..~r.ij ~A':::. . .~ • • - , • . • . ;- , xuary,3Aowitts"-tratislation of(the,fginproVi* •,• - "..atore,"••Ot'llans : Christian' AndirtietilMaes ag a :eetive debut on the part'oc •tlie' whole series ) . Which 'Messrs. Hurd Ronglid ahre't4tibliSh: ."-• The olmprovisatore" is Andersen's longest and most connected werk of fiction, and proves his • capacity for a more sustained flight than those familiar - only -with ,his oapricious litlTe tales • would give him credit for. It -is exquisitely' • beaorttnl.-' , Very few ?traveling, poets can we • recall WhOie labor of throwing the impreAions ele ,toyage into symminetrical form can be sure of: `immortality;., but among these- we May surely place the wither of Harolde," • , the, : author . of "The ,3larble .Faun," and -the , 'author of , 'The Iniprovisatore.”. Andersen's :•,: hero is one .of those pore, Poetic, idealized be ' ings who are only tolerable when •treated with all the tact, all the enthusiasm, all the reserve Of • genius. Ills childhood by the foun tain of, the .Barberini and • the church of the .Capochins, at ' Rome, under • the tutelage of his mother, and of his uncle Peppo; the cripple of the Spanish Stairs; his orphanage and wanderings; his appearance on the stage, of San Carlo, at Naples, where he sings ex impore of Tasso and of the Fata Morgana ; his ambulant life, taking , him in the most natural way in the world over Italy, and to. Venice; and the' adventures; as good as miracles, which bestud this romantic life, and uld - beinappropriateto — anyintt - sucir•tino. alted, sublimated existence: these are, told with that simplicity;-faith and fairy-tale relishproper • to Andersen,-and to none 'butt him. Men. ri .Anderselias , liestowed Some revision . upon his works expressly for this, , edition 'and' for the • American public, and has added a quantity of 14,Sto0aaland descriptive notes to the "linpral , yisatore which inake.raore plain. the .• connec tion between its imaginative allusions and the reality of the scenes in which the.plot is laid. , • The series will be t sold. , this city •by Mr. 20 Sonth Sixth'street. • • . „ • . allegsefs:' third :Si Hottghton, are likewise the yiublisterCnf - IV'Singular 'little 'Work; by Mrs. Malt Wood, who represents herself as having etrved•for some time as prison -matron, and as baying,, exceptional' 1116411.4 With the work ingS•of our 'prison SyStems. Her little report is full,of the most revolting stories of ,petty de pravity on the'Part, of the female caretakers in these institutions. What _Mrs. Woods pleads for is an examination "by the public into the doings of, the public servants, Securely going on Wei : kick - laid key. She believes that the priSon might, with better management, be changed into a truly reformatory institution, in place of the. hardening and degrading school crime it now is. This small and ^ well written book is full of a painful interest. Sold by Porter .&.Coates. •Ale,ssrs. Lippincott & Co., publish in a hand sOnie volume Mr. poker's line historical drama of *KOnigsmarhr, with other poems, recently noticed in these colimins from advance sheets. Ahiong their recent poetical publications we haveldtbarto omitted to notice a tasteful little Volnine containing a Poein, called "Beatrice," by liOn. Roden Noel._lt is a lovely, story, told in blank verse. Teameriean publishers hate selected it from the collected works of the author, which are attracting attention -from iudicions readers in England. We call particular attention to an - elaborate romance of American life, entitled "Walter Ogilby,". by the • author of "Wau-bun;" kis a delineation of the hopes, fears . a.r.:l loves of torespoudin, in American society to those ranks of the upper middle-class in which Trollope has found such a peculiar vein of nature-painting. Two volumes are bound in one, in Lippincott's neatest style, and the intrinsic interest of the story is recommended 'by the elegance of the e;Kternal style. - A most useful manual comes-to us from the Tribune Association office, 154 Nassau street, New York. It is entitled "Pear Culture for Profit,", and is from the pen of a skilled practi= cal horticUlturist,-Mr.-P.-T. Quinn.- :The pear receiving increased. attention _as the most elegant and long-seasonable of the' des sert-Inds ; It can be gtown in .a wider spread of latitudes* than the peach, and can be forced into prodigies of productiveness. Mr. Quinn's useful litttle treatise is a word to the wise po niologist. • . . We receive from T. 13. Peterson & Bros. an illustrated octavo pamphlet edition of Thacke ray's "Henry Esthond" and "Loved the Wid ower," very arbitrarily hound together, and of fered at. '5O cents;. and a similar edition of Uarlitt's story of "Countess Gisela," which ivas introduced to the American public in the columns of Lippincott's :Magazine. Harper's edition. has au illustration, and sells at 35 tents. , Mr. Samuel 3. May, an anti-slavery lecturer and agitator in New England dming'lB32-6, and in Central New York since 1845, has put out a book called "Some Recollections of .our Anti-Slavery Conflict." Some of the chapters were published in 1867 and 1808 in the Chris tian Register. Mr: May's book, so far as we have read it, seems to convey a great deal of information about the early •striiigles of the Abolitionists. Published by Fields, Osgood & One of the few firotestant- books we have seen on the woman subject is "WComen's Suf frage," by Horace - Bushnell; be pleads against the etlext to."make trumpets out of flutes, and suulloWers Out of violets." He maintains that heprojected - reform is totally -- differeut - from all other reforms, in fact a reform against na ture. His argument is at least well stated.= Published by Scribner, for sale by Claxton, Bentsen & Haffeliinger. From the same booksellers we receive Carle ton's last-published novel, Sibyl Huntingdon, ` by 11Ls. Julia C. R. Dow, autlion.ofFarming-- , dale" and "Lanmere." It is long and a little sentimental, but full of good impulses, and at tractive pictures of home„life in America. "Man in Genesis and:in Geology," by 'Jo ' seph I'. Thompson, D. D., L.L. D., is an effort to set forth certain principles of adjustment between Science and the Bible. Chronology is discussed by Dr. Thompson in the light of the Egyptian monuments, which have been his especial study. The theories of Darwin and *Owen he discusses at length. Ignoring none of the revelations of science, and meeting them in the scientific spirit., he believes that their baerriOny with that other Revelation, the in ispired book, is only developed by a candid and iritelligeirCexaranation;`liiS beirik is vie Prof: James' D, Dana, Of Yale. Published by S. R. Wells; sold by Lippincott-& Co. :-."Tominy Try, and What he Win Science," appears to be the "confessions" of an. English oddity, Charles O. G. Napier, Fellow of the Geographical Society. Here, 'among the most ecoentric anu most paltry - reminiscences . of a strange existence, Mr. Napier (Who rethinds 4.4s,lielplesSly of M. Toppfees "Bachelor But ' tettly".") hicls in inany an odd 'and recondite fact about the living creatures that stiff arm upon the earth, tL laws of matter, the .unfamiliar !development. of science, Ake., fact; it 18'• itml.Y. : ditlicult to say what snbjects 4.this-hetero geneOdicOnfession does not treat on. It 'is tyell kesentvd; ttloitg u itli the beautiful & Co. Sold by Claxton; Beinsen Sp D2110;110.1'. 'recent Publications of Louse of Putnai-c & Sons are of popular in erest: "Anne Severin," a happily selected jowl from the European Popular Library,: by theikiithur •Bister ' s t iecret r ">." Dfadautt .; tai.4,i:oriTolor.:," Mi'nuteiiracticp treatise bri Oittand Wittercolo6pahoog, Sit" attiStlDelaereix , dfighly:; , ,recom*ended.. anti cauSEeilin )5 / intredrteed Menthe P*lekpuhlie schools/: i§acrecl %nit. ConStrtietivert," interesting study of the growth of Archi tectiire one of national by Calvin '.Otis, the architect;'..Normart Leslie," our' veteran /itteratetv "lair: Theodore S%'Fay, it good example of the sort of novel liked, by our elder si§ters some twenty 'years syne ; and Bayard Taylor's "By-Ways of Eur Ope;" which has been received With aniniat ed- pleasure everywhere, bothhere and abroad, and which proves Mr. Taylor's almost unique, faculty of sirnple landscape-painting in'• worth ;' still, however; Should we live to be ;a thou- 7 Sand we shall never be able to understand what possessed Mr. Taylor to tell at such length the story of a most deliberate, definitive and hirmiliating ma& he received froio Garibaldi in turn ror his own inexcusable meddlinc. The above and . other.: publications of /thefirm are for sale in this cty. by Mess)* Porter & Coates. Messrs.. Porter & Coates are' themselves the proprietors of several favorite and attractive editions. The series of Scott's Tales of a Grandfather and Waverly NOvels published by them in crown Svo., in 27 illustrated volanies, is exceedingly neat, tasteful and reasonable in price. They also 'are Propriebars'of a comelv • lition Knight'stqfalf-hours-witl the Best Authors," likewise. in crown Svo., and contained in six volumes neatly boxed; a por trait of some famous author is prefoted to each volume. They further present 'the " Histork of :England; Eictorial Shakespeare; and; other handsome ' standards . iii ,'.which' they have, a proPrietory.right., ! These special ties are In addition .to. their.: advantages as caterers and . proprietors •of a bookLexchange' whichlutrdly has a rival , in extent, situation, and ''facilities for giving sound 'advice' 'and *tatiee to' ,book-buyers. 11 - esSrs ;Porter :& CoateS haVe likewise a picture-department, which they. have .done a gratifying business during the past season. Some of our Most tasteful citizens and most' popular artists now Mk' to' them for . assistance . , in exchanging ; " • An Ingenious Instrumeio. [From the London plobe.] One drthe most remarkable objeets at the recent meeting of the .engineers at Newcastle was the new chronoscope; Ruing• the velocity of a projectile within the 'bore of a gun, the invention of Captain Au drew Noble; late Royal Artillery, now of the firin of Sir 'William Arni Strong & Co.. This wonderful instritment is capable of measuring portions of time so minute that the 'human mind is as unable to realize them . as it- is to grasp ideas of infinity. To most of us, a second of time seems to pass very rapidly, and a clock denoting tenths of seconds is looked upon as a most Acctuate instrument. What shall we say then to a machine capable of di viding the secondinto a million parts ?—to an instrument where the inaccuracy of the thdu-: sandth part of a second 'would be a greater comparative error than the loss of an hour a day by an ordinary watch ? The chronoscope consists of six brass disks, each 36 inches in circumference and about a inch thick. TheSe are firmly secured to a spindle or axle, which is geared , to a train of wheelwork, the whole Iseingulriven by aweight something similar to clock weight. Each wheel travels flVe times as fast as the.one immediately preceding it, so that avery rapid motion of, rotation is imparted to the disks, the rate of speed helmg meastired by a clock or stopwatch attached to one of the slower moving wheels. Whenthe instrument is in full spin, the disks are revolving at a rate of about 28 times in one second, and, as they are 36 inches in circumference, an inch of disk cor responds to about the thousandth part 'of a second, the tenth of an inch to the . ten-thou sandth part of a second, and the thousandth of an inch to the millionth of a second. The in strument is provided with a gradriated scale vernier and magnifier, by which the thousandth of an inch is-read Off. The passage of the shot in_theixore_of_the gunis_recorded_on, theedge of each disk by a tiny electric spark derived from a Rhumkortf coil. A brass discharger Is fixed in an ebonite plate opposite each disk, wires pass from this through an electric , battery and coil to the guil, , where they communicate with the interior of the bore by meads Of screw plugs in the side of the, gun. The shot cannot pass out of the bore without cutting.the wires thus comninnicating with the inside, and as 'each wire is cut a spark is emitted from a discharger, and the edge of the corresponding disk re ceives a mark on some ,prepued paper with which it. is covered. ThuS, let us suppose the gun to be fitted with 6 plugs each two inches apart, the first being in 'such a position that when the gun is loaded the front part of the shot just touches the first wire. The instant the gun is discharged the shot begins to move, and so breaks the first wire and marks the first disk ; it then breaks the second wire, and marks the second' diSk,' &C., &c., until it finally breaks the sixth wire, and marks the sixth disk. While, however, the shot Was pass ing from the first to the sixth wire the instru ment was revolving, and the sparks, instead of bcirrgiri a -- st straight line on the disks; will appear in echelon, the distance between each of them -corresponding—to—the- timetakentirtlic - pro . = - jectile in passing from wire to wire. Th's most ingenious instrument has been in use for some months at Woolwich, and will be exten sively used by the special comrilittee on exple- Sives during their experiments on the pressure , 9f , fired gunpowder of various deScriptions in 111 - `I" *""• It SwmVpl Catia Vides—A Venerable Anecdote. It is sometimes curious to trace the lineage of anecdotes, and those who take an interest in this kind of research may ainuse themselves with an English story which is now going the round of the French papers as a French story. The English story relates to the: famous Earl - of:Peterborough - in - the - time of `the - Revolution: A lady, mtich admired by this nobleman,' coveted a fine canary which she saw and heard in a coffee-house near Charing-cross, and begged her admirer to get it for her. The owner was a widow; Lord Peterborough offered a large sum of money for the bird, but in vain. It was too good a singer, and the widow was too fond of it. 