Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, August 26, 1869, Image 4

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    4.74. - ,
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01• ,„ ef .., : ••, .e. I 1,. f, -
` 7 :•`:44 , l‘;irniito • ebuirsro or der* by a
::,:',,,,,._' ''•••• 4 • , Orton the London Star, Aug. 113.] "
4A ;
': i The ' ,- Freneli ,tribtirials:, „ la' which' ;the 'Abbe.
''''''' - Dienia ' ' the cure of the parish of Baux, in the
";aT ,, :!;'''— - &sem of Arles, in ' the south of
=On ent esz an mom..
"1....'i,;„ Fratiee, Is accused of having : been sb _
4111* ilk' the Murder • of • the • sacristan , r. hi s o _
, church, the actual mOrderer being , the wife ici l
the Victim.. The acte ^d'aecusatton, w
, ;;It ' forms so important apar t of French legal pro
7 ' eeedings, and which is, n fact, a summary of
'' -;:'• .
the ease for,the prosecution, discloses the f 0 . 17.
rowing -
i death is the subject bf in-
T °se otga3,r a watchmaker, and sex
. parish church, l died suddenly on the
S 1; 40 11 a tbt th i.F e eb r inu 7, after a' short • illness. 'The
' wife '
whose character is alleged_to have
far fro in blameless, had !or some time ,
illicit_connection with an old may napte!llinttt
curs'tirognard, but this connection site.
.had ,_,
parently abandoned fOi Seine' time(anil the
:.f the neighborhood attached
some gossiro significance. to < her , assiduous visits
to the parr" Ichurch in the spring
- --r
8 The htisband appe — ars to have
t o r f ouh l l B e 6 d . himself ' very' - little 'about her
conduct. When; the woman, whose char
acted_ was well known, entered 'the ser
ce o lee- smile .1:1f In
nantett iftkibe, latter*
ie had - been the means of
man from evil courses, and
himself did not refuse to associate with such
The!sca,ndal, however,ceuld not be suppressed,
and is said to have : ;. gathered weight from the
previiit&life 45f'the cure. The ecclesiastical au
thoritioS'at lengtlidecided on relieving him to
another , parish, and he received an order on
the 2fith January to repair thither forthwith,lle
did not, hmeverido so,but removed to a house
whieb be rented for a. short term at Blancher'',
at no , great distance. The death of Tougay
occurring en the.' 10th of
• February, excited
suspitiOn in the minds of those who 'knew,
the relations , , between the widow and the
priest. On the'.lsth March the body was • ex
bunted, and evidence of poisoning by some,,
preparation of copper, probably vitriol,was dis-'
tinctly tiaced. The woman at first'endeavored
to threW the gilt, on ''tier' former companion,
Grognard, but the •Police soon ascertained:that
she had:purchased poison for rats at a grocer's,
and - that after her lmsband's death she had ur-,
gently requested him not to mention this fact,
After her arrest she was heard frequently to
mutter to herself, “My' God 1 if I tell, I shall
ruin'him." . She then, told a • cireiunstantial
tale, to effect that she had been the 'ads
tres.s of the priest, and that he had urged. her to
a frequent observance of all ,exterior. acts of,
. - '.f.devirition,.in order to aVert suspicion. After he
'had been compelled by the remonstrances of
.;; ; )is parishioners to dismiis het, the intercourse
continued , in secret, her'`visits to the priest's_
, :chambers being ustiallY made through the bel"
after Mass or 'evening prayer: , When he .
was - transferred to, another parish, be einlea-,
cored to, persuade. her to accoinpany, him as
servant, provided that she . could . obtain• a
written permission . from . her. busbanl .As;
hoWever, this wasnot to' be obtained, lie pro
posed (aecording to her statement)' that she
should pOISOn lier husband, promising her full
absalution. She at &St shrank froth Mewing
the ginit,of murder, but he assuitd her Chat
nothing,wais easier ; ; • and On the -Very day
,here,ceiveittlie final order to • remove
from.. the z parish , she purchased at two , sep
:..';Ptate grocers shops a quantity of rat poison and
.accortling to the instructions of
the cure, she - i'dininistered a' cup of 'Coffee, .
as-Tongay.was'about to leave home., • , Almost'
as soon as he left the village he was seized with*,
, violent symptoms of, poisoning,. and on being
brought home, was confined to his bed for some . •
, .t The wife appears to have hesitated, but
- "'-the,priest encouraged her to persevere. By •
liis-advice she went to a physician to procure
• Medicine for her husband, but took care that
leSbauld not, visit the patient to ascertain
the real cause of his malady. It is, sup
posed that she subsequently administered more
poison to her victim. I3e •died on the 19th
of February. The priest seems to have
been fully aware that suspicion would fall on
:. Mini, and he endeavored heforehand to direct
-. Attention to the old maii. Grognard. It was,
indeed,mainly at his instigation that the body,
• xhumed-r--Wlien--the---unhappy7woma 4,
- first acctised the abbe of complicity in her guilt,
the latter, on being interrogated,.made several
inconsistent statements, which he endeavored.
. to retract almost - in the_same breath, and when
brought face to faee with his accuser, he re
marked to the officers: "Poor woman, if I
~ could but speak with her alone for a moment,
1 - 7 she would retract; I see that she loves me still."
Several pieces of circumstantial ealllence were
teduced to strengthen the case. The remains
of tile poison were discovered in two places
indicated by the • woman. Moreover,
the: latter asserted that '. she had ob
tained access tothe.priest's room by a certain '
door,whicbithe latter alleged had been bricked
up for,sonie years. On examination it was
. found that this door had - only been closed by a
*very slight,coveringpf plaster, easily removed.
table workmen, 'moreover, were'. 'diScovered,
'who testified to having met her 'coining from
tbeliouse to which the cure removed, at the
tintOspecified by her. She also stated that she
bartwiceeonfessed to, the priest of a neighbor
ing commune the.nature of her relations ~ with
- Pionis,and that, lie refused her absolution. The
priest confirms the fact of the confession, al
though 'Of course; the revelation.s made by the
womanguilty have not been brought to light.
.When again brought.before the Magistrate, she
attempted to-withdraw the statements she had
made. saying:. "lotigi t It to have held my tongue
for the 'sake of religion. Cannot I withdraW
pi; declarations ? 1 myself accept the respon
. sibility of - what has been donet" The condlict
'." .of tinipriest,, however,; adds ; : force to: the.
• - deuce of the. Woman against So'sbOn
• the legal -investigation . cominencedlie• left Teir
...11:usellles, taking care to be informed, by'
`'-,ineans of a woman named Patin, of the pro
, . guess of the affair, and'aS • soon as, he, learned .
that no accusation' ,riganist Win Was . ..likely to
result, lie returned, nd. bymeani of the'eatne
poison`"contrived to keep up communication
witl4ltenceu.Sed.. wOthan.
. •
'l'll4.gte d'acCusation,argues atlgreat length:,
on these facts as proving.- concluiively the
complicitr . of Pionistr thCerime:
~--The trial is'
exciting Considerable : interest; asbearbig`linjthe
position of prieitboOd inFrancet
The Ihzeohie
' The Washingthn correspondence or the
Pi esB contains .the following
A prominent VniteA.States::Senator writes
_ here- 'that the expresitionf of Public opinion
elicited by reedit despatehe's:frpurthis',city in
dicating a movement in favor " of the repeal of
the present income fax is'Strdngly in_ favor"Of
a modification of the]reVenue 4 laws looking to:
a result so desirable andfso .popular. -He far,
ther says: ,
Those who advocate 'We` dedtiction of five
ger cent. by'the Treasmy bepartment when.
• ,4*.upons are paid, Oahu this as the Meat
otble'and economical plan for the collection 'of
income tax on surplus wealth. At leastslpctOr:
• - 900,000 of United six per , cents are now. held`
in Europe t ° and on the interest, paid on tfie36:
"honids not a: cent of income tax is returned
4 „. the Government. Citizens of this country are
obliged to pay the five per cent. tax on the . in
terest received by them, while the foreign holder
is ex:nipt. thinks that as a Govern
ment we have no•faith•to keep with the foreign
holden of 'oar securities. The United States
• negotiated :het loans with her own people, and
not until after the complete le-establishment of
--. i'N::-i' ,, ..'" 2,7 , l''''''' . 47 .77 ; 7 :'
rah icuty th - th - eTtOnitha r- iliffnifier"-ydrcd
. Randolph, corner of Wolf and'
'streets, and, fanned py
of lire , cOninannicated to the Annblii
iieit, , hborhood, and by thetime the engino. had.
arrived .on the spot every house in the blocki
bounded by Thames, Wolf, Lancaster and - A= l J
streets vas'burningil • ' "'
the supremacy,,of the ,Groveriim4nt . :did.. the,
Edropeana take our bonds freely, and then the
bounds were pilrehaSPf or through AMerican
bankers, and should be "snbject';:to ` the 'same
tax-4101'in foreigi:t hands; as ihey,Wire
hands of thd original,bolders. -Ito thinks Sec
retary Boutwell_will tie justified in recommend-,
ing to'etingress the - repeal - 'of the present in
come tax as an, appropriate practital exhibit
of the fruits of- his official labors; With
CommissiMier Delano to collect'the taieS,'Eir
ficient can be realized from whisky, tobacco,
stamps, licenses and,a-itiodlfled income tax, to ,
mdet the Secretary's budget of expendithres:
If Secretary TheutWell and Cominissioner De- -
law can. and will rello6 , the . 'people inn* the
inquisitorial and ittpdpularlicome tax, it Will
beta diffieult niatter to prevent the: pauses
the people from testifyingtheir appr e ciation of
the public services of these gentlemen. In con
chision, he says he will,fight the recently 'qr..:
pressed. theory Of Senator Sherri - tan to;tlie bit
ter end
-; - ',.-: - iti.**lt.*:i;;--,,i;...';:
Great Fire ihr .
Block • Bu*Oed: '
RAvrinzolw, Auk 25--gt. X 3.34,9 N. a fi
brOke out in the .oakum -factory of Robert.
Hanna," on Thankestrect;'lloolW4o, and in!.a
fey moments the OntirO, building W`it,S t Are.
the tlanies spread with
- ,
The hiitiso arc ill small affairs, with the 'O.=
ceptioW of one or two, and. all baying shingle'
roofS,', Which had : been dried' and; 'seorchedt6,,
the condition of tinder , the hot sun of the.,
'lasi, few weeks, the flames. burned ,with , the
greatest rapidity, and the strong, wind which
.was hfowing at the time drove -the 'fiaMed from
one house to; the' ;other. The 'houses "' _ were
nearly all,occupled by German and
were Onsely tenanted, in some k!.s' ina43r
doieh famillesliving together: , , ,
Taken by, surprise as they were,they rushed.
out in the utmost'.haste, and from doors,' win
dows and roofs, household goods and chattels'
came bin - 03114 ',demi into the ' streets.' The
engines-iiiaile good tithe, but the streams bf
water which', Were directed on' he &wain
buildings seemed for 'some time •to have little
effect in subduing the flames, qb , wing to the
high wind and the dry materials which were
feeding the fire, At one o'clock. there seemed
but little prospect, that any of the buildings in
the block abeve mentioned would lie saved.
The firemen were partially devoting them
selves to deluging the surrounding houses with
water, they. being in great danger from the I
Sparks, which were whirled about by the wind
in every direction. , There was great danger.'
Mk the fire would be carried across to• the
north side of Lancaster street, there being im
mediately opposite, the lumber yard a row of
small frame houses., 'The excitement in the
loWer portion of t the city is very great, and the
streets in the vicinity of the fire are densely -
crowded. All the engines are at work, and
although the damage : will: be' great, it is,hoped
that the conflagration will be confined to the
block of houseS in Which the fire originated.
Hose Etfoirts fora itestainpitOW of Work
• in the Coal Begionei were Blotked:-.. ,
correspentlenee Between Opetwtorsand
Erinrlowiees, ••• • • •• '•
;Aug •
ng. 25.—At . m e eting of" the.
nfificiA 631 Monday, a CoMinittee .of,eiglit, was'
'appointed to wait on Mr. Spins, and
the followbrig.resolution; , .• .
I?esolvet4Mat we recommend the' accept
ance onfr. Storrs's proposition upon the con
siiieration that be continues the pricenntillhe
firSt of April next, that Ts, $l. 31 per diatimnd
ear, according to the !rates paid by the Penn
• sylvania Company.
This commission. they fulfilled yesterday.
31r. Storrs replied, in :writing,. as follows :
" Xotice.—Whereas application has been
Made by a committee of miners VeTfu — eitilig
that the proposition. made by thd conipany,
under date of the 10th instant, be made ope
rative, and remain in force for...a specific time,
we hereby consent to the following condi-
tion : at e erms • n propose s
be : changed''before _the . Ist of October neat,
and ' should circumstances arise', makipg it
necessary for the company to make any re
duction therefrom before the first of Deeember
tkxt, thirty days' notice shall be given of
such iW c ution before such' reduction shall
take effect."
The result of the subsequent. 'meeting was
thus conveyed by letters to Mr. Storrs :
At a meeting held at the Cooperative
was resolved to ,a.bide by our first demand,
and that the same shall be extended to ail em
ployes. •
Mr. Storr replied as follows: The terms
Mid conditions for' the resumption of work
contained in the demand made by 'you this
day upon this company; are most respectfully
Again immediate resumption is blocked,
and a meeting will be held this forenoon by
the Miners' Union of the district of Hyde
Pa,rk, which may Change the present aspect of
at airs. . • •
The "Girl of the Period" in japan.
The following is a literal translation of a
passage in a Japanese sermon: i• •
"It happened that once the learned Nakazawa
went to preach at Ikeda,
in the province of
Sesshiti,•and lodged with a rich family of the
lower class. The masterof the 'Muse ' who was
particularly fond of sermons; entertained the
preacher hospitably, and summoned his daugh•;'
ter, a girl some fourteen or fifteen years 'old, to.
