Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, July 24, 1869, Image 3
’:v\ - BUSINESS NOTICES. a SKalden’s mash” istheiinre -beachyOomplexionwhichfollows tho use of Hago&V Ba&i -ft is ftho True Secret of Beauty. BWiei In Society understand this. \ : Tho Magnolia Balm changes tho rustic. Country Girl ftato a City Belle more rapidly than any other one thing:. Xlcdneto, Sunburn, Tan, Freckles, Blotches and &U srfrecta of theßunmier Sun disappear where it is used, And a genial, cultivated, fresh expression is obtained which rivals tho Bloom of Youth. Beauty is possiblo to All who will invest 75 cents at any respectable store, and flfcffiffton getting tho Uagxioliaßfthn. ■ (jylS’th stu lm§ Beotibthing to Press tho Hair. There Is no mistake abont It, Plantation Bitters will ward off. Fevernnd Ague and »U kindred diseases, if used in time. Ho family need suffer from this (distressing complaint if they will keep Plantation Bitters in tho house, and use it according to directions. Tho jnoet ; important ingredient of this mediemo fs Wolisayaor Peruvian Bark, which is known to bo too finest and purest tonic in the vegetable kingdom. Tho extract of tnia Bark is thcactivc principloof ail the good Fever nnd Ague Medicines prescribed by intelligent doc tor*. 1 Oalifcaya Bark is used extensively mtbenmnufac tore of Plantation Bitters, ns well ns ouinine, a n d wo dare say they owe their popularltymostly to that fact. We can recommend them. We gave, a few days ago, the substance of an interesting report of a special committee of the State Medical Society, on the subject of In temperance as a Disease. The -views of that committee, which Was composed of some of the best medical men of Pennsylvania, were radical in then 1 advocacy of alcoholic and nar cotic agents as medical remedies. They as sumed that there are proper uses for these agents, and that the medical profession is not to be held responsible for the excessive uses of them which lead to the many evils of intem perance. They regarded intoxicants and nar cotics as medicines to be used with proper care and judgment, and held that the physi cian is only to be held responsible for their pre scription in the same way as relates to any other remedy. The report pointed out some of the useful effects of these remedies, and, in short, treated the entire subject from a scien tific, and not at all from a moral point of view. A communication in to-day’s paper, from a highly esteemed physician, corrects an error into which we were led, in reference to the State Medical Society’s action on this report. It appears that the report was “accepted,” and not “adopted,” a distinction well understood in PACKER’S HONEY. the proceedings of all deliberative bodies. There lias been some very brisk ciphering Moreover^,the Society appears to have provided among the Democratic politicians since the an antidote for this report, if it needs one, by Harrisburg nominations were made. Some the appointment of another Committee, which want to ascertain, as near as may be, the gross reported, at the same time, views on the sub amount that can be got out of a twenty-five j e ct of the use of intoxicants diametrically op million candidate for Governor, in the course posite to those of the first named Committee, of a campaign beginning in July and ending in The Medical Society, therefore, stands just October. Then each particular district, county where it was before; having gained nothing for and w ard has its managers, each of whom itself or the community, except by laying be r claims a certain number of thousands of the fore the public two sets of contradictory Packer money. They argue, very naturally, I opinions which will sprve to strengthen the that as Mr. Packer never could have been views of those who are already committed to nominated as the candidate of the party if he each side of the question, had not been a rich man, his riches must be The report of the second Committee has not distributed for the good -of the party. Even yet been published, but its substance is indi granting that he did buy the nomination with cated in the communication published to-day. $lOO,OOO or $200,000; still that money went It opposes all use of intoxicants as injurious and into only a few hands; some, too, that ex- unnecessary, and repudiates the theory that in jected part of it got none, and after all, the toxication is any more a disease, than is lying hard-workers that did not go to Harrisbuig, or stealing or any other vice, but who are expected to devote their time to We fear that the report of the Parrish Com the canvass, want a fresh and fair distribution, mittee on this important subject has not been Philadelphia, as the scene of the hottest part clearly understood. If we are to judge from of the contest, claims not less than live mil- the tone of communications we have received lions of Mr. Packer’s money. This, it must be upon, the subject, the impression has been admitted, is unreasonable; for the other twenty made that the State Medical Society, through would not satisfy the party in the remaining jt s Committee, advocates the use of intoxicants counties. But it is not unnatural that demands and narcotics with a freedom that must to the amount of five millions should be made encourage rather than diminish intemperance, by the Philadelphians who went to Harris- Without intending to adopt the views of either burg. Everybody knows that the Philadel- party of the disagreeing doctors, it is only fair phians nominated Packer. .It could not have to say that this is a most mistaken inference been done without the active efforts of Hon. from the Committee's report. The report, Samuel J. Randall, Alderman William Me- w hile it claims that there is a distinct disease Mullen and their “crowd.” The very skill by w’hich makes many men drunkards, is very which, when making a show for Hancock, strong’ in insisting upon'the duties of physicians they were really nominating Packer, was j n treating it. The Committee say : worth a million of the Packer fortune, and “It is said that we, as a profession, are doing then, when one thinks of the moral weight much to promote intemperance by the admin thrown into the scale when the delegates from istration of alcoholic remedies. Whether this the down town wards cast their votes for be true or not, is a question which each one the millionaire of Mauch Chunk, why it should gravely, consider for himself. We have seems as if two millions .woultL not be too -all the varieties of intoxicating and - much for the politicians of the first. Congres- more than two hundred alcoholic tinctures at sional district alone. The second, third, fourth mir command, for the treatment of all sorts of and filth districts have not such high claims, disease requiring stimulant and narcotic reme but they need money, and they-are. to have an flies, and it'vvould be unreasonable and even average of a million apiece, making six mil- arrogant to suppose that there|is not occasional bons thus “greed upon for disposal in Phila- indiscretion in their choice and prescription, delplua and Bucks county. It is represented AU this may be acknowledged without admit, to Mr. Packer that this is not only a fair, but ting any more than the lallibility of human absolutely necessary appropriation. For jud g ment and tbe uncertainty of human the Phdadelplna Democracy has been in a hor- sk ill. while we have no sympathy -with ridly. demoralized condition since the local con- the wholesale clamor against the vent ions nominated their tickets. Even the profession on this account, we believe there is newspapers of the party will not come out in < need of caution in the administration of in favor of the candidates.. I here are qna^ls n >fgsri cail t s to persons in whom the tendency to and divisions in every ward, and nothing can excess in their use is apparent. We should b* settle all these things but five or six millions of careful in the use of intoxicants in disease. Mr. Packer’s money. There is reason to fear that alcoholic liquors From the other end of the State corny are frequently employed too freely as remedies, clamorous demands to Mr. Packer by every especially among young persons, and that such mail. The delegates from. Allegheny and practice is productive of evil consequences, ether western counties claim that as their We should see to it that we do nothing that favorite candidate was sacrificed to the neces- may prove the occasion for excess on the part sity that was insisted on .of nominating a man 0 f those vvho commit themselves to our care, of Mr. Packer’s fortune, they and their con- jj- ; t can bc avoided. stituents have a right to be liberally paid for “We are also called upon to instruct the fami the sacrifices they made. Besides, there is a for whom we prescribe, and the communities gi eat deal of soreness among Mr. Cass’s friends, in w hich we live, concerning both the causes which can only be healed by, say, a million for 0 f intemperance and the uses of alcohol.” Allegheny and half a million for each of the Alter the doctors have discussed this impor cther Cass counties. The fact that Hon. Wil- taut subject to their hearts’ content, it will ham A. Galbraith, a Cass delegate from Erie probably remain about where it is at the begin county, lias been appointed Chairman of the hlg ol tlltl debilte . And) as is so common, the fctate Central Committee, shows that it is con- tnitli w jn be found at some point midway be sidered necessa.y to conciliate the Western | twmi the contending parties. Intemperance ■ emocraey. But there is no conciliatory : w yi bq.found to be a disease in some cases and powei e money, and Mr. Galbraith is ex- j ;l v ice j n others. Prescriptions may cure the pected to secure tor the Western counties so ! one> and punishment the other. The good that large a sliaie ot the Packer fortune as will , w ill come out of the discussion will probably satisiy all the disaflccted Cass men of the J con sist in increased caution in prescribing in- West. Of course this will not win Republican * toxicants especially to youthful patients, on votes, but it will heal the .wounded..sensibili-_|_ lbe -_ 01 )e.