Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, November 25, 1869, Image 5

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Ou-ntA'cr.ous HonmehY Kx Frankfokd— A
/Woman Gagged and Tnu>, andthr JTocsk
RaNkvgkkd.— Bast ovening, about half-past
woven o'clock, the house of Thomas Adams,
located on i Foulkrod «t.reet, 1 in Frankford,;
■ w*h entofeAby two men, who bad their facuj*
bJackened. One of the follows got into the
and then went up stairs and opened the
"hack kitchen door for his comrade. Mr. Adams
Is the engineer of the, Decatur Btenro Fire
t Engine <k)hipa»wi ahtf wbs absent at the time.
, His eldest daughter was out on a visit, Mm,
1 Adams was in the sitting-room, engaged • in
• sewing. . Two young children were in bed in
g' one oftheVupper rooms. The mother of Jilrs.
?: Adam«, an elderly lady, Who has been an in
i', valid for years,- was in bed in a front room.
| The Villains seized Mrs. Adams, gagged her,
e and tied her hands. They then looked in the
% room where the old- lady was lying, and
* finding that she was incapable of intencring
l with tiieir doings, they did not molest her.
I: The sleeping-apartment of the children was
W next visited. The..children were asleep. A
/ heavy cane was put aerbss the little hoy, and
, it was probably the intention of tlie robbers to
3; iLse it upon him in ease an alarm was raised.
' • Everything now being in favorable condition,
tlm rascals proceeded to search tlie premises.
Every part of tho house appears-to have been
S visited. Carpets were tom up, beds and pil-
K lows wero ripped open, bandboxes were ,ex-
V;amined, and bureau drawers were emptied of
.-‘y tlieir Contents. The ransacking process- oc
cupied about an hour, and then the scoundrels
returned to tlio sitting-room, where Mrs.
Adams was lying, perfectly helpless, aud suffer
ing greatly from her outrageous treatment.
They had with them a five-shooter which had
been takon from an upper room, and was
then placed on a table besides Mrs. Adams.
Not yet satisfied with their villainous work,
one of tho robbers took a pair of scissors, and
deliberately cut off a considerable portion of
the hair of Mrs. Adams. They thou extin
guished tho lamps, untied Mrs. Adams, and
left the house. Nothing was taken except
$lOO in money,which the thieves found in ono
of the bureau drawers. This is said toho the
ninth time the houso has been entered, Mrs.
Adams maltreated,and the place robbed.
Gknekai. Synod of the Reformed
- Church of the United Statf.s.—This body,
s which commenced its session last evening, re
' assembled this morning in Christ Reformed
Church, Sixteenth and Green streets. It re
presents tho eccclesiastical body formerly
Known as the German Reformed,in distinction
to the Dutch Reformed Church, and repre
sents churches scattered over 21 States ot tho
Union. Its Confession’of Faith, the Heidel
berg Catechism, is tho same as .that used by
the Reformed D utcli Church in America.
This body has a membership of over 125,000
souls. There are over 200 delegates present.
This mornings session was Opened by the
President, Rev. Dr. Zacharias. Rcv.J. H.
Reiter, of Ainmesburg, Ohio, was elected
Clerk: ’ -' , .
Prayer was then offered, when the Synod
was called- to order and credentials presented
from,delegates from the following classes:
East Pennsylvania. Lebanon, Maryland, Vir
ginia, North Carolina, Mercersburg, Waslia
hoekeu, New York, Lancaster, East Susque
hanna* West Susquehanna*Baring, St. Pauls,
- Mercersburg, West New York, Ohio and, ad
jacent States. Wcstmorelaud, Tiffin, St.
John’s, Illinois, lowa, Eastern Ohio, North-
Wfcstern Synod, St. Joseph’s classifi. Georgia,
" Heidelberg, Milwaukee.
There being two sets of delegates from tlie
olassis of lowa, the President stated that un
dess some more light was thrown on tho mat
ter lie could not decide who of the delegates
had the fight to their seats.
A long discussion ensued, which was en
gaged in by sevoral delegates, the disposition
being shown on the part of some to throw the
matter into the bands of the Synod for-tlieir
-discussion. - ...
The President then stated that lie would be
compelled to decide that the matter winch bad
been under discussion must, be left to the de
cision of the permanent organization, .
Tho Synod then went into a nomination for
officers of tho permanent organization, when
the following persons were named for tlie
office of President: Rev. Dr. George Willard,
of Tiffin,. Ohio, and Rev. Dr. E. V. Gerhart,
.Professor of Theology in the Seminary at
Merccrsliurg, Pa.
Rev. J. O. Miller and Rev. Dr. Zahner wore
appointed tellers* who, after considerable de
lay, lamtounced as the .successful candidate
Rev. Dr. Gerhart. '
On taking his position, the newly-elected
President made a brief address, in which lie
alluded to the difficulty of the position to
which he had just been elected. The speaker
hoped that in view of the important ques
tions which would come under consideration,
lie would receive such aid from the Synod as
was required.
An adjournment then took place until three
o’clock. .
Invitations to Koi.bkrs.—lt Ls the duty;
of policemen to examine all doors to see that
they are properly fastened at night, and the
rettorts of the Lieutenants every morning
show that there are a great many careless
neople in the city. Sometimes the policemen
are very badlv treated for notifying occupants
of houses of their carelessness. Yesterday, in
West Philadelphia, a policeman woke up tho
owner of a house where a back door had keen
left wide open, and was met with the re
mark, “You , if you don’t go. away from
.there. I'll shoot you,” This morning, in the
Seventh District, the door of a provision store
was found open for the second time within a
few week.-. The policeman rapped, and the
ow ner stuck his head out of the window and
said: “If you come about here waking me up
again. I'lfcome down and put ahead on you. ’
Neatly all of the Lieutenants to-day re
ported houses found open during last night
The largest reports,, were as follows: First
District, 12; Fifth District, l;;-, Seventh Dis
trict, 10; ■Tenth District, 7, and Eleventh Dis
trict, 11.
PooxJii.ACKs ox a Sit.ei:.— -Lauers wine
house. No. 730 Sansom street, was entered
through a hack door, as is supposed, by boot
blacks, -at. an early hour this morning. Noth
ing appears to have been stolen, but the in
truders seem to have enjoyed themselves
pretty well for about an hour. Empty wiue
bottles and dirty beer glasses showed that the
drinkables bad not been used very sparingly,
awl dishes scattered about indicated that eat
ables had also been disposed of.
False Alarm. —An alarm of iire was
sounded about half-past, eight o’clock, last
evening, and the tiremen, with the usual noise
and confusion, rushed to Front and Race
streets. No tire could he. found, and it was as
eertained that a policeman had given the
alarm because, luesaw smoke coming out of a
building. The.snioke was caused by an indi
vidual eooking a sausage by holding it over a
House Robuehies.— A dwelling-house No.
