Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, August 14, 1869, Image 5
..... . ,; ~;;,; t.:vry BtitiETll4. #TIIIC SECRETARY kW' 'TOE ' ,, IVATICAT TUE five o'clock, theateainer Titßamose,' 'havingen board the glom:lazy of theyavy, iron . George Robe son, Vice Admiral David D. Porter, and their fainillesi arrived at the Navy, Yard; and was molted with a salute of seventeen guns from the 'remising ship, and cheers from the, men PlithnOdOre Marchand, the commandant at , do' Navy , Yard, accompanied by some of, the ward officials, 'amain waiting, andonthe itig of the Secretary . and Admiral Porteri-wel corded them; but no formal' ceremonies took, place. . The Secretary and AdmiraaPorterthentQelt= a Carriage, which was in waiting, and drove to the. Continental Hotel, for .the purpose of ,ineeting , General Sherman; Wit the General waskut visiting with his daughter. Secretary !Robeson and Porter subsequently re ' "turned to the :Yard, whore they remained' all , 'night aboard the Wallapoosa. • , *seven o'clock 'this morning the Secre ' t tarYandlthe Admiral, 'accompanied by Com aithispeetloakfthe- Tad: At.half-past ten o'clock the Secretary - reCeivedthe efliCers of the Yard and Station in thatlorninoelore's office. The"visitors willleave for. New York this ,afternoon, stopping at Leagite island to make an 'inspection of the ' iron-clads. They go from,New York to:New - port; thence to,.l,ioston; thence to Portsraoutb, 1%:. B. . , and thence, to Eastpert, ,M e., at which point the tripivill terminate. General Sher man; accompanied by his daughter, went on board - ,this morning, - and-will remain - with the distinguished party until the dose of the cruise. The visitors were called upon this . • 'morning .b ex-Secretary Porte and t.louarrio ", dore Steecari. Min WATER Q,unsrrox.:-Philadelphians are noted for their cleanliness, and strangers visiting the city are always struck with the fre qUent washing of pavement 9 and window shutters. Notwithstanding the scarcity of water in- •the Schuylkill river at the present time, and.the request ofthe Chief Engineer of the Water,Department that the water shall be used sparingly, the • old practice of pavement, washing was kept up to a considerable extent this morning. In many localitie.s the water was used in a very reckless manner, anti in view of the low state of the Fairmount reser voirs, it might be well for the Mayor to in struct the police to prevent such a wasteful use of the-water. THE MAGUIRE SHOOTING CASE.—WiniaM LeClaCldlt who. was charged with assault and battery . on James Maguire, with intent to kill, had a further hearing . before Alderman Kerr this morning. It will be remembered that Maguire was shot by Leckfeldt the house of the latter, 'in St. John street. Dr. Morris Lougstreth testified that Maguire hai so far recovered from the effects of his wound that his life is no longer considered in danger. The magistrate t n admitted Leckfeldt to bail in the sum of $2,000. Morris Bischoff, No. 452 St. John street, entered the necessary security, and the defendant was discharged. TIIIEVES.-Ilugh Duffy, aged - 15 years, and William Williams, .aged ii years, were arrested yesterday by Pohc anan Crook, for the larceny of spools of silk from Hoist mann's factory at Fifth and Cherry streets. The spools, in boxes, had been plAced in front of the windows, and the boys were engaged in getting it out? by means •of sticks, when they, were observed by the Wit cer. They „had already Bemired' one • box of the silk; The tnieves were committed for a further hearing by Ald: Tolaud. • SuProsEDTHIEF.—A man named' Charles Kuntz engaged lodgings at the -Metropolitan Hotel on Areli street, near Seventh, yesterday afternoMi.- Last evening' lie was found se eretedin the room of another boarder. He, was arrested, mid at the time had oil'. his per son some. !newly-made skeleton keys.' .The prisoner will have a hearing, at the Central Station this afternoon. . Suic - neE of A WomAN.—Anunknown white woman, apparently a German, very nicely dressed;rushed out on the second wharf be low Vine street, and. plunged into the Dela waretabout nine o'clock this morning. The captain of a vessel lying in an adjoining dock observed her struggling in the water, and sent -boat to her assistance, but the woman sank before she could be reached. FOUND DItOIySZED.—The body of Robert - McGeehan, aged 14 years, was found in the Delaware •at Race street wharf, about five o'clock this morning. The deceased had been missinfrom his 'home in Cresson street, Sixth Ward, for two or three days and it is • supposed he fell overboard while pitying on the wharf. Courrilmtur RounED.—Samuel Price, a resident'of. Bucks' county, Pa., came to the Citiyesterddy. -Last-night he fell in with -a woman, and was enticed , into a house in Crooked place, New Market street, near Nob)e. While,there t he complains,. that he 'was robbed of $l7. 'No arrests` have 'been made. . . PLux.—This morning, about half-past five o'clock, a fire occurred in the rag store of Jacob Walters, No: -Oxford -street.