Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, September 08, 1869, Image 4

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-2, The following is a continuation of the list
Judges - and Inspectors ofthe next
Lion; chosen by the Board of Aldermen.' on
'11014aY" last ! •
met.. at on • • udge, Charles W. Smith-; -
Ti . . ittsPeetons;..f Robert J. - Johnson, Peter B,
Breen; . rettirn, S. W. Pennypacker. Robert'
E. Randal. • •
Second 'Div ision—judge; Frederick Schiedtz;
petors, George 'A. Hopper, : Samuel
Town ;*.• return,'Robert Foster, M. Barry.*
• : 'Third .Dirision—Jtulge, Peter. . Long;
•inspectors; Samuel . Kingsley,`,' Ilugh;
kitis ;*, return, Samuel Macmoney,.Edwin T.'
."-"Benner:* • .
• Fourth Dirision—jtulge, . Frank •Dartser;•
7,.'• inspectors, A. J. 31eIntire, George F. Reed ;*
return ; James F. Kryder, Williant C. Kelly.*
Fifth Diviston--Judge , Tiniothy Dinar';*
• -,
inspectors; Michael Warner,.. Richard ; re
turn,.James D. Keyser. •• -,• -•
Sixth Division—Judge,f3imon Grate; inspec
tors, Wiliam:Summers, Peter SpeeSe.;*. return,
William Ilinkle, - Janies Flanagan..
Seven4h:Division-7Judge,..o, Eno;, inspec- ,
tors, John W. Baker John Scanlan; return,
George A. Shaeffer, jOhn:3lcelcositey..
N'INT4y:WA.RD.First • ! • • •
Dirt7.4iOrt:--Judge,'Williant S. Itoland; •
return,`; T. Wilson, .."*.es,MeZadden,':
: • Secoid Dirision=Judge, Jerenriali'MurraY;" , :
inspectors, James McGovern,* Henry - Wsielit;•'
return, 'James C. Bryan,* Jacob IL Wilson:l.
Third Dirision--Judge, Caleb H. •
spectors, Robert 31cClintock„ Thomas B. Mc-
Neal return, Charles O. Bnrrows, George P.
Binder."' . . •
• .• • -Fourth . Division—Judge, John V:Bitek ;*"
inspectors, William 3lerets,* John L. ;. re
turn, Charles Bender,. A. - 11. Bosler: •
• „Fifth Division—J udge, Francis Blackburne;
inspectorsiWilliam•Breston, Patrick Merrikan;"
return, .Alex'. 'Crawford, Richard J. Murphy.'
• ' .Sla.th"Dirision---Judge, Daniel 8.. Beitler ;
inspectOrS; ; Samuel Copeland, Lewis ---- Albright; .,
; return, Joseph 3.lcClowan, James O'Brien. •
Seventh Dirisibit--Judge,David Brooks; in
*, -..spietOrs, A. H.' Allison, Mark Richardson;*.
,Henry W. Thompson, Arthur Devin
ney.* • . . . • •
Eighth DirisionJudge, Patrick Farrell;*
• inspectors, John. Campbell,* Andrew Smith;
•return, John Fox, Samuel 31cAlicbael. •
TriLixTri wArm.
First Division--Judge, A. W. Henszey ;in
spectors, John 'lesser, JohnF. Lensay ; return, •
Henry Morgan, T. Coughlin..
Seeinul Division—Judge, Samuel William
sorr; inspectors,. Richard Stokes, V. J. Fra
• zier' . •••rettun, Thomas C: Stokes, A. Mc-
Dirision—JUdge, George Phipps; in
-". spectors, E. E. Taylor ; A. Magnin; return,
Chanibers, Edward Keyser...
'Fourth Division—Judge, Canfield Dortl;
• .speetors, Chas. 11. Woodruff; Writ. Palmer;'
' rettirn Geo. W. Henderson ' Edw. Thompson.*
Division—Judge, George G. White ;
inspectors, 'John McCullough ; Edward Swee
neV---. return, Theo. Brackney, C. Barnes.*
Sall! DiriBloll—Judgei s Charles A. Thomas;
Inspectors; Peter Kirker, I.l...lloflinan ;• return,
John G. liollick, Jr., Patrick McCrossin.•
Seventh Dirision-- 7 .Judge, A.ustin Longiiiil
sliectors, George Barclay, Win. J. Knight ;•
return, IL'lleins, Edw. McAnally.*
' Eighth Dirisiow:-Judge, E. Tracy; - inspect
' tors, Joshua. Spering, AVnt. 'loss;' return, IL
Cowpland, Samuel Rose.' ••,,
Ninth'Dirision—judge, George C. Wilkins;
inspectors, Joseph Cooper, J. 3.lcGinnis,_'`• re
turn, Gavin H. Woodward, James Kennedy.' • • :
Tenth. Dicision—Judge ; N. F. English; in
spectors; William 11. Barnes, Geo tie P.- Mc-
Farland.;* return, John 'Patchell, •. Richard
Hayden:* . • .
' Elev'enth Dicisiod—Judge,George A. Lewis,'
inspectors,George llutchinson,Owen Trenton ;.
• rettirn,William F. Gauss J. 31. Snider.
3 - Twelfth Division—Ju dge, Conrad Emory - ;
Inspectors; Howard J. Potts, John Nailes,;*
return, F. 31. Pfouts, Thomas Campbell.*
"flitSt Division—Judge, Lewis J. Chester;'
' inspectors, John A. Sweeny,' S. W. Arbuckle;
return, John F. Githins George A. Wetter.'
• Second • Dirision--Juidge, Michael Lackey';.
.." _ inspectors, William Basler,* John A. Mecke ;
return, Mark B. Stable,* Robert 11. Parker. •
Third „DicisionLJudge, L. Kelley;' inspec-.
tors,Charles Kensil,* George Wheatly ; return,
Frederick C.Dink,* Clarance • Joyce. •
Fourth DiVision•-•Judge, Lewis C. Peirce,'
inspectors, John A. Kennedy,. J. S. Webster ;
return, George B. Anthony,* 'Wm. R. Bailey.
• Fifth Dirision—Judge, 1 .1 7 1 n. W. Weeks;'
inspectors, George Smith,* Joseph Goodman;
return, Sanutel L. Kline,* Thos. Goodman.
Sixth Dirisionitulgt,,Jesepit McNeill .* in
spectors, John Dilllrock,. Jas. Porter ; return,
Geo. W. Alldns, Win. , ll. Shepherd.
Seventh Division—Judge,Lewis Fredericks ;•
inspectors„ Conrad Knoll,. Michael Bradley;
return, Geo. Batchlor,* Lewis Dick. . .
Eighth Division—Judge, Robert C. 'Miller;'
• insnectors, Frederick ,Trefts,* Geo. Wetltirill ;
return, John M. Scherr,* Jos. Peacoc,
i mme t oist _chp,,T l i n g_:Lpifly," S,clcl and ;
realm, Geo. Albrecht,* Frank Logo.
Second Division—Judge, David Hennessy ;"
inspectors, Geo. Bartlett,* Paul M. Wagner;
return, Henry Phillip's,* John Schnable.
Third Division—Judge, H. Speiser'' inspec
tors, George 'W. Speise,* John Lovett,; return,
William Katz,* Aaron Lazarus. •
Fourth Divison-Judge, William 'D. Rank;
inspectors, - John .A: .-- FranksTWilliam F. Bel
sterling ;* return, E. B. McCoy, Milton It.
Brown.* .
Fifth Dir,ision-L-Judge, ISaac 13inic;* hispec
toni, Francis L. Brain," Edward 'Newman;
return, Frederick Miller,* Geo. Kline.
Sixth PivittlOß—Judge, J. D. Rentsebter;*
inspectors, John F. Curry,' George Fr.;
return, John Able,* Gabriel Wolf.
Seventh Division--Judge,Wm. McFadden;*
inspectors; John Kline,' Jno. H. 73eiss; return,
Peter Redifer,' John Sage., THIRTEENT WARD.
First Division—Judge, John Godbou ; in
spectors, James W. Powell, Samuel J. New
man ;• return, Charles M. Palmer, George M,
Second Division—Judge Ilenry Genay ;*
inspectnis, Isaac M. Pairiter,* W. R. Phil,
son; return, Henry F. Sibbs,* William H.
Valentine. „
Third Division , —judge, John B. Green; in- ,
spectors, Daniel Sutler; Jacob,F. Stahl;' return,
Menu DI. Clair, Win,'L. Springs."
Fourth Divistonr-judge, Chas.Tlibmas;••
ipectors, Goede,* John'Buckley ; return,
Jos. Jones,* Wm: IL, Brittnn -
Fifth Division—judge, Judah''Collom; in
:,pectors, A. 11. Dlorgan, 'Francis M... Wood ;*
return, David 11 oelppet, Jr., Samuel F. 'Mc-
. „ .
, Sixth, Division—Judge, 8. , Hoefflick; in
spectors, Wallace MayheW,- 'John Kensel ;* re
turn, IL McNutt, Morris Tuiner."
' Seventh Divbsion--4udge,' George, Bullock;
inspectors, Jam C. Garrish, Langebartel ;•
return, Thomas C. Jones, Pierce 'Hess."
Eighth. Ditiksion--,Judge, Chas. V.r Payptell
Suspectors, 11. C. Dunlap, Wm. B. Hackett
- burg;* return,
_John Kennedy James Head
'rick.. -
First Diciision--Judge ; George Ilansell ;,
s r , ee t o rs„ J. Preston 'Williams, Peter Arm
bruster .;°: return, Isaac .Townsend, Augustue
W. Marker.'
Second Division—Judge, llorate 81. Tubbs;
inspectors, Samuel F. Edenborn,diu:l
Scott V' return, William WO.Lfe;- 'ridxfer
Tirird John intuado
inspeetors,MenrY C. l Pollock Gido6nSibley ;*s
return, Edward Stiles, Davis•Edwards.'l. ,
Fourth Dfasion4udge, Benjamin , Master; .
inspectors, Wm T. Reynolds, James Brooks;*
return,•Geolg.eK.,Snyderi Johng.-Nnlle.*
Fifth Dtvision-4idge, Moses Binns'; in
spectors, James Barber George R. Berrell;"
returri,,GeOteßenteieY;7George W. Keller:* ,
Sixth Divzsion—Judge, Thos. L. Bigelow;
inspectors, Richard Chambers, George Rees;';
return;Charles '
" Edward:S. wik ,
lianas.* ' '
, Ser.entla DirisionL.-Judge; GeKT. McLean;
inspectors, Louis Reimer, John Si
„return, Ralph Warner, John 32Zeigler."
' Eighth Division --Judge;` Samuel Schelde . ;
instiectots, Chas tKeek, Fit& IF, l lWt;* Ye
turn. Chas. D Brooke, John J: 'McNair.*
Ninth. Division-- , Judge, George C. Halter; .
inspectors, Augustus Sensenderfer, Charles
Shanrion;* return, Win. Hoff-
Tenth Division --Judge, John G. Moore ;
insiiectors, ' Henry Schell; 7 Robert' , e 'Arm
strong ;" return, Joseph ' Dnulap, - Edimmd
Burke.* • .
spectors, John KeavneY;! -- Gee.' , W. Sailor; -
Second DinsionJudge, Thomas S:
.Jones,". insilectors,,'lllichael , Nash,". Clayton
'Allan"; return,l' John ' Sullivan,* Stephen
Divislon 2 :- . 4u.d:ge,' 13 :Harrison;
inspectois; Preinge Xing, Jolinj. Derr ;*
George",-W.Ery,Wm.H. Pool.*
Pettrtit...i.Dirision—Judge, Jacob •Kram; in
spectors, 'Benjamin Sharp, James, - O'Connor ;"'
rettuirt, 'Edward F. Martin Heniy S. Frease.*
him DownS ;' in
spectors, William Illitiads, Michael FoleY;* , re
turn; Thennis Uhler, Teinpler,*.` ,
Six(l,/, Division-4udge,,Williameßalph ;.
si.ectorsf James 8.. Carry, John McCafferty ;*
return, John T. Parker,yanl Dawson.'
' . Seventh Divislon- - --4udge, laines Monahan ;*,
inspectors, Bernard C. Ilradley;" jame.s Bigger;
retook; Robert 3litchell," Joseph H. Jordan.
• Eighth. Division—Judge,' William Seybert;
inspectorii . 4Ubert W. Bowers, Hugh • CaMp.
bell;'.retntn, George•S. 'McCauley, Francis
McKnight.* " •
Ninth Dirll4.oll---Judge, William P. Troth;
inspectors, Jesse R. Locke, George Campbell;'
return, John 0. •Bower,'WMiam Neely."
Teatlh Dirision---Jud ,, e, James Harperl in
spectors, E. R. Reese, William P. Chandler ;*
return, W. S. Justice, E. W. G. Greene."
Eleventh Div iulon—Judge, 'Jacob Slater; in
spectors, Isaac M. Smith, Frederick `Bower;"
return, Edward H. Radcliff, G. W. Strayline."
Twelfth Division—Judge, William Matthews;
inspectors, Henry Harbison, Hugh Sherrill;'
return, Samuel Girton, Emmanuel McCor
Thirteenth Divi.vion—Judge, Thomas Lan
caster; inspectors, James Jackoway, Samuel
.Lce;" return, Ralph Bryant, Samuel E.
Fourteenth Division- -Judge, Jacob'. Evans;
inspectois, Edward E. "Wallace, Charles Mur
phy retuni„Cyrus I). Green, George Sill.*
Fifteenth Division-,Judge, Edward Spain;
inspectors, John H. Sheppard,: Thomas E. Gas
kill ;" retuni, Theodore Gauss, Jtunel — Me-
Sixteenth Diviuion--Judge,Samuelt Nagle;
inspectors; .Aiken,..Frederick ;* re-.
stun, Charles W. Lavis, Geo. Henry Leach."
Seventeenth Division—Judge, J. E. Ray
burn'; inspedtorsOacoli E. Ridgway, C'orne 7 '
lius :McCann ;" return, Arthur :Cook, Jas.,
Brown.* .
if;ightecuth Division 2 .,-judge, Joshua L.
Childs ;' inspectors, , Thomas 'Mario, Robert. C.
Brodie;'. return, Joseph. Evans, George , Pro-
Nineteenth '` "Dirtsion —Judge, Nathan
Stretch ; inspectors, William Charlton; ,Henry
Lark ;" return; Cliarres -- Buckley, Robert
"Democrats. ,
[To be continued to-morrow.]
BitooKs.--At 3' o'clock yesterday! afternoon,
~R., Eagan, John, StOokton,: ,Robert,
Ilainilton, John 'Keenan and.:Julian Keenan,
were 'arraigned before Alderman Kerr, at the
Central police Station, charged with complicity:
in the shooting of Revenue, Detective James J.
Brooks. The testimony elicited was as follows:
John S. Wilkinson, affirmed-=-MY address is
No. 251 North Second street ; I am now at
tending to . Mr. Benade's ,business at No. 233
North Front street; yesterday; between •one
and two, I was on Front and on Arch streets ;
at the time of the shooting I was in Mr. Be
mule's store ; a boy told me about the affair ;
went down to. Martin's store; below Race, and,
saw 'that Mr. Brooks had beep shot; I remained'
there about fifteen minutes ; from Martin's I
went back to my own place; Mr. Stockton,
Mr. Bellows and Mr. Ott went into the store
with Me ; Mr. Thomas Eagan came into the
-store 'about one hour after the shooting; he,
earne_iu alone; have seen- him there fre-;
fluently ; he appeared to . be very muct—
excited when he entered ; when he came to
the dorSr atked-forthe—mamwhoTgenerally
had chargemf_thestore4die_theu wenttto_the_ _
dOor and wrapped something up in a paper and
put Mr. J. Stockton's name upon it; he then
placed the bUndle in a desk-drawer •in the
office; I asked him if he, had`: heard of the
shooting, and hp replied yes ; -that he heard it
on Walnut street; ;he said , the officer ought to '
have been shot; that be knewit was . gbing
be done some weeks since; he further said
that 73rook's — Iffid 7- ingle -2 160;000 --- off -- the — -
people • of 'Philadelphia,' and lie was now
bargaining his life for Money; he fOrther said
the people of • illiS city wOuldift.• stand it;
that, the 'Western distilleries were , running, but
those in the East -were' compelled' to shut-up;
he took twndrinks•whilein the store ; after he
went but 1 1 opened' the bundle and found it
contained tive:reVolirers; - wheii.
