Ai. r • - • tetoblzOventinmdittet 4 f*el'hi v Bath MirIiVAXER YARN; N . ,- i • Mr . Editor Ire it ver yani bay t cently been gardening Ai* „i; lis^it3 to SSW, with a big straw tat; a .thin coat and thick pair of gloves I have taken, a. two-hours' P . in41 14 . 1 %,.#9 1 d 8= ' 5 1cin g7. , innairigidleaves in.the„oats-lot, lending anand 8 0P.44 1 ,gl ia Ytt.. 4 0 * Jut;.*:Pat. willing but, uP"skllled rei' may 10to help:the ex porienCed iisliandman. And I think ThaVe 1 li 01:44 g IVittifeV t; y r A iriST lifii%d exertions. inhealth khavexaincd ?Pupil.; fly the.,exercite, of the muscles in' the ,open, *Jo one ac- . customedlii a Sreileniali life' in Ida study, is a great adVaritage ifjndiciouritieuiplOYed. It is of no use to overtax ' the strength by lumens txunea woric, but lather an injury ~`to however,. just long enough Make rest . , Peasant is quite another aiyair,andrull of profit to the esperhnenter. It is a glorious thing Ito look forwardanxiously to the one o'cloCk dinnei and six o'clock ies,,and to eat and clrhlk with a keen desire for satisfaetiori; instead of loathing the toed set before : you, and : fastidiously reject-, ingiall that i'Snot.commended; ., to the palate by Some: artificial adjunct. plainest joint and most - siinply. dressed ;vegetable is delightful to oil who bottles iri from flaryOst and he'kiilo'Vtlik.'.epid:"..spring ',Water, as "Mich or • n ipA;t. '.4,6•:-,• ) tife‘ i :eplihri44, his champagne or IltrigtifitY.' Then the Sleep !Bless your heart, bow one after:': day's or: a- 'half day's isiork-inthe fields!. Tcebed,iatlatest!, by inne o'clock. Then five o'clock A. 2 lkU-finds . mind aridrbadY:alikeleadir tor - reiiewedlabor, and the sweet breaking of the „ day s m our view dieligiliftit'''`Soirie 'folks, I fancy,..itcpci.3, saw the Iq4-e1.1,4'..p0r soulp;:ll9.Wil:pitrtkern.: , ' ',Even!. r IS, A..gicriCtligt tiring Mow.: ;much: - ..aniare c ' the' 'country, . Where luminary' appeal ante, not among elrimney-tops and uhouse- Peaks—but ~over the heads of noble` hills, breaking Ids ;way.' through' clouds that gather, above grand old forests;, streaming down ac-. doss, wide pastmes where cattle are grazing, and over countless brooks - Where thetrout are leaping,. and waking' up 'ten thdasand who herald his advent With •alperfectiCelnirt 'of . "round inStrurnents,", -. (an. 'amateur concert no' special charitable Purpose—bnt, just, a apon t,aneous outpouring of gladness of heart. "Tickets to, he, had at any farm-house, free to all who apply tor thenr before five o'clock every morning!) , ' ; ".• ,'llut besides health andbealthful recreations, I have . .gained what is .next to health, some useful knowledge.' Iv:never entered • into my, brain to imagine the 'amount of hard wort: which is needed in order' that the simplest re 'suits in agriculture should be realized! To take a pleasant: stroll over the fields and scatter seed around, and thew reap the grain and let it be thrashed by some-clever machine., seemed to Me the sum total of a wheat or' rye' or oats . harvest. To drop a sped here and there along the Well-Marked lines in,a garden, and then go by and by and pick up beets and peas and caul'- . flowers-and beans and potatoes and sweet corit grid boil,and eat. them, the simple process and pleasant results of garden culture. Mr. Editor, I had no idea of weeds I No notion that they needed to ,be'wfitched like thieVea' and Worked at incessantly. Weeds are, indeed; wonderful fellows. They area the rogues and , reprobates of vegetable .society. They. only ask to •"be let alone," and they will soon establish ' a gov-. eminent-in which ,no hellcat plant "can have liberty to But you come to weeds, you are' likely:, in fanning, to come to stories. ~ Did you ever. plough or try to.-plough in rough, stony ground? I did—at least .drove the horses, and I saw enough to astonish me. Such • crashing, grinding,' . and jtnimings-up, glaneings aside of the plough as. it struck the bjg - and, little bmilderat Such leaping on the !:leani on the part of the plongli-, man when the sharer. Was to, be ,got into hard gariind, and such' lifting of the instrument when . .it was to be gotteriover the stubborn . stones! Such a stopping of the team When an obstacle was enconutered,and a starting them ahead when the obstacje was avoided . or 'sur mounted ! Altogether, plbWift in "soli at - all ' hard or stong is no trifling affair, and 'leaves both ploughman aridleaM :utterly, worn out the erid:of day's work. - 13y - the'ty; -- 1 - cplongh= man walks, as near as I could • reckon, abOitt eleren Miles iriday r 'sftirroif-fellOWntg. - then comes harreiring ? lnVidvitig ' trudge, of equal e4rieXtent; over 'grouriddreadftillY hard to 4 city shoes, and no daubTilitlieult eirdiffa,Cotial= try •' "eowilildeS" and "nalled . Then then-harrowing again,,another„eleyenl_ : _ f it_is_. • like brion'sWheel,.firieVer rolling, and , 'Weyer, plantedi there. _dome thoseeverlasting -weeds,- thOpe fellows? that want 'alone," .; • but can't :br •safely let 'alone, if any barvost-ia. to looked for. -.Mylimprestifon is ' that the soil is made up of weed-seeds, -- and - that the only way get rid.of weeds is to make a new soil of'. bone-dust, plaster 'and guano and other tirtificials. I have plucked up and cast forth all the.signs of weeds' in a' garden-patch, and the next week these rascals were again just green, and lively as ever. Well, the busbandrnan or gardener has to tight this.great weed fight incessantly. Waterloo was nothing to it. The ;. - Prencb, once : whipped, stayed whipped; once routed, they.retreated and left , English, Prussians and llauoverians to follow and reap the .harvests. , . But the "Battle of the Weeds," , once, ;begun, is ,con tinned foreveq at least till winter comes; when,' wrapt in one common:Ninding-sheet of snow,• all vegetable antagonists .'sleep under one .coni , 'non marble tomb-stone, of ice. The 'Waterloo battle .of weeds having been tbught,there Conies the "cradleing," it' it is, for wheat or rye.or oats (and cradleing„l can..assure you, is' a regular back -breaking, arm-wearing work); 'and :then raking and igniting. aucl.stacking and gatherhig, into bArns and. threshing—most of the labor to be performed under :an August sun that makes the stubble,lielil like a furnace-door and the sky above like alfurnace-dome—to -say - nothing of field flies that 'will keep, just on the end of the nose 'or behind the ear of the - laborer, no Matter. how. :Vehemently he bridles or blows them off. lie:Illy,. I shall never begrudge the fanner lila price for grain,. c if only I. can persuade myself that, 4 gets , it, and not the speculator, who sits in a cosy arm - chair in a quietiollice, , and - runs up the grain market. for his'own profits. ' • The garden, too, needs' endless care and toil—toil and c...tre to get them grow---for veg etablesinnlikeweeds,needcrin,Stant watching,tod ; and - care;:espeCially thejOrmer, to 'gather 'and prepare them for use, arid a.ateady. fight • with weeds and frequent ..sorties",' 'against inieets; who seem to think that thinmare planted for their special solade, and have a'ea.rnival Season (omitting meat) all, the time the plants are growing. Did you . ask ine!, what. in sects? Well, let me, name a few: ' There are weevils, and Mai-bugs. and ground beetles, crickets, kicusts, grasahelpperd, dragon!. flies, 'lace flies and day flies, ..hees, wasps and ants, saw flies and gall flies, butterflies. and moths—lady bugs, and bugs not ladylike or gentlemanly; caterpillars ; cockchafers; wire worms,_' asparagus beetles, twelve -spotted beetles and mole crickets, plant lice,: cabbage • Iniltl o ;:earrot Moths, onion fly,lettuce'fly,ne, ily t 4;#4rbUt why should 1 go on with a liat wb is really: ° limitless—for besides these enumerated. , eitemies which the eye of the tusbanditian• can see arid handle, if he is lucky enough-ttf , Cateh then), there are countless Animalculre invisible to the -- naked eye, "secret . - :ol4kieties 4 ,! , cep I.llitilatil Sykanile,o t e i din.* trse, te b .. „-: 0114 4 21 ‘l,t, to,; thitntertt telp my MlMl)atl _ ... your brain with too great a' weight of know ledge at one time, wilt close this P4P.ernitilt h q: lingle inlggeßiOn't ' ,, Didei - beircidge die Griner atu gardener afair price Tor their produce. They, earnall they ordinarily obtain." 'II.J. NOTES OF TRAVEL. . „ 1. . onrreepandenee of the ;W 11 in. Evening allettn.l • nty, I areia~vale,Waltdl .the, world beiltie, , there.:o4.; many avenues epened for trod to all who feel inelined to takeredVantageot,ilie', op foit~tnity Many.are then , indUcementsufferekbytuilread companies; and the' proprietom . of t hotels; whether ,at the seaside or by. , tle lake, •or on the mountain, to visit the, :respective resorts in order that either the health.'.ir4 be benehted; or the longing ff*,a,ch4l:ige:l4.4Scenki'be , arid . • fled:. It waS the latter. of 1 these inducements:, Which led your e`eiteitonff;Nose' ?" shutters, and With, the balance , ef hieliepsehold, .„ . to seek the ',iountaina of Southern Virgiiii,V ' LeaVing':t e city at noon," from ' Bread ',and Primerstreets, wheathe.suirwas dispensing his most ardt beats, we rectehed Washington in time' fort evening-meal: - • • The only,:ease of interest which Marked early ,portion of our travel' WaS - thesait One A'', ebrideland're ,gem,, who, from,, dull . road iphowledo; Ikea:Me lest tO' eaChc'Uther at: Baltitriore:, rleving,fergetteh a silver. itng,..a: ;bridal present--4he ; -attentive: htiabandunder- .1 to* the :difficult task, to search the ,ca.l:'they,: had jUSfjleft„Otying,, as his form, left ; the. ddor;: : , that - he would .meet . her at the lower depot; bUt 'alas! for the Uncertain' dileulation of all those who a train Without:OonSUlting the cinder; • it'd.; had that, kind 'Mali inqUired,' he „' Would have ~,diseeVered • that the, tram4oula not stop cit:'-od : depet, but .proeeed directly on . to Washington.! Being unacquainted with this tact, the ' , happy but unsuspicious bride pissed' the depot where she planild:have'getten - nut, ;and was soon beyond the eitt3i . . , 4ar ; spilt:, in the open country, ;When ,siiildenirshe appealed to a, lady pcisinger to . tell her .'cif.,tbp ,Cainaen street depot, had, been reached;", being answered in the the scene, which' ensued-was pitiful in the extreme. . 'Wih - ; much emotion, and the big tears coursing doWn her cheekS, she, exclaimed, in heartfelt' grief : 6 ebh, - riV dear imaband ! what will he 'think:; of ? What , Ido Of con*, she 1, hk, cause an object of sympathy, to thepassena 6 drs who occupied the car. , : Various were the 'suggestions made for her consolation and coin fert,"but it waS'notuntil the concluder : came himself that she becathe'eacitied,heassuringher that nothing else could be done: • than to, pro ceed to Washington, where lie, would ielegraph to-her-frien&-iii-Baltimore, and - she-could re turn to that city ~before :night, and that she should be at no, expense. • know not die name of that ikind-hearted ' eOnductor, Who gained at least the silent cidnii ration ' all Who sympathized ; With 'that bride in her temporary affliction.. ; Having adesire to:make our•journey easy as possible, it was ~agreed that we should tarry over night in the city of unequal ballast—other- Wise, Washington: But; 'idas:for that resolve! happy and' cipprtpriate as' seemed the:''sugges-. tion, for, 4's the seqUel n ill show, iti Wocild have ; been , far 'better bad: . traveled on through the - darkiieps , Scenery,' and given to the• Winds our desire to view the land kape south of the capitol by daylight.: The heat was, of that dry, parchdL' 'noiseless sort, when th least kicOnfotion is "tiresome, when not a lent' quivers in, the : air, not a bird cares to be on 'the wing. We retired early, but.not to sleep,.foreVeratml anon .our cat T naps were distUrbed by, the: cats themselves; for, seemingly Under the same roof; two feline wretches.! were growling and spitting-at each- . other in that pe culiar style which, to' Many netvons people, tends to,ntake night hideous. After a lengthy *Abutting° of this nOcturnal disagreement, 'there; came -- a -- ; sudden:stoppage:from . the r. effects ' of-a missile wbich some:lrindlY hand burled in the direction of the fighting-ground. But the peace thus obtained was of mothen i tary duration; - for a:rnOre tryingordeal was yet ilf,atrite:ftie - 48 - .7. - The - riplardiacordi - of - the ots . scarcely subsiderEWhen oureara weremade , .with-with'thevattgur-like - guawinvot-rats, their teeth-inclose proximity to - our dough . of rest ; with -a;, seeming t_sdereftninationto_iiiake'..our.clOser_adqUaintance. But asallibingS,:beAbey never ao'good or bad, nnrst have an end; so'the welcome daylight put a gniettis ..On all the various noises which had so disturbed our much needed repose. Arising;antt partaking of very early °break fast, We were soon on board a steamboat well filled with passengers; bound for Alexandria and beyond---.