Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, November 05, 1869, Image 1
GIBSON PEACOCK. Editor. VOLUME XXIII -NO. 179. WEDDING CARDS. INVITATIONS for PArtlei, 4c. New style®. MABONAOO' f apgtf§ • • 907 Chestnut street. -rrrEBDiNG invitations bn- Tr jfr»Ye<J In the newest and best manner. TiOUIS DBEKA ' Stationer and Enffray©r t 1032 Chestnut atreet., •; fe2otf MARRIED. WII/SON—COGSWELL.—At Now Brunswick, N. J. t Novembers,by tlioßov. W,H. Campbell.l>.l).,LL.B,i President of Jlutgcr* College, ftHbiutvii by the Bov. Dr. Neil. Gen. James Grant Wilson to Jane Ernily BearJo, daughter of the late Bov. Dr, Cogswell. DIED. BANG.-?.—At New Haven, on Tuesday evening, Nov. 2d, Rov. Ileinan Bangs, in hiefiOtb year. BUTCHEB.—On the-4th lust., Alfred Longatreth, son of Thomas T. and Elizabeth H. Batcher, m tho 10th year of his ago. The relatives and friends of.tho family are respectfully invited to attend the fnn«ral,frbm the residence of hw, parents. No. 913 Clinton street, on Mouduy morning,' Nov. Bth. »t 10 o’clock. Interment at Mount Moriah. ** DILAV OJITHv—On tlio evening of inst., Alfred ’William Dilworthi eon of the late William and Clarissa Dflvrortli, in the3oth year <>l lus age. Due notice of the funeral will ho given. ■ * FLANAGlN.—Suddenly, on the night of the Ist Inst., George If» FJauagioi Jr., in the 26th year of his ago. His relatives .ttiil friends are respectfully invited to uttendhis funeral, this (Friday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock, from the residence of his parents 1716 Arch street. * ' LIVINGSTON.—At his residence on Washington Heights, on Wednesday, November 3d, Morgan Lewis Lfvihgstout elrfehthon of the lam Maturin Livingston, in tli<* 71st year of his age, PAULY .—On the fith inst., the Rev. George Washing ton Pauly, nged 27 years. Due notice will be* given of the fuucral., * HIGH.—In Baltimore county, Md.» November 3, Maty W. Rich, wife of tbo lafo I)r, Arthur Rich. .Sr., of tin . city. and daughter of the late Jtev. James Wiltbank,o Philadelphia. OBITUARY. -• , .... The Vestry of St. Stephen’s Church, Philadelphia, liaving heard of the death of Mr. WILLIAM KIRK* HAM, who, for a period of thiity-nine years, was a mem ber of their body, desire to record theirseaio of the great loss which the Parish has sustained by his demise, and to express their appreciation of hii high Christian character and many virtues. At a special meeting of the Vestry held November 4th, 2W9, it was therefore , 0 , Htsolvtti , That in the? death of Mr. Kfrkham , St. Ste phen’s Church, with which h»* war so long connected, a* a Vestry for thirty* nhm years, and iU Church Warden for thirty-five years, has lost a most sincere and faithful fKTvant ami friend—one who never failed in his devotion to the interests of the Parish, who constantly unu gladly crave blm«e!f. hi* time, his energies, his means, to the advancement of iU welfare ; ami who by his wisdom and Tiudfucc in the management of it* affairs, has laid it under a debt of gratitude which tlie Vestry - van only thus feebly acknowledge. - , . Hfiolrni, That in the death of Mr. Kirkham wc mourn the lo“* of a most sincere and exemplary Christian man— a churchtuan who loved the church, and iu loving her had no love for extreme* ; and-a communicant whose daily life-in its guihilessm-M and simple honesty, its thorough r-onNcfentioosuoMs and Urge-hearted liberality, adorned tho doctrluto which he. professed, and set an ex oniido'to us who-remain. # . . ' , ilff-ah ft * That we hereby hinder to the family of onr d*-o ; a»ni fellow-memb*’r our heartfelt sympathy! o their fwd berearement. ... , _ , , ~. . lUfvtvett, That tbeVastry attend the funeral of their late'ns-oci:it«* in n-body* : . , _ . .. That the Secretary ba re/inerted to transmit a ropy of thru** resolutions to the family, and cause the •Ml- Co !'<-■ i-üblWicd iu tbo church and *«.;iilar now.; nau'-rs L. *■. OLhhalANJ** It* ' Secretary f the WATER PROOFS FOR SUITS. BLACK AND WHITE BEPELLANTB. GOi.ll AN I> BLACK RE PEL LAN TH. BROWN AND WBITK UKPELLASTS. (EYRE* LANDKLL, ■ Fourth and Arch SPECIAL NOTICES. CLOTHING HEADY-MADE, WARRANTED TO FIT WELL. Tbo gre.lt objection tisualljr urged .gainst Beadr- Elido UarmtnU J* Out they do not fit well. Wo GVABASTr.E that in, gentleman, with no .pecial pecu liarity of shape about him, can bo * Well and. Satisfactorily Fitted j is j PANTS, VEST, COAT AND OVERCOAT, j. OCT OF THE Large and Well Proportioned Stock OF e | FINEST CLOTHINC. NOW BELLING AT The Chestnut Clothing Establishment, | SIS and 820 CHESTNUT STREET. JOHN WAN AMA&ER. i ......... • t ACADEMY OF MUSIC. I THE STAR COURSE OF LECTURES. Hod. 8. ».COX.November». , , Hon. CHARLES SUMNER, December 1. !, I(ev. ItOBT. OOLLYER, December 3. S; BlAltK TWAIN, December 7. !: UE CORDOVA. December 9. WENDELL PHILLIPS. December 18. |: Ticket* utIiOULD'S,923 CHESTNUT Street, no) tfrpS «y-=, OFI'ICE OF THE BOARD OF \, REVISION OF TAXES, No. 11 STATE IIOCSE •' ROW Philadelphia, Nov. 3,1869. The Board of Bcrhsion of Taxes will meet at their office. No. 11 State House Bow, on tho fallowing days, between tho hoars of 10 A. 31. and 3 P. M., for the pur ; of hearing appeals fromtlio Assessors’ Returns of ! Taxes fur tin- year 1870, ns follow,: _ • „ . I rillST anil SECOND WARDS,TUESDAY,November P’tHIRD and FOURTH WARDS, WEDNESDAY, No- SIXTH WARDS, THURSDAY, NoVem^ ' and EIGHTH WARDS, FRlDAY,Novern ‘’ninth and TENTH WARDS, SATURDAY, Novem- and TWELFTH WARDS, MONDAY, and FOURTEENTH WARDS, WARDS, WED < K SEvMiEENTH ' r WARDS, >, ' F NINETEEN 4 TH b WARDtsATURDAY .November 20, I - P TH^RI)"?