'But my lord was not to be balked ; the commands of his mistress were imperative, and he determined to get the canary. He found another exactly like it in color, and one day took advantage of the widow's absence in another, room to exchange it for her pet. The story goes that WO years after wards he ventured to return to the colfee-house, -and to rally the lamllady on the subject'of the' , to IMT—that—bird,- but you refused my money ; I dare'Say yoti,are by this time sorry for it." "Indeed, my lord,': said she, "I am not, nor would .I take any sum for him; for Would you believe it? from the time that. our good King (James, II.) was forced to go abroad and leave us, tlie dear creature has not sung a note!":' Now. this very story has tuned up again in Paris,: with full circumstantial details which are most creditable to the:lne•enuity of the in.:, ventor. The event happened in the midst Of the revolutiOn which ' drove Loula Philippe from the throne of France. The lady who ciiv eted the canary was an actress at the Varietes Eliza ,Borsgontier; the canilly - lielonged to the wife of a :concierge,:and the said. Eliza made the exchange of canaries with her own 'hands after having in Vain - attempted to pur chase the .wonderful - bird. We have rio wish to rob the fair actress of anylittle of her fame for intrigue and adventure ; but We cain al low her to carry otitord Peterborough's story livithOitt a word of protest. BULLETIN — PHIXIADELPHIA,:TUESPA. c __I'HE g.. Wit.`--~: Y4`'lF!- ACAIIIIOI,II I I - :`: Y. 070 N d N BOYS, ' No. 1415 Lootist ateept, • EDWARD CLARENCE 9111.i1 t ialli'AI t Princrpal. 1. This h:chool offers superior athleatages to these pre- Egl i n c lAr i l n a c sluess.,The course, iu, tho,ccemnon Englisll luding matheinaties A iS very thorough and eompletp. Special instructors in French, Drawing, Pen manshiP, Elocution. ' • ' 2. Those looking to College receive -a most thorough preparatory training. 9. Special Features—An unsurpassed locality, large and well•ventilated rooms, a secluded play-steam!, a first-class Primary Pcparhnent. • , • „! Next Session begins. Suptoutierl3.' Circler at 141) Chestnut. street. • itu23- • • SELECT. •111Gli SCHOOLI NO. 110 N. It is dt.silowd that this Instillation 'shall rank second to none in Philadelphia. The munbur of students ti limited to us many only as can receive the careful att,ii t ion of the Principal, it being' lug desire to combine all the eoetal, moral and refining influences that are consis tent with necilfuldiscipline; • The undersigned brings to hilladsistaince in the pur suit of his profession the experience of more than a quar ter of a century. during Which time helms been Manned In the instruction of young. seen and boys- from almost every section of thellnion, and upon the result of bloc!' forts with Whom,- ho Is willing to base his claim for con , tinned support. . • • It is the practice of the undersigned to devote to the government and instruction =of the students his unre mitting personal attention; yet he spared nb pains in the selection of those whom he . calls: to assist him in the school, they being frentlemetkoniberal education, and of known fitness for their profession—. Students may prepare theniselves' for entering , LILT Clans In Collegc or for the active businessof sPe E• vial =attention hi gireitAti .hf -Natural Philose livi Chemistry rind the '.3lathernatfes, us well to Arith • inatic. -- Eomulogy and the other ordinary rig Ls branches. A !united numbered' boys wllfbe reeelVed, to comiti lute a rrininry Class, which will , be under the special supervision : WALD Principal.; Exercises will be resumed on. the' 20th instant. ' • ' - • siel3•St't CAtEll lIALOWELL, - „ S . TXTENT 'CHESTNUT TREET' v titte.—Miss E. T. 'BROWN Wilrepen a school for yoting ladies_, at N 0.4035 Chwitinit Street, on T DAY; Sept, 21. , Circulardmay be procured attn. , school on and idterWedneSdaY ' the 15th.,.: ..• sell-13t'_ VRENCH TAUGHT BY CON VERSA _II2. tions by Prof. A: ljelacourt .; just ::returudd7froin Parts, 1208 Race street. _sell itrp' 'VAST' PENN. SQUARE SlonlINARIT::: G,,G.Lstoyens and•Miis,..l.lnry.W.Stovens \1 itl Open a sehoolfor vbfing and children, September 151 h; at — No. 25 North Juniper street, three doors be low Filbert street,' and directly , opposite East Penn Square. 7 , ; : : . ses . . BARROWS'S SCHOOL FO.R t-nßuOt ti j gliglin t t h h e „ . v.Sl Te r - opiITAkS T At. mHE MISSES GREGORY. .WILL RE open their School for YounitiLattleti, No. 3917 Lu cui3t street, on 310NI1A , Sept. 13th. nu3o DGIIILLEMET, FRENCH tEACHER, . 237 South Ninth streef. aria? no' mH E CLASSICAL AND.:ENGLISH 1 . School of 11. D. GREGORY, A.M., No. 110 i Mar ket street, will reopen on MONDAY, , Sept. G. an2a-lm MISS GRI FITTS WILL:: REOPEN her school' in the upp r rooms of the School Building of tiro&lurch, and Fifteenth streets. Entrance, upper gate on Clb•-t -nut street. Applications received at,1126• Girard street. au2stocl MlBB BONNEY AND . :MISS 'DIE LAVE will reopen their boarding and day school (Wei, tiPth year), September 15, at 1615 Chestnut street. Par• ticulars from circulars. aul6 to call OLASSICAL, MATHEMATICAL AND vi.J ENGLISH SCHOOL, at ..1112 Market street, r.: opens September 9th. Booms large. sel ' WM. S. COOLEir, A. 31. MISS ARROTT AND MRS. WELLS, (Formerly 0fN0.1007 Poplar street), Will open their Boarding and Day School' for Girls, On the first Monday in October, 180, at N 0.14.54 GERMAN TOWN avenue, Germantown, Philadelphia. Until October Ist,' direct to No. 744 North NINE TEENTH Street. atilo-3uG SCHOOL . REMOVAL.. Miss JAMES will restuno the duties of her School on MONDAY, 13th instant, at No. 1224 'Chestnut street: • • • • • sc/0-12t§ itIISS BORDEN'S SCHOOL: FOR GIRLS .111: and Boym, No. 10X Pine litre t, will reopen Sep• tember 1.3t11. ee he MARY M. TRUMAN WILL RE-OPEN her School, No. 142 Nortli -Seventh street; on the Kith of Ninth Month Septenriber/. sett Ini' CATHARINE M. SHIPLEY WILL RE OPEN her School, N 0.4 South , . MERRICK street. on Second-day (MONDAY), 9th month (September rtith, 1869. • • st. 3 nu§ WEST PENN SQUARE - *SEMINARY for Young Ladies, No. 5 South Merrick street, (late Mrs. 'M. Mitchell , s). The 'Fall terM of this Schodi Atilt begin on WEDNESDAY, SaPtreplier 22, 1 Miss AGNES IRWIN, Principal. 8v.3 MISS CLEVELAND , DESIRES TO AN nounce that she will open; on MONDAY. Sep tember 2Uth, at 2023 Laneey Place. a school for the education of a limited number of young ladies. Circulars may be had nit application at 243 South Eighth'strect, between the hours of and 2. 0f , 2-ifj raw RO USE. telectlionto - Boardinggehool - for Boys. Assisted by a graduate of Trinity University. a gentleman of attain ment and experience, and aided by other teachers,MßS. CRAWFORD will be prepared to receive her pupils on WEDNESDAY, 15th.Septenther. Ury can be reached by Sixth street cars and dummies via I.rankford. For teriiv,tdel eireulars apply to tin, PnrscirAL, Ury IlownO•os,Chnst.i P. 0., Twenty-third Ward. Phila. 'sel Imo§ NIVER SPEY- OF PENNBYLLWA-N-I*- 7 " ( Faculty of Arts., The first term of the College 3 ear will open on WED NESDAY, September 'lsth, at 10 o'clock. Applicants tor admission will apply for examination at half-past 10. Students may pursue either the course of studies for the DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS or the Ours" for the DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF scLENcE, in which the Ancient .Languages are not studied, but additional time is given to the -Mathernaties and the Modern Lan guages. or they may pursue such separate studies as 014 desire, and which the Faculty may apUrove. Fees for either of the full courses, thirty-five-gollars term, payable in advance. FRANCIS A. JACKSON, Secretary. MHE ARCH STREET INSTITUTE FOR Young Lailleg, 1345 Arch street, will reopen ONDAY September 20th. Apply from 9to/2 A. all. • MISS L. M. BROWN, Principal. (14 . E011(4E R. BARKER. A. M., WILL BE vi open his English and Olassical School, Price 6ireet, Germantown, on Monday, September . 6th, loUll. alll9-Ird§ VEEN CH LANGUAGE.—PROFESSOE J. 2.11/LEVIEAU has removed to No. 223 South Ninth street. au2B I_ .031 . 3 AL T N. ASH BURNER WILL —Kr open her School WEDNESDAY. September 8, N. W. corner Fifteenth and Pine.' matt lin 031 --- AS - BASID=. 'S - TlNGUlSir,Crekibt sical and Mathematical School for Boys, northeast corner of Broad and Arch streets, will re-open Septem, her Bth. au23-Im* COLLEGILTE SCHOOL ; S. W. CORNER Broad and Walnut streets. Term begins • Sep tember 611,. [au23-tq • RECIIN . 01IXSE, A. 111., ' DENILY W. SCOTT, A. M. Principals. E Tifkic.fif ACADEMIC YEAR of the Sprlng,Garden Academy, N. E. corner Eighth and Buttnnwood atreets, begine MONDAY, Sept- pith. Doye and Young Men prepared for businces or college. J. P. BIRCH, A.M.,' CII.A.S. A ...WALTERS. A.M., Principals: au23 MISS- CARR'S SELECT BOARDING and Day School for Young TUBCH. KILDON SEMINARY, opposite the York Road Sta tion, North Pennaylvanla Railroad, seven initns_from - Philadelphia - wlll reopen oh W 17 EDNESDAY, Sept. 110 Circulars obtained at the office of Jay Cooke Bankers, 114 S. Third streot, or by addressing tho Shoernakertown P. 0., Montgomery co.,Pa.au2l Im§ THE BEST PROVIDED SCHOOL AMERICA —TILE 'SCIENTIFIC AND CLASSI. 'CAL INSTITUTRa School for Boys and Young Men --Cornor• Poplar and: Seventeenth streets,. Tel-owns .lIIQNDAY, September fith. „ J. ENNIS, A..M . oll2llno • • P 1111910.: • LIt , MMAN;TO W Isi . • • SEMINAkY-..F NJ( YOUNG LADIES. Green street, HOtltil ofiWaltutt Lano, will i•o-opcti September a. For circulars contain ing_full intormat ion, apply to Prof. W. S. FORTESOIII3 A. M., Principal, ting2ltfijJ , SCHOOLS, COIt.OP and Green streets (entrance on Fourth street), will reopen "on' the . first Second -day lii the Ninth month (September 6), OM , These schools have largo and well-ventilated ro*6, and are under the care of.experlenced teachers. , / . For further Mformatiou apply at the schools Sarah S.;Long,Principal of - Grammar- School*. -Rehaga -T.. Buchnian,---Priticipal-- of--'Secondary Schol; Abbio T. Lippincott, Principal of Primary School; or to Spencer Roberts, 421 N. Sixth street, , Beulah A. Allen, 721'Green Street. aiilo-11II§ t iL' lo ' : Tl.E4il l 3!iliEngre 3 fo MANSFIELD'S afL O w L .,' win' won Wedrfesday,oopt.:l6th, 180. Square,For farther in 2 tbrination apply at the School, after Sept. 2,1. • . BEFEItENCEII.—ROV. A. P. 'Peabody, D. D 0 R6rrara Unlyersity. Pulpit . Waldo Emerson Fra: a, .concord, Mass: Oliver Wendell Holmes, D., Boston : ' Samuel Bowles,-Pa Springfield, Mites. E. ll.'lloar, Attornor• General, Washington, hington, William Dorsey,. Germantown. Boy. ;Silas Farrington, Germantown. aul9.lmo* 13.11ILA.DJUILPHIA SCILOQL OF I Dedign for: Women, Northwest Penn &Inure, wit , reopen on ,310.10:PAY, September POth. • ' T. W. BILAIDWOOD,. , P 4104 11 1 . -741 1/1 rS AIRD'S SEM INTA7i:CYTFOIii Young Ladies, No. 323 North Seventh etrneN will reopen WEDNESDAY., September 8,1869. STOKES' SCHOOL, 4807 , MAIN jyi, street, Germantown, will re-open MONDAY, tio,p tember .13th. • • . aul7 pu,§ 1%131E. __-JN WILL RE-OPEN ON IVA. the 15th of September, ,a Select French and English School for boys under 12, at her Residence, No. 1136 South Penn Square. Terms—Per sessiou of thee mouths (including Latin) t ,,, t(). aul7 bn§ .EDITON#OX:\ E. E. SEW. ..._ „,..k, 1.