Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, January 19, 1870, Image 1
GIBSON PEACOCK.' 'Editor. TATEDDING CARDB,_ INVITATIONS TV for Parties, dr,i. New styleo. MASON it 00., 001 Chestnut street . EbLPING IN f V ITATIOI4 - 6 - 7 7 iiitt; _ graved in the newest and boot manner. LOUIS reet. , Otstionet 1021 Chestnut st fe2o t MARKIED. STIBITHEIN—DITRBOITOW.—On Tuerday, the DM/ Imo., by the Itt. Bev, William Bacon riteveux. Blkhop of I'cnneylvanta WhUlnm Struther%, Jr., to Va./ 6 , 1401117 of (Marton B. Intrborow, aH of Phila delphia. learsuinftli, Oa.. papers, Dlcaao copy.] GUMMBILE.—In Burlington, Ifl., on the 18th inst. Martha M. Ctinunere, wife of William Gunstnere, an d daughter of the late William H. Morris, In the 44th year of her age. One notice will IV given of the funeral. tf§ BEHR:NEIL—At Chestnut 11111, nn the lath Instant, Mary L., widow of the late Charles Heebner. Her relatives and fri-nds are invited to attend the fu neraL'on Thursday. 2eth inst.. at mte o'clock. trout her late residonce, on tiusuinit street. To proceed to Laurel • JUNEH Tuesday, January Lath, B. Muse .toned, In the 7:14 year of Ids age. Thu retail% es 7111 , 1 friends of the fatally are respectfully Smiled to attend the funeral, front Ws late residence, No. Int, 'Walnut street, on ThIICIAMY, January 2lith, at 2 o'clock, without timber notice. To proceNt to Lame, 111 . 1,E418,--On Sunday morning, 16th instant, Mary X atherine. daughter of the late Laurence Lewis. The reletivra and friends of the fatuily are invited to suet t the funeral at Ht. Peter's Church, this (We1I111,4• davi afternoon, at before 4 O'clock, punctually. NIDMA NN.—On the 19th Iced., of scarlet fever. He• ehie D.. daughter of Henry T. and the late Mary H. Nt. mann, lu her 911. year, EA11111(1.—On the 19th met.. Evelyn, youngest daugh ter of William B. and Lizzie A. Rambo, in the 6th `ear of her /••• 8811711.—Jaaustry IT, WO, Elizabeth 8. Stoat, eldest daughter of the late Jaynes S. Smith. Key. The friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, at St. Peter's Church, on Thursday morning, at o'clock: pupetuallY. WARD.—On the morning of the 19th instani,,Aiiti Mara*, eldest daughter at Margaret mid the late John D. 'Ward. The relatlree and friends are In‘ited to attend tho fu neral, front the residence of her mot her. 109 tioutb Twen tieth street. on Saturday isorning, at 9 o'clock. 3t CRAPE DEPARTME'NT. - NOW • IN atort.,ov . ery quality of Eh ISII TRIMM ING CRA PES, ENGLISH VEIL GMA YES, A low • ENGLI S H CIUDE VEILS. - Of overy quality and ro manufactured. DESSON k SON, Mourning Dry Good* glB Chroinut VILNCY SILKS, P BEDUCED IN RICE TO CLORE TIIHNI. . LIGHT SILKS 'IPOK EVENINGS WRITE CLOTHS ais.l IthTRACHANS, for the Opera BEST BLACK SILKS IN THE CITY. EY/16 A LANDELL. SPECIAL NOTICES. The cost CI Atm, 31i and S 3) ehertnut JOHN WANAMAKER stock Chestnut Street has been Establishment, 818 and 820 WO Ulllll Chestnut Street. ro a for IzorOrtations arrivtns um NATIONAL EXCHANGE Or niILADELPEIIA. Ihm.teta.ente., Jan. 14. 1470. At the sonnet meeting of the' Stockholders of this Bank. held on the 11th instant, BENJAMIN . ROW LAND. Jr.. W 11.1.1.-111 11. 1111 AWN. CILAJIL RICHARDSON', NV ILL IA 31 M. SE YFEILT and 'FREDERIC A. HOYT, wrre duty elected Director* of this Bank. At a towering of tho Board of Directory. held thisday. ROW .AND. Jr.. was elected Preaideut, and It. ItIiAIVN. Vice Preeidont. . - Arrangements hare to.ea made for consolidating and tinning this bank with the National Bank of tki, public. of Philadelphia; and for this' purpoto- tk— N a . tional Exchange Bank will, ae a Rparate aNfaciatien, go into liquidation at the close of busineos vu the 15th lu• stant, fa accordance with a vote of the ntookholders end a resolution of the Board of Directors ; sal its book) , and accounts has inz been aesigued to the Na• tional Bank of the Republic, t Ploy will be removed to its hanking•house. at &V and ell Chestnut street, where the affairs of this Bank in liooldntian win. - be Conitnetist the National Bauk of the Republic, after the Lith inet. Cheaks drawn Upon the National R. hangs Bank against balances remaining to the credit of its depositor , . after the 15th Instant, will be paid at the National Ba of the Republic. The re,iguation of JOHN t9.GILBOUG It, ae Cashier of this Bank. ha been accepted, to take effect on •aud atter the 13th instant. ortfer of the Board Of Dir...ctot4. B. ROWLAND. jaLs6t rp§ W. 11. KIIANVN, Preqi.lvnt IcrANNIVERSARY OF. THE MER eIIANTS• FUND.—The sixteenth anniversary al the Merchatite' Fund will be celebrated at the ' ACADEMY OF muse', On WEDN,ESDA.I EVENING,. Feb. 2, at o'clock. The annual report of the Board of Managers will be read. and addressee will be delivered by • lion. W 1. 