735, blaster street, was entered through a
kitchen door, yesterday afternoon,-during the
absence of the occupants, and was robbed of
*3 and some jewelry.
The house of Charles Stoy, No. 210 Rich
mond street, was entered through a'back
window about eight, o’clock last evening, and
w as robbed of clothing valued at $2OO.
The dwelling of Frank Elliott, No. 1027
Wood street, was entered through the parlor
w indow on Tuesday night,and robbed of a set
of furtj valued at $75.
RickfocKETS at a Funeral.— During
funeral services at the burial ground of the
Haines Street SI. E. Church, in Germantown,
yesterday afternoon, four persons had their
pockota picked. ‘Thomas Mullen, who had
been acting in a suspicious manner, was
arrested, and will have a hearing at tho Cen
tral Station this afternoon. ”
Larceny or Tea. —John Smith and Aaron
Parker, colored, were arrested, last night, in
Gillis’s alley, Lombard street, above Fifth.
They had in their possession a chest of tea,
which had been stolen from the store of Mr.
J. Rentout, Seeoud street, above Chestnut.
The prisoners were locked up for a hearing at
the Central Station.
Boons Collector. —George Heirner, who is
alleged to have been engaged in collecting
money on behalf of the Soldiers’ Home with
om authority, was arrested last evening by
Lieut. Steinauor, of the Eighth District Po
lice, and will have a hearing at the Central
Station this afternoon, , '
ItonniNo a Fair.— Russel Howard was ar
rested last night upon tho charge of having
stolen $lB from the money-drawer of a tablo
at a lair. He was taken before Aid. Kerrgtnd
was held in .$l,OOO bail for trial.
The Payment or Tax es.—^ The receipts for
faxes at tho presout, time are rather light.
After the Ist prox, three per cent, will bo
added to tire unpaid taxes lor this yew.
The Homf.oi-athic Fair. I—Ohe 1 —Ohe of Lho,
handsomest fairs over given ls that,
now Hv progress in • llorUoUltural Hall. its
pitmoHO is toraiso inoimyonoughto but Id . u
mnmopatbic Hospital. The obVtslmukl.ro
commond tho enterprise to alNd, ■s&-? the
tudes of persons in Hits bit#
Homeopathic school of mcdlduo; but tho fair
D entirely worthy of the snpport encour
agement of all classes. In tup ..fltw ]}Mgg b tge
immense hull is decorated in a very .beautiful
nannerf so that an evening fan he passed
verv ldeasantly prpmonadifig the aisles, look
iiie at the very handsome display, and listen
i I to the delicious musffi of Gari
Uimfz’s orchestra, . which , is liard at
S- iii . the gallery.. Tliose .who
desire to spend money will And upon the
tables multitudes of articles to suit their tastos
and their purses. It would bo very much
easier to print a list of \fchat there is not than
of what there is. *if any kind of a flinoy ar
ticle exists upon this terrestrial globo witUaut
a representative in that fair, we should like to
hear about it. Bue.li a thing does not soom
possible. Besides these theve Is an enormous
Stock of useful things of all kinds and varie
ties. and wo'know that tlie goods, of whatever
kind they- may be, are offered at prices which
would drive ordinary dealers in such
tilings to bankruptcy, and set .thorn
to weeping and tearing their- hair. ‘A-hd the
good thing about it all is, that the stock does
not seem to decrease despite tho rapid sales,
This fair is very much like the conjurors in
exhaustible bottle, or the widows unfailing
barrel of meal—tlie more you tako out ot.lt
tlie more there is left. Tlie fact is, that even
this great hall is not large enough to uontaiu
the goods that have been contributed to the
fair by generous hands, and so, tboso who
visit the show Jato in the period of its jbrmf
existence need not expect that they will
have mere leavings to choose from. , The
display upon the last day avlll bo as buo
as upon the first, ana it is expected that the.
fair will close in a blaze of glory, with mouev
enough to erect'the necessary buildings and
goods enough to have a second faint it should
be necessary to hold one. But that tho onttro
stock may he disposed of at once, we recom
mend those whp want anything smaller than
a brick house to atttend the fair and procure
it at once. We had almost forgotten to say
that there is an excellent restaurant in the
hall, where the hungry- can he satisfied for a
small price with anything to their taste.
A New Banking House,-Wm.E. Thomp
son, late Register of DeMsits at the United
States Mint, and 8. A. Richards, late of the
firm of It. 11. Jamison & Co., bankers, have
formed a copartnership for the purpose ot
doing a general bankiug, stock and brokage
business, at 33 South, Third street. They are
gentlemen of well-known character.
Postal TEnEOßAPH.*— Garden^/G. Hub
bard, Esq., of Boston, will deliver a lecture on
o T»nstai Telegraph the t-'Oni-
. 2|oard of. Trade Asso
ciations this evening, at the Board of Trade
rooms, No. 500 Chestnut street.
Unsurpassed for Beauty ani> 1* it
ore the
New Style
English Paletot Overcoat*
• of ’
, , Carre-Finished Melton.
Made by
CnAULKR Stokks,
N 0 .824 Chestnut Street.
Bvunktt’s reputation is a sufticient guar
anty of the excellence of all hi* preparations.— Lotion
Clocks. —Immense stock and variety at the.
Groat American and Foreign Clock Marehouso-of
S. No. 627 Market street. TamlK^
■ , Clock Agency.
OOT.D /WEATHER lloeS Hot chap 0T TOUghon
Wright u f Alcoimtcd Glycerine Tablet of Solidified
Glycerin*. • - ~ '
Its daily tipginakosthe skin delicately &"oftnnd weauti
ful. Sol/by all druggist.
Firs! Frits!! Furs!!!
- Best and largest stork
in tlu> city.
at Oakfords’, K!4 and S3G Chestnut street.
Holt’s Patent Wheel. '
Wm. F 4 Scheiber. Sole Agent, Np. 49 Soctii Third
STRiiKT) Philadelphia.
This machine is designed to supersede the use of sten
cil plates on cases, wrapping-paper, cloth or paper bags.
The typo boing made ol rubber, it will print on any
level surface.
It is self-inking. It is simple, durable, and always
ready for uso. '
Exquisite New Fall Connections,
Manufactured by Whitman & Co., 318 Chestnut street
Retailers supplied at tho lowest wholesale prices.
Gents} prepare for colder weather
by purchasing one of those
Fine Mufflers! Fine Mufflers!
, Sold at Oakfohds\ under tho Continental.
Corns, Bunions, Inverted Nails, skillfully
treated by Dr. J. Davidson, No. SIS Chestnut street.
Charges moderate.
Judicious Mothers and nurses use tor
children a safe and pleasant medicine in Bowtr s Infant
Cordial .
Bubgical Instruments and druggists’ sun
<Jrl*9, Bsowdbn & Bkothkb,
23 South Eighth street.
Mink, Sable, and all the best and most
beautiful styles of Kara can be had at
under the Continental.
Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh.
J. Isaacs, M.D., Professor or the Eye and Ear, treats
ail diseases appertaining to the above members with the
utmost saccess. Testimonials from the tnost reliable
sources in the city can ho aeon at his office. No. 805 Arch
street. The medical faculty are invited to accompany
their patients, as ha haa no secrets in his practice. Arti
ficial eve* inaßT»<*L No charge made foreitftmination__
/"ihoiclTgoods at low prices.
\j SIRS. M. A. BINDER, _ .
Correspondence with the leading Parisian and Conti
nental Houses enables her to receive the latest noveltioa
opening daily in Black Guipure Laces, Black
Thread Laces, Pointe Applique Laces, Valenciennes
Laces, Pointe Collars, Thread Collars, Lace \eils, Point©
Applique aDd Valenciennes lldkfs., I ranch Madia.
Hamburg Edgings and Insertions, new designs, very
C *AU*ar Laces, all widths. Bridal Veils and Wreaths.
Hid Gloves, 75 centß and Of) per pair.
Winter Coat&jCloaks and Dresses. ..
Also, elegant Trimmings, Velvets, Flowers, Bibbons,
attention given to Dress and Cloak Making.
Satisfactory system of Dress Cutting taught. Sets of
choice Patterns for Merchants and Dress Makers now
ready at reduced prices. Boman Ties and Bashes,
Paris Jewelry, newest styles of Jet, Gold imd Bhell,
the rarest and most elegant ever offered. Hair Bands,
Slippers, Cushions and Brackets. Corsets and
Hoop Shirts. - _ _ myls_tfrp_
SEWING jttACHlN3fes;
- t>
W KJIEELEa t K|lLSßli’S JJ|£
Sewing Machines,
Easy Payments,
914 Chestnut Street.
jc26 a tu th lyrp
&reat Reduction in Prices.
500 dozen Feathers
Just Opened.
Ostrich Tips.
Long Ostrich
Plume de Cock,
India Pheasants,
Willow Feathers,.
‘Colored Birds.
Bicliest Assortment of
French Flowers
Ever Opened. ■
KENNEDY, 729 (5
. se29 3aup
the safe deposit COMPANY
Nos. 820 and 831 Chestnut Street.
Tho Company have provided, in their new Building
and Vaults, absolute security, against loss by FIRE*
Upon the following rates for one year orloss period:
Government and all other Coupon Se
curities, or those transterable by do— y ■
livery..... .... ..............00per $l,OOO
Government unu all other Securities
registered and negotiable only by in
rinrflcmeut. * . 60 per SI>UW
Gold Coin or Bullion •••■§ 1 23 per SI.JXJO
Silver Coin or Bullion i@2 00 per @l,OOO
Silver or Gold Plate, under seal, on own
er’s estimate o, value, and rate subject _■
to adjustment for bulk : § 1 00 per @liw
Jewelry, Biumonds, 4c. ..,82 60 per -91,000
Deeds. Mortgages and Valuable Papers genorully, when
of no fixed valuo, SI it year each, or according to bulk.
These latter, when deposited in 1m boxes, are charged
according to bulk, upon a basis of Vi feot cubic capa
city, @lO a year,
While Felt flats.
Colored Felt lists.
Silk Velvet Hats:
J Boman Sashes
Very Cheap,
Bonnet Blbbona.
Satins and Velvets
Cut Bias.
Real Laces,
Guiparo Laces,
Steel Buckles,
■ Jot Ornaments.
I7 r ~ rr * ifisCSIXANBOWb.
New Fire and Burglar-Proof Building,
r . - . fi11,000,000
N,B. Browne. Edward W.Clarlt,
ClnrcncoH. Clark, Alexanctor lionry,
John Welsh, Stolihen A. Caldwell,
Charles Slaciiloiter, George F. Tyler,
Henl-y C. Gibson., .
President—N. JL BROWNE. - r
Viet' President—CLAßENCE H, CLARK.
Secretary and Treasurer—ROßEßT PATTERSON.
Assistant W, HAZLEHUBST. N
Coupons and Interest will be collected when desired, and
remittedto the owners, for one per cent.
The Company offer for lessee exclusively
At rates varying irorn $l6 to $76 each'per annum, ac
cording to size. .
Deposits of money received, on which interest will he
allowed 3 per cent, on Call deposits, payable by
, Check at sight, and 4 per cent, on Time de
posits, payable on tendnys notice.
Tnivelers’Letters of Credit furnished, available in all
parts of Europe.
This Company'is also authorized to act as Executors,
Administrators anil Gnnrdians, to receive and execute
Trusts of evfrry description from the Courta, corpora
tions or individuals
Secretary mid Treasurer,
jio24'W th f 2m §
P.J. HASSARD & 00.,
Wo. 630 Chestnut Street,
Superlative Excellence and absolute Purity character
ize all PrnEß, Chemicals aud Compounds dispensed by
this Establishment, whose attractive Cases. display a
sele ct and varied assortment of Useful, Fancy and Mis
cellaneous Articles, and whose Stock comprises the
choicest Wares, Wines and Cordinls for Medicinal use.
Messrs. HASSARD & CO. fabricate Standard Specifics,
Exquisite Perfumes anil Beautifying Cosmetics from
their own Original Formulre; their Preparations are
Elaborated with Artistic Skill, Critical Exactitude and
Expert Manipulation,and are endorsed and administered
by the most Eminent Physicians.
noKUnirpS ;
■ From the Celebrated Manufacturers,
Mitchell, Vance & Co., New York, and
Tucker Munufacturing Co., Boston.
And every Tariety of
From oar own Manufactory, Camden,
Hew Jersey.
Qoulter, Jones & Qo.
Nos. 1301 and 1303 MARKET STREET.
ocSO-h tu th 3mrp§ __ •
N. W. cor. Fourth and Chestnut,
(Second story, Entrance on FOURTH Street.)
Patents procured for inventions, and all business per
taining to the same promptly transacted. Call or send
. for circular on; Patents. Offices open until 8, l c o'clopk
every evening. mh2o-s tu th lygps
Elegant Brown-Stone Besidenco, threo stories and
Mansard roof; very commodious, furnished with every
modern convenience, and built in a very superior and
snbstamlaimanner. Lot 26 feet front by 150 feet deep t«
Cuthbort street, on which is erected a handaomo bricß
Stable and Coach House.
se2o tfrp
No, 23 N .WATEB tree, and 23 N.DELAWARE avenus
133 Bontb Tiilrl«enth Street.
tl Ale for Invalids .family use, &c.
