MEE GIBSON litlaitt VOLUME , XXIII.--NO.' 205: APPAL NoTlVElikl ', , '.:9V0 ,:,p#:*l*'i,*4,ov;.i,,T:•:.,. An opinion, prevalent nmpng some who hare not trledus, that beCanee ., ive are on Chestnut street, and deal only, in a class of Clothing finer than 4raituiri'adtidtliaV,"""ntB' our prices must be enormously high, we here publish-a LIST OF PRICES, Light Weight Overcoats, from e 9 to 825. Black beaver Overcoats, 1310 t 18 1 .820, - Cloncollio Overcoats, "2 0 , s 22 * 4 25 , $2B. SM. Heavy Peterstuun Over. coats, tittr,, Youths' Overcoato,from V to OM Children's Overcoats from 84 SO to 1525. Garibaldi hafts from $5 to ir2u. Prince Imperial Suits from 46 to 42. Bitottarcks, 80 to 61.20. and twenty other styleb. . Gents' Wraers, Vito 435 pp, This list embraces only a small portion of our Stock, but gives an idea of what buyers can do, and demonstrate that The Very Finest Styles, The Very Finest qualities, The Very Finest Sakes GENTS', YOUTHS' and CHILDREN'S READY-MADE CLOTHING Can be veld and ate br•ing Geld by us very G~IE J?E R Than the• People tbluk JOHN WANAMAKER, Chestnut Street Clothing Establishwittt, 'BlB anal 820 CHESTNUT STRUM CO* ACADEMY OF MUSIC. TU) STAR COURSE OF LECTURES THE LAST TEIBEE Or THE YIRST sEargs -• MARK TWAIN. • TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 7. Subect—"Otir Fatow Savages of the Saudwich Wanda." R. J. DE CORDOVA. ON THURSDAY EVENING. Dec. 9, titil.), , d—w - ThiPIIIN VB. iSNIFYIN. tDreacb of Prombie of Offtrrlita".l A HUMOROUS NONSENSE STORY wazinzta. PHILLIPS, THIIIksDAY T . ,IIH . H . ANig :. December ix Subject—DANlEL O'CONNELL. is. Reserved Seats, sa t e ts. Tickets for azay of the Lectures for at GOULD'S Piano Wareroome.No. D=t CHESTN UT Streetouni at the Academy on the &realm: of the Lecture. Doers open at 7; Lecture at 8. Orchestral Prelude at 13 o'clock. (0 - .. MEMORIAL MISSION. BETHANY • • 01 , Tar. NOW REUNITEB PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. F A. I it TOR TUE Sale of IThefulandFancyArticles Suitable for Christmas Gifts,, • TO TM MELD IN HORTICULTURAL HALL. Conameneing December 9th at 4 P. W, /Lad Clostua. " 14th at 10 P. N. Our Citirens are raw:leafed to bear this in miud while,. arranging for the Fair. um. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. GREENWOOD CEMETERY, Corner of Asylum Turnpike & Fisher Lane, NEAR FRANKPORD. A chance is now offered to secure Lots, at the Low "wile° of $l5, payable In instalments, in what is admitted to be the beet adapted grounds for Cemetery purposes near Phila delphia. being romantically located, perfectly dry and beautifully rolling surface. Apply to Passimocr—WlLßUß H. MYERS, 419 North Fifteenth street. VICE PREstnErer—HARRY M. GEARY, S. E. corner of Ridge avenue and Wallace street. SEcuirrasx-0140. CHANDLER PAUL, • Office of the Company, 1723 North . Tenth street. Tnaaarawn—Wlll. S. °NETT), 822 Bad York street OuritattrutimENT—SAMUEL F. MEADE, nol3 lump On the Groan& BO'REMOV AL. NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY , TO 133 South Fourth Street, OPPoolte Library Street, Philadelphia. STROUD Jo MARSTON, del th s tll 6t General Agents. IVA GRAND VOCAL AND INSTRII MENTAL CONCERT, In aid of the SPRUCE STREET BAPTIST CHURCH, 'Will 4.e held at the Chu, E V E N ING , ptreet, below Fifth, ON THURSDAY Dec. 9, 1889. The Directory take pleimure in announcing that they tare secured the assistance of the following etalnent artists MR. CHAS. H. JARVIS Pianist, MR. DAVID D. WOOD. Orienist, MISS VIRGINIA PARIS, Soprano. (Pupil of Prof. Bacilli MISS CARRIE JARVIS, Soprano. MRS. JARVIS DAVIS, Contralto. MR. G. A. CONLY,B4B6O. - ((Pupil of Prof. Barth.) Also the assistance of a talented chorus of Mica and gentlemen. Tickets, admitting one, el admitting two, el 50. To be had at the Music btoro of W. IL Boner, 1102 Chestnut street, the Rooms of tho Baptist Publication Society, No. 530 Arch street, and at the Church on the evening of the Concert. fde2 4 7 9 4tf Doors open at 7 o'clock, P. M., Concert St a Af before 8. n APPLICATION WILL BE MADE u r .D , to Franklin Insurance Company to reissue Policy 24,814, in name of WILLIAM. W. JITSTICE, on psoznine d /MG Wallace street. do26t* I , . =MI Illisinos, Chesterfields en 50 Pantss 00 Vestb 260 WholOSuits—." $20.00 . and All grades train 1520 to $6O. 2' Ilendsotno dress slily!, all black, 4926 to $65. • Fine Trecots, $W to 41N15 . ... Swallow Tail . Bross Gnat!. Block Cloth, 810 to SO.' Bin° Cloth, 825 to 836. Boys' JacKots $4 60 Boys' Punts 3 60 Whole Suits 43 00 and all grades up to WO. fromoilta Suits /10 to $2.5.. Youths' Cb.stertielda from $lO to $2l) . . f • - , r•.„‘„ , , , ri 4 : 1; , , n ol; • _; 4l , , • " • 4 ‘ 4 ' L.• F t 1 • . ~ ,..:.;, . , ' , .. - . i., ' , :::; - .' 4 . ;','",:;;;' , :' . ' , . 'i;,.i7.-,.:f?'4.%)".. I==EgSlE=l rti ' SPROUT-I, NUTP, 4irill~d'ogt{~~e hip itotur..., , 043C0114 114,10r,P1N Church.• &month otreet, above'. Brown. . :13114bi"1 0 : BiEttiA l L'iNß PIBLIPIL ' A. 14B4; ~LEX(iHty:-13 ADZ—T*O 8 1 0 tut--ozquisttolt.lnA tist i n lON S , Pi r g t titlV buip i &jr pcp l los, . AP.PIYA 105 front atrret, 4410' 1" . &! 