1 41,1111 Rev. J. L: wiTnEiLow: !lon. JAMES R. LUDLOW, IiEORGE M. STUART. Eau. The orchestra will be under the dlreotivu of MARK _HASSLER. Cards of admission may be had gratitonaly, by early application at S. E, corner Third and Walnut etro,N, 1 4 .0.11olNerth Delaware axentte, NO. 616 Market, etreet, South Fourth etteet, or of .either or the full Q VI M.; committee : WILLIAM C. LUDWIG, JAMES C. HAND. A. J. DEIS.BYSIIITtE, THOMAS C. HAND. JAMES B. Me VARL AND, Committee of Arrangetue,ntti. U. FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. NM CHESTNUT STREET. PU IL ADAL Pn Lk, Jan. IS, Ma. At an election held on the MIL init., the following gentlemen were elected Directere for the ensuing year: Charles Richardson, John Kessler, J r., William H. Rhawn, George A. West, Robert Pearce, John F. Smith, Join:l.W. Rieman, William M. Seyfert, Nathan Hales, ICharleaStoltes, Edward B. pane, !Mordecai Buzby. At a meeting of the Board of Directors, hold this day, CHARLES RICHARDSON waa unanimously re-elected President, WILLIAM H. RH AWN. Vice President, and. _ W IL LIA :BLANCHARD, Secretary. _ . NATIONAL BANK .OF GER NI AN - TOWN, PHILADELPHIA. - - GERM t.:crvw,January IS. 1870. At the election held on the 11th instant, the follow ing gentletnen were elected Directors for the enduing: yO1,1r; William Wynne Whiter, William Green, William N. Johnson, Nathan L. Jones, John S. Baines, Jabtr, (Wee, Nicholas Rittenhouse., Norton Johnson., Charles J. whiter, Jr, James R. Oates, Charles Weiss, Edward Comfort, Benjamin Allen. And at. the meeting of the Directors, hold this day, w ILLIA W YNNE I.VISTER, ES.Q.,was unaniniouslY r' -elected President, awl WILLIAIEL HUTCH WES TER, ESQ., Solicitor. Jal9.3t CHARLES W. OTTO, Cashier. _ _ 1109 GERARD STREET; 1109 RIJSSIAN AND PERFUMED BATIK,. Departments for Ladies Baths open from A. Jll. to 9 I'. IC . ' . .'-••'„. . - . . . . , . ... . . , . " ' .' ' ' ''' : • ; -' i .'., ' ,•,''' .. .', .' , , 2 . , , , , :,.... ... , -' -'s . . • ' - -.- - ' ' , . . '. . . , , . . . , ....„ •.,,.. • • , . , . , „ . . .. e,. . , , . ../b6t.''' . ,• '. ; .; ~ , „ '; df . . . . ' ‘' '' .. ! .. , , ' • ~ '• . ..,,;,,-../ . „ ~ -• ' Ar. ..-,,, . I' ,. r , .'' : 'k ;. ..' — 't L '.!' i.' ,r. . • , • ~. , • ..... :,,. , .:,....,..,:: .. ........,....„ ....,.,... f , ' -,- I , ' . ',- ''''''' ' ''. ~". .... j .." ' c''', ' . • i'. -''''' ' ' ' '';,l. ''.• '•' . ' ' ' - ' ' '' . . ' .", ; _, . , ~ '. . j' - • ' ' • ' - . r . . . . , .., , . ' • . . , , , , , . , , DIED. PR ILADELPIII A, Jatautry IS IiBD. NOTlCE.—ropllnte plans of the stir ev and grado restulations of Long Lane. from Federal to MitYliu street, are HOW prepared and. depoeited for inspection at tho office id Thomas Doly, No. Ili2 South Ninth .treet. and Mao at the omen of this Department. No. 221 'Sonth Firth street. and the Board of Survey OPlLiave appointed 31( /ADA February the ith. 140, at lei 0 - clock A. M.; to consider tiny objections that may lienrged thereto by any citizen interested therein. one STRICKLAND KNEAK4, ;alb' 22 rpi Chief Engineer and Sarceyor. Clothing root now, IPss 'than -SPECIAL -NOTICES. fo*THE STAR COURSE OF LECTURES. The 'Second Series, COMM `FACING JANUARY 31. Mondays and Thursdays. T. U. rralt has the honor to announce to the intel lectual public of Philadelphia that he 113$ arranged fur theeV( 'OND SERIES of TEN LE CTUBJCS to be.gtren in the following order WENDELL PHILLIPS, January 31. Subject—The Questions of To-morrow. PETROLEUM V. NASH Y (Ti. R. Locke), February 3 Subject—The Loran of Creation. RALPH WA LIDO EMERSON, February T. • Subject—Socha Life in America. • Rev . E. 11. Ulf A PIN. D. D., February 10. Subject—The Rol i of Honor. GEO. WM. CURTIS. February 2v. Subiect-0 Lir National Folly—The elyil Service. Prot. ROBERT E. ROGERS, February 2E,. Subject—Chemical Forces In Nature and the Arta BAYARD TAYLOR, March 3. Subject—lteform mid Art. JOHN G. SANE, March 21. Subject—French Folks at Home. Prof, 11EN WV MO.BiTON, March 21. Subject—Bohm EciiPisefl- ANNA E. DICKINSON, April 7. Subjeet—ltown Breaka. SPECIAL. To satisfy nnmerous requests, Miss OLIVE LOGAN will repeat her lecture via` , ti RLS" at a Matinee. on a date hereafter, to be specified, in the tooth of April. CARL SENTZ'S PARLOR ORCHESTRA, with addi tions in talent. will perform, as usmil, choice' Musical Selections preilous to each Lecture. • SCALE OP PRlCES.—=Admission to each Lecture'. 60 cents ; Reserved Seats to each Lecture, 7b cents ; Re , served Tickets for the Fo•rles of Ten Lectures, fib. THREE DAYS' SALE OF SEASON TICKETS The opening sale of reserved season tickets will take piste , . at Gnu Piano Roonoi,_No. set ch,..anut street, on THURSDAY MORNING, January W, at 9 o'clock, and will 10. continued on the 'mill. 21st, and 22d, after which no more season tickets will be sold. The late of reserved Atlas to 21.111 Y of the single lectures will conimouce on MONDAY 310RNING, Jan. 24, and continue daily front 9A.M.t05 P. M. - OW The Prospectus of the Second Series l+ now ready, and may be obtained on appli!:atiou at GO.ULIUS. No. 913 rldaitint ; also a Pocket Diagram of the Academy of Music, showing the numbers and location of the a ats., jal7 3t rp tz. EIGHTH .NA, NORTH SECOND SI I 1 ILAI the Mention held on yl Stockholders were elected D, Jacob Naylor. James Irwin. Jacob c. Nestle. • Charlet N. Childs, Charles A Crwige, William King, :IONA!". BANK, 1011 'MEET. DELPHI A. January MIN& the 11th inst., the following PirN7tors of tide Bank : Henry 8: Ziegler, Jaime /Mtg. John F. Norcroaa. W. W Adam., • Jacob Grim, A. Lincoln, • I. S. Custer. And at the meeting of the Directore. held this day, JACOB NAYLOR. Esqq was re-elected President, CHARLES H. CRAIGE. R 441 . The President, THOMAS B. Fflii LET TER , Esq., tiuticitor, Yale w f gtj 11. W ILL lAMB, Cashier. tOtt DEPARTMENT OF SURVEYS. OFFICE OF CHIEF, ENGINEER AND SUB VNYOR. L .