The subscriber is now furnished with hie fall Winter
■apply of his highly nutritious end well-known bevor
ago. Its wldo-spre&dj and increasing use, by order of
physicians, for invalids, use of famines, Ac.,commend It
to the attention of tail consumers-Who want a strictly
pnrO article; prepared,from tho best materials, and, pot
op in the most careful manner for homo übo or transpor
tation. Orders by ma« or otherwise supplied,
N0.'220 Pear street.,
deT below Third and Walnut atroo
JL corner Third and Bprnce stroets, only , one, sanare
below tho Exchange. tguftfiOl to lean, in farge or small
amounts,on diamonds, eihrer piato, watches, jowolry,
and all (mods of value. ..Office hours from 8 A. M, to 7
P. M. *6- Established for the last forty years. Ad
vances made In large .amounts at the loweßt market
ratee.. -■ lafltfcp
733 WALNDT Street,
A. K. & F, I. WOMRATH,
No. 1212 Chestnut Street,
(Late etandtlf AROBTStroet,)
Children's Sets off Fnrsot#s.
Itadles’ Siberian Squirrel Sets,
MttifcSable “ »IO -7 .
•»•••••» l * •
“ . Stone Marten “ ,<SO : ..,.. .<:
Boy'al Itrimub ... <W*i .
“ JiadsoußaySable g-w 0.,.
“ BuMlan Sable “SIBO
English RldlUff Boas, SkaUrtß-Mufft.it &*>.,
Fur Glove*, Foot Mufft, Lap Blankets
A groat variety of
Carriage And Sleigh' Robes.
A. K. & F. K- WOMRATH.
No. 1213 Chestnut Street,
no 4 th sjn 3mrp§ ■
Tho Butscriber Having made tho above artioloe ft
SPECIALTY In Ids bueinoss.hnß proponed a large aaaort*
ment in different styles at biß Store,
No. 189 North Third Street, Philada.
Established 44 years ago.
qc2b tuthSmrpg:. v
• - . - Importers and Bfctatlera of
Of every description
In original and exclusive pattern.
1,000 Pieces Brussels,
Of the best English manufacture, of new and novel
styles, many of them designed expressly for us.
1,000 Pieces Crossley Tapestries
All the ncweststylcs,
Carpeting and Oil Cloth Warehouse,
Wo. 509 Chestnut Street, FbUa.,
Opposite Independence Ball
e«7 tu th a Sm rp§
Venetians, Druggets, Oil Cloths, &c.
te22Smrpfr _
J.E.C aldwell& C°*
abf. opiamrG
4' • '
European Novelties,
A large selection pf Finest Wares, all of Neiee si
Designs and Latest Production.
oc2l th b tu tfrpii • '
Adam stein metz, .
persona from the Country
, wonld do' weUt<> .
, - Phasing
aeOth ntnfimrpS , 1 ELBEWHEBE
Katatoof Frederick Juppenlatz, deceased.—James
A <*rc«naii', Auctioneer. Old -Irredeemable. Silver
; Ground Kent, $72 ,25 per annum.-Under authority con
• tailed in the will of the late Frederick Juppenlatz, de
ceased, on Wednesday, December Ifitli, 1809, at 13o’clock,
-noon, win be sold at public sale , without rcaorvg, at the
Philadelphia Exchange, the following described real
‘estate, -viz.: A certain yearly ground rontof 873 20, law
ful silvor money of the uplted States, payable holf-yoarly
in the first day of the months of January and July, is
suing out of a lot of ground, with the improvements
thereon erected*'situate on the west side of Pelaware
Fifth street, 03 feetSlnohes northward from the north
west corner of Fifth and Noble streets (Northern Liber
tlesof tho city of Philadelphia); containing in front or
breadth on Fifth street 17 feet, and In dopth w estward 00
e fi9 r ®loo to he paid at the timo of sale.
, J. AUSTIN SPENCER, Admr. d.h.n. c.t.a.
; . ' JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctloiieer;
no2flde39 Store,422 Walnut street.
Wffiit'than* Auctioneer.—Modorn Dwelling, . Thirty
neverith street, south of Walhnt.—On Wednesday.‘De
cember 16th, 1860, at 12 O/Clock, noon,, will .be'sold at
uiiblit: salo, r uf tile Phiiadolphia’EncminEfi, thofollowing
described W*! estate, viz.; /Ail thatfcertain.nqst ithree
stoi y brick and rough cast dwelling, with theiwq-storv
hack hul’dings and the lot of ground.situate on the oast
side oi Thlrty-soventh street at the; distance of 125 foet
northward bfl/Oeuststroot, in the Twenty-/e,vpntU Ward
of thd city; containing in frpiit 2* feet, and in' ddbtb 100
■feet v fSaAOOtQl'omuiu cm mortgage. itametUafcbps
session; 'Keys üb: Combs. & Sack’s, Lumber. Yard,
Thirtieth street* bolow Market street., $lOO ,to. ho paid
at the time 6f ““'jajjeS A. FKEEMAN, Auctioneer,'
Store,433 WBlnut street. .
'4m “
Ha lata, Operators ifnrt Mnnufacturore.— jamo<,A.
Frwmfln, Auctioneer.— Tmroß iot ok 1 ;
OilcßcH 'BrawcH, Eighth abovb Houle , £,«» Nobj-J
below Eioiitii iTUBKTu. TUoProßerly of theSocona i
Untverpalists' Qtmroh. •
I<o fwt. I
:q5 '
<K J
*1 .0/
* a
i i.
'-S* : @l.
' ' ■ ; Noble street. , . .
On Wednesday, December is* 1M», at 12 o'clock .noon,
will be sold at public cmle.nt thaHhlliulelphla Exchange,
tbc followlnKvalubblo real estate,vk.; All that property
tdtuateon the east Sido of Eighth strootiln the Thirteenth f l
Ward of tlm city, TOTiietfrput on JKlghth street.and ltd
foot deep on the north lino, andWfeet doop on till) south ,
line: asb Also.tho lot of mound on the north side or
Moblo street 7# feet <k ipcho* east of Eighth street, 60
feOt Inches fMnt.’Min 20 fflet 1 Inch deopto tl»o former
lot on the west sidot and 29 foi-tll# Inches' on the cast
above is ttvfrt) valuable piertaf, property. with
two front*, in'a rapidivjttivrpmns, section of ;t!u city. •
Eighth Street, Unit’ narrowed at rnte, street, trill be
widened as improvements tire extended, as the Idm vom
vels all new building* to recede, and the new. stares but t
south of this staiare are so located. On the tot t* a sub
stantial building, long used-as a church,uihtckiMstot
targe exptnse, can be altered, into a manufactory, .tor
mhirh if is well atlapted. harwg fine light, or , for a
public building of any sort.' There atentso substantial
buildings fronting on Noble street v *ST Survey at the
Store. Subject to two UromjS Bojjjgt dmounting toge
ther to 8310 per iinnnm. IK? Term* easy. ,Bmto be
nnid when the property Is struck ofT. • „ , .
c order 'of Trustees 'of tho Second Unlvcrsalists
Clmrch. • JAMES A- FBEEStAN,_Awctloneer.
no2sde2 0 No. 422 Walnut streot.