\VENTY-FOURTH WAimS WEDNESDAY, November 24, HW9. S'tWFNTY-FIFTH and T\VENTY-siXTH WARDS, I THURSDAY, Noyember 20,1809. TO . V vtchtii i TWENTY-SEVENTH and TWEN i Y-ElGli ill ,WARDS, FRIDAY, ' jj- »st>3ts PONEVVILLE LECTURES WILLIAM L. DENNIS, Esi}., h-'i will deliver tlio Second of tli« Course, entitled, I f THE BONKYVILLE LECTURES,” ■i On TUESDAY EVENING, Nor. 9th, 1809, I At t o ASSEMBLY IIUILDING (Larne Hall). • Isubjcct-" OUB OHUKOH AND CONGBEGATION.” I WEDNESDAY, Nov. 17: “ Social Fossils.’' S TUESDAY, Nov. 23“ Mrs, Wiggins and her Party. ” ■fi Tickets with Becured seats (three Locturcs), §1 00. ftjiimle Tickets with secured seats, 75 cents. !# Admission Mcentß. Lecture at 8 o’clock. . I Ticketa andecatsat Trumpler’aMusio Store, [noo-lrp a LARGE VARIETY OF HAND some nml useful articles for nalent Tnblo No. fi, srph’s Fair, Horticultural Hull. no.) ttrp "UNION LEAGUBHOUSE, BROAD STREET, Pnn.ADKi.rma, Nov. 4,1859. >etine of tlic Union League of Philadelphia will bo t the League House on THURSDAY, November 863,at8o\;locl£,P. M.,for thij purpose of nomi _ ■ candidates to bo voted for ns metnbers of the Stßoarif of Directors. Uv order of the Hoard of Directors. I | Hol ms GEORGE H. POKES, Secretary. TABLE NO. 6, HORTICULTURAL jliyy-HALL. gT ..JOSEPH’S PAIR. • Portrait of Eight Eov. Bishop Wood—handsomely L framed. _ nu !i? r J , ._ Ijrv—o STEREOPTICON AND • MAGIO Lantern Exhibitions given to Sunday Schools, lochoola, Opllejies, and for private ojitertainnionts . W. f.MITGIIELL McALLISTEK, 733 Cho3tnutstroot,secoud fitory. no 2 2uu-p& Joai(n (Eiifiriiig IkMiit. WM. LOUGIILIN, SAMUEL HAWORTH, Board of Iteviuion of Taxes, SPECIAL NOTICES., PHILADELPHIA ORTHOPAEDIC ffeF HOSPITAL, No. 15 South Ninth »treet.-For t'cniment of Club Foot, Spinal anil all othor Bodily Deformities. / Clinic CTcry TUESDAY and FRIDAY, from 11 to 1. Services gratuitous to the poor. ATTENDING SUItGEONS : Dr; TUOS. G. MOIITON, Residence, H2l Chestnut street. Dr. H. E. GOODMAN, . . . . _ streot. oc3olmrp§ ST.JOSKPH'H' FAIB7'HOBTIOUL- TUBAL HALL. ' . „ , Tr , Como soothe grand painting of “ Obrist Rearing His Crow.” Table No 6. Only §1 a chance. no3*4frp ij-S* Lectures on Phronology, by J. L. GAPEN. Splendidly Illustrated by tbo Stcrcopticon. N. L. corner Ninth and Spring Garden-streets. - November 4th, fith.Cth and 11th/-Admission First Lecture, 19 ct*.; othor®, 15 ceutu; courpe« 40 cte. -Tickets at-the Office, 702 Chestnut street,or at the door. no3-3trp* ;.HOBTICtTLTUBAJ# HALL. ST. US* JObEPH S FAIR. • . t 9150 bowing Machine—6o coutß a chance. Table No. 0. no34trp Iy*^"CHOICE PEAB TBEEB 808 SALE. *S* —Several thousand Bartlett, Seckel, Duchesse, Ac., Atamhird and dwarf, all sizes and varietloa, from a private Fruit Garden. J, B. lIOUGIITON, Olney P. 0., Second street turnpike; Philadelphia. nol-rp6t* fTS**™ 7 * THE SCIENCE OE LIFE.”—THIS KVKNING, at CONCERT HALL, Prof.-Mo CLINTOCK IH-tnres to Ladies and Gentlemen. SATUR DAY AFTERNOON, Nor. 6th, 3 o’clock, lecture to La dies exclusively ; EVENING, to Gentlemen exclusively. AdntlriHion, 25 cents. Five Tickets, $l. It* ir-5? FAIR FOR THE NEW Sir JOSEPH’S COLLEGE, HORTICULTUIIAL HALL. Table No. 6. •' Magnificent portrait of.tho late Father Barbelm. W cents a chance. no3-4trp. ik=» THE GENUINE LIEBIG’S EX tract of Meat secures great economy, excellence in the preparation of beef tea. Buy none hut that made by the “Liebig Extract of Meat Company. ” Baron Lie big’s signature on every jar. For sale by druggists and grocers. , J. MILHAU’B SONS, 183 Broadway, New York. • oc2o w&f Htrpj 1109 GIRARD STREET. 1109 TURKISH, BUSHIAN, AND PERFUMED BATHS. Departments for Ladies. Bathe open Trom 0 A.M.to9 P. M. _ pltfrp HOWARD HOSPITAL, NOS. 1618 r and 1320 Lombard street, Dispensary Department, edlcal treatment and medicine tarnished grataitonsly to the poor. ■ FATHER HYACIYTIIES DUiCOIJRSE OS -PEACE.” We translate and present some extracts from .Father Hyacinthe’s discourse, pro nounced before the Congress, of Peace, at Paris the 24th of June last. The passage which most scandalised the clerical party is incor rectly given in the circulated reports, and is here presented legitimately for the lirst time. The Father’s extreme liberality in placing Catholicism, Protestantism,and Judaism on the same moral level will greatly strike our readers. The peroration is, in the original, as remarkable for the magnificence of its styleas for the elevation of its ideas. AMERICA, ENGLAND AND FRANCE. ■ “I turn my eyes now toward the Occident. H ere it is the water which separates us,it is the great Atlantic Ocean dividing America from ourselves. But do you see, from the lofty side of the glorious Leviathan, in our Rade de Brest, do you see that giant cable falling with the report of the thunder and the rapidity of the lightning? It buries itself in the 'depths, scattering iu its passage the monsters of the deep and braving the tempests; it stretches from Europe to America in order to carry, not messages of war, hut those of peace, aud to realize the union of the three nations which form the aristocracy of the world, and which will be able, on the day when they are wise, enough to desire it, tg Cause peace to reign' on our planet^—America, England and France! • CATHOLICISM, PROTESTANTISM, .JUDAISM. “To vanquish war * * * it is needful to read and explain to the world, which as yet knows them'not, those two great books of the morale private and the morale public, the book of the Synagogue, written by Moses with the flames of Sinai, and transmitted by the pro phets to the Christian Chnrch, ana then our own book, the book of mercy, which explains and