Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, August 30, 1869, Image 4
. ''„, ,, ,,A. , •?.. '•,. ~ ~.1411,:e0entilm r 1 -' ' •,`"•,,yl'3‘ The. , ;iill 0t, 4 ,, : 44 c h!Goo lan n.q lemiu ," 'vas ''' ''' .I•''' 'contested Ittnotan'attemiit nuide tei'Set ' it aside: tAbil' t o - the; ground that he had left lAtlat 08 , on'ht... wife, bt, was not his ', , , , 141, ,,1 w , ,•• bor r:k f or tu ne to . ,13, . : ' r ' 4.-... . life, baying been a waiting-maid at a liallatrt" 11111 Who had merelyuiarried him . tor .., i ore i r ta i, thirty - etas her senior, .?"'''' '''.'''llis moPey! lie was defects,l3utlt Wa .4.'`.,,,,';;;441/tt '3#taSznail3AtglY`Pctriull , teRT.- ~ ,,7101uaged thlit'..iwugh her persuasive r* ' ',,,,:tiiihe bad middy influenced him in the dispose : , :i,- . ;• ' ' '''''''', ; : ' ,l-' onor sile,m bts, property, tn ti d : l u n i h n is I n a/ s s o ick as ne t ss 9 1,:`... 1, , ' ,: v d ti u - e 4 e - - him Ir to W o ° N r -er e look ' his 'war relations, 1 Bythe laws,in Ger .k.'c i ' tit brot4els and sisters - e n their own ease; ; M 2 •'- '4 ', !.aity, ail per Sons cantesti 3 , 1 ''''4 4 --", -, 1d by .an equally' good law - p ublic so sentiment 7'"cl-,V.,,, , that all are, 4 0, -.' 'lda PC'llulee to be a eilI PP' • l _that was -!'-,.', -; t t pated — , When- this waiting-gir , '.:: ' .41 n the witness stand she IVaS .110 t ' 94 - .' . ' o ' creature, but a most ' in-.,, 4' i"t„f,,; ~ • -amost beautiful , ''' ' iliee' l ' At one also. she stood up uncovered I , '''' Itire the . court and , jury, as is the usage there, Ve 4 4Rither willing reluctant to testify. ~hei 1 tdi' - ‘ , Althotigh it - is t n9l true that my'Station' in 3" ti was far below my dear, 'departed husband, d the disparity in a„ge.great,iet,lsaw,whenhe . t addressed 'me, that his - 'intentions were otiondde • and Ids Pf.iliPlea...gantry ,and ta' i a '6eral .. " • 11 and sweet , disposition , lie addedla eult . -,..' vitedinM d, and in these good qualities I saw• ' '. -4 ......1iis beau ~" , As to - intitiencin_ hint" slie ridded,', - ; 7 7 - " — hfthe - ftPositlPll * 9f hial s riVertY;' B l l e" ' never entioned the Matter' to him. ln the fonr ' = yeatp',o, happiness 'that they`h7a - d - liVed ----- tO= betel', tneney'liaC never 'mentioned, nor did, • she ever know thaehe had made a;will. As to • his last, sickness, she , well remembered his last w0rd:4,4.14nd :Imre she stopped: One of the lawyers asked: her to state' what, they. were. ' ' .She modestly replied' that she Would, yorefer not_ i l o4 ll 4-09!' Wiie.ql)lVshig counsel, cone ving.that her , NYnnid , Y! fnYer h 4 clients? Insisted it, and the judge kindly; said that she would 1 ?ay the laws ...have to 'do: so, as she must tell. themuli. ,Shethen said 6 , He had ' been sick or e 6 'Oasi and , I Was sitting near him at' , mesthe - ';‘findenr; knitting; when he beckoned meto Votneltill.'clOser to hlm." , He said:" "Fade my 'tear, kiss me and get the glasses and "1„ . • *pen that bottle of chaMpagne, for I am about leave you, and let us' take our last farewell;" d 'sobbing in her handkerchief; she continued, v.:l l lsldeli we did, and he died.". The case Vas given to, the jury without argument, and they '.,4„;'..,Oetrtirited a verdict for the widow iti less 'than Stve. minutes. CITY BULLETIN. 1.11 N: STEAM FIRE ENGD;TE PUMPING AT pumping water into the at Fairmount last week, the follow •. • ' companies took part ,". 'F. The Hope, Diligent, Fame, Northern Liberty Good Will, Harmony and Vigilant `Engine Companies, together with the Ti%oli, m,.::Wa,shington, Southwark; Harmony, Neptune, 9!,larion, Diligent, Taylor, ' and Niagara Hose Xoinpanies. The We,cpacoe, Columbia Engine .„p f, 1 , : l t And Independence Hose . steamers were de ,tailed, but did not go into service. The Fame ' 'Hose continued all Wednesday and until ,four sich:iek on Thursday afternoon in service, and ,Waa , reliered by Chief Engineer Downey. The - 1-lathiony pumped on Thursday morning and afternoon until four o'clock, and was, then also 44elieved by'the Chief Engineer. The Wecca ktee did not golnto service on Wednesday for .„. want of fuel. The following is a. synopsis of tve operations of four steamers: Hope Engine --Average steam pressure, 60 pounds; average water pressure, 90 pounds; jevolutions per minute, 90; length of hose, 760 feet; perpendicular force, 95 feet; lift of site !aion,_l2 feet; gallons per minute, 270; gallons 16 4 200; gallons forced to basin in 24 items, 588,800. . Diligent Engine—Average steam pressure,7o ds; average water pressure, 100 pounds; • „revolutions per minute, 90; length of hose, 650 ts, feet; perpendicular force, 95 feet; lift of sue „lion, 12 feet; gallons per • minute, 360; gallons ' , ,, , per.hotv, 21,600; gallons forced to basin in 24 • „Pours, 518,400. • Fame Ilose--Average steam pressure, 80 "pounds; average water pressure, 89 pounds; • revblutions per minute, 100; length of hose, 700 feet; perpendicular force, 95 feet; lift of suction. 12 feet; gallons per minute, 300 ; gal lons per hour, 18,000; gallons forced to basin in 24 himrs, 132,000. Northern Liberty Hose—Average steam pres -sure, SO pottnds ; average water pressure, 85 ••• pounds ; revolutions per Minute, 136 ; length • of hose, 750 feet; perpendicular force, 95 feet; lift of suction, 12 feet; gallons per minute, 270; gallons per hour, -16,200; gallons forced to ' basin in 24 hours, 388,800. Total number• of gallons forced into the ,^el'",, -1 1 - basin in 24 hours by the above engines 1,728,000 gallons. • • ,A DOUBLE AnuEsT ).NI) DISCIIARGE.-04 Saturday, in the,Quarter Sessions, JudgePeiree had before him the cosi , of A. J. Wightman, who claimed to be released from custody be cause of ati alleged irregularity in • his arrest. In his petition for the writ of habeas corpus, Mr. Wightrnau alleges that truths° 20th instant he was arrested, together with Jackson Sher -inairalid-AV. T. Grover, and taken before Al . 4144nan_MeCloskey,and-claarged;-oh-the--oath- 1 .0041114, filliGeorp Iffountjoy, with robbing, him of ;C• • ''.ll.fi,ooo. At the hearing Grover was discharged, - '7_llllaillellie'aithera%V"Orderefidffts .- 7 7 were ... 70• fly• Rted; --- Two - ilays - afterwards - ball - w4s --- en- -- ' r• - •;.,•. • rlbd,''by,:\both defendants, before Recorder Oh - in, and 'were then discharged from custody. The day following this, Mr. Wightman alleges that he was again arrested without a war rant and taken. before Alderman Devitt, wliei.e he was charged with robbery and con spiracy, and was again 'committed. • Bail, how- 7 ever, was entered for him, - but he was again arrested and again committed. The _petition _alleges_ that the -evei'al: charges= grew_ nut of the same ,transaction for which he is • under bail to answer upon the commitment of Alderman McCloskey. On the hearing on. - . • • Saturday ; Mr, Mountjoy was examined as a witness, and, after giving a statement in regard to the arrests, explained that the charge of con spiracy was based upon the belief that the de fendant bad entered bogus bail before the Re , • corder, and that he intended to leave the juris diction of the Court. • .Judge Peirce said that if the prosecutor had auy doubt in regard to the sufficiency of the bail; there was a regular and legal way to reach it. He had mistaken his remedy in the piesent instance, and the defendant must, there fore, be discharged. RECOVERY OF STOLEN BONDS.—The bonds stolen from the office of. Mr. Turell Tuttle, broker, on Friday morning,'were throWn into the yard of his residence, _No.: 1450...N0rth Eleventh street, on Friday ,night. The bark mg_of - the house: dogattracted the. attention of the - servant girl,: and on her :going into the yard she discovered a bundle containing nearly all the stolen papers:. About`°sso-' shares of railroad and other stocks and $1,300 of cou pons are yet to be recovered.: BADLY ___ . BADLY CUT.—William and - , Mary Lane (colored) were arrested yesterday morning, in _ St. Mary street, near Seventh, by Officer Omer, 'k on the charge of fighting, and also for cutting a ~ • :e6lored man in: the head with' a sharp lustru-' ment. They were removed to , the , Union :1.„ . i3treet station-house and locked up- to await a 4, "•: iit rlt ea rin g . The injured man was taken in charge I.)y his friends. - . _ ......_ • .;:• ~ ~ ' ,--- c , :FALL or A Tny.E.—An old buttonwood i r •,. ! the opposite the State . House yard, in Walnut 1 ',.-;:'' 1 ,„,' , .,,: .-. Atreet,. below Sixth, fell to the ground about • ?-,': '' •. - !"•.ii... )tail past six o'clock last evening. In falling it 1 4 : !. . 4. , - ~,,',!, broke •a,•number of glasses in a marble blinding On ihc south side of the stieet. • A - 11011 9 ,: ;id '-: ''. . - JoiningVll4 ' WI3O somewhat dai naged. trii'f liqpprizirmar. Betweent tiro and }' threCiolelrick•;ilWollldtlYv morning a flamestale;sitttated.east of§ePond , ' street, - betWeeti ; I)ielceton, arlCLfa,t(tlll streets, was set on fire,. and befortl',:the.. , l,Arnets could be extinguislie, d thd fMnotE , 'stritetrifi had been partially destroyed; and the ' roofburned off a brick.stable , adltiiitlug ,The rear-,portierr b y of a row of+divellitigs - bn - Ilotiser Court was as6' . damaged. Your horses, -belonging to Joseph Cers, were hurried, tw0...0f-them severely others slightly: - To'the east of "-the stable a sheep-pen and a plg-sty., In the former there were twenty,five ,sbeep and two calves, of, will*: as tar as knoliqi, were burned death'i sixteen young pigs werealso burned. The sheep and calves belonged to' -Jaynes Barnett, .4ietualler. - rt pir. Cox and Mr. Barnett, \and the widow Simpson, Who owns'tlie brick. stable, - are the chief sufferers. The loss, however, is chiefly "covered by,itistirance. Lieutenant ,Errickson, of the Second Police Distihet, arreated residinglit No, 23. Reed ',street, on the charge of having set the stable on fire. It is alleged that the Lietitenant him coming over thestable( yard, inelosure • on ,Vrreenwicli street just as the fire 'broke Out, and folloVed bim to his own house, where the arrest was made. The capture wonld , :have,- been;made before, but the Lieutenant was interfered with, arid William Ellenger was arrested on the _ - -elitTge-of-aiding4ut„ meri were lockgd-urtfor n; hearing. N - c - C. II ThENTi etiryy R.1: 1- - a I I ;fwedy 7 four.years age,was'shot in the right,' brbast, below. the nipple, and,also in the' right hand, yesterday morning, ,while' on a gunning; excursion to Thompson's,' Point, near Chester ., Bailey, On reaching the shore, , attenipte& to re-. move the gun from the bottom. of the holit;,aud while so doing, the lOck' &tight in the seat arid' the,piece was, discharged. 'lsaac Nevalin".arid Peter Engles, who were with, hini; had; the in jured wan placed on hoard .the, afeaM yacht ,Clara, and conveyed to the city, When, he wa.s• 'removed to the Pennsylvania' Hospital. His• Wpunds are considered of a dangerous charac ter; Be is a wharf-builder by trade, and boardi at No. 6 Laurel'street. 'Nall/ DETECTIVE Aotaver.--Messrs. Joshua Tanart and George 11. Smith have opened a new ,detective bureau at No. 623 Walnut street. Both of these gentlemen were connected with the city detOlve 'departMent for many yews past, and were always recognized as the most expert atalie - Central Station. • , RETultrzED.—The Philadelphia City Guards returned to the city on Saturday evening'after an encampment in, the 'Lehigh Valley for a NEW JERSEY MATTERS. REPIIBLICAN follow ing address haS been promulgated by the Re publican Brand:Wes, in Camden, to the people throughout - the County. The' organization , ' is, rapidly Spreading, • and 'clubs are being formed in all the townships :.. " ACAiLDEN, August 24, 1809:—To the people ,of Camden County: Thomas Jefferson - said that British insolence bad given 'the last stab to, agonizing affections', - and - we can, with force 'cis well as feelings'; tine thiallan„tiageto those men, self:elected leaders'ef the Republican party hi 'this county, who have ruled wi,with a . rod Of iron and who, instead of adVancing the Republic standard in New Jersey, have, by supineness; by selfishness and indolence, given over our gallant State into. the hands of fhe common enemy. Let no man asperse our !Wives; because we are driven in sincerity but in sorrow, and by the poiver of justice, to take our appeal' to the people of Camden county. We do not envy the men whom 'we have ele vated to places, if frem these places they cheese • •to regard the masses of people as asses ready saddled and bridlecl,whose willing backs bend' in , order that any .demagogue may ride forward into:power. It is - because we -believe manhood is more precious than.money that we cry out against our blind leaders, who believe it is the chief end of man, not to glorify God, but to get into a fat place and take 'all their families there, also, into the ark of office. "It is because we love and revere the simple and sublime declaration of Republicantirincl-, • ples that animated Paul (a shining and Chris-. tian Republican) when he declared that of one blood God created all the nations of the earth;: it is because we solemnly believe that all men are and were created equal, that We' here and -now pledge,our:sacred, .honors that we wait° the bitter end make war upon the insolence, the imbecility, and the flagrant injustice, the contempt of the popular will, that, haveruledthe actions of men who never were controlled by /ore of, the people. These men scorn human conscience, and know no political I, creed but the loaves and fishes of office. They are led and actuated by MilialloWed ambition, not by pure and un selfish patriotism . that is willing to do and dare aml die at the call of one's country. It is - because we believe in the dignity of labor that 'we beseech labor to speak out for its own • • honor, in its own 'defence, and for an honest expression of the will of the majority. Soldiers! will you be 'bribed without pence, and cheated without ` common common sense,' longer? Strike a _blow_for—yourselves_turd_defeat—theßing ' Men of Camden county, the proclamation of our emancipation is uttered' by' the brain ' " ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' -Republican-invincibles-lead - the - van - for-liberty fel. all to do their own political thinking. Will you, men of New Jersey, think for yourselves? Our motto • is—'Doom with the and we say up with the flag, which we nail to the mast, and write upon it :—'The day has come when those who toil and they who think in the Republican party shall rule it.' Let us do our duty, and the 'Rings' will no longer control Camden connty, the State or the Nation. :."W_Onove.onwar‘Animated_ by that Just audacity which belongs to strong hearts and a tnanly:pUrpose. We are ready to meet defeat hi a,gooit- cause,' if it finist come, or to wel comethe victory, that follows' the brave, and we' go forward conscious that right makes might, and may Grid defend the right. 