7 :15EPA • Tbf IT OF: fl fOn WAYS, • - snislatf..k. &c., OFFICE OF CHIVY 00316Ent13-, KIONER, NO. 104 tiOUTIT:FIFTII nitswr. Plll4/IDELNLIA,hoc 0,1859.,t. PUBLIC NOTICE All 'fiendlike having claims against the Department Of Ilighwaye for labor or macorhil 114 ° 16.1Thd ' darit4 the 3 ear 1860, are requested to'present them for payment OP or before the I.sth day_of Reqember. • MARMON 11. DlfiKip, ON, 4 °7 1 0 1 4 at rP7, Counniseloner of Hut tiT - EREOPTIOZYN — EXHIBITIONS CALIFORNIA AND TUE YO•SEIdITE ;VALLEY,_ BY T. CLARESON TAYLOR, WEDNESDAY EVENING, Dec. 8, Subject—CALI FORNI T A AND HE I'LAINS. FRIDAY EVENING .Doc. 10. Subject—CALIFORNIA AND Trill YO-B}I3IITE VALLEY. Illustrated with beautifnl Illuminated Photographs. covering =equity') fret, and now exhi bl 0)31, for the liret time in this city, at the cr,fr BALL ApitcApyrzur LIBRARY, TOTH BTEEET,above Chestnut. DoOrir open at T o'clock. COMMCIICeIi at 8. Tlcketai tO Cents; to be had at Parriales drog-store, Eighth and Arch karcets, and at IleAlllater'e, No. T2B ehoetuut street. dal at rat 15 14 I 0 N 7a E A.G U E HOUSE, BEAD STREET. ' ' PUMA DELPHIA, Dec. 0, 1859. The annual meeting of the Union League of Philadtd- Phia will he held at the League House, on MONDAY ENT:NINO, December 13, at 7 o'clock, at which meeting there will be an election of °Dicers and Directors for the ensuing year. OEO. H. BOKIIU, dealt rpi Secretary. Us PROFESSOR BLOT _ LECTURES ON CIOOKERY, On December ,ft h ,Uth,7th Bth and gtb, at DA. M., In the ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. Tenni , for the Coarse of Seven) Lectures, 44. Single Lecture. 75 rents.. Tickets et the Hall. no 30t 1'44 NORTH "PENNSYLVANIARAIL ROAD AND GREEN LANE STATION. The Miners haying resnrood work we are again: re.. 'cc liana a full supply of HA.BLZJOLI COAL, which we are selling without advance inprice. DINES h SHEAFT, nog-Intrpf Office 15 South Seveirth street, Phila. OP - PM - E s - 61" 7 " - 'i c irFTTLEL rA NCI - E INSURANVE COMPANY OF PHILADEL PHIA,- NO. MS WALNUT STREET. - - PIIILADELPFII A. N0v.22,1862. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of "The Re liance Insurance Company of Philadelphia," and the Annual Election of thirteen (11) Director*, to serve for the 'netting year, will lw• held at this Office on MON DAY. Ih , < , :inher 211th, 1862, at 12 o'clock If. It(Mto (1444 WII. CHUBB, Secretary. PHILAI ELPBIA, NOV. 2u, 1869. Au election for Managers of the Plymouth Bill road Company will be held at the office of the Company. northeaat carrier of ilt!' and Green streets, in the city f philadel plan, on 15101il1hY, the 13th day of Decem ber,letn, between the hours Of f° A. M. and 2 P. M. A.X. DOUGHERTY - Secretary. qSTEREOPTICON AND M AGIC l..u.ntoil Exhibitions given to Sunday Schools, nols-Cnilezes and for private entertainments. W. MITCHELL MciLLISTEII,72B Chestnut eltl , lot. second st9rs- un2 2rrirgi EY.PENNSYLVANIA HORTIOULTIT BAL SOCIET . T -Esay VII LalitiOCApe Gardening HIS BYENINU. 1109. GIRARD STREET. UO9 FOIULISH, RUSSIAN, AND PERFUMED EATER!. Departments for Ladles Baths oven irons 6A.M.t09 P. M. • rrail i go bard illt.rWeet,Dlis , NOS. MS edical treatment and medicine f=rdgri P t a tti rttneug. to - the poor AMIJOKInMM!L. —This evening, at the. Chestnut, a drama entitled Patrice; or, the While Laity of Maim, will be presented. —The American Theatre announces for this evening a good miscellaneous entertainment, whichincludes pantomime, farce, ballet, negro comicalities, singing, and the wonderful performances of the Rizzarelli Brothers, who are said to be gymnasts of extraordinary skilL —Mrs. Drew will produce at the Arch Street Theatre, this evening, Tom Taylor's drama, The Overland Route. There will be new scenery and a good cast. —Signor Blitz, the great conjuror, will give an entertainment this and every evening at AEsembly Buildings. The Signor has a num ber of curious new tricks which he will per form every night. --Duprez & Benedict announce a very at tractive entertainment for this evening at the Seventh Street Opera House. New extrava ganzas will be presented, with good music— instrumental and vocal—dancing and Ethio pian delineations, &c. —Miss Kate Bateman will anpear at the Walnut this evening, in Tom Taylor'S drama entitled Mary Warner. —AL the Eleventh Street Opera House this evening a miscellaneous entertainment of un usual excellence will he given. —Professor Blot, the great lecturer on the science of cooking, will continue his lectures at the Assembly Building, Tenth and Chest nut streets, each inerning, commencing at 11 o'clock, until the 9th, inclusive. Every house keeper should go. —Mark Twain, the well-known humorist, will lecture at the Academy of Music, this evening,, on the Sandwich Islands. BISHOPS. How They are Selected In Europe. The present mode of appointing bishops in Europe is curious, as illustrating the connec tion with the State of which the (Ecumenical Council is expected to be so . jealous. The Czar appoints to all the bishoprics in Russia. The Sultan. appoints the Christian bishops throughout his dominions. In France and Austria, in Spain and Portu g al the Crown appoints the bishops, and that, too, when the first minister of the Crown, as in the case of Austria, is a Protestant. The Pope, indeed has a veto, hut his veto is limited by the condition of its resting on strictly canonical ground. Even in Protestant Prus sia a Lutheran King practically appoints the Catholic Bishops. the Pope, in tact, nomi nates, but the King has a veto on the appoint