9.20 minutes P. Al. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave 9, 11.05, A. M.; /%, 3,4, 4%, 6,15,8.05, 10.06 and 11% P. M. Leave Norristown-5.40,6.25, 7,73(, 8.60,11 A. ?a.; 135 i 3, 43 6 , 6.15, 8 and 934 P. M. nor The 7% A.M. Trains from Norristown will not stop at Mogen's, Potts' Landing, Domino or Schues Lane. The 4 P. M. Train from Philadelphia will stop only at School Lane, Manayunk and Conshohocken. • ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-8 A. M.• 234, 4 and 7.15 P. Al. Leave Norristown-7 A. M.; i t sii and 8P Al. FOR DIANA UNK. Leave Philadelphia-r 6, 7%.9, 11.06 A. Al.; 1%, 3,4,4 h, 5%,6.15,8;05,10.05and 11X P. Leave ManaYuuk-6.10, 6.55,7%, 8.10,9.20, 113; A. M.; 3%,5,6%, 8.30 and 10 P. DI. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia -9 A. Al.; 2%, 4 and 7.15 P. M. Leave Mana ynnPLYM k-7% A O . M. H,* I%lt. , 6 IL aud 0% P. M. UT Leave Philadelphia, 75f, A. M., 4X P. M. Leave Plymouth-, 6% A. M., 4% I'. M. W. S. WILSON, General Superintendent, Depot, Nintlinnetifireenstreets, • PFIII,ADEI AND ERIE RAH; RoAD—WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after MONDAY, Nov. 15, 1869, the Trains on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad will run as follows from Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, West Philadelphia : WESTWARD. Mail 'Train leaves Philadelphia 9.35 P. M. Williamsport 7.40 A. M. u " arrives at Erie • • 8.20 P. M. Erie Express leaves Philadelphia 11.40 A. M. Williamsport 9.00 P. M. " " arrives at Erie , 10.00 A. M. Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia 7.50 A. M, P. 6.00 M. Wilikunsport II ~ arrives at Lock Haven 7.20 P. M. EASTWARD. Mail Train leaves Erie 8.40 A.M. , '- " ' Williamsport 9.25 P.M. 4 , " arrives at Philadelphia 6.20 A. M. Erie Express leaves Erie 4.00 P. M. Willhunsport 3.30 A. 11 " 64 , arrives at. Philadelphia 12.45 P. M. Elmira Mall loaves Lock Haven .8.00 A. M, li 41 " Williamsport 9.45 A. M. o " arrives at Philadelphia ' 8.50 P. M. Buffalo Eipress leaves Williamsport 12.25 A.M. - Harrisburg 5.20 A. M. I. .. arrives at Philadelphia 9.25 A. M. ixpross east connects at Corry. Odail east at Corry and Irvinoton. Express west at Irvineton with trains on Oil Creek and Allegheny River Railroad. ALFAED L. TILER, General Superintends TRAVELER l e t JE A D I EGR - A1.1.:110). - GREAT • Irunk: tine from Philadelphia to the interior of n ylvania, the Schuylkill, Susquehanna, Cumber land 'lid Wyoming Valleys, th e North, Northwest mid the ( nadaa Winter Arrangement of Paanonger Trains, lieu: , 1809; leaving the Company's Depot, Thirteenth and a PPM9tikl) at~hillakilPilfat at tthii'laParitlit •ki . NINO ACCOMMODATION,--At 7.30 A. M for „Read width/ falintellitediatinlltationt, and Allentown. •.Ro indult, leaves Reading at 6.36 P. AI., arriving in PhilOyl a Ittif i llglfyr i c , .-• . r. , . .. ~,I tit iiisi s.- t 8.16 A: lif. for Reading' !fiebit on, Harrisburg, PflitAVAl o l.Pine grovcalsrus4ua. , 'Subletry Williarnepart, Eltatra, 110thostar, Niagara Tails Bu . ffalo, Wilkesbarre, Pittston, York. Carlisle, 'Gbh ,ernburg, Ilageratown, de. 'Ph '7.30 A. M. train connects at Reading with the East ni't Tenn ylvaniaßailroad trains for Allentown Ac. and the 18354. M. train connects with the Lebanon Yall'ey train for'Ellarrisburg l die.; at Port Clinton with Catawissa R. R. trine for Williamsport, Lock Haven. Elmira, &a_ ~'at t Darr nlnrg with Northern Central, Cumberland Val ley.a d Schuylkill and Susquehanna trains for North timberland,- Williamsport...York, Chambershurg;Pine. L grovel Arc. • A ERNOON EXPRESS : eaves Philadelphia at, 130 . 