-_6 CITY BULLETIN. ;or •Tnsamt.-rThe stated meet inbotttc3 of-the Philadelphia Board of Trade,Wai, held on Monday evening. The — Coturnittee oh - Finance, •throu4h Mr. Allenopported bills to the amount ot. $120; alio the names , of 'tiventy-four new•members, who were elected. They also made a statement of tbe condition of the.finanges of; the Board proktectively to November Ist, - showing that in addition to probable,receipts. some $BOO would be needed to meet the expenses to that time, and , proposed_ that the`` menibers of i'Conneil should aid the.Societv in efforts to secure addi tional menibers. - . Mr. Durborow proposed that' the terms of membership should be raised .to, $lO per year, when, after debate, the `'following resoltition, proposed by 31r.Darriaiv ' ddiVted; Resolved, That the Executive. Council re commend to the Association, at its next stated 'tneetiftg,? in January; , 'hicrease:tlie terms of membership of firms ; to per•yeAr. Mr. Natty, from the Committee - Ott Revenue and Taxation, made_anelaborate- report upon the subject referred to. them,at the_last,meeting, of Coinfell;' in opposition to thel.Warehitusing system, and recommending4hat intecrest should be exacted by the Government on' the amount of duties chargeable - against 'merchandise whilst held in warehouses.> After .dehate,'on motion of Mr. Allen, it waS,reeernmitted,and'directed to bp presented at the Septeniber stated meet-. On Motion of Mr.' Wood, a committee, con— sistipg of - Messrs.'Wood,.'Winser and Paul, Wag appOinted to ',repreSent the 'share of the Philadelphia Library held by the Board when the evoter'sliall he taken on the acceptanCe•of the bequeSt "of.tlat late James Rush. : • 1 . • • On motion of Mr. Wipsor the report of. Mr. Menick, in,favor the - abolition of . the usury laws, was still farther poStponeil to • the% Sep tembei Meeting • • , • Om Motion'of Mr. Winer,thP Tote in favor, of reqntting registered've.sSels carry."tvita Prentices was rec.nsidered, and the subject re-. ferreiPto the meeting in September. Messrs. James, Durborow'and Gillespie were named' as the committee of the month. • THE DETECTIVE DErAirrmENT.;---The Dlayor issued the following order yesterday : Mayor's Office, Philadelphia, June 21st; 1869.—The following order, made this day, is published for the information of the entire Poll& Department: First = The Detective Department, together with its Chief, are declared to be a part of the Police Force of the City of Philadelphia, and are subject to the orders of the Chief of Police. Second—The Chief of the Detectives' De partment shall report daily in writing to the Chief of Police, all matters occurring in his department the preceding day, flu informa, Lion of offences and arrests, and the circum stances attending the same. Third—No person arrested. shall be dis charged except by order of the Mayor or Com mitting Magistrate; nor shall the custody of any prisoner be changed: unless by their order or that of the Chief of Police. Fouith—No'reivards Or, gratuities whatever, whether of rubney or other valuables, shall be recekved , by any officer, except by express per mission of the Mayo;. and all tenders of re wards and gratuities shall be promptly reported to the Mayor: stolen and other property re covered Shall be ..returned as speedily as practi cable to the proper owners, except where, by law, the same is to be delivered to the Clerk of the Courts of. Oyer and Terminer and Quarter Sessions; •the same in all crises to be done only by the Chief of Police, a receipt thereforto be taken in, a book to be keptrfor that purpoie,. Sixth—A: strict compliance wrth the abOve, and with the orders of the Chief of Police , in conuectiontherewith, will be exacted.' By' order of the MaYor. ST. CLAIR A. 11.13TITQLLANP, Chief of Police. BASE BALL.—A match was played yester day, at the ground of the Athletic Cluh, be tween the Keystone, of this citY, and tbe,Cin 7 cinnati Club: ',The weather was nnfaVorable, and the ground unlit for ball playing, and these draWbacks took from the game much of the interest it would- otherwise have had: The Cincinnati mon-the game by 15 runs. The fpßowing Was th ACINOINNATI. 0. 11. G. Wright, 1 7 Gould, bit b 4 4 Waterman, 3d b 2 5 Hurley, l f - ---- 3 --- 5 E. Wright, c. f 1 6 Leonard, 6:8 3 5 • Brainard, p. 1 6 tiwenzey, 2db 2 e 1•, r. 4 3 21 4. Total 1..N1111166. 1 • 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cincinnati Keystone. Bases made—Cincinnati, 34; Keystone, 21. Fly-catches.—Cincinnati McVey, • 3 ; Wright, 2.; G. Wright, 1; Sweazey, 1. Total, 'I. Keystone—. Kulp, 3 ; Dick, 1;. Flowers, 1; Balbach, 1 ; Bechtel, I ; McClarnin, 1. Total, S. Put Out; on Bases.—By Cincinnati—Gould, 12. Keystone—Ktlp, 12. Assisted by —,Cincinnati Waterman, 5 ; Leonard, 4 ; Brainerd, 1; ,Sweazey, 1. Key stone—Dick, 5 ; Flowers, 1 ; Bechtel, 2. Foul Bounds Caught. Cincinnati —G. Wright, 2. Bases on Balls.. Cincinuati—G. Wright, 2 ; _Hurley. 2. Keystone—Flowers, 2 ; Connor, 1 ; Bechtel, I. Home Runs.—Keystone-4lowens, 1111EIETiNG OF THE CARPET MANUFAC TURE ES.-A meeting of Carpet Manufacturers was Ii cid yesterday afternoon; at No. 120 North 'hird street, hi reference to the present diffi culty with the weavers respectinr , wages. James Pollock, Chairman; Hobert Doran, Secretaiy. The report of the Committee on Circular, in reply to the one issued by the em ployes, was presented. It states that during the war, with gold rating, at $2 00, the price of weaving was from three to five cents per yard less than is now wanted (gold at $1 37), and prices were then deemed satisfactory, at least by the weavers (carpets were then selling at least fifty per cent. more than they are now). At the rate of wages now offered, an industrious weaver can make from _s2 50 .to laff_day, and_it_tunstibe borne 1 . 2: —ln mind, to fin&rstand fully the nature of tin !employment, that an unskilled laborer can be `made in one month fully as skilled, and be en abled to earn as good wages as those who have_ been weavers far years. The report further states that they are coin . pelled to offer a reduction to prevent being itn 7 delsold by the Manufactwers of New York and the Easterff-States,-•who—manufacture-at lower rates. Many of the late - employes ex press a willingness to accede to the terms pro posed, but are deterred by threats, and in some cases have suffered actual violence. A resolution was adopted requesting the-co operation of manufacture's paying Mil prices in the movement for a reduction. 'Adjourned. ANOTHER AniEsT: 7 -Deptities• Murray and • Baynes, of the U. S. Marshal's Office, yesterday arrested Thomas Laphan on the charge of being concerned in the assault and battery on / Revenue Assessor 3ohn. Rause, a few days since, while operating among the illicit distil lers of the r..trwenty-fiftli Ward; Bail in $2,300 was taken by Commissioner Phillips for the ,tik peartunte of Laphan Tinusday. • ACCEPTED A cm.L.—TheTrev. A. B. At kins, for the past fifteen years RectOr of Christ Church, GerMantown, hag resigned the charge of that parish and accepted a call from St. John's Church, Georgetown, B. C. 1 e score KEYSTONE. 0. It. Dick, hit b 2 14 , Flowers, s. a 2 4 1 W(iitver, c. f 4 2 Halbach r. f............. 2---4 Kulp, 2d b 2 • 4 Connor, I. f 1 4 Bechtel, p 3 2 b . ... 3 3 Ewell. c............_...........2 3 10 5 5 2 6 8 9-45 3 '3 G 0 10 . 4 4-30 SALE. Or REAT4 EsrATE AND,--STOCKBo- , - Messrs. Thomas & Sons sold at the Exclumge, yesterdq noon; the collOW,ing stocks , and ',real _ Modern four-storfliii&C residence; No. 731. - Arch street, $21,120 36. Three:SW[sr prick store and i'dWelling; NO.I 221 South Seoand 'street, $5,050. ' Lot, Marriott street, east of Fifth, $1,500. Stores and dwellings, Nos. 451 and 453 _Ninth Thirteenth street, $6200. Three-story brick - dwelling, No. 1518 Vine street, .$5,700. . • Tract of -land; six acres,' 'Chestnut, Ifni, $2,950. Tract of laud,2l acres, Chestnut Hi 11,53,000. Lot, 9 acres, Chestnut Hill; $2,400. Tract, 8 acres, Chestnut Hill, $4,800. Three-story,,-Brick. dwelling, No. 803. Essex .s; street; sUbject to a yearly ground retie of ISO,' Revenue Extensiou,Silver, gurgpg property in Nevada, .%00. Sale on ; the premises, No. 1'728 Mt; Vernon, street, 13 shares Pennsylvania Railroad; $56 75-- $737 •75. . 25 shares Empire Transportation Coinpariy, $53 87—51,340 87. _ ' 50 shares Empire Transportation Company, $53 25--$2,662.50: , . 25 shares Empire Transportation Company, $52 50, $1,312:.50. 5 *shares Bank of North America $244 $1 , ,220. 25 Shares Girard Natianal Bank, $5B, $1,450. 2 shares Bank of Northern Libertle.s; $1234, $24.7. • 2 shares Bank of. Northern Liberties, $123, $246. 3 ' shares Franklin Insurance Company, $402 50, $1,207 50. ' ‘' 50 , shares Farmers' Insurance' Company, $45,^52,25 0 , $3,000 Cata.wissa Railroad 95 ,per cent., $2,000 City Sixes, old, 95/ 4 • per cent., $1,905. $5,800 . City Sixes, old, 95?, , per cent., $5,517 25. FIRE ON ARCH STREET.,—.About; half-past six last evening smoke was seen issuing froth the building No. 240 Arch •Street, occupied by Messrs. , W. Hulburt &Co., cominisSion dealers . in pils, &c. The alarm was speedily sounded,' and the firemen soon arrived on the ground. Through their efforti:the ilatnes were confined to the first floor and ,cellar, where the fire-ori ginated. The remaining portions of the build ing were thoroughly -flooded with water. Messrs. H. & Co. estimate their stock as valued at 'about $lO,OOO, upon which there are insu rances amounting to $7,000, which • will more than cover the loss. The building.wasbyrned byMr. John F. Kelly, and is fully insured. The occupants state that they hadtosed^the^ store but a short time before 'the fire was diS coVered, when everythin,g, according to their knowledge, was all right. There liad-beeri no tir4 used upon the premises for two mouths baCk. The supposition is that'it was caused by'an incendiary. Their „stock consisted of lard, sperm and whale oils. No coal oil had been stored on the premise's at anytime during the past three mouths. iiESTO NATION OF, A DETECTIVE.-Mr. Joshtia Taggert yesterday resigned his paSition as it Detective Officer. Since 1849 Mr. Tag gert has been associated with the police force, and was the most conspicuous of the brave men selected by'MarshatKeYi* to quell dis= turhanees in the district of m'Oramensina 6 at the th4e outlawry reigned snpreme. has served under nearly all the Mayors since the abolition of the : Marshal's force, and is one of the few men who have risen to the distinetion of a first class detective. He has been engaged in many pieces of detective business requiring the ut most skill and daring, and has never failed' in any of them. BITIf °YEW 1.41: A - FLEW. APPARATUS.