Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, September 03, 1869, Image 5
E..~sr'~~?~%' trt ': ~'~ 4 1" 1 " 7 ?-!' - i''': - • ?'- ' ...,::: :- W' 1 :Y,,. ~:- ' °•:.. .1 Z4, ‘ •'; f!, ! ._:44c1 v ; , ::*6;::',....'':: . :• : ..;;;: f i lr'''.•;.:';',-,g:.' -...,..1.:),i.2.'--:::',-5,:;' ':..: 12'..- ' -:' '•'• . - . 'lokrtlariffiti. Ceder f r0m 1, 1 6".11 4 - tiTEA'AiStilr " I'AXTWEIt; ,;luls , Mt, , Dear. ;her • A slurp; • freighted with kryolite, sails;fOr 'Philadelphia in a few - bents; and I avail myself of,, the un opportunity in Send,. Yoiu a friendly, A After Heaving 4N fOUrdI made Our o ,first 'landfall at Capp Desolation, where, the weatbet 'being dirty. and, there being on OILS , - coast 'tielther light-house nor pilots, wC.lvote forcO.Co :get , an anchor down , and hold on three days_ before we could tztteatrt, into the ..„. Juliailsbaab„' the best of the Greenland colo &?: There ive arrived July 15.- A•feu - items , •of our doing since that date may interest you Piist, on. the 17th, We went up to'. the Old .Is.orse; rains a Krakortak, the .filiestm ow' the coast-and in. novel fashion. My , old 'friend, ' the Rev...kir-Mahon (formerly of 17peinavik), kindly acted as a 'guide, and we .crowded , into . a woman's settl;skin boat; that is to 'say, 'Ali umiak, Ichich WAS thirty six feet long, and, was ProPelled..by six stout native women.: The tempbrature was 65 deg.; the 'scehery, and many the novelties, so we tiVadd 'mCist delightful day—bothered only by,. ruosquitoes, which are more numerous hortonvi more cious, - I verily believe, than in any e.th6r, past of the known world.. , • . , , „. How 4;:)1d the:ruins are, nobody, knows; 'but certainly not less tban eight centiiries ; and as, I wandered • through the-church-yard, and . bout-the:Once-massive rarilla oft ;•tio_Lnes of the hardy ; Vikings and sons of, Vikings who len_ • _ eo fled this toast,:the , story of their • won e ieesk •see'. •I ' stones. The church rxiiri (or 'cathedial)stan , • mucliosrwhen Graah visited ,it some forty years" ato. One ;gable is yet ; eighteen feet , high the three'door-Wayt "are' petfeet,;„ and• some of the windows•are in the' same condi, Lion. ,'The walls are almost fiv 4 efeetthiclr, and iu placeS Stilr3re.ry firm. While;Bradford Was busy with - his trrish; and Dunmore and Crich erson •With•their camera; rmade a'careful plot of all the ruins, are nine, in; number., will please your curious , eyes as the phOto graphslvill delight you. • .r.rOni"auliansliaab—wliere, by. . way, I must mot forget to mention we had some fine freskpreenrand „beef and any ' qiiantity' milk—we steamed out to a' oulrcolonY called Krairesiment, where, directed by an ancient Dane, 'llotzfeldt, by naine—the only white man* in the place-we went up a fiord , to the front: of a great glacier, and there we •lay at anchor 4 four days, on the most amicable terms with the monstrous body in -stream, photographing it, sketching it, surveying it, traveling upon it, and, short, doing nothing that, was not • agreeable as well as useful. • , • • • , The photographs •from , it are really superb, are tak.en from every possible point of view, and are everything the heart could wish`'for. The weather was warm as an'early autumn day at ' home, and ; - was enjoyed by all. There was nothing'to interfere with us' but the afore _ said mosquitoes, which fortunately did <not reach the ship, nor yet the "summit of • the glacier. - I believe nothing could possibly be , liner than the photographs