Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, August 14, 1869, Image 1

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GIBBON PEAcoac. Altar.
l'utrdrm's for Oeptember, Bent us by „Turner
Ilros.,is a light and varied nuniber,fioated by '4
good deal of fiction, and exhibiting an enter
tattling menagerie of authors from almost
everrpart'of AmerMa ; the principalliaper is
j Mr. Henry C. Lea, of this city, whose
' btudies of monastic celibacy havea European
fame of :tile choicest, kind; it eniWies the
continuation of his researches into the effects
of tnonaghism on the intellect, and is entitled
"Monks and Nuns in France?" From Mr.
Lea's investigations it would appear that
inadernr_raucciundilr the direct , ,pakonage of
the; Emprem and the- Icamer-aller -policy- -of
Napoleon, is a veritable hot-bed 'of monistic
institutions, in every respect worthy of the
middle ages. We extract :
The tortuous policy of Napoleon
efforts tO consolidate a: news dynasty; klit':alll
- with Rome, the influence of Empress
and her ghostly advisers, and the ilread'Ot pro
voking the opposition of a,most powerful net
work of organizations, ever on thn!verge . .of
disaffection, lead the Government to bestow
its favor on the religious congregatiorub- Every
forward step gives vantage ground for another
advance; the power -of. attraction' increases
with thel , rnass, arid the growth of the monastic
corporations ,is progressively rapid. So
quietly'has all -:this been managed, and
SO carefully have results , been concealed,
that few - persons are aware of the
gress already, made, or of, the ,danger to which
instriutions are ',ea-paged 'by the. reac
tionary tendencies- of so vast a. -body, con
trolling so many sources of influence, owning
fealty directly to the papacy , its superior,
tutd sworit.to , - Carry out Ile': principles of the
EneYelical and. Syllabus. A recent writer;
however, M. Charles.; tiauvestre; ' has' had the
patience to investigate the subject thoroughly,
and the hardihood to publish the results in a
deeply interesting volume, where the heavi
ness of official --docuinents and statistics is
lightened by the sparkling good sense of the
comments with which their' significanee is il
lustrated, i, • : •r, •
In lilt) Slathitics, Which :731. Sauvestre . con
siders trtistworthy,. show that the monastic or
ders of FrAIIAT under the criaqicit regtme corn
pris(ll but 52,000 men and women. From the
census of 11361. it appears that at thatdate there
were in France, officially- recognized, 103,119
per:gn; of both sexes boutill to conventual
life and dipt ributed among 14,032 houses, be-
bitie24 a large and indefinite• utunber belonging
to congregations Which had' not as', yet ,
tamed recognition by the state. It would
thus appear that the • ground lost at the
Revolution has not only been regained,
Mit that. d 44 boundaries have • been doubled.
defy rapidly —this is increasing,
is evident when we see that in the, eighteen
years of Louis Philippe's reign, but fourteen
authorizations 'for the founding, of new con
gregations were granted,while in the first eight
years of the second Empire, from 1852 to 1860,
!led were recognited, being an average of 119
new orders per annum. lu the approaching
great (Ecumenic Council , of Latin Christianity,
be interesting to observe the enormous
lutinefice'Whielt -the papal court will derive
from the, numberless and energetic adherents
which tt.has thus so recruited and
.orgatuzed., . • • •
This •protligintis- ACtiVity , of the Monastic
spirit - in .:France 1.4 the more impressive, since
teed of tluese countleis orders are devoted, as
of old, merely to religious contemplation and
ascetic .olutervances. - The practical tendency
of the age manifests itself in the vast propor
tion of those who are, enrolled as. laborers in
the tasks of ehasity and benificence. Thus
the total specified above is to be divided 'as
follows: • - - • • • '
Devoted to education 71;728
Engaged in care of the sick and In.
charity - • 20,;•: .
In charge of houses of refuge and farm
• Schools 3x9
Engrossed in religions duties alone.. 12441
7`hus the Latin Church; with its accustomed
wisdom ` accommodates itself to the new wants
created by modern civilization.
- -
It may well be doubted whether, if we
could strip history _of its legendary orna
mentation it would shOw more heroic exalt°,
tiara - pnl - pose or moroperfeet abandonment
Anthe_will of_Ood_th.ni the weer of the Pe
tites Emirs des Panoree. - - - - - - --- -
In 1840_ L at
• young peasant the e • est one - .no ye
eighteen, tell lm lied towards a rcligioits
' .1 1 " '*. * - •`*
`Tbey Veitdred to hire and - furnislra eirret,
and then the ground floor of a tavern, where
twelve beds were established- a s an asylum
for the poor and infirm, to be inaintained by
'begging alms: These came in Slowly, and the
intent enterprise seemed desperate, when
Jeanne conceived the idea of going around
everytnorning- with a basket to collect the re
fuse remnants ; .of food rejected k' by the
careful housewivcs of the , little vil
lage. • This humble and - self-denying
zeal attracted attention, 'and contribu
tions became more frequent, yet their vicissi
tudes were ninny, and more than once the
„ourstruggling eounnunitv seemed to he on the
of extinction. ' Btill the • reliance of the
„Lour helpless women on, Divine succor never
Altered, and in after times they loved to relate •
iltow often. God had rescued them when hunian
<Zeit) seemed hopeless. Once , their little stock
Of linen was exhausted, at a time when some
local trouble had cut off their ordinary sources
of reliande. They appealed to the Virgin.
'On Assumption flay they raised a tiny altar
and spread before it the half dozen tattered
Oheroises which formed the sole supply of the
':establishment—for sheets:they hall none. The
spectacle touched•the hearts of the charitable,
,and the hour ;of distress passed away: ,r oor,
penniless servant girls,took tiff their finger
-zings and hung them on the neck of the infant
Christ, who, seated on Ris mother's knee, in
a group three inches high, presided 'over the
Tittle' altar. Richer votaries made more sub-
stands] offerings, and the wolf was kept froth
the door.
