Eli 4141144ET1N: ~tIIATIOIkAt .) LWOW' : ' ; *ll4/*l6ll.sillAY'S PROLE . EDINGS. LATiet'On - Cnnticniveas called to ordiir shortly after pine o'clock, with President CC. H. Luck: - , Walls, of Penni:Dv:lola, stated that the Otninnittee on Plan of Organization was, in as condition to report. - r; Wtii H. Wheeler, of Pa., rose and asked the 11,!resideritte bare nip roll called, and ascertain, there was'a (Detain in the house. 7 Phelps, of Connecticut, hoped that the Call 'wenld not be demanded, as it W0U.11.1 delay Biiidnegs, and it wits not in accordance With Parlifunentars - rules to call the roll when there was net a'quorum in the house; the mat inn-'. portant business hail been transacted in the", Legislature of his State ivithout the desired number. ' • Mr. ;Wheeler insisted on hating, the roll, called, which resulted in ascertaining that, wasnquortim. ,11r. 'J. F. Walsh, of Nev' York, stated 'that he wished to make an explanution in -regard to some remarks he had made yesterday about, liffs.s Anthony: He did not 'Wish to.convey the idea that man would be lewered to the grade of women, but plan Miss Anthony was; in favor of in' regard - te the wages of women: NVT.nrken's watt VI VI the standard - - •iigeff-tn'qfit'f standard. of woman. ionzyiip, of Nei., Yeik, ikesented - a - docti • merit,-Which had .been shanrled,: to :him to be glyen t . te_Sylvis, before hits death, and that a special committeeof five be appointed,.. to :Which it would be referred. Agreed to. to arose and stated that he bad been infornied that there was men on the floor. flint; did not represent any labor organize, • out of order; as credential, of the parties referred to bad been spcnred,and their seats could not now be ills; puted: • Mr Walls,' Of the Committee Ow Organiza= tiom which.rePorted yesterday, ,and which re+ part ibad been recommitted„reported again this; morning, with the following 'alterations .liit',..Se.ction. Said cotionittee •of one having power to appoint not; more.than five members of difterent Labor Unions to assistlim in the ditties laid down. The powers of said execs . tiie.coinmittee ceasing upon the formation of, the, State 'Union, which shall be considered coMplete upon the reception of a charter from the, United States 'Union. - • • . Section sixth on the, question of mileage was dropped. •A. motion was made that the report be re ceived,, which Was agreed to. li3r Daily,' of ' Ohio, moved that it be not adopted: . ' • - ••A.fter considerable debate, the whole matter, ivas laid on the table.' , The committee then desired to lie dis charged. • This was agreed to and the com mittee received the thanks of the Convention.. Mr. , Wallbridge, of Mass., on behalf of Female Labor, reported the following: Your Committee on Female Labor would respectfully report as follows: IReflotre4, That tins National Labor' Con gress recommend .that all the Trades Unions make immediate effort' to secure a thorough , organization of Female Labor, and demand the same ply for work eqiially.: well dond 1)y woman a. 4 that done by man. Resolved; That every avenue of labor for which woman is.physically capacitated should. be freely opened , to her ;on, the' same terms 'and 'conditions as allowed to any class of la,- 117tenris; ori‘dt and purpose of this ;,tabor Congress is to ameliorate the condition .or inidngivonien, as well as Worlcingme ; therefore Resolrecl, "iVe a.sirfor women equal oppor tunities and rights in every field ol'enterprise 'MARTHA 31. WALBRIDGE-, Chairman, of Committee , . The aboVe Was accepted. • , . • Mr. West, of Mississippi, in view of the ac. 7. "!tion of the Convention, moved that the Chair lippoint a cominittee, evert interest repre sented in ~t he Congress to -be represented. thereon,, who shall prepare a coieditutioube foie the next session of -the Union, and report " Carried. .