-at which point, a locomotive and train of cars on the ,Alexandria, Orange and Mutt:wags Railroad were in readineas to - convey us tO Lyuclaburg,• distant, 260 miles, where inaking another change t 0... the :Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, and golng, eighty miles to Shawsville station, a coach and four-in-hand; brought its finally toliies`e Aliiings, distant four ,miles from said . station,.' It' 'WAS '. - nearly mid, . night when; we alighted oh ; Oar steps of the hotel;lhe \lancet:a were gime. and the -lights in the ball-them were, extinguished, and supreme ,quicti reigned (wet . these magnincent forest ;crow tied mouptains. The eclipse Of the stur . gave general satisfac tion., ,liverybody 'scented imbued with the an'tfein"of astronont3r; add were ready, with smoked glass, to f pay; particular attention to the glorious old; of day. Old and young might, be: seen,taldng positions on , the extended lawn of •seventy-live 'Acres; .which is , ohe of the" attritc-/ Lions Of this lovely smittner :resort., • At ten minutes past ilVe, the • ituNidits ' gitzeis ,witnessed the datk:. shadOW coming over the which'prOceetledf LOA its JoWer right limb to arils the; itiper atid`lefOtand Side, passing oblique direction. The e.tfect was grmal beyond description; the sky belog unclouded; alai the atmosphere beeomittg ;udilettlyseVeral. degrees l'4 iol(T. The birds were seen' to fly about in - a tvild, loose utanner,,evidently being taken by surprise at the ittAvonted disappear— ance or tlw King of Day. PniE. Ileor the, I'hiptJu. • bseriiiu '11.11[11.;_E 111t,AG0 CIIIENIEV:-4.1A141E. I liave read with interest and surprise, the articles in. the Eul.l.Eilx relating to the above ease. Hy sivpriseis,greatly exerted. by.'the-ac tion,of the . .. Suprem - Court, and the . question naturally arises; pu what grounds can the civil coitut interfere ?Bo' fat' as 1 can see, on none, unleSs the eceleStastical.COurt was in sonic way 'Violating thelaws , of tiie laud. The 'reasons given by Judge Jameson, and which. your. pa per :seems to endorse, do not carry conviction to,my Mind., and it, does not appear either just, Or light that:any civil bilker . . should undertake to .pronounee . : on the, legality of a•Church court, and authoritatively „determine that it is not, canonically coastituted:,',!o*SUPreme.COUrt, May thus interfere, the ekinciusioifis hieV4able, that, the Protestant Etifr44':Olireb in the United State's occupies' the same'ground (with regard to State connection).da,does the Church Of England ih.Great Britain. Have we 'such an establiidimentin this certif.- try ? If so, let the Episcopal Church have the ... .‘q O) ihsrphi, cy r or est The: 4. n•-* I:4 4 • ,,Yj 1,1!\: ' • ;j:4" • • an Catty • - sa 'AY a i • Oto CO I: , e , pposed ' • trolleridi __• r - lOon. $ t!,..,1 Article. • ed OthOr ; etfiedist ;Wide- rltiore - evide 7 1 3 1 . , aam ell' en : he e Va x fails :§CoMenp, ' • than t" 00 ten r - • xcava dl!' laws„,tifid regulatio) : once to be speedily followed•by o),hers:' under the ill heardnf either Ito rection, of the Smithsonian Institnte,, we feel pr,,by,tgrtan,Jl .Lconfidakt,wilLeStablish.thefactrthatthe namind-i tion ot tbe Supreme _ ig out ' bnilders crossed the Missouri river, and, pass..., theitoWn - respective laws Of*diisoipline,;,eveh, 4ToOyeritiitpo , to of the great West, found-: such resulted in depriving : thelilleniter •of 'Vs., portfOn of them—their. way into Central .. ..means'of living. ' _ America -, by= ., :.waY,t` , ol.the - -:Gulf sorealifornia.' This - is surely a correct Statement . ; Then, •Prefeatior Seottleft.iiastAigl!t, for+his, home in. why are the canons of the , !tpiSeopal iveankiOiislY '1,30k for his • to„be,pla:cedop.(iigerePt..g,,rfttmda„ . and be sub repoxtiAf_„tlaesft..discoveries <:. n ~- r ,feet to the ,opinionsev,en caPotaBiipremP ,c, l ourt? 1, •And c wirst should Stidgejarrieidifiliterfere; and say fromthe bench: . ‘,!Scii.arid bishops; and laymen, do' not undenitand and : their_,:'own canoni, and, therefOre; force theni?" . ._ D . Oo]§ - thq jiogO,4lireherid that Bishop :whii.eho,n§e, PresbYterS-tubaii to,burn Mr. Cheneyin - case he is found guilty?, or that' he tuns as risk of-being ',immured in a dungeon, or stretched' on tt , s inck? , or does IV fear the Spanish hiciniSition,'generally,,is about to be revived 'in Illinois? .'.ln` such, case lie wonld . do.well to interfere, for. the. lawS of the land would theii,he ; brolteni:And the., 'offender Would need protection.. If there is be no liberty in.the Ypiscopal Church to ienforte if P s own canons,ltnd discipline, by all, means, let that .Chorch clearly ,knoW, it, that' She. may like, Wise' claim:the “ESta,li-• lished,” for, only on_ this':erround 'eau she be amenable to the . civil . courts in matters purely spiritual or ecclesiastical: , [Our worthYo:?riesPendent i quite• miSunderi . stands the position of the Cheney 'case in its relation to the, interference of the 'civil courts., Judge Jameson appears to,-have! taken a clear, common-sense and 'legal. view of the case, in his ruling that an ecclesiaStieal court in this country has ittrisdiettori,nnly"Within ',the strict limits of the,rules.. , and :regulations, of the! Church to which , .belongs::' Acting within. these limits, 'the :Chit court expressly disowns' any power of interference.; hTranscending those limits, and threatening:What the law .calls " irreparableinjuty,l' .otherwise than as it may be inflicted in • strict::accordance :with ' the • preseribed• discipline !of the Episco pal ChUrchir the !- civil :court is bound to interfere,. and, it is needless to say,.would interfere without any, distinction ;between Ro man. Catholic, •Episcopalian, ..Methodisti Pres byterian or any other form of the cluirch. Our correspondent may,"have , never once heard" of the civil courts interfering between • private irights and ecclesiastical autheritY,:lnit such in terference has notteen so rare as "Fair Play" !supposes. We make these remarks by way of explanation of a^ subject Whichhas attracted a good deal O f .attention and is , but imperfectly understood.] ~c~aeozuezcxL:— =-_- Another Important Disenvery—Traces of the Illoundatoillders. In Utah. [From the Omaha. Herald of July 29.) About six weeks ago our old :and esteemed friend and former ProfeeSor, 'Henry L. Scott, D'.; of GeorgetOwn, Ky.,'passed through Onialut' on7a' Scientific. tour; , One of . his letters tti'the Manchester (England) Clircuncie perhaps, the only attempted analyZation and description of the now celebrated obsidian' beds of the middle and north parks of Colo rado. For the first time. on the appearance of that:letter,' we learned what a moss-agate was; that it was simply apiece of glass made througli the ftision , ' of sand , and pyrites bY volcanic action. Playing thoroughly explored that sec tion, and haVing acquired many valuable ad ditions to science, which will shortly be de scribed in the Smithsonian reports. Professor Scott entered Utah ! „'for the purpose of furthering, if possible, the • discoveries of, Squire and:. 'Davis in reference to, the existence . ' , of a ; superior.' race of people On this'continent long before .„ the advent: of the: present aboriginal inhabitants. The report of the investigations of Squire and - Patia - Waa - Mat - L - brought -- down : later thanlB4k and only' enibraeed the country lying, between' the :great lakes and puff of Mexico rr;o'- feSsOr ,Scott,' l.e every, scholar, „ aceeptedas,, true ~ the evidence produced by these gentlemen: but at The same‘timCfeltTrconfidentin-his-own lnifid that the:People: who ;Iliad genius and skill enotigirto-ereerthe*ast7mounds - --of-Ney,atkl andlL4ittlelMistlii 3 Ohlo,Und the .. elabgrate' OW_ skilful defence's in 'and about Kanokia, Were-certainly ; competent ,tofirkit.474oll.o_r_Ote_ to Mexico and Central America than slown the yalley of .;* the Mississippi. Acting: ;Upon' this impression;. -he .. , early , --coinmunicated' with us and others in _reference to the! probable existence of traces ,of the march of these people to the ernif of California. tunatelY, we are enabled to offer hint encliur agement, and on the 24th of Junehe leftthe Union. Pacific. Railroad at Evanston - Station, Shelby County, Utah,: and commenced . his ex *rations, Evanston pies in; the upper valley Of Bear ;River; at' the:foot of the northwestern sloPe of the Unitall Mountains, and has elevation ,of . 1;000 feet above tidewfiter.,l-lav hig secured the help of some half dozen inn, Prof. Scott immediately directed his course toward the south, where.a bastard canon starts out from one of the Uintali spurs. Fortu nately be had With him a half-breed Who cottld converse with: the Shoshonees; who: range WI through that section; and,•through the interPrer 'ter,•he learned fronill . vaim-on-t a (Stag), a SW) cider of the ShOshonees, that abOut tifteenMiles frOM Evanston was a mound of extraordinary tlimensions. The profeSsor immediately re paired to .the place, and, to his great gcatifiea-• tion, discoVered a tumulus of as fah , and five proportions as•aily described by Squire andr Davis. lie immediately commenced the work - of ,excayation, and in three days bad :the inex. possible pleasure of laying bare what Was cer filinly a vault. lie found a cavity about eight teeth wig three. wide k and tourdeep. Its bottom, sides and ends were made : of triangular-; Shaped • stones, evidently quarried front the red 'granite of the Wahsaten range. `There' was no top or covering to the vault, but, from the oatiuv and color of the earth Mediately over , it, the Professor ! thinks that' ; arch , : of burnt - clay had• been; used.: With the exception of some unimportant pieces of Asidian, evidently having beds used pr. : lapidary- pnrposes; prof: Scott ."4irotight. aWay" eVerything found in the vault.: But, One skeleton was. found, whieli, on' exPesUre;'ini 7 ; medloely crumbled into dust; it appeared toiri tlicate:.that of a man net over five feet tell inches. The:bones lay:east and west--4he skull east. At 'the foot,';and apparently between the feet, Was fealtal 7 "an:;ordioaly-shaPett: earthen pot, W , a capacitYPorhaps of half a gallen;'cone 7 ' shaped, and With Out any mark or engraving on. it, Along the left side,,lay an iron bracelet, with a spring clasp, perfectly preservek On each . side of ,the were two medicine Stones—shaped like eigar, full of holes, and of half-pound ;weigh . • ' The stones, Were 'very sit:Oar to Tennessee Marble, or Seetch granite. On ithe right side Of the skeleton, the, profeSsor found ,',a silver the the size :and exactly the shape of an , artist's :,pallet. No mark whatever was distinguishable on this piece, but it is 'of the purest -;silVcr. It may , have been used as a shield; though the Proles ,sor' inclines to the' belief 'that it was a "charM,"' and that the skeleten was that of some - mcdi- Andittiei in ' ;York The Bei , : Canon Gremiwelt,'pf, pinham,Eng land; and Other gentlemen, lately, spent several days in the ei.anaination , of, a , gong.barMwr at the. Yearsley Crossing of the road' betWeenGil. an&York f 'Ringlandyediands tilling Castle: 2 The barrow' was one of those rare forms'Of whieW,orklY,-" six. !Or' eight, have been found in •Xerkshire.:..,lt differed; however,in its bearings'. Those hitherto found; andWhih on:opening showed such : strange ' signs of cannibalism, have 'invariably been east and West—the' larger , and 'higher ; • end ' being towards the east, and that end Containing pro lifically the rema ins of the broken. - bodies, 'The 'notion has- been , started that the long harroW..buriala were., tOw.ards ithe rising . sun ; and 01. 