Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, December 13, 1869, Image 5
FIFTH EDITION. BV TELEGRAPH. LATER BY THE _CABLE Latest Nem from South America—War • , News Unimportant. Annual Report of. the French Minister , of Finance. A Gigantic Swindle in New York • 117 the Atlayette Cable Ltninort, Dec. 13, 1.30 P. M.—Consols for money, 92a92f, and' for account. 92f; United States Five-twenties of 1862 ; 851; of 1865, 841 ; American stocks easier. LmnrooL, Dec.l3il.3oP. M s —The sales of cotton will not exceed 12,000 bales. Pork quiet. SOUTHAMPTON, Dec. 13.—Arrived—steamer Union, from New York. QuazNsTowx, Dec. 13.—Arrived—steamer Minnesota, from New York. Penis, Dee. 13.—The Bourse closed quiet. Rentes, 731 15c. LONDON, Dec. 13.—Victor Hugo and Lents Blanc have written -warm oulogiez on the late George Peabody. MADRID, Dec. 13.—There is great rejoicing here over the news just received by the cable, from Now York, of the unconditional release of the Spanish gunboats now being con structed there. LisnoN, Dec. 13.—The regular mail steamer from Rio Janeiro brings advices to November TM. The war news is very unimportant. The allied army, under Prince d'Ea, had moved upon and captured another Paraguayan line— killing, wounding and capturing nearly four hundred PftragUllyaßS and taking a largo amount of war material. Over nine hundred families were restored to their libertiel and homes qy this action. At last accounts the allies were marching on Iqauterry, the last outpost of Lopez. PARIS, Dec. 13.—The annual report 'of 31agne, Minister 'of Finance, has just been published. He says the deficits in the budgets of 1868, 1869 and 1870 will be met with a sur plus, and the budget for 1871 will suflice,with out counting on any increase in the revenue, and that altogether the condition of the na tional finances is satisfactory. A Gigantic Swindle. ['By Hasson's News Agency.] 'NEW YORK, Dec. 13.—For some time past forged or altercd certificates on the New York bounty loan have been discovered by the Transfer Agent of the State of New York. These frauds are assuming gigantic proper toms, and up to this time altered certificates to the extent of $lBO,OOO have been discovered. These certificates aro altered.from $l,OOO to $lO,OOO, and. generally the origial names have been taken out and that of W. E. Gray in serted. The firm made a specialty of mining stocks, and commenced an active bull" cam paign in Quartz Hill, which stock was run up from $1 to $2 90. The altered bounty certificates were pledged with the banks, bankers and brokers as col lateral for money loaned on call. The money thus obtained was used in the purchase of Quartz Hill. At the present time neither Mr. Gray, the money, nor the Quartz Hill stock is to be found. The office of Gray is in charge of a deputy sheriff, who, on opening the safe, found only one hundred shares of Quariz wherewith to pay all the liabilities of "Gray & Co." The Pork Packers' Tax---The Civil Ten ure Repeal. Hasson'a Hews Agency.] poiWASIIINGTON, Dec. 13. The Ways and Means Conunittee instruct their chairman to inform Mr. Delano that they do not agree with him in his construction of the law taxing pork packers 2-10th of 1 per cent. The Com missioner doubtless will not collect the tax. The .ludiciary Committee has unanimously agreed to repeal the tenure of office bill. From New York: NEW YORK, Dec. 13.