- ?. OFFICE OF THE DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL, AND CAMDEN AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND TRANSPORTATDRi COMPANIES. • PIItLADF.I.PIII.4, Jan: G. lA7O. Ttm holders of tbo new scrip in the above Companiee are hereby iietilled thst the time for paying' the last in stallment will expire February 10. M.O. At any time before that date it naay be paid by there holding there. reiptisol RICIIARD THOWBIIIDGE, Cashier. or F, S. CONOVER. Transfer Arent ,to Mr. TROWBRIDGE; at bie offlee. who i• 4 allaihria6d to re , :eipt for the haute . oh the back rf the receipt for firm installment. jalo-tfeSip RICII AIM STOCKTON. Treasurer. kOTICE.--THE DELAWM:E AN RARITAN CANAL COMPANY AND Tilt: CAMDEN AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND TRANS PORTATION COMPANY . . Oa and after February Ist, 1671), the Stoetchollore of the shore t` , :mpar,iee. of January 'St ti , I' 7 o. are entithq to a dis Mend of Five (.51 per cent—payable at 111 Liberty. street. New York, or 20t4South DelalVaTa aTehlVi Phila delphia. Tax STON, N. J.. January 17th. 1370; jati 12trto Elk STOCIi ; TON, Tropsurer. IUI.PHILADELPHIA, JANUARY 18, 1470.—The annual meeting of the I.I: 4 WIILN IN STITUTION will be held at No. South Eleventh iitreet, on THIMSDA I ..lan. Mtli. at 11. o'clock. A. M. It JNO. L. REDN - Ett, Secretary. HOWA_RD HOSPITAL, NOS. 1518 V th — Stilt/ SI 1520 Lombard stroor,Diapeneary Department. ral treatment and otodicinefa masted gratnitonal2 to e polo RELIGIOUS NOTICES. CENTRAL PR ES/3 TE RI AN Claurch, Eighth and Cherry Etn•ets.Rev. A. Reed, D. 1) . Pastor.—Union services will be held in the Lee. Dire Boon of this Church on this (Wednesday) evening., and on Tbursda:, evening. at I.'n o'clock. The First pre,,byterig t , Churn, her. Herrick Johnson. D. D.. Pastor. and ttio Pine Street Church. Rev. Robert Allen, D., D., Pastor, will unite in these services. ALEXANDER PR t r SBYTERIA—N Church, Ninete.ntli and Green streets.—Preach lug in q the lecture room of Olio Church thin evening, at 73- s •o clock. by the Rev. N. W. Conkling, of Hew York. /t. -. -A. MEETING- OP GREAT - .0 ,--7. %. - TEREST 1.4 to progre , s at Trinity IL. E. Church, Eighth street, above Race. Preaching thin 'evening at o'clock by Rev. J. J. Pearce ; Friday evening by Rev..l. T. Grady. All are cordially invited It' THE FRMiCII PREMIER. , Sketches to " the American Fashion" of the Minister "at Moms." (From the rail Mail Gazettej M. Alfred d'Athisay contributeS to l'igaro minute account, in the American fashion, of the private life of 11. Emile 011ivier. His resi dence, '29 Rue St. Guillaume (the rent of which, we are informed, is 2,.500f.:, presents so modest an exterior that the 'other day- a' high functionary who had occasion to speak to the new 31mister, after mounting a few. steps. turned back in great indignation that a person of his rank should have been sent up' the servants' staircase. The concierge had no, difficulty in excusing hiniself—there was 'no other. Augustine, tie only domestic who serves 31. kunile 011ivier,his brother, Madame 011ivier, and the Abbe, Liszt (when he is in , Paris), acts alsb . Secrettary In case of need. The walls of his cabinet are literally covered with portraits of great men whom 31: 011ivier admires, among them Ra phael, Descartes, Boss met, 3,lirnb e ae, Pascal, Moliere, Benjamin l'omtaht, La martine and Deak. There is also a portrait of the elder 31. 011ivier, and tr,.. tine proof en- graving of the Girontlits. " Over a, chimney piece..is a marble bust of a charming. child, Lianiel 011ivier, now living at Saint Tropez, with his grandfather, the wild. Republican. Deniosthene Ullivier, repo 'mewls to under take the charge of hie education. The order in this cabinet is excessive, but 31. 011ivier, who is very near-sighted, eau lay his hand in a morneet on any book or paper 'he requires. He receives las - friends only at breakfast, goes out at half-past one, and, Nwhen he dines at home, returns at, 7. Ile goes to • bed early, and riseslat ti or 7 o'clock. He drinks nothing but water, never smokes,. seldom goes to the theatre, and only to hear music. 1e has never, hitherto, given dinber parties or soirees. A short time ago .31. 011ivier married the daughter of a Pondicherry mer chant, who brought a fortune of L'.6,000 to her husband, most of which sum was paid dowu when the contract was signed. Suffice it to add that AI. 011ivier is a man of simple tastes, and that he is almost as eloquent as was Berryer. The Uatt/ols recalls the tact that M. Baussmann, who was prefect of the Var in 143, had occasion to cause the arrest of M. Emile 011ivier, and suggests that there may, be some connection between the accession of the new prime minister and the retirement of the Prefect of the Seine. . —A Boston paper warns artists that draw'- ing is infectious when it's sketching: • FOREIGN ConitieSpoNnExcE LMMER FROM ROME. The Rain. in Rome..-Threatened Over. Roe of the Tiber.—The Austrian Ern press's Reception... Deaths of Eccietdas. ties... The Late Cardinal Releach. - [Correspondence of the Philadelphia Eventing Bulletin.) ROME, Italy, Dee. 24, 18419.