GIBSON PEACOCK. Editor. VOLUME XXIII-NO. 192. CARDS, INVITATIONS ■lZwfif pßrtl °"’ * o> New ntyle,. MABOHAOO - BO7 Ohartnpt«trS»t. TIIEDDING INVITATIONS BIG nOTr ®*> feaotr MARRIED. wthe I7th ind., by tho Rcv.J, * «V ,ft A lo ?t®ttho Church of the Advent, William Cox U> Ida W.Allmrgor, both of this city. ? * DIED. . On Thursday morning, 18th Inst., John H. A. Allen, ,lr., agitl 29 years. The relatives and frlendii are Invited to attend tbe-fu wl,*f,2rc3EJl|£ residence of hie mother-in-law, Mrn. J. '»« 9*r«l?W Summer street,this (Monday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock, • * CLEVELAND.—-At Boston, on the 21st Inst., Mrs. i !i C i y Cleveland, wife of Rev. C'liarlca Cleve land, of that city. ** CotVmtfn^^*"^ 11 wonting, I9th lust., William " V s / n 5* ve * of-the family are invited to attend his fum-ral,frotii his late rrsidonco, Jenkintown, MontßonuTf c rtuiitir, l»a., on Tuesday morning, the 23d inst., at JOr o ch>ck. lo proceed to Hartsville Preebyte jian Lb u i'h. Carriages vrillbcat Jenkintown Station, to meet the Wends of the family on the arrival of the 8.4«*» tram trom Philadelphia. * JtiUUAK.-qii the Iftth Inst,. at Greenbaok, Burling ton, N, J.. disease of the heart, Sophronln W wife of Enoch Durar, Funeral to leave Burlington,?*, J., by care, on Tues day morn ini?, the 23d Lm.,at K) o’clock. The friondji wdlmeet at the office of Wm. H. Mwrfi, 60S Arch street. To proceed to Wrwxllands Cemetery. ' J.vANb.—At Fort Wayne, Indiana. onthe2lst Inst., Kate, youngest daughter of Nathan and Lydia M. Evans. . .iPU jr ®' ,, d at Lancaster, Pa., on Tueupiy,23dimit.. at I ..DP. M. * Laura V., wifeof John C .Granger, in the?dtbyear of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence, 903 Cliutqn street, ou Tuesday morning, the 23-1 inst.. at 10 o’clock. To proceed to Laurel Hfll. f Baltimore papers please copy J * . HOPKlNS.—Suddenly, on November Ist,at Tartna* kolly, Ireland, Rev. David Hopkins, Pastor of the Pres byterian Church of Ne* Rochelle, N. I*., in the 30th year of hi* age. JKNKB,—On Sixth-day evening, the 19th inst., Josofh Jvnk#, aged 77 year*. » *• The relatives and fronds of the family arerespoctHjHy , Invited to attend his funeral, from hie rostd«ic*?,in Bri*- t«l* Bucks county, Pa., on Third-day, 23d Inst., at 1 o’clock P. M. * , MASON.—On Friday evening, the 19th mst:, Birth Anna,wife of Edward Maeon, in thoiSrtihyear ofh*T age; The relative and friend* arc respectfully, invited to attend her -funeral, from the residence of her mother, Ilfs. T. A,. Stroud, No. 112 Sonth Seventeenth street, on Tuesday, the 23d inst. at 12 o’clock. * Mourning dry goods. UKSXOX A f>ON have Jn«t received SWM Mack all-wool Poplins, 62i», 7f#,#7^r. t fill. Ac. 3 ” “ Ottoman Poplins. fil 25, 82, Ac. 2 *• “ Poplin UiarrUr,aJl iioalitfc-*. 3 case* black double-warp alpaca*, and 75c, A**' ■^ ro ' l , KruJn Silk*, fil'#✓*, fi2, $2 25, 2c»*e* black Thibet Long Shawls, foil aud extra 1 taw-black “ 4> h'-mmod borders. 1 caw* Mack Kn;rll«h Itoml&zin* l i> t all t- made in WINTER SUITS Of Melton,Silk Mixture ami Cheviots. WINTER SUITS or Plaid, Stripe and Diagonal CaAsimere. WINTER SUITS With Double Breasted Walkiug Jacket. WINTER SUITS K**»- Evening Dre**<, ready for Immediate Use. JOHN WANAMAKER'S. Chestnut Street Clothing Establishment, B2O CHESTNUT STREET. GREENWOOD CEMETERY. Corner of Asylum Turnpike & Fisher Lane, NEAR FRANKFORB A chum a is now offered to ntcur® Loin, at tk* tow price of $l3, arable in instalment!!) in what is admitted to be the rtl adapted grounds for Cemetery purposes near Fhila,- clphla,being romantically located, perfectly dry and dutifully rolling snrface. Apply to I’R KSIUEM— ■WILBUR 11. MYERS, IWNorth Fifteenth street. Via Pbk.ident— llAßßY M. GEARY,. S. K. corner of Ridge avenue and Wallace street. Si:citKraßT-GEO.CHANDLER PAUL, Office of the Company, 1783 North Touthstreet. TnKAsrncß—W'M. S. BNEYD, 522 East York street, SLPKmNTKXDENX—SAMUEL F. MEADE, uo!3 liurpS ■ . On the Qrounds. LECTURE ■ . BV HOS. WIIXIAX D. KELI.EY. CONCKKT llALLttChvfitnutf abovo Twelfth}. TI'KSDAY EVENING, Nov. 23<1,18ii9. Commencing at Eight o'clock. Subject—‘Tub Pacific Coast. * ? Tickets, SO cents. Reserved Beats, 76 cents, . . > 11033 4t* fl-s* is OTIC IS.