—hand,—anil—in -an-enlarged charity- - j toward the victims of intemperance, and more ! enlightened and liberal efiorts to reclaim and restore them to their lost positions In society, on the other. Magnolia Water.— Superior to tho best imported Berman Cologne, and sold at half the price. jy2o-tuth s3t Conrad Meyer, Inventor nnd Manufac turer of the celebrated Iron Frame Piano, hue received the Prfcse Medal of the Worlds Great Exhibition, Lon don, England. The biehest prizes awarded when and wherever exhibited. Warerooma,722 Arch etreot. Es tablished IW. myl s,m,w 3m§ To Hemove Moth Patches, Prechles and Tnn from the face, übc Perry’s Moth and Frocklolotion. Prepared by Dr. B. C. Perry, Dermatologist, 19 Bond street, New York. Sold by all Druggists in Philadelphia nnd elsewhere. Wholesale by Johnson, Holloway* Cowden. jeli)s,ni,\v3ni§ The Weber Pianos, Deed entirely by “Madamo Parcpa,” “Miss Kellogg,” -•MissAlido Topp,” Messrs. Mills, Sanderson, Patter ■sd, Ole Bull, Hopkinß and other great artists. For salo only by J. A.GETZE, oplOß w tf§ 1102 Chestnut stroot. Stelnway’s Pianos received the highest wrard (first gold medal) at the International Exhibition, Paris, 1807. See Official Beport, at the Waroroom of ■ BI.ABIUS BROS., nell-tf No. IQOd Chestnut street. EVENING BULLETIN. Satnrday, Jaly 24,1860. Persons leaving the city for the sum mer, and wishing’ to have the Evening Bul letin sent to them, will please send their ad dress to the office. Price by mail, 75 cents per month. ties of Mr. Cass’s friends, and make them cease their complaints aboqt the way they were bam- bocuded at Harrisburg. ■ . ■: . Tlie-dartbg of the other parts of tho State ‘ have not yet been adjusted, and these are going to cause some little diflieulty. The Democ- raey.ot the Lehigh Valley counties—Nortii -•-ampton,Lcbigbp(j'arboniuid'Luzierne—claim that as Mr. l’acker’s fortune was all made from the .Lehigh legion, lie should return the bulk of it to them, and thus establish his claim to the heavy vote they expect to poll for hiim But then, Berks, Lancaster, the Susquehanna re gion, the terrible black Republican northern tier, and the gradually enlightening Southern tier of counties, all have claims that are being urged in bushels of letters that are pourih" in upon Mr. Packer by every mail, if he were to grant all the demands made u pon him, Be Would be a hopeless pauper by ■ October. But while he cannot and will not do this, he intends to tie Sis liberal and' fair as possible, and from twenty to twenty-five millions may be counted on as likely tobe dis tributed among the Democratic wire-pulling politicians of the State., Of course this will not elect him, and not one-twentieth part pf it will he spent in legitimate electioneering. But Hr. Packer, good , easy man, thinks it will elect him, and he is so elated and happy at the idea of be ing a candidate for Governor, that he is just I now disposed to be very liberal. The claimants of his cash are all crowding to him while he is in this mood, for they expect he will tighten his puree-strings as the campaign advances and he begins to see’tliat he has been throwing his money away, and that, alter all, the people are going to re-elect Geary. THE DOCTORS DISAGREE. EltOM OCEAN TO - OCEAN IN SIX DAYS. 7 A"“pal;Ice _ car,”fuirofpassengcrs7thatlcft _ ! San Francisco less than a week ago, arrived at j Mew York this morning, thus traversing the whole continent in the short space of six i days. Tassengers who came iu it may embark i to-day for Europe, and arrive in Liverpool in nine days more, thus traversing the whole ' distance from tire shores of California to the . : shores of England in fifteen days. All this vast journey of nearly seven thousand miles will have-been made without diflieulty or fatigue, i iirst in a luxurious railroad car, and then in an 1 equally luxurious steamship. The mystic flights of the Hours, the fabu- THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN—PHILADELPHIA,"SATURDAY, JULY ,24, 1869. loiis iales oi' the ■ dreams of poets, are thus : rivalled by the ac tual work of human ingenuity and enterprise iii the nineteenth ceentury. The journey be tween the Atlantic and the Pacific is thus made as short and much less fatiguing than the jour ney between the'Delaware and the’ Ohio was in the 'youth of our fathers. The" practical benefits of the Pacific Railroad are thus pre sented vividly to the minds of, the people. That which has been done once, perhaps as a show trip, can easily be done daily, under effi cient organization. The public will demand that such organization be effected without de lay. There is no reason why a regular time table should not be established; west of Omaha, and adhered to as strictly as it is east of Omaha. The time may be shortened, per haps, by a day. But we fancy that the travel ing community will he satisfied,for the present, with making the trip from ocean to ocean in sis days. The surrender of the House of Lords on the Irish Church bill, immediately after a vote which showed such an overwhelming pre ponderance against the Government, has taken everybody by surprise. It is only to be ac counted for on the theory that the direct power of public opinion, backed by the almost unani mous demands of the press, has forced upon the Lords the conviction that it is no longer safe to oppose themselves to the popular will. Practically, the Irish Church bill, which was supposed to he killed by the last action of the House of Lords, is ail accomplished fact. The two Houses have tested their respective strength, and the Commons have carried the day and, with a few unimportant concessions on their part, the bill will pass in its original form. Angfy recriminations' have given way to polite interchanges of compliments, and, under the common pressure of a consciousness of the grave consequences of prolonging the contest, both sides appear to be honestly delighted that this important ques tion haS been thus settled. What its direct effects are to he on future questions of reform, it is impossible to predict; but it is not in human nature to sit down content witli such a victory, when it so clearly proves the power of the Liberals to gain almost anything which they may choose to demand. The Age rivals the Artful Dodger in its avoidance of committal of itself on the Aliern- Stewart ticket. The utmost we can get out of it is a feeble attempt to insinuate that the Democratic ticket is no wise than the Re publican. Besides the absurdity of the insinu ation in point of fact, there is an utter absence of all logic and common sense in the Age's ciy of “Stop thief!” To-day it dodges by asking us to “give the public our private information as to the status of Houseman, Hopkins and Ashton.” The Age is not exactly entitled to an answer to its question until it answers ours, but we have no hesitation in saying that, according to our best private and public infor mation, the personal status of Messrs. House man, Hopkins and Ashton is so far above and beyond that of the Age's candidates, “ Johnny” Ahern and “ Jimmy” Stewart, that they cannot properly be discussed on the same day. Mr. Ashton and “ Jolmny” Ahem are both inti mately familiar with the business of the Court of Quarter Sessions, but in such very different capacities that there can scarcely he said to be a comparison between them. Is the Age going to vote the whole ticket ? / DR. R. F. THOMAS, THE LATE OPE rator at the Colton Dental Association, is now tho only one in Philadelphia who devotes his entiro time and iraotice to extracting teeth, absolutely without pain, by resh nitrous oxide