• r , 4; , Z:f: ; • . ..: 1. '' :, "'... , -g- , ;' ,. i ,-- :i -$ .4' .',.':',',?.:,•.',.7,','-..:-,,•;''':. EWE . TWO HOURS, WI TH T.gy,,,YlllNfeilL • • CABLE. 'i.•• • - • `for WM American AitiOelatiOlti.fa,the Ml voneemeOs of tocienceylOit:Di4buz* [From tbo,Boston AdvotOser*ugt43l'..) .A small partY of seientifkg.entlenten,.,niem r - bets of the . American AskOelatkm vancenient of Science, which awed its sessions • at Salem last week, 'received: and accepted an invitation on Thursday; 211th instant, to visit the cable officei4Duxbury - -From Boston to. Kingston station by ,raiP thirty-three miles, theme hy.c each brought ; the party to the landing. In an Old but well preserved clapboard mansion of that quaint old town were found the headquarters of this, neNin.and. wcinderfill The visitors' were • 'eor canywelcotried by: the -managerf;--Mr. Brown; and were at once brought into, the. presence of the flitting; flame-likeWhieh indicated, in symbols.on a graduated; screen, the thoughts working at that instant, on the other side of the Atlantic. Interpreting.thofitinl tremor:: of the image, or line of light,:one inch in length and one-eighth of an inch in breadth, ,the youthful interpreter,who did ,not look • the wizard that le was, camly read,: for :transcription ..by. his assistant, a message in which occurred at in the word§ " New' Orleans," "Citizens," SEC.. , While:inspecting:the apparatus . 'the au c i atielb.of-AheTpatty-,-Jrmi.7 , so , 4he,,,folidnring . ,.. message fresh: from. France, sent expressly -Ahem "To Dirk.tinitvolto'n BAESTL=-Tinie,s.2o P. M.' (Parig , ' thirie.)-The company present their gomplitnents to the , gentlemen assembled at Boston; and hope to 'be able to send them news of the great international boat race. that`, will be gratifying to both nations.r, The.xianal rate of transmission is about ten br tivelteWOrdS per minute. tookingbr „mechanism by which :these Wonderful results Were olitained, the inquiring : visitors obServed / on their right, placed on a marble pedestal, a .medium-sized spool ;, of ; silk-coVered copper wiresaid to consist of several thOnsand , turns or convoltitions, in the 'centre of which spool; taispended,by a single silk-Worm:: fibre, was a .Minute mirror attached toil little Magnet made frinn a; piece` of watch-Spring.' From ' a lamp properly placed and shaded a beam of light was thrown 'upon this mirror, and front the mirror was refleetedtwe hUndred times the upon the graduated screen in front of the'interpreter the flame-like image . already mentioned. ,In , transmitting frinuDuxbury to . Brest the,opera ter, with iris right hand, makes use of two keys or springs, one of which being pressed causes at Bresta deflection in a similar:mirror, - send ing the image -flame to the right, ,while pressing the :Other- key deflects,the mirror at 'Brest in the, opposite direction, sending the image to 'the left. Its indications` are thus interpreted : •!A jerk or flitting once to the and the nonce to the left denotes the letter ; a flitting once totheyight and then three times to the left de notes, the letter b ; and thus letter by letter the :words are ;spelled. Passing to an adjoining room the delicate in strinnents used for, testing the electric conduc-' tion of the cable are shown, among which are noddensers and batteries, rheostats and shunts, 'bridges, switches and plugs, and, crowning all, the wonderful astatic galvanometer of Sir %Vil lain Handlton. • But possibly it would weary nur readers to • tell. of ohms and megohms, farads and megafarads, volts and microvolts, and all the terminology of, conduction, resist ance, electrostatic capacity and,' continued dee trifigation.: .It may, however, gratify them to learn that the insulation of the deep-sea cable between Brest and St. Pierre has more than doubled in efficacy during the short month which has elapsed since this ,cable was , first committed to the embraces of Old Ocean, as is evinced by the fact that soon after it was laid ...the insulation resistance rose to 2,300 rogolims, and has SiliCQ been gradually in creasing, until it 17s how 5,000, inegoluns per nautical. Mile. This improvement in the in ' nation of the deep-sea cable is believed to be .mainly due to the coldness or diminished temperature to which it is subjected at great ocean ,depths. The insulation resistance of the,portion of the cable connecting Duxbury and St. Pierre is much less—namely, 1,500 M6golnns per nautical mile. If one would inquire of a cable electrician, What is a niegohm? lie might with propriety be told that it is a million ohinS. Should he still further inquire, but what is an ohm? a suita ble,reply would be, it is the Sardstick of the electrician by which be measures itheTelectric condition of conduetois, and which may be re presented by a round wire of pure copper,one twentieth of an inch in diameter, and 240 feel. in length, at the temperature of sixti , degrees of the Fahrenheit thermometelywhile a me- Ohm, by which he measures the resistance of . insulators,. is a unit; the length of Which is a million times as great. After being duly initiated into the interesting mysteries of cable working and cable'book keeping, the members of the party partook of a sumptuous repast„given .by the gentlemen iu charge.' During this repast they were agreea bly interested by thrilling accounts of various incidents and hairbreadth escapes during the eventful voyage in laying the cable. Messrs. Brown and Gaines are gentlemen of Tong experience—in—connection-with-the-Malta and Alexandria cables. Mr.' Smith, wile rely ---resents.theinterest.sofihe TelegunpliConstruc tion and Maintenance CoMpany, leas. assisted in laying most of trio unportasit~ables; fiani the first out that crossed the channel to thiS. last great triumph. The number of persons engaged in conducting the aflitirs of the office and of the land lines is about a dozen in all, some of theM being on duty at all hours of the day and night----for it must be remembered that when it is midnight at Duxbury it is day break at Brest, France, so that a telegram dated like, the one given above at twenty min utes past 5 o'clock P. M. Paris time is really sent at half-past twelve o'clock P. M. Duxbury or Boston time. It may be deemed worthy of remark that imthe transmission of messages of business for the public the time recorded is that of Paris ; in business for the service of the cable company, Greenwich time—the same as on the original cable between Ireland and Newfoundland—and in the local- business of Duxbmy office Boston time. After cordially thanking the courteous and efficient manager and his associates the gentle men constituting the party terminated their long-to-be-remembered visit at the Cablellouse in Duxbury. Amateur Sculpture lathe French%Away* One 1:4 the incidents' of the Empet'? is fite. in, Paris is thus rnentionett.by a corresponflenti(L', "The glory of the camp in works of decora- 1 ',five art are the pieces of sculpture with which it is enriched by the hands of soldiers or officers ---temporarily-stationed-there— --The district pro duces an abundance of brittle stone, and when, sdine years ago, it was found that this could be easily cut, a sort of sculpto-mania set in among those who had any pretensions to art. One or two.of the best Works produced under this influence are, I believe, in the mess-room of the officers. Two or three have been newly executed and erected in the open air, at dif ferent parts, of the camp, in honor of the day. One is in the quarters of the Infantry de /a ill«rine. A soldier of more than size is represented; rifle in hand, with "bayonet ad'unced ,in defence of an eagle perched on the rock. On the pedestal are these words . of the Emperor : , L'ldetore de nos querres est l'ldstoire dux progres de la civill sation'-a somewhat dangerous impression to have : produced in the minds of a million eoldier4. , another spirited life-size. group, eiti tits:Sous-lieutenant, in the 44th re, invent infantry, an officer and two inen-afeltuu:d , nig the tlag,the staff of which is alreadyhroken, anti which is in evident danger. These and other , art _objects, e fond in many of 1, Ile filet944o B 4 ix° 1131 4. 1110:ea4; show a' taste ant* htipmempleyinent of spas ",;±,fud'4! deserve higlit,,i3raise. S ? y x 3,:". ; 1 . ' airalv Incidentsin thii Red Itilvei Region. " Carleton'l writes to . the Boston Journal from North Western Minesota : " EMigtation travels': fast,' . Like:the - fire of thelitairie, throwing out handfuls of ilanie to light ' new fires in the dried grass, so civilizationis constantly. kindling:...in new plaCes along the 'frontier. Four Mini lies have just made a beginning at DettOit Lake, - in which the Red river of the North has "We reached the settlement on Saturday night, and Pitclied our tents for the Sabbath It was a taretreatlO theSe peOple tO 7come ; into our camp, and hear, a sermon„ from Rey. : w: Let:d;';''l3*o l 4o , - .00110.:0 1 044 3 .4:**1ni } now in her eightieth year, Ni.ith.7o6 7 elindiniiii.- ' -ished, a countenance rerearlmbly,'free front the marks of age, who walks:With: a firm, step after fourscore years of labor. ~ S ixt,y years;:ago ' she moved from - Lebanon, New' ;Hampshire; a Yining tife;',leaying the Valley of ' the Connee-' tient . for *halite in the State of York,then , iipylpg l withAie, : -.:great ; :artny.era:igiunta......o.. Ohio, Illinois,'Alissouri and,lbwaTinsticce , ssion, -Land now-Lbecrirmint : : again' in Minnesota. Last: - .year.her hair, which had been as white as the, piaretit,Sntisy; began to' . take'onita original ealor,•tilid:is nOW'qilit,e': dark. 'There. are` hilt few instances' On . record of such a renewal of youth..; , "Tile party have .eianie Central.'froth: iWa to make i this their -future home, preferrin g the Soil'and the-climate'-of 11 's region to one where the 'changes of temperature " are: sudden and variable. • The Women 'and children of the font' .finifilies Wed - here alone for . six Weeks, while, the men were; waY after .their stock.: Their nearest .neighbors Were tWelYe miles distant. On the 4th of Jtily all hanclemen, women and children—traveled forty-five miles to cele brate the . day. ' '. • : :4 , : "'We felt,' said one of the *Men; 'that We couldn't get - throUgh the ,yeS.r without gOing somewhere or seeing somebody. , 'lt, is ,kinder lonely so far away ; froth folkS,'and so we went down country tea pic-nic.'• "Store, chtterand . school arse allforty miles away, and till recently the nearest saw-mill was sixty 'Miles 'distant.' Now they can get their Wheat ground bY gbing forty miles. "The settlement is already bkimaing with a half-dozen children. Other settlers are coining hi, and these people are looking forward to next year with hope and confidence, for then they will have a school of their own. • I "Not an hour ago musicians - heard of our arrival, • and here they are,twelve of them, standing, in a. circle roun our camp, doing their best to express their joy. They are Ger mans, all young men. Three years ago three or four families came here from Ohio. They reported the soil so fertile, the situation so attractive. the prospects so flat tering, that others eagle; and now they have a dozen fatuili, and more are coming to this land of protri: -, .. "Now just ride out and see what they have done. 