'wait upon • hiM at :diluter. This young lady'
was not Only very pretty but also had charm
ing manners; so 'she arranged bouquets of
floweis, and made tea,' and played upon, the
harp, and laid-herself out . to please the learned
man by singing songs; • The preacher thanked
her parents for all this, andgaid . :' Really if ..
must be a very - diffictilt 1. thing to educate ' a
_young lady up to such a pitch as thiS.' The
'parents, carried away by their feelings, replied
Yes—when Rip. is married she will hardly
~bring shame upon her hUsband's .family. Be-.
;sides what she did now she can weave garlands
of flowers roinid torchea,amilvelad hertaught
to paint a little' And'as'theybegan to show a
little coneeit,the preaeher said : 'Tam sure. this is
something quite out of the common run; Of
course she knows how to rub, the shoulders, and
loins, and has learnt ;the art of ,shampooing?'
"The master of the house bristled , up at. this, •
and answered: may be very poor, but rve
not 'fallen so IOW as to let 'my daughter, learn
shampooing.' The, learned man smith*, re-.
plied : • . 4 I think 'you,are making a mistake
when you put' 'yOurael in a rage.' No matter
whether her • family.be rich or .poor„when' a
wo.man is perforining her duties' in her hus—
band's lanise she must look upon her husband's;
parents as her own. 'lf her honored father-in
law or mother-in4aw fall ill her being able t 6
plait flowers, and paint Piettues, and make te4; .
will be of no use in theSialt-room.,.TO:shautPoo .
her parents-in-law .'and,; nurse them affeetion
~.atelye, without employlug,elther shampooer or
fiervant,maid, is the right path' of a diughter-:
in-law. 1)o you'mean •' to • - say that "your
daughter has not yet learned: Shanipooing, an
art :which is essential to her' following the right
path of a wife? That is'.'what:Xineant to ask
just now; So useful a Study:is very important.'
- At this the master of the house • was ash'amed,
and blushing, mademany • apologies, - as 1 have
heardgertainly the harp and guitar are very
h 440 l"ttP nil 41
* .`. tals 7 ;theAti , .. of
.Lay • Iltply td heart and constaer
ntively itere r tfie.iight road lies."
TUE Burnt, DAY of ALEXANDER wortnun
soi.trilyiThg ,- -centennita amilVppary 'of, the
birth orAAAalriiiiitilin' bolat' ty l fil be cele
bnited in this city on the 14th of . September.
TheFrangements have been .intrusted to a
CO.t I. Insisting of ,Ifissrs. Wm. J.
H. : i* atm, Chairman ; C. 11:"Bmitnann,Julias
H4tx ',. Lorenz Herbert; , Emil , ,Herwig, Paul
at m
die; J. Elflike, It. Koradi, N. O. Belden
. sti -er and F. W. Thomas.,
'' , • ' Committee hits bge4 aided by the Aca
`ile rot NtituiarStioned;'Whieli has agreed to
invite the co-operation - of the Philosophical, the
Entomological and , thotHortieulturair. Society,
and of:the Franklin,lnstitute and the College
of 'Physicians. The erection .of a Humboldt
Monument, in Fairmount Park and the laying
of 'kite coiner-stone • on , •Monday; September
13G1; l to be' the main - feature7 - df the celebra
, tion. The requisite applitatkin to the' Park
CoMmis,sioneis for ,permission 'bah ' been
ina'de ,''. ;some. time , ago, 1 but:, has not, yeG
been- acted upon for want of :a quorum,
whch; however, will likely be present at the
meeting,, to. be held ,ori ,Saturday)teXt.
*tera.7, wmgieali.henevolent
A several-thilitifiorirgaut=
a Monday,'Selitemb at et te • l3, 1
iirmeog - Tra7f*., to - lid - 1
m .,, lapin. _ ____ _JrnerYsto'ne' fer t p* Menu- 1
erit. flis Hqnor Mayor Fox , and ; :other dig-
...:111t0eisvill officiate, an oration: iNstill ;be de-,I
, livered by. Du G; Kellner, ,, and , the :combined
r 'German musical Societies,' undeii the leadership
of i MIT 'William HartniMi; : ;will' eXecute the
I,musicarpart' o the'progranune: '" '• ',' ' '
', • After the ce remonies a festi'Val,Will ; be held
at Engeli& Wolf's Farm. Ontlie next day,
the birth-datoiliumboldt, a celebration will
' take place at the 'Musical v Fund Via I. Ora
' 'ilotia Will be delivered' in Etiglish and- Gelman ;
the lirat by Dr. H. Q. Wood (who'was selected
by the Academy of Retinal Sciences as orator),
and the second by ' l)i. Reinhardt Schmidt, of
Builington.', , About three hundred Selected
'sinkers, and a large orehestra; both under the
leadership of Mr. William Hartman, will per- .
'foljn the musical part of the •celebration.
ing of the Philadelphia„Produce Association
NM . held yesterday afternoon, at their rooms
.onlSouth Delaware avenne—A. B. Detwiler,
President; ,Henry parr, Secretary. • A report
.was preSented by the Sedietary, by which it
was shOWri that nineteen different 'firms had
been reported)since the previons 'meeting M'llo
We're suspected of ' doing busineSs without li
cefise. An examination,of the.; books of the
AsSessor proved, however, that sixteen of this
iminher had been•regularly assessed; and those
wlio bad not 'been assessed' were • referred to
the Restraining Officer of the District 'fcir pro
secution. • • ' .
, . .
. .
The report also • showed„ . that two persons
engaged in the . .provisiom,husiness; who had
,been arrested on the charge - of .. : conspiring
.and attempting to - defraud 7 S;, .31L *. Cooper, a
Member of the AssociaticiM , of•fifty4wo bar
mls of
• - pOtatires, had 'been- diacharged ,on a
writ of habeas corpus, „tit;:xas also reported
that a , man named, josep/.l,Mrti,i Arid,. been
arrested, ~the , charge of
' Obtaining:goods
Under: pretence,
.and after hearing
had been , committed to •• L 7,
The i•-reports of committees on' investigation
'were presented, recommending as now Mein-
bers, • Eerijarnin llaney, :oyster'
and chandler;, John : Myers, : Oyster
Elias Woinelsdorf fish dealer • Smith
Ilolloway, produce dealers; J. M. Vanleer
Oo. ; and J. Edwin Devolyfruit dealers. •
, The following person's were prOpoSed, as new
theinbers;and their names referred to the' tiV&;'
tigating committee: (leo, W. Oraelf,'Jy.; Provi 7
storr dealer ; 'jog. raul,Prodne&Cornmisitin mer
; ThompsOn Ilittl; prodneacOmnaission
merchant?; Wm, H. Punbar,; fruit and produce,
An amendment to the Rules of Order was utt
deli consideration.
IVlThalthiEnidinentgiigielating to:thb intro
duction of new members will come in after Rule
Aft& eOnsidera.' We'd's' Mthe amendment
was adopted.
THE WATER SUPPLY.—lmmense crosids
visited Fainnount .: yesterday ; to, witness
. the„
operation oldie steamfire engines in pumping .
water froni the forebay directly into the reser
All night the Harmony and Good Will En
gine Companies' steamers were at work, and
were relieved Sesterday by the Northern Liberty
Bose and - Hope Engines.
The Fame Hose Company, with their engine,
arrived upon the ground at a quarter before
five o'clock yesterdaylmorning, and were con-.,
staritly in operation until six o'clock lathe
evening,when dicY iVere'relieved by the Wec, -
carne Engine. The hose used besides . that
owned by the Engine Company, belonged, to '
the Washington, Humane, Tivoli and Niagara
Hose Companies.
Each engine pumps about 300. gallons per
minute, but could do better, if - the hose Would
stand a greater strain. uring the night, by
keeping the engines constantly at work, !a:
perceptible increase is made in the amount
of: water in the reservoirs, but durim the
day, even with this start in their favor, they
are barely able to : meet the consumption, and
at night stand where they began. Another
such fire as visited the city on Tuesday after
noon, might possibly exhaust the supply.
The necessity for the strictest economy in
the use of water is not ova" yet, and will not
be until we have had rain sufficient to swell
the Schuylkill to its Ordinary height and the
"reservoirs are filled. The river haS ceased-flowing over the dam and is daily decreasing. in
volume.. In view of these facts, too much care
Cannot be exercised in the use of the water, as
the indiscretion of a few comparatively, may
cause great inconvenience and perhaps suffer
lug to thousands.
—A collision ()Coined on the Philadelphia,
Gerroantown and Norristown Railroad, yester
day, which, fortunately, was not attended with
any very:serious consequences l althMigh many of
the passengers were much frightened, ,they'
had good occasion to be, under the, circuni-
On the line of Ninth street, from Montgom;
ery avenue to Berks street, is a sideling, gen
erally used for freight trains, which is only ,ae
cessible from the western track, used for down
tmins. There is an ordinary crossing , from the
up-track to theAtter, to enable trains running,
north to reach the sidellng, and an imperative
rule of the Company is, that all 'freight trains
must take their place on the sideling tin Min
utes before the time any passenger train is due
by the regular schedule. The neglect of ,this
rule yesterday on the part of the person in charge'
Of the locomotive "Conshohocken," running
north with no '
ears attached, is understood to
have been thecanise of the collision, which oc
'ctirred at twenty two minutes past twelve
o'clock. ,
It, appears that while this locomotive was en
deavoring to make the sideling,it was struck,on
the crossingthereto On the down track, by the,
passenger train, consisting, of the locomotive
~Q uaker ,City, 7 ':With three cars attached, in.
which *ere quite a number of passengers,
Excitement among the latter was intense;for ,
few momeutkehut, on making an examination,,
and finding, luckily, that no one had been in-.
jured,' it - Soon cooled down. Both locomotives
rOWe'ir4.' l " o "
.„. ._ • , , , ,
ereCe derabltdamaged. t . the ,eow-catchers,,,
,nte;liMl:iniOne trainee being 'broken ito ,
Plebes.. • SOektitelll ll . 9 , t . ,7 6 l i,Plks: : roiaare;
bit l'aresbeenri . entes....' • . • . '
—Three „eiintle,nOus tineffieuts tate bOeXi
cdred in 'Fifteenth , BOW, one' door ;below ;'
Columbia, aveniie,• foithe-user or the
Sisters of, the Poor,'", a charitable Order cons ,
fleeted withtha Catholic. Chinch. This Order
was comineneed ill a sinall fisbintf port, in
France, in 1840,' by a poOr priest - and an o
tire b-'
ac giti, - and since that time- they
tablisbed over'!One hundred and twenty homes,
where they shelter,leed and clothe 20,000 old,
peciple: The 'Slaters ,having ' cluirge of the
Mine in this cityswill receive as ••many infirm
old men and old. women ':as !mates as they, ;
can make room , for, without distinction, of
creed pl ' , 'nationality, The institution Will be
opened next Week.- • ,• . • • '
exciting trattiiii contest came oft'
Point Breeze Parkl, yesterday afternoon,' 'be
tween the horses Xemble Jackson,Lady lloW
ard and Lizzie Baker.* 'The prize was a,'lmise
of $3OO, to be won by the best three heats , in ,
five, tb lufreesS. ' The' attendance Was ;
and good order ineVailed. The horses were
in good r.onditioni asiwas 'the track; and - ,n,itart,
for the first beat was soon;obtained. , After a
close contest Lizzie Baker crossed the score the
winner of the heat, closely followed by Ken able
Jackson, who,led Lady Howard., Time, 081,
, three — reafs were won' 'll4 ,
Kembla Jackson after • a hard 'struggle in, each
--A. nideting of the .11.toniametit, Association
washeld last rught,, at , the office of Chief Engi
neer tio,wney. Mr. ',Joseph R, tyndall pre
' sided, and, on motion, the report of the com-
Mittee recommending , Oakdale dark .as the
site for, the erectiOn'of tlle pri)Posed monument
was adopted..
—Dr. J. H. Schenck is to be presented, with,
a handsomely. devised ,fratne containing a set
of resolutions. -The gift Was' ordered at a late
meeting of the “Artillery, Corps Washin,lon
(hays," as a testimallial for the magnificent re-.'
ception and entertainment given to tlie•Glays
by the Doctor on the occasion, of their late
visit to his pretty , country seat, at Schenck's
Station, on the line of the PltiladelPhia and
Trenton Railroad.
THE Coturrs.=—The following cases have
been disposed of at the present session of the.
Special Court for, Camden county, most of
which are - for assault and battery : Sarah
Dayton, assault and battery; Charles Keller,
malicious mischief; William Peterson, two in
dictnients, assault and battery ; Jameth and
Bridget Smith, assault. and battery; Joseph
Williams,' assault and . battery ; - 'l,lary Moore, -
sundry larcenies'; Samuel Carter, burning the
barn and outhouse ;of M. Robbins, on the
Burlington pike ' • John Morgan, 'assault and
battery with a knife : ; Sarah Curtis, assault and
battery. The sesSiori',Wiß probably terminate
to-morrow, when sentences will be pronotinced.
lIANDsomE ItEsurE.N,ms.—The Ituproye
ments Which are going forward in all 'parts of
Camden inditate how rapidly the central and
Most availableponds are being,lntiltirp by first
class•i•esidenees: - .,0n the corner of Penn and
Third streets Messrs it increl and Wilson - have
n ea rly
I inisbed houses,'and theY'desW to Wild two
more tuijoiiiing in rt,short. time., .• A row of five
oilleo, on Market ,street , OlipOsite 'the Court
llouse, is also going up. These are being fin
ished in tasteful style. ; • •
C ONVA LESCENT.=3Ir. Plum, who was so
sex'erel;Oitjtired,on, , fit ,consequence;
comic mfOolliSibrawithlhe.earS, ..and who,
it was thought, would not recover, it is said is
getting much better.