13 . , - order of "THE REPUBLICAN INVINCIBLES. "Same] Archer, William Abels, William But ler,William McKee, Joshua Sailer—Co.llllllL tee." . KmmiTs TEmpLAIL—The members of Cyrene Commandety, No. 7, Masonic Knights. Templar of Camden,, went down to Atlantic City on Saturdarafternoon. • They mtinliered one hundred and .fifty. On.their arrival they paraded through the city,And their Appearance *elicited great 'attention.. In thiPevening they attended the grand invitation hop at the new Excursion House ' and received the hospitalities or The evening. They attended the 151etlindist Church - on Sunday; - TlieYlibine this afternoon. DISGEACHEuL.-A disgraceful tight occiured on Sunday. afternoon, mar sunset, at one of the groggeries below Kinglin's Point avenue, in which one man was severely beaten, and many others stood by and witnessed the rutal exhi bition with apparent delight. No arrests were Emu Brews.- - These bii ds are now being killed in large quantities along the marshes within the limits Of Camden. • :They §CCaI to be very plentiful. SAD AcemENT-A- - colored man,' 'named liosely, in attempting - to . jump from the cars at . Atlantic City a day or two since,.was acci dentally killed. , - - -.- • FinE.—The dwelliug house' and Store of ex SlAmilf Hunt,. in Wocdstpwn Salem county weld ilestroyed.by ott Friday morning last about: one TUB EV ENlXtiMiiiotalpi't-r11144,1AL11-11:41L1:11/4;',A AUGVST:BO or v irovvaogeithiont,ol.-v:eit,„ < <„3' deg . :49a tapktipgr 4iinberelk3 :1,e6 a;• degroed rri nticcounty Alan a tin% .Aoe,olAt havt• I prevaileci toltn.alanning_extent.. _ • Diantatiottitt' ke4111411. ' Visitors tiyhtnisterditrtrAinddnot fail to pay fleir respects to the diamond , cutters, , whom, tl ey on the baohs of the Annstel, not far froni the, Exhibi tion. Diamond cuttings-or More properly spealtiugvgrlnding-Lis a prineeiilwhieh • cannot fail to interest everybody ; who admires the beautiful queen of precious stones. The trade is entirely in the •bands +3f-the ,Jevvei: who; with that extreme attectioir.iiiielitheYfeel naturally fon e ery object of,great:',Valite, peetn'tO fondle and eareSs their glit;orikginiplit‘teaching them - to school their tiny'. rays,,, with-a; teriderness which is iquitePatintak , pine ,gen tleintini who very kindly , explained the nature of ithe work upon which .ho was 'engaged, handed me a tine brilliant, 7 frii. -inspection, I adinired it veiyirinehl in fact; as flinch ,as NVis capable' of' &Aug, 'hot onl :With iny'eyeS, which I regidetl *uPon;lti!dazilirig facets as I turned it about to let the light"fall,urion them all: in ; succession. L then.,;hand_edit back, and learnt how little I: was capable off enjoying all its glories when _I saw what 'the true artist did with it.' 'Receiving' it lbaelctetiderly,.. as th Othet4.oo l P.Oh%f , -710in-fitfrA.er r l Air 4 threwupon if drunsii7livini. glance.' trokettit softtyjand-Yatteil it .withßieAl :the four fingers .e fifs right band, smile m swig, it to his Moutb, , passedit ,gently si `tithes backwards and forwards'. over liPs i then twisted It Abotit as :I Auld! done, and 'finally stroked it all' over:agairi,-amlpht• it into its little '.tray with i s Ogli. :In the 'factory I vislieo” an engine ,ctriionici rOctk - ilOise Power wits' employed to , turn,the grinding, ,wheels, ,which revolve at very high Speed.; - The dia lubnd is first imbedded -in-a small block of inetal composition,. and AsctlitM 'pressed down upon one of thewheels oil thepoint to be cut, the whole operation requiring ??the' greatest delicacy of 'touch and quielniesa . 'of 'sight, as may be well iniagined whert j it is remembered that a single . , slip might, ileleriOrate ,from. she value of a fine brilliant. to .the exterit:ofsome dozens of pounds. , The Late Eelipse-p.An - 014 liege° nmi his ChAciLens• r- [From the Vtien.QblerTer, Aug. 24.1 , I Dr. Peters, , Abe - eminent :1 astronomer con nected with 'Hatnilton.- - Oollego,..kvent :West•to observe the late 'eclipSe• of.i the 'Sun: While there an amusing incident occurred which is told by a, gentlemanpresentl' the.time, who says that the effect of r • the .'eclipse - Upon 'the animal creation has been eiaggerated. Horses' or cattle paid little or no attention. creatures that are accustomed Va . go .to'some particular place at dark did start for their places, and un doubtedly in some diamaYi Birds were ap parently astonished by being . suddenly caught out late, and must have fancied that they had alisent-mitidedly neglected to' - notice sunset. They flew rapidly. An,old,reoster took to the feiace , and folded himself: up, , but in' two ininutes andfiftY;t*O seconds he. , ..eroirCd tily. It was a very short night to him. Saturday morning Dr. Peters requested an old negro living near la obSerVatory, to.watch carefully his big flock of hens, for at 4.45 they 'would go to roost. After the eclipse was over he came, evidently much excited, s 4 f }tow was it ?"'Said. the 'doctor.' - Beats the - debbil," said the negro. " When de:-darkness. come ebry chick 7 n, run, for de hole in, de barn., De lust. mica of in; and 'de' 'next osier runplier one anudder, and de last. ones dey.. just squat right llewn.,in de grass. How long, you know di.s ting was a coming ?" t' Oh !I reckon: welnew it more than a year,'? said the- doctor. "Beats del debbil l , Here. you away in New,--Y - ork kriowd a Year ago whiet my 'cliik'ns g,Yine to!do dis berryafternoon, an' yim nebbe: see de, chik'ne afore nitdder!" OUR TRADE MITH BREMEN AND HAM- Et no.—A statement has been prepared at the Biirean, of Statistics as follows, showing the amount of trade, between the United States, Bremen and Hamburg, during the year ending June 30, 1869, and the manner in which it was carried:., . Exports to. Bremen, in American ;vessels - . - - - Exports to Bremen, in foreign 'yessels, - - - - T Exportss Hamburg, in American tootab vessels - - - Exports to Hamburg,, in foreign vessels - - - - Total - - - • - Imports from Bremen; in Ameri- can vessels, -. . - Imports from Brenapp; in foreign vessels - - - - /15,444,915 Total - - - Imports from Hamburg,in Ameri- '`can vessels - - imports from Haniburg,in foreign vessels - - - - — Yola Southern gentleman as a part of_ihis own_eit Perimice His sccoiid "court" after his admissiim the bar was in Washington Georgia. There were then no railroads or,staLres between those towns. He had no horse, and was too proud to try and borrow one where he lived. The whole distance was beyond his strengtikshould he undertake it on foot. He walked to his' uncle's.Wbich was about ten miles, or half: the , distance, and., a.little cont. of:the way, carrying' tis',Saddktbagslyithivellange elothesTOWhlS sheulders. ' He'Walked'af night to aVOid - the . ' Jay'L'iMil,fand restbilon wayside stones; The. uncle loaned him a horse, and. he., PrOW4cli the next morning. The change of clothes con sisted in part of a pair of thin, white cotton pants,, of cheap material;suitable to the season,' and starched into the' appearanee of liften. That he night enter the town and courtroom as decent as poSsible he dismounted near. the Suburbs, and doffing the somewhat worn un mentionables with which he . set:, out, put ,on„ 416 white 'ones in Chen' stead,lart&'set 'attended' court in white pants. They were taken off with equal care when he again rode out of town. Such were the early straits of the Confeder ate Yice-President-7-Stephens., theln the- courtyard of the marble depot at e Parisian. Garde.Meuble,-- there--has -been - lYing for a longlime,a bronze statue of Louts the-Sixteenth, the existence-of Which 'seemed , . to - have been forgotten by everybody. It was cast on the night of April 27, 1830;.--br-the.., fumous-Croze, and it is . said that ~when taken put of the mould, in the presence of the Duchess d'Angditleirtie,". it' - appeared without its, head, o the sutprise of the spectators, The , danghter of Louis the Sixteenth is reportda 111 We %fainted .away on that occasion, 'and rtaggi, the - soniptot, was despair.; The; st Nos to be erected on ono. of the- pnblie; places of Bordeaux. The events in July, 1830,; caused the projectto be abandoned and, the statue was left at Crozalie's shop. About ten years-ago, owing to HausSmanies street im4 provements, it bad to be removed from there to -the Alarde .31euble—.The-city- of Bordeaux,. c whiCh has paid one hundred and eighty thou sand francs for it, did not claimitimtil a few weeks upland steps are now being taken to 'send it to thetplace. CIANTQN ,- "TRE"SERV - tD• • GINGW-7. i'reeervi3+l•Gl titter, h. syrup of the colebrated...Ohy..- IttenA.hrtuldftleci; Dry Preserved- Gin,, ,, er,ln boiet. ported aud for sale by JOS. it, vo.osa South Dolawore avenue.: • • . 141 ' OPEN Itg.l...,y,,Aool:ai,;;;;Oloinfitrlite; 4;14, th!inests-0 kerakr . -„40194,0 Ai 0.1-*. • , • uyoutsurt tr,,1 01 .4 1 . 0 - U . Fernie' sLAbmi AY Siti V nfeall' e, ll f' i T o. ,U.. , 4 ziltAV oc 'ritE with New Scenery by .01131rIce ;Hawthorne; hlllt. LYDIA. TROMP,§otilifi . 8,1/34D".. and " TB E GIRL ov 5/11.1. - ritati - - SEA I'B rEOUILLAS.I,XI DAYS N ADVANCE • , A - A/ Ai.; NUT 'STREET' TEIEKTRE,'''' - ' v r .., Iv .E. coruor Ninth . au& ,Wuliu!. fi!.troots. . I ' "4t 'veek flAtint Air) . ILOIE: `L i Atktffi ..... ';',' 1 1 1l ' . ..., 'Tints' 11110 AY) EY IfING. • Auk...2-3N TH1111) lif T• OVA- NI)W - I)IIANA,, • '-; ' • - TO}, 1. ONENII , PATRIOT,. ' .: .' 0 - 8;'-2101 lit ID 9.1 e THE, WAR PATtI.' - J° c " the r ) 449fluctl '• ' '' 1:1AltItY WAY KI - I4S Iso bel'Corlotoh,' with Soho ~ ~..'ROS E '.. AYAI'Ii:INB TO Conitnencti*ith tji'elekonti.:otnedy of ) '. '- 'FIT ; T. RE •A'r ) ,MarE l o l . 3 . '•:- • - '' ' FOX'S :4-ISIBRICI.A..I47`iti Eit - RE, -Oomm&nctimont of tho Foil Spasoni - ' , --:- -, /WM; itlelnuond t „ , ..Frank •Dillou. ra,ll.4kg .. D0.11 , 041t Le ZilardlatuttlkobellrotterW:TlctleatAt wallet TroUpo. • • inIALVEMAIIPSHOOTIIIII:I - 01v , ISNOpE'SA al. l ' Salathiec, air Saturday aft&n.i6nAtt,.2 6 clock. , : . NEW . Ii ETA X1 1 - HOUSE . , 'Eleventh `atreet;atmtre Oheettint. • , THE-EAMILY:RIOSORT.__ 411INCIgoSSf411).11..E.Y'S .IiILIVST 7 pI Th great Star Troupe bf the. *arid, fn the r ttnegnaled I .• • ETHIOPIAN SOIREES,' , . BEAUTIFUUBALLAJOS; SONGS,. SELECTIONSH.A. and, DAUGBER BURLESQUES, EVERY EVENING. OARNOROSS, Manager. " R. F. SDIPSON, Treasurer. an2s still on exhibition .: , .f . -i.-:, , , ~l , *.olt..tilA:Vg•; APOit TUE Blilitntrblo.frOnt Dviel 14 o, 200 a eheetitut street, re plete with every =Loden! convenience. • ' ,;FA "221 South Fifth street. 4 . at SAL r,.. , 7 IWODEILI•tiI Esth EN OE, Elaiiii t rido first story, with every convenisncs, and ti wet sido-yardy: N0v317 , fionth. Ifittporith:etraut, .balow Sprutt. 'J. 111..01:131XEY 6t LIONS; MI - Walnut etroot. rear EIGHTH STREET.)- EOi SALE— M!. The valuable Property ,No. 327 North Eighth street. At. SONS t 733 Walnut qtreet. ~;... .. FOR SAL E.—MODERN THREE-. • n Stidni:Brick , l):wolling, 619 S;Niath . -"Avery OA. venience. Inquire on the premises. my6-th,s,tu,tl) _ . FOR •;-13WELL.I.NG 142 i kliiii.North Thirteenth street ; eyery convenience; and in Convenientl4ellitig; 5.37 Pine'Street ; tett rooms, Lath, gas, iStc•• " n3O Queen street, tiro-stoki brick; good yard; 20 Stamper street, below Pine, Wllllll house. . Alter street, two neat fout-room hottses.. BulldingLots on Passyunk 'road, atiii a 'good Lot at Rising Sun. NONE GRAFFEN & SON; 537 Pine street. FOR' SAL.F.AIst ELEGANT' COUN— TRY Seat and Furm, containing 8,5 acres', superior land, beautifully, located on the Neshamlny: creek, con venient to Schenck's Station, on the Philadelphia cud Trenton Npalroad, Elegant double residence, wi tlt every,: conveniengg, stable and carriage -house, tenant•hottia, `, greerilliitise t hot-house, ice-house, Jtc4 grounds handsomely.. unprorestwith drains aind walks, Sao old: shade and evergreen trees, choice shrubbery, &c. Views may be seen at the °Mee of J.:30, GUDE4EY & SONS, 733 FOR, SALE---PWELLINGS: • jja. 16.99 Mt. Vernon, ' 11711 NOrth Ninth street; 1410 Master street, . . Nineteenth and ThompflOn 1640 311ervine street, IM7 Ogden street; I=7 Poplar street, 634 N. Sixteenth street, 1421 N. Seventeenth' street, 2124 Vine street, 17M Vine street; ' 3419 Walnut street. ' - Several West Philadelphia Properties for ga le.. For particulars - get the, Register, price 6c., at .1. TEE NWITH , 614 Chestnut. or - CARMEN & HANENS, B. NV: corner Broad and . Chestnut; North 839 Broad street.. GrEIMAICTOW.N.FOR SALE—TWO pointed stone Cottages, with every' city- cow, :Menet', just finishing, within Ave miles'' walk from 'Church Lam: Station. J. .5.t. GUNNEY & 50N5.733 Walnut street. re FOR SALE-,THE RANDSOTtIE,MO62 .11.. e. ern brick Residence, ; with three-story double lack buildings, every convenience and improvement,tuid in Yxcellent order: N 0.2124 Pine street: , : • . .1. N. GUMMY 50N5.733 Walnut street 'fr2 FOR SALE - BROWN-STONE 11.