'Here is a field containing thirty acres of , as fine wheat as crows in Minnesota. It. is just taking on the golden hue, and will'he ready for the reaper next week. Beside it are twenty acres of oats, several acres of cairn, an acre or two of potatoes. This is one farm only.. On yonder slope there stands a two-storied house of hewn logs and shingled . roof. See what ' adornment the wife or daughter has given to the front yard—verbenas, petunias and n2—s turtions—and round the door a ridgy Wread.' ', , of morning glories. "'Cows chew their ends in the stable-yard, ' while , ' Drowsy tinklings lull the distant fields; . where the sheep are herded. , "We shall find the avne:rpeated on the ad-' joining farm. Sheltered beneath the grand old forest trees stands the little log church with a cross upon its roof, and here we see coining down the road the venerable father and teacher of the . community, in long black gown and broad- brimmed bat, with a crucifix at his girdle_ It is a Catholic community, and they brought their priest with them. , • "But take a good long look at these men as they stand before our camp fire, with their brightnewinstruments in their hands. .They received. them only three weeks ago from Cin cinnati. ", We can't play much yet,' says their leader, Mr. Bertenheimer ; ~ but we do the best we can. We have sent to Toledo for a teacher who will spend the winter With us. You will pardon our poor playing, but we felt so good when we heard you were here looking out a route for a railroad, that we felt like doing something to show our goodwill. You see,we are just get ting started, and have to work hard; but we wanted some recreation, and we concluded to get us a band. We thought it would be better than to be hanging round a grocery. 'We haven't any grocery yet, and if we keep sober and give out attention to other things perhaps We sha'n't have One, which I reckon will be all the better for us.' _ Jain and simple the words, but there-is more in them than hi many a windy speech 4ust-getting_ . statical -IYet_bere_mpo n the fron tier art has planted' herself. The floWers of civilization are blooming ()lithe border. "As we listened to the parting strains, and watched the receding forms, and looked into the coals of our 'camp fire after their departure, we felt that theie must be a bright future for t eomMonwealth that could grow such fruit on the borders of the uncultivated wilderness." , MARRIED A-YEAR AND A DAY 'WITH OUT A QUARREL. The Old Flitch and Bacon Casten'. A custom -- which was originally nothing more than a passing joke, and which died of natural old age in the year 1772, when one John Gilder and his wife :claithed the reward of a twelvemonth's Conjugal - tameness, but were denied the thinnest rasher of compensa tion for so long and tedious a mutual 101. 7 bearance, has been revived in England. It is known as the festival of the "Dunmow Fliteh." A flitch of bacon is given in Little Dunmow to any Married couple who, having been mar,- ried a year and a day, will swear that they have not quarrelled once in that time or re pented of their marriage. The flitch is said to have been claimed only five Hines since the deign of Henry Vl. prior to 1855; when it was awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Barlow, of Chipping Ongar, and to the Chevalier and Madame de Chatelaine. The last claim, was made in. 1860. . ThiS--Year,_. -- when_the_company..haLbeertas.-._ sembled within the booth, and the orchestra had played a long overture, the curtain was raised. Mr. E. T. Smith, in scarlet and ermine, presided as judge, and the opposing counsel was. Mr. Brooks. Mr. Smith, addressing "Brother Brooks," proposed to read a letter of apology from the gentleman whose name had been printed in the bills as having consented to act as judge. The substance of the letter, a very shbrt one, was a kindly excuse for not accept ing the invitation., 'Mr. Smith then proceeded 'to address the "Court" on the subject of the ancient custom of Dumnow,'"looking at it," as he said, "from a religious point of view," and taking strong exceptions to the ViCar in again refusing to sanction the ceremony. ' The trial then proceeded, two couples—a I\fr. and Mrs. Casson, of Hackney, and a Mr. and Mrs. Leader, of Clerkenwell—coming for ward as claimants. The learned Mr. Brooks, 'being on his very best behavior, was rather . less entertaining than he was apparently ex peeled to be, and in fact may fairly be said to -1 1 11 E DAILYANTEARIG - 131ILLETIN-PHILADELPHIA., - TifURSDAY, S ,'TEMBER 2, 1869. litiye F ,. pen - decorously dull. Another counsel's pleit.44tkry was .at first re,lisAd by part of .the l' attillAtee'4 but nearly alOne*t Jkitibrflitt Z Afiseaiglle advocate when, M ' ' d into plain quid"-,pOsitive grossness. Natelli,'t e fliteheshad been formally adjudged thim s,ofl the two fi,iiivii4 a, procession was SO4c4with,bannerS and hoisemen to parade T ihe'itintrnKnib "Knights in- mirk 2 , squires, pagesith what pre cise relevancy it was 4.ll.ffitut to 'disc'over—a Tersonage representingrang-.lteurythe Eighth, were marshalled in a long array with clowns and beer-eaters interspersek::arid , with the happy couples,•chaired on men's shOulders, in the midst of the motley train, On some of the banners were inscribed the.snmesbf claimants in former times. Tlimiel Weie•not` Many- such ~names, for the oldjoke. - of.. the „Monks of Dun mow hardly ever becamea regular custom, and for centuries no wedded came forward to assert their rights to the ganimon. Annexed isa copy of the oatktaken by the claimants:: ' .- -;• ; , ; . • • You shall swear by custom i3f confession, That you ',ne'er made nuptial transgresSicm, Nor SUMO you were niarriedman anti Nvilo By household brawls of,contentiOus Strife; Or otherwise in bed or at hoard ' 011'ended each other in, deed or, In word, Or since the parish clerk said Amen Wished yourselves unmarried:again ; (Jr in a twelvemonth and -7 1.IliFenfa not naThearght•hnv wa - But continued true in thought:and desire -when-you-joined-hands4nholM If to these conditions wlthcitit fear, • Of your own accord you willif'reely swear, , A Avhole gammon of hlcen you stall receive, .Aln bear it hence with lOye and 'good leave ; For this is our custom".•at tounmow well known, , • _ • Though the pleasure be ours, tlie bacon's your When the procession had wine' throligh the town and returned, the two flitches were de livered over to their_ Several - iiroilrietkrs and there was au end the . .4ay's amuseinenLi, f ar as the "custom .af, , L DurunoW?'. was con- The Debt, Statement. The folldwing is a;.statemont of the 'public debt of the United Stated on the .Ist ot Sep tember,l&39 : PELT r.r.Amincl eeiNtxrsirm - r. Character of !Wag artd rate Arnetiu ets.t.- Actritrit of inteti:st. “gtztuftbm.' intera c t. Bowls" 5 per (Tut-- $7.51,t(" 1 11.011) eleii..66; 67 Bonds, 5 per - 71:e.1t1,1300•110 •55,516 67 Betels. ia.l, 6 per 15,41504 130 939,151 00 Betide, Idtvgett war, 7 51 - 6 ' por rent • %SACO ' 9.150 16 33,,nd5. to 1. 6 per 159:117.6, 1 0 U! 1.5133,176 00 ilonils,s.llle, 6 per cenL—.... (*a to to Bomb., 15e.1,6 pi‘r 750,10011.60 75.10100 Betlas :171-11),.. 5 per cent 00 4.511.1e11. Bonds. 5-I.‘rs,isiper 77.1 - 4'6 1 " Bends, 5-1‘.. 1- e. 6 per euzazo to .2.sitzna 5.. - al s e 6 cA-r . Cu 41161.515 W Br La's-S.:ars, 6 per (*IA ' Brads. 5-I..Nrs, 6 per B k .ude, 5-s.re. 6 por (...eist.— te..„=1,5557.121 1.ZA.13 50 of N,tring Imo c.4.Aqr.nteret5..12.....W.5 1 31.30 0.1 Cer,r, , L,; vat 3ls:s - I Ana Jar I, I:SV, 1 1 - 4.1, 71..E7 ?CEA NGINTEaII›."I" 1.1. , W1F11. 11L0.V.;.7.T. (.7‘!rtifh - AtA. z pri• 42W.tk1.44.1.1 f -V, 6/ 4 CZ:4 111 Sary rk•3l4on re-a», 3 'Per ICAO:4AV 4:4 -40 711..414 ire _.4..pgrf-p*lt , of 60'1 beming 1 int, - -7.1..- - .1 in lavtrasomes— e.,54;755ti.1)5 itit e2.2.....r....1.50 0.. , VE,.;: ON WELICII Th-r.r...va:z '.3,7S CS-1-.527: , i:T-Nt'S -ILA "ZT:arrY • ct0,,,,,,,a 4 ,7 - is..swe 4.2at7 l'illf A:I7:4CW: MI- -Vv. keel Cti laZertg- . I•lrt4tChsz.C. i42::..ri.5.:_ li.on-2.4, i pEi - oer.a 4t - f h .glii +NI e. 353 ;11 P.....t7,1 , .. f rer 0 , -. - zix '14..1140 4* 449 +A. R0. , 0.C.i.- f rET tu-Tat- - 55-741:1 a) 140 a.! .11,,, , ,... St:l2ls Ili ifM , .l:ll - y, 5 4 , , 4 . ce.r.2:—...--. • 142.#511 sli 11,1.3) CR) Treas-. 1376 ..D0v.14, 1 - zirn - to 6 Ttz.stiry zrot: SID 53z10. -T . ttimt. 3-3 p TricaT 3 Laud Cari, 5 r2.4" , (1 . 1:7:---- 6 prz ,xml 21LA , Etts, FF , - 6 , er r4=v va.7 - tard rtat- - rory ToF.T v.sal tr,a; - ,r• 6r: A Sgkq'gait &VI usilerern ma:an' 13T.7.7" 77"," nem.ina not**. t 114.913 U. S. Legal teutlere------. Postal clarrencY.--------- raetit,Lal e urn, Gold certificates of dev,sit.... !?..3117,593ul Aggregate of debt bearing no interest. .....__sllo.4;-I.= 37 RECAPITI7LATIWF OP DEBT SEAELISG I.VT."--I.EST iN COIN, VIZ.: Bonds at 5 per cent., issued before March 3 ; i&1 Bonds at 5 per tent ~10-40'e, issued tinder act of Mardi 3, 1 1....... .._ Bonds or 18.9,nt 6 per cent. - 5-20 bonds at 6 per cent, Amount outstanding Interest - . DEBT BEARING INTEREST IN LAWFUL 310 NET. iTz.: . Certificates, 3 per cent. intere , rt• 8'30,780,000 00 Navy pension fund, 3 per cent intereg 14,000,000 00 Ans.uht ontstaudin7 64,70,0110 00 Interest - 1,212,550 00 • DEBT BEARING NO INTEREsT. • and legal-tender 'toter , 7.3354,114,913 fQ Postal and fractions - if currency 30,711:799 ci Certificates of gold deposited 27,11.17,5": X, Ri A ii,Count outmtanding DEBT ON 'WIIICH INTEREST lld9 CEASED Since Innturity Interest Principal outstanding ' Accrued interest to date and coupons due not presented for payment Total dobt, principal and interest tEIFZ=ZI Coin Cnrrency tiinitinit Fund in United States coin, in . . and accrued thereon it - 02475M - T itlierrtiluit‘td-States-.oiii.,-intarest.lloll4l4 purchased, and accrued interest theretin 23317,06500' Total amount in Treasury - ' $150,691,358 Amount of public debt, less cash and sluicing fund and purchased bonds in • the Trea5ury5'2.475,9,12,601 50 Amount of public 'debt, less cash, and sinking fund, and purchased bonds in Treasury on Ist nit Decrease of the public debt during the • past month 504,234 79 Decrease since March' 1, 1859, 49,509,758 51 Bonds-issued to the Union Pacific Railroad Comptnies, interest pttyabln - in - ht*fnl - maney: (launderer issue and Amount out- Accrued t 't rate of interest. standing. !crest ,not Vet pa id. Union Pacific 0 per cent. bonds $26,688,000 00 $267,368 07 Union Pacific Railroad; Eastern division 6,308,0 xi 00 63,030 00 Sioux City and Pacific ltail road 1,623.120 00 • s,zal 20 Ciintral Pacific Railroad, 4 ,: i t! ,000 00 ~0l 112: Ventral Brauchofft, he Union I,o°ll oo (•• Pacific' Railroad—Assign - cos of Atchison & l'eak Railroad 1,600,000 03 16,600 00 ,Western l'acific Railroad.... 320,000 00 3,200 00 Interest paid by United States "Interest repaid by transportation of mails,_ 104,965 77 Balance of interest paid by United Statue.... 3,409,856 77 The foregoing is a correct statement of the public debt, as appears from the books and Treasurer's returns in the department at the close of business on the last day of August, 1869. _ Arm. A. lticHAßnsoN, 'Acting Becretary of -the Treasin'y EW PUBLICATIONS. PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE.—A pow course of Lectures, as delivered at the New York' Museum of Anatomy; embracing the subjects; How to Live and what to Live for; Youth, Maturity and Old Ago; Mau hood generally reviewed; the Cause of In digestion-, Flatulence and Nervous Diseases accounted for; Marriage Philosophically Considered, &0., Sm. Pocket volumes containing these Lectures will be for warded, post paid, on receipt of 25' cents, by , addressing W. A. Leary, Jr.; Southeast corner of Fifth and Walnut fe26 1913. BOOTS AND SHOES. ~. . NOTICE TO PRE PUBLIC GENEe . . RAIITN• BOW), , • The latest style, fashion and atsortment of 00T4 , ;.OHOES AND GAITERS, FOR. MEN AND Gumbo had at . ERNEST SOPP'S, No. 230 NORTH NINTH STREET. Better than auyydiere in Om City. A Fit Warranted. ap26rn§ 'GIVE HIM A CALL. - VATINESTO CH.'S FARI - k dere igned Aro now receiving from the Mills Feline.' stock 'e , celobrated 'Lancaster county Farina, which they oftlit.r to the trade. JO.B. 11. BURSIEn &C / 0., Agonts for to cic 1;14 titb tinymr twvipio. ~ ,6'"'....