Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, September 10, 1869, Image 2
NE'W PvitLitcATlONli,-, r t 3 ~• We receive an ' advauee ti l :Teiir. rm . ' .o... Stephen's new ifovel„ Icßithy- 0' 'hi' firs/. Ler," published by Messrs. Petersort, a jit•yle e. conform with their previous preseh entirof ' spirited American novelist's worliii., Itilby• 47froy's Strategy" is laid in Long.l4o,oimuf ton-' , a quick succession of incideneand street. 'variety of characters. We believe - It will have a oneness equal to that, attained by “Fashion and Famine,',—,illte..Cuoc,.of-9010;!.The „Gold BMW and otheropulat. works of the author. - , _Seas46 l . yields,Osgobil'& Co., announce the' ';'suUlition of Thackeray'smisMlaneous writings. llliftheir cheap and, pretty , issueof ,his novels; ; • this firm have- we believe ;' especial' facilltiesibe der tang out all the minor, uncared-for maga : Ant and'rfirtC/i-contributions which Tlaiaeray -,,Arrer took pains to bring into his fatnily, of bit prini!,r. Of course 'we want every word Thackeray 'ever* printed, , whether he would have been inclined to show it - us or not: _Me expect;then, greater fulness' from , tie Fields ; Osgood .& Co. edition than from any, of the va rious thackeray publiShers of the day. , Lippincott's beautiful , English stereotypes, hoyiever, include, in their, twenty-tvio Volumes if patter, all the fragments which, Thackeray *VET _c?redlo acknovvledge ' or, which the ordi- I standard" loving bibliophil ißts will desire. Appleton's edition, sold here by Claxton, • :. MVP. : • elfingerpresents-the--Yellow 5 0 1 rapers, Shabby-Genteel Story; ' etc.,in yellow:fifty-cent ' pamphlets. These two ' ' ready, and the remaining ten will begin to follow, , rather more briskly now, we suppose, *ltlitte opening season. . • Dr. Dtniel G. Minton, the 'accomplished tthor of ' "Indian Myths," presentaAtinself •- now in'.4titid practical, elations with the great.. world : of :sufferera• and valetudinarians, by con-, strricting for Iris patients'abil :others a, v,alyable ittle "Guideil3oOk, of Florida and the Smith."' nere,iii a little - handful of a vOlunie,embellished a map of .St. John's giver, Fla.; the con-, acientfOus, Doctor gives an; account of . alMost 4.irery railWay-traiii, the Christian name of Omosto:every . landlady, and the footing .per :Week ..of -• almost every lodging-bill that the - tourist will encounter in. his . . -Flo rldiari excursion. The' book shoWs, , . fact;.the method of a large mind in its at.:: Jention to these necessary pettinesses, at the' tirrielhrit thetone reveals a scholar, a turalist and a thoughtful gentleman. It is gen-. - . *rally well printell, though .we observe the artist .. .Houdon `is ealled /Attain.; and 'Mrs. Kemble Kernble—Mrors' of the '.proof-reader which we hope the . demand for futbre ;editions will give the opPortu.nity of cor- Thii little work is practically and .latefully a supplement to the same author's tvisiotes.• • -in „the Floridian Peninsula." Pub. bated by Geo. Maclean, 719 Sausom street. COMIc LPETBIJSWIIONS.—Petersou & • publish ," The American' Joe Miller," a • fifty ' cent pamphlet containing- fun in paragraphs, and ilkistrations° coarsely"transferred: - from Leech, - Crifikshanit, Phiz and Doyle, with an (of course authentic) 'likeness of Joe . Miller 'himself, a caValler in lace and pemike,to be,gts • with.- 7 --Appleton;& , Co. publish "Plicenixiana, . 'or Sketches and Burlesques," at the same price; it is a 'collecticiii of the remains of the late ° Lieut. John Derby.-=3lesais, Claxton, ilenisen Ar.llatrelfingcr aie the Philadelphia publishers of 64 The COMIC Bbckstone," a much more elabo rate affair, by the late Gilbert Abbott &Beckett, of the Punch staff. with the most irresistible etchings :by Cruikshank. The first of these contains' the venerable -pleasantries usually heard on the savidust ; the second, specimens of the law, American, half-horse-half-alligator grinning and mowing, that procured immense applause among us when Paulding and Ken= nedy were in their glory; as for the "Black stone' " we canbnly fancy the traditional brief less barrister, in the darkest glooms of the inner Temple, extracting one single ray of joy from such ,a deliberate, calculated, anxious and mechanical a travesty.. By the way, is it not . . nearly time for something new in the way of an American_ jest-book ? The national humor has assumed an original type, and has been foreed into immense proportions by the Custom. Of short -paragraph cohimns in the daily, papers. A • brief crisp collection of the very: est of tliese 'would .foi in, a ; illiphraeni-COntmetor as irre 7 isistible 4016 .;sliarpeSt,., galvanic battery, and ------would have the useful-effect. of- turning--all e -works such, as . the, above into (lead, untrouble- Ewe 'limber.. • • - The coat Nine pisaster. SCRANTON, Pa., Sept.• 9.-LAt a meeting of. the Relief Committee at Avondale, .George, Coray, of Scranton, was appointed to proceed to New York to solicit subscriptions for thesuf ferers. • 2.30 P. M. -Thomas- Carson, of Hampton Mine; and George Morgan, of Nanticoke, ex perienced and competent miners, with twenty men,haVe 411h:wed every part of the workings, and are satisfied that ;all the bodies have been', recovered,hut outside parties say two men are still missing. 108 bodies have now been taken out. : . • : • ' The folk wing is a full list of the dead : - WilliaM Allen • Reese Landry, • Madisow.Allebach, Win. •Lewis, John Bowen, Thornas.Lewellyn, , Wm. BoVen; . ThOmas Morris, - , Elijah Bryant, Joseph Morris, John Burtch, W. 'l'. Morgan, : 1 John Burtch; Jr., Patrick McGurick, /Patrick Burke;: - ' Samuel T. Morgan,' : Peter Conlin, - • Joseph Murray, John Clarki ; - Samnel R. Morgan, , Wm. Dick; • • . james Mallon,, . 4olin R. Davis, jacoblitslier,. , Thos. Davis, Henry' IslOrrie, Win. DoWdle, r• IJohn Neaker, • • I - SPORT': . An' excellent sporting-book, wit :' Michael Daly, Wm:,Nois, - Edward Owen, • ~. Wm. Davis, . • , minute instructions how to choose, load and . _ . John Davis, ' Wm. Wm. Powell, use a gun, followed by accounts of the princi pal American game-birds of wood and ovater,is ! Lewis Davis •= Willie Phillips,: Wm. Evans, ' let, ' Wm. Pcirfet, • written by ,John,Buinstead,and published, with . .._ elegant ; wood-cute, by Fields, Osgood & :Co ; .; mr.. .,.. • 3itirray E. Edwards, James Phillips, J. zvans, ' D. P.=Pryor, Its title .i.S."Ou the wing." • ' Tarter Bros., of this city, pubished in Jun'e:' 'Edward W. Edwards, Thomas:Phillips, oft exhatistiVe work, of its kind, on "Game -, WIM Evans, d 'John Potvell, • ' Fewls," - bY Dr. J. W. Cooper, & celebrated Wm. Evans, 3d, . jaMes, Powell, . . Bander of West Chester, Pa. It is an Octavo W. R. Evans, ISt, Thomas Roberts, III: of three,hundred pages; with brilliant chronto .:John D. Evans, W its Of different kinds of game-ceeks and' : gym. Edwards, David Reese, ,m. R. Evans, 2d, David S. d S. Reese, oxlibits; remarkable acquaintance With ' the' ; ham, Griffith Roberts, thin F And: ro ,: An imostanisAievoushrancloorthe dunghill fluidly; - g • Oa with &horrible 4'science." , . : " --- CaffitTS - Frear, .I - Olin Ruth, .. . ; . • Hugh Giliny, Thomas Ryan, , The same iirm issue, hi the handsome form • Darius Guyter,_ Evans Reek., _ ' --- iii - di•efinW.s - tliiift --- fitifilliratffins, a re. E van H ug h es . William Reese, ' ~. tuanc_e by T; W. Streight, entitled 'Under Thothas Unites, Palmer Steele, f: Lock arid 'Key." This tale has to do with the John Hughes, . Dennison Slocum, *:. Koli-i-noor , diamond, Aurungzebe's favorite George Stackhouse, jewel, which passed to file P - e English .at the ea Willie Hatton, Thomas Hatton; Henry. Smith,: tare of Lahore. -It will be interesting to the ' w i u r Harding, William Spyck, reader of Wilkie Collins's "Moonstone," a story WM. D. Johns. ist, John Thomas, Ist, iike wise turning upon the adventures Of a fa- John Harris, John Thomas, 2d, ntis-gene ; --- .Mr. -- Streight - however, L never - read -- jornete - Hasklirsi --- - - - -- - - i -- Edward - Taylor, " The Moonstone" until after liniehing his own Steitl4l6Vell, = :. David Thomas; - . novel, and had sketched out his plan and writ- David Johnson, Wm. Williams, Ist,. ten several chapters before the publication of : WM. Williams, 2d, Thomas D. Jones, - liir. Collins's production. "Under. Lock and . Edwin Jones, ' 'Wni;•T: Williams, Ist, Key" is put by Messrs. Turner at $1 75, in- Wm.' T. Williams, 2d, in' Daniel Jones, cloth. 1 David Jones, ' ' Wm. N. Williams, ' . 1 Rowland Jones,' Morgan Watkins, Appleton's-7..-imet«d-4.'itc.yetopeditt--for 1868 - - john•Jenkins,-.: • : Richard Wooley, • ~: contains the usual variety of well-digested ••Wlll. D. Johns,.2d,: David Wood, news-matter for the year. Under the affairs of Thomas Jones, . Wm. IN ildriek, ..`,,,':;.' the different States of the Union is presented Peter Johnson, (James Williams. .; 4 the complete restoration of all but three of ; .Wm. D. Jones, them to the Federal Government. The Inter- i The above, 108 in number, were in the mine. .'' nal Minns of the nation, including its revenue, Besides these,. Thomas Williams and David :expenditure, debt and emTeney iluctuations,jts Jones were suffocated on Monday evening in -•= rtgriculture, commerce; educational• and •chari- _ attempting to enter. „ ?"., table improvements, are carefully detailed: : PLY:MOUTII, Pa., Sept. 9.—lt has from the ' foreign Atfairs,such as the Spanish Revolution, • lint been hoped that Mr. Evan Hughes, inside • coin. 'international relations with England, the foreman, would have made some memoranda, punishment of Abyssinia, and the history of which, being found, would give information as the French Press-are carefully and even pictu- to the time life was prolong,,ed, and when hiS resquely annotated. The Necrology of a year body was brought up his coat - was 'off, 'and his - is. ,always sadly.. interesting, , , 'and -- that '.of - tools; time-booke, etc.;-lucre-missing..-- 'After wt ' 160E1 included . the deaths of many was deemed -certain that no more bodies 're . famous men at home and abroad. - The - mainetl in the mine, Mr. Benjamin - Iltighek Literary Record of 1868 is' honorable general inside foreman of all the Delaware, to American letters and Anglo-Sarton literature. Lackaivanna and Western Railroad Company's With the great engineeiing feats of the period, mines, and, : brother of Evan Hughes, taking • such as the Suez Canal and the: Pacific Rail, four men with him, went - down to search for : . nritd, and ;the developments in - Astronomy; -- his ;brother's coat, hoping - to - find •in it - the •.:.,;;` , Chemistry and Geographical Discovery, we memoranda so much desired. lie- found the - ,••,-'' • nay say of 1808 that although no great military coat 500 or .000 yards from where Mr. Hughes' - . year,. it Was one of solid politiol and intake- • body had been found, and outside of both bar= -':' tual advance, and of the world, inns bloodless ricades., .It contained his compase and other twelve months' - excursion around ' the ,sun, tools, and VW° tine-books, but, no memoranda, ii. "i pur Si muore.", • •-. whatever, so that all hope of having a. reconlof . .. . . The Encyc/opetlio presents itshours usual - hand- the last of the 'dead is lost. - -. • • ewe appearance, and is decorated with steel-: NedOubt all the bodies tire up,, as thorough • = -. ;Plate Portraits of Schuyler Colfax - and Hod.' ' explorations of the mine reveal no., more, and '• .: Mr. Gladstone; •No similar work of compila- 108 represents the total loss of life. . There are :,•r , . tion,_of atlytbiog like the completeness, is pre:' .`59 widows and 109 orplumsnitule by - thia - tlis :. :- pared inArkr;ol l htlY . • . 4getrit, J. K. tliraon l 20 • aster.: Numbers of the men had.. effildronliving South SKth *f ~: • • ' eet. . ' in the Ad country, and the destitatitin is Brea. Appletion4 t e.pnblish,among their hand and requires innnethate relief. The strike o • some varielyNa ,study-books, one which is a three and a half 'Months lird kedrieeo all the ' • literary emiosity—Wilie Study of Languages," • families to the verge of starvation, and the men .. by l!dartel, 4 treatise written ID - r:tnli 7by 'a not being at work long enough to receive an • • --,‘ penchiffian but in theFmostodiomatic and fluenglisti.„ M. Ma '8 estay on laq,guage- , • • A...L.1f • Tangs II oreign tonNua 49a, #6ll I an))::loreiblit th asAls aducki s tatra' tPress thelt* r • "rod tb4•eadltvi a wasted Nt i . , by an,ac , s -orSHie , ok n 1 e gtiages i t e • - ‘), .„„ ' • RELionous.