—The Commercial says there is considerable excitement i n Wall street to-days over the discovery that a Pirge amount of U. S. Bonds have been altered from thou sands to ten thousands. The flan implicated is W. E. Gray & Co., No. 44 Broad street. Cray is said to be a son of the chaplain in the U. S. Senate. They bought out an gant suite of offices, formerly occu pied by Stebbins & Co., and the firm consisted of William E. Gray and T. H. Pratt. Gray came originally from Washington, and was at one time cashier for the eminent firm of Marguand & Dimmock. Pratt's antecedents are unknown. He is the party who purchiwed the one thousand dollar bonds, which they subsequently altered to $lO,OOO bonds. The capital of said firm is reported to be entirely in Government and State bonds. On Friday night they were reported to have some $15,000 in bank and one hundred 1,000 dollar bonds on band. They were supposed to be doing a flourish ing business, and the money received for these securities they are supposed to have invested largely in stocks of the Quartz Hill Mining Company. Neither Gray or Pratt have been seen since Saturday, and the Stock Exchange soffered a reward of $5,000 for their appre hension.. Boston Election—Settled BosToN, Dec. 13.—The returns from the municipal election up to noon, assure the re election of Shurtleilbyort heavy plurality. The Howland will case at New Bedford, after four years' litigation, will be settled by - the dish of the - stilt of Mrs: Retty H: -Omen; and a -comproiniseas to the costs. :SLIM Congress--. Second session. SENATT:---Continued front Third ICdition.l Mr. Carpenter, from the Committee on the Judiciary, reported Mr. Morton s bill to perfect the retmnstruction id Georgia, with amendments. The bill us amended pro vides for convening the old Legislature on a certain day, to be named by the Governor. • Its organization shall be etlected by summoning ull persons elected to the Gen eral Assembly of the State, as appears by the•preelame lion of General Meade, dated .luno • 2.5, 185 i, and excluding all persons idelluible under the r7mrteenth Amendment. No petsdn shall be refused" a sent in the Legish,ture on account of r tee .Or color or previous condition of servitude. The President is an thotized lc employ, on application of the Governor, the military and navel forces of the United Storm to enterca theprovirions of this act. Finally, it is provided that the Legislature of Georgia shall be regarded no provi• clonal only, until the turther action of ()enigma]. After the introduction of a number of bills ant resolu Cons. among them one by Mr. Carpenter, doctoring that the Spanish ganboo to should not be allowed to leave the country, Mr. Drake took the floor and read n long argu ment in support or the bill denying jurisdiction to the Supreme Court hi caves involving tile constitutionality of acts of Connrees. OPENING OF THE SUEZ CANAL. The .only American Flag Displayell by a Philadelphian. The corresp'ondent of the World, in his as of the opening of the Suez Canal, has the following paragraph: So our day was given to sauntering among the Bedaween or lolling listlessly, after the wise Eastern method, in the door of our own tent. In the Fresh 7 Water Canal just before us lies a dehabreh, or Nile boat, which flies the stars and stripes at her stern, and from her tall mast displays a blue pendant, inscribed with the name . "Titania? She has been brought here from the Nile by a Mr. Carver, of Philadelphia, who is on board of her with his family, and who may therefore fairly enough claim to have represented, sole and alone, I think, the maritime grandeur and glory of America at the fOes of the greatcanal! Success of the Enterprise. The-London Post says : A telegram of importance to shipping has been (Dec. 11) received in reference to the ac tual depth of water in tile Suez Canal. A large fleet of ships bound to India hieing detained until satisfactory intelligence was received as to the practicability of their passing safely through the