- Th'eodore Emerges, aged fifteen years; was run over by the Niagara Hose Company's carriage,' at Third and Pine streets; last evening, whilst they were proceeding to the Areh - street fire. The lad sustained severe internal injuries, and was taken to the Hos )ltal,• NEW JERSEY MATTERS. OPENING OF THE STOCKTON HOUSE.--The formal o i nening_of the Stockton.House,'Cape Island City, will take place to4nOrrow when a company of specially invited gueSts go down to that delightful place of summer resort. This House is the most massive and imposing structure of the kind in the country-. It is sitnatedmi Guerney and Strand streets,having an entrance front on Guerneystreet,ineluding lporches Of two hundred" and ninety feet. ejfth cif Guerney street to ftwit of porch on Howard street, three hundrett" and ninety-fonr feet; ocean wing, two hundi4d and forty feet,. The buildings are fifty feet . (vide, four, stories high, which, in ,the clear, aro, seventeen , feet, eleven, ten and nine feet. The',,Porticoes are fourteen hundred feet long„twenty feet Ntide, and fifty feet high. The Mike and Main stair case hall are fifty by one hundred. feet. Dining room fifty by two hundred and twenty; ladies reception and waiting room eighteen by fifty feet; principal parlor fifty - by forty-eight feet; small parlor thirty-three by lift& feet; gentle men's smoking-room eighteeff by thirty-six feet; restaurant forty_ by fifty I feet; baggage room eighteen by twenty-eight feet; barber, shop eighteen by twentY-eight feet; corridors ten feet wide; mail staircase, double, each flight, eight feet, together with suitable offi ces, coat rooms, wash rooms, &c. There are three odicr staircases arranged at convenient points, affording the most, perfect ingress and egress. A beautiful colonnade separates the main office from the principal staircase. All the windows of the first story go down to the floor and mum thrown up into boxes, thus giv ing free access to the porches from every part of the building. The entire ocean wing is designed for lodg ing-rooms and private parlors. All the corri dors above the first story are twelve feet wide: The three upper stories are arranged entirely for lodging-rooms, the average sizes Of which are ten by seventeen feet and a half, and nine by seventeen feet in the clear. Especial atten tion has been paid to proper ventilation, which is as complete as human wisdom could suggest. The first story has been furnished in a neat and superb style, and, stored with all that can combine both splendor And, eonifert. The second story is' handsomely set off with rich and attractive furniture. . 'The third and fourth stories are more plain, but nonethejess neat. The main staircase finished in the best style, mind presents a magnificent 'appear . anee. The principal office:has ill the modern improvements, with every convenience re quire(' to proinptly.acconimodate the immense business of the house. The portico, columns and ' entablature have, -been-put-up in the most substantial, manner: The_coliumiS are fifty feet 'two feet square, panelled and ornamented: 'A. • tower in the centre of the entrance , front rises one hUndred and twenty feet high from the base minrimented_withjulconies,aniksefellwor The foundations mid frame-Work:are of the - Most substantial character, and duly pro:4)6r boned to the extensive structure—the! archi tect, Mr. 8. D: Button, of Camden;levidently looking as much to strength and durability as' , to beauty of finish. The ceiling of the dining room,. whichis forty-nine feet wide in the . clear is supported with truss-framing, thus avoiding the use of colunnis..ThiS ceiling is very richly ornameutedWith stucco work, and the' same style.: of finish has been observed .and' carried 0 in, the parlors, reception-roo4'4e:, on the4litst floor. The building, as it now stands completed, will accommodate from fifteen hundred to two. thousand guests, without - crowding-Jot' it 'is the determination of the proprietor to.receive no more than he can accommodate Comfort ably. The back buildings for cooking contain all the modern imprOvenients, .and: are amply flit!iished with every convenience requiredby - the style and capacity of the house. 'MS per titm of the hotel alone covers nearly an acreiof ground. The style of the,‘.‘Stockton :Rouse" is Italian, built in accordance with the plan of THEDAILY 184,9,,, the architect, For beauty of design- graceful ornamentation, and pouvenience of- arrange t 4 - ment it do ` Whetter Mg. 134tfon ever drew a plan, 'with alliiis'et at peliee fifth° art,. that excelled this—: __ - _ _:__.. This 'enterPrisb *as projected by a stock .company, and the necessary funds tamed on a somewhat neiisr_ancl inifekplahLiSonio thirty two shares of stock wore issued at $5,000 per share—the holder of eaclishare being entitled to ;a room in the hotelfrpe, or he;tart lease;out. the sand at - his option. The Itailisiad - Com pany also gives a Tree ticket to - each share ho der, ,whlch pasa . es ldm over „the „road . for ; 43'. th e-years, and n(traniderableirleate lie dis -1 'p ,es of his stock. The balance of the money required to complete the building was ob tai-ned in other wars, Among Ahopreminent participants in. - this', - ,great lindertaU, ng are John C. ; Bullitt, Esq., of Philadelphia, who owns the Columbia HouSe; "Alb'ert - W. Mark ley, Esq., and Gen. Wm. Sewell, Or Camden, with otherenterprising gentlemen. '` ' ' , Mtichanxiety was, rnattifeated ,it:regard to the 'selection: bf a suitable 'manager for this mammoth ehtablisliment, and It waq ' finally decided ' to'tender ,theproPribtorahip to ' Ai% Gardner,'Of 'illard'Hetel;"'Washington; whose 7W Well knoWn: reputation 'and cenceded gthlificationa for thatiposition ditV6 :MS Oral" C 0: that no" 'better selection could .be ' liad.'' . 'With this 'management a 'full guarantee is gliren to the public that the "Stockton I-IcCuse'Y - will' be as laultleas' as lmnian 'energy and'Well-directed skill can make it. , ' '-"' ,' ' 01rAPTER OF ACCIDENTS.—CharIes Kraus, of Camden, fell froth the.cars a few days ago, ',while the train; , was running at rate of twenty miles an hour, and was ,severely . in jured. A man named Wesley, Got:mug' had three of his fingers out'. off yesterday, at the, foundry, of J. W. Starr Sc Sons,l4 . ,kaving, them caught :in the machinery. Another man Ildslifa; of Camden; was badly initired 31i.13aldwin's locom,otive worim, a day- Ax' two since. He Was taken to Cam den, where his: wound were carefully attended to. .A.N EXTENSIVE BuizoLAßY.—Tlieteseerils tei be regular gang of expert.burghirs operating around the lower part of Camden countit; Who have been quite successful in severarplaces recently. Their latest operations Were at Wil liamstown in forcing art entrance ill the stole horse of Messrs. Bodine,where they aucbeeded in pbtaining considerable. booty. 'Besidea'other articles, they carried away $lOO in cash and $2,200 in Goveridnent bonds. The. - robbers then made their escape, since which time • no traces of them have been discovered. ARRESTED AND . COMNEITTED.-TiVO ypung men, giving,the names of Michael Foley. and and Robert Downey, were arrested on Monday evening, on the charge of riotous assault on the keeper of the stables of West Jersey Local Express Company, immed Thomas Moore. They were sommitted by Mayor Cox to an swer the charge. Another Man implicated in the assault made his escape. STRUCK BY LIGHTNING.,—The beautiful flag pole erected at Third and. Mount Vernon streets, by the Grant and Colfax . Club, of South Ward, was struck by lightning on Monday evening, during the severe storm, and conside rably shattered. , NARROW ESCAPE.-A coal oil l lamp ex ploded in the residence of Mrs. Hibdle, Hud son street, near Bridge avenue, oil , Monday evening and several valuable articles were de stroye(f.'Mrs. Hindle and child came very.near being dreadfully burned. lA/PORTA Reported for the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. CARDENAS—Schr J J Spencer, Sul,ith--M1 lamb 124 bxs sugar W Buzby. - BIOTEMENTS . OF OCEAN STEAMERS. TO ABRIVE. SKIPS , FROM . __..... FOR DATE 'Atalanta London...Now.,York. i.... June 15 China Liverpciol...New York '- ' Juno 12 Conibritt... ' Glasgow... New York ' Tune 12 New York Havre...New York.. ' - Juno 12 Bavaria Baroburg...New York June 12 Cleopatra Vont Cruz... New York • • • ' Juno 15 Union Southanapton.,..Now York..: . - Jrino 15 Samaria Liverpool... New York via B Juno 15 Colorado Liverpool... New York. June 16 The Queen L iverpool...NeW York. June 16 City of Autwerp..Liyerpoei...New York *• ' ' June 17 TO DEPART. . . lietmann New Y0rk...8 remelt ' Juno 2.‘ Sibbria New York,..LivdrpOol ' ' ' • • Tune 24 Lafayette New York:..HavreL June 23 C. Of Brooklyn.,New . York...Liverpool . June 29 Helvetia New York...Liverpool_ June 23 Cortes Now York... New Orleans June 26 Pennsylvnia --New York... Liverpool June 26 Europa New York... Glasgow. June 26 C of Washingrn New York...Liverpobl via Hal'x.June 29 Pioneer Thiladelphht...Wilunnuton June 29 Nevada • ' New York... Liverpool June3o China Now York... Liverpool Juno 30 Arizona. New York...Aspinwall. July 1 Aleppo New York... Liverpool July 1 SUN RISES, 4 32 1 fRIN SETS, 7 321 HIGH 'WATER, 1739 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Stentmr Mars, Gruntleyi-24 hours from Now York,with incise to NV Ii Baird Sc Co. . - . Steamer A C Stimeru,Knox,24 hours from New York, with indSritolY . . Seim J .J Spencer, Smith, 8 days from Cardenas, with sugar to W Buzbv. Schr Congress, 'York, from Bath, with ice to Knicker bocker Ice Co., . - : Seim L A May, Baker; Botiton. ' ng Thos Jegerson, Allen, from Baltimore, with a tow of barges to W P Clyde & Co Titg Commodore, Wilson, from Havre de Grace,with a tow of barges to . NY P Clyde & Co. , CLEARED YESTERDAY. St( amer Claymont, Platt, Richmond and Norfolk, W tlytie & Co. Stenmer Anu Eliza. Richards, N York, ,W P Clyde & Co Steamer 3 iiirlver, Biggins, Baltimore, A Groves. Jr. Berk Acacia, Robinson, Matenzas, Warren & Greg m Brig .1 Sanderso( Br), Colter, Pictou; ES. C C V an Horn. Seim Ocean Bird, Kelly, Providence, Blakiston, Graoff & Co. Sell r Elite, WoOlford i Norfolk, Andenried, Norton & Co. Sehr li G Ely, McAllistel Norfolk, do Seim Yeller, A bdill , Petersburg, do