Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, September 21, 1869, Image 1
GIBSON PEACOCK Editor. VOLUME , XXIIL-NO. 140 INDIMWS ON TME . IVAIS PATa; They At.ttiek_ , XLIII and Sealy Four Wood. rbopperstrWliktai One eratt - a Half.3llles ;tot - Fora lEttiford«.Teri Madttuut 411 led and ThirteeritintoreliVouuded...lndbitn,Hos. ittillty....lfearsof it General Outbreak.; . . . • . It is.' our,nn,pleasant. duty to: again *recount the iitokeningdetails of another Indian hutch.; ) ery of white men on the upper MLssouri.•Some time , sineewelnadebrief mention of an Indian attack near Fort Buford:' To-day' we give the' details of 'the ,aff eye-! witness air related to 118 by an, eye witness, and 'oPaitial participint. .: - • . it is the usual for ./ndian-traderSte give the- headft of the different tribes a Mist, each ear. On the occasion to whichwe refer, - nteir*iiiiitt - trading pI ht is, at.rvzt, Buford,' bad given a feast to a,large, hittither of -; Indians. ~ Alter their:repast, they went„tothe:, Oiticers i- 4tuirters - at Fort Buford, - andaniused the latter with a war dance. Of course every • one in: or ' about the Fort was presenta AV/t• - •;' mess this'nuirel and amusing performance,'lttle'' -dreaming, that while they were standing as :.spectators to witness the war dance of a lot ' of quasi peaceable savages, their friends, only one and a half miles from the Fort, were being murdered. -, lt, appeats that four Wood chop I pers named 'Peter S. Dugan, whose pa- rents reside in Butler county, Penn.; .111 S—ff. McLain, front some part of I Di nois ; J. Urahlie, an Italian, and an old plai rairnan, named Adam Jones, Went out the morning to which I we al- hide to eat wood, about one mile and a half . from the fort.. About noun, and before the I wood-choppers were able to give the alarm, they were surrounded by about seventpfive Indian warriors belonging to the 'llnkpapa tribe.. The - Indians :immediately surrounded and commenced an attaelcon the small band of - whit - omen. The latter being well armed f iiiik t t with a heroism very seldom heard 'of. r • r one hour the unequal contest raged, at t le end of which time, the four white men were killed, but not - before tiler had killed ten and dangerously wounded thirteen more of their enemies. After the radians , had killed the four white men tlwy . proceeded .to take their • scalps. ' Previous to this time Mr. J. W. Cooper, -.bearing shots, and suspecting that everything was not, right, got on his horse and rode hi tire direction from Wheilec the sounds of the shooting proceeded. As he came in sight of the Indians they started for the Missouri river. Mr. C., learning the con dition of affairs, returned immediately. to the Fort, :Oat gliv,e the alarm. A - large. number' of citizeris.andscildiers went in ~pursuit,- , bitt. before they reached the battle ground the In dians had scalped . .the •.four while meti - , , and , were in the.ct of carrying off their'ecru dead. The white men giving pursuit, the Indians made a beeline for.the :Missouri river. Tilfly sueceeiled In reaching the opposite bank and gaining protection from the underbnish on its .1 kiss ore their'white pursuers eanie'aithity l rifle range. Teti Indians .were killed outright 1 and thirteen wounded. The latter made their I ktzicapit'. -The Willies of the' ten indians were I fastened to the horses,of the soldiers and Cid- i zeils JoFort sod dragged to Buford', where they • were cut, up,andonartered. It .weald appear that-the' four-Wldteilien foughtuntil tbdy were each one killed. When found they were eliett<ted together, some of them liming tirt.s.l front fifty to keyeety rentals of Cartridges. :, Oirr informant - states that a party of the ` same band of Indians, on the same day, and at about the ware time, attacked a train be longing to capkiiii ‘ payne. There;were about thirty-liv m e en 'in - Captain, 'Payne's party. lii had one.man 'wounded and one horse... stolen. ' Old Indian traders express 'great fears of a Irnerui Indian outbreak... They .say that -the ndians never 'showed as much hostility as they do at the present time, and everything i toile:des an Indian - ivar.---„Stour City Timex, 15th - • THE CUBAN STRICWALE. Letter from a Cuban Soldier. A.soldier who has just returned to Boston from Cuba ANTiteStO the Boston .ereirin2_Tintes an interez.4tingneeouritifirliii - expeies in the island. Of the conduit of the Cubans and Spaniards the wriler &lye: The Cuban white men are a brave set and I believe they wouldfight till they died any where., but the negroes are cowards.. They couldn't have-a disciplined army there where I went. because the roads are narrow, and oft' the big plantatiorbt. it is a reolar jungle of vines and briars mid thickets. The Cubans, i. e. ' the white men, arc tieterinined tWtight,and lbelieve they will whip out the Spaniards, bemuse the Spaniards dare not gb into the cauntrY. Our .company, was 'so mixed that the captain gave his orders in Spanish, and .. then repeated them . in English, so that we all coultl understand. But all we (lid was to scout around plannitions stealing Mu liVing and hunting for stray Span iards. I don't know as the Cubans will beat, but I hope so. There are. lots .Of them, and they are the hardest' Set 'of •fellews that ever you Ikaw: . " They: hate a Spaniard so that they vv otild cut him intorlittle pieees. I . don't be lieve they have any big ; battles, and I have, seen them quarrel among , - theinselves and:. shoot two or three.: I saw.a. Jot' of 3larcantes• men and seine of Jago's in,tqtgo into a planter's house on • a :rice:plantation, and throw the children out of the Window and off the roof, breaking their .necks, because the father was gone to volunteer with the Spaniards. But they don't do .half. 23... much Spaniartis, for they l3ibi chtinto pieces every Cuban Wife, child or slave, they eau find.. We saw where the Spaniards lead tossed up a deiid body on their:bayonets; like a penny, betting whether he w.ould come clown face tip or not, until Ime w as,nothing but a heap of jelly. "We did, not intend to have tents till the rain came on, and then we got blankets out ,of the houses and strung them on poles. The Spania.rds cut men's lleatls oft and. Send theiu out to the .Cubans, . Spaniards, too, .ketip sending letters to the Cubans, tel them how they will chop every,; prisoner they take into )11ii1 , 20 meat, and they: .410 kill every, Cuban they can catch. They .caught six of my company one night, when we were all asleep, and while our picket, had run awal . , and mule near getting ine. They left the bodies cut all a most horrible .mannergiut a little"way from the caMping JJ spot where theY • wre captured:. I sawthe bodies, and the' Captain and five or six of the Cubans who stuck by hini Made up our minds to save the men or kill as many - Spaniards. We followed them until they got near their fort, and we tired into them and Went back . to bury the bodies, . down warty from Nuevittis came W the road last tme.iihen,the . roadfT 7 Wre aWfujb;Tiaifk tiiirliiiFeVirith arid . ti 'TOW front tic iigan, who is non with General. Jordan as ;ccininibt- Nary or something,-took a big. bunch of pal: metto and scraped it across the feed to raise a dust. :The, Spaniards saw , it, and run like deers, andtold the general that they!bn.d.had a sharp. fight and killed 200 Cubans.: built a breastwork :of, AtigsacrosS road at Espiritu Santo; 'and the. Spaniards shelled it two days ::before they dared to venture up', to 'See :if the , : _nigger had gone::' The numberibl enbana'in the army can't tell: -:Bbeause you know:a private Bier has no way of finding . out ;. except by re ports. 1 kept hearing about ten thou Sand men at ififarru under Ifiguero;and fifteen thou San d .: under Queseda at Puerto, but I mover Stiw"so' many. I don't believe that there' are over' twenty thousand in all, and'they must • be, alniost all sharp-shooters like us.` They dinA have any pitched battles and bushwinteking is they can do.' I saw_one battery of .Napideon• guns about the first of June; but since the rain they: can't use them. ... . , .. . . ~., ~ . . ~,,. . . . ... ~.. i.., •-:',‘:.,-, 1. ':-.,,,,.,.4 . .,.. , , ~ ..,7 ,.,„.:. , ~' j . .( .1 . :,....°: , .: :!i-'„;' ; ,f .: '. .:'.••,.,-).-,-, .i It ...7 . - 4• , - , -- T/,,;•• . ..: -T 11: 11 144-!':,..'01v ''. 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' Bridges, fences, chicken- - coops and bog-pens were floating about the streets of the town. • The .-Pennsylvania Bail-4 , road track at the ltiwer end of the town was completekVirubmerged,and,the noon passenger train, due at the Upper Station at 12.07 P. M.,. ran off the track and 'was delayed seVeraf hours. At the height, of the storm an alarm of lire was raised, which was found to be caused , by -,thiii limning; of a 'barn at the lower end of, tale botough. 'l'he barn had , been ' struck by. llghtning, Before assistance could be ren dered, the barn and most of its contents were entirelydestroyed, I I he barn of' 'Jacob' Huber, one and a , half milesnorthwest of Rohrerstown, was struck by ghtning during the storm, and completely destroyed. John Brick.bartls barn, about one and a half miles west of Salunga, and the barn of Mr. Koontz, near May•town, were also struck by lightning during the storm, and destroyed. The storm . seems to have extended south ward only, some six or eight miles. In East' and Nest Lanapeter it was very destructive. .Nine stacks of wheat, belonging to John Hauser, in - West Lampeter township, were toppled over. Several cows in the same town ship, were killed by lightning. The roof of Mrs. Girvin's barn wss blown off. Fences were blown down, trees uprooted and fields badly washed. The tobacco crop was much injured by bail. In 31anheim township a. barn, owned by Samuel Groff,, of this city, was struck by lightning. - A rolling inill in Columbia was struck. and one man severely'stunned. The barn of John. Kuhn, near 3faytown, was struck by light- , ping and burned down, and also another buibling, a few rods distant. Mr. Long,eneck er's barn, near Elizalietlitown, was also burnt,. The lightning struck live times within the borough of Mountjoy, but we • have heard of DO serious damage being done. Along the railroad there 'mire been numerous sliike and washings paused by the heavy .rains; but, not,. milli ei ent to interfere with railroad travel. polities in ,rennwls - aufa, ; • Thd N:17; Deibune says a the campaign in OAR State and _ The Republicans of neither State can make anything by sc.ekiiig to evade the'great. issues which' divide the country.' The ltepitblicans Of California might:hayo been beaten: anyhow; they Sealed theit' * dboirl When they tried. to pronounce ,the,Dentocratic: shibboleth , with regard Rithe'Chineii'e. - When the 'Republican party , ceases 14 the xhamplOnr ot7Equiil Rights, regardless of• race,.or color, its graVe wall be dug. give';noreason why :its life should be , prolonged one hour after its ceasui to stand 'up for , •iGoverninent of the People, by the People, for the. People!! Who eVer contends that a qyarter.pf the adult male • citizens living in a county or district ought to make all the laws, levy all the taxe,s, and hold all the oflie is, bealuse the rest are nothingbut " niggers," black or' yellow, is a sham:Demo cratiand -ought to own it. To call himself a Republieln While he thinks and feels like , a Dernocrat; lb to do all the harm poS.sibleto the party he has already, resolved to betraY. We appeal to Republicans iu principle, whether in Pennsylvania or Ohio . , to do their very utmost - 1n the.canvass now near its close, 'Men and brethren! though no President or delegation to Congress is now to be chosen, the principld of Equal Human Rights was, never more clearly at stake than in your pre sent. canvass. The. rebellion ,makes its' last stand in defence of Inequalitv t. of Preju dice of. Government by Caste.' 