ment, and his veto is not limited in the same way that the Pope's veto is in the cases already mentioned. The interest which some of the European Powers takein the Council is easily understood; and the encouragement which they give lo Bishops like the Bishop of Orleans may be guessed. Bishop Dupanloup had been so excessively Papal; that his decla ration against a definition of the Pope's in fallibility came like a shook at Rome almost as severe as Father Ryacinthe's letter. If the Council take, the other course, his lordship and those who think with him will be in a fix, and they must either forswear all that they now so positively assert, or they must leave the church. We will not sisggest a third course,—retaining their present opinions and professing the contrary,—though the history of the church has precedents of the kind. The Pope and King ViCtOr. The'Plorence Nazione says it is rumored that. Victor Fmmanuel has received a letter from the Pope congratulating him upon his recovery. In the 101Fitramontane paper, the Unite Cattotica, it is stated that during the King's illness the ecclesiastical authorities did their duty, and that/the august patient acted as became a, Catholic sovereign. "We will say no more," it adds, "for seeretunt reg is ab sconders bonum est ; but the time - will come when histoty will reveal God's wprk." —A negro boy stole • a doll in Petersburg, Va., the other day and while protesting his innocence unwittingly pressed it as he en deavored to hide it more completely under his shirt: The doll gave a loud squeak, and the little negro, who had never heard of cry ing dolls before, turned almost white and thought a miracle had been done in his case. —The Sublime Porte still keeps that me direval functionary known as a Court Astro loger, as well as a Sultan's dwarf. . wuoix , covority, PIIIJAI4I - 4141:k • - • THE comiviiiii=iiith;e 'mum, . , The Pall , liallVstatyysaYE, There is somethlig)iiffignlarlYattractivec-and yet thoughtorin , , the oettcription which g.lyd tts` .. opthe: first asriect'Or Mgioni,iibsolutely neiv the; explorer-44h6-exuberant heatitieS of ,nature: as yet untotiched,' xatf;:or: only. Muelied by men too weak Off too fewTtuspedlthem. Such is the picture drawnhy.• - Dx..Livingstone,in:a, few striking words of theehores of-that solitary lake which lie reachectseveral degr,eas South or Nyanza;and WhiCh he believes to reeeive discharge again the waters of_the infant'Nile: On the 2d Of April, 18674 discovered Lake Liemba; it lies in a hollew,,,Witli precipitous r sides 2,000 feet down; it IS extremely-beautiful, sides, top, .and bottom being.covered with trees and other - vegetation. Elephants, buffaloes, and antelopes feed on the steep slopes, while hippopotami, crocodiles, and fish swarm hi the waters: Guns being unknown, the elephants„ unless sometimes deceived into a pitfall, have it all their own way. It is as perfect a natural paradise as Xenophon could have desired. On two rocky islands, men till the land, rear goatS, and catch fish; the villagers ashore are em bowered in the palm-oil palms of the West Coast of Africa.. Four considerable streams flow into,' Liemba, and a number of brooks, Scoffice trout-burns, leap down the steep bright red clay schist rocks, and form splendid cas— cades, that made the dullest of my attendants panseand remark with wonder." Such is Liemba now: what will it be a few years hence, when the road which Livingstone has pioneered has been made plain to the his roads of Our restless white race? • The noble animals now swarming in the magnificent pre serve mill have been exterminated; they will have fallen victims, not to the necessities of hunger, or the porpoSes of trade, but to what- we call the "instincts of the sportsman." Their unused carcases. will cumber the earth, their size and numbers will be registered in' the game-books of future Cordon Cummings: As for the natives now leading an iii their "palm-embowered villageS," it is not so easy to predict their destiny. The worst that can befall them is short and sharp extinction at the hands of some more powerful race. "An= nexation " to the dominion .of • under the auspices of Sir Samuel Baker and his steam-conveyed army of black conquerors, is the alternativo now proposed, and it is one not to be contemplated with mere philosophical. hi difference. We very much doubt 'whether, when this distinguished explorer started with his present roving commission to subdue Central Africa. for the benefit of the Khedive,people in general were at all aware Of the real scope of the expe dition which was announced with such a flourish of philanthropic trumpets. The object declared in this country was that of putting down the internal slave trade—that slave trade of which the Nile is the, channel of communi'. Cation, and which now supplies Egypt and the Levant generally 'with an annual tribute of victims. This was to be effected by a kind of homoeopathic treatment, using • Egyptians, trained soldiers of the Kasha, to disconcert the schemes and break up the establishments of their brother Egyp tians, the slave dealers. So far, so good, and Exeter Ilan was doubtless, charmed to hear of an Oriental potentate so liberal-minded, and an English traveler, so high-spirited and adven turous, combining their energies to effect 'so praiseworthy an object. • But it now turns out that' there was ' a far different purpose--;-or rather- two widely different purposes , --at the bottom of the scheme. This is how Sir Samuel , Baker himself describes it in a "private" letter I of so recent a date as the 22d of last month, which has made Its way into the newspapers : "The mainlobjects of our enterprise are after crushing the slave trade: I. ,To annex to Egypt the Equatorial Nile Basin. 