Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, August 30, 1869, Image 5
- v• - •:-;: , 7.- -, . - ' 7 •.-Vr. - ---: -!'" l'''''''' ,.- '• W . -' 4 • l 'lA 4 ' . .kz- , " , -'. , - ,- - 15,10'.."- , ,-.'.• . ; 41A! , :-.t - - , -.':•'-:i* - :.'.:,•.'„,'.:„.:A 1 ;'- . , .:-. 4-..!--:::.-, ".• ---47-7"-- -7777 ;leliCi CI'T 'Y 1L1'1...... r,Ni-ATLAN.:,4-' tE, ' ' ~:A4..: - _ 1 ..._,,,_; ~, • •1",,... , „ - ' ''• ,- - , . ' inns' , '--TEALII* *l s sit - :or THE ,iIR4 _, , ~.. . . ~ , , .L.,. 1 4. 0 ,, t0a Boa • .;., ~, 1 „..0.k.*:•.. 1 ,! , .:_•---- •-• , ~- rht,ado.p.-! • . t 2 , 9 r ''''.,-. - owlet:lto of tbe , :_ ___,_ , .... limns , V'f : •t".l-',"• ,- -. Wt r r t ' s : s w i m) . ivii,Alvxte •'ol7lgupoiTby.the ,",:',Oft( '':,„A,,,bult ' 's is about the time fixed season at ~"..,„,':S-1..v.,•7Ti1n - th e closing P'' '.' LV - A - ;..„:',.: :`' 1 rssbionablea feTbut many persons a r m; W .„:••,-,";,•;t11,' watering.placeli,, delightful part eu i'.. ~.-., .',',-.-; i.••- , ~..,! •"rp t h. nit ' ber the meet although • ••,-.:"...,:;•;t, aluer,...-.•--w, ern ` sea=shore , andt of ...'f'•- • ; . ,•" ''' ';.••••-•*-` li" 'ear to visit the se early, mos :) .- V,' t' e Y., , I,,ioing hotelS C ]fo y er part of ~ nie of tbe ..;:•:'::•i_•:••,„' remain open unti1 „..,.... fa i r number "-- ',.'. '''4.lklthe . houses a ll have a pre'v k about 'e :1-W,1,-'- mouth, and, . would walk li think lio that t e h` '''''A,''•,-•ri`•tif guests- Anybody; -ould ' ' • „.,-• : ., . , 4."-.:•-, - antio City to - day e. .• •,14.”: 4 0 , ' about at its To day there are ••4 .:,-,•-c‘,.,::!...4easen''''"eB of d os i ng . T , _. ;'. r ' ,being on the.eve been on any height, instead. of hire as there has ,41,1 t, • many people months, ~'^ =•---"nn during the. smiling --.0-ii ne daS ail past three wear .: 7 intel" proprietors it t , an d the be set hotel keep :."..-••••";"-',-i.si*xinnee,13' ' ow , o f the present Year may • -","-• ' '-:44.4 The 1 seas prosperous one for the ,_ ..••• mm . ri a s a . V ' - of cash raked in has n - and "other parties • chiefly interested, aolt " ''''• ' erB h the amount '-'thoug large, asinformer. ' however, this been as - of.littraetions and ears, -In - the way . ~, nuniSerneriti, of various kinds. The bal masque, k which came off during the encainpment of the Philadelphia Fire Zouaves was a novelty, and the brilliant 'masquerade . hop given - subsequently by MT. Thomas Farley, proprietor of the Surf Nouse, was an entertainment a a kind obpeet4n ringooefti_tiiheion,eihxtops_se”asaoiinici never given here before. As none of the ho ' tels • have ever been over-crowded at any • time, visitors have no reason to complain on 'the score of comfort and amusement. The . 40,;lbathing throughout, the entire season has been • #xcelleht, and • the sailing has been delight, :,21,,,,,.:1,4 , 4.s:.°l.rsr. .', fw, Those who are forid of fishing have been ~,,,;.•,groatlY disappointed. For some unexplained, A ••t.,--cauiti; the fish have refused to " bite" as saw- .1- 0 ,4 . •: , ,, , ; `,agely as formerly, but they are apparently r"-:••: 4 Zgetting over their timidity, arid every day the ,;_';•,''arlitateur fishermen are becoming more sticceis- X '4,, : *Win their hauls. e - vi ti ons ere to -ii th i e 4 4 r ;•various improvements are contemplated here, • 1 ' ii 't`s:,- s 1 ' .4 .4 !,,and will add much to the attraction of the 7; :' : .-1..y1ace,.. The Surf'House is to undergo a corn .• 1 , plete renovation, and as the beach has been '''-', 4 : , • ' • -running away from it for several years, a rail :4, -way is to. be built so that guests will avoid a '':,.. 44tramp through the hot sand. Of course the - . ;.. g ood-natured and liberal Farley will preside -,-I• ':Oyer the destinies . of the house, as he has so l - . 4- , ;.-, : well done during the present season. f 1,1,44 The exp• train yesterday afternoon S Ic''brought do n Cyrene Commandery, No. 7, )•ti .. 4.'" ",,r-lEC-nights TeNlar, of Camden, accompanied by ' I 'llff •' th National. .... r . •• -, 4,4-"•^ eCornet Band, of Camden, and, • „P:'4 , (.• t. nearly a hued Philadelphia Knights, as eitr .. 1 4 **44 Invited gu t . Upon their arrival the Sir 1 ',,,,,: ;Knights w e assigned to quarters at different' 4 :- 'hotels, the Philadelphians generally being ••located at the Surf House. In the evening ~, the Knights assembled at the Sea View 4 W.' 4 4.2. ~ -House, 'where there was a handsome display. .SPltif fireworks uthier the direction of Prof, Jackson. The crownift piece represented the ~..,:i'nights Templar's cross, surmounted by the • ~47: motto of the Order, 'ln hoc signo winces." The exhibition passed off very successfully, and, at its conclusion the ladies were escorted ~,,,i , - te the magnificent ball-room. There was a 1"- P ' large assemblage of the fair sex, and, all were -•-elegantly attired. The "hop" ,was opened by ti, grand march by the Sir Knights, who were lu full uniform, and presented a very fine ap , pearance as th - cY passed around the room •' ,:' ', several times. At the command "break •.., ' ranks," the Sir Knights separated •:,-', 14 ,and the buglesountled for a- quadrille. The dancing then t Immenced, and was continued „ J . i. , (with an intermission for refreshments) until ...