• A _ 2 AN AVOIIET IPAAIO4 I 9,z„ , • IDIT BAYARD . TAymovi••,,,_ lONIA is the air, and still 1- thti'ileailis of the locust andwalnnt Zily hang, gram the btingliklnlaYing their _ intricate outlines• ' Rather on space than the skT,—ou' a tideless expaugion of slumber. Faintly afar in the depths- of the duskily withering gra..'sseS' "...Katydids chirp, .and I hear the monotonous _2; ,• - •,x'attle of crickets'. , Pena is the air, and ah! the breath that was . . -wont to refresh me Out of the volumes I love, the heartful, whis- •- permgpages,, Dies on the typo, and I see bet wohrisome char . .- 'actors only. • • 'Therefore be still, thou yearning voice from the garden_in Jena,— • • Still, thou answering voice from. the park-side cottage inlVeimar, Still, sentimental echo from chambers of office .' in Dresden,— Ye, and the feebler and farther voices that _ , sound in the pauses ! 'Each and all to the shelves ',return ; for Cain is your.commerce }Tow, when the.world and the brain are numb in the torpor of August. .. Over the tasselled corn, and fields of the twice blossomed clover; Dimly the bills recede ita the reek of the color less hazes: Dull and lustreless, now7f. of the woodlands ; Leaves of blackberry • briers are bronzed .and besprinkled with copper . ; • Weeds in the unmown mellows are blossom ingpurple and yellow, Itonghly . entwined, a wreath for the tan and :wrinkles of Summer. 'Where shall I turn? What path attracts the indifferent footstep, :Wager no ..more as in • une; nor lifted with wings as in May-time ? . -,Whitherward look for agoal, when buds have exhausted:their promise, ' Harvests, are reaped, and grapes and berries are waiting' for Autumn ? • Wander, my 'feet, as ye list! I am careless, to-day; to direct you ; • • '::.:carpet hete, the path by the pines, ,the russet .;...earpet of needles • . Stretching from wood to'. wood, and hidden -:-, from sight by: the orchard!' liere, in the sedge of the slope, the centuary, • pink as a sea-shell, . Opens-her, stars all at once, and, with finer than -• • , .tropical spices Sweetens the barren aridity,—censer of fields .that are sterile. .4Tcriv, Item the height of the grove, between ' - the irregular tree-trunks, ..9ver the falling fields and ineadowy curves of • the valley, Glimmer the peaceful farms, the mossy roofs of the houses, `Gables gray of neighboring barns, and . • gleams of the highway Climbing the ridges beyond to dip in'the dream of a forest. Ah, forsaking the shade, and slowly crushing - • the stubble, • Parting the viscous roseate stems and the keen pennyroyal, Rises a different scene, suggestion of heat and • of stillness, Meat as intense and stillness as dumb, the im maculate ether's Rush when it vaults the waveless 3lediterra - • nean sea-floor; Golde4 the hills of Los, with pencilled ceru , lean shadows Phantomsyof Carian shores that are painted • - and fade in the distance ; Patmos behind, and westward the flushed Ariadnean Naxos,— Once as I saw' them sleeping; drugged by the poppy of Sumther. Tliere, indeed, was the air, as with floating • stars of the. thistle Filled with impalpable, fcirms, regrets, possi bilities; longings Beauty that was. and . was not, and Life that • - was rhythmic and joyous, . •,ito that the sun-baked clay the peasant took for his wine-jars Brighter than gold I thought, and the red acidity nectar. Here, at my feet, theiclay is clay and a nui sarice the stubble, Flaring. St-John's-wort, milk-weed, and ' coarse, unpoetical mullein ; Yet,. were it not for the poets, say, is the as ' phodel fairer? Were not the mullein as dear, had Theocritus sung it, or Bion? Yea, but they did not ; and we, whose fancy's • tenderest tendrils Shbotnnsupported, and wither, for want of a Past we can - cling - to, We, sp starved in the Present, so weary of singing the Future,— • What hi't to us, if, haply, a score of centuries , later, weed inspires Patagonian tourists, and 4 , flbataleilis are classic? 14,1,110,ialancing fortunes, feeling the spite of them, maybe,— FOrlhe little withheld outweighs the much that is given,- - - Ikeling. the pang of the brain, the endless, un quenchable yearning 13ofn of the knowledge of Beauty, not to be shared or imparted, ,Slowly I stray, and drop by degrees to the thickets of alder • Fringing a couch of the stream, a basin of - , Watery slumber. Broken, it seems • for the splash and the drip .4nd the bubbles betoken ,What?—the bath of a nymph, the bashful " • strife of a Hylas ? • proud is the hack; and bent from an un=olym ' pima stooping,' ..: - Istarrow the loins and firm, the white of the thighs and shoulders Changing to reddest and toughest of tan at the knees and the elbows. .151.Co.faim ? Hesees me, nor cares to hidein the thickets. , i x• Faun of the bog is he, a sylyan creature of Galway . Come from the ditch below, to cleanse him of -- sweat and. of Muck-stain ; - Willing to give me speech, as, naked, he • stands in the shallows. something of coarse, uncouth, barbaric, ho •• *- leaves on the bank there.; !Something of primitive lnunan fairness cometh to clothe him. Were he not bent with the pick, but straigh tened from reaching the bunches • lidtg . from the mulberry branches,—heard he the bacchanal cymbals, Took from the sup an even gold on the web of . • • his muscles, -Knew the bloom of his stunted bud of delight of the senses,— Then as faun or shepherd he might have been • welcome in marble. Tea, but he is not ; and 1, requiring the beau balance, music ochre in the body, and limbs too fair to be hidden, Find, indeed, some delicate colors and possi ble graces,— Moral hints of the man beneath the unsavory garments,— • ng-ItIiELT4W... versed of the raceq /Starting the world afresh on the basis unlovely • . Of Labor. Was it a spite of fate that blew me hither, an exile, Btill unweaned, and not to be weaned, from the milk I was born to '? Bitter the, stranger's bread to the homesick, hungering palate ' • Bitterer still to the soul the taste of the food that is foreign ! Yet must take it, ve,t live, and somehoW !: •seem to be healthy Lest my neighbors, Perchance, be shocked by an uneompreliended Violent clamor tor that w hi hh I crave and they cannot supply unmeet for the times, anaehronistical passions;- 13.4uty seeming distortpd because the rule is . distOrtion, ' Fiere . ita tangle winch, now, too idle am i to unravel, ~ ,-:', '.;:I..T.HEiI)AILY:4Y:i:',AP,7O#4OI.-s:rultiE,A)j.io.4,l.A;::....a-Ail3ul3.o:o(,....ggEi.Actss ß .8...:'10p.,...;.,1..-.•....,',„,i.' m oreover,* 'birteriawe et, moon se fs4-grapc, • ' 40 5 . Mt4intrthe , tbicieets : printel,lll, prtdia, practical fangios ! • !,.•,• • Verily, Mali' 40wilgePIT OYself XlittiOlciaz 4 epf , lesthetig, . Pi%•Z•, , , • Aveless prQblerA;; the feet Ive•§3,:!..vy,ellnigh • beedlesily fettered:. ThonglitlegS,'th4 true, I relinquished fay bboks ;-* but aesei t eundo Wisely. was said,—for desperate vacancy prompted the ramble, Memories prolonged, and a Phantom of login urges it onward. a. Here are the - fields again! The soldierlyvaaiie in tassel, • - Stands on review, and carries the scabbarded ears in its arm-pits. kuStling I part the, ranks,L4he close, engulfing • battalions ' • • • • Shaking their pinnies overhead,--and, wholly bewildered And heated, , • gain the ten of the ..ridge, where ,'stands, colessal i the. pin-oak. Yonder a mile away, I sce.the reofs,of the See the crouching front of the ,Mbeting-bouse of the QuakerS, : Oddly conjoined with the. whittled Presbyte rian steeple. • ' Right and left are the homes of the slow, con servative farmers, , Loyal people and true, but, now that the bat ties are over; Zealous for Temperance, Peace, and the Right' of Suffrage for Women. Orderly, moral,, are. they,—at least, in the nae-of--suppre.- ee • Given to preaching of rules, inflexible outlines • f afar ' - Seeing•the sternness of life, but, alas! over - looking its graces: Let me he juster : the scattered seeds of the —graoesare planted • Widely apart ;' but the trumpet-vine on the porch is a token; Yea, and awake and alive are the forces of lout. and affection, Plastic forces that work from the tenderer models of beauty. Who shall dare to speak of the possible ? Who shall encounter • Pity and-wrath and reproach, recalling...the record immortal Left by the races when Beauty was law and joy was religion ? Whole thelhity in drab shall bring the gar- landed Pleasdre?— Break with the 'chant of the gods; the glad- _ some timbrels of morning,— - Nasal, monotougu.s chorals, sung by the sad .congregati4tl?-• Better it were to sleep with the/ owl, to house with the hornet, Than to conflict with the satisfied moral sense of the people. .Nay, but let ine be just; nor speak with the alien language Born of my blood ; for r know them, and . value and love them. Was it My, faidt, a strain of the distant and dead generations , Brake iu my . being, renewed, and made me other than these are? • Purer; Perhaps, their habit of law than the • freedoM they shrink from; So, restricted by will a little indulgence is riot. They, content with the glow of a carefully tempered twilight, Measured pulses of joy, and colorless growth, of the senses, Stand, aghast at my dream of the sun, and the, sound, and the splendor! • . Mine it is, and remains, resenting the threat of suppression, Stubbornly shaping iny` life, and feeding with fragments its hunger. Drifted' from Attican hills to stray on a Scythian So unto me it appears, — unto them alierver . sion and scandal. Lo ! in the vapors, the sun, colossal and crim son and hornless, Touches the woodland; lingers of air prepare for the dew-fall. Life is fresher and sweeter, insensibly toning to SoftnesS Needs and desires' that are but the broidered hem of its mantle, Not the texture of daily use; and -the soul of the landscape, . Breathing of justified reSt, of peace deVeloped by patience, Lures by to feel the. exquisite senses that 'come frtnn denial,, . Sharper passion of Beauty never fulfilled in external Forms or conditions, but alWays a fugitivi has-been or may-be. Bright and alive as a want, incarnate it dozes and fattens. Thus, in aspiring, I reach what were lost in • the idle possession ; Helped by the laws I resist, the forces that daily depress me ; Bearing in secrjter joy a luminous life in my bosom. Fair as the stars on Cos, the moon on the boscage of Naxos! • Thus the skeleton Hours are clothed witlit rosier Tioilies : Thus i 1 iniriei I Bacchanal's rise unto lu.stim daitces: Thus the neglected god returns to the desola'iti temple : Beauty, thus rcihroned, accepts and blesses her children ! INSTRUCTIONS. .9A,‘ BIDING SCHOOL.—MR. E. DE KIEFFER will open hie Riding School IN and :110 Dugan street, below Spruce, on SE rrEm 13, PO, with a good stock of well-trained hems. 1i0r,024 trained to the 'saddle. Those keeping their horses at IWe etable.can have the privilege of using the riding- Saddle horses and carriages fur parties, Sr., to hire. 'eel;-2tiO HORSEMANSHIP SOIENTIFI noAcatIL t aughta the P elflia Riding School strabove Vine. irHeaienoan thoroughly trained. For hire, saddle horses. Also car riages at till times for weddings, parties, opera, funerals, &c, Horses trained to the saddle. THOMAS CRAIGE &SON. _ JUST RECEIVED AND IN STORE 1,000 cases of Champagne, sparkling Catawba and. Calf. fornia Wines, Port, Madeira, Sherry Jamaica and Santa Cruz Rum, flne•old Brandies and Whiskies, Wholesale and Retail. P. .1. JORDAN, Z2O Pear stree t Below Third and Walnut a ascots, and above Dock street de7-tf LIQUID RENNET.— A MOST CONVENIENT ARTICLE for making JUNK ET or CURDS and WHEY in a few minutes at trilling expense. Made from fresh rennets, and a/waya rehab le, JAMES T. SIIINN, ye9,tf.rp§ Broad and. Spruce streets. REPAIRS TO WATCHES AND Musical Boxes, in the best manner, by skillful workmen: FARR & I3ROTHER, 24 Chestnut street below Fourth, ISAAC NATIIANS, AUCTIONEER, N. E. corner Third and Spruce streets, only one square below the Exchange. e 290,800 to loan, In largo or small amounts, on diamonds, silver plate, watches,Jewelry, and all gerxia of value. Office hours from 8 A. M. to 7 P. 31. 