Estate of John Kdcbllne, docoMed.-Jamei. A.
tieemao, Auctionocr.— I)w<>Jling9 ? ;Nob. 114, 4W, 1W
Dana Street. <Danastrcot connects front mid Hocond
stroota, abovo Noble strict.) _Uittider authority con
tained In tliu will of the Into John harhhne. deceased,
tin Wrdneedny,l)ecpmlier IMh,IBJ9. at 13 o dock, noon,
will bo Bold at public itale, at the Philadelphia hx.
rhunge, th« following described reall entnto: No, I,—All
tliul certain two and it fialfstory brick; dwelling,No. 118
Dona street, containing in fronton add Dona street l«
jl'i inches, and including half of a 2 tmt f> Indies wide
alloy on the cast, and extending In depth 78 feet
inches, thenwe,tw*rd7BfoctSlnchee, then northward
iiti loot 2 inches, then eastward 6!> feet 6 luqlios, then
northwartl 85 foot Vi Inches toPana street afore* ltd.
No. 2.—A1l that certain two and a half story brick dwel
ling No. )1U Dana etreet, containing in front tmsaid Cana
street 10 fr et 571, indies, and including the half of a 2 tact
S,| , inches wide alley on the west.and extending (n depth
70feet IOK inches on the east lino, and W-fent »< luchee
on the west line, with the privilege of said alley.
No. .I.—AH that certain 2. l »-story brick dwelling No.
Jl4 liana etreut, containing in front _on said Dina street
16 led UK indies, including the half 0fa,234
alley on tlio east, and in depth on the oast line TB feet 031
indiesandupon the west tins 70 feet W 3. Inches, with
'the privilege of Hfiid ftlh>?. ; a
tQTTho above will be Bold according to a survey and
plan by the City Burveyor♦which maybe examined at
t^£^‘ l Clear incumbrnnce. cash upon
tb^xecutiononhedrH.d., i u
* t \V C H°KKICJIIiINK 1 Admiulstrator. d. b. n.c. t. a.
" JAMKS A'. FKEKMAN, Auctioneer,
no2sde2 9 , bt0r8.422, Vralnutetrcett.
■Ha . of John l*artt viclni t dect*iw<i Vft! uable Property,
and Dwelling*. 1010 and WW Sanfoni* etreet, Lot
3M>> IO7J* to Mcdlcaftftrwt. authority ofJho Or
phantr (’ourt for tho Git? and bounty <>r JfltiladelphW
Sri Wodneedayi December' 35, 18#, ht 12 o clock, noon,
•will h* m>l<l ftt public sal**, at the Philadelphia Ry
chawc*. the folJowinjs-dwcribed: Teal naute, late tiie
property of tfohn ilecraiwd : Jio. 1. All that
certain lot of ground ultli tho building Uirfrepu eiwted,
situate on tbohouth aide of Georgo strict (No. be
tween Tenth and Eleventh streets* in tho Eightlr w anl
of the city : containing in front on George street Is f<et,
and in depth 107 fact 6 inches id Medical street.
Oil the abort hi art tutted a :t-story brtel hotel oa
San torn strut* in the rear.of *e hick is a one story summer
bar-room trhith runouts with the Sansotn tltrtt-V'optrty •
and a 5-story brick house on Mutual strut {vtuinfr -'•
■ MUM, iSrsiibjAct ton yearly ground rent of
ftiinmn and a mortgage of 6'LOOO. .
No —All that certain lot of ground with the Improve
id exits thereon erected, situate on the south aid* of han
som street, (No. 1012), between Tenth «nd Eleventh
Htreet-H, in tho Eighth Ward of iho city : containing in
front on Hansom street- 17 feet* and in depth 107 fcetS
inoiies io Medical etreet. . ■ ,
ftjr T;ie irnproltrntuls consul of a lore. femr-ttoro
brick tiltssttasrfcontinf on Sansaitt street* if'!’,: /i'-J oc.-y
back tuihHntisttomtrtin* w>lh a three story brick dirclt
it,e frnitinun Medical street, t [so im.)
tfje- f»£00 to be paid St time of sale- „
It, the Court, JOSEPH MKCABI .ClerkH.C. '
Ilyinexour KOKINA OEKLACU, Administratrix.
JANES A- EBEEMAN, Anctiopeer,
noffi-deSS Store. M 2 tt alnut street. _
of Benjamin Bcddow, deceased'.—James A. I r»e-
USE, Auctioneer—Hotel *ntJ.,l>w;llin*, N. JV . corner
Sixth and Dauphin streets. Under aultiarity of the
Orphans’ Court for the City andt nuniy of Philadelphia.
■on Wednesday. Pec. 15,3*69; at 120 clock, noon, wlllbe
sold at public sale, without reserve, at tho Philadel
phia Exchange, the following described real estate, late
tho property of JUnjumin tifrirfow* tU«c# ».»*«» ’.*“;* :*
certain lot at ground, with tho three-story brick mes
*suago with back buildings thereon, erected. situate on
tlip northwest corner of Si*th and Dauphin streets, io
the Nineteenth Warded the City ;containing in front on
liaupbin street 12 fret Sj i inches, and in depth north
ward of that width along Sixth street 6f feet to a 3 feet
wide alley leading eas.ward into Sixth street; hounded
northward by the said 3 feet wide alley, southward l>>-
liaupbin street, westward by other ground now or late
of Adam Steiumets and Charles A. Doerr, and eastward
by Sixth street; being the same premise* which Adam
Kiel rune* z and wire and diaries A. IJoerr .by Indenture
beating date the >st day of Noxember. A.IKi, re
corded in Deed Book .1- T. 0.. No. 03. page MS. granted
and conveyed unto the said Benjamin Bedduwin fee
simple. Under and subject to a certain mortgage drM
Nl.a’U With the free use and privilege of the said 3 feet
wide alley. The fixtures of the bar-room are included
'°lt9'"B2M> to bo paid at tim» of eale. #t/"Sale per
*“p,"riV the Court, JOSEPH MKOAlty,Clerk O.C.
y JOSEPH W. BBDDOW, Adtß or.
JAMES A. FBEKMAN. Auctioneer.
noSS del# Store.<22 Walnut street.
of Catherine yoUar,dccea»cJ-Jain<-e A. freeman,
Auctioneer .-Vi acres, Main etrect.Oennautown, rpm
filte the seven mile rtone. Under the Authority of the
Orphans' Court for the Citv end County of Philadelphia,
ou Wednesday, December 15, M69* ftt 12 p clock, .noon,
will bp eold at public sale, at thePDiladelphja Exchange,
the following described real estate, late the property of
Catherine Foliar, deceased; all that certain lot of
ground with the building thereon erected t situate ju the
Twenty-second Ward of the city, near the Mt. Airy and
Mt. Pleaeant Stations, on the Germantown and Uhestiiut
Hill Railroad. -Beginninghy^hoside of Cennantovrn
Main street, at ft corner of other lauds lato Benjamin
Goraas. thence by the tono south 40 dt‘g.4smin. west
415 perches to a stone set for acerner, thence by land
Ute of Abraham Kir per, south 49 deg/ 15 min. east 5
perches to another stone set for a.corwT, thence b>
laud late of Frederick Sindh, north 41 deg. east 33.9
perche* to a corner, by the fide of Main etroet, tlionco
alone Main street north.TO deg. west 5 wet and
;; inches to the place of beginning. ( ontamlng * +■ *jr«
and 8 perches of land, bo the same more or less within
eaUl limits.
of Incumbrance. .
