Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, July 27, 1869, Image 5
CFTV BULLETIN, .. Ouu New. School-Houses.— Much shill and care In defining and constructing Uave, been, taken in -the erection of our public school; houses, within the past ten yeats.Sp that Phila delphia can, in this respect, of suneriorityoverany cityW the. united States. Tlio school-house nowbeing-erectod on the site of the Commiasioners’ Hall of the oldDistrlct of Northern Liberties, Thirdstreet, below Green,' will be one •: of the;; finest yet, erected. The foundation is being constructed. The building will have a front of fifty feet, a depth of ninety feet, and bo three stories in height. There will bo three wings; to the structure, allowing very easy facilities for egress and ingress. . ' . , , Another substantial school-house is ■ being built on the N. 13. coiner of Shippen and Guilford streets. It will be 48 ieet square, having: two stories j each 12 feet in height in the cleat, between the floors and the coilings. ’.A.public school-house, to be two: stories in height, has just been commenced at the corner of Main and Coulter streets, Germantown, Twenty-second Ward. The sttucturo will be 40feetfroritby CGfeetin depth, and will be •” flnished and ready for occupation- before the close of tbe,ensuing autumn. 1 ■ Cruebty to Animals.—The Society for the Proyontion of Cruelty to Animals is bo young in existence that it is yet an experiment, al though it large hmount of good has. been done through its, agents. Frequently, however, articles appearin' newspapers complaining of this; thing or that in connection with this sub ject. If the complainants would call upon the; agents or the offic era of tlie Society,and furnish legal evidence of any infraction of the law, in stead of rushing to newspapers to file their complaints, much more good would ensue, and there would be no more published complaints, two-thirds of which often do more harm than good. .- One thing, is certain—the lame horses which often appeared upon the public streets, particularly in the southern part of the city, have entirelydisappcared from view. In this respect the Society has worked a reformation entirely commendable. Additional Improvement.—An addition to t.ho .immense sugar refinery is being erected on the north; side of Almond street, from Delaware avenue westward to' the extent -of 190 feet, by a front of 31 feet. The site upon which thlß additional structure is being erected caused much dispute several years ago, and' required legislative action before it; could be. awarded to the use to which it is appropriated. The sugar refinery had no outlet on Almond, street before thiß strip of ground was pur chased by the proprietors. The refinery is one of the largest in the country; and in the de partment of manufactures ono of the most im- Eortant in Philadelphia. Many thousands of ogsheads of unrefined sugar are landed upon its wharves during the year, and many work men'of several classes find employment there. Bobbing a Countryman.—A German, be longing to Doylestown, came to the ,city yes terday afternoon. He fell in with Charles M conan, and asked him where he could get a cheap lodging-place. Meenan reconiinended him to sleep m a wagon which was standing on Second street above Fitter. The stranger adopted the suggestion. After he had fixed himself, for a snooze he felt a hand in his pocket, and found that it belonged to Meenan. The matter was amicably arranged, however, and the Doylestown man went to sleep. “When he awoke his coat was missing, and he swore out a warrant for the arrest of Meenan upon the charge of larceny. The accused was cap tured, and after a hearing before Alderman Heins, was sent to prison. Campaign Club Formed.—A meeting of Republican voters of tlie Fourth Legislative District (which comprises the Seventh Ward and part of the Twenty-sixth Ward) was held last evening to ratify the nomination of Joseph Bready, Esq., as a candidate for the Legisla ture.A Campaign Club was formed, and the membership roll was signed by about, one hundred voters. The following officers were chosen : President; James Alcorn. Vice Presi dent, William Gamble. Secretaries, Lewis Ashmead and, Colonel Enoch Edward Lewis. Treasurer, Joseph McM orris. Riotous Conduct.—Henry Burns, a sailor belonging to the United States Navy, was ar rested yesterday afternoon for riotous conduct at Smith's Island. He was also charged with having Committed a violent assault and bat tery oh L. B. Cliadd, a special officer stationed on the Island.. On the way to the city Burns jumped into the river and swam ashore, but was Captured when he had landed. This morn ing he had a hearing before Alderman Kerr, and was held in $BOO nail to answer the charges of riot and assault and battery. The Prohibitory Party.