---Roman•'&. Co., publishers of San Francisco, • whence Rev. Mr. Wadsworth has beensweicomed for our midst again, issue a small, volaine . of his striking, • eloquent and iconvincing Californian Sermons. Sold by - Smith, Elder &ON • - , • -••••••:- - --The-FirSt'Series - of Beecher's -Sernions, ire- ported rerbatilit from Plymouth Pulpit, and handScinely issued, with portrait, by Ford & ...likeitistantaneotts. -photographs•-crio ' their,- wonderful .yiyacity :and.fidelity.. ; They are the likenesses. of a stirring and • impressive , ,- 1. orator- •in his most.natural attitudes. EVery.: one who appreciates Ileecher's orig,inality,piety. and ferYor,•Abould %possess this .:reeerd of his. ..power, in itstransient, but (thanks toithe steno-` , graphy of .Mr. Ellinwood,) net irOperishable • manifestations. Sold by J. B. T,ippnclOtt Co. There are many phiusreaders tb every= thing uttered: by Spurgeon, is, welcome as . : the quails were to the Israelites after, their long in -• sipid diet of manna. 'Eveniiig by-Evening 'is a succession of:Readings; each a (age long, ~ each idea. Spurgeon has introduced that • Modern feature of joinntilisrn-4116 " rapid Iparagrapli into theological Published , instruction. . i3Sr Sheldon & : _Sold by liippiric,ott & Co. The . 1 Presbyterian . Publication Committee, • - .No. 133 , 1 -.Chestnut street,. issue - Hey. , S. W.' - • Crittenden's 'series of Sermons on the Sacra mentsi..With the're.comniendation Of Judge Al and, 'ether, Philadelphians of standing; ' whom theY•laire 'edified in delivery,;,alSo,i"HPl- • ward from, • Sin, .through. Grace, to Glory, by; • Rev. B.:B. Hotchkin," a series of pious lessons pretty well indicated by the title; also, "The Ten '.nesseean in Persia and Koordistan,"•hy Re.V. Dwight W. 4 .'Marsh, who spent • ten years as' a Presbyteiian missionary in Mosul. 'ThiS'is„ work of . authentic 'value and ..interest, 'Very.. graphically • written, and particularly interesting.: es embodying a history , of the oriental, life of, Samuel Audley-.B.hea,•whose services M • the cOOtry were uniptermitting and! • zealous. It-zis-improved with inap.S illus • . We receive Zell's Encyclopedia; NO.' 48, to the : word Buciiixon.A.m: it contains . several portraits, all Sufficiently good except an early small, infelicitous likeness of James Buchanan: Mr. Colange;the editor, 'publishes a note of reassurance to • subscribers who have been afraid that the .work will be unduly prolonget4 or that it will be terminated in haste and with carelessnesS. Mr. Colange assures them that the execution will be kept up in the pre - - sent deliberate and scientific manner to the end, and that the few numbers which may be necessary beyond the contemplated-250-will-be -given without charge by the Publisher. We also receive the Gardener's Monthly, an .instructive: number for 'September: 23 North Sixth street, Philadelphia. ' THE lAILY . EVENTI,III BTILLETINPIIILADELPIELIA,4II , IDAY, -- ;SEPTE t ,ftE11,46,- 1869. s i lo ityd,ther aviever a case that appealed.more 'Sfropg,l4tp ;charitable. TAlf.f_Attierale,)l47lc. ,bleen'oili . till day. 0 , ,-..1 , 4,.,574 , 4_0_,11., .Pa.) Sept. .o. , gi b ...q c Aft:s6 ;.ziatect:AvYghnnease to reguest4c iNeighbor- -trod li ihat*ay wish to relieve, tbA ,'. :;, - ~ ows and : , orpytuasakA...vondale, to iminediiit9l., : spell : nteadnitii ' Si, they may thiqW,b6:l6,ci)ll6ct funds • foy_that object, and foil • .;same as soon as possible to W. S. Wi1564 4 4 , iik Na tional Bank 'of Plymouth;; Colonel H. B. Wright, 'iir"Thiiniaa"P:lrtiiit;'Willieibarre ; Theodore Spring, National Bank,of,Bittston ; W. W. Winton, National Bank - o'f 'Scranton ; George Wray, Scranton, or George .11 . . Stuart, Philadelphia. , One liundrcdpipliana and sixty Widows• need aid,. , -s., k' _' f 1 \ T. P. Hu - wr; Secretary. THE RAWLI T NS OBSEQIIIIES-411044VR- The following. was the sermon of. Rev. Mr. WilsOn ' 'delivered attire' funeral ceremonies of Secretaryßawlins;'Vesterday. The test was r "The righteous perish,, and nO man layeth it, 'to heart; the Mercifol Mail is taken away from arnongthe children of Men."' , Such wasthe Melancholy ,declaration of an ancient prophet in the evil times in which he lived. But I thank God the, times in which we live are better, and that no truly great or good man can die in this wide-eXtendedcountry of ' ont_proforind eri Irekiion's 6f re_ t. +lf wisdom,_ t seience, or 'the. tender oif ces o friendship could have stayed' the hand of Death, and prevented this crushing bloiv from falling upon the bereaved • and afflicted family, they would not •be ''here °:';to-da y we-Avould not be called upon to grieve for John A.; Rawlins, late Secretary of War 'of these United States. truly, God called him,and he 'must obey. Thank. God, he was not unpre pared for this call. Onlast Sabbath afternoon, about o'Clock, I was called to his bedside and found him in a dying condition: I conversed' :with him as to the interest of his precious soul, mad as :I addressed him I said, "Lean upon our Lord and Saviour jespi. Christ." He assured me that he had been - earli instructed , in re ligion among the. Methodist people, and: that, he had .not lost his early impressions. He ,requested to be baptized. I said, "Mr. Secretary, • I will not Put the '.:usual_ questions used at baptism, on account', of your weak condition, but, will embody them all i one. "Do you believe in God, the Father A mighty, maker of heaven and earth, and ' `Jesus Christ,—His only-begotten- Son,-our -Sar viour ?" With singular emphasis he said, "I do:" I then baptized him in the name of th Father and of the Son and of the Holy Giros We knelt in prayer and he seemed to he very near to God. -1 left him very calm,• and up°, my return, about six o'clock, I said, "General at my former visit, I omitted to administer the Sacrament of our Lord's Supper I will now do so, as it wil strengthen your faith." After some farther remarks Gen. Howard's name was mentioned and the Secretary requested that, he be sent for -to commune with ; us.- As he could-not be found in time, we communed together, an that cornmirnion I shall never, never forget We seemed to be on the confines, of heaven and truly feeding on Christ. On the following morning I saw that, he was sinking rapidly, and I said to him, "My dear friend, trust Jesus is With,, you." He, whispered, "Yes.' After some conversation we again 'melt in prayer. He seemed to be panting for breat, but united fervently in the supplication. I took his hand and said, "Dear brother, fear not; God will take care of you and'yours. He pressed my hand,fervently, and I then too leave of him to meet no more on earth, but I trust to meet him in the skies. I have been thus minute in giving our conversations,becau • I thought the simple recital of them would ha press the heart of these great men around • more than any.eulogy, of mine. Had I the time or ability to speak of Secretary Rawlins as he deserves, I would gladly do so. H was a noble man, and his habits, d* position •and feelings were such as must, command our admiration. Is it at 1 surprising that from the President of the United States to the 'drummer -boy in the army, all men to-day rise up to honor his name? He had sounded to its• utmost: depths that word "fidelity," and it is utterly impossible for me to go to excess in eulogizing, the moral qualities of thia man. Few men ca 4 bear the test of long and intimate association';; but our friend here was= one Of _that' few. , He was, a con queror of hearts. He commanded the respect of his fellow-merlin:every sphere of life. "There is a °aim for ' those who weep A. rest for weary pilgrims found ; And while the mouldering ashes sleep, Low in the ground. "The sun is but a spark of fire A transient meteor in the sky, The soul, immortal as its sire, Shall never. die." He rests to-day, and I doubt not he is with his Creator and - his occasion to pass without some admonitory re , olArlite,tiboo-,ATAII I IId.,--13§-7319117:-. - : coming to us all when the concentrated wisdom and, power of - OSAth cannot - StaythCliand Death. Remember, that time must come to each one of us. May we meet it with the calm ' ness, wisdom and triumphant hope that our brother met it. I leave you, my friends, and the widow,of our ,ileparted brother, to the con solation of our faith in God. • I leave you to the careotthat ,Ciear Jesus. May He give us -111s-blessing r and-save us all. pHILA.DELPWA , . , TYPE 'FOUNDRY PRINTERS' FURNISHING WAREHOUSE, Raab'Med 1941. • Thq subscriber, having'greaNy 'increased facilities for manufacturing calls ' particular attention to his New Series of Classic Faces of Book and Newspaper Types, which will compare favorably with. those of any other , Founder. Ills practical 'experience in all branches up pertaining-4o the Manufacture of Type, and the fact of constant Personal Supervision of each department of his bnsinees, is the best guarantee offered to the Printer of finished.and durable artiele. Everything mecessary in a complete Printing Es tablishment furnished at the shortest notice. , B . EGENELI, POTTEII,SiddVALL --- puzBB, MANUFAcTUREES , „ , . . : Sole Agents for this City of D. WADE 4 CO.'S UNRIVALED INNS flii t e g ilig 411 1 0 ,° I° a saving of la°°°Y.- • . L. PELOUZID li , t W. corner of THIRD and. CHESTNUT Streets, m 31-m • • f tf • . Philadel . Established 1795. A. :S;. , IIOI3INSON • FRENCH PLATE LOOKING GLASSES, Beautiful Chromos, ENGRAVINGS AND PAINTINGS, manufacturer ; 0 . 1111 kinds of . Looki.*::(affo; Nita** & PictureFrames e 910 01-IF , § I I''NIIT OTREE*, .. • _ Door above the Continental, r • PHILADELPHIA. (lAN GII3GER, NJ Preserved airtger, ir. syrup of the celebrated Ohy bong brand; also, Pry Preserved Ginger, In boxes, Im ported and for sale by JOB, B, Val syEn & co s , los death Delaware SYlll3ll4tr "The soul of origin divine, God's glorious Image freed from clay,. in heaven's et q rial sphere shall shine, A star of day. TYPE FOUNDRY. AGUNT FOR TAYLO4. G0192,0N, `TRE FINE ARTS. FURIVITU Az. ar,c. It r' 3 - 1 - $ 4 f .4,14 Ifir ViT 0 0k w , 1 ( 1 q., : • Pt.l 'LI 'V , 1 ~ 1 .",-.', , • Ty Vr M 11'17 '12:1 ''''' N, , ' '`VA4-biINI , V , T 'itivf.A.lc a • ''' ilt • , 1301 and 1303 4 DHEST'NLIT STREET.' ~,,.., • • - ': q ....; .4 ' l . 41;,. ES,WAISILISWEII-11041. ' . i '' ? 3 3,i'1l ..I‘..‘, Y ,'lr.,!f , ' . ,• '.. .• 1 Good, Furniture at the Iciweet`pOselble • apiairk • •' ' „is i m ''FURNITURE ' " • 'l3lO 'CHESTNUT. STHEIET::..', I Having just torleted the finest lot of Viiiialtrire ever 'produced in' tble c will receive 'orders for the same, during the gienth o eptenlber , , . AT PRIfiES, !TEAT. WILY OFFER INDIjCEMENTEI The desig.ns are pew, . and elegant. The worlunansldn and materiala are of thebighest. order. —l-in-vitc4he attentiono fth suntictintirsibrnishing to call and examine tthei Stook , of Furniture, and , themselves of thu Above facts. . . , JOHN ISIWERTEXAGFOITIMS, rkv. WHITE PRESERVING'BRANDY Pure Cider and White Wine Vinegar. Green Ginger; Mustard Seed, Spices, dce. All the requisites for Preserving and Pickling ' - Purposes. • ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER IR FINE GROCERIES, Corner Eleventh and 'Vine Streets. WHITE BRANDY FOR PRESERVING. —A cboied articlo just -received and for sale at COUSTY'S- -East ,End—Grocery, No.l. YB _South .._second 'greet, below Chestnut street.. . NEW GREEN , GINGER.-400 POUNDS of. choice Green Gingei in ,store and for sale at ()GUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. 118 South Second street. below Chestnut street. • , "" -- . SOUPS.—TOMATO, U P S.—T /11 ./12 TO, EEA, MOCK Turtle and dullien Soups of Boston ,Club Manufac• tore one of the' finest articles* for pic-nice and sailing parties. For sale at COUSTY'S East. End Grocery, No, ils South Second street, below Gliestuut street. . . N KW MESS SHAD AND SPICED Salmon, Tongues and Sounds, in prime order, just received and for sale at COUSTY - S East' End Grocery No. CS South Second street. beta* Cliestnutstreet. - - P ITRE SPICES, GROUND AND WHOLE ---Pure English Mustard . bv_•.the_pound "—Choice White Wine and Crab Apple Vinegar for pickling in store, and for salo COUSTI'S East End Grocery; No. 118 S-ath Second street. below Chestnut street. MAULE, BROTHER & CO., 2500 South St'reet. 1869. PA PAiT i gN PIKE:. S. 1869. Ch SELECTION MICHIGAN CORE PINE FOR PATTERNS. AHD 1869.911 MA" " HEML va".1869. • LARGE STOCK. 1869FLAWitt FLOORING. 1869 * CAROLINA FLOORN4 . 