'ion can beat it if you *ill put forth such exertions as the importance of the : stake requires. Speak to to your neighbors ; strengthen the feeble knees ; arouse the laggard ;- inspirit the faint hearted; and enable us, on •the 'morrow o your election, to congratulate your country that the long struggle is ended—that our ,rn istitutions rest evermore on the broad, firm bssis of the universal and immutable 'Rights of 31au! • An Interview Between General Sherman and Mra.Dr. Walker. - rrohl by the ;ttnciriati CotomerciAl; Sept. tt).] The presence of Mks: Dr. Walker' at the Women's Convention renews the, recollection of an interview which took place between that somewhat xemarkable person and Gep cral Sherman, at, Atlanta, dttring the war, and several weeks after> the city had been cap tured. Some 'means, knoWu only to the mysteries of the feinale mind, the woman doctor had been able to avoid the order for bidding any of her sex to' enter the city, .and - with 'a degree of _perseverance .pe.culiarly her own, she walked into the private room of General. Sherman, and dtmauded .a conunissionin the medical department Of the army. The'fact is not Publicly known, but General Sherman is, weak when a woman is concerned—that is to Say, he Would run rather than have hard words with one of them ; and the tears of a female rebel had more terror to his soul than a, thousand Deanregards. Se, when the :little doctor -renewed again and again her demand-for -ran - appointment,— the General, like a great soldier, as he changed tactics in the face of the enemy. " why don't you wear proper clothing? That toggery, ,neither .one :thing, nor the other," said the General, as he pointed - his linger to the nondesCiipt garb Of -the doctor.. '‘•111 - ell, General," replied the . young woman, suppose you would. like to seem° in hoops,T and heavy skirts dragginiptOWn my 'bilis, to - the destruction of health and . coinfort? What. right, Sir, have women, who bear children, thus - to destroy their ' best best, powers and unfit ,themselves to be wives and mothers ?" _ _ • This, and much more, She ~ said about woman's refottes... The conqueror of. Atlanta was somewhat taken abackb „111 - 115._ charge of korse,-foot dragoo74,la.: •- 111,,,014 :" 7 "Did you ever bear ; any children.r 'he asked, With sardonldemphasm She had to admit that she had not done any thing of the kind: ' • i; The General hildddsererely • 7 don't know that I should especially de to see yOu,:hobps or! no :IMOI?s:'nor (I'6 I' see any* POT'thitt,:winuekSheuld inured by:wearing, theinior• the:MOderate use of the, costume of the. day, but I,dO know for a , cer. tainty that you and such as yoit lout on that dress'froni affectation: ;; If; o'n•-Wish. an Omit pl e of what a Woman . should be and ought to, do—Daninatidit,v , eried. the G;encral; ;getting excited, , "what- are .,, you*here:. far, anyhow ? Breeches or. ne. - breeelicsAltha l msident's wife 'would not dare to disobey orders. Put on de cent clothes,go back to IsTashyille t enter the Weis where our poor boys are dying OfWoMatis, and. fever, and imitate the example 'of, the Women , in rhoopS and , petticoats, . who are 'deVoting their time to the; Work of nursing." , We, .think Mrs. Dr:Walker went North upon. an early train.- DISASMIS. , GREAT STORM IN LANCASTER CO. Valuable Property DeNtroyed. We find the following account of a great storm in Lancaster county . on Friday last, in the Lancaster papers of Saturday: In Marietta and vicinity the storm seems to have raged with great fury and destructive ness. It set in about eleven o'clock in the ti mornin , The ,rain ,fell in torrents , accom panied baikthpnder , and lightningl The streets o the town were overflowed with water, and a mmtber of persons were com pelled to leave their houses and seek refuge . els •%, , : :k - - II D. If D,* •.: VD I ...: POLITICAL. THE ~",T114,AD,ETTEr..A. , ,,.., ~TTJg 8 DA:Y : .; I. , SEPTEMBER-21.'1869: CRIME. FRAUD Vir NEW YORK. aseality In simown EstabUsti- . The N. Y. Tim m Times of this orning-says, torially • It is, with great reluctance that we give cur= rencyto a very finpleasant report which hai reached us in regard to" an ' institution which of all others in the land ought to be beyond reproach or even suspicion._ The authority,4 however, for what we are aboirt to announce; is of such a eharacter that silence on our part wOuld,under the circumstances,'amount to de ••i • • new,Ageut of 'the Methodist Rook Condern Rev. Dr. Lanaban, has discirvered. in that es!. tablishment 'great corruption and fraud, in volving losses to• the amount of several hun dred thousand dollars. ; The subject; "sre understand is now un dergoing investigation ' and as soon as the details can be given to the - public without prejudice' to anybut culpable parties w shall endeavor to'furnish them. These frauds, it is said, have• been going on for some eight ,or nine years, and of course their full extent is not yet ascertained. with precision. The magnitude of the business transacted by this Coneern,and the reputation - which it enjoyed for 'probity in its manage merit, conspire to 'give to any suspicion against it, a painful impeittance. It is only six months. since we had the - satisfaction, of saying of this •institution, in the columns of the TitireA, " that it should be recorded, to. the honor of all concerned, that not a dollar