-..4, ' ~. :,:,... • , ~, ~. SP ECI AL .• - 6 p • . ri i cE q A l?; ' e ,A4, TEAT O4( z . N ,, ,,, 1, -, , -, ..4 P,..4. 4 :.-tt- •01 . )6 , 1 ' il . '1,4 lit - '',,:ii .- ' ' . tril liT ir'" ''' l ' i - T ..E `e,'o A 4 P' NIV ,:. ri '' :':.:;;,' X - :, , t0 • , I D'' - ‘. ~ ~1.4 REPV IttlC Alt INVINO 'BLEW Will mpet at Haskell's Hall (Camden), --.- ." Iliellr `AlitrferAikilr SDI= 'PA • . . .... I.in Friday, September 3d, at 8 P.M., Shin'p. CHA 5'....1. HOLLISwiII address the meeting ; , and-the , IRApy,Essaipw,§9 Q.Y4L, will bo,Porel • ' 'All whO tiiiiok II lit:olio) iiii Ipii.; - LIB iwit and who shard her j ! erils har the, ntanxtos . liaili,..ll!”',..4FlPlPtPl.9., hilittate attend: '.' BY order ef:tholjyinelhles. s y .:',:, ','.-“•-. , ._' _ „ _ ~ s s,sei-at* --; '-:" '. .'..' , - BA3O".*L /41ryttit.,-P,i9eide44. :\oPPIop;OP:THE. pr.?'" PORTSMOUTH f-111013NT JOY AND LANOAS TEN ItAlLßOAP,.ettmpArar,..lia,24,South,,TDA4l./.. street, corner of Milling s alloy: , A .1. = , A Pittiatattaints4 Animal 1i1th0839." The annual meeting_ of tho 'Stockholders of -thlig 00111 , puny will bo hold on FRIDAY ,‘ Sentemher .84 % 1869, at 12 o'clock M. at the corner of Third Street and alleY', , at , w bleb time an election will ho hold for Direetora to serve for the enuaing year., GEDRGEITADEN, augl-f m,w,teelti tlecrotary. NOTICE THE' PENNSYLVANIA! Nni.,F L AMIIItANCE COMPANY. • The Annual ' Meeting of Tito Stockholders of. Aho perawyllvanla Fire Insurance Company will be held at -thir-difitcratt-litOli-DAY,the6thilay-ofSeptetube [ at k 0 o'clock; A .Mr, when an election will Am held ,for Rine Directiora. to serve i foy the ensuing year. , Au2sto ' ' G. CRONVELI.&; CONTMENT I AL.''HOTEL' 00.- The 'Board orlilanakire' of the CONTINENTAL RoTEL CO. have , deelared semi-annual ":Dividend of Three Per Cent. upon the Preferred, Stock of the Come pan y, payable . at the office of the Treasurer,. No. 811 Arch street, Philadelphia, an 4 , after September J. §Engt.A.NT PRICE, " ' Treasurer:. amV-]Ot• For, 'Cape .111Egiy.. FAST EXPRESS - TRAIN • On Saturdayi''Spteinber Leaves Philadelphia at • • - 4.00 I'. M. • RETURNING, Lcare Cape. May, Alonday.•Morniug 0.00 A. M.. Vila Train will bo run on aturday's, the 11th and 18th instants, groin Philadelphia, and the following Mondays troni Cape May. • W. J. SEWELL, Supt. Sept. 1, - 59. taes CAPE ISLAND N. J. A first-class RESTAURANT, it; carte., will be opened by ADOLPH PROSKAITER, of 2= S. THIRD Street , .Philadelphia on the 7th of June, under the name and title of MA ISON DOREE, at the corner of WASH GTON and JACKSON' Ste., known as Hart's Cottage. Er Families will be supplied at the Cottage. Lodging Rooms by Day or Week to Rent. jell) tE 1:IMEll • M OUNT.IIT HOUSE, CRESSON SPRINGS, PA. Will remain open until September 25th, 1569: au23,100 G. W. IIIjLLEN, Proprietor THE - “CHAEFONIE," ' ATLANTIC CITY;N.J M.ACIIINERY, IRON, 4Sr,C. • CUMBERLAND NAILS, • $4 80 PER KEG, Containing 100 lbs. Fails; other brands of Nails $4 64) per keg; Bordman's Barbed Blind Staples, $4 50 per box of 10 lbs. Staples; Shutter Hinges, from 12 to 17 in., colete with fixtures, 75 eta. per set; 11 .2 in. Frame Pulleys, 25 eta; 1. 3-.1 in. 26 ets.. per doz.; Rim Locks .and Knobs *O5 per dozen, at the Cheap.for. the-Cash Hardware'and Tool Store of J. B. SHANNON • 1009 Market Street, • myr.es to th ly ',D 41!cM11,-!?2 3...1,0t ' DO 4 "-,11 , Oil 34+i ifl MERRICK 86 ' SOUTRWAB,K FOUNDRY, 430 WASHINGTON Avenue, Philadelphia, MANUFACTURE 'STEAM: .ENGlNES—difgli and LoW Pressure illorizon. tel, Vertical, Beam, iOseillating, , Blast , and Cornish Pum rug. BOIL Rb--Cylitnler, Flue,-Tubular, &o.' • STILA.3I. HAMMERS—Nasmyth and Davy styles, and . all EIZCS. , CASTINGS---Lonm, Dry and Green Sand, Brastr, ROOFS—Iron Frames. for covering with Slate or Iron. TANKS—Of Cast or Wrought Iron ,for refineries t witter, 011, &c. GAS MACHINERY—Such as Retorts. Beribh Castings Hollers and Frames, Purifiers, .Colto. and Charcow Barrow_ Valves. Governors, tec. - SUGAR MACHINERY—Such as Vacuum. Pans and Pumps, Defecators, Bone Black - Filters, Burners, Washers and Elevators, Bag Filters, Sugar and Bone Black Care, &o: Sole manufacturers Of the following specialties: In Philadelphia and vicinity,of Willuun Wright's Patent Variable Cut-off Sletun Engine. ; Lillie United States,`of Weston 'e' Patent Self-center ing and Self-balancing Centrifugal Sugar-draining Ma chine. Glass & Barton's improvement on Aspinwall /4 Woolsey's Centrifugal. Bartol's Patent Wrought-Ikon Retort Lid. • Strahan's Drill Grinding Rest. , Contractors for the design, erection And fitting up of Re. fineries for working Sugar or Molasses. e 27 .022 3 00 _ '4^3,i,77,FAXP In) .5'2,187,816.34m r 8 L'6 .9000 84 }L};l74, W 3 .Gd,618.A&; & ,52,587.539.,033 0 38;41f,790 3ti 62,62G,G53,870 31 i017.94 - ,w.-,, 71 12 14-1 157 JO 2,4810G,731 2 .960,86032 U CO * . 603,011 25 84,822 L 4 0 0 &AO 13 3.1 iiikrq y ti) Doe SUMMER RESORTS. anlO lmg CUPPER -AND-YELLOW _MET A Sheathing , Brazier's Copper Nails, Bata and Ingot Copper, constantly on hand and for sala.by' lIENBY GOVERNMENT SALE. AIIt TION SALE OF HOSPITAL BED LING, CLOTHING, DRESSINGS, &e. AFS'T MEDICAL PURVEYOR'S OFFICE, IVASIIINGTO3.7, D. C., Aug. 30 1 1869. Will be sold at Public Auction, in this city, on TUESDAY, the 28th day of September, 1869, at Judiciary Square Depot, E street, be tween Fourth'and Fifth streets,.a,t 10 A. M. a large quantity ofHospital Property,consisdng of . Bedding, Clothing and Dressings, among which will be found the following,' viz.: 3,000 Bed Sacks, 2,600 Blankets; 4,000 Counterpanes, 4,000 Gutta Percha Bed , Covers,. 4,600 , Hair Pillows, 6,000 Pillow Cases,6,ooo Linen Sheet , i, 15,000 Drawers, 25,000. Shirts, 3,000 Socks, 13,000 dozen Roller Bandages. • AlsO,Napkins, Cotton and Woolen Tape; Picked Lint,Cotton Wadding, Red Flannel, Saddlers'Bilk, Linen Thread, 14,000 pounds Condeirsed Milk, .20,000 pounds Beef Extract. • All the above. articles are new and never ' have been used. Catalogues containing full particulars ready ten days before sale. Terms: Cash, in Government funds"; 25 per cent: deposit required at time of sale, and all goods to be removed in five days. • GRAS. SUTHERLAND,. Assistant; Medical Purveyor, Brevet Colonel U. S. A. • au3otse4ineS GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. PATENT SHOULDER .SEAM SHIRT -----M-ANU-FIACTORNI.- Orders for these celebrated Shirta'eupPlied promptly on • brief notice. • Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Of lath styles in full variety_ WINCHESTER .&:CO. 706 OTIESTI4UT. . ja-ra wf4f • . , FINE DRESS 'SHIRTS GENTS' NOVELTIES. .J. W. SCOTT & CO 'No. 814 Chestnut Sti.'eet, Philadelphia, Four doom below Contipental tg j,, 1 GIRO E ' LES, L ' "4 1 , 5.,. ^ —kk. ,I.I:, ' . 4, •<._. ---r , .Ix, W ' 8 trifil 4 48Aji .ofir , M 7 q 'r .!\`,,...,- 2FI 1 .. ...5-, '" FIRST OF . fIE,SEASOIik ‘,44,.. , , ct , t i ,c7.47fo' ' c , _ALBERT u. ROBER'rS, DEADER IN FINE OROORRIES, Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets. COWEE OE •R • I -* • • ••• • ' • choice artfclo' jttat 'received 'Rua tot stile itt STY'S Ewa- End , Groceryi No:118 South. Second street, pillow Phestwat street. , .t VEW ,GING-„Elt ;-;.l"QU . Nroki, I_ l 4 of abide Green Ginger in `store , andfor foal° at: (.1!011gT31 1 8 - East End Grnooni, 6..: 1 1 8 : s o uth. :se c o n d etoet,,Lelow,4heptquf iltreo. r • EW. . MESS #JEIA_D A,ND .sricur) - Sehnon, Toilgties and 'Setinde; prime order, just: reCelved and for male at 00118T108.:EaSt - End Grocery, No /.18 South SecAntl street. below. chestnut street. Sll a" B.—T O. Xt A T o_, XpCIIC Turtle and Jordon - Soups Of Boston Club Manufac ttire.bue of tho guest articles for ple,nics -and .sailing portico. ,For sale at COUSTY'S East. End Grocery, No., US Bonne Second street,beloul Chestnut Street. II V I -. PICE8':"0", Ittio - 14 .- NDAV - 110/ . 4 - —Pure .English.idurtard. by- the popud...Choice White Vine ? und Crab Apple vinegar in s I or bah, B~F i i l9 t • . 118 South Second street.,beloat.Chootnut street. - ELISIIA ROBERTS, Proprietor BUSIIiESS eA4DS. Established 1821; riaIiAGAN 4 7z SON, DOUSE AND SHIP PLUMBERS, _ No. 129, Walnut Street. writ§ . JAMEiI A. WRIOTIT, rnOtiNTON PIKE, CLEMENT A. ORM COM, THEODORE WRIGHTi FRANK 1,. NELI.L. PET,ER,INRIGHT SUNS, ; importere of earthenware and Shipping.andCommieelen Iderelnin •. N 0.115 Walnut street, Philadelphia. E. B. WIGHT, • • - ATTORNEY-AT•LAW. • Commissioner of Deeds for the State of Fonnsylvanta in Illinohl. • 4 36 Maillgon.streot, Chicago, nu194§... CO3TT N • kid IL . i i3U6K(sl§klitior NJ width, from 22 'lichen to 7.3 inches wide. all numbers Tent end Awning Duck, Paper-maker's Felting,_ Sail Twine, Ac. • , .IQIIN W. EVEP.3IAIf, j 026 N 0.103 Chnrch street; City Stores. 1011BIITY WELLS.- OWNEJW OF PROP* Jl. erty—The only , place to got prlvy . wells cleansed and disinfected; at very low _rices. A. PEYl4SON...Manu lecturer of Pondrette.Gol p dstoith's Flail. Libramstreet SHIPPJERS' GUIDE. 11OR 110 ST QN.—STEAMSTITP LINE 1 DIRECT. SAILING FROM EACH PORT EVERY Wednesday and Saturday. . . , FROM PINE STREET WHARF. PHILADELPHIA, AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON. FROM PLOLADELPItIA f FROM Restos. SAXON .Weduesday,Sept. BABIES, Weducwlay, Sept. 1 I NORMAX, Saturday , '• 4 ROMAN, Saturday, " 4 AItIES,W ednesday, " 8 SAXON, Wednesday, " 8 BOMAN,Saturday, " 11 NORMAN" Saturday," 11 SAXON, Wedue,,day, " 15 ARIES, \l, ednesday, " 15 1 NOII3IAN, Saturday, " 18 ROMAN, Saturday, " 18 ARIES, AN eduesday " V. SAXON, 'Wednesday, " Xt. ROMAN , Saturday, " 25 NORMAN. Saturday," 25 SAXON, Wednesday 't 'N ARIES, Wednesday, " 29 • These Steamships sail nunetWilly: Freight received every day. Freight forwarded to all points in New England. For Freight or ,Passag W e (superior accommodations.) tiPPIY to HENRY INSOR It CO., 338 South Delaware avenue. . . PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN 31AIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S REGULAR LINES FllO3l QUEEN STREET WHARF. _ _ The JUNIATA will sail for NEW ORLEANS 'on Tneeday. &pt. 7, at 8 A. 31. The YAZOO will tall froin NEW ORLEANS, via HAVANA, Sept. —. The WYO3IING will sail for SAVANNAH on Saturday, Sept.'s. at 8 o'clock A. 31. The TONAWANDA will sail from SAVANNAH on Saturday, Sept. 4. The PIONEER will sail for WIL3II.3Iw.cON, N.0.,0n 14idtarday, Sept. 11. at 8 A. 31. • Through bills of lading signed, and passage tickets sold to all pointa South and %est. • BILLS of LADING SIGNED at QITEEN ST.WIIARF. For freight orvissage, applyjo WILLIA3I L. JAMES, General Agent, 130 tiouth Third street. RICH3IO.ND AND NORFOLR STEAMSHIP LINE. _ THROUGH FREIGHT AIR LINE TO THE SOUTH AND WEST. __ EVERY SATURDAY at Noon from BLEST WHARF , • above !BARRET Street. THRODISH RATES to all 'points in North and South Carolina via Seaboard Air-Line Railroad, connecting at Portsmouth, and to Lynchburg, Va.. Tennessee and the West via Virginia and Tennessee Air-Lino and Rich mond and Danville Railroad. Freight HANDLED BUT ONCE and taken at LOWER .RATLS THAN AN Y.OTHER LINE, • . The regularity, safety. and cheapnerii of this route commend itto_the_priblfb'aa the most desirable medium for carrying every delieritionOrfreightr- -- No charge for commission, drayage, or any expense for transfer. , • SteambUps insure at lowest rates.