—A call for ameet ing of delegates, from tie several Wards, to be held at Concert Hall, August 471869, “for/ the purpose of completing the organization of the Prohibitory Party, and nominating candidates for the city offices,”' has been issued. This call is ffigned by I. Newton Peirce, Amos Briggs, J 7 C.' Garrigues, Enoch C. Hendry, George Gabel, George H. Hick, William B. Stiles, E.' W. Bmitheman,' George S. Ferguson and S. 8, Ketcham, as Committee of Arrange ments 7 " /'■ ; 7 l ;' 7 ‘ '/ Charged with Bobbery.—James Wilson was arrested last evening,'at Thirteenth and South streets, upon the charge of the larceny of $l7O. The complainant is Patrick Mc- Gerety, residing at No. 1728 .Christian street - He alleges , that he was in a tavern on South street, and Wilson held him while another man took the money from his pocket. Wilson was taken to the Central Station,and will have a hearing this afternoon. y ‘ " 77.,. The,, West.. Philadelphia Accident.— This morning the Coroner held an inquest upon’the body of George/Esher, whose death resulted, horn being jammed between the truck of the Spring Garden Hook and Ladder Company ana a telegraph pole, in West Phil adelphia on Sunday morning. The deceased was riding on the truck at the time of the ac cident. Bobbery.—The lager beer saloon of William, Brill, at the S. E. comer of Twenty-fourth and Green streets, was entered through the cellar door, last night, and robbed of a revolver, 30 cigars and 50 cents in money. Semous Fall,— Martin Slack, aged 32 years, fell from a one-story house in the rear of Bvder street, above Tasker, this morning,, and was severely injured. The Nicolson Pavement. —This pavement having been thoroughly tested, may be pro nounced unrivalled. The jolting caused by the cobble-stones is all done away with, and in place‘of ragged and rutty streets, a clean: smooth: road is afforded by the Nicolson. Property owners who may be desirous of im proving the street and getting rid of those tor tures for horses—cobble-stones—can have all information relative to the merits of the Nic olson pavement given to them at the office of the Nicolson Pavement Company, 731 Walnut street,.between.il and 2 o’clock; daily. Drink the famous Arctic Soda Water and read the Evening Bulletin, at Hillman’s News Stand, at North Pennsylvania Depot. - CRIME . MVBDEB BY A MADMAN. Desperate Freaks of a Lunatic—He Seizes a Moll Wagon-Deli vers its Contents— Attacks a Family Driving on the High. .. . way—Successfully Resists the Attempt of Several: Men -to Arrest Him, and ' Mabo One or Them. .. . William Buck was mdrdered at Succasunna’ Plains,! New Jersey, on Friday, night last, under most singular circumstances, by a lunatic named John Bruen. It appears that Bruen had for several years been periodically insane in the heated weather of summer, and that at these times his conduct had been imcohtrollabljr . violent. . On Eriday, morning last he left his. home in Madison, while suffering under one Of . fits attacks or insanity, antf took passage by the mail train on tlic Morris and Essex Railroad to Hackettotowp. The conductor .of the train, before it arrived at MadlutSn* discovered that Bruen had neither money nor a ticket, and he put him oft the train at the Morristown depot. Bruen rushed frantically through the depot, and, as if determined to have a ride in soma eort of conveyance, jumped into the mail wagon, which was standing near the denot. and drove away. He was lamiliar with ti.n town and drove directly to the where he threw out the mail-hags. He then started drive away againj hut the crowd who Bitrroundod; thev.J?optt<!;Pc« ?cl9 or i seeing that lie was not the regular- carrier, and,no? ticing his excited conduct, attoinpted'tojrirest ' him.: But he escaped after a determined (ttrug i gle, and ran out on the road leading-to Succa snnn»P)ains. ' _ 7 ‘ • • Toward evening Mr. Robert Slutyr, the sta ’ Mon agent of the Chester Railroad at Sue, ; casuiina Plains, was driving ' toward the sta • tion, accompanied by his wife, on his return from Morristown, when he was suddenly ; overtaken by young Brhen. - The- lunatic came stealthily up behind the wagon and leaping : info tliebox attempted to climb over the top, ; which was thrown oack. Mr. Shaw, urged on 1 his horse at a desperate rate of 'speed to es : cape the determined attempts of tho madman ,to climb over into , the forward part of the wagon, and', struggled, with his assailant to ■ throw him out. He struck Bruen several' bloWs with the 'butt' of his heavy Whip, " ! hut the latter persisted in his efforts to obtain , a place in fr ont. The > wagon top - finally gave way,-and the lunatic fell to the ground. Ar ; rivetf at the village in which he resides; Shaw i stopped at At hotel, and was relating the cir cumstances' of his strange adventure on the ; mountain when'young Bruen entered. Shaw . had ao idea that Brueu. was unsoundj and he. - opened a dispute with hiin.