RELwitnls NEW S . - - - TTIE 808. .T. Winterick • has ;taken eliargept" 4 Gerthan ;VIP:Won field at Carlstadt, iTerAe.t.' ' BISHOP STHVIINS Officiate at St. JOHISS' chureli,Ringsming 10-morrow morning,and at Sr. Mary's, Wesalhiladelfada,in the even- Duirtathb last eighteen years the ixtic Methodists of Wales have built 321 new chapels, the .independents 118, and the Bak.. THE Congregationalists of the Eastern States, In manyjecalities, are fully persuaded of the superter ot the free-seat tiYetere their churches. Trrs Rev. Mr. Leonard into be installed as pastor of . the "Lumbar& Street Univmunliiit Churah" on Monday evening next. Sermon by Rev. Dr. Chapin, of New York. Tit Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Clime& kait for a tontkibutiair of s2oo,:boo.,ovei and above ordinary collections, to relieve the missionary treasury from embarrasament. THE Right Rev ,Bishop diocese - b Coltunlms; Ohio, has been - exeused ' bi the Pope from the obligation to attend the Leum,enical Council in Roane in the month of. December next. - • -_ • THE Universalist denomination has met with a serious loss in the sudden death ofß,ev. D. K. Lee, D. D., bf New ' York, a man 'greatly beloved as a pastor, and rapidly growing in in fluence and reputation.. • AT a meeting Of the'memberii Of the 311, E. ChurCh at, Delaneo, i June', 12, the'folltow, lug was the result of the vote 'on LaY,,Delegl3;• tian: For, 8; against, 2. TWo ladies east their votes in favor of lay' refiresentation. TIM, corner-storm of a new.butitlmg for the Second- ,Presl3yterian Church, ;,„ corner of Twenty-first,, and Waltipt streets , . will :ho on Monday evening next at•So'-elock. Serapes appropriate to, the occasion"will be held. , • • A NEW Presbyterian Church , was organized, at Bunker Hill, Now Jersey, recently, a committee of the Presbytery of , West Jersey. The Corner-stone of a buildmg for the luso of the new church was laid at the same time. THE General Assembly of 'the United Prop byterian Church, recently held -in Chicago, after very full discussion, adhered to the .rule prohibiting their memliers from belonging to seerets6cieties, and directed the sessions to enforce it. , 'Washington and Georgetown, D. C., there are eighteen Diethodist churches and chapels; with property valned at $650,000, em bracing a membership, including preachers and probationers, of 3,697, and 3,382 Sunday school scholara. ' Tnr, new Methodist Episcopal Church at Olney;Rev.".N.l3.Durell pastor; will be dedi taited on. Sunday, June Bevs.:J. B. Mc- Cullougli, J. Todd and C. W. Bickley are an nounced to. officiate. The edifice is 42 by 75 feet, andlastefullY finished. BISHOP SIMPBON will preach in the new church at Twentieth and 'jelferson streets, to morrow at 3P. M. The Ladies' Fair is now open anti will continue next week. Baxter's open in uniform and Irma Quartette will each be present one evening. THE Presbytery of New York, at a meeting held on Monday, 7th inst. voted in favor of the union • of the Presbyterian Churches, New and Old.School, , there being only one Vote in the negative.' ThisTresbytery was the first to vote onthequelition. IN England there is` 'a' demand for'some moditicatiOniiiii the forms of worship, in the Jewisbsylingogues. What the reforms are to . be is not distinctly stated ' t butpornethi ng seems to be needed - to impress the 'dignity and main tain the influence of Jewish worship among their people. . , THE Wesleyan ruissioris in ales have been n existence over one hundred and thirtY years. - They bat e . noW 32 missionaries' and. occupy 27 stations; and maintain 53 lichoolS,' in winch 1,697 children are educated. In Italy-the Wes= leyans haVel.4 stations; , 2 English and Ital ian ministers,.7o9 church members, with d 698 childreninloay'sehoolS. THE Sabbathschool er..the,-.lCleraorial. Bag tilt Chureq, northeast ~corner of Itroad and Master streets, held a Jubilee meeting ou last Thursday evening..., The, pulpit WaS covered with flowers and plants,fandtroins;an'areb, Was suspended a magnificent bell a rare exethis. The chapel was filled, and many were unable to obtain admission. Altngether, the afrail...was one to be remembered: ' - • THE .American Baptist Home ~Mission. Sot ciety have eleetect thefolldwing offibers for the' , ensuing year: President—J. M. Hoyt; Vice Presidents—William Bucknell, - William, 11. McPherson; TreaSurer—Ebenezer Cauldwell; Corresponding Secretaries,Rev.Jay S. Backus, Bev. .E.. 1. Taylor, Rev. J. Il.,Simmonis (Freed t men's :.Department); , Recording Secretary— Bev. **Hague Boston. AT the annual meeting of the Board of Do mestic Missions of the Presbyterian Church, held on the 16th inst„the folloWing were unanimously elected oflicers"for the ensuing Tear, viz.: Presidentßev. John, McLean, b. D., LL. D.; Vice President and Corres ponding Secretary—Rev. G. 'W. Musgrave; D. D., LL. D.; Recording Secretary—Rev. J. Addison Henry. Treasurer-r-Sam'l D. Powel. Tux West ArCh Street' Presbyterian Church, of this city, after two Weeks'..vigorous effort, have securedeubscriptionsJsufficient t4i l pay a debt of $35,000, which has been resting upon the church building formany years.' This discharges the entire debt ofthat'cliureli i , with the exception of a small 'sum winch is in litigation. The church property. - worth probablys2oo,ooo,and occupies one of the ihiesb bites in the city. The rg,signa.tion.of ReV. Dr. Willitts has been with awn. • • Tim following gives the vote 'of the several, N ethodist 'churches of this city,Onlay deleg* Lion: Front Street, 78, for, 8 again:A; Trinity, 151 for, none against; Cohocksink, 59 for, 14 against; Fifth Street, 59 for, 49 against;. Taber nacle,l36 for, 4 against; 'Nineteenth! Street, 4q for, 6 against; Scott, 34 for, 10' againSt;'Whar- - Lon Street. 80 for, 20 against; Arch Street,' 164 for, 2 against; Green Street, 258 . f0r,"3 against; Spring Garden, 240 for; 5 against- Thus far in this city the vote stand, 2,117 for, 287 against. THE following description of St. PetWs Pres 7.. byterian Cbureh, Rochester, N. to which the Rev. Dr. Crowell has been recently called, is from the Anzerican Probyteilan: "The new church edifice is nearly finished, and •Was cupied recently. The 0111 building was burned in lidarch,lB6B, the walls alone left standing, The lecture-room has been enlarged,_was built first, and has been occupied since January ' the Sabbath assembly. It is so constructed that it may be used as a part of the audience room on extra occasions. The church is very beautifully finished; , the organ is one of the. largest and finest of Hook's manufacture; arid the cbithe of bellsisseen to•be rastored, larger and better than the old 'ones. The congrega-c Lion have shown much spirit and enterprise thus restoring and improving, their :house of Nrorship. We hear also that Dr.-,Crowell, the new pastor, is 'giving great satisfaction, and everything promises 'well. The church still retains its semi-liturgical service." „ REV. DAVID J. BEALE, late of .Hun tington (12-S„theshytery, _was histalled_pgstor_of-the church at St. George's,Delaware, June 1, With appropriate and very interesting.„ exercises. The day was bright and beautiful, the church was well filled with attentive listeners; and the young pastor had every reason to 'rejoice . the manifestations of kindness and. on the part of his people. The services began at 111 A. M. Rev. E. Webb presided and put the constitutitnial questions. Rev. L. Marks • preached an admirable sermon from Ephesians ie. 15: "Speaking the truth in love." •+ Rev; !Si R. Schofield charged the paqor in that 'sWeet; solemn and appropriate manner for which hell-- and Rey. Chas. D.- Shaw "gave a brief and pertinent charge to the people. ¶1 he Church organization -at St. George's dates from 16 1 )2, when the first house of wor ship there was erected. The celebrated White field preached there in the last century, (hiring 11:124 first visit to this country. About the same time he preachedin Philadelphia, standing on the court-house steps. It was night,and a lad Of some sixteen years stood beside hun, holding p, lantern for the speaker's convenience., So impressed was the boy with the solemn man ner and matchless eloquence of ' Mr. White- • that - forgetting his duty, he let the lan tern fall,,and the light was extinguished. That boy afterwards became a minister, and. was pastor of St. George's Church when White field returned here, nearly twenty years later. It was John Rodgers, afterwards the' first Moderator,Of—tholltinewar=lho:, Presbyterian Church in Amerida;and. pastor of the delebrateci33rckiphgrch Of trew± York city.:'_ Mr. Beale is a'young• man of fine abili ties and a most :winning disposition.—Del.Trib. CITY' dfiLILLETINV --THE CONTESTED .D•LEOTIONS.—Messrs. W P. :Messick-. • and 'exatni ners, held another session yesteiday alter -noon. "Mrp.,G;Russell f plerk in the office -of ; they Prothtinbtary'of the Court "of toiiiiiibh - Pleiis, produced the electionpapers of the Eighth and Ninth Divisions of - the Tenth Ward, as filedfin that-Oftleft.:. ''.') ~..'''