Seim .1, C Cavender, Washington, do SehrA Sefford. Powell. Salem, do Tualludson, Nicholson,Baltimore,with a tow of barges, W P Clyde & Co. Tag Chesapeake, Merrihew, Havre de Grace, with a tow of Rarges, W P Clyde & Co. Ships Tuscarora, Rowland; Record, Colfor Maggie Hammond, Vw illis; gnus arid, McAtpin; H Southard, 1t0,,5, and bark Hannah Morris, Morris, were loading nt 'l,icerpoolluth inst. for this port. Ship Shirley, Ferguson, cleared at .San Francisco 21st inst for Hong Kong Steamer Chino, HockleY, front Livefpool 12th inst. at New York veSterday. . • Steamer Helvetia, ThOmpson, from Liverpool 9111 lust. at New York yesterday. Steamer Ariadne, Eldridge, at Galveston 12th instant front New York. Steamer United States, Norton, at Now Orleans 19th inst: front New York. Steamer Crescent CityHildreth, sailed front Now Or- ' leans 20th inst. for New Mork.. Stemmer lowa (Br), Hedderwick, from Now York, at Moville 20th inst. and proceeded for Glasgow. Bark Eldorado (Norw ),, Thomason, hence for Stock holm, at Sandimm Nth inst. Brig Alma (NG), Kruger, hence at Pillow Bth inst. ` Brig Ida ( Br), Horner, hence at• Port Spain 23d ult. and sailed 2d inst. for Port Rico. Brig Samuel Welsh; Darrah, 19 days from Cow Bay, at New York yesterday. tichr Perseverance, Lamb, hence at St. Johns, PR. 3d • Instant. ehr Easton, Wilson. hence, remained at Kingston,. Ja Bth inst. fur Nassau. • Schr Eastern Belie, Kilhuan, from Bangor for this port, at Salem 20th inst. • Seim Bertha Souder,Wooster, hones at Salem 18th inst. Schr Ralph Souder, "Milan, cleared at Salem 17th inst. for Hillsboro, NB. Schr Watauga, Lawrence, cleared at Jacksonvillo 13th Mkt. for New York. • Seim S C Tyler,Stcelman, cleared at Boston 21st inst. for_Georgetown,DC -, • Schr M. 0 Moseley, sailed from Charleston yesterday for this port. • Behr Rising Sun t Moore, hence at Richmond 21st inst. Schur Maryland, Green, sailed from Bangor 19th inst. for this port: Fehr J 11 Perry,Kelly, sailed from New Bedford 21st inst. for this port. . • • Seim Emma L Porter, Sparks, hence at A pponaug 18th iust. via Boston Schr Kate N Rich,Doughty, cleared at Boston 21st List: for Saco, to loud for this port: • Sehr S L Stevens, Small, cleared at N -York Yesterday for this port. ••• • - • Srltr Shooting Star, Stinsmon, at San Francisco 12th inst. front Ciunden, Me. . • ' • • Schrs J S•Bragdon,yreetattn, and J Baker, Purvore, hence et Boston 19th inst. Schr Paul dc Thompson, Godfrey, for Boston; cleared at NC. 19th inst. • • MO i • • : • Schr Mary Ivens, IM at Norfolk 21st nst. front Woodbury, NJ. Schr C SErricktien,,' Smith, tit New Bedford 19th itnit. from Woodbridge, NJ • - • • : ' ' • Scar Racer, Howard, sailed, frOm New Bedford 19th inst. for Woodbridge, NJ. • Rims Gen Banks, Ryder,' Philanthropist, Warren, and 3N ge pp, Hawes; hence at Bangor 19th•inst.. , Karl, 31 Warren, Warren, Boum) at Boston ..21st inst. - 730A.11,D OErTRADE. JOAN O. JAME '.B. DURBOBOW. MONTHLY COMMITTEE THOS. L. GILLESPIE: MARINE BULLETIN: PORT OF PEILLADELPIIIA-JuNE,23 MEMORANDA MARINE NiSOELLAN Y • . Steamer .Mary Sandford, from Wilmington, NC. 'for New York; before reported aground on the Main Bar t 'bee been got out' and was exported:up to Wilmington jest night fcir repairg. -• • Brig James Dinka', of Belfast, Me. line arrived at Sy& ney, CB. after hivingboenn ashore of the coast., .The extent of her injuries le not known. She -Is commanded by Capt• Thog Shute. . • . WANTS. W— ANTED—PEOPLE TO SEE firE DEXTER :WASHING IVIAGHTNE--the berlt the world. Washes three shirts clean In thres minutes. SQUIRE AINSWORTH, Agent, No. 1227 Market tartlet. Jel9 - AMITEiEMEN 11 . 4 RS. JOHN DREW'S - ARCH STREET. _OA.' ' THEATRE. t, • , Ildsiness lk,gdnt ariA'Tretisurer,. M,r. JOS. D. MUM HY. Direetoeof Opera. ..„ Mt: F. SHAEFEIL — l -- GRAND TESTIMONIAL -- BNEFIT' --- - ----- ,TO MR. JOHN T' DONNELLY, Tendered by the entire _press o'f 'Philadelphia, _I WEDNESDAY - EVENINO, June 23d, 1889; The Committee of Arrangements hating In charge the perfection of this ` _ . • - "- . OFEFRING , 4. ,Pr Bent with pleasure the 'following well-known' and tai nted lists of artistes - - • , - . ' IN "A' SPLENDID BILL or - ATTRACTION I To whom they are indebted for. the tender of their ear. vices; Mrs. JOHN DREW, who weisitotisly placed - the theatre'at their disposal; to MISS SUSAN °ALTON. 1 ' And .ootnic English Opera Company. Mies Blanche Calton, , Mr. Thomas Whiffln, Mr. A. Kelleher.; • '- -I Mr. Robert Craig, Ml'. Frank Moran, Mrs. Frank blerilatint, • Mr. F. F. Mackay - MrXhas.Dodworthdmil Mit. - E. N. SLOCUM' ' ' • ,-' - , OF ciiviop.oss a: DIXEVS ItiIIiSTRELS, , . , . And ninny o th ers who appear.. The prograinthe Will comprise ~ .onenbacle a : • LISCIIEN AND FRITZWIEN. 'LISCIIEN ' , - ' - Mira SUSAN GA.LTON. Frit4chen - : - Mr. Thotutis Whllfla The distinguished Tenor.KEEHER. Craig's Comely -• • - • LOYI; MADE BY MIMICRY Adolphus Latherum, 'J. S. Clarke St nartßobson, With his celebrated and life-like imitations of CHAS.. DICKENS, AND JOHN BROUGHAM'S ' • SPEECH BEFORE' THE CURTAIN; The Inimitable Ethiopian Comedian, ~ MR. FRANK -MORAN: In one of his specialties "assisted by - , - MR. E. N. SLOCUM, CARNCROSS MINSTRELS. Concluding with (by request) Offenbach's hEKLEUX AVEUGLI:S.' Puiachon, another Blind Beggar; 'Mr. imi ' Th:whlain Gerstner, A Blind Beggar I.—Miss. Blanche Balton _commence at 8 o'clock. "' Prices aS wish' Seats secured at Box Office from 9 A:M. to's P: ARC3I STREET THEATRE. JOHN A. ELMER. • Lesgeo and Manager • , GRAND JUBILEE -WEEK, ,, Commencing SATURDAY EVENING, Juno 26th, With George L. Fox's original , • , • • TRICK •PANTOMIBIE • lIUMPTY DUMP ' ' • • With a•• _ • NEW BURLESQUE PROLOGUE : • Written by Jr. Beniquin E. - • • Now Tricks, Remarkable Chatigee, Elaborate Mechan ism, Stage Properties,XVlSVOH, de., and - • : NEW AND - BMAUTIFUL SCENERY, MAGIC TRANSFORMATIONS,: Upon a scale of magnilicent unequaled together With • • GRAND BALLET • • Of distinguished French, , Spanish and English artiste, under the direction of M. HENRI ST. ODY. ,r HUAI PTY DIJMPTY Is produced in the atyle of the popular - • ENGLISH-CHRISTMAS PANTOMIMES Filled with burlesque ' Scenes, Caricatures of Local Characters and Extravagances of the present day, illus trated by the vagaries of the • • MERRY CLOWN, SIMPLE PANTALOON NIMBLE HARLEQUIN and TRIPPING COL UMBIN E The celebrated Pantomindat; TONY DENIER, AS CLOWN, A ride in which 1,, has no superior. GEORGE A. BEANE, AS PANTALOON; • HARRY LESLIE, AS HARLEQUIN•, • Mille. AURIOL , PH CO LUMIIINE. PREMIERE DANSEUSE. Mdlle. THERESA • ANTUNINO-. To give due effect to the celebrated Skating Scene, the "Champion," Air. ALFRED 310 E, The moot graceful and expert Skater in the countr7,wll l appear nightly. • PRICES OF ADMISSION 80 cents Seats secured in advance. Box 01lice Open Daily, from 9 A. M. until 10 P. M. ALEX. FISHER Business Manager WALNUT 'STREET THEATRE7 Begins at 86 'clock. THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, June 29. THIRD NIGHT Of Dion Boucicault's great and most successful Drama of the age, entitled, ARRAH-NA-POGUE. Shaun, the Post. Mr. J. E. McDONOUGH With Song "Wearing of the Green." Alvah Modish MissJOSIE ORTON With Songs,"Cusbla ague Muchree,"and"From My Love Parted." AbIERICAN THEATRE,_ : WALNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH. Thus the Stars conic to the Home of Talent FIRST NIGHTS OF ANNIE HINDLE AND NELLIE MASKELL. Robert Butler's Pantomime Company. Valentine Love's Combination; Sam. De Yore, Master Martin, all in new acts. GUS WILLIAMS AND THE DASHWOODS. A grand bill every evening, commencing at 8. The coolest theatre in America. Open all summer, and Saturday afternoon. ACADEMY 01 4 ' FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT street, above Tenth Open from 9 A. N. to 6 D. Di. Benjamin West's Great Picture of CHRIST REJECTED still on exhibition LUMBER- Lumber Under Cover, ALWAYS DRY. WATSON , 8c GILLIN GHAM, 924 Richmond Street. nati29-Iy§ MAULS, BROTHER & 00 . . 1 2500 South Street. TTERN MAKER'S . PATTERN 'MAKERS. 1869 1.869. CHOICE SELECTION F • ILECITIGAN o CORK PINE FOR PATTERNS. 1869.5 - Ipunla'AND TiVINkIP. E: IB69 LARGE STOCK. 1869. I'LIPLIIn'tEk.iTcYO7I,IIO I .. 1869. CAROLINA FLOORING_ VIRGINIA FLOORING. • ' DELAWARE FLOORING* ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING. ' ' • 1869.LIPL'af'D'k STEP BOARDS. u Q RAIL PLANK. RAIL PLANK. 1869 WALNUT BOARDS ANDIB69 ° WALNUT BOAA N S K AND PLANK. • WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANK. • ASSORTED FOR CABINET MAKERS, BUILDERS, &O. 1869 UNDERTAKERS' LUMBE,R, UNDERTAKERS' LUMBER.- 1869. WALNUT AND 1869. SEAPA`ZO) CHERRY. 1869. ASH. _ WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. HICKORY. 1869. , CAROLINA 11. T. SILLS. 1869. NORWAY SCANTLING. 1869. ssIIINGGLII'.s . 1869 CYPRESS SHINGLES. LARGE ASSORTMENT ]?OR SALE LOW. 1869. PLASTERING LATH. .1869. LATIL DIAIULE BUOTHE4 WOO SOUT STIIELT. THOMAS & POHL, LUMBER MEE chants, No. 1011 S. Fourth Atroot. At their_ yard will be found Walnut, Ash, Poplar, Cherry., Pine, em lock, Ste., &0., at reasonable prices. Give them a call. MARTIN THOMAS, ELIAS POEM. I Inbl7-6m* FLORIDA YELLOW PINE LUMBER. 60,000 feet inch-andqruarter - lloorlottr3 - to - fIT - inch: 90,000 feet boards, 1 and IM inch. 6to 12 inch: 20,000 foot boards, 13 inch. Cargo schooner Baylis. Nor sale by E. A. 6011 BER & CO., Dock street wharf. io2l-30 rpoCONTRACTORS, LUMBERMEN and Ship-builders.—Wo are now prepared to execute promptly orders for Southern Yellow Pine Timber, Slitpettiff and Lumber. COCHRAN, RUSSELL & CO., 22 North Front street. inh2t tf _ ATELLOW PINE LUMBER ORDERS 1 for cargoes of ,every description Sawed Lumber , cuted--at- -short-=notice—quality -subject -to-inspectlon. A ..1 to EDW. H. ROWLEY.I6 South Wharves. lb° CARRIAGES: , o cz SPEC lAIJTIC Or • •,, Pony Phaetons and, Velocipedes Of tho letea styles and lowest prices, together with al . the now ,Spring .Patterns of firs ..class. „ Phaetons and Carriages,' atock and finialling. 'For Salo by S. W. JACOBS,' N0.)617 Arch Street. a .14 w 24ti CA I rION. A LL PERSONS ARE . HEREBY- OAU TIONED Roiled trusting any of the crew of the N. G. ship - Martha . ; LewinMuster, froni=-LiVerpool, as no debts of .their ciiiittotiet'ing will be paid by °Wier the Captain or:ConqIOO6C — TETER & t 39 N 5,115" Walnut atreet.r • ! • Je22-6t -FOR' SALE—FOUR-STORY BROWN Li i. .Atono Dwelling, 2018 Spruce otiebt..*: THREE-STORY BRICK IDWRI4LIRCI,,M4 • Mount Yenmon otreot.