Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, September 01, 1869, Image 5
irn E BYRON SCANDAL- "Whht count, .Tontines J4ays. "George, the - COunt Joanifes,', l iendS,tif the N - • ew•- - York• Herold a long article upon 'the Byron ‘ scaridal; from Winch We extract the fol lowing Its truth is extrema!, doubtful-4n fact we believe it to have originated solely in the "Connt's" . • . Lord Byron wished justice' upon one theme, viz; that in regard to his sister, and he be sought a frienti, to whom he wrote, "not to. sutler unmerited censure to rest upon his name after death." To, the Countess Guiccioli„ the Countess of Blessington,•Visconnt Canterbiwy. (formerly the . Speaker of the. Howse of - Commons), the Count - D'Orsay , and the Cornwall Trelawriey be solemnly denied, the - truth of the imputation, r and . from those personages I received'. that denial in solemn .conversation. There is, however, another proof more solemn. •• When a man is assassinated and in his dying'• momenta he .• proclaims his murderer it, is proof. of ~the criminal, and all other dying . confessions are received With equal reverential solemnity‘ , I now :transfer the reader to the: deathbed of Lord Byron, at .Misiolorighi,on.'April 19, A. 'D.-VC-I.—There were-present, among othert3,-. Count Pietro Gamba, the brother of the CounteSs Graceioli; Trelawney, of Cornwall;' William . ' Fletcher, the valet, and Col onel the - lion. Leicester Stanhope, after wards the • Earl of Harrington. This gen tleman honored me , with his - friendship to the day of his•death, extending Over :a Period *rom--aiEiajorjuore..than.llV.enty • intimate with lani - inicilic - lificeifrilliletree, arid'' often was his invited guiest.in ,London and' at •, • iiburaam—Hous wintry vesidene; This was ,the- democratic nobleman who in troduced the free press in India, and was the patriotic:champion, with h isfriend and demo crat Lord Byron, for -• the freedom of the; classic land of Marathon and Miltiades, and, • towards , that noble cause advanced from his. ('Wit purse the sum . of .1:16,000 (St 30,000). • Within' the 'dying hour 'of the great poet Lord Byron requested , all to leave the chaniber except Colonel the Hon. Leicester Stanhope. The poet. then knew that he was dying, anti: aid to his friend, , " Stanhope, I •.wisli Tou to take charge of my, body to Eng land. = See that it is buried in the grave of my mother:" [Both these dying wishes were ful filled by the friend.] " Stanhope; I declare to you,at this solemn ntoment,tha,t the forrner ac cusation by Lady Byron- against, me and my faithful sister Was ; • . • • A lie, an odious,' damned lie ! Upon soul,' a wicked liel and so defencluS when again assailed." Colonel Stanhope took the hand of his dying friend, and said.: Byron, the name of Augusta being added to'liat of Ada at the baptisni of your daughter and at the request of . Lady )3yron“is told by your sister, dispersed that slander forever; but if you , worild be happier send ;Our dying - declaration by your confidential valet; Fletcher, and order. him to see Lady Byron with your death denial," "4, will do so," said the dying poet. " Send Fletcher to Me:_, God bless you, Stanhope. !Of all men you I best love. You will live to ~see the freedom *of this classic land when I shall be no more. Adieu !" With manly, tears Colonel Stanhope bade adien to his friend forever, and within half an hour thereafter Fletcher was at the bedside of his dying master; Then took place the oft _ repeated broken sentences cited by Mrs. Stowe and otherS,.but now explained by the - previous interview with Colonel Stanhope na ,"Go to y sister tell her—go to Lady Byron— you Rill see her, and say"—here :his Voice failed from exhaustion. But had he power, who can doubt but the dying man would have repeated to his faithful valet what he had already declared to his faithful friend.? • • , Another Story. , The Hartford Yost closes, an article in rela tion to Mrs. Stowe's article on Lord Byron