canal, Lloyd's special agent at • Alexandria telegraphs as follows: " The canal agent affirms the 111111i11111111 depth live metre; ten centimetres, equal to about sixteenfeet ten -Inches, and that ships drawing Live metres have all passedtat'ely through the canal. Th e v rnspeetu.4'of tle.! stiez Canal l'ompaliy stated That the Canal (vould have a uniform depth of night metres or twenty-six feet. The large Indian Ocean steamers Of the )lessageries 4eriales Company, each over 2,000 tons-regis- - ter, have, it is known, already traversed lie canal. but they were lightened, only carrying tmllicieut ballast," 4:30 O'C look. CITE NoTicam. PRTAIDENT GRANT • has spoken , on the Cuban(location And his opinion 'exprecood ,hue created almost as much excitement sa . OALILLEB STORRS'S announcement of great reductions In theprice et' very superior fruilitouable Clothing at No. 624.CIIRSTIlla 61REET. Chestnut street Clothing at Market, street prices. - GENT'S BLACKING GASES, e 2 c 0,43 00, es 00, 04 50 and 00, and MI assort ent of Boneekeeptng Articlee. Farms & Co., Dock street, below Walnut. MORSE & GUSCALUS, 238 South Eleventh, wake the beet Flack Fruit Lake in the eity- 4 -65 centa per TABLE ORNAMENTS, CrIAMLOTTai guts, Pound, Lady and Black Cake and Nancy Oakoo4 unexcelled. Moree.9o2 Arch etreet. PURITY VERSUS PoisoN.—There.is as much difference between PITALON'S VITALIA OR SALVATION NOR tux HAIR and the filth charged hair-darkeners, as between the Pool of Bethesda, that an angel stirred, and a fever-breeding mud-pond.. The VATALIA is a crystalline and the a single impurity or noxious property, and the naturalness of the shades it imparts to gray hair is unequalled. PHYSICIANS ARE ,ASTONISHED.--ThOy find Du. WinsLow's delightful Liver and Stomach Lorentz° the finest cathartic and antibillous preparation ever ad ministered, It incite in the mouth like sugar and is just as palatable. Its operation is mild, harmless and gonial. Sold by all druggists. As A HOLIDAY GIFT .? nothing could be more appropriate than a Binger am Chesnutg Machine. To be had. upon easy terms at IMO street. Go TO OAKNOUDS . for Christmas presents o Furs, Mutttors and ts and Caps the moat ox at their Stores, 834 andtl36 Chestnut street. - SINGER'S FAMILY ORWING:MACIIINES. TEN DOLLARS CASH. BALANCE IN MONTHLY INSTALMENT. 0. F. S Dkvls, 810 Chesttatt street PHILADELPHIA SEWING MACHINE M ART. BURNETT'S FADIOTJS COCOAINE possesses su perior bair-dressing properties. WIIITE lIION STONE TEA SETS. BEST QUALITY, WARIIA NTED. Tea Sets, 60 pieces, cups with handles, $5. Chamber Sets, 11 pieces, large sizes, 83 25. Flint Glass Goblets new patterns, per dozen, el. Iron Stone China Pinner Sete, 90 pieces, $lO. The above goods in quality patterns and sizes, are equal to any offered in the city at the mule prices. Packed free of charge. N. B.—China and Glass loaned to Balls, Parties and Festivals for three per cent. on selling. prices. Can delabras and Vases for flowers. Plated Forks, Spoons and Knives for hiring to phrties,.at 12 cents per dozen. E SAMUL FETIIERFITON St • CO., 240. 2 % 70 South Second street, above Spruce. FuEsENTs. for Fathers, Brothers, Oistors and Mothers, of Fine Furs, Mufflers and Hats. At CIAKFORDW, under Confine . . HOLIDAY GurTe.—Among the many useful articles for gifts during the coming holiday season nothing could be more desirable or acceptable to mother, wife, sister or friend than one of Wm:Etna ar, Witsois's Improved Family Sewing Machines. Call at tbo new and elegant salesroom of FET}Msosi k CARrENTER, No. 914 CHESTNUT STREET, and examine these unri- valled instruments. They are sold on very reasonable terms. CHRISTMAS AND HOLIDAY GIFTS, of Fine Sable, Mink, and all other styles of Furs, at lowest prices, at OAK FORD s. under the Continental COLD WEATHER does not chap or roughen the skin after using Wright's Alconated, Glycerine Tablet of Solidified Glycerine. Its daily use makes the akin delicately soft and beauti ful. Bold by all druggist R. A Chestnut street. Comrs L ßunions, Inverted Nails, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson, bib. 916 Chestnut street. Charges moderate. JUDICIOUS MOTHERS and . 