Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, August 30, 1869, Image 2
, . TV„' , • Ni.,Tir roßiLltelieriemi„ . ' ~. ,4 . , ..,-..,&N , 1..,p: , ... t. 4,41, gliOsp , ital Sketches tii4,--AtT4Tran..,,a ll'ire sidti,',,` Writs.' By Louisa IV, .Mitt. illustrated' Edition: 1 , 0'; :0 ' i: ,, t 1. 1 1 The author of "Little i °inert", ItWgiven k * me . 4 • ~...V . v iVid l ' 4i* Wreplinis? . ( -dramatic vividness Ai,„„ ee.nces of hospital -t gOine of tl4 chapters are short, complete tales;: on subjects a propos. The greatest drawback is that the lively little woman,. declinestO give the:. time,. date, w place, or any means of identifiattion to some of her best storieSiand thatcit:.:isf impossible for the reader know. 'Whethei' . he is reading bare, integral history, or.truth . juSt a little dressed up with, the bopk-niakef,'s art., „The oollection thoroughly.. ike.adabie, , 'hoWever; from be ginning to,,etid, and we feer stne„tbat,..it.mo-,- Where offends moral' The pictures are, These , - - "Sketcheo . - were oria b liniitx:, written from iyasb ington , ,wheFe Miss, Aleott, was hospital'nursei in I$QB, to the BoStom Conunonte.alth; and their vigorons as:if, the writer saw under her eye. the scene under delineation; is 'due to their being' Oepared On", the spot and without 'delay, Sold by . J. B. Lippincott & _, • `Among`the late publications of Mess,;. as4.ln, Relnsor& haVe„ been the • ".. ems of '''Gerniari . Lyrics, translated - Auto - 814 - 7Prse 7l : ( Y- Vflrepuiii,,tO his own great,credit, has,passed retired and studious youth almoSt completely, as we bear among the , Lanonages: His love for; iterature or a high order .is evident from the character of his selections, though, in. his I modest and winning preface, .he tries , to draw 'a distinction which we "Alo- not ' quite under stand between "admiring , poetry" and "realii its teataies;" this interesting preface, . the outburst' of an enthusiast , who quotes with fresh zest; as if it had never been quoted be fore,.-Ccleridge's phrase about Poetry being' exceeding great reward," shews the • critic 'at brice what a fresh, unspoiled soul he . ..,„has -to, do with, and stays , the knife that is ready to . deseend on many au unlucky word, ~;,...many a halting foot, many.. a German idiom • `breught over bodily into the English:. Mr. Wire -7.' 'man's , selections are capitally made,' and in ;cftroduce,the American reader to some ^of the •:74.0!:Sweetett,'end least familiar',' of the lyrists; but it would be unjust to say 'that lie is Often 'felicitous in presenting an English , version that suOests the music of theeriginal. The'conditien of his diction at present, per petually Confuied - With the German . turns. of. •••••:, expression which evidently fill . his head, • is his industry.in gathering these wildflowers SO far out of the beaten path,' his' enjoyment of his own work, his freshness and confidence, • are qualities that will give a genuine though half-ainused Pleasirre to any charitable person :who looks . oyer_the anthology. We would bid 'Wireman persevere with all; courage; .• haps,;by keeping his attention on , the- English . ' classics contemporaneously with the pitrsuit of , his foreign studies, he will some day be enabled . .to favor us with 'another set of translations undisfigured by expressionsJike "Open'st thy breast it;" "gaze in the Wine-glais I at night; - • ((become I should have never," and so on. '. • "Think and Act." A lady who, has familiar ized herself with the whole range Of fethale cupatlons, and with many trades now tnonopo ; • r died by men yet suited to- female fingers, Miss Virginia Permy,de.votes a'considerable'volume of near four hundred pages to thr, , question of woman's amelioration.. The book is full of clear insight, practical investigation, and ad mirable moralizing. Women should read it to obtain a better understandin of the pOsitionof their sex before the nineteenth century, while male readers iilay learn from it a broader toleration and a higher respect for the wide,de- PreasedclasS of self-supporting females. The book,;howeVer; covers,broader ground than the mere labor-problem, and delves . among the basei of feminine • character, with occasional lapses into homily, . • " Studies in Shakespeare." By. Mary Pres ton.' She fancies; among other things, that the • Puritans would have been saved from falling • into the Salem persecutiOns if there had been a copy of Richard 111. on board the 'Mayflower, to-bring before the minds of the pilgrim fathers - the image of Richard execrating Ilaathigs for Nvitc,lienift. There is occasional delicacy and •' freshness in her cominents on the ShakSpearian -. Women "Protestant Gems of the Prayer-Book." By Rey. J. Pleasanton Du Hamel, Diocese of • Delaware. This collection. of "Gems" of truth selected from the , EpiScopal Book of Common Prayer, and set in a frame-work of ; original and selected comment's, harps much • on the Protestantism of the Episcopal Church, and its ' intrinsic opposition to the, Roman • hierarchy; it contains . real refreshment for - those who mistrust the artificial and ritualistic tendencies of certain branches of the. Church. "A Handbook of Map-drawing." By Pete ,Kean and John Miekleborough. E. H. Butle' :Si Co. A series of maps, adapted to Mitchell's' excel lent school collection, are represented on pages .facing their±_outliue ilingrams„redueed_to the.. shimiest; bounding line. The diegrains the principal points of the figure to be copied, in • the'mannerlOng familiar to teachers of-artistic design:lt-*as a-happy -thought to -adapt- this • sensible old principle to the protraction oR maps, and the little book needs only to b • :seen to be recognized as an efficient aid in au art of great utility and. importance. • TUE STONVE-1111110.11T STORY. Testimony of Lord Byron and His The following brief account of Lprd Byron's marriage and the -- SobSeqUent — Separation of Lord and Lady Byron is from J. W. Lake's "Life of Lord Byron," published soon, after, ; Byron's death, and reprinted in this country in Key & Biddle's Philadelphia edition of Lord Byron's works, in 1834: • ALLEGED REASON FOR THE SEPAIIA.TION On the 2d of January, 1815, Lord Byron married, at Seabam, in the county of Durham, Anna Isabella, only daughter of Sir Ralph Mil:- bank (since Noel), Bart. To this lady he had made a proposal twelve months before, but was rejected; well would it have been for their Mutual happiness had that yejectlon been re peated. After their marriage, Lord and Lady Byron took a house in London; gave splendid dinner parties; kept separate carriages; and, in Short, launched into every sort of extrava gance: - That could not last long.; the portion which his lordship received with Miss Milbank .;(ten` thonsand pounds) soort melted .away ; and,. at length, an execution Was actually oii the 'furniture Of his resi- deuce. t was-then iiiireeit that Lady Byron, who, on the 10th of December, 1815,had pre sented her lord with a daughter, should pay a Wait to her father till the storrnhad bltitonotte, and some arrangement had been . made with the creditors. From that visit she never re- turned, and a separation ensued, for which v.arious reasons have been assigned; the real cause or causes, however, of that • regretted event are, up ,M this moment, involved in lays • ter,, though, as might be expected, a wonder- , ful sensation was excited at the time, and evert/ description of 4.4oattradictory rumor was in ac ihc nytioN's MARRIED LIFE. (Froriu Lo d Wpm 's Conveniatione.l The following are Lord Byron's own words . liven in his " Conversations " 3 have been accused of fia yi n r , on getting out ,4 . the carriage (on the wedding day' that 1 married Lady Byron out of spite, aiid• because :she 'refused me twice. Though ] was . for a w omont.vexed at her prudery, or whatever it may be called, if 1 bad 1114i1! h() um:ay:lller, not THE DAkia lti to*!)r-:hiu ! 13fOniNvonlir, :Itav ,c 1 the andibe • I • Wiettr4 Ohl( sPia,o o 44 rif'' 016041 a 4 alrto4 Wlaie•Sto„ scene in the:following sensational manner The, Monica, the carriage &OM: were , sluff upon the bridegroomand bride,' the paroxysm 'ef-tentorselindilespairtorepentlintl etttnrse " , and angry .desPair 7 -4)roke forth upon her gentle bead.: "You • Might 'have saved me :from: - madam !" YOU bad all in your 'oivn PoW&Wheri. I ()tiered myself to you first. Then you might have made me what you pleased ; but new. yon; Tint , nONiV..qoo* t; "„' Our honeymoon W's not :alt:sUblirtie;;' , lt tbad lls &Mils; and Ilobbouse has *.ine r letters: Ultieb , :*ouldserve td eXplain , !theikrise and fall: H of the barometer;' ; it was' , never. down at zero: :, • ••: A curious tin rtg h appene d" to Me shortly after the honeymoon' which' was , very: awkward at the time, and 'ImS sinee,ainitsed MC - Very much. it so .'happened: that 'thred; .; Married, women :-IVer&On÷Ave(l4)g,LvAtio_tny. Wife (and all ni the same .room al; the i sainelitheNwhiniTho known to,bed all: ;birds of the same 'nest. , Fancy ,the:scene _Of confusion that - ensued. "'soNi.;, 'wily :HE Sou) NN,1v61} , 1..0 4.1311EY: (From the Cony e teatime' j The *Mid says I Married' MigS. *Milbank for her fortune, because She was .a..,great heiress: All I )iave ever received or imi . .tikely to receive (and that.haS been.' twice paidhack MO • was 419,000, * I was compelled to Tart with Newstead, which I never could have ven tured'to sell in my mother'S lifetitne. it, is, I: shall never forgive myself forhaving' done:so, t'houg'h 'lath „told that the estate "woad not bring half so much . as I got . for it. : : This: does not : at alll reconcile Me, to haVing parted with the old- Abbey: Tau?, not , make vp thy mind to this step,but from thelasneeessity ; I had my nyVe's' portion to .repay, and Rca:3, determined •to add' £lO,OOO more to it; which.' I al ways hated being In debt,-and I do,not owe a gninea r ;•„.The moment I had My affairs in trainict:' in a little - more than eighteen in Oft- after my M arri age, I left England an in-, voluntary 'exile, intending it should be forever. ' 'LADY BYRON'S JEALOUSY. • [Front the Conversations.] I heard afterwards,that Mrs.Charlment had been,the means of poiSoning Lady Noel's mind against me.; that she had employed hetseif and others in watching me. in London, and had re ported'having traced me into a house•in Port land place. • There was one act unworthy of 'any one but such .confidatite--I allude, to the 'breaking open my. writing-desk. A,, book .was found in it that did not do mneh credit to my taste in literatuie, and some letters from a, married woman with -whom I had been inn ' mate before my marriage. The use tliat was made of the latter was unjustifiable, whatever may be-thought of the breach of .confidence that led to their discovery. Lady Byron: .sent them to the husband of the lady, who liad the noOd sense to •take no notice of their:con tents • The grayest accusation ,that has been made against me is • that of having intrigued with •;Mrs. Mardyn in my own house, introduced her to my own table, &c. There never was a more ytinfOunded calumni:' Being on - the Committee On Drury Lane . Theatre, I. have no doubt that' several actresSeS,4*le& upon , me; but as to Mrs. Mardyn;who was a beautiful woman, and might have been a dangerous visitr&s, I was scarcely acquainted (to speak) with her. might even make a more serious eb2rffe against than employing' toWach sus-. pected'anrours. [He - then, tells the story about the doetor and lawyer foreinithemselves upon him to ask qhestions which he deemed frivolons, and somewhat : ina . portimate,': if not impertinent;. but Whit: should I. . have thought," he adds. if I bad known that they were sent to provide proofs of my in-: sanity • ITOW BYRON IVAS ABUSED. • (Front the Converaationsj ' I need not tell yott of the obloquy and op probrium that were cast upon my name when our separation was made public; I once made, a fist from Life journals of - the - day - of - the ditter- - ent worthies, ancient and modern, to' Whom I was ,compared; 9 I remeinber a -Nero;. Apiciug, EPicurus, Caligala, Henry_ the Eighth, and lastly,* *.. I was ooked upon -as the worst. of husbands, the most abandoned and wicked of men; and my wife as a suffering angel, an incarnation •of of all the virtues and perfections of her sex. 1 was abused in the public prints, made the common talk of private companies, hissed as I went to the house of Lords, insulted in the streets, afraid to go to the theatre, whence the unfortunate Mrs. Mardyn had been driven with insult. The Examiner was the only pa per that dared to say a word in my defence; and Lady Jersey the. only person in the _fashionable world that did not look 'upon me as liwaster. • BYRON'S VIEWS OF MARRIAGE ::The-following are--given.