As their labors attracted attention, new sis
-tors joined. them. Branches were established
in the largetlowns, where' they commenced
as the founders bad done, with no other basis
than reliance on Divine assistance' and were
more speedilyrisaccesstlntenn j es Dinan,
Tours, were thus in turn occapie4and in
1849 the.ordex extended, itself offNr Paris.
Ii no*lntalifty-five honsefi,A stokberS a%thou
sand Anembers, and own more .than twenty
, fiVe millions:of francs - invested in "..4atate.
Yet the .sistera , have• never, abandoned the
Nimble functions to , whieh the order was con
secrated inips infancy, ._Wheu, an. establish
ment is ‘•nowly - Tounded; the 'sister carries
around every morning the basket in which
she gathers the broken victuals of the rich for
,the support of her poor invalids.
, vanv - COHIOUS CABE—THE Boum OF Tan
In 1861, Adele Chevalier; a novice., at.'.Bois
sons, was cured of congestion onthe brain by
thespecialintercession of the Virgin. The
Miracle was follcrwed bY a succession Of-reve
laiions and,i,g,voices:' These were so import
ant that the Abbe Bouland, ,her care-taker,
•traveled to itonie to lay die matter% before,plus
IX. and the• College. • ,
What was the result of this mission does hot
clearly appear, but, during his absence, Adele
continued'conStantly to receive , revelations
_ from_the_Yirgin. ~ A mengl.ll P ge Was one nem
Inanding beg to found a new religious order
-the Wurre de la reparation des dines—the rules
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I' ' / The Piens on - his Nomination.
.. - . -- =The - nomination of - Mr:GoorgaA.Pendleton
as the Democratic candidate for Governor of
hio - lendn - interest - to - the - political - contest - in
that State, and seems to be looked_upon there,.
and perhaps elsewhere,.as a challenge for the
-Democratic leadership in -the-next-Presiden
tial contest. In this view of the case the coin
ments of the Ohio press upon the subject be
come interesting.
• The Toledo Comniacia/ remarks
This is a nomination which, we think, all
must, admit to be eminently "fit to be ,made"
—as appropriate, in that, as that of big ,prede
cessor was limppropriate. For the Ohio De
-4 inocracy to niake a standard-bearer of a proud
; nent Union soldier was shocking to every
sense of fitness i but to take one of the two
men, who,, until discarded by their comfit
, uerits; stood shoulder to shoulder in opposi
' ton to war'measures in Co»gress, and insulted
the national sense, with harangues in approval
of rebellion, tyas, just ,what they did in
1$6:1, and .nothing could be more fit than to
take the other, as they have, in 1869.
nip Vallandigham men wanted one' of that
stripe nominated on the 7th of July, but not
succeeding-, rather than take avian not known
to have been outspoken againkt the war—like
Itanney- r they;; determined to go out of the
Party and'norranate a IThion'soldier. Pendle
ton might have been nominated then, but he
refused, Brit in the declination of Rosecrans,
ouv b n iHTe e l t I i
eo aek m ol e i li
that experiment, broke down, and now the
pendulum swings back to the other extreme,
eilloPkianennnund'ati Gazette observes
r. 1
e t : o vi
h n o
e .
irTe his
m h t They i y_
fiwa r t
i v
i e idfai n il:rh o
a w avu eidt
accepting repre
sentativeathbeomu t.
14, 1 1, t e :hizi will not desert thm, and
nomination and the, party is fairly entitled
in this Strait,: 'And it was also
anece.ssity to Mr: Pendleton;• for if he has as
pirations for the next,nominatlon to the Presi
dency? it would not do ' to let his party lose
.Ohio through default of a. desired candidate.
And , Whether ?'the 'State Went Itepublican
the same fatal efreet on hisehancelifor the Pr
esidential , nomination. r, It was a case in which
he had everything at stake and therefore it
was flt,„ and: necessary that' he , should take
- the standard.-Mr.Pendleton's nomination will
inake' the canvass lively; whereas it threat.'
ene4,,to lip excessively dull. Mr. Pendleton
enters into the-Canvass in the daterate hope
of making Ohio a base' of Ids 'operationsTor
the "Presidency. 'He can 'prorniSe no geed to
the people of the State. His patty is bound by'
no d.elhapd principles, and is incapable of un-'
dertalsing 'any reform, • it , hati not-even the
virtues that come easy to the opposition; for
wherever there is Democrats - are
found with, their hands,, in it and Democratic give It their sYmpathiei:i It Presents to
us U. representativeuf in, its unfaithfulness to
the-natiOnim ini strugg le ibeliffat, , and of all its
subsequent recklessness of political principles.
The Brifidaskylßegisterliaysi: fl ; • •'--
The Democratic a State', qeatral „Committee
of Ohio' have;, taken` in power'nto their own
! hands and placed in nomination for the ,office;
I the vain contest for whieh - :an holiest Irian haS
just refused, ,the great advocate of repudiation;
Geo: H. Pendleton, tine ztiniti , -Ntaintitiate for
Vice. President, and,,otie: ti e, .Iselly defeate4
by Seymour for, the empty honor of being the
Democratic candidate or President. Sow
what will Vallandighana say? What will the
for which she drew up under divine inSpira
tten. She was endeavoring to induce her con
fessor,_et that time. a canon of Amiens, to un
dertake Obi - labor with her, when, after an in
terval, Bouland sought her out, and took the
enterprise upon himself. As, a preliminary,
they, made together a Pilgrimage to La Salette,
to implore of the Virgin_herLiittal'-...conflrma-_
tion of the work which they had undertaken,
and on this ocebsion their conduct towards
each other was such as to arousesuspicion that
they were connected by warmer bonds than
merely m m
mystic sypathies.
Bellevue, near Versailles, was Selected as
the seat of the new community-. The Bishop
of the diocese prudently held aloof, but other
prelates of high rank• were found to lend it
their countenance, and 'many pious • souls
_gagerly_joinedln thp Wuvre* fa reparation. des
After a vi - bile reparts began to circulate that
, the practices of the siSterhoOd , were hardly
; consistent with receil'edideas of religion, and
leven' of decinev. The Alibi': Boulatid pro
fesssed to cure aiseases arising from demonia
; cal possession, and his remedial methods are
I absolutely unlit to be repeated. Still, Adele%
I communication with -the, , Virgin continued
I uninterrupted, and the house:became a sort of
' theological tribunal, to which numbers re
! sorted in order to - have doubts res'olved, or
delicate cases of conscience settled; whils
new- orders frequently submitted to thearaele
I. their proposed rules, in order: to secure for
I themselves the favor of the Mother of God.