obtained.. - ' Unhappily, f or our complete sense of com:- fort, the glacier:.as less" dispbsed to be neigh borlytthan We, for he set up a terrible fusilade the moment :we gbt there ; 'and beside some thouskinti of tons ice which at intervalg, brolte , frorit the front, seven icebergs, one after anotker, roiled their unwieldly forms into the sea arid, set tlie waves upon us at such; a terri ble rate that we were •glad enough to get a safer place ofrefuge. . But le* persons have ever seen amieebeig break % toff: can rejoice in,' having both seen and felt f _them. We may;: itapsodize about 'Niagara, Its roar: its vastness, but ~one knows not where to begin with a discharging glacier ; so-I will not attempt it, on so small :a bit of.paper. • From the glacier here we came to meet a hearty welcome from the controller of the mines,-Mr.=Sastorf ; the director, Mr. Frits; • ' and the agent for the American Company, Capt. Reynolds. One. is quite amazed at, the apparently inexhaustible supply. Of kryolite in the bed which thzy have opened. The mine is, in fact, a, quarry—the bottom of wlfichls some,forty feet , below the lever of ' the sea, and is,perhaps fifty l yards . across, and as many up from the'beach.- It, lies upon, the south side of this deep fi ord of Arsuk, which.runs back many miles itito,the interior, and like most of the Greenland fiords, is ter minatedliy aglaCier. A hundred minereget out about 11,0011 tons of the • mineral per annuli). The mineral is immensely,-.rich— ninety-six to ninety-nine per cent. Of soda and alum—and although not sufficient in quantity to pay for, corking, . the bed is prolific in other ores. In a half hour's walk about the works I picked up specimeng of iron, silver:lead, tin, copper and arsenic. Strange, seems, that this mineral, so precious and •so .valuable, should be found here alone. • t • To-morrow we put to sea, and then north ward hol beneath-the midnight sun.___ Thus far . all has been novel to me, but henceforth I shall be among familiar scenes. We get on finely. Everybody is in the best of spirits, and the very best of health. Theship could not be improved upon for either strength or comfort, and, please God, in a couple of months I will fetch to you, in person, my next budget of news.' MeanWhile,telieve me, ever faithfully yours, ISAAC I HAYES. Mormon Doctrines. The Deseret Evening News reports a sermon . by its editor Elder Cannon, who says : The prevalent idea concerning us in a great Many circles is that we have thrown- aside the Bible and have substituted in its stead a batik of our own, the Book of Mormon, and other works of modern origin, or works which they consider of modern origin. It is only a few weeks - since that a gentleman from the East eru 'faWsirawinvite - d - to - preachjin - the - New- Tabernacle. He did so, and preached a very dent loung, any ter to ae`r"i ti'd2iisliea and-theineeting-was-dismissedithis' -clergy= said he bad not: he least idea that we had so large a Christian element in our faith until he heard-that-discourse from President Young. He had supposed that we had set aside the Bible and had taken the Book of Mormon and the doctrines and revelations contained in that and iii-the book of Doctrines anti 'Covenants onrule.of faith. • , In an editorial in reference to the 'sermon the editor remarks : The discourse in this issue is on:, the first • principles of the Gospel, as taught by the La tter-day Saints, and will be of more than ordi nary intere.st, to all