gas. Office, No. 3027 waluut streets. mhS-lyrpg COLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION OKI ginated the unmsthetic use of NITROUS OXIDE, OB LAUGHING GAS, And devote their whole time ahd practice to extracting teetli without pain. Office, Eighth nnd Walnut BtroetL ap2oly JOHN CKUMP7~BUILDEK t ~ 1731 CHESTNUT STREET, and 213 LODGE STREET. Mechanics of every branch required for Uouae-building : and fittiug promptly furnished. fe27*tf POSTS AND KAILS, POSTS AND RAILS, all styles. Four-hole, square and half round posts. Shingles—Long and short,Heart and sap. 50,000-feet first common boards. Shelving, lining and storo-fitting material mado a spe cialty. NICHOLSON’S, , mys-tfrp Seventh and Carpenter streets. jjENIiY PHILLIPPI, NO. 102-1 SANSOM STREET, jelO-lyrp PHILADELPHIA. Q WARBURTON'S “IMPROVED, VEN tilated aud easy-fitting Dreßß Hats (patented)in all the approved fashions of tho season. Chestnut street, next door to the Post-Offico. oc6-tfrp PERFUMERY AND TOILET SOAFS. lI.P. & C. R. TAYLOR, 041 AND 043 N. NINTH STREET. FRY’S PATENT DOOR HOLDERS unhide you to keep your doors opr*n in warm weather without the liability of being slummed shut by every pleasant breeze. ANo,Patent Door Hpr'iign which, when reversed, act as door oooikth. For silo bv Tltll- MA.N & SHAW’. No. 835 (I’vlit thirty-live) Market street, below Ninth,Phibidelphu. Extra safe drawers, closet, Pad and Chest Locks and Night Latches, haviii" trom one to three tumblers to each bolt, and aw assort ment of the regular kinds. Also, three putterin' of Patent Alarm Money Drawers. Fur sale by TRUMVN * I K, ‘ AS . N °i. AAV J’ V' 1 * 1 ’• rllirt >'-live) Market street, below Ninth, Philadelphia. Roll pans, muf f i n pans; Wisconsin Pans, "Wattle Irons and Douhlo Farina. Kettles, and other Culimtry Hardware, for sale bv TR.U MAN & SHAW. No jBS iKfaht Thirty-five) krtiet street, below Ninth, Philadelphia. IRAQ “ GET YOUR HAIR cut at lOUtf# KOPP’S Buloon,by first-claiJH Hair Cutters. Shave and Bath oplv 25 -dents. Razors set in order. Ladies’ and Children’s Hair Cut. Open Sunday morning. 125 Exchango Place. It* -•' ._ G. CK.OPP. Just received and in store T,ooo cases of Champagne, sparkling Catawba and Cali fornia Wines, Port, Madoira, Sherry, Jamaica and Santa Cruz Rum, fine old Brandies and Whiskios, Wholesale and Retail . Pi J. JORDAN, 220 Pear street, Below Third and Walnut streets, and above Dock street, ' de7-tf T IQUID RENNET.— Li A MOST CONVENIENT ARTICLE for making JUNKET or CURDS and WHEY in a tew minutes at trilling oxpenso. Mado from fresh rennets, and always reliable. JAMES T. SHINN, je9,tf.rpB Broad and Spruce streets. I 8A A(J NATHANS, AUCTION EEIt, iR Ik corner Third and Spruce streets, only one sanare bolow tho Exchange. $260,000 to loan, in large or email amounts, on diamonds, silver plate, watches, jowolryv and all goods of value. Office hours from 8-A m to 7- P.M. Established for the last forty years Ad vances made in large amounts at the lowest market rates.- • • JaB tfrp rtIHE MJSSISQUOI POWDER ACTU JL ALLY cures Onnccrund Scrofulous discuses of tho Skin. See Report to L. I. Mimical Soeioty, and Htato nients of Physicians in circular, sent free on nppUcutlon to OHAtJr-A—JJUBOlSrGonnral ARoiitT“^ u n 182 Pearl street, _\V W York. _ P.080X1C69. jy3-sl3trp§ A/TAGAZIN DES MODES. . 1014 WALNUT STREET. MRS. PROCTOR. Cloaks, Walking. Suits, Silks, Dress Goods, Lace Shawls. Ladies’ Underclothing _ . . ' _ and Ladies’Pure. Drosses made to measuro In Twenty-Tour Hours. Fob invalids.—a fine .musical Box as a companion for tho sick chamber; the finest assortment in the city, and a great variety of airs to se lect from. Imported direct by FABB & BROTIIER, mhl6tfrp 824 Chestnut stroot, below Fourth .fiW HORSE COVERS.FLY NBTSrLAP- Dusters, at very low rates, at KNEASS’S New llurnefis Store, 1326 Market stroot, opposite the Market Big Horse in the door • jyiMy4p§ CARPENTER AND BUILDER, CLOTHING. OWING TO THE LATENESS of the season, THE ENOBMOUS SIZE OF OUE STOCK, ' and A' ' ALTERATIONS ABOUT TO BE COM ■ ■: ' MENCED on OUB BUILDINGS, WE WILL SEDUCE ALL OUB PBICES ; ■ AND SELL OUT OUB \ SUMMEE STOCK, SUITS, COATS, PANTS, VESTS-EVEBY THING, at a . HEAVY DISCOUNT. Hy Those who know how very cheap we have been selling this season will he surprised at our being ahlo to make a STILL FUBTHEB BEDUCTION, hut our object is to clear pur shelves and tables of tho stock .with which they arc still loaded, notwithstanding tho fact that our sales this spring have been GO PEE CENT. GBEATEB than ever before. WANAM AKEB & 880 WN, THE LABGEST CLOTHING HOUSE, OAK HALL, The Corner oi SIXTH and MARKET Sts. EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, Si Ei cor, Chestnut and Seventh Sts, Complete Assortment of Choice Goods. REDUCED PRICES. TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND PEOPLE OUT OF TOWN! A voice from the ocean Comes up to the town, “ Ho! folks in the city! “ You’d better come down! “ Come down and he merry, “ Come down, for it’s grand, “ How we’re frisking about “ In the surf and the sand!” See the thousands and thousands , Of folks at the shore, But there's room in abundance For some thousands more. Why look ye so happy, Ye jolly folks all? “ We’ve purchased our clothing At Great Brown Hall !” That’s enough to make a man HAPPY, Whether he gets to the sea-side, or stays at HOME. To he happy either at home or abroad 02?* BUY SUMMER CLOTHING OF ROCKHILL & WILSON, GREAT BROWN HALL, 603 and 605 CHESTNUT Street. OGDEN & HYATT, TAILORS, No. 827 ARCH STREET. LATE WITH IVAN AM AKER A BROWN. All the novelties In Fine Goods, which will be made to order In a style unsur passed. nnd upon moderate terms. mylStii th g3mtp§- NEW PUBLICATIONS.' NEW BOOKS. CLAUDE GUEUX. A remarkably powerful and tragic novel by Victor Hit.o ; written many years ago, but just translated into tho English language. One of tho strongest and best Things ever penned by the great author of ‘‘Los MNcra hlfe.” The volume aNo contains THE LABT DAY OF A CONDEMNED MAN, in which is analyzed, with torrible minuteness, the agonies enduredby a convict on the day preceding his execution. bound. Price, §*l 50. THE KALEIDOSCOPE. Tho first number of an intermittent Periodical, full of serio-comic hits at the extravagances, follies and ab surdities of tho day. Embracing Poems, Essays,Letters, Fashion Plat* 8, Suggestions, and everything else that is rich nnd racy in the art, literary and fashionablo world. 'Profusely illustrated, and beautifully printed in two colors. Price,socents. fly Next week we shall publish Ernest Renan’s new 1 ook, SAINT PAUL, which the translators are rapidly preparing for the press. Carleton, Publisher, 521 Broadway, N. Y. jy24 s w 4t AUGUST MAGAZINES, AUGUST MAGAZINES. Harper, Harper, Harper, Lippincott, Demorest, Godey, Atlantic, Arthur, Children’s Hour, Leslie, Young Folks, Peterson’s, •And alMheNew Books and Novels, at T-URNER BROS. & CO.’S Central Cheap Uook Store, HO© Chestnut Street. J XT' All the Half-Dime Music on hand. jy23 3trp§ ZELL’S POPULAR ENCYCLOPEDIA, A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge. T. ELLWOOD ZEIjIj, Publisher, 17 and 19 South Sixth Street. jylOV-Hjlm : MKS.M/A. BINDER. ‘ r DIfKSS TIUMMING AND PAPER PATTERN STORK* ’ N. W. CORNER ELEVENTH AND CHESTNUT, . Will.close nut the balance of lior summer Htock,at greatly reduced prices. prior to )ior departure for Kurono. THURSDAY* July Bth. Choloolot of Colored Silk Fringes* 20, 85,40, 60, 02 cts. a yard,all shades; also, Plaid Nainsooks, French Muslins, Pique and Marm>nh»n,H>»u. burg Edging and Insertions, Real Guipure Lucca..; “A Case Laco Points* S'acqiießiuid JUckots. Lama Laco Parasol Covers. Black Thread Laces, all widths,at very low prices. Genuine Joseph Kid Gloves, Si 00 a pair. Miles’s Colored Kids. , New Style Parasols and Sea-sides, Roman and Plain Ribbon and Sashes. 1 arts Jewelry, aud u thousand and one articles, too numerous to mention. ? EXCLUSIVE AGENT For Mrs. M. WORK’S Celebrated System for Cutting Ladios’ Dresses* bacquos* Basques, Garibaldis, Ohif dreu’s Clothes, Ac.* by measurement. AGENTS WANTED. Ladles are now making from $lOO to $2OO per month as gents for this system. . ‘ mvlCrp Prime investments.—s^ooo'rsisiobo, $10,600, $B,OOO. ICirst-class City Mortgages and Ground Rents for sulo by K. R. JONES, No. 707 Wal nut street. jyil3t* WEED INGA N D ENGAGEMENT Rings of solid 18 karat fino Gold—a specialty; a full assortment of gizea, and no charge for engraving names, etcr 1 FARR & BROTHER, Makers. L my24-rp if ,324 Chestnut street,below Fourth, JUISCI3HLANEOUS. 