1111113e51 USA for children a safe and pleasant medicine in Bower's infant Cordial. SURGICAL burn:tumulus and druggists' sun drift. - SNOWDEN & BROTHER, 23 South Eighth street. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH. J. Isaacs, M. D., Professor of the Ityo and Ear treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city can be seen at his office, klu. 805 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. Arti ficial eves inserted. No charge made for examination STATIONERY WM. M. CHRISTY, PREMIUM BLANK BOOKS AND Counting-lioinw Stationery, LITHOGRAPHIC AND TYPE PRINTING. DIARIES FOR 1870. PLATING CARDS. POCKET BOOKS. POCKET KNIT ES. GOLD PENS AND PENCILS. Foreign and Domestic Stationery • IN GREAT. VARIETY. WMI M. CHRISTY, 127 S. Third, above Dock Street. (1013 111 V f ryi MILLINERY GOODS. LADIES WILL PLEASE TARE:-NOTICE, That they can buy the Finest TRIMMED lIAT3 and BONNETS at KENNEDY'S for less than they can buy the materials and make them themselves. All kinds of Goods have been marked down In order to sell off their immense stock. They are offering GREAT BARGAINS IN Trimmed Hats and - Bonnets, Steel Ornaments. Ostrich Plumes, Rich Sash Ribbons, Felt and Velvet - Hats, Bonnet Materials Cut Bins, Velvets, Satins and Laces_ This stock is acknowledged to be the finest to be found and must be closed out at a sacrifice. THOS. KENNEDY & BROS., 728 CHESTNUT STREET. ..2,8m TO RENIr. - - VI TO L ET.-1 31 1 TATI ON BROWN .Uia, stone Invulling, tilde yard, lat (Thates street. l' rooms. Ir perfect ader. EDWARD B. SCILIVELY I'2?i North itlevetith »trent. del3ut w fit* M°VAUGH & DUNGAN, 114 South Eleventh Street, Have this week opened a fine assortment of Seasonable Goods fur Presents for the approaching Holidays. LINEN lIDKVS. . A full line for Ladies, Gents and Children, from , tho lowest to the finest grades. In French work awl Hamburg, choice styles. LINEN SETS, From the plainest style to the finest imported. ' TIDIES,' In great variety and entirely' now designs. . ' LACES. Pointe, Pointe de A ppliiiue, Valenciennes, Thread and Guipure, in new patterns. COLLARS ANb CUFFS, • FRENCII BREAKFAST CAPS, And a great variety of I FANCY ARTICLES. no2li th s to Pit* 'l - AYAL S'l'OllES.-298 131ILS. ROSIN, 1 14 tibia. Tar, :.11 1/1/114. rlll Piteh. 208 bbts. prime Spirits Tiirvoatino. Now landing Irma so•aiaor 1 rum NV Othwatou. N. C., and for hob! by COCHRAN. & CO., 171 Chestnut skeet. DAILY EVENING rip i.II.4EUW-PHILADELPIIIA, MONDAY, DgOEMBEIt 13, 1869. J.l .:If:AVT.*Joif. , ,.• . 'H :: ..! 012 and 1011 CHEST QT STREET, WILL CONTINUE THE SALE Or HIS ' FINE STOCK OF DRY GOODS. Conuaenoing Monday, Deo. 13, At Still BEATER REDUCTIONS. 00 Pairs Blankets, at a Great Sacrifice. Alpacas Reduced to 25 cents. emstitched Handkerchiefs, 12 1-2 ots. 50 Pieces Bonnet Velvets at one half former prices. The Entire Stock Must be Closed Out Before January let. ARABS, ARABS, ARABS, ARABS, NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS AT Bethany Fair, Bethany Fair, Bethany Fair, Bethany Fair, HORTICULTURAL UALL. EDWIN HALL & CO" No. 28 S. SECOND STREET, Would invite the attention of buyers to their stock of SILK CLOAK VELVETS Pore Silk, Best Imported. 28-INCH VELVETS. SO-INCH VELVETS. 32-INCH VELVETS. 