9jT 8100 to bo paid nt the tune of sule.
By the Conrt. JOSEPH MEGABi. fdwrk O. t.
SAMUEL F.SMITIT. Administrator, d.t>. n. c. t a.
JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer,
u025de29 Btore t 42BWalnut j»trcwit.__
lachrisllfinna Lipscy,ileccftscd.-Jamcs A lreemsn.
Auctioneer Under authority contained in two aj illl of
the lute Chrletiauua deceased, on ..; v £ d “ w r 1 3 *:
December 15, 1860, at 12 uoou, will bo *«ld »t
public sale, at the Philadelphia Kxchango ,t he to* ow i IUS
<ii*«rrlh('(i real estate* vlx, : No. 1. Uusfnrßji Location--
Three-Htory Brick Dwelling, No. 1298 E iue Vhat
three-story Brick House on Kemblo
certain lot of ground situate on tlio •oatMH/ twelfth
*treet.-?tt the dlatanco.of Tfi feet westward of lwcittn
street,in the Seventh Ward of the city JJ
front on Pine street 19 feet, and in depth 90 w t.to Kern
On //itf (ibr.i'r lot an r ruled a three stotybrirk dwell-,
hia fronting ini Vint street, with bunmeiif and
a thm -stoni hrirh honse J routing on Kemuh strut.
Kemble street. All that
certain lot of ground with thejwo-sUjry brick stable and
shedding thereon erected, situate on the south hide of
M S« rMt at thodiitunre of CO foot 0 iuehoe west of
Twelfth street 1 - in the Soveiith Ward of the cityi contain
ing in fronton Kemble street W feet awl m depth *5 fed.
paK each at the
JAMES A. FKEEMAN. Auctioneer,
*• Store, 422 Walnut street.
n 025 de29.
nf Piitrick McNally, deceased.—.latnea A. Fret**
Auctioneer. Three-story Wrick Hotel unci Dwel*
“h“«f»,loutliwciit corner■ Twenty-third nail Spring Giir
.fenatxDOtiu -Un«W aitthorilsof.the Orphan.* Conyt tor.
tl“ City nha County of Philadelphia, on Wednesday,
TWember 15,1869. at 12 o’clock, noon, will bo sold ut
public pule, at the’ Philadelphia Eitthange, the fotlnw
lowirirdescribed reul estate. iut« the prupcrt> of Patrick.
McNally* deceased : All that lot or piece of ground
with tbo large 3-story brick hotel and dwelling thereon
erected, situate on the southwest corner of Spring Gar
den iiiul Twenty-third streets, in the kiftoentn Ward oT
the city ; containing in front on Twenty-third street W
feet , and in depth along Spring Garden street 80 teettoa
*>Q feet wide street, called McNally street.
' fly GlAirof all incumbrance.
: ffyv>n the above tot are. ererie / a tarze ana substantially
built three-story prewd.,brisk hotel and dwelling at the
corner of Twcntu-thirdstfeety hnd a~ genteel three-story
brick dwelling. No. 2304 Sprint Garden street.
.«ico to be paid at the Uinaof sale..
- J^^Ooun/JOSEra^Ml[fi^Uu^C;
ass ' vSAfcJ&HTAMiES sA.
WA JID —On Wednesday, Doc, lath, 1889, atl2 o clock,
noon, will bo sold at public Bale, at the Philadelphia
Exchange, tho following described teal estate, viz,:—
All that genteel three story brick dwclling-houße and
the lot of ground on whichi it 1b erected, situate on the
e!i«t side of Third street, 130 feet uorthof Norria Btreet,
fn the NinetceOth Ward of the city, 16! feet front, and 66
feet doep to* a 4 feet alley, of which it ha» tho privilege.
House it trell built l has 9 roortis; is nuderrlraintd; qas;
hot and coldbaih.i, and Koad'yard._ n
v a&r Subject to n mortgage of tuny be examined
anytime.. ~ . - .. , - . ; ,
. le-Salo peremptory. . ,;.v;
iJJOO to be P a J.g a* piiKPiMAN .Auctioneer,
iK>2.liit-'i9' ‘_ StoretißvValnutstreet,
Bililncreomnii. Auctioneer Bent, $B6 per an
imm —Oh Wednesday; December Ist; 1869, at 12 o'clock,
noon, will be sold at pnblic sale, without rcaervm at tho
Philadelphia Exchange, the following described real
estate, viz, i—Alt that certain yearly rent charge o,f ,885,
navabio half-yearly, out ot lot of ground on the north
side of Ellsworth street,; 96 feet West of. Twenty-first
street;* feet front and 06 feet deop toAtlnm street Du
.the, lot isagenteel three-story brick dwelling with back
kitchen, anTl will rent for 8300 a year.
USTHalopbrwß^tbryr'.;■' *» • ■■■ ,
MSaT" SlOO to bo pnM.at tho ttinoTjffiule.., ~ ,
rat iSiev JAMIcS A/ I'llEEMAN, iAuitJopeer, j
■ Store
mu VtKVII ft NH > ( T( mm’BAI/E.—KBTATiI
p3.of Caroline McWanijlM’d.—J«me» A. Freonso,
Bcrlbcd’BSalEstnte, fato the property at Capita# Me
•if an. deceased {. No * l.sThr oc-atory .brick Honae, Vln».
ing piacefrear of 1 tfa.itail Catharine etrootk Xll that
certain three-story,brick .messuage pad lot of ground,
situate ,',n the west side of a certain (T feet Wide alloy
leading intoapd from,Uatlwr|n£At*B*t>
distance or SO fret eastward of Third etruet,beginning at
the dleUnoe of j« feet northward of, «atharßa> Jtreot,
now called Fining Place, Inthe Third Ward of the city ;
containing In froSt oJliVlnlng Place 14 footi mow or leee,
Spelling, tf* in South
: Third etreet. All that certain twoand a half etnry brick
messuage and the lot of ground, sltnitto on the east sido
of Third street, at the dlitadoe of 83foot northward from
Calhorimi streot, in tn» Third Word of. the city,; eon
tabling In front op Third etreet ,18 foot, and In depth
eastward » foot 0 ine hoe iwbli the privilege nfjjsy foot
wide alley leading Into Catherine street, (Qfl Clear of
* U ffo™3.—Two-story Frame Hbuaa.Ho. M 3 GaeitllUireet.