who may be desirous .of learning-the foundation of their faith.. Faith ' in Jews, Chri r st,,repentance of sin, baptism for - Its realiSsiOiontlthe laying on of hands for the recoptiou-ot.the Holy Ghost, are the four cardinal principles,. without obedience to which 00, Wan: cit'wpthan, who has the privi lege othe,arinithem taught by legal autho rity, ever can gain admittance into the king dom ( YANNIT le *eVjuilt,SiOpin in lOWA. Another heavy storm swept over the State of lowa ;la4t §atarday night,and has done co n siderAle dauiage.: It tstrtick, Des Moines at about;43'o'ClOok; and . reached Davenport City about i llsOlog.k, . - ;" . he'dantagOias been heavy to the road - beteen Des Monies and Newton, as three ashes are rendile'd: I *Small bridge at VoW w el'sidictidck,'lour inire.4'West, of New ton, washedictut{And caused. a terrible accident to the,,N0.,2 De'Scitd-fieight The engine and one or two Cars - wentinth - the break, and rCsulted in:killing the ,ongineor Audi brake man, and fatally liajtitilig,thy , . fiArnan. The enginq,arid the t hodied)s . 7cfgAdi t uad-imder the wreck„,of 12 cars: impossiblilO es ate the achineft,mount ,of Joss., .oSevArt ogAp 'were loaded, witb 1111M:ter,' twqwlt,UthteS i m'ae. one With' plows,. ont3 erchan dise, rind dud with iron: - - Grain that ;seas , in B b°ck•• 4441 11 .0: 1 .9,; 44 944, - -c bat; PIA' warm` d 'weather continneas low days, it will not only be'well dried,britiehut AiN)I be got' into sho,Cir _without much tr l tmble.,•`, Ir-th 6 of Dubuque ono street - Was .whishiid,:outto the • depth of 10 fect;lauluerideqqs7lol.9-imPit B ' saole.—.buvenport uareite, • ~- • • , . Austrcanifiag, Which hoid,thc'sonbal • of the. o 1 Roman Rmpire, lam pgeryroplacf6cl; since the firit of August by a..,new, ,Aaistro.. Hungarian flag, composed in egital portions of the red'apd white, colors of the. Austrianarchduchy, minus the falter imperial crown, and of the red; white • and green colors of the, Hungarian, IdngdOrn. Tfam tire -- last imidigis of ihe'rfply Roman Empire of '- Austria • ": , . • -•-•• CITY •NOTI -TnE late tire 'at'Oape May vast .hardly have been Ettore destractire tolvaloottato thiut thiteett-Itir ban i„. en to /h e featherit.,itidifing front 22to` itattionse qUantity of .tbotto,fashicniabio lornaments • that ' edailr , being pm by -2000 0 . iribbacey ,Brothertii , 4o9. WWl' k nown on if mil loots, itt N 0.129 Chestnut atreet:' Tito stork of ftatbern,wblC4tlie Kantiodyta‘e now on ban notblor quality and,variotr.we hoe ear. , • tainly.novor soap bursegibxte ;Otir tally .renctere,tilionlit _till flock to 10,792 ObestnUt stroot,for We ORR prodder, them a might worth seeing thbro; ot)enini.oiiktPr etylett orm'eteclattor the FALL; AND WINTF.II BV.bli/LRLEB f3TOKgs., ~::r Proved coneltisively tioit is'the LEATIEit OF TAsitiox, Being ns'• usual , in the; advance,wfth nicadi for the", coming season The immense assortment now arrangedr.for the Maroc , tiop:of the indslio icclipses arts'ette . exposed= for bale , ln = i his hity, combrising; as it does; all styles , of • ' ' PLAID CiIISTIOTI, PLAID BAINOCKBCIIIO, Cis. PLAIN CuEvloys,' , PLAIN bell'N'OCKillANS, • PLAIN OASSIMEIVE4.'' ' EhNcY ScoVett,; :AMERICAN NeSr....AND : k*:Tparo.rs,. :N'el : 3 7,- y'cliteiy and iddtdo . 