: bASTABDLY Acz§.—A nay or two ago alog
was found _lying !on , tbo:track. 'near fiaddon
field, where' it liad bein4l , teed by some 'lO4-
&cant for felonious purposes. It was dis
covered, however, in time to prevent any
~ . .
serious consequences. '
PRINCE Aranun.—Will the Jenkins ap
ppipted to "do" Prince Arthur upon the arri
val of that lively youno. b gentleman in Canada
be kiLd ask his 1140 liigliriCsS• if he
rerneMbeigtheltillowitig ineidentV /elm - at
the 11,Qtel , Relvellexe., hiterlaeketl,Suitzerland
the month, Atigitst; •the year, 1 :804..., ;The
• rinceon e arges4 - 11S ‘ u or, an a get( eman,
in Waiting—Major' Gray, we belieVehad apart
ments on the 'first floor, the windows of which
'opened upon theteof of-the portleo : at, the main
entrance' to the hotel; • On the' afternoon in
question there had been a heavy hail-storm,
piling the icy missiles in great heaps wherever
they could find 'a lodgment, and driving the
guests, who were strolling about the gardens,
to seek Shelter within portico.'
The Prince, who had impatiently witnessed'
the storm from his apartments, could not re
sist the sight of the shining pebbles which
rested so invitingly just outside the window,
and so, raising the sash,he slipped out, gathered
a handful, and leaning . over :, the balcony .dis
' charged them upon the head of a 'lady, who
was standing immediately beneath him on the
piazza. This sport : continued until some gen
tleman shouted out from below to "stop that
-d— nonsense !" An instant after, and as
the Prince was exploring his magazine for. fresh"
ammunition, the stentorian-voice of the :Major ,
was heard lustly calling, "Come inthis minute,
sir !" The royal scion cast an imploring glance
the direction from whence the voice pro r
ceeded, clutched tvlast handful of the frozen
projectiles, andwitli his right arm raised for a
final volley laughingly exclaimed: "Just one
more shot, Major-1 want to smash her water
fall Advertiaer.
1 1
PHILATSELPHIA, AlIgUSt 26th, 1869.
SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed " io
poshls for Supplies," will be received at this'
office until 12 o'clock M. on the Ist' of Septem
ber next, for furnishing the United States
Navy Department with the following articles,
to be of the best quality, and subject to in
spection by the inspecting officer in the Phila
delphia Navy Yard, where they are to be de
livered, when required, free 01 expense to the
Government, for which security must, be
... 5,000 feet, 2 inch 2d Common White Pine.
5,000 feet 1 inch Ist Common White Pine.
5,000 feet 2 inch Panel White Pixie.
3000 feet Black Walnut, 1 inch thick, 12 to
16 feet long, 18 to 24 inches wide. .
10,000 board feet, 241' Common White Pine
Plank,k 2,inches thick, 12 to 16 feet long ' 12 to
20 inches wide, parallel.
10,000 board feet .2d , OoMmon White Pine
Bearda,l: inch thick. 12 to' 16 'feet long, 12 to
20 inches wide, parallel... ' " • , ~,- ~
• 5,000' board feet " White Pine Panel Plank,
2 inches ..thick, 12 to .i.p...feat, long, 12 to as
incliesNride, parallel. - • , •
B,969,pmi,nds Square Iron, 2„i• in. ,
1,000 pounds Square Hammered Iron, 21 in.
1,000 pounds Square Hammered iron, 2 in.
:3,600 cubic feet Yellow Pine Logs best
quality fine grained Southern YellijivPine.
For fur ther,particulars and time of delivery',
tra y , itn . the NAVAL CONSTRUCTOR;
" B . ANH.'FORMS for proposals ' can be had
at thiS 'Ace. ' •
au2r) gt
A. ti6B )MAB. Tiogii ' '' ', :-.. 'A •,.' ~ - ,:' ; -,
100 bblii. ll ,l l.k l itOl• ' ' ' i llO bbld:
: NowIFIP; 45 148 . Tunminino. , ~ ,
front Wilmington,
N. (I:dia rig :111: I VMOlirtirierir,'nucititu. a co
No. 111 ()heeling ntreot:
r. S. •Na
3 X -- E - S .-. O B H u 8i
a Er r
ne WO Ag Ar tand _ressurer4o4,l34ll.iir o r l iy .
THE Lyili• 7_40) 11 300$
B rs
o 11, n 1 X B Irt N 4O $• ,„T jt • 0 Cr P R
fli•r t '_,, • '
• • BIONDAY. AritSoth. I.NO.
n. B. Fturnle'el,ocalited othienni. -,, , , ' •
"SINBAD KM tid.iu.,Ort,"
with Now Scenery by Charles linwthorne.
MIBB.LYDIA THompaoN an “srNsAo"
and "Ins GM OF THE , FIBIIQ,D." .
The Nolo of Beats commencer at 90 DOI pMce, Sitar
(MY Morning, at 9 o'clock. , .
John Bohm., Box Bookiceepen. ~ Au2B.3t,
• -
N. X. corner Ninth end Walnut sl,reatd.
'(,' i TWA (TiaIUitBDAIN EVENING,August 74,
• one chartnini Actress and ;Vocalist, , .;
••••• I• • • (formerly fillessßeslas Unisw,)'
and thq eminent Comedian, .
!dB. 11A.11Rlf WA KING.
Thole distinguished artiste vill appear lAtIlilr ; Fraud
rosnitatio,lrlah Drama of
• • T ti li z?l i jElt TWO •riieEf-
• • •
- •
VEN.r..-4114,VilliTli 7 STREET 'OrEici,
:LI gimp , Bleyouth Duvet, above etteetuuti : .
who great:Star Trotir or the world
• . • , lie•upitArng BOALESQUES,
EVERY 11".
TDITS ON, T • : ' 'au= . OAl[NORußS ,> ltau
..ACP:TJAY‘,I.ArnitIII4CE . ,
- 'OHEBRIUT ifittSilre!foilo;
open from OAL Selto 8 ,•• • - : "
Benjamin West'n orrat Picture of •: • •!• • I
ounisT liVirloWED "
-iitiuten-ermbit.fo4. -
OR BO $T 0
DlllEOZ•s;trunarno m eon ronT in
Wednesday and. &dar' day.. • -
FROM PuiLatimagtta • Fgos4BOrrOk. •
10 A: " 1
SA XON Wedneeday,Ang. 4 A WlES,lVedlicad a at Aug; .4:
NORMAN, •• 7 BOMAN, gattirda " • T
AltlEB,Wedueeday, " 11 SAXON, Wodoo ay, " 11
ROMAN Saturday , " 14 NORMAN Natarddyy• "ll'
BAXON,Wednoeday, " 18 AltlEH,Wodueaday, '" 18
NOREIAN, Saturday ," 21 114181AN,SatardaY, " 21
AltINB, Welineeday " 25 SAXON, Wodoorday, " 25
ROMAN , Saturday, " 28 NORMAN Saturday," 28
Theo° Steamships Ball punctually . Freight received
every day.
Freight forwarded to all point. In New England.
For Freight or Faaaago (amen_ gni accommodatiopq
apply to • HENRY WiNl5Oll ~ co
• • 338 dooth•Dplawarts syeaoo4
_ _
MARKET Street. •
THROVOII RATES to all points in North and South
Carolina via Seaboard Air-Line Railroad, connecting at
Tortemontli, and to Lynchburg, Va.. Tennessee and the
West via Virginia and Tennessee Air-Line art 4 Rich
mond and Dan Ville Railroad.
Freight HA NDLEDRU T ONCE,and taken at LOWER
The, regularity, safety and cheapness of this route
commend it to the publit 48 the most desirable medium
for carrying every description of freight.
No charge for commiaston . drayage, or any aspens° for
transfer. •
Steamships insure at lovrest rates. '
' 'Freight received DAILY. • •
No. 12 South Wharves and Pier No. I North Wharves.
W. P. PORTER, Agent atßithmond and City PcAnt.
T. I'. °ROWELL & CO., Agents at Norfolk.
The JUNIATA , will sail for NEW ORLEANS on
Tuesday. Sept. 7, at 8 A. M.
• The YAZOO will call from NEW ORLEANS. via
HAVANA, Sept. —.
The TONAWANDA will sail for SAVANNAH on
daturday % Aug. 28, at o'clock A. M.
The VI YOMINO will sail from SAVANNAH on
Saturday. Aug. 2e.
The PIONEER will pall for WILMINGTON, N. C.,on
Friday, Aug 27. at 8 A. M. •• •
Through bills of txding signed, and passage tickets
sold to all solute South Out West.
Forlreight orsitage, apply to •
• . WILLIAM. L. JAMES, General Agent,
South Third street.
I, E RP:O L. •
• ..The:Wine Bfrat,•rhoss Ship
"if JUNG 'N I A, "
. • 93i TOM. ftegtstr Captain Coximbell.
Thlciramel Auccoaln the "Matilda IfWant," and
boring s..portion of . Ler cargo engaged, silk bare
• agf — lfor:balince of Frelgid or Passage, apply to
irn-tf • . No. Walnut atom*, Philadelphia.
The Briefing-chum Brit fah bark ' ihlexican," Welch,
master, succeeds the"Darld utt,"• and having the
bulk of her cargo engaged, will have despatch' sus above.
Fur balance of freight apply to • '
I'kiTlCll Wltll,HT S eIONS, 1115 Walnut street.
ret.cbiss bark DAVID McNUTT,7O2 tons register,
Laptain *Lockhart.--Thls Teasel succeeds the Itessio
Ilurtiff, and being of small capacity, and having the bulk
of her 'cargo engaged, will have despatch. )'or balance
of freight or passage, apply to • PETER WRIGHT 1
HA Walnut stroet.• Philadelphia. mill if.
dila, Georgetown and Waahington, D. C., Ida Ches.
apeake and Delaware Canal, with connections at Alex
andria from the most direct route for Lynchburg,. Eris,
tol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the. Southwest.
Steamers leave regularly from the first wharf abuse
Market street, every SatttrdaY at !MOM
Freight received daily haFses-antl-f. P. OLSDE & CO.,
HYDE & TYLER, Agents at Georgetown.
ELDRIDGE & CO., Agents at Alexandria, Ns.
The CHEAPEST and QUICKEST water communica
tion between Philadelphia and New York.
Steamers leave daily from first wharf below Market
street, Philadelphia, and foot of Wall street, New York.
Goods forwarded by all the lines running ont of New
York—North, East and West--free of Commission.
Freight received and forwarded on accommodating
terms. W.M. P. CLYDE & CO., Agents,
N 0.12 South Delaware avenue, Phibulelphia.
JAS. HAND, Agent, Ito. 119 Wall street, New York.
The businehs of these lines will he resumed ou and after
tho 19th of March. For freight, which will be talt_en'ou
accommodating tonne, apply to WM. BAIRD Di".,
- ' No. 132 South Wharves.
Steam Tow-Boat Company.—Barges towed between
Philadelphia, Baltimore, &arra de Grace, Delaware
City and intermediate points. •
__ •
WM. P. CLYDE do CO.,Agenta; .Capt. JOHN LAUGH ,
LIN, Bup't 0111ce, 12 South Wharves, Philadelphia.
-1.111 aware and Raritan Canal--Bwiftsure Transports ,
tion Company—Despatch, and Bwiftsure Lines. The.
business by these Lines will be resumed on •and after
the Bth of Mar h . For Freight; which. will bo taken.
on accommodating terms, apply to WM. M. BAIBD
1..0 South Wharves..
1! American Bark BRILLIANT, 422 Tons.Regisier,
625 Tons dead weight., 5,500 Flour 'Barrels capacity; was
partially rebuilt andthoroughly overhauled in 18M. ifor
further particulars apply, to WORKNIAN 00.,12:1
Walnut street.
~TT(~`~G r E~.
City and County of Philadelphia.--=Setate of JOSE
PHINE KING, late a Minor.—The Auditor .'appointed
by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the Meal account-,
RING, late a Minor, and to report distribution .of the
balance in the halide of the accountant, will meet.the
interested for the purpose of his appointment, on
DIONDAY, 80tember IWO, at 4 o'clock P.M., at
his office, ld. E, comer .of Sixth and, Locust streets,
in the city of Philadelphia. • • , • •
au26-th,s,tulitg : : •• • • - -.Auditor.
I. City mar •,County of Philtulelithia.--Estate ofJOHN
LOGAN; dmesed.r-The Auditor appointed by the Court..
to •audit, eettlo and adjust the. account ,ot JAMES ,
WALLACE and THOMAS HENRY,Executbre 'and
Trustees of the Eetate of JOHN LOGAN, deceased, and.: .
to retfort distribution of the balance in the beetle of the
accountant, will meet the parties Intereeted,,;for 0141
purpose of his appointniont, on. MONDAYitionterrther
I.3th, 1669, at 11 O'clock A. 111., at hie oftice v No.l2B Sou th
Sixt street , the City pf Philadelphia 6 •
JOHN 0; Bmiiir,..PFE4,.
null-th,th ,6§. „ - . Auditor
City and Counti l of Philidelphia. , —Estato"Of REY.j
JOHN N. HANN 'GAN, , deceased.:—The Arlditor
Pointed by the °Our auditsettle and adjuet the ac
count of B. SHARKEY, Administrator of the Estate'of •
REV. JOHN N. lIA NNEGAN , deceased, and to report
distribution ePthe , balance lathe •-inutde of 4theaecount-
Ant, will meet; the• parties inhosted, forth° purpose of
his apointment, on WEDNESDAY, Sept Ist PG% at
o'clock A.lll_ at hie_othee,No.'l44 Sontlt,t l lxth , Arcot,,
the city of 'Phild t elMia., ' , ;WM.' B. ANN, . •
th ato et "t '. '' • ' - ' . Auditor
D 11.1 L 0 .13 0 P 11 Y , - OF
J. new course'of 'Lectures . , as delivered 'at . t ' , the Now
York Alumna of 'Anatomy, embracing the subjectiir ‘
',Bow to, Live and'what to• Live for; Youth, "Maturity and
01(1 Ago ; Tdanhoodx,enerally reViewedi tlid(lauee of Xn
digestion, rlatUlence find liervoUs Diseases accoMiteilt;'
for; , ;Marriage,.'Philosophically Considered' (ko.,
Pocket volumes containing 'these Lecturff will be
warded paid, en rebeipt of VS!' hY
•' W. A. Leary, Southeast corner Firth and Walitur
atreets. Phi addynia. „ • ' tea 15,9
VuTHITE CASTILE 130AP;,-100 ;13()XES
V V gent, km Whlte (AMU° Soap r Oonti 'brand,lmborted
from. Leghorn and for 13ale by JOll3. 11; BUSSIE & 00.,
.108 South 'Delaware avenue. , , •
P' A. OHEESE.—. .A. 141 TN VOXOE '
.' TON'S celebrated Pine ktnele , Ohbeee daily
roted, and for Bale by JOB. B, EIISSINN & (pp FA? 0 :
. •88L8. , 151 • EN
JL.4 Ler& 'Olt, to arrive and for at<lq by 000/ 1 44 1 1
11USSELL & 00 ~111 Oh oat ant etre t.
rurr ,- -- 7. 77...,:n.....,........e ..