-by--Captain---Parry as the :opinions_of__Lord_Byron. onthemaniage_.. relation : • • . i "There are," said his lordship, "so many n definable, and nameless, and not-to-be, named causes of dislike, aversion, and disgust in the matrimonial state, that it is always impossible for the public,or the best friends of the parties, to judge between man and wife: Theirs is a.re lation about which nobody brit themselves can foim a correct idea, or have any right to speak. As long as neither party commits gross in 7 justice towarde the other; as long asneither the .woman nor the man is guilty of any offence which is injurious -,to the community; as leng as the husband pipvides for his offspring, and secures the public. against • the dangers arising froin their neglected education, or from the'eharge of supporting them--by what right doeg it censure him for ceasing to dwell under the same roof with a woman who is to him, because he.knows her, While, otb4s do not, an object of _loathing ? Can anythiffg be more monstrous than for the .public voice to coin• pel individuals who dislike each other to continue their cohabitation? This is at least the cited of its interfering with a, relationship of which it hag no poesible means of judging. It does not, indeec4 drag a man to a woman's bed by physical force; but it does excite a moral force continually and effectively to accomplish the-same purpose. Nobody can -escape thie.ftrce but thoSe who' afe No high or those who are o low - for pnblie opinion to reach; or too hypocrites who ure;_before:. others, the loudest 'hi their approbation of the empty and unmeaning forms of society, that they may securely indulge all their propensities lo'seeret. I hate sitffered amazingly from this! interference; for though I set it at defiance, I" was neither too high nor too low to be reached by it, and Lwas not hypocrite enough to guard myself from its consequences." • (;.A.USES FQR THE BREACH. Captain Parry relates the following: .1 "What` dO they say of my faintly affairs in England, Parry ? :my story, I suppose, like other minor events, interested the people for a day, and was then forgotton ?" I replied, No! 1 thought, .owing to the very interest the pub lic took in WM, it was .still remembered and talked about. J. mentioned that it zvaa gener ally -supposed a difference of religious",sentk meats between WM and Lady - Byron had calmed the public breach. "No; Parry," was the re ply, "Lady By, on has a liberal mind, par ticularly as to religious opinions. 1 wish,' when I married her, that I had possessed the same corium:MA' over myself that I now do. ISMMU r, pax .BULtEtIN-" . . TPs6`essC• -. 4 . .,4. eArrtore, tots ilotn ii ; ot , ~ k --,-, T.,-- , ---, ..ii,-,,.. ,- , f0rbe.anc0,,04,,..„,,h4,00,0 . i,„ 4....,:Av herr:When I wat'ddrssliintiliju. 4.Ztha:vos , .;_: s i `:...P . .mnad - .ll.'ithe cot:r:1;10c „,.,,. Inky 1:# ;:enniao:embairilssraft ts 4:: tja . . -IT: r.R a* '.?,the 'society.Of .'Lon4 ; '.. • .i',, eitharactOtp It Many of tliostitOta , l ' r . ialiAl lili t lieS, ' *iti l ‘4,4 1p wporn Lady Ilyiotittw ',..necessuily have il ' associate, and 1 - : , tilled her contact w.itli . them. But ,I : 0o:too : mud: of my. -rrintber':'abo . nt -- rne'`'Vf:rttr::lSCtated' - t0.' ....f ' - like freedom from restoot,i,,' -,lb,ate., artificial .regulations. My condikigitteitWaSri.heetrdic .! : ' tated . by my own feelings,madladyßyron Was quite the creature of riles: - "'She Was not pe:•- mitteq either t9'ridd7olit4iiVi , levalli but its hoe.. physician firescribeil.' "*.*4l:6W'asirMt "shflered to -g•ti -out wheti-Pwigied , Vitio;•-titidthen -- . the - old ,-house was a., mere. gbpit4icouse,;;l. dreamed , of ghosts, and thought of:thenr . !waking. It as al: existericelicould:mitiirtippOrt;" .11ere Lord Byron broke 'offlibiliptly'saying : "I bate to speak ofmy iluniliatratzt;; though I' have been , compelled - to talk - - ninisiinseOoneerning them. .to some of nay.hatterilY'':yiSitois, glad . on any terms to ;et rid of tlieirimikkitunities." . . THE. MORMONTERMENICATION. Joseph F. Smith Proves' Ids 'Uncle mid Liars—The Old Alermosie Polygri nilists-4116156111141-leanmeptsnilib Bee • lea With Blood :The: sehhime in the Mormon Chiarpb. ' s' ' The Corinne (lJtah)=Reperter 'has lat er aecomits ;of thediffieultY in the Mormon camp. A meeting waSteldin Salt,,Lake 'City, August S: We givea Pertion s of the account of the meeting : " Brother Carey - .then gave'way for the reg ular speaker, Joseph F; Smith. Heis my favorff ite among the preachert; but I never remember seeing him so excitediand=,,,pervous as he was, on this occasien,andVthll are Might'be, for the ease was one to . try." the son'of Hyruin Smith, the nephew of Joseph: and the son of young , David. He had it heavy. task to • perform. - Be it remembered that the dateof his pretended re velation in favor ,Of .--Piilygiuny is as early as , July-.12 ' 1841; but that, it 'Was never pub lished until Septeniber;" 1852 ;thatin February,. ,1544, Joseph and Hyrutn..,Siaith 'published a card in ,the qua; Beithoits,- at Nauvoo, denying that, they ever .received , any such reve lation; that in April, 1544,' Ilyriim Smith made an address to the elders starting on a mission, hi which he emphatically . ..denied .the doctrine and forbade their, ,preacliitr. it; that about the same time lie Wrote 'a lette'r to the mission in Lapeer county, llic7na U, again denying that such was.a,iloctrine of the Church; and that all these thingi • were published in the Church paper, and are not, denied by the Brighamites, and•it will be 'plain 'that if the latter prove polygamy did • then . e_Xist, - they only prove Joseph and Hyrum to be most inveterate liars. "These denials have.been in:7de much of by'. the sons of Joseph,.and in view, of. these facts, • in presence of a large and excited audience, Joseph F. stood up to prove his own father a liar! And I must add that, he succeeded in doing it. lle begai,lby announcing that many would run after the young Smiths' simply be cause they were the sons of Joseph, who would treat with contempt any other person who. preached the• same doctrine. Di view of this fact, it has been determined to hold a series of meetings in this and other wards, to answer the statement of , David Hymn, and before they were through • the Brighainites purposed to present testimony to convince any honest mind who heard it and damn any who re jected it. . . "Ile stated that, he had in his possession and would present the affidavits, of twelve women, now living, that they . were.the spiritual wives of Joseph Smith, arl . to continued to the time of his death ; that he had the of . him dreds, of men whohad been taught the doctrine.. Cif Joseph and Hyrum, and that lie knew to a' certainty that his father HYrum Smith had two other women while his ,mother was still alive: This seemed prootenough, but Joseph F. was powerfully wrought up, as, well as the audience, and he went on at some length in an interest ing account of affairs at .Nauvoo. 'I cannot,' = said lie, t help the position this places my father and J oseph •in as to their denials. I only kriewlliese facts. 'But everybody knows the people were riot prepared for these things, and it was net iryto be cautious. They were • in the midst Of their fiinemies, and in .a State -where thiidoetrine would have sent . then to -the penitentiary:- -.The-brethren were not, free , as they are here ; the devil was raging . , ,atlout Nampo, and there were the ttaitors on every 'hand; yes, right in their councils ' the right . hand Ulan, of the Prophets, one Marks, was a traitor of the blackest dye. And .when Joseph and, Hyrum left Nauvoo, while the mob was after them, and crossed into lowa, intend ing to come to the Rocky Mountains And pick out a refuge for the people, as hundreda of persons now in this city knew their intention was, that man Marks and Emma. Smith, joined in writing them a letter, in which they called them cowards, mitaithful . shep herds, who had left the sheep in danger tall fled. And when Joseph read that letter his great 'heart was overcome, and he said: "If I that is all my best, friends care for my life, then don't—C....iforit,”---and-he-andllyrunrcame back 'and gave themselves up, and were taken to-Carthage..._alld_inurdered,._.,And.the_hlame i rests upon thao Woman, their mother, Emina Smith. This was hard, but I want these men to know that if they came here, to raise their party, we will give them facts, and acme' er these facts will cut, and if they don't want them told let them go away and keep their mouths shut. And I say in plain fact, that the. blood of Joseph and Hyrum is upon the souls of Barks and Erma' Smith, and there .it will. remain until burned out by the fires of hell !' "By this time the "excitement of the audience was intense, and the suppressed breathing Of " the audience showed how deeply they were upon by this recital. lie continued his recital of facts in a very ,effective mtmner, and succeeded in making the occasion one of great interest to me from,its historical value ,. No people talk so earnestly of 'one true church' as the Mentipris, and no people are so divided in so short, a time. The, original Mormon Church ha:s, from time to time,split into twenty four sects„ of which about half a dozen survive !: When they left, Nauvoo about 20,000 fol lowed 4 the , Twelve,' and afterward : united , under Brigham ; Sidney Rigdon led it, large party of the naostwealthy to Ateity; Pennsylk vania, :where he still resides, while his church has vanished; Strang took a still larger ,body • to Wisconsin; .White led a colony. to, ; Texas • the Cutlerites went somewhere ,else,:.while those who went'-with Sam Brannan to San 'Francisco Mostly apostatized or went ',Crazy.-- the only alternative left. "The interest awakened by this late, - inOve4 ment, here, is wonderful; the mass of the' Mormons are fully impressed with. the idea, that; they are on the eve .of a great change ; and many of 'them begin to have visions and , drearni' presaging something grandly Myste thongh they hardly know as ' yet what it is.' It has been a settled point, in the Mention . creed' for years that there must be a. great spirit in the Church beforb the final gathering,. and, the impression is .general here that this is the , Big " After all the rubbish is cleared away, the , road will be open for the faithful to go back to Jackson county,, Mo., where all the Saints will gather, with the propeit of -the Gentiles who have • been destroyed ; the surviving Gentiles will be servants and their wives conenbines to thnfaithful, while the latter will be bully boys, and their goose will bang • high in the New, Jerusalem. And can 'the human . mind be made to believe - such stuff!. •If you doubt it, come and talk with a few of these lop-eared 'Welsh and Danes, who are already rejoicing in anticipation of the day when such as we shall f a 101 4.11 r,bog % s .ale; GO M z L A u — con-014- i4A..LE OF I:IO4PitA A L BED CLQTHING,,DRESSINGS, &c.' ASS'T 3iEDICA7; PURVEYOE'S OFFICE, }, '''''WABllllo;nol , 4lYZ'arAttraon Will be sold at, Public Auction, in this city, hti , ,T43/DS.IO, IA.Y, the 'Aith day of September, 1869, at Indiciary Square Depot, E street, be tween Fourth and Fifth streets at 10=A. M., a large qqatry j ol,Hospit.alproperty,consisting of ,ot . ociat viabirig t dna Dressings, among which be found the following, viz.: 3,000 6 Bed-Sachs;2;Boolllaliketn4;oo o tountertine., 4,000, Outtat-Percha:•Oed , Covers, 4.,NELILur Pillows,r4ooo.Palow Cases, ,000 ,Linen Sheets, 18,000= Drawers,' .1.3;000 Shits, - 3,006 Snots, 13,000 thizen Itoller'HandageA. Als'oXfipki Cotton and;WooleuTi'ape, Lint,Cotton IVadding, Red Flannel, Saddlers' Silk, Linen. Tkread,l4,ooo poundS COndensed M.illr;fp,Qoo pounds Beef Efttnyet:• • r All the above articles., are ,new and. , never have been used. Catalogues,containing fad, particulars readytendays before sale. in • Terms: Cushy Government lands ; per dentAleposit required, at time of sale; and all 'goods to be removed:in five days. _ _ , CHAS. SUTH ERLAND, rveyori - Ai4sistaAr Aledlea U. S. A. F!IVANQLAi 313 A AND DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, GOLD, &c:, aotf4o south Tea St.: A RELIABLE HONE INVESTMENT 'THE FIRST. MORTGAGE BONDS = Olt TIIIC Wilmingtim and Reading Railroad, BEARING XNMMM AT SEVEN PER CENT. IN cIIBTIEIieIf, Payable April and October, free of State and 'United States Taxes. This road run, through a thickly populated and rich agricultural and manufacturing district. For the present iire are offerings limited amount of the abase bonds at . , 86 Cents and Interest. Theconnectlon of this road with the Penneylvan and Reading Railroads insures it a large and remnnerativa trade. We recommend the bonds as the cheapest first clams investment in tho market. - , W3l.