has ever been lost by the defalcation of ital. managers front the commencement of the business," in 1789. Unfortunately that cannot be said of the Methodist Rook Concern any , more. A GREAT NATIONAL ENTERPRISE. New Mouth for the EUssbedppl Norfolk to be Made an .tmportattt Port. The WashingtOn correspondent'of the New, York Ilc-rOl says: , The naturally navigable waters of the Mis sissippi valley aggregate nearly 1,700 miles. Water has its currents and so has trade. But those of the latter do not run Witlithe former; for in themain the, great outlet of trade is northeast by the lakes, Erie Canal. and Huil; son, instead of South, by the Gulf of Mexico: It is now protioSed. . open,a Way acres; the, Virginia mountais broad and deep, enough to :• drain • 'the' Mississippi • Talley due • :'eastward :into. the Chesapeake, not of water e of course, but of produce. The. old James, river and' Karla wha Canal—alreadY finished half.the'distince —was to connect the:Waters of the .Tarries with those of the Kanawha,a tributary of the (Bd.° ; but the proposed canal is to be of'a' capacity: equalat least to the great Erie Caned..cu. New , supplying' York. Such a canal, Tby pplying 400 miles of the route, would open the way for transporta-: tion without tranShipment between the ocean. andl7,ooo miles' of already - ;navigable'inland waters... The. project is to be -brought . before:, Congress this winter, and it LS expected- that it willbe petitioned for 'by citizens- of every part of the Union. Great "cOnsideration.4 of national defence are said' by military men. to. : justify it, but the grand ,commercial hypothe-; sis is the manner in which It would effect the grain interest . of • the AV.est and the bread interest of . the Fast. It,. ap-f pears by official reports Of the United States engineers charged with -survevs, &c.; of proposed national' canals in. the .N.orthwest, that the dangers of. lake navigation, 'the nu mennts transhipments, the necessity of much railroad carriage and..the closing of navigation five-twelfths of the 'year, besides the heavy tolls on the Erie Canal; all make the cost of carrying Western grain to - the seaboard.l)y ex isting routes enormous.. Another great work poroposed is the Coosa cotton route,;_ from Mobile lip the Alabama river, thence up the Coosa river till within -thirty-milesnf-thesoir th-bend-of the-Tennessee river; across this thirty miles a ship canal ; thenceup the Tennessee and its longest branch, the Holston, to the borders of - Virginia, near Saltville; from Saltville to Lynchburg (already traversed by a railroad), a double 'track road, fit for heavy freights, and at 1 4 )yncliburg strik ing the Atlantic water route above mentioned to - New York. The railroad part is 176 nines long; all the rest water. This route would save nearly 2,4100 miles of the present route which cotton take; from . the cotton centres in New ,York ant other cities North, and also the dangers of the Florida Keys, for which insurance alone is two and a half per cent. on ship and cargo. Plymouth Rock. A few days since our respect for the Pilgrim Fathers took us to Plymouth. ' The Mass achusetts shore;was gray and sullen with storm. We sallied out to find the' "'Wick." • Along the main street of the' small village, with, its trim white New England homes and abtuidant shade, we sauntered, and soon, as we . .supposed, had reached the venerable spOt. There it was, iu front, of a seedy-looking building—the museum --mourninizTor more paint. Surrounded by an elliptical` iron' fence of the' 'diameterS of perhaps six and eight-Pet, it peePed from- the grass with an egt-sliaped head, as large as bushel baSket.` It bore rr bl4k painted letters the legend I WO. . The snialluess of the hoilider made one wonder how . even : the Mayflower's small band could plant. their .dolleeth"e feet on So small a stone without jostling for places, and at the same. time leave room for the Indians to get on and do the welcome address., ,We had begun to feel the fire of Webster's and Everett's Words when they talked about.. the Rock, as the suspicion seized us While the rain chilled'to the Marrow,- that : the sea distant : au- eighth- of a Mile could not have alloWed even'a pilgrlm to leap so far to clasp the handof the' head Indian. Doubts, grew fast, until the aged museumm,. keeper came down from the building before us,. and, in answer to our eager questions; said • that the head of the Rock alone was here; the remainder still resting by' the sea a few rods. down. Pulling hp in our enthtisiasm, we started for the rest of the sacred. stone: 7 - And the fOunctlt beneath the bank' covered by. a Stately - Canopy'Of granite supported out , pillars Of the name 'substance.. 'Here a - weeden plat, form, four feet. Square, filling the interior of , the. stincture, Covers the.stone: :Not wlmlly, how vet ; for mounting tbe nolt,cstepswe. loot-square --the -rougW: flattened surface. We' plant . our supstantial foot upon the' olid thing ht hist. ' : is-probable if the . platform had net . .beenlaid clown, patriotic sons of the pilgrims would have chipped the rock Off until there, not: have been a piece "large .enOughleft; to .:make; a -, gun-flint of." adly thinking on.the want, of sentitheut which ,had so Maitrehted'tlie'rikk as to the crown away; barbirO z aSlittirthring a land mark for holy 'feeling - and : patriotic emotion for -Americans,' we satustetied baclt;to the museum where are preserved IV:large nUMber of articles of household:'ture i mementoes . . and rude . portraits of leading,` early", settlers` of NeW EnglandProiklenco JOitrnOt.. . : • —rl'rince Arthur has greatly ploased the girls, of •'the Dominion" by his: reacbuoss to dance with'all of them at the public bans given dur ing his progress. At