8,7" Established for the last forty years. Ad vances made in. large amcunts at the lowest market rates. . jag tfrn TORNCRUMP, BUILDER, el 1791 CHESTNUT STREET, and 213 LODGE STREET. Mechanics of every branch required for-house-building and fitting promptly furnished. ' fe774.1 - DO sTri AND RAILS, POSTS RAILS, A., _all styles.,..Nottrdiele,-aquare anithalf-rottiv3-posts, heart and ion: 90,099 feet that common , boarcle. Shelving; lining and store-fitting material made a spa; cialty., NICHOLSON'S, my9-tfrp Seventh and Carpenter streota, AND BUILD''' . • NO. 1024 SANSOM STREET, jelo-Iyrp PHILADELPHIA. CARPENTER AND BUILDER, 49,4 MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED UPON DIAMONDS, ,WATOLIES, JEWELRY, PLATE, CI , OIII,OICe, &c., at . JONES dt CO.'S • OLD-ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE, . Corner of Third and blaeki II etreete, Below Lombard. N. 8.-DIAMONDS, WATUIIES, EWELBy,OUNS FOE BALE AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES PHILADELPHaTitantIONS' BANDAGE INSTITUTE, 14'N ~N etreet, above Market.. B. C. EVl.ltt l'T'd Truss ppeitively curial Rupture's. Cheap Trumea, Elastic Bella, Stock loge, Bu porters,. Shoulder Br a / a ao, Crutches, 61113 peneurien,Pile Baudagen. Ladled attended to by lam B. --.. . •, -- .fZi'`li .-- ~.---''''-tivuoA- T iort:::. l --- - -, ; - ---'.'-' ----. . i -.„:- IA , vast ' • A 4/4.. I : te . ~', • t ,I, ~ "6 i. „. ' ''',, '''.: (.4''''':rn • '; . , .' ' , FOR -61 , 4, • . ;f ti , f,' r , - I. VIOI.T N G MEN. p 6 :; 810 y-18. ;-.,. No. 1415 'Loolist ~ . ., l iti v , , ' ~ '.-,c, ', i„. tr:IWAILD CLARENCE Bllitai ' .' ‘• ,PiinciPill• 1. This School offers superior., dr Omen twit to those pro; E a rlil n c l ikeri b n i gi n d e iri nTati:l n a7ic .j.' ' varyl thorough and English complete. Special instructors in a renc,nrDrawing, Pea ' 2. Those looking to College. receive a most thorough preparatory training. , •,„ ~ , . 3. Special IPeatures-An unsurpasfied lbeitlity, large and well. ventilated rooms, a.secluded play-ground, a , _first-class Primary Department. .. ~• , . Next Session ` begins ' September 33 - Clic - niers nt 122 e Chestnut street. -•-, , • ... r•,- - : , • an 23.11 1 .14. ; 7 i4(TTilio • ELECT ' HIGH SCHOOL , . S TENTH ST..' It is designed thotThis Institution „shall rani( second to .none. In Philadelphitt, ThCiiumbgni.ofistuildnts is limited to as many only as cawroceive tho titian,' atten tion et the Principal: - it being hit deitirotorconiblne all the moralundretining+!intinenceetbat are wild s ' tent with needful discoltmc.• - ,‘, 4; The undersigned bring 6 to MS asSiStance in the pur suit of his protession the experience amen than a via r• ter of a century. during which" time hei 'Mut been engaged in the instruction of voting mon and.boys .front almost every section of the Limon, and ;qintile result of his ef forts with h . wholn, he ie willing to batitehiselaim for con; tinned support.' ' • ' ' +, • ' • It is the practice of the undersigned -'lO- devote to the , government and instruction, of the 'Students. his Imre witting personal attention ; yet lie snares no'pains in the selection of those whom , ho to mishit him in the School, they being gentlemen of liberal edneationi and of known fitness for their profession.. - Students may prepare,therneolibi 'for entering any class in College or for the fictive businesit of life. Espe cial attention is given to tho study of Natural Philoso phy, Chemistry and the mathematics, te well to Arith mitotic Etymology and the other, `erdinarir English branies. r; A limited number of boys will b • .received to consti- ,inpervhdon ot tht;Piineipal,' Et. erbte — es.wi I .a resumed on the 20th inbtunt ' . 1, ' ,sel3-6t* CALEB A fi lfT s , reopen IL'll.l:ll.sr.Sll7A.Y,opeptemoueo.B., TAT EST C.HESTNTJT.STII, - .EETc.:!IINSTU- T tute.—Miss E. IT. ,13.110WN 117111,Opent a 'school for young ladies, at No. 035phestuut Street . , on TUNS- Serd. 21. Circulars may ,be procured:at the school on and alter Wednesdoy,tho•lsth. • •' sell-180 LT BARROWS'S SOIIOO4 FoR Boys, . in the CITY nt " Chestnut and Eighteenth, \rill re -open MONDAI; SOPLI3.• § MISSES 'GREGORY .WILL RE- A. open their School forrionnu badics; Na. 3917 Lo cust street, on 111 ON DAY Sept. 13th; au%) lnr_ -.GITILLK.,‘FET,' FRENCH' TgAc HER, 1../. 237 South Ninth strcTt: ' • 7m' H E CLAsslcAr . AND :'ENGLISH SCILooI of 11.1): GREGORY' ',C11., ta.YIIOS Mar ket street, will : reopen 0n'111.0.14 DAY; sop!. O.' • Mss.AiIIIFFITTS- 'WILL:.II..t:OPEN • her schbol SEPTEMBER :13th,:iti the tipper rooms of the School Building 'IA 'the • Churchi Cites-tont and Fifteenth streets. Entrance t upper gate ; on (The:a but treat. Applications received at 112 a (Ward street. itii2Moct , - rL fi. • • TUISS BONNEY AND plfLAirE 131 will reopen their boardiug 'and';dayf . seliool (twen tieth year), Septemberls, at 1615 Ckestuut street. P:u , ticulare from circulars, • aultito octl C— LASSICAL, MATHEMATICAL' ANDc , ENGLISH 5C.1390L, •at 1112 Market , street, re. opens September 9411.. Rooms large.; • Bel lm W3l. S. COOLEY, A. 31. MISS ARROTT AND. MRS: WELLS', (Formerly of No. 1607 Poplar street,. Will open their Boarding and Day School' for Girls, on the first :Monday in October, MO at:No. 5254' GER ' MAN TOWN avenue, Germantown, P , hiladelphia: • 'Until October let, • direct. to No. 744 North NINE TEENTH Street. ' , ttulo-3w; QCHOOL REMOVAL. :• • • .11figs JAMES will resume the duties of her . School on MONDAY, 13th instant, at No i .12`1 Chestnut street,' . selo-12.t§ M ISS BORDEN'S SCHOOL FOR. GIRLS and Boys, No. 1626 rine:street, will .reopen Sep tember 33t11. • • • se6 mA,EY M. TRUMAN WILL , ItU-0 PEN her &Mot, No. 142 Noitti'Setenth; street; on the 13th of Ninth Mouth (Septethber): ' • . BO CATHARINE M. SIIRLEY. WILL Rg- OPEN her School, No. ,4 Scintli MERRICK street, on Second-day (MONDAY), 9th month (September) Lath, 166,9:, 4 , st 3 lin§ wM. I'EWSMITH'S 'CLASSICAL AND Illutheinathlad Sehool,looB ChekniirMreet. Pupils thoroughly fitted for College orA/1134108d pur suitu. • , , The Fall Session will coinineuce on IIfONDAY: Septent beiLEfilt. cluntp:l4", ZI[TEST PENN , SQUARE SEIVIINAItY VV , for Young Ladies, No. s.Switlii• Merrick street, Hate Mrs. M. S. Mitchell's). The Fall term of this School will - begin on WEIiESDAY, September 22d. Dliss AGNES IRWIN, Principal. tse2l MISS CLEVELAND DESIRES TO AN nonnee' that She will open, ou MONDAY, Sep tember 20th, at =3 De Lancey Place, - a school for the education of a limited number of young ladies. Circulars may be had on application at 24.3 South Eighth Street, between the hours oft) and 2. set-tri TRY HO USE. • Select.HOme Boarding School for Boys. Assisted by graduateof Trinity - University, a gentleman of attain ment and ex perience, and aided by other teachers,MßS. CRAWFORD will be prepared to receive her pupils on WEDNESDAY, ltith September. Pry can be reached by Sixth street cars and dummies via Fraultford. • For forma and circulars apply to the PRINCIPAL, Dry House, Fox Chase P. 0., Twenty-third Ward. Phila. ~ „. , sel lino§ rpHE ARCH STREET INSTITUTE FOR 1. Young idGlateo, nib Arch stro.q. will re l opow ON Y 7fseptcitiber'2ot h. _Apply from Stn 12 A. _M titi3o §- MSS L. 31. 13.110,WS.T.Hifefij;i1;—' ri_EORGE R. BARKER, A. M., W.LLL RE VA open street, Gerhma English on n d MCodaya, l vt h embe r P . r th o ,o MO. ' aul9-Im§ FRENCHLANGCIAGI::—I'RUP.ESSOI L AItOIEALT has removed to :No. 223 South 'Ninth Ftro.t, un26 ha' SH N Fit WILL •IGE- M lS r open her kto ol WEDNESDAY. Se pteinber .8; N: W. corner Fifteenth and Pine. nu2o lne, • rvilemAs BAI.,DWIN'S GLISII,OLAS- Firal and Mathematical School for Boys ' northeast corner of Broad and Arch streets, will re-open Septem ber Rh.. an2.3lnr" —Atlantic Monthly mr24 tfrDi emiZ•iiiars given, or sent to address, n A'f) COLLEGIATE.SCHOOL, S. W. CORNER Broad and Walnut streets.. Term begins Sell , tember Oth. '[ut43, 'REGINALD H. CHASE. A. M., principals HENRY W. COTT, A. M. s 'DP— • 1111-1 E FIFTEENTI - 1 ACADEMIC YEAR, 1. of the. Spring Garden ACuletny, N. E. edrner Eighth and Buttonsmod streets, begins MONDAY, Sept Oth. -Buys and Young Non prepared for-business or College. J. P. BIRCH, A.M. CHAS. A. WALTERS, A.M.'; 0112314 Principals. '. M 1.55 CARR'S SELECT BOARDINGand Lay School for Young Ladies. • EILDON SEMINARY, opposite the York Road Sta tion, North. pennsylvania Railroad, seven miles front Philadelphia, will reopen on WELNESDAY Sept. Circulars obtained at the office of Jay Cooke 4: Co., Bankers, 114 S. Third etreet, or by addressing the Princi pal, Shoemakertown P. 0., ;Montgomery co.,Plimu2l MRE - MISSES CHAPMAN'S BOARDING J. and Day School for Young Ladies will re-open September 12th, 1809.: For Circulars, address the Prin cipals, Ilolmesburg, Twenty-third Ward. Philadelphia, or they can be obtained at Mr. TRUMPLER'S Music Store, 926 Chestnut street. Phibida. au2 2m* rpHE., BEST PILOVIDED SCHOOL: , IN X A MERICA.—TDD SCIENTIFIC AND CLASSI CAL INgTITUTE—a School forllays and Young Men —Coiner Poplar and Seventeenth streets, ro-opens 'MONDAY, September Ult. J. ENNIS, A. • stun int" Princepal.. -- Ct:ILISI N TOWr N SEMINARY -FOR r .Y . OUNG LADIES. Green street, south of Walnut Lane, will re-open September 8. For cirindars contain-. log full information, apply to Prof. W. S. FOR,TRSOUE, A. N., Principal. aug2itf9 VILLENDS' SCHOOLS, CORSA? FOURTif . and Green streets t entrance on Fourth street), will reopen on the first Second -day In the Ninth month September 0), 180. These schools have large and well-ventilated rooms, and are under the care of experienced teachers. • For further information apply at the adv.& to Sarah 8. Long, Principal oi Grammar School; Rebecca T. Buckman, Principal of Secondary School; Abide T. Lippincott, Principal of Primary School; or to SDeucer Roberto, 421 N.•Si.ttlt street, Withal A. Allen, 721 Green street.. I+LISS,EB 31ANSFIELD'S SCHOOL; 1_ No. 4783 Main street, Alto - get Square Germantown, will open Wednesday, Sept. 15th, Pifiti. 'For furt4iet•ln7 formation_apply fichttfil . IlltrEtrifeltrr:=-Ittet*. -- AV'T. - Pealtotly, D. 1)., - Harvard Univsrsity. Ito Waldo Emerson, Olio Esq., ,Iftmoorel, Mass. Olir Wendell Holmes, M. 0., 110,1 ton. Simnel Dow lett, - Dett ~ Springfield „Mass. E. R. Hoar, Attorney- General, Washington. 110111arn Dorsey, Germantown. R OY. Silas Farrittantl; Germ antow aul9.lloo* . PHILA D It: L.P.11 1 A SCI - 100J1 OF Design for Women, Northwest Tenn Square, will reopen on MONDAY, September 20tit. T. W. BnAnrwoon, seiJ-01 g • Principal. yOtN(.I Classical, Commercial and Scientific • Institute, PM Mt. Vornott street. Tills suceossful school ontois its firth year. September Gilt. Preparation for business or College. Popilwmay now lei Preparatorf do .. partmeitt fur small boys. Rev. JAS. 0. SHINN, A. M., an2f , lin§ Principal; . SPICING GA RD.EN INSTITIJTH luOlt YOUNG LADIES Deopenf-if September 13. GyidiEja LoMB . S, A . au2lt-lni • 6401 and Gil Itiamitall street.' ' ;01 1t..JA.31E .M.tHASIti ILI, RESUM bbicluxoy.4 in Latin and Greek, :ma , EngliNh Literliture..lirpt , CauditlaNs for C011...g0 thokonghly pr , •pure4l for the Frf . 4)11111.11 pr advanced rktxd4 x. Addretin till atinVO date ; Cambridge, MakK. • uu2t tu ti t ti F.,a • 1,;„ ~., ..:, .!i!le 1 , ,, , ' .11 ~, ~ :,.4 . ,,,i :iiiiiiyiictßifr. ~; ....•.. 0,1 , T., t . • „_.,. , .., 1 61-. , , , , dit t 1 10 ABEIVAL,'N43OIENT • • it, Di. OhiliNft i i AMR M ,l'! , g , ..-., ~ li 4 Sff , i t , se AlOYtitAll .11r0 GPSNN ,',..'0 1 •,,, , \:: : 0' e lasnmilblotita. lidb k - 'Az- ..41A, si -). 'l , Entr co 108 Isaiah TENTri'Streset. Al-, This School presents the following advantages: . Finely ventilated clase-rOmns, with ceilinge thirty feet , in height, giving each pdpit store than doublo tho usual , breathing space. • . , • Wideonaesiveatairwaysrrenderinfir accidents •in as- • 1 eembling and dismissing abneet impossible. 1., A corps of teachers, every one of whom has had years , :of experience; iri. the ' art of imparting knowledge, and mak' mketudy interesting, and, coueequently, profitable. A mode.ot.teaching.and discipline calculated to make school attractive; instead - of - burdensome to the-pupil •an Sadist:lgnitable requi itafor completeoucceser . ; ~ Appltcatiotasreceivel4tjh A o cmlenty. from ,10,A , M. ' 'to SF. ISt:, daily, Minh after 'AUGUST 13, , Catalogue'', sontainipg full paVActattzl aDd t h e Preee• 'of many °Tear 'leading citizens, patronietn-the-las IVA tien t may beobtained , ot 14r, 1V..!: W. Warburton's, 430 Chestnut street, or by addressing the Principatas.abeue.. H. Y. LAtiDERDA(3I3, Late Print. ipgl of the Northweht rn.l4 l e 4 3, l 4hinittir,Behooi• 5e14412 ~ 1.4 • r', .• •4 .i• : p -,, .