(0,--..-7,64- ~f. 44 . .., ~,,,-, . -.:,..,,,,, ,_,,, i -_ , ait . _:,,,, _ •_,, cT,.:._ _ 4 . '. - k • , t, 7: .xt • . - . 44 . '- 3 tg ' •'. t, 4 (isiA,, ~,,,,,,oinitr* , up 14111..MER0 L '' , ireltrltOYS A• ' OUNGWENt• ''''':';Z: 'ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. Entrance 108 South TENTH Street. This School presents the following advantages : ' , Finely ventilated class-rooms, with ceilings thirty feet in lieight,givingda moh.pupil-ure , than double the usual. breathing space.. . ' ' . Wide,,lpaolv stairways, rendering accidents in as sembling and duculsSitig almost inmoanlble. 'A Ceres 'of teaeliers ovary one of whom has had years of experience at in the art. of inarting knowledge, and making et udy luterenting,and consequently, profitable. A mode of teething and discipline. calculated to make school'atiractitkei Austen& of, burdenionie to the pupil— an indispevisable Ivo:1181W !It'n. cothplete success. Applications received tit the Academy from 1()A.,_11f,. tat I"lit, ditily;lin antrafteraUGUST Mt' .- Catalogues, containing. full ,perticularsandllte names of many of our leading citidenS;_ patrons of the Institu... Von, may be. obtained at Mr, SY, FVarhurton's,'43o Chestnut street, or by addressing the Principal,tis above' ~ • ~, - , 8..: Y. LAUDERBACIL Leto Principal ofthelcorthwestrublicGrturanar School., sett-0i . ,1 , 7.• '. ,k•- , .. , 1 ~‘-' -.N4°! '---- 11/tADA3III - 7CLE - 14ifiNT "ST - — FICENCH ;Protnbtant Boarding ficho6l, Gernaantowd; The,Fall Tqrm will open on - WEDNESDAY Soptomber 18th, : , . , For eirctilaro, apply set 4 t 1 00§. 11/18S BAYARD'S BOARDING AS 4 DTITAY J. 11.• School will re-open September lfith, 18(19. , • sel3-IMR • - 1418 Cbestntit street. WNA ICAIG FIN'S SCHOOL 1 4- 011, - , Young Ladles, 10. 1819 Green street, re-opeus 9 inn., 19,1899. • atirmst," CE LI INSTITT_TTE, NORTHWEST , ronler Tenth and 'Sering Garden SEreete, will re open. MONDAY, Septemberkk 6th _p___. Days prepared ' for ~ . ineino .kg-K.North_ McCi e UIRF, , J.- W:SHOEMAKE Vice Prin. Tenth et. nu 24 ant§ H — E - .31155E13 PIVIAIsT'S BOARDIN 'and Day BchOol for'' Young Lidice will reopen. tlerdeinber 13th, 1669. For Circulars, address the Prin.' Holmesburg,TwOntyrthird Ward.. Philadelphia,' or they can bo. obtained .at. Mr. ,TRIJAIP.LDIt'S . Menlo Store, 926 Chestnut .au2 2m* , SPUING OARDEN LNSTITUTE ;;YOUNG LADIES Ili , openNl tioptember 19. GILBEKT„CO3IBS, A. 31., int2.B4m." And 611 Jfarsliall etreqt W.M. , FEWSMITH'S. CLASSICAL' AND Mathemathical Schoals 10n3 Chestnut street. Pupils thoroughly fitted for College er,:business pur- The Fall Session will commence on 'MONDAY, S.eptent , " Ley 13th. . : Circulars given, or sent t &address. on application, , MISSES. MORDECAI WILLO.:RE -1 open their Day School for Young Ladies on WED NESDAY, September 2241, at 1.115 Spruce st. V - OUNG MEN'S AND ~ B OYS' ENGLISLI; I. Classical, Commercial ,and, Scientific Institute, 19uS Mt. Vernon street: • This successful school enters its fifth year. September Oh, Preparation for business or College. Pupils may now he enrolled. Preparatory de patinient for:mall hove, and IM§ , Am'. JAS. G. SHINN. Prin A. 211. a, l. . ' eip "rp E 114 L J.. SELECT I AMILY BOARDING SCHOOL, . An English, Classical, Mathematical; Scientific and Artistic Institution, FOR YOUNG MEN AND:DOS'S At POTTST,OWN, Montgomery. ,Connt!i. ~ The First Ternrof the Nineteenth Annual SesAion clll Commence on WEDNESDAY; the Stli dap of September next. Pupils received at any tithe.' , For Cirdniars, address • Rev. GEO. F. MILLER. A. JI., REFERENCES: Principal; aiw:,DRS.--11Ieigs. Schaeffer, Mann, Knuth ; Selgfi Ithallenberg, Stover, Mutter, Stork; Conrad, Bom berger, W rile, Sterret, Murphy. Crulks hanks, etc. II ON S.—Jdage Ludlow, Leonard Myers, M. - RuSSell Thayer,Betn. M. Boyer,, Jacob' S. Yost, lilester Cly mer. John Rillinger,etc : ESQ,S -James E. Caldwell, Jaines L. ClUghorri, C. S. Grove, T. C. Wood, Harvey Bimini - ft, Theodore G; .Boggs, C. F.:No rt Roo pt . ,..S.;Gross:Fry,Miller & Derr, Charles Wannemacher, James, Kent, Santee & Co., etc. JI7LY 13; 1565. : 3y29 th s tn 2tibi WESTI S ( .3 3r is4' -National t2l-7 B a n un ACADEMY,AIt g S. W. corner Market street and West Penn Snuare. A training Collegiate Technical gad Commercial School for boys and young men. Gymnastics, French, German, Art, Vocal Music. all under skillful teachers, Without extra charge. College classes in-every stage of preparation. The Booms will _be open for inspection orb and ate; August Rld T. BRANTLY LANGTON, Principal. • [Testimonial: J • PHILADSLPtt lA, May lot, 1559. I take sincere pleasure in commending Mr. Langton to the confidence of all who are interested in the education of horib large experience; his past success; his broad and thorough views of education ; his enthusiasm in bin profession : conscientiousness and sense of the responsibility • attaching to his vocation ; and his oxen:- Plary life as a: member of a Christian church, render him, in my judgment, peculiarly qualified to be an in• structor of youth: GEO. D. BOARDMAN. anl4 e tit th tf & Pastor of First Baptist Church. A . CADEMX OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, (fonieled. A. I). 1785,) Southwest corner LOCUST and JUNIPER streets. The Rev. JAMES W . . ROBINS, A M. Head Master, with ten Aesistaut Teachers. Front September I, lea), the price of Tuition will be NINETY Dollars, per alumni ferall classes; payable-half-yearly in advance. French, German, Drawing' • and Natural Philosophy are Oiught-withonrextra-eliarge., . . By order of the Trustees. • GEORGE' W. MINTER, Treasurer. The session will open on MONDAY, Septrmber 6th. Applleutions for admiet , lon mny be made draring the preceding week, between ten and twelve o'clock in the morning. JANES W, ROBINS, aul7 to the 18t5 ILead MitAct-. TSCHUD W ILL IL E 0 School, 1717 Pine ritreet; WEDNESDAY, Septem• her 15th. •The Department of English Literature and Natural Philosophy will be under the charge of Rev. 11. E. TSCI Lail'. tie2-th,s,tolm§. VNGLISH AND CLASSICAL INSTI- Au. tote for Young • Ladies, with Training School • for Small Children. No. .1131 Sproce street. Term cont. mences September Pith. Principak; Miss A. C.WEBB and ,hiss L. T. SCOTT. Circulars. at Leo St, Miter's, No. 522 Chestnut street. • se2 th sto tit" Applyat the School from JO A. MAO 2:P. M. I It :JAM ES M. CHASE WILL RESUME Lin claeeee in Latin and Greek., and in English Literature, Sept. 15. Candidates fur College thoroughly prepared for the Freshman or advanced classes. Address till above date, Cambridge, 3fass, auk to th MISS MOSELEY'S BOARDING AND Day School for youngladies. ri,33 Pino street, .reopen on Monday, September 20tli. 804,8,01411 ,at* IT. CLEMENT'S SCHOOL,— kJ CHEMIN - STREET. ABOVE TWENTIETH. .51ISS Principal. This English and French Day School for girls will be opened sai AvEDN4sDAS September_lsth....Applica Cons previous to the opening may be made at the School Room on the 13th and lith of September, between 10 A.M. and 12 M. selAh tiUt MISS ELIZA W. SMITH, - HAVING removed from 1324 to 1212 SPRUCE street, will re-, open her Boarding aud Day School for Young Ladies - on WEDNESDAY, September 15. Circulars may be obtained from Lee & Walker, Jas. W.:Queen & Co., and after August 25 , AT THE SCHOOL. jy2o to th 3ro§ fLTMTFTIIB7.IIIIIT 113TFIrr-rtM. B • s i o_,B4l4.4lol_4!.4musi4;_rts..—Boast— tifully locate( , about twenty miles from Philadelphia. Prominent as a pleasant home and for thorough teach ing. For partieulars, address W. T. SEAL, Principal. Catalogues and information may be had of Gilbert Coombs, A. M., 608 Marshall street; J. J. Grahame, Twelfth slid Filbert streets; J. C. Garrlgues, 608 Arch street; Josiah Jackson_, of Cowperthwait , & Co, 628 Chestnut street, aiid R. Warriuer, Esq., 26 North Seventh street. seB w SHOPTHO RP E—THIS CIIURCEI - -Seltool-for -glrls-on the sou th—bauk of-the-Lehighi w 11 begin Its second year D. V., on the 15th of Septem ber. The number of puplis 18 limited to thirty. French is taught by a resident goveraess,und so far as possible made the language of tho fondly, Address for circulars, &c., • MISS CHASE, Bislsopthorpe, 10-14,w ,iocl3§ lletblehens, Pa. MISS DICKSON WILL REOPEN HER - ..LYJL school at 106 South Eighteenth street, on the 13th of September,. , and° us w s if§ . el 1 • }..LECI. SCHOOL;HALL, S. W. COR- O tier GIRARD avenue and SIXTH street. Resumes Sept ier tsniber 13th. • • . • sel wsm NOV CIERMAN CLASS FOR CHILDIiEN7I-14 VI tho• Atturnoun. To Druggists : Daft Claes hi tho Evening. PROF. URBAN, itol3-m ' • • 419 Ntirth Ninth street. itiriss JULIA G 0 0 b L L 61,V • LVI School for Little Girls 927 Clinton street, will he opqned Ser,4•,tuber . . . e ' n English,for young ladies and misses.boarding and ' day pupils 1627 and 1629 Spruce st.. re•open ow MoNDAY, September. 20th. French is the language °Dim family, and in coliptantlY s p oken ln the institute. ATADAISIE IPEERYILLY. Principal. jYI2 mwf pm Ai/r('lss BITFIPUM7 A -ST b —ifssWAYooo In.. will reopen their French and English Boarding and Day School' for Young ' Ladies, 1409 LOCUST street,- on.WEDNESDAY Sentember 15; - au9 m w £2ms • (IEItMVIANTOWN,• ACIADEDIY.--ESTAII 1.. lished 1760.--English, - Classical and Scientific School for Boys. 'Boarding and day pupils. Session he. gins MONDAY, Sept. 6th. For Circulars. apply to , , • . C. MAYS, A, Principal. OIcIIMANTOWN, PHILADA. .) w f m tf • 'WRENCH AND, ENGLISIT.'DAY gaIio6I No. 1717 Pino Rtroof. ute9 BYRNES will resume duties' on Sept, 16th.' 'For , eiroulara, apply 'at - -31ro , 11AMILTONT1110111 - All'fillook - Store - 1344 tllteßt= nut street. . aud-w.f.rallit* C OAITAND-'WOOD. B. 'MASON BINES. .161-111}7. 811HAFIP. THE' CND ER SiCtisT i lp .ATTEN- Mon to their stock of 13pring Mountain, Lehigh and • Locust Mountain Coal, which, with the preparation - given 'by us, we think can not be excelled by any. other Coal. Office, Franklin 'institute Buildin, No:15 S. Seventh street. . BINSES 5c 81111 AFT 010-if 'Arch street wharf, FJchuylkiile MEMBER 1 41 18694. . . ''• ,i, L v.- "-- - i4 , .. ,,- "---,':' NS %F -'," I, OWrKI RAO F no —4- g.:-. v i - , -0 , 4 A iN vw COUrflefl . k" 'la and BM g*li llf eXr„ it. it ord,lnary new systentoirld , Vnablek!ono, to, ul m pie , . not it. and renderk ,lle v Ka powor#ll antrineloclio et,, +.XOrts. W. will also idol '''bifsaieff4nventfrin, f , :rtinn„ 71,11.00 c." All those w - de At tolsetante ittlffaltworkand execllent perfmniersOutPlotu COM:arts, Oratorlosi or Choirs. will cull at , Mt, ;Wits residence, 52:1 Bouth Eighth street. . ,e , ;';:,..V. , :eit' '/ se9th a tulm§ . . --i i 13 .. Trli E P.H MA D HLPHIA M URIC . 1.1.00 L ,J., foritGABDINO.AND DAY,SCIIOLAThi,wIII open , OCTOBER 4TH. 111ADAMELIILANCIIE 851171 i, Prin. •eipol. The different departments under. Professors •of first rook. Circulars at nil thellitsic stores. Subscrite tint, list now open at Philadelphia Institute, NOS Chest nut street, lVf THUNDER Hal ItEse - Stij kitt* lOssona. Tlm CHORAL CLUB will minim, on T iluntwAy EVENING, October. T. at 1024 Walnut street. Offie, boom from, Ito 3 anti 7to 8 I': at MO south 'Fourth streatl ": BoWER., TEACHER O F .SING t bur, Muni Violin, Organ, &e. No. 25 South TwontY tirst street. , !;,', • ' sell . .. VIIARLES H. JARVISAVILL' ILL sum the duties of his profession MONDAY, fief.- tetuber33t 11,180. Residence ::No. 331, North Nineteenth. street, above Arai. . MAN friend niad pupil of blstzo•will,. give. Maisons here this winter uPon'the Piano. - • • • Engagements eau be made for two week, at 2010 Green street.. . , • , selo-14•, CID:I4N CiaOADEM Y. • - 812 *ARCH STREET. SEltOtil.) STORY 'FRONT. • - . The undersigned having secant-A the above. central location, is engaged in fitting it up for class instruction in• the ,ruditnenta of. Singing, Vocalization, Glee and Madrigal Singing. .Full particulars in a few days. prl. , sate lessonsas ppual. . - - • A. R. TAYLOR,' - IAI7 Filbert-street.' _ . - b>o,ll WI) L rentuue his Singing lessons bn tho: iath lost. Apply at No. lON Chestnut streety third-story, front room,front Cirrnfara ran be obtained in altuinidistores. act 12t" 31.L.N.A.,. ~,BOX E, ,TEAbitEli Ili, of Piano find Singing, ...11osidence, No. 253 Tenth Street, nbure Sp rI "geletreet., . - me-ristw t2t,4 ALLAD. SUSOING.