completes the book of the law, the I Evangel of the .Son of God. The I Decalogue of Moses and the Evangel of Jesus Christ! The Decalogue, which pronounces justice, while showing in the j heights of justice the fruit of charity; the | Evangel;which pronounces charity while I showing in the roots of charity the sap of j justice. Here is what must be affirmed by j precept and example; here is what must be j magnified before the peoples and the kings. ! [Prolonged applause.] I thank you for this I applause, because it comes from your souls, j and because they are appealing to both the boobs of God; I accept it in the name of the two books. I accept it too in the., name, of those sincere men whp.standaround themifa Europe and Ameri ea. For it is. a striking fact that there is place in the sunshine of civilization over the world j for only these three religions: Cathblicism, • Protestantism and Judaism. [New applause], t PERORATION. Over the cradle of our Lord Jesus Christ the angels sang in the sweet majesty of Christ mas night, dory to Godin the highest heaven, and peace on earth to men of goodwill: and over the tomb whence he reappeared, the cradle of our new/life, Christ himself Baid, I have overcome the world ; peace I give unto you. The future shall unite the promiso of the angels to the gift of Christ, the double 'hosanna of his cradle and his tomb. The fu ture is not for violence; it is for goodness; and this will he the fulfilment of that ptfcS!& saying, one of those which jin fail: H leased are the vieek, for they shall possess the earth,” [Repeated applause.] PARAGUAY. A Description ot' Its Dictator by General McMahon. . A Washington correspondent' of the Eve niiir/ Mail reports the following from conversa tions with Gen. McMahon : “At Buenos Ayres everybody who is be lieved to be frieniuy to Lopez is calumniated. The attempt to break down the credibility of every witness is so systematic that it controls the legations even. lam afraid our Minister, Mr. Kirke, has so far forgot himself as to assist in the effort to nun roy credit with mv Govern ment, which began there and has followed me here,” President Lopez, according to Gen.Mc- Mahon, is a man of about 40 years of age, of middle stature, witty a fifm, well-khit frame, evidently capable of great endurance. In complexion, hois dark, like a Spaniard, wear ing a tail beard. His eyes are penetrating and lustrous, features strong and marked. He looks what he is, a man of powerful intellect and high culture'. He was educated chiefly in Europe; speaks Spanish, French, Portuguese; speaks English only tolerably,but understands it better. He is fluent in the Guarni tongue, the native Indian speech. He is very well versed in', history, and especially In modern politics and affairs; Fully posted about our affairs, he watches' matters in the United (states with the greatest interest, and has a full and complete apprecia tion of the position not only of parties, but of our leading public men. He expressed him self yery anxious that President Grant, Gen. (Sherman, Senator Sumner, Gefl. Butler,-and others of whom ho spoke, should become acquainted witty the true nature >of the Paraguayan struggle. He under stood the causes of Gen. McMahon's, recall, and did not deem it unfriendly to his cause, therefore. General MeMalion declares that Lopez expresses the utmost sorrow at the necessity which drives him into the terrible war. The General has seen the Paraguayan president wringing his hands with every ap pearance. of utmost_ mental anguish, when speaking On this subject; but he never hesi tated to declare Ids acceptance of the issue, believing that in this he was not only fighting for himself and'his people, but for the other Republics of South America. PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5,1869. OBITUARY. George I’eabody. AtlU o’clock last night,'at his'residence in London, died George Peabody, the, eminent and beloved benefactor of two heuii.splieres. He was born in 1795. at Danvers, Massa chusetts, whose • Institute "'and Lihrarv he lias so munificently endowed, and from whose people ■ in Ids declining j’ears he has-, received more than.one tribute Of , honor and gratitude. He was a grocer’s clerk at Danvers from 11 till 15, when, after spend-' ing a year with his grandfather at Tlietford, in Vermont, he went to Newburyport as clerk for Ids elder brother, a dry goods merchant. Next we learn of him in Georgetown, D. C., whither he went with his uncle after the burning of his brother’s, store, and there, conducting the business of his house,although a minor, his mercantile genius! developed it self. But, fearing that it he continued busi ness in his own name he would he held re sponsible for debts of relatives which he had never contracted, he withdrew in 1814 to be come the partner of Mr. Elisha Riggs, in tlie ■wholesale dry-goods trade, that gentleman supplying the cajpital, the management of which he coufidecf to the young merchant. At Baltimore next year the new house flourished in a large and growing business, insomuch that in 1822 it coum afford to establish branches in New York and Phila delphia. From such beginnings Mr. Peabody derived the opportunity to make personal acquaintance wftli Europe in the purchase of goods, and several times on his transatlantic journeys was intrusted with afiairs of moment by the State of Maryland. By the retirement of Mr. Biggs in 1829 he became the head of his house, and in 1857 settled in London, four years afterward withdrawing from the firm of Peabody, Riggs & Co:, and establishing him self as a banker. It was