EXTRA._ 1 - SIXTH EDITION. REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION AFTERNOON SESSION GEARY RENOMINATED GOV. Judge Williams Nominated by Acclamation Afternoon Sessitor The Convention re-a.ssembled .at the hour named, and while waiting for the report of the Committee on Credentials, the following re9p lotion was read and adopted, the Commlttee on Resolutions being discharged frota its consideration : Resolved, That Hon. Galusha A. Grow, in thadischarge of Ids duties as Chairman of the Republican State Central Committee, and his' untiring labors in behalf of Republican ideas and principles, is entitled to the gratitude_,of the Reviblicanparty. • Mr. Grow••being present, returned thanks for the honor done him, The report of the Committee on Permanent Grganizatlon being called for, it was presented. and reported as permanent chairman Jas. L. Graham, of Allegheny. .‘ He was introduced by the retiring &airman, - who returned thanks for the courtesy tbat had been extended to himself, and hoped that the deliberations and proceedings would be as har monious under the permanent chairman as they bad been while he was in the chair. The following Vice Presidents were elected as reported by the committee: Districts. Districts. 1. Geo. Shaffer, 16. Geo. F. Rhinehirt, 2. Henry Huhn, 17. John Strohm, 3. Wesley Stephenson,lB. Wm. McConkey, 4. Gen. Gideon Clark, 19. Wm. King. 5. W. R. Bray, 26. Dr. C. W. Moore, 6. Geo. Lear, 21. D. W. Wooda. 7. Samuel Straub, 22. J. P Thompson, 8. Captain Wm. A. Sands, 23. Hon. G. W. Lathey, 9. Linn Bartholomew, 21. Hon John Covede, 10. D. R. Shoemaker, 25. Winfield S. Purvitinen, /I. J. L. Andrews, 26. Captain David Shields, 12. .1. E. Miller, 27. John G. White. 33. Wm. H. Smith, 28. Hon. J. R. Clarke, 14. Joseph Wenrick, 29. Matthias Hartlebb 15. C. G. Jackson, SECRE .biste. I. Thomas Noble 2. Hiram tiorimt 8. Thomxe J. Smith • • • - 4. Capt . Wm. Taylor 6. Bullai (I. : J. Paul Knight 7. Wl3l, H.AilleY. • • . 8.. Capt. W. J. Moore 9. Dr. R. N. Cory ell. ID: joilEllolde. 11. P. M. Osterhout 12. E. N. Willard. 13. Chas. Westerman 14. Theodore. Hill. 15. B. M, Frick. These nominations were also agreed to, The Committee on Credentials having re ported, nominations for Governor were gone into, and the following gentlenien Were pre sented : General John W. Geary, of Cumberland county; Gen. Horace 31. Porter, Dauphin county; Hon. Geo. R. Lawrence, 'Washington county; Gen. Harry Wh'.e, of Indiana county; Gen. Wm. Lilly, of Carbon county; Gen. ,George G. Meade, of Philadelphia; Hon. Thomas M. - 51iffshall, of Allegheny county—withdrew, and nomi nated Gen. Jas. S. 4e ley, of Allegheny county. " The name of hon. Geo. B. Lawrence was withdrawn, and the following letter from Gen. Harry White, withdrawing his name, was re ceived: • ru AIIiLPIIIA June 22d, 1819.—Dr, A. P. Ileichliold : :Sometime game have been thformed,yourself and olier delegates elect to the Republican State Convention about to meet in this city have been instructed to prment my ;tame as a candidate fur the nomination of Governor. I am fully sensible of the. compliment of bei ignamel for so high an oilice at my time of life as that of Governor of Pennsylvania, and cannot value too much the kind as surances of confideuce given me from different parrs of the State since my name has been mentioned in this ronne6tion: Late observations, however, have con vinced ,ins of the disposition of .a large portion if not a majority of the delegates-elect, to adhere to what Is claimed Os a rule of the party, to renominate the in cumbent at the expiration 01 his first tetm. lam not in clined to ask the party to violate what a majority of th • Convention may regard as a rule or custom of, the party organiation. I - therefore authorize you to withdraw my name should it he presented to the Convention. Be pleased to give the members of the Convention assurance of my hopes and wishes far the prosperity and success of our gloriou: arty, and that I will most earnestly co-operate with all others to secure that result. • am, truly vour, HARRY WHITE. ADDRESS OF HON. JAMES L. GRAIIA3I„ Gentlemen: I thank you for the honor conferrc I—the .unsolicited and unexpected honor conferred 00 me in calling me to preside over the deliberations of thi 1 Con vention. It is not my intention at this time to,make a speech- - I am-admonished, - with-the thermometer - ait and many delegates here with their carpet:s.xks ready to leave on the next train, that it would be in bad last for me to occupy much of your time in making a speech or attempting to make one. You have met together to-day for the purpose of Dotal tutting a candidate for Governor or this Commonwealth. and a Judge of the Supreme Court,. YOU come here from all sections of this broad Coninionwealth as the re presentative men of the Republican party, and of the great. pronresSive and noble republican ideas. You are here. I trust, to subserve 110 personal imerwits,to gratify no personal interests: but I trust that you tall wiihngly here to-day,sliow that you love the Republican party. and that you love Itcpuhlican principles above all per sonal or private adnurations, prejudices or preference... We