• • lobn I.7•Walls offered the, following: • • President That it shall be the , duty of the President to appoint a Standing Executive ,and Advisory Committee of five, who shall ,'serve until the next meeting of this Congress; and until their successors are 'appointed; and whose duty it shall be to prepare an address to the people of the United States. :ResO/red,That the President shall appoint a Cornmitteeof Ways and Mean's, consisting of one member from each State, whose duty it shall be to provide for financial necessities of tivh organization,' and"otherwise provide for IN general intereSts. Adopted. Mr. A: C. Cameron, of-Illinois, Chairman of the Conunittee on Coolie Labor, of the 117terrag, Interested and unprincipled capi talists are-endeavoring-to lower the- wages- of • the mechanics and laborers of the United States, our-own-citizensy-by-the-introduction - of Coolie labor; and inereas - Our . working people; tlfe pillars of_ . our hastitinions_ r arem copelled to-incur—great expense towards - educating themselves and children, toward. 4 the support—of government and - defending humau rights for the benefit-of "all the world; and : • , . Whereas,- Coolie laborers Would be:under -no- such obligations, and would therefore be able , ; ;to undersell, with their labor, that of our citi zens, degrade the dignity of the laborer, and tend to lead to a state of, pauperism and vas salage , which would imperil the continuance, and developMent of our free, repabliean in stitutions; therefore, be it • Resolrex - 1, That while we apprebiate the benefits to be , desired from voluntary emigra tion, we are opposed in foto tonic hnportatori of a Servile,race, bound to fulfil contracts en tered info on foreign soil. Reoleed, That we demand the rigid enforce ment of the law of Congress of 180 prohibit ing COolie importation. • Regotred, That voluntary China emigra, its ought to enjoy the protection of the laws ,ike - other citizens. Signed, A. C. Cameron, Illinois ; John dlla guire, Missouri; J. P. Powers,Massachusetts; A. M. West, Mississippi ;E. . Linton, Massa •lchusetts. ,„ ,After ,a_ lengthy discussion, the resolutions were agreed to. . Mr. West, of Miss., asked permission to withdraw his name from the Committee, be clime he was opposed to the words. "unprin cipled capitalisp," which the convention re fused to strike out. Be was allowed to with The President then appointed the following Special Committee on a new political Party : James C. S.ylvis, of ,Pennsylvania; Sigfried Myer,' of New York; James Carr, of New York,; H. T. , Walker; of Alabama ; W. J. Mc- Laughlin, of Massachusetts. Mr. 8..8. Pratt, of .Massachusetts, Chairman the Conunittee on Miners and Mining, read the report ofthat Committee, - which was debated at, length,, and waS then laid over until afternoon. • . ' SAVE 'mi.; WArkit,-- . -Philadelphia was never so near a waterfamine as it is to-day. : The Iry-weathet continues to dithinish the simply in the Schuylkill, and the strictest economy is needed in the use of What• Water can be had. If such economy is tisell AVO,shall probably get through Without positive' stoppage,. and all waste should be absolutely prohibited and TO vente.d. The bath-tubs of IThiladelpein, con sume an enormous quantity of water. 'A bucket of water and a sponge furnish an more sub-. stitute and effect, a great- .saving.• Washing pavements and 'sprinkling : streets • are wholly unnecessary,, and - should should not be permitted. Cutting' OA. these. sources of .waste, we believe that the rain come to theresetto'beforewe drain the Schnyl killdry. •, The' exPedient of pumping :miter. into it:edits : from the fore-bay of Fairmount,,by Means of the sfeain tire-engines has been re ' - eoinifiended, but has not yet been tried, be eauke is believed that the • hose will • - note Ystand • the prossure. But it wind(' lie' more satisfaetory to the public if tlds theory were Ott to a pr:e•ti, : m Ip st. tlur hose Will sustain the pressur(: a sutucivirt Ilpplv of Water etut obtaintsi wv thin moans,. and,therefore, the experzuent 6141)4 to blitried *once • tiw" • ' Rah bel-kiritewtwitaiat';;' titir is 6'i:terrible - Vs:Lk for wititinitAtiter'in', Wehope some mitraitit'*lll,be put-npon - the -listAl. , pritdtibes , torrimpro7iident people to-worm*, The following • eiMulai has': beeii wited • by; order of the Mayor :w • • ' Or. FICIt TkIE CHIEF OFPOLICE, August 1w1th,1.86,9.