6 VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELAWARE FLOORING' ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING. 1869."M1DD1 ff:E7PoliiT. '1869. • RAM PLANK. BAIL P ANN. 1869„WALNITI . PaleD 8 ANDIB69 WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK, •, • • • 'WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANK. • • •• ,' ABSONTED • . _ NOR ~, UALITNET MAKERS, , , . , - • • , BUILDERS, &O. UNDERTAKERS' 1869 1869 - IIIIDERTISCEBNPiIIMBER, WALNUT 1869 SEASONED POPLAR. 1869 . SEASONE A UDERRY. _ . WHITE OAK PIM AND BOARDS. 11.869; C A ROLINA, SCANTLING. . . NORWAY SCANTLING.. ' • 1869. CEDAR SHINGLES.' CEDAR SHINGLES. CYPRESS SHINGLES: ~ 1869. . , LARGEOR SALE ASSORT LOWMENT, F, 1869. "rt.TEETLig4H . 1869. LATII. DLIILUGE BROTHER & • • 2500 SOUTH BTRENT. Lumber tinder Cover ALWAYS DRY. I ,—Walnot,_Whito _Yello_w Pine, Elpnice, Hemlock, Ililllogletrottr.valwaya - mrhund'atiocrrateez--- -924 Richmond Street; Eighteenth Ward. Kohn-IA, THOMAS & POHL, LUMBER MER chants, No. 1011 8. Fourth • street. At their yard will beffound Walnut, Ash, Poplar, Cherry, Pine, Hem lock, &c., &c., at reasonable prices. Give them a call. MARTIN THOMAS, ELIAS POHL. mhl7,6lri" Y ELLOW PINE LIIMBER.---ORDERB -J. -lei-cargoes of-every description-Sawed-Lumber exe-- outed ht ehort none: .virility subject to inspection. Ap , ly to EDW. 11. RO EL 16 South Wharves. fee CAPE ISLANI), N. J. 'A first-class RESTAURANT. a la carte, will be opened by ADOLPH PROSKAITER, of 222 S. THIRD 'Street, Philadelphia, on the 711 i of Juno, under the name and title of TLIAISON TiORDE, at the corner of wesa ixoToN and JACKSON Sta.; known as Hart's Cottage. ' grir Families will be supplied at the Cottage. Lodging Rooms by Day or Week to Rent. jeSO tf • MERRICK Br. BONS, ' SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, WASHINGTON Avenue, Philadelphia, MANUFACTURE STEAM ENGINES-High and Low Pressurealorizon• tal, Vertical, Beam, Oscillating; Blast and Cornish Pun t ing ' BOIL Rb-Cy linder',' Flue, Tubular, &c. IMAM lIKMMERS-- . ..Nasmyth and Davy styles; and ail sizes. CASTINGS-Loam, Dry and 'Green Sand; Braes, dar. ROOFS-Iron Frames, for covering with Slate or Iron. TANKS- Of Cast or Wrought Iron,for relineriesovater, . oil, &a. GAS-MACHINERY-rSuch as .Rotorts,'Berich Dastings Holders .and Frames, Purifiers, Cohe and (Marcos Barrow , Valves, 'Governors, &a.. SUGAR MACHINERY-Such as. Vacuum Pane and pumps, Defecators,, Bone Black Filters, Burners, AvasEers and Elevators, Bag Filters, Sugar and Bone BlacloCars,,&c. • Bole nianufactareis 'of the following specialties: ' In Philadelphia and vicinity,of William Wright's Patent ' , Variable Cut-off Steam Engine. • . In the United States, of Weston's Patent Self-center ing and Self-balancing Centrifugal Stigar-drainingtla chine. Glass & Barton's improvement on A.spinwell (iWoOPey's Centrifugal. Bartol's Patent Wrought-Iron Retort Lid. Strahari's.Drill Grinding jteNt. . , Contractors for the deeign,;o;oction and fitting up of Be. finerie. far work ng Sugar.or Molasses. , CAMPBELL CcoPPEL VgIALOW 117,TATA Sheathing,Btazierse copper Nails; HMS and. Tigge4 Oop_ner, constantly_ on band and for sale by HENRY wmfialt & 932 South -Wharves., DOD G ER S' • AND WO6TiNEEOLM'S POCEET ENVIES,. PEARL and' STAG HAN LES of beautiful ilnieh• RODGERS' and WADE Si UTOMER.II,Iind. the CEI,EBRATEP Lppourarra. RAZOR'. SoIsSODE IN ' OASES of the finest Quality- Razors, Ikabies INSTRUMENTSe Cry, ground and pollehed. .EA,E. of the most approved conetructiop toaselet tho hearing, at, I'. MADEIRA'S, Ontler and Id &gin! Instrument maker, I/5 Tenth etroet, below Chestnut. myl-ti SUMMER RESORTS.' CUTLERY. S 0 i • . ..,,,, , '` . l 1 0 ,11tIJG1131( '' • *__v DE , I '' - ` ir . --- VS NO 7 •A 1 ,.. ; ;;c. 1). , v ,, - ,-..- . G M k:N7 1N.D03 0 s, ...., 4 ,,,,,, No. 1415 i, c 11,,,, Strgli! t. 1 117$ '.4Y, ARD CLARENCE'EM - 1• ': .311 L Print pal; 1. This School offers superama vantages to those pro fit paring tor business. Theitooo 'Who common English ranches, including mattainnatie g very tborotuth and complete. Special instructOrtri rench, Drasving, Pen - 2. Those looking to College receive a moat thorough preparatery training. 3. Special Features—An unsurpassed locality, large and well ventilated rooms, a secluded play-ground, a first-class Primary Department. Next Session begins September 13. Circulars at 1226 Cheetnut street. au23:lmil T 0 PRINCIPALS OF A gentlannu of till xears' experience ,in tenehbot *toles in engage cfnceen nillookAceePing emit - rennin-: S phi.p. lips nindeo specialti , ofi t beim trundles; iintr:. cloy inrnielt tbe;bigbost referenced,. ddrOss- ~, •: : .. . ~' • 00 / 50 .' . . 1 .4 .11,g;7 en e VrAnkfin,inktitnie . .. ` :1101RIVATE TUITION', A ierAFrFAX, , p — A,VIN -IL and 31dtheindtice prepardto;y to any coLlegqi given by en experienced, inetrnctor,. 'Addrees, 6 .1). 8.". x. L.," 'lt VLLY.TIN UPUdd.r. ' . 4 > 0 - - "''-- "' .- ' - -., '' 4 .144184 V, ' M 4 8 . 8 •A -T-4. 11ORDEN',3!SVHOOL FOR GIRLS and Boys', NO.262dTind ' Street, - mill reopen Bev-, tember -t • ; tt;, ,•• ; ' • . • , • •so ibet • teelith Annual tlidesionll4o-70: ' "• " • • The SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL,; tor the general student' of Mathematipa, Eztpertmental Science and • Natural , History, begins TULSDAY, September The TECUNICAIPSCHPOLS for Andante of Civil Mining , and Mechanical '.Engineering, - Analytical and Industrial ,Chenaistry,• Metallurgy and Architecture, 'begins TUESDAY, EePtember 21. Apply at the College Market a,,,,,t- r above , Serenteenth, •, • • t ALERIID;Iit :KENNEDY, M.D.i ' Beet-t 1 45 - • rreisident of Fotulty, • MARY M: TR .W UAN ILL RE-OPEN her School, No. 142 North Seventh' etreet, , on the Isth of,Ninth month (September). • se.3 lta" -CITHARINE , M. 811IPLEY WILL RE vv her School, No. 4 South .BLEBRIOK atioet, on Secopd-aay 9th tuonth,( Suptomber) 13t h i 1869. , op link_ ICATETT,P_ENN SQUARE. SEMINARY VV for Young Ladies, No. 5 South'Merrick street, Onto Afro. M. S. Mitchell's). The Fall term of this School will begin On WEDNESDAY, Septonilier 2M, Mimi ACMESIRWIN , Principal. eo9 tarn, MISS OLEVELAN. D . DESIRES TO ; notte° that she will open; olOMONDAY,Sep tember 2t)th at 2023 De Lancet klace, , a school; for the education of a limited narrater of young ladies. Circulars May be had on application' at' 243 Soilh Eighth Street; between the hours +AO and 2. see-tf§ - : IL, HOUSE Select home Boarding School for Boil. Assieted by; a graduate of Trinity.tiniversity,ra gentlemairof attain ment and experience, and Sided by other teachersNßS. CRAW F_ORD will be prepared to receive her pupils on NVEDNESLI,iY, - 15th September. - Ury can be reached 'by Sixth street ears and dummies via r raukford. For terms and circulars apply to the Proxcirm., Ury Tionse, Fox Chase^P. 0., Twenty-third Ward, Phila. • • • sel lmo§. UN iVERSITY ,O,F PENNSYLVANIA,`. (Faculty of Arts-, The firict term of the College year will open on WED NESDAY, September 15th, at 10 o'clock, Applicants for admission will apply for examination at half-past 10. St udente maY pursno either the course of studies for the DEGREE OF - BACHELOR OE.' ARTS or the course for the DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE, in which the Ancient; Languages, are not studied, but additional time is given to' the llathennities and the Modern Lan-. amigos, ar they may pursue such separate studies as they desire, anti-which the facility may approve. Fees for either of the full courses, Minn-Jive, dollars a. term, payable in advance, au3l tseiS FRANCIS A.; JACKSON, Secretary. ANA KAIGHN'S SCHOOL .FOR Young Ladies, No. 28.19 Green otrpot, re-opens 9 me., 13, 181;9. auri•lor ritEORGE R. BARKER, A. 3L, WILL RE 'fl open Ids 'Englial, and Clailical SObool, Price street, Germantown, on Monday, September 6th', 1569. • anl9-Imi WRENCH LANGUAGE.—PIWYESSOR J. MAROTEAU has remove{ to No. Zal South Ninth street: • - ttn26lm* ISS M. Kt ASH BURNER WILL ILE open her School WEDNESDAY. September 8,. W 17 corner Fifteenth and Pine. • ardS /PH - (MAE; BALDWIN'S ENGLISII,OL AS- L eical and Mathematical School .for Dore, northeaet comer of Broad and Arch streets, will re-open Septem ber Bth. au2l,lm, fiff P. IBBONS'S SCHOOL (NORTH Itl., 'We oPOrange street, second gate below - Eighth) It opensh month 6th. , au23l9t* COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, S. W. CORNER goad and Walnut ertreets. baiting Sua tember 6tb - Lan.23-411 BE GINALD H. CHASE A. M c i ' HENRY W. SCOTT, A. IC ( Da TFIFTEENTII ACADEMIC YEAR J. of the Spring Garden Academy, N. E. corner Eighth and Buttonwood streets, begins MONDAY, Sept fith. Boys and Young Men prepared for business or college. J. P. 81RC11,,A.31„,_ CRAB. A. 'WALTERS. Alf.. aualm§ Principals. AS IBS CARR'S SELECT BOARDING 13r1. and Day School for Young Ladies. " " '" EILDON SEMINARY, opposite the York Road Sta tion, North Pennsylvania Railroad. seven miles from Philadelphia, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, Sept. Dith. Circulars obtained at the office •of Jay. Cooke & Co., Bankers, 11413. Third street or by addressing the Princi pal, Shoeturikertown P. 0., Montgomery oo• 'Padua/ lm. HE BEST PROVIDED SCHOOL RAF T AMERICA.—TIIE KINNTIFIC AND CLASS'. UAL INSTI P TUTE—a Sehonl;foriluya and Ynnait Uen —Verner. , oplar und Seventeenth atreete; re.upens 'AlONDA.Y,SepteraberGth.. , J. ENNIS, A.M.. - Principal. 6EII 31 AN TOWN. SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES. Green street, south 'of Walnut Lane, mill re,opeu September 8.• For circulars contain ing full inlorination, apply toyrof. W. S. FOUTESOU,E, A. M., PrinCipar. ang2itf§ i\XD.ELLUSIA COLLEGE. I i • 1 Re-Opena September lath; 1669. i It.l3lAltY. AND ACADEMIC.; 'DEPAR'LIMENTS. A Home Boarding School for BOA. ' • Charges—s23o to 8300 per year. -Addrees—atv. DR. Wx.rze. Andalusia, Pa. min Ira" rIRIENDS I 8(.311.00148; COR.OF FQURTEE and Preen streets (entrance on Fourth street), will reopen on the And Second -day, in the. N •th month. September a), 18139. • , These schools hate large and well-vent(' , rooms, and are under the care of experienced teach . For further Information apply at the sc . to Sarah S. Long Principal of Grammar rp, .01; Rebecca T. ••Ruckman, Principal •yl 'Secondary School; Abbie T. Lippincott, Principal of Primary School; or to SPencer - RobertsT42l - N7Stith - stree Beulah A. Allen, 721 Green street anl9-Im§ YIB_Ti.titiSULLMARECETELD'S SCHOOL 7, — lird'Altr lidaStilifro - el, - 11arklit'Sqtyrir t :Uortymntown; will open Wednesday, sent 16th ioe9: For farther in- REFERENCY.II.—Itev. A.. P. Peabody, D. P., Harvard University.. Ralph Waldo Emerson, ES Q., Concord, Mass. , Oliver Wendell Holmes, 31: D., Boston. Samuel B o wled, Esq., Springfield, Iltass. E. It. Hoar, Attorney- General, Waehington. William' Dorsey, Germantown. Rev. Silas Barringtiin , Germantown. anl9 Imo` IVMYLS S LAIRD'S . SEMINARY FOR oun: 323 Mirth 'Saimaa' street, ' 1.1 'SDAY , • : will MISS. STOKES' SCHOOL 4BO7 MAIN elreot, Gormantown, will rti-openMONDAY;Selp tembee.l3th. • null lm 14ME. E. SERON WILL RE-OPEN ON the lath of September, a Select'Prench and English School fOr boys under 12, at her Residence, No. .14.36 South Penn Square. Terms—Per sessionof fire months (including Latin) e4O. anti Imo 1t4153 BONNEY AND. - MISS DILLAY.E .i.v.kwin reopen their boarding and day school (twen tieth year), September 15, at 1616 Oheetnut street. Par ticulars from circulars. auld to ootl TISSE HE S WILSON WILL RE-OPEN A. their School for - Young Ladtes,6ooo Green street, Germantown, September Nth, 1859. , ma° to solo* THE LEHIGH UNIVERSITY, 80IITH BETHLEHEM, PA. ' Tenn oPene on September lat. For admission to the 0 asses or Special Schools. allthr to COPPEE, LL.B., atal-Im§ President. CLASSICAL L MATHEMATICAL AND ENGLISH. *sunooL; at • M 2 Market 'etrebt, re- , opens Ideptember 9th. items large.. eel . . WAL 13, • 'OOOLT4Y, A. M." CEN*AL INSTITIITEG' NORTHWEST . cornerTeritlei and Spring garden'' stroke,' will re open MONDAY, September 6th. Boys prepared for College or.Dusiness. Itesidenco . of. Prittelpal,Plortll Tenth et. M. G. MeGUIRML A., M, Prin.' - a — u243ot§' — J. - .W. - 81.10BMAKER,Nleo Pri; MIS . S A.ARROW ~141:1;14.R8.'WELIp§, IlL(Formerly of No.'l6o7Peplarstieet), Will open their Boarding and Dar Schad for Girls, on the first Monday, in October , at•No: 5254 cIERMAN TO WN, avenue, Gerinahtown, , Untit October lt, direct to No. 744' ~ North NINO TBENTII Street . '• aulo.3m§ THE MISSES CAPALAN'S BOAIRDINEk lI and bay School lot: Yount; , ttalea will re:ooii September 13th, 1869. For Oireuntra,! addrese the Prin cipals, llollneabura,'Twcany - thircl Ward., Philadelphia, or they can be, obtained atiltr. TRl,Tigrinws.musio Store. Cbeatnnt area. Ftdlada. , iv i v gm* • _ • • ST. JOSEPH'S 13OLLEGE, WILLING'S to Alloy; resumes ;he dntieq of its claseeo on MONDAY,. Septembnr 6t1?., "Terquij 4915 and el(' pop qqarter. , • • au.9l-12t* ' • ' P.' J. BLENXINSOP: S: rriE ARCH STREET INS 4 • Y0ung,14444114m4 ISO Arch, strcot, will re , oPen 1 , 11)AY1 114 aptember 20th. A pplr from 9t012 A, pt. '4u94:1-2m§ 'MISS L. M. BROWN Prtficital, RPRING,'6. 