then that through his efforts "faith in American credit, greatly damaged in the crisis of 1837, was resus citated and maintained, and that the State of Maryland was so well favored in transactions for which he refused any compensation what ever. His house in London became the head quarters of Americanism in news and intelli gence and acquaintance, and in further proof of his undlmiiiished love of borne and father land he sent over the water in 1852 a toast for the bicentennial anniversary of his native to wn of Danvers: “ Education .a debt from the pre sent to the future generationand to pay his share of the debt inclosed a check for 520,000 to be disbursed in the foundation of an institute, iyceum, and library, subsequently endowed to the extent of hundreds of thousands of dollars, including a gift for a branch library id North Danvets. His philanthropy has been exercised in nume rous instances. The first Grinnell expedition to the North Pole he gave $10,000; and in 1857 the magnificent sum Of S300;000 was given as the first installment of $500,000 for the estab lishment of an institute to promote literature, science and the arts. His later bounties of $500,000 to the cause ot Southern education, increased after the manner of the Baltimore andfDanvers endowments, are recent and fresh in matitude. , But the scheme of philanthropy which, from its novelty and extent, will peculiarly distinguish Mr. Peabody’s princely benevo lence, is his gift to the London poor. A sum of t';!so,o«i, or $1,250,000, was invested by him iii the experiment of alleviating the manifold distresses of a class of people reared amid all the discomforts, temptation, and squalors of that world of a city, the British metropolis. Four great buildings, known by the name of Peabody, have, been erected in four of the poorest quarters of London, and given to the tenants at small rents. Mr. Peabody made his last visit to the land of his birth on June 9, and on the 3d of July last made his additional gift to the cause of education in the South. His many benefac tions won for him an esteem rarely accorded in Europe to a private personage, yet Mr. Peabody is believed to have contracted few very intimate-and earnest friendships among the English. Sir Emerson Tennant, who died a year ago, is Said to have been one of the several Englishmen, who may be accounted his warm personal friends. N evertlieless,Mr. Peabody was widely admired and cordially esteemed. The noble statue of him made Dythe American sculptor Story, erected at the expense of London, and un veiled at a meeting of which the Prince of "Wales was Chairman, royally and grandly tes tified to the good work which Mr. Peabody had wrought in the hearts of those around him, and to the sentiment which he had created in behalf of his countrymen across the water. Not only has London dedi cated him a statue, out Borne, by order of its admiring Pope, whose charities he has. aided, proposes to erect one in his honor. Mr. Peabody’s face and hearing con stituted a gracious index of the character, worth and work of the man. It had the in telligence of charity as well as of thrift, and his face was in strict truth an open counte nance. The good he did liyes alter him, and nothing of the benevolent spirit which has left its earthly stage has perished. To repeat the sentiment of the good English Earl: what he gained, that he lost; what he gave, that,indeed, e owns.— Tribune. WOMAN’S SUFFRAGE. An Explanation from John G. Whittier. Amesbury, 26,10 mo., 1860.— T0 the Editor of the Standard— De.\u Fiueud : There is a story told of a worthy deacon, who, when re monstrated with for sleeping whenhis favorite monster preached; and keeping wide awake when others supplied the pulpit, excused him self by sayiug that when his own minister was present he had such perfect confidence that all would he right that he could go to sleep with a clear conscience, hut when he saw a stranger in the pulpit he felt in duty bound to keep awake ana see that there was no heresy in his discourse. In regard to my dear friend, Maria Child, I have the same confidence that the deacon had in his minister, but there is this difference in the case, I have never been able to sleep over her discourses. I know of no one with whom I more uniformly agree; and as lam always attracted to her signature, I read with hearty approval her comments in the last Anti-Slavery standard upon what she supposes was a letter of mine to the Newport Convention, but .wliich was only a very poor photograph of the same done bv the electric telegraph. By referring to the ‘letter, correctly printed, it will he seen that I made no allusion whatever to “minors.” The sentence under comment read thus: “But unsupported by a more prac tical education, higher aims and a deeper sense of the responsibilities of life and duty, it is not likely to prove a blessing in her hands any more than in man’s.” As the telegraph version.,of my letter was published in the Standard, will it De too much to ask that the tiue copy may have a place in thy columns ? Very truly, thy friend, John G. Whittier. WHITTIER’S LETTER TO THE NEWPORT CON- VENTION. „ “Asiesbvry, Mass- 12thi Bth Month,-181)9. —My Pear Friend : I have received tny letter inviting me the Convention in- be half of WOman’s (Suffrage, at Newport, R. 1., on the 25th inst. Ido not see how it is pos sible for me to accept the invitation; and were I to do so, the state of my health would prevent me from taking such a part in tlio meeting as would relieve me from the respon sibility of seeming to sanction anything in its action which might conflict