1838. Established, in 1838, Tf*E , PARABOLA SPECTACLES Ifi an article which has no superior. It furnishes now ©yoflyandnew eyes, toOi which are evor reiinblo. Thnro is something in ttio peculiar formation of the Puraboln : which assists impnired vision and at the some timo • correctß it. FOB SALE. ONLY’ BY E. BORHEK & SON. OPTICIANS, No. 1330 CHESTNUT STREET. It* ; ' _ HUFNAL’S PHILADELPHIA PHARMACY, Corner Washington and Jackson Streets, jc233mtpf ape May ° itr> N ‘ J - CHARLES RUMPP, Porte Monnaie, Pocket Book and Satchel Manufacturer, No. 47 North Sixth Street, below Arch. „ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. jyS.lmrps PATENT OFFICES, N. W. cor. Fourth, and Chestnut (Entrance on FOURTH Street.) FRANCIS D. PASTORIPS, Solicitor of Patents. Patents proenred for inventions In tho United States and Foreign biwlnCHß relating to the smbo promptly transacted. Call or send for circular on Patents. Offices open until 9 o’clock every evening. dili2o-b tu th 3yrp§ ... JUTLER, WEAVER & CO. ' NEW CORDAGEFACTORY NOW IN FULL OPERATION, No. 21 N.WATER street and 23 N.DELAWARE nvenno DRY GOODS. & \ Fourth and Arch, tr Ladies preparing for the SHORE OR THE MOUNTAINS CAN BE SUPPLIED WITH DRY GOODS ADAPTED TO TnEIR WANTS AT EYRE & LANDELL’S, FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS. GRENADINES AND ORGANDIES. SUMMER SILKS, REDUCED. JAPANESE SILKS AND POPLINS. IRON BAREGE, FIRST GRADE. HOMAN SCARFS AND SASHES. COLLARS, CUFFS, GLOVES, TIES, 4c. SEA SIDE SHAWLS, OF NEW STYLES, m w Btf RICKEY, SHARP & CO. 727 CHESTNUT STREET, Are Closing Out LAWNS, ORGANDIES AND OTHER Summer Dress Goods At Greatly Reduced Prices. jyU tfrp EDWARD PERRIS, IMPORTER, No. 807 CHESTNUT STEEET, Great Inducements to Retail Dealers. Nainsooks, Plain, Plaid and Striped. Cambrics, Soft and Hard, all widths. Jaconets, do. do. Hulls, India and Swiss. Victorias and Bishops. Organdies, 4-4 and 8-4. Frcnclu Piques, Figures and Welts. Embroidered Sets. Collars and Cuffs. Laces and Lace floods. Handkerchiefs. ; The above stock will bo offered for the coming mouth at 20 per cent, less than regular prices. Bla2Bta th s . l\/FAItSEIEEES TRIMMING.—.‘{3 GROSS J.VX of a very superior Piquo Trimming, at 40 cents p.-r piece, very cheap. DIMITY BANDfr-100 dozen, at 13 cents, as good as ever sold nt the price; good as the usual -20 ceut Band ' HEMSTITCHED LINEN HDKFS., 250 dozen,22 cents each. HEMSTITCHED XJNEN HDKFS., 290 dozeu, 26 cents each. < no and a-linlf inch hems, flno Linen, and cheap. HEMSTITCHED LINEN lIDKFS., At $3 and S3.SO a dozen, at 26, 28 and 31 cents each, one inch hem, full 18 inches large. On hand, 160 dozen, in gold. On hand, over lOOpiecosj 19 and 25 cents a yard; ureal burguin; seeing'the geods will convince you. ODDS AND ENDS,- For July and AugUßt, which havo accumulated during the active spring trado, will receivetlu rpocinl att- ntfon of the undorsignud, Parties want lug \ arguins in Laces and Embroideries, plcaso notice, on hand a largo number of remnunts 01 NOTTINGHAM CERTAIN LACES,. ! to be sacrificed. WHITE GOODS FOR THE SUMMER, Of nearly every, variety and price,always under regu lar prices, at WORNE’b, No. 38 North Eighth street. ; Ownor wanted for a superior Waterfall, loft in store. • , ' it EXCURSIONS. r .sr s??•*. GLOUCESTER ROINT.-GO nnd take the family to this cool, delightful spot. Now steamers, with every coinfort, leave South street slip daily every few minutes. jo!8-3ma PHILADELPHIA SURGEONS BANDAGE INSTITUTE* 14 N. NINTH street, übovo Market. B. O. EVERETT’S Truss positively cures Ruptured. Cheap Trusses, Elastic Belts, Stockings, Supporters, Shouldor Bracos, Crutches, Suspensories,Pilo Banduges. Ladies attended to by Mrs. E. , ..jyl-iyrp S REPAIRS TO Mußical Boxes, in the best manner, by skillful workmen. - - FARR & BROTHER. 24 Chestnut stroet below Fourth. r, 7T- —, SIMON GARTLAND. mmsssmm undertaker. j • • South Thirteenth troet. mh2s-6mrp§ TORDAN’S CELEBRATED PURE TONIC tl Ale for invalids, family uho, Ac. Tho subscriber is now furnished with his full Winter supply of hio highly nutritious and woli-kuown bever age. ita wide-spreud and increasing u'bo, by order of physicians, for invalids, uso of families, &0., commend it to tho attention of all:consumers who want ustrictly pure article; prepared from tho Uest materials, and put up in tho most careful manner for homo uso or transpor tation. Orders by mail or othenvis^pronrj3tl^jsuj>pllod. , ‘ ‘ No. 220 Pear street*- _do7 below Third and Walnut streets. Masking -svith' indelible ink Embroidering, Braiding, Stamping, Ac. M. A. TORBAY*'IBW Filbert street GROCERIES, XtQOOHS-.AC. The BestFoodforHot Weather. Wo liavo in stock tho celebrated brands, “Davis,” “Maryland,” “ Virginia,” “Newbold.” MITCHELL & FLETCHER, No. 1304 CHESTNUT STREET. CHAMPAGNE. ERNEST IREOY & CO.’S Carte Blanche and Special FRUITY AND GENEROUS WINES, Fully equal to the best on all the list of Champagnes. FOB SALE ATiTHE AGENTS’PBICEB BY SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, S. W» cor. Broad and Walnnt. th b “ FIRST OF THE SEASON.” NEW SMOKED S A L MON FRESH SPICED SALMON IN CANS. DAVIS & RICHARDS, ARCH and TENTH STREETS. yVj rptf TO RENT. “ ~™ For Rent. 2d, 3d and 4th Stories, Each 230 x 31 fret, of thO MARBLE BUILDING, S. W. corner Ninth and Chestnut Sts, Immolate possesion. Apply to \ BOWEU, FINN & CO.» On the Firc.t Floor. r>"34 sin th I! THE FINE ARTS. GREAT NOVELTIES Looking <3-1 ass es» PICTURE FRAMES, New Chromos, New Engravings- EARLES’ GALLERIES, eie CHESTNUT STREET. C. F. HASELTINE’S GALLERIES. 1125 Chestnut Street. Owing to important alterations tho Callorieß of Pointings will bo closed until September. For tlie same reason we offer our immense stock of LOOKING GLASSES; ENGRAVINGS, CIIKOMOS, FRENCH PHOTOGKAPHS, *c., at a reduction. An unusual opportunity for tho Public to obtain bargains. myt3-lyrps WATCHES. JEWELRY, &C. Special IVotiee. On and after MONDAY, July sth, we will CLOSE our Store at FIVE P. M., until further notice. CLARK & BIDDLE 1124 CHESTNUT STREET, r: ' ■ • - fc27fl w lyrpS Rerhov a 1. J. T. GALLAGHER JEWELER, LATE OF BAILEY & CO., Has Removed from his old location, Thirteenths and Chestnut, to, ills : : A.. ' v‘’ NEW STORE, 1016 CIIEjpTWIJ’IJ. .STREET- TO ~ANY" AMOUNT LOANEDUPON diamonds, watches, 6 © JE ™‘y6SMW-s oTHikb - &o -’ ot OLD-ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE, Cornor.pf Third and Guskill etreotff, ‘ : . Below Lombard. >•,...•■ > N. B.—DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, GUNS,. fiO., ! ■ _ FOII SALK AT EEMABKABLy LOWTBICES. , , myWtfrpS hams : SECOND EDITION BY TELEGRAPH. LATER CABLE NEWS Financial and Commercial Quotations FROM WASHINGTON. The Seminole's Errand to Hayti All Piratical Steamers to be Captured A Strange Case of Burglary By tU© Atlantic Coble. lomo.v, July 24,A. M.—Consols for money and account, 931 U. 8. Five-twenties, 83 Erie, 19; Illinois Central, 943. XiivEKroor,, July 24, A, M.—Cotton firmer, but hot quotably higher; Middling Uplands, l2jd.; Middling Orleans, 13d. The «ales-to=day“ are estimated at 15,000 hales. Breadstuff firmer, but unchanged. Frankfort, July 24.—Five-twenties, 871. Paris, July 24.—The Bourse closed quiet. Itentes, 711’. 95c. Bonbon, July 24, A. M.—Tallow, 4fis. Havre, July 24.—Cotton closed quiet and steady. . The Seminole's Errand to Hnyti. | Special Ilespateli to the I'hila. Evening Bulletin.} ■Washington - , July 24. — Commamler Owen, ■who is now on his way to Hayti station with the Seminole, which takes the place of tlio Kipsie and Gettysburg, which are - on their ■way home, has orders to make vigorous re prisals for the recent outrages on American property in Samana Bay and elsewhere, con cerning whiiih |srrong representations have been made by Minister Bassett. In particular, Commander Owen, has been instructed to make every effort to capture the piratical steamer Telegraph, with which Lu peron has been cruising about the island. It is supposed that if this'is done, it will have a quieting effect upon the turbulent Domini cans. 1 Peniteut Bnrglars. l Special Doenatcb to the Philada. Evening Bulletin.} Harrisburg, July 24th.— On the night of the 4th of June, while Mr. Charles A. Aughin baugb was absent in Philadelphia, his jewelry store, m Harrisburg, was entered by burglars. A boy sleeping in the room was chloro formed, and three or lour thousand dollars’ worth of jewelry, watches, &c., were stolen. This morning Mr. AugliUibaugh received a package through Adams’s Express, inclosing all the articles stolen. There is no name or other writing on the package to give any clue to the parties, hut the articles give evidence of having been buried. ; The Jlnrjlnml I£e|>ul»lleans. ISpectal Don patch to tho Phila’Kvening Bulletin.] \VAsuixtiTON. July 24.—The Maryland lte publicans are actively organizing with a view to securing bodily the negro vote, which will enable them to carry the State after the adop tion of the Fifteenth Amendment Large meetings, addressed bv colored men,have been held at Frederick anti elsewhere. Republican State Central Committee. (Special Despatch to the Phils. Evcnine Bollctln.l Habbisbuko, July 24—The Keimblican State Central Committee, Hon. Jolm Covode, Chainnan, will hold its lirst meeting in Phila delphia on Wednesday next. Attempt to Foss a Forged Check. [Special Despatch to tho Philada Evening Bulletin.! New York, July 24.