1)EIq " YOUNG ' ADIES' , • Reopened ,Septerdper )3. ' GILBERT',COMRS, A. 311,T.rincipal , , • , • OB and en Marshall dtreet. • - IBAROWS'S SUIOOL rug. BUYS, A: in • tho'CITY INSTITTIT.E., Glioetnut ah Eighteenth, will re , open IdOIWAI , Sept. 13. 'iku2 31T3 . . Tr-, -k.....-i' fat JanA.4oo,B . r; ,...,. 4. - .I, ' !,.. - ;41,1,AgicA - se N-e JO AND COMMERCIAL ; A If4. IEAP '. 1:" my. . , i; , ,:, , k's7.t, . r It, BOX Ii ift `YOUNG MEN. i r ~„ ''''''A .. ' 'Malt DINGS. „.e. 41.4. Entrunctx, SoutlitENTll Street. This Schoolpresenti4hefollchr Mg advantages Fine venti lated classitircioMil. with ceilings thirty feet in hotght, giving each pupil more than double the usual breathing space. , . -WhifklneellvedilelPfaYS,..rendering• accidents. itrago'."'" ie rabling and dism toting almost imPeseible. ' • A corps of teachers every one of ,)vhom hair ; had y , 0r t 4„, , , ~, of experience in the •artAlli/Pilrgtg Itneviledgq' Oa a#.. Making study intereating. and, consequently, protitalif . A mode of teaching and discipline calculated to make school attracth.e; 3rintead of litirdObsOtno -to tho pupil-- an indispensable r7ultsltof or complete success..., ~ . . , ... A p_pheationatecd ved akthe Anata.M.y frozu•MVA.; MT (,' toe.P. M., daily. o and atter. AllJOtnaariti: , '•-•,, •,'", '," ••' Catalogues. containing Pall particulars and the names • -, of many of ottvleildinrcititenectuttrens of thelnadttp,, •-•:. ,•,..,, tion, inay.he obtained...eV - Mr, A l it. Warburtcm's. 4.30, , ~., ~, qeatnutistidetipyltddressiAso 0, PrippipalsasaboYe:/ , ', ‘ ~,". i. i, • e., -' 4 V . %•ii.,r , ..-LAMMIRBACu, ,, .-,., 1.. . Lao Principal of the liorthweitt Public Grammar School. nuti..lni .. PRIVATE QCIIOO.IO.N.E3LOVILL. , , Q.. will iimlnno of 'her 5C11;64 oti MONDAY,. nth. instant, ut , No. 1224 Chestnut street:._ - - - RASP ' it;EN N. J . INVAXV. - :: - 33EIVILN.ARelt:; , ,-, 6:l4tevens and Mies. Blary W. Stevens mill open a school for young Indlen pudiclilldren., September, 15th, et No. 25 North Juniper street. three doors be low Filbert street, end directly opposite East Penn Square. se9 6rl JF , tOA.V.D AND TIII itE LLY: Jetsey, - f(IHE'PHILADELPHIA - SCHOOL OP D'oslgn , fot Womeni.Northwe4t Penn' , Kitipre; will _ ..,.....- „... _ iiiii tSITsgES Rr BEG On Y WILL ICE .I. open their Schaal fo r . Young ladles, No. 390 La. cunt w i r ec.i, on MONDAY, ttpt. 13th. ,.. r-ti4,--Hotit. , 110 F. F. A. VAN DER iIrfELEN'S EUItOI'EAII 8011.00 h OF ART, At 1334 CIIESTNUT street, Philadelphia... This Institution, modeled upon the most cele brated Academies of Europe, will reopen September d, Ide).' Ito Instructions are not limited to Artists exclusivelY, but are also carefully adsptt4 to .the wants of teachers, and all others who datirs proficiency in Art Ai an acCom plislsent Admission may be had at the beginning of any month. Circulars on application, • au244u $- - 0 itT - 11 if:FTS - T — lfiirii T tlite, Toil. Young Ladies, will commence its Third Session NDAY, September UM. DIV. Applications can be mode at the School, No. 1339 Thompson street on (nal after Sept. lat,_ between the hours ,f 1# and JT. Principals-lliss E. (!, SNY DER,' Miss. A. ALBERT SON, Bliss E. A. IVENS. su3l-llt 4 D , R, GITILLEALET, FRENCH T EA CHER, =7 South Ninth stre. , r. n 02.1 Ina. H E CLASSICAL AND T School of 11. D. OREGOILY, A. M., NO: 1103 Mar- ! het street, Will reopen on ItIONDAY, Sept. 6. att2s-11n* THE MISSES ~M.011DI:CAI WILL: RE. -oe-their-Day-SchOol-forottna NES ptember Zkl,nt 110.5 Spruce et. atr3l-lia" G Se „ AIIBS R-IrFiTTS WILL - I{E-t/PEN her cchool. SEYTEMBEII. 13th, la rho tipper . roomer of the school Building of the Church, •Ch tent and Fifteenth streets. F,ntrance. upper the on •f;hwwt nutstreet.h Applications received at 1121 plrard au2Stocl • . , . , UT3I. FEWSMITH'S CLASSICAL AND Itlatheninthical School:1001r' tlllestnht strest. Pupils thoroughly /Med for. College or busine.A our. stilts. ~ The' Fall flee el on will commence on MONDAY. Septem ber lath. . . _ (au4rllie Circular; given. or sent to address. on application: ~ FE3IA_ COLLEGE, _. _ .._ ..,.. . . LE BORDENTOWN, . N. J.—This Institution. no long and so favorably nown; continuos to tarnish the best oarieettlonal sultan tagee, in connection w th. a pleasant, Christian home, Catalogues, with terms, rte.; furnished *on application; College opens September 16th. jylt-gm'j JOHN H. lILAKELEY. Preehlent. __ . P " W:3118H AND CLASSICAL Academy,VB(estnut etreet. 01LV3.% fAS TEN,l4lncipa 62 MPBS - JULIA O O DIsELL9W'S School for Little Girls, MI Clinton street. will he ripened September Ibth.. settrci.w,f-dt* rillEG E ARAY INSTITUTE, PEN 011 ljand English ;for young bullet. and misses boarding and day pupils= and ifaSliprucest.. reropen on bIONDAY. - September 'French la the language ofthelarolly, and is constantly spoken in the Insulate N D ADABIA 'HEILVILLY. Principal. j 712 set w f nllk3f3 ' • ANABLES' BOARDING 'AIND JAL Day ...School, T'Abbotsford . I,olstlteatt corner ouuroad awl, Pine stroe . o, will ro-ppen on WED, NESDAT.soptembor I/S.X$4, YIBS AERTBEN AND MISS STEVENS will reopen their Bonding_ and :Day School for , ung Ladies, No. Vi TVIREIIOOIC.E.N street, Or mantown. • • - en2o-tr The. School year bedew Sopteniber 9th. • MISTSI3I3I`FUM A:ND , MISS' WATSON ./31. will reopen their French and En t g o liqh Boarding and Day School for Young badiea, 1499 CBS'? etreet, on WEDNESDAY. , tleptember atr9to wl2to GERMAj . NTOWN - A.CADEbt Y.--ESTAB- Uthed Clapnicel and Scientific School for Bops. Boarding and day&mien be. gine MONDAY, glept, 0.11, For Circulars. apply to , C. Y. BlAib, A. Lt., riuttp.ti. GEIMANTOWN, not wf nt H A N,D ENGLISH,DAY- X School. No, l7ll,Plne street.' 31iss BYILNES will . resiime . duties on tient. fifth. For cireulars, apply at Mrs. 11.1 i 3111a0ii, TAlo.ll..ftti'S Store,: Lt; street. • . . Auif4-tv.f.mlot." rouNti= - .SfENI3 - 43:1CD 7 BOTS ! - ENGLISH, _IL Classical, (Ommercial and Selentific. Institute,. VAS Mt. Vernon street. .Thia successful school enters its fifth year. September 6th. Preparation for business or College, - . PLlAiterar.7llQtY be .-urolled. PreparatOry de prlti)ent for small boys. ' • ' Rev. JAS. G. STUN.% .1. au26 lm: , . GXkirricgivs • • NATIONAL VONSENVATOIIY • 't ill be opened at the 8. E...corner of TENTH. and WAL NUT Stri•rts.on the 4th of .ootober.. AppllcatiOns regis tered on the premises and at BONEN 8 3lusic, Store, int/ Chestnut street. Early application will secure choice of tittles for instrnotiont No connection with any other institution. ~ . - :geld Z.` DROP ZERDARILYI, A COIII4TRY:' .1 • Di Ali friend and pupil of -Lintz, will give. Lessons bore this winter upon the Piano.' . • Engagements can bo made for two weelin t at 2010 G reen street. - • • eele•at" 812 ARCH STREET, • SECOND STORY FRONT. The Undersigned haying secured the above Central in the rudiments. of. Singing, .4 ocalization, Glee Milli -- .lllhartgstßingingi--IFtilivarticultirsittn few clayri...— vate lessons as usual: . ' • A. R. TAYLOR, 1907 Filbert street. MR. CIIARLES.II. JARVIS WILL RE-. sumo the duties of his profession MONDAY, Sep tember 13th, 1669. ' Residence : No. 131 North Nineteenth, street, above Arch. ' set .71§ Y1(01PBSSOlt zerroßE; WILL. restimeldslillifeng lessoturon the-16th at No. 1006 Chestnut street, third-story, front roorn,from Circulars can ho obtained in all music stores. set 12t' 'LLE.:MINA. DE BOYE, TEACHER DI_ of Piano and Singing. Residence, No. Zad Tenth street. above Spruce street. sea-f cu ty,l2tA, INGINO LESSONS BY A. B. TAYLOR ' 1271 Filbert otroet—September 6th, Homo 7 to> 16? A. H., 2to 6 and 7toB P. M., from Sapt..let. au2B-12t*, 10PALL.AD SINGrINGe- , -MR. T. BISAOP . 4J-will resume bush:teas October tilt, .93 South Nino-. teenth street. aualm* Q,IG. P. RONDINRTAA, TEAL ER Or; • AA77 Sint_ Private lesisone and classes. Residence aeL , au2s-tf6- -FFICJiI CHTPIF QUA.R.TERHASTER'„ 1A TH1111) DISTRICT, DBPADTIII.EIiT OF Tina ' . • Puitainst,Patk; September Bth, 1869. Sealed proposals,in duplicate with a copy of this adver tisement attached to each are invited and will bo received. at this until 12 o'clock ,111., SATURDAY, October 9, 1869, for aupplying the Qaartertnaster'S Department at B • altimore, Md.. and Ifort Mcllenry, Md., with the. 101- lewing atnounts of merchantable hard wood, viz.: , • Fort McHenry, Md ; • ' . . ~...800 cords • Baltimore, Md - t ' •'9O 0, 1 The wood for Fort McHenry to be delivered ou' the wharf at the Fort,. corded ,for lospection r ene halt of the • amount to be delivered r uniho completion 'Of the -con tract, thabalance by November 19. - The weed for • Baltimore, Md., to be delivered at such times and , in such places the City 'of - Baltimorp, ‘ ,Mll., • , as the Acting Assistant Quartermaster May direct;.until • , the entire atnotuat is delivered.--Bidders will be required - • to mike a deposit of money (on the day er,epanieg ' bide) with the undersigned, cerrjponding to amount, •i. contract,, as a guarantee that the (or lie , as the case may , 11 execute they (Or his) er, if accepted: MuneY tO bereiuruedilf 'Ma to liet accepted , iNoLtid .. • tortainedthat ortotmade tn accordance with the Over- , ; flameout. Bidders Are -requested to, be. present at, hen, Opening of the bide. , Proposals must benddressed to the , . undersigned, and-endArsed •.'Proposalo for Wectd. , it • ~ • D licatiou can 1311 made to ,the undersigned ipr • lional particulars tattler's OuLY teettire.lßy or , ,„, •, , Brevet NajorLGonitrol Et1.1.1k4.1/10ALLS , , . ,Assistout QfiatormostertOonorul,ll. S. Chief Quartermaster Deportment of tho East. , - • ' HODGES. Brel;_etLiont.-Colonel and Quartermaster lit S. A • . ' Chief Quartermaster Third District, f t ,Department , of Bast. ' , , Se 9 1011 18 14'19 , Eei El ERIE GAB FIXTUREB.-MISKEY; gERIaLL & THAOICAIIA,ItO.7I9'.Oheatnat atreetonatinfao, turers of Gas Ifixturea s , l4amps,..te.; ko., would call the attention of the.publie to thelr-largt+ and elegant assort, reent of Gae Ckaudeliers, Pendants, Praekets, aro.. 'They also introdlice gas' pipes into dwellings and nubile. build lugs, and attend, to extending, altering and repairing gas pipes. All work warranted.. tiUN_, T. li, ace-3t.' * f • - . W . , V. ,44A 1 DWOOD, Principal ~.Uf3~~AL. PROPOSALS.' • ~{U t;'l -4:•Y• IV !•;517•111, •1 4 •• ' • -PIT- , •' ' •:u W... ' 44. -• • • ki• • • • • • • . . • Juta..,,..,,EvANTIVIzutiEBTE IiADELP . - Ttic4414.3869 , , ~.......... - - TELEGRAPIILIC 411111131LARIG f • Frei -POPP oinftwo -W eiii Ji . igne i bi.tonr disturbances have taken plate Madrid, but no lives were lost. TnE Bond and Creswell wings , of the E publieatiplitY:Ofibritrylantildiveit,eil. r _l_„_ PREtODENT GRANT le ft Washington Japt i ,night,,tojoin his family at New Yoty... .t , -..f . -'"- ' Vili itepubifei,iiithte Coiti4iitiisft 24 MIMI sota has nominated Judge Austin for Gov - mr• '-,- - - . k ~ ','- i 'il ' TnE organ and dillin of .ittbilee fame we e ruined by the storm which destroyed the Co scum „.‘ ~ ~. -.. I ~.f. 4 , :i.... ' '-• ' ~,'. i AT THE Navy Department It is denied that rtiTY -- 'ne WSP,biti*:,been, revgfed.4:34o;?4,llegeti Mutiny on. the &bine. . . ... . - -a -i z,TuE - Disanal- Bviantp , s ,onifire,sand ;g ; .y t anifitint - 'Of "stanilhig flintier is -being= de-) • st rayed , 4.1"1,.. li S e IN , LAW/A4NOWF.'OO4/o'llo/44 allaa. O. W. Mor ton, was attested last night, in New York, for an attempt, to sw,indle,Titliipy & Coe, of $170)1i0 yirottleitif Common `, ts' ',! I 1.4 ' 4, _'j f TkE'Cmon Council and Board of Alder men of New York' yesterday tendered the 1,; illaril4d crew the , 11 q0ktalikieS; of the'.;citYgn &heir return. , ~ .. , L -, 1 ..,.. , , ,,, ' , ,-• 2,,.„.i, (,-.,' ... „‘.., ' w hic h. .1. ~,„ " A ltrant,•srEnno; expeuttion ,,,tett IVorcester-Alitsa4MatonditYnight; was driven ashore by , the stoma and their leader tit as r‘p. LORD WALTET: PARK and Lord Paget, on ,Tne.4 alay,?Vitlf. Generale' Stitrgeii',and) Giistar '4; went nn on .a buffalo ,itnnt,„ , ,,neay LT.ays , GitY lititinis:' Each of the . 'noblemen shot tivo• balls 'fnEls. atiOnal 'Union Convention. 'f t Ilfissis sippi adjourned yesterday, after.,completing the ticker.:',Che nominatiorts.were t.. For Secretary or State, Thomas Sinclair esploret! l, A Liditdr, `/C 'W. Wells, Treditirer,', ;1600 ,'.3./ mtioy ; Attorney-f_leneral, R. H . - Lowry; -Superm tendent of Education, Thos. IL Gathnight. 