... . • .•
_ .
• • I.lu.iir;
4 occi
1 0
tn o .
trf Mow
-'l 3
. • •
Never before have any Mineral Waters attalmadjn so
short a time a reputation so general as the Middletown
hlinend Spring N . Vatiltre, Solaly, toe: by the atunber,of,
almost Marvellous cures they have effected. •
trilleiiitotcrAtsr A
'A. It. Grant, No. leditiver at.. Troy. 4 llq.l (Kidney
.Dleeasegetqfpyy:ll; . 1 / 4 : ?),
•,1., ICU/renovated hie thiSiondbly; kilted my palm. d
fee me back a healthy appetite, digestion, and areal'•
; Y. Burlock, .44tr.fp Citntouplgicesltclrettuulerat
Debfiltr). rue ' ' • ' •
•',l lira lure thakl i oire e tiriforeiont bealtkipielliO
..4'doh_ y
plitotoloolirtoWtho .i s . .ti
edgtiiir Vkilk‘ciklahrla ') •- s
THIEV 4'fero
t • CligSß 1:11WOOIST8:
Middletown Afiper4l Sping ''
. comsgty
ntriamsTovilivr: • •
916 Fllberi et,,,
• .•
ithol4aln Agent foe: Philsdettihtautid i
sinl9o • tu 106
631 Chestnut and 624 Jayne Streets,
WAX. 131-:
Steam and Oaa fitting • d Power *ad Steam Pumps,
Plumbers' Marble an Work.
Terre Cotta Pipe, 0 Tops QS.. wholesale and ,
of finished fluay be seen at ray storm-
F -
Sofa. and Chairs ItesUlrai; 'also; ',asthma:lnstantly
on band. Facia . Lmlranl onset Imo" -
- WOW' S
' I - 3, 111 t ) 1 : 11 a
marble' fire ',tory, At:lth ev ery ,old 6
,eet.. aide aht, •1f0.(317 South Fifteenth. street; below
• prow. , ; art 91511MET,,,t, 80318, 733 Waltlltti •
EIGHTS:: STREET. -;1., FOR 'BA/rE.;-" . !
• Tha valuable Pvupertyain. arr North a lgath'abrett; r
. 1401115. MS !Walnut. •
4. FO. ' • BAlr E.—MODERN' 'TIMES-
Story Erick Dwelling, 819 B.4lthat st; • Everya2jv
venence. 'weirs , on the premises. •• ' Itl
)9.FiiiiSAEF.:-Aif ti;lslAiit - dotrii-
TILT tient end Farm, containing 0 acres, superior
an , beautifully located on tbe Neshamtny creek.; con
yen ent to tichenck's blatlon, on the Philadelphia and
Trenton Railroad. Elegant double residence, with even'
convenience, stable and carriagt-house, tenant-holm.,
ereen-house. hot-hotwe, leedtouse, ite., ac.; grounds
handsomely improved with drains and walks, tine old
shade and evergreen trees, choice shrubbery, 3c. Views
may be seen at the office old . M. GUMMEY i SONS, 733
Walnut street.
/no Aft; Vernon. rot North Nint h street.
ltiollaatkr street, NhieMenth IN*4 Thompson
Into Monts° Mallet, LlTZSiglon Multi
3421. N. ". enteenth street, 2124 Vine street,. .
1723 Vine street , - 3419 Walutit -street. •
• W a Properties for sale.
Forparticulars get the Register, price 6e., at J
TItEN ViITII 'B, 611 Chestnut. or
B. W. corner Broad and Otioatnnt,
559 North Broad street.
auk. Lot le 23:4 feet front. 205 feet deep to a street.: Huh
large Parlors, Dining Room, Kitchen, Ironing and
Washing rooms on first floor. Large three-story back
buildings with' .the modem ImproveptAtits.; rosuession
on receiving deed. Apply between. Wand 12 o'clock. to
E. A. 1.1.111011A11..)lo. 511% Walnut etreet. ritual-7V
grit , GE831.44.1iT0WN.--f'OR SALE-TWO
inttpointed gong Clottageo with every city conve•
nience, Just tinloTitng, within ilve nilicie walk from
Church Lune Station. J.. M. fiUlflilEY 8 50N5.133
Walnut !stmt. • .. • . •
-INS.mtn brick Residence, with three-story double
back buildings, every convenience and improvement And
in excellent order: 2124 Pine street.
3.M. GUSIMEY it 'SO NS. 733 Walnut street'
Dwelling.2ll3 Spruce street..
A andsotne Dwelling,3ll23Arclistreet.
' A: handsome Dwelling; 1721 Vine street.
A handsome Residence, West Philadelphia.
A modern Dwelling, 1020 Sergeant street.
A Business Location, 28 Strawberry street.
A handsome Dwelli n_g, 400 South Ninth street.„ Apply .
to COPPUOR JORDAN,' 4.33 'Walnut street. - -
Office,Jackson street, opposite Mansion street, Gal*
Island,Real Estate bought. and. sold. Persims
desirous or renting , cottages during trie s Season will 'poly
Or address as abo`re: . • •• •
• Nespectfully refer to (That. A. Rubicam,ileinn , Bumm
,'Francis Idoxlvaln, , Anguenno Ahnino, John Pavia I d
,vv. W. JuVenol. • , • feh-t ,
- L - 10. 31=4T-, ' Bial a ;
..11 STORY:11001a AN,u RASE T ENT of 7
fug 120211IARSET Street: y_
1210 garket street.,
4 ", TO. BENT
bandiome Furnished-' Dwelling,. NO: 400 klouth
mill street ;qaQ,'bath, 'and nil modern improvements
o -Mention. Also, to rent, Nb. 1721 Vine fitreot,
ri h all modern convenience. Apply to UOPPUpli.'.t.
( 0 IR
3DAN,438 Walnut street. • • A A
'1111R•Bilek-Besidence Avith'every' convenience,' No, 024
C 'iron street. , ,' IaI: . GUAINEY BONS , n 3 Walnut'
',llftit..-Itosidencfi,:. No Ylen 't North' Thirteenth street: , '
every ntoftenconveoteope And in. good' enter,
Beautictil , back Ditildtrige '
ThirDpeeVenth; rotr,eet; belevrlDaringjetreet, Mantua`
nex d and, OfilrY convenience;, aid : flcel,tropt,e leer, yards
71510 r annum
outb 'convenient dvieltingos6lso.. ,
• --RODENT 'GRA:EDEN &JOON; 537 Pine sired •
TO RENT=Lw'llll±lOLABGE;l3O,lllM
silent and wall-lighted krtildta fronOtstoreiNO3lo
outli DELAWARE...Menne; with intmedlato.tylogaes- - •
Wool Dm proaaat r inntant. °Diked 40.-.l•ott-ta- froze,
bueinesb' owing to , .health. •Apply te'B. BUS
DIEN& bo. Aloe SoutliDele • • are avenue: .•
•„. , . -
1, • '..13 • • ADY (A
• ,
2 a . -8t ft etiehbauee, •
Addrekal. L. BuLiilitibffiko.i •
,i BOARDXDISiv„,,,I:,
rip 'RAN SIENT ' N . D ., :tititillAisitNik
,Bt ardi,ls2loheetunt otteot." '
for liminner board t, a litichin two uttnutcal':watkl
P. & B, Central R. 'll.; ° bus alry.looation;roOnta
largo; bittlrowna; jar e am alg
ataunt liver no "aeMent rOomi ntanottry — m
"4 o a ti j a . t4 7tPnlY to B.C. slipitTLrlyGie -
r count Pa. . • •titiztat*""
kennott s
10 • . ' Moitgago Oity Propert. /6r2Gtnit
'lTY & BONS 733 Walnut street: ' -
DkusAcAl t .
I 1,3 13Laging. Private lesson(' and,..oineses. Residence
808 B. Thirteenth street. au2s-til
i~ p y'
•Al .. • ~...., . t •
; '...:',.,..- •••
l a • .......:-.„...
, • •
, ....
~~_ J f ..
Conneetleviit "kinsfirothissitiiililfgeer, (Wirral
The New Haven Palladhun has the follow 4:
The residentir of:West . Haven are delectatingl;
themselves over an Accleslastical muddle grow
dippufd-letweipi at's, Congregi4
' tionalintigpiscepid Churches' to the pro
prietteißldppl certain piece of land known
(ugtoyoutoorg - pvlo titlettri the dan'trltilike t
that of many other tracts in ' this vicinity,
havino been definitely settled by law,
-oaehments of the one ,upon
teen - the-V/43ebf innumera
thd',,the snit ;hf
the is a slow
and both sides Au we Cori
reAdY. 7 l3. O Pounce oPon the:, ,
eartBM-• The.' was
by 'Wm. 't• Burnett. 16,0
,eattnig the limit'
some years ago by his
methren, directly In front of - ,
itrch.., The-Congregationalists!
e(l' and ' threw the unofferul-i,
un the turf into the stremt;--Mv- -Bar
..4tt„l aided, by an employe, as' promhtly at
tempted to replace it, but was compelled to
yield to superior' force. , Vbe disputed' field! '
was left'to'rep* quictlytintil Saturday morn
ing, when Mr .Burnett essayed tti plow Up tbe
----eld , roadwayzeripm the Oven, hitt'Averwhich r ,
this Greenlad grown since the.aforesald
----gregatlonal-feneing-ln-of-the Green—TheOtheri
party WitheM4 rettud,atul, as rapidly as„ the
plow upturned the`soil and tinned tinder' Os,
bitherto green covering, so rapidly did Cringe
'gational =Odd throW, blicklhd` fortravie, - ntid
exposethe grass to their devoted nYelf,r*king
it down into Its place with
, oraus stamp „
of the feet. Mr. BarnettniMdsuthirrivan
meet that fears were entertained leSthe mould -
accomplish big purpose , "and' Sektoti'SidrieST
Smith threw a rail before the • plow. Mr. Bar-
nett proved himself equal to the situation, for
he drew a seven - shooter, which struek such
dismay to the heartn„.othis opponents, lbae:
their legs were, ,immediately brought into ,
requisition. The sexton 'made good his re
treat to , the church , and soon the old -bell
voted to it worshini,or and, the denizens
assembled in large, numbers. An unexpected
hand` now interfered. 'The gathering clouds
' had centered overhead, and, as if, heaven was
weeping over this conflict between two branches
of the church militant, the- rain descended in '
torrents. The new coraersilled to shelter, and.
Mr. Barnett plowed on until lie had-marked'
out the old pathway, and every blade of grass ,
bad been turned under.
Sunday.came With its call to worship, and
the two congregations met to pray that. their
trespasses should be forgiveni etc:, each kept an
eye single to the ' c4d, but now new, roadway
across the Green, and each were ready totlilkwe
their prayer-books and go forth to resist any
encroachments of the other. During the day
discussion was . rife, but when the moon shed
her pale beams upon Westlfavetween, all was
as quiet as a sheepfold with a faithful dog at
the entrance, and Monday morning came with
no blood spilt, but all hands as brimful df Wrath
as ever
Monday rnoming Mr, Barnett resumed lios
tilitleity re-pulling down the, fence which
some of the exingregatlotuditits" had mended,
and strewing another load ,of hay:,,upon the
Green. Remonstrance afterrenionstrance was
made on 'both sides, throughout ' the day, 'but'
last night forbearance had seemed to have
ceased - to be a virthe, and an employe of Mr.
Barnett, who had been ordered by him to cut
down a post, was assaulted by onnof„ the Con
gregational leader?, and tthe blood drawn from
his cranium. A fire-bradd ha also been put
to the hay, and as he flames crackled and as
cended toward the'beaven which these gentle
men are ail striving to renelkft- crowd gat:hered
around, and when our 'informant left the spot
high words were passing,and a ,free tight was
expected every minute.
SINGELAR:Aummin,xs ".?Enurar
ha Church.