- Freight received DAILY. • • WILLIAM P. CLYDE & CO. No. 12 South Wbalies and Pier No. I North Wharves. W. P. P OUTER, Agent atltieliniend and City Peipt, T. P: CROWELL 4, CO., Agents at. Norfolk. • N EW'R EXPESS LINE TO ALEXAN dria, Georgetown and Washington, D. C., via Ches apeake and Delaware Canal, with connections at Alex . andria from the moot direct route for Lynchburg, Brill. u oxv ilia, Nashville, Dalton- andthe Southwest. Steamers leave regularly from the 'first wharf above Market street,ev cry Saturday at noon. • Freight received daily. WM. I'. CLYDE A co., No. 12 South Wharves and Pier .I North Wharves. HYDE & TYLER, Agents at GeorgOown'. M. ELDRIDGE .4 CO., Agents at Alexandria, Va. XT OTICE.—FOR NEWYORK VIA DEL IA AWARE AND RARITAN:CANAL EXPRESS STEAM BOAT COMPANY. The CHEAPEST and (1131CRP.ST water commurilca tiorthetwcen Philadelphia and New York. StearnersTeliViratilly--ffetit ilreit,sliarf -- below Market street , Philadelphia' and foot of Wall street, New York. _Goods forwarded by all the lines running ont , of New 7:-Y-ork----.NoriY,LastaitiMuittfrue r tif - L T u t ani irsiten. Freight received an fiir - vruiTiiiatiti - ifiTC - Orimitydiltiiiie -terms. CO,_Atterit No. 12 South Delaware avenue Ph JAS. HAND, Agent, No. 119 Welt street , Now York. "FOR LIVERPOOL.—THE FINE FlRST class bark MIRTH A TEMPLE, 526 tons • register, Captain 11112C11(.11. Thif) 'vessel succeeds the 31exi ran, and having the bdlk of tier cargo engaged, wilt have despatch. For loilauce of: freight or passage, apply to PETER 'WRIGHT 1 SONS. 11 Walnut street. set-tf NOTICE.—FOR NEW YORK, VIA DEL IA AWARE AND RARITAN CANAL. • SWIFTSIME TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. DESPATcIy. AND SWIFTSURE LINES. The busineba of these lines will be resumed on and after the 19th of March. For freight, which will be taken on accommodating terms, apylTto W3l. BAUtD Ar. N 0.182 South _Wharves. TAELIWARE AND CHESAPEAKE 1J Steam Tow-Boat Company.--Darges towed between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Havre de Grace, Delaware City and intermediate points. • WM. P. CLYDE & CO. .Agents; Capt. JOHN LAUGH LIN, Burl Office, 12 South Wharves, Philadelphia. ------- NOTICE --FOR NEW YORic-V-TA-DEL aware and Raritan Canal--Switteure Transporta tion Company--Despatch andlawifteure Lines. The business by theso Lines will boir resumed on and after the Bth of Arlarch. For Freight, which will bo taken on accommodating terms, apply to. WIC M. BAIRD & CO., 132 South Wnarves. FOR ,SALE.-THE STO ASS - American Bark BRILLIANT, 422'Tons Register, 624 Tomi dead weight, 6,600 Flour Barrels capacity; waa 'Partially rebuilt and theroughly_overhauled in 1865. For' further particulars, apply, . to WORKMAN & CO., 123 Walnut street. CONSIGNEES' NOTICES. CIONSIONEES' NOTICE.--CONSIGNEES N... 1 of merchandise per British Bark "bertha , Temple " I,lltchell, Muster,. ,frmu London ploasdsend their permits' on board to at Alio -0111 Se of the undersigned: -General oidetwill b_e_issnod on Saturday, P. M., 'kith:inst., when all goods not permitted will be sontto-ripublic stores-.---WORKISIAN Air -CO , Consiguees,,Na.l24lWll,llll4 street. OTICE.-LCONSIGN FES OF 320 PIECES _L • of (90 feet new) Railroad Iron, from Newport; Wales, by brig Annie Batchelder, will please cow): for ward , pay freight, and .talto the same away otherwise they, will be stored at owners expense. WOILIIMAN & - CO., 123 Walnut street.'. CAUTION. N ° TICE ALL PERSONS ARE hereby• cautioned against:harborlhg or .trusting any of the crew of the Brit eh Bark "Botha Temple 'Mitchell, Master,debts of WORKMAN'n will te.piiid by Captain or Consignees. & CO. • ZELL'S POPTJIAAR lEWCICCILADJPEJDIA., A Dictionary of Univerial KirKswiedge. T. ELLIFVOOD ZE1.1.4, Publisher, 17 and 19 South. Sixtb. Street. jyl.4 w am COEIALK.--FOR SALE, 180 TONS 0 It) :Chalk, Afloat. Apply to Wo dt 00. • AA Walnut atroot. 13 44 A'N 4 ' it i. ING HOUSE 1. AA, .; . ~ ,e .i ~.. ~...., .;.. ~i ~.,.., ,-- i.....0./Z Y -,lool§2EikcPii 112 and 114 2TC. PliliAio;4ll, ; 4 ' IYEAtiklitti" IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. We will receive applications for •Poli es of Life ineuranwin the new _National „Life In surance C,empany of. itie t "nited fii,tea: informationliven at dui 'office. - • !: > ' • F'.111.7 1 N. O ft r t Dealeraintr.l9. Bondi and; litecrabera of - Stock and Gold Exchange, receive ac. caveats of, Batiks and. Bankers On liberal terzni t tane Bills of Exchange on , • 0. J *lambi.° & Son, London. Janie, W. Tucker & Co., Paris. . • of10;c:41111 availed, e tbiroitihinti W•morner Third and Chestnut StMtsir .. . ... . ... , ~ 0 $„,, .. 4 lio '... '1 . . , ~ . N, io . ) ~ XIANIKEU , s, AND DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT ,SECURIIIES, UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, GOLD, &e., AO South erhird St.- A RELIABLE HOME INVESTMENT THE FIRST MORTAAGE EIONDS. OF TUE Wilmington and Reading Railroad,. REARING INTEREST AT. SEVEN PER CENT. IN CURRENCY, Payable April andOetidiei t - free of State and Patted States Tanen. - Thraroatrrilu — tlarough a thickll populated - and rich agricultural and manufacturing district. For the prepent we are offering a limited amount of the above bonds at 'B5 Cents and Interest. The connection of this road with the rennsylvan and Reading Railroads lIIRIITOIf it a large and.'rernuneMtive trade. We recommend the 'bonds as the cheariest first class investment in the market. WM. PAINTER dip !NCO., Ikinkers and Dealers in Govenments, No. 36 S. 113113DASTR_E_Wr, IMMEEM THE FINE ARTS. JEstablished 1795. A. 'S. ROBINSON FRENCH PLATE LOOKING GLASSES, Beautiful Chro-xnbs, ENGRAVINGS AND PAINTINGS, Manufacturer of all kinds of Looking-Glass,Portrait &Picture Frames. 910 : CHESTNUT STREET, Fifth Poor above tho gontinental, • lIIELADELPHIA. SUDDARDS & FENNEMORE,. Artists and Irlist9graphers, HAVE OPENED THEIR NEW GALLERIES, No i'Sorio Arch Street. Ball WA Bee them.. Pictures in every style, and sails faction guaranteed. N. the Negativie of REELER & PENNE MORE, late of N 0.5 B.ZIORTII Street, have been re moved to the Now Galleriee. , TYPE FOUNDRY. ; pflll WBLPHJA= TYPE FOUNDRY PRINTERS' FURNISHING WAREHOUSE, Eetubtiehad 1541.' . The subscriber, having greatly increased facilities for, manufacturing, calls' particular atte Newspaperie Now, Series of Classic Feces of Book and Types,- which will compare ' favorably with, those of Ault other Founder. practical experience in all 'branches ap pertaining, to the 'Manufacture of. Type, and, the fact of constant Personal Supervision of each department of his. business, is the best guarantee offered to the Printer of finished and durable article. Everything' 'necessary in a completepiinung tabliehm W ent furnished at e shortest notice.. TAYLOR, • AGENT - FOR __ BOE, R Y GONDON,OAMPBELL - DEGENR, PQTTE AND ALL J RESB MANUFAC STURER OTHER P ... . . . _ . UNRIVALED INKS. Solo Agento for hi A good article 18 D. D. WADE it CO 'S t UN' it cr of trial, a 13"ing of money. lIIT GIVQ, us a N 334 :7 ol 7 , lYf i ei t c z ; THIRD . and CHE L BTH P U E VER Z i n eIo rhilatiolphro; Par .I‘MM3lll,Utiil 31031Airohas' Ted Nero - Ll:ex has recovered, and will probably go to Chalons. A TELEGBAPII cable is to be laid 'between Europe A (MANI) festival was held at Brunt yester day, in honor of Joseph I. • ' Austrian Pabuiet adyistsa, the:Viceroy of, Egntiti):hasten his •jouniq.toCotistintiliople; A DETAeIIMENT Of government police have . gone i to Quebec to,Taell the -ship.l4lorets'siot. TUE slideinikeri of 3fOntreal haVe'Stitielifor .higher wages. •' • TUE weather is reportedr,'' wintry" at 31on treal. t m hermoeter;49. WALR.Eit, of Virginia, held an inter , viativ K3tit the.presiileht yesterday A VERY slight fall of snow w New Yor,k cit Yl 3 r i e r o , 4Y, is repo to were yesterday destroyed tire. f lJoss, $24,000. Joni 11. STl*Altr, of-A'etuisylvatila, has :been appointed Consul at Turk'S' Island. A ur.sPArcit from:Madrid says that two 'Carlist chieftains; have sturetuieredon the pro mise of their lives.being spared. , :speech favorof, the -proposed refornas ' the • vitt •nt of Irrince: • - . Aurnot attended a pic-nic at Hali fax yesterday. When lie left, he was escorted by, a tine ten's Wrchlight procession. fiIIEI43IAN bail .a Public 'reception at Augusta, Me., last evelting. lie leaves there to-tlay for portlautl., , • Tarr Athlet es sulTered a defeat yesterday at the hands o4he ".Marylatids'T of Baltirriore,the scoe standhi g .2B to 24 3„s ,„„ Wit,r.tast Tnipnr..Y, attempted to antunit suicide by.Shooting'idruSelfi' ut Pottsville, , fast evening. Wont( was resumed, yesterday, in all the Scranton mines and' at Hyde' Park. No dis turbances occurred. Tiaki RepubliCari Convention 4:::of Witconidn' met yesterday, and reiforahmted ,Lucius Fair child for Governor. Arc extensive bituminous coal vein has been discovered at Cowlesville, N. Y., about 25 utiles from Buffalo. ~,' IT Ih stated that the trouble i n.y the First_ Na tional 13a4 of_Albany does notarise from' a clishonestpi the part of - itt--eitshier, who has resigned, d does not affect its stability. THEILE was a severe storm on Mount WaSh ington Tuesday evening. Ice twp inches thick fanned;on, tike telei t unvb wires, •anti the thermometer fell to 28 degrees. TuE Spanish. Government, organ.s.- claim that the reinforcements' about to sail for (~'nba will- effectually settle the Insurrection ''NfiE Sultan has_wfitte-n a reply ito , Pasha's letter; in,'.wbich - be conniandi 'the' Khedive to-lay aside the , functions of so . t'- • ciguty which be has assunied. ()muted, last night;: in , JolmSon's I iunber4ard, corner of Brooffie and Tompkins streets, N. Y., spreading through to Grand street, damaging several stoms and dwellings. Loss over $30,000. s El som, RonEtrrs, yeSterday, presented to the President his credentials .as Extraordi nary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Span ish Regency. Contrary to custom, no formal: speeches were A coNsrucTiox‘ TuArx broke through a . railroad bridge at Block island, Me., yesterday. The coniluetU Was' 404 the _Ogineet badly scalded, anti several other: men itiknethi Two, men are also`missing. A.LIE4iVILVEY of the distilleries of the-coun try is.about to take place, :and General F. D. ;Sewell; latelnspector-General of the. - .-Freed,'.: men's Butean, has been appointed to .trupeti& tend the work." . . A SEETHES revolt basbroken'ontat Tyranria, in European Turkey. ,Several, ,arrests were made, but the gOVernment was..-compelled, by the menaces of the people,. to release the prisoners. A conflict had taken - Nage between the guards and the populace. THE counsig for certain , fatties now . - trial by military commission .in ITexas upon the President yesterday, and was assured that the - habrus-corpus—ar•mt:lgauents_in_the_ Yerger case would be adhered tam other like cases. - The matter, however, was - referro the Attorney-General. AT A meeting of the .Board of _Health, of New York, yesterday afternoon, a clerk em ployed in one of the offices under the Board, at a salary-of $l,BOO, applied to have his salary reduced; o $1,500, as bethought that. was as much as be earned. The application was- re !erred. to the Committee on Salaries, &c. Tun COM liis7lthan, 6f Buffalo, publishes an editorial article relative 'to the brutal treat.: nient of the Fenian prisoners. There are twenty-two in all in Kingston :Nil; one named Cooney has been driven mad, aMI another named Hayden has :been beaten until his' life is despaired of.. Tbe tale of cruelties and in dignities beaped.( — iißbe prisone Tr hi di ceii great excitement among the lrish citizens. -----ON-Tuesday-last,-13onnees- fanacius _llex, ter performed a feat at Prospect Park, Brook lyn which is claimed to be the greatest in trotting on record. Mr. Bonner drove, Dexter himself, and the time was' 2.211. The , first quarter was made in 34 seconds, the-balf 7 mile in 1084, and the three-quarters in 144 The best skeleton-wagon time,-on'record is 2.24, made by Dexter himself in 1867, and on the - present occasion the horse carried a road -wagon and driver, weighing - together 319 pounds. , . • The .international coat Race. .LoNnoN,,Sept. 1..