• midnight. The scene during the ball was 1•! grand. The very handsome uniforms of, the • Knights and the rich dresses of the ladies 11 made a display of splendor rarely witnessed. *". !,- - 4- The affair passed off in the most agreeable t manner, and nothing whatever occured to mar its pleasure& _Sir__Wm. _Wallace Goodwin_ acted as Master of Ceremonies, and Sir Jere miali L. Hutchinson, Sir Chas. .14. Hale, Sir John Thornley and Sir Harmantis Neff as Floor Managers. , This morning at 10 o'clock Cyrene Corn .4, , ,i; .- ,xuandery assembled at the Sea View House A , .. ; -- ' and marched to the Surf House, where they CCs ..• were joined ,by the Philadelphians. The • Knights then proceeded to the Methodist I Xpiscopal Church, where an excellent sermon was delivered by the Prelate of Cyrene Cora mandery, Rev. Sir Wm. H. Jeffreys. - • To-morrow morning at half past nine o'clock the Sir Knights of Cyrene Commandery will.. assemble at the Sea View Hotel, preparatory to countermarching on Atlantic avenue, and passlu - review - of the - Grand — 0111 - crers - rif - N-ev . „Jersey, and the Sir Knights of other Com o.- , 1•`----.--- , funaderies,in.front of-ahaSurEHouse.......The. • . agyiewing otitcersmill be Sir_ThomasJ.Cersen. 1", G. C., of New Jersey ; Sir Geo. H. Bechtel, r. G. C., of N eiv Jersey'; Sir Jeremiah L. Hutchinson, P. G. C., of Pennsylvania; Sir _James Watts, G. T.;of New Jersey; Sir Tiamil toti McDowell, G. W., of New Jersey, and Col. James l'age, I'. G. M.,of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. The Knights will return to Philadelphia to morrow afternooa. The closing hop of the season at Congress Hall was given last evening, andnotwithstand jag tin. K. T. ball at tilt; other end of the city, .:. •-,- . ' was a brilliant affair. Col. James Page acted l ii . as Master of Ceremonies in his usual graceful lk s tyle. • 4 k, Momiy's 31 oonliglit. Excursion arrived on ; i 4 time last night, and brought down about 900 1-;Att 'persons. A. AV. F. • i;: ~,:,, ~• IRE 1 1 • , • be Canadians Excited by an Aalerlean Flag—AL Teirrible Outpouring or IV rain. From the Hamilton (Ontario) Titheti of A ag.27:] 1 1 On the night preceding Dotnimon Day some graceless wag clinibed to the top of a lofty flag ' pole at WbodStock, near the railway . station, whickWas erected at the time of the visit ofthe Prince of Wale.s;and nailed thereon an Aineri. can flag, bearing the black-lettered inscription ' • "Annexation." No person could be found pos sessed of • toifficient temerity . .to' the pole and tear 'down the rag, Partienlarly as not a few persons were positive that:the pole was rotten, and that the life of any party making. the attempt would certainly be for feited. There the obnoxious motto fluttered for nearly two months, in full view of the crowds of traVelers passing daily_ on the rail way, and the reputation of Woodstock was nut likely to benefit by such a display. One of the telegraph workmen, accustomed to climb ing poles, was taken up to Woodstock to per form the job, but after climbing about two thirds of the height, he declined to ascend ther, and declared he would sooner resign his situation. - Shooting was next resorted to, -.7---7andit-considerable-amonut-of powder-was-enF ployed in the effort to destroy the hateful em idein.. The flag and also the top of the pole were pretty well shattered by this means, and 4 ‘ Annexation " was obliterated froM the rag at least. On Monday last a youth in the mu ploy of a patent Stoye-drum manufacturer, happened in the town, and hearing of the natter be very readily t watered his services to “go, foe! tlretlting. Tile gallant lad performed BLEE NOSE witxru t..,~.a•1... _ ~ ~ t . ..:{.. fr .{' ~ w -,f^ a. ^r~ '"'i'""'-,w-4 -rid •,~.-,-~ INISSE the nethailsomelz • aseonditr to`''tlie".toibrfcir the pole mithout . dialculty; au tearing ofithe laBt shred of the tattered Qsg The question , Li,-who Was the intrep id l lll o l ll4lla 4 !".Put; up the job?! , ::Report of the:li*tint Apientatett , ' , a* the, Itterasilas , Coneweirttom 'From the Noir Orleans Times, Aug. 20.) We had the pleaiure, yesterday, of meeting and conversing with . ,General W. B. Miles,, who has just returned from California, to which State he was sent by the Immigrant' and Labor Convention held at Memphis last , July, for the purpose of investigating and reporting upon Chinese labor, its adapt-. ability t 6 the wants of the South' and the -practicability of its cheap intro duction. General illiles devoted one month _to traveling, examining the country and ob-' , serving and studying the people and their insti tutions. In advance of Ins report we can state that the General confirmed the opinions of all. intelligent and impartial persons who have: visited , California as to the great value,' superiority and cheapness of Chi nese labor. 