- -The .fiames,were extinguished by the Taylor Hose Company before t • made m-urbh—pro gress. • The loss is estimated at $BOO. - Warrisixii,—lf there iLs any perceptible change in the chocolate which has made the name of Stephen F. Whitman "a household. word" in this nation, it is for the better. Jlr. •1 ViThiann Makes his . a I balate from thii - best imported beans, by means of the most elegant machinery that could be devised. He war , rants it primp, and we know -it to be delicious And wholesome. It is the, nicest thing in the , 'world for travelers to carry , with thein for t l . lunch; it is the most deli 'Mini sweetmeat for Xanillies; and it can be made into a pleasant.. , beverbge. Mr. Whi an has a dozen different varieties for different purpir:es. Besides his chocolate and phocolate confec tions, the store 1210 Market street, is crammed full of the finest confections, made of the best materials, flavored highly, and equal to the most renowned French candies in the market. It seems hardly worth while to say all these thing§ of Mr. Whitman's productions, for half the world knows their truth already ifrom practical experience, , but it may be read by some benighted person who has yet to test the question for himself. THE NEW YORK BAY Excunsiox.—The second grand excursion of Beck's Philadelphia Band No.l around New York Bay and Staten 'lsland, on Monday next, should not, be for gotten. BUCR aR opportunity for taking a very pleasant trip and viewing Bo much grand and magnificent scenery, at, a price so remark ably low, is rarely offered. The first excur sion was participated in by several hundred ladies and gentlemen, and everybody was highly delighted. The firsthaving been so WM ' eßfidb.l, a second one was determined upon,and the tickets are going off "like hot cakes." 31 .r, Warren Gore, the popular ticket agent ‘•ottlfe Camden and Amboy Railroad Com_pany, assists the band .in taking charge of the details of the excursion, and therefore there need be no-fear-that-all the-comforts-and-,convenience,s necessary necessary. for the most ample enjoyment, of the trip will not be ,weli provided. • - , • "-7 - 7 - 7' - ',7" - "" • TrturrwiTn's ITEw STORE, at 614 Chestnut street,: is now in the full tble of its success. Persons about leavinthe city can procure a fullirepply of light literature, as well as toilet ;and fancy articles of-eirery description. All the latest publications constantly on band. WE SPEAR from experience when we : say that the Ocean Rouse 18 the best kept Mete' at Cape May. ' • Sdomorro 131Tha.—A never-fad antidote TO the poison of snotiquitoes and'°Train Ix= SECTS ban been found in BIIANETVEI 'Camas- -Simmons, the Harvard oarsman, learned to row on the Concord river under the eye of Thoreau and Emerson, and he is a cousin of the latter. • Hrignoli "disappointed" the audienee at Ira ni Troll, Saratoga, who paid to hear him tilligliug week. , -LGeneral Lee declines to mix up in any way '4l1 -politico, ' —Mrs. Julia - 'Ward Howe , preaching on the leoincidences and Differences 'between l'hilosophy and Iteligion." `''Vli:-I)AITAY -EV IiIittS , IriMLETIII . I:IILADELPI II / 1 ., BATIMIAV, AUGUBII 14,-1869 THE. itrito,pG hehe Aboliti o on. TheweßtOliester for the following. It zany not be generally„ known`,. thcnglt the c l ot win be of int,erest:lo. most income Wc - 'payers, that, as the' revenue law now 'stands, the tax on incomea Willcease to be collected after next year. , An :aniendment to the Minh section of the law adopted in 1867 is as follovvs: ‘ 4 , That the taxes on incomes herein imposed shall be levied. on !the Ist day of March, and be due andpayable on or before •the . 3oth'day of April in ,each year until 1870, and no longer." Unless, therefore, Congress by special en actment extends the operation of this law, the income tax-gatherer will be >unknown in this country after 1870. The Cyclone of 1804. I. was delighted to find our captain a native' of the' same town as myself, and full Of those reminiscences of old 'diameters and ,occur- rences which so vividly recall our past, andaiv moia especially-refreshinglaadistant COUPtrYg and among, scenes and circumstances .*hich seem to belong to a different and :distant world. Captain G. told me this story, among- others, of the c3iclone of 64: "It was very .aWfal. Ile darkness seemed like- black marble.. could not stand, -but dragged'myself as best I could; along the deck; on hands and knees. All tie crew skulked below, save one man named Nelson. - He Wawa brave fellow, and stood, by meAill-the-laSt.