2. To es tablish a powerful government throughout al the tribes now'warring with each other. 3 To introduce the cultivation of Cotton on an. extensive scale, so that the natives will have a valuable production to exchange for Man chester goods, &e. 4. To open to navigation the two great lakeS of the Nile. 5. To estab lish a chain of trading stations throughout the countries to be annexed, so as to communi cate with the northern base from the most dis tant point south, on the' system a.dOpted by the Hudson's Company. . . . Every_ tribe - will' be compelled to cultivate a certain amount of corn and cotton in proportion to the population. No wars' will be 'permitted. Each - chief will be held responsible for the acts of his tribe. Tribute will be erected in labor' to be p-formed in opening out roads on the same principle as the road tax in Ceylon. To carry out these plans I have absolute power conferred by the ViceroY." It appears that his force, 1,700 Egyptian soldiers, with twelve months' supplies, has already reached Klartouni. '"The flotilla (sent up the Nile two months ago, which I hear has successfully ascended 'the cataracts) comprises six steamers of forty her.te power each, and thirty large sailing vessels. Besides these, there are prepared at Kbartimm four steamers and twenty-five sailing vessels. . . . I received from the Viceroy, together with absolute power, .carte. blanche for all the expenses of the expedition. . . . I have the greatest hopes of effecting a vast improvement among the tribes by the suppres sion of the slave trade, and by the introduc tints of agricultural and commercial enterprise. I have large - quantities of seeds of all kinds that will be adapted to the climate and soil of Central Africa, and these will confer a great blessing on the country. If I free the tribes from slavery I shall insist upon their working for themselves ; they will then desire to change their surplus produce for our manufactures.' We have, therefore, lent the prestige of our name, and an amount of mechanical assist ance (though paid for) which will infallibly induce all other nations to set down the under taking as one of oar own veiled only under pretexts too common to impose on any one in order "to annex o Egypt the equatorial Nile Basin." To be annexed to Egypt may or may not be a blessing, according as Egypt may be have to its new provinces ; but in. order to be annexed, these countries must first be con quered. Does any one realize the meaning of "conquest" of feeble ill-armed negro tribes by a half-civilized army? When conquered and annexed, "tribute will be exacted from them in labor to be performed in opening out roads.", Would any one like to know the real character or Egyptian road labor? Here it is, as described \in a recent letter by a correspon dent:of the Pally News: • "There are five or six hundred people scoop ing out mud and earth with their hands, filling baskets and carrying them on their heads • " • then huge canvas sacks are filled and planted -as a foundation by naked men who stand up to their middle ; in Water. Then another file of men antlohildren Step no and empty more, baskets in the strata of sacks; arid so 'On till the - Injured road . is level with the rest. The beating was not severe, but it never ceased. The stick sometimes fell on the empty basket, on the back; and often on the loose folds of the skirt; and so looiely.a.sliot . to hurt, btit it vf_tts used regularly-and seemed, indeed; un fnA*4l item hi the ball fie", Thoie engagipi on itate pald ;,,init the , tagintunders.or gangers had .a certain duty to . tic:Worn:4 and they went:throngblt'llountlinch. inglY 'that the tears ' , and laMentations ' , never '• hie is the cue, in the rteiglahottood , of : :Cairo: What will 'the in.that;:or Oondokoro? ;Bat only the ; begini dug of tribula; timer, lin the, next place they are to be 4‘ ccm veiled to cultivate a. certain 'quantity of corn , and.eatton." "If". Sir Seminal '.suctfeeds , `freeing,the tribes frona slavery he will then "in siet On, their worklngtor. •• themselves."' Has any ingenious person, yet , solved problem how uncivilized men, or any men, are to be "compelled to cultivate" by any method except ; the venerable one of slavery ' and Is Sir Sam - uel Ifaker imitating the exquisite delicacy of lan g uage with which the framers of the Amen can Constitution avoided the term "slavery" altogether, and spoke of "persons held to, ser vice?" We have no quarrel with Sir Samuel' Baker: :Wo admire• his quiet courage, his fund of "resource," his insight into the ways of savage men, and power of. awing and commanding them, and We do not doubt the .genuirterteis of the desire which, he feels to put, down that In ternal slave trade of , which he has witnessed the denioralizing effects. And the sovereign, or qtattsi-Soverelefi, wile has just inaugurated the opening of