Shediao he waspartion. lolly courteous to a young lady from New York, who presented him with`a. bouquet. OUR *HOLE COMPinr. - - - - - - X 9 a are glad to welcome again - 03 this , city' 31r. Edih Booth; not simply because of the ,gratification which, at all times,can. be derived from his superlatively-excellent personationo,, but for the relief which he affords , from. the dull round of 'nolo-drama, indecent burlesque. and furious sensation with which we have. heetrboyed for a season past. Perhaps it would have been only fair if Mr. Booth •had given - the people of a city in 'which he partly owns a well patronized theatres an. `•opplOrtit- , nit .to enjoy his acting last winter, We are , inclined. to think. that he .meets,tvith as com plete appreciation, as hearty re • I ect, as varnii ..... . •,: • • • it oig a• a peg') ' has ojouTned so long: :He does not play to, empty benches here ; and we hope, now that he; ap Ins New establishment' Placed upon ar.tirrn foundation,:. he Will fried it as, pleasant as it is profitable to appear more ire quentlyin Philidelphia. . • , Nreare tired of weak-kned ;wit,. blood thunder and legs ;. we would, therefore, hail theadvent of a lesser artist than Booth with satisfattion; but we look upon his. great -het- . • ing and the vast audiences which sit'enehained by the magic of hiagenius with a certain sense of thankfulness that actorsaefhis qtiality exist ; that they refute the charge that' legitimate; ' drama is •out of time, and 'that they.still can attract , intelligent I.llotl and women in Multi tudes.... From Lydia Thompson •to Ednin Booth is a vast leap, and it seems irnpOSsible; that'those who admire one should ,enjoy; the' other. But doubtless those who have seen the , first More than once will throng to - see ;Mr.; Ititotb. • It may, perhaps then, be apparent , bow utterly unworthy a kicking, bare-legged, Woinan, without any qualifiCation as anartist, is to :claim fair position upon the. , stage,. and how such creatures, by driving legitimate actors to the wall, by debauching public taste and leading the multitude after false gods, de grade the theatre and make it what its . ene mies declare it to be--;-aplace where the lower passions are satiated by sensual ministers. '..1"11•S mission of true art is to give happiness by ''elevating, refining, ennobling. These are 'tile effects of Mr Booth's contributions to his - Mt The others amuse some by their coarse ness and brutality, and gratify by dis playing their persons, but they offer. nothing which can be really pleasing to an 'educated man or woman—nothing. indeed, Which can - be considered amusing by any , 0110 whe knows of what pure and gentle stuff true humor is made. • • 3. Ir. Booth appeared last ; evening in his greatest personation, "Hamlet.", It has been. criticised, discussed and quarreled over,. and • yet it remains the very finest bit of the actor's art, Mit is the crowning, work of the dra— matist. ..Mr. Booth's person fills the demands of the ideal "Hamlet" His sad, intellectual. face; his noble head, rds lithe, 'graceffil figure, slender and well knit, and full of poetry in its attitudes, belong to the princely scholar and' the gentleman, whose youthful person must have been like •this . One. 'What other actors do•.with. the costumer's art—what Mr. Booth ' hiirk.self dries with that, art in either •characters, .nature has done for him in this. He was cast in.ber mould for "Hamlet;'. and he •is the Dane's best representative. to-day physically,.• even if others have a tight to dis,pute his intel-' leetual superiority. .. • . ••• It is to Mt. Booth's credit that lie is never. as ' - satisfied with his own • personation as others are. We fancy .that we see,- in every new appearance, differences of ra(ling,,- , of • stage business, .of tvhich are for the" better. •He is forever cultivating himself, for fi - ever finding new- jewels or meaning in the ex haustless mine' of that strange play, and lie always spreads his new-found:tre.asures before his audiences. We inn 'recall half a dozen scenes in his " Hamlet" of past years which are given :now with a changed aspect; and every change seems to be an improvement. If the restless dissatisfaction of the actor with this, his favorite work of art, continues, We may expect, ere , ' Mr. Booth reaches middle life, to witness something very near perfQction in his " Efanilet." . • Ilt is better - Wrthy of his — most - careful atte.n tion than any other of his personatious. It is not only the pivotal figure of the play, but the play itself. ^ As he is the beginning and the ending—the giant beside whom the suli'ordi notes are dwarfed - nearly to insigniticance,so it is just that he should study to make the figure absolutely complete and satisfying in its phy sical being as it is in its intellectual concep Lion. No man ever worked upon better mate rial; and he who succeeds in presenting to.our eyes a complete incarnation of the melancholy philosopher who has been one of the greatest fignres in literature for three centuries,accom phshes a work of which the best genius might be I t if the incidental excellences of- Mr. Booth's "Hamlet" it is pot necessary to Speak here at length. CriticiSm has exhausted itself in praising and. picking at certain readings, pos turings and stage business. We have only to eulogize two or :three qualities of this adtor which demand praise because they need' wider popularity among men and women who aspire •to : highest histrionic honors. Mr. -Booth's action upon the stage is perfectly easy • and natural: This-is the perfection of art; as a ballet dancer's elegant attitudes, being the consummation of high training, seem the per feCtion of nature; Mr. Booth has no rant and tear in Ins passion. His strongest emo ti,)zN are expressed with a . quiet voice and manner, as they are in real life. He has no-loud appeals to the gallery or to the . clamorons among the audi-'. mice:. and his conipenSation: is not, in noisy demonstrations, but rather in the intent and liniet eagerness which is too much absorbed to venture upon breaking the spell with loud in terruptions. He has no monotony. He buildS passion nit;' he grows more mid more in tense, until Ins climaxes are reached, and then he retires to his first level. He does not, as some actors do, pitch hiS Passion ,So-high a key at first that he catmet, rise beyond it upon requirement,• and thus tire his audience with constant strain. 