— Two men, named Jas. Watson and Gottleib Engleson, went into the jewelry store, No, 52 Maiden Lane, and se lected some diamonds. In payment therefor, they offered'a cheek, which, on examination, proved to he fraudulent. They did not get any uiapionds, but-were arrested. fSpcciol Despatch to tho Phllaila. Evenina Bulletin.) - Kesy Youk, July24.—An -unkuown man hanged himself in Fifty-third street, this morning. Ftre in Beading. Beading, July 21.—The planing and saw mill of Graefl- & Myers burned this morn ing. Loss, SO,OOO to $lO,OOO. Partially in sured. Shipment, of Specie* ISpecial Dee patch to the Phila. Evening Bulletin.] New Yoiik, July 24.—The steamer St. Lau -7 Tent sails to-day for Havre. She takes out $270,000 in specie. State of Thermometer This Day at tbe Bulletin Office. JOA.M. .SO deg. 12M 85de«. 2.P. M SB deg. Weather clear. Wind Southwest. F IHANCIAI AND COMMERCIAL Philadelphia Stofi BEPOUI 47-611 100 sb Beading blO FIRST 3 100 CityGS new • 100& GOQOPonnGrfWurLn cplo3 MOO Lehigh GouLn 80 | 2000 Lehigh Gla lu ltd 90S fOO do 9C)il 1000 do _ 9G)»i 4000 StXouiflWuterLn hl5 lit 101).' 100 sh ponn K 563* 8 «h do Tuesday fiti)« 98 ah do Its ■so7* 4 ah do 100 eh do 67 2 eh do 60:* 110»h do \ta 56K 800 sh St Nicholas Ooul 2H\ 600 eh do Its 214*] 600 eh Shomokin Cl s)a 100 eh Phil «fc Erie bsAi»3o)£ MO eh . dn OUds a af 30 30)s aH) sh Leh Nav stk 80S 100 sh do Its 36*41 100 sh Reading R 47J£. AFTKIt 46 ah Insu Co of N A , 21 300 eh Philu & Erie h 5 30?4 •100 eh Grttawiasa pdf 37)i 100 sh Leh Nav Stk 36)1 1000 8h do bS 30)a GOO eh do Its 30)4 800 eh Bonding B hlO 43 25 eh do bswn&iut 4774 100 sh do o 47,04 2»WBh : do .015 4774 100 eh, do bs&in 48 100 eh do e 5 48 Philadelphia Money Market Saturday, July 24,1869. - There is apparently littlo slackening in tho demandJbrloans or increaso in the supply at tho bunks, and tho latter have mnny more ap plicants for loaua thun.they can well tako caro_of._.Tho reault is a firm tone amongjlendora generally, and no aymptoma of a relaxation iu tho noar future. 1 Atthe present timo dur market presents the uuiquo spectacle of call loans at 7aB per cent., and discounts all tho way —frpmBto“l2rin-thcTnpnthpf"JulyfwhoncurrcncyiBgon«- erally a drug at 4 per cont. in Now York money is re presented as very easy atSati per cent, on demand loans. Thiaja a singular anomaly* which we content ourselves with recording without attempting,Uowovcr, to account. for tne unusual contrast. Gold openod very firm this morning, with sales at 18554. / At nooiut is quoted by Wholon Bros., 105 South Third ' street, at 1357 a, United States securities aro generally steady, but quiet. There was a fair business at tho Stock Board to-day, and prices of the speculative shares took n decided up wardturn. State and City Loans aro steady, but very quit. , Beading Railroad was in active demand at an ad vance of )4* closing at about 48; Pennsylvania Railroad was firmer, closing at b.o.; Philadelphia ami Erie sohl at.Hl—nn advnuce of )4: 70 was bid for Norris town;6o for Lehigh:Valloy, and for Catawisaa Pro- In danal stocks there was no now- feature.. Sales of Lehigh Navigation at Sol|i>36H, b. o. ~io was bid for Schuylkill Navigation, and 20)nfor tho proferred. There was more activity iu Coal stocks, Sales of Shft- Suicide. ib exchange Salcjj. R BOARDS. ■2lO ah Reading It 47? i }6OO sh do b3O 477« JlOOsli do h!5 477 a 200 sh do Ul5 Its 4i>* 100 sh do s 5 47? i {lOOsh do blO 47.81 100 sh do 47.31 600 eh do Its 47.81 100 ah do COtla a af 10 4724 21 ah do c trant 47?.* 100 sh do 1)60 48 100 all do sl)0 47 31 200 ah do- blO Its 477« 200 all do .<s&int 47.81 200 sh do s6O 47*4 1200 sh do 1)60 Its 48 ;40Qsh doa6\vmtint. 477* 500 all do Its 47Ja fOO sh. do ltsb3o 47 200 sh do bS&iut 48 . 300 sli do do Its 48 llOOsh do . sCOwn 47?* 100 sh Beading ss&in 48 700 sh do 48 200 sh, do b3O 48.1-16 100 sh do s6own 477* lOOsh do do 47.81 200 sh do do 43. 100 all do 1)60 43)» lOOsh do,2dys 43 lOOsh do do lOOsh do blO 43‘a 2UO eh do b6O Its 48 lOOsh do bGQ 48)6 w«. - " . in Bank and Paßueuaer Jiailwaya there were no traru» action* worthy dfaotfcF r .- <• .’ , Mefflnra. DeHaven & Brother, No, 40 Bonth Thtrd irtreet, make the following quotation* of the ratea of ox*, Sbatiffe to-day at? P. M.: United States n ;Sixca of 1881,: 2)a121#; do. do. 1862, 123?,'a123*t; do.do. MW.;l2l«rt WXi tfo d0.1866421%a12i|i: do. do* 1865, new42o«al2o&; So. do. 1867» now, m?£a)2o&i do.- 1808* now* I^}J4al2o)i; »8, 10'«Trt. lli;4ttllfe;U. S. 30 Year 6 per .coni. Cur rency* 1075£al08; Due Comoound .luternat Notee, 19#; Gold,li&#alSG: Bltecr. 129a131. • •!• ; Smith; Bandolph A Co.,hankers; Third end Chestnut streets, duoto at IOH o'clock as follows: Gold. 135#: U.H. Sixes; lS8i; 12LU21#;do.do, 5*20.1662, 123?ja123?i;d0.d0.- 18«,‘i21#a!2J%; do. do., 18tf6,121Ka121%; do .do., July, l8W,;j20«ol20>5; do. do.j July, do., do., July, 1868, m%owy t ; do., 5% 10*40, lll#alll# j Cur rency O’s.WftalOß. . :v .. Jay Cooked Co. onoto Government securities. Ac., to* day oiß follows: (7. 8. 68,l88l,121al21#; 5-20aof SJ23*;; .do. 1884, 121#al2]#: do. November. 1865.121#a 122: do. July, ISCft. 120?ia1217i; do. IBffT, 120#al20#; do. 1888, 120#al2Q#: Ton-forties,Ul#ani#; Pacifies, 107#a: 108#; Gold* 135#. -v. Philadelphia Prodnce tfnrkct. ■ Saturday, July 24.—Thero is very little demand for Cuereitren Bark and prices tiro lower; sales of 75 hhds. lot §ll per ton. Tamierfl'Bark ranges from 814 to toSiSp<r cord. The Flour market is very dormant, the inquiry being confined to thowaiitsof the home trade, whoso purchases are light. Among the trans actions wenotice IUO bids. Kiiperfine at #6 25 per barrel: Extras In lots nt AO fioas6 75; 400 bbls. AVisconsiu ana Minnesota Extra Family at 80a87 25; 200 barrels Penn sylvania do. do. on secret terms; 300 barrels do. do. 80 25; h*o bbls. Indiana do. do. Medium at 80 75; 100 bbls. St. Jmuisat 88118825, and Ohio do. do. choice at $7 76, aud fancy lots at higher Quotations. Rye Flour move* strong at $0 )2%asd 25. There is some inquiry for Corn-Meal, but nt figures below the views ofholdcrs. The wheat market is auiet aud only 2.000 bmthehi old and new PemiHylvania and Southern Red sold at 81 45a £1 55 per bus. Rye is steady, at #135. Com is un *cttJo*f, excited and higherrsulea ofO.OOO bushels at 81 17 n#l 18 for Yellow, and #1 16a#l 10 for Western mixed. Oats aro dull and dropping; sales of Western at 70a78 “Tentfl. •••■■ . Whfsky is steady, with sales at #1 04a§l 10, tax-paid, for Pemißylvanitt and Western. Hcw York Money Market. fFromthoN.Y. Herald ot to*day.J ' July 23,6 F. M.—The recent purchases of five twenties by the government, made in carrying out the provisions of the Sinking Fund act, as Well as through a liberal-minded desire on the - part of Secretary IJout well to restore currency to general circulation and ease the money market, have led to n sharp advance in tlie is sues which are m purchasable by the government. Now, it is well known that the. bonds deposited by tho. national banks at Washington as a pledge for the redemption of their notes consist largely of these issues. Since the riso has taken place the bank* have made Quite u general movement to withdraw the five-twenties aud substitute ten-forties and oilier issues which they can buy much more cheaply, and thus make a handsome sum from this difference. This changing of securities has produced’a great deal of annoyance to the officials of the Treasury' Department, aud an appJj.il was tluu! by tlie-Coinptroller of the Currency- to the Secretary - 'of the Treasury against tho speculating bank officers, who were making these changes too frequently for the ordinary and legitimate course of business. Secretary' Boutweil decided to-day to .permit the substitution of ten-forties for live-twenties, ortho exchange of any gold bearing bonds now-held as*ecurity.for circulating notes on the basis hitherto adopted, the ten-forties to be re ceived at eighty-five per cent., gold-bearing bauds at ninety percent. The six per cent, currency-bonds issued by the United States to the Pacific Railroad will not be received as security for the circulation of national banks, and the exchange of the gold-bearing bonds is subject hereafter to revision, if it shall be found that mk ; H exchanges are so frequent as to become oner-' oil* to the department. The proposal to tf'ubstlt nte the currency bonds was perhaps the boldest of then'* bank gambier* 1 operations. The secretary reserves the right, also, to check the frequency of such iwhauge, and one plan proposed is to have certain times fixed at which they may so substitute onn class of securities for another. •The government mark* t to-day \v;ik steady, the fluctua tions in the five-twenties being, only an eighth to a quarter per cent, despite a