the Suez, Canal, has shown abundantly his power to appreciate, and to aid,in,-the great work of civilization. But the most pawerful sovereigns .and the most. ener- getie‘commanders can only work through their agents. To suppose that,' with no other in struments but Egyptian soldiers and officers, Sir Samuel Baker can annex a large slice of a continent and make its inhabitants grow cot ton without an amount of violence and biondshed which no theoretical goodness of purpose can possibly justify, 'requires an extreme of confidence which we are far from possessing. But, besides all this, the final end —the raison d'etre—of the expedition, as far as we, its English abettors, are concerned, is only too plainly expressed. The newly con quered Egyptians are to be compelled "to grow cotton." Supply is wanted for the Lancashire market. It is the old story under a new dis guise. Our manufacturers (or, we are happy to believe, a sectkna of them ouly) cannot be brought to wait for the fair expansion of free trade, the development of free industry. Men must be forced to work for • them, under one Mitigating phrase or anOther 'all the world over. Thine is certainly a taste o f Liverpool about the scheme ; a strong flavor of the "Southern Association." r!• THE SUDDEN BLANCHING OF THE HAIR. • Byron's "Prisoner of Chilton" says of bi m self "My hair is gray, but not with-years, Nor grew it white Ina single night, ' As men's have done from sudden fears." But other poets and romancers have detailed such--sudden changes with minuteness, and perhaps no experience, which the general reader is likely to accept as possible, has been more effectively used to heighten the impres sion made b;¢ stories of terror or remorse. Is it then true that a head of gold or of jet may be changed to white in a few hours? That the work of many years may be wrought in a day, and nature's pecu liar badge of old age, its crown of honor when acquired in a long course of vir tuous living, may be inflicted as an in:mediate curse by the agencies which result from fear or those which follow crime? It has often been doubted, especially by men of science, whether this is possible; but the event; as an occasional fact, has never lost its reality iu the popular imagination. Dr. Austin Flint, in the last volume of his Physiology of Man, jut published by Messrs. D. Appleton & Co., discusses this among ninny interesting qiiestions. He admits the differ ences of belief among physiologists, but thinks it undisputed that the hair often grows gray in a few weeks. But the main difficulty is that the records of most cases in which it is claimed that the change took place "in a single night" are loosely reported by those who can claim no scientific ainhority as observers. Such, for instance, are the cases so often cited of Marie Autolnette_and:Bir_Thimia.s . More. is only_ when men accustomed to the precision of sci entific observation have been able. to watch the case closely that it cairbe considered as decisive. Fortunately, a few recent instances of the kind have been seen and investigated by competent men ; and the fact is now beyond ques,tion that such a change may take Place as suddenly as the boldest novel' writer has claimed. For example, two German physicians, Drs-Landois and Lobrner, witnessed a case of the kind in a hoS"pital in - 1365, which Dr. Flint. reports Hips . "ThP-Plltient, a compositor, thirty-four years of ago; with light hair and blue eyes, was ad mitted into the hospital July 9, 1865, suffering apparently from an acute attack of deliriums, tremens. ' A•marked peculiarity in the disease was excessive terror when any person ap -preached the patient. .slept for twelve hours on the night of the 11th of July, after taking.tbirtydcops,of laudanum. Up to this time nothing unusual had been observed with regard to the hair. On-the morning of July, 12 it was evident to the medical attendants and all who saw - the patient that the hair of the head sand the beard had become gray. This fact was remarked by 'the friends who visited the patient, and he"-bimself called for a .mirror anffremarked the change with intense astonishment:' it is to be observed, however, that a close examination showed the whiteness in this case to result, not from the absence of coloring mat ter, as in aged men, but from the presence of minute air bubbles in the hair; and it was only by, reflected light that the hair seemed gray; by transmitted light it seemed as dark as ever, Unscientific eyes would not notice this, and the hair certainly seemed. to be permanently white, for it ' remained so at the patient's dis charge, two months, later. Another similar case, lately reported to the Royal Society by Mr. Erasmus Wilson, showed the same kind of change iu a microscopical examination. Dr. BroWn-Sequard reports, in the Archives de Phygioltigie for 1869, a curious observa tion on himself, whielt •is easily repeated by others. Findimg four white hairs on one cheek and seven on the other in a dark beard, he carefully plucked them, and two days later he found two such hairs on one side and tlnee on the othe,r7 white from end, to end, This was repeated several limes, with the same result, and he concludes that there is no doubt of the possibility of "a very rapid transformation (probably in less than one night) of