should meet here to-day. my friends, as the repre sentatives of the great Republican party, with the ar dent; fixed purpo s e to do nothing that would injure that party, hut to do everything possible to promote ha suc e and its best interests. I trust, therefore, that we will endeavor to lay aside all personal preferences and all 'personal prejudicw+., and endeavor to act this day in unison and in harmony, co that we may promote the 'wit interests of the great party,with wWch we are identified, and whose interests we are here this day' to subserve. The only hope that 4101. foes bare. the only hope that our political enemies entertain to-day, is that they may cause schism and divi sion in the Republican If we to-day show a united front ; It we to-day act in union and hatmony ; if we stand shoulder to sholder. and shot/ that the great Republican heart still beats true to the music of the Union—(applause]—that we are determined still to go on its we have for the last ten or twelve yea,, , , unit( .1 heart to heart and hand to hand, doing lott.le the foes of our country and the foes of our organization, we sh in the approaching emits,: achieve a triumph such as WI. have rimer yet il(lll3Ved in the history of our party. [A p pbtuse.] We ha \o a party of which we should he prom:. On r party has mode a record cosh as no oilier pans re corded history can disclose. Our when this Union Was in peril—when the dark clouds hovered around the horizon of our country—our party stood up and main tained the integrity of the L l .llloll ' and carried the old flag successfully throughout the content. [Applause.] The Republican party has shown to the worn: that it is the party of progress—the party of principle, When four millions of 11001311 beings, created iu God's own initte, were ground down under the iron heel of op- Prenßloll, until almost es cry lineament or Godhead and humanity was Obli [crated .11w Republicaa party struck the fetters from these hair millions or humanbeings, and enstamped upon their foreheads and instilled into their hearts the love of the name of liberty. [Cheers.] My Republican friends, let w( show to the world, let us show to our political enemies, that while we may , differ in reference to our choice of -men, while we may not be in unity in reference to the man we would choose to bear our standard in the approaching coati, t, yet let us show to the ooh lit that wo are united in sentiment in reference to the great principles that 111111.0 its tO4ltillla as a political organization. [Applause.] And let us to-day give strength, permanency and success to our organization by showing tea: we era willing to sacrifice all our personal ureferences and our personal preindices fur the good of tau par 4 with wh 'eh we have the honor to ate connecte[LJApplause.] — Gentlemen,l shall not occupy any enure of your time. Once more I thank you for the honor you have conferred upon me. We are now ready to proceed with tho busi ness of the Convention. A ballot was then proceeded with, resulting is fo - lows Gen. (lean - 122 Gen. Horse-, M. Porter Gen. w. 11.1 itly 6 Gen. George G. Meade 4 Gen. James S. lier.dey ' 0 Gen: Geary was I hen,' uniidst the utMoitt entausiLin, declared to be the nominee of the AppuhUcatuartyiund, Gtr motion. it was made nunnimous. A committee of tire was then appointed to wait on Gen. (hairy and inform Linn of his nomination. During their absence, Hoe. Henry Williams, of Alle gheny county ' Wll3 nominated Icy acclamation at the can didate for the Judgeship of the Supreme Court. THE INAUGURATION.--The new Excursion }louse, Atlantic City, will be formally opened to-morrow, by the Philadelphia Social Club. Thin will be the first excursion of the smolt, and, judging from the gentlemen having it in cliKge, will, without doubt, be a very pleasant affair. Particulars will be found in another column: PAPER ITAN(UNGSNO..T Decatur streets-- Howell & Prothers. paper -hanging manufac furers,are prepared to furnish,at wholesale, all styles of paper hangings, at their store, No: 3 iJecatur iitrcet, until the completion of their More, on Sixth !itrqet, below Market. • A MANS IN ADVANCE. — Ramthiffrieli at Par. I rnige's,ls North Eighth street, and 19 South Eighth street, of if very superiOr 11:00 O'Clook. ARIES. Diets. 16. Geo. Larch. 17. Jacob S. Shirk. 18. Geo. Geiger. 19. J. M. Durborrow. 211. J. B. Cessna. 21. Wm. Lewis.' 22. Dr. J. S. Crawford. 23. Hon. Bann , 'Souther 24. S. W. H. Miner. 25. Capt. 8. - W. Morgan 23..1. Blither Harragh. 27. N. W. 'Ernest. 28. J J. Sp,erman. 29. B. L. Litchfield. ELP_Ii 1A1.37P NEFIP:A YA.O9. TRAGthIiG 19nicltic at birceu~hl/1 ,: 7 'A notherterrible tragedy Oceurrea.yesterda A. 7 7mooniugin - thelittle - villagO•of - OrtietivilleTsit flitted over a•mile beyond , flergen,OltY, Matthew Arinstrgiig, a young man; the son ;of one of the .wealtluest and leading „citizens of, that section of , Hew jersey, ended his own life by apistol - shot:, In• consequence , of the efforts of his friends to conceal.thereat nature of the act, and to divest it of every feature calculated to make an intentional , instead of an accidental , suicide, the' , statetnents concerning ••the circumstances'. of the occurrence are conflicting , and unsatisfactory. According to one of these the young man was engaged in examining a pistol,' when it accidentally exploded; lodging its con tents in his brain. Others assert that the 'ball •passed through one ear and out the other. Ac cording, to the, statement of., others of the youth's a_pologisth, he was engaged in showing one of the housemaid.