1. b e se, it is curiously :verified by the Yearsley tuthulus. The.bearing Was northwest bynorth,and southeast by south; indicating an erection at a period of the'year when' the' sun wary , very lOw-,-saY . "November. ''.'Thisi was further illustrated by the beds of charcoal, Which contained., numerous - 'aeon's, shed • froth. the cups, -therefOre indicating : an autuinnal, date. For this interesting view: of . the matter the scientific world is indebteAltoltr:Henry Hurtly, of Mahon; who not . only the diver ' genee, but discovered the alied,acorna. • The harrow was one hundred and forty feet long by slaty feet Wide •at the 'southeast; and forty feet at• the northwest end,a mound. f very great "magnittale, beim -, eight, feet high at the eastern and six feet at the, western. The barrow proper was'enclosed;by' a treble row of shrubs set •on edge, being . fort,y-eight,'.feet at the wide end and' thirty feet, at , the small end: Within these stones:the mound 'Was-cemposed on .the.sonth ,of red sand; and on the north of white sand, the line of. division -being persistent throughout.., :This, pointed to - a building by two tribes—one of whom worked hem a red-santl deposit on the south, and the other from a white-sand deposit on north. And, further, the stratification, shown in ;the section, showed that the immense mound had been raised in driblets, the individual deposits being - about equal to what a man could carry in a wicker basket. This was • a very peculiar fea- FAIR "PLAY As regards the reniains, the nature of the open sand freely adthitting Water and air had led to a total decay, and though many interest ing features were presented, the tumulus as re- I.;arded relies was compartitiVely barren. The original burials, had gone comparatiVely to de cay, and except for the contributions of flint, chipPings f sbred&-of z pottery-and charcoal, with considerable burnings, all trace"WaS boSt. 'The' only interment fotuni was a secondary one. This was at the broad end of the tumulus and. was in the cist formed of eight massive stones,: the bottoin of which was three feet: above the natural surface. In the , cist was an urn five and a half inches high, of the food vessel shape, with pierced ears; the upper part" ornamented With alternate series of vertical and horizontal lines of twisted thong impressions. The silt was thirty-nine feet from `the central point of barrow and in the central line. The accom panying flints were a tine javelin head, two and.three-quarter incheS long, and an excellent knife, With flakes, &c. The remains wore totally gone to decay. There was an immense amount of linriit earth„ Our Troops Beyond - the Mississippi.* Where They'Are and What They Are Doing. - • • ' The Army and .2V•avy Journal has full and interesting intelligence of the condition of our troops on the Rlains and on the Pacific coast. The completion of the pacific Railroad (says therTourria/) has brought the troops stationed along the .great desert . into. nearer relations with civilization,and has served'.to materially mitigate the hardships or their lot. They form a' chain of hardy and','sun-browned little com n3unities, deprived, of,course,' of many .of the coMforts and ele,gaircips: of civilized- life; but -they are inured to, their condition,' and, know how useless it-would be to complain of it. Major-GenemlTbomas has gone to 'Alaska, with the fixed purpose of abolishing the depart mental command in that Arctic region, and re dirchigit to a tWo-conijiany pok, at St: Paul's and St. eorge's Islands. This, with a : cutter, Will be. entirely,adequate for the protection of the seal fisheries,: wlrielt are the only raison d'Cb.e... for the presence of troops there at all. The Department of 'Alaska; of which General C, Davis is now in'command; costs .a large amount of money, and produces little or no result except chronic rheumatism, .which spoils in a single year two-thirds .of the trooppmfor-. tunate enough to be stationed in the land of fog andchills. General Thomas , has commu nicated his design to General Sherman; and the latter is disposed to eutirelY agree .withhim . and to co operate in 'carrying it into effect. GeneratOrd, in command of the 'Depart ment of, California, is adininistering the affairs othis Wide department with skill and assidu-' ity; and froM the fact that he is an old "Forty niner" and a member of the "Pioneers," he en yrys the general esteem of San:Franciscans. ' General Stoneman, who NIS' ,been corn- Mand of, the Presidio (or' old '.Military presi 7 , dency near the city), and who is also an old time Californian, 'was on the , point of leaving that, post; to assume command of Drum, Bar racks,- near . San Diego. He Will •be im com mand of all the troops in Arizona, where the Indians have been 'so actively and successfully pursued this `summer, and where they, have created 'a good. deal °t:rouble. He will make it his duty to clean out the redskins. • Colonel Morrow (late of President John son's staff), of-the Paymaster-General's Depart , . anent, was about, starting on a tour through Ariiona, to, pay off the troops at the different posts and 'stations in that territory. In two months Color el Sanfttel Dana. Will , follow on the same krviee., • _ • Fort Alcatraz is under conunand Brevet- Brigadier• General Robertson, .forMerly of the 'artillery 'service of the-Army of timPotomad. Brevet Colonel Taylor has just been fenio,Ved - fronr Angel hilandi.Satt_Fiancisoo...Harboi,.4o. Vansferred to - Cheyenne, the capital of W,yorn.:. Mg. Ile was repladed , Brevet Major-OPM end O. B-Wileox - • /. Colonel John. Taylor, of the staff of deneral Ilsdleck, was 'on the point. of leaving. Louis • Dr.' Letterman,. well . known' as the etiP cient Medical Director of the,.'Ariny qt; the Potorilac' under dliferene commanders, is now in civil life, and is 'coroner of San Francisco. Commander Franklin, .•Of' the Mohlean,. was; just about saltine, carrying'_With' him , two aStrOnorners, to 'observe the eclipse ; hi KaM.-, schatha; on the Asiatic coast, at which point the eclipse will be total, ,• The expedition can `not fail of producing ,t the:Most Interesting results. ' lirfiue, the 'report &OM the'Pacifia' coast is altogether satisfactory---officers and men are'in good eonditiOn; except inAlaska:; , but we shall probably soon be able to ''record that 'there the mimber of IniliMry exiles'is 'reduced to the minimum necessary, and the rheumatics are returned to. kindlier stations. 1869 i 1 44 e UST = l2, , ~,,i'* - ' .'• ,' '2 ' .''',. •' : ':;iiiiiii4i. igi ,' ' ~A ^N...4 , • • . trA SPecial W'' ~' { h ::', . 'i ihie:" , .. . 'I( , ii facttt Piitiiii 4 ger saytillg: `T; i` 7', - ;-•'..'•: : J., - ':.'. - 14 : - , V!,..A . he 'Preside : : I...hiii...L'iingt,lslatrio.An- :... -.All Sion .will be•. •.,: bl i w e l itian i , , mkne t Marshal Se ,• n .'" il' .' • • frondiVO•• . news' from Madri' ..' i' briii re:eiv dlitireldrice' last. week: -.. '...0 , —„4101.0 •-, ,, - ...:-,:t' , ,.,:,..,,_:•.•...- •.-..,.• It has now trAispire4 that a private :, gentle-. .man v. np-intimate4riend•ii-of 4 ,Calitaiii-General: . Prim, left Nov.:: York -. for Madrid. two days before General Sickles, l and,reached .Madrid a.' Week. before - the latter. •' On his, arrival he laid the Whole of :•Geiienit:: . Sieklea'S''lnatruCtions before the Captain-General '. i and Marshal Ser- rano, to ascertain the feeling-, before . a formal ' T re.sentaticov;by,;tlitt 4 '.:Ministero: and ,-reported tO the : Adininistratioxv..ioi; this'; r, country that the :proPOsitionsyr;advanced :had •been . very favorably '. received. . 'The' ', mest . . ; . important :contained:. :in, those instritc-. tions was one suggesting, in ,a " friendlyMaii.:;•.. ner,, to Spairi that they : agle,e to the `, appoint= 'inept of' a mixed' commission, ,CorripOsed ' of g ' • raids and Calais' or i Spaniard.. and . a -44111=. . _,_ . __..!.__ ._.., ••. _ . ~, 011baii,..#116' &Al . meet in the. city. of .'Washing= - ton, - and fix ripon fa Pricn at which 'the island - shall be sold to the . Cubans. , ' It is - said, Also; that the name of President Grant is mentioned to be appointed President 'of the • commission, but I cannot ' vouch : for:that. The. island of Cuba, by an agreement of this kind, would be paid. for. • from its.;,own..revenues, and: the statement that, the, United. States .offers offers , in .•ank wayto guarantee; the bonds, there, is the ; best : authority for: .etating, :is ~,imqUalifiedlk false. The Cubans' claim that the customs collections Will pay any reasonable sum in ' ii very short time, and they ask•no.fereign aid to - make the payment. •. . '" . - - ' Marshal 'Serrano,' Regent of , Spain; ; and Captain-General Priin, are now considering the matter.. In the Cabinet at the White House yesterday; the subject; was broached and dis cussed,.l)Att, no definite result was reaehed.. We shall bear from. 'Madrid in •a. few days. . •Mean, time,_ those who seem to .laiow most; and who Ougbt, entertain-no fear that. the propositions 'will be agreed to by Spain. • If they are not, . then all .coneede that, he. next action of our Administration will be . , to ahMi a considerably relaxed' disposition' . toWarda 'onba,Whiclai will amount to a virtual recognition of her indepen . denee. ' A repreSentative of the Cuban Junta now here; is in unusually, good spfrits, and pro '.fesses to knoW that the . independence of Cubh will be an accomplished fact ,before the end of the year. •'.• ~ :: .. .. .-,-, ' - -. •• : SUMMER RESORTS. COLUMBIA HOUSE, CAPE 14.1AY, With accommodations for 7W guests, Is now open. The Gerinania Serenade Band, under the direction o Prof. Geo. Bastert, has heen secured for the season. ' GEO. J. BOLTON, Proprietor. . HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., WILL BE OPEN UNTIL SEPTEMBER ' For Booms, Tonne, dc., addresa THOMAS FARLEY, Propriergr, Carl Sentz's Parlor Orchestra has bun engaged forthe Season CAPE I.SLALND, N. J.. A first-class IeESTAITRANT,_a la • carte, will be opened by ADOLPH PRO/MAUER, of 22 S. THIRD Street, Philadelphitt,on the 7th of Juno, under the name and title of DEAISON DOREE, at the corner of WASH INGTON and JACKSON Sts., known as Hart's Cottage. Families will be supplied at the Cottage. Lodging Rooms by Day or Week to Rent. • ' je..90 tf L ORETTO SPRINGS, " CAILIBIILt COUNTY, PA., • Will be opened to Guests July Ist. "Excursion Tickets," good for the season, over the. Pennsylvania Central Railroad, _can be procuredirom Philadelphia, Pittsturgh, and Harrisburg, to Ko,yler Station. 2 miles from the Springs, where coaches will be in readiness to convey guests to the Spring.. The tmoprietor takes pleasure in notifying the public that the hotel is in proper order, and all amusements usually found at watering placelt can be found at the above resort. Terms, e 2 SO per day, or era per month: FRANCIS A. GIBBONS, Proprietor. SIMON NEWTON. Superintendent, Of the Atlantic Hotel, Newport. THE "CHALFOICT.E," jy27-tf§ , ATLANTIC CITY, N. J 1 , '— . ELISHA ROBERTS, anlo lnA, . . , . . • , • ..Proprietor. TIGHT HOUSE- COTTAGE, ATLANTIC .I._/ City. '3oNAlis WOOTTON, Proprtetor. ,The most desirable ',cation aa the Island, being the nearest point, to the surf. . Guests for the house will leave the ears at the United States Hotel. .No bar. , jyl9-Im§ `CFA-- BATHING.—NATIONAL ito Cape May City, N: This large and ccinunodlotis_ known 'as the National Rail, is now receiving visitere. AARON OAR ing ‘14.4 je2i-g ' -Proprietor. DELAWARE _ITO ITSE,4IAPE _ISLAND, N. J, is now open for the reception of visitors. Jell-2m§ 4 JAMRB kiEURAY. Proprietor._ permenb. Fifteen 'minutes' ride of the city by rail, ,Desirable location. • • Address 11. 11., BULLETIN OffiCO FURNITURE, &c. 1_869. . FURNITURE. • 13146,,CIIESTiVIUT , Having justfinest completed the let of Furniture ever Produced in this city, I will receive ordera for the sumo,' during thomonth of August, AT PRICES THAT WILD OFFER INDUCEMENTS TO PURCHASERS. - • The deeigne are new and: elegant. Thoworkmanshlp and materials are of the highest order. I invite the attention of those who intend frirniehiug to ,call Mid examine the. ',dock of Yurriiture, and convince themselves of the above facts. 'JOHN' M. OARDNER, 1316.CheOnut MACHINERY, IRON, Ike, \ CUDIBERL A_ND NAILS $4.80 PER.KEO Containing 100 'ha', Nails; other breads of Nafls $4 00 per keg; lkbrdman's- Barbed , 1111 - Ind ,Staples, 04 115 per box of 10 lbs. !Staples; Shtftter IfingeSi , front 12 to; .17 112-9eemplete with ..lixtures, .eta. per set; 1 14111n. , 1Pratne Baileys, 20,ets.; 1 in. 20 els., per 410 VS: Ibba Utehs and .Knolbs _O5 per doze, at the Cheap,-for. the-Cash Hardware and Tool Stom . of J. B. •SHANNON , 100.9.111 a rket Strpet: • my 22-6 to th ly • . IArtREICK & EONS • SOUTHWARK.FOuRDRY,. • ‘'. 