...- -7 . 1 3 ',_ v J.; .- L ± 1;:: Fred. Koepler testified—Resided 257 North •;,Fifteenth street (Fifth Division, Tenth Ward). in Obtober;ioffered to , yote -but„.was ~rejectert becaUSe he had'ti SUpreme - Cdurt naturallia= .tion paper dated October 2,1868; went back in .thh evening and Chris. Gereke put a Republi can 'heading to his ticket, audit was taken - by, the Officer without asking for his paper. -R.', P. McCullough, testified—Resided 2001 'Reeves street,;: was -windoW-inapecitdr's . "clerk" hi Fifth Division, Fifteenth WardiatilatiVelee tion;. James Woodburti, - 2040 1- Wobd. 'street, had Quarter Sessions minor'S(paperii, ,- .dated Oiitober 1; '11307; he - cameAo' this country' in 1850; and when he voted - was - forty years 'Of ,a 0; :his - vote was received.l Siurinel'Orr2o33. Wodd. street; with Quarter Sessions , papers; dated September;lB6B, said that'll& was' only' nine, months - in . the State; -bile vote was're ceived. William. Burrovres, • • 1920 - .Callowhill• street, swore that howas eighty . years of age, and was . only eighteeiiyears in the country, ..and bad iiiinor's -, pages . from - Common' Pleas ' Court-; ;. his 'vote ' was ' received. ' . Jaiues' DI ulgrew, NO. . - :1' Clinton . • avenue, - aged thirty-nine years, had been, fotirteen years in the :country; had ' Quarter Sesiiions..minor's Papers, dated September `20,1868; was allowed to ,Vote; William Lindsay, 410 North Nine-. leenth, thirty-five years of age, in the country eight, years, : DiStrict Court minor's papers dated September is, 1868, • was allowed to vote; Jas. Kilpatrick, .107 Downey Street,.. aged. twenty-six years, iii the country, three years; bad !valor's papers dated Sept. 25,1868, from Comiuon Pleas Court,• was . also allowed'to vote; two votes were 'received froth. 'Nii.. 2046 Wodd street,of the same name and ocoupation, but not the same person; the name was Godfrey Gysi; when the name came in the second.time • we objected' to it, 'as the 'voter - had been ticketed on the judge's book' and on our book hi the morning. Thomas Forsyth; 405 North Twentieth street, had minor's papers October • 7th, 1868, aged fifty years; was'allowed to vote; the :votes of all persons Who had Supreme Court papers were refused; the officers said 'that they were fraudulent, because. they did 'not know 'the coritetness of the - signature; 'abont fifteen or-twenty such votes were re jected; when a person Who was not, on the as tie&sient list offered to vote; he was geerally swon and had to produce a voucher. ' ' Mr. Mann objected to the entire testimony of 3, , r. McCullough. . ' Tll In °as H. Hemphill, Who • residesat 1910 Call whin street, was inspectorof eleation in ..... ..._. . . „...... ifth Division, Fifteenth , ard; corroborated the qtaternent of Mr. McCullough, t4a previous witness, who was his clerk. • , • Alfred Louderhaeh; No. 2009 Cherry street, testified that his son Edwin did not live with him in October,'lB6B. [Assessed there, and on the list 'of vOters.]. • 4:lines Ross testified-Reside= 1 Sal niuMstre,et; voted the 'Democratic' ticket in the Tj.ourth' Division, Twenty4iftli.., Ward; Michael McGrady got a ticket to go tithe to,Vote. [Both were attacked as units sensed voters.] . . . William. Mclntyre .testified-llad• the ,win dow4book of Eifth.,. Division , Tenth Ward; outside, at 'the Oniobei elec tion; saw persons; ; ,offering - t(:! .f vote on Supreme Court aturalization papers; one or two only were receivecli, ten or,eleyen, ererefused; the reason give, wa.s that they wereiissued by the Supreme `Court; a great many challenges, were,. made; as a general thing, the' challenged persons had to produce . veueliersi-Who'were tiworn.-- - • .:.;Christian Betliugmeyer, No. 226 Juniper street, who_ ;had' % Supremo 'Court soldier's naturalization papers, dated September 14, 1868,i - testified that he..oftered,to• vote :in the Fifth Division of the Ward,' but his vote *as refused; intended to vote the Demo crane ticket; was.three.years in. the, United Stat 4 service; and - Was diScharged.from Veteran Reserve Corps in 1864. I am now a public officer, -.- - Ge 7 pfge Fox - ,`NO: 8 Western'' avenue, Fit': teenth above Race, testified that he was na turalized, by the Supreme, Court, -October -5,, 1868, and thatildfi vote was' :rejected the Sixth Division, Tenth Ward; offered to vote the Democratic ticket..: James McKee; Fitch street, near`Twenty seemid, Eighth division, Tenth Ward, testi fied that, he voted the-Republican tielet; naturalized 'last' October; got Mt' 'all of his papers at once; .was, nineteen years old when he came to this country. • H. Idcleetridge, 422, North Twenty-second street, testified that W. - Voted the7Republican ticket; 'was naturalized by •Common Pleas Court, October 4, 1867; never declared hip in tentiOns to become a citizen; was..,between nineteen and twenty years of age when he ar rived in this country. St. Clair Mackey, 530 North Beventeenth ,street, testified that he voted the Republican ticket, in the Second Division,Fifteenth Ward; W9s naturalized in the CoMmon Pleas Court ;in Odtober i lBWwas over. twenty-one years N'therf he arrived in' this-city; never de mi:Axed his intentions to become a citizen. ::Andrew. Brawn testified he voted the 'RepUblicamticket , in the SixthDiviSion of the Fifteenth Ward; never declared his intentions, and *RB over 22 years of age when he Came to %this Country. Aaron Gamble testified that he voted the Re publicantieket in the SairiediviSion; *Waver twenty, Tears of age When became bern,' (HIS • paper was a minor's.) dorm F. Moss testified that-he wastheDem ocratic inspector Of the - Tliii'd - Diviaion of - the TenthWard;the votes of those holding naturali t ion paperS issued in: Septeinber. and 00,0-ber ber were refused; there were ten or eleven of them; the judge said he had instructions'' to receive, any., of those votes, because ,they„ could tell whether the signature to the pa,. purl Was genuine or false.. • ,'Adjourned until Monday. afternoon. • l' TO raw SOLDIERS OF 'TIM WAR 'OF 1812.—Joseph N,l'iersol, Esq., City ,•Trea sitter, has recetveda circtilar' in referenCe to , the wing of penSionSifrein R. W. Mackey , State: frPaStlrer, skating tliatlie has reason to believe that fraud is being perpetrated on the Treasury Department in the payment of "pen sions to the soldiers of the war of 1812." He calls the attention of Mr.riersol to the act of 24th March, 1868, which provides that applica tion Shall be attested annually by affidavit,and asks his co-operation to prevent frauds by in sisting upon strict compliancelvith all the pro visions of the law. Thy: act referred to provides "that the affidavit required shall be made before the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the applicant for pension shall reside at the time of making his or her application, ~ t liicilatlidavit shall be attested by the Pro thonotary or clerk of the Court, with the seal of the Court attached, or in the event of the appliCant being too sick or infirm to make application to such Court, the affidavit may . be: made before au alderman or justice of the peace, which affidavit shall be sup ported by two respectable 'citizens, under oath or affirmation, stating such sickness, or in firmity." The act luither.Provides "that every application for either a gratuity or annuity un der the provisions of the act shall be attested, annually, by an affidavit as aforesaid,.and the application of any person shall be endorsed as meritorious by one of the judges of the Court before which.the affidavit required by the act shall be made." FALSE PRETENCE CASE.—At the Central Station, yesterday aftefuoon, T. J. Moriarty was charged with obtaining money underfalse pretences. Letitia Grandee testified that de fendant called at her house and proposed to teach her the art and mystery of hairwork in fifteen minutes for two dollars; that he re ceived two dollars, but she did not learn any except one stitch. The condition was that she was not teach any one else, under a penalty of a thousand dollars, and was to re ceive two dollars for every perfect chain she made after.receiving full instructions.. In answer to a question by defendant, witness THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 19,,1869. said wim instructed to 'call at' . .'" Mori :artk's_riiiiderioil Ifillii:did-liol-litiiiii=holi-to-kki: , the work. ). ci.iii..s,,,--;,,i,t,-,:-.,p-,-.;; Sue Afidersoft tilted that libel:MA kipiter had placed themse Vas under the defendant . to learn hair, work) tudeal ,circumstances similar to those'detailed by the-first witless; that the gist* did not lettrnamthing, - tbutthprske (wit ness) did learn,4l(dthurght her sister. The accused said thathe had-taught , a great 1 3 . . limn perspns, and_had.peyilr hear any „com plai is ',beforei andethirt' beVais. ready to :fulfil all t e conditions of the contract. He was hold for a l further hearing. 