% how, fearlessly his. weapon mightbe handle d,when it, exploded. It is circulated by still others that the shooting was done when he was alone. This diversify of report but supports the belief that the young man committed suicide while laboring under a mental derangement,- the. result of intemperate habits. It is stated that Armstrong was very, much under • the in fluence of liquorwhen he reached ;home , on, Monday evening. The seamstress of his father's household was at that, time busy iron . ing in one of the rooms in the.lower part of the house; to which, soon after 'arrival ,home, he repaired. On entering he asked her to go for •sotnething for him: She;' well knowing that he did not know what he,,Was about, • and that he had no occasionforthatfor which:he had; asked, refused to go,and - pleaded the neeeSsity. of having a piece she was ironing ready Within - a - few - minutes. Notwithstanding, lds..offer to complete the ironing before her 'return, she still, refused: He then drew .out . his pistol, and showing it to her, asked her if •that would hot start, her 'upon the errand. She, him to put it by, when he undertook to denionstrafe its harm- • lessness. If she continued, however, to refwie to go for what he wanted, he would, he said, fix it so that it would go ' off on drawing the trigger. He did not do this, however; as the girl started immediately 't46' comply , , with his request.. When she returned, he was lying bleeding upon the floor of the room, his pis tol, one chamber discharged, lying by . his side. If the statement of the seamstress is to be relied upon, - hedid not adjust the revolving chambers so that the hammer could act upon the contents'of one of them until 'after she had left the room,-,..The young man lingered for several hours afterthe shooting, and died at 1 o'clock yesterday-morning. A FRENZIED MINISTER. Ex-Binister Webb's Opinion of Brazil The Washington correspondent of the New York Herald says: Gen. James Watson Webb,' who arrived here this morning, called during the day at the State Department; and had'an interview with Secretary Fish. Notwithstanding the fact that the Brazilian; Government has sub stantially receded from,the position it first oc cupied relative to the settlement of the claims for the ship Canada, Mr. Webb instill fierce in his denunciation of the Brazilian ofib ials. He regards'them as a set of barbarians who are utter strangers to the amenities of enlightened diplomacy. In his interview. With Sec retary Fish• he complained .bitterly of the lack of courtesy and personal considera tion with which he had been treated. The Brazilians, he says, haVe no respect for our government any more than they have for that of Hayti. In his opinion the only way to make them respect us Would be to give them a good film:Thing, and if the present officials re . - main at the head of affairs lie thinks it will come to that. In some respects the rePre sentatives of other governments are treated just as he was, but they have not enough spirit to-complain and dO not seem to knoW when they are insulted. Webb attributes what he terms the ignorance and brutality of Brazilians to the demoralizing effects of slavery. Altogether he is utterly disgusted with 'Brazil, and expresses himself satisfied that he is not compelled to go back there. CITY BULLETIN OBITUARY.—This morning. a number of the members of the Commercial Exchange Asso. ciation, the former associates of the late E. G. .James, assembled in the Secretary's room in their building for the purpose of taking some action in reference to his decease. Philip B. Mingle, Esq., Was called to the chair, and Stephen T. Souder, Esq., was selected Secre tary.' • Mr. E. G..Cattell, after a few.remarks, sub mitted the following preamble and reSdlutious, which were unanimously agreed to: Whereax -The-telegraph antIOUSICett to_ux.thestuLintel, ligence of' the death, at Chicago, of Mr. E.G. James; and. IVhercas. Mr E. G. James was one of the original members of this organization, and took an active and deep interest in its success, it seems pertinent that some recognition of the event H 11.11114 be made by those: now attached to our association; therefore, Resolved, That the members of the Commercial Ex• change have learned with the deepest sorrow of his de cease, and that we take this method of publicly express: ing pur grief for one who has been so long and actively identified with the business of our city. Resolved, That a committee of five merchants be ap pointed to tender to his bereaved family our deepest sympathies in this the day of their sore affliction. Resolved, That the committee be requested to telegraph to Chicago theproceedingsof this meetin. The President appointed the followingo gen tlemen on the committee:.E. G. Cattell, D. N. Wetzler, Charles Knecht, S. L: Ward and E. A. Souder. 