43).WASIIINGT I Ff Menne: - HA FACT WEE sTEATII ERGIRES....43 and Low Pressure " , Horizon-'. tul , • Vertical, , Beanr, Dint and Cornish Pumpingi , •-:,. 1101EItic—C_Ykider,'Plue;Tubular,_&e. STEA N. HAM ERS— Nit eM - ktkand Davy.stYles, and - f all sizes. • ' • • - •••• .CASVNGB—litaualPfl sad Green Hand, Dratis,..lte, • 41008—Iron Prattles, for.covering.with Slate or iron. TANKS -I-o,f Cast or Wrought Irou l for refineries, wateri 'GAS HACHINEAYT-Such.aa Retorts,Bench .Castings holders and ..Eraraes, Purifiers, Coke and Cliarcimo Barrows Valves,' Governors, &c, • ~„ , SUGAR Borrows ' Vacntun Painit s `s , pumps, • efecators, Bone ,Black •, Filtertt, Burners, • Washers and Elevators, Bag 'Filters, Sugar pod Bone Black Cara, , • Sole manufacturers of the'follOiving Specialties: . In Pniludelphia and vicinity,of William,Wright'al'ntent Variablo Glut - , off Steam Engine. • the rutted States, of Westen's Piitent Self-center ingine, and Self-balancing Centrifugal Bugar-drainingldtv• ch , Glass Sillartcin's imPrOveinent on Aspinwall &Woolsey's Centrifugal.. Bartors.PatentiNrougladron RetOrt Lid. Strahan's Drill Grinding Rest.,. • • Contractors for thadesign, erectlori and fitting up of Re finer for ,s for working' Sugat or-Molasses. ' CPPnR AND '''YELLOW METAL Sheathing, Brazior4ucinner Napa, Bona and Ingot c 4 ) .m e s r eill o r gr , l flo on wl i ro i l i tli lrO ih f gv r i le by HENRY ~. , r 0R CAPE- MAY , • ' l4 - • •''., 1 4 , a< T 4,17,^,`,. ~ :7' hu ays rsdays and saturd; 0 -i ;,4 OrAtid, • .40.,A RDAY, Jima 28th new and •'. :inklentlid 41anter AMY OF THE - C ARE, Captain ....: W' u Thomption, will commence running regularly to -. Cao May, leavlng.,Arcb . Stteet •'Wharf on TUESDAY, ' THURSDAY and SATURDAY MORNINGS ,at 9 • o'clock, and returning,, leave the landing at Ca pa May ~ on MONDAYS WEDNESDAYS , and: SMlDAig—at , 7 .• 8 ° FARE; cI INCLUDING CARRIAGE HIRR, 9,2 25,, ~, CHILDREN, .. i 4 t,,1 . '.l [ .. .f1P., f.',. Ill,' 1 , . a a., 2 04 4 :i SERVANTL , ' v k . ! t , .. k ,i ,", .... ' . 1..6T 1... SEASON TICKETS, • el& CARTILAGE , EIRE EXT • . • Tin, LADY pp THE LAIi,E ica.fino,row z bant, has handsonie:state-reOlu accommodatlone;Mul la fitted up with everything net:canary for the safety and comfort of " 'Tickets Fold and Daggego chec eit at the Transfer Oftice,S2l3 Obettunt street,,under theCtintinental Hotel. . Freight received until 81,e o'clock. For further , particulara, Inquire ~ at Om Office, No. Mt , North-DELAWARE Avenue. , , , , . . ,• . 0 - II iIirDDELL,- . , • „ . . . . VALV.I.,/i WAGIO.AuT. I~ FILL OF . PRILADELPITIA.,,AND . READING RAILROAD COMPANY, . BROAD ' 5 ItEET.: P MLA DELPIIIA; August 3th . ..1869. READING RAILROAD PAR ACCOMMODATION _ TRA,l)etween - rimade.iplita - mid - Belmont, tommene- - ing August Rh, 1800—StartIng from Statien t fieventeenth street and Pennsylvania avenue. and stoPping at Coates street (Perk Entrance). Brown street ( Park Entrance) Thompson street, Mullin lane, (Entrance to Engel ft Wolf's Farm, ) and east end'Coltunlila Bridge (Entrance to Washington Retreat), daily, Sundays excepted. Trains start from Seven- Trains • start • front • teenth and Perunt • mont : At 7.10 A. M. • At 6.30. A. 31, 1 ' • 0.10 A. 31. • " 8.00 A. M. .-. " 1.1.00 A.ll. 'IO.OOA. M. " -1.30 P. M. ' • " 12.20 ,Noon " 3.00 P. M. " .2.10 40 " 4. P. M. _ ". 4.00 p. 6.30 P. " 5.33 P. 31. ' 1 7.40 P.M.. - . 1 ' 7.10 P.M. Arrangements have been made with Green and Coates, Bev,enteentli and Nineteenth litseets, and Union Passen ger Railways to sell Exchange' Tickets in connection with above trains, good either way, for 12 chi. Single fares on Park Accommcslation cis Tickets In packages, 7 for no cts. ; Pifer 131 oa.. -For 61110 at Offices, Seventeenth street, Coates street, and Belmont. J. LOWLIFE EELL, General Agent GROCERIES. LIQIIORST,okIu. NEW ,SPICED SALMON, FIRST OF THE SEASON. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER DI nicE'GROCEMES• Corner Eleventh and Vine Stree%. WHITE BRANDY FOR PRE r --A choke article just received and ter sale at COUSTY , S East .End Grocery, Co. HS :South eecotel street, below Cbestuut street. XTEW GREEN GINGER.-400 POUNDS AA of choico • Green Ginger In storo and for ante at COESTY'S East End Grorerf, No,. 118 tioutli Second street, below Cbestuut Pt p.vt. • wrEw star. - AND .1.31 , 10 Pf .4.11 Salmon, , Tongues and Sounds, In prime order, jolt received and for sale at COUSTY'S East- End Grocery, No. 118 South Second street. 'plow ebestunt street. - 0 .1J P S.-TOM AT 0, PEA, 310Cli 1.7 Turtle and Jul - lien Swipe, of llostorc Club Mamilar• turf' , one of the Snot . articles for plb.nica and railing partka. For sale at COUSTY'S East End ltrocery, No. US South Second +greet, helow . Chestnut street, 13URESPICES, kirROUNDAND WIIOI4E —Pure: English Aluetartl by the putunt --Choice V, bite Witte and Crab Apple. Vinegar for pickling in store, and for sale at touter S East blnil Grocery, No. 118 South Seennd street. below Chestnut etreet. 3y31 t- LC) . , ROBERT TENED, ante with J.. IL Tomlinson, Lints] Bt. Wharf.) - DAVID GALB,TIA TII. TENER & GALBRAITH, HONF,YBROoic. LEHIGH, AND WYOMING COAL No 955 forth Front Street. sir Trbil Orttir;;''pereonally or by marl, Invite& B. memos Illsas. tong 7. iilitisSr. WEE, UNDERSIGN - kJ) tion to their stock of. . Spring Zdonntain, Lehigh and Loctist Mottntain Coal, which, with the preparationgiven 14 w us, e think can not be excelled by any other Coal. - _ Office, Franklin Itustitopte Building,l4o. 15 S. Seventh street. BINES - Ac SHEAF t _r , laumr • Arch street wharf, Schuylkill. THE FINE -ARTS. :A. S. ROBMSON FRENCH PLATE LOOKING GLASSES, Beautiful Clirozaos, , ENGRAVINGS AND-PAINTINGS, Manufacturer of all kinds or Looking-Glass;Poitrait&Plotarerka mes. • / 910• FiftbDoor above the Contineutal, PHILADELPHIA. aulo Ct. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. FINE DRESS SHIRTS GENTS' NOVELTIES. J.. W. SCOTT &CO his No. 814 Chestnut Streeti Four doors below Continental Hotel. W tt_ PATENT SHOULDER , SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY: Orders for these celel4rsktedShirtFt supplied promptly on • brief matte:- Vientlemen's Furnishing'Goods, Of Into mtvles In hill'vitriety.. . , WINCHESTER & ..'CO, e3.tnn , f t;'l:46 CHESTNUT_- . TVrPE:I , 7OVICORT. , TIIfILAI)ELPItIA TYPE FO‘JEDICY PRINTERS' FITRN/fiNING , WARBIIpIJSE, • Established 1%11. - The subsCriher, having greatly ~ increased faeilltteefor Series' acesartiu atte. Newspapershe New Series' of •Clussid , Fof Dock, 'and Typeti, which will-compare . favorably with. those , of_anY other Foander. Ills practical , experleace in all branches ap pertaining to the Manufacture of Type, and the fact of constant PerpatiaT fhils:Atisiorkait Mich department of his ' business, is the beet guarantee offered to the Printer of linished and durable article. , • EvArything nedessary , . a complete Printing Es , tabitshmeut fErnisbelot,the shortest notic e. wogn2 Sax , 130E,_, TATLQR, - GORDON.; L a 15A111PBELT.1 D.LEIENER, PUTTER AND ALL • OTHER r , PRESS ALANDFACITDItERS.'“ - s;V:1;1 ,i; . . , . • • r,,BoleAAgents:fartLip City:of• wAVX & W.'S• INIES A wind' article is a saving 'of' money. Give-uo• ► PBl;crilZp, corner pof THIRD nodCS*BTNUT Streetc' fil.m w ti • " totNOTIOE TO THE PUBLIC GENE-• BALLY, at . • • The lest styt ,o 'fashionand assortment of , OOTDI BIIOBS AND GATTEBO;„poi!. NEN AND Qan b..h.a BOYS, 7 . ESNBBT 501 2 1 6 8, No. 230 NODTH NINTH STREET. - Better than anywhere In the Oity. A Fit Warranted. apt Gm§ GIVE DIM A. OALL. COAL AND WOOD. BOOTS AND tglibEk. r. n&PiUC isum)lAstr. CENT:RAI:4'mm is at ParilVitfil s will there remain wan after - August eebels captured in Spain, withatieslre' their hands, will be shOt at once. Vier.; PnESMENT Cor.raz was publicly re-' ceired at Carson City, Nevada,•yesterdaY. Tnn Loh err Timex ,calls 'disestablish-: Inept of llielrish ChUrch the "greatest and boldest act of modern legislation. 4aAni,EB 'GENE, one of the vmurderers of Theodore Brodhead, was executdd at Strouds , burg yesterday. Six large .ice-houses, at Crystal:l4k°, 'pear Chicago, with a large quantity of ice, were de ,..stioyed by fire yesterday morning. Tnn• smoke from the burning woods of Washington Territory, interferes with the twi t,' gation of Puget Sound. - ' • - 7 ell01"-CliF,W and - Sing-man, the Chinese merchants of San Francisco, are at New To*, with a party of merchants from California. , Diti- ScinnAnlidand. her )nother Werec , poisoned yesterday, at Red Rock, Th.,- by a. dose of belladonna, given to them by a drug gist. THE Secretary of State has ordered the -custody of the Spanish gunboats, seized at New York, to be transferred td : the -Com mander of the.Brooklyti Navy Yard.,. Trrf earnin6 of the linienliatilie Railroad from lilar, - 10th - lo June, Ist foot up 042,475 .during Dime, $076,949, — aud.2July, '5(353,729. 'Total, $1573,153.. , Ax ON train was attacked by near Camp - Cook,'on the 'Mins; a few: days 4ince.. One white man Was killed and one wounded, while two Indians were killed anti several 'wounded. . - THE Democratic State Central Committee, of Chie f yesterday nominated cicorge 4.lleton - for - Governor of that State; in place' of General Ithseequis, declined.,'"Mr. Pendleton acceptt; the iioinivation 4 - 'I nu Prus.sTaTGOvernment has requested the Austi lan Government to publish all those Om u nications by which Rareti Must ti.sSerts that he has endeavored, without success, to bring about iniprovements in the, relations of the two countries RE,Tioixs from 'all but nineteen counties of `Tennessee give Se' tiler 02,000 majority. The new Senate of Tennessee stands 21 Conserva tives to 4,ConSerVative Reptililleans; the House stands 07' conservatives to trßadicals and 0 Conservative Republicans, with two districts to hear from. , „ . . 31. Ls.itocnce, Ilaytieti Minister . to the United States, has been negotiating with' the Navy Department for the purchase of an iron clad wander, to be used by Salnave in the • sea, .and ports'around Hayti. The Algonquin was first selected, but at a subsequent examination by Laroche,. he decided to take.. the . Pequod. The bargain will_ be consummated in a. few days. The price to be paid is $lOO,OOO. ADOLPH STErsriERGER, Jacob Steinberger, Meyer Steinberger, and a pawn-broker, named; Melzter, were arrested iii New York Yesterday, and , held in $lO,OOO bail each, on a charge of reeeiving' large quantities of silks stolen from thestore of IV. Ettinger,o. 481. Broadway, on 'the 300 Ettinger,. No. June last. The first,, named sold Mr. Ettinger a portion of the stolen goods, be being unacquainted With him, which led to the discovery. Junta: IldeCurs,r, , of. New York, has decided to discharge'Pratt, the alleged` Texan rioter and Murderer, from custody, though , as.',Piatt is in tralitary custody at Fort Lafayette, it does not appear how he is to do it. The points of the decision are—.