-tlDwelling,2llB Spruce street. A handsome Dwelling, 1023 Arch street. A handsome Dwelling, 1721 Vine street. A handsome Residence, West Philadelphia. " A modern Dwelling, 1020 Sergeant street. . • A Business Location,2B Strawberry street. • A handsome Dwelling, 400 South Ninth street. Apply to COPPUCK 6: JORDAN 433 Walnut street. • ----- CREESE & McCOLEUM , REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Office,Jackson street, opposite Mansion street, Cape Island, N. J. Real Estate bought and sold. Persons desirous of renting cottages during the season will apply or address as above. Respectfully refer to has. A. Rubicam , Hen ry Blum, Francis Biellvan, Augustus lihitinb, Jean Davis and Juvenal. - , • tam§ $234,099 rOR RENT. - . .. - - STOREROOM AND BASEMENT of New Build ing, 1202 MARKET Stiret. Apply to 1 . STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, • - audit§ . . ' 1210 Mariit. street. .......__- - IR ELEGANT BROWN ' STONE Residences. Nos. 4112 and 4116 Spruce street, for so eor to rent. Apply to C. J. FELL & BROTHER, 120 South Front street.• 24,5 ),,280 $24;742,379 203,789 412274 m w Itn§ 12,687,665 ....! 1 -7 4 NEW HOTEL• TO LEASE, ON ":101 Chestnut street. 1502. 1504 and 1500. The most tashionable centre of Philadelphia. Building new and complete with the modern improVements for a first-class establishment of 75 rooms. Booms in suite of two rooms with priyate bath-room, water-cloaef, . 0 4c. General size orbed-rooms 18 by. 20. feet and IS by 16 feet, with two windows to each room. Parlors, dining room, Ste., large and airy. Will lease for a term of years. Address JOHN CRUMP, 1731 Chestnut strettt, Philadelphia, Penna. • auglB,w,trufit $12,951,452 :309,740 $15,754,655 rz•COMPLETE NEW Lib House, containing 1l room 2. — N ; No. 61orth Twenty-third . street. Apply ,1714 Green street. Rent low. • an27-3t*. r-. 4, • TO. RENT • FURNISHED. —TIE ninnisomo Furnished Dwelling, No., 400 South Ninthstreet, gas, bath' .and nil moilortt improvements,. - a - titm --- lueiction. - Also7 l Vo - rent, - Ntr: - 17;i1 - VItre - Tstr - wer, with allAtodern t onvenience. Apply .to COPP UCK ii)ltitAN,433 stre t l.• • / . ..... lIIRP,EaSTORY Desid e nee,_with.every_ convenienea,No_o2.l - 't-Linton street. J. N. GOMM - EYSi SONS, 733 Walnut ,8,917,520 _ frTO RENT— THY. LARGE, CONVE. nient and well-lighted granite front Stero,No. 110 ninth DDLAW,A.RE Avenue, with immediate posses sion, the present tenant being obliged to retire 'from ',liminess owing to dll health. ,Apply , to , J. B. PUS -tfElt.,ti Co.. leS South Delaware avenue.. inyl7 "VA:A.:,\ TED-A PRACTICAL TATILOP yy Who speaks English and Gertuen; to give out_and SNYDER, HARRIS, BABRE IT & CO.; 2r• 525 hiarl et street. el' WANTS CO RENT—FOR A SMALL, genteel flunilf—amodern-Iniilt Dwelling Hoyse, on lot containing some shade and room for Croquet 'ground; must be elevated. position, and of easy access to city (Ninth soil Chestnut streets): 'West Philadelphia, or Ger miintown preferred. Possession any time before let Oct. Address, giving exact .locatioti, &c., W," care P.O Ili, lose. Philailelphla.N • ,:" an2T stg ri. AN, SI EN T -•A ND PURNIANgwr rd, 1524 Chestnut street.' • tiu2B-Bt* WELL - SECURED :MORTGAGES es;000, e1 ; 000:-1 1 : o. or sale by H. NV 11EE L Eli, 113 8. Fifth streot: • 4 . ati2B at! '58,,000. TO ' IRVES 76'14 IE ArSON ,783rNya l e of °tY Trppetty; 1.1.1. GUM- nut street: - • 7/BLACK -r SEAS.• A lEiige iisßortment of iholinesi(ilutlity of` • „ •• 9olong, Young }Tyson, ImpeTial; Gun` powder; Japan and CliulanTeas:'.' „Alf4o, the finest quality of ” , ' Old 'tkrornment Java and Mocha voffe9sl Always on hand at very low prices. SIMON -.,COLTON.-•:.I';&;,...CWWE S. Ur, con Broad and Walnut. IiERVATO.R OF. Itialutbzobunn-4. *.! ILT street, abaYe_Tenth.___ Picture of TEOTED j022-tf TO .RENT. WANTS, BOARDING. ` MORTGAGES. O.V 4 .7A,WWN.iiis',•!4.'A';' --,, 0t.', , ‘.''-' ,, a .-4 .: . i t ...' t ‘ t . , - ~ , . • ,1.,....,....,„..,,..„, z it ~ , , k OAquEKARA:,.I,I4,...I-4.4,„,„ .... a „,,,,,,,,,,,„. ;: „. , I t Ito Boyd :out tritti,iis* , ...;.. i,, ,, , , , , ,:, Assotutirm P US I' h 4; '' , l, ' • " Entrants 103 Ilditth; tigteL , IC, t '.. •.. .‘ T t i n eI; le u ift l i 1:=I417:11110.4 r i g ,, in heigo, giving eac pup .010--,. ”--4,--- lathelutua , 'breathing space, , , t ~ ,„ s. , git v ~. Wide, massive,stalryrays, rendaria ccidonisi,lll ne7 gambling, and dismiselfig alinoilt impose le. : ' ~ • - A corm; of teachoes ovary Ono of Whertt bag Jettiltpac4 of experienee ,in, the arkoivmparting kiti r ynedifiev pita inakinffettidy iniereeiltl , nitcenlequent k i lo Wile.' A mode of teaching au disciplino coletila toraske school attractive,- instead of littrAellietno tO ; 10 Pl l Oll - 7., an indispensable requisite for complete speedos. 1 ' . Ap_plicatlOni received. tit the Ac,adetny frota,lo 4. m. r i m, to 5 y.. 111., daily, on and after AUfill 'f 23. ' Catalogues, containing full paf ;10 Ana the nellies Of Many of our leading citizens,_ twat of the Institti tiou, may be obtained at 31r. W. 'Y. 'Warburton's, 430 Chestnut street, ca. by addressing thliyrincipniss above. . . ii. 'Y.' LAITDEIIiI4IOII - ; Late PrinciPal of the Northweat Public erarantar kichool. anl4.lm _ _ , ' . 'HE .V.DGEI - lILL' SCHOt.)E4 Will begin its next Ballston in Cho Now:Academy Dui!ding At Itterol4tmOVllle. (Pour miles from (Minden.) • ON 'MONDAY, SMPI'EMDMIt O. For Circulittsi apply to , THE lIIE&SES GREGORY WILL Zfret:g l e't t , h o e li r x s at i A f V,aglitt ,thee' N 0w. 3 3P1.14° - _ !SS DiIiKSON WILL ItEOrli:* HER - wo September. Fl' A. - - VAN ' , DIM , WIELEN*B EUROPEAN; SCHOOL OF AWL'. -' • • • At 1331 CEIES'IIi UT street; Philadelphia. ' • Thisinetttntion, , modeled . noon the most "celebrated Aendenlies pf Europe, Will reopen SePtentber QOM. its nodructions aro not Malted. 'to'. Artists: exeltutively, hat aro also carefully 'adapted to the wants , of teacher*, and all othera whodeidre prolleleney i ln Art titian Reeata*:, plishment. • • . • , Adtalaelon nut - y.1,61ml at the beginning Of any month.: .Circulars on - application. . , au2B-12t GUI REN C r ll BA 237 South Ninth au23 Int* , D EV. A. IY. BARNES WILL .REOPEN .1.110 his School, OT2 chestnut street,,on MONDAY,' Sep,, tember 6. • - • . au2El2t* .hasfb. ENGLISH: As School of 11. D. GREGORY, A. M.r No. 1108 BlAr het street, will reopen on MONDAY, Sept. 8. .au2S-lin* IVIISS (4 It F FITTS WILL RE-OPEN her school SEPTEMBER Llth; in the upper rooms of the School Buildfng of the Church, Chestnut and - Fifteenth streets. Entrance,. upper gate on Chest nut street. Applications 'received at lh Girard street. au2stocl WM. FEWSKITA'S VLASSICAL, VI Mat luonathicel School, 1008 Chestnut street. Pupils thoroughly fitted for College or justness pur • suits. . . . The Pali St'fli 011 Will commence on MONDAY , Septem ber 13th. (auta-Ine Circulars giyen. or sent to address, on application: tiEMALF, COLLEGE, BORDENTOWN, N. J.—This Institution, so long and so favorably known, continues' to funds!' the best educational adVan, fagot', in connection with A pleasant, Christian home. Catologneti, with tenn ,s etc., furuished on application. College opens September lath. iYI4-2nt§ JOHN U. BILAKELEY. President. LBARROWS'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS, . in the CITYINSTITUTPI, tit Chestnut and Pighteenth. will reopen MONDAY; L'ept.l3 ott.2 am§ OITNG _MEN'S AND .BOYS' - ENGLISH, Y Connnerdat .:and Scientific Instltuto, 1908 Mt. Vernon street. This tottmextfol tiehool enters its fifth year, September 4th,Proparation for basin +} or College. Pupils now be .enrolittil. ,Pn!paratory de partment for mall buys. • /ICV. JAS. O.'. ,SI,IIN.N. A. 31. FRENCH L (: ROIiESSOIt J. MAJIOTEAr lina removed AO t South Ninth /LISS M. K. .ASII BURNER Will RE -1.14, ()pen her fh:bool WEDNIISDAY. September $, N. corner Fifteenth and Pine. !! MIL"; -• • E lIO3IAS BALDWIN'S NGI.ISIA,CLAS. T Okla owl 3lnthematical School, for Hoye, mortheamt i f comer of 'Broad and Arch otreeht, %till re-upon SepMm ber Bth. It Ua ipl! U i side tit') l r a i i3 n l g l e ° street, s B e 1 4? tl i gate 1- 1:44 4 ( 34 N. ' Eighth) I &Ono 6th month 6th.. : auZ3 ISIV OOLLEGIATE SCHOOL, S. W CORNR 'E, Broad and Walnut stmta. t . erru begins Sup tenther 6th. • :•: (atr23l4 • REGINALD 11. CHASE: t ,Prhicipals. HENRY NV: ,SCOTT, A. Mt. 111 HE FIFTEENTH ACADEMIC: YEAR I.' of the Spring Garden Academy, N. E. corner Eighth and Buttonwood streets, begins 310NDAY, 84..• pt Gth. Boys and Young Neu prepared for business or college. .1. P. BIRCH. A.)!., CHAS. A. WALTER?. A. 31„ iniM hog T&LIGBX ACADEMY, FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS 1415 LOCUST- street. EDWARD C RENCE S3II , TIL A. )t., Principal. 1. This School offers superior advantages to those pre paiing for baldness. The course hi the common English branches, including mathematics, is very thorough and complete.- Special instructors imPrench, Drawing, Pem noinship, Elocution. ". Those looking to College receive a most 'thorough pr'eparatery training. 3. Special 'Peatures-An unsurpastied locality, large and well• ventilated rooms', a secluded play-ground, a first-class Primary Department. Next Session begins September 13. Circulars at 12t3 Chestnut street. ' -au23-Im§ BQARDINdr .I3.I. 'and Day School for Young Ladles. EILDON SEMINARY, opposite the York Road Sta tion. North Pennsylvania 'Railroad. seven mites front Philadelphia, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, Sept. MIL Circulars obtained at the other of Jay Cooke L Co., Bankers, Dif 8, Third street. or by addressing the Princi pal, Shoemaltertown P. 0., Montgomery co.,Pa.au.2llmi HI: BESTPROVIDED SCHOOL IN T AMERWA.—THE SCIENTIFIC AND CLASSI CAL INSTITUTE—a School for Boys and Young Men —Corner, Poplar. and Seventeenth streets, re-opens MONDAY, September atb. J. ENNIS, A. 31, an2llm* Principal. CIE RMANTOWN SEMINARY FOR, IJI YOUNG LADLES. Green street, south of Walnut Lane, will re-open September 8. For circulars contain ing full intornmtion, apply to Prof. W. S. FORTESC GE, A. 31., Principal. . • auOltg A NDA“:ESIA . COLLEGE. • --- • • Ite-opena &Wernher 13th, ISM. PRIMARY AND ACADEMIC DEPARTMENTS. A Boni° Boarding School for Boys. Char es-8250 to 8300 per year. Addressv - .1)11. - Wattlf. — ATididirolif".. Pa. aulTlrre UItIENDS' SHOOLS,-00It. OF FOURTH - and Green streets tentrance,on Fourth street}, will reopen on CBs'"Sriif "" 6'ec'Siii1 "'= 41..tentemher_ti,L.R469-:_' These schools have large and well ventilated rooms, and are under the care of experienced teachers. For further information apply at the schools to Sarah S. Long, Principal of Grammar School; -- Rebetca T. Buckman; Principal of Secondary School; Abide T. Lippincott,trincipal of Primary School; Spencer Roberts, 421 N. Sixth street, nenlith A. Alien, 721 Cirsenatreet THE MISSES MANSF rliILD'S SCHOOL,. No. GNI Main street, Market Brillare, Germantown, will open Wednesday, Sept .15th,1869.0 Fur further in-, formation. apply at-the School, after Sept. 2d. University. Ralph Waldo Emerson, Esq., 'Concord, 'Mass. Oliver Wendell Holmes, D., Boston. Samuel Bowles, Esq., Springfield, Mass: • E. R. Hoar, Attorney- General , .Washington. William 'Dorsey, . Germantown.. Rev. Silas Farrington, Germantown. aulf) Imo" MISS LAIRD'S SEMINARY FUR Young 'Ladies, No. WS North Smienth street, will reopen WEDNESDAY , September 8,18 GO . nula-lm• MMISS STOKES' SCHOOL, 4807 MAIN street, Germantown, will re-open' MONDAY, Ho,- tenaber.l3th. . aul7 AME. E. SERON' WILL RE-OPEN ,QN the 15th of. September, a Select French and El School for. boys !under 12, at her Residence, No:-1456 South Penn Square. Terms-,Per session of live months ( includlng Latin) $4O. , . ISS ifONNEY H AND MISS DILLAYE 11U:win reonen their -boarding arid day. school (twen tieth year), September 16, at 1615 Chestr.ut street, Par-, tlculate from circulars:._ ' aultito octi - - - - - HE MISSES WILSON,WILL RE-OPEN their Sebool , for Young...lA(llde, 8990 , Green street, Gprtodzitown. September 14tn,1869. , a,u1.9 to eOl.O. nruTE-.LEHIGH JJ SOUTH BET...ULM:Iqt, PA. Term °pone. pn Septentherlst..,:tior admission to the. Classes or Special Schools:apply to ' • ' ; • grainy corti4o f:LL , . , President, SCHOOL FOR Young Ladies, Nq, 1819 Green street, re-Opens 9m0., 13,1889. .• , • ... : , au274Bv, CitNTAA.I.4.ISSTITVIA SI . O.IIT,A*PgT corner Tenth mid 'Spring Gardoh stroOts, will re open MONDAY, Soptetubor.,,Otti, 1.19ym prefmtrtml for OoDego or Dtiminems.. :Residence of Prititlinal. 