- Hard words passed ' between them.Bruen stayed’ for some time, : .; manifesting no intention, of leaving. •• Mr. ; Shaw, after awhile,.quietly left the, hotel and ; repaired to the residence of-a Justieo of tho Peace. A few moments’ consultation -with : him resulted in the issuing of a' warrant for the arrest of Bruen. The constable to whom the warrant thus issued had been' given im i mediately went in search of the lunatic; and ,at about 9.30 in the evening came intq contact with him. An efl'ort was made to arrest him. : Bruen resist ed with such strength and vigor , that he for some time baffled the united ex ertions of the half dozen men who contended against him. A long and desperate struggle, however, resulted in his. fall. His cap ; tors now madean - effort to tie : lus hands. . 'While preparations ■; were. .in progress he succeeded in wresting .himself,, from the grasp of those who held him down, I and sprang to his feet. Almost simultaneously with Ids nse from tho ground he drew a long ; jack-knife from his pocket and threatened to stab the first .man'who should again Attempt ,to put hands Upon. him. The fierce'' firmness which his words and manner bespoke intimi dated his captors', ana no second attempt was made to take him into Custody. When Bruen seemed to have satisfied himself that his threat ; had accomplished its intended’intimidation he turned on his heel and walked deliberately away., . He had not proceeded many steps before a young man ongageffin his father’s store near by, named Wm. Buck, stepped out upon the road, and with the evident intention of assist ing in his arrest, walked rapidly toward the retreating man. When he had got almost up with him, Bruen turned suddenly about and buried the long blade of his jack-knife into the : breast of his pursuer. The stabbed man re treated a few paces, crying “he has stabbed ; me;” then fell. Those who had attempted but unsuccessfillly to arrest Bruen, lifted his pros trate victim from the ground and carried him Into his father’s house. The news of the fatal encounter spread like wildfire among the people of the neighbor hood. A consultation was held and a number ; of the best men sent in pursuit of the savage lunatic. These soon encountered him. An attempt was made to capture him, a fearful struggle ensued, and it was not until he had, been knocked down three times with a bludgeon, that his capture was effected. He i was taken to Morristown and committed to jail. ' ' In the meanwhile young Buck was sinking ■ rapidly. At eleven o’clock he lost the power ;of speech. In two hours and a half afterwards, during which he- suffered unutterable agony, he was a corpse. The affair has created .a feeling of profound sorrow in the places where the lunatic and his victim resided. Scotched Them.—Daft Jamie was a. well known character in the city of Edinburgh forty years ago. As his sobriquet implies, he was crazy, but tlie crack in his skull let in sufficient light to enable him to run on errands and carry ; letters for those who might employ him. The > poor harmless lad'was the last victim of the in ; famous, Burke and Hare, and it was by his death that the long series of murders by those ’/wretches was brought to light; . One cold winter day Jamie delivered a letter to Bailie and: waited, at the office door while the clerk was pieparing a reply. : .“Weel, Jamie, my mon,”said the official, “ how’s a’ wi’ ye ?” . “Na that gude, Bailie; I had an unco bad dream last nicht.” “ And what might it be about ?” queried the Bailie, as he stood with his back to the blazing hearth, regarding with easy indifference the shivering .messenger. : ■ “ Deed then, Bailie: I just thocht I was in hell.” “So! And what sort of a place did you find it, laddie?” ....... “ Ou, just like aw ither places ;jthe biggest rogues nearest the fire Harper’s Drawer. CITY NOTICES. Every family should have a Home. Washer. Call and see the hand; machine in operation at 1031 Chestnut etroet. . Floral Caskets, exquisite mementoes fofthelovcd departed ones. Cali at Mrs. E. M. StlgiilO’S, 700 Wood Btreot, dr send for circulars. Burnett’s Cocoaine— The best and chenpost hair-dressing in tho world, is unsurpassed fur losb of hair, irritationof tho scolp and dandruff. Finest Clothing in' the city at Charles Stokes’s, under Continental. Ladies’ Oakfords’. Judicious • Mothers and nurses use for children a safe and pleasant medicine in Sower’s Infant Cordial . Those celebrated Pocket Panamas, sold at Charles Oakford & Son’s, under tho Continental, ure vory convenient for gonts traveling. Misses’ Sundowns, at Oakfords’. Surgical Instruments and druggists’ sun dries. „ .7 . . Snowden & Bhothkb, 83 South Eighth street. Singer’s Sewing Maohings on easiest possible terms, by i O. F.DAVIS, ■ , . SlO Chestnut Btreot. Get one of those Pocket Panamas, sold at Oakfords’, under the Continental. Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh. J. Isaacs, 51. D., Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to the. above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from tho moßt roliablo sources In the city can be soen at his office, No. 805 Aroh street. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no seorets in his practico. Arti ficial oyeß inserted. M o charge made for examination. Corns, Bunions, Inverted, Nails,, skillfully treated by Dr.. J. Davidson, No. 916 Chestnut stroet. Charges moderate. : ■ TJTEDDING CARDS/ INVITATIONS I'ltoTVarUm,&o. New styles. MASON* 00 > au26tf§ ■ - 907 Chestnut street. WEDDING INVITATIONS EN ,XI..£T“Te!i in . the newest and best manner. LOUIS DREKA, Stationer and Engraver, 1033 Oheßtnut streot. feaitf MARRIED. T F l T tost., by the Rov. J. Wheaton Smith, D.D., Alfred P. Griffith to Miss LllH Jarvis, both ot this city. No cards. . " ■ DIED. COLLET.—Entered into rest, July 25th, at German-‘ town, I*a., in the 79th yoar of her age, Mrs; Susan Brad* ford Collet, widow of Mark W. Coifit, of Paterson, N J Interment from St. Paul’s, Paterson, N. J. fNow Yorkpapers please copy ,j i 1 % GALLAGHER.—On Sunday, July 25tli* in New York Louisa A.Halliday, wife of Loon V. Gallagher. • JENKB.—On -tho 26th instant, Bessie Ervin, infant daughter, of Courtland FVaud Caroline H. Junks. aged 6 months and 9 days. Funeral on at 5 o’clock, from the residence of her parents/ No. 2106 Wallace street. Toprocoed to Laurel Hill. * MITCHELL.~On Sunday, the 25tb inst., Mary 8., wife of the luto B. Bush Mitchell, M. D., and daughter of Samuel O. Hpuckman. The relatives and friends of tho family are respectfully invited to attend tho funeral, from tho residence of her father, No. 139 North Fifteenth street, on Woduosday morning, tho 28th inst., at 10 o’clock. Services at tho Church of the Holy Trinity, comer of Nineteenth and Walnut strrotß; * ' MCLLIN,—On Sunday . July 25, in New York, Zepha* nlaliI). Mullin. in hi»67tn year. IB "HEAVIEST MESOH IRON BAREGES,B-4 WIDE, i; . . IRONBAREGEB,4-4WIDE. IRON BAKKUKB.B-4WIDE. n EYRE A LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, INSURANCE. MORjbfEOAI ;Ei. .EVANS’,' GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. EIREMEN’S INStBANtiE COMPANY jj/ ;j •••*•• ' NEW YORK, > Incorporated A. D. 1825. 1. '-I,;. ; • •-. i . • ;; The following Btntemont of the condition of tills Com pany January 1,1863, is published In accordance with <tho law of Pennsylvania regulating , tile , licensing of lnsurance. Com approved April 11, UGB. FIRST. Capital stock... ..$204,000 00 .of assessments or instalments on 1 stock paid in cosh . sicorn . Ca5h0n1innd................ 2 79 Cnßh in banks,specifying the banks—National Broadway Bank.... 6,883 45 Cash in hands of, agents in course of trans- ' i m18510n........... l4 Amount of loans secured by bonds and mort-. gages, ionstituting the first lien on real 1 ostato, on which there is less than one year’s ■ interest due and 0wing...... . 101,000 00 Amount of stockß owned by the Company, : specifying the number of shares and thoir par and market value: : , : value, value. U. 8: Eegißtored Bonds, 1881....,66,000 74,425 XJ. 8, Bonds, 5-20...-86,00# 95,400 New York County Bonds. 1,000 1,000 ' , . . 170,825 00 Amount of stocks held by the Company as collateral scourity for loans, with the - amount loaned on each kind of stock,its par and markot value: Par Market JLm't value, value.‘loaned. 40 Bhares Hudson Biter Railroad Co 6,200 3,000 W ! 8.6-20 Bonds .20,1)00 22,800 14,000 20 shares Republic Ins C 0...... U. 8.6-20 80nd5....." 1,600 Dutchess County Bonds. 6,0001 Brooklyn City 80nd5..... I,ooo{ V. 8. Bonds 4,000 Chicago end Altoona Railroad Bonds 10,000 10,000, Pittsburgh and Fort > V ISI MO B. 80ndi.... 7,000 7,840 fC • V. 8. Bonds, 6-20..... l,oooj 1,100/- U. 8. Bonds, 6-20. ..16,900 17,790 15,800 Cleveland and Toledo Railroad Bonds.. U. 5.5-20 Bonds... .15,000 14,250 10,000 . 8,000 8,640 8,300 01,400 100,970 78,100 Accrued interest not j’ct due......... Other available miscellaneous asßetSt specify- ing their character and value. Revenue Stamps..... Leaseof Office 153 Broadway, based on actual offer made Total Assets, - - $394,449 49 THIRD. Amount of loseeß diiring tho year, adjusted •but not due I*ooo 00 Amount of losses reported to the Company but not acted up0n,..,..