01:T114 - 4:E.—A colored man named Wm.M an ha residing in Stranagon's Court, was passing b`• Eighth and Walnut streets, this morning, about two o'clock, he was attacked by a gang of rowdies. He was seriously beaten and stabbed in the stomach. The disturbance cre ated some excitement, bringing an officer to the rescue, who secured two of the party, whose names are Michael Bolliver and Wil liam Neigh. They were held by Alderman Morrow. LARCENY OF CRASH.--RONSOTI Moore was arrested last evening and taken to the Second District Station-house. A roll of crash was found in his pox.session. It was afterwards ascertained that he wax in the employment of Furness, Brinley & Co., Chestnut street, below Seventh, and that he had stolen the crash from the firm. He was held by Alderman Carpenter in $6OO bail for a further hearing. _ . BURGLARY.—About three o'clock this morn ing, the residence of Thomas Truitt, 224 Mon roe street, was entered by burglars through a back window which baa been carelessly left open. The thieves were frightened off before securing any plunder. CASE OF PARALYSIS.—About one o'clock this morning James Clark, thirty years of age, was found lying on a step in Otis street, below Frankford road, suffering- . from • a paralytic stroke. He was taken to his residence, No. 2018 Holman street. OWN table_clotb and a number of sheets, which were taken from a black man yesterday, now await an owner at the Secoua District Station-HOttse. ASSAULT AND BATTEUT.-7-Frank Dental er was arrested yesterday afternoon for assaulting a negro, on Locust street, above Tenth. lie was held to answer by Alderman Morrow. TO___I2IIE_SEADISTRESSES,—AIa -act-to exempt sewing machines belonging to the seam stresses in this Commonwealth fronr - levy and sale on execution or distress from rent: SECTION 1. Be it enacted by th.i Senate and House of Representatives of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania in General AsSembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, that .hereafter all sewing ma chines belonging to seamstresses in this Com mon Wealth shall bo exempt from levy and sale on etxecution or distress for rent, in addition to any article or mtiiiey . now exempt bylaw. • JOHN CLARK, Speaker of the House Of . WlLmiut WORTHINGTON, "- • " - :'' .. SpOlikOi of tlio - Soolite: Approvod the .seventeouth day: of April Anno Doinini, 1869, The Grover & Baker MachineAs how one of the most popular inaohines before, thq"pub- No ope should•be.without one. It is 'al ways ready for work, and acComplishits any kind of . sewing in perfect style,--LJo/utabia h'py ,(Pu . linowles JAMAICA GlttliEit.-:—Ffittlilies lens' ing the city ., 'ellitittlit , tuttt lOU mot:axing ^titentaeltee with thig inriduabte remedy. litn merit olOre now.. 44_ well ra doea not reniffEe a deiillorits na o tonic. There lots been. introdtteed,toto the mirket by tiruggiitto; at Variant thnet4-o-reniter to cope with 14-own, but so ter lie has 114/1 Intiliued the palm for 6U fie, riority,. 1' • .'! ' ; • EMI $15,000 wonra 'of. Summer _ Drom Goods, Piquee, Percales and Whit° Goodn. 2 HOMEY AND GLOVEF4 , ': Kid Gloves, Muldkerchieftl, Shawls, ,ribtekcSilki and Mixed Dress Goods, at leSs than gold cost, 1312FORIE COX MENCING' TO BEBVILD OCR OTOREI ? . IL.BArvritotom - Eiv, • • ; , '.44•N".!E.ighth street. . , . TREGO 7 B TEARRIMV: TOOTH:. WASH, Physicians ~a nd Dentists - reeouttnend 'and use this valuable 'preparation, UP dos every Ono who appro. elates the Importance of 'a sweet \mouth and a 'pure Sold by Druggists everywhere. NV,HITE .LVIRLTON, with sidebrmel. WHIT , / LINEN DEILY.' riG, with aideband. - WitrrE , DreK ' do.' do. WIIITE VELVET (.I . ol' /;idingl l 'and &full Resort:non t of Foreign and Domestic GENTLEMEN, after smoking,phould use Bur nett's Tooth Waskto sweeten tha breath. ';funicious MOTHERS' Mid HOTBOX ' use for children a safo and pleasantlnedicino 4.1 Bower's'infant Cordial.• • • • • SINTAR'S. OEWINGVMACHI.249B pp &sleet 'possible terms, hY F. DAVIS, 810 Chestnut street THERE'S NO MISTIAKE' ABOUT IT.—lt is a ploaStme tO deal with manlike efts.utuff Etcutt, street, artistic Bootmaker, at No. 004 North fklighth street, aboioßuttonwood. • Hie , aim is to give entire satisfac tion to his patrons; and we scarcely, need say he accom plishes it. Ile gets up some of the tory Vest work in the city, and his prices challenge competition: Try him once and you become a permanent easterner.) ,` THE PITRIFICATION -TREE. • This name may properly be given to the South American • Soap Tree, the Bark of which, after maceration, neu tralizes any kind of pollution that clings to the gar ments, and restores to them their original purity and beauty: As an ingredient of the celebrated I.l3ozooosT, it produces the , same effect upon all impurities of the Teeth , and fortifies them against discoloration and In clothing, furs, carpets, ke., use Lyon's Insect Pow. der. It will do it. Nothing else will. Don't .wait till the mischief is done. Kill them now. Be sere, you get Lyon'S Powder. See E.