black hairs into white." This being established as a physiological fact, we shall doubtless hive the novel of the period crowded more than ever with such startling in cidents as the turning of black heads into white ones by a night oaf anxiety ; and perhaps some adventurents woman will even dare to make, ,her blovly hero become gray in the twinkling of an eye upon a glance at his Victim. But there is moderation due to all things, r.: ri ,A =EN MEM een MOW as good and'USefutto plat-maker(' (;air this ;'' and 'we ''wofild'•advisei"thdae who nrift; jtethpiedt3i ffr.intententbet the 'disrdPut,e °apt: i'liffirryaff bronghf on' hintseLf arid his IMMO bY; ,the'inaitrief in Which; in his a Jacob Faithful,'" 'be Made. nse of the old physiological-traditions ahont "sporitallethis combustion." Scientili `Wonders are dangerous toois'for the profane to' Y.. Post. • • [Paris (Ndv. Cdriessondofice of. the London Times.] Under the title of PCBuvre.dc, M. Bismarck, 1863-1866, a work is about to -iasue from: the Paris press which ,inay be found to.contribute uLeful materials to, future histories of that eventful period. Its author, M. Villebort, was in Germany dnring the campaign. of MG, was present at most of its stirring scenes, and seems to have been on very friendly and almost intimate terms 'with Count Bismarck, of whom he saw a good deal. We must be prepared,, therefore,. for some leaning toward. , the hero of the time; but so far as 'I can judge from a hasty perusal of thatportion of the as yet' unpub lished work which has reached my hands, the author does not shrink from criticising, as well as praising, his friend and host. The fol lowing passage ist- curious and interesting: "On the 7th of August I went to take leave of, M. Bismarck, by whom, at Berlin, before and after the War, at Horsitz and ,Nikolsbarg I bad always been received with a kindness of which I retain the most -lively remembrance. Toward 10 at night I was in the Prime Minis ter's cabinet When the French Ambassador, M. Benedetti, was announced. 'Go and rake a cup of tea in the drawing-room,' M. Bisniarek said to me, "I will be with you shortly." Two hours yaased, midnight struck, then one in the rilorning. About twenty per sons, the family and intimate friends, awaited the master of the house. At last he appeared, with a calm and smiling countenance. We took tea, and 'smoked and drank beer in the German fashion. The conversation, al ternately.grave and gay, turned on Germany, Italy and France. Rumors of war with ?ranee then circulated in Berlin. At the mo m` Cnt of leave-taking, 'Monsieur le Ministre,' I said," Will you allow me to ask you a strange ly indiscreet question—ls it peace or war that I carry back to Paris?' M. Bismarck answered promptly, 'A durable friendship with France ! I firmly hope that France and. Prussia will henceforward form the dualism of intelligence and progress' I fancied I de tected a singular • smile on the lips of a man destined to occupy a distinguished place 'in Prussian politics, the. Privy 'Councilor Baron. von Keudell.. Next morning I called upon him and told him how much that smile had puzzled inc. 'You leave for France to-night,' he said. 'Give me your word of honor to keep what I am goin to tell you a secret until von reach Paris ; before a fortnight we shall have war on the Rhinelf France persists in her territorial demands. She asks what we neither can nor will give her. Prussia will never yield an inch of German ground; *e could not do it without raising all Germany against us, and, if it comes to that, we would rather raise her against France than against ourselves.' ,That step of the Tuileries Cabinet, so profoundly impolitic and unskillful at sush a moment, and which resulted in'a check given.ta French di plomacy, was of wonderful service to M. Bis= marck in all his enterprises in Germany. It furnished him with an irresistible argument to prove the necessity of great armaments against France, at the same time that his refusal to give up the least morsel of German soil still farther exalted the prestige of Prussia in the eyes of every German patriot." Hta Nteeent Sickness—Hs . Cause—How FLORENCE ' - Monday, Nov. 1869.—The illness of the King, which came so near proving fatal, and which caused so Much commotion, was brought about by a singular accident. A few days since he left Florence by special train for &in Rossore, to enjoy the bunting there. On this occasion wild boar was the game. His Majesty, Who,. as you know, is ever a forward rider, outstripped his suite, • and soon found himself Lice to face with a full-grown boar. Immediately he drew his revolver and fired two shots, both of which toots effect. The boar re treating further into the covert, the King, in the excitement of the moment, and believing that the animal was mortally wounded, pushed on closely after him. But suddenly the infu riated animal turned, not to bay, but to' rush on his enemy, The King was_ ruounted_on one_ of his best Irish bunters, yet the charge of the boar was so furious that horse and man went down before it. Understanding that the wea ther was wet, and that the coil of Ban Rossore is more like a sponge than aught else, you can imagine what it was to struggle thus in the death agony of So potverful a quarry as the King bad to contend with. The struggle was