Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, September 01, 1869, Image 2
'4.6117::::11 lop 44 ~ e PiIZW PIIIBLIICATia ' AiAL I" The Life of John James AtuinbOn the Natu ralist, edited by his widow. ~ W ithAn intro , duction by Jaines Giant .. , Wilson.lSri o, int.. 443 Portrait. Pittnum & Sons. 1869. -0 Lovers of biographical literature are now in ; seine remarkably juicy aud suteulent revelations haVe .been latterly, set before ,the poottiebple in whom a natural curiosity abbot • other folks' histories is deyeloped in a particu larly dry and thirsty foirn. The, Atyopte, of - the - day iS Crabb Robinson; not so much - for *hat he VAS as for what he knew and had seen; '`This excellent person, in fact, was less of diameter himself than tilpolished and candid reflector of other people's personalities. IDA the other hand, Lander and -- Audubon, • whose Lives are ; aiming the late tumuisitions to • this Eon of literature, had.a superfluity of in dividualism, one as an extreme type of Jolm Bull, the other as the vivacious, active, genial Frenchman in his best, perfection. Of the latter ,ary agrteable7and. - - - - - tastefttl4lograPhyTper containing fewer sins of omission and commis- Sion.than Fosters a lore e the :poe has been prepared by the widow of the sub ject:* Mrs. Luey Atidubon. ThiS lady; by,the by; is a _Philadelphian, or very approximately so, and the earliest, bright , est, briskest "scenes in the memoir,, including love's young &earn, are laid in our immediate neig,libothood,rat this lady's hothe on Ferkio _ linen : Crelek, in : . the i vicinity of, Norristown. Here,' -Inalandscape of faints and natural bunting and fishing ; ' grounds, the brilliant ' Frenchman steps upon the scene as a light hearted youth, Conic to occupy his father's • : neighboring estate of Mill Grove. ,He instantly begins shooting and angling with Lucy's father, l'` Mr. Bakewell, and chalking love-letters, on a '' board exhibited at his window, to the fair Lucy berselL Audubon at this iimehaS no,presenti• • Mend.Of the adventures and pecuniary scrapes among which his life is to lie. :Reis a gay; ac complished French yOuth, full of the national self-admiration, "fair and_ ; rosy, strong as any one of Orli] age and sex could be, and as tie the 'arid agile Is a buck." He is an immense . ," • dandy, ,and blintz in. Satin breecheS and pumps. His mission in life is felt to be self-enjoyment, sport; sketching with the skill conferred by his lessons under the oelit David; , and spending every cent of the revenue obtainable from the • 'paternal ' possessions where he resides. A character better fitted to enjoy the ad - • venture,.--a better-corapounded mixture of the French-trapper_ok_the,wilderness and the _ pdit-nia itre. of the saloon, could hardly have been made to order, and Audubon's Philadel -74: phia life must have. been as nearan approxima- Lion to that of an elegant Greek hero out of pne of David's pictures as has been permitted to the nineteenth century and the new world. • Philadelphia, in fact, was always recurred to • with something of a fond home-feelliag; he learned to turn up here, in his many seasons of poverty and embarrassuient, and to throw hiniself upon the friendshipi of Sully and other generous citizens, An agent of his father's, sent to Mill Grove to explore for lead, finally assumed a kind of authority and tutorship over the young heir which the latter could not brook, curtailed his allowance, and . objected , 7 strongly re Lucy ; whereupon - Audubon walked • to New York in a fury, embarked for France, and put a period to, the first act of his life. Over the lest of the story there is less sun shine, And :more frequent clouds and flaws of wind. But the exigencies into which Audu bon now begins perpetually. to fall only serve to bring out the great originality and entertain ing charm of his character. On his first sight . of Niagara, he could not cross to Goat Island, not having the toll. He marries his • Lucy at twenty-eight, removes to the West, and con.-- trives to speculate away the whole of his re sources with unexampled promptness and corn pleteness. His father dies, leaving him seven teen thousand dollars, which, the improvident young man neglects applying for, and finally loses altogether by the insolvency of the '• • ti Ustee. In the narrative of his Western ram bles he recounts that terrible prairie adventure - with the old woman, the butcher-knife, the grindstone, and the faithful Indian, which used to freeze our young blood in distant school days, when the story was . conned among the liquorani notes of GWdFill, iTtieograplty ; and t to a neighboring period of his life, when hunt ---inprriTunrilre-'-kentrtelq--marks neni - belongs -- ttre - folluu lug ailnri, able , int - of - sketching nuE CiiON-11UNTElt OF ,lENTUCKT:.4... "The hunter has taken an axe from the wood-pile, and, returning, assures us that the night is clear, and that we shall have rare sport. He blows through his rifle to ascertain that it is clear, examines his flint, and thrusts a feather into the touch-hole. To a leathern bag swung at his side is attached a poWder-horn; his sheathed knife is there, also; below hangs a -strip-orboine-spun-lineni---He takes from his bag a bullet pulls with his teeth the wooden stopper from his powder-horn, lays the -ball on one hand, and with the other pours the powder upon it until it is just overtopped. Raising the born tb hiS mouth, he again closes it with the stopper, and restores it to its place. Ile introduces the powder into the tube, springs the box of his gun, greases the 'patch' over some melted tallow,' - or damps it, then places it on the honeycombed muzzle of his piece. The bullet is placed on the patch over the bore, and . pressed with the handle of the knife, which now trims the edges of the linen. The elastic hickory rod, held with both hands, smoothly pushes the ball to its bed : once, twice, thrice has it rebounded. The rifle leaps as it were into the hunter's arms, the feather is drawn from the touch-hole, the poWder fills the pan, .which is closed. ' Now lam ready,' cries the .woodsman." Three pages after the above, and, pertinent to the scene .and-the time, is his portrait ofthe .eccentric naturalist Balinesque, who was abroad in the Kentucky wilderness on the same erratutas his own. The strange creature probably had never encountered a friend more ready to forgive his peculiarities than the brother-baturalist whose . cremona he broke killing bats, and whose time, house andhospi tality generally he completely absorbed during his visit : • RAYINESQUE, THE NATURALIST. , " attire (reMarks Audubon) struck me as exCeedingly remarkable. A long, loose coat of yellow nAnkeemmuch the worse for the many 'rubs it had got in its time, and stained all over with the juice of plants, hung closely about him like a sack. A waistcoat of the same, with enormous pockets, and buttoned up to the chin, re,mhed below over,a, pair of tight pantaloons, the lower parts of Which were but toned down to the ankles. Ills beard was as long as l have known my own to be during sonic of my peregrinations, and his' lank, black „Ivor bung Joosely over his shoulders. Hi s fore_ ,~~}n~, r head' waso,broadfind prpuunent ,that any, tyro in phrenology - - ,instantly-hoe 06- flounced it, aid resigence of a IrritiO 0,) ,strong ['owe's. wordOnpressed amass' noe s of tigid t nith ;: and as Ae directed Rie,o9, , itTsattglo o the Stud* . of the 'natural sciences," to him with great delight. Ile requested to see my drawings, anxious to see the plants . I had introduced, pesides-the birds I had drawn.. Finding a Stiniige plant among draivings; he denied its authenticity ; but on my assuring him that it, grew in the neighborhood, he in sisted on going oil instantly to see it. ' When I pointed it, out, the - naturalist lost all command over his feelings, and behaved like-a. maniac in„.e.xpressing,liis delight. Vie, 'plucked the plants, one after another, danced, bugged me MI6 arms •and exultingly told the ; be had got not Merely new 'species, but a new genus. • , • • Audubon:DOW went down the Mississippi to Natchez and New Orleans. Arriving at the . latter place—i e guise of a beggar, by-the , by—he visits the painters, Jarvis and Vanderlyi4 the latter of whom, at first disposed to despise , the perspiriug enthusiast and his portfolios together, presently relents and gives the latter EfinchniFaliiiii-lin - fithw -- forml - -2,--Warra-letter of introduction. But Audubon, though ur practising • twenty arts, con no succee New, Orleans, and quickly ,Makes 'his way back : to '• Philadelphia. Nest, going West again, he findi his wife clearing $3,000 per • an- own as governess it ,BayOuSara.,' and instantly turns dancing-master for his • own part. His first ~ lesson, where sixty good-natured „ but awkward pupils; and all their parents; give ,Up the lesson, after reducing thetedeher to ageny, and then.beg him to dance to his Own music —: whicithe instantly does—is an exquisite bikof, genteel comedy. ;He earns two .thnitsatid by this strange speculation, hiS *wife assists • him out of her earnings, lie is enconraged to attempt . the publication of his drawings; and. so, at the, age of forty-six; he embarks for England 6n this errand, arriving in July, 18,26. With the• syni,Vhy and enceavagement of the 'first naturalists - and men of --letters- in Europe, Autlitbon's future, thorighnot delivered from difficulty, was secure of one kind suc cess, He became a celebrity. The peculiar halo of romance and pOpular interest followed his steps, and his, steps .•presied almost every Part of the American continent: From Florida to Labrador, and from the ,well-loved.and oft revisited Philadelphia neighborhood to Texas and the remotest spurs of the Rocky Moun tains, at a time when the West was a hunting ground, he carried hiS 4een.eye and his un erring gun, al the time keeping up that in tensely pictin'eSque chronicle of his doings, the extracts from which, enrich his great works as - well as this More portable record. Then, in old age, came repose; modest competence, and the delight of fighting his battles o'er again in that beautiful home on the Hudson, which pro tected his silvered head and his last days. He died, in profound peace, in 1851.. Mrs. Audubon has made a Charming bio graphy. There is no book in our 'literature which leaves a more keen, adventurous sense of delight. The ,publishers have illustrated it with a view of the naturalist's little house and deer-park, and a splendid engraving from In man's spirited portrait. Gen. James Grant Wilson, 'the biographer of Halleck, furnishes a genial introduction. All have done their part well, and the book is ready for a place on the shelf consecrated to literary pets. We receive a copy from Porter & Coates. The Knickerbocker edition of Irving's works, now in course of completion, has re ceived the addition of a fine volume, .contain ing the early papers, biographical sketches, and miscellanies of the father of the Atherican . Essay. This collection , opens with the "Letters of Jonathan- Oldstyle,_ Gent. com menced by Irving in the Morning Chronicle in 1802 ; they are full of adolescent grace and liveline s, and even at this day, when the squib, as a work of art, has been refined and colleen atol, admirers will still be found for their courtly tartness and their leisurely way of handling satire. The Biographies which make up the volume are mostly from personal recol lection, and contain many pleasant incidental notices of the writer, a greater literary hero than any of his subjects. His recollections of Allston, Campbell and Talma only vie in im portance with those of the . fine old sea-dogs (sketches prepared in 181'3-14 for Moses' 1--Thomags-Izhiladelphiq monthly, Lawrence, Burrows, Perry and Porter. :-.These—crisp,..,yottrq—woriisoV4sl l Mgt94- ving:s_firstAids_ fame, are indispensable to all who appreciate, and do honor to their libraries by accumulating, the writings of de licious Diedrich Knickerbocker.