.he. `left lie said'
he was going:doWn the street, that the detee
tives would belltere ;, Saw him .today for, the.
first time since the conversation with .me ; he •
said nothing about the, contents of the bundle •
when he•ptit it away; •he only 'said, "This is
for Mr. Stockton ;" Wtled up' the 'bundle in
the front part of the,Store; Mr.'Ott arid myself '
were in the Olen* the rear patt.; Mr. Ott's
attention was called to,Mr, Eagan. • •
CrosS-examined-,4 was not brought here by
subisma; : last, evening I g;tve the "information
to the detectives; I had • not; heard, of there
ward ; I opened the Zundle.ten minutes after
Eagan left; neither, of' the revolvers , were
loaded ; Eagan said. Jiotbffigetineet Mkt nilik
hnleft the revolvers; •ffionght his faen.liffiV,
rated great exeitenient; otbersWere excited on
Front street; L . never saw Eagan take ; two`
drinks, one after another ; I know what; i woo •
told by Mk. Stockton; out store is'only sgtiare
frourlicenan's Store; I have had •'general
perviSion of ; did not know_ BroiaS`
until after `lie vas 'shot; I said I understood_
Bropka a . vory'' nice man; 'l7' 0440 , :
said that the. 'Mtn, who did: it , : oUght ,
to be hung; I baVe nodded, to. Eagan .a dozen
times; only spoke to hhn once before yester
day ; hoarded at the Barley Sheaf Hotel; for
three weeks I was arcontinctor ou the ClieSt 7 -,
nut and Walnut Streets' Railway; Wiffinat
Barley Sheaf HOW bearded on tiek • 'pre-
Vions to March; when Went to the hotel,
.was at my relativeS in Western Pennsylvania;
froth the Ist of April to the Ist of February •I
kept a hotel at Bridgeville,-Bucks county; pre
vious to that I Was at Pineville; Bucks eotinty, ,
in the commission business; I we at Work
there from the 7th of August to November; • I
,was,#.oo4#l, A• 1 1f4 0 ; ,t` eels ; ' I liefit.
Riehinohd bne •
, wintafn - ir "37iStzrittit~ " ti vb y _ store is
No. *Di North tr e es, ~4 xeenit4's
store , Isk Nci: 112'n onlthot we.s.bz , the riest
lmowledge I bad of, the shooting `was seeing
four Or''lA , e' peMons• - 'xushitCfromXeena.n's
• store; saw Mr. Brook!), r,nOn./9slfith pistol in
hand; I ran after , -the carrftge, , not linowing
what occurred, and on mY return'l found that
Mr.,Bnaolts,had been 004 saw . • rwards.
in . '
Dr. Weir Mitchell, sworn.-.-1 reside No.
1832 Walnut street; I have been in attendance
on Mr. 'Brooks sineej )3tpnoorirsacsrgiam . last
- saw lihn"one hour ago ai his house, I confined
to his bed, suffering frolic - a - Wound in the
' 4 back, near the right chest; Al.bi n k., it un lik e ly
that he Will reecivei; .his itingitiOnetittied,ond
be is suffering from 'hemorrhap; I have ex
:an:lined his case, and belleyo4he man, die.
Mr. Ilarry-Ott;',.sworn-4iyftidareg II:4 No.
230 N. Front street, second story front room;
,I•now that the warehouse OM. H. Benade is
nearlY o PPgsite 011 ±.TtOefx7C•r lo„ttriexe. fre
quently ; was there yeste rday . about 'one
o'clock; I know John S. Wilkinson as the
Person who 0 tendingin v tho storo;.oaNT hhn
there';'Went to IleitadeeStio're a101OY . ; I know
Mr. Eagan only by sight;- he : came into
Benade's store yesterday:,uud f ,rrerlaaned.9lllY
fifteen - niinu t teS4 tuns SittiVg• it the 'office
, _,
talking to Wilkinson; leaw--Eagan wkat• b.._.
thing up ba a paperi,when he entered he store
Test he wive Otil)'`to tle-FOINV4I44F-t hilsked_
"Or harry,. and )Villchl46ll,4ll.l4l.Chclithe was
not in;_. he then picked np„ar.,netyiptter and
time. ;went to the flout of,,.the re, where he tied
something in, the paper, r . illApsOk'called my
'attention to Eagan - 13y,nu4inknie,;":11iii . no
conversation with Eagan "nu ..the.,;;ShoOting ;
he Staid that the man bad liediP l wained about,
the'ihooting three Weeka'riglit; heirtherv , went
out, and I• dkrnot, see' the bundle I'atterivards ;
I went away in about, an hour;c l, li ,, fl:
!Cross-examined =- Eagan li, -was :;-nearer...to
'Willdbson than me during,-the•converSation;
nbthing was said about; 'shooting ~ or; , beating
Brooks,' only ,that Brooks ~,bad, ,been warned
three weeks ago " ;
, t ,.., . ~, „ i . , , -•
!Mr, Wilkinson, recalled—,l know Mr % John.
Stockton; be is' a 'liqa,tor . 4ror,. at No. 22
North Front street ; I saw lain, at oiii. store
yesterday, in the Morning,' bet Ween. " ten and
twelve o'clock; and again, I paw, hint, iia front
of Mr. Smith's store, No., 2 7 30, North 'Front;
this was after the;: shooting ;• I conversed with
him about, the sheeting, and he said , ,he knew
'two or three weeks ago , that it, Was going to be
done; lie asked me if Tom'Eagan Was'one of
the party, and I said I did not know ; I paw
them run past, bit they went se,quickly that I
could not recognize them. .., • ,
Cross-examined I. have , knOwn Mr. Stock
ton since the Ist of March lastl I have seen
him going up and down Front, street: When I
saw Mr. Stockton on the day of tile shooting,
he did not seem excited; in onr conversation,
Mr. Stockton said that he "knew% it would hap
pen;" Mr. Bellows was standing near , by, and
beard this, but made no remark that I
lect ; 1 said it was a shame—that LS, the shoot
ing; Mr. Stockton did not say whom he heard
these threats from; Mr. Stocktonolso,said he
supposed hewould have a suit, of 'clothes to pay
for; as • lie wtnt put be saiVin a laughing way,
"1 suppose I shall be arrested:;" I gave the in
termation on which 'Mr. Stockton was ar- •
rested ; I made the affidavit before I , heard• of
- tlie - roward.
;Mr. Thonnan, re,called--:-Afier the - shot, was
fired, I saw' the carriage drive up, Frbnt street;
:tlie,back of the driver wag towards
,nie; . ' . on
Saturday, morning I noticed a tyvci."-herie chaise,
which drew -Up op the corner of Arch and.
Front streets; two men were, sitting on the n
deer-steps of No. 107 North Front street, in.
conversation; these men were.dressed iii blue
coats and caps, and one had light pantaloons.;
during the morning, and until three or four,'
o'slock, these two men frequently walked uii ',
and down the street ; on Monday morning the
chaise, was,kelit, alloying up and_ ; down the
sheet ; ; when., the party ran ..out:of Keenan's
store, I saw , ,the same chaise drive away up
Front street ; I identify Ilaniilton as one of the'
men who were sitting On 'the door-step;
• he
then-had a large moustache; Hamilton, on
Saturday" was conversing With the driver of
,tire chaise, , -, . • ,
,Edward Harbe:son was Sworn and testified—
I rim twelve years , of age; on Tuesday I was
standing onthe corner of Diftwyn and ButtOrt
wood' streets ; I saw a man thrashing his horie;
- he was - coming - tip' Buttonwood street ; I fol
loWed thii cab to. Tenth Street, and I junmed
on a wagon and followed them to ,Twenty-iiith
street, where one got out ; he got in again,
and they, drove to Faiimount, ,and there:
I lost them ; •I believe , Hamilton was the
driver. ' - ' ' ' • ' '
Cross-examiliedWhen I saw him,this morn
ing, I said it was not him, but now I think that
it was him ; lam sure Tramilton was the man
who was iving the cab; he was dressed in a
brown hat, black sack coat and brown pants; I
know him because I have seen him on the Vine
street wharf.
Acting- Chief 'Detective Kelly sworn—l saw
Mr. Brooks yesterday afternoon and conversed
with him ; be is a material witness in this case,
and against all the parties; the case cannot ter
iiiiiTaTteWitbrnit-his- testimony.
Mr. Mann—ls Mr. Brooks the only witness
the-Commonwealth:proposeio . examinelf
so, then it is great injustice to postpone the
matter, and keep time defendants locked up, ~
when it is not kuown'whether Mr. Brooke will ,
ever recover. \ . t
Mr. Brinkley—The case against. Mr. Stock-,
ton is void of any testimony. It is said that,
he repeated a'threat made to him. by anotlibr
party. Mr. Stoekton is a perfect gentleman,
and the bringing of his =me in connection
witlfthe - shootingis - a - great - injustice.
Mr. Brinkley here questioned Chief Kelly afe
to : whether Mr. , Breeks had said anything con-.
cerning.his client,?
Mr. Kelly—l don't think he did. ,
Mr. Cassidy (addressing Chief Kelly)—Did
lqr. Brooks mention Eap,an's name in the mat
ter ?
Chief Kellyname was not mentioned,
but he said he would be the main witness
against all parties arrested.
Mr. Dechert—l think.we have acted in geed'
faith. We have, in twenty-four hours'after
outrageous attempt at murder has been Perpe-•
bated, given a hearing in the case of the par-,•
ties arrested on the charge. That bearing par -4
tially concerns them in the offence. I don't
mean to do anythingn harsh,' tut desire a fair
and impartial bearing, and' don't think it';
should terminate'tOlay."' I ask for a delay
secure iffr.Brooketi attendance. It' he shoUld"
die an, ante-mtortem, statement •will serve 'die:.
same Purpose.' ,I ask, for a continuance until
'next Thursday, If these gentlemen , are inno- ,
sent it, is unfortunate for - them. As to Keenan,
Mr.'Brooks made a statement iniplicating him
in•the affair. • • •,
. Cassidy-- , 11,0w about young Keenan?
What is the charge against. him?
Aldernian -Kerr—l don't, -think there is any
evidence against•himi ,,, ,
" Mr. Cassidy—What lathe charge against these
Mr, Deehert-4-Assault and battery with intent;;
to kill. " • • •
r Mr. Cassidy--10oWi think'thecharge can be , ;
sustained.,, hers is no evidence that any of
_these parties assaulted Mr. Brooks. •
- Mr. Dechert—There is 'enough developed at
this hearing to , warrant the holding , of the de
fendants,' • .
, 111 r, Mann suggested that the hearing Wright
be poStPoned for a longer thne,*aud, Alde*tan',
Kerr announced that Julian Keenan was
'charged, and the other prisoners would be Coin
mitted for a further healing o_l.l Monday next.
"M:.' Cassidy notified the Aisistant District-,
itiei;oailitivFmild:B __. ic tiiitit*,,434q iiiiiiteof :
his' ent two' rit of ' a6eta teritig ter daJ,.
roThsl',4, , Aniez B.A.c?4`,ootinex:-,-I g he., fall
'meeting of Ahn Philadelphia Trotting iissopie r
riot, at'Vellit Breeze perkiteinnienced YeSter.
dity afterluOimand dre*:in'.lmtnenie throng4ptp
sPeettithrsalie weA444 . ',' ,anC tthck were
favorable to fast trottingi;and the time made;
oceeded ihe';'exPedtationslof the most atftbi
libus. Morn vi'' pools‘,nrere
=sold on the ground v tanftl totisidetble motley
changed: liands,,.' . . ;ti: 4.... 7:-
~ , 4 - • .! , •
The folln - filfigle'rtininti:ar tiii;4tretii:,
1 Szumparift-.First, - ..'llacer , - , POint Breeze
: qopree'; Sept.l, :1666., ,forpurSeidsi,ooo: 4 for t.-
homes that have :never beaten ^ threethiniftes
td, lierneie ';or'''wsgon4-$050.10,, first; S2SQ to
1 second;'an4 $lOO to third.'
Tites'.' 'gest entered.„b. g. Renri, .!. ..„ _:a : ',4, , ". I .
W. IL Doble entered b. ..,Hops ~ - ; ,2 '2 4 .2.` : ;4
A. A'. Whtte e#temai.e;46eltDrapek.. '5.,'.,g. ,- , 11
U. S. Quinton entered b. s. Gen.l,yon. 4 dist'ced
X. S. Ludwig entered br.': , Dintih. .' S .. t;
81 C: - Rodger entered black g.'HarrY - .' - '' ' __!.‘. , 1
'Time ~- ... —glicirier.:: ,' Ifoi.f:. '...4fite..4
First beat. . '4. 438.0 ' 4 115.`, ~. - 2.30' ,
Second beat. . 38-1 '' ' '1..1.0.1 ..', . 1 , 2.80!'
Thirdleat. . . . 48.0- I.llt , ,' " ' 2.33-4, '.
ISOcOnd 'A((4O4-1'044 Breeke Coursei Sept: ,l %
1860, for purse of $2,500 for: horses 'that have
, never beaten 2.25:in hat'nese or vagoii:-.41,500
td first, $l5O to .second, and' $250 to third;
POI - e - nterett.b. g. Itotspur.,-- , 1,-.1. '&--L
D. Mace entered g.g.Gray AlOk. ' , 2 '" ? 0 2
I.Y. Illtlanehard. ardor I .4. • • /
j,icense. . . . ' . 4. 4,; '' '. ~.. .3 '2- 'Ol . 3
' i M '
ite: ' , ' Quarter : ' Half. 2 Mile:
First beat. . . ' 37.0 z 1.15' 4 2.28 A
Second beat: ~. - ' 37-& . • 1.14 . 2.2541
Third heat -.- . , '362
Fourth lest, . ':.37i . . 1;144 . 2.294
This afternoon there, will betwO races, viz.:'
N0.43.-Pursesl,oW--For boriee that have
never beaten, 2.46 in_ harness or, wagon-4650
to first,, $250 to second, aini,sloo to third.
No. 4. Purse s2,ooo—For horses' tbttt have
never beaten 1:80 in berness or wagon—sl,2oo
Ito first, $6OO to second, and $2OO to third.
k'or the first race there are eight entries, and
for the second nine. Excitincr contests may be
THE WATER SUPPLY.—Yesterday 'after
noon, at three o'clock; for th - 6,first time in about
five weeks, the water paSsed' over , the . dain at '
Fairmount:, The water commenced rising
the morning, and at the hour named it passed
oVer, and at six,ti'clock it was in a volume of at
least eight inehee over the temporary. breast,
Works erected duilit .the drought. This was
the signal for. the movement of the large,.
number of canal boats .above and - below the
dam, and during: the 'afternoon and night'a
large number were "locked through.' The
unusual stir in business in the neighborhood
attracted the attention of a large crowd of
spectators at Fairmotmt, and • the operations
were witnessed with . great ' interest. In Con
nection with the water supply, it may be
stated that the steam floating engine from New
York reached here on Monday evening and"
was anchored below' the dani and. in front of
the wheel-houses. At threeO'Cleck, the.steamer
was put in operation;' ' ebbitedibit betWeelf the
boat and the basin' being ',inade by
of ;
ui iron pip6,.and a large volume of 'water. Was
' pumped, variously estimated -from ' 4,000 to
,004.1 gallons per ~minute.. "All Ithe' turbines
w ere in operation: yesterday,: and the effect
. iron the supply ,in the, basin was very. per
ceptr e.
CORNER-STONE LATD,Lfiie corner-stone of
the Evangelical Lutheran Church, at Chest
_ nut Hill, vas laid yesterday, afternoon; The ,
religions exercises . . were ; condn'cted by, Ref. '
1)r.:, Seisa, ,Rev: Dr. Schaffer,. and Rev. Mr.
ttcker. in-.`English; and - Rev, Dr. 'Spaeth in
ierman.., The, corner-stone was laid by Rev.
.G. .W.,flredericks, and: contained a .copy of
the Hely;Rible, church book, eonstitution . of
' the . - ehureh, naives of the pastor, officers 'and
. enibers' of the Chureli, names of the su-
Terintendent and `teachers, of the SUnday-J
school; :President and Vice .President of the
--United States, and Governor of the State of
Pennsylvania;, also, a quantity of 'baptismal
:water-and-sacramental wine in battles, and, a r
sacramental wafer. .A numberof the religions
and secular papers of the city were also placed
in the stone: The building will measure 28 feet
frOnt, and 50 feet deep. It will be of Chestnut
- stone, with brown-Stone arches for the
''windows and doors, and will contain; sittings
for about 200 persons. The new structure will
cost about x 7,000. • • .
Yesterday morning Wm. Smith, a . colored
_man, was arrested at Twenty-third and Ridge
avenue, on the charge of stealing a pair , of
horses and•a wagon, which he was offering for
sale. After being taken into custody,'4,.com
, pardon of Smith admitted that the horses and
wagon' were stolen. Sinith'was taken before
Alderman Kerr in the • afternoon, who held
hirrifor a further hearing on the 9th hist, A.
R. Nexus, of riolineSburg, left . information
, yesterday at the Central Station of the theft of
a pair of bay mares from his place ; also, a no
top wagon, supposed to be the property fljwad
in Smith's possession. .