1? l' t 3l, r o 74Alc.DisstissEn.riFolicemalx !Rohn Logue; bf‘the FgthEriStrict,tlias diSiniShed by Maypr Fox yesterday, for not promptly exe - cnting a warrant which was placed in his char,pe. •' '',l4,l;i "" oWNED.—Franciti M. Morgan, residing at 2035 kiumuteristreet, was drownedyestordayin the 13 OlylkW, at ifaipn)un.t, , ,.. Tne tporonar ROOKS OF. TIWE'' Tbe Starless Cro)On. and other " Poetical Se lectieons. B. Limillidot & 'Co. " • , • Atinie'a 'Gold , •• Crow and:lts Mysterloits Motto. By tho author of "Nellie Grax." Pres byteriatt l'ubl;cati,coi Committee, ; 1334 ..plkest nut Street. - , Frank- IEI'6I 4 OY Parik and ItOW' 'spezit bis Sundays. • • ••'By the author of- "bronoy." l'resbyteriau Publication, Cotimnittee; • Stories -inirerae. By,Henrk .br Abbe . . Pub lisheYl by. 4:D. F. Battilolp:h Co., Y. Sold, by B lippiiiticott' Co. _ Quality -Fogg's Pia Ledger:' PUblialled by Henry HoYt, , BOston. ' For sale by.P.•Bs. Lip. pißeott 4 Co., P.E.monitiims received from Turner Bros. & Co.: 'The Gataxn, for July. Onthard, for July. &Wells Ladled I3Ock, for July 'Arthur's Rime Magazine; The' Children's Rour; Once a 'Month, for July From -the pUblishers: American Exchange and ,Review, for June; 521 Chestnut. street. , The Little Corporal, for JulY,Sewell',&'o).,cylengo. The Nurseby, 131Vhshington st., Boston:' "The Bride's Fate," by Mrs. Emma'D. E. N. Southworth; a sequel . to "The Changed Brides," is in: press and , will be published, on Satutday next, ,by T. B. Peterson.& *others, Philadelphia. It will ,command a very large sale, OS it is fully equal tO "The Changed Brides," "Fair Play," and "How He Won Her," which have proved to be three of the best selling novels , ever published, and which are having remarkable success. SO-era' lettera haVe already been written to the Friends' Melligeneer by the newly arrived Quaker Indian Agents, among which the fol- lowing one from 1.1, ,Painter, agent to. the Nebraska Reservation, will be fthind interest in : "The Omaha Indiana have over two him diedand five thousand acres of. land on this reservation, some of which is a beautiful roll- . Jag prairie with timber skirting' .along streams. Cotton-WOOd, oak, Walnat, maple and ash are amOng the varieties of wood found here: The reservation is well watered; and said to have some beautiful valleys west of,the Agency buildings, but as the tract is about thirty miles in length in that direction, I haVe not yet had an opportunity of ,inspecting theM. The land is very produCtive; and „ re quires no fertilizers Whatever. We Were told by a person we filet on our way, that he. htt'd known 'corn to lie planted fourteen years.: in succession on the samer grOund, without any apparent diminution in its... Productiveness. Therb is an abundance of wildtruithere, con „sisti4l, in part of goeSeberries, ,insPberries, strawberries and plums of several ,variefies; also, grapevines, now bloom.: We feel, very thankful that Our Riles' have been cast in such pleasant places. The atmosphere is Cleat and pure; and we areiatormett 01,4 nix}the Winter the mercury Stands Sometimes. : as low as twenty six degrees below zero;tlitingh in summer the weather is :very warn,. "We passed liy one of the Indian villages ant we came along, composed partly Otthiserable mud hovels; and partly, of a kind i ' of 'tents called tepees, made Of . Imtlido altins.stretched on poles, set up iii the form of a' cone, with a hole at the 'top fin the snioke to escape. - these, they pass the winter, no matter how se- . ] The Indians . ; both men . and Women,. dress:in blankets of the most bright and gaudy colors they can find, thotiglf.ii few clothe them selveS setnewhat 'like the WhiteS.: We have nwt with a number of them, who seem glad to see us, and honor urn: with • a grunt and alea sant smile as we shakehands with them. There - - are seven chiefs of the tribe--Y.elloWmoke, Fire Chief, Stinding HaWk, anti others whose names I do not remeMber. I think one of therm is called -Cin-de r ha-ha.. I Will probably meet them -in council:in a day or two, when they Will expect me to. make a speech. havenot yet entered on my :official du , ties, my predecessor being still absent, though' we look daily for his return. lam called Major, the.lndianshestowingthattitle upon .:the eimibent of the office—the Government,ll am fold, also assigning it to the agent of the reser vation.- -Ido not -- expect; however, to' 'avail myself of the military character, nor to, use the cannon and rifles in the block , house, which stands on it knoll near the agency buildings: I find afield of labor here beyond anything of which 1 had the remotest conception, and hope , honestly, earnestly and Prayerfully to discharge the duties assigned the to the, pest: of my ability. The Indians appear anxious to have their lamb allotted to them in severalty, and each to own a farm in his individual right. This is one important step towards the civilization and the improve ment of their general condition. I shmild„ have said, when speaking of the Indian vil= lages, thatthere area few cottages upon the Reservati ii which are built of wood, with. some • warance of comfort. A mission sch 01, under the auspices of the Foreign. Board of Missions of the Presbyterian society, has been kept, but is now vacated. At some future time I may offer some further remarks in relation to our labors : if, the foregoing is acceptable.” Another letter, in alluding to the agent's house, says it is quite large and painted white, . with some locust trees about it. There is a good .garden opposite, and a spring of water not far off, and plenty of water and ice. In the stable there was a pair of fine and the mill Made good flour and cornmeal. The agents were told by a Pennsylvanian' 'that the land was more productive than that of his s own State. There were several white women in the settlement, and things in general were much more comfortable than they had sup-. posed. , , 10t. ROSE HILL CEMETERY. A new and beautiful CEMETERY has been recently located on LANCASTER Avenue. a short distance from Overbrook Station, on the Pennsylvania Central Rail road, just beyond the city line and near the boundary of the new City Park. The Hestonville Passenger Rail road, it Is expected, will shortly be extended and Tams in front of this Cemetery., These grounds, in natural and creatod_embellialimentsi-are, equaled-y— -bfew—and-su- rpassed by no Cemetery in the country. The projectors are now selling a limited number of Lots of 10 by 12 feet at $W per lot, payable in installments. The price will shortly be doubled. Portions of the ground can now be allotted to Societies on favorable terms. Parties desiring to purchase are invited to visit- thee° grounds without delay, and judge for themselves of the advantages offered. For further information, apply a B t l t BA ho wm Or z eof i the Presi dent, Street, Or of the Secretary, GEO. CHANDLER PAUL, Hl3 North TENTH Street. BOARD OP 31.ANAGERS: A.M. Hopkins,l w Geo. ()handler Paul, Jacob Gakeler, Geo. W. Buckman, Semi. J. alluee. Smrp§ EU' Boardman's Second Annual Excursion TO ATLANTIC CITY, Front Saturday Afternoon, June 26th, to Mondity, June 28th: Leave Vino St. Wharf. Saturday, June 26th, at 3,30 P.M. Returning, leave Atlantic, Monday, Juno 28th, 'at 7 A.. 31. TICKETS FOR ROUND TRIP 02 00. jel2 12tr - Qom. UNIVERSITY OF PE SYIJV IA —Faculty of Arte. The Extunination otUandidates for admission will be held at the University, on WEDNESDAY, the 2.1 d of June, at 10% o'clock A. Pd. Students can apply for ad mission to pursue the full course for the dogree of Bachelor of Arts, or only that portion of it for which the degree of Bachelor of Science is given, -or any such nor-. Bon as the 'acuity may sanction, . FRANCIS A. JA.OKSON, Secretary, of the Faculty.. LITEMARY. The 'Quaker Inditin Agents. SPECIAL NOTICES. IMIN=M3 OFTENNSYLVAMA', -- -iratulti. of Artri.—:The Annual Commencelnent' for conferring Deg A rees ht. thec Arta held 'on.. Tfillk„.4l)lAlfattne 24th, in the cademy of Music. ,_,The Revefuad'Olergx, Jtidged'of the 1J rated. States and State Courts,-tie Mayor of the, Oity,Nedec_t and Gommon Coon :lila, the Iloard uf-Pliectors and President of the - Girard College. theirrinclpal Offhp Central High Seheol, the candidates for the Pegreeof Monter of Arts, arid other Graduates :of. the Llniversltr, aro. invited to meet the Facultr t int,he Foyer of tho Academy, at a qua rter beret° 10 o'clo c k A. M. • - - - , 108.0 - , FILA , NOIS A. JACKSON. Secretary. iiii-- STATE , "EIGHTS," FOR ; SAI4.E.