--11.111. ° T BJSIiOP, . B, resumo boldness October 4th, $3 South Niue, teenth street. ' " nuzi..tra. Q.IG. P.. RONDMELLA, TEAOREff.OF 13 Singing. „ tm, Private lasagna , and visages Bealder t ge XS S. Thirteenth *treat. , • • a snip • T. 'Rtil* , GUIDE. • - L'l OR ''B OS T-0' .-STEAMSHIP LINE JL:: DIRECT, SAILING FROX.EACHEGILT EVERY Wednesday 'and Stiturday.• ' . FROM PINE STREET WIIAIIrt.PRILADELPRIA, . . • AND LONG IVEAV.V,..s_OSTON. ' FRou PIIII.APEL PII IA I' ._ .6 11611. BOSTON. SAXONAVediletitiaY,Sert. 11AMES,WetintjadtrASept. 1 NOII3IAN ;Saturday, *. 4 ROMAN, Saturday " ' 4 ARIES, Wednemin.Y, ". 6 sAxori, weanegay, . s 1t.031 AN. Saturday,' " 11 NORMAN, Saturday," II 1 SAX ON,Wedneaday, .."'• la ARIES, Wednesday, " lb Nt/lIMAN, Saturday , 01 , ,I 8 ItOMAN,Saturday s " ld ARIES. Wednetday " . 27. SAXON, Wednesday, " 22 ROMAN. Sa ' turday " 2.5 NORMAN., Salllrdar. "•' 25 , 1 SAXON, Wedni.sdity " 29 AIIIES, Wednesday, " • 29 These Steamehipo sail 'punctually. Freight recelred every dtty. Freight forwarded to, all points in New England. Far Freight or Passage (superior accommodations) apply to , • . ' -. RORY WINSOR & CO., - • , . 3da South Delaware avenue. 11OHILADELPHIA; RICHMOND 'AND Z. NORFOLK STEMISIIIP THEODOR FRRIGIIT AIR LINE TO THE BOOTH _AND WEST. EVERY SATURDA.Y, at Noon; from FIRST WHARF above MARKET Street. THROUGH RATES toall points in North and South Carolina via Seaboard Rif-Line Railroad, eonuMing at Portsmouth, and to Lynchburg, Va.. Tennessee and tho West via Virginia and Tennessee Alr-Line and Rich mond and Danville Railroad. - . . .Fr;ighiIIANDLEDBUTONCE,Iind ta4en at LOWER HATES THAN ANY OTHER. _ The, regularity', safety and cheapness or this route com Mend it to the public as the most desirable medium for carrylug e‘lvry . description of freight. No charge for conitulasion. drayage, or any expe nse for transfer. Steornstl.ps insurent lowest rules. • Freight received DAILY. ctirot & co. No. 12 South Wharves and Pier No. 1 North Wharves. W. P. PORTER, Agent atilichniond. and City Point. T. P. CROWELL dc CO., Agents at Norfolk. T)HILADkILPH_LA: AND SOUTHERN MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S REGULAR LINES FROM QUEEN STREET WEARS'. The YAZOO will sail for NEW ORLEANS on Set.- at 8 A. 31. • The UNIATA will sail for NEW ORLEANS, via HA.VANA, Sept. —. • The WYO3IINO will sill for SAVANNAH on SaturdaT, Sept. 18. at 8 o'clock A. M. • The TONAWANDA will sail from SAVANNAH on Saturday. Sept. 18th. The PIONL will sail for - witanicipx, N. C.,on Sept.—. at 8 A: M. Through bills of lading signed, and passage tickets sold to all _points South nod West. BILLS of LADING SIGNED at QUEEN ST. WHARF. Yor freight oripasaage, apply to WILLIA3I L. JAMES, General Agent, ' ' 130 South Third street. NEW EXPRESS LINE TO ALEX.A.N4. dria, Georgetown and 'Washington, D. C., via Chet apealcound Delaware, w itlr-connettious- at—Alen:- a dria from the most direst route for Lynchburg, NatihvilluTDaitenrand - the-Southw Steamers leave regularly from the first wharf above Market street, every Saturday at noon. Freight received daily,' W3l. P. CLYDE it CO., No. 12 South Wharveit and Pier I North .Wtorrvee. - HYDE it TYLER; A genta at Georgetown.. EJ.,DIUDGE .t: CO., Agents at Alex.andria, Va. NTICE:---FOR NEW YORK,. VIA DEL 'AWARE AND RARITAN- CANA.L EXPRESS -6TEAMBGAT,C63IBANY - ' - • The CHEAPEST and .quiCKEST Water communica tion between Philadelphia and New York. • Steamers leave daily front first wharf below Market Street, Philadelphia ' and foot of Wall street, New York. Goods forwarded by all the lines running out of New York—North, East and West—free of Commission. Freight received and forwarded on accommodating terms. VIM. P. CLYDE As CO., Agents, ; 'No. 12 South Delaware avenue, Philadelphia. JAS. HAND, Agent, Nti. 119 Wall street, NeW York. fiEaßtil7 tat - aft; ith^l first•class Ship Hannah Morris.' 1,00 tons regis ter, Morris. master. This vessel succeeds tin Berth Teuiple, and having the hulk of her cargo engatoal, will have quick despatch,For balance of freight or passage H A: apply to PETER WRIGT SONS, Nu. 115 Walnut street.• seStf LIVERPOOL.—THE FINE FIRST x einem bark BERTHA l' - rj..F..,52 1 3 tons register, Captain Mitcheil. This vessel • succeeds the Mexi can, Mill having the bulk of hereargo engaged, will have deepatch. For balance of freight or paesage, apply to PETER NV lUGHT & SONS, 11510.1 tint street, eel-tf TIOR BRISTOL, THE AM. BARK Caro, &3 heal regeder, Captain Al, eal: Ti v..liset being' of small capacity and having a large portion of her cargo engaged mill - have deop - atclr. tintrailea — uf freight or paeeage, apply to rETtm WRIGHT SONS, 115 Walnut et. - NOTICE.-VOR NEW YORE, VIA. DEL AWARE AND RARITAN CANAL. • SWI FTSURE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. - DESPATCH AND SWIFTSUBE LINES: The business of these lines will be resumed on and after the 19th of March. For freight, which will be taken on accommodating terms, apply to AVM. lIAIRD & CO., No. 112 South Wharves. DELA-WARE-.ANDCEEESAPEA. ; Steam Tow-Boat Company.—Bares towed between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Havre de Grace, Delaware City and intermediate points. • • P: CLYDE & 00.,Agents; Capt. JOHN LAUGH LIN, Sup't Oftice, 12 South Wharves, Philadelphia.. NTOTICE,FOR NEW YORK, VIA DEL _IA aware and Raritan Canal—Swiftsure Traneporta. tion Company—Despatch and Swiftsure Lines. The business by theme Lines will bo resumed on and after the Bth of March.. For Freight, which will be taken on accommodating terms, apply, to WIC td. BAIRD & 132 South-Wharves. CAUTION. --- N 0 TI C E .-- ALL PERSONS . ARE il-hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting any a the crew of the British Bark. ' , Bertha Temple,'" Mitchell, Master as no debts of their contracting will be paid by Captain or Consianees. ;WORKMAN & COPARTNERSHIPS. PHILADELPHIA, SEPTEMBER 2 4 :1869 The copartnership heretofore- existing; under the tit-Mend name of CORNELIUS dr BAKER ems dissolved by mutual consent on July 20860. The business of "the manufactory will be settled and . closed-by-ROBERT CORNELIUS, -at 'No. , 821 Cherry street, and : that of the store, by, ISAAC IP BAKER, at No. 710 Chestnut street. ROBERT:CORNELIUS. • . ISAAC N. BAKER,' NWfd. C. BAKER, ROBERT .0 . CORNELIUS, JOHN iIoRNELIUS, ROBERT-0.-BAKER— CHARLES E. CORNELIUS. TISILADELPiIiA, SODt. 2 Isar. The undersigned, lato of CORNELIUS & BAKER' have this day entered into •tl, copartnership, under the firm name of CORNELIUS & SONS. Having purchased the factorieslial Cherry street, and Fifth Street', near Columbia avenue), and • all •th 3 ma chinery of , the late firmove tiro prepared to continue the manufacture and Hale of Gas Fixtures Lampe &c•i at NO. 821 CHERRY STREET, PIIILADF:LPRIA. ' • ROBERT CORNELIUS ROBERT ,C.• CORNELIUS, . • • „ • •JWIN C CORNELEUS, . • set-1 10 ' CHARLES E. CORNELIUS:• ral Aw,vo'n,D ARNOLD. AND ROBERT. j Twill% late of CORNELIUS • r & BAKER,. have this.day r t armed a Copartnership ender the name Pt ARNOLP . & RAKER. • - • . • • Ritving_purchased t lie° entitestech of kf(ulels of the late ~1 10, 011hST.NUrBtreet , they are prepared to conthateht that Oka the sato Of Gee Fixtures, Lauips Bronzes, &c. . co2-1111§ ST a cTIQNs: pIMORSEMAI4SHIP cally taught at the Philadolphta:Riding , iiehoot, our street, above Vino. Alio horses are quiet and thoroughly trained. For hire, siuhile horses. Also car riages at all times for weddings, parties, opera, fulioralii i ke. Horses traired to the saddle. • THOMAO IaIIAIGE A: pox. ROO RIES, LIQUORS, &Au. BRANDY Pure Older lied White 'Wine Vinegar. (Amen Ginger, Seed,Splees, 'All the requisites forPeess:tril:lglu-4Pickling PUrposes • ALBERT C. ROBERTS DEALNi Lx7 Flu Corner Elatrenth and Vine Streets. ILA-NDY •—A choke ititicio Jed recelyod,' foija;Ont CO STY'S pole ' End 'OrObery, No:llS'Sontk -Second,' etteot.il9low Cbostunt sireet> r • . • e VENN'. GILEEN GI NG131146-400 ' , POUNDS j_ll of 'cliolco Green Ginger In atom and for sale at COUSTY , I3 East End Grocery, No'; 118 South: Second street. below Chestnut street.. = • . . . SAY."U P SA. T PHA , .. MOCK Turtle and Jullien Soup* of Boston Club Mannino- ture, ode of the finest articles for plc nice and sailing parties. Fir sale at COUSTY,'S East. EndrOrocery, No: 118 South&cowl etroot, below Chestnut street. . N4sw . ; Ai - Ess iSIIA;D. Alift Salmon Tongues and Somali; Prirao ' order, j net ' receired.unfor sale at COUSTY'S Bast Grocery No. ills Rout Second stmt. MOW Chestnut street. 1U SI ' IC 6,141 t, DA. N' 0L11 — ..; —Pue 'English PI ustard_by the • xi httu %iine and Crab — h — ppW --- iegae for plcltllb a. store, and for sale at el/CI:STY:11 East End Orwell', No. , IN nub &wand . sireot. below' Chestnut Ntri3et'. lawmen. MAULE, BROTHER & CO • 2500 Street. 1869. PA P TTE ATT R ER N NrAt ir f ita It 8. 19 t 011 CUME ORLY:AMON A ' s"l"- MICHIGAN CORK PIS PATTERNS, • 1869:9TAAM -- em i hiff.9B69. 1869.: '-''',F?l,lllgl ; I ;IIIPNGLN.,' 1869. CAROLINA FLOORING. VIRGINIA FLOORING'. • . DELAWARE rimunorw • ASHPLOOIIING. . • . . WALNET Y.LOORING.' • 1869.F L PLVT01 --1 1:freo`,1?)sp. ,•• RAIL PLANK. • DAIL PLANK. .• *1869 WALN U T BOARD ANDIB69 - WALNUT RO P IitIVAND PLANK , • • • WALNUT DOARDS, , WALNUT PLANK. ' • ASSORTED • 1(011, . ; O,ADINET MAKERS, • BUILDERS, ae ___ .NDEItI'AK_EUS' 1 CC Ark 1869. . 13, Luainut. 1 -1010 1 U.., ENT)NBTAKE RS' LTY3I.IIEII. RFD CEPAR. . ...• ' . WAN LUT ANI) 'PINK., _ . 1869. "SALWOVBC.tvrite; 1869. _ Aria, WILITD 49A.K PLANE, AND .DOADDS. RICK ODY. • • ' 1869:°: 41 j. 1141, I f 4 _ OILW A Y SCANTLING. 1869. qi ) 4ll-sstMci,F;P s :. 1869 CYPRESS SHINGLES. LARGE ASSORTMENT. ' • FOR SALE LOW.' • ' love. - PLASTERING LATH. LOU • LATH; 1111417 LE ITUOTMOL it CO, 2500 SOUTH STREET. Linarnber Under Cover s AZWAT'S DRY. • Walnut, White Pine, Yellow Pine, ,Sprnce, nezolock. Shiugh , e, dc., elwaye on betel et low roue. WATSON it GILLINGHAM, 9211tlehntond Street, Elghteenth*Ward. 5a1129-1/1 SOMAS K POBL, LUMBER .11E wi ir- T chants, No. 10118. Fourth street. At their _yard I be found Walnut, Asb, Poplar. Cherry, Pine, Hem lock, be., 6m., at reasonable prices. Give them a call. IIiARTIN THOMAS. tribl74m* ELIAS von L. - I V-ELLOW PINE U BEI UIiIIERB -1 for cargoes of every deacrlption Sawed Lumber axe -noted-at- short - notice.-qtmlitr - subject-to - Inspectiorr. Apply to EDW. B. ItOWLE Y. L 6 South Wharves. fed FURNITURE, &C 1869. -FA TRNITURE. - 1316 CHESTNIVT STREET. , Ilavinginst completed the finestlet of Furniture ever droduced in this city, I will rveeivo eriders for the came, uring the month of September, AT PRICES THAT WILL• OFFER INDUCEMENTS TO PUICCHASERS. The desfgris are Ilete. and elmant. The workmanship and materials are of the highest order. I invite the .uttentiou'of thoseveho intend f nrnishinc to call and examine the stock of Furniture, and COILVI/100 themselves of the a Wive facts: . JOHN M. GARDNER, 1310 - Chestnut 'St. TYPE lOU NOR Y PHILADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDEY PitIIMERS' FURNISIIING IVAREHOUSE, Efitabliehod 1541. — Tlaffsubstiltrevlitivitig - groatly - increased . facilitietrfor manufacturing calls particular attention to Lis New Series of Classic Faces of hook. and Newspaper Types, which will compare favorably with those of any other Founder. Nis practical experience in all branches ap pertaining to the Manufacture of Type ) and the fact of constant Personal Supervision of each departruent of hig business, is tiro bent guarantee offered to the Printer of finished and durable article. ' ' Everything .necessary in a complete Printing E. tablislunent-furnished-at the-shortest 110 EL TAYLO PUTTER ,GuROON, CAMPBELL DEGENERAND ALL °TUBB. AGENT FOR R. pass MANUFACTURERS. . . Solo Agents forthis H. D. WADE k CO. ' CNII 1/ IfL EDII4IIB. Er Gi A ve g t re ° 2 trrt article i ! 0 I ° l Il I° g ° f ' 4° n°Y ' , , . "" L. PELOUZE, N. W. corner ofj'HIED and CHESTNUT Stroets: --- znyal•nl w ftf . Philadelphia Pti.- THE FINE ARTS. BUDDA.IIIDS & FENNEMOR,E Artists and Photograpers t nAIrE 'OPENED THEIR NEU' GALLERIES, o. Eno .Areth Street.. Call and see them. Pictures in e' cry' tyle, and eatis faction guaranteed. ; 11.—All the Negatitss,c4,:ir.E'ETAlß do .1 tNNE 3110IIE late oiNo, 5 S ZIGICkti Septet, have been' to- Moved to tho Now Galleries. • Established ,1790. • A. S. 