FINES AND PENALTLES.—The only fines .
and-penaltips paid into_thetCity_.'rreasu.ry,._by_.
our Aldermen, for the month of August, are
as follows: Samuel Lutz,s36 ; Andrew-110r=
$4l" William Neills $341 7.- 3.;' - ir. - ..73ra:466y; -
. :,:3fi 2 ;l44ll,lEleins r V,3o f -and-&—R--Thompson;
$57. • Total, $234. .. • • • •
INSTANTLY •KILLED.-11.1artha Muth, aged.
is months, fell out of -a third-story. window .of
• dwelling No. 213 Union street, yesterday after
noon, and was instantly killed.. • The ,Coroner
was notified to hold an:inquest upon the .hO4Y;
BASE BALl..L—The:liodimak6m; of La:U.ollk
bitrg,,New with
,the Keystone Club, of, this city, ,yester4y,
and came off victorious by , scare of 29
atee,'Mortar, Pill Tiles, Combs, Brushers t lifirrors,
Tweezers, Puff Boxes,Horn Scoops, ,Surgical Instru
ments,' Thltiks,'Hard firidlflort ..)Etubbet Goods,' Vial
- Cases;rOlassand '•fdetal• Syriiigea;'-dro. -&e. 'till at • " ifirst
Hands" prices. SNOWDEN diBROTHER,
aps-tf 23 South Eighth street.
TrViblViglßTl3. rARK , INVIITED 'TO ) Elf
*Ll amino onr large stock of fresh;Drogs and Chemicala
of the latest importation.
Also, essential Oils, Vanilla Beans, Bponges,Ohamola
Bkins, etc. ROBERT BHOETIIAKER & CO., N. E. cor
net Fourth and Race streets. •?
draught and in bottles. variotis brands. ROBERT
$ ORMAKER too 14 .4 cornar; Fourth and Rabe
'streeta, ir, '7,1 ' 4 . 4 .4, corm,
S'ilLE / S Al"; OW' LANDING.-41
Xoxes White and Mottled Castile Sor very_superior
guitlit ._4IOI,BERT StIO,EMAKER &.4 94 Wholesal*
, 11l nig • IMs., MAL 'tinier Fourth'indita e EitrOetil 4' '.4
13 . 00 7 1'S AND'.
t •
17(nl I CA, T . 0 1 ,.1,E ., , .1 3 11,.81-4_o„.
7 9 - 7,,,
RALt I Y. 1 ' .
lyl',_ I
ldpii and aseortnieut 01'1, ~ .
OUT T EP, e fill . ' at a t ti sr Aa IP GAITE.III3, FOIL MEN AND
..t 1
Oan bo bad at
~_. ~B.
ENE , BT , BOPP/Br: ;
4 , II3ORTIIITENTIr STREET: • '`•-• • —••
Better than anywhere in tho City. A Fit Warranted.
,a , 26m; GIVE HIM A CALL.
.itt , • , •
MONekAbtf,....( ,, • i„Ls
iv CO. have removed. from 22 .North - Front. street to ,
• in nnEsTNUVATKEETW•nottiv tibMio Front
13 ) 1t i l. Rips Turpentine. .
433 bpidzg,onv-Initkerfe , liodir , :!` ,
.. And bolo. utrainoil Shipping tor..
"Landing per tittrwhipAnnituql..o
10 tti s ti . .Sgr.TM:i l i r
tf entme•
Luridly peruteanuiltip prpritstim i,ptowLx ,
F" ii " °PY •• - • 1 youth • •
ite7 t e tvo aro arontio.
I •
•atwte? , ll,
,140;. ENIQ,E A
114 1 g9y VENN/it./ -• $ 'tt W •
$ glasottm lifst.t.v scut tfranttf.ntlattept. I a,
I t - I:
Th'e Officers and Members of thoOrand °ago ergo tc,
Dartlcipats In the In Lo g o' fat corner-Stone, T_
Mtutkouro enenkony.,..of;the timbal $ NOI3 ument at t .
oroBIONPAY next; a u tr i
.nat ifi c ,d to in ,
-the mansion House. at the kt.• .$ll , c,fa c ,op
• -h4
PRECIBELIN of that day; g's4,s' , tt ,
The procession will form state lllMpalori f [Oise, ih the
Park, at it o'clock A. Ml. Dr 1Y . Dame Masonic dress
Ad used at tho laying hate, CArher *ton° clap gonje
Temple—black silk ...-blnck • dresii, ' glovov,'
white aprons. ,The Grand o.Meera wM• wear their ro—
galla. The Oflicera of ,tiabortllnate Lodges, will wear-.
their proper Jewels spa it,ptona.••• '. •
• )iy order of the 11,.. W .u.-fititsfir. •• ; " 4 ,
GEOEGE W. W_ooo, •
Berati, .; • klrand Mar!)hal.
STA.TEIt Itilt:RSErAiiqi
• • t'' •
gap° BEWAUD will bepald for the Arrest and' Towq , .
v letion of thersona who assaulted And shot JABLEB•J?
BROOKE., Uni t Mates IleyeuuoDetective, on Oho 6th
inst., or for Information that will Ittui ,to their arrest
and conviction.r , • • • .• • • • .. • $
• A proportionate tesent4 will be paid for. the arrest and
conviction of any person concerned in the said assapit
and shooting, or for Information that ;alit lent!' todgitch
arrest and conviction. • • - .
• . • N. 3f OREGOIXIrp
eel3t§. . U. S. maraud.
Ikri TAE .. ' C Is r : it• - 'II ~
IifirDT,SUDANUE COMPANY L , • ; , '4 3 ; •. 1
•• At the otinuel tueutlnif i l) i f trt btrligtoglixorf Ott
,02 - xv - gbell tiC n l ie l tilv'ore duly eleetdDite:tOre loillte
eneningyonr.viz.:, •.• • o_, , ~. ;, .
• DILA BAZLEHURBT, HENRY LEM kl,.f. . k. . .
THO 48.E.081 A ~,,,,,.. ,N 8 J. Ulliialtieiltali P XLito '
i LM)D..9IIOK. J/L ; 1 . ..I
Aid at'iolnktlio Ditreg - h. ~,.' .. $
DANDIEL(.B)IITu,N_A„, Reql.;•Atits. unaulgelue r re-•
eleeteA ',reeldent. ~• 2-40 , . A . ' •• ' , , i .•
..1•°. • I,;
Inr rrr a 1 c orammenenecaraiii-1 ' . ' "u"'"""""*""
PHIL.ELDELPWA,, ,BYE. 41141).•Eik.R;
!INFIRMARY , • • •
r.e.prner ELEVENTH end BUTTONWHORSfecete. ;
•r • Opetnaily at 12Veletit. • •
_„. •
EYE—P. I). Keyser, M. I).Arch street.
EAR—James. C01tine,...5,,',W,! garner and
Green streetei.
Klinei9ll Green street. • • ; '
('co 'F. Keyser, 1818 North Fifteehth
Wm, Ohrtsttrumn,B46'North Broad street. '
—The anneal meetinß of i the Stockholders vdlll*
hold on TUESDAY EVE NO. September 11th at 8
o'clock,_ in Washingtottitel ,southwest coruer,EIGHTH •
end (SPRING GARDEN streets, fa t the purpose:of elect
ing Of fi cers and throe Directors. - • • •
_ 2
September /Ist. . • • • E. F. STEWART,
• se 7 Bt§ ' ' Electotar .
THE PENNSYL V . .. --- 11E - rN• -•
na b sy RANGE 'comPiticr. • 1 • ' .....--
• Swrittnag 6 1869..
The Directors hare this day declared a .dirt and of
Seven Dollars and Fifty Cents per Share on the Stock of
the Company for the last Mx months, which will be mild
to the htueltitolders or their legal representatives, after
the lath instant. . WAL O. CROWELL.
se64l 13 • . Secretary..
THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVE :14'1 4 113i Sept. fifth,. •
'When will he 'nuanced •
Mr. Henry Haigh as '' -* Mange°
Mr. Henry Drayton Count
H. C. Peaked .; . Fortitude
Mni..Bernard as. .:. ..._«.......». —.Le0n0ra
Annie Kemp Bowler nr Azurona
• • • 3IARITANA. •
Dos 'sheets now open at Trumplcr'a Musk Store: and
at the Academy. • • ,••• , • .
N. E. coiner Ninth anti Walnut Stmts.
Of the engagement of tiv, ilistinintished tragedienne,
Who:Will appear In on entirely new and powerful mem-.
Donal play In five Rota, entitled • . •
• THEATRE. • Deena Af to S. ••
• D U .R L E S. Q, T R 0 11 Y
In prepare t ion. Roue Icault 'a "FORMOSA." • '
Hou SE, Eleventh Street,taie Chestuni:
(AR •
Nd j aS ll. l. h i / 1 11#742 7 / 1 17iiiiiL -• '
The great Star Truupe ef:the anti& in their unequaled
EVERY ...l ` ..trigaitoss,
B. F. BLltrguN...Trintsurer. .; .• : • nuts M.,.
Walnut street, aboyo,Eigbth...
310NDAY EVENING, 13ent.'601, and all the-iv e9lts-
• ROBERT NICKLES. tlto World's • Prestidigitator.
Now Ballet, Mlle Rosa, - La Snardi and Ballet Troupe
. Matinee on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock;
WIESTNIIT Aired, shove Tenth.
Open lima . to 6 P. 31.
etill bn exhibition
A first-class BESTAITIIANT,_ft la rcarte, will ha
opened by ADOLPH PROSKAUER, of 222 5. Tamp
Street, Philadelphia t on the 7th of June, under the name
and title of MAISON DONEE, at the corner of WASH
INGTON and JACKSON Ste., known as Hart , a Cottage.
Sir" Families will be supplied at tho Cottage.
Lodging Rooms by Day or Week to Bent. -
ie3o tf
—Will retuain - opon-untit September:2sth, 11369—*
nu2B 100 G. W. MULLEN, Proprietor.
• ATLkillrie CITY, N. J. - ,
aulo ImE
MACRiirlettY. mart, *.c.
MERRIOK & 1301 . 34 1. ' '• ' ' • '
' 430 WASHINGTON Avenue, Phil eipkia,
STEAM-ENGINES—Hig. h and 'bow Pressrtretliorizoki
tal, Vertical, Beam, - oscillating; Blast ' and Cori:ask.
---Pumping. -- •
It9lLElts—Cylinder, Fine, Tubular, &c.
.131,e31. 11A11114 . ERS—psornyth arid:Davy styltiii, and' f
CASTINGS—Loam, Pry and Green Band, Bziiss, &o.;
' ROGES—lron'Frames, tor coVering with S late, or, Irdn.
4X 4"j
TANKS -- Of of Wrought Iron,fpr refineriti t Y/14cri
oil, &c. • •
GAS MACHIPERY=+Stich as libtorti L lionch Caidingei'
Holden and Frames,' pnrifierS,' 9,creand Chateeia
Barrows,' Valves.}Goventoea,',lio: '• •
SUGAR MACIIINISRY,43uch as Vaenrins, rano" and
Pumps, Defecatera,' Bode, Black Parners c
Washere and
ars 4 Elevaton!,,B4,EGiera,' Btigar and Bono
Sole manufaetgrers of the following specialties: - '
In Philadelphia and vicinity,of Wright'sylitefif'
, F Variable Cut:olf,Stdam Engine. -.. „" • t
In the United States, of Weston ' s Patent Self-ceritar..
inTand Self•balancing ContrifogitiStigaf-draininglif i a;.'
.Glaes.'&. Barton's hiiprovemerit on •AspihWall & WOoliley's
Bartol's Patent Wronght - Iron Retort Pid.'.' ' .`
strnbitti's Drill' Grinding liest:. • t • •
Contractors for the design , erection fliting tiii
r of Re
fineries for working Sugar , or-MolasseS. •
Shdatbing, Brazier's Uoppor Nalla,Bolta'and Ingcrt
`Coplorsconatontly on hand and for sale by UEN 1 r
vt' I N BON Jr' CO.. NO. 392 Sonth , Wharvea:• .. :.. • '
B . mAstottflak,: F. sn Arr.
thitt to tkiiiirAtocli of , • - '
Spring biountuba, Let anti Lipciait Nogritatit Coal; which, with the jupperut en given by us, v . @ Alhkcoh.,
not he excelled t)y allY ot or
office . r is oat m i u stit4to xutldins,,Ng 15 13; Severab
strca... , SEIEA-FEut
itao-tt: , „ . . arch street wharf. uohuylkiu..
'FixTtruEs,—mmkEy; mraticna,,,
04"111ACIt.AVA,'Nd. 718 Bliesixint street; inanufack.
threw+ of Paw Fixtures, Laniv, Jco., Jo., would oath°,
attention of the pulniti to the large and clegaukaaorph
raent of GlakOhandellOts,'Bendants, Brackets, k 0.,. Tbay
also introdued gad' pipes,into dwelllnge and public build
-1310, and attend to datendingf altering, atal,rapairlus.gail
Dives. All work warranted.. . „ „
11.01 t SEM . 13 CJLENTUS -
chili taught atthe Philadelphia 'Biding School,
street, above 'glue The. horaoo.4tro quiet and
thoroughly trained . Por hire, saddle , horios.; Aloo,oar
tinges .at all times for, weddings' parties, opera, funerals,
&c. Uoraon trate ed to theAsuidic. „_.
' - . THOMAS & n
. t .
lJ Chalk, Atloot. Apvli to WOll. , MAN ;& 00,, •
- • _ , 123 Walratt otroot.
~i ' ~~ ~ ~
1.111%) CI 000 0115 ;.4 Rfs) :9 011
• Pro rititor
1::.00.".0.# . 0;• ,-
11NISTIt - V - 011i1.
r i f it A 7
loi ii itr ed
i ff i ti r si t ii
' •••••% 4 • n , il p s i
j J!,
iiiirEgifvongt anillYiiiwatradoirr
-^ feChOke OrtlebWelved- gal dos sat Mys. •
r Btn xsetod.- no`,l4l(lmigut
,s • below Chestnut stree . • -
. of. choisq Olsen Ginger .itt, storg• gingfonsals at i
SWF 'it ring, MIA GroCeni ,140;, in amp z ecoa di
t, below Chestnut street. . •
Kri Turtle andtlnUten., l l 3 3irt Boston Olnkrtlonaso-,..
..ttno,nnelgrltteltlneift as.Ulng ,
narties. BiO , Sole at U ast - End Orocery. No.
11$ Booth Second street, belorl7 estout street.
1 1 \TEW__ IWet) $R AD • AND, fwICED,
ile V eVatil l ith i ol l ialliWiA t itE r just" "
• o. 118 uth Second street, below Oheslnnt street " . er7.
1 a
ai.iam 3 el' BPICEp o GROUND AND WH.QIBE
:W the ustEttilTbrabin polbid
hite- sw-and-C
stare, and for intent OUST VS -East End Grocery, No.
118 Smith Second street below Chestnut street.
j> g. A11r.M.44111.1141•MM1T ... . r .
ogolio)s ' 4. Q- OUP.PLISS • • ' ,
~..;; ti, ; „,,,,.,. .i)hr--- , -- , -,_ : , _ ~.4- • ,
1 Konen ur ZAVISASTEIt 1.1.,1d:44 ANY, r
, ..,, 1; 1 , .1 4 144.42.11,Vggstrivr Srustvi
•• ' ' -PSILADMiIus, Sept. 6th, 18&) .
SRAtED' ROPOSAIA, endorsed ii to.
pools •for_Supplies,,", will bo received at th is
office until IA. o'clock M. on the 13th of ,Sep
tembeet. foe t ...furniahing • the 'United States
Nas7 Department with the following articles,. ..
to be of the best quality, and subject to in. , •
spection by , the inspecting officer in the Philts..)
delphia Navy Mad; where they are to be de- - „
livereili when vegnired, free of expense to the '
Poyerument, for which accursW must be
'OOO gallons Linseed Oil. RaW.illest.: ,'
;For Tull particulars . and time of delivery,
ply to the NAVAL- -CONSTIVINTOR, '
rutvii. I.T.Mdi• ..-1, - .40r I.IJ •I'" '4 •i,.. ' ," 0 , '..%
~ f • • , • CLOTHING. - "
000 lb's. 'Suer. . • •
'5OO gallons Beans. , ' . •
400 gallons Vinegar. • . •
45 Roses Candles. ~ ~ et.
For particulars, samples, time of deliiterty,
Ste., apply at this 'office, where blank •forms
for proposals can be obtained. : • .
Pa .. ~ -r MS. Na% . :
2... FO-11, SALE, ' a
wo. 1328, 201,y1&7. Ie thorough with finidrrn Un
proventents. Apply to 4 •
No. ION: Ninth street:
sc74tl -
SrirgEtir r rab, c* Rt
and Collector, eoffehd ihe Of bk. real
estate Wends. .Attenticth prompt; dorms. moderate.
eintee.mo.. Jul South Seventh atreet. , K 6.311
.r:. . 'EO . tiALE-DAVEI4LINGS. ,
_::,- 333ttealunoef acesunL.Sinettentkanej.i.losnman
14 ..BlRletendli street. 3221 tiansum, West t/bo:, .