` PAINTER di, CO., Bankers and Dealers in Governments, No. 36 S• THIRD .STREET, FIIIISDEI.i' BANKING - ItOTTSE ---- • - cxr JAYCO . KlFia6). 112 and 114 So. T 1:11RD ,ST. P 1 ILAD'A DEALERS - , • IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, We will receive applicati onis for Policies : of Life Insurance in the new National Life In. eurauce Company of the United States. information given at our office. sort.r4AND 11 _;vo DANkERS I 144' Dealers in"T. 9 Donal' and 'Nenibers of Stook and Gold Exchange, receive ac counts of Banks and Bankers on liberal terms, issue Bills of Exchange on C. J. Hambro & Son, London. • 8. Mettler, s. SOW & Co.; Frankford. James W. Tucker & Co., Paris. And other principal cities, and Letter' oreretlit available throughout Europe S. W. corner Third 'and= Chestnut Streets. 'DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES. -- GRAM:7- Mee, Mortar, Pill Taos, Maas, Braaten, Mirrors, °eters, Puff:Boxos,Horn . ScOo_pe, Surgical Inatra• manta, Truces, Hard and Soft Rubber Goods, Vial Cases, Glass and, Metal Syringoa, 40.• all at, " FLrat Hands" prices, SHOIEN dIIItOTHER, . apg.ti• 23 South Hightik street. TBUGGISTS ARE INVITED TO BE amine our largo stock a freskiXrugs and Chemicals" of the latest importation.. : Also, essential Oils,Vanilla BeansiSponges , Gnomon) Skins, eto. ROB VAT SHOEMAKE R & CO" N. N. corp nor Fourth and Race streets. ' • • . (LIVE OIL SUPERIOR QUALITY, ON draught and in bottles; various brands. ROBERT OEMAKER & CO., N. E. corner 'lrottrtli and Race streets CASTILE SOAP-IqOW boxes White and 'Mottled Castile Sosp,very superior quality. ROBERT 81101011AliEll & CO. Wholesale Druggists. N. E. comm. Fourth and Race streets. r ARD 011,-20 .BALS..NO. 1 WESTERN .1-1 Lard Oil. to arrive and for Balo OOOURAN RUSSELL & C7..lllobranntntro t. ST - 30,' 1869. sst -i ii : qbeil • wn ot reve 7 an3Otee4irke§ ORIIGS. -`, ~ . ~~. -; , t• ' - SERF H S' Ti rr 'xso 44 WILL UN 4 438 4 . DD For Roosts o P, ,zio -44 .0 •:4 lg • , xivt Carl Sente $4 , - 1 I,4thestra'has ken engaged for the Beason.;' tiy.N44' .7.'"6 - Xf) - .t7.1 .. 5 1. 1)•; . . : , N. ... A first-class ItESTAURANT,a la carte will be opened by ADOLPIL PEOSKAKEIt, of =B. TIiIIID . Street, Philadelphia:ton the 7th of June,"anderatie name and title of IIIAISON DONEE, nt the corner of WA.SII - and JACKSON Ste., known en Hart's Cottage. .r Families will be supplied at the Cottage. Lodging lloomshy-Day ox2iyeWtojtegt,,..., iOULr . - IYI W 11) virnal n:orat , until eoptoOtber 2.5th,113(19, ttuM 1003 . GLW. 31.111.LgN t Proprietor, T"'"cHALFoNE, ,, . 4 ATLANTIC, CITY J ,'‘'. aulo hfl Miff==i:l -------- - AFFICE ()IP PHILA.DIALPILIA. _AND' k! READING ' RAILROAD COMPANY ,' BROAD STREET.,_PkIMADELPIIIA, August ath0869., iuitA_PNAUAILBOAD PARK ACCOMAIODATION' A. N , e Ft#l4lclphiti and Delinont. itotamene log August tit f-IMO---Ritifittioll e iGalililrilitir street end Preneylvania"_ityenne. an stoppingAt 'clams . street (Pork , Antrance,h. -12 rOwn etreet 4 l'ark Kntrance/' Thiginpeort_street, Mullin lane, (Entratica to Engel Ac , , Woil iii-Varinii a rTd - east ara Cautubitt'llrldireelDittnmee to Washington Retreat), daily, Stindays excepTh.d. 1 'Lrains :start :from cloven- Trains , start from. Bel teentlf and Penna. ay.; ' moat: , . ~.. At 1.10 A. It; .'t, .- .. -At • 6-90 A: AL . " 0.10. 31./ • " 8.00 A, id. . 1 • 0 ,11.00 A A.'21., •'' „. 0 10.00 A.1)1. - " 1.30 P. M. " 12.20Ni:i0n., 0 ...BM P. M. • • • ." - 2.10 P. M. " 440 P. 111„ -, - 1.4 . 4,00 p.m._ , ... - •• 6.20 IP. M. " 535 P. Al . . " `-7,101'.31. --, ,- " 7,10 P. M. . • Arrangements hire been made "with Green and Coates, Seventeenth and Nineteenth Streets, and Union Passen ger Railways to. sell Exchange Tickets , in connection with trains, good either way, for . '• • 12 etc Single fares on Park Ameramodation Train.-- 10 de Tickets in packageti...7 for tX) cis. ; 14 for $1 W. .., , For itale,at Oiticesi *ettenteentb street, Go,atio street, and Beiniont. - . , J. LOWnnr BELL, General Agent:, MEM SHIPPERS': GUNPJ. POR, 805T91.1.-,STEIat 13111 T DlRE.CT.B,9ialpia FROM . EACI „E I PORT VERY We •and Saturday. &TOM rINRSTBEBT • WHARF. PIIILADELPNIA, " - • AND LONG WiIABF, BOSTON. , • Fucem Dattazatruts .' .1 • L .1 0 11.011DOATON. SAXON ,Weduesday,BopiA fik RIE 8, Wednesday , Sept: 1 1 .11011. MAN,, Saturday, " •'4 ROMAN, Saturday, " 4 ARIES,Y, edutuday, , " E. SAXON, Wednesday, ". 8 110711 AN, Saturday, "• ll NORMAN,' Saturday," 11 SAXON, Weduetday, :'• - 15 ARlXS,Wednesday, " 15 NORMAN, riaturdaf,." ISI BOMAN, Saturday, " 1$ . 4 .,:Wednesde — . .221113AXOA,yednesdaY,." Z.! .. . . .. AillEtheiArednentlay - 110 MAN Saturday, "' '2SINORDAN„: Satuittay, " 25 SAXON, " AillES: . Weilneeday; 29 • Theta Steamships tail punctually. Freight received every.day.. • o•• • . Freight forwarded to all points in New England, - Ft , r Freight or •• Patronize (a unertor accommodatlenal to DENBY WINSOit do . a PP I Y MB South Delaware avenue. .111 D liILADE.LPHJA ANDB - 1511 - THP. , RN" STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S REGULAR LINES , FltOlf QUEEN STREET WHARF. 31w7JUNIATA • will-sail,for--NEW-ORLDANS , on . Tneeday. Se t .. 7, at BA. M.. The YAZOO will trail sfroin NEW ORLEANS, vlit: HAVANA, i ept. The WYOMING will rail for SAVAPISAII on Saturday, Sept. 4. at o'clock A: M. ' • The ;TONAWANDA will Bail from SAVANNAH on Saturday. tiept. 4. The PIONEER will sail for WILMINGTON. N. 0.,0n Saturday Sept. Ili BA. M. Through bills °flailing signed, and !Amami tickets sold to ai nts South and West BILLS of LADING SIGNED at QUEEN ST, WHARF. For freight orassage, apply to W.MLLAM jAILF.I3, General Agent, 130 South Third Istreof. PHILADELPECUL, RICHMOND AND NORFOLK STEAMSHIP LINE. THROUGH FREIGHT M D E LINE TO . THE SOUTH AN WEST EVERY BATIIERS.Tot IfporbfromVlßElT WHARF rre 7 e THROUGH RATES to all points in Norio and South Carolina via Seaboard Air-Line Railroad, connecting at Portsmouth, and to 'Lynchburg, Ye.• Tennessee and the West via Virginia and Tennessee Air-Line and Rich mond and Danville . Railroad. Freight HANDLED BUT ONCE,itnd taken at LOWER RATES THAN . ANY OTHER LINE. • The regularity, safety and cheapness of this rotas commend it to the puidit as the most desirable medium for carrying every description of freight. No charge for commission: drayage, or any expense for transfer. StmonsLips Insure at beat rates. Freight received LAIL I • WILLIAM P. CLYDE d CO. No. 12 South Wharves and Pier No. 1 North Wharves. W. P. PORTER, Agent at:Richmond and City Point. T. P. CROWELL - CO., Agents at Nerfolk!_ F 0 L VE,It-P, 00 The Fine Firmt-chias Ship _ "V 1 It Al • I N • • 934 Tons Negister—Captain . Ctunpbell. This vesel succeeds the "31atilda fillyard," and hating a -Portion .oi her eargo engaged,. will have desppa For baliit6e of fr reight or Passage l apply .to ' PETER. wiuGlir s: SONS, jy22-tl'' No. 115 Walnut street, ;Philadelphia T I VORLIVERPOOL-WITHDESPA JL: • The brio find , •tdassot bark . . "Ildoxican . .?'Weleh. nuikter, euot.e . ed&ti4o;Davld AloNntt," and bating the bulk id 'her cargO e.n . ga',ol;wlllLisve deEpatob as silrove: I'orbalsneeoffrei},htapplyto 'nub tr. PETER. %V.KIGHT Ac 1301V3,111.5 Walnut. ntreut. • volt LI V.EIPOOL.—TRE OTLY . J.' firiit-cliies bark DAVID,3IeN U TT, MY.: tons regkter. Captain Leekhart.--This httect.,eds- the ilarrk, and being of sunlit capacity, andhaving the balk of her cargo engugoi ha ticsPitteli. For 4ali , oce of 'freight or piusage, apply to PETEIt WittialT SON, 114 NYnlnut street, Phi ladAphia. null tt ES W I 4 PItE6S LINE TO .ALEXAN ,LII dria, G. p rgetown and Washington, ILO., via Giles- ' apeake npd Delaware Canal, with connections at Alex. andria from the most direct route for Lynebbnrg, Brio= tol, 3inexy ilk., Nashville, Dalton and the Southwest. Stett , tiers leave regularly from the first wharf above 3larket street; every . Saturday at noon. •- • • Freight received daily; .WM. F. CLYDE & CO.,', No. 12 TYLER , arves and Pier 1 North Wharves, • DIME &. Agents at. Georgetown. - - M. ELDRIDGE & CO., Agents at Alesnadria, Va. IV - OTICE-FOR NEW YORK, VIA DEL- 7 1.11 AWARE AND RARITAN CANAL EXPRESS ST.EAMBOAT COMPANY. The CH E APMST aridAlllClCEST•water - communica . tiontetweetahiladelphlo.and New York. Steamers leave daily from firtit Pilifferbelovrldarket street, Philadelphia, and foot of Wall street, New York. Goods forwarded la all the lines running out of New York—North, East and West—free of Commission. Freight received and forwarded on accommodating terms., WAS. P. CINDE ft CO. Agents, NO. 12 South Delaware a , venue, fa. • JAS RAND, Agent, No. 119 Wall street, Now York. NTOTIO.B.=-FOR , REW YORK, VIA DEL vi AWARE AND RARITAN CANAL. • , SWIFTSUIIII TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. DESPATCH AND SWIFTSURE LINES. .The business of these linen - will be resumed on and after the 19th of March. For freight which will be taken on accommodating terms, apply to WM. BAIRD 44. CO., N 0.139 South Whatires. DELAWARE Al'iD 1 • CHESAPEAKE Steam Tow-lioatCompany .-Baraea towed between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Havre do Grace, Delaware City and intermediate points. WM. P. CLYDE & CV. ,Agents; Capt,IOUN DA.I.IGIL- Biap't Office, 12 South Wharves, PhiladelPhla. -- NT'OTICE-t-FOR NEW, yonK, VIA DEL.: AA 'aware and Dalton Canal—Swiftsure Transporta tion Company—Despatch and Swiftsure Lines.— The business by thse Linea will be resumed on , and after 'the Bth' of Match . For ' Freight, which will be taken op accommodating terms, apply VS WM. M. BAIRD & CO., 182 South Wharves. • . — FOR> BALE.- , -T H E 111 T-0 LASS American Bark BRILLIANT, 422 Tons Register, 8^.5 Tons dead weight, 500 Flour Barrels capacity; was partially rebuilt and thoroughly overhauled In 1865. For further particulars, apply to WOB,KALAN & CO., 1713 Walnut street." • CONSIONF.ES' NOTICES. • - riONSIONEES' NOTICE --CONSIGNEES kJ of merchandisesper British Bark ”Bertha Temple," Mitchell, Master, from pondon, will please send their TermitS oa board, - to - at the office of the undersigned. General order will be issued on Saturday,3 P. M., 21itli inst., when all not permitted will be sent topublio stores: WORK3MN..&,Co.,Censigneee,Ro.l2:l Walnut street: = OTICE.--BIGNEES OF 320 PIECES (9:1, . feet new) Railroad Iron, from Newport, Wales, by brig Annie - Batchelder, will please come for- Ward, pay freight, and take the same away, otherwise :they will be stored at ewners' expense: WORKMAN & CO., 123 Walnut street. i;CNIUTIOI. 