Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, September 04, 1869, Image 1

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1 4 )
cnisoN Pmom.
OLUME-NO 426 '
. •
. „ .
AU Privy Fixturce. Sales , rotitv wittil&oatiVV.ol , 4
pAstys co., 613 Market [(Wog. , . 47 3 /. l i tt/ .!P . t l e t
W DWI) I ig k - Thietold;;' - zwi r rrAttaltil
!Jiff rupee., &c. New styles. 2 .j.*ASON .••
sums! g • , .• • yur,vhebtn at it:rand
• '
~,,„rraivi In thentrwomtf and beet nittiwt.r;'tOtall
elrett a :' - 8 " °n "" "d EturFaM,
II CIFICINS-I)OI,VNEY.-=Ou Volginettdar.'Sentetaber,
lat at•the reaidence of the bridal parents' In Baltimore,
braes - . i1e0ry.4.4
Baltimorecouotytto-Misni.liaggtgin;felde*Piiitughter. of
Downey:EK;VOY - :Nort . idoryt% Frederick c o u nty,.
Dfaryland. •
11F.I;Yy.8-45.1N11•-•Ott-the litm et.,brthe
D I'Cotilw • ---•• ~ .
Itebecea A., third darightr - of 0 arid if.iinf,f
nolla Baltiniore county , Bid Cardth't t •
ARANNONII,OIIIIV Hl4lO e O -00 the IA inatanti at thor•
reaiden e ref the .bride's . narenta... John atrrion of -
taint , - auTra itaitu.disuutiter of, Henry ,
Fag, of ow ,
, ,
= - •
lIA ZZ Alt lit the 33 inst„, nary flazzard, widow or
the late Stephen Ifazzard,eli tiltatex colluetiPt3l-0111b07.
ykar her age,. /He/.
lier relatives and friends arc reepectfulliturftedde at
tend her funetal t from her late ,rasidetice, dl9 kartaiu
Ili met, on 31 outlay, 6th inst., at 1 o'clocir, P. 11. 'To pr.
ceed to Mould Peace.
NEFF .--On the 3d instant,: Johd Neff, In'tba 66th year,
of Ids age.
The relatives and frlembi 41%6 family, and also t h e .
Board ,of Delegates Fire ...k.sseciation and the Diligent
Coto pany, aro respectfully ipylted to
attend the funeral, from ,frils late, rtlittlenee i
tiggar Vla ce,'Or 3londay afternoon, at 20 clock. .T 0
proceed le Laurel LIM tlemeteryt, •
BEEB.—Dled ? at Newark. New „Terser. Friday mani
fug, September 3, Dos William 'teary ROCS, D. D...aged
GI years and 3 months. •
- 1141:114.01C SILKS; EXTRA 000 D ~ ,t " s . ; C
flovzits f putaatr.o s . f;! ~:.:
' ,. c u raklfi } .l,llPintVAll CAA. i- , -
r d i,
Fourth and Arch,
. _
street: above ILlce.—ller. It, W. Tiumpliriss, Pas
tor. nil, prtach at 10li A. M. Stratagem invited. It"
EU. AI:CH .STREET 31: , E!. liffirn cm_
Rev. V. M. Simons will preach to-morrow. at W
A. M.. and Rev. J. L. Irana rati
rlig at fl P. M. It"
Church. Thirteenth 4trent, abOrV
Preaching to-morrow, at tOli A. M., by the Pastor, Rev.
L. P. Bomberger, tiabbatlif , ..alloot at 2P. At. I It"
Tu,•llt let h qn , l V hie .treets. Preaching to-morrow
rimming. at 10); o clock. by Paltor,lter, Vino JAlrown.
Utmal f•erci , -4.4 ;it o'olin at 8 o_clock. It*
Ctiortb;l to-Inorr*W hr paAor, Per..
pitrey. D. DJ.. at 10); A. M. andP.M.' It"
(oru,,r oC Sercnth and Spring Darden strecta—
lt.rv: 7 human X. Orr, Pastor, will (D.. 11) preach to
blurt om 1034" A. 31. aim I'. 31. It',
ft StiOtt,SprlngthtrilemtolowaroitL-,..Tholtee
, tor *ill pre-act/1: Sunday •rneritibg.3.littildtirAScJaint'at
Evening ec.rvice third Stnaray of September. It*
i , treet, Wow Sixth. will rissume service to
morrow. at •11:ei 0' , ..10ck. The Pastor, Dr. Seine, a ill
4'4;N r .• Imo., P4-8_
A.,J), _i.Er:tv STATED
1 .-- s.tippir:-• of,' the'..W4tetru , Pres- biterlau ehiirch,
Seventeenth and Filbert streets, will Preach ererY
Sabbath met-Mtn( and afternoon. It"
L-7preach to-Morrow in the' Second Presbyterian
church. southeast corner of Twenty-lint and Walnut
streets. at 103,4, A. M. and it P.M.
-- ST: — /i 7 I„EO - WEits . t. - VTANGELICIL
Lutheran Church, Fortieth and Arch streets.
AS P. Rev. It. IL Hunt, P• tor, will preach at I'*
A . M.. a Itev. C. }trawl). I). a.* C.. P. H. it-
street. above Drown •
IL Rev. C. T. Kelloyg, Rector.
—Regular services at. 1014 anti na . ,Sunday
Selmoltiatlo. Ps.M.. Sittings A.
resumed at, the Unitarian Church. Tenth and
Locust. on Sunday peg!, thc sth last., it; N.N o'clock in
the morning ; ' * se3.2L*
Tenth street, below Spruce.—Regular Service re
sumed to-morrow (Sunday) morning, at 10.4 o'clock.