'An active, - sagacious and inquisitive gentleman, he made a thorough and minute examination into the manners, habits and customs of the Chinese. He vis ited the various establishments in which, they are employed, the woolen factories, the machine shops, the foundries, the farms, the mines and on railroads; in fine, in every de ,-partment-pf_-„itujustral m ~anti heefound every relation; and position Ihby were regarded as the cheapest and trustworthy laborers - in-the Stater--As-house-servants they are esteemed as incomparably superior to all others in their cleanliness, docility and fidelity. Their labor can be obtained at about one-third the rate paid for other labor. It is for this reason they are persecuted and oppressed by certain classes in California. These classes, embracing a large number of voters, political aspirants anti party leaders, find it, to their Interest to sanction the denunciation of the Chinese,'lnat even these admitted to General Miles that for the Southern plantation there could be no better, laborers. General Miles assures us that the Chinese are , more than ordinarily shrewd in making a bargain and taking care of themselves. All that they ask is protection when they come into our country, and the enjoyment of the rights • which have been promised to them under the Burlingame treaty. Though the mission and purposes of Gen. Miles were seriously interfered with and dis couraged by Boutwell's letter to the Collector of New Orleans, he had every, assurance that if proper security4laeralibrded against any at tempts on the part of the Government to pre vent the introduction of these laborers, the full demand of the South could be in a few years satisfied, at rates which would render it the cheapest and best labor in the world, and thus add enormously to the productive wealth and improvement of our section. The Organ of Brigham Young on the • Schisinstles. [From the Salt Lake Telegraph.) Onto Smith brothers we have little to say, They are doubtless sincere in themselves ; but to what else we have failed to discover. That they have brought anything to interest any one we have not - heard. Of all the movements that ever claimed. attention, this, to us, seems to have the least to say for itself. We have diligently sought to comprehend the brothers Smith; but beyond a snarl at Brigham Young and polygamy, we have reached nothing. They may say of the former what they please; tliat establishes nothing in favor of Joseph Smith, - at Plano, Illinois; and they may con temn with unmeasured zealthe latter institn ri on ; but that will change in nothing the life and marital relations of their father, so well *known to everybody who intimately knew him. Had:these young men came among us claiming to have a revelation, We'sll6iild have respectfully listened to them; 'as we did to their father, and we would have judged of its divinity by its light; but no revelation is pre sented to us, and it is too late in the day to `speak to us of mere inheritance ordination, Too many 'have claiined , ordinations .already. We hear plenty of these things, lam we have. learned to • ask 'for more. It was not Brigham Young's ordination ;that led the persecuted Saints across 'the dreark plains—God was with the .man, and is providence was visible. When an elder, seventy, high priest or apostle makes his' ordination a subject of parade in the pul pit; he is of mighty little service to the human =tunny; but when he speaks and we listen to the wisdom and light that pours from his lips, we have no need to ask for evidence,Of the ordination. It is not ordination, but irevela tion, that proves the revelatof,......Guyjour nalistic friends abroad who have so freely pub lished the other matters, are welcome to the whcile of this. We will not tamper with the future, and predict, but for the present we can safely say: "The end is not just yet." We are no preacher, but this is our Sunday sermon to our hearers. Amen. THE HUMBOLDT FESTIVAL.