tierce and short, and, as usual, His Majesty came out victorious, but sorely damaged: When the royal suite came up, they found matters as follows The boar dead, the horse trembling from fright, and covertd.with mud and bleeding from several deep flesh wounds the. King himselfwotully soiled, stained, and, though not wounded much, considerably bruised. The alarmed attendants begged the_ King to hasten homeward, which he did on a fresh horse. Determined not to give up, be dined as usual. But toward morning he grew quite sick, fever and intlammation-of-the lungs had set in, and his case began to look serious : yet, fortunately, he has struggled through, and is now quite out of danger. His physicians treated him so as to superinduce migliari, and succeeding in doing so, his life has been saved. TelegramS,jof cobrse, have told you all about the new Prince at' Naples.— Times. The Moniteur of November 19 0 publishes the following letter from Emile Ole:vier : 18,1869.—DcarSir: On myarrival here I find your letter. lam and will ever be opposed to Ponyer-Quertier, but I like him personally ; I consider him a good and bold speaker, and I know by dint of opposing free dom in trade he has grown into a champion of freedom in politics. Therefore I urge all my friends to vote for him rather than for all those broken-winded tribunes (sic tribuns poussifs) who from London and elsewhere are boring us with 'their seedy declamation. There is but one -way of overcoming the - party which is bent on revolution at the cost of liberty; and that is to join, those who are bent on liberty, and repudiate revo lution. I congratulate you on not having been more discouraged by our defeat than I have been myself. Now, our adversaries are worse off than we are, and they have not the conso lotion of being able to hold up their heads. They are booted now just as much as I was hooted in May last, but my unpopularity was a mistake which the future will correct ; their unpopularity is a punishment which the fu-. ture will confirm. They may now be as modest, gentle, and pacific as they please, under the pretext that the Go vernment, which they have been goading for months past, is anxious for a Yield= day. The responsibility of violence, which they shrink from, devolves on them, and no one else—it is they that have let all these angry passions loose. Do what they may, they are equally powerless to serve liberty and revolution. What ta lesson of morality for us all.. Fight on; never yield to tlio demagogges -death is better than that. Yours, truly, • pmcritm OLT,IVIER. —A niece of idendelssohnbas lately entered the lodpsic Couservatoire; She is said to ex , hibit great musical taleut. lIMME JETIROPEAN ,AFFAkIitS SIRANvE, AND PIiVERSIA: . . , A War eland in the Pant-:•lnteresting HiNtorical Reznitdiseenee., VICTOR EMMANUEL. He wan Cared. ffi.ollivler on the Irreconeilables. =MIME L.! FEMIRSTON. • ' to It . bv.. ' ,— .PRIOX I / 1 gllll6B —The appearance of. John Brown hi' thus' noted in a late London letter : "The Queen, neess -Louise, -.Princess- Beatrice - And Prin& Leopold took their seats in the royal carriage ; the immortal John Brown, in High-1 land costume, .jumped up into the dickey behind Her Majesty, hovering over' as if to protect, her.", . : . • —A Boston clergyman writing to a western paper says that in looking over the list of lec turtrs engaged thin' season by the various courses the "conviction creeps across my mind that genuine culture is not the sole thing sought after by committee men. Sharp wits and sharper women amuse us rather too of ten." But he finds conlolation in the thought that "even these lighter lecturers turn mem away from the theatres."' Moy Thomas, the dramatic editor' of the London _Daily News, has called attention to certain extraordinary mispronunciation" of the great John Hemble. Ife was wont to pro nounce aches, aitches; beard, bird; cheerful, churful; earth, airth; fierce, Purse; leap, lep ; rode, rod ; virgin, virgin; odious, ojus ; they, the ; virtue, vartue; and so forth, through a long vocabulary of like incredible ee6otartei ties. —The letters which the Princess Mathllde wrote to the late-lamented Sainte-Betive are said to contain positive proofs of her intense disappointment at the marriage of her nape rial cousin to Eugenie de Montijo. She Is re ported even to have hired some Grmanjour nalist to publish scandalous stories about Eugenio in a pamphlet, which was issued is Frankfort-on-the-Main in' the year 1853, lit her letters to Sainte-Benve, the Princess, it is said in 'Paris, generally calls the Empress "cette coqu me. —(inc of the most famous Parisian ballet managers was formerly employed as choreo graphic dictator of a theatre in Lyons. One day, when he was highly delighted at the tin : expected success of an important rehearsal, he caused all the ballet girls under his •CQII4- wand to be drawn up in two lines and then addressed them as follow s" Ladies, I spa well satisfied with you. Please write 3tour names on small scraps of paper and: throw them into a hat. She whose mune will drawn from it first Is the happy per Son whom I permit to—kiss me !" —More than two-thirds of all sheet musie published in Germany is published at Leipsie, Tbere are twenty music pubiitshing houses there, at the head of which is the , firM of Breitkapf