- • - r _ . WEERTCRY4,IIRICK_DWRIALTH.Gv.IS2O Bond jeMt*of W.. 111.1 • HtRY,7BI Whlnut ntroet. 11ANpSOME anEd°Cßo T18;1 t c.y ' the Pennsylian is nail• roadi five ty B nl:iies !Cul Market street Bridge. er n excellent order, all modern cnrk• V r ien cl : tl :l7 ° Va P rii, careldgerlipuser .Pn . ant - houtm, Ice . ho sex, Flue situation. _r_cutestiT t u wair ut „roe.. j 2.275t* Ny:z.BBICSiaI•VAII. • - -" B. AND FOR SALE AEXCHANGE. ' tamis, Country' Elents;Store_s, Mills, Bco., lingreat a variety.. bond for Catalogues. BAICSOM ItoGxits, 206:50u tte jo4im etreet. AIF.,RMAN TOWN-FUR SAL Handsome double Jwinled stone residence,' with' po ,nted stone stable and carriage house, anti an acre ground, situate on the 8. W. aide of OlieW streetbetween Shoemaker anil Miura , Lanes. Liss every city , ton= vcnimice, and is in perfect order; grounds beautifully improved with drive, walks,' choice evergreen 'and shade vrees and an abundance of fruit. J. M. (HEANEY ' & .80148;733 Walnut street-- , ' • - FOR SALE.—NEAT THREE-STORY ,ERStono Cottage, good • location, Germantown, 'near depot; grooms ; every convenience. Lot; 30 by 110 feot. 04,300: , • I • ' • aTI7 - ti,§ , M. P. WALLACE, 128.5. Sixth street. in FOR SALE—DWELLINGS. AND . STORES.-1510 N. Tenth lotreet,lot 271E75; aide yard, and all modern inoproveznents. 1323 Brandswino street; lot 16x.60; 8 rooms and bath; side alley; a bargain. 2524 N. Broad. Lot 25:477.10.4:7,500. , 659 N. Broad at., • 1311 N. Broad at, 1305 BtandyWine at., , 817 N: Sixteenth st., • " 1.307 N. Fifteenth at., 1327 N . Fifteenth at., 1414, maater at., N .Iflnoteemth st.,' • IWO N. Nineteenth at., • , 2130 Franklin et., ,' 3711 N. Ninth et., . 614 NZl4Venth at., 1630 Mt. Vernon at., 1521 W oat. • , 1404 Wellington Street. Lot 16 by 72. . Ten rooms, Mo dern improvements. Terms easy. - Nand-class neigh borhood. Only 85,700. For particulars stet the Iteglator,' price;s costa. Conveyancing and collecting prompt/y at tended to, for which J. most respectfully . solicit, your pa.: tronzogo._l , IV. - EAVENSt • , ray2s tf9 • ss9N.lireadstratt. Mr. ROBERT CRAIG fa FOR SALE.--A VALUABLE BUILIV- Ma lug Lot t S. W. corner Thirtpalzth and, Chestnut streets West Philadelphia, has 3 frottte, 10u feet front by 220 jeet' deem ' Terms oust, . pplyr to OOPPUOK & JORI)Al, 4,32 Walnut street, Ott ( • fOR --- A ItItOWN-STONE Mi r Dwelling,2ll3 Spruce street. , A hatidsitto Dwolling,-.1623 A.reh street; A handset/to Dwelling; 1121 Vino street. A handsome Desidenee, West Philadelphia.; • . A modern Dwelling, /OW Sergeant street. • A linSinuss Location, W Strawberry street. A handsome Dwelling, 4017 South Ninth street.. A 22.1, to COPl'l.l9liv & JORDAK, 433 Walnut street, FOR SALE -. 1). HANDSOME` BRICK. mu- Besidetice, marble' fret story, with, feet side yard. - Every convenience; 2 ,batb , rooras, - c.. situate on the east side of Fifteenth' street below, S Vi c.. street: J. M. OCMM.B . Y .2 11.0.118;733 Walnut street. tARCH ESTRiBET.—FOR SALE:—THE handsome fouratory brick Itesldence.,s:llfeet front,- with three-story double boticbuildings;linished thpough 7 out in tbe best manner; with erery convenience, and In perfect order; situate oh'Arch street, west of Twentieth. J. 31. GUMMY: X & 80145,733 Walnut street. : CIA GERMANTOWN •L=FOR SALE.-A Bat modern stone Cottage, with ever , ' city convenience. Parlor, dining room,eitting room, kitchen and cham bore; tieeirably located, within ten minutee'welk from the railroad thmot. Nicely 'denied. J. 11.: GOALMXX BONS, 733 Walnut street. en MARKET STREET.-FOR RENT- Tho valuable property 26 feet 6 Inches front by 164 feet deep, Arlth aide light and back outlet; situate No.. 915 - Market at: In mediate posseasion. J . 31. lIMAIRY .st. SONS 733 Walnut at. :awl Z 5 cents REESE 8c .31c,COLLUM, ILEAL ESTATE AG iTB. Office,Jackson street, opposite 311104101). street, Caps Island, N. J. Beal Estate bought and sold. Persons desirous of renting cottages during the season will apply or address as above. Respectfully refer to Chat. A. Rublcarn.Renry Burnm, Francis .AlcllYaln, Augustus Merino, John Davis and W. W. Jtrenal. f0.4-tfi an TO .. RENT-AN EIGHT -ROOMED Ma Howe, in good order. 1200 Ellsworth'street. Can be seen from 9 to 10 A. 31., or apply at 1401 Spruce street. It' OM TO RENT—FURNISHED, IN GER mantown, a large residence, within els Minutes' walk of Wayne Station; gas, hot and cold water ri beautiful lawn of ten acres; groper)* anti stable, This is a very desirable place and oifero every convenience anti comfort as a eummer and winter residence; 20 minutes! ride from the city. • ' • ' moitutbsON fr..JANNEY, 2.16 South Fourth street. d MAN ITFACT E URRS, COMMISSION FlN'i Merchants and Braila , Dealers:4'or ftent- , Largo anti conanediona two-story brick building. in/ Washing. ton 'avenue, west of Twentieth street; lot 155 feet front and 13) feet deep. to Alter street. Baltimore Railroad pawns the property. Possession at once. LUKENS & 31ONT0031ERY, Ma Beach street, iihove Laurel. RENT—TEIREB•BTORY BRICK *1),Ii1 Dwelling, ]CO3 Green street. . Je22 3t" B. W. BEESLEY, 731 Walnut street. FOR RENT-A FURNIIIED-81Iit saiti mar Residence, Manheint street, corner of McKean avenue, Germantown. Inquire of 1431. B. JOHNS, on the premises. • je2lquor,L3t7_ TO REN T—A HANDSOMEL FUR ... nished Rouse—on Arch street, 'between Fifteenth mai Sixteenth streets. Possession lot September nest. A stable and coneh-house can be had if deemed, Address "ARCH _STREET)" at this Unice.--._-- ------i021.6t* TO LET OR ~ FOR SALE—CAPE s hi; Island Cottage, with lot about one and ono tenth itereti,on Lafayette etreet, will Li! rented, thrill:dhoti, with or without stable and cottelf house, if applied for within a few (Jaye. Apply to C. J.' 1.110.111A8,103 Walnut greet. ' • je2l3l:_ . __Or A. cippiDERT, zs S. Eighth street. fri TO LET 7 4IOUSE No. rin WALNUT Ni s street, for a term of years. Can be converted into a store or rented as n dwelling. Apply to W.M. (IhIF• . FITJIS, No. 272 1 onth tlrd street. • je2l-9t* ... Ok PE N T—THE DESIRABLE Tlii•ee•story Brick Residence, tlittllltl. Nu. 92 Clin ton stmetL Immediate possession given. J. M. GUM MEY S EONS, 73.3 Walnut street. Et• TO RENT—FURNISHED SUMMER Residence, on the Delaware river, one mile north' of Bristol. Commodious house, neatly furnished, three' acres of ground, tastily laid out - and bountifully sup plied with fruit and shade trees. A very desirbleplace. 1436 Lendiard street. Modern House,. furnished for six months or year. ItOBERT GRAF} EN SON, • 537 Pine street. TO, RENT THE . LARGE, C °NYE- . von bent and well-likhted granite front Store, No. 110 Sot" DELAWARE Avenue, - with itrinaidlate , posses-. siotiOhe present tenant being obliged to retire from business owing to 11l health. Apply to J. B. 'MS..' SIMI 3: Co.. 108 South Delaware avenue. tnyl7 tf§ TO LET—A THREE-STORY MITA . r lion Brown-stone Dwelling, 1214 Coates street, con taining parlor,dining-room kitchen and summer kitchen on ground floor; sitting-room and 3 chambers on ?A; 3 chambers on third floor, with bath-room, hot .and cold . water and all modern conveniences: ,Will be rented for one or more years ton good tenant at at low rent. In quire for a few days on the premises, or' to EDWARD S. SCHIVELY. No. 128 N. Eleventh st. ' myl7tl§ 14*O1t SALIE' z~-~;r~i~~i,. -- -- ==M MORTGAGES. $50.000R , ANDVHER I SU.I f IS ci TO or Country Mortgages already exlsgg re , Loan o on R:ul Estate Collateral. Apply to E. R. JONES, jelS Gt§ 707 Walnut street. _ AND STOVES. cam,T OM.SO N' S LONDON 1C1T(.3Ff ...., ener, or pnropean Ranges. for families, hotels TIT] s Hot izes. Also Portable Healers, Low Philadelphia Gelite;,Ptreboard Sto a v t 'e e s B ; Bath Boilers, Stew-hole Plates, Broilers. Cooking Stoves, etc., wholesale and retail by the manufacturers, SHARPE It THOMSON, . rny2B fne w 6rn§ • No. 20 North Second street. •e- THOMAS S. DIXON & SONS, Late Andrews & Dixon., • —v. No. 1324 CHESTNUT Street, Philada., `'""" Opposite United States Mint. Manufacturers of. LOW DOWN, • CHAM , BER OFFICE, And other GRATES, . For Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood Fire; WARM-AIR FURY - KC - EEC, — , For - Warming Public and Private Buildings. REGISTERS, VENTILATORS, AND • CHIMNEY CAPS • COOKING-RANGES, BATH-BOILERS.: WHOLESALE and RETAIL. BOOTS AND SHOES. lINOTICE TO THE PUBLIC ,GENE RALLY. -- The lateot style, fashion and assortment of___—_ OUTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, FOR MEN AND BOYS, Can bo had at . ' ERNEST SOPP'S, No. 230 NORTH NINTH STREET. , Bettor than anywhere in tho City. A Fit Warrantod. - an 2 6m4 GIVE HIM A CALL. . 0 - Aa - ; - ND7D - W/30D. B. MASON EINES. • /MIN F. BEFEAVEr. 11111 E UNDERSIGNED INVITE •ATTEN- J.. Con to their stock of ' Spring Mountain, Lehigh' and Locust Mountain Coal, which, with the 'preparation'given by Us, we think can not be excelled by any other Coal. , • Office, Fyanklin institute Building, No.ld S. Seventh street. SINES & SHEAFF, • iald-tf • Arch street wharf, Solitylkill. CUTLEALY. DOD GER F3' AND '*OSTENHOTAM'S POCKET KNIVES; PEARL and STAG :HAN DLES of beautiful finish; .RODGERS' aud WADE & IIUTCHEWS_, and tbe CELEBRATED z,Bootaann• RAZOR: SCISSORS , CASES of the finost quality Razors, Knives, Scissors and Table Dutlery, ground and., polished.- EAR INSTRUMENTS of the most approved ' 'construction to assist the hearing, 'at I'. ' MADEIRA'S,. .Cutler and Surgical Instrument Raker, 115 Tenth street, 'below Chestnut.. ,e, - • "InP l i 4 l . - , PROPOSALS DROPOSALSF A IVIATERTALso - NOF,R, .a.. TUE ‘..OOONIZAINEM , tor__.rito;. DeftHAl/ Or Er IPAIENT AND lINtiItUITING TO DE SUPPLIND T .TLLE - DIFFEBENT NAVY YARDS ..... ... : .- . - 77 . " 7 7 -r7 . - Ii -1 , . 3 t om , If . _,V.V;ltae.,6l 3 riele.trr, ' ! , 'lltatasir OV'EIVIrMa taND Isg.Cll3ll2'iwa, WASWINGT_OIin_O..V,,,J.une 23, Ida 2, (WALED PROPOSALn to furnish niaterials for a i faiptgr.t he fined yearmnding J uno BOOM; lOU 'beref r.t , _ ,e ,ceived.ahliilltireaMuntibia o'clockA.'74l of tiro July next, at which time the proposals Will be opened. The Pro_posnls must be addressed to the "Chief of the bateau ot Equipment and Itecrifittrig, Navy Department, „. IN to,liingtoh,l7.lted Must be inidersod '.''Proposals for Ka.. 