• Lyon's signature on the flask. Buy no other and you will avoidAisappointinent. ' • Deot, 21 Park Row, N. Y., SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS and druggists' sun dries. SNOWDEN t¢ BROTHER, 23 South Eighth street. Cons, Bunions, Inverted Nails, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson, No. 915 Chestnut street. Chargoi moderate. To THE LADIES. Ladies going to the sea-shore or country should got one of those elegant Sundowns sold by Charles Oakford Sc Sons, 534 and 836 Chestnut street.. GENTS' STRAW HATS can be purchased at Oakfords', 834 and 836 Chestnut street. . Latest styles sways on hand. J. Isaacs, M. D., Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city can be seen at his office, No, 805 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited, to accompany their patients, as ho has no secrets in his practice. Arti ficial eyes inserted. No char • e made for examination. THE PARHAM NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, This new and admirable Sewing 'lSlnchlue has already achieved a popularity not surpassed by 'the oldest ma. chines of the country. It combines all the good qualities of the beht machines in the market, ''.with many new and superior features not found in any 'other :JR ' ' ADAPTED FOR _ EVERY' DESCRIPTION OF FAMILY , SEWING. AnDrFOR LIGHT MA.NUFACTDRING"PURPOSES ; Is elegant in ,style and finish, • simple , in construction, 'noiseless in operation, makes perfect workon ever (Le scription of material; is very light running. - perfectly free in all its movements, is adapted to a greater range of work than any machine yet invented, and is einpliati cally the MOST PERFECT, SIMPLE AND 'RELIABLE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE EVER • OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. It is a positivgpleasnre to operate it. z . . Call and examine it at the office of the FOl - t SALEL-fiESIRABLE . ..RESIDENCE' N0.•917 SPRUCE street, -three-story brick house with two-story hack building; replete •with all modern canveniencesTliath with hot and-coldAvater, and wateri closet, adjoining chainber on second story.. Gas through out. Weaver & Volkniar Range in - kitchen, all In and condition. Lot :id by Gi feet. House 22 feet front, with feet side yard. '-Immediate possession given. Apply to S. W. VIM/KARA & SON, - • ' 244' South l'hird street. • • ATIVraLN7S - S.I7E - 877 -- : AM ES A. FREEMAN, 'AUCTIONEER; p , No. 422 Walnut street. I REAL ESTATE SALE; JUNE ' This Sale, on WEDNESDAY, at 12 o'clock neon, at thei' Exchange, will include the following— 2 shares Southern Mail Steamship Co. Stock. SLOAN ST—Bricki distillery and lot, 25 by 58 feet above Filbert street,' . 2ith Ward. Orphans' Court Sale— Estate rtf James Jones; deed. SYLVAN ST—Two-story stone house. cast of 39th et.? let 16 by Ito feet. Subject to 822 ground rent. Orphans'. Court sale—Est ate 9f C Lanegan, deed. LOT, 421) ST—Near Myrtle, 24th Ward, CO. by 115 ',feet. Rrocutor's Sate— , Estate of Henry LULOson, decd. No. NU N. FOURTH ST—Tb ree-story brick dwells and lager beer saloon ' above Montgomery avenue, lot Ist by 102 feet. Subject to S,'4D ground rent. Orphans' Court, sale Estate td 'C. Budder, deed. No: no. E. DA:UPI - TIN ST—Three-story brick dwell-. ing and lot, 18 by 100 feet. Subject to 6 , 18 ground rent. Orphan., Court Sale -Estate of Alin Kell, (teed No. 117 THOMPSON ST—Desirable three-story brick , otabls and largo lot,. fronting on Thoratikon. It no and and Hope sts., 100 by 50 feet. Subject to, e2O, ground rent. &4.000 may remain No. 1121 SPRtialil ST—Three-story brick dwelling and , ls by 58 feet. Executor's Absolute Sale—Estate of Hods( IL Carlisle, deed. No. 1210 BROWN 1215 OLIVE ST-2 three-story. brick dwellingn, each has back buildingsi lot 10 by 125, feet.-,,5'3.1:00 may remain. Nos. 2476 and 2478 TULIP ST-2 threo-story brick, dwellings, corner Jackson st., 19th Ward, each 14 by 60 feet. No 37 QUEEN ST—Three-story brick dwelling and lot, 17 by 100 fret. Orphans Total Sale—'Estate ql Betas IV it. ear. No. 3('QUEEN tiT—Losiroble tbree-story brick dwell ing, with back buildings, lot 24 by 100 feet. Same Estate. No. 218 COLUMBIA ,AV—Three-story brick i1011,4(', containing six rooms, and lot, 15 bV 07 feet. Orphans' C'enit Sah—Estaie of James. Kelly, deed. • . ;20 COLUMBIA .AV—Threu-story brick house and lot, 15 by 51 feet. Same Estate. S, W. CORNER. BROWN and RINGGOLD STS— Three-story brick dwelling, with back buildings, brick stable. brick slangliter-houtto, ice-house and shedding, brown street, west of 24th st., lot 50 by 129 feet. Or iihr, its' Court &Pr—Estate (if Patrick Harringlon t deed. No.• 725 LOMBARD ST—Four-story brick dwelling and lot; 20 by 96 feet to Cullen street, on which fronts a brit k dwelling. Subject to .963 ground rent. DRUG GISTS' SUNDRIES. GRAD G ates, Mortar, Pill Tiles, Combs, Brushers, Mirrors, Tweezers,—Puff-Doxesaforn--Seoo_ps,-Surgical-Instru melds, Trusses, Hard and Soft Rubber Goods Vial Cures, Glass and Motel Syringes, &c., all at 'First Hands" prices. SNOWDEN &BROTHER, . alas-if 23 South Eighth street. DRU GISTS ARE INVITE D Iito EX- Jur G amine our large stock of fresh. Drugs and Chemicals of the latest importation. Also, essential Oils, Vanilla Beans, Sponges, Chamois Skins, etc. ROBERT 'SHOEMAKER & CO., N. E. cor . nor Fourth and. Race streets. j draught and in bottlen; varioup brand& ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., E. E. corner Fourth tktl Race streetii. . , GEO. J. HENKELS CABINET MAKER, Established 1844.. 