--- 1 State. rights Of avatuabie itiSennjuit patented, and dF r ittned'for the alicing, tatting 'and. chipping of dried f, cabbage, 'dtc.,aro.litttby offered her sale,. It i lean Article of great vane to tito rletore of hotels and reatennintis, and It should 'be late aced into ,every fam ily. State rights f or Bald .'M el can be Been : at the telegtaph Odice,'oooper's Point, :J. my29-tf§ oab UNIVERSITY OE—PENNSYLVA NIA; .tftec:r...q . : ty r '.. (FACULTY OF' ANNUAL PUBLIC' EXAMINATIONS' 'ofltho Jun ierjSephontOre'and Frogman, eluded, at- the close , of the College yyear, will bd hold dully Suridityfi), from lid , o'clock, A. Id.; to 2 o'clock, EL, front June 4th'to Junk 22d EXAMINATIONS FOR ADMISSION to th e 'OoDego . will he Held on June thL , !betanning attOlio clock , • THE 004111 , 1bItiOEILNI will be held Juno 24th: , • FRANOWAI,•J'AoKsON, Jecifts • . I • • • Seerdt. —J._ P g S Y LIT A laii; ItAILR6.Zak COMPANY; TREASURER'S DEpANTMENT. PETLAlistartuA; May 15, 12369.-t NOTICE TO STOCHHOLDERS. , -The bodice aro now open for subscription and payment of the new stock of this' Company. THOMAS T . FIRTH; mylB , 3olrfq * • • - • • Treasurer, IV '1) FRANK. PALMER, I#l4 D.,gillb goon Artist, has just been < commissioned , by the StiFgeon-General to supply the PalmerArna and Leg for mutilated Pincers of the U. S. Ann,' and 'Navy The Governmental otlices,are to,be located in PhiladelpitiN NOw York and Boston,. and tire: all conducted by , Dr. PALMER. . • my2.l7Btrp§ • rrr NOTIU E.—l HAVE JUST BE 'CEIVED n fresh supply of those Cigars "Like F " ather Gets, belittles a ntunber or other choice brauds. 71IcGAItA DER, Boventoouth aud Locust. Jel7-3t*re THE 'GREAT RITRAL C'EMETERY; AtOrlaft;' only two ,stinares, front the Darby Itoatt .Passenger_ _Railway; is easily, reached by the Chestnut or "Market street cars. ; . jel27trp* tub TURKISH BATHS.; — 1109 GIRARD STREET, TWA SQUARES lißOld THE CONTINNTAL. Ladies' department strictly private. Open day arid evening. ' apl-tfrpg log. HOWARD HOSPITAL, NOS. 1518 and 1520 Lombard street, 'Dispensary Departnient. Idedical treatment and medicine furnished gratuitously to the poor. $5OO REWAINY. OFFICE OF THE PIIHADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, June 11, 1809. Five hundred dollars reward will be paid for any In• formation that will lead to the arrest, detection and con viction of the person or persons Who sot on lire the' Freight• Depot of this Company .on..the nigh of April.• 2Sth last; • W * B. WILSON, jel6-61 • General Superintendent. MUSICAL FUND SOCIETY BOARD OF DIRECTORS. 186)-70. PREAIDENT, FRANKLIN - PEALE. VICE PRESIDENT, THOMAS SULLY. TIIEASURErt, • WILLIAM L.' MACTIER.. • . ' ' • • AECRETA UT, ' • - WILLIAM .L.• BUNGLISON. Francis Gurney Smith, S. Winner, Bryant Ferguson, Joseph W.. Drexel, Thomas Fitzgerald. Chas. E. Lex, ,i,(+.V. Patterdon, M. H. Chas. P. Turner. M. D., Thy ilore Cnyler, William Maris,Jr., C. F. Stolte. • • , William Stoll. Thee. It. Marie, P. C.l.lollis, F. A. Klemm, John 'Gibson, • ' ' ._., Carl 11. 0. Seutz, Iticli.'J. Dnuglinint, M. B Francis Cooper, couN3ELLatts. 11. PERDRIAUX. THEODORE CUTLER. CHARLES E. LEX. -• • , TAMES V. PATTERSON,- D. CHARLES P. ..TURNED, b 4 D. RtrEIIiNTEICDENT, ' THOMAS J. BECKETT .. -- ULII3IIA.IIY - 'COMPANY .—A SPE CIAL meeting of the reembikre of the LIBRARY COMPANY of Philad el phialvill be held ou TUESDAY.. the 29th inst. at 12 . o'Crlocki nadir; at , thil the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or 'fir gian ( 4l - 1 1 .401 1 4ie4 an!' decaye d. But such as remain can be, saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling .7-the hair with 'a pasty sedi ment, it will keepit, clean and vigorous. Its occasional use 'will prevent the hair from turning gray or fßlling off, and consequently , prevent baldness. Free from. those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious, ,to ,the hair, ;the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a 3iIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Contahling neither. oiL nor dye, it does not soil white , cambric, and yet lasts longer on the " hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. .1 ! .Q. Ayer & Co., ruisoncar.. 4.1 u) ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS, LOWELL, ra4ss. Patin: SLOG. Sold by all Druggiata `evorkwboie. At lybolooala hy M. MARIS CO., Philadelphia.inh9tudh-s-oow-ly :INSTEAD OF BITTER, USE . • Children SWEET. J. Mothers give the Ask your Doctor for. • • • QUININE I The Druggists all sell • • . j • •e 3 th,s,tulAt§ QETT YSDUNO;, ,ICATAL 4 I'SINE • IWATtit can be had of all tlist-class druggists, also of W. 11.• Ii JONES at his Now York Dppot, No. A Murray street, or Of- the Gettysburg Spring a Coinpainy at Gettysburg, . Prices at the New York Depot , NI cents Per quart bot tle, el° per case of two dozen quarts. . • Pricet at the Spring, $9 W per case. ' jel2-s to th 12t§ OPALDENTALLINA. A • 'SUPERI.6.I article for cleaning the Teeth,destroying animaleula whieli-infest Mani, givirid tope pc. the.'mansand leaving a fooling : of fragrance`and ',perfect , cleanliness in the mouth. It may be used daily, and will be found to strengthen , weak and bleeding. gums, while the aroma Mid detcrefenese Wiltrwetimen it to, every one: Be ing composed with the assistance'of the Deutist, Physi= chins' andifficroscopist, it is confidently offered- as a reliable substitute for the uncertain washes formerly in • ' Eminent 'Dentists; aeguailited'.viith , the constitUenta of the Dentallina, advocate its use; it contains • nothing to prevent its unrestrained employment, Made only by F. ~, ;' . ; JAMES T. 011INN,Apcithecary, , •--' - - -''' --- ' - , i -", ,• - 'llroa,,l'and'Spr nee streets For sale by Druggists generally, and' Fred. Drown°, , .• '.- fD. Is, Stackhouse, • Hassard do Co:; '•', ' ' Robert C. Davis , • C. R. KeettY,• . . Geo. C. Bower, Isaac H. Kay, . Chati.Shivers C, 11. Needles, T: . J. Husband; ' Ambrose Smith, Edward Parrisli, Wni. B. 'Webb,. :James L. Blspbtn, Ilughes•& Combo, Henry A. Dower McColin, . e. C. Buiftiug, Chas.H. Eberle, Jamco N. M ar ks, E. Bringhurot S Co., HyOtt .1c Co., •- 4 H. C. Blnlr's Sons, - , • Wyatt' Bro. VI A TriACICATIA, No. 718 Chestnut street, manufac tutors of Gas Irixtrires, Lamps, 40., &0., would _call th 9 attention of the public to their largo and elegant asaort lactic of Gas Chandeliers Pendants, Brackets, Ac. They also introduce gas pipes into dwellings and public build ings, and attend to extending, altering and repairing gas pipes. MI work warranted. ~'f ~3 f ' , ' i... , , REAVESTI'I'E - 6itEW. - . -r " PUBLIOAALE.—T.HOMAS & SONS, Auction:aut.-Large - and Valuable Hotel, Et Acres. chant y, 350 miles from". New' York and Baltlitiore,. on the *Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, iglithibid frotirErie:. On. -Tuesday, June 22d, 1869_, at 12. otieekzrio9n, will . be slid at public sale, at the Philadelphia - Exchaftiall that' target...and commodious ' bottlilretentl3 o .er ity the • 1 Hainan and - Elk ., Lata and ImprOvement ompanYi at Rene, in McKean county , the'llorthWestestw.part of • Pennsylvanta,ribout =miles distant from Philadelphia, New - York and Baltimore. accessible kr on t hiladelphia and Erie Bailroad, and accestilble from all points, east and west; 95 mike front Erfeiand on a direct through route - to the West, Niagara • Fallsl,Buffa , &c. (via Corry)i to , the oil regions. It is built annished throughout in the best and most'' substantial manner; 162 feet in length .by no feet in depth; four . stories hlgh,.E'rench.roof, and surrounded with piazzas and balconies. It br'rordete, with every modern convenience, gas, water, &c. lias se conimodations for 200 guests; the dining4room will seat. 300 people, and it is in every respect a first-class °stab- Bailment.. No expense has been spared toll:natio it in every particular equal to - any hotel in the country: , It is "'Minded at the highest summit of thir Philadelphia and; 'Erie . Railroad, - 2,0 N), feet. above tide, , water,. and , Bur- rounded on all rides by extensive forests and fine scenory. Its high altitude, salubrious climate, and great accessi bility by ra il road from the large eities.of the Eastern and "Western States; will render itau unsurpassed and favor .ite summer resort,rind forth's' prirposethere is no locality which can excelit. Itissurrounded with. .a tine park, lawn and grounds, shaded with._ large forest trees, more than a acres in extent, which willybe sold with the hotel. ±liana is - Attila terminus of,, two divisions of the Philarlell :Phia and Erie Railroad, where motiveipower , is changed, and all the trains running East and West stop here for inealls...;F or architectural bealltyicortvenienc4, and exCel- Jence of. conatruation . ,xlihthotel le,huilevett to be un equaled; the rooms are large and commodious, with high • • ..cellirigsethewesterntuldll• the-lower stepry le arranged' for the accommodaticer , of raillnerVAravelers, for ticket and telegraph' Offices'ofthe.railread, restaurant, &c., and deaigned for that purpose. So favorable am opportuntttfor esint . blishing a resort which has eirery,promitiri„ MOM& extremely uelDn'; ' ler, has rarely been presented to the tPublic, and it is rgonfidently, believed that this hotel will ;become one of • 4110 most profitabloand.rielightfut tannin:lE resorts in the country beside, having the steady patronage of the trar- Sling on one of the great through - it:nes of railroad • atalt adasons of the_year. country .snrrounding the khrliing village of Kane is'one of the richest in the State" ituriher, iron ,coal and excellent farmland, and is be- ' °Ming raphllidereloped., Irrtrui--Twe.thirde of the purehaile money:. can re m n secured upon the premises by the, bond and mort- - gage" of. the ,purcharrery, payable , - it) . "liver equal install :inputs with intermit, to be accoitipauietivilth policies of insurance aPpruved;cempanies to . the amount of the ..riaertgage; - balance cash .rin the execution of the deed, ity Within - fifteen days from sale- 41,000 to be paid at " - w tinie of sale. Further particulars, :lans. maps. ' &0., can be had liven application at the Auction. store. .Persona &air "iwg,to visitHane can go. direet.,by ' taking any' of the Erie trains from the depot in West Philadelphia. 