Rev. Dr. March will preach ... , -It"
Street. below Walmit..—Service to-morrow at 103 i
A. M. and 4 P. M., by Red. P. A. Hoskins. Prayer meet
ing every Saturday evening at 734 o'clock. lt"
[rob REV. JOHNSON. D..D.;
Pastor of the First Presbyterian Chareh, Wash
ington f4quare, will preach tomorrow at A.M. and
SP. IC It" ,
—Sixth street, above Green—will reopen to
morrow. Sabbath morning, at 1034'. and - evening at 734
o'clock. Preaching
. It' •
the Wed Arch street Presbyterian Church.
corner of Eighteenth and Arch streSta, - will be resumed
tomorrow. Rec. A. A: Willite, D. D., will preach at
10;; A )1., and 8 P.M. Strangers welcome. It*
Eighteenth stroet and - Girard avenue.—Rev.' B.
Bothell Claxton. LLD., wiu officiate during the aheanee
of the Rector. 31orning service, evening
ser‘ice. t o'clock, except first. Sunday of the mouth,
when it Mri' o clock. /
R Clnirch, Nineteenth and Green streets.—Prench-'
lug on next Sabbath morning at 1O) o'eleek, by Rey.
—Dr.-J , - 1 1---.llefirtttneint — Prineeturanct in Ile
evening at TS, o'clock, by Rev. Alexander Calhoun, of
the United Presbyterian Church. - It'
~ , • =lr. = . : l 4 c -k .A3T- 14 PRUI.111- 9 3TREET'PT'E..
terjan Church, soot hiVest CernerLat_Sgrucg_nct
---- Seventeetrtir - strenti — Wllllan - v• P. Breed s D. D.,
• pastor. will be reopened for Divine worship on Sabbath,
cto•moirow) morning4SePti Sertieem cOlvalaelh"4
at 10,/o'clock. The Sabbath School will meet at nine
o'clock precisely. It'
Church, ]eighteenth and ' Green streets.—Rev.
Edward Hawes, Pastor Iloligions services every Sab
bath morning and ' , ,Sabbath School to 'the
afternoon. 'The sacrament •of the Lord's:Simper will-be
administered tomorrow at In% A. M. Preaching by
the Pastor at 7.36 P. Strangers are always wel
come. It'
IGy auspices of the Young Men's Christian Alamein
Hon. SABBATH AFTERNOON, at the following
Mrket House, Richmond street and Lehigh avenue,
Cemetery lane, Kensington ' . )
Tenth street and Girard avenue : •
Seventh and St. Mary streets,
SeanietosMome, 422 south Front street,. I
Broad street and Montgomery avenue, !;
Broad 814 Archutreeta : ' 1 -
Gray's Ferry Bead nud'ShipPen street ' , 21
Aloymnensiu_g avenue and Wharbaustreet.
Broad and Master streets, )
Ridge and North College avenues.
Broad street. below Coates, preaching hy.ReV:t,-' .
Broad and South streets,: .• , 5
Twenty-second and Federal streets,'
Norris &Digt, 44... i
wErcr-Pustator.a.r,risA.- -
Forty-firsfstreet, above Lancaster avenue.
Thin ty - math street aid Lancaster avenue,fiLi..,. ltk
. .
14:3;1114i314; - 11 .1 , - -
,/411 .T 1 ,95 11 1 1111 / .4 4 t 4iit 1, : 1 § 69' / '
TO 1114 411.1illeSS tkl
vtentidersigned, hay ing-liad lititi3Y Years of stia far.
oc„psi,isnca lietectivevollicens',uatior the , littni
Government, have, at the earnest solicitation of a larue
number of businoss- men of. Phil ' adelphia, ooncluded tp
open "DE'ECTIVE BUREAU , ".: fir fir which "businesk
CA' this 'haute in all .itip , stitionsbiavelies will boltt
tended to n itlrprotngtneBo , and strict y tnnfidential re+
The mit °Mimes pf this" LittEAU" will be readily
predated and understood• , bithe Business, Ooinutunity
enerally t trod careetallY hpgaltltorgils!gti,
Bankers, Brokers, &b., •
Reference as, to - ability. and iittOglity u - 111,11WcluSorittlIY
• I uruislied upon application to _ 65 •
_'lt_ ' an-Ii ‘smrri 4-4
PHILADELPHIA; )3EP.T.4:;2,„166j:
NOTIOE.---AppMotion. will be mean by the un- ly
&reigned to tho -Dopertment , bit Highways, No. 101 •
south Ptah street, onIIIONDAY,I3th inst at 12 o'clock
11;', for a contract for parinipTsrent.V-nlittti atreot, from!'
Girard aVenue to Pennsylvanlanvonue. All :.persons iu
terested,niny attend at the time and pine() If theYisee pro-
Per as the following named persons Lave a contract for
ma paring, Bergdoll & Pzotta, J. & Boltz, It.
lloberton, DI. Newkirk, • •
set 0114 i• • • GEORGE ,
;•.• • • • .
• • . •
. ,
, .
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'•? a t.T. ; X :4'
11 44 1 F. 1 113r: - Ila-tiettletrierit;
i '
With the ineutink4Cpinpiniee having been
.1;, made,. .
HAVE sks
0 ' 1
Goode si:foOttyOptpe , have ti;
• moved-to-SlittfjoflitAtiteETTanthvill
be sold at SUCH PRIDES itithek will bring.
• '
And the large preparation for FALL and
mmit tkimutfax
'i •
:.1:: , , I :, • '' , '. 1, :t .4 .. , .:. , .:Y.;;t 1 ,?:;.'-u.' . -,
- . i,: - 4.t - i
.81$ Ord '829:: .
American Pomological Society.
The notanists, i'dmologists and Pruit-Orothers'of
All the States represented by eminent delegates, ireclu
ding California. ,
Friday Evening, Sept. 17th, 1869.
Elegant Refreshments, C'holce Hot-liotise and other
Fruit. Spepnlies,liftlsk . „ &c.
AUGIiOTINF:. the fatuous Caterer, supplies the ;
T.any ne firat opportunity ever giiren by the Ifor
ticultural Society for the public to TILSIT as wall as sag
thotchoicest EXHIBITION BEI,ITB, the fare - products
of rostlvardens and hot-house* which are never offered
pail Mt ip -
Open daily at 11. A. IC for treatment of diseases of the
, ,
' " • ' ATTENDI3"G ISURGEON., • '
Dr. GEORGE C. HA RLAN,I6O6 Chestnut street.