-The delegates from the different societies, lodges, &c., Which intend participating in the festival on the 13th of September, in honor of the centennial anni versary of the birth of Alexander von Hum-. boldt, held a meeting at Red Men's Hall 'yes terday morning. Representatives from about twenty societies, lodges, &c., in addition to those already reported., were present. These societieficompruteAlie Union Sangerbund, the Grand Lodge of the Order of Harugari, Teutonia Sangerbund, several lodges .of Red M - enr - 15 - ; 0: - S7W; -- 1.1. ' and — O. d. The tickets for the festival were distributed to the associations. The societies which have not re t itv ed"tielrets3ll:6llldlifirke - Wprielitibif tirt he"' Financial-geeretary ; -MrAl. ICOradi, at Fourth and Wood streets. The marshals for the dif ferent societies will be chosen this week, and on Saturday next they will meet at the Red Men's Hall for the election of Division Marshals. .AvrinirTEn Huai WAY ROBBERY.—Wm. H. Massey and Joseph Connelly were before Ald. Massey mterday upon the charge of at teompted highway robbery. It is alleged that at 'Thirteenth and Wood streets, yesterday morning;at half-past two o'clock.they attacked a man with a club, knocked him down, and beathini badly, destroying three or four of his teeth, and. then attempted to rob him. The cries of the man attracted the attention of Policemen McGarry and "'Armstrong, who came 'up and captured the assailants. Con nelly broke away from Armstrong and ran. Ile was pursued and the policeman fired two shots at him without effect. .At Thirteenth and Spring Garden streets the fugitive was captured by another officer. The accused were committed for trial. ASSAULT '{VITH A BUNG Ditty HR.—Jacob Fisher, proprietor of a beer saloon at Tulip and Townsend streets, was before Alderman xenix this morning upon the charge of assault and battery. A man who entered the saloon last evening. to get a drink: quarreled with Fisher. The latter is alleged to have struck the man on the head with a bung driver, inkir. yp him pretty badly. The accused was held in SBoo.baitto answer at Court. DISOUDERLY HousE.--Lientenant Hag gerty, of. the Third. District Pollee, made a descent upon an alleged disorderly hoUSO, 02!V Barclay street; oa'Satiirday night. Charles Martin; the proprietor, and seven inch and seven women were arrested. The . prisoners were taken. before Alderman Carpenter. Martin w f as held in $l,OOO bail for trial, and the others in $4OO bail to keep the pence. Ass,iturtNO A POLICEMAN.-MiChlil3 . l. Gor man was arrested' at. Seventeenth and North streets, for assaulting Policeman Shilling. : It is alleged that ho drew a knife, and attempted to stab the officer. Gorman was taken before Alderman . Pancoast, and was held in $l,OOO ' FELL FROM. A Scurrot.n.—Jaeob London -slay.er,-twenty-years-of-age.-fell from a seaffok this morning, in Ninth street, above Ittice,am dislocated his right ann. He was taken to flu Pennsylvania Hospital, where he had his aril set, and was then taken to his home. TILL. TA PPI (:.—james Ewing, aged twelve yearS, has been committed by Alderidau Eg 'gletou to answer the charge of the larceny of froin the money-drawer.of a store at Beach and Mandel:son streets. , THE 'DAILY. gAyEpuNci- froL,LFAN t =jl444oEql:o4,...4oisipAY, Ap O, 1 69. THE €JUW MORMONISM. CITY BULLETIN. T4ilfe ' a' *- -- '•=4l - - 4/101 i 'Cr: IltilttitStiti/ De. ki# , _ 6Alt 1-//: = - 4 :1145 . Mon a qu ' ' mery' Alf ceuh l tv ° , tr ,. e° arres rge te - din this city `• unta. l"rsrilii , , , ; : ak ., .. Item , sisYl , 6 - : . 1/07 :'; 'Obestntit *0 00 ° '' " : - $?, 011- n'zdan_i° l ' Me? t° a _ ln _ t lie• His em " p o , mm=o,, ~• INVI'EtTIONS, , ,": , `,.' ititt-• plOYerinone's Vie, fo owing rlSPinanitina 0 ' *•••°, - edi t ; tti t i. newest and' beet aitateti'lol3ll l caser_,', '' - • ' '' '" .'' ',- '.• ' n 'A. ,Stationer' ans. ,, ltnarsteay-1,033 0 slat ' " AboutAweek ago the M,Wlll,..which iii a i t.• ~ • eta ti young oriC, was sent to he Shod.. She .being' very ' unmanageable and - ;wielitki;.the black smithtefused to ebbe her, andhent her home. The nextdayshe watt sent 'to Ylitiother black smith, who has the reputatierkitheing able to shoe almost any aninialcand' a ft er great trouble he managed to gat bezfrout feet shod, audeent her home, with 'went to, work her a 'few days and then send her back. We were following, his advice, We, certainly were „practicing no cruelty to the animal—she was young; bad never been 'Shoal!: Iler feet were not at all sore or broken,and she was traveling as free from pain as though shit were shod." ROBBING 'HIS MOTHHH.—FOr ,Some time. past, Mrs. Lamb, residing ,at No.