14._THuliAglt soNs; Auctioneers, my 27 jell 19 139 and 141. South. Fourth ~ ~ .ORP.IIAN6I:•COMELT.XEREMPTORY Sale.-Estate 0f.11r.: :David Gilbert, deceascal. 'homes 114 Sons, Auctioneers Very Valuable , Business Location; -- HodeneFouytrtorrlyrick ,- Residencei No. 731 • Archittreet, East strigrilt7 .fectfrOlat, 140 feet deep to a 22 feet wide atreet 7 -2 fronts. Pursuant to an , order of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, will ha sold at :publiv :salii.;*ithoiit re serve, on Tuesday, Jttne'274, 1849;ft 'l2 'o clock, noon, at the Philudelphm Exchange. the following described preperty, late of Dr: David .Gilbert deceased, viz.:-.11.11 that four - story brick triessupga and lokorgr o tpril, situate on the north side of Arch street, at the distance of 62 feet • east of Eight!, street; containing in front on Arch street 17 feet, end extending in depth 140 feet to a fret wide it'veatze.) Winfield place . Adiumlect northward by the said Winfield phiee, dotithWard tuv ` the' said Arch street, eastward by a messuage and lot late of Nicholas Weaver„ and westwardly bv messuage and lot lot-- or nf•ldeePh Price and-Elizabeth wife.",, Being ;Atte same Preinfees , which!Joseph - Pricer Mid Elizabeth his wife- by indenture dated November A. I). 1864, re ; cordial'in the office for recording deeds , tur.,- in. the of,philudelphiui in deed book No.-o,page 344, etc.', granted and 'convcied unto the:mid:l David Gilbert, in fee. .1' ogetherwith the' 'free awl Conimen use, right, liberty and privilege of ,the said' IVinfiehl place, at all - times hereafter forever. Wir The above Is a very", desirable and valuable resi dence; has all the'nmelern conveniences, and located, in ..0116 of tlieripost valuable business square,,on Arch,street; idgb;iriarble id neoull-storyaour-story-back buildings; has office, dining room, breakfast room,- -Ninter- and , : Kamer 'kitchens on the first ,floor; large lo rand par reception room o n Second floor .sewing rein]] -and.Gungatudituns.gltutauer.tboe)Tiffae,threuellt, bath, hot and cold water, watermospt, unlace, co ok ing range, &e.. flag pavetnerit. - yhulfinfillT front pavement. &c. There are-the, folhiwung mortgages on the:property, sub j ect torwhich.the , sale will be , made, one for 810,000; .'With interest from Nay 17t listt; one for $2,5110 with test from January 28th," mi; one for e;,000, h 'ferret fr o nt aulYl4/thatirgl:. • ; tki" Sale absolute. 0 Ep4IE&AII . Clerk O. C. H. THOMAS & SONS, Auctionevrs, saY27.telZl9 ' • •.13ft and 141 South Fourth street. ..'CP. ----- (JRPHA..NB' COURT SALE—ESTATE IBIL7 of Stokes, Minors.—Tlioniae Sons, Auctionee'rs. .1 alkable bitsinessatatut , ,Three..atorY, ririck Store and I/welling No: 221" %mai - Second street, between Dock aVAippwe,,Strrets,,, ,Popinnt,,, to an order of the Or willlCotfrthe City. and COOntracif.Philadelphia, he sold ut public sale, on Tuesday, June rad, 1 , 356; at 'l2 °Work 'noon at Inc Philadelphia Exchange,. the fob lowing fiescribed propertri'of Stokes Minors, viz.: All that tbree-stoi7 brick nietistuige and lot of ground. situ eTriecehid-strelt; betWeen 4 Doek and Spruce streets, City of Philadelphia, No. V.l; containing in front on Second street 15 feet 6 inches, and extending in depth eastwandS7 feet,niore .or less, to.the back ends of the Dock street lots, .ti !sots - febckd , siff. Bounded westward by said Second street, southward by-ay.:mea image and lot formerly of,Jahtes.Pillars; eastward by the back endscif ' Dock Street lats,flatid northward , by a Ines image and lot, now or late of the Stiles Estate. Being the same 't remises,wbich - Elizabeth . Lisle, in and by her last wilrand leAtaruent, writing; bearing date Novem ber, 14,A. Er. MIS, duly proved, and registered in the 'Proper oftice at I'llibulelphia. rave, 'devised and be queathed onto the .said Herbert N. Stokes, his heirs and assigns former. It is occupied sea clothing store, and is a good busi ness stand. . . . 4-°Y4er°f °° C 9 7,l4'npli tattaltlrjClerk 0. C. EDWARD D. STOKES, Guardian THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, , my2djel2 1.19 and 141 South Fourth street ' - oRkfiANS' COURT SALE.—ESTATE of Peter Burton, deceased.—Thonms .& BOns,!Auo tioneers.—Two-story-Brick -Dwelling,. No. 1030 .parley street, between Lombard and;Pine' streets. east of Ele venth street.—Pursuant to an order of the OrpharaCCourt for the City and County' of Rhiladelphi, will be ,sold; at public sale, on Tuesday, June 22d,1869, at 12 o'clock, noon,at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following de scribed preperty, late of. Peter Burton, deceased, viz.: All; that niessuage and lot of ground, situate on the south side of Barley street, at the distance of 114 feeteastward from thagast side of Eleventh street, city' of Philadel phia; containing in front on Barley street 16 feet, and ex tending. in depth_southward 21 feet. Bounded on the north by Barley, street, on the east' by ground of Lot Fouelier, on •;the 'routh by ground of. George Kern and others, and_oit the west by ground of Jacob G.' Morris. (Being the sane lot of ground which Edwin Middleton, by Indenture dated July MK A.D. MIL recorded in deed book A. M., No. 23, page 17, granted and conveyed unto Peter :Burton, in fee.) Reserving thereout a yearly ground rent of &lb, which yearly ground rent J onathan Marther, by indenture dated February 9th, A. D MC, re corded in deed book G. S., No. 35, page 6.10, granted, re leased and extinguished unto the , said Peter Burton. his heirs and; assigns forever, as by reference to said deeds will more Billy appear. By the Court, JOSEPH MEGARY, Clerk 0. C. STEPHEN SMITH; Administrator. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, rny27jel2 19 139 "find 141 South Fourth street. el PUBLIC SALE.-THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers.—Large and Valuable Hotel, known as the "Wetherill House," N0:603 Sansom Street, west of Sixth street. On Tuesday, June 22, 1869, at 12 o'clock - , neon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Ex change, . all that four-story building, known as the "Wetlicrill House," satiate on the north Side of Sansom street, 75 feet west of Sixth street; containing in fronton Sansorn street 30 feet, and extending iu depth northward 64 feet, with the privilege of a 3-feet alley leading into George's court. The house contains 16 rooms, several of them quite large. It is well adapted, and has been oc cupied for ninny years as a public house and for legal meetings, such as arbitrations, jury. meetings, .2c., iind from its great convenience to the public buildings, could be arranged for offices to great advantage. Subject to two Irredeemable ground rents of q 45 Terns—half cash upon the execution and delivery •of the deed for the same, say 15 to 20 clays front date of sale; balance, on bond and mortgage in the usual way:, Lease of the present tenant expires November Ist, 1869. . • M. THOMAS. & SONS, Aimtioneers, jes-1219 . , 133 and 141 South Fourth street. ell - a REAL ESTATE. THOMAS & SONS' Sale.:*On Tuesday, June 22i1, 1859, at 12 o'clork, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Ex change, the following described propertY,-six.: No. Two three-story brick Dwellings, Nos. 806 and SOS Catha rine street, west of Eighth street. All those two three, story brlcktnessuages, with one-story kitchens and lets of ground, situate on the south side of Catharine street, west of. Eighth streets Nos. ,800 and. 808; containing in front 11 feet, and eluding in depth 35 feet. . Each subject to a early groundrent of ,5,13, No. 2.—Dwollifig, Bth Essex street. All that three story brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on the past side of Essex street, 35 feet south of Catharina street, No. 803; containing in front 12 feet, auttextending in depth 33 feet to a 3 feet wide alley. Subject to a yearly around rent of 136. - ' Aim thateers , 139 and 141 South Fourth sneer. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.-- . —ESTATE - -oullautio Hamilton, dm:M.—Thomas ,t Sons, Aim tioneers.—Lot Marriott street. Pursuant to nn alla.s Order of, the ,Orphans' Court fur the city and county of PhiladelPhia; grill be sold at public sale, on Tuesday, June '22d, 1869, at 12' o'clock, noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the, following described property, late of Hamm Hamilton, deceased, viz.• All. that lot of .ground, situate mi the south side of Marriott street ( formetly ealletladarriott's lane), at the distance of 392 feet, or thereabouts, eastward from the east side of Fifth street, - in that part of the city of Philadelphia formerly , called' Southwark; containing, in front on Marriott street 44 feet, and. in depth 92 - feet. —BOunded .on the north by - Marriott street aforesaid, on the east by ground now or late of Edward Bonsai, on the south by ground, late of George Wilson, and on the west by a lot late of James Mct y. By the Court,_ JOSEPH ItIEGARY, Mork O.C. THOMAS FRANCIS EATON, Executor. X. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, my27je12,419 , 139 and 141 &Fourth street. ' REAL ESTATE.—THOMAS & SONS' Sale:—Modern three-story brick dwelling, No. 161.4 Filbert street, above' Sixteenth street. On Tuesday, Juno 22,1869, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the . Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern' three-story brick messnage, with three-story back build.; ings and lot of ground situate on the south side'of bert street - above, Sixteenth street, %No, 1614;' the lot containing in front on Filbert street 19 feet, and extend ing in depth 106 feet to a 20 foot wide -'street, called Jones Street, with the free , use and privilege of said street. The house has the is Introduced; bath, hot anti coldwater; cooking range, dm. , • ' ' Kir Clear of all incumbrance,' t , Torma-1200may remain • on mortgage, Possession Angina .26. . ' - THOUAS it SONS, Anctioneetf. - jelo 12 19 339 and 141 South Fourth street. REAL /EST:ATE, 'SALES. E • CUTOR'S PEREISPTORY S.M4E. —Estate of r Zadock A. Ingram, doe'd.--Thomas bons, Auctioneers. On Tuesday, • June 271, 1889, at 12 o'clock, 00031', will be 'sold at _public sale, withent re serve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following de scribed propertycht.._ No. 1.--Two threq-story brick Stores end Dire] fogs, NOV. 451 antP463 North Thirteenth street. helots Bu nwood street, with live three-80,17 brick dwellings in the rear, forming a court, called Adair' avenue: , Alt thoo brick messitages and the lot of ground, therountohelonging, situate, on the east Side of Thir-, teenth street, south of Buttonwood street; the lot con , tabling in" front on Thirteenth Street 38 feet, and ex tending Ju depth 84% feet. The improve:Aerate are two three-story brick stores and dwellings. fronting on Thir teenth street, Nos. 451 and 453, and live three-story brick dwellings in the rear, limning a court, called Adair aye nue., eTegether with the common use and privilege Of 232 feet wide alley running into Buttonwood street. Eir Clear of all,fneurnbrance. Sale absolnte. , 1 street?,l—Three-story. Brick , Bwelling, No. 1518, Vine with a three-story brick dwellingin the roar on State street, No. 16190 All`those brick messues and the lot of ground, situate on the south side of Vine street, west of Fifteenth street, No. 1518; the lot containing' in , front on Vine street 17 feet 6 Inches; and 80 feet in depth : to State sireet—gfronts. The improvements are a three. .story brick dwelling, No. 151 S Vine street; has parlor, dining-rooman& siMimer kitchen on the first floor; gas, bath, &c., and a three-story brick dwelling in the reaeon Stay! street, No. 1519; contains 5 rooms. • Mr Clear Of all inomnbrance. Sale labsointe. , By order Of.TOliE W. WRITE, Executor. je3-519 THOMAS & SONS,_ Auctioneers, 139 and 141 South Fourth street. ' t ri T TO BRICK.X.WERS, CAIMITALISTS ALLand others.--Sale by order of the Board of pirectors of the Dotlglaid Brick Making iComettny.--Thoniae and, 'Atictibneers.—Very valuable Clay Lot, about twenty-one acres, germantown T4rnpike,: Twenty-. eighth. Ward, known as the John wlett property.— On Tuesday, June 22, 1869, at 32' o,:'c ock - , noon, will he. 'Sold at pnblic•sale,', ‘the Philadelphia f' Exchange, all. that very valuable Clay, lot, with,tbo ;improvements thereon erected, c,ontaboing twenty-one ac,res, more or' situate on - the Germantown'Turnpike, Twenty • e ighth : , IWard; • ; Bounded • by , the Beading road;.North•Fitiladelphia Plank. road, and ground of t E. • Roberts and, others. The improvements consist o a large .mansion, with outbuildings, and two tenem nt houses: alsO, etrreredilron coal yard, with bins' bit+ of, bolding three thousand tons, with ttrade, cetab- Belled; xlalroad track, connectin_g with 'loading 'flair- . road ; lar g e brick yard, with - e bed s, kiln, clay house, 100 by 50 feet; engine-honse,4ohy 60 feet, .20- Clear of all incumbrance.. ;• Terms-7Calsh.. Inunediate possession. :woo to be paid at the time of male. ;•'• -W - The • otiose, Is one of the most valuable clay lets offered for sale for alo n g time, mid is well worthy the at tention of capitalists end others. , ItEi 18ee plan at the Auction St ore. M. THOIfAS &- SONS, Auctioneers, • ;.• JO 12 19 139 and 141 south Fourth street. REAL ESTATE.—THOMAS Sz SONS' Salo 10 very desirable Dttilding:Lots,isouthwest corner of Thirteenth, and. Jefferson streettif extending through4oMary street. On Tuesday,. June 22d, 1869, at 12 o'clock , noon , will be sold at' public sale, at the Phil adelphia Exchange,' the , following - described. lets of ground, viz.:,those .5 contiguous, lots of ground, situate at the southwest corner of Thirteenth and. Jeffervon 'streets; 4 of them 2234' feet front; and the other 18 feet 734 inches front on Thirteenth street,. by • 93 feet deep. No. 2—All,those 3 contiguous lots of ground, adjoining the nboVe in the rear, fronting on the corner of Jefferson and Mary streets; each 19 foot front, 76 feet VI inches deep. N0..3—A1l those 2 lots • of gronnd, adjoining NO. 2on the south, fronting on Mary street; 16 feet front, 57 itot deepp fcd'The, houses to be built on Thirteenth street. mast • recede 3 feet from the lirte, tar See plan. AriirTerms—Half cash; balance on ground rent. They Will be sold separately. . , M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, jes 12 19 - " 139 and 141 South Fourth St. iREAL . ESTATE. THOMAS" & SONS' Sale.—Three-stery_Drick Tavern and Dwelling, : cc. 920 end 922 South Ninth street, between Christian' and Carpenter streets. On Tuesday, June 22nd, 1869, at 12 ci*clock t ,poon ; will ha sold. ,at • public :sale, at the Philadelplue. Exchange, all that lot of ground, andthe improvthientit thereon erected, situate on the west side of Ninth street, between Christian and Carpenter -streets, corner of Manilla street, the lot containing in front .on Ninth street 32 feet, and extending - in depth 70 feet. The improvements ore a three-story brick tavern and dwell ing on the corner, and a three-story brick drug store ad joining, They haye the modern conveniences. „Immediate possession of the hotel and dwelling. subject to a yeatiy ground rent of el2B. • - M. T/1031.1&& SONS,. Auctioneers, ; „ je3 39' 139 and 141 South Fourth street. 2 REAL ETATE.=-1'.11031A8 & SONS' le.—Two hew modern three-itbry brick Dwdll- ingai N 05.918 and 920 S. Stxteentltstrect, between Clicis-, tiau and Carpenter streets.. ;On:Tuesday, June, TM citl69; at 12 'n'elock, noon, will be sold at public sale, et he Philadelphia ExchatKitnallthose two now modern three storY brick mem:owes, with two-story !back .buildings and lots of ground thereunto belonging,situate on thewest side of Sitteenthstreet,between Christian and Carpenter streeta, Noe. 918 and- 922.1; each containing). in fronton Sixteenth 16,feet, and extendingln depth 68 feet to . a three feet wide alley.. They have, gas pipes, bath, hot mid cpld water, furnace, cooking range; underground drainage &c EachsuNect to a yearly ground rent 011940. Keys at Ao. 1004 South Sixteenth street. 1 • • 31". THOMAS & SONS, AuctiMieers,l je.3,12,19 • 139 and 141 South Fourth stree t. .REAVESTATE:—THOMAS n &BONS' - - Stile:—TkreeriitorY Brick Ta.verit and Dwellingeind, Store and Dwelling, N0a.)920 and 922 South Ninth street,- between Christian andklat i inter ;streets.. On Tuesday ' ) June 22, 1869, at 12 o'el) noon, will be , sold at pub— lic 'at ' • the FIT delpltia 'Exchange, tall that lot of ground, and thelmprovements therton erected, situate on the west, side of . .Ninth street, betw en Christian and ,Camenter ditscots, corner of Man la street; the lot'containing in front on Ninth •streeti 32 feet, and extendingimdeptir7o feet. The Improvements are a three-story brick, tavern and. dwelling ;'''on the corner, and a three-story, brick drug store ,adjoiuihg.