36-INCH VELVETS. 40-INCH VELVETS. VELVETEENS, SILK FINISH, AT LOW PRICES. FASHIONABLE SILK FLUSHES. BLUE SILK PLUSH. BROWN SILK PLUSH. GREEN SILK PLUSH. ^ SCARLET SILK PLUSH. WHITE SILK PLUSH. PURPLE SILK PLUSH. EDWIN HALL & CO., 5 No. 28 S. SECOND STREET, sels w f m 3mrpi GREAT CRASH IN DRY GOODS. EVERYTHING DOWN. High Prices Over fol. the Season. Grand Closing Sale OF RICKEY, SHARP di✓ CO.'S IMMENSE STOCK OF DRY GOODS , AT RETAIL. UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS IN MKS, VELVETS, DRESS GOODS ANA MISCELLANEOUS DRY GOODS. This, stock is the most extensive and varied ever offered at retail in this city, and contains more novelties and staples of recent importation than can be found elsewhere. ONE PRICE AND NO DEVIATION. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., 727 Chestnut Street. dP2 MI) •1 1 IC 4) •ek. LINEN STORE, -4 1 / 4 f) SUS Arch Street., NeW Store, 1128 CHESTNUT ST. New Department—Ted Clothing. Best Blankets, Fresh from the Mills. Marseilles Bed Quilts. !Honeycomb Quilts, all sizes. Allendale and Laneast4 Quilts. Linen Sheetings, every width. Cotton Shootings, 4 $ " Pillow Casings. we. mean t o d o a largo trade tn. Ude departreentlbr offering cheap and reliable goods. THE IMMENSE SITCCESS I libust THRONGED EVERY i3Ayi! THE PEOPLE APPRECIATE ITI • , • , THOUSANDS OF GARMENTS SOLID I ABOUT $300,000 WOBTE STILL TO. BE DISPOSED OF I, , 1.40 W Prices Are Doing The people are now convinced that we actually 'are UNDERSELLING EVERYBODY,, and that, too, by se large a margin as to defy COMPARISON, to say nothing about competition 1 THIS GRAND CLOTHING SALE `is in every respect a duplicate of the GREAT EXECUTORS' SALE held one year ago, at which the people Well remember they ,secured the best BARGAINS in Clothing that they have ever made in their lives. ' • A ntidpating, as did all Merchants, an unusually brisk trade, wo invested EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND DOL LARS ($500,000) in tbe purchase and manufacture of Clothing. Our, Sales have exceeded last year's, but have fallen short of our calculations ' amounting to the present time for Fall Trade to about $500,000, leaving us THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS' WORTH OF GARMENTS of every description, suitable to all classes, made up with the utmost care, of the very finest materials, not one dollar's worth of which are we willing to carry over into next year ; hence we are determined, AT ALL HAZARDS, to make A. CLEAN SWEEP, We t - then, offer Our Entire Stock at prices as low as those prevailing at the Great Sale of last Fall, bringing some of our prices far below the cost of manufacturing. " CUSTOM. AT LESS THAN THE COST OF MANUFACTURING. Call Viand see for yourself. We surely have something you want, and you shall have it if any reasonable ACCOMMODATION OF PRICES WILL INDUCE YOU TO BUY. Remember, Every Gran:tient is to 'l;c3 Sold .1 THE GREAT OAK HALL BUILDINGS, S. E. CORNER OF SIXTH AND MARKET STXtEETS. WANAMAKER & BROWN. This Sale is positively to clear out $300,000 worth of Clothing, and every garment must be sold, in order to d which we have marked on the goods such figures that no house can approach the low prices at which we are sellin off. The great mass of people who have fitted the store all the week can testify to this. A visit will satisfy an one, that in the matter of Low Prices we are down so tow that no other house can ever reach us. WANAMAKER & BROWN, • BISTH AND MARKET STREETS, OAK HALL OAK HALL. DRY GOODS. $4O SILK VELVET CLOAKS. Finest Silk Velvet Cloaks. $7 and 88 'Beaver Cloaks. 