-The News says : "When Mr. Dickeni3 left, , on his hiSt VisittO Ainerlea we expressed a hope that':'he:thight do service in the cause of, peace and good-Will: Mr: Dickent has not resigned this peaceful mission.: Noth ing. could be in. better taste and feeling than his hearty speech-at the banquet on Monday eVen ing., Ills wide and intimate.knoMedge of his .countryMeit. enabled him to expresS' the admi ration and esteem whiCh the .ilarvard men have earned; for themselves in England... hope there will be itiettiin match in AmeriCa, .and feel confident that Okford will meet as brotherly. a welcome there , as Harvard has hem.Alre rejoice that our , kinsmen are satis fied. With the arrangements of the race: trust, for ail time that there may, be : no. -other or -less generous -rivalry between the: prideL Mgt fIONVe - r Of Old and • IsTew=, ____Transatlantic Climbridge ha.s.,Rpheht thehMiOL of her ancestral name in.patriotipu.statesmin , ship, and'intellect, and lastly, ki dignity ~ and in defeat. To ,errofs of impetuosity and:J.M4. patience rowing authorities _attribute the feat:: - These are the excess of qualities of .old stock, the tempemment of. a people's Yonth. What nay not the alliance of two such do for the betterfritine, of the, world r • • • ~ , •:". " ].1.2 l;heMainiard protests agahist the annual rem mem . .aminternatienal race,.aict thinkS,, it landly right tn'exaet stick physical aiidlieeti sacrifices. every, year. • .13S , were training the Ilarvardswon a position to • entitle thenkto ' - eeine as challengers. A second trial iwould ill ttilie a grain of physicine and tin iinerreption .of studies. which it is not fliir to ! exact for 'the, gratiffiquien of rivalry and the sporting The Miniciai.d, trusts a renewal of, the contest will, he thinly resisted for some yearS. Marine Isltelliconce. Yclitu, Sept. I.—Arrived,' , steainshi Anierican. alai. Saxoniti. from our late odttiono of Yesterday _ the Atlantic Cable. .P*nis, September I.—The Paris . Clonstfttt timmellof 4p4lay shys that Marshal 1301T46R08 daily becoming more and more, prominent as, candidate'a felt theihrone of Spain. = • •-• = 4l. 1 NADRlDrSerit.i. - ETOceediflgs , Will b O43 O I XL menced immediately against, seven .bishops , who Nitre -apprehended for disobedience , of government orders .l. ,BERLis, Sept. 1.-131azei!s ;bust of , Alexim% 'der "Yeti Humboldt 11,4 been succesSfully cast . here,And Will be shlppedtb New Ydrie directly.' Zan's; Sept. discussion of the at is P4nBP;ttun commenced •In the !3,Pnate!-Ict— e Empress arrived at Tonlon,onlier , way to Faris; yesterday, much better.' ,L(iiinem,;= September , 'W4e I PIeY.4 said tote an ' American, Was tip at the Mansion ' llonseCto.day, 4 on.:a.charge , of forging bills of lading on timberfrom.Quebeci - Ennlnstrnou,Sept:l.—Hils Cuslitnitti.:*" suite. illintins city. • = , CAIRO, Sept, I.—The Suez.panauspotetl:. Idete. The opening with eight metres of water - evmeted to occuron the 17th of'Deceinbor. irICANKFORTi Sept.li3l l 4 twenties firm at Stita4Bl., PAnis, Sept. I,' - 3 P. 1101.The'llotirse is ex cited, Rentes 79f. 95c. . • ANTWERP, sppt. L 7 -Petroleum firm at 55f. I ~, • , ' , / WASHINGTON Sept.l.-43elior Bobertstac- 1 1 t . it..fiat' a rest en is mor ng, deliversealed' letter from the Spanish Regent. The 'warrants issued E by the Treasury De partment during August to meet the expendi tufeW Of the 15overnment,-vvere'ai4 , follows Civi I Miseellatieouiv :and „ Foreign Intereotase, ......... $3,850,421 43 3,534,507 09 `4.1,fe9,44505' Indians and PensionS.: - .;.t..... 11,474;217 77 !Total.. .......... .. .. 539„788,652 14 The. aliove uil dde'notlticleplytbentil onlit= count of the.tiublio debt: ~":" ? • • - Auction Sole of Scranton. co'a- • • If rectal iCespatCh titi the 1.1111 s: Zverilisk Balletin.l • NEW YORK, Sept.l,—The first auction sale of. Scranton coal held-in this city for some four , months, took place _to-day. 'There was great. excittithent amont.thebldderS. Pric63, in view of the recent strike' at the mines, 'as compared with the last sale, exhibited a,jarger advance—even higher than was generally ex pected. Eighty thousand tons were sold. The auctioneer read the following despatch ' • Seatv.vrox, Sept. I.—To 'Samuel 7oati : The Nayang, Diamond shaft and slopes, Scranton Coal Company, Bellevue shaft and slopes, Dodge,'Hampton, Taylor and Continental are all at work. The other collieries start to morrow. All are in good spirits and ready and willing to -work. [Signed] W. H. &roans. The sale then proceeded, and the great rise in prices is shown by the following statement of this and the 'previous sale Comity. Sold. _ Sept. 1, $6 15 aki 70 Steamboat....l2,ooo April 28, $4 55 a 4 75 Sept 1, $6 171x6 521 13,000, ... .April 23, 54 05 a 4 70 Sept. 1, • $6 50 a 6 621 10,000 April2B, 84.75 a 4 771' Sept. 1, $6 . 80.a7 00 . April $5 05 a 5 25 SeptA, S 7 40 a 7 75 Chestnut 10,000 April 28, $4 57ia4 021 Sept. 1, S 6 35 all 60 There is an average increase of $2 per ten for lump; -1.75 for steamboat; $1 99 for grate; - $2 14 -for. egg; $2 42 for stove, and :71 67k for. chestnut. • um 17... 4. StOye . ,. . .. -Canadian Newa. MoivrituAL, •Sept..:lst.—Ashton Oxenden, Bishop ;of 'Montreal and • Metropolitan of Canada, arrived 'here yesterday. • A private letter : from Jett. Davis states that. the accounts of 'his ill health are greatly pirag; gerate4Land that he will . prcibably. re.main in th &ignited Mingdom for the rest of his life. It is reported that' I'dr: Hose, Finance Minis ter is . .to take a position. at the head Cif. an American. House . , to be opened in London in .account with Jay Cooke & Co. Itls obi() said•that'a seat ix. to be obtained for. Mr:Rose in the House of Commons. Toueyro,'Sept. I.—The Gore Rank of Kalil ilton has amalgamated with the Bank of Commerce, receiving :55cents on the dollar for its stock. It. has been determined that the Royal Canadian Bank will open its doors on Se tember 13th. .• .e cricket tournament, the first match between the Old Country. and Canada was won' by the former by a score of 181 to 170. --Uailsoad-Acddew --- Sx.!Louis, Sept..l.—The Rev. Father 31 ur phy, well-known Catholic priest, engaged in establishing chinches, was kille* yesterday at the Vincennes Junction, while getting off a train which was in motion at the time. New Orleans Cotton Sales. NEW' ORLEANS, September follow ing is tberannual cotton state,mentjust issued: Gross receipts, 841,216 bales ; net, 796,578 ; exports to foreign ports, - 619,434 ; coastwise, 25,871 b ales ; . stock, 770 bales. ' From Canada. MONTREAL, Sept. I—The shoemakers here have struck for'2o3to 50 per cent. higher wages. Many. of the, 'emlployers , having,, taken full orders at the old rates, WOuld losedieaVily if they acceded to, the demands now made, and refuse. • THE (7111111 ESE 4111EISTION. _TheIAV-asliingtou-correspondent-of-the New York Ileicela contains the following: • 1 • The vacancy occasioned at the ChineSe court, and particularly lat a, time when all the evil impressions left by Mr. Browne in • the abandomnent of his post are still freSh, is deeply felt by . the government, and there is evident anxiety to send out, a responsible minister plenipotentiary at Mice. It is muler-, , stood some despatches were received iu regard to the,Browne charges; which were produced at the Cabinet meeting, givino . '' a reliable statement of the situation of the treaty ques tion . with China; and, it is said, added unde niable evidence of !OM falsity; and it would seem almost malicioiis statements of , Browne, which after manly consideration and calm.refleetioneven Browne himself has seen: lit to reverse. 'Mr. Browne's diplomatic career may - be considered ingloriously finished. The Chinese question is rapidly assuming that dimension which has been anticipated in regard to it ever since the beginning of Presi-' dent , Grant's administration. It is for this reason and the prospects of increasing the dignity of the mission .by _legislation next ' winter that the selection of a representative of the government is receiving special considera, tion. The present stage of the Chinese (pies tiOnand its rising . iniportance .haire already proven the rallying call of a number of so-• travelers, ; adventurers and impostors generally who . ' are :.making great efforts . to ring They talk with wonderful wis dom, attempted learning and paucity of infer ination,.nuAblo. they their; .own, way, world take _matters _WI their own bands mid run their to suit theinselyes. , The nianwiivres ot• Alfese• libwever, -are7----eroS'ely ' watched. ''Thii-siccredited representatiVeS\ of •the'government forward at. stated„perin (IS re liable data concernitig'-'atiltirs in:China, and' with, . the exception of Browne's dis torted rendition. of .thti Situation ;of things:, these sources of inforthation have been demonstrated accurate and responsible. • IMPORTATIONS,. Reported for the ritihtdelphis Evening is tilletlit;• PLYAIOUTII—Sehr Wl' Cox, Bateman-400 bids cal rifled plaster 'lOO do land plaster Allen & Needles. MOVEMENTS OF OCEAN STEAMERS. .; . - • • - E'it;'. • ... . opdoil..4,lmy:Xory:.... eolunibia Givoigow...Now:York Aug. 19 A I letuaunia ...... ;.. York., Aug. 21 Siberia. g - Liverpool...:NoWYork via B Aug. 24 Rhoin Sputhaniptoit...New Y0rk....... Aug. 24 51 hmetiota ' a.,,Livorpool...Noti , York Aug.2s Virginia ... York Aug. 25 C of Watibiug'u.."Livertiool...New York Aug.2s Europa Glasgow ...Now York Aug, 27 Russia ' Liverpool.,.New Yoitk Aug. Vi Torkivia-11- -- Aug; 2 , 6 Laipzig." Soutlthinuton...Baltintoro Aug;.,;..,;;;.; 23' ILoluatia fiavre...New .Yof•k Aug. V. St. Laureut York Aug. 30 3+.~'~'~'~cf . . `P' "~'~ '~", ~~.;!'~..j'+'~`T+i~l i! "' ? s'f' . .~.~ ~ lw~~f~~ `".~~ ` ~ 1~}'?~~~L~ $" ~y-~s ' i.A`~]~W{~lX~~., Prim. If-N, S 4 053a4 80 'ity of Dublin..ll - ew York,...Antwrp. Sept.- 3 , ..of Hrooklyn...:New.York.:„LtverPoo/ ' . KePt• 4 ereire • New.York—Havre Sept. '4 muland- New York .Liverpool Sept. " 34ritaunia • New York... Glasgow Se ' 4 D ' 4 . Wyoming Philadelphia—Savannah - Kept., 4 City of Mexico —Now t ark—Vera Cray Sept. II Jpulata.. Philadelphia..... New Orleana. Sept. 7 tdxonia - New York...llambnrg Sept.. 7 ity of Londou-New York... Liverpool via H_ Sept. 7, aho. • New. irork—Glaagow.. • ' Sept. : 8 ; Columbia New York:- 11 avana ..r. •lept. 9 pioneer Philadelphia... Wilmington.. - Sept. 11 3pilig w r 91 , TRADE. JOBI NI 9IO .' Commi rrEs c AOS. L. G I LLEB,.IE, AINFUDIPJUIPPETIN. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA—SEPT. 2. ON — BlsEs , 6 28 l 13,35" BE2e, 8 32111100 WATER, 10 44 ~. •. -21. ARRIVED' YESTERDAY; Steamer Brunette„Freemon.2o hours from New York, yirith !Mae to John F Ohl. •- . - Steamer Marp,Ounley,24ttortralromfdov,l(otk,with , itsise to W Behr W P Cox, Houck, 5 days from Plymouth, wits piaster to Allen & Needlea. Behr EVrui, Oerlen4,,Ver Haven. 1. 4 iIb4AUICAMILaiZERDAY. steamer Saxon' Sears. Boston; 141 Winsor & Co. Steamer F Franklin: Plenum,' Baltimore , - A Grovss, Jr, , tNß:hr E G 51cLean, Cook, St John, N. Warren &Gregg. hr Virginia, Small L Portsrnoutit,Nll.E A Soudsr & Co hr Romp. Miller, Pembroke, do -- Schr Percy, lifahlman, Eastport, do Correspondenceof the Philadelphia Exchange. LEWES. DEL.. Aug. 31, 1569. Pilot boat 11 Cope reports the following vim,sets haring Passed in for Philadelphia: Ship Armstrong, from Ban gor; Larks, Hoffnug, from London, and Persia, from I Alicante. • - , -- 7.4ll7;fl3dift.idosesll7Gritroblirtisisortc haTing - wkeir - ' off the Capes. bark Lord Baltimore, from Rio Janeiro for Neveltork,Ao days out; brigs Idatilda, from Saki-- more lb? New Bedford; - Ware', from-K-Ingstott—, Ja Ant Nsw-Xmr, and schrp ‘ BC Soribner, from.tieTnie:.;- towri; or Sep ittseg4 _2;;; Th foßdwinglle Boston uittinitt-,rkwatert.