„ They bare the Modern ednveniences,., • Immediate possession of the hotel and • ' • Subject to a yearly ground rent of *1.26. ,• 1. . M.. THOMAS 14. SONS, Auctioneers, jell) 12,919 • 139 and 141 South Fourth street. • frt REAL ETATEr—:THOMAS ula Sale.—Two three-story Brick Stores and Dna- - bugs, W: 'corner of Girard avenue and Paletharp street, SeventeentliWard. On, Tuesday, Juno 224; 0 , 69, atl2 o'clock, noon, will, bo sold at public. sale, at he Philadelphia Exchange, all those two' three-story br ck wesenages and lots of ground; situate on the nortliwst corner of Girard avenue.and Palethou Street, between Front and Second ;streets, Seventeentli Ward; each Jot containing in front "14 feet, and extending In dept 51 feet, 6 inches; have the gas - introduced, &c. • Terme—Cash. •They will be sold separately. 11.,THONAS & SONS, Auctioneers, jelo 12 19 139 and 141 S. Fourth street. .t 1 ORPHANS' COURT SALE—ESTATE of Anna B. Cramp, deceased.—Thoreati & 4.-lolnt,, ctioneens.—Three-story Stone and Brick Dwelling ) Richmond street, sonthweetwardly, of Otis street, Eigh teenth Ward. .Pursuant to an Order of the Orphans'. Court for the city and county of Philadelphia, will; be sold at public sale, on Tuesday, June 29th„ 1849, at: 12 ' o'clock, noon, at ' the' Philadelphia Exchange, the rot , : lowing described property, late tif Anna, B. Cramp, ile .ceased. viz.: , All that lot of ground,with the three-story stone and brick dwelling house thereon erected,' situate on the southwestwardly side of Richmond (late queen) street, Eighteenth Ward,city of Philadelphia; begumiug at the distance of 11 feet 10 inches southwestward! Ylna Otis street; containing "in front on Richmond stree 25' feet 73e inches, and in depth sontheastwardly on he northeastwardy line thereof FIT feet 63g inches, and the southwestwardly lino thereof 275 feet 117. i inched to Otis ( late Wood) street. (Being, inter atia, the saute premises Which Charles D. Cramp and wife, by indenture dated April 14, A. D. 1863, granted and conveyed unto the said Anna B. Cramp, in fee.) Sfibject to the exceptfot and reservation to the owners of the lot of ground bound ing on the northeast; the northeasternmost party wall of the above-mentioned stone medsuage, • i By the Court, JOSEPH MEGARY, Clerk O. C WILLIAM G.. CRAMP, / . , in • CRAMP, cAdmlstratord. CHARLES D. • N. B.—The said prembles are subject to the payment of the balance of a mortgage debt; amounting on , May .d, 1809, to $71044-100, ou mortgage of Jacob Cramp' to Martin Cramp, dated Dec,23d, 1858. , : M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, je3 19 26 139 and 141 South Fourttstreet. COURT ORPHANS' PEREM TORY • .112 Sale.—Estato Of John C. Breidenhart, decoadeti:— , ' Thomas d: Sons, Auctioneers.. , ValuabloLot, S. E. coreer of Wesunineter avenue and Markeestreet,Twenty-fourth Ward. Pursuant to an order of the Ohans' Court for the city and county of Philadelphia, will he sold at pub lic sale, wit/tout reserve, on Tuesday, June 29th, MIN at, 12 o'clock noon, at the:Philadelphia Exchange, the fol, lowing described property, hate of John C. Breidenhart, dee'd, viz.: All that lot of ground, situate at the,south east corner' of Westminster avenue and Markos street, Twenty-fourth Ward, ~City of Philadelphia, ( late 1;110 Borough of West Philadelphia, in the, County of Phila, dolphin); thence extending southward alone the east side of Markoe street 318 feet 334 inches to grallkil now or tato of Fletcher Sloan; thence eastward along the same 100 feet to a point in the west lice of a 20 feet wide street, ex, tending southward from Woottninstor avenue to Seneca street; thence northward along: the west lin& of said 20 feet wide street 321 feet 7;35.' inches to a point in the south line of Westminster avenue, and thence westward along the south lino thereof 100 feet .44 of an inch to the that. mentioned 'corner and place of beginning. Being the.! same lot of ground, which - Charles B. lituirheld and wife, ' by ' indenture dated April 25th, A. D. ism, recorded iu Deed Book 'l'. H.,No. 78,page 275, Scc„ granted and cell -veyed-unto-John-C7Brefrienhart-, - in . , By the Court; ' JOSEPH MEGAWY,'CIerk O. C. ; , • JOSEPH M. COW ELL ; Executor.: M. THOMAS & SONS; Auctioneers, , je3 19 26 139 and 141 South Fourth street. if-F1 REAL ESTATE—THOMAS & SONS' i AI ii Sale—Modern Three story Brick Residence No. 1917' Spring Garden street, east of Twentieth street.—On Tuesday, June 29th, DO, at 12 o'clock, noon, will bo , sold at public sale, at the Philatlolphia Exchange. all i that lot of ground, with t he', threnlstory brick residence, ; with three-story double back buildings thereon erected, , situate on the :Mirth ide'of Spring Garden streedi 233 feet l: 10 inches eastward from Twentieth street; containing:ln front on Spring Garden .etreet 18 feet, and extending in depth 90 feet to Monterey street. The house has the ' modern convenieucea; 'gas, • bath. hot and' cold water, water closet, stationary washstands, white marble vest(- I bill_ ,e 2 kitchens, dm. ' 1 turClearof all incuinbrtince. _ . ___ Terms—sr4,soo may remain on mortgage. May be examined any , day previous to sale, between 10 and 12 o'clock. M. THOMAS dt SONS, Atictioneers, 139 and 1,11 South Fourth street. ie17,19,28 EXX:CIIT - 0.116" SALE.—ESTATE OF. AM Evan Fox; decoased.--Thontas tk Sone, AubtionePro. Largo and valuable lot, Girard arenue_, between Frank lin and Eighth streets. On Tuesday, Juno 29th, 1669, at .12 o'clock,. noon ' , will be sold at 'public sale, at the Phila 'detpida'Exchango, all. that largo and valuable lot of ground,' situate on the north side or Girard aventte, be-.- tweet* Franklin and Eighth streets containing in front on Girard avenuo het. 834 inches; thence extending northwakti 78 feet 1X ,Inches; thence east 138' feet 71i inches to Franklin street: thence south along Franklin' street Ski inches; thence southwest to Girard avenue. Bce plan at the Auction Rooms, , • . By order of HENRY HAINES, • GEO. WIDENER, _ Executors. . ' :MARCY FOX,_ THOMAS BONS, Auctioneers. jel7 1926 - ' ' I39(utd 141 B.'ruUrth street. REAL ESTATE SALES, 027, ORPHANS' COURT SALE--.ESTAT Allit of Cbas.S. Johnson- aittinor,deed.—Tbeneug & Song, Auctioneers.--Well-sectired ground rent SOX alear, par 1110,000. Pursuant to an 10 - rder of the Orphans' Court for the City and County . of Philtufelphia, will be Sold at public sale, on Tuesday .' June 2141862 2 at =o'clock. . noon* at the Philadelphia Exchange t the fellowl o n t o des cribed _property, late of Ohas.S, Johnson,. aminor oc'd, viz: All certain yearly ground rent oeStilte lawful silver money of the-United States of Ametica,O O, suing and payable on the Ist of- JEISIVArY addi Julp.ont of and from a certain wharf lot or piece ofground,:with the large wharf constructed thereon,wfth the-brit& office % and improvements thereon erected situate °alba isonth easterly sideOf ,Penn street, at the distance'af-Ile feet 6 inches southwestward from Maiden Street, lathe late. District of Kensington; Containing in front . ter'Pents streetB2 feet 6 inches, and extending 'thew Eimltheast . wardly of that width in depth 200 feet, more orlelicto the fiver Delaware. By the Cohn, J6SEPIT MEGAitir. Mirk- Or. O. . • JOSEPH ENGLE; OttrditUd. - • • M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers,- je3 1926 , No. 139 and 141.8. Fourth street. „ 11E -PEREMPTORY SALE 013... THE 1 , Premises.--Whomtig 2 Sons, Anctioneers.—Desira blo Eartn and Mansion, 63 acres,' near Stanton, New Castle County', Delaware within two-and‘agiall - mlles of the Railroad. Station. on the 'Philadelphia, Wfirningtort and Baltimoreßailroad., 'On Saturday, June 26th, 1869, at 1 o'clock P. - M., will be sold at public sale, on the ',premises, all that desirable farm, of about 63 acres,' situ ate on a publics road leading to Baltimore,about -two . and-a-half Miles - below Stanton, , NewOastle count'', State of Delaware. The improremente consist of& stone mansion, containing 12 'rooma, in very ,good condition; ' double-deck frame barn, 60 by '4O feetl Mina carriage house and out-buildings. The, laud is in a high; Oat° of cµltivafkop., The mill property. buildings n0w...0n the premises are reserved, and will be removed by the present • . Terms-1[42,000 may remain on mortgage. • I Will he.sbown on application to the : owner, laincs H. Taylor, Stanton Woolen Mills, at Stanton. - '. • 'Bale absolute', _ - t. • 1 TLIONAS Anctlonfere, , jelglg 24 139, and 141 South Fonyth,q4Cet. 111 BRAT;ESTATEj THOM 4e SONS' modern throa-story , ,,rbrfelt -4081' oenoe, No. 1M -North . Twelfth atreet, atiVerks street, - 46 feet" frOnt. On TiesolayYJUne 'l9th, ~ a t 12 o'clock,/ neon . will be: sold - at . public at this Pl4laeleiphla , VXobange, 04. that, handsome modem three-story : , hr messnage, with three , Setory;iback. building And lot' f gronniVeltnatei on 'the - w*tiolde of Twelfth street ; /3e'rka and, Norris stftets, No. 1072; the lot ma:fining in front on Tarelftlr4treet4tifeet. (lade:tending rin deptte PIO feet. :The house iiil9 . feet inches - front, new and built; anti toni thd Minters - conveniences; parlor, dining-roomsruk two kitchens ma the !fret floor; commodious chambers, niarbl:Nurasbo. 