--It-ivas-necessary,at_onelline , _ to cut away ,a hawser astern. At the risk of his life he did it, and disappeared. .He was swept-overboard; but as he was being- carried past the shiP he caught hold of a rope, and. to my joy crept upthe side to me again. Soon after that some one came near me,and shofited in my ear, words I heard with difficulty: 6A steamer is beside Us" and my wife and child are on its' deck. ;For God's sake' save them 1 save them I,' 'Nelson and I managed to. get over the side,l know not how,' and we dimly -saw something white. With immense difficulty we got hold of a woman and child, and dragged them on board just as the steamer sank. Next 'day we 'received many thanks and assurances that - never, never would this be forgotten. But, :as in too many similar cases, we '• never heard more of husband, -wife or childl"—" Peelis at the Far East," by Dr.., Macleod, in Good Words. _ ..... • —Mf. P. Lucien-iites to tbe Quebec Vhro4- isle, giving it as his . decided opinion that the Dominion is favored with valuable deposits of gold. He says Having had considerable experience in the auriferous diggings of Aus tralia, British Columbia, and California, I am favorably impressed with the appearance of the soil, quartz rocks, and gravel , of Canada, particularly in the ,neighborhood of Queenston, Toronto, Montreal and Quebec. Of coursej am well aware that gold exists in quantities in quartz and auriferous soil, com posed of different 'kinds • 'of clay, mixed with gravel and decomposed quartz, in different parts of Canada, and niy motive in calling your attention to this fact is simply to express my surprise that the Canadian government, or the wealthy capitalists of the different Provinces, have not inaugurated a regular system of prospecting • the country thoroughly by sending out ,practical gold miners in dif ferent directions during the summer ;Months, and offering a governmental bonus to the ' lucky • discoverer. For • years past (irrespective of recent , discoveries) there has been, a standing reward offered by the New Zealand Government for the discOVery of gold fieldi; in that. Colony. lam satisfied, Mr.-Edi tor, that if the Canadian people would turn their attention to the development• of the golden resources of the Dominion, that they would ultimately be rewarded by making dis coveries equal to. any on the Pacific Coast, and would bethe means of introducing a stream of emigration to the shores of the most beau tiful country that I have seen in all my t uvels." CITY NOTICES. RICH FRENCH 'DECORATED Dinner, Dessert and Tea Sots, Vases, Figures, Fancy Goods, &c:, at greatly reduced prices. These goods must be sold to make room for now arriving fall Importations. Those about to pufcbase will study their interest by calling and examining on, large and varied stock. KERleti CHINA HALL, 1218 Chestnut street. BEST QUALITY '— !rim White French China Breakfast, Dinner, Dessert end Tea sets: . Containing 17.5 pieces. for 6;53 Smaller hots of 115 pieces, for 30 • At Kerr's C.01.N.A. lIALL, 1218 Chestnut street. NEVER FADING NATURAL FLOWERS TO decorate the tomb. Call or send to birs.`E. M. STIGALE, WO Wood street, for circulars. HutED DOMESTICS, who wash for the fainily, are great friends of tho Rothe Washer. To be had at 0.31 Chestnut kr...40t. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS and druggists' sun dries.._ SNOWDEN & BROTHER, 23 South Eighth street. BEST QUALITY Fine gold•band French China Tea Sete, 46 pieces for (113-tilf-at H:gnn's China Hall, 1218 Chestnut street BEET QUALITY ~ Whits Frenth China Tea Bets,sB plecea for elO, at cgiNA BALL 1218 Chestnut street. • - OUR CUSTOMERS-AND TILE PUBLIC. • • CHARLES STOKES, • KERCHANT TAILOR AND-CLOTHIER,... • -No. WA-CIIESTNUT &MET, ._..- respectfully draws your attention to -this notice, that the assortment of Fine Clothing now being made for hie Fall business will be lull and • UNSURPASSED IN STYLE, QUALITY, AND PRICE.. 'd ttry (mot .nilurtion .from former prires will be role, and iwrfect sittilfaction guaranteed to all. The best cutters only employed', and eustomop-work ',ado in style and fit unequaled by any establishment :n the State.' YOUR PATRONAGE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED, GET ONE of those Pocket Panamas, sold at Oakforda', under tho Continental. MISSES' SuNpowNs, at Oakfords' SINGER'S SEWING NACHINGS on easiest possible terms, by JUDICIOUS MOTHERS and nurses use tor children a safe and pleasant medicine in .power's Infant Cordial. LADLES' Suirpowzis, at Oakforcls' A PECK OF COCKROACHES Can be killed by a single flask of Lyon's Insect Powder. Nothing else kills insects. This is their natural etibuty. Sete that you get the genuine. .Te has E. Lyon s signature on the package. AU others aro frauds. Depot, SL Park Row, N.Y. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH.. J. Isaacs, M. D., Professor of the Eyo and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the Most reliable sources in the city can be seen at his office, No. PM Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, RS he has no secrets in his, practice. Art tidal eyes inserted. No charge made for examination. THOSE CELEBRATED Pocket Panama% sORI at CharkmaiaktordAtjhatea,undarthailontlauntal, aro vary convenient for genta traveling. Conn's, Bunions, Inverted Nails, 'skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson, No. 913 Chestnut street. Charges moderate. WARTH-CLOSET-S, COMMODES. AND Ju,s Privy Fixtures. Salee-room with A. H. FRAN CISCUS B C0.,619 Market street. .iy3l a tu th.3ot9 TAT ED DING CARDS, INVITATIONS V for Partieo, &o. Now etyioa. MASON &00 WWl§ 907 Ohoktnut street. ' WEDDING INVITATIONS kif gr edit' the newest and tog =fluor LOUIS DREKAT I Stationer and Engraver, 1033 'Chestnut greet. fa° tf MARRIED. BOBFAITS—MAGILL.