'i tennis for the Navy," that they may be distinguished Irma other business letterer;-- '— - •• - . lirinteel schedules for any class, togother.with instrue- . tio is Aoddetersi giving tim feria* of, Proposals, Of guar.", . ' an ee: and'of certificates of the; be furnished to such persons as desire to bid, on application to the commandants of the respective navy-yards, and those of all th/ eldriiii,oll.4oplicatiO4,WtheAprottu.,, 5, 1 f'. . ThetMuntandittit oferielitaifyy-yard itudlhe purehaii ing Paymaster of each station will have a copy of the schedules of. the other yards. for examination only, in or, er that reersonsAilio,intendto Bid may judge Whether it desir,able,to tualtoupplication for any , of the chunwlt of these yards. - ' . 'The proposals Must'be foil the whole of a alias, and all. applications. for !Wort - 6141°u or . for:. the °gemination .tif ' Rumples amid be made to the Commandants of tkm , rq• - upt.ct lye. yards. The!propoitat mast -be .accompimieer b,y. a certificate tram thy Gellector of,lnternal.DeVenue for the district, in which the, bidder residea tbat lie halm. license , t4'.ileat' in the' articles . for ' which he _proposes, laid' lie. twist ' , feather shots that ho IS is mannfaeturer or, or a regular dealer in, the articles which he offers to supply. The guarantors must La certified by the Assemor of f titernal - Itevenue for the district in which they reside, The contract will be awarded to the person who Mikes , '' the the lowest bid and glitch' the guarantee required. bylaw . the Navy Department. however, reserving the right... to reject.the lowtat plc!, or ttor which it may deers ox- . . Numbs; in the full amount will be required to sign thd contrast, and their responsibility must ; ba certitied to thersatisfaCtion of 'the Navy Department. As addi tional security. twenty per modulo will be withheld from, thetunount.of the -..bills until the contract' ahan.;.. , have been completed, and eighty per centunt •of the amount of each bill, approved in triplicate by'the cum. tuandant of the respective Yurffe:wlll be_, paid by the Paymaster of the station - designated inztlia contract in funds or,cetificates, ut the, option of the Government, within ten 'days after the warrant for the same . have been passed by the Secretary of the Treasury, , • - The classes, of this Duman are. numbered and dad's- . noted - as follows:' No. I—lelax Canvas, &c. 1 4 (o. 12—Leather. N0.2-Oottois Canvas, No. 1 11 -8 oa p arid Tnl &c. - low, No: 3—V ot t liana- No. 14-0 X Hides for mock, Bag; Mid Cot Bop". . Stuff. No. 4-Iron and "Steel. No.:l6—Ship Chandlery.. No. 15—flalley Iron. . No. 17—Tar and. Tor Oil. No. iron. No. IK—Stationery, No t 8-I.l'ardwarc No. Pa—ftry Goods. .1 1,10 . 9- 0 ookin g. Men. No. firewood and ' lane. Charcoal. NO. it—Tin and Zinc. No. 21-8 a n Tim following a • ' re the clangs, by tbelr _numbeca, ro thirrotpktive navy yards: I CII4IIII:ESTOWN..:= Nor,. 2,3, 4. 8, 12, 13, 14 15 15 17 18, 19,p, 21. • N. 23 8 ,5 9 11 19. 18,21. • WASUINGTO24. , Nos. 2, 3, 4,5,7,8,1142. n. 17,28, 20, 21.:. je23w4tl CUSTOM HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA. ;Cdfd,terna's Oallqick 'J./V(160;430.ff SEALRD PROPOSALS will be received at (hie ofli6i, until the twenty eighth day of June, for the supply of RATIONS for the petty officers and seamen of the United Estates jteventie Cutters op this , station, for the, term of one yeiterrom.the titart day df July next. • • . The Rations to be of good and wholesome quality, to be . approved by the captain, and the different articles com prising the ffationa to, be delivered onboard the vessels in goodand,,ettitiClerstetuilts,and weasels, te.ba provided. by the contractors, and the contents distinctly marked on each. It is to be understocel - that the contractor will be bound to furnish, upon reasonable notice, as often am 1110 V be required by the , eat:dein of the 'vessel, with the approbation of ,the Collector. (not exceeding- upon an average one day In each week),sucli fresh meat and vege tables as may be equivalent to the corresponding parts of the ration allows 4in the navel service. , • , Specifications will be furnished at this office. • • - HENRY D. MOORS, 612-ss.tur It . Collector. LIEGA - L - NOTICES . : - TN THE CQUitrOF COMMON PLEAS for tht City and County of Philadelphia.,-Tru.st _Esc• tats of SARAN Y. WIIITE.—T he Auditor appointedby " - the Court to audit, settle and 'Allot the account of the Pennsylvania Company for Insurance on Lives and Granting Annuities. Trustees. by appointment of said. . Court tinder Deed of December 4, 1&f, and the will of. SAMAR BRIXTON, deed, and - to report disinbutlon of the balance ill the hands of the accountant: will meet • the !parties interested for the purpose of his appoint ment:on- TUESDAY; - Jtine 7. ,1;9:44. at. 124 o'clock P: at the office td . said ConlPanY,3o-IWainnt street, in the. city of Philadelphia.' "•-• . ' • jelBl m %Ott • ' JAMES W. - L ATTA::A.uditor.• TN TH.E:W O IIIA. jestil smIT ~..otpilt „L. 4Rs Dealers in r.o. Benito and Members of Stock and $4OlO and ireceive counts of Banks and -Bankers on Menu terms, issue Bills of Bitcpaqge on C. J. Hambro & Son, London. B. Metzler, s. Sohn & Co. Frankford James W. Tucker & Co., Paris. And other princiostreities, and X.etteris bt eredit available thionghout Europe S. W. corner Third and Chestnut Sireetti. IT - C - 0 UP 4-NS Due July Ist , NV A. 1%11" lE . Coupons of yUnion Pacific Railroad; Due kl 4lll - y Ist, Taken Same as Government Coupons. It. • I A- ) rpn Ito —4O Smith—Third St. ap9ff BANKING HOUSE OF JAYO3OKE 112 and 114 Sp:THIRD ST. PHILAIYA DEALERS IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. We will receive applications for Policies of Life Insurance in the new National Life In surance Company of the United States. Pull, information given at our, office. PENNSYLVANIA AND NEW YORK . CANAL AND RAILROAD CO.'S SEVEN PER CENT. BONDS. A limited amount of therle Bonds, guaranteed by the LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD CO., is offered at Ninety Per Cent. The Canal of, this Company is 105 miles long. Their Railroad, of the same length, is- fast approaching com pletion, and beige principally owned by the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, will open in Connection there with an immense and. profitable _trade. Northward from the Coal Regions to Western and Soulliirin Now York and the great Lakes. Apply , at the • Lehigh Valley Railroad Co.'s Office, No. 303 Walnut-Sh•eet, Philada. CHARLES C. LONGSTRETH, Treasurer Lehigh Wiley Railroad Company, je9tjyl§ 560..000 - impL l 2. ii ( r ) ,i N purt a ni il ti T ie ° clty G F ' if Chicago, for ten years, at eight per cool. interest, pays Llo semi-annually in Philadelphia. The property, is worth four tim as the amount oilcan, and the investment is, recommended as being first-classin every respect. Also, several smaller loans ; wanted for. live years, on most nbunditint real estate seen rity ; interest eight to nine per cent. payable in Philadelphia. The attention of parties loaning funds. is-invited to. these very safe and desirable investments. Apply to 11.11.4 ONES, L. , le-2.276t§ 707-Walnutast.---- FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ESTN UT STREET. 715 C w f yarn COTTON.: --9 'BALES 'COTTON, 'IT - Ow , landing from steamer "Tonawanda," from Boman. pah, Ga., and for aalo by 0.00118A.1.1,1i1.435ELL & CO., 22 N. Frost it. SHIPPERS'; GUIDE. VOlto BOSTON , 4-BTRANSFITP.ILINE _ALL_ itgcT,filmaria_rpm_EActin Towg.. EVEROf Wednesday and. Saturday. FROM. PINE, _STREET. PHILADELPHIA; 'AND' LONG WHARF, BOSTON. 'This line is comised of the tirst•class Steiniships: - ROMAN, 1 tons, Captain 04 Baker. SAXON, 1 tons f Captain Sears. ,NORMAN 1,293 tons, Captain Crowell. : • ARIES t 832 tons, Captain Wiley. ; The NORMAN Arent Phila„Saturday, June 28,at The,A.RlESfrom Boston, Wednesday, June Z.1,-at3 P.M. no A Ste amshipsarry passengers. These s a ilpuncttuilly, and Freight will ho received everiday,a Steamer being always on the berth. Freight for points beyond Boston sent with despatch. Fre,ight taken for all points InNew England and•• for. ; warded se directed. 'lnsurance 3 , 41 per cent. at the office. .Fer Freight or Passage isiv , t!rlor accommodations/ apply to HY.NRY ,WINSOR & CO., ruy3l --, 838 South Delaware Avenue. 3111LADELPILIA," :RICHMOND, AND. NORFOLK STEAMSHIP LINE. THROUGH FREIGHT AIR, LINE TO 'THE SOUTH AND WEST. EVERY SATURDAY, at Neon, from FIRST WHARF RATES 31ARKET Stree North THROUGH RATES to all points in and Bouth Carolina via Seaboard Air-Litm Railroad, connecting at Portsmouth, and to Lynchburg, Va.. Te1:11101111C0 and the West Nisi - Virginia and "Tennessee Air-Line and Rich mond and Danville Railroad. Freisla HANDLED ONCE,and taken at LOWER RATES THAN ANY DTHEHLINE. The regularity, Rotel.* and ' cheapness'. ,of this ute commend it to'' the public ': vs the most 'desirable medium for carrying every description of freight. No charge for commission, drayage, or any expense for, yummier. Steamships insure at lowest rates.' ' - ' Freightreceived WILLIAM P. CLYDE & CO. N 0.12 South Wnarres and Pier No. 1 North Wharves: W. P. PORTER, Agent atßichmond and City Point. T. P. CROW ELL & CO., Agents at Norfolk. IDHILADELPRIA AND .SOUTHERN IS MAIL •TEAMSRIP COMPA NY'S REGULAR LINES NR0.14 QUEEN STREET WHARE. J The UNIATA for NEW ORLEANS. ----, July —, at BA. M. • ' ' • • The JUNlATA , rorillsaillrom NEW ORLEANS, via BAVANA, .The TOILAWANDA 'will sail for SAVANNAH, on .13aturday. July &et 8 o'clock ' - The TONAWANDA trill, sail from SAVANNAH on' Saturday, June 26, , • • - • , The PI O NEER alll emit- for WILMINGTON; N. 0. % 50n Tuesday, June 29, at 8 A-../d, Through bills of lading signed, and ;..passage ..patieage tickets sohl to pll South and Weet. <, , BILLS of LADING SIGNED at QUEEN BT. wseur. Fox freight .?rpassage, apulyto iy - r.,L.fix,L. JA M ES, General Agouti 130 South Third street. NTEW EXPRESS LIKE TO .Al,licAN drla, Deorgetowearitt Washington, D. 0., yla Ches apeake and Delawareettualov ith..connections at Alex andria from the most direct route for Lynchburg,Bris tol, llnoxv ille, Nashville, Dalton and the Southwest. Steamers leave regularly from the first wharf aboire 311 ark et street, every .Saturday at noon. Freight received daily. P : CO, „,. ____ ha _ „ No. 32 South Wryee ond Pier I North Wharvee, HYDE & TYLER; Agents - at Georgetown. X. ELDRIDGE t CO., Agents at Alexandria, Vs: IVOTICE.-=-FOR-NEW YORK; VIA DEL .IA AWARE AND RARITAN CANAL EXPRESS STEAMBOAT CoMpANyj , • The CILE &PEST and_QUICK EST water communica tion between Philadelphia and New York. Steamers leave daily_ from first wharf below Market street t Philadelphia And•robt of WWI street, Newlfork. 