'He gives himself room to rise, and when he does rise, his hear-. ers sympathise ..with..the change and. feel its full force. In all this Mr. . . Booth displays.thnfa.culty of convict° ab sorption in his work. No man is made to feel his personality ! by as- much as a glance that •does not belong to the , charaeter. • The artist is not perceived; we know. him only as. Hamlet," and so we lose completely that unpleasant obtrusion of the bare elbows of, the individual thrOugh the tatters of the character which 80. often. robs acting, of its charm, and permits ins to • see the hollow side Of the mask. ' ' These _are hint few_olltkeinereLArident_e ,Aluliarities .44147. . ippon of other good tont "ties,:our readers must visit the theatre and witness 'the personation. It will be repeated this evening and tirmorrow evening, and we hope again more than once UTlng3l. r. Booth!s engagement. —lf too success of the first performance in, the Chestnut Street Theatre, under Miss Laura I.C.dene's management, is at true indica tion of the future, the theatre Ixiil be, blessed as.it never. has been before, Ili& prosperity •and nopularity.' !,The, house *is. literally_ full, and There was in the street a large- crowd of persons who unable to. enter, contented themselves with gazing 'through the doors into the vestibule." Many of those present were attracted; of course, by curiosity to see the improved building, and they wore completely satisfied' There has boot an entire transfer ? mation of the'interior, and 'now this theatre,. once the ugliest, most uncomfortable in town, with smells reeking up froM kitchens in the seats.which gave visitors the bark-ache, and a hundred other defects,' has been made, A3IV6kNENTEL' '';1)14 - 11if ISOOTH AT.TIIi I6ATASUL7T: OPENING OF T.Hki CHESTSVI , i' the prettiest, brightest, tmuggest, Most picturesque theatre we have ever had. Its good qualities in detail are: the most , comfor , table seats of any place , of amusement, in , Philadelphia, the most Convenient boxes, she best ell'octs of"contrast In the deco rations and hangings,' the visibility of every portion of tl stage from any Place iir the house'; a perfect syht4ro ,of *ventilation irhich poured in upon the warm auctionee r last night, a constant stream of cool fresh air „.• an almence of ans - thing like gaudiness; novel and.beautiful ornaments in'the shape of hang-, ing 'baskets of flowers and graceful plants i atui aliDgether ' a brilliant, striking and very rich general effect, whiclvpleases the eyo; andgives to the place an cart. enaracter, \vide& is very •n . .atlfy.: .g. The transfc - liar - editabl' , . • e. tra.,,Aormation is creditable in the.highest,degree to all who' have had any thing. to, do .with 14 and we are certain that heir efforts Will be rewarded by the people, Miss Keene doeS her diity on the stage, will make this a faVoriti and fashionable place , Of resort. We : believe --that a new • era has begun at the Chestnut and we are glad of it. Its pcisition alivays'entitle&it to rank as a first-- class theatre, ,Now its beauty and good Man . agement confirm the claim. . The play chosen for the inaugural night was he ileiti/e :Heart; or the Sculptor's Dram," a Frencliy and emotional dratna„ but tolerably well - adapted, perhaps, to a display 'of the Powers , of the. various members of 'the' pany. The company is a good one.,- It con ains several actors who.., are. well and favor ably known in this city,', and. some who are • strangers. Wewill. mention • them briefly. Miss Laura Keene appeared aS "Mareo"-the heroine, and played at, first with vivacity an then with great power and pathos. Her met its as an actress are already well' known to • our readers, and we need only . congratulate ourselves thatowe are to have her constantly on the stage of one of our best theatres. Miss Mary Howard played "Marie.", , This . young lady bas preposessing person., and a . goop deal' of talent. The melancholy of her .perso=' nations was of course unrelieved,.. but she contrived to depict sadness naturally--without that cheap pathos which is, too . often indulged nt Icy sentimental actresses in such • lugubrious part';. 3liss Josephine Laurens made a bright, . lively, pretty. "Clementine," and won less apphiuse than _Miss Hoivarci becausd she had smaller .oplier; tunity. Both of these ladies be favontes. 