in the Septefribbr .Atlantic with the, following statements To this it is proper that we - ,Should'add one or two statements that, so far as we know,' have not beemin print. When ' the' advance 'sheets of the Atlantic paper were sent to Mr. Macmillan, the. London publisher, he,, read them and promptly decided toprint them in his magazine. The story was not unknown in England. And We may further , remark- that considering his position in., English society, ' and 'his own interests, he would not have been likely; to have published the paper if he had not had reason to think it well founded. This, of course, is onlyinferred, for even. English publishers are,not always above' an hiclina,' - : . .tion . to sensational publications. "But another statement is of more conse quence. • lire have :heard that a • Chancery snit is now pending in the English Court which will throw light upon the : alleged offspring of the alleged incestuous intercourse of Lord Byron and Augusta. If this shall turn out to be true, 'twill be the most important piece of evidence yet offered, and we shall look for its ?L i confirmation or disavowal with profound in •::14-terest." EUROPEAN AFFAIRS IFEAMCE. Despatch from Napoleon 111. The following telegram was sent by Napo leon M. in explanation of his absence from the Camp of Chalons on his fete day : "To the Headquarters of the Camp of Chalons—l was anxious to pass the loth August among the great military' family assembled at Chalons. Not being able to do so, I sent my son, desir ing him to distribute the due rewards. I thank the army for the reception which they gave him,: and for the good wishes it has transmit ted to myself. Before the camp breaks up I shall visit it. NAPOLIION. Henri Rochefort. te—Patis—eorrespo-ildeut,--of-4hn--London .. . _ Daily Telegraph writlng on the 20th, says: There is said to be a crowd waiting at the sta --fibn-ft:eeverrtrani—virOtiv---Belginnotf—tlik' owelianeP that_Henvi Rochefort will hays , — taken a return ticket to travel by it. As yet he has not put in an appearance, and, from what I hear to-day, is not likely so to do. He - may come back when he likes rand do no dam age to any one; for he has cut his own throat so tar as fiance--or, at least, Paris, add that . . shortly after he. started his paper .becaine dull. Abte,e, slander, seandal—Franee''\ not only leans therti but .grins over them • hut woe to him who is dull: - Rochefort and Lat Lanterne FOREIGN Inrrecent. foreign exclilinges contain ate following: The:Loudon Tiinc. of the 21st of August has an article on the return of the political exiles o France, in which it says: Urowds, we are told, have been for several days assembling. morning and evening at the,. Northern and Eastern railway stations in Paris, eager to greet, the political exiles re turning from England, from Belgiumand from Switzerland, in consequence of the decree of amnesty issued on 'Sunday last. Hundreds of these , refugees have already reached their homes, but their numbers have hitherto in seine degree disappointed public expeeation, partly because proscriptions for political causes have really not been very frequent in these later. years of imperial rule; but chiefly because many of those to whom the act of ob livion extended either took no heed of its int ininent.publication or dared not anticipate a inefisnye so general as to include themselyes in its pros and had - made - nCefttrilelY prepa rations to availThemselres — of its • —A correspondent of --a. London journal writes that the wife of 'Don Carlos was at Fontainebleau, France,with - ber two children, a boy and a girl. The Princess keeps court and has a Prime Minister to direct affairs. • in personal appearance she is - prepossessing. She is slenderly built, and has line black eyes, and her face beams with good temper. Don Carlos is live feet nine inches in height, and us also slenderly built. He is very active and intelligent, and is considered to bear an excel lent likeness to his grandfather. —Thy Isthmus of Suez Journal publishes the following despatch : "Serz, August lA.