Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, December 20, 1869, Image 5
NM MUNCIE ATLANTIC WILL The Vounsany tuft Flurry. Tbe 'Washington correspondent of the New ork Tinies says : The French Cable agents in this country are in a great deal of perturbation over the coin - lineations in which they find themselves, in 9OnteUence of the refusal of the French di --;:rettors-to ratify the - conditions upon- which `the Secretary of State allowed them to land . their line upon our shores. Erlanger 4& Co., principal owners, flatly refused assent to the arrangement* of their American agents, and the 'cable is now being operated simply by sufferance of the State Department until Congresstakes action on the subject. The matter was forcibly presented in the Presi dent's Message, and a joint resolution is be fore the Senate defining the grounds upon which such concessions shall be made. The Secretary of State hop es for early Action, so that he may be guided by a Positive.expression of the views of Congress, and tie will then en force the conditions vigorously, The action of the French managers has .been such that if Congress was not in session *he would' be justified in seizing the shore end of the wire at once. In the meantime, Mr. Wat son, the American manager, has left for France to endeavor to induce the Company to accept the conditions of this Government. It seems that Erlanger's reason for declining to do so heretofore, was his pretended belief that,-having obtained the. consent of Massa chusetts,_ the doctrine of States Rights - would protect him. He was such a thorough Rebel that he has not yet learned that we settled that question with the war. He will be wiser when he learns that his doctrine of State rights will not enable him to lay a cable to this country with both ends in the Tui leries. THE FINE ARTS. F;ALES' GALLERIES, 816 CHESTNUT STREET, BAYING BEEN REBUILT MORE ELEGANTLY THAN BEFORE, AND REOPENED WITH A STOCK OF LOOKING GLASSES, OIL PAINTINGS, CHROMO-LITHOGRAPH FINE ENGRAVINGS, PORCELAIN PAINTINGS, ROGERS' GROUPES, Entirely new, and bought at the present low rate of Gold, and specially attractive at this, the ChritmAs Seasopl On account Of the very large inducements offered to all in search of HOLIDAY PRESENTS BRIDAL PRESENTS, FOR THEIR Perfect Freshness, Immense Variety Extraordinary Cheapness Of every article presented to buyers of taste THE GALLERY OF PAINTINGS Dfaiing been placed on the GROUND FLOOR and •ery easy of access, offers tpereased attractions to the lovers. of Art. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, 816 CHESTNUT STREET. elb 6trp SEVENTEEN NEW CHROMOS, Including fire by Prang, and others, English, French and German. • LOVELY FEMALE HEADS (French). TWENTY-FOUR NEW ENGRAVINGS, And a large standard selection, with two new works by LANDBERR, others by ROSA BONIIEUR, /MX:HART, &c. TWO NEW ROGERS' GROUPS, Exquisite Porcelain Pictures, CARVED EASELS, BRACKETS, &c., AND OTHER Unique Bridal and Christmas Presents. EARLES' GLLLERIES, Sl6 Chestnut Street. C. F. HASELTINE'S GALLERIES OF THE ARTS, No. 1125 Chestnut Street. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, ENGLISH WATER COLORS, From 25 cts. to 840 per box. PICTURES AND FRAMES • of every description and every price. .Reduced for the Holidays. myl3-Iyryi Tsfac ITAVIaIIiS,7AtteTION 1 corner Third aqd Spruce streets, only one square below the Exchange. er2,50,000 to lean, in large or small amounts, on diamonds, silver plate, watches,Jewelry, and all goods of value. 