--"-Lientenants of Police will at once detail a sufficient number of officers to visit every dwelling house in their respective dis-, tricts,, an& urge upon the . inhabitants the' necessity of being economical in the use of the Selfuylkill 'Water. - The Lieutenants will ".personally call upon the proprietors of sttgar•ridineries, dye-works, - fact,ories, anti other large consumers of water, and represent to them the importance of checking all' waste of the, article in their es-% tablishtnents- ' COOTORESS older of the a . .s• -, Dv • or., • ' S. CLAIR A. MULHOLLAND, ' •" Chief of Police.., The following 'order has :Also been issued : OFFICE or -ran CHIEF or Yomon, August," ..17th, 4869.-44pm/0 Order No. R.-Tn all cases of the,violatlon of the ordinance regulating the • use of water• in, the city the police officers are: directed to pro ce ed forthwitli; according to law, ,against the parties violating the same, 40 Bye order of the Mayor. =BEIM 1 1 Tie:: l A. Mulholland commanding," will leave the c t.V1041 - Tartsw .i llitcrimou, .week's encartipment:' No pftrade will be.tnade, ;but the different companies will assemble: at ;theirrespectiVe hezuhrtiarters and proceed :rest to theidepot of the North Pennsylvania' ;Railroad Company.. The camp, as has already been statd; is to' be located at ' White Hall; in IV • -Iteautifull section of the Lehigh Valley It is to be called "Camp ilancoek,'4ti honor of General W.S.Hanceek; in whose corps many, of the officers of the City. Guardserved diming the rebeili on. 'Lieutenant- Colonerßandall, with tisqUad of inen, Wentto the camp grounds yesterday for the purpose of putting up tIM tents,and making the necessary arrangements for the reception. the regi merit: %Eig , ht corapanies, comprising abou t . Three. hundred men, are going 'to camp. In 'regard to the duties to "•be required of the men, the.following order is to be issued to tnorrciw : ' „, ,__.. ~ x 11%41 / 5 0 ( 21[TARTE118 ', .I:H.fLAI)I.,P.B.M. . CITY GUARD, Augusta), 1869.--GenerarOrder No, 0. —l, The : oilcan - I — v*3” i.at, of the Philadelphia City lituirds, near 'Whitehall Station, Lehigh Val ley.,will be knowlras,Comp Ilancock. • H. The following hours of duty will be ob served :•. ' • •''' . , , . Beveille ' • • •5 A. -DI. Breakfast Company. Drill - • . 7.15 " " • Guard Mount ' . 9.30 " " Dinner , • .12.30 P. M. lla.ttallion Drill • 3'" IC Supper' .5.30 " " ' Dress• Parade 6.30 , "f Retreat ' Sunset. `Tattoo .. 9.30 P 1.111. Taps 10 " " '• By 'order of Col,' ST. CLAIR 3IULIIOLLAND. HENItY 01. IVER, Capt. and Act. Adit. :. The officers of the Philadelphia City Guards' Colonel—Brevet tajor-General St. Ciair A , • . Lieutenant-Colonel—Edruund Randall: .Irajor—john : • Adjutant—Vacant. • Quartermaster-John A. 111c1hvain.. • • Surgeon—Wm. G. Kier. ." A.ssnitant Surcreons—Thomas Heenan; J.J Kelly. • . Company A.—Captain—Francis Brurein: • • First Lieutenant—Jacob Grisheimer. !' Second Licatenanteorge F. Baler. Company B.—Captain 7: Brevet Major Charles First Lieutenant-Francis X. Mulholland. Second Lieutenant-Daniel Rodgers. Company C.-Captain-Thos. Moran. First LientenantGeo..D. llossiter. Second LieutenaniGeo.Peitier., ' ' Company D.-Ca stain'-P. S. Donner. First Lieutenant-0 eines Brady. Second LieutenatiV-Stephen Corcoran. . Company E.