—At St. Jobu'd Church, Lower Merlon, on the 'nth Wit., by Rev. P. Arnold, John Robertato 11.-Rosalloolnughter of.W. ft . Magill. DIED. TA Itlt.—On tho 13th- inst., Inmost/1., son of Mary G. and the late Eliaha 1). Tar, in the 36th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respntfully invited to attend the funrral, from the residence of Ills mother, No. 1746 North Thirteenth , street, on filonday, lath inst., at 4 o'clock P. M. Interment at Monutw.nt Cemetery. [Washington papers please copy.' • riir.NOTIOE.-31ELITA LODGE, NO. 295, A. Y. ht. The members are requested to meet at the hinsonlc Hal on SUNDAY AFTERNOON, at 2 ,:o'clock, for the par poge of attending the funeral of our late brother, JER.E WAR •N 10110.1.5. -hfaeonie dreee Will he etrietly adhered to. - By order of W. hi. It" DENNIS F. DEALT, Secretary. OrtrArgilllt .411411)14 01,1113 4 PalLAlmbrit/A., Ist.) l / 1 22.—Thomentbetv of thO Notional, tinliin Chin ore regueorl , to attend the funeral of theirlate mem) or. J OLINDA:Ii, 11.1 0 - /EBNOON II k2 o'clockt from late mid onoo , ire/le nd, and Ular ion otreoto. +. • JOIIN rim illatk4j J, IA SALTER, 80Cintary: ; Ili I)IPLACK SILKS, GOOD, • ~.rIAI4O trovEßsilt_.D.FlVEl), 1 4 081 3 111 E.. ' LW i3 1 1 5 ANCVinkkg .1 - f.RE'dc;,LANDELL , lobtarth mut Arch ,ICELIGIOUS NOTICES. • • EIEST PEESII_YTEREILN CHURCH. We," Washington , Solaro,. Servic,ea .To'•Morrow.4 o l4 A. THE --CHURGII, OF. THE CESSOB, Spring Garden,heloW Tlroad.-The Rpc , tor; Rev. J. W. Bonham, will preach Sunday morning. No service in the evening. • • , , . .--- -----• --- • - 1)-7 -, ..• ,BEV.. E.. .R. . BEAVLE. H ILL .. .preach tomorrow at tho Second Presbyterian Church, southeast corner of Twenty-first and. Walnut streets, at 10% A. M. and 8 P. X. it CAL VAR 3C PRESBYTERIAN 1ar..7 Church, Trecust street, above Fifteenth. Preaching to-rnorrovr morning at 10% o'clock by Bev. Jaines'2..lfyile, of Connecticut. - lu.s CENTRAL • CONGREGATIONAL Church', Eighteenth •- and Green etieetg.—Rev. Samuel Moss, D. D., will preach te-morrow at 1O) A. DI., and 71.; P.M: The public are cordially invited. It* - -- 07CEN TRAL ,PRESBYTERIAN Church, Eighth and Cherry streotd.—Rev. W. Henry Green, D. D., of Princt,ton.ff u . J. will punch to• morrow (Sabbath morning) at MI: o'ploc , k. . it* [7, ALEXANDER ' PRESBYTERIAN Church, Nineteenth - and - Green streets. The usual services on next Sabbath morning, at 1O o'clock. Preaching by Bev. Casper' It. 'Gregory, of Bridgeton, - N. J. . . It , _ ._ u. • REV. JAMES M.' •CROWELL, D. D.. preach in the Seventh Presbyterian Church. Broad street and. Penn Square. to-morrow, at 10% A M. and in the West Arch Street. Church, Eigh teenth and Arch Streets, at 8 P. M. rfpn OPEN ALL.SUMMER.—FIFTH Baptist Church, corner Eighteenth and Spring Garden streets:—ltev. James • Link of Cincinnati,. will preach to-morrow lor, A. M. and BP. M. .Bible School in all its departments at 234 P. M. Tuesday and Friday evening meetings in the Chapel at 8 ,o'clock. Persons whose place of worship are closed :are specially invited to meet with us. . • it* NOTICE-THE TENTH PRESBY TERIAN Church (Hoy. Dr. Boardman's) corner of Walnut and Twelfth streets, will, Providence permit ting, be open for divine service every Sabbath throngh out tho Slimmer, at 153,1 A. PI. and SP. 111. Rev. 1)r. lilcllvaine, of Princeton, is engaged to preach during that time. Strangers and all others are cordially invited to attend.• j ylO-sSt" llzo OPEN AIR . SERVICES, UNDER the auspices of the Young Men's a Christian API4O, elation, SABBATH AFTERNOON,' at the following places: • • Market 'louse, Richmond street and • Lehigh avenue, Preaching by Rev. A.l M: Jolly,Franklin Cemetery Lane,. 4. • Tenth street and Girard avenue, Seventh and St. Mart; streets, Seamen's Home, 422 South Front at— Broad stand Montgomery avenue, Gray's Ferry road and Shippen at., . Moyamensing ave. and Wharton et, '"' Juniper and Filbert streets, • Broad and Master eta, Ridge and N. College avenues, Broad St., below Coates, • 5. Twenty-second and Federal streets, Broad and South streets., 'lords 5, mire. 6'o•clock. OD OUR. STOCK FINEST READY-MADE Is kept full and complete all through the Gentlemen can at all times find amy article of season able attire in large variety. We will make a full suit from measurement ig The Chestnut St. Clothing Establishment 818 and 820 Chestnut Street. ' ROSE HILL CEMETERY. _Amewatalbeantifnl _CEMETERY_ has been recently located on LANCASTER Avenue, a short distance from Overbrook Station, on the Pennsylvania Central Rail road, just beyond the city line and near the bonndary of the now City Park. The Hestonville Passenger Rail road, it is expected,-will shortlybe_extended