—Such weather as we are having in Rome, and have had for some weeks! Rain, rain, rain—and on Wed nesday night, by way of variety, there was hail and thunder and lightning. The giber has mounted up to the Rapetta bank several times; and unless these heavy rains stop,l may see one of those terrible Tiber overflow-, ings, such as are marked on the stone wally in some parts of the city, as a memory of what has been, and which have always seemed to me incredible. - * But, notwithstanding the weather, every thing goes on as usual in Rome at this season —dinner parties, receptions, breakfasts and kettle.4lrums. On Wednesday evening a friend called in to see me. He was in full court-dress, and bad just come from the Austrian Empress's reception. It bad taken place at five o'clock In the afternoon, at the Palazzo Venizia, at the Embassy. One hundred invitations were given out to the Roman princesses and a few other distin guished persons now in Rome. The Empress, my friend said, looked "resplendently beauti ful," and although the mother of several children, appears like a young 'Ontilan. The report circulated, or rather whispered, last week, about the poor en-Queen of Naples and the probability that no young baby Bourbon would be born, is contradicted on very high authority. The celebrated accoucheur, Dr. Brown, of Vienna, whom Queen Sofia con sulted this summer, has accompanied the Em press to Rome. He is now at the Farnese Palace, awaiting the event, and stakes his reputation on the result being., favorable, There have not been so many Bourbons as sembled together in a long while as now in Rome. They are waiting this event, so in teresting to them and of so little consequence to the world really. But who knows? Chi lo sa ! as the Romans say.. A great man may really be on the way for humanity's service. But while some are watching the advent of new souls,and merry Christmases and prosper ous New Years, others are mourning over death-beds. The number of distinguished fu nerals and deaths of the past week is remark able. A Polish Bishop died on Saturday—a man of considerable position. Tenerani's death I think I mentioned in my last letter. His funeral, which took place on Saturday, will be a thing to remember. It is said that 10,00 persons were in the procession, and I can readily credit it. It was at night. The long, full stream of blazing torches, chanting monks and people poured down the Via di Propaganda from the Fountain of Trevi— near which the great sculptor lived—into the Piazza di Spagna ; wheeled around the Vir gin's Column, and looked horn a distance like a great river arrested by some obstacle ; the mass of torches, picturesque monks and Sac coni seemed. to mount up for a few instants as a pent torrent ; then it turned into the Con dotti ,and flowed along like a flaming lava cur rent. Body after body of chanting brother hoods stalked by, singing aloud the funeral plaint in thenight. The echoes of one solemn Litany came streaming back with the smoke and flame of the torches, as if to link them selves to the sad anthems sung by succeeding troops of monks. It was very grand and pic ture-like, a fit funeral for this eminent sculp tor. The second great man who has died is Cardinal de Reisach. The news reached Rome on Tuesday night from Upper Savoy. I was at a dinner-party on that evening. A Mon signore attached to the Papal household took me'into the table. On our way we talked of the Cardinal, and the prelate said: " Even as we speak, the news of his death May be here; for the last we heard from him gave us no hope." Poer„Cardinal de .R eisach ! When I first came to Rome, last year, it seemed to me that everything centered in his Eminence. He was the leading spirit in so many works. He was always a busy, active man. From his youth he- was -noted - ter - his capability- and energy. lie was one of the leatling students in • the famous German College at Rome. Then rector of the Propaganda.. After this he was made'BiShop of Eichstadt. His first 'step was to establish an. Episcopal Seminary, which soon ranked among the first of. such institu tions on the continent. Then he was made Archbishop of Munich; and the Cardinal's hat did not linger long on theroad, for, like Emerson's Guy, he was one of those mortals who ' "Had se sped his wise affairs; That he caught Nature hales snares. Stream could not so perversely wind, ittit coth.el Ony's was there to grind." Pretty soon he became Cardinal Prefect Of studies in Rome; and when poor Monsignore Talbot went mad last year, of, copric his of ! !ices fell into the lucky do Reisach's lot ; among others, the: Protectorship of the English Col lege. He was also appointed Presideht of the Politico-Ecclesiastical Committee'of the (EcM , menical Council ; was selected by Pius IX. as one of the five Cardinals' who are to preside over the 'General Congregations,and placed at the head of one of the Deputations. The world's sun seemed to rise, To drudge all day for. Guy the Wise." But the Cardinal, like all successful Persons, drudged as hard as any slave. 