-Captain-John A. Turner. First LietttenantcharleS lJhl. . Second Lieutenant-Jas. Willi: unison. ' Company F;-Captain-D. First Lieutenant -P: McAdams. . •SeCond Lientenant-Vatant.. „ • Company G.-Captain-E. J. Brodie. First Lieutenant-William Kleckner, Second Lieutenant-James Flegherty. Company H.-Captain-Thomas Fdry. First Lieutenant-Henry McGee. Second.Lientenant-Vacant.. Company 1.-Captain Samuel 34ler. First Lieutenant-Enos Edwards. :SecondLieutenant-TheodoreKeiger. Company li.-Captain-John A.- Samson. First Lieutenant-George McHenry, Second Lieutenant-Jacob - Gritli th. ' Company L.-Captain-F. A: Sloan. Company 31.-Captain-D. W. Bartine. First Lieutenant-Joseph Biller. SecondLlilitenant - - - - --- George AP. Harris. Company N.-Captain-Charles N. Dhiel.. F i rst - Li eutenant - Oli 316CallaSter. SecondLieutenantWin. McFardv. -Company 0.-Captain. Henry Oliver. - Second Lieutenant-William Durham. • THE CHESTNUT STREET FIRE.-In addition - 01 B M -insurances on the stock _of J di. N!. Creighton, No. 217 Chestnut street, as .pub lished on another page of to-day's paper, there is 541,0t0 in the Manufacturer's Insurance Company, of Philadelphia, and the amount iu the Delaware Mutual should be 520,000, in stead of 51.0,000, making the, total insurance 5220,000. The loss is not\sUpposed to be over ten per cent. of that. amonut. The operations of the lnsurance Patrol resulted in saving a large quantity of goods from'damage by water. THE GERMAN AT TOlLltiSD,lLE.—Torresdale was unusually bright and lively last_ evening on the occasion of a youthful• German, given at the summer residence of EdWin H.l itlor, Esq. The affair was really , grand and re cherche. The young Misses and masters did the graceful in paying homage to Terpsichore in a manner not to be excelled by those older in ,vears. The MUSIc was under the direction of Prof. Blanejour. The party cloadd at a seasonable hour, all theyartimpants delighted' and Thankful for the kindness and attention hown by the host and.hostess. ASSAULTIN4 A POLicEmAN.—,Tames Bel sbaw has been held in WO bail by Alderman 31.a.ssey for assault and battery on : Policeman Klink. ' • John Richardson 'vim arrested ',by Police than McDevitt, at Sixteenth and Christian streets, this morning, abort' half--past one o'clock. ..lie, resisted, and. McDevitt was at tacked by several men and received three Severe cuts on the head. :Richardson was taken before Alderman Dallas and was. held in $l,OOO on the charge of assault and battery. BROWN. FROM A HonsE.---This morning about nine o'clook William Clement 1 twely'e years of age, residing at No. 220 Marriott street,-was thrown from a horse while riding through German street, and •itsliadlijirklured about the head, arms, and back. , The horse waS-frightened by a corn-cob thrown at him by a boy named Webber: • • - A DESTRtienyE FELLow.--;-A young• man Whet - had been boarding at the houso of Mos. Ellen Largay, No::21(Hl Callowhill street, went up stairs, yesterday afternoon, about 5 o'clock; ripped open beds, exit, up clothing, and broke looking;glasses, a clock, and several liictures. He then left the house, and NIB not since put in an appearance. The inmates of the house are unable to accountfor this singular coduct. LARCENY AT A NEWSPAVER OFFIcm-LAl bert AnderSon, a negro boy, went into the °thee of the Germuntown Telegraph yesterday to sell some kaeheS. While there he took a limey to a line gold pen and pencil. which was lying • Ton a table' and put it into his pocket. He was arrested, mid will have a hearing at the Central station this afternoon. Foriin Oex.x.flie • Sixth Distriet police ,found ten houses in the Ninth and Tenth Wards unfastened doting last night. In the :third story of 10. 