and pass in front of this Cemetery. These grounds, in natural and created embellisluneuts, are metaled by few and sur passed by no Cemetery in the country. The projectors are now solling_alimited number of_Lots of 10 by 12 feet at 6 , Z) per lot, 'payable iu installments. The price will shortly be doubled. Portions of the ground can now be allotted to Societies on favorable terms. Parties desiring to purchase are invited to visit these grounds without delay, and judge for themselves of the advantages offered, For further information, apply at the Office of the Presi dent, 81 A WAL H NU K St NS e t, Or of the Secretary, GEO. CHANDLER PAUL, 1723 North TENTH Street. BOARD OP MANAGERS: A. M. Hopkins, IGeo, Chaiiiiler Paul, Jacob Galceler, Geo. W.Buckman, Semi. J. Wallace.V jel7 3mrpi WM. N.•ATTWOOD & SON UNDERTAKERS, No. 1210 Race Street, Philadelphia. F. DAVIS, 810 eheatuut street U. Y. LAUDERBACIVS CLASSICAL, .SCIENTIFIC AND COMMERCIAL ACADEMY, FOR BOYS AND YOUNG MEN. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. Entrance 108 South TENTH Street. This School presents the following( advantages : • Finely ventilated class•rooms, with ceilings thirty feet in height, giving each pupil more thau double tho usual breathing space. Wide, massive stairways, rendering accidents in es t embling and dismissing almost impossible. ' A corps of teachers every one of whom has had yoarti of experience in tho art of imparting knowledge, and making study interesting, and consequently, profitable. A mode of teaching and-discipline calculated to make school attractive, instead of burdensome to the pupil— .en indispensable requisite for complete success. 'Applications received at the Academy from 10 A...M.: todi p. M., daily, on and after AUGUST 23. „Catalogues, containing full particulars and the names of many of our leading citizens, patrons of the lnstitu lion, may be obtained at Mr. W. F. Warburton's, 430, Chestnut street , Or by addressing the Principal pis above. 11 ,- rY -- 11AUDERBACH, Late ate Principal of the Northwest Public Grammar School. ..OFFICE OF. THE CO LECTOR OF. *eV' THE DELINQUENT MILITIA TAX. PHILADELPHIA August 14, 1889. Themndersired respectfully informs tho citizens of the City and County of Philadelphia that he to now pre pared to roceive the above tax at his W, corner Seventh and Arch streets, second story. Office bouni front 9 till 8. : G. HARWOOD, in., • . aulotg • Collector. ' REGULAR DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE FOR LEGISLATURE, SECOND DISTIIICT I . WILLIAM O. GILLINGHAM, jy3 tf WILLS OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL; RAGE ABOVE EIGHTEENTH STREET. pen daily at 11 A. N. for treatment of . diseases of the . ATTENDING stritinox, • ' Dr:GEORGE 0. - HANLANilBoBoltestnut street. . . , VISITING NIA.NAG*NR , • " v • . Dr. ALBERT H. SMITH . 113 South Load street* JOHN. C. SAVERY, 1152 South Fourth street; 1 11. 11: LIPPINCOTT. N. W. corner Twentioth opfl Cherry streets. . • IY3-8 w tiro§ _. ..... MISS ELIZA W. S'SIITH, HAVING u = yr removed from 1324 to 1212 SPRUCE street, will h e r Boarding and Day School for-Young Ladled otbWEDNESDAY , September 15. o l y . iy my a may be obtained from Lee & Walker, 300. ' and after August 25 W • q 'uc9 •'' AT THE SCHOOL. jr/A a Smo§ HOWARD HOSPITAL, NOS. 1518 - and 1520 Lombard -street ;Dispensary Department. —ll edical treatment and medicine furuishedgratnitouslP 0 tho Door. SPECIAL NOTICES: CI_ACITIIING- season. nt'oug CUSTOM DEPARTMENT TEN HOURS. JOHN WANAMAKER, #.ool*l. *J0110459- ' iidaiikThliorrs stnrlt en/e te4 eigedi i:R drl:tfcab offer ed articleof teat ti aloe to rtto n t'o~tnnrn nn itehppid he 1409 tr*". 1109 GIItA4ID glftgEf. TUJ /:11D PERFUMED' BATHE. , Departments" far Ladies. Baths open from 6 A. M. to b P. M. pi' rp IK . FRALNIC PALMER, geon Artist, hasjust been commissioned by tbe Burgeon-General to supply the'Palmer Aran and Leglor inutilatoti Officers of the ,11. S . Army And Navy., The Gotarimisetitl Mikes are.to be located in'-Philadelphia, New Norktind Roston; and' are , ailloOnducted by Dr. PALMER. - ms2l7Btr fi D~'l''Y~6l~i.• THE EDGEHIE,L sq,Hoar. Will begin its next 0008(01:1 ttle NOW ACll4eMittlilding A , . tlweichantvailerlC , • . , (Your miles from Camden.) • ON'MONDAT, SEPTEMBER 6. Foi Oficulars, apply tor --- ` — Bet; T;'lV - .TATTELL jy2ti 6%1 WEST PENN"SQUARE ACADEMY,' (3rd National Bank Building), 8. W. corner Market street and West Penn Somie. A training Collegiate Technical and Commercial School for boys and young men.' - Gyranasties, French, German; Art; Vocal Music. All under skillful teachers, without extra charge. College classes in every stage of preparation. The Rooms Will be open for inspection on and after August 23d. T. BEANTLY LANGTON, aOl4 8 to th tf § Principal. -4- 111 - E I{ -, L " 1 SELECT FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL, Au English, Wassieni, Mathematical, Scientific and Artistic Institution, FOR YOUNG MIN AND' nays, At POTTSTOWN, Montgomery County. Pa. The First Term of the Nineteenth Annual Session will commence on WEDNESDAY.. the Bth day_of . September next. Pupils ; received at any time. York Virtulars, address ` = Rev. GEO. F: MILLER', A..' Principal. REFERENCES: REV. DRS.