—Agent, 3. K. Simon, 29 South Sixth street. Rev. Dr. Clamming to the London Times Hls Letter to the rope. - Witli itiference to the General Council, sum moned by Pius IX. to meet at Rome on De cember Bth, ReY: Dr. Cumming :writes to the London Times: Pius IX. is liberal enough to invite -" Pro testants in general," not as possessed of valid orders, and only in a state of schism like the Greek Church, but as heretics in doctrine, with vitiated orders in every instance, from the Archbishop of Canterbury down to the ob scurest DisSenting Minister. Nobody seemed disposed, in answer to this request, to offer to make an appearance. It seemed to many, however, that the invitation deserved at least an acknowledgment—corporate and official, if possible ' • if not, by some one - 4 ' who felt that he was able "to give a reason for the hope that is in him," and another for his . rejection of the distinct dogmas of the Church ,of Rome. It therefore - occurred - tome, as' one-in -- sortie. de gree acquainted with the subject, and pleased rather than otherWiSe With' - the 'POWs inyita tion, to take some preliminaiT steps for my in struction and guidance before writing to Rome to infokm Cardinal, Patrizzi that I accepted the invitation, and would appear at the bar of the ensuing Council. Accordingly i wrote to Arch bishop Manning, begging of him, as the chief minister of his Church in England, such 'infor-; minion as he might feel it proper or expedient to furnish on these points only, namely: - Shall Ibe heard? Shall I have freedom of speech within the limits prescribed by , the nature.of the Council ? Shall Ibe allowed to show why we Protestants stand aloof from the Roman Church, and what We should require of her in order to enable us to restune communion. with her as a branch of the Church Universal? The Archbishop sent me a long and courteous reply, assuring me we should meet with all charity - and respect in waking any grave and earnest commmication to the • Council. At the same time he expresSed his inability to give any information as to the otodu.s agen - di at the said Council, this, he added, depciitling on the higl:est authority of all. The Archbishop was gr (Al enough to send me his work entitled "The VIE DAILY BVPUNGI3IIILETIN-PHILADELPHIA WEDNESDAY S "rEMBER 1 , 1869. THE 4ECEMENICAE COUNCIL. ZIO,VW iTerripbrahldisSion of the't[6.ll%.h ost,",'atu'k to, efferiOrsend others which,tdiaPPened to calculated to 'gklyeli*ampler-iin7or •;tinatinf3( on this very subjecktlianite could Con vietfieutlY :send me in wiltf,ng:NNothing„i4u , . efeceedlhe :Courtesy and:7,,, , eabdni• of the Arefi bishep,in his replies to 4. huldhies. 1 read, first of all, most carefully theNvork: I already possessed, entitled ",England and Christen the etliefiiiiiklieltifidly sent me, "The Temporal MissionLof,, the Holy GhostA" In both works the"author ;asserts re peatedly, and in the strongest. terms, what expect is to be authoritatively declared at, the, approaching Cotineil4Orst;,the absolute 'per sonal infallibility of, the Pope," speaking to 'inarty or few;liy''brief, or htill';" 'and secondly, the absolute •infallibility of a General or Eetimenical Council-each; affirms, equally •completely infallible in the first ' century, 'in the , fifteenth century, '.and 'in the : nineteenth- century : 'To these decrees, thus +infallible and Inspired by 'the Holy Spirit, ,we areto, fisterras to those of divinely7inspired APOstles: : Their- decrees and dogmas we are aeceptlas the' very; word of God. I replied to his ',Polite; letter at great length,"§hoWing that; in the ,history of his Church, I have found 'Abet : Council decrees 7-figainst-ropelindagUinstflounn ell, and ' Pope contradicts - Pope, and ounell — anathematizes — Ciatumilit and—that-- in the Roman Chtfreh there :is a historic concordia cliscors . rendels it in all respects ,the Most7digunited' Church in Christendoin. - Whatever, therefore, the ap proaching Council may decree, I shall be pre pared tin adduce a contrary., decree 'from the canons of previous councils; or bulls 'and en cyclicals of Popes, or frOm both; should I be al lowed to speak,and to provethat, with all their confessed divergencies, there is in the Protestant Chtirch, in all its branches, a more thorough and pervading unity than ROnie, is at present disposed to admit or Protestants \always ready to . assert. But on turning to the appendix of "England and ChristendOm"—Which the Arch bishop commends to my study.for information —a Pope's infallible judgment on the recep tion to be accorded to a schismatic or heretic appearing . and claiming to .be ,heard at a General Council is given at length. This is, of course, conclusive. It is , as:follows : "Before any question is treated or discussed with here tics, one thing, which is a Matter of both divine and human aw, must be strictly observed— that , they should first give in their . adhe sion to the .tribunal and' the. Judge, and. acknowledge. that the. Church of Christ is one spread throughout the world, and that her one head is the Vicar of Christ, and that a law ful General Council 'is to be summoned and approved by that same headVand they will sub mit to the decrees, determinations and declara tions of the said Connell, But, if they decline this, they ought in no case to be heard; and are to be dealt with as condemned schismatics and heretics." In attending the • Council I must, according to these' instructions, incur grave personal risk, plainly threatened in this infal lible decree. Especially must I bear, in mind, in the circumstances the teaching of Lens, Liguori, Alphonso de. Castro; the Episcopal oath, the Lateran canons, the corpus juris canonic/ i and :as the Church •of Roble is semper eadem, her treatment of such a heretic as she considers me to be must be such as she has solemnly enacted and carried out in all similar cases. The Archbishop does not give or promise me any hope of exemption from the penalties de creed, or . promise of suspending pro tempore this Papal rescript for my speelal benefit. He must see that I should not like "to be dealt with," that is to say, consigned to a bonfire, as John Huss was in similar circumstances. The Archbishop, as I have already stated, refers me to the Supreme Head of the Church for a so lution of my difficulties. have, therefore, written to Pope Pins IX., with all respect and deference, a short , letter in the accustomed ecclesiastical Latin and form. This letter in this form 'I inclosed under cover to Cardinal Patrizzi, and respectfifffiy begged that His Eminence would be pleased to present it to the Sovereign Pontiff, but I have received as yet no reply. No doubt an answer will reach me in sufficient time,: to enable me, should it be favorable, to roake.my arrange ments to appear dt , Rothe, December, 8, 1869, as one of the "Protestants in general" whom the Supreme Pontiff has been good enough to invite. I our persuaded that if you send, .as you no doubt will, a reporter to the successive meetings of the Council, he will not be able to report any language used by me or the others nconsistent with the courtesy we owe ,or ,the respect we feel to the Sovereign Pontiff and he assembled prelates. We shall, lam sure, exhibit all the. candor of reasoners, the charity of Christianity, and the homage of men in vited to appear in another realm and before a venerable synod to enunciate the grounds on which they retain their separation from Rome and their adherence to the • Church of the Re formation. TEE LETTER To THE POPI• The following - c is a translation of Dr..Cum "B"'sisAter. : Holy Father : You have been pleased to in vite to the (Ecitmenical Council the Protest- - --antsquid-others-who-are'divided-atal-separitted from-the-Citurcli-Jof-Roine----Wa,-are—helutily grateful for the invitation, and are earnestly desirous to he present in the Council. During the-cotihse of the year I have sent many letters to the Most Reverend Dr. Manning, in order to get information as to the extent to which liberty of speaking will be granted to us. The most reverend and learned Doctor, with much courtesy, replied to me on this point in these words : "I am unable to give you au answer as to the mode 'of proceeding. The SupreßlP_ authority alone can furnish you with that." For this reason, Holy Father, I. earnestly be seech you to be pleased to inform me whether, in the approaching Council, we shall be al lowed the liberty of speaking, and bringing' forward the reasons for which we Protestants are separated and divided from.the Church of Rome. I am your Holiness's obedient servant, JOHN CUMMING, D. ., ^ Presbyter of the Scotch Church. TRIMMINGS AND PATTERNS. MRS. M. A. BINDER, ARTISTE DES MODES, 1101; N. W. corner Eleventh and Chestnut streets. This opportunity is taken to announce that I have just returned from Paris and London with the latest Fall Fashions-these designs being personally selected, and modeled from the greatest novelties, and trimmed in a superior style-and will open WEDNESDAY, September 1,180, with French and EnftlisliThressils. Cioaks, Manteletts, Sleeves, and Clnldren'e COAIIIIIWI,R be de Chambro and. Breakfast DfetltifA. -Dress and Cloak Making in every •ariety. Wedding Trousseaux furnished ut short-notic and reasonable ukes. n ibbo R n -Rett l_ s T a r esina u nd...folu _L ipure a es, - Roman and. Plaid Paris Jewelry, neatest styles of Jet, G and Shell, the rarest and most elegant ever oftered. air Bands, Combs and Regal Nets. Dress and Cloak Trimmings, the most tasteful' that are to be secured in the French thetropoliii, wholesale and retail. Bridal Veils and Wreaths. Rid Gloves,7s cents and $1 per pair. Exclusive agent for Mrs. M. Work's celebrated system for cutting ladies' dresses, BaCtIUOfI,IIIIBIIIICH,ACC. niyl6tfrp WINDOW SHADED A GOOT) THING. Important to HOuseke pers, Hotels, Banks, 'Offices;-&c. The Patent Adjustable Window Screen WILL FIT ANY WINDOW, Give ventilation and light, screen from view and exclude }Mpg, Illosqui!mes aud °titer Insects. For goo by Dealers in Douse-irurnishing 06ode. The Adjustable Window Screen Company' SOLE MANUFACTURERS, R 23 Mtirket Street, Philada je74 m w faturp„ F• - := . 1( Tif.,2t - ljtaßjat. 1 .. - • HIL A D , WiT TYPE OVEEEY rat rniiziTzini7" .11:111,463 IRG WARELEIRIUSE,':,*(," Established ail The subscriber, having greatly increased facilities for manufacturing,- , calls varticular 4attention'to'"his'New' Series of Classic Faces of Xook and Newspaper Types, which will compare . favorably with those of any other Founder., .11W practical experience in all branches ap• pertaining to the Manufacture of Type, and the fact of constant Personal Supervision of each ddpartment of his business, is the best guarantee offered to the Printer of tiniehed.and-durnble article, 1 , 'A , 4 ; EverYthing.'necessarY ..10' `coniplete Printing Es• tablishment inraished at the Shortest notice. " . •• -. • AGENT FOR. HOE, TAYLORi- DORDONCAMPBELL DERENER, - POTTER AND. ALL OTHER • FREfREMANUFACTURERS. H ' Sole Agents rot thiii CitY " . . H. 