A remarkable letter on the state.of, religion
in GerntanY appears:in the'London, °Vines,
from its Berlin cerrespondent. 'Last • Sunday,
in the Cathedral at Berlin, Ivhile the officiating
clergyman was reciting the Creed, a young
ri r rising-front.aUtmit-licat, callPd rho
man a liar, and , discharged a: pistol at the
reverend 'geritiernin's beast The The clergyman •
was not hurt, htit a chorister boy was slightly
oent the assassin was
the handis"Of the Sexton, autripiletly Suffered
himself to be -led 4,lFaSr ; to the vestry, He is
not, apparently, as would be supposed, a
lunatic, but see* to," haYe:acted , under ' a
fanatical,idea, that' the arc deceivers,
and that,, it_ was . his duty to.
do , some i• strikhig deed..2.to draw!, public
attention w to - the '-fact sis statement at
the police office is set out in full. He said :
" biy name is Bilaid. lam nineteen years of
age, a I?rotestant, and the son of a. blacksmith
in the :Village of Lank,county of.l.,oWer Barnim,
a few ,miles from Berlin. My parents sent me
to a grammar, school, wishin . c me to become a
candidate for the ministry in. the Established
Cherch. But •my eyes were soon opened to
the falsehood of 4,he creed .twas expected Wale
day to telieh, and -my dislike was mereitsed to
disgust when 1 perceive(' that many of those
professing to: believe it were liars at : heart. I
refused to Pursue' a:'citeeewhich hid become
so hateful to me, and resisted ail attempts of
my parents to, , force.,rat, to persevere. Even- •
tually I saw myself leftliirthem to ,my own
devices, and began to study,i4-4 t he dramatic
art, I mean: I wished to bedOrne au actor
and, to preach tq the public in any own, way; 1,
but'the rellelollB meriddeitY rampant "around ;
me gave me no rest. Some I saw uttering de- - ,
, liberate untruths, while others, knowing them
'tolie,fdiaelilljetened ;with contemptuous
a Gradually.l'Mught myself that souse
striking deed was indispensable to • rouse the
public mind from ts apathy alad chase away
the raistal , Oft titaitore deter
mined to seize the first favorable opportunity
for shooting a clergyman while in the act, of f
utterinkhisithnisedtOdiffii3o. A halve done.
it. I have Myself cast thb ball and done my'
best to render the shot fatal. I am sound in
body and mind, and scorn the stiggestion thatl
I have acted aridet 4 tiOtstttitang:lttlluguM df ,
temporary insanity. I perfectly knew what I was
aboutparid am ccalvileiefl there,caiel,aWlY, , able
to coMprehend• the.' dlsinterestedn6s - of my;
purpose, : theitigh-they ,, may, perhaps; not ap- -
prove the Methb'd )clibstrii ttr coilaPaselt,', My
design was• M shoot, Mr.,
_Henrici l and I was,
p re pared to"vay; ~ f,e. n alty,dlitherdeed:' The 't.
narrator Of this story, afraid the prisoner was
_right. In • supposing that, many ; will .appreciate
his Moab; theuth thqy The'
fact is, he says, ail he amplifies the.statement
in two columns at-letterpress, that vital very,
few exceptions the Gertrunt:peepleitavecoate&
to believe in ChriStianity.' `They'ffik not hate`
'it, bid,' regard it ad 'a mere Asiatic religion
which is dying out of itself. The Govern-,
Melt, 'indeed, compel eve'rY Child to ; learn the
Catechism, bat(43ai,e.94,v4lcad. are the people
that it ,w) 1 1 be neSPOrler learned: thatvdisbe
'lieved, that they do ,not, even take 'the 'trouible
to remonstrate, against, the • imposition. Itjs
taken' for granted that: the hey `of fifteen,:has
learned to reject what he was tattlat as a child
Memphis cotton-Bocci. oil factories
pro d uce d f on uf thousand bArrels of oil during,
the late season, !1• )
—Gas \vas first used in,London in 1867;
Mall being the street earneit illun rated
tit;si orsi,tmeriws3vaa
_ _ . .At
-last the profession ii Lillie to they iollyOpptuefrating na , t.
tare ?in the '-effort suldno:-111009.66.. That - delicious
c444 4 i llo ;"tilltltA l-11 " 8
,'SrXtIeNNT, StraZE/1... , AREA,TIONT—Mearell's
. ,
ae it hae bubbled eine° the creation front tie-.
ture'S laboratoryz—is 'displacing all ' the nauseOtts and;
debilit,sting vurgat 1 W of the,old - school And .arerywh ere
dyspepsia:liver comp S; rheutuatiinn',and Olt ordinary;
complaintis of- ther stomach; ' kidney* • awl .:botvels" are .
yielding tolls
SOL n D ut T - W
J , YI3 thsdm§ - .- •
vv .*,
, et ,
- fel—the Renovation -of-the-tiair.--2
The 'Great Desideratum of the Age.'
.A.•"' dressing ,which:
is at. once agreeable,
healthy,' and effectual ;
Ow preserving , 'the
hair.' ,acled or groy
hair is 'soon restaied
to "451: original color
and the gloss '' and
freshness , of youth.
Thin hair is thick
ened, ''falling: hair checked, and bald
lieag n often% though not always, cured
4 its Use. Nothing can restore the;
hair where the follicles are destroyed,'
or the glands 'atro . phied and decayed.
But such as remain can be saved for
usefulness by this application. Instead
of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi-;
ment, keep it 'clean and vigorous.'
Its occasional use will . prevent the hair
from turning' gray or falling off, and
consequently prevent baldness: Free
from those deleterious substances which ;
make some preparations dengerOus and;
injurious to the hair, the Vigor can:
only benefit but not harm it. If wanted:,
merely for a
nothing chin can be , found so desirable.'
Containing neither oil nor dye, it deep
not soil white cambric, and yet "'tufts
longer on the hair, giving it a rich '
glossy lustre and a grateful perfume:
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer, &
LOWELL, 111.0 s.
_ =dot eLeo.
7-b ell Druggists everywhere. At *boles/as by
J. M, DAMS CO.,&Philadebbis. sub9tirtiks-sour-i7
lJ article for cleaning theTeeth,destmylag animalcule
w ich infest them, giving tone to the grims ‘ and leaving
a feeling of fragrance and perfect cleaulmese in - the.
mouth. I t of . be need daily. and will be , found to
strengthen weak and bleeding gruns,While the aroma
and detersivenese will recommend it tO, every one. Be.
ing composed with the assistance of the 'Dentist, Physi.
clans and 3licrescopiet, it contidentl.y offered ,as a
reliable substitute for the uncertain washes formerlyin
Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the conatitnents,
of the Dentallina. advocate its use; it contains nothing,
to prevent its unrestrained employment. Made only by
JAMES T. SHINN. Apothecary,
Broad and Spruce streets.
For sale by Druggiets generaili_, and
Fred. Browne., , D. L. Stackhouse.
Hansard & Co., Robert C. Davis, "
r en. 0 ; •
Isaac.ji. Kay, Chas. Shivers,
C. it. Needles, ' S. H.
T.. 1. Husband, S. C. Bunting. -- •
Ambrose Smith. , 'Chas. H. Eberle,
Edward Parrish, ' • James E. Marks,
Wm. B. V. E. Bringhuret 14 Co.,
James L. Bispham, • Djott dr Co.,
Hughes & Combo. IH. C. Blair '8 Soho,
Hen A .13ower. Wreth Si Bro.
.--.... SPRINGS,
The analysis proves that the waters of the
Saratoga ' Star Springs;
have a Mach larger amount of solid sutstance, richer in
medical ingredients than any other spring in Saratoga,'
and shows what the taste indiestes--namely,that it is the .
It also demonstrates that the tYPAII, WATER contains ;
100 Coble InCheS More of Gas
irt a gallon than any other spring. It is this extra
amount of gas that , imparts to this water its peculiarly
sparkling appearance, and renders it so very agreeable
to the taste. it also tends to preserve the delicious flavor.
of:the water when bottled, and causes it to uncork with
an efferveserce almost equal to Champagne.
Sold bli is , kading , Druggigs and Hote/s through-
Out the country.
1412 Walnut Street, Philada
' Vholesale'Agents.
Also for sale hy W.Walter Illntien,Chestntit Ilillllred. ,
Bravos, center . of. Fifth and 'Chestnut streets; I. J . Gra
hame, Twelfth'end Filbert; 11. S. Lippincott; Twentieth
and'Cherry; Peck & C0.,1925 Chestnut; Samuel S. Bunt. ,
tug, Tenth and Spruces A. B;; Taylor,lols Chestnut; P. 0..
0111,Ter, Eighteenth and 13pruce; +V . Jacobk,lr.,9l7Cheit i
nut; Geo. o.lloisfer, Sixth and Vine;Jas.Tl Shinn,Broad
arid Spruce; S. Jones,awolfth and Spruce; W. B.
Webb' l Tenth as d Spring Garden.
flyt, ?
VAitnEs;JEwsraill .
ZTORES and.l1 7 2:W41419r; 9371 0 470: 6 ; ' A
. .• ,„
- - PilAtllkest attt Sti xnuse
Ladieaii:cl:6 - ejcits'*.aftehei3 l
American and Inverted, of the moat celebrated =ikon. ,
Fine Vest Chains,And Leontines
In 14,auSIS1f4rats• ' s.
Diamond izkivr Other J eAvelris -
Or tholatfet deetgile,
I{:Nl446iliii/ON*ANII , II4NIDEN6I
In otkarat and cein.
:ClA'6..:titt-R.E . *,•.':
U• & TRAOKAAA, No..7lBChostnnt street, mannfam;
turers of Gem Fixtures, Lamps , dko.,ltm, would oall Abe:
dttention of the public t 8 their largo and elegant assort-,
mont of Gas Chandeliers, Pendants, Brackets, drh• They
also introduce gas pipes into dwellings and.ublic' build
ings, and attend to extending, altering and repairing goo
Ogee. All work vorrooted • . ;
NING lll.lA' ;DAY, AUGEr n
81 1 , 6 , 1869.
!t I. • ". 7 i 1 4. • '
HE , FiHsT .. ..4}I9EFTGAGE Bo NOS nn 11,
. 74114' •t • ;
AT StiVkazilla CURRENCI,
• •
payable April asfidOctobe!,,freli_ofifitlatei
and tilted SlitteriTtexele.• , • ;
• -MIR road run •• through a thkddr - pordate4 Arid kick
agricultural and zniumfactaring dtetrict. " •
. • For the proient are are offering a 11ml:0d amount of tbet
above bonds at
• • • 1 i f• =
_Cents and : lnterept.
' '„2-" • , 5
like connection of Oa ztad wtth the Penaltylvau• •= artd;,
/Wlttgltallroatle insures It a Vito. and reintizterativo;
trade,. We reconireend' the bonds ea ttte" Obeapeet
theZ!iarket;''''. - ':
WWI: . "PUNTER; - 4 1 P ,, CO.,i
ant Avki:7,
anit 11eidepaihi Owerninent4
No. 36 S. THIRD STREET, s,
112 and 114 So. TRIRD ST. PHILATYA.
• •
We will receive ; applications for Policies of,
Life Instirance in the new National Life In
surance Company of the :United States. Fat,
information given at our office.
,41ers in V. S. Bonds and Members of
...Erek and Gold Exchange, receive ae.
counts of Banks and- Bankers on• liberal
terms, issue Bills of Exchange on •
C. J. Hambro & Son, London.
8: Heftier, S. Sohn & Co., Frankford.
James W. Tucker & Co., Paris.,
And other principal cities, and Letters
of. Credit available throughout Eureihe
So W. corner Third and Chestnut Streets.
'6ll4l i'S
.. . .
,„, ,-- „--.: , ,
, ~ t ,F..J. 4, R.
; le i , ‘ 0
13A,NIKE1 , S,
aI. iii .I , RAXEITUY,ADiv .4 1 ' 241
usi Vier'fromPhiladelPhilkto' ihiPpmerlog
the thturillfPuMwha n p4V etc,
And au mitig alley he,N of W aria,
t he
CalladattAtruaner ArftngeMent Vass Truitial,
,J,111Y44,- 1869_ t 'leaving thoCompfirrros Depot irteentbri ,
rotr ll BtrePtilf4lll4l4l#llat tite
Ite-affingand all intermediate ;Stations, and' AllentoWn,i
ite_ tUrnifig,leaves Reading at . 6.50 arriThig Ll
F,ll - 1114elithia , kt 9315 r. N. • " •
• 4 - iicitliiiNG EXPREBI3.-At 15114.1 k„ for tdadingi
r u baion, Harrisburg, Petlaviile4Pine igrove,Tama4iia,
nbary, Williamsport, Elmira, : Bee eater, Niagara
Wilkeibarre, PlUittol,"Yorki tiarlisdei
TLe7 N. train connects at Staffing with the East
Pennsylvania Railroad trains for Al entoWn elfo" and the
81,15'A, 31. train connects with the . ' Lebanon Yalley train
ifor,Harristrargace.; at Port Clinterowith Oatawina IL;
R. trains for Williamsport, Lock Raven. Elmira; &ell at .
Harrisburg with Northern Central, Cumberland Val
ley. Mid Schuylkill and Stlnnahanna trains for North.t
timberland, Williansport: YorkyOhaMbersburg,Plbe
EXPRESAriefirei:PhilalielPhla at:
5.30 .11, for Beading, Pottsville, arrishurg, Sze., con
nectint with Beading and Columbia Itailread transfer
POTTSTOWN AccomoDATiON4-4_l4`, , keie Potts.
town 'at 6.25A:31. stopping at the intennedlatobtationst'
arrives in Philadelphia at 8.40 A. M Returning leaves
philatielphito at 4.30 P. rti..; arrives In Pottstown at 6.40
-71011.---Leaves Pottsville at 5.40 A. EL, and Bing at
7.30 stopping _at all WO station s; arrives in Phila.,
& bat/tat 10,15 A. M.
• • Heturnitig, leaves Philadelphia at 5.15 , ‘P.41 . ..; Eir;ives
in Reading sta.® P. M and at Pottervilidat 2.40P.121.
Trains for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 0,10 A.‘`
M. an Pottsville at 9.00 A.M., arriving in palidelphia'
at 1.00P.41. Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg at_ g.oo',
P M' .; and Pottsville, at 2.451'. Mt; arriving- at Phlla-,
del at 8.45 I'. it • , ,
Harrisburg Accommodation leaves Reading at 7.15 A.