'Achievement is never gained without hard, hard work. We may talk as M1143h as we please of genius and luck—Guy the Wise labors for his reward • alw hys. This summer the busy, active, energetiC prelate was suddenly stricken down—he who had no time to be ill ! Overwork had done the fattiest of all business for him. Every one who works at all in Rome does it to exCess, There is that tendency in the climate and the influences of the place either to make one very indolent or very industrious, according to the temperament. You are either kept constantly stimulated or depressed. But to return to the 'Cardinal. How he clung to life ! How he strove to battle against fate!'To live to see tile Councilacooruplished, the. great preparatory work completed—this was. hia eager longing, =moat determination, OUR WHOLE COUNTRY. But have you never notAett how often` is taken out of our hands the very thing we, are doing best, and On ;thi' accomplishment of which we have aknotit staked. not only our lives, but ,our very,salvatiou I have, Some times the labor is handed, over to others, to show us that all'powerful, and efficient, and very 'necessary at we and our .frienda have deemed' oUrselve.s, otherS'are, to complete the 'dear duty—ncit so well, probably. worse than we should have done it-rand- We stand with out any lot or part in it, forced to serve with folded hands and patient waiting. lint very sweet blessings fall on the one who accepts these strange judgments with submission. . Sometimes, however, the over-earnest are taken from their work and laid down in the Sweet peace of the grave. Soli bas been with poor Cardinal de Iteisach. Just at the very moment of achievement the order came to drop all and go ! It was very hard. His Eminence would not believe it. He rose up from his dying bed with a mighty will, and resolved to try change of air. His skilful physician, Dr. Taussig, warned him of his danger—told him his onlyhope was in perfect quiet of body and mind. Stay in Rome where Jae unfinished labor was, and look at it with folded hands! .Not he! So he crossed the mountains in AuguSt. At Geneva he rallied, and for awhile many thought 'the Cardinal had been right after all. But I remember his physician saying to me in September: "His poor Eminence will never see Rome again. 'lbis is only the flash before the end !" And be was correct. In October the Car dinal turned southward. When he arrived at the Jesuits' establishment, at 'Contamine sur Arm, in Upper Savoy, he had to stop, for Death was waiting for him there; and after some more suffering, the anxious, busy mind was at rest. It is a pity to be so solemn at such a merry season. But how can one help it with such remarkable men passing away around us? Moreover, at Rome, better than any other place in the world, one can afford to indulge in the luxury of solemn tholight. Fine pump and spectacle, gayety of all kinds, the richest and most stitunlatink r intellectual meat and drink, are, around you all the time, and every thing becomes a Fine Art in this enchanted city, even Sorrow. THE FIFTEENTH A MENDM ENT. At last daylight is breaking! Nothing but the blindest, most fatuous throwing-away of our own opportunities can now by any possi bility prevent, the ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment ! It is fitting that assurance of the success of this beneficent Constitutional guaranty should come at a time when the ertate seems bent on delaying, by every .de vice of dull debate, the completion of the Re construction of which it is at once flower and fruit. Rhode Island yesterday completed her rati fication. Minnesota and Mississippi have al ready done the same; Ohio, in spite of the ef fort to smother the question in a hostile com mittee, will speedily follow. The New York effort to withdraw ratification—a character istic Democratic breach of contract—will not stand, but eteri if it did, it would be unavail ing. There are thirty-seven States; twenty eight are needed to ratify ; twenty-live have already done so, as follows : Alabama, !Missouri, Florida,. New York, Kansas, Rhode Lsland, Massachusetts, Virginia, Missi sippi,. Connecticut, New"Bampshire, Pennsylvania, ~ , !Maine, Vermont, ' Minnesota, , Wiscon.sin,iNevada, Arkansas,, 'North Carolina, Illinois, South Carolina. Louisiana, West Virginia. Michigan, Three more are needed—we count the fol lowing five as sure : Georgia, Texas, lowa, Nebraska, and Ohio. There can, we think, be no doubt about Ohio. - there can surely be none about Georgia, unless Gov. Bullock so wills.' In any event, we believe there are enough. There might, to-day, be Virginia besides, to make assurance doubly sure ' , but for the perversity that still, finds a morbid delight in prolonging her suspense. Through good and through evil reporttke fighthas been made, through opposition from without, and through perils from false friends; but already We may congratulate the friends of Freedom that thetluLlest of vision can no w see far enough to behold this pledge of perfect Freedom im bedded irreversibly in the National Constitu tion : ART. XV., .Sr.c. 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote - shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any State, on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. SE( . . 2. Congress shall havepower to enforce this article by appropriate le,gi.slation. At last the - Constitution is to guarantee what the Declaration, of Independence proclaimed! Let us be thankful and take coura,ge !