'ROBINSON `• FRENCH PLATE LOOKING GLASSES Beautiful Oldie/pads, ENGRAVINGS AND PAINTINGS, 3sunuracturer. °ran kilt& of h • . Looking7plapi,FNprtrAit &PfctureFritillege 910 01-TV,STI:NUT , STREET, fifth poliraitOVO tho doidluoxft.o, , ; P.ITILAD~LPYiT A: GAS 'F.I-XTIJItEii. A S,FIXTURES4--MISKrANCi•MERR):LL G 8z THA4IILAIIN, No, n 8 Ghestput.street, manufac turers of Gad Fixtures, lain/ d(O., Won't!. call the attention of tho public to, their large arid 'elegant assort ment of One Chandelioral'Pendants,ißrackets,'&e. They also introduce re pipes into dwellings and public, build ings, and atteM to extending, altering and repairing gen - Dines. Alt wor warrant Ml. , QHEATI - 1.1 - NG ELT.=- , TEN .to R ANTIS 10 Eno Nil Sheathing Felt, for Hale (by PETER w n itioT se SONS, lib Sheathing street. 1869. Triammukrine, enranuatr.- GES'EItAi ParL4.-- - NArca.oretche4hisimPTVlng. Etioistkvillisoionstart again on her East ern tour. . TUE Swedish corvette Josephine, from Us bon, has, tirrlyed at Roston. Trtu Derietiof Ilia St, Paul and Sioux Rail road, at Ottawa, Minn., with its contents, was destroyed br lightpipg on Sunday e 'T.l3tioi , xAw's sash and blind factory r at Elizabeth, N. J., and two adjoining stables, were burned onSunday.' , I.oass, $20,000. TEE "officious manifestations of Americans" in regard W, CAba are . denoutweed by the Spanish Ainba.isadors' to Engliad•and France. J9ii-N , CAlgt,9 l 4.'s paper mill, Berkshire btirried yesterday'. Loss $(16,000. iii I; ~lis`,ireasure , , last by the ricent' rolibey of a stage-coach in - Montana, has been recov ered. It, belonged ,to Wells, Fargo.& Co. „ , • Oxii bf•the Diotbers,4llileperform ing circds,`at - FreepOrt, Ill.; on Saturday, fell from the trapeze and so injured bimself that in a few hours he died. Svni - Evons,bave begun to survey the route of the 'National Junction' Railroad, which is to be rim from the south bank of the Potomac, aboye Georgetown, to Washington,' Pa. '..'A Pflur.ln Atlanta, Ga., on Sattuxlay morn- ) s royc c s ores, an a at - 1671 , 7 ing known as. Norcross Corner. The jOss..is. estimated at'sloo,ooo.- • ,"' A.RIRE at Hunter's Point; Ltsmg. Island;'Sres-' - terday, destroyed two dwellings and two stables, with ten valuable horses. The total loss is stated at $.1 . 50,C00; ' ; '7 T . "• Trik 'London 'Timis that with 'the . Senatus Consultum, it doesn't matter whether the Emperor lives or dies, so far as the French people itueconeerneff.,,, • A ntrAcumwsix of cavalry, under Captain. I3unas, is going from Savannah to Southwest ern Virginia; to assist,the Is' ientie officers enforcing the laws. Ai rouNEY-GENEMAL BREWS TER has given an opinion. that - Pennsylvanians,. residing in Washington,' ("Wein %Tote anywhere , in this State, - outside , ,Tofe.Thilaidelphia, without regis tering in person. :ONE hundred and fifty dollars was, yester day, subscribed by the officers, and- privates of the biruineVorrs' and by the navy yard em ployes at Waihington, for the benefit of the Avondale sufferers. 'ADMIRAL HOFF' has sent. a report: to the D State epartment in regard to the execution Of , Americans atfiantiago de Cuba. He speaks (Attie affair as of a massacre. The . - report is made With a view, 4) a claim for damag,es. . . Tim - exeitemite at Scranton' resulting from the Avondale ilisaster is subsiding, _and the. miners have resettled work.- 'The Coroner's inquest into the cause •of the disaster is pro gressing, a`rturnber of minera'having.been EX- Several Of the witnesses 'express the ophuon that the fire in the shaft-did not origi nate from the furnace. ItErvipoiof the election in Maine, held yes ' terday, indl&te the re-election Joshua L. Chantlieelaht, Rep.' for Governor,. by about S,OOO S,OOO majority. - His majority was over 19,000 last year. The total vote was light, and oftly a small, proportion was cast for IIieb1;04 'lempeninee Incident en the Pleins—A sougatin ArAtrase In the Wilderneim A co _rreweadent theca:ll=g° !Tribute, writing from' the 'Wind Hirer - Valley; On the deserib a bivouac of the soldiers sta tioned on that testi and' relates the folloWhag iticident: , • "At the further side of a meadow stood a log hut, and near it stood a solitary grave. Bere, all alone, lied lived an-old man named Yrenchy until last May, when the Sioux mur dered :Heim :a queer'. case, and came from Canada, where he has a brother living who is wealthy. Old Fmnchy, as he was called, kept-no arms, and did .not believe.the Indians. wordd•hamt bint.:*'•The frontiersmen • renion ti rate itT liiti - and - atr - ollicer - passing -one day with troops, not long -liefore , he - - was idlled, °tiered to lend him a gun and some ammuni tion, assuring him • he would he. killed; but Frenehy declined, saying:' , l have never &Me them any harm, why should the Iniihrts wish to hurt.ine?' the___East_Vietichy_would. have been called a Quaker, brit out here every body called him a crazy-headed old fool. One day last May,. while lie , Was ;planting. a tatty of Monk rushed doWit from the hills npon him,' and after shooting' 'through the body, stuck a pick .through his temples so the point stuck in the grotmd, and so left him,after stripping off his clothes Major Baldwin, with a party of citizens from South. Pass, found him next day and buried him. "His' real name was La Cour ' and he per sistently claimed that his father had served as a • brigadier-general under Napoleon, and that he lad great relatives in; France. Old Frenchy's - house was a curious structure, and worthy of a sketch in Harper. Near where he lived the timber was very large, and as the poor old man had no horses and no one to help hint he had to cut the thick logs in short pieces so as to be -able .to drag -and-lift- them—With--; a rope he , had hauled some of these mote:-Iliait:z..aLL ile r —and.:,Litwas incredible to see what heavy ones he had lifted on his house, and how: nicely. he had joined the ends' together, it taking two and sometimes three lengths to • reach along. one side of the idicting. He had.matte an old-fashioned shaving-horse; and with' a rusty shaving-knife had-hewn-dewn-paleS-and made Chairs -tablea ' and bunks. Inside he bad an extra bed. nicely fitted up; and to sleep here-and 'partake -of whatever he had to eat in his cabin, all White men and Indians were welcome, He never refuiedtO divide What he had with. whoever came, and was the friend Ofallalike. "Savage, indeed; Must have 'been the nature, and hard the bawls of those who,in cold blood,. -could murder Suelta poor old man: Vefelt,as we looked at his lonely grave, that if we had his murderers in Mir power they, seen should pay the forfeit of their crime ; but some frontiersmen seem to have 'already-settled poor Frenchy's case, for otta log near, the door of his cabin is nailed an Indian scalp, and under neath, on a little bare place, are written three - words in rude letters, that, notwithstanding the misspelling, have caused more, than one heart to feel glad of their justice; ; They are : 4; Ven,- . . jenee. for Prepchy.'? _ • • . • - The Avon:Wile Fund. HUDSON, Sept. 13 .--One hundred 4iellars was raised in the Reformed (Atwell yesterday inr the A.i-ondale sufferers. - . -------- Philadelplata Bank Statem e nt: Tho following is the •weekly atatement of the Philo,' delphia Banks, made up 'og Monday ' afternoon, which presents the following aggregates: ~ 'Capital Stoel - • ' ' 915,055,150 Loans and Dieconnte 51,597,258 Specie ' • ' ' ' 16'9,169 Duo from other Banks t 5,500,799 Due to other Bunke r , - • 6,150,599 Deposita 32387,314 •Cirenlatiou ..., .' ' 4.:. C ' , '.• 10,612,045 United States Notes ' • ' - 12,986,054 Clearings, 36400,062 , . 13alanees 2,584,949 The following atatement• ohowa- Mc condition of the Bonito of l'hiledelph ia, at various times during the last few months: .. - Lhaits: . S»rtie. Circulation: Deposits; Jln: 4 ' 51,710,999 '352.483 10,593,719 31,982,899 /ell. 1 '..52,632,813 :302,782. . 10,593.351' 33.052,551 pinrj.„,,,,,,,i,„,52.251.351 ' 259,933' • ' 10,458,546 31,033,951 Aps4l s 50,409 - k66 -- 1.89;C03 - 7102.2;dger - 29,2t11 , A37 - 3lity 3 51,510,982 ' •:201,758 10,017,315 32,803;692 Juno 7 ' 52,2520;367 , 169,310 10,019,989 ,-30,476,091 1 S 53 '137521 '.:303 621 10 018 840 34 944,832 Jtky ' e 5 _ , , _ 5, , , • . ,_, . 20 '42,463,100 .390,319 19 4)11,973 34 112,559 . Aug.? - 5.1,115:1,853 301,009 . 10.010,233 , 33,023,880, ‘5 p 3.2,022,1430 825,210 104308,381 33,789474 " .10 151.932,991 ,• 209,939 • " 10410,805 33„199,906 , 1 . 23 52,309,626' 244;256 19.608,312 33031,755 , no 52,0834352 243,515 10408,82 i 32,420,052 .Sept .6. . 11,531.372, 247,358 18,6114174 33,7151,548 4• /1 51.697,258 109,169 10,612 ,015 . :32,787,314 The following is a detailed statement of the bilaineaa St tb's Ptittortol filitit*errnYirtgt orig.'s for Ito pas -Yr nistied by 0; p. Ar 4 o4 ) E_ ltrionger: - • G rail/tit ',balances. rlDt; " " " $7.419;730 0.1:1 - . , : - r . 819705.1 1 4 •.1,271 , ,973 01 4 **la 45 • - - 95,781 ,r,37q0^,"; - " tr e tV f , r i ti 6.443,6t10,3 ^ .• . .t. 6,1r3,c0a1r0- e3d,W0,082 83 42,58490 12 FrOnt our late editions of Yesterday ITY• titie MAninoi Sept, 13.—A coinmission lifts' been appointed to consider tbe qtiestions of the Al teration of the penal code for the colonies, adminiiitrative reforms, and the aboliticht of slavery in Porto Rico. • • = • • Pants, Sept. 130.—Gen: Prin:Cia In this city Lownox, Sept. 13, 4 P. M.—PiWe-twenties' of 1130, old, VI; of 11167, 811 , . Erie, All:intro, and 43-reat ‘Vestern, 201. .14241)02i, Sept.-13,-1.7P1- M.---Stocks quiet. Erie, 261. ' - • LivEnpoot, Sept, 13, 1 P. M.—Cotton dull. Tlie bales ~rill .exceed 7,000 bales. Pork, Prince 'Arthur's 012364118 U Tour: Islivrat DTI LOUP, Sipr:l2th—Prince Arthur and finite , arriVeiL here at 5:45 11.,, having ridden in carriages the; entire. (Miami.. droin Fredericliton, tniles„ ,irrylesk. than.:-35 hours' runnings trine. it - weird:, relay horses were provided rn. advance- along -the+Whole • The roads "were certali ti ng. to . tlte,recent rairo, - htit the party arnited, along the route, although ,the speed -'with_ which Alley - traveled prevented pinch diaplay The - . Thonly 'parties 'accompanying ,the Pripeg, were three New York reportets•Thq - ,Paltk' immediately erabarked i3l the Napoleon II l i t which -Jar the - stream, waiting to - leave - Mr Quebec to-morrntsr. , - 't! the defeated Wells candidate for Con), , iess in the Alexandria district, has been apponzted by General Canby Attorney-General, vice BOW den, resigned, • rOm`VVaisMim. WASHINGTON, Sept. 13 Fractional cur rency received at the Treasury Department last week, $.318,,M. Shipments to national banks, $.376,406. . To United States Depository, Pittsburgh, •$20,000. The Treasurer holds as security for. circulating national . bank notes 5342,893,000, and for public . deposits 519,- 881,000. I r t MPC?'I3.T.A.TIONS. Ileoortpl !ohe Phuadelphts Evening Bullet ;. pUSTON—hteamer , Nonriati, Crowell-13 eases dry goods, 29 bales do. 14 rolls do, 10 trusies, G Brewer; 14 roll* carpets, 10 leaks yarn Boyd & White; 10 es oil cloth. 21 curtain GNV Illabon; 19 rolls leather G W Brigham; LL plias glassware S G Boughton, 35 CS dry goods Ciao & likes:ems:23 do 100 bales do B• W Chase .& Son; 20 do I case do Bale & Bro; 7 bales rags E Eery; 19 boxes drugs French, Bicharda & Cu; 15 bales dry goods Frothingham A Wells; 23 es selling-machines Grover, Baker ,S; Co; 01 organs .1 E Gould; 66 rollspaper Howlett, Onderdonk Co; 41 coil rope A H Hinkle; 15 pkgs spring beds A Hil born; 30 bbls glassware L i 3 Harberger; 50 bales dry goods Hamilton, C 4); LI 'CA furniture stock b bales excelolor Kilburn ,k Gates; 26 es dry goods T T A Co; 15 bales crash J Lea A Co; 12 lades dry goods Le land. Allen A Bates; 22 rolls carpet 31ceollom, Crease & Co; 6 bags 6 bales yarn Newell & Co; 43 rOIIB 2cs lead B 13 Pratt; 101 sacks wool Iteere, Seal A Cu; 10 boxes hard w are 11,10.00e11,Ervien d;,Co ; 7 boles 6 ea dry goods Sutton. Smith C.'; 201 sacks yarn,/ T Sproul; 24 bundles goat'. skins B C Spooner: .V.) bales . toots Schoeulug; Xi bales goatskins L C Stokes; 10 co il s rope D Welborn; 4d halis -01 ri dry goods Lewis; AVltartnn, A Cu;: 125 plots spring beds .1 Walton & Cu; 31 bbls 6 hairdo 3 boxes:fish C"'4 Crovrel4; list boxes 2/bbl, do Clfteliorn A. Conover; 266 bids ZI4 hairdo 45 or do fish J L Nicholson; 10 bores fish A F, ehes•ebrough ;l2 4bbls US half doh kilts 4 boxos 11411 J 31 15br4vvr;-12-boxe* ti,ll .1 Stroup; 5l bids 16 half (10 It) 40:00 ilfb Kennedy; Stairs & Co; 9 I•oxes 3 bbls fish Si' 11 , Lesin; 13 si boots and Shoes T L Ashbridge; 39 llOntlngilhirliortnv A Co; 66 'Bon Babbertilme Co n pony; 25ehandler, Hart it Co; 730 21 elatlin ;'l9 Conover, ltorf e0,;.3 Grttlf,AVatklias & Co' "a 31, Hayward; -271.