— APPLICATION WILL i: bi> made by tho undersigned to the Depart- I inent of Highways, No. 104 South Fifth street, on MON -1 DAV, 29th nipt.. at 12 o'clock M.> for acontruct for cav ing Cherry street from Twenty-third street to the Biver Schu)lkiU, in the Tooth Ward. All persons interested muy attend at the time and place if they think proper; the following-named persons having signed a contract for said paving, vix.: H.W. Gray, Dr. L.B. Filbert, Wni. G. Boulton, Towmaud A Hubbard. . DANIEL McNICHOL, no2o 3tips , s Contractor, ITS* NOTICE.—APPLICATION WILL ttS' be rnado by the undersigned to tho Department of Highways, No. 1M South Filth street, on MONDAY, Ithc29tli hurt., nt 12o’clock, M., for a contract for paving Thirty-fourth Btreot, from Market street to Chestnut, in the Twenty-seventh Ward. Allporsona interested in said paving may attend, uttho time and place, if they think propor. as the following,named poisons havo signed a contract for said paving, viz.: Martin Books, John Lynch, J, W. Vunhoutcn, Thomas Clegg, Henry 8. Gabriel. MICHAEL CUNNINGHAM, DANIEL.^sNHJHOLv no2o 31 rp _____ Contractors. «v-s» ABOLITION OP CAPITAL PUN^ ISHMKNT! lien. MA KVIN H. BOVEE, of Wisconsin. HABMONIAL HALL, Eleventh and Wood, Nov. Md, 23d and 2ith, at 7>i P. M. KachLocture2s^en^,_or6^VorCom'so PKNNSYLVANIA PEACE SOCIETY. Third Anni versary. Same Ha11.23d and 34th inst. Senator BOVEE, IiUCBETIA MOTT, O. C. BUItLEIUH, -and other speakers. Free._ ■ . no2o 3trp* n-g* HOMtKOFATHIC HOSPITALFAIR IS NOW OPEN AT IIOKTICULTCRAL HALL. Articles in every department of Fashion, wUother for uso or ornament, will bo found in great variety upou the tallies, at simply remunerative prices. Tiie Restaurant is fully organized for supplying sub stantiate ns well as delicacies. _ Music every evening, nndor Carl Scntz'a direction. It is hoped the public will appreciate the efforts made to furnish an ngreeablo outertainment through which to obtain the means for the great object in view: 1. o.: the erection of an Hospital open to all classes. Fair will be open on Thanksgiving afternoon and evening. ' . nolf-st* atlji ©w wag tSullctin. SPECIAL NOTICES. academy of music. THU STAB COURSE OF LECTURES. ' FIFTH LECTURE On Monday Evening, November 29. «... .. W0N. 8. 8; 6»X. r 1 Ronnr.M IN SI'AI.N.” (FrvpaiU'l oapreiily for thin occasion.) On Wednesday Evening, December 1. i „ ' liON. CHARLES SUMNER. „ T , Subject—“ Tiik OUKstion op Caktk." On Friday Evening. Decembers, REV. ROBERT COLL TER. I), t). • „ . bnbicct—“Oi.iiAßOidT." December7-MABK TWAIN. December 9—DE CORDOVA. Dccembor W-WENDELL PHILLIPS. Admission,fOc. Reserved Keats.7s. _lJjf.9.'. B . for aal o a t COULD’S Piano W*rcooms, No. «') CHESTNUT Street,and at the Academy on the evening of'Lectures. j Orchestra Prelude at 7H o’clock. _ fs*, tais. TONBvmSlTJiieiroirM wieSr The hist of the Conran will be delivered hr „ WILLIAM L. DENNIS, KBQ., ON TUESDAY EVENING, NOv. Ztd. 1369, AT THE ABBEMBLY BUILDINGS. Hriliw£l>*MßH wTg'iVxnh and ukk PART Y." Admif»Mon,£Ocent*. Secured Soatn, 75 cents, Beale at Trmnplcre, Lecture atB o'clock. nr>222t§ its* i>iBsxok building and Loan A i°u. —Tlif” annual meeting will bo held on TLESD.Vi EV ENING, November23d. atB