• • - irtstrmo MANAGERS, • • '
.ERA DYER M. 11,142.9 'Walnut street.
AMOS IIILLBORN; Itt North Tenth street. •
ELMORE C. inwr. sun. 1.424 Green street.' • '
• • - w tf ro 4 •
DUCTORY LECTURE to the Autumn Course will be
delivered on MONDAY. Sept. 6th, at. 1 P. M., 'by II;
LENOX BODGE, M. D.:4 Lecturer on Diseases of the
Skin. , • ae-3 2t
reniovail from 1324 to .1212 SPRUCE street, will
re-open her Boarding and Day. School for Young Ladies
on WEDNESDAY, September 15. •
Circulars may be obtained from Lee & Walker, Jas.
W. Queen & Co., and after August 25
AT THE SCHOOL. 1,24 s 3mrpF
d State 'rights of a 'winnable invention just patented,
adesigned for tho slicing, cutting and chipping of
dried beef. cabbage, &0., are hereby offered for sale. It
le an article of great value to proprietors of hotels and
restaurants, and it ahould be introduced into every fam
ily. State rights for sale. .Model can he seen at the
telegraph °Dicey Cooper's Point, N. J.
strtset,ie Ftllinz Steck & CO.'S and Baines Bros.'
Pianos andiMason & liandin:a Cabinet Organs nearly as
-- tattras - at wig forme. tune. • ' • an27-tf
11 7 .
Departments for Ladies.
Baba open from 6A. BL to 9 P. At...
•geou Artist, has just been commissioned by the
Surgeon• General to supply the Palmer Ann and Lo for
mutilated Officers of the U. S. Army and Navy. The
tlovenimental offices are to be located in Philadelphia,
PALMED New York and Boston, and are 4111
in conducted by Dr.
aW - 1520 - Iromba.l elk eetaMmermarrDevartinaitT
edical treatment and medicine furnished gratuitously
o the Doer.
Arrest of gni of the Alleged City War
rant Potters in'New York—He is Dis.
( covered Through ' the Death of His
Accomplice.- •
The New York World says:: • ' ,
During last spring and summer a large num
ber of Philadelphia merchants_ and brokers_
were lictintized by 'an ingenious forger of city.,
warrants, which suddenly matie their appear
ance in the . market from Some 1111k110‘1711
source. The warrants were exactfee similes of
the genuine NNII.ThIIItS, being printed in , par
ticular imitation of•4the genuine doctunents,
and the filling in was done in a very skilful
and businesslike manner. ,So ingenious WIIS the
fraud and so well executed were the forgeries
that, before the nature of the paper could Nbe
ascertained between $18,900 and.s2o,ooo of the,
fraudulent issue was in circulation. ,Thti war-1
rants were all drawn on the .bounty fund of
Philadelphia, and the forgeries were for Sums
ranging from $5O •to MO each. No trace of
the successful forgers , could be obtained„
arid the Philadelphia authorities, became
alarmed as the forged warrants. came pour
ing in to the Treasurer of the . .city. Dur
ing the month, of July last a young man,
'mined Gussen, who had., been spending Tl .
some months at Cape May, stopping at one of
the .fashionable' hotels, and apparently, with,'
unlimited means, was drowned while bathing... ,
The remains .of the unfortunate young Wan -
,were soon after washed. 'ashore, and the ,coro
ner took charge of them, as well as the effects
of deceased.. Qn his trunk being ?Polled that
first clue to the Philadelphia forgeries was ob::
tallied, for there were found several pf the
blank Warrants ready for filli'ng up and signing.
The eoroner telegraphed to the Philadelphia
authorities,and several of the victimizedPhila
delphians went to Cape May and at once identi
fied the deceased as fireman fromi - whom theY,
bad purchased the forged. warrants. The body
of . Gussen was takerr to 'Philadelphia mid
buried by his friends. In the trunk of' the de-!
ceased forger ' Was' found,. a photograph of' a
young man who. WaSknoWn as Martin Gray, a
companion of deceased. . On seeing this phoL •
tograph, it was recognized as that of the per.:
i t
sou from whom a num er of the forged war
rants had been *pure sed. 'As Gray hailed
from this city, , Chic , Kelso,• •0f.,.e, detec,
five force, was - notified,, and the pho
tograph was sent on to that ~,oilfoial,„
The case was given in - ' charge ••••'• ;Of' ,
Detectivesilearley_ mid_Eustace, warp rearnflr
• „ , .
, .
r: }_~.:. i .~it
'Crider tile head of : " 1900 A: D.—What?"
a writer:in the current nuiriber, of Appleton?
Jounad undertakes to lorecaste the, future so- .
OW and industrial condition of the 'United
States. ,Ffe pi:ediets (1) that there 1;011 be no
great war dialog the next thiity years; (2).
that there:will, be au enormous increase of the-,Wealth or the country ; - (3) that ,this ,wealth.
will be far more unequally distributed
than , it, is now—that the rich
will become very. much . richer, ;
while the numbers of thewage-receiving - claas
will be largely added to. lii other words, in
stead of a population mainly composed of 'the,
middle-class, as is the ease now„ we,shall have,
a very, rich class and a great laboring though
not a poor class; in short, , that the middle- •
class, so-called, will be greatly reduced" in
number.as compared withthe rest of , the- pop-
illation. Assuming this state of afiairs to exist,
the writer inclines to"belie'vethat the Close of
the century will witness great industrial
turbanee.s j unless the very rich reCogniietheir
social duties towards the rest of:the co4innu
city; in other words, that their wealth,, shall
not be used for selfish purposes, buy tor • the
public 'weal. 'These specuations as to the
future would be interesting and profitable if
there we.re any mean of verifying them; and,
if it, is true that the niovements of society are
subject, to laws as invariable as those which ,
control the plauets, why, of course the time
must come when that prime test of 'all science
--prediction—will be true of them.