- 1809 Arch street, has been missing' artitien of jewelry from her house.' About 14 articiw, including , a gold.watch, have been stcden. .She suspected her son, Ridgw# Lamb, and be was arrested 'by Lieutenant Gercke and:Sergeant Donnelly. He admitted the thefts,' and told where the stolen property bad beenl4l*fted. Some has already been recovered. The accused will have a hearing at the .9Ontral Station this afternoon. • , CRUELTY TO SEAmErr.,-111Etttliew, Coffer, Captain; Charles Svvann; • 'first 4 mate, and Richard Dunn second:: 'mate of the British . ' ecord4y.i.t . g_atilace_sem9t virhorf 1) • - a:WaleTifere arrested - ChM ifferitikeliy'Diiplity" United States Marshal Schuyler, upon-a war rant issued_by_Tlnitesll,_States_Ctuntssioner_ Charles P. Clarke. They' are charged with cruel and unusual punishment of John Smith, JohnLivezey and Griffith, Griffiths, seamen on the ship. The prisoners were held for a hearing. CRUELTY TO ,Aramm,s.--Cunninghthrt Greer was arrested on HoWard street, below York, for cruelty to animals. ' It. is .alleged that he amused himself by throiving "nicks at a lot of goats: '. Several of the - animals were struck and severely injured by the ,missiles. Greer was taken before Ald:Fleina,•a;nd: was 'held in $4OO bail to answer at court. • - THE DETECTIVE DnrAnTxtENN.---I,ieutenaut Francis Brinein, of the Seventh District Police, who has been Adting , Chief of the De tectives for several.mouthS past, was relieved at his own request this mornin,g,andwill again take charge of his district, Lieutenant John Kelly, of the. Eighth Police .District,has been detailed to act as Chief of the Vetectives: • • NARROW ESCAi.E.—Was.McAllister. and George Munch went 'out on .the (Schuylkill in a boat last evening . . When near Peters's Island the boat capsized, and the Ocdupants were thrown into the water. The latter were re cued•from drowning by boat cyew No. 4, of the Schuylkill Harboi Police.; ' THANK s.—Mayor Fox this morning publi6ly thanked Lieutenant EtrickSon. and Sergeant Ward, of the Second , District Police, for the arrest of the parties who fired the stable near Front and Greenwich streets, yesterday morn ing. An account of the lire will be found on the inside of ta-day's BULLETIN. - , FATAL RESULT.--lit 7 R. Bailey,. twenty four years of age. who. was shot while gun ning yesterday, near Chester, died this morn ing, about; 11 o'clock, at the Pennsylvania 'Hospital: • DROWNED.—Gu6tave' liettleburger, a boy, residing on Ogden street: , above , :Thirteenth. was drowned in the Schuylkill; yesterday, by the upsetting of a boat; while rowing,opposite the Belmont coal oil retinery:—• • -- • V.EssEr. OnEn.---SailS vuidedat $4OO were stolen from the bark Brilliant ,while- she was lying on the east side. of Smith's Island on Saturday morning. • ;' , " ' • , THE NEW YORK BAY Rx9u.asiorr:—The fifth New York Bay ExcUrsion, given under the auspices of: Mr. J. W. Gore, ofthe Camden and Amboy Railroad Company,:is announced for Thursday next. These excursions have be come very popular. The route' abounds in maaniiicent scenery, and the 'expense 'attend . ing thetrip is very moderate, For the ticket $3, and for dinner on board the boat 75 AMUSEMENT 6. 'll.lr. and Mrs. Harry Watkins continue their engagement at the Walnut Street Theatre. This evening they will ,appeat, in a patriotic drama entitled T he Pioneer Patriot. The per formance will begin with the comedy Fa to be a Duchess. —Carncross & Dixey's Opera House is now open for the season, with a large and excellent company, in which all of the old favorites are included. A first-rate bill, comprising a until her of novelties, is offered for to night. —At the Arch Street Theatre to-night Lydia Thompson and her burlesque company oegin a 'briet engagernent - witlr&nbud the Sailor. This piece will be produced in handsome style, with new scenic effects. CITY NOTICES. PRESERVING JARS, I reserving cans. Preserving Bottles, Preserving Tumblers Corks and Sealing Wax, And all articles necessary All goods delivered free. for putting Up Fruits At FETAERSTON Si CO.'S . , 270 South Second strnt. A. A.,LER, ,of Boston, says : "I used Ilur&tt'sl7reoaine and Kalliston for Dandruff, which would cover lay coat collar like a /flower of snow, and the Dandruff and Irritition ceased.'? Paß=== for next y ear's crop. Cleanse your -prornifiCki thoroughly- with -Lyon's -insect Powderi - and. tints pievont the cockroaches, fleas, moth, bugs and other vermin from overronning you with their 'broods !text. year. Lyon's Powder will do It. Nothing eine will. Depot, 21 Park Row, N. Y. B . A S EDT DOWN THE rnieEN. CIIARLE9 SToKEtt offerB the balance of hie summer stock AT GREATLY DEDUCED PRICES, AO Clone out, in order to make rooin FOR THE imintiLte Hl+soo/770;1 of FALL AND WINTER KTYLEit FINE' FASHIONABLE' CLOTHING, nato in course of manufacture, ut No. 824 CHESTNUT STREET. - EXIT PILLS ANT) BLACK DRAM:NM—Dr. Wintgow , H Liver and Stomach Lozenge supersedes all the soul•sickening 'purgatives in use. No stomach; r, - volts at this pleasant bombon which contains the true vegetable antidotes to dyspepsia and biliousness and eftect4 a Mire without