534 North Tontli mt. _, DDIGIIIIIIi):A. ptin, au24 36ti ;J.nW. 8/10EMAK.ED.Ace-Prin'. AsP:ivlßs,vp,ttsr, • - ( roinierly of 80. IW7 Poplar atrocit), _ • ill open thoir Boarding find Bay School for Citric;on the first 31cinday.1y ObtoberilBs9iat No.. Until October• let, 'direct rto No. '744;. North y' TDENTLI:Eitreq.:• c•. •, . , ,Auld-Am iii -7 ;11) - 3 .7 A 7 k 7 2: - atiartrki'1 , 7V.Y.TftWirklitg' tostant Boarding and Bay "gOlibol; GlOrmantouru, , 'a. The torui will opou.WEDNESDA IC, Boptoui- Boy 15th,1862. . . loor.Circalars;apply folhe au2 lni§ 77111. E .MISSES CHAPMAN'S )3bARDINO , eml . Any 130001 fort- Young Ltidltie will reopen • ptember 13tb, 1869. For Circulars, address tho PriAl eimils, nolmesburg,Twenty-third , Ward ~ - rkilikspipilift., (Sr they eau' be obtained at. , 4I.r. , :TBUDIFIJEJVP Dia, 1 ,1,.10 Store', 928 Chestnut street; Plulada, ] -,• ~ - nu? gin , . t wi. . ltiv.-,; t 37:. f ,... ' ' " "I fa' ii-'-.IrOUNG - 162501E..,..-,-., w z. . GARAI* n e gt , 11"i*Iit 'if , r ~......_... _ ._. r a 7 142 111 808 And 61/ glairghni I, orreat. eIEGARAY.'; ENSTIVITE;' - r 4 'Bg OA . andE ,t,o 7___oun miteargmiam,alaardiagnut AO bai*A e iszo+ on Altath A 2 Wm Oatattettsiglletru P " s • 1 1. oftrefamilx i ana Is conatitmly !token in Om Lustatuto. ‘'' f',NAIDAME WHERVILLYr Prturroal.- - -iyl2 to w f Sm 9 ~~t~`~.~ll kf. 1 4 11118141, ,ANABragS,„. 47 4 - 0 -7 4 Itivs.slo6ol, kro:' 4 - 4bittit 5 eford• Plat* N ' ‘'.ebriter of Broad and Pine streets, tiall kit-open on WED _'%lR FfiDAY f3epternbef ,11013-fan.w.bn* -MAW etE4aSki**A.l93.4l.44A, ten, feopell".thipir-Boalding..fintroay .fachipor L o ng LacUes, No. 26 11T.DP,8110011182/ street. Ger niantown,_" • . - 41120-w natee9# The School year begins isepternbor otb. triEW:lllll o FOlit' All.1)- 4 WA,TsoR4 ; ) L„,,uriL will reopen their' IPrencli and EflAtibill Boarding and Day Scluxll for Young .Liadlear..l4.99.LOClJST street. onIVDDNESDAY. ISeptember 15. au9 w(2o4. 1114/04AWIPWN' 'AtIADETINIXetrgaTAFi;•:'q ironed • 1700.—Englioh, Claeoleal Scientific!' School for Boni. Boarding and day pupils. &felon 40. gine MONDAY Sept. 6tli: Vor Montan apply to C V llbtyle pi „Principal. GZRIKA NTOWI4, PIiILADA.'" , • atttlirf tir. ViVE N ll' N D T.NC4I,ISII - DAY, X Sdionli No. 1717Pino tOrrot.- , . Mica; 'BY ItNEOrill , resume:Ail:fiery onl Stilt:, _lsth. For olronlaro, aptay..at Itirio. IiANIVION, !HAM ppok ffitor,e jzttA, nut atreot: ' ' - . • • 4 ,lfirtHE ..• ,) 1 • BBLECT FAMILY BOARDINC/SCltafiL,' Au Itngllsh, blatheinatlett, Soltinkltin and "!Arthstio' Institution - ' • 41 , T0lINQ ... TOTTBT(ISC.N . ; - 11onlitonserr - .ColliitV.VECr . The Trim TetUt of the Nineteenth Annual Session will commence on WHDNFSDAY, tho 311 i day of lioNti=r - ils - reutdredrar - tuty - rtino, For , 1.1q 7 7 ney, 9Ro. aittgaz it A. 'L. ' 4 , ..z. ,, 311.3"/411ENCES • t e'. NE V.. DllB.-lielgo. Schaeffer, Tan e' Kintallt,;;;Solss, Mublenherg, titterer, nutter; fork , Conrail, flout. berger, Wylle,titerrot, Murphy, rtilkshanks, etc, BONS.- Judge Ludlow, Leonard 'lllyenti. M. RUasell ThaYer. 11, , Itoyer. Jacob ft. :Yost, Bloater fuer, John etc. - - , Bsga -James B. Caldwell,' Jitnios L. 'Clagliorn O. ft, ' Grove,. T. Wood, trarrpy ennerott, Theodore G, Boggs, C. F. Norton, L. L. Houpt. ti; Gross Fryjilliter StLair, Charles I Wannetnaclacr, James, Kent. Bantoei Co„e g JCL'S 13, .1214. -` jy29 th trt 2tai'' • ' . au 3Oni ir ail§ _ PEN N — 8 - 4 — #.oE 'ACTA DI., , , lard National' Bankll6oW/tut, S. W. corner Market MSc! and West Penn Square. . A training Collegiate Technical and Commercial. School for boys and young' MOW Gymnastics. Vrencli,*tienfam, Arit. Nags'.lKA!' Na'. all - tinder skillful teachers, without extra mare. College ClassesAuerery Wago Or pretatration. • rr. - . • . The 'looms will be open for inapectiou on and sifter August 2.11. • • • • •• • • . T..I.IIIAIirI'LICLA...A7fITON; Principal; (Teertimonhd Pinta warn U, Mai Ins,MP. I take elnccry Pleasure In conattending Mr. Langton to the confidence of all who are kitty/Wad in tha education of boya. Ilia large 'experience; .his Ptiat, tutccesc hit broad and thorough viatica of education entintsittant hi his rirefeselott conacientiousnres andaenie of the rtapousildlity • attaching to his vocation ; and Ma again-. titan* - life as a member of a Christian , church; -router: him, in my Judgment., oecnliarly qualill.d to be an in structor of youth. GEO.BOAIIMMAN.' atilt atu tit tfi . • .Pastor of Vint l). Baptist Charcin. Aout:ADMIX OF THEr''',PR OT.KST ----- AN - T EPISCOPAL' CHURCII,' , 4 Virirvied. D. 'lntlit thwest corner lA/DUST andJ t N I'Elt street. a. The Bee. JAMES W 11,0151245, A, M.s Dead Mater wall ten Ausionint 'ranchero.. From 'September I." larh, tee, price .of Tuition will be 'NINETY Dollar» per annum for all claws; Payable half.yearly in advance. French, German, Drawing and Natural Philosophy are taught without extra charge. By order of the True - toe*: • • ' " ' CiROUGE W. TIUN'TER. . , Treai urer • The see Ii t%ill 7 ripett On MONDAY, September Mb. Amplirations for admission may be made during the preceding week, between ten acid twelve &clerk in tier morning. • . aul7 to tlt.e . . Head Master. (lALVARY ACADE:NIY, , AT CAlit'Xit it' Church, lilanheim street, Germantown. Phila. he Khoo' year ccqureencesou the seeoira NOtriar or sestember. • . , , . - , • The Princivalwilurseetve luta his rarrinr. ulster hi.e immediate charge, four boys, between the eget of eight end thirteen yeara,at three hundred dollar's pet brlvrql 'year. Yor circular tt4drth6i the Principal, B. 6 hatmtaker, A .14,213 Miklitleil33 Ortbet l'hiladtlphia,: rr References—Rey: J. W Perry, Rector; T.A. NowltAll. Esq., Hon..P. =Carrot! nreinn#r, ',./. L. Prringer, Eau. , . .., . . • - - . ' aura, kw PK) _........ ❑u26 ltu" CHASE WILL RE.` tim - E ALL hie classes hod' Ore*. had hi Baia fhb Literatnrh. 25. Candidafot for Odleg ,, B , *lnngtaV prepared for the Friedman or adyinced ctitiohhi. Bliabovri date, Chrutffidixe, tian ta a ttl .it - CONBI...R.VATOBY OF' MU . SIC. oMto No ".1021 Walnut street: Claah-Hooron .107.4 Walnut and WI North Broad. • . Instrtaitiona will twain litt/MDAY.Sapt.6,AI69. CI ILCULAIttt AT THE. MUM tiTORES. ljyttivallt§ PROF. A.,1).; DELAGOITIM , WILL ILE= 1 turn from Paris and ratline' Las 'Wrench simnel September Ist. t; Audi 2 $ 31 " • B . _ RIALIWUE INSTITUTE. FOR YOUNG . LADIES, ATTLEBORO,Diuks county, Dean tifulltioesteel, about:twenty:miles • (holt libliadelphla.. Prominent as APienalant.huMaatnl for litornag,h teach ing. For particulars, address W. T. &CAL, Principal. Catalogues and information , may, be had of °Men Coombs, A. N., SOS litarshall-street;. J. 3..Grahaine, Twelfth and Eilhert streets,' .1. C. Gar:isnot, OM Arch. street; Josiah Jackson,. el Cowperthwint & Co. f,.t4 Chestnut street, and 11. D. Warriner, Esa., tiorth Seventh street. - , , au/ a sat§ ISHOPTHORP J. 19 School for girls ,on the south bank of the, Lehigh, • will begin Its second' year, 1:). V.„ on , the ISM of Septem ber. The number of pupil., itelltulted to thirty; Wrench la tnugtit irru resident goverrolfet, and -Hu-tar-as possible-- made the language of the family, Address forcirculari, 111. nibs CITASF • Blshoptborpe, jyl ,, s,w,toclsl , Bethlehem, 1 . 4. • GEORGE R. BARKER , A. M., WILT. RE open his English and Classical . School,. Price street, Germantown, on Monday, September 6lh, PAW. atil9-100 QINGING LESSONS BY A.• B. TAYLOR, 7207 Filbert street—Se_ptember 6th. Homo 7 to 10 A. M., 2to 5 and 7totl P. M., from Sept. let. sa23-12t" DALLAD SINGING.--MB. T. BISHOP 1.10 will resume bushiest! October 4th, 33 South teenth etreet. aun-Irn* BONDINELLA, TEACHER OF Singing. Private lessons' and classes. Residence KO B. Thirteenth street. . außn-tilt SPECIALTIVOTIVE fy OFFICE - RECEIVER OF TAXES, . TO - TAX PAYEltti.—.Notice is hereby eveit'Flial. after -lho-Istday of-SOptember.:.-a-stensit y-of-One-Per-Cout-wilt-L__ Le added to all City Taxes then unpaid. On and after the 30th Instant this office will be open from 9 to 9 o'clock au2s-w,f WUNITED EtTATEB . INTERNAL REVENUE, COLLECTOR'S OFFICE. FOURTH RICT. 'PENNSYLVANIA' CORNER OP ELEVENTH AND RIDGE AVENUE. 'nll.. DELPMA, August 5, ISM. Notice is herebygiven that the animal Income tax for l&S will be due and payable at this office 'between Au gust 10 and September 1,1859 ;after-which the legalpeu alties will be added.' No further notice' will be given.' - Office hours . betWeenf A ':11t, mil $ P. M. HORATIO O. BICKEL, an9,ni,w4 tsel§ ' Collector Fourth District; Pa. aul9•lull Us OFFICE OF THE HARRISBURG, PORTSMOUTH, MOUNT JOY ANI) TANOAS TER RAILROAD COMPANY, No. 231 South THIRD street, corner of Willing 7 s YIIILADELPUTA, August 16th, 1862. The annual meeting Of tho Stockholders of Ms Can -pony will be held on FRIDAY, SeptemberlB69, at 12 o'clock M,, at the corner of Third street and Willing's alley, at which time an election will be held for Directors to serve for the eusuipg year. GEORGE TABER, wei2o4.m,w,tseßi ' Secretary, NOTICE.4--THE --PENITSILyAIsTIA. ikr.D" FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. ' • AllGtreT '2Eq69. a'be Annual Mgetinit at The' Stockholderm of the iPennerivania Piro Dieuranee Company will be held at their Office on MONDAY; the 6th day of September next, 'at 10 o'clock,A . M., when an election will beheld for nine Directions; to aeryeTor the ensuing Yettr an Zito so 4. AVM. G. CROWELL ;See.y. • • .:DIVIDE,NR TIMMER; COIiTYNENT.A.L HOTEL GO.-- "rholtoetd of Nenagera bf the (1024TINENTAL II 'PRI, 00 have deelittOd leeitif-auttital Dividend of Thipa rer Vent. upon the Preferred ,Stork of the Com XPl u Xerii libiter,e: I.l'l i'sr.rgre°rt, let 9800.• 7 *o' '7' P VL 4 I SRRGIIIAN'T PRIOR, a 421 , Ttetteuter, DEFACE OF THE LOCUST IVLOUN 'PAIN COAL AND IRON COMPANY, No. 230 gouwa TRIAD ;3Tul✓ura. Puitattatrnla,Auyet 1 ,188 e, At a meeting of• the board of Directors, told WA day, a eerej-annuar dividend of THREE. PER CIENT. on the captt.m utpekt clear er State to Neu, woe declared, payable to the etockholdpys or theft hoFal t•epsettoutativou ou and suet' the 110th met, The transfet books will be closed until tieptember 2d, 1.4494. , r tDWA,4II SWAIN, , aul9 to BOA Lltetteuret ORDAN i i3OULEBR*TgEt'., git4Tosil I ,- Ale for inValidsifantilY 'rho subsdribbr hOW Rid fun' 'Pill Supply of RIM highlyintitritious ttiAl *ell:anon% bey ago., ..Its wide-Barge& and Anew - ming use,. by ,order Physicians, toi tnyikiiaL msc,9r Ao., common to the 'attention-of n 1 '+c'ontiumbh waut a Stric Pure article: prepared , onf the' Iftist . materialsi and up in ,the taustsikreful manner for borne use or trans tation., Orders by mail or otherwise promptlyeappl . P.. J. JORDAN ; , i . +;‘ . -- 220 Peat' street .4 below Third and Waluutstreb r t--.f'.l ~ti~~ k_ MUSICAL. JOHN M. MELLOY, Eqeelver of Taxers Pit , . . . . X T 351 t 4. 11 1, vattirte.„.lB69. ` 4 e *^.l• CA oil : IA N .lON '-' ~ 131* *S t ' , itt . , rto till ' ~, , , ,i . ~,,,;„ ~ 1144 ,:, " lt pinnufftb e: N I:Lx*- - 1, T e , Ithelormlbtarst iri (Iv • sal In lir im 0 1 -6 e .an ,effec t . #-" A MI i 4. - lof 'teets-741,he't the VS i • ,41 toed, "nid.y, , , ,-, '2 , °'''' ---.li ' • t - ittle Curious ? ,;.,c ~,, • , 4 466, , easnoproportion. IS• TM „,,a. . ;the; the Wine made. •44tl '; , ' 4',-1 ~,,.,,,, th • . i d . -soke of circUmnavigating I Fiore the Sall krenehee Amt. Aug. 13:1,,,,,,- '.!,, , ,t,., , _....14)1 , ..t... e• 9 ' , 4 ~, ~. . 'The main fatilt's of the bulk of our wellonatie fiarth froM earn, to Wept , in twenty ilv? . hours,,,. wine are,thatit• has too much grOund taste,that ' by jumping; on the disk of the moon, is rel it, is too stronatba4o4litelqrtlareSs alllt'Veli - **red he,,r all ti t . , .,„,-,' v are'rnestly discus-) cacy'of flavorVi44 )oMicletglThpe. are it items 'fit the , ..loSl i,h Yi l oi 9 . eirettnav f igatitigt i l: y ei faults, but they tvilrbe, an in many, vineyards ca l 61 nom west to east in twenty- ne days have beemcorrelted. The ground taste is dne, sitting on the wings of the wind:- ,to some: extent, to the richness of it, and in----_ ----_ ------ _ __ ---- ,so far it is bey/milloM Ody w infilg itivilsiol The Sites Most Wean ty the ground taste sail 1 :their grapes ler,the table or for brandy. Excess 'He strength alio marks the - valley vineyards' and especially the Mission Vines. The evil can belavoidesi ixyainatt places W selatdingwVie4 grap'eeto ti'e' pfefs Idforethey, are nilly ripe, - - - but the best Tenietlyillo lie - fourid by prefer ring.some other varieties which are not rich in sugar, and planting them on the hillsides; espe- Oally,pi t the,esaki e s erear the '..tcra's thet ,gwirfetki4r tlk , •otter .foot hills. , ill :seitchsls! 1 , -"inierferer - Witt :Vie:production orlig it *tine.* '['he lightest wino made in the State is, so far as we. are InforTned, at Dressers vineyard, at .Ithe southern ,end tlf:-UWlliaA r tlireY;wbere , tbe'; influence of the ocean winds coining throngh„ . .the Petaluma Gap and over San Pablo 116.'y is'' I felt nearly every summer day. That valley xnakes r _hter wines than any, other distiict. in_ - " --- "Califernia: — The 'southern Napa and Soktno counties, wil of—the Bally sea -breeze, bui reach of the heaVy fogs oiler many situations 114;tanerk.'4 11 d,,Peck,LAY IV,O4PAiO to advanz tage. 