1024,Cheritnut street the spigot' of the liyitranylad. been left turned on, and there was a considers ble. waste of water before the matter was diseovered if,V a policeman; • TIM:DAILY Chief of Police Cos'slett EVENING 13ULLETIS-PinL4ogirgo.,-Nolit.'Atvw., Mi,Misai;fzi;t&i=ztesittl,3M aa viTiisi_bi ,Inshus Wynta r l, residing'At tteenth 4tna atreets , w Anvst,o4;4 atattaanl-ber9rn,Al4yrt. 411421.4141eY11im the'bhatgeTar . amatilt and `l.t ba at e je r'l ge bin v; a naTel i liit ' 79l, G ir ' b h a ' fi s . " Hanle _- !"'MAIICENY, Oil' A 'W,.4. , rcri:-L-Fred. Lawrence, Daniel - '3l6oeify and Robert - 1100er were arrested *yesterday in Duponceam,street upon the charge of the larceny or a watch. They will have a hearing at the Cotitral Station this l'aftertiocur ' 4 ALLEGED SwizinLiNo.—A woman named Bridket McGuigan hasbeen sent to prison by Aid. Morrow for .obtainiog! $4 from , the.enT p)Oye4bf the gas works brteiling a heartrend tog, hut not true, story of distress. A WATCH SNATCHER.--0 antes Weir WM ar rested last night upon the coarge of havin snatched a watch from n woman at Eighteenth andaline streets. 'He will biCve a - hearing Ws afternoon at the Central Station. • NEW Yonnjlia. Eactiieeto~ : Beck's Philadelphia ;taint give, atnither of those New ';'York Bay excursions - Whick.have :become so jpopular, on Tuesday, August.24th. The ex cursionists leave - Wahint Street Wharf, - in this efty; at 7.30 Ck'aloek A: 3.t. gniek 'passage by :rail 'Toni Camden bringshe' party to South ;Amboy, where they thribark.on the steamer , William Cook, and.a splendid yoyage up New lark ,Bay afford.S'them yiesir'of the promi 'Mint fcirtifications and... Points of :interest; and a trip up the HudSon:as:far as the Palisades, she3v.s....to the .paTtv:lthe.:...buqine.Ss partion_of trl.47fard - Itirtlie - 10 - und ifs $3, quite low elicingh.to - adnirr of its being Amtrurnzed-ex - tensiVelN. ' • Tickets can be lail • 4lt.Blliatl 828 Chestnut . ',.street; oftice,.of Beok's:lland, 828 _Market st:,' for at the wha rf, inor,iiing •of the ex- . feUTSIOII. Senatus Lodge, No. 76, 1..0. 04 F.,, of Cam 'den; N. J., will gives grand excursion around New York , Bay and 6tAten Island,,on altar ;day, AuglAt 21; leaVing: Camden at 7.42 A. M. 'The fare for the excursion will be, single tickets; $3; gentleman and 'lady,' 'ss. The Nati'Onal Cornet : Band Orchestra - has beep en gaged, to accompany ,the excursion, And all arrangements, whether i for4he comfort or en jOyinent,of the participants, have been , made. ATI ANTIC 'the information Of ,those who wish to 'visit. the S . ea.shofe, we will inform them that' the Camden • and Atlantic Railroad are now running:live, tmius daily to the City,by the Sea. .• (he at' 8.00 and at 9.45 A.'31. 2 . and at 4.15 P. M. i Iwaddition to these, tWo fist trains (through in one hour and three-, quarters) are now running,. leaving Vine Street wharf, at 2.00 and , 3.15 •P. M., The Sunday train he run as uival, leaving Vine. Street wharf ,at 8 A. M. Returning, leaves Atlantic at 4P. M. • , • • 'CAPE MAY.—The season at :this favorite 'watering place is .now - abontat its height, and presents many attraction's. The hotels are well lined, and promise, notwithstanding, their extensive enlargement; and additions, to' find visitors for every available space. .The fast ex- Press train, by the West , ;Tersey Railroad, leaving Philadelphia at 4 o'clock P. - M., this ftfternoon l makes no stops for Tutoengers be tween Philadelphia and Cape May. - The mail train leaves on Sunday at'7.ls A. 'N..l.,xeturning at 5.10 P. M. -Fare , for round trip . onlysS. • • LONG BRANCH.—Passengers are now en abled.to reach this watering 'Once :without a change of cars, and in.the',short time of four hours: There are two trains fun` daily, one nt 8 A. M., and one at 2 1). - .31.; both from Wal nut Street wharf. ;Thi3 , ltre i5..53, , 0r. an excur sion ticket for the t•ound trio, . Fon. CAPE . . MAY.-Steamer L'uly• of the Lake.