'l'itE. Mississippi yalley - Convention rea,ssent ' bled at Keokuk yesterday. Resolutions were adopted favoring the removal of the National Capital; asking Congress o take m an appropri ation for the holdinr, of, a: Workfp A'air.in the ' Mississippi Valley: tn_lt3ll, and, favoring, free emigration from every quarter. The Commit tee on. Foreign Commerce made a report; with resolutions looking to reciprocal trade with all bationvretluesting that • a full share of the di plomatic appointments be given to the 3lissis sippi Valley, recommending the establishment of an emigration depot it New . Orleans, a re-_ daction of the revenue'onsome articles of Pop ' tdar consumption, and the introduction in Con ' gress of a bill giving subsidies to steamers run ning between New Orleans and foreign ports. ' The Convention, after adopting the report and raoliitions,ndjourrled iirte die,' i 'whist Itccoines of iritings • trroin AU llu, Yiar Round.] What becomes of the'enonnous quantity of objects, natural and artificial, which are &fly, 'weekly, monthly, annually, - and perennially produced and sent forth into, the world? :What becomes- plunge. in 2 inedfas,recr—of all the pictures which our painters paint and exhibit at the metropolitan and provincial ex hibitions. Season after season, year after year? • We sea thentat the. Royal I Amuletay,:atjhe Asyltim - for Rejected Contributions to the Royal Academy, at the Water-Color Gq !Pries, and at ali e ,the•., other art,, exhibition rooms. IVhattecornerbf thetli'all? 'Cif tome of them --the best—we know thefate,, They go Into the hands of Certain collectors im the matturae - Luring districts who luckily have -a taste for art. Of some, others, also, we:'mow the;fate. They hang, up in the studies of our: -friends who painted them. Sometimes,:' again, 'lyecome upon.one utsorne carver's =and gilder's shop. But 'n here are all the rest? Where are 'the views of, 4 1fettws-y-coed." and of ""Loch Co the_prrsduction of which has 'newssita te:d longjotup..eyings and much sitting out un Al er white umbrellas?; Where are the repre ' sentations of "Dead Game," the "ItalittnTeas ants," the "Studies of Heads?" The books, again. what: •become of - them ? These come out in legions season after season, representing, ; , in addition to an enormous amount of labor of different kinds, a con siderable accumulation of actual material of mill board, of cloth, of leather. What becomes of all this matter? What sort of proportion do the number of books that, are sold bear to those Ma'am brought cnit? And againpf thoSe that - .are sold--what becommof-them ? — Those that we see on the shelves' of libraries, or even lying , abottt . upon tablet • , and chiffon . niers, are but a small . percentage of the number continually issuing from the press. What becomes: of the thousand r page novels which appear, in great numbers, in the course of every season? How does it happen that our rooms are not entirely surrounded with full book,shelves, or that -there exists in any apartment, hall or passage, any vacant portion of that space unoccupied by books on which to put things down? • Hundreds of thousands of volumes are cast upon the world every year; and have been since one is afraid to say when; where are they all at this present writing? The' boolzeller;' shops furnish - an account of some, the librarians of others, and some. the ,"- II : rs_anithaletrer-Ineriknow_abOut-;- •but the rest—where are they? In these dap, as in all the da, - preee eg - these'daysTidi - sbetk - or wearing-apparel-beeonie-the-tnedeF-are--worn for a short time by everybody, and , ore then 'by everybody cast, off and „rejected. What is the destiny of ;1)&6, rejected articles? When steel petticoats disappear, what becomes .of them? When the ordinary hat worn by. En glishmen is reduced to a height of from six to -six-and- a-balf- inches, what becomes of the hats seven and eight _inches high,_ of - which - the hatters 3 Shops were fulta few months ago? Where are the IVellington boots, of Which the shoemakers' shops used to display long rows? Where are • the steel chatelaines which ladies used to carry at their girdles? Where" , are the ?thdacca canes of our youth.? ~Even the- foot 4 men have diScarded 'their Useove know; but what has become of them ? They must be soinewhere, in some fem.., Where? And in what foriar? ' ' _.- ; Numbers of people,have entirely bewildered and Stupefied ;themselves in efforts to arrive he , some rational, conclusion on the subject of pins. ' The statistical accounts of:the nu:tubers of pins' turned out, annually at Birmingham and Shef field alone, would lead' one to 'expect that the earth itself would present the appearance of-a vaSt l, -pincnibion. Where Are those' pins ..of: which the yearly fabrication.. is on so vast a scale? Pins are not; conatuned as an article of , diet... Pins do not: - evaporate. Pins must be somewhere:' All the Pins which have been made since civilization set in lutist be_; iii "existence. Some, 'shape - 04 jotbei; wg - otigbe to see nothing, , locik in. what direction we might, but, pips:, This island; not to meddle, with other countries, ought to be knee deep with Pins. Reader, how many:phis ! are imported into your own house the; course of the Year? Do you - ltnOW he- . .comes,of those pins? : • -There Are a few in your wife's pincnshion, andane May oecasiOnally he' :seen gleaming in the housemaid's ; waistband;' but where'are the rest ? Yt is perfectly astmind-, • ing how' seldom' tine" entintirtere ii' pin iron the loose." Now and I 'then, by ' rare chance, as when a carpet is taken up, you natty catch a glimpse of a plitlYing crevice ; but, even' this is an unconunon occurrence, and not to , be counted. You often want a pin, and take, trouble to get a. pin. Where,are , the pins; 'that ought to lie always in Attendance every-, where What can i possibly become of all the steel pens, of wide inyriads are continually turned' loose upon the world? Each individual pen • does not last „rota tong Onto; ' 'Left wiped ae•thei - at,' , eteei 'Peas see tort. e and-so get unfit for trie. -What do do with them? r We take' them out -of thetr holders, replace them with others,_and learn:' the old pens lying about hi the pentrays of mir 'desks, or ' where not. They are awkward, things to get rid of, and mostly lie bboltt,l : 4-' *4.044d Stii! tAte ith r e4lol49 Irf~hh`deh tilt; prickly with steel pens. thought to be, why isn't it ? , • ; From our late etlitione of Yesterday The;Funerat of Secretary linswllnai WASHINOToN, Sept. 9i On arriving at the,Congressional Cemetergo and the remains having- been placed in the , vault, Rev. Mr. Wilson read the burial servienl of ftlaerlget4od4t, ligp4scpyll 1/0141N13;,:rftlie* ' B i ll e 4 r 4oje • pVc i ttittOfpisuepdt . kg?Wid; re- "Sigh not, ye winds, as passing o'er The chambers otthe dead, ye - fly,; - - - - Weep not, ye dews, for these no more Shall ever weep, shall ever sigh, Shall evefweep, shall ever sigh. ..! It „it r4.yfil, 4.; "Why rtiourutnetnntrboing neart at rest? How stikit lies within the breast! Why mourn when death Presents us peace, And in the grave our sorrows cease;, the grave our sorrows cease, Our sorrows cease our sorrows cease."l • I II : I 14• • • •: • W fir • <-1- ,• 0 4- •I < 9.5-z (a n ago. Jnytrs, 'Missouri, Eben C. Ingersoll,. of Illinois; Thomas A- Jenekes, of Rhode Island, and Aaron A. Sp*. geant, of. Colorado, of the House of Repre sentatives, and Senators Cole, of California, and Spencer, of Alabama. Secretary Rawlitia, lif o May last, at, the deed ration of soldiers' graves at Arlington, re . - marked to General Sherman that the requiem was so beautiful he would like, if he should dle, to have it sung over him. The incident was so recent that Getieral Sherman clearly remembered it, and therefore invited the Club to repeat.the cvqcosion A sa lute of three"' VolleyS df ibbsketry I and a salvo of artillery concluded the burial cere- - monies. Vice-Admiral Porter is in Annapolis, and was prevented by a severe attack of neuralgia from being present at the funeral of General Bawling to-iJay..f expected soon to be able to resume bit's auties at the Navy Deyartment President Grant will leave Washington to night, to join.his family at New York. He will be accompanied bybisPrivate Secretary, Gen eral Porter, and Attorney-General Hoar. The last_narned will continue his journey to 3las sachusetts. - 1 : A , 4"iiiiiiAcastihigttm,:' , 4A 4 TREASURY DEPART/WEST, Sept. 9, 1869.—AS a mark of respect to the memory of the Hon. W. P. Fmsendpn, forinerly Secretary of the Treasury, and late Senator of the United States, who r ,died at Portland, Me., on Sept. 8, the Department, already, ,draped in mourning, and the Custom-House 'at Portland, will be closed, and the flags on the Custom Houses and Public works under control of this De partment throughout the• country will be placed at half-mast on Saturday, Sept.ll, the day oh which the' obsequies of the deceased will be solemnized. • sec , ,I r A e6 0 - fir A. el-reao4.. 'rho Soblite Story Aittiii Denied. Wasii NGTON, Sept. tf.—The Navy Depart, merit authorities deny the puhlished report, the substance of which was telegraphed to Washington to-day, that a conspiracy really did occur on the frigate - Sabine. The Department mails since the report of the al leged troubles on that ship have contained nothing froth'the officers relative to such a conspiracy occurring.. • I Special Despatch to the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.] YOliKiSePt.l7.=- I Thetea limns ual citementin the - Ert6 hoard this 'afternoon, in consequence of anladvance b the price of Erie from 85 to CO. The cause of the higher prices is said to De because of the decided determi nation of the Erie managers to register the is sue of the stock as requfred by the regular Stock Exchange. LszE.tte-rTbe..stocir has ,been ,registered at the' , ofilcd,.ofthe= FannerS';', Loan arid Trust CompariY,hin,this-City.. Erie- is . .villed-in the regular Stock Exchange. The present price is M. 'EW Yonx, Sept. 9.—At the first regular board of the Stock Exchange this afternoon the following communication was received and read by the k'resident : T . S.ZEttit TtAimlo..Xl) GOkerkih - ,_ lielviork,-5ent.9„1869.-_To_ the.__President_ of. the .N6O York soek.V.graiitiilleDEAn Sln : In compliance with the request of several of your members, this.company has just registered in the office of the Farmers' Loan and Trust Company common stock representing 570,- 000,000 and preferred stock to the amount of 48,536.900. The earnings of the road during the last seven 'lnentlisi ending' .Sept. lst, not including the receipts Of the Atlantic and Great 1% esternltailway,lave been $17,348,355: We have pleasure in stating.that the road and equipments were never in better condition. [Signed] "Tar GOLD, President." There Was unusual excitement in the'Board upon the reading tile,eonutin n catio Irani .Mr.'•Geiild,.. , and tin? priceltitVanced,td4k ;It subsequently declined to 374, in consequence of a report that the TruSt Company is said to have not yet actually registered the stock, not having bad sufficient time to examine the issue— Erie stock is now called in the regular Board, and takes its Original place in the list which• hy_e (Special Despatch to the Phila. Evening Bulletin.) :NEW Yona . September - ii.= .- The - telegraphic_ reports about storm in New England yes- , •terday,aftepoctryiNs farinsrecOveckshowpat. iitEietere litirri,arisK atnit tbumoroadkisw.dpt • over all that portion of Massachusetts and: Rhode Island lying east of Worcester, by the - inland route; -- and all east of Providence - and _Newport_hy_the.seaboard._.Twenty wires of the telegraph, forming the main telegraphic artery from this city to the East, are all swept away for miles. Vie,; arthestpoints reached by telegraph' are Worcester and Providence. ST. Louis, Sept. 9.—The Warrensburg coal: mines at Carbonhill, Mo., caught fire in the main shafton Monday last, while fifteen men were - 1 01014e. -- X§prpt; gt ,, , , the ?bleu suc-7 - ceeded'ilfgetting olit - by' Clinging t 5 the ropes of an ascending car, although they , were badly burned, but the remainder were forced to re main in the mine until the fire was extin guished, when they were rescued in a more or less injured condition:, The foreman, Mr. Halvey, will'probahly die. The New Government of Virginia. 'sr, EIerDIOND, Sept. 9.