'nigh altitude, high latitude and prox, Unity to the ocean within tkirtaiti , littlitS.Prevent the formation of much sugar in grapes. In Napa the wines generally are much stronger than in Sonoma, and in larefit, 4 l ,V,oY - *0441 4- than in Napa, and the sesetrA'cifAlte , .Wiroster , nearly in protxytion to the average beat of summer. In the Sierra Nevada the production ofmitle , litts not advalfeed rafelieuflb.rdS enable" I us to compare the. inflpece,,sic ,elevation;. but,. probably - 'the altittide°woldd" hot' 'diminish - the quantity of sugar until we pau the line of • 2,000 feet above the 'sea. At Schram's vine*, yard, near St. Ilelena, not more than 500 feet above the valley, wine is decidedly lighter and 144 #1 3 :14 1 iW in#Pfir thaulnP 6l :o* land. e: Those situations which check the formation of sugar develop the pleasant tart taste which is considemd necessary tbr the excellency of lig,ht wines, or if they do not increase the amount` absolutely, at least give it au opportunity to become manifest.. The delicacy of flavor requisite in the bent wines is not obtainable' frown „ the, b . M ion grapes, which will - Supelsecred for wine by a few of the European varieties, and only, alfew. We, have about 10,(X)0,000 of the missioti vines in beating; reek dawn) on land which would not produce first-rate wine under any circumstances. 31any of them arc needed as they are, to 'produce„,;;l?ntudy,ltivelica, and port, for all of whitli they arc excellent,though a little flavor of some of the muscatel or other foreign varieties would be an improvement. The Mission grape is also'very good to make the body of, j,dry - mines l • with a mix ture of other tvarieties t c:lnftome• pieces' it is , very good without any adinixture. Much of our port and angelica made entirely from the native grapes of the Southern coast is excel lent, and decidedly gamier to any, sweet wire , imported in quantity. The Sparklirig California is made chiefly from the Mission . grape of So noma, and from Muscat of Frontagnan. Both make a good article, a little stronger than? the average champagne, but good in Ilavor,and decidedly preferable to most of the imported sparkling wines. . - Landsbetzer's Sparkling 31usrttel would do credit to the State every 4 whetn and no doubt,,fmd -, ,many . • consumers'; abro -;l4* were "only rid of the bothering internal . :revenue tax on brandy, a' , Aaasidetatile pattof :this year's crop would lie difitilled Into brandy sot OneAttality,and for the vineyards which are remote ihnniSan Francisco it would pay better I any.other use that e can' he made of the grapes, .I%e - freightm casks to and fro this cityis in many places so high that It is impos sible to send the wine to the only ocressible market aka profit. Aeriel:Navigation. , 2 r• ( From the Engineering and Main Jot/rival.] , t For several weeks the daily papers have '. tamed reports from Salo 'Francisco about a new ilying-niachine called the "Avitor," built by b the Actia .14.1iiitien. Company.; It_is believe& bY, some that the great problem of navigatirigl the air will be solved by this machine. It isa saitl that it wll startler )ork, in. 'short , ' tine; . but Whether it will arrive here is quite), another question. rz ; • : Every observing mind is satisfied that tho foree'of the Wind is that even with a mod crate breeze such an affair must Move in the direction that the. wind blows, and that for'. two reasons : Firstly, from the fact that the size of the balloon necessary to support the weight octhe machine • and passengers-is such; 'that it offers an amount of surface on which the Wind, el ikerts a press:ger, 'high irresistible for any 'amount power - that can be carried I along size • may be roughly esti-1 mated at onesubic yard for every pound of; veight - sripported: -- fiecondon - tlingromd =, that such a balloon, or flying-machine, has not . the. adVain tage v...ew.1 P . !la.. heavy medium, as, for 'instance, water mi ter -neatlfit the resistance of which can be useTtA7; change the direction in which the wind would otherwise carry It. The balk= must th3re fore go , the way the wind blows. The ne Les- ; sarily small amount of power on board would , have but a very small effect indeed, as coin pared with that of a strong breeze striking upon.; the surface -of the ~ Since briSk ;r winti ? traVela With a 'velotity 'of from twenty ti to thirty miles per hour, the machine must be, able to move with this--velocity in'a'dead,cairni In order to;hold its own incase it should encountersuch a w,ind—to say noth ing of making'eadWay egainseit. If, there fore, such should be the maximuin power, then it would balk' to deseend Co' the ground at every ;strong' omtrary wind, 'and .could ,travel only under favorable cluttunstanc,es. For, this rea son, the plan of crossing'the continent is more safe than the insane plan of crossingthe,Atlan tic 'OCean,- about Which so" much' was said several years ago. There is one fact in favor of the eastward' balloon , voyage-namely , : that in , our '> , at • 4 a , Lercertain- - height, an eastward current is always ;encountered, but inits _general direction it deviates to AfSgree that itis'not Certain,'whether 'a machine tront,San FranciSco would arrive in. NoVe. Seale.' or in Florida—PrOvideil, of course, that the Pliwereti boaril'AVerelfot Sufficietit'to bring aliout ;any Material direction' from the_ general course of the wind, during the two or three - daysnecessaryfor the trip. Ate prcilia, bifity i that the single act alone of peeping the machine hi the desired directionigainst oblique but; notwithstanding, favorable ,winds, Would require more power • than can possibly be kept aboard of, ak i apparatus which' has no other sunport than the air in which it'floats. It is at,tbe same, time evident that, having once anivedat the EiSt,the machine could never fly back again: The only alternative would be to circumnavigatethe, globe., This would. take about.twenty-fiVe days: , The two really dan- gerous Sections are the -Atlantic and Pa.cific Oceans, for the simplereason-.t'h'at, In case "of occasional storms andhurrica.nese-with-a--ve !paw of eight)! ancl.Pne , 4 1 0 0 4 '0141 PP:t bOur, the machine could not descend a.s on. terevfirma. Thaie Storniaand eyeloneesennetinviS extend nitwind'' and 'disturb ' the regular' 'west Wnd in which the : machine . ex vested: run, ', It is true the ; air i more ratified there, and oilers;less - pressure on resisting surfitces, but then the wings, propel= LTA PETerrANS'I 'Am E,EgtAx Ep *:f 7 41 VrOROESTERSHIRESAUOE - A.pRoNouNcED EXTRACT Tozzoirm 4: , a , -1 ;li Orlin FOroffilifsogir ••,,,1•1, • To BE THE Onli Good- sa) : - f ~..,4.l2k.krpl..l.cißLE Every Tarte y ~, ,':~,. .- *A, Put free on board at London or Liverpool, in parcels of twent4csses ormore; each case two dozen large, &el ° V. e t r i l li n' trgulmgonsuar.v.ii. the advantage a. appply froapenr.stakiratil the arrival of direct or I Jainet Beilleto&Wti's telebrated Dundee Marmalade. Robert Middlemass's celebrated Albert Biscuit. J. & G. 4 Cox's Gelatine. Crosse & Blackwell's goods. Delan.4 grenier's Racahout des Arabes. (ininness's StOut, Bass 1 aisd-Allre Alear INYror. Younger's Rdinbur_gb Ales, art tbs. Ines of Germany, Germany, Spain and Portugal JOHN DUNCAN'S BONS U lion ft!Pritr end 4.6 Beaver - Street, N. Y., A , Sole AgentB for ' - 'IItSSRS; PEI3RINS 7 . at w 24t • BARCH FARRELL &WARREN, DEAL.RS,,IN - ,-PAPERS , ; 631 Chestnut and 624 Jayne Streets, i. • .' - gart,Ant ,130•ki PLIT BINO: 1 , 74u0m)s 9 1221.. !MARKET STREETS ;, • Stilm and Gals fitting, Hand Power and Steam Pumps, , Plombere' Marble and Soapstone Work. - TArra,,Contptpe,Oprtunsy.r..Tops, &c., wholesale and Samples ^ of finished work may be seen at my store. /bye Cm§ Factory and Balearoomm,SlXTEEN TIT and CALLOR• BILL Streets' - WILSON& BLILLEII. 43m; , • . . . . . . • WEATHER BEDS 'AN9 HAIR MAT .. 11.7 tresses Renovated, Sofas and Chairs Restnffed ; alsO, Feathers constantly on band. Factory, 311 Lombard street. ant& Imo* ) ~ ~...-,.....- 1 ...._______ I i•'-; • , - '-, SPRING S , - ' i',/ i • SA.RATOGA I NEW YORK. The analysis proves that the waters of the ° Saratoga ' Star - gprings bav s mach larger amount of solid snlistanos. richer in medical ingredients than any other spring in Saratoga, and shows what the taste indicates—namely, that it is the _ STRONGEST WATER. It also demonstrates that the STAB WATER contigrus about • • - •- In a gallon than any other spring. It Is this extra arnotnatergas - that ihtparts`to this - Waterits peculiarly sparkling appearance. and renders it so very agreeable to the taste. It also tends to preserve the del icions flavor of the water when bottled, and causes it to uncork with an etiemsernce almost equal tv 'Champagne, • . , Sold by the lading Druggists and Hotels through -out the country. JOHN: WYETII & BRO., 1412 Walnut Street, Irlillada, Wh . 42l,esale , dents. Alm> for aide by W.Walter 3fullen,Cheetnnt Hill ; Fred. Brown. comer of Fifth anti Cbeetntit etre:la:l..l. Gra hame, Twelfth and Filbert; Lippincott, Twentieth and Cherry; Peck & Co., I=B Chestnut; Samuel S. Bunt ing, Tenth and Spruce; A. B. Taylor,lols Chestnut; P.O. Oliver, Eighteenth and Spruce, - F:Jaeoby,Jr.;9l7Cheet nut; Gen. C. 'Bower, Sixth and Nine; T Jas. Shinn,Broad and Spruce; Daniel S, Jones; Twelfth and Spruco; W. B. Webb, Tenth aad Spring Garden. ...ni:NDREWS.LHARRISON & CO.. 13217 ,MMR4II.ET ! ,6III[PRET. ....- IACPROVRI) 5 i3TRAAC RE.ATING APPARATUS, FURNACES AND COOKING RANGES jer. tu th s Sm ~. , T HOlitS 0 10 S "tLON DON titoll enor, or .European. Ranges, for families, hotels or public institutions, in twenty different sizes. Also, Philadelphia Ranges, Hot Air Pumices, Portable Heaters,Low -..down •Gratesi.Eirdboard Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stew-hole 'Plates Brailere. Cooking Stoves, etc., wholesale, and retail byy the manufacturers, _ .: fill Alt 844 THOMSON, my2B fmw Grail ' No. 209 North Second street.. a , TIEQUAS O. r•ix.QN & SONS, , _ _ LatA Andrews & Dixon t , 16. 1324,0RESTNIIT Street. P, E dladt• Opposite United States'lllint.•• • anufacturers o- -I;Ow ... - • - •._ __ . _ '-- LOWN, '', ' , . . PARLOR, _. CHA .7.MBRA, OFFICE, And otherGRATES, - - - _____ _For_Antitracite,_BituMixietieruidNifoOdlfire; -- o_ ALSO. __. WAR:Id-AIR .1 0 13RNAOR8_, '' For warming Public. and Private Buildings. REGISTERS, VENTILATORS, 5" 'i. ,- itriter.cutpg,• - i V t ..• COOFINCI-FA ER, 'll/I.TW-BOILIBBS. .1 .. YIitOIOFOALE and TiairFALTO.• . ; ....... .... N'*'t.'.'i.i.s-.iiit.s.(644iiiiii.::','.:i-i'26 • • , , Reduced to 'One Dolton- enid Tthentyllee Cents Sold at 3. E. Roala l 4 . _ . o 1t 611 4 . • _ No. no di3E4T—NUTVIII-BET, . . Containing BIYr7 r Y BYE ES iII'USN). !Neal and Instru mental., worth 11).16v boundln blorospo• and-handsome)), gilded. Binding alone worth 410. Itedtwed to One , Dalhxr and Twenty-five Centaiat CHEST NUT Str " • ‘-, = tp 7 ViTHITE C.A.SPITM 8 -z-240X 111() 1 brand Im lifted 17g u lign i lit i l t ge ' Z i ri e by 8,9 S818 °° . BM AR /CO. 108 South Delaware avenue. SARATOGA WATER. STAR 100 1 1 Gabie Inches More of Gas HEATERS AND STOVES -g , - 7 ' al0;e: .00X04XliS,&, Nikr* r OL&IVWP,MK . „ ,•vrATtitte3 )MMI=Di aignlti:M• St 4 lr.:, ! irlsirntswispopiimmoompummiroirl {— fi ,1; '4O 1J • t La f .o,74s3,4lloreitteNcracheiss ..Aiaillitiorted r otasomostootebreutzsakenr. Fine VeitiViidttedial'eontines, in 14 and 18 karate. Diamond and Other Jewelry, Of the latest deelerne, ENGAGEMENT AND` WEDDING MING% - - karat and coin. SOLID SILVER WARE FOX RXIOAT. PRESENTB.I TABLE CUTLERY. PIATEO WAX% ta. jal-tf • ' Ayer's - Catlitittic , PilLs For air, the purposes of , a Laxative mediethe. t ' tips no one medi• so universally re -1 by everybody as iartic, nor Was ever I efore so unive^:.a iryeinuitry-anclarneng classes as this mild 1 ,B, to his 4 Ot SAUCE is emed In In In Pin" •the - most` 3AUCE that icient purgative The obvious lea-. %is a more re- I anti fir more effec- 7emedy, than any Those who have 1 tried it, know,that ured :them; those who have not, know that it+ cures theieneighliiiM and:friends, and all know that what it does once it does always that it never fails through any fault or neglecto.f 1 its coinpositio, :We have. thousands upon theft- sands of certificated Oftlfeittemarkable cures of the 1 following complaints, but such cures are )mown in every neighborhood, and we need not publish them. Adaptbil to.allages;and conditions in An climates; containing neither cal iimelef any . deleterions drug, t they may be taken with safety by anybody!. Their 1 sugar eoating.preservcs them ever fresh. and makes f them pleasant to take, while being parely, vegetable t no harm can arise from their use ityany. quantity. They operate by their powerful influence on the 1 internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action—remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the ; body, restoring their irregular action to health, and k by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange ments as are the first origin of disease. directions are given in the wrapper ori the bAxa9r.t4e,f o UP-witlg FATlLliqatsi which _Pills Vapidly 1 For ...Disipepin,or e sr Liste:AS tieing Languor and' Lase of Appetite; they should be taken . litioderately stiniulate, die atom- 1 1 aeh and'restore its healthy tone and 'actieri. , For Liver ;Complaint and its vargias ' toms, Bilious headache, Sick Jaundice or Green • Sickness, Itilions Colic and Bilious revers, they shouhl ju diciously taken for each case, to correct theiliseased action or remove the obstructions whielt cange it. For Dysentery or Ilistrrinen, euit - Rne mild dose is generally required. , Fur lithenntatistn, Gravel , lPallpi- Union of rise - Meat% 'Pain in , the • Side, Hack and ifrins, they should be continuously taken, as regtu.al t to flange the dismsed action of thetystem., With Stich can those Complaints For Dropsy and. Dropsical Swellings they should be taken in large and freAuent doses to pro- duce the effect :do drastic purge. For iihippressiOn 'a large (lose should be taken as it produces the desired effect by , sympathy. .AsAsa Dinner Piit, take one, or two Pills, to pret mote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach' and bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence it is often ad ,, ' : vantageons where no serious derangementlexists. One who•teels tolerablywell, often finds that adose of these Pills makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect on the diges tive apparattur. a • C. 4 YER & CO., .Practicai Chemists, zowzia,. MASS, v. IS. 4. li.Vvrhole4le bY J M. JUJUS . & CO., iPApelipetti7- 6i) Al LETOW.Ii MINERtIL SPRINGS n2B n .