Hertel. The firm celebrated- tho other day the one hundred and fiftieth anni versary of its existence. They have pstblishr ed over twelve thousand pieces of mune, and more than three hundred clerics are in their employ. The, largest musical printing. ofitee is that of Itoder ; it employs one hundred and' fifty hands, and produces marina/1y twohijr' four thousand plates. The metal employ for this weighs about thirty-eight thousand poundapanathe paper consumed araottut4:llo four hundred bales • it predifeea SlMmiting' about four million Sh'eets,of E4oo4lllate, t. , igACTS*'I I I,IIII 'PAiltlll3llEni: • -An :Oswego ;mart dately ate . ;cistiky-biglia , pancakat in4ten ruiuutes. •- •; r e - There are O,BOW pianoforte , teablfets'iii petebour g ,,,, :1•• r c end t e drat 'crop of Ottait through the'Sucz Canal. ,' 4' ; —A "gold:'mina' in South Carolina ? i;q, bas just bebn sold for 3,1,700: • , — Auerbach's new- nowl will be, pubilshea simultan&nally in eight , different•latiguages.y:4 • is estimated that the • Virginia fob/tear crop will be about 7;000 hogsheads short thlio —Letters from Florence report that' they Itallanpart of the work on the blout-Cle* Tunnel will soon be finished. • I —lndian squaws are running opposition tar; the Chinese in sawing 'wood at Pertintid e . ' Oregon. ' . • —New Orleans concert saloons are *IWO,: "by a young and pretty lady arrayed iti black,",t_ who exhorts and sings hymns. —lllendelssohn's musical setting of the tignone of Sophochts has been produded , ate Frankfort-onthe-Oder., • —Ambroise Thomas's opera of Mignon haw proved a failure at Loipsic. It put the ence to sleep. —4Jamartine is to have' amonunient en flier Place de Hotel de Ville in Paris. Solotnan, the sculptor, has alreadyfinished the model' for his statue. —Rubinstein has composed for th(i. Gar ' zenith concerts of Cologne an orchestral work which, under the' title of Ivan IV., ho dis-, scribes as "a picture of character." —The California.. -"Moderation. Society" pledges its.members to drink only , wine, beer and, cider, except whenthey are discouraged,. and then whisky is.allowed. , . • • —A Louisiana plainer progressed finely in taming a young panther, until the animal got large enough to lunch off his owner,one night., l when hungry. • —Two Texas boys.were playing in a cottost house, the game being to see who Could gel bead-first the greatest distance into the codex:- The one who beat didn't come out again. —A western orator, speaking of• the blittla of Bull Rub, said: "Thu federals ran so fast, that the hard tack rattled in their stomaebs• like beans in a sheet-iron pan." , —lt is now said that when the Cardifl , giant, is alone at night he removes his right bah* from its customary position, and placing thee, thumb oii the end of his nose, vibrates his fin gers in the air. —A Hartford rnan,.thinking ho smelt gas his room, lighted a match to see it.. He was found in the street immediately afterwards,all ablaze, and a policeman kindly, rolled him ia the gutter and put him out. —The poet of the Chicago Post laments: ' Adam and Eve in,Bden.lived, . without a window; - - They might have had a lease for We, But they went and sinned, ohl , - —Mrs. Van Zandt at Liverpool recentlysang the part of "Page" in the Marriage , of Figaro with buoyancy and elegance. Tietjens was the'" Countess," &Moo "Susanna," while Carl Formes, w'ho seems to have returned to Ate operatic stage after his dramatic ventures, was the "Figaro." • —The following dialogue was recently heard in a street ear: First Young Lady—So- poor Susan is dead? Second Young Lady—Yes, poor thing. She su ff ered terribly, didn't she? And only' think, she- couldn't wear that beau tiful silk dress her mother gave.her, and it ha too short for her sister ! —Rare poetical genius is buried in the local columns of the Knoxville Whig. "At eleven o'clock last evening," the reporter says,"there flashed across the blue empyrean a meteor of dazzling bnllianey and splendor. It &wiled but a second, and, 'a thing of -beauty,' passed away into the mystery of the night." —Jerusalem arthe present day is one of the, last places for lite rary production. An unedited tale from, "The Thousand and One Nights" has, however, been printed there this year with a French translation by M. CharlesL: Ganneau. It is the Kistory of the Fisherman Caliph and of the Caliph Haroun al Rashid. —One of the leading merchants of Shang-, hai, China, is a live Yankee. He ships twice as much tea as any other firm in the country, attends two churches leads the, choir atone, is a treasurer of a missionary society, member of the Philharmonic Society, engineer of a tire, company, menabar of a regatta association, teacher in a Sunday school, assistant editor of a newspaper, member of the Asiatic Society; and a principal speaker at a debating club. . —Victor Hugo has written a new novel, en titled "The Crune of December 2 - „ 1851," for the manuscript of which IC Paul Afettrice'his paid hint forty thomand francs: Lacroix,Vin tor llugcers former publisher, declined Pur r:ha:Aug the work, which will first be pub lished in the columns of the Paris Rappel.. • - k; 1.~~-1. k. r', a'~ r.. ' S , r. ~ .•,_! , . , ,„.,.!•4:.?,...•..,..i.:=... , ,f 4 , ,..4... ; , ,......:;;,,,.,„,;4 :: ~,, , ,,.0.,-,4 4 . :,:i: r i.f.:.,1'14,1 'W.' 1 t 4 3 I tat d,