o’clock, for the election of officer®, The annum report will be ready for distribution. CHARLES M. LTTKKNB, _jno222t rp* ■ Secretary. ft-S* PHILADELPHIA, NOV? ~2O, ' lSfflT" »**£r An election for Manager* of the Plymouth Bail road Company will he held at the office of the Company, northeast corner of Ninth and Green etreeta, in the city of Philadelphia, on MONDAY, the 13th day of Decem ber, J3G9, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. * A. S. DOUGHERTY, _no22-lfii§ / . Secretary. iy*’3» AGERMAN CLASS WILL FORM this oveniug,at o'clock,at 1224 Chestnut at. Latin at 4 o’clock. (lrj C. 0. BCIIAKFFKK. E HOLDING L4Mgli Valle/JfciUn.wd Company receipts for full paid.stock—froth Nos. 1 to 1.241, inclusive— c^nreceive cortlflcatPH of stock in exchange therefor, by applying at the office of the Company, No. ZWft Walnut street, nolfrfitrp -titrp CHAB. C. Treasurer. IT'S* STEREOPTICON AND MAGIC Jn=2r Lantern Exhibitions given to Sunday Schools, School*, Colleges, and for private entertainment*. W. MITCHELL McALLISTER, 728 Chestnut, street, second story. . no22mrp§ S3* HOWARD HOSPITAL, NOS. IMB r and ISO Lombard street,Dfspen*ary Department, edical treatment and medicine furnished gratuitously to the poor- crime; M.YGILAR TRAGEDY. Suicide of n Student In Bocbester I’ai. versify. [From tiie Rochesltr Expresn of Nor. 13.) This morning our citizens were startled by the report that a young man named Taylor Lewis Morgan.astudent in the Freshman Class of the University, and a brother of Ker.Thos. J. Morgan, of the Theological Seminary, had committed suicide. The bodv was found about 7.."Hi.o’clock this morning. He was foundlying with his head against a pillow, and a revolver, with two chambers empty, lying oil the floor a short distance otf. It seems that he had pre pared his pillow so that he would naturally fall against it ; before tiring. The blood had oozed from his mouth, and it was at first sup-, posed that he h*d placed the pistol to Ills mouth before firing, but a further examina tion showed that the hall had entered the loft nipple, and passed crosswise through his body, coming.out under the right shoulder blade, where it was found lodged under the skin. The back of young Morgan’s head was warm where it lay against the pillow; but his body was rigid, and there was no means of ascertaining when the fatal shot was tired. It was evident from the nature of the wound that death was almost instantaneous. The hall passed through the lungs, and to this is doubtless due thedotted blood around the mouth. Mr. Morgan Rochester with his brother from Franklin, Indiana, and was highly esteemed by all who kuoty, him. He .studied in Sattcrlee’s Collegiate Institute, and graduated last summer with honor. Many tvill remember his oration on “John Bright” as being the,best of any delivered by the class, fie entered the University as a Freshman last September. For some past he had been feel ing melancholy and discouraged, and wanted to leave his studies and go into business. DOUIXIOY IROIBLESf Opposition to Confederation In Neur- foandiatul. ' [ the Toronto Leader, Nov. 20. | The opinion of our eastern contemporaries is that the Anti-Confederates will liavo a ma jority of from live to seven in the new House of Assembly- of Newfoundland. The city of St. Johns returnedlti Anti-Confederates,Ferry iand 2, Placentia.Bay 3, Fortune Bay 1, and Conception Bay 3, while the last named con stituency- also returned 4 Confederates, and Burgos and La Poile I—making 20 members altogether elected as far as heard from. There was a very large majority against Mr. Am brose Shea, the Confederate leader. . THE COURTS. The Chestnut street Bridge Homicide. Oyer and Terminer— Judges Peirce and Paxson.