-r. tz".l Er, .. ra ..4 0 •,tra - ma = ...,v`,ic 4- ; .-1,..'m i;s -,.. Never before liave;any Mineral Witten attained in so abOrt a time a reputation so g.eneral.as the Middletown 3liperal Spring Writers, solely, too, by the nUmber of almost marvellous cures they have effected. • , EXTRACTS FROM A FEW OF OUR MANY.- A. B. Gritnt, •lib. 269 'River st. Troy. •N: Y.; (Kidndy Dieeaso), says : ; . ; ; • "fl his renovated me thoroug,bls , . killed my pains, and V v i es,me backaltealtby appetite, digestiou, and cicada- F. F. Bullock, Na. 89'Clinton plaee,li. Y., (General Debility), says: "I um sure tbatl owo mv present hita t solely to tho tinily and persistent use of the water:" • ' • - • Call for a cop - of testimonials in full. ' THIS WATER IS FOR SALE BY ALL - FIRST CLASS DRUGGISTS. ';" - • . , Addreas: , - .lliddletown - lliDeral - Sprm' g, Gmra _MIDDLETOWN ,YT. C. LIPPINCOTT, . Wboltealo Agent for: l'lllitidejphl? 94NicipitY aiil9 th tu 2111'3 - • - • • DENTAIXT - NI: SUPERIOR J article for cleaning the. Teeth,destroYing animalcula which infest them, giving tone to the gnms and leaving a feeling_ of fragranceLand;perfect ` cleanliness in the mouth. It may he' used daily, and will be found to • strengthen weak and bleeding.gums while the aroma and detersiveness will recommend it to every one. Be- ing composed with tho assistance of tho Dentist, Physi cians and MicrostoPlat, it le .cindldetitlY offered as a reliable aubstitutiifor the uncertain washes' formorly in vogue. Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the constituents of the Dentallina. advocate astute; It; Contains nothing , to prarent its untestrained'employment.- Made ,only by - • • JAMES' I SHINN', Apothecary,. Broad and Spruce streets. For sale by Druggists generally, and Fred. Browne, Stackhouse, Haseard & Co., Robert C. Davis, C. R. Reeny,. Geo. 0. Bower, IsaaoH, Kay, ' Chas. Shivers, • - C. H. Needles, S. M. McColin, T. J. Husband,. S.C., Illinllng, Ambrose Smith, - ' Tnits.ll.; , a.berle, Edward Parrish , James N. Marks, Wm. B. Webb, Bringhurst & Co., James L. Bispham, Dyott & Co., Hughea , & Combo,C: Blair's Sons, Henry A. Bower. _ IWyeth & Bro. VSTATE OF .!.ROBFar,RALSTON DOR BBY, deceased.—. Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of .EQBERV-BALSTON- - DORSEY, deceased, having been granted ,:te:the undersigned, all persons having • claims •-will -present-them -without delay, and those indebted to the Estate will make payment to • • :.' •I . 'HENRY CRA3IOND, No. 621 Walnut street, 2RAjtx.x G. CLAY,., Bouth street, Fifth seet, If2fewat§ r Executors. :1 STATE,,OF CATILAAINE SMITH, DI;- 1111 ceased..., Letters testamentary upon' the ' above agi tate having been grunted tntbo.undersigned, nil persona indebted to tho same will please payment; and all persons having . tialmtrvill - present them' to MARY ANN icosEnrrz, Executrix North Eleventh Bt., 0542 or to her Attorney, WILLIAM:A. ALLISON, 429 Wel- Plt Street- .: au23 6r. TEItS TESTAzitf g.NTATnr HAVIKG • Ueengranted tothe aubscrlher unotitho„-Estite of LOSES GOURLEY, decease-11, all persOns - indebted to Ow sante wilt ;flake p4ment, ni l 4 , thorpLluwing. cairns, present Otani to IiOIIEIVI7KEATINEY; Executor, 123 Pemberton street, or his Attorney; GEORGE JUNKIN, southeast eorner Sixth and Walnut:Streets PltitansLeniA, August 28th I 8 9 101 -7.7A7: Oft" ,TOWIS celebrated Pine &Amite Elheese daily eSc IClOd, ppl for bale by 404:B: ipqraSlEß , 8010 O,I2fRATHING FEET.—TRN. FRAMES. Etiglish Sheathing Felt, for sub) by PETER WRIGHT & SONS, 115 'Walnut 'greet. • MEDICAL. REA * 'rESTIISIONIALS: filbert Street, .1, 4 . 4 tet'4*.t*Wttly . ....... ''''','"•`•, ' 4 ' `-t'' t't, . 0. '''. 'f, • ..4-, '7 7 .: , ...- : ---- ;_f , MAU LS , VCO ' l 4l, 1 , _. . , , .01-4,-. ' I ...CliZkY.S s itO t ari t ' gtre ' ei. t; 4.' "''A'-. 4 - 1869 - 4: )p.A.TT;Exiits.' , . J 1269 ~! ~..w ~;. . Ap cti,„,J, ~,...., ,111.1CHIGAIGtoCOSEXPINE • •^, , t tl,tt,d t IILL:ot -1'..:._ : 'FOR FATFRW) : •••,, c' -• ~, • - orfei&aSPRTICE'ANDIIZKLOOItiIITai piouen , , , SPRIME AND'ITSICLO9IE:' ' linlif•it A WO ,A it . - LARGESWOUIii I ~q...; '• , ~.' ?ropia , n•;.FLORIDA le•We • EtiM,48691 I,ll9‘jrir, '• VLONIDA=I,LOORINGI. I DELAWARE ; ASH YLO Ili - NOP' • .• • Qg N'LORIDA WEI ) /1.869 - sq,OIV A A IL • imir t ig44l , sB,; ;; " v BAIL WALNUT L 18697. 4 i!, !RP; 188 9, 1 BoARDB AND „-WALNUT I B_RARDS,:' • • WALNUT - X.LANK:- • •AssoifTED , FOE ' •.. !.` . CAJMNEr'biAKEP4O, A • • • BUILUBBS,O: • • . iQgo UNDERTAKERS' I.B69 ' 1,4 •I pt • ' UND.E.U.TARRES' Luzzll4.,', ' is ARE' CEDAR- ” • , WALNUT AND. Vl.lOrlL, • 1 ~ ..- --' I3BAIXONOIg 0 NAY.; • ; •'• ••' vlO •0. • ANgeIAtit43OANDN. ' 1 c .7 1 .'4,', • - HICKORY '. . - .1869 CAROLINA , SC TIAN q•-:1 869 . t.,2.0.11R0L1NA-11.) T .•!., 1, • r IiQUWAY SOANTLLTIG, i - • 1869 CEDAII-814114-GLES. '1869 • , , CEDAR SHENGLES. • = ' CYPRESS SHINGLES: "" LARGHASSONTMENC PPR SALE .igyitytr, IQgo, PLASTkR PLASTERINLASH. Lumber Under Cover .114.:WA*111 r: ,Walnut; White Pine, Yellow Pine, Sp Hemlock 4te., alwaya ou hend low rotes: -WATSON 6a GILIANOTIAW Richmond ` Stre et, Eighteenth mh29 IT4 '•,- ' • ' " - ,IIVOMAS 'Bz • POHL,. • Llgligrftl:`llElt hants, No. 1011 S. Fourth . streeLt t' ''At their jard f IWiti be found W,alnut, Ash,Petdar, Oherrl t Pine. tdelti- ./ock &c, &c., at reasonable prices. : Give them a call.. • MARTIN THOMA.g,. , - ' ifihl74na* ' ' '' , F.L.B POIIL. , .'- • ' .! 12 - ELLOW PINE LIDIBER,,---10EDERS - J. for cargoem of every descriyitionr Lumber exe ,cuted at abort notice--quality tmbjeet to inspection. Apply,. to EDW. 11. ROWLEY 16 South Wharves. fe6 GE E se - Arrb WOS,TENHOLXI3 ,J,A. DOCKET BEMS, PEARL 'arid STAG HAN bLEB of beautiful finish; RODGERS' and WADE & BUTCHER'S and the CELEBRATED LECOVLTBE RAZOR.. SCISSORS. IN CASES of the finest quality Rattan, Kniv.es, Scissors and Table Cutlery, ground at! polished. EAR INSTRUMENTS of the most approved construction to assist the hearing, at P; !JADEITE A 'S, Cutler and Surgical Instrument Haker,lld Tenth street, below Chestnut. 1)0 EMOVAL.-COCIIRANi - I.RIISSELL. & CO.• have removed from.= North Front, atreet-to CHESTNUT STREET, .north.,eide, above Erma street. , . . TRAVELERS', GUIDE. DENNEYLVANIA 'CENTRAL :BAH, ItOAD.—After . 7 P. M. ' , SUNDAY' , !ingest 29th, 1809. The trains of the Pennsylvania. Central railroad leave the Depot,at Thirty-firetand liferketstreets,which is reached directly by the care ofthe Market Street Pas senger Railway, the last car connecting with each train leaving Fent and Market street. thirty. minutes before its departure. Those lei the ,Chestnut.-and.,Walnut Streets Railway rim within'enesquare of the Depot. • Sleeping Car Tickets can be load on , application at the Ticket Office, Northwest corner of Muth and ,Chestnut -streets,and at the Depot.. • - , • Agents of the Union 'Transfer Company will call for and - deliver Baggage at the Depot. Orders leitat N 0.901 Chestnut street, No.ll6.3l.arket street,' will receive at „ tention TRAINS LEAVE DgPoT,viz.:' Mail at 8.00 A. M. Paoli .... --at10.30A.31., 1.10, and 10.30 P. M. Fast Line . .. ..... at 11.5 Q A. M. Erie Express.- at 11.30 A. M. Harrisburg 2..30P. 31. Lancaster Accom ' ' ' at 4.00 P. M. Parksburg Train. ' ' • - ' • • at 5-30 P. 31. Cincinnati' • 8.00 P.M. Erie Weiland Pittsburib Express ...... ..-....at 9.30 P. M. Philadelphia . . .„ . . .:.. at 12.00 night. Erie Alai! leaves daily, except .....y running on Saturday night to Williamsport only. On Sunday night passengers will leave Philadelphia at 8 o'clock. Philadelphia' Express • leaves 'daily. Cincinnati Ex press daily except Satuiday. All- other trains daily, The Western Accomociation Train runs daily, inexcept - Sunday. For this! train"tickets 'must be procured and baggage delivered by SAO P. 31.. at 110 Market street. TRAINS ARRIVE :VP DEPOT, VIZ.: Cincinnati 'Express at 2.43 A. 31. Philadelphia Express " • • • at 6.20 _ Paoli _Aceoninusuation at 8.20 A. 31. and 4.05 At 5.50 P. M. Parkaburg -- - at 9.10 AAL- Erie Mail' • • • ' • • at 9.35 A. M. Fast Line.. at 9.35 A. M Lancaster Train.....- at 12.30 P. 31. Erj at 7.25 P. 31. Dian Express ... .. ' • at 1.30 P.. 31: ; Express ' at 8.25 P. M. Harrisburg Accommodation • • at 7.25 P. 3L For further information, apish' to . • JOHN F. VA REBER, JR., Ticket Agent, 901 Chestnut street. :. FRANCIS Fult.K. Ticket Agent.llo Market street. sA3I UEL H. WALLACE, Ticket Agent at the Depot. The Pennsvlvania , Railroad Company will not assume any, risk for Homage: except for wearing apparel, and Built their respenlib City to One Hundred Dollars in value All Reggaes exceeding that amount in value will he at the risk of the owner:unless taken by special con tract. EDWARD 11. WILLIAMS, General Superintendent. Altoona. Pa F OIE CAI'.E.,',4AY, - .4 CO ~,a tiil:lo4 a 0 g Z C , : y 4 • :4 CI g Ell , ; VIA WEST JERSEY RATLROAD. COMMENCING 1111 ONDAY, AUGUST 3Otti, 10;59. Leave Pldbulelpli in., Foot of Market street Las follows'sun A. M., Cape May Express. dire at 12.25 M. ;1.15 RAN, Passenger-.4luoat.T.W P 1 11 Sunday Mail Train leaves at 7.15 A. M., duo 10.45. Ckip . c:7 ; l , l , uzyttlp . l3t. Ipftyv . ll,SaJncluil, dally„at 940 A.; M. mAY, -65001-2.1.-Odersting-Aistils dueat-10.06ArM_,- 6.00 P. M. Passenger, duo at 0.22 P. M. -, ----- Suudayttall - TrainleavewCaptsMay - ut830P7. -- M7 - Cape May Freight Train leaves daily at 0.40,4. M. TICKETS. Annual Tickets, St, 100. -Quarterly Tickets, 850; to be had only of the Treasurer at Camden. '2O Coupon Tickets, 6'40; 10 Coupons, 826. Excursion Tickets,s6 00, for sale at the Tickqt Otllcea No, 428 Chestnut stray ,foot of Market street, also at Camden and Cape May. For Millville, Vineland, Bridgeton, Salem and inter mediate Stations,leave Philadelphiadailr at 8.00 A. M.. and 3.15 P. M. Passenger. . • An Accommodation Train for Woodbury, Mantua, Parneshoro'.and Glassboro', loaves Philadelphia daily at 6.60 P.M. Returning—Leaves Glassboro' at 6.30 A.M. Commutatioa• Books of 100 checks each, at reduced rates,_between Philadelphis,and all stations. FRBIGHT.TB.A - 115S.LEAVE CAMDEN For Cape May, Millville i Vineland..te.,&c., 9.20 A.M. For Bridgeton, Salem` and way stations,at 12.00 , noon. Freight received at 'first covered wharf ,below Wal no t street. • Freiglat delivered N 0.228 S. Delaware avenue. • • WILLIAM J. SEWELS,'. • Sitnerintendent W J. 11. PIILADEIXRIA: AND -ERIE RAIL ROAD--I3UMMER TIME TABLE:• , -Thion_gh and Direct Route between Philadelphia/Baltimore, arris , risburg, Williamsport; H to the Northwest and the Grew. Oil Region of Pennsylvania,-Elegant Sleeping Cars all Night Tram'. On and after MONDAY, April 28, 1869, the Trains on the. Philadelphia and Erie Railroad will run as follows: WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia. 10.45 P. M. Williamsport.B.ls A. M. '"'arrives at Ede9.3o P. M. Erie Express leaves Philadelphia 11.50 A. M. " • "Wllliameport 8.50 P. M. " " arrives at Erie. 10.00 A. M. Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia &CO A. M. 6.30 P. M, arrives at Lock Haven -7.45 P. M. EASTWARD. Nall Train , 11.15 A. M. Willhunsport... 12.20 A. M. " 14 arrives at Philadelphia. 9.25 A.M. Erie E xpress leaves, Erie 6.2 5 p.ll. Williamsport • 7.50 A. " arrlvel - atintiltulelphia -- Dfail and-.P.xpress !connect-with Oil Creek and Alla. heny B.iver . Railroad. , .Baggage Checked Through. ALFRED L. TYLER, . General Superintendent. --- (QUICKEST TIME ON RECORD. THE PAN-RANDLE ROUTE. __ W. ) no - 26 1101 ms to OINCINNATI,ViaPENNSYLV - NIA RAILROAD AND PAN-lIA NDLE ,7% IiOUBS les. TIME than by COMPETING LINES. PASSENGERS taking tholl.oo P. U. TRAIN arrive in CINCINNATI nag EVENING nt O. 11.31.,26110C115, ONLY ONE NIGE_T_on the ROUTE: _._ ' Kr TRE WOODNVILY'S „celebrated ' Palace State- Boom SLEEPING- OARS run through Irmo PHILA DELPII/A1 to C/RONNATI. I,Paesengers taking the 12,00 M. and 11.00 P., al. Trains reach CINCINNATI and all yeinte W, _KAPP and tiOUTH ONE TRAIN IN All- VAL 4 CA igtitl Whorl:Lentos. _ _ taf - .1' seen er e for oIxerNNiII;INDTANAPOLIti, 1, 1 .1„0 ~'• CAlRG,trip 'AGO,' V1R1A,1i1,14.11.1Q -1 T 14,4 IN Plf , 31,11,WAV)SEP. 'Br. PAup ouAliA, - h*l us i l l VP W a rr ' li C tE RWIIIB 4 I I47PV II: PAN '. -TIAN. IMMO . °I I lii .r PC le sir Ti) Uilp ir polttiiSlVAT;zl) adintmee or this. LINE,: b Yr) __ PARTICULAIt nud A SA FOR TICRY4TB ' , ,Via A.NIIANDLE,", , at,TICEET OF , IFICES.N.W:CtNEWNINTIPand CHESTNUT ata, , No. 11601 AIIE.E STEGET, bikeOnti and Front etc, And T Ur' ST anPIA. Tate, West Phila. S. r. 8 lIX. ,Gesisral Ti ckit Age :Pittsburgh J GUN N. ii L.T.LII, Gener Eastern Agent, fi.2B Broad way .N Y atatbfit* CUTLERY REMOVALS T 7 *ir 04- o ,' vlgizzArts..