'TV.' W ADE di "CO.'S UNRIVALED INKS. A good article is a ,eaving of money. Sir Ohio ue a trial, • _ • L;PELOUZE, N. W. corner of THIRD and CHESTNUT Streets. my3l-m wf tf „ . Philadelphia Pa. . GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, FINE'-lyft - gss:sin.gi t y:s NOVELTIES. MMU J - •..W,.,5C.0TT.' - :..4.:±0.Q4 No. 814 'Chestnut Sireet, Philadelphia, Four doors below Continents M aim w tt PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT mANuFAoTo4Y. Orders for these celebrated Shirts supplied promptly on brief notice. • • GentlemenN Furnishing Goods, . styles in full e Of late variety. • `WINCIIESTER:& CO • 706 01-lEStNUT. f tf THE FINE ARTS. Established 1795. A. S. ROBINSON FRENCH PLATE LOOKING GLASSES, Beautiful Chromos, ENGRAVINGS AND PAINTINGS, Manufacturer of all kinds of Looking. Glass, Portrait &Picture Frames. 910 CHESTNUT STREET, Fifth Door above the Continental, FHILADELPIIIA. SUDDARDS & FENNEMORE, Artists and Photographers, HAVE OPENED THEIR NEW GALLERIES, No. 820 arch Street. Call and see them. Pictures in every style,and satis faction guaranteed. N. 11.—All the Negatives of REELER /t PENNE MORE, late of No. 5 S. EIGHTH. Street, have been re moved to the New Galleries. lel2 e w GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &t,. NEW SPICED SALMON, FIRST OF THE SEASON. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets, BLACK AND GREEN TEAS. A large nebortment of the finest quality of Oolong, Young Hyson, Imperial, Gun powder, Japan and Chulan Teas. Also, the finest gimfity of Old Government Java and Mocha Coffees/_ Always on Land at very low prices. _BISI.ON___COLT_ONI4 CLARKE 8. W. cor. Broad and Walnut. WHITE, BRANDY FOR PRESERVING. —A choice article just received and for sale at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. US South Second street, below Chestnut street. NEW GREEN GINGER.-400 POUNDS of choice Green Ginger in • store and for sato at COUSTY'S East. End Grocery, No. 118 South Second — street; below - Chestnut street. NEW MESS SHAD .AND SPICED, IA Salmon, Tongues and Sounds, in prime - order, just received and for sale at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. 118 South Second street. below Chestnut afoot. Q 01J P S.—T OM.A T 0, . - PEA, MOCK 1.3 Turtle and :Ninon Soups of Boston Club Manufac ture, one of the finest articles for pic-nits and salting parties. For sale at COMITY'S East End Grocery, No. l l 8 South Second Street, below Chestnut street. I)UItE SPICES, GROUND AND WHOLE X —Pure Eng Gob Mustard by the pound —Choice White Wine and Crab Apple Vinegar for pickling in !dove, and for eale at MUSTY'S Eaet End Grocery, No. 118 South Second street. below Oheetnut street. GOVERNMENT SALE. ... A t,t.,'i lON SALE OF HOSPITAL RED- A.. DING,_ CLOTHING, DRESSINGS, &c. 1 As? , T MEDICAL PURVEYOR'S OFFICE, : - NV Asiiixoxo - N, D: C., Aug. 30, 1869. W 11 be sold at Public Auction, in this c ty, on , TUESDAY; , the 28th day of Septeniber, 1869, at Judiciary Square Depot, E street, be tween Fourth and Fifth streets, at 10 A. M., a large quantity of:Hospital Property,consisting of Bellding, Clothing and , D,ressings, - among • which will be found the followingrviz- , .3,000: - Bed Sacks, 2,500 Blankets, 4;000 Counterpanes; 4,000 Gutta. Percha Bed Covers, 4,500- Hair Pillows, 5,000 Pillow Cases, 5,000 Linen Sheets, 15;000 Drawers,ls,ooo Shirts,' 3,000 Socks, 13,000 dozen Roler Bandages: Also,Napkins, Cotton and Woolen Tape, Picked Lint,Cotton Wadding, Red Flannel, Saddlers' Silk, Linen •Thread, 14,000 pounds Condensed Milk, 20,000 pounds Beef Extract. All the above articles are new and never have • been used: Catalogues, containing. full particulars ready ten days before sale. T erms: Cash, in Governnaent funds ;25 per ' cent. deposit required at time Of, sale, and all goods to be removed in five days. CHAS:'SUTHERLAND,: , . Assistant Medical Purveyor, BreVet• Colonel U. S. A. , . au3otse4ine§ COAL AND WOOD. S. MASON EINES. , ZOIIN F. 131111AVV• Tnr, ,UNDERSIGNED'INVITE AIw.PEN . tion to•their stock of Spring Ilduntain,Lehigh and Loctiet 'Mountain Coal, which, with the 'preparation given by no, wo think can not be excelled by any other Coal. Office, Franklin lnetitute Building, No: 16 S. Seventh arced. WINES & SHEANF, .lalo-if Arch otreet wharf, Schuylkill. OffUntne/C.fggSflirli i ;i:i. " • i ^ ,CAPE IS AA -NlO • A. prot-clasoAEg..7_,„tV•ja,carta,will bs. oned by ADOLPIrant :14treet. Philadelph - nth of.Junet under the dAme and title of IIsiAISON DOICEE* 4 at the corner of WASH INGTON and JACKSMlllto4 , ,known am Ilart'o Cottage, air Families will be outlined at the Cottage. Lodging Rooms by Darer Week to Bent. MOUNTAIN HOUSE,' / CRESSON SPRINGS, PA. Will remain open until September 2Mltly 1869. nu2Blot9 . W. INlULLEN,Propristor. THE. CHALF 0 N TE," ATLANTIq 0/TYIN,J. Vl•lBll.kit.oipiltgEtizi, nult;fm4 E3EC RSIONS. = • !adrs i t k peilltBlol , l TRIP TO CAPE:` Alt •on TI111118DAY; - Sept 2d. Tho au now steamer, Ludy of the Lako,wilimalteartßactir ;ion and her .LAST, TRIP to Cape May onalWarf leaving'Arch atrect wharf 'at O'A:rd; atiff'rettitz -on rEIDAY, ,Facuraion Tlckote; including Carrlago 12 CO. ..ach way. including Carriage Hire. BUSINESS CARDS. _ilestabUsiteAAS.2l, —VaIL-GaIARAGAit & SON HOVE AND sin)? PliAntilmas , No. 126 Walnut Street. iy7lyi 'HMES A. WRIGHT, I'lloloo'oN TIILIS, CLILMENT A. ORII. WRIOIrt, N FRANK L. EALL. PETERViItIGHT & SONS, Importers of earthenware _ 131tippin and Commiselonlferchants, No. 115 Walnut street, Philadelphia. - Ut_ B. , AU. ATORNEY-AT•LAW.'" Commissioner of Deeds for the titstO of PoinisYlvatua in Illinois. r 9 6 Madison street, No. 11, Chicago, Illinois. aul9ll§ C 0 TTOI4 SAIL DUCK OF EVERY width, from 22 inches to 'flinches wide. all numbers Tent and Awning Duck, Paper-maker's 'Felting L ffail Twine tic , • JOHN W, EV3IR2IAI2, , ja26 No. 303 Church. Street, City Eitores. RIVY WELLS.— OWNERS OF PROP 'erty—The eonly place to get privy liellacleansed and disinfected at very lw, priCka. A. PEYSSON. Kann , : fiwtorer of Ponfireito.Goliiamith'a Han. Library street SHIPPERS , GUIDE. T' op. 'BOST QI_N.—STEAM SHIP LINE .1 . DIRECT. SAILING FROM EACH PORT EVRRY .Wednefiday and Saturday. FROM PINE STREET WHARF, PIIILADELPILIA, • AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON . ' FROM PUILA-DELPULAI FROM BOSTON. ' SA XON,Wednesday,Sept.ll ARIEI!),W edneetlay, Sep t . 1 NORMAN, Saturday, " 4 ROMAN, Satuntay, . 6 ' 4 ARIES; Wedneoday, " S SAXON, Wednesday, " 8 ROMAN,Salunlay, ' 6 II NORMAN, Saturday," II SAXON,Wedneeday, " 15 ARIES. WeelneadaY, " 15 .NORMAN Saturday," 22 IS ROMAN, Saturday, " 18 ARIES, 1 6 , ednenday "SAXON, Wednesday, " 22 ROMAN , Saturday, " 251 NORMAN. SatureheY," 25 SAXON; Wednesday ARIES, Wednesday, " 21 These Steamships sail punctually. Freight received every day: . Freight forwarded to all points In New England. Fes Freight or Fasaage s (superior accommodations/ apply to HENRY WINSOIt At CO., „158 South Delaware *venue. PPHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHEItN MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S REGULAR. LINES FRO3I QUEEN STREET WHARF. The JUNIATA will sill for NEW ORLEANS on Tuesday. Sept. 7, at BA. 31. The YAZOO will sail from NEW ORLEANS. via HAVANA, Sept. - . The WYOMIIaI will sail for SAVANNAH on Saturday, Sept. 4. at t , o'clock A. DL • • The TONAWANDA will sail from SAVANNAH on Saturday. Sept. 4. The PIONEER will sail for WILMINGTON, N.C.,on Saturday, Sept. 11. at 8 A. M. Through bills of lading sined, and passage tickets sold to all points South and West. BILLS of LADINO SIGNED at QUEEN ST. WHARF. For freight orpassage, apply to WILLIAM L. JAMES, General Agent, ; 130 South Third street. DHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND. AND NORFOLK STEADISHIP LINE. THROUGH. FREIGHT AIR LINE TO THE SOUTB AND WEST. • • EVERY SATURDAY , a Noon, from FIRST WHARF MARKETeet. THROUGH BATES to all points in North and South Carolina via Seaboard Air-Line Railroad, connecting at Portsmouth, and to Lynchburg, Va.. Tennessee and the Viest via Virginia and Tennessee Mr-Line and Rich mond and Danville Railroad.. Freight HANDLED BUT O'NCE.and taken at LOWER BATES THAN ANY OTHER LINE. The regularity, safety and cheapness of this route commend it to the public an the most desirable medium for carrying every description of freight. No charge for commission. drayage, or any expense for transfer. • Ste/mist:4ls Insure at lowest r ates. Freight received DAILY. • WILLIAM P. CLYDE, tit co. N 0.12 Smith Wharves end Pier No. 1 North Wharves. W. P. PORTER, Agent ain't:Jur/owl and City Point. T% P. CAOIN EL 'L k CO., Agents at Norfolk. FOR - LI Vll - E P OL—W I T HA) EtiI?ATCI-1 _ The'llue first-claAa liark"3lexicati," Welch, in:Wter, tatccevils the —David McNutt." mid having the bulk of her cargo engaged, will have dexpatch at; above. For baliaice uf frelFht apply to - [aura-It PETER WRIGHT & SONS, Walnut street. FOR LIVERPOOL.-THE STRICTLY first-cities hark DAVID IiEcNUTT,LO2 tons register, CaptainLockhart,—This • vessel sneceeds the 11,6,ie Harris, being of small capacity, and having the bulk of ter cargo engaged, will have dempateh. For batsace of freight or passage, apply to Pi Trat wntowr hONS, 115 Walnut ritre,4, 1 hiiadclphfn.. uuil tf EW EXPRESS LINE TO A LEXAS -11 drift, Georgetown and Washington, Di C., via Ches. apeake nod Delaware Canal, with : connections ut Alex andria from the most direct route for Lynchburg, Ilris tol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Southwest. • Steamers leave regularly from the first wharf above 31arket street, every'Saturday at 0001. Freight South`d daily. W3E. . CLYDE & CO-, No. 12 \Vbar'ves and Vier INorth Wititrves. HYDE de. TYLER, Agents at Georgetywn. • IC ELDRIDGE . CO., Agents at Alexandria, Va. 40. "1 1 710E7- 7 F - OR - N - E -1,- -Y-ORK,--VIA-D i AWARE AND' RARITAN CANAL EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPANY.. A PLST_and_CLOICKEST Wftter Gen between —titeutnaritiertve daily from first wharf, below Market street, Pit ibidelpbia, and foot at Walt sfreetik7 Goods forwarded by all the lines running Out of New York—North, East and West—free of COlUllai anion • Freight received and forwarded on CO term . WM. P. CLY,DE CO.. Agents, s No. 12 South Delaware avenue, Philadelphia. JAB. RAND, Agent, No. 119 Wall street, Now York: I\TOTICE.—FOICRENV YORK, VIA DEL. .1 AWARE AND RARITAN CANAL, SWIFTSVRE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. __._. fiftiVAIOY7ANITSWITTMI.TRII LINES. The bueineee of these lines will be resumed on and after the 19th of March. For-freight, which will be taken on accommodating tennuopply to WIT.: & CO., No. 132 South Wharves.— TIELAWARE AND CHESAPEAKE if Steam Tow-Boat Company.—Barges towed between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Ravi.° de Grace ! Delaware City and intermediate points. • WM. P. CLYDE & CO.,Agents;, Capt. JOHN LAUGH LIN, Supt Office, 12 South Wharves, Philadelphia. OTICE—F OR NEW YORK, 'VIA: DEL - - ,111 aware and Raritan Canal—Swiftsfire TransPorta non Company—Despatch and Swiftsure, Lines. The brisiness by these Lines will be resnmed on and after the Bth of March. For Freight; which will be taken on accommodating terms, apply to WM. M. BAIRD & CO:, 132 South Wharves. - V - ORTSALE.