— , Yesterday we had a splendid fete here. The waters of the Mediterranean and of the Red • Sea met eacb'other in the Bitter Lakes. The filling Of these last is now secured." —The journals announce that M. Hillery, one of the authors of La Belle Beleoe and Of t h e G ran d buckesse,was thrown from his horse when taking a ride in the Champs Elysz•es, and briike his roll:tr.:bone. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-PHILADELPHIA, .WEIATESDAY, SEPTEMBER'I, 1869. LITERARY NEWS.-OR Saturilay-, September 18,-Messrs. Petersonlk Bros,: will pubh Mrs. Henry Wood's new novel, , "Roland. Yorke," a sequel to , _'The".Chatinings," from advance sheets in MS., for 'which they pay .f. 450 gold: The Ni..ok previous, Saturday - I.lth, Messrs. Peterson will issue "Ruby Gray's Strategy." a new novel by Mrs. Ann Stephens, and .ft jest book, entitled "The American Joe Miller*" CITY NOTICES. Paur.A.woni T r -Parisian Tailor (forinerly ANDILIOT. MAGEOCII & Co.), well-known in this city for skill and taste, late with Perry & Co., and recently, with Wanamaker (Chestnut street), having , found. it lin possible to Whey his conscience or his - friends trons in the Cristomer Department of Clothing- Stores, has connected himself with EDWARD P. awe', the well known merchant tailor, Southeast corner Chestnut. and Seventh streets, where, free from trickery and - humbug, he can furnish his customers with really tirst-class Clothes, and at moderate prites for cash.. - • -TirS;_eritEXT MoDEnrratscovEni-.—The new combination .Of vegetable speCifics ,Dr. delicious Liver and Stbmach Lo`zenge : is working wort.: dere in Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint,ChronicoOstivenesa, Nervous Coinplaints and general debpity. • t BURNETT'S EXTRACT pt VANILLA, 19 free from Tonha,Bean, or other ipriu , , BEWARE OF THE EGGS Which vermin lay for next ye:Ws ,crap. , Means° your premises thoroughly with Lyon's Insect Powder, and thus pi event the cockroaehes, , ,fleas, • motif, bugs and • other vermin from overrunning _youroods neityear.- - L — YidiTirroWder "iiMrT) W I , • :IDepot,gl . Varli Row, N. Y. PRES . ERVING . JABB • *. • . ng ans. , , Preserving Bottles, , Presoning Tumblers, Corks and Sealing Wax, And all articles necessary for puttlug up Fruits All goods delivered free.. • __ • ' • At FETHERSTON & 00.'8, . . • 270 South Second street. PUT DOWN TUE PRICES STOKES offers the balance of hls summer stock AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, to close out, in order: to make rooih . ' , FOR TIrE immense assortment Of p .FALL AND WINTER STYLES OF FINE FABRIONABLE CLOTUING, null' in course of manufacture, at No. 821'ICRESTNUT STREET. Fon specimen copies and adttrtising terniS of the Wileni»ston Daily Commercial and' Ddatvare Weekly Tribune, address: JENKINS a ATKINSON, Wilmington, Delaware. • LADrEs' StrxDown,s,_at Oakfords' , SURGICAL _INSTRUMENTS acct druggists' sun dries. ._ ~._ . 11 SNOWDEN & Buormg Et, 23 South Eighth Atm . MISSES' SUNDOWNii, at OakforcW Juntotons MornEus • and nurses use tot children a safe and pleasant medicine in Bower'3 Infant Cordial. DEAFNESS; BLINDNESS AND CATARRH. J. Isaacs, M. D., Professor / Of the Eye and Ear,treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city call be seen at his office, No. 805 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice, A rd. , tlcial eyes inserted. No charge made for examination GET ONE of those. Pocket Panama, sold at Oakforde', under the Continental. THOSE CELEBBAtED Pocket Panama.% sold at Charlee Oakford k Son'eoider the Continental, are very convenient for gents travoling. Cowie, Bunions, Inverted Nails, , skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson, No. 915 Chestnut street. Charges moderate. UT ED DING CARDS. INVITAtIONS y for Parties, &o. New styles. MASONi& CO au2.siff, , 007 Chestnut street. WEDDING INVITATIONS EN- T V _graved in the newest and beet manner. LOUIS OIL.EK.A.,•' Stationer and Engraver, 1033 Chestnut street. fe2o tf MARRIED NOEL--FIAERIS.