--, A..t. A.O 1 Di li• SAILBOAD,.. 9,R ,..r 7E.P. T f4l 7 7 7:,. e ,, Aznel taD - ' . .rnakiLlue froni , Pbßadelpidi to 'the inteifOr of , f .,.. A ' ' A' 14111,11/ in- !, I' - eantsicaufa, the Behnylkill, Susquehanna, Cumber 4 Orli i R i ß ia N de r o N fa ltA to lileLfraßO It e tcn °3 W il ,„ i aces , f roz i w a il, , land and Wyoming Valleys, the North,,Northwent and ~ ...I:g., .1 'rig street wharf; - `‘':- ; , '1 , 11,47. . - , r. , 412 r • / i ltt ju lA 2 ane.d.Le,Bommer Arranament pf Passenger Trahmi , :, , , , f,1, , -A At 6.30 A. Af.,Via ',ld ras wn „ ,mg At 8 A ..,X, via Carlld.Ond Jersey J . in, t'Adf I,‘ :pa ti,ancrtehill strects,lThiladolptda, at the fotittsr4 r. 1A : 2110 Pi/ 1 4 • itC'eb And - MMO' ''''' ' l°ll 1 " (m g . NI:Kt CC 31310 . 0 VI ' -• ' CI ; t' , IE It A 0 A ON -At1.30 A. 3f , Ihts, ~4dA At 6P. M. forAml:*tttptilt..d intennsdkitte Cons, '. t J . ~Reading and all interntedfate Steno . rts add -Altimeters' • 4. , trai At 6,30 and 84. 31.v.444 P. 74.,T0r Freehold. . At 800 A. 3f . 2.00 p., . for Long Branch and Pailite j 4 ,',117... a 1ur e n i irt h f l i /V I e i g peoplO , g at 624 ,P.:, ?II .., tr.lvirk - # 1 . :11 0e ..is:'';' 1- 4 ' DC' B , U- U: j " ' ' ' '' - ' . . i- 31aLziYf r ci a xierniss,--At 8.15 A. 111.,ior,itein 1, " ;. ' At 8 and ID A .IIA; 4 2.3.30 and 4.30 P. 111.,f0r Trenton • At 6.80 , 8 and 70 Pit 4. 3,30 1 4 . 30 ,0, 7 and 11.30 P. M. , Letrattorri tirrAibtirg,Pottaville, Pine Groyealud is'4"-; • tor POrdento it, orence,l3hrlitrgton 'Boxer'? end De ,` 813 41 1 0.7 , f VAllrortr Elmira+ RoctiPeiort .qiingriis o ,'...„`. inane ° , •. , i ~ 1 . , . • ~ . . Piths I finffaio,, ilkeeb t :rre : 4 P c t . t . tlt ‘s on, ,, q . lk .! , v . ?5,. 0 1 ,,,, z At 6,.V AAA' OA .M j,I; ki: , _ 940,4 . 30 4Qand IMO Paljot s ,Ed_gzagr iii ni p y . o 3 7 : i . a f e oti. t i t 1 ti.;e4 4 %,... rahn yra, owl F ish ~t Iseitnity ,The 7S a Fi . ltrati t :onnecta at Beading wltlitlger 1 4 IrelfitOad trains tor Allentewn;,te ~• so ' .._('W* 9 Tito' 11'.80 •' P. M. Line -latiee from foot 'o 83iip Al, t r ail s connects with,t}te t Lobsara.evr Olarkastraet by tamer ferzTo .:t, . ~ •. , • for If aty sbn3 3 dm,: at Pttart" Clinton 1 marl.: al k3 .Prom Kormiqgtor k Down,: ~ , . ~ , i It:trains for tharnSpO ‘2n . 1. _ . _ I Oberland : II tll A :m.,4.1a heheingtoit and Jbroolqty, New Tor c Harriet tirg . 1 INorthorn veßtrai, u.acnberianA •,Bg p i - au t . ', ini t i.;. i a l ,: •• ' , : - ......,:.14••• *" ley. ,-- shrtr/h l lll - "e!'i WIJ,' ' O 4 Woh;tRAVO At 7 and-M.60 Aa.3l; 2.80, &Wand 5 P.' 11." - for Trenton •an Bristol -And at 10,15 A..X. and 6P:111.-tor Brlatoli '...A17.317 and 11A: 7.442,Wand 6P. - X.;forMotrlaylltotind At, and A;111;2.30, 6 and P.. 11; for Schatiki and Eddington.,,, , 1 At 7,60 and 10x, A 2.30, 4; 6 and 6". P, 4`for, Corni Wells, Toriesdal_,e Holniefsburg,TactinY, Wiasinoining 4 .•;.!Bridesburg and/Vrankford t and ti P., 31. • for; Holmes., burg and Intermediate Stations. - ' FronfWest Philadelphia via Conneeting_Rallway ; 'At93O. A 6141.20 4, 6.46-0 and 12 P,'6l; Now, York Es 4 J press Line, via erseY.VitT ' e 826 .4*To /LSO P. 61. Emigrant Dina - ' 400 t 0.30 A. 1,30, 4;6.433 and 12LP.M. for At 9.30A.3,1 4, 6.45 and 12 P;11_,,,. for Bristolo , • •• " 12 P.M.f.Nightlfor Morristillo,Thllytown, Schenck'S I .;Eddington,Vornwells„.Torresdals, Hohnesburg, tortY, Whisinoming ~BtidestrOg and Frankford. ',`The 0.110 A:3l, and ii and ' 12 P.M:Linea run daffy. , 'All gothera. Sundays excepted: Atror Linea_leavingltemangton,D6otakiteikVar rii - orvittFittreete,"at Ohestwat,..ar. half • - ini Mir e.- '..fttre'departure.' The Cars of- , Market Street; Railwale 1117 k , direct to.WestThiladelphia Depot Chestnut and Walnut s nithilkone-equare;--.on-Sundays, the Market-Strle • :will Inn to tot:meet with. the 9,30 A. M. and 8 and UP M." lines .' RELTIDERE 1( DELAWARE'. RAiLIiOAD , , LINES; from Kensingten Depot. . • . _ ~ At 730 A. for Niagara - Falls; Buffalo; Dunklik,t Elmirtg (Ithaca',.. Owego, Rochester,' Bitightaimpton, Oeweg,o,,Syrantise.,preatDentl., Montrose, Wilkesb arra, Schoolays.3lountam, Ac.. I • . At,73OA,M. ands 333 P.'51.; for Scranton ,' Strands.: burg, Water ciap, Belvidete,..;Eadtoli;;;LambertVille,; Flemington, &c The 330 m. Line connects • direct with the train leaving Easter, for, Mauch Chunk- Allen. ;lawn, Bethlehem; 41c, - . Atn A. M • ant 6 P. 31,,foi'Lainbertsille4andinternie ,diate Stations. - • • CAMDEN.AND BURLINGTON CO., AND. PRIMER , TON 'AND.HIGH. TSTOWN RA.Ll4RoADli,ftoin bfar let street Ferry (Upper Side.) • _ .Af.7 and 10A. - 3.1.,1, 2.15;d050, bat 6.30 P.M.for Merc hants - ; slll.e,Ploorestown, Liartforn..6lasonville,Hainisport, Mount 'Holly, Smithvillo,. Evansville; ;Pine's/town, Bitmingghaniand Pemberton • . At 10 A. M. for „Lewistown' ,W,rightatown, CookstOwni, New Egypt and Hornerstown. At 7 A. M.,1 and 3.30-P. M. for '..Lowistown,Nriglits, • I, •town, Cookstowti,NeW Egypt, - -Hornerstown, Cream. Ridge. Irolaysitown, Sharonandilightstown.: Fifty pounds of Baggage only allowed each,Paaseager. Passengers ore prohibited froni taking anythingas bag ' 'gage but their wearing apparel'. All baggage over fifty - pounds to:be paid for extriv; The ,Company: limit, their responsibility. for baggage. to One Dollar per.naund,, and will not be liable for any', amount eYond Si uu, ox ` ce_pt by special conitact. ;. • • Tickets sold'and Baggage checked direct through to, iloston„Worce_ster, Springdeld, Hartford, New Haven ProVidence, .New_port, Albanyi_TroySaratega, Utica, Rome; Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo; Niagara Falls and, Itinspension Bridge. - r • I An additional Ticket-Of is located at Nti.V3 Chest- nut street, where tickets to New York, and all 'lunar- tant points North and 'Fast, may be procured. Parsers! . purchasing Tickets at this' Office, can have their, bag . f l ag i e cn c 2 b . gg f from trideir i ttliotel to destination, by •- , "foin.es from Vow; 4olr i r for Itiladelphia, will leave fro m . foot of Cortland str pet- 93 at 1 and, 4.00 P. M., Jersey. 'City and Camden; At 6.317 •P.'3l. via Jersey City 'and • Kensington. At 7, and 10 A. 31., 12.30,5 and 9 P.M.., and 12 Night, via Jersey City and West Philadelphia: 'F • rom Pier N 0.1, 1 ,1. Rivet, at 6.30 A. M. Accommoda, thni.and 2 P. M. ExpreSs,via Amboy and Camden. Aug. 30.1869. - W3l. 11. GATZMER, Agent. ; . 13HILADELPHIA. L w natINGTO' N AND; ~.a. BALTIMORE RAILROA.D--TIME TABLE. 'Coin- '., . meriting .MONDAYMay;IOth; 1869.. Trains will leave Depot. corner i?reati ,: and Washitiliteri avenue, as fol-! lows WAY MAIL TRAIN atB3o A;M.(Suriditys excepted), , for Baltimore, stopping at all 'Regular Stations. Con necting with Delaware Railroad at. Wilmington ' for. Crisfield sad Intermediate Stations. . . .: -' • EXPRESS TRAIN at 12.00 'M. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore and` Washington, stopping: at Wilmington,'„ . Perryville, and. Havre de Grace . Connects at Miming-. ton with train for New Castle.. _.;,- - - '... ' • EXPRESS TRAIN at 4.otr P. Id.f Sundayis excepted), for; Baltimore and Washington . stopping o at - Chester, Thurlow, Linwood, Claymont, Wilmn n, Newport. lititritoa,_ - Newark,' Elkton,North " East , 'Charlestown,. 'Perryville, Havre de Gra ce, Aberdeen,'- - Petrymaniti,.. . Edgewood, Magnolia, Chase ' s anst Stemmer's Run: . ' ' 2 , i IG II T. EXPRESS at 11.30 P. M. (daily) forßaltimore and ' Washington, stopping at Chester, Thurlow ' Lin wood,,Claymont,WilMington, Newark , Elkton,l'North East, Perryvi ll e, Ilavre de Grace, Perrymtui's and . 11114-' Passengers fOr Fortress Monroe EintiNorforit willtake ' the 12.110 DI. Train. ' ,_:- , • - . : . ,- WILMINGTON •TRAlNS.—Stopping . at all Stations' , between Philadelphia and Wilmington. - . - Leave PIELLA.DELPHIA at 31.00 A. M. 2.313,5.00 and 7.01/ P.M. - The 0.09 P: M. train Connects w i th' Delaware: Railroad for Har_rmgton and intermediate stations: Leave WILMINGTON 6.30 and 8.10 A.M.:1.30, 4.15 arid: 7.00 P. M. , The 8.10 A t M. train will not stop between' 'Chester and Philadelphia.' The 7.00 P. M: train from Wilmington runs .daily;allotherAccemmodationTrahis Sundays excepted. ~ • - - - Freon BALTIMORE to PITILADELPHIA.—Leaves Baltimore 7.25A.,31., Way Mail. 9.35 A. Bf.,Express.. 2.35 P. M., Express. 7.25 P. M.. Ex_press. ~ SUNDAY . TRAIN , FROM sIIALTIMORE.--Leares BALTIMORE at 7.25 331 P:.. Storming at at Magnolia, Per ryman s, Aberdeen,liavre.de-Grace,Perryville,Charles town, North-East; Elkton Newark, Stanton, Newport , . Wilmington, Claymont, Linwood and Chester.- ____ T PHILADELPHIA. AND BALTIMORE -CE NTRAL RAILROAD TRAIN Stopping at all Stations on Cheri- . .ter Creek and Philinlel Ida and Baltimore , Central Rail- Leaves ryfri.,A . DELp TA for PORT DEPOSIT (Sun- day excepted) at 7.00A'. Si. and 4.35 P. 31: • --Leave, Philadelphia for Chadd's Ford at 7.00,P. M.% The 7.00 A. Si. Train will atop at all ',Rations . between Philadelphia, nd Lainokin. A 'Freight Train - with Passenger 'car attached, will leave Philadelphia daily ( Sundays cxcepted).at 1.00 P M., running to Oxford. Leave PORT DEPOSIT for PHILADELPHIA (Sun day's excepted) at 5.40 A: 31., 9.25 A. Si., and 2.31) P. M. •, Leave Chad(' 's Ford for ".Philadelphia at 6 .15 A. M. _ A Sunday Train will leave Philadelphia at S.OO A. Si. . for West Grove, nut intermediate Stations. Returning, will leave West Grove at 4.30, POL.. .. , - Trains leaving WILMINGTON at 6.30 A. M. and 4.15 ' P. M., will connect at Lamokin JunCtion with the 7.e0 • A .'31.end'4.30 P. M. trains . for Baltimore Central It. R. Through tickets to allpoint West, South, and South west may be procured, at the ticket office, 826 Chestnut • street, under Continental Hotel, where else State Rooms , and Bertha in Sleeping Cars can! be secured during the day.. 'Persons purchasing tickets at this office. can have baggage checked at their residence by the .Union Trans fer. Company. H . F. KENNEDY, Sup't. . . . .. , .. . SIIORTEST ROUTE. TO '. THE. , SEA ..- .: • SHORE I CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAIL - • ' • • SUIIMER — ARRA - NGENENT. • TIIROUGH' .T TO ATLANTIC CITY IN IX HOURS I • _. TAKES EFFECT d ULY • I. 1569. ..: . ..-.-.Thironethlemino irive.nuit.dtreilt.r.trtY..attiollowc.,, Special Excursion. ' 6.L5 A.m.. - —Mail., Freight ( with passenitt7eitr) ' ... 9.46 A.M. Expresa, through In IX hours ..5.15 P.M. Atlantic Accommodation ' ' 4.16 P. 111... LEAVE. ATLANTIC CITY. . Atlantic Accommodation • 6.08 A. 31. Express, through in 1K hours. 7.24 A. M. Freight (with passenger car) 11.60 A. M. Mall 4.17 P. M. Special Excursion-- 5.15 P. M. Au Extra Express train (through an IX -hours) will leave Vine street Ferry every Saturday at 2 P.M. Re turning, leave Atlantic City on Monday, at 9.40 A. M. LOCAL TRAINS LEAVE VINE STREET. 'Atco Accommodation • • 10.1.5 A. M. 'Haddonfield . " % • 2.00 P. M. Hammonton 5.45 P. M. RETURNING, LEAVE . Atco , • • • 12.15, Noon, .Haddonfield ' 2.45 P. M. !Hasumonton_. • • 6.40 A. M. . SUNDAY MAIL TRAIN 'Leaves Vino street • • .810 A. M. Leaves Atlantic ...... ~- ........ —4.17 P. M. • Fare to Atlantic City, e 2. Round Trip Tickete r good for the day and train on which they are homed, $3. • Coltman 's Local Express, No. 30 South .Fiftli street, will call for baggage in any part of the city and suburbs and check to hotel or cottage at Atlantic City. Additional ticket offices have been located in the read ;fag-rooms of the • Merchants' and Continental Hotels, alto at No. 80 South Fifth street. .• :•,., ,- . . - • -, - • D. 11.11UNDY;Agent. A_ H IL A DEL PH.TA, GtERATAITTOWN AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD TIME BLE.—On and after Monday, IdaY. 3d, 1869, and tirdl further notice: • FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave PhiladehiaL6, 7 8, 9.415, 10, 31,12 A. tif., 1,2, 3.16, am, 6 6 , 6. 6 11 a. 8. 9; 11? , 11,12 P. M. Leave Germantown-8, 7,7)6,8, 8.20,9, 10, 11, 12 A. MIT 1.2,3,4, 43‘,6,2)1,, 8,83 6 , 7,8,9, 10, 11,'P. M. The 8.70 down-train, and the 3X and 521 up trains, will not atop on the Germantown Branch. . • •ON , • SIINDAYS.• Leave Philadelptda-9.16 2, minutea,7 and • ' " ve 961413nlarTVU1.115111,11,4aittfr,Z113i M. • Leave Philadelphia-8, 10, 12 A. M.; 2, SX, 6X, To) and 11. P. , , ..• • Leave Chestnut Rill-7.10 minittos, 8,9.40, and 11.40 A. 31.; 1.40,8.40;12.40, 0.408.40 and 10.40 P. M. • • ON BUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9.15 minutes A. 31.• ' 2 and P. M. 'Leave Chestnut Bill-730 m intitus A , 31. ; 12.40,1.40 aud 922 Minutes P.M. • FOB. CONSHOZOCKEN AND NQRRIBTOW.N, ' ' Leave PhiladelpM-B.ni, 9,11.05, A. 31.; 11G,3,05, E, 53:,0.16,8.05,10.06 and 1136 P,M. ' • • • • 4+enra Norristown--6.40,636, 7, 7 X, 3 1 11 A. 13i, 3, ,_6.16,8unt19)6PM. OW^ The 73,( A;2l. Tra ins from NotristoWn‘lll not stop at Binged's, Potts' Landing, Domino or Schur's Lane. 11Gr.T he 6 P. 31. Train from Philadelphia top only . /4 School LaAe,Manny_ntik and Conabohpoken. • • t ON UNDAYS. • • . Lj e t.eso Jehjaidelph 10,-0 A. 21.; 2A4 and 7.15 "-Tolsavillforrlstot4n-7 Dl . •)t arid 'B.P. M. Kt *lPLeare•Philadelphia- ,7X.9 .11.06 A. m.; 3,6, • 83fr0.15,8.06,10.0.5and • • Leave idanay unk--43.10,7 ,7 ,8.10,041,'11)6 A. 21.; 23% .140, 4 iNkr.30 told 10 P.M... • • . ! • • Thy 4 I'. ,21. Train front rb,ldade phiamill atop only k School Lane and Manatunk.