` A 3 It 4 , ooo6lsLerick Bros; 66'11.10nroe, Sumitz Co: 5.3 A,w.ratap,l974 Peiper: 24 E S Beeves; 44 WA ShnorKtly;,:Z: etionz A Else; 24 W W ..tl/4.11ey• 17 1 all Son; Zi, y .Totilisen4:' Tllaicfier A. Co; 31 A . !Tilden' Co;', 621Vlifebr , uner, .31c• it1101P.1911131119,p 0 W OCIW 6111P11 POlt Cordova.-...........,..L0ndnit-NowYork..----,kag. 30 Palmyra.- ... York via 8_....Aug.31 Sruidt .... York- ...:- Sept. 'I Y0rk.....--Sept. 1 V. of AntWerp.-Liverpool-.New 2 Cleopatra---.-Vera Cruz-New York ..... 3 India.olazgow-New York- ...._.. Sept. 3 Java 'Liverpool-New York- Sept. 4 4 ...../iaTre...NCW York..-... . ... .... Sept. 4 Cityof Lirneric - k.Jiatwerp-New Y0rk ........._ ....5ept. 4 TO DEPART. 31Intreeota.... .. ... .New York... Liverpoo- ....... ........Sept. 1.5 no.itt New 1 ...............Sept.l3 Etgl. Sept. 16 A la ... Y0rk...Mpinwa111........-.... Sept. 16 - 151176r11, Now - Park7zlitverpool- ................. Rhein New York-Ili - men Sept. 16 Europa ....... ...?iew York-Ghtegow ..... --.--Sept IS York... Liverpool ..... 13 St Laurent Now York-HavreSept. IS C. of. Antwerp —New York-Liverpoch Sept. IS Prosidan-,. . Quebec-Liverpool Sept. 18 Get, -Meade-. New York... New Orleana...---Sept. V of Baltimore-New York-Li v emool Via Sept. 21 North America... New Y_ork_Nio-huaeizo,ke___Sept_m_ Bp • - D OF TRADE. JOHN O. A E •st (. B. DRR ROW. MONTHLY CONEMITTEE. THOS. L. GILLESPIE, 11IARINE BULLETIN. TORT OF PHILADELPIILIL-SErT. 14, Svra lilsEs.,s 34113mq Sri's. 6 - 72 iics WATER .6 46 ARRIVED YESTERDAY . . Steamer Norman, Crowell de hours from Boston with indse • end passengers to i f Winsor 3: co. Sleepier Whirlwind. Sherman, 56 hours from Provi depecosith Heise to D S Stetson 3: Co. • Passed iu the bay, brig F J Merriman, from Bath. and British brig Cuba. from —. • , Steamer Vulcan, Morrison, 21 - hours from New York. with :wise to AV 31 Baird Sehr Addie L Cutler, 4 days from New York, in bal last to Nnight 3: Sons. Schr Amella,Thurlow, 6 days from Newburyport,with mdse to Mershon k. Schr Piawatba, Len, 6 days from Newburyport, with, mdse to Mershon 6: Cloud. Sebr Bedington, Gregory. 6 days from Bichmond Va. • with granite to Richmond Granite Co. Seta Zonave. Short, 1 day from Magnolia, Del. with groin to JasL Bewley & CLEARED YESTERDAY-, - Steamer F Franklin. Pierson, Baltimore. A Groves, Jr Brig J S 11 Crowley; Crowley, Boston, Blakistnn, Gnu:it • Brig Abby Watson, Allen, Chelsea,• • do Sehr Mary E Staples, Dinsmore. Portland, do - Seer Glenwood, Dickinson, Lynn, Seim 11 Al Wright: Fisher, Alexandria, do Seim It 3 Mercer, King, noel:ports do Sehr Orrailoo. Small, Rockport, L Audenried .&.• Co. SchrLena flume, .Appleby ; Portsmouth, E A Sonder&Co Schr AVin Capes, Baker, Bost on, Weld.=_Negle 3: Co. Sehr,F Setterly, Stetson, New York, captain. Correspondence o e ' e LEWES.DEL..Sept. 12. Barlc . 31exlcan, for Liverpool; brig Louisa k Glaris, for.. Rotterdam; ochre J Griffin and Alice Noyes, for Boston. all from Philadelphia, went to sea to-day. Yonn, • w LABAN L. LYONS. . , HAVRE DE. GRACE. Sept. 13, The following boats left here this morning, laden and conShmed na fellows: Ellie, with lumber to 'Ellis, Moore Co; Swill Christ, do to E D Trump St Son; G l'ostlethwaite, do to Tay lor.S: Betts. MEMORANDA. Ship Monte Rosa, Thomas, sailed from Calcutta 28th alt. for New York. •"1 - " , Ship Benton (11r), for New ork, sailed from Calcutta 29th ult. Steamer Boman, Boggs, fence at Boston yesterday. Steamer Liberty, Reetiv from Baltimore, was going up to New Orleana Btli inst. . _ . . _ ... , . Steuniers George Cromwell, Vaill, and United States, Norton, at New Orleans Ilth inst. from New York. Steamer 'Vee,from StDomingo,at N York yesterday. Steamer Tuscarora ( US), sailed from. St Domingo sth inst. for St homes. ' - . - Bark Adelaide, Etchberger, cleared at Baltimore llth inst. for Rio Janeiro and a market. Brig Cora, Full,-10 days from, Rio Janeiro. at York 12th inst.trith coffee. Sept 8 encountered a 'hurricane, during which lost tore and main topsails. &lir Gun Rock. Bangs, cleared at St. John, NB: 7th inst. - for New Castle, Del. San. Mary - Patten. froM Bangor, for thie port, with lumber, filled with water at. Winterport , Me. iu the gale of Bth .inst.- , ' Schr ltlaggk Van DuSon sailed•froin :Norwich 10th -inst:Tor- - tlus Ella Amsdon. Smith, from Gardiner for this port, at Gloucester lUtli inst. • , , , , Bolas Peter Damen. for Burlington, NJ. and Char lotte - A Kelly; Metz, for ,Trenton, eleared at Baltimore 11h inst; Sehrs Anto Edwards;' Somers, and Marietta Tilton, Fritzinger, sailed from Wilmington, NC. 11th inst. for Georgetown to load coal for. eastern ports. Sehr Sarah D Jones, Bandy, hence at Portsmouth Bth instant. ,4" : , , Seim; Virginid,Nmall. and - Evelyn, Crowley', honbe at Portsmouth 9th Inst. r - BOhrEvorglado,'Nueeland,saildd from'Pdrtsmouth 9th , inst. for this port. , Sehrs Nwhnt, Immo, and. IlltindO'Hinnte, from George' town, DO. both for Norwich, at New London 10th inst. •'M . ARINE AUSCELLANY.: Schooner 1 Milne, Parker, from - Philadelphia for Boston, before retorted: ashore seven ( n0t,70) miles west • of Montauk Light; is a total Wreck. Daniel ° Parker,' brother - of - tiurcaptainiwas - mmt — overboard - attliatime -- of the disaster and drowned. Samuel Hicks, of New Brunswick, wile thrown from aloft and killed. Captain Parker had a log broken. The remainder of the crew tire safe and have arrived at New London. The M M was owned in Boston (not Philadelphia). by J Baker & • Co; P E Dolliver and Captain Frauk!Perkerovho coo nunided her: She wee: valued at - 4Wiett,: • timt - partially ! Seim Harper, Gait, from Philadelphia: for Elizalleth,, was dragged out of Holines Hole iu the l gale end was not in eight next Morning, The Harper set colors -for, assistance white drugging out. • TI,I4'O,4IIiTAXILIWW.PITLIMTINr-. ; 1 ;LA' ; • I EST A am 4 • 6 •,.• `r•O'!'"'`rn'''',"VittANlll • • • • . . [ ,ygN ;GOVERNMENT SECURITIES,' EMMEN r • FIRST MORTGAGE 80N05,"4 GOLD,' 40 South Third St. av9tf A RELIABLE HOME INVESTMENT THE FIRST MORTGAGE - BONDS OF THE Wilmington and Reading Railroad, BEARING INTEREST • AT SEVEN PER CENI'.;'IN Commie!, Payable April and October, free of State and United States Tax,Cs. This road run through a thickly populated and rich agricultural and manufacturing district. • For the present we are 'offering a limited amount of the above bonds at .' 85 Cents and Interest The connection of this road with the Pennsrivan and Reading Railroads insares it a large and remunerative trade. We recommend the bonds as the , cheapest first class investment in the market.' Wl4l. PAINTER ilk CO., Bankers and Dealersin Goverinneillei! No. 36 S THIRD STREET, - 3esin IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. We will receive applications for-Policiesof Life Insurance in the new National Life In surance Company of the United States. Full information given at our office. Dealers in V. S. Bonds and 'Members of Stock and Gold .Exchange receive ac. counts of Banks and- Banke rs on liberal terms, issue Bills of Exchange on An other Principal cities, and Letters of redlt available throughout Europe V. corner Third - and Chestnut Streets. Establislrd 1821. WM. G. 'LANAI AN SON; HOUSE AND - SHIP PLUMBERS, JAMES A. WRWHT, THORNTON 'PIKE, CLEEENT A. GHIA COAL, THEODORE WRIGHT, FRANK L. NEALL. PETER WEIGHT & SONS, Importers of earthenware - • ' • Shipping and Commission Merchants, N 0.115 Walnut street, Philadelphia. • EB. IVIGHT, . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, - Commissioner of Deeds for the State of Penneylvania in Illinms.• ' 00 Madison street; No., Chicago, aolOtf; ------- . CIO TTON SAIL DUcK OF EVERY V width, from 22 Mace to 76 inches wide, all timbers Tent and Awning Duck; Paper-maker's Felting, 'Sail Twine, dm. JOHN W. EVERMAN, ja.26 No. 103 Church street; City Stores. PRIVY WELLS.-OWNERS OF PROP erty—The_only 'place to get privy wellacleansed and dislnfectedcat very low prices. A. TEYOSON. Manu facturer IPoudrette Goldsmith's Hall. Library street PUBLIC SALE, TO CLOSE AN ES tate.—Thomas tic solld. Auctioneers.—Yery Valua ble BuffinessEtand.—Four-story brick Hotel known , ,ts ".11 tined ti Exchange," No. 215 Dock street, -between , cend and Third and Chestnut and Walnut . streets.—On Tuesday Sept. 21st, 1869, at 12 o'clock, noon; will be sold at public: sale, at the'Philadei phis •Exclutuee, all that large and tialuable four-story brick building and• lot of anTrfatlierlY. thfeOf Lock street;be low Third street No. 235 ; containing in trout ON Dock street 24 feet, and extending in tiepth 100 feet. It is one of the best paying hotels in the, city, in • c.ofn plat, order, kept on thelluropean plan f , the largest 'and best restau rant rooms ; has Avalnut aud ash floors, indicator and Many modern. improvements ; handsome dining rooms and parlor_; second floor, desirable chambers, Wide en tries, gas throughout,: ,x:c. The situation 14 very desire.: ble for betel, banking purposes brokers' offices, being c?ilyentent to the different banke,,public buildingo 1W" 31aY be examined. . • 151. TIIQ.M.AS SONS, Auctioneers, :se11:15 339 and 141 South Fourth street. Cal REAL EST -- ATE.THOMAS'ct SONS' .113211.Salc—Handsome Modern , Three-story Brick Resi dence NOSO3I Green Street, east of Twenty-first street,. On Tuesday; Sept. 21, 1539, at.l2-o 7 clooky,laoon, sold at public sale, at thq' ghiladelphia , Exeltange, all that handsomo modern three-story brick messnage,.*ith three-story beck building and lot of ground,'sitimte on rite northside°fifteen — Street, emit iif TwentY4l - reridreet; - 7go. 2031 ; containing in front on Green street 20 feet 2 inches and extending in-depth 302 feet to the middle of a 4 feet wide alloy, 'with ;the , common use and privilege. thereof. It has parlor, dining-room. and 2 kitchens on thefirat -floor; commodious chambers; saloon sitting- • rOoni and verandah, 04,1)604.40t and tiold water, fur nace, cooking range, Se. Ternts—d7,ooo may routaiti on mortgage. . Immediate pessession. 'Keys at S. W. einmer of Seven teenth and Green. T11GM,93: R; SONS, Auctioneers; sell 10 18 . 139 and 11,1 Vottrth,otreot,-, 'AND DitifitElt§tS :• - 01'4 : :.:,,..'i0,i1i.0.'_.'4i'4i1.5.::; IMISI BANKING HOUSE J* 7 'COOKE 4 _ 112 and 114 So. THIRD ST. PHILAD'A DEALERS SMIT .'4OOllll P N 1/11\./ kER s C. J. Hambro & Son, London. B. Metzler, S. Sohn & Co., Frankford. 'tames W. Tucker & Co., Paris. u BUSINESS--CARDS. No. 129 Walnut Street ISURANCE. MBE " - "4"., , ~f 'Alfred . Baker, '.fitntrnel Grant, ; Geo. W. Richards, Isaac Lea, 9 e° ' Wa ! " ' 'ALFRED GEO, FALL 3AB.' W..MeA LUSTER., TIigODOBEOI.I. =GER ,:z PHILADELPHIA; - IncorporiitZ.4ol,ll3) l / 4 47, 1820. Office No. 34 North: Fifth-Street. LICSIIRE BUILDINGS HOUSEVOLD ,414)11ERCII alarY OEN fi g A Sl 400 - 095 OS 9 9 • . . W. C 111788., Secretary. _ PuILADELPHIA.., February 17,1569. . Jai-re TM B THE COUNTY FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY.---office, No. HO South Fourth street, below Chestnut. The Fire Insurance Company of the County of Phila delphia;" Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylva nia. in 1839, for indemnity against loss or damage by fire, exclusively. CHARTER PERPETUAL. This old and reliable institution, with ample capital and contingent fund carefully invested, continues to in sure buildings, furniture, merchandise, &c., either per manently or for a limited time against lose or damage by tire, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute safety of its customers. Lasses adjusted and paid with all possible despatch. DIRECTORS: Chas. J. Sutter, 'Andrew H. Miller, Beery Budd, James N. tone John Horn, Edwin L. Reakirt, Joseph Moore, ;Robert V. Massey, Jr. George Mecke, Mark DON ino. CHAR SJ. SLUT R, President. HENRY BUDD, Vice President. BENJAMIN F. HOECKLEY, Secretary and Treasurer. T' P] NS Y - LVANLA- - -FIRE --- INSU- - RANCE COMPANY. —lncorporated 1 Is—Charter Perpetual. No. 510 WALDMT streeti opposite Independence Square. This Company, favorably known to the community for over forty years, continues to insure against loss or damage by tire on Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time. Also on Furniture, Stocks of Goons, and Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. 'heir Capital,-tdgether with a- large-Surplus Fund, is invested in the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case of lose., . DEEOTTORS. , Daniel Smith, Jr.; ' lJohn'Deverenx Alexander Bengali i- Thomas Smith, Isaac Ilazlehurst, Henry Lewis Thomas Robins, . . Gillingham Eel', Daniel Haddock.; Jr. _ DANIEL SMITH, JR., President. 