= J-• ._...r B. INCH TAUGHT BY CON F ti mi, . :Private' ',lessons, -Claw snow foming; tot; 10(114 and gentlemen. Prof..,DELACOURT, 1208 Race Btrect. HolB-2r 4YISS , ANAIALEIS - ENG - LI:151i AND 1. I're neiißbnrcling DO' School, No:1350 , rinu tstreet, will reopen September Ibtlt. 807-12t5 seiroOL: , . . . VAN DER WIELEN'S EUROPEAN SCROOL,OF MAT . pt 133T1E 1 OSTI4UT street, Philadelphia. This institution; 'modeletl _upon the levet celebrated Academlex of Eure IA now ppou for the reception of pupils. Its histoictionii are not limited to Artiste ox elusively; but are also carefully adapted lathe. wente of teachere, antl,alt,Others .who • elusive .proficiency in Art as an acconiplisbnient; nissieulllßY be had at any time. .ICirecula • • - plication. . . ' ae.l6-/20 TUTOR WAN TED.--..A GENTLPIAN F refinement:and ifitellethial - cultures' wanted to eiltt iiitte an intelligent fadj,llo \V in his twelftli,year. A liberal compensation \till lie Mad to one with hits the requisite resources, and the aptitude to make instruction rather a tonsure thanA VASIL, Addreini box No. 2015 Philadelphia 11SS -- CLAM( WILL' • 'Ol l -BIT: --HER Jt_ school •on WEDNESDAY, Sepf.-15,iti . the School in the rear of ,the Church of thelloly Nineteenth and W,nlnut 'Atreetd' 8f A D AME CLEMENT:;" FRENCH Protestant Boarding' School,' Germantown; Pa. The Fall Term will open on WEDNESDAY, September For Circulara,' a pply to the Principal. 80411 ant ;i 1„4" 1 8 S BAYARD,'S•B OAP, D IN GAN D DAY _al re-oPeA September Uth,.1.80). . ' self-1U:''1418 , lateAntit tick; I, CENTRAL • INSTITUTE,. NORTHWEST cornnr-Tenthapd Spring Gorden streets, will re, , opsn MONDAY, September tab. .114? yr; prepared -for College or 81 - IBi7lo#B. nt'Sidetic6. of Principal. 534 North Tenth st. • H. G. .711eGUIEE .A. M., Prin. au2436t§ • Prim E, -MISSES MORDECAI WILT, RE 1. open'thrir Day &lint,'" for Young' Lthiles on WED NESDAY, Septonbor 2.zi, at .121:15 Spruce st. -att:ll-lhe • 4 /11 HI: HI LL-70 1. SELECT FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL,' ' An English, .Classical , Mathentaticaly Scientific, and -- : - A.rtistin Institution, • • FOE YOUNG MEN AND:TiOYS, • At POTTSTOWN, 'Montgomery County: Pa. The First Terni of the Nineteenth Annual besslonwill cernmsnce on WEDNESDAY, the Sth,day of September next. Pupils :received at any timo. For -threnlarg, address • . Rac. GEO. F. MILLER, A. M., Principal, RLFRILENCES. REP. DRS.—Meigs, Schaeffer, Mann, Kranth, Sethi, Mullionberg, Starer, nutter, Stork, Conrad, Boni lwrger, W ylie. S terret, Murphy, Crtii Italia - Like, etc: 110N5.,-Judgc Ludlow, Leonard Myers, M. Russell Thayer, ROW. Boyer, -Jacob .5. 'Yost, Illeater Cly mer. John Killinger, etc. ESQS —James L . ... Caldwell, Jarneri. L., Claghorn - , C. S. Grove, T. c, Wood, Harvey Bancroft, Theodore G. Boggs, C. F. Norton, L. L. Roupt, Si Gross Fry,Miller Jr, Derr, Charles Wannemachere James, Kent, Santee Jt Co., etc. Jt LI 13, 1869. . • 3y29 th a tn 2m§ UTEST PENN SQUARE ACADEMY,' y Ord National Bank Building I, S. W, corner 3larket street and West ,Pestn Square. , A training Collegiate Technical -and ' Commercial School fur boys'and young men. Gymnastics. French, Gemian; Art; Vocal Music. all under skillful teachers, without extra charge. - ; College ulasses in every stage of preparation : The Rooms will be Open 'for inspection on and after August 23d - T. BRANTLY-LANGTON, Principal. [Testimonial:] • , PnitxnEl. PHIA, Nay 3 t, 3869. I take sincere pleasure in comnieuiling Mr. Langton to the confidence of all who are interested in the education of boys. Ilia large experience; his, past success ,• his broad and thbrough views of education; hitienthusitunii in his - profesSlOn •. consciMitionsneso and sense of the responsibility attaching to his vocation ; and his exem plary, life as a member of a Christian church, render him, in my judgment, peculiarly qualified to be an in structor ofyoutn. GEO. D. BOARDMAN, aubt to th tfli Pastor of First Baptist Church. ACADEMY OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH ' , (founded; ,,, A. D. RV,/ Southwestleorher LOCUST and UN rvEit AtiCil6: The Rev. JAMES W. ROBINS, A 31., Head Master, with ten Assistant Teachers. From September 1, 1869, the price of Tuition will be NINETI Dollars per annum for all ,classes; payable half-yearly in advance., French:Genii - an,-'Drawing and Natural Philosophy are taught without - extra charge. By wpder of the Trustees. GEORGE W. HUNTER, t , Treasurer. The session will open on MONDAY, September 6th. Applications. for admission may be made' during the preceding week, between ten and tWelve o'clock in the morning.. " JAMES W. ROBINS, . nun ttl th s HO. • Head Master. MISS TSCIFUDY • WILL REOPEN lIER School, 1717 Pine street-, WEDN ESDA Y t-Septem • her 15th. The Department of 'English Literature and Natural Philosophy will be under the charge of Rev. It. E. TscnuDy. , se2dhoi,tulna; _ . $l ,O A YEAR BOARD AND TUITION ei Acadmuy, Berlin, N.. 1. seltith s2t . REV. T:'.H. RE I LL Y "pELLEVITE INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, ATTLEBORO, Bucks county, Pa. Beau tifully located, about twenty millet, front Philadelphia. Prominent as a. pleasant home and for thorough teach ing. For particulars, address W. T. SEAL, Principal. Catalogues and information may be had of Gilbert Coombs, A. 31., 08 Marshall Pt r(!i,t • Grahame, Twelfth and Filbert streets; J. C. Garrigues, MS Arch street,. Josiah Jackson, of Cowperthwait cit. Co, 628 Chestnut street; arid 11:" It. Warriner, Esq., It North Seventh street. seB w sit; BI SHOPTHO RP E—THIS CHURCH school for girls, on the south bank of the' Lehigh, will begin its second year, L. V., on the Mai of Septem ber. The number of pupils is limited to thirty. French is taught by a residentnovermes, and so far as possible made the language of the family, Address for circulars, &c., j y3-B,Nv ,tor,ls§ QELECT SCHOOL—HALL, S. W. COR- K) Der GIRARD avenue and SIXTH iStrent: Itemtuneo September' 78th. sot w s m 10t.' iIi_ER.M.AN CLASS FOR CHILDREN IN 1.31 the Afternoon. To Druggists : Latin China hi the Evening. PROP. URBAN, Hel9-ni Wit 419 North Ninth street. - BIU SiCAL. TAMES PEARCE, M. 8., ORGANIST ey St. Narks (1130 Spruce street), will continue his pro fessional engagements on October let. • tselB-s,tit,th6tl TllE MISSES D URANG WILL RESUME their instruction for the oultivation of the voice -1722 Filbert street.. ' • • " 6011-3 t" CHARLES. H. JARVIS WILL RE /xi sonic the duties of his profession AiONDAY, Sep tember 13th,180. 'Residence: No. 131 North Nineteenth street, above Arch. • . • • • sell-12t§ cIi.NOING ACADEMY., 1.:3 • • ' • • 812 AUCII 'STREET, • SECOND STORY FRONT. The ;undersigned having secured the above central location, to engaged in fitting It up for class instruction in the rudiments of Singing, Vocalization, Glee and Madrigal Singing. Full particulars in a few days. Pri vate•lv6sons as usual. • A.R. TAYLOR, se9 12t* ' 1207 Filbert street. BALLAD SINGING.—M.R. T. BISHOP will resume business October 4th, 33 South Nine teenth street'. Ru23-Ito 51°.1.. RONDXNELJAA, TEACHER OF Slaking. Private lessons and clams. Basidenco 308 B. Thirteenth street. au.23-tf§ anl9-Im§ • CONSER,V,ATORY QF musiC.---OFFICE 1024 WALNUT, STREET. IPAlSNloso.l4l l tWagilalatn4 l . 3 .llW . lBo: mareommenco,at anytime. • • , . _ - eOlO th @ tdl2t'§ . 4 • Mil. THUNDER MIAs RESUMED HIS lesions:The CHORAL CLUB will resume on Wittilll3DAY EVENING, October 7. at 1024 Walnut street. Office hours from Ito 3 and 7to 8 I'. H., at 230 South rtiurth street. , , oe7 tu th UV rjr- HE PHILADELPHIA MUSIC SC / WOOL for BOARDING AND DAY SCHOLA RS' wilt open OTO.BER 4TH. DiAbAIRE BLANCHE SMITH., Prim , Opal. Tho, different dcpartmonts, Ander Professors of first rank. Circulars at all the Music stores. Subscrip tion list pow open. at I'hiladelphia•lnsti6nte,, , 32oB pined nutetrect," se;-AA-h :p qui§ ~ ---- 1:.)10T ALEX • WOLOW43IKL;REO2ENS .I3u, .Now Courson of l'imo and Sjaging.hr.i•hia , extia , ordidary new flysteal, 'Mimi'. enables ono to r oad, music . at'Nlght} tenders the voice powerfill and itiolodiona. Mona.M. will 111/40 . explain. Ids , new linvonticin, 5' Thno Clock." All those who desire to bee.O . na.' Ana flingers and mcc.ellent performers, and join ClOnoorta, Oratorios, or Chant, will call at 'Mona. IV.'t :reaidoneo, /52.3 • South • • 'fleath a tuba§ . . „ VOR .INVALIDS.-A- ;FINE ; UST() AT, •j: ;Box as a companion for the sick chamber the 111 l assortment hi the city, and groat variety of a . ir e toot sect frOm. linpoited dirootty • FArtit & BROTREIt, , 2324 Chestnut stroot, below Fourth, rublatf ry EDUCATION t MISS CHASE, Bishopthorpe., 130111uhem, nitE4iiuoi 2 _ ~1: , .. 11 . .tiller if ittitiNG;s4i t ltilidp .14 - rltsor , z,,,,,.., hi ,, , kil .„ : . ,4y7-4,• ati, g , ..' i:k .to ilhe Burning litlaildtP PgIoADTCLPHIA. September 1. Its6l ,Ateirerp.FARSZL,2IEIIIIING 41.00-t- ___ ____ GENTLEICIN .Wo have just examinedovith the very greatest satisfaction, our. safe, purchased -of you some years ago, And Islikchpasecd through our .destractlve We snd the ccnteiats, without exception, ent rely un harmed, merely-slightly darap, and.We feel now in _a con, -dittonto COnne. i le9 C inr, PlieloCBo. tkayingovery_ Book perfectly sato, We shall in a few days ielaulre'w larger one, and will verx AcoPeArtdin ; L: • • JAniES EtvittE S 4 N 8 PHILADELPHIA, August 27,1859. 3117.1312 R. FAILUEViIIER , II.ING',£CO4: -GuN;str.mae:'' , l4l the year 18501 linfortnnatelY:was in business in the Artisan Building, which 'was destroyed by tiro on the linit of April, E bad then livnife -- What supposed wit'liFiri)-proof Safe, but - uponc, opening it I found evert thing ''iVtiEld.istroyed,and firelfurniiig therein. You will recollect, gentkunen, there was several of your. saleajn that fire, also several in the Are, at Sixth' and fiandneree Street:4llm nexritley;' Ilve,weelra after. wards, alk,Of _Whictr Opon ,provear they were flre-proof indeed, for I witnessed tho opening of the most of thew, and In every case the , Contents were preserved k while safes of other matters were partially. or entirety: (I(iilt roied. 1 .at Abe contl ttded to; have, Herb- - linc your eafeß . - The (info I purchneed of you at.thattime wee subjected' toa.:Nrbfte bent( which n - na ;veltiteinied by never.' rifmtio.i. men flint reelde In the neighborhood) at the dextruetion of my Marble Paper factory, tun Wallace street, on the afternoon and evening of the,. 24th Met. After digging the cafe from the rnitie,'und' opening It 'this naernin k, wee ranch plattie4 lO find 'e'verythinth' 'Coneleting of books, papers, money end eilVerivere;all right: want another of yqur atm eoonlite !I can gets{ place to continue my businein.., I remMl .not• rest contented with any other make of cafes. , , . Meible PanerAinufa.iturer • DEERING'S PATENT :cIiAMPIONk:BATES;ItIio most. reli able protection fi:or4l3l•o.Ali,knolvn.; J.J.EIt- BING'S NEW PATENT. EAN4EE.S!.....EAISE'§, com bining hardened t (1 . 1 'ancl ~.piytent Franklinite, or SPIE EfS GEL EN; - r . Mstent against boring and ciitting tools to lin ii.finitfierejtifuro unknown. Farrel, Herring: Co.; Philadelphia: • Herring, Farrel sherman, No.: , '251 Broadway, corner Hurray St:f Herring Sc Co., Chicago. Herring, Farrel 4 Sherman, New Orleans. auZ3 rrff BOOTS AND SHOES "I'VCOW" FALL STYLES BOOTS AND SHOES FOR GENTLEMEN. BARTLTT, 33 S. Sixth Street, abovtapti6q. EILL=M.MILMI THE IMPROVED BALTIMORE Fire-Place Ileater, With ILLUMINATING DOORS and WINDOWS, and MAGAZINE of sufficient capacity for fuel to last 24 HOURS. at cost of but /I .BENTS PER DAYL' The most perfect and cliceFful Heater in use. Having made arrangement with MR.. S. B. SEXTON. OF BALTI.MORtI Tor the EXCL. - Us' v naninfatturttur of ' thev e n - cv n are prepared to furnishthem in- { large or small Quan tities: Sold uholeshlo ' retell by the Manufacturer, JOHN S. CLARK; 1005 Market Street. 'Beware of Imitations gotten up on the popularity of these Heater's. mci 2m§ • PATENT OFFICES N. W. cor. Fourth and Chestnut/ (Entrance on FOURTH Street.) FRANCISI), PASTORIUS, . Solicitor of Patents. rafents procured for inventions fn the United States and Foreign Countries, and 'all • bniiiness relating to the name promptly transacted. Call or send for circular on Patents. Offices open until 9 o'clock every evening. to th lyrnb FITLER, WEAVER & CO.: ° NEW COR DAGE FACTORY • NOW IN FULL OPiRATIONt No. 22 N.WATEN shoot and 23 N.DELAWANE avenue PLUMING BROADS, 1221' MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. • Steam and Gas fitting, Hand Ptiwer and SteamTamPs, Pluinberargarble and Soaistone Work. Terra,Cotta Pipe, Chimney, Tops, &a., wholesale and retail. Samples of' finished work may be seen at my store.. - 'my6 6m§ .E-Sk_Wki;:MOZ.N.ttS)i Of the latest and most beautiful designs, and all other elate work on hand or tuadelo order. Factory , andSaIoaroomS,SIXTENNTH and OALLONT• RILL Streets' WILSON & MILLER. an2l6no AItTS. SUpDARDS &,FENNEMORE, and-Phat9graplters,_ HAVE•OPENED THEIR HEW GALLERIES, No. F 320 Arch Street. Call and sekhorri.