From an article upon Georgia,by ~ 3 1. de
Villeneuve, the last explorer of that district,
it, appears that the much vaunted beauty' of
the. Georgian women is alniost wholly con
fined to the inhabitants of the province of
Imerethia and 31ingrelia.. As for the men,
they are distinguished by another advantage—
the prominence of their noses.' M. de Ville
neuvespeaks of those noses in terms of the
greatestfinthusies n —r---_------
"Were you adorned with the finest nose
which - Europe ever produced—a nose' byy - the
side of which that of Alcide, Tonsey, or Schil
ler would look inignificant---you would be the
objeet ofremark in the street of Tiflis. On
your arrival at the very frontier of the coun
tryyou cannot escape from the conviction that
at the sight of these Georgian noses, all noses,
whether Greek; . Itornan; Spanish, or even Ne
apolitan and Tyrolese, sheuld hide themselves
with shame. The Georgian noses are of 'every
Shape and of every color, but the red and the
purple predominate. You have but, to, press'
them-between--your-lingeis, and from — tile'
smallest would how a' pint of the wine of Nil):
. •
tircolor these
--noses.--41-r--4e-Villeireave-asset tb ---that-the
' Georgians generally consume from six to
seven litres of wine at each meal-and that
fifteen-litre men are by no means rare. •
. ,
Before the recent rebellion, Col.
during a, short sojourn.' in Vicksburg, met
there Some' hot-blooded-Southerners, witii
a spirit as fiery.as . his'own. They quarreled
-a challeng,e was passed and accepted, and
the ...next rising sun was :to witness one . ; if
not: hoth, • oil their- dead bodies;,'
~drenched in bleed, to wash out 'Wounded
honor: During the flight, the colonel
said he heard a boat coming „up the,
fiver, and it struck hint, - as ho beard the boat
putting and blowing, that "prudence was• the
. pazt of valor.'? So he, took his trunk;
upon his shoulder, and stepped, in the dead .of
the- night, very quietly out of the hotel. As
be neared the boat, whom should he see, but,
his aptagonist,At the boat before him, just
going on, bi?ard!. He returned as he had, goneout, out,, and was on the ground nest tnertung.
with his second, waiting; with disappointed
wrath, for his antagonist, and published him
As an abseonding scoundrel.: , , .
I'Ve.ton`do4 Orchestra says
''Xhe'liallet-master' of the Rouen theatre is
training a snake to ' take,part in the chere
graPhie displays which he directs. . The inter
esting young female, bowgYer,, whose name is
John., has formed an - .alliance which' for. the,
moment has bad the effect/of ihterrupting her
studies ill-art.': She has.been laying a,Store,"of
Cr* from which it is' oped t finehat a school
of dancers may he reared.. ' 'What ' prospect.
Serpents and girls interrningling on' the stage
as in the' garden Of 'Eden IN or is - Rouen,alone
in its ambition to show what wonders dan be
done with
.the ' At the, 'Gaiete itkParia
they are: going to' bring eut'a - magnilicent ballot
with two hundred ant sixty:two , peribtmers,
changing. their, costume in the •' course of the
performance about' seven times. But whereas
the ballet-master at Rouen has set his heart on
serpents, the artist of the,Gaiete .is..alt Intent
on devils. Inhio,grand ballekthe dancers are
to be in the Oise of This ballet is ono
9f:three. which are to give a. splen-,,
did.' "spectacular' piece 'called' The
In another _ballet ' .belongingi•to , the ,same
piede , weare 'told. , that 'the' Emeriald.;iotithe
demi-monde' will wear a dress which is. to cost,
X 250 independent. of the valuable jeivels ,
Whili she 'herself may add 'to• it from' 'Caskets
of her' own; :and, that the 'tableau' in,
j,vlaitelr she late appear Will Involve eXpein-'
diture of three thousand guineas."
a: l 'T ci 4 )Urt Niptintlipcsg ~ JUPPInty
t , p , ' ' - '
that Gra) bad left the city,and was "sporting"
about att4e watering-p r And..was beard
of at 8 4 1- 4. o A 4 alid ;tettier , PlageS,Ofiptiblictke
sort' A' few days ago he returned to this eit,y,
and yesterday afternoon was arrested by
Messrs. Fancy and • Austace, An :Broadway,
near Fourteenth street. lie was taken to the
Central Office and locked up. -Chief Kelso at,
Once telegraphed to the pauthoßities',ef. thp]
Quaker who. replied' 17 teletapti,`l
requesting the Chief to hold on o the
accused, , . and, stating that an officer would ,
be 'deapatched - at , once "a'
Sition from Governor Geary for Lis rendition;
Gray is a young man of gobd , .edncatiou and
exeellent address. He dresses the'atiosti
-fashion:lbl . • • ; ergs,
( 4 sport."%so prevalent in :New York. Gray: is',
Merely an alias his proper bathe being Martin
Lindetibtirn, althongy. Ava/01rn0... , *,4
city as Leland.'flie was a Clerk. in the oilrgb , •
of Henryc L. Clinton Several Years ngo; and,
was at that.time a promising andrising,your
O g
man: He 'locked up at 'Pollee Read=';
quartersto'await,,the act - on of tbe.,.Philedel.l
ita authPlitii.a. • . •' ' '
,_....vteteir linkcf7oll444‘-ka
vic /I
tor ngo dedhlesf.o elrdused fox,the
fainrical and geogriphicarblupliers on the
lenient reasoning that'tlie' errors` of genius
must not be scrutinized with Aristarchean
eyes: , He - clings to'theni, therj(ltitOtii,s6(l - ,.
defends 'fbem, in spite of exposure, ridicule
and remonstrance.l3eethrovett,' being con
victed of " consecutive nfths"—a violation of
musical gramixiar—said the . y.muSt be correct,
since he had used them. In like man
ner, Hugo persists 'that ' " PrentiBre des
(lustre" is the - proper . translation .'of
Firth of Forth," and justifies it by main..
taining that the English, ors Scotch, title
literally signifies or., ought to signify the
"First of 1. our Cliflii." At any, rate, "Pre
miere des quatre".. is the expression he has
chosen, it satisfies him perfectly, and he re
fuses to change Itori any terms. With equal
fidelity he adheres to his ludicrous .mistakes
in the .opening chapters of "L'llomnie
flit," whereinthe list of half the British nobil
ity is thrown into a state of'confusionsuftitient
to bewilder flurkeAll these =on(
were pointed out tO the author betbre the pub
lication of his work, but, as it - .appears, with
out convincing him that his imagination .was
not .better than any other people, s facts.