3307151 t. Vernon street. ' • 003 N. rtfteenth street.
• 1323 'Brandywine. ' Lot BINGO. 8 room, newiy pne mil
and nninted,f Only fillatel mai re/mired. 'Price tY3 •
• .. , . • . . JANES W. LIAVIC ti,
*edit..'‘ ": ' .B.3V,:,eornerßre/ael and Cht. nut.
. , .
111:;,. 1 - ' 7O J.t2•L4.7:IIVIVII,FQ.It • . SAL F A
- lOWern built. llioautry: Villa, with all the. Listea
mordremettta.• Price, 513,100 Alto, a Hasesara Boor
Costle y , Within aye Minute, of . Dep_ot : ' PrltteLe:7,ooo..,
..to., :. , I :! . ' •. • , W. Hz bTOPLJSti. - •
an . . . . . /toots : twee Office, Gersaautoam.
VHEISTiIi UT Silt NET6-1111118A.LE—
.Thollesitable propesty, IG , feet: 4 inches front bit&
.fret .l 4
deep. N 0.405 Gbestuut 'etrept,. , !BOUM,
°Nib, 7a3 Walnut'street. r'
4) -0 SALE Oit ElcrrrThE=MEE
'stork rundern brick ILerldenee, 41W -three-story
double bark buildings and aro • feet wide
PA 'North Nineteenth inneet4 *bare Arch; I Lid. Up Id
& SUNti. MI Walnut, street., -
roar-story Brick itesitlectee,22 foot:frout, built in
t Moe 4 suastantha manner, sulteS of three rooms ea
tin and setond floors. Lath some cotortznalcating. with
Chambers. Anil finished la ihtt best style, with extra con
venletiees, situate on the north-side 'of West' Delanepy
p_iste fourth bongo, east_of leseatirfiree street. J. It.
& SONS, 733 Weittut street-
'xi:wee...tory Brick Residence, wth three story
ebb q tnick Lni!dings, sittastelio. Oil Vino street, OPPo•
site .Ftanklin Square. Lot 21 feet. front-br 1731eet deep
to; , Wood street. - .Terms acconunedating. 7, •Irdinedinte
possession. .11. GURNEY 60118, 733 .I ,4 4lllrint
street, , .
-1101- litory brick nesidenco with ,thretostery dclutan
bark buildings. Every convenience,' end. lot 20 by. We
feet. No. W 5 North Sixteenth street, above Wallace: J.
SONo,733,Walnut street.
ma. Two new pointed stone Cottages.inst finished, ailli
oven - , city convenience, within five minutes vvalk from
Church Lane Station: , Price 46,0c0 each. J. U. GUM'
31.EY & BONS, 733 Walnut street.
M. - North Thirteenth street; every convenience; and in
good order,
Convenient Dwelling, No: 637 Pine street; ten rooms,
bath, gas, ace. ,
MO queen street, two-story brick, good yarn. •
WS Stamper street, below Pine, small house.
Alter street, two pelt four-room houses: _
Building Lots , Pessyuuk road, and a- good Lot, at.
RIO g Sun.
• :537-Ptner*treer.-.--
IP , ELEGANT BB N rac B e O ep ,N .
41a , r Itl
ball. , or to rout. , A.Drar to s
J EAD eult.o.‘ iIEP t!
- 320 )4iiiit34 grtolfiittert
nuTi-fm w
Dwolling B.onicestre4t..,
A andsome Dasellmg,'lBZl Areti street.
A handsome Dwellitui t l72l Vine street. • '
A handsome Dealdence,Weet Plitlaibliebia , '. • , ' I
A modern Dwelling, Sergeant etreet.
A Buldneas lio4ation,2BBtrawbey etreer.
A handsome Dwelling; 400 Smith nth etreet. , ' ' Apply
to COPPUCK ORDAN4II3 W alnut street.
EAS 80TA1 . ..:
°nice 3istolotoil street, uppotite,Manston titres},
Istandi'..N,* J. Beal 'Estate bought and sold, Ferdblj
dollar:mut of tentlugtottagOo dutiug the season appll • ;
,or tiddress above.; s • ; • ;
opectfully refer to.Cblui.li,.Xtub trea'rr 53 7
Fritnoio zdonvain, Augutttur Itertho; John -Doyle a ' •
WoJtvenal: ••,, • • ; •-r• fe.B.;
og, 1202-mAimwr Bwet. Apply z .sh
Tiveot9ltrit''ckild , BanfonrCASTveti. ApRLi
to'2'o,clock: - • - tekqe:,
containing elf)vou idonusi.23.s: ,iOrth; 'TgOtity
tnlLlitreet: Apply 1716'GrOon . stroct: • " 'B6Bjt , '"
TO LEV*LARGPAI4 3 YB I. 4 () ,NO T QA7:.
nor store, lin: Sdiith'Savontleiltitot ; for
any kind ofbnifinolio.'No llouor-doalor nood apply. 'Ay- .
ply 01l tho'PrOlniseetE or. IDAV/TklirllANS*, 461.Maroball
titr4.ot,, , • . • -soS-3t'
Lthird otory,-rofnt—No. ^ Sontb 80Yontivotioot;Iir
:suitable Or an enaraver or any business rotlitlrlim
Apply .bri the - prerniseti,nr to wxyp,EyAris; tug Mart
-ahull•strect..•.4 = • •••••,,t
SOl4 - KU Oklikl4;Pt"4
vir , A 'IIAND .d. - 4./ f 13111"Ild''fitieOt''l . t •
, TO' li-,-,---1.0 ii.obiirty,.l3-41iit ,m tt etitodbr 1 1 , ' 4
i igUls 86 7,,, ° C/4 8 4 t 1 ) 0r a ,M,lnin,,er riatt>flift4l,c4ke Or oak ''' v";
nthaidni•Ba'''.- 1.40ng. ,9.fiuh,,- Il ' ,,, N -,
r - uBII4BBI tr... 1. r 1,4 Is 4 narz- 61 , ,' 5
op ) ! fanuoY. , , tnn t atkab • '•
e l 6-94 P. ' ~..' irnor Bro4ll and Ola
BH .__,t 3 S .----......,,.....,•-• ~:14,..t
~ 8: Nv ~ no - , vidukivs ,- z. % ,. ..:.ir
..............Clt§ m
11,Unifi J
dUlibie 4iiiible .1'
... BEN '.''.. k Nniellint wAr nt botWooit 01.
~v v e i l t ul , t ro ne T lsv. itioutzain ,,,
1, n i ""f?' °rynd 8111-te g n it t4 gAntilriOs,
, 1 .F 43 ?,?' 8%
, ~.
: 6:t v i a r t i t i e e ee : . 1 2441:1 1 1IN ntdoiriiio:fiefite''
' -----1- $7-57--.. 4P311%, C4 :17. ,, , i ' I )%vaißng , '* P" chnouta
NurikAl ^ ~d orn 'nippy
t , ,
p,,,..„... „ bath , li andI I I
all r 4 o. 1721 Vino str w olg ,
with a" Vi d m en Wiirtiintroa. ' 5 . ' i
a tt l io ll ilitioVneacttio;ng•a_ .A.../!°:,6torror,ent,hiflP t a r, , A 2 9 4 L :,' ll t ifilLl ',.... ~,`'E ,
, 301 1 1: 1 A •
00 - AICP4M3f:
UmOlt,'` • TIENv - 0 ---, Kowee ,
nocalo. at 2001 Walniiratreet: " nii';iletwakitYie
d!2. .*, • :6.07 atrl
A'N'D OMO • politgiitt ket
.L A Wining and ottlefvacantio; wltW,Board'i
Pond street.: L. ao3 at*
q - RENT
nizATffle *ETA •
WminproToN,Sept. 7.--The President was
at his office in the Executive Mansion 'to-day,
where he receivg anpon.sulte with Sfia s s
ries Fish, Oox, e ;a "
,t See
Richardson linr ' o tO tli 'a igeni6l or •
the obsequies of the late Secretary of War: He
was Buttering from an attack of, neuralgia.
When the body oftho,lo4,,,,sg,rf,urraw,lins
was removed to theAWiti4D'iliiiirtin tik tesAW
kleneral Sherman and Adjutant-Gene 1 Town
send were present., and under their directi , , .
guard was stationed at each end of the cata
falque, ,andglso ,at .theptrvi,As m a
room.. tahe , '`iattl..Y , inclok.l4 be e .kre
18 of iron, highly polished and varnished, lined
with white satin;, and quiltedtastefully._ On
' tha shies are eight heaty silver handles, Tad _
each screw-head is covered by a silver rose,_
Nlialifitigtro t t i f f 444 solid:W*46llV
nule. 4,,...k.5pN1% Y. for' , .,this case,' allmigs4
engraved a number of stars and oak leaves,
with the inscription: •
ci 04 t ?-!4•Pf .5111 1. 4 4 1 4 1 9 11 N A, RAvii,llll, ! ;, . 7, , ,
• " Sg4..nkfiliv — oVVitAls. ,
Born Feb. 14, 1831. . Died Sept. 4314,86(kt
The case is of a very handsome design, and
the lid fitting into a woove contayng cement,
it is made perfectly air-tight. )04 stlii,i; "fife
is a large oval heavy plata-ghts*- Itbrailf
,. , ti - vieriv - a - th• r$ 4.r. . $ • . cart se
Myiut%**o o 4 l o-1 ,1 4-40fe-otGelker, •
ter, aceeiriPanied by the General and General
Michler, arranged a collectioli or floWeitikriithe'
casket. Aktow of flowers was placed around
the oval-shaped glass over his face, while below
a beautiful cross was aiyanedity”Talia 1
handsome wreath, and arotindvlbef 403
there was ani.arrangement of flowers. During
the day a large number of-persons visited- the-
War ilepartareht:tOtike. Alan kiolLit,thefed-';
tures pf the,depe a sed,,inelpding paeni4raxthe
Cabinet,' 'aritly dud iiVy" dfliterti,"afid thank
civilians. Gen. Itawlines brother, Mr. Srdith,
his brother-in-law, and Mrs. Hurlbut, moth
of the late Secretary's wife,called and remained
for some time in General Shetpum's office.
Theithl4lo,Vl,l4l 01 1- iti. 8 4. til w itiri. l 4ellPegig7
the funeral, and the 'War Department' will be.
• kept open to afford the public an opportunity.to I
see them.
The following order wasp issued )frour.l.theJ 1
Stale Department this afternoon, designating
the hour for the funeral, the names of the pall
bearers, and other arrangenients: _
D El* ARTA! EN T ;OF ST / il - 4,iWAS.rstgri:rithi
September 7, 1.849.---' TheleinalitS of thellort.
.John A. Rawlins:, late Secretary of 'War, will
be interred with military honors ? , under the di
rection tit tliff•Generiii 'of the -army, ,
day, Silptember 9, at 10 A. M. The' following
persons will officiate as pall-ißarers on the °e
rasion : 4 ' 4 ' 4 , : f C
Brevet Major-Gefierals E. Townsend;
Adjutant-General. •
Brevet Major-General R. B. Marcy, Inspec
Brevet 31ajor„-G'eneral- ; Josipli Holt ? , Judge
Advocate-Genell. ) ; 1 4 .
Brevet 3lajor enera "11:" . C.Meigs, Quarter
Brevet Major , General A. B..F.aton, COMIII6-
• sary-General.' -;;
Brevet 3lajor-General J.'lL , Barries, Surgeon-
Brevet Major-General B. W. Brice, Pay-
Brevet Major-General A. A.
Chief of _Engineers.
BreVet 31ajor7Greneral A. B„ rtyer, Chief of
• Brevet Brlgadier-Gener4
Si4„trtallOtlicer. ' • "
liti*: ,l 44ot-General O. O. I:toward.
roo t .* Vq-Getieral John B..lintith
4#44 44 4
Chief of
tpral Jacob Zeilin' , ' Marine
Bt4gatileretieral Second` As
sistant testinaster-Getteral.
s..r..tkiwen, 31a3ioriof Washington.
On the day,of ' the funeral the 'customary
nutitlber, of guns will be fired from all the arse
nals, forts and navy attts'in The United States j
and uit the' Military, and naval: academies.
Flags will be kept., at, half-rmst, custom-honses
closed, and all public work ,suspetuled (hiring
the day. The General of the army and heads
of the Several • Eiectitive Departments will is
sue orders necessary for carrying these direc
tions Into effect.
By order ,,, of the presiOent.
LlA3ttLvis -Figrt, , -Seeretary; of State
The Amend escort be under coannatul
of .13invet • MA:Of-Genera& 13aify,-
at,Fortress Monroe. and will consist.
of two companies. of artillerY"from that post;
two companies ,from Fort—Mclleursr, a bat
talion of the 'United States Marines, Co. X, * . th
Cavalry, and Battery F, sth Artillery. Secre
tary Robeson has ordered the officers' of- the
navy and marine corps and stations to assem= -
ble at the -Navy Departniene in full-dress for
funeral diny t blue p,antaloon.s
,and\ caps, to
unite in payir* the last tribute of respect to
Secretary Rawhtis. Ile has also ordered. Gen.
Zeilin to detail the batta.lion, of ,marines
headquarters here as a portion of the funeral
'rho Sr
2he Secretary of State has issued the follow
ing circular to the heads'of departments
you that-the President directs the to cOmmuni
• cute to yeti the &der that imbed& of the inem
ory of the lion. John A. itawlins i late Secretary
of War,:ciltioAltid. 'yditel4ll:#; l o4.l.lPl3l44 the
• executivedepartmentS shall be draped in mearn
, ing for a period of thirty days, and that they be
dosed on the morning_, of _September 8, until
after the obsequies of the deceased shall have
' •
have the honor to be, sir,youi ohedieni ser
• ," - ,ti f Secretary. of State.
Under this otter the following 'Alive been
issued : - -
;869.—As a mark of respect to the memory of
ion,,,john A. „Rawlins, deceased, late Seem
.. fine ofi War,cuStdin-bouriee wall. be closed,
VAC vorkislinder control this - department
Uspended, and flags kept at half-mast during
Thursday, Sept., 9,!,antl. the 'day, on which the
bsequies of the deceased will be solemnized.
r #
, • : , ', 1 !.: 'i' ! . ‘el sr- 97''IP94g Sl"tecieta'4. .N",
Actin . -
A similar order has been lssiled by Secretary
- bbeson, and" SeCr6try,, 'Cdx, of ' the - Interior
; 1 Under the above OtdereAlieMar. and other
idpartment buildings, including the White
u,P)th•ite bercr •*'aPed: in mPunguir,-With,
, fAlialt l l44§W.A.ss i Eit - 1. ,k. , .to , '..E. - Ki
- he following was Issued this eyening;_ , „ _
r ' 1 TEAti4UARTERS U. S. A. G. o.,WAart
V 60 1 5, Sept,. 7, ',1869. , -1-GPT.RAL QRDPREIs
, 6/—The Ge'neral announeesltelthe - army
ihdeath of General John A. Rawlins, Secre-
P.', of War, on Monday, Sept. 6,1860, at 4.12
" ,F.F., - ,i The.. WeA-PriGmlerait-JVAirks - lhaal
oL:6orilliant imuk:clOsely'colitietted*lift
, di f the President of the United States that it
is 'liar to all, and it is an honor to the, pro
-1 fe it to connect his. name, witb.tliat array for
NI; wilfiere'helaliered eckiliid . qdid l 4ith so
mu nn enthusiasm. He will be interred with
_ .. ...
~ mAry honors, from the War Department, on
1 Tl4day next, at 10 . 4, .M. • ,
~ .
•Tritiehe 'das , Elf' th6liiiiefifithill'iiiiiii,% .
i pos (I.arsenals ; where this ordes may . be,
re' Ahi tiiiiel3y,iiiairof&TF pl - blpf-liTzkii"
- ' 1 - a'aa
giii) ill' bellire nix . • sMiset,,
, the ':44111, be ,displaye,d.' at lid ”Mai.t,!, - ,, tbo
i 0 f -tbe War Departinietit will be ele'ibil l '
for lie business until Friday morning, and
will draped in mottrning ) whkh will•remain
r r 3 .3 fr sv 11 /T. • .
41 % V 'i UP: 4 V 1-Pl,ll , lfit • A.
n.f“ , ULL;;, 4
,•4 -"I ' r . 0 • ."-• : aBl
;"" •
• „
THB- 4V-BNING-13 -IW . " PRILM) . 14 PRIA -, WEDNEBD-AT 4 43EFVEIatEWS-1.4V.t 4 --1-f-t44:t fir- 1 1.
t „ e „ ..
I,lsrear the ' 'usual badge of "roamin g awned
to tbp'Ecy!erd 141 t and on tb6left arm for -- . three:
naontbs,::= • - •
Aconunand of Gen. Shetirtan.