Complaints generally.'beeame numerous as
; to the scandals and immoralities perpetrated
I within the holy walls of the Riparatio4 des
1 times., but the ecclesiastical authorities cau
tiously abstained from action. At length there
was a (limn charge of swindling brought
aainst the inspired Adele and her spiritual
I cZunsellor , and the police irreverently seized
them. It appeared in evidence on the trial
that a certain brotherhood of monks had
tinietly amassed from their alnuta little trea-
. -
sure do thousand francs. After canvassing
many projects for' • its employment, they
finally determined to take . the advice of the
Virgin, and the superior , applied to At
She wrote to him for a personal interview.
Lnd on his. arrival, .the Abbe Bouland
ordered her to seek'ller accustomed monitress.
She 'retired, and in a few moments returned
with the information that the Virgin com
manded the money to he lent to the (Enrre
de la rripuration des dines; promising to reward
obedience with blessings and to punish refusal
with damnation. • ' -
The worthy prior returned to his brethren
with the rnewige, and urged compliance.
Some of them hesitated, however, and ad-
dressed the superior of La Trappe .for WS 'ad
vice.' He recommended acquieseence, and,,
_ _ reefing sure of_purchasing -the-lavor of the
Virgin, the community handed. over the
money. Notwithstanding the divine charac
ter of the transaction,to pacify some incredn
lotis recalcitrants; it had been agreed that the
loan should be secured hymortgage on • some
real estate supposed to belong to the Reperrh
ficailderi clines. The mortgage was - riot forth
coming, and, 'after fruitleSU demands, appeal
WAS at length made to justice; Unfortunately
for the detendants, their principal witness, the
Virgin• Mary, could not be reached by a sub
-I:ancr, and the ease went itq nst them, both in
the lower , court at Verimilles, and on their ap
peal to a higher jurisdiction in:Paris. In July,
Mira, the final hearing took place, when after
a patient investigation in which their whole
career was thoroughly crunined, the Abbe
"and ,his inspired votaress were sacriligionsly
condenined for swindling; but, In the last,
they both energetically maintained the divine
character of their mission, and the faith of
many of their followeru remained unshaken.
The contributors to the Septeniber number,
besldes Mr. lea,, and the
_scrap—B. H.
'Stoddard, Bayard Taylor and P. B. Perkins,—
are in fullus.follews :
31m. I. T. Butts, W. I. 'Paulding, Mrs. Natiel
Hawthorne, ("Newstead Abbey,") F. S. Coi
ns, Edgar_Fawcett, It. B. Kimball, D. B. St.
;John lloosa, M. D., Col. T. .A. Dodge, Caro
line Cheesbro, Pres. r. A. ,Chadbourne, Prof.
Schelet ,de Vero, Fenimore Cooper - ("The
*Eelipse," unpublished 1%1 8.,) Fklooper,
Vincent Colyer, and "Lucy Fountain."
'r.1.(;i.,44,1:!.,g,T,4!tg.A.;',':...5 . 411-„T1tp4y,",.4...y : 0-..0.0r,:.:,14; , ei,.§69..1':
martyr,. the ex-exile, {the poor, ilefeated`ien
didate tor 'United States Senator, do aboutit ?
Well, well, we have an easy job on our hands
riow. We had hoped to record the nominal=
of a man who had not- become.so used to det
feat and slaughter as to be utterly worthless as
a candidate. But think of Pendleton! The
Democracy are whipped by 40,000 rruMorityirr
A. Physician and Ids Faintly liffirirowly
, Pocapes,Asinibilidtion by ittryahnitte.'i
•-,LowEnt:,'Maari.; Aug. , lath, 1869.--The," City
ott;PittAles" is just. now. excited-over= artat
tempted-wbolesalepoisoning acherein a
Miss Miner deliberately.essayed tosend to king
dom &imp a whole, It'appearB that for
ten or tWelve, years past Miss LOUISa .
bas been an intimate friend of the family' of
Dr. Jenness of this city,-• visiting his residence
every Saturday and remaining over, Sundiay.
The visits of• the woman had ahvays been
kindly received, and having a large measure
of confidence in the honesty and good
intentions of the visitor not the least' jot• of
stispicion had ever been entertained of her.
Miss Miner lead also assisted about the Do c,
for's Louse in cases of sickness in the fainily,,
ri-maining{ out of the Mill for that purpose..
During the past Month; hoWever, the visits of
the woman to the house had been :less-fre-;
quent. On the 11th of July' last she was at'Dre
Jenness's house, intending to .remain there ,
during the , day, but learning that another ac
quaintance of the family whom -she' did hot
like was expected there to spend the day, she
said • that if this person were invited she
would be"tee ruin of the
The person was invited, and - Miss Miner
went away.. Once since, before last Sunday,
she came to the house while the 'family were
at the beach. her visits having been less fre
quent. The partictilars stated about the teak
nig of the pies were sulxstantiallv correct. She
knew that the Doctor was coming home on .
Monday and she "wished 'one' pie saved for
him and Iwo to his family at the beach.
She left ,the. berme on Sunday night: Miss
Miner was arrested ou 'l'nesday- night. AS an
evidence of her presumption and boldness it
inay be said that she - called at the Doctor's
residence on Tuesilay
.:afternoon (while
the officers, imknewn to her, were on
her track), and the Doctor being absent, she
asked the domestics if they ate any of the pies.
The - !:. answered "no ; we didn't like the car-
ZINV:fy bee& in them." She then asked " was
there anything else in there you didn't like ?"
Tuesday morning the development about the
j,ies being fully made and . Miss Miner arrested,
the family got up and arranged to' go to court
after breakfast: The Doctor said he would
have nothing , but a cracker and a cup of tea,
as he was afraid to eat anything in the house.