M. and Harrisburg at 4.10 P. M. Connecting at Mead
ing with'Aftern oou Accommodation eolith at SAO Pi /11.4
• InPhiladelattla at 9.15 P. 31., • -+ • ,
ar et, traliw,with a Passenger car ;AMA:OIcI- •
Ph sdelphin at 12.45 noon for Pottsville and ' all War
Stations; leaves Pottsville at 5.40 A. 11, connecting at
- Beading with acconlmodatioirtrahr for Philadelphia and--
ail Wayy. Stations • • ,
,Al.l the above trains rim daily, Sindayatexceited.
SiltidaYirains leave Pottiiville at 8 A." 11.; and Pala.
delphis. a 3.15 P. M.; leak; Philiaelphta Stir. Reading at
A.+2lLialreturning from Beading at s4ti P~ 111
011E,STh'n VALLEY RAILHOAD.--Passengets for
;11oWniegtown and intermediate pante take the 7.30 , A.
.11142:45 . and 4.30 P.M. trains fromPldladelptria,return
41from Hoaninstown 6.. 1 f! 41Nvi /90 5.45
, rj'Eg ITONLENRAILBOADe-Pastimgeiliforilkitilmck
tam TM A. 114.30 atm P.M.tratins far Philatielphia,
returning from sappack at 4.15 and 8.16 A.M.,1.00 P.M.
Wage Ones for various points la PerkloinitarYallei con-'
nect with trains at Collegeville and kl
THE W15114',--Leaves New York 84'0 M.; .5.00 and
843_1 8 . M Passing Reading at 1.1)5 A. 1111. ,, 1.50 and 10.12,
X., Bt., anti connects at Rarrisbuz with; Penneylvanla
and Northern Central Railroad rasa Transit for Pitts.
burgh; Chicago,Williamsport,E SaltiMore, dm.
Returning, Express Trainleaves Harrisburg on arrival
of Pennsylvania Express from Pittsburgh, at 235 and 5.20
A. M. and 30.5.5 P. passingltea.dingiat4.3o and 7.05 A.
M. and 12,50 P.N. '
arriving at New York`ll.oo A.M. : and
12.20 and &DO P. M. Sleeping Cars aocom_pant these
trains ;through between Jersey City and
Pi arab,'
without change. .
Mail train for New York leaves liarrisburg at 8.10 A.
M. and 2.05 P. N. Nail train for Harrisburg leaves No
York at 12 Noon. _ •
Pothiville at 6.50 and 11.30 AM. and 6.40 P.3l..returning
from TIOXI£141(111 at 8.35 A. M. 2.15 and 4.18 P. M.
.-Trairis !RSV Auburn at 8-55 A. Si. and 3.20 P. DI. for
Pinegrove and Harrisburg, and at 12.10 noon for Pine
grave and Tremont; returning from Ilarrisbtirg at 7.46,
A-M. and 3.40 P. M., and from Tremont at 6.45 A M. and.
5.05 P. 31:
TICKETS, -Through first-class tickets and entigrant
tickets to nil the principal points in the North and West
and Canada.
Excursion Tickets from Philadelria to Beading and ,
Intermediate Stations gond for ay only, are sold by'
- Morning Accommodat ion, Market
Train, iteaffing - -anT=
Pottatppn Accommodation Trains at reduced rates.
Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia, good for day only,
are sold at Reading and Interniediato Stations by Read
ing and Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced'
The following tickets are obtainable only at the Office,
of 8. Bradford, Treasurer, N 0.227 South Fourth street, ,
Philadelphia, or of G. A. Nicolas, General Superinten
dent, Bi-ltding.
Conunutation Tickets,at 25 per cent. discount between
any „Points desired, for families and firms.
1111eage Tickets, good for 2,000 miles,between all points . :
at 4152 50 each for families and firms. ,
Season Tickets, for three, six, nine or twelve montlui,
for holders only, to all points,at reduced rates.
Clergymen residing on the line of the road will bo fur
nished with cards, entitling themselves and wives to
tickets at half fere •••
Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to principal sta- •
Hots, good for Saturday . Sunday and Monday{ at re
duced fare, to he had only at the Ticket Office, at Thir
teenth and Callowhill streets.
FREIGHT.-Goode of all descriptions forwarded to
all the above points from the Company's Now Freight
- Repot, Broad and Willow streets.
relght Trains leave , Philadelphia daily at 4.35 A. 31.,
12.45 • noon, 5.00 and 7.15 P. DI.. fur Reading, Lebanon,
liarrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all points be
/dans close at the Philadelphia Post-office for all places
on the road and its branches at 5 A.M., and for the prin
cipal Stations only at 2.15 P. Id.
Dungan 's Express will collect Baggage for all trains
leaving Philadelphia Depot. Orders can be left at No.
225 South Fourth street, or at the Depot, Thirteenth and
Callowhill streets.
..--THE MIDDLE .11011TE.Shorteet and most di
rent line to Bethlehem }Gaston, Allentown, Mauch
Haven, Chunk, Hazleton, White ilkesbarre, hfnhanuy
City, Carmel, Pittston..Tunkhannock. Scranton,;
Carbondale and all the points in the „Lehigh and Wyo
ming coal regions •
Passenger Depot in Philadelphia, N. W. corner Berks
and American streets: ; • ;
—On and after - TUESDAY, June Ist, 1669, Passenger'
Trains leave the Depot, corner of Berke and American
streets, daily ( Sundays excepted ), as follows:
6.45 A. M. Accommodation for Fort Washington.
At 7.45 A. M.—Morning Express for Bethlehem and
Principal Stations on North Pennsylvania Railroad,
connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Railroad
'for Allentown,-Catasatutna,Slatington, Mauch Chunk,.
erly.l.tagetryille liazleton,White Haven, Wilkes-.
Barre, liingstonP ttston, . . • ,
in Lehigh and 'Wyoming Valleys; also, in connection
with Lehgh. and .111alianoy Railroad- for Mahanoy, City,
and with Catawissnitailroad for Rupert, Danville, 31.11-;
ton and 'Williamsport._ Arrive at Manch Chunk at 12314'
at Wilkesbarreat 2.50 P.M.:at Mahal:toy City at 1.50 P.M :;
At 8.45'A: M.—Accommodation for Doylestown, stop.'
ping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Wil-;
low Grove, Id_abore and Hartsville, by this train, take'
Stage at Old York. Road. .
9.45 A. 11., , (Express) for. Bethlehem, Allentown,
Mauch Chunk, :White Haven, .Wilkesbarre, Pittston,.
Scranton and Carbondale via Lehigh and Susquehanna.
Railroad, and -.Allentown and Easton, and•
points on New Jersey Central Railroad and Morrimuid
EBBW( Railroad to New. York via Lehigh Valleyßailrolul.`
At 10.45 A. 11.—Accommodation for Fort Washington,
stopping; at intermediate Stations.
135, 3.15,5.20 and 8 P.M.—Accommodation to Abington.;
At 1.45 P.M.—Lehigh:Valley Express . for Bethlehem, "
_Allentown, Mauch .Chunk, • Hazleton White
Haven,Wilkesbarre, Pittston, Scranton, and Wyoming;
Coal Regions.
At 2.45 P. 51.-;-Accommodation for Doylestown, stop-
Ping at all intermediate stations. ,
At 4.15 P. M.—Accommodation for. DCPylestoWn, stop.;
ping at all intermediate stations. ; • ;
At 5.00 P. M.—Through for Bethlehem, connecting at;
Bethlehem with Lehigh- Valley Evening Train for`,
Easton, Allentown Chunk. _ ;• •
At 6.20 P;,31.--Accommodation for Lansdale, stopping
at all intermediate stations, •
At 1130 P. M.—Accommodation for Fort Vinshinaton;,
From Bethlehem at 9A. M.. 2.10, 4.45 and 8.25 P. M.
2.10 P. M., 4.45 P. M. and 8.25 P. 31. Trams make direct;
connection with Lehigh Valley or Lehigh and Susqtio-;
Minna triune from Easton, Scranton, Wllkesbarte, Ma.;
hanoy City and Hazleton.
Front Doylestown at 8.25 A.31.,4:55* . P.Marid 7.05 P. M
From Lansdale at 7,30 A. M. •
From Fort Washington at 9.20: and 10.36 A. M. and 3.10
Philadelpniti for 13ettilehein at 9.30 A. M.
Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.00 P. M. ;
Philadelphia for Abington at 7 P •
Doylestown for Philadelphia at 6.30 A. M.
Bet hit heat for Philadelphia at 4.00 P. 51. •
Abington for Philadulphia at 8 P. 31.
Fifth and Sixth Streets Passenger Cara Convey passer,-
gers to and from the new Depot._ .
' White cars of Second- and Third Streets Line' and;
Union Line run within a short disumce of the Depat. i
Tickets must be procured at the Ticket Office, u order
to secure the lowest rates of fare. ---:•. • .--
•t- - . DLL's DLARK, Agent.
Tickets sold and bagstichecked through to_princi
pal pante, at Mann 'a B erth ., Penu . Baggage BaPrees
105 South Fifth street:
pin A BAILROAD.—Suremer Arrangement.—On I
aud after MO3l DAT,April 12, p 369, Trains will leave an t,
Leave Philadelphia, from New Depot, Thirty-first and
p.hestnut Streets., 4.35 P. M. 7.25 A M.,M., 2.80 P. M., 4.15
M , 7.15 P. ,
11T.', 11.30 P.
Leave \Vest Chester, fr.on Depot, on East Market
street, 6.25 A. M., 7.25 A. M., 7,48 A. M., 10.10 A. M., 1.55
4,50 P,M4 - 6.45
Leave Philadelphia fur B. O. Junction and Inform°. •
diet() Points at 1230 P. M. and 5.43. Leave B. O. June-
Con for Philltdelp_hia, at 6.30 audl.4s,P. M.
' Tram leav iiglVest Chester at 7 AO A. M. will stop at
B. C-,1 unction iiienntj Glen Riddle and Media; leaving y
l'hilatielphians, :35t P. 'lift,' will stop at Media, Glen
Riddle, Lentil and 11'; C. Junction. Passengers to or
from statiousbetreen,West Chester andß O. Junction
. Etnit,' take train leaving West Chester. at 7.26 ,
A. 11..; and will be attached to Express Train at B.
C.,lnuctioa; and. ding West, Passengers for Stations
above B. C. Junction will take train leaving - Philadel-
his. at 4.35 P., M., and will -change cars at B, C. June-
The Depot in Pialadelphia le reachill directly by the
Chestnut and street elm r Those of the , Market •
street 111113 rtta within ono square. The cars of both lines
connect with each traluoupon its arrival.
'ON SIINDAYS.—Leave Philadelphia for West Chester
at 8 A. M. and 2.80 P.
Leave Philadelphia/or B. O. Junction ittl.lsl'.3'.
Leave West Chester.for ,Philadelphia at 7.45 A. M. and
4. P. M.L • • , • ,
Leav e Junctionloil'hilodelnhis at 6.00 A.M.
acir - passengers are all Owed to take' Wearing • Apparel
only, as Baggage, and the Dompany
_will not in any ease
be responsible for an amount exceeding one hundreddol
lars, miles!' tkepecial contract bellied° f , r the same.
• . •,' General Superintendent.'
'pviiii_SyLvAllik 'RAILROAD, to Wilkesbarre,
• tibaneyVity_adount Carmel, Ceittralid\ and all points
on Lehigh ValleY Bulimia) au' its, braniahes.
By new arrangements, perfeated this day, this road is
enabled to givelnereased despatch , to merchandise con
sigritd to the above-named points. • •
_ Goode delivered at the) Through Freight Depot, • '
311 •'•S. E. eor.'Wont Nobie streets,;,
Before SP. :, will reach Wilkesbarre,Mottut Carmel J
Malitanoy City , and the other stations Mahanoy and.
Wyouding vallersbeforoll•#. M. the succeeding door.
- • • • ELLIS CLARE) Agents
i C~i~,1":
aIiStArtrIV I MITA : : ' I
- : iFPIL A 2.;.i1.4.5141;,-,^!.XRiffliAtidAXPEß ''
, I f r iiiiTON: RATIgOATP COl l l6 _
_ l B , :lint l i_. :
PlitlistlelphiWtsiEety Yorll4 areLiWill:lll7/18.9i , . r,
.... 1 ”,..
~,gust street Wherf,i„,- ~„,• • •,,,,,,, i.,,,,•••• V, ~ ."'a:?" .. '‘
:At 630 A : M:,,,1a vamalut aria * amp Agette...l
•Al BAI 31:, vieCatteden and Jena's it ~•• an,A
A 1 Ito P-3 1 4 Via'CitOnd 'and. Amber xprteni;' , • -.", BBC
1 2
Ail, r. M. for Amboy isi. intermediate statibrut, •• .... '
•At 6.3oand BA, M. 111113 P. M., for Freehold. ' ' • ' ••• -
';'At 8,00 A.‘M.' 200 , P. To* Long Brancb and Peliritel . ..
h• ate dif.'..l3; It:. R. -, .1: - / , 1. •• • •'' "L • ',-•
At Ban 10 A.n., r/v_ i _2,3_...1dand4.30.P.151.,f0r Trenton:
•At 0:30 and 10 A .32.0.2 ,M,,2.3.30,4.30,6; 7 and 11.301 , 0114
- for Bordentontr,Elorence,Burlington,Boverltand De
:At 6.30 and 10A:21. 1 1 31; 330,430,6,7 and 11.30 P.M for:
Edgewstel; Riverride, :Riverton: ' Palmyra and Fish
'' - House, and 2P. M., for:Riverton, • . • .- : •••
,_ • ,
Sir The , ,11.30 P. :.. .111: , • line • Jeaves from 'foot _of
Market street by up pe r ferry. ~ , . .s. • :
Front Kensington Depot: • • , -.- ' '• J. • 1 •,..: :. . •
1. t 11 A. M_,•• via Kentiingtoriand Je .71 1 5 4 City , New York
, , Express Line.......,....- •••••.- . ; ......... • a....a..,. . .83 00
At 7.39 and 11.00 A. 31.,"2-30,3.1111and . 5 P. M. for Trenton
and Bristol. And 5t10.15 A. M. and 6 P. M. for Bristol:
At 7.30 and 11 A. 31:,2.30 and SP. for Morel/Vile and
At 7.30 and 10.15 A. M., 230,'5 aria ci ,r. .:*. for fichenck'r
' and Eddington. " __.