0111ce hour! from 8 A. to 7 P. M. PW" Established for the last forty years. Ad vances made In large amounts at the lowoet market rates. '6B tiro - -- pfri. HORSE UV VERS, FUR ROBES, : . I,lll3llugs and Ilorhe Gear. All kikinds.None J o or clicuper. KNEA SS'S II arllelitt Sturo . ,ll2o Mar t:et htrect. Bag lionio in tlic &Or. jyl7-Iy4p AMWAREURTOR 3 SIkPROVED • VER. Mated and oaby-fitting Drees Mite ti l atented) in all the approved fahlliothi of the aotison.,-, °stunt area, next door to the Yost -Ordre. od-ttrn PHOTOGRAPHS, DRY GOODS. TO IMPORTERS, Manufacturers - and all Owners DRY GrOODS, WHO' NEED MONEY. STRAWBRIDGE Are Prepared to troy any DeseriptiOn of Desirable DRY GOODS, In large or small tots FOB CASH DOWN. Any parties wife Own Dry Goods and NEED MONEY are Invited • to call on us. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, N. W. CORNER Eighth and Market, PIIIILADkELPIIIA. de2o m w th 3trp EDWIN HALL (Sz . . CO. WILL OFFZII BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS For the Next Three Weeks. Winter Stock to be Closed Out. SILKS. Faney Silks Reduced from $2 50 to $1 75. Fancy Silks. Reduced from $5 00 to $3 00. Moire Antique from $5 00 to 03 00. Rich Corded Silks from $5 50 to $3 50. Satin Face Pettit de Sole from $6 00 to $4 00. Ottoman Velour from 00 50 to $4 50. DRESS GOODS. Silk Serges Reduced from $2 50 to $125. Silk Poplins from $1 75 to $1 00. Plaid Irish Poplins from $3 00 to $2 00. French Poplin, Irish Finish, from $2 50 to $2.00. .-_ Plaid Serges from $1 50 to $1 00. Silk Serges from $1 50 to 871.2 ets. Stripe Poplins from $1 . 25 to 37 1.2 ets. Stripe Poplins from 50 to 25 cis. Figured Wool Delaines from 62 to 31 eta. IMPORTED CLOTH PLAIDS FOE SUITS, Green and Blue from 01 00 to 60 ets. ASTRACHAN CLOTHS. Astrachan Cloth Reduced from $l6 to $B. Astrachan Cloth Reduced from $9 to $7. Astrachan Clath Reduced from $l2 to $B. Plaid Plush Astrachan from $2O tosB. Caraculla from $lB to $l2. SHAWLS. SHAWLS. Great Reduction in Broche Shawls. Great Reduction in Blanket Shawls. SILK FLUSHES. SILK FLUSHES. Fashionable Silk Flushes Reduced. SILK CLOAK VELVETS. Lyons Silk Cloak Velvets Reduced. EDWIN HALL & CO., No. 28 S. SECOND STREET. iielVw e tu 3t§ GOLD PRICES WITH CURRENCY IN PAYMENT IS CHEERFUL. " Year Store always looks so cheerful," a Lady said to us recently. Yes, and OUR GOODS ARE CHEERFUL, OUR PRICES ARE CHEERFUL, ' OUR BUYERS ARE' CHEERFUL, THESE MARE US CHEERFUL. The reason for all, is a WELL LIGHTED, WELL WARMED and WELL VENTILATED STORE, well filled w ith a very attractive and active stock,. . CHRISTMAS LOW PRICES. CHRISTMAS LOW PRICES. CLOSING OUT SALES, OLOSING OUT SALES. COOPER & CONARD. S. E. corner 'Ninth and Market Sts. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-PLIILADELPHIA, MONDAY;DECEMBER, 20 4 1869. CLOTHIER INDIA OA.MEL'S HAIR SHAWLS SCARFS GREATLY REDUCED To ClO'se Our Stook of INDIA GOODS eqforetho Ist ofJimuary. - . SHARPLESS, Chestnut and Eighth Sts. m 3t rp J. M. HAFLEIGH, 1012 and 1014 CHESTNUT STREET. Holiday Week. G-REA'r CLOSE OUT ENTIRE STOCK. DRESS GOODS REDUCED TO 25 CENTS. POPLINS REDUCED FROM $1 TO 50 CENTS. FINE QUALITIEfiREDUCED 'FROM $2 TO $l. FANCY SILKS REDUORD TO $125 AND $1 50. BONNET VELVETS REDUCED TO HALF PRICE. MOURNING GOODS ALL REDUCED. ' HOSIERY, GLOVES; LACES. HANDKERCHIEFS AND EMBROIDERIES GREATLY REDUCED. SPECIAL OFFERING HOLIDAY PRESENTS BONNETS,HICHEST BLACK SILKS, REAL LACE SHAWLS, REAL LACE HANDKEROHIEkS, REAL ASTRACHAN SACKS, VELVET SACKS, ' PLUSH SACKS, SILK SCUTS The immense sales made , by J. M. H, the Past three weeks are the strongest evidence that his prices are ex tremely-low. MAMMOTH 'SALE OF KID Cr LA C) S FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY. " JOSEPH " Reduced from el 00 to 85c. LA BELLE Reduced from el 25 to 31 00. JOUVIN Reduced from el 75 to 31 25. " BARTLEY " Reduced from el 85 to-$1 50. TWO-BUTTON Kid Gloves Reduced to 31 25. • MISSES' Kid Gloves Reduced to 850. • OUR REGULAR PRICE LIST WILL POSITIVELY BE RESUMED BalaO N 'MaONmDAp Y, JANUARY 3d, ISM 139 DV. LADIES e FRENCH o CLOTHGLOVES, Mc% DRESS GOODS. Black Silks, Silk Poplins, Scarfs, Hosiery, Hdkfs., ---''Gloves, Ladies' and Gents' Merino Underwear, 3lsrked so low as to insure a GLEAN SWEEP. A. Sr, I. B. BARTHOLOMEW, Importers of Kid Gloves, NO. 23 NORTH EIGHTH STREET. P. B.