• Pictures in ovory Style, and sails faction , gx.iarantoed. • N. IL—All the Negativee of REELER & }PENNE MORE, late of No. 5 S. EIGHTH Street, have been re moved to. the New pallerlee., EXCIURSION§. ----- SUNDAY Y I ~. splendid Steamboat, John A. Warner, will leave Pidiadelphia allteetnut street wharf), at /;',l and 6 o'clock I'. M., Megargcc's wharf, Kensington at 2 o'clock N., for Burlington and Bristol,. Touching at Riverton, Andalusia 111 erly . RetuVnimg, leaves Bristol at P 3.1 o'clock A. 31.4thd 4 o'clock P. M. l'aro 26c. Excursion 40 cents. jyl7 ti,tf r.dr47t" SUNDAY • EXCURSION.— - The splendid Steamboat "Twilight" wilt leave:Chestnut streOt wharf at 836, o'clock •A,M.,and:•2,is P.• 14:, Stopping at ,Megarge'ff wharf, Tawny ;Riverton Andalusia, Beverly, Burlington and Bristol. Returning leaves Bristol at 11 o'clock A. M. and 5 P. M., stopping at all the above landings. -Faro 25 cents. Excursion 40 UentS.' • , , 2*A 629 CHESTNUT Street ' in)204.,11 • .C.a• l 't i tAlfS, JEWELRY, daC • 3 4 01STNUT STREET. 'O 4 P-? -.SWISS AND ENGLISH, . Al` • • CLAM( ,&.-BIDDtE'S Special .dgeiits fu Phtladclphta for ; . . „ AMERICAN 'WATCHES, Bfride f 72 w : 1 of - . & CO: 44 4 1 , DlAlvtaNutiilP4l:,E u :A - ~sit Cr *f il T. l/ 1 3-Ev iP4cr zl i 6b P,AtVlDA unosthnt, Bt., Mils. American and Itnported, of the most celebrated makers. ine Vest't baths and"Leontines, In 14 and IS karats. Diamond and Other Jewelry. OP the latest designs, ENGAGIERIOIST A'AID _WE DDING nINGIV * In IS karat and ROLM STLVER WARE `FOE . 10111 DAL PREBEETR. TABLE CUTLEAT...:PLATED WAEE. IC tO. ' SEWING MACHINES. Bi 4 WHEELER & WISON'S alt Sowing Maohmes FOR SALE ON •. A - EASY PAYMENTS, • 914 Chestnut Street. qi4PETERSON & CARPENTER, 9 , 14 GENERAL, AGENTS.' (.26 t th lfrn , • • • — ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKa. WIRE WORK. • GALVANIZED,. and Painted, WIRE , EIIARDS, for .tore fronts. and'. Windows, for (*MOM : and warehouse windows, for churches and viler windows. IRON and WIRE RAILINGB.for balconies, office-5, cemetery and garden fences... Liberal allowance mide to Contractors, Builders and Carpenters. All orders filled with promptness and work gparantecd. : ROBERT WOOD - it CO., 1136 Ridge Avenue; Phila. On tilt th s thlr FtTnNYTtlitE7, - &V. GEO. J. lIENKET4S, CABINET MAKER, 1301 and 1303 CHESTNUT STREET. ESTABLISHED 11341. GOod Furniture at she lowest sockssibie! price. au3l 1869: --- -- -1316 CUESTNWT STREET. . . _ . , . . Having ,tust COmpleted the finest q.t. of Furniture ever produced in this city, I will receive orders for the same, during the month of Sepumber', AT PIIICES THAT . OFFERWILE IIkiDUCE);.ENTS ....... .......L ..... M=Mag The designs nre new and elegant. The workmanship and materials nre of the highest order. I invite the attention of those who intend furnishing to call and examine the stack of Furniture, and convince themselves of the above facts. • • • JOHN H. GARDNER, 1316 Chestnut St. - tOlnnLlqtrOEg;&. WHITE PRESERVING. BRANDY Pure Cider and White Wino Vinegar. Green Ginger, 3lustard Seed, Spices, dcc. All the requisites for Preserving and Pieklipg . Purposes.. . • ALBERT. C. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIEEI, Corner Eleventli and Vine . Streets. . WHITE BRANDY FOR PRESERVING. —A choice article jnst. received and for sale at C T OI7STY.'S ,, East . End Grocery, 24143.118 South-:Second street, below Chestnut street. NEW GREEN .GINGER.-400 POUNDS' of choice ; Green Ginger in store and for salient COUSTY'S gnat End Grocery, No..iTiti South Second street, below Chestnut street. S 0 U P B.—T 0 31,A TO, PEA, 'MOCK . Turtle and Jullion Soups of Boston Club Manufac ture, one of the finest articles for .pic-nics and sailing' parties. For sale at COUSTY'S East End Grocery; No. 118 South Second street, below Chestnut street. . NEWSPICED Salmon, Tongues and Sounds, in prime order, just received and for sale at COUSTY'S East =End Grocery No. 118 South Second street. below,Chestmitstreet. . , GROUND. JL —Pure English Mustard by the ,pound —Choice White Wino and Crab ..Applo Vinegar , for , plAling storo, and for sale at COMA', Y East End Grocery, No. 318 South Second street, I.ittlteur Chestnut street. SS - CAR - DS. • Es t a bli s hed 1.1621: WM, G. rLANA - G - AI - It - 10N - i -- "HOUSE AND SUMP PLUMBERS,. No. 129 177Intit Street. •, , • THOTINTOM IIK11; CLEMENT A. Outs- Tunononit WItIaiT;PRANa HMV. PETER WRIGHT & SONS, • .. • , Importers of earthenware Shipping_ and Commistilon Merchants, No. 115 Walnut street, rldladelphia. FJ WIGHT, —" ' 'ATTQRNEY!-AT , LAW, ! ' Conimisiioner'Of Dee& for the State of renlif3ylvania is Illinois. 96 Madison streetiNcf. 11, Olitengo, Lanl9tf§ CIO TT ON SAIL, DUCK OF EVEI2.3e NJ width, .f torn 221110E1es to 76 incites wide, all runtbera' Tent and Awning Duck, raperinakeee Felting, Sail Twine, &o. • JOHN W. EVERMAN, 1e26 , No. 103 Oburcb street, City, Stores. PeTWINY rty—The only place to got privy wellscleansed'anA. d iiiinfected, - at 'very lowprices...A. PEYSSON, Mann- , lecturer of roudrette; elderaith'i) Hall, Library "trod' 1809. 'olmmilitar,Agi ) svl=wtin.,:; Tni.: remains -pt' Lady . ; Palmerston wore bilrie.fl* M W .. ...o3nhOtgiS et Cr 4l aY• PETEn ARX RoOrr, the author, died In London yesterday at the, age of 90 years. Tun tiberals 9f North and South Germany Tropoge tig(unite:siii4diecolne one party.,Y; Tun .Ring of Italy has gi'ven his assent to the Duke of Genoa becoming King of Spain. Ahisrspending a.week at Voslau, 31r.'.Tay; United states Minister to Austria, will take up his residence at Vienna.. ' ? ItEMI/W . IS on'trial in WashingtonT 'for-theitheft,from-the-TreaSnry-Departtnent-of: tweh , e thoutlend dollars In - unsigned notes.' WA NI t.1%;.0 officials estimate that, for: the uses! :Vear .eridii4Otine :10,51870, , the receipts'. of the aevernment will exceed the expenditures by a hundred million of: ; . T a ni Virginia, State Central Conservative doinmittee have, advised against, the election of 'United States Senatoriat , the meeting of the - ! Legislature on October G. mill atdamer darnatie has been - wrecked on an island in-the 'led Sea. Five of the-passengers,-.o4ne ,of the crew . and fifteen natives are Missing, and , ire sup Posed to be drowned. ThemaLlsnnd cargo were, lost. _ TIIIIEE frame dwellings'' in Toronto were *burned yesterday, 04,4 two :thiltlrett:: perished in the flames, - .while One fireman was killed .and another 'mortallylnjured' 'by a - falling umney. , • A NATIONAL TX:ICANTB' LNIAGI:k.; has been organized, at Cork - for tlfe' benefit Or farmers; Who, at a meeting at Cork, yesterday, de manded•perpetnity in land tenures,: the 'placing of rents on a fixed basis, and the abolition Of distress - for rcpt.:: Dy.sP.A.Ten from ; Madrid says: that since Minister Sickles bas ; sent,telegams stating that the over-excited, state 'of the Spanish people forces the government to • continue the war in Cuba, the Cabinefin:Washington have beeome more tonciliatory'towards Spain. - - , TO: amount of attdlable coin' in the United States Treasury was $102,832,343 40, including .$24355,040 in gold certificates outstanding, on the 14th instant., The coin, With the exception of about $4,000,000, is at the United States .Sub-Treasury in NeW York. NOrth•Bridgewater, Blass.. on Thursday • ' evening asoung man, named Armstrong, fired at his: father-in-law, but missed him, and wounded a neighbor. . Arrostrow then fired at his wife, killing her, after which he 'lied, and is st3ll:af large.. . . tuE body of. P. Hilmaim, of Tennessee, was found in the Ohio river, at Cairo. yester day, With his throat cut: He was seen alive on Sunday 'night, and complained rof' being. sick. It. t.licitight . he committed :suicide; as the body bore no evidence of having been robbed.. • DVIVti, 'speaking: before the Statis tical Congress. at:the Hague; • saidthat the cost of the standing. armies In European States weakened the countries iniire‘than the pay ment of the American war debt did the peo pie of the United States, now that the soldiers had resumed peaceful Vocations: • ' • A-comtsmN omtrred an ; it° , New York Central Railroad:, near Lyons, Y., last even ing,, between a passenger train: and a stock Several cars \Vete, smashed; and' num ber of persons injured; Soinn Of 'them severely. A number of -cattle were Tbe deci dent waS caused by the'catelesSness of a switch . Wm:Sahli' ere 310munent. at NorriStoWn-WaS dedicated yesterday. An oration . was delivered by General dosh 04 . 9,Nven !The.rnontiment has three bases,on the top of which is a cubical block"of marble, four feet each way, on which is engrayed the names , five hundred and My-seven soldiers and sailors who fell in the rebellion. Above this rises a shaft fifteen feet high, on which are carved , the four emblems of the. :,service- 77 infantry, cavalry, artillery - and navy., The,WhOle IS surmounted by: aim eagle,. cut frOm Marble, with extended wings, five feet from tip to tip. Time whole height is thirty-five feet. It is located in the public square, and 'was gotten; up .exchtsively by the ladios, at. a cost of about. five thousand dollars. ASA PACKER. . . . . . A:• Iloager Who Is not Ve!'y ArtfOl. ' The N. Y. Sim has the following : . The lion. Asa .Packer. candidate of the Pennsylvania. Deemcracy for Governor,- and Pennsvivania - 's candidate . for President in . 1872, has ha d' an . opportunity . through- one of the• ~..tou's omnipotent reporters to spread' his politi cal wisdom before the world. The exhibition filled three and a-: half of Our ample Columns yesterday morning. This ponderous document is remarkable in manapartieulars, but eepeciAlly in its careful ' avoidance of leadhg.nitsures, and its dieary . noti-committal tone. It undertakes to discuss the whole range of political topics, but - does not • express a decided opinion upon any question. • - The Contrast-which it offers to Mr. Packer's . • rival aspirants—Mr. George.ll. Pendleton, •or Mr.. joint. 1 ,- Quincy Adams, or , Chief justice ' Chase—is deeply marked, and We are bound • to say is not creditable:: to the ..Pennsylvania. Dem - Lt.-racy. In fact Mr. Packer's sentences are more noteworthy for the concealments they attemPt . than for the declarations they con vey. A poorer show for so big a programme we never witnessed.: - : ._ . Judge Packer opens his interview with our reporter by pleading ignorance of - political is sues in general. if this ignorance is real, then certainly he is disqualified for the managenient of pnblie-tiffairs---11—it--isL-aseitmed,--which is more likely,.theAskireptionbetuaye a cowardly spirit and a weak mind. On :the great and pregnant questions of the tarlif, 'finance; negro sunrage, the Fitteenth•Amendment, reconstruc tion, the eight-hour law, and woman's voting, we know just as little: now of Judge Packer's ideite'es we did before.' s And 'this too; froth no omission on the part of our reporter, wile' certainly did not fitil to bring the whole list before hint. ' It is poesible•Judge packer flat ters himself that he dodges these points with Adroitness. He certainly has dodged every one of them; and the public will see the fact as dearly as if they were looking: for it. Indeed, the only credit he can hope to derive from the interview is that of an artful dodger; but we fear that his art' will , * thought very bungling - and unsatisfactory. • , .. : • : , When it was suggested to the Judge that the records made him out a protectionist and a statesman, he dodged by replying that our reporter , was ;at liberty • to. infer . what •he pleased. On the Fifteenth Amendment he goes on into an elaborate dissertation • about . _ . :State, rights, utterly-Ignoring the Main-- (Inez.. — 115i, - Alid direfully COVerinit:ifyi'Fiii - oWIFVfelVe` 'r espect iug,the„.cliaracter_ofAliat:_ rnetteurei,!:Pn_ • negro suitiw,e, be is ,equally „afraid . to express his sentiment hiding, behind the salmi ; thin and well worn' fence.. "Even m : regard to wonnin'S sufli•age,•lie branches out; in -.an .eva 7 • •ion, and giVee - ne Solomon's description of a *Mous woman; which is, -of ''etinwe, wholly 'onign.to the subject.. •- --. -., - .7 - ` :. .. t . as to the Eightrllian. lass JudaePadier tells u, us what he has always been and , always will: be, pretty Much as ndy.)ohneori used to re hearse the story a ..1. 