'GOods forwarded lip nil the lincii 'running out of New York—North, East and West—free of Commission. FreigliVreceived an& forwarded on accommodating terms'. • WM. ,p. CLYDE & CO., Agents, • • N 0.12 South DeinWare avenne,,Philedelphia. ' • ' JAS. RAND, AgentiNo..ll9 Wall street, New York. NOTICE. -FOR. NEW YORK, VIA DEL- A.. 1 -- AWARE AND RARITAN CANAL. BWIFTSURF.: TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. DESPATCH, AND SWITTSIIRE: :LINES. The business of these lines will Le resumed on and after the 19th of March. •For freight. Which will betaken on accommodating terms, apply to WM. BAIRD & CO., IOR LIVERPOOL, WITH DESPATCH. —The fine first-class-British barque "Matilda Ml yard" Levitt, Mader, having a,portion of her, cargo en gaged, will have despatch as above. For balance of freight, apply, to TRTER WRIGHT & SONS ,115 Walnut street. Jel6-tf , TNELAWARE AND CHESAPEAKE Steam Tow-Boat Company—Barges towed between Philadelphia,' Baltimore, Havre de Grace, Delaware City and intermediate points— . . WM. P. CLYDE it CO. ,Agents; Capt. JOHN LAUGH LIN, Supt Office,l2 South 'Wharves, Pluhulelphla. NNOTICE—FUR NEW YORK.; VIA DEL 7 aware and Raritan Catutl-45uiftsnte Transports, tion ConMany—Deitiatch and Swiftsure Lines:— The business hi these Lines will be resumed on and after .the .Bth of March.. For Freght; which will be taken on accammodating.terme, apply to' WM. M. pAlliD do CO., 132 South Wharves. IWANTED—A VESSEL TO BRING A 151e.lrgiti llr ea o f In l o r N e vi c e w ady Pin lplig r t n o b (7o 8141nUNI,RrtU in SELL &: C 0.. IT. North Froia street., TRAVELERS' GUIDE. ILADE III LP.A., VILISIINGTO 9 N .AND PBALTIMORE RAILROAD—TIME TABLE. Com l . menctug MONDAY, May 10th, 180. Trains will leave Depot, corner Broad and Washington avenue, as fol lows WAY MAIL TRAIN at 8.30 A. Id. (Sundays excepted); for Baltimore, stopping at all Regular Stations. Con necting with • Delaware Railroad at Wilmington for Crisfield and Intermediate Stations. EXPRESS TRAIN at 12.00 M. ( Sundays excepted), for Baltimore,and Washington, stopping at Wilmington, Perryville' and Havre de Grace. Connects at Wilming ton with train for New Castle. • EXPRESS TRAIN at 4.00 P. 31. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore and 'Witehirigton,stoppin t t at Chester, Thurlow, Linwood, Claymont, Wilmin n, Newport, Stanton, Newark, Elkton, North Eas , Charlestown, Perryville, Havre de -Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman's, Edgewood, Magnolia, Chase's and Stemmer's Ran. . E NIGHT EXPRESS at 11.30 P. 31. (daily; for Baltimore and—Washington stopping--at—Chester,-Thurlow Lin wood, Claymont, _ , Wilmington, Newark, Elkton,North East, PerrYvillo, Havre do Grace, Perryman's and Idag , nolia. . Passengers for Fortress Monroe and Norfolk will tako the 12.00 L. Train. _, WILMINGTON TRAlNS.—Stopping at all Statione 'between Philadelphia and Wilmington. Leave PHILADELPHIA 'at 11.00 A. M. 2.30, 5.00 and 7.00 P. 31. The 0.00 P. M. train connects with Delaware Railroadfor Harrington and intermediate stations. Leave WILMINGTON 6.30 and 8.10 A. M.,1.30, 4.15 and 7.00 P. M. The 8.10 A. It, train will not -stop between Chester and Philadelphia. The 7.00 P. 31. train from Wilmington rtms dall,y;allotherAccommodation Trains undays excepted. ' From BALTIMORE to PHILADELPHIA.—LeaveS Baltimore 7.25 A. 31 , Way Mail. 9.35 A. M., Express, 2.35 P. M. Express: .25 P. 31.. Express. SUNDAY TRAIN FROM BALTIMORE.—Leaves BALTIMORE at T. 25 P. M.. Stopping at Magnolia, Per ryman's, Aberdeen, II avre-de-Grace,Perryville Charles town, North-East, Elkton Newark, Stanton, Newport, Wilmington, Claymont, Linwood and Chester. PHILADELPHIA AND. BALTIMORE CENTRAL RAILROAD TRAlNS—Stopping at all Stations on Ches ter Creek and Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Rail road. ' Leaves PHILADELPHIA for PORT DEPOSIT (Sun day excepted) at 7.00 A. 31.. and 4.30 P. M. The 7.00 A. M. Train will stop at all Stations between Philadelphia and Lamokin. , • - , A Freight Train with Passenger car . attached will leave Plnladelphia daily (Sundays excepted) at 1.00 P. 111., running to Oxford. - Leave PORT DEPOSIT for PHILADELPHIA (Sun days excepted) at 5.40 A. 31., 9.25 A. 91., and 4.20 P. 51. Trains leaving :WILMINGTON at 6.30 A. M. and 4.15 P. M., will connect at Lamokin Junction with the 7.00 A. M .and 4.30 P.M. trains for Baltimore Central R. R. Through tickets to all point West, South, and South- West may be procured at the ticket office, 828 Chestnut street, under Continental Hotel, where also State Rooms and Berths in Sleeping Cars can be secured during the day. Persons purchasing tickets at this office can have baggage checked at their residence by the Union Trans fer Company. H. F. KENNEDY, Snp't. PR ILADELPRIA, GERMANTOWN- AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD TIME TA BLE.—On and after Monday, May 3d, 1869, and unti further notice: FOR GERMANTOWN. • • , ' Leave Philadelphia-6,7, 8, 9.05, 10, 11,12 A. M:TT, 2, 3.15,3%4,4.35, 5.05, 53f, 6,6%, 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12 P. M. Leave Germantown-6, 7, 7.44, 8,8.20, 9, 10, 11, 12 A. 111.; , 1. 2, - 3, 4, 4%, 5, 630, 6, 61,i, 7,8, 9,11 , 11, P. M. The 840 oWn-train, and the 814. and 534`. up trains, will ' not stop o' the Gern oN into s ln N ß D r A e y nc s h . . Leave Philadelphia-9.15 A. M., 2, 4.05 minutes, 7 and 10'6 P.M. Leave Germantown-8.15 A. 31.; 13, 6 and 916 P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia-6, 8,10; 12 A. M.; 2, 331, 534, 7,9 and 11 P. M. • Leave Chestnut 14111-7,10 minutes, 8, 9.40, and 11.40 A. . 51.; 1.40,3.40, 5.40, 6.40. 8.40 and 10.40 P. M. , ON SUNDAYS... Leave Philadelphia-9.15 minutes A. 31.- 2 and P. M. Leave Chestnut 11i11,-7.50 minutes A. 31.'; 12.40,5.40 and 9.25 minutes_P. 111._ FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Lea` a Philadelphia-0.7X, 9,11.057 A. M.; 3,0 i, 5, 53b, 6.15,8.05, 10.05 and DU P. M. • Leave Norristown-5.40, 63;, 7, 734, 9, 11 A. 111.;' 13x,:3, •0ri,_6.15, 8 and 936 P. M. Neer. The 7X A.M. Trains from Norristown will not stop at Mogee's, Potts' Landing,' Domino or Schur's Lane. Rte" The 5 P. M. Train from Philadelphia will stop only. at School Lane,Manayunk and Conshohocken: . ONSU.NDAFS._ _ Leave Philadelphia-9 A. id.; 23i, 4 and 7.15 P. M. Leave Norristown-7 A . L ai and 9P. M. FOR NANA-FUNK. . . - A Leave Philadelphia-6, 7%, 9 11.05 A. M.; 136, 3,4%, 5, 51,1,6.16,8.00;10.00 and Leave Menaynnk, ,, 6.111,7,7 114 A. M.,;2,81i, 8.31.1and10 M. . . LW - The 5 P. M. Train from Philadelphia will atop only at School Lane and Manabunk.ON SNDAYS Leave Philadaphia--9 A. M.; 2g,..4 and.i.ls P. M. Leave Munaytnik-716 . A. 31.; 115, 6 and 914" P. M. W. S. WILSON, General Superintendent, ,Depot, Ninth and Green streets. ADIDE N' AND • ATLANTIC 'RAIL. 1../ ROAD. - • • oar SPRING- ARRANGEMEN , T4 , and after MONDAY, Ap vi ril 12th, /869, 'trains will leave Vine Street Wharf as follows, z.: Mail • • ' 8.00 A. M. Freighti with Paesenger Oar attached ..:;..::_.:;:.9.15 A. M. Atlantic Accommodation • ' " .3 . .45 P. M. • P.ETIIHN/NO,'W.H.d.s LEAVE ATLANTIC } Mall • . i 7... ... 4.00 .M. Freligki,QX.'fa;ipergei.`6at .. - 4 . ... -11.43 A. 31.- Atlantic AccommOdation 6.14 A. M Junction-Accommodation, to Atco,an4 Intorme- ._ _ _ diato Stations, - - teavelllne Street.' • 1015 .'bt. aid 6.00 P. M. Leave Atco' • • '6.39 A. M: and 1236 P. M. Haddonfield Accommodation Toting, Leave Vine . . ..... A. M. and 2.00 P. M. Leave Haddonfield 1.00 P. M. and .9.16 P. M. D. H. MUNDY. Agent. 5 * , RA, vELEI;S''GTJiDE r _ jt ; E t A;D..I-N; -- GREAT . to 7 the iota. ori-of nnindVania,thei Schuglkill , Stestinehanna, Cumber land and Wyoming Valleys, the North; Northwest god' the CanadiUtierwingArmn_genient - Of Passenger Trains, May 24,1869, reeving the Company's. Depot, Thirteenth 'and' Callowhill streets, Philadelphia, at the following MOILNINO. ACCOM 3 tODATION.- 4 •At 7.30 A. 'M. for Headingandall Intermediatetitations and Allentown. ,Returning. , leaves Reading at 6.39 p. * X.. arriving .in Philadelphia at 9.15 P. M. • • . MORN /NG EXPRESS.-At 8. 15 A: M. for Reading, • 'Lebanon, Harrisburg, PottsvillO,Pine Grove,Tamaqua t :Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Rochester, , Niagara - Falls`, Buffalo • ',Nir ilkesbarte, Pittston; York, .Carlisle, Chambeirshint e Flagerstown, &O. ' • ' The 7'.80 train connecteat Reading...l7lth the East Pennsylvania Railroad trains for Ailentown,Ac., and the, 8.15 A. M. trahreonnects with the Lebanon Valley train;: for Harriebargy&c:;. at Port Clinton with Catawilsa R. It. trains forWilliameport, Lock Haven. Elmira, &t. at Harrisburg. with. Northern Central, .Cumberland. 'val ley. and Schuylkill and Susquehanna hair! for North umberland; 'Williamsport, York, Chamberslinrg, Pine. • _ A 11310037 EXPRESS.-I,eaves Philadelphia At. 3.301 ) , M foY Reading , Pottsville Harrisburg , dtc.,cen nectingwitit Heading and Colombia Railroad trains for Comet is Arm - - , POTTSTOWN' ACCOMMUDATION. --Leaves - POtts-. town at 6.25 A. 31. stepping at theintermediate stations: . arrives in Philadelphi a ' at 8.4 G A. M. ' Returning (eaves Phildelphia , at 4 P. M.; arrives in Pottstown at 640 P„ 311 , - • 'REDING ACCOMMODATION. -Leaves, Reading'at ISO A. M., stoppingiat all way stations; arrien in Phila . dolphia at 11h15 .A,. 31, _ • Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 515 P. M.; arrives, in Reading at 8.05 P. M. . Trains for Philadelphia leave. Harrisburg at 8.10 A. M. , ndlPottsville at 6.45 A. M., arriving hi Philadelphia at.1.00,P-31.. Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg at 245 kr., and Pottsville at 245 P. M.; arriving at, Phila. delahlii at 6.45 P.M ' • • H arrisburg' Accommodation leaves Reading at 715 A.' Harrisburgat 440 P. M.- Connecting at Read ing with Afternoon AccomModation south at 6.30 arriving friPhUadelpide at 9:15P. M. • • • MarkertrainovithisPassenger. car attetched,leaves Philadelphia at 12.45 noon for Pottsville; and.' all Way StatlonsOetiveti Pottayille at 7.30 A: M.,for Philadelphia 'and all *ay Stations:'; ' ' Alithe above:trains rim daily, Sundays excepted.; Sunday trains leave Potts at 8 A.M., and Phila delphia at 3.15. P. 31".; reavePhße.delphia for ,Iteading at, 8,00 AIM., returning from Ring at 4.25 P. M. '• ' CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD.--Passengers j for Downingtown attilintertnedtate,points take the 7.39 A. M:;12:65 and 4.30 P. X. trains from Philadelphia,return 'ing from DoWningtoWn at 6.10 A.M.; 1.00 P. M., and 5.45 PERKIO3IE.N.RAILROAI3.