-first, t 11 hatrumrder 180 t a. United States offenc, except When 'committed in a place over wrn filch the Govement' has ex'; elusive jurisdiction; and second, that the prisoner bad not been committed by a United • States court. , Banos BEtTsr, in, a speech opposing the de mand of . i the Austran delegation for areduction in the persoitirelnxPeriditures of 'the-Embassy - at Rome, declared the Protestant States were now. taking up the same. attitude. which, the Cathelle' States bad assumed with regard' to Papal Goveniments. The _Austrian Govern ment has reselved,toallOw nothing dercraa,„ tory to its dignity; " 'lts reply' to the last Papal alio cution, was decided in, tone,..though couched in diploninticterins,'and 'a better understanding begins to,prevair at Itonie.. • "TiiE districtiiaride Of the Patriotic:. Order _ - __Son.s.ofJ4nerlea, , ,lrt_Reading , ytterdav, was very' large 'an'd liandsonie display: . Afrout' leek hundred participated, representing about thirty camps and four commanderies. Hand -some fiecoratlorla:-Vere displayed -,fmm' build ings all along the line. The conmianderies, _and_officersunit iligqatesio_the_State___Cam brought up the rear of the procession. Most of the visiting camps returned — liome by -- the evening trains._ Ajgge number of the - -O mem:- Leis of the order remain to attend the Sesh ' S of the State Camp, which will be succeeded by a grand complimentary, ball at Baerzer's Hall. A Young ParsonN Bachelor Experiences. kyOung parson thus teeling• ly describes his , bachelor experience in thelirst village hi which be settled after entering the ministry : "Old ladles gave Inc tracts, and , tormented inein.every possible way. One gave me cough lozenges because a fly got down my throat in church; another sent me her late husband's go loiliqs to wear'when I went, out on wet even higat the iate husband's feet were about five bieheilobg.. - .'A third sent a wonderful, kind of tai lied bag; Which she said could applied whenever a chill wins felt: Not, till my sister .came to Stay with rue did I know that, hot 3.. water ought to be put into the creature before using it; I had thought it, a sort of mat. to -lap over my feet, and very, useless of _its, kind. A Miss Thompson Was the most disagreeable of the old maids. \ She actually one day ran her finger underneath my collar to see if I wore flannel. During the year I was at, Little ' back had thirteen pain& of slippers, twenty five sermon • eases, and three smoking • caps worked for me , k Chic young lady embroidered a my initials on handkerchief in slimv-looking black thread: ~ My 6140 saytif it 'IVO done in hair ; and perhaps that aceouidiarlliss Rudg,e being, se offended•when I. said I thijoitglit Lesr, ter's red Marling Cotton *Ai is good as any ether. Three young ladies' declared that, I tritted witl!l affections;', twO,,on ffi•the con trary, arme that" they. had rejected me; while. the villago.,,sehoebriislress, ; . assured the 1. rector that I bad tried to squeeze' her hand. I certabily never - had such hard Work as at 'Littlebacle ; I had 'played 'at least three, , games Of. • tptet, went to an arehery . meeting_ 'every weet,Und at any spare' moment T was liable to be sent for Miss' - Anna , PhelpsVte: , practice An Italian duet. I bore my,trials with Christian ibrtitifde,Alll inerfilfigtiai rector sent for nie,: and _said that my conduct dis graced my priifesSion - rfook thelint, and at the end of one year and :,threemonths my ' reer at Littleback-was-over.- - .The young ladies cried when I went; ; . they .said was 'such darling.' Now, I ask my impartial reader whether it, was not bard that I should be blamed ; , for the ladiespflAttlebeek?, Xylife fsh ighted, and all that, is left of me. is thirteen pairs of slinners, • twenty-five:: sermon', Cases, ~ three smoking ,caps„ one, handkerchief marked IT.' G.,' and a -had 'cliaracter.from my late eM , -The Duke do Chartres, who seriedas one of MeClellanis iddes-ile-eamp itithis botintry, is writing a,bdok,ealled "The Battle, Rields-oa the Banks of "the Bliine.". He, attempts to prove that itwould , be impossible for France, in her present comlition, to stand any 'chance of success in a Wilt with Prussia. tiow.,4flosto' ay' ,• • t• : ,, , -. l l.,,lpruriwesisiaattos:-- 7 ,_, Ate 1.1.--Cominarmierlralt ket t commanding the tTnited..stattta #r r Sabine reports hia'arrival at,'Spitheadr J land, July 27, all well. -- ' LientenantXeminatiders - Allan Tyt.,.. Rrown, George 'Clark and Chas. C, Cotton, and.Lientenantjabab E. Noell are Ordered to Washington to special, duty, con nected with'signals.' Passett'Absistaitt ,Sitigeoif Et IC Midge Isc detached from the Dabotah and orderedhontet : The following was issuedto-day: Statement showing tligtecelpts and payments mado during, the qua ;rending June!," 1869, publishediu imritiancri of act Of Co'ngr'ess of J nue 17, 1814.. W. A. RieAnnosdn, , ACtingEleeretari. 1 , Statement of the receipts ,and expenditures of the United States for the quarter ending. June ; • .Receipts from Cu5t0m5..,,,,a,. , .., $14,021,18151 77 . 3,and5.4,. • r•-• 4-IF 4 4 • 414 a • , ' . 1;2744114 53 Internalßeye - 1;6,587,673 71 Miscellaneous soaves.: . , "1,963,675 96 Tota 1 receipts,exclustve of loans,sl:o9,fig,6lB LOANS , ETC. Treasury notes, act of Feb. •• 1862... . .......... ...... 517,300,762 00 . Fractional currency, act of March 18644 •;').4'—'" - -';% , :' , .- '? .04 1 4 730 20 Certificates of gold i oin deposit act of 3,4863.„... 25,8P,6,080 00 Six per cent. 5.'20 year bonds, act of Muycli 3; 1885'. . 53,650.000 Three pbr'eaOnt - certifica* * , - Via; • Marc:42, a 810,000 00 Total receipt 5........... ..... $154,800,041 17 ExPENntruitts: Civil, Foreign Intercourse and 51iscellaneow; 13,120,691) 50 Interior, Pensions and Indians. ,5,9,8:33 50 War ' 13,653,970 72 Nary " 4,482,13 14 Interest on Public Debt; 27 45Q 400 04 • Premium on purchase of bonds on account of Sinking Fund, Act of Fell 25,, : 18¢2 1,374,680 05 Expenditures,excinsine of prin. • ci pal of Public Debt . 566,011,021 01 Principal of the:iihblid debt redemption of loans of 1817, 521,700;. do. 1848, $44,- 800. Redemption of Treasury notes, act of July 17, 1861, $2,474 110. Redemption of 7 3405, :3 year coupon, bonds, act of July 17, 1861, $2,:.,130. Reimbursements of temporary loah, act of Feb. 25 and March. 17,11362, 54,400, Redemption' of - Treastity note, act of Feb. 25; 11362, $17,:300,762. Redemption of 2 year 5 per cent. Treasury notes, act of March 3,,1863, $19,700. Redemption of 11 - actional 'eurtency, do., 54,862,191 :1 1 . Redemption of 3 year 6 per omit. compoudd interest notes, aet of March ,t,1863, $349,W. Redemption of gold certifi cates, act of March 3,1863 e $14,459,760. Itedeniption of 3 lifer cent. certificates, act of March 2, 1867, 53,2:15,000; redemption of 7 3-10 3-year coupon Treasury notes, act, of June :30, 1864. and Makoh 3, 1865, 5230,0014 redemption of one-year 5 per cent. Treasury notes, act, of March 2, 1863, 59,290; purchase 6f bonds on account of sinking fund, $8,690,000. Total ex, penditures, $115,299,731 90. , lie,zwy e ltobbe,i7 t Inc an .Express Car. (Spechil Veep nick to the Philabir'Erellinz NEW lonic, Aug. 11...—Shortly.• after.'.mid night, this morning, three men entered the night express , car of the,4Meric:Mir.l3lerchints' UnionExpreSs on the New York Central il road; at Fonda, overpowered the messenger, obtained the keys of the safe s . and secured over balf a. million in' money =papkag.itsifrom the We/it. The baggage-master \in the after car was also overpowered. he and the express agent were badly cut and wounded. The robbers got off :the, trail twenty miles this side of Fonda; with' bdoty. • The Cuban Question in the Cabinet (Spec!al De:match to the. Philada.Evening Balletln.l :. WABH.I.I`;iP)N, Ault ,is.aseer, tinned froni high ellielat scnitees that the Cuban quostfon was debated at considerable length' -at -the Cabinet-zneeting,yesterday. , , Secretary itawlins . "rnadis,an earnest appeal to have belligerent 'rights - extended to the strum, ling. Cubans,and , was. strongly -sup ported 4y . , ite,ot)ier'memb6rs of the Cabinet. The - discussion took a ' veit . .‘Vide range, and the effect which . such recogni tion would- have upon our foreign policy was partially - considered, and was the subject of some differences among the members. ..-"While there seemed to be every disposition l n the inirt. of :; rrijority of the Cabinet to "extend .at once full belligerant right's to the insurgents, yet it was decided to let the subject go over until the next' Cabinet meeting,: two weeks hence, when important despatches will have beeri-receiired i '. probably from Minister Sickles, having an important bearing upon the question. To-morroa r therelvill,he but one memlier of the-Cabinet the city, and for the next two .or three .week_s the-Government is expected-to - run itself. The President, Secretary Fish, and Postmaster-General Creswell, go to-night ; -- Secretary - l-tetkwai - departiil oiit.he TalapooKi _to-day,_tOL:lnspect_ ':the_LNavy.Yardslat._New- York, Boston, and Portsmouth ; Secretary ,Cox started this afternoon forphio:, jp_ ; , .reinain soeihin _ ne.' •'• ' "•-• ''.-• - The President said last - Ifight that he would' • return again, in two weeks, to attend another Cabinet -meeting, but wonlit; not come to stPI...Y., until the last of ,i3eptember.. - , , The Detective War. [Special Despatch to the Phila. Evenina Bulletin.] WASHINGTON, Aug,ust.ll.-Col.-Wood, late Chief of the "Secret - Service Division of the Treasury Department, is out in another long letter addressed to Solicitor Bonfield, inhich the latter is Abused in. -round ..terms e and ac-. cased iot extendiiig the proper support to the_detectives,when,engaged in Iferreting.Out counterfeiters, and in certain . , cil§qB dismissing agents for instituting 1601 preceeclings in or der to convict counterfeiters. InveloSifig;Colonal-Witod Says! - "You are aware that a dangerous, spurious ten-dollar nbte is now in circulation. By a careful perusal of the records of the division, prepared:by my subordinate's and niyself,;voit can Who artillio atithorsrof that class of spurious issues, as well as the principals en- Eaged in putting such notes in circulation. ven with . /thts infotTnatiOnAtu'.your posses sion I do not believe yciif or your subordinates have,suilicient intelligence or ability to cap ture the said ,plates.: bring ; to trial any.'of the principals connected thereWlth..,. By the Frelach Cable. :Lisport, August 11.—The Upper House has censuted 30111114:16r, tlnd the xesiviation of the entire`cabinet" is considered imminent. FLORENCE, August 11.—The governments of Austria andMaly:ltaryotebanged.,eatisfactory explain:dimes , relative to the recent riots be tween Austrian and Italian sailors. Fromi4lttfileXe• BALTIMORE, August 11.--F our of the prison era whojeseape4 from tlieTPitY 411 ;on ,Diofl day night; have ''Veen captured;aluong them ope of t4l. P rf-Prruien expr9ssvobbers, Among the passengersby ; the steamship Ohio, from thio Tort-to-day .for Europe, were Right Reverend - Bishop =-Btephen_Bo3 d; =of Demerara;' Col. Irish, of Nebraska, Consul at Dresden, and family ; and ,Kupelmeister . TEeldreb) aPPL 4BI a. = • the tlantic Va,ble. - • Lotinoisf, Aug .11.—The inquest on the tiday , bteorixelipi ;46trinxie)1 was held:'•at •Byde clay. The Trinciplo,ivittiesse.s were ,James. Gordon' Bennett o 4c, and Sheppard Homansi • of NOW ; Tork,„ - who thatlbey fiebou. panied Grinnell'hoine, and,that Bennelt soon afterward left. ; The', evidmice _013,...t0 allow dint'G rinnoll opened' his window and stepped-,out nn thelialeony;and, soon aftervhird'he 1434 his balance, ;ell to the_ groWnVilllo was instantly' , killed. 'ln. reply,to aiquestion3 of tam Coroner, both, witnesses distinetly stated that Grinnell was perfectly sober atilfa time: A verdict of accidental Oath WaS, then rendered. • Lorfoorr, Aug.ll.—Mr..Gladstofte , has gone tothe sea -shore, at Whbaler, to recruit his health. • • r ntS Thr Broadhetid 111diderers. sTitornswtB4,,,Aug. , ,ll.-:-Oligtes.()rine be hanged . to-dhy kor his participation .irt rtne; • "11113._PAISLY_AVENIN{1,i)ULLPIN L- PHILADERAIAt:TRUItSDATI, AttGYM nt 1869' rulorg ' 4VAIRPFA ittvltteAlLo4,tl4l-' • y; 714 i uriast • evenitnr . " fl :100i5lier.7146t';AWM4sirs and' Mend,: rglyer.witklde ' n.blB cell F"Bl4ered" from headache,. wtslept soundly a'pOrd on of -the night and reappears comfortable this morn, n le , esigned to his fate,-bu t otestshisi4ocetcel, , , . t the murder. ; WASHINGTON:, Aug. 11.—It is understood bat Mr. Macias, whose name has been eon. ' 3113,1:itthe VOSOr4uritaflindled;nile)R ' om , NeVC Xo/fX I ) ris,rlL.474 apjpi . Had ilia - tie has gone' tia cuba - 1,0 meet espedes to obtain new powers from him to het al grilrpy, in the United States. -Ir.!, • The New York Money markets tepee ialDespatch to the PhOtelphla Ernlug Bulletin., NEW roux., Aug. 11.—The gold market is heavy and lower, ganging from', 3 to BM, srcith latestsalek df the -lowerrate. 'The de- Wine 18 ascribed to a want of action on the, Cuban question ' by the Cabinet , , yesterday.,,„ * . Soxitbertitatte ;seculitie..o oteady generally All, With a wide difference lietwogn ;bidding and asking quotationa.. - i - The inoney-Imv.ktit . brleasy at 5a7 on call. WoreignExcliangebi dOlTind steady at 10 for 00 day bills and 10010 f for sight _ t The Government Bond market is heavy and lower. Railway speculation was very weak in the _ early part of the day. Prices fell off fi'bm Ito lf per cent. on nearly the entire list." After wards, there was firmer feeling, With a general recovery from the lowest point. Rock island "was a marked exception - to the rest of the ,#iarket, and rose to 117%118. 