—At' Philadelphia, on the' 31st of Ausnet, by_the Rev.'3..Wheaton Smith, P.D., Dr. John Vavasour Noel tolday V ankitta rt, eldest daughter of the Into Edward llarris,Esq., of illoorestown, New Jersey. (t !anada papers please copy.] DIED. ILLING 11 Stith month, 31st; Mary S., infant daughter of Joseph and Sallie W. Gillingham, aged 3 months and 19 •daye. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her parents. No. 1318 Franklin street, on Fifth-day after noon. Ninth month . , 2d,' at 3 o'clock. Interinent at .Ce da fill Cemetery. • " HODGSON.—On the minin of the 31st ult.,'Caroline g Hodgson, daughter of tho late William and Mary Hodgson. " ' • 11er funeral will. take place) on Fifth-day, the 3d inst., at 4 o'clock,froln her sister's residence, No. 118 Mitten , -4.. house Street, Germantown.. BLACK SILKS, EXTRA GOOD, PIANO COVERS, ORDERED STYLES, DOUBLE CHAIN BLACK MOHAIR, • CLOCK BRAND BLACK ALPACAS. EYRE & LANDELL Fourth and Arch SPECIAL NOTICES. READY-MADE CLOTHING CUSTOM WORK. JOHN WANAIHAKER, SILS and S2O CHESTNUT STREET. V'CAII])OF THANKS. clesire to nuke grateful acknowledgment of many kind services rendered tMat the recent lire. Our thanks are especially due to the admirable FIRE DEPART-, MENT OF THE CONTINENTAL HOTEL, to which, under the skillful direction of J. E. KINGSLEY, Esp., Proprietor of the Continental, we are undoubtedly in debted for the preservation of our buildings. We aro also debtors to the Insurance Patrol and its President, ATTWOOD SMITH, ESQ., who personally superin tended its operations, for the efficient manner in which they guardral the heaVy moil; witiowhleli our hots° was stored. To the PIIILADELPIIIA FIRE DEPARTMENT ; Or the carefill and considerate iliannOr in wbick its mem here conducted themselves ; to the POLICE, for their close attention and protection, and to Mi. GEORGE W. HAVERSTICH and others, who remained on duty from the commencement of the lire through the entire night; we gratefully return our thanks. JNO. WANAMAKER, 818 and 820 Chestnut streqt • , PAYER FOR THE HOLY SPIRIT. 101. 'R -The n W rst of a soles of 'W ' eekly Union Prayer and E. hortation Meetings will be held at the Hall of the Young 'llten's Christian ASsociation, 1210 Chestnut street, on MONDAY AFTERNOON September' 601, at 4 o'clock, to continue one hour. All invited. It§ tu:, OFFICE RECEIVER OF TAXES PUILADICLPIRIA. Aug. 21 . ; TO TAX PA:VERS.—Not in hereby given that arum the Ist of Septstalam a !woolly of ("too, Per Out, Wit hr athhal to :1I cif?' 10 xes tutu nap:till. Oh mai ali t . l. i11 , 1:111i }ilk dttce Will 110 "pm from !4 :t JOHN M. MELLOY, MOO Imp§ Uteri tPr 441 T:iNt., N E W J.. . NO. 90 4 CHESI I *VT x switErir. .:, . FALL CIO 17ii• T FRENCH Designed by the best Artlsts in Paris, for sale , only. by us, and at , less prices than ever before offered. - • New and elegant original, in J.,,CrosslePs Sonsvo;4 Velvets for Parlors • . ;with borders to match, eiclusire pattern& • . .•. ..„, •• , 4 `B RUSS E LS' ENGLISH• • • Noveltiqi in ENGLISH B RUSSELS CARPETS in Louis X , 4..sitarisrAiliainOtte,.pey... sian, Alhambra, Illuminated, and other styles, in entiroylieW And'Origittal draWings, . • t. ALSO, ENGLISH BRUSSELS FOR HALL AND STAIRS, All widths, with borders to match. • - - . . 1 000 . . PIECES NEW TAPESTRIES . . • Just Opened I.ooo.Pleces,of all the New Styles of Tapestries for, the season, .at • 3101:)E11,..A. f rE • J. .• .„ E. B. ORNE- • • NO. .904.. 