heavier ami dull •market in London, where ,ther«* has been a doelinv to h 3. The teji-fortic*: and the curreury sixes were stronger, owing to thodh-poiiitiou to reinvest in them the realiza tions of the other iN-ne.'s a* v. Jl as In obedience to a de mand from new buyers. Mu-li curiosity is evinced as to the course of the foreign mark'-?, and The decline to-day wa« regarded with soma uneasiness. It. did not, how ever, prevent large purchase* of the <l7 ? * by foreign hon-*es. the.jiricesof this date I,'ring quot*-<l sufiie'ently alrove tie 1 liome market to allow exportation;’ • Tim money market v.iw mure abundantly suppll-■: * v-e i'.jtv, and the n t‘*on call ranged from five to seven jwr cent. The former was the rat- on governments, al t jji.iigh six was had in so many Instances that it is dittt eult iov;,y at which figure the greater number of Inuua were made. The transaction* at six per cent..on stocks c;<'mprisc«s a. majority of the loans nti tnisrolluneoUK oohaterals. those at seven per cent, being' curly in tiic dav and few in number. The rate on commercial paper still occupied a range of from eight to twelve per cent.: but the demand. \vn* more active and frequent. Hales took place-in the vicinity of ten per cent. Foretell exchange was MeaJcer.nlthough rnt'*.s re mafned nominally thesume. The leu-ding baukeis differ hi their figures by an eighth’to three-sixteenths p/*r cent. The activity to-day resulted from tbo bettor supply <d bond hilte and the shipment- direct oi specie, the engagements for to-morrow being from nine hundrtd thousand to a million of dollars. Rates rangrtl »« follow* : Sterling, sixty days, commercial, IWfVaJCt!^,'; go<'d to prime bankers'. Un»?3alW‘#; short sdkht, ; Paris, sixty days, 5.!7%u5.12% ,'short siglit, ft.hviaft.io**; ; Antwerp. A.lTisaft.BJf; .Switzerland. 5.17 J us,l2te; Hamburg.ST^aW: Amsterdam, •lOhdtMF*; Frankfort, "4<d4a4(t 7 £; Bremen, /78f*«7tt > , .»; Prussian thab rs,7oii:a7). , a. „ 4 Whutcvi rtendency thofolution of the parliamentary auction In Kiigtend .to lower the gold np’mltiui was tiy the iS nahimrum o- .quten itku u,- Secretary of the Tr*’asury Intended discontinuing his sales of gold. Later in the day the effect of this iutelli gencowa* lost in the general duin***, mul the price, which at its highest had touche*! 1151*, umlerwent a re lapse to 13r»*£. Upon the newts of the 10-xivy eugpg.ments for the shipment.to-morrowtlmre was n rally, iqid nil offered «t was greedily taken. Cash gold was In better demand under largo aduitinns to the short interest, but in considering the lower rate* for carrying regard must be had for the easier condi tion <d the general nmut-y market. The range of the rntctvAs front six to five per cent. The disbursements of compound iuterest to-day were 8253-300 The steamer St. Laurent had #250,000 in 8p:-ci" on l-oanl this after noon. and the agent <>f the line expected the amnuut would be Increase*! to $4004X». It U stateil th.it the City of London, of the Ininau line,has #4oo4XX)engage<i. The following ie the report of tho Gold Exchange Bank: Gold cleared-.... ..#G7 r V£2,OOO Gold ba1ance5.—.......... A6D5,U51 Currency balunce*........ —— 3,G64,f153 in the stock market the feature was what, for the sake of illustration, may be termed a race between New York Central and Hudson River. Both led off well on the strength of reports that the controlling powers of both roads* the terms of consolidation—Central touching 2U?i, tho -highest _eyiT attained, and Hudson JRiver IS7._ The whole market hriglitenM up wdili tins advance, and there was a rise of from one-quarter--to- one and a quarter per- cent. »» tho general list. Then came a reaction, more noticeable in the Vanderbilt stocks, Central going off to 212% and Hudson river to 185%. Another rally followed, with Hudson as the stronger stock, its closing sales taking place nt 187% while Central recovered only t 0213%; In the other railways Reading was perhaps the .most, active, advancing as it did from 93% to 115% at its best," The Northwest stocks and Rock Island, became heavy and declined in the afternoon. Sf. Paul and Michigan Southern were strong. Fort Wayne was “oftV } but steady. Pittsburgh was active, rising to 103%. The New York Stock Market fCcareanoudcnce of the Associated Press.] New York, Jnly 24.—Stocks firm and steady. Money 7 per cent. Gold, 1357&; 5-20*. 1862, coupons, 123)«; do. 1864, do., 121*5;d0.1865, do., 121?4i do.now, 120?$;do., 1867, 120)$; do., 1868,120* 4 ; 10-40b,111S;‘.Virginia 6’s, new,6l; Alls soun G’s, 87?$; Canton C0.,-59; Cumberland preferred, 30; N. V. Central, 213*s; Erie, 294;Beading, Us3{; Uudaon River. 1877 k; Michigan Central, 10375; Micnisrun Southern. 105?$; .Illinois Ceutral, 141)5; Cleveland ami Pittsburgh, 107)$; Chicago and Rock Island, 11375; Pitts burgh, and Fort Wayne, 152)5; Western Union Topo- '■ . Markets by Telegraph. [Special Despatch to the Phila. Evening BuUet'n.l New York, July 24,12)5 P.M.—Cotton—Tho market this morning was dull and heavy. Sales o! about 600 bale**. We quote as follows: Middling Uplands, si; Middling Orleans, 34)5. , Flour, ie.—Becelpts; 6,000 barrels. The market for Westem and State Flonr is poorly supplied, but is active, with an upward tendency. The sales are about J 2.000 barrels, including Superfine State at fc's 75a*o 25; Extra State at §6 GsasC IjOjlow grades Western Extra at #6 4fm£6 80. Southern Flour i* firm, with a good demnmt. Salesof njO biirr»*ls at $0 65a>?7 10 for Extra Baltimore and C'ouutry ,und $6 70a*$‘)2 uofor Family do. California Flour is firm, with afair domunii. Sales of 700 bawls at §7 Uous.3 50 for old via the Horn, and 00a §9 45 for new via the Isthmus. Grain.—Receipts of Wheat, 144,000 bushels. Tho market is better and quiet. No. 2Milwaukeo §1 52a§l 00 asked; ,'*l fsu£l 56 tul. Corn—Receipts 105.000 bushels. Tlie market Is firm with a'moderate demand. Nuw Western at $1 0la$) 07 afloat. Oats—Receipts W,OOO bushels. The market is dull; old steady. Ryo is nominal. Provisions.—The receipts nf Pork are 161 barrels. Tho market is in jobbing demand at $32 75 for new •Western Mess. Lurd—Receipts,2oopks. The market is' quiet ami firm. Wc quote fair to prime steam at lit^ulOK. Whisky—'Receipts—loo barrels. Tho murkvt is firm and held. Wc quote Western freu at $1 10. Groceries are gctyrtbUy. dull and prices aro without change. ' , Tallow is firm and active. Sales of, 100,000 pounds at lHsall7s. f Pittsburgh, Juiy 24. —The Petroleum market opened stromr yestorduyvbut closed rather quiet. Crude—sales of 2,oiu barrels s. o:all the year, 40 to 46, at 14)5 cents; 2,000 barrels h. o. ull the year, at 14)a cents; 2.100 barrels ( s. o. last 4 months,at 14>aoentH;2.000barrelss.o.d(*Hvery . to be made before August 22d, 1;8£W barrels at 13 cents;., •1,500 h. o. July, at 14*C cents, Refined—sales of 2,000, barrels Julv at 31)e rents: f-00 barrels Inst half August at ' 3235 cents. Receipts, l' r r >sB barrels—shipped by A. V. and Pennsylvania R. K.y oil lino, 6,106 barrels Refined, aml> 3’omisylvaniu R. R. 62 barrelsßcfiuod. Correspondence of tho Associated Press.] Nr.w York, July 24.—Cottondull; 100 bales sold at for Uplands. .Flour— sales of 9,400 barrels ; Stiiteuim W r ostcm advanced 16a25c.; superfine .to lunev State, $5 COa* 1 ?? 2ft; superfine to choice W’hite ' Wheat Western , S 5 (50a$7 60: Southern tinner; common to choice, $6 75a511 75; California flour at $6 75ft$9 00. Wheat quiet at an advance of 1»2 cents; Halos of 26j000 bushels rfo. 2 Burlugat $1 56a$l 56; Amber; Michigan v at $1 65. and Wliito Michigan at SI 69a$l 70. Corn ad vanced in 2 cents; new Mixed Western at 86c.a$ 101 for unsound, and Si 06aSl 08 for souud. Oats quiet. Deef quiet. Lard quiet. Whisky quiet, but firm; West- i:. Baltimore; Julv 24.—Cotton dull and nominal at34c. Flour flnu and scarce: lower and medium grades aro wanted, hut prices are unchanged. Wheat dull and weak;prfrhoto choice red, SI 45al 65. Corn dull; prim© white, SMO; yellow SI 05al08. Oats dull; n0w,65c.a750. Moss Pork quiet at $34 00, Bacon active and advancing; ribsidoB,lB*s;olenrdo; ? l9:shoulderHjls)aals?f: hams, 24. Lard firm at 19>*a29. Whisky scarce, and m demand at 81 10. ‘ • ' Havana, July 24.—Exchange on London advencihg with a largo business doing. Naval stores.— 2oo bbls. rale and No. lßdßin,26o bbls.Noi 2 Rosin, 75 bbls. Wil mlbgton ritch, 100 bbls. Wilmington Tar, 125 bbls. Prime Whito Southern Distilled Spirits Turpentine, in store and for aalo by COCHRAN, BUBBELL & CO., 22 North Front street. : . QPANISH OLIVES.—FINE SPANISH lO olives in half-gallon and two and a half gallon koga For sal© by PSTEB WRIGHT & OONS. m Walnut st THE DAILY iJYBUING BULLETIN—PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1869. TURD EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. Desperate Assault by a Lunatic LANDING OF THE FRENCH CABLE Additional Cable Quotations [Special Despatch to ttio Phila. Evcniug Bulletin.] . ' JI/IDISON, N. J., July 34.