4 7, . . . U . TICE ALL , PERSONS " ARE nerebY. earth:Med against liarboring or trusting any of thetrew of the British Hark, ~ Bertha Mitchell, Matter, at no WON of their contracting. will • be pap by Captuinor Contignees..WOßKMAN & CO. I\ll -O TIC 4 i i ALL PERSONS - ARE .I , l' hereby cautioned against trusting the ordir of the , achooner W..Gutschlte, Danzig, master, from Bor. deans, at debts of their contracting:will nod be paid by Captain or Consignees. ALPHONSE STEPMANI & • 00-'197 and 111 South Front street. , , au25.6t , GAS FIXTURES. AS FIXTURES.-31ISKLPY, MERRILL ‘..JcA THAOHARA, No. 'ilk Chestnut street, nutnufac• turers of Gas Fixtures, Lamptk&o., ft., would call the attention of the public to their large end elegant assort tnent of Gas Chandeliers, Pendants, Bracketa, deo, 'They also introduce gas pipes into dwellings and public build. Inge, and attend to extending, altering and repairing gas 'APO. All Work warranted. I ..'i'4'3..';'',!: :•'-',-':':::::-..':..r,'; iY3I tiko - *L4Bm.& ROBBILTIT, ' 'Poprietor irftr.T ,%: PELLN: .4.c:: ..! ' • 7 ------ ' it• T •-• ,- • ' .s ,' 0 'S ::TYP2IIr,OUNDET ''''. l -- ' ''''''.: ' ' •'. AND I ' - • ' fitonnixisitma Will'Elloll - ' Sl3, • ~,*.. 4 4. Established ISO. Tito subscriber, having grSatly increased facilities for manufacturing, mills particular attention to .bitt New .lierjao, p of LUssialtowstkotßeeivand.NSWlPatgerTypes j ise which will, comparp favorably with those of au °the; Founder. Hiti.pra......otleal_Oxperlence itt,p4 ell un pertaining fthtnis roanutOotgre„Ottryq o tof constant personal Supemilou unmet pilrfin n of bis business, is the best guarantee offered to Um Printer of s linisited and durablo article, ~ • • ~ , . , , ~ gvery.thitut , pecessarx„.in a„ nomplote, Prlintiag Ns taldialtmeurttisztishe4 4t thb iihorteat'dotipe, , I ',f • , AGENt FOR 110 /" • '" T m AYIMt '"" °Unlit)N ' A , e AmpiEl IVGE,x 'FRtg3 4 -nalturTt LL s °TUßß - - lip)o :Agents for thig Ulty_of ' H. ,D...NVADLI 00. 7 0 ,LINIUYALVD. 1,1111.9. A'good article to 111/P1r):1, le ,r GiVa'au a trial * ( W. .C m o .corner e f t t o f THIRD and 71.11?..Sr_Thntinzfi'repotbiree,etila. PATENT "SHOULOER SEANISHIRt mA,NuFAOToirie. , . • • ordetii for,tbeae celebrated Sbirte,aapplied promptly on , ' 'brief notice. At /AWAY/ea tu full variety. WINCHESTER & CO w o[7 °B G iiESTNU T. F*)R.E'SS''. , MITtT'S GENTS' NOVEL'rtE'S., J W SCOTT & CO Nci.lll4' Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Fom•dmsl?elow,Continentallit i li, w GROCERIES, LI QUOAS, NEW SPICED SALMON, FIRST'OFTHE SEASON. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER Ili FINE GROCERIES. Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets. lr - , R HITE' BRANDY FOR PRESE,VING. A ebol —ee article jun' received awl for talk. at Ca STY'S tan. End- Grocery, No.lls South &cowl ntreot, below - Chestnut street, , , 'MEW GREEI3 GINGE'R.-400 POUNDS AN or choice Green Ginger In- Ithre and rornale at eOgBTY.I3 East End Grocery, NO. 118 Eel:lth & , cond , area, below Chonunt, street. • AVM 'MESS WirAD. =;Al;1D Sigekij Al Stanton, Tongbes aui Sotnels, in prime order, put rsteivedjutd for ablest LOEST - East - End Grocery, lid:118 South 'Second stmt. below Chestnut attest, - - - Qc 0 1.7 P M & T b . , PEA,,. --- Stock 1/4.) Tortle and Junin. lipuntuor t ieston Club „Ittnafac , ture, one of the linen articles QC pic-es and sailing parties.: Yor sale at cousrvs Enl Bast End 4loxery, No. Mt:local,. Second strnet, below Chestnut street. JI7RE SPIVPACGIWUND AsN'D'AVilkiLE —Pure English Mustard by the pound ••,zeholoe hite Wine and Crab Annie 'Vinegar ter Waling in store, and for stile at 001l 1 ST East End Grocery, No. US Senn Second etreet icek,sr Chestnut Street.- TRE FINE ARTS. Ei4tablished 1795. A. S. ROBINSON FRENCH PLATE LOOKING GLASSES, Beautiful Cliromos, ENGRA Zracc B t it fit ni niT or Looking-Glass, Portrait gt Pletureynunes. IA.O CHESTNUT STItE:E7r, Fifth Door ttboTe.tbe Continental* I'II.ILADELPH.I4.. BUDDARDS & FENNEMORE, Artists and-Photographers, 11..kiE OPENED TIMID NEW GAL - LERIEs, No. 820 Arch. Street. Cell and see them. Pictures in every style, 'and s itis faction guaranteell. ,N. the Negatives a KEtLErt & PENNI; MORE, late of No, S, ElCiliTli Street, leFre been re moved to the New Galleries FITIiI\ITL~RE;Iku• , ----FURNITURE • 13.16TICUESTIVUT -- STICEET. Baying just completed the finest lot of VllMiture produced in this city, I will receive orders for , the same; (hiring the mouth of August. - AT PEICES THAT WILL 'OFFEN INDUCEMENTS ' • TO PURGE A SEAS. The designs are now and elegant. The workmanship and materiels are of the higbeet order. I Invite the attention of those who intend furnishing to call and examine the •stock of Furniture, and COirillCO themselves of the above facts. " , JOITICIC 61ARDNER,..1316 Chestnut St. 33 , 311 m • '' • - iIIISINESS CARDS. Established 1.921,0 „ WM. G. FLANAGAN & SON, 110IISE ANDSUIP PCUMBERS9I No. 129 Walnut Street I JYTIY§' 7401E8 A, WRIGRT,, TUORNTON CLKEi CLEMENT A. ' 9lllll COM, THEODORE WitIOUT“IVIANK L. NHALL. • PETER. 'WRIGHT & SONS, . • . , • Importers of, earthenware an , Shipping and Conlin salon:Merchants, • No. U 5 Walnut, street, Philadephis. E 'B. WIGHT, • ATTORNEY•INT - LAW; Commissioner of Deeds for the State of Ponntrylvoula Iu 96 /11adlicin atreet, No. 11, Chicago, lUlnote.. aulOtf § 0 OTT ON SAI,I; ;PUOH. oF 7 kirk - HY .width,, trotn.22 inchealola thches *16.0. 631 number* Tent and Awultig. Duck, Pa or-maker's Felting,. Bail - • ,Twfuo, ao. , - • - - JOHN,W, IMERNIAIft 1626 No. 103 Church`: reat, Oily Mores. 1)R. WE/E./LK-4, ,OWNEM, I%OP ertYr-%heLonlY IPoco to get Privy weransed and isinfected at, very 'prices, A, PE SON; Manu facturer o?Pondrotte . GoldsmitiVo /ion. bran( street Nrcv H "I -,A. 0130 P H Y OP MA,RAIAGE—A fo ' new course of teetures, 60 dolivered at the New rk Museum of Anatomy; gunbraeint i the eubJecte; liow to Lly_e and what to /Are fet s Xolit , Maturity and Old Ago; 'Manhood generally rev owed; t o Canso of In digestion; Flatulence' and 'NerVo Tiseasos accounted for; Marriage. Puilosophleallyt•Oonsiderpd dto„ &o.. Pocket volumes containing_ these Lectures will bet for warded poet paid, on rdeeipt of 25 cents, by tiddreening W. A.fry, Jr,. Southeast corner of Fifth and Walnut streets. hiladel .111 a. ' fe2o ly4 COAL AND WOOD. S. MASON SINNS.2_ JOHN F. lomat/. IrE UNDERSIGNED INVITE ATTEN. on to Moir Oink of _ , . pring Mountain, Lehigh and Locust Mountain Coat, which, with the preparation gluon by ue, wo think can not be excelled by any other Coal, . Office, Franklin Inatituto Building, N 0.15 S. Seventh street. HINES dc BIIEANF Jalo-if Arch etroet. wharf, Bohuyikill. AN exciting political canvass is going on in i California,the,question being the, ratification or I rejection of the suffrage eineridmelit by the next. „ TUE Acting Secretary of the Treasury has - directed bonds to be sold and sold purchased T r easury;accefint — during September, the ?: same a3S - in August. Harvards say they are well pleased with the result of the contest, and think they did a ceptir-thinM to prevent thetilselvy•s front , : being badly beaten.' ' •• ' • .1 A NEw iron bridge over the Cape Fear river, to connect all the railroad lines centering at Wilmington, N. C., has just been finished, and was opened on Saturday. , THE sdiereit stormor the SelsorOn teal lowa, occurred on - }May - night, doing much damage. \ Two men were killed by lightning. • • A LocostarivE and. two freight pre broke through a railroad bridge, neir,'Newtert;.loWa4 on Saturday. Two men were hilted and one severely injured. . GENERAL CANBY has altered the time of paying the half-yearly interest on debts under the stay levy, in Vnia, to September 30th, and executions y.. issued are postponed until that fist!. THE National Hotel and other buildings, in St, Louis, were burned. on Friday. 'One man I perished in the flames, and several persons were injured by jumping hot!t the windows of the hotel ON SATURDIA.Y. a fire broke out in time Fine ,k Ridge Colliery, 7neaf -- Williestoarrg, causing great excitentent, as there were thirty men:in the mine; - Ail of tbemi'hOWever,Were'gor ont 'i safely. Hozc. J. „Ross 737orwmg, according to atle spatch &ten San ' Franeisco, 'antradicts tire Istatement by Atlantic telegraph that the i Chinese Government has rejected the Pur-, lingarneTreaty. says its ,ratifiratitin is only deferred until the Embassy-returosi - PLINY sTEWELL, father of Governor Jewell, of Connecticut, tiled at. Hartford, on Saturday, aged seventy-two: ',Jasper Idowan,. father of ex-Go.ernor 3forgan, of New York, died at 'Windsor, Connecticut, on Saturday,:iged eighty : J. 0: LANnity, City 'Coniptrollei of New 1 Orleans, has been committed for contempt, in refusing to obey'an order of - Coiirt requiring • him to, issue warrants for $40,000, payment for special printing done under an act of the last Legislature of Louisiana. A - 01SET''''' LNG of Reltiblicitits,4N, has prePared inernerial to Congress, de `, daring the late election in Tennessee a reve -1 Intim aelioraplistiedbY'S,rand,l and Dias tso pt =:r titloned Governor .center to convene the old. Leolature for the ratification Of ' the Suffrage A SANFRANtzsm despatch says : "Letters t, from Tahiti contain accounts of the splendid reception of <tbe Duke of Edinburgh, surd his • uncoutteous behavior towards the. French au, glorifies and the officers of the United States steamer and also the indignation of the English resit ents."' • ' 186!1: Thwalimmito muww:•:' Et'oENlE,Ort Satfirday wfus- - at la ' Cox aim, on her way Eastward.*. 1;1' Nngiessiimat l iteimbehl 4 nt-Oehlthlt : ' tee has arrived in San Francisco. ' TnEnE was a• heavy rata. storm :along; the upper Schuylkill on Saturday,night. - INTERNAT. REVENEE receipts otfaturday, $448,000. AtrotrsTus, King of Portugal, is spoken of as the mo4 l premising candidate for the Spanish SEETEsusEft 12, proximo, is the day fixed for• the departuye of the Chinese Embassy . from, Paris for St. I'etersburg. : ,) . Pluses journey .to Paris is exciting com ment. It is supposed that his object is the cor rection of Olozaga's deficieneleir." '''" TfißnE, Were 206 deaths in this city last week--4`dett'eage Or il l eoo l .Pered - zwith the' return for the week previous. CnssL SOLT= arrived in S . Francisco on Friday night, r and was enthnsktstica received by_the Gmmanpcipulation. Puy...in - Y.,NT GRANT arrived at Saratop on Saturday night, from the White Moan- THE Ithedive's reply,. to the. Sublime Porte esmesses the hope that, fratik explanations given will-remove the—unfavorable :impression; and feeling a bope that these appeals to the' Sultan's generosity will be heard and 'answered, he comes to lay homage at, the foot of the , . throne. - - A MEETING of two, thousand persons was held iu Berlin, on Saturday night, to Consider a series of resolutions favoring the suppression of Convents and tlie .expfilsion of, the. Jesuits. After a long debate the resolutions were finally adopted, but a " protest was made by the minority. The resolutions 'are not directed particularly against any confession of faith. HENRY GORDON, appointed Sheriff of Pow hattan county, Va., by military authority, was recently arraigned by the grand jury of. the county for perjury in taking the test oath, he • r. ex-iebel - soldier:—General Panhy—o Saturday ordered the arraignment to be quashed. and discharged thesecurity'fbr_Gpr don's appearance. is St. Louis on Saturday, a man named Casper Waltz attempted to kill his step-son, `Nicholas Lutz. Lutz escaped, and went for a policeman and on returning they found that Waltz hadnutrdered his wife, and then gone to the 'railroad and corninitted suicide by throwing himself under a passing , train,jyaltz was an intemperate man, and acted under the influence of liquor. FItACTIONAL tairrent_y Printed for' the week, $119,300; fractional ° currency shipped to Assistant-Treashrer at New Orleans,s3oo,ooo r shipped — to Assistant-Treasurer at Bostou, $10,004. shipped to Asslstant,Treasurer' 'at Cincinnati, $100,000; shipped to Assistant- Treasurer at, Buffalo, $10 0 , 0 7 shipped Assistant-'l'reasurer Baltirhore, $12,000; shipped to National. Banks, $03,000, Securities held for Circulation, 55.12,005,500 - ; securities held for public deposits, $•20.714,500. , National Bank Currency , ' outstanding, $299,794,340. Fractional currency destroyed, $89,000. A nr:SrsinATE conspiracy 'been ilisJ covered ou board the United States frigate Sabine, in the port of Clerbourg. -SOmeof the crew, to revenge themselves on an officer, attempted to set fire to the powder magazine and blow up the ship. They had proceeded so far as to light a fuse commi4ilcating 'hitu the magazine, when the plot Ives frustrated by a cabin boy,,who discovered the burning fuse. It was found that t,wenty-two_ sailors wore impli cated in the plot, and they were' pat Ili irells, and seven have since been eondeinned to death and banged at the yardarm. '• • ;. t, • to have ,olc burned froin old cOurt records ItMimi, printed in 1647, an .account of the Atse • of • an , antegthetic in the sixteenth century, lated 'that a crintinal broughtbefore tho. court, in IbBB, bore the torture to which be, 'was sub-' jetted for extorting. a confession. withciut'a, parent• pain.' 4 par, of the culßrit explained that the man had eaten soap, which deadened his nerves and that Wine would destroy ,the efl'ect of it. A )),Intriiek , the.; luau under torturer and her ;immediately - , cried out with, . arid" 'conf,ehige'd...his guilt. The Figaro 'remarks: , Tlte inotio . minple, not dangeroUsiwith 'easy reaction- - -iind , in our ((ay they tlo male such appetizing soap!" —Christini annartliuctaue of, three hinalyocl tbousand franca. ' • From•ourmezaumnuot ,8a 3r' . 