1301 and 1303 CHESTNUT STREET. _mv7.3.n40 • JOHN• W..GigAuY PITY NOVICES. . • • of TILE At 'CIIAIILER Olteitilut'streot . . . LADiEB' ITAT6 I LAMES' ,AcLATSII , • • At Charles Oakfortl & under theContitiontal To KILL MOTHS DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS .AND CATARRH SEWING MACHINES.: PARHAM SEWING MACHINE CO, No. 704 CHES 4 TNUT STREET. ienrnrp u o m al m STOCKS DRUGS. CAN lON PRESERVED GINGER vv 'Preeervod Ginger, ir, syrup of the celebrated • Ohr• loettg brand; also, Dry• Preserved Ginger,•in beton; Ira -ported and for• sale by JOB: D. BOSSIER 4..• 00.008 South Delaware avenue. • . , ASTIL.I 4 .I SOAP—NOW I. AND IN G.OO vv baxog White and Not tied Castile Soap,very superior .tonERT imovatAKEi_t_& co„ Wholesale Druggists, N. B: corner Fourth and /taco inmate. - -‘ -rourrrcAL - . NOTICES: --- - Oa; THE UNION, THE CfWiT/TIMOtr, • , ONE FLAG AND ONEtOVERNMENTIi 'Beloved at iloine,ite4icted Abriia(i! =MEE GRAND, REPUBLICAN RATIFICATION , : 11'1 , AgiS -MEETING CONCERT HALL, On Wednesdaj , Evening, June 23,1869, AT -8 O'CLOCK. Tho following distihichiihed gOntle'ruen will 'idaro . po thomeeting: _ Hon. A. K. McCLITRE, k OLMSTED;: - - ,, Hon. SIMON BARTHOLOMEW, 'Hon. JOHN sthyrr, - ' • Hon. THOMAS. MARSHALL, Gen. JOSHUA T. OWEN, Hon JAMES Mt acqyz,,' Hon JAMES ko,ii,toKl Majoi A. It. a&r.gplux, Majoi A. M:BitOlit. - ' • vy Hop. ,JOHN CESSNA, Hop JOHNW. FORNEY, WAYNE McVEAGH. order . of tLo Oity , Executive Oqfinqitlee JOHN L. HlLLl'Pret3ident. JOHN McCtLLOUGH , (. S ecretaries. . ROBERT T. GILL, ej 22.2t t _ , 1/11.8: - M. A. BINDER. ./Y1 DRESS TRIMMING AND PAPER PATTERN STORE, N. W. CORNER ELEVENTH AND CHESTNUT, Will close out the balance of her summer stork ,at groatlY reduced. prices, prior_to her daparture fur Europe. THURSDAY; July tith: ;Choice. lot of Colored Silk Fringes, 25,35, 40; 60, .62 eta. a yard ,all shades; also, Plaid Nainsooks. French Muslim, Pique and Mn rseilles,ilitzu burg Edging and Insertions, Real Guipure Laces. A Case Lace Points. Sacques and Jackets. Lama LIM. Parasol Covers. Black Thread Laces, all widths,nt very low prices. Genuine Joseph Kid Gloves, 00 a pair. Misses N Colored Kids.,,„ New,Style rantholo And Sei;Aides,. RounUr and Plain Ribbon and Sashes. Paris Jewelry, and a thousand anti one articles, too numerous to mention. EXCLUSIVE AGENT For Mrs. M. WtiltivS6olebrated bystem for Cutting Ladies' Dresses, Sacques, Basques, Garibaldis, Cbli dren's Clothes, &e. ,_hr measurement. • • . ~. ... ,-AGENTS WANTED. TBadleattrit now making from en° to am per pioniti as agents Barthis system...". ', '- - - ' tq , • ' InylSrp IN THE DISTRICT COURT Volt TH. e, City and Comity of Philadelphia. VIRTUE C, SWEATMAN as. MARY MURPRII, ANDREW 31UThl PRY and WILLIAM ,mvApmr. earl Facia,ii Mardi Tenn; 1669. No. 149. - - The Auditor appointed to distribute the proceeds sale by the Sherill of the following described Real Esi hate, to wit:—All the estate, right, title, shore, interest] property. claim and demand of them the said MARI RPRY, ANDREW MURPHY and WILLIAM MURPHY ire possession, reversion, remainder .r ex! pectanerof; in add to,all that ,certaht-thre estork.brick messudgeor tenement, with the two-story kitchen' dud lot or piece of „ground :•therounto situate on the. south'. ..,aide of Vine street and formerly numbered 26, now numbered 112), lietweiM Delaware Front and Second streets, in the City of Phila= dalpbiu aforesaid, containing in breadth on the said Vina street nineteen feet: and in depth tifty•ons feet. Bounded eastward by ground now or late of John Coburn, smith , ward by ground now or late of William Rush, westward by prelim] now or late of James Page, and northward by Ville street aforesaid. Will hear the •partiee interestedmt hitre i mee, N0;217 South Sixth etreet,l h the City of raid detrilifa ;:oti:TUESDAI,JuIy 611),A. D.4/8/.0 at 3 ticlock, r.111. - orded and - *hero 'ipereone :Adtereated are 1.c.• nuired to make their claim or be debarred from toinhigt lit umm'sa id fund-. • 'JOHN GQl, 4 7TlL'Auditor, Juea :2d, 1869. Jell l9t THE DISTRICT COUP!Y • T OR Tkit F City and Countyll of Philadelphia.—The Ciallflloll` wealth of Pennsylvania vs. the Heir' of DOROTHEA. J ARRETT . deceased. No. 321, June Term, . Al). 1509, Levan' Farias.—Tho. Auditorappointed by the Court to ropOrj, distribution Of futa•rnispi Ottlie,Balet,under theOboVe Writ, - Of "all - that stone - Me:lmage tnd- lot of ground situate on Chestnut Hill, In the city of rhiladel phia, on the northeasterly side of Germantown awl Per, kiontet) Turnpike road. containing four acres, more or less. as perdeed from GEORGE .1.-11tRET aitif:trite,dated January 18th,itt30, and recorded in Deed Bork - A. 31. No: 3, page 17, May 21st, 1831)." will meet, for the purpos-e of tile lippointment, at his oftice. Southeast corner of Wal , nut and Sixth streets ( secornhstory),in the city of Philo, delphia, on TUESDAY, the - sixth day of July, A. D. 1889, at,ll o'clock, A. 31, when and where all person# ard required toinake their claims ,or be Ilqbarml frohicont 2 izig ill 'utoti ~: JeZ3 . GEG, JUNK7N, eigietwimmoviniciri • orai , a;r:REAL ESTATE.. - -THOMAS & SONS'. Sit:le.