What We, May VapeCti
Something about Nimes.
Two Heroes.
Neiv .Devices fOr the Stage.
CITY atriArt •--
.;.•' : ',:j7: , :,',!-' , y: , ,.•.: . . _.. -' : 141. ~ - , ,:::,:.i 4.. 01,- - 1
..j:c• !.:.,
~,f ,-,,, , 7 . 0,..
~.':.'. . , • . .: , ; '.06 St.eile . Pcifiir. - Mtii.lrdti‘:i .t.,.:.•.-
. . . . _
• - .
—Ten Other. Buildhipp,Badly
; ' .
---•L•0•88 AB T 0 50 19 00
- {Y,N
, r '
't 114ln:reining; about . 1 the' kir- •
celarei r- Virood-working '411,11, 1 Mews "
SolleBp`feri4 Proprietors, Wm 1408 rand
1410. ,oaNt; street, " was CLitittAteked tiir 'be tni
firet", . NytPn f irst ` "Se.eti byu • 1118611er' c a t the
marketOn the east side,ofßron4 street, oboye;
toates;-the Barnes were. tbe yard> i . rt mane
between the office and t jmill, and . it i i?,n,ot
potifitiyelT known ; whetkei: thO4panie train
the TOM or were among rhbhiShitini.lninin:ln
the yard.
, ~,0
~ .
--.o , property covers a lot 5 feet front on
Coates street, and extending 110 - feet in..depth.
There, is an alley ins the. Mat At .14 . 0.1406
v i
Coates street was a three-storied brick' stru :
ture, used as an oflice.- West of , the 011ie i,'
.Nos. 1408 and 1410, was an:pen. spacekor, , rd
whore lumber was stored. In the rear of- is,
and also covering a space in the 'rear' of the
office, was tbe main mill, a three-storied brick
structure, 44 by GO feet, filled , with , all fthe •
machinery necessary to such an 'eStablish
At.the time of the occurrence .of the ' fire,
the gate on Coates street was securely fast
ened, and some time elapsed before it, could be
forced open. In the meantime k the flames
spread rapidly through the intlamable matt I
nal Which was inside and outside of the Mill.
In a very short period, and before the firemen
could get fairly to work, the 'entire ,establish
ment was one vast sheet of fire. ‘:' . • '
The flames burned fiercely, and shot up
high into the air, creating a light which illit
nunated that section of .tha city for several
squares distant. A pretty strong breeze from
the southwest was blowing at the time; and
large pieees of cinders were .carried 'several
squares, in
. _a northeasterly direction, to the
great dariger of -housetops. . • • •
The - planing-mill and all the fixtures,
ina.clinery, stock, material, &c.,.were totally
destroyed. There was not much, finished
stook on.hand, but there' was a:- eonsiderable
lot of lumber on or about the premises.
- The, loss of 31 eSis'l. Doerr, 'Nin 85 C 0.,: c'm
bnildings, stock, machinery, & - c., isestimatecl
at, .. 4 . , !40,000 Lpon this there, 'AWLS an insurance
of 58,X)0 ,lug in the. Royal, and the balance'
in Connecticut, New York and ~ Ilaltiniord`
colnpani es.
The heat frOm'the burning mill was intense;
and Tench of the, surroundinc , property was
Adjoining the mill provert 'on the est
were five"three-StOiied thick r, '
three ,nearest theAmill had the reAr ,pnrtions of
the roofs burnt' oil i(1 were otherwise badly
daniaged. "The other two: were slightly in
jured. The occupants suffer,edseverely by fire,
water, and hasty.removal of furniture. The_
buildings are irisured in the. Fire Association.
They are occupied as follows :
N 0.1417 by F. Stoltz, lager beer saloon and
dwelling. .....
N 0.4414, Heston Watson, as a dwelling.
No. 1416 by ex-Alderman Hutchinson on the
first floor sin d the Tipper part by John-Martel
as a, dwelling.
N 0.14113 I:ry . Geo. W. Thomas, as a:dwelling.
No. 1420 by W. S. Hansbrey, as a dwelling.
The buildings east of the mill were also
somewhat damaged. They are - occupied as
Nos. 1400 and 1402 by G. W. Laiister, as a
lager beer saloon tmd - dwelling.
Igo. 1404 by Castaid & Hays, painters,fand
by Mr. M. A. Custard, of the firm, as a dwell
Immediately , in the rear of the mill, on an
alley running from Barclay . street, were two
frame dwellings—one occupied by James Mc-
Maki n,and the other by a colored family named
Thomas. The one nearest the mill (occupied
by 31c3ialtiM,Wai almoSt entirely deStroyed,
and the other was badly damaged. 3fr.3lc-
Makin was asleep at the time 'of the tire, and
was awakened by the flames rushing through
the window of his room. On the opposite side
of this alley, a fratrie stable' belongingto Jas.
Watt, made a narrow escape, one side being
burnt out.
. ,
- --- The — reat - mrtiorr - of -- the --- Ridge — Averate
Market, the; flour-mill of James Watt, the
• h
-ltreet.,.we --
realso-badly-scoraie _fr,l-feo.'•
establishment suffered sbVerely.