--Meigs, Schaeffer, Munn, Knuth, Seise, uhlenberg, Strever, Rutter; Stork, Conrad, Bom berger, Wylie, Sterret, Murphy, tilruikshanks, etc. BONS.—Judge L udlow, Leonard,,_. Myers 'N. Russell Thayer, Bent. M. Boyer. Jacob 11.1 t; 'nester Cly mer, John Killinger, ata. ESQS Ca dwell , 'Jame's L. ClnAhorn;o. 8. Grove,T. C. Wood, Harvey 'Bancroft. Theodore G. Boggs C. F. Norton. L. L. Houpt, S. Gross Fry,Miller Derr,,Charles Wannemacher, James, Kent, Santee A Co., etc. Juts 13, 1869. jy29 th t tu 2m§ BELLEVUE INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG ATTLEBORO,Hucks county Pa... Bea utifully lotated, about. twenty miles from Ihiladelphin. prominent as a pleasant home and for tliorough teach tug. For particulars, address ' W: T. SEAL, - Principal. Catalogues and information may be had of Gilbert Coombe ; A. 151.,' 698 Marshall street; J. J. Grahame, Twelfth Filbert streets; J. C. Garrigues, 608 Arch street; Josiah Jackson. f CowOrthwalt S Co. : 629 chestnut street, and H. R. Warriner, Esq., 2.5 North Seventh street. . • . auT s writ§ CALVARY ACADEMY, - AT CALVARY Church, Manheim street, Germantown, Phila. The school year commences on the second Monday of ..... . the Principal will receive into his family, under ids immediate charge, four bays, between the ages of eight and thirteen years, at..three hundred dollars , per school year. For circular address tbeTrincipal; B. Shoemeiker, A. M., 213 Manheim street. Philadelphia. References—Rev. J. W. Perry, Rector; T. A. Newhall, Esq., Ron. Carroll Brewster, J. L.. Brringer, Esq. ; ; " au7 sk.w pISH 0P T ORP E-THIS C RUE() H Lfl School for girls, on tho south bank of tho Lehigh, will begin its second, year, H. V., on the Mb of Soptem la,r: - The number of pupils.s limited to thirty. French i taught' by a resident governess, and so far as possible made the language of the family, Address for circulars, A.c., DHSS CHASE, Bishopthorpe, . Bethlehem, AMERICAN CONSERVATORY OF MIT SIC. Office No. 1024 Walnut street. Class-Rooms 1024 Walnut and PM North. Broad. Instructions will begin ISIONDAY: Sept. 6, 1869. CIRCULARS AT THE MUSIC STOELES. fjy.24wsi2t§ ANDA.LIJSIA: COLLEGE., Re-opens Sc ptemher 13th. - 180: PRIMARY AND ACADEMIC DEPARTMENTS. A Borne Boarding School for Boys. • Charges—,9Mo to $3OO per year. • Address—Brv. Ds. WELT Andalusia; Pa. anl2 lm• TirE LEHIGH UNIVERSITY, SOUTH BETHLEHEM, PA. • Term opens on September Ist. For admission to the Classes or Special Schools. apply to • - HENRY COPPEE, aull-lm• President. MISS ARROTT AND MRS. WELLS, (Formerly of N0.,16)7 Poplar street), NVill open their Boarding and Day School for Gies, cn the first Monday In October, 18);9. at N 0.5274 GEIIMAN• TOWN avenue, Germantown, Philadelphia. Until October Ist, direct to No. 741 North NINE TEENTH Street. aulll-Im§ HY. L AU D.E RB AC H'S . CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC AND COMMER CIAL ACADEMY, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. Fall term will commence MONDAY, September 13_ Applicants for admiasien will be koceived, examined,and classified on and after August 23, from 10 A. 31: to 6 P. M. Entrance No. 108 S. TENTH strcet. Circulars at Mr. W. F.WABBURTON '5,N0.430 CHESTNUT St. aul-2tn§ 1 11 ADAMS CLEMENT'S FRENCH PRO testant Boanlinu and Day School, Germantown, Pa. The Fall term will open WEDNESDAY, Snitem bar 15th, 1869. For Circulars, apply to the Principal, att2 91HE MISSES CHAPMAN'S BOARDING; 1 and Day School for Young Ladies will re-open September 13th, ISO, For Circularii, address the Prin- Ilelmesburg, Twenty-third Ward. Philadelphia, or they can be obtained . at .2dr. •TitIS3IPIiEIV,S Music .Stor 026 Chestnut Street. Philtida, an2Z:n* 4 'I3ARROWS'S SCHOOL FOB " BOYS, in the" CITY INSTITUTE, at - Chestnut and Eighteenth, li - 111,re-open MONDA Y , Eept.l3. au2Soq VIEALA.LE COLLEGE; BORDENTOWN, N. .I.—This Institution, so long and so favorably known, continues to furnish the best - educational advan tages, in connection with' a pleasant,. Christian _home Catologues, with terms, etc.,' furnishodtOti application. College opens September lath. • jyl4-2m§ . • JOHN H. "MAKI:LEY. Prosideni. REAL ESTATE_-ErALES;-- -- EXECUTOR'S PEREMPTORYSALE Estate of George Fox, deceased.—Thomai & Sons, Auctioneers.—Lot t Howard street, south- •of Canibria. street, Twenty-third Ward.--On Tuesday; Sep 'etnber 7,' 1809, at 12 o'clock. noon,. will be sold' at pUblio sale. without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that lot of ground. situate on the east side of 'Howard st rev; ; 72 feet south of Cambria street, Twenty-third Ward; con taining in front on Howard street 18 feet, and extending in depth 110 feet, more or less';' to Hope street. Irtir Clear of all incumbrance:' • . 'Perms—('ash. Sale absolute. By order of SEREK FOX. Exectitor. THOMAS 'ec SONS, Auctioneers, null 21 28 . • 139 and 141 South Fourth street. 