--THE FIRST-CLASS j 2 American Bark BRILLIANTy' Regleter, 625 Tone deadweight, 5,500 Flour Barrels capacity; with partially rebuilt and thoroughly overhauled in m. For further particulars apply, to WORKMAN dc CO., 123 Walnut street. CONSIGNEES'. NOTICES. CONSIGNEES' NOTICE. -CONSIGNEES of merchandise,per British Bark "Bertha Temple," Mitchell, Master, from London, will please send their permits on board, to ut the office of the undersigned. General order-will he issued. onSaturday} 3 M., 28th when all goodspot permitted will be scut to' public etores..,WOß.lol.A.N & 0104 Consignees, ;123AValnut NOTICE.--CONSION RFS OF 320 7 PrECES ,of (SO feet new) Bailroad Iron, from Newport, 'Wales, by brig Annie Batchelder, will please come for ward, pay freight, and take the same away, otherwise they will be stored at owners' expense. WORKMAN 4 CO., 123 Walnut street. . 0 TIC L harbßSONSin E he cautioned against org or tr Aß usting nifir of the crew of the British Bark "Bertha Temple,.• Alitchell, Master, ab no,debts of their contracting will be paid by Ca .tain or Consignees. WORKMAN & CO. GAS, ,FIXTIIRIES. 9(3 F.EXTITREI3.—MigICEY - MERRILL TBACKARA, No. 718.0liestnut street, mantlfae," Wren of Gas Fixtures, I.IIITIPS, ft., would: call the attention of the public to their largo and elegant assort ment of.. Gas Chandeliers Pendants, Brackets, did. .They also introduce gas pipes into dwellings and public build ings, and attend to extending, altering and. repairing gat! Pima:ple. All work warranted, " ' xTAVAL. STORES. r ' ' • 11 ti6B bbbit Bonin. 100 bhls. (1 - I)Piteb. .' • . - 110....bb1e. Tar. 163ibble. Slita. Turriantine. • • Now landing from [steamer Pioneer, from NV ibnington, N. C., and far Fain by COWMAN, li.t.leiSELL ek CO., No. 11.1 Cheatinit atreet. •-,::_. je3o tf CAUTION. ,;‘, 1 ?,1* '4IV.INALICIAL. TI OUSE ;4:;,; YCOOK-FACp. 1,, ' I :, • ; 112 and 114 So. THIRD ST. PriILAD'A .13 . 11AltpEIRS t, e IN ALL 60tERNINEN'eSECURITIES :Wevill,M 3 4oo ,l tOPlicatitela for, Ponoiefrot: -Life 'limn:mance in the new - National Life surance Company of the United States. Fall information:givOrtatvorroflice.' , s.l 1 , 4 Doi 4 • ,** ' "" 1‘141:1 - 1••:-- . /Oa pealere in V.'N. U.N.llondiand ]l embers' of Meek and Gold < Exc han ge, receive an. counts of Bankmand Baeni on liberal. O. J. Itanihrci tOl'on,ton4On. — B. Metzl • n & Co., franiderd - . Jetties W. 'Tucker & Co., Paris. nd other ritinaspat dues, and testers of Credit available tbrougbout Europe S. W. earner Third and Chestnut Streets. DE ',NEti Ilta 313A.Z4T3K3ElitS, AND DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, UNION PACLEIC RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, GOLD, &c., 40 Soiitb Third St. evetr A RELIABLE HOME INVESTMENT THE FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS OF TIIZ Wilmington and Reading Railroad, BEARING INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. Lti CURRENCY, Payable April and October. free_Or State and United States Taxes. This rend rim tbrough a thickly PaPldated and !deb agricultural and manufacturing district.• For the prebent pro aro offering a limited =omit of the ahoy e'bondo at ' 85 Cents.. and Interest. Tho connection of this road with the, rennaslvan and Rending Railroads insures it a Inrgo and remunerative , trade. We recommend the howls an the cheapovt first claEs invei.tment In the market. WM. PAINTER & CO., artirerwaniVDenlertrin - 431evetiliments ,-- - 343--S---THIRD-STREET,, PILLILADELPIIIA. .711A.CHINRRY. IRON, &V. CUMBERLAND NAILS, . $4 80 PER KEG, Containing 100 lbs. Nails; other brands of - $.l - 00 per keg-v-Rordnum9s Barbed- Blind Staples, $4. 50 per box of 10 lbs. Staples; Mintier Hinges; from 12 to 17 in.. Complete with Mallrefl, 75 eta: per set; 11.2 in. Frame Pulleys, 25 els.; 1 3.41 in: 20 ets. per doz.; Rim Locks and linObs $5 per dozen, at the Cheap-for the-Cash litarduare and Tool Store of J. B. SHANNON, 1009 Marget 'Street. my22-B to th MERRICK & SONG A • SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY 930 WASHINGTON Avenue, Philadelphia, • • MANUFACTURE STEAM ENGINES—High and Low Pressurejlorizon fat, Vertical, Beam, Oscillating, Blast and Cornish Pumping. . ' BOTLEltb—Cyliinier, Flue, Tabular,' Sto. STMAIIIII 'AlllMEßS—Nasmyth and Davy stiles, and I all sizes. CASTINGS—Lem, Dry and Green Sand; Brass, &a. ROOFS—Iron Frames, for covering with Mato or Iron. TANKS—Of Cast or Wrought Iron,for refineries, water, - GAS MACHINERY—Such as.ltetorts, B01)01 Castings and-Frames,. Purifiers, Coke' atal Charcoa ' Barrows Valves Governorsoin. , SUGAR IdACHINERY—BucIi as Vacuum Pans and Pumps, Defecutors, Bone Black Filters, Burners, Washers and Elovators, Bag Filters, Sugar and Bone Black Cara, &c. Sole manufacturers of the following apedialties: In Philadelphia and vicinity ,of William Wright , s Patent Variable Cut-off Steam Engine. In the United States, of Weston's Patent Self-center ing and Self-balancing Centrifugal Sugar-draining Ma chine. Glam.& Barton's improvement on Aspirtwall WooliloY'a Centrifugal. Bartol's Patent Wronght-Iron Retort Lid. • Straban's Drill Grinding Rest. Contractors for the design erectionllnd fitting up of Be fineri .s for working Sown. or Molasses. , VOPPER :ANA. YELLOW METAL VV Sheathing, Bruzier'e C o pper Bolts and Ingo__ .V.E'rsrakraCr. t .lto o l32 hand.unilla saki by liENltl3oUth Wharves. ;•' BOOTS AND SHOES. tiNOTICE TO' THE PUBLIC GENE RALLY. .. , . . Tbe latest style, fashion and assortment of 00T8, BROEti Alff.) GAITERS; °EOE. MEN AND Can be bad at EII.NEST 1301"1"8, No. 230 NORTH NINTH STREET. Better than anywhere in the City. A Tit Warranted. ' Ira Om§(DYE HIM A CALL. mai •JMU3LII;JMAIIC 0911111:11411M, Pox C;AnLoti iiialgdfgißitglaitd; it Ives.. cut Oetpairhig making An nenAdng Art inturr.edlonary.nianiferito isiflei*c*/ lated in France. - I ZNOLISII crops will be ;cry lajge, and the price of cereals is declining. THE Sabine hoax is ;denie,d Officially . at the American Legatiosif in Parii. WA.Gow trains are still frequently attacked by Indians in New Mexico. .• , , iti SinnuitA.tWasr it Ilatigor . Yester day, and to-day he goes 'to Augusta. E. BARBER was yesterday appointed 'as sessor of the Seventh District of INMUIVania. , TOL Empress Eugenie is reperted lying sick at Ajaccio. The 'Frin g e Imperial will,•there fon3,:attend-the-N-aPoleCiiiiefeativities alone. -- Tur. American Spiritual Association held its annual meeting. at. Bit alo yesterllay,twp;litn4-,. Ared,delegates being'present. — - . ; Tin miners of the Delaware and Lacka ivalitta ( 1 0111palt)r, at §qt•antOni'Voteci 441 to 2,2 X, to reskineMrork..,:, '1; L. Cr. Mons, an. editor, of Meriden, Con necticut. was horsewhipped in that city yes terday, by Wilber7, Parker,.. whom lie had criticised in his " MINISTER, SICKLES 1S instructed to ne4oti at6 wjtlytho,Apkibb,4lorn*virt for thr r 1 ` don; - of Oh thd - CiibattS to pai fof the Sp:sh ish forts Atblic &e. - •• 'Tun .reported conspiracy on the United States frigate Sabine, and the execution of sevenconspirators,ls declared • false by a cable , despatch. . ' ' • . THE First National Bank of Albany, N.Y. is in treable yvith its cashler,„*.latn,Yan., Allen; whoitecOndttet!ls now rindergoirg;an invecati gation by the Directins.•• SEVEN firma hi Bostort.4veclaims amount ing to $200,000 upon a 'bOot andshoe firm of st. Louis, 'which failed recently, and three of , the lionaeiritin nearlimined brtho babe-ball'inatch in Wash n, yester ' - day between the Athletic, of Philadelphia, and the National, of that'city; resnited'in nine full innings: Athletic, 32; National, 20. ' Tut; freight depot''of the'cbleage;Thirlingtint and Qiihicy Railroad, at Qaincy, 111., with over twenty loaded cars, was, burned on, Monday night. Loss sioo,ooo. IrrrEuxAa. revenue . receipts yesterday, $425,781; total for the month, $15,015,4143; grand total for the current fiscal a year, 5,30,- 002,4€ 4 0.:, . . Trti: contract for coal for the •U. S. HouSe of Representatives was. awarded to Andrew Sterling, of Philadelphia, yesterday, at the rate of 5.7. K; per ton for fifty) tons. KHLuCHOFF. & 'brewety, at Melrose,. Westchester county, N: Y., has been seized' for defrauding• the revenue, and, SYOO,OOO worth of lager beer' is held by the .revenue . - . AT S'AvaliwAn., yesterday, the-Dep „ uty Post master eras thrashedby the proprietor of the Nurning a Democratic 'paper, -because he refused to „deliver the mails of that paper, and would "glt . e.noeiplanatiots. -• , • A mkthrao. -of colored men 16,g held 'at, Nashville yestkrday, in reference to •the recent disturlrances:in Rutherford • :county, Tenn.•'4A number of : •refuves were present, and the meeting adjourned until to-day. ,; . • A C..k.tirxi:T meeting:Was :.held at noon, yes terday, and lasted four hours, but it is said no definite action was taken Orin the Matters cussed. Secretary Fish read a telegram from. Mr. Burlingame, denying the reported rejection by the'Cliinese Government of the treaty with the United State& Tim report that General Sickles was • autho , rimd to .present a. proposition to , the Spanish • • Government providing for the abolition of slavery in the Island of Cuba, her representa tion irrthe Cortes and • recognition ,'of the In- • surgents, is denied by the Presidentand Secre 7 . tan - Fish. TIME9IIIBOARDS of -Surgeons for - the Phy sical examination of pensioners and. applicants - for pensions wen; appointed yesterday, They -- con.stst of ,seven still : lc:Ohs. for Philadelphia, seven for- New York- and four for Brooklyn; , The Philadelphia Board is as follows: Dr. H. Ernest Goodman, President ; Dr..iames Cum miskey, Dr. Edward A. Smith, Dr. Tho • - B. Reed,: Dr. ThoinaS'S. Harper, Dr. John M. Adler, and Dr. George C. Harlan. Fromour late editions of Yesterday By the Atlantic Cable. C NtiTANToioPLE.,riugust 31.,liaittil Pasha bas begun his preparations fora-voyage to this city. PAnis, August 31.—The capture of Hako dadi by the Mikado of Japan is continued. The newspapers of this city assert that Bur lingame has received a deiipatch from the Chi nese GoVernment expressing -a, cordial recog nition of the treaties he has concluded with the American and different EurOpean melds. - . ' Lax vox, Aug. 31.—1 t is said that the quarrel between Austria, and Prussia, is likely to be amicably settled, Von Beast lasi made friendly overftires PARIS; Aug. 31—The ErapresB Eugenie will . . remain atAjacelaa day_or twa, and_ re-_ turn lierirlietWeenVe fffh-of—Septern ---ber:,-The — Ern or Its -,- at - work . Foreadete la Itoquette. The Publique says the Emperor will ; give an audience to visitors to-day. Loxbox, Aug. 31.—At the banquet .to the Earvards and Oxfords, given .by the London Rowing Club, at the Crystal Palace, last even ing, Charles Dickens, Thomas Hughes; Ed mund Vates,and other celebrities were present among the one hundred and twenty gueSbi.