21. for Beading, Pottsville, Harrisburg, Sic., con nectlig with Reading and Columbia Railroad trains for Coln ilia. Ac. -- POTTSTOWN ACCOMMODATION: -Leaves Potts town at 5.45 A. 21. ,stopping at the Intermediate stations; arrives hi Philadelphia at 0.10 A. 51. Returning leaves • Philadelphia at 4,:arrivea in Pottstown at 6.1.5 P.M., .ANDItE I itION.. -,,,,P0TT5V.1.14.4„. ACCOMMA. AID-, TIO --gletrvii il tPottiviße itt.t , 4oAt 01.iand 'Reading' At -7.30 . M., stopping ut all way stations; arrives in Phila delphia at 10.20 A. 241. , .. • , . ~,, _,-..1 e l ~ • . aettinfing, leaves Philadelphia' ht 4.45 P.' M.; arrivea ln Reading at 1.40,P, M. and at- Pow.ttaY ll /P at. 9 r 31) P. 4 . , Trains for Philadelog ns ia leave 'hrlietiOrg at 510 A." M. and Pottsville at 9.00 A. M. arriving in Philadelphia at 1.00 P. SI . Afternoon train' teriVii Ilaridsburg at 2.06' P. 31 n and Pottsville at 2.45 P. .M. • arriving At. Phila. _ delpbla at 6.45 P. M ilavisburg Accommodation leaves Reading at 7.16 A. M..a d Harrisburg at 4.10 P. M. Connecting at Read ing with Aft moon Accommodation south at 6.36 P. M., 'arriving in Philadelphia at 9.25 P. M. Market train, with a Passenger car attached, leavea • Philadelphia at 12.30 noon for PUttsvillo and all Way Stations; leaves Pottsville at 5.40 A. M. connecting at Heading with accommodation train for Philadelphia and all Way Statioas I, Ail the above trains run daily, Sundays excepted. Sunday trains leavo Pottsville at 8 A. M., and Phila delphia at 3.16 P. M.; leave Philadelphia for Reading at 8.00 N. M,, returning from Reading at 4.25 P. M. CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD.-Passengers for Downingtown and intermediate points take the 7.30 A. M.; 12.... V and 4.00 P.M. trains from Philadelphimreturn ing from Downingtown at 6.30 A. M., 12.45 and 5.15 P.M. PRIM 10141 EN RAlLROAD:Passengers tor tichwenks ville take 7apA.m. t l2 3lkand.4-011 p. 4, trains for Philo-. , delphhij. 'rAtirning mitotn , t t4dhittnitsviil6. • ' , at.01,0& A.M.. 12.45 noon. Stage lines for various points in Perk tomer ; 'Vali eYfoonntKt ' Wittet trairts 'at 0 9 110 104vW0 and Schwenksville. . . CO baIRBONDALE RAILROAD Passengers for, Pleasant add interthediate points Cala , the 7.30 A. 31. and 4AOP. M. trains from Philadelphia;retnruiug. from Mt. !lea pant at 700 and 11.26 A': M.' - • NEW YORK EXPRE_Sji FOR PITTSBURGH AND M THEESTLeaves Nene . A. 31 YorkSt 0.00 A. and 6.00 P.. II .-- ~ passing Beading at 1.45 and. 10.05 MA and connects at Harrisburg with Pennsylvania .add Northern Central Railroad Express Trains for Pitta burgh, Chicago, Williamsport, Elmira, Baltimore, d‘c. •Retiwning, Express Train leaves Harrisburg on arrival of Pennsylvania Express from Pittsburgh, at 6.35 A. 51. and 12.20 noon, passing Reading at 7.20 A. M. and 2.00 P.M:, arriving at Now York at 12.05 noon and 6.35 P. H. Sieep i ing Cars accompany these trains through between Jarmo City and Pittsburgh , without change. Pia I train for New York leaves Harrisburg at 8.10 A. Id: arid 2.05 P. 31., Mail train for Harrisburgleaves New. Yotktat 12 Noon. SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD—Trains leave eottsville at 6.30 and 11.30 A.M. and 660 P.M.. returning from 'lamaona at 8.35 A.M., and 2.15 and 4.60 P. M. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD —Trains leave Auburn at 865 A. M. and 3.20 P. M. for PlilegroVe.and,llarriebnrg, and at 12.10 noun, for, Pine- 7 grove, "Tree:out ItrookeldPl 'returning frotcriler-' risburg at 7.30 A. M., and 3.40 P Id; from Brookside at 4.10 P:3l, aid froth Tremont at 7./6 AAR:And 5.03 PM.: TlOKETS.—Through first-class tickets and emigrant .tickets 80 all.the principal pdintaitx the North athi. West. and Cianada. Ex6ungion Tickets frost Philadalpida, to /leading and. Interthediate Station',; good for day only, are soldby Morning Accoramodat ion,Market Train, Reading and 'Pots own Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. • Exeursion Tickets to Philadelphia, good for day only, sre sold at Reading and Intermediate Stations by Read 'leg and Pottstown Accommodation Traina at reduced 'rate:: • The following tickets are obtainable only at the Office of B. rradford, Treasurer, No. = South Fourth street, Philadelphia, or of G. A. Nicol's, General Superinton dont,,Reading. Cortunutation Tickets at 25 per cent. discount, between 'any yloints desired, for families and firms. Zdiicage Tickets,good for 2,000 miles, between all points at $52 50 each for families and firms. Season Tiekets, for three, six, nine or twelve months, for holders only to all points, at reduced rates. Clergymen residing on the line of the road will be fur nished with cards, entitling themselves and wives to tickets at half fare • Exentenon Tickets from Philadelphia to principal eta tione, good for Saturday, Sunday and Monday, at re dined faro, so be had ply at.tkp Ticket Wilco, at, Itibr teeth end CaMowbillatreete? - FilElGHT.—Goode of all descriptions forwarded to all the above points .from the Cotupany , a New Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets, Freight Trains leave Philadelphladally 44.55 A. 31 .1, 12.30 noon, 5.00 and 7.15 P. for ' Rbaang, 'Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all points be yond: Mails close at thePhiladelphfa Post-office for all places on thl road and its branches at b A. 111., and for the prin cipal Stations only at 2.15 P. M. S BAGGAGE.. ,-- Dungan's Express will collect Baggage for all trains leavitig Philadelphia Depot. Orders can be left at No. .t 25 South Fourth street, or at the Depot, Thirteenth and Callea hill streetw. DUEL NEW VO.R.S.—THE CAMDEN _C AND AMBOY and PIIILADELPIIIA • AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S LINES; from .Philadelphia to Now York, and way places, from Wal nut street wharf. Fare. At 6.30 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accom.. $225 At BA. M. via Camden and Jersey City Ex. Mail, 900 At 2.00 P. M., via Camden and Amboy Express, I pp At 6 E. M. for Amboy and intermediate stations, At 6.30 and 8 A. M., and 2 P. M., for Freehold. At 2.00 I'. IC fur Long Brunch and Points on R. & D. B. R. B. _ . . At 8 and 10 A:5l ~12 M, 2,3.30 and 4.301 . 