—David H. Brewen, a man laboring under temporary derangement of mind, escaped from his friends at Madison, N. J., and stealing a ride upon a freight, train yesterday afternoon, went to Snccassunna Plains, where his strange actions' caused a party to make an jittempt to secure his arrest. Brewen resisted with a knife dhd tliree per sons were wounded. One, a young man by the name of Buck, who was standing on the sidewalk, was stabbed near the heart, aud,it is reported, died at 5 o’clock this morning. Brewen is now in the Morristown jail. Boston, July 24.—The shore end of the French cable was landed last night and hauled into the Telegraph House on Rouse’s Ham mock. The entire cable is said to be in good work ing condition. , The wires from Kingston Sta tion to Duxbury ore:nearly all up, but as yet no communication has been received from House’s Hammock, and will not be probably for some time. The steamers Chiltern aiid Scanderea take'their departure this afternoon. London, July 24, P. 31.— Consols, O.'ij for both money and account. U. S. Five-twenties dull at 82;: Erie It. K., 10; Illinois Central, i)4i; Great Western, 221. Livnitroon, Ju1y.24,1L51.-r-Cotton is quoted at 12ial2|d. for Uplands and 13al3|d. for Stew Orleans. The sales of tlio day have reached '15,000 hales.—Pork, 100 s. /Lard tinner at 70s. Tallow, 40s. / Hayke, July 24.—The cotton market opened active for both on the spot and afloat, at un changed rates. Boston, July 24.—A person giving the name of J. B. Brown is under arrest, charged With attempting to obtain 51,500 from, the 3lount Vernon National Bank on forged checks. The dwelling of E. D. Jordan, on Beacon street, during the absence of the family, has been robbed of clothes and household articles, and two burglars named Feckett and Leary have been arrested. Last night tlie burglars attempted to complete tlieir”robbery, when the police appeared and fired: upon them. They returned the tire without'effect, and the ■ robbers made their escape. Heeclter Among the Bnlln and Bears [Spfciul Det-patcli to tlie Phihula. Eyeninff Bulletin. I New Yoke, July 24.—Henry Ward Beecher visited the Gold Boom to-day, and was re ceived with considerable enthusiasm- by, tlie bears and bulls. Concord, N.H., July 24.—SteplienSanborn, of Warren, committed suicide this evening by hanging himself. " FINANCIAL AFFAIRS IN NEW YORK NO CHANGE in the money market GOVERNMENTS STEADY Gold Market Steady ana uieu-^ Stock Market Active and Buoyant [Special Despatch to the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.] Nfav York, July 24.—There is no change worthy of note in the money market, an.-i the demmul is easily met at 6to 7 per cent. There is nothing doing in discounts. Sterling exchange is less firm. Short sight, IOaIOJ j sixty-day hills, lOfiJallO, these—being the nominal quotations. Govenunents are steady, with a moderate demand; 10-40’s are the principal feature, and advanced to lniaUdJ, on orders from here and abroad.. The market closes firm, with light offerings. —Goldhas~Deeir very steadyxnidTatedhigher, in consequence of the short interest, also as ; sisted-bythe immense exports of specie during; the Aveek. There is a very large outstanding short interest, w r hich materially strengthens the market Loans are made at from oto 6 per cent for carrying. The stock market lias been quite active and buoyant on the favorite roads. Central is sell ing at 214, with prominent parties bujing with avidity. Hudson River Ls attractive, r witli interior orders; selling up to 188}-. Har lem is strong, with a better demand, selling at 118}. Reading was the principal feature, and large sales-were made at the Regular Board as well as in the Long Room. It continues to hold its advance, a*d is selling at IKH, in some cases at 1X55 to yfi}, buyer's option. Michigan Southern, North western, JRock Island and St. Paul’s stocks are steady, with little inquiry, and the quotations are barely maintained. Express shares are firm, witli more activity. The miscellaneous shares, including Pacific Mail, are dull and neglected. State bonds are higher and firmer on orders from the South. The whole market Inis ;the appearance of firmness up to jfchis time, but will no doubt de cline on realizations by those anxious for small i>rofits. , July 24,.9A.M. Planter Gove P0rt1and....;... Boston Now York. Philadelphia S.W. Clear. 74 Wilmington, Del.- W. Hazy.- 74: Washington 8. W. Clear. 72 Fortress Monroe -8. W. Clear; 78 Richmond 8. E. Clear. 74 Bnffnlo... ........W. Raining. 70 Pittsburgh Clear. 70 Chicago S. E. Oloudj'. 72 Louisville N. Clomly; 70 filobilc .....N. Cloudy. ' 80 New Orleans ....E. Clear. 83 Key West ...E. Clear. 85 Havana ..Culm. —: — 85 Savannah. Charleston. ; FiitK at Jeksev Shore, Pa.— A despatch dated Jersey Shore, July 23d, says: “A fire broke out in Wilson’s Foundry about 12 o’clock last night, totally destroying that building. The Baptist Church was in great danger, hut was saved by the exertions; of the citizens. Boss $20,000, or s2s,ooo—partly in sured. About a dozen men are thrown out of; work by the destruction of the foundry.” ' ■ FURNITURE. A. & 11. LEJAHBRE HAVE REMOVED THEIR Furniture and Upholstering Warerooms ■ T© 1127 CHEBTNI T STREET, qniAßDitow. mbfistutb6mrp§ «:15 O’Olook. Assanltby a Fanatic. Tlie French (Cable handed. By the Atlantic Cable. Bank Swindle—Bnrerlnry. Suicide. Weather Keport. Wind, Weather. Ther, Culm. , 76 ...S;W\ Cloudy. 70 .m.N.E. Clear. 76 ....Calm. 74 Cloudy. 78 S.W, Cloudy. FURNITURE, &C. PGURTirEDITIOm BY TELEGRAPH. LATE SOUTHERN NEWS: Difficulty abont the Charleston, 8. C>, Colleetorship' MOVEMENTS OF GEN. SHERMAN The Charleston Colleetorship. Charleston, July 24. —Much excitement prevails among the two wings of the Republi can party here.. Dr. Mackey, the late Col lector, leads the native .wing, which includes the mass of the colored voters, while Senator Sawyer, Congressmen Bowen and George W Clark, the newly appointed Collector in place of Mackey, head the Northern element. ] Tlie removal of llackey has intensified the bitterness between the two factions. On Thursday Clark called on; Mackey, and, pre senting his commission, demanded instant possession of the Collector’s office. . Mackey refused to vacate until he had taken inven tories of the public property and, received re ceipts from Clark, hut promised-to, make,the transfer on the 31st inst. Clark insisted on an immediate surrender, which being refused, ho entered 3lackoy’s office and attempted to act as Collector, whereupon he was forcibly ejected by Mackey’s subordinates. Yesterday afternoon Mackey and other’ Custom House officers were arrested, at the in stance of Clark, dn the ckarge of assault-ancL bbstruetuig an officer of the revenue, and were hound cjsfr to answer before the United States Commissioner on Monday. During the bear ing of the ease, Clark, with a posse of thirty men, forced his way into ,the Custom House and took possession, which he still retains. The partisans of Clark i attempted to sere nade Sawyer and Bowen last night, hut the colored Republicans rallied in large numbers and prevented the serenade, charging tlie pro cession and capturing its flag, which they carried in triumph to 31ackey, at his residence. The colored Republicans bitterly denounce the action of the Administration in removing Mackey, and declare that Clark, the new Col lector, is a traitor to tlie Radical party. Gen. Sherman nt Springfield, Mass. Si’iiiNOFiEi.D, 3fass., July 24.— Gen. Sher man visited the U. S. Armory at this place to day, where he -was received with the usual salute. ; A train on the Connecticut,: River Railroad ran off the track at North Holyoke this morn ing. Several passengers were injured. A special train lias taken-surgeons from this city to tlie scene of disaster. By the Atlantic Cable. 3lvnich, .1 uly 24.— The 3linistry and promi nent members of the Bavarian Diet have pledged themselves to support a hill based on the negotiations with Herr Raster, Bavarian Consul at Chicago, recognizing as valid all the hearings of marriages of Bavarians in the United States without tlie previous con seut of the Home Government, but the right of American citizenship is not to he imme diately accorded to the wife, if an alien, by reason of her marriage. The August Eclipse. Quebec, July ,24.—Commander Ashe, of the Royal Navy, of the Quebec Observatory, and the Rev. 3lr. Douglas, leave here on 3lon day for Jefferson City, lowa, to view the eclipse of August 7th: The Hon. Alexander Campbell, Postmaster- General, sailed for Europe to-day in the steamer Peruvian. ■ « CITY BULLETIN. Citt 3roRTALiTV.