pain: Foit Specimen copies and advertising terms of the IVilniington Daily Com2nerciat tool Delaware Weekly Tribune ' addreso JENKINS S: ATRINsoN, wilmingtoli;Delaveare. LADIEs' SuNoowxe, at Oakfords' SURGICAn IrurrnuniENTs and druggists' sttn dries. BEOWDEI4 & BROTHER, 23 tiouth Eighth street. • MissEs' Surinowlis, at Oakfords' JUDICIOUS ..I.4OTHE.RS and nurses use tor children a safe and pleasant medicine in Bowe+'• infant • DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND GATANIM. - J. Ifiaßea r M, D., Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the tifniost,-success, Testimonials from the: most 'reliable _sources in the olly_can be_ seen at hie office, No. Seri-Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to' accompany their patients, as ho has no secrets iu his practice. Arti ficial oyes Inserted. No charge made for examinatiOn GET ONE of those Pocket, , Panama.s,•sold a Oakforde', under the Continental .f . TIIOI3B CELEBRAT.EI). Pocket Panamas, sold at Charles OaVord & - IBon's, under the Continental, are very convenient for gents traveling. Ooxxrs Bunions, Inverted Nails, skillfully treated by Dr. 4. Davidson,: No. 915 Ulleatilut West. Mama moderate. terg L BEAL ESTATE.--THOMAS 8z SONS' 32112. Sal 'Business Stand. Two-story Brick Tavern and Dwelllng, southwest corner of Thirty-first and Mar ket streets, opposite the New York and Be' nusylvanin RuilionillOponf. On Tuesditi: September 21st, 1869; at 12 o'clock, noon; lv be sold at public sale, at the India, delphln I.,xchatige 011 that Vivo-story brick messuageund lot of ground situate at the Southwest corner of Thirty first and Market streets, directly opposite the New York and Pennsylvania 'Railroad Depots ; containing in front on Market street 15 feet, and extmuling in depth .96 f00t, 5 more or less, to n. 4 feet wide alley. It is occupied as tavern and. dwelling, and is an excellent business stand.. Pt" Mei! 1r remain on m ortgage. '" 4 4 . t rt ,t r d s o o N u s t A. F l o w t . t t i ! t o l t i l t e r r o B o , ii2.l bell IH . lag DIED CIPATZ; n the: morning of ibopth tost.; nobeceik G the 89th ear of her * II ACIC - 8111 ES; EXTRA GOOD ,' '- PIANO COVERS,„'ORDE RED' EITYL B, • DOUBLE CHAIN BLACK 111011AM6 • . • PLOOK:BIIAND HIJACICALPAAMIi _; • •• - - • • EYRE* LA.l 4 ll4te •• • A Fourth and Arch SPECIAL . p(OT/iCES, 00000 ••••• •• • READY-MADE CLOTHING CUSTOM WORK.. JOHN WANADIAKER, and 1120 CHESTNUT STREET. 10.1CotIce to Stockholders. OF-FIGE—NESQIIEHONING YALTIEY -E. po., 122 S. SECOND Street, August IlthaE9. • Stockholders are hOreby notified that the senuf-ann al payment of interest, at the rate of TEN per cent. per annum, on the instal/mints paid in, will be made on and after September let. - ALSO, That the unpaid instalments of five dollars per share up to instalment number live are now due, and that the Treasurer is authorized to receive payment in full from such as desire to make it. , Interest at the rate of TEN, per cent. poi annum com mences.frota the date of payment on the stock. W. E. WHITE EY,'Treasurer. awl§ w f zn tsee lob OFFICE 'RECEIVEP4 ,OF TA - ES. Pil Aug , . 24,EM4. TO TAX PAYERS.—Notice 18 hereby given that after the Ist of Sentember• a penalty of One • Per •ent. will be added to all city taxes then unpaid. On and after the 30th instant this :office. Will be open from 9 to 3 o clock. JOHN 3f.. MELLOY . au3o4trp§ I • - Receiver of Taxes. 11 :;?, • 31EE11/NG OF THE aEPIIBLICAN voters of the Second , Thviiion of the Twenty si xth• Ward THIS (Monday) EVENING,August 30.1869, at 7P. M. ' lt."1 Q. A. BROW , N, President. rtoz; UNITED STATES INTERN tl.l. RE VENDE,COLLECTOR'S OFFICE. FOURTH DISTRICT. PENNSYLVANIA. CORNER OF ELEVENTH. AND RIDGE. AVENUE. - - PRILAbELPIipt, Augttst tab, 1839. • Notice is hereby given that the annual income tax for 1368 trill be due and payable at this Mike between-August 10 and September 15t,1869, after which the legal penalties will be added. No further notice will be. given. 011 ice hours between $ A, M. arid'3 P. • • • • • HORATIO G. SICKED, - . Colleetor Fourth District, P 4. auZ93trp *EXHIBITION OF THE FRUITS of Ameriett . , bylho National Pomologidal' SOeiety and the•Yenn. 'Horticultural Society, et too 'Horticul tural Halt, on Broad !etreet, on the 14th to the 17th .of September nest. Evening Reception by, the Horticul• turd Society on the BAIL itu27-4trp" --- O.STATE RIGHTS FOR SALE.— ?tate rights of a valuable inventionjust patented, and designed for the slicing, cutting and chipping of dried beef, cabbage, &c., are bereby offered for sale. It is an article of great value to proprietors of hotels and restaurants, and It should be introduced into every fam ily, State rights for sale. Model can be soon at the telegraph office, Cooper's Point, N. J. mv29-tf§ ' MUNDY & HOFFMAN. CHESTNUT Lou J.