—Our assortment of sizes is full, and colors the most complete of any stock of Kid Gloves in Philadelphia. de2Otf BARGAINS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, HAVE REDUCED SOME s FINE DRY GOODS As low as others are offering TRASH Christmas Sh e awls, Christmas Silks, Christmas Velvets, Christmas Poplins, Christmas Robes, Christmas De Baines. 4 Christmas Chintzes. 10CO3dsAssorted Dress Goods Reduced, to-day, to 23 cents. P. S....Erandkerehlefs, in Splendid Boxes;Linen Sete, in Cartons ; Point Lace Collars, Vasenciens sets, Camels' Hair Scarfs, Cashmere Scarfs, 50 cents and $100; Velvet Ties, $1; Roman Sashes; Fashionable Gloves; Rich Embroidered Piano Covers, much reduced. do2-1m GREAT CRASH IN DRY GOODS. EVERYTHING DOWN. High Prices Over for the Season. Grand Closing Sale RICKEY, SHARP dr, CO.'S IMMENSE STOCK OF DRY GOODS AT RETAIL. UNPRECEDENTED„BARGAINS IN SILKS, VELVETS,_ DRESS GOODS AND MISCELLANEOUS DRY GOODS. This stock is the most extens tr ivp and varied ever offered at retail in this city, and contains more novelties and staples of recent importation than can be found elsewhere. ONE PRICE AND NO DEVIATION. RICKEY, SHARP & Co., 721 Chestnut Street. del tfrp ..;Wk:,.:.:•Z. , ..,:4• - *,: . ,.*K,:tT.ti W._ .. ..AX : .....4 - :....X - :A :. ..lc.:*4:::it; 'NY.:4 - ....N.4:V . ..:A :. - cic.l : . ; : . *;. .W A.N:A-M A:.iK i',...',R. WANAIVIAKER: W A N , A M A K E a.R. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR ANT ROWSE TO GET THE PRICES DOWN AS LOWAS WANAMALER. WANAMAKER. WANAMAKER. WANAMAKE WANAMAK WANAM WANAM W AN A NA DRY GOODS. di l / 4 ,V 1 J 1 4'4. LINEN STORE, tfl 828 Arch Street. New Store, 1128 CHESTNUT' ST.I New Department—Bed Clothing. Best Blankets, Fresh from the Mills. Marseilles Bed Quilts. Honeycomb Quilts, all sizes. Allendale and Lancaster Quilts. Linen Sheetings, every width. Cotton Sheeting°, g , Pillow Casings. We mean to do a large trade in this department' b 7 offering cheap and reliable goods. USEFUL PR;ESENTS FOll. THE EDDIATEPAY . S. . Pointe, Real Valencienne LACES Thread and Guipure In Setts, COLLARS, lIDKFS., and by the yard. TRIMMED and EMB'D. BETTS. BOMAN SCARFS and SASHES. GLOVES of every description. INDIA. and CASHMERE SCARFS. Together with our elegant Stock of SILKS, POPLINS, and every variety of Dress Goods,Shawls,Cloths,Casshneres,etc JOHN W. THOMAS , Nos. 400 and 407 N. Second Street, sell-dm§ L 4 . 47:46 g x ,l Fourth and Arch. DEALERS IN BETTER CLASS OF DRY Cr 0 0 S Fine ShawlS, Good Silks, Extra Velvets, CHRISTMAS PRESENTS OF INTRINSIC VALUE. mw ett LEG • L 011VES. ESTATE OF JOHNiKESSLE R, DEC'D. —Letters testamentary upon the last will and testament of said decedent having boon granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make payment and those having_ claims to present them to GEORGE KESSLER and ELIZA BETH KESSLER, Executors, Girard avenue, above Ash street. de2o m at" po — r — ACfIi — TATC.E — WA — .OQOIIB - . 