*.......,........12,690 00 Amountof loßsesreaisted.by the Company None Amount of all other claims against the Com ) pany, contested oir Otherwise.- 1 Amount required to safely re-ihsuro all out i 'standing risks..-. FOURTH. Amount of cash premiums received 291)126 26 Amount of promiumg not paid in cash during . the year, stating the chaxactor of such pre* mlumg... Amount of premiums earned............! Incomo from all other sources* specifying •what sources....... 16*863 67 . riSTU. Amount of losses paid daring the year.......;.... 90,423 30 Amount paid and owing for re-insarancel ...1 „™ M Amount of return premiums, whether paid I or unpaid.. ..... j Amount of dividends declared during year 4,690 SO . Amount of dividends paid ...... 34,680 00 Amount of expenses paid during the year, in cluding commissions and foes paid to agents - ■ and officers pf-the Company.. Amount of losses due and unpaid Amount of taxes paid by tho Company Amount of all other expenses and expendi tures Far and market value of the Company’s stock ! pershare MORDECAI D. EVANS, ■ Agent and Attorney for Penn’a., No. 431 WALNUT STREET, piniiAOELriiiA. M. D. EVANS. jy22 tii a tu s 4t§ SPECIAL NOTICES. THE BEST Of Everything in the Clothing Line " MAY BE FOUND ALL THE YEAR ROUND ax The Chestnut St. Clothing Establishment 818 and 830 Chestnut Street. A Finer Quality of Ready-Made Clothing than dan be had elsewhere in the city. A large assortment of Stylish Bathing Suits for Gentlemen and Boys. JOHN WANAHEAKER. - mySrp ’* ■■ ' -.. ■ 1 ' n-3» STATE . BIGHTS FOB BALE.- dried boot, cabbage, &c., are hereby offered for sale- It la an article of Croatvalueto proprietors of hotels and restaurante, ana it should ho Introduced Into ovary fam ily. State rights for Bale. Model can bo soon at the telegraph offlfe. Copper’s Point, N. J. ““oq.attno. mv29-tf§ MUNDY A HOFFMAN. Par Market 152500 170325 2,100 1,500 1350 1300 I,’ooot S' ooo 4,400 4,000 365334 38 2,316 13 25,000 00 9234184 5105,731 81 ... 6,73) SB - 25 ,066) 39,952 15 None. 10,1$ 20 15,775 95 Par. Marktt. 17 2380 B. E.HAEE. INSOHANCE. MOBDEK&AIP. EVANS’, 1 GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. . 1 ’i ■ c ■■>' >;?;v?M : c**V/: v -.v s, .( t ‘iy vf ALBANY CITY INSURANCE COMPANY i .V ; ? ‘iji ; 5 v>-*-J f NEW YORK. Incorporated A. D. 1800. : The following statement of the condition of this Com pany January 1,1869, is published in accordance with the law of Pennsylvania regulating tho licensing' of Foreign Insurance. Companies, approved April 11,1863. first. Capital stock. ::.... ... 200,000 0* Amount of assessments or instalments on ; stock paidfneosh.-...,......... .................... 200,000 00 SECOND. Cash on hand 91183 Cash.in bank,.specifying tho banks—lfopo , Bank of Albany 16,96033 Cash in hands of agents: in couroo of trails mißSion ; 63,648 94 Amount of loans secured by bonds and mort gages, constituting tho first lien on real estate,onwhlch'there is less than one year's ,interest due and 0wing....... 39,300 60 Amount of stocks owned by the Company, specifying the humbor of shares and tliolr par and market valuo: Par Market ; ' value, value. ' ‘ 8110,000 U. 8.5-20 80nd5...... .110,000 117,800 75,000 U. S. 10-40 Bonds 76,900 77,625 ■■■■■■’ ; 50,000 Albany and Susque- - hnnna 8.8. Bonds... £O4lOO 45,000 Interest on investments due and unpaid. 235 27 Accrued interest hot y6t'due...„........ O7 Other available miscellaneous aesots, specify- ing their character and value.™....™ Bills receivable for Marino Premiums not yet due™..™..™.™. 68,574 71 Claims for salvages on losses already paid. 21,569 33 Safes, Office Furniture and Fixtures at Homo and other Offices 104)15 10 Total Assets, - - $453,193 23 \ THIRD. Amount of losses during the year, adjusted 184111 84 but not due _.... \ Amount of losbcs reported to the Company but not acted up0n...™..;..™...........™.™ 37J22 72 Amouht'of losses resisted by the Company. 3,000 00 Amount of dividends due and unpkfd.None. Amount of money borrowed, and the - nature nnd amount of the security given None. Amount of all other claims against the Com pany, contested or'otherwise... ™. v ; None. Amount required to Bafely re-infmro all out standing risks. 76,090 62 FOURTH. Amount of cash premiums received. 563,332 92 Amount of premiums not paid in cosh during the year, stating the character of such pre miums None. MarlnCrlsks premiums not yet due.................. . 69,574 71 In hands of agents in course of tranmission.... 53,643 94 Amount of premiums earned ™..„™ 379,938 60 Interest received from inve5tmenta.™..............' 