• R. GOULD, NO.. 92:3 . street, is selling Steck & Co.'s ana Haines Bros.' Pianos andl,Mason & Hamlin's Cabinet Organs nearly as tow as at ann.former time, , au2741 Stllo9 GIR,ARD STREET. 1911, RUSSIAN, AND PERFUMED BATHS ' Departments for Ladles Baths open from 6 A. M. to 9 P. M. ocgb B. FRANK PALMER, LL. goon Artist v has just been commissioned by the Surgeon-General to supply tho Palmer Arm and Leg for mutilated Officers of the U. S. Army and Navy The Governmental offices are to be located in Philadelphia, New York ME and Boston, and are all conducte dan27 bY tf§Pr. R. REGULAR DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE FOR LEGISLATURE, 'SECOND DISTRICT, WILLIAM C. GILLINGHAM —IIZHOWARD HOSPITAL, N S. 1518 and 1520 Lombard street; Dispensary De artment. lical treatment and medicine furnished gratuitously o the poor. UNITED ST ATESHOTEL, - ATLANTIC - crry% N. S., Will Remain Open till Monday, September 6th. • BROWN & WOELPPER, Proprieloi's. iLO'I'~ItN ~:: JONES' ONE-PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 004 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. First. Class Ready-Made Clothing, suitable for all • Seasons; constantly on haitd. • Also, a Handsome Line of Piece Goods for Gus " tom Work, _ Farmers a . nd Fruit Growers, without party distinction, iu every portion'a the'State, Eastern Shore of „Itlaryland_and the southern sections of Chester nnd Delaware counties, Penney] van la. Specimen copies of either paper sent free..:. mLadvertillning rates, itildresk. JENKINS, gic : alkTlClNSON,,Proprletors, Wilmington Delaware. GEO. W. NIEHANN. I • , Proprietor EDVCA - TrON. MILE ARCH' STREEYINSTITITTETt"Oii k i bii i ) Ymge so l. p c t i e ltt r 194.5 Arch l etr y f eet, - will . re-ogen , nu3o-2m ' MISS L. WANTS. ArANTED.--:.BY A GENTLEM and child, boarding in u private fondly. Addramis , "Continental Hotel. .attBo2V TO - RENT. TO RENT THE FURNISHED V d Muse, No.lllo South Twouty-fint street, 'Rent 0100 per month. A 1 • from 10 to 2 o'clock. '&oo.2t* T' ALLY SSISQ 1101 POWDER, • ACT.- .I.:' ALLY cureS Cancer and Serofulous diseases of the Skin,'— See - Report to L. L. Medical. Society, and state 'monis of Physicians in circular, sent free on application to. CHAS. A' DUBOIS, General Agent • 182 ,'earl street, New. York, jy3-813trp'§ P.0.*xj659 i2iiaiii tf letp§ ESOR - _8 . ~,, ,i i.P.l.'q:- .. :':. 4 : , '..,.'i...,;',1 . ,i'4-4...;.. , ..; , . , ..;: - . ......., ~ . . JY'''' . 11TH►. 901 0111E.STIMLI STALE% r „A1'..1-4.1:X4.,:„..-:!..-.,5-...r-:C*'..(T,;.*::.T.-.,'---P':',N.l.:4:::-. FRENCH Designed' 1 y the , best Artists in Paris, for sale only by us, and at less pekes than ever befornollere&_ eiti• rnd elegant original designs in J. Crossleyfa & Sons' 6.4 Yetivets for Parlors, with.borfers to match, exclusive patterns. OT eltl es in ENGLISH BRUSSELS CARPETS in the Loup, XVI., Marie Antoinette, Pei sian, Alhambra, Illuminated, and otherstyles, in entirely new and original drawhigs. 1 2.' • ENGLISII IlittriiiiBELS FOR HALL AND STAIRS, 1;000 PIECES NEW TAPESTRIES. Just Opened 1,000 pieces of all , the New styles of Tapestries for the season, at mox)Eirt.A.Tio IP'EtICUTS. NO. 904 CHESTNUT STREET, am,lo m u FIRE=PROOF SAFES. CHAMPION .SA'P,E4! • : August 2'l, 1809. Messrs. FARREL, HERDING k CQ.: G ENT in : In the year 18561 unfortunately was in • .buaincts the Artisan Buildlrig,whichWylk,destnated by . this on the 10th Of April. I had then in Mei what I sup posed was a Fire-proof Safe, but upbn opening it I found • everything destroyed, and tire burning therein.-- You' will recollect, gentlemen, there was several of your safes In that fire, also Several In the 'tire at Sixth `:and Commerce street's, the next Stay, live weeks after wards, all of which upon being opened proved they were fire-proof indeed; for I witnessed - the opening of most of tliem, andin every case the contents were preserved, while safes of other makers were partially or entirely destroyed. lat once concluded to have something that I could depend upon, and purchased one of . your safes. The safe I purehased of you at that time was subjected to a white heat (which was witnessed by several gentle, men that reside in the neighborhood) at the destruction of my Marble Paper Factory, 921 Wallace street,, on the afternoon and evening of the 24th inst. After digging the safe from the ruins, and opening it this morning, I was much pleaSed to find everything, consisting of books, papers, money and silverware, all right. I shall want another of your safes as soon as I can get a place to continue my business in. I could not rest contented With any other make of safes. • . CHARLES WILLIAMS, - *Marble Taper Manufacturer. HERRING'S PATENT CII.A.IIIPION SAFES, the liostarliable pronLetion fr_onjiro .now knorn ITER. RING'S NEW PATENT BANKERS' SAFES, com bining hardened steel and iron with the Patent Frank .,,ltntte.or.SP/ERELBlSENAitifßNLAlgtiattuthagainst. boring and cutting tools to an extant heretofore un -known. Farrel, Herring :& Co" Philadelphia. Herring, Farrel it Sherman, No. 251 • Broadwai, corner Murray St., N. Y. Herring & Co" Chicago. Herring, Farrel & Sherman, New Orleans. nit2B r tf§ NEW • PUBLICATIONS. 