7 - - .GOVER prices. Received per steamer " Allemania," one ease Black Lace Samples. Short Sacques, with sleeves, elf , to e 26 ; Long Samples, with sleeves, $ . lB to 513. The assortment Contains the manufacturer's entire line of designs and prices of Samples with sleeves. GBO. W. VOGEL. del6-6trp" 1202 Chestnut street. V I EDDING AND ENGAGEMENT Binge of solid 18 karat fine Gold—a specialtY; a fall assortment of sizes, and no charge for engraving namoe, etc. PARR ,& BROTHER, Makers ( mv24-rn tf 824 Obeetnut street below fourth. 'IYOTTON AND RICE.-182 BALES COT II 14 casks hies—Now landing from steamer " Tonawanda." from Savannah, Ga., and for sale by . COCIPAN, ELWELL, dt CO., 11l Chestnut street. G R And the reason for it is quickly understood by those who see WHAT.AN IMMENSE STOCK WE . HAYS. R. R, R.' FULLY TEN PER CENT. LOWER Than anywhere else, or We will take Goods back and return Money It will be remembered that our Style, Make and Finish is FAR BETTER than ordinary Ready-Made Clothing. Our large facilities always enable us to SELL. CHEAPER THAN OTHER HOUSES; and now, under these special circumstances, it can be readily seen that this is THE opportunity to lay in a - full supply. We have still a very large stock (at least $250,000 worth of Goods) and freshly supplied every day by new lots, as we are making up all the piece goods we have on hand. We continue to allow those whom it suits best to make selections and pay in installments until all is paid up. Store open from 7A.M.to 9 P. DI. Saturday Nights later. WANAMAKER & BROWN, THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE. MARKET ST'REET'S. NEW PUBLICATIONS. NOW READY. THE GEM-BOOK OF THE SEASON By HENRY WARD BEECHER. THE OVERTURE OF ANGELS. Illustrated by Harry Fenn. 12mo. tinted paper, extra cloth gilt; price, 8 2 W. This exquisite Holiday Gift Booka chapter from Mr. Beecher's great work, the "LIP% OF JESUS, THE CHRIST." It is a verb's of pictures, in the nutlinen happiest style. of the angelic appearances—to the High Privet, Zacharias; to Mary,Mother of Jesus ; to the Shepherds . Shepherds. in the field, c.—giving a beautiful and characteristically intereeting treatment of all the events recorded In the G ospels as occurring about that period. The charming st yle in which the book Is written. the poetic imagery and beauty of sentiment with which it abounds, the delicate and tender treat• meat of Mary'. experience of motherhood, the vivid picture, of the manners and customs of the Orient in that day—indeed t all parts and features are characterb iced by the peculiar freennese and originality whichldr. Beecher brings to whatever subject he touches. It is exeentially a Christmas book, and one which, from from the uulverval deeiro of the public to know enmesh ing of Mr. Beecher's forthcoming volume, wit.) lie eagerly sought. The artistic fancy and grateful peach of 3lr. F nun have produced some rare effects. BEECHER'S SERMONS. Second Series. March to September, 180. Illustrated with a large and effective engraving, giving a tine view of thu Interior of Plymouth Church. Svu, 4bl pp., extra cloth; price, 8250. ALSO READY, BEECHER'S SER MONS. First Series. September, 1368, to March, ISM Embellished with a new Steel Portrait of Mr. Beecher— the best likeness of Lim ever published, and a superb piece of engraving. 