Luring the whole night previous he had felt a
severe burning ..sensatimi in the. Stomach;
and the, other persons in the house were
nearly, or quite, prostrated by the . same feel
ing. ' He drank one cup of tea and ate
half a crackers and others in the house partook
of the same breakfast.' .Soon after the burning
sensation increased, and some of the domes
tics were seized with vomiting. Dr. Jenness
became aware that the sugar or tea had been
also poisoned,.and getting into his team 'drove'
at,once to Dr. Gages; office and called for im
-mediate help. He became unconscious ;while
there but antulotas: being administered re-,
vhale4l the fact that Strychnine 'in consider
-able quantity bad been swallowed, and then
the Doctor was relieved. Dr. Gage then went
posthaste to-Dr. Jenness's residence, where
the members of the household were found
quite sick, but they were soon relieved.
Tortures Intlicked Upon Seamen on
P Board the ldthited 'States Steamer
The last cruise of the United States sloop
of-War Pawnee terminated with her arrival at
Portsmouth, and on the 21st of July she' went
out of commission. • About a month be
, - fore her arrival, while on the voyage from Rio
Janeiro, Acting Assistant Surge6n
Henry Ecstein was robbed • of
money and Jewelry axnotmting in .value,
it is said,, to about-$7OO - which
were taken fromhis stateroom while he was
asleep. _lt _has _become-totally_ clear,.since the
arrival of the Pawnee, that a colored man
- namedßabertßhorter
.the theft,-a portion of the stolen Jewelry hay
inglmen-found-tipoirhisTersenian •
,in_the,Rortsmouthjailawaiting. : _the action of- ,
the_Grand•Jtary of the ;United States Circuit
Court-oxi_the,charge-of-larceny-upon-the high
seas;' but nii one suspected Shorter during the
Roderick W. Turner and John A Simmons,.
two of the wardroom boys of the Pawnee,both
colored, were suspected of the theft, and with
the view to extort from them a confession• of
guilt they were both confined in. double irons.
For forty-eight hours, consecutively they lay.
upon the deck - upon their breasts and 'tb.ces,
their ankles ironed together with 'pair of
irons, their wrists ironed together with
another pair, their feet bent up behind them,
. and.. both pairs of irons being,
tied together . behind their backs.
A more painful position cannot easily be
conceived. At the end of these forty-eight
, hours they, were raised fronithe put to_
up back to back 'with their nhkle
• still upon them, the arms 'of each being ben
• backwards aroinid the body .of his comrade
in torture. At each meal bread and water
were allowed them, with ten minutes' suspen
sion of punishment to enable them to• eat it.
No other suspension of torture was .allowed,
not, even when the calls of nature had to be
answered. Consequently- the fore peak
where they were confined. . became
insufferably • filthy and the whole crew
Were made, in .a measure, partakers
in the punishment. . A most , docile and sub
missive set of men 'they must^ have been or
they, would have risen, .ra mutiny on so ex
treme, a provocation. For four days these
'men were kept ironed hand and foot and
bound together back to back.. The intense
heat of the place increased their suirelings,
and' sleep became almost Inipossible. Sim
mons testified before the United States Com
missioner, on the occasion, of the examination
of Shorter, that both he and Turner offered
all their wages for the entire cruise to the roas
ter-at-arms Übe would suspend their punish
nientior a single hour.,Rut no sinpension
' Was alloWed, - and day ad night 'the cries of
the tortured. ones rung in the ears of the crew,'
callingfor.release or death,- -
Sutiering Without. sleep'. ineluees-domentia.
On the sixth day of his punishment Simmons
becanie wild and insane, and the sufferers
.were 'parted:'. Simmons was still kept in irons.
Turner was not 'only 'kept in irons; but his
wrists' were ironed behind him, and tied or
•Itricedup to onb'of the beams above his head.,
%In this condition for many hears ho remained,
tied up so closely that his toes : barely touched:
the ship's dock, his body hanging. chiefly by
, the wrists, till his brain, became giddy, and be.
made a confession, which IS believed to have
been false,' that he hitiliStolen 'the gold and
jewelry, and had giVenthern to a' -White
nained Patriek O'Brien. Whewhia•reason re
' turned - to him % Vurner . retracted, the
confession which his , ;,' lorturm ~ had
wrung ,frorei hini; but , notwithstanding
_,. ', - retraction,. .! and notvrithstand ,
ing O'Brien.denied ellknowledge . of 'the
ceziy, and none of the'stolen , things. could be
be found on Win. 'O'Brien' was seized; con.
fined in double irons; iii the 'same' manner , as
• the others, Mid tied'up by the-wrist/3%0 tightly
othat most of , , his , weight hung uporChis.wristh.
For three days and nights he 'was kept thus,
OUR Vviii.t**o-000ilrftt•:.,:....''''.::'.':
When the items had cat intethe, , and 14
swollen to twice their ordinary size,
presented .a frightfully" ulcerated and gangre
nous appearance. When the'' vessel reached
Portsmouth the condition of O'Brien's waists
was Such that at first amputation of both
_hands was felt to be necessary to safe his life.
But - under the skiltful nianipulationof surgeon
Alorgas, at the,Naval Hospital, the •inflamma
tion was assuaged, and the hands= Were saved.
The captain of the Pawnee (CJitiy denied all
knowledge of these puniihents,' . beyond the
confinement of the mien in double irot%. The
counsel for the'execu*Ve officer, Lieutenant-
Commander H.. 13. Seeley, intimate, that he
knew nothing.of these tortures, but, that the
master-at-arum,a petty officer, intlietedr„thera
without authority. Thus the speutachrietiye,-
-sented-oferuet and unlawful--punialltrieliteln- -
filet-eft beard of a public vessel Of thelnariry;
during a period of about thirteen days in all
with - both - the cominanding and'executive. Mil
eels afilictingt to have known nothing:about it'
.Nor a word of information touching„these
unauthorized punishments reached, the, Navy
Department through the ordinary , off:Jinja
channels. But Charles Cowlev, Boston,
lawyer,formerly Naval Judge Advocate, took
the affidavit of Turner anti Simmons, who•era , .
ryloyed him as their counsel, and fenviardedlit
to Secretary Robeson, with a reituest for' at
court-inardaL About the same • time Henry.