—General Canby issued his proclamation.of election this morMng. Glibbit4 l . :V•rallterciillr-Ve IDA:AIe& ProVi— sion4GAvqrAwr..i 4 8raift:<31 t;; , and;JOhn F. Lewis lis:Proyisional r Lieidenant-Governor on Oct. sth. ;:f, . The Legislature, is cailleil l t9 meet on Oct. -The adoption of theeitintrgateticonstitution is announced. The following Wells Congressmen are pro claimed elected: Messrs. dyer, Platte and Pain ter ; and the folloWing Walker Congressmen: Messrs. Segar, largo; Becker, Ridgeway, afoliensie, find-Gibson. HALIFAX, Sept. o.—The steamship Horne( has been released:from custody. .1t is still be lieved she is intended for Cuba, and will re— ceiye arms and men at sea. Prince Arthur's laurt.tipaimpediti94, bagged some amlll. dame, but BliVir-nkrinootie = - • lurnok Ong' v 7 Boswqzr,: l sep_PmaetA4.4The pfitiatner Bristol , did not leave Fall River last night on account of the storm. .The passenger .train from Bos ton last night, for Fall River, did riot arrive there until SA. M. to-day,' being detained at Somerset by the - railroad bridge having been cad ried away by a sehporier. , , From4iiiitoriukee p MILWAUKEE, Sept. fire to-day de- The Excitement Itt_Er/e. SECOND DESPATCH The Sterna hrltietv England Another Coal Mine on Fire. From - Halifax. - stririedihe 'wholeszde ugetore of :Doh= Schmidt &;00. The lose is $BO,OOO, irterahol, $4O 000 roost] • in Etistern coca ee. .s - -:r-sioxiceitlrrs4llo6tocatar Pt. • PROM • trnlt , : DATE . 4 • ICI of l ß l alt 4 iniore.4iverpot i O ln l.. l .bev York .uoudthiOiaAl.e «14 P Zlf f!Laur..o.E.,.Brool4.NOw . Otirdata LOndoift.be - Y6rk ti "Donow..;dt.uaPtol..NMYor4,6ln))4ll444.:/hllpoOlttr igaaidt • - . :4;.:l2,Brignesb•alaw-kitkir,;.«,,,i,1191-11. vatintarkiLla.saAriettiomfagewa eitk . • .• • 9 1 0.89%;;•C. York , k , . 1 6 ...1 0 / 4 1- Jail: I pt ,• , • IfttiTO....Newlr,ork..., • 'roiclinde...Phhadelphfit...fiatannah „Bo? 11: 1 . Col • • Sep ~,,,,,, ~ ~ ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, r o ~,,,, ~, 14 OnrLla , ~,, Now - Nork.';6lasgo* •'- b. epi c ......... I , of,iB r tiabittgfcin.N'lrurk..3itterpool'- - • .... . . York,:•.:Litor.pool ..................... HaiLey ... /1-1 • 4161s,ofin 4'.i.W.l',..4;Nn.rYorkV.Halobut` ' : • . Aep 11 1 1tunsikt t Sept , Eno,M~pij Ntnti York Havana • • ' • Sept Laurent Neiii'..York.aftitte C. o; Autwerp-'-biew.York."..l.4crpool.., .7140144'. 13p • pri eaß'irrtAD, jollifitt. bq (44 ,- 4 44:4L1 4 , - C. B DUIIIIOIIOW, Mcncrular,vionnarryjc,if, 1110/3;L;rOll44 . 4tiFTE!' e ,„. i...... , .':4; ; i1144.1N FORT OF PHILADRLF)IIA—Upr, tO r §cis — siii;arifflit6ll"NrAT'aie;e al raItIIINED.. YESTREDAY. - Vetiniev trookt; 24 'houni from New Yorit t , with nidee to John F Obi. Steamer,p.utier, Dav , , s; ; ; ; i !Warner boars from New Yoikoglt' "nlge lOW Itl'llaird . & • ittePMeF.ll - Wfil Pooditr.l3 ,y,ouro from ,Baltimorip tAiithirldse WA-Grimes, Jr' t Brig Eunice ( Dr), Barker. 23 days Iron Salt Rivery•Li r;With.logW6cal.to Fleurt.l., 01114-ressatto O'Van Horn Fehr Karr A ,Ilarmon. Harmon, ,5 days from Pgrbi '.'nfolitlet ballast, to .E A Solider ; tick Clayton* Lewber, JacksOn, day front Smyrna Di'!. Sehr Tycoon, Coo i to per, 1 day from, Smyrna Cret4:, Dot scitit grain to Jas L - Bewley & Co; f .Sehr 6 C Fithian, Tuft:l day frcini - with grain to Jam L Bewley & Co. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Brig Wm Welsh, Strobridge, London, P Wright & Some ; Brig Naiad ( Br). er, St John, NB. Lennox •t Burgess. Lehr L A Blossom. Chatfield, Boston, Weld, Nagle & Co. Schr W G Irish, Rathbun, Boston, .^ do „ HAVRE DE GRACE. Sept. 9. -• -The following boats left here •this MOrtling,ladouttnd consigned as follows; ” •-• ' • - • Daniel Cline, with lumber to Woolverton TlnsmaW; Emma Jane and R M Foresman, do to Taylor & Betts; Dodge Mills No 24-do to Newark; Delaware and Hudson. No 172 Rintto order; WE MeLaughlin,do to Tretitoll; Aiwa, bark to #alem. MEMORANDA. ; Ship Battler, Marsh. front Manila 12th May, at Now York yesterday,Vrith . Steamer .1 'W . lliermatt t Hinekley, sailed from Charleit• ton yesterday for this port. Steamer George 11 Stout, Ford, hence at Georgetown' DCC oth inat (' Sleamer Norfolk, Platte. hence at Richmond '7th iffst; Steamer Pioneer, Slmrpley, from-Wilmington,-NC. rot this port, ashore on New,lnlet. bar. has on board 1.51 bbIS spirits turpentine; 2080 derosin; 1.54 , do tar, 100 do pitch', 70.000 feet lumbsr, 21,000 Juniper bolts, 2 bales cotton 15 do rags, 118 pkgs dried fruit, 8 bbls ~flaseet I, 28 ale, bib? .acid 14 plies Mdse • " • Steamer Gulf Stream. ides reery; nailed Troth NewOrl. leans 4th inst. for New York. • i Steamer Berlin (NG), Undutsch, cleared at Baltimore Bark Bend' Duck,Nicitols, from Rangocin 2lst April for Boston. was seen 18th ult. lat 358 N, lOU 40 81 W. Bark - Talisman (Br), Anderson, from Rio Janeiro, at Baltimore lsth inst. with coffee. Bark South Easter (Br),.Lendberg, cleared at N York Bth lust , for Cape . Town. Barkllary Ann "Johnson'illr.), Leder; for Neiv YOrkl Was loading at Colombo; Ceylon, 28th July.• L Bark 'Maud Helen, Thomas, at San Francisco Bth instil from Sydney, NSW. Bark Hosea Bich. Pommy, .was loading ; at .otranaln Islands 311 flit: for km:tent:lm. ~ Brig Edith Ball; Snow; for - this port; remained at Pen; sneela lot inst. Schr Gemsbok, for Neiv ,Castle,. Bel, cleared at John, NB, 7tlr inst. - . • -• • • r Schr J Flanagan, Collins, ! sailed from Charleston y{...to-day ftir this wart. SelirElisse Ann, or PhiliulelPhia.laden•Witircoal,from Baltimore toMilmington, Bel, sunk near., the _Bremen steamship whatf;Tayenst - Pelati on Pride* last-,'where she lay until Monday evening, when she was success• fully raised and - made ready for sea. , Setif Starlight, Robinson,was at Pensacola' let inst . , for a port 'north of liatterati . 1:4 ,? _ , 41:1?! _` Seim Ayinie.Tibbctts, Nash, hence iit.Porthuil,7th hut: Sclfr•Sarah Watson, Smith, sailed from Alexandria 7th heit..for,Portomouthi ~:. • • , ~ e chr Helen M Waite, Millie; cleared:a:CC:Alain 4th` inst. for this port. Schr Tennessee,,Oreed, hence itt-Danireralalt Seim Maggie ti l an Buseu, hence •ttt Norwich 7th inst, .I)IANINE ati.KELLAITy. • _ • •The. wilmthgtou, Is - Kr...Journal. of Wean:coder'', says: Intilligence'rencuedthisritS, yesterday that the - steamer Pioneer, Capt Sharpley. which cleared from this port for Philadelphia on Saturday last, WOO, atihore on Pak Island beach, just over the rip, but , Inside of the bar, itttween Fort Caswell and Oak :Island lighthouim. The Atent of the damage feared we were unable deflnitelY to ascertain. The tug boats are all down the river to :moist the Pioneer, and we had hoped that some one of" them would have arrived last night, - when we could gain full particulars- • The Messrs Beery have, been called on to assist, anti are atthe scene of disaster. No doubt the ship is being relieved of her cargo, and we trust she may be gotton off. The heavy sea which has prevailed off our barftforrbe past several days has made it dehgerons Ter Vensels to pdt out. A telegraphic despatch, under date of yesterday, says: - *The work of getting the steamer Pioneer off the heath is still going on with encouraging prospects. . la. I THIN - -BONES' ONE-PRICE CLOTHING;HOUSE, 604 MARKET STREET, la:f•N.lry)lnl:erli First Class Rectdy-.llfade Clothing, suitable for all Seasons, constantly on hand. Also, • a Ilandsorne Line ,qf Piece Goods for Cm- - tom Work. GEO. W. NIEMAIIIN. winnow `ssm. • A GOOT? THING. Tinportant to llouselo Hofcla,Bank, Oftlees The Patent Adjantableglaiivr Screen; - WILL FIT ANY WINDOW; Give ventilation and light s screen, from view and exclude. P.,llo,Z . lppsittdtoes Arid tithes Insects. , , FOr eali)l4 Dealers in House-Furnishing 'Goode. ' The Adjutable Window Screen Company SOLE MANUFACTURERS, jel4. 623 m f3mrip Mqrket Street, Philada. , isown ..01,NOTIpE TO,_ emu, P,IIALIP , OEM& ,- RALLy. - ' •', .—, , , - • • The latest style__ fashion and aasortmont of OOTS, SHOES A.ND GAITERS, FOR MEN AND BOYS, Cart.he hrul at - .. • .. . . rtl ,- 't .;-, . 7 . • e. 4 ,;,..',. o-P No. 23a NORTH NINTH STREET. Better than anywhere in the City. A Fit Warranted. and am: GIVE Rita A CALL. t7:7 1 . 7 -TALti ?Ii.ER6Uws 7 /7AT!.E Mitchell, Master as no debie:of their. contracting tivill be paid by Captain or Consignees. WORKMAN & T URP,ENTINE, - AND 4 , , 4 4; • , 4 4, - • 13 bbls. SPlrifs 'T1141 . 410;16'; Lti bile. Tar. . ' • - 433 . bids. Soap-mahers' Eosin. 616 bids. Strained Shipping Rosin. .- Lapding.TerateturnahrpahMeort . , bbls. tipirits-Turpentine. :700 Ms. N 0.2 Eosin. .. • Lauding per steamship-PrometheUs. For sale by EDW. 11. ROWLEY. se7 tt 16 South Delawareavenue. NTAVAL STORES, • , lOU bbls. ( II) Pitc4 A lcebbis..Tar.• ‘.• „ „ . .1.10 ,bbls,. lipts,-TurPonllllo,,,. t , • • , NOW'landing from steamer Ploucor, 'froni Wilmington, 3)1. Q. and, for sale by , CPCJlti&N,tillleitiliaai No. 111 Uliestp?l,. Bl rect. , .. • r . l*glittlk A.giiii4lAfibliE 1 6 60 p .iO4-brchiai n itiglfe;• iiiiiildlift'CtifiAvbiCand . all fornlaWines,,Port:.ntadeirai labOrryjjarn aim/ and Banta Ortiz - Raw fiao - pld Brandies and __wnieklea,Tlboloaale ;and -. • P. r-J9.141,4ti f , 220 Pear treat • _ • llelotv 'Third Walnut atreetik‘ and above Poet, street, • dor-tt 1 3 : 1 1M,TfTIP Y f. 1 ::..... - . ',,..!'1'.., 8 -31 9 , „ . , .... , .&di t iiiirlifiotai*CI. 3 f ~.! " 4 .. ) 1 f- , ;' , 'IVIIRIA-raiMalrATY '3 • 1 , . , fil l ) 4 FIRE Ilittnt tgq.:COMP4NY or P ,•cr i fir4.,, 3 1 , ‘ r• - , • 0 T. '• U 8 s , AWL ' 8 43544 400468tii 'tStze ' Assets off-sieliiitlEt4 Is 196 0 s i 2;f3V7,;07213• t -.... Capita 1.;.....,.... .... .... 4 ...40 . ..4+64 , -4,••••ta•4 40 0100 0 00 Acerted 5urp1ui5........-.........-'.........4.—.....-../03614.29 RI • - rreniinrat................—.....i: 4.4...:........1.:......1.1,110,843 fa LtNI3PITLED OtAINI32 , - INGOItill 7011.18• Ill ". • • I ... 823 1" ,912 ++ + ; A:l'a';'4. VA' i'cj 4 39 0 00 . 44 :osses,•PI)/ 4,131.11%903,820 ()Vert' i • 0 00 -65 0 4 > :1 ) 6 0 0 1 t J ' 'perpetual and Triaporary•Vollel4 in Liberal Terms, The Compeer also issues Motes uport-the Rents 4n. all kinds of buildings Grons4 Renter 44041405* 1 CI DIRE ,13 TOD& vt - - 1 , t-• • Mired O. B a ker, , ' - •Alfreglritier, 3 Saronel Grant, '' Whornyks lillarkelt i , = 1 Geo. W. Richards, - '' Win, S. Grant t r -, Isaac Lea, , .• - • -- millennia B,'Ellisol ' - - s Geo Raley,• , .1, Gnstartin, AerillOn., , 3 \ ' ALFRED n„ 4 VA KER, B resident 1 _ GEO. FAL,ER;llice,Prciaidont. ~ Jun. w. aIcALIRTER, RecretarY 'THEODORE M. REGlClC;Riehorrit geottifVt., i ' ~,, ' 3 3' , 3' , "• • ' • • ,__ . , . - ~- • , f ~' ` . ' - ...e 3,3,33-3- ,-, , er• • I*Z : ... .;01PHILADELPOIA.1: ': •;• - •1 1 , ) ' - inecirporatedcollarek, 27,;1k112 . 4?.. ; - (lfficio---No, 3410/11), INSURE DumbniiiiLvoogiticii„... griußp. - - ,- AND REIICEIANItheRVENER.zu.44 , I7I.OX , • „Assets ,Jrainvgayy,,X.l 9f • .... ' . $194 - 0430095 4 •C0515'0' •i; ', . . TRUSTEES: n.:"? . ..0 ..” • : V '.!i Milli= H. Hamiltoni . .... giuW/V. l R.Bowert , John Carron., ' ' - Jae 44glittoot; • • , George I. Young, l, -'1 -r• '..itobOrteithoinialget,..: .; Joseph It. Lyndal . Peter Armbrustey, ' ' Levi P. Coats, -! f .",! Llel.. , lL , Dielcineoo.' ' ' ' 1 B,lnnel SP4rhal7 u i,. kn 2 ..' ti4:,r e V r. W4 l 4inifon! Val. II: LlAMLTON,ltresident,'L. SA MUEI.O BPARRAW4 I , Vice. Preeldent. ' WM,y. BUTLER. Seeretarr. The Liverpool Ee Lon 7 done Globeins.,CO.,' Assets Gold, 81- 7 ,q 96,399 i" in the United States'. 2,000,00 d: Daily Receipts over $20,000.00 Premiums in .1868, $5 665 o 7 5 08 Losses in 5868,53,662,445.06 No 6 Merchant? Exchange, ---* Philadelphia? rITHE RELIANCE INSITRAgGE C 02, 1 7- .PAIIY , OF PHILADELPHLS.a • " . Incorporated in 1841. • . Charter Parpettutl. ; Office, No. 808 Walnut street. i CAPITAL . g3OO 000: Insures against loss or. damage ..ty PHIS , on Heusei, Stores and other Buildings, limited or perpetual, and on Furni rv ture, Goode, Wares and Merchandise. in .town o f . r.ount. •••LosasrnoinTrirluvcrartiv - Mr-Plitr.." 'lnvented in the following SeCtiiiiieis,vi t First— on City Property, well ' t - M • enroll.— . ... 00 Milted S . enim - 117000 00 'Philadelphia. City 6 Per Cent. ; . 76000 00 Termsylvanlal3,ooo,ooo 6 Per Cent wpm 00 '..Ponnsylvanialtailroad Bonds; FirStMorttge '6,000 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company 'BPer Cent; Loan- . 6,000 se Loans on Collaterals.”"6oo 00' 'Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 Per Cent. Mor tgage B onds.. . .... ... , 4,560 00 County Fire Insurance Company,'s .. . 1,050 00 Mechanics' Bank Stbck...-..• 4 4,000 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylviinta Stock 10, 0 0 0 00 Union Mutual Instu - ance Company's Stock MO (10 Heit'ancelnsurance,Company of Philadelphia Stock • 6,250 00 Cash in. Bank and on hand. ...... 