011,„ PUBLIC SALRL—THOMAS & SUNS, 11.1aAnctioneers.—Two-storY, Brick' Factory, Engine; Sawa, &c., Ashland street: Doylestown, Bucks county, Pit.-.-On Titesday, September. lth, 1819, at 12 o'clock., noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Phibulel: plat. Exchange, all that valuable two-story brick build ing (occupied as ,a sash and doer manufactory). situate' on. Ashland street, near the tailrOad , depoti Doylestown, Bucks county . , Pa.; containing 407-10 perches, more or. less of ground, The building contains 410-horSe power engine, boiler, shafts, - circular and jigaaWs, Terms-51,400 may remain ou mortgage: • X. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers. ' KWH 2128 139 and 141 South Fourth street. s- REAL ESTATE,-THOMAS BONS': Sale.—Modern thiea-stori Brick' Residence, No. 528 North Sixth street; above Spring - Garden street. On Tuesday, Soptember 7th, 1889, At, 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale: at the Philadelphia 'Exchange, alt that 'modern three-story brick. Inessuage, , with thre.•••• ory back building and lot of ground, altuatsi on thd at side of Sixth street, above Spring Gorden shoat, No. 528 ; containing in front on Sixth street 18, feet 8 inches, and extending in depth 178 feet. Tho house- is well built;_bas parlor, dining-room and two kitelitH the -first floor ; gas, bath, hot and cold water, water el rn , et, furnace, cooking range, &c. Tr rms—es,ooo may remain on mortgage. Keys at the ; rot cry store ,Sixth and Green streets. Immediate Possession. • M. THOMAS & SONS, eers, au14,21,28 1119 and 141 South Fourthstreet. • --02.—REAL-ESTATR—THOMAR-&-SONS' Sale.—Genteel Three-story Brick Dwelling, No. 828 orth Tenth street, below _Parrish streot.—On Tuesday, September 7th, 1869, at 12 o'clock t boon, will be sold at 1 public sale. at the Philadelphia k xehange, all that gm , : teel three-story,brick messuage, with three-story back building and lot of ground t sittinto on the west side of Tenth street south of Parrish street, No. 828; containing in front on Tenth street 17feet,' and extending fte depth - on the south line 83 feet 7% Mabee, hatted °nth° north line 81 feet 2. inches, and in width on the rear end 17 feet 2% inches. It has parlor, dining room , and kitchen on the firsttloor; gas, bath , cooking range..&e. , Subject to a yearly, ground rent of 1990. . • '' =4 Immediate possession., May be examined arq , pre. vtoue•to sale. • t , DI. THOMAS & SONS; Anctloneelni, aul4 2128 . 139 and 141 South Fourth street. ' PATENTSHOULDERSEAMtHIRT MANUFAP TORY. Orders for these celebrated Shirts sup Plied proniptly . of brief notice. gentlemen's, Fatah'hing , goods; Of late styles In tall vtirietY.. _W1N,c11:45T.P4.4,.PC.:!!. 706HESTNUT" 503-tri w f tf INVOICE OE, NOIY . A gN 'l3 Ce E le S b E rtZd "- Pine - Anplel it heer 41 0 0611 ;, y- t r o x i i nested, and for sale by JOB. It. BUSS' agents. _~~._ .. • 1 - 14 ` ' V.,i',.' ' ' . ti..• _____ ! -;:,- --- -- ,l ' ",- A, iGrand 4ite 'tl : r 1 4, ' 4116- ',' , asoiti I, ; ii,,...,, :'" +-4') .t. , IL ff s, 1. . 1 I:4 f ~ , .hbe • Wen in' 44, t ''' . _ . 't.y.N\ 1 5. :Z14 14 . 0 t4 FICE# 7 lIAL* ' Irr - 20 ,I;sg - :'vivv:,rwl - 11: .. r , 1 1-'l-' A 1 '1 . , 4- , 1 11 ni l ,l , 1 04. ' On ' ft eninirii ... 4: l llo lll **o l o B. °• ' Tlcketar including Railroad Faro arid. irdra , Philadebiihia t f „ gai;ol , 85 1 ) 0 Cards of Atha, i0n.... ....... .4.1.1. *. 44. '••••••• 200 atthn tting a gerafeutti and liilrai P Previous to the search. L a RANA; DISPL/a OF FIREWoRKS t nnder the direction or ,prof. 8. Jackson , will be given on the lawn in front of the house. EXCURSIONS. BECK'S PHILADELPHIA BAND, No. I. SECOND GRAND EXCURSION • Around New York Bay AND STATEN 'ISLAND, Lpving hnlelppin, 'Walnut StreplWlntrf, On DIONDA.Y, Augusi • ' FARE FOR EXCURSION : Single Tickets - • - • 03 00 Gentleman and ' 5 Gentleman and can be procured at the offices, Nos. ell and 823 Chestnut street; ,Oillee of. Beck's Bernd, 823 DIATIret street, and at•tha,wharfi. on morning of Excursion'. aul2-3frp*: • - ; ' GLOCtOESTED, POINT.—GO. y,ourself and take the family to this wet, e tin 'mot. New steamers, with every .comfort, leave South etreat ell dolly every few tainntea, Jel3.3ln§ IHISCJET.,LA.NEOLTS.. THE IMPROVED BALTIMORE Fire-Place treater, With ILLUMINATING DOORS 'MAGAZINE. of sufficient capacity HOURS, at a cost of but 11 CEN S. - FEBDAY. "Ili, most perfect and cheerful Heater in Use: 'Having made arrangements with MR. S. B. SEXTON, OF BALTIMORE. For the EXCLUSIVE, manufacturing of these Heaters, we are prepared to furbish them in large or small WM. titles. Sold wholesale retail by the Manufachirer, JOHN S. CLARK, 1008 Market Street. Beware of imitations gotten up on. the pomilarity of these Heaters. • au3 au§ PATENT OFFICES; N. W. cor. Fourth and Chestnut (Entrance on FOURTH Street.) FRANCIS D. PASTORIUS O Solicitor of Patents. Patents procured for Inventions in the \ United States and Foreign Countries, and all business relating to the same prOmptly transacted,. Call or send for circulu on Patents. Offices open until 9 o'clock every evening tnh2o-s to th lyrp§ 161ITLER, WE.A.VER & CO. • NEW CORDAGE FACTORY NOW IN' TULL OPERATION. Va. 22 N.WATEB street and 23 27.DELAW&RE atone STATIONERY. BLANK BOOKS STATIONERY, 127 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Opposite Girard Think. A LADGE ASSORTHHNT,ALWAYS ON HAND BUSINESS FORMS PRINTED. Lithographic Notes, Drafts and Stamped Checks Neatly Designed. u3Vlmit.ti , h : mm2ii i iil m a WM.. _M.. _CHRISTY.