1as OM riee'from the rank of A village Alderman to the highest . station; but he says not:aWOrd'about the 'merits of the law. On Mance alSo '' he has .no : intlividital ()pillion,:: btft dodges .behind .. some -. glittering '.. generalities of Jackson and ‘Jelferson, uttered When we bad a trifling debt and'no greenback.§:: 116 11156 Wise: iiretend.i to lie ignorant of the rele 7 . . Prated leiter o General 110seerans ; and when lmir-repOrter'y opos6S to read it to him, he begs Won the 'wet uire of a fear of infringing 00 tlie ,zao sacred beamed' ithrid6r What Ids opinion on Sabbath laW; would be r". Itut:itts UseleSsulo.triCe tbesWevaSims,'AftK tber. It, is the i . same throughout'the whole n tervieWo,4All:4 Wh'i4 l l *4 es , 'Packer' dodges systematicallyi and should now dodge put Idgbta .1110 AmerlemfiVerkple don't ' want bird ;' and 'we i falterthw Majority against Aim in October r .yat.y . . ; nattelc ,„ e, AP l l l 4i , and 1,1111 infted .ISl*(est LONDONy Sept. 17.—The ',Telegraph; has:an editorial to-dayonAhe .relationct', Avist 1)64 , tWeeir Spain and the United-States, .Wherein -says that#thancognitiOn'e the , :Cuhats would , ' place Washington in thawrong - on the Alabama' question. With what 'consistency , : can ~ rights be granted wandering ,guerillaa , •nokforniidable enough, ftir a blockade '? deSired tb put,the accusers .of ,Itee ! , policy out:of court,. she sho d encotunge ; the .policy ascribed to;, Presidezit ;rant.' We lirefer'to takt the qtiercr;. don on brgnotumb3 common conon interest. .A war between - ,Spaiman44 America. - •,-.would material, Injury, that . would •be equally, opportune TLe Shipping - of :the latter wotild be' a prey' to privateers, and her commerce, with the would, pass to neu trals. The' feltiction. of the ' national debt would be arrested, , - . internal'reorganization checked, and ptiblie,.ditleontent ~ would revive with the growing burdens: -Spam would lose Cuba, but continue 'Spain ', with her obstMate tenacity of. res'fitAiiob, , Ver gersir-tesniirr+4: her poWer,to attack Atnerican irade, and .her COlll - invulnerability to'retallatiott. ' Ame rica would gain; at a heavy cost; , what ;Might" for years be more a loss than a gain; would be .e tangled in a war coaibining a maximtritt cost. and a mininanin glory 'Such considerations cannot be passed unregarded • at , Wasbirt,,, ,, ten, since there is still ground ;for - , the hope that peace may he . preserved. The ExannnO, on the, subject of Spain and , Cuba, 'has the following:. By the history of analogy -.there . is no longer•a physical inipeill ment to..the\representation; of Cuba in the Spanish Cortes. Expediency recommeadi it, but for. Cuba it is now too late. If not sold or surrendered` her own inhabi tants must in some forni be mortgaged to the Americans, with the certainty that once in. -pawn, she will eventually become theirs. It is better for Cuba that .this should be so, and it is better perhaps for Spain. • - LoNnox. Sept: Star (Radical organ) to-day states that the difficulty between the, United States and Spain ' on the. Cuban question, is in a fair way of settlement. The rumor of a proclamation guaranteeing religious, liberty and freedom of election, shortly - to be",- issued by the Spanish Government, is a better omen,. but if the reports of the conduct of 'the military government in Cuba. are true, . the concessions must be prefaced by one more es,- . Sential, namely--that the Cubans be permitted to live to enjoy them. From our late Editions of Yesterday By the Atlantic Cable. DUBLIN, Sept. 17.—Mr. Booth,: editorVf the. American, was yesterday. brought before the court, and remanded for trial on a charge of participation in the fatal affray at T'obber more recently. • PAnts, Sept. 17.-:The Emperor yesterday aiqieared in the streets of Paris. Lox - nc)x, Seim 17.—The Maiming Stroulard to-tbly has an editorial •on the news from. San B iiatavent itra concerning the recent discovery of ronain.s of the .Franklin expedition. • The article closes as follOws: "The data, on ••%vhich to accept the document as genuine are too slender, andunless the fact is corroborated in a manner ilitlicultto anticipate; we scareely fancy skepticism Is misplaced.''.• "• - LivEttroot ,5ept.17,1.30 I'.M.-Cotton—The sales of the day will not exceed 7,000 'bales. Yarns antrfabnes, at 3fanchester, quiet. F ft,tx KFo Sept., 17, 3.:30 P. .31 .—United States`FiVe-tventi,active and firm at $7l; 3.3) P, , 3f ..The Bourse is . firm; hut qUFef.' R 70f. 75t.:' 11. in Sept. 17, 5 P. 3f:—Cotton 'closed quiet both on the spot and afloat. ANTWERP, Sept. 17.—Petroleum firm at 571 francs. LtiEttroot., Sent. 17.-3lrs. Scott-Siddous sailed for :rev York yesterday. , . 1131plomintic. , [Special Despatch to the Evening Bulletin.l WASHINGTON, Sept. 17.-3 r. Catakazi, the new Russian Minister ' arrived here this morn ing and will present his Credentials to the President' next week. Most of the foreign ministers are_stilLabsent from the city. Mr. Edward Thornton, the British Mins tar, is, it is understood,' engaged' in collecting all the facts relating to the alleged violation of the American, neutrality laws in retard to Cuhd, to send'to the 13ritiali torcirxii officers: From St. Louts; ST..LouPs, Sept. 17.—The shingle and box factory of Page Sz Hilburn was burned to-day. Loss, SW,0(,1); insurance, 510,500. , The lumber yard,,of Mr. Schulenburg, adjoining, was damaged to the amount of 54,000. The . Grand Lodge of Good Templars,which has been in session at Jacksonville, 111., for two days, after several hours' discussion of the matter yesterday, by a•decided majority, endorsed the 'action of the National Tem perance COriVention, recently' held 'in' Chi cago, in favor of a third political organization, the distinctive and most conspicuous principle . prohibition. , • The organ manufactor, , of Sputz & Gessefer, at Carlinsville, 111., has been seized for viola tion of the internal revenue laws. About 60,00 orglti) ieize;(l with the factory: A Denver city despatch says that further election returns confirm yestaday's report. of the Republican inajority„ :Where the Demo, crat ;mde a Party •nonlinati ep they haVe gerie rally been defeated, and the Legislature will have a clear Ilepublican.majority. -- A—tele rani—front Puebla say - Wild -- Bill, the notedeluiracter who •has figured as: the hero of several sketches of life on the border, got into : a diffiCulty on election day; - and Wbile• being taken to the, Colorado City jail, - jwas tired on from the bushes and killed. , At, a meeting of the National Capital Exe-, entive.COmmittee, a call for a 'convention:to assemble here on sOetober 20th. was &bided upon be"published in the promhient papers:of the country. The call; after stating that the governors of all the States are invited ,to . attend the Con vention, , says; in case the governor of any State refuses to appoint delegates to the Conven tion, that delegates selected by. the Congress men from any Congressional: distriet be reeeived and duly admitted to Seats in : the Convention. C'allers ourSc'icretaiy Bout-well. (Special Despatch 6 the Philada. Eveningßulletin.! NEW YOElc, Sept /7.-.-Seerptary Anutwell was engaged all this morning at the Astor Rouse in company with Collector Grinnell and several other gentlemen. The audience with the merchants did not . 1 - te place, as Sec retary llontwell returned to Washington - in ...theL2.3o.train_L_ • Beeline of . BailwaY4 Ste eks• ISpocIAI Desptach to — th - Phila7. -- Everitng Bullethr.l NEW Yonxi. Sept. 1.7,--Railway stocks lost. their temporary advance, mid rapidly. de clined, especially Pacific Mail, which fell from 73 to ilS} ; 14wXork Central,l9BZal99.; Northwestern, , 76 ;ylindson , liarlem,lsoalsoi ; Reading, 95}a9.52. Acquitted by Beiiisori , of Insanity. Coxcoun, Sept. 7.—The nal of 'William N. Kinney for the murder:of his uncle, George Wordsell, in Claremont, last winter, resulted in a. verdict, of not guilty, by reason of.in sanity. , Murder lu Ilatilmore. BA LTniOnE, Sept. 1.7;-:-Elisliti Banks, black, was stabbed and •killed by LoWis Collins, aim) , black, 'in an alOreittion 'last:night From Caoida. TORONTO, Sept. 17.---11, said that Sir ranein.Head has been . offered:lt _ seat rik the Dominion Cabinet., trETINtrPRITIADEVOILI:BATURDAYSNLIANAERJB;.2B69, _ The follow ea Is the anionnt o coal traneportod tst , • ' 1, ...tb0 PLlledelphta and Wading Railroad during the walk eluting Thursday, Sept. 16,18119;: ' • orti St. Ciair • r4 2 n 4 s ,in c ro t i Port Cartrum 8.15416 Pottsville . 7.106 12. 41 '- Schuylkill Hawn:.' " • 30,496 16 Auburn 0. •-•- - -2,269 14 4 ' ?" Porg,Cll ( na . "' 1247 6 // Harrisburg and Dauphin 3,272 12 Allentown and Alburtea 118 15 Total Anthracite Coal forweek ItituntinOus Coal from Harrisburg and pau. Inbin for week' I Tobag2weeltfiaili I ,al-for-the-Compagy--6-41( ..TotaLoLall_kinde f0,r4118...7r0c.:,:.4. .. 4... 102,015 01 Previously this yeaV ' ' 2,692,778 15 Toto) To Th tis• t..,2,994,72•1 dayvKcpt.97:.1864.;4'..33 .. . .33 ......................... • N IMP?M,T.p.TI()NS. Report forth°. "h ade ph a Evening Bulletin. BANGOR—Schr Ifurmihali3 pp -v-121,709 feet spruce !timber T P Gall in It Co. moyzApsnias or, ocirdor,NrEdialpgui,' ~ I'';, i .• TAtAilltivs: ...Iy. , ..,.; •:,...:.,,, j,../. 15 . 7 SHIPIf --. -' - Intom. - , . HOE DATE Spildt Bremen... New York ' Sept. 1 Denmark L iverpool...NeW York' Sept. •1" Cleopatra ...... t..... Vera Cruz..New - York Sept. 3 Java Liverpool—Now York-. Sept.. 4 City of Linierlalt..Autweip...New York... : • Sept. 4 AVei•er.... Boutluamplon,..New York.' ... . _.....Sept. 7 Aleppo .................................. York , viii -.. 8...:.....8ept. 7 Colorado - ',-" 'Liverpool..,liew York "''-` '-- Sept. 8 Clll of lioston.....Liverpool—New York `;opt. 8 rionaylvnnia Liverpool New York cept. 8 ' mime Ma egow...New York 5ept..10,.. 8 cap! '-' • - r - XlversobL.NoW Y 01.4. -' - .1..,....Aept.C1 , A:llenisinin... New York...llaiktiure - Sept.2l Cof Halt iniore..kievs - York -Liverpool via H- Sept.2l • - - Neti •' ' ' Sept. 22 - New Yorli..,biverioool Sept 22 North Arnerlea...New YOrit:-Itio Janeiro, Jce..:-.Sept.23 Unnau. .. .Sept: 23 Chluintila..... New ............ "-Sept. 23 Vutloo ' • Philadelphia... New Orleans ' Sept: Xi Paraguay,'New Y01t.,..L.,nd0n,- - • Sept. 25 Italia • ' New York... Glasgow .Sept. 23 and Ilui . 'ai..Sept. 25 city of Boaton-NeirYtirk-.Liverpool Sept. 25 Colortuto • 'Veit York'...LitnnuiblL. Sept. 25 Cleopytra -New York- Vet-it Cruz, ' Sept. 25 130ApD 014"rRADE. !JOHN ). JAB! .C. B. DUBBOBOU-....,„ )11.olintLY OpSMITTEE ,Tmos. L. GILLESPiv, . 111.4)ZI t 4 sabirtionnDvosai PORT OF PHILADELPHIA-SEVT. /8 -t;t44 litsus,s 94 1 , 8m9 SEts. - 6 4 I IGH • WATEri.II2 14 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamer Ault Eliza, - Richards.' L 24. hours from New York. with Imise tti 1V P Clyde " Steamer Black Pinnmd. WT411161,24 hours from New York, with noise to W 111 Baird*/ Co. Stennis!. W C Pierrepout. Shropshire, 24 hours from New York. With pulse to 11 M Baird S Co. . - . Steamer it Willing,Cundiff.l3 hours from Baltimore, with nolfte to A Groves, Jr. Schr Wm S "Ifasem..Lacey, day from '3liltoa, Del. grain to - Christian S Co. .Schr J Burley. Sanders, 5 days from Providence. .Tug Hudson. Nicholson, from Baltimore. with a tow of barges to Vi P Clyde-A. Co. - - Tug Commodore, .Wileim..from Ra,vro de Graaf., with n'tov of Mimes to W P Clyde & Co. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamer J AV.Everu Hind:Lies' , Charleston, E Son der _ Steamer Wyoming. Teal, Savannah, Philidelphia an d So nt kern Nail SS Co. Steamer Bristol. Wallace. New York. W P Clyde A*. Ca Steamer 1' Franklin. Pierson.;Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Bark Assunta Dal), Laura: Liverpool, J E•Bazley Co Bark Emma C Litchfield, Crockett, Galveston, Del Stet- F• 011 & CO. . Barkentlne Peter (..NG)r.Leinim, ..Barbados; - Workrnan .