12,268 941 3437,598 4 Worth thii date at market • $454.3d1. William Musser, Ttioni ' DIRECTORS. TbO7,3 Samuel Castner, Thomas H. Moore, . I Samuel Biapliam, - Jrunes 2'; Iro ring, H. L. Carson, Isaac F. Baker, Wrn. Stevenson, . Christian J. Hoffman, Benj. W. Tingley, Samuel B. Thomas, . THOMAS C. HILL, President. WM. CHUBB, BeCTOtary, PHILADELPHIA, February 17,1869. worth at CO - lI.NTY FIRE .I,SNSURA_NCE Colit THE PANY.—Office, NO.IIO SOuth Fourth street, below Chestnut. , „ , ‘. "The Fire Inittranc6 Company of the Coin:4 of Bhflai tielphia,". Incorporated by the Legislature of renosYlva ilia in I£o3, for indemnity against loss or damage by fire exclusively. and PERP,ETUAL. This old end reliable institution', with Smile capital and contingent fund carefully invested, continues to int sure buildings, furniture, therchandistt,adic:, either pent munently or for a limited .time against loss or damagd by tire, at the lowest rates consistent with the at/Solute safety of its customers. ' ' , • I Losses adjusted and raid with all „pessibltidettrtfOkt • DLBECTOBA 3 : 'tibias. J. Sutter, ' AndreW R: Irlill'er, Henry Budd; "Janos N.' Stone, , ' John Horn • Edwin L. Benkirt, . ' —Robert-Y-41astnly Jr ; George eckb, Iftirk.Devine. CHARLI,SJ: SUTTER, President. 7 LENRY_BUDD. Vius_Pr.ettident,' • ' - u.EßlATtlihriralOßCKLEYzSeututurytud"rtentitutr.r MHF 4 —PENIVIYLVAasTIA - 740-IRE---INSU•r- RANCE - COMPANY: ' • ' ! —lncoriporated 1825--Charter Perpetual. No. 510 WALNUT street, opp Ve osite Independence Brain., This Company,, favorably known to the community for over forty years, continues tb insure against loss or; damage by tire on Public or Private Buildings, either', permanently. or for a limited time. Also on Furniture, Stocks of Goons, and Merchandise generally, on llberai terms. --Their Genital, 'together 3c/the §urpluti Ihntd, "ested in the most careful manner, which enables them! . . . invested in tho Most ....- --,----......, -.---- 1 to offer_to theinstmadlin - luidotiOtad separityla_thejnaso of loss: ' ''. '. ' DIRFHTiHiIc , ' . , • - 1 . , Daniel Smith; Jr.; . , ' !John everenx . ii *. Alexander Benson, iThorntui Smith; ' Isaac Haalehurst, Henry Lewis. ll Thomas Robins,' • J.; Giiiinghtuxt Fell, Daniel Haddockd Jr. ' F i ; - DANIBL,B3fini; JR., 'President Wll. (I:CROW:ELL, Secretary, • ' tipl9-tt. NITED ,n ITRA_N FIREMEN'S SCE U 'COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ' ! This Company ' takes ilsks at the lowest ratog consistent with safety, and conanewits business 'exclusively:to FINE INSURANCE IN•THF'.CITY OF PHILA.DEL- OFiIeNL-No. 723 Arch street,'birth National Bank Baildlye- , - • _ DIRE9TRRS. _ • Tbomas Martin, I John Hirst Wm. A. Bolin, Wi Jamlliam es X G°lenT imn,m, ' James J miner, Alexander T. Dickson, Albert C. Robertay• an3eB p ' • CONRAD Wm. A. nowri- Treas. TEFF.ERSON FIRE,-I,NI3I7.It,ANCEO COM ei FA= of- Philadelphia.--ofllcealot 24 forth "Fifth street, nodilllalket street ; Incorporated • by the . egielattire of Penney' Ivania,i Charter perpotiml. Capit I and Abeota e160,04X). Make 4, insurance against Less or daMage , by Fire on Public orj Private puildings, Furniture, Stooks, Geode ; and Mer. chaudise; on favorable terms. - • • • DIHE,CTORS. Wm. McDaniel, . Edward'''. Moyer Israel Peterson, - Frederick Ladner John F. Boleterlin , Adam J. Ulan, Henry Troemner, • , •• Henry -Delany, Jaceb43chandem, - , John Elliott,— Frederick Doll, Cliristialf•D: Frick, ihnunel Miller, ‘' Geao rgrdne H, Fort, 4 , •. , G. 4 ; •'• • • ~ • • , ; WILLIAX , Art•DIANIEh t Ptcyildokt. PETNRSON' V iqq. Proiltaout.i PulLiP E.'.ettifEbdti%l3ecretarit:and l l'remittrer; • A gERICAIT FIRE INSIJRAXOE C 0751 ...rANTf t iiteorporatedlBlo.(Tharter peuetual, ~ NO.BIO IY4S.l,lsMrsteoet,' above . Third, PhiladPlPhia.i playing a largopall-UrrOaPital .fitock andf3urplus IR- .vested ln , sound and - available< Beemritlea,, nontlnuei to .I.• insure,' on..•dveellluvre.,•!Stores, furniture, Merchandise, I ,vessels lw por_tti andr•their ionr9ooBl and other ‘.'Porsorla, l i I t • P?'gperp% ~ A ui Loqaes Ilberall aud promptly adjusted. I ` ' 4 •'' , DIRE° ORB. .-- ;• Tfoornaa B. marls ) , ,' • < . and G. Dutllh,, Johu Wolah; ,'. .1 . : , ;..10'....1 . r •IeSIV. Poultueyt,,, , .. Patrick Brodirt. , -,...« .-...., Iftraol_idorrisi . - . - ..•-:' , ,' . .1!... . ,joint T . X,e•W , ~, ,;' ~,,, 4910s4;flother111•1:.=., • •?,:i ... ~..! .. ,- .1.1 , ...1,,;, .A9'l4,lirm $l, Pau ~, • •d' ~,,), •;,1r I; Oht - AB it. AB'S i Prthildelit, ALBERT C. Oat.witorx, secretary: SgOdiaiTlON jai-tu th's ,tf 'Henry W. Brentacr, Alberttui King, • • , Henry Bumm, James Wood, ••Jphn Shalleross, • ' J. Ilen_ry Askin,' Hvgh Mulligan ) Philip Fitzpatrick, . Dillon. IL ANDRESS, President. Wm. )3, FAMtri.-Ssev.' Dn n t'FARE.; r -#44 11=F '8 Nine 410XfP „ - _ Inoetloiretedh7l3 l o • Pliiitlirtri4iti/VIL,' Mace s Itawriisir i sto ltxMk AwitriirtiLlit* &Teeth • tn.; , , e • • 1%161/42RPLiiii.oir"..c On 7ireanl4n pir r al i trvo i t t p i nm 4v 1 ., ! 0 ! 0. . On goods By tti :rng, t l=l:lll ,„ • if F., XNB-11BAN( 1 )BS • • On enerally on &orbit ' ;04 EfOneelltik-e. 4 • ' ' I T.Y• —.-- • •-ASBar r erlfl e iEd . palar., 1 • 8200000 tiviltid State...if lee r ir Oent.Losn, I .. ; • •• ' 1 :1209 ' 720,000 .• 60000 liniteßß L- d ntat'e;elGlGriVnTi:forn 331 "1 1 ; 1° • 200;:opifitail 9t or a ctaiVili k riz - A7 ', .0 . 00 • Cent. Login...zum 124,000, city or PhitodettrtibifoiPiinf.'" neood,Stni l .e l 'O a r Pe n iv ez J n e P rtf " N ' O x f ' 4s ' fat. n 944 • • Loan. 4.; . 2,61 • . 2°4lll°P A - riggi,,,. i.-". 81x ;( 0 )ar B 16:6211. Per 10,400 'OO 26,000 onnsylxailm Bailroar t. Soco 26300 Wesi f e ° ril gli fe e ntai r nes T :4° . o - ' 31ortgage. blx.Pee Coot. Bonds 30,000 it.tf:PnTaAtelluAreille7 . 6;:tr.'. , "_. 6 "po.. ,a/,000 po 7000 State of -Tenness ee - Six P er Oeuf •,,*, 1031 2' 16,000 Germantown OasOompany, princi- ‘. • nal and Interest gnats ntqed '"` ;. • '., . ltaXt e l. wad oi ph isk,, s o 10,000 Pennsylvania g ßallroad•Compaici,' P° n 200810 s stock '. 1430c , • , • 8,000 North Pennsylvania Railroad. l it Company, ion ',hares stook ;• : 003 Philidelphta and Southern- ).(75°`'-r- -, - ...s; .. :: , ..1: o ho I L . - " . ''! ' ' ?.. • ' " ' ... ) 15,000 PO ~.r 10J4100 Loan! on ,Bond and Idertafte i Atli •,,.... 1 • ~, •,,, A' _ I . • • ' liens on cup -• Prope les- • lffl' vR PO • ' 4 Wooct' piii; '''- ' • 1 '' M .' • • atkat l'ain ' esiii4o,3oll ?3'.. - • Be ni Estate • ' .• 8400 t f.: Bina' receivable , for, :Insurances :. I • • __ Mnde -.. ir2.466 ' , •Baltinces • due at AsenciesPre- : : • 1 •,... plums . on.. Marino Policies— L --• Accitied loitered and other filtOgl e c 'b ri t n i k. 4 ti n ci e lp h iit' C li ° 4nrs i ; Y 6;rp — : . 40478 ', l . • rational,. 83 , 1 58;00. roetlinat:d ' ' . value_-.-..,' • 1,813 00 Bashful:lll' ......41111,130 08 . . , Cash in, Drawer...-. 413 85 , ! - 118056313 • - • ' • , .- • - .' •:" . 11,;sdr so, • . ._ DIIISCTORti. .' ---"-- , 1 . . Thomas G . Hand,. . James B. McFarland.. .. -'E d ward Darlington, " • William C. Ludwig,. • a Joseph li. Baal, Jacob P. Jones, . • ; tuninna A. Bonder, Joshua P. Eyre, ' - Theophilus Paulding, William G. Boultcrn ' Hugh Craig, Henry C. Dollen, Jr., John C. Davis, • . John 'D. Taylor, •• James C. Hand, Edward .Laiourcado, John 'B. Penrose, " Jacob Beige', • H,. Jones Brooke,: George W. Bernadou, ' Spencer Drilcaino, Wm. C. Houston, • ' . Henry Sloan, •.. .... D. T. lliorgan, Pittsburgh, ' Samuel E. Stokes, John B. Semple, do., . ,Jo4noisTraquair, , A. B. Berger, do. .- THOMAS C. HAND President'. ~i --I— -• ,•• . .. ' . OHN C. DAVIS, Vice President.; . •BIENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. .• HENRY BALI,, Ain't Secretary. AbfE - .01811R41.11(ilfi • COMPAlire.-10 J: SOO CHESTNUT sTREET. INCORPORATED vs TITAL, 56:• •cHAII u TER pERPICrO .ji CA 20,000. , • , • , FIRE 'INSURANCE EXcLIISIVELY. ' ' •• 1 Insures against . Loss or Damage by Fire either :by Pei: • ;lethal or Temporary Policies. either , . Gliailee Riehardson, Robert Pearce, 1 • 'MAI. R. Ithulauf . . John Roeder, Jr., •' -' ( Francis N. Buck, , Eilword B. Orne, .' !' :.Henry Loads, - ' ' -.: 'Charles Blokes, •' i Nathan Mlles. . ~ John W. Everman, ~ George A. We s t eSs •'.': ' Mordecai Buzby, ' ' ; I I , .CHA R LES OHARDSON, President,. . -•- WM. H. BRAWN, Vice-PreOdenc. • ; • WILLIAMS.I.-BL4NORAHHiSocreisry:: . • apl ti : .1•1 T RDA(' .i..T E /NOURA.NUE, 'N ' OMM P.ANY.CIARTER PERPETUAL: _ Office, NOJ 311WALI4 UT Street, above Third, Philida. Will insure. against Loan or Damage by Fire on Build. Inga4either perpetually or for a limited time, Houeehbld • Furniture and alerobandiaa generally. •• ' Alsoi• • Marine Inanranee on ' Veliaeh?,.'t gargoie • and • Nreighta.. Inland InsurancAto all parts of the liniap. 1 : DIRECTORS: i . •. • Winiall; Xi)lerr,i.... • , - ,Letvld.Andenriet, -, r ' D. Luther;- • ' ' John Ketcham; '. .• ;' .....John4423lltektiltbli: i ': 4, i‘ J.: 1.)..11aum,e , • :,,-, i • -i, ' ~ William.F. Dean. • John R. Hes% -• :..Peter. Megev: , r.i..11l ..i) .' •Shinuel H.'ottiorinel. [ W ILLIAM B.llVit. PrPsident, `..07.• Pit( .1. ; WrIJIII.AM I PPDE'AN; I I IO M 3BI46 a. . Wm. /11 13 ITU Sec e ... . 822 tu the it 1 = = c ..; lALA9 AT 0.N..-,STEAMSHIP ..14NE FTI ,mzcT . SAIL I NG FROM EACH roar EVER Y .... •1". I,.ita . Wednesday and Saturday. i 1'::40 , ..,- : I ' 1 ~ • t••• t 2 • ' •• ' .12 'A , A9II..PANE STREET WHARFLPHILADE . T,Pgi?.; .. • AND. LONG WIIRF, IiOSTO'N. • _r• Paoat PIRLADEL,PtIto ii•• c., • Banat BOSTON: •• .' ' ' '2lAXONAVednestlay,k:::pt. /Unit .9, Wed zieaday,Sopt. 1 1 NORMA'N_, 6aturday, . 4 Itl/MAN, Saturday , . - ":'. 4 ARlES,Wedneeday, ~': . SAXON, Wednesday," a ROMAN Saturday , ;". il .NoRAILAN, Saturday," 11 SAXON,Wednesday,. "-.- p ARIES, 'Wednesday, " 15 1 !,NORMAN_l . Bourdax,:t` . la KOALA Ngtatnnlay,- •1 4 . 18 .ARIES. iVeclueaday . 2. SAX.O.Yr i _Weclne_pday; ".. 22 .11031A1+, Sattirday ,-; ' I, ' , ;25 NORMAN • Batday, 4 .2a ,SAXON t Wednedday„.." . 29 ?,ItIES, 4e(lnodday, " .29 TheloYStewnehlpd bait punctually. refight received avery'day.. - .• I.i .% • ' 011 : • :./ . . . .. n.: . Frefiat..forwarded to all yoints,in Now England )7, Felbolglit 'Or Pailoaa a y ( duperior accuummodallbita) t..t 1 4400 i., . .1.,.. IL 4.E B.Y.WI.NIiQRkCO: t . • I - , Akkittli Delaware avenue. Isl. M AD Pr[TA- 2 -- AND NoffilititN AIL M , STEASHIP COMPANY'S REGULAR. LINES PROM QUEEN STREET. WHARF., 'The' iITNIATA will sail for NEW on.Lterazi on Thursday. Sept..9,,at a AJ 31. The YAZOO will sail, from /JEW ORLEANS, via HAYANA,tiept. -- • ' • I _ TONAWANDA till sail for SAVANNAG on toaturday. Sept. 11, ntlio 'clock A. M, , Tho ' WYOMING will sail from , SAVANN. All OD SlLtOrditr,Y_ept. llt h. • . -• The PIONEER will sail for WILMINGTON, N C.,0/3 Saturday, Sept.ll,ut Through bills of lading signed, and passage tleketa sold twall pointir South and Weet.- • BILLS of Lapuip , SIGNED at QUEEN ST. WEARS, F • or freight o _passage, apply to ' WILI,IAM L. JA.3IE.'9, General Agent, , I 130 South Third street. • • IICIVILADELPHIA, .RICHMOND 1„ NORPOLH STEAMSHIP LINE.. • 'THROUGH:I...HEIGHT' AIR' LINE TO TEE SOUTH - AND WEST. ••,. , • , r AVERY SATURDAY, at Noon, from PIRS'I' WEARS above 'MARKET Street, - • THRQUIM HATES tonil pointa in North and South Ohrolina via Seaboard 'AIn-Lineßallrohlantinecting_. 4_ or toniontii, mat to .tynefiburg Tennessee and. the West via Virginia and Ten npssce Air-Line , and, Hioht .: .mondfand.Diiiivii Itailroad.— • - •'- • • RATES THAN ANY OTHER*ErxE. _,. • • : Tbe-u--eguidrity„ssuoty-and-chtutpmera-r-ofLthi&'-rovitei commend it to the public as the most desirable modinm for carrying every description of freight. ' Nooharge for'. eotnmiliaion. dratage, or any exYense fon ' transfer. . . Steanistdpiinsnrs at lowest rates. • • ..• r , ht received DAILY crabEi do Co 0. No, I.2Sonth Wharves and Pier Na... 1 North Wharves., :-.4%1Ei . 0 P m O y R w T E E r R a , Ag c e o nt . ,aAtgent nlunNd o a r n f d l C.i't yP'oint, vItrIENO - 'Expittps'Lustr O' ageake and Delaware Canal, with connections at Alex-, atairia trim the most direct rOutoTor lkynchburgs toUNitexville; Nashville, Dalton and4he Southwest; bteatuere leave regularly from thp first, vihatf. above' Market street ;every Saturday+ at, noon. • Freightreceived W.M.•P.. - CLYDA co., • - N0.12 South Wharves end PlOr 1 North Wharves, yDE TYLER, kaents et 'Georgetown. , .1111..E.Losanog „t: co., Agents at Alexandrl: OT/CEFQII,,NEW.ir_ORK ,_VIADEL -.. N AWARE AND RARITAN geS.NAL • EX . P : ll,,Efia riTEAMI3OAT COMPANY.