3lr. W. E. Sheridan,the leading man;appeared as "Raphael," and ga.ve complete satisfaction. He is a good actor with no greater inclination to tear passion to tatters than leading men generally have. 3l ore milduess - might become him better, but he cannot be considered guilty of really unbecoming violence. His perform ancein the last, two acts was very finer Mr. Frank Mortlaunt gave a capital - personation of "Volage," marred only by his old trick of gagging and inclination. to .indulge in bur lesque. Air. Mordaunt has much natural: : ability, but he 'permits his high. spirits :knife times to run away,witlf.his good sense. Some .persons in his audiencc-s may,"laugh at, his illegitimacies, but he offends those ' can" perceive the priety Of , . interpolations •of the text and of the burlesque business. Mr. C.A.3lcAlantis acid" Vaudore" handsomely. We have known . him fora.year or two..pa.st as, an intelligent, capable actor, of versatile talent and., ready appreciationof' the demands of any part assumed by him. He Will be a - valuable.mem - - ber of the new company. Mr. W. H. Otis played the ungrateful part of the," Viscount" very • , acceptably. " Dundreary" characters are apt to be tiresome and not at, all.funny. • Mr. Otis managed to make his personation, very amusing. Mr. W. H. Wallis and Mr. T. A. creese are well. known here from their long connection with the Arch Street. Thea tre, as faithful and capable actors. We are glad to see that Mrs. Crewe is enrolled in the company, and will shortly appear. She is,and Well deserves to be, a favorite with the people. Altt3gether the performance upon the first night was capital. We have rarely seen the drama preseuted hi a better manner, and we are confident that even this excellence can be improved upon, when the members of the become more accustomed to each cpmpany Mr. Mark Hassler has a first-rate orchestra, and he leads it with ability through very judi dons selections, all of which are well;plaved. His brother Simon, at the Walunt,has wielded the champion's baton , for a good while, but he will have to look to his laurels. Marble heart will be repeated every night this week. We recommend it, the pretty theatre and the good company, to our readers, assuring them that all are deserving of patronage. —The Junger •Miinnerchor and the Ger mania Orchestra; Will give a musical matinee on the afternoon of the 9d pros.. for ° the benefit of the sufferers by the recent Avondale coal mine disaster. An excellent entertainment will be the result of the combination of these two well l known musical societies, and a large sum. should be realized for the very worthy. object for which it is intended. —The Lydia Thompson Burlesque Troup will appear at the Arch. this evening in kiwi, and The , Forty nieces. Saturday evening, September - 25, will be the opening night of the regular fall mid winter season. Mrs, Drew and every member of the company will appear in Buiwer's comedy, called Honey. On Monday evening,. September 27, Bouci cault's Fornios«, or the Railroad q Rum will be. me Carneross Dixey give w an entertain me in nt this eteng at thei r e Eleventh Street Opera House. . • —A first-class miscellaneous' entertainment will be given at the American; introducing the wonderful Kirally troupe of. (lancers, and other attractions. —The twenty-first matin6e of the American Conservatory of Mufiie will be given, in the .Acadezily:st7.3lusic to-morrow afternoon. at 4 o'clock. A very attractive programme , has been prepared. —Mr. Carl Gaertner announces that he will give "the introductory soir;.e of, the National Conservatory 9f Music" at Dutton's piano, rooms, Nos. 11`36 and .1128 Chestnut street, this evening. A' good programme has , been pre pared. FROM YEW YORK. NEW YOU ii, Septeinber of No. 3 Livingston) place, committed suicide in Lis room, yesterday morning, liY shooting himself with a pistol. Pecuniary difficulties were the cause. His wife and daughter had left the room but a few moments when he eommitted.tho (leech „ • . smo Cr atic'T niowGeneral ('oinmilt and pro tested against the nomination of any person. for a State officer "who isinany manner iden tified with the Tammany Ring. 3 A man named Eugene Roland, alias Count Domingue O'D orate, a professional hotel thief, was sentenced to seven years and six months! imprisonnienght the Court of General Ses sions yesterday: •He was recently released from State Rryson, having been sentenced there in 18U4. An e-xamination was commenced before Commissioner Wbitc, yesterday, in the 'ease of 'frank and Stephen _Kinney, charged. with conspiracy to defraud the Government, in -having obtained the release of a distillery from the Alasshars officers on a partially, bogus baai . , . • Ittagers F6male College, which has been removed to the corner of One 'Hundred and Tweuty-fonrth street and Second. avenne t ,was inaugurated last evenin atflie Oongregahoual Chinch-in Harlem. Aldresses were delivered 113 , 13..E11i1ett, of Harlem; Dr: Stead;' of. toria; and' II on.• Willinni WOW* • '•.• ':; ~~ ;; t. FEMERSTON. Publisher.: pgiog:Tvii,'N g,..0,N--r.s. PACTIV AND FANCILIeg.. - --Desclanzas is very unsnecessfulfircParbt, —4lr., Johnson is - invited to•etplAitt , hitastir.: before the citizens of Atlanta, --.txtensive ;coal beds have been, diiciayerett e ) at Chanda, fn Central India. , ; .tP; -- -IturAsiia has ordered 60,000000 !eartridg.mlif.' (in anew system, to be made in the - Imperial arsenals ,of Austria. . --Anne Gagarm.is the great heiress 0f , 111981,- If cow.' er governor is a merchant and is •Woilli S75,060;000; "--karton's deitnee of Nrs. Stowe leads thec Bikstini-Travellee to clll'hirn the Sasicho Parma .etticoated_Q t theinVei ''EzTa "T. Benson,,ona-. ofltrigham'Ygntig's; twelve , rapostleS, has departed, - leaTingtrvelvei ; Iv id wits: • • and pumpkin-vine, can Hui:tired r y feet 'mg, is. iminimg- aretnral New' -Haiato- , shire. ;, ;1:t —Organ-grinders are not immortal, after all. One Was killed on the-Irriti road the other day. —Miss Kellogg is / crecliteillwith refiniing to receive the Prince of Wales , wlien that young gentleumai sent in hie card:, , —Colonel liurowritri, of the Polish Lgar t , , cers,"has tiled in Paris' at Or: ridi6zisons aLeillt • • —Archbishop 'Mate daughter keeps school at Cairo, Egypt, and has two hundred pupils. —A force of Chinese to work oti the Omaha, bridge has been secured. The wages paid,are , $37 50 a montt., • —Zeke Bads & Kentuckian wtho , has no ears, but hears through his mouth.