All that certain lot of gronod, w(th the two.etory,frame
incsauaga thoreoh tree tod, hituale un the north, aide of
tiaekill street, at the distance of about tßk feet from the
west side of Second .street,. In • the 1 Ifth .Ward of,the
city; containing In front on CypsWll etrept 10 foot, and la
' dfpfti Effect. "W* Huhjcotto aground rent of Qii per
*lrlrTtlOO fo he paid on eacli at the tlnie of Bale,
llvthoConrt. 9 JOHKPH MKOABF.CIerkO.C.
- “* V BAMCJOCFkOOIJ. Admlniatrator.
JAtlKh A'. FBMSMAN,, Auctioneer,
no7#d*29 • _ Btnrfe.Eß Walnut street.
i dpi "" HEAL EHTATIfi—JAMMB ArFßiili-
JBliL inan, Auctioneer* Oil Wedn«adfty f 'DecomVer 15,
i Ihfi9, ut 12 o'clock, noon, >yl Ibeflold at public sole* at tho
1 Flillodelpbla K.xjjlmime, Iho follow ng UowribiHl real
! **tato,viz.: N0.1.~ Large Jlrbdi building, N. K.corner
Jeffcreon and Stillman utrrctA, Twentieth M>rd. All
that ffrlaln lot, of ground* with; , thy
5 lor«e building. nullable, lor a inauiifftctory,
tlicreroii-- elected. -.MittM* oht • ..the 'N.,. K.
> corner of .Tefterenn und HtHlmnu .ptrwd#, m tlieTwen
: tietb Word of iho city ;&2 f<*et 9 inchc* front on .Joffcnkm
Btroe tvand Si fett 0 Inche* nloua Hf Mlmim Ktre?it,i»cludlntf
, f»3 feet hIIi-v running i netw'ard from HtiJlimih tttroet, ol
which it hap tba privilege, t
The obore property t* writ *mtti fora tnnnitfd'tOTi/*
haiiitKO iatae builatnut a stnb.'r, with snttts for i horses*
erected upon and bemtm turner tot } unrounded by a
svbMantuilUnee* ...
No. 2.—Three iiwellhig*, No. Hlft tihippen atreet. All
that lot of «rountlt with tho IhutMlwelliiJj;* thereon, un
the eolith Hide of Shipper* stmd, west of Lloyd street.
No. 1418,16 f«d front and 76 teot deep to a o feet alley
leading to Lloyd street IfcTHuhjwt to $33 ground,rent ,
clear of all taxes. Half of tliopurtlme money may re
nu'hi on each property If desired.
*7**loo to hr paid ut the time of sale.
JAMEs A. FREEMAN', Auctioneer,
i»g2?«U‘2 'J Store, 422 Walnut atroet.
Etta of Klizabeib titrown,deceiomd—Jomea A. Freeman,
Auctioneer.—Under authority of th»» for
the City And County of FMhidelphla, on Wedneaday,
I>c<emtcrls»lW9,flt 12o'clock, noon, will bo.sold at
puhlicfale, at the Philadelphia Kxchanfire, (lie following'
described real dale, lho property of K lzahtii
Niri mn,dfs-ea»ed : No. 1. Three story brick house, Ho.
444 East Thompson street, Eighteenth Ward. All that
certain lot of ground with thtitliroostory brick mewuage
thereon erected, eltuate on the sputheaalerly side of
Thompson street, at the distance of Ml feet northeaet of
.Hanover street, In the Eighteenth Ward of the city, con
taining in front on Thompson street 13 fret 4 Inches, and
indepfliMßOt. aST Clear of incumbrance. :
No 2—Three story brick house, 44S East Thompson
Street. All Ihat certain lot of ground with the tlirw
story brick mCsauage thcroon erceled. situate on the
southeasterly side of Thompson streei ,ut the distance, of
.176feet4,inrhea northeastwanlJy of Hanover street, in
1 the Eighteenth Ward of tbeefty, conl.ilnlngiu front oa
Thompson street 13 feel 1 Inches, and In depth SO feet,
qjeckarol lucumhraoce. ". . , ,
OaTSIOOIo b« paid nnenehat limsijrsale,
By the Court, JOhKI'II MKUAHV. Clerk O.C. -
" ' EDWAim PUICKKTT, Executor.
JAMES A. FKKEJfAN. Aue.lion~;r.
no2Sde39 Jfb>re, 4SS Walnut street.
yg HhindW*r<dmaw‘<J,--*J»iotJ*» A. yrwtiuu,
Anrtion^r.--Modern Four Ilrick Kesidimro, N".
ill Vio* tdrw*.. On W«lnvfula> , pecfw*Hfr.lstUhS»«ttt 12
o*rlork,n<><>n, will be sold At public waks at the Fliil*-
tlfdpWa the following described real estate,
vir.: All that certain four story brick ami th*
lot of ground, situate <m the north sw© of Vino afreet
<lio. 811 j; between Xew Market and Front street*; \u
thi- Eleventh Ward of IheciU ; containing in Front on
; Y»n(* *iir**t. tf feet-I including the tnokty of *
3 feet wWf aJlejr*<jxt«id|o» VJfeet Irojn Vine smart, and
in depth H fret.
h object to a ground rent of 5-12 Jauful silver
n^HipTlU nbar* «»« nmttd fout-\tKt) i-rirt dirtltini tri'h
hro-itcry t/ritl had bi ildinct, bar .><•/«>» rarlar, rfiftifl
tin,Hi fllldiitrhn m 'firajuar', Mtttblr maatUt, ttai.nui
find raid vrtdtr, fnitratn imhinau, Jho h‘„ur m
ifiAtnt:•r&ftyt funuio in c*it/tf;jiax pnvt.Mmt* ft.
*jr Sale absolute. .
tfjT to t'« paid at the tim;; of mVk _
By orrirr of Executor*.
JAMKtf A. TISK KSiA K. Auctioneer*
uv 2f*ie29 i«tore.422 Wfttntttitreef.
£i3Ll>atri<k) prlr.dttrwl. Jmb»* A. Fttmiaa. Anr
tionrrr. Pub!)'- W: t ornpr liccuit fttfrrl and
Currant *!ip>- 1 Nu. ltco* On l\«inut')ay f Dowiubtr IS.
at 12 o'clock. «04*n, will be sold a* public kale,
withont r»-er*t«. at fin FhiladelpbU Exchanges• tn«
following real •'♦tafe, J*te th* property or
Pairirk Ihrir, d«*rWd ; All that valuable taverni eland
and lot cf ground, riluatf nri tlio »«'uth "!• " of 1. *■>).)
rtropi. botwnrn T«-ntU and fclntculU ♦lrrO*. ho. ItX,
fi»ctT l-f> incite.* front on l.oeu'd and tk feet ou
Currant alky. ... , - . , , .
iftT" This ik ft raluahl* tav'fii st>nvl, ihiwd to Jutu
27/A, 1*73, ft! m t un.’hhj rmt of ’ £ JO, v >th xr<yt > rnti:y,
awl atwdUu** Mfrittnr th* h<n* > rt »*; day l *
Clear of all inciimbrajtc©. peremptory.