-N ScllrsS Gilman, for F Nickerson, for do; Plow- - box, for do; Bonnie Boat, for do; Westmoreland, for Providence; Elm City,fergo,,AndThounts.,Borden, for. Fan River, all from Ph. l le9f4P4 l , . Yours, ike,' ' - LABAN L. LYONS. HAVRE DE GRACE, Sept. 1. ThelpltOtying boats lett here ; Lids. m9rning, laden and eonsienedna foilows; ••4 .1t ;J W Thompson. with lumber to Malone & Taylor; 31 , E Strine, do to D B Taylor do Son; Susquehanna, do to. ardor; Oandusky, coal to Chesapeake City; ktinnehaha f grain toildfratati alinnnedirp - • 04. MEMORANDA. Ship Sarah, Atkins, cleared at Liverpool 10th ult. for ) Ship Teraplar,ROgers; froth -Hardin's! , for .New York, Una spoken 4th July let 35 S, ion 21_E. • Steamer. America, Doane,. from New-Yvirk, Siinon'ii , Bay, CGH, oth July, and cleared 7th for Hong Kong{, Sicarner )T)Ullelyralida, Wokeleli'...liened at :'SaValt. l . ll a; resterday.).2 • • . t. r Steamer Pioneer;Sharpley. hence at Wilmington, NC. 31st nit. i Steamer Gen Meade, Sampsomat New Orleans 30th tilt. from New York. Steamer Sberman.quick, sailed from New Orleans 29th Ult. for New York. ' ,Steamier Alaska, Gray, from . AitpitiWall; at Hew York Yesterday. Stemmer Columbia, Yen Sice,'froni HAMM, at N York Yesterday. Steamer James S Green, Pace:hence at Iticiiinon4l Met Steamer Saxonia, Meyer, from Havre, - at. New York yesterday. - ~Steamer Wilmingthn, Cole; for 'Galveston, returned to New York 31st ult. . Steamer Arizona, 'Maury,' for lisphivrall, cleared at New York yesterday. Steamers Cuba (Br), Moodle„aud. Manhattiin (Br), Foniyth,eleated at Near York yesterday for Liverpool. I Bark G T Kemp. Taylor. at .tit Helena, .224, - ,July from Alcoa Pay and sailed for Boston. . Brig Soli deo Gloria; Wiennudt. 'from 'Rotterdam for ails port. cleared at Ilelvoet 10th nit., Brig, Minn ie Miller, A nde r son, benca at Portland ; 30th lilt. ' • Saw Jas O'Donohue, Smith, hence at Portsmouth3Oill tilt. Schr S Morgan, hence at Norwich 30th nit • Sebr .1 Williamson.Corson,bence at Rtelunoild Thlt &bra Caroline Young: Young,.and Marla. Rozatia, Palmer, hence at Salem 30th ult. Sclu - s Mary. Rogers; James Barratt, Nickerson, and Chime; Lansil , hence at 'Boston 31st ult.- • . Sahr I Thompson, Endicott. smiled from Wareham TZtli ult. for this port. .Schrs Fannie %), 'JohriSton .) Marts, and L A Darien power, Sheppard, hence at Newburyport 30th ult. Sloop Nevada, from Wilmingtorr, Del; at Fernandina ' - ' • MARLSE `3l.ltibELL ANY - . ) Ship Virginia. (Br), Campbell; for Liverpool, cleared 31st ult. by Mn4irs-I"eiter Wright &Sons; has ecargo of 37.41542-00 bush wheat, 2996 '4,1)16 flour, 350 bbl 6 oil cake, 1(0 tc6 beef, 100 tibia lubricating oil, 9 casks scrapineel Ship John Ceßalgir, ' tilt. for Antwerp, by Messrs Workman & Co, takes' a large cargo of refined petroleum, viz: 7734 lib's, containing 340496 gallons of oil, valued at 8107,193 24. Bark Beagle Barns (Br). Allen, for Liverpool, cleared 31stlalt,by Wears Peter Wright & Sena, has-a cargo-of 24 ....1304,7',4XP b 445 h 'wheat , 247 7 ,Pbla flOur, 9 sheets hair and Males varn. Bark Mary Pratt, for Liverpool, cleared yestentay by 3lessre .1 B Bozic); &.Co,talies-a cargo of 24,507 bushels LEGAL' •NCITIOES. ITN THE' *ORPHANS' 'COURT . FOR THE . City and County pi Philadelphia. --Estate of LOUISA LETC.I.IED; deceased:—The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account of THOMAS It. LOVETT and CIIARLOTTE BOSTWICK • Executors of LO VISA ELETCIIEN, deceased, and to report distri bution of the balance ln the panda of the aceountant; Bill meet the - parties interested, for the pnrpose of his appointment, on TUESDAY, September 14th, lii9. at 11 o'clock, A. HI. at his office, No, DS South Sixth street, iu the City of Philadelphia. . JAMES .W..LATTA, at3l-tu,th,sst§ ' Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS!, COU FIR . THE IL City and GOunty of Philadelphia. , --Estato of JOSE PHINE KING, late a Minor,—The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the final account of 1' . - 3JOBTIMET; DEWI.S.rguardisdrofJOSEPHINE KING, late a Minor, and to report distribution , of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purpose of his appointment, on MONDAY, September 6th, ISti9: at 4 o'clock at his office, S. E. corner of Sixth and Locust streets, In the city of Philadelphia. , • CLEMENT B. PEZIROSE„ an26-thoidttst§ Auditor. TN.THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR. THE City and County of Phihulelphia,—EstatSOLJOHN LOGAN , deceased.—The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust' the account of JAMES WALLACE and THOMAS HENRY, Executors and Trustees of the Estate of JOHN LOG AN, deceased, and \ to report distribution of the balance in the hands or the accountant. trill meet the parties 'interested, for the purpose of his appointment, on MONDAY, September Fith,•,18C.9 . , at 11 o.clock A. H., at his office, No. r2s South , Sixth street, in the City of Philadelphia. JOHN C. REDHEFF ER, Auditor. au2l-tn,th,ef, .ITXT.E..IIF: TESTAMENTARY HAVING beengranted to the subscriber upon the Estate of -4108ES-GOl l -11LEY-,-41eceated,a11-pursons-indebtNl:ta the same will make payment, and those having elmais p7sent them to ILOBERT. E.EXKLYEY, Executor, 1923 P mlierton-street,-or-hittorne y ,,-GIitIRLIE-111-N PIT ILA DELPIIIA, Augunt 26th, 1869. ,OF 'JOHN MINGLE,,JII., DE -114 (Twit—Letters ot: Administration' emu. testaments zinnexo, havilig been granted to the underigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment. and those having. claim. to present them to lIGARETTA I'. MINGLE, Adm'x. C. T. A., TAE Walnut street. auli to dr August 14. 1809 ESTATE OF ANNA C. MINGLE, Dr of . administration having bean granteittOthenniersigneil, all persons intlebted to said estate are relytiested to make payment, and those having C to progent them to. - 31AlldiA.111.1TTA P. MINGLE, • __ Administratrix, No. :1906 Walnut street. c (It* TISTATE, Ok PATRICK , DONUI3UE,. JLA -deceased.—Letters Testamentary to the Estate 'of PATRICK DONOHUE, deceased, having ,been grantel to the executors, TIMOTHY HICKEY Buttonwood Street, above Eighteenth street, and 8., SHARKEY. All persons indebted to cal ''Estate are requested to mak, pavnieut, and those having claims against the Same to present them without delay to . B. SHARKEY, alitl6 In 'No. 619 .Walnut street. E STATE OF CATHARINE SMITH, DE ; • ceased. Letters testamentary upon 'the above es bite having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted' o thesame will please make payment, and all Persons having claims will present tnem to MARY ANN RCMP:RITZ, Executrix, 612 North Eleventh st., or to her Attorney, WILLIAM A. ALLISON, 429 Wal nut street. • • anti s 6t." E&TAE DT •OF E M UND, WILCO X , DE ceased.—Letters. testamentary upon the estate of EDMUND WILCOX, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said eAato are Icouestedlo make payinent and those hating claims or d mantis are b.dinented tO present the sumo without do to .SAMUEL WILCOX.,-Executor, 221 Walnut sel-w-60 --- FANCY BISCUIT. Just received per steamer Loutsiaide. a fresh invoice of tiles° ' VCry ghoice Fancy Biscuit. SIMON COLTON & .CLARKE; AGEMES,' S. , W. cor. Broad and Walnut Btu. INERTSI::!:. , .•':;.:'.;.:•1,.:!AO: r: The' Liverpaal e9 9 ' itont Globe I. Co: 4ssets Cold $117,696,390 CC in the United Stater 2 aao ood Daily Receipts avei $1163;3:00•: Premiums en, i 869 • ' . 5.,665„075.00. • a a Lasses in rB6B $3;462 45,66 No. 6 Merchants' ExcAlngi : . • • . ; „ Phtladel p hi . .' PR;A;NKIJN FIRE ; SURANCE ''COMPANY or,rmumormurnia. Office-435'and-437.0hesteut Street. Asis ' Otki"on'flaiinary 1, 1809, •*lke - 07'7 37,2, I • • . 13. Capita-.CO Accrued Snrplm~ "' ' ' 1 , 0 83 ,52 8 Frerainasst4..;.b....«...-...... • • WIEIEVTLED CLAIMS INCOME molt ROD 15'23 7EB • 0360,000., • ''',6E3'B'o4 'Paid SITICO -18213 e Over t eg5,500 pespetaal and Temporary Policies on Liberal Teims, The Company also issues Policies-upon 'the Rents *or all kinds of buildings, Gsound Rents and Nortmell. DIRSCTOEB.: - Alfred . Baker, ' Alfred Filler, Samuel Grant, • , Thoinas Sparks. Geo. W. Bicbarde,, Wm. S. Grant, Isaac Lea,, •, • r•• '•.Thorrnia S. Ellis, I'o ' • • • Geo. es, Gustavus S. Benson.. • . 'ALFRED . BAKERPtesident. , - • -43E0. PALES, Vice .President. JAS'..•''w.'3IIcALLISTER. Secretary. TfIrODORM. E SEGER, Assistant Settetatl • ~. • •„, - • fool tde3l • FIRE- ASSOCIATION . F - ' FIR.ADELPHIA. Incorporated liarch, 27, 1820. Offiee---No. 34 North Fifth Street, INSURE BIIILDISTOS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND MERCHANDISE GENERALLy FROM LOSS BY FIRE. Assets January. 1, 1869„ 4 4#1. 406 45 . .45 OS' • TRUST • H. Hamilton, EE• Charles Pi HOUTZ', John Carrow ; Jesse Lightfoot, .• George firming, - Hobert Shoemaker - , • Joseph Lyndall, Peter Armbruster, ; , Levi P. Coats 31. H. Dickinson. ' , s i mnel spark wk, Peter Williamson, ta Arig. Seeger. 4 7 ' 151. HA.3I.ILTON _President, ,•• SAIIHEL SPADHAINS., Vice President ,WILL :'T: BUTLER, SecretarY. • • rTINI2 7 II.ELIANCE INSITRA.NOR • COM • _l_ .PANY OF PHILADELPHIA! • . • Incorporated in 1841.. ' Charter Perpetual: ,Offke, No. 808 808 Waln 3oo ut 00. street. • ,L 8,0 Insures against loss 'or damage by FIRE, on Houses, Stores and other Building's, limited or perpetual, and on Furniture, Goods, Wares and Merchandise in town or wuntry. -LOSES PROMPTLY. ADJUSTED AND PAID. ..... $.4.37,54 sa Invested in the following Securities, vi z . ; First -51.ortgages •on• City Property, well se' ' cured United grails Government Loans 117,000 00 Philadelphia City 6 Per Cent. L0an5......___..._75,000 00 'Pennsylvania ',?3,000,000 G Per Cent Loan ' 30,0(41 00 Pennsylvaniallailroadßonds y, FirstMrtgag , 5,00000 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company's 6 Per • Cent. Loan-----.-'.— ..... ..... 6,000 00 Loans on Collaterals 500 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top 7'Per Cent. Mort- gage 80nd5....._..* 4,560 00 County Fire Insurance Company ' s stock. 1,030 00 Mechanics' Bank Stock • 4,000 00 . _ . Commercial Bask of Pennsylvania Stock..... Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock Reliance List:am:ice Company of Philadelphia Stock 3,250 00 Cash in Bank and on hand.......... 12,256 32 . Worth at ...... 8437,593 32 • Worth this date - atmarket price 5........... DIRECTOR* ' Thomas C. Hill,' Thomas H. Moore, William-Musser ; Sanwa' Costner, .- Samuel Bispham, . , James T. Young, H.L.Conmn, - 'lsaac F. Baker, %Vni 4tese u son, Christian J. Hoffman, , gle e Syr-- -1 B. Thomas, .__ Y ' Benj.W. Ting. )ey, Jamuel Edward titter. THOMAS C. HILL, President. W 31. CEUBB, Secretary. PHILADELPHIA, February 17,1869. jal-tu th s tt UN 1T Ei) FIREMEN'S • INSURANCE 1t..) COMPANY orPHILADELISIA. This Company takes risks at the lowest rates consistent with safety, am! confines its business exclusively to FIRE INSURANCE IN THE CITY OF FHILADEL. PHIA. OFFICE—No. 713 Arch street, Fourth National Bank Building, ' DIRECTOES• Thomas J, Martin, . n Heury W. Brenner, John Hirst. Alhertus King, V A. Rain, . Henry Bumm, JIIDIA'S M ongan, James Wood, William Glenn, John Shallcross, James Jenner, ' '3. Henry Askin, :klexancter T. Dickson;ugh-Mulligani Albert O. Roberta,. Philip Fitzpatrick, - James I , . Dillon: . . .ANDRESS i -President,--- rpHE COUNTIL ---- FIRE - INSUR - A,NCE PANY.