1. M.,fo'r 'Trenton. At 6.30,8 and 10 A.M., 12 M.,43.30,4.30,6, 'rand 11.30 P.M., for BordimtOwn,Florence,Burlingtort,ReVerly andDe ianeo. At 6.3 u and 10A.31,12 U., 3.30,4.34,7 and 11.30 P.M. for ' Edgewater Riverside, . Riverton, .Palmyra and fish Douse A.. 31. and 21', Al., for, Klyerton. „ . Kir The 1130 P. line - leaves fforti . foot of Market street by upper ferry. From Kensington Depot: At 7.40 A. M., 2.30, 3..10 and 5 P. M. fort Trenton and Bristol. And at 10.45 A. M. and 6 P. M. for Brieted. At 7.90 A. 31., 2.30 and 5 P, M. for Morrisville and Tully town. At 7.30 and 10.45 A. M., 2.30, 5 and 6 P. M. for Schenck's and Eddington. At 7.30 and 10.45 A. M.,2.30, 4, 6 and 6 P, M., for Corn. wells, Torresdale,llolmesburg,Tacony, Wissinoming, Bridesbnrg and Frankford. and 8.30 P.M. for Holmes bur and Intermediate Stations. From West Philadelphia Depot via Connecting Railway At 7.9.30 and 11 A. Id., 1.20, 4, 6.45, and 12 P. M. New York Express Line,via Jersey City $325 At 1131 P. M. Emigrant Line 2 00 At 7,1).30 and 11 A. .1.20,4,6.45,and 12 P.M.for Trenton. At 7..9.30 and 11 A. M.. 4, 6.45 and 12 P. M., for Bristol. At 12 P..151.(N ight) for Morrisville,Ttillytown, Schenck's, Eddingtou, Pornwellfl, Torresdale, Holmes burg, cony, Wiasinomingrdiridestiufg and :Prankford: , - The 9.36 IC and and 12 P. M., Lines flirt daily. - All - others / Sundays excepted. For Lines leaving Kensington Depot, take the oars 'on • Third or Fifth streets, at ()Leathu.t, at half an hour be, fore departure. The Cars of Market Street Railway run direct to West Philadelphia Depot, Chestnut a_pd Walnut within one square. Ori Sundays, the Market Street Care .111 rim to connect with the 9.30 A. 31., 6.45 and 12 P. M. lines BELVIDERE DELAWARE RAILROAD LINER from Kensington Depot. At 7.30 A. M., for Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Elmira, Ithaca, Owego, Rochester, Biughampton, Oswego, Syracuse, Great Mend, Montrose, Wilkesbarre, burunwu, oLiuuu.ourg, Water tiap, ocuouloy '8 Liloun tutu. Nc. . . At 7.30 A. M.and 3.30 P.M.for Delvidere,Easton, Lam bertville Flemington, Ac. 'rho 3.30 P. M. Line con nects direct with the train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk Allentown, Bethlehem, Ac. At ld 'A . 31. from West Philadelphia. Depot, and 5 P. M. from Kensington Dopot,for Lambertville and lntertna; diate Stations. _ CAMDEN AND BURLINGTON 00., AND FERBER. TON AND HIGIITSTOWN RAILROADS, hom Mar ket street Ferry (Upper Side.) At 7 and 10 A, 01.4, 2.16,3.30,6 & 6.90 I . .M.,and on Thurs day and Saturday uightB at 11.30 P. M for Alerctutnte ville,Mooreetown, Hartford. Musonyille, Llninsport and Mount Golly. At 7 A. M., 2.19 and 6.301'. M. for Lamberton and Med- Ern 0. At 7 and 10 A 7,1., 1, 3-30 .4 f. P. N., for SmithvillO, Ewansville.Vincentown,Birminghatn and Pemberton. At 10 A. M. for Lewistown, Wrightetuwu, Cookstown, New Egypt and Ilornerstown. At 7A. TO.. 1 lind 3.30 P. 31, for Lewistown, Weights. town, Coolistovvii, New Egypt, Hor-nerstown, Cream Ridge, Irnlaystown, Sharon and Hightstown. Fifty pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. 'The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to Ono Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, ex cept by special contract. Tickets sold and Baggage checked direct through to , Boston, Worcester, Springfield, Hartford, New Haven Providence, Newport, Albany, Troy, Saratoga, Utica, Rona , ' Syracuse,Rochester , Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge. An additional Ticket Office is located at No. 828 Chest nut street, whore tickets to New York, and all imper ' taut points North and East, maybe procured. • Persona purchatting Tickets at this Offico,'can' have their bag ' gage chocked from residences or hotel to destination,by, Union Transfer Ballo e ExsresS. - • Lines from New or for Philadelphia will leave from foot