3 One teclOog prices: NOw YdrlOCentfall -110 - 1; k?.l6b.t3tilrluit;q.B2l4B2l; P..refeired, Erie, 231M28t; 'Michigan Southern, 107la1013;, Harlem, 164lalt141; Fort 'Wayne, llnfaltitl. The only feature. eat Mous Mis Pacific Mail, `wifielk`dCelined - from 80 to 851. The other shares are dull and neglected. Ex bress.stocks are 'Very dUll and undhanged. The ids' for' 'did , GaivernMent —purekfisw of two million in bondsto-day, aggregated 57,81,0" ,000. 'lllie!OoTerunteut Bond-Pajrchaser.v [Special Correspondence of tließnili. renina NEW Your, Aug. 1.1.---The GOvernment awards ,for. they purehasif of 'million in rive-twenties, was made "at rafeil 'ranging from 120.87 - to 12129, including StA,OOO- to Drexel,, Nirm l throp flq., at 121..,14 - ,o,arards were made toay•Dobice. imp44,O,TA Reverted for the rnitadelphia zrentng Bulletin. SAVANNAH Steanaship , Tonftwancla, Wakeley-453 hides 13 bales 3 bags , moibßostbn Steamship Co; = bales domestics Claghorn, Herring' & Co; 25 do yarn Hay McDev itt; 4 do wool Justice, Batetuan it Co; 126 do•rages. , 3 lads wax 4 ban John Mehaffey; 3 bides rags 2 begs wool' Miller & Bra; 43 bales cotton order; 41 half casks rice W Butcher & Son; 216 pcs :lumber Patterson & - Lippincott; 20 do Reaney, , Son &' , C0;49 , .hb15•41 Mils 3 toe. metal 15 bales paper stock Edw Samuels; with sundry small lots and parcels to W 1, James. agent. • EM - 410111E3IENTS OF OCEAN STEAMERS. • TO ARRIVE. _ SHIPS 178031 WOE 'Pennsylvania. LiverpooL,Nerr York Moravian ...- ' Citulbria ...... Erna Liverpool:.New' York .. . . Xork Baltinioxe . Suuthaaniton."..Baltiktqre.... TO . DEPART. Pioneer . Philadelphia... Wilmingto- Aug. 13 Tonawanda .L'Philadelphia..:Savannah ;..._.....Aug..--. 14 Erin ' New York... Liverpool Aug.l4 Caledonia New York-Glasgow ' Attg. 14 Austrian ...... -.-- Quebec.... Liverpool Aug. 11 lie° Wash; tigt'n-New Yotk:.2New Orleans ... . ... --Aug. 14 5 c010rag0........:....New York-Liverpool- ' AUtt. 13 Jai a_ New York... Liverpool Aug.l4 Aleppo New York... Liverpool --Ang;l3. '17C , 7.00......... phi ladelplau-New.Or;eans Ang. 21 1.11 1 a yet t e ..... ......New I ork.-.llavre. ....... '.... ..... ......,Aug. 21 Chnibria_..-- New York:. - Ailattgovv-....,..„ .Aug. 21 City of Boston .-.New York... Liverpool ku1t,.21 Pennsylvania ....New York... Liverpool Aug. 21 F.tna_....-. ....... . .... York... Liverpool via Hal's :Aug. 24 . ' New York...Lirpool - Aug. 25 ...:.:.........::.Newticotia York-Liferpool Aug. 25 PORT OP PHILATIELPHIA—ArG , .I2. tivs RisEs.s 09 1 Ears fir:Ts. 7, 001 limn WAT. 0.0.5 32 ARRIV,ED YESTERDAY. Steamer Fanitat, , Brootta.. 24 hours 'from New York. :with mdse to Jolm F 041. . Steamer D m,iamond Sta Webb ;13 hours from Baltimore, With ualseao A Groves Jr. Steamer Mars, Gnuulev, 24 hours from New York.with ittolse to W M Baird & • Brig Nonruanhy,Otin,29 digit from Isrigtnt (Greenland), With kryolite to Patina Salt anufactuttnir Co—Vessel tb E Bagley, & Co. Left bark Frederick VII, to sail next day for'this port... Night of 29th ult. during a gale, lo,t .overboard Jas Phillips, second mate. Brig A M Roberts. - Doak;Portland. Brig Aunandale.,Warren, Boston. Schr M Hall. Bartlett, ti days from Vinalhaven, with granite toorder--4essel th J h'Baxley & Co Schr Garnet, Marshall, 1 day from •Lewes, Del. with grain to Jas L Bewley & co. Schr Olivia, Fox, I day from Odessa, Del. with grain grain to Jail Bewle.v & Co. Malin Mary & • Caroline Fowler, ; I day . from . Letpiin• .Del.Wlttigr,ain to Jos E'Palmer. Itclrr Wm S - Mason. Lacey, I daY from Milton, Del. 'grain to Christian & Schr Mary) C. Sipple, 1 day front Idliford po, with 'grain to Jan'', Bewley & Co. . Schr L K Coggswell.hweet, Boston. I lichr•R Seitnifin, Seaman.' liosten SchrE A Hooper, Champion - , Boston. , Schr Trade Vs tad, Corson, Boston_ ; Sclir .1 Thompson, Endicott, Providence • Schr ME Rankin, Enna", Boston. • Schr J A Griffin, Somers Providence., ) 'eichr Itliaw. York, Providence: ° Schrl) Fleyd,Wheattin, Providence:- , Sc - lielf BirusOD • Sehr S C Tyler. Pratt; Hartford. Warne ;Illidgdiftii, Schr Carroll, Roberttion, Nturßedford. _Schr_Aluaka.Stewart,Nevr_lork— : Schr Ephraim tt, - Anna, Green, NOW Bee tiffrtlT Schr Mary, Rogers. Boston: • , CLEARED, YESTERDAY. . Steamer Aries. Wiley; Boston. 'II Winsor & Co: Steamer It Willino.cundiff. Baltimore, A Groves Jr. . Bark Yolant, Ctustner; New Orleansll) S Stetson & Co. Brig Ottawa, Iteed, - New Bandon, - - • Brig Giles Lornia,Pinktiam, - Boston,.T'E Bazlei & Co. Seim Lizzie - A Watson, Watson, Salem, Borda,.Kellar & Nutting. ' • . Schr,lda LoWiii,'lleuldis. Boston, .Kniglit'i Bons. Schr Lath Bich;' Paddock. Dighton, do Schr Mlt Carlisle, Potter, Dighton, . do - Rehr Wm A James, Oaten, Richmond, J mr Bacon. Schr Volant, Carroll, Baltimore, - do Correspondence of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. • . 13E.AING, Aug, 10, 1869. The following botits friini the Union Catutivassed into the Schuylkill Canal, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follo)ve: • CM&JA Lester,ltunber to filcllvaini,dc RUA; Tows, bark to J W k W Tyler, Salem, NJ; -'fird Itafts,,timber to t'cliuylkill Navigation Co; Gen , Grant, grain,. to Hoff man 3: Kaneda; Leb Trans Co, No 18, pig iron to Cabeen Co: Leb Trans Co; No 13, coal to HA & Seyfcrt. • • Yours,, . • - • - • F. HAVRE Au, .11. The following boats left hero this morning, for 'Phila delphia:laden and'consigneti ow follows: • r • ontana. - kithe - Olit to - erder;TE'Clover. with - lumber to Taylor&Betts;J.l - 1111eConkey.with mg iron to Cahoon' Co; Col Beybert, with coal to T.Emory k co; Laura Ella. with ,goal for Wilmington; Charlotte' Etfacyman, with lumber. for Chester. ' ' •: , . Ship Dashing Wave,.Mayhow, from New York March 11. for lion Francisco, i s at Rio Janeiro leaky. Steamer Alhambra, licit, from Mew Orleans via Log gerhead R eyti; at Liverpool 10th inst: • Steamer Aleppo (Br), Harrison.; cleared at llostou 16th lust. for Liverpool via. Now York:: - Steamer Juniata, loicie, from New Orleans 6 PM 7th lust, at Havana' ittli for this port.' : , Steamer . J.. W Everman,Snydor; from ,CharleSton 7th inst. for tido port, has.a cargo consisting of ,190 bales cot.. ton,3Bsbbls rosin, 61 bales yarn; 7. do rags,-1 .bale.wool and 115 tons phosphate,• , ' Steamer Pennsylania, Hall; af.'queenstovia 29th ult. from Liverpool, and proceeded , for New York. Bark Gan Eden, _Greentenf,hence at Portland 9th hist. Bark Triumph,Mlchole,hunce'at Portland 10th inst. Bar:kr) McPbersetrallason,hence at Barcelona Nth ult. Bark Erntind, Perry, henco .for. ; Rotterdlani at lien-? kerke Writ oBark Pati.tuall.Ajellb.lia.plasti, oth nit:for this port. Bark Meridian, Loutz, front Brenton forth's:part "was Off St Albano 29th ult. . i Bark GM Jenkins, Durkee, hence for Antwerp,passatl . , Land's Etal.24ltk . • • • • • Itatiti.atlno - Andtom, Tayloi,tea'cii at 111111 - .• • Brig Ocean.Eogle,:Luce, for this. portoyas Imidlng Cltibariku . 22d;ult--;rtiperted bYschr Wings pf 'the Morn ing, at this port'llith ' . . Brig Isolo, Cnbleti, Memo for Salem, it Bdiartciwn 6th inst. and sailad•P gala on thedth: • - .' ,t• Britze,Abbi- Thaxten, Parker, and Yankee ,Illatlef . Cnaralik , , bence,at Newbnry.port 9th inst. BtitiWetionalt;Bupning,eleared at Partlrtal 10th inst,.* Brig Spew s Fidelt;Olfsen, hence itri'riesie 25thn1r. Brig Eaglet, Tooker, hence at Leghttra *g-ith ult. via Brig Ida (Rue), Ingman, honco lirLiverpool :kith ult.' .., Brig H E Wheeler, Bacon,clettred at Portland 9th inst. for this port. • Brig Buoy itas, Trask, from .Iloston :for this port, at Newport 9th inst. • , Schr Georg(' Fates, Little; sailod,from.Providencie 10th inst. for this Port , . Selz Soco,Wilson, sailed from Washlngton, DC, 10th inst. for Georgetown, to load coal for this port. , hr.ll. Manton: Crowell, sailed from Novhar*poit 901, Behr-John an , BilreniJr,Woods,elettred at Baltimore 10th inst.for this port.. • ; - • Sehr Bee, Hastings, hence at Ilichnuirid oth. inst. itclirMaitten. Wilson. hence at Baltimore 10th inst. ATANKEF 4 .IGREIi 001115 ,.. CVTTEW 3 . — . , thing fors th 9 ithlsottOdUaildhe ii , COVOy;ltouse;': kreat,protoetion., - Cora'Pultilapeersttly lienithy; . dan ho used by old and young *Mt Impunity . , The Cutters are made in various styles and may'. lialtadltt all Itousef nicking stores, s Priero m :2s cats P pAddress aleJoritati, to : VINKI3 , plAl,VIACt,plinic .-Cai l '. rst-oticoofxszta AO ••• Tire Citinku Envoy. (Special Deonatch to the Phila. livening Bulletin:) . OARD ,OF TRADE. JOAN O. JAIIIEs, - C. B. DURBOILOW, MONTHLY COMMITT'EIt THOS. L. GILLEskqEs . MARINE BULLETIN. MEMORANDA. i : 04e , 1 14 ,4 ukotb e, ...: briief o rt ,,,,, ' 829 "cif* 72gMatrETO:11,i'o.,1':'„ ' . 4,1 5- :,;! , ;:'i t - 3 3 f': t -, ,2.1' a , :l ,-!;->t11, 1 , I ' C "‘ "? , - VIELAL-IchEiLinv:-I , ; Air 6 ,:"''',.7 ,01 1 itillAi ..1 . ' I- .." :, r ''' . ''' : '' 0 41 0 1 44 . Ill iiit4taiiW 1 , ' 4 '. 1 / 4**4l46 AP Tl P l TMOttaft e t Xiir l ect i l J ' 1 ,;%.,,24077 * .vria, 33.,-, , FAccr;o 4 ST I TS O *-- , -----4.-;--- 4 .44r-.--- 3,063 . 1 1g 70 r P a 4T 24 , 11 . . ••••••••••T••••••• . • ................................ $23.716 12. . -' • -., ~ • ~..rt 14 11300;000: .... 4.: , . Losses ,Paid Since 3..829 rir)‘ egm ! 2, ~ ;. .. , 051,000;004:0 4 ;, - ; ~ • ..i . '• •• . iI., • ',.., .- . • '' .—J.— ..,:. ~. ..., - .:::,..,15r‘l .'.. 1 ":..',' I , . : rerliettial And - TomPetary k rollefet OS : lilbsfil Terms, , The Company also issues Policies apply. the Monts of all kinds df tinildinp4;round Rents atdlifortiCligel• . ' .' , . 'DI '' --- 1:1 V 3 : 'l'• ' 4, , T - 1 111g0101_-. 01 V 1..' 1 .Alff m i stier = ..-- :-- . .. - '!-A.HIS Ilierf2; -; , Samuel Grant, - J I Thothas Vann+ thEE.W. - Rlchards,. " 1 , 7 ”Win'ilikOriatc ' ." i isai4e. Len, , .ThOnnin 8. Ellin t Gdol.'Falee, ' ' ' `,.. ' :. : OtuktavtinB.t n .0 . - 1 , - ALFRED __BAK.ER.Prenidens. i i `"• , _ l ' ,.. '"L ''' " OEO. FALEB, Vibe PkesideSt.t: ! JAR: W. NcALLIBTER, 8e0rtnarr...........,-• , ' '•' , 'r'' ri THEODORE N. 11E8E1 , Ainu.itnn,,ouvro l, i / re tdon . ~, • pHILAckELPiiik, 'lncorporated graWe#• .2 : 7 l/ 1 W• littee ' ,;:t-Nih 34 lioith , rifthLStiiet. !4SITRE, staLDlNgs. tiousrtiour FunNITURE t. AND 31ER° DISE'CiEVERAILT FROM ,. • LOSS BY EIRE, . .Asseis January. el 400 - 005 08.; • TRUSTEES'' William H. Hamiltoni Chattel* P. Bower, John Carron - , , Jesse Lightfoot, Robert Shoemaker, Ge°r V 'P * Arrabrruiter Joseph B. Lynda , • Leal'P. Coate, M. If, Dickinson. Samuel Sparhawk. Peter Willie , • Wm_. An Seeger., • • WM. R. RAAlLLTON,_President... SAMUEL SPARHAWR4 Vice President, WM. T. BUTLER, Secretors: TIM/AWARE MUTUAL SAFETY' IN . DURANCE COMPANY. . Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvarda,M6. Office S. E. corner of THIRD and iVADNIPD Streets, Philadelphia. • MARINE INSURANCES On Vessels, car i vtrAd N E D 'reattata l Etre of ttie l vorky: On goods by river, canal, lake and land carriage to all far s tsfhe Union. INSURANCES' On Merchandtelei t i o er t :s e l e /:Storen, Dwellings ASSETS OF THE .COMpAtry, November 1,1868. 8200000 united States Fivq o PerCent.Loan, • .. . C . 8333,500 00 120,000 United States Six. Per:ont. Loan, 1831 . • 136,600 00 ' 50,000 'United States Six'.Per Cent : Loan • (for Pacific Railroad)— 60,00 00 200,000 State of Pennsylvania Six Per .. Cent. Loan... .. - - ... 211,375 00 125,000 City of Philadel p hia Six er Cent. Loan (exempt from Tax) 123,594 00 50,000 State of - pew Jersey Six Per Cent.' Loan 51,500 00 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad First Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds r . 20,200 00 25,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds '21,000 00 25.000 Western Pennsylvania Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds' (Penna. R. R. guarantee) .„ . 20,05 00 30,000 State of Tennessee Five Per Cent.' . ' Loan .. ... - ..... * . . 00 7 boo State of Tennessee Six Per C:ent. .`" . Loan .... . .. . .. ....: • .5,1331 25 151000 Germantown Gas Company,princi pal and interest guaranteed by ~ the City of Phdadelphia,3oo shares stock. 15,000 ' 00 10,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Con4any, • WO shares stock r• t - 11,30000• 6,000 North Pennsylvania. Railroad Company, 100 shares stock.. 