164)87 72 Income from all other sources,' specifying what soiycee FIFTH, Amount of losses paid during tho year...........; 373,576 99 Amount paid and owing for re-insurance -premiums Hone. Amount of return premiums, whether paid or unpaid 50,720 08 -Amount of dividends declared during year. Nbtte. Amount of dividends paid....... Hone. Amount of expenses paid during the year, in _.cluding commissions and fees paid to agents and officers of the Company 97,476 29 Amount of losses duo and unpaid Hone. Amount of taxes paid by the Company 18,067 87 Amount of all other expenses and cxpendi-’“' tures - Hone. Par and market value of the Company’s stock per share. ! 100 00 JVLORDECAI D. EVANS Agent and Attorney for Penn’s., No. 431 WALNUT STREET, PHU.AD£U*HIA. M. D. EVAHS. jy22 th a tu b 4tj SPECIAL NOTICES. ROSE HILL CEMETERY. A new and beautiful CEMETERY has been recently, located on LANCASTER Avenue, a short distance from Overbrook Station, on the Pennsylvania Central Rail road, just beyond the city line and near the boundary of the new City Park. The HestonviUe Passenger Rail road, it is oxpocted, will shortly bo extended and pass in front of this Cemetery. These grounds, in natural and' created embellishments, ore equaled by-few and sur passed by no Cemetery In the country. The projectors ore now selling a limited number of Lots of 10 by 12 foot at $2O per lot, payablo in installments. The price will shortly be doubled. Portions of tho ground can now bo allotted to Societies on favorable terms. Partlesdesiring to purchase are invited to visit these grounds without delay, and judge for themselves of tho advantages offered. For further information, apply at the Office of the Presi dent, A. M. HOPKINS, „ - ■ 818 WALNUT Street, Or of the Secretary, GEO. CHANDLER PAUL; 1723 North TENTH Street. „ ■ BOARD OP MANAGERS: A. M. Hopkins, I Goo. Oknndlor Paul, Jacob Gukelor, I - Geo. W. Buckmau, _ Baml.J. Wallace. je!7 3mrp§ • . • • • f-3» A NEW POLITICAL PARTY. Pursuant to a call lssuod July 8,1869,and extensive ly ulgqed by tbe citizens of Philadelphia, a meeting of Delegates from tho several Wards will be held at Con cort Hall, Augnßt4.l6«9, at 10 o’clock A, M:,for the pur pose of completing tho organization of the Prohibitory Party, and nominating candidates for tho city offices, to bo submitted to' the voters of Philadelphia at the ensuing election. • ■ . . ■ • ~ ' '■. -I.' Newton Pelrco, Amos Briggs, J. C. Garriguos, Enoch 0. Hendry, Goorgo Gabel, Georgo H. Hick, Wm.' B:Stiles, E. W.,Bmitlicman, Goorgo 8. Ferguson, S. 8.. Kotchnm, Committee of Arrangements. jy'l7 n—3» BE&ULAB DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE . . FOB LEGISLATURE, .. seconddistrict, WILLIAM 0. GILLINGHAM. jy3tflstp§ ITS- B. PRANK PALMER, LL. D., SUR wvSr goon Artist, haß just been commissioned by the BUrgeon-GOnernl to supply tho Palmer Arm and Logfor mutilated Officers of tho u. 8. Army and Navy. The Governmental offices aro to bo located in Philadelphia, New Yorkand Boston, and are all conducted by Dr.' PALMER. ■ my277Btrp§ HOWARD HOSPITAL, NOS. 1618 X and 1020 Lombard streot, Dispensary Department.' odlcal treatment and medicine furnished gratuitously to tho poor. V . ' HO9 GIRARD STREET. 1109 TURKISH, RUSSIAN, AND PERFUMED BATHS./ Departments for Ladies Baths open from OA. M.- to 91‘. M. MORDECAI D. EVANSV GENERAL INSURANQEAGENCY. CONNECTICUT ME INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, CONN. Incorporated A. D. 1850. The following statement of tho condition of thin Com pany January 1,1809, la published in accordance with the law of Pennsylvania. regulating the, licensing of foreign Insurance Companies, approved April 11,1808. Capital stock.. ©200,000 00 Amonni< of: assessments or instalments on . stock paid in cash :....... Cash on hand 0,424 25 Cash in banks, specifying the banks—Hart ford National Bonk 10,024 25 Cash in hands of agents in conrso of traußmis- sion ! 14400 00 Amount of stocks owned by the Company, < specifying the number Of shores and their par and market yaluo: ■■ ■; 60 Bonds U. 8. Five-twenties, 81400 each, at 81,100., ~71,500 10 Bonds State of Connecticut, $l,OOO each, at 81400...;......;.h..;....10,000 10 Bonds City of Hartford, ©l,OOO each, at 81400. ........................10,000 fi Bonds City of Chicago, 111., ©l*ooo each, nt 81400......... 6,000 10 Bonds Atlantic Bock Co., Brooklyn^ N.Y.. 81,000 each, at 81,000......—.10400 12 Bonds Chicago and Galena 8.8. Co., (2dHort.> 81400 each, at 81400.........12400 S Bonds Mich. Southern A North Ind. 8.8. Co, (SJF.) 81400 each,at 81400. SAOO 8 Bonds Mich. Southern A North Ind. B. B. Co. (2d Mort.) 81.000 oach, at 8940........... 7420 10 Bonds Cincinnati and Indianapolis 8.8. C0.,81000 each,atB9so ...... &500 20 Bonds Cleve. Pains, and Astabulaß. 1 B. Co., 81,000 each, at 81400... ......20400 76 shares H. A N. H. B. B. Co. Stock. Hartford, 8120.... ■ 18400 100 shares Hartford . National Bank Ssock, Hartford, 8143. 14400 100 shares City National Bank Stock, Hartford, 8110 ...... 11,000 V 100 shares JEtna National Bank Stocky Bert ford, 8120. 12400 2(0 shares Farm. A Meek. Nat. Bank Stuck, Hartford. ©132....... 28,400 115 shares Phoenix Natlonalßank Stock, Hartford, 8135. 15425 100 sharos Ocehn. National Bans Stock (850 shares), N. Y., BHO. 5400 50sliares National Bank .■■■■;■ Stock,N. Y.,'BH2 5400 (0 shares Metropolitan National Bonk 8t0ck,N.Y.,8112. „ 7,100 50shares Nassau Bonk Stock, N, Y„ 8107.—..— - 5450 to shares Continental National Bank - Stock, N,Y;, 8102..... SJOO £0 shareß American Exchange National Bank BtockyNiY.islU 5,750 : 250 shares Phoenix National Bank S lock (820 shares), N- Y., 8U0...........5400 50 Bhores National Hide ; A tea. Bank Stock, Boston, 898 4,000 70sharesC.C.C. A Indianapolis 8.8. Co. Stock. 878. 5,460 8133,785 18 Other available miscellaneous a55et5......... Total Assets, - . - $342,613 SO Amount of losses reported to the Company but not acted upon... 15,554 00 Amount of losses resisted by tbo Company. 1,28132 Amount of all other-claims against the Com* pany, contested orotherwiso None. Amountrequired to safely re-Insuro all out standing risks 76,634 88 Amount of cosh premiums dnringtho year.....; < 170,899 72 Amount of premiums earned.;.......^......'........,... Interest received from investments 21,672 27 Amount of iosßos paid dnring tho year............ 76,037 42 Amount of return premiums, whether paid or = unpaid. 11.215 25 Amount of dividends declared during year...i 24,000 00 .Amo3mti>!fdlyidends paid..,........ 24,000.00 Amount of oxpensos paid during the year, in - - eluding commissions and fees paid toagonta - ——— and officers of the C0mpany........... 40,391 69 Amount of losses due and unpaid - 16,838 32 Amount of taxes paid by the Company...... 7,475 00 Parahdffiarkbtyalub of the Company’s stock per share. / Par value. Market value. $lOO. $l2O per share. MORDECAI D. EVANS, Agent and Attorney for Penn’a., No. 431 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. R. E. HARE, M. D. EVANS, jy22 th H tu 6 4t! |>T5» PHILADELPHIA AND READING ttys' Bailroad Conignny, Ofllco 227 South Fourth street, Fhlladelphtu, M9. notiob The Transfer Books of this Company, will be closed on THURSDAY, July Btli, and reopened FRIDAY, July 23d. A Dividend of Five Per Cent, has boon declared on tho Preferred and Common Stock, clear of tho'National and Stato Taxes, payable in Common Stock on and after the &2d of July next; to the holders thereof, as they shall ttand registered on tho Books of tho Company at tho close of business on the 6th of July next. AU payable at this Office. All Orders for Dividends must be witnessed and stamped. S. BRADFORD, ,iyl 26trp Treasurer. TRIMMINGS AND PATTERNS. TITBS. M. A. BINDER. IVI DRESS TBmMHffG AND PAPEB PATTERN ■ N. W.COBNEB ELEVENTH AND CHESTNUT, Will oloso out the balance of her summerstockAt greatly reduced prices, prior to her departure for Eurone. THURSDAY, July Bth. Choice lot of Colored Silk Fringes, 26,83,40,00,62 cts. ajyard,ull shades; also, Plaid Nainsooks, French Muslins, Pique and Marseilles,Ham* burg Edging and Insertions, 800 l Guipure Lacoe. _A Cnso Lace Points, Sacques andJackets.Lama Laco Parasol Covers. Black Thread Locos, all widths,at very low pricos. Gonuine Joseph; Kid. Gl6vos,sl 00 a pair. Missos r s Colored Kids. Now Style Parasols and Seasides, Roman, and Plain Ribbon and Saßhes. Paris Jewelry, and a thousand and one article, For Mrs. M. WORK’S Colebrated System for Cutting Ladies’ Dresses, Sacques, Basques, Garibaldis, OhU* dren’e Clothes, <S5C.»by measurement. - AGENTS WANTED- f Ladies are now making from $lOO to $2OO per month as gents for this system. : mvlflrp ISAAC NATHANS, AUCTION EER,N. E. • corner Third and Spruce atroots, only one squaro Below the Exchange. Q 250,000 to loan, In large or email amounts, on diamonds, silver plato, watches,' jowolry. end all goods of value. Office hours from 8 A. M. to 7 P. M. tO r Estahllshod for tholaat forty years. Ad vances made In large amounts at tho lowest market rates. jag tlrp , JORDAN’S CELEBRATED PURE TONIO t) Ale for Invalids, family use, &o. ' The euhserlber IB now furnlehed with his full Winter supply ofhle highly nutritious and well-known bever age. Its widespread and increasing use, by order of physicians, for invalids, nso of families, Ac., commend it to the attention of all consumers who want a strictly pnro article; prepared from tho m&t materials, and put up in the most careful manner for home nee or transpor-: tatlon. Orders by mail or othorwißo jin|>pUed. _do7 - below Btroe^s. CHALK.— EOR SALE, W TONS OE Chalk, Afloat. Apply to WOBKSTAN & 00.. Walnut street. INSBKAHCE. ,r' i. ' v FIRST. SEtIOSI), THIRD. FOURTH. FIFTH. DIVIDEND NOTICES. •y ■'''! MORDECAI D. EVANS’, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. TRADESMEN’S FQtE insurance company Incorporated A. D. 1858. Tho following statement ofthe condition of this Oom pany January 1,1809, is published In accordance with' *“ e law of Pennsylvania regulating tho licensing of Il “ l * n ronco..ConipAnle6i approved April 21,1308. Capital.stock....... ...§150.000 OS Amount of assessments or Instalments"on ; stock paid In cash Cash on liand Cosh in banks, specifyini' the" bank*-Mo cbanlcs’ and Tradesmen’s national Bank.. CaB ! 1 . {“ hands of agents In' course of trans mission Amount of loans secured by boni£ aid mort gages, constituting the: first lien on real ostate, on which there Is loss tlmn one rear'* interest due and owing... ..... mm Amount of stocks owned by the Company, ■■ specifying the number of shares and their par und market valuo: Par" Market ' value. vahrt. 25 Bonds 91(000 each of 0.8, 80nd5,1864...... 30 Bond) Qipao each of U. S. Bond), SO Bonds 9500 each of O. 8. Bonds, 1865..™.. ........ 15,000 IBJOOOO 100 Bonds 81,000 each of 0.8. Bond*,new Issue, 1883.. ...100,000 111404 80 10 Bond* 91400 each V. B.B'* ot 1881.— 19400 11400 00 « Bonds 81,000 each Brooklyn City 7 porcont. 30 years 80nd5.......... ..._ , 5,000 6,250 00 125 Bobds 825 each U. and T. ’ National Bank... 3,125 iXi 00 Interest on Investments due and unpaid,....-.. Accrued interest, not yet due,...;...——. Other available miscellaneous assets, specify ing their character and va1ue...... OroBS premiums in duo course of ' collection- ..I*oo3 53 Beduct bad debts.—....———— 250 00 Salrage.property and claims on losses already paid — ....... .. Amount or losses daring lbs year, adjusted but not due. ....... Amount of losses reported to the Company but not acted up0n...... ... Amq'nbt of losses resisted by tbe Company...... Amount of dividends due and unpaid Amount of money borrowed, and the nature and amonnt of the swurity given Amount due for rant.. 1 Amount due for taxes , Amount due for return premiums.......,-. .... Amount of all other claims against the Com pany, contested or otherwise..... _ Amonnt required to safely re insure ail out standing Ti5k8.......„..„.........,.-....„.„; 306485 00 Amount of cath premiums Yccoiredof which Ql6B,S£O 13 belonged to prior years...... Amount of premiums not paid in cash during the year, stating the character of such pre miums ... ... Amount of premiums earaod Interest received from investments. ..... Income from all other sources, epeclfyibg ; what sourms ; Amount of losses paid during the year..... 31fi12 82 Amount paid and owing for re-insurance :: premiums Amount of rctnrn premiums, whether paid : or unpaid... —— .. .... 10/KM il Amount of dividends declared during year...... 15/JQQ 00 Amount or dividends paid 75 Amount of expenses paid during the year, in cluding commissions and fees paid to agents find officers of the Company Amount of losses duo and unpaid Amount of taxes paid by the Company...... Amount of all other expenses and expendi tures ..............a.... Par and market value of the Company’s stock per share: MORDECAI D. EVANS, Agent and Attorney for Penn’a., No. 431 WALNUT STREET, PUIIiADELPIUA. B. B. HABE, M. D. EVANS. jy22 th s tn s 4tS 9{{ D|hEBLEB 4 mfILSON’S (||| Sewing Machines, FOB, SALE ON Easy Payments, 924 Chestnut SHreet^ 01/ PETERSON & CARPENTER, QJ/ Oil GENERAL AGENTS. V IT »tn fh lyrp , . P- M. LAXE. smSi Builder of First-class Light and Heavy CARRIAGES, Respectfully. invites attention to his largo stock Of - finished Carriages. Also, orders token for Carriages of ovary description, at Manufactory and Warerooms, 3433, 3434 and 3430 MARKET SXBECT, Three squares west of Pennsylvania Railroad Depot ■ fe2 tn th n6san>'. : •;■■■■ GALVANIZED and Pointed WIRE GUARDS, for storefronts and windows, for : factory- and warobouoo windows, for ohurches and collar windows. ! ; / IRON and WIRE RAILINGS, for balconies, offices, cemetory and garden fences.. V l Liberal allowance made to Contractors, ! Builders and Carpenters. All orders filled with promptness and work guaranteed. ROBERT WOOD & GO., 1136 Ridge Avcnne, Philo. je29 tn th s tarp§ • ' OF NEW YORK, FIBST. SECOND. 30400 32,400 00 THIBD. FOOBffH. Par value. Market value, §23. Nonosold. SEWING MACHINES. WIRE WORK. 11,75 J M Hood, 750 00 232 75 9551 92,423 05 232502 32 None. eonotM 19 fits IS IA9O 92 88,093 89 None. 9,329 93 13,903 13 R. E. HARE. 'Ukkst --