—Otlice, No. 110 South Fourth street, below Chestnut. The Fire InSurance Company of the County of Phila. Iphia," Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylva tliA 111 le:10, for indemnity against loss or damage by fire, exclusively. CHARTER PERPETUAL. This old and reliable institution, with ample capital and contingent fund careftilly invested, continues to in sure buildings, furniture, merchandise, &c., either per manently or for a limited time, against loss or damage fire, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute safety of its customers. Losses-adjusted and paid with all possible despatch—. DIRECTORS: Chas..l . Sutter, Andrew H. Miller, Henry Budd, James N. Stone John Horn,. Edwin L. Reakirt, Joseph Moore, Robert Y. MasSey, Jr. George Mecke, Mark Devine ß . CHARD SJ. SUTTE, President. " HENRY BUDD, Vice President. BENJAMIN P. HOECRLEY, Secretary and Treasurer. THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSIT- • RANCE COMPANY. —lncorporated 1824—Charter Perpetual. No. 510 NVALNUT.street, opposite Independence Square. This Company, favorably known to the community for over forty years, continues to insure against loss or damage by tire on Public 'or Private Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time. Also on ,Furniture, Stocks of Goose, and Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, is invested in the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case of loss.. • DIRFCTORS. Daniel Smith, Jr., 'John Deverena • Alexander Benson, ' Thomas Smith, Isaac liazlehurst, Henry Lewis Thomas Robins,J. Gillingham Fell, Daniel 'Haddock, Jr. DAIVIEL.BMITII, Ja., President. G. CROWELL, Secretary. . maq-ce t CIII.ERIC:,AN FIRE INSURANCE 0031- PANY A inco_rporated - 1810-Charter per etttal ---No.-310-W,Al...N.U.D.strectakbove Third, Philadelphia. Haying a largo pall-up Capital - Sic Tel and - SicfPliiiiliFr vested in sound, and available Securities; continuo to, insure on dwellings, stores, furniture,, merchandise,. ve ssels in port, and their. cargoes, and other .personal . property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. putEcTons. Thornali B. Marls, Edmund G. Dutilh, 'Charles W-Poultney, Patrick Bray, . Israel Morris, John T. Lewis, John P. Wetherill, : William W. Paul. ' . THOMAS it. moo, ALBERT C. Onixvironn t • Secretary': JEFFERSON FIRE' INSURANCE COM I'ANY of Philadelphia.-r-Office,No. 24 North Fifth street, near Market street`, • Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. Charter perpetual. Capital and Assets. $106,000. Make insurance against Loss or damage by Fire on Public or Private Buildings, Furniture, Stooks, goods and Mar elloodiep, on inyornble terms. . DIRECTORS. MoDaniel . i _ Edward P. Moyer • IsraelTeterson, • • Frederick Ladner John F. Belsterlin , Adam J. Glass, • Newry Troemner, Henry Delany, Jacob Schandoin, John Elliott, Frederick Doll, Christian D. Frick, • simnel 4Joorgn E,Fprt, ,-- mTt. Garahor. • . WILLIAM MoDANIEL, President. , ' ISEAEI DETERSDN, Vico President. d Planar E. OoLtbuoi,Secrotarsroad'Xrerthurer. ~ -,.-~ TNELAIVtatE'M '. .17 ,1 :811Y1tAXCX .0055:07iXT: ."••' rftc4rPoraWbf,tlie-lbesiislatenhy Rologlytriuyip. • Office E.coraor"tig i ell'A 64 4 -I' , Y , 'WOJ 3l :,grt" , : ItfaltlX7s •• ,•• B e y Od Vessels; Cads anddra s t uß nsa u r of , the nortritt,. , On 14 s goods by rtver • qatii* lkilie7rid land carriage to ad ' ' • Pll3l INSUBANCAS " ' • • On Xerenerhibidgefaerallki on Store.% Dwellings. AsszTs Or THE ig r ePi4lFl • - • ' 8200.000 United State!, !rive,Per Cent.Loaa, • - • 5X081500 00 1 2 0,00Q•Ullitelieti4 05 Sbc•Tb.t.9 01 4-A4 , ast., 114,500 00 50,000 itee s s Per Cent; Loan' tirted i- 07 (for Pantile Railroad's,- WOO 00 200,000 State of Penneyivattleo sta. ,Per _ _ • Oetit., POW!. Zar,Vs . oo 126,000 City of PinitidelphislXl Par Cent. .• • Loan,.(exempt from Tax 328 , 60100 ; . ; 50,000 State of New'Jersey, Six per Cent., • • .• .. . `., 611500,00 14000 PetalayWaniii - 4 Ifailroisd First ' • - ,Mortga:de,Sfr Per Certteßoxids , , , ', - .; 84200 00 , 25,000 penneylvadla_,Bailroad Se g eond , noire Mortgage 151 x Per Cent. 25.0002ffeetern, : , Pennsyivenia, Railroad . • „, Mortgage Sit Peet:Tettßenda' • (Pennadt.B. gnarautee)..—.. • 7X1,025 00 20,M0 State of TennesSee Nivel Per Cent Loan . 7 oixiState 'of , Tennessee Sli'Per Cent.' Loan- - 6,03125 75,000 Outnantown Gas company, prin oi .the City, of; Philndplpbla,Boo - - Ipal and interest gqunaranteed by' . _ - 2 - .4' . 4 2 4 shares stooW. . . • .15,1:100 00 , ; 10,000 Pennsylvania Railroad OndllntOyi .• 200.alia*e. attrit ll' - 4 7 1 ill 2iOrth, 7 • • • • coliipany,..loo ehares stuck BAN 0 0 000 Fblladel Ida and Southern • a urea stook . ' l f /000 IX* 207,900 imails on Bond and - Wier:gage, 0.r4 • - liens oSti City Proportlett;......s' 207.400 00 ez409,96 1 0 p a t. rilarket.Valu, 10200:25 25 lif;1 st 4 iir t?sloo3 6?l' 00 - , .131.1tn a f t e e ceal.ple ,fc.r ,cut , ura,l?ces 322436 oi BajLces *-igen- 7 1Frr°-!'miums on Marino E '+ , Accrued IntereeP ` and other debts due tbe'Company 40,178 55 sundry Corpo 00. 1113tirliat l '.1813 00 r i i :Tl 8116 ! 1 1 0 P'6 t ie 435 "• DLIIEBTOItS.. .. , Thomai; c. James B: McFarland, .Feiward Darlington, . Willimn C. Ludwig,„ Joseph H. Seal, . Jacob P. Jones, Edmund A. Sender ,-‘ Jtddlna P. HArel Theophilus Paulding, William G. _ou top, Hugh Craig, , Henry o._Dallett, Jr., John C. Davis, - John PP.,Taylor, . James C. Baud, Edward Lafonrcade, John U. Penrose, Jacob 11. Jones Brooke, George W. - Bernadon, , Spencer liPllvaine, • 'Wm O. Henry Sloan, , D. T. Morgan, ,P d o itts_nurgh, Samuel E. Stokes,' ' • John IS. Semple, A. B. Berger, do. j94ne87n41 - liromns a. HAND, President. _ CAN DAVIS, Vice President. Secretary. • HENRY BALL, Ass't Secretary. AME INKTBANCE;, COMPANY, NO, 4 SW CHESTNUT STREET. INCORPORATED 1856.- CHARTER PERPETUAL CAPITAL, 5200,000. ' FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY: Insures against - Loss or Damage by Fire either by Per, petnal Temporary' Policies. ' Charles Richardson, Robert Peirce, - • . Wm. H. Rhawn, John Kessler, Jr., Francis N. Iltick, Edward B. Orne, Henry Lewis, Charles Stokes, Nathan Miles. John W. Everman, ' George A. West t Mordecai Buzby • CHARLES lICHARDSON', President) .WM. H. BRAWN -Nice-President." ' WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD; Secretary. - apl ti ANTHRACITE PANY,--011ARTElt PEEPETUAL', ', • Office, No. 311 WALNUT Street, . above Third, Ph Rada, Willinsure against Loss or D'antage by. Fite on •Build ings, either, Terpetuall y or, for a limited time, Household Furniture and Merehandisegenerally. .- ' Also, Marine - Insurance ,on Vessels, sCargoes, and, Freights., Inland Insurance to all parts of the Unlon.--ii Willinin Esher, Lea - is Audenried, D. Luther, - , - - John KetakaM, John It. Blackiston, • J. E. Baum, . William F. Dean, : John B. !Teri; Peter : Sieger . Samuel H. Hothernel., I WILLIAM SHER: President. _.- ....... ' 'WILLIAM F. DEAN,,,yine:Presidetit. ~ • w 51. M. SMITH. Secretary. • - ji1.. 6 2 to th e tf ' ' THOMAS .§5 SONS, AUCTIONEERS; Nos. 129 and 141 South FOURTH Street. 'SALES OF-STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. Er Public sales at the Philadelphia -Exchange- ever) TUESDAY t at 12 o'clock. ''Furniture sales at the 'Auction Store WiEBT THURSDAY. sir Sales at Residences receive esneclal attention. • STOCKS, LOANS, sc. ON TUESDAY: SEPT: 7. • • • At 12 o'clock noou, at the Philadelphia Exchange,- 40 shares Empire Transportation Co. . .9111/0 Union Passenger R. W. Co,l per cent. 10 shares Girard Life Insurance Co. • , @CI3OO Reading R. 11.1 per cent. 10 shares Natidnal Bank of the Republic. REAL ESTATE SALE. SEPT. 7, Will include— Peremptory Sale—By Order of Ifeir6—VEßY VALU ABLE BUSINESS STANIT—THREE-STORY BRICK STORE, No. 313 North Third street, above Vine,2o by 1W feet. . $334,331 32 VERY VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND—THREE STORY-BRICR-- STORE liftd - RWE'LLING, S. -1 1.1. cor ner of Ninth and Cherry ate. TWO , STORY BRICK FACTORY, Steam Engine, Boiler, Sant, Sic., 'Ashland street, Doylestown, Bucks comity ,'Pa. MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE . , No. 526 North Sixth street, above Spring Garden. Has all the modern conveniences . Immediate possession, Executor's Peremptory Sale—Estate of George Fox, dee'd—LOT, Howerd .street, south of Cambria, Twenty third Ward. GENTEEL THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 826 North Tenth street, below Parrish. Immediate possession. Sale No. .9)7 South Tenth Street HANDSOME FURNITURE, PIER MIRROR, FINE HAIR .MATRESSES, HANDSOME YELYHT • AND BRUSSELS CARPETS, &c. ON FRIDAY MORNING - • - September 3, at 10 o'clock, at No. 2.1/ South Tenth st., by catalogue, the entire Household Furniture, com prising,—Walnut Parlor Furniture, covered with green rem Walnut and Oak Dining Room Furnital•e, elegant Oiled Walnut Chamber Suit, Walnut, Mahogany and Cottage Chamber Furniture, Oval French Plate Tier Mirror, Lounges, Centre Tables, French. Clock, ten line — llffirMilkeilse - s7Fisitner IsoiSlers and Glassware; fine Oil Paintingg and Engravings, Sewing Machine and Table: 9 gas consuming Stoves, Utensils, choice Preserves ;kr: ' • May_be exfuniniaLomtbssinor_ning_ofsale_at&olclock— ___ • Assignees' Sale—Estate of Bromley Wharton Mitts: "FIXTURES OF AN ALCOHOL DISTILLERY AND RECTIFYING ESTABLISHMENT., ON SATURDAY MORNING. Sept. 4, at 11 o'clock, at No. 225 North 'Third street. mill be• Sold at public sale, by order of Wm. Vogdett, Ati" signet' in Bankruptcy, the Fixtures of au Alcohol Dis tillery and Rectifying Establishment, all in good order, consisting of 1 French column still of 4.',0 gallons; with all the tippurtemances, in vvorking order; S receiving stands and copper fixtures, complete; I syrup kettle, 25 rectifying tubs, 2 cisterns: OFFICE FURNITIIRE. ' - . - .1 stove and scuffle, 3 Old cliairs - t rold desk; Also, leasehold of premises, wtitch expires August 12, 1870.• Rent t?, MOO per annum, considerol worth 52000. Sale N 0.1313 Arch street.. ' ' SUPERIOR PARLOR, DINING ROOM AND. UII,IMIIE FURNITURE. MIRRORS, CARPETS, HAIR AND SPRING MATUESSES &e ON WEDNESDAY MORNING Sept 8, at le o'clock, at No. 1314 Arch street, by rata , logne, the superior Furniture..t.c., comprising—bulls of Walnut Parlor Furiiit coVeced with: plush and hair cloth, em e.n suits of oiled and varnished Walnut Cham ber urniture, seven handsome. Rosewood, Will sta and Mahogany Wardrobes, two Lounge Bedsteads, covered with reps Spring and'llair Matresses, oak and' walnut' Dining Room Furniture, two walnut Extension Tables, two elegant Pier Mirrors, gilt frames; superior Brussels Carpets { Oil Cloths, large Refrigeratiuri Kitchen. Uten sils, The above Furniture has been in use but It short time, and is SWIM to LIOW. May be examined at 8 o'clock on the mornieu of sale. (I . OICCERT HALL AUCTION ROOMS, 3219 CHESTNUT street. ' • • T. A. McCLELLAND. Auctioneer. . ' Bale at tie Auction Rooms, I• 219 Chestnut street.. ON FRIDAY Sept. 3, will be sold y catalogue, at 1219 Chestnut street, commencing at 10 o'clock, a superior assortment (Anew and scconilliand houschold,Furniture. Matresses,&w., consisting of Ash - and Walnut Chamber Suits, - new b t s hixottage handsonim - Parlor - Suits; cavored with hair cloth and torrY4.superiorMailnut rWartlrolev,i,. lifittresstri, . Also, SWonilliitifil - FranittifefeZi keeping. . . MANUFACTURERS.I'•- -SALE OF. A, LARGE VA RIETY OF NEW ANL - SUPERIOR ; VUItNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY,AT AUCTION ROOMS, 11:19 'CHESTNUT. STREET.. - . - - • t IVIONDAY MORNING. Sept. 6 t at I.oolclocb, wilt be cold cittalognodiT ,-- order of ruenufectUrers, the largo aitaortinont of Furniture uud Upholstery now on hand at our aides room, the object of wlttchltr , 'to Clime np present invoices, the troodm being underinlVtinces. The solo will 1201.18 hit of.Malnut and Cottage Chamber Furniture .tln kited Yaridali and oil path:: Parlor anti Drawing it tioral }iota, npholstered in yarions styles, end covered with hair eloth,,terrk and rens; Snowfall. Sowing, 'Racy.. and itecePtiott .Chtaret fanny quidtplain• marble top I !entre Tal es, Bookcases, Wardrobes end' Sideboards; Card, llofrolituntintanot Ex tension Tahlet4Bedatetals, 1111114 ms, Waslisitindm 01110 zooni Fuiniture,' Hair, Snring, 'Husk and Strtvmdflutreases,: French- tufted end Own lou n get, Mirrors; 'Annoys, Towel Reeks, &c.;ttc., • - - • The wholo toile) , told Without . resorve to close advances. raVES & HAR_YEY, AITOTION4EIiS, ante with Thomaa it Sons.) i:Stothlios.