At 7.30 andlo.ls A. M. 4.30, 4,.5 and 6 P. M. for 'Cern
.wells, Torresdale,Holmesburg,Tacony,Wisainoming,
.Bridestinrg and Frankford, and 6 P.M. for Holmes.
burg and Intermediate Stations. • " - ' •
From t Philadelphia Depot via Comectingiallway
At CIO A. K., 1.23, 4, 6.45 and 12 P. K. Now. York Ex
. .nresa Line, via Jersey•Citya.......... ..•........^» .. ....--$3 2S
•At 11.30 P. Id. Emigrant Line. • -' ' - ' ' 200
At 930 A. M. 30, 4;6.45 and 12 P.M. for Trenton.
At 9.30 A ..M.: 4; 6.41 S andl2 P:11., for Bristol. 1
•Atl2 P.M .( Nightlfor Iderrisville,TallytOwn, Schenck's
• Eddington,Comwelln, Torreedale, Holmesburg, Ta
'Cony, Wiesinoming,Bridesbnrg add Frankford. •
- The 9.301 A :AL and 6,45 and 12 P.M. Lines run daily. All
,othera, Sundays excepted. . • • •
' • For Line. leaving Kensington Depot, take the care on
Third or Fifth streets,at Chestnut, at half an hour be
fore departure-. The dars of Market Street Railway run
direct to West Philadelphia Depot,Chestrint and Walnut
within one square: - On Sundays, the Market Street Cars
--wiltAide d surl-iti•oonneetWith-the-930•A.-11...said-6.4. 5 arul 12P.-
..ld 4 - . ._. . • •
. '..fromXensington Depot:, •
: • lAt 730 Ai: M.; lor'Nlegatas Fain - , Buffalo , - Dunkirk", -
'Elmira,; 'lthaca , Owego, • Rochester, . Binghampton,
.oswego, Syracuse, Great Bend, Montrose, Wilkesbarrei
Schtioley'ellountain,' , 2c, • ' • • •
'••• ;At 730 AL.31.• 'and 830. P. V. for Scranton, Stroud..
Mirth .' Water / Gap, ',Belvidere, • Easton, Lambertville,
Flemington &c. The 330 P. 31, Line connects direct
with the train leaving Easton' forManch °Mink. Allen.
towei,BethleheitY, Ste. • -; ~• - ' •-•- ' : •
At 71 A. M. and 5 P.M. for ; Lamllettellie an d interme
diate Station. _____, • • ,;_.
ket. street Ferry (Upper Side.) _,. 2• • • • ,
At 7 and 10 A. M.,1, 2.14,3.30, 5 & 0.30P.3f !or Merehants.
vllle,Moorestora, if ford. Masenvillo liainsport,
Mount Helly, Smithville,Ewaneville; Arincentown,
Birmingham and Pemberton: , . , • , .•
At 104. 31. for Lewistown, WriglttateWn, Cookstown,
• New Egypt and llornoretown. ' .: • '• •
At 7 'AI - 31.:•1• and 330 P'.ll. for Lewistown, Wright.-
toyrn, Cooketown, Now .Egypt, liornerstow,n, Cream
.. Ridge, Imleystown, Sharon and Ilightstow-u-•
' Fifty youndeof Baggage only allowetteach Passenger.
' Passengers aro prohibited from taking anything as 'Wag
gogo but their wearing appurel. • All baggage over ft) ,
pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their
rATilibgto r yabll'igg,,l4° 'rniNogayrogrean.g
cept by special contract. • .
Ticket W o rcest er, Baggage; checked direct through to
Boston, Springtield ; Hartford, New Haven
Providence, Newport, Albany, Troy. Saratoga, Utica
Rome, Syracuse., Rocheister, Buffalo, Niagara Fallsanti
litispeneion Bridge.
• An additional Ticket Office is located at No: 828 Chest
nut street, where ticket!: to New York, and all impor
tant points North and East, may be procured. Persons
purchasing. Tickets at this Office, can have their bag
gage checked from residences or hotel to destination, by
Union Transfer Baggage•Exprese. •
Linen front New York for Philadelphia will leave from
foot: of Cortland street at 1:00 and 410 P. M., VIII Jersey
'City and' Camden: At 6.30 P. M. via Jersey City and
Kensington.. At 7,•and 10 A.M., and 9 P.M.., and
:112112ight,rta Jersey City and West Philadelphia. •
From Pier No. 1, N. River, at 0.30 A. M. Accommoda
tion and 2 P:3l. Express via Amboy and Camden. ' "
':July •12.1 M• • • • ••W M. , it VATZME lt, Agent. •
.... . . .....------ CENTRAL • ... . • _ ._
ROAD.--SUMMER TIME-Taking effect June 6th,
1369: The trains of the Penneylvania Central railroad
leave the De tat Thirty-first and Market streete,which,
is reached dirt by the cars of the Market Street Pas
senger Railway, the last car connectin With befo r ei
leaving• Front and Market street thirt y minutes
its departure. • Those of the Chestnut and Walnut'
Streets Railway run withln. one squarer of the Depot.
Sleeping Car Tickets can be had 'on. application at the•
Ticket Office, Northwest corner of Ninth • and Chestnut
streets, and at the Depot. • . . •
Agents of the Union Transfer Company will call for'
and deliver Baggage at the Ilepot. Orders lett at No. 901
. Chestnut street, No. 116 Market strerti Mill .receive at '
Mail Train ',.-_,.,-,•.,_:.;...at 860 A.M.
Paoli Accom • at 10.30. A.M., /au, and 7.00 P. M.
Fast Line
Erie Expresa. .. ... ......,..... r 4,;4«.....;...,..4- .:.at 1130 A. M.
• Harrisburg AccoM . ..-........4,..J.:- - ...».:........:....i:..at 2.30 PI M.
Lancaster ACCOMs....L. • . .•• '' •••••••• • • *at 480 P. M.'
*Parkebnrg Train. ......-......-....»......--.....at 5.30 P. M. ,
Cincinnati Expresa..-.- .., -...'..-.. - .4, - ..;.. at 8.00 P.M.
Erie Mail and Pittsburgh ....................... 1030 P. M.
Philadelphia Express.."" ..... - .:...5t,12.03 night.
Erie Mail leaves daily, except Sunday, running on
Saturday night to Williamsport only. On Sunday night
passengers will leave Philadelphia at 12 o'clock:'
Philadelphia Express leaves daily. All • other trains
daily, except Blindly.
The Western Accom m odat ion Train runs daily, except
Sunday. For this train • tickets must Ma rk etpc and
baggage delivered by 5.00 I'. 31.. at 116 street.
TRAINS ARRIVE AT DEPOT, VIZ.: A . Cincinnati Ex press..- ..... ..........-.... ....... - ..... -at 3.10 A. M.
Philadelphia Express..- at 6.50 A. 31.
Feoli Accommodation at 8.20 A. M. and 3.40 k 6.20 P. M.'
Erie Mail and Buffalo Expre55..,.....“ , - ..... .at 935 A. M.:
Parkeburg Train.at 9 10 A.M •
-. . K.
Fast Line.-- at 935 A. M !
Lancaster Train . . .... .........:..;...4.....-... • .M.
Erie Exprea5..............,14.....«-......-......... -at 4.20 .
Day Express-- ........ ........., ' ' ' ..at 4.20 P. 3 .
Southern Express •• • " • - - -at 6.40 P. P.M.
Harrisburg Accommodation - , at 9.40 P. Mil
For further information, apply. to • • t.
JOHN F. VANLEER, JR., Ticket Agent, 901 pint
street. • . . . • , . .
FRANCIS FUNK, Agent; 116 Market street.
SAMUEL li . WALLACE, Ticket Agent at the De ti
The Penneylvabia Railroad Company f will not use e
any-riek-for-Beggage,-exceptfor_wearing_.app arel,d
limit their reeponeibility to One Hundred Dollars in;
value *All Baggage exceeding that amount in value, will
be at the risk of the owner, nnlees taken by, special con- tract. - . : . . EDWARD H. WILLIA3I, . •
General Superintendent. Altoona, Pa.
. .
BLE.—On and after Monday, May .841; 1869, and. tintl
further notice; • • , • • .
Leave Philtidelphini-6, 7 , 8, 9.05, 10, -11, 12ALM4142,1
1.15, 334, 4,435,5.05, 54, 6 616,7;8,9, 10, 11, 12'Pl. Id' '
Leave Germantown-6,'7 , d 8.20, 0, 10, 11,12.,,V.M4
1.2, 3; 4, 4X,45, 636 ,6, 63.1,7,8, 9,t, 11;P. M. • , •
The 8.20 down-train, and the 3 and 514' up trains, will
not stop - on the Germantown Branch. • • 1
• • ' ' ON SUNDAYS.'
Leave Philadelphia-9.16 A. M„2, 4.05 minutes i l ant
10, 4 ,'” P. M. • • A .
Leave Germantown-8.15 A. 111.1 1 8,8 and lIMP. M. '‘
Leavi3 Philadelphia-8, 8,10, 12. A. M.; 2 , 3 % , MI 7 5 9 ,
and 11 P. M. '
Leave Chestnut 11111-7.10 minutes, 8,9.40, and 11.40 A.
Al.; 1.40,3.40,5.40,6%40,8.40 and 10.40 P. IL • ,
Leavo Philadelphia-9.15 minutes A. II.; 2 and P. M.:
Leave Chestnut Hill 7.50 minutes 'A. M.; 12.40,5.40 and'
9.25 minutes P. IL
Leave Philadelplda-6.714, 9,11.95, A'. M.; 1.14,1,434, ss'
516, 6.15, 8.05, 10,05 and 1134 P.lll.
Leave Norriatown-5.40, 614, 7, rg, 9, 11 A. M.; 1/4,
4/4, 6.15, 8 and 94 P. M. • • • I
nor The 71i A .11. TrainB from Norristown will not ator
at'Mogee's, Potts' Landing, Domino or Schur's Lane.. l
MET The SP. N. Trainfrom Philadelphia will qtop only,
at School Lane,Mannyunk and Conshohocken. ••
Leave Philadeinbia-9 A. M.; 234,4 and 7.15 P. M.
Leave Norristown-7 A. M.; I, 514 and 9F. M.
Leave Philadelphia-6, 714, ' 9 11.06 A. M.; lU6r 3, 454 5
514,6.15,8.05,10.05 and 1134 P.M. - • i I
Leave Manayunk-6.10, 7,7/i , 8.10, 9%0134 A. 111,2,316,
5,6% 8.30 and 10 P. M..' •
TheSP.DI Train froin Philadelphia will stop only
at School Lane and Manay_unk;• • .• • • . •
ON -SUNDAYS. • • •
Leave Philadelphia- 9 A. AL; Di, 4 and 7.15 P. '
Leave Mauayunk-7K K. M.; 116; 6 and 934 P.
W. B. wrts eneral Superintendent, • •
' • • . . • Depot Ninth and green streets.
PA SSENGEltS,taking_. the 8.00 P. M. TRAIN i►rrlve in;
CINCINNATI next EVENING at 9.0 P.M426* !mu,.
ONLY ONE NIGUSIon the ROUTE. •'J' • • . )
mar THE WOODIGJEN'S. celebrated Bahian • Eitte-i
Reign SLEEPING-OARS run through froak.Pla
12.00 M. and 11,00 P. M Trains reach OINCINNATkand'
jzointa WEST and SOUTH ONE .Two..Fw.m Ap.l
VANCE of all other Nouten. —• • •-• .• .•
Fannin era for CINCINNA.TI,INDIANyOI4 B ,
N.T.. atur all 'giant WEST:NORTHWES nnd BOUT H-1
WEBT_, will be
_particular to ask for TICKETS Air
IVY' To SECURE the UN EiUALED . ionantugee of
this LINE, be.. VEEY PARTICULAR and ASK row
.Via PAN : HARDLE, ° at 'TICKET 07-!
No:116 MARKET•STBEBIT_ Second ant Front ate .,
And TIIIRTY , FIRt3T and ald..ulora , Bte.,'Weet Phila.
' B. Usyr,L,Oeneral Ticket Agent, Pittsburgh.
01121, •Naistens Agent, AU Broad
wag: • • •
. . . . .
. -
1)1111 , 0 0 8 % . 1 3 EtIA - , ',l#.l4l."lntrwliATE ,,
Direct Bouts between (Philadelphia, Baltimore Harris-.
rfahurg Williaresport.to the Northwest and t rio Urea' ,
.011 Belon of • Pennaidvania..-.Elsgant Sleeping Cars
all Nig h t Trains: " • '• - " _ . • ; •
.On and. after .MONDA_Ir , April 26,1869, the Tram, on.
the Philadelphia and Etie Railroad will run as follows:
- •,, . WESTWARD.
Mall Train leaved Philtulelphla. 10.45 P. M.;
t, .14 . . IPA 0‘ , WiltlanlapOrt , 8.15hh. M.
". • • AI , lirldltea at Erie . .... • .. 9.30 P. M,,
Eris iciplelelf itAVes Philadelphia. " 11,50 A. M.
4 " ..
" Williamsport BAO P. M.
• " ' l'' * W ives at Erie .10.00 A. M.