E.' ,DlTO'Wzegefin, Atijilfant-General.,"
~','"- . ~,,. W i. n. • * 4 , _,,t__
~ .§:") •;::
TlE.A.tkiniurrads U. S. A:, A. G. 0., WAin- :
1.140T0N, Sept. 7, 1801—The General of the
aitaving f elp„„chargeftith the official ar
ge bigE3 ktrileirflinierallities of tile,:
late Genelal J. A. ^Rawlins, Secretary of War,
announces the following ordei of the proces
sia: ,
Funeral Escort in column of march'.
• r tiattidion of Font 24rygry,,
r litittalionpfatat4"
squadron of Cav; ry.
'Battery of Light ArtilierY. . •
Brevet lifalor•Gen. Barry, Commander, of Escort, and
Such Volunteer Corps, under ams, as mayjoin the yro ocßsicll
04 4, 17)1 and
;OMOIAI ImAarine .Co 4
k ` Y. ai l" 4: l V k i niYag*r
1 .nera of Army
The L
. .
0444 elating Clergy,
The Surgeon-General of the Army ' and Physicians to the
Dec_raP ;l*lk e rgi . 44 l 4
4., ii~iP
ri t , '
".• Tho Cabinet Ministers.
Diplomatic Corps.
Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme
• Court of the United States and its Officers.
v--rffenstorpnnfl Officers o e Senate.
gpintiers of ilika ouso of Representatives and ffa
s t• 4 1 -' Officers. •
• • • . • I 111 I II
_ ........... _......
Assistants. _
Judges of the Dourt of Claims, and the Courts bf the
Piste' orpo mbla wit thoN yo of
Id osr o ee " ra I " ertiltorits.
MAJettii3fttitTt l iftalit3t e s li st t eereasury alai Interior
rtm Assistant Postmaster s-Ge neral and Assistant Attorneys-
Comptrollers of the Treasury, Auditors of the Treasury,.
featitt . a Commssionrs of the Land
emide - dims Affaire and Patents.
Officers of the Smithsonian Institute.
Chief Clerk and the. Clerks of the several Executive De
partments; andall - Other 'Civil Officers _
korßorAte4ntiivritioi4 of-Wash i Ratline, sorgetown and
A.,- a oth cft ies. •
Clergy of the District oftolumbra and elsewhere.—
finch Societies and Fraternities as may WiSit to join the
Procession, which will be assigned positions by,
the General Commanding Escort. '
' . Citizens and Strangers.
The escort will be formed in front of the
Pg4arPeatirPerieVßlnv;Situgq - ,:the
centM -,- oPpO'slie tlfd noctli .- gate";lt'Precffely
9.30 A.. 31., on September 9. The procession
will move at ,10 A. 31., down Pennsylvania
menuelgtheaCcingressional burying-ground.
The usual badge of mourning will be worn
by officers in uniform on the left arm and on
'4lfirevrgtl4,Jpi.ikteiferal F. Barry, Colonel
et:rind-Via& BVatfis Aiti'Heti', is charged with
the arrangements of the day.
By command of (49,peral S4ll-flan,:
The Pommylvanla Republican Amsocia-
11;!phigilifili*OgytWe - ning at the Union
League Nall, to. take action upon the death of
Secretary Jtawlins. Wm.3l. Ireland, of Phila
delphia, presided. . The following preamble
and resolutions, which were offered by Gen.
-brines Eakin, were tnia.nimouslg adopted :
117tereZtipeath, Wikich
Ctves a shining
mark, has removedrtom theh . gh
sphere of his
usefulness our distinguished Secretary of. War,
General John A. Rawlins; and
Ir/gere4s,, Ry Ads vitili6tra.s a Christian; by
hii abilitj as It statesitithP,My his brttvery,,a.s a
soldier, and by his devotion as a patriot; the
eminent deceased had endeared himself to the
.<l - ItaWcetbryTattd-ft.pecially-to-4hese—among
' whom he lived ; and •
Viands, - The7deatir of such - a titan -is right-.
fully regarded: ifsalOtattitibliitl.talainity upon
'which - the sentiinents of the people 1 4. 1. 11Y4. 1 1 1 4k.
exptetsed: thereli.ike;"' I. "IT ' • 3 , : !: ; •
itch dried', By the :P4tittaylvaiiii" Republican
Association of Wa.shington„that we have heard
witkprofound t sotrow of , the death of Genetal,
Jean :Az liawlins, , SecieUr2,4of genes
Reiman without guile,,a statesman without re
proach, a soldier withotit blemish and a patriot
Reso!red, That byidiearly demise - the nation'
has been bereft Of oue of its most gallant de
fenders, the Cabinet of one of its ablest mem-.
hers, society of one of its most.: briliiant oma
ments, and a cherished household of its ialued,
Reßotted, That in this dispensat . len of PrOvi L
denee, the country has lost a true "and tried,
patriot ; the distinguished Chief Magistrate ,a,
strong and earnest supporter, and the Republi
can party an ardent friend of its glorious prin
Res°'tea, That we,ras . Pennsylvanians, re
cognize in his death :the-. less .of one who
always stood it his lot and place as ,. the advo
cate of her . great material i '
nterests and Abe
warm friend and well-Wisher of; iis comrade
in-arms-- . -her patriotic:Governor.'"
Itaolred, That while 'sincerely frio,urnin,g the
loss of Gen. Rawlins to his country, family, and
friends, we respectlblly tender to his bereaved
widow, sorrowing children and afflieted 're
latives, the ;warmest eipressiort of our', heart=.
felt :sympathy and ccrdolence, trusting' that
they will ,ever. rernernlier 'that Life.,is
ever Lord of Death, and Love can. never lose its
Resolved, That these resolutions be commu
nicated to the family of the lamented deceased,
to John W. Geary, Governor of Pennsyi
_vania!',-to_.T. Palmer,_Governorof_lllinois
and that a committee of five, consisting of
General dames A.Paldu, lion. John,Allisori,
send Jexlge ) . Oliphant, be a.ppoilated-to pre—
; sent a. copy to the President of the United
. , • . .
Mrzatarliaraseyifk , Mgatiallona in Paris.
• 1 - •t'oan.illo St. i , aul Minn.) Pram of LINa, 3.)
FIVIR private letters film _ Senator Mamse • to
some of his friends in: this city, w learn that,
two weeks.ago be was still in _'Paris, baying
then beenengaged,some three weeks in , nego-,
tiationtiwitarthe Prencb 'Government in
gard to • ,postal reforms, though he .Itt-%.
Mrins.tinkof,' 'terrespandents,""thia kind, of
diplomacy is:fibt '46 he'brottelit aboht
as `Aiitir
marily as that with our Indians, the only field,
in which I have had' i iiiperidnee." 'Vent ' of
our, readers will doubtless feel soma•interest in
the nature of the piepaseir postal "changes'
which out Government is desirous to effect
with that of. France. We are therefere
milted to make the following extract front a
PtiVatqletter.of Senatoritamsey;
"The letter standard of weight in our ccam
; try is one-half ounce. Andlrislthat as the basis
$ of international pmtage which' our Govern- -
ment has secured with Enelssad,44elgium,
Avitierland 10,Ty, but
though repeated etlontsltave beep.)mOe by the
United States;l2lY - Etigland andtrltaly, it has
' keenlibtutd'imPire ..t 44 l)ers l 3 l loo France Y"'
!centent'torhltral , mtlA'At Of ler oitraStandard,'
which is 7.4 grand:lee,. 'lt' quarter of an
ounce. „This, is lier, Atatidard„and her
I unifort4 foulf - '46ents bite moneyi per
tletterF i VoVi;'Fiii*Or'liqiit:4sf. Writing npoit
s tro i g} 2439, q,ql); 'Ax*Nwthp,o4447...
11:431mAnt4effoantt , the emu be huh 'a
!feather b$ r•llveight 3: t detublesclthe charge,; and
amounts to 32 cents of our money to or from"
inbrica. If 'ekieti'an alfiklatieri. of I.o' grannies
t li q.,§fi e ' d t O tre ;: l3 4 3o , :,tl t irr ric t t a Pit t 6 4,
,i .a li d. A r e 9 , , , V ili d e, ` ,
'Postage : ,Al4oll,,,truaw4 ia,roport.s, to. about
1 5300,Q00 per anntn t .of nearlFsloo,ooo, for, as
have just said, i)ifi„graMtnes it pr one-third of
an ounce,,wonkl
__cover nearly - 50 v nt:r pent. of
'the letter torrealiniiliMs. e .
"Then, as our postal, treatytwith France is of.
Pe date of 18570t-elPll?mees, pepe.otthe, wise
'd iiinelliiiatiolist 4 4 bite? da'yq - ', , ?For
instance, if you send a newspaper to PranCe,
.the postage at bottle and across the sea must
be prepaid, and France then in addition exacts
P 1511111,1
letters cannot be sent to France. 800 k,,, pack
Ages 4 'generalpritited matter °rumples of goo&
cannot;be sent through the mail as is now
done with us, and to and from the States of
ilUrc e t iolte " br fr fflt t 3 1 1 A
r o twe we cc ts, e r-
Paige ithillitayitefirsiusd WATEngliandia
lAge,nls,„ arkilks ray.,,,bithqoppt4,femiti t
Mt IR ileordbit)
;Is o arre use , o or (Ise/ nai l s
rekOediftsterrittineinft kalzdt;ko44oor
, 4n4 we are compenejl, to sem., to thes%
Ailirfahhhtiotii offin B itAlitor.FilaiicSnie
evlae e ra li ~pfin#44o v amksif
It iv9lll 7
s,r e r
osts exp resses me regr
itotitthhynoffM;AMU) nott
low him NI mripede those ondioratious
mttrptip i amP-TwaliNLAit,
• oars E.— he b eipma notographer
gM/IY) hr„,§elitelltF t Mutah3s OW, &bag'
'ordwereift, pbases•Joi:qll4iktOat:
CAir b ettigivstwigimyswa..l9l-
.po t v ova...ea astronomical an '
jiliStirgrapfileoilpSentrtor lowa;...toOMP.
.:•• •
* • notiwitok:d' ilt gr •
• . 4 1 - styol o 4÷-bzithelst, ,
two views be ore, one during t _and one after
totslityre Tifdalhotoyiapheras
ea,PY• Pen,ernian.& Wilson,Publishers, S. W.
&ear' Beseiith 'obi!' Cherry - srreets;' eta'
VI - . • 3-.lakiltMenizfelEoulW.V,.-.:..mtirti).
la .;:j
-4 L
wm. littCrA:l3t4,
• ,-, „ raItADELPH4.,
Steam and Gas fitting, Hand Power and Steam Pumps,
Rriftlitierle Hathie V 4 ;04;
Terra Cotta Pipe, Chimney Tops, &a., whoiesaie and
. retail. ,k Er •••.•-•, r; ,
• Samples of finished work may be seen at my s'fOre.
mid 6mi
• Of the latest and most beautiful designs, and 411 otker
Slate work on hand or made to order.
Factory and fiaLearoorati,Spf.ZEENTH and CALLON •
HiLvstri--.04 NytLsoN.A 3fILLEIt.
trews Renovated.
1-.7 Wag and Chairs Iteta , pßed; Woo - ire:4lmm conatantly
Fs etorv. 3)1 TArombrird fitivet:. - aul6
tl . Ci IV it 6aT Q i4g--tft.AlMBFttr o v - E 3
x .DIRECT, ompanutom ipkomparr EVERY
Wednesday and Saturday.
ribivpraiv,STleEltr-trliAliF. PHILALtELPILIA'i-
Faux? Fam PuttalittiftoA ' , I - 141031/10 0 ,roN. '. ,•,
SA XON.Wednesday,Sept PI ARIES, Wednesday,Sept. 1
It Saturday,." 4 ROMAN, Saturday, " 4
ANlESWednesday, " ' ' SAXON . WiNinesday, " •`8
HUMAN Saturday ,;. , .." 11 NORMAN ? Saturday," 13
SA XON , WedneAtir, "- 35 ARlEt4,ll.ednesday, " 15
Nt,RMA N . , Saturday, " 18 ROMAN, Saturday, ~ 18
ARIES. ?Wednesday,' ", ' 22 SAXON, Wednesday, !• "22
ROMAN, Saturday, " 2.5 NO-RILAN, Satnnlay, ". -25
SAXON, Wedneaday.:" 29 ARLES, Wednsdar, "' 240?
These Steatnetdps Sail punctually. Freight roceiva.d
;Freight forwardt:d to alepoints in New. England.
For Freight or Passage isturtior accommodatiOns)
apply to - • HENRY WINSOR & CO.,
, ~.- .338 South Delawato avenue.
unthAD l4 l -, PHLA.',-;:. ?AND 1301JTECVACN
The JIM.. lATA sail for NEW ORLEANS on
T hurs&ty: Bent. ai at A: 311;
The-AAEO,O sail. from ACN . W.; O 4I.:EANS. via
DAVANA,Sept: •
The TONAWANDA will sail for SAVANNAH on
Saturday. „Sept. 11, at t' o'clock A.M.
The %Air TOMINI.II. will sulk from .SAVANNAH on
Saturdar. Sept •
The PIONEER will sail for WILMINGTON, N. C.,on
Saturday. 1), at 3 A. , •
Through bills ding, signed; 'and Twinge tickets
sold to all. points S th and eat.
For fcrig!tt4lizap nisly
a '. - JAil t tES, General Agent, '
• ' - • 130 South Third street.
above M A Rl' ET Street.
THROUGH' RATES to all points in North and South
Carolina via Seaboard Air-Line Railroad, calmectilig at
Pitrtiououth, and toLy nchburg, Va., Tennessee and the
%Viet via Virginia and Tennessee Air-Line and Rich•
mond and Danville Itailroadt„
Fr. Is ht HANDLED BUT ONCE 'so nd tnkenat LOWER
The regulantyroafaty and - cheapness of this route
,commend it to the p obit /La thri most deeirable medium
for carrying every descri don of freight.
No charge for t iiraYager or any expense for
Steamships insure at lowest rates.
Freight received DAILY.
N 0.12 South wfiarvesand Pier No, INarth Wharves.
W. P. PORTER, Agent atßichmond and City Point.
T. CRO WELL A CO., Agents at Norfolk.
N aria, Ceiirgkown and Washington, Ches
apeake andHeleware Canaloiritk , connections at Alex
swirls from the mostitirect rOute far,. Lynchburg, Bris
tol, Knoxville, Nashrille,Haltonnmi the Southwest'
Steamers leave regultirlyfrottrthe first wharf =above
Market street,'everySatufdaTat noon. , •
‘Fieight received daily:. WILL,P.,OLYDE CO4
No. 12 South Wharves nreLPier 1 North Wharves.
HYDE & TYLE,BAgmtsat - AeOrgetown.
M. ELDKIDGE C0.,-Agents at Alexandria,,Va.
11'70TIVE:-::-F OD NEWI;YORK, Dr.L
The CljEAPESTaiiii - QIJWNEST - water water comm between Philadelphia and New York.
Steamers leuve ..daily , ,fromffirst wharf below Market
_street....Philadelatiaalatifeot, °Mali street, New:York.
Goods forwarded by all tim tined running out:rikNew
.ork 4 -_,Nrit.th,_East.and_Westreeof_Comrabadoni-
Freight received and 'forwarded on. accommodating
terms. ' • 'SJ WM,. , -D.--CLIDE it; 1110.,•Agents,
..12 South Delaware avennerPhiladelphia.
TAS: NAND, Agorit; No. 119 Wall street, New
lirsrciass ship "Hannah Morria,'t 1,001 tons regis.
inastek.,This -Tensed succeeds the Berth
Temple, and having tiiesbulk.of ;her corgo engaged, will
'have quick deptitch.,',Fot balance otiteight or passage.
-apply tb PB.TB.B7ArBIGHT 88N8i,..'*6.-115 Walnut
s reef. - 'z E r., .seStf
: 7.:LIVE • • 00L - :; - - ' '
, elailst hark BERTHA 'TEMPLE., 526 tons iogisier,
captaio, .Thts „vessel, .suceee4s „tho„,
cans and bt4vingthe bulk of her 4 ¢_argo
dosoatithi tror balance ot- freight or passage, +apply' to
.FET.IO3,..WMOITT & bONS,..loWeituutstr,est.... se.24f.
NoiricE:—Aroit'NENifypitt)l,yr.A. 7
; The businelifrof theselinee.willbp resumfki 41)n,alitirtitOr
the 19th of, Igarch. , Jifor frkrajit,_•ivhiph will ltio*tikart fl op'
1 aepoinmodating tenne'Appw to.wAi HATBD & CO
r. /to: *Soutii Whanieti:-
StreaMTOwllloatediaptinye;.-Barges towed between
•DaltimOrit, Havre de Grace, Delaware
City and intermediate points.
WM. CLYDE 00.4i:rents; Capt. JOHN LAUGH
', [AN, Burl Offiti);l2 Snuth9 , VbarresiPttiladelpida.
I ) -I ' 4l "t'f' Tmnsporta
!tionAaniritaDtrHeillefitch.,and ,ftttetante..tinea.
;business by tbese Lines will bo resumed on and after
!the Bth of 'March. 1r..4e rtaxliALwitich will be taken
;on ac.commodatino terms, appWto 1;91. M. }mum a
iC0.,132 South narves. H.. 4 4 , -r!
..'''. 274 '.2CALUTIODNI
i 9- T 110 E. - . -.-, Aliii) -, 'PERSONS -.. . ARE
, ',ittesby titttioned' :is/tablet 'l4l:boring or. thistiog
inn :a thoffnv Of.thollritiob,Jiiiiic sipertha Temple,'
IX hOli, tniter, 14 no ~ ,Obbs, of their- tontrotting - will
bb paid b Captitin'or tionilianikb. , WORKMAN & CO.
,_,..-: T Hb)St S 0 I,irti."'''LOITDONICITCH
ener, or EursPreaullainiiie,:thr families, hotels
1 ,or public inetitutienot-in;twenty Alfrorent eizee.
.AlB4 Philadelphia BArigoe,„ Hot Air Funumee,
I Portable fleaterej Low: down..Grates_,Biretioarcl Stoves,
ißath: . Bollard, • Stew,liolo ..Plates4nßroilere:l Cooking
Btotee, etc., wbohumkeefoyeo,il by this nuumfacturere,
1 . iirywirf ralipiiiknV ~. :' I ~ , ' .Nu.'4o.3, N dirtb Beemul libuet. - •
OKESTAu a•orroer •rytAas
- t•lagn.A 4 n If :- •
... 4 .4 4, ,LkuCk14 4 4 001.- 'bow* •
4 `` .l PABLOR, •is
•"•,:; ,
!•;.- ,' • I°PiCil32li TE~ ;• •t, •••
' 1T . 4, A 4
',dlraOttf, cl u tti.inon;q t Wood' pro. :-• •
• ,VABM= A -184 RNAO4B_,'
pii7Aritrming POW °. hnd'Privatatitidaingu e '
, 1 '
l.l~[~ Er,L
AND Alditit'ltrid' PHITADEL I TA. AND
Philadelphia to New York '
sitnid WAY "due', om
ant street wharf. • r'` -
Atli.3o A. M., via Camden and Anaboy . Accom., 'B2 25
,At ltiA.ld._,_vi*Damionsinci,leriscritlik Ex. Mail, 300
At 220 P. M., via Canidell MitE2lltitfor rprese, BOO
At 6 P.•M. for Amboy and intermediate statlinitit,
At 6.30 and 8 A. M., and,SPl.V.4_ ,forFealhold., .i
,11, 1 2.4* P. M. for Bong Bratibh and' Peintiro
AtB and 10 A .31 ~12 3.1.,f0i• Trenton .
1 fid .
t • rdeilitAili'lleencelfiftrll 7 "114112 ' 314
,116yetly antrD.o
- 4 12 fil4, - 8f0i1,800,74n11.11.805h114:1br ,
oterativerside, ipruznirpopYrt , ank /NU
6.lfidrm.„, for - 11 Vertex': .•
1 OW The 1120" , Tmit of
Mark ctltrget by. tipper ferry.
- Prbinmensurgton al' 1 . .1P.b.V
At 1.1 m., via Kensingtan anclJersey City, New York
Esit'ess Line 8 3 00
41,5.7 and ,I 10 A ..M 33ui „TOT) Trenton
• rine!. 'And at 10.15 A. 31.suitd P. lif. for Bristol.
'At .30 and 11 A. M., 2.30 and 61 0 '. - for Morrisville and
t 1212,1 1 611 VA1M.1 . 2.66, iinif BPI .311 roiticliittiak r a
and Eddington. ' _
t 7..30 and 10.15 A. 51 ., 2.30,4, and P. M., for; vorn
,illlikrri733llFie / I PluielnittrgiTacenlWitattinerningi
Brides nr.g an rankford, and 830 F or1101Mee•
terate% intermediate Statlonstw,., G:7
From West Philo delphia Depot via Co_nnecting Railway
At 940 A. M.,1.20. 5i6:46.8 And. LTP.i.M. New York Ex -
press Line M , yp i lereey .... ....... 324
At'll.Bo P. U igralitilfine.l .......... 200
At 9.30 A. 31., .30, 4,6.46,3 and 12 P.M. for Treoton.
At 920 A. M. 4 - ," 0.43 and OTP.(3ll#forißrigtol.
At 12 P. 30 light) for liforrisville,Tullttoven, Schanck'a
Eddin Vern Wells TorreadaleV , Hohrtitelittrgi Ta,
00071 Ise noming.lfridesburg and Frankford.
The 2.30 A. M. and Id "and 12.1 3 ah'7iiiitie rah daily. All.
others, Sundays excepted.. _
• orl. l l 4 alAwhig-Ketisingtell-Depot}.4llktit-the ear i••
third or Fifth streete, at - Ch nu athalf_An hour he'
departure. fore The Cart '6,t , t'
, 8"h , 111111W441 run
d ttgWeit PhiladelphlttDepo Chestnut and Walnut
wiliineslraistOLcontieCtwitlilhe ..411+8.611. arid 8 and 12P.
M. t
- 3 - 6)SIiVniER'R DELA:Wens' IgAnatOAD-IntEs
frintainneington.Depot. - -f •
, 1 66 0 480 ,05 "' Ms for litagark, , Palli,•,lloBal94 , Mtinkirxv
Elmira, Ithaca, Owego, Rochester, Dittg_hamAtiOns,
Onveg,o, ti3yracnce, Great-Bendr Moritrese, Wilkeebarre,
1 Btheeley illottittainedier," t ATP ti
At 720 A . Id. and 3.30 P." Al. for geranton titrouder,
I burg. Water I: Gap, .Belvidere, Easton, Larithertville,
• Flemington; &C. The 3,30 P. M. Line connect/1 direct
with the train leeving Easton for Manch Ohnok • Allen
town, Bethleheni, an, •• ! ; 1
At 11 F A tM. and 6 ; P.M. for 4.itol,peryi4p interme
diate Stations. ' -
ket. etreet - Ferry (Upper Side.)
At 7 and 10 A. 31.,1, 2 .15 , 5 ar 620 P.M.for merchants.
• ville,Moorestown, Hartford. Blasonville, Hainsport,
Mount Holly, Sniithville, Ewansville, Vincentown,
' Birmingham and Pemberton.. ref if
At 10 A. 31. for Lea istown, ghtstervni,Vooketawllr
AtEgypt andrnerton•
f 7 A. , M., 13,30 P. 31, for pewirtoirni' yr V i ghts- 4
town, Cookiltown, New • Egyp t. Hornerstosali.; ream
Ridge Midgeandayetown,'Sharon anti HightstoWni
_Tifty'ounds profa Only allowed each Passenger:
P,ardiengers areibitedfrom taking anything as bag
' , gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage - over. fifty
Vow:Melo ba paid for extra. The Commix. limit'their
reanonsibility for, baggage, to . One'DeiHar- per ~potittd,
t any Will not be Heide tier any amount., beyondAigG.,9g?,
ca pt ny4pecial contract. • - • • ,
; Ticke sold mid Baggage checked ' direet• through 10
Boston ;Worcester, Springfield;Hartford, NeW Haven..
Proyidente, 'Nee•port, AlbenY i _TroY,SarategaY Utica;
ROWS Syracuse Rochester,lintfido, Niagara' Fall - Sand
SystiensionDrid:fe. f
Attgti(Jitioll al icket Office Ibtlited 'eV 8••$-Chtist
i tint street, where tickets' to New York and all ironer ,
, rant points North and Haat, may be procured , ; Persons
• purchasing Tickets at tido ()Dice, can have , their -Mgr
gage checked from reaideireof - or hotel to destintion
e Untor(Transfer Baggage Express. • •
LIMB from New York for:Philadelphiwwill leave from.
foot of Cortland street at 1.00 and 4.00 P. 31., via ; Jersey ,
• City anti Camden. At 6.3U-P:-M. via Jersey City Mad
KtlViiillgtol:l. At 7, and 10 A:M.1,12.30;0 and 9 P.M. - ., - and
IT-Night: Vitt Jersey:City and
,Frorri Pier No .1, N. 'liver, at 630 A. N. Accommoda
Don 648 21'.. 31. Express; via Amboy And (tandem:
300869. IV6I-'11.4 GATZILED.,Agent.7?
_ _
mencing MONDAY, May 10th, 1369. Truing will+leave
Deptit,.. corner Broad and. Wealth:olton. avenue, as foi
-1 lowa
WA.Y .mAn, TRAIN at 8.30 A.. .31. (3brlais exCenteti)„
for Baltimore, stopping at 1211 "Regular , Stations: - Con'
I necting with Delaware Railroad at Wilmington for
1 Crisfield and lutenuentate Stations.
; EXPRESS TRAIN at 12.00 31.(thandaye exCented), for
Baltimore and N't ashington, stopping , at Wilmington,
1 Perryville - and Havre tie Grace., Connect/ at Wilming
i ton with train for New Castle. ' • - • •
;---BX-1411588--TR-NIN-c34- x .':;--M-4-SundaY-6-B=c9tedi
for. Baltimore and 'Witahington, stopping ,at . Chester,
Thrirlowi Linwood, Claymont, Wilmington, Newport,
I Swift:ln,' Newark, Elkton ' North East, Charlestown;
Perryville Havre de Grace, Aberdeen,- PeiTymares,
1 Edgewood:3lagnolia, Chase's and.Sternmer 41 Run. ".
1 NIGHT EXPRESS at 11,30 P. M.l daily /for Baltimore
and • Washington, stopping at Cheitter, Thnrlow,Lin
i Wood; Claymont, Wiluungten; Newark,•Ellitou, BF' orth
I' East, Perryville, Havre de Grace, perryrnatt!a andAlag:
Passengers for Fortress Monroe and Norfolk `Will take
the 12,00 DI: Train • -• • ;
WILMINGTON =TRAINS.-Stopping at all , Statione
between Philadelphia and IVilmingten, , •
Leave FRILA ELPHIA tit 1120 A. 1ir,220,11.00 Mid
7.00 P. 31.. The a. Connecta w ith: Delaware
Railroad for liamngton and intermediate stations. - •
Leave3VILMINGTON 6.30 and 8.10 4,11. T., 11.30 i 4.15 and
7.00 P. M • The 8.10 A. M. train, will; not stop between
Clisster Thb • 7.00 P: M. train from
Wilmington runs. daily;allotherAccommodation Trains
Baltimore 7.2.3 Way Malt 9.35 A.M., Express.
2.35 P. M.,Express. 7.25 P. 31 Express.
BALTIMORE at T. 25 P. M. Stopping at hiagnolia, Per
ryman'a, Aberdiden, Havre-de-Grace,Perryville,Charies
town, North-Eaat, Elkton, Newark, Stanton, Newport,
Wilmington, Claymont, Linwood and Chester.
RAILROAD TRAINS-Stopping at all Stations on Chea
ter Creek and Philadelphia and Baltimore. Central Ilk.
day excepted) at 7.o6fAi )Si. and 435
Leave Philadelphia for Chadd's Ford at 7. P.M.
The 7.00 A. M. Train will stop at all Static s between
Philadelphia. and Laraokin.
A Freight Train,with Pasaenger , car , • ettached• 'will
leave Philadelphia daily (Sundays excepted) at,
M., running, to Oxford.
(Jaya excepted)wt. SAO A . 31,9.26 A. 31., and 2.30 P. 31.
Leave Clutdd Ford for Philadelphia at 6.15 A. M.
A Sunday Train will leave Philadelphia at 890 A. 31.
for West Grove, and intermediate Stations. Returning,
will leave West Grove at 430, P 1,31.
Trains Ieaving_WELMINGTON•at 6.30 A. M. and 4.15
P. Al., will conueet at Latuokin Junction with the 7.00
A. Diane, 4.30 T. M. trains for Baltimore Central R. R.
Through ticketa to all point West, South, and South
west may be procured at the ticket office, s2B pleat - out
street, under Continental Hotel, where also,Stato Rooms
and Berthe in Bleeping can( Cita be, secured , 411 ring tub
day. Persona purchasing tickets at ofnco , can I rave
baggage checked at their residence by the Union Trauti
fer Company. H. F. KENNEDY, Sup't.
_ _ _ _
YROAD.—Aftde 1,1
P: .;'' SUNDAY; September bth
Jr. 9 The trains of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad
leave the Depot,at Thirty-first and Market streets,which
is reached clirectlKby the cam of, the Market Street Xpa.
aengr Railway, thedast car tonnecting.witheaCh train
leaving Front andllarket street-thirty_minutea_lieforo
its departure. Those of the Chestnut awl Walnut
Streets Railway run within one square of the Depot:
Sleeping Car .Ticketa can be had on. application, at the
TicketoflicaMorthwest cornerof Ninth. and, Chestnut
streets, and lit Depot.'
Agents-of-ther-Union -Transfer- Company-willeallfor
and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Orders lit at N 0.901
Chestnut street, 1 , in.110 Market street, will receive at
tention. • • ' '• •
Mail Train. at 8.00 A. M.
• Paoli Accom
at_lo: , 7 2 ,1 33 0 P.
P.M. .M..
Fast Line' at 11.80 A. M.
Erie Express at 11.60 A. 311.
klarrisburg Accom
Lancitster Accom • • at 4.00 P. M.
Parksburg Train. - at 6.30 P.
Cincinnati Express at 8.00 P. M.
Erie Mall - and rittsburglrExpresn........
Accommodation at 11.00 P,
Philadelphia Express. _ 12.00 night.
Erie Mailleaves' Adally,eekcept. Stinday, running , . on ,
Saturday Wight hi Williamsport only:. On Sunday night
pace. ngerimill 'alma Philadelphia at 8. (Ode*.
Philadelphia Express leaves daily. Cincinnati Ex
, press daily, except Sattirday: All other trains daily,
' except thinclay:, --, • . ; • ...
TI W e s tern Accommodation Trait:runs daily except
Sunday. For this train tickets 'must be procured and
baggage deliveretiby tilkit P. 11.. at 110 Market street. , •
TRA.INII.IoaaNS =l , ol\ t yL,Z.2 •
Cincinnati -Express at 2.46 A. M.
• Philadelphia ... . ... „.... .... , .. 6.20 A. M.
' I • ' • • sa) A
, Paoli Accommodation at B.'/A M. and 4:05 A ()EP P. 81 '
at 9.10 A.M. ,
, Fast .... .. 'at 9.30 A. '
,Lancaeter.Train at 12.80 P. lite
Erie Expreas. at 0.10 P.,311.
Tay Express.:.' .. .. . . .............. r 'at 1.30 P.
Pacific Exorcist., ,
_l.. ... .... . . .. 8.28P.M.
BarrisburgAbconimodation .at 9.40 P. M.
For further,information, amply to . .
010 F.T4NLEERan.. Ticket oh,eat4ia
8 'FRANCIS FUNKArieket Agent, 116 Market street..
SAMUEL 11. WALLACE, Ticket' Agent at the Depot:.
The PenneylranitCliatiror Company will riot assume.
any risk for Baggage; exce t -for Wearing apparel, - and: ,
lim it t h e i r x,espensibility o,One .atutdreO, Dollars irt•••
value All Baggageexcebding that iuntiant inAlaino will
: t r u y i l t. 24 , ,T ear
be at the risk of the ourruff, unless taken hy special con
, lA' WEST Jl , } RBEY'RAILII OAD ry -- ." ' •
Leave kkiladelakte; Toot of M arket , street a 9 feDcrqs)
9.00 A:,'Mq;liapti Maylllkpresti. due at 12.26'M , .• ,
6.10 P.' M.,. ;• I - ,-0 .;) ;ItPastionigerolue at 7:16P. M. , •
Sunday Mull Traißleaves at 7.15 A. M. due 10.46. .