2 the:rmer, or yesterdatmaysthe Oxforthi7 _ Barnes : bridge :only 'tiro' lengthS , ahead; Mt: Marvards having a brilliant Spurt before 1 1 reaching the bridge; by which ,they, gained about , three-quarters , of' a length,' ,;;,. The cox swain merely sprinkled water in Loring's Lace. The judge says Harvard was only alength; clearmater in the rear at the finish: • After the race the two crews dined'at MOrt= ' lake With Mr. Phillips,. who invited a large 'fatty to meet, - them. During the dinner the Oxford men, in speeches, sMdthe race was, if not the hardest, at least as. laid' as anything ' they had ever contested, and praised the pluck and work of the Rewards. The Ilarromla con-, Sider that their steering was rather iint,tnaking a di ff erence of from half alength, to :a length. Loring was rather unwell,, owing to. over training . !Ay arverds are well satisfied With their, work and pleased with the arrangements, Which prevented any .difilculty d ng 'the race.' :The general opinibn is that the *:iade was thoroughly and well; contested., Great praise_ resounds on all sides for,each crew. • Lownoli, Aug. 28.—The. press keherally, comment at length on the race 'of yesterday. • The Times in reviewing the contest says; The inferiority of the Americans was in 21108 t, pardonablepoint.;,:f , steering their; coxswain undonbtedlyclost ground, tnit,:nolk, enough'to account for.the 4istaffos between the boats' at .the end ,of the -race, 174er the cam, Xetrielnr - B._•-• • e -r:7 7 r" achnowledgethat our' style of rowing is the Yiwrialiwiftifet - vAtliperfeetly fair - pla • , and if the Bhglisbmen • gO-''tO America they will 'beet With SirailarTtrtnitirielit; -and kaa.iraW our future' internatlonat—Striagglei- be- ton. , ducted in the same stillifi4ind , whichever side wi-wi,may the vanquished lave as little reason to feel regret for'their defeat. - The News declarestliat if , , the Jiarvards did not command slice they , deserved it, sand hopes Americapyaeldinen on, the' . Atlantic may avenge the ntible defeat of \ their countryl , The blur Saye the Aineticarls Will :long re=' member the clivahie-bearixivot their oppo nents, who; though resolved to win, never forgot that the Harvards were foemen worthy of their Poarti-n: glie_strife „Icif,tweplilgeW and old England on the h.ver from which the pilg. rim fathers started bow a historic side, and appeals,to, theimagimitiptcofthe,yonth of both countries: Iflfew England luidwtn;the older country would have, shared in the triumphs of its descendants, but the fates de cided otherwise. We are Aare - the Halyards' would sooner be beaten by us than by any other nation on the globe. By,. fludslgu. FRA;;;OR 114 , :A re titt`A—" iTnitedl3tates five twenties firm at 88f ... 'AA The Bourse opened ex.- PAnts, August ;is cited, Itenteth:l2r4oo,4-eunswg Abz ;4-Ito, 7Z25e. ,HAVRE, August 28.—Cotton 'wit 'night closed fiat at 162/ francs forboth on , the spot, and ANTWERP ) August 28th:-Petroleum, last nig_ht closed active and-firm at 55 francs. • rARIS, Aug., - alarming rumors re cently set: 'afloat'concerning- the 'Emperor's health are officially denied this morning. The s-ymptonas of his , rheumatic aftectitm grow ruore favorable daily. An investigation has been' ordered to discover the, authors of the falte reports - that have been propagated. Colonel 14an, tAeFillbaster.linrrOnders [Special Despatch to the PhDs. Eveida.g Bulletin.] :NEW YORK, Aug. 213.—C01. - Ryan, of the Cuban filibusters, who arrived here day before v,esterilay, and ispow stoppingstopping,at,lo6 Clinton surrendered himself to-day to the U. b. Marshal. He apologized for his conduct, and was admittedto bail in the aim of $7,,5002 Currier, Ryan's coniptriot, is also in town. I,le has been here for eight days. Spain Rejeets Proposals for the Sale of Cubit. (Special Desoateh to the While. Event= Bulletin.] ~t W ASeiNoTozi, Aug. 23.—There is the very best anthoritv for saying that the proposition , made by the United Statps authorities to Spain •to settle the Cuban question by :disposing of the island te,the Cubans, this comitry guara.n -' teeing payment of the bonds, has not met with and" favor. .at Madrid. The answer of the Spanish Government to the proposition was made, however, in the most courteous, friendly manner, buti con sisted of a firm refusal to entertain any offers of mediation. The SwuA!th Etribmw7. (Special Despatch to the Phila. Evening Bulletin. WASHINGTON, Aug. 28.—1 t is not, perhaps, generally known thatthe Spanish - Government since the revolution'have had uo regularly accredited Minister :at Vir'ashington. St ilor Lopez ,Itoberta, who , represented Spain here, under Queen Isabella, was directed, when the new government watt formed, to remain'here, temporarily, until the internal affairs of Spain could be so arranged as to permit the Foreign Secretary to•give bis attention nlreorganizilig the diplomatic service. ,It is now belieVed in diplomatic circles that Mr. Roperts• - has received his credentials as a representa tive of the new Spanish government; anti will continue ~to • remain here. There is some interest manifestetlas to whether he will. deliver an address when presenting 'his cre dentials to die President, or remain silent, without referring to the .great revolution in Spain and the present existing troubles in From Washiagion. WAsniNoToxAditaig. 28.1—Despatehes to the Navy Department were received this morn rng-InwanT-conataanding—t Asiatic spiadriin, dated from the United States flag-ship-Piscataqua, Yokohama, July In anticipation cif 'the - war - 1u themortkieni -part-ofJapairfas indicated- in previous- des patches), the Aroostook, Lieut-Coriimander Bradford, had been ordered to Hakodadi to afford any protection to'our Consul and any American interest that might be there. On me arrival of the Aroostook at the latterplabe, Lieut-Commander Bradford found Ruminant° strongly, entrenched and determined to resist any attack on the part of the Mikado's laud and naval forces. As soon as the lfikado's "troops got in the rear, of Eneumato it was de fernunedto make a combined attack by land and sea." ' The leaders of both parties informed the Consuls and commanders - of ships of - war that they would not be responsible for the safety of 'foreigne.rs 'in ,lialiodadi; and • requested them all to, withdraw. The American Consul itruli his numerous family and connections sought protection on board of the Aroostook! Rear-Adtaital %.11,owari despatched the Oneida tb Ilakodadi, where she arrived in time to take an equal .portiory of- - the person.s who sought our protection. • ThtV.Tro(prols, Com mander Law, followed, to remain if neces trary--if not, to return and; report the state of During the seige some good, dashes were ina:dia by both sides. ,One of Eneumato'.s ships was handled with ability,. but _the, Stonewall was more„,tban a match for a store like her. Enenmatci, having lost his navy-and had his fort knobkedAtiwn by the .Stonewall, surren dered to save useless loss of life, and is now a prisoner hi Yeddo—Odpniander an interview with the cOrnmander-in-chief _ the successful forces, who told him that for elvers would now be protected, whereupon he landed all the- women? and ilihildren and sent the Aroostook-to Nagasaki'asditseted. The country is ; ilo - Kat'peace, and likely , to, - remain so. fho "Tycoon • is .a • voluntary prisoner at, 'ils,ewn castle, with his family.. Tokagana, theantist powerful and miluentialo J 3 rincein t,he',Empire has been deprived or Much Orbits income by order of the Mikado, at the instance, no, doubt, - of, the* Southern Prineeh, who conined; amt.! deprivbdf , the Tycoon of the almost supre.me power which his family had held for Hundreds years. The Japanese 'Governinent . has advertis:ed , for proposals for the removal of Emitunato's F•tinten fleet from the harbor, otSakodadi. RelariAdmiral Rowan, in a r •:10,Sp4tcli , : dated , ypkbbama, July 2, reports the dispositiOn' of the that as follows : The. PitieittaqUa,' flag ship, arrived at Yokohama on the Mat of June. The Onedia and Idaltelyorg.;at Nagasaki, the Monocacy and Iroquois :at:; Yokohama, the Aslinelot at Hiogit, the Arciotook at, Halco dadi, the - l'i4liuee Too- "Chop,; - and, the U nadilla at Kong Kong. Ta r g PALLY ' f ' 1• 9l'i-t . ),64116. 4.4. a tot 14 hi iA ,i .., 1011 ettni rz ''' .*e.tklly, for - ryi oinu rder . Ib -, , — i in tlinst i » t & 01 for 81114)et . ng kitty VCife' body 13be is in a critical condi , t nd cannot Its e. - ' Hwy 9 s AiretlO , Exploring _ .Expellitlon Cat. Doane, of the British brig Helen, at ibis ort, from Ivigtut, Greenland, reports that t e steamer Panther, with Hayes's Arctic Exploring, Expedition, sailed from Ivigtut, .Tu y; July 27, for Disco_isiand, North :Greenland, whence the PantberAvdo going to ,lleivOle Bay, Smith'S Sound. Previous to her. arrival at Ivigtut , the Panther,had been at Jullansahab and fl.sMlgpsvlidie, - thekThad been in the interior and takenphotographsi &e. All were'well onboard. Mr. Henry W. Dodge arrived in the I-Bilell; uoving : left t.le exp • • ition at Ivigtut. L , - ivitsvipiv,LA)Ns ie . --; 1 1,. ~,,, ..ite tied or t alp til.' Yettin Bu ;gin. LIEIIPOOL---Ship Hannah Norris 'Koss 's-102 tons 'rag ir on C Congrore & Bon; 277 bag tin Plates N& 0 Tay .lor *Co; 12 pkgsrarthenwarellohm etr.Biliii;,66 tcs soda ash W Cunningham - , 41c sole; 000 taglin plates 1' C Tont. son; 75 crates earthenware Burgess & Goddard . ; 86 tee soda limier, Crampton ' & Co; 66 t one " soda Lath Ismail It Trimble; 800 sacks salt - 100 tons - pig iron 110 crates 1(1 eke ear armors Peter Wright '& Bons; 114 cks soda ash 25 as b caching powder 115 drums caustic soda Church man & 6; 1215 sacks Marshall ' s salt Alex Kerr & Bro; 41 mu sac Jeffrey's & Darcey l o salt order; 100 tons old rail road Iron J E Thaler & Co; 225 eke soda ash 219 drums cartat id soda 75 b din old rope 93 bales paper stock 68 casks :ledge order. riorimmErws or OCEAN STEAMERS. TO ARRIVE. • • • EIMZEI ... . . Dritanuia . ....-f........G1a5g0w-Hew York Aug. 12 Celle.. ........London-New York Aug. 14 Tripoli Liverpool-New York via D. ....Aug 17 , /debo,- - "9,;.:21. - -LfirerpobV - .2few , Y0rk. 1 ..k..-„,....Au. ;rance ' 4..2.UYerpooL,New YOrk .4.4 . .. i. . ~.Ang.l3 r 0; of Brooltlyn:t.Jilverptiok.Ne* York ' - -. Ang 19 Oolitmbia. Glasgow... New York Aug. 19 "China ' . Liverpool-New York- Aug. 21 ' Allemiinnla Havre.-,New Yorkw,,. ...,4.Aug. 21 • siberisi.....„.. -' ....Liverpool..NeorYork:ivia 8...,;Ang. 24 Ithein.'... - SoutharnFEPAßT. .:New Y0rk......: Ang.24 • Minnesota Live 1.-New York-. Aug. 25 T D • Silests4..„.:.4.2...iNearYork...flambutg,... . ',. ... ..,,..Aiig:3l Manhattan" ' ' NewYork...LlVerOof '' - Sept..' I Arisous..... . ...... New York.