Elmira IGLU leaves Philadelphia.... ....
........ 8.00 A. M.
14 , •,, Wi11iam5p0rt.........:540 P. M.
" .9: 4 2r rittea ht 'Lock Raven ....a...47.45P. M.
_ — •••'.l ••• EASTWARD .. ..: •:. .
Mail Train leaves Erie ...11.15 A.M.
0 • . " • • Williamsport ...i.12.20 A: M.
• ' "•.. " artives at'Philadelphia ..... 0.25 A. M.
Erie Express leaves Eric ' 6.26 P. M.
"I •" I .1 Williamsport.— .... ......... 7,50 A. M,
"-- " . arrives at Philadelphia., , ' 4.10 P. M.
• Mall and Express iseanect Ch ec kedwi reek and Ails
bent' Riyor Raßroa4.4oMagoiko CcThrough.
General Superintendent.
TlALT.LititELP.BLiN gt ViligariNGTlf • ,i t
JL . BALALI_Q_IIII RAIL 14.-.____Vpift TARIM' 0. . 4
=di:icing mOei/AY ; May 1 it, mow' Trains will . leave it ,
Depot, center Ilroad and,Washhogtort avenue, as fol. ,
lows: .._L,_
WAY MAI TRAIN at 8.10 A. lit. ( Sundays excSided) r • ‘k , " ~ ''..-"......''''
for Baltimore, stopping at all ~Regular Station,. Con-
netting with Delaware 'Railroad at Wilmington. for • t'-' -.1 P- ' 4 ~,, - ,4
Crisfield arid Intermediate !Station,. ' ..s : 4, :t."' ' tt.'
BETIO'S/3 TRAIN at 12.00 Td, (Sundays excepted),,for -,;"-:)..--.• rrit
Baltimore and Witehington, stopping at Wilmington, • .2- - ,i ,- • '-1, 0 1
PerrYvllle , andi Havro de Grace. Connects at Winning- . ," - l•
ton with train Thr Now Caetle.
4- ' '°
;!. ...».-
, IMPRESS TRAIN at 4.00 P. 151.(Sunuays excepted), ; . '•—,':=
for alaltlnore; and Nyashington, au:Telt ° at Chester, ~,:, , ,•::i
Thurlow, Linwood, Claymont, Wilmln n, liererport, -'„
Stantoni,Nowark, Elkton .North Eas , Charlestown.
Perryville, Havre de Gra'c i e, Aberdeen, Perryman.,
Edkewoodollagnolla, Chased and stammer's Run.'
NIGHT EXPRESS at 11.10 P. M. (daily / for Baltimore •44
and Washington ate - Dying at Chester, Thtirlow i L:- ~„
wood, Claymont Wilmington, Newark, Elkton, orth , , -...•.„'
East, Perryville,Havre de Grtice, Perryman , a and g.
molls. , .
Passongent for Fortreme Monroe and Norfolk willtake,
the 12.00 M. .f
Train. . Z, '
• WILMINGTON TRAlNS.—Stopping at all Stations • ~: , ~, • 2
between _Philadelphia and Wilmington. ~, , , . , V
Leave PHILADELPHIA at 11.00 A. M.,230_,11.00 and
7.00 P. DI. The D.OO P. M. train connects with Delaware' r s
Railroad for Harrington and intermediate stations.
_ Leave WILMINGTON 530 and 5.10 A a1.,1.30,4.15 and
7 ~..
.00 P. M. The 8,10 A. M. train will not atop between -
Chester and Philadelphia. The 7.00 P. M. train from .
Wilmington rune dally;allotherAecommodatioll'rraing
Sundays excepted. ~,,_. • .
Baltimore 7.25 A.,111., Viay Idol!. 935 A: M.,'Ettpress.
2361'. M. Express. 7.25 P. M.. Exprese. • ~ „.
BALTIMORE at 1.25 P. M. Stopping at Magnolla,t er- ,I
rim:lan's, Aberdeenjlavre.de-Grace,Perrrellle,Charles-'
town, North-East, Elkton Newark, Stanton, Newport . , e
Wilmington., Claymont, Linwood and Chester.
RAILROAD TRAlNS—Stopping at all Stations on Ches. 4 ,
ter Creek and Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Bail. - 4
Leaved PHILADELPHIA for POP.TDEPO (Sun- .1 0
day oicepted) at 7.00 A:111. and CU P.lll. •••• : #.• ,41'
~. •
— llittilitifdelptilladt - Chitddroilfoirdat - Ilfir - ' ~,
The 1.00 A. DI. Train will stop at all Stations kettween ... .
Philadelia and Lamokin. , ,
__; ~,, . , ~.
A Ifre ht Train _with_ Patteenger.Sar atiliGUIM 'WM .
leave Ph iladelphia daily (Sundays exceided):dFNlCrp --
111., running to Oxford. . - • ,
Leave PORT DEPOSIT for PHILADELPH 5.1 ;..,,.:
s excepted) at 5.40 A. N. 935 A. lit., and 230 1 51.•
Leave Cltadd'd Ford for Philadelphia at 535 , A...t111s ,__
A Sunday Tralny il l leave Philacielphia,at 5.00 A., N..
for West Grove, and Intormei t lStationb. RettAllittile e
will leave West Grove at 4.30 . ,- , •
Trains leaving WILMINGTON at 1530 A. M. and 4.15
• P.M., will connect atLarnokin Junction with the 7.00 •.
A. M.and 43) P. M. trains for Baltimore Igentnd It; B.
Thrtnighticketsto all point West, /loath; and 'South
west maylimptocured at the - ticket: office, 525 Chestnut
street, underContineataLliotel, where also,Stata Room.
and Reran% in Sleeping Cara can be secured doting the
day. Persona purchasing ticket, at this office canliave
haggtige checked at their residencelbythe Unice: Trani
ter uomtany. ; ' ,H. F. KENNEDlfvfinplt.
. .
ATLANTIC . RAILROAD. • . ' •-r" .. :
• • y '2 .
TAKEII EFFECT JULF,1..1369. • .."
Through Trains leave Vine Street. Fem . , as follows;
Excundon.,. . ..... • • A.M.
Mall • • • • " . A.M.
Freight (with paesenger car) A , •
Express, throtigh in IM. M. - •
4tl4lltiC A ". ° ?E I D
A 4 E ATLANTIC 817r7 7 • •
. •
Atlantic Accommodation ........ «...... 6D6 A. M.
Express, through in . IM' boars...;„ 7.24 A.M.
'Freight (with .pas Sanger car) . . ............
-Mail .... ... . .... 4.17 P.M.
Special 'Excursion '.. 5.16 P
An Extra Expreas train 'through • to .11(,.hours)
leave Vine street Ferry every Saturday at 2P. M.
turnhig_, leave Atlantic City on Monday, at 9.40 A. M. , •
Atco AccommoditAlun 10.13 A.M. •
Hammonton " • - 545 P.'.11. .%:,:;;;••••••-
Atco ...... . ........
2.45 P. M.
Hammonto9.4. • '' • • ' • •'- • • 4.40 21;,'31.
SUNDAY MAIL TRAIN =• • ; 1 , - . 1••• , •
.Leaves Vino A . M.
Leaves, tlantic ' , M. • .1,
Fero to Atlantic City, 2. • Rointerrljillithete, good
for the day and train on. which ther are seenea, 0 83. : • •
Oaf:wail's Local Erfress, No. 'SO' South ' Fifth e street,
Will call for baggage n any part of the City and , enbuYbe
and check to hotel or cottage at. Atlantic ,'
Additional ticket offices Lave been located in the road-
ing-rcioms of the Merchants' 'and Ccintlntnital.' Hotels,
also at No.llo South Fifth street. . • z
D. IV MIII!IDX:Aitent•
" P E 'id AIC : I • • •
• • . .
Leave Philadelphia, Foot of Market street,
_aa follow,/ ~ •
• 9.00 AvM.i , Cape May Express, due at 12.2531.. • .
3.15 . Passenger, due 647.15 P. P.M.
4.00P.•11., Fast .Exprese (commencing . on Saturday,
July 3d), due 8.55 P. M. • • • - •
Sunday Mail Train leaves at 7.15 A. 11: dnelo:l3,
Cape May Freight, leaves Ctunden 9.20 A. M. ..
6.30 A.:111., Morning Mail, duo at 10.0 A. M. • • ; ,
9.00 A.' 151.," Fast Express (commencing ou Monday, -
July 6th), due 12.07. ,
5.00 1% M., Passenger, due at B.= P. M.
Sunday Mail Train leaveiCapeglilay at 5.10 P. M.
Cape may Freight Train leftveedaily at 6.40 A. M. •
. • • TICKETS. ,
Annual Tiokete,_sloo. Quarterly Tickets, $5O) to btl ,
had only of the_ Treasurer at Camden: 20 Conpono.. '
Tickets, e. to; io coupon'', au: Excursion Tioketa,3s 00,„. • .
/or sale at the Ticket Oftices.No. 323 Chestnut strtiet,foot • • '
of Market street, also at Camden and. Cape May. . •
For Millville, 'Vineland, Bridgeton, Sulam and inter
mediate Stations, leave Philadelphia dally at 8.00 A. M..,
and 3.30 P. 31. Passenger. . .
An Accommodation Train for Woodbury, mantna, •
Barnesboro' and Olassboro'_, leaves •Philadelphla at, 6.00
. 31. - Return itig—Letrves Glassboro' at 6.30 A. M. •
• .
•,Cnnimutation ilooks of 113) checks. each, , at .roduced
rates, between Philadelphia and chec ks.
dr Cape May, Millville, Vineland .
tror Bridgeton , Salem and • way stations, at 12.01 noon.
::Freight received at first , covered wharf ; below ' tk.
. nittatreet.
Freight delivered No. 228 S. Delawareavenhoi . •
.• , • WILLIAM J..
Vinnerlntandent ‘W J. •
Lumber.. Urider Covev,
,• . • ALWATSi•ID/LIVN . ,
•Walnut, I•Vbito•Plne,A r ellow Pine,' Spruce, lienilockt
Shingles, , ,to., always on bend at low . rates. , ,• it.), . •`
. •
9 . 24 Street , FiFibteentla Mira • •
• saca-13 . 4 • ' ' s''• • - • •
2500 outh,Streei. ,•"' •
1869 '•
PATTERN I jliiittria , 1869..
YOE PATTERNS. ; ;'/4 0'
vap . i3Pll . 17,010 AND'HEBILOOLioga , ;4F..
luvu r arutroo -AND DEMLOON.: • ZOUU.
• LANGE STOOK. -•,, h.* .
cuuto w •
1 . . WALNUT FLOORING. • - •13
1.869 I, LIPLY)BIiD 1 / 16 ;TE E Xii 3
0agi D8 1.869.. 1 . -
..•, 7' RAIL PLANK., • • f• ; •
1869 1T1.AL1 4 11.7 BOARDS .21.11 D.
. PLANK.. • • ."
. • .
BUILDERB,,&.O. ?.:
• _ L • LtiMßEß,..__ ,, •
• t, REEP_LcICDA-R.- ‘
.. • • . WAX.,l2u'x
, •. SEASOREDRRE'BRIC. .1.f./Vol• •••A
'.! ,'; •r;lifileK.OßY , '• • • • •
- - - - -
i y. • 1 IoARO.LINgiII:. C1ir........1869. ,
. ,.. :„,,,.: .t ,NOSWAY.I3OANTL .10... .:. . .
:23auty. . ...!.tOEDAB. !SHINOI.rEIi .ii
,' ' , •• Or PRES &sumo' , E Itl
' ' ',' . t ;:' LARGE AtIESORTMENE,
!`-'. '''-'...''"( FOR BALE LOW.,
1869 - • P:LptiffEliffi?iitiT'' . 1,869.
SO TIC ELT 14..,
, .
I,ldiants,'No: 10118. Fourth , street.; Al u ipttirierd
wll be feend Weinuti,Ash, Pepler, cherry, ,letbv ete
lock, ltd aco., et reasonable 'prides: Owe t east It •
, ..,..,-;. • • , MARTLN 9M0164•14 .
iii , • . 04 . , . . ' , 'ELIAS TOMr. 4 • . 1 ".
fOr olives of overy deemll;lou Savxiia
clued at snort nottco 7 Npatiy subject , t 4
APPIto to EDW. 11; itOwLEY. IB South:Wl
- . .. .
. . . ; • i ,I A . ,
___,.z ts '...,
Aso D G .B B, S' . • Alin., WOBTBINHOLBRI . 44
POCKET unvls, .t_KART , .1114/1., .e.,,,' ' - •' ,
of biautiful ildish; Itql/GEnS' an , Ja.W. ''•
UTOBER 13, and the CELEBRATE]) LE D . •,,,,.' 1 ~
'RAZOR. , SCISSORS. IN .OABEft of the fhlestd sr,
BAS3OIII, Knives, &lemons arid .Tallle Cutlery , irtoup4
polished. EMI INSTRUMENTS of the tecuttitived/ v..,
construction to assist tho homing, et P. ItIADRIWI.'I3,I O - 4--- ...:*
Cutler and Surgical Ihstrunient elither,llli Teeth street s
C ,•A '.',-, '"
below Chestnut. ~ ,• • • , ~ , , • , 4671-tf -, ), '.:;
, 4 .•, - '...
, ,
CANTON ' PR ES ERVED G 11000,113 ~,, . ,i.....";...".......;
V Preserved Girder, in sirup of the celehreted 0h.f. , ....ar ,i,
bong brand; also, Jury Preserved Ginger, in bones, tnt.,4 V! '.
ported and for sale by JOB. B. ETISSUK 11100.44 e Ir'''.S .
Odath Delaware 410=0, • :I'.-4,v,
• *.:•.51. ; t. , • -,..E;Y.,_;•!1
- 04
,_ j., , ,
ri . ;.1 : B .c