'CHESTNUT STREET , PHILADLLYHiA •., •-• au3o mw s ,• ' • ''• . SPECIAL. NOTICES., FIRE-PROOF SAFES. ~. , „ • U . ATTENTION! - . ,• • • • - THE CAMDEN COUNTY CHAMPION , SAFES r• . REPUBLICAN INVINCIBLES • ' . , Will meet at Gaskell's ( Camden), PjtU.AnELrnot, Augpst 274869. FIFTH AND BENSON STREETS, Messrs. FARREL, , HERIIING & CO.: GENTLEMEN: In the year 1856 I unfortunately was in On Friday,September 3d, at 8 P.M., Sharp. businesain the Artisan Duilding,which was destroyed by fire on the 10th of April. I had thou in use what I sup- CHAS.J.HOLLIS will address the meeting, and the posed was a Fire-proof Safe, but upon opening itl found "LItitErnESSIBLE" SCOVEL will be there. everything destroyed, and fire burning therein. You will recollect, gentlemen, there was several of Ali who think that those who love LIBERTY and w h o: yonr safes in that fire, also several in the fire at: Sixth share her perils have the RIGHT to Share her honors, are and Commerce streets, the next:May, five 'weeks after invited to attend. wards, all of which upon being opened proved they wore fly order-of the Invineibles• fire-proof indeed, for I witnessed the opening of moat of- SAMUEL ARCHER. President. •theni, and in every case the contents were preserved, while safes of other makers were partially or entirely destroyed. lat once concluded to have something that I uwNotice to Stockholders. could depend-upon, and purchased one of your safes. The safe I purchased of you at that time was subjected OFFICE NESQUEHONING VALLEY -R. R. CO., to a white heat (which was witnessed by several gentle -122 S. SECOND Street, August 17th, 181;9. men that reside in the neighborhood) at the destruction Stockholders are hereby notified that the semi-annual of my Marble Paper Factory, 921 Wallace street, on. the payment of interest, at the rate of TEN per cent. per afternoon and evening of the 24th inst. After digging annum, ou the instalments paid in, will be made on and the safe from the ruins, and opening it this .morning, I after September Ist. ALSO, was maul pleased to find everything, consisting of Tliat the unpaid instalments of five dollars per share books ,papers, money. and silverware, - all right. I shall tip to instalment number live are now due, and !lilt the want another of your safes as soon as I can get a place Treasurer is authorized to receive payment 111 full from such us desire to melte it. to continue my business in. I could not rest contented interest at the rate of TEN per cent. per annum com- with any other make of Balm fleeces from the date of payment on the stock. CHARLES WILLIAMS, W. B. WHITNEY, Treasurer. ti.plB w f m Ise6rl)§ Marble Paper Manufacturer. - • jun CITY TIMAtil; HEWS OFFICE. HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES,' the PILE. [MIAMI %. Aug. 97, 1869. most reliable protection from fire now knoWn • HER city Vl'errants registering to 4000 oui,l of presentll - bal. 1 lite,. esreensing - truarliffirante7 -- JOS. N. PE 1 RSOL bluing hardened steel and iron with the Patent Frank -4el-3trOi .• City Treasurer. unite or SPI.EGEL ElSEN,Efurnish a resistant against WV 7 .I - IglisS OPHTHA - li - AllO - 4 - I:OSPITA'D - RACE ABOVE EIGHTEENTH • I known Openunityrll - 24. 01 . for treatmentof Ulf:Teases of the I eye. ATTENDING SURGEON, Dr. GEORGE C. HARLAN, 1006 Chestnut street. VISITING MANAGERS, EZRA, DYER, M. D., 1429 Walnut street. AMOS lIILLBORN, 44 North Tenth street. ELMORE C. HINE, M. D., 1824 Green street. w tf rp§ c?,; THE VINELAND FAIIt—SEPT. 17 and 18—affords the best opportunit y of the year tor a visit to the most remarkable uad successful settle : meat of the century: att3l.4t STATE_ . RIGHTS_._sALE. Wbtate rights of a valuable invention just patented, and designed for the slicing, cutting and chipping et dried beef. cabbage, Sic., aro hereby offered for sale. It is an article of great value to proprietors of hotels and restaurants, and it should he introduced into every fam ily. State rights • for sale, Model can be seen at the telegraph office, Cooper's Point, N. J. mv29-tf§ r• • MUNDY & 11011t'MAN.• u. J. E. GOULD, NO. 923 `CHESTNUTT street, is selling Stack 47. Co.'s anti llamas Bros.' Pianos andlittrison St Hainlin's Cabinet Organs nearly as tow a.v al arivforvier time. au27-tE 1109 GIRARD STREET. 