of Cortland street at 1,011 and 4.00 P. 91., yiaJorsey City and Camden. At B.Lii and 10 A.M., 12 .30,5,6 and 9 P. 91., and at 12 Night, via Jersey City and West Phila delphia. From Pier No, 1, N. River, at 6.30 A. M. Accommoda tion and 2 P. M. Express, via Amboy and Camden. Dec. 22, 1869. WM. 11. GATZAIEIt.Agent. WEST JERSEY RAILROAD FALL AND WINTER ARRANGEMENT. COMMENCING TUESDAY, SEPT. 21st, 1869. Leave Philadelphia, Foot of Market street ( Upper Ferry) at 8.15 A. Al., Mail, for Bridgeton, Salem, Millvillo,Vino. land, Swedesboro and all intermediate stations. 3.15 P. M., Mail, for Cape May, Millville, Vineland and way stations below Glassboro. 3.30 P. 91., Passenger, for Bridgeton, Salem, Swedes bore, - and all intermediate stations. 5.30 P. 51., Woodbury and Glassboro accommodation, Freight train for all stations leaves Camden daily, at 12.00 o'clock, noon. Freight received iu Philadelphia at second covered wharf - below Walnut street, Freight delivered at No. 728 S. Delaware avenue. Commutation tickets, at reduced rates, between Phila• dolphia,and all stations. EXTRA TRAIN FOR CAPE MAY. jpatmllysunly • - _ Leave Philadebbia, A. M. Lem a Oar) May, LID P. M. WILLIAM J. BEWELL, Elamintendent. TRAVELERS'•QUID,E; EST CHESTER. -AND- PEITLADKL. Pli l A - SAILROAD.—Winter Arrangement--On and after, MONDAY, Oct. 4, 18.80,,Treine leavess. f °Bon a: • Leaive,Philadelphie,from New Depot 'thirty.-Itrett and Chestnut streets, 7,46 A. M.,.14.00 A, m ~a,BO P; M. 1.4,16 Lmj, 4;40 P. M., 6.15 P. 31.,11.30 P. M. • • lieMse'Weat Chester, frinn Depot, on Bass Market atreet,6.2sAtt itici 8.00 A. M., 7.45 Ai bt., 0.43 A. 31,1,641 , PM.4.OO.Pir P.M. • Train'ira*ln , est Ohester at 8.00 A. M. wHil, istdp * C. if Mettle , -Olen Biddle arid lifedlit:• letst` Phileldelptiaint ittilit li HL, will stop at ,Hedisky tang. Riddle, LenuLaad ;.A.l unction L .Passengers .tOiata from Stations hetween Weil Chester and B C. Janata* , going East, *ill , take train leaving West Chester at' 7.46 A. Mt, and cdr-itill be attached to Express •Train at , J noo.iop I, grid gpingikVe4.Passengors for, Stations above B. L.J.tmetion etrain tearing Philadell Mita et 4.r P. V., h tango Call arß. p. Jukfc , • - •ii The! Depotin - Philadelphia le poached directly by the Cheettint antlWaJnot street cara t , j ibose of the Market,; etrevil ino rnn _with In one agnate, ne 94.0c/both inua. connect with each train.nnon Ito art , val. , . . •r. ON 3 i4UNCA Y S.—Leave Philadelphia for IA est Chester at 8. 4..11. and 2.00 P. Lea - o lArtin „Chester for. Philadelphia at 7.65 ,and 4.00 V , Passengers are ailowed'to take- .Weartng' Aoparel only, as Baggage, and the Company Wilt net in any, Cam) be responsible Inc an amount. exceeding of hundreddel lars, unload a special cOntr ro act be ad o - ferthe Sarno. ' WILLIAM OJ WHEELER. General litaperintendont; ILADELPD IA AND , BALTIMORE CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPAIIY.- ' • W TER-ARDA NOD ME RU. • On and after ItIONDAY,,Nov.