The origin of the -fire is not known- at
present, but it has every appearance of having
been the work of an incendiary. Fire Mar
shal Blackburn is ..busily eng,aged in investi-< I
gating all the circumstances. . . •
a Carefully prepared table Ivhieh - atipears iii
te-day's edition , of •the • Commercial List cod
Price Current, and Which can bil•relied •. on , as•
aectwate;there were yesterday no Ai:O.:them
ticentlf-one t essels• on the berth, loading • with
petroleum; the aggregate capacity of • which
was fully) seveiity-jive tlitrusand, barrels • The
total exports from our pott for the week are
gallons; and: since:: January 1; were
19.0:16,79u gallons. ~ . • ,
The destination of the vessels which cleared•
during the past week is ft.s.follows • •
For (4enoa, , 27th lilt 107,600
Stettin, 31st tilt - 102,740
Liverpool, Ist hist 4,291
Antwerp, Ist inst.... 340,2,06
Barbadoes, 2d inst 1,845
Rotterdatri, 2(l,inst 43,260
Ilotterdarn, 3d inst 201,600
Kin,gston, Ja., 3d inst. 3,000
Cienfuegos ? 3d inst • 8,229
n' Havre, 3d .. . . ... . . ...118,372
Total gallons , - 931,233
, STEALI*G AT Frum—Charles. 'Shoe
maker and 3osophlland were arrested, this
morning, upon thei.charge 'of stealing at 016
dire.-Slidernaker,-it is alleged, pocketed some
itrticlo; and Holland wallted_pti: with a
sword and' cabbard: The accuSed Will hat . re
a hearing itt the' Central ' Station ''this: "after
LARCENY Oh' Fr.oun.--tieo.Gillis was before
Alderman goOre, yestexday, upon the charge
'of the larceny of flour from a baker's shop at.
Fifth and,.olfristfOn •street,s:; The theft was,
eounnitted, two weeks ago,t grid, the floiu was
taken away, pn two diflerent days in a wagon.
The accused,, was committed, for, a furtber•
hearing% .1 • !,,
STOLEN PoblizT-IlooK:=Tat.' Conley was
arrested, last might, 'on 'Pranklin'streeti aboYe
He , possession 'a pocket
book cOntain.4(g-some money; which ho iN sap-'
posed to have Stehow 'lie was held for
bus bSeA Ittonsan
answe,i the,!.ll4"o:ge of ',,assaultiogi'Roliseman
the gievpdeelltb„p,isttipt l ..l t aot
atigetS9PC4l.ll.3l.4 . 0 4.§0t 1:-Y • ,',
I nE
0Cpl: ,*; 1 •
,Ahlo nTs,r4vcrty gatED
1 Mich ird D. Carter, a boss' mason in the cm
ov, of the,Water Departnienti *al; shirt. a n d' instantly, killed while '''Orig,aged at :work;,
V4ririoxipt,'oo4'l4o)ask'xiin6 o'egck this'
the , bridge creasing the ,forebay. , ‘Acc
4 r0:34 . ll* 4 fPqt, t, surveyed his, work ,
for Prinieritfand--therk-rennir ,
; h
whoad;.b p
een atisting him=" I gum that
thit instant the Shot 'wee flied.'
The' all entered the:left breast of Carter about
aritticli and , a half below the'heart, and pasted'
diagonally through the body and' ante out at ,
'the:. • Carter .fell over and expired
Ogiuterinwa word :
course attracted; the.attimtion
of;the workmen andethers whO were in the.;
and all rushed to
the spot Thelibily' of the Murdered man was'
then getiti+ - egL4 to the headquatters:'elf the
Park Guard '
let the ...Rialto( House, And , tho.
Prisoner 'was sent for, to, hold an' inquett:
Capt. John Lyons, of the Park Guard, was"
sitting at his headquarters at, the time ,of the
OcCurrence. .4eard the shot, and imme
diately ran over to the place from'which: it
Caine. , Tie - observed a large, heavily-built man
walking along One of 'the i?a,tlor with a large
si2eir Colt's 'navy revolver in his hand„ and
member of the Park (]hard quietly looking at
the Man. He asked the Guard about the mat-
ter, „and the reply' y" D o you;?think 1'
am going to arrest, that man while he has that
revolver Ili :Ids hand."' , Lyons immediately ;
w ent after tbeinurderer,and; upon coming up'
to hiro,reeegniied him. Ile said::"Joe,awhat
does this'mean ?" The reply was : "Yon are''
not going to take me inthe .Park; am' oing
home." .ilkt the same time a movement was , .
made as if he, intended to lire upon the odlcer.
Lyons, by a quick movement, knocked., the,
mandown by ,a'blow with his . right hand, and
seiied the baud of the , man which held the
revolver. 'A struggle entned and the murderer
succeeded in drawing the revolver throu,gh
the ban& of Lyons_•, severely lacerating the
flesh. lairthis time Lieutenant Simon Jacoby,
of the Scimylkill Harbor Police, had reached
the scene, and then the murderer was secured,
and was taken to the Central Station in charge
of Ofilee.r Jesse - G. Phy, of the Park Guard. '
Mr. Carter, the murdered man, resided at
No. 2- 9 09 Coates 'street; and leaves a family.
About two weeks ago lie was attacked in the,
street, in the evening, knocked down. and se
verely beaten. At the time one of his-assail
ants remarked, "you,.bave not seen, the last,
of this. ,
The alleged, murc r named, Joseph
~Snyder. He was formerly in the employ of
the Water Department, and worked under
Carter. =He was dischargeAl, along with 'other
workmen, some time last ;winter. This morn
ing he was about• Fairmount looking ; for.
Carter for some time before the shooting oci
eurred. ,
The motive for the commission of the act is
believed to be an, pld v grudge ^cenneetion
with some fluidly anairs: The affair, of course,
created the most intense et.citement abont
Fairmount and its k
REorErificc. or A Cnritert.—The Sebondße
formed Church, , Seventh.street, above Brown,
which has been closed.duriug the, past two
months, will be reopened fOr divine. service
to-morrow. Rev. E. B. RallenspeFger, D. ID.,
of Chambersborg, an eloquent divine, will oc
cupY the pulpit morning and evening.. In the
afternoon an interesting • Sunday School ,
gathering will take place, when addres . ses will
be made by Rev. Mr. Raffensperger, Col. I).