P. Rolfe, - United States Ifistrict-Attorney for -
Newliampshire„ sent a letter ,to Secretary
Robeson touching the torture of O'Brien.
Both of these documents were referred to . a .
Court of ,Inipdry, which was conver.ed' at
Portsmouth, consisting of Captain Guest;.
Commandere MeCavidey and Wills, and Com
mander Temple, Judge Advocate. Mr. Cow
ley and Air. Rolfe appeared before, this court
in behalf of the complainants. -
The proceedinp of this court have been.
conducted with the secrecy common with such
tribunals. But the facts above recited were
incidentally elicited in the examination of
Shorter; and the same facts, in greater detail,
must have been brought out before the Court-
of Inquiry. That court has completed It,
labon,, and will, without doubt, be followed
by -a Naval General Court Martial, before
which al. who were concenied 'the infliction
of, these tortures will be brought for trial;'
A New York paper contains the folloWing:
_position of Marshal Barlow in the Pratt
ease; - liefore resorting to the extraordinary
measures of surrounding him Self with a de
tachment of artillery, was as follows: Having
arrested J. IL Pratt, charged with murder at
Jefferson, Texasi' he sent the prisoner before
United States Commissioner Osborn for a pre
exainination,. to, ascertain whether
the 'charges against him were well founded
and sufficient, to justify the Conamii
sioner in - holding him • for', trial. - Not
being - ready to proceed at 'once " with
the bearing, _..the Commissioner committed
the prisoner' without bail, and set down . the
case fur the next day. Meanwhile Pratt ap
plied and obtained through his counsel a Writ
of ludieoi corpus from Judge McCutin, of* the
Superior Court. It, happened that this writ
was made returnable at the same time that the
examination of the prisoner was to take place
before - Mr:Osborn. The Marshal took Pratt
b before Judge McCunn,.after , obtaining
. per-'
mission from Mr. Commissioner ,Osborn, the
argument on the writ was heard,and two days
thereafter. Judge
„: McGurnn gave his de
cision; discharging ,the' • prisoner from
r .
the custody - o the Marshal. Mr.
Barlow says that Judge McCunn; a State offi
cer, has not the power to compel him,- a United
States officer, to discharge the ,_prisoner.
Whereupon, Judge .McCunn writes fO'r a war
rant for the arrest of Marsha) Barlow for a
contempt of court, .and the latter, who now
has Pratt safely ensconced within the walls of
Fort Schuyler, says he will not be taken. He
heats that the warrant is in the hends • of de
puty sheriffsfor—ex-ecutioni and' forthwith he
sends to General.GrantfOr
_protection. Gene
ral Grant replied.abouti as follows : .
General Barlow, United States Jim-Bleat, South
ern Di.striet of Neu; York: 'Thereby hereby direct you
to maintain the laws of the United States, and
to resist all efforts to take the prisoner, J.' H.
Pratt, from your custody, whether by order of
Judge DieCumi - Or:any other Officer mny. aof
the State Courts. I also authorize and request
-you to use all mearislo resist-- - the -attempt--to
abet your arrest, L and stoP__the__eXecution.. of
-the laws of the_United - State.s.
• U. S. GRANT, President:
- On receiving-Marshn - P - 131fflow-sent — to -
General MeD(Byellot Governor's Island and.:
asked for a .detachment of troops to protect
him from arrest bythe - sheriff. - - General -- Mc- -
Dowell responded by ordering: battalions from
companies C, p, and.3l of the First Regitaeht
United States Artillery, to proceed to the
Marshal's office, in Chambers street,under the
command of Captain R. , G. Shaw. The men,
numbering forty-seveu privates and four offi
cers, marched into the Federal building
tween five and six. o'clock yesterday morning.
A Scientific Man on Sunday School
The N. Y. Tribune asks
]s all the emotion to be taken out of the
fresh, Morning lives of the little children?
theu&ht. the editor of.the .Previdenee Jour
uul a sensible man, yet he
.permits an astro
nomical .writer. in his newspaper to 'soy,. on
the authority of Mr. Huggins, of the Royal
Astronomical Society, "that children should
ito longer be taught the verses of the hymn:
'Twinkle, twinkle little star;
How I wonder what you are!'
"Wonder no, longer, my child!" said this.
odious Huggins. "fonts know the composi
tion of the star': It is , a sun composed of many
of the same ingredients that, compose our sun.
and the planets of the Solar system. Some
elements, my infant, exist among them which
are unknown. to us;
,some of our familiar sub--
stances are entirely wanting in them; there is
no gold in the sun, no silver in Aldebaran, no.
hydrogen in lletelgeux.".
Poor child! What a rapture for it to laQiow
that there are lie specie payments in the sun!.
that Aldebaran comes to the meridian: at
o'clock on the 10th of 'Tannery; that the name
'is of Arabic origin, and signifies "He Leath°
zway;" that it. is (so to speak) the eye _of the_
constellation Taurus; that its longitude , is
6.32.9. of Gemini, endits,latitude 541.40.A041.th
—this charming lesson 'to be followed-bs.:k
, general statement of ; the It. A. and Deellrat,-
non of Taurusl.with ,remarks, 'upon the Pile,
lades awl the Hyadellways remembering;
my little dears, that the first is on the shoulder
and thelatter inthe face of the Bull. And as
for the Stars, it is 'tnonsense to say that they
"11 tluilv could-have sung at !all,. dear
children, 31tir. Giltuore -Ivould certainly have
had theta at the !. • !