Dupe klayPrufgktvleaves Camden dailsiat 96:0 A. 111. ,
6.30 A. M., Morning Mailrweat ;0.06 A: at: - - - '"• '
ate P. M., PaperOtt at 11.22 P.rlTl.'^
Builder Malt. t64 1 t6 Cate' May at 0.10 P. M. ~
Dupe Idarlq 1 Tit .T daily at 6 .40 A. M .
iTilttaA,:i . i o er,. urgigiTz t ,ii4ei;er,6. to be
bad ,9r63 , ' .to .2 0.- 6 ' rat. ,iT 'audetiL 2) t i fonpou
Tteketa; et ', 0 C6il ^ - 412.5.3gitetirsiolf Tick° ,66 00, -
for salaat 414:Ti_ . dirteuNo..B2Bobestautstieetitoot
p,„,....,, ....t,,..„,,,,..,„,,,,1Ad iiiii...!!
iii dit 4 , .0 vpratore,p!..AfinY .4',' 8 .? 0 ,• A ;11 '''
ands. SPI ;Pass ":: r'.'' • ! •.. -- •
_An Accoool9 • aiii-‘ fot.'" Woodbury; Atataus,
parujii ) v , i, 90 ,4,l4avea Ph ll adelplda .daDy
at 6. ' .M., t urns ' g - -.Lbavali °Tauber& at 6.30 A.AI .
li t
icf ItiVt.
caugittlattO Atleo ofTIQO ()flecks each, at reduced
ratpi",,,p r ittly , I . D i t
4 1014 rd all stations. ~
Petrii4l6 la if T 114 Vino and. &mots., 9.20 A.M. ,
Forill 00 4 aniAm..i , WAraPßlons, at 12.00 pooh ;
Freight we i: - its °Tlist -- Govered wharf belots Wu ,
nut street. • '_ ,
Freight delivered No. X6B E. Delaware avenue.
BuDelintendeut W J. B• A
, 44.
VEI ElMrt4tiME-4
It -----.
, 7 AD I . ll+l ' 1 2r".114.1141t0.4.11:4, faXLICAT
wank Line'iliouirdlietelphlittr thirtitilrior - of
• enneyltaniej Om illfllli littiettiell4W4. latlnilarf
And and WYemlha V
_)l;tliii Rofth;Mittkiteet and
the Onuadae,Bututner — aetaagemeutorplaana""-71. id " ;
July la 1869 tearing pe Company% - eget, -- Al'
I..__ ..,
.....4 ...„
f ag..i,Dim BIIi. ~. lit rdreitk
aillP l / 1 .9 4 * klet fieisfirts .
N.-•• Ai- frit
Reading and all intermediate-Stations, and .Allentorivia.
Returning, leaves Reading at 6.30 P.' 31. arriving km
nigtalit e trittit.igaVtrr 4 1 11ellittr
31 trr
Lebanon, HarrisburePottsville, Pine Grove,Tamaqua,
Willi Sunbt;67, Willi rt - ';' - Elmira, - Rochester, Niagara,
Falls it4 l ., litetiltepe,Pitfeton,,, XerkoCarlitat
Chian 'ars erstown,Arst.t..l. -0,-, .iNe ,:.,.+. `4'.7 Is
The 7,30 A. . tra n connects at Reading with the East
PenneylvanialtailrOadtralrillfer Allentown AO, and the
1 1.1520Naer s ir i the ,LoltanoapilN e rain,
tor id $ , ort talon Irith ata it 11.1
R.lf ns f ' drt, rthiVen.• Wilt; 4111 -
Harrisburg with Hortherti..Centsal, Cumberland ,dal
ley. and Scheylkill and Stiaquehanna trains for North
1334,' Peil lic i l ' ; W itY 64I ,M T V C I r'C r i al ii ?° Pl u f/... ;
gr '4lEiil4 - 603l EXPRESii.-bei Plidadeipi;ia - at
3.30 r. M. for Rending, Pottsville...flarriaburg, dio. con
nectint with Reading and Columbia Railroad trains for
Cola= la, dtc.. , ~ ,,,, y...- s izre. . ...l-• •••••_,C , .f.^ 'X tll'4. • _......- , 1.f. ri ,
6,PoT STOWN,ALWAtmoriATlON.o4aLiittails;footts...
town at 6,25 A. M4stoppin g at the intermediate stations;
arrives in Philadelphia at 3.40A7.31. Returning leaves
Philadellhia tat 4.30 i.i. P:-)14, arriveain yettatown at ) 6.4 fl
PA/12... i.;, „k •-..• $-....'•-• - .-4 /- . ... .A.
'TION.-Leaves Pottivillent - 5 - .4(rn.:31. and Beading at
7 " 1 - M.* etTilVtali otgipelgrtives In Pfifla
delohia at 13 '.' - ',... Fay ,, ...- . ,', i. ,, - ,
. 1 4
~ Heturnift, leaves Philadejlihitt ft . 031 1 P.z"Atj# l7 Res
in ,Reading at SAO P. illA an attp 1110 at, o , -- 31 * iv
Trairmfor ;Philaddlplaii leave ' d !shunt. at MO 'A:
m.;ting Pottstillait9.o4PAlM4airkt
_gin - Philadelphia
atUOl . A 3 L...*Aftetjdoori , trainaleave - Mrtisbitrgat.243)
4 . ,11. and j othryiliarkt ,2,0 1 , 4 , AiLaniving, g t, Phila.,
~ arriebe ,Accominedittionletriveg Itiateling'447.ls4i:
ItaZ.,, Se i trarglltilOß..M.fiCODSOOttg g st ;Amid_ ..r.
insystit , rtionwApoom t moil s aten oat, at .44.3 f)
..r.,.5.1. ,
I' iladellild ,P.'„." ,
4Mitrltet train, , -Witli a` Paisbirger 'ear ilttaalied, !tidied
PhilluielPhis a10.32.45n00trf0r Pottsilire ,, and ,a ll Way,
Stasioneileava Topa/will eat SAO, A. 11.,,cennecting, at
Reading with isocchinnedatio# triad for Philadelphlsrand
' all Way litatitlits. , At' •,- , ri, - .' , T. ~ - 1 • . ,-, ii , ,, , ~” .
• •.".63/theishilvettratis mrdallr,StindayS - exceMed. ~,,,;
, ftnde7.trisins leave pottmlitqat 8. 'A. M., and 1111114-
' de pl hiskat 3 - 35 P. MA leavaPhlladelphitt for Heading at
8.0011,VM,,' rethfningTrollailleadthWat 4.25 P. Mrs '
Downingtovmiand intermediatappinta take the, 7.30 A.
317;12.46 and 4.50 P. M. trains froni - Philadelphile,return.
inerdinDicamhistown at63o 4: 31.1.,110irA1f.. dnd5.45
P itiiiiiiiiiitii.iLlidAH '' P ' ' er 1 ' e ' '' ' i f. 'ilti ; . ''' i
.; BAB 12g TB OT ppile
take 1,30,A .M.,4,30 and 6 . 15 P.3l.traine for Philadelphia;
returning friird Skiptitiok-at 635 alltb8.1511.311,110:P1111.
Stage lines lon variotie pointalwrerkipmen tValley •COTI-.
Iret with:trains at Collegeville and Ski
"pack: , • r .
THE WEST t4-Leirres New York at 9,00 A. M.; 5.00 and
B.OOP. 31 , Passing Readinglat 1.04At,M., ,1.50' , and 10.19
P. lit,_, an connects . at ,H ar risburg with Pennsyliania
and N Orthern Central EallroadExpress Trains for . PIM•
bti rghy Mileage i Willittmenotti Elmira, B altimore , ; . ' Zici
Returning,E.xpressTratnieaves Harrisberg on arrival
of Pennsylvania Exmcga fromPittehurgh, at 2.35 and 4.20
A. Id , and 10.55 P. M., Passing Rehdin g at' 4SO and 7,05 A.
31: and , 12.56 P.M., arriving at No* York: 11.00 A.M. and
12i20, and 0.00- P. 1.111/. Sleeping; Cars: accompany those
trains through between - ey . City. and .Pitisbnrah l
, .
; without change: , • . • ,
Mail 'traiwfor New Yor k aVerr"Harrisbm‘g at Sid lA.
31:and 2.05 P. M. Mail train forHarrlsburg leaves No ..
- York at 12
' Noo .
. •
ScHUTLIKILI;'VALLE r RAILItO,ua-Tra , ns l eave
Pottsville at 6.30 and 11.30 A.M. and 6.40 P.3l"...retnraing
frien Tamanna at 8,35 .A. - 31.; 2.15 and 4.15 P.M.
.„. „..__
--Trains leave Auburn at 8.51 A.ll. and 3.20 P: 31. for
Pitiegrovii Mad Harrisburg, and tit i12. , 10 noon foe :Pine
grove and Tremont; returning from Harrisburg ;at 7.45
A. Id . and_6.4.o p.... 31.3 and from Tremont at 6.45 : A.21:, and
' ,6'.06 P-11. .' : , ' .• ' -, ..
TICHETS.Thredgh , first-dlass • ticket's a n al emigrant ,
tickets, to all the principal points in the North and West.
, .
and Canada.
, Excursion Tickets froni - Plitiildelphia to Reading and
' Intermediate Stittiens,.goodl - or dal 'only aro sold by
MorningAcconmiodatima„.3larket::Train, heading -mud
Pottstown AucunimodationTra Triune at'rode -2 rates: ,
', . Excursion Tickets tti Philadelphia, gded for WO' onlyi
are sold at Reading'and Intermediate Stations by ;Read-.
ing and I'dttstoWn Accommodation Trainti,,a,t. reduced
rates. -
1 • The'folloWing ticketS are Obtainable only'at the , Office
' of SAltadford, Trmisuret, No. 227 South h'aiirth , street,
Philadelphia, ,or of G - . •A. Nicolls,, General , Supserinten-:
i dent, Reading,
Commutation 'Ticliots,at 25 per cent: discotini; betoken ,
any points destred‘for fanailies and Arms. , . ,
. Mileage,lickets;goodfor 2,ooomiles, between allieints
;at $52 50 each for, families an 4 firms. - ' , •
''Season Tickets; for three, six, nine or twelve 'mouths
for holdersonly twall points, at reduced rates. . -
, ClergYmen residing on the lino of the.road will bo fur
, r ushed with. cards, entitling themselves ,and, wives io .
micetren - chnif - fters ---,--
Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to principal eta-,
'. Gene , good , for .Saturday, Sunday. and. Monday, a- re-,
I dupe d fare, to be had only at the Ticket, 911lee,nt Thir
i heath and
streets, descriptions f0ri; , 41114 to
all above points from; the. Company's New Freight.
Depot, Broad,and Willow streets.
Freight Trains leave 'Philadelphia'daily at 4:35 A.. M.,
12.45 'noon; 5.00 and 7.15 P. 31.:. for 'Reading; Lebanon,
II arriabnrg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all , paints . be ,
! . Mails do's° at the P hil adel phift Post-office tor all places
on the road and its branches at 5 A. M.:, and for the prin
cipal Stations only at 2.15 P. M.. , ~ .. ~, . ~ . •
BAGGAGE. 7 , - ' ' •
- Dlingtin's Express: will collect Baggage for , all trains
leaving Philadelphia Depot. Orders can be 10ft. at No.
225 South Fourth street, or ,at.the Depot, Thirteenth and
Callowhill streets.. ~ . , . ,., . .
THE-MIDDLE "ROLLTE.--Sliortest and most di:
rect line to : Bethlehem,_ Easton, Allentown* , Mauch
Chunk, Hazleton, White 'Haven, Wilkesbarre, lifithanoy
City, Bit. Carmel ~ P ittattinit alirikhannock, Scranton,
Carbondale and all thermointsitr," the Lehigh andtWyo•
ming vial regions,,• ••
Passengpr Depot n Philadelphia n , i N; W. coincilknks
and American streets.
—On and; after TUESDAY, June' Ist; 1869, 'Passenger
Trains leave the Depot;corner of Berk and American
streets, daily (Sundayst excepted), as follows: ; -,
6.45 A. 51;Accommodation,for .Fort Washington.,
AL 7.45'.A. Express) for Bethlehem and
Principal siatiOns . on ' North Peinritylvania Railroad,'
connecting. at Bethlehem with Lehigh . Valley Bailrotul
for Allentown; ,Catasauqua, Slatington, Alauch Chunk;
Weatherly,Jeanesville, liazieton,lVhito ] 3aven~ Wilkes-,
Barre, Kingston, Pittston, Tunkliannock, and all points
in Lehigh and Wyoming Valleys: also, in conneotiori
with Lehigh and Mahanoy Railroad, for. Mabanoy oity,
and with,Catawissa.Railroad for Runert, Dauyille
ton.andWilliamsport. Arrivent Mauch Chunk nt
at Wilkesliarre at 2.50 •P .31,4 at Mahanoy City at 1.50 Pll.
At 8.45 A. M.—.s,ccommodation for Doylestown, stop:
ping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers , for Wil
low Grove. ll...tboro' and Hartsville; by' this' train, take
Stage at Old York Road. • 1: •
9.45 A. , „ (Express) . for Bethlehem, Allentown,
Mauch Chunk ; White. Haven, ilkosbarre, Pittston,
Scranton and Carbondale via Lehigh and Susquehanna ,
Railroad, and Allentown' :..and Easton, and
points •on New Jersey Central Railroad and Morrisand
• Es i ttl d it s ilLoitto New York via LehighValleyßailroad.
Accommodation, for Fort Washington,
stopping at interinediate'Stations: . •
' 1.15, 9.15,523 and 8 P.M.-Accommodation to Abington.
At 1.45 P. MLehigh Valley Express for Bethlehem ;
Easton, Allentown , Mauch Chunk,. Hazleton, White
Haven ,Wilkesbarre, Pittston, Scranton, and Wyoming
Coal .—A
Regions. • ' , ,
At 2.45 P. 11cOoramodation rot Doylestowni, stop
;_ping at all intermediate stations'. -
Ata;]s-P - 51 Accommodation= for Doylestown - , atop=
ping at all intermediate stations. - •
At 51N0 P. 11.—Through for Bethlehem; connecting at
,Betlachera,..With.. 'VallOYLEYeitiag -Train-10X .
t Easton .Allentowni Mauch - Chunk. . •
At 6.20,P-11Ln-Acconualclation_. Lir Lansdale . , stopping_
at all intermediate Stations. „. -
At 11.90 P: , Al.—Accommodation for Fort washirigton.
FroxiitarielA — iii9.E.: if:, - 271(7,_ 4.45 anti 8.18 P. M.
2.10 P. M., 4.45 P. M.,and 8.2.5 31.; Trains make , direct
connection with Lehigh Valley or Lehigh and Susque
hanna trains from Easton, Scranton, Wilkesbarre, Ma.
hanoy City and Hazleton- • • •
FromMoylestown at 8.25 A.M .,4.85 P.m.s'and 7. 09 r:111
From Lansdale at 7.20 A • 3 1 . •
-- From Fort Washington 0.20 and /o.Boi A. Pl. and 8.10
• •P.M. ' 4172131311DAY5.
Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9.50 A M.
Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.00 P. M.
Philadelphia for. Abington at 7 1., 35.
Doylestown for Philadelphia at 6.30 A. 3f.
Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4.00 P. M.
Abington for• Philadelphia at! P. M.
Fifth and Sixth Streets Passenger cars convey passei4..
; gers.to and from the , new Depot.
White care - of 'Second 'and Third Streets Lino and
}Union Line run within a short distance of the Depot: •
• ITickets must be procured at, the, Ticket 9ilice,4l;onfer .
Ito secure the lowest rates (glare. , •
• • ' • ELLIS ()LABS, Agent: "
Tickets sold and Baggage Checked Ahrough to_ • prinat.
pa I points, at Mann's North . Penn. Baggsge faxpress
loMee. No. 105 South Fifth street. , ,
if r'''PHIA RAILBOAD.—Sommer Arrangeraent.'-.on
+and after;, MONDAY, Aimill2oB69, Trains will, leuysas
Leave Philadelphia, from New epot;Tbirty-OWai d
Chestnut streets, ?AA. /H., 9,30 A. Mt I ,2130 P. M44./15
P. ni.1.35 I'. 31.1 ( 7.1a 11.p., 1 1- 10 ry i u. , k , i , lai l i
) Leal, W 6 t-C ester, onvlidpn , gin" a t 'Market'
'stre_et, 6.25 A. M., 7.26 A. M., 7.40 A. 5100„10 Ar0.31f,,,,im
IP.' M., 4.5 g P. M., 645 P.N. r , . • t r. tt r , - I,
I Leave Philadelphia forll. ti: Junction' and Intermit
dinte 'Points, at ISM P. M. arid 6a6t I Leave IP. OS June+ '
'.tion forlßbiladelphia, at51 31 )A14 11 1 111.a. 4 613M. • i 1 v• I . 1
I Tralmleaving. West (pester at .40 .31, will stop at
B. C:dritietton,liennij
,Olen Rid le &Nadi•.leuvirrs
Philadeliddo, at 4.35 P. M . will isUip int ailediadGlen ,
'El44 l a , mill . and ,Bist..,llinctiou.; gasse,to or.,
,from slat one oetweeri west lee and 31 : , a. J otf?
ir lira/ East, will take train lett* West Cbeste id 7 1
'A. ° M., and car will be attach xpress Train at . ,
C. Junction ; and going Writ, ,Bairseuxers for Station"
above B. C. 3 unctidu -wilk take train PLilader
iphia at 4.36 P. M., and Will - Change cars at B. O. Jane
t The Pepot inliiiitidelphia is,reached directli by ilAo
and W ahmt street tars: , Thoset of the ' Market
'street line run within one sausxo.- -The cars of both , lines
connect with each trainuponitkarrl i val. *: , • !• 0 T
ON 131/NDAY4,_ tayo phliadelp is for west Chester
at 6A. M t and 2. #N. AI- , i
i Leave hllmle ger, B. 04 ./unctlon at 745 P. Nt r ,t ii•
Leave Vest Chest r for Didladdlphla at 1.46 A. M. and
• 4. 1 r! i sH l if'.'4lsr,l t e4lit Ni Vbilitchibia nte.oo A. ht.:
WPai l eil E'e all cawed totake ,IVeurl A r tparel',
oply, as , , *Otis, CorapanYWlll not in an csmi
ho r9spn 11 oor an pritibut4t exceeding ouch ud adblp
lora, rirdese a! ecdarOontrect be aside for the gam 4 7 , .