—This morning tho case of Edward Smith, charged with the murder of William Hughes, on the Chestnut Street Bridge,on the night of Oct. 22d last, was called for trial. Geo. T. Bispham, George Biddle and J. Davis Page appeared for the defence: A jury had not been obtained when our report closed. —An Italian officer is reported to have made a discovery, bv means of which any private soldier is enabled to measure the dis tance of any object within range, instantly, and at tho same time to aim a gun or cannon with unerring accuracy. This would make all lirearms such murderous weapons,that two detachments of troops within range would bo enabled jo utterly destroy one another. —The compositors and printers of Bordeaux have refused to work on Sundays. The pub lishers of newspapers have compiled with their, demands, ana announce that no papers printed on Sunday will be issued hereafter. —Some ingenious- Parisian daddy has dis covered the sword of Joan of Arc, and he is said to have abundant proof in his possession to prove its authenticity. He has been offered an immense sum lor tins relic.- 1 —Florida presents a nineteen-ounce orange for competition. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22, ,1g69. EUROPEAN AFFAIRS Tbe Cabinet Crisis-General ('oantMcna* brea and the Klnv~-A New Ministry. Fi.onuNoi!, Nov. 21, Evening—[By French Atlantic Cable.) —His Majesty King Victor Emmanuel, before his acceptance of the resig nation of the Ministry, resolved to hold apor fronal conference with Signor Lanza, who, in obedience to the royal command, proceeded irom tho capital to Kossonu this afternoon. The’ Ministerial resignation was tendered in consequence of the election of the Deputy to the Presidency of the lower Legislative chamber. » , General Mcuehrca, President of the Cabt net, also went to Kossoiie to-day, and re turned this evening, when a Cabinet council was held. n 022 7t rpS The House of Deputies completed the or ganization and constitution of the bureaus. All the members appointed to the bureaus belong to the opposition. The Hake of Genoa and the Throne. M Aunio, hov. 21, Evening—[By the French Atlantic Cable.)—The Ministerial journal, /ni ptirctal, reiterates its belief that the Italian government and King have agreed to accept the throne ot Spain for the Duke of Genoa, and says that the fact is now well known. Event* Preceding the Opening or tbe Canal—thousand* of Arab*, IMnken, and Camels at Work—Scenes at Port Said. (Fort Said “Eyelids a la rdiie.” /. —Among the charges before the San Fran- .- cisco police court last month were live hun— J dred and ten “uncommonly drunk.” !: i —The King of Hannah is building at hi* • - own expense, in Mandalay, a Protestant church. —Canying umbrellas with a flagger in the handle is one of the pleasures of life in Home, ■which the police try to suppress. —The last caricature in the Eclipse repre- - sente Daddy Gagne (pero Gagne) mounted; on the Obelisk of the I’laeo de la Concorde and addressing a horizon of umbrellas. —lt is estimated that the total production of grain in the United States for the current year will amount to fourteen hundred .million bushels. —The London Atheiueum announces, as by authority, that Mr. Dickens is writing another story, to bo published m the old serial. form. —The Chicago Times says it is the only pa per to, which Grant subscribes, and that'be is goiDg to send it a printed copy of his message as a special favor. —lt is proposed to build a magnificent Union Presbyterian Church in New-York, to commemorate and signalize the recent union of the two schools of that great denomination^' —A Newport hotel clerk tells of a rich New Yorker who kept his two children, away from . the dinner-table