• let., Trains will leave de •followe, atopping at all Static/tie on Philadel phia, Dal tiniore Central and Cheater Creek Rallreade Leave PHILADELPHIA for..gO,RT..DEPOSIT from Depot of Philadelphia, , Wilmington and Baltimor e Railroad Couipanr, corner Broad: and Washington aveline, WOO Alitind 410 P. 11.. .; . A Freight TriOn,. with Pluieenger car atlaghod,win . leave Philadelphia fer.Qxford at 230 P. M. Leave PHILADELPHIA for nil Sta,ione on ' ton and Reading.firliroadant 4.30 P. M. Leave POUT , DE.POI4ID for. PHILAHEI4PIII4.4 at • 6.40 A. M.,9.2.5 A . a n d 2.25 P.M. .. On Saturday the *lll leave at 4.30 P. H. Passengers are allo to take' wearing apparel • only • aebaggage,and;toe Dairipany will tint ,reeponsible for en amount oxceedink .one hUndred:,dollme, special contract in made ' f or the eame. • • HENRY WOOD, General -Superintendent. CAMDEN AND 'ATLANTIC) R . L. ,' ROAD:—etrANGE , OF .119111R5 . --Viltfrias As: RANGEMENT. On and ater MONDAYi Novi 1{ IMf.O trains will leave Vino street ferric Wilollows, viz and• Freight 8,00A.M. Atlantic Accommodation , • ' ' 3:40 sot. Junction ACcommodation Atco and inter, •, t R. • . • mediate, ... ..... ETURNING; LEAVE ATLANTIC. Mall and Freight 1.48 P.M. Atlantic ACCOMMOdatio;l4..,ea..3,.«. .. .... A. H. Junction Accommodatithr front' 4 Atop` '6-42 A. M. Haddonfield Accominodation trains leave • Vine Street Folrq i . A. 111-atid.2.oo sE Haddonfield. 1.00 PA/.. and &lb P. M. , bug -( DAVID H. MUNDY; gat t' EAST • PREIGHT,r:LINE" VIA PENIQBYLVANIA_ L .A6aIII.O42:I 4 ,„to hanoy Xount VarmOlt OW! ratty.; and altPelata on Letugh,V,alley, Waived and its branches., By new arratigementS, perfected, thia day. thia'roadlJi j. enabled to give Inercaseoldeeipa,tch, to - raerchanditte,COn• N to the above-,named pontb4 - , Goods delivered at the Through Freight ElePOte cor. Front andfrobleetreetii i Before 6 P.'6i.: Will reach Wilkedbarre,' Mount Ilarthel i lliahanoy City, and the other stationsin HahtinOY and Wyotaing valley 'before 6.. M.,the snooteding dar. - SITATAft MARK AI/eats LEGAL NOTICES. , • COURT OF CO . A . 3IQN PLEAS `..`for the City and County of tho Matter of the_petitiou of ROBERT LINDSAY', Trustee for.ELIZABETH L, PRT 9 R, fur an,order authorizing the Recorder of Deeds to enter . satisfaction, upon the record of a certain thortgaar for sloo,given by ELIJAH COPPER and ELIZABETH, Lia...svife, to. WILLIAM. BINDER, dated July 8, 1918, and rooopded at Rhiladel pliia In Mortgage Book. M. No. 3, page' 3t A. &c., on. premises situate on the east 'aide of Milt street; between. Greed and Coates street, in the „Eleventh Ward of said city, /9"feet front and ataint fel test deep'. And now,January 8,1970, it is ordered, by the ;Court' that the Sheriff shall givcipublic'llotlCO by publication, requiring the heirs and legal roproaentatlYea of ; said WILLIAM BINRER, deceased r and all persons inter- : , est e 1 TITISYKT, tile - 'l2th day 111 February, 1970;' ar 11 - o'clock A. 111:, to show cause why the prat or uf said petition gYould not be granted. PETAH LYLE, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S Orrrcs, Jan. 8,18,0. , ,ia9 sit*, V.STATE 01' .1011.1 , 1 GIVEN, DECEASED. 12.1 Letters Testamentary npen; the. estate' of JOHN GI VFW, deceailed. having•been granted to the eubBcri- Ler, 41 persons indebted to said estate are _requested to make:payment, And those=' hating claims to present _. them without delay, to .. WILLIAM RUTHERFORD, RX( . l6ltor: ' 27 bonth Seventh strPet; gr , lo Ui, Attorney; CLIFFORD P. IEACCALLA, j4los 6t§ ' 703 dansont street 'TN THE '().RPRANS' COURT FOR THE City and Comity of Philadelhia.