—Modern three-story brick Reskienee,- North Twentieth street, north of Wallace street. Oa Tuesday, Juni , 29th 1869 at /2 d'eldek, noon, will be Hold: at public sale, at : the PhiladelPhla Exchange, all that, modern three-store -brink messuitge, , with throe-story: back building. and iot , otgriimul, situate:on the east side: of Twentieth street, north of Wallace street, No. 631;: containing in front on Ttrentieth street 19 'feet, and ex-. tending in depth 88 :feet 7' inches. including a 2 feet 9 Inches wide . alley, with the prlillege thereof. It' has parlor, dining room and kitchen on. the first floor; saloon si tt log room , walls stopped, gus ( with fixtures, which are: included in the sale); bath, hot and cold water, water: closet, two furnaces, cooking range, ,te. Immediate possession. Keys with P. Wagner, L.4f.11 Spring Garden street: , ,7 , • • • . , • • M. , THOMAS ; SONS. Anetiontiers, .103,20 139 and 111_,South Fourth street. t elp- ORPHANS' COURT SALE.ESTATE .w.a of Elizabeth M. Wood, demowd.—Thomas & WI,: Anctioneers:'—Two Frame Dwellings:. Lancaster Turn pike road,W est Philadelphia. Pursuant to an alias order. al., orphans' Court for the City and County of Phila delpf in, will be sold at public Hale, on Tuesday. July 13, 1::69, a .12 o'clock, noon, at the Pltiladelphitt Exchange. tinfoil wing described property, Into of. Elizabeth M.! Wood, ,b, • eased, viz.:—All that certain lot of ground, situate on he southwest side of the Lancaster Turnpike road. at the distance of 34 feet uorthwestwardly from the northwtat side of - Criumnond street, in the district of West Philadelphia; ronta Ming in front on said turn- Pike road 16 feet. and extending in depth southwest warily, between lines at right angles with the said-torn pike road, on the northwest line thereof 87 feet 9 inches,: and ou the southeast lino thereof Odi inches to., Union street. Bounded northeastwardly by said turn pike road, southenstWardlv by ground .now or late of Anna L. C. Duncan, southwestwardly by said Union street, and northwestwardly by ground formerly of John Cochran. BY the Court, JOSEPH MEGARY, Clerk 0", C . - MORRIS 110LIMIK, Administrator. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, je23 iv 2 10 . 139 /11.1 141 5. 1.'99011 Ormq. BANK STATEMENTS. Q --- UA --- R R TELY REPORT (S S THE 01- _RAAB NATIONAL I II NK, L A ADEIPIII4I, Jun.! 12,180. RESOURCES. . Loans and Discounts $2,676,659 38 United States Bonds for circulation ' 700,000 00 'United States Bond If for deposits 100,000 00 Other Stocks; Bonds and Mortgages ' 63,477 00 Due from approved Associations 81,582 76 .Due from other National Banks 138,845 34 Duo from other Banks and Bankers 55,888 19 Current expenses " 3,333 44 Cash Items • 101,378 27 ' Exchanges for Clearing-Rouse ' "630,180 11 Bills of National and other Banks -38,528 00 F motional 'Currency 8,607 38 - , ' Specie and Legal-Tender Notes • ' ' ,`' ",a4.5,936 34. ITnitod titafreo 3 per cent. Certificates;:,., 500,000 00 .-- i Total 58,475,310 21 - -, -LI.B.I3ILITIES. ' • Capital Stock $1,000,000 00 Surplus Fund , 400,000 00 ~ Discounts, Interest, and Profit and Loss 97,712 07 i Circulation „, -. . 589,020 00 , Individual Deposits 4, . .2,852089 94 Due Bills Outstanding: . 72,728 70. United States Deposits e - , 4,108 12' Inieto Banks and Bankers ' ' - A11,276 31 , Unpaid DiVidends ' '. 48,284 07 ' , , . Total l' , ' qa ,47 6 410 21 '- ' (Signed J . . 'W. ',L : , SOMA ' o FF ns E ll l l is , r. UItDAI '8 C.IF4LEfBEATED`PURF O TONY) Ale for invalids, family ma, kc.% , • The subserlberis new furnished with his full :Maar supply of his highly nutritious and well.known ,bever. age. • Its wide-spread and increasing use, by - order of physicians, for invalids, use of families, &c., commend it to the 'attention ~ofaill, , consumers -who-tvanta-str icily pure article; prepared froapthe 4,est , m (aerials, and put up in the most careful manner for home use et-transpor tation: ' Ordets by mait tir otherwise praraptly streplied. P. ,1-1()IttlAINI, No. 22.0 Peaestreet; 07- " T hird andtWalaut streets.- ckitiptii. • THE "BgE-hivt:ift,,Bgruirlrt, ~" Monday, June 21, 1869. IN OUR' ORERe OCIOOS DEPARTMENT . We shall offer lliandsom e French Printed taw net t at 22T. • Usually 30c. Light Ground Grenadines, Michlithiurod,trnie:;Wolith 62%c /Superb French Organdy Lawns. 37 1-2 e. • Everywhere fer—e wo 4e^° - Finest Paris Organdies, elaborately adorned with exquisite tracery in delicate tints, will be sold at and are truly worth 81. . • Silk Figured Grenadhies, Chiefly light marble_ groitude, with .purtl-colorelland stogie colored sprigs. 