• MeSiirs. Motley and Moran were invited, but: WasLAastefully:: decorated with flag of both countries and boat clubs. The toasts, the Queen :and: the President; Were drank' amid' enthusiastic and prolonged cheers. Mr. Dickens said that remarkable and affect ing volume which was published the time of his last visit to America contained bio graphieSof ninety-tive of the HarVard students who atone time or another berearms. ,then service of their country. "There was nothing more remarkable in these: descendants of our forefathers than the invinci determination': - with which some athelllfought against odds: in the late ,warond the dauntless spirit :with which theysustaineil defeat. Who wonld:say after the:contest of Prulay_that Harvatid Was. less true to lietself in peace than in war.2,,Wbo could fail' to recognize iifthe boat's creiv the leaven of her soldiers,alid not feel that she haS , now a greater right than .eVer tabe prOud of her sons, and take them to , her breast when they return .With resounded acclamation. The- Duke Of *Nyellington - said there was Only one thing lt , orse - than great 'dad - I'4. — a: r -- :. •great. defeat; but . - inTanother - senseltwas , an. __Utilise Of the terni "gtriat defeat "• 881101411-4 the defeat of thirludidful of daring made a dash of thOusands of miles-in : order to meet their Conquerors in their'OWif domain' ieheersj--a. defeat such . HarYardS had siiStained.. Wheers.] He re gretted the. absence.. of the Okford men. He would not say Much . of them; good' or bait, If anything was to 'be said to 'their (Ilk= '. paragement it ~ W as that. they had won so often he thought that they could •• afford to lose in the event of another contest. He was sure lie expres.Bo4' . hiS' .67X feelings, the feelings of Oxfor& and the feeling 3 of Englishmen, when:lie bail the Hai tiriis t our=: dial welcome, aril wished them Ood speed .ip their homeward jonine'y. The victory might be the Jlsi ris flie - neXt he asSu re d them , enthuSiast*. wele( ! inp at hone it lanai would that aei echo .in e very' eoruer of He oonelnded hitilit"g6?at ril r. Simmons, of tin Fhirverds,brielly spoke, and was rolloWedFHA, of •the Ox ,:..,~ K `lO Thomas_Hughes then .toasted_ ou Club, He reCerred, to, his own experienceis - and i the glories of the English univerSities. RC tisserted - thatthe Harvrd Lrnlxersity, in pro dueltlgZbWell ; 000 i, I,Blnetsbit .IA:0* alz, had reason to prideitself, and future gen erations would regard the -sons of Harvard with,theyeneratlen rpm to OuT,Aarn,Pdell* andie,therp past geuerations. Mr. Playfair proposed the toast: "Our ors." He regretted that the Harvards had not used a coach or trainer. .10 , prew,coul4 attain perfeetidnwithoUtca'Coach.-1 fre; urged , t 2144 to late bne their future training.' _ After a toast to the London Club, Mr. RiCe proposed, tattle liarvards oply, tegiVe igmers on account of tike courtesy and kindness shown by, the Club, They were given .amid great applause. • At the conclusion there was 'a grind dis play of fireworks in honor of the occasion. Lounox Aug. , 31st, '440 closed 931' for money and account,; Pre; twenties, of 1.862, 841, of 10cI3, old, Nil; of 1 7r, 83; Ten-forties, 70'; Railways steady ; Erie, 23,. Illinois Central, 94i. Lms.aroor., Aug. al; 4.30 ' P. 31.--Cottori, dull r , 6 Uplands, Orleans, 13ialald.' Sales to-ilaytAoo bales, including :_3,00Q . for Tcport and to speculators. .Red Western Wheat, Os. 6d. »Spirits of Petrolemn, Bd.. Naval ,stores „ • LownOw, Aug. 31, 4.30 P. M.—Spirits of Petroleum, _ _ • - • The CaPe , 3 l L47 . ilye•-:.liureher Parttcu 71FfeeiliTVeholtat CAPP: MAX; August 31..r•The .;,flames spread with-learful-rapthe-fancy_goods. store and the inflarmnable:character, of the wooden buildings being the best fuel to the licking tongue of lire. The wind WEIS blowing very strongly front -, the northwast, millOM' nylng - sinders ,:and the flames that leaped fifty feet , high into the air cce,Arnenieuted to' Mral r oung's, bakery', Townitefid's - cTry'gbods 'starer; both fine struts" tures, and the Post Office building. , The alarm was„Rivenby. strthang the, bell known astliti..!:`,.Yisiteris i f's C hatch bell,ibalonk lug to the Methodist Church, and the un wonted tones,of alarm struck with terror upon the ears of all• the sojourners. ' Not since the dedruetion of the "celebrated - Mount "Vernon House„ more. than ten years ago, has such a' startling -event-occurred-to arouse the hearers from their slumbers. It is a singular r coincidence that in each of these catfes the fire occurred before' the early dawn of the morning, and at, the close of the season ; and it is a yet further • colueidenceihat .in neither case Was; there any fire-apparatus to meet and put out the dames. no - citizens and visitors, fully , aware of the peril that threatened the deittnietion'or the property on the, whole island, turned out out at once eh mane, and with the heartiest will set to work to, try, with the,meagre means at their confruand,to checksthe conflagration ; but they might as well hare tried to sweep back the resistless tide of the ocean. There was no fire engine or hose carriage in the place, anil the use of a single one would have confined the fire to where it ori ginated. . . EnY.:c,, Aug. 31st.--. The ship-laborers of the pert are on aStrike; and the trade' of 'the port is almost at a stand=still. Yesterday. the laborers' society, numbering 3,700 men, marched in :.procession through the streets, andtheir conduct was so disorderly that the military were called - out to prevent a The mayor and several prominent citizens were roughlybandled. : • Bishop Oxendep, ‘ Metropolitan of Canada, has arrived.onth&Steamilup Nestorian ArchbiShop Kendrick, of New York, is now here; on /Os Nva's tO'ltolnk. , : He preached, , to large congregation at St. Patrick's yesterday. .13nrning of nahoile • Island Cotton 31111. Paw; immeziß. 1., Aug. 31.—A cotton'mill at Barberville; in the Own of Hopkinton, R. 1., owned by John T. Sheldon & Son, was burned yesterday. The loss. is 540,000 insu ranca &:0,000--of . 'which $2,500 was in the United States' of Baltimore, and the :rest in home companies. - * • Marine Intelligence. NEW YORK ,Au'gust 3L—Arrived—steamship China, from Lixerpool. - .f M 9EILAT IsT S. • Betiortee for the, huadelphta vetting Bulletin. SAVANNAH—Steamship Wyoming'. Captain Teal -30 hales cotton G'ochrehn. Russell elr Co_; 1 pair wheels with axle and points 'Wm Dunlap ,& Co; 49 empty kegs Chas Engle; 17 coils rope De Gage; 10 tierces rice Vern 'Decker; 12 bales yarn Hay & 91cDeritt; 1 box Hanson & Fingley; lOU dry hides W L James; 2 bales cotton Mil ler & Bro; 39 do order 236 pcs lumber Patterson & Lip pincott; 1 bale corks A L Smith; 91 bides 6 bbls dried fruit H Winsor & Co. CARDEIiAS—Schr N J Miller, Dunham-214 hlids 1:;: asses 30 tcs do Dallett & Son, atlx.Essiarrs OF oczAkrir swzmaums. EntrnTO ARRIVE. At. TRONI FOR Cella v' London—Now York- t..'olumbia... Glasgow-- ' ,7 4 ow. or .... ''''' ......Aug. 19 china....... , Lirerpool...NowYork_. - k ng.2l Alkmannio ........ _.....11ayre...New York- kug.2l Siberia. iverpool...New York via 1.1 Aug. 24 Rhein Southampton... New York_:.... Aug. 24 )1 iantß ota Lirerpool...New York - kng. 25 Virginia Licerpool...New York Aug. 25 C of Wonhing'n_Liveroooi....New York -...—........ Aug. 25 _ ,_ _ TO DEPART._ _ . Tarifa. Now iork.i.Licerpool Sept. 2 Morro Caatle New York... Havana- .... .. ....... .....Sept. 2 Deutschland New York... Bremen Sept. 2 Citj of Dubllii...lsley York... Antwerp . ' Sept. 3 C. of Brooklyn—New York...*Liverpool Sept. 4 Pereire _ 'New York...Havre ...-...... Sept. 4 England.. New York...LiverpoOl Sept. 4 Britannia ' 'dew York...Glaegow Sept. 4 Wyoming Philadelphia... Savannah _ - Sept. 4 City of blexico__New li 0re.... Vera Cru7 Sept. C. .lainiata Philadelpinn—New Orleans__ Sept. 7 Saxonia _ ' '. Nmy lork,..liarebitrg...:. . Sept. Z 'City of Lomion_New York... Liverpool via H Sept. 7 Idaho. New York...Glasgow_ Sept. S Columbia. New York...llavolia . Sept. 9 Pioneer Philadelphin...WilibinObn Sept. 11 80. EM OF 'rIZADE. iollv V. 1:S THOS. L. GILLESPIE, PORT OF PHILADELPHIA-SE! T. 1. SUN RISES, 5 28 1 SUN SETS. 6 WI HIGH WATER, 10 11 Summer Wyoming, Teal, 10 hours from Savannah, with cotton, hides, &c. to Philadelphia and Southern Mail SS Co. Passengere—Mrs A N Wilson, 2 children and servant..) Gordon Wallace, Gilbert Daniels, .1 11 Burton, W Caulk, J 31- Fairbaiik, Jas Bramell, and--olie, deck passengar.. • Schr N J Miller (Br), Dunbar, 16 days from Cardenas_j with molasses to , Dallett & Son—vessel to Warren & T tLirealc. • Schr J B Connor'. Pardee, 1 day from nagliolia, with grain to .fns & Co. -• CLEARED YESTERDAY. Ship Virginia (Br), Campbell, Liverpool, Peter Wright & Sons. Steamer. .16 Shrieet Vein& ; Baltimore, •A Groves. Jr. Bark Express (NG), Danner, Stettin, L Westergaard Schr Henrietta, Clark, Portsmouth, Blakieton, Graff Cu. . • , Burge Cataract, Bailey, Cohoes, Hammett, Neill k Co. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. • ' BEADING, Nag. 30, 1869. The following:boats from the Union Canal passedinto the Schuylkill Canal, bound. to Philadelphia, laden and Iconsigned as follows ; , , . Two Brothers, with - lumber to Taylor & Betts; Aaron & Catharine, do. to A. If •-Deysher; Industry, do to Beysher; Baltininre 'Co 70i, do to Fesslot & Co; Conrad & imam, grain .to• captain; Mai Anderson, do to do; Lob_ Traits Co No 4, pi,i; iron to Leibrant & McDowell. . . HAVItE DE, GRACE., Aug, al.' Tito following lioats left liere ,this morning, laden and consianed as follows: . . . NV allieg Frick, with litiobet' Rir-NorWillk, Cloud;AVM' 3layborry,J,o for Now York; Ada, do to Taylor 4: Son; Yr 7,00 and San Sudo, do for New York; Arthur aud Et un , coal-to , V 1 ,1; lance; Lizziei. 'do for: Wilmington; drycomingi'llierforrFeritou.,. .. , 7 -,-r; ... 1 , 1111: - ADELPTI F6r.(!iali atal viaislNVise, arrivals for tile - .7.llarittlycas i!kairattlqrw - itlrthe 1869. 1863 I.,oltst. Total. For. Coast. Total. 1 1 . . ... ' .., 20 21 . 23 24 40 01 20 10 3.1 ennieltipN tlirri:N...... Brige Sellotnwrs tiloup.q . ..... Steamers—. Ilargen Boa t • -' • MEMORANDA.. '• • Ship (Inul, D.anuovig, • front'. Londop. for • this, • port, •,tolled from Deal 17th' ult. • • • .• • tilkip Tfro, ited , from : Antwerp ' roc . ' Ship Highlander, Folder, frOnt New York 17th'Apt•il, at No Fronciscti 30th ult . Ship L D 'Thurston. .itailed from Rangoon 2811 f :lune for Falmouth,- t Y . , • Ship IVavorly (Br), Spoor, front Calcutta 17th April, New , Yoxt yostortlit% 4 . st ea mer George 11'asithigton, flagOr,,sailed low Orlenht• n tilt. kw NiN, York: •• . • - -77 -• Ste:llllyr Louinburg, Thonms, at rl antatonvillo24th Of. Ste:tter China '(.11r1, 11 onli.I I Oi,Tiont•Yaverpoof21s1 • at New •S. yesterday.'• '• -4,, • THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-PIIIGADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1869. , From Quebec. N~r ~. ARRIVED YESTERDAY 21 1144 HO 17 ... 703 . 703 ... 649 639 ... 1260 1266 ... 1521 1821 ... 1 7 1 ,5+1:33 5591 " 1.-i; lifeeyeei, Merles. tcom toenail et New yolk votte \ Shepherd- ; kenea - nt,Pcrtlend 22th ult. . ..Bark Providence, Coaltieot ordered out at London 'Atli *Att. for thtsvort. - v Bs rketemPler, WI Mott, cleartild ft /Baltimore itOth•plr. for . •• • -, Bremen (NG); Bitllerdeick.'