W. C. Moore, E. B.; Nichols, and othe •
fine; choirof the church will sing ;.a. nraaber of
anthems in the morning and evening. Since
closing, this chureh as' been thoroughly''
cleansed and placed in good order. '
AtteTlo4' SAL E Of superior Cabinet Ftirnittire,
3lattresses,:&c., on account of manufacturer,
on Monday morning, ,September oth; at 10
o'clock; at,
Concert Hall Auction Rooms, 121:1
Chestnut street, 'by T. A. McClellnnd,Alic
tioneer,Tci-Whlch we call — tre attention of our
ALL EPICURES should test / the "ItchCloits
flavor Orßurnat'sFliii,oring Extracts, ',Which
may be found in all our principal grocery and
drug stores.. ,
—Mr. and 11 IrB.. Henry - Watkins will appear
for the last time at the Walnut Street Theatre
this evening, in the Colleen Baton and The Pi
oneer Patriot: In our uo_tive of the—Watkins •
yesterday, waid t w
e.shat theywould appear at
the Arch iST4ree(Theatre. The mistake occurred
will,bappeniii:m and then in the beSt ;regulated
I. odYees:' •
• —The 'Lidia Interim4on burlesque - troupe
Will perform the burlesque Sinbad the .S'ailor and
the tarce To Oblige Benson, at the Areh this
evening. . • ,
—Carneross St:Dixey's minstrels , have re
opened the New Eleventh Street Opera, House
and are drawing.eroWded houses nightly. A
number of new members:have, been added to
the company, and new attractions in the min
strel line arc iita
prised:. A. lirstzrate bill is
-offered-for this- eVeningi - including a number
of novelties: •
;=-On , Monday 6V - ening' next the •Richings
Engiish•Opera Troupe will. begin .an engage
ment' of ten nights and two matinees at the
Academy. of Music. The initiatory opera will
be Faust, .The following operas will he given
.succegsively during the week: "Fra Datrolo,
11 Trovatore Bohentian Girl, I'm Biewolo; Nor&
tame. SeatS can be procured at Trumpler's
Music Store:
NEW YonitAitit. are entertained fur"
the safety of the Bokton new clipper ship JaVa;
Captain .Bassett, which sailed from New York,
January 16, for Yokohama.. Nothing ; has been
bea}•d,of her. She was yalued at160;000. . • ;.
; The preparations for the uniboldt ineniorial
are'ltist reaching aonniletion. Profess& Dore
deliirer the address in English. The
Geri:nun vessels in the harbor Will fly'all. their •
bunting, and many large seminaries, singing
Societies and turnirereins will join in the pro-,
cessio) l .; l : - The-place,in.the44trkrfor;:the statue
has not yet been definitely, detiitled upon: •
Lady 'Thorn :anti . ;319iintitin - Bak trotted'aff-''
the:Prospect, Grounds yesterday. for a
piece of plate valued at $2,000.' '•Lady Thorn •
won in three straight' heatk--2.1t3i, 1121,
John Harrison; and:•Hie• little girl Adella
Attains, who wereAot by Captain Foss, of the
ship •Pacific, in . street, a week or two
ago, are:both out of danger, and Foss has:
been released woci for his appeurance.
jOhnHilea r yotit4 man employed as clerk
by Alfred - - w
50 - Wall ':street, - as
arrested YeSteiday; charged With 'Stealing'
$10;060 in iiiiel.Wenty , bonds' - belonging to his
employer_ .. ;tie:carried them' apparently in an
• envelOpe; :the ~ Deposit,Courpany!s,
Vite.).lMbr; safe-keeping, on the ; but.
tho:eirrolii_pe Was ; returned the neat morning,
iieft/C4Hiiii l 477,7nabrOkentint - 7 - the - Tboutiti - Verp
gout s Jll4oiy',l4.4;(*)An4#oo • :
. . • . , •
luilt,,!Of.• • an, , 'actress , Troy;liaving,
tanghtliiirthe Other night ,While she was
ing,,sbe extracted-a htur7pll4 PA 1 10.voil; the . •
blur mid cast it from her. , , ; •
,t, , !~.i z 5..
• :L. , •
l i ftia SE OE i - r 3
, 4; •
t ' • ' -00 44
- RA . l 3 l ll ll;Mir'lr liregrak.•
. ~snexestuns 18411. ,:•••
The waves are elidlnrup; the shOt.e' r c ••`•
The wind blown feelotrltiiiitta'=lr
+-cObilisahce niaite t.)
e - 4 •:i.C.n;r.
The move slOv,%Tv ki=(..., " •
and eztil they go. e
eY644,11.4re bliss" thetlsi
e 1 R. • .•
. TO ' N rShdietikill"*ii'Ve and 7/ .ll ?Miiilig ttee: ,/,-
"'" Thii
..,t e tililleenosi _ '. '
.. ..
. e birthi it): chltpSng o:er . the lea, ~ :, i
' : ( "Wiii, Ofigtete ill the intl.- • ` • ..,. ... t
From{.g, 61 7
.. ! vvitleliPiAllrill) some thing", • 1
~.or fesquairP noises show ', cl ''l •:."1 ‘,
A: throat or rasping .
wing—J, kis , '
a Yet..si s lent I below. '
; o tuneful lea, 0 windy way,.
~..152ahe nie,as one of, you! • ,
me he with you for to-day,
In " fields and pastures new'.!! •
Fronatha dull clash o` heart and , braint; •
, Brief la.the quiett . knOWA--
• • 0 yield me, ere 'tis mine again, ,
- ofila idle' bout; below. ' ' '
. .