-. Co. Brie I' H Jennings, Noble. Rotterdam do Brig Nellie Mowe. Ware, Bangor, J E haziey & Co. &lir F :latterly, Stetson, Savannah, Castuer,SHehmey 'lt Wellington. ' Selir Z w ot la, Croell, lioxbuiv "Engletfe - Co.. Tog Tito, Jefterson, Allen, Baltimore, with a tow of t barges, W Clyde &Cu Tog Clo•eo pea ke, Merrihew, Havre de Grace, w a tow of barges, IV I.' Clrd"3 &Co. " . - - Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. _ • • —• . LEWES. DKr— Sept. /G. - Bark Clata",' fromPhiladephia Tot Irotterdam: brig 3laggie. do for It elfa:d, Ire; Helm Martha, do for Bangor, rnpe•lherWith all the fleet before reported, are at the IlreAvnt., , r this eveniug„ IndENS.• . •- , YOu Ps; &O, ABAN tti LYONS: ... MEMORANDA. ;st, tinier New York. Jones, hence at Georgetown, DC. 16th inst. 'St atnier Contipe . de;:s - Beckett, sailed fronr Salem, 14th ;steamer Cleopatra. Phillips, from Vera Cruz via Sisal fOr New York. was below Havana 1601 inst. I:At-rimer ltienrille, Baker, at Now Orleans 13th inst. Steauter St Louis, Bahson, at New Orleans 16th lost. from Boston. " tennier Weser, ,Wenke, from Firemen, at New York yi sterdaY. Turk Sarah Payson, Dakin; sailed from Ardrossan 2d hist. far thls.port. . , Brie Neifie Clifford,l itticfleld; hence at' Sierra Leone 7th ult.—all well, • •. ' • • Brig 31nria Wheeler, Wheeler, Sailed frOgi Salem 14tk iast . for Boston. • . : :Brig Kennedy, Staples, hence for Portland, edited frontilloltin-s• Hole 16th inst. Trig Hattie S Bishop, Webber, hence at Portland 16th instant. tichr Flora, King, hence at Rockland 10th inst. :Schr James M Flanagan; Pratt. sailed from Garliner inst.lath for this port' Schrs Mary .1 Russell. Smith, and T Bodine, Sinith, wiled from Pawtucket 15th iinst=forAlds port. :Sohn , Peter Lyle, Hill. for Chester. Pa. and Wm liens ned Andrews. for•SitlstinNJ. cleared at Baltimore 16th" , • ~ . sfehris Isaac Rich, Crowell; J S Moulton, Crowley, and B Wheaton. \Venter, hence at-Boston 16th inst. Seim. J CailWalatier„ Steelman, hence, at Salem. 14th instant'. , ' . SchejaMes ypiiiren; Cavalier, salted from Salad, 14th Solt rs C Newkirk. II untleri mid -51 Reinhart, Cherry, sailed from Salem rith inst: for'this port; Schr Virginia, , Small, -cleared- avPortemoutii, NIL 14th inst. for this port. ischr Pathway. Haley. hence at Portsmouth 14th inst. ‘schr. S Clark. Griffin, hence at Gloucesterl4lh inst. • ifelir Alagnet, Small. sailed from Newburyport 15th inst. for this port. Schr Restless. Baxtes hence :at Boston 16th inst. • Schrs Emma ill Fox'. Case, front. Fall River, and 31 31 Merryman, Babbitt,. from Dighton,..hoth for this port. at Non port 15th inst. Schre V Fickerson, Kelley ; Susari,,sears o tind "Active. Co,,zubs. cleared at Bostonlatlf inst for tinaport. eim Einnil 31 Wright. Fret,lll:lTh cleared at Boston 16111 inst. for' Gardiner tolotol for , this port. :Schr Plandonu; ( of Newlrork), Smith, from NtrwY(Wli for hingston,Ja. is reported to have heen wrecked at Tntks Islainhand the .argo was, being sold at that place. Tke P registoo:2olons,and Was built at Yew York in . Schr tineca, White, from Providence , for New York, ran a,le - ,re on Nigger Point, Hell Gate, PM 15th ing. and sprung a bad leak.; . it , thotight.sbe would come oft nest tide, Bark dosephine (Br), Vickery, from St Jago,Cuba, for Boston, was lost at basal, on the SW coast of Cuba. previous to 34 inst. • Her cargo consisted of 570 hh.is end 200 Ms sugar. consigned to Goesier St Co.of Boston. The .1 registered 343 tone, was-built in Pig at Yarmouth. N. from which port slie hailed. . . 'll - 07kR15INGT 608 -cif E *'l'N T STREET;' Boartling,Bl: 160Selw-binut 6tr,et itt-sitite:. or singlo, - ici:EAUTI FUT . ., SUITE OF .200 M S. 0 tg , c, , inl Al or, tiririrtir priytite table' if de •Alsa T two-othrr-ructrns--,•atTl4ttnraillltt-StTsrli---sc' rII\VO JI a largo Parlor. with Board, at lOti elo.itaat street. • . • . • . ,r: . sel7-lit ' rj~~\'U HANDSOME -. 003/3lr NICATIN 0 rooms to rent: with boartLat 2001 Waluitt street. in a privato falllll3. • • . : 6t' ••• 130ARD.—HANDSOME COMMUNICAT ING rooms and other enquiries, with hoard- at 223 bfaith Broad aitreet. ' ' ' ' • eelrGt` OST. L - H_ SEVENT STREET,'' BI tweeu Parrish and Girard avenne, ThllrHaltY afternoon, n GtILD LOCKET, containing hair. A suit able reward will be paid for its retttrii 'to this office ur to No. $79 North Seventh strtet. • sell 2t§, DRUGS. DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES. GRAD U- Wets, Mortar, Pill Tiles, 'ombs,Brushers, Mirrors, ff B Twuezere, .Puoxes,Horn Scoops. Surgical' Instru ments, Trusses, Hard and Soft Rubber Goods, Vial. Cases, Glass and Metal Syringes, &c., all at " First Handel' prices. SNOWDEN & BROTHER, ,ap3-tf : , . 23 South Eighth street. • • • DRUG G ISTS; ARE INVITED TO EX LL our large Meek of fresh _Drugs and Chemicals of tholatest importation. Also, essential Oils Vanilla Beans, Sponges, Chamois Skins, etc. ROBERT-SIIO..F.IIA.KER CO., N, E. cor ner Fourth andllace streets. -;OLIYE - OILTSUPEICIOR • QtratlalTY, - T)N draught and in' bottles', various brands. ROBERT _ SHOEMAKER A: CO., N .-E—corner—Fourth-aud_Rac • - ASTILE SOAP—NOW'LANDIN G.-300 NJ boxes White and,llfattled Castile, Soaip, 'W very,.sunerior quality —ROBERT: BITOEMAKER UO.; holesale Druggists. N. E. corner Fourth and Race streets. . - , CIITLXRIO. R(J D GER S' AND WUSTINIFitir.i.3I.I3 POCKET ;KNIVEI3",' PEARL' , and, STAG HAN DLES of , beautiful tp.imh: RODGERS , ' and 'WADE .31 BUTCHER'S and the CELEBRATED LECOULTRIS RAZOR. SCISSORS. , IN ,OAfBES , of the finest Quality Razors. Knives, Scisebis and TableOutlery, ground aria politthed.. EARINSTRUMENTS of-the most approved construction to assist the bearing, at P. 'MADEIRA'S, Cutler and Surgical Ineirntnentldaker,lls Tenth street, below Chestnut: . rayl-tf, SPritri'S I' LIRPEN:TTRITTMCAND 68 Mils. Spirits Turpentine. • 4,33 bbls. Soap-makerai 616 bble. Stramed Shipping ItoshL,L Landing per steamship Pioneer,. 60 bbis. I Spirits Turpentine. • . • 200 bids: N 0.2 Eosin.. . , - • Landing per ate:unship Prometheus. • `For , sale . EDW. H. ROWLEY. eel U • 16 South DelAwaril o,Yeutui. ','•::)';'tP•t',.,kr; ',..fßnpPOEi4Li'ii'l4'..i.4%.,•''.4:--;4:. 7, , ',4101, 711 E SINKING OM% TA. ,41:46‘ DEPAAiMIP/ 41 ' - ' gt" PENNSZL Eitta'isitifo,Aurit2sol;lo9,`. --1 8 .30,11 be,reeeiv,ed rpr, the re 4 PAPtioll ONE MILLION - 110Lialisitt LON OF Trig COM DI,O#AVEALTIE OP • k•ENNEtYLVANJA*, dtte Jtily Ise 1870040112,0'c10ck 31E., Qctoberat, *Mit • - 1049:motiAcp,tiong to be addresge4 a 5,629 17 , . , B. W..MAOKEY S tater-Treainret;Tta - nieliurfc,-Par--- 77 And eridtirtied "Bid lei Ilederntitioalor Seats:storm." - Trtr SeeretarlidState. , ' . J. F. HABTRANFT, Auditor General. ' 4 , MAPRZY3,B4t O TrenoPrer. • COMMi8810):1Org new4'JA aper W! talking' thii 'absave *itla;ttr' aittlibrlti rereive 'pay therefoi,H l. :7 OF I.IdITEIG ` ,, SEIVERS, &(:). OF,V,ICE .CRIEF 410511111,SSIQ.NER, NO: 104' : SOUTH P.LFTIT STREET. - - • " f3epteraber 17; 1/3410. • .. 'NOTICE TO COICTRACTOR•B; • ' SEALED PROPOSALS will be , received at the.otlice ,of the Chief. Corwnissionerf, Righicays until n o!dock.S.N.orimpDAl., 20thilist.,fot the constriictiori Ofa`Sewer on the iihe"Of Twelfth street,• Conxiiienetinhr I ' Arch ;Stavetand. extending northeastavard 10, the semtliiiixo of Cherry„ street,;, .Twenty-second. s ept, from the sewer in Pine street to the side of Lombard streer et fro I the: server iii Filberfstreet fe' the south side'of§ilyer street, " •• • • '•'; •'• The;abeye Sewers to he constructed of brick, circularin forra,lvithinside didtneter of three feet; 'and with such than "holes 'as ',lnay be directed by the Chief Engitiedr and Shryeyor. 'lhe.understanding , to be - that'' the •5E1170113 herein adveitised are to .be. completed on or : ilefore:tho 31st day of December, 1869.. And the Pontractor shall take billSiar"epared against the , property fronting on • said Sewer to' the ainotint of one dollar and fifty. cents for ' each linealfoot of front ori eachmide of the street as so xouch cash aid;. the' balance, as lirnited•by Ordinance, to be, paid by- the City; and the Contractor will be requifed keep', the street and sewer in good order for three years after the Hewer is finished. ' • • • .„Wben the street is,occupied by a City Pas sitiger Railroad track, the Sewer shall be eon-- .structed along side of said 'track in such Man ner as not to obstruct orinterfere ; With tliesafe Visage of the cars thereon; and no claim for remuneration shall be paid • Contractor by the cempany using said track,: as specified: act of A.ssembly approved May Bth. 1866. . - Each proposal will be accomvainedbya cer dificate. tbat a Bond has been ailed in the Law Department as directed by Ordinance of May 26111,4860. If the lowesebidde'r .shall riot exe-' '"date a contract within live days after the work is awarded, h6Will be deemed as declining, and will be held liable' onhis bond foram ilif ference lietwecalis. bid and the next lowest bidder. Sp e fi cations maybe had at the Depart •ment of Surveys,which will he strictly,adhered tn. .The Department of Highways reserves the'right to reject all bids not, deemed, satis factory. All:bidders may be piwent.at the time and place of opening the said.kroposals. - No, al loWanbe will be .made for rock excavation unless by special contract: DIAHLON . H. DICKINSON, ;seri' .3t 5 Chief C crminissi oiler' of Highways. t iIiREAU Or ORDNANCE. ' • NAVY DEPARTMENT, .WAsfrIXOTON•Crry, Sept.'l4, 18Q1..j SEALED PROPOSALS.wiII be received at this Office until TUESDAY,',October iith,4Boo, at 12 M:, forthe manufacture and delivery of 2,000 barrels. Navy Cannon Powder: 1,000 barrels to bellelivered at Boston, and 1;000 -barrels at New :York. • 'The cast of delii-ery to-be at the expense of .the manufacturer, and the Powder to be sub, ject-,to - the usual Navy inspection before ac eeptance. :Bidders will 'state 'the time the Powder will be ready for delivery: , A. LUDLOW CASE, Chief of Bureau. !sentocs§ smniEßs , GUIDE. FOR 'BOST() N.-STEAMSHIP LINE ,DIRECT. SAILING FROM EACH PORT EVERY Wednesday and Saturday. . . . FROM PINE STREET wilArs. PHILADELPHIA, AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON. . i F.IIOSI:PHTLA.D.ELPH La , i FROM BOSTON. SAXON.Wednesday,Sept. DARLES,,Wednesday,Sept. I L NORMAN, Saturday, ‘• 4 ROMAN, Saturday " 4 'AMY& Wedrieeday, " 8 SAXON, Wednesdtiy, " 8 ROMAN, Saturday, " 11 NORMAN . , Saturday," 11 SAXON, Wednesday, " 15 ARIES Al ednestlay, " 15 I NORMAN . , Saturday, " IT ROMAN,Saturday. " 19 ARIES. A% ednesday " 22 SAXON, Wedid , sday, " 22 ROMAN;Saturday, • " 25 NORMAN. Saturday, " 25 SAXON, Wednesday " 29 ARIES, Wednesday, " Z These Steamships sail punctually. Freight received. every day. • • - Freight forwarded to all points in New England: Fur Freight or, Passage 'superior accommodations) apply to HENRY WINSOR Is CO., 3.33 South Delaware avenue. PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND AND NORFOLK STEAMSHIP LINE. IHROUGH IMEIGHT AIR LINE TO. THE SOUTH Arm WEST. INERT SATIIEDA,at Noon, from FIRST wakur above MARKET Street. TillrOliGH RATES to all points in North and South Carolina via Seaboard Air-Line Railroad, connecting at Portsmouth, and to Lynchburg, Va., Tennessee and the %Yost via Virginia and Tennessee Air-Lino and Rich mond and Danville Railroad. r viatit HANDLED OTHERCE taken at LOWER ,ATE - 8 THAN ANY LINE. The regularity,* safety and cheapness of this route commend it to the publib as the most' desirable medium for carrying every description of -freight.. NO charge for, commission, drayage, or any expense for transfer. Stef,intiLips insure at loweit rates. Freight received DAILY. WILLIAM P. CLYDE & CO. No. 12 South Wharves and Pier No. I North Wharves. W. P. PODTEIt,' Agent atlticlunond and City Point. T. P. CROWELL & CO., Agents at Norfolk. yjn ILADELPH Lk AND SOUTHERN MAIL ,STEA3ISHIP COMPANY'S REGULAR LINES FROM QUEEN S.TREET WHARF. The YAZOO will sail for NEW ORLEANS on Thursday. Sept. 23, at 8 . The JUNIATA • Will sail for NEW ORLEANS, via A VANA, 111 he WYOMING wil Sail for SAVANNAH on Saturday, Sept. hi, o'clock A. 31. The TONAWANDA will sail front SAVANNAH on t Imlay. Sept. 15th. The PIOYE Will - sail for Sept.'—. at 8 A. 31. Through 'hills Dflatling signed, and passage tickets Fold to all points South and West. rALs of. LADING SIGNED at QUEEN ST. WHARF. For freight or passage, apply to WILLIAM. L. JAMES, General Agent, • • 13U South Third street. ---- NEW. EXPRESS. LINE TO ALEXAN driasGeorgetown and Washington, I). 