• cleared at It York yrsterdar for Car Town and Batavia. - • Brig Cosmos, arSOns. hence it Boston yesterday: _ Brigs Martha Berry, Chase, hence for. Portland, awl dascatelle, Corllale, dolor Boston; at Holmes' Role 39th, J S Moulton, :Crowley, cleared at New York Yea tenday. for this port. . , • A fichr Aid, Bacon, front Hoskin, at, St Louis, Sonegal. TSchr Bertha Bouder.l'iooster, hence at Portland 29th - Bchra Maggle . .T Chadwlek . and Mari G Ffolliint, hence at Alexandria 30th lilt, • • ' • • • ',Behr Ella Baines, Avrry, heir° at Norfolk 29th ult. Bchr LookontShaw.hence at BangorZ7th ult. , lichr Webster Barnard, Smith; cleared et St John 28th tilt. for this port. - 'Schr J Ponder,Jr, Springer, 'at :Merchant 28th from Elizabethport, WAR run into night of 27th nit. WI Throgg'a Point. by achy Jasper. of Phlladelphia,otavinti the J P's.quarter to tie wattr'e . edge .and tearing her Mainsail to ',locos, v • • BOOTS AND SHOES. Fine> Custom Made 1300T5. -- .. ,. ..-ANDSTIOES FOR GENTLEMEN. B T .33 Se'Sixth'Street r above Chestnut. ItcGood Fit may always be' :obtained ' cells to th 1 • 'WING' 11iAt`flINES 'i9l4ll966iiiii::t*'o'":9jtl-.- .'c '1- -sowing , Machinos- ', 'FOIL SALE . :ON EASE'AYMET:S, 914'& 4 4sinueliltreet. , Olt P E TERSON & CARPENTER, 1114 U rr GENERAL AGENTS. U , e 26 e t th 1 ORNAMENTAL IRON WIRE 'WORK: GALVANIZED • and Painted. WIRE; GUARDS, for tore fronts and tvliadcrws ' for factory. and. warehouse windows, for churches and cellar windows. IRON and WIRE RAILINGS, for balconies, offieGs, cemetery and garden fences. Liberal allowance made to Contractors, Builders and Carpenters. AR orders filled with promptness and work gaaranteed.• - , -. ROBERT. WOOD - CO - 4 jezqtn th .6Thri, 1136 Ridge Avenue, Phila. SPECIAL NOTICES. n— OFFICE OF THE HARRISBURG, DOILTtiMOUTH. MOUNT JOY ANT) LANCAS TER. PAILNOAD , COMPANY, No. 234 Sonth THIRD street, corner of Willing alley. PMLADELPITIA, Au,gni81t16t1 4 3.1199 The annual meeting of the Stockholders of. ,this CtiiiiJ rally will be held'n FRIDAY, September 3d. isee, at 12 o'clock 31.. at the corner of Third . street- and .. Willlng's alley, at Which time an 'election will behold for Directors to serve for the ensuing year.. ~ G EORGE TABER, an2o4.nt,w,toe4g. - ' St'cretary. ila*• NOTICE.-THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. . AUGVIT 25,1869. The Annual :Meeting of The Stockhoklera of. the Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Company will be held; at their Office on 310331)AT, the 6th day of September nest. at 10 o'cloCk, A. N., when an election will be held for tithe Direction), to serve for the ensuing year. , Cu 2.5 to se4. W3l. G. CROWELL, See.Y. DIVLDEND NOTICES. CONTINENTAL' HOTEL CO-- The Board of Managers of the CONTINENTAL. HOTEL CO. have declared a semi-annual. Disidendof Three Per Cent. upon the Preferred Stock of the Corn pane. payable nt the office of the Treaenrer, No. ell Arch street, Philadelphia, on and after September let, lefiti. J. SERGEANT PRICE; Treasurer. nuri-10t* OFFICE OF THE LOCUST MOUN TAIN COAL ANT) IRON COMPA " 0. 23U small TRIED STREET. PHILADELPHIA, August 19, 1869. At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held this day, a semi-annual-dividend - THREE PER CENT. on the capital stock, clear of State taxes, was declared, payable to the stockholders or their legal representatives on and 'after the 30th inst. The transfer books will be. closed until. September 2d, 1869. aul9 to He 2.5 ESTATE OF, EDMUND WILCOX, DE ceased.—Letters testamentary upon the. eState of EDMUND WILCOX, deceased. having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are re,iuested to matte payment, and those having claims or demands are requested to present the same without de lay, to SAMUEL WILCOX, Executor, No. 24 Walnut street. • . sel-we6t" STATE OF ROBERT 'RALSTON D OR de C PaS Nl.—Letters Testamentary upon .the !Estate of ROBERT RALSTON DORSEY , deceased, having been granted .to the undersigned,. all persons Lacine claims kill present them without delay, and those indebted to the EState will make, paymtnt to HENRY CRAMOND, No. int - Wiritrut - street, ----- HARRY H. CLAY, • • No. 271 South Fifth street, . N THE ORPHAN'S' COtiRT FOR THE PLETCHER, deceased—The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle a»d adjust the account of THOMAS Itt LovErr and CHARLOTTE BOSTWICK, Executors et - LOUISA FLETCHER, deceased, and to report. distri• bution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purpose of his appointment, on TUESDAY, September 14th, 1829, at 11 &Mock, A. M., adds office, No. 128 South Sixth street, in the City of Philadelphia. JAMES W. LATTA, au3l • t u d Auditor. T C' N THE ORPHANS' OURT FOR THE _L City and County or Philadelphia.—Estate of. JOSE PHINE KING Oate a Minor The Auditor appointed Cotierte - andif; - settle the final account of F. MORTIMER LEWIS, guardian of JOSEPHINE it 1 G , late a Minor, and to report :distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties irderested forthe purpose Of his appointment, on 310NDAY , September 6th, 1:369. at 4 o'clock P. M., at his /Mice, S. L. corner of Sixth and Locust Streets, iu the city of 'Philadelphia. ' • • • , • ;,CLEMENT D. PENROSE, an26-th,s,tust§ Auditor. TN THE -ORPHANS! COURT FOR • THE City and Counq • of Phitadelphia.=—Estate of JOHN LOGAN, deceased.—The Auditor appointed by the Court to , audit, settle and adjust the account of JA3IES WALLACE and THOMAS HENRY. :•Executore end Trustees ofthe Estate of JOHN .LOGAN, deceased:llnd to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet-the parties interested, for the purpose of his appointritent; on - MONDAY, September 1111. 1869; at 11 o'clock A. M., at his office, No. South Sixth street, In the City of Philadelphia. • JOHN C. REDREPPER, Auditor. ap.l24.tu ,th M ISTATE OF MINGLE, .IE., DE ceased.—Letters of Administration cum testamonto annex°, fiat- ifig been granted to the-undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate arc requested to make Payment, and those having claim, to present thin to ______ALN,ROARETTA P. MINGLE, AdurN. . Cr. A•• A kust 4ZSTATIt_.' crust it —Letters' .of administration haring been routed to the underaigned, all persons indolit...d to said state are requested to make payment , and t-hose haring clahnd to present therwto MARGARETTA MINGLE. Admiui,tratrix, Ne.;l9oii street. 11117-111 tii 781 861 6'22 62' WO 400 225 '22, 933 633 TI.4bTATE •UV PATRICK DO — N — OrtITE, deeeato,l.—Lettetia Testainbatary to the Estate or PA TRICK MINORU F., deeCileed, having been granted to the exeentor. TIMOTHY HICKEY, Buttonwood ddreet, Mao .l ii atreet, and B. SHARKEY. All irmsonti Bidebted.to tutu : .l are reattelted to make intyment, and thoso ilaV tug claim against the totaw to present Ilion withont delay to " B. SHARKEY, N 0419 Walnut 296 30W =Mil rsTATE •CAII - I.AEINE S3IITA . DE- Letters teStemeautVupow the: above e - tote hay hokheen 'grouted to the uoderstkooil.oll persoll4 holektedlo the can will.please toalto payment, and nit pei`sooA :olaluis iii present..thehr. to MARY A .I , i WKOSERIT'4, .Exeeuteix, 842' North Eleventh' st.; ee to her Attorney, W LLIAM'A. ALT SON, 421 Wet .nut. street. • • a lit' efFIALN.-FOR SALL% ^ 180.- TONS OF. Clutll2, Afloat. Apply' to WoRKM.AN h (lOw 183 Walnut strut. .:`, EDWARD SWAIN, Treasurer LEGAL NOTICES irisuirract. 1829 - °imm 2 mm'ru.AL. F9Et A wirjui N .-, ~ FIR , INguRANOO, -, ,eOMPANY f - OF PHULADI LPHIA.. - , f Offtoe--435 and 437 OhentnutStr'Hit. Assets on January 1,`1869, ''' '; • '. o2 07V - 'BVO. la.* Capital. .... ............... .. .. .. ........". 7 460,000 00 Accrued Surrdum—, ‘...4.4.:..‘.........».-::::. p&5.823 70 Preminms..,..-........................... .1 . .........,.:e,,,...7493,040 41 UNSETTLED CLAIM S23,7BB IY , ' • • , TISOOKOVOIt, mig - p Oeses Paid. BtneelB2o;,o*er • • perpetual and Teuporary,PoilhieS on,'itheitla TerlUet The Company also issues 'Policies upon_tke Rentit 07 all kinds of buildings, tlround'Rents and 710700010mit• , - .. ' " ' '. '.'• " ' ' DIRT6FOR ff. •^':' i - '. • Alfred G.llaker, •- • , Allred Fltlero.'„ Gru ' lrileil ' ' ' ALFRED _ Samuel Grant ,. • Thinnas 'Sperms., Geo. w . Richards, • Wm. S. Grant. Isetta licit. ,' -• , • ' a Therein 8: Elliot, ..: 1 • ....- --, - . --.• GEO. FALE . Si - Vine - Preshlentr - - , -- --,- JAS. W. McALLlSTEß.Recretari.-. THEODORE M. REGER(Aradstant. iiiteretar7. - fedi tde3l n s ltE vi lt 24 1 ad lith ert...' -. , , . FIEE_ASSOCIATIOL ..• , -A-- .• .. ~ „- • ._ PHILADELPHIA. -L _ . Incorporated Illareh, 27, 1820. Office---No. 34 North Fifth Street. INSURE BUILDINGS HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE.. I AND MERCHAND ISE GENERALLY FROM. LOSS BY _ .FIRE, Assets Jarratirr a, le 6 9s I i 51,400 5 095 OS. . L . AItUSTRES:II; r,,,i2 L., 2,%' ;William H. Hamilton, Charles P. Bower, 'John Carron-, Jesse Ltghtfoot, George I. Young, :Hobert Shoemaker, ;Joseph R. LyndAll,. ..'. i-Thltir Atmbnister, Levi P. Coats . ' M. H. Dickinson. ” Samuel Spartiawk, Peter Williamson, Wm. A ,ng. Seeger. .. . WX.II. HAMlLTON,Presideht ‘ SAMUEL 'SPARHAWW, Vice' PreeV ' fdent. , W. 12. T. BUTLER, Secretary. .-- -- / 'he LiczeOrel6 9 Lon don e Globe Ins. Co. Assets G01di)g17,690,390 g 4 in the United States 2,000,000 Daily Receipts over $.2.0,000.00 Premiums in 1.130, , , • $5,665,07 . 5.00 Loises'in 1,868, $ . 3,662,44.5.00 -No. , 6 Merchants' Exchange,, , Philadelphia. THE. RELIANCE . INSURANCE COM PANY..L. OF PHILADELPHIA , ' Incorporated in 541. • Charter Perpetnat Office, No. 308,:Walnut street., , . • CAPITAL 8300,000. Insures against loss or damage by FIRE, on Houses, Stores and other Buildings, limited or perpetual, and on Furniture, Goods, Wares and Merchandise in town or country. LOSSES PROMPTLY ADRISTEVAND PAID. Invested in the following Securities, vg777" -- First Mortgagee on City Property, well Be cured • 8168,600 00 United States Government Loan- ' ' 'aR,OOO 00 PhiladelphilCity 6 Per Cent. Loans ~ 75,000 00 Pennsylvan 83,000,000 Per Cent L0an..........' 30,000 00 Pe nnity Ivan' - Railroad Bonds, trot Mortgage 5,00000 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company's 6 Per Cent. Loan_. 6,000 00 Loans on Collaterals _ _ _ _ 500 00 - - - Ilindin i don and Broad Top 7 Per Cent. Mort gage County Fire Insurance Company's 5t0ck.:...., Meehanics' ,Bank Stock.. Commercial Bank of Pennsylvani Stock. Union Mutual Insurance Company's 5t0ck...... Belian Insurance Company of Philadelphia Stock 3,250 00 Cash in Bank and on hand.......... 12,25' .9 33 Worth at Par. W9rth this date at market prices. • DIIIECTOBS. Thomas C. Hlll,l Thomas H. Moore, William Musser, . • Samuel Castner, Samuel Bispham, James T. Young, H. la. Carson, Isaac F. Baker, Wm. Stevenson, Christian J. Hoffman, Benj. W.:Tingley, Samuel B. Thomas, Edward Siter. THOMAS C. HILL, President. WM. CHUBB, SeCrettiry. . PHILADELPHIA, February 17,1869. jal-trt th s tf UNITED FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. This Company takes risks at the lowest rates consistent with safety, and confines its business exclusively to FIRE INSURANCE IN THEPHI+. CITY os' PHILADEL • OFFICE—No." 723 Arch street, Fourth National Bank Building. DIRECTORS. Thomas J. Martin, HenrybH W. Brenner, 3 uliu Hirst, . ertue King, , . Wni. A. Eolin, Henry Banta', J lanes Mongon, Janice Wood, William Glenn, 'John Shalleross, - James Jenner. J Henry.Askin, Al...xender T. Dickson, Hugh Mulligan, Albert C. Roberta Philip Fitzpatrick, I B. ANDRESS, President. Wax. H. FAGRN. Seciy. :E- - INSITRA.NIGEI.36-31m South Fourth street, below ernes- CONRA) W. A. Baum. Treas. IHE=C OTTINITY,FIE F ANY.