6f,Cassixaeros. and plothe for FALL Ovsncorao lii fuel, Lis assortment is full up with all the „A5i0vv..4.,T40 478 '1:11E figASON, Ills, cprpavrcufturs the most tasty and skilful PRAcEsREAso:vABLE )YOUR PATRO AGE RESPEdTFITLLY% • 'all 'styles , . oAii:Portns'' fine a.nd beautiful their Grand Opening. j. WHITCOMB'S ,Lishmtt Remedy; in all cases, vrili most surely and quickly afroid rolist. '. • -, HE GREAT MODERN DrscovEnY:=The new coinbination otiegetable snecitics id Dr: 'Winnow's delicious, Liver and Stomach Lozenge is working won ders in DYepepsia; Liver Complaintt t Chronic Costiveness, ,';' , lervpus Complaints and general debility.. , • P.ituL ANDRIOT, rartatnit wailer ftormerly Annular: Mor.ocif Col), •weWknowt in t h is city for skill and taste, late tvitiaprry . dt Co.; and recently . with •Wenamaker (Chestntitaltreet), having `found it . im • pogeible to satisfy his conscience ur his friends and pa trons inthe ' Customer.. Department of Clothing Stores, Lae connected , himself with EDWARD P. KELLY, the well known merchant tailor, Southeast corner Chestnut and EieVentlrstrents, where; free` trickery and• humbug, he, can - furnish his' customers with really first-class Clothes, and'attooderate prices for cash. o,art - ronns' fine "and bea,utiful Fall styles at their. Grand Opening. .. PRESEBVING JARS, . . ' ; ' 1 reserving Pans, . Preserving Bottles, . , . Preserving Tumblers, .Corks and Sealing Wax„ And all artielesmecessary . , : • . for Putting up Fruits. , . • 1 , ~ All goods deliveral free. • . • . . . AtSETHERSTOW &,00213, - 1 . . . 270 South Second street.' . , • oAxFonns' fine and beautiful Fall styles at their Grand'Opening. , .. ' ' • , ' ‘.. . . . ' . , • • , FOR lipecirpen bbilies r and'adv"ertishik terms' , of the Wilmington Paily Cmyttnerciai - itni FDelatvare ll'eekty pribiate j • address 'JENKINS & ATKINSON, :Wilmington, Delaware,. ,' .'. : '-. - ' ~.' . • 'SURGICAL INswntraturas and druggists' sun drieei . - • sNOtvni.ri & BROTIIR, . • ' ; ; .23 South Eighth street. FAir, STYLES of Hats and Caps at OAICL, ronne'., , nnder the Continental. . atIDIOIOtrki: MoTHEns ana nurses use ,for chtldiena safe and pleasant medicine in Bower'. Infant _ IJEAPNESS ; , BLINDNESS AND CATARRH. J. Isaacs; N.D., X'refeaser of the Eye and Car treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the , utmost success. Testimonials from the' most reliable sources in the city can be aeon at his office, No. 805 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited' to accompany their patients, ea he has no secrete in his practice. A rti-' ficial eyes inserted. No charge made for examination • COnlis, 8111116123, Inverted.l•Tails,..skillfully treated by Dr. 3. Davidson, No. 916 Chestnut street. Charges moderate, ~LADIES' AND MISSES' tine and beautiful Jittt of the Fall styles, at oAgronns i , 831 and +Di Chest nut street. r • • T AT ED DING . CARDS. INVITATIONS .'v for Parties, &o, New styles. • MASON &130 au2stf§ - - . • 907 Ohestriut street. • --- AXTEDDING INVITATIONS EN 'Y graved in the newest and best mariner. LOUIS DEERE., Stationer and :Engraver, 1033 Chestnut street. • fe2o 'MARRIED. DAYLEY—POOLE.—On the evening of the 2d inst., at the bridei residence, by the Rev. Moses Bollou, Nat , win P. Bayley to Addle hi. Poole, all of this city_ - RUSHTON—FIBS.—On the evening of the 2d inst., by the Rev. Win. Suddarde, Charles P. Rushtoall to Beulah, daughter of Israel L. Fish, Esq., of this city. DIED. licliEAN.