0., via elm ap..alto and Delaware Canal, with connections et Alex andria from the most direct route for Lynchbur,g, Bris tol. Knox , iille,'-Naeliville,'Dalton and the Southwest. - Steamers .!eave regularly from the first , wharf above Market street; every Saturday at noon. Freight received daily. -WM. P. CLYDE & No. 12 South Wharves and Pier 1 North Wharves. HYDE & i l'AEß,'Agents Georgetown. M. ELDRIDGE; .4r, CO., Agents at Alexandria, Va NOTICE.FOR NEW YORK, VIA DEL AWARE AND. RARITAN CANAL EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPANY. The CHEAPEST and QUICKEST.water communica tion between Philadelphia and New York. Steamers leave daily. from 'first wharf below Market street Philadelphia, and foot of Wall street, New York. Goods forwarded by all the lines running out of New York—North, East and West.-;-.free of Commission. Freight received and forwarded on accommodating terms.,WM,P. CLYDE CO., Agents, Na.l2 Sarah Delaware avenue, Philadelphia. JAS. BAND; Agent No 11J }Nall street ;New York. FUR LIVERPOOL—THE .STRICTL V thit-cuswship 31orris," 1,061 tons rogis ier,-Morria.:Ainaster.--,-This,vessel—sueesiede--tlie--Bertli.. Tent ple,titentatOtig , . - the4itilk-of.heticargo engage.dovill hace,rigich despatch:- Fiwbalance of freight or passage apply to .P.E'PEIt WRIGHT stre SONS, .140. 113 Walnut er, xatKt FO . :LIVR EP --THI I I OOL.•FINE FIRST . ch . Rum bark BERTHA TEMPLE, 626 tons register, Captain This vessel succeeds the Mexi can, end having the bulk of her cargo engaged, willihuve despatch, • Sor.halanceef -freight or passage, apply to PETER .WRI,CiIIT SONS 116 Walnut street, eel-1f „anupwou• THE AT BAI?,K _l2 01E006910mi I..gtster; Captain Real.' Tina visriii Ding of small capactty and }lrons a largo portion of lie cargo engaged will ham: despateh. For Indium° of freight or peasage; apnly to' PETER WHIG IIT ti SONS, 115 'Walnut et. • OTICt.-I;'ciß NEW YORK, NIA DEL IA AWARE AND 'RARITAN CANAL'.• SWIFTSURE :TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. DESPATCH AND SWIFTEDRE LINES. Thollmaineeit of theaolinea tell! be resumed on.anaafter the 19th of March. .For freight,_which will takep on accommodating terina t anditoiVAL-BAIRHAJCO: , ' ' 132 Smith Wharves.:,. .1.1 K T WR l VUilitla l ikaritari I.,Calg , $O - , ( ? p ii:01 , .: iti ~ 7ioiT4.*l-A DEL tiock Cloinranyl—Pespioc,lN no .Swiftsdra I.,lneci t -7. , The business by these Zincii ,will. b e, resumed on ,aud atop, 1- , -Swiftsure Trausportti , the Bth of :Much...For rrelglit, which will be taken: on accommodatirOs terms, apply to WM. M. DMUT) 84 CO., / 3 3 e.Q I /0 4 WharVea. AUCTLORMA:iiiNjo - ,''Avvo ..'IIII:ISTING,OIIB4O3IOWIMIVfr'34.te Va:ii2iii;J;234 tri t a9eurtigti Successors to JOHN,S; -I•LARGE SALE OF 11 CH' •ATM OTHERI;WBOr PENN L _DRY GOODIE.; ON - MONDAYMORNING, ' • .'" , September 20 1 at 10 ci!ciodk, on four mOntlial - dedleyint.i eluding— - • - • • ' "DRESS GOODS: : •".). 4 ..,C . • , Pieces Paris Silk and Wool Popelines, ‘ Epinglinca, Dal do • Paris liferinns.Cashmeres, Silk and Wool Pialds. dd • London Motif and Colbred pure Blohalrir,Alpactia; • Coburali. • , SILKS, SATINS AND VELVETS. Pieces Lyond black Drap'ile• France, Cacherpere do ' do • 'Lyons pplain Colored and fancy Dress" Silks: - .110—coloreeLLU•oade.Naples litaelcaud-colored-Lyons-- do • fine Velveteens,black and colored Silk Satins., , • SHAWLS, CLOAKS, &c. -Diorite and Broche BorderiChenille and Thibef Shawls. Paris Fancy Scarfs. Trimmed Samples, Cloaks, &c. : RIBBONS AND'IILILLINERY 000DS. ' • Plain 11.1141 assorted colors Bonnet and. Trimming Rib:. bobs: - All boiled black Ribbons, rich fancy Sashes. St. Etienne last edges blackiind colored Velvet Ribbons. Heavy black and assorted colors Satin,Ribbons, • 2 . Assorted colors and black real Ostrich Feathers: '' • An invoice of ladies' imported Bonnets for patterns; • , Malines, English Crepes, French Artificial Flowers. Balmoral and Ifoop Skirts, 'White GOods, Embrold ' cries, Ties, Trimmings, Veil Barege,l Handkerchiefs; Utnbrellas, Shirt Fronts, Notions. Ac. . • ~ 'LARGE SALE OF 2000 CASES BOOTS, SHQES,- &c. ON_ TUESDAY MORNING, • ' Sept. 2l, at 10 o'clock,on font months' credit,lnpluding-:- ; Cases men's, boYa' and youths' calf, kip, buff leather and grain Cavalry. Napoleon Dress and Congress Boots and IlalMorals; kip, buff and polished' rain Bregans;'wo .men misses u nd, children's .calf, kid, enamelled and huff leather, goat and morocco Balmorals; Congress Gaiters; Lace Boots; Ankle Ties ; Slippers AIMS SALE 01 TLITTSTITTITEr,..., AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, ON. THURSDAY MORNING. Sept. 21, nt 10 o'clock, on four months' credit. • IMPORTANT SALE OF CAUPRTINGS CLOTHS. .tr. ON PRIDAY MORNING, Sept, .24,' at 11 o'nlock, on four months' credit, abont 200 ipteces Ingrain, Venetian, List, Hemp, Cottage and Rag Carpetings, Oi Cloths, Rugs, &c. TAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, t/ NO. 422 WALNUT stree t. • SALE( OP' REAL ESTATE; SEPT. 2r, 1869. This Sale, on. WEDIstESDAY, at the Exchange, at 12 o'clock noon, will include the following— STOCKS dr,c. rftrticulars in Catalogue. No. 1922 GREEN ST.,—llandsonie modern three-story bnek residence, with back buildings, lot Id by 8734 feet. ,Immedik posiesBion. KU"''Sale absolure. DANSWROAD—Three-story brick dwelling and•valu able lot, below Walnut street, 65 by 100 feet. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of S. Bi shitar. d rr'd . . DARBY ROAD—Large and valuable lot and frame house. below Walnut street, 65 by 200 feet. 'Same Es tale - Xi° 131111 ET and 319 . BORDEN ST-2 three-story. brick houses, in First Ward, lot Why 63 feet. Subject ground rent. 'Orphans' Coast Sale—Estate of . Strein.der'd. MANAYUNK—Stone dwelling Arid frame Shop, Cres sew gum Mechanic Ms—lot:lS by ISU feet. Orphans' Court Soli—Z.ollre of Mathimi BEVERLY. N. J.;--Factory and Machinery, on the C. and A. R. R., and 4.!4 acres land. Sale on account at whom it may concern. • FRANKLIN STt—s neat three story bricli dwellings, with back 'n01(11110' above Diamond st., each lot It by 70 feet. Will besoldseparately. Sale Peremptory. SALE ON THE PREMISES, GERMANTOWN. ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON, September '2l, at 3 o'clock; DESIRABLE BUILDING LOT, N. W. corner Wayne and Johnson sts., 393 by MO feet t&NOrten street. If not ,- sold us one lot wilt be di • vided. Full particulars at the auction store. MARTINBROT • (Lately Salem:den for M. Thoinha Sone,) N0..529 CHESTNUT street. road entrance from Minor SALE OF THEOLOGICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. ON ,MONDAY, AFTERNOON,. . Sept. D/, at 4 O•cluck. tithe auction roomg, No. /529 Chestnut street, by catalogue, Theological and Mlacella 'tering liceilcs, from a priVato-Ilbrary. Also, 4 volatiles North Ameilcati and L lilted States Gazette. . TRADE SALE OF HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, BEAVY AND SHELF • HARDWARE, TABLE, AND POCRET CUTLERY OF EVERY .DESCRIP ' TION, &c. • bN •THURSDAY MORNIN9, Sept. 23, at 10 o'clock, at the auction rooms, 629 Chest nut street; bk catalog - ne,a large and valuable aeilortment of heavy and shelf Hardware,. Table and Packet Cut lery. 530 407,C11 of Coal and Meal Sieves, Shovels,. Hods,. Toole, Saw s, Russel's American: 'Cutlery, Made & Butchers Cutlery, Rodgers' Scissors, Plated Warth Fancy Goode, &e. : • Sale absolute. 'reruns cash.. Sale at Line street and Haddonfield road. Camden. THE VALUABLE COLLECTION. OF CHOICE TREES, •41krittm, Green and Hot. House Plants, • belonging to John F. Starr, Esq. • • • ON THURSDAY MORNING. • Sept. H, at n o'clock. at the Green and Hot Moises of 3 elm F. Starr. Esq., Line street and. Haddonfield road,. Camden. N. J.. the rare and valuable collection of Trees, Shrubs, Green and Hot House Plants of every variety. • , • Catalogues ready and the Plants arranged for exami; nation three days previous to sale. Information regarding the plants may be had of Mr. Robert Scott, Florist, 755 South Nineteenth et: • • THOMAS BIRCH 85 SON AUCTION. EERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 1110 CHESTNUT street. Bear eritrance No. HOT Samoa' street. Household Furniture of every description received On Consignment. • Sales of Furniture at dwellings attended to on the most reasonable terms. S'alo at No. 519 . North Eleventh atreet • • . • • WALNUT PARLOR, 'DINING 110031, CHAMBER• AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, Elegant Rosewood Piano, Brussels, Ingrain and Venetian Carpots,China, Glasrware, •ke. • ON . MONDAY MORNING, Sept. 20, at 10 o'clock, at No. 519 North Eleventh street, will be sold, the household Furniture and Carpets of a family declining housekeeping. The Furniture is nearly new, and can be examined after 8 o'clock on the morning of sale. Sale at No. 1110 Chestnut street _ . ELEGANT ITALIAN MARBLE VASES. URNS, TAZZAS. STATUETTES, CARD RECEIVERS, FINE BRONZE AND GILT CLOCKS, ON TUESDAY 3IORNING, Sept. 21, at 10 o'clock, at No. 1110 Chestnut street, will be sold. by catalogue, a large and elegant , assortment of new Italian marble goods, Joel imported by Signor Topi, from Italy. Also, an invoice of brdnze and gilt i•day (locks. The goods will be open fur eXaniination all day on Monday, with catalogues. CONCERT HALL AUCTION ROOMS, 1219 CHESTNUT street. T. A. McCLELTAND, Auctioneer. HOUSEKEEPERS' SALE OF NEW AND SUPE RIOR 'PARLoR, CHAMBER ANI) DINING ROOM :FURNITURE, WARDROBES, BOOKCASES, SIDE BOARD, NEW CARPETS. &e. • O MONDAY MORNING, Sept..W, at 10 o'clock, at Concert Hall Auction Rooms, 1219 Chestnut street,. will be sold, , without reserve, large and varied assortment of new 'and desirable Furni ture, romprishm in part handsdme Parlor Suits. in hair cloth, plush and reps; elegant Chamber Suits, of the latest and'most fashionable style 4• superior carved and plain Wardrobes and Sideboards, ecrentre Bookcases, 'Etageres, Extension. Centre and Carl Tables,-Plain and Fancy Lounges, Bed Lounges, Mirrors, Cane Seat Chain; and Rock ers,liat Itaeks. - Untbrella Stands. lso, neW Ingrain Carpets,:ke. The attenpon of bonsek••epers is called to tins favor able opportunity to refurnish. DAVIS & HAR VEY, AUCTIONEERS, (Lille with • • Store Noe. 48 and 80 North ti LXTH etreet • HANDSOME WALNUT FURNITURE, FRENCH PLATE MIRROR, SUPERIOR BOOKCASES, ELE GANT BUFFETS; HANDSOME WARDROBES, FINE TAPESTRY' CARPETS, .te. ON TUESDAY MORNING. At 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at the' auction, rooms. IS and 50 North Sixth street. an; mime ire assortment or elegant Furniture, comprising several very elegant Chamber Suits', in oil finish; handsome Lihrary Suit, superior Parlor Furniture, very superior Cabinet Seem to IT, Bookcases, tiak and-Walnut Extension Tables. handsome Buffets; Centre and Bouquet Tables, Lounges, fine Hair, Husk and Straw 3latresses, several superior Office Desks and Tables, fine .Tapestry out othi•r Car pets, ,c, • rp L. ASHBRIDGE & CO., AUCTION. EERS. No. 505 MARKET street. above Fifth. LARGE FALL SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES AND BROGANS. ON 'WEDNESDAY MORNING, • Sept. 22 at 10 o'clock, we will sell by t!ittulogne t about ItoU packages of Boots, Shoes and. Brogans, of city and Eastern manufacture. to which the attention of city and country buyers is called. . Open early on the morning of sale for examination. THE PRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLIgH• merit—S. E. cornor of SIXTH and' RACE streets. 'Honey advanced on Merchandise generally Watches Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold . and Silver Plate, and on all articles of value, for nag length of time agreed WATCHES AND JEWILRY Ar.PRIVATt, SALE. Fine Gold HuutingCase Double Bottom and Open Face m _srican PatentLe.ver__WAtchas• _yiat/ GO() jinntilig L ' Afje ' aria Open FaceLepineWatchea;.: . Fine G old Duplex and other Watches; Fine Silver Hunt ing • Case eller - Open 'Face' English ;America,' anti Swiss -- Patent Lever and Lenin° Watebea; -- Houble ease English - Quartier and other Watches; Ladies' Fancy Watches; Diamond Breastpins; 'Finger Rings: . Ear Rings; Studs; &c.; Fine Gold Chains; 11Iedallions; Bracelets; Scarf Pins; Breastpins; Finger Rings; Pencil Cases and Jew elry generally., , • Olt SALE—A large, 'and valuable Fireproof Chest. staitable for a Jeweller; cost $6.50. Also, coverall Lots in South . Camden, Fifth arid , Cheats nut Streets. • py • 73AREITT '& CO.,_. AUCTIONBERS, CASH AUCTION ROUSE; N 0.230 MARKET streets, corner of Bank street. Gash advanted on consienmonts without extra charge. SPECIAL SALE.OF 800 - LOTS FOREIGN 'AND DO , MESTIC. DRY GOODti, Hosiery, Parts Fatfoy Goods, Notions, MY.' by eatttiottue. • - • 43,N MONDis.x . MORNING, Sept, 20','at l 0 o!Mtiek, 'Va.: Dress Goods, 6 Urge vit. Hay.; L 2 l 4 fri Tablo Dantask si eases White Blankets, ado and Covers, Flannels, &r, • Also, lots Road v.xnado Clothing, Umbrellas, Boots, flhoetti - -Baltuorals, 1tat5,43.7: ,, • . Alsg, stock front Retail ;Triinitings and Dry .Goods & (.16.) ,rfiTioNEEllBi MARKET AND ' gt 6 111A14-1-1,-NNT zoNDA v IaROE sttispAr.,, • OOT Awl? *..