1869. FALL TRADE. 1869 The advertising columns of the WILMINGTON.. DAILY COMMERCIAL offer tOthe'Merchants of Philadelphia a convenient and economical method of making ,Fall . .t.nusiness Announcements to the citizens of Wilmingted 'end surrounding country and on the lin'a of the Delaware Railroad, THE DELAWARE TRiniJNE ic the weekly edition of the COBIBIDESIAL; and 'has a commanding circulation and influence• among the ALL NEW ROOKS , ForSale:lit Wholesale krices PORT & -COATES, rustasiimorAiriiiiooksitiiiis; No. 822 CHESTNUT STREET, Marble, Building, adjoining, the Continental. Our New and Elogant , ART GALLERY -2----- pi now open with the finest collection of PAINTINGS,. CHBOMOS and ENGRAVINGS in the ty. n,h2o m w f riff . , MISS ,ELIZA W. ' HAVING rimy:Ned - from 1324 to 1212BPBUCE areal, will re open her Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies on • WEDNESDAY, September 15. • Circulars mnyße obtained trona' Lee & Walker. W. Quecnsc,.and after 25: • " •" , .ll i f TItE 8011001 d. jy2A to th 3m§ ~: ~~:., .4, : ,_:.....,::.:;.......-'i., - : . ,,,:,.,..:...: . : ..p.:A .. 'A :AlOQ,v'x :: .T :;; T... ..-_:..,_p4A•rw.,s.i: -4 -- vliLvErr ENGLISH BRUSSELS. ALSO, All widths, with borders, to match. f..'''.:'...'&•'•. - :'.",..:'E.".. - . '• : ''B.'': - :..()R,.NX PHILADELPHIA. aIISCELLANEOU THE IMPROVED BALTIMORE Fire-Place Heater, With ILLIIMINATING DOORS and 'WINDOWS, and MAGAZINE of sufncient capacity for fuel to bat 24 HOURS, at cost of ,but H GENTS PER DAY. The most perfect and cheerful Heater in use. Haring made arrangements with MR. 8. )3, n SEXTO.N, OF BALTIMORE, for the EXCLUSIVE manufacturing of these eaters, Bare prepared to furnish tbentin large or mall q13111:1- s. t3old wholesale retell by the Manufacturer; JOHN S. CLARK, 1008 Market Street. Beware of imitation, gotten up on the popularity Of these ileaterel, &GS 2.ail TRUNKS AND BAGS AT COST, To close the business by October lath. CROUCH, FITZGERALD & BROWN, 1235 Chestnut Street. aul6 121 W f lOtrA ____---- • HITYNKVS • PHILADELPHIA PRA R! AC!, Omer Vhidtingtop and Jackson Streets 1623 &nip§Cope May City, N. J. - ITI ,, GAZIN.-DE3-%DIODES - 1014 - VIALNIIT - STREETt ---- Hits. PROCTOR. Cloaks, Walking Suits, Silks, Dress Goods, Lime Shawls, Ladies' Underclothing and Ladies' Furs, Dresses made to measure in Twenty-four Hours _ ITLER, WEAVER , & CO. NEW CORDAGE FACTORY NOW IN FULL OPEIIATION; -- No. 22 li.WATNR street and 23 N.DELAWAILE avenue WINDOW SIIA.DES. A GOOT) Important to Honseke pers, Hotels, Binks, Offices . &e . - The Patent Adjustable Window Screen WILL FIT ANY WINDOW, Give ventilation and light. screen from view and exclude Bloisquitoes and other, InSteelhS. For sale by Dealers in House-Furnishing Goods. The Adjustable Window Screen Company BOLE MANIIVACTUBBRO, 628 M• ket m w fSuirY Street , Philadst. TRIMMINGS AND. PATTERNS.-- VER5..•31.. - A.•IO24DER. - DRESS - TRIIIIMING - ANTY - .PAPER - PATTERN: TORE, N. W. CORNER ELEVENTK AND CHESTNUT, Will close out the balance'of her sununer stook,atswittlY reduced prices, prior to her departure• for Europ_e, THURSDAY,. July Bth, • Choice lot ' of ' Colored Silk Fringes, 25,85, 40, 6002 eta.' yard,all shades; also, Plaid Nainsooks, Er e uch Muslins,,Plque Itlarseilles,Ham burg,Edg,ing and Insertions, Real Guipure Laces. • A Case Lace Points, Sacques and Jackets, Lama Lace . Parasol Covers. Black:Thread Laces, all widtba,at 'very ow prices. ' Genuine Joseph Kid Gloves, el 00 a pair. isses'e Colored Kids.: New Style Parasols and ilea-olden, Roman and Plain Ribbon end Sashes., Paris Jewelry, and a thousand and ono articles, too numerous to mention. . ~ • „ . EXCLUSIVE AGENT For tlrs. WORK'S Celebrated System - far (Jutting LaiiiissW ' Dresses, , Sacques, Basques , Garibaldis, O. dren's Clothes, &c. by measurement. AGENTS_WANTED.. ' ' •• Ladies aro now making from eta° to fj2oo par month OS agents for this ayatem. Inv/UP ISAAC NATHANS, AUCTXONEER, N. E. corner Third and 'Spruce streets, only ono square below the Exchange. *250,000 to loan, in large 9r.emall amounta, on dlamonde, silver plate, watches, joWellr, and all gocrde of value. Office hours from 8 A. • to , Eetablished for the last forty yearth ait# — valarefi Ulla° La , large amounts •• at the; lowest - Market Jab tfrp Z ILI-Lt ''' . ......._:,-......1 Z ir,