—The number of inter ments in the city for tlie week ending at noon to-day was 482, against 022 tlie same period last year.' Of the whole number 107 were adults and 310 children—2o4 being under one year of age; 257 were males; 220 femalesj 10l boys, and 151 girls. The number of deaths in each Ward-was — First - lljSixtnenth 18 Soooud ’Seventeenth 21 Eleventh. Twidftl Thi'^teeurb.. Fourteenth. Fifteenth Sol The princiiial causes of death were— apoplexy, 7; congestion of the brain, 7; cholera infantum, 118; cholera morbus, 8; consump tion of the lungs, 42; convulsions, 21; diarrhoea, 14; dropsy,B; disease of the heart, 14; drowned, (>; dysentery, 10; debility, 18; scarlet fever, 18; inflammation of the brain, 8; inanition, 14; marasmus, 24, and old age, 11. Rux Oveb.— Augustus Baltz, twenty years of age, residing at Second and Cumberland streets, was run over by a coal train tiiis morning, on Second street. He was pass .ng from one car to the other,when he fell between the bumpers and bad his leg badly crushed. Taken-to tlie Episcopal Hospital. SUMMER RESORTS. SUMMER TRAVEL NORTH 'PENNSYLVANIA It. It. The most popular route to Willcesbarre, Scranton, Mauch Chunk, Easton, Hazleton, Mt. Carmel, Allentown, Bethlehem, And all points In the LEUIGfI AND WYOMING VALLEYS, Four through... Trains in connection with Lehigh Talley and Lehigh and Busquobnnnii Railroads. Commodious' .Cars, Smooth Track, Fine Scenery, Excellent Hotels, Are; tho BpeciaUloß of this routo. ThroughTralnsloiivo tha Depot; Berks and Amerioari Streets, At 7.45,A. M.,9.45 A. M., 1.15 and 5.00 P. M. ELLIS CLARK, General Agent. Tickotß Bold and Baggago checked through at MANN ’8 EXPRESS OFFICE, 105 South FIFTH Stroet. je3olmrp§. . GEO. J. HENKELS, CABINET MAKER,B Established 1844* 1301 and 1303 CHESTNUT STREET. mj7-3mtp 3:00 O’Clobk. Eighteenth, .Nineteenth i Twentieth. iTw<mty-hi\st. T\vt»nty»si‘eouil. Twenty-third.... Twenty-fourth. Twenty-iiftb ■Tweuty-sixtli. |T\venty*Beventh. wenty-eighth.. Unknown..... FIFTH EDIT!! -4:00 O’Ciook. BY TEL EQRiPH. THE FRENCH CABLE i ,;-r ; •_ I ry‘ ■ ITS PROBABLE COMPLETION TO-DAY LATEST FKOM WASHINGTON Ineirumente for Canoilling Revenue Stamps Fractional Currency Printed for the Week Tlie French Cable. Kingston, Mass., July 24.—'The telegraph line to Duxbury will probably he completed to-day. The officers of the steamers Chiltem and Scandarea are to-day, before their de parture, being tendered an informal banquet. The grand celebration takes place on Tuesday next. Quite a number of prominent individu als have arrived here to-day, including 51. Tavernay, French Chat ge d’Affiures, .the Italian Charge d’Aftaires, Captain Ward, of the British Legation, and Mr. McFarland, the New York solicitor ot the company. It is thought the land line will bo spliced to the cable on Monday. From Wnshlnstan. Washington, July 24. Commissioner Delano has appointed a com mission offive gentlemen from his Bureau to examine and report upon all instruments and contrivances for cancelling revenue stamps. _The_instnimentsjvill be leftLwith___the_statioik_. ery clerk at the Internal Bevenue Office, and must be presented on or before September Ist. Fractional currency printed for this week, $120,COO; do. shipped to Assistant Treasurer at New York, $10,000; do. do. Philadelphia,’, $55,000; do. at Depositary; Buffalo, $15,000; do. do. do. Louisville, $25,000; national banks, $33,270; securities held for circulating notes, $342,915,700; do. public deposits, $22,244,500;, national bank notes outstanding, $299,079,048; fractional currency destroyed, $290,200. Death from HcartDiscase. Whim Sulviiur Stiungs, Va., July 24. F. J. Jones, a wealthy citizen of Liberty Mills, Maryland, dropped dead here last niglit, caused by heart disease. MARINE BVLLETIIi. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA Jolt 24 Marine Bulletin on In&idi Pcmt. ARRIVED THIS DAY. Steamer Ariea, Wiley, 4S hours from Boston, with imlwe to It Wineor & Co. Steamer Ftmita, Breolta. 24 hourß from New York, with mdse to John F Ohl. Steamer New Fork, Jones, from Georgetown anti Alqx niidriu, with mdse to W P Clyde XCo. ... - Clt K'TXIIN MATTSKIALS7 MOSQUITO CANOPIES! (THE MOST IMPROVED, In Various Colors, Tarletao,for Covering Mirrors, &c.. Pink, Buff, Blue, Green, White. FRENCH CRETONNES And Dotted Mull Lined, For Summer Chamber Curtains, Made and Hung in the Latest Styles. Lace and Nottingham Curtains! All the Newest Shadesln IFire FURNITURE PLUSH, And Materials for FURNITURE SLIPS. WINDOW SHA»ES Of the Latest Tints. 1. E. WALRAVEN, 3IASOSICIIALL, No. 719 CHESTNUT STREET. BOoTs^rairsiroEs. Fine Custom Made BOOTS Am SHOES FOR GENTLEDIEN. ' ' . •' / BAR T LET T, 33 S. Sixth Street, above Chestnut. A Good Fit may always be obtained. ■ - . . . oc!7a tn th lyrp§ SEWING MAOIIIKES. " Q|( & HjILSON’S ||| Sewing Machines, FOB SALE ON Easy Payments, 914 Chestnut Street. 01/ PETERSON & CARPENTER, fl|/ MIT GENERAL AGENTS. W 1“ ie36 a tu th li ORNATVIENTAL IRON WORKS. WIRE WORK. GALVANIZED and Painted WIRE GUARDS for storefronts and windows, for factory and warohouao windows, for churches and collar windows, IRON and WIRE BAILINGB. for balconies, offices, cemetery and garden fences. Liberal allowance made to Contractors, Builders and Carpenters. All orders filled with promptness and work guaranteed. , ROBERT WOOD & CO., 1138 Ridge Avenue, PWXn. ; jeSStu tb a Cmrp§ PACIFICHiItWAI GOLD LOAN, Messrs, DABNEY, MORGAN & CO., G 3 Exchange Place, and.M. K. JESUP & CO., 12 Pine Street, New York, offer for sale the Bonds of the Kansas Pacific Railway. These Bonds pay seven per centi im Gold; have thirty years to run ; are Free from Government Taxation; are secured by a Land Grant of Three Million Acres of the Finest Lands in Kansas and Colorado. In addition to this special grant the Company also owns Three Millions of Acres in Kan sas, which a?e being rapidly sold to develop the country and improve the road. They are a first mortgage upon the extension of the road from Sheridan, Kansas, to Denver, Colorado. The road in operation NOW EARNS MORE THAN ENOUGH NET IN COME TO PAY THE INTEREST ON THE NEW LOAN. There is no better security in the market-—this being in some respects better than Government Securities, PRIN CIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. Price 96, and accrued Interest, in Currency. Pamphlets, Maps and Circulars furnished on application. We are authorized to sell the bonds in Philadelphia and offer them as a reliable investment to our friends. TOWNSEND WHELEN & 00., No. 300 Walnut Street, PHIUDELPHIA. > jy24 » m w Imrp PENNSYLVANIA AND NEW YORK CANAL AND RAILROAD CO.’S SEVEN PER CENT. BONDS : A limited ainonnt of theso Bonds, gnarantoed by the LEHIGH , VALLEY RAILROAD COMPANY, ia offered at' NUiETY AND ONE-HALFPER CENT. The Canal of this Companyia 105 milea lons. Their . Railroad, of the same length, is fast approaching 09m pletion, and, being' principally owned by tho Lehigia ; Valley Railroad Company, win oponin connection there with an immense and profitable trade Northward fr tho Coal Regions to Western and Southern New Y and the great Lakes. Applyatthe Lehigb Valley Railroad Co.’s Office. No. 303 Walnut Street, Philada. CHARLES C. LONGSTRETH , * Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, jy ‘tanlrp • . . ? ■’ irq--o.3cs.nnffrE.-Ba: jfc-.. CYOLa AMERICAN BANKERS^ ' 6 Rue Soi*i'be > ; (Grand Hotel),Paris; 5 Lothlmry (opposite Bank of ’England),. London; 4 Broatj street (Dean, McGinnis & 'Co.), Now York. Letters of credit issued. All letters addressed caro of NORTON & CO. promptly delivered. Every attention paid to travelers. i HREXEL & GO., No. 34 South Third Street; AMERICAN AND FOREIGN BANKERS, Issue Drafts and Circular Letters of Credit v availablo presentation iii aiiy part of Burbipo , Travelers can rda iaUtheirfluanoial arrangements through us, andwe:; collect thoir interest and dividends without charge, Urexel, TVintlivop «fc Co., / NEW YORK. Drcxel, Btftpjcs Co., (PARIS. rohlO tf fin - ■ bankers; No. 35 StniTHThird Street. PHILADELPHIA. * <^enera£%ents, PENNSYLVANIA Av OF THE : UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The National Life Insurance Companyls a corporation chartered by special Act of Congress, agn provedJulyas, 1868, wltha ‘ V CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000, FOIL PAID. Liberal terms offered to Agents and Solicitors, who are Invited to apply at our office. _ Full particulars & be had on application atourofflee. located In the second story of our Banking House, where Circulars and Pamphlets, fully describing the advantages offered by the Company, may be had. JE. W, CMBK 4 CO.. v Ab,3SiSbuiAZ7uV<2,Sk JAMES 8. NEWBOLB & SON, v - BILL BROKERS AND GENERAL FINANCIAL AGENTS. ivllmSp IMSOPTHBECONP BTREE 1 CARRIAiGESr X>. M. LANE.; ■ Jgg Builder of First-olass Light and Heavy CARRIAGES, Respectfully inviteß attention to bis largo stock oj finished Carriages. ; Also, orders token for Carriages Of ovary description* at ; ' Manufactory and Warerooms, 3439, 3434 and 3436 MARKET STREET, Three squares west of Pennsylvania Railroad Depot West Philadelphia, tea tu th sjjarpi myB b 12trp|,