Garibaldi can get 8'2,000 for hAs neir.book:-
-A " dog tournament" t•
" —The new , universiti at 'Vittoria; in
. was recently.himugurated'ufith at. splendor:
—3lairbige of fiVet dmiAins be :illegal in . '
; New Bampshire on Christmas and •• tliereafteK - -
—"Dig-moutlt Smith" is a Californian wholie"-;:
skull will turn, . ' ' : ••••
—Our lucky clergymen are all born:with a
eu/L—Ex. • . • ' . • • ••
—The White Pine. Prison consists :of one
cell, seven by ten feet.' The :average munbei
of prisoners confined lu itUXourteen... ••
-.-Several.towns °elan:di§ •
the nineteenth anniversary of ,the svitntsgion:J
of the Slat* into tile Union. • • ,
—Brignoli, Susini, Miss . ' •
others; are going to San Nrarteisctilikittio....,
velOer. . •
over a \seinen with a
Is .disturhing the . peace in Paducah•and }3rj
punished accordingly; • -
—L'alneevlilo, Ohio, • is. to have ,ao'nitro
glycerine, factory :with a daily
..papaeitY of. •
2,000 'imundS. Panei l vill be • sc a rce in that
faotory. • ' j'e • ,
—lt took 184 E; 'pages' of legal l eap,t6 contain
transtript of 'thelnem mnrder trlal Itt
a p o n s .: ..•
is. ' like a cheap . `'
pmiltry market? YOu can Liive tWentiducks
'for three-pence. • •
h-:Lake Al mlihr,emagrog • rose " fourteen....
inches in twenty-four hours. last *eek, onno- ••• •
count of heavy rains in Canada,:.: ; •
...-20.L9ngfel low Ints been made au honorary
llfemember,of the. Pesth, ,poOopy ; of, ..4p4es
LAn, moton:444i liuslpid, Ohio
bhrwlfelo death Ccie,l#lilrs,goce In,,uslns •
milk for Inithit9s4 • '.• •
4;:it.Trill'of twenty ted 'brejtk 4adiana•
manosluit and restored iflietencwhiolf - he
hadlostslnce aeldkl. •
% Na •
becoinevery gray.", •
wonder 71 fIfeli die" would be' fatal to UP..
bopes.-- 2 .iV.,0. Times.: .• • • • •• -•
--'Twas atilt of sarcasm on the part of -the •
newsboy who last &vetting sung out : " 'Ere's
your Police-Gazette. Another of them things
from Harriet 'teacher, Stowe."
—A young woman of Memphis has followed..•
the advice of the , Revolution, "proposed'?
to a ruan she liked, and married him the next
—Louis Blanc iri described as below titer,
middle statue, with small hands and feet, a.'
bright and fresh complexion, and a capacious
—tiolf.lrenryWilsTin'sThistory of the rb3e
and fall of slavery in the United States is to be
comprised in three volumes, and the first, it is
, expected, will be ready before the meeting of
--The French MarchionesS Gauville and
her companion, a young lady of Brittany,
the best swimmers at Ems, made recently a
daring plunge, iu which the latter was'
drowned. '
—Tlie Columbia (S. C.) Pliteniz still clings to
the old Democracy, but it does not applaud the
action of the Democrats in Virginia and Ten
ssee-There, it - saycit - was - t fliTDbin - ificracy
stooping to conquer—a party for time and not
for,etornthrewt4'-forine!Hoferfun-_l 4 ct. , --
tiiTl'no to i it afeltdder-
- - -- - -- A7coirespoudeut ,at - 1 - 1 - enra - lidd complains
of Prince Alfred's .wish to see that last relic :
of barbarism among the natives, - a 'lenau, in
cluding the disgraceful hula'-hula dance, and ,
ob:4erves that perhaps the fathers of *these
dancers were, the very men who killed and "
eat, his illustrious countryman, Captain Cook
A child in Minnesota recently swallowed
a chi) of water in:which a quantity of potato':
bit shad been thrown to drown. The parents ,
fed - Abe' babe:for:two hours on. Jones's, 0 ,-
_Miler and sweamilk, and. beyond, `A distress,"
which : might naturally be attributed to the
heroic renicilY; there were no 'serious conse
quences, though the potato bug is reputed' '
poisonous in the West. , ,
, .
Stowe found champion in 'Jolla
Neal, of Portland, Me., who' has; it isNdd;' ,
fads iii his possession to corroborate her state7; - ..
talents.: :,The , Boston : Advertiser' iaiyal.• 4 .‘Mr.+',
Neal was present at Lord Byron's funeral,and
acquainted with his friends, and :that
reminiscences Will Soon, appear in the public
prints, and 'bun a 'fit sequel to:' his : :21044-
published "Wandering lteccilleetionS.'" ;
lady in Missouri has , applied, for , di
- Yoree from husbands. The firstabandoned:''
her and eirenlated a' report that heWa ,
s '
drowned,:on the faith of which' she married'
again. She claims a diyoree from number' ne
on the : ground of abandonment. The
bus band she now finds had already a, family ,„:
when he married her. , .
—A droll answer is said to have been given
lately in an examination at Cambridge. The
eanduliite;jieing_asked who Wyclttib was, and-•:
baying doubtlem beard him called the morn
ing. -star of the Reformation, aud that he died.-
Latterworth, answered that the great
Reformer " was for some time editor of the, ,, : •
JThrning &up, and died Vicar of Wakefield,"
—A youig! lady 'residing; near, Larlvilley
Canada, wearing a highly polished silver pine
was looking at the eclipse ponsitlerablythrong,h,
the ordinary smoked glass, during the time of
the transit, and afterward discovered that the , .
eclipse had ' daguerreotyped itself uppiC her
pin at the time that the sun was about halfoh.,"
, scured. The impression" remains:, there .porms
martently, resisting , the aetion of rtibbing*o 4 gs
well as exposure to the atmosphere: • :
—Mme. Rossini basr just transmitted to M. - .
Tolibli, a eountryman et her late' husband, and
formerly Minister of . ;Commerce in Italy, the ,
famous - bust in- - terra-cotta
ways refused to give to - the, Conservatoire de
Musique of Paris. The ptesent r is 'said to , have
been made in eimse_quenee of - a promise given
by her to allow M. Toff.% to'select some work e
of art belong to , the great compOser, raid
his choice felon the bust in question.
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