• - .- • • , • ••••• •• • ••; • AN SUNDAYS •` •, • • ~Leave Philadelphia-•. 0 A , 21.; 04, 4 nit 7.12 P, P.M. Leave 31nnayunk-7k A. M. IM, 6 nod P . W. 6. W ILki General 11 nt , erinteinient, • • , Depot, Ninth And Green streets. .1, 16Y - ' one t3`cl !l ' a'nd ~iosgnb~iann a tealnti for lie , - umberlaad, Wollsrnsp#lll.;zoski.u4sobenobarmy . gro o Ar. AlEPEßNOONZPXPlr.;;;:piiiiviallihifailotaia s : .3.80 ,M. for Badding, ongfilleic.Mgiudifbargfillici v po neoting With Reading d Clottimlilligaßtaad trala .Con:1111146. ACC: 1 001 POTTEtToWI4 ACCOMMODATION'. _—Leaves Pot town at 0.25 A. M. stopping at tho Intertheoltato'stati arrives in Philadelph ia at 8.40 A.M. Returning letoll Phretobio. at. 4 P.M.; fyilii - pkinpotte,9ll67llo A_E . ADING AND POTTI3 I 7ILLB , ACCOMMOD TN —Leaven Pottsville at 6.41 r A l 3l.','and Readin_g_ 730 stopping _at all way statipnegaiTivOtinirfti delOhia at 70.16 A. Al , • • •11±,: Returning, leaves Phlladalphliiity 8.15R. 1 '3f...firm - In Reading at 8.00 P.M., and at Pottsville at 9.40 r• • Trains for rhiladelphta 'leave Hatrisbearg fat and Potteirille O.Oft A.M ~ arriving itiPitifildelp y 9 P. q t Afternoon trains leave I.l,arristrug , at 2.11, .; inid‘rotteVille at -2.45*P.- M.; arriviniy at Philfw, i ; •iallshist IA T. - ~ eburrActentmodatiowlettver Reaffilart f. A: -. " -7-- .• M., and Harrisburg at 4.10 P. .Conneetlngiat.itinik inwltb Afternoon Accommodation southat &MP. c to ~./s.gin- P iritadelphiner9l,s- P TM. .•- “, • • ...". ' F' • • Market train, with* Passenger car attacked - 4meg at Philadelphia 12.45 noon for Pottsville and all Way Statlons;.leaves Pottsville at 5.40 A. M.,-connecting •at `Beading with accommodation train for 11Lcutelphla and all Way'Stationa .• - • • ' ' .A. • • ru All the above trains run daily, Sundays excepted.: ,' • Sunday leave Pottsville at 8 A. M., and Phila. ' delphia at'3.ls P. m.; leave Philadelphia for Reading at t 8.06 A. Si., returning from Reading at 425 P. 51.. . , . CHESTER YALLEY BAILROAD."--Paasengers for Dovrningtown and intermediate points take the ,7.30' A. . M., 12.1 and 4.30 P.M. trains from PhiladelShis,return • inti f front Downingtown at 6.10 A: )10. 1.00 P. M.. and ' • PERKlClMENBAlLROAD'reengariddigkinpacit . , ::take 720 A . ..M.,4.30 and 6.15 P.M.trains for Philadelphimis../ returning from Ski ppack at 6.15 and 8.15 A.M.:1.00 P.Mi,"""'S "Stage Mere for various points in Perklomen Valley ' con. 4 ..- !1 , .' neat with, train EXPR E SS gille and.Skippaok.'_.• AMY • • •..• . NEW YORKFOR PITTSBURGH : 4 - _ , • THE WEST .- Leaves New York at 9.00:A . M.; 5.00 art ...,_. 8.10 P.M , passing Rending at 1.05A,11.,,1451 , and:10I .71 . - P. Id .;and connects dt 'Harrisburg with Peruneylvanth and Northern tlentralllailroad Express Trains for /UM.. n . burgh, Chicago, Williamsport, Elmira, Baltimore, ,Inf.'..- •: •, " Retnrning,Expreas Train loaves Ibtrrisbarg on arrital .7 • • ' of Pennsylvania Expose' from Pittabgb, at 2.35 and. 5.201 : .f ..sfj, A. M. and 10,56P . 51 SP. ~ passing'lletulin tit 4.30 • and 7.054, , ... ~ Ai.t. 'M. and 12 . 60 P.M., arriving at New Yo rk 13.00'.A:11; Run • %.' 12.20 and 5.00 P. DI, Sleeping Cars accom_pany theilleo.:-. , ' trains throngh totween • L Jersey : GUY and Plttaburght.,, ,, ro/ without change . - • , .• ~ ,•.• . L. , .- .- • i ,A.,- ''.,.. .• Mail train fot . New York' leaves' Harrisburg at B.Ik.AVS;;.• • 151. and 2.05 P. M. Mail train fOrliarrisburglearee lia:,l' , . :.. York at 12 Noon. ..__:. ..-. • *.•,.. ..- ' SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILBOADV•Trains hiLairo4- Pottsville at 6.30 and 11.30 A.M. and 6.40 P-111..retuniingt. • ' from Tamnotia at 8.35 A. M. 2.15 and 4.15 P. M.. • / E L •, ! ScRU YLKILL AND !SUSQUEHANNA ItAELROAM' •'.',. • -arains lefty° AO en at 8.55 A.. 51. and 3.20 I'. M. f0r,. ,.. .- I'inegrovo and Harr sburg; and at 12.10 noon for 'P .t 1 ",...":':, grove and Tremont; ing from Harrisburg , . at ~7 ::„..ik r • 7 A. M. and 3.40 P. id., an ffom Tremont at 6.4.5 A. 51. a ",, , ,3 ,' 5.051'. 11. • TICKETS.-Through flrat•class . tickets and end ' grlutt ," 74.7, tickea r all the principal points in the North and West ;;'.. and .: Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia Reading .11.0174-1.1 3 (i •• Intermediate Stations, good for day ly, are solid bpl , - Morning Accommodation, Market Tr , Revling aniii . 4.• Pottstown A,scommodation Trains at r uced rates. ' •''.... 4 . i . r : ~ ' Excuraion Tickets to Philadelphia, od for day onli. 1 4:4 are sold at Reading and Intermediate tations by Ilea •-,,, ' kit and Pottstbwn Accommodation aina" at' redut. ... 4: , ...... ... Thafollowlng tickets are obtainable nly at the 0f1ic141..... - 448. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 227 Son Fourth street? .l .-... , .... 'Philadelphia, or of G. A... Ricotta, Ge al, Superintmi •.,..* • dent, Reading. ' • • • • - ' • • ..;QCommutlitioir Tickets,at 25 percent: discount, between : any points desired, for &MIRO and thump , ,* • . L , . --• ' lineage Tic kets,good for 2400 miles, between all poino • -', ''. .4%452 50 each for fiunilles and firms. ... • ,-, .. .„. ' • : Season Tickets; fur inners six, nine or 'twelve m o n t hs, ''... 'for holders only, to sliptdia ts, at reduced rates.. ; ~: J . ' L : Clergymenres i ding the Una of the road will boi L' ntlik. i sashed* with cards, eat Mug themselves : and wives ter - ..tickets at half fare .../` • va r- Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia iSprinCipal sta tions, good-for' Saturday . .SUnday and. Monday, at• re dated fare, tp be had only at the Ticket . .. Office, at Thfs4 41 0 teenth and Callnwhill streets. -r- •• • , • _;„: • FREIGHT.-Goods of all descriptions !forwarded Id all the above paints from the Compliers Now Freight ' - De pot, _ Broad and Willow streets. • . ~*) .'.• :, 1, Freight Trains leave . Philadelphia daily at 4.35 A. RE, 12.45 noon, 5.00 and 7.15 P. 51., far Reading,' Lebanon. • II arrialnirg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, andnall painte ble • pond.. • • • - Maileclose at the Philadelphia Post-office tor all plate* • • DU the road and its branches at 6 A, M., and for theprin. cipal Stations only at 2.15 P. 51. • ' . . • BAGGAGE... ! ..koir4 - 4040 . Dungan's Express will collect Baggage Lir all trill leaving Philadelphia Depot. Orders can ho left 'at No. 226 South 'Fourth street, or at the Depot, Thirteenth anti .:00 Callowhill streeta. WORTH PENIqI33ELVA.NLA: RAPRO *-- ILI —THE - MIDDLE ROUTE:—Shorteer and litioet 'dtt. • : rest line to • Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown, Manoh ,` • Chunk, Hazleton, White Haven, Wilkedbarrei Habana • • ' cjiy, hit. Carmel, Pittston..,Tunkhannook.;.ficrantork, • Carbondale and all the points in the I..ehigh,and : Wyro 0110 e Colli regiona • • tv. Passenger Depot in Philadelphla,•4.•WiCOlrner Berke •• anti AIIIOIOOEI BtreCtii. . • • • - 80MDIER ARRA_NGE3IENT, 15: DAILY. TRAINS. 011 and • after . TUESDAY, June 1nt,1459, Passenger Trains leave the Depot, corner of Barks and American • streets, daily (Sundays excepted) at follows: .; . • , 6.45 A. DI. Accommcidation for. Fort \Vashington. 'At 7.45 A:M.—Morning -Express for . Bethlehem art**. Principal Stations on North Pennsylvania Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Itailromt.' for Allontowm,LCataininqua, Slatington, Mauch Chunk, . Weatherly ,Jeanesville, liazieton,White Haven, W ilkea burro, Kingston, Pittston, Tunkhatinook, and all points in Lehigh anti Wyoming ValleYe' 0180, Itt . ooooeotlol4 With Lo high and Mithanoy Railroad for lllahanoY City, - and with Catawissa Railroad for Rupert Danville 3111- ton and W illiazusport. Arrive.at Mauch Chunk at 1231.; at Wilkemberre at 2210 P.M.tat Elabanoy City at 1.50P.M. At 8.45 A. 31.--4.ccommodation for Doylestown; sto plug at all intermediate Stations. , Passengers for .AV low Grove; If .11boro' timtliartsvill, by this • traintalt Stage at Old York. Road:. • 9.45. A. M. (Express/ for Bethlehem,' Mauch Chunk, '.Whito ,Hgvem, :Wilk.esharre,;Pitiettini Scranton and Carbondale v is. Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad,' anti • Allentown and , • • 'Easton, i Wand •• . points on New Jersey Central . Railroad and Morribauti Essex Railroad to New York via Lehigh Valley ltallroad. • • At 10.45 A. M.—Accommodatlon forEort Washington, etoppina at intermediate Stations. 1.15,3.15'22U and 8 P.M.—Accommodation to Atilugton, JO, • At 1.45 P. M.—Lehigh :Valley :Express for Bethlehem; Easton,_Allontowu „31auch Clinnlr., Hazleton, Haven Wilkesbarre, Pittston, Scranton, and Wyomina . Coal Regions. - . , . At 2.45 P. M.—Accommodation for Doyiestowpti gtog ping at all intermediate stations. .. • . ; At 4.16 P. ht.—Acconunotlation. for. Doyl4town, • • ping at all intermediate illations. • ' • 0 : 60 k ) „ .At 6.(10.1!, M.—Through for Bethlehem, coni 'Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley E v ening . 1 Eadon,-Alleuttostir3lancivehnuk-,..- At 6.20 P, 31.—Accommodation for Lansdale, BPS jr.; • at - all intermediate stations:------ .At 11.30 P. 31.—Acconunotlation for Fort Witalifis • , ^ TRAINS ARRIVE IN PIIILADELPULt. • ^ From Bethlehem at 9 A.M. 2.10, 4.45 and 8:15 P.M. • 2.10 P. M., 4.45 P. M. a n d 8.25aP. St. Tntitts make direct connection withlobigh Valley or Lehigh and Susque hanna trains from Eastou,Scratitou, Wilkesbarre, handy City and Hazleton. From Doylestown at 8.25 A:111.,4.55 P.M and 7.05 P.M From L116(1010 at 7.30 A. Si. From Fort Washington at 9.20 anti 1035 A. 31. and 3.10 P. M. • • . UN SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 930 Al • • • Philadelphia. for Doylestown at 2.00 P. M. i • . • Philadelphia for Abington at 7 P 111. • : • • ;, Doylestown for Philadelphia at 620 A. Id, Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4.00 P. Id. Abington for Philadelphia at BT. M. ••• • - '. 4 ; • Filth and Sixth Streets Paesenger cars cott!gypainien. gem to and Iron' tho new Depot. • - White care of Second and . Third Streets Line and Union Line run within a short distance of the Depot. Tickets must be procured at the Ticket Mae, in order , to eecuro the lowestrates of tare. - . ELLIS cranrc, Agent. Tickets sold and Daggligo'cheolced through to ririnci pal panne, at 'a PI oith • -Penn. Baggage press office. N 0.105 South street. . . AV .b..ti'l' CHESTER AND PHILAD EL- T V PRIA.RAILROAD.---Sununer Arrapgeinent.—On and atter MONDAY, April 12, /860, Trains will Wallet), follow a: . . Leave Philadelphia, from NOW Depot t Titirtz-first tend , '.; 1 ...z2 'ChtNetnut streets, 7M5 A. Ai.; 9:30 A...5.1WW1N,P,PX:011,,t6, •... :. ••,; • P.'. 31;,'4.36 .y. 14., 7.16 P; lib., 11.30 T. 1d,„14. 0 ..., -: 2 ,......• . Leave Wee Chester, from Denut,_qa . Noo4'6E:whet .' ~:.. et reet,6.26 A. 3f:,7.23 A. M., 7.40 A. M.iritio 4. M. 4:85 • • .P. M.. 4.L0 P. Id - b. 46 P. bt. •••• ;h4.:' u': ••24,;. Leave Philadelphia. fur lt. C. Jonictiott.anil: tenfitt. ',.,. .. diatu Points, at 12.30 P. M . and 6.45. - lisastkali''. • Juno. Con for Philadelphia, at 5.30 A. 51. and 1.46 pr;...au .....) •.,1 . . Train leaving West Chester at 1.40 A. - .31.101,11 , "5t0p re B. C. Junction, Leval, Glen Biddle and itiedla,.•.ittving L'lttladelobla at. 4.1.5 r. 31...will:atop . 'at ,blediA,. - then • ...., Biddle, Lewd and B. O. Junction.. Pasaengers to or -. - front stationa between West Chester -and 8.. Cl.-J unc.t on -- -. going .East, will taXe train luaving.Wpst,Clka-1 At /AA. A. DI., and car will 1.. attached to NXDresa.l:l4l At .ii__ o..lnuction; and goinn West, Pussaigurti.'for tationa ' above 11: C. Junction will take train leavinic , PhiLittel-.. . z -....., plea nt 4.36 1'; Al., and will change curs at 3.1. 0 . Jmne- ..:.., Um. s : Tho Depot i Vi hilaielphla ears. died dtri7 , lleysibi: . .... , Chestnut and lnut street 'Those of 41w Alike's' ... •strectline rum within one 'square... Tim eVaiecP9lo 401 1 •.. connect with each train upon itie arrival. ~...... • ~. ON BUNDAYS.--Leavo 111111ade,Intda#,Y. WiaarOtiest* , at 8A.31. and 2.30 P. Id.: - • '.', • ..-:- ~.....'l:_ifretl • ~ . ..• : . ' Leave Philadelphia for B. 0:3401c110.1,117.16A,111, - . • •7 . ' Leave Wee:. Chester for l'bßoAlelpubt al NPrifs I. Mid ' t l a 4A5,P. Id. ' ' -'• - ' ' r.' .".. AP' I .'•-ss- s.. 'Leave B. Os 3 uncit6n for Bbliadistpliirdia 3 ,,,, Id. . .. ~ . sir peasengers ore ullowett to, taks t 0 g sAgpitreV' • , 00 ,, , „ t ee gege, and tho,Cempant ,wil ttr any eaao be responsible for nu amoutiteitgetillnent* ittindred dot hire, unless a special mutract•be tootle Pr Slant,. 1' ' „.-J. • ,• ~ ~. , 11111XIMAINI, M. iIIVIINN4BO.- ~.i. :1;e ; ' - ' •-•-- ' .:' 1,4 4 .ITfiflik.4.lll44:li './IriitiNi:44ll/ .4 o ll as:r i T ,PNNNTrUVANIAS. ' 11l ADito I ilkehttatitigy l''..s.. banoy (~ ty 4 lacnut itt,l i eatraill,,'.ira: ail putatisr7..: crti lu a bigh alloy Bali . g il d is tot , ttiolwei; I. " .. f/. 1. ' i t By now ayrangstamentiOperrected , this .lay, tills ef AOOt VW ..;,., • MUI Die fi t 0 ,13 1 V0 Inertia/4 ( 4k aoaDatob .t 4 ±,'lns.rtr. l 44 l a , not! ' 1 stanva to tne-O . OOYr-nante4 pointa... • . ...-.. - ~,,.. , Aoode deliVeYed,atithe Tbronet, Fielatit Ti 4411,, • A.,•.• ,z,.' .: • , : .',. '. ,': , tl' kIL Y.lsear: Frei/rand Nolde eiMia r. ..'. ' .11,..etete I: l l',...l4...m,ll‘ , .reaoh•Wilkeebarte, /donut Canoe) . ' I wa.umitioV Utriand the ' ,othen eta trent tultalomoy aa* ~' ss , s Wyoming ',adept bet - m.41 1Y A'. Al.; the +.ne0.....ii n 0 ,110: ILLI.IS CLATtlis Agent. . ' . .4 1 '1