-Aspinwall - Sept. 1 Cuba . New York... Liverpool - Sept. 1 ' :Tartlet .„, -. ....,-......New York,,Liverpool,- Sept. 2 • Morro Castid.i.,,New York..llavana...,„i ' 'Sept, 2 - • Deutschland New York....l3remen ' Sept." 2 , City of. Dublin-New York... Antwerp. Sept. 3 C. of Drooklyn-.New York... Liverpool Sept. .4 Pereira - „'..Newitork„lfavre .....' _'...1.J.., . . - ..:LElept 3 t England- - 'New York:-Liverpool - .....:..Sept. '4' Briiantda....-.....NewYork.-Glaegow Sept.. 4 Britannia ----New York... Glasgow Sept. a . 132,Mr);.0 'TRADEi• C. JO DUEBOROVV, 31SickirTa . LT nomMITTEL THOS. L. GILLESPIE,. -- - szii".76 351 HIGH WA.M. 9 15 A inunrzti, Obi SATURDAY., Ship'llannah Morritt (Br),'Morris,49 days, r from Live . pool, with mdse to. Peter Wright A Sons.. Steatrier .Fanita,Brooks, 24 hours fram ,New• ;York, with mdse to John F Ohl. '• • • • .. Steamer Anthracite Green, 24 hotels from_liaty York, with mdse to Wid.Baird 4 Cu. Steamer Diamond State,Webb.L3 floras from Baltimore ' , with mdse to A Groves Jr.. - . 'Steamer Et Willing, Candiff,l3, Winn; from Baitiniore, with mdse to A Groves, Jr. Bark Caro, Beals, from Bucksport,in ballast to Work- Mai S o ch etc r 0 Go F Rowley, Bayles, front proVidence, In hallast to Knight & Sons. M • Schrary A Tyler, Tyler,' from Boaton, in ballaiit't , l Knight & SODS. • • ,` . CLEARED ON SATUIIIiAT. Steamer R Willing. Curtain', Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Sehr Josephine, PhincteY.Pall , River, Weld" Nagle&CO. Schr Pouf & Thompson. Godfrey, Cambridgep't, do Scht L Batchelder, English, SavatunthiD 8 Stetson&Co.. Seim 'Lucy. II nrlbut, Boston, E A Souder A Co. • Seim A, Blaisdell, Garfield' Portetnonth 'M Cooper A Seta Pr Nickerson, Kelly, Boston, Knight A Sous. Schr May Morn, Stetson, Washington, U,S qr Master. • Correspondence of . the Philadelphia Exchange. LEWES. Mgt.." Aug. The !following vessels rentoln, at thJ3 Breakwater,— Barks ' , Albert the Good; for Odessa; Lady Hilda. for „Liverpool; brigs Lizzie Wyman - for 8oston; Cascatelle,, for do; Nnevitas, for do; Julie - E Arey. A for Wiscasset; Battu E Wheeler. for Portland; -Martha Berry, for do; schrs S J Bright. for' Providence. Jos Porter, for Norwich; S 8 Godfrey, for Boston; .I . E E. Pratt, for, do, anetlLA 3lcCann. for Bangor. all'frOm Philadelphia. Bark C V Minott cameto the Breakwater for orders, and sailed again for New York. • Yours, &c, LABAN •L Lyows. MAYBE DE.ORACE. Aug. 23. The following boats left here this morning, for Phila delphia. laden and consigned as follows: Sallie & 'Annie and 'W - W Kellogg, coal to \V L Lance; John Litrgerfelt, :lumber.:to Watson.: Malone & French. Craig, do, to Craig .& Blanchard ] Louise:dolor J . Trenton; Minnie, pig iron to 114ibbins' wharf, Keating . Ship; Bazaar,, from ,jiirerpoo _or this port, put into Milford 15th inst. with bows stove and making water. havingbeen hi Collision with the ship. Sandusky, off Tuekar. The Sandusky, :from New York, has been towed into the Canada basin,, Liverpool, in a sinking Ship Canis CrYcli; Sherburne; from N York BthApril, at Hong Kong 7th ult. •• • • . • • - Ship Bunker Hill; Davis. friym Boston 28th•3Lareh, at Hong Kong 19th tilt. Ship C 11-111-artiluill, Marshall, at. Liverpool 28th inst. :rum New York. , . Ship-Thomas Barnard, Strickland, cleared at N York 26th inst. for New Orleans. Ship Oustine, Avery, from Bombay 28th April, at New York 28th inst. with linseed and Stool. . • • Ship C C Farwell, Smith, at Falmouth, Kng, 27th inst. from Rangoon, • • .. • Steamer Wyoming, Teal, sailed from Savannah Zith inst. for this port • • Steamer lowa, Bedderwick, cleared at -N ew York 28 th • inst. for Glasgow. • Steamer Norfolk, Platt, sailed from Richmond 27th inst. for this port. • - SteamerDansa, Brickenstein, from Bremen 14th via Southampton 17th, at New York 28th Inst. with 7i 4 pas. seamen'. • . Steamer 'Britannia (Br); Donaldson, from Glasgow 12th inst. at New York yesterday. -• • • Steamer Idaho,,Cutting, from Londonderry; at Nim York yesterday. Bark Pauline'{Prnsel, Kruger, hence for Stettin; was spoken Bth inst. lat 4032, lon 4418.. Brigß M. Tricker; Tucker, cleared at Portland 2tith inst. for this mut Brig Amos M Roberts. hence for Boston', sailed from Rolm& Hole 26th inst. - • Brig Forest State, Shute, sailed from Newport 27th inst, for thisport. ' . • .` • , Brig Charles 'Miller; Gilkey, • hence for 'Boston; at .Holmes' Dole 26th inst. . Brig J B KirbY.; Bernard, 20 daYs from - Cienfuegos. at New York 28th inst. Sailod in company with brig Ra marez Clara J L Deach, for Now 'York. • Schr , McAllep,;cleared at St John, NB. =d inst. for tins port. Schr` Button, n. days from Domerara, at ~Bc Yor Bth lust— „ . • . Sehr E A Elliott, Nickeraou, henco at Plymouth 25th instant. . . Schr B B Wharton, Botaall,hence at Norfolk 27th kid. WEE ifiliby.litifil - GeOrglatao,3lC; ffir - Nat wicb,beforaireported hit° Norfolk; leakl'AillAddie cbarg,ed part of carg92tith, and atilli — twure •.1.200 strokes per hour.- The leak to supposed to be In the centreboard well. . . Notice is given by the Lighthouse Board that the present fixed light at. Smith's Point, Chesapeake Bay, near the mouth °U tile Potomac ricer, will' he changed at sunset uu the evening of the let of September next, to a revolving whito light; with intervals of tweitty-five ESTATE ': OF •.' PATRICK DONOHUE, ' ilemiseth—Letters Testamentary to' the Estate of PATRICK DONOHUE, deceased ,laving been granted to the executors, TIMOTHY HICKEY, , Buttonwood street, above Eighteenth street, and B. SHARKEY. All persons 'indebted to said ',Estate • are' requested. to nick," payment,- and 'those' having glalms•against the' some to present them without delay to • • ty • No. 019 Walnut street. MIMI TN THE QOplj,,T FOR. ,THE City and County of Philadelphm.—Estate of JOSE PHINL KING, late a Mittor.—The !Auditor ,appointed by the Court to audit; settle and adiust the final account of T. DIOWEIMER LEWIS, guardian of JOSEPHINE KING, lute a Minor, and to report distribution of the balanceln the hands of Alio accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purpose of his appointment, on. MONDAY, :thiptember tith, leb9, at: 4 o'clock P. M., at Ids R. corner of Sixth , and Locust._ streets., in the city or Philadelphia.' • •• • " •CLEMENT 11, PENROSE, an2ibth,latist§. . . Auditor. T.l'l'''T•tl;E 0/I.I4IANS' 'ClOtia FOD THE City died County • of Philadelphig.--Estate ofJOHN LOGAN; decoasciL--Thorditor•appointed by the Court to audit, - sottic mit the account of JAMES 'WALLACE - and TIRO Al3'. llENRYL•Executors and Trustees - atlas - Estate of•JOIIN - LOGAN, , deceased, and' to-reporttlistriltutiolvorlho balatice.in-theliands of •the accinnitant ' meet the parties intereSteil; fol.' the -purpose of appointment, on -.MONDAY; September 13th. 1839, at II d thick A. M. at.liis'office, No. MS Sdntti Sixth street, lathe City of :Philadelphia. , •• .• •• ' '• • = • B,EDIIEFFEIt, an2l•tu,th,s§ =1• • • .• - Auditor. VST.AiTP: OE 'JOI-IN-'.IIIINGLE; JR., pE 1/ ceitstal:-AtaterWof &bran!titration' coin tetitamonte annexo,:having been granted , to' the• undersigned, nil. persons indebted tO , snid:estitte aro requteiteil t i ntake payment: ana.tliosu having claim.; to present tlienuto IitGARETTA‘r; MINGLE, Adnex. Q. T. A., ..• , . No. 3906 Walnut street., , rAtigust 14; 16C9. , • • •.• • ' to 6t* OF 'AN.NIA:' 0 vsTATE , - AA ceased .—Letters, of ' administration . In&ing been granttal to rhe.midersigned,arit :purlieus indebted to said estate and requested to miiltwpannent.;runr those having claims to, present Mewl to No;o9.UilWalton stree t ,uul7•tl 6t*.: I~ jj sT.AxI.I, op , BIER olaceased .. 7 11etters,.Testainentary having been granted to . ,the ,subseriber. ..upon the estate OR X IGIZA BETEL, K. Lealiocu,'dedeased; till persons indebted . :to the same will naa4opaytnent ; and, those kaving claims • preSent thent.got , • t _ i VADWILLA'II'EIr BIDDLE aaceetttori . 11Y2t:tit6t-q Xi'Elontlt Fottrtlt iltreet, ULL, katooftmiCia LIL4OODIVM.IO9:44OkiII ILASI/LPIIIA-AuG.3O roar or 1) itIEMOTIANDA' NOTICE TO MA DINERS LEGAL NOTICES. ..4p.g4r,xt . .(4: 4 :.i.0N . .ixii.y,....-.4y,quaTAA).4;30..Q..:,.,..::,: TlN : '. : '.-PB Z.i t.t . l H. , :".' , 4 . 1 . , ~,,,i_r ttir A .10, ;r ? ,.•.."- 4 •;'..;-c? "'",11.c . "....:. - ,:r •Ir•F 4 , 1 - 11 113.,p1;* ' 4 ,4 i1ibr.,:,..... - 1 1 , ' 1,7161114 77"' '' ''"L "T ER " • KWIR-41•1414Pia 4141, , .A.IN I ..AN- '. FIRE.. INSUII/ME-' , COMPAIVI" ;• ..IPF 3 ElupisaLpEzatzwvii.'. 'Office-48S aral437 OhottingStteeti, ~ A4ooiet,i3 on tiairiu4ry. 1.. as , --- 31;., ~ ~........ 4 .11 1 . 45 • ~,, . . .9 1.7. 9 .4. 4 r i f a leo - - ''' 1 ' 0 4 4 .'0 capital.: '' .'' ' . . ' ' • . 01400,000 00" Accrued Eita•Prius:::-.. —.—.....::::=1,007*0 70 Prendun*---------...... 4. - .:.,... , ..+......... 1,110303 4 0 : VZISICTTL INQO 180 Losses Paid Since 1.829 _giver, .. , ierietnafaiii Tenf - ,.. 7, , lolicleis 011'Ull s eril lira% The Coinpanp also Roues Policies upon the ;Beta" Or all kinds of buildings, Ground Bents' andhiOrtfiellell% '' ' _.,,__,.. !,.. 4 ' ' • DlR6roti.' _,'-' • Aaron GI ~ rasher, F I Alfred Fitter' ~ ' • - . Samuel Grant, I Thomas Bpdga. - 4 1 4 1171Ali gICIlardil' -- I Y htin S ag G B,l l lfri4": ll' '' .- Geo.rales,'' ' • Gustavus 8. Iteriso.. •', '. ' •0 - - lig . R I I RLE . S B YUkeIfrezT. ',', '- '• JAS, W. IIicALLISTER. ilecretarY. • ~_ . • ' '. - Tuz()))0BE N. HEGER, Aseinbant *eva•fl e . ~, , , , = - itroirporated' -- Thireh. otiteB l " :24 4o ' s INSURE BUILDINGS t _nousEWILD rurtNrilllM AND MERCHANDIsE oBNERALLY.FROM LOSS BY FIRE. Assets January 1, 1869, 400,Q06 . . . . TRXfSTEES: . , • . WilliamEl...Hamilton', - Charle P 2 BOWer, John Carrow, . ' Jesse Lightfoot,_, 3 George I. Yung ' Robertshderneicer,' .'. ' losepna. ndail i Peter Armbrtutteri Levi P. Co, • ' 31.11.Diekineott, Samuel Ssi4rhawk, p e t er; wi l a umica , .. ; 1 , . N 5 In. Aug.. Seeger. . I s s ii :A. 'l 24 l. u ll Et lisArßillELlTA.OlNvk_PreEveiceldent, President. WK. T. BUTLER, Secretary. . . ^ - , The , Liverpool &P . Lon don & Globe Ins; Co. 4s.reis Go7d, B'7 ,690,300 cc in th e - Ptited States 2,000,000 Daily Receipts 0vei520,000.60 Premiums rn 'B6B, $5,665,075.00 Losses in xB6B, $3,662,445-00 No. 6 Merchants' Exchange,' Philadelphia. RE RELIANCE INSURANCE COM PANY OF PHILADELPHIA! Incorporated in 1541. Charter Perpetual.' Office, No. 303 Walnut street. CAPITAL 03t0,000.'____ Insures against loss or damage by FIRE, on Houses, Stores and other Buildings, limited or perpetual, and on Furniture, Goods, Wares and Merchandise in town or count ry. LOSSS PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. Assets...:-_ 54131,598 37 Invested in the following Securities, viz„ First Mortgages on City Property, well as cured--- $168400 00 United States Government Loans 117,000 00 ~ Philadelphia City 6 Per Cent. Loans ' 75,000 00 Pennsylvania. 83400,000 6 Per Cent L0an......... 80,000 00 , Penney lvania Railroad Bonds, First Mortgage 64,00 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company's 6 Per Cent. Loan_ - -. . .. 6,000 00 Loans on Collaterals —. 600 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 Per Cent. Mort- • gage- ...... ..... .... 4,660 00 County Fire Insurance Company's Stock. 1,050 00 Mechanics' Bank Stock . 1,000 00 Commercial Bank of. Pennsylvania. 5t0ck......., 19,000 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock 380 00 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia Stock 3,250 00 Cash in Bank and on hand • _...... 12,28 32 Worth at Worth this date at market prices. DIRECTORS. Thomas C. RUM ' •• Thomas H. Moore, William Musser, Samuel Castner, Samuel Bisytham, James T. Young, H. L. Carson, Isaac F. Baker, Wm. Stevenson, ' Christian J. Hoffman, Beni. W. Tingley, Samuel B. Thomas, • • EdWar Sitar. President, W . Cumin, Secretlry Til : PHILADELPHIA, February 17,1869. .O.IIIAS O. RILL, rresident, 'UNITED FIREMEN'S INSURANCE 14.) COMPANY OF PIIMADELPHIA. • This Conipany takes risks at the leivest rates consistent with safety, and.cenfines its business exclushiely to - FIRE INSURANCE IN THE CITY OF PHILNOEL- OFFICE—No. 723 Arch street; Fourth National Bank Building. • . DIRBOTORS• Thomas J. Martin, Henry W: Brenner, .John Iliret. Albertua King, - Wm. A. Bolin, Henry Bump, James di ongan, James Wood, . • William Glenn, • John Shallcross J - -,, i Joiner. J. Henry Aside ii ' James - ....._...e . I - H . ce.enry .11.,.. _ -a,. Alexander T. Hickson,ugh Mulligan Albert C. Roberts • • Philip Fitzpatrick, 'James 10, pfilon. • CONIVAIrId.A - NDRESS, President. IN.m. A. Rolm! Treas. Wst. U. ir t keixtri. sec'ir. TB F 4 CQ UN TX- FTR PT- 11 T$U,SAN o ' t (i..QM, , ,.: pANY.