—Tri bunt,: THE POSTAL TELCO RAPH IN ENG LAND. Improvement In Forms of Messages.. The English postoffice authorities have pre pared for the use of the public forms for tele graphic messages to be used when the whole system of inland telegraphs is acquired by the Government on the 2f/th of next month. The form is very simple and complete, and differs in one or two important respects from those hitherto employed by the companies—the novelties, it may be added, being decided im provements. The principal of these refers to the arrangement ot the words that make un the message. A separate space in lines is al lotted to each word, and the corresponding charge is printed clearly on the margin, so that the sender can see at a glance how much he has to pay, and the receiving clerk need be at no trouble in calculating bow much he has to charge. Each of the toritis thus divided into spaces is prepared for a message of fifty words,' which is assumed to be sufficient in the great majority of instances. In the right hand tipper corner, of the page a blank space is left for the stamps. which will probably be almost exclusively used to cover the charges of transmision.. Attached to the farm are directions for the guidance of the sender, with a tariff of charges, and full information as to the arrangements for porterage. —A Valparaiso merchant, recently receiving a.cbalienge from an officer with whom he had quarrelled; sent back this answer: " I have no desire whatsoever to kill you, still less do I desire to be killed myself. Here is what I pro-. pose. Go to the nearest wood. Choose a tree about a 8 stout as myself, place, yourself fifty, thirty, or even fifteen steps from it—just as you like—and then fire bravely. on-the tree. If you hit . it, I will admit 'that I was in the wrong, and will offer you an apology. . In the contrary, case, I shall be retuiy: to "recoive ' yours. • • —The blaek-board is called a Colored Board of Education. • A,14 - 14.."R BREWSTER Its Ratification Certain. TUE DA RIJEN SHIP 41ANA1.16 The Eltsieveyloar BossedMOD. The N.' Y.lierald has the " Time EXPEDITION ,1011) be tinder the eXclasite control of Lieu tenant-Gon Leander Thomas U. Selfridge, of the Wilted States Navy., The total number of Inman ho will take Part, Billie altar will num ber Mend 2h7', and the gunboat Nlpsie will be the flagship of the expedition an-I the &nerd the storeshin. The former is now lying offthe Battery and the latter ix at the Navy Yard completing her preparations for her eventful misidon. The expedition would have set sail several weeks ago but for the fact that the .Guard was detained longer than was expected and could not be Rot in readiness as soon as the naval authorities had desired. THE SCIENTIFIC COMPLEMENT. Besides the officers of the two ships, who have all - been selected for the `expedition on account of their particular fitness for the duties which they will be called upon to per form during its process, a geologist, a botanist, a telegraph operator, a photographer and a draughtsman, all civilians, have been estie daily employed for the occasion. J. A. Saffi van, M. 0 Leman and Messrs. Ogden, Mord den and iarcher, officers of the Coast Survey, will also accompany the expedition and act as assistants to Commander Selfridge. The telegraph operator has been • fur nished with. about - -eighty , miles 'of 'wire seventy-five miles of which are of the ordinary office wire and the remainder of the same kind of insulated wire used in the army during the late war. He has also forty cups of Gross's battery, the strength of which he considers quite Sufficient to knock all the monkeys who may 'presume to occupy the wires for gyriniaatic purposes, into the land, where the spirits of all dead monkeys go. A Lull set of the regular army , signals. has also been furnished the ahips, and these will be made use of whenever they can be of good service. The flags will be used in the daytime and the lanterns (the lights; at night. Every scientific instrumentinecessary for the proper carrying out of the plans of the explorers has been secured and safely packed away. PRESENTS FOR THE INDIANS. A large quantity of heads, trinkets and various cheap articles, held in high esteem by the Indians, form part of• the "treaty" cargo of the ships, and these it is the intention of the commanding officer to scatter among the savages with a lavish hand in order to,secure their friendship, and thus enable the expedi non to make use of them in various ways in which their services will be of great import ance to the success of the undertaking. ' TEE OBJECTS OF THE .EXPEDITION. The primary object of the expedition- is to make a thorough survey of the isthmus and - to discover, if there be any, the breaks in the mountains through which a canal might be cut. The Nipsic will call at. AspinWall on her way to the general rendezvous to make certain arrangements with the Colombian authorities in reference to the expedition, and the Guard will go directly to Caledonia Bay, which is about 250 miles beyond Aspinwall, where the Nipsic will join her. In this bay the two vessels will remain as a base of supplies while the exploring parties dive into the wilds of the isthmus. After all the preliminary pre parations in the bay will have been completed two parties will start out from Sasardi and another from the southern portion. of Caledonia Bay to discover, if possible, the de pressions in the mountains and to reach a pass which Dr. Cullen contends exists in the mountains and which has not as yet been dis covered. Two lines of level will he established from these points to wherever the depressions may be found, thence to the Savanna river at the month of the- Lam. In the meantime whatever natives can be induced to work will be organized into regular gangs as laborers, and they will accompany the exploring par tieS and be made serviceable in