- Ile - tittinkV, with his stomach. - • 4 —Bishop F. D. Huntington hitsre sented with , a house. costing $2,2,50Nat , cure. • • —An Illinois paper of a religious tor:Deans the dam on Rock River '1 our profaneetin prove:neut." . . —.Robert Conningsby.tells the Landon•Spec 7 4, - tutor that he was parasol-spiked out of his seat., in streetcars, in America. Which Cunning:4or is a teller of falsehoods. —ln-England, when railway companies sell tickets and the cars are full. excludedipcs-- sengers hire eoaches ' and tnake . the company, by suit in court, pay the bill —The Dean of 'Ripon is wagin„.... war againstr' . stained-glass windows in the English churches,,'; but Ritualists_let him riplom confident that, he.. • , will haVe his labor for his panes: • ' —The Viceroy of Egypt has , Ordered Ci,000.4 floss cr poni from a French manufactnryi,to.)Je'r7 delivered in time for the, festivities on , thnq opening of the Suez Canal. —A comedian, In Berlin, recently e'r some allusions to the recent Convent seamed,.. in Cracow, in his pmforinance, for'Whiol4lll4ri was arrested anti fitted forty thalerst. —Mr. Joseph Jefferson has ordered ft'onem" ' fish-breeder fifty thousand bass minnows,,to-'4: stock a river and lake at his country, neat Hoboken. , . . —A . ruember of a church in Vermont, desir-- ing 'fa man from,the Lord," .prayed- in this: wise: "Send us not an old man in his dotage,: t nor 4 young man , in goslinghood, but, man with a - 11 the modern improvements." . less than eight editors in lowa have' been already nominated tbr the State Legislae thie—four in each branch-and several others of the fraternity nro ninkon of for positions. 7 -Robert Ice having been detected 'in Klux outrages near Marshall, Alabama;.Weti. , - out last week with some gentlemen whoicar, lied it rope, and hasn't returned. Itiwas a big: , ,• thing on Ice • —ls there any country, beside Spain, in :thew,; ' civilized world where a paper could be started.. i • for the express 'benefit of the executioner-', Such, however, is the Guillotine, a'paperlately, inaugurated in Madrid. -„A_pliysichu lt_Waterfori4--Ireland,Lhati--.1 quarrel with'his wife the other day at dinner; - about what clergymen should baptize tlieur-;• baby. First, he kicked over the dinner-table; , then he rea the newspaper; then. he killedt, , - his wife with a gun and himself 'with —Goethe's statue at Munich was unveiled , : • on the 28th of August by Count Pant); in the: name of the King ofßavaria, who presented the statue to the city. At the moment when. . the veil fell all the male vocal societies began ' singing a piece of music composed for 'they' occasion by , Professor-Rheitiberger, - An eloquent reporteribr aWestern paper,',, describing the condition of a family before a. '. recent sad occurrence in it, says - that " there • is no apparent trail of a serpent, and the pro verbial skeleton is too deep .in. the recess,of7, the deepest closet to daze the eye .with its 7 , glitter or grate upon the car its sepulehraL, rattle." — . -Among the different Means employed . by: the Russian GoVernmentto effect the thorongy.. Rus.silication of Poland the most singular iy undoubtedly a decree lately,issued at War Saw. • ' In future allpublie clocks throughout the king.:, dont* are to mark no longer Polish but St.• Petersburg time. An amasing•anadote reported in connection with this new act despotism. The EmperOr happened a, few, days after the promulgation of the decree, to. ask' one of • lus aides-de-camp, a Pout, o'clock it was. The.cifticer,_without looking at his watch, replied, " - Whatever hunt' yowrr Nlajesty pleases." —A' Paris' correspondent writes.aS follows; , "Have I told you of a piece of vandalism per petrated on 31. Carpeauxos group, "Dancing'" • which is placed on the front, .of, the Granoli Opera? Some ruffian threw a bottle, of ink.otic, • it and has nearly ruined it. The disgraceful, deed way committed tetweera• and 3 o'clock A. N. No clue to its author hasbeen obtained::: was a little intrprised; to hear that are not nnfrequently disfigured here. Some years since there was in Place Vintinelle• x, nudo '• statue of Napoleon represented as an antique. hero. One night some fellows painted , it a. pair of red Runnel drawers., Several statues. have been defaced with ink, which cannot, it, . seems, be removed. BTAJ:siDgits AND AusiinniviEs OF MAsTmis.---In the gallery of the convent of Jesuits at Lisbon, there Is a piiiture representing- Adam. in Paradise, dressed in blue breecheS _ • with ,Silser buckle's: and Eve with a striped pett4mat.. .In the distance appears- a procekision • • Of Capuchin monks bearing rho. cross.. In- : :40:5/I_.lffkhurchinir.oll4wl;:tbepo4§.o-0,10:C.Mt:4747.f, representing the sacrifice of Isaac, in which the: ,s•,• • painter has depicted Abrahanywith• a blunder buss in his hand, ready- to shoot his son. A. similar edifice, in Spain has , picture . ef the same incident, hi which the patrhusch is armed with a pistol. At Windsor there is pitintft: • - • by Antonio ,Verrio, in which the artist bits• •:: • introduced Portraits of himself,` Sir 00411 - ey:••, Kneller, and Nay, the surveyor of the Works of that period, all in long periwigs, • itS i sitiveYera: : of Christ I iealing dm sick. ppiter ofTple having to present the three :wlsoilMeh''`of'lllo East coming to worship oit the nativity of Christ; dopieted three or Indian kings, two of them white and one 144, :arid' all of • them in the posture of kneeling:ThepOsitioct ..; Of the legs of each fl4*ikabeing Very distineti, :••:: lie inadvertently . lininkexVtbreti, 'blaek : feet ; for-, , negro king, hetwcOn the two wbileldno ;'ninriin did neit; ,. iiiieoer his error until his Was. hung up in, UV) Cathedral; ': • MIME= I ~, :;} "'rii _., :;r.