--Oltice,No.llBSoith Fourth - 'street, below -Clevetaut..— ,_ The Fire Imminence Company of the County of Phila delphia ," Incol:porated by the Legislature of Pennsylva nia ~, 1830, for indemnity against loss or damage by the, exclush ely: CHARTER PERPETUAL. This old and reliable institution, with ample capital steel contingent fund carefully invested; continues to in sure. buildings, furniture, merchandise,' .kc.; either per ninneutly or for a limited tinie, against loss or damage by tire, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute safety of its customers. Losses adjusted and paid with all possible despatch. DIRECTORS: Chas. J. Sutter, Andrew H. Miller, Henry Budd; James N. Stone, _ Jolin Horn, - ' EdwinaL;Reakirt,-- , '-r. • J o seph Moore, • • Robert V. Massey, Jr. , George Mecke, . Mark Devine., , .. CHARLLS J. SUTTER, President. HENRY BUDD, Vico President. ' BENJAMIN F. HOECR.LEY, Secretary and Treasurer. THE PENNSYLV.AI7I.A. FIRE ' . INSU RANCE COMPANY. -Incorporated 1826-Charter Perpetual. • No. 610 WALNUT street, opposite Independence. Square. This Company, favorably known to the community for over forty years, continues to, insure against. loss or damage by lire on Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or fora limited time. Also on Furniture, Stocks of Goons, and Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. , • , Their Capital, together with' a large Surplus FuneLle 'invested in the most careful Manner, which enables them to oiler to theinsured an undoubted security in the case of loos. . . mayerons. Daniel Smith; Jr., • (John Devereux Alexander Benson, Thomas Smith, Isaac liazlehurst, Henry Lewis Thomas Robinst,J. Gillingham.Fell, Robins[,- J. ' \VM. G. CROWEVt T~FPERBON FIRS' INSURANCE CO M t) "PANT of Thiladelphia;,Oftice, zi North Fifth street, near lilarket street. ---locorporated.Lby , the'2.LegiSlature. of. Pennsylvania, 'Charter perpetual. - Capital and - Assets: 0160,000. - Make insurance against Less or damage by,Fire on 'Public or Private Buildings, Furniture, Stocks, Goods and liter anodise, on favorable terms. DIRECTORS. Wm. McDaniel, „ Edward Moyer, Israel Peterson `• • - ' Frederick Ladner ; ; • John F. Belsterlin , , . Adam J. Ulan, Iloory Troemnor, Hem y•Delitui, 'Jacob, Bchaudeire; ; , J ohu • Frederick Doll,Christian D. Frick, Samuel „ • George hi ; Fort, • ; WI L LIAM'Gard • 4 ,1 WWI - NIEL, Frostelent,' " - • • ISRAEL PETERSON, Vice President. Foliar 4. - CoLzmes, Secretary and Treasurer, 4 M.EIIICA.Ii , VIIIID ;1141313:RA.N.)E C 0 M P A N Y A ineorporated 1810.--,Charter perpetual. o. 310 'WALNUT street; shave Third, Philadelphia. Having a large pail-up Capital, Stock and, Surplus in-, vested in sound and avalbilileSeenritles, 'continue to ..instire. oh. dwellings,' stores ,- - furniture, Merchandise, vessels in port ,an their, cargoes, and, other personal' property. AU tOadfa liberally and promptly adjusted. I J/P.P9T° 3114 .. ..* ' - .. I t Thomas R.illlarls' . • ' - - F,dpsrind'o,•Dutillti. ' - John Welsb' ',., - ''', ?l ',•. .:‘ '-'''. 'Ciaarlel a W; P°P i P e r; * -Patrick Braa,,, ~ :' • :', Israel orris, -.‘ John T. Lewis,.'. ' '' •' • • John P. Wetherill, - •,.. • .• • • William W. Paul. '_,_^ ' - ' ~.• , : ' THOMAS It. DIAXI4B, Rrestdent. ' ' • , ALI3Er..r V. OnKtroonv, liebretary FIRE• I§gOd!iioii_":;:s.._ jal-tu th a tf Milt; JR., Presjdont. •etary. • - • , .....: , ri = • ., •t ... ^ -,; t!" . tiltSVJUdill7lt 4 "",... , !.AY' r , : ., ii 4 C 7, A. Alta ,r • Appcommos.l - moot emirs 8 : Z coriler , >•/ • kPhi . • . 4 agAtt 403 41 1450015 4 , . 't , •(. .117&TN A3 6 1 4 5 98,1,P c!'ils ! rcia - ffi lgta'el .ti•k o „g oods'l trrnrte,6oan ar a • •:i ' •• • .•• ilop4ondbrogolo u - W2r • Ei tor es..l:46Waga" .. „ riegi c. • ' ' 'SERES T COMPASIT, • Mott ogabor ;VOL • - I • *moot* United 13 total Iflgp for CentAiu t n, 8108400 03 ./11044.11701ted 13 tat?, go.,Pss gna t s!oan, IMMO 03 60,0110,Vnited Statile 13Lx Per Pent, Loan • r . (for Pacific Railroad) topoooo nom State of . • Ponnurjranla..(l,lX - Par • . • Cud. 211,373 00 126,11111 City of:Philadelpials . lslXPettiont, • LoanAexeropt"from 112,534 00 (59,0130"5tat0 of Sletrierser filx.Per Pent.'; • Loan . ... 61,600 00' 20AX1 Pentinlvairhi:- Firer • • Mortgage 13/X Per Pent. Bonds • Axe oo 25,000 Pennsylvania • Railroad. Second Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds 24,000 00 20.000 Western Ponnulranix .•Railroad . Mortgage Six Per,Cert. Bonds (Penna. R. B. goarari_tee).;...... 20,62.5 03 80,000 State of Tenneuee Rive Per Gent.' • • 7 000 Sta loon L0an...... 21 000 00. •s , neasee Six..Pek Pont, • • e • • • 6A31 25 Leg* Germantottrillaethimpanyiptrintit- ,,, ' pal and interact guaranteed by I ' the City' of s PhiladelPhla, 800 • • j , shares .134300 (X 1 10;00 Pennolranlit Railroad Company, , • 200 5have5......::.. . . . 11,30000 • ' • 5,100 North' PedueLltania* giuiroad • *.' • Company, luu eharce stock .1::;114 6 9 1 1 00 . . hiludciphia - mml72outhans7.lrtnll:--- ; Steturiablp - parupaBY;Bo shares ,40T* Lonna on.Bo p d aud Dlortgage, finpt • Vity-Propertiee- •• - 201,900 OU : 1 • lin 411/75F19.900 Pat. rketlia.ne,.Bl,l3o,l24 GO4 26 •• Ft.ent e .Es ‘ t2to •' " • • $6,000 OD • :.; • 81,118 receivig . .deilcor , Inenranne.n • ' merle t 1234 8 .6 04. Balanceikfiiie' at Agenclun—Prec •. :41. . cniums on Marine,. Policies—' . • Accittlitlntdrent, and other.; • debts duo the CoMPitiar—...t...‘ Stock and RHO of sundry Clorpo• rations, 153,156110 7 . 1., p0pi5F4e4 8730 " ./i 19 Cash In ~. —. 4 - 6,iso 08 , . , cieh in , 413 65 115,563 73 • .2 • DIRECTORS, • • .Thomas L _. ' James B. McFarland, Edward Darlington,' William C. Ludwig,. Joseph H. Seal, . Jacob P. Jones, Edmund A. Sender, - • Joshua P. Eyre, • , Theophilus Panitting, William G. Boulton,.. , Hugh Craig, . Henry C. Dallett, ' • John C. Davis, John D. Taylor, James C. Eland Edward Lafourcade, ' I John B. Penro se,. Jacob Reigel, H. Jones Brooke, George W. Bernadou, Spencer Dl'llvaine, Wm. O. Houston, y. Henry Sloan, D. T. Morgan, Pittsbur Samuel E. Stokes, • John B: Semple, ' do., James Traquair, A. B. Berger, do. • THOMAS 0. HAND, President. • JOHN 0. DAVIS; Vice President.' HENRY LYLBURN,SecretarY. ' HENRY BALL., Assn Secretary 16 - CATILE_ ENBITBANCE. COMPANY ) NI). 1 • 809 CHESTNUT STREET. INCORPORATED 1856. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL , a 200,000. FIRE INSURANC E EXCLUSIVELY. Insures against Lou or Damage by Fire either by Per petual or Temporary Policia°. numerous. Charley Richardson, Robert Pearce, ' Wm. H. Rhawn, John Kcaaler, Jr., Francis N. Black, Edward B. Orne, Henry .Lewiai • • Charles Stoke°, Nathan Hines. John W. Ererman, Geofge.A. Wea l _ Mordecai Buzby, , CHARLES ICHARDSON, Preaident, WM. H. BRAWN. Vice-Prealdent. WILLIAIdiI I. BLANCHARD. getretal7. apl tt ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COM PANY.--CHABTER PERPETUAL. Office, No:3IIWALNUT Street, above Third, Philada, Will insure against Lose or Damage by Fire on Build ings, either perpetually or for a limited time, Household Furniture and Merchandise generally. • • Also, Marine Insurance on Vessels, Cargoes and 'Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. DIRECTORS. tVilliam Esher, L wis__Ande nried, • D. Luther, John Ketcham, John B. Blackiston, J. E. Baum, • • • William F. Dean, John B. Heil, • peter Sieger, Samuel H. B.othermel.' WILLIAM SLIER. President. • • WILLIAM F. DEAN, Vice Preiddent: • WM. M. SMITE. Secretary. • • 'an th •if • MACHINLICY, IRON, &C. CITMI3ERL AND NAILS • • '54.80 PER KEG, Containing 100 lbs. Nulls; other brands or Nails $4 . 60 per keg; Bordman's Barbed Blind Staples, 50 per boa of 10 lbs. Staples; Shutter Hinges, from 12 to 17 in.,complete with fixtures,7s cts. per set 1 1-2 ln. Frame Pulleys , ets.; 1 3.4 In. 26 cia per doz.; Rim , Locks and Knobs $5 - per dozen, tit the Cheap-for. the•Oiwto Hardware and Toot Store of J. B. SHANNON,I 1009 Market Street: • . my=-stu th • . • • • $437,599 33 $454,331 32 MEE,RICK & }jj: - SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY 430 WASHINGTON Avenue, Philadelphia, ^ MANUFACTURE STEAM ,ENGINES—High and Low Pressure, Horizon. - tal; Vertical, Beam, Oscillating, Blast and Cornish BOMERS—Cylinder, Flue, Tubular, &c. SMILAX MAMMERS—Nasmyth and Davy styles, and I aIT sizes. _ - CASTlNGS—Loam,'Dry'and Green Sand, Brass, go. • ROOFS—Iron Frames, for coveringlvith Slate or Iron. TANKS—Of Cast or Wrought Iron,for refineries, water, 01, , •1t c • -2 AB'MACHINERY—Suchas Retorts, Bench Castings Holders and Frames, Prwillers; - Colte and Charcoa Barrows, Valves. - Governors, 3UGAR IRACIIIIIERT- , Sucli as . Vacuum Pans and Hefecatortt,vßone Black*. Filters, Burners, Washers and Elevators t Bag .Filters, Sugar and Bone Black Cars, &ct - • ' • • • Sole manufactrirers of the following specialties: In Philadelphiti - atoli , lcinitY•;of William Wright's Patent Variable CnVolf Steam Engine., • In the United States,' of Weston's Patent Self-center ing and Self -,balancing Centrifugal Sugar-draining ohms. . Glass & Bartonls iniprovernent on Aspinwall& Woolsey's --C-entrifugal.- Bartol's Patent Wrought-Iron Retort Lid. Strahan's Drill grinding Rest, • • Contractors fort he design, erection and fitting up of Be iineries forworking-lingaror-Holassee: C °P-P-EI 117- - --IMLOW 111-ET-1 Sheathing, Brazier's Copper Nails, Bolts and Ingot Copper, cOnstanily on hand and for sale by HENRY WINSOB dr CO., lio, arz Smith Wharves, PROPOSALS. Ag'l c EEXditEi';OAl;i'oft THE NAVY " : NAVY DEPARTM EN BUREAU 9T EQUIPDENT AND RECRUITING, AUGUST 20, 1869. = , BEAL ED.P. - BQP.OS.AL Mau rnis hi ng A.U-: thracite Coal for the Navy, to be delivered (hiring the fiscal year ending :30th Jima, 1870, will be receiVed'at this BUreau until 10 A. September 18,'1809. Thesel proposals must. be , endorsed 1 4Pro, penis for Anthracite, Coal for Steamers," that they May - 'be" distinguished from the other busmeks letters. • "• • The offer must be for the delivery of 15,000, tons,'of 2,240 pounds. The. Coal musthe of the Best Budk MOUntain or Black Heath, Or of a kind equal to them in all respecte r for the purpose.intended, which, equality' will be ,deterunned by. a Board ap pointed by the'Secretary of the Navy after the; reception of the bids. The name of the coal ,proposed to be fur nishedminst be statedin the offer: The price must be fOrthe Cdatdelivered' at 'the Rhdadelphift Navy , Yardi or , ' on board of 'vessels at,suck points within sit Miles thereof. as may be "designated 'hy - the 'Bureau, at the contractor's -riskLand:LexriefiSei4ind without extra oharge;gt,}nysliir~d, • , The: coal must in ali,t,unieets banatistaefoiy_ to'ithe inApecterror insPOetoreto be - agpointed :14 - the Bureaus :Whowill have the Alglit-of per ' emptory rejection. . Blank forms of oiler ! , guarantee,,,K , ;(3., wil be - furnislia apPlication'to the ureau. itu2l-S 4t,4: ,;; i • . • : 'I3OOTS''AND SHOES. NOTIOZ, TO THE lIIIBLIG' GE RALLY ...lu Thelt_iteet stylhlashion and assortment of COTS, Sti•OES-'ilitip GAITERS, 'FOR DIEN •AND CA3:IIIeaII ,%IKNEST SOPP'k I•Io.1311 NORTH NINTH' STREET.' • Zetter Cheri any!whero in the City. A. Fit Wuranted. 4%1126r - it§ OWE 11.1011 A CALL. • , S'OrENtlFl cidirtmkghtattlte,Fliiladelpidalliding School., PcZart,t7. fared, tADOVO in 9. The 11011108 are ittliet and tlitirOlighty trained. , For hire, isaddlo hottles. Also car tlagt)mst all t.iraes for weddings, aatt , tes t npnra, funerals,, ac t yttnraeS trained to tit& saddle. azweA,(ratxtr, 4604,, liffil EIII - AITCTION-SALEB. - 1 1 3/lall.O2dAS .. I- :or : Vr a trulloNEgjui, ?41 Nos LI D nd W • Ot t: Halreet '11 4 1: : ••• , g 4 v , Oblic ill& et the • . ad - , '/ 1, olkobstao evert . '.) kr , : 1 ,IrD ti1t,....