—L.. This line steamer leaves Arch street wharf on Saturday morning ' nine o'clock. Sec advertisement. . • .t • , . WE SPEAK from 'mTerienee , when we, say that the Ocean House is the best kept Hotel at Cape May. ' • CITY NOTICES. Wnrtcomn's AWritmA ItiorEny:;—ln no case of purely Asthmatic character . liasitTailMi. • A niscnimiNATENG . husband .will not fall to.procure n noun! Wnsher. 1031 Chestnut. - _ LASTING decorations for the , grave. Call at I. Stigale'n,7oo Wood street, and many beaatiful designs., • , SURGICAL .11.1STRUBIENTS and druggists' sun dries. SNOWDEN it BROTHER, 23 South Eighth street. OUR CUSTOMERS AND THE PUBLIC. CHARLES STOKES, MERCHANT TAILOR AND CLOTIIIER, No. 824 CHESTNUT STEET, • respectfully draws your attention to this notice, that the assortment of Fino Clothing now being made for his Fall business will he full and , •17:Vitilly,,ASSED IN STYLE, QUALITY, 4 - AND - PRICE. A very great reduction from former tirice.s will be made, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed to all. The best cutters only employed, and customer-work made in style and fit unequaled by any establishment in the State. TOLE PATRONAGE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. PEOPLE,-who-vornitrat -the ver y: thought of pills, actually relish DR. WiNst.ct,w LIVER AND Svon.tot LOZENGE. . They are wholly vegetable,donl: ripe, agree with everybody, can hurt nobody, and act like a charm in dyspepsia, bowel complaint, liver disease and general 4e,bility. Bu2fDowxs, - at - Oalifords'; - -JUDICIOIIB--MOTHERB-and- nurses - use - tor children a ea% and nlemiant medicine In Bower's infant_ LADIES' StrNDOWNS, at Oakfords' GET ONE of those Pocket Panamas, sold a °Ladenlet, under the Continental. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH. J. Isaacs, M.D., Professor of the Eye and „Ear,. treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city can be soon at his office, No. 803 Arch street. -The medical faculty are invited' to accompany their patients, as ho has no secrets in his practice. A rti ficial eyes inserted. No charge made foreicamination.l Tnosn CELEBRATED Pocket Panamas, sold at Charles Oakford Son'd, under the Continental, are very convenient for gents traveling. Coins, Bunions, Inverted Nails, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson, No. 9 / 5 Chestnut street. Charges moderato. UT ED DING - CARDSTINVITATIONS I , V for Parties, &o. New styles. MASON &CO • an2stn 907 Cheetnut street. , WEREpDING INVITATIONS EN graved in the newest and beet manner. LOUIS A, Stationer and Engraver, 1933 Chestnut street. fe2o tf • MARRIED. SMITII—CONSTOCK.—On the 17th inst., at the resi dence of tho brille'e parents, Walter. Dick Smith, of Philadelphia. to Maria, daughter of Wm. 11. Comstoek, of Menden, Mass. * DIED. - - - CLEVELAND.—StIdenIy, on the indrnlng of the 18th Inst., Professor Charles Dexter Cleveland, in the 07th year of his age. friends, and former pupils, and the friends of the fatally, are Invited to attend his funeral, at his late roes• deuce, 213 South Eighth street, on. Saturday morniag, at 10 o'clock. HARPL ; II.—On the 19th inst., at the residenee of 'ids father, No. 1811 Walnut street, Alexander J. lLtrper, eldest son of James Harper, tir. Funeral on fiaturdey. 21st inst., at 2 u'clock.' LOWItIE.—At Norwalk, Conn., August 18th, at the residence of her brother, T. H. Childs, D.D., Mrs. Mary H ;Lowrie, widow of the late Ilon. Walter Lowrie, of New 'York. I.IOI.IIERTON.—On the .11th of August, 1889, a her residence, Clifford learnt, Mrs. 'Rebecca C Pemberton, widow of 'the late John • Pemberton; lit The 78th' y,ear of her nue, PLE.KgANTS'.cfn. Thursday limning ; 19tli hist firrniantewn, Leigh Remington, infant son of - Charles P. and Julia A. Pleasant*. • - • • . • BLACK SILKS; 'EXTRA: GOOD„ PIANO COVERS, ORDERED 'STYLES, L . • ' DOUBE CHAIN BLACK MOHAIR, • • CLOCK BRAND BLACK ALPACAS. ' EYRE & LANDELL Fourth and Arcli.-' SPECTA7I. - Nr - OTICIOS. . _ l& HEADQUARTERS REPUBLICAN,' CITY 'EXECUTIVE CIO.IIIIIII.TTEE, No 1101 lIEt