—Estate ofJ AMR% CAI'NA HER; deceased — The Auditor appoihted by the Court to report distribution of the Hind in Court arising froth the eale of real estate late of said,decedenffor pay ment of debts, will meet the parties interested, for the purpose of his appointment, on 111,0NDAY, January 31, 170, nt 11 o'clock A. ht., at hie office, No. 217 South Sixth street, in the city of Philadelphia. , jaidah s tnnt§ JOHN GOFORTH; Auditor. TN THE. ORPHANS'. COURT ,EOR. TELE I. Ci t y end . County of Philadelphia.—Estate of THOMAS 0. WEBS, deceastal.:ahe Auditor op- pointed by the Court to audit. settle and adjust the ac count of WILLIAM ERNST, Executor of last will. and testament of THOMAS 0. WEBB, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant. will meet the parties interested, for the purpose of his appointment. on THURSDAY, Jan uary 27th. Pl7O At 354 o'clock P. M., at hie office, No.. 12 2 S South Sixth street, in the city of Philadelphia. • JAMES W. LATTA, *. Auditor. jallth a.thre IZi THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR , Tlll3 t.ity and County of Philadelphia.—Estate of NA- N BROWN, dec'd.—T he Auditor appointed by tho Court to audit.set t I e and adjust the tirst awl final accomit of TIIOSI A IlltoWN stud JAMBS IRWIN, Executors of Estate of NATHAN : BROWN, deceased. and. to re pt distribution of the balance in the hands of the ac cTßlntrout, will rueot,the parties interested•fOr the purpose of his appeiuttnent,. onTUESDAY, Sanitary, 25,1870, at 33i" o'clock P. M., at, - his office, No. 123 South Sixth street, in the city of Philadelphia. JAMBSLATTA, • " Auditor. jal3-tb,* EBTATE J LEWIS WALTON, cease&—Letters testamentary having Wen granted to the undersigned, ell persons having claims agnimit the flitilte, ore requested to 'present them, and those owing to make payment to • JOHN WUNDERLICH', Exeutor. 1145 bunion street. BODERT INQRABI, 411 WahoH street. Or his Attoncey, m6t.* LUMBER. MAULE; BROTHER & CO., 250'0 South 'Street. PATTERN MAKERS. 101 l 1870. CHOICE 9 I .LAV V. CHOICE SELECTION OF WOHIGAN CORE NS PINE FOR ATR. 5 ,,r7. 1 1 SYR U OE AND HEMLOCK.I' RI Lo If* SPRUCE AND HEMLOCK. JIA.." IP LARGE STOCK. Qt) VLORLDA FLOORING. iu • FLORIDA FLOORING. 1E370. CAROLINA FLOORING. VIRGINIA FLOORING. , DELAWARE FLOORING' ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING. ‘L uitiDA b'TEP BOARDS. 87 O. 167t/. l' FLORIDA STEP BOARDS. RAIL PLANK. RAIL PLANK. I.BlO,,"AL"'r A eS - PDS,A - NDIB7O T, • LLNUT BOARDSND .-TAANic. WALNUT BOARDS. WAITNUT PL,A.NH. ASSORTED FOR CABUIL RSBINE DE T MAK & , V. 18'10 UNDERTAKERS' 1870 LU MBER. UNDERTAKERS' LUMBER. RED CEDAR. WALNUT AND PINE. lni SONED POPLAR. bty n . SEASONBD H CHERRY. 1.870. AS. WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. HICKORY. 1870 ARULINA • U LINIB.I G . 1870 SCA . NORWAY NTG. CEDA R IB7O ) sst t NiNg,l': . .s . 1.870. CYPRESS SH IN G LES . . LARGE ASSORTMENT. 1.870. FL ItIV I CIITYL I A L TV. R. 1870 - LATH. WAVLE BROTHEL" ZOO SOUTH STREiT. Lumber Under Cover, ALwAys DRY. Walnut, White Pino, Yellow Plne, Spruce, Hemlock Shlnglee, ac„ always on hand at low ratee. WATSON Oc GILLINGHAM, 924 Richmond Street. Eighteenth Ward. mti.29-v9 - YELLOW PINE LUM,BER.-- ORDERB for cargoes of ovary descriptlou Sawed Limber exe cuted at abort notice—quality subject to Inspection Apply to EDW. H. 11.0WLEY.18 South Wharves. DENTISTRY. opt3o 'YEARS' ACTIVE PRACTICE. —Dr. FINE, No. 219 Vino street, below Third, inserts, the handsomest Teeth in the citY,at Priv* to puit all. Teeth Plugged, Teeth Repaired, Exchanged, or Remodelled to snit. Gas and Ether. No pain et. trading. Wilco noun, ato 5 .e25-s,llt,tato