- • • • ' • • - : The CHEAPP,WP and QUICKXST•watur , COmmunlett• than between Philadelphia and Now, York. • Steanler leave daily • from first wharf below street,Philadelphia, and foot of Wall,street, New, York. Goods forwarded by all'tho lines 'running Out 'of New, York—North, East and West,freoof ihunzulsalont Fret ht received. and forwarded on accommodating terms, ; iaIiYDDSVCO.' Agents, . No. lY Solidi Delaware avenue, Pl , lacteAPhla., JAS.IAND; Agent, N0.,119 Wall street; Newyork. OR POO VERL= 2 T -ir -4' first-elass Moirk',"-1,061 tons regis ter, Morris. master. This .vessel !succeeds the Bonk Teniple. and having the bulk of her cargo engaged, will !haye quick despatch. Her balance of .freight or passage' apply, to PE,TEII. .111G.111' 89118, , No. I.lb, Walnut street.'• - • • • switf IOR LIVERPOOL:--THETI_RE FlRST class bark .131.11t1114 TEMPT4E, fati 'tow register, This—vessel 4 succeeds the 21lexl can , and having the bulk•efkereargcrengaged,'Will:have despatch: .lror balance of freighter passage, ~apply •to PETER WEIGHT .& SONS, 115 - Walnut street, so2.tf VOR BRISTOL, 'THE • BAit - k. J 2 [...aril; 369 tone register, Captain Beal: This vessel being, of capacity and having a largo portion of hor cargo engegoil have doe patch. For balance of frohglat or, plumage, SONS, 115 Walnut at. , • - "NrOTICE rr , VOA NEWNOItr,,VIA. DEL '4..I AWARE •kN kAIIiTAN CANAL.. .•. SWIFTSVRE .T I) RANSPOILTATION , COMPANY. DESPATCH- AND, SWIFTSUR.E.LI,Ngs. -T , The lines will be resumed on and after M, nth of March.: ;For freight;which.will - be taken on acconnnodotinhi term, apply to WM: BAIRD & CQ.; - • • - N 0.1.32 South Wharves. *.t.:&:VTARS ' A'.f*lD - CIEMSA_PEA. ' Kt p , t3teliln Tow = Boot Company. , -=Barglos towed between biladelphilw palthuors, Navy° da 9race, ~ potoorap3 .. itranitnik 4 rthediace points. ._. _ • • ,aw I . MJ&L,`o,,Agerde, Capt. JOHN LAUGH- Sfl 00,12 Seuth NS karves, Phdadelphts. ... • CITIC-40. 11, NEW ,YOHR.,V.T.XT)EL. r ~. ~...re and Raritan Oanal—Swiftsure Tranaporta lion Ooropany—Leapatch, and 13 wifteure . Line C.— The busineaa by these Lines will be resumed on and atter the Bth of March. For Freight, which will he taken on accommodating terms, amply to Wit. Di. BAIBD & VOo i 13outh Wharveo. lIMMEII • • , .,n ...AP ~ gif -, • esinquiettfy t :7.4 - i t 1 lo,:r -- ! ; . - , st:'?: , , :1 0.1 . 1 5 11 : 1 1 .4 44. m a / Ir/ 4° 11 ;1 3n ...;,. 1 .1 . .', ...“ ;1;6 1/ : 3 1 2 'PO iSZ • d '' 1 1 I I .I ' ° *4f - AA • ' ' '.l _,l L.,:...,:,... 1- . ON •DcOpDA , (yarrifiCV. • 1 'l ' ;'444 iiii: l 4 r j StaitgialiF,44Vlllt r Oploc,k , on four montlia , ...ciplja, - ,-'' °lnane ” ' ....... .....,.. • . i ,-` ..? , et r 1 VI. DRNitiff;GOODS.. , %.4164,11r0. - 1 )# !•:.`',-` Xepielip line of Paris tanordresagoods. , . ...„-4 , ,,,e 4 '' . 1 A A liSe,of Paris woke Cr 4 silk chattily: BOltallaftl4,ll ' -- c' f azdepte,Pli lored Jaape °pintail:le. . to 01,6 F te, Ykthcfrniain colored a Ilk iiid Nirditgiryphk- 46 pieces ar ia Pirclailli: and wool 'r;ileilToll;l7., tiu, aPpIMLS4IBI-4 t i tal il i c :lp it ;t l6 iii l liit i a i rrijiZ i T: 1 1 . Aline Of Porto itillr i chaino colored armaies. ' !_. , 1. Aline of Perla mixed.and chine Novenae. • ,'"' , '''-, A linoof.ltula C01(411341 poteedlne i raye rind jasee: hairs .'...., ' .• .7 A lino of London beet lainorted aila finished Dore rapt . . Llate brßritieff figgrieittitobditY ...'' > try , -. 4 . i' '4 ' l4 OA -. 100 ,PIBC brkKkly SATIN"' Ate., ^V , , A.,.) iIE full Ude Olean itualitYtDrrip' do repo, p dit, • ~. .. Laoo and tinSlterafalanWP9rl.. 3 . 4 !tilt * , A Dalin° elegant.onalitx 'aehmere dt• Odie: a . A ball line elegant louhlityTtiflotaW, Vialtditt Aloft linb o o 'vent quality - tants, Parlifekno and - inut brilliant. ii... . • • . . Filli'l Ind 22 and '24l.in'eli c'olorixl • PdAlt oSole ' , A toll line.and 24 melt bla,Clt.mq; c4, I c!!PAPIP, 4 kitiaz and VeleOrs. litiAwlis_, CLOAKS, *car/it '. ~ -yr Brodie and Bruen') Border Stella Shawls and Fkarnt. i wool PlafitSbatele,Trimnied.Sleenes,:.Basoribi:&e.! t.OO CARTONS BONNET AND BASK RtalloAs, i. 0 , c4.0..we1l known linportailon.inelddinst- , • - ~ Full lines plain and 111380 t ted color!! Taffeta i l lu Pf u l Full lines plalli colon. Boyarges: ‘'' ..Full lines all boiled blaqiclti one s Nov. 4 ,to 1 00:Yste,41,. Fon lined pia fa and blacaNs In Riblioris. , FAB linen colored Velvet Ribbowi, Nom 6to 80, teu irgliak and swotted cartons. - ..,,,, A lirie'of black and colored Snell Ribbon,. ', ',, 'in - 1 , Also, full line of time celebrated diamond bind co .. ' Full llnexarionsquail tiesiblack Lyons Fu line'Gras do Ns plesAlk Crepes ant Iltaltnesr; - Also, au invoice of real i Getrich Feethersi Plum**. Dreis and 'Mantle Trimmings. 'Braids, Batons •••Balnforal and Hoop Skirts,White Goode,Handkortlidets. French Artincial -Flowers, Umbrellas, Shirt Front.* Notions. &c • - _ „ SALE OF 2000 CASES BOOTS, Tntorstztlip. • •. • BAGS &c,: ' • ' 'ON 'TUESDAY' MORNING, ' Sept. 14, nt 10 o'cloCk , on four months croft. 'LARGE SALE OF ERITISH, •PRENOH, AND DOMESTIO DRY GOODS, IA.!" JON .THURSDAYI MORNING. • ' I • Sept. 16, et 10 o'clock, on four montha'credit. •I• tjA.M.EB A. „FREEMAN, : -,‘ • • N0.•421 WALNUTstreat. • 'Absignee'sla e o. 91 Arch street. . „.• • LEASE , AND , noTOCIC OF , A. LOOKING-GLASS , ANDI PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY, FRENOW PLATE . AIIERROBS,. ENGRAVINGS, icLopas r MOULDINGS, Gc. ON •MONDAY BIORNING, ' • Sept- 13, at 10 o'clock, will be sold without, marvels ,- •,••••• cat dope, tho entire stock of Looking Okla/ and Tic- • ' ture b rime Manufactory, French Plate Allrrozw, , :- graving& Clocks. Carpets, Walnut and Gilt Mouldings, Frames, Cases, Glass, &o. • , ••• - , Also, the Lease, suporior Wagon, Harness, Signs. &0.. , Sale peremptory, and terms cash.. . • • • • • SAIE OF STEREOTYPE PLATES OF THE ' • DOUAY. BIBLE. • • _ ' ' • (:•N ItIONIDAT monrallo, •• • • ,,, 3 At 10 o'clock. at N 0.918 Arch , street, by order • of.- Assignee of John Smith; 61 boxes Stereotype Pietist° • . , the Douuy.Bible, known by the Trade as,Lucas &Bros , . • Sot coMpletb and in good order, A coini mas be exam/el . at .the Avrtioit Store. • , . • . • • , -• • :•Execntors'Sele N0:407 Richtnand at reet.ahove Hanogat ' ..• HOUSEHOLD FUltlinTßE, CARPETS, &c. UN wnDNESDA ItIO Y RNINu. • , • ••., • • % A te w l a r o ; ' d o c'd , t b e P d rlo o Ch th m b E e xe D cu n o ng Ro om am d , • ' ,Kitchen Ftlirniture, Ingrain Carpets, &c: : • • • • . . • k.. 1 ;:1•••2!! . ..131116 on tho Premleiec *. • LOTS, 31. E RCHANTVILLE, . 14 . , • %THURSDAY AFTERNOON. • • r.* 416•Okinak, be. sold, amnia preudare,l3 Lott:. illoOrktawn- rOnd. or Maple' avanno and niftier atil/Mll, iderchwatialo, N.J.tbirty.ndnittel ridp,Ecatni MATlfet 'areal (aril': V. -i..• I; 'W - .F.4ans.O.fintAlmitfon StaKe. . ° THQMAS & SONS, AUCTIONEER; 'Nes. 139 and 141 South FOURTH street. SALES OF STOCKS AND REAL ESTATR. , ` sir Public salea at the, Philadelphia Exchange •axel7 TUESDAY t at 12 o'clock. • - • • • 119 - Furnitttfa sales. at . the Anction liters SPIRT or HVESDAT. ' •• • • - • oar Sales at Residence' receive especial attention. , . ~•j• .„, • r STOCKS LOANS. Atti. :-• • • ON ;TUES DAY: SEP 21. ' • • At o ' clock noon; at the Phibhielrihia T. Excliatige , -% Estate of Samuel II McClure, dec'd- • it I . 1 7 ehare"Natiblial Bank of Northern Liberties'. ~ • 10.sharep Penn National Bank .. • • 5 slurreSCiundintand Amboy Rairroad . l'3 allures Lehigh Valley Railroad. 'l3 shares Second and Third Streets P. R. W."Co •••: • . 10 shares Morris Venal and Banking Co.:Pref. - ' ' • • •805 ecrip 4lorris Canal and Banking Co. For Other Accounts-. ' • ' • ehurce Academy of Music with . • • • 4 sharen fievtroth National Bank. •• • a shares Empire Transportation Co. s • . 100 ellnres Central Transportation Cu • ' 10 shard National Dank. °Utile Republic.: 100 'shares Old Township Linu Road. 22 shares 'Bock Mountain Coal Co. 1 @barn Point Breeze Park. tii;rli.tfel" ii.CL/TETITTTOI4 I IOO/B• ' ' - ' C • ' 1211111URSTNOTatteet.. ' !•'‘,' 7 f4l .. :„. • , T ,A„McCLELLANDidsUctluilaers,. • , 1!•••: : 41; •, ,, f • •‘ • . CONTINUATION OF. WILE, OF. NEW ANTi',„81&111-i • 'it lOR 'FURNITURE AND 17Pli OLSTERIIif • ACCOUNT OF ,MANUFAOTuItERS, , •• • • at•the A notion Roenis,•l2l9 oheßtnut dtreet:::' f , O2' MONDAY MORNING: - • •• , Sept. IS, at 10 o'clock, we will continue tbotVL i ngilt• Mut superior FM-Altura and : Upholstery for VeR45 menufactfirers. , -.... .Thetuttalogrie'will Comprise a large atni varied alights-- • utunt.-of r•Chaniber-elid Etagereti - Eallyet - 7 - Redeptioh; • liorking . ilnd . BRanish• hairs: , • Tables, Cottage Snits, Hat Racks,•nldaboards, loun Matressesi ' Wardrobes, :Mirrors, ,Catie,leat 'Ohs , dic. i .kc., ate. ; •,!• 7 , it MILE PRINO/PAL MONEY ESTABI4IBII. wont—S. E. corner of Birra and RACE streets. lifettey adVanded on generally:.Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and BLiver Plate, and, on articles of value for any length of time agreedtti, WATCHES .A,l4 t ß z jEwrusey. 'AT puLyxfkllATilt. Pine Gold Hun in Case t Double Bottom and Operi Fa,* Xnglisit, , ,tArnerican and Patent , Lever 'Wpteheait Pine 001(1 glinting Case and Qpen Face 'Levine Watches: - Vinti•Goldlthtlez and other Watebee: Pine EdiverJblunt dd w 1 ne: L tlVv v g a (j u r dl, l ellti c e e lftt n ic g ht t i o n n e llit n arEngii AQuartieri and other • Watches,_. Ladies' Fancy, Watehest; Dian:tend' 'Breastpins; Pih.ger. - Rings; Ear Ringa; Sit:ol4 ay.! , Fine Gold , Chains; Alledallions; Braceleta;" Scan ,Pins; BressipinKEinger Rings; Pencil Cases and Jew.e ,Pins A,' , , L.% OR GALL—A large and valuable Fireproof 0 eiC c itnitlible forst:Jeweller; cost $650. • -1, ;; .•. A," Also several Dots rlia South' canidea, Fifth arid Ch „•^l rtirktlii-BROTILFARgj ATTOTIOICEEES, 1 , (Lately Salesmen for ,111.:.Thprnae & Sorted, Nn: 011ESTNIIT 'street: rear entruncti frau" Miner. '11+.17V.10337-.P.llAhArPJArit_4. "WAVY AND - 611 PILF ra:11,14.; • oii.xvitivaircr,a4.,_ 'Will bee c h eld at the auetton reeins,, bop C4eetrptar:, in Alm latter part of settetaber'. „ Particulars hereafter., , . • 'rp,Ham.As . BIRCH. Lt. SON, , AT,T.CTION,..:' '..l_ • ` ENNS AND lON Ist EROIIANT.B. - - 7 No . 1%A 3 11. 1 gT.N0 rrEtroot... • -, .' . 4 , Nem' ontilinco No. 1107 tsausom stria. ' ...' '..',,,v. .11onselio.14- ,Firraiture dosoription.rocelved on Cgs=nt. • ••• t Bales of-Fuiilittire 0 dwellings attl?iadod tb 0xi.t110.104- 7 - rensonlible terms..'. • • . . . - I)Ity 7 I3AILRITT - 86 - 00 - AUCTIO CASK . AUCTIOre,ROBSE; ' _ • . Noi 230 MARKET street, corner of Bank ottrfet. ,, . Conti advanced on .corodenments without extra, chug,. D-4718 &. HARVEY, . AUCTIONEERS, -) • (fatte with Thomas dc Sone.)' , Btore 20'3.48 and f4O North t3I.KTB, 'Wear m o cLEics & c 0.., , • ; • • AUCTIONEERS, _ L INO .JlO6 IWARRIET street. • 15691-,-144PViCrE BALES EVRR,Y MONDAY. AND •D, - • A/31(100:1i dr, CO.; 'AUCTION:. " . VIERS:No.IIOS MARRETetreet. above Fifth.' ' " li.EATJERS ANO,STOVES, . PH OM SON'S LONDON • iner, or *Eupean 'Ranges, for families, hotels ro or public institutions, in twenty different size/4 . .7' , 2 , Also, Philadelphia Ranges, Hot Air 'Portablet Ifeafere,'Low down Grates, Firebeard Stevetti , A Bath 'Boilers, - Stew-hohy Plates, Broilere, Cookl4 , , Stovet, etc., wholesale and retail by the. manufacturer*, . . • SIIARPE TIIOISSON, my 2.9 fin vi ihn4 " N 0.209 North Second elreet., . . •..I , III3IkAS S. DIXON & 'sfsNp, a LatnAnlret7lx7i I(.324cnßstNuteetiPitfladt,, . ii°'to r . ,' iin nine - furl:re of . • , LOW DOWN, -,:-1 .: . ,•. . , FAULQ_R.,, 1 : • . ~ allAbLitEß, And other GI:CATES; '''', ~. ,•,::','' ~..;,,," ',, : '.,., . • For Anthracite, I .llltpmfuounand Wood Fire.' , . tI41:-. , 4 . 1 ' - ...,. . '':' • ' ' WARIII-Ant s FURNAON •' '' '" , , ," • - For iVormint , Ptilittc , mid PrlviAte BilNiiiri,kW 4 '. l ,4 , .4 RE arsunti, YEN Tklitt'/Vitldt 4fi_: 5„ . 5 . .. 4. i „. 1 ': C111M.14 ,VCIATS' - ,_,* • , COOK IN( :NAINESOLIVIDMOJIDERS. AviioLgsALE, and . RVailiap.„ INSTRUOTIoN:4I: / pit ivato H2O,Tibtqlf .BailiftiP ~, , SOTENTr2.b cally taught at the Philadoinlilealding School', .Oiitk street, aboye , Vine. ?..(11u, borne, are . Quiet and thoroughly trained,: or hire, saddle horyea, &leo car. lieges at all time fbc vieddititi, partite, opera,'lnterakA, &p. Horace trolued.ln tlaa dia. .. . , . '4O '- - . 4TH E RA S GRAION & 80N ' REMOVALS. ' • J REMOVAL,--(10011,EAN, RUSSELL Sy tx CO. have- rOrnovetr front Zi North V writ 'street to f . ' natal bide, aboYe Irout treat. M4* •;• =BE >:~'.`,- =NIG ~;n= ~~,;a; T : ,x~.,~ ~, ~Y':i : ~~~'~.