'WM. 0: CROWELL, Secretary. . , ,apl9-tf NITED -,FIRE3IE.NIEL•ISLF)3ANC , COMPANY PIIMADELPIIIA. This Company takes risks at the lowest rates consistent with safety, and confines Its business exclusively to FINE INSITAANCII IN T EeITY OF PIIILADEL OFFICE=-N 0. 723 Arch street, Fourth National Bank , D T B' "4 1 1 :11. °R en S iy W. Brenner, BJTujobild;flagir34lsl:llrtin - - Albertus King, Win. A. Rolin, ' henry Bumm, Jamea 'Monsen, James Wood, William Glenn, ' . John Shalleross, James Jenner. J. Henry Askin, Alexander T. - Dickson; • Hugh Mulligan, Albert O. Boberta ' ' Philip Fitzpatrick, , ' f ames 'Dillon.. . ' , ' CONRAD B. ANDRESS, President. Wm. A. Rovits.: Tread. Wax. B. FAGRN. SW'S% • JEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE . COAT PANY-or- , Philadelphie.-office; NO. 2 . 4 North Fifth street, near Marketatreec„-- Incorporated by the Legislature of Niin — liiinia: b l Charter,perpetual., Capital and Assets. $ 6 - ,000 " . Make insurance against Loss or damage by Fire on Public or Private Buildings, Furniture, Stocks, Goods and Mc chaudr on favorableterms. . ' .DPECTUItn. Wm. °Daniel, • Edward P. Moyer Israel Peterson, Frederick Ladner Jobn F. Deisterlin ',* Adam J. Glass, Henry Treemner, Hourylly, Jacob Sehandein, - John Elliott,_ Frederick Doll, Christian D. r ricK , - • George E.: Fort, Sani°Ati4eri Williani D.. Gardner. 'WILLIAM*McDANIEL, President. ISRAEL PETERSON Vice President. PHILIP,N. Cor,gstarr, Secretary and-Treasurer.. AMERICAN , FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY,lncorvorated 1810.—Oharter perpetual. N0:.31t1 WALNUT street, above Third, Philadelphia. ' --, :llaving a-largo-pail-up Capital- Stook- and -Surplus ill , , vested in , sound and availa ble Securities, continue to ;Haar' on dwellings stores ' , furniture, raerohandtso, vessels in port and their cargoes, and other personal property. All losses liberally and promptly adjltsted. DIHNOTORS 4 t iv, Thomas R. Maris, , Ndmund G. Dutillt, John Welsh, , ' Charles W. PoUltnoy, Patrick Brady, •., Israel Morris, John T. Lewis, ,', • John P. Wetherill, William . Paul. THOMAS It:MARIS, President. :. AI,I3EaT O. 03AWTOAD, literetarY. - ' 1829 -`CHASTER PERPETUAL. VIZA.INCEKIAIN - FIRE - INSURANCE' ,COMPANY PHILMLiEthirLil. Office- 1 -435 and 437 Ohpiitnut Street. Assets on January it 18 4 2 1 6 s itfa, 077 9870 13s CO Accrued . ../083.1528i7U , .3604109 UNSIIITere23,7BD TLE CLAINS, , INOUE HOB 1869 8 , Lfiaises Paid S ince 1,829 Over • • *ll5 500 ")00 Perpetual and Temverary Policies on dbibemal Tormai The Company also %Rues Policies upon the Banta.o f all kinds of buildings, Ground llents and Mortgages. - • . DIRECT OES. • Alfred Pitier, Thomas Sparks. ' " Wm. S. Grant, , Thomas S. Eills, ' • Gusta - tua 80XU3012.. EAKER:President. ES; Vine President: V . ,- secroanr. . . _ tell tde3l FIRE ASSOCIATION Assets J . aiitiaryl, 1869, TRUSTEES:" ' A William H. Hamilton, Charles P. Rower, Inlen Carroty, Jesse 'Lightfoot Aseotge-t• Young, Robert Shoemaker, Josepnli. Lyndall, Peer Armbinster, Levi PdCoats, • 2d,.ll, , Diekinsenw , Samuel Sparhawk, Peter Williamson, Augjieeger: ; ' ' • . • WM. H. HAMILTON, President, SAMUEL SPARHAWR, Vice President WM. T. BUTLER, Secretary. - • , • The Liverpool ekP Lon on ee Globe Ins. Co. Assets Gold, 8 17,690,3.9° " in the United States 2,000,000 Daily Receipts offer 5z0,000.00 Premiums in 1868, $5,665,075.00 Losses in 1868, $3,662445.00 No. 6 Merchants Exchange, • • ;Philadelphia. MHE RELIAN CE INSURANCE COM -1 PANT OF PHILADELPHIA , ' • Incorporated in 1841. Charter Perpetual. Office, N 0.303 Walnut street. CAPITAL $300,000. Distires against lore or damage by FIRE, on Houses, Stores and other Buildings, limited or perpetual, and on Furniture, Goods, Wares and Merchandise in town or country. Assets LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID ,SB. $437 32 Invested in the following Securities, viz ' First Mortgages on, City Property, well se- - . ' 0168,600 00 United States Government Loarts--.......-- 117,000 00 Philadelphia City 6 Per Cent. Loans--.....,...._ 75,000 00 Pennsylvania $3,000,000 6 Per Cent 30,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroadßonds, First Mortgage , 5,000 (xi Camden and Amboy Railroad Company's 6 Per Cent. • -. 6,000 00 Loans on Coliaterals...-, 500 00 Iluntin_gdon and Broad Top ,7 Per Cent. Mort- • gage Bonds--- . ..... 4,560 00 Countyl'ireinsarance Company's Stock.-- 1,050 00 Mechanics'. Bank Stock. .. .... - ..... .4,000 00 Commercial Bank of .Pennsylvania stock 10,000 00 Union lifiltualliumrance Company's Stock. 330 00 Reliance Insurance Company Philadelphia Stock...." Philadelpa Stock 3,250-CO Cash in Bank and on hand.-- 12,Z8 :12 Worth at Par.:— —....- Worth this date at tiarket priees.-..- ' DIRECTORS. Thomas O. 11111,1 Thomas H. Moore, Wini.m Musser * ' flannel Castlier, Samuel Matthaei, James T. Young, 11. L. Carson, Isaac F. Baker, Wm. Stevenson, Christian J. Hoffman, Benj. W. Tjngler, , Samuel B. Thomas, Edwar Siter. :-, _ THOMAS O. HILL, President, ~,,~.~ M ~ 11M AWARE M a istrArk: sArwror ter,: datrvalcs,o9llrA,Nr..7.4 Ancoriroratedby theLeoulatureof, Petvprirgals,iwi :dpi S •:,; 4 11 A74 11.0*43 ?,%h 2.0 0i t:. 4 41likOOPTIWI A.") 117A12/24B,INKJBAV. Eg g Qn Vessels, rg. *and-freight to alitga kw CaO.mrrid LiHJ,hNOn gooaa 11.1113ktteigrlagtctirgegoittli. °rite Union. , • • (")• 1; • ! __PM S INSURANCES " On Merchandiser generally; on StoreS:73w6lll42ll • , Lloueee4cO, • • ' ASSETS P !PUB Boll7pAtil, , • • • ' ".„ November 14. PMS. ••.;• ; • . •'„• • .; 4 / 2 00,000 United State!' IfivaPerCent.Loan, • 10-40'e. '• ' • eicO;6oo 120,000 UnitedStatee Six. per ( l ent Loan; •-••- J• 1881 136,800 co United Sates Six ; ;Per . Cent Loan. • . (tor Pacific Railroad) 80,000 00 203,000 State of • Pencurylranda. Six Per • ,• • Cent. L0an..:... 24,375 00 "125,000 City of•Philadelpdaft4ixPer bent. • ' 70E0 Stat L e o r iie l v c ;Te r ns4 9lll Bli l ite l r l •oelit . .. • 2214594 99 20,000 Pennsylvania' Barnet - id ! ' list'. ` ; 61,600 " 0 • Mc,rtgage Six Tor Cent. Bonds • 20,20 0 ;00 . 25,000 'Pennsylvania 'Brillroad - Second Mortgage Six Per.Cootr Bonds 24,000 tia 25.000 Western Pennsylvania Railroad '',. ' - Mortgage Six PerOctit—Bonds•:' _J • _ ( Penna. It.guardutee) 20,62 . 3 co 30,000 State of Tenneseee Nino, Per Cent.: • ' • Loan.ol o oo 0 0 7.000 State of 'Tennessee Six PerCent . ' • " • • Loan • ' "16,000 Germantown GaeiCotroany, ' ! ,ppal And intemst guaranteed by;, the City of Philadelphia, 300 ". " • shares ... .. .. . . O,OOO 00 yenusylvania Railroad Company, - • • 200 shares irtools.l.4 ... ou „ 5,000 North-,rennaylvania Railroad- _ • Conpany, 100 bhareaatoek.. ' • OrDIN 0 1, 20 000 Phikidelphta and Southe/ri• . stoci- - - . it 207,900 Loans on Bond and Mortgage; first ' - 'Jenson City Properties. 207,900 OD $1,109,000 Par: ./ ,Market Value, $1,130,32525 . • -. . . $ 6,000 00 ,Bills - repeivalle "for - Insurances wade 922,436 91 Balances . due at .6.sencies—Pre- , rt - :l4ar!.ne " 2o , - Accirned:t . lntere6t and_ other ' — 'debts due the Company- 40;178 88 Stock and Scrip of hundry Corpo- • rations, .93,156 00. Estimatpd ulna 1,913 00' Cash in Bank— . .. 034 Cash in I:lratver..:.... • -413 65 ,• 116,563 79 • DIRgCT0118; Thomas C. Hand, James B, Meirarland,, Edward Darlington, ^ William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, . ...Jacob Jones, Edmund A.'Sonder, Joshuar. Eyre, Theophilus Paulding, • -William. G. Boulton,' Hugh Craig, . Henry C. Dallett, Jr., John C. Davis, John D., Taylor,. James C. Haud, Edward Lafourcade, Jolla It. Penrose, Jacob Bei el, H. Jones Brooke, Gth eorge.W. Beadon, Spencer Wm. C. lionaton, Llenry Sloan, . D. T. Morgan, Pittsbnrgh, Samuel E. Stokes, John B. Semple, do., James Tranuair, A. B. Berger, do. THOMAS C. HARD President. • JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice President, HENRY LYLBIJRN, Secretary. . HENRY PALL, - Ass't Secretary A NTH T E INSURANCE COM .tPANT.--CHARTER PERPETUAL. Office, No. 311WAINUT Street, above Third, Philada. . Will insuse against Loss or Rama, eby Fire on -Build ings, either perpetually or for a limited time, Household 'M Furniture and 'Merchandise generally. • Also, Marine Insurance on Vessels; Cargoes and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. DIRECTORS. William Esher, Lode Andenried, D. Luther, John Ketcham, John E. Blackiston, J. E. Raom, William F. Dean, John B. Heyl,' Peter Sieger ; Samuel H. Rothennel. ti%ILLIADI SHER. President., WILLIAM F. DEAN, Vice President. Wirt: M. Stavin, Secretary.' 1a22 to th s tf • "EIAME - INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 11 809 CHESTNUT STREET. INCORPORATED 1856. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL, *VQO,OOO. FIRE INSURANCEEXCLUSIVELY. Insures against Loss or Damage by Fire, either 'by Per , petnal or Temporary' Polic ies. • .DIRECTORS. - • Charles Richardson, . Robert Pearc e, Wm. H. Rhawn, . John Stealer, Jr., Francis N. Buck, Edward B. Orne, Henry Lewis, • Charles Stokes; Nathan Rifles. John W. Everman, George A. West, • Mordecai Busby, CHARLES ICHARDSON,President, • WM; E. RHA.WN Vice-Presidents ' WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Secretary. a .1 tt GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. FINE DRESS SHIRTS AND. - GENTS' NOVELTIES. J. W. SCOTT & CO. No. 814 Chestnut Street, -Philadelphia,-- Four doors below Contb}ental Hotel. mhl-fm w tf $ ill A4B 32 $354,3813a PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, Orders for these celebr b a r t i e el ag: supplied promptly on Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Of late styles in full variety. WINCHESTER & CO' e3-m w ftf7o6 CHESTNUT. / BOOTS AND SHOES. 11NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC GENE RALLY. . . The latest style, fashion and assortment of COTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, FOB. MEN AND. BOYS, Can bo bad at ERNEST SOPP'S, No. 230 NORTH NINTH STREET. Better than anywhere in the City. A Tit Warranted. ara Sing GIVE HIM A CALL. ' . MHOMAS BIRCH 86SON t _ AUCTION. , --1.----11ERS-AND-003111-ISSION--MERCRA - NTS. -- No. 1110 CHESTNUT street. Rear entrance No. 1107 Sansom street. Household -Furniture of every description received on • Consignment. • Sales of Engiture at dwellings attended to on tlio 01081 reasonable te Sal" at.,No; 1;0 . South Eloventh street 'WALNUT PARLOR, CIIAMBER, DINING AND SITTING ROOM VIIILNITISTRE Velvet. Brasseli,_ n ran an. ene .an arpeCaTMatreased affirDiaihng, Reirigorator,, Stovea.ehlna t .Glaiisware. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, Kept: at.lo o'clock, at No. 2.50 South Eleventh street. will be sold, the Furniture of a family declining house keeping, comprising the entire Furniture-. of Parlor, Chumber,Dmlng Room . Library and Kitchen, together with the Velvet, Tapestry, Ingrain and yenetiam Car pets, which are in good order. Catalogues ready on Tuesday at the auction Store. The. Furniture can be examined after S o'clock on the morning of sale. Sale it No. Iftitlfiffierai reeti - WALNUT AND 3LUIOGANY PARLOR, CHAMBER, Pining Room and Kitchen Furniture,'Carpete, China, • Ghtssware, Sm. • 'ON 'THURSDAY MORNING, Sept, Di, at le o'clock, at yo. 1930 Green street, will be Hold, the entire Household Furniture, Carpets, Se. Particulars hereafter,. • BY BABBITT &• CO., AIICTIONER.RB, CASH AUCTION HOUSE, No. 230 MARKET street, corner of Bank street,' Cash advanced on conaignmente without extra charge, LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE . . ON THURSDAY MORNING. September 10. Colllloeliet lig at 10 o'clock, catalogue, 300 lots Staple and Fam.y - Dry Goods,,Dreas Goods, Mo. alerv, Trimmings. Also, 300. dozen Shirts, -Drowers, Jackets, Dress Hata. cte. Also, 20 lota. Ready-made Clothing, 100 cases and cartons Boots and Shoes, 25 cases Umbrellas. Also, stocks 01 Dry Goode; Fancy Gooda; APIS & HARVEY, AUCTIONEERS, L atnavi Oa IL Thorrias-&:Sons.)