• - , • i lli Ferniest* flied' telllteiA'ittitidelietS4l:lPirssor IX , , ' 'lit l Saletai RieldetioSs recal, onsets& Itteittion .' •i 1 .1 , .. " - At' ,'; Saield. ' .., .. , .. , ,A . ,... . ...!1 . 1 `Eeriii* oirgaCtrraFkoiOti*. - , ~ - 4"44.1. ', 7 ' .., , - ON,,TURISDAY!MORNINO:,,' ~' . r- '7,1,,.''' r. , Angela 4:1", at i Elpytt Nix 216, North , Fewat street, ~ ' - .;;,.* 0 .4-:: byeettaolll` e it el eof stock; cormir : m,e, n t:: • • ,•'vs 4.s,ooUStlentift , p ee,tee stuff, &c. .. 7-- , , , , •J , e, • ' Haiku ,dielAriation Rooms, Nos. IV anti Ittliistik ~- „ iti ., iiii ,, (6 , iiiirffl a tizixiiii ,,, ;iiiiirsi k .• 111r11N05.8,F1 PROOF SAFE, go. ' ,•., ~ ~. :, ~.."1 " ;-op MORNING, ' '--, i ,„. ''...,,., •-.- - Sept.' 2, at 9,0 clock, at the Auction• Rooms, by cats. ."..•.?.' ' 4. .1...,.' !ogee, an MtsortmearsttinPerior Household Forniturs. comprising, -Parlor, Chamber..and ninth tßonm far- --,- , %., r :1,,, - niture,b'rench• Plate-Mirrors, Office -Furniture, Rook- . cases,' Extension Tablel;China and Glassware, Retrige- • .1 ~,,‘ raters, Stoves,soo poutultry9dte.Lead, thirpcts,Matting, -'4 r. f;.,1 :: counter.. ac: • • Hale N6.lVlp till:Reset, ; ! .__._,_,...:' ,•.. , , 9 t HANDSOME FIJRNIT ,_-p R AiDIRSON, yrns ).',.." -..'. . • • HAIR ALATRESSES, ANDBOEUic 'VELVET ANIS . ; :BRUSSELS CARPETS; ito: • - -, :m . : , - , ".° .. ,I ' , ',-...' - ' . '.. , . ....' ' ... . ON FRIDAY MORNING.. L.. . . ~. . • September 3, at 10 o'olock,_at No. 207 South Tenth at., by catalogue, the •eptinr/2 1 ,0050 01 41 , XttrilitlIrtrilcoolFa 1 . w, -- *; ..: prlsing7Walnut Parlor Furniture, . covered. vrith,„grees . . . .._iy. rem w alnut and Oak Dining. Room Furnitentrotlegant , Jr:7' r . . . .., 'Oiled 14 alnut chamber Suit,.-Walnut,- Mahogany - end . .'.. • , , Cottage Chamber -Furniture >Oval French. Plata Pier/ , ,:, ,:.4 :7: . •,, ! Mirror, Lounges, Centro Tables, French Clock, ton tine . r . ..," ,' tßair *Matressee; Feather 'Misters and .PilloWei Chiles', .• .I.vg • . and Glassware, tine Oil Paintings, and Engravings. , ~ A,,,, . Sewing Medlin° and' Table; 9 gas consnmtng Stoves; '."- '•', 4 handsome. yelv et ,Itrussels Carpets, 011 Cloth; Eitchenr., ~- t . 4 I t s , t. 71: ". .Utensils, choke Preservea,'&c: • May-be otamined on Abe morningof sale at 8 13!clook, i''. - .. 1 1 . .'.34''' *. , .. field: noel' Sale-lilstnte of Bree_fty Whartse_lllipA2±,•.l. , .ll - ' , t „._,_ , ... -- /MCOTIOD- ettriLb_EßY-AND --- ' . • . - - . ' RECTIFYING ESTABUISHIIIeNT.''. . ' ' . - #r".r. , '- .. ~•! ';',.:•. S;;: . .ON SATURDAY DIORNInG. 1* , .. 8o t: 4. sit: 11 ' o'clock*.ltir at'.' 225 'North - Third stretit.t.-•'' r, " ' • . '. Will be sold at-public salei - br ordtFror . Win- V olo l' lll ' . algae° In Bankruptcy, the Fixtures of Alc oholati Dbi-• tillers , and Rectifying :.litabliebblenti all In good onier,,,,,' , t., , ,Al At: consisting Of I French column still* Of tin gallons with .. ' , - ..; ,, k...4„.' ' all the' appurtenances, In ,Working urden 5 rectilving .: -- i ;' , i''''...,' . . stands and eopper fixtures,, complete;l syrup kettle rectifying tubs ,' cisterrntr'.... ;.s - • .. .. ~ ,'+ 1.• . :: ! . , OFFIOL •FTYRNI'''URE. I stove taidscattle, 8 oltclisirsfl old desk: '•- . • -,• .• . '.. ‘'."/, •, - ' - Also , '•, leasehold of. premises, which expires August 12, . s - • ... .. ....' 'l5lO • tient elm% petatinnm, considered - worth aim.. " :161X040F 40,178 88 " • Salo N0'.1314 Areb alitiet.• • - SUPERIOR PAELIXR,-PDINING • ROOM 7 AND CHAMBER FURNITURE. MIRRORS, SUAILPETS, ' BALE43.I4DfSPRING,MATRESSEII,_&c.; - • . • • • ON WF.DNESDAY MORNING. • ' Sept 8. at4.ll.oyelockilt No. ;1314 Arbil street; by cats- ! •,:: Moue, the superior. Funtittuo, ace., comprieing—Sults of ' alnut Parlor Furtiltnre,toteeed with plush and hair rci cloth; ses en suite of oiled and Tarnished Walnut Chars- • . her Earn Otte, eaten handsome Rosewedd, Walnut and 'llabognur Wardrobes,' two Lounge Bedstelsdai covered, ; with reps; Spring and Nair Matressee,bsik and walnut ,*•41 1 Dining ROOm Furniture. two walnut Exteallint. Tables,' ' • , two elegant Pier Mirrors, gilt frames; sit or Brussels. ", ' Carpets, 011 Cloths, large Befrigera6oriAltdiest•lnsa- •:•1 Dila, . The abort) Furialre been hi* Wit $,-•• and ie equal to new.• • ‘. • • • May be examined at 8 O'clock ou'uti.nuitning / art - aite . : ' 7 , tl!"‘ 1,817,357 80 .BVIITINGiDUEBOBOW & C10.,_.• • : .. .__ ._•. • . k._... „ • ,- ATTOTIONEICB9,. nos.= and 2414 MARKET street. corner of Bank street. • Successors to JOHN B, MYERS Iv CO. .. ~• LARGE SALE OF MO OASES BOOTS, SHOES, &o I .. ON. TUESDAY MORNING, I - • Aug: 31, at 10.o'clock,ort four months' credit, including...-. .. 1. 1 45 Cases mon's, boys' and youths' calf, kip,bnll leather arid ' grain Cavalry. Napoleon, Dress and Congress ,Boots and 2,..4: '+` Balmorala; kip, buff and polished grain Brogans; vire . men's, misses' and children's calf, kid, enamelled .and =t, ~ hull leather, goat and morocco Balmorals, _,• Congrette ' ' ~.„ Gaiters; Lace Boots; Ankle Ties; Sllppere; Metallic Over- : ,Z,.`: shoes and Sandals; Traveling Bags, Shoe - Lacets. &c. •:-.l'-: • . . . . , . . LARGE SALE OF BRITISH„ FRENCH, OSEtdAN -.,.., ''' • AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, ' ‘‘ ON THURSDAY MORNING. Sept. 2, at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit. ,- ." ~%`, , triti SPECIAL AND PEREMPTORY SALE BY ORDER; '.' 'l - ' ' ' OF MESSRS. J, H. & W. CREIGHTON, ,:i. ON THURSDAY MORNING, ~- • Sept. 2, on four months' credit, being all fresh and ..41-..., sound geode, balance of the season's importation. . : '',... .‘ii.;' —cases Italian Cloths, in every grade. • • ' ' ~... • du Canvas Puddings. +-..,;. , ~.,.1 do tislid Check and Fancy Gingham. ' - • .0. • 'do piece'Damasks of eveg7 description. . •:.-o. • - do all their various qualities of Velvets. `... do do do . Velveteens. • ' • do 4- Irish Skirting Linens. 0 LBS. PATENT THREAD, o 0 Caldwell'', d Cohden'e. warranted 16 oz. to th" pouad. . pup P IECES WHILE GOODS. .• Jaehets, 1., - , Tape Menke, ~ ~- ; Nainsooksv ' ' Bishop Lawns, • SwISS Mulls, . .., ' •• . ' • I . Striped Nainsooks, Victoria Lawns, Satin Stripes. • l2OO Dozen Napkins; , . • 1 DOZEN L. 0. EIDILFS. •IL fit' and m saes' plain, hemmed, h. a. and printed. :-. • DOZEN * SHIRT ---4LSO-- - • :-,.', FRONTS. , ----. . • . . /MPOR ANT SALE OF CARPETINGS, OIL -.. ;, ,4 ,i..2, , &c.,• . • .. • ..,, .. • ON' FRIDAY MORNING, Sept, 3 at HI 'o'clock, on four months' credit, about lii) . " . . pieces ingrain' Venetian, List. Hemp, Cottage, apd, Bag Carpetims, 011 Cloths, Rugs, &o. D .. AVIS & HARVEY, AUCTIONEERS ,"' - . (Late with M. Thomas & Sons.) ,. Store Nos. Oland 6D North f3IXTH street . • ' • -..... Sale at the Auction btore.; • - .'t-4 4 ::'.- ~ sp h , SUPERIOR' WALNUT FURNITURE ' ' Litnow -;..., . . FRENCH PLATE MIRROR, BOOKC ASES, COT- : ' "....5. • , . ' TAGE SUITS, TAPESTRY CARPETS, &c . ' '' . iln: . ' ON TUESDAY MORNING.: ; • • : • :. -. -- ei• At 10 o'clock ,at the auction rooms, including handsonio • ..;,.• Walnut Parlor Snits, In Terry and Hair Cleth; severuk • „;: ' ; Oiled Walnut Chamber Suits, large and elegant ,Ward- "- ..- :': robes', Superior Bookcases, glass doom, handsome Wal-: . • • ' ..... . nut Hall Set. including Hat Stand, Hull Table, ana:).l. , 1 • - large Gothic Clair; three complete Cottage Suits , mese\ .. :44,.: and elegant Bullet, superior Extension. Table. handsome,” t.'•.• . •' Lounge, large Fireproof Safe, tine French Plato Maultel...". 4- .. ,-.4lbt Mirror, fl ue Hair Heiresses, a largo number of•Str*wj4"' Matresse_,K Centro and Bouquet Tables, Office Desks agat..•' Tables, Tapestry Carpets, die. . Peremptory Sale on the Premises. ,4g,„<„. VALUABLE COAL AND BRICK. YARDS. • ON WEDNESDAY, _ 4112 Sept. 8, at 12 o'clock noon, on the prentises,No. Germantown avenue, above Nicetown lane, valuable "-4,...171k . Coal and Brick Yards, with improvements, (291 i acres); fronting on Germantown avenue, 24014 feet. Has every facility for doing an extensive business. - Also, Steam Engine and Boiler, 25-horse power,: .; Full particulars' in handbills at the auction rooms.. _MARTIN BROTHERS AIJeTIONERIEW, (Lately tialeSmen for M. Thomas & Sons.) • • ' N 0.529 CHESTNUT street. rear entrance from Minot, 4 tqtr.i Sale N 0.52 Chestnut street. -. ELEGANT WALNUT PARLOR AND CHAMBERS FURNITURE, ELEGANT WALNUT EXTENSION TABLE, BUFFET SIDEBOARDS, BOOKCASES;; • LARGE AND FINE OIL PAINTINGS; BY CELE BRATED ._ARTISTS; HANDSOME FRENCH PLATE ' MIRRORS, SUPERIOR FIREPROOF SAFES, HANDSOME VELVET, BRUSSELS 'AND • . , INGRAIN CARPETS, &e: .ON :WEDNESDAY MORNING,' • • Sept. 1, at 10 o'clock, of the auction rooms, No. 629 Chestnut street, elegant Walnut Furniture, &c. , • ' Also, Set line Single Harness. . ; MLL,__A_SHBRIDGE 85 CO, AUCTION.. , _L TEES. No. 505 MARKET street. above Fifth. • • LARGE SALE OFBOOTS,•SIIOES AND BROGANS. ON 'WEDNESDAY hfORNING,• •.• . • ISOO - packages of Boots. Shoes and Brogans, of city and "•• Eastern-manufactureq-to whiell-the-attention-otelty-and- , country dealers is called. • • Goods opened early on •the morning of subs for a m illation, with catalogues TAXES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, No. 422 WALNUT street. •• Assignees' Sale. 422 Walnut street. , . • TIN CASES 'BAMORAL WINTER SKIRTS.: L , ON WEDNESDAY MORNING-, Sept. B,W o'clock, et th e auction store, will sold, without 'reserve, over ton elms - ofLadies' end .Illiasse • Balmoral skirts, offic,, Table, Bobbin, Boxes, &a. W.?'" '31113i be examined three days betore sale. • NOTICE.—INTERNAL REVENUE,- TUff undersignedwill sella -- pultlic Halo' TRORFS.; - - ----. D.Y. September 9,1849, at 11 o'clock, A.. at N 0,114 Willow street, the following distillery . apparatus and , . appurtemmees,riz.: ' 1 Steam Engine and Donors.. - , :Mae)] Tuba, Connor r• umo, Office Euirdture, am. The said tirtieles are seized and distrained upon for nompapitent of taxes, 8 c., ttuo U. S. Internal Rol:tome. JA M 1 N. , KERNS, ati:lo t se9 Dapnty Collector.and Distraint ng °Moor. r(11101k148. BIRCH &. AUCTION EERS AND . igpmlegi4srow ItSECRANTS, • No. 1119 CHESTNUT street. Rear entrance No. 1107 Sanaoni Street, Household Furniture of every description recellred Ott Consignment. Salee of Furniture at dwellings attended to on the m 3.04 reasonable terms. . • . rrfiti 3 RINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLlSH tnent—S:Ecorner of SIXTH and RACE °treats; Money advanced on Merchandise generally—Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and Silver Plate, and on .411 articles of value, for any length 01 time agreed on. • , WATCHES AND JEWELBV AT PRIVATE SALL'. Fine Sold Hunting Case,'Dogibleßottom and Open... Face English, American and Swiss Patent Lever :%Vatches; Fine Gold Hunting Case and Open FaCeLepineWatehen ',l Fine Gold Duplex and other Watches; Fine Silver Hunt., ing Case and Open Face 'English, American' and Svrisill Patent Lever and Lepine Watches; Double Case Eng_lish.- tastier and other Watles; Ladies' Fancy- Watchesv— iemend-Hreastpins; -Finger Chaing;--- Walhalla; -BratetotsFSettff Pins; Breastpins; Finger .RingerTencilVasetrand 019 , generally. on SALE—A largo and. valuable Fireproof.ohoes . - suitable for a Jeweller; cost $650. Also, several Lots in South Camden, Fifth and. Chest.. nut streets. C 1 1 .1cULES &A;c),, No. 006 At ARKNT A tYP TICVI474) *;' - ok BOOT AND SHOD SALES . . .• TBUBADAY.I. BY BABBITT.CO, 1 : It.ITJTIONTIMK ,• , CASH , AUCTION HOWE, No. 230 MARKET street: corner of BankittOolt; Coot:Advanced on consignments without eV, sk,oharge. , . CONCERT HALL AUCPION Aoolgs, 1219 011 E STNUT strek."_•.' ' A. N0cL1AE14,44.0 , 1D; ikUctiohtlor. ' 4 , STOr4B„,i`, r4:l bble.•lfosiii. , • ' 100 buts f i fi itgLw lee 'loTi4lalitte• Now,loding from fitennier Pltuteiir, from w iltuingtout, N. and Idt!'llsl6 .9001116.Ati, raTAisNTds . . IC 004 ZiO• Vb'ePAPAtlltMili = ti .:.a I~~ .~ i ~.: MaM2M ~,..:.,,, 6..,~Y r',~ MEE , A .....,: : J~~ l ;::.Y4~~;y,;