3751(i.; absolutely lees .than the On Our Centre Tables . we ehill offer 'an'"OLLA PODRIDA" or collection of miscellaneous drees goods tit' Vic. Many of them hare been reduced from 80'tind 623,1 c., in order to close them American Callias)s, lit.tit standard Qualitko and styles' Vhintz patterns and simple, all at 12%c. Mourning O'Meara included in this lot Black sllk at Popular Prices, 3 ' • , • i. 6., under mulct aloe• ; 60 Pieces Lyanaßliackhllka at $2, 82 /0, $2 25, 62 20, $2 pa, $2 76, 62 85 and 03 IMPORTEItS'AIti CLOSING' OUT THEIR STOCKS PBBYTOLITI TO THEIR• TAKINO , INYZNTOBT, HENCE THIS CHANCE FOB ,BAEGAINS. Black and*lLlte Striped Bilks . . At 81 M, worth fan.. In our FANCY GOODS, HOSIERY and GLOVE DEPARTMENT prices will be round-still reduced. TWO and THREE RUFFLE PABASOLS, Black, Brown; Green, Blue and white; at 15 per cent ; less than former Prices. -A line et PARASOLS pt el—cheer. yAlgelt 811,1 k TIES and 86A1ir,'s, train to 83 50 NEW ARUM"; OF NEW tOLORS IN' KID GLOypi, METITENICTUOREEN, AZtira 2l E 2 LU and. IfOMBOLDT PURPLE. Tlsese as, scarce Roach. Oni:nanal full and Complete line of PAWS SIDS at sAIiE PRICE AND LITY- AS IN'MU.' J. W. PROCTOR & CO., THE "BEE-HIVE," No. 920 ::ChettriftStreet: je2luiwrp P 0 P IT X.,*...0?..:PR1CES FOR nßyH' .. i.' .- : - o''o• -- Ds. RICKEY;STIARP& CO.- '-: :.. .1,- :.:.:..,.'•- r.,-727 , .GIUSTNWSUIEET. REF4lOlOk' 114')MtSS :GOODS. POPLINETTES: J A P ANE . - $ - E 6. ' ''''' ‘'''..l. ' i, - .. C il, ' ' '' ,S. ~.'- s ' ..'1„ GREY GOODS FOR fititS.,-2,` EMBROJpgligti tIREBIIiDDiES. LAW NS. GINGHAMS y CHINTZES. CHOCOLATE COLORED LINENS. CHOCOLATE COLORED PERCALES. WHITE GOODS. MOURNING GOODS. RICKEY,SHARV&Co. 127 CHESTNUT STREET. my 3 BLACK SILKS, IMPERIAL BLACK. LAiv, fr 4. Fourth and Arch. • . .. • Have Alit opened a cue of these DOUBLE-CHAIN MAGNIFICENT BLACK SILKS 11 4 It X LAWNS AND FINE ORGARDIES. BROWN AND WHITE LAWNS. BLACK AND WHITE LAWNS. WHITE AND BLACK LAWNS. JAPANESE POPLINS. • • • SUMMER simip, CLOSING. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS. m ad • SPECIAL A.NNOUNCENENT JOHN W. THOMAS, Nos. 4'05 and 407 N. - Second Street, Offerii' his 'euttio 'stock of Summer Dress Groods At Greatly Recluoed ?floes. HeriUmies, v C - renadines; Laniaii, Organ. dies, Poplinettes, Summer Pop lins, illohairs, au. ALSO, .LAMA AND. INDE'. Points, Paletots, RotundsTSacquei Mari° Antolnettes and Zounves. „ ; II ,1315AC . 4. AND , t , u h27snirp ". ' Pr()Qpic „ PRICE N. W. corner Eighth and Filbert IVIIITE GOODS ' ' Plaid fihd Striped Bohm:loft BinsMs% • ' Plaid Swiss Muslim and Plaid Organdies. ShirriA &Instills and Tricked Beft.ilidah Cambrics, Jaconets, Nainsooka, Victoria Lae ns: Swiss Muddle and India Twilled Long Cloths. piques, Piques, very cheap.,, ' Limn Goode, Linen Goods. • ' Linens Towels, Na pkins and Dbilles• -- • Bleached and Gubleached Table Linens. • Russia and American Crash, a c. Colored 'Earldom for covering. ' Mosquito Bar Netting, by the place or yard. Black Bilks. Black Oro Groln links, cheap. ' Cheap lot of mixed Dr ess' Goods, 26, .113 i, 45c. French Lawns, Vic. a yard. ' Shirting Percales, yard wide, 25C. a yard.' Borgaina in Ladles' 0 - ml Gents' Hosiery and (Hays . Gents' Summer Underwear; very cheap. Fans, leans, Fans, Linen Fans, Japanese. Enna, A.uto graplinins and Silk Eons. Homburg Edgings and Insertings, &c., &c. Magic RuMings, Coventry BUillifigs and Marseilles PRICE 4 WOOD.' N. W. corder Eighth and Filbert Ste. jel9 s w,2t TURKISH VESTS. BEST WHITE TOWELS FOR VESTS, AND LADIES' SACQUES, NOW OPEN AT MILLIKEN'S, 1128 CHESTNUT STREET AND 828 ARCH STREET. OARD "It is now seventeen year*" and upwards since we started the retail Dry Goods, then to a very mod!-st way, at our present lOoatton. Many seasons of prosperity enable US to afford some bargains to our friends and Patrons prior to rebn tiding *oar front store July let. COOPEII k CONAIIM, S E. corner N lath and Msrket Streets. REDUCTION ! REDUCTION ! ELDER, WALTON & CO., 215_ ' North Ninth Street, 215 (Above Race.) -- We arc noar offering - the - ENTIRE - BALANCE - of - our DRESS ' 4 0001)8 at n LARGE 'REDUCTION FROM FORIFIEIi PRICES, to close Summer stock.. • SILK and WOOL POPLINS. $1 W. LUPIN'S BLACK lIELINANI bargain. &N. BLACK SILKS. $1 tg34, az, $2 25, $2 W. 83, $3 50. FINE BLACK SILKS, reduced from 83 50 to 83.. POPLIN D'ETE MOHAIR. 31IXTUKES, COLORED rind IILACK, ALPACAS. MOTTLED MOl.l AIRS. ROMAN CLOTHS PIgUES, FRENCH. LAWNS, am., Sa., all REDL LED TO CLOSE OUT. An elegant assortment PLAID and STRIPED. NAIN• SOCKS—great bargalna. Full line DOMESTICS. 6tris . - - MILLINERY GOODS. LADIES' HATS. AND. BONNETS AT Greatly Reduced Prices. OUR ENTIRE WHOLESALE STOOK IS NOW OFFERED AT RETAIL VERY CHEAP, To close out the balance Of our Straw Goods, NEW FEATHERS AND FLOWERS JUST OPENED. THOS. KENNEDY St-BRO., No. 729 Chestnut Street. CLOTHING JONES' N E, R?IC CLOTHING HOUSE, 6 . 04 MARKET STREET, PUMA.J)ELPHIA. : First ,, Class , Beady-Made , Olothing, :mita/a for all Seabons, constantly on hand. Also, a Handsome Line of Goodslor„ OW, torn Work. ,••• , • falF 4 o. NIEMANN, , . , „":' • • = A ^ ' -Proprietor 'TO' ' ENT T 0 ,LET.THE''' SPLENDID •SECIOND _ story, Mom of Story, corner of Eloveuth.Aud eatttut strtietst - , lt hay all the =dont couranioncod. Rent law. A .ly on the renthies. • je23-6t§ hHOUSE WANTED—WANTED A :i , tmederkbuilt - dwidling.linutin; , between Broad and Twenty-first streets and Pine and Ma rlcet streets. Price front . tii lir moo to 812,00 ti. • Addr . essr B. .1. 8.," at this o ff ice. .. . . . , je23 2t* . WOOD, WIIITE GOODS