—fin the morning of September Ist, Ella McKean, daughter and only child of William V. and 11. A. McKean. Her remains will be at the residence of Miss Davis, 621 North Eleventh street, until Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock.. • Her friends and those of the family are invited to at tend the funeral services at the Church of the Epiphany, Fifteenth and Chestnut streets, on Saturday,afternoon, Sent. 4th, at 3 o'clock ; the male friends to proceed to Woodlands Cemetery from the Church. . STOKES.—On the Ist inst., Walter Tilden, son of Al fred L. and Frances W. Stokes, aged five months. Funeral from the residence of his grandmother, Mrs. Wadleigh, No. 1636 Green street, on Saturday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. 11100 LACK SILKS, EXTRA , GOOD, J.) PIANO COVERS ,ORDERED STYLES, ---DOUBLE - CH - AIN—BLACK - 31011 - AI , CLOCK BRAND BLACK ALPACAS. EYRE & LANDELL Fourtk-and-ivcch- BPl:l;l~kL - NflT10ES: - - -. Chir SeitleTn.ent With the Insurance Companies having been made, WE RESUME BUSINESS TO-DAY. Some Goods slightly dampened have been removed to SIXTH and MARKET, and will be sold at SUCH PRICES as they will bring. OUR ENTIRE STOCK IS NOW IN GOOD ORDER, And the large preparation for FALL and WINTER UNMARKED. JOHN W AN AIVI AKER, 818 and 820 CHESTNUT STREET. notice to Stockholders. • , ',VITEEIONIMI VALLEY /1. It. C 0.,. 122 S. .' Street, August 17th, MS.. IStockho.,:ers are hereby notified that the semi-annual ,paymontrpf interest, at the rate of TEN per cent. per 43 7 ,purn, pn the instalments paid in, will be made on and after tkptember lat. . • ALSO, / IThat the unpaid instalments of five dollars per share ay to instillment number five are now due, and that the 'Treasurer is authorized to receive payment in full front' such as desire to make it. ..—lnterest at the rate of TEN per cent, per annum cum. usonces from the date of payment on the stock. W. B. WHITNEY, Treasurer. .dulB fAt.searp§ • , THE DAILY EVANRIptiIIikLETJI,/-141.1.LA.DELP13.1A, PRIDAt SEPTEMBER $. 180. v -- O,A•RD coLuMtlli'lioxsi:eiltrritit• N.'4.. f , -'; , . , i . '',:, A '§FP t M Ie L >, . 24 44 8 . 69 .-• 1 , ' I take ttil‘tiiethod otteturnitig zdyl!attfelt thanks to my Olen& who Remelt -el) , faithltillyln'aisliting to save the Columbia riouse..pri the , nigbigtthit .great fire at Cape May, August 30,1809, To ;our' -guests. to the cot el tagePoeSe,,te the resident citizenthAnd to each and I of our entploXb's treer'tindei lasting, obligations . 0 while all did nobly, truust_ hot idiefitatttitti Verne On g' those who took, the lead , in dander arid endurance pt. James T. twelfth, , Ciolufribla riquie`Otalundti; 'L is ' , .titillivelE 'Colirmbia House cOtteltiniti ; Edwdid lia is,' „.Cyrds Sannders and "Borij..Viggitekelolortidli Colum la ‘''lloutio diuing-room nien,,and',E4Ward Fitzpatric k, co ' himbia iipuso engineer.t .whO ,s ilikviii - 1 4 litiiiiiP In tIY ° minutes, anti handled the pumps', careful ly, and 1911 k amid 'great Conftisionand oidicentent 2, 1 ,t . " '' ' ' dihr. l litotTON "P i arI•FIVERSITr'OrA i i•TSB3Ci.aVANIVI. -=-1111;DICIAL ,DEINIBTXENx.--,Tho ,INTRO DUOTORY LECTURE to tho'.ll,:titurrit, ()mitten wilt lie delivered on DIONDAY, *Sept. 6t,11, , at 1. I?, M. by H. LENOX BODGE, 111, IY.,leci t tixgripitplaolisoit of the . "' ; • ee32r ro§ RELIGIOUS - SEIWAO,P3ITILL BE , iU resumed et the Unitertati'ohurelr, Tenth and 'Locust, on Sunday neitt,.th? 41,iiiFu1t,..,114,10,.4 ; o'clock in "the morning; ' • , ' se3-2t` 11. S. PENSION ISAN A(tEN,PY;IIB' o * som street, Philadelphia;', Thb Semi-Annual Payment 'of INVALID AWAY PENSIONS .will begin SATJOIDAYi September:4. All • --a • e litho an - 10174IIMIJ•pvuth. bq vmsudnediTris Pension Surgeon before payment The 'office