'boards in parlor, gas, bath, hot; and cold::water,w,ater. 'closet, stationa_ry washstand , furnace.' choking range s marble sink in•kitchen, itc:; large garden, stonewall la front, with iron railing, &c. • i - Terme—e7,ooB may remain on mortgage. , Immediate possession: . Open daily for examination. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneer's, , , 139 andB4l,Boutit.Vourtirstreet. iftl7 la 26 ESTATE:-THOMAIEM BONS' Sale.--Thrseirtory Brick Dwelling, 1648 illorth Second' street, , 'dime- Oxford street Nineteenth, ard. On Tuesday,' Jtme 29th, 1869, at 12' o'clock; noon, Will be sold at public se le' at the Philadelphia Exchange , all that genteel three•stort brick messuage,withurte-story frame kitchen and -lot d ground, situate on. the west aide of Second street, above Oxford street, No 1648;,eatoining in front on ' , Second street 17. feet, and extending depth 121 feet to Philip - street; contains? rooms, and is in:good repair; has gun; range, &0. , ' Also, a frame dwelling, con taining 4 rooms and a weaver shop on Philip stmt.. Subject to a yearly ground rent of 15'38 Z.,. Immediate possession. May be examined'rfrevloutto sale: 2 - • , ;• ,M THOMA R SONSt AuctioneenS, 1e17.1926 169 and 141 p. Fourth street. ESTATE.—TH.O.MAS & SONS' .Desirable . Residence t . N.E.', corner of hirty-sixtit anti lfaverford streets, 'West Philadelphia. On Tuesdar, dune 29th,' 1859, at 12 O'cloulr...tioonvwlll be sold at;, at thi3.Philadelplda. EkehtutiPit all that handsome and very, deeiratile• 230-stoma:tone (plas tered) messuage and lot of ground, situate at the north east corner of Thirty-sixth and Ilaverford' streets; the lot containin in fronton . liaverford street 105 feet, and extending indepth 'lBO feet to a3O feet Wide stieet. The house is well and Hebstantlally.bnilt and conveniently arranged. The grounds are elegantly. .lald.ont and fruits, planted with frtfit and' shade . trees; email Rc. May be examined any day previous to sale. • • - 31. , TH031/LSIt SONS; Auctioneers, 139. and. 141 South Fourthstreet. jell 19 26 REAL.ESTATE.--THOMAR At SON S' . Rua 244t0r3; .brick' dwerlinga,N4i, 908, 910, 912, 014 and 916 Catharine street; between:' inth and Tenth streets. ton Tuesdai, June 29,181Zi,'Ist 2Velock, noon, will be: Sold; at public sale' at the Philadelphia :Exchange, all those 2-storybrick.dwellings And lot of, ground situate on tiro south side of Catharine street, west or Ninth street,'Nos. 910, 912, 914;916r the lot containing in front on OntharliM street 68 feet; and ex tending in depth along the east side of Lebiinnit Artrocti and west side of Morns street 49 feet. Mr Clear of alLincumbrance.. Terras-82,100 may remain on mortgage, : Tl-10.114S & SONS, Amitinineett, 012'1926 - , ' - '139 and 141 South , Fotirth Street. I EAL ZSTATE.:---THOMAS:4 SONS' gaiii.—Three'-storyock`Byreiiihd L .'Nd. hr s:ast lupkin street, Nineteenth • Ward, •Oii Tuetslay; (June 29; lit a) at 12 o'clock; noon, wills be sold attublio,aade, at the , Philadelphia- Exchange, all that , three; story. brick messuage and lot aground, Minato on"the'seuthiwest ttiy side of East Dauphin' street, 123 feet , '93f *niches southeast °US:demandstreeti - Nineteenth, Ward: , con taining mAront or, East Dauphin street 14 feet 10 inches. and extending in depth 9,z feet to a, 4 feet wide Alley. It has gas;range,' , itc; .SUbject to a. yearly ground rent of ea.; •• imtnedinte possesaion. May be examined , any day previous to sale. • , M. THOMAS ,t 'SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 141 South Fourth street. jelT 19 29 F. AT f JPTATE.—'IIIOMAS • Ci:NSi Sale.—On Tuesday. .fune29th, IM9, at 12 O'elock, noon, wilibe sold at public sale, at the Eliiihdelphia Exchange, the.follatetng described Properiy, viz.; No I. ,Two•tdory brick Stable. No. 704 :North, ,Efghtlenth street, above (Mates street. All that twoltory rick stable and 'lof of ground, situate on the west el e of Eighteenth street, above Coates street, N0.704;:e45-*taTit , ing ip front on Eighteenth street /0 feet,and ,axtepling in depth 51 feet. No. 2,—Ground dent; X 4B a year; all that Welf-setured redeemable ground rent, e 43 a year, dear a teacethiesu ing out of a lot of ground, secured by ,a three•tittuy brick dwelling, N0..704 Shirley street, between. Eig i hteeuth and Nineteenth streets, above Coates street 18feet front, 5/ feet deep. M. THOMAS A, SONS, Auctioneers,l2o and 141 South Fourth street. RIO 19 26 BEAL-ESTATE.--TIIOMAS & SON 'Ma Sale.--Genteel ing, No. 49 Whiter - street, Ger nrantown.--On Tuesday, June 724, . ,1969, at 12 o'clock, noon, will . Lie sold at public pale. at the PlilladelPhia• Exchange, all' that rough-cast brick &gelling, No. 49 Whiter' street, Germantown ; lot 37 feet front, 113 feet deep. The, house contains 7 rooms; has gas; bath, hot and cold water, • Terns—Half cash. In - mediate peseesslon... 111. THOMAS SONS, Auctioneers. 139 and 141 South Fourthetreet. LEGAL NOTICES. N - :THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE T .United States for the Eastern District of .retunsylva nia.—ln Dank - ruptcy.—At Philadelphia, the 12tia,nay of February, A. D. 1869. The undersigned hereby gives no tice or his appointment as assignee of STACEFAVELSH, of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia; and ;State of Pennsylvania within said District, who .has been ad judged a bankru p t 'upon. his own petition, by the Dis trict Court of su d District. To the creditors of said bankrupt. Wit. VOGDES t Assignee. 128 South Sixth:street. jel9 s 3t* TN THE COURT . OF COMMON , PLEAS 11 for the city and count, Hof Philadelphia-;—ROSANNA. AIELLOR, by ber next friend W. H W.I.2MELLORS Submona in Divorce. September Term IBM. Alia Submena. March Term, 1863. N 0.72. To M r. George W. Mellor—Sin: Take nodes that the Court have granted a rule upon you to show cattle why a divorce a vioculo matrimanst should not ho decreed (personareervice hat ing failed on account of your ab sence), returnable on SATURDAY, June 20, 1869, at 1(1 A. o'clock A M. . JOHN A. OWENS Zi= IN `FHE 'OURT OF COMMON, PLEAS for the City and County of Philadelphia, • Notice is hereby given to all persona interested S' A • ( that the Honorable Judges of ()Or said -Court " have appointed MONDAY; the 14th day of June, A. D. 1869, at 10 o'clock, A. M., for hearing the application for the following Charter of Incorporation, and maim exceptions be filed thereto, the same will bo allowed, TiZ.: ''The Malta Boathouse Association." FREDERICK G. WOLBERT, Prothonotary. -VSTATE OF RICHARD H. DOUGLASS, 1J deceased.-Letters testamentary upon the last will .orRICHAND U. DOUGLASS; deceased, haying . been granted to the undersigned, all persona indebted to the estate of the said , decedent are requested to make pay ment,and those having claims or demands to present them,, without delay. to BENJAMIN .1. DOUGLASS, Executor, Columbia, Pennsylvania, or to his attorney,. .N JODII COLLINS, S. E. corner' Sixth and Walnut streets Philadelphia: m 15-set* DRUGS 1)11176 -GIST-1119:11. 1 1 -..1114 . GR. n i ates,3lortar, Pill Tiles, Combs, Brnellors,... irrors, weezers, - Puff Boxes,llorn Scoops, Surgical:lnstru ments, Trusses, Hard and Soft Rubber Gooda, Cases,. Glass and Metal Syringes, &e., , all at " First Bands" prices. SNOWDEN &BROTHER, aps-tf =South Eighth 'street._ DiitJGRIISTS ARE IN VITEIr TO EX arul no otmlarge stock of fresh.Drogs aud•Chemicale of the latest importation. Also, essential Oils-Vanilla Beans, Sp.onges, Ohamoist Skins, etc. ROBERT SHOEMAKER tt 00., N. E. cor ner Fourth and Race streets. . . ' ' OLIVEO(QUALITY, ON 0 SWERIOR draught and in Inittica; various brands. - - ROBERT 8110EDIAILER & CO., N. E. corner. Fourth - and itace streets:: - CASTILE SOAP—NOW . LANDING. , —: 3O O boxes Whito and Mottled Castile Sesp,sery 'lnverter ouality. ROBERT SHOEMAKER' , dr, CO..„lolesale Druggists. N. B. corner Fourth and Race streets: itUSINESS CARDS. JAMES A. WRIGHT, Th'ORICTON PIKE, CLEMENT A. 011.18• 'COX, TH,MODORE WRIGHT. 4r4Ariti. PETER AV Importers or earthenwata Shipping _and CommixatonlitorChants, No, 116 Walnut street; Philadelphia,. : TT ON SAIL 'CK••DU OT EVERY, , width, from 22 inches. to 76 Inches wide. all numbers Tent and Awning ;Duck, Paperinakeee Felthne,_ Ball 1, Twine, - -." JOHN W. EVERDW.I, . ja26 No. 10.1Clnirch street,'Clty Store& i PRIVY, WEL:I36:-L OWNERS OF PROP erty—The only glace to get privy wellaeleaneed and dlelnforted; at very low prices. A. PRYHSO7.I.3I.,rm. ' facturer of Poltdrette, Goldatnith'e Hall,Library street Aai - O - i;lOi4A - a - nitt