—Office, No. HO The Fire Insutance Company of the County of Phila• del pit ia," Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylva. Di!. iu 16.3.9, for indemnity against loss or damage by fire exclusively. CHARTER This old and reliable institution, with ample capital aii,i contingent, fund carefully invested, continues to in sure buildings; f u rniture, merckandise, J:c., either per manently or for a limited time, against loss or damage by lire, at the lowest rates consistent with' , the absolute safety of its customers. Losses adjusted and paid with all possible despatch. DIRECTORS: Chas. J. Sutter, • - 1 Andrew IL Miller, lionry - Buthii -- ------r---- , Jtunes-N,-.Stoue,------- Jelin Horn, Edwin L. Reakirt, 3, t H. ph Moore, , Robert V.,4llassey, Jr. George Mecke, • Mark Devine. CHARLES J. SUTTER, President. HENRY BUDD, Vice President. BENJ..4MIN F. HOECKLEY, Secretary and Treasurer. .._, T HE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY. ' —lncorporated 1825—Charter Perpetual. . • No. 510 WALNUT street, opposite Independence. Square. This Company, favorably known to the community for over forty years, continues to insure against loss or (towage by fire on Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time. Also on Furniture, Stocks of Goons, and Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, is invested in the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted'security in the case of loss DIRFOTOR , S. I't h el l arti e m r M i r Henry Lewis J. Gillingham Fell, iddock, Jr.. L, SMITH, JR., President. rotary. -apl9-tf Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Benson, lease Hatzleburst, Thomas Robins, Daniel Ha DANIE WM. G. CROWELL, Sec E 'JFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE CIOM ty PANY - of -Philltdelphia.-oflice,No. 24 North--Fifth. 'street, near Market street. _ incorporated by the : Legislatnre of PetwaiYlvarila. -Charter.perpetual , capital and Assets. 8166,0 W. Make insurance against Loss or damage by Fire'on Public or Private Buildings, Furniture, Stocks, Goods and Mer chandise, ou favorable terms. . • • • • DIRECTORS. Wm. McDaniel, . Edward P. Moyer' ' Diesel Peterson, ' Frederick Ladner' .101.11 F. Belsterliu , Adaur.l. Glass, Henry Troonmer, Henry. Delany, Jima. Sehandein,, .lolm Elliott, • Frederick Doll, . • Christian D. Frick, Samuel George E. Fort, '• William D. Gardner, WILLIAM DIcDANIEL, President. ISRAEL PETERSON, Vico President. Pit mu , E. CpLEMAN, Secretary and Treasurer. AA IsIERICAN FIRE IgSITRANCE COM _ri.I'ANY , Incorporated 1810.--Obarter perpetual. ' No. 310 WALNUT street, above Third, Philadelphia Baying a large pail-up Capital Stook and Surplus in vested in sound and available Securities, continuo to insure on dwellings, stores, furnitare, , rnerchandlse, vessels In port, and their cargges; attir other personal property. .All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. . DIRECTORS,' . •• . Thomas It. Marla, ' '. Edmund G.: Dutilh, 1 . ,John Welsh, ' '' -, Oharle.i W. Poultney, ' Patrick Brady, ,' ' .' ''f ' Is, Morris - John T. Lewis ' ' . John P. Weth'erill, • 'lllinnt 1 - . Pant. THOMAS R. MARIS, ereeideUt: ALBERT O. 0 RAWFORD,'Skretary. .rXM I %*W Th.,III , AWARE „MUTUAL liAif TY Litt , suitidicO COMPANY.' • ./ilitorporatedb9thtliegisl4ttsfOr.PentMMrsz l lak; l sl l - 1 Office S. E."oornerrot, Streets, 1 Phi eDI his. „. MARLA INNURANONS ' On, , VesSels,Carsiind•prai i t i ti s t i hull i rat of the world. Origeoda 1)9 sf der, Satit i i. 2 lLtte and land Carriage to &1 • ." RlNl3Unttriozs On Meretuindise generelll.en Stores. D _ AfifiNTAME:TrIA COMPANY, November 1,4040- ASO Am milted Statee Fite Per Cent. Loan, • . • 500 go ........ uo,oop Witted suttee Aix • Per Cunt: Loan, ging, i 0. 60 1) trnarg.it;; ..... . Wed 133 ' 8 9 0 I P , (for Pacifieltailroad) ~..... 50,01)3 00 203,000 State of "Pemasyitania Six Per 211,375 00 125,(01 City C OMh L earteilNist Pei."6;ld. Loan (exempt- froitrTax)...... 123053400 60,000 sutte:oklitriv,Jereersix Per Cent. 20 t 00 f Rallniad First 151,500 stigage Six Per Cent . Bonds 10,200 00 xe,ooo Pen y rania 'Railroad Second ~Mortgage Six Per, Cont. Bonds 24,000 OD 25.000 Western Pennsylvania' ' Railroad s i lpr n tgat i s i itc Per Met. fendiS 20 625 An 30,030,Stetel Yenn'eariet u ii i :fre l ?Pe e t-VWF. Loan— .. 21,000 00 7 000 baste rot" ienuesiee,9ix Per Oein, • • Loan 6,03125 . 4 iimAternmittbwn Gas cornpnrit, printi l ig 0 . 1 e Y t h i Ci r ta SIMMS stock.. .. • ' - . .16,00000 "15,000 poi n yliania Itan.rttiaVoiniany— ti ,1 20; shares stock. 11,300 00 15,000 North• Pennsylvania Rail road Coniparir; 100 6bares stock 3,500 00 . : • • • Steamship Goinpatiy. 110 shares stock-, 1,5,000 00 ____2o7,ooCLLOStes_ott_Diala falat liens on City Properties....-..... .207,900 00, $1,109,900 Pat l . . • ims c L- qt ; i sel 4 l la , r, l ).l b Valga, 51,130425 25 .? Neal Estate .... .1., . . ..... , 35,000 00 for :insurances 22,486 lialances at Agana s—Pre • trituniff on ' Marino . Accrued Interest and qther data's 'doe the Company 4o,lls St ; :. Stock ati iof d Co— ratlogs, c f13 P ,156 TVS ; • - - . -..1,813 00 Eettmuted Cash in Bank 116 - ' 1403' Cash i ' DII gOTORh. Thomas C..lland, : ' ' -,- t L ' jr"ues ' • B: . Merarland, ' .. Edward Darlington, ' NV/Maul 0 • Ludwig, ,• . Jimeph IL Seal, ''' 'Jacob P. Jones, Edmund A. !Mader, - • , pj"l4" Pd.Elgiton.. Theophilns Paulding, : Willia m Hugh Craig, ...!., - • , riertr y E. Hallett, Jr'., John O. Davis, ~ ~ ~., , , John D. Taylor, Jardea 0. , Hand, -, ' EdArri b rd ß L i al e o l urcade,' , '''• ' John B. Penr.os(±, • JaCO _e g , o W.llernadotti ' . H. "IwB Bb°k"' . ' ' ' 413"" ` 'Houston, tipenterKlllvaine; kra (~, ,Henry Sloan, '''D 'S D. T. lforgan, Pittsbuirgh; . Samuel E.'Edokoa, ,John..H. 4emple, do 'Junes Traguair, A.B. 'Borger, do? THOMAS O. HAND President. JOHN O. DAVIS, Vice President. HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. HENRY BALL, Ass't Secretary. F4mE -- u s' — l - 3131tA_NO -- E . COMPANY, NO SOP CHESTNUT STREET.' • i INCORPORATED 1856. CHARTER PERPETUAL . r CAPITAL 1200,0(X). • FIRE INSUItANCL, EXCLUSIVELY.. I n sures against Loss or llainsgiA Fire either by Per ' : • petnal or Tempor Policies: ' DIBECTOIIB. :Charles Richardson, 'Robert Pearce, Wm. H. Rhawn, Johu Kessler, Jr., Francis N. Buck, • " -Edward B. Orne, Henry Lewis, , , . Charles Stokes, „ Nathan Hines. '• John NV, Evernuin, George A. West, Mordecai Busby, • • ' • CHARLES '3ICHAUSON, President, WM. H. BHA WN . Vice-President. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Secretary. ael tt ANTI L.R A;(I.ITrE INS lI_RAN_CE _ PANY.-CHARTER PERPETUAL. Office, No. 311VALNCT Street, above Third, Philade. Will insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on Build ings, either perpetually or for a limited time, Household Furniture and Merchandise generally. Also, Marine Insurance -on Vessels, Cargoes and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. William Esher, Lewis Andenried, D . Luther, . John Ketcham,• John B. Blackiaton, J. E. Baum, William F. Dean, • ' John B. Heyl, • • Peter. Sieger, Samuel H. Bothermei. WILLIAM ,SHEIL President. .WILLIAM F. DEAN, Vice President. Wm. SMITH. Secretary ja22 to th a tf MIN THOMAS 85 SONS, AUCTIONEERS, Nos. 139 and 141 South FOURTH street. * SALES OF STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. Star Public sales at the Philadelphia Exchange every TUESDAY i nt 12 o'clock. i 1147" Furniture sales at the Auction Store EVERT AP' Sales at Residences receive espCcial atteution. STOCKS, LOANS, arc. ON TUESDAY. SEPT, 7, At 12 o'clock noon, at the Philadelphia Exchanges-. 40 shares Empire Transportation Co. ,91590 Union Passenger It. W. Co. u per cent. 10 shares Girard Life Insurance Co. &WOO Reading R. R. t; per cent. 4,560 00 1,050.00 4,000 00 /0,000 00 380 00 Sale at the Auction Booms, Noe. 139 and 141 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPETS, 3IIRRORS, FIREPROOF SAFE, ,4c.ON THURSDAY MORNING; 8437,W38 32 $x.38138 Sept. 2, at 9 o'clock, at the Auction Booms, bycatn logue, an assortment of Superfor Household Furniture,. comprising—Parlor, Chamber and Dining Room Fur niture, French Plato Mirrors, Office Furniture. Book cases, Extension Tables, China and Glassware,Refrige rators, Stoves, WO pounds White Lead, Carpeteatting, Counters, An._ =ZI=M=IEWM HANDSOME FURNITURE, PIER MIRROR, FINE HAIR MATRESSES, HANDSOME VELVET AND BRUSSELS CARPETS, &c. • . . ON FRIDAY 'MORNING ;September 3, at 10 o'clock, at K.. 201 South Tenth et., by catalogue, the entire Household' Furniture, com prising—Walnut Parlor Furniture, covered with green reps; Walnut and Oak Dining Room Furniture, elegant Oiled Walnut Chamber. Suit, Walnut, Mahogany and Cottage Chamber.: Furniture; Oval French Plate Pier Mirror, Lounges, Centre Tables, French Clock, ton flue Hair Mattresses, Feather Bolsters and Fatima, China and Glassware. fine Oil Paintings and Engravings, Sewing Machine and Table,'.9 gas consuming Stoves. handsome Velvet Brussels Carve*, Oil. Cloth, Kitchen Utensils, choice Preserves, xe. May be examined on the morning of sale at 8 o'clbok: Assigneeii' —EstateSale if Bremley Wharton FIXTURES OF AN ALCOHOL DISTILLERY AND RECTIFYING ESTABLISHMENT. ON MORNING. Sept. 4. nt 1] o'clock. at No. 225 North Third street. will be 'sold at public stile, by order of Win:-Yogdos, As -4g11440-111—Billai 1 , 11-1)44,4 he—laxtures„of—an-A•lcollal_Bis,— tillery and Rectifying Establishment, all iirgood order, consisting of I French column stilt of 460 gallons. with ' all the appurienana•k, in working order; d readying iffijn - tiffiiiirytiitiper-711.xtitiY;n tieiiu pletd i y raylic , tt -25 - rectifying tubs, 2 cisterns. • I stove and scuttle, S old chairs, 1 old desk, Also. leasehold of premise., which expires A ngust 12, 1570. Rent it , looo per annum, considered worth :52000. .Sale.No.l3lL Arch stroet. • SUPERIOR PARLOR, DINING ROOM AND CHAMBER FORNITURE,• MIRRORS, umtrors, HAIR AND SPRLNG 3LATRESSES OI.c. • ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. • Sept 8, at 10 o'clock, at N. 1311 Arch street. by cata7 'login!, the superior Furniture.'Are.; coin prieing—Satts of Walnut Parlor Furniture,covecod with plush and hair cloth; sot en snits of oiled and varnished Walnut Chain. .ber Furniture, - seven handsonie - Rosewood, Wahrtit and 311tIfogany - Wiltdritlarri; — two laiiing , F eil IletetaleTcovered with reps; Spring and Hair Matree.:es, oak and walnut Dining Room Furniture, two walnut Extension 'l atill.s. two elegant Pitir Mirrors, gilt fr ! imes; superior Bru:sele 'Carpets, Oil Cloths, large ItArtgarader, Kitchen Cteti „. - 'rho above Furniture has been in use Mali short time, and is equal to lICW May be examined alt $ n'clock on the morning of sale. CNOCERT,IIALL AUCTION ROOMS, 1219 CHESTNUT street. ' • T. A. - 31cOLELLA NB, Auctioneer. : Sale at the Auction 'Rooms, 12/0 Chestnut strad. ON FRIDAY MORNING, Sept, 3, will be !told by. catalogue. at 1210 Chestnut street, 'commencing at'lo o'clOck; n superior itenortment of new ,and secondhand Household rural tam Matresses, consisting of Ash and Walnut Chamber Suite, new style, Cottage Suits, handsome Parlor Snits, eevere , l wall hair cloth alai terry; superior Walnut Wiirdrohes, Bookcases, 'Sideboards, Leung •r, Matresses, &e. Also, tiocoralhand Furniture trom a landly declining house keeping.' MANUFACTURERS' SALE OF A LARGE' VA lorry or NEW AND SUPERIOR FURNITURE . AND urnotisTEßY. - AT AUUTIoN ROOMS, 1219 UIIESTNUT STREET. ON MONDAY MORNIN4L • . Sept. ii, at ill o'clock, will he Hold by cadalogiv.,by order of manittlictorers„the .sortlltct)Cttt FurnitoreAnd_ Hphoistery now on band at Our e.ales room. thti object of ,which hi-dwelose. n pres-nt hp.ativesi - lhe goods under advances. Th. , I.lllo ' w ill c onsist -Of - W :eta ai Cottage limulber-Furniturei7limslr4FAvitit-varuish and ail pOlbdi; Parlor and DraWing Ito'4u 'Sets; upholstered in stamens styles, and covered with bah', clOth; terry alai reps; SPanis., Sewing, Emir mot Reception Chgirs, fauey'un4plain marble top Centre l'ahlo4, • ji..o];6..Ut Wardrobes ape Sideboards; ()Ara. Eel .shaienf and I.; N .