______. ~', . . '• :AR. PT . .49A: 04EN :Y4 , 141:193W; 7 16*Siat4:1;f04)=1*,. 4os. 13itd-141- SOMA jt_ Tllittryk, P SALM of STOOKS AND ItisAL,' TATII.., \ tritir ' ?Ng PubllC saleti at thOPhilmfelphltr.SplltistumNnier _,.. DAYtatl26-clock-- , J A I A ' - A ' i' A o 1,4 AA . • — ,,, i1 ,. • ~' ,ohti4 F,'41:1/irnurs-4,Pael, ig-th B :4u4 l 9 l t , .l 3 tOrS, •., • Bttlct ttilteilidencesreciiiie especial Stiontleir:' ' , I 414 4 ,: 5 e, 1',.,. ii_STOOKBOAQANSi &c : -, . ~,, -. ': l 7 ;ti'iiie ' 1 . . ON TUESDAY. 8A 'T :al. _,,, „ ~, ~. ~• I , At 12 o'cl_dck noon ypt the Philadelphia ErClaange;;'',: -Estate of mental It Allefuttreoice'44. • - ''''',' C`' . ..: • ! , Zahares National Bank of Northern, Liberties. , ,•,, ~..5-4i, I ; •10 6 lutrefabrtn NOtoual.)lapk. ~, ._ ~ ~. 4l et '. .i: • 45 Shares gmnifen and Amt RelliOad. • ''' 23 shareidielligirValleyltailread: - ''' ', * 4 -, ! t,'.', `I I.3 , sharentßecend and Third Streets' P. It. W. On,. ' `-ikl• ~ 10 shares MyrrhfCanal And Banking CO. Pref. ' ~ —t-6 'o'444eriP-Morriir.Ctitialmni - Itafilting cm' . ''' . . ' '... '" 3 For Other Account , ' ' ! .. i., ~ --.1----14:shirett.A.eadtartrofMnsieivith - ticket."7. " '' .-' , - - --1: '.lO ; 57 *, 4 elare6 fterventh.National Bank..,_, ‘ -3 . .::-, Tii . . , ~ , 5 shatettEurptcsiTratiSpOrfation tro:.• • . • .• • . - ,t', , .; I /00 shares Central Trhusportation Co . . . .1, - i . 1 ,..1 . ,,,! ~. 10 shares National Bank or , the Itemiblic.'. • . , :±,•,.. • 100 shares Old Township Line Road. - . - ii , ~,A o f 22'shares Buck MotintaintionlCo.J, -: : ,• ~ , , 1 elitism Point.Breeke Park, ~ , • .....- 31 shares'COMllloncrealth NationaLuank. j .60 shares American Life.ltuturance Co., 520,000 Union Canal. 80nd5,;65..,,,, ~ :, , ~..; 7i: t C.ir ~ , ..j .10,000 shares Shatnokin Coal Co.-Let mortgage_7p_er at4.•ti 'O, • 108 shares Second and Third Streets P. , R., W. Go. ,' f«... • 4 shares Chtpe Slav'end Millville It. It. C0..-± , ~. •.', .- ~,•;), Sl' shares Consolidai ion National. Co ,„..: ..:,..4 ~._ - '4l shares Southern Transportation Co. 'el , . ;,,- ::,,- , ' leo shares Locust Mountain Coal Co. - , t . L ;. - -"'•: - 1:4•• 100 shares Girard Life Insurance and, Trust Co.;-,..: -, ... , ,L 36 shares Camden aud Atlantic Itailroad (old) ,;( 2 , :r:- . ' REAL ESTATE SALE. SEPT, 21 , , _L - , y- la 1.44 M ODERN , ,THREE-STORY BRICK REs ' rvEnultb:ll4 . v No •2011 : Vine street. Has , the modern cmiverdencen,i) , ~: Immediate possession.. . ~ . , ._ - . :,', , a-tr: VERY VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND—THREN-i., , ,•1 STORY -ERICK. • STORE and DWELLING ' and k;+ THItEE-STORY BRICK FACTORY, No: 831, , Arcla•- street , - 1 25 feet tront,ll4 feet deep. • • • '" _-__ ''',.'',,,,t -dllOl/EIIN THREE-STORY BRICK RESIDENOR.t,.' No:1215 Brown street-17 feet 5 inches front, 138 feet t 0311,..„-____ GENTEEL THREE-STORY BRICK. DWELLING'.' No. 52.6 South Twenty-second street, between Lombard • aid South. • GIUSINESS STAND TWO-STORY BRICK . TA- • ';'Vt• WERN and DWELLING. B. W. corner of .Thirty4lrst • and Market streets, oppoSite the New ;York and Penn- '•- ,•sylvanin Railroad depots, , . , • . 2 THREE-STORY. BRICK DWELLINGS. Nos 333 E• " 3333 Woodland street, N E. of: hirty-fourth streeta Twenty-fourth Ward. GENTEEL - THREE-STORY • BRICK DWELLII:4GV • • No. 320,Stevens street, Camden, New Jersey.' iPereniptory Sale by Order of Heirs—Estate of Geargar''V Rush, decd—THREE-STORY BRICK ' DWELLING;r-' , No 445 North Eighth street, above Noble » • 'Same Estate—GßOUND RENT ;jl_9o a year. • •.1 DESIRABLE THREE-STORY RRICK DWELLING I N 0.313 Omkill et...- • i• • MODERN THREE-STORY „BRICK RESIDENCE;4;'' N 0.339 Coates street: • ' "HANDSOME MODERN.. THREE-STORY •••• RESIDENCE, No, Mil Green street. ' His ther.nioderit conveniences. _ DESIRABLE 2N-STORY. - STONEDWELLINO, • Rittenhohse street, east of • the Towriship'.,Line: - road,•.•it Twenty-second Ward. • • • •i• - • • • • THREE-STORY BRICK TAVERN and DWELLING, . No • '7lO South Front at. - MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK. RESIDENOR I • No. 1917 , Spring Garden street. lies all the modern.. • . conveniences-" •• • • MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING.; - .4,... - No. 3814 North Eleventh street, above Montgomery-'l l • arenas et ' ;VALUABLE HOTEL, known as "Latona Atlantic. City, N. J. .• • , • fi • . • For account o whom it may concern, Baripti 6 Benjamin D. Phillips. • •,,-* BUSINESS STAND --Tit REE-STORY BRIM STONE and 'DWELLING, S. F.: corner of Twentieth and Oxford its. , „ .••—• • • . ‘, Administrator's Sale—Estate of Enos Tyson; deed.' HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE; MIRROR, BRUSSELS.: CARPETS, HORSE; CARRIAGE, WAGON, ,tc, ,„.„ • ' ON TUESDAY MORNING. Sept. 21, atlo o'clock, at No. 527 Diamond Street (owl- site Germantown passenger depot), a quantity of house hold. Furniture, Mirror. Brussels;`Carpets,, Beds' and: Bedding, Kitchen Furniture, dm. _ Also, Horse, light Carriage, two-seated Wagon, Milk Wagon, Saddle, Sleigh, Bebe, Harnes.s, Milk Cans, Ac. , • .. Salo Thirty-Math and Darby road. • • OLD LUMBER - AND PLANK. ' • '.ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON.,a. Sept. 21, at 41i o'clock. at the corner of Thlrty•eightlt'A , and Darby road, by.order of filo Chief ,Comudesloneropf , Ilighwayo, a quantity of old lumber and" plank,: for=; - • nmrly need by the Plank 11,64 Coin puny from Cheetnnt . street to Woodland Cemetery. , ' ":: . . Peremptory Sale abthe Fairmount Iron 'Werke. VALUABLE ROLLING MILL MACHINERY. • •,. 'TEAM ENGINES, ROLLS, BOILERS, FURNACES, - ''";:'• IRON, 8:e. ' ON WEDNESDAY MORNING; 7 ' ' October 'lO, at 11 o'clock, at the Fairmount Iron Workg, ;.;• Coated street wharf, river Schuylkill,. will be:Sold an raffle enie, the entire Valuable. Machinery, comprising --Steam euglue, with 24-inch cylinder and 5 that stroke;••r'; engine, with 12-inch cylinder and 2,1; feet stroke; solidi II y wheel. 20 'Vet diameter; .16-inch: puddle mild train ; IS inch inerehinit mill train, Burden squeezer, straighten- Mg press, punching machine Welsh shears, trimming.: •,• shears, crocodile shears, roll' lathe, 20-inch lathe _pair itik: • saws, 40 inches diameter; screw cutier,do Dimpfellans f 2, 3 and 4-inch shafting and series 'of pulleks, 11 puddle . and I beating furnaces, over which are substantially erected 2.2 cylinder boilers; 20 feet long and 30 inciters diameter, floor plates, spare. - castings,:such ,as doors.' trames, spindles, &c.; steam and water pipings •Alsois . rolls to make the following slies,viz.± rounds frolulup to r t i; ?A', by eighths; squares, froth 1 up to 2g, by' eighths; riots, from U.t. to T rail, 25, 28.00,01, Wand 63 • per y grate,: screen and oval, equal angles, front di,ig ,••• . iii to 4x4: unequal Jingles, 3x2.1:1, to 6x4; tee iron,varionsly I rom 234x234. to 4x334; gas pipe Iron, 3 to 8!,;; chills,gothio and box roughings, pinions, puddle rolls, 2,1;', 3,3 ii" and 4-inch;. puddle iron, 'double • worked iron, blacksmith:. iron, cast and wrought scrap, kaolin soapstone; weigh ing beams, new 0-inch..., hose , and couplings, heavy and light blocks and falls, old rails, pig Iron, belting; fire- ' proof, desks, chairs, ;to. Also. from 30 to 00 tons of angle and tee iron. , Full particulars in catalogues ten days previous tra, 4 6 : sale. FRAME BUILDINGS. A1.',0 all the frame. buildings ou the property, tir removed from the premises. Terms Cash. Z. 117 - The :Perk Commissioners having parchaSed. the - ground, the sale of the entire machinery, Avi11b0r.,..4, peremptory. - COLLECTOR'S SALE. Will be sold, at public sale, on 23, 1869, at 12 o'clock, noon,at AIM No. ',corner, of I.lllttr nod Leiper streets, Frankforth, Phila., two Spooling- Frames, Nos. 12 and 13, on third floor. • Distrnined upon" as tine property of F. SCHLATEII & CO., and to be sold. for U. S. Taxes. THOS, S. FOULKIIOIt .., 'Deputy Oollectof, - Fifth Distrigis sel 1-18 38 21 22W pHILADELPHIA, SEPTEMBER' 2„1869 The copartnership heretofore 'existing under ' thew 4'l firm and name of CORNELIUS .Sc BARER was dissolved * by mutual consent on July 2, 1.30. The business of the manufactory will be settleil and , closed by ROBERT CORNELIUS, at No, 821 ' Cherry, ' street. and that of the store by ISAAC F. BAKER,. No, 710 Chestnut street. . . ROBERT CORNELIW. , •' , • ISAAC F. • • WM. 0. BA • ROBERT (1 CORNELTB,, ' • JOHN-C. CORNELIUS, • ROBERT C. BAKKE!, CHARLES E. CORNELIUS. ' • . • PIMA P Sept '.' The undersigned, late of CORNELIUS t BAKER . have this day entered into a copartnershlP, untker , thev . finn tame of CORNET, I US 4: - SONS. • *.. , 1 Itavingpurcluo,cd the factories itin Cherry Street, and Filth street near Columbia avenue), - iind all, thee nsa,. clattery of thee lato firm, we are prepared to continue the manufacture and sale of Gas Fixtures. Lamps, Sce.:, . No. 621 CHEERY STREET, PHILADELPHIA. „a. • 1 " , • ':;• ROBERT CORNELIUS. • • • ROBERT C. CORNELIUS* • 'ARLES- E. COUNELIUS: • (11: AWFORD ARNOLD - AND. R0j14874.A . : lJ e. BAKER.- late of CIIRNELIUB 5c taxPtt.;. bar, oil, day il , lllled copartnership under the name`of4t • '••• ARNOLD it BAKER. Having , purchasi..d the entire stock of.goods a ate late fine of Raker, at 710 CHESTNUT Street,' they are prepared to continue at that place the sale Of :Gas Fl turee, Lamps, Bronzes,. kg. • '. se2-Im§ rim E COPAETNERSHIP HERETOFORE : _IL existing between WRIGHT HOWARTH - andEFIV , ; ,- WARD HUNT, under the name of. E. HUNTsk Sash, Boor and Blind Maufacturers, Ridge Road and Master street, has been disiolVed. by mutual: consent;• . • • and henceforth the bnsiness will lee carried our \%IIIGIIT HOWARTH alone, by whom all busigt4toi' . ,t , the late firm will be settled. . •• . , , „ • •i., WRIGHT HOWARTH ...L. ; 0 0i . „••• .'EDWARD HUNT. • Pird... , ..nntrit lA, Pa.. Sept. LI; selo-30 - T t • •. LEGAL NOTICES.e• • "ISTATE OF Slit A.S PED RICK DE- • -: o 4 . l' P : ' ei'Lltsell.—LettorK Testamentary upou the • above . • estate, braving.been granted: to dm undersigned Ege• mark, all persons indebted fo the said estate are re- , • •.','„; tilliqatil to make 'payment, and Dame having. clainor, • - against the sense frill present them to MARGARETT.-1. 4 , • , A , ,i,.„,, , ,,N: U. PEDRICK .Exeentrix, or CO her A ttorney WARREN COULSTON, nt 121 South Sixth. street,. • Philadelphia. • • • ' selii,th,s,t4sol _ . • 1% , 1 THE ORPHANS! COURT FOR .TELE , 6X. lI Cue and County of P hamlet phla.—Estato of DAVUIt lA-YNE,ilvoemeit„.—The lndltorsapprijntetthe CortlV • 011 Icrandattust Diet Will account %VJ Fl T ON SMITH, et al.. Executors aid Trustees of thelast' till and testament Of DAVID .LAYSIL deceased:lam/11'e,, tO - rtitortßlstributioir of-the-bniance-in-the-bantia-of the . accountant, will meet the parties illter o,lB,l-, fo.t . aid par-r , L• . 1:1111.` of their appoinunent, TUF.BDAY,'Sep imber Ogi9, at 'l2 o'clock , 31., at the Office of• the Estate 0131 Clicalllit street, in the city of Philadelphia. JAMES' STARR, • Audi ‘)7 • ~eO-ot,sdnat4 ,BAKEHii STATE OF CATHARINE SMIT?, LetterS testamentary. uPoit the, above ON tate having been grunted to the tealeiviguad,all indebted to the same will please make payment, and al persons basin!! elating will ~ p resent, tnladAMT,,l.r . „ ANN N OSE it TZ , Executrix OA2. Nor 4-w th Eleventh or to her Attorney, W ILL LAM .wal-i • • nut street. ' a a6V- /It I,Jf 4 , lllAgliAltAitiol'7ll3Plestlint etted*tUall'ir° 4- ,7 turers of Gas FixtttresaAnape L ito,,,O., would mrtites' • attention of tho publics to their large end. elegant • went-of Gas Chandellete, - Pendanta,lltaelrets, AC- Thom also Introduce gan toliStke into dwellings and Ottblle bit - logs, And attend to exteeditig,altorigtg,aW reveirlnffeti •,., - ' Wooer. All work-worrenteste- • • -• •• LIC.,=FOX SAtt I'Bo ' ToNs C szkaik.ligiod.'44tiPtio to iVtifilEMILN'St • • OtX 4 4.s. • • COPARTNERSHIPS; 4Aki-FIXTtRBS:' 'F'' ,, •••'::; t-: ,:.:,, ;. ,, , , 1 , .... ' , .... • 1 ;:' '',.5-st. ..,..:.'"c .4 '... ...te."':;--I,`'.:', -.',,....;Ti;•V4',c,,,,554. i '; k ~~;t50- ==t=