1109 TrIRKISII, RUSSIAN, AND PERFUMED BATES Departments for Ladies Baths open from 0 A. M. to 9 P. M. Übß. FRANK PALMER, LL. D., SU - goon Artist, has just been commissioned by the Burgeon-General to supply tho Palmer Arm and Leg for mutilated Officers of the U. S. Army and Navy. The Governmental offices are to be located in Philadelphia, Now York and Boston, and are all conducted by Dr. PALMER. au27 if§ - • n REGULAR DE.IOCRATIC NOMINEE FOR LEGISLATURE, FIN.;COND DISTRICT, _ • . • WILLIAMC:OILLINGTIAM: ljy3 tf Istp§ to. HOWARD - ROSPIT.AL, NOS. 1518 and 1520 Lombard street , Diepetthary Department. —Medical treatment and medicine furnished gratuitously o the poor. SUMMER RESORTS. UNITED STATES HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Will Remain Open till Monday; . Septembei. 6th. BROWN & WOELPPER, Proprietors 01127 otip3, mawnamiaasimmo , P: : . ... - A - : : ::::. r :::i :.'..' : . -t.._...11:- . ':':'..G. •S. ' • E. B , ORN E'' . . ETTEA--'..-.CARPET EOM= 4- 4'VEI4 .- V - kTS For!el, Herring & Co., Philadelpliia. Herring, Farrel & Sherman, No. 251 Broadway, corner:Murray St., N. Y. Herring & Co:, Chicago. Herring, Farrel & Sherman, New Orleans. IVIIKUELLANEOUS. THE IMPROVED BA LTIMORE Fire-Place Heater, With ILLUMINATING .DOORS and WINDOWS, and MAGAZINE of sufficient capacity for fuel to last 24 lIOUR, at a cost of but 11 CENTS PER DAY. The most perfect and cheerful Heater in use. Having made arrangements with MR. 9. B. SEXTON, OF BALTIMORE, For the EXCLUSIVE manufacturing of these Heaters, vie are prepared to furnish them in large orAniall quan tities. - sold wholesale - -.retail by the Manufacturer, .. " - .J.OIIN - CLARK, 1008 -Market-Street. Bower() of imitations gotten up on the popularity of those Ifeatere. auS 2nl§ TRUNKS AND BAGS AT COST, To close the business by (Weber 15th. CROUCH, FITZGERALD it BROWN, nn1n1235 Chestnut Street. w f AC÷4.ZIN DES MODES. • 1014 WALNUT STREET MRS. PROCTOR. . Cloaks, Walking finite, Silks, • Dress ,Idoode, Lace Shawls, Ladiee'.Underclothing and Ladles' Pure. Drennan ma& In mewl ro in l'wentv-four Hours lvi Le+.0.61,113LE .INK A " L ' a Embroidering, Braidiqx ‘ Strinnidrig , die. M. A, TORLtLY, 1800 Hilbert street. " UIREMIIMUI $l/AN BLANKtTS, BLANKETS; heretofore met 'such unprecedented sale. ; Attention !especially directed to the quality,*size and weight of these . ,Blanets. They are manufaotindexpreasly for our sales, , *and wilt not be found in any otl#ef estibiiihMent. desired, and at the right price. CORNER 'EIGHTH AND MARKET STREETS. Invite the attention of Families, Public Institutions and the Proprietors of Hotels, Boarding Houses and Shipping to their large new stock of omprising all the varieties of style and width in every description or qfft - uartiALline.n_ f Made up ourselves from Linen of our own importation, and guaranteed to be of the very best quality. CORNER EIGHTH ND MARKET STREETS. QUILTS, QUILTAS, QUILT'S, We are again' receiving the, celehreted HURON BLANKETS which have HUIt'ON GOLD' MEDAL BLANKETS. 'SWANSDOWN BTAANKETS. :::,.,.. r .._.„..,..,,•:.:._,...,,..v„.,.: ,„ ,._ .... „, :,,,•,„ 1:;:-11....kIAQ,*.-.,*.4-mt;tT.A1..:1!,,JAI-lc:p4T,,,s.: ';,.. ,;.i,rl-IURON E.X 4A SvU-44y-pLAxxFqs. CRIB BLANKETS; EVERY , QUALITY: MARSIERALVS; BRIDAL, in the above goods, to be chic to show every customer the kind We aith: STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, 'CENTRAL DRY GOODS HOUSE, STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER HOUSEKEEPING DRY GOODS, Linen Sheetings, Linen Furniture Covers, Pillow-Case Linens, Table . Linens, Piano, Table and.Melodeon,Coverf4, Table' Cl.c•ths; S`triped,Table Cloverings, Table _ Napkins and .Thaylies, Cretonne Chintzes, Towels and growelings, Furnittii.e Covei-ings, Linen., Table Covers, Printe'd and Damask Dimities in colors, Linen Tilose.Cloths. STRAWBRIDGE '. :fB,-'-.--()LOTITIET;,.,: CENTRAL DRY GOODS HOUSE, QUJiJI!S QUILTS, QUILTS, IN QUILTS. AND ,HONJEYCOMB. TAMEN GOODS. SIIIET- BOSOMS, t B+g4rANKE 1 ~ BLANKETS. 'QUILTS, QUITS, • .7,1 42- • QUILTS. DIMITY, LA* AsTEH, a~~~ovs MEM MIMI