- tensiop Tables,'BedStoads, bureau=, Washstambi, (Mice and Dminu .Itpom Furniture, )lair. Spring, Husk SnowMatrecoies, French tufted and 0;0 b0111117..` , 4, Mirrors. Toapoys, Towel flecks, .r 6:. Av w The hole to be'siild without retard , to close adeairs.s. TAAVIS' St HRV AEY, AUCTIONEERS, JLJ • (Late with 31. Thomas k Sons.) • . Shirt... Nos. 48 and ca North SIXTH titraq , ! Salo at the Auction Rooms. - STOCK HOUSEKEEPING AlluchEs, •; -orr THURSDAY MORNING: Sept. 2, at 10 Wan:lot the auction rooms, tier enti stock of flonaekeoping Articles of e. party declining ho 'N'illeHS, comprising:fin, Wood mid Withinware, Cutlery, -Brushes, - Iron Ware, Scuttles, Clothes Horses, 'frays, Tubsi Idnykets, Dindiets, Tin Tont.t sets.clothns ,ters, a.large number Patent Ice- Cream !;Water Coolers, four imperior7 Refrigerator:, 4/IVithcai Winhgersi)Vash,3laeltincs , ,tc. Also sever I'2 anti 4+Arheel Trucks, 11.1 Snow Shovels, Sleds, te. t o - Yf BARRITT Sc. C 0.,•• AUCTI()NEERS. ‘• CASH AUCTIaIs; HOUSE, • No. 230 MARKET Istreet, corner of Bulk street.- UABII advDuced o4..c9Lkeigum,qatti without axtra charm 'irifistaA.Nce. AUCTION SALES. -:' f i •~_ 13IIIMING, DIII{IIOIIO - Vi r 8r CO. - AutTioirsEfts. 08 452 ands:4 mAßKEL4tArmanosocifteet. Suotossont to jou el 4 , , I thl." • LOOF SALE OF BRITISH:' THEN GEitidAS • • - ON, Tfitl/10DAT - ANTY ••- •••• ,heatedeominoneingetiolfdaY at 10 Olt loCk: roi*, ntiontcredit, including— DOMESTICS,: Eifilinllia* imp § II .EFTINGS-All FLAN glAll Wtiol white atilt colored eantot4o.4i=' met fancy,shirt ng and heavy miners'. , „, BLA.N.KETS—AII wool white and heavy gray trilxfoir P opular 'makes._ , _ cAssoyEßEs...Diagonsl, alt wool nine, aide band D. an 4 .T:ybbyg' fatitY 'Pl4utativn, moleskin, !Ye. SATINETS. -Heavy lirctivn, black And gold - Menison,'Oxfordokm._ ; • JEANS4Dientiore. gold 'mixt, beau women, lucky, duc. r • GINGHAMB, &C.—Manchester' book fold, Ayrshire, fancy plaids, Union PaCiliC checks, am, . Also, 'Pickings, Stripes, , Denims, Silecias, Ciambrie‘` Corset Jeans, Linheyit, iterseys, Prints, De fames, cr(,t , tonadee, LinnSa Paddings, 4/NEN GOODS._ . • • Cases Barns a ley-. Tanen,. Sh 0 1 eotingo.-L0 and TOY' • Mp T. do ' bleached and •• brown Tattle Cloths ; Toweling: ' do eitillitlS: Crnsh:lfftlapm.l"illoirLinens, &c. DEKIICIIANT,TAILOBSI, GOODS.- Pieces French. English and Saxony all,wool and'Union black Cloths.--" Pieces Branch blade. - froesltins. TWilled; whinh'e . ar d y Beavers, Chinchillas. Sc Pieces Fancy Cassimeres. Coatings, and Cloa kings, Its Ban Oloths,-hatin de-Chino. Velveteens, ho DRESS GOODS. SILKS, SHAWLS, ere. - Pieces blk andlcoloredpure.Noltalcs.nnd,Alpecla. do Paris Plain and Fancy . Dolaince,Fobluni-rderinal.--`" do black anti colored Silk .:Welvets, fall style IS, Jr;(' 2". Ifoeicry, Gloves, Shift Fronti3'; Hoop' gild Ithimdral .Sllk. Ties, , 'Leal eling and, Under Shitte and Taiiinctarkaninno,j4 --- A3gtoron , ikrniiiinnthil.mrdifi - irrorderpt - twignaeo, - r? large stock of Fancy Dress Goods, Domestics, Linen Goode. Ifdkfs.', WtfOleft Shawls. Skirts, fWI • lia•le y.. Gloves, *),tits and Drawers, Primirangs,Dollii, Notions, Ac.! ' • • • . . . . SPECIAL 'AND PEREMPTORY'SALE DT 'ORDER. '''' G, liIESSRS, J. M. &W. CREIGIVI'O4, ' , .• ~; . ON THURSDAY MORNING,' ,Sept.`:2,: on; four, months . ' credit, being all freak, and. . 'sound goods, balance of the season's importation,. —cattesitaltan:Cloths, in every,grade. : do Canvas Paddings. ,_ . 'do:" Solid'Clieckited Fancy GinghaMs., 1 ' . • ' . • do. piece,Datuasks of every description, • , • . '' do all their 'various Qualities of:Velvete. '. do . d0.,..,_ do•• do . • , -Velveteens. - 'do 4.4 Irlah Shliiitur Linens. :•• ' tOO,LBS. 'PATENT. THREAD, ' , -...,' 'Caldwell 'sand Cobden's. warranted 16 oz.' to the Pound. . . • ; 3000 PIECES, WHILMGOODS. , l Jaconets. - : 'Tape Checks, • : ' ;: I , i aiusooks,' ''' :" : ; : BishOp Lawns. ,' • • ••, ..-1: : SWit3B . Mulls, Striped Nainsophs,, ; Victoria. Lawns, ''.' - ; ' ' 'Sathilitripes. - - '-' ••,t • 1200 Dozen Napkins. , . ' " • 3000 DOZEN L. C. EWES'S. '' : ':: 4.: - 3,1', ;Til and misses ',plain, hemmed, "h' a t and prioted. , . .:.;;,u.' • • - ALSO— , ...' .• : 600 DOZEN SHIRT ;FRONTS., "': ,-. . , IMPORTANT-SALE OF,.CARPETINGS, OIL• , . : 41 , • CLOTHS. Zcc. . _ • ' • 'OR FitPDAY MORNING, ' . • .; ', 7:21, Sept, 3at n o'clock, on four months' credit, about 200 I " :7 .• pieces ngrain,'Venetian: List, :Hemp, Cottage and Bair .Carpetings, Oil Cloths, Rugs, &c.,, . , - ; ~-. • ' • LARGE SALE OF -FRENCH AND .OTHER Eurip.- .• PE AN DRY GOODS. • ' -- ' ON MONDAY MORNING, ._.; .• .. September 6, at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit, inelu- ding a largo ' • ' ._ . _ : .. SPECIAL ; AND • ATTR AC TIVE SALE . 81,647,861 80, GOO . CARTONS BONNET RIBBONS. —ALSO-- E 0 PIECES BLAC I, K . E A Ly NI x ) T C s OLOBED BONNET SALE OF 2000 OASES BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, 'ON TUESDAY MORNING , Sept. 7, nt IO o'clock, on fonr mouths' credit. THOMAS BIRCH iiafg,.A.ll - iitTISK: HERB AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 1110 OFIESTNOT street. Rear entrance No. 1101 Sansom street. Household Furniture of every description received on . Consignment:' Sales of Furniture at dwellings attended to, on the mod reasonable terms. . Sale at the Auction Store, NO. 1110 Chestnut street. :. • surEition NEW AND SECONDHAND CABINET• FURNITURE, ' ELEGANT CARPETS, MANTEL, AND . PIER lIIIRRORS, 9011031-ACKER PIANO ' O . -• • FORTE. PLATED - IVA 11E, TAIILE CUTLERY. JAPANESE GOODS, COTTAGE FURNUKUREc • PAPER HANGINGS, Ste, , • •• • ON.FRIDAY MORNING,' .• ~ . At 9 o'clock, at the auction store, No: Illil;Chestnut street. will be sold,' by •catillogfie, a very large assort ment of Superior ; Parlor, hinting Room, Library, and., Kitchen:Furniture: a number of bands mne CarmitS, Rosewood Schormicker Piano Forte, including the entire Furniture ofa faintly removing from the city. STOCK AND' FIXTURES OF PAPER 73ANGING •,k STORE. At same time will .be sold the fixtures of a store and' about 2.000 pieces of paperthangings. MMARTIN BROTHERS, AUCTIONEERS,. • Midair Salesmen for M. Thomas & Sousa ' • No. fat) CHESTNUT street. rear entrance from Minor. Salle by order of the Pennsylvania hlila Co., at Nos. 3335; 3240, and 3342 Market street. R . • TWO SUPERIO HORSES, SIX LIGHT WAGONS, GRAIN AND FEED ' , WAGON, Harness' _—One,horm Power Hay Cutter, Fairbank's Scales, Milk Pans, Churns,Cans, Buckets. Cast Iron Feed Boxes, Marvin Fireproof. Safe., Handsome Walnut and Oak Office Furniture, Carpets. Mattings.' &c., On SATURDAY AFTERNOON, . %t 2 o'clock. on the premises, Nos: 333 4 and 3312 Market street, by order of the Pennsylvania Milk Co. . . May be seen on the day of sale. JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, No. tn WALNUT etre° t. REAL ESTATE SALE,: SEPT. 8. ' This sale. at 13 o'clock noon', at the Exchange, will in clud &c. ,-k-nw-n-tms- • the "JEFFERSON MILL," and large tract of 1 ind, adjacent to the Cathedral Cemetery, Twenty•fourth' • Ward. It is in complete order, and is ono of, the largeit and most valuable mills in Hie country. Full partieu --lure in handbills: Sate-Peitmptorylni - order - ar - the - Str=7 - , - . - yrenie Court. • Assignees' Sale. 422 Walnut street. TEN OASES BALMORAL WINTER SKIRTS.. • ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, Sept. 8, at 10. o'clock, at the auction store, will be sold, . - without reserve, over ten cases of Ladiee' and Misses' Balmoral Skirts', Office Table, 'Bobbin, Boxes, &c. ffr May' be examined three days before sale. • - NOTICE.—INTERNAL _REVENUE. The undersigned will sell at public sale; THURS. . DAY, September 9,1869, at 11 o'clock, A.M., at No.ll-1 Willow street, the following distillery apparatus and ~' appurtenances, viz.: I Steam Engine and Boilers. Mash Tubs, Copper Pumps, Office Furniture, &c. • The saidlieticles are seized and distrained upon for • non-payment of taxes, Sze., due U; S. Internal Revenue. JAMES N. ItERNS, auSO t see Deputy Collector and Distraining Officer. rrHE PRINCIPAL-MONEY -ESTABLISH mcnt-S. E. corner of SIXTH and RACE streets. • Money advanced on Merchandise generally-Watches Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and Silver Plate, and' on - articles of value, for any length 01 time agreed on, ; A WM; S AND JEWNIATLY:_AT PRIVATILILI,XLE, Fine Gold Hunting Case Double Bottom and Open Face English. American and Swiss Potent Lever Watches; • Fine Gold Hunting Case and Open Face Lenin° Watches; lug Case and Open Face English, American and Swiss - . • Patent-Lever-and-Lepine-Watchest-Double-Cace Quartier and other Watches; Ladies' Fancy Witten% Diamond Breastpins: Finger Rings; Ear Rings; Soule; &c.; Fine Gold Chains; Medallions; Bracelets; Scarf Pins; Breastpins; Finger Rings; Pencil Cases and JeW elry generally. Felt SALEA. large' and valuable Fireproof;Cbest. ' suitable for a :fee elh•r; cost $611 1 • Also, several Lots in South Camden, Fifth and; Chest nut streets'. • D. McCLEES & AUCTIONEERS, No. 506 MARKET • BOOT AND SHOE SALES EVERY. MONDAY AND THURSDAY. ' • - T. L. ASHBRIDGE & CO., AUCTION.- 1.. E ERS. No. Mb MARKET street. above Fiftb. A NiIIIIACIT.E COAL FOR THE NAVY. ' NAVY DEPARTMENri BUREAU OF EQUIPMENT AND 14 - CIWITING, AUGUAT 20, 1869. SEALED PROPOSALS for furnishing Ati' ••'• thracite Coal for the , Navy, to be delivered;, during the fiscal year ending ,30th June, 1570, will be received at this Bureau until 10 September 18, 1810. TheSe 7 - proposals must be endorsed :"Pro posals for Anthracite Coal for Steamers," that A"' they may be distinguished from the othet business letters. The offer must be for the delivery of 15,00 V•.... tons, of 2,240 pounds. • The Coal inuSt be of the Best Bueklqountaini or Black Heath; or of trltilid equal to them iII ; all-respeetS',--for-the purpOsouintendetl, RAJ nalitV.Will. be determined by a Board. ati.: pcontetl-bythe'Seeretary Of the Navyl:aftef the; '3 . • reception - of - Om:bids.— • The name of the coal proposed to be fur-... Dished must 'be stated in the offer ' ' The price must be for the Coal delivereitrit the Philadelphia Navy Yard, or on . boito vessels at such points within six miles thereof.' as may be designated by the BUreatt, contrattor's risk and expense, and..., without ;. extra charge of anyfthitl. The coal mist in all re - spoci . :4 be , 'satiSraetOry. 10 the inspector or inspectors 'to bif by the. Nivea a, who gill haVe the,right,of emptory rejeetion. „ , • _ , Blank forms of offer gitaraiitoe' Yze' be fornisheil ou application to the:TAM:eau, 4t4 4 . 1 ! • ' 11011SEMANSH IP SW ENTI2.I - cony taught at the Philadelphia Rid Ans; School. wadi street, above Vino. The horeee are quiet awl thoroughly trained.- For biro'. saddle hor.a.co. Also care riave at all bates for weddiuga parties, opera, runetsl.4.. tic. lioni s es trained to the !Mitre. .-. TIWZIAS Man& BOC. . . , •A.ILMTION;; SALES. PROPOSALS. N S T C T 1 ON&