------ - - • Store Nob.. - 4t3 aturbo Niarth - SIXTR - street - Peremptory Sale Southwest corner of Second and Race • • streets ENTIRE STOCK OF CLOTHING AND STATE RIALS. ON TITORSDAY MORNING % ACM o'clock, at the southwest corner of Second anil Race streets, entire stock consisting'. of-largo titian tit les of CORM rants, 'Vesta, 0 v ercoatii,L filen Coots, &c, Also, a large quantity- of inoterials in rolls; Trim mings 6 &c. This: whole to be positively sold without ro serve. THE PRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLISH. went—S. Eh corner of SIXTH and RACE streets. Money advanced on Merchandise generally--Watchea, Jewelry, Diamonds, Geld and Silver Plate, and on all articlee of valne, for any length of time agreed on.. - . WATCHES ' AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE SALE.' Mao Gold Hunting Case, Double Bottom and peen Face English.'American and Swiss Patent Lever Watches; FineGolditunting Caseand (lon Face Lopine,Maitclige: Fine Gold Duplex and other NyatcliesTririe Sever Hunt ing Case ; and Open Face English; American and BWhlll Patent Lever and tortilla Watches,•Double Case English Quartier and other - 'iVatches• Ladies' Fancy Watches; Diamond. Breastpins; Finger Rings; Ear. Rings; Studs; dm.; Fine . Gold Chains; Modalliona; Bracelets; Bear! Pine; Breastpins; Finger Rings; Pencil Oases and Jew. elry-generally.' 1401 i BALE—A. large and valuable Fireproof Chest. suitable for a Jeweller; coat 4650. Also, several Lots l:South Camden, Fifth and Chest put Ntrevta. AUCTION SALES, ICiii litoo , -,:-A - sc ..'.., Q...-4.,...4........„...5.txr.1 ~„T uoia24,s7ii soliQvito ( trit meg** , 1 lyLe, ~.1..;;-4NbitilSgiir0114fglelttbr(1 po , Atake OIt.STOr,ARRYIRIII. /18 ATE. , 3, " . A .... . .- Euhltatiales at a Tildiedeltible RaehaNtenireeitt ,Ir 9. FiTal.X;e4l2o , cloc •' -. „it ~ • , '-: 4.4 ,f , I .4 '?i,..4 - 4 1 v :..4 Pornitur& gains et th e , Adietteti Stole. Eying's' e - ~ - „Babas; Resideuceiteceltaespeclalaitention„. „q r .! ..1 ~ ~ , , . 1 , bTOCKS,LOANS:Ac: ..t. , ~, ' . ...•.q, , ji ~..., ;i ' ON 'xtrEsDA„,x4ssr x. 24. , , Ir, .1. :e At 17 O7clock noon, at the Phila.telphiaßxchatoge...,, , *„it ~.Eatate of Samuel 1t .Itictlirn,„ de.. '4 , .. , .71 ... ,, j4 , A , 7 ,sharee Maim/111'11fmk o Northern Libertie‘ :,'” r; lihsharee , Penn National Bank ~ , , ~ 1 , •‘. 4 • ' 150thares Camden and Ambo jtallroad; ‘, .1 '23 attarca I.oingit Valle_y Rai lr oad . - _, I_ , a . , :' 4 , 18 ‘ enarets Second and Third treete P. It. AV, Oili.' ~ k, , k 10 aharstsillorrie Canal and finking Co. Preti ~- t ; 885 ,ecrialltorrig Canal and Banking Co. , , a . s , t. Par Other Accounts— , 5 shares Academy of Music,. with ticket • ~ .4,,, 4 eharea Seventh _National Bank._ 5 shares Impire Transportation Co. 100 shares GentraliTranspartation Co , 4 • 10 shares 'Matioual.l3ank•or tho Republic. , 100 sintres Old Townskip Llne Road. , 22 shares. Buck ,AlourttainCoal,Co. 1 share Point Breel mark. , .• . 'Bl shares Connnonwea tb National Minx-. 80 thnres American ; L re Inparance Ca. $,20,000 Union Canal Bonds, ss. . • . • Sale at 816 South Fifth street; HANDSOME PARLOR, DLNINg- _BOOM AND • CHAMBER' FL-RNITUSET-,43A-BIN-ET-- , ORGFANa, • '• HANDSOME , CHINA; GLASS , OAND TRATE, WARE, FINE -1-IAIR.AND SPRING ..M.ATRESSES,, BRUSSELS'AND OTHER CARPETA L , • • - ON WEDNESDAY 'll - 101ININ Sept. RC. nt 10 O'clOcke at No, 516- Southliifth , below Catharine street, by catalogite f the handsOnstr::.,'. Walnut-Parlor Furniture, covered,witir hair,cloth;ld ai s*.' , gnat Bouquet Table, ,elegant Cabinet Organ. Made Estey: Walnut Hall and Vining Rboin FurtdtUre nut. Extension:Dining, Table, liandsome, Lounge,- ' . vered with crimson cloth; handsome China .-Olass- Nadi . Plated Ware, snit handsome Walnut Oliamher Turi tore, made - to order; line Hair' and Spring Retreat's-a Bolsters, TillOws. Comfortables,' , Ac.; Brussels Z• Lignite- • Kitehen 'Utensils Ac. • - Bale at the Auction Rooms, Nos. 199 and 1. 4 1' Poltith __ Fourth - street. - • -•••• SUPERIOR HOOSEIIOLDFURNITURE, PIANO, FRENCH PLATE' ' MIRRORS, LARGE FIRE - AND BURGLARPROOF SAFE. BY, GUNS OF- • yap, FURNITURE, 5 ' HOBBLE 'BARREL FINE OILPA INTOIOB' 'ELEGANT WALNUT BOOKCASE, FINE HAIR- - .MATRESSEI3 AND FEATHER 'BEDS SUPERIOR f•SEWING , MA.-' CHINES,_EXTENS' CHANDELIERS ND .130110,11ETS. TABLES,.. wrovEs., HANDSOME VELVET - BRUSSELS ANB O,THER, CARPETS,OIL',CLO~H6 Ac ONE THURSDAY MORNING:, , _ Sept. "16, at 9 o'clock,. at, the Attetion Rooms, bt logue. a large assortment of SUperion Household ture. - comprisingT-Walunt - Parlor, -Library. and, Wax, Rocim Furniture, covered 'with-. plush, reps and . hate cloth; Walnut .Chamber Furniture, .Bookktseit, Ward robes, Extension Centre and ;Bouquet Tables i• Side. , boards, Cottage Bedsteads, tine:Hairlind,Spring -MOW - retlses, Feather Beds 7 axid Bedding; Office:Tables and Desks, line'oll Paintings and Engravings.' superior Soar inn- Machines, Plated 'Ware, Portable Heater, Stores,i China and Glassware,•Carpets, d•c. Also, large Fircrand Btirglar-proof Safe, by Little:, , Also, 5 superior -Double Barrel Guns. • - • • 81,647,367 80 '• Administrattix. 7 o;Salcl Estate:of Manasses McCloskey. deceased' STOCK OF BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKY,` ON SATURDAY MORNING: Sept. hi. at II o'clock at 1310 Edgemont street, above street, without ' H roservu, by order of , Admin.. istratrix by catalogue, the entire stock of an old-estab lished -Liquor Store, 'comprising Brandies, \Vides; ' land Gin, Fine Old. Scotch and Monongahela Whiskies Casks, Barrels. &c. - Full particulars in cotalegnoil. , • • ICOTITTING, DIIRBOBOW & • I, •.. • AUCTIONEERS, Nos.= and 234 MARKET street. corner of,Bank streeti;'' Successors to JOHN B. MYERS & CO. .. • ',- LARGE SALE OF- EUROPEAN . AND .11011LESTIIIM DRY GOODS, ' ON THURSDAY MORNING, Sept. 10, at 10 o'clock., on four months' credit, DOMESTICS. • • Bales 'bleached and brown Muslins and Drills... . do white and scarlet all ween.und Daunt 'Flaw:leis. do all wool white. blue and gray Blankets. • Cases Canton, Shaker anti Fancy Shirting Flannels. do Manchester and Domestic Gin - gluuns do. Rob Ron', Silecias,Corset Jeans, Cambrice do indigo blue .Tiekings, Checks, Stripee i Denims do do Wigans, Miners' Checks, Jaconet Prints. ' ; do Satinets, Cloakings, Tweeds. Linsey's, Kersey, . ..f. MERCHANTTAILORS' GOODS.' Pieces French and English black andblne Cloths, hiclu;" . ding some very high cost imported goods for: ' - the hest tailoring trade. Velours. Ratines,,Chirichillait, Astruchansj, , -. do French Tricots, Doeskins, fancy Cassimeres.. ffilb • do .'Esquimaux; Castor: and: Moscowdlearors, .k; do blk and cold Satin de Chonefl. Vestingll: o, de black and Cord Silk VelvetEr atialrelveleerts.. - • LINENS,;,WHITE„,GOODS, & c. , Full lines Irish Shirting Linen Barnsley Slleetings.`" Full lines Idea• and brown Damasks;Table•Olothe,_',2d.. Full lines Huck Towels, Rusida Diapers, Canvas, CraSLC. Full lines Crimbrice..Jaconets. Shirt,-Fronts 'DRESS GOODS. SILKS AND' SHAiVLS; Pieces plain and printed Paris Merinos and Delainett; ' do chain Rpinglines, Poplines, EmpreSs Cloth_ • do black and colored Alpacas, Coburgsalolmirs 'and -do Taffetas, Ponit tie Soles Gros de Broche, Stella and Wool Plaid Shawls, N to DOZE'GERMAN HOSIERY. Full lines women's .white, brown. catered and mixed Cotton Hose, plain and fleeced to full regular, Full lines men's white, brown, French and.hlue mixed Cotton Half Hose, to full regular, Full lines boys',ruisses" and children's white, brown,' • mixed Fancy Hose, Half and Three-quarter Hose. MOO DOZEN GERMAN AND. GrovEs. Gents', ladies' and misses' Berlin plush . lincd Gloves. of the best quality and styles. Gents', ladies' and children' ' s Cloth, Gloves, of .a supe nor make. Gents!, ladies' and children'enierino,fleeced, llntd Gloves. Gents', ladies' and children's silk mixed, plinth thud Gloves. 13.—We arc authorized to say that the above will be , * the most attractive sale of hosiery and gloves made at auction this season, being the most popular Importation known to the trade. Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, Traveling and Tinder Shirts; nud Drawers, Silk Ties, Shirt Fronts, Tailors' Trim mings,"Slisp c. einiers, & . IMPORTANT SALE OF CARPETINGS, OIL • . CLOTHS. ac ON FRIDAY. MORNING, Sept, 17, at 11 o'clock, on four months' credit, (grant 211(1 pieces Ingrain, Venetian, List, Hemp, Cottage and Bag Carpetings, Oil Cloths, Rugs, dcc.. . ' LARGE SALE OF FRENCH AND •OTHER ' PEAN DRY GOODS. • ON MONDAY MORNING, • Septemb,er 20, at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit. MARTIN BROTHERS,'AUCTIONEERS, (Lately Salesmen for M. Thomas 8; Salmi N 0.529 CHESTNUT street. rear entrance from Minor'. THE FIRST PHILADELPHIA TRADE SALE 'OP HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE, TABLE,. AND POCKET CUTLERY, &c. - - - Wilt be hold at the auction rooms, 8.23 Chestnut et:, in the latter part of September. Particulars hereafter. • Sale No. 529 Chestnitt street. HANDSOME , WALNUT PARLOR, DINING ROOH AND CHAMBER FURNITURE, FINE FRENCH PLATE MIRRORS ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTES, HANDSOME BRUSSELS, INGRAIN AND OTHER. CARPETS, FIREPROOF SAFES, LARGE QUAN- - _ - TITI OF - CIITNA. Lte. ON 'WEDNESDAY MORNING; , 7 Sept. 15, at 10 o'clock, at the auction rooms, No. on, eitestnut-streettelegant-Walunt-Ftirnitoredte-. Also, 'Glutton's shears and presses, tools, Sm. 4 Sale No. ;:2'9 Chestnut street. 5.4, GOODWILLLEASE, GOOWILL AND FIXTURES OF STORE' SUPERIOR ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTES, Gablittit, , ,t Organs, Guitars % Musical Instruments, c.; Lease of Building, rent par annum; Conn.- • ter, Shelving, Glass Doors, Office Furniture, dine Showcases, Farrel do Herring Fireproof Sufu.. Awningl;;; - • • oN 41-, ,pf 17, at 10 o'clock, at N 0.929 Chestnut 94:q9t. i.`4* lf nll particulars in catalogues. . , JAMES A. FREEMAN, AIJOTIC*TEEIt s :4- - N 0.422 WALIIIJT street. -;:v E.X.Tutors' Sale No. 407 Richmond street,ithovo Han9ver . HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPETS, &c.. • ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. • At 10 o'clock, by order of the Executors of Jame* - • Stewart, dec'd., the Parlor, chamber, DlOng Room and Kitchen Furniture In4r.kit. Carpets, Ste; • Sale on the; Premises. -9 is LOTS. 31ERCHANTVILLE, N. 'J. .b. • ON THURSDAY AFTERNOON, • At W o'clock; will be 801(1,00 the premises; 13 Buittling' Lots. Moorestown road or Maple avenue and Myrtle avenue, Morcharti vino; N . J., thirty minutes' ride trona'-ning Market l street terry • n • - ! t. 9 Plans at the Atileion Stare. ' re., el ON (JERI' HALL AUCTION R0bitk,,..5 1 24 A..) 1219 CHESTNUT street. .• -- • -; - "o'•••;',1A -4: 4 ++,•• . ' ' 'T. A. MceLELLAND. Aucticineer. '''.*'• u. , ,,T : LARGE IMPORTANT ' SALE 'OF :NEW AND .:8E; ~, A . : 1 1 ; CONDHANO FURNITURE, NEW CARPETS", att... . 4.' Y-. ON THURSDAY MORNING, - •.: lit 0410 Sort. 16, at 10 o'clock, at eoncart ILill Auction Rooms. ~ .i.,::•;„, 1219 eliciting street will he sold, a larga, quantity of •••:: 1- •",:,":".• new and 811periur Furniture, Comprising elegant Parlor . 21' , , ..- - , Snits, in valush. rale, terry and hair cloth: hanilsolfich ~ ', l -,..„,,,, i Chamber. Suits. in oil finish and varnished; Wardrobea.""lfi' 'Bookcases, Hut Rateki, lainadsoine Sideboardsalatlenslour '•:ig. - ;',- . .i Tables, Bed and Plain Lounges, Parlor, eliainhar anti ~..0 .., a .. DiniliZ Room Chairs and Rockers. Gard and egutraY.Tit-; ' tia ~-:.',' - L 4.4, Hair, Spring and Hoek • Matresies,: Fgathop,,,Draltai,a2 ,o 1 --- 0, - Trylto is -. .tc==. - _ - _ - _ ----- __ _ _2.2_ . _,_ _2_2! 2 _:__L.!__ ..L_ • ' 4 1 .1‘ A hto, a line of new Ctirpd - .4. - - —.-:-.-,: „ ~- ---- , --I ".creF" - " Also, a quantity of Secondhand Fitrillture; Garpiltio ilq. - and Housekeeping A reeks generally. . . -,.. , i . ..T i n .„:,..: _ _., ril L. ASEBRIDGE & , CO.y AUCTION:I' ',..;:, .'; .1.... EEES• N 0.505 bI.ANKET street. above Fifth, ''''?c; LARGE FALL SALE,' OF BOOTS, SHOES Alnio? . .! , '/A X .); ON WEDNESDAY ORNI.SIO,' .• 1 ‘• , ;..-!' sy'':'.. V Sept. 15. at 10 o'clock, we will sell by eatalopteilat ; 1500 packages or Boots, Shoes and Brogaini t .orettf ", .0 k . Eastern mautilactnre, to which the attentionk.,9Eetty -;{±-,T,'—' country. buyers IS culled. , ~ . , . ~ ;, , Open curly on the morning of. sale for etennittiaileeke' Cl D. 31c(ILEES & CO.i . l '.O ;;., ;1. - .1; '4. : ..,-,. ,;,,i , ;,.. , ; ' AIIOTIONRRBIL %-1. No: 508 ilAßß:Efistreet.'' " ' ",,,,-; ''''' ';; ' l) ' BOOT AND 511010 T SAL u Ie aD D A VR, r. D ; Y .14 fffiPAX. '41 51 eta .- I ' . --- -------- -switigs -- 01 — ltoain 53 lab's. :4pirits Tnrpeutine. ~ . ',;; • ''' ..,,i; : o f .14' .. 435 bb n. Soateroakere? Rollin,' WI, lible. Strained Slipping Roehl. Landing per steamship Dimmer, • , ,-: ' ' 00 bide. Spitita Turpentine, • 200 bib's. No. 2 Roain.. • Landingy, per eteamehip Pronetbeue. _Ow _......-, L - - For auto by , --- EI)W. U. idRY , ; . , ...,,, „7 m , l4; Soullt V.o4(orsitv OTV ll . l l'. 2 * a ! ''' '," ~.. ....,, • - - • . Y.f Alto 3 l l etl. ' ke! . tV 44l . 4:. . c.„`Vt.',9e • 2 'W'lnr-441'441+1. , - - ,ave id plush '~'-:; a.