6'9 and 810 Caraculla Cloaks Finest and Medium Cloaks. Boal Astracan Skin Cloaks. Muffs. Muffs to Match. SHAWLS. .35 Heavy Largest Long Shawls. $6 E 0 96 Heavy Largest Long Shawls; Extra Fine woolen Long Shawls. ell Extra Good Paisley Square Shawls. $l9 Extra Good Paisley Long Shawls. 1,200 Shawls, Elegant Display, $1 to $75 CLOAKINGS Beavers, $2 50 to $B. Astracans, 96 to 818. Chinchillas, $3 50 to $9 Caracullas, $2 to $lB, Fanny Cloakings SILK VELVETS Silk Cloaking Velvets, 96 to 14. Best Black Velveteens, 76c. to $4. - .COOPER & CONARD, 8. E. corner 'Ninth and Market Sts. 50 Per - Cent. Reduction on DRY GOODS. 8,000 Yards 44c. Poplins at 25c. 2410 Yards 02c. Poplins at Sic. 1,000 Yards 58c. Double-fold Poplins at we, 1400 Yards 87c. Double•fold Poplins at Loc. 7150 Yards $1 LO Corded Poplins at .$l. , 950 Yard B lack Silks reduced to gold cost. . 100 Dozen - Kid bilOves,o 00. • - _ Two-but toned . Kid"Gloves, $1.50 Black Hid Gloves, white stitched, 31 25: Our Celebrated" Bartley" H M Gloves, $1 M. The" Laßelle" Hid Gloves, 5 . 1 25. Best, &l 25 Glove made. A. & J. B. BARTHOLOMEW, Importers of Kid Gloves, NO. 23 NORTH EIGJHLTII STREET. N.8.-Th.t we are closing out our whole stock of Dry _goods t immense bargains. den • _ ..... LA:47- }‘ • g T 4 ,Fourth and Arch. 7 DEALERS IN BETTER CLASS OF DR'SGOODS, Fine Shawls, Good Silks, Extra 'Velvets, CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ett OF INTRINSIO VALUE. USEFUL PRESENTS FOR THE 1.133,A.N " Pointe, Real Valenoienne LACTIS Thread and Guipure In Setts, COLLARS, REEFS., and by the yard. TRIMMED and EIITIVEr. SETTS. ROMAN SCARFS and SASIIRS. GLOVES, of every description. • INDIA and CASHMERE SCARFS. Together with our elegant Stack of _SILKS, POPLINS, and every variety of Dress Goods,Shaivls,Cloths,lassimeres,eto JOHN W. THOMAS, Nes. 405 and 407 N. ScOond Street, sell-4121k LEGAL NOTICES. 11 bTATE „MARV SHAW, DECEASED. . —Letters of non inistration having lawn granted to ihe and rslgned, all persons indebted to the said estatu re requested to It nice payment:. and thotae having, o ins to present item to MARY 1 , 1 1.17. E. No. 14 h Sootool 14111.11, or her attornoY,. JAMES I."f A , No. 12M Split Sixth atreet. delft in 6r 'or MANIM THIS IS TEE STATRIVITEr OF. . OUIt CASE . : HEAVY AND FURNISHING AND. WHOLE STACKS OF BOYS' CLOTHING, Read this Note if you have not time to Read any more: DISCOUNTS IN TUE THREE DAYS. GREAT ART SALE, On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Commeuciuk at 11 o'clock A. M. each day, will be sold; at Public Sale, at ROBINSON'S GALLERY, No. 010 CHESTNUT STREET, OIL PAINTINGS, FINE FOREIGN ENGRAVINGS, The Pictures will be`sOld in elegant Gold., Gilt and Walnut 1-41r:arn.es, This Bale will afford the finest opportunity for the selection of elegant HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Among the artists represented are the well-known names of BRpCIIIART, Paris; BODDINGTOK, London; WILSON, Glasgow; HOFFER, Dusseldorf; SCHULTZE, Dusseldorf; DANTZE, Munich; BONFIELD, ,America; MORAN, America ; RICIFIAR,DS and Others, Anierica The Dresden Enamels, Plain and Colored Engravings and Painted Photograpl Ay e real Gems of Art, and`not to be exeelled in the world. The Gal/eries are nom• on Free Exhibition: "9peri to the public day and evening until days of Sale. , • ' , ' • F fiLIU t3ts, cii/rARKING: WITH INDELIBLE: INK, Air G. PERRY, 728 ARCH STREtT, - 11 17A. 1/1411nrOiderIng; Braldlny,Stamping,_&o. V V a largo variety of Children's Dooks and Pll U. A. TORREY. 1800 Hilbert street. grilph . Albums solltog at low prices. 0 T H GOODS 'DEPARTMENTS, December 15th, 16th and 17th, A magnificent collection of ELEGANT DRESDEN ENAMEIk. SPLENDIDLY FRAMED• SUITABLE FOR PRIVATE SALES. BY WILspN, OF LONDON, MARTIN BROTHERS, Auctioneers, ALE. i 't .1 THREE DAYS