of the Board of Pension Bursa onsis 707 Sansotnstreet,a•here for examMath:in: ," , • ' — aTiohabetical order. IPQMPB, v receSton Agent.: L ,Np,TIOES. , ESZi Payments will be ni!i„: CITY TREASURER'S q)VPICE, me registoZTtp.n i s a 09D mt la' A i lie 27 ' 1869. ' City Interest teasing trninittp` .4.94 presenta tion.,BoL. ,:.sel-3trp§ . . - H OtycTretten ror . .TIit.VINELAND:FATR, I -S - kiP - t. 17 U and .19--ntford the best'oppoXtunity of, the yeir for 11:TiBit to the moat remOrkabl3 and isuccossful ' settle mept of the century., , 0n314t rp* i&Ob- STATE RIGHTS - I'OR SALE.— State rights of a valuableinventionjusrnatented, d designed for the slicing, cutting' and„, chipping o dried beef, cabbage; dm., are hereby' , offered - dor sale. .1t is an article of great value Jo proprietors of hotels and restaurants, and it should• be introduced into'every fam ily., State rights for„ sale. , Zdodel -can be aeon at the telegraph office, Cooper's yoint,N.J: mv29-tf§ MIINDYcIV HOFFMAN. J. GOULD; N0:923 Uitt - STNI 11:7 ' street; is solling•Steck 551:30: , s and;'Enines Pianos•andiMason Cabinet Organs nearly as low as at any former time. o au27-tf jo• 1109 GIBARD STREET. 1109,, TURKISH, RUSSIAH,,AND PERFUIIIKD . BATHS Departments' for Ladies Baths open from 6 A. M:t69 P. M. 10' B..FRANR, PALMER, LL.:D.,I3IJR geon Astiet, haiduet been commlisioned by the Burgeon-General to supply the Palmer Arm and pegjor mutilated Officers of the_U. B. ArmY,.andNavy. The Governtnental offices are to bp located in Philadelnhia, New York and Boston. and aro all' conducted by Dr. PALMEE.. - . au27 11°°REOTIL t A.R DEMOCRATIC 11°31/111 1:OR LEGISLAT'ITEE, , SECOND DISTRICT, , WILLIADI C. GILIANGHAAL Jy3 tf letp§ LHOWARD HOSPITAL, NOS. 1518 and 1520 Lombard. etrect,Dispeneary Pepartment. —Medip4treatment and medicine furnished gratuitously taiOTHING JONES' ONE-P . 3EI4CE CLOTHZ - G HOUSE, 604 MARKET 'STREET, PHILADELPHIA: First Class Ready-Made Clothing, suitable for all Seasons, constantly on hand., Also, a Handsome Line f4f Piece Goods for Cus tom Work. GEO. W. NIEMANPT, Proprietor POPULAR PRICES DRY GOODS. RICKEY, SHARP & CO. iy „ 727 7 CHESTNUT STREET, OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE SINKING FUND. -7-REAINJWY-DEPKETELENT-OF-PENNSYL TANIA, las.une,August2o Sealed bids will be receivedfor the redemption of ONE MIL - LION — DOLLA - ItS'OF - THE - LONN - OFITHE - COM; MONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, duo July Ist, 1870, until 12 o'clock M., October let, 1869. Communications to be addressed to R. W. MACKEY, Esq., ptato Treasurer, Harrisburg, Pa. And endorsed "Bid for Redemption of State Loan." V. JORDAN. Secretary of State. J. F. HARTRANFT, Auditor General. R. W. MACKEY, State Treasurer. Commissioners of the Sinking Fund. N. B.—No newspaper publishing the above without authority will receive pay therefor WINDOW - SIETADt - b. A GOOTI THING. Important to Houseke pers, Hotels, Banks, Offices, &c. The Patent Adiustable Window Screen WILL'FIT ANY WINDOW, Give yentilatlon and lien, screen from view and nada& Flies, Mosquitoes and-other Insects. For sale by Dealers in House-Furnishing G00d5.,,. The Adjustable Window Screen Company SOLE MANUFACTURERS, 628 Market Street, Philada. jolt m w f9mrpt A THE (101.1.11 T Oirti - ORMONPLEAS FOB TIIN .m CITY : AND COUNTY ON:PHILADEL pA.. NOTICE is hereby gircifto all persons Anter— csted, that the Honorable, the Judges of our ) 8E1 4 . '6 Said Cola', hare appointed MONDAY, the 2011 i •••••••-• day of September, A. D. 1.869, at 10 o'clock A.M. for hearing applications for the following Charters of Incorporation, and, unless oxceptiona Le Sled thereto the same will be allowed, I. The Huverford Loan, and Building Association, of Philadelphia. 2. -First Mutual Building and Loan Company. , 3. Good Intent Steam Fire Engine Company. 4. The Cinchinatus Ileneficial Society. 6. The Central Philadelphia Loan and Building Mo.' elation.• . • • ~'6.. The Eureka 'Savings, , Loan Mid Building Associa tion Of Philadelphia. , 7. The Sisters of St. Francis, of Philadelphia. 3. Odd Fellows' Loan and Building Association. • 9. The • Ledger Loan and Building Association. No. 10. Morton BuildingAssociation.' 11. Tito. 'R. Montgontory.Building and Loan Associa tion. . , 12. The' Southwark Butchers' Beneficial Society. : 13. The Church of the Messiah. 14. filanufacturers' Mutual Fire - Insurance Cora- Pany• Of Philadelphia.. Amendment: • . . It. Th e saint ,Agnes Female Beneficial Society of Philadelphia. 16. Mt , Fourth Francis. Cooper Building Ahßocia nun._ 17. The Dliftwilluilding Association, N 0.2, FREDERICK (I. WOLBERT. :Prothonotary. tfELMBOIID'B, trIATXD ' EXTRACT, 1.1: iiii)VoinVitiliOalartodniotroe trcira innitiona iropertlca. and immediate in ita action. ti • .'J=.(4 .• 4;3 • r •; • - GiOn .,, A - Ott ., RETICA4IICtN.,;(I •_1;5113()NTI,. .a: Inience":4aVrtriei itirthitteh;- Ititternmetleti Utoeti.' Lion of ttleittithier or'lltdrieri.bleeesee . ot the Pitietriti.: (I!axide, Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Gravelor Bitch • Duet Depoette, and ;all Dteeturept the Budder, Kidneys or Diopetcul.EittettoiteiV., , : • • • • •• 118 V HEhhtDOLDI3 JrTxurri - ..!EXTEADTi„I3III7IIIIIx -., • • • . ' -- • • - • • „ . , . g giVea health and ttgOr to the frame ,, and Wpm to the pallid 'cheek: pi kcompanp.a. by, sunny,. • lanniteiimiploke, - dndltffithiiifoiatrain ooustunption,lnentitir tit Epitiitio Vita enida: ' r~ ~~~: ~ ;;, ._.~; . ENFEEBLED AND'DELICATE CO atituttons,'of gee . 111114141400:113'itk, -. TRACT 131:101111. It giro brizikand energetic fee nge, and enable you to sleep . , rpAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND T unsafe remedies for unpleasant and dangerous diseases. Use RELBEROLD'S EXTRACT BIJOUX) . AND IMPROVED ROSE ;WAAL THE GLORY OF MAN IS STRENGTH; therefore the nervous and dobllitated should Imme diately use LIELDIBOLD,'R EXTRACT RIJORTI. MANHOOD AND YOUTHFUL VIGOR are regained by HE L B 0 L D'§ EXTRACT BUGHIJ SBATTERED CONST TION Eif R E . STORED by RELIRBOLD'S EXTRACT BIICRII. HEUVB3OLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organia Weakness, Female Complaints, General Debility. Ail all dlseasio of the Whether existing in au2.3 Imrp§ From whatever cause originating, and no mat rof Diseases of , these organs require tho use of a diuretio. If no treatment is submitted to,Oonstunption or Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood 'are supported from these ensu e . Our the ud that of posterity, depend upon prompt use of a s table remedy . • LIELNIBOLD 9 S_ EXTRACT BUCHII Established upwards of 18 years.. Propared by H. T. HELMBOLD, 594 BROADWAY . , NEW TORR. 104 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Price 'Bl 25 per bottle, or alz tottles for e 6 50, eta ivered to any address. , • . igrao;a by Drngghits everywhere. LIYS EXMMVII-11U0 1 . 1 cfor.4lmgmall th URINARY ORGANS, MALE OB FEMALE, HOW LONG STANDING. 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