-Piumengers for SkipPaCk. take T. 30 A..1.1„4.30 and 5.15 P.M.trains ror Philadelphia returning from Skippick at 8.15 A.M.41.00 and 6.15 Stage lines for various pobitsinTerkiomenNalley 'con . beet with trains at Collegeville and Skitimtek. NEW YORK 'EXPRESS FORPITTSBURGH 'AND TH WEST.-Leaves New York at 9.00'A. 31.; '5.00 .and 8.00 P. IL .missing'Readitig at 1.05 A. le, I .so' and '10.19 1 P. IC, and connects at, Harrisburg with Pennsylvania, and Northern CentralltailreadExpre,ss Trains for . Pitts ' burgh, Chicago; Elmira, 1311BM:tore, Returning; Express. TrantleavesTlarrisburg on arrival of peunsylvania Br press from Pittsburgh, at 2415 and 5.20 A,,31. and 10.55 P. DI., passing,Reading at 4.30 and 7.05 A. 31. and 1240 P. 31:,Itsrriving at New York 11.00 and 12.20 'P.M. and • 6.00. P. 31; Sleeping Cars accompany these trains .thraugh. between.' Jervey City and Piltsburgh t without change. - Mail train for NeW York leaVes 'Harrisburg at 8.10 A. M. and 2.05 P. 111. Mail train for Harrisburg leaves Nei York at 12 Noon. „ SCHUYLKILL ,VALLEVRAILROAD-Trains leaye Pottsville 'at' 6.45;11.30 A: M. and 0:40 P. M.. returning from, Tema at 8.35 A. St. and 2,15 and 4.35 P. 31. ~,s cuuYLKILIJ AND SUSQUEHANNA ItAILRCiAD -Trains leave Auburnsat 7.55 A. 31. for Pincgrove and Harrisburg, and at 12.15 P. M. for Pinegrove and Tre mont; returning from Harrisburg at 3.30 P. M., and from Treinont at 7.40 A. 31. and 5.35 P. M. TICKETS,-Through 111'st...class tickets and emigrant tickets to all the, principal points in the North and West and Canada.' . - . Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to Reading - and Internalliate ,Statione, good tor day ,only, are sold b R Y Morning Accommodation, Market Train, Reading and Pottstown ACconuriodation Trains at reduced rates. Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia, good for day only+, are told at 'Reading and Intermediate Stations by, Read ing null 'Pottstown Apconn:uodation Trains at, reducod rates. Tho following ttickets are ob Minable ant _._......,,e onlv at.. ofS:iiiiifintl,7Tleiiiiiiii:l:4o. 227 South Fourth - stred, Philadelphia, or of G. A. Hicolls, Gederal SunerinteM dent, Reading. , Commutation'Tickets,at 25 per cent. discount. between any points desifed, for flunilies and tirnis. • . Mileage Tiekets,good for 2,000 miles,between all poines at 852 50 each for families and firms. Season Tickets, for three, six, nine or twelve months, for holders only to all points, at reduced rates. Clergymen residingn the line of the road will ho fur dished with cards, en M wives themselves and ed to tickets at-half fare. - , • ' : Excursion-Tickets from Philadelphia to principal eta;- Hone, good for SaturdaY. Sunday and ?Sunday, at re duced tare, to be had only at the Ticket 011icmat Thin teenth and Cullowhill streets. ' ' ' ' 1 FREIGHT: - Goods of. all descriptions forwarded to all the above points from the Company's Now Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets. Freight Trains leave Philadelphia daily at 4:30 A. 31), 12.45 noon, 3.00 and 6.00 P. M.. for.. Reading, Lebanom Harrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all points be, yowl. Mails close at the Philadelphia Post-office for all placea on the road and its branches at 5 A. M., and for the price civil Stations only. at 2.15 P. M. . • , BAGGAGE. Dungan's Express will collect Baggage for all trains leaving-Philadelphia Depot. Orders can,be left at Noi 225 South Fourth street, or at the Depot, Thirteenth and Callowhill streets. ' '7 . • - ' ' i ORTH.P.ENNSYL `ANIA RAILROAD; 11 —THE MIDDLE ROUTE.—Shortest and most di t rest line to Bethlehem, Elston, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton, White Haven, Wilkesliarre, Mahanoy City, Mt. Carmel, PittstonoTunkhunriock. Scranton) Carbondale and all the points in the Lehigh and Wyo. ming coal regions • . • Passenger Depot in . Philadelphia, N: W. corner Reed; and American streets.. - • • • • i SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, 15 DAILY TRAINS;' —On and after TUESDAY, June Ist, i&39, Passenger Trains leave the Depot, corner of Barks and Americau streets, daily (Sundays excepted), as follows:. 6.45 A. M. Accommodation for Fort Washington. I At 7.45 A. M. 7 -Morning_ Express for Bethlehem and Principal Stations on North Pennsylvania` Railroad; connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Rallroad for Allentown, Catasaugua t Slating. ton, Mauch Chunk) H Weatheriy,Jeanesville, azleton,W bite Haven, Wilkes., _barre,liingston,Pittston, Tim khannock, and all_pointtl in Lehigh andNYymning Valleys n' ,• also, in connectio with Lehigh and Mahanoy Railroad for Mahanoy City.; and with Catawissa Railroad for Rupert,Danville,MTh ton and Williamsport. Arrive at Mauch chunk at 12 M. at Wilkesbarre at 2.50 P.31.,•at Mullaney City at 1.50 P.MI At 8.45 A. M.—Accommodation for Doylestown, stop ping at all intermediate Stations. • Paasengers for WIN low. Grove, Hatboro' and Hartsville, by this train, take Stage t Old York Road. 1 9.45 A. M. (Express) for Bethlehem,Easton,Allentown) Manch Chunk, White Haven, Wilkesbarre, Pittston; Scranton.and Carbondale via Lehigh and Susquehanna RailroptLalso to Easton and points on Morris and Essex Railroad to New York; and Allentown and Easton, anti oints on New Jersey Central Railroad and Morrie and Essex Railroad to New York viaLehig.h Valleyßallrotul. At 10.45 A. M.—Accommodation for Fort Washington; stopping at intermediate Stations. 115,3.15,5.20 and 8 P.M.—Accommodatlon to Abington. At 1.45 P. M.—Lehigh Valley. Express for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton White Haven, Wilkesburre, Pittston, Scranton, and 'Wyoming Coal Regions. At 2.45 P. M...Accommcdation for Doylestown, stop- , ping at all intermediate stations. At .4.16 T. M.—Accommodation lor Doylestown, stop ping at all intermediate stations. At 5.00 P. M.—Through 'for Bethlehem, connecting •at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Evening Train for Easton'. Allentonin, .Mauch Chunk. At 6.20 P. M.—Accommodation for Lansdale, stopping at all intermediate stations. At 11.301",..A.1 : —Aseclrautodatiarypr Fart Washington.t TRAINB ARRI : VE4N PHILADELPHIA From Bethlehem at 9A. M., 2.10, 4.45 and 5.25 P. M. 2.10 P. M., 4.45 P. M. and 8.25 P. M. Trains make direct connection with Lehigh Valley or Lehigh and Susque hanna trains from Easton, Scranton, Wilkesharre,Ma- Jamey City and Hazleton. From Doylestown at 8.25 A.M.,4.55 P.M.and 7.05 P. M From Lansdale at 7.30 A. M., • From Fort Washington at 9.20 and 10.35 A. 31. and 3.10 P. M. • ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9.30 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.00 P. M. Philadelphia for Abington at 7 P. M.. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 6.30 A. 31. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4.00 P. 31. Abington for Philadelphia at 8 P. 31. Fifth and Sixth Streets Passenger cars convey passen gers to and from the new Depot. White cars of Second and Third Streets Line and Union Line run within a short distance of the Depot. Tickets must be procured at the Ticket Office, in order to secure the lciwest rates of fare. ELLIS CLARK, Agent. Tickets sold and Baggage checked through to princi pal points, at Mann's - North Penn. Baggage Express office, No. 105 South Fifth street. June Ist, 1869. • • WEST CHESTER, AND PHILAD EL PHIA ItAILROAD.—Summer Arrangenteut:—Cht nail after DIONDAY, April 12,1809, Trains will leave as follows: . • .. Leave Philadelphia, from New Depot, Thirty-first and Chestnut streets, 7.25 A. M., 9.30 A. M., 2.30 P...M.,4.15 "P,_lii., 4.351'. 31., 7 - .15 P.M., 11:30.P.M. L - . eave West Chester, from Depot, on East Market street, 6.25 A. M., 7,25 A. M., 7,40 A. M.,10.10 A. M., 1.65 P. 111.,4.10 P.M., 6.45 F. M. • Leave Philadelphia fur B.C. Junction and Interme diate Points, at 12.30 P. M. and 6.45. Leave B.C. Junc tion for Philadelphia, at 5.30 A. DI. and 1.45 P. DI. Train leaving West Chester at 7.40 A. M. will stop at B. C. Junction, Lenni, Glen Riddle and Media; leaving Philadelphia at 4.35 P. M., will Stop at B. O. Junction and Media only. Passengers to orfrom stations between. West Chester and B. C. Junction going East, will take train leaving West Chester at 7.25 A: M., and. car will be - attached to Express "rain at B.C. Junction ;and going -- West, Passengers fo Stations above Media will take train leaving Philad Phis at 4.35 F. M., and car will be 1 . attached to Local.Tri In at. Media. The Depot in Phila elphia is reached directly by the Chestnut and Walnu street cars. Those of thu Market street line run within one square. The cars of both lines connect with each train upon its arrival. ' • • ON SUNDAYS.—Leave Philadelphia for 'West Chester at.S A. M. and 2.30 P. M. Leave Philadelphia for' B.C. Junction at 7.15 P. M. — Leave West Chester for Philadelphia at 7.45 A. M. and Leave B. C. Jonction for Philadelphia at 0.00 A.M. Par Passengers are allowed to take Wearing Apparel only; tuiDaggago,.and the Company will not in any case be reeponaible foran amount exceeding ono hundred dol lure, unless a spacial contract be made for the name. -•- ' WILLIAM C. WHEELER. ' •' . . General Superintendent. -PHILADELritta, April 1et,1069. - .. . . MUST 'FREIGHT LINE, VIA N0R.,.. ' PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, to Wilkesbarre, bfahanoy City Mount Carmel, Centralia, and all points on Lehigh. Valleyßoilroad and its brunches. • By new arrangements, perfected this day, this road is enabled to give increased despatch to merohaadiso con signed to the itbove , mamed points. Goods delivered at the Through Freight Depot, . S. E. cord Front and Noble streets, Before 8 P. M., will reach Wilkesbarre, 'Mount Carmel. btahanoy City, and the other stations in Maltanoy and Wyoming valleys before li A. M, the succeea Mg day. SLIA/11. CLARK, Agent, F_ , OE - NEW ' YPEK.TELE, _CAMDEN _ I. ANDA - 111BOY and PHILADELPAI 4 It AND. TRENTON- RAILROAD COMPARE'S-V. 8, from Philadelphia toffs* , Fork, antgyilik 1,0„cel, ant street , tvharf. - Fhre. At 6.30 A. M. via Camden and Ambo ectiin _r• At:' 82 26 At BA. M. via Camden and Jersey Ex. Mail, .300. At 2.00 P. M., via Camden and Ambor xi:meant "9 QO At 6P. nt: for Amboy and intermediate stations. At 6.30 and BA. M., and 2P. M., for Freehold.L- • At 2.00 P. M. for Long Branch and Points on R. & la 8 and 10A: 2_,133,and,41.30 P. M., for Tranfot At 6.30; 8 and 10 A .31.; I, 26130; 4.30, 6 and 11.36 P: ~ for Bordentown, Florence, Burlington, Beverly and : . De lanco. At 6.30 and 10 A. 