-18 and LO North 8 LXTI.I. 'Ardor , • . , (1 DTALEOLEEN.B6 Q., • - 1 !'••••''--- , '!No. 506 BOOT AND SHOE SALES EVERY m.61 , 14e1C AND THORSDAT. IStOt 4 4ACOE';;Y; - ": . : ] i': AUCTION SALES. 13P - 41 4 .1-Fetq;DxrEpolittykr , ;• vt.-- , 244,,g, Watidi234MAßKETiii;eetop Ay tof Ba sgTett. 4 .' in ky. 1 • ,-. '• , Eiticceadeoroto JOHN- , B. M iis. Si ___, , e4 , _,,,, ',LAB GB SALE OF E,IIItOIIEA.S.AND A N1E,114 "--.' I.,DEXTHIODE; TIIIS,DAW ADD - TOLMORRO •., ~' 1 A BARI/o+-176w attentioit of eitr, lixdrAlotpltry ,, sitife , ~• Plianfil is invitod to one Large,. Saltitif Ydreign.and•Do=' ineNtic,•DteGnoda, entbraciny 1300 packages nod 'labia yerydooliablO fabrics;to' bo solff_hy catalogito. cot 'Nue,' manthi 0 creditLTHlS' MORNING,,at Er° clock .to bts '', contintied.l'OtßlClßßOW-, at'tho atone hotir. . ' •. ~-, Billiali DAstE or BRITISH. BREECH.' GIMEMAIIr' , ., , -' •-'' ''',. - AND . DOMESTIC - AMY GoODS, • . , . OMISHURSDAY AND FRIDAY. ' •• ' Sept, 2 and 3 commencing each day . at 10 o'oiock, ottlinir•-"i months' ~r !dit Filili c r cEr i i .,e s. -. '-' .' .:-.''';,' SrEfiRTIHOS: AkHD ( SHEE'r,IN,9S , ,MI yl4tini; - 602 . 6,.,.; FLANNEl,lB44llAvinDtsititioatid dobireiCanton, Da- ', Plot, fancy ahirting,and heart miners'. ~ t •.;+.• , - , - , BLANKET/IF—AU .10oIArtita and heavy gray nifit; elf ponolar rooked. ~:. ~ .., . ‘ -.-, l', ,• ' ' ''.' OASSIMEBES=IbUotiaII: alksCool • vine SidattindlY. and T., boys' fancy p/antalionimolOoklti, 0. , • ' SATINETS—heavy , b,Y,ovv ‘ h, , ,l?ltick' - ,alld,' OM ..ta4aliff' Monson Oxford, Abi.' , ,- ' ' ' ' o ' ' - :'''.. .`;..." 3 EAN'ice,lenfporp ;,` 014: ..!4t, h04 ri 1 ...1 4 " / O n '' Ke4.- tuck drc _ GlibllA" MB, &G--Ma•tieho ' ate r ~ b oo' it' thldt A - r/ 11 4 0, fancy' plaids, Union Pacific Chet3lo4 t0...,' • . ,"".", ~•Also, Tiolthigs,. Stripes, 'Denims, Sileclaa f vannorics, uoraet Jeans, 'Linsey's, Mersoya, Printließelainol,l Cate tonadoe, Linings, Padditursi 'Sco - .' , ' ,''• '''. ) •!.. 1 . =ZINEN • OOOD9 -•. :',.. ; .',. ' • - Cases 13arnaley • Linen Shootings, Loom '•' tindt labial' ' FT( and brown' c ' do b eac Table, lblhe, owe do Canvas. ' •-; MEIVCIJANT. TAILORS' GOODS'i '1 • ' Pieces French.-English and Saxony•all Wool and Urilerie. ' black and blue Clothe - . . Fesoi:SXrenall - bletk - 7HtiePkind/17-Tuilled—k i lo* BeaverscChinehillaap&o., • : riceos Fancy .Gassinzeres; Coatings 'and;'Cloakings, Ita lionChalCtlethi'de ilhina:=VelvetSone, &a: 'DRESS GOODS VSILICSi SHAWLE;Atc. ,, ' Piece!' blk. and colotal.pure Mohuirs and Alpacas. do. ; ..11aris Plain aud Fancy Dolaines,PoplinsMerinod r ... db" black and Coldred Silk' Velvets, 'fall 'style; Shavels,-dcc. Ilbelery.VGloresZlihirt . Fronts, hoop and> Baltnoraf Skirts, Silks Ties, Traveling. ,and Under Shirts- and. Drawers', Umbrellas; Hdkfs,', Tailors' Triminituta, dcc' - Also, on four trionthal'dredit,' by order Of Ass Ign Doi'a large stock of Fancy -Dress Goods, Pornestlasf bluets Goods. dkfs., Woolen ,ShaAila,.Skirts,• W bile- Goods* Hosiery, Gloves, Shirtsnnd Brawere,,TruntrdrigeisHolls, =PORTANT: SALE' or CANPRZINOSt OIL . . CLOTH &C. ON VRIDAY MWRNING, Sept, 3at n o'clock, on fount:nouns' credit, about til/ pieceslngrain„Volietian. LsMt.lllmtpiClottaggr 144'114' carnefings, 110., . LARGE SALE 131"•FEENCII , AND OTKF,R.R ELAN DRY GOODS: ' ” MONDAY 111011NING, S9ptenther,6, at 10 o'clock, on font nionOs credit,hiclt r. ding a tarp.' SPECIAL :AND ATTItACTIV K SALE 613 CAirroris BONNET' RIBBONS: RIO PIECES - BLACK AND , COLOAED.AoIidiDT 313 $1,647,367 BO SALE OF. 1000 , 0ABES BOOTS; SHOES', BROGANS, ON TUESDAY MORNING Sept. 7, at 10 O'clotic; four' menthe' credit!' • - _ 101tY BABBITT & 'CUT,_AtreiIIogEBREL, (ASH 'AUCTION - 11PM, . go. 230 istAEKV.T divot. corner. of Bank sttreet Cash advanced on: consiginnents -without , oxtra•chartm:, LARGE SALE OF FOREIGN AND - DOMESTIO DRY GOODS, HOSIERY; ;WOOLENS, LINEN , GOODS; `,• FANCY. GOODS , ..tc. • ' , ON' FRIDAY' moniacr N.' , Sept. 3, commencing at 10 o'clock, ROO lots Dress Goods, in large Neriety, viz.: Heavy Paris' `Pdpiluet'Cinimelvon Poplins, Coldrea CoLurgs, Plaid Japanese Poplins, Shot Poplins: .111inen.a Plaids. All-wool ;Melees, Black Al pacas, Alerinoes, Ginghame, Cheeks: , kc. Cassimeres-r 3-4' all-wool Diagonal. D. and S. Silk Hiked ; Side Band, kc. Also, Boys' Caseimeres; Sattuets, , ,, kW. Lineal Goods—Towels, 8-1 Table Inunasks, Brown and Bleached Table. Cloths, ; Napkins,- . Aen, invoices' ; Fatter Goods.' Suspenders, Skirt Braids. Ribbont, • Shoe 'La cers, Cutler y.Drees'Buttans. - , siEBY-11.0SIERY—xosmitY. 1000 dozett.Ladies','Gents', - Metes' -and - Chtldreit's Ito- Al ADE 'CLOTHINL.' At 12 o'clock, 20 lots Alen's.and Boys' Fall and Win- `, ter Clothing, in -Coats,• Paats and Went; Beaver Over coats, Sack Coats, • BOOTS, SHOES BALMORALS';'&c.' ' ' ' 130 cases and cartons Beys',Latlies , Misses' and".:- Children's city and Eastern made Boots and Shoes, to which we In vitct the attention/at:buyers. ' A5O ogees Ginghtllll Embrellas, 23 dozen Men's and Boys' tine wool • THO2.IAB „KERS AND 003EHISSION MEIICHANTSc 2. No. 1110 CHESTNUT street,' , Rear entrance No. 1107 Sans= qtreet . ..• Hotmehold Furniture of every description I.66opred ais Ooneifi~mnmment ;=•: Sales of PuriiitUre at dwellinze attended to on the'ma'st reasonable terms. „ • • , ;, Sale at the Aaetion Stoe', No.lllo Chestnut atre et. _ . Sli'EltlOlt NEW. AND SECONDHAND CABINET • FURNITURE,' ELEGANT OARPETS,_ , IIIANTEL AND PIER MIRRORS, SCHOMACKER PIANO. FORTE. PLATED WARE. TABLE 'CUTLERY. JAPANESE GOODS.. COTTAGE ;.F . URNITIIRE, PAPER HANGINGS, &c • ON. FRIDAY MOANING,' At 9 o'cloCk, at the unction store, No 1110 Mee - tont street, will be sold, by catnlogue, a very large salon-. ment .of superior Parlor,. Dining ,Boom, ~Library and: Kitchen Furniture.. a: number of handsome Carpets, Rosewood Schonnteker Piano Forte, &c., including the entire Furniture of a family removing front the oily. STOCK AND FIXTURES OF ,A PAPER HANGING STORE: At some limo will be sold tho fixtures of stare and about 2000 pieces of paper bangin s. TAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTION • JAMES , , No. 422. WALNUT street: REAL ESTATE SALE sSEPT.' • . This sale ; at 12 o'clock noon at tile Exchange, el Miff the very valuable Mill , , 4ka., known we the "JEFFERSON MILL J.' and large tract of land, ndjarent - tcr - the — Cathedrat'temetery;7Twenty , fodeth Ward. It is in complete order; and 18. one of the largest, and most valuable mills.;in the - country!. Full particur lars in handbills. Sale .Peremptory.by. order ,of the preme Court. . • Assignees' Solos 422 Walnut . TEN CASES BALMORAL WINTER SKIRTS, ON WEDNESDAY•MORNING4 • ! Sept, 8, at 10 o'clock, at the auction store, will be sold', without reserve, over teatimes - of- Ladies' and Misses , ' Balmoral. Skirts, Office .Table, Bobbin, Boxes, , - gar May be examinedthree days before sale. • ' • Snle N. E. corner 'Eighth and Callowhill efreeis. LEASE, STOCK AND ITN.TURES OF A ,WINDOW— , SHADE MANUFACTORY; • ON TRIDAY. MORNING. • , ' September 10, at 10 o'clock, will be sold,without reserve, the Lease, Goodwill and Fixtures 'of ai Window-Sbade Manufactory : Sliadmframes, Tables, Paints, Oils, Rack, Office Furniture, &c. • , ' • - • . , Assignee's Sale NO. 010 Arch street. LEASE AND STOCK OF A LOOKING.GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUPACTORY, FRENCH' PLATE MIRRORS,, ENGRAVINGS, CLOCKS" MOULDINGS: GC ON MON-DA-Y----MORNING Sept. 13, at 10 o'clock, will be Fold without reserve by '.catalogne, the entire stock of a Looking Glass and 'Pic ,i-Frenie-..-Mattufaetoryr-Frenelt---Plate-1114reoss---13, gra intigirelockat:arputarWatintuMPGiltfliftifittliiign; Fratnes,Cases, Glass, &c. ,• . : . - itritfeWSigh - ST,t --- d- Sale peremptory, and torus cash. •, • M AUCTIONEERS, BROTHERS, Ai_lTlONkaae,." (.Lately Salesmen for N. Thomas k Sons.) . No. 620 CHESTNUT street..rear entrance from Minor„, Sale by order of the Pennsylvania Mite Co., at N05.13V,. • 3340, and 3342 Market street: TWO SUPERIOR HORSES, SIX LIGHT WAGONS,_ GRAIN AND FEED 'WAGON; Harness, Onedtorso Power Ilay. Cutter, Fairbmiks Scales, Milk Pans,. Churns, Cans. Buckets. Cast Iron Feed Boxes.; Marvin Fireproof Safes, Handsome .Wa Mut and .04k Oftico. - Furniture, Carpets, Mattings. 4 - c., On:SATURDAY_AFTERNOON., . At 2 o'clock, on the premises. Nos. 333? , ' ana l 3312 Market streeti by order Of thO Pennsylvania htllk May be seen on the day,or . . NOTICE.—INTERN .y..E VENUE. Tin undersigned willeell at 'public sale, TIT URS- PAY, September 9. 1899, at, No. 114 , Willow street, the following distillery, apparattts and appurtenances. ' .•• ;.' fiteam Engine and BofierS. .31/1.01 Tubs, Co'pporPumps,.oflice Furniture:. ; ' The said ;alleles are seiv.ed and (netts:hied upon for non-payment of taxis, Sc:, due U.'S. Internal Remitter. JAMES N. KERNS,. an3o t se9 Deputy Collector anti Distraining Officer. mut PRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLISH- I_ nient—S. L. corner of SIXTH and RACE streets: Money advanced on Merchandito generally--Wateheti, - Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and Silver , "nate, aid-9g az! articles of value. fur any length of time agreed on. • WATCHES. AND ' JEWELRY' PRIVATE BALL ' Fine Gold Ilunting Case, Doubloßottom and Op_en Face English; American sand Svvise• Patent Lever watches; Fine Gold Hunting Case and Open Face Lenin° Watches; Fine Gold - Duplex and other Watches; Fine Silver , Mutt- , lug base and Dpeu F'ace English, American and, SwiAil Patent Lever and'Lepino Watches; Double Case English • Quartier and otherNVatches;_Ladies , parkey, , .WSobeag,, Diamond Breastpins; Finger* Rings; Ear Rings; Studs lie.; Fine Gold Chains; - • Medallions: Braceleta; TarC _Pins; Breastpins; Finger Rings; Pencil Cases Ana.' ow: el genera.-. .. • . ; - _ FOR SALL—A. - largo and, valealde__Flrepreec 0, suitable for a- j(114 tiller; Coot VW. • - • • --Aleoreeverta-Lots-in-South--thtmdestOifit and nut streets. - _ FP L. ASIIBRID GE & CO., 'AITOTION. . YENS. No. 605 MARWETetroot. above FltYtc, ,; GAS FIXTURES.., • t*.PWSJI A I a , .t TRACK AEA, N 0.718 Oheatnut str*ok;rtiatilifacs tapirs of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, .40,, 1404 war 1111; call' the attention of the public, to their. large and, elegant assort ment of GM Chandeliers ' , reinlantit, 33rticketai-,ste„r, Th e y also Mtn - alone gas pipes into dwellingetarid, public build toga, and attend to extending, altering and repalrlag gaa =co. , All work waxrawle44. , B. MASON :nits r"pRE.C' 4DERSTG TED INVITE ATTEN thin to their stock of ' • • ' Snringlilouritain fi,dhiglinud; Locust Mountain Coal. I which, NVAth the preparationgiven by„ us, we think can , not Be excelled by nay nther•t:oal. -• • ' • - • °IfiCQ) rreakyll," l t nntitute,, Ile, le S. Seventh street. • • -• SINESSiIEAFFA , inlo.ll • , Archetropt wharf ScheYlkil • QII.IIA-TELING , 7 - ETLT.—V,EN'I I I6:4I4ES, k) Falgtisb _ stembing fin' fialo by Tilian, WRIGHT & 1301i8,116 Walunt titreot; ,~.,~~.~:g~^ .aC, %~ <:_, Ateftol COAL AND
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