- General Ouparint•Ralsut.r
X)ENNSYLYANIA, ItAILROAD, to Wilicesbarre,
demo) , City Mount Carmel ‘ Oentralisiand all points
on Lehigh Valley Railroad and 14 branches;
By new arrangements, perfected this day t this road is
enabled to give Increased despatch t o inerstsual Ise COW.
alguedlo the above-named refute.
Goode dallvered at thelitrough Vrelght Depot,
S. , cur . Front and Noble streets,
Before 6P. M., will reach Wilkesbarre, Mount Carmel.
Mahanoy City, and the other stations In lilationoy and
Wyoming vattersbefore A. M, the succeeeing day.
11111/E1 OL.A3KIiAieA6
, .
On and alter Monday, May 341869, and unit
Rly#ler patine: . ,
i' + r l
• ela IV GU delphta-0 7 73,4.060 10; 11;111 . A. 2141,2.
2. 6 ,03604. 4 35,5.(4, &It, ii N., 7,8,9, RI, 1.1, 19 P. M.
1". 7 6 rantown-6;7, 7poi, gs, 8.2001, 10, 11,12 A. M.;
26:1;43 20 olen-ttain, and the sat and eiN up treat, WU
4' ol2.o ‘6 : s3 G i lerin G4 •l 3 :;o 7 len ; B' B g ra llP ne l b l . 4 P :
• 31' ~- il ;tad
it. 1 - il g i i i i . 1 ON sunomrs. .
.... i _,... . ,
.... a ;,
j i Til',.bil i (.r, , ..! t C 1 : 1 . 6 11 "....h 1 t i ?11-1' 1 ; 11 . 5 k i""` -t . llll, ili k 7 : ..
F "le t& ral 3 PL l N gn l7l l lllit r aitgBfi. P .' 1/ : 1 V , ,-;
Leave Phil i lelW, 8,10 , 12 A;'. M.;* 2,'4114T,11
rind ti pAcee• e . e, , rks_l,tpirS , •3 l' It ', 'Li CP ) • .
B,h/ Ws and 324A4
21 , I S
.7. !f:d.VO c he ,ir ;;S.,ll97 „ o3. o 4U i l_ s Atln zi mi n D d i til2 B :pd M. ;,.: 1 , •:. „ 1 %•., ;".
; Levi(' ,P hi ii'd elph ia-79./6mln u tea A. 214 2 and. :R.14
te- A .R.:3140•141) •
9 L e gg gl i t u m L YM fORR A.
Fon coVsfIOuoonERIAND gOnlß_TOinj.. r
, If-ay phi lade d agig-6.?Y r *,.1.14: 1 / 4 4, ) liNgi.insp.A,426:7 4,
63i : 6. , 1,1 06 r , r /O. arid." 'IIF cgtlikie,2rig 3
• care 9 atara-0:10 656 i, I, -.; .. ti 4
.1 S.
Ili o.lsi 8 and o,li r. lir. _ . „i d . -...1 .it :n 9
__ I t•t'..
ilar - -
Thal % A M._Trains from F ort 11 put atop
at ?donee 's. Potts' Landing, D_opind or St 'a b ane
sir The* P. Pd. Train train Philadelpkdawi I,EdePtitalr
at School Lano,Blana_ynnk and Cobkhohdeken..
Leave ON tiUNDAX/3. . "7 .' ' . '
' t '
Philailelphia-0 A: M. 2kil, and 7.15_1 1 : Id.'
• Leavelforriaton-7 A. N.:4 and OP.IL - L • s .
•, • • -POR MARIA . X:
.. '
Leave. Philadelphia-6,7N 9 Alp A.An.; iisc S. 4,,t if Ni,e.nr, 8.05, 10.06 and
LeaveManaynnk-6.10,7,1 ~2.10,12i,1114A.21:;2;8%;
6,6 X, 6.80 and 10,.111. - ti. I_ , P.-. ...1. , ,
'2W Theo P.M. Train from Philadelphia upletop only
at School Lane and Manarank. , • -, • , , . . • .
• , ON EiIuNMANB • 1 ••• •, ‘..
kvel'hilaill_slpilia----9.&-m-;.234.4 .1 f IR VP,.31,
~ eave.tianavnnalrA A. IC," Ir., 6 and 9%. P. If ." ;, '
• " ' l '' ' 'W. 'B. wII. ON, General Stitlerintendentv ~
f.:C....-1,7 Y./ - ..1 • t ... Miro% Ninth. and Green steeeta:' .
• Y It.t , • , ;r; • ;
TiliSEtilf TO' 'ATLANTIC CITY. IN' arm:lloA t
iiTrough,Trains leave Vfne(litiret4 rprry.as follows: •
a .. .ty•lrtt• .rthba•TAOIA
eaTy • •
ExpressAtlantlo, "
throngli 1;1 P. M.
. ... . 4 . l AL't
Atlantic Aetdminodation!;3..l..i • " • • 8,06 A. M.
Express;through, in 7.2llAslik
WU/WWII Ilussenoricar)lll..: 4 !--?..,... , .. „ ,.fitA*
• • •
A tco
llttunAoonctootdri n •
• o d • otlo n .. . .............. ... .... L1.10141V .Av
Haddonitalt.o isr• • 2.5VT.M.
• " : - 71,31Tylmuie,'LE4Tru • • ;.
Ate 0..... .... .• • 44:1.4a.1.4...d.... 12,15, Noon;
2.15 P. ,M.
' • 5.40 A. M.
Leaves Vine • .810 A., M.
Leaves Atlantic ..... 4.17. P. M.
Fare to Atlantic City, Tickets, good
for the daysaad train on whichttherareituntrd, $3.
Oaknian's Local Expretak, Booth atreilt,
will call for l , aggage lln any, of the city and enburbii
and 'check to hotel or cottage at AtlatitittOity.i. c •
, •, . •
The 2 M..Zxprese Train wliktoe.dieeontinuoil fro ,
this . . • .
• ' • - D. IL"NUNDY,Agenti',
i TIME than by COMPETING 'LINES. ' • ..,(2.
-SPASETENOETIS takivit i l i iii4.oo y o iXIRIIII 6 wrlve
l ir
1 II iil in ti S 4t IT E IRPAS It ' Fi eI T is . ed . Pa lace
..._s' ttt e '
i pt
tri LEDPING-CARS i run • through t'i
from rii.ILV- '
1 D LPAIA ;toCTNOINNATI. .Passengers taking the
vo i o
,12 M. and MOO P. M. Tralim re s ich CINCINNATI. and
. d 'points WEST and SOUTH ONE TEAM IN ADe
ANCE of till othbr Routes.). ~ : • i•.. ,-a, ( J 2. P
Kir Passengers for CINCINNA.TI,INHI 4 ANAFLIM,
N.T.. atarall points WEST, NORTHWEST and SOUTH,
WEST will be_particular to ask tert.TICKETS gr. 'VW
PAN-HANDLE ROUTE._,_, • ,_,_l_, ~ ..,, ; -
'AWL To SECURE the USEHUALaTt 111,1111 111 46. 1
this LINE, be VERY PARTICULAR rind 'AS ...Iro
NO. 11611ARKIT STREET; bor. Secontt and • Front sta.;
And THIRTY- IRST and MARKETits., West Phila...
1S: F: SCULL,Heneral Ticket Agent; Pittsburgh. ~ •
I JOHN Hi r lDl4,7l6ll.Getscral,Emstern Agent, 6%pioacli
AltilßllD - F.ArP.III - ~.: .E : :4 :il ' . :,,...
n and* after MONDAY, Sept 6, • 1869 ; the Trains on
ithe Philadelphia and Erie Itailrolul .will run as follows
front Pennsylvania .Railroitil Depet,Aest Philadelphia :
I V i al Priithileite es Phi1ade1phi5...1.4.L....«.4:-.. 9.20 Pt 117,,
i 4 :_i . ,": l 'aiiiieil atEl l i i tl ilulaP ' °-"! " ". .. " ..7. 4....t. ............ i l igi'' .l ..'ll:
1 ErteTiiptese tenvde Phtliiiielphia..4.,." `...t..V......11.60.A.M,
; n, , ,t• • • . ‘i WilllanurPort.4.• 4...--- 9 • 00 Pt A. M." , " arrives at Erie. 4....,,..,,.;,..10.00 l.
i Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia.... ....,.... 8.00
; " " '" • Williamsport„..l... • 6.10 P. I .
" • ..." arrives at . Lock Haven.;.. •
.1...... ~.. . 1.
. . 7,00 P. M.
; . EASTWAR D. •
i rani' Train leaves Erie • -....;......... B.is A.M.
" "' • - " Wi11iani5p0rt.,.,.1.A.,.•46 . ..... 9.15 P.M,.
" .1. " arrives at Philadelphia' •-• .‘ ......... 6.10 Aril.
tErie Expreo leaves Erie-. ...... -,...».....,,...,:....... 5.20 P. M.
," • " • IVllliantsport.......;. ... . . ...... 4.26 A. lic,
'• 4 * ' " arrives at PhihnielphlA......'• - . 1.20 P. , RI.
Elmira Mail leaves Leek Has 0n....k...1.:.......... 0.60 A. M.:
" , " ' Willinsport......., 8.45 A. Bli
) ni "
arrives at Philadelphia.. - 7.15 P.M.
1 pnffalo Express leaves Williainspert.....: .... '. ... 12.20 A. W. •
" ` " • Harrisburg • • 5.1 D A.M.
, ,•: - " . arrives at .Philadeirobitt.... ..... - 9 . 2 : 4 A - t`Mio'
' Express east connects at Cony. Mall eastat Corti , 'and
~.I)i r iiBr e Wp. Express west at I ineton with trains ea
Creekand Allegheny illvse,usilrend .
' . ' General Superintendent.
beaged...z--LOtters teetamentiiry nu the above. estatn
having been granted by the ft eopter, of Wilk to the,nn
i dereigneti,ell persona itelebtcil to estatettre reilueste,d
1111 11 .inIT, iil3lll'('N:Vit.Vaciate l iftgoiltiV
Or, gm'alnut, et>•eot. - - Res ° Ny tit*: ,
THF,' COURT OF .1 1 •A$
• 1.. for the City and County -of Plilladelphia.—\L
DADMEW,by her next friend .dru:fys. JA SON BARBED,
I Jime Teim,lBB9; No. 1: In Divorce.:—lo, JASON BAR ,
BED', Despondent—Stu : Please tube noticekthat a. rule
lota been granted on-you
.in the 'aboVe cause- to show
I cause why,u, divorce a -rim-trio uinstiotonti. should 'not
be, decreed. therein, returnable MONDAY, Sept .200%.
1869, at 10 o'clock, A. M., personal sta'riculutying failed
on acconnt of your absence: • • -
J. ,11„-SLOAN, • .
JOHN GoFownt,
Attorneys for Libellant.
se6ni iv 4t§,
cea .—L e rs 'testamentary' linen tha estate or
EDMUND deceased. having been granted to
the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate aro
requested to make payment, and those having claims Or
demands are requested tO present , the Same without de
- ltry7 - to - S - A.3I.IJEL" \ I.LCOXTZ.Wenco-r7l2.4lVlsliiiii
7 00114-LADELPHIA- i -S-EPTE-M-BER—u---,
the copartnership heretofore existing un7ler .
Ann and name of CORNELIUS .& BAKER was dissolved.
by mutual consoat on July 2,1819
The business of the manufactory will bo settled and,
closed „by ROBERT CORNELIUS, at No. 821 Cherry.
streot,'and that of the store by., .I§..t.Aq F. BAKER; at
No. 710 Chestnut street:. 4
• ' , ' ISAAC F. BAKER,
WM. C. BASER, ' ' •
Raint , R7TTBARER,I, - - 4
- • • '• • 5ept..2,1269..
The undersigned,. late of (.10R - AuEi a BA
N/ilL_ • BAKER' %N.
have this day entered into a ropartnereXp under, Atm
firm nameM CORNELIUS & SUNS.' ,•
Having purchased thefactories MA Cherry stieet
Eiftii otrept, near Colurobta . .avenuWand, all' the - ma
lt:Weary 'of the late firmore are trepared Continuo the'
;manufacture and sale of Opt Fixtures, &0., at
, . . , . JOHN.. vo.immur_ ••,y•
set 71n§' PHARLE B E. PQEtiintlYs.:' '•••
nAlicoll'OßD• AItNOLIY'A : .Mk"ROtERi ,
tx.BLii,ER, late of CORNELIUS &
AurioAllis day formed a copartnership under the name of •
tenzioLD & BAKER..,•; . .
I .11aNtng pnrehased the entire stock_ ef goods of:she,hise
ifirm of Cornelius & Baker, at 710 f_NSITNT.TT rltreet,
Ithey.nre.preuared to continuo at that. place .the ;Sale of
.C..at4 'fixtures, Lamps, Bronzes, &c .
Ain PQoEarp KNrvEs, PEARL . '.and STA__lO, HAN
DLESO beautiful finish' RODGERS: and WA: 4 1 2.,
'RAZOR.' '80.18130E8 I OASES' Oft he llnestU.
i g ti ..,
litimerevEnivestBeissora and Tubleßutlety,,ground
10;dishedk ICAWIENSTEUAIEIIT/3„ oftho mcista j %;i eit,
eonettuotloA ta assist tho hearlmi - nt - goo. x_to• , s i . - -
.Gutho Awl SctsglcallnatrowniX4Xer, l / 4 Xpth A et."...-
bele* Chentnnt. . • "..'".'L: . •• - , ticyl-tt . ;
d'} , a+ r.
• • , .. ; ,t . .--,,,t,...4,-4..r
9 11 P . 54.7a DE,NTA.IitTN.BLAA.;. BUFERIQR'.
1 ‘ arttele for cleaning the TeettAdoeUtoying tralltaltt,
tv oh Infest thenwidvng'tone to the' an i '
It' ear g.. ef. fragrance , and sverteet alga. ese' l lis .the '.'
meat • It' may: be :need dqUyi 014 *al ~b lb to.to.-
siren • Iren*eak. and bleeding, ttjutef t ", 3 ollo. l o. O. silt*
and deteretreness will recommen3 TO Amory '0 e;" vb.
tug c9tdpotbdwith,thoanoistallefil) 'Aft ljottthit thicti '1
clang' and 'Bfferogeoplettilt*,it,co 4 40. - trpll'a a4r a'
reliable entietitute for ths Butettpt vr,a IT IV ,eli t Y, la t
7° lltillnent Dentlitsi arithikt u esa l mitt o „thiVlloßltlt'dtatts `
of theTtentallina , advocate 1 4*A l F i lit ' , ennui:net - Bottling
to prevent Itettnrestralned am_plb ent.l' Matte ettlY by
' " "' ' '''. l4 - 11 Et i 'XIL an'lN4Apetheeary.
Tor We 113. Drutigliti ilkiiiiaUtuaLi.4.'
Irred.• Browne. '.• i .:'''' I).' : , --otittle, •-: .'
Ilaseard,4 pg.i...,,—.„.,—,.:4 - - 00 1 100 i i ipavu,
~ ; .
~ +
, e,4 0: : vio ,
IllefiC IL Kay;., A'. -,'.. A"i '-' ,"'.l 14,44 , wars, ,.. r '
C 1.4, 0 41 0 e, ~ ~ • . ~, ~ - ' , ,es..stoustra s ,
T,..Lilltnaltaied,„ ~:,i., •f,:,., ~.I)Thuttims,
Atnbrose Smith, ' : :., hs,sat. - Bnotre
Edward Parrish, ' ::, - - . James N. Marks' ,
Wm. D. Webb.' ' • , 'B. Bringheirst & 80..
Jrunes L. BlepllaM, " ' byott & Co.,
II ughee & Combo,-' Ill.p. Bleir'e Sons ,
Henry A. Bower . :' , I Wyeth ft Bra.
• - . , :.i: ~.:••
7 - k - ^'•"`7".
. vi.V. .
• • "A;J,
i ~;r;"it t~; . ~ ~.i