'Si:, 1;3.30 4.30 6 and 11.30 p.m::tor Edgewater, Riverside, Riverton, -palmyrit. and - Pleir ‘ , House,, and 2,P. for - Riverton.f - Thirland 11.30 P. Lines will leave from Toot Market street by upper ferry. • From Kensington Depot:.• A t 11 A. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Netv. York Express Line t it i a 3 00 -At TAlVanffilt.oolA.i M. 2.30;1.30M:id 5'P. 31. fOiT ton Mlffillristiol: And'at 10.15"A:M.'aridt3 P. M.TorB At 730 and 11 A. 31., 2.30 and P. 31. for Morrisville and Tullytown. • • At 7.30 and 10.13 A. 31., 2.30,5 and 6 P. ill. for Schenck'e and Eddington, . - • , 7.0,17.30 and 3i42.30, 413 andel for Corn wells, Torresdale, Holmesburg,Tecony,Wiseinoming, Bridesbur,g and Frankford, and 8 P. M. for Holmes burg and Intermediate Stations. From West Philadelphia Depot via Connecting_Railway: At 9.30 A. L 28,4, 6.45 and;:l27 P.." 31. New York Ex press Line; via Jersey City ' • .. . 26 At 11.30 Emigrant Line • • , ... „.2 00 At 9.30 ' A. 1ii41.30, 4, 6:45 aisil2 P.lSTifor Trenten - . ; At . 9.30 3.1,4; C. 45 and IZPI M., forltristol.fk';l. , At 12 P.M.(Night)for Morrisv ille,Tullytown, Sabena's, EddirfirtonCornwells, Torresffille, Holineaburgi, Ta 'cony; Wiesidoming; Brideshurg and Frankford.'' The 9.30 A.H. and 6.43 and 12. P. M. Linea run ditilY: All ..others, Sunday!, excepted.. • ..: For Lines leaving Kensington Depot, take the C.tira on Third or Fifth streete; at Chestnut, at half'. anbtrirrbe fere departure:. The Cars " t Market StreetßailiMi run direct by. West Philadelphia Depot,Cliestout and Walnut within:one,square. On Sundays, the Market Street,Care wilt run to connect with the 9.30 A - . M . : and 8.45M0:112P. 11. lines. •.J . :BELVIDERE DELAWARE , RA.LIaft!AD iXabrEfl from Kensington Depot., At 7.30,A. 31. for 'Niagara Tans,' . BUffelo , To irk, Elmira, . OiVegoi) Rochestar,"93lt& pton, Oswego, syractise, Great Mend,T3tontroset %bane, Schodley s .3lountain, • dtc- , • . , - . •At 7.30 A': 31 . ., and 330' 'l.l l ;ifor „fifcraiitan,i !Wends burg, Water Gap Belvidere,- EaStori,Lambeftvllle, Plemin'gtoo - Ac.,The 3.30 P.. M. Line connectardirect with the train leaving Easton ,fOr town, Bethlehem, Stc. • ' , At 11 A. Wand 5 P„. M. for , Lanihertville and interme diate.Statfons..- • • • • CAMDEN AND BURLINGTON AR - 1111 O,MMEII.- • TON'AND HIGHTBTuOWN RAILROADS, from street Ferry (Upper Mo.)! t 0.4 At 7 and 10A. W i t, 2.13,3.30, 5 3-,63l),P.M.forMerchants vllle,Moorestown, Hartford. Masonville.,..Eallialant, Mount Holly, 80 MM/file; Vincentewn, Birmingham and Pemberton. . ' - • At "7 A. .111..,1 'arid 3.30.'P . M. for LewistoWn town , Cookiitokm;NeW EgYPt, Horlierttqwri;. ream Ridge:lrnlaystown,-Sbarow and Hightstewn. ••• Fifty pmanda of Baggage only allowed eiieh.Pi ' nesenivr. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything - as bag gage but theirwearing apparel. All baggage ovnefiftY pounds to he paid for extra. TherCiimpany limit. their responsibility for baggage to One ,Dollar ' per :pound, and will not be liable for any , ainount beybud'sooo. ex cept by special contract. • • - Tickets sold'andllaggage checked • direct through to Boston, Worcester,.Springfield, Hartford, New Haven Providence, Newport; - Albany, Troy,' Sarategrif Utica, Rome, Syracuse, Ileches,ter, Buffalo, Niagara Faits Utica R o e, Bridge. • . • • • An additional Ticket Office is located at No. 828 Chest nut street, where tickets to New York, and all impor tant points North end East, may be procured. Persona purchasing Tickets . at this Office, can 'have their bag gage checked from residences or hotel to destination, by Line Transfer Baggage Express. •• • • - • s from New York for Philadelphia tvillleaVe front foot of Cortland street at 1.00 and 4.00 P. M., Via , JerseY City and - Canalen. •At '6.30 P. M. via ..fersey ~ C ity, and Kensington. AtS7, and 10 A. 31., 12.30, 5 and 9 P.3l.;and • 12 Night. via Jersey CR* West Philadeiphia, • • 'From Pier o. 1, Jersey` River, at 6.30. A 31; Accomninda t ion and 2 P. hi: Express via Amboy and Caniden.- June 1,18699. • WM. 11. GA'TZISIER, Agent. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL ROAD —SUMMER TIME Taking effect. 'Jane 6th, 1869. The trains of the Pennsylvania Central *railroad leave the Depot,a.t Thirty-first and Market streets,ivhich is reached directly by the cars of the Market Street pas senger Railway, the last car connectingwith each train. leaving• Front and Market street thirty 'minutes before its departure. Those of the Chestnut and.. Walnut Streetwßailwayynn within one square of the Depot. . Sleeping Car. Tickets can be had on application at the Ticket Office, Northwest corner of Ninth and Chestnut streets, and at the Depot. Agents of the Union Transfer. Company and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Orders lett. at No. 901 Chestnut street, No. 116 Market street, will receiveat tention' • TRAINS LEAVE DEPOT, VIZ,: ' Mail Train • 7at 8.00A:4. tallp Offide Paoli Accom... .......... 10.30 A.M., 1.10, and 7.00 P: M. Fast Line at 11.50 A. M. Erie Express at 11.50 A. M. Harrisburg 'Accom 142.36 P.M. Lancaster .Accom, ' at 4.00 P.M. Parksburg Train at 5.30 P. DI. Cincinnati, Express at &DO P. M. Erie Mail and. Pittsburgh Express... .... .. ....at 10.3QP; M. Philadelphia Express ' at, 32.00 night. Erie leaves. daily, except Sunday,.. running .on Saturday night to Williamsport only . On biunday . night passengers will leaye Philadelphia at 12 o'clock. Philadelphia Express leaves daily. All other trains daily, except Sunday.' • • '• The Western Accommodation Train rune daily, except Sunday. For this train tickets must be procured and baggage delivered by_ 5.00 P. M. at 116 Market street, TRAINS ARRIVE. AT DEPOT, VIZ.:. Cincinnati Express at S.IO A. M. Philadelphia Express • at 6:50 A, M. Paoli Accommodation at 6.2:1 A. M. and 3,40 86 6.20 P, M. Erie Mail and Buffalo Express at 9.35A;M. Parksburg Train at 9.10 .4;51: Fast Line _ at 9.35 A. Id . - . . Lancaster Trainat 1230 P. M. Erie Express Day Express at 4.20 P. M. Southern Express at OAT. M. Harrisburg Accommodation: ' at 9.40 D. M. For further information, apply to ' JOHN F. VANLEEB,Ja., 'Ticket Agent, 901 Chestnut street. FRANCIS FUNK, Agent, 116 Market street. __SAMUEL H. WALLACE, Ticket Agent at the Depot. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company . will any risk for Baggago„except. for wearing apparel; and limit their responsilnlity to One Hand - red Dollars in value. Ail Baggage exceedini that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner,Unless taken by sl-con tract. EDI 'AHD 11. WILLIAMSWILLIAMS, General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. F OR CAPE ---- g y. VIA WEST JERSEY RAILROAD: COMMENCING MONDAY, JUNE 14,1869. Leave Philadelphia Foot of Market street: 8.00 A. M., Morning Mail, due at 12.13 M. 3.15 P. M., Passenger, duo nt 7.20 P. M. LEAVE CAPE MAY. 6.00 A. M., Morning Mall; due at 10.07 A. M. 1.00 P.M., Passenger, due at 5.37 P. M. ' Commutation Tickets ,good for three or twelve months, can be procured of the Treasurer, at Camden, N. ' Coupon and Excursion Tickets for sale at Ticket Offices,No. 823 Chestnut street and foot of Market street. SUNDAY MAIL TRAIN. Leaves Philadelphia at' 7.15 A. 81., returning leaVes Cape May 5.10 P. M. FARE FOR EXCURSION, $3 00. WEST JERSEY RAILROAD LINES. For Cape May, Mtllville, Vineland and intermediate tattoos below Glassboro, at 8.00 A. M. and 3.15 P. M. For Bridgeton, Salem and all way stations at 8.00 A.M. nd 3.30 P.M.. For Woodbury, Glassboro, at 9.00 A. M., 330 and 8:00 • Freight trainleaves Camden daily at 12, o'clock, noon. Freight received at first covered wharf below Wal ut street. Freight delivered No. =3 S. Delaware avenue. • WILLIAM .J. SBNYBLI, Superintendent. QUICKEST TIME ON -RECORD. THE PAN-HANDLE , ROUTE.•: HOURS to CINCINNATI, rittPENNSYLV - NIA RAILROAD AND PAN-HANDLE ' 734 HO CRS loss TIME than by COMPETING LINES. PASSENGERS taking_ the 8.00 P. M. TRAIN arrive in CINCINNATI next EVENING at. 9.55 P. m., HOURS, ONLY ONE NIGHT on the ROUTE. la - THE WOODRUFF'S celebrated Palace State- Room SLEEPING-CARS run through from PHILA DELPHIA to CINCINNATI. Passengers taking the 12.00 M. and 11.00 P. M. Trains reach CINCINNATI and all points WEST. and . SOUTH ONE TRAIN IN AD VANCE of all other Routes. 1/Gr -Passengers for CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS, ST. LOUIS, CAIRO, CHICAGO, PEORIA , BURLING TON, QUINCY MILWAUKEE. ST. PAUL, OMAHA, N.T., and all points WEST, NORTHWEST and SOUTH WEST, will be particular to ask for TICKETS iiiEr Via --PAN-HANDLE ROUTE. • To • SECURE the UNEQUALED • advantages of this LINE, be VERY PARTICULAR and ASK FOIL TICKETS " Via PAN-HANDLE," at TICKET OF FICES. N. W. CORNER NINTH and CHESTNUT Ste.. • No. 110 MARKET STREET, bet. Second and Front sta., And THIRTY-FIRST end MARKET ate., West Phila. ji . M S. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent, Pittsburgh. — JOHN - HT Itt maul General -Eastern Agent, 82811roa, way, N. Y. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAM— ROAD—SUMMER TIME TABLE.—Through and Direct Route between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Harris risburg. Williamsport, to the Northwest and the Grea' oil Region of Pennsylvania.—Elegant Sleeping Cars all Night Trains. • • On and after MONDAY, April 26, PM, the Trains on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad will run as follows: I • WESTWARD, •_ • _ Mail Train leaveSPhiladelphia..,.... , ... 11 1 - _._.Williamsport arrives at Erie Erie Express leaves Philadelphia.— Williamsport " " arrives at Erie Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia • ‘, " " arrives at Luck Haven • EASTWARD. Mail Train leaves Erie • 11.154. - M, , .t Williamsport 12.7*A. M.. " " arrives at Philadelphia 9.25 A.M. Erie Express leaves Erie 6.25 P, M.: • *ilbanisPort. . . ~, .. . M. " . arrives at Philadelphia4.l9P. M. Mail and Express connect with Oil. .... and Alle. • bony River Railroad. Raggase Checked Thrimish. ...-ALPRE al TY.LF4II, . Geneuperintendent. --0-ANDEN AND ATLANTIC lj RAILROAD. SUNDAY TRAINS FOR THE SEASHORE. On and after SUNDAY, Juno 6, the Mail Train for Will leavo Vine etroot Verry at. Leave Atlantic City at Stnacing at all etationo.. je3tf § - D. 11. BIIINDY, Agent. --• .altAivEtiE -.10.00 A. M. -.. 8.00 A. M, .... 8.80 P. N. 7.45 r. M. EXCURSIONS ATLANTIC CITY -10.45 P. M. „,. 8,15 A ~ 9.30 P. M. ;.1120 A. M. .. 8.50 P. M. 8 A.M . .....4 P. 31