with my own views of duty or policy. Yet I should do my self great injustice if 1 did not embrace this oc casion to express my general sympathy with the movement. “I have seen no good reason why mothers, wives and daughters, should not have the same right of person, property and citizen ship, which fathers, husbands and brothera have. “The sacred memory of mother and sister— the wisdom and dignity of women of my'owu religious communion, who have been accus oined to something like equality iu rights, as OUR WHOLE COUNTRY. ■well as duties—my experience as a co-worker with noble and selt-sacriflcing women, as graceful and helpful in their household duties as they are firm and courageous’in their public advocacy’ of 1 unpopular truth—the stehdy friendship which have inspired and strength ened me—and the reverence and respect which I feel for human nature, irrespective of sex— compel me to look with something more than acquiescence upon the efforts you are making. I frankly confess that? lam .not able to foresee all the consequences of tho great social and political change proposed, but of this l am at ioast sure, it is always safe to do right, and the truest expediency is simple justice. I can understand without sharing the misgivings ot those who fear that when the vote drops from woman’s haiuUnto the ballot box, thebeautj’sanii sentiment, the bloom and sweetness of womanhood,. will go with it. Stronger thap statutes or conventions, she will be conservative of all that the true man loves and honors in woman. Here and there may be found an equivocal, tinsexed Chevalier D’Eon, but the eternal order and fitness of things will remain. X have no fear that man will be' less manly or woman less Womnnly when they meet on terms of equality before the law. “On the other hand, Ido not see that the exercise of the ballot by woman will prove a remedy for all the evils of which she justly complains. It is her right, as true as mine, and when she asks for it it is something less than manhood to withhold it. But, unsup ported by a more practical education, higher aims and a deeper sense of the responsibilities of life and duty, it is not likely to prove a blessing in her hands any more than in man’s. “With great respect and hearty sympathy,l am, very truly thy friend. “John G. Whittier.” Tbe Blutiop and tbe Editors-—A Speech from tbe Captain-Geuetal-—Colonel O’DalT’t Testimony. ; Havana, Oct. 30.—His Reverence, Jacinto Martinez, the account of whose Bishopric was found $200,000 short before he left us for Spain, and who, if he profited thereby, has followed the godless example of his Excel lency, General Caballero, is supposed to have been implicated in a. conspiracy to make the plump Count Yalmaseda Captain-GeneraL It is not cer tain that Seiior Gelpi, of the now dying jPrensa, was his intimate fellow conspirator; but it seems thatDe Kotlas is wearing out others as well as being worn out himself, for Geljti Is going on, and Castanon, the loro of bloody-minded journalism, the editor of the ill-written Fez de Cuba, but a man sufficiently courageous to call the volunteers cowards, is about to give up the ghost journalistically. The other day, to a private meeting at the palace, the Captain-General found occasion to say: HAffairs in the interior have beoome worse fbr want of sufficient reinforcements, and complications at home may prevent a fur ther shipment of men this way. The collec tions by customs, confiscations, by the Spanish Bank, and by gifts have been absorbed. Some of _ our troops have been fighting three’ or four months without anything but the advance made them before starting; ana now, unless -1 can prove the rebels routed and subdued before the meeting of tho Washington , Congress, the American tide will be ail against us. I need millions of money at once.” As for the Tebels, Col. O’Daly, who is here recovering from wounds, reports that the Spaniards t give more importance to the Yankees- and the Junta than the fighting Cubans do,the latter desiring nothing so much as arms and munitions, and caring little for cities or ports so long as they can operate on the crops and the slaves. Anything hut a prompt arrangement with the rebels will, he said, end in the ruin of the island, since they are well able to carry on the war, even by themselves.— Tribune. The Manager of the. Jamaica Railroad Charged with Manslaughter—Admiral Phlliemere Promoted. Havana, Nov.. 4, IB6o.—Advices received from Kingston, Jamaica, dated October 26, state that an indictment has been obtained against the traffic manager of the Jamaica Railroad for manslaughter. Commodore Fhillemore, commanding the British squadron in these waters, has been promoted to the Gibraltar station. The negro counsellor, Constantine Burke, has been made Crown Solicitor of Jamaica. An American Steamer Pillaged—Tlie Telegrafo Case. Havana, Nov. 4. —The latest news received here from Turk’s Island say that the Ameri can schooner Phvudone, which ran ashore there lately, has been pillaged by wreckers. It is expected that the government will shortly investigate the case of the steamer Telegrafo, whicty was sold a short time since to a merchant of Turk’s Island. Defeat of tbe Government Troops—Good Cotton Crop. Havana, Nov. 4, iB6o.—Advices from Vene zuela up to the 22d ult. state that General Pulgar lias again defeated the government troops near Coro. The cotton crop is spoken of as being mag -nityceht. Rumored Defeat of Nalnave’s Troops. Havana, Nov. 4,1869.