CoMill t rion Jersey
The citizens of Jersey City and a great part
of Hudson Counkrhave had under considera ,
thin for some time past a;,,i act passed by the
New Jersey lumislatnre to consolidate and
make into one city; to be called Jersey Cit - y 4
the cities of Jersey City, Hudson City, Hobo
ken, Bergen, 'A° town, of 'Union,' and the
townships of North Bergen, West - Hoboken,
of the township of Kearney." ' This act isnot to
take effect without the .conseat of a malority
of the citizens in-the eities and towns atected
by it, and a vote will be taken on the 24th
Explanation of the Situation.
tFornver dinging as they . shine,
The hand that made US 18 divine:"
next. binieb, •at ' Which : ballots marked'
ilbarter" will be deposited bythe friends of
tire proposed change while its • AnemieB will
deposit, ballots inhcribrct "li'oCharter." , This
plan of consolidation t. „ when first ..ilisc,u.ssed.
was ridiculed;by a naaj &UV' of the leading citi
zens in nearly all parts orthe dounty, but as_
it s advantages daily more and nisire tip - -
predated; it seems' te have now but few oppo.
nents, and it is probable that, the act will 'be
indorsed by a large. popular vote. . •
The Neon/firm Wheri the sin.; 4thoily ,
The, nu meat when the Eql_ipse - was total is
described by &letter datedW4stport, as
All this time the Crescent a' the sun had
been growing smaller andsmaller, and I think
most of us had begun to think that probably
little more woubi •be seen than, we had wit,
nessed. But jusOthen a faint silver point Was
seen in the westem skies, 20 degrees or cadre.
from the oixseuredisinn. There was Venus. But ,
in a moment inoro„as we ware looking toward,
the now dim western far, away, gloomy terrible, Caine. that which. has well been
called the "Awfulviihadow ." It swept like a
terror, or libe that other"shadow 'dreaded' of
inan"-;:deathltselt;. A glance t..) • the
stui shows only the narrowest rim of light; A
single glance' more. at. the Window and it is
right at hand. '
_ The,glory of the spectacle that followed I
do not hope to describe. I had' thought that
the descnptions I lid.read in the newspapers
and magazines were the'joint products of ima
gination and rhetoric. Fol-de-rol , I hail
deemed them. Butfthe glorious sight that
• burst upon our vision • was oneneVer, to, be
'The light pasged away instantly. It was like
the snuffing out of a canine in , adark room.
And the very moment it {VHS entirely concealed
burst forth the corona. I have seen it com
pared to the glory round the beach of-the saints,
but, never was this anreole of the wasters like
the glory that biirst from behind the moon.
At the very moment, of, the total obeeuration
two meteors were seen, and Mercury, a point,
of golden light, degrees away from the sun,
thirst upon the vision. The stars allio.apPeared
in the East, marking with their great white
light the place of the stately constellations.
(Hl'ii, the northwest a bank of clouels, hitherto
unseen. IriLti revealed, lighted aip with all the
&dory of, sunlight, the red; purple and crimson
colors --- pridbminating., The • darkness is like
no thirkness of earth. It, is a darkness that
eau be felt. A friend tries to find the 'hour by
:i gold-faced watcli; and . fails. 'A ncither at
tempts to read the figures on a thermometer,
hut he Ls unable to do it. - Once.-more -I look.
' back at the, sun ' and then, to be seen even
without theaid of the telescope, on the south
ern limb of the moon, is a ' red, blood-like
prottiberacice." ()ne, more .glanee at the earth.
.:. 5 .11 is dull and ghastly. One enure 4.latice at
the stars. Arcturus, Lyra: and 'Regulus are to
he seen, be.gitles Veins and Mercury. One
more glance at the sun. There are, Bailey's
beads on the, right of the moon, a, string of
gems marking • the coming of the, light: . •
And even as,we look there comes a .flash,
and a blinding, dazzling, oveiwkelining
It is like nothing else 'thau'the breaking loose
of great reservoirs that had long beendanamed
--grateful, warm,genial ) blessed light, it
mine streaming forth' giving life, and:y6y,and
health, and peace. de seemed.like airesurrec.
lion; Itseemed as if the habiliments ..of,the
.grace-had been thrown aside, anti the gar
ments of everlasting.youth the earthfhadbeen
decked.' The shadttw tied away before the
sudden burst. the 'old 'moon became the new,
and once more it began its solemn movement
around the earth, anti with the earth around
the sun.
rLACW .. ,
nacsyy, frollyK.lteware.
The Wilmington ConemereTah.TaYs.:—
On Tuesday 100 car load% of:poaches went to
Philadelphia and New York aver the Delaware
and connecting railroad's , on- - Wednesday, 75
Pear loads. and on ThursdaY,Bdea,if lapis, in all
during the three days 255 car loads, equal to
.127,500 baskets,or 4,080,000 politic's. The falling
off Trani', ' Tuesday ' s shipment .I.§` doubltess
partly , due to the large shipments by steamers
- from "Dean, and other points along the- bay,
but probably more largely to the - fact that
prices are at present so .low.that , - freight, e 4.-
penses and commissions oonsuwtiteni and
leave-nothing to theshipper. -
Many cif_ the peach growers are much ells. -- ,
---couraged lut_same_of_. the_ largest -
Mira Rtill
- that when the taist fruit CODain4 prices
be' obtained - which will Tray theshipperii.
.'Nearly all the peaches thus tar shipped have
been either Hale's or Troth's Early, and about
the only, merit either variety-has is that it ,is
early. The large. luscious fruit Is- yet to come,
and growers believe it musteommand a better
price than that now being shipped.
the, present prices continue to be the
'filling ones, the growers Will hive to organize
into, a close corporation and, thoroughly sys
tematize shipments so thatitheznarkets of the
great cities shall not be glutted and prices fall
so low again. This probably, cannot- be done
in time to do any good this year,but it, is be
lieved it is practicable if sufficient , time is
allowed. Growers can betteraflord to fatten
pigs on peaches than sell them at present
priaes, and many of them are doing so.
THE Alflitililffk,BL'SlNESS.
blimstertal ludultienm.
At, the trial of the Rev. S. P. Lynn, at Pitts
burgh, a few days since, for "Ministerial Kiss
ing;" the Rev. Dr. McKinney said on the
matter of kissing, "I know very well Nvhat
the views of young Indiespre. I at lea.st know
what they were forty or fifty years ago. Sonie
of them struggle very . hard against being
'kissed. Some of thern,.iu fact, make a deal of
struggling . . At least they used to in my time.