clearing away the undergrowth and rendering, the passage of the explorers as easy as possible. Aid is also expected from the alcaldes, , and the Colombian Government will do its best to help the expedition in various ways. On'the 21st inst., two gentlemen will proceed to .Aspinwall to ascertain the correct astra riomical position of Aspinwall and Panama, and the result of their investigation will of course determine the base of operations of the expedition. After the explorers shall have made a thorough survey and reconnoissance of the country the vessels will proceed to the Gulf of San Mae, and thence exploring parties will set out to establish a line of levels and ascertain if that portion of the country IS better adapted to the passage of a canal than that between Caledonia. , Bay and the Bay of Darien. The expedition will be occupied for aboutsix months,and Commander Selfridge, without wishing to say for cer tain that the ultimate object—the discovery Of the depressions in the mountains—will be attained, expresser himself confident - that a line of levels will be established on the Isth mus, a .thing which no expedition has ever yet been able to accomplish. AI:LOUGH lIOAD TO TRAVEL. Each exploring party will have a special telegraph wire of its awn, connecting with the ships, which it will erect as it goes from place to place, day after day. The explorers will then be in constant communication with the commander, and there will consequantlY be no danger of any one of the „parties falling victims to starvation in the wilderness, as did 'many of Strain's expedition. The regicin to be traversed is very mountainous, and the ground is a complete network of undergrowth, so thick and strong that it would be impossible to -make any progress through it without the aid of the axe. The Indians, who may at certain points prove troublesome, are said to be of a warlike nature, and although under the seminal control of the Colom bian government, have never been conquered by ther white man. The expedition will,as has already been mentioned, endeavor to con ciliate these savages by presents, but at the same time each party will go well protected and thoroughly armed, so as to be prepared for any treachery on the part of the dusky in habitants along their route. The distance from the point where the expedition wilistart • —Caledonia Bay—to the Savannah river is forty miles; and after they shall have made their way to this stream the men will follow its course to the Bay of Darien, where the United States steamer Nyack,which wilt leave the Pacific squadron in proper time, wilt be in readiness to receive them. It may he mentioned that, besides the Savanna, the river Chau qnanaque flows through the region through which the explorers will pass, and it is be-, lieved that it has water enough to keep a. canal well supplied. IS A c_vivAr, ACROSS THE ISTHMUS rossitinu? The ()dicers of the expedition have not thp slightest doubt but that they will be able to establish a line of levels and reach the Savanna, river in safety, though not without a great deal of suffering, and hardship. The Chagres fever, it is said, plays havoc with "strangers" . at all times of the year on the isthmus, and this alone will bear formidable an enemy to tight as the savages—should the latter see tit to be belligerent. Commander Selfridge does' not believe that depressions in the mountains will be discolc-; ered of sufficient extent to suit the wants of a; well constructed canal, but he believes, never, theless, that the canal is a, feasibility; and that, 'tunnels of live or six miles in: length coultl;be cut through the inountaina it - suitable clogres. sions are not discovered. —The Velment rimers aro' to bo stele' Iced with salmon in the spring. Alherit D. Nagar, of North Chester, has 60,000 eggs to he Cs tributed by the fish commissioners 0,4 qr,,a as the ice breaks up. • F. lb F.EIIIERSTON. Publigta DISAST'Ese AT "Pl' MIMVROM' Number of oeuss Sunk. The Pittsburgh Unmmercial says On Sunday evening, about eight o'clo c k, :tiar tow-boat Star, from Pittsburgh for Lioublville, vvith' eight barges of coal, struck. the rind channel pier at .Bettwood, and . in about threo. .minutes Live of the barges broke 'ldes& anal hunk, and the remainder floated oft down the river. Tho Star sunk in a few minutes. , A.. she was going down she turned bottom up 4 and careened on the pier, breaking in .twee Her cabin floated oft and was met by tho Dick • Fulton a short distance below the scene of the disaster. She had ten or twelve persons or board, two of whom got on the second and were rescued and cared for iv Capttust Snyder, of the W. H. Harrison, The °thefts were picked up in the water. Two of the Un fortunates were women, one of whom was eat badly injured by being orushed between the boat and pier, that she died about 9 O'clock Sunday night. • A Military Mother. A German paper gives an account or it , strange incident which occurred lately drithe occasion of a marriage before the civil au thorities in Algeria. The official required the consent of the mother, and asked if she were present. A loud bass voice answered, , "Yes:: beforehim. "That is well," he said; "let the mother come her-her consent and sigleatitte are necessary." To the astonishment of all present, the soldier approached the Mayer with long strides, saluted in military fashion. and