—The latest news re ceived here from Hayti says that Salnave’s troops have been again defeated by the Jacmel garrison, which sallied forth and drove them as far as Logoane, where they halted. Mrs. Stowe’s Slander Finally Exter- Tho latest number of the Quarterly Review, just published in London, contains seven letters from Lady Byron to the Hon. Augusta Leigh, Lord Byron’s sister. They furnish most satisfactory and conclusive evidence of the falsity of Mrs. StoWe’s charge against Lord Byron. These letters were written} just after tho se paration. They are full of expressions of af fectionate kindneafiand esteem. Lady Byron, in the first of them, writes of Mrs. Leigh: “In this, at least, lam ‘ truth itself when I say that whatever the situation may be, there is no one whose society is dearer to me or can contribute more to my happiness.” Again, she says: “ Youhave been ever since I knew you my best comforter, and will so remain, unless you grow .tired, of the office.” In . that of the latest date wo find her saying: “Heaven knows yotsHßave considered me more than a thousand would have done. * * # .* God blessyou from the bottom of my heart.” Mrs. Stowe has just printed a card in which she asks the public to suspend judgment upon the contents of these letters until the publica tion oi' her forthcoming hook on tho Byron scandal. And for what ? Why are people asked not to form an opinion on the evidence in Lord Byron’s favor? Mrs. Stowe volun- 1 tarily assumed the position of a prosecutor. She arraigned Lord Byron and his pure andin nocent sister before the world on the hlackest and most infamous charge she could conjuro up; and now, after listening to her side of the case—presented with alfthe care and ability which the thought of years .could give—we are asked hot to believe the testimony for the defence. The trutty is that the weight' of evidence is so overwhelmingly against her monstrous accusation that Mrs. Stowe how deems-it ne cessary to defend herself for making it. In so THE CUBAN REVOLUTION. JAMAICA. TURK’S ISLAND. HAYTI. THE BYRON BUSINESS. minnteil. doing she might obtain sympathy under other circumstances,for men will generally side with a woman who is assailed. But such a position does not belong to her. She it was who led the attack, more unsparing of her sex than any man could he: and she has failed most conspicuously.. The commandment, “Thou shalt not hear false witness,” ought, however, to-have been familiar to her. ’ If she had Succeeded, it is difficult to per ceive what honor she would have gained. AU that it is necessary to remember in connection : with the horrible story is, that after the separa tionhady Byron wrote to her husband’s sister, “You have been ever since I knew you my best comforter, and will so remain, unless'you grow tired of the office.”— Sun. THE MOBMOYDIIISIO-YS. Excommunication of Font of the Elders —The Official Announcement. The Deseret News, published at. Salt Lake City, and the official organ of Brigham Young, prints in its issue for Oct| 2G the following notices: Toichom it may concern: This certifies that Win. S. Godbe, E. L. T. Harrison arid Eli B. Kelsey were cut off from the Church Of Latter day Saints on Monday, the 25th day of Octo ber, 1869, by the High Council of Salt Lake City, for harboriDg and spreading the spirit of apostacy. Wm. Dunfokd, Clerk of Council. x TO THE LATTEIt-DAY SAINTS. Our attention has been called of late to several articles which have appeared in the Utah Magazine; a weekly periodical published in this city. An examination of them has con vinced us that they are erroneous, opposed to the spirit of the gospel, and calculated to do injury. According to the practice in the chnrch, teachers were sent to labor with the editor aud publisher, to point out to them the evil results that would follow a persistence in the course they were pursuing. This did not have the desired effect; and they have since been tried before tho High Council, and after a thorough and patient investigation of the ease, it was foirrid they had inibibed the spirit of apostacy to that degree that they coulu not any longer he feUowshipped, and they were cut of}’from the church. The Utah Magazine is a periodical that, in its sj'irit and teachings, is directly opposed to the work of God. Instead of building up Zion, and uniting the people, its teachings, if car ried out, would destroy Zion, divide the people asunder, arid drive the Holy Priesthood from: the earth. Therefore, we say to our brethren arid sisters in every place, tbe Utah Magazine is not a periodical suitable for. circulation among or perusal by them, and should not be sus tained by Latter'Day Saints. We hope this will be sufiieient, without ever having to refer to it again. / Brigham Young, George A. Sjuth, Daniel H. Wells, Orson Pratt, Wilforo Woodruff,, George Q. Cannon, Joseph F. Smith. AMUSEMENTS. —Miss Laura Keene will have her first benefit at the Chestnut Street Theatre this evening, in the School for Ucandal. The come dy will be cast in-ghe-best manner. Miss Keene, of course,appearing as “Lady Teazle.” It is perfectly safe to promise that this per formance will be in every respect first-rate, and we sincerely hope the house will he crowded. Miss Keene deserves well from our citizens. She has made the Chestnut a first class theatre, and presented a series of enter tainments which are in the; highest degree creditable to her and to the city. Now let us . have a hearty endorsement of her from our citizens. Miss Keene announces several new plays, among them Bogus, for Monday night: Patrice and Bella, both excellent American draipas, are underlined for. early production. —Herrmann, the great magician, will per form at the Academy of Music this evening. He will present a programme in which there will be entirely new feats, flever before at tempted in this country. Hermann is one of the most expert magicians in the world, and his audiences are always delighted and as tonished with his performances. He uses no apparatus in his entertainments. All his tricks are done by simple sleight-of-hand. —At the Arch, this evening, Lost atSea will be produced in fine style. 