8v0.438 up.. extra cloth;pllce o W. 31r. Bneeher's discourses need no new commendation. Their freshness and originality of method in preaching the old familiar truths, their felicity of illustration ,their aptness, skill and impressiveness make them interesting to readers of every class and denomination. The two volumes above mentioned, containing Mr. El linwood's masterly and complete phonographic reports, are portions of a course, ono of which is to be issued every six mouths. For sale by all Booksellers, or will be mailed, post paid, ou receipt of price, by J. B. FOND A: CO., Publishers, 39 PARK ROW, NEW YORK. de2o-m W fat Published This Day: I. THE CATHEDRAL. By JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL. 1 VOL limo. With three Illustrations._ .11 25. This remarkablepoem is reprinted from the Atlantic Monthly, with additions It is regarded by competent judges not only as Mr Lowell's greatest poem,but as ono of the greatest poems in English literature. = • IL A TALE OF ETERNITY; AND OTHER POEMS. By GICRA-an MASOIY. / yol lamo. Cabinet Edition. $2 W. This volume ban all those qualities which won for the author's previous volume such praise from Walter Savage Lander "I feel almost as much of pleasure in bringing it farther out into public notice, as I should of pride if I had written one of Ito pages. Here is such poetry as the generous Laureate will read with approba tion-.l' - . " For ludo by all Bookgellers. Beat post-paid on sec:lpt of price by the Publishers, FIELDS, OSGOOD & CO., Boston. Two New Books Ready This Day. I. FRENCH PAIIIT 'TALES. By Madame do Segni., translated by Mil. Coleman and her daughters the translators of the Muhlbach novels. Illustrated by Dore and Jules Didier. 12mo, Cloth, extra boards, gilt top, .Iftl 50. Lenny the Orphan; or,Trials do Triumphs By Mrs. Roomer. 16mo, Cloth, extra, $1 50. POUTER 41: COATES, Publishers, 822 ' Chestnut Street. . For sale by all Booksellers. nada zn w f rptf JUST RECEIVED AND IN STORE 41)00 cases of Champagne, sparkling Catawba and Cali. fornia Wince, Port, Madeira, Sherry, Jamaica and Santa Cruz Rum, One old Brandies and Whiskies, Wholesale and Retail. P. J. JORDAN, 220 Pear stred, Below Third and Walnut streets, and above Dock street. • de74l FENV 13A.IrEI , U7OIIIIA.IN WE HAVE MITCH STILL TO SELL, We Are Novir THE PRIOES ARE ALL PUT DOWN, So that we guarantee them when shown -otherwise, OAK HALL, OF THE r r HOLIDAY GOODS GIFTS! I A FULL ASSORTMENT OP . IMPORTED St AMERICAN WATCHES Of reliable and warranted quality fur Hale at REDUCED 'PRICES, UT FARB, tic BROTHER, IMPORTERS, No. 324 Chestnut Street, below Fourth. de2o-m to th rp3t WATCHES. WRIGHT'S "NE PLUS UL TRA" MINCED MEAT DEPOT WILL BE OPEN EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK, S.W. cor. Spring Garden & Franklin Sts iti SOLID SILVER - WARE Useful and Valuable PRESENTS To Wife, Fondly or Friends. WM. WILSON & - SON'S OWN MAKJ, Old Stand, Cor. Fifth and Cherry Sts., Also, A No. I PLATED WARE. delrr6trp-18t ins Christmas Presents. The Hest and most Suitable Present to a Friend or the Needy is a barrel ofour 66 1 &yeleh , s , ' First Premium Flour, ' And a bag or halfbarrel "Sterling's Mountain ". Buckwheat Meal, which we warrant SUPERIOR to any other In 'tile U. S. All goods warranted as represented, and delivered free, GEO. F. ZEHNDER, FAIWTII AND VINE STREETS SWEET BAHAMA ORANGES. 103 Barri , la a lirot Oranges. 32 Barrels Gr Fruit. ending from Schooner Emma L. Porter, at Lombard Street Wharf. For Bale by aTO LET-STO ES 128 NORTH THIRD street, 61 N. IProntstreot and N. E. cor. Walnut and Eighth streets. Apply to GEORGE VAHX..td N. Bovonteenth street. Hours-9 to 11 A. hi .de2o-In NA VAL ST R ES.--365 H BARRLS R 091.11, 80 barrels Pitch, El, 61 barrels Spirits Tur pentine, 50 barrels Tar, now landing from steamer Pioneer, from Wilmington, N. C. and .for sale by COCEIRXN, RUSSELL Cs., No. 111 Chestnut stree t. NrAVAL STORES.--2914 EBLS. ROSIN, ..LN4 60 bbls. Tar, 50 bbls. fill Pitch, 208 MAL primo White Spirits Turpentine. Now landing from steamer Pioneer, from Wilmington, N. C. and for sale by COORRAN, RUSSELL CO., 111 dhestuut street. J. B. & PEROT, North Delaware avenue TO RENT.