one day so as to balance tlu> cost of dining a friend. —The Germantown Tcleyraph, says that “ cheap ladies’ restaurants are increasing, in the city.” Does Major Freas refer to ourlow priced teachers in the public schools ?. ■ —A citizen of Warsaw, N. Y., was fined two hundred dollars • lor keeping a billiard , table in bis .saloon. The Board of Trustees of that village are bent, on a total extermination . of billiartls. —The liberals have had a saying : “M. Ol iivier passes his life in refusing the portfolios which nobody is offering him.” Now that Ol livier is getting the portfolio there is a , de mand for some now proverb equally sar castic. —That pleasant story of a Brazilian doctor fitting One dead convict’s head on another, dead convict’s body is spoiled by J. C. Kod riques, who writes from Lowell that they don't cut off murderers’ heads in Brazil,.but, bang them in tho most decorous manner, —A very interesting document has just home to light, ft is a letter written by Lueien Bona parte to bis mother Letitia, about the divorce anil.the marriage into which ids brother Na poleon attempted to drive him, and which brought about their quarrel. —Communism has found a home in lowa. Near Marengo, there is a colony of one thou sand three hundred inhabitants, owning, over twenty thousand acres of land, anil having all. things in common. They are a religious sect, and Germans. The colony was organized in 18tio. —The educational examiners of. Alcvon, Oiiio, recently asked a female applicant, to teach, “What would you do to a pupil who whispered?” “ I would first'use moral suasion,"shesaid, “and if that, failed, would resort to eapital punishment.” She was excused. . —An officer started from Utica for the-in-- sane asylum at Binghampton, with, a. ease of delirium tremens iu charge. At Syracuse tliov-' I hotli got nicely drunk, the patient slipped I away and the officer, arriving at the asylum, presented bis papers ami was locked,up as a [ regular inmate. i —A Sheriff's officer in Canada, a. short time | ago served asiunmons on a man in a ratheiv I peculiar manlier. The officer bad. been look ' mg for the debtor for some time, and 1 finally; | came across him oh one of the mountain, j roads, and offered him the “hit of paper,” | which ho refused to accept. Finally he was. | collared ami tho summons served by being ! thrust down tho bank if fibs n eck. The oftiieex' I drove off in triumph, much, elated at bis sue ! cessful stratagem. • . j —Samuel Wesley visited one of his parish ' ioners its he was upon liis dying bed—a, man ! who bail never missed going to churcli in I forty years. “Thomas, where do you, think ! your soul will go'.”’ “.Soul! soulf”' said , Thomas. “Yes, sir,” said Mr. Wesley; “do I yon not know what - your soul is ?'*' “Ay, j surely,”, said Thomas; “why, it is a little bone ! in the back that lives longer than the- body.”' j —When Thackeray died it was supposed, r from his generous sympathies apd hia free i mode of living, that bis daughters were left ! without a support, and Messrs. Smith & Elder, I the London publishers, to their honor i sjiid, sent them a check-book with every cheek ■ signed, to be lilied up as their wants should ; require; but fortunately tho father had left ; behind a competency for their support. , - I —The meeting oi the sovereigns at Sua* will j probably be tho occasion of a good deal of . I match-making. Foremost among'these’pro- . posed marriage projects is mentioned the plan - i of Eugenie to sue tor the hand of the Arch j duchess Gisela, the daughter of Emperor • Francis Joseph, for her son. Whether the I proud Hapsburg will condescend to engage , Ids child to the sou of the parveuu ceuxaias to e seen. ' . . ••• —* .v - ■■ K