Then; again, others of them are kissed, and
don't make any complaint."
We suppose, according to the opinion of
the venerable. Doctor of Divinity, those of
"them that' are kissed and don't make any
complaint," do not make any trouble about
it among the clergy. If we understand this
case of the Rev. hilt:. Lynn, he 11.118 waited
upon and called to amount for kissing two
young ladies while- pastor of Westminster
Church, Cleveland. , 'Ur hen the ,properly, ap
pointed ccinmittee waited upon. him anti
asked hint - what he had to sayiu regard to the
matter of kissing the two young'ladies, he re
plied lie had, only this to say, "Mit he kissed
yoixhf; becausb rilie dared'him.
,to andlite other ecause he wishedlto," This was
frank;aml chad and akJacela kissed-Rachel
becaase he wished to„ the matter might:have
been dropped Rut. , probiihlyi, some et the
tnembm of the church :%irtici were no lever in
the dew of youth felt as soma of the elder
brothers and . sisters of a religious SoeleV did,
one of whosepeculiaritles was to greet 'each
other with a Uis at their meetings: Among
them were ti.young man and a very , pretty ,
girl, "whose lips wprobably, as the, poet hath
it, "were like strimberries half smothered ip
'cream;" and when they rtitet they, ,of course,
saluted each other with the regeneration: kiss.
After some weeks, at one of the ueual meet
ings, a ' staid and venerable' brother Said:
"That while they regarded kissing- as /very
proper, it had been observed by hita, as` well
DS by some;. of theicetierabiti and ,tuaniarried
sisters. present, that the yu 'obrether and sis
ter wheja met were in. t of kiss
logliontloAthvitifo-1111thh of,' au appqtite ; and
they , :t*lxogg,lifi sUelyYOutir people, who
were MA censiderlit4 of thb feelings of
the'rbilden' siaters, that heteatter the aoetis
tsii,ried,"salutation' might very.:,,properly be
'braitted, else it might create -unpleasant feel
ings in, the society.--Y, Y. Post. -
, . !..
rata Titussaintt
r 4 " l s AVns.
• ' " -.•
—Di inniellArek: will beluti4.l?B,'ooo' MA : OW&
months' singingin••Vienna; • ' ' ',. -' '
—Twelie distinct taiiio44l 'mks' lit' cour:le le
construction in Illinois • ' . ' '' ',- '' .
—Si ihtaukee clairnit9o4 nee phi; of wlibnip
it is t4aid Styli!) drink lager. • - •'- ' '',',,, •.•
—Dime. Anna - Itishop ' has arriskidt , iri
, hind. •: . • -• . • , --s,; '• - , ,.,- K.
—Bzondiu is performing at the Ilitstrikihd
Theatre. -
• —lll. Harry. Placidk-the veteran* ireetiedi.in i
hasbeen very ill,but is nowslowlyrecoveting:
. —,The Botton•Post risks if the IlEtnesc • will.
'not hanibod,zie us. , . ;•• .• . • ...-. I. , • ,
• :• , -.llrs. Stowe's - article on Lady - Arran will
ti it is ; announcetli in the . September:
—The - ‘ 4 .l.nnitrhesule'. ; and • "Darristittatiodc
mgs.", aid the ,cliiiinpirnk Intaeliallists °CI, Lippig
-Nidie. Oirmi 'de ?arta, a *kW opers,thirlgit
nor Crinapani,"itt to be produ c ed at pt 'MeV, di;,ti--
burg this fill: •
• ....:M Ea. Fiiialeiiiii IX Gage: Ilia 'been iditioksii
tritlrptizalOtid, and hi in a•',Very .ctitlettlionni-
• ,
;.:*neir appc.imS• pg .
Spriitgfield, Mat4l3aahiSetti; which is slyl
the “liaunsobeldthito;; or the , ' exanthematio
method of cure." ••• •
. —One of the London hospitals situated ear
a, theatre threatens, an injunction 'against t•the.
litter because the orchestral playing Abjures.
the health of the patients... •. • •
There is, a-recent bequesit 1 0.9 - a , 114 M Eng-.
1101 cheekernonger, of $150,000 for 9Peuing,tha
Crystal Palace. ou:Siiiiday, 'atall,lo4lo(,/„.to the
eociety againsaa Statii.religiorL` . • '
—Eleven .Euptlatr 'cavalrymen, wile, oivemt
slept themselves,Mid appeared lateat•mornin,,,
parade, had their head.s taken . ott ' althohne ,
tars, to teach them a lesson. ,• • ••',. •
—The King of. Bavaria intendli'tcr Celebrate
the - birthdays .of.Gluck, • Mozart, Beethoven,
and Weber .by • a grand performanee at the
Alunich Theatre Royal. -' • • '
-rJohu Lee, a actor 80 vears of age, re eentlA.
PlaYed ehylock .at the. Iticiunond .Theatre, : .
England. Be was sit one time the private sec- •
retarT Of Edttrund'Kean. ' ; ' • •
Lydia HOwarik an infant
live years Of age,“.whOdelightd:the:.4lisgrinii: •
nating`andienees of Great 'objects:to.
buriesqueMbeenuke it ' tomes her to a•truilze'dit
exhibition of herilegs:" • • = •
—The Cincinnati Commercial says •that - the:
fall of the temperature during the eclipse,fistaa
nothing to the. cooluess.;produceil•
Cratie betailiM When Itoseersup's lettet !lecllth- -
bag the.ntaninliiiCtii fer - gUyereer. wa tßathf: ,
•-•" • ' • •••'... • • • • •
—M. Ito.rdief , a...Fiench/ibitol6loll.l:ing ta l e " •
dertake'ii to lir:sl;oh* Miali'apersOn nk• "
Ham Tell aventilifelisted, luM . nemiefiVetitalti•
demolished by I‘L.liilliet, the • learned - 311th°,
of • f." Origines de2.ht Contlderation Sitissiep"
who shows,beyond a peradventure. :that the
4 1 314g 11 : 1 !er, 0 gf 4witzer)aad is n'otld.pg:bat.q
, • • .• • ' •
-7.6.i.Uouten reeinity. a vsliani.