1 ‘ —At the Walnut, this evening, Lucille Western will have a benefit in Bast Lipme, in which she will appear as the injured he roine, and harrow up the souls of the audi ence with the story of her sufferings. Bouci cauit’s great drama, The Octoroon , will be performed at the Saturday matinee. —An Ethiopian entertainment is given nightly at the Eleventh Street Opera House. —Duprez & Benedict’s Minstrels give a first class performance at the Seventh Street Opera House this evening, '—Col. Jeefnes Pipes, who is announced to lecture in this city, shortly, was at Omaha at last accounts, where he arrived from a suc cessful trip jto Salt Lake. The Salt Lake Journal An speaking of Mr. Massett. says “‘Col. Jcemes Pipes,’ Mr. Stephen Massert, made a bit with our people' last night, in his highly amusing budget of fun, sentiment, song and story. The audience seemed fully to appreciate his varied programme, and sye only regret that he so soon leaves us. It is too late to enter into an elaborate criticism of this artist’s accomplishments, but this we willsay, that as a reader, reciter, balladist and imi tator, he stands unrivalled, and in his peculiar sphere as lecturer wo have never heard any one who gives so varied an entertainment. His ‘Vagabonds’ and ‘Beautiful Snow’ were gems, and with his charming ballads were ex quisitely rendered.” —The regular Sontz-Hessler matihee will be given at Musical Fund Hall to-morrow at3i o’clock. The following progamme will be presented: Overture—“ Dicfater and Bauer” Suppe (Poet and Peasant.) By request. Symphony No. 1 Beethoven Part 1 Adagio Molto Allegro con brio Part 2 Andante cantabile cbnmoto Solo Violin—'“ Yankee Doodle”.. Viouxtemps (Variations Burlesque.) Sam Franko, accompanied on Piano by Selma . Franko. Walzer—“ Erinnerung an Covent Garden”. Stransa Preussischer Landwehr Marsch... .Heinsdoi'f —The Hall of the Harmonie Society, which has teen leased by the Honorary Committee of the German Theatre, for dramatic enter tainments during the winter season, is located at Franklin, and Coates, streets, and not at Franklin and Spring Garden streets, as a slip of the pen made us say yesterday. Mr. W. L. Pennis will deliver his second lecture on next Tuesday evening. He was well received by an intelligent audience upon the occasion of delivering his first lecture on . last Tuesday evening, and firmly, established his popularity as an able and amusing lecturer. - —Carlotta Patti and her troupe will make their final appearance in this city in a matinee performance at the Academy of Music, to morrow. A very appropriate- programme will be offered for this concert. Seats.may bo procured at Trumpler’s. v —A varied and interesting entertainment is announced for this evening, at the Ameri can. —Theodore Thomas, the well known orchestral leader of New York, will give three grand concorts at Concert, Hall, be ginning on Thursday, November 11. —The Mace and Taylor. Sensational Combi nation will appear at National Hall next week. —One of the Chicago theatres, has intro duced the feature of Monday matinees in ad ditionto those on Wednesday and Saturday. The actors with nine performances a week are in danger of Being overworked. F. X. EETHERSTON. PaMisher. PRICE THREE OEITC?3. FACTS ABO FANCIES. —The CEcumenical Council, will he opened by Cardinal Ahtonelll. v —Alexander Dumas, Sr., owes two sdHi**' francs. • - '' t ■ ’ —Mrs. Florence lost $B,OOO worth of good clothes on her way to California. ■ , —Now they say. Lessens stole his Suez Caadt scheme from a poor railway clerk. —The coal discovered in Lcavenwoyth lie®' only seven hundred feet below the surface. -i —Splendid easy, chairs covered with re*'-. velvet have been ordered in Paris for the pro* lates attending the (Ecumenical Council. „ —The remains of John Banyan, DameT Defoe and Isaac Watts are buried in one of ■ , the “ unconsecrated” graveyards of London. : —There is an artesian well In Michigan, which,it is claimed, Tenders iron held in itrfor- J a short timejpnagnetic. .. —The town of Morris, Conn., is out of debt, and has three dollars and eighty-four cents, cash, in its treasury. „ —There'S am estabßshment in Bristol, Eng land, where a butt of sherry wine can be man-. ufactured from- the raw material in half an hour, without using a drop of sherry. —Head Centre Stephens is'teaching English' in Paris, at ten cents an hour, which is better than killing English, as he once wanted to do. —The heroine of a recent first chop wed-*,, ding in San Francisco is now a deserted bride v . in Paris, with the loss of SHOO,OOO and her diamonds. —The private papers ofßerthier, so longer Napoleon’s chief of staff, are said to prove#* conclusively, that he betrayed the Emperor in; the fall of 1813, having then opened a secret , correspondence with the allies. —The earthquake in New Brunswick changed all the water to such a milky appear- •* ance that dealers in that fluid thought of star- . ing it up by the hogshead and killing their v cows for beef. —The tomb of the author of “Handy Andy” has the following inscription: “Samuel Lover, poet, composer, novelist, and painter. Born, Feb. 24.1797; died July 0, 1888. ‘Thy rod and. Thy staff, they comfort me.’ ” —The authoritative annoucement that old Guizot, the French author and statesman, is .warmly in favor of of the course pursued by Father Hyacinthe, will, no doubt, put amend to the rumor prevalent some time ago that Guizot had secretly turned Catholic. —Russia ,now orders that no forbidden books, pamphlets or newspapers be brought ihto the Empire for any purpose under penalty of fifteen years’ exile in Biberia, and if in any publication there is a caricature of the Emperor, the offending importer lays hint self,liable to the halter. v .i.' —One of ihe speakers at a meeting in Cin cinnati of the opponents to the use of the Bible in the pubne schools, having said that , the perusal of it when a bov often made him. blush, a paper of the city advises him to read it again in order that he may enjoy that novel sensation. —What appetites ! The weekly consump tion of provisions at the Mount Holyoke te male seminary is 670 quarts of milk,3oo pounds of butter, 8 barrels of-flour, and 600 pounds of beef, together with 9 tons of sugar per year, 800 bushels of potatoes, 100 of turnips, and 30,000 pounds of winter squashes. —The Lapnnie (Wyoming) Sentinel gives as aa excuse for the lack of editorial in its Col umns, that “the editor-in-chief has been living - on bear meat for the past two Or three days to Buch a fearfiil extent that it has set him wild, and he must have left for the woodsat least -■' he could not be fonnd in town this. jnorning.” —The Halifax Glironicle, in the course, of an article upon Canadian annexation,.reasons thus: “The market of the- United. States is . . necessary to our lives. The market of Great Britain is not. Dreams will not clothe our children. The warmth- of tile shade of a bravo flag will not compensate for a barefoot winter.” —Kussia leather, called by the Kussiana themselves Jucten-,is usually dyed red with the- * aromatic saunders wood, and is celebrated for being free from mould in damp situations, and ... not only being proof against insects, but re- • yelling them by its odor, so as to preserva- books, in the binding of which it is used. - ■, —The lady leader of a Sunday-school choir ’ in Deer Lodge, Montana, lately started this tune of “Marchrngup Zion’s Hall” on so ex alted a pitch that none of the little voices could reach the upper notes. At the close of the first verse the young lady, turned to the superintendent of the school and inquired, “How is that for high,anyhow?” and then... calmly started the tune on a lower key. —Whenjthe military fired upon the riotous .. striking miners of Anbin, France, a woman, • who had her childin her arms, turned to fly, ' pressing the baby to her breast;. tho child was .. struck by several balls in the head-, and tha furious mother, turning hack and meeting an. officer, buried her child in his face, exclaim ing, “Take it, ruffian! You want our blood? Take it, then—drink it!” —Fanny Fern thinks “ there is no man wha would not rather be shaved by a woman than - to have a great lumbering man. pawing about i,: bis jugular vein, and poking him in the ribs - to get up when another man’s turn canfe, I don’t say how his wife might like it, but I am '., very sure he would, and as to his wife, why—-j she could shave some other- man, couldn’t , she?” „ . —A curious accident happened at tho Varie—} ties Theatre in New Orleans, on Monday •? . evening, in which the stage Carpenter almost lost his life. In one of the beautiful- scenes of"' , “Bed Light,” tho moon rises from tho lake, r over which its light ripples in a way true to nature. The moon by which this effect* is produced, is constructed of a heavy copperl box.- On Monday night Mr. Steelman uadi guided the moon on its slow, majestic ascent! from the bosom of, the black water, until it disappeared in the lowering clouds above-,, when something gave way, and the moon conk . ing down with a run on Mr. Steelman’s head , laid liimout as fiat as a grilled mackerel. Ji. little cold water soon brought him ft. —The luka (r'azettegives a sketch of fiud{;e Lovering, of Jacinto, Mississippi, formerly of Indiana,as follows: “His head is about, a large as a coon’s, and recedes so rapidly from the root of his nose that if a stream of water were poured perpendicularly upon his browv ' more of it would run. off the back of bis bead than off his face. His organs of intellection,if he ever bad any, have viicatedfind taken up their abode in the posterior part of bis brain, { . which makes the cerebellum appear likeh a, , market basket bang to the back of his head-. His teeth seem to be all gone, and his gunut, : close up to keep bis chin out of danger. Hit*, nose looks like the butt end of a blood peet» _ and bis eyes look like auger holes In a inusls melon rind.” —This is Guy Fawkes Day, which use* to y hu observed in England as a holiday and with, religious services., The absurd fashion:• isted of carrying about scare-crow figures, ot' Guy, with a dark-lantern in hta hand!;, the party carrying it visiting tlio ilifferont Jujua&di - arid singing this doggerel: “ Remember, remember! (Jl The fifth of November, Tho Gunpowder treason and plot ; There is no reason Why the Gunpowder treason Should ever ho forgot !” - > „ • .. Another version, chanted in^Pxf«dshire k was ns follows: , « The 11/th of November, ~ , . Since I can remember "Gunpowder treason and plot: .{ , This is the day that God did prevent - > To blow up his king and pnrhameuk A stick and a stake For Victoria’s sake: If you won't give me one, l’ll take two: The better for me And the worse for you." ..-■■s- v ... * " ■’ ,J • ' liJ/'s 4'*,