said: "Yon asic for the mother of the bride; she standsliefore you." "Very ,well I sir," replied the Mayor, "then stand back,' can take no proxy ; I must - see the mother— the mother, .1 tell you !" "And I repeat," 're joined the soldier, "that she stands before you; Ply name is Maria 'L. I harel beet' thirty-six years in the service; I have beam through several campaigns, and obtained the rank of sergeant ; here are my papers, the per mission to wear uniform, and my nomination as sergeant-major." The Mayor carefully ex amined the documents and found them peor fectly correct, and completed the marriage of the bridal pair, the mother blessing them -so fervcntly with'ber .deep base voice that all present were more startled than touched. FACTS ABID FANINIFIN. FRAN CE. 1793. /S4B. 187.0. "Look there, a garden!" said my college friend, • The Tory member's eldest son, " and Mere! • God bless the narrow sea which keeps her 09, And keeps our Britain whole within herself ?. A nation yet, the rulers and the ruled— • , Some sense of duty, something of a faith, , . 1 Some reverence for the laws ourselves hays) made, • Some patient force to change them when will, , Some civic manhood firm against the crowd-- But yonder, whiff! there comes a sudden heat, Tne gravest citizen seems to lose his head, The Icing is scared, the soldier will notlight, The little boys begin to shoot and stab, A kingdom topples over With a shriek Like an old woman, and down rolls the world In mock heroies.stranger - than our own; • Revolts, republic:4, revolutions, most •No graver than a school-boy's barring out Too comic for the solemn tbiugs they are, Too solemn for the, comic touches in them, Like our wild Princess with as wise a dream As sonic of theirs—God bless the narrow ti6ist I wish they were a whole Atlantic broad!" ---Tennyson'a Prinrot. —Only four biographers are writing tip George Peabody—as yet. —Mr. Dawes's argument, yeiterclay, was as illogical as it was il-League-al. —The Ledger whim four additional columns to-day. They are about fourteenfeet long ma of fluted iron. —There is one thing about the blackguard ,ism of the. - Harrisburg tiremep which is favor able to a Paid Fire Department ft peci+dd that the lowestlire-roughs are willing to tuns out for Higher. (Excelsior!) —" C. A.'s" are Increasing in Philadelphin. We have the ‘r Y. 31. C. A.;" the " s: P. C. and now the plain.," C. A,_. which is' goink after delinquent Beanis of Health" and mach." We hope to C. A. great deal of good come out • • of it. —There was great applause' at the; opera the other night *hen Lefranc, came on as "Masaniello '! on liorseba.ck.: The' people thought that hid high' notes, when on the - high horse; were several feet higher than when on the high C's. —AI - rend] dramatist, whase countenance appears very pale in its black beard and • hair, recently suggested to a comic actor of the Va rieties Theatre this ludicrous tletinitiou: "He looks like-a cream cheese in a bear-Ain. Cap."' The dramatist was Ludovic Fralvy, oue or the, authors of La graorre buctime. A3IIIUSEILMNTS. -31igs4an Gallon will- appear at the Chestnut Street Theatre this ev/uing, 'with her company, in the comic opera. 4, ThdPrdnue Donna of a Night and Terrible Hilmen. the Walnut Street Theatre thlg evening Not OiLilty will be repeated. —Little Ern:ly 'tie given every night this week at the Arch Street Theatre. —Messrs. Carneross & Dixey annottnee number of novelties for this evening at the Eleventh Street Opera House. —Signor Blitz, assisted by his son Thei:Sdate Blitz, will give an exhibition of magic and legerdemain at Assembly Buildings every evening this week, with a matinee on 813,44r day. —The American Theatre has procure4l number of new attractions for the prese4t week. Mr. • Gibbons, the famowt gynmast,, will appear nightly, and Messrs. Sheridan Mack and Rollin Howard will. perform in special lines of business. New ballets will be presented, and there will be the usual naiseel lanies by the members of the regular com pany. —This evening Eichberg's Comic Opera, The Two Coats. will be repeated at the Ama teur's Drawing Acorn, by the company that gave it some.weeks ago. —At the Seventh Street Opera House to night Messrs.. Duprnz'..t'llentiAlles tielll otter a, very atiraetive bill, including neAeburlescittes, farces and negro corniealities. —On the first of February inoct Rev. Hey Ward _Beecher will lecture at the Acatlentypf Music under the auspices of the Xeung,A[exesi Christian Association. The subject of' Ids discourse will be - The ifou.sehold." Theo next and last lecture of this very interestirig and snccessful coarse will be • delivered 1,3, lion. Horace Greeley, on the '2nd of February, upon the theme, "The Woman Question." , It is likely that Air. Greeiey will handle hitt,sub. jut vigorously, and present it to his k,earent in a novel light. The: ale of tickets .:•:or these lectnies will begin at Ashrnead's stet° on the 25th inst. , —Carlotta De Ilerg, the grarAftal and beau. Will equestrienne, n3aue her first appearance at. the Champion Circus,TrAth and Canavan!" streets, on Monday eveofing. ! The "cause Was crowdedi3l'eVery part. Maclaine De Biirg perform,: many won(Orin] and beautiful 'Wm, , and she does thorn Ico gracefully and, wigs so Intent during tliat tboy never, fail to eclets and to oxcito ONe 'greatest etithusiasnX. , •,, . r.. . , ~ `e{ ~t t'~t3