'NatiOual Ottard'svai'dmiorate:if bytlieempaii‘
"Sire,"' he exClainted,', with etritsiart;
yours in life and in - death. •• I served •Tour
cle faithfully. I lave received tiroWoundk.
one in the leg" and the. other at AV:ignite-2:- •
here the...Empram :niggled audibly; and .thd
veteran's speech crone to au abrupt .termina,
; lady, recently, in a Maisachuselits
court, before which.she was brought as a
nest:, when asked to take. 'oft her bontietobr
stinately refused to do so, saying,' tg There is
no law comPefilog a woman , to take 'oft"lter
- bonnet.." !-oh r• imprudently - replied 'tone•of
the judges; ":you know the law, -do.yon r pile , -
Imps you wouldlike to come up : and. either . e)
and teachms •! No, I thank you ; sir," :mad
the woman tastly, " tlrute are. old • .Wriainetl
enough there OW." , , . • .
.1 n
1 •. • • e
—The great ship c a n al which la.to. connect
Amiderdam with the "North Sea, at a cast OF
.27,CM000,guilders,,ls now on ce.tn ore go..
gress, the • tiovernment of the. I!iothatiand4
leaving - I.•ellevedthe contractors of
cultics which for a time .biadered Alta 'AmOrIL.
The canal mill be about fifteen: stiles IslengthL :
The Zuyder Zee is to be ,shut out •
sterilam, and.the Pampua dam •-kl_whiplAkill
is to be eirected. ix" already,hialf
the locks atid„sluie . ei ccitstkettetrwitli it,41114::
progress: .undettitkiti r f _ .
add. one mete_to_her. gnmale neerirg.wltir
but it appears to be an.•Englii ..iiiandadeadaeld
the contract.. ,
—That feudalism. is not, yet extinct firrA Rtna
sia is .shown bjr an extraordinary, int:Went
which has , just occurred . near - 114 eitstein„
.the Hartz.. The estate of,Werna ) in..' his, dig"
trict, has, for centuries been—in.pPoVosalor) of
the Spiegel.family, though. it was, h kh in, fee
of the licaant von, Stolborg-.§tolberg, Last
Spring the present oecur4ert•of ;tha- proyertv
publicly denied the fealty; and as suet denial,
-according, to the old; feudal la*, would (if"-
PriTe the /ord of his ••rights, Counttuonc Stol
!Joy hotee . chately calledupon.irllerr- von.
Spiegel to give up the estate, The; latter •re
fused, and wade all. the necessary pre
parations for'defence. The,mte. wa boxrecr
the laborers on the estate., were- drilladt every
day and taught to dire at 'a target, sentries
were posted at various- ppoes anth relieved
every two, hours. $, large &loud has.been
posteclup, , et the gate with , insinintion :
"Ni.' thoroughfare for robber-sltnigtls,"„lt is
said that Count Stolberg_ shortiy- arrive
with a band of armed 'Wen , to . „ take , ;forcible
possessiaa of the ,panperty, and; opt are
curious ta know. hoi-Athfs — inedircura' seet„uTh
the zilddle of. the rtineteentir.,
.1/904K6i o*_:**,-****:::!..'::::..:.;'..:.';','...!:
'The, seven, Curses -of lootalksia, Jatalo„
(Iret:nwood, the , ‘Alcuatour (Isonal."thh.
pap, PAblished by '.l7lsltlB' ) . ills goo-a, Gat,
for sale by Turner 1)r05...4k - 04:b. ' • • •
Sertuons Preached at , Trinitrtlhapeliliri
ion, by Ite.v.:F,Tederic.7‘. •obertsou,
Two vols., 12 tao, lichrtanit. P„0b11.44d
,• by - Melds, Osgood.a Go., f.sr sole by Turner
- Bros. Go. • '•• '
• I.lilickertioalcen;ganOp4l Irvin i g;hi Llfe*.of
ashington, Vol. 5. 'l',ued by•.G.l":lPut-.
uam Bp, Son, lor.solo• A. K. Simati,l.4iont,
No. 2a, Soutl#.Bl. - tth stnoott.. - ,
Putnam's, l'itlamizio). *lx corm ktitid,
vohunes Ist, 2d malt.s(4 from *Tantiot4MO°l to
' . .liine,'lB69. 'Sold, by Pratlield'A.slinieal;',
itulletin of the Zilittional Ameicitiou'o ~W QO4
:11(neufacturers, - July,• - 1881.- 11..),1 2 04p0tt - ,M2.
Square, 13oston,.—.Nalases Ma - gazineWtr Sets-.
tember, trow,Wner.l3ros.--De Witeetao4 . ietekim,
see ies of the best music tor vciixo
Nos. 12.t0.15. , Alo 2.7 Frankforte4llo r 4043 , 4441..
'4ls4baeacf's Literary . /fittion.,;••tb, jid v ,
No. 12 , 1 Chestnut street.'
—At the, Arch, to-u! lit,
MTIStriAS will, etreenter,
tainmentJ This troupe is, misatblnlit,-**l tthe
best that has Vidted'ibis ettylitor tittoir-,Vatirs•
It contains' ore musiciargivianthlwre: load
aotom than any, other wittiewlAclv, NOV 4,111 , ;
quainted, and their gentle iott E cus oce ta g , merit
of freshness , and noyelly, Those:, who fortu
nately haVel 4 sited . ttaAitilidtaritnie , pre
sent week will conalikehMid law allakee
of the statement, wiz t ten,Aie gi i rtha, g 4 nqdfd,
has raised his' fifty( lbousalay The' troops '
will remain at tbt Areh al:tether' Weelcp.4, , fr , '
—The :WaltiatiWill begin the'fall 'iuf this
evening %tit's new pltt.v entitled'.DtifpL-t Vltds
drama will be produced in splowild steetwith
uew sekacry and a great cast, • .
. A *