UY~ r*,'iOO to t»fc paid at tun** <»f
w * * u* onlcrof F. UhAbTaKN, Kvecutor.
JA<lK* A. KBKFMAN, Aurtifijuvr.
JfU>re,fl22 Walnut «trf*t.
IgL of Julia Ann Gerhard. dcceav-d.-Jenws A. Free
man* Auctioneer.—Genteel threostory i>ritk 1 taf’liifii;.
Nf>. lIH Franklin stru t. I uder aatboritif of tb»; Or
phun»'«ourt for the City and Counfy of Philadelphia,™!
Wednesday, lb-ember 13,1989, at 12 o'clock, noon, will
be wM at public sal-. at the pfdladilpbia hvchanje. the
following ilcecribfd re-oil estate.lnto the property "f
Julia Ann (itritartl, deceased: AH tlrat certain lot of
gronnd with the tbree-story brick m«s«nag« wlthtwo
«torr brick tack buiidineatMl bath-room thereon emeu*!,
situate on tbe west ride ofvFraukliii rir«-t, at the .!»■
lance of 119 feet Hi Inches tjorthwnnl of Matter atreot .
in thoTwentletli Ward of the city; containing in front
on Franklin eireet, 17 feet .and extending in depth wed
■Wart at right angleswith Franklin street 6S feet.
ter Subject to a mortgage of S3AW;
Clerk O. C.
n*2sdr29 Store.-<23
Ki «.r John O'Donnell,deceased.—Joule* A, Freeman.
Auctioneer. Neat two-story brick dwelling, No. 1211
Woodbine .treet. Second
Orphans' Court for the City and Countyof Philadelphia
On Wednesday, Dec. 13.1tM3.at 12 o <lock. nopn, w 111 h-•
Bold at pnhlic rale, at the Philadelphia Exchange.the
following described real rt.tfU«slat£ the projH rtj of
o‘if«niie//)decr»«<'U: All that certniu tuo-«torV brick
jpe-soago and tho lot of ground, situate on tit* wwt«Wy
of W’oodMn* Mroet, bosinnim.' at thedhtanrv of Kj» Jn-j
iH inches nouthwanl from fcodrnd afreet.ln
Ward of the city; ccmtafjiios m
*tro*t 14 frot, and extending in depth between parau* i
llneaot right antfloswith Woodbine street, on tlißiiorth
ern line .‘PS feti? inches*, audou the southern hue |U feet
1U inches more or lie*.
1&r Clear of incumbrance. ■
sT,£iro?rr ri l off% ME«A^v:Clerk.'O. C.
B> tho tonrt, - ,U |' VJU;JSL |j OOb’liD, Trustee.
JAMKS A. KitKKMANrATictimieer.
n 025 de2 9 - , Store. 422 Walnut street.
BSa of Mary O'Dnnuell. deceased.—James A. 1 rev mar.
Auctioneer.—Business Stand. Four-story Brick stor
and Dwelling. No. ISIS bombard street. Under autho
rity nf tho Orphans' Court for the City_and County of
Philadelphia,on Wednesday,Dec. 13.18C9.at 13 o clock,
noon, will be sold at public sale, at the 1 hlhulelplim
Exchange, the following described ileal Estate,late tin
property "Of Muni O'iTnne’j, d«ccaeed:-All that eer
tain lot of ground with the faur-story brick store e<id
dwelling thereon erected, situate on, tbo north side or
bomhart Htreet, at the distance of 1M feel e,lb \'' i ;' T jL' ,t
Nineteenth street, in the fveventhW anbol the city
containing ill iront on bombard stiet 1.17 Icct, and in
d ept h6O leer to a 3 feet wide alley, with the privilege
thereof, «9 r Clear or incuuibram*.
tor &lO(ltobep»idiitthatjineof sale. ■
lie the Conri, JOSEPH MEOARY. that 0. C,
«y M . ootlbD, Trustee,
JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer,
n025de29 Store 432 Walnut street.
Ku! HAN, Auctioneer.—dented Three story Brick
Dwelling, No. 211 South TWcntv-thlrd {treet, above
Spruce street. On Wednoeday. Dec. 18, lSßp.wt 1-
oxlock noon, will be sold at public sale, at tbe PMi“*
delnbift Exchange, the following descrjotkl real estato.
vfgf: All that certain threo story brick d«elllns, wllb
twontorr brick back buildiuc thereon
IhuaroStbleSat kW«
vranih nfCJairept. in the EihM/i » ftfd of the city , con
laininc in front on Twenty'tldnl, street 15 fk*ut
deep to a 3 feotwido alley, with the prlvllego tbcrcot
SuWct to iifßl ground rent. TmiHciltatepome/sipn. ,
<SIOO to be
' no2S de39 No. 422 Walnut street.
Ja Fri-eman. Auctioneer. SS'
fivpmiQ —On Wednesday, PecemberiS, o cloik,
noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia
Exchange! the following-described real estate., v 1/ .. All
that certain lot of ground sltuuto oii the southwest side
of liehlgb avenue, m feet eonthoast of. Tulip ■ tdtArt, ln
tL oftheclty of Pbiladifthhi; con
iiiinina in front on said Ttehighavomte jo fpet*-tnu
teiiding in length or depth of that width ISO feet to Jack •
! Sou street b.W avenue is payed, water and ffW.plpo
n028d«29 ' Storo. 432 Walnut Street.
Pi of common Pleas.-Juines
—Three-story brick House, N 0.119 Chtirch Htrcot. aboNe
Front and Market streote. , Under authority of the
Court ofCoimnon IMeiiaior t{»e pity und county of
dnlnliia on- Wednewdoy, December 15th, 1869, at. 1-*
o’c&ck/uooii, >vlHbeBold.ftt public
ilelnhla Exchange, tho following described :£ttW Vw*-
late the property of Jacob Beck, dcocascd throe s ory
tirtclc messiiacc and lot or piece, of . ground, situate on
/hi'tw<7i,n Markot' and Arch Btre<‘tB,ana • x ronr U ” ,J
( S:c™dtr”tslln the Sixth Ward ortheCltyjcontai
ing in front 11 feet % inches .and in depth
gether with tlm use nod privilege o f »} aet • “
' v !^- a |SlenVof all incuinbruhce, ,
bEVI BECK. ' ’{ Surviving l.xecutor-i.
.TioiO 2
©akksC' strict^ y yVimrK
K otmrlevton ntco lfunliua utiil.lor. (jiilp/by i%u>V« H
KOWXKWI6 SonHi l'n.nt strict.
jq'frV) v 12,“» BATjKS X!OTto.N\ , tw\y