- aulo tia the Gtr BOOTS3CNO - SROEC7 - Fine Custom Mude - ft BOOTS AND SHOES FOR GENTLEMEN. B A R TL E T T ... 83 S. Sixth Street, above Chestnut. - A Good Fit may always be obtained. " ocl7B to th Iyr • ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKb. WIRE WORK. GALVANIZED and Painted WIRE GUARDS, for ' tore fronts and windows, for factory Ana warehouse windows, for obnrches and collar windows. IRON and WIRE BaurnloB. for balconies, 'offices, cemetery and garden fences. Liberal allowance made to Contractors, Builders and Carpenters. AU orders filled with promptness and work guaranteed ROBERT WOOD 44a it, 4" P 40114 N0te,!1.1.40, VirATCHES. JEWELItV; - ~ Special lOtice. On' and after MONDAY, July sth, , , we will 'CLOSE . ' o ur Store' at FIVE P. M., until further notice. CLARK & BIDDLE • ,-, • • -„” 1124 ' 011.ESTNUT ' $TREE ' r f 0276 wig.§ -Vir- Till IN al - gL 131 Embroidering, Braidimi t Ste,m_p!ns., dm. M. A. TOBlibiY, luuti Argioert greet, , -t -1. ' , , TElaiiiii-Aniekiallinciii ~ ' • _.._.....t.J., 1 ~: •t,,k, ,- ,1 ~1 a 1 - EJ)W 1) . No. 807, ORESTIgttI Nalasooks, Plain, Plaid and tiII:AWL Combrios t Soft And Ifoitoil ifictd4 Jaconets„ ao. .: do. Mulls, Indht and Siriss. Vietorias and Bishops. Organdies, 4-4 and 8-4„ Frew*. Piques, Figures and Welts. Embroidered Sets. Collars and Cuffs. The'abotre stock will be offered for the coming, month at 20yer cent, lees than regular prlcee, • _ "#l5 i> Zll 444 ) , W Fourth and Arch. c- LADIES PREPARING FOE TAM SHORE OR THE MOUNTAINS CAN BE SUPPLIED WIT!! DRY GOODS ADAPTED TO THEIR WANTS ACT _ EIRE LANDELL'S. FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS. GRENADINES AND ORGANDIES. SUMMER SMRS I REDUORD. _ • JAPANESE SILKS AND POPLINS.. IRON BAREGE, FIRST GRADE. ROMAN SOARES AND SASHES COLLARS, CUFFS, GLOVES. TIES, Ac:. SEA-SIDE SHAWLS, OF NEW STYLES. m w gat RICKEY,SHARP&Ca 727 CHESTNUT STREET, Sumnier Dress Goods SHEPPARD, No. 100 S CHESTNUT STREET, Are receiving the commencement of 'their importations for the corning Foil seu4on.of new and derarkble styles of goodis, numnfactuitisi expl-roly for their sales. Having placed their. orders when prices were''very low,'buyers may rely upon thi , best possible advautliges in every reepect - - . Attention Ls specially invited to one laryptstoCk of, very Elegant and Bleb Lace (ha/tains. Which for quality of work and beauty of deslica are cin ourparod. , Ira tee and Dlaslin Wllitdosv 13hadeo. Satins, flroeatelles and other Curtain Cretonnes and Fariliture Chlutses. Gilt and IWaluut Cornices. Tassel* /steps end ("urtaiti Fixtures. To buyers of the best passible inducements are offered. A specialty in the best onslitlos of Table Linens, Table Cloths, - Communion Cloths, Napkins and lioyUm, - la all sizes oT iiew sufd inittV_ Anent tuilltic*at-Silesto TrAPPIIk ruarnifacture. Lineum, - _ - Zinen — lloode - IfifiviekeePing VoadsOdanicent, - Flanneb., Table and Plano Covers; &O —Alsoffortheir exclusive-family trade, sa-departineut - well supplied with all descriptions of Aluslizts, Cotton Sheetings, Musline and Dombitic Goods gene rally ; and for ladies' use a department for the various descriptions of White Goods, Linen dHandkerchiefs, Hamburg and French Needle-work Trimmings. • -• Also, Nomnito. Bed Canopies, Netting' bi the putt. Nets for Windows and Doors, with Frames complete of the most approved and desirable descriptions, put up at manufacturers' prices. - Stripes for Verandahs and Summer A. -H-,4:.::: it::,:I.':::.OS.Ag.B4FA- Furnitute and ;Utinoletpring ViraxeroiMa =WEIffME 1 . 4' , '';',.%7':.,!:,,:.••.: ,. .. ; ;!. :'.:,':1:::.I.-4.V.OX:ti.reitti Great Indueementa to Retail Dealers', Laces and Lace fkKo+l9 Are Olosiug Out LAWNS, ORGANDIES , AND OTHER At Greatly Reduced Prices. tfr • CURTAIN 'MATERIALS. VAN HARLINGEN House•Fnrnlshtng Drr G00d.% Also, tha inmost- aesorlsrient.io all descriptions of Asonlngvi. 1531 a to 6tr SEWING MACHINES. 9i4 WHEELER & WILSON'S 114 gewing Machines, FOR. SALE' ON EASY PAYMENT $, 914 Cheirtnut Street . , UPETERSON " GENERAL AGENTS. ' 1 'FUltNi'rultki, &v. PITRNIT HAVE REMOVED THEIR TOII2I s*KEET, • tintARD ROW.' • to th Onwp§ , ittntOvAt; TAMES, B: MAGEOCE(,' ~MEROET.A:NT t/ Tailor, formerly 008 Chetitnut street, Isis removed to, 011 Chestnut Htrpot. , • ''o • , • "0414-8 t" WA NTS.4. "CITANTED4--A BOTANIST,' ' ICNQW.tkia all common vlante.'• Env rHarVico, fiir moderato c culpenwit ion . Addreßs, ," Bum:I:TEN Orrice. auli.3tt& , '; 4 MEM & ARRISON, (U,catch__