3,500 00 20 000 Philadelphia and, tionthern Mail Steamship Company, 80 shares • stock. ' 15,0/0 00 207,900 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, first liens on City Properties.. 10 7 000 00 Market Falail, em 36 ,3 2 ,5 25 Estate 3 6,000 81.093,601 .26 • • . , • , Real Estate , 36,000 CO Bills, receivable for 'lnsurances -. mpuo 322,436 91 Balances' due at Ageitcies4-Pre- • miums on Marine Policies— , Accrued , Interest and. 'other - debts due the Company- . . '40,178 83 Stock and Scrip of sUndry Corte- • rations, 8 3,156.00. . . E stimated 813 value— ' • • 1, 00 Cash in Bank_ 8110,150 .05 : . Cash in Drawer............ 413 65 116,563 73 DLTE July 2S July 29 1 11 4 30 " July 31 31 'July 31 e 1,109,900 Par DIRECTORS. Thomas G. Hand, Jaynes B. McFarland, Edward Darlington, Joseph H. Seal, William C. Ludwig, Japob P. 'Jones, Edmund A. Solider, Joshua P. Eyre, ' Theopidlus Paulding, William G. Boulton,* Hugh Craigi Henry C. Dalhitt, Jr., John O. Dayis, • Join' D. Taor, - - James C. Hand, • Edward La fourcade, John R. Penrose, • Jacob Seigel, • • • - H: Jones Brooke, George W.: Bentadou, , . Spencer M'ilvaine, Wm. C. Houston. Henry Sloan,_ • D. T: Morgan, Pittsburgh, Samuel E. Stokes John B. Semple, • do., James Trequalr, A.B. Berger. ; do. THOMAS C. HAND „President. 'FERRY WILBURN, Se • . • Ccretar y YlSFYieer President. • . HENRY BALL , - Assit Secretary. rrlal'ED - 11113ErBANC Li--COMPANY-073-PHIL.k.DELP ,_ • ,__. 111&.-.:_ . - 'This Company takes risksarthe lowest rates consistent • •it h safety, and confines habnsineas exclusiv.ely_to FLUE INSUBANCE-IN THE-CITY pF,PipLex•EL .. • . . , . . . , • , • OFFICENO - .123 Arch" Street, Fourth National Batik B4llding' 15i:rev:mons. Thomati J. Martin; Henry W. Brenner, John Hirst. Albertus Ring, Wm. A . n o un, . ' Henry Burnie, . • James Nougat',' , James Wood, • William Glenn, John Shalleross;' James Jenner, . J. Henry Askin, Alexander T. Dickson, Hugh Mulligan • Albert 0. Bobertsi.. P.hilip Fitzpatrick, James F. Dillon. CONBAD B: ANDRESS, President. We. A. ZiOLIVI- Tree. Viffi. H. NAGYN. §oel7. THE I'EN - N - SYLV - KN lA. FIRS T 11•TSIT • RANCE COMPANY. " —lncorimrated =s—Charter Perpetual. No. 610 WALNUT street, opposite Independence Square. This Company, favorably known to the community for over forty years, continues to insure against loss or derange by lire oroPnblio or Private Buildings, either permanently nr fora limited time. Also on Furniture, Stocks of Goons, and . Merchandise generally, on liberal , Their Capital, together With a large Surplus Fund, is Invested In the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an Undmibtedsecurity. in' the case of lose. • DIRFCTORS. Daniel Smith, Jr., • iJohn Deverenx- Alexander Bensort,!Thomas Smith, li Isaac azlehurati • Henry Lewis ' Daniel rfad j ffetir ki ,_ ll 3 n r g . ham l rell ' _ President. Wll. G. CROWELL, Secretary. apl9-tf T -F HE COUNTYIRE ENSURANCE COM PANY.-L-Otlice, No. 110 South Fourth' 'street, below T HE . . , . . . . _ "The Fire Insurance Conipany'of the County of Phila delphia," Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylva!: nia in 18.39, for indemnity against loss or damage by fire, exclusively. , A ' ' CHARTER PERPETUAL. This old and reliable institution, with ample capital and contingent fund carefully invested, continues to in sure buildings, furniture, merchandise, a c., either per manently or fora limited time , against loss or damage by tire, at the lowest rates consistent• with the absolute safety of its customers.' ' • • ' , Losses adjusted and Deb With all possible despatch. DME i OTORS: • ' Mies. J. Sutter, - , AndreWH. Miller, Henry Budd, • ' 'James N. Stone, J °het Horn; i - •, • ' t ,Edwin 1,. Reukirt, - Joseph blooms, 'Rekert Y . ?fusser . , Jr., 3r 44. N " ( ' Georgoldeo o, • ]]Lark CHARLV3 J. BUTTER, President. ' ENRY RDD, V - RENJAHlNlP.HG H EMLEY U .43enOta ice rfand President. Treasurer.- '4 - , , f , LER10.A4, FIRE .INSURANCE COM ARYA,incorpoated 1810.—Charter peuctual. ! 0:810 WALNUT street,'above Third; Philadelphia: Having adarge,paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus in vested In - sound and 'available Securities, continue to /,nsure on 1 dwellings, stores, furniture; merchandise, easels in port; and, their cargoes, ond other „personal property. All loesesliberally Mid promptly adjusted.' ' ; DIRECTORS. , Thomas R. Marls, Edmund G. Main, 1 John Welsh,: • . ,i • ''• ' 0 ', Charles W. Poultney, ' ~, Patrick Brady,. . . .,, , ;.. Israel Morris,. '• john,.T. Lewis, ' John P. 'Wetherill, ' ' William V,' Paul. '', • ' t ' - TROMAS E. MARIE, President..,. ALBEiir Oi RAWFORD, Secretary ___ _ ____ TI.AJAE INSURANCE ''COMPANY, NO: _ 809'01:1ESTNIT , I3TREET4' . ... 4rl poitPwergx• ' 18.56 CHARTER PERPETUAL., • ' " - • -attpri , Al, . a 209 000. , .. . , • , , I , iniußE ,nomxpitaii txdLusiyEDT. • , . Insures against Loss or Jhunage by Fire; either by Per , victual, or TernnorarY Policiee.' - ' i .:D1RE0t011.6.‘4 , . r , • , ~' • J 1 :. Oharleaßicharasoni. * :Hobert 'Pearce, • i 1 Wra,*Ell Ithawn; ~. , ' - John Kessler, Jr., Francis 11.11 tick, ,- - , Fdward , ll., , Orue, ,' lienry , Lectria4 i i •, , ‘ *,, . Oharleil Stokes* . • . I Nathan Jilltes4,.: * *. , . , ..lahn:W,EVQTMans GOOrge JSC Well,,t ' " '',' •Mordeord Hanby, _, ..*.*: . .... , ..OHARVARi 8' lOHARICISON,Fresident, , : i Witt. a luittynt vico-rreodent4 .., ~ ) WatilLWS IvilLelionAmal,;setretarie. • 'lOl. it ~ iiit::•go,:iAlliisfir', - r"•!!.-....-.,1,1:i .•!...- I +l ......;...- ~ .. i .5,,,, ••.)it4ii4:1iiftt.1 i ik.„. , .y . - - ~,.• 4.4 De, Limoriv go iiiw., , - , 671-: --' '...A. I . 0 •> /WV* " ',-,!,, • Om Rif - 94i4 oti , I,i ~,,,A..5,,' ~i AAA..,:., ~ ~ . :. . 5t0.i.,.. i,.., , =;. el, • ,LA) - (7,390. ..., ..: ..., , . f !! .-• ' 1 ' 4*. • • • .IF :: .1, •cf i r 1-1! , ~' . 2 : , ;* ..:i414b1; . ,( . . . . , ), , , ~,, l e d, tlutea-otatet., 2 . 000 0001 f. • . . s f , , •. 2 1 ay • . calm's, over. 20,000.00 tr . ...i :1 , ..W.11 , .'...... ~, bi:...(0,97 ~. .. . , i".relifte7M N , ll69 l 4.Praktie.: I •b' } 1....:4 , 1. •• •1 i '..-i.l . ll.rig e li k i k • • .; :'r:l ~ i'• • ::, ' ...115e3".‘.511975.9 0' !.Losses' In a 86 8 -*I 66 i .i. 4 .5.60 , P No. 6 MeiTbdfritelkithange Inladelphsad• ~ rwitkraison . ,rtitnniAritin • :tott 'PANT OP PRITADIL PHU/ ; ;'.. ..; .• corparate4 ~ • 'Charlariberpetual. 'Office lloitel'Wktnid; street.'L •-• •"-' - • CAPIT&L -8300,000,„ . • Insures &galotiose or .damage by,FIRR, on 'Mongol, litores and otherSuildings, limited or perpetual, and on "furniture, Clouds; Wares 11011141•Falkandkip.. in town or ' (li t t t r iKlißb - PrBORIPTLIC 4 1 '0 1 10WilD 4111 Rt 1 • . . AID. • 4.1,608 . 1144;te l iiii the fo~lowi'ugseonrlt~sa;~ Flrat..Morigageak on Qtty Piopertyi'well 44.0 7 -*.• L-• • — r eitTosiO 00 tufted State exit Loam - 00 Philadelphia City 6 Per Cent, Loans . .. ......,..-.76,000 00 Pennsylvania 8 3000,000 6 Pei-Cent L0an:;.....:' • 30,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad llondsilfinst Ida rtginte 6,000 Camden and Amboy Railroad company's 6 Per ' ' • 6,000 00 mum on Collatemis.. • .. .. . . 600 00 Huai:nion and Bro algra: ire; • L angel:sonde... ..... ..... . . ...... 4,560 00 01 Comity.ilre Insurance 000 5. 0)"5 1,030 00 Mechanics' BonkStock 4,000 00 Coniniercial Bank of Pennsitvania 'Brock. • • 11,000 00 Union Blutual I ne nrance Compan_y's 300 Itellance ram:wanes Company of rhilndelpids ••' /Rock .. . . ... 3,230 00 Cash Bank and ........ ...-. • 12.25.5 32 Worth at Par.....-...-. Worth thta dati at market prices. • DIRECTORS. ThOmas C. • Thoinad H. Ito'ore, William Musser, Samuel Costner, Samuel Bispham, 'James T. Young, • H: L. Carson, Isaneßi Boker, Wm. Stevenson, (Ailstion J. Hoffman, Benj. W, Tingley, • Samuel Be Thomas, Edward biter. • 'PHODIAIVC.IIILL, President WM. GMt/119.,Secretary. . EmmoDNLPEto: February 17,1969. ANT :RA C INSURANCE 0' M PANY.—CHARTER PERPETUAL. Office, No. 311 WALNUT Street, abase Third, Philada. Will insuse against Loeb or Darnage by Fire on Build ings, either perpetually or for. nlimited,time, Household Furnitnr_e_,and Merchandise gener_ally. Also, Marine' ,Tnsurance -on Y7sehi,''Catgoes • and Freights.' Inlandlnsar3ince Tor all arts of the Union. ' • • •• i - DIRECTORS. ; • William Esher,. Le witi Audearied, D. Luther, ' • • John Ketcham, ; 'John Blatkistoni ' ' R.Hatmt.,. • • William F. Dean, John B. Heyl, . • Peter Sieger t Samuel H. Rotherniel. ILLIAMSHER, President. • • • • • . WILLIAM F„..DE,gli,Slce President. Wx. M. Sisits'R. Secretary.. ' ja22 to th s tt • • •• , TEFFEIO3ON FI PANY of Phibutelplila:z4)ffice,Nci. etreet, near Mafjcet street, • • . ••• • • ~, • Incorporated by the Legislature or • r ennwilvantsa. Charter porpet nal.- • Capital and AMbl. 3/66.000. Make.. Insurance against Loss or damage' by Fire all Public' or Privatelluildings,Furnitura, Stooks, Goods ,and.:Mer: tbandise. on favorable terms. • . . . .• , • DIRECTORS. • • , .• Wm, McDaniel, • Edward P. Moyer ,' •. Israel Petersen. • ' ••••• Frederick Ladner. '' • John F. Beisterling ' Adam J. Glasa, Fleury Troemner; t • •?: HeAry ' ' • Jacob Schandein, John Elliott. Frederick Doll i • • • Christian D. Frick, • Samuel Miller,: r • • • • George E t Fort ' ''. • . . .WillislDll.Oardner. , • • • 'WILLIAM MeDAL I Pte'sitit•ht. , • • ISItAEL4PETEESON; Vice President: • • PHILIP P. COLEMAN. Secretary-and Treasurer.. • - SUIPPER - V - GUIDE.' OR MOST 0 V.i—STEAMSHIP. , LINE F' Dniy..q.T.sArma FROM r t i . .pAißov - Erpr ... ' , Wednesday , • and Sakurdiiii. ~.,. ; . ino*rualtEET WHAR . PHILADELPHIA; AN LONG 'WHARF , BOSTON! Faom PititattemOuti ', • , . . Fami BekwrON. • 10 A. AL; • .'• . I 1 ••• , • 3 ~. P. 31, . . ' SAXON,Wedaesdai,Aug. 4 'ARIES' Wednesday,,Aug.. NORMAN, Sidurdey, " 7 ROMAN, Saturday " 7 1 ARIES _,_W e dnesday , 91111 SAXON,•Wedneany;" 11 ROMAN, Suttlrdny, "., IA NORMAN', Saturday,"' 14 SAXON,Wednuedny, " la AlllESOYednesday, " 18 NORDIAN, Saturday; '".21 ROMAN', Saturday,' ". 21 ARIES. N't ednesduy "' 25 SAXON,. WetinesdaY; '5 25 1 RO3IAN, Saturday, " '..11 NORMAN,Saltmlar," 33 These Steamships sail prinetnally. Freight received MIT); day. Freight forwarded to all points In Nqw England. Fer Freight or Patillftgp ( sup nor aceommodatloita apply to. HENRY WINSON, CO.. eiin • 338 Seidl' Delaw & are ace. 1,647,367 80 PI7,ADELPHIA• RICHMOND AND NORFOLK STEATLIM 'JIM"' . . -' ..• THBOUGA FirEIG4T B .D. LINE TO THE SOUTH ND WkST '-. . r ~ , WHARF.— i , 1 ...,' „, '"' A-- ' ' ' 'in FIRST E,VEnY pd..l.l:olD,K,riat N99,l).4r t o te t t. , • $•,: .L , • • above idAD,ht.;u: . t r. ri .v. th and &Till THROD9D BI to an ' Pamat atonxientlf 'at , Carolina via Saab ail Air-Line Railroad, Portanioutli,and.Ao ky arg r Vl:t..Tonneatieo and the, West via Virginia 'and u-c '-T h en b li ' . 6e I Lino and - Rich pas dr- ~ y mond and Danville . patiroailf,ll, 4 !„.; . ,1 ~,,__... 1 14 ~.6 , ..,,,,,, Freiglit lIANDLID lip T t u t tz . , AlßkT a r . ,..m , y,, , r, - 1 IONE& THAN: ANy.orurat i h uarm, i,, , ,. of i tati route , The_ reollarityxtqfpWand tli ce n ?.Pn trdwimein - 6 _ diunc. commend it to ihtvgub . IP, nctrTl,Blm. for carrying ovary IIP.OcrIP' , 0?&I . E, bt_Arii , ogikn4for_ limelumgelorcommkolort. . yag ~ _ ~ . 4 . , ! I S a t i ellrl er ti . Ml) .- iit '' iti " l3l.4l3 ' ll ' 't fij__` . gi l itittEl '.. 7 .. ' ' ' ..- Freight received DMlX, t i l i p.otyr, ilco. , ) V Ml+ . .. N 0.12 South Wharves Whar;es W. P. PORTE 11' Ageht atUlchuwad and City Point. fi P..GROWELI , ,4, Agerkta.stNo P' 1A IVA, A NOVT.H.ERN ' 11, • fi'I'EANISHIP' COM • 'ANY'S ' lIEGULAR L.INES,F.ROPI,QUE.EN STREET WHARF. The' YAZOO , will"sall for NEW ORLEANS on Stiturdali ii Atigritm , at SA, M. • The TATA will sail from NEW ORLEANS, via The TONA I I ANDA will Sall fOr. SAVANNAH on Saturday. , Ang. 14, at o'clock The TONAWANDA will sail, from SAVANNAH on Saturdayy. Au 7. The P ONE 'R will sail for WILDIING'I'ON, N. G.,oti Saturday, Aug. 14 : at 14 A'. H. • Through bills of lading: signed, and. passage tickets sold to all points South and West. DILLS 'of LADING SIGNED at :QUEEN ST. WHARF: For freight or,passage, apply to • ' WILLIADI General•Ageht, • , South Third street. FUR LI V RP 00 L The Pine First-clinis Ship • • • , • • • "VIRG.I,NIA.," • ' • 934 "Tops Register•- , Caain Campbell: - -- This vessel succeeds the "Matilda liilyard" anti having a portion , of hercargo . 'engaged, wilt, heve WRlT;deoltc.ohr..i3llAl,l,;,,af PtisSalit i , apply to • • • .•• ' • . ' PETRI?. , T'AvSONS . , : jy22-tf < No. 115 Walnut streei, Philadelphia. VOR LI.VERP OL.--TFLE STRICTLY 1U Ara-chose bark DAVID McNOTT, , sotoni regititer,. Captain, Loakhart.—Titis vessel : SUCCOCaq, ',Make Harris, and being of small capacitY, and having the bulk of her•eargo eagatml, WM have despatch. For balance' of freight or passage, apply to PETER. WRIGHT di t3UPIB,II Walutit street. Philadelphia; arm NEW , ExpRE* t s.LINE, ALEX N- dria, Georgetown and Waihingtoti, D. iria,Clies- PPeake and Delaware Canal, with connections at %Alex. andria from the most direct rooto for Lynchburg, Bris tol; Knoxville, NashW ve, Dalton and the Southwest: ' ' Steamers leave regularly from the •first wharf above Market street, every Satuzdayat noon. Freight received dally. • • .Wllll CLYDR. & CO:, • S f No. 12 South Wharves'and 'Pier 1 North Wharf ea: HYDElt•TYLEItsAgente, at Georgetown..., M. ELDRIDGE . .00 0 Agents at Alexandria, Va. VO.TIOE:--*(eVT:E*XOEity AWARE ' NN ARITAN i3ANAIi EXPRESS' ST—EAMBOAT.COMpANY. • _ The CHEAPEST and' QUICKEST temtatinica; Goon between Philadelphia and New York s , t titeanairsleave daily from *tit Wharf helew Market street' PhilodelphinotidfoOtOf - Wall'street; : Now floods forwarded by all the lines'. rthming out of Ne*' 'york—North, East and Viest-:Tfrae of Connaission. • Freight received, and forwarded on accomniedating terms. -•-• • CLY•DE•dt CO.. Agents, . • N 0.12 South pelawaro avenue, Philadelphia.. .3 , AS. 4 IIANDI Agent; No . ,llrArall street; New•YOrk. 4 KrOTICE:-FOESEW'YORK,; YIN DEL-. ;13 AW.ARE AND RARITAN CANAL: • SWIII TSURK 'TRANSPORTATION' COMPANY:' • - • DFSRATCII AND SWIFTSURK LINES. . T 1 e basin:egg' o_f the e lines Will le resumed im' and afte'r the The March... For freight,_wiiioh will-be takl•ti accommodating terms, apply to WM. BAIRD & CO., ! . 1.• , •• N 01,132 South-Wharves:. R/JAW ARE , ; ;.AND • CHESAIMAICE % Phil % Steam Tow-Boat Company,—Bacgeatowed betw ladeltphia, Baltimore, Havre de Grace', Delaware City and informed late points. • • _ . WM. V. CLYDE ,Voo.,Agents; JOnnsLACtinJ 'Sup; oaten_, South Wharves, Philadelphia. f.trITYV"YOEK, VIA DEL: .4.74 awitre and Ritritatt Swinenro Tfansporta tion',Oornpany,Deepateloinit•iiivitleure Linen.— The• busineseby thee , . Linea will ,he remained un 'and atter , tha Silt efi Murat\ For Freights.whielviwill%bfrtakeir con ap .flAcatallitipp.,terina, apply to DAIRD C;lsj kV B.OVICIPWIiVIVVHB. • WTaTrVAWPI .SOA - 1 1 7-711NrBb XES , grun ineWklteMostilth4ooptCootbliroml , imilortoa _ O l - 1 11g4orn and for enlo by JOB. u: BBSSIE Delawtovatvaneey • owitotn;:gtawk oNAri focluded In our sato will found— • 160 1 naCkaa611 /111alchtd - and , l4rowt ista lingwkser,ickailitriti*.ots 1:444 1 / I ,Nsilall ,•• 4" 141-1 Mack k6A Coloridillfta46,gliftiT•inhihavilidN444 -1 4 . lath" de . Chln? , &e:Ai s f 1 4,_'ZI•1_!• • LLI• 12 cases Shirt ips„ iptmellt. i nasisse wompitto white Goods' VEYOUr, • • ••• J Bto ttecell tbi4 ertgiAlfatlinii peig ulotninAoTcsitellugl3 l l l Scs; Atc.l i • ~ 601.4 dozen idoelerx,,Glosslrinirts and Grseremaegig - 41art4 '"'' i ~.,„„,;; „ k i, .t.44....4 7. at'ie k./INGE sitebt,o,, l makantEmilpsir • NOSIERY„,OLOYES A_ND STAY ItIPIN piPOETATION OF PdH_, GEO. 0: R. vit ... i• • • •ON FRIDAY .?"1011111NO_,_, - A , ' 'August' 13; st 10 , o'clock; on . foot moat •• .itermasrfallll o,- '"' t " int i l7L - es cut end cover e d r.' ula t.. ls 4 r ug Lfig r o n lvp 'lReLgteCat i uouble solo WILIX 7 I; COTTON. 1108,... ° • ' Full lines ladteAAain nnfl retro Inv Itecker!*ppgarkin 'flo:pblerecile COTT9tl.ll,oBE:.i stCax.X • , Hum laplfee h avY fluxed nwo• • Lti& tr. I lull CareltilserS'lltsyr white and broinz • Full,Llthes • btlain; full ruzilar. au iIIItOVF BROW N, and FAA , COTTON HALF HOSE, • nlar , BILOWN-COETO/,,,,k1A/cr;.: t Full Wit& NOW toltrect add blacE DerilfiliggEr blotb.ohyri,B„t„, • ' ' j Full lines gent's colored Berlin and black - 1011cglom, Full lines rl,es'ctlfrstl pay:lgloves ati4 : 4lkgautit. Full lines English wliite,. brow n and slate DIPOHTAWE;SALEOF GAIIPETENVS,IOIL P;..:7 CLOTHS. &c. • " ' , ONVILMAY 'MORNING, • . August 13, at 11 o'clock,on four months' aredit# about Ilk Clecee Ingralb,"Yenetia List, Hemp (Cottagersuld Rag arpctlnge, to. SALE Or 2,C00 GASES BOOTS SHOES, • •• • 441 , 111 1 '.1021711. 11 Z3D/LY 'MOEN NG ~ z, • 4 AuguAlTiut.lo o 'clock, on, four montbecradit.,4, , :1114.0141.15 . & dONE, AUCTIONE : ;Ur • 'NOlll' 169 and Eolith FOURTH street.' ' • ___ . SALES,OP,STOCKS,ABBEEALIIB_Tni,,u,f, Public sales at the Philadelphia Excha4eirttasi". l TIIESDAY I at / 2 0!Clock• ' Sir Porn tura sales at she Auction'" to.e. fTlepiDAY.,•# t 1.; , • a• 4• •$ - Sales at ; Mei:ces receive especial attention. , SALE, i . ./E BEAL, ESTATE. AUGUST It, At 12 o'clock_tiooni at the Exchante. will include= ' I 5 NEW, VIIRLE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS. Nos. 1618, 1618,1 M, 16= and 1524 Christian street.• Have all the modern coseniences. Will be bold separatelii • THREE-STOR BRICK TAW, STORE and DWELL G NO. nal Market Good 11118111,049 Stand. _ / GENTEEL ,THREE-STORY BRICK e pw - Emorritt; Norrle street, northwest di, Almond ht. I, , 4 - GENTEEL TIIREE;STORY 'BRICK DWELLING. 'No. Zler Pine et. Immediate pathos/doh.' • •, 1 , STOCKS, LOANS, dc. ., 160 ehares Empire Transportation Co. 84000 Union Pacific Railway bonds. 33000 rittßburgh City 4 per cent. bonds. D P l e A w * No h .79 a d i , t p h ak n e d CEhrue c R ilroad 7e. $43T.298 82 8,39132 jal:tu th i tt Administrator's Sala'a . • 2. ' ' • No',2l6•North Front strtiet'. .••''' 1 .• • %.*. '?• • STOCK OF A CILAIR MANUFACTPS.., • ONTRIDAY MOUNING; • •• 1 • • ' August 20. at 10 (*leak, at, No. 216. North F,ront street, by catalogue, the entire Stock of • a Choir' lit antlfactciry, compri slug. c ery•lnrge assortment of Windsor, Ann and ltockmg indsor. Chaits • and .Bottees, .30,000 Chair Stands,•lo,oooAeotlChoir Plonk, BonclieS.. 'White Lead. Oils. Faints, An . ..,V . .. • . . rrolomAs BIRCH &' BON, AUCTION-, ErllB ANIY(IOIYINISSION , IidERCIRANTI3; ; • No..IIIO.CHESTNUT street.. „ ' • ' " • Milt entrench N 0.1107 Stumm street: • ' ' 11ottealiold, gur4lture - pf 'every description tOceleed 'on i•• • • Consetit: • Belot a ledrititnre at dweako attended tO on.the most reasonable termer • , . pSale at the Auction Store,.No. 1110 Chestnntetre et.. urEitron: WALNUT - • FURNITURE' • • PIANO FORTES, -lILANTEL•AND PIER GLASSES, DRUB, , SELS AND" OTHER CARPETS;' - HAIR, MAT.' ! .RESSES, 'BEDDING, OIL PAINTINGS, GRAY-. , INGS: CLOTHES HAIIRERS; WATER .000LERt3,; REFRIGERATORS.. FICIE •r. TABLBS; AND!. • DESKS, DECORA TED. GRIN& CrIAAIDpIR OSTEN VASES. GLASSWARB, 3to- • 1t•N,Y..,•;, - ON FRIDAY MORNING % , • August 13, at O'b'elott ;at No: urn Chestnut 'street, 4111 sold, . large .and excellent assortment of Walnut, +Parlor Mal Chddiner Furnitaire-Wainut and Oak Dining Rona, Sdita, about thirty ualnutrand gilt frame Mantel. • ;Nei and Cinunber'Glasebs;'Cottago Suitt, Brusiela anti' jutherVarpeut,'Plann ChinnGlassware.; otn.. •,• • , • , SECONDIIAZID -FURNITURE. ' .Ablo", an assortment of Beciondhandliurniturel. , l '. . • - WHITE. LEAD. ,„ , fiklBll4 . soolionnas White Lead: • ' , SILVER PLATED, ; WARE AND.OUTLERV.. • Also. an invoice of Plated Ware and Cutlery. - ltoky BABB1TT , & "CO. AUCTIONEERS.' 11./ cIASYLALICTIO,ICHOUSF4 , -••• 200 IifiI,FKET street, corner of Baideotieet: Casbluiverided on Oonstkomente Without extra Charge. PRDEMPTORY SAW., ' DM - FRIDAY ; OF 141k):1,OT8 Gonapilkinit , :Clothe -Cassiniers, tiatfnets Bleb,Ch aunt `Brown Goods. Canvas .Table Diapers, Al4r-as, , ,Wigans, Flannels, Table Cloths, Silecias, - LineaTovials; Snawla. Table Covers,. Nettingw Hosiery Suspenders. Quilts, Dress Goods and a largo xuantley of other Miscella neous Goody • • , - Also, 010 dozen Hoop Skirts. Also. 200 lots Beadylnadoillothing.- • t , • Alsoi Notions...Gloves,Suspenders, Spool Cottoy Feuer Goods, G'utlely, &c.; &c ..BOOTS, SHCES r/LAID DAOGANti _ Ni o'clock, IStreaseEl and' Cartons Rodnr, tiboes_' Ste- '" gansi Ilttlin oralai&co&or.:f9.x.rl,ll l 4 l pBii,r4, 6ll 'olo:n lll olesT:• and Children's wear. Also. rotinotii,,Corpotirott:. bcfr, I,t TAMES Aa FREAMi t tai,(ArIICITIO.ITICER,. zjo 422 WILVIIII T street. . isSigneWS &ire °N 111.'coVitei' lEtventk-Oiltil ' , att4 / . 1113strt. _ streets. MACHINERY. Lodlis. tattAFTBLVEIti - 71- 130BOIN .Ve kj, ON WEDNESDAY 111tOrta. - " — Alrgust 18;TIVIIT bsl ,sradi li...roans, Assignee, at tits Itl,coruer,,9l Twenty third and - rillbertnetftett:Abw_Mixonnieriol—EvAmmin -nisi — Wooltql Miumfactory. insltsting,alboit, 20 Awo-tittutt,l6, Ldotns.. - IU , three-Shuttle' , boosts, • go Hpoolixte rewrite., Beaming. Frames. Bobbin, ~,,Windess,,c cerusper ittaftfts„. tiliSttinit:Beßitientibbitts. OMOslenrultar 6, 8 1 )0 o/7tc• atir" .31 4 . Pen??? terY, T Terrni4 Ca•lk f • - clop.A.A4v.v,kilutt,itAl,TGlAtt*:499kikt i c; 2ip CHESTNUT sfeeet. . , • = A::3lCClLELLANDrAibtiiltte , er: 8110 ' utthe Austion iloonts, 1219 Cliestunt street. • •- • ON , PRIDAY!,IIORNING,. • ' August 13ott 10 o'clock, consisting of superior House hold Furniture, 'Matresses, Carpets,' die., &c.; elegant Chamber• Suits,, Parlor Snits, in hair cloth and terry. Afso,, at 12 o'clock. will be sold, about 100 •plush la rge marble Counter and -large, lot .of Cocoa Matting, formerly In use at the Chestnut Street Theatre. Now on exhibition at the auction roomy., „: • , p i A VIS HARVEY, - :AUCTIONEERS, (Late uithlf: Thomatit 'l3ons.) Store .Nos-4/1 and 50 NortASLITH att•eat, • Sale No. 918 North Front street. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE,. FEATHEII. BEDS, TAPESTRY CARPETS, &c. • • ON FRIDAY MORNING. • - At 10 o'clock. at No ..94a North Front street, above Poplar street; Household Furniture, 10 Feath'er, Reds, Deddluz., Tapestry:Carpets, - THE PRINCIPAL MONEY EST4l34l9H rnent—S. E. corner of SIXTH and,RAClLstreete: -- Honey advanced on 'Merchandise generally,-,Watchse,, Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and Silver Plate, and on all articles of ialuo, for any longth - ol time 1, ei VATCHES AND JEWELRY AT PRIVA,TE.SALE. Fine oldllunting CasetDbuldeßottom and pen Face • .nglisb, American and 'Swiss Patent .40ver ,Watches; Fine. Gold Hunting Case and Open Face Dimino Watches : o 'r , G old Duplex and other Watches,FixkEillyer tr . 's , Game and Open Face 'Thiglisji:Aitiericanquift Swhit atenttLever and Lepine Watches; Double:CAMFingliahr Quartier and other Watchea,_• Ladies' rancy Watches; Diamond DreaStpins; , Finger ItingsoXat Rings; Studer &ll,; Fine Gold. Chains; 31edaliions;, 13racelets; S carf; Plas;Btenetains; Finger :Biagi!: Teacil'Oasetiand ew- , ', l l l oft e r i S t if i ZA iSitte 4alutilde l Cheat.: suitable for a•Jev,eller; cast SSW, , Also, seyeral Lots in South . Camden; rife) acid ()heat- pu trent': •. • - • lV DIMMCLEEAECTIONEERS, rtr't 'i. No; NM MARKET street .:1 Z.. BOOT AND..249:P,RitigLIZRAY:i3)I.AY; AND • ; 0 " is 2 9 7 "A 11. ' L s 14 11:1 :"T m° E ;i3 r t 4A e Q a mt T n .14 7 1 ICS S o on i f Z . a t er. fp ASHBRIDGE. & CO., AlTeTlord-' EU% No: W 5 MARKVl`street: above B fifth • iiiHRW.I.tIOI;SO,N)WOOD` . OONDAVT-• non , propar*d . to onterilrito contyad . toper y QW4cri,to lay' this Imr,lvaPlild patent,p33,olllent l in,frptit any property - 40re thaTra'net le tlealrathr of ,Plipitrring the eX feet and stating tilt of ,cobl4lo:atOnco... Apply tkt the alike Of Ihe Company, .7,41 WAY.,III - Ir, Street, bar/canal and,2o'clock pack 4akiliap4t— '4P • ta JOIINAM R PFIY ' • SOretitry aud Treamordr: LotEs ivßicfrrr TitoErrilN PlIt11; CLEMENT com, TivEgDORE winotT; 'PRANK I. 24 b14,L1., PRTNII Si BIGHT . SONS, • • • ' Impbet4re'of eaktbeiAVattv • '• • 48111pping and Oeintaikiloniterchants; 115.3Yalnut eXreet, P hiladel ph Is. ri 0 T 0 .S . 4.BA,IAA.DUCIK „or,,xvßßY width; from 22 hiebee tO Tit inches %tide:all nrimbeno Tent , Wad I AAMIXI,§r.ATI9ki TalielAtnalFer?fx Felting, Sail